#i’m just like ‘[dr. phil voice] thank you…for that.’
shoutsindwarvish · 8 months
having ocd is dumb
when i told my therapist about my sexual intrusive thoughts back in july, i felt like a disgusting human being and a great deal of shame. she did not blink and gave me tips to stop “compulsing” and face them head-on (basically a form of exposure therapy) and it sucked so bad but i got them fully under control within a month.
i’d barely even noticed them for months but they’ve started getting louder and more insistent again with a slightly different flavor, this time the idea that i’ll actually act on them. i know i will not. i do not believe the thoughts, i have no identification with the thoughts, and i know full well that the brain is bringing it up specifically because it goes against my values and it’s the equivalent of a child showing me a gross bug they found to see my reaction. as of now, i am not in full spiral and am actively fighting the desire to argue with or avoid them and to instead just look straight at them and sit with them…to varying degrees of success.
i’m mostly just exasperated. it feels like i have an obnoxious younger sibling in my head trying to rile me up and telling them to shut up only encourages them that they’re on the right track and it’s like
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Hi, your writing is amazing. It is so much fun to read. If this isn't to much to ask can I ask for a Fili x hobbit reader, where the reader is Bilbo's sister and they join the company to help return the Arkenstone. The reader start to have fealing for Fili but she doesn't know how to tell him how she feels, he one-day gives her, his blakit because he thinks she is cold. She thinks that he started the courting customs. So she starts doing the courting customs she does in her culture. Fili dosn't notice in till one day, he is talking with his brother Kili. She overhears him say, "I would never marry someone like her she's a freak." Which she thinks he was talking about her but he wasn't, he was talking about someone else. She dropps the gift that she made him that was a jacket or blanket that had beautiful embroidery on it and runs of crying. You can write the rest however you want, just some fluff and love at the end please.
All that went through my head at the end was the Dr. Phil audio that's like "Open the door before I throw rocks through your window." - You'll understand when you read it...Anywho, I hope you enjoy it!!
“You’re freezing,” Fili’s voice met your ears as you rubbed your hands together, concern woven in his tone as he approached with your soup bowls. After returning the Arkenstone and officially reclaiming Erebor from Smaug, the Company had set up camp in the main hall, for you all had to heal up before restoring the kingdom to be livable once more. But with that, left the winter breeze that would slither through the cracks of the kingdom’s new makeshift doors. 
“Thank you,” You chose to say, taking the bowl from him. A sigh of relief passing your lips, you enjoyed the way the warmth seeped into your skin. Feeling his eyes still on you, you looked from your bowl to the dwarf next to you. 
“I’ll be fine, Fili, I promise,” You grinned, “Just from the breeze, that’s all.” 
“If you’re sure,” He sighed, sitting next to you on the ground. 
It was like the times when you were camping on the journey up to this lonely mountain kingdom. Except instead of dirt and grass it was dirt and stone beneath your body, but the feeling remained the same. The comradery as you all sat around in a circle together, eating soup, sharing laughs and stories until you were all too tired to stay awake and retired to your bed-rolls. 
“(Y/n),” Fili’s voice made you open your eyes, already tucked into your bed-roll and waiting for sleep to overcome you. 
“Yes?” You whispered, knowing that most of the others were already asleep. 
“Here you go,” He murmured, voice soft as he laid a blanket over your form, its warmth seeping from the top blanket you had and onto your arms and legs. The smell of Fili wafting through your nostrils. 
“Fili I can’t take this-”
“Let me care for you,” He shut down your argument before it even began, giving you a smile before patting your arm. “Get some rest, I’m sure Thorin will wish for us to be up bright and early for planning the restoration.”
Feeling a different kind of warmth bloom within your chest, you were grateful for the dim lighting making it difficult to see the loving expression on your face from your position on the ground. 
“Alright,” You agreed whilst nodding, “Thank you for the blanket.”
 “Anything for you,” He voiced without realizing it, hand lingering on your arm before he stood and began to walk to his own bedding arrangements. 
Heart hammering in your chest, you burrowed your face into your pillow. ‘What a forward way to announce you wish to court someone,’ You thought as you drifted off to sleep. 
And so your own courting attempts began. The invitation on the walk, which he accepted, your own small gift of a book you found in the library that day of Erebor history, which he also accepted- and then came the next step. 
Before marriage comes the step of rooting yourself in the life of your beloved in Hobbit courting. Helping them with chores, going grocery shopping with them, baking with them, it was tradition to determine if you two would enjoy even the most mundane things. And well… This is where the issue began. 
“I have some things to deal with Kili today, I am afraid you can’t come.” 
The rejection that stung your heart didn’t last long, for you were understanding that some things couldn’t be done with your partner. 
“No worries,” You grinned, not knowing how each smile you sent him made his heart race beneath his shirt, hands twitching with an urge to bring you into his embrace before letting you leave his sight for the day. But instead, he simply smiled back.
“I will see you tonight, then?” He asked, needing to know when the next time he’d get to see you was. 
The feeling of rejection now long forgotten, you nodded.
 “Of course, who else would I want to go to dinner with?” You teased, making him laugh and shake his head, braids swinging with the movement of his head, the shaking of the beads sounding like little bells to your ears. 
“I will see you then,” Fili sent you one last look before disappearing out the door to meet Kili on their journey to Dale to discuss supplies with Bard while Thorin was off going to the Blue Mountains to meet with their kin and to have discussions of support to help grow the kingdom into what it once was so many decades ago. 
“It’s fine,” You murmured, watching him disappear on a pony with his brother. “It just gives me time to finish his gift,” You smiled to yourself as you turned on your heel to race to your new bedding chamber, eager to finish up the quilt you were working on. 
The blanket was a royal blue with white backing and on the front held embroidered stitchings in silver of different dwarvish runes and in the middle lay the emblems of the Durin house, an anvil and hammer. It took weeks to figure out and to stitch, but now it was just the finishing touches that you had to work on. 
Day soon turned into dusk, the sun diving beneath the horizon leaving streaks of pink and orange in its wake. 
“They must be back soon,” You murmured out loud, having just finished the quilt and began to put away the supplies for it. 
Butterflies swarmed around in your stomach as you lifted up the blanket, proud of your work but nervous of his reaction. 
“Now or never,” You encouraged yourself, carefully folding up the quilt into a nice square before wrapping it in a thin paper to conceal it from everyone’s view. 
Exiting your room, you hummed to yourself as you walked to the entrance to wait for Fili and Kili to return, only to pause in your stride as you heard their voices approach. 
Just as you were about to announce yourself, Kili’s voice caught your attention.
“-And what do you think about her?” Kili asked in a teasing tone. “She’s been trying to get your attention for weeks.” 
Realizing they may have been talking about you, you froze in place, blanket clutched to your chest. 
“I think that she’s a freak,” Fili scoffed. “She can keep trying to get my attention, I don’t care, but she won’t ever obtain it. You can trust me on that, brother.” 
Heart sinking into your stomach, you struggled to maintain a straight face as tears began to sting the back of your eyes. Taking a shaky breath, you turned on your heel to leave back to your room. Dropping the blanket in the process. 
The sound of your footsteps running down the hall accompanied by the thunk of the blanket on the floor caused the two brothers to turn, Fili’s face immediately dropping once he realized what happened. 
“You don’t think that…” Fili trailed off, horror filling his body as he heard your door slam shut.
“I think so…” Kili finished, patting his brother’s shoulder. “Go clear things up then,” He encouraged, “I’ll tell the others you’ll probably be gone from dinner.”
“Thanks,” Fili barely got the word out before leaving towards the direction you were last in, crouching down to examine what you had dropped. 
“A blanket?” He mumbled to himself,  pulling open the wrapping just enough to see a note from you carefully written on parchment laying on top of the material. 
‘Dearest Fili, 
I hope with all my heart that this blanket will provide you warmth throughout the night like the warmth you have ignited in my heart. 
Forever yours, 
After locking yourself in your room, you sat at the edge of your bed with tears streaming down your cheeks. 
“I’m such a fool,” You spoke through harsh gasps, holding your head in your hands. 
“How could I not see?” You whimpered, over analyzing each and every interaction you’ve had with the dwarf prince. 
“Why would he accept my courting, then? If he despised me so,” It truly didn’t make sense, but in your grief stricken mind it didn’t matter. “He despises me,” You let out a bitter laugh, shaking your head at your own foolishness. 
Your own self-degrading thoughts was interrupted by the gentle knocking at your door. Maybe it was childish, but you didn’t care as you held your breath, hoping that the sound of your racing heart wasn’t loud enough to be heard outside the four walls of your bedding chamber. 
“(Y/n), I know you’re in there,” Fili called out, voice gentle as he leaned his head against the door. 
“I wanted to come talk to you, possibly help make things clear? I believe you heard something that you shouldn’t have.”
Frowning, you slowly stood off your bed as you leaned on the other side of the door. 
“I heard enough,” You responded, voice barely above a whisper as your finger traced the lock on the door. 
“I don’t think you did,” Fili began, “What you heard was not about you.”
“If not me then who?” You asked, despite the stinging rejection in your chest, you couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous. Someone else was vying for his attention?
“A woman at the market, near the bakery we go to?” Fili sighed, “Kili informed me today that she expressed having feelings for me.” 
“Oh..” Your response was heart-wrenching, sounding melancholic from the other side of the door. 
“But that’s what you heard, that I do not care for her. She knows of my affection towards you, and she knows that she’s trying to grasp at any source of my care that she can but it won’t happen, it won’t ever happen.” Fili nearly went on a rant about this woman, rage coursing through him. It was her fault that this was happening to begin with. If she just left him alone then this would have never-
“Your affection towards me?” Your question broke him out of his thoughts, heart-wrenching to now sheer heart-breaking as you sounded so confused. 
“Yes,” Fili reassured you that you did in fact hear him correctly. 
“I adore you.” 
“Please, open the door,” He urged, to which you finally relented, the lock making a clicking noise as it was unlocked. 
Slowly opening the door, you stepped back, expecting him to walk in only to be swept up in his arms, a gasp leaving your lips. 
“Fili!” You screeched as he nearly lifted you off the ground. 
“-’m sorry,” He murmured, but he truly wasn’t, not when he finally got to admit his affection for you for the first time. 
Still holding you in his arms, Fili pulled away just enough to look at you. 
“I meant it, every word,” Fili reassured once again. “The affections I hold for you are infinite and ever growing, amrâlimê.”
“Amrâlimê, wait, doesn’t that mean–”
Cutting you off by a gentle kiss to your lips, Fili chuckled.
“Yes it does, amrâlimê.”
“Say it again?” You asked, eyes sparkling with happiness as he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“Amrâlimê, my love.” 
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hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
In Our Favor
Part 147
“Can we go see her?”
David hesitated as he looked across at his son.
“I would prefer you stay here,” he finally said. The king did not look happy about saying the words.
Robbie jumped to his feet, ready to protest, but David raised a hand at him.
“Then what are we supposed to do?” McCoy asked, his voice sounding harsh even to himself.
“Len!” Scotty said mildly.
“No,” McCoy said, looking at Scotty. “We can’t help Leah, we can’t help with the interrogations—”
“Leonard, enough!” David called out. “You’ve done this before,” David glanced at Robbie. “You know sometimes all we can do is be together and wait.”
McCoy crossed his arms and scowled. It had been hard enough when Robbie had been kidnapped by Khan. He had learned then how much of the king’s duty in such a situation was waiting and hoping.
“She’s my sister,” he bit out in a voice that nearly cracked.
“And my daughter,” David said back. “And until she is safe again I want the rest of my family here, where I know they are safe. Where we can comfort each other. Perhaps that’s selfish of me. Having you on another planet, without security, knowing someone could get to you even easier than Leah—”
McCoy stared at his father, the emotions visible on his face. The horrible things he had been through the past year because of his children and who they had met and fallen in love with.
“I’m sorry,” he said, interrupting David. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just want to be able to do something.”
“Help me Leonard,” David said softly. “Leah is hurt. Phil and Sarek are occupied. I need you and your mother more than ever.”
McCoy nodded quickly. “I will. I’m sorry. I’m here.” He stood up and moved to the chair by the desk where Leah or Dr. Boyce usually sat. He looked over at Robbie still on his feet from his attempt to protest minutes before.
“If you won’t let us go to see Leah,” McCoy said to David, “at least let Robbie go. Someone should be there with her.”
David nodded. “I was going to say yes. If they find the cure—”
“When,” McCoy said firmly. David glanced at him.
“Yes. When. When they find the cure someone should be with her.”
“Thank ye,” Robbie said in relief.
“I’ll get security arranged.”
McCoy was left in the office with the king. Scotty and Francine had gone with Robbie to see him off. Francine had promised to go see Eleanor after. Between her and Amanda, Spock’s mom, they would take care of the queen.
“What are we going to do?” McCoy asked his father quietly.
“Everyone is doing what they can to get the antidote and keep Leah stabli—”
“No.” McCoy swallowed. The next words came out of his mouth reluctantly. “If we- if we do lose her.”
The despair on David’s face made him instantly regret asking the question.
But they had to think about it. It could happen just as much as Leah recovering could happen.
“I’m sorry,” McCoy whispered.
“You’re right though,” David said back in a choked voice. “We have to be prepared for that possibility.”
Part 148
His heart sank as Scotty looked at his little brother. It didn't look like Robbie had slept enough. His skin was pale and there were dark rings beneath his red and swollen eyes.
"Oh, my wee lad," Francine was on the verge of crying as she wrapped her arms around her youngest to pull him close to her chest.
"I... I have to go, a mhàthair."
Even with Robbie's face buried in Francine's shoulder, Scotty could hear the words his brother muttered quietly. A jolt ran through their mother as she pulled her head backwards and looked over her shoulder at the castle.
"We... we need to tell Alasdair that ye are leaving for the hospital!"
Quickly, she headed to the building, only looking back at her lads once to call at them that she would be right back.
Scotty let out a sigh, looking after her, before he looked at Robbie. He placed his hand on the younger Scott's shoulder and squeezed it.
"I'm sure we'll get everything sorted out."
Robbie nodded, but it was hard to tell if he really believed in Scotty's words.
They didn't have to wait too long for Francine and Alasdair to return. Granddad had a serious look on his face.
"I'll come with ye, lad."
"What?" Both of his grandsons looked at him in surprise, but Alasdair wouldn't let himself be convinced otherwise. He was a stubborn Scotsman after all.
"I will nae let my grandson go alone. It's far too dangerous. I want to keep an eye on ye."
Robbie knew that he couldn't argue with the older man anyway, so he just looked over his shoulder at the members of security.
"Is that okay?"
The men nodded.
"Of course, sir. But we better get going now."
Tearful goodbyes were exchanged and Scotty held his mother's hand tightly in his as they waved Robbie and Alasdair off.
"Leah will be fine. Everything will be just fine."
"Aye, Monty, I ken."
They could only hope for the words to be true.
When Scotty got back to David's office, he found the king alone. He was sitting at his desk, face buried in his hands. Only when Scotty stepped inside, did he look up.
"I'm sorry, I... I thought Leonard was with ye," Scotty quickly apologized and his father-in-law shook his head.
"He left to take a walk in the orchards, said that he needed some time alone to sort out his thoughts."
Scotty nodded.
"I see."
They fell silent for while and Scotty eyed the king closely. He looked... older. It looked like he'd been awake for hours.
"Is... is there anything I can do for ye?"
A weak smile pulled at David's lips and he let out a heavy sigh.
"Just... take care of Leonard, will you? Talk to him, stay at his side, comfort him. He needs you more than ever right now."
Scotty nodded. It wasn't just an order from the king. It was a request from the deepest of his heart.
"I will. I promise."
And it was a promise he'd keep.
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Holy shit are you okay?!?!?
Lmao yeah I’m fine. My nose isn’t broken or anything.
(Thank god that is my meal ticket. Without that I got nothing)
I really just need to learn to just stop voicing my opinion about everyone’s lives like I am fucking dr. Phil that is my problem.
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jessehart · 2 years
casino night pt. ii
Jesse’s sour mood had long gone rancid. Shame burned like bile in the back of his throat. His father’s words had been on a loop in his mind all night, but they’d grown steadily louder. And then, after the fucking disaster with Mari, he’d no longer been able to block them out with blow or liquor. So now, here he stood, pacing along a darkened wall in the back, eyes fixed on his father from across the room.
A burning pit of rage and hatred threatened to consume him entirely, a jittery sort of nervous energy making his hands shake. Or maybe it was the drugs. Both? 
Yeah, probably both.
Tracking his father’s movements past the stage, he—
He stopped, gaze tracking back to the stage with its empty podium, the microphone resting snuggly in its stand. Waiting.
A vicious sort of glee replaced the rage in his chest, ballooning until he found himself in motion. No thoughts, only action. He finally— finally— felt untouchable as he jogged up the three short stairs and found himself on stage, looking out at the crowd. 
It was well into the night now, most of the student body and some of the alumni and parents alike deep in their cups. Jesse grinned manically and stepped up to the podium, yanking the microphone free with a screech. He tapped it a few times and nodded to himself as he heard the sound filtering through the speakers.
“How we doing out there, Ogden?” he asked, voice louder than necessary as it cut through the crowd. There was a short pause before he was met with cheers and what sounded like it could have been some confused murmuring. Unwinding the microphone’s cord from around the podium— really, they couldn’t afford a wireless microphone for fuck sake?— he began to pace the stage, commanding the space and feeling taller than he had in a long time. He tried to seek out his father’s eyes in the crowd, but the lights made it impossible to see anything at all.
That was just fine, though.
