#ikemen sengoku fanfic requests
writingwhimsey · 7 months
300 Follower Celebration- Fluff, Smut, or Crack with Tropes!
Alright everyone, I think I've finally started to come up with exactly what I want to do for my 300 follower celebration.
I want to take some favorite fanfic tropes and turn them into some fics! So here is what I am thinking.
Pick a suitor, pick a trope, and then pick fluff, smut, or crack and i will write a fic based on those choices.
Fandoms: ikemen sengoku, ikemen vampire...and I will include ikemen prince
ikemen sengoku: all except for Kicho
ikemen vampire: all (I will attempt to write for any of them, but I haven't read all routes yet)
ikemen prince: Jin, Clavis, Leon, and Chevalier (these are currently the only characters from ikepri I feel like I have a grasp on and could write for)
Tropes (these are just some examples if you have a favorite trope that isn't listed here feel free to request it):
Only one bed
Body swap
Fake dating/fake marriage
Blind Date
Arranged marriage
Secret Dating
And then don't forget to decide if you want a fluff fic, smut fic, or crack fic!
Must be 18+ to request smut!
taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @violettduchess @kisara-16
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
A Simple Game
Who will win when The God of Deceit, The Tiger of Kai and the Silver Kitsune all have the same goal?
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Requested by @venulus
Prompts: May I, please, request: Mitsuhide, Shingen & Motonari + “I can explain” + Only one bed + SFW
Word Count: 2400+
Warnings: None
Some stories begin with ‘once upon a time,’ and some can only begin with ‘it was a dark and stormy night.’ This story… is the latter, for it was a dark and stormy night, a night when the Gods Raijin and Fujin hurled thunder, lightning, wind, and rain at unlucky travelers. Such a night was not a night to be in the elements, and anyone caught in this sudden cloudburst sought whatever shelter they could find, be it cave, farm, or…
…an ordinary Inn at the edge of an ordinary posting town. Though the Inn wasn’t fancy, it was neat and clean, and more importantly to hapless refugees from the storm, it was warm and dry. Though not famous for its meals or for the prettiness of the tea maids, it was a perfectly acceptable place to spend the night.
And it was on this dark and stormy night, that three men were forced by the elements to take shelter at this very Inn.
This very small Inn.
This very small, crowded Inn.
This very small, crowded Inn with … only one vacancy.
Had the three men been travelling together, or had they been close friends, there might be no story to be told. But these men were not close friends, nor were they close to being friends, and the fact remained that there was only one room, with one bed in it, and three strangers who wished to have that room.
The Innkeeper was a fair woman, and in this situation, would have simply given the room to the first man to arrive. However, she had not been at the entry when the first of the strangers crossed the threshold, and none would admit to having entered after the others. Indeed, it wasn’t clear even to them who had stepped inside the building first, as they had not paid attention to anything but their desire to escape the driving rain.
At a loss, the Innkeeper led the three men to the common room, settled them around the ash pit where a kettle of steaming water was kept hot over coals, and asked if they would be willing to decide between themselves who should be given the room. With the promise of tea and hot soup to warm them up while they talked, the strangers acquiesced to this plan. Relieved, the Innkeeper promised to keep a careful watch over their saddlebags in the meanwhile.
“So, ‘friends,’ how do we go about making this decision?” asked a sun-browned man with white hair. He introduced himself to the others as Shojumaru and revealed that he was a merchant travelling from the port of Sakai. “Trial by combat? Heh heh?” He laughed a little at his own joke, but his black gloved hand stroked the hilt of his sword with an emphasis that suggested he wouldn’t mind being taken seriously.
“Dear me, you are rather bloodthirsty for a merchant, Shojumaru.” With a gleam in his amber-gold eyes, the speaker shifted position, revealing a musket at his side. “Although that certainly would be one way to eliminate the competition for the room would it not?”
The third man, a tall man with smoky eyes and red-brown hair, who had introduced himself as Shin, a pilgrim on his way to the shrine at Togakushi, spoke up. “It also would create quite the mess that this poor maid would have to clean up.” He winked at the young woman who brought their tea, “thank you, Angel,” then returned his attention to the other two. “And it would be an unpleasant death for you…”
He tilted his head toward the man with the musket, who obligingly supplied his name. “Kyubei. And why would that be?”
“In this weather, a matchlock weapon is more than likely too wet to fire. Shojumaru could cut you down before you even lit the fuse.” He took a long sip of tea, calm and ambivalent to the potential death of this Kyubei.
“Heh. And what would stop me from killing you after that, Shin?” Shojumaru seemed half-excited, half-curious about that prospect.
“My sheer force of personality,” Shin replied with a friendly smile. “Besides, we can contest the room without spilling blood. Why not simply challenge each other to a game of riddles?”
Though Shojumaru scoffed at this suggestion, Kyubei’s face held a flicker of interest. “A battle of the minds? Intriguing idea. Yes. I would be pleased to match wits with… you both.”
“If the two of you are content to play children’s games, then I’m more ‘an happy to take advantage of the easy win.” The merchant waved away the maid bearing a plate of fish stew with a grumpy gesture. “I ain’t hungry.”
After a brief consultation, it was decided that each contestant would ask one riddle. Answering the riddle correctly would yield one point, while posing an unanswerable question would net two.
In spite of his initial reluctance, Shojumaru willingly offered the first riddle. “What is the one question that you can never answer yes to?”
“Are you asleep?” Kyubei responded immediately.
“That, is a question I have never needed to ask any of my companions.” Rather than directing his response to the others, Shin slanted a wicked grin to the maid who refilled his tea, and was rewarded with a shy blush.
Kyubei ignored the byplay between Shin and the maid. “Try this one – it involves numbers, Shojumaru, so as a merchant you ought to have no problem.” He cleared his throat, and recited, “Eleven men walking by, eleven pears hanging high. Each man takes a single pear and leaves eleven hanging there. How is this so?”
But it was Shin who answered the so-called mathematical question first. “I can explain that easily. There were twenty-two pears to begin with, hanging in pairs of two. Thank you, Kyubei, I do enjoy word play.” As it was his turn to ask a question, he continued. “When I am soft, I cut through rocks, but when I am hard, you will need no locks.”
His opponents paused so long that it might have been understandable for Shin to consider himself the victor, before Shojumaru slapped his hand on the table hard enough for their cups to vibrate, causing tea to slop over the edges. “A river. The rushing water in spring will cut through the land, and when frozen, there’s no need for a lock to traverse it.”
“Indeed. And with that, my friends, we are tied.” Shin paused to withdraw a hand towel from his kimono to blot up the tea. “Shall we continue through another round?”
“Bah, once was enough for me.” Shojumaru called the maid over and requested that she bring his pack to him. Once reunited with his luggage, he rooted around until he found a deck of karuta. “You gents familiar with the Nanban game ‘Ombre’?”
Neither was, but both were willing enough to learn it, if it meant earning the right to that last bed. Although the rules were somewhat complex, the game itself was a simple enough structure of rounds that included bidding to determine the strongest suit amongst the ‘cups, coins, clubs, and swords,’ followed by highest card takes the hand. The three men each found themselves almost enjoying the bidding rounds, for, as Shin put it, “there is a rather crude strategy in determining your own cards’ strongest points and deciding whether their opposites are contained in your opponents’ hand or in the pile.”
Kyubei gazed at him over his own hand. “You display a rather deep understanding of strategy for a simple pilgrim, Shin.”
