Hi Isabela! What would you say your favourite memories of your sisters are, Luisa and Mirabel separately and all three of you together?
OMG hi!
My favorite moment with Mirabel was when we made the cactus together, but that wasn't the only moment. Any time we grew cacti together during the rebuild of Casita helped our relationship to grow higher than palm trees! She also taught me to sew once, which was even more fun! I'm still working on a scarf for her...but shh! It's a surprise!
With Luisa, it would definitely be after we learned how to relax together. I love playing football with her sometimes, and sometimes she comes along on my bike rides with Dolores! Sometimes we also like to chill and do girly things, paint our nails, do each other's hair and makeup, etc., and I also make flower crowns for her sometimes.
Thanks for your question tho sorry it took so long to answer, I was playing a board game with Camilo teehehehee. 🤭 
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raayllum · 2 years
What do you think an AU where Claudia is found and imprisoned by the heroes after the Battle of the Storm Spire would look like? I’m on a Claudia kick lately, and you have such perfect interpretations and analyses of her.
Aww thank you! That is very sweet!
The only real canon divergence I've thought about (and plan on writing a oneshot for someday) in regards to Claudia is if Zym hatched while still in Katolis and she was put in charge of caring for him, so looking at post-3x09 canon divergences, hmm...
Not well, I think, for a long time.
Either Claudia finds Viren's body and is then captured, or she's captured and finds out shortly afterwards that Rayla tackled Viren off the Pinnacle (Soren, at the very least, would tell her, even if Callum didn't sharply put it into existence after hearing how she put Ez in harm's way). Claudia would be scathing and desperate and very, very resentful/angry towards all of them, but particularly Rayla and Soren (who is still 'in her way' and helped them kill him / is stopping her from helping him, right?).
She mutters and is quiet but stewing (and grieving, lots of crying at night) as she's taken back to her home as a prisoner and now actually locked away in the dungeons. Like 3x02 but 1000 times worse. Bitterly pacing, chains jangling. I wouldn't be surprised if she attempts a hunger strike (a la Runaan) to try and see if Soren still cares, and he does, but she caves independently without knowing it.
I think it would take years, like 3-5, for her to start to see that what happened and what she was complicit in was actually wrong and to accept it. I think there'd be moments of recognition and flashes of doubt well before and all throughout, but her grief and indignance at them being heroes and her captors and all that tangled up inside her would banish those thoughts; it's easier to blame them, after all. It's easier to be angry than sad, than regretful, than wrong.
But I do think eventually she'd get her head on straight, be allowed to venture out further into the gardens. Brew herbal remedies for Ez. Chat quietly with Soren. Eventually be her goofier (if now more subdued in general) self again. Even if she'll never be the same
But let's be honest, none of them are, anyway
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fantasci-side-blog · 1 year
#Fantasci Tumblr!
(This is me @feline17ff/ @heroes-villains-side-blog, @fantasci-side-blog is my new sideblog)
Results are in!
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You have been invited to the #fantasci tumblr community on Tumblr!
The new hashtag for creators and consumers of speculative fiction.
This could be anything from pirates in mech suits to fairies trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Let your imagination run wild!
If you're more interested in superheroes and supervillains, #heroes and villains and #hero x villain would be more relevant.
Of course, sometimes there can be overlap, so feel free to use a combination of tags.
Next, we need to decide on the exact tags for specific subgenres. This can come out organically over time as more creators and consumers interact, or we can begin to work on some form of standardization if anyone has ideas.
If you'd like to be involved in this community, you're more than welcome!Use the tag to post your content or search for things that interest you! Don't forget to reblog and comment to make creators feel appreciated! 💞
Check out the notes and under the cut for creators who are interested in speculative fiction. They probably have some stuff on their masterlist already!
Reblog, interact, and use the hashtag! 🥰
"Fantasy squad" from that thread @thepenultimateword @writing-on-the-wahl @watercolorfreckles @amethystpath-writes @snowshowerwriting @puddleslimewrites @muses-of-the-mind @surplus-of-sarcasm
People I think would be interested
@tratieisdabest @writey-unicorn for mythological retellings!
@stuck-in-this-mortal-form for Slavic and Celtic folklore inspired stuff!