He went on, thanking the staff for the wonderful set up, cracking some joke about the dean rigging the games so that everyone was forced to reach deep into their pockets. We probably need a new library, he’d said. He didn’t pause for laughter, didn’t care if he received any. Instead, he pressed on. “Speaking of donations,” he said, spinning as he reached the edge of the stage and marching back toward the opposite end, “we’ve got Donovan Hart out here tonight,” he paused dramatically as if bracing for applause he knew wouldn’t come before barreling on, “and anyone who knows him knows he’s a champion of causes. Never met a tax write-off he didn’t like.” The end of the stage met him quickly and he turned again, gesturing blindly out towards the crowd. “For those of you who don’t know my father, you can catch him on weekday afternoons between reruns of Judge Judy and Dr. Phil.” He hoped the barbed insult was clear enough. “If you haven’t had the pleasure, I’m sure he’s easy enough to spot. Just look for the guy blowing enough money that he’s secretly hoping they’ll name a building after him.”
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He laughed loud enough that if anyone in the crowd was laughing too, he didn’t hear it. He didn’t care. In fact, he didn’t feel much of anything outside of the vindication of hitting back. In public. Where everyone could see.
His dad couldn’t say the same. He loved a closed door.
There was shuffling behind him and he looked over his shoulder to see someone making a swipe for him. He sidestepped it easily, continuing his path across the stage. “I think that’s my cue,” Jesse laughed, nodding his head to the person currently in pursuit. All he knew was that it wasn’t his father. It wouldn’t be him. Not with all eyes currently trained on the show he was putting on. “So. Good night and fuck you.” 
He dropped the mic onto the podium as he passed it by and it gave a loud screech and a thud as it landed. It was no surprise that he was immediately snatched up by the jacket the moment he stepped off the stairs, swept away into some shadowy corner and out through a door where no one could see.
Donovan Hart was on him in an instant, yanking him by the collar and all but shoving him through the doors. Jesse was laughing, the cool, fresh air greeting him and going straight to his head. “What’s the matter, Dad? Didn’t like my speech?”
Donovan’s only reply was shoving him backwards, his back hitting the wall. “I’ll take that as a no.”
His father glanced around, making sure they were alone, before he was suddenly in Jesse’s face. “You want to explain that little stunt in there?”
Jesse remained defiant with a smile, eyes twinkling with an unspoken taunt. He shrugged. “I was inspired.”
There was a lethal pause and then Donovan was shoving him against the wall, pinning him with his forearm, his elbow digging into Jesse’s chest. “I don’t know where you got the idea that you’re hot shit, but the only thing you’ve ever gotten right in your life is being a fucking disappointment.”
The words shot true and Jesse felt them keenly. “You don’t know where I got it? Really?” He barked out a harsh laugh as his father released him and took a step back, his stance no less imposing. Jesse stepped up to him, chest to chest. “You’re a self-righteous megalomaniac whose only claim to fame is basic cable.”
Jesse probably should have seen it coming, but the crash against his jaw was sudden and jarring, pain exploding from the impact, his head snapping back into the wall behind him. 
He blinked, momentarily stunned before his eyes zeroed in on his dad’s cocked fist as it bore down on him once again. As he braced himself, he met and held his dad’s eye as he stood his ground. And then he smiled.
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thesconesyard · 2 years
Wherever You Are, I Am
Part 28
The bed was soft as he fell onto it that night. He didn’t want to look over at the empty other side, but he couldn’t help it.
“Goodnight Monty,” McCoy whispered to himself.
He could picture the engineer putting an arm across his middle and pulling him close. He grabbed for the other pillow instead and held it close in his arms. It wasn’t the same. It didn’t smell like Scotty. McCoy wished he had thought to grab one of Scotty’s shirts, or something of Scotty’s.
He had holos and a couple little things Scotty had given him across the years, but nothing that would hold the tangible feel or scent of his husband.
McCoy did have a piece of Scotty’s broken teacup. He had taken it without Scotty’s knowledge. He hoped in one of the antique shops around the city he could find a match for a replacement and surprise Scotty with it.
He jumped when his comm beeped. He wasn’t on the roster to be called for emergencies at SFM yet so who would possibly be messaging him at this time? McCoy reached behind himself clumsily and grabbed his comm on the second try.
His eyes squinted at the light the comm gave off as he opened it.
Incoming message from Your Bestest Husband
McCoy blinked again then chuckled to himself. Scotty had been digging into his comm again. Of course he could do something like that from so far away.
Get some sleep. I know that mind of yours is wandering and worrying. I miss you too Len. It’s too quiet here now. Sleep love. We’ll talk again later this week. I’d write it in Gaelic, but you can’t read that, so I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!
McCoy’s eyes were suddenly moist. He blinked back tears and wiped a hand across his face. Of course Scotty knew what he needed to hear. He always knew. A smile made its way across McCoy’s face as he tapped out a quick reply.
Thank you. I love you too.
He managed to get the comm back on the bedside table. His arm still wrapped around the other pillow, he made himself comfortable and soon drifted off.
Jaylah had moved into her dorm room. McCoy looked around his now extremely empty feeling quarters. He sighed. He missed Scotty. He missed Jaylah. He missed Jim and Chekov and Uhura and Sulu. He missed Christine and Geoff. And lord help him if he ever admitted it outloud, but he even missed Spock.
McCoy let himself flop loose limbed down onto the couch with another sigh. Classes started in two days. He should be getting his teaching materials together. He could be making dinner. He could read one of the books he’d been waiting to make time for. But none of it sounded appealing. He went to turn on the holo screen to watch something, but gave up halfway through the effort.
Sitting doing nothing was frustrating, but he didn’t want to do anything. McCoy made an angry noise in the back of his throat at himself. His eyes closed and another sigh escaped.
“Come on McCoy,” he said aloud.
He continued sitting. With another sigh he finally forced himself up from the couch. A shower. A shower to relax, then maybe he’d have it in him to start on his things for class.
He had just reached his bedroom door when his comm began to chirp.
Maybe it’s Monty he thought, before glancing at the clock and realizing Scotty would still be working. He sighed again as he crossed back to the coffee table to pick up the comm. He didn’t recognize the number.
“McCoy,” he answered gruffly.
“Dr. Leonard McCoy?” a soft voice asked.
“Yes,” McCoy replied. “I’m him. Who are you?”
“Dr. McCoy, my name is Astrid Syline. I just got back to campus today.”
“Alright…,” McCoy trailed off, wondering where this conversation was going.
“I've been assigned as your teacher's assistant for your classes. I should have started with that.”
“I didn’t know I had a TA. Guess Phil forgot to mention that.” McCoy sat himself back down on the couch.
“Oh. Well, as I said, I only got back today.”
“Long trip home from England?” McCoy ventured. The woman’s accent gave her away.
“Yes sir, my family is near Manchester.”
“I was calling, Dr. McCoy, to introduce myself, and to see if you needed any help the next couple days before the term starts,” Astrid said.
McCoy smiled. He wondered how many other things may have slipped Dr. Boyce’s mind to tell him.
“That would be nice, Astrid. It’s been a while since I was here at the academy. Why don’t we plan to meet tomorrow morning and you can fill me in on what’s changed since my days.”
“What time sir?”
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ariesbilly · 6 months
Also like…not to have therapy hour on tumblr dot com lmao but as I’m getting older and reflect back on my life I’m really starting to notice how there has never been any love in my family. Like sure we’ve had fun moments and gotten along but when I look at the whole picture it’s just like…I don’t believe any of like each other lmfao genuinely if we were not related none of us would associate with one another. We are not affectionate people like I remember wishing anyone would just randomly hug me (even though I don’t like being touched but maybe those things go hand in hand I do not know) or just like having a family that was playfully affectionate. I’ve never seen a physically affectionate couple like my grandparents hate each other, my mom has never had a stable relationship. My uncles and cousins are not affectionate people with their spouses it’s all just so empty and hollow
And I hear stories of before I was born everyone having a blast and my grandparents being in love and apparently everything was great until I was born lmfao so like… *dr Phil voice* thank you for that…
Idk it’s just… miserable. And then they harp on me for being a miserable bitch all the time like the call is LITRALLY coming from inside the house you think this happened in a vacuum? Have a little self awareness im begging you
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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authoressskr · 3 years
Tracking Death and Magic, pt 2
Characters: f!Reader [known in this fic as Duchess], Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Phil Coulson, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, mentions of Dr. Strange, OFCs
Warnings: Language, death, angst, and no Beta   ::    Notes: this was written for @captain-kelli’s #ckcomebacktour – WELCOME BACK!!    ::   Word Count: 10,414
Mythological + Fairy Tale Creatures AU feat. Alpha Werewolf/Vampire!Bucky, Alpha Werewolf/Vampire!Steve, Giant!Hulk side Bruce, Born Witch!Wanda, Hellhound mix!Reader
Someone is hunting down those with Fae blood in New York. And no one can figure out why or who is behind the crimes. So higher ups in the city hand the case over to SHIELD, who deals with the more difficult supernatural cases. But even after two weeks, this small elite team can’t seem to figure out where the person or persons responsible will strike or the reasoning behind it. Anyone with a drop of Fae blood is scared…scared of being kidnapped or killed. Time to call in some outside help.
Prompt: [*In Part 1*] “All of those people are alive right now - all because of her.”
[ Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, translate, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. 18+ ONLY PLEASE, all content providers don’t want serious repercussions from underage interactions, myself included. ]
-+- REBLOGGING is fine and *very* appreciated! -+-
Part One
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You could feel it as you walked up to the sidewalk where Cyrus had been killed. The now dried and cleaned sidewalk not hiding it’s dark shadows from you in the waning late afternoon light.
The creeping, underhanded power of the Seelie Court brushing against you.
The poison is a prominent smell to your hound side still since it’s only been a day and a half. Cyrus’s soul hasn’t lingered, so that at least is a blessing, but the conversation with your uncle and this fresh site is putting your nerves on the very edge. You can ‘see’ the faint magic outline where he died, you knew he’d be wearing his homemade medallion to ward off evil. Swallowing, you kneel where his feet would have been, reaching out with your magic.
The flashes that echo painfully through your mind make you gasp.
The cloaked figure is stealing magic. Taking it violently. To him, the more violent and quick, the better. It honestly just makes your stomach roll, the saliva building in your closed and clenched mouth.
But why? You can taste the lighter magic associated with the Seelie Court - the Court of Light - the kind that humans and others often think of when they think of the fair folk. The court thought, it doesn’t deal with humans or others unless absolutely needed…
When you told Hades you suspected a member of the higher courts on your little walk, you hadn’t anticipated to be able to feel it. The boots, the glistening silver swords, the escape when you had moved a forgotten tiny part of the sithen under the alley -- now it all makes a lot more sense now. The shiver that runs down your spine at the implications this creates. May the God and Goddess spare all those innocents involved, you pray quickly.
A henchman for the shining Seelie Court, sweet baby Jesus. What had you gotten yourself into?? What had SHIELD stumbled into??
The residual death is quick, but still it steals into you, taking away what little baited breath you had. Feeling the tears prickle your eyes as you try to figure out these new pieces of the puzzle.
Hades can’t help you - Gods can’t interfere with other pantheons businesses, good or bad.
Hades can’t save you from the other half of yourself.
It was something you had always known in the back of your mind, but the harsh slap of it hurt more than the death and falling pieces of this horrible plot. But...just maybe there could be a light in this cave of fae intrigue and murder. There are others whom you can save.
The three stolen wouldn’t be taken to the sithen, that would be too obvious of their involvement. Plus, they were fae and thus could leave as long as not put into a dungeon there and theoretically had enough power and know-how to do so. But had the cloaked figure been draining them, you weren’t sure if they could get out or away.
So, that would mean they were still somewhere close by.
The last traces of magic from the murder, Cyrus’s own traces, and your hellhound senses in overdrive to track everything - you’re drowning as the sun sinks just a tad lower in the sky, creating the beginnings of the lovely orange autumn color you adore. Fall was closer than you remembered. You can vaguely hear your name being said, like being underwater almost. Then you can smell sage, lemon and juniper - the sweet smells of the entrance to the Underworld.
The way the newcomer says your name grounds you, while Bucky calling your name brings you closer to the surface - your mate...Bucky brings you back to reality. And he’s protective and bristling slightly at the other man who is holding your arm’s firmly.
You’re looking up at the slightly blurry face of a traditionally handsome Greek man, all muscle and blurry smile, with thick black hair and sweet honey brown eyes.
“I hate your human disguise sometimes,” You grunt and turn to plop down on your ass as Bucky watches as the man lean in and proceed to lick from your chin up to your hairline. “Okay, okay...thank you Cerb,” You shove his chest gently to get him to release you, reaching for Bucky’s hand automatically. “This is my mate, Bucky. Don’t snap at him.” Cerberus gives you puppy dog eyes, his nerves calming down slightly to hold his form better. So at least now it was one face instead of the three blurry ones superimposed over each other.
“Did you just say Cerby?!” Wanda sounds astonished.
“As in Cerberus?” Natasha questions calmly. The guardian to the Underworld stands up and he’s visibly excited looking from you to Natasha and Wanda.
“Yes,” You coo. “This is my best friend in the whole world and Underworld, Cerberus. Cerberus, this is Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers is his best friend. Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson. Wanda Maximoff and her twin, Pietro.”
“Pleasure,” His deep voice almost has an echo to it. “Lord said you needed looking after, pup. He was right. Too close.”
“I know,” You sigh out as your hand subconsciously clenches Bucky’s a little tighter even after he helps you up.
“No,” Cerberus growls. “Close.”
“Fucking great,” You growl out in reply, anger rising.
“See anything?” Phil asks, forehead furrowed just so. You sigh again, anger dissipating as quickly as it had boiled up.
“We are in a shit ton of trouble.”
“We are aware of that, kid,” Steve states, crossing his arms over his wide chest.
“Nooo. Like real shit ton of trouble. Seelie Court trouble.” Phil lets out a string of curses as Clint’s stance gets more rigid. “The cloaked asshole is working for the Seelie Court. I can taste the residual light magic. And he’s stealing magic. That’s why he’s been killing most of them. Kidnapping the more powerful ones to drain them continuously, I’m guessing.”
“He can’t take them back to the golden sithen,” Phil states, following where you’re leading. “So they’re still in the area.”
“I think he took them where there’s more greenery and nature, it would make it more comfortable for him. Someplace secretive to drain and hide them.”
“Central Park,” Bucky reasons. “It makes the most sense. It would be easy for him to hide them there, especially if he was -” He stops as you start exhibiting nervous energy beside him, enough to upset his wolf and your scent to change. “What is it?”
“Only royalty can move the sithen,” You whisper, eyes focused solely on Phil.
“I have to let Fury know…” Phil looks at you with pity and sadness appearing in his blue eyes. “Everything.”
“I figured as much when I tasted their magic,” face contorting with a pained expression is all Bucky sees on your lovely face as you whisper the words defeatedly. He’s on edge now with your changing emotions and scents, trying to keep his eyes from shifting too much or his fangs popping out to prepare for the impending fight, the need to protect and soothe you almost overwhelming him internally.
“I’m sorry,” He offers, moving forward to squeeze your shoulder sympathetically, withdrawing the phone from his pant pocket as your free hand shoots forward to grip his wrist tightly, a plea written plainly for all to see on your almost panicking face.
“Please Phil...delay it til the morning. I can’t...they’ll -” Bucky and Steve can taste the fear that’s rolling off you now, raising his hackles as Cerberus eyes him with interest before returning his gaze to Duchess.
“I won’t let your other side harm you,” Cerby snarls, his handsome olive face contorted with anger as you wince hard. Bucky tugs you into him as much as he can with your iron grip still on Phil, soothing the pacing and snarling wolf in his head as much as he is soothing you.
That’s why you said you should be better at wording things, Bucky thinks to himself, nuzzling his nose into your hair, fangs no longer a worry as your scent shifts yet again to worry. Only now he realizes you are concerned about how he sees you.
“Do you care I’m a werewolf and vampire crossbreed 100 year old plus former assassin?” Bucky mumbles softly against your head, making you pull away to look up at him, shock and confusion making you wrinkle your forehead at your mate. Your scent shifts to calm Bucky now, eyes tearing up just a tad as his wolf shakes and settles down. Mate needs reassurance.
“No!” You release Phil’s wrist to cup Bucky’s cheek, thumb moving over the course hairs of his beard. “I don’t care what you are. You’re mine, James.” The light in Bucky’s eyes stun you with his smile, his eyes crinkling beautifully. Just radiating his happiness in that simple little motion of his elated smile, your inner hound almost dopey at the tenderness your mate is exuding.
“Then why would I care if you're half fae?” He presses his forehead down against yours, making you squeeze your eyes closed to prevent the tears from falling. “You’re my mate, Duchess. I don’t care what you are, as long as I get to keep you. Understand, doll?”
“I just don’t want to be known as one of them...as one of the Shining Court. That’s not me.” You keep your eyes squeezed close, taking comfort in your mate’s touch and his surrounding scent, blocking out everything but Bucky.
“You moving that fast with that sword was hot though,” Bucky rumbles out, making laughter just peel out of you, opening your eyes to be met with those intensive cerulean orbs.
“You’re too good,” You copy his statement from the closet earlier, smiling up at the most important person in your life.
But that comment does make you think, yanking your forehead away from Bucky to snap back to Coulson.
“Phil! It’s for my father!”
“You sure?”
“It has to be! Only royalty can move the sithen! The High Prince has probably a quarter of the fae power I do and his son probably barely enough to magically open a doorway in the sithen.”
“Wait,” Clint starts, twirling a toothpick between his front teeth before pointing it at you and continuing. “So you’re a fae princess?!”
You wince again, Bucky’s metal fingers slipping under the edge of your shirt bottom to stroke your skin to ease the emotions swirling in and around you - at least they are much more in control and subdued than minutes ago. “Technically, yes.” You admit in a defeated whisper. “My grandmother is the Queen of the Seelie Court.”
“Which is why Peter said you were ordering the cloaked man to answer you,” Steve states, rolling his shoulders to relieve some tension. Too late you realize that since Steve and Bucky are actually pack that he was getting some diluted effects of your emotional rollercoaster just now just by being so close to the two of you. ‘Sorry,’ You mouth to him as he gives you a soft smile in return.
“So that’s why the ground shook?” Bucky asked, forehead slightly furrowed at Phil then down to you. “How can you move the whole sithen?”