“And you’re rather cheeky for a simple courier, Kyubei.” Shin seemed unconcerned by either the implied threat from Kyubei or his own observations. With a smile, he glanced at Shojumaru. “Meanwhile Shojumaru is rather volatile for a merchant. All people are more than what they appear to be – and on a stormy night like tonight, perhaps it would be best for everyone if we take them for what they seem.”
“Are the two of you going to gab, or play the game?” Shojumaru tossed down a card that was overtaken instantly by Kyubei’s higher one.
“I believe that is … what was the term you used? Sacada?” Kyubei raked in the pile of stones the group was using as currency. “I also believe, Shojumaru, that you are out of markers, and therefore have lost.”
With a scowl, Shojumaru gathered up the deck. “In that case, I’ll leave you two to fight over the room.” He called for the maid to find his geta and mino, as he shouldered his pack. “There must be another Inn nearby that will have a room.”
With a mocking bow, he took his leave of them. Once he was safely outdoors, Shojumaru grinned widely and directed a laugh to the skies, for though Shojumaru was indeed a name from his childhood, his true name was Mouri Motonari, the God of Deceit. Motonari was satisfied with the events of the night. He’d tested the skills of two of the era’s most renowned spymasters, obtained insight into how they operated, and escaped without them learning his identity.
Yes, it had been a good night.
Back inside the Inn…
“He lost on purpose,” Shin told Kyubei, for he had kept track of the cards played.
“I figured as much.” Kyubei glanced around the room, nodding to another man, a man with long dark hair. The dark haired man nodded back, then headed out into the storm. “Hm. I wonder if the proprietor keeps a shogi set on hand… unless you’d be willing to give up the room to a simple courier.”
“I would not.” Shin signaled the Innkeeper. “Although playing shogi amounts to much the same, for I am in no way a master of that game.” Even with that disclaimer, he was willing enough to play, and as the Innkeeper did keep a game board on hand, the two moved to a low table to continue their competition.
Kyubei tossed five tokins onto the board – enough landed promotion side up to designate him the first player. As both men stuck to standard moves to open the board, they were able to make idle conversation. “You sent your man out after him?” Shin didn’t identify the ‘him,’ but Kyubei correctly interpreted the question to mean Shojumaru.
“Dear me, who do you take me for? We’ve already established that I’m only a simple courier.” At Shin’s disbelieving look, Kyubei added, “I imagine that someone interested in the activities of this Shojumaru would be extremely incompetent if he did not have the man followed.” Kyubei advanced the silver general. “There could be any number of interested parties out there following him… ninjas… mitsumono…?”
“One could make that assumption.” It would be an incorrect assumption; the mitsumono were actually tailing ‘Kyubei’s’ man. As Shin did not care to continue that line of conversation, he picked up a shogi piece and turned it over and over in his hand. “I find it interesting that the only two characters in shogi who cannot be promoted are the king and the gold general, for the king cannot become a God, and the gold general… cannot become a king.”
“I find it interesting that a man so willing to philosophize about the nature of a wooden tile, is indeed not very good at this game.” Kyubei studied the board. “Unlike Shojumaru, I can tell that you are making a concerted attempt to win here. You are not even close to succeeding.” He shook his head and tsked. “I truly hoped to find a competent opponent in you.”
Unconcerned, Shin attempted to wrest the tide of the game back to himself. “I did tell you that in Shogi, I am no more than an amateur.”
“So you did. I hoped it was a lie to lure me in.” Kyubei’s castle formation closed in on Shin’s king.
“Would I do that?” Shin winced as one of his pawns was taken off the board. “As it happens, I find there are too many other things that need doing ahead of practicing a game, even one that involves complicated strategy.” Shin took another long moment to admire the tea maid – and she took a much longer one to admire him back. “Why play a strategy game, when so much of life… love… war… is already strategic?”
“Because,” Kyubei replied, as he picked up the rook, “it’s never simply a game. One can learn so much about an opponent by facing them across the board. Are they ruthless? Are they focused? Who are they willing to sacrifice to achieve victory? Who do they try to save?” He gestured to the game board, where Shin’s pawns were mostly all still in play, alive, unsacrificed. Then he placed the rook before the king. “Checkmate.”
Without waiting for Shin to confirm, Kyubei stood up. “I believe I have won the right to the room.” He bowed to Shin, then followed the waiting maid up to the second floor, to claim his prize of a room and a bed for the night. As he made himself comfortable on the futon, he smiled to himself. Yes, it had been a profitable evening. One of his spies was making headway on the identity of this Shojumaru, he had bested the Tiger of Kai in a game of shogi, and more importantly, he’d obtained insight into how his opponent thought and operated. With that happy thought, the Silver Kitsune, whose name was not Kyubei, but Mitsuhide, dropped off to sleep.
Ah, but do not worry about the man Mitsuhide called the Tiger of Kai. While Shin had kept the other two men occupied with the games, the Innkeeper, who was one of his mitsumono, had carefully searched their belongings. Nor was he going to be turned away without a soft place to sleep, for the maid invited him to spend the remainder of the night in her bed. Yes, he too was pleased with the evening. Not only did he have a warm bed and an enthusiastic companion, but he’d gained insight into how his opponents thought and operated. With that happy thought, the man, whose name was not Shin, but Shingen, dropped a kiss on the forehead of the well-satisfied maid, cuddled her close, and drifted into sleep.
And so, while the tale of the game between The Silver Kitsune, The Tiger of Kai, and the God of Deceit began ominously, not with a ‘once upon a time,’ but ‘a dark and stormy night,’ it ended happily enough for all involved parties.
…especially the maid.
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jasper-lily · 1 year
Planning on writing some one shots soon! If anyone has any requests I’m very open to em! I mainly write fluff and angst, smut is not my strong suit so may be a fade to black situation if spice is wanted. Ship fics and slash reader fics are cool!
Who and what I write for:
My hero academia
Harry Potter
Ikemen Sengoku
Fire emblem
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For the second time, @xxsycamore and I are bringing to you a week-long exploration of the trope Alternative Universe! (link to last year’s challenge here)
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Works of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons, etc.
Limited to otome fandoms - mobile otome games such as: IkeSeries (Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Villains, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Genjiden); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr Love: Queen’s Choice; Light and Night; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger and others, as well as console otomes.
This challenge takes place between June 19th and June 25th, 2023. The deadline for posting your works is July 15th (until midnight, UTC+2).
Instead of making the masterlist after the deadline, @xxsycamore who is in charge of it will try to create the post in advance and update it regularly during the challenge. Don’t hesitate to contact us if your work was done within the deadline but wasn’t featured in the masterlist. Or, if you prefer not to be featured on the masterlist instead!
When posting your works, use the tag #different universe same love ccc - you can as well tag @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help us find your work easier!
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
This challenge features a list of 14 AU prompts, two for each day, plus 7 dialogue prompts which you can match to your liking, if you want to. You’re free to create a work based on whichever AU you like more for that day. You can also create works for both AU prompts, and you can also mix the two prompts into one work! Whatever suits your preferences :) You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
You can find the lists of prompts on the banner above, as well at the bottom of this post.
Under the cut, you will also find a short explanation of each AU prompt, just in case there is anything unclear about them.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. You are free to choose the rating(make sure to mark your NSFW works accordingly, and if you’re minor, make sure not to interact with such!), and also the genre (the challenge’s main focus is romantic love, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships included are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You’re free to take requests from your audience using these prompt lists, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creators.
You’re absolutely free to post your works for this challenge after its deadline, July 15th - but please note that they won’t be featured in the masterlist!
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!:
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If you have any additional questions, we’ll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! We wish you happy creating!
