#incorrect oz family
incorrectozfamily · 9 months
Oscar: can we go to a haunted house this year?
Ozpin: what's wrong with the one we live in
Oscar: what??
Ozpin: goodnight son
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Nihil: Currently helping my son look for his bag of Skittles that I ate an hour ago…
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reashot · 4 months
RWBY: Politically Incorrect Podcast.
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Episode 4: The Arc's family's secret.
Yang: Hello dear listener. Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Tonight we have a very special guest coming into our show. He is Jaune's dad, Papa Arc!
Papa Arc: Nice to meet everyone, I guess?
Blake: Nice to finally meet you Mr. Arc.
Ruby: Ooh. We also know your son, Jaune.
Papa Arc: You do?
Weiss: Yes, we even had him as our last guest.
Yang: Which reminds me. We actually have another secret guest. Drumroll please. *click*
Tah dah! Introducing Jaune!
Jaune: Hey nice to see everyone again.
Ruby: Jaune what are you doing here so soon?
Jaune: Oh the cult... Uh, I mean the commune got raided by the ADTF (Alcohol, Dust, Tobacco and Firearms) and everyone got arrested. Also, I'm now technically, sorta wanted by the government. So please maybe don't tell me where I am right now.
Ruby: Wow... Man, Fuck the government. How could they just raid someone's sex cult like that! That could be my sex cult they raided.
Weiss: This is what happen when government's tyranny are left unchecked. They will take over your god given right to have a sex cult! Why, just a few days ago our family's mine were raided by the government over suspected use of slave labor. Can you believe that nonsense?
Blake: Your family literally uses slave labor!
Weiss: Fake News!
Blake: Why you!...
Yang: Calm down girls! As interesting as this topic is we better get back to the real reason for this podcast. Papa Arc! Now to start. I will ask my first question. *clear throat* What is your first name?
Papa Arc: Sorry I can't.
Ruby: You can't or you won't?
Papa Arc: Both actually. I can't tell you my name because of a reason and because I just don't want to.
Jaune: I can tell you my dad's first name.
Papa Arc: Call me by my first name, son. And I will beat the ever loving crap out of you.
Jaune: *scared* I-Im sorry, sir. Please don't hurt me!
Yang: Anyway the real reason we called you here is that we want to ask whether or not it's true that the Arc family are descended from a long line of great warriors?
Papa Arc: How did.... I mean where did you hear that?
Jaune: I kinda told them about it.
Papa Arc:
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Jaune: Dad please, stop it!!!
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Papa Arc: What did I tell you about telling our family's secret?
Jaune: You said not to!
Papa Arc: Then why did you tell them that. Do you have any idea how much you jeopardized our century's old plan to get revenge on the council and especially that immortal prick Oz?
Jaune: It just slip during conversation. I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry!
Ruby: Should we stop them?
Yang: Are you kidding me! My viewership just went through the roof. We should have more guests fight during the show.
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zacs-of-rwby · 2 months
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Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest
Chapter 9: An Incorrect Intuition
Story Summary: Ozpin works tirelessly in his pursuit: to make Beacon of Hope a safe place for kids to grow up. With a bigger location and more kids to take care of, Ozpin starts to feel the weight of responsibility crushing him, and he plans to carry the whole thing himself.
For Qrow, volunteering for Beacon of Hope had only one purpose: to get Summer off his back for a little while. When he meets the polite, friendly, and handsome man in charge, he wonders if he could actually get something out of this whole ordeal after all.
With Qrow’s support, maybe Oz will be able to reach his goal of turning this house into a home.
Story Categories: Mental Health, Recovery, Slice of Life, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Found Family, LGBTQ+ Themes, Alternate Universe, Ozpin’s Halfway House AU, please check Ao3 tags for potentially triggering topics
Chapter Summary: Cinder would rather be anyone where else but Beacon. Her and Emerald would be better off on the streets where they could take care of themselves and answer to no one. And she has no intention of answering to anyone.
Chapter Categories: Adjusting to new surroundings, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, friends to lovers
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse
Author’s Note: Believe it or not, we finally reached the end of the set up with this chapter :) now that all the players are on the board, we can start playing the real game haha. There’s some fun stuff in this chapter and I can’t wait to share the upcoming chapters, too! Hope you enjoy :D
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daffelreign · 12 days
Macbeth commentary. Because I’m bored. And judgmental. (Pt. 4)
(Act IV: ) (We’re off to see the witches, the wonderful witches of OZ--- I mean Scotland)
Act IV (scene 1:)
All I can say about the first part of the scene is that it continually got more and more concerning as the list of ingredients went on. How exactly did they get a Jew’s liver and the finger of a strangled baby??? And why do they just randomly have it?? I feel like questioning the witches is just not a battle I’m ever going to win.