“Oh, I can’t. I couldn’t do that unless I was Queen and would need a whole lot of blood magic to back it up to move it. And honestly, the sithen is a living thing, so it would need to be...um...convinced. But moving pieces of it - especially forgotten or ‘dead’ spaces that the court don’t access - is fairly easy if you know what you are doing. Hades is Lord of the Underworld. Is the “Underworld” just under Greece? No. It’s everywhere AND a specific place. The same properties apply to the sithen,” You shrug as if it hasn’t really occurred to you the schematics of it all.
“Ahh, sort of like the Sanctum Sanctorum of Dr. Strange’s,” Pietro supplies, tapping a finger against his chin with a small grin.
“Yes and no.”
“I was thinking more like the jet,” Wanda supplies to her twin who frowns at her.
“So if Dr. Strange had a Sanctum Sanctorum jet?”
“Jesus. Christ.” Coulson and Natasha mutter loudly in sync, sighing and turning away slightly from the twins and Clint who is nodding along with their continued discussion.
“So could you find the piece of the sithen in Central Park?” Steve moves the conversation back to the kidnapped victims, you watching him unclench and clench his right hand slightly. You move a little more into Bucky and reach for Steve’s right hand. His head snaps over to you almost comically fast, while you just try to exude a calming energy. Bucky whispers a soft ‘thank you’ against your temple before gently reaching over to squeeze Steve’s shoulder. You can almost feel Steve’s blood pressure drop once both you and Bucky are calm and now working on calming him.
“Yeah, I could. I’ve scented the magic signature he’s used both attacking me and at the crime scenes, so shouldn’t be too hard to locate it. I mean, I won’t be exactly spot on, but will be close enough to be able to move the sithen bit to me and manipulate it open hopefully.”
“So that’s the play,” Natasha states as Phil whips out his cell, causing another spike in anxiety to roll through you, but Bucky and Steve both quickly whisk it away with their touch.
“Yes, sir,” Phil states evenly. “We may have located the kidnapped parties. I request a team to subtly clear and surround Central Park. Yes, sir.” His right eyelid gives one lone twitch. “Yes, all Avengers to the Park. We are dealing with Seelie Court involved matters. Yes, she is here and will be leading us to the kidnapped hostages. Affirmative. Will do, sir.” He hangs up to find everyone staring at him. “Tony will be bringing everyone’s gear and then we’ll head to Central Park. If you have any requests or needs, please bother Stark. I have a whole ops to coordinate.” A black suv pulls up behind him, which no one even flinches at. “I’ll meet you all in an hour. Stark will know the location.”
“Onward to probable death!” Pietro mutters with fake enthusiasm and you frown at him, Cerberus moving closer to you until his arm is brushing. The scent of sage, juniper and lemon - overlapped with the scent of coffee, cinnamon, cedar and a soft ocean breeze, things distinctly Bucky to you, even the scent of orange faintly coming from Steve - do nothing to help the pit in your belly.
How true, you muse morbidly, glancing up into sad honey brown eyes. You can both catch the faint, trace smell of death.
And you both know it’s from you.
Tony had brought you several SHIELD jumpsuits in various colors: gray, blue and black, smirking as you had raised an eyebrow at him. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously, little hellhound. They’ll all form to fit you. Bucky and Peter mentioned swords, so I brought some thigh holsters as well as a back holster, since I didn’t know the length of your swords. Natasha has extra guns aboard the jet if you are into that. Also, we don’t have time for you two to be frisky, so -”
“Shut up, Tony,” Bucky had growled from behind him, just making Tony smile wider. Seeing Bucky in his hero suit was a whole different sexy than last night and this morning. Well, you now understood why Tony was having concerns about you two because - dear gods did you want Bucky to bend you over something and take you with that suit on. You’d be equally happy to just drop to your knees and thank your mate for this look. Bucky obviously can see and sense the changes as you are basically drooling and clenching your thighs, while having an iron grip on the dark blue suit you had been favoring.
“Remember!” Tony says loudly while shaking a finger at you before Steve comes up beside Bucky and herds the grinning man from the room where you’re surrounded by suits and weapons.
“Eyes are glowing again, doll,” Bucky purrs as he comes to a halt before you.
“Can’t help it, it’s an emotional reaction most of the time,” You breath out, a smile playing on the corner of his lips at your answer. “Used to just do it when I was extremely pissed off. Now apparently it decides to pop up whenever I’m -”
“Focusing. On. My. Mate.” You insist as he rumbles out a laugh, bending forward to kiss your forehead sweetly. You tilt your head up to catch his eye again, giving him a small smile as you reach out to take his flesh hand. “But just FYI, I can smell you’re horny too. And them pants is tiiight.” He captures your lips in a searing kiss, pulling you so tight against his chest that the buckles dig into you a little, just making you all the more riled up.
“Mate,” Bucky’s voice is part plea and warning in it’s roughness after you two pull apart, you nosing along his throat, kissing the skin where your mark should adorn.
“You could leave to let me get dressed…?”
“Where the hell is the fun in that, doll? Huh?” Both of you are chuckling, touching each other as much as possible but struggling to keep it PG.
“Bucky, I know you don’t want to bring this up…”
“But this could be it, ya know? So I need you to sort of brace yourself if it does.” His back is now ramrod straight and his jaw clenched tight, but holding your gaze.
“I won’t let it happen.” The determination from your first meeting is back, but you can only muster the softest look in reply, letting the suit fall to the ground as you cup his face with both hands.
“Sweetheart,” You coo gently, watching the sadness dance in his eyes that he’s trying hard to hide. “I adore you. I trust you inexplicably. I would happily spend the rest of my life with you. To mate you, to marry you...to have a little baby that looks just like you, that’s all I want. You deserve some peace and so. much. love.” His hands are gripping tight onto your waist, you can feel the fingertips digging in as you continue. “But you know I’m marked for death, Bucky. They’ve tried most of my life to circumvent it, stop it, undo it. But death comes for me regardless. I need you to not pull away from everyone if that happens. You’ll need them. Please.”
“I don’t - I don’t want to deal with that. I can’t. I can’t lose you too. I said I would protect you and keep you safe. I’m no Alpha if I don’t try. I’m no mate if I don’t try.” You’re at a standstill, both now in emotional turmoil over this topic, trying not to let it bleed into the other. He presses his forehead against yours hard, staring into each other’s eyes. “I love you,” He whispers and it’s all you ever wanted to hear. Right now, you had all wanted right here - a wonderful mate who loved you and would try to move heaven and earth for you, who didn’t care what you were. One of the most beautiful men in the whole world who looked at you like the sun rose and set by your whim. The whole thing was unfathomable.
“I love you, Bucky,” You breathe out in reply, longing for any other outcome but the one you know is coming. “And I will love you as long as you live.” Bucky makes a noise in the back of his throat, a couple tears sliding down his cheeks as yours begin to fall freely, letting him wrap his arms so securely around you as his beautiful blue jacket absorbs your quiet sobs.
The sun is nearly set, the sky streaked a hundred hues of dark pink and red as New York slowly descends into darkness.
Bucky is standing right beside you, outfit bringing out his eyes as he surveys the scene stoically. You’d chosen the dark blue jumpsuit to match his, arms brushing subtly as you stand just outside the magic lines - and sight lines from the sithen - of Central Park.
Although you can’t see them, you can vaguely sense the score of SHIELD agents and Avengers scattered on the edges of the treelines. But you can ‘see’ the edge of the piece of sithen just shy of the Azalea Pond at the center of the Ramble. Bucky had been the one with his tablet naming things off to you - you had only moved to New York two years ago after all - trying to help you narrow down areas where it could have been. You wish you had had the time for him to show you around New York, around Brooklyn, and places that still stood from when he was younger.
Cerberus is on the other side of the pond, should the cloaked figure try to escape, swathed in the grip of Underworld magic to keep him invisible and thus much more easy to herd or pounce.
Wanda is piggybacking off your abilities, twined with yours temporarily so she could sense the heartbeats of the victims now that you had a location. Sam is in the trees to the left of the pond with Peter, Steve and Tony on the right while Clint, Natasha and Pietro cut off any other possible exit points. Bruce is staying by the ambulances, ready to Hulk out should the need arise, although you could tell from his face he was radiating the bright hope it absolutely would not.
Any way the cloaked figure ran, he’d be funneled where the Avengers chose. There would be no escape. As a failsafe, Pietro would be the only one to engage with him except you, since he would be the most able to take him on with the fae speed.
You drag yourself back to reality, turning to gaze over at Bucky and steeling yourself with one last deep breath before starting down the short path to the Azalea Pond.
“Be safe for me, doll,” Bucky says softly, almost as soft as the small breeze suddenly around you two. You manage to nod, throat closing up again. The fair folk do not lie. It had been beaten into you, quite literally, when you were little at court. You want nothing more than to lie to Bucky in that moment. To reassure him you will be safe for him. But the fair folk do not lie.
Good thing you are not solely fair folk. You reach for his hand, grasping just his flesh fingertips in your grip and squeezing them hard. It’s a millisecond in time, but it seems like one of those Lord of the Rings moments that are in that slow, dramatic, longing-filled motion. “I’ll do my best, handsome.” Dropping his hand before you lose your resolve, you take the barely visible path towards the pond. Your magic is swirling with Wanda’s, your senses all in overdrive - so much so you can’t even register the smell of the flowers blooming along the landmark.
Pursing your lips, you whistle a simple five note tune that fae had used for time beyond memory.
From behind you comes that deep, craggly voice, “Greetings, highness.”
“Greetings, servant,” He gives a little hiss at the title you bestow. “SHIELD has sent me to inform you that if you cooperate, you will not be sentenced to death.”
“They are mostly human. I do not fear the humans.”
“You are not wise to not fear them,” You give a pregnant pause, making sure you give that haughty look the court loves to disperse. “If you do not accept this offer, I am to inform you that I, Princess Duchess Propolos Hekatos, will be judge, jury and - if need be - executioner.” He pushes back his cloak hood back, allowing you to finally see his scaled face. He was probably one of very few left over of those lizard scaled dwarves who stayed closer to the caverns around lakes and seas when humans first emerged as semi-civilized, with beautiful almost translucent rainbow sheened scales around his eyes and cheeks, his mouth set in a thin line with no lips.
“I was damned from the get go, princess.”
“We are only as we choose to be - it doesn’t have to be that way,” You insist, leaning a little forward, softening your eyes. Even if you disliked court life, the snobs of court who’s magic had begun to dwindle long before you were born, and how you were treated there - he was the same as you; a discarded fae. He doesn’t reply, though there is a flicker of something in his eyes, simply just unsheathes his double swords and gestures to you with his chin.
“Prepare, half breed,” Although his insult has less venom than the alley last night, you huff out a sigh at his tone. Like he’s just going through the motions. Asshat.
You shift your feet just so, straightening your spine as you wait for his move. Physically you are in that moment, but your power shifts the sithen opening to the side where Steve and Tony are waiting, causing the cloaked man to hiss, baring slightly sharpened front teeth at you. “Little bitch!” And his steel meets yours. “We will both die for this!” He snarls as he tries to drive you back towards the trees and brush opposite the pond, you holding the line as you wait for Wanda to signal you that the people had been recovered.
“I’ll deal with them when the time comes,” You growl low, blocking his blades yet again with a heavy clink, shifting just so that you can reach for Bucky’s favorite knife at the small of your back, tinged with the poison that your cloaked friend had been favoring and stabbing it into his side and piercing his lung with a squelch.
“The poison will do nothing to me,” He spits at you as you twirl your wrist to disarm him of one of the swords and slide Bucky’s knife back into its sheath.
“It will now. Dr Banner mixed it with another, a heavy iron involved one - infused with belladonna - to make you human slow,” You lean in as you block another wide swing from him with the one sword left, smiling wide. “And heal human slow.” The whole of Central Park shakes as you show your hand.
“No! NO!” He screams and hisses, attempting to swing his meaty fists at you now that he was without a weapon.
“I am still my grandmother’s first born grandchild. I am still the High Prince’s first born. I am a Princess of the Seelie High Court.” You lean in as your tone becomes more malicious with each word, watching true fear alight in his mossy green eyes. “And with all the inbreeding and decline for the last century,” You straighten up, your blue flames engulfing you as he attempts to scurry away from you, shielding his eyes against the light you emanate as he falls on his ass in the dense brush and dirt. “Let’s face it - I am probably the most powerful fae aside from the Queen of the Seelie and the King of the Unseelie.” Leaning down, fisting your hand in his cloak, you yank him back upright, snarling as your power dances behind your eyes, careful still to at least to not burn him with your flames. But watching him flinch at the heat, the basic fear all animals have towards a large flame, sets you more alight at the taste of that fear. “And absolutely the wrong person to piss off!”
“Spare me! Please!!” He screams, more high pitched than you had imagined, nearly making you wince as you see the red sparks above the tree line and see a blue clad shadow moving along the treeline coming closer to you. Pietro blurs past you, slapping old iron cuffs on the cloaked man, which sends him quite literally howling and screeching from the burn of the metal. 
Your flames give off a few large flickers before they begin to die down when Pietro says that they’ve gotten the kidnapped people to the ambulance they had on stand by, Bucky coming down the path towards you with a small smile on his lips as your eyes meet. Your magic shrinks back towards you, the weight of all the magic and your now overworked abilities settling back into you, your shoulders sagging a little with relief. It wasn’t over, but once your grandmother learned about your father and half-brother then she would be the one to end it.
The look in his cobalt eyes shift quickly, widening and moving to glare directly over your shoulder, his mouth moving in slow motion as he begins to barrel towards you, you begin to turn - only to feel the jerk of your body going forward instead. A glance downward shows a shiny red tip of one of the cloaked man’s swords protruding from just under your breasts, when you hear the mournful howl echo in and around your ears - only to realize it’s three distinct howls. The tang of blood spills into your mouth in a surprised gasp, turning slightly to see who has murdered you.
Your half brother’s hand is shaking slightly as he backs away from you, surprise written on both your faces as the scent of death finally fully fills your nose.
“I never thought -” You wheeze out, taking a few shaky steps towards your half-sibling as Bucky slides to a stop before you, his boots kicking up the fallen green leaves on the grass, both hands grasping your hips firmly as his eyes wander all over your body and face, tears already tracking down his cheeks. “You would have the balls!” You finish with another wheeze, the metallic taste much stronger now.
Bucky turns you to face him as Tony and Peter keep your half-brother from escaping, the darkening greenery of the world around you narrowing down to just Bucky. It’s a beautiful world to be relegated to actually.
“No. NO. Come on, doll. You - you gotta stay with me.” His voice is raw sounding, like he’s trying to not be loud, his metal hand putting pressure on the front wound as if it would help. His forehead is shoved against yours, your entire gaze narrowed to his blue eyes and his damp cheeks as he pulls you into his lap, collapsing the both of you to the ground. It’s funny almost to you in the moment...like you can still hear his loud, pitiful howl like a haunting melody behind everything he’s saying. “Doll, you gotta...come on, gotta fight. I need you to fight. Cerberus, he - he went to get Hades and Hecate. They’ll fix it. Just hold on til they get here, okay?”
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“I love you soo much, James Buchanan Barnes,” You’re heartbroken to watch him see your bloody bottom lip tremble, and the color seeping from your face. You can see him weighing all his options through his tears, trying to move your tired hand up to touch him, to comfort him.
“I love you too, babydoll, but please God, please … just stay with me.” The choked up sound of his voice makes you want to cry for causing him this pain. No amount of forewarning could have prepared you for this feeling - the feeling of slowly breaking and killing your mate.
“Mate,” is the last thing you manage to get out before you just go limp in his arms, those jewel eyes he loves so much already just staring up at the first stars twinkling in the sky unseeing. In the back of his mind, his vampire side offers up the idea which he swore to God he would never do. But all too late.
The howl that rips from his throat is pure misery and heartache, his body bowed over his mate’s, his grip still holding her in a vice. The blood cloys her scent, furthering his heartbreak.
He looks up, needing Steve on a near visceral level, only to not see anyone at all. Confusion slightly mars his grief, looking over his shoulder and all around the darkened area, but met with no familiar faces or words in his comms. Confusion gives way to his war training, the alertness on it’s highest notch as he scans around, sniffing delicately at the air as the world seems much darker now than it had just been. When he turns back towards the pond, on edge at the very tampered down scents surrounding him, he spots three almost identical women standing there with those dark pink azaleas framing behind them almost like a fresco - just appearing as if from nowhere like Hades had earlier on the street.
“James Barnes,” The one on the left begins, long dark brown hair falling freely to her waist. “We are sorry for your loss,” the one on the right continues, her hair half up in intricate braids. “But now that we have fulfilled our ill-spoken creed,” the middle speaks, all that dark mahogany hair piled atop her hair like a crown, before they all join hands as the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stand to attention at the sudden surge of power that surrounds him, his arms tensing as a wave of azalea scent blows around the two of them, bringing Duchess as close to him as possible again. “We will return our little cousin back to you.”
His mouth goes dry, forehead wrinkled in not understanding as he looks down at his mate, her eyes still open and her skin still dampened with that death pallor. Bucky gently uses his metal digits to close her eyelids, grief and nausea rolling through him simultaneously while the ground beside Bucky gives a small shake and splits open, Hades climbing so elegantly and easily from the ground below with Cerberus - in three-headed giant black dog form - with a wispy blue thing dangling from the middle head’s mouth. There isn’t even enough room left in him to be shocked, there is just acceptance of whatever this shit show was.
“Turns out, sometimes you just have to accept Fate and go through it in order to stop it,” Hades murmurs in his deep molasses voice, bending down just so, his long fingers gripping the back of Bucky’s neck loosely. “Will you accept your fate now, Bucky?”
“I’ll do anything for her,” Bucky rasps out with conviction shining in his tear-riddled eyes.