Day 1 - June 19th- Bodyguard AU | Mafia AU
Day 2 - June 20th- Angels and Demons AU | Pirate/Mermaid AU
Day 3 - June 21st- Social Media AU |Coffee/Flower shop AU
Day 4 - June 22nd- Celebrity AU | Bookstore AU
Day 5 - June 23rd - Forbidden love AU | Soulmates AU
Day 6 - June 24th- Office AU | Circus/Magic AU
Day 7 - June 25th- FREE DAY (an AU of your choice!)
Dialogue prompts:
“Him? Are you kidding me? He’s not even my type!”
“We didn’t even exchange numbers! I’m such a fool.”
“We should have never met.”
“Ah, it’s you again! Do you come here often?”
“I’ll be waiting at our spot. Make sure no one sees you.”
“Promise me we will always have each other.”
“Maybe we’ll meet again someday.”
Under the cut you’ll find a short explanation of each AU:
Bodyguard AU - character A is appointed to protect character B
Mafia AU - an extension of Mobster AU, with a mafia setting - typically involves rivalry and enemies-to-lovers tropes
Angels and Demons AU - typically depicts the forbidden love between character A who is an angel and character B who is a demon. You can also write about Fallen angels/Ascended demons.
Pirate/Mermaid AU - an AU that features merfolk characters or pirates - or both!
Social Media AU - an AU where the characters meet on social media and begin their friendship/relationship online.
Coffee/Flower shop AU - typically resolves around a small business that character A either owns or works at, and their loyal customer, character B; but they can also be both customers, or coworkers.
Celebrity AU - placing your character(s) in a setting where they’re famous. Other characters could be their fans; working with them, meeting them by chance…
Bookstore AU - similar to Coffee/Flower shop AU.
Forbidden love AU - a setting where the characters are forbidden from being together for whatever reason.
Soulmates AU - a setting where everyone has One True Love and the ways of finding it varies depending on the creator. An example of a popular Soulmate AU is “Your soulmate’s name is written on you”.
Office AU - a setting where the characters work together in an office.
Circus/Magic AU - a setting where the characters either work in the circus or are magic users - the latter involves anything fantasy-related, basically.
FREE DAY - The last day of this challenge is for you to choose your own prompt! It can perfectly well overlap with an already existing prompt. Maybe your favorite Alternative Universe wasn’t in the list above? This is your chance to include your idea in the list :)
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝗗𝗜𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - an Alternative Universe (AU)-based Otome Content Creation Challenge
Brought to you by me and the amazing @queengiuliettafirstlady, this content creation challenge is a week-long exploration of the trope Alternative Universe!
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Works of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons,...whatever your heart desires.
Limited to otome fandoms - IkeSeries (Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, etc.); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr Love: Queen's Choice; Light and Night; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger and others, as well as Visual Novel otomes.
This challenge takes place between June 13th and June 19th, 2022. The deadline for posting your works is June 25th (up until midnight, UTC+2).
On June 26th @queengiuliettafirstlady will publish a masterlist enlisting all works linked along with their creators. Don't hesitate to contact us if your work was done within the deadline but wasn't featured in the masterlist. Or, if you prefer not to be featured on the masterlist at all!
When posting your works, use the tag #different universe same love ccc - you can as well tag @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help us find your work easier!
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
This challenge uses a total of 14 prompts, two for each day. You're free to create a work based on whichever one you like more for that day. You can also create works for both prompts, and you can also mix the two prompts into one work! Whatever suits you :) You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
You can find the list of prompts on the banner above, as well at the bottom of this post.
Under the cut you will also find a short explanation of each prompt, just in case there is anything unclear about them.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFT works accordingly, and if you're minor, make sure not to engage/interact with such!), you're just as free to choose the genre (the challenge's main focus is romance, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You're free to take requests from your audience using this list, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creators.
This blog is not taking requests for this challenge, unless I state otherwise later on!
You're absolutely free to post your works for this challenge after its deadline, June 25th - but please know that they won't be featured in the masterlist!
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish and you can! :)
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Here is a free-to-use banner/header for the challenge!:
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If you have any additional questions, we'll be happy to help. There is no such thing as a stupid question, so don't hesitate to get in contact with us! We wish you happy creating!
Day 1 - June 13th - Modern AU | Historical AU
Day 2 - June 14th - Celebrity AU | Person of the arts AU
Day 3 - June 15th - Enemies AU | Soulmates AU
Day 4 - June 16th - Mythology AU | Fantasy AU
Day 5 - June 17th - Academia AU | Small shop AU
Day 6 - June 18th - Domestic/Family life AU | Role Reversal AU
Day 7 - June 19th - FREE DAY (an AU of your choice)
Under the cut you'll find a short explanation of each prompt:
Modern AU - moving the characters from non-modern setting to modern setting (they could be going to school, having jobs, etc. you have much freedom with this prompt!)
Historical AU - contrary to above, moving the characters from a modern setting to a specific time period (ex.: Ancient times, The Renaissance, Victorian Era, etc. )
Celebrity AU - placing your character(s) in a setting where they're famous. Other characters could be their fans; working with them, meeting them by chance...
Person of the arts AU - Character(s) who are artists, writers, singers, dancers, actors, everything linked with different forms of art.
Enemies AU - placing your characters in a setting where they're enemies (working in rival organizations, or maybe having a hero/villain dynamic.)
Soulmates AU - a setting where everyone has One True Love and the ways of finding it varies depending on the creator. An example of a popular Soulmate AU is "Your soulmate's name is written on you".
Mythology AU - a setting where the characters are beings from various mythologies.
Fantasy AU - basically everything to do with fantasy, let your mind run wild!
Academia AU - academic institutions of any kind, characters might be high schoolers just as they might be college professors, and anything inbetween.
Small Shop AU - combining the famous Coffee shop AU, Flower shop AU, Pet store AU, Bookstore AU... basically any kind of small shop business.
Domestic/Family life AU - Characters are settled down/have moved out in their own home, and/or started a family.
Role Reversal AU - also called Role Swap AU, a setting where two or more characters swap their roles/alignments, changing plot events. For instance, the MC might take the role of a suitor, and her love interest might take on the role of MC.
FREE DAY - The last day of this challenge is for you to choose your own prompt! It can perfectly well overlap with an already existing prompt. Maybe your favorite Alternative Universe wasn't in the list above? This is your chance to include your idea in the list :)
Once again, Happy creating! We can't wait to see your creations 🧡
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fighting-and-drawing · 10 months
Heart of the Warrior Masterlist
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Heart of the Warrior: A New Beginning
   Thai finally did it—he finally followed his old dream of living in Japan and started his new life abroad. One night as he was coming home from his job, he was suddenly thrust into an ominous storm as he passed by a memorial dedicated to the Honnoji-incident. Minutes later, he finds himself fighting off a group of samurai, saving the legendary Yukimura Sanada. Alongside Sasuke, another spontaneous time traveler who was thrown into the Past, he follows the risky strategy of becoming Yukimura's bodyguard in order to survive Sengoku Era Japan until they can make it safely back home.
   As time passes, the friendship between Thai and Yukimura grows, Thai soon finds himself falling madly in love with the Peerless Warrior. However, he wrestles with the implications of revealing the truth to Yukimura, fearing the ever-well-known consequences of rejection and pain. With the looming threats of both rejection and ruining another relationship, Thai resolves to stay by his side as his faithful bodyguard. However, when things take a turn for the worse, will he find the strength to reveal his feelings? Or, will he forever be lost to the shining moon that once lit hope inside his heart?