Anyways, Macbeth arrives to question the witches and boy was that the wrong call. They start showing him different aberrations that tell him contradicting things, going as far as to say ‘You’ll die when the forest gets up to kill you’ and now I’m left questioning if they’re just gaslighting him, or if the forest is about to start walking in Act 5. They also mention something we already know, of course--- Macduff will be a problem. But how Macbeth responds was not something I was prepared for at all.
We knew from the beginning that Macbeth was a ruthless warrior when it came to the battle field. Then, after killing Duncan, we realized he has that capability off of the battlefield--- but at least he felt some guilt for it. Now he’s just killing people on a whim, assuming that will fix his problem. Because killing tons of people for some self-perceived notion of an ultimate downfall has always ended well for kings.
Now, I don’t really like the fact that I understand Macbeth’s reasoning. Is there any sympathy towards him? Absolutely not. Do I think he’s making the right choice? Not even close. But, his reasoning does make sense to be. Going after Macduff’s family is a good option for what he wants to achieve, and it’s a very understandable call after what he’s already done these past few acts. I just don’t like it at all, and I know, for certain, that this will not end well. Authors who make understandable, but dislikeable villains have my utmost respect and hate.
At this point, it’s purely insanity doing the talking for Macbeth. He has spiraled past the point of return and there is no stopping him until he’s six feet under. So while it would be neat for the antagonist to show up and kill Macbeth in a grand, dramatic scene, I think it would be a whole lot more interesting if Macbeth was the one that killed himself. I’m sure there'll be a point where he just can’t take it anymore--- one could even argue that he’s already hit that point in his paranoia--- but the real kicker will be how strong his perseverance is, even after the madness takes over. Just something I’m musing about.
FInal thoughts? No change to the murder board--- actually, maybe I should add Macduff’s family, but they’re not exactly main characters. I’m still wondering at what point Lady Macbeth will get fed up with her husband's homicidal tendencies, but I think that point is coming shortly. And, finally, another chapter without mention of Fleance. I don’t think the boy’s coming back. I might have overstated when I said he would be our antagonist. I think he’s alive simply because he needs to be so that Banquo’s part of the prophecy can come true--- so plot convenience for prophecy fulfilling reasons.
Act IV (scene 2:)
I despise how quickly I got attached to Lady Macduff, only for her to die immediately after. I love her personality right off the bat, and I 100% agree with her hatred for her husband. People keep saying he’s an honorable, noble man--- one who you might think was at least a little intelligent. But no, let’s leave my wife and kids at home while I go commit treason. I’m sure that’ll end well.
I adore baby Macduff--- the little boy--- more than I can describe. I love the conversation he has with his mother, and the childish logic shining through. It’s always fun to see an exchange between a child, who thinks they have a good grasp of a situation, and an adult who humors their logic despite it being incorrect. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the whole play, if I’m being honest. It’s a shame they got murdered right after.
Act IV (scene 3:)
Not gonna lie, I was lost for the first half of scene 3. I understood what Macduff and Malcom were saying to each other, but I didn’t really understand why Malcom was being so insistent that he was the worst guy ever?? And then he suddenly turned the tables?? I thought he was gaslighting Macduff just for the heck of it, I did not catch that it was a test to make sure Macduff wasn’t there to kill him (thank you class discussions).
Aside from the initial confusion, my favorite line in the entire scene (possibly the entire play) is “Fit to govern? No, not to live.” which basically means ‘you aren’t fit to govern? No, you aren’t fit to be alive.’ The amount of exasperation in that statement alone is amazing, and the entire speech after it shows just how fed up Macduff has become. And honestly, if I was trying to convince the crowned heir to help for the greater good of an entire kingdom, and he kept trying to gaslight me into thinking he was the worst man in the world, I would get fed up, too.
Ross shows up again just in time to drop the bomb that Macduff’s family was slaughtered. That’s fun. The ‘be a man’ speech returns, this time from Malcolm. I’m starting to think that’s the theme behind the whole play--- being a man, and how that means different things to different people. Needless to say, Macduff is having a bad day.
After going through all 5 stages of grief in less than two minutes, Macduff decides that revenge is the best (and only) option. I would say he’s set up to be our antagonist, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself again. At this point, everyone is Macbeth’s antagonist--- even mother nature. Those horses didn’t eat each other for nothing. That aside, Macduff mentioned something interesting--- he can’t inflict the same pain he feels on Macbeth because Macbeth doesn’t have children. But Macduff’s children weren’t the only thing killed--- his wife was killed as well. And you know what Macbeth has? A wife.