“Splendid,” Hades motions with his free hand for Cerberus to come forward. “You must take a mouthful of this first.” He orders sternly as a beautiful blonde woman, shorter than Duchess and with a more heavy hourglass shape, emerges from the crevice to the Underworld with a black and golden chalice. Bucky marvels at the tiny wild roses popping up in her wake as she walks around Cerberus to stand between himself and Hades. She sniffles as she looks at Duchess, one hand leaving the chalice as she frowns over at the Fates before brushing two fingers down his left cheek to his chin, the warmth from just her fingers seeping quickly into his icy feeling skin. He doesn’t even notice the Fates disappearing just after that, he’s so focused on the goddess before him.
“Remove the sword, Hades.” It’s gone with a wave at the woman’s order, Bucky unconsciously tightening his hold once again on his mate. “Now, Bucky, sweet little honeysuckle boy, take a mouthful of this - but don’t swallow.” She brings the cup to his lips and tips it up. “Now, when Cerberus drops her soul back into her body, kiss her and push all the ambrosia into her mouth. It’ll take a few seconds for her soul to readjust and the ambrosia to heal her before she comes back to consciousness, okay honeysuckle?” Bucky manages a jerky nod, rewarded with a pat to his cheek before she backs up towards Hades, Cerberus giving a huff as he leans down towards Duchess’s body.
“Three. Two. One.” Hades counts down, Cerberus’s light brown eyes locked onto Bucky’s before the middle head gently opens it’s very large jaw and the blue wisp floats down to her body. “Now.” Bucky smashes his lips against hers, feeding the liquid into her mouth with an edge of desperation barely restrained within him.
“Now we wa-” A gasp startles you all, her jewel-toned eyes blinking rapidly as her hands claw at Bucky’s waist where they’re trapped between them, until they’re focused on Bucky. Bucky lets loose a sob as she smiles up at him, blood now gone from her face.
“Hi handsome,” A tiny little cough to clear her throat. “Bucky,” Duchess manages to rasp out before she’s crushed to Bucky’s chest.
“I lost you,” Bucky half gasps/half sobs into her hair, the scent of blood seemingly long gone, a terrible dream from which he can now finally awaken...it was just her again. Just his mate.
“But you found me, handsome.”
Bucky manages to get out a soft chuckle as he pulls back to cup her face in his hands. “You do anything like that again, doll, and I swear I’ll -” She cuts him off with a kiss but he doesn’t miss the smile and silent eyeroll. When they break apart, she brings her hand up to cup his cheek, rubbing her thumb over his cheekbone repeatedly as Bucky just reveals in the warmth of her fingers and palms against his skin.
“You are mine,” She whispers so damn gently, like a breath of life gently fanning over his lips as her forehead bumps against his softly. Bucky understood this was her sign that everything was alright, that closeness of foreheads pressed together and reading every emotion in each other's eyes. 
“And you are mine,” Bucky affirms, electricity buzzing down his spine before he smiles wide at his mate, happy to see her own smile widen as he does so. “You’re stuck with me for forever now.” She tries to feign a disappointed look and tone, to school her eyes and keep her lips from twitching up in a grin is poorly executed.
“Oh, no. What a terrible thing, Sarge,” It comes out more as a purr, lighting a warmth and fire from within Bucky, elation now bleeding as a scent out of him at this tiny but monumental moment with his mate. A deep voice clearing his throat behind you brings you both a bit back more to the present, Bucky glancing to the left as your smile stays gracing your gorgeous face.
“Welcome back!” The goddess burst out, tears opening flowing down her lovely and soft olive oval face, falling to her knees behind Duchess and throwing her arms around her shoulders, squeezing her fiercely. She even pulls Bucky closer, smoothing a hand up and down his back as she hugs both of them just this side of painful.
“Thank you, theía.” Duchess grunts out from the tight sandwich she’s in, looking over to her uncle. “Theíos, what happened to that little motherfucker?”
Hades stern looking face breaks out in a tiny smile, looking so kindly down at the scene before him as Cerberus’s three heads lap and nuzzle at the three on ground. “He’s still being held on the other plane. And speaking of which, we should return quickly. Hecate might actually kill him and start a bigger conflict than which we already have on our hands.”
“Well that answers some of my questions,” Bucky mutters just behind her right ear, nipping at the earlobe gently as Persephone releases you all, gently wiping away her tears.
“I’ll fill you in as best I can later. After someone fills me in, that is,” Duchess promises with a quick but warm kiss to his lips. Hades helps his wife up, kissing both of her palms and exchanging a long, loving look before extending his hand for Duchess, Bucky shooting up beside her as they each have a hand hold on her and help to steady her as she sways just a touch.
“Much later,” Bucky agrees with the barest hint of a nod, just needing to soothe his mate still. Frankly, just needing to reconnect and optimally be alone with his mate. Hopefully uninterrupted for at least two weeks, a month - two months would be absolutely dreamy and very, very far fetched with all the shit they’ll have to deal with afterwards regarding this case. But Bucky would move whole cities to make good on what she’d said to him aboard the jet too. Finally get him some of that apple pie life that he, Steve and the Commandos had talked about all those years and years ago.
He watches as you roll your neck, gently pushing away one of Cerby’s heads to shake both your arms out before reaching up to finally scratch at each of Cerberus’s heads one by one, kissing at their muzzles with gusto as the giant hellhound wiggles it’s butt with abandon. “I didn’t get that warm of a welcome,” Bucky remarks with a smirk, his mouth breaking into a wider smile at the look she shoots him.
“Because that is something personal you’ll get later on, Sarge,” 
“Geallaidhean, an dannsair beag agam,” Bucky growls softly, making sure to seal it with a deep, hard kiss. Promises, my little dancer. She looks a little flustered when they break apart, eyes not as focused as before. He knows she can smell the very pleased scent rolling off of him at her reaction.
“Such an Alpha,” She mutters with a teasing eye roll, keeping her hand on his chest. “You wear that jacket and you can have whatever you like,” comes the whisper against his lips, a soft growl punctuating the end before he takes another kiss. “Okay. Okay. Now, let’s go shank the little fairy prince,” Baring your teeth is more cute to Bucky than terrifying initially, but knowing what you’re capable of does make it scarier. And sexier, he wasn’t going to lie to himself. He loves that his mate is that intimidating.
And quite honestly, what will be more scary to the little prince than someone he feared and loathed coming back after watching them die? What's more, coming back for their retribution on him from the other side. Bucky can bet anyone that it’s not a hell of a lot actually.
“Brace yourself for it,” She whispers, hand wrapping tight around his metal one. Bucky feels a tug at his navel as the whole world around him seems to lighten at least ten shades, the overwhelming scent of blood returning, along with the pond waters, and Steve suddenly all fill his nose at once, Steve’s hands suddenly wrapping just this side of painful on his upper arms.
The scent of confusion and awe fill the area around them like a sudden breeze, the fair folk Prince calling for the God and Goddess to protect him in a whisper which might as well be a shout in the eerily quiet park. It seemed like even the regular wildlife noises in the Park had shown restraint, watching the otherworldly conflict in reverence.
“Did you miss me, brother?” No one on the other side of Manhattan could mistake the venom in her voice for anything other than deadly.
“You don’t understand!” The man - if you could call him that, no one in Central Park would though - shouts defiantly with a slice of whining at the end, his pupils blown as his eyes dart around the small clearing with barely restrained panic, nearly everywhere but on Duchess.
“Spare me your bullshit, Bradye,” Duchess growls, the lights beginning to dance behind her eyes as she moves closer to him, leaving her mate behind her. She smiles a bit triumphantly, maliciously. “You have come into this realm and by doing so are now subject to its rules and punishments. That useless title you hold will do you no good.” A few tsks come from her, “For you will face a death punishment either way. Hecate has requested the Queen come here and you and our father will pay for, let’s see, eight deaths and three kidnappings.”
“The fair folk do not lie,” He reminds in a taunt, thinking he’s won something. Her dangerous smile makes his millisecond of gloating worthless.
“Oh, of that I am well aware. I was schooled in that rule with leather. And steel. And sharp blows...and I think it may have slipped your mind, but I DID die. Charon saw me waiting upon the shore of the River Styxx. And he cannot lie about the souls he sees and ferries. Is the shaking of your hand as you drove your servant’s blade into my chest so quickly forgotten? Don’t worry,” Flames begin to gather around her ankles, slowly creeping upward like a nonsensical dance. “I have worked with SHIELD to document all you and our father have done. Did you know that there are some cameras opposite where your servant was seen entering and exiting? And that it has files that date back to before the first murder? Where you can make out two male figures walking into the park and it has a slight shake to it? Almost like an earthquake...or perhaps even a sithen moving…” The color drains from his already pasty face as Duchess strides closer, the blue and white flames now licking up her hips and lower back. There is a slight odor of urine, making Steve and Bucky both wrinkle their noses as Tony takes a small step away from him.
It’s a power move, not just the ever shifting flames but Bucky can clearly spot how sharp her teeth have grown, how her midnight blue fingernails are now black pointed tips. She’s allowing her fae side out as well, those multicolored lights bobbing and dancing behind her irises as each step she takes results in tiny little faerie rings, the tiny flowers blooming in the colors of the pinks, greens, and light blues that dance behind her eyes as small little beings descend from the trees and pixie-looking fae flit from the flowers around the Azalea Pond.
“You have no proof,” The haughtiness returns, looking down at Duchess, and had his voice not shook, might have pulled it off. He also eyes the fae joining the group in the clearing around the pond, his eyes catching sight of the faerie rings behind her and the shock that shows in his eyes is nearly equal to watching her appear back on this plane - alive.
“You hear that, Grandmother? Everything I asked Hecate’s handmaidens to give you is not proof.”
Bucky will remember that look forever. The snapping up of his head so fast it looked like it hurt, the look of complete and utter stunned surprise that seems to echo through and around him and actually make a tremor run through the little slimeball as Fury, Coulson and a lovely looking older woman with hair that went from silver at the top of her head and slowly gained a darker red as it came to rest at her waist came behind him into the clearing.
“I have heard all in this park. I have watched your hand slay your sister.” There is a flash of fury in her eyes, which Bucky notices are mismatched. One green as freshly mowed grass and the other a dark pine bark brown. “And had she not been preoccupied with keeping everyone in this park safe, sealing the sithen closed, and focused on her mate, you wouldn’t have stood a chance, you preposterous, moronic, useless child!” Her voice raises but her face never changes from an indifferent look that Bucky had seen Queen Elizabeth sport more than a few times on tv. “You and your father will be punished to the fullest extent of this plane’s laws. Before that you both will be brought before both courts of Fae and stripped of all your titles, rights, magic -” She looks down her nose at him with a sniff of disdain, “This applies more to your father as he actually has abilities. And you will also be made to pay for restitution to the families of those you had killed and of course those three whom you stole magic from and tortured. By our laws and the old ways, your sister has death rights on all three of you involved. And I must say, if I was her, I would drag your punishments out slowly...meticulously...painfully.”
Duchess strides back over to Bucky, hands already reaching out for him as the fire dies down around her - not as consuming, but still a bright warmth that shadows her entirety. Wrapped safely in his arms, Bucky rests his chin on the top of her head as Steve gently brushes his hand up and down her arm a few times, just reassuring her of their pack bond before taking a small step back to let them bond more. She pulls back a little from the comfort of his arms, tilting her head back to look up at him, Bucky knowing exactly what she wants. This was all very familiar to what happened just before she died...and honestly they all need that reassurance that everything is okay still. And this is the simplest and best way he can do it now; Her lips are soft and easily molded to his own. His sensitive ears can still pick up the little chirps and flitter sounds of small wings of the tiny fae that had climbed into this plane at Duchess’s silent command, gathered closer to her than her Grandmother, waiting for something else it seems.
A sharp featured man dressed in a black suit jacket with heavy, shining gold threaded designs along the wrists, collar, and lapels comes into the clearing with two men trailing behind him dragging a third between them.
The tiny beings begin a high pitched whine as the dragged man is thrown at the Faerie Queen’s feet. The man in black eyeing the tiny creatures with an unreadable something in his eyes.
Bucky is shocked at how much Duchess shares her face shape and nose with her father. Everything else must have come from her mother, making her features softer. Her eye color - she had told him last night - had come from her mother’s father, her mother’s side also responsible for her more soft Greek eye shape and supple body as well. Her father’s face however is harsher, more weathered looking than even his mother’s face. His eyes are a muddy brown and he looks to be maybe an inch or so taller than Duchess herself, unusual for a male - and even most women - of high Fae blood to be that short and not claim Brownie or Goblin blood, both of which a high Fae would absolutely loathe to admit to tainting their line. Him and his son seem to have been the tailings of a long and powerful bloodline, while Duchess was an anomaly of both sides of her family tree which was probably why she was so powerful. She was seemingly that red-headed gene in a sea of black hair which came about once every few generations.
Steve moves closer to the two of them again as the Queen looks down at her son with even more disgust than her grandson, which Bucky would not have thought possible a second ago. The sharp featured man comes to stand before Duchess and gives a deep nod, the two men behind him taking a knee as they come to a stop, the High Prince of the Seelie Court and his son watching from behind the Queen with shock and anger mixed on both their faces.
“Your highness, we at the Unseelie Court are thankful to you as it was a forgotten part of our court that was taken.” His bright green eyes look almost hesitant for his next words. “We are indebted to you for clearing this up. And also for clearing our court of involvement. The Unseelie Court is indebted to you, Princess Duchess Propolos Hekatos.”
Duchess pulls away a little from Bucky and Steve to sink into a deep curtsy, “Thank you, King Odhran. May your debt be cleared swiftly.” The two men behind him rise and they all go over to the Seelie Queen as Duchess’s flames die down further, pulsing softly in time with soft flutters and swayings of the tiny fae that have moved closer still.
“I will be seeing you later for their merited punishments, cousin,” The man says indifferently while also containing a hint of malice.
“Good evening until then, Odhran.” He and his men disappear as the Queen waves her hand to the men and women holding the prisoners formerly known as her family. “Fury. Coulson. We will be off now. They will be put into your custody in a week’s time. My granddaughter will, of course, be there for the handoff as a representative of the good will of my court.” Bucky doesn’t like that she’s ordering Duchess, fighting to suppress a growl. Does she not know he has plans for his mate?? She turns to address said granddaughter. “You will attend this handoff as a Princess of the Seelie Court. Come see me the morning before the handoff, as we have things we need to discuss. Please thank your goddess, Hecate, again for her swift actions and Hades for his too.” Duchess sinks into that deep curtsy once again before nodding at the trees and pond, the tiny creatures melting back into the waters and darkening branches like shadows, her Grandmother watching with something close to fondness on her face as the guards and prisoners disappear first, then her elegant frame takes a few steps and is gone as fast and quietly as the others.
Fury holds his hand straight up in the air after they vanish, no one making a move, just light breathing as everyone glances around the clearing, looking at Duchess and then Coulson who both give a firm nod before he lowers his hand and clears his throat. Fury’s good eye looks tired as fuck to Bucky.
“Alright people, shit shows over. Wanda, please begin magically cleansing this spot with Pietro, I want to be out of here in under an hour. Coulson, get me updates and signed paperwork from the three rescued for prosecution. Tony and Vision, keep the area contained until after the cleansing. SHIELD agents, please collect photos and evidence before the cleansing. Originals we keep, copies to the NYPD. Falcon and Spidey, back on patrols for the next few hours. Barnes and Rogers, take the lady home. I think she’s done and had enough for tonight. Everyone else, find something to do to make this go as fast as goddamn possible.”
“Roger, roger!” Bucky and Steve call out, Bucky tossing his flesh arm over her shoulder, Steve on his left side as they all wave silently to their friends and begin their way out of Central Park.
“This is one of the most terrible evenings of my life,” Steve mutters as Hades, Cerberus - in his human form - and a third figure, who Bucky can scent and see is definitely not the extra curvy Persephone, wave from further up the treeline ahead of them. “And I was just on the edge of the whole thing - witness and secondary pack feelings between you two. I might need a cigarette.” Steve mutters as he runs one hand through his hair and then down his face after taking a deep breath and letting it out.
“You haven’t smoked since 1938,” Bucky remarks with an eyeroll. “And that was before we knew it was bad for you, punk.”
“And this was one of the most terrible evenings of your life so far!” Steve turns his light blue eyes towards her with his Captain America signature disapproving glare at her overly perky tone. “The Seelie Queen says thank you. In that special fair folk way,” Duchess lays on the happy sarcastic tone as they approach the trio.
“As if I give a single fuck,” The woman’s dark voice growls out, her full lips set in a frown at the news. “How do you feel, mikrí mou skoteiní?”
“I told you, your little dark one is fine,” Hades reiterates with an eyeroll.
“I feel wonderful now, eroméni.” Duchess squeezes Bucky’s hand before ducking under his arm and pressing her forehead against Hecate’s as they intertwine both their hands, the power swirling softly around the two of them.
Bucky can feel the comfort in the darkness and mist that surround them temporarily, the two pulling apart and grinning at each other more like sisters or best friends than what they were.
“Mistress, this is my Bucky,” She stretches her hand out to him, Bucky forever heeding her siren call as he slips his hand into hers. “And that is our Steve Rogers.”
“I am honored to be in your company, gentleman. My mikrí mou skoteiní needs more family. I am glad she has found not only her mate, but a pack.” Her face shifts minutely from ecstatic to a little teasing. “One that will surely grow soon?”
“My baby doesn’t need to be having babies just yet!” Cerberus says in his deep honeyed voice, the slight echo noticeable now.
“My ma raised me right, ma’am. I got to mate and marry her before we go that path. My girl hasn’t even been to Coney Island.”
“Psssh. You haven’t been to Disneyland.”
“I was starting with Brookyln and Coney Island, doll.”
“Whatever you say, handsome,” She sighs out with a smile as Hades chuckles.
“And so it begins, Bucky.” Bucky grins down at his mate.
“I can’t wait.”
“Cheeseballs...the both of you,” Steve laughs out as Hades pulls Duchess into a hug, kissing her forehead before pulling away.