AO3 Link
Cybird Ikemen Sengoku Fanfic
Yukimura Sanada x Male!OC
Blood, Violence Warning
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Chapter List
Chapter 1: Rough Beginnings
Chapter 2: Inoshishi
Chapter 3: The Raven and the Wolf
Chapter 4: Potential
Chapter 5: The First Mission
Chapter 6: Meia Lua
Chapter 7: A Special Request
Chapter 8: Hajimari
Chapter 9: Sempre Lembrado
Chapter 10: Enter Ueda
Chapter 11: Ōkami no Naka no Hitsuji
Chapter 12: Truth Revealed
Chapter 13: Machibuse
Chapter 14: Shatter the Moon
Chapter 15: Iuli Kanamo Ang Among Bulan
Chapter 16: To Protect the Heart
Chapter 17: Risk it All
Chapter 18: All In
Chapter 19: Life’s a Mystery
Chapter 20: End of the Beginning
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Hi all
I’m going to be taking requests for fanfics for Wizardess Heart or from Sengoku Period time, which is Ikemen Sengoku. I’m into both right now... I do gay pairs though mostly.
My ships so far for Ikemen Sengoku are: Shingen x Kennyo, Masamune x Yukimura. I don’t know for the others yet... still playing the game.
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seriousoswald · 2 years
Very Important Post
I write fan fiction, you can find it here. Below I'll include a comprehensive list of fanfic I've written by title with a brief description (there is literally 1 from the ikerev fandom right now lol) I am willing to take one shot requests for the following IkeRev and IkeSen bois (I do not promise completion within a certain time period.) Please be specific in your request, I will keep everything rated T unless specifically requested otherwise.
Ikemen Revolution (updated as I complete routes):
Ray Blackwell, Sirius Oswald, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence, Seth Hyde, Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Zero, Edgar Bright, and Kyle Ash
Ikemen Sengoku (updated as I complete routes):
Nobu, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Mitsunari, Ieyasu, Yuki, Sasuke, Kenshin, Shingen
Fanfic master list:
A Tree of Red Camellias (Sirius x OC Female - longfic, 19 chapters 46,000 words - Incomplete as of 09/30/22)
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wispy-writer · 3 years
Hideyoshi bathes a sick mc
Mai wasn’t sure when she first started feeling ill but when she began doing her nightly routine of doing some embroidery before going to sleep when she felt a wave of nausea overcome her body. She barely had time to roll over before dinner came out the way it came in. She was sharing the futon with Hideyoshi when this happened, he was asleep before but upon hearing his lover becoming sick he sat up quickly. Though not in time to prevent dinner from ending up in her hair.
Gently he patted her back in an attempt to soothe Mai “how long have you been feeling ill?”
After wiping her mouth Mai looked at Hideyoshi, who could now see that her skin looked flushed and the usual sparkle to her eyes was absent tonight. “I don’t know, I just felt nauseous all of a sudden. I suppose I felt warm earlier but I didn’t think anything of it.”
Grabbing a handkerchief from his bedside table Hideyoshi handed it to her so that she could wipe her mouth better. “Stay here, I will get a servant to draw a bathe for you.” He would have done it himself but he didn’t want to spend a second away from Mai if he didn’t have to. He cursed himself silently for not noticing her being sick earlier. Then again if Mai didn’t know then how would he?
While Hideyoshi left to get a servant to draw a bath for Mai, she went ahead and cleaned the floor up. She didn’t want to subject someone to having to see her vomit. By the time she was done Hideyoshi returned to see Mai standing up. He rushed to her side and gently got her to sit back down, clearly his motherly instincts having kicked in. He kissed the top of her head and smiled warmly at her, though his concern showed in both his actions and his eyes.
“I want you to take it easy tomorrow, don’t worry about doing any cleaning. I will try to clear my schedule as much as possible so that way I can take care of you.”
Mai wasn’t exactly a workaholic, but she did tend to push herself and so did her lover, but she couldnt say no to those eyes of his. “I will try to take it easy tomorrow so that you don’t worry too much.” Even while sick Mai showed concern for Hideyoshi, that compassion for others was one of the reasons he fell in love with her.
A few minutes went by and a servant knocked on the door and spoke loud enough for the two inside to hear, “the bath is ready.” Not wanting to interrupt them further the servant hurried away. Mai had won over the hearts of the castle servants, so when word spread amongst the servants that she was ill they all formulated plans for doing something special during the day to help her feel better.
Guiding Mai to the bath Hideyoshi helped her undress herself, though he was surprised to see that she was suddenly rather self conscious and didn’t want his help undressing Redrawing his help he looked at her with concern, though when he went to speak she had already begun. “I wish you didn’t have to see me sick like this, I know you’ve seen me sick before but isn’t it kind of disgusting to see me with vomit in my hair.”
Hideyoshi gave Mai one of his smiles that warmed her heart like the sun against frost in the late winter mornings. “I love you Mai, I love you when you are healthy and your skin glows. I love you when you can’t sleep and get grumpy. I love you when your stomach growls and it sounds like a bear. I love you Mai, I love you all the time. Even when you are sick.” Ending this heart warming speech with a hug he helps her undress and get into the bath.
He helped wash the vomit out of her hair before washing it with a liquid mixture that Mai called shampoo and humming a small tune to distract Mai from her sudden illness. “I hope you get to feeling well soon, but if you want to look at the bright side of things it means I get to dote on you even more than I usually do.” Knowing how overbearing he could sometimes get when ‘doting’ on her Mai chuckled. It seemed she want going to be leaving her bed tomorrow, and probably the day after that too.
When the bath was done and Mai was in bed again Hideyoshi offered to brush her hair, not wanting to upset him Mai accepted. “Perhaps I should let you dote on me more often, this feels great.”
With a chuckle and a kiss on the cheek Hideyoshi agreed, “you really should. You work so hard around her. You are the glue that holds this place together.” Passing the brush through her hair again he was certain he had gotten all the tangles out. “You have such soft hair. Do you want me to braid it so that it doesn’t get tangled?”
Mai was surprised that Hideyoshi knew how to braid hair but she didn’t give it much thought. “I would love it if you did, it means a lot to me that you are doing this.” She barely had gotten the words out of her mouth when Hideyoshi began braiding her hair. He wasn’t a master at it, evident by the occasional tug here and there resulting in an ouch from Mai, but he was trying his best.
Hideyoshi finished the braid and kissed his lover on the cheek “do you want to try going back to sleep again or do you not feel up to it?” A quick yawn answered his question and he covered them both up. Hugging her close to his body. As they both drifted away to dreamland their dreams were not that dissimilar, both dreamed of each other as the night turned to day.
That concludes my first ever fanfic for Ikémen sengoku, I really enjoyed writing this piece. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. To tell you the truth, Hideyoshi was the first character I decided to romance in Ikemen sengoku. I loved the part where he took care of Mai when she was sick.
This one shot is 1,010 words long!
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Birthday Wish Come True
A request from my dear @zulablaise! For your special day. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day and that this humble gift brings a smile to your face!
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Motonari x OC (Tomoe)
Fluff with a hint of spice at the end!
I sat in the garden, looking at the flowers as I sipped my tea. I let out a sigh, as the melancholy that came to me this time every year was beginning to set in. I’d been doing my best to keep it at bay, but sometimes I just couldn’t help it.
“Alright, that’s enough of this.”
I turned at the sound of Motonari’s gruff voice. “Enough of what?” I asked, as he came to sit down beside me.
“Ya been sighin’ and lookin’ all gloomy for the last few days now.” He answered. “What’s got ya down?”
“It’s nothing.” I replied. “I just kind of get a little down this time of year. I’ll get over it in a little while.”
