#im rusty so please be gentle with me
cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
Hello! I dont know if you do headcanon requests, but if you do, could we get some more of Viktor and his S/O bringing home random stray cats? I love cats and I'm currently trying to bribe the new neighborhood stray to come into my house to join the family <3 tysm
Omg yes! I've done headcanons for other fandoms in the past, so it's been a while but! I'll give it a try lol
Also good luck getting the kitty inside! I wish you the best!
Viktor x Reader (SFW)
-So the first cat you brought home was before you moved in together, a sad, tiny, black and white kitten that you named Pip. Pip is your first cat, and the only cat you have when you and Viktor start dating.
-Pip remains the only cat you have when you and Viktor move in together as well, which is probably good, because he's not used to sharing his living space with others. Pip is the perfect companion though, and she very quickly wins over you boyfriends' heart.
-And then you bring home another cat. A slightly pathetic, skinny, more-crust-than-fur, tabby.
-And Viktor is...not perturbed, exactly. Perplexed, maybe? As to why you chose this little thing of all the other cats on the street.
-But once you explain to him that 'the other cats are relatively healthy', and that 'this one probably wouldn't make it without intervention' his heart softens.
-Especially when he sees how diligent you are in caring for the poor creature; giving it warm baths with moisturizing soaps, carefully scrubbing away the fleas and scabs and lingering odor of sickness.
-It had been used to being on the street, fighting for every meal and always looking for somewhere safe to hunker down to rest; obviously it wouldn't trust people immediately. But when it did come around, Viktor had expected it to attach to you.
-So it's quite a surprise when the two of you are curled up near each other one evening, reading and working on various projects, and the cat suddenly jumps up onto Viktor's lap, curls up into a little loaf, and starts purring.
-You're unable to hide your smile, and Viktor decides to name the cat Bochník. (You laugh when you realize he's basically named the cat 'Loaf Of Bread')
-Bochník ends up being twice the cuddlebug that Pip is, and at first you worry that he'll be lonely when you and your partner are away at work, until you find the two cats curled up together, sleeping, and you realize that they'll be fine if they have each other.
-The third cat you bring home is not brought home by you.
-You arrive to work one morning, expecting to see Viktor and Jayce already nose-deep in blueprints and experiments. But instead you only find Jayce.
-You bid him good morning, and right as you're about to ask if Viktor had stepped out for a moment, he asks you if Viktor isn't feeling good.
-Anxiety squirms in your stomach. Viktor always left before you in the mornings, often heading out before you were even out of bed. But he always made sure to wish you a nice day, with a kiss or two on the cheek - and you distinctly remember waking at the feeling of his lips on your skin.
-You relay all this to Jayce, who also seems moderately worried at the sudden disappearance of his friend, but the both of you decide to wait for a bit. Something may have come up unexpectedly, and he could be attending to it...
-But when lunch rolls around, and there's still no sign of Viktor, you decide to head out. Jayce looks only slightly annoyed that you're jumping to conclusions so quickly, but you know Viktor; more than that, you know that he knows you.
-If something dire had come up, and he didn't show up, he knew that you'd worry - even if he needed to be somewhere, he would have sent a message letting you know. He wouldn't just disappear.
-So you ask around a little bit, tracing your steps all the way back to your shared home.
-You're surprised to find that he's already there, though. His shoes are on the rack, and his coat is on the hook. There's wood burning in the fire stove, and the dim light of a lamp casts long shadows down the hallway, and whispering?
-No, not quite whispering.
-You tiptoe down the main hall, closer to the light and closer to the sound, confused as all hell, only to find...Viktor?
-Viktor, with a bundle in his arms and a tiny bottle in his hand, talking quietly to whatever he had swaddled up-
-"Did you steal a child?" you ask him, very clearly starling him. You stare at each other with wide eyes for several moments.
-"Perhaps," he replies, "If you consider Pip and Bochník to be our children."
-You move quickly and quietly to his side, peering down at the curious little creature in his arms.
-A tiny white kitten, with a single splotch of orange around one eye, suckling happily on the end of the little bottle Viktor holds. So small, you doubt it's older than two or three weeks.
-"I heard her crying on the way to work this morning," he explains. "Someone had thrown her in a dumpster, as if she was...as if..."
-You quickly blink away tears at his implication, but you knew how cruel some people could be.
-You tilt your head slightly, and press a kiss to his temple, and another to his cheek. "How fortunate there are people like you in the world, then," you tell him, giving him one last kiss.
-Then you disappear into the kitchen to start making dinner, knowing full well that he wouldn't have taken his attention off the tiny cat throughout the day - not even to sustain himself.
-The cat grows quickly after that, always getting into mischief, and making a mess of the clean folded laundry you've yet to put away. Chasing shoelaces as you tie them, and hounding your other cats to play.
-You name her Lucky.
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wonfilms · 4 months
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enhypen & the ways they say "i love you" (without actually saying it) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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warnings : n/a : gen: fluff a/n: im back?!? after almost 6 mths .. but yes i'm back, (finally..) school has been HELL, BUT yrhome is back in action, i hope this is alright even though i feel a little rusty hehe, reblogs & comments are very much appreciated
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heeseung -> "this song reminded me of you." - heeseung's love is constant, never once wavering. he sees you in every little part of his life.. he thinks about you constantly never once do you leave his mind he discovers a melody that seems to capture you within mere musical notes... so he shares it with you.. each song that make his heart swell just like you do.
jay -> "you wanted this right? i saw you looking at it at the store last weekend?" - jay's love is bold yet gentle, almost like a first love and a last kiss paired in one. jay remembers everything about you, your favourite colour, which perfume you use, what shoe size you are, what makes you tick and what comforts you after a long day? so it's no surprise that when he caught you eyeing that lipstick at the store he just had to buy it for you, whatever makes you happy is all he wants.
jake -> "give me one more kiss, please babe just one more..??" - jake's love is exhilerating and yet comfortable all at once, like the fond nostalgia of a childhood fair-ground ride. he should be out of bed right now, rushing to get ready for work but he can't help himself.. not when you look that damn beautiful laid in his arms , he kisses you softly letting the feeling linger. just one more kiss, he pleads.. but you both know that's never the case
sunghoon -> "have you eaten yet baby?" - sunghoon's love is soft, sweet and it feels warm like a bowl of soup. he never fails to ask you whether you'd eaten yet, always. he takes comfort in knowing you're still safe and healthy. he shows his love through words, whispered confessions against your neck and gentle squeezes of your hip as he kisses you to sleep at night.
sunoo -> "i wish i could see you all the damn time" - sunoo's love tastes like oranges and frozen grapes. he didn't think he'd ever want someone's company like he wants yours.. he needs you he wants you by his side even more with every passing minute. it feels almost natural to see your smile and your pretty eyes every minute of the day, it's like a second nature to him to admire you. jungwon -> "i wanna grow old with you one day" - jungwon's love is like rainy days spent cuddling next to the fire. he's never been one to shy away from the words 'i love you', but that's probably just because it's you. hell, love is terrifying but he knows you're the one for him. his other half the last little missing puzzle piece in his life, you're perfect for him. niki -> "you make me wanna try." - niki's love is like a gentle studio ghibli movie. it's not perfect but yet it still it. his love is encouragement, soft words of affection exchanged in private and heart-wrenching embraces that make you feel like melting. you're both young, and maybe thats completely okay, love is also helping the person you love most grow and change and still staying by each other's side.
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missxmav · 12 days
fix you too - jake seresin ; ch 2
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(loosely based on 'fix you too' - megan moroney ft. kameron marlowe)
Summary: Jake had a summer fling the year he graduated from Top Gun, but what he doesn't know is that she's still in Miramar with more than just a fleeting memory of the green eyed pilot. (multi-part series!!) Word count: 1,100+ Warnings: no use of y/n, some assumption about size, reader is gendered afab (but I promise I'm trying to get better at the neutral tone!), mentions of pregnancy/single parenting A/N: This is the first reader fic I've posted in almost 10 (!!!) years, please be gentle. (I'm rusty as F*CK) anyways, I'm head over heels for the top gun universe and my husband makes fun of me for it, so this is my creative release (: pls enjoy A/N part two: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST 😭 and I know it's not very long but I'm currently writing chapter 4 already!! I've just been so absorbed in my externship that I haven't had time to share. the next few chapters will be much longer once May is over! previous chapter. next chapter.
Three years earlier…
Jake cradled the side of her face as a distant look crossed his, green eyes wandering across her features as he took a moment of pause. How the hell was he supposed to tell her that he just got an assignment for 6 months, the same length of time they've been seeing each other, and he ships off tomorrow… “I'm leaving…” His voice was low and raspy, as if he had a hard time getting the words out. His thumb grazed her cheek bone.  Never had it been so hard for the lieutenant to break away from one of his flings.
She just blinked at him, her mouth falling open and closed in an attempt to make words, but nothing came. She could almost feel her heart shattering inside her chest as it began rabbiting against her ribcage. Her eyes frantically searched his face for anything else to go off of before she muttered a very reserved, “Okay.” Jake winced at how that one word felt heavier than the world, “Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.” The ocean lapping at their ankles became increasingly colder as he could feel her withdrawing. His voice wavered before he took a deep breath to continue, “It's a six month deployment, I just don't want to keep you waiting.” She bit her lips anxiously and said, "I-It’s okay, Jake. I get it.” Her hand reached up to pull his hand away from her face, her fingers lingering around his wrist for a second as she looked up at him. A chaste kiss was pressed to his cheek and she turned to walk out of the water, making her way to her SUV in the parking lot instead of gracing the bar again. Silent tears streamed down her face as she ignored Jake calling out to her from the beach, not noticing the tears also streaking his face as the one person he thought he could love forever just walked away from him…
Jake had only been ashore for a couple days now, his new assignment coming down the pipeline while he was still aboard the ship. Top Gun, special detachment, no further detail until the day of. This was just the kind of mission Jake lived for.
