#i was lucky enough to get some more free time today so i could finally watch it
lucretiasjournals · 11 months
just saw a movie and now i’m sad that i don’t have anyone to talk to about it ):
i know stopmotion animation isn’t really the most popular nowadays, especially when it comes from a portuguese studio and not a more well-known one like laika or something... but i think that’s precisely why these kinds of films deserve to get more recognition
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navybrat817 · 5 months
" Scraping their teeth over your neck to have a shiver of arousal run down your spine. "
With Bucky. 🥺
This probably didn't go the way anyone wants, nonnie, and I'm sorry!
Give Me a Name
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Agent!Female Reader Summary: Someone put their hands on you and Bucky can't let it go. Word Count: Over 1.1k Warnings: Tension, threat of violence (not against reader), very minor injury, pet names, possessive behavior, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Because who doesn't want a mob boss obsessed with them? ❤️ Edit by the talented @nixakimbo. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Today was a not-so-friendly reminder that mistakes in your job weren’t so easy to fix. You had been in pursuit of a target for weeks and finally managed to catch him. The rookie agent, however, didn’t secure the cuffs and the bastard managed to get a hard hit in when he broke free. The dizziness from the blow was enough to let him get away.
The rookie went after him, but you knew he wouldn’t catch him. You’d have to start all over with tracking him and you didn’t even get a chance to go home to lick your wounds. Not when Bucky’s men showed up and put you in a car.
You should’ve known they were close by.
“I can walk!” You argued minutes later when they brought you to the Barnes mansion. The mob boss had a few homes, but this one had been in the family for years. He had invited you here before, but never took you by force.
Until today.
The men carefully arranged you on a leather sofa in the den before one of them went to get their boss. He hadn’t left the room before the door flew open, the very man he went to find standing there with a look thunderous enough to kill. He snatched something out of one of his soldier’s hands before he went to you, no one daring to speak a word.
You held your breath as you glanced at Bucky. He had the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up as he assessed you, the veins in his arms popped out as he clenched his fists. He was built like a soldier with his massive frame, his life story told in the tattoos and scars that adorned his covered skin. The notorious crime lord more than earned his reputation and he promised he’d tell you his story himself one day.
Today wouldn’t be that day.
He brushed some of his long hair from his eyes before crouching down beside you. He didn’t take his eyes off you as he dabbed at your cheek with the cloth. He stopped when you winced, but you gave him a small smile to let him know he could continue. You didn’t expect tenderness from such a rough man, but you were different to him, weren’t you? You had been since the two of you crossed paths some time ago. Why?
What made you so special?
“Who did this to you?” He asked in a low voice. You could hear that he tried to keep the raging storm inside of him, but his icy eyes showed you everything. The growing fury was bound to come out. Who would he destroy in his path to sate the beast?
“Bucky. I’m fine,” you croaked as you tried to sit up more, but he stopped you from moving. “The guy got lucky and it isn’t anything I haven’t faced before. Just let me get back to work,” you said.
You noticed most of the men nearby avoided eye contact when you looked around. They had every reason to be afraid. James Buchanan Barnes was downright terrifying when crossed.
And crossing you was a worse offense in his eyes.
“Give me a name,” Bucky demanded, though he didn't raise his voice. “Tell me his fucking name so I can take care of it.”
“I can’t,” you whispered. If you did, he’d kill him. No, he’d torture him first. Likely for days on end before he begged for death. And you needed him alive.
That was your job.
Yet, you could never find it in yourself to bring Bucky in.
“Don’t make me shoot you.”
You froze at the cold tone before you realized Bucky didn’t direct that statement at you. One of his men standing feet away turned his head to the side because he got caught staring. You should’ve known better. Whatever cat and mouse game you and the mob boss were playing, it was for him to catch you in his trap, but never hurt you.
Not when he wanted to keep you.
“I’m sorry, boss,” the man promised, his tone wavering when Bucky reached for one of his pistols. “I-”
“‘Cause I’ll do it in a heartbeat and never look back if you glance at her again,” he promised. He was a man of his word. “Leave us. All of you. Now.”
“Bucky, it’s okay,” you assured him as they filed out. The men were dangerous, but you weren’t about to let him shoot the poor guy for looking your way.
“It isn't okay. Someone put their hands on you,” he nearly growled, the soft touch to your cheek a stark contrast to his voice. “You think I can let that go? I can’t. I won’t.”
You brought a hand up to tuck a few strands of his hair behind his ear. His eyes shut for a moment and grabbed your wrist before you could pull away. He dragged your fingers through the short beard along his jaw, like he was starved of your touch and needed more. You didn’t want to admit how much you wanted him.
Not when you belonged in different worlds.
“You don’t have to ‘avenge’ me, Bucky, because I’m not yours,” you said carefully. Were you telling him for his sake or yours? “Let it go. Please.”
The storm continued to rage in his eyes when he opened them and you wondered who would win the battle of the wills. You held your breath again when he moved close, the scent of his woodsy cologne making your head spin. Instead of brushing his lips against yours, he brought his mouth to your neck. Scraping his teeth over your pulse, you couldn’t stop the shiver of arousal that moved down your spine.
“You are mine, Kisa,” he whispered, giving your neck another nip as you tried not to whimper. “And I’m going to find out who did this whether you tell me or not. And I’m going to kill him.”
Your heart shouldn’t have raced faster at his declaration. “If I tell you, will you let me go home?”
“You are home,” he replied, pulling away and looking into your eyes so you could see how serious he was. “And I’d feel a lot better if you got some rest in my bedroom.”
You shuddered because you both knew you wouldn’t get a wink of rest if he took you to bed. And if you slept with him, there would be no turning back. “You can’t keep me prisoner here, Winter.”
The cold and ruthless man who only wanted you.
“You’re not my prisoner, Kisa,” he said, pressing his lips softly to your pained cheek. “But I’m never letting you go.”
He’d prove that to you.
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I don't know about you lovelies, but I kind of love them. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 3 months
Can I make a very NSFW request? Severus x reader fem. Ever since Severus and Y/N had sex for the first time, Severus feels a lot of sexual desire, and he likes to have his girlfriend moaning for him all the free time they have.
"Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"—Severus
Addicted to My Girl ~Severus Snape xFem Reader
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Summary— Established Relationship, ever since Severus first heard Reader properly moan, he can’t get enough of her. He now lives to draw those sinful sounds from her. Smut ensues. Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! Thanks for the request! Yes, I absolutely would love to write this for you. Thank you for your detailed explanation. I sincerely hope you Enjoy this! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt— "Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, fingering, sex, p in v, implied clit stimulation, overstimulation, light praise, pet names, voice/moan kink, honeymoon phase, established relationship, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
From the second that Severus had heard an unbridled moan erupt from your throat and vibrate through your entire body for the first time, the man was hooked. Owned. Addicted. Powerless. At your mercy.
You were spread out on top of his desk. Your legs wide and Severus planted in the middle of them. Clothes were discarded all across the room. It was heated and passionate. You had both finally snapped, not even making it to the bedroom.
Marks were littered across the neck and chest, but Severus’ tongue was not working away at something else. You gasped and your hand jumped into his head of hair, as the man’s tongue went feral on your cunt.
“OhhHhHh Sevvvvv—!!”
Before you could stop it, your sinfully loud moan tore through all the fibers of your being. Severus stopped at that, looking up at you dumbfounded.
Severus now spent all of his waking hours, that weren’t taken up by his classes, coaxing more heavenly sounds from your lips.
His sex drive, while he had always had one, had fucking skyrocketed since that first night, when you and Severus had first had sex. He couldn’t get you off his mind. Hell, he spent most of his time alone just getting himself off to the thought of you.
Severus stole you away every second he could get you. When you both had free blocks, the man was guaranteed to be teasing you or already in between your legs in some capacity.
Severus was extra lucky today, because it was Friday night, and neither of you had anything planned after your last class in the afternoon. So Severus thought you’d both skip the great hall dinner, after all, the man had the perfect dinner in front of him already…
It wasn’t even dark out yet, and Severus already had you in his lap as he sat in his office desk chair. The man’s fingers had simply slipped under your garments and past your knickers, sliding in and out of your cunt with ease. Your eyes rolled back as you held onto your man for dear life as he bounced you up and down on his fingers.
“S-sev… I’m going to… OhhHhH Sevvv…!” You moaned lewdly, nuzzling your face into the crook of Severus’ neck as you moaned out.
Severus eyes darkened further at your beautiful, addictive sounds.
“That’s it, my love… Cum on my fingers… Again…” Severus told you in his destructively low and sultry, sexy tone.
You held nothing back, crashing over the edge for the second time in the last 40 minutes, having already cum once in Severus’ lap from mere clit stimulation. You let out another sinful moan as you reached ecstasy, biting into your man’s neck to manage the overwhelming pleasure.
Severus fingered you through your high with ease, knowing just the right way to bring you down from your climax, while keeping you buzzing for more.
The man then gently removed his fingers from your dripping cunt, licking his digits clean, before he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your shared bedroom. He laid you on the bed, where you instinctively began to curl up with a yawn. But Severus chuckled, crawling up on top of you, beginning to remove his and your clothing. You giggled and let him help you with objection on your end.
“Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs” he cooed lustfully, coming up to your face and giving you a cheeky kiss on the lips, as he spread out your naked form across the bed.
You gasped as you felt Severus’ dick grinding against your dripping core. You immediately grabbed any and all of his exposed skin, pulling his body against yours and moaning once more.
“Tsk tsk tsk, not so fast, my love… Want a proper taste of you first…” Severus hummed, getting off of you to your dismay, and lowering himself down the bed so that his mouth was level with the cunt.
Your hand found purchase again in his hair as the man’s mouth began to devour your precious pussy. His tongue glided in and out of your core with ease, lapping up all your juices and using his own spit as even more lubricant. You threw your head back and let out a groan, as his tongue worked your centre.
“F-fuck Sevvviiiii—” you choked out, pulling tightly on his hair, as Severus buried his face in your cunt and pressed his nose against your clit while his mouth continued to work its wonders on your cunt.
Severus groaned in delight at your sounds, struggling with the urge to take you right there. But he took a deep breath and simply fucked you harder, knowing the wait would be well worth it. His tone continued to swirl its way through your folds, alternating between stimulating your clit and your entrance. And as soon as you tugged at his locks hard enough a gave him a desperate mewl of need, his tongue sunk into your core.
“Christ Severus Yesssssss…!!” You moaned, your back arching and toes curling into his touch.
The man worked you up with precise skill, having paid intense attention to exactly what made your eyes roll back. The pad of his thumb began to roll your clit, making your knees wobble and pulling another string of whimper and groans from your lips. By the time you reached your third edge, you were a begging mess.
“Please please Sevvv Oh God please—!”
Severus happily hummed into your cunt, “Cum for me, my Darling…”
Your third orgasm rocked over you like a fucking tsunami, feeling like every single one of your nerves were on fire as a hot, white pleasure took over your entire body. You sparked underneath your man’s hold, but he never relented, continuing to tongue fuck you through your high.
By the end of your climax, your vision was a little blurry and you were shaking.
“Still want more…?” Severus’ voice gently asked, as he came up from in between your thighs.
“Mhmmmmm yessss, give it to me Sev…” you mumbled, with a drunken nod.
With a smirk, Severus lined himself up with your dripping heat. You held onto the man in a vice grip as he sunk down into you. And the man nearly came right there from the sinful moan that spilled from your lips… Bloody Hell, he would be chasing those pretty noises of yours for the rest to his life.
Severus Snape Masterlist
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melminli · 5 months
Cold Coffee
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - you liked working, and someone else liked you working for them.
word count: 2k+
contains: young president coryo, crack, fluff, secretary reader, coryo being lovesick and shy
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You had a routine. A routine that you strictly followed every day and it started with your alarm clock waking you up at 5 o'clock in the morning. The first thing you did was get up and go to the bathroom to wash the sleep off your face, otherwise you couldn't get anything done. After you had finished everything else concerning your hygiene, you continued with your outfit of the day.
You liked to play around a bit when it came to your fashion choices. After all, you were living in the Capitol. Your job still demanded a certain formality and professionalism, which is why you were perhaps not as free in your choice as others, but that wasn't a problem for you. You always managed to find something elegant to wear since you had all kinds of clothing in different colors and fabrics that were perfect for combining with various other items. Whether vests, suit jackets, skirts, trousers or everything all together, it was entirely up to your mood. (Even though combining everything together was something you hadn't done since your school days at the academy.).
Then the last thing left missing was your hair and maybe some make-up, before you could step out of the house with your pre-packed bag. After a 15-minute drive in your car, you would arrive a few minutes early and were able to go about your duties as planned until it was time to leave at around 4 pm (if you were lucky).
You've been doing this every day for three years. Every day. That may sound exhausting (because it is), but you were also kind of happy about it since missing work would just mean that you had more to do on the following one. You rarely got sick, but when you did it was usually nothing serious so you came to work anyway. On the two rare occasions when you were really seriously ill, you were once off work and once you were lucky (or unlucky) that it was at the time of several public holidays. So yes, you haven't missed a single day of work - until today.
Your alarm clock died in the middle of the night.
"...huh - what's happening?" You asked, slightly drowsy, and it felt like you'd been asleep for far too long, a suspicious amount of long. Your eyes glanced at the clock on your wall, and you had to concentrate to keep the image from blurring. "...It's a quarter past seven." You finally realized, before widening your eyes and jumping out of bed. "It's a quarter past seven! I'm going to be late!"
In your stress to get ready quickly, you decided to get dressed first and quickly picked something out before scurrying to the bathroom to get ready. That was your mistake because while being a bit too hectic when brushing your teeth, you were clumsy enough to get toothpaste on your shirt. "No, no, no - ugh. I can't believe this." You whined and hurried so you could change again.
Hair? fine, make-up? Fuck it - okay, just go out and get in the car. At this point, you were already a whole hour late. When you arrived at the place where your car was supposed to be and couldn't see it, you started to panic and it didn't stop when you realized why. It's in the repair shop! Why, does this have to happen to me?!