“Tomoe.” The way Motonari says my name so gently as me looking up at him. I could see the honest concern and the gentle affection in his red eyes. “Talk ta me. Tell me what’s wrong…how else ya gonna feel good?”
I gave him a small smile, happy at the concern he held for me. Happy at the love I felt coming from him. “Alright.” I said. “It’s just…my birthday is the day after tomorrow.”
Motonari’s eyes widened. “Deus, why didn’t ya tell me sooner? Don’t tell me yer one o’ them girls that gets all worried over turnin’ another year older?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” I answered. “It’s just…my birthday has never really been a big deal.”
“What d’ya mean by that?”
“Growing up…my mom, she never really made a big deal about my birthday. Sure, I’d get a party sometimes, but well…it never really felt like her heart was in celebrating me.” I explained. “She always worried about everyone and everything else. So, it just…never really felt like a special day. It was my birthday, but…I was put on the back burner, so to speak.”
“Well, it is a big deal.” Motonari said, his tone coming out rather disgruntled.
“Yer birthday is an important day. The day you were born is worth celebratin’.” He told me.
“No buts.” Motonari replied, placing a gloved finger over my lips. “Yer my girl…yer worth celebratin’.”
My heart gave a thump at his sweet words. “Well…I guess when you put it like that…”
Motonari smiled at me and leaned in to give me a tender kiss on the lips. “That’s my girl. You just leave everything ta me. I’ll make the biggest fuss over ya.”
“You don’t have to make it THAT big of a deal.” I tried to protest.
“After the fuss ya made over me and my birthday? Hell no.” Motonari replied. “’Sides what kinda man would I be if I didn’t make sure this was the best birthday my girl ever had? Gotta make this one so good ya ferget all ‘bout them bad birthdays.”
I suddenly felt myself feeling a bit lighter. For the first time in several years, I was actually starting to look forward to my birthday. If anyone could pull off making me feel special on my birthday…it was my handsome pirate king. “I’m actually…feeling kind of excited.” I confessed. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”
Motonari gave me a confident smile. His slipped his gloved fingers beneath my chin. “That’s my girl.” He said before drawing me in for a deep kiss, filled with so much love.
Two days later…
It had taken some effort, but somehow Motonari had managed to pull off a little trip for us. We had left the night I told him about my birthday and today we were arriving in one of the largest port cities of Japan. We spent the day out on the town, Motonari taking me to the largest fabric merchant and told me to pick out whatever fabric I wanted. Then he took me to several shops, buying me anything and everything that caught my eye.
Somehow with the limited time he’d had to plan, Motonari had even managed to have some gifts waiting for me at certain shops. Hair pins, new clothes, new sewing notions, the biggest bouquet of flowers I had ever seen. He took me to some tea houses and bakeries, getting all kinds of sweet treats for me. He’d even managed to find one that had some foreign dishes that were common in my time.
As were sitting down at the little restaurant and I was happily stuffing my face, Motonari grinned at me. “There it is.” He said, gazing at me tenderly.
“There what is?” I asked.
“That smile.” He answered.
“Well…I mean you did definitely go out of your way to make this birthday really special for me.” I replied. “Granted you always make me happy every day…just getting to be with you.”
Motonari looked away from me then.
“What?” I asked, leaning over to try and peer at his face. “Come on, you put this smile on my face. You should enjoy it.”
Motonari turned to look at me and that’s when I noticed why he had looked away. “M’lady ya gotta watch what you say sometimes.” He said, glaring at me, though the effect was lost with the slight flush on his cheeks.
My grin widened. “Did I fluster you?”
Motonari grumbled unintelligibly before leaning in to steal a kiss from my lips. “Don’t be lettin’ it go to them flowers in yer head.”
I giggled as my own cheeks reddened. He would never let me celebrate my little victory for long. But I was still happy none the less.
“Ya know, yer birthday ain’t over.” He told me. “I got another surprise fer ya.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“You’ll just have ta wait ‘n’ see. If told ya it wouldn’t be much of a surprise.” He replied, grinning at me.
Once we finished up in town, the sun was beginning to set and Motonari was leading me back to the ship. I was pleasantly surprised to see the deck of the ship decorated and a feast laid out. “Happy birthday, Princess.” Hiroyoshi and the crew greeted me with big cheers.
I felt tears stinging my eyes. I turned to Motonari. “You…you got them all to put this together for me?”
“Course, I thought I already told ya. Yer worth celebratin’.” Motonari told me, his voice so gentle and full of love.
“And we were all more than happy to agree.” Hiroyoshi informed me.
“Yeah, once I said it was fer you, the crew couldn’t a been more excited.” Motonari told me.
“We all want to celebrate ya, Princess.” One of the crew members spoke up.
“Yeah! Yer really great and we’re happy ta have ya ‘round.” Another exclaimed.
I couldn’t help but to smile even as tears of happiness spilled down my face. “You guys! Thank you all so much!”
“Come on, let’s enjoy yer party.” Motonari told me, wiping away my tears with gloved fingers.
“Alright.” I agreed, smiling.
The party went on for quite a while before Motonari and I were finally retiring to his cabin for the evening. Once we were alone, I threw my arms around him in a tight hug. “Thank you, Motonari.”
I felt his arms wrap around me. “I hope ya don’t think yer surprises are over.” He told me,
I pulled back to look up at him. “What do you mean?”
He gave me a mischievous grin. “Silly flower girl, I got one last present fer ya. Ya ready to unwrap it?” He then bucked his hips against me.
I flushed slightly but smiled. “Hmm, seems like that’s just as much a present for you as it is for me.” I teased.
Motonari grinned. “Just figured we been enjoyin’ the whole day together…might as well enjoy yer last present o’ the night together, too.”
I giggled. “I like that idea.”
Motonari was then cupping my face between his hands…his bare hands as during our hug, he had slipped them off without my notice. He was then drawing me in for a deep kiss. His tongue quickly parted my lips and I met it with mine. When he broke the kiss, Motonari was smiling so tenderly at me.
He scooped me up into his arms and carried me over to the bed. Still looking at me with so much love as he laid me down and slid over me. We were soon kissing again, our hands working to make quick work of each other’s clothes. We were soon a tangle of limbs as our bodies became one and we spent the last hours of my birthday making love.
Afterwards, we lay curled up together, my head resting on his chest as Motonari held me tight. “Happy birthday, Tomoe.” He told me. “I’ll spend the rest o’ my life with you and we’ll spend every birthday makin’ a big ole fuss, celebratin’ just how special ya are.”
I smiled as I looked up at him. “Thank you, my love.” I replied. “I definitely enjoyed this birthday…and I look forward to getting to celebrate with you every year.”
“Good…and next year’ll be even better since I’ll have more time ta plan.” He replied. “I love you, Tomoe.”
“I love you, Motonari.”
We were soon kissing again, leading into the rest of the night being filled with so much passion and love. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had a great birthday and it was all thanks to my love. Now, I couldn’t wait for next year.
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
*runs into askbox like a hungry cat presented with a piece of fresh, beautiful salmon*
AAAAAA 😳 This is so exciting! Okay okay okay okay okay.
Character: Masamune
Prompt: 7 (It's only a flesh wound).
Spice level: NSFW is okay
I hope you have fun with this event and thank you soo much for coming up with such a fun game!! ❤️ Thanks in advance for the piece too!
Hello, hello, and thank you so much for the ask! This ended up being borderline comedy/crack fic... I hope you enjoy it. I was happy to be able to write something for you (and of course, Masamune).