@just-a-space-rabbit for space rabbit lore and your OC's space adventures!
@callmemeg for my second knight story if I ever think of a plot or characters!
@world-of-fire-and-flight coz you're a fantasy writer!
@raineandsky because you wrote that knight story once!
@inamindfarfaraway for Phantom Knight Afterlife Club, unless it's more heroes and villains idk
@alwaysanovice @nixylubouv @my-lovely-writing @passionate-fruitcake I think you'd be interested :)
@eahravinqueen @the-lavender-creator friendship tag!
@the-likeable-wizard-mack idk you but your blog turned up while I was researching possible tags, and your content seems like it would fit :)
@chaoticgoodthief Dragons?
@faeeclipseruine @faenemy Your usernames haves fae in it?
No pressure ofc! Ttyl!
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eldragon-x · 1 year
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The tags that @inamindfarfaraway left on my poll didn't leave my mind so I made art about it :)
textless version under the cut
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 month
So I saw your post here [https://www.tumblr.com/inamindfarfaraway/690058488775327745/batfamily-fanworks-that-purport-to-be-set-in-the] and oh my gosh YOU ARE SO RIGHT!
As much as I enjoy it, Hush is definitely to blame for this as it is held as THE end-all-be-all of all BatFam stories yet Cass (who an acclaimed ongoing series as Batgirl around the same time) was suspiciously missing from it along with Steph. Yet we only ever get flashbacks to Bab's time as Batgirl so that storyline also ended up cementing Bab's legacy as "the one and only Batgirl". Methinks a certain editor in charge at the time mandated for Cass and Steph to not appear in Hush because they-according to him-"were way too toxic" for said storyline. Because you see, as soon as he became a leading editor, his number one priority was getting rid of Steph and stripping Cass of her Batgirl role.
And so the age of darkness began...
First, there was War Games that solely existed to torture Steph in the most vile, most voyeuristic ways before killing her off. Then there was Robin: One Year Later, one of the worst, horrific character-assassination storylines since Spider-Man's One More Day, where Cass was suddenly turned into an over-the-top Saturday Morning cartoon villain obsessed with killing everyone, giving long-winded "together we can rule the world" speeches and being able to speak and write in fluent Navajo. ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT LANGUAGES IN THE WORLD. Then there was Redemption Road which, despite its good moments and happy ending, did even more damage to Cass's character. And finally, we have Battle For The Cowl which ended up pushing Cass and Steph so far into the background, they were basically erased from the BatFamily altogether.
Yet despite Steph's well-received run as Batgirl, DC's poor marketing and the lead up to the New 52 prevented the series from becoming a proper bestseller and it was cancelled without any fanfare whatsoever. Still, all those horrible decisions and storylines (like War Games and Robin: One Year Later) did such massive, long term damage to the characters that, even despite all the small good things (Steph's Batgirl series to the excellent Gates Of Gotham mini-series starring Cass), they were buried from public consciousness. As for Duke (another character, I'm a fan of), I think its just a case of him being a very recent character, a lack of marketing and higher-ups not knowing what to do with him.
As for the asshole editor who everything to burry the Batgirls, he was eventually fired for creating an "unsafe working environment". And yes, his name rhymes with "Ban Video".
As for the people who keep erasing Cass, Steph and Duke from fan works, I know it sounds depressing but hear me out: Fandom, be it comics, video games, films, cartoons, TV shows, ect, has an unconscious bias of white male favouritism. (Yes, I know Dick is Romani, Damien half-Arabic/Asian yet they're still quite white-passing)
It is so sad and frustrating that these bias persist even in communities that are meant to be about joy and love; but of course the Batfam fandom has issues with sexism and racism when the canon also has for so long. I'm sure most fans don't try to be prejudiced, but male and white-passing characters are so much more popular than others. The unfair treatment of Steph as Robin and both her and Barbara in making Babs Batgirl again for no reason is one of the things I wrote Robins: The Musical to vent about, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks for the explanation! I was already familiar with most of the context you generously provided, but I still really appreciate it as a specific comics shame/recommendation guide and education for others. I wasn't aware of Gates of Gotham and will read it! Black Bat my beloved. Dan Didio when I catch you...