"Okay, let's calm down for a minute." You said to yourself and took a deep breath of the cold morning air. It was quiet, only the chirping of the birds could be heard, it was still early in the morning. "That's just the way it is now. I'll just let someone know I'll be late and - " You said and took out your phone, only to realize that it was dead. This all was probably due to a power cut in the night, which also explained why your alarm clock wasn't working this morning. " - alright, I won't do that then. It's cool. Everything's cool."
Your day was off to a pretty bad start already. It would take you at least half an hour to get to work with the train, and you'd have to wait another half an hour since the last one left five minutes ago according to your watch. Yes, the morning commute wasn't exactly popular in the Capitol - the people here usually preferred to sleep in.
"You know what? I'm just going to treat myself to my favorite drink in my favorite café. I really can't do this right now." You finally decide and set off a little more relaxed. "I would argue that I don't get paid enough for this, but I actually get paid pretty well." You admitted but didn't care any more than to laugh about it.
Of course, no one would assume that the secretary to the president of Panem would get a bad wage.
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Hm. Coriolanus looked at his watch again. His eyes had been darting there strangely often since this morning. Well, he didn't see you at all today, and normally you would greet him on the way to his office, and he would greet you back. After a while, you would come through the door and ask if he wanted coffee while you were already carrying it to him in your hand. This was followed by a little summary from you about what appointments he had today, who he was meeting and so on - it's not that important, the point is that he hasn't seen you yet and he didn't know why.
He got up from his seat and opened the door of his office to look out, but like before, you weren't sitting in your seat at the reception desk.
He then decided to look for his nearest employee. "Excuse me, Mr. Pox. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. " He announced his presence as he knocked lightly on the open door with his knuckles.
The man immediately stood up slightly nervously in order to appear respectful. He was older than Coriolanus, but he also wasn't the president. "You're not interrupting anything, sir! How can I help you?" He asked, a little confused. Oh no, he never asks me anything personally, I hope it's nothing serious. I'm not in trouble, am I?
Coriolanus reassured him as he subtly asked his question. "Well, I was just wondering where my secretary was. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her whereabouts?" He said, thinking it was a little stupid of him for not wanting to appear conspicuous. She works for me. I have the right to know where she is. This is not in any way inappropriate.
Pox was relieved when it turned out that this wasn't about him, but immediately felt a little guilty because you seemed to be in trouble. You were his nicest colleague, he liked you a lot. But I can't just lie to the president either. He's literally the president! He'll certainly find out if I do. "No, sir. Unfortunately not, she didn't tell me anything." He replied and just watched as the man in front of him hummed absently, which is why he quickly added. "Maybe she's just late?"
If that were the case, you'd already be three hours late. That was not like you, and Coriolanus began to subconsciously worry a little. She would let me know if she was going to be late. He thought to himself until he realized that you had never been late before, so he couldn't be too sure of his theory. Because that was what it was - just a theory. "Hm. All right, thanks for your time, see you then." He said goodbye to Pox and decided to go back to his office.
There wasn't really anything else he could do - well, except maybe call you. He stopped his steps for a moment at the thought. That feels wrong. Usually, you were the one who called him regularly or barged into his office so he didn't really have to. Well, sometimes he wanted to, but he doubted you would appreciate it if he contacted you after your working hours. He sometimes wished that his thoughts of you would end with your departure, but he hadn't really been successful yet, and for god's sake, he didn't know why. Well, I do - but it's complicated. She's my secretary and this isn't a stupid rom com.
He saw you all day. That is enough. It should be enough. It wasn't like he was looking forward to monday or anything since you started working for him - well, he was, but that was because of other things, for sure. It could be because of other things, he could find joy in other things.
"Oh, Mr. Snow. There you are." Your voice surprised him as he opened the door to his own office and was greated with your face in front of his. "I wanted to talk to you, but then you weren't here. I'm sorry I got in without your permission." You apologized sincerely and took a step to the side so he could enter.
"It's all good. You don't need to apologize." Coriolanus said calmly and sat down in his seat, subtly watching you move in front of his desk. "What is it?" He asked, appearing unaffected - as if he hadn't been thinking about you and what you were doing since this morning.
You looked slightly confused. "Well, I'm three hours late for work." You announced, sure that he would have noticed. "I know this can't be excused, and I'll get straight to work to make up for it, I promise. It's just that my car has a few issues and, well..." You assured him and placed a paper cup on his table. "I know I usually bring you coffee, and this is not the expensive one from here, but from my favorite café around the corner, but well..." You started rambling a bit and were a little more talkative than usual, which didn't go unnoticed. "...It also got cold on the way, and I spilled half of it because someone ran into me on the train." You added when you noticed how his gaze shifted to the stain at your side.
"Sounds like you had a pretty exciting morning. It's all right, don't worry, I'll turn a blind eye since it's the first time." Coriolanus replied with his slightly charming smile. You usually told him so little about your personal life that he unconsciously began to appreciate the little things he got to hear from you.
Like no, he didn't want to hear another stupid story about Mr. Aliose and his fucking hamsters. He almost felt sorry for the guys patheticness, maybe he could live a happier life if he put more effort into finding a wife than getting his pet to do a roll. Or from his other employees who tried to entertain him with uninteresting personal stories he didn't care about - because he didn't care about them.
And the one person he did actually want to hear from, kept their personal and work life very separate. He hated that it wasn't the other way around.
You nodded. "You don't even know. I don't expect you to drink this, by the way. As a matter of fact, I'll make you another one right now. It's just that - I worked really hard to get this to you, and it felt wrong to just throw it in the trash in the end." You let that bit out before returning to your professional self. "I just wanted that at least one thing would go right today."
Stay cool, Coriolanus. Don't freak out, and also, stop romanticizing this. "It's all good. I'm honored that you thought of me." He said, hoping he sounded natural.
A smile graced your face. "Of course, Mr. Snow. I'll be right back." You promised him as you stepped out of his office and made your way to the coffee machine.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Coriolanus let out the breath he had been holding. His hand reached for the coffee cup and turned it in his hand only to discover a small note on it. "For my boss and the boss of Panem :)" He read out loud and smiled as his thumb ran over the drawing of the snowflake. He couldn't help but take the little gesture to heart. "That's so sweet."
I should send out a car to pick her up tomorrow - for business reasons, of course.
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zhivaoverdrive · 3 months
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The Surprise
Noone had really believed she would do it. They'd tolerated it, her ... proclivities. Her dreams. But as she tried to sit up in the hospital bed, so 50,000cc of saline in each of Lisa's tits said she might not be so lucky this time.
50 and counting, she thought to herself, the beep in the background was hard to ignore. She could just say the word. She could turn around and ask her to stop. But what for? The time to walk out of this situation without some bridges burned had already passed. *I'm an acquired taste. Even… distasteful. But this'll do massive numbers...*
None had seen her yet, but none had taken the prospect well. The perennial disappointment of a daughter, the black sheep was getting new stripper tits. Tolerated at first; "For god's sake put a jacket on, and be quiet". But that was more than a couple of boob jobs ago.
Friends? Boyfriend? They'd loved it.. in the beginning. How encouraging. "Lisa's so hot, she gets us free drinks, gets us into the VIP room." The thought left a bitter taste. But their loss. *If they don't have the balls to be seen with a girl who's tits get on the news, who needs them*
Her job, that would sting a little bit. Not the first job, who'd long ago fired her. You'd think strip clubs would be a little more open minded. But seemingly not. They had warned her not to do this.
The thoughts circled in Lisa’s head, for how long she didn't know. She pushed them down, show time.
"You don't think my tits are too big, do you?" she said, looking up at the camcorder. "Everyone told me to stop. I'd gone too far. But you don't think so right?" The camera couldn't talk back, but the nurse behind it beamed silently.
Lisa twisted her head around awkwardly, searching for the final occupant of the room. All of her movements would be like that now, awkward, tentative. The two beach balls of salt water strapped to her chest left no other option. Two balloons, each exceeding her old body weight by themselves, were being inflated on her chest. She'd be working around them forever. Bending, twisting, struggling.
"What do you think Sasi, is this enough? Is this what my subs want to see?" Lisa said, her eyes on the buxom nurse, perched in front of the controls and display.
The nurse smiled coyly, but said nothing. Staring at the camcorder in silence, she waited. The pump whirred, a solitary noise in an otherwise still room.
"For today, I guess it might be," said Sasi, the final nurse. It wasn't exactly what Lisa was expecting, but they didn't exactly script these things. If Sasi read her confusion, she did not react. Instead, taking one surprisingly deft step to her side, she uncovered the display.
That genuine look of surprise. You can't fake it. The nurses smiled.
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ahonice · 1 year
lucky; pt.2
part one
luke hughes x fem reader
word count: 8.4k
warnings: cursing, drinking, implications of sex/sexual jokes & situations, slight hate towards business majors, probably definitely incorrect knowledge about pre med shit.
note: since so many people asked for a part two (literally only fifteen but still) i finally got over the grudge i have against series/part twos and i'm here to relieve you all. this is the opposite of planned out, i am writing this as i go along so i hope it doesn’t suck too badly (actually scared no one will like this because of how much love part one got). anyways enjoy, leave feedback, have a great day, love y’all babes <3
italics are flashbacks
you and luke didn’t arrive back at the house until past midnight. neither of you expected anyone to be awake when you entered through the front door, but the sound of multiple voices proved that theory to be wrong.
“i think my brother’s friends got here a little earlier than we anticipated.” luke told you as he opened the door, going unnoticed by the small crowd in the living room. “let’s just get to my room and go to sleep, we need some rest.” you nodded at luke’s words as he moved himself behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, you knew he was subconsciously attempting to protect you from the group of guys, more specifically his brothers.
we didn’t make it far though, only a few moments later a voice called out at luke, causing everyone else to focus their attention on us. sighing, luke let go of you and moved forward to greet everybody, muttering an apology as he passed by you. 
you stood there awkwardly, trying to decide if you should wait for luke to finish with his tiny game of catch up or if you should just go up into his room and wait for him there. after what happened today luke asked his mother if the two of you could stay in the same room today, she agreed after a little bit of begging on luke’s behalf. before you could make your own decision the room’s attention was no longer on luke.
“who is the girl luke?” 
your head shot up at the mention of you, instantly becoming a bit self conscious because of the number of eyes on you. you made eye contact with quinn for a split second before tears started to build up again, seeing him just reminded you of everything that you had been through in the past twenty four hours.
“that’s my girlfriend, y/n.” luke said, making his way back to your side and attempting to block you from the eyes that were visibly making you uncomfortable. “-and if you don’t mind we would like to get to bed, it’s been a long day. you can all be properly introduced in the morning.” without letting anybody else get a word in, he turned around and guided you up to his room with his hands around your waist.
you woke relatively early, the sun was just beginning to rise so you took this as your opportunity to go outside and spend some time on your own, you needed it. it took a little bit to get luke’s death grip on you loose enough for you to wiggle out of bed, but after you were successfully free you grabbed one of his hoodies to throw on over your pjs and pulled your hair out of your face with a claw clip. 
you silently made your way out of the house and took a seat out on the dock, taking a quick picture of the view as the sky turned shades of pink and orange. you dipped your feet into the water before grabbing your journal, deciding it was best to write your feelings down on paper just for your better understanding of everything that has happened.
as you finished up your journal entry you noticed the sun was now peaking over the tree line, you took a picture of the view, as well as a picture of your legs with your feet in the water and the pink journal in your lap. you opened up instagram and put all the pictures you took this morning and posted them to your private instagram account, captioning it “yesterday was one of the worst days of my life, can only hope today and each day after will be better.” 
you spent a few more minutes in silence, enjoying the fresh air you were getting. your trance was broken by the sound of footsteps on the dock.
“hey dear, what are you doing up so early?” you turned around to look at the man speaking.
“hi jim.” you smiled as he sat down next to you. “i’m just spending some time outside. i felt like i needed some fresh air.” 
jim nodded before speaking, “i’m sorry about everything. i had no idea any of this was going on, and i am sorry that i didn’t pick up on it earlier.” 
“it’s okay, don’t feel bad for not noticing it earlier. i should’ve spoken up when it first started happening.” you told him, giving him a reassuring smile. 
“would you like to join me and ellen today? we’re just running some errands but it could be fun, help you escape the sausage party that has become the lake house.” jim offered, causing you to laugh at his use of the phrase “sausage party”.
“yeah i would love to.”
you had gotten ready for the day without waking up your boyfriend, so you decided to continue to let him sleep. you went to your room and began packing your bags because you would be leaving in two days and you needed to begin getting ready for your departure back home. once the room was all sorted and looked like nobody was staying in it, you put your luggage back into the closet and made your way downstairs, cleaning had always been a way for you to relieve stress. 
“sorry to keep you guys waiting, i wanted to clean up my room.” you told ellen and jim as you made your way downstairs.
“no need for apologies sweetie, let’s go. our first stop is breakfast.” 
you had gone to breakfast with luke’s parents and told them about your plans for after college.
“right now i’m planning on becoming a medical examiner.” you explained as you waited for your orders. “i just have to see if i made it into the pre-med program before i can begin properly planning my future.” ellen and jim nodded, and continued to ask some questions about how your first year of university was going and other school related topics. 
after breakfast they took you to the local farmers/flea market, you were excited as you had been meaning to ask luke to come along with you. as you were browsing your options you saw a couple booths near each other with fabric for sale, you quickly made your way over and began looking at what was all there. after a few moments you found the colors you were looking for. 
you purchased your rolls of cloth as well as some embroidery floss in an assortment of colors because you had been meaning to stock up on it and some yarn for one of your experiments. after getting everything you made your way back towards ellen and jim, telling them what you got. 
the next stop was the grocery store, with jack’s friends arriving early the house wasn’t stocked up for everybody staying over. during your morning with luke’s parents the topic of what happened the day before didn’t come up until your last stop of the day. 
you were looking around a local garden shop, looking for a new plant to bring home, when ellen came up to you.