“Bring the boy down in a few days for brunch. Persephone will be elated, well more elated, to see you mated and bonded. Steve is welcome as well. You know how we love certain companies in the Underworld.”
“I shall bring the handmaidens as well. Perhaps we can get Mr. Rogers a mate as well,” Hecate teases again as Steve’s ears and neck turn bright red.
“We’ll call to check in tomorrow,” Hades continues, hand stuck out to Bucky who shakes it more firmly than last time which makes the God of the Underworld’s smile widen. “Gentlemen.” He extends his hand to Steve, giving him his own hard handshake before stepping back for Cerberus to enthusiastically hug all three of them.
“I love new pack members!” His echo-y deep timber reveals his obvious happiness, Hecate eye rolling good-naturedly beside him.
“I’ll text you later,” a smirk is painted on her full lips as she stares at Duchess. “But I understand if you are busy.”
“Goodnight Hecate!” comes Duchess’s embarrassed reaction, Bucky wrapping his metal arm around her waist and winking at Hecate. “Stop that!” She swats at Bucky’s chest playfully, just for him to catch it and kiss her fingertips.
“Let’s head home, doll.” Her eyes brighten instantly.
“Ooooh! I’ve never been to Stark Tower!” She states as Steve full belly laughs.
“He meant your bar or our shared apartment in Brooklyn.”
“But I’ll take you to the Tower in a few days,” Bucky promises with a kiss to her open palm as her temporary puppy dog eyes brighten.
“Goodnight all,” Hecate and Hades state simultaneously as Cerberus gives Duchess one last kiss to her cheek before rubbing his own cheek against it.
“Goodnight!” Steve, Bucky and Duchess chime in reply, watching the gods and guardian take a handful of steps before disappearing further up the path to the right, Bucky leading his pack down the left path towards 74th Street. 
“So, whatcha up to later, Sargent?” Duchess begins as they enter the area just before the Boathouse Restaurant, squinting just a bit at the brightness.
“Well, I got this mate who smells like fresh baked bread, lemon squares, cayenne, and a little hint of mint - who is in dire need of a mating mark and bond. And lots of baby making practice. Then I was thinking I take her for lunch at the Tower in a couple days to show her off.”
“Can you schedule an old school tour after the Tower lunch?”
“Of course, doll,” Bucky’s accent thickens a little as her eyes soften as she looks up at him. “I’ll even show you everywhere we got our asses kicked when we were young.”
“And by ‘ours’ he means mine after 1934,” Steve says from Bucky’s other side with a scoff, sending Duchess a wink as they get past the Alice in Wonderland bit and start on the path down towards the Model Boathouse.
“Whatever you guys wanna show me,” Duchess sighs out happily, leaning into Bucky and reaching around his back to take Steve’s hand. Steve squeezes back before kissing the back of her hand and releasing it, happy to have her in the pack.
“I’ll grab some stuff, but I’ll stay near - up in Natasha’s apartment a few floors up. Just let me know when it’s safe,” He chuckles out as a flustered look passes over her face. “Don’t worry, kid, it’s natural. Just lots of good luck to our furniture in the house with this Alpha.”
“Is Natasha’s floor far enough away, punk?”
“Well, I love my pack already,” Duchess murmurs as Bucky and Steve continue ribbing each other, watching the stars compete with the New York City lights as a few leaves rustle in the breeze and fall on the bright path ahead of them.
“Doll, as corny as it sounds, it’s amazing how I could try but I could never explain what I hear when you don't say a thing. Just your scent and hearing your heartbeat is a different kind of magic,” Bucky whispers against her hair before kissing her soft cheek, his metal fingers entwined with hers naturally.
“If every bit of magic was stripped from me tonight, I would be okay with it. Because the best magic I’ve ever received is you.”
Bless ya’ll for making it through my long ass rambling stories <3
@stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @galaxiesinmymind @thewhiterabbit42​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @mizzezm​​
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liloelsagranger · 3 years
Night shift - finally a new Rocketshipping-fanfiction
My dear friends,
it’s been a while since I last posted an entry. Let me tell you why and what, besides Covid-19, made me pause from publishing fanfictions over the last couple of months. Of course, Switzerland was very affected by the pandemic and still is today. We had numerous lock-downs or as Swiss people call it “slow downs”. My mother got very sick last year, I almost lost her. The doctors said she would only live two or three more days, but my mom is a fighter. She had to stay at the hospital for months, she endured countless medical examinations, had to take meds and slowly learned to live again. I’m so proud of my mother that she was strong and determined to get better. When she turned back home, I started to take care of her and I hate to leave her on her own, even if we’re talking about half an hour or less. Right now, she’s doing quite good, actually, we’re on vacation and she makes a great effort to participate in life in Italy. She’s my role-model! She will never be the same as before, but she won’t give up, she wakes up every morning to make progress. I prayed for her and her well-being, I prayed every single night she might get another chance and now we’re here at the beach and dining in fancy restaurants. It’s been a horrible year for everyone, a year full of sorrow, tears and desperation, a year where I was constantly afraid, the hospital would call me with some bad news, but she did it! She survived and she fights for her life! So proud! Good news is: I passed my doctoral exams and I’m officially allowed to call myself Dr. phil. des. Melanie C. but that won’t ever stop me from loving Team Rocket so here it is - a brand new Rocketshipping-fanfiction for you guys. LOVE YOU! Night shift
Chapter 1:
It was past ten o’clock when that miserable looking guy entered the diner. He inconspicuously sat down in the farthest corner of the café and immediately hid his face behind the menu card. Nevertheless, Jessie the waitress could make out the pathetic expression on his face, how he was cowering like a whipped dog. She had seen quite a bit in this diner. Drunks, thugs, addicts and other needy people who asked for a sympathetic ear, compassion and understanding, but that guy was different. He suffered terribly, but did not dare to communicate, instead he hid from the world so as not to attract attention and quietly endure his fate. Jessie had to do something about it. Of course, she didn’t want to play the Good Samaritan. She knew the tricks of the men who entered this diner. Most of the time, they told the waitress tall tales, hoping to be comforted, whatever they meant by that. But this young man did not make a shady impressionHe was well dressed, looked well-groomed, and Jessie was especially struck by his bright emerald green eyes, the only thing in his face that had not yet been veiled by grief and sorrow. She decided to do something about his displeasure.
“Did you have a rough day?” she asked while disinfecting the table.
He looked briefly into her eyes and nodded. “That’s one way to put it,” he answered, the gaze immediately lowered again.
This would be a taciturn conversation, but Jessie didn’t give up easily, she was a natural at making even rocks talk.
“Listen! No matter what happened, I’ve seen or heard some things. If I can help you in any way, my name is Jessie and I’m in charge of this table today. Let me just get the gum out from under your seat and get you a cold drink. What would you like?” She pulled a spatula from her apron and rubbed away the remains of the spoiled brats that marred her diner.
‘Wow,’ the young man thought to himself. ‘A strong, self-confident woman who lends a hand herself and who’s not above cleaning up dirt.’ Their eyes met briefly, and he forced a wry smile.
“You know, kid. You can’t rely on anyone. If you want to get everything done, do it yourself and don’t trust anyone. This world doesn’t give you anything for granted!” She briefly wiped the back of his chair before disappearing behind the counter and pouring the young man an ice-cold Coke.
“I have rarely seen you so concerned about a customer. Normally you show yourself aloof and only take the order, so as not to get involved in embarrassing conversations. Must be a really great pike, this pathetic creature in the far corner. Could it be that you’ve got a tiny crush on this guy?” For Eddy, teasing his best friend was the greatest pleasure. He didn’t know her like that. Jessie usually resisted any kind of small talk. This was due to her dark past, when she had repeatedly fallen for advances from men who were never looking for a steady relationship, but for a quick fix. Eddy had witnessed this bad time of his friend, how her heart was broken, how she was badly played with, and how she was simply dropped like a hot potato. Jack was the worst example of them all. While Jessie was already hearing the wedding bells ringing, he was making love to the women of the Strip and deceiving Jessie night after night with other broads. Jessie was devastated when she found out Jack was cheating on her. She was furious, not even at her lying boyfriend, but at herself for having been so stupid as to trust a man.
Jessie gave Eddy a light pat on the head. “Don’t be silly! That time is over. I can take care of myself, I don’t need male support for that. I’m a big girl, I make my own dough, and I keep my head above water pretty well. No, not a chance, I’ve sworn off flirting.” Nevertheless, she caught herself as her gaze wandered to the young man in the corner. “Oh yes, this time is definitely over,” Eddy smirked.
“Jessie, could you bring us a side of fries, please?” Misty’s order echoed throughout the hall. The twenty-year old waved her hands. She was used to speaking loudly, almost shouting, to attract guests to her daily water Pokémon show. Sometimes she walked up and down the streets of the Strip all day in the blazing hot sun, trying to win people for her underwater attraction. As an excellent student, she could have taught at any college, but she had decided early on to get into show business and make her living doing what she really loved, joined by Dewgong and Starmie. Her parents had not agreed with this decision at all, it was wasted talent, they had claimed, and had summarily turned Misty out the door. Since then, she had been struggling through life on her own, but could always count on Jess, the diner and her two best friends, Ash and Brock, young people who were also not favoured by fate.
“Temper your voice, twerp!” Jessie couldn’t help but grin. She spread the ketchup bottles around the table, hoping Ash wouldn’t spill on himself and the diner again. His constant companion Pikachu immediately hopped on his shoulder, grabbed a fry and popped it in his mouth. Ash and his Pokémon were carnies. He had trained his friend well and attracted many spectators with his performance. Most of them felt sorry for the guy and tipped generously. That’s why Ash was able to invite his friends to the diner every night, a place that gave them hope where they could experience security. They were convinced that nothing would ever disturb this idyll and that fate, for better or worse, had taken its course.
“Who’s that guy over there?” Brock wanted to know. He had barely sold chocolate and roses tonight. The others held back, but they were certain that their friend was just too pushy with women and that’s why he only collected rejections instead of green bills.
“I’ve never seen him here before. Must be from another area. I can’t tell you for the life of me why he’s wearing a suit at theses temperatures, he looks pretty pathetic to me anyways,” Jessie replied.
“Maybe his car has stalled,” Ash suggested, “and now he was forced to wander through the desert until the tasty aromas from your diner brought him back from his delirium.”
“Or,” Brock interfered, “he had to flee his own wedding because his wife is a real pain in the ass, unlike our sweet Misty,” Brock oohed at his friend. “Forget it, Brock! You and me, this will never happen!” She gave him a gentle poke.
“Enough now with your naïve speculations! Just let him enjoy his drink. We’re closing soon, so get going,” Jessie dismissed their absurd ideas with a wave of her hand, but at this point no one knew how right Brock was.
Dark thoughts hunted the young man. He knew what he would face at home if he was late. Beatings, torture, rebuke, harassment, were just a few words to describe his failed relationship. Unconsciously, he stroked his scarred arms.
“Can I get you something to eat?” Jessie pulled him out of the maelstrom of bad thoughts, of course she had noticed the wounds, but maybe he had gotten those injuries at work. The young man rummaged some coins out of his pants and let them jingle on the table. “Is that enough for a cheese sandwich?” Jessie hated small change, but she would make an exception for him. A friendly smile, a quick nod, and she passed on the order.
“Something’s wrong with this guy,” she whispered to Eddy. “He’s scarred, bruised and pays with penny coins. Possibly a vagrant.” Eddy couldn’t help but grin. “That guy’s been keeping you busy all night, Jess. What’s the matter with you? Are you getting weak?”
The young man could not overhear the conversation between the waiters, but he was sure they were talking about him. He sure made a rather frightening impression, but that was a private matter and not something you shared with a waitress in a diner.
His gaze drifted to the daily paper, which had two faces emblazoned on it: Butch and Cassidy. He had never heard of this odd couple, but according to the news, theses two were causing quite a stir and were terrifying the Strip.
“Oh, so you’ve already spotted them, those two knuckleheads! They keep the Strip in suspense, and heads roll when the taxes don’t add up,” Jessie served him the cheese sandwich and gave him a slight smile.
“Can I get you anything else?” He thanked her and took a hearty bite of his dinner.
The last half hour flew by and the remaining guests left the diner to spend the night on the Strip, as very few had a roof over their heads. Jessie set about cleaning up and Eddy checked the register.
The young man stood up and made his way towards the door. But before he left the diner, he glanced back at Jessie for a moment. A sigh escaped him. What if…?
Jessie returned his gaze and watched him go until the young man disappeared. She walked right up to his table and found a little note on the receipt.
“Thanks for treating me like a human being, James.” 
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catboygretzky · 3 years
best stucky fic recs pwease
Okay, disclaimer, these are all like five+ years old (which is the best Stucky era, imo) and definitely not the only ones I enjoy; these are just a few in my bookmarks on ao3.
In no particular order besides the order I bookmarked them and under a read more because there's a shit ton of them (really, it's a lot):
- hold me until we crumble; Not Rated, 23k
“Sam told me you were watching Antiques Roadshow,” Natasha says, shaking out her hair. “I assumed it was a national emergency.”
- despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained); Explicit, 72k
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
- family means no one gets left behind or forgotten; Teen, 11k
“Why did you think I wouldn’t like you for being gay?” Steve asks gently.
“You’re Captain America.” Eli’s got his teeth clenched and is resolutely looking ahead. “You stand for truth and justice and the American way. You stand for American morals. You stand for…” he shrugs awkwardly. “Not people like me.”
Steve blows the air out of his cheeks slowly, trying to figure out how to keep the anger out of his voice so Eli doesn’t think it’s at him.
Or, Steve comes to terms with his new world, and gains some children in the process.
- Mistake on the Part of Nature; Teen, 1.3k
Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face.
"Oh," he says. "Bucky found out about bananas."
In which an American icon is mourned. But probably not the one you're thinking of.
- Swear Jar; Teen, 1.5k
Bucky isn't the only troll in the future.
Steve has a Swear Jar and he makes the Avengers pay up every time they cuss.
- Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth; Not Rated, 19k
There are three well-known facts at Shield High:
1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other.
Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
- perfectly right wrong number; Teen, 32k
It all starts because Steve is too dumb to handle his smartphone.
A wrong number AU in which Bucky Barnes doesn't enter Steve's life (meaning: Bucky wasn't born until the eighties, but Steve is still Captain America) until Steve accidentally dials the wrong number. Wherein there is a lot of texting, some advice via Natasha and Darcy, a bit of pining, and a first date in an amusement park. Oh, and on top of being a disabled veteran, Bucky is a professional catwalker. Literally.
- The power of the right shirt (a.k.a. God bless America); Teen, 1.2k
"He just…" Phil trails off, mouth gaping. He is staring at the field outside the house, eyes glazed.
Clint sighs. "Yeah, he just ripped a log in two with his bare hands."
- To fill it up with something; Teen, 21k
A fateful encounter with Dr. Strange leaves the Winter Soldier transformed, and Bucky Barnes reunites with Steve Rogers in a most unexpected way.
“Steve brings the puppy inside, into the apartment that doesn't quite feel like home no matter how much he's been trying. He isn't used to being alone. Before the war, he always had Bucky, and his mother until her death. During the war, Bucky was there, too—and the rest of the Howlers, of course—but Bucky always meant home. (And well, maybe Steve's already got a name for the puppy in mind)."
- build it bigger than the sun; Teen, 10k
“Yeah, because nothing says heteronormative like living in Dupont Circle for two years and wearing skin-tight shirts to hit on hot airmen when you go running in the morning.”
“Look, I know you’re being sarcastic but I really don’t get how no one picked up on that.”
Steve and Bucky try to work out their relationship. The Avengers keep getting in the way.
- Memories Circle (Like Birds of Prey), Teen, 32k
Everything seems to be going right, Steve's fighting with his Commandos, they've saving lives-- until Steve falls from a train, is taken prisoner, and turned into the Winter Soldier. Meanwhile, Bucky takes up Steve's mantle as Captain America, and thanks to Zola's experiments, he gets dropped into a whole new time, only to cross paths with a Steve who doesn't know who he is anymore.
Essentially, the events of CA:TFA, mild mentioning of Avengers, and CA:TWS but with Steve as the Winter Soldier and Bucky as Captain America
- The Gentleness That Comes; Mature, 9k
Steve Rogers never really views the things he had to do to get by before the War with any sort of shame or embarrassment. People ask him for his opinions on modern issues in interviews, but Steve has gotten good at talking around those types of questions. Fury insists that there's no way to answer them without casting a shadow of controversy across the reputation of the Avengers, and that's the last thing Steve wants.
But then a sex tape is released featuring Tony Stark in bed with another man, and Steve can't stay quiet any longer.
- salt for the sea; Mature, 7.5k
Natasha comes home with intel regarding the fate of the Winter Soldier; Steve leaves to go and avenge Bucky Barnes.
“It's a list of everyone who was involved in his death, and a rough timeline of everything that happened beforehand,” she tells him.
“And the notebook?”
“I explained what they did,” Natasha says, “The blank pages are for you to explain what you do to them.”
- Lone Cat and Samurai; Teen, 8.4k
"We lost Kitten America sir!" Junior Agent blurted out. Then turned an unlovely shade of purple. "I mean, Captain America. Who’s a kitten. Because magic. Sir."
- Waiting To Prove You're Not Alone; Explicit, 41k
Months after he woke up on the banks of the Potomac, when a reporter mistakenly assumes Steve would disapprove of homosexuality being as accepted as it is in the modern day, Steve accidentally snaps and unleashes his real opinion on the matter... and with that, a secret he's hidden for over eighty years.
When that secret comes looking for him in New York, Steve can only hope that he can get a second chance at saving his best friend, even if it means keeping his heart in check.
“Yeah, back in my day it wasn't tolerated, and because of that I knew from the minute I figured it out, that I’d never get to tell my best friend that I loved him, and sure enough, he died without knowing that I’d been in love with him for a decade."