The murder board isn’t going to change, but my predictions behind it will. I think Lady Macbeth will die, but I’m not so sure it will be by Macbeth’s hands anymore. I think it’s far more likely that she’s killed by either Macduff or Malcom during the war, and I’m rooting for Macduff.
Still no Fleance… uh… I don’t think he’s coming back. Unless they decide to drag a child into war, that is. (Wait, how are Banquo's children going to be kings if Malcom is taking over??? Oh, Malcolm is so going back on the murder board) (I think he’ll be killed at war and Fleance will end up as his successor.)
Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macbeth, Malcom (the boy who lived, come to die), Macbeth
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poisoned-peppermint · 2 years
The snow in the wizard of OZ was asbestos
More Dsmp Incorrect quotes
Skeppy: ‘I could fix him’ yeah well I could brush his hair and call him babygirl
Bad to skeppy: not only did I show you my boobs but I also showed you my mental illness.
Bad: Get you a man who doesn't question your bizarre, superhuman strength in the least, but instead simply says "Wow," as he watches you kick a man into the ceiling.
Skeppy: How can someone say Bad is evil?? They’re the most precious soft little soul.
Bad *wiping blood of their face* Yeah I’m adorable!
Bad: VIBE CHECK *cups skeppys face and kisses him till he’s breathless*
Hannah: I get this weird feeling in my chest, every time I see you.
Tina: Is it heartburn?
Wilbur: We can’t ibuprofen our way outa this one boys.
Eret: So I’m sitting there….tears on my titties.
Tubbo to Ranboo: I’m sorry I roasted you, I was trying to flirt.
Tubbo*chokes on something* 
Ranboo: Jeez Tubbo don’t die on me!
Tubbo: Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll die whenever the hell I want!
Bad: I’ve slept so little I can now officially smell colors.
Foolish: How are you still alive??!?
Bad: That’s the question I’ve been asking every day.
Foolish: Be nice!!
Bad: I am!
Foolish: You threatened them with a knife!!
Bad: Well ya, but I didn’t stab them.
*Ponk doing an eye exam on Bad*
Ponk: Your results aren’t good.
Bad: Can I see them
Ponk: Probably not
Tommy: Girls are like strawberries. Sometimes they’re at the store.
Tubbo: Guess what??
Tubbo: We have a rabbit's nest in our back yard!
Ranboo: Ok.
Tubbo: Does nothing matter to you.
Bad to Foolish: Thank you for sending assassins after me btw I really needed that. It meant alot to me.
Tommy to Ranboo: If you didn’t want to be assimilated into my found family then you should have killed me when you had the chance
Bad: Yeah I’m a false prophet but you believed me so whose fault is it really that we’re in this mess
Skeppy to Bad: Whats up Girl, you look foreboding and malicious.
Hannah: Do you like me?
Tina: Yes.
Hannah: Really? *pouts*
Tina:  You really think I would keep up with all your bullshit if I didn’t love you?
Hannah *blushing*: OMG you just said you love me.
Tina: We’ve been dating for three years
Skeppy to Bad: Damn Girl what do those claws do? Destroy? That's awsomeeee I love it.
Skeppy *hugs Bad from behind*
Bad: uh
Bad: hi?
Skeppy: Mine
Bad: What do I get if I win?
Skeppy: I don’t know. A kiss?
Bad: How will I reach you? Do I have to bend down?
Skeppy: Bitch, I will climb you.
Antfrost: what is love?
Bad: an emotional minefield
Ponk: a neurochemical reaction
Bad: Skeppy! This soup is flaccid!
let me know if ya’ll want more <3
I’m open to suggestions
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
A long interview with Jonathan at Newsweek by H Alan Scott:
When you're an actor in an M. Night Shyamalan movie, it's easy to start obsessing over the eventual twists that are surely to come. But as Jonathan Groff experienced in Shyamalan's new film Knock at the Cabin (February 3), it's easy to get "lost" in the story. "We're really submitting to his vision and trying to help him achieve exactly what he wants." Groff plays Andrew [incorrect], a father held hostage along with his partner and young daughter by criminals who force them to make an impossible decision to avert the end of the apocalypse. Groff says he understood Andrew "in a primal way" and that this was "the first time I've ever done a horror movie. So it was a real education." For an actor so known for his voice, both in the Frozen franchise (as Kristoff), but also in Broadway musicals like Spring Awakening and Hamilton, the difference between stage and screen is huge. "I've really appreciated my time doing film and television, because it really keeps me on my toes" and that "there is something really freeing about the intimacy of film and TV that I really love."