“i just want to apologize again for what happened yesterday. i am beyond embarrassed for how my sons have been treating you. you mean a lot to me, jim, and luke, and after the talk i had with them yesterday i’m hoping jack and quinn will come around as well.” you smiled at ellen, a couple tears were brought to surface when she said that you meant a lot to her. 
once you and luke were gone ellen walked up to her oldest sons and they immediately knew what was coming.
“mom, please don’t-”
“no quinn! i am going to.” she sighed, “y/n means so much to luke, and for you guys to be so rude and disrespectful towards her is unacceptable. has she ever done anything to make you guys feel that way? or were these assumptions completely based on snap judgements?” ellen took her son’s silence as an answer. “y/n is good for luke, i’ve never seen him happier. he loves her enough to introduce us and allow us to spend time with her, and this is how you pay him back? you two need to figure out a way to fix this, i suggest you start with opening up the presents that y/n spent hours making for you two that you guys never had the common decency to be appreciative about, i think you’ll like what they are.” after giving them one more look of disappointment she walked back into the house to find jim and explain to him what was going on.
“i think they want to open up the gifts you made, but i never got to properly ask because their friends showed up.” you smiled at her. them opening up the gifts wasn’t going to fix everything, ellen knew this, but it was a start. 
it was only eleven when you returned back to the lake house, with how late everybody stayed up last night you didn’t expect anyone to awake yet, you were wrong. ellen and jim had some more places to go but didn’t want to take up your whole day so they dropped you back off at the house before continuing their list of things to do. when you got up to the front porch you heard the voices of multiple people, one being your boyfriend, and they were all yelling.
“this is all your guys’ fault! my girlfriend left because of you two and how you’ve been treating her.” you heard luke shout. you quickly realized you never informed luke of your last minute plans with his parents, you kind of expected ellen to send a message to him or to any of the boys to explain her and jim’s absence when they woke up. 
“luke calm the fuck down. her car is still out front, she obviously didn’t leave.” jack’s voice was heard as you tried to open the front door, of course it was fucking locked. 
“her luggage is gone, her room is spotless, it looks like nobody has stayed in it for weeks.” luke voice was breaking. you quickly knocked, more pounded, on the door needing someone to let you in. shortly after your began hitting the door it was opened, you didn’t recognize who it was so you knew it had to be one of quinn or jack’s guests.
“found her.”
you pushed past him and made your way to the living room where everyone was at, dropping your bags and wrapping luke into a hug. he noticeably relaxed under your touch, he grabbed onto you like his life depended on it and you heard muffled sobs against your neck where his face was buried into.
“i thought you left me.” he said, you were the only one that heard it he was that quiet. 
“i’m so sorry luke, i–” you were going to explain what happened but you were cut off before you could continue.
“where the hell did you go?” you weren’t expecting that question, especially from who it came from. jack looked at you, anticipating your answer. you stood shocked, the genuine worry in his tone was enough to throw you off balance and leave you unable to speak. your silence seemed to just agitate him. “luke was worried sick. i get that you’re upset with me and with quinn, i do, we have been treating you horribly, but pulling this shit, causing us all to worry for you and your safety, just to get back at us is not okay.” 
you felt bad, until he said that. “jack i didn’t run away as a form of revenge, i didn’t even run away, i went out with your parents. they thought i could use a break from everything going on here, and they were right.” you detached yourself from luke, your heart cracking a little bit when he whimpered at the loss of touch, and went to grab your bags from earlier. once they were in your hands again you walked up the stairs, grabbing Luke's wrist in the process. “i don’t owe either of you assholes any further explanations.”
“i thought you left me because of how my brothers were treating you.” once you and luke made it into his room he broke down again, causing the guilt in you to bubble up.
“i’m so sorry baby, i would never leave you. your dad invited me to spend the morning with him and your mom and i thought it would be good to spend some time away from the house.” you said, rubbing his back as you sat in his lap, chest to chest.
after a few more minutes and a couple more apologies luke stopped crying, his sadness replaced with a slight amount of anger.
“don’t you ever do that again. i am your boyfriend, you are my guest in this house, i don’t want this to come off as insanely possessive, but i have a right to know where you are.” you could only nod at his words.
“i’m sorry luke, it didn’t even cross my mind. i wrongly assumed your mom would tell you, or that you would still be sleeping by the time i got back.”
“hey i’m not that lazy.” his joking nature allowed you to further calm down, you both got what you needed to off our chests.
“i can’t believe i called your brothers assholes.” you groaned, knowing that would probably make them dislike you even more.
“they deserved it.” luke said, giving you a kiss right after. “anyways, it was hot.” 
“oh really?” you giggled, a blush forming on your cheeks as his hands began wandering.
“it’s a good thing i locked the door when we walked in.”
it wasn’t for a couple more hours that you and luke went back downstairs, he thought it was time that you were actually introduced to the guests that joined you at the house.
“y/n this is trevor, cole, and alex, guys this is my girlfriend. y/n.” you smiled at them and said a faint hello, they all smiled back except for one. it was the one who asked luke who i was last night and opened the door for me earlier, the one who was now identified as trevor. he quickly went up to me and hugged me, taking me by surprise, i hesitantly brought my arms around him and gave him a slight pat on the back.
“it’s nice to finally meet you, i’ve heard many different things about you but i can already tell most of them were full of shit.” you smiled, knowing exactly what he was referring to. “well we were all planning on going out on the lake for a bit, eat dinner, watch the sunset, you two in?” you and luke both nodded before heading back upstairs to get ready.
the tension on the boat was very evident, you felt bad for the three boys who probably had no idea what had happened just a day before, you’d probably feel even worse if they did know.
luke was quick to gain your attention, talking to you about the most random things. you kept up with his conversation before you noticed that jack and his friends were huddled up and whispering on the other side of the boat, you wouldn’t have been bothered if it weren’t for them constantly looking up at you before going back to their gossip session. you began to feel a little self conscious, you made an effort to cover yourself as much as you could with the one towel you could find near you. luke noticed the shift in your focus.
“is everything okay? you seem distracted, i’m sorry if you didn’t want to be near them so soon.”
“no luke it’s fine, i just feel like they’re talking about me.” you tried to subtly motion towards jack and his friends. luke just glared at them, seeing what you were seeing.
“here come sit on my lap, i’ll wrap my arms around you and protect you from them.” you giggled at his joking tone.
“anything to touch me huh hughes?” you poked at him once you were in his lap.
dinner was served, an assortment of caprisuns and beers as well as uncrustables were on the menu for tonight. you moved up to grab some for you and luke when you got into a conversation with cole.
“so how long have you and luke been together?” 
“ten months, our one year is in september.” you smiled, already excited for whatever the two of you would have planned for that night. 
soon you were whisked away into a conversation, more like interrogation, about your relationship. trevor and cole sat next to you while jack, alex, and quinn sat in front of you. the oldest hughes put your boyfriend on wheel duty so he was on the other side of the boat, shooting you a worried glance each time you made eye contact with him. 
“how did you meet?”
“we were in the same orientation group, we got paired together for this water balloon game.” you smiled at the memory, remembering how horrible luke was at simply catching the balloon.
“what are you studying?” quinn’s question caught you off guard, seemingly since for the past ten minutes all you’ve been asked about was his brother.
“i’m currently hoping to go pre-med, i will find out if i made it into the program in the next couple days hopefully.” you told him with a smile.
“so you wanna be a nurse or something?” trevor asked.
“no. if i wanted to be a nurse i would be in the nursing program.” you told him, taking a sip of the beer you were holding before continuing. “i’m planning on being a medical examiner, conducting autopsies, figuring out the time and cause of death of a person.” you could tell the topic of dead bodies made your small q/a crowd uncomfortable which caused you to giggle. “any more questions? or can i return to my boyfriend now?” the boys just shook their heads in response, so you got up and sat on luke’s lap.
“so how did that go? you don’t seem too tense anymore.” luke asked once you were both situated.
“it went decent, i think, they just asked about us the whole time.” he nodded at your answer. “-oh, but quinn did ask me a question about myself and just myself, nothing that had to do with you.” luke looked over at his oldest brother with a small smile, who returned it before you, unknowingly, interrupted the moment by asking luke to take some pictures of you.
you spent the night in luke’s room again, the boys needed a room to stay in anyways, so you had convinced ellen and jim that staying with luke for two nights wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
“i don’t want you to leave.” luke said quietly, stealing your attention away from the tv screen.
“i don’t want to leave.” you replied, shifting to face him.
“then don’t. i can guarantee my parents wouldn’t have any problems with you staying for another week or two.” 
“luke i can’t, my sewing machine and all my other clothing stuff is back at my house and i’ve honestly gone a little insane just going five days without it–” luke rolled his eyes at your reasoning, giving you a look of disbelief.
“seriously, a machine is the reason you don’t wanna spend more time with your boyfriend?”
“-also i get my pre-med acceptance letter soon, if i get in, and i want to be with my parent’s when that happens and i know that they’re gonna want to celebrate with a party.”
“i think if you want to get closer to my brothers, or at least have them get to know you, you should stay here an extra week or two. they mean just as much to me as you do and i’m not saying you need to be best friends with them, but it would be nice if you guys got to know each other more and spend more time together.”
silence, and eventually sleep, consumed the two of you. both knowing an argument would only start if you continued to talk about it.
you woke up in an empty bed, frowning you got up and looked around the room to see if he was at least still in his bedroom, he wasn’t. you got up and began getting ready, throwing a pink bikini and some jean shorts before braiding your hair.
once you were downstairs your boyfriend was still nowhere to be found, you made your way outside where you saw his brothers and friends, luke was not with them.
“hey guys, do you know where luke is?” you asked the group, hoping one of them had an answer for you.
“he left like two hours ago, didn’t mention where he was going though.” jack answered, you nodded. “if you would like to join us, we were planning on going wakesurfing today, i don’t want you getting bored in the house by yourself.” you smiled at his offer and accepted, telling the group to give you a few minutes so you could grab some things for the boat, sending luke a text on your way back into the house.
to: luke <3
hey, where are you?
to: luke <3
i’m going on the boat with your brothers and friends so wish me luck lol
you packed your bag and joined the boys outside who were already on the boat waiting for you.
an hour later you still hadn’t received a response from luke and you were getting worried.
to: luke <3
are you okay?
to: luke <3
i find it funny that yesterday when i did this exact thing you said you had a right to know where i was at all times, do i not have that right either? 
“y/n do you wanna try it?” my attention was drawn away from my phone to look at cole.
“sure, i don’t know what i’m doing though.” you replied, moving to take off your shorts and put on the life vest.
“didn’t do it before we got here?” alex asked.
“no, i had other things distracting me.” i glanced over at quinn who gave me an embarrassed smile before speaking.
“i’m sorry for that, i really am, it was uncalled for.” you just nodded in response, not really wanting to talk about it in front of everybody.
you sucked at wakesurfing. you were able to keep your balance for thirty seconds at most before you slipped, or the one time trevor tackled you into the water. which of course was filmed and posted onto trevor’s story, the embarrassing scream you had let out was now viewable to his thousands of followers
once you guys got off the boat you quickly made your way inside to see if luke had shown up yet, he still hadn’t. you quickly opened your phone to call him but got no response, now you were mad. you two had talked about the importance of communication and the risks of not knowing where the other was yesterday, and here he was doing the opposite of everything he asked of you yesterday. 
to: luke <3
idk what the hell you’re doing right now but it has now been six hours since i’ve woken up and you’re still nowhere to be found and no one has heard from you. 
to: luke <3
i’m going to dinner with your brothers, so wish me luck, and if i don’t hear back from you by the time it’s dark i will send in a missing persons report.
to: luke <3
just lmk you’re safe.
you weren’t planning on leaving for dinner for a couple more hours so you spent some time getting the proper measurements for some clothes you would be working on, as well as studying up on how to knit a sweater since you would be trying that for the first time when you went back home. 
you didn’t change for dinner, just throwing one of luke’s michigan shirts on top of your swimsuit and putting your shorts back on. soon you made your way downstairs where it was just quinn waiting, everyone else apparently still getting ready. when you saw it was just him you quickly tried to make a run for it and go back to your room.
“you know you don’t have to avoid me, i think it’s about time we talked anyways.” quinn’s voice stopped you from going up the stairs. you wanted to keep walking away, you really did, but you knew you needed to have the discussion. you made your way back into the living room and sat on the couch seat furthest away from quinn. 
“ok let’s talk.” you started once you sat down. “can you tell me why you did what you did?” 
you got straight to the point, not wanting to spare any time. 
“i was just looking out for my little brother, i didn’t know you.”
“-you still don’t know me. the only information you know about me is my name and that i’m an aspiring pre-med student at michigan.” you interrupted quinn, earning a glare in your direction.
“yes. i still don’t know you, but i’m hoping that in the next two weeks that you’re staying here i can get to know you.” he finished speaking with a sigh, like it almost pained him to say those words. 
“wait what? i’m leaving tomorrow to go home, i’m not staying for an extra two weeks.” you were confused, your parents were expecting you home in the next twenty four hours.
“luke told me this morning that there was a change of plans and that you were going to be staying an extra two weeks.” quinn said, equally as confused. “did you not know this?”
you could only shake your head as an answer while you pulled your phone out to text luke.
to: luke <3
i don’t know if you were trying to surprise me with an extra two weeks at the lake house but i told you i couldn’t do that, my parents wont allow it.
from: luke <3
i’m with your parents right now, they said it’s okay. i’m at dinner with them though so i’ll talk to you later, but please wait to yell at me until i’m back at the lake house tonight. i’m gonna hit the road soon.
“that little shit.” you muttered, making quinn laugh.
“what did he do?”
“he has been ignoring my texts and calls all day, which is a problem on its own especially because of what happened yesterday, and now he is at dinner with my parents five hours away in my hometown convincing them to let me stay here longer than what was planned.”
“you don’t want to stay here longer? is it because of me and jack? because i meant what i said on the boat, i really am sorry. no matter what the circumstances were, i took it too far. i’m shocked it took you so long to call us assholes.” quinn’s last comment makes you laugh.