- I'm Not Sick (But I'm Not Well); Mature, 30k
Steve Rogers doesn’t meet Bucky Barnes in the 1930’s. Instead, Steve meets him April 17th, 2012.
Well…sort of meets him.
In actuality, Bucky had almost hit him with his truck.
Or: The fic where millennial Bucky Barnes nearly runs over a freshly thawed national treasure, and what Steve Rogers did to adjust to modern NYC during those two weeks before the events of The Avengers.
- pure as the driven slush; Explicit, 11k
He should have worked it out sooner. But then, Steve always was a sneaky little bastard—had to have been, just to survive this long.
For the SteveBucky Fest prompt, "Steve is quite experienced while Bucky's never gone beyond second base with anyone".
- Let's Be Exposed and Unprotected, Explicit, 5k
Bucky’s pretty sure he should be into getting fucked through the floor while walls explode around him like in that Mr and Mrs Smith movie that Clint loves. But he likes it like this. He likes being on his back with Steve looming above him, big and naked, blocking out the rest of the world.
- Man of Steel; Explicit, 6.7k
It’s like Steve looked at his metal arm and thought ‘Challenge Accepted.’
- 5 Times Steve Got Arrested and 1 Time They All Did; Teen, 4.9k
What it says, 5 times Steve Rogers ended up in jail (with and without Bucky) + 1 time all of the Avengers got arrested with him.
- the best of you; Teen, 16k
Bucky is on a mission when he gets the call.
They tell him that Steve has been compromised.
[The story wherein Hydra captures Steve to create a new weapon. Bucky, alongside the rest of the Avengers, come together and work through the fallout.]
- pull apart the dark; Teen, 79k
Steve's unending faith in his best friend was beginning to look less like hope and more like fantasy. When they'd caught the Soldier – in a fire fight that still gave Sam nightmares – the only thing the man seemed to recall was how to hit exactly where it hurt.
Four months later, Barnes still refused to speak English. Refused to heed anything but Steve's voice.
So, all in all, it was not a great time for Hydra to attack New York. All in all, Sam really wished they'd just killed him, instead of turning Captain America into a baby.
- Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy; Explicit, 8.9k
Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
- the blood of the covenant; Teen, 7.5k
Steve has a "thing" for hot water.
Or, Sam Wilson adopts Steve Rogers.
- Mighty like Love, Mighty like Sorrow; Teen, 19k
After freeing himself from the Russians' mind control, Bucky is left at loose ends, drifting through the decades. Still, he's in no hurry to take up Nick Fury's offer to once again fight the good fight -- especially not when Fury has the nerve to put some imposter in his best friend's old suit and send him out to fight against Chitauri.
- Read Me Like a Book; Gen, 1.5k
In which Bucky accidentally becomes a book collector, because when the universe gives you a million biographies about your boyfriend, you go bookcase shopping. And then he finds out about The Grenade Incident, and the boys actually talk about it like actual adults. (Somewhere, Sam sheds a proud tear.)
- the broadest stroke of color; Gen, 16k
Sarah Rogers always loved Steve's hands.
"Your hands will do a lifetime's work," she'd say. "Remember to do the work you can for those you love."
Almost a century later, Steve does just that.
[The story wherein Steve draws comics for Bucky to help him recover his memory. Through a series of events, the issues are leaked, and Steve finds himself reviving the Captain America comics. He still isn't sure how that happened.]
- If You're Loved By Someone (You're Never Rejected); Teen, 9.4k
You’re fifteen when you realize why you stare at Bucky’s lips more than normal when he laughs and when he says your name. You lean into his shoulder when you walk next to him and when you’re sick you don’t fight off his soft hands. You tease him, he teases back and being around him is so easy you forget what it was like to live without him. You can’t remember life pre-Bucky and it scares you.
- Unusual Weather; Explicit, 8.7k
Bucky’s been at the Avengers Tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to Steve’s gentle coaxing and Stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
It doesn’t go well.
- this city bleeds its aching heart; Explicit, 35k
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
- Good Boy; Explicit, 13k
Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable. Increasingly, though, what seems to make him comfortable is strangely intimate.
Surprise, Steve! You're a gentle dom and Bucky wants to be your pretty pet!
- Brooklyn; Teen, 8.8k
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
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Out Of Time ~ 113
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,020ish
Summary/Warning: This chapter is mainly in everyone else’s point of view. The next chapter will be in Y/N’s.
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Y/N woke up, already knowing where she was. Her hand immediately went to her stomach as her eyes replayed the fighting she had witnessed. Her heart beat quickened as she relived those terrible moments. The monitors she was connected to warned the medical staff outside. Helen and her nurses rushed in.
“Y/N,” Helen called. “I need you to breathe.”
“My… I… the baby…” Y/n stammered through the struggle. “Is my baby…. It is okay?”
The waiting would always be the worst for Tony, especially when it came to Y/N. The pacing was paired with the constant worrying and need to be kept busy. So by the time Dr. Cho came out of the med-bay, Tony had developed braces for Rhodey’s now paralyzed legs and FRIDAY was already building them.
Rhodey had joined Tony in the waiting, via wheelchair, with Happy and Pepper joining as well.
“This is not your fault, Tony,” Pepper said, softly. “She made the decision not to tell you about the baby and to go to Siberia.”
Tony chuckled, darkly. “I’m sorry, Pep, but you’re wrong,” Tony retorted. “It’s all my fault… She didn’t say anything because of the Accords. Then I was forcing her to side with me or her brother and her first love…. I know her. She got too caught up in it all…. And that’s my fault. Like everything… My fault.”
“Tony,” Helen called, exiting the med-bay. 
Tony, Happy, and Pepper all stood. Tony rushed up to Helen, hands nervously in front of him and eyes pleading with her already.
“Just tell me, Helen,” Tony said, voice already broken. 
“I’m sorry, it—it didn’t make it, Tony.” Putting a hand over his mouth, he stepped back. “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh my…” Pepper gasped, grasping onto Happy to keep herself up.
“Y/N is…” Helen paused with a sigh. “She’s not taking it well.”
“I want to see her,” Tony stated. “Can I see her?”
“You can. But I don’t know if she’s willing to talk.”
“I don’t care. I just need to be there.”
Helen nodded in understanding. “She’s in the room, second to the right.”
“We’ll be out here if either of you need anything,” Rhodey stated.
All Tony could do was nod before shakily making his way to the room Y/N was being kept in. The blinds were down, so he was unable to peek into the room before entering. His palm was sweating as he placed his hand on the door knob. There was a tenor in his hand as he twisted the door knob. Tony’s heart dropped to his feet in a thousand pieces as his eyes took in the room.
“No.” Tony took a careful, uncoordinated steps to the bed. His knees gave way next to the bed, hands grasping at the sheets. “FRIDAY?”
“I’m sorry, boss. I have no way to track her. Miss Rogers is gone.”
“Pick up, pick up, pick up…” Tony muttered, holding the phone tightly to his ear.
“Stark, I really don’t have time for you—“
“Coulson, I need you to be honest with me… Is Y/N with you?”
“I really don’t think that—“
“Is. Y/N. With. You?”
Coulson paused with a sigh. Tony impatiently waited, tapping his foot as his thoughts ran a mile a minute. His eyes were dry and red from the tears he had allowed himself to shed. The hard exterior shell that the great Tony Stark had built up was crumbling. He had lost his team—his friends, found out the truth about his parents death, and lost the child he didn’t know about all in the same day. And now, he couldn’t find the love of his life, who had to be hurting just as much, if not more, than he was.
“No,” Coulson finally spoke up. “I haven’t seen her. But I’ll let you know if I do.”
“You better not be lying to me, Phil. I…. I need to find her. She shouldn’t be alone right now.”
“I’ll send a search out for her and let you know as soon as I see or hear anything… Mind telling me, what happened?”
Tony sighed shakily, covering his eyes with his free hand. “Everything fell apart…. and…. She lost a lot today. Her family… her child…”
“Her child?” Coulson gasped.
“Now you know why it’s important that I find her.”
“Yeah… I do… I’ll keep you updated.”
Steve and Bucky ran into T’Challa upon leaving the bunker in Siberia. The new King quickly led them to the jet he had taken to follow Tony on. He had found the truth, realizing that it was Zemo who had turned him against Bucky, and had taken Zemo into custody as Tony, Bucky, and Steve were fighting. T’Challa took the men to Wakanda and immediately got Bucky medical attention. The doctors there promised that they could find away to deprogram Bucky and he willingly agreed to go back into cryo until then. 
“You sure about this?” Steve asked Bucky.
“I can’t trust my own mind,” Bucky replied, seated on the medal table. “So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing . . . for everybody… Have you heard anything from Y/N?”
“No,” Steve shook his head. “I shouldn’t have let her stay with us.”
“I’m the one that told her to go.”
“What worries me is that she was so weak, that she could’t have gone very far. I honestly hope she somehow made it home with Tony.”
“Just… make sure she’s okay for me, punk. I need her to be okay if I’m going to be able to be okay.”
“Me too… I just hope she will forgive for everything.”
“Forgive you? You’re not the one who killed Howard.”
“But I knew you had and I kept that from her and Tony. I screwed up just as much.”
Bucky went into cryo shortly after his little conversation with Steve. T’Challa met Steve at a window, looking out of Wakanda’s labs.
“Thank you for this,” Steve said.
“Your friend and my father, they were both victims,” T’Challa responded. “If I can help one of them find peace…”
“You know, If they find out he's here . . . they'll come for him.”
“Let them try… I want you to know that I have people out searching for your sister. Since she did not sign the Accords and she is gifted, I fear the governments will be after her as well.”
“Thank you for watching out for her.”
“Of course. Family. That is the most important thing in this world.”
Tony had people searching for Y/N, 24/7. He was trying his best to help while also focusing on Rhodey’s rehab. The two friends were in the gym at Avengers HQ. Rhodey had the first design of braces on his legs as he tentatively walked beside parallel bars.
“It’s just the first pass,” Tony said.
“Yeah,” Rhodey replied, sweating from trying so hard.
“Give me some feedback. Anything you can think of. Shock absorption. Lateral movement. Cup holder?”
"You may wanna think about some AC down in . . .” Rhodey fell onto his hands, with Tony quickly crouching beside him.
“Let's go. I'll give you a hand.”
“No, no, don't. Don't help me. Don't help me.” He moved to his hands and knees, turning to sit on the floor beside Tony. Tony was clearly feeling the guilt of everything that had happened. “138. 138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Every one of them could've been my last, but I flew 'em. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same with these Accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do…. And, yeah, this sucks. This is uh . . . this is a bad beat…. But it hasn't change my mind…. I don't think.” 
Rhodey gave Tony a crooked smile and took his hand. Tony pulled him up onto his feet.
“You okay?” Tony asked.
“Oh yeah,” Rhodey responded. 
The men were interrupted by a knock on the window. They turned to see an old FedEx delivery man, with a package in his hand. 
“Are you Tony Stank?” The man asked through the window.
"Yes, this is--this is Tony "Stank". You're in the right place,” Rhodey responded, pointing at Tony before turning to walk using the bars. “Thank you for that! I'm never dropping that, by the way. Table for one, Mr. "Stank". Please, by the bathroom.”
Tony laughed before taking the package. He looked at it for a second, almost immediately recognizing the hand writing. He made his way to Steve’s office, still in the perfect condition the man had left it in. Tony opened the box and immediately pulled out a letter labeled, ‘Tony’.
I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. Even if Y/N’s with you. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. Y/N and I have been on our own since we were 18. We never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. 
My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. 
I know I hurt you, Tony. And that I hurt Y/N. I guess I thought by not telling you both about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. That Y/N can understand. 
I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. So, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I’ll be there. 
Also, I honestly have no idea where Y/N is. I only have hope that she is safely with you. Please, take care of her. 
Tony dumped the rest of the box onto the table, revealing a flip phone and another note. This was was addressed to Y/N. He picked it up and carefully began opening it.
“Priority call from Secretary Ross,” FRIDAY interrupted. “There’s been a breach at the Raft prison.”
“Yeah, put him through,” Tony responded. He turned to the phone and pressed a button.
“Tony, we have a problem,” Ross stated.
“Ah, please hold.” Tony held up a finger.
“No. Don’t—“ 
Tony put Ross on hold before glancing back at the phone. He knew what Ross’ call meant. Steve had broken into the prison. Sighing, he lifted the note to Y/N back up and began reading it.
I know you well enough to know that no matter what I say in this letter, it won’t change how you are currently feeling. Hurt and betrayed. I hurt you and Tony by keeping the truth about Howard from you. I thought I was protect you, or so I thought. I do realize now that I was only protecting myself. I’m so sorry.
I haven’t heard anything about your welling being or location since Bucky told you to leave the bunker. I’m praying that you’re okay and that you’re safe wherever you are. Even if that’s with Tony. 
I’m sorry that I haven’t really been the best brother since we woke up. I woke up and you seemed to already have either under your belt. Not that any of that is an excuse. I should have done better. And for that I am sorry.
Please reach out to let me know that you’re okay. Or if you need anything. I love you.
Tony set the letter back on desk and hid his head in his hands. Tears sprung in his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling.
“Where are you, Y/N? Where are you?”
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
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hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
In Our Favor
Part 143
McCoy rubbed at his aching head. Andre had advised them to sleep on the flight. Scotty had tried his best to get McCoy to relax, but he hadn’t been able to. His mind had just continued to run through the same unanswered questions, the same worries, on a loop.
Scotty had finally taken McCoy’s PADD from him when he kept refreshing news articles that had no information.
McCoy had tried Andre, but he had declined to answer. McCoy didn’t know if that was an order from the king or whether Andre didn’t honestly know what was wrong with Leah.
The palace gates had been heavily guarded as they had driven in, and flashes from cameras lit the dark. Cars and people lined the entrance and McCoy had scowled.
“Where’s Dr. Boyce?” he asked now, looking around the faces in the sitting room. “And Sarek isn’t on the door.”
“Phil is at the hospital helping as best he can,” David said. “And Sarek is working with the police on the interrogations.”
“What are they doing for the lass?” Alasdair asked.
David looked old and helpless as he shrugged. “They don’t know what the poison is. Without that knowledge they don’t know how exactly to proceed.”
“I didn’t realize there were those on Georgiares who opposed ye,” Francine said softly.
David shook his head. “All governments have their protesters. We’re no different. They are only a small group.”
A knock sounded then and the air in the room went still as everyone held their breath.
“Come in,” David called after a moment.
Andre opened the door. “The rooms have been made up, your majesty,” he said deferentially to David.”
“Thank you,” David nodded. Andre backed out and closed the door silently. “I don’t know how much rest you got on the shuttle…”
“Thank you lad,” Granddad said. “If there’s nothing more we can do than be here for each other, we may as well be rested for it.” He gestured at Robbie. “Come on lad, ye look like ye’ve not slept for a week.”
“I’m fine—”
Robbie’s head bowed and slowly he followed the older man from the room.
“What happens now?” McCoy asked, breaking the silence.
“I- I don’t know,” David admitted in nearly a whisper.
Fresh tears welled up in Eleanor's eyes. She didn’t bother to wipe at them with the handkerchief in her hand. Her other hand was clasped by Francine.
McCoy got up and crossed over to sit on his mother’s other side.
“Oh Leonard,” she cried, turning to embrace him. He wrapped his own arms around his mother as she continued to cry on his shoulder.
“—we already contacted Starfleet and told them of the family emergency.”
McCoy looked over at his father.
“—you’re cleared for the week,” David continued, looking at Scotty. “Hopefully this won’t take a week.”
McCoy shivered at the fear in the king’s eyes. How did David think this was going to end? McCoy’s chest tightened and he took a shuddering breath.
Leah would be alright. They’d find what type of poison was used and counteract it. Wouldn’t they? His heart pounded extra hard in his chest. Leah would be fine. They’d get the cure, she’d take it and be back home soon enough. Right?
McCoy’s stomach twisted.
Right? Everything would be fine.
Leah would be fine. She had to be. She had a kingdom to lead someday.
McCoy squeezed his eyes shut tight.
Please let Leah be alright. Please…
Part 144
When the two of them retreated to their room, Scotty could tell by the empty-eyed look on Leonard's face that various thoughts were running through the young man's head. There was so much to deal with for the prince.
"Hey, c'mere," Scotty whispered in a gentle voice, pulling Leonard into his arms and once his hand was running through Leonard's hair, the boy started to sob.
"L-Leah has to be okay! She n-needs to survive!"
There was so much fear and pain in Leonard's voice. It hurt Scotty too. And all he could do was try to calm his husband.
"Shhh, she will. The lass will be fine."
Slowly, Scotty guided Leonard over to the bed and they sat down together.
"How could this even happen? M-my sister is the most protected person on this whole damn planet!"
Scotty thought back to the story his brother had told them. A poisonous ring. Even security couldn't have seen that coming, although they should have. If it had been a weapon or a phaser things surely would have ended up differently. But they hadn't. And now they were in this situation.
"I'm sure they'll find the antidote and save her."
"And what if they don't? What if Leah dies and then... then I have to be king."
Leonard's eyes widened in horror as he thought about that possible outcome and Scotty couldn't deny that those words bothered him.
This wasn't about Leonard or his future. This was about Leah in the first place. If Leah would die then a lot of worlds would be torn apart. One of them being Robbie's. He loved Leah with all his heart and losing her would be the hardest thing ever for him. He certainly wouldn't be able to cope with it.
Scotty sighed. He knew that he shouldn't judge Leonard for his words. He knew that he didn't mean it that way. Of course he was worried about Leah's health for Leah's sake. Because she was his sister. And he loved her.
"Let's get some rest, mo ghràdh. Later on we'll get to know more."
Without asking, Scotty unbuttoned and pulled off Leonard's shirt. His own shirt followed quickly and moments later they were lying under the covers, holding each other in a tight embrace.
"You should be with Robbie. He needs you more," Leonard mumbled quietly, exhausted from the long day, but Scotty only shook his head.
"Mum and Granddad will take care of him. Right now it's ye who needs me most."