What about Knock at the Cabin excited you?
Well, Night is one of those filmmakers, there's a handful of them, where I went to go see their films in the theater throughout my life. I distinctly remember the experiences where you really feel the director's eye throughout it and to me, his films, they feel special and they feel specific to him. So he's one of those people that even before reading the script or anything, I always wanted to work with because he's got that very specific point of view. So Night was the first draw. And then when I read the script I was pretty freaked out. It grabbed me in a very primal, visceral way. The choice that's posed in the trailer. The idea of sacrifice and family and home invasion and all of it felt really primal. I had a very visceral reaction to it. My heart was racing. And I had a feeling about the character of Eric, I understood him in a primal way. Then I read the book, Cabin at the End of the World, and that destroyed me. It's such a beautifully written novel. And then Night and I had a Zoom meeting, I made an audition tape, we did a meeting and we had an immediate connection. He lives just outside of Philly, and I'm from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I've got this dream of converting my dad's horse farm into an artist's retreat. He's trained and raised horses his whole life for a living and I have this dream of taking over the farm. When I was Zooming with Night, he was in a converted horse stable in Pennsylvania four minutes from where my family lives and where I live as well in Pennsylvania. That was totally crazy and surreal and it felt like kismet.
You’ll be like Marina Abramović, with the artist's retreat in the countryside
It's funny, we made this documentary about Spring Awakening, which is a show I did on Broadway 15 years ago, and part of the documentary is the whole cast coming to my family's farm in Pennsylvania. It started in that moment. I grew up playing pretend on the farm and dress-up, I was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. A very creative energy there on the farm as a kid. And then bringing my friends there during Spring Awakening, they got really inspired and excited being there. There's a lot of Amish farms and they don't use electricity, there's something creative and something in the air in that area. I want to make it into an artists' retreat because I think it's just an inspiring place to be.
When you're working on an M. Night movie, do you know the twist? If you do, how do you get that out of your head while you're acting?
He's got the whole movie storyboarded, almost like a comic strip. From when we walked in, even from our very first rehearsals, he's got it all planned out. He knows exactly the shots that he's going to do and exactly how he wants to tell the story. So it's kind of easy to get lost inside of his process. Because as the actors, we're really submitting to his vision and trying to help him achieve exactly what he wants because he knows exactly what he wants, and he's incredibly specific. But, for the most part, it's one location, and we shot it pretty much completely in order, which also made it easy mentally to go through. Working with Night, he really seduces you into his world and into his methods, so playing the ending or not playing the ending, I didn't even think about that. I was just trying to play each specific moment. And one of the fun things about this movie in particular, there's seven of us through most of the movie, all together, and he really created an environment in rehearsal, which is also great. We had a couple of weeks of rehearsal before we did it and then on set where we were, all seven of us, passing the ball back and forth and in the movie. You really feel that when you watch it, everybody was fully committed and really playing with each other. So it was really easy to get lost in the story.
With the premise of this film, it feels like every scene would be very intense. How do you maintain that intensity without going crazy?
It's the first time I've ever done a horror movie. So it was a real education. You're at a certain fever pitch the entire time from an acting standpoint. All seven of the actors were there to show up and really commit, no one was phoning it in. No one was thinking of this as like an easy job or something. Everybody was really committed the whole time. And it was really intense and extreme emotions. We would do some of the scenes and just come off set and be like, "Wow, that was really something." We had a real camaraderie between the seven of us and we would laugh a lot on the breaks and just kind of chill and release from the intensity of the experience, and that really helped. We did fun stuff in Philadelphia—like Night's wife, she teaches an exercise like Zumba [but not]. One Saturday, Sunday morning, we all went and did that. So we had a lot of fun that offset the intensity of the scenes. But it was intense.
When you're in a film like this, how do you keep the twist a secret? I'd totally give it away in casual conversation.
In casual conversation I've totally given everything. I'm not great at hiding that stuff but—out of respect for the movie and out of respect for Night and how he really is such a passionate filmmaker and he takes what he does so seriously and it means so much to him—so out of respect of the movie, in interviews, I can be an adult and put on my filter. But in life I'm a little more loose-lipped.
I'm the same way. Don't tell me secrets.
I’m good at keeping secrets when it's important. There's some study I remember reading at some point that even if something is spoiled, if it's well made, it doesn't matter. I believe in this movie enough to think that even if you knew what was going to happen, it would still be an enjoyable experience.
If you could be in any M. Night film, which one would you be in?
Such a good question. I mean, Old and just be on the beach the whole time seems like it would have been really fun. Especially because I know they shot that during COVID. But that's more...