“i’m not gonna lie, you two are partially why i want to leave, but also because i know that next week more of your guys’ friends will be here and that ellen and jim are leaving, i just don’t want to intrude.” quinn nodded at your reasons.
“well if you do stay i think it would be a good time for me to properly get to know you, i would say that we could just start over and forget everything that happened…” he trailed off waiting for an answer from you.
“-not a chance. what you, and jack, did was not okay. i forgive, but i don’t forget.” before quinn could say anything in response the rest of the boys came downstairs and we all headed out to the cars to go to dinner.
dinner was another interrogation, but this time it was almost all questions about you.
“so what do you do for fun?” that can be a loaded question, alex asked you it in hopes to be able to spark more conversations about things that might tie to your answers.
“well i like to design and create clothing, or add things to a boring sweatshirt from the thrift. i do lots of upcycling with things i find at goodwill.” you answered, not knowing how they would respond.
“do you have any pictures of things you have made in the past?” cole asked this time, you nodded and got out your phone. showing them some pullovers you had embroidered things onto, the swimsuits you had made from scratch for you and luke, the apron and hand towels that were gifted to ellen, as well as the ties and matching pocket squares that you made for the hughes boys.
“oh that’s the set you made for my dad.” jack said before pausing, noticing the embroidered initials and numbers on the ties next to the one his father owned. “were those our gifts?” he had gotten so quiet you were shocked you were able to hear it.
“yeah they were, still are if you want them, luke told me the colors of your teams and i went from there to make them.” you told jack before looking at quinn who had a matching look as his brothers.
“can’t believe you ever made gifts for them after how they had treated you.” trevor’s joke made you wince, it seems like they don’t know the full story. 
“well i didn’t do it to get on their good side, i did it just because i thought this would be something they would enjoy, something personal to wear before games or at events, and creating things for people is something i really enjoy.” you kept your head down while talking, not wanting anyone to see the emotion in your face. the waitress soon brought everyone’s food out, you thanked anything and everything that lived up above as something was there to distract everybody for the time being.
once back from dinner you went to hangout by the docks and watch the sunset, the boys had dropped you off per your request because you desperately needed some alone time. after the sun had fully set and you were pleased with the photos you had taken, you decided to go for a swim, stripping off your shirt and shorts, shivering as the cold breeze of the night came over you. you didn’t give yourself time to rethink your actions and jumped into the lake, you were freezing but it felt good. the cold being exactly what you needed.
you don’t know how long you were out there before you heard the sliding door open.
“babe are you out here?” luke’s voice brought immense comfort over you, it felt like it had been days since you’d last seen him. slowly swimming towards the steps you made yourself known.
“yes” you shouted, stepping out of the water and onto the dock. luke quickly made his way towards you, stopping once he was at the end of the dock and could see what you were wearing.
“you look really hot in that swimsuit.” you blushed at his compliment, and at the way his eyes were raking over your body. “you shouldn’t be able to look this hot babe.”
“oh really?” you said stepping closer to him, looking at his lower half to see if he had anything in his pockets, he didn’t. “well, we should do something about that then.” you reached out to grab his shoulders and turn him around, leaning in for a kiss, but before your lips could touch you shoved him into the water. “that’s what you get for ignoring me all day.” 
you jumped into the water a few moments later, luke’s shocked face making you laugh harder. 
“what the hell y/n.” luke asked once the shock from the cold died down in him.
“it seemed like you needed some cooling down, also you spent the whole day ignoring me and then went behind my back to get me to stay an extra two weeks.” you replied, swimming up closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“i have a surprise for you when we get back inside to make up for it.” luke’s arms instinctively wrapped around your waist. 
you stayed like that for quite some time, luke filling you in on his day and vice versa.
“so quinn apologized to you and said he wanted to get to know you during the rest of your stay?” you nodded at his question, making luke’s smile grow wider than it already was. “that is so great y/n.”
as you were about to add something to what luke had said the sound of footsteps made you close your mouth.
“yeah mom they’re out here.” jack yelled back in the direction of the house. “you two are in trouble, get inside.” 
“so luke, do you see you and y/n lasting? like once you start in the NHL?” 
you weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but you knew that you had woken up while luke’s brothers were grilling him about our relationship. you didn’t open your eyes, you knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but they should know the risks of talking loudly while someone sleeps a few inches away from them.
“i do see us lasting, for a long time. i know you guys might think this is premature but i can see myself spending the rest of my life with her.” luke’s words made your heart rate pick up, “i want her to come to new jersey, but after she has completed all her schooling. i can’t ask her to give up her education for me, it means too much to her.” 
“but if she goes pre-med she will have a lot more years of school, it’s an extra four years and usually more. could you wait about ten years for her? is she worth it?”
“y/n is absolutely worth it, i don’t care how long it takes for her to finish school she is it for me.” tears had started to well up in your eyes, you couldn’t pretend to be asleep anymore. 
you shot up from your spot on the couch and tackled luke in a hug, you had never doubted luke’s commitment for you, but to hear him say it, especially to people who aren’t the biggest fan of you meant a lot.
“i love you luke.” you whispered, a few tears spilling out. 
“i love you too baby.” 
you both missed the look his brothers gave each other, a look that said “maybe she isn’t so bad”
 you didn’t make it into the pre-med program. your parents had opened the letter with you over facetime, you were crushed. yes you could apply next year, and every year after that until you got accepted, but you didn’t want to do that, you wanted to get into the program after one try and that didn’t happen. 
luke was there for you, he held you while you cried, comforted you when trevor accidentally got you a congratulations balloon thinking you were accepted, and stayed with you during the days even though you knew he wanted to spend time with people that weren’t you.
one day you did force him to go out on the lake, dylan and mackie had arrived that morning and you know he wanted to hang out with them, even though he told you he was happy to spend the day with you. you spent a lot of the day cleaning, with ellen gone the house started to look like only teenage boys were staying there. once you were done with that you made lunch and headed back upstairs to finish your next task. after plenty of talks with your parents, and a few emails with your advisor, you decided to change your major to business. all your life you’d been making clothes, you thought you might just make a career out of it because you enjoy doing it so much. you hadn’t told anyone other than your parents, you were scared to. you didn’t want anyone, more specifically luke, to think you were giving up on becoming a medical examiner just because you got one rejection letter. and you did what you did best when you were anxious about something, you made clothes and cleaned. when luke went back to your hometown last week he grabbed your storage tote full of all the essentials, your sewing machine, the brand new embroidery machine your parents bought you to celebrate completing your first year of university, and way too many fabrics. while you’ve been bunkered up in luke’s room, not wanting to face the world just yet you’ve made lots of items. ties for jim, a sweater for ellen, another bathing suit for luke, and today you were determined to make matching shirts for you and luke. you started with making basic white tee, you could’ve easily bought them but there is no fun in that, and then you decided to do a heat transfer of the design you picked out.
they were gonna be gag gifts, every year one of the frats hosts a “twin” party where you and your date show up in matching outfits and this year you and luke were going together. your shirt would say “i 🩷 my boyfriend” with an image of the two of you on the back, and his would be the exact same but with girlfriend instead of boyfriend. the creation of the shirts didn’t take as long as you thought it would, so now you were looking for more things to do, you weren’t able to make a decision as luke’s door was opened by jack. 
“hey me and quinn are going to get ice cream, would you like to come?” you accepted their offer, knowing that you needed to get out of the house. 
it didn’t hit you that this would be the first time you would be alone with luke’s brothers, ever. sure you had your conversation with quinn the other night, but now that jack was here it made you just as fearful, a bit more even.
“so what did you do today? i know that luke went out with dylan and mackie, we haven’t been seeing you much.” jack said once you all sat down for ice cream.
“well i assume you guys heard that i did not make it into the pre-med program so i’ve just been in a small slump lately–” you were cut off by quinn.
“we actually didn’t know, but that makes sense why trevor felt so guilty about the balloon he got you.” 
“yeah, but today i actually switched my major. i’m gonna study business now, possibly entrepreneurship, i decided to pursue a career more based on starting my own clothing company.” you told the boys, who glanced at each other.
“well that is amazing, congratulations. have you told luke yet?” jack asked, beating quinn to speaking.
“no, you guys are actually the first people i’ve told, trying to avoid others thinking i’m giving up on pre-med.” the boys nodded at your reasoning, quinn decided to fill the silence this time.
“luke told us he brought up your clothing stuff, have you made anything?”
“yeah, i’ve made a couple ties, some shirts, a sweater, and a swimsuit.” you laughed at their shocked faces. “i’ve had a lot of free time since i haven’t been leaving the house.”
it had now been five days since you switched your major and you still hadn’t told luke, even if you wanted to tell him you probably wouldn’t have the time to since he has been with dylan, mackie, and the couple other michigan players that have arrived at the house. this is one of the reasons why you didn’t want to stay any longer than a week, you knew luke was going to become distant when his friends showed up.
waking up to an empty bed became normal, luke and the other boys would do some training in the mornings. so like you did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, you got up and made your way downstairs to make breakfast. quickly distracted by the mess that had been made from what you assumed were smoothies or homemade protein shakes. you silently cursed whoever made the mess while you cleaned it up, then moving on to do some laundry. towels and swimsuits had been piling up in a very overfilled basket and you knew none of the boys were gonna do it. once the load was in you moved on to tidy up the living room, folding blankets, fluffing pillows, vacuuming. 
“stress cleaning?” you whipped your head around to see jack sitting on top of a freshly fluffed pillow and unfolding a blanket.
“no, why would you think that?” you said, while walking over to get him off of the loveseat to make it presentable again.
“because you still haven’t told luke about switching majors and the more you hold off the worse you think he is going to react.” jack stated, “also, you just kicked me out of my seat to do whatever the hell that is.” pointing to you as he sat down on the floor.
you scoffed and stopped karate chopping the throw pillow once it looked nice enough. “you don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
 “just tell him y/n, i’m serious. he is only going to be more hurt the longer you take to tell him, and you don’t wanna hurt my brother, i’ve just started to like you.” he smirked when you glared at him.
“haha very funny jack.” 
“what’s got you so scared to tell him anyways?” jack asked in a much softer tone of voice, patting the spot on the carpet next to him. 
you sat before sighing. “i don’t want him to think i’m giving up on something just because of one small hardship. all the time i hear him bragging to his teammates and friends about how his girlfriend is super smart and is gonna be the best doctor for the dead in the world one day, i’m scared to disappoint him.” you felt a couple tears in your eyes before you continued to speak. “i’ve seen him researching med schools near newark, one’s that have the best program for medical examiners. he believes in me, he knows i could do this even if i don’t, and i don’t want him to think i’m dumbing myself down to a bachelors in the most basic study field ever.” by the end of your small rant the tears had begun falling, they weren’t sobs but they were there.
“y/n, luke loves you so much. you getting a four year degree in business is not going to change that, yes he is your number one supporter when it comes to you becoming a medical examiner, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be your number one supporter when it comes to you being a fashion designer, or whatever it is you want to do i’m a little confused.” you laughed as jack continued. “do you know how much shit me and the guys have given him for some of the things he wears, we don’t even call him luke anymore he is just “simp” to us now, but he doesn’t care about that, he cares about you and your happiness, and if getting made fun of for wearing matching swimsuits with you or wearing a hat with your initials on it means making you happy, he is going to do it. he will be there for you no matter what because he loves you, and i can see why he does. you’re an amazing person y/n, and i’m so sorry for how i have been treating you over the past ten months. i know that sorrys aren’t enough to make up for what we did to you, but i hope it can be a start to us becoming friends because i need more people to bother luke with me.” you smiled and pulled jack into a hug, thanking him for the apology and kind words as well as forgiving him.
“one more thing, did he really refer to you as a future doctor for the dead?” jack asked, laughing a little.
“yes, it was so funny.” 
you and jack decided to watch a movie while you waited for luke to come back from training, quinn soon joined you two on the floor after he had woken up. it was nice, there was no awkward tension, no glares being thrown in your direction, you felt like you were all getting along for the first time and that made you smile.
“um why are you all on the floor?” dylan’s voice cut the peacefulness that had come over the three of you, all three of you quickly looked away from the tv to see the boys all back from training. you made eye contact with luke who was looking at you with a shocked, but very happy, expression. you just smiled and gave him two thumbs up, before turning towards jack and quinn to excuse yourself. you made your way to luke and gave him a kiss and grabbed his hand to take him upstairs, but not before telling jack to switch the laundry loads for you.
once you were in luke’s room he began asking you questions about what he had just walked in on.
“well i was stress cleaning and jack walked in on me doing it and somehow got me to tell him about all my problems, if hockey doesn’t work out for him you should tell him to join the counseling field, but after i went a mini rant about what i’ve been fixated on lately he apologized and we talked everything out and i think we are officially on good terms.” you said in one breath, smiling as luke wrapped you up in a hug.
“what about quinn? is everything okay between you two?” you nodded and explained that you had talked it out with him a couple days ago. 
you and luke started getting ready for the dinner party that the hughes brothers were invited to and you were going as luke’s plus one, you didn’t fully understand what it was for but all you knew was that it was a semi-formal event, making it the perfect opportunity to have luke wear the tie you made him a few days prior, the one that matched your soft pink dress. 
as you were doing your makeup luke spoke up again, going back to your conversation from before.
“wait babe, you said that you were stress cleaning. what are you stressed about?” luke asked, walking into the bathroom and leaning against the counter. you looked at him through the mirror and continued applying mascara as you told him.
“about a week ago, after i got the rejection letter, i switched my major to business and entrepreneurship, to pursue a career in fashion. i didn’t tell you because i was nervous on how you would react, and the longer i kept it from you the more stressed out i got. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner, i know how excited you were to be dating a genius and now i’ve let you down.” you looked at his face to see his reaction, but his face wasn’t telling you anything. 
silence took over the bathroom as luke tried to find the right words to say.
“you could never let me down y/n, yes i am a little upset that it took you so long to tell me, but i understand why you did it. i am proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far. so med school isn’t for you? you are going to kick ass in the fashion industry babe, they won’t know what hit them.” he smiled at you before wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder. “i love you y/n, never doubt that.” 