Title: A Dramatic Pawse (...part one)
Characters: Masamune, Shogetsu, with assists from Kojuro, Ieyasu, and additional 'help' from Mitsunari
Prompt: "It's only a flesh wound."
For: @mllorei @lorei-writes
Warnings: Slightly injured animal
Word count: 1500+
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“I’ll take the pointy end, you grab the rest.” Masamune briefly looked away from the snarling beast to check in with his vassal.
The confident statement gave Kojuro the courage to edge closer to the ball of belligerence, only be greeted by a warning hiss. “It’s all pointy.” Though he wasn’t unwilling to help, he would at least like some guarantee that he could perform this task without being flayed.
Acknowledging the truth of that, Masamune slowly circled his previously (until today) friendly tiger, all the while speaking in a calm, coaxing voice. “I know you’re in pain lad, but we’re trying to help you.”
Shogetsu finally recognized his human through the haze of pain and seemed to relax somewhat. Encouraged, Masamune slowly, cautiously, reached out to Shogetsu’s paw, trying to get a look at whatever had caused the tiger to limp into the manor a short while earlier.
Seeing a potential ‘bad touch’ approaching the ‘ouchie,’ Shogetsu swiped out with his other paw and growled again. Masamune backed away. “Kojuro, see if you can find Ieyasu and convince him to come over here.”
“Of course, Lord Masamune.” Kojuro’s respectful bow in no way revealed his inner sigh. It seemed he was not going to be able to escape the pointy bits and a flaying after all...
While waiting for Ieyasu’s arrival, Masamune seated himself closer to Shogetsu and began a quiet monologue, hoping to get through to the beastie. “War wounds are a fact of life, lad. I’m certain that whatever you fought looks far worse than you right now.”
Shogetsu pulled his sore paw closer to lick the injury. As the claws extended and retracted, Masamune spotted a shard of pottery lodged between the pads of his toes. “Ah. Your opponent was one of those vases that Hideyoshi loves so much. I confess, I might have done the same.” He again reached out to comfort his furry companion, but Shogetsu eyed him balefully and let out another warning rumble.
“You’ll be alright, lad. It’s only a flesh wound, but I’ve had enough of those myself to know that though they hurt like the devil, the pain doesn’t last. They’re badges of honor. Once Ieyasu fixes you up, I’m sure you’ll have something to show off to the lady tigers.” Masamune pulled back his sleeve, revealing a map of small scars, knicks and scrapes, acquired over years of war. He pointed to a long gash below his elbow. “Like this one. This scar was inflicted by none other than Nobunaga himself, though it was simply a sparring injury.” He lifted up the edge of his hakima and showed the tiger a newly healing slash along his leg. “As for this one…”
By the time a grumbling Ieyasu was ushered into the room, Masamune’s voice had grown hoarse from recounting the tales behind his battle scars.
“Some of us do have work to do.” Ieyasu set a basket of hastily gathered medical supplies on Masamune’s writing desk. “And Hideyoshi wondered why you missed war council.” He took a step toward Shogetsu. Not recognizing the new face, the tiger’s warning growl filled the room.  Ieyasu scooted out of range. “I can’t help him if he bites my hand off.”
“Kojuro and I will hold him still.” But a tiny note of doubt had crept into Masamune’s voice and Kojuro literally turned pale. After all, it had been their inability to examine Shogetsu that had prompted Ieyasu’s house call to begin with. “It’s his front left paw – there’s a broken piece of porcelain stuck in it.”
Heaving the sigh of a man suffering a thousand daily blows, Ieyasu found a jar of herbs amongst his supplies. “This might make him sleepy – if you have some meat to hide it in.”
While Kojuro escaped in search of fresh meat, Ieyasu set out a jar of ointment and a clean bundle of bandages. Masamune made a move to help, only to receive the glare of death and an Ieyasu-sized growling noise that somewhat resembled the same sounds emanating from Shogetsu. “Do I touch your cooking tools? No. I do not.”
“Fair enough.” Masamune stepped back and quashed an urge to pace. Truthfully, he had been more worried about Shogetsu than he let on. Lately the adolescent cub had been testing his freedom, spending more and more time away from home and exploring the environs around Azuchi. Masamune knew this was the natural order of things and would never have curbed a wild creature’s desire to explore, to run, to chase butterflies (or, well, small birds). But when Shogetsu hadn’t returned the previous evening for his normal meal, he’d become concerned. At this point, he was willing to do whatever he could to help the tiger recover.
Even if that meant backing away and letting Ieyasu be Ieyasu.
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Eventually, Kojuro returned with a bowl of fresh boar meat, which Ieyasu sprinkled with herbs.
“How do you know how much to give him?” From Kojuro’s vantage, it had seemed that Ieyasu had just grabbed a random amount and tossed it into the bowl.
“I don’t.”
Shogetsu let out another snarl. Ieyasu looked at the tiger, then back to the bowl of meat and added more herbs. “Nor am I at all certain that this will calm him down. It works on people. It didn’t work on a rabbit. But tigers are neither people nor rabbits.” He shoved the bowl into Masamune’s hands. “This, you may help with.”
Cautiously, Masamune approached Shogetsu and set the bowl in front of him. After a couple hesitant sniffs, the tiger licked at a sliver of meat, before gulping it all down.
“Now, we wait,” Ieyasu said.
When Shogetsu finally relaxed enough to allow Masamune to touch him, it was anyone’s guess as to whether it was the herbs or the full belly. But whatever the reason, Masamune was able to gently but firmly hold Shogetsu’s upper body, keeping his teeth and claws away from Ieyasu, while Kojuro was left the duty of keeping a firm grip on the other half (a.k.a ‘the lower pointy bits’ for those with little medical knowledge). Though Shogetsu once again protested this treatment, they kept him immobilized long enough to allow Ieyasu to remove the shard, slather the injury in ointment, and tightly bind the wound. “That will take care of it. The wound looked pretty clean, so he should make a full recovery.”
“Thank you,” Masamune said while Ieyasu checked the security of the bandage. The two simple words didn’t cover gratitude he felt, but he knew Ieyasu would be embarrassed by over-praise. He resolved to cook a few extra-spicey meals for the lad.
“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for the animal.” Ieyasu took a step back. And the another, in case Shogetsu decided to protest the treatment by going after the healer. “Why anyone would keep a dangerous wild animal as a pet is beyond my comprehension.”
“You have a wild animal as a pet.” Masamune kept a calming hand on Shogetsu’s head.
“First of all, Wasabi is not a pet. Emergency food supply. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Ieyasu grimly packed up his supplies. “Nor is she dangerous.” He gave Masamune a look that dared him to argue. “You can let him go now. I want to see if he can walk on it.”
Kojuro and Masamune simultaneously let go and stepped back (technically, Masamune stepped back. Kojuro jumped).
Everyone held their breath, waiting to see whether Shogetsu would get up.
Then, suddenly realizing that he was not only free, but also no longer in pain, Shogetsu sprang up and wildly bound around the room, careening off the walls and knocking things over.
“Hm. That’s the same reaction that the rabbit had when I gave it the herbs.” Ieyasu nimbly ducked out of the way as the tiger ricocheted over him.
“That’s…” Masamune considered a few choice words then settled on, “interesting. How long until it wears off?”
“Could take the rest of the day.” Ieyasu shrugged. “Er, I’d keep him away from other animals. When the initial excitement wore off, the rabbit became somewhat … amorous. Then again, rabbits. It might be different with tigers.”
“Shogetsu.” Masamune tried to get his attention. “You’ve had a long night, and a rough morning. Wouldn’t you like to take a nice nap?”