A vacation.
Yeah, yes. I'm glad. Let me think, who I would have wanted to be in one of his movies? I really have no idea.
I would want you to be Bryce Dallas Howard in The Village. I think that would be really fun.
Oh my god, I'm stealing that answer. Yes, I'll take it.
What's harder, Broadway or TV/film?
I’m a creature of habit, and I like to do things over and over again. So for me, artistically, I feel more comfortable and I feel more at ease on the acting meditation of theater, because it's making the same thing every day, fresh and finding something new in the repeated pattern. But the meditation of acting in film and TV, that is more challenging for me and it's less in line with who I am as a person. Every day it's something different. So I've really appreciated my time doing film and television, because it really keeps me on my toes and it really keeps my knife sharp. Because I am more out of my comfort zone doing something different every day and not getting to settle into that repeated thing. Some actors find it way more difficult to do the same thing every day and find it easier to do a different scene every day, but it's the reverse for me. It's sort of like long distance running as opposed to sprinting, I would say theater is like a long distance and film/TV is more like a sprint with scene work. Getting that opportunity to do that scene in one day and then you never get to do it again is daunting, it's exciting, but also daunting because you've got one shot. So it's that kind of adrenaline and that unique opportunity that keeps me coming back to film and TV. I love the intimacy of how if the camera sees it, you feel it, you don't have to project to the last row of the balcony. There is something really freeing about the intimacy of film and TV that I really love as well.
I find theater people often don't like to watch themselves on film. Do you?
I watch everything I do once. Maybe there's a couple things that I've watched more than once, but it doesn't bother me when I watch myself. I do have moments of regret when I watch myself. But I do think theater is more the actor's medium because we tell the story every night over the course of however long the play or musical is. But what I like about watching film and TV back the one time is to know what the story ended up being. Because we don't know when we're in it, the same as with Knock at the Cabin. I mean, most of it is the same but what are the editing choices? What did they cut out? What did they amplify? What is the score? All those elements are such huge parts of the storytelling and it's always really fascinating for me to see what the product is in the end. I really enjoy that part of it. That's unrelated to watching myself, which is always complicated, but ultimately fine. I can get over the mistakes I've made.
When are we going to get another Mindhunter? I need it very badly.
I have no idea. It's all up to David [Fincher]. If he wants to do it, I'm sure all of us would run in and go back and do it immediately. David is such a consummate artist and he packs so much into his work, so it makes sense that it would be something that would be played again and again. I'm excited for his next movie.
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reaperbabegaming · 1 year
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Reviews can contain a few spoilers. Heavy, in-depth spoilers will have a warning.
Dev Team - Jellyfish Parade Romance Routes - 2 (GxB) Rating - Teen Available On - Itch.io and Steam Price - $19.99
Overall Rating 5/5
*This review is solely based on Chronicle 1
Aureve is an android, content with a life of weaving silk tapestries alongside her master--but when he dies, his family sells her off due to her being a rogue: a self-aware android.
Thrown into a new home of refuge for rogues, the newly freed Aureve must find her place amongst them and answer the question once and for all: how does one weave a new identity when the strings to the old have been cut?
Inspired by lore from the likes of Cupid and Psyche, The Wizard of Oz, Pinocchio and other beloved tales, Belle Automata is the journey of an android reinventing herself. Join Aureve and the others as they forge their own paths dealing with love, self-acceptance, and grief for a life left behind.
I remember backing the first Kickstarter for Chronicle 1, knowing then and there that it was going to be a good game…and I was not disappointed! 
Fun fact: Belle Automata was the first game I ever backed and it’s all been downhill for my wallet from there.
I was immediately pulled in by the art, not only of the Love Interests (LIs) but also by the Main Character (MC) herself, Aureve, whom you can rename but I loved it so much that I left it (plus if you don’t change it the voice lines will say her name). Then add on the idea of rogue androids and finding your new self when you’ve lost everything you ever knew, this story became personal. I was there to help Aureve find the best her that she could be. 
But what’s an otome without the LIs? 
Romances for Chronicle 1
The Nightmare Prince (He/Him) - If scary name then why so adorable? My obligatory protecc character.
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Victor (He/Him) - What can I say? I like an android with a hard exterior but soft heart.
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Others/Future Romances
Zaffre (He/Him) - The flamboyant best friend (for this run), but is there more behind his smile?
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Diego (He/Him) - Sweet, gentle, quiet Diego…he knows all.
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Roman (He/Him) - The big bro that everyone lowkey wishes they had.
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Klaus (He/Him) - A great doctor…if not a little scatterbrained at times.