“i love you too luke.” 
you and luke sat in the living room waiting for his brothers to come downstairs, you began to get a little antsy as you feared you would be late if you didn’t leave in the next five minutes.
“would you two hurry up! y/n is pacing back and forth cursing you guys for making us late.” luke yelled up to his brothers, who quickly made their way downstairs.
“sorry we weren’t sure how to tie these ties.” quinn said once they were both at the bottom of the steps.
you looked up at them and instantly began smiling. “you’re wearing them.”
jack and quinn looked at you, both with huge grins on their faces, before pulling you into a hug. they were wearing the ties you had made them for the holidays, nearly a year ago. 
“we love our gifts.” and “better late than never” were said but you weren’t sure who said which.
you quickly called for luke to stand with his brother so you could take a photo of the three of them. 
“you better post that on your main y/n, show the world you have the coolest future brother in-laws ever.” jack shouted as he raced luke for shotgun. 
you don’t know how you got so lucky.
note: OMG it’s done. this was a bit hard to write because the whole time i was horrified it would flop or people wouldn’t like it, and i’m still horrified lols (the ending is so rushed i don't like it). anyways i hope you enjoyed, feedback is so greatly appreciated. it lets me know what i’m doing that people like and what i could be changing about my writing. just hoping this one does number like lucky did. have a great day, love y’all babes <3!!
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saerotonins · 1 year
jotaro and boobies
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ft. kujo jotaro x gn!reader (headcanons + scenario)
content warnings: 4taro, fluff, jotaro being a cute pookie, suggestive (? but just to be sure), reader has boobs, just some corny shit i decided to write, not beta read
wc: 1127
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while i definitely agree that he's a thigh man, he appreciates boobies too!
any size, any kind, his hands WILL fit
sometimes or most of the time it's not even sexual, he just likes to touch them because he likes the feel of them
a free stress ball for him if you will
at this point your bras are useless, what's the point of having them when his hands are RIGHT THERE
would be willing to be your bra if he could tbh
he's kinda obsessed with them and would be glad if you're down to prance around your shared apartment with no top on
on a particularly really stressful day, he just wants to lay his hands on your boobies and call it a day
maybe squish them but not too much
would probably fall asleep while he holds them
the hold he has on them is really comfortable, this man's hands are the perfect cups (hah, see what i did there, ok bye)
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jotaro came home later than usual due to some deadlines that he had to catch from office. while this is not unusual, today is particularly draining for him since his research partner decided to be more difficult than they were before.
"you're still awake," was the first thing he said the moment he entered the door. the sight before him is welcoming and cozy. with you sitting comfortably on the couch with your pajamas and socks and the comforter hanging around really made you look inviting. immediately, he somehow felt his shoulders lighten up a bit.
his voice made you look in his direction and he could clearly see how happy you were to finally see him home, safe and sound. these are the mundane things he looks forward to every day. the domesticity makes his heart full and happy, and while he'd be damned to admit it out loud, it's something that he wouldn't trade for the world. 
you stood up and walked up to him to greet him with a chaste kiss on the lips, "welcome home, darling, food's waiting for you in the dining table, come?" jotaro nods to your invitation. you held his hands as you gently guide jotaro towards the dining room. the patter of your sock-clad feet as you walk sounds relaxing, he thinks. 
"the food is a little cold but we can heat it up," you said as you sat, "this is fine, i'm starving," you knew what he said is extremely true since you noticed that he immediately inhaled the food served in front of him. 
jotaro must have noticed that despite being seated with him, you were not eating, "why aren't you eating?" he asked out of concern.
"i already ate a while ago, i just want to make sure you'll have a hearty dinner since you seem tired when you came in," your answer made pause as he chewed his food.
he cannot believe how lucky he got. if he told his teenage self that he would find love that will wait for him until the sun sets and prepare him a meal ready to eat when he comes home, dote on him on the regular and makes him feel special, he would've been beaten up. 
"something wrong, dear?" 
your voice seems to snap jotaro out of his thoughts. he shakes his head and continues on with his dinner.
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by bedtime, jotaro settles himself in bed while trying to read a book. while the dinner and shower he had earlier somehow let some tension out, he cannot help but feel like it's not enough. something is still weighing his heart down and he couldn't shake it away even if he tries.
the comfortable silence in your bedroom is suddenly interrupted by your phone.
"what's that?" 
"oh, i'm just watching a drama that i started yesterday," 
jotaro hummed as acknowledgment. while he would like to stay up with you and keep up with your interests, the yawn he let out thinks otherwise. 
"you should sleep now sweetheart, you're pretty tired today, i'll wear my earphones so you won't get bothered," you didn't hear an answer from him, instead, you felt him shift on the bed and put his arms around your waist. a smile was brought up on your face. such a simple gesture yet you know it's jotaro's way of saying that he appreciates you even in his worst days.
a few minutes passed, the silent whirl of your air conditioner enveloped your room. while all is well and cozy, jotaro still couldn't help but feel like something is missing. exhaustion from his body telling him to sleep, the warmth of your body beside his, the early call time that he has to meet tomorrow, yet none of those things were enough to make him fall asleep.
until jotaro had an idea. 
he initially thinks it's stupid but it's worth a try.
while you were focused on the show that you were watching, you felt jotaro poking your shoulders. 
"what's wrong, why aren't you asleep yet?" you asked jotaro while you take your earphones off.
there was a slight pause in the air and you swear you feel the hesitation but opt to let him speak once he's ready.
"can i– can i touch your breast?" jotaro feels his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. he feels like a stupid teenager for asking such a ridiculous request.
while you were shocked to say the least, entertaining a simple request from your beloved shouldn't be a problem
"okay," jotaro could practically hear the amusement on your voice but he couldn't care less. once the green light is given to him, you can feel his calloused yet gentle hands go under your shirt and towards your boobs.
you feel him cup you breast gently, "is this fine?" you gave him a subtle nod. it's actually quite comfortable, you thought. his hands provided warmth and his hold is gentle enough not to hurt you, like his hand is a mold of your bosom.
you can hear jotaro release a sigh of relief in your ear and felt him cuddle closer towards you.
the two of you stayed that way while you continuously watch your show until some time, you felt his hold from your chest loosen, indicating that he finally fell asleep.
you smile at the thought and decided to close your phone and shut your eyes, ready to meet jotaro in your dreams.
ever since that faithful night, jotaro always asks if he could touch your breasts from time to time while you cuddle or take a nap if his day gets too overwhelming for him.
and you couldn't be any happier to oblige to his request.
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Giving Him a Show
Tighnari x Fem!Reader smut
A/N: Hey everyone. A few things before I start. Firstly, I would like to credit my dear friend @hitomisuzuya for giving me a lot of the fuel for this, most of this fic was their idea so please go and show them some love<3 Secondly, for all of my writers out there, I'd like for any constructive critisim in the comments. I want to improve my smut writing given this is my first time in the genre, and finally if you've been following my xiao x reader 30 day challenge, i'll be posting day 6 tomorrow morning around noon.
summary: It was your day off from your job as a forest ranger in the avidya forest in a while, so you decided to spend it having a little fun. Or at least until a certain someone shows up asking for your research papers, leading you on a rollar coaster
warnings: slight angst, fluff, slow burn, porn with plot, masterbation, dom!tighnari, breeding kink, orgasm denial, biting/marking, cunnilings, tighnari calls y/n baby and "little flower" a few times, teasing, hair pulling, choking, both praise and mild degration, use of "good girl", vaginal penetration.
PSA: dont be silly, cover the willy folks <3
It had been a full week of nonstop work. You haven't even had a chance to sit down and enjoy a full meal without having to multitask. You knew this job was gonna be busy but damn, you didn't realize that also included sacrificing your free time.
On the plus side, who knew you'd get lucky enough to have an attractive teammate. His black and green hair, his hazel eyes, the playful sarcasm...
My archons, sometimes that was the only reason you'd show up. Of course, you were always an amazing employee. Hardworking and strong ethics. But that doesn't mean you could help the butterflies tingling in your tummy every time you thought about the way his hands would feel caressing your hips. The way he would gently squeeze before moving lower and lower-
You'd take today's free day as a chance to deal with the frustration that'd been steadily building.
You felt your heart rate increase. The absolute sheer thought of him touching you making you needier by the moment. You lay down against your soft bedsheets, the cool sheets a sheer contract to your heated skin.
You needed him, you needed to feel him inside of you, stretching you, making you beg pathetically for him.
Your hands began to wander gently over your neck, down your chest, and over your stomach. You caressed the outside of your thighs squeezing them while imagining him doing the same while absolutely drilling into you hungrily.
You let out a subtle moan, feeling how wet you were growing. Your hands ghosting over your clothed, soaked cunt. The small movement forced a soft hip buck from you.
You wanted to feel him running his hands over your folds, barely touching. You wanted him to hold your hands above your head, his hot breath mere inches from your ear. His pants, and the sound of his fingers tantalizingly slowly circling around your entrance before plunging into it. Him telling you how good you're being for him.
You quickly took your shorts and undergarments off, the cold air licking against your aching sex. It didn't take much for your hands to snake down. you didn't bother being quiet. I mean, why would you?
You pressed two fingers into your cunt, stretching yourself as much as you could, but it just wasn't enough. You needed more. You were absolutely feral trying to press deeper, deeper. Yet you could only barely touch that one heavenly spot deep inside.
Here you were, desperately whining and soaking. Completely unaware of the unexpected guest now at your front door. You were slowly reaching climax begging outwardly for someone who wasn't there to touch you. You just couldn't reach far enough, nothing was filling you like you imagined he could.
To Tighnari, who was now at your door, blissfully unaware of the sins you were committing, you were probably taking some kind of nap or doing whatever you normally do in your free time.
He went to knock on the door when he heard it. He thought you were in pain, I mean it sounded like you were sobbing. He was unsure of what to do, should he bust in to help you? Or would you rather he left you instead of being viewed in so much pain?
It took him only a few seconds to make up his mind, he twisted the handle, surprised to find it entirely unlocked. Now he was really worried. If you were in so much pain that you'd forgotten to lock the door behind you then he made the right choice to go help.
He hurriedly searched the house for you. But the more he heard you, the more he questioned what the sounds were of. Eventually, he walked up the stairs toward your bedroom.
There was a slight crack in the door, clearly, you hadn't closed it behind you. He didn't want to intrude on your privacy, but he was only worried. He opened the door, almost immediately regretting his decision.
You still hadn't noticed him, your fingers pumping in and out of your drenched cunt. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you came closer and closer to what you'd been working for, crying his name.
That was until you made eye contact with him.
The shrill scream you let out was ear-shattering as you scampered to find something to cover yourself with, wielding no results.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I was just-just coming to get some papers but I see that your-your uhm busy! I'll go now-" The poor brunette's face reddened as he forced the words out of his mouth, bolting down the stairs and out of the house.
You were absolutely mortified. Heart and breath fast, you felt tears of embarrassment clouding your eyes, wondering just how much he saw, just how much he heard.
Little did you know, the young man ran down and hid behind a tree to catch his breath, taking careful notice of the painful tent in his pants.
You dreaded the next morning. You had to go back to work and face Tighnari, and as much as you wanted to hide in a hole for the rest of your life, you knew that you had no other choice but to go.
You took a deep breath, before walking into the forest rangers headquarters. You found your station to collect your daily materials and tasks, thankful to not have yet run into Tighnari. You took your supplies and left the building as fast as you could. In attempts of trying to avoid a certain someone, you ran smack dab right into him.
You both fell to the ground with a loud thump. His cheek landed across your chest. You froze the second you realize fully what happened. First, he catches you fucking yourself, and now you literally tripped him into this position. The universe just can't cut you a break, can it?
"Ow..." He grilled before raising his head to look at you, unaware that it was you. His face turned red as his eyes widened, now hovering over you, arms on either side of your shoulders, ears ever slightly downward towards his head.
You turn your head to the side, breaking eye contact, face fully flushed bright crimson.
Oh, archons you wanted to kiss him so badly, To explore how his lips dance. But you knew you couldn't. Not after yesterday.
He quickly sat up. Backing away red-faced, He didn't say anything for a moment. You both sat there wide-eyed, and red. The silence between you two was thick and painful.
Tighnari was about to say something, just opening his mouth, but instead of sticking around to hear what was going to be said, you stood up and started running down the path, clutching your work to your chest to keep yourself grounded.
Tighnari sat there a little dumbfounded. He closed his mouth, not even realizing he was about to speak. His mind was filled with images of you lying under him, and yesterday.
He wouldn't admit it, but he wanted nothing more than to see you like he did yesterday again. Archons what he wouldn't give for that.
A few days had passed and you'd be lucky enough to avoid tighnari as much as possible. Of course, he was still there and there were still times you were near him, but you hadn't had to actually talk to him in time.
Well, today you and he had to finish some research you both had started the previous month. This was unavoidable. actually, it was the same research project that he needed the papers for, but then the incident happened.
Most of the embarrassment was dying down, at least you didn't feel like dying every time that he was around so that was progress in your eyes. Though it was still a little tense.
You sat next to Mr. forest ranger himself, in silence. You couldn't bring yourself to look up from your hands. It was still awkward and you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than he already had been.
"Here, I'll finish the logs and we can start compiling our data." His voice was a little stricter than normal. He sounded like he didn't want to be there, which made you feel anxious. You nodded and gripped your hands a little tighter. You had half the heart to race out the door and never look back, but you knew you wouldn't be able to get ten feet before Tighnari caught up to you.
You heard him sigh and stand up, walking over to a bookshelf behind you. You turned around slightly feeling tears prick your eyes. You didn't want that to be the way he saw you and it really was eating you up inside. You felt horrible, what if he hates you now?
You turned back in your seat a few tears falling down your cheeks, you couldn't help but let out a small whimper.
You loved him, and now the thought of him hating you all because you made a mistake was a little too much for you. It wasn't your fault, you were simply enjoying your body, but you hated the fact that it made him uncomfortable.
You brought your hands over your face, trying not to make a lot of noise but you couldn't stop yourself. You'd already broken the damn.
