#Ikemen Prince
chevlvrs · 9 hours
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neerons · 10 hours
Nokto Klein’s "cherry flavored" ✨ glitter ✨
I kept imagining Nokto with this audio and had to do this 🤣
Poor Emma has had enough of his shit
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otome-cherry · 2 days
You know what? I believe Silvio can sing sea shanties. It just needs to be the right atmosphere and lots of alcohol 🍺
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(Translation) Emma Turns Into a Bunny Again [His POV Story]
Gilbert's new (120k🙃) bonus-story for the My Honey's a Bunny event. The actual title of the story is "How to Properly Keep a Baby Rabbit."
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Contains some sexual content. MDNI.
I was spending my days in contentment after bringing the little rabbit home from Rhodolite when this happened.
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Gilbert: ......
(A rabbit...)
I'd fallen ill last night and decided to sleep in a separate room from Emma so she wouldn't notice.
But when I came to meet her this morning what I found instead was an actual rabbit.
The color of its hair and eyes were exactly the same as Emma's.
And the dress I'd gifted her earlier was now carelessly spread out on the floor.
Gilbert: [still shocked] Did you go and turn into a rabbit again?
When asked this, Emma began to nod repeatedly.
(Well this sure takes me back...)
Back when I'd been staying in Rhodolite, a rather unexpected event had occurred where Emma had turned into a rabbit.
I'd ultimately concluded it to be a dream at the time, and I was sure I was probably dreaming this time around, too.
However, dream or not, that didn't change the fact that Emma was now a rabbit.
Gilbert: Hehe, are you sure it's alright not to run from me this time?
(Even though you were so blatantly scared the last time.)
When I knelt down on the floor, Emma rushed over to me in a series of hops and began nuzzling my knee.
But then she suddenly froze-up for whatever reason and instead began repeatedly tapping me with her front paws.
(I can't really tell what you're trying to say, but... you're being so cute that it makes me want to immediately go get a cage ready for you.)
I picked up Emma the very literal little rabbit with my hands and raised her to my eye-level.
Her rabbit ears twitched as though she were trying to convey something to me.
Gilbert: Is there something you want to tell me?
With another series of nods, Emma took her short little paw and pointed to her own mouth.
(Oh, I see...)
[Flashback to his original event story]
Emma: H-hey, wait... I turned back...
Emma: ...Hold on, I'm naked!?
Gilbert: Completely naked.
[End flashback]
(If I recall correctly, it'd been a kiss that time that had returned her to her original form.)
Her cute, round eyes now were insisting I bring our faces closer.
Getting a request from such an adorable creature would make anyone want to do whatever it asked.
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Gilbert: I'm going prove to you that I still love you all the same even as a rabbit. Which is why... you understand, don't you?
(I won't let you kiss me that easily.)
Even though I understood what Emma was flying into a panic over trying to tell me, I hid that acknowledgement behind a smile.
(Wouldn't it be a waste to have you turn back right away when you're this cute?)
Gilbert: It's almost time, little rabbit.
Gilbert: I'm inviting some nobles from the region over today. I figure it's been a while since I've played the Conquering King.
After securing the little rabbit in my breast-pocket so she wouldn't fall, I began walking.
I felt like even the depressing stuff about to come could be enjoyable in itself with the little rabbit at my side.
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I sat on the vile throne and gazed down upon the nobles bowing their heads.
Every time I assumed this position, I was reminded that I wasn't a man but a beast.
But I had the little rabbit sitting all small and quiet on my lap today, and so my mind was at peace.
(Looks like the nobles and soldiers alike are curious about Emma.)
Not that any of them would say a word about it.
Because they were quite aware that any imprudent remark here and now would only result in immediate beheading.
Gilbert: [grinning] Well, then, shall we start?
Gilbert: I've gathered you all here today for no other reason than to discuss the smuggling reports I've received.
The atmosphere grew tense at once.
I gently stroked the little rabbit with my palm when she, too, stiffened.
Gilbert: Those who have any idea about what I'm talking about should step forward now.
Gilbert: I'm in a good mood today. Which means as long as you don't lie, I might actually show a bit of mercy, you know?