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One thing I enjoyed about Belle Automata was how it is being broken into Chronicles, so while we are introduced to all of the potential LIs in this chronicle (C1), we can’t romance them until later. I like this approach because it allows me to pick between 2 romances rather than 6 and I can love them in their own stories. This also allows the supporting cast to play different roles based on who you’re romancing. 
For example, in my Victor playthrough, I became very close friends with Zaffre and the occasional companionship with the Nightmare Prince and Diego, while Roman and Klaus interacted with me in some pivotal moments. I was able to appreciate every character as they were rather than potential romances, something I think I miss when all romances are available in games. This also made me want to romance Zaffre in Chronicle 2 even though I had no inclination to do so beforehand. 
It’s also clear how much effort the dev team put into this game when it comes to sensitive topics that the characters face, as well as making a game with a full POC cast with various skin tones. These things are very important to the team and that shines through in the game.
*Heavy spoilers ahead*
Now, I don’t know how I missed this but there are in fact 6 possible endings, and oh man was I in shambles upon getting the neutral ending. Although looking back it was still quite sweet and could still lead to a sweet ending between the two…BUT I WANTED THE KISS! 
There are about 14 decisions after you enter the romance route and I guess I made 1 too many incorrect choices. I’m not sure what the range of correct answers you need to get for each ending but a lovely community member posted a guide on Steam which I will link here (which I followed after getting my fated ending because I love doing the first runs with no help. No matter how much it hurt my soul). 
*End of heavy spoilers*
To my fellow otome players who like choice indicators or plus/minus systems after your choices to see how you’re doing…this game might annoy you especially with Victor cuz a lot of his responses could be to either or so it felt to me. But don’t let that discourage you cuz again GUIDE. 
Aureve is the literal best MC I’ve come across and if you don’t love her…I have some questions.
100,000+ words of dialogue.
About 7-10 hours of gameplay.
There’s full voice acting! And I don’t mean pages of Narrator and a few character lines. It is easily 90% character voiced lines.
6 endings possible.
The community comes to the rescue with the Perfect Ending Guides (thank you!!!)
There is currently a Kickstarter going on to fund Chronicle 2 and 3 and you can bet I put my money where my mouth is because I need more of these characters. I mean after romancing Victor or the Nightmare Prince just imagine seeing them as side characters to other romances! You could see multiple different facets of your favorite LI! 
Steam and Itch.io game links :)
Who are you looking forward to romancing?
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hatsuyoshi6u9 · 2 years
•Welcome to my “introduction”•
🍄Hello everyone! You can call me Yoshi, he/him but I don’t mind they/them, I speak English and Spanish so please be patient! 🍄
🌸This place doesn’t have just one use, here I’ll post some things about future projects, answer questions, maybe take some requests 🤷🏻 🌸
🌼Things you’ll see for sure: Drawings, memes, maybe some cosplay and a couple of incorrect quotes now and then🌼
•That’s all I could thing of for now, but I leave you with some of the things I like before I go!•(some might be added later)
-Good Omens
-Our Flag Means Dead
-Who framed Roger Rabbit
-Looney Tunes
-Darkwing Duck
-Thee Caballeros (the movie and the animated series)
-Alice in wonderland (in a lot of different versions)
-DC (mostly Batman and it’s characters)
-Dead by Daylight
-The Legend of Zelda
-Stranger Things
-The owl House
-Cuphead (video game and show)
-Harry Potter
-Star Wars
-The vampire series
-Sanders Sides
-Monster High
-Ever After High
-Beetlejuice (musical and others)
-Metal Family
-Popee the Performer
-Umbrela Academy
-Community (haven’t finished but I know enough)
-OKKO(still in the process of watching)
-Nightmare Before Christmas
-Sofía the First (still I the process of watching it)
-My Chemical Romance
-The true Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
-My Hero Academia
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Monster High
-One Piece (Netflix) (and I am beginning to watch the anime)
-Scream (1996)
-Scott Pilgrim
-Wizard of Oz
-Hannibal (Series)
-Lisa Frankenstein
-The great mouse detective
-Little Shop of Horrors
-And that’s all for now, thanks for reading so far if you did! I hope to start posting soon ✨
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
Eye and Pancake for Rietta, Bouquet and Maple Leaf for Rachel, Strawberry and Speak-No-Evil for Delclis, Milky Way and Mousetrap for Elystan, and then - if you have answers for some of the perhaps more minor characters (if not, please skip them!) - Rainbow for Tietra, Crown for Coleinette, Tornado for Bethira, Package for Estelle, and Birthday Cake for cousin Rietta, please?