"Hey...hey y/n what's wrong?" Tighnari rushed over and sat in front of you on his knees, holding your wrists gently. He pulled your hands away from your face gently, but you turned your face from him as best as you could.
"I'm-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things weird, I just- i- please... can I just go home?" You whimpered out, still crying and tucking your head away from him as best you could. He took a deep breath, feeling unaware of what you'd be comfortable with, and moved his hands from your wrists to your hands.
"Of course, you can. I'll take care of this here. take as much time as you need." That is all he said before he went to stand up, kissing your forehead. The sentiment went over your head as you walked out of the room, going back to your abode to sleep the rest of the day away.
The next evening you were greeted with a knock at the door. Your eyes were only a little puffy but you couldn't stop thinking about your meltdown in front of Tighnari. You felt like an idiot! There was no way you'd be able to face him again. Fearing that it was him at the door, you stayed in bed until there was another knock.
You sighed deeply and stood from your bed dressed in only a long nightshirt and some undergarments. You walked down the stairs and through the hallway that lead to the front door, the cold floor hitting your feet.
"Who is it?" Your voice was a little shaky, and somewhat gruff from just waking up.
"It's me, I was just stopping by to see if you were ok, and to see if we could talk" Tighnari spoke through the door. You grasped the handle and cracked the door just slightly. Enough to see his face. He looked kinda sad but also relieved to see that you were ok.
"Alright, just give me a moment, I'm not decent." You almost whispered the last part, but given the small flick of his ears, you knew he heard it.
He gave you a soft smile, "no rush, take your time."
Sitting at the table across from one another, you didn't know what to say. It felt awkward for you both like you both had something you wanted to say but just couldn't find the words.
"I'm sorr-" "about th-"
You both interrupted each other.
"sorry you go ahead"
You both spoke at the same time again, this time making you giggle. You couldn't help but notice how his tail swished and his face flushed at that, a smile of his own creeping on his face.
"You can go first y/n." He said patiently. You really were head over heels for this plant nerd.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what you saw the other day. it's just- I let my imagination get the best of me, and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in any way. I- I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore-" Your tone was so quiet and timid. he could sense the feeling of regret in your words.
Truth be told, he didn't want you to regret your actions, in fact,
he wanted you to do them again. 
He stood up from his chair and walked over to you cautiously. Your eyes filled with curiosity and confusion only spurred him more.
"Is that what this was about?" He walked over to you and grabbed your chin. He wasn't sure what got into him but he knew he hated the thought that you regretted what you'd done.
He wanted you to know that he'd wanted to see you like that for a while. Naked and at his mercy. He just never had the chance. Your eyes opened wider when he got closer to your face.
You nodded feeling his breath fanning over your lips, looking at his own. he glanced down to meet your lips before leaning in and chastely connecting them.
It was quick and hesitant but you felt like you were on fire. Your breathing was heavy and your heart was out of control.
He seem to take notice of this and went to lean back up, but you threw caution to the wind and grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him back in. Your lips met one more time in a much deeper kiss. Your hands still wrapped around his cheeks, your thumbs massaging under his eyes softly.
The kiss was meant to be innocent, simply an experience out of adrenaline. But the next thing you knew he had pulled you to your feet and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you flush against his body.
You felt him lick your bottom lip before taking it into his mouth and biting hard. You gasped just enough for him to slip his tongue between your lips, giving him the chance to explore.
You broke away to catch your breath looking at him. He smiled at you with a tint of mischief in his eyes. "Show me," he uttered while smirking.
"Show you what?" You had a feeling you knew what he was meaning but you wanted to make sure before you embarrassed yourself. He took your hand and led you up the stairs behind him.
"I want you to touch yourself for me."
You closed the door to your bedroom. He pulled a chair to the end of the bed and sat down. He signaled for you on the bed pulling you to stand in front of him. You looked at him with doe eyes as he licked his lips subtly. He looped his hands onto your pants and undergarments pulling them down for you.
Tighnari kissed your hands before pushing you back against the bed. You sat on the edge, resting one leg on the side of the chair, the other off to the side. Your face was red, embarrassed at what was happening.
"Show me how to do it baby" He ordered. You felt yourself growing wetter by the moment. You reached a hand down and palmed your clothed clit, The stimulation being almost intoxicating. You started running your index and middle finger down and up your dripping folds keeping your eyes trained on the raven-haired man in front of you.
It didn't take long before you were needing more feeling than ever.
"Go ahead, tell me what you were imagining me doing to that slutty body of yours, little flower~"
You tightened your thighs a little and clenched around nothing. You shook your head. How were you supposed to explain what you were imagining without freaking him out?
He chuckled darkly before spreading your thighs. He grabbed your hands off of your cunt and held them together resting on your stomach before leaning forward.
His hot breath felt heavenly against your saturated pussy. you bucked your hips hoping for some sensation of contact, but you were met with nothing but his hot breath. You kept bucking your hips whining for some kind of contact.
"You know, when we were finishing our research the other day, I couldn't get the thought of you bent over the table while I fucked into you out of my head." He inched closer to your sex, and now you could gently feel his tongue softly caress your clit once before he nuzzled his nose against it just as softly. He spoke again his voice whining and high-pitched. " You just smelt so good~ There wasn't any way for me to concentrate. You just smell...so....good~"
The moan you let out was pornographic and pathetic. Your thighs were as spread apart as your hips would allow, you were barely ten minutes in and he already had you so desperate for his touch.
You threw your head back when his tongue once again pressed your lips before removing just as quickly. He blew on your clit relishing in the way you were thrashing for him to eat you out. "Are you gonna tell me now?~ I might be inclined to give you a reward for your cooperation, little flower."
"You- I, I was imagining you... ah-" You were cut off as he delved his tongue up and down your pussy with a grunt. He paused to wait for you to continue, locking eyes with you. He watched you, his eyes dangerous and lustful. You let out a shaky breath understanding that you were fully under his control now. "You were...ngh.. holding me down by my- my wrists and- fingering me... while telling me how good I was for you-"
He moaned into your cunt as you told him what you fantasized about. He let go of your hands and grabbed your thighs, pulling you closer against his face until you were sure he'd suffocate. you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him against you and bucked your hips riding his face reverently.
"Please 'Nari, I'm so- close please..." You whined pulling his hair a little bit. He chuckled against your cunt and pulled away leaving you whining and trying to pull him back. He simply took your hand and put it to your side. He stood up towering over you and leaning to meet your level. He kissed you slowly and tenderly as he grabbed both of your hands pinning them on either side of your head.
You wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer, causing him to grind against you needily. He took your hands and held them with one above you much like how you imagined. Your stomach did flips realizing that this was happening.
His other hand gently glided down your sides and over your hips, finally landing just over your pussy, barely brushing over it. You whimpered against his lips.
"Just like that, good girl. You're being such a good little slut for me." He cooed you. His lips left your mouth and traveled down your face to your throat. "Mine, mine, mine" he chanted between harsh bites that you knew would leave marks by morning.
His hand between your thighs soon dipped into your entrance. They started slow. Gently pressing and stretching your walls as tighnari kissed and sucked on your neck, effectively marking you. Gradually his finger thrusts become stronger and stronger until he was thoroughly finger fucking the brains out of you.
You felt yourself nearing your climax yet again, only to have it ripped away as he released his hand, bringing his fingers to his mouth tasting you yet again.
"The only thing your gonna cum on is my cock. Am I clear?" His tone was demanding and velvety. You nodded eagerly, absolutely desperate for release. "Good, cuz I think you're ready for me."
He undid his belt buckle, pulling his erect cock from his clothing and discarding the rest. He pulled the shirt off your body in one swift movement. He pushed you further up the bed and climbed over you. Your eyes slowly trailed downwards but snapped back up incredibly embarrassed.
He placed a hand on your chin and forced you to look at him, instead of off to the side as it was. "Go ahead, you can look. I know you're curious." Your face was impossibly heated now. You took a shaky breath and started to look down. You felt your eyelids flutter slightly at the sheer glimpse. Archons, he was perfect.
"Please...please just fuck mee~"
He took the invitation, swiftly lining his cock at your entrance, moving it up and down a few times to gather slick. the teasing motion made you squirm in your spot, to which he replied by grabbing your hips and thrusting into you. Slowly at first so as not to hurt you.
Inch by agonizing inch he gripped your thighs and filled your aching hole with his cock. "Want me to breed you that bad huh? my little slut wants me to fill her up with my fucking cum that badly?"
His words made you clench around him earning a hiss. He slapped your thigh gently to warn you to not do that again. But you blatantly disobeyed.
You ground your hips while fluttering your walls, making him moan loudly. His grip on your hips getting tighter, he growled and began thrusting his dick in you haphazardly.
"Your my bitch. my little bitch in heat. you're taking me so well little flower. so tight... I'm gonna fill you so full. gonna fill you with babies. gonna make you a mommy." He moaned into your ear.
"I'm gonna cum-" You whimpered, pulling him all the way against you.
"Cum for me baby."
And just as commanded, you came loud and hard. Trembling in his grasp. You felt your heart rate pound against his as you rode out each other's orgasms.
He rested his head against your chest, smiling and panting hard. His hands fell to either side of you in a hug. You were both exhausted. You pet his ears while gazing into earthly his eyes.
"Hey y/n?" he started. "I think I love you."
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Rekindle - Flufftober 2
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Summary: Thor and you meet again.
Pairing: Chubby!Thor Odinson x Exgirlfriend!Reader
Square 13 filled for @avengersbingo (expired): Reunited
Square 15 filled for @marvelfluffbingo (expired): old flame
Square 6 filled for @anyfandomgoesbingo: Free Space
Warnings: Thor has low self-esteem, fluff, a tiny hint of naughtiness, mentions of past breakup, a hint of harassment towards chubby Thor
Rating: Mature
Trope: Reunion
Words: 1029
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The wind blows a little harder today, but you still smile.
Fall finally arrived, and you are giddy like a child to collect leaves and visit the pumpkin patch.
The world changed once again. The world order was restored.  People came back, and everyone got a second chance.
Even if you are not the lucky one who got her true love back, you’re happy for the others having the chance to love each other again.
“Another one, please,” you dip your head as a familiar voice catches your attention. It comes from one of the seats outside your favorite bakery. “It’s delicious, ma’am.”
You step closer, eyes glued to the man ordering another slice of pumpkin pie. “Thor?” You blink a few times. He’s still as handsome as you remember, but he’s got a belly now.
A thick blonde beard frames his face, and he’s got long dreadlock-style blonde hair. He looks different, but his eyes are the same.
“It’s really you!” you smile widely and hug Thor before he can react. “It’s good to see you. How have you been?”
“Y/N?” He gasps as you won’t let go of him. “I-I’m good. Uh-I try to get in shape again and find a place where I belong.”
“Whoa, a lot is going on in your life.” You let go of Thor and smile at him. “I heard what happened to Asgard. I’m so sorry, Thor.”
“It’s…we found a new place. We’re about to build a new home for the survivors,” Thor drops his eyes to his belly. “I’m not the man you used to know, huh?”
“Why are you saying this?” You sit on the free chair at his table. “Did you change so much? I can still see the kind man I met five years ago.”
“You’re too kind to speak the truth. Look at me, dove. I’m fat and useless,” he sighs deeply. “I just can’t find a reason to…” Thor shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You didn’t bother me at all, Thor,” you reach out to touch his hand. “We all have ups and downs. You’ve lost so much. No one could endure such pain without losing hope. But I know you are strong enough to overcome all of this.”
“I lost more than hope,” he sheepishly admits. “There is nothing worth living for any longer. Most of my days I spend at the café, eating more food to fill the emptiness inside of me.”
“Thor, in front of me still sits the man sweeping me off of my feet,” you squeeze his hand. “If you want to have a slice of pie, I can keep you company. I wanted to have some tea and pumpkin pie too before I go to the pumpkin patch.”
“Pumpkin patch?” Thor’s eyes sparkle.
He remembers how you invited him to go to a pumpkin patch before your relationship fell apart. Thor had to leave to help Asgard and didn’t return for almost a year.
Jane Foster came back into the picture, and before he knew it, you broke up. You didn’t want to share his heart with another woman or spend years apart from the man you love.
“YES! They got the best pumpkins, or so I heard. I want to find the perfect pumpkins to decorate my store and home,” you hastily explain. “You know how I get when it comes to decoration.”
“I remember,” he flashes you a smile, making his cheeks dimple. Thor places one hand on his belly, sighing once again. He’s not the good-looking man you dated years ago in his opinion.
You smile at Thor as the waitress places the plate with the pie in front of him. She looks Thor up and down, judging him for ordering another slice of pie by dropping her eyes on his belly. The woman shakes her head before turning her attention toward someone yelling at her.
“I…you recognized me,” he whispers to not catch the waitress’s attention. “People these days don’t do this often.”
“Why wouldn’t I recognize you, Thor?” You frown deeply. “You’re still my Thor. Of course, I recognized you, dummy.” You grin.
“Y/N, you don’t have to pretend. I know how I look,” Thor mumbles. He dares not to meet your eyes; afraid he’ll see what he sees in most women's eyes these days. Rejection and disgust.
“Thor, you should know me better,” you get up from your chair to cup his face to look Thor deep in the eyes. “I always admired and loved the man you are, not how you looked. He’s still there, I can see him in your eyes. You lost your way for a moment, but you will find your footing and get back on your feet. And I like me a cozy belly to…”
“…to what?” He furrows his brows when you dip your head to whisper something far from innocent in his ear while you run your hand over his belly. Thor gulps hard, suddenly feeling hungry for something else than pie. “Oh—”
“If you are free, you could join me to choose the pumpkins for decoration and pie, and later, we can go for a walk and collect a few colorful leaves.”
“I’d like that,” Thor watches you sit back down, a content smile on his face. “How many pumpkins do you need?”
“Enough for two,” you return his smile, feeling your heart flutter when Thor grabs your hand to hold it like he used to do.
Maybe this is the chance you have been waiting for.