The tiger ignored him and continued to tear around the room. Even then, this situation might have turned out ok, had it not been for the arrival of a fourth party.
“Lord Masamune, I was told that Lord Ieyasu was here.” Mitsunari’s voice floated from the closed door. “May I come in?”
At that, all three men shouted over the sound of the crazed tiger.
“Keep the door shut!”
“Don’t come in!”
“I’m sorry.” Mitsunari slide the door open. “I could not hear what you sa—oops!”
Shogetsu zoomed past him, with Masamune and Kojuro close behind.
“Go on! Catch the tiger.” Ieyasu shooed Mitsunari away.
After a slight moment of hesitation, Mitsunari turned and ran after the others.
Once they had all disappeared, Ieyasu finished packing up his things and headed out in the other direction.
Outside Masamune’s castle, Shogetsu stopped briefly to roll in a mud puddle, apparently hoping to get the scent of medicine off him. However, before the three men could catch him, he leaped up again, blew through a pile of dead leaves (most of which stuck to his muddy, wet body) and headed toward the castle town.
None of Shogetsu’s human followers were a match for his speed. All they could do was hurry toward the sound of screams and the swathe of destruction – an overturned palanquin… a torn-up garden… a furious fabric dealer – as the tiger, now resembling some sort of primordial mud monster, ran almost blindly through streets and alleys.
Then suddenly, Masamune and Kojuro hit a dead end. One wall. No tiger. They retreated to the main thoroughfare, looking and listening for the sounds of chaos.
Kojuro tilted his head, then pointed back toward the center of Azuchi. “There’s some sort of commotion coming from there.”
Unfortunately for everyone involved… and for someone soon to be involved… the commotion noted by Kojuro was not, in fact, the tiger, but just the normal amount of feminine attention attracted by Mitsunari’s angelic beauty. The young man was surrounded by a crowd of young women, all insisting that they escort him to tea.
So… where …
Where did the tiger go?
Well, in fact, Shogetsu climbed over three walls, broke the fourth wall, and jumped into the “ask box.”
And so, his story will soon be continued…
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As it happens... this particular request fit neatly in with a later request, and so in true chaotic fashion, the story will continue in a later request...
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
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I've recently hit a follower milestone, so to thank all of you, I'm opening up requests.
EVENT MASTERLIST - to be updated as I respond to requests - thank you again to everyone who had sent me requests and for your patience in my responding to them.
Pick a suitor (see below) and pick a prompt (see under the cut) - Example: Chevalier + touches #6 + 🌶
These will be drabbles, approx. 250-500 words.
Prompts will be fluffy and SFW. If you would like your prompt to be spicy/NSFW, add a 🌶 or just say so in your request. If you are a minor, please do not request a NSFW prompt.
I will only be doing two requests per suitor - I will mark them accordingly below as I receive requests.
I will be doing one request per prompt and will mark them accordingly below.
I will accept requests until January 14.
IkePri - all (including the 3 new princes) - Gilbert (1), Sariel, Licht (1), Luke (1), Chevalier, Rio (1), Silvio, Clavis, Yves (1), Leon (1)
IkeVamp - all (including castle vampires) - Jean (1), Mozart (1), Vlad (1), Napoleon (1), Theo (1), Arthur (1)
IkeRev - Red or Black Army - Ray (1), Jonah, Edgar (1), Sirius, Lancelot (1),
IkeSen - all (including new warlords) - Mitsuhide, Shingen (1), Kenshin (1),
Prompts - under the cut
goodnight kisses
kisses on the hand
smiling while kissing
barely touching kisses
good morning kisses
slow kisses
passionate kisses
kiss on the cheek
kiss on the corner of their mouth
breathless kisses
kiss on the nose
quick kisses
forehead kisses
kisses in the rain
hard kisses
laughing while kissing
desperate kisses
kiss on the neck
whispers while kissing
gentle stroking of cheek
wake-up kisses
kissing each finger
sleepy kisses
feather-light kisses
hug around the waist
hugging while twirling around
hugging and gently holding the other’s head
pulling someone into a hug
clinging to each other
hugging with head on shoulder
tender embrace
hugging from behind
hugs and kisses
gentle hugs
hugging while slow dancing
touching foreheads
running fingers through hair
caressing the other’s hand
patting the other’s head
holding hands
spooning at night
laying their hand on the other’s neck
tucking a strand of hair behind their ear
wrapping an arm around the other’s waist
whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
putting their head on the other’s chest
sitting on the other’s lap
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strawberrylabs · 2 years
Strawberry’s Request Rules!
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What to specify when asking:
- which fandom
- which characters(max 3 characters per ask)
- fluff or angst (or both)
- if you want a scenario, headcannons or fic(if you don’t specify I’ll go with whatever I think will fit the prompt)
What I won’t write:
- smut; I am 18 yes but I am not comfortable writing that stuff so please respect that
- incest/stepcest
- I will rarely write about suicide or self harm however I am not entirely against writing it. If you want to request it you can but there’s no guarantee I’ll write it
What I will write:
- anything I don’t have listed in the won’t write list :)
- Character match ups! For more information on matchups see my matchup page
-For Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail only, you can submit a voiceline from the game (in the character's profile- such as the "goodmorning" and "about (character)" lines!) and a character or two you'd like a small ficlet about regarding that line!
Fandoms I will write for:
- Genshin
- Ikemen game series (prince, vampire, Sengoku and revolution)
- Voltron
- the case study of vanitas
- Sally Face
- Haikyuu
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Tokyo revenger
- Honkai Star Rail
- Linked Universe
- The Arcana (game)
- Demon Slayer
- Blue Lock
- Hunter X Hunter
- Naruto
(I will add more as I go! Feel free to ask for specific fandoms and I’ll look into adding them :))
My requests are:
Open! (However be aware I'm behind in writing and may take a while to get to your request)
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hello, Could I ask for hc or a story for Nobunaga, Kenshin and Mitsuhide with MC who has a little female dog Yukiko whom she loves as much as her own child? Would they be jealous or not? She would keep her dog always by her side, even sleeping with her in her futon.
Ok so I know it's been a while since this was sent so thank you for waiting. Now onto the main event, two short scenarios featuring Mitsuhide and Kenshin. Also fair warning this is the 1st fiction thing I've written for a bit and I have a bad tendency to never edit.
Warnings: Established relationship, dogs, sleep, pet names, intended F!reader but it could just as easily be read as GN!reader.
"Y/n?" Mitsuhide quietly called out to you, his voice was always a pleasant thing to walk up to. Rolling over you were greeted by the sight of your normally stony faced lover laying as stiff as a board.
Sitting, well actually sleeping, a top Mitsuhide's chest was your beloved ball of fluff. Looking even closer you noticed that the silver kitsune had gone so far as to slow his breathing as to not disturb the pup.
"Could you please move Yukio?"
You had to stifle a laugh. "Aww, but I don't want to," giggling you continued, "you two are so cute together."
"Little mouse..." Mitsuhide's teasing tone had the tiniest hint of a warning.
"Fine, fine," relenting, you leaned over and scooped Yukio into your arms. Somehow the little thing just kept on sleeping, lucky.
In a split second Mitsuhide had pulled you flush against his chest. "See? Isn't this much more rewarding, little mouse?" His smooth voice echoed from behind your ear. After he placed a gently kiss on the nape of your neck, the two of you drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
Warnings: F!reader, established relationship, jealousy, dog
What makes this dog so special? It's tiny and helpless and tiny! Why does she love it so much? A sulking Kenshin's mind went in circles while he absentmindedly scowled at the dog in front of him.