Baron: My gravest apologies, Lord Gilbert.
One of the nobles bowing their heads rubbed his forehead against the floor.
Baron: It's true that we discovered a smuggling route within our territory. However, our house is not involved with it in any way whatsoever.
Baron: The matter is currently under investigation, and I have a progress report with me.
Baron: I'm truly sorry for not reporting it before you—
Gilbert: Oh, no, no, I wasn't talking about you.
Gilbert: My words were directed at the man groveling beside you.
Baron: Huh...
Earl: ...T-this is my first time learning about any smuggling—
Gilbert: Ohh, so that's what you're going with.
Gilbert: I was especially trying to show you mercy today, but what a shame.
(Even though I don't want to scare the little rabbit too much.)
When I turned my gaze to my lap I found the little rabbit looking up at me with worry.
(Are you worried about me or are you worried about the man? ...Because if it's the latter, I'll have no choice but to kill him.)
I gave her chin a little tickle as my way of saying things would be okay.
Gilbert: Earl, you used someone else's territory and then tried to pin the blame on them.
Gilbert: It's the deception that Obsidian so adores. But unfortunately, deception is also the very thing I despise most in this world.
Gilbert: I'll ask you one more time, though. Do you really not know anything about the smuggling?
Earl: ......
The man turned pale and held his tongue as I unleashed my murderous intent.
This was common behavior among liars.
Gilbert: ...I see. That's fine, then.
Gilbert: I don't want my adorable little rabbit to have to see any blood. And besides, it's not like there's really any clear evidence to begin with, right?
The earl's blatant show of relief was all-too-easy to understand.
Gilbert: But you know, it's your fault my precious little rabbit is so scared.
Gilbert: To be this frightened... Poor little thing.
(It's probably because of the murderous intent I'd unleashed... But he was the one who made me do so in the first place.)
Perhaps it was animal instinct that made her so sensitive to murderous intent that wasn't even directed at her.
The little rabbit trembled, but when I stroked my fingers between her ears, her tiny face nuzzled closer to me.
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(Crap, I'm gonna smile.)
Gilbert: [managing to keep his cool] Well, at any rate, you're at fault for scaring my rabbit.
Earl: Lord Gilbert...?
Gilbert: Therefore, guilty. Of a grave crime on top of that. Put him in jail, Roderic.
Roderic: Yes, sir!
Earl: Wait a minute! No matter how you look at it, this is just—
Gilbert: Huh, what's that? You dare complain against me?
As I presented my usual smile, the room fell into silence at once.
(Let's see about detaining him on charges of intimidation of a rabbit until he comes clean.)
(...I'll handle whatever comes after when the little rabbit isn't looking... Hehe.)
Once the deceitful man was taken away, not one of the remaining nobles tried making eye-contact with me.
The only one who looked at me straight-on was the little rabbit.
(Another worried reaction.)
(...Is she telling me to show the man mercy? And yet that's not what I'm sensing.)
(What could it be, this unease...)
Baron: ...Lord Gilbert, we...
Gilbert: Oh, I'm finished with my business here, so feel free to retire. Thank you for your hard work.
Gilbert: But do keep this in mind.
Gilbert: —I will never tolerate corruption and deceit. Each and every one of you should give yourselves a good look if you wish to live a long life.
(You guys are my deception reserve group, after all.)
All the gathered nobles saluted in a panic and left the throne room with pale faces.
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Gilbert: Come, little rabbit. I'm sorry for scaring you. I'll bathe you thoroughly as an apology.
Once the audience ended, I immediately put together a hot bath out of concern that I'd exposed her to a filthy atmosphere.
(Although half of it's just my mischievous spirit.)
Surprisingly, the little rabbit didn't show any restraint.
She obediently immersed herself in the hot water in the basin while firmly keeping her head raised.
(She still seems worried even though we left the throne room. ...Am I just imagining things?)
Gilbert: You hated this so much the last time, little rabbit. ...Aren't you embarrassed?
After I lathered my hands with plant-based soap and began stroking it along the little rabbit's fur, her eyes narrowed in relaxation.
(You have complete trust in me nowadays.)
After rinsing her with hot water, I wrapped her small body in a towel.