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Rietta has dark brown eyes, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. They're a feature from her mother's side of the family, something that further visually marks her as half-Otionovian, along with her dark hair, olive complexion, and strong facial features. There are some family members on her father's side that are disappointed in her appearance and have made remarks to her about it.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Bread with butter and blackberry jam, fruit, and hot chocolate. Faysmondian breakfasts tend not to be very elaborate.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Pink roses, lavender, foxgloves, lilac, pansies, and a bit of mint. These are all flowers that grow in her grandparents' garden and have pleasant personal assocations.
In the language of flowers, those mean, respectively, grace, mistrust, insincerity, first emotions of love, thoughts/think of me, and virtue. Most of which are fitting.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Summer! She lives in a mostly cold climate, and it's the one time of the year that the weather isn't too bad to do anything outdoors.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
He's willing to eat just about anything, so fruit and vegetables have never posed any problems. He's partial to apples and carrots in particular.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
He is a scientist with Opinions. Get something incorrect about genetics in botany especially, and you will hear all about it from him. Respect the flora.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Elystan, along with Rietta, Delclis, and an early form of Rachel, was created when I was fourteen and newly obsessed with Oz and Narnia and wanted to write a story in the same vein (mistake #1). I knew I wanted a princely character (Delclis), but then my ninth grade Kings of Israel class gave me an idea: my young prince about to succeed to the throne would have an entitled brat of a half brother with a claim to the crown (as Solomon did). So Elystan was created to be a Terrible Child and nothing more. He was magically deprived of his voice for a while and got it restored after an attitude adjustment (a much less impactful rip-off of Edmund's/Eustace's arc) and had a generic personality after that.
Not great characterization! Somewhere along the way I decided to justify my description of him as small and fragile-looking by giving him an illness, other literary influences took hold, and from there he gradually morphed into his (hopefully) more complex current form over the years.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
As we'll see if I ever finish Book 2, he's willing to risk a lot for the sake of his beloved father. He also makes poor choices when trying to save face or is chasing something he wants very badly.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
She would probably tell her younger self to stand up for herself more, which quite frankly is what her current self needs to be told too.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
She probably would want to be remembered as somebody who was reliable, dutiful, and efficient. Someone who did not shame her family and who looked after herself and others well without burdening anyone.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Bethira existed in the original draft too, and she was just a stereotype of a doting mother, very much to blame for how Elystan turned out (but somehow not doing much to protect Delclis from his Obviously Evil stepfather who is trying to kill him?). Over time I've come to examine her more as an individual and develop her more into a tragic figure, not perfect but still sympathetic.
Estelle Doncath (Rachel's little sister)
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
Most Likely To Try To Solve Interpersonal Problems
Most Likely To Master Ice Skating
Most Likely (Among Her Siblings) To Instigate Adventure
Rietta "Rieton" Carothier (Rachel's cousin)
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Rieton's birthday is December 14, and yes, she loves celebrating it! She's a lot more outgoing and comfortable with attention than Rachel, and she'll gladly accept the family making a fuss over her.
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incorrectozfamily · 10 months
Ozpin: We should act like responsible parents and tell Oscar about the birds and the bees.
Ozma: Yes.
Ozma: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
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Cirrus: I invite my closest friends and my Ghoul brethren to a gender reveal party, but when I open the box with a maniacal flourish, instead of pink or blue balloons, a large television screen is revealed. I dim the lights remotely as we hear Cate Blanchett say “The world is changed. I feel it in the water.” Too late, they realize. The pregnancy? A scam. The Lord of the Rings edition? Extended. The doors? Locked.
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daltonkokv658 · 2 years
A Productive Rant About Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie
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Table of ContentsThe Definitive Guide for Online Koko Nuggz Og Shopping StoreSome Known Incorrect Statements About Munch Break: We Tried Koko Nuggz, The Deceptively More About Strawberry Shortcake 1 Oz Baggie - Koko Nuggz
As a matter of fact, it was possibly some of the 1st dishes my mother permit me cook by myself - Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie. What could go wrong? Marshmallows, a little butter, Rice Krispies cereal - therefore very easy to intermingle. Why This Dish Performs? I have actually been creating rice krispies manages for years and this recipe is such an enjoyable twist on a classic! There is actually the excellent ratio of marshmallows to grain producing these alleviates positively great tasting.
Partition 2-inch squares. Pro Tips Once the marshmallows have thawed, remove all of them coming from heat right away. If they cook longer, the marshmallows are going to solidify and also expand. Do not over-stir the grain once it's included in the marshmallows (1oz Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie). The crunchy rice cereal is delicate as well as over-stirring may crack the grain items. Push the combination into the pan delicately - Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie.