(My original post is here)
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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Sorta hot take- I actually really like Cass's death. People say it's a cheap parallel but I actually think it's a nice way to show how far Rapunzel has come and how far she still has to go.
@inamindfarfaraway said it best a while ago, this moment finally gives Rapunzel the chance to let Cassandra exist on her own two feet and exist completely on her own. And this is the second time we see Rapunzel actually make a serious sacrifice for Cassandra and show just how far she's willing to go for her friend.
But at the same time it shows how selfish Rapunzel still is. Yeah this is a selfless act but you can make an argument that's she's doing it because she can't handle living in a world without Cass. She can't face having to fully let her go. I'm not at all saying that as a criticism of Rapunzel, mind you. I love that there's selfishness within this. It makes perfect sense because if you just got someone back and lost them, wouldn't you take that chance to bring them back because you need them? Thanks to Gothel and Eugene, Rapunzel is terrified of letting her loved ones go or losing them, of COURSE she would grab the cosmic power and bring Cass back.
Going back to the element of sacrifice, however, I think this moment will be very important for Cassandra's mental state going forward post series; this is necessary to at least start to prove her self loathing wrong. Cause for so long now she's been convinced that no one, especially Rapunzel, loves her or even cares about her. That Rapunzel would never in a million years prioritize her the way she does for everyone else in her life. Cass is certain Rapunzel would never try to make a sacrifice for her the way Cass has endlessly done for Rapunzel.
And yet here she is
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Cass wakes up and this is the first thing she sees. Rapunzel making a VERY big sacrifice, risking her life and wielding the very unstable very reactive cosmic power born out of the two most powerful sources of magic in the world. She is wielding them for her. To bring her back. She is proving once and for all to Cass that she will absolutely make sacrifices and take risks for her wellbeing, and showing that she does indeed care deeply about Cass
And that's a big part of why I love the idea that Rapunzel's hands scar after this because it comes full circle for the two of them. Cassandra unwillingly sacrificed her entire arm for Rapunzel's safety and got her entire life changed forever and hid her scar in shame, so now Rapunzel will willingly sacrifice her hands as well for Cassandra's safety and proudly carry those scars.
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once-i-read · 11 months
Title: Lightning Bolts and Breaking Clouds
Author(s): inamindfarfaraway
Fandom(s): Shazam!, Batman
Ship(s): Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Description: Needing to escape the attention of a local gang, Billy Batson hotwires the first unguarded car he sees. You know, pretty average street kid drama. Only the vehicle in question belongs to the Red Hood. And Billy breaks the cardinal rule of the streets: he gets caught.
Laying low in Fawcett after a victory that incurred the wrath of all Gotham’s organized crime bosses, Jason Todd finds a twelve-year-old homeless orphan boy with black hair and blue eyes messing with his car in an alley. He proves he’s his father’s son after all. He didn’t plan to adopt a shapeshifting supernatural superhero, but they can make it work.
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WIP Files Game
How To Play:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, & then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I was tagged by @world-of-fire-and-flight here, and same: my WIPs are scattered.
Here's some that are front and centre for now at least
E's bday fic
Of Sword and Spade
Evil grad school
Fluffy cape
Bad ff
Fantasci (not a fic)
Journal of Mad Science
Dudebro soap opera
Comedy mystery
Gotta tag 11 people, woof. @surplus-of-sarcasm @chaoticgoodthief @tratieisdabest @just-a-space-rabbit @eahravinqueen @raineandsky @puddleslimewrites @stuck-in-this-mortal-form @the-lavender-creator @inamindfarfaraway @celestiallights515
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feline17ff · 2 years
Back to the masterpost ↩
I made a table where I came up with dark sounding titles for fairytale characters, like that old Tumblr post calling Snow White the Snow Queen etc.
Here's the link:
Titles - the actual content, organized by title
Origins - organized by character
Related - organized by common characteristics
Stories - organized by fairytale
I had fun making this, hope you have fun going through it 💖
Do let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or whatever! :D
I might one day write a story using this - it'll be all cool, dark, villainous fairytale aesthetic! XD
But right now I'm in the mood for a fairytale themed hero/villain story :P
Imma tag #Ever After High coz that's essentially what inspired this, and #heroes and villains coz this fits perfectly in that genre imo
@eahravinqueen @daily-dose-of-writing @asexualone I finally posted it on Tumblr!