Leonard didn't protest. He only stared at his love silently.
"Try to sleep now, Len."
Scotty pushed a strain of hair out of the prince's face before he pressed a gentle kiss onto his forehead.
He was the first to wake up. Confusion washed over Scotty for a moment when he noticed that he wasn't lying in his bed at Aberdeen, but quickly all the memories returned and he sighed sadly.
The attack on Leah. Everyone being called to Georgiares II. It was just so horrible!
His thoughts wandered to Leah.
He couldn't understand it. How could someone hurt the joyful and generous crown princess? Leah was so kind. She used her power wisely and listened to everyone who seeked her help. It was crazy to think that people wanted to kill her just because they hated the monarchy so much.
And it wasn't fair.
Those people protesting and rioting had no idea of what they had done. They had no idea how many lives they were destroying with their actions. And Scotty really hoped that they'd be punished for it.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 21 - Thanks, Dr. Phil.
Episode 3. *At a small forest hut, somewhere in the Canadian mountains* Raven: *He kept holding Andy tight until his crying started slowing down* Andy: You scared me! Raven: *He sighed deep* I'm sorry. Andy: Are you staying? Raven: *He sighed even deeper* I can stay for the night, but that's it. I will get tracked by my clan if I stay any longer. Andy: *He sniffled his nose and pulled a bit away from Raven* When are you gonna stop this running and come back home? Raven: ... I don't know Andy? *he looked at him with apologetic eye* I'm sorry, but it's complicated. Andy: *He sniffled his nose again, trying to dry his eyes* Pete is worried, even if he tries not to show, and he asks about you all the time. Ben does too.... I think it's pretty stupid if you keep staying away cause you think they don't want you. Raven: Asking is not the same as wanting to be with someone, Andy. *He sighed soft* However, I'm not so sure it's only that by now. It's hard to explain... Andy: *He sighed soft* Why don't you try to talk to me like you used to? Or am I one of the bad guys as well now? Raven: *He sighed soft* No one is a bad guy, but me. 
Andy: You know what, cut the crap *he frowned deep* I just... can we both put our self pity aside for a while and just try to fucking talk? *he suddenly took a look at their surroundings, they appeared to be in an old wooden log hut, judging by the howling wind outside they were somewhere cold* w Where the fuck are we even?
Raven: *He sighed soft and kicked his boots off* a safe-house... but that doesn't mean I can stay more than 12-15 hours, they will track me. I'm sorry, I just need more time *he looked at Andy with sad eyes*
Andy: *He sighed deep* Okay, fine. But can we please sit down and try to... I dunno man... Raven... *he sighed again* please talk to me. I'm fucking terrified you're just gonna take off again and I wont see you for months, or know if you are dead or alive! You know *he said with a cracking voice* I get you... I completely get you why you felt and feel like running away from it all. But if you are still doubting THEIR love, at least... consider to stay for the people who you are sure love you *he sniffled his nose as tears gathered in his eyes again* please consider that I know what you were going through, and maybe I was just as scared and lost as you were? And maybe I also tried what I thought was best to keep him alive. We all did. And I know it's easy to just 'move on' cause now things are 'better' than they were when we were right in the eye of the storm. But that doesn't mean it didn't leave very deep scars on us. It doesn't mean that it doesn't all come crashing over us in the middle of the night when we are alone with our thoughts. Or when we are taking 2 minutes to relax in the shower. It doesn't mean it wasn't another trauma on the trauma pole. It's not something that just goes away because he isn't actively seeking to kill himself any longer. It never goes away. I still wake up some nights, checking if he has been online, left a trace of life somewhere. I still panic when I wake up in the morning and there's no good morning from him. I still fear the worst every time his mood is gloomy, trying to look for signs that he's about to leave again. As if I know it's just a matter of time that he figures he no longer cares enough to stay anyway *his voice broke again* and I know it's on Adrian's mind as well. I see it every time I mention Ben's name. The fear, the worry, the sadness. But we don't ever speak about it... he keeps it to himself, and lets me talk, all I get in return are annoyed grunts or him changing the subject. And all I get in return from you, is you running away! We were all 3 in it... whether we liked it or not. Why can't we sit down and try to work through it? Please?! I don't want to lose you too!... again! Please!! *he started sobbing hard, barely able to stand on his legs* I love you so much! *he coughed hard from sobbing* I can't lose you too! Please! I fucking beg you, Raven! Please! *He coughed again, this time much more violently as he felt he was about to puke, quickly running towards a door, he hoped would lead to the outside world, relieved as he ripped it open and saw it was indeed to the outdoors, shocked as he saw they were located in a forest, covered in snow! But he didn't have time to react or question as he fell to his knees and puked in the snow*
Raven: *His solid foot steps came closer, and he quickly kneeled down next to Andy, placing a hand on his shoulder, letting warmth spread it's way to Andy's body*
Andy: Don't! They will find you...
Raven: ...... let them *he sighed soft and continued to use his healing power to settle Andy's stomach and make him feel better*
Ronan: Raven *his voice was soft but cautious*
Raven: *He sighed deep as he looked up at his brother, standing few meters in front of them* It's fine. I'm not running.
Eonan: *He stepped out of nothing next to Raven* Good, cause I'm tired of chasing you. *He forced a soft smile* What do we do with you now?
Andy: *He moaned soft as he came*
Raven: *He sighed soft and squeezed Andy's shoulder gently, but kept looking at his brothers* I wont run anymore, but I also can't deal with the others yet....
Ronan: *He nodded soft* Fair enough.
Eonan: They are not far behind. So we better get out of here then.
Ronan: *He nodded confirming*
Bree: Not without me!
Raven: *He flinched as he heard her voice*
Bree: *She placed a hand on his shoulder, stroking it soft* Andy, grab onto me boi an ah will take us somewhere safe!
Raven: *He smiled soft and nodded at Andy* It's gonna be fine, I promise.
Andy: *He nodded soft and quickly leaned in, wrapping his arms around Raven, then they were gone*
Adrian: *As he slowly drove down the small hill to his house, to park Andy's car, he already noticed him, sitting in his garden, on the hood of his black GTO. He sighed soft and slowly let the car roll the rest of the way on it's own, parking it just outside the gate. Then he slowly got out, and walked through the gate, all the way up to him, stopping right in front of him* What are you doing here? *He spoke in a lowered deep voice*
Sam: I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here *he made a move to jump off the hood*
Adrian: Sammmmhhh *his voice rumbled low as he planted a hand on each side of Sam's thighs, pressing his palms tight against the hood of the car* I think that's up to me to decide, since this is my lot, isn't it?
Sam: ......
Adrian: I simply asked WHY you are here....
Sam: *He sighed soft* I don't know? I.... missed you... I didn't think you would come home and find me-
Adrian: Stalking me? *he lifted an eyebrow*
Sam: *He chuckled soft* Right. I'm sorry, I'll leave...
Adrian: *He shrugged lightly* My date left with Raven, so I'm free as can be, since my other boyfriend refuses to pick up his phone. I called him 3 times on the way over here, nothing. So I guess it's best to leave him to cool down before I give it another try... *he sighed deep*
Sam: What's going on? *he looked towards his dad's car, then back at Adrian* Dad's with Raven?
Adrian: It's a long story, I'm not really in the mood for it, I just came from Sparkle's and the drama over there still has my head rolling
Sam: *He burst out a soft snort* Oh dear!
Adrian: Mmhh *he leaned in, planting a tender kiss on Sam's neck* I need a bath *he mumbled against Sam's skin* I need to just soak for a while
Sam: *He sighed soft from the feeling of Adrian's lips against his skin* Well... there's a bath located not so far from here... and the house is empty....
Adrian: Is that so? *he planted another kiss on Sam's neck, this time a bit more sensual* does that bath come with you in it?
Bree: *He smiled relieved as she stood in front of her son* You'll be safe here, at least for a night.
Raven: *He sighed soft* Mom, you shouldn't be helping me, he's gonna get pissed!
Bree: Yah! *she planted her fists in the sides of her waist* N what yeh think he's gunna do abuwt it? *she snorted soft then reached out tussling Andy's hair* May ah please have a tiny moment with meh wee one?
Andy: *He sighed soft and nodded as he let go of Raven, looking around a bit questioning at the larger room they now stood in, full of modern furniture, looking mostly like something out of a home decor magazine*
Bree: Ets a sayfe 'ouse! *she smiled warmly*
Andy: Yeah that seems to be the only answer I get
Ronan: Andy *he smiled warmly* come with me to the kitchen, I'll answer everything you need
Andy: *He sighed soft, then glared at Raven* Don't you dare leave again!
Raven: *He shook his head lightly* I basically just turned myself in, I'm not going anywhere. I promise.
Andy: *He looked a bit hesitating*
Bree: Go on luv, ah promise he will stay just where he is *she chuckled warmly and winked at Andy*
Andy: *He hesitated a bit more, but then slowly walked towards Ronan*
Ronan: *He quickly wrapped an arm around Andy's shoulders, to try to comfort him* We're still in Canada *he smiled soft* No one will search for us here, they will assume we already fled the country.
Andy: *He sighed soft* Okay... and now what?
Ronan: *He kept slowly leading him towards the kitchen in the other end of the big dining/living/kitchen/study room* Now we get you to the kitchen, get your face washed and get you something to drink
Andy: *He sighed soft* Okay..
*Back in the valley of Hidden Springs someone knocked Sparkle's front door*
Sparkle: *She sighed soft and stood up from her seat on the couch, slowly walking to the door, opening it wide*
Daniel: *He smiled soft* Sup?
Sparkle: *She chuckled soft, relieved to be met with his usual casual approach to life* Sup?
Daniel: *He quickly walked in, giving her a big tight hug, then sniffed a bit in the air* Something is burning?
Sparkle: *She chuckled soft as few tears rolled down her cheeks, relieved he was there* No, well I guess it was. It's fine, it's turned off.
Daniel: So pizza then?
Sparkle: *She chuckled again* Pizza would be perfect, yes.
Andy: *He frowned soft as he looked at Ronan* What's gonna happen to him now?
Ronan: Nothing, I promise.
Andy: But he broke several laws
Ronan: At this point everyone just wants him home. Even our father, although he's still angry, and definitely wont admit he's worried *he forced a soft smile at Andy* Raven will most likely be put on some stricter rules for a while, but other than that, nothing will happen.
Andy: Are you sure?
Ronan: 100% Andy. Our grandfather has ordered it. Anyone who goes against that, would have to deal with him, and no one dares to do that. Trust me. Not even our father would.
Andy: *He took a deep shaky breath* I'm still so fucking terrified he's going to leave again *he sobbed soft as he leaned over the kitchen table, to try to keep himself standing, an overwhelmingly large wave of sadness washing over him* It's not just that I was losing Ben, over and over every single day, desperately trying to hold onto him, but I also lost a very important piece of myself.... and now that he's back *he broke out in a deeper sobbing*
Bree: *She squeezed Raven a little tighter, then let go* Ah think the blue one need yeh *she smiled soft at Raven* Bran... Ah shud warm yeh butt *she chuckled soft* for making yeh ol mum worry so long! *She sighed deep* Go ahead *she nodded in the direction of the kitchen* Ronan and ah will stay, there's a guest room down the hall, we will goe there n set up a protective spell, just in case, so no one can enterrr the house without my permission. We will stay till tomorrow afternoon, then we better relocate. All of us. For that we can't take the blue haired with us. I need teh get us to an underworld location, for when we contact yerr grandfather.
Raven: Am I in trouble? *He looked at his mom a bit worried*
Bree: No, me love. But yerr father is still very angry. So we must set some rules before yeh can surface, which might make him even more angry *she chuckled soft* Let's just say it's best yeh stay under his radar for a while, even if he worries too.
Raven: I find that hard to believe *he frowned soft*
Bree: I know *she smiled warmly and stroke his cheek* But he does, in his own way.
Raven: *He sighed soft and looked towards Andy* I told him I wouldn't run away again, I can't leave so soon.
Bree: Leaving and running is not the same, let me try n talk teh him.
Raven: *He frowned soft*
Bree: Oh come on, yeh don't even trust yer mum anylonger?
Raven: *He sighed soft* yes... yes I do *he forced a soft smile and nodded*
Sam: *He forced a soft smile at Adrian, as he was done filling the bath tub* There you go...
Adrian: *He smiled soft* I thought you were going in with me?
Sam: I uhm... *he scratched the back of his neck nervously* I'll just go grab me a tea, then I will... join you
Adrian: *He looked a bit suspicious at Sam, but said nothing. Instead he slowly got undressed and sank his body into the warm bath, Sam had made, enjoying the smell of the earthy home made bath oils he had dripped in the water*
Sam: *He entered the room few minutes later, sipping a mug of tea as he observed Adrian*
Adrian: *He was by now laying against the edge of the bathtub with his eyes closed* You're staring *he mumbled and opened an eye to look at Sam*
Sam: *He sighed soft and sipped his tea again* It's 1st of December
Adrian: *He looked a bit questioning at him*
Sam: It's past midnight...
Adrian:.... and?
Sam: *He shrugged lightly* I'm worried about Christmas this year. It's really important for dad... and I guess for me as well, since I grew up with big cozy Christmas celebrations. But everything is a huge mess. Nothing is the way it's supposed to. People losing or nearly losing their loved ones. Fights. Break ups. Lost love..... *he hung his head a bit* forbidden love...
Adrian: *He sighed deep and sat up more straight* Will you please come over here?
Sam: There's nothing I want more, but it makes me feel like a terrible person
Adrian: *He frowned soft* Why?
Sam: My dad... Benjamin... you....
Adrian: Me? *He looked at Sam with a confused frown*
Sam: I don't know? It's most likely just a feeling. But it is as if I somehow trapped you in this situation, and now you don't know how to get out of it. And then there's my dad being sad about whatever you and I are doing, and Benjamin too, he wont even pick up your calls.
Adrian: First of, your dad and I had a good talk, and he's very honest when he says he's okay with you and I, as long as he gets to have more time with me while we are a fresh new couple, and now he's off with Raven *he forced a soft half smile* Benjamin isn't picking up, either cause he's busy, or he's angry. Both will pass at some point, I am sure, but if I don't hear from him by tomorrow evening, I will swing by NY. I just like to give him a bit of space first and see if he contacts me when he's had a bit of time for himself. If not, I will of course try to contact him face to face. But please stop feeling guilty towards Ben. I'm the one in a relationship with him. I'm the one who hast to fix things if something isn't right. This isn't your responsibility in any way, neither is it your responsibility to 'be true' to Ben. Ben has agreed to be in a poly relationship, so that's what he got. He knows about you and I, it isn't a secret from him, and he might disagree, but so do I about him and Raven. That doesn't mean I ever told him not to see him. And neither has Ben done with you. He's jealous, yes. I'm sure of it. And I am sure that's why he isn't picking up. But I also hope he remembers I am jealous of Raven too, very much in fact. On top of that he's a demon, and Ben knows very well what I think of demons, even the more "friendly" kind. *he sighed deep* But I never told him not to see him. I actually encouraged it, even when it meant Ben almost completely left me to be with him. I just wanted him to be happy, or the very least, find a reason to stay alive, when I couldn't be. If Ben is not okay with you and I, he has all the rights to pick up his phone and tell me, and we can try to work out some sort of agreement, but he isn't. Until then, there's not much I can do. And no matter what, I’m not stopping seeing you, unless you yourself tell me you want nothing more to do with me. I still can't promise you anything, but I do love you, I do care about you, and I wold like to at the very least see where this maybe could head, if we just... try to date a bit, maybe? *He sighed soft* If you want?
Sam: .......
Adrian: It's Christmas, Sam *he smiled soft* how about some Holiday romance?
Sam: *He burst out a soft chuckle, getting a bit wet eyes* That's awfully romantic, coming from you.
Adrian: I know, that's why I need a bath *he chuckled soft* I feel dirty!
Sam: *He couldn't hold a chuckle back and let it escape*
Adrian: *He sighed relieved from seeing a smile on his Beta's face* Sam, you're too kind. Stop thinking about others for a moment and think about what you want. And just for the record, I'm not half as trapped in this as you think I am. I might not know 'how to get out of it', but who says I want to 'get out of it'? *he smiled soft*
Sam: *He sighed soft and looked a bit hesitating at Adrian*
Adrian: What do you want, Sam?
Sam: ..... Christmas romance?
Adrian: It starts over here then *he pointed at the bath tub water*
Sam: *He chuckled again and took another sip of his tea, then placed the mug next to the sink and slowly undressed* Lina wont be home till tomorrow, she went to visit some friends.
Adrian: *He nodded soft* Useful info
Sam: *He chuckled soft, and shook his head, then suddenly paused as he was about to take his pants off*
Adrian: Change of mind? *he looked a bit disappointed at Sam*
Sam: No... not at all... give me a moment *he quickly took his pants off* just so you know I will be back
Adrian: *He chuckled soft* Good move!
Sam: *He chuckled as well and shook his head as he quickly left the room*
Adrian: *He observed Sam from his spot in the bathroom, the way his hips moved as he walked, not feminine, but elegant. He watched as Sam walked to the kitchen, opened a closet, grabbed a bottle of red wine, and two glasses, then quickly made his way back to the bathroom* Even better move *he said with a slightly cheeky smile*
Sam: *He chuckled soft and opened the wine, poured in both glasses and handed one to Adrian as he walked to the bath tub* Sit still, I'm coming in *he said in a soft voice and nodded for Adrian to spread his legs* make space
Adrian: *He quickly spread his legs and reached a hand to Sam, assisting him into the tub. And as Sam sat down between his legs, he planted a soft kiss on Sam's shoulder* Thank you for joining me...
Sam: *He sighed pleased* Thank you for getting dirty.
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tonystarktogo · 3 years
Last part of the time travel crack ‘verse for now (and sorry for making you all worry about the scepter, I didn’t mean it that way, it just seemed like a good cut-off point tbh):
"The scepter! Did anyone keep an eye on the scepter?"