These strawberry rice crispy treats are actually a lot like a strawberry shortcake popsicle along with the icing and strawberry crunch crumble. 1oz Koko Nuggz. I believe the icing and break up topping actually take these rice crunchy deals with to the following level - Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake. So what is the cope with rice crispy handles? Is it rice crispy, rice krispy, or rice crispie? Some folks even point out rice cereal manages.
Constantly utilize new marshmallows for cereal deals with. Marshmallows possess the inclination to become difficult to cook with as soon as they are stale. If you have a bag of tasteless marshmallows, spare all of them for s'mores as opposed to this recipe. 1oz Koko Nuggz. Rouse the butter and also marshmallows regularly as well as on low. Mix regularly and gently.
This are going to maintain 1oz Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie them coming from being flat and also hard. Incorporate the topping and strawberry crunch break up topping right just before serving. Shop these alleviates in a closed container. They are going to benefit for 3 days. There is actually no demand to cool these as well as cooling these can in fact make all of them hard.
What Does 1oz Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie - Auer Cbd Mean?
Rouse effectively. Array on the cooking piece as well as cook for 7 to 8 mins. Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie. Examine at 4 to 5 minutes to consider. Let it cool down. Once your rice crispy addresses have actually cooled for two hrs, coat the top of all of them with marshmallow fluff. Sprinkle the strawberry crunch topping on the top.
Melt the butter on low and also then include the marshmallows. Mix delicately as well as continually. Slowly mix the butter and also marshmallows till well thawed (1oz Koko Nuggz). Add in the bundle of strawberry jelly mix (sparing 2 tablespoons for the crunch topping). Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie. Gently stir up until every little thing is effectively mixed. Incorporate the mixture to 5 mugs of rice grain.
freeze-dried strawberries, split This ingredient buying element is actually created as well as kept by a third event, as well as imported onto this web page. You might have the ability to find more information about this as well as comparable information on their web internet site (Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake). Oil a 9"- x-13" cooking skillet along with butter. In a huge container over medium warmth, thaw butter (Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie).
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When strawberries are in period, strawberry shortcake is an offered (and one of my favored treats!) I possessed practically half of an angel food pie extra from making Strawberry Shortcake Kabobs, aside from all the fixins for Rice Krispie Treats. The idea only involved me and also I chose it (Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie).
Lisa is remarkable! Not merely performs she possess her personal blog post (as well as blog posts fabulous dishes there) but she is actually likewise one of my round up factors listed below. Performed you find her Strawberry Assemble!. Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake.?.!? Over 50 fantastic recipes utilizing Strawberries! Lisa was actually therefore delightful when she revealed her maternity to her readers (Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie).
My youngsters as well as other half gorge all of them each time. My sis and also daughter carry out the very same. I bake plenty of things and also develop plenty of desserts, so for one this easy to become such a preferred, you understand it is actually a champion. I am actually presently focusing on some enjoyable models of these man. 1oz Koko Nuggz Strawberry Shortcake Rice Krispie.
Make it possible for to cool down as well as set, regarding thirty minutes to a hr. Partition squares and also area on an air conditioning wrack with parchment under it. In a little microwave safe bowl liquefy white chocolate at 10 2nd intervals, stirring in between until thawed. It must not take much more than 30 few seconds - Koko Nuggz Rice Krispie.
* If you passed up the white colored dark chocolate only spray the berries on the best after you pressed the addresses into the pan while cooling.
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theangelofangst · 2 years
Baby Oscar drew of drawing of Dadpin and Uncle Qrow laughed at him.
Ozpin: I sat here and posed for like ten minutes let me see the product.
Oscar: *nervous but hands over the drawing of dad*
Ozpin: *looks at the drawing of his stuck figure self* Is that me???
Oscar: *starts to tear up* 🥺
Ozpin: 😨 *picks Oscar up* No… No it’s nice! It’s so nice. Oh! I’ve never looked better!
Oscar: 🥺………
Ozpin: *hugs him close* Ooooh, where were you? Where were you when it was time for senior photos?
Oscar: Then why was Uncle Qrow laughing?
Ozpin: *angrily* 💢😠 Uncle Qrow doesn’t know what he’s doing anyway! That’s how you say, “That’s a great drawing” in drunk.
Qrow: *off in the distance*
Tumblr media
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toriwest · 3 years
Ozpin: *Locks Oscar in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Oscar: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
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rasazys-ramblings · 2 years
Pico, drinking 1/2 of the 32 oz cup of Mt. Dew and still going: I'm not insane. I'm not on cocaine.
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