He smiled as he pulled into the familiar setting, parking his truck in the back forty of the lot because he didn't want to take up too much room for other patrons. The California coastal air hugged him as he pushed open the truck door. There was just something different about the sunsets on North Island that always made him feel welcomed. 
Though that warm feeling quickly faltered when he looked up, and was met with the sight of an eerily familiar silver SUV parked closer to the docks. Jake shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to erase the image from his mind because he was surely dreaming right now… There's no way she's still here all these years later, right?
Jake swallowed thickly as he closed the door to his black Silverado, replacing the frown on his face with his typical cocky smile as he saw Javy wave him down from the doors of the Hard Deck. His fellow pilot had two beers in hand and was beckoning him to the dartboard. 
Jake was determined not to dwell on those thoughts as the two men reminisced for a while. Even though Javy tried many times to beat the Texan pilot, even going so far to block his view… Bullseye. Every time. Jake conceded and offered to buy Coyote a beer to sooth his sore losing streak.
With a sly smile laced on his lips, Jake shook his head with a laugh and pushed through the doors of the Hard Deck so he could retrieve his wallet from his truck. Once he looked up, the air inside his lungs seized as he recognized the sight before him.
He would've known that laugh anywhere, the way the curve of her silhouette cast a shadow along the silver SUV as she busied herself in the backseat. There was no denying now that the suspicious vehicle belonged to someone he had only dreamed of seeing again. The sight made the smile vanish from his lips as he debated approaching her or just heading to his truck, the latter would've been the safest bet but he cursed internally as his feet carried him towards her.
He paused hesitantly in his pursuit when she closed the back door of her car and rounded the back side to close the hatch too. His reflection in the tinted glass caused the woman in front of him to freeze completely, the confidence in her posture quickly shrinking as she spun around and braced herself against the vehicle. 
Her mouth opened to speak, but no words came out before she closed it quickly, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as she blinked back at him. Her inability to say something to him made the heartbeat in his ears unbearably loud as he took a hesitant step towards her. His eyes trailed up and down her for a moment before he said anything. 
“As I live and breathe… Is that really you?” Jake asked quietly, his southern drawl was thick as he willed his voice not to crack. His heart raced and all the hairs on his body stood at attention under her panicked stare. 
Her voice wavered slightly as the only word she managed to get out was his name, her expression was almost scared and it only served to make Jake's brows furrow further. She glanced nervously into the back of the SUV again, internally cursing herself and hoping that he hadn't seen her with the child, but it was in vain as his seafoam green eyes followed hers immediately.
He shifted his weight onto one foot when he returned his eyes to her face, the smallest genuine smile toying at the corners of his lips. “You look fantastic,” He drawled slightly, taking another step forward so that he was standing just a couple feet away from her. “The kiddo belong to a friend?” Jake asked softly, seeing more of the situation than she had hoped.
She laughed nervously as one of her arms snaked around her exposed mid-section, an anxiety induced habit from suddenly feeling too exposed in this swimsuit. Her other hand braced itself against the back of her vehicle, drawing absent-mindedly in the sandy bumper. “Uh, no… She's mine, actually.” Her eyes met his, her mind racing as she resisted the urge to say ‘and yours’ inside her brain. 
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𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 | 𝐞. 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬
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tags: ellie is smoking a cigarette, finger sucking, groping, nipple sucking, mild language, use of pet names (pretty girl, baby), light marking, afab!reader, a healthy mixture of fluff and smut, wooo, we all cheered
a/n: wrote this directly in tumblr, so it might look slightly off? anyways im kinda rusty so, and im praying this isn’t ass chat. 🙏 to be real, i was watching millers girl and i suddenly got inspired. literally don’t know how, it just hit me like a bus.
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Ellie was sitting across from you, a cigarette loosely hanging from her lips as she looks at you. You’d been laying on her bed, chewing gum as you read one of her comics. Ellie was twirling her gnawed up No. 2 pencil between her fingers as she looks at you. Once you finally notice, you turn onto your stomach to look at her.
“What? You look like you’re gonna eat me or something.” You said with a chuckle. “Since when did you smoke?” You point to the cigarette and the puff of smoke coming from her mouth. “Since now. Well, not really. Trying to find my ‘creative outlet’ or something.” She shrugs. “And smoking is gonna help you with that?” You queried with a raised eyebrow. ”Eh. No, not really. It’s a start though.” She responds as she looks at you again.
Another chuckle escaped your lips. “Yeah, the start to your nicotine addiction.” You pop your gum at the end of your sentence and she hadn’t responded for some time. She puts her cigarette out in her ashtray. She joins you on the bed, sitting with her legs crossed.
“I want you,” She pointed at you. “You be my muse.” She points at herself. “Your muse, huh?” “Yeah. I want you to be my fucking muse.” She said as a smile creeps on her face. “So, I’m just that pretty that you want me to be your muse?” She nods. “Fine then. Should I pose for you? Sit here and look pretty?”
“You already look pretty.” Ellie smiles slightly. Slowly, her hand creeps closer to your face. Once it’s close enough, her thumb sweeps over your cheek, then your lips. Her thumb seems to linger there for a little before she parts your lips. You let her. She slowly pushed it into your mouth. “Is this necessary for the drawing process?” You mumble, to which she nods.
You put a hand on her wrist, taking her thumb further into your mouth. You coat her thumb in your saliva, letting one soft moan that makes Ellie blush a little. “This.. makes a pretty reference.” Ellie says as she watches you closely.
“Maybe we should get some more references then..” You suggest. “Take your shirt off.” Ellie replies seriously. “Would’ve preferred a ‘please’ on the end of that.” You say, pulling your shirt over your head. You sat infront of Ellie with only a bra on. Ellie runs her hands over the valley of your breasts, giving them squeezes that make you moan softly. Her eyes focus solely on how her hands look on your boobs and your reaction to it.
“Such a fucking tease.” You mumble as she continued groping you. “Am not.” She responded under her breath. “I’m.. studying you.”
It was obviously something more than some silly ‘art reference’ now. (As if Ellie hadn’t already made that apparent.) Her studying of you leads to her softly kissing you, but she doesn’t let it deepen in the way you need. She was getting you worked up on purpose.
”Why don’t you actually touch me? Or kiss me?” You ask. “Am I not touching you right now?” “Well, yeah you are but—“ “Then shhh.. just lemme study you, pretty girl.”
She pressed gentle kisses up and down your neck, looking up at you occasionally as she moves to your collarbone. You put your hand on the back of her head, your fingers tangling in her short, brown hair as she continues kissing you.
“Ellie cmon.. stop teasing..” You whine in her ear. She doesn’t respond. Ellie peppers kisses on your breasts, then she takes your bra off.
She leans down towards one of your boobs, then softly sucking on your nipple. Your back arches slightly as she continues on. The other nipple hadn’t been left neglected, as she’d been groping it and tweaking with your nipple.
It was driving you crazy. Her actions made you grow unbelievably wet. “Ellie.. I need you.” You whined out to her again. “I know, baby. I know.” She coos. “Then touch me!” “I’ll think about it.”
Her response makes you pout. After she’d decided she had enough of sucking your nipples, she leaves a small hickey on your collarbone. This makes you softly moan.
Then she just grabs her sketchbook and pencil and sits at her desk. You sit there dumbfounded. She left you all worked up and she didn’t even care! She was cruel.
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xximperioxx · 10 months
Call It What You Want
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Phantom Ghoul x GN! Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: a lil spicy (I couldn’t help myself)
Note: ITS BEEN SO LONG IM SO SORRY. Seeing ghost on Saturday really got me in the mood to write again. For my man phantom. I listened to Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift while writing this. I’m a bit rusty since it’s been a bit so I apologize in advance but please enjoy 🖤🖤
You sat by yourself in the cafeteria with a book in your hand and a coffee in the other. It was one of those cheesy smutty-romance novels you couldn’t help but love. Maybe it was because you are in a desperate need of some romance yourself after your last relationship went downhill or maybe it was a great distraction. All of your so-called friends took his side of the breakup and left you in the dust. You couldn’t help but feel lonely sometimes but books were a saving grace.
Your face remained stoic as you read, getting lost in the words in front of you.
His fingers trace the shape of her body as her breath hitches. Stopping at the edge of her panties and gives her a smirk before he brings his mouth close and brings the fabric down with his teeth. She lets out a breathy moan as she feels his teeth grazing against her ski-
“Whatcha reading?”
A shriek escapes your lips and the book falls into your lap. You quickly cover your mouth at the noise you made. Heat radiates off your cheeks as you look up and see a ghoul. Your reflection staring back at you in the goggles of his mask.
You gape at him for a minute and remember he said something. He stares back in an almost giddy manner Slowly bringing your hand down from your mouth, “W-what?”
He grins sheepishly, “Your book,” he nods to your lap, “I was wondering what you were reading.”
Your blush returns and you wave it off, “oh, just some silly little romance novel.”
His grin turns into a teasing smile, “Sureee, that’s why you dropped it so fast.”
“You scared me!” You try to defend yourself but fail as a small smile fights through. His grin grows bigger and so does yours.
“I’m (Y/N),”
He stares at your hand in front of him. He places his in yours and shakes it slowly.
Your eyes glance behind him to see his tail waving in excitement. “You’re the new ghoul Papa summoned for the band, right?”
He grows shy, “Y-yeah.”
You sense his uneasiness and give him a gentle smile, “Well, I’m excited to see you play.”
His face lights up, “Really?” You nod and he grows excited, “I have been practicing with Sodo and I’m getting really good!”
You check the time and your eyes widen as you realize you're late for a meeting with Primo. You stand up and grab your book and coffee. “I’m really sorry, I have a meeting wit-”
Phantom grabs your wrist to stop you, “Do you think maybe I can play for you sometime?”
You’re surprised. An invitation to hang out with someone? It’s been so long. You give him a happy nod.
He jumps up, “Great!”
You begin to walk away before you turn around and give the ghoul one last smile, “It was nice to meet you, Phantom!”
His tail begins to wave back and forth in excitement as he gives you a wave goodbye.
Sodo stands next to him, getting hit with Phantom’s tail. He gives a shove to his side, “Cut it out.”