But just as I did, the little rabbit suddenly began flailing around violently.
Gilbert: Ahaha, are you only now getting embarrassed?
(I wonder if I accidentally touched some place funny.)
I gently held her close to my chest so I wouldn't drop her.
Taking that momentary advantage, the little rabbit nimbly hopped from my arms until the tip of her nose touched my lips.
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Emma: Whoa!
The rabbit turned into a person right before my eyes.
I obviously wasn't going to be surprised by this in the event it happened a second time.
But I couldn't help but stare fixedly when a wet, naked body appeared before me.
Emma: ....Please don't look at me like that.
Gilbert: [grins] I washed every inch of you, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about at this stage now, right?
Gilbert: But I definitely got careless there, didn't I.
(I never imagined I'd fall for such a basic trap.)
In normal cases I would have absolutely picked up on the little rabbit's ploy.
Gilbert: ...I'm disappointed in myself.
Emma: Hya—
A cute sound spilled from her lips when I bit her neck.
Whether she was a person or an animal, the little rabbit was utterly adorable.
Gilbert: I wonder if a rabbit will listen properly to whatever you say if you train it?
I slid my lips from her neck to her collarbone before descending to her breasts and gently biting the tip.
As I rolled her nipple with the tip of my tongue while taking in the soap's pleasant fragrance, Emma hurriedly tried to push my forehead away with her hand.
Gilbert: [smiling] What is it?
When I peered into her face I found her eyes wavering and trembling with worry, just like when she'd been an animal.
Emma: Gil...
Emma placed a hand on my forehead while looking like she might start crying at any moment.
Emma: I knew it... You have a fever!
Gilbert: [surprised] ......
Emma: Are you saying you didn't notice? Even though you're this hot to the touch?
(Ah... So that was the meaning behind the little rabbit's gaze.)
Gilbert: Hehe, or maybe I'm just aroused from seeing you naked?
Emma: That's ridiculous. Your hands are always cold when you undress me.
Emma: Let's head to bed at once!
Gilbert: When you put it like that—
Emma: I don't mean it in a pervy way, I genuinely just want you to rest!
Emma pulled my hand and forcefully dragged me to bed.
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(...I'm okay, though...)
But just like that, I was laid against the sheets and put to bed.
Gilbert: [smiles] Little rabbit.
Emma: Do you need medicine?
Gilbert: ....Yes. That's right, I need medicine.
I swallowed what I was actually going to say and instead pulled Emma under the covers with me.
Gilbert: Hehe... I have an all-purpose medicine right here, so I imagine I'll get better in no time?
Emma: ...I pray that's what happens.
Emma nuzzled her face into my chest the same way she had when she'd been a rabbit.
She must have clearly noticed how fond the beast was of such an act.
(Baby rabbits are the weakest of creatures in this world.)
(Eaten up by beasts right away, and seeming like they'll die at the slightest thing...)
(Even so, you were the only one.)
(I met with loads of people today, but you were the only one who looked me in the eye and noticed something was wrong.)
(The brave and kind-hearted little rabbit...)
I hugged her hard. Tightly.
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(Please let me feel that this isn't a dream.)
If it really is a dream again this time around, then he's having this dream while sleeping, sick, in a separate room. And even though he chose to do so because he didn't want Emma to notice that he's sick, this dream shows that what he actually wants is the exact opposite. I mean, it's Gilbert. Of course that's what he wants. To be comforted. And to catch Emma naked.
I hope he wakes up in Emma's arms. And I hope he gets scolded for trying to hide how he was feeling.
Disclaimer: I just throw stuff into translators online, so accuracy is not guaranteed. References: こくこく 1 | わけでもない 1 | この俺 1 | ともなれば 1 2 | やましい 1
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shiro-luvs-victor · 9 hours
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Wow so smooth...😂😂
If Cheva starts behaving like this, Nokto and Jin will lose their jobs😅😅
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dark-frosted-heart · 20 hours
IKEA man
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 22 hours
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Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Case 1: How to Soothe Gilbert When He is Upset
Gilbert: "Is that all everyone wants to say?"
All the important officials in Obsidian were gathered in a large conference room.