Thor is back in your life, and you’d be damned if you let him walk out on you ever again. You’ll give him something that he’s longing for.
A home and someone who’ll love him unconditionally…
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creelteeth · 2 years
i. need. more. bestfriendbrother!steve.
oh. my. fucking. god ! this was so GOOD.
bestfriend’s brother!steve is my kryptonite i swear !! i’m not sure yet if i’m gna do a part two to that particular piece but here’s a lil thing!!
it’s been a few weeks since you and steve began this… entanglement.
it was almost as if steve couldn’t stay away from you now that he had a taste of you. he did a fairly good job at keeping up his poker face when his sister was around. lucky for him, she was far too wrapped up in her own little world to notice how much he’d been hanging around lately.
however she did pick up on the fact that you changed your wardrobe a bit. your skirts had gotten shorter, tops tighter, you even rolled into first period with a poorly covered hickey on your neck this week. she was convinced you’d taken her advice about jason carver, and to keep her off your trails you didn’t deny it. you’d mastered the art of answering her vaguely enough to where she’d leave it be.
today was no different from the last few, steve had started taking his lunch break at work around the same time you had free period. lucky for the both of you, there was only a small patch of woods that separated the school from the family video parking lot.
there was a giant oak tree in the middle of the wooded area, that being the place steve designated as yours. eventually, he planned to bring a knife out to carve your initials into it but he didn’t wanna seem too gung ho about this whole arrangement you had going on. even though, his excitement showed when you rolled up to the tree every single day. he was always five minutes early, leaned up against the bark with that annoyingly charming lopsided grin on his face.
“there she is.” he sighed, opening his arms up for you to walk right into them.
you practically crashed into him, unable to contain your giddiness. he had only just gotten his arms around you and you could feel yourself weaken. heat washing over your entire body.
“missed you.” you muttered into the red fabric covering his chest.
you wanted to stay like this forever, but you two didn’t have that long.
when you calculate how long it takes to walk there and back you have exactly thirty minutes to spend with him each day. it wasn’t a lot, in fact it was not nearly enough but you two made it work.
“i’m here now, pretty girl.” he assured, leaning back to look at your face, examining it like anything would’ve changed since yesterday.
the way his eyes scanned over you made you want to slink away, but the grip he had on your waist made that impossible.
steve hated the fact that he never got to take his time with you, though you never seemed to mind. in fact, most of the time you showed up already soaking wet just from thinking about him. he thought it was precious the way you were so eager, so willing to share this dirty secret with him. though, he had no idea what he was gonna do with you when it finally came to thinking you were ready to be fucked. he wanted to give you move than just a cold pile of leaves in the woods or the backseat of his car, however; he didn’t know how that was going to work.
he did his best not to dwell on those things, as did you. instead he focused on what he could have with you. he’d grown very fond of your hands and your mouth, you were always so pretty when he stuffed his cock down your throat. he made sure you knew it too.
today, he wanted to make it about you though. he began by planting a line of wet kisses down your neck, licking over the faded purple marks he left on your skin from prior meet ups. he contemplated making more but remembered how much his sister went on and on about you and jason carver’s supposed relationship. steve felt ridiculous for being upset with that, he knew they came from him, but for some reason he hated seeing someone else get the credit for it.
he settled for kissing you sweetly, lips and tongue making their way around your neck before moving up your jaw and eventually finding your mouth. he kissed you until he couldn’t breathe, your soft wet lips moved against his like velvet.
“gonna let me make you cum today, sweet thing? you did so good for me yesterday I feel like you deserve little something extra.” he chimed, both hands sliding down your back to grab your ass cheeks, kneading them loosely.
you practically melted against him, nodding weakly at his words.
“ah, we talked about this didn’t we? need you to use your words for me.” steve reminded you, his grip tightening just a bit.
there was something so embarrassing about having to say these things out loud, but steve liked to push it out of you.
“yes, steve.” you mustered the words out.
“yes, what?” he questioned.
“yes.. i want you to fuck me.” you admitted through your bashfulness.
the words you spoke made him groan, he wanted to so bad. he wanted to stretch your perfect little hole open with his cock more than anything but you were still new to this and he was dead set on making it special. his fingers and tongue would do for now.
“well, since you said it so politely..” steve joked, moving you so that it was your back against the trunk of the tree.
he watched over you intently, hands beginning to roam and grope you everywhere. planting one final kiss on your lips before lowering to his knees, the tip of his chin gliding down the front of you. he paused at your stomach, kissing the soft areas before moving down to where he wanted you most.
“you know..” he paused, lifting the perfectly ironed pleats of your skirt up for him to examine you. “i wonder what your friend would think if she knew you’d been wearing panties to match the color of my shirts.”
his words taunted you, the mention of getting caught always made you throb a little extra. you pushed your hips forward, whining in response.
it was a cute way of showing you off, secretive enough that no one would know besides the two of you. when he proposed the idea you couldn't help but get butterflies. he wanted to lay claim on you, in as many ways as possible without getting caught.
"stevie" you huff, hands finding his hair combing through the brown locks.
"don't have time, just, please. " you were a bit more desperate than normal.
your reminder that you were operating on borrowed time made him wince a bit but he shook it off. he leant forward to nuzzle his face in against your covered cunt, licking a few stripes over the red lace.
just a few licks over the cloth and he could already taste you, god— he loved the taste so much.
big warm hands grabbed at your thighs, bringing one of your legs up to hang over his shoulder.
once he finally pushed the panties aside he took a second to look over you, eyes landing on your already engorged clit. it was beautiful to him, swollen enough to poke out past the hood that held it.
"you've no idea how much I love this pussy of yours." he exhaled, fingers spreading you apart to watch your slippery folds come apart.
you were practically dripping already, needy hole desperate for more than just his tongue this time. he knew you were getting use to feeling him, so you were not granted as much warmup. Steve dove directly in, tongue sliding about your folds. making languid movements with his tongue, starting at the opening of your cunt going all the way up to your swollen clit and back down.
steve had the right idea giving you his shoulder to hold yourself up with, the minute his tongue was on you, you were spent. knees becoming wobbly at the feeling of his nose pressing against your swollen button.
you kept a hand in his hair while the other attempted to muffle your cries, though you could hear both the sickly wet slurping coming from Steve as well as the pitiful whimpering that fell from you.
"oh, oh my god- steve!" your words coming out muffled against the fabric of your sleeve.
he spent some time on your clit before moving down to your leaky hole, shoving his tongue inside. when it slid in with ease, he decided you might be ready for something bigger. warning up the opening a bit before bringing his index and middle finger up to the hole.
he spread some of your arousal around the tips of his fingers to help them in with ease. detaching his mouth from you so that he could watch and let you get use to the new feeling. the stretch of his fingers burned a bit, but the minute he curled them to hit against that sensitive spot you mewled. your hips bucking forward to push them deeper into you, the new found fullness making you quiver.
steve couldn’t help but groan at the way your pussy tightened around his fingers. he couldn’t wait to watch that tiny fuck hole get spread wide open from his cock.
“hey, look at me. how does it feel, hm? my fingers deep in this pretty pussy of yours.” he taunted you between licks, his fingers working mercilessly inside you.
his words coupled with both his mouth and fingers made you see stars. you struggled to keep your eyes open, jaw slack, the most pitiful whines spilling out of you.
your hips rocked forward, body heating up with that familiar burn.
“cumming. steve— i need to.” your words slurred together, an unintelligible sentence coming out of you.
he smiled against you, sucking harshly on your swollen clit.
your legs nearly gave out when orgasm hit. fingers tugging on steve’s hair, hips stuttering in attempt to hump against his face.
“fuck! oh my god- steve. fuck me.” you hiccuped, slippery wet walls clenching repeatedly around steve’s thick fingers.
once he was sure you were finished he pulled them out. the sudden emptiness making you wince. your fucked out hole dripping with your mess.
he stayed on his knees for a minute, looking over the glistening wet swollen mess that was your pussy. giving it a few final licks to clean up the remnants of you.
“ just so fucking pretty. “ he praised, kissing the sensitive bud before placing the thin fabric back over it.
“steve.” you sighed, voice weary.
he only nodded, looking at the watch on his wrist to see how much time you two had left. he did his best to not frown when he saw it was nearing the end. hands coming up to smooth down your outfit again before pulling you into his arms.
“you did good, pretty girl. ‘m proud of you. “ he offered, but you only hummed.
the worst part about these get togethers were the endings. you never wanted to let him go, but you also felt incredibly annoying for being so attached to him despite how fresh this all was to you.
it wasn’t just you who got bummed out by the way these seemed to be going. steve wrapped himself around you, wracking his brain over the guilt he faced for going after the one person his sister begged him not to.
“two minutes.” steve sighed, giving the warning like he always did.
that warning only prompting you to squeeze him tighter, your face nuzzled into the dip in his chest.
no one had ever made you feel like he did. even if all you got from him was messy sex in the woods.
“hey, “ he spoke, leaning back to look at you. “movie night tomorrow , right? i’m bringing home risky business.”
he wiggled his eyebrows at the seemingly fitting title. that goofy grin on his face making you smile half heartedly. you were excited to be at the harrington house again, hopeful that you’d be able to stay up long enough to sneak a few kisses once your friend hit the hay.
“do you think she’ll notice if you sit next to me on the couch? maybe even share a blanket?” you blinked up at him, wondering if he’d be on board.
“i dunno about one blanket but i’ll sit by you. might even hold your hand in the popcorn bowl.” steve winked, you knew he was joking but the idea of having such sweet intimacy with him made your stomach flutter.
those flutters quickly went away when the clock on his wrist began to beep. time was up for now.
he pulled you in for one more hug, leaving a kiss on the top of your forehead.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, kid.”
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hikarimiyanaga · 6 months
The Queen's Bride (Part 1)
Summary :
Being a rich man's kid isn't as exciting as everyone makes it out to be.
You have no freedom.
Every choice has been made for you ever since you were born.
What you eat. What course you were going to study. What school you're going to.
Even the one you were going to marry.
So to your surprise, your father has finally chosen one thing right for you.
Daenerys Targaryen.
Warnings : Omegaverse. Stark!Reader. Omega!Reader x Alpha!Daenerys Targaryen. Modern!AU.
Look who's finally watching Game of Thrones. Surprise, surprise, I fell in love with Daenerys.
"This is bullshit!" Jon, your cousin, shouts as he paces around you.
Both of you were just given two names.
Two people you never met that you were going to spend the rest of your life with.
"Who the fuck is Ygritte and why do I have to marry her?" Jon shouts in frustration and you shrug.
"I mean, Father could've paired you with one of the Lannisters. Myrcella is an omega-"
"Shut up." Jon glares at you.
"You have to admit it. Ygritte is pretty as fuck."
"Lucky for Robb, huh? He's the heir so he could choose freely."
"She is. But- I don't know her, Y/N." Jon sighs as he sits next to you.
"Lucky asshole." You slap his arm.
"He's my big brother."
"He is. I wish I could be the heir."
"Seriously? You? Jon Stark of Winterfell Corp? Are you hearing me?"
"Shut up." The two of you look at each other then laugh. "Yours is pretty too, by the way. And a Targaryen too."
"Why them? Our mottos are literally parallels."
"Yeah. Winter is Coming."
"Fire and Blood. Like why her?" You groan at the ceiling.
"Just be glad that she's pretty. Some don't get that lucky."
"Are you talking about-" Jon nods and you sigh.
"I just wish we had freedom."
"Me too. Y/N. Me too."
You get your bag and look at the empty apartment around you.
"I need Sansa to room with me. Like gods, this place is fucking big enough for ten people at least." You mumble to yourself as you leave the apartment.
Just like everything else in your life. The apartment was provided by your Father, Ned Stark. You could count the number of times on your fingers that you've actually talked to him rather than just receive orders or scolding from him.
Your phone rings just as you get inside the Westeros University. You answer it as you see your little sister's name.
"Y/N! How are you?" You smile at Arya's voice.
"I'm good, Arry. Where are you?" How is she calling you right now?
"I'm at home. There was a lice problem at school today so we went home! Are you free??" You grin at her exciting tone.
"In two hours, I will be. Why?"
"Can we go play? Mom said she'll let me go to the mall if I'm with you!"
"Sure, can you wait there and behave?"
"Yep! See you later!"
"See you." You say softly and smile as you go to your first and last class of the day. You were so glad that you chose your own schedule. You sit down at your usual seat and hum as you take out your laptop. Looks like professor Varys is late today.
Westeros University is the biggest University in all of Westeros. It has lessons even in magic.
"Did you hear, Y/N?" You look up as Oberyn sits beside you. You were somewhat friends. He can charm anyone in a room while you can outread anyone in a room. Truth be told, even you didn't know why he talked to you.
"Hear what?"
"Not interested in rumors as usual?" He asks and you shake your head.
"Even if Varys tells us otherwise, I still don't like rumors and hearsays." Oberyn nods and grins in satisfaction.
"Which is why you make the perfect audience." You sigh. "Listen to this. Someone is doing it."
"Doing what?"
"Seeing if the dragons will choose them."
"Seriously? That thing hasn't been done in like 200 years."
"Right? But someone is brave enough to do it now. You know what it means, right?"
"Yeah. They get to sit on the Iron Throne regardless of their last name."
"And?" You raise an eyebrow at him in confusion.
"And what?"
"Complete freedom!" You tilt your head at him. "No more choices by parents! No arranged marriages!"
"Damn. Sounds like a dream come true."
"For you guys. I still don't get why you guys won't love freely."
"Because last names have a value of their own. Here at Westeros at least. Oh. And Westeros Conglomerate too." Oberyn shakes his head.
"What you guys should value is talent, not blood."
"Meritocracy rather than blood right. Reasonable." Oberyn looks at you. "I don't make the choices though."
"Marry the king then."
"I'd rather die, Oberyn. I'd rather eat my own shit."
"Still hate men?"
"Only romantically." Oberyn chuckles just as Varys comes through the door.
"You're missing out on like half of the world then." You give him a smile.
"I don't think I am."