@stuck-in-this-mortal-form @inamindfarfaraway @countdeworde @the-lavender-creator @shetheyshenanigans @tangirlisfangirl @world-of-fire-and-flight @chaoticgoodthief @tratie-6ever @just-a-space-rabbit you guys coz I want to share it with you :)
Back to the masterpost ↩
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sepublic · 1 year
@inamindfarfaraway’s Owl House OC, Mycelia Fray!
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crazycatfics · 1 year
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I posted 54 times in 2022
That's 54 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (83%)
9 posts reblogged (17%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 48 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hermitcraft - 36 posts
#fanfiction - 35 posts
#fanfiction memes - 12 posts
#fairytale au - 11 posts
#meteor effect - 9 posts
#gen fic - 5 posts
#gen fic no warnings - 5 posts
#d&d hermits - 5 posts
#mermits au - 4 posts
#hemitcraft - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#author chose not to use warnings
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
8 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Gen fic, no warnings
The tale of sleeping beauty has been told time and time again.
Only Wels has never heard it.
Then he starts living it.
9 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Keralis died
Zedaph has a job to do. Namely getting him back in his body…
And despite his large eyes Keralis can’t seem to notice the problem.
Work Text:
9 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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See the full post
10 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A comment that was left by @lirabuswavi
“The League: You need to live with a responsible adult, who can protect and care for you.
Billy, holding Dexter: This is my responsible adult.
The League: That's a cat.
Billy: You'd let Superman take care of me, and he's not human.
Superman: Yeah, but I still have opposable thumbs!”
This is on my fic That’s A Good Kitty. The link is here
The last thing Billy thought he would find while dumpster diving was a cat. But he found one.
And it’s following him so he has a cat now.
287 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
A Second Opinion
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OVoeqDw by inamindfarfaraway Two-Face is at large. He's one of Batman's most dangerous enemies and a perfectly sufficient problem on his own; but of course, he's never on his own. And no matter what, Harvey is Bruce's best friend. It's a double-edged sword. Words: 3628, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Batman (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, Two-Face, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, But Mostly Bruce and Harvey By Far Relationships: Harvey Dent & Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Relatively - Maybe More of a, Bittersweet Ending, Friendship, Flashbacks, Bruce Wayne Has Feelings, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Harvey Dent Needs A Hug, Pre-Two-Face Harvey Dent, Harvey Dent & Two-Face are Separate DID Alters But We Don't Have Time to Unpack All of That, But For All Intents and Purposes Yes, Harvey Dent is Two-Face, Harvey Dent is a Good Person, I Believe in Harvey Dent and So Does Bruce, Protective Harvey Dent, Harvey Dent & Bruce Wayne Friendship, Screenplay/Script Format, Canon Compliant, Canon-Typical Behavior, Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent are Foils, Parallels read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OVoeqDw
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sonicunderground-hq · 2 years
You don’t need to answer this if it’s too uncomfortable, but… what are your feelings about your adoptive parents, and for Sonic your uncle? How much do you think of them? Do you talk about them? Most people in the Resistance have lost someone, and everyone looks up to you. So I guess I’m just wondering how you handle it.
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Hi! I really liked your in-depth response to “Bloody Mary”, and there you said you’d do the same for “Long Live the Queen”. I don’t mean to push you, but I can’t help but wonder if you’ve forgotten and I’d love to see that too please.
No, I haven’t forgotten, I’m just having some issues right now. I’ll finish it eventually
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inamindfarfaraway · 6 months
A complete rewrite of the script of Six: The Musical to be about the six Robins of the Batfamily, who are aware that they are comic book characters and somehow in the real world. How? Don't worry about it! The important thing is that they hold a live competition to decide who deserves to be the readers' favourite. What can they all be compared on? How painful their lives have been, obviously! And since this is the most dramatic family in the world, it has to be a concert. I'm sure it'll be a calm, rational, straightforward event.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 11 months
@inamindfarfaraway is making me wonder lately- if Cass is technically an earthbender because of the moonstone, but her aura is lightning and her sadness rocks can liquify, does that make her the Avatar of Tangled?
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