At the gathering where military personnel of all ages and genders were present, Gilbert, seated in the upper section of the room, was clearly seething with anger.
(I'm not surprised.)
The reports and agendas they were discussing were all filled with an unbearable stench of corruption.
It wasn't because the officials were lazy or incompetent; it was because of the corrupt practices deeply embedded within Obsidian.
(Every time I see Gilbert fighting alone like this, it feels like my heart is being crushed.)
Gilbert: "I'm getting nothing but half-baked progress reports. What do you expect me to do with this?"
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Gilbert: "Your job is to complete the tasks assigned to you. If you can't even do that, then you're neglecting your duties."
Male officer: "With all due respect, Prince Gilbert, the issues we're dealing with are一"
Gilbert: "If they don't change their attitude, then it's better to introduce a new system. You just need to create a draft proposal for that, yeah?"
Male officer: "You're right, sir."
Gilbert: "Why do you impose restrictions on yourselves, calling things impossible and reckless?"
Gilbert: "There is not just one way to achieve a goal."
Gilbert: "If I believe I can accomplish something, then I surely can. You people just lack the capacity."
Gilbert: "Those filthy trash are probably laughing while you all remain at a standstill like this." **
Gilbert: "You know what will happen the next time you give me a report like this, right?"
He got up from his seat with a smirk, and all the soldiers stood up in unison, saluting him.
The tension was so intimidating and overwhelming that I almost forgot to breathe.
Gilbert: "Well then, let's adjourn. Good work, everyone."
He swiftly walked away.
As one of the attendees, I bowed to the military officers and quickly followed after Gilbert.
Emma: "Gil."
Gilbert: "What is it?"
When I called him, he stopped and turned around to face me.
Despite the tense atmosphere, his smile, which contained all the pent-up tension and hostility, was as refreshing as ever.
(But he still seems tense.)
He probably wasn't aware of it, but his eyes weren't fully smiling.
(I think he's planning to inspect the military exercises next.)
(If he goes in this state, everyone will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable.)
(Now that this happens...)
Emma: "Watch this."
I took a coin from the pocket of the dress he had prepared for me.
Emma: "Right now, the coin is in my left hand."
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Gilbert: "I can see that."
I tightly gripped my hand, hiding the coin.
Emma: "Which hand do you think the coin is in now?"
Gilbert: "You want me to say it's on your left, right? But unfortunately..."
He gently grasped my hand and rolled up my sleeve.
Emma: "Hey, that's unfair!"
Gilbert: "You're just inexperienced."
Despite discreetly hiding the coin in my sleeve, Gilbert saw through it instantly.
(Performing magic tricks is really difficult.)
(Or maybe it's because he's my opponent?)
He took the coin from me and flicked it into the air, catching it in his hand.
Gilbert: "Where do you think the coin is now?"
Emma: "I'm pretty sure it's neither in your right nor left hand."
Ignoring his clenched fist, I searched through his sleeves but found nothing.
I tapped various parts of his uniform that seemed like they could hide something, but there was nothing.
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Gilbert: "The answer is..."
He opened his hand, and I saw the coin sitting on his palms.
(I fell for it.)
Gilbert: "Haha, you're too easy."
Emma: "You usually do something crazy."
Gilbert: "Are you disappointed?"
Emma: "A little."
Gilbert: "You're so honest."
He clenched the coin in his hand once again.
Then, when he opened it, there was nothing there.
Emma: "Huh!?"
Gilbert: "Little bunny."
He pointed to the pocket of my dress with his finger.
With trembling hands, I reached inside and felt something hard.
Emma: "Wow!"
I pulled the coin out of my pocket and gasped.
(I don't understand what's going on, but he's really something.)
Gilbert: "You always react like a child."
Emma: "I can't help it. It's just amazing!"
He chuckled, his eyes reflecting that sentiment.
(I'm glad. Even though the magic trick failed, it seems like he calmed down.)
Gilbert: "But was it really that obvious?"
He seemed to have understood the meaning behind my actions.
Emma: "Yeah."
Gilbert: "Fufu, I'm hopeless, aren't I?"
Emma: "Isn't that why I'm here?"
Emma: "So that you can have some peace of mind?"