“Sorry.” Phantom gives him a sheepish grin.
“We got to work on that.”
You and Phantom continued to see each other after the first guitar session. He showed you tricks he was learning to play on tour, his solos, and even offered to show you how to play to which you politely declined.
He would meet you at the library when he wanted to see you. He would find a book to read and the two of you would curl up in chairs next to each other in the back of the library. Your heart fluttered the first time you had glanced over and saw him entranced by the book in his hand. His mask laying on the arm rest next to him, you got to study his features. How his hair slightly covers his face or how he bites his lip when he reads. You smiled to yourself and continued to read.
The following library visits turned to him picking out cheesy romance novels for you to read, purely judging by the covers, and you picking out some books for him. You both share a couch now and end up with his head in your lap.
You run your fingers through his hair, reading the page. Bringing your hand up, you turn the page and Phantom lets out a whine at the loss of contact.
You don’t notice, too busy with the words in front of you. Your fingernails gently scrape against his scalp. He lets out a choked moan. Yet again you don’t notice.
After a while you put your book down and glance down at the ghoul. You sigh, “You have such pretty hair. I hope you know that.”
A blush grows on his face but looks up at you steady eyes, “Yeah, well, you have such a pretty face. I hope you know that.”
Your laugh fills the quiet back section of the library.
You were having a rough night. You had seen your ex and ex friends hanging out together and it triggered a panic attack.
You sat, hidden away in a back aisle of the library, with your knees to your chest. Keeping your head down, you count your breaths.
Footsteps approach you. They stop and the person sits down next to you.
Peaking, you see Phantom looking at you with a tilted head. You shake your head before hiding in your arms.
You hear him take off his mask and feel him nudge you.
Not getting anything from you, he pulls you into his side. He didn’t need to know what was wrong, he just wanted to be there. He began to trace shapes on your back.
After you have calmed down, you place your head on his shoulder. “Panic attacks suck.”
Phantom hums in agreement.
The two of you sat in silence for a while before you spoke up slowly, “Would you run away with me?”
It was quiet again. “Hypothetically,” you add.
He turns his head, “I would go to heaven and back with you.”
You stare at him with glistening eyes. You never wanted anyone more. You send Papa a quick ‘thank you’ in your mind for summoning this ghoul. You wanted nothing more than to lean in. Phantom smiles at you, “Hypothetically,” he adds.
You and Phantom were the only ones in the practice room. You both sat on the couch as he practiced. He seemed off today but didn’t know how. He seemed extra twitchy. He brought up teaching you how to play again.
“Come on, (Y/N)!” He pleaded. He slid off the couch and onto his knees. He’s in front of you on his knees. You’re definitely mentally freaking out.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not good with my fingers,” You pretend to play as a joke, “See?”
He grabs your hands, “Yeah, but I am!” Your heartbeat quickens. Your mouth goes dry and you pray he doesn’t hear the thumping of your heart. He pleads again, “I can show you.”
You don’t even know what to say. Does he know what he’s doing to you right now? “I-..”
He slowly gets up, hovering over you. He licks his lips and whispers, “Please, (Y/N).”
He nuzzles his head against yours before your neck.
“You’re not talking about the guitar anymore, are you?” you breathed out shakily.
You feel him shake his head, “Please let me touch you,” he whines into your neck.
You’re so close to hyperventilating, you can barely hear what he said. He slides back down on his knees, his hands gripping your thighs as he looks back up with you with needy eyes.
You grab his face and lean down to kiss him. Another whine leaves his lips as you touch him. His skin almost burning to the touch.
The door suddenly opens and in comes Swiss and Sodo. You jump back embarrassed.
Phantom whips his head around to the other ghouls and growls. Your eyes widen at the sound.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” Swiss grins.
Sodo elbows Swiss hard in the stomach, “Calm down Phan, it’s okay.”
Quickly getting up, you apologize. You’re too embarrassed. You’re not sure what you’re apologizing for but it’s the only thing coming out of your mouth.
Grabbing your stuff, you head to the door, “I’m sorry,” you look at Phantom, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
He nods. Realization of what happened hits him and he feels just as embarrassed and guilty.
When Papa announced they would be performing at the Abbey, you were unsure if you wanted to go. It had been a week since the practice room incident and you hadn’t seen Phantom since.
Your thoughts have been too loud since. Maybe you offended him somehow or maybe he didn’t like you anymore. You’d gone to the library everyday in hopes he’d show up. Maybe you’ve read too many romance novels to still have your hopes up.
It was the night of the ritual and Siblings around you were buzzing with excitement. It had been a while since Papa performed for the Abbey and would be the first time the two new ghouls were to be performing on stage. Primo had essentially threatened you to come after you mentioned you were unsure. Needless to say, the old man can be intimidating.
The room is crowded and you make your way to the back of the room. You keep your head low, not particularly in the mood to see your ex and ex friends.
You felt anxious enough. Not only for seeing Phantom but you were nervous for him performing. He’s practiced so hard the past few months. You only hoped the siblings loved him on stage as much as you do.
The lights dim and screams erupt as Papa and his ghouls emerge on stage. You see him. Your anxiety disappearing as he begins to play Kaisarion.
You cover your mouth to hide your smile. He’s doing amazing. He displays such confidence you haven’t seen in him yet. He looks like a daydream. Your daydream.
Throughout the concert, he has become a favorite with the siblings as he blows kisses to the crowd and shows off his tricks like playing the guitar under his leg. Copying Sodo as he performs to the crowd.
You were unsure if he had seen you as the ritual nears its end. But Phantom had seen you as soon as he came out on stage. A light shined on you and he nearly tripped over himself. He knew if he stared at you, he’d get distracted and mess up the song.
The ritual ends with Square Hammer. The crowd singing loudly, nearing screaming the lyrics. With the final note, Papa thanks everyone for joining them. You cheer loudly with your heart full of pride. You need to tell him.
Phantom puts his guitar down before jumping off the stage. He has his head down as he makes his way through the crowd. He didn’t want to waste another moment without you.
He lifts his head up seeing you, you give him a small smile and little wave. He reaches you, pulling down his balaclava that was covering his mouth.
“I’m sorr-” he shuts you up by pulling you into a kiss.
You’re in shock for a moment before placing your hands on his and kissing his back.
Slowly pulling away with a smile, you both catch your breath. Your hands find the bottom of his mask, taking it off before pulling him into another kiss.
For the first time in your life, you didn’t care what anyone thought of you.
He pulls away first and looks down at you, “Hi.”
You grin, still holding his hands, “Hi.”
Giving his hand a squeeze, “You were amazing. I’m so proud of you,” you emphasized.
His hands caress your face, “I’m so in love with you,” he confesses.
You beam, “I’m so in love with you.”
The two of you walk out, his calloused hand in yours.
“So was that like a scene in one of your romance books?” He teases.
“Even better.” You cuddle into him.
“We can recreate the other scenes later.”
Your laugh echoes in the hall.
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mayzi33 · 5 months
Welp. Sonic Prime. Its over. There are SO MANY THINGS I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT
Unfortunately I dont have the talents to make those big ol' analysis like some creative peps so I'll just ramble non sensenly please stick with me okay
Sonic learning his lesson to listen to his friends and slow down, learning to accept help, the shatter versions getting along and forming strong bonds, (Mangey and Sails teaming up, Rusty, Black and Thorn being sisters, Renegade and Dread sharing the lead etc)
I love how Nine's character and arc was handled, though I do wish we got some glimpses of him apologizing better to everyone and maybe befriending them I still love how everything played out. How we could see him slowly softening in some parte, Sonic finally properly understanding him and protecting him even when everyone was agaisnt him, AND THE FACT THAT NINE HUGGED HIM AT THE END EVEN THOUGH HE WAS "NOT A HUGGER"
I love how all the alternative Roses are besties and OMG I AM FREAKING OUT WHAT SONIC SAID TO AMY AT THE END???
"No one protects nature better than you, sweet Amy"
I also love how Renegade teamed up with Sonic to fight Nine and took care of him when his energy was drained out.
I just genuely love how EVERYONE was so gentle with Sonic when he was in a vulnerable moment, all helping him to stay on his feet, carrying him, etc.
I love the parallel of Shadow carrying Sonic bridal style to back when Sonic did it to him
And I love how when Sonic goes back to Green Hill he's immediatly so happy to see everyone while his friends are like "wtf???" cause Sonic is never usually the emotional, clingy type (but something tells me he will be pretty clingy for a few weeks at least LOL)
And I love how despite being confused Sonic's friends were still happy to see he's finally came around and learned to stick with them and follow the plan.
I love everything. Thank you Netflix, for Sonic Prime, and thank you Sega, I think you might be finally getting the Sonic Franchise back to its glory.
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gyuletters · 11 months
★ the perfect moment! | hueningkai , (휴닝카이)
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gn!reader ، wc: 2.7k ، genre: kissy fluff ، tw: none
— request (please let me know if u liked it) ♡
listen to i love you boy by suzy for a better reading.
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tired of waiting. that's what the poor boy was. extremely tired.
but, it is kind of his fault as well. 
he wanted it to be perfect. it's your first kiss, for god's sake! it shouldn't be a mundane thing. 
it's the first time you and hueningkai will feel all of the sparkles, shivers and lovely torments that a kiss shares. that's why it should be perfect!
but… oh, boy! was he so tired of waiting for THE moment.
his mind keeps wandering about how it would be to have your sweet lips on his own. even though kai has no idea if your lips are indeed sweet, he already made up his mind that they will taste like candy.
you just look so tempting now. the night lights of seoul blending with your beautiful skin, the cold breeze moving your hair, your hand on his big coat (you forgot to bring your own, even after he told you a million of times it was going to be a cold night), your eyes reflecting all the galaxies in the universe. this is the right moment he has been waiting for the longest time.
isn’t it?
hueningkai stops, making you look at him. your eyes filled with worry and now he feels a little guilt for stopping at such a random moment. but… he just couldn’t wait anymore.