You hum as you park your car in front of the Stark Mansion. You were just getting your bag when you feel a pair of arms circle around your legs. You look down and see Arya smiling at you.
"Hey, Arya!" You scoop her up and she squeals. Arya is only 9 years younger but you love doing this to her. "Where's Ma and Father?"
"Dad is still at work! Ma is inside!" You put her down and nod.
"Come on, then. I'll tell Ma that I'll take you to the mall." Arya grins at you and she begins to tell you about her classmates and school.
"And then this one guy-"
"Y/N! You're home!" Catelyn Stark rushes over and hugs you. You hug her just as tightly.
"Hey, Ma. Arya wanted to play with me and it's been months since I've been home so I figured I should take her."
"I'm sure she understands that you're busy with university and all."
"I know, Ma! But school is out and she said she was free." Arya pouts from beside you and you smile.
"I am free, no worries." You ruffle Arya's hair and she smiles at you.
"Be sure to be back for Dinner then."
"We'll buy some before we get home. Are Robb and Father-"
"Busy." You nod in understanding then take Arya's hand.
"You ready for an afternoon with me? Your best sister?"
"YEAH! We'll destroy those high scores in the arcade!" You grin and agree.
You come home with a passed out Arya, a bag full of plushies, and a bag with food.
"You actually made her sleep? You are a godsend." You laugh at your mom and grin.
"Once you get Arya's quirks and use them against her, she can make herself run out of energy."
"Please don't tell-"
"Ma, she wants to. She can afford to learn it still."
"But her marri-"
"She's still 9, ma. She doesn't need to think about that yet."
"Right. Are you staying for dinner at least?"
"Sure. Is Sansa-" Before you finish your sentence, someone has already hugged you.
"Y/N! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" You turn around and find your other little sister, Sansa Stark.
"Well, I had to exhaust this one so." Sansa looks at Arya who was cuddling your neck still.
"Whoa. Arya never sleeps this early."
"Like I said. Exhausted. Are Brandon and Rickon here?"
"Yep! They should be getting back from Winterfell by now."
"What did they do there??"
"Father wanted to show them something. Are you staying tonight?"
"If you're willing to share your bed."
"ALWAYS!" You shush her and smile.
"I'll just be putting this one in her bed then I'll come down. Here." You give the bag full of food to Catelyn and smile. "Some of my favorites."
"I'll plate them up." You nod and begin your walk with Arya still sleeping while cuddling your neck.
"You're becoming heavier, Arya. I wonder if I should do some training just so I can carry you around."
"Y/N! You're back!" Brandon says then hugs you.
"Hey, little brother." You kiss his head and smile as he beams at you.
"SIS!" Rickon shouts then tackles you to no avail.
"Heya, baby bro." You pick him up and grin. "Did you grow??"
"I did! I'm defeating Arya soon!" You grin at him.
"Don't let her hear you!" You ruffle his hair then turn to Sansa. "Did you do your homework yet?"
"No? Will you help me later?" She gives you her puppy dog eyes and you groan at her. You admit that you're too weak to your siblings.
"Fine. But no talking about boys. I swear to God if I hear one more thing about-"
"But Ser Loras is just so dreamy." You look at her with a deadpan expression.
"Try me and I will sleep besides Arya." Sansa pouts.
"Fine. No boy talk." She grumbles. "Stingy."
"I'm gay. I'd rather marry another omega as long as she's a woman." Catelyn smiles as she sees you getting along with your siblings.
"Do not plant ideas in their head."
"Ma, Sansa is as straight as a ruler. These two don't even know what their second genders are." Catelyn rolls her eyes at you. "That reminds me, when's your test?" You look at Sansa as you place Rickon at his seat.
"This Monday! I'm so excited to confirm that I'm an Omega!"
"And if you're a beta?" You ask and Catelyn slaps your arm. "What? There's nothing wrong about being a beta! I wanted to be one before."
"You did?" Sansa asks and you nod. "Why?"
"More options." Catelyn hits your head and you laugh.
"Why? Does being an omega lessen your options?"
"Technically, I can't have another omega as my soulmate. Not that it matters."
"Oh yeah, dad said he sent you someone." You roll your eyes at that.
"He sent a file of someone. He wouldn't just let some stranger in my apartment."
"Who is it?? Can we know??" You groan at the excitement in Sansa's voice. There's nothing more that interests her than love talk.
"She's a Targaryen."
"The Dragon Family!" Rickon shouts and you ruffle his hair.
"Yup! Bran, do you know their motto?" Brandon hums as he gets some food.
"Yeah. Fire and Blood, right?"
"Yup! You all will get some ice cream. I brought some earlier." Catelyn glares at you. "What?"
"I only visit once in a while, Ma. Just this once." Catelyn pinches your cheek. "Ow! Give! Give!"
"Just this once and don't ever do this again without saying anything to me."
"Yes, Ma! I got it! Ow!" Catelyn finally lets you go and you hold your cheek. You pout at her. "You didn't have to pinch that hard."
"You know how I feel about sweets." You sigh.
"I know. Sorry."
"Good thing the ice cream didn't give Rickon sugar rush."
"Yeah. It was a relief that Ma didn't pinch me."
"Those two boys really love you and adore you."
"They do." You look at Sansa and pat her hair. "I hope you become a beta, baby girl." Sansa scoffs at you.
"Wha- why!?" You smile sadly at her.
"So then you'll have more freedom." Sansa holds your hand. "Sadly. As an Omega, everything is controlled for you here in Westeros. Specially if you have a last name of a noble."
"Y/N." You squeeze her hand and grin.
"Hopefully, you and Arya get to decide your own futures. And your own partners." Sansa gets teary eyed at that. You let go of her hand then pat her hair again. "Time to get ready for bed. I'll just check on Arya for a second, okay?" Sansa nods at you and you close her door before covering your mouth with your hand.
Freedom. What a grand word. For you, it was thrown out the window when you got your test results.
Everyone says that Omegas have equal standings with Alphas. That the world is getting better.
"What a load of fucking bullshit." You mumble to yourself as you make your way to Arya's room.
You open the door and see that Arya is still fast asleep. You get to her bed and kiss her head.
"I hope you'll have more freedom than me, little one." You tuck her in and leave.
Jon is a Stark here and Catelyn knows he's Lyanna's son but no one knows who his father is. Let's just pretend for a second that he's not a Targaryen.
I actually was going to go the usual route for this aka Alpha Reader but decided against it. Omega Reader just works better for the angst inside my head.
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jeanboyjean · 4 months
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PART 1: First Impressions
a/n: guys doing a chaptered fic is so hard bc u have to plan everything. ive outlined this one + written some of the next parts so this is part 1/10 (I think). see masterlist for synopsis + each part as they get updated. wc: 4.5k MASTERLIST | AO3
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A warm breeze tickles your skin as you step onto campus, the atmosphere thick with the restless buzz of first day jitters. The sun is well and truly shining today, clear blue skies with not a cloud in sight. You have to admit, it’s a gorgeous day. 
Of course, it hadn’t started out that way. The first thing you had heard in the morning had been the unwelcome sound of your alarm, jolting you awake at the pleasant hour of six o’clock. It had taken all of your willpower to drag yourself out of bed after giving yourself a half hour leeway to snooze. It’d been two months since summer break first started and you really had gotten used to having the free time to laze around and relax, going to bed late at night and waking up whenever you pleased. Now, it’s the first day back at Uni, back to reality and it’s like being splashed by a bucket of ice cold water over your head.
The morning is a blur as you rush to get ready and leave on time after staying in bed a few minutes too long. This year you’re living with your childhood friend Mikasa again. The two of you had moved together from your hometown of Shiganshina for University two years ago, along with Eren and Armin, the other two in your tight knit friend group. You’ve managed to snag a small two bedroom townhouse close enough to Uni that you’ll be in close proximity to everything you need for the year. Even better, you’re lucky enough that Eren and Armin have managed to sign a lease for another unit right next door. It just feels right that all of you stick together, their presence a slice of home that you hold near and dear to your heart. Unlike you, Mikasa is a morning person. A note on your kitchen bench tells you she's already up at the gym and she'll be home later for dinner. You shake your head and make a face - that could never be you.  
You decide to take a detour on your walk to campus and the first thing you do when you leave your place is stop by your favourite coffee shop. There’s just no way to avoid it. You're going to need some caffeine today, something to breathe the life back into you. Honestly, you had been dreading this day since the start of your break, a persistent doomsday countdown always nagging in the back of your head. At this very moment, there’s nothing you want more than to be still in bed, dreaming away the morning with no responsibilities or stress. 
You have fifteen minutes until your first class starts by the time you make it to campus. Although the sprawling buildings are a familiar sight, a small knot of dread ties itself in your gut. You always forget how much you associate with a place until you’re back. Now that you're here again, you can't help but relive the past trauma. You pass by a bench you remember you sat on when you got your grades back for that one assignment you spent hours and lost years of your lifespan for, only to be rewarded with a sad B minus. A shiver rolls over your body at the memory - that was not a good day at all. The old faithful library where you’ve spent countless nights staring at your notes, willing the information to absorb into your brain, is ever present in your peripheral vision as you make your way across the great lawn. 
Laughter erupts from a group of students sitting on the grass a few metres away from you and tinny pop music blares from a small speaker next to them. Reunions are happening around you, arms being thrown around shoulders and chatter bubbling away as your peers catch up with each other after the weeks apart. Despite the apprehension of being back at Uni, you're also excited to finally reunite with some friends yourself. You glance down at your phone lock screen - five minutes to go. A light breeze rustles your hair as you hurry your pace towards your destination, the science building. 
You’re out of breath by the time you make it up the steps and push open the doors to the building. It’s your third year of being a biomedical science student at the University of Mitras and it never ceases to amaze you how large the campus can feel sometimes. There are always moments where you start getting used to the expansive grounds and then you’ll be caught off guard by a towering building with grand architecture and you’re reminded not to take things for granted. 
You bring your phone up to your face again to quickly check your room in your timetable. Room 201. A sigh of relief escapes you; you’ve had classes there before. Despite almost having lived in this area of campus for the past couple years with the number of hours you'd spent here, it’s still a maze of corridors and you know from experience it’s not hard at all to find yourself getting lost. You race up the stairs to the second floor and, always a creature of habit, you take your seat in the same spot as you always had - third row, furthest to the left. 
Voices chatter away in the room and your fellow students gradually pour in in a steady stream, taking their own seats. You exchange smiles and waves with the faces you recognise. Most of you have shared multiple classes with each other since by this point in your degree, you’re all pretty much on a similar track.
A warm smile, bright as sunshine, greets you across the room and you straighten in your seat, waving enthusiastically. Your friend, Historia, who you had met as lab partners last year hurries over to you. Grinning, she stops short in front of your desk, dropping her bag down on the seat next to you. 
“Oh my God! I missed you!” She squeals, arms flinging open wide to capture you in a hug. 
You get up and squeeze her tight in a warm hug. “It’s so good to see you again! How was your summer?” 
“It was great,” she sighs wistfully. “I wish it wasn’t over yet. How about you?”
She pulls her bag off her shoulder and sets it down on the desk next to yours. Sitting down, she begins pulling her laptop and iPad out of her bag to get ready for class. The two of you jabber away, catching up on the events of the past few months. Every summer since you moved to Mitras, you’ve gone back to your hometown to stay with your parents. Meanwhile, Historia had stayed in Mitras with her girlfriend Ymir and they’ve finally moved in together.
“Ymir let me decorate the whole place,” She giggles. “Even the bedding and couch cushions.”
“I bet it looks amazing,” You say sincerely. 
“You should come over and visit! We were thinking of doing a housewarming party now that everyone’s back in town.”
Excited by the idea, you eagerly nod in agreement. A party sounds like a great way to start off the new year. The lecture room looks like it’s finally filled with students and when you look towards the front, you see the short stature of your lecturer Levi Ackermann as he finishes getting set up for class. Silence falls across the room when he gently taps on the microphone, signalling for attention. 
“Alright class. This is Biology 310. It’s 9:00 am now so we’re going to get started. Anyone who’s not supposed to be in this class please leave now.” 
Levi carries on, outlining the content the course would be covering for the rest of semester. It all sounds pretty standard to you, having been in his classes before, but it's a definite step up in terms of course load. You’re already dreading the amount of study you’re going to need to do to make sure you don’t drown in stress by the time exams roll around. Straightening up, you make sure to pay extra attention when he starts explaining the grading structure, starting with a weekly pop quiz, followed by four tests spread out throughout the term.
“You will be pleased to hear there is no final exam for this course,” Levi’s low, gravelly voice travels across the room. 
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and you turn to Historia. No final exam? You mouth at her and she shrugs. 
“Instead, you will have a final project that will be comprised of findings from your labs over the next few months and a final presentation. This will be a group project in pairs of my choosing.” 
Dread fills your body at his words and you try not to sigh as you slump down in your chair. Group projects have got to be the worst thing ever, a torture form created by the gods of education just in case you weren’t already struggling enough in your academic pursuits. Even better is the fact that you won’t even be able to choose who to partner with. In every piece of collaborative work you’ve ever done, there’s always been that one asshole that refuses to do their part and you’ve always been the one to pick up the slack. 40% of your grade , you hear Levi say and you groan inwardly, already fearing for the worst.
At the podium, Levi presses a button on his laptop and the projector screen lights up with a chart filled with names, grouped together in twos. 
“This is who you will be partnered with for the rest of the semester. I don’t want to hear any whinging and moaning about this because I’ve planned everything deliberately. I’m going to call out your names, put your hand up when you hear yours so you know where they are. When I’m done you can move over to sit together.”
He starts listing off the names with haste, barely looking up to confirm the pairings have identified each other before moving on to the next. You’re tense with anticipation as you wait for him to call out your name, eager to find out who you would be working with. Finally, you hear him say your name into the microphone and you perk up.
“... you will be with Jean Kirstein.”
Hand in the air, you turn around searching for his location. Your eyes fall on a man with light brown hair in a shaggy mullet, sitting a few rows behind you in the middle. His eyes meet yours and his hand lifts to give