As the number of times we attended official functions increased, this feeling only grew stronger.
Gilbert: "You're so efficient."
Emma: "!"
Suddenly, he leaned in and pressed his cold lips against my cheek.
His red eyes reflected my profile with affection.
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Gilbert: "I'm counting on you."
Emma: "Leave it to me!"
(Lately, I've been thinking that maybe I'm the only one who can make him happy.)
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Masterlist ╎ Next Part
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asamioneechan · 3 days
How Nokto confess his love for you 😂
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ikeprinces-stuff · 3 days
Yves just wants to direct a movie 😔🤌🏻✨
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keithsandwich · 3 days
Y'all know about my astrological ramblings, right? So, I decided we can have some fun with it as well.
Send me your OC/SI sun sign and who you ship them with, and I'll reply with some headcanons about your relationship based on Astrology. You can add a theme if you want (i.e. domestic, romantic, spicy, platonic etc.)
I won't set a time limit, but I can close the requests when/if I feel overwhelmed.
IkePri, IkeVamp, IkeRev and IkeSen fandoms only.
Try to keep the maximum of three ships/partners per request.
If the canon character is a secondary character, please, tell me the sign you believe they are. I won't assign signs for characters or OCs.
This is just for fun. Please, remember that you're more complex than your sun sign but I won't be reading full charts. If you disagree with the headcanons, don't be rude about it.
I might take a while to answer to your request, but as long as I am accepting them, they will be answered eventually.
Rest assured I WILL NOT say a ship is incompatible, this isn't even how Astrology works for real. I can talk about challenges in the relationship if you specifically ask for it. Otherwise, they'll always be positive aspects between the characters or you and your f/o.
No spicy headcanons for minors or ageless blogs.
No romantic headcanons for minor and adult.
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dicenete · 2 days
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I wanted to do a screenshot study of a screenshot -> I have been listening lot of Versailles (the jrock band, not the palace) last week -> "Hmm... All this vibing would fit Gilbert probably." -> Hence this study :) I will post the CSP timelapse of this for my Amethyst Supporters on Ko-Fi this sunday for those who are interested ^^ I struggled so much with his face and mouth especially T-T I could have rendered and polish this more, but since it was supposed to be a quick study anyway... I didn't.
ALSO: If you haven't heard of Versailles before, you are welcome :) I think their aesthetic works well with IkePri xd
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caffedrine · 22 hours
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Versus Event
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(Translation) Kagari's Hobby [Lv. 6 Bond Story]
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Kagari: [jumpscare] Boo!
Choices 1) ...... 2) You can't scare me anymore, you know. 3) I'll get mad next time you scare me.
> ......
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Kagari: Sure you want to ignore me? At this rate, it'd be a swift stab in the back, right through the heart.
Kagari: Didn't you ever learn it's dangerous for a woman to walk alone at night? You've done such a good job of living up until today. Do you really want to die?
> You can't scare me anymore, you know.
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Kagari: Who's the one jumping away like a rabbit at the sound of my voice? You are.
Kagari: Want to try jumping again?
> I'll get mad next time you scare me.
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Kagari: I'm curious to see if you get angry, too... I'm half-joking, no need to get so sulky.
His answer after the choices section
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Kagari: Yeah, I was climbing the tree because it's my hobby.
Kagari: I like having the bird's-eye view. And it's just as good for clearing my thoughts and emotions for a bit.
Kagari: ......
Kagari: And then you happened to come by. [Gets pensive] ...Is this what good luck looks like? A sudden stroke of luck?
Kagari: No, it's nothing. I was just thinking you seem as defenseless as ever, looking like someone could just abruptly cut you down. Don't worry about it.
----------- Disclaimer: I just throw stuff into translators online, so expect mistakes
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scorchieart · 1 day
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Has this always been a thing? Was it ever brought up or utilized before? I can think of a few instances in Clavis's route where it would have been useful, but I don't recall this particular detail ever being mentioned 🤔
Unless as part of the Phantom Thief AU aesthetic Cyran gets superpowers, in which case he totally got snubbed by Clavis 😤
Regardless... *spray bottle* Bad Clavis. *spray bottle spray bottle* Stop negatively comparing yourself to others. We've been through this.