Y/n was out for the day, it was rare that she left Yukio or Kenshin at home but it did happen.
Yukio was perfectly fine with this arrangement. Kenshin on the other hand was not. He didn't like when Y/n went out without him, the Sengoku was dangerous and she didn't have the best track record in fights. But there was another downside, Kenshin was left alone with his thoughts. Thoughts that just kept on circling.
Now, if he took a second to self reflect he might realize that being jealous of his girlfriend's dog was absurd. But he didn't, and Yukio continued to not care. Perhaps to show how much she didn't care Yukio trotted across the room and curled up on Kenshin's futon.
"Move." But the dog didn't listen. "I said move." Again he was ignored. So the warlord was forced to stand and and attempt to pry the dog off his bed. It didn't work.
Hours later you returned back to the castle. Sliding open the door to Kenshin's room you were greeted by the most unexpected sight. Kenshin was leaning against the wall and in his lap curled up was Yukio.
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creepypocky · 2 years
♱☾Hello ♱☾
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☾ Hi :)
☾ So, I write for various different fandoms. I mainly write for Creepypasta, but I also write for:
☾ Marble Hornets
☾ Ikemen Sengoku
☾ Ikemen Vampire
☾ Yandere Simulator
☾ Harry Potter
☾ Mystic Messenger
☾ Assassination Classroom
☾ Fairytail
☾ Kiss Him Not Me
☾ Death Note
☾ Things I write are matchups, fanfics, one-shots, NSFW, fluff, etc. I will also make OC’s for you.
Additional info below:
☾ Rules ☾ 
Please be open minded to me going through things in real life if I ever respond to a request late.
Don’t gaslight requests I do for other people.
Just be patient in general.
Matchups I do are for romance, best friends, enemies, and NSFW.
If you are anything along the lines of homophobic, transphobic, anti-LGBTQ+, racist, etc, get out. I can’t stand you. :)
☾ For matchups, all you need is to give me this info:
Your REAL age, please. (I will not write NSFW for minors. This goes for all requests if you want to request NSFW. If you’re not requesting NSFW, you don’t need to provide your age.)
Your pronouns
The fandom
What kind of matchup you want
Your love languages
Zodiac signs (optional)
Hobbies and interests
What kind of people you like
What kind of people you don’t like
If you can, try to tell me a the character you absolutely HATE so that I do not match you with them if it’s not an enemy matchup.
Additional information is allowed, optional, and I’d appreciate it. :)
☾ For fanfictions, one shots, or any story-based request in general, please tell me what fandom you want and it can be CharacterxReader, CharacterxCharacter, or just about a character in general. And again, please provide your real age if you request NSFW.
☾ If you want me to make an OC for you, all you need to do is provide the fandom you want me to make it for and give me a general rundown of how you would like the OC to look or act like. If you don’t know, that’s fine, you can leave it all to me and see if you like how it turns out. :)
☾ I’m also open to just chatting with people in general so if you just want to throw random shit into my ask box then you can. I don’t mind. <3
My discord server: https://discord.gg/fmgEK3faN3
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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I posted 261 times in 2022
That's 16 more posts than 2021!
187 posts created (72%)
74 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 176 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#ikemen vampire - 51 posts
#ikevamp - 48 posts
#ikemen revolution - 44 posts
#ikemen prince - 39 posts
#ikerev - 39 posts
#xxsycamore askbox - 38 posts
#ikepri - 37 posts
#ikemen sengoku - 28 posts
#ikesen - 23 posts
#ikeseries - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#that's why i prefer posting previews when everything is finished and ready to be posted haha
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Now that All for Love gacha came to Ikevamp EN it was the perfect time for me to finish this! Yes, I'm still not over his exposed, kissable tummy on the official art :') and I know it can't be just me
244 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
-- x --
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See the full post
248 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Be my Valentine - A Valentine's Day themed content creation challenge
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Hello everyone! This fandom event is a collaboration between me and the lovely @chaosangel767 . Together we organized a little something to celebrate the upcoming holiday of love! 
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This is a content creation challenge that uses a list of 14 prompts. This is not limited to writers, so you may join with any form of art!  
Targeted towards but not limited to otome fandoms. (IkeSeries; ToT; MLQC; MysMe; Voltage; Obey me!; Love Unholyc, etc.) 
The challenge takes place from February 1st to February 14th. Remember not to stress over posting dates and do only as many as you wish! We’re doing this for fun :) 
@chaosangel767 Will create a masterlist featuring all works as well as their creators. The deadline is March 6th, 5 pm GMT.
The masterlist will be posted between March 7th and March 9th.
When creating your works, you can use the tag #be my valentine content creation challenge for others to find it. Additionally, you may tag us in your posts so we can find them easily when making the masterlist! Posting to other sites is fine as well, as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. The genre and rating of your works is up to you as long as you mark your nsfw content accordingly. You’re totally free to take requests using this list. 
You can always come and ask additional questions if you have any! I’m currently not taking requests, I’ll let you know when I plan to do that soon. 
Happy creating! 
[ Under the cut you will find the 14 prompts in a blank format. ]
Feb 1st - "Of course I figured it out. You were always giving me that love-struck gaze."
Feb 2nd - Chocolate baking date goes wrong
Feb 3rd - "Again with my clothes?" "They smell like you."
Feb 4th - Surprising them with way more roses than expected
Feb 5th - "I made you miss me. I want to make up for that."
Feb 6th - Comparing hand sizes and blushing immediately after
Feb 7th - "You're so clingy today. I love it."
Feb 8th - A (not so) anonymous love letter
Feb 9th - "Aren't you tired yet?" "Of you? Never."
Feb 10th - "How many different ways should I show you I love you?"
Feb 11th - Dancing with each other while no one is around
Feb 12th - "Waking up next to you is the best decision I've ever made."
Feb 13th - Finding a new tradition for Valentine's Day
Feb 14th - "No matter what anyone says, you're perfect for me."
260 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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𝗗𝗜𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - an Alternative Universe (AU)-based Otome Content Creation Challenge
Brought to you by me and the amazing @queengiuliettafirstlady, this content creation challenge is a week-long exploration of the trope Alternative Universe!
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Works of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons,...whatever your heart desires.
Limited to otome fandoms - IkeSeries (Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, etc.); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr Love: Queen's Choice; Light and Night; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger and others, as well as Visual Novel otomes.
This challenge takes place between June 13th and June 19th, 2022. The deadline for posting your works is June 25th (up until midnight, UTC+2).
On June 26th @queengiuliettafirstlady will publish a masterlist enlisting all works linked along with their creators. Don't hesitate to contact us if your work was done within the deadline but wasn't featured in the masterlist. Or, if you prefer not to be featured on the masterlist at all!
When posting your works, use the tag #different universe same love ccc - you can as well tag @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help us find your work easier!
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
This challenge uses a total of 14 prompts, two for each day. You're free to create a work based on whichever one you like more for that day. You can also create works for both prompts, and you can also mix the two prompts into one work! Whatever suits you :) You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
You can find the list of prompts on the banner above, as well at the bottom of this post.
Under the cut you will also find a short explanation of each prompt, just in case there is anything unclear about them.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFT works accordingly, and if you're minor, make sure not to engage/interact with such!), you're just as free to choose the genre (the challenge's main focus is romance, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You're free to take requests from your audience using this list, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creators.
This blog is not taking requests for this challenge, unless I state otherwise later on!
You're absolutely free to post your works for this challenge after its deadline, June 25th - but please know that they won't be featured in the masterlist!
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish and you can! :)
See the full post
261 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
305 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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