“y/n… i…” kai starts but you interrupt him. your hands all over him, worried he might be hurt.
“is everything okay, baby? do you feel sick? is it the wine? urgh, i knew i should have ordered soda.”
huening laughs a little. doesn’t matter how long you two have been together, you never fail at looking so adorable in his eyes.
“i’m okay, love.” - he takes your hands on his. - “i just need to tell you this before i lose courage.”
you nod softly at him, motioning that he can say it.
“y/n, i’m just so tired of waiting for the right time. honestly, i feel like it doesn’t matter how or when i decide to do this. when it comes to you i just want everything to be like it was straight out of a romance book. but if i don’t tell you this now” - both of his hands cupping your cheeks. - “i never will.”
“so tell me hueningie” - the lovely nickname falling out of your lips, making his heart skip a bit. - “tell me what you want.” 
the way you say it makes him think you want this too. that you know his mind and heart desires. maybe you have been waiting for the perfect moment as well and just couldn’t tell him.
hueningkai comes closer to you, dragging his thumb on your lips so softly, before making the final question: “y,n… can i please kiss you?”
he sounds desperate, but who cares at this point? he needs you, he wants you.
that’s when a bright smile appears on your face. making you shine in the middle of the night.
“i thought you would never ask, baby.”
with this, kai’s lips are on yours. 
and just like he wanted, sparks fly all over. everything is sweet, delicate, gentle. almost like you both are afraid of breaking each other.
huening can only think about how much he wants to imprint your lips on his brain, even if it’s impossible. so he never forgets about how they taste, how they feel like and most importantly, how they make him feel. 
but suddenly, the air gets colder. something very cold touched him, making shivers appear on the surface of his skin.
you two break the kiss and look around.
the first snow of the season has fallen. so pretty and white, that it looks transparent. as if the sky was also waiting for this moment.
you make eye contact with each other and smile widely.
in the end, it really was the perfect moment.
💌 taglist: @impureperhaps @sunoooism
status: requests closed , permanent taglist open.
© gyuletters, 2023 - do not repost, copy, or translate. // i know i took almost a month to answer your request, mumu. and im so so sorry 😞. im a little rusty with my writing, since i havent written for a while. so keep that in my mind while reading it hihihihi. 🤗 but, i do hope you all enjoy and like it a lot! love u. 💕
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xythlia · 1 year
𓏲 ࣪₊ ᴍɪꜱᴄᴏɴᴅᴜᴄᴛ
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♡⃕ ࣪ nsfw content. minors do not interact, dark content ⸝⸝ fem reader, teacher/student, power imbalance, humiliation, oral (m receiving), abuse of power, swallowing, face fucking, masturbation
♡⃕ ࣪ word count : 1k+
a/n | i feel like i haven't written anything in a long time but since it's my birthday + luci's i feel inspired, im sorry i was in my dryspell era >.< this might be a lil rusty but hope you like it
feedback ⸝⸝ rbs are appreciated ♡
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The tip of your nail swipes back and forth across your bottom lip. This last exam had been bad, beyond bad truly it crossed into breakdown territory the second he handed it to you face down. Only you. Shame had run hot beneath your skin, eyes scanning the page that looked so doused in red corrective ink it may as well have been used to mop up blood.
This would absolutely tank your average if you couldn't find a way to fix it, so you found yourself seated anxiously outside Lucifer's office, leg bouncing and trying not to cry before you even sat across from him.
Your bag almost goes flying from your lap, nearly vomiting its contents as you shoot up the moment that heavy oaken door swings open. He doesn't even get a word out before you're sweeping inside, shaking his head as he clicks the door shut and you feel fresh anxiety knowing he's sizing you up.
"Please there has to be some way to fix-"
"Save it," he says flatly. "That exam was a mess, did you even attempt to skim the text?"
You can feel yourself sweating, skin prickling as you try to keep your voice level and not betray the fact that your heart was beating out of your chest.
"I did read it, is there any way I could retake the exam? I know my grades in that class aren't the best but I do make an effort." Thankfully you at least sounded less anxious than you felt.
"I told everyone at the very beginning I don't allow retakes," his eyes flicked between yours and your lips. "Although maybe if you begged, convincingly, I'd reconsider."
For the first time your out of control train of thought was stuck, sputtering that he couldn't be asking for you think he's asking for, right? Your hands shook, steeling yourself.
"Please, Lucifer-"
He cuts you off with a tsk, making you wince. "Low effort."
After a beat it dawned on you what he was truly asking for. It felt scummy, lifting your sweatshirt off slowly, but at the same time an odd thrill fluttered in your gut as you felt his eyes burning into you. With shaky breaths you stood, undoing your bra as gooseflesh rose on your arms when the chilly office air brushed over your bare chest.
You made your way unsteadily in front of him, still seated behind the desk with a bemused smirk resting on his face. A stark contrast from how his crimson eyes devoured you. Gingerly you sank to your knees in front of him, trembling hands sliding along his thighs as you glanced up through your lashes. He stared down at you in such a distinct way you couldn't help but feel like you were lesser.
Strangely, it excited you.
"Make me believe you deserve that retake."
A shiver crawled down your spine as you watched him undo his trousers, tugging his cock out of his briefs and all you could do was watch with a sudden and unfamiliar lust working through your brain. Seeing the flushed tip beaded with precum had you overwhelmed by thoughts of what it would feel like to have him sinking deep inside you.
You whimpered as he guided your hand to wrap gently around his girth, feeling dizzy as precum smeared against your lips but the satisfied groan he let out as your lips parted for him and your tongue moved against the underside of his cock went straight to your cunt.
Lewd sounds quickly filled the office, only serving to make you wetter. When his hand came to thread through your hair it was surprisingly gentle, making you squirm and accidentally let his cock hit the back of your throat. A sound that could only be described as pornographic dripped from his lips, spurring you on as spit slid down your chin and neck with every bob of your head and twist of your hand.
"Drop your hands," he rasped.
Your eyes watered as his grip on your hair became firmer, hips pushing his thick cock further inside your mouth against your muffled gagging, nose resting against his pubic hair. Forgetting yourself you shifted on your knees, spit sticky hands fondling his balls and letting every moan go straight to your head. It was dizzying and quickly you'd forgotten all about the humiliation that led you here, the only thing anchoring you was the pulsing of your cunt.
One hand stayed against his thigh to keep your balance as he used your mouth all on his own, but you couldn't take it anymore. Your fingers deftly slipped past your waistband to stroke at your clit, which set him off on a stronger pace that left you barely able to see him through the tears crowding your vision.
The vibration from your gags and moans were sending him over the edge, evidenced by how recklessly he pushed to hit as deep as possible in your throat. Your thighs were screaming, muscles beyond sore from both supporting your position and with how tightly you clenched while rubbing rhythmic circles around your neglected clit.
As your own orgasm crested he gave a series of particularly mean thrusts, making you snort through the tears and spit before thick, salty cum filled your mouth. It was a superhuman effort to swallow around him, and as you pulled back you heaved for air, noticing the glimmering string of mixed cum and spit connecting your lips to his swollen tip before licking your lips to break it.
As he sat back against the chair fully again, you felt the mess of fluids clinging to your skin. Blinking away the leftover tears you saw him repositioning and collecting himself before resuming whatever papers he'd been working on before you got here.
It made you feel ashamed all over again, stained with cum, spit, and tears gasping like you'd just been pulled from an icy river and tossed on the office floor. Sniffling you rose, with difficulty thanks to your sore thighs and bruised knees. He never looked up as you pulled your sweatshirt back on, wiped your face on the sleeves as best you could, and hurriedly stuffing your bra into your bag.
In the rush to leave, to run back to your room, you'd forgotten why you even came in the first place before his voice halted your frantic movements.
"I don't have time to proctor a retake, check later you'll see an updated score in your course work." It was so blasé you could almost believe you'd just had a normal conversation in his office rather than being face fucked.
The door creaked as you slipped out, biting your lip and wondering if maybe you should let the next exam slip too. Maybe you could do something else to earn that extra credit...
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brunossan · 6 months
Part 3: Jaune and The Girls
*in the Last Episode, Jaune Arc discovered that Witches have a way to find their mates by seeing a certain light in someone's eyes. Now, this Witch Hunter apprentice is The mate of 4 Witches: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.*
*Now, The Narrator is gonna let Jaune tell How he is right now. After all, in The time of this AU, one week has passed.*
Jaune: Hum... I am supposed to read something?
*no, Jaune. Just Tell me, How this week has been.*
Jaune: Oh! Its... Been great. Im living pretty well actually.
*So They are treating you well?*
Jaune: I mean... In their own way. *Blushes.*
*If you do not feel ashamed, Tell me. How They are with you?*
Jaune: Can i Tell in Order? *The Narrator nods* Ok. I Will start with Ruby. She is gentle, kind and Very cute. And she loves weapons. Like, a lot!
flashback on
Ruby: Here, right here. *She shows her scythe to Jaune, focusing on The Blade* You see? Its getting blind.
Jaune: Blind?
Ruby: It means The Blade is getting Weaker. But with my Magic, i can revigorate It. *she uses her wand and The Blade is shining like New* See? Good as New!
Jaune: That's Very cool!
Flashback off
Jaune: And that night i discovered that It also affects organic things.
flashback on
Jaune: *panting, no clothes on bed* Ruby... Please... No more... Its been 6 times already... The others are gonna get angry...
Ruby: *on top of him, with a grinning Smile* Well, I was the one to bring you here. And I convinced Yang that you would Last The entire night in my First time so...
*she Takes her wand and touches The tip of his Dick with It. Without any further Warning, The massive dong rises again, Ruby smiling in a pervert way, while Jaune looks terrified.*
Ruby: Get ready for more 4 rounds of riding.
Flashback off
Jaune: Yeah... Ruby can be cute and kind. But in bed... I must pray to survive her lusy.
*And The other girls?*
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Well, Blake is like a cat. She is serious, acts like Nothing matters but... She has a Very cute and needy Side too.
Flashback on
Jaune: Is that... Cat ears?
Blake: Yep. *Reading an erotic book, sitting by his Side in The couch* I use to hide them in a bow, as Its a way Witch Hunters finds either Witches like me or Familiars.
*Jaune looks at her cat ears, an urge growing Inside of him. Blake notices his looks, grabbing its hand and putting it in her Head.*
Blake: Listen. If you ever Tell anyone that i like being petted, i Will turn you into a Frog And dissecate you. Got It?
Jaune: ... I got It.
Blake: Good. Now you can pet me.
*Jaune moves his Hand in Blake's Head, patting her. The Black haired girl then lets a small and cute purr, while clinging in The Blonde one*
Blake: You know, you have a good talent with hands.
Jaune: I was the best at polishing armors and giving massages in The academy.
Blake: Massages? *She lays in his lap, letting her back visible to him, smiling in a smug way* The girls Will take her time to Go back, so How about you give me a special massage?~
*Jaune gulps, as he looks at her back and butt. He looks around, trying to see If They are truly alone. Suddenly, his neck is pulled by a Black cat tail, making him get on top of Blake's back, his crotch near her butt. She smiles as she feels his bulge grows beetween her buttcheeks*
Blake: Oh, so you are Anxious for that~
Flashback off
Jaune: Blake is The boldest of them all. And likes to take risks. Different of Weiss. Weiss is... A princess. She is Very bossy and its on Command of everything. But there's The thing. She... Knows How to motivate everyone.
Flashback on.
*Jaune is swordfighting with Weiss in The forest, The girl overpowering him with its Rapier. Suddenly, with a fast cut, Weiss disarmed him, slicing its rusty armor in half. Jaune drops his Sword, putting his hand up*
Jaune: I surrender.
Weiss: Good. *she makes her Sword disappear* Its Very rare for a Witch Hunter to surrender.
Jaune: Im not totally a Witch Hunter, you know.
Weiss: Yes That's why i Said It, dolt. *she cleans her hands*. You need to improve If you wanna have a chance against me. Or anyone.
Jaune: I got it... *He turns around, going towards The house.*
Weiss: Where are you going?
Jaune: Im tired. I wanna rest. *he bumps into an Ice wall* ouch!
Weiss: You are not tired. I can Sense it. Come here and Tell me what's wrong.
Jaune: Im saying im Fine! Its not enough?
*Weiss opens its arms, Jaune dont understanding any of this. Suddenly, an Ice Pillar pushes him towards her, The girl embracing The taller One in a gentle hug.*
Jaune: W-weiss what are you doing? *He asks as he blushes, his Head in her chest*
Weiss: People used to treat you harsh, right? And your calming mechanism... Was hiding. Lying that you are tired Just for staying alone... *She touches his hair, stroking it.* And crying.
Jaune: I dont cry. Im Fine.
Weiss: Jaune... *She pulls him down, making him knee* You know that a week has passed and The light didnt faded away, right?
Jaune: ... Yeah.
Weiss: So dont be afraid of crying on my shoulder when you want to. Ok? You are my mate, our mate. And... I wont think you are weak If you show me your feelings.*
*Jaune Arc stopped resisting The hug and started letting himself be embraced by Weiss arms, all while sunking its Head in her shoulders and, in silence, letting The tears flow. Weiss stroked his hair, while thinking that Maybe They werent so different after all.*
Flashback off
Jaune: I like that she is The Ice Witch but gives me The warmest hugs. Even in bed. Her favourite position is anyone where she can hold in me. In my opinion, i think she is The most clingy.
*I see that your Relationship with them has improved. But i have a question for you. And Yang? You still didnt talked about her.*
Jaune: Oh. Yang. Of course. Well... She is... Difficult. Very difficult. I dont think she likes me much. In fact we still didnt did... Anything. *Sigh* I still think she wants to Crush me.
*I as The Narrator knows everything. However, i cant Tell you much. All i can Tell to you its to be patient. Because you still need to Dig deeper Into her Heart.*
Jaune: Can you give me some advice?
*Unfortunally, only on next episode. Also, If someone wants to know something more about this séries, The Askbox and The comments are always open. See you later.*
*To be Continued...*
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please i beg of you to do a period comfort fic please please your comfort/fluff stuff is so amazing
maybe something where lovies in a lot of pain and is just super reliant on harry bc of the pain and he’s super sweet and gentle with her and comforting
FIRST LIL WRITING AFTER A LONG WHILE!!! bear w me pls, im rusty :D
she doesn’t want to do this.
it could have been a worse time, she supposes— it’s not as if they were at one of harry’s a-list events where her smile would most obviously quiver from the pain and bring her abdomen to her feet, where his eyes would snap to hers with worry at the first strained sigh in her throat. but, what she does know is that she didn’t want this to happen, not now.
ever since she stopped flooding her body with birth control in a preliminary effort to try for a child, her periods have hit her like tidal waves. pain is not the word, but torture, even, and she is not one for melodrama but it all just feels so suffocating and burning and red and just god— OW.
the cramps are like knives to the skin and she’s even started to get lightheaded now between the pendulum of her moods and it all just feels so dramatic but she also knows that she’s not intending to be. and it’s exactly what she’s feeling now, because as she stands up from the oven she winces, flinches, as if electrocuted in her abdomen, and it’s a miracle that the pan had made it to the stovetop without scorching her feet as it hits the floor. and the heat from the cookies just laying there innocently is too much, all at once, and she lets out a hiss when another stab comes to her pelvis.
“fuck,” she mutters, throwing the oven mit next to the tray, her other arm coming to wrap around herself. she fumbles, clumsy feet moving to the bar stool closest to her, and just as she sits another hits, less harsh but enough to make the air in her lungs to run for cover outside of her heating body.
and of course, of fucking course, she has barely anytime to think—as if she could even attempt with the onset of a swirling vision and a pounding headache drumming at her temples—before harry waltzes in on light feet and a boyish smile decorating his face.
“ready t’go, bird?” by the time he finishes the question, his eyebrows are starting to pinch as he drinks in his wife’s expression: eyes closed, shallow breathing, her own brow furrowed in something of pain and anguish. her arms are glued to her stomach, too, which he recognizes immediately, and he clicks his tongue once. “you okay, love?” he moves to stand in front of where she sits, leaning down to meet his eyes to her closed ones. he brushes a strand of hair from her forehead, starting to dampen from the heat from her forehead.
“yeah, yeah.” she says softly, her eyes opening to meet his, glassy and pained against the green that looks at her with concern.
“y’feel dizzy? let’s get you upstairs and i’ll run you a bath?” he says it quietly, his hand coming to the top of her head in a gentle rub of her hair, and he watches her melt into the touch slightly.
“no.” she breathes, “no, no, we… we should be going soon.” her eyes open fully now, and start to pace themselves across his face and the kitchen.
“love, you are white as a ghost and as hot as the sun.” he says softly, “let me draw you a bath, kay? or would you rather lay down, hm?”
his voice melts her shoulders like butter, but it doesn’t distract from the pain threatening to shatter her to pieces.
“no, i-i, let’s go. i’ll take some midol in the car, and—”
“it’s okay, sweet. we’re staying here.”
“no!” she musters enough to say it stubbornly, and she watches his brow droop deeper and his frown widen into his cheeks. “i’m not missing your mum’s party. it’s— it’s just a stupid period, a-and it’ll pass—”. her argument weakens the more she speaks and the more waves of heat crash into her, breaking her syllables into sad attempts of words. he shakes his head at her, swallowing an endeared smile at his wife’s notorious stubbornness.
“c’mon, baby love. let’s get you comfy.”
he learned a long time ago that there isn’t a compromise when it comes to his wife’s periods. he’s never seen anything like it— the 4 full days of pain and whimpering and sleeping and bouts of eating everything or nothing at all— but he knows now what she needs. one faint in the too-hot shower a couple months back was all he needed to learn this time like memorizing a textbook. he feels saddened for her, too, as it strips her away from the world for a bit, and god does he wish he could soak that pain into his own pelvis and head just to give her a break. harry hates to see his own little love like this, crippled by discomfort.
“i’m so tired of this,” she sighs, eyes welling in an all-too-familiar hormonal emotion.
“i know,” he says, his hand coming to hold her cheek, pressing his cool skin into her blotchy face. “’s okay, though. mum will understand, i promise.”
and he’s successful in his knowledge, too, because she opens her fluttering eyes to gaze up at him sadly, a pout forming across her cheeks.
“but what about my cookies?”
he looks over his shoulder to see the pan resting on the stovetop, still steaming with heat and chocolate oozing out the sides.
“they’re her recipe. was so excited to show her.” her voice is defeated, and harry snorts.
“i am sure they will find a happy home in m’own stomach, bug. will make sure to send a yelp review her way.”
and at this she chuckles for a moment, before wincing, and it’s then that he scoops her up into his arms like a child, ignoring her soft protests. he kisses her on the forehead with a wet pucker as he moves to ascend their staircase, and by the time they reach the top she’s still attempting to convince him— can we please just go? i’ll be fine, i swear. i— ow, i-i, c’mon h… i really don’t want to miss it!
but his curls flop between his eyes and he smiles at her, softly shushing her panicked suggestions. she knows she has lost, though, because another stab comes through her stomach and she jolts, eyes watering. she sighs, letting her weight fall completely in his hold.
“bed or bath, little love?”
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arcade-writing · 2 years
Really loved « just a bite » with vampire Silco !!! Are you going to write more about Vampire Silco?
My Lord
pairing: Vampire! Silco x reader
Warning: religious kink, religious themes, somewhat corruption kink, blood drinking, degrading, praise kink, dirty talk, lots of cum, blowjobs, oral, fingering, vaginal sex, readers first time, horny silco
I am normal about this fic. I totally haven't stayed up until 3 am writing this and haven't been freaking over my writing. Totally. 100%
It's been awhile since I've wrote for arcane so my characterization skills are abit rusty but this is purely self indulgent so 🤷
The fic anon is speaking about: here
Im sure any of you who still lurk on my blog (thank you) know the situation - AFAB reader but gender isn't discussed!
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With one last whisper on your breath, you felt the gentle hands of your godessss leave your. Leaving her everlasting glow to warm your chest and your eyes finally opened.
For what you were praying for was s omething that made your cheeks glow. Asking for forgiveness for the thoughts that have swarmed your mind. The desires that burned in your gut ever since you grew accustom to this castle and who owned it. Yes, something was stirring inside you couldn't truly grasp.
The whole reason you were here was to purify it's brick walls. Allowing your goddesses light to shine through its dark halls. To be rid of the monsters that lurked within but no matter what you did. He didn't go away.
No, he came closer. Tempting you. Inviting you into the shadows with light touches. Alluring words and brushing his lips against your neck. Something you always kept covered for this reason.
With a shake of your head, you began to turn Spotting the very man that caused these wants to awaken. He was lounging in a nearby chair, glancing up at you as he swirled a now empty chalice. One leg was propped up on the arm whilst the other was semi stretched out against the floor.
"I didn't hear you come in." You spoke up, still flushed as you didn't move from your spot.
"That's the point." Silco chuckled, it sounded bitter on its edges.
"Do you need something? I'll try to do what I can-"
"“Play with me.”
Silco suddenly stood up. His long legs easily striding over whilst you scrambled backwards. Lifting yourself up with a stumble. Your body now caged between the fire place and his. Your knees buckling from kneeling for so long and a very different reason.
"Let's play a game, humour me if you will."
"Alright....what's the game?" You raise a brow, hesitating to speak as you stared up at him.
"I want to test your will and my own, a little bit of torture between friends."
A smirk was clear on his lips. A flash of his fangs peaking from his lips making your breath hitch.
"But- i-" You gulped, ees lowering as you nodded. "If it'll please you..."
"Look at me."
Silco knew he shouldn't be using this voice with you. It was much deeper than usual, gruff and cold. But he wanted to scare you a little, get you jumping and stammering like you usually did. What he didn't expect was to see your eyes shimmering back at him. Lips parted ever so slightly, as you looked at him with such need. Yearning clear on your face as you kept yourself pressed to the fireplace.
It seems the torture has already begun. Silco clenched his fists, moving his arms higher from the fireplace. His hand slamming to the wall by your head whilst the other gripped at the edge of the fireplaces top. The vampire felt a rush of blood travel down. Biting back a groan at the your expression. How obvious your feelings were, wearing them so clearly without even knowing it.
"Just let me touch you." His voice came out as a whisper. You didn't say anything but he watched the subtle arch of your back. Trying to press yourself closer.
He lowered his head, letting out a victorious breath as he could finally feel the skin of your neck. The nightgown you were wearing was too baggy for you, leaving it to hang by your shoulders. You didn't even realize until you felt his teeth just graze over your throat.
He could feel your speeding pulse against his tongue. Slowly dragging it along as your body slowly began to relax.
You couldn't believe you were doing this. So easily you accepted his touch. His game. You knew what he wanted, what he was trying to do and yet you still said yes. Wanting to hide your desperation by acting dismissive but apart of you could sense he could see right through you. He knew you wanted this as much as he did.
"It's okay, little dove, this will feel good."
"I shouldn't-"
"You wanted to play, didn't you? I am testing you." He began to suck on your neck. Giving it kitten licks Inbetween as your eyelids began to flutter. A soft moan slipping from your lips.
"Good pets taste the sweetest, you want to taste good, right? Just let me drink from you, little dove, I'll make all that need disappear."
"W-what do you mean?"
You both knew what he meant.
"How about I fuck it into you, hm? You want that?" You held back a noise as your knees buckled more. Making you look even smaller to the man.
"I need to hear you say yes, I won't do anything unless you invite me in."
His voice was right by your ear. He didn't move, just watching you under his eyelash. Your lips trembled as your brain screamed at you to stop. To push him away and lock yourself away, what you normally did when his temptations became too much. You were supposed to be a person following the Holy light. A worshipper of everything good.
But here stands the embodiment of darkness itself. Ready to swallow you whole and sink you into the very pits of the abyss. Drown you in pleasures you'd only dream of.
You couldn't stop the words coming from your mouth. "Take me as you want... please, Silco."
The vampire lowered himself, making him eye level with you as he reached his slender hand up your nightgown. Trailing his fingers along your warm skin. He felt like ice. A slight sting came with each drag of his fingers just from how drastic the temperature was between you. Hovering over your arousal. Searching your eyes for any sign of discomfort or fear. But there was only that pleading look again. Silently begging him to keep going. To take control.
You meant what you said.
His fingers hooked your underwear to the side as he pushed a digit between your folds. Groaning as he felt how wet you were getting. Still shy from what was needed but he didn't mind taking his time. Silcos lips returned to your neck. Sucking on the same spot from before as you let out small breathy moans.
You let out a choked yelp as you felt him rub against him. Collecting as much slick as he could before rubbing your clit in tight circles.
"This will only hurt for a second."
You doubted you could even speak. Your tongue felt like cotton in your mouth, your face burning. But you wouldn't be given time to ask regardless, his teeth breaking through your skin in a sharp prick of pain. His tongue still licking where he could to keep you numb.
Your head rolled back, keeping you propped up by the fireplace as he pushed his a finger inside. Slowly thrusting it in and out until he could go knuckles deep. Your neck felt warm. Just processing the small trickle of blood trailing down as he greedily sucked. Groaning as he sunk his fangs in deeper.
It wasn't long before he could push in another finger. Your hips bucking at all the pressure. His thumb still working circles on your clit as he fingered you. The feeling of his lips melding against your throat. The fuzzy feeling his saliva offered. The burning heat that sparked through your veins as you let out another moan.
Your body jolted as he suddenly picked up his pace. You grabbed at his shoulders as he grunted. His fingers scissoring you between furious thrusts. His sucking becoming overly sloppy as he had his fill. Prying himself away as he licked the left over blood.
He panted as he nuzzled his face against your jaw. Letting out a breathy laugh as you whimpered. "You spend so much time on your knees I'm sure what I have in store for you will be easy." He teased, letting out a cruel chuckle.
"How about you pray for forgiveness whilst you suck on my cock, letting a vampire feed on you and finger as you moan like a needy slut."
Silco removed his fingers from you. Moving your underwear back in place as he gave your sex a small slap. You whined at the impact. Your body finally giving out, falling to your knees as you looked up at the man. Hands shaking as you clasped your hands together.
"Please...I'll do it."
The man leaned down for a moment. Nuzzling his nose against your cheek as he whispered. "If anything I do or say makes you uncomfortable or want to stop, tell me and I will."
You felt your body loosen as you nodded. Just catching the soft look he was giving you before It went back to a hardened glare. The coal haired man smirked as he started to unbuckle his pants, trying to hide the growing annoyance at how elaborate it was.
Once he could free himself, you slightly backed up. Stunned by the mere size of it. You've seen the human anatomy many times from books and your travels to the wounded but this - this was something else. A long strip of hair trailed down from his bellybutton to his cock. It was beautiful. What it lacked in girth, though wasn't the skinniest penis you've seen, it made up completely in length.
"Keep your hands together, you're praying, remember?"
You didn't need to be told another time. Forcing your hands clasped tight as you leaned forward. Unsure what to do, looking back up at the man for guidance. The cock felt heavy against your cheek.
"Need guidance, little dove?"
You nodded. "Yes, tell me what to do." Your voice was breathless as Silco grabbed at your head, tugging it back.
"Open your mouth, just suck on the head."
You did just that. Feeling your cheeks puff out as you took in the head, sucking on it as it weighed down on your tongue. Silco groaned as he tried to resist all temptation. He'll be merciful for now. "Good pet, that's it."
You immediately perked at the praise. Happy to know you was doing well. After a few more sucks you were pulled off his cock.
"Now, let's hear that prayer, go on, beg for forgiveness."
"Dear Goddess above, to the spirit of our word and the light that shines down upon us, forgive me for falling to temptation-"
Before you could continue his cock was shoved past your parted lips. Jumping in surprise as Silco slowly began to thrust in and out. Keeping his thrusts small to not overwhelm you too much.
"Keep going, I need to know you really mean It."
You did your best trying to speak. Choking on your words as they only grew more muffled. The thrusts becoming bigger and more harsh as you gagged. Tears pricking your eyes, your nails digging into your knuckles. Only a meek 'please' was heard before you moaned. Drool dripping down your chin as tears streamed down. Licking sheepishly at the cock in your Mouth as your mouth was getting fucked. The vampire couldn't stop watching; fixated on the scene before him. Watching your body shake, trying desperately to keep your hands together. Doing your best to take what you could into your mouth.
You let out a whine as your head was yanked back, the man's cock hovering over your parted lips. Drool connecting you to it as it dripped slightly in pre-cum.
"Keep that mouth open, tongue out."
Following every order you kept let the drool drip off the pink muscle. Watching in awe as Silco began to pump his cock.
"Keep praying, dove, then you'll get your reward."
"Please forgive me, I am devoted to you, I need you to forgive me, I'll be so good, please-" all your words turned to whiny pleas as you watched the man Infront of you get closer to his release. Silco couldn't stop the grunts that escaped him as he began to squeeze along his shaft.
His hand quickening along with your pleas. He let out a loud groan as his cum squirted on across your face. Caking your nose and cheek with white ropes whilst most of it fell on your tongue. You hummed at the salty taste, it wasn't unpleasant, warmer than you expected.
Silco bite his lip as he watched his cum drip down from his cock, you immediately adjusted yourself so it went into your mouth. Trying to get every last drop. His hand slammed on the fireplace wall as he guided his cock back into your mouth. Letting you lick up what was left of his cum.
"So good, you're doing so good." He cupped your face, stroking your cheeks. He kept himself standing there. Catching his breath as he felt warmth spread to his cheeks. Eyes growing hazy as he kept petting your face.
"Have I pleased you, my lord?" Your voice caught him off guard, you kept his cock against your cheek. Lowering your clasped hands into your lap.
The title caught him by surprise. Only his servants called him that. He blinked down at you with his good eye. His golden eye stuck in a constant stare. His lips formed into a large grin as he felt himself twitch.
"Yes, I'm going to reward you handsomely, my precious pet." He moved back, slowly taking off his shirt, untieing it's string before throwing it off. He moved to the bed as he kicked off his trousers and boots and his briefs too.
You remained where you were. Unsure what to do.
"Come here, I need to prep you." He patted his thigh as he curled his fingers towards you.
You began to crawl towards him, making Silcos hands clench into fists. Accepting the his hands as you were lifted from the floor and to his lap.
"Do you want this off or on?" The man asked, balling the light fabric above the your hips. You thought for a few moments before placing your hands on his, keeping them in place.
"On, please."
"Of course, my lovely." He guided you to the bed. Lowering you on it as he kept the fabric pushed up, revealing your sex to the cold air.
You didn't dare to watch as you felt the vampires lips trail up your thigh. Slender hands squeezing at your hips. Your eyes glued to the ceiling as you gulped. Jumping as his nose nuzzled into your folds, only peeking down to see Silco squeezing your thighs closer to his head as he licked a long strip up to your clit.
You couldn't stop it, letting out a sharp gasp, back arching as you gripped at the bedsheets. Silco held nothing back, kissing up until he wrapped his lips around your clit. Sucking on it as he lapped at it. The attention made your legs shake as you melwed.
Squirming as he hungrily sucked. Wet slurping filled the room as he left open mouth kisses back down to your folds. His nose brushing against your bud making you grind against it. Finding it perfect size as he prodded his tongue inside.
"Oh-! Yes! That feels- feels so good-!"
Your hands found it's way in his hair. Tangling your fingers through it as you kept grinding yourself against the bump of his nose. His fingers joining his tongue as he resumed fingering you.
"You taste devine - every part of you." Silco took in a sharp inhale, burying his face in your thigh as he bit down. Just enough to draw some blood but not enough to drink.
"Lord- please - I need your mouth-"
You don't know where this was coming from. Whining as you tugged at his head. He parted from your thigh with a wet pop. Looking up at you. His lips and chin shining from your wetness.
"Everytime you call me lord it seems as if you are referring to a god." He mused. Ignoring your distressed noise as he hovered over you. "Am I your God this evening? Are you going to pray for my cock?"
His cock brushed along your inner thigh. Kissing your sex making you twitch. Small beads of tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you looked up at him.
"Please Lord- put it inside me, consume me, I'm yours."
He grabbed your chin. Slowly dragging his tongue along his teeth as he lined himself up against you.
"Oh sweet pet, I'm going to ruin you, making you cry as I fuck every thought from that pretty little head, no real god can save you but I'm here and you're going to worship every inch."
You could only nod. Your words caught in your throat as you pawed at his back. He sunk into your wet heat, groaning at how well you were accepting him. He grabbed your legs and pushed them to your chest. Hitting as deep as he could with one strong thrust.
Your body bounced, his hips snapping against yours. His lips finding your neck once more and sucked. Bruising the skin as he nibbled. The sensation of being filled over and over again had you seeing stars, the pace was brutal. Stars flickering in your eyes as you whimpered. Your voice completely lost in choked breathes.
"Taking it so easily, are you sure you're not a slut?"
"N-no! I've never -!" You were able to muster. Your moans breaking your words.
"Ah,so you're just a natural cock sleeve, so perfect for me." He cooed. Watching the way you couldn't keep your hands still. Clawing at his back and then grabbing at the sheets.
Clenching around him with every degrading word. Begging for him everytime he pulled back, trying to suck him back in. Your body needed him as much as he needed you.
"Who's your God now, little dove? Who's answering your true prayers?"
"You silco-!"
"Imagine if I send you back to that church of yours, my cum still leaking out of you, bites covering your body - what would they say?"
You whimpered. Moving your hips to try to meet him halfway. "That i'm a sinner."
You moved your head to the side. Unable to meet his knowing eyes as he chuckled. Letting out a long groan as your walls squeezed him tight.
"Oh you are, the way you feel around me is nothing but sin - so desperate for me."
Your noises were muffled, his lips crashing onto yours. His tongue slivering past your lips and swirled within your mouth. The taste of yourself making your head spin. The bitterness from your sex and the sweet iron of your blood. You shouldn't enjoy it as much as you did but it was too good.
You couldn't stop your eyes rolling back as the head of his cock slammed into your pleasure spot. Crying against his mouth as a new feeling crashed over you. A binding knot forming in your gut he kept fucking into you. Hitting that spot over and over again. His fingers finding your clit once more and rubbed at a pace just as fast and brutal as his thrusts.
Not even his lips could silence the scream you let out as your back lifted completely off the bed. A binding light flashing before your eyes as the knot snapped with a sudden rush.
Cumming hard on his cock. He let out a deep groan as he kept fucking into you. Unrelenting in the pleasure he gives as you sobbed from the overstimulating. It felt too good to stop.
"Going to fill you, claim you completely as my own-!" He grunted through gritted teeth.
Thick ropes filling your hole as he finally slowed down his thrusts. But his finger on your clit remained constant. Your whole body shook as you came once more. Gushing all over him as you heaved. Only then did he stop.
Letting his pace become sloppy as another orgasm was ripped from him. Much weaker than the first but more sudden.
He let go your leg and curled into you. Bringing your body with him as he laid on his side. Keeping you connected as he tangled his legs into yours.
"Are you alright?" He pushed himself up on his elbow, cupping your face. Eye flickering over your dazed expression.
"Ye- yes my lord."
You swallowed your drool as you melted into his touch. He shook his head. "Just call me Silco, my lovely, no need for titles now."
You just nodded. Humming as you let his name trail off your lips. Snuggling into his cold chest. Sweat covering your entire body. You felt as if you were on fire. He felt so nice. So cold. He just stroked your face, letting you rest. Letting out a breath of relief as he laid back down. Knowing he got exactly what he wanted.
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themetaphorgirl · 1 year
i love patron saint so much and im incredibly glad quiddoditto got me into it a few years ago. if ur still takin drabble requests, may i request some spencer fluff, please? the poor kid needs a break 😅
Absolutely!!! As often as I put Spencer through the wringer, I also love to write sweet happy soft things for him.
This is a POV shift of a scene from an Aaron-centric fic that I can’t post yet, but trust me, I will as soon as I can! Also you can thank Maeve for making it canon that Aaron can play the guitar.
He woke up alone, but not scared.
Spending the summer at the Blakes’ had been the best summer of his life so far. He helped out at the bakery, they took him swimming and to the zoo and to the library, he got to play on James’s old swingset in the backyard. And while he had his own bed to sleep in, most nights he got to cuddle between the twins. Like he was their real little brother.
He woke up in slow contentment all by himself, the pillows and sheets around him still crumpled in the shapes of Aaron and Alex. The house was still and quiet, birds starting to softly chirp outside the window as the morning sun turned everything pink and gold. He climbed out of bed, untangling his blanket from the covers, and padded down the hall and down the stairs.
Spencer wandered through the house until he spotted the twins out on the back porch. Aaron sat on the swing, still in his pajamas, his dark hair falling over his forehead as he played the guitar he’d been given the night before. Alex sat across from him on a wicker bench, barefoot in a red gingham sundress, sipping from a mug of coffee as she listened.
He opened the sliding glass door and slipped outside, biting back a yawn. Alex smiled at him and set her coffee down. “It’s still early,” she said as she held out her arms. “You should go back to bed.”
He climbed into her lap. “Everybody was out here,” he objected, nuzzling sleepily into her neck. “And I want to hear Bubba.”
Aaron smiled, switching to a song that sounded vaguely familiar. He sang along, his voice soft and a little rusty. It was something from one of the Disney movies Penelope had made him watch, something he had never seen before but Aaron had probably grown up with.
Spencer snuggled against Alex, his blanket draped over him to protect from the light damp chill of the early morning. She hummed along lightly, her hair falling soft and wild over her shoulder to tickle his cheek. The gentle vibrations and the familiar scent of laundry detergent and sleep and violet perfume clinging to her made him sigh in contentment. She rested her hand on his stomach and he fidgeted idly with her fingers.
Aaron kept playing, mostly singing along, Alex’s husky voice picking up for him when he forgot the lyrics. The sun rose a little higher and a little brighter, and birds started to call to each other a little more brightly, and through the sliding glass door he could see Ned and Charlie starting to make breakfast.
Aaron sat back, balancing the neck of the guitar carefully as he shook out his hand. “I think I’m all out of songs,” he said.
“You’ll learn more,” Alex said. She tilted her head. “Are you happy?”
Aaron grinned, raking his hair out of his eyes. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I am.”
Spencer smiled. He was happy too.
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antichrist-ish · 2 years
fair warning, i have not wrote fanfiction since i was 12. i am rusty
modern au !diluc / gn! reader
themes of anxiety, burnout, self esteem issues, angst&comfort/fluff
pet names, sweetest, dove, beloved etc
so heavy
it all felt like too much. the pressure on resting upon your head seeping into your back muscles. school has not given you a break since the beginning, stress from your family, and your dying need to be perfect. it all hurt so much as you dragged yourself home, you’re current only wish to throw yourself in bed and hide away until you feel better to show yourself to the world.
you don’t know how much time has passed since you arrived home to your tiny apartment near campus, or the reason why you simply cannot sleep despite the total darkness that envelops your room. you’re so lost in your own head your unable to hear your front door unlocking, the opening and closing of doors.
“y/n?” a gentle voice startles you, drawing you closer to tears. yes you loved your boyfriend, diluc, so much and while you two had been friends pinning on each other heavily, you just felt so terrified and the idea of him seeing you like this.
“y/n what’s wrong, dove? i texted and called you wondering if you wanted to go out with me but…” dilucs words drift, eyeing you along with your room. he knows how your parents stress you, and how much of a people pleaser to you and how that drains you. he hates to see you like this, you were not a helpless and independent creature. no, you were strong. one of the strongest person he knows, he sees how you’ve fought for what you believe is right and just. your achievements, everything that you’ve worked so hard for. but, he knows how insecure you get when the people closest to you shut you down.
you and diluc stare at each other in the darkness. he wants to scoop you up and comfort you, or give you silent support by just sitting by your side as you coped in your own way.
“it’s just,” you begin to mumble out loud, his crimson eyes look at you softly. “it feels like so much. everything feels so damn heavy and i just feel like im not enough and all that im doing will end up… like it’ll all end up with me looking like a fool who wasted their time.” you finish off with a wavy voice, tears threatening to spill. you sat up and beckoned him to sit with you, which he quickly agrees. in a moment you’re pressed into his chest, head tucked under his chin as he breathes in the smell of your hair.
“well my beloved, i’ll have you know that all of your hard work is absolutely paying off.” he assures, promptly continuing, “i see everything you’re doing for yourself, you’re working so damn hard in school and in work. everything you do simply amazes me, sweets. i can’t think of anyone else who aspires people like you, or who simply is just a pure joy like you are. everyone sees how much of a dedicated worker and friend you are. please y/n, believe me when i say you truly are an amazing person and im so glad to be able to stick by your side in this life.”
he stops to look at you in the eye, gently making you look at him with your chin in his hands.
“y/n i love you. trust me when i say you’re amazing.”
tears fall softly from your eyes as you press your head into his chest, grabbing at his shirt as you sob softly into the fabric. diluc holds your head, placing is own on top of yours and whispering sweeter than honey words into your scalp.
he feels as your sobs die down, grip loosening on his shirt; you’ve fallen asleep. he lays the both of you down, cradling your head and kissing your hairline.
“my sweetest love, one day you’ll understand how much you truly mean to everyone.”
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jasons-exposedspine · 5 months
I promise to protect you chapter 2
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Amy (my OC)
Warnings: bullying, name calling, fluff, angst
A/N: hello again lovely creatures I told you the next chapter would be out soon :) I hope you guys liked the first chapter. Again sorry about my writing it's very rusty but thank you for being gentle with me 😅 anyway I hope you like the next chapter of the story and I will be posting chapter 3 very soon 💜
"Which one should we pick Jason?" Amy asked whilst they walked around the camp and Jason pointed to one that was at the very back near the lake shoreline 'that one has roof beams you can climb on' he signed.
They ran up the steps of the cabin and pulled open the door, there were 2 beds on either side of the cabin with a bedside table in the middle with a lamp. Windows were on either side of the cabin above the beds and a fireplace near the door.
They chucked their bags on the beds and ran back outside slamming the door closed and ran through the grass giggling playing tag. When the bus full of kids came rolling in Jason stopped playing and stood there fiddling with his hands nervously.
Amy held his hand "don't worry we have eachother now they can't hurt us" she looked at him and back at the bus, Jason had a small smile on his face knowing he finally had a friend so he wasn't alone. They watched as the kids got off the bus and listened to one of the camp councillors and they all ran off to their cabins.
"C'mon let's see what's for dinner" Amy said and they ran to the kitchen cabin "Hello darlings did you find a good cabin?" Pamela asked whilst chopping onion "we did, I let Jason pick and he picked the best one." Amy's mum came in with some burger paddies and buns "Im making you some pasta with spaghetti sauce instead hon, no meat for you" Amy's mum said booping her on the nose.
"I'm allergic to meat" Amy moved her hair behind her ear nervously and Jason nodded "now do you wanna eat in the hall or you can take it to your cabin?" Jason and Amy looked at eachother in thought for a few seconds before answering "well I'm happy to do whatever Jason would like to do."
'I would like to eat in the cabin please' he signed and Pamela smiled "alright then dears I'll call you when dinner is ready" Jason and Amy ran off out the front door and to the lake shore. They walked along the shoreline trying to find cool bugs to look at and hold "Jason look at this cool stick bug" Amy pointed at a large stick bug walking on the trunk of a tree.
She put her hand on the tree trunk letting the stick bug crawl onto her hand, Jason looked at it with curiosity "do you wanna hold it?" Amy asked looking at him and he nodded back. Amy out her hand next to his and let the bug crawl onto his hand and he was absolutely amazed by it standing there letting it crawl on his arm.
"They're cool little things huh?" Amy watched it crawl up his arm in curiosity. "Well well look at Cruella Deville hanging out with with the freak show" Amy turned her head and her smile dropped.
A bunch of kids their age were standing there laughing "go away Ted" Amy said and stood in front of Jason "careful you might turn into a monster too" he said with a smug smile and all his friends laughed. "He isn't a monster leave him alone" Amy stood her ground and defended Jason.
"Ooo Cruella Deville has a crush on the freak show" they all laughed at his comment thinking they were funny, "C'mon Jason lets go somewhere else" she took his hand and they walked passed the group of kids. "Cruella Deville likes the freak show!" They chanted as they walked away "just ignore them Jason they're the monsters not you."
Amy squeezed his hand "ill protect you from them Jason your my friend and you don't deserve to be treated that way" Jason nodded and felt secure. She said he was her friend, his first ever friend and that made him feel warm inside. "Jason, Amy dinner is ready!" They heard Pamela call from the kitchen cabin and they ran over and up the steps of the kitchen.
"Have fun playing kiddos?" Amy's mum asked and they both nodded "That's good, now here's your dinner I out it in containers so you don't drop it walking to your cabin." Bronwyn handed them 2 red containers and a fork each "off ya go" she said and Amy held out her hand and Jason took it as they walked outside.
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yanderefer · 11 months
disappears for years. suddenly comes back. does not elaborate.
im trying to make an aesthetic ABOUT ME or whatever but i will fail so this is the best its gonna be for now. you can call me yan or fer idc. pronouns arent. he she they it i simply exist idc refer to me however
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i can write both platonic, romantic, or queerplatonic/ambiguous yanderes!
i accept requests at the moment
while this is a yandere blog i will not write situations where said yandere physically abuses the person they love it is just not my style...i draw the line at cruelty or hatred in that way. i also will not do any nsfw or suggestive work whatsoever just not my thing.
i will default to ambiguous yandere if its not specified in request. i will also default to gender neutral reader if not specified in request. also u can ask for poly stuff or friend group stuff though i likely wont write too many chars in one thing (if its a request)
uhhh i do not support this stuff irl but that should be hopefully obvious this is not real at all please dont read if it triggers you even if my stuffs kinda on the more gentle side
i love crack treated seriously so dont feel embarassed about requesting niche or bizarre characters. also dont be embarassed to detail traits for the reader/characters/general scenario you are looking for because i will just do whatever i want without guidance or prompt
if chars are ooc or certain aspects don't make sense i am just here to have fun be silly and wind down while writing dont take anything i do too seriously. i like to take liberties and make up headcanons on the spot. everything is self indulgent idc
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FANDOMS/THINGS I WRITE FOR (off the top of my head...some stuff i haven't listed so dont be afraid to shoot your shot i guess)
My Hero Academia (Bnha) (I love making up new quirks that cause problems. gimme quirk prompt for reader i will go crazy it doesnt even have to make logical sense)
Undertale (maybe...some aus? unsure.....)
Other various Indie RPGS
FE3H (i'm a bit rusty character wise, haven't played in a while)
Pokemon (depends on the character. will not write actual pokemon in romantic situations (unless the...reader is a pokemon too ig?) but human chars are good)
Spiderverse (i don't know spanish. also will vary on how much of a grasp i have on a character. not as confident and will take liberties)
Original Scenarios (if you just have a original character prompt like making up a situation like uhhh idk. reader in an isekai world and yandere is someone there...? random classmates? coffee shop meetcute? vrmmo shit? any of that webtoon tropes? idfk whatever my or your heart desires)
And random other medias not coming to mind rn (i literlly wrote a oneshot for the onceler idk ill do anything if its funny and piques my interest)
 ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
i will do my best. dont have expectations and u wont be dissapointed. i genuinely will just do what i want with promps i will either oneshot or drabble/those bullet point things i see on tumblr alot. have fun
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mugeesworld · 1 year
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Match up time! ♥︎
This match up is for a very nice person I chatted with in messages! I won't be giving you their description for their own privacy! If you ever don't want your description to be online but still want a matchup feel free to message me! We can work something out! ♥︎
This is a OPM match up! (One punch man)
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Please forgive me if im rusty with OPM. It's been a bit since I've watched it!
I think you belong with.....
Drum roll!!! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Genos!!! ♥︎
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I'm not saying that just cause you really like him. But because I think we would really like ya! :D
Genos is 5'10 so he's got some inches on ya. He definitely finds yours small/soft shape cute and comforting. When he first seen you he was mesmerized and just wanted to hug you sorta lol!
I think he would find the way you can see situations both is a negative way and in a positive way interesting. Likes the way you looks at things in different ways ya know!
He likes how you care for your friends and family. He sees how you want them to be happy and he thinks its nice.
When ever you are procrastinating or feeling nervous about your future he is there to listen or try and give logical advice to try and help.
Enjoys to watch you doodle. Just spaces out while watching you. Probably even try and copy it. Or if you try and show him how to draw, but he just ends up copying yours perfectly.
Genos definitely seems like the type to like humming birds. Or just bird watching in general. Just watching them as they fly around and vide
Genos is the type to just flat out say something like it is. A lot of the time not thinking about how it would effect the person he is speaking with. But when talking with you he would try and think before speaking cause he doesn't want to make you upset.
It says on Genos fandom page that before meeting Saitama he was very serious but after he became less serious all the time and relaxed. And I think the more he is around you the more he can open up and not always take things so seriously.
If you and Genos we're to ever do anything in sexual terms he would be so very gentle. Like always asking if you're ok. Cause he is a cyborg so he never pictured himself doing this stuff (not that he doesn't want to) and he doesn't want to hurt you.
Every step of the way though. Every moment he is checking in on you. Saying a few praises like. "You're doing so good" "You're so pretty/handsome" and if you ever feel overwhelmed during or unsure he will stop immediately!
Ty for requesting! I hope you enjoyed! ♥︎
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