This is from Clavis's Premium End of the Wildest Dreams event.
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New princes finally showing up in the next event 👀
Something’s going down between Silvio and Azel. They’re fighting over who I assume is Emma
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Literally had to mentally run through all the princes to make sure that customer-facing Azel is the only one that uses 僕
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Ikemen Men In Ikemen Series
(Ikepri, Ikevil, Ikegen)
Sueharu: "I love women."
Silvio: "Women are bitches."
Jude: "Women should be respected!"
The Kings
Gilbert: "I'm a King."
Akihito: "Me too."
William and Elbert: "So are we"
Poster bois
Leon: "Ofc that's me."
Yoritomo: "Originally it's me, but my brother gets more spotlight from fans."
William: "I'm a poster boi as well."
Leon and Yoritomo: (Why does he have white hair?)
Tsun Tsun bois
Yves: "Want some cake?"
Shigehira: *Ahem* "Not like I'm dying to eat it or anything. But since you asked, as a decent person I'll have some.......Mm....Ahhh, it's so delicious"*starry eyed*
Yves: *blushes* "Hey! Stop making that face! As if you're enjoying my cooking!"
The ZzzzzzZ
Luke: ".....zzz....Honey...."
Yoichi: "....zzz..Young..zzz...master..."
Harrison: ".....zzz....Liam...."
That guy
Nokto: "Hey, how is that girl!?"
Jin: "Yeah. She's cute but the boobs aren't big enough."
Sueharu: (At least I'm decent than these two-----Ah! Yoshino's boobs!)
Best big brothers
Luke: "I'm younger than Emma but I still treat her like my younger sister."
Harrison: "I'm not even a big brother type. I simply got added here because Kate thinks I am one.
Morinaga: "I want to see Yoshino as my little sister but I can't help it. I get these indecent thoughts about her sometimes."
Luke and Harrison: "You need help."
The most beautiful ones
Azel: "Hah. I'm a god. Of course I'm the most beautiful."
Tamamo: *flips his hair* "Hmph. Well I lived here for more than 800 years. I'm the most beautiful one."
Elbert: "..............................."
Alfons: "Lord Elbert. No." <- not included in this category, just came here to avoid potential murder.
The babies
Luke: "Believe it or not, I'm the youngest prince."
Ellis: "Nice to meet you guys too. I'm the youngest villain."
Shigehira: (Wow...they are so tall and...those muscles...)
Someone from the audience: "Don't worry Shigehira, Yoshino still loves you."
Shigehira: *blushes* "Shut up!"
The unreasonable brats
Kurama: *points his fan* "Hey! Give me everything you're wearing right now. Yes, those shiny necklaces, bracelet, rings and also the shiny items in this room. Actually, give me your whole palace. Give it all."
Silvio: "Huh!? Who the hell are you? A thief?"
Kurama: "How dare you call me a thief. Do you wanna die you bling bling covered sleazeball?"
Silvio: "Who the fuck told you that name!!?"
Kurama: "Hm? A girl looking like a brown rabbit."
Silvio: "That bitch! I'm gonna kill her for sure!"
The most loved ones
Yoshitsune: "I don't know why everyone loves me. They say I have a very innocent personality but I don't understand."*cutely tilts his head*
Jude: "I'm most popular because everyone here likes to be choked for some reason." *rests his head on his fists looking bored*
Gilbert: "Well, I'm here because I'm so handsome and everyone falls down on their knees as soon as they see me."
Yoshitsune: "Why is that?"
Jude: "Obviously because-----forget it. I was paid by a blonde guy to not taint your mind."
Chevalier: *ignoring all of them because he's listening to an audiobook*
The villains
Ibuki: "I heard you love manipulating people for fun."
Gilbert: "I heard that about you too. Looks like we're...."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Kindred spirits" *fist bumps*
Ibuki: "I have a kid."
Gilbert: "I have raised a kid too."
Ibuki: "I have tried manipulating the evil fox princess to break her heart."
Gilbert: "I too have tried tainting little rabbit's heart."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "But I failed."
Ibuki and Gilbert: "........!"
Ibuki and Gilbert: "Hahahahaha!"
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