"I assure you," Agent Agent, who looks a little singed and has a bandage wrapped around one ear, yet continues to rock the personality-free drawl that tricks people into thinking he’s not worth paying attention to, speaks up, "that the scepter is still safely in SHIELD custody, Dr. Banner."
Banner scoffs.
Rogers grimaces.
Barton winces.
And oh, all other issues aside, the vindication of this moment is glorious. Tony feels fully justified in the doubtful look he aims at the screen. You know your show sucks balls when even your own operative doesn’t buy what you’re selling.
"That’s great," Banner says in a painfully droll voice. "But I’ll feel a lot better when we hand it over to our resident Asgardian prince for safekeeping rather than put it into a secret high-security facility and hope for the best. Like the one you stored the Tesseract in took Loki what, five minutes to take over?"
Woah, talk about burn. Tony doesn’t bother muffling his snicker. Who’d have thought Banner has it in him?
[continues under the cut]
"Hang on, wouldn’t it be better—" Rogers interrupts before Fury or Coulson can come up with an excuse, which judging by their sour-slash-carefully-blank expressions isn’t as easy as they’d like it to be.
Banner raises one hand. It shouldn’t be a power move on part with his green counterpart squashing a car in his fist, isn’t even particularly aggressive but for some reason Rogers shuts up. Immediately. The bright, eerily green eyes might have something to do with it. 
"If you’re going where I think you’re going, I advise you to reconsider," Banner growls, the vocals deep enough that Romanoff reaches for the nearest weapon. "Even setting my personal issues aside, it’s not worth the risk."
Barton sighs with what sounds less like exhaustion and more like sad resignation. "Hate to say it, Cap, but he’s right. Sending the scepter off-Earth with the Tesseract is probably the safest course of action we can take right now. We can’t count on being that lucky again."
"Agent Barton," Agent Agent’s words drip with such a pointedly polite friendliness, it’s a wonder he doesn’t spear his own tongue on it. "Please desist in trying to hand off objects that pose an immediate threat to global security to an unvetted alien who, while a valued ally, is in line for the throne of a foreign world."
And wow. Tony’s not gonna win a prize for his sensitivity any time soon, but there’s some things you just don’t say to a guy who got brainwashed into doing an alien’s bidding less than forty-eight hours ago. Going by the way Romanoff has gone rigid, she agrees.
Luckily for everyone present, Barton doesn’t bat an eye at the dig. He leans forward instead, elbows placed on his tights, the picture of relaxation. As long as you ignore the expression on his face that could possibly pass for a smile. If you catch sight of it out of the corner of your eye. Through a dirty mirror. 
"Not that I’m not glad to see you alive and well, Phil, because I am. But getting my head rolled once was already one time too many and if the Tesseract is powerful enough to draw fucking aliens to it then it’s too fucking powerful for us to protect." Barton’s voice becomes progressively lower as he continues his little not-having-any-of-your-shit rant. "More people are gonna get killed over that thing. Good people. Because we don’t have the damn resources to keep it safe. So if we gotta bet on Asgard for this, then that’s what we’re gonna fucking do because to be frank with you sir I’d rather lead the hostile aliens to a world ready for interstellar warfare than my own."
Thor straightens from where he’s been fixated on Loki for the past hour or so, trying to crawl into his brother’s skull through willpower alone by the looks of it, and dips his head in Barton’s direction. "Thank you for your faith," he says gravely, as though Barton hasn’t straight up told everyone in this room he wants to use Asgard as a shield-slash-sacrificial-offering. "I hope my people will prove worthy of it."
"Should be fine." Banner shrugs with a nonchalance Tony envies. "’s long as we take care of your murderous sibling first."
Thor winces. Loki’s face loses whatever expressiveness it had left and it already was at state zero: emotions not welcome here to begin with. 
But. Tony tilts his head. Why not just call Loki by his name? Unless, of course, Banner isn’t referring to him. But how would the infamous Hulk-slash-brilliant-scientist have gotten himself wrapped up in alien family drama? And is there a form Tony can sign? Because he hates being kept out of the loop.
"Avengers!" Fury snaps before things can get any more awkward. Which, good for him, but in Tony’s fine opinion he should have taken the win and be done with it. There’s just no winning against whatever type of madness — not to mention feelings — these people are so inconsiderately spreading inside his walls. "You’re not bartering off our best chance to defend ourselves against alien invaders, have I made myself clear? That’s an order."
Rogers scoffs at the screen and damn it, Tony’s determined not to like the guy but the way he just smirks humorlessly as he stares Fury down, all aww shucks did you want the pretty, glowy thing too and well too damn bad for you makes it hard. Especially when Rogers goes that little extra mile and asks with a plain as day air of who fucking cares: "Whatever gave you the impression that this is a negotiation, Director Fury?"
It’s just too great a line to resist and Tony is only human. He makes a sharp gesture with his hand and JARVIS disconnects the call before they witness Fury pop a blood vessel. Let that be Agent’s problem for the time being.
"So," Tony states after a moment. "Besides all but declaring war on SHIELD, the organization two people in this room are officially employed by, for the record, and dealing with Reindeer Games over there, what’s the plan?"
Nervous shuffling. Awkward grins. Badly-hidden glances going back and forth. 
Perhaps most notably, nobody protests the declaring-war-on-SHIELD part. Tony would ask but frankly he’s still on his first glass of scotch — meaning way too fucking sober for whatever madness the answer to that question will undoubtedly raise. It’s a sad, sad day in the history of mankind when Tony is the voice of reason in a room filled with one-person-armies.
"What about Shawarma?" Rogers, apparently the most uncomfortable with the pressing silence, blurts out.
Tony gives that pitiful attempt to change the subject the nice try, have to admit I didn’t see that coming but you’re gonna have to give me more than that look it deserves. As it turns out though, he may have been overestimating his present company’s average ability to read a room.
"I could go for a bite," Barton pipes up, earning himself a soul-shriveling, dead-eyed, where the fuck did I go wrong with you and how have I not killed you yet stare, courtesy of Romanoff that he brushes off with admirable ease. Still not moving an inch away from her either and if Tony’s noticed the way her hand’s been edging ever closer to the knife strapped to her calf, there’s no way Barton hasn’t.
"Sounds good," Banner chimes in with a twisted amusement that makes Tony want to scratch his eyes out. "I know just to the place."
They do eat Shawarma together. [All of them, even Loki, because Thor insists his brother is far too thin. Considering Barton doesn’t protest and the only person Loki tries to stab with his salad fork is Thor himself, nobody comments on it.]
As if to add insult to a very long list of injuries that Tony is dying to poke and prod at, the food tastes delicious.
Okay so the whole antagonizing SHIELD thing wasn’t planned, but I figured in this AU there was no drawn out battle and no bomb and so there was no ‘thank fuck we’re even alive right now’ relief to take the edge of. Instead everyone is pissed off and frustrated (if for very different reasons) and not outright attacking the helicarrier right now is about all the diplomacy Steve has the patience for at this point.
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shotsbyshae · 5 years
Not Afraid Anymore
Warnings: Language,Smut
Words: 2.3k
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: A little Sinday Drabble. There is a reason Nick Fury assigned you to Steve Rogers. You’ll tell him one day.  
Song: Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey.
And touch me like you never.
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You were there the day he was thawed out.
Watching as Agent Coulson fanboyed out over the life-size Ken doll.
Fury rolling his one good eye makes you hide a smirk.
You bet Coulson fifty bucks that he wouldn’t fall for the elaborate set-up S.H.I.E.L.D. had created to try and convince him it was still 1945.
Phil took the bet.
There is no hiding the smug smile from your face when Coulson’s beloved Captain America goes feral, knocking out agents, busting through the wall, and running out of the facility.
You watch from the backseat of the black SUV as Fury approaches Rogers. The man standing in the middle of Time Square looks like a lost puppy with his wide, innocent blue eyes and short blonde hair.
“Are you going to tell him?” Phil questions from the driver’s seat. “Who your –”
“No,” you interrupt him. “I think he’s got enough to process for a while.”
Nick speaks with him for a few moments, then he begins walking the science experiment back to your SUV. Fury had ridden with you and Coulson. Which means – the rear passenger door opens and you’re not sure why you feel nervous as Steve Rogers climbs onto the bench seat beside you.
“Hi,” he looks surprised by your presence and the word comes out uneasy as Fury climbs into the passenger seat.
“Captain, this is Agent Coulson,” Fury introduces your superior first, which is customary, before he gives the man your name.
“Nice to meet you,” Steve gives a nod, eyes narrowing slightly. Something about you is familiar, but he can’t place it and you see the questions written on his face.
You feel awful for him.
This wouldn’t be easy for anyone.
Waking up to find everyone and everything you knew is gone.
Later, you stand outside Fury’s office, watching him and Coulson. Steve Rogers sits in front of Fury’s desk, looking more rattled than he did in Times Square. Nick Fury’s eyes land on you through the glass partition and he raises his hand, motioning for you to come inside.
“Sir?” you question him as you enter, closing the door behind you.
“I’m going to need you to help Captain Rogers adjust,” Fury states, his gaze shifting over to the Captain. “A lot has changed in seventy years.”
“What?” the request shocks you. You glance to Coulson and he gives you a nod of reassurance.
Of course. Why would they assign someone else to him when you’re here?
Only Coulson and Fury know who you really are.
“Agent Coulson’s already cleared you,” Fury comments and you look over to the man in the chair.
A big, blonde, blue-eyed, lost puppy.
You had joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to make a difference.
For the thrill of missions and secrecy.
Yet, here you are, baby-sitter to Captain America himself.
So, for months you help him – teach him – things that he should know.
The Internet. Cell phones. Computers.
A checking account. Debit card.
Shopping. Driving, although he’s more comfortable on a motorcycle.
Pizza Rolls.
You introduce him to Star Wars and the two of you start doing movie nights to get him caught up on cultural references.
Rogers tells you about life before the serum, about Bucky, Dr. Erskine, Howard, and Peggy. You hear about his team, The Howling Commandos and their raids on Hydra.
He’s lost so much, and you see a side of him that no one else sees.
The golden boy is broken.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely, as the two of you approach your car one night. He always insists on walking out with you when you leave his apartment.
“For?” you question, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets as you smile, hitting the unlock button on the key fob there, because he’s already reaching for your car door.
So old-fashioned.
“I know you didn’t want me as an assignment,” he says, pulling open the driver’s door. “But you’ve helped me – a lot. I mean, I don’t really have anyone, so thank you, for being a friend.”
Little lost puppy.
You give him a warm smile, “Well, you have me now and I’m pretty awesome.” He laughs as you smirk. “I’ll always be your friend, Rogers. I promise.”
“Oh, that’s a promise?” he says it questioningly, and you pull your right hand from your pocket. Fist clenched tightly, only your pinky finger extending from it.
“Pinky swear,” you say simply, and a smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he lifts his left hand to wrap his pinky finger around yours.
“Okay,” he remarks. “Pinky swear it is.”
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You keep your promise, even when Loki gets inside your head later that year. On the carrier, you come face to face with Steve and for a moment, you hesitate. Unable to fight him as the Asgardian had instructed you to do. Natasha lands a hard, right hook to your jaw, knowing it had worked on Clint.
When you wake up, Fury’s there. He tells you about Coulson and your heart shatters, but you keep your emotions in check. You follow him to a conference table where he gives a speech to what’s left of the team.
Everyone’s in their own head.
Defeated, but determined.
He doesn’t come to you until later, when you’re sitting on the steps, adjusting the leather gloves of your uniform as you wait for the fight that’s coming.
“You good?” there’s concern in his tone.
You nod, “I’m – I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t you,” he states. “We’re okay.”
Your eyes shift up to him. The red, white, and blue uniform making him look every bit the hero that Coulson would fanboy over. You lift your fist to him, extending your pinky finger. He gives a smile, his finger twisting around yours tightly.
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You keep your promise, even when the Hydra trained assassin The Winter Soldier tries to kill you, and Steve tells you that the man is Bucky Barnes. You’re not convinced – until you are – as you watch The Winter Soldier pull an unconscious Captain America from the river.
Sam tells you he’s awake and when you enter the hospital room, he tries to give you a smile. It pains you to see him so beaten and bruised.
Little lost puppy.
Broken again.
“I saw him,” you say quietly, standing beside the edge of the bed. “I saw him pull you from the river.”
“It’s Bucky,” he states, the sadness in his voice is heartbreaking.
You lay your hand on top of his, a small comfort, “I should have believed you. I’m sorry.”
His hand shifts under yours and you feel his pinky finger intertwine with yours.
A reminder.
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Tony Stark brings you in full time at the tower after the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. because Fury left him a note explaining who you really are.
Stark is surprised to say the least, but happy, and he promises to keep it a secret. You haven’t told Rogers yet, but you will – at some point.
Ultron happens and Tony moves you upstate to the new facility and suddenly you’re spending more time with him than before when not on missions.
You overhear him and Sam in the kitchen one night.
“What’s the deal with you two?” Wilson questions.
“Sam,” Steve sounds exasperated. “She’s a friend. It’s easy to be around her – she knows me.”
“Uh huh,” Sam remarks. “Pretty sure they have another word for that.”
“Sam,” his tone is reprimanding.
“Okay,” Wilson replies. “But weren’t you the one giving Banner advice on not waiting too long?”
You’d be lying if you said the thought’s never crossed your mind.
You’re human.
But he’s always been that lost puppy in the middle of Times Square.
The broken hero in need of a friend.
You enter the kitchen, surprising Sam more than Steve. He smiles at you warmly, a small glint in his blue eyes and it reminds you that as long as he needs you to be that – you will.
His friend.
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Nigeria happens and everyone’s hit hard. The night you all return, he stops by your room. Leaning against your doorframe, still looking like the blonde haired, blue-eyed puppy you were assigned, just a bit older – refined.
“You okay?” you question him as you continue to unpack your duffel.
“No,” he responds quietly. “But I have to be.”
Closing the drawer on your dresser you sigh, before turning around to face him, “Heavy is the head, Cap.” You move back toward your bed. “It’s not your fault.”
“I know,” he folds his arms across his chest. “Hey, I – I – know it’s not the best time.” When he stumbles over the words, you glance at him. He’s all nerves. “But do you want to get dinner this weekend – with me?”
Your brows furrow curiously at his question, “Dinner?”
“Yea,” he responds with a slight nod. “Dinner.”
A smile slowly spreads across your face and you watch it reciprocate on his as you say, “Sure.”
“Ok then,” the puppy is still in there, because you see him. “Good.”
The two of you never make it to dinner though.
Ross shows up the next day with the Accords and turns your world upside down. When the lines get drawn, you find yourself standing across from Steve Rogers. The wounded look in his eyes is enough to shatter you.
For the first time, you are part of the reason he’s a little more broken.
Your heart is ripped from your chest when Tony returns from Siberia, tossing the vibranium shield on the floor in front of you. You see the anger and heartache in the older man’s face, but he doesn’t tell you what happened.
Only that Steve is alive.
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Two years.
It’s not that long, but it feels like an eternity.
The pardon had gone into effect and they were finally coming home.
Your friends – family really.
Although, after the fight in Germany, you’re not sure if Steve even wants to see you.
Keeping yourself busy as a distraction in the lab, you aren’t aware someone’s standing in the doorway watching as you run tests on an artifact Parker had come across. He finally clears his throat to gain your attention and you turn around slowly.
The man standing in the doorway of the lab, makes the Steve Rogers you met the day he woke up after being in the ice look like a boy. A thick, dark beard lines his jaw, his once short, bright, blonde hair, now darker, longer. You have the sudden urge to run your fingers through it, and you realize you’re staring at him – not breathing.
“Steve,” you say his name as if it’s foreign to you.
“Hey,” his voice is even a little deeper.
His eyes are the same though. A beautiful pain stricken blue.
You can’t imagine what he’s been through the past two years. The fallout with Tony was bad enough, but the things he’s done since then.
The person he had to become.
Still the broken hero.
But how many times can a broken thing break?
“I missed you,” he finally says softly, and you smile as you bring your fist in front of you, pinky extended.
A reminder.
There’s a ghost of smile on his lips as his long legs close the distance between you in a couple strides. His finger hooking yours tightly. “I needed you.” He whispers, eyes taking in your features before his soft, plush lips crash against yours. He moves his hand to encompass the side of your face, his tongue dipping into your mouth for a taste.
This wasn’t the reunion you had expected.
No objections though.
His broad shoulders seem to tower over you as he pushes you against the lab table behind you. A glass beaker falls victim to the collision and shatters against the floor. Steve Rogers may still be broken, but this is a side of him you’ve never seen.
He’s filled with desire and want, spreading it to you with every lick and dip of his tongue.
An all-consuming need.
You’re arching into him, feeling the length of him press into your hip – hard. Your fingers are in his hair, pulling him closer to you. His mouth moves to your jaw, before working his way down your neck. You feel the graze of his teeth at the vein there, nipping and sucking.
You didn't know you wanted this.
Needed this.
You've never needed anything more than him in this moment.
That little lost puppy – a full-grown wolf – who knows exactly what he wants.
“Steve,” his name comes out in a breathy moan against his ear and you feel him press harder against you. The moan from his chest feels more like a growl and your right leg hooks around him. You need to feel him there and his fingers grip your thigh tightly as he grinds into you. His mouth captures yours again a little softer this time – affectionately. You press against him, heat radiating through your jeans, an aching, slick beneath and you need him to know what he's doing to you.
Begging for him to take you.
To devour you like the animal he's become.
You will help fix your broken boy.
Protect him.
His shield.
“Cap,” Tony’s voice is cold and stern from the doorway. His lips leave yours, blue eyes staring down at you mischievously at being caught. The next words fall from Stark’s lips and you watch as the realization crosses Steve’s rugged features.
The familiarity of you the first day in the SUV.
Fury assigning you to him.
It all made sense.
After all, Howard had admired Steve Rogers.
“Get your fucking hands off my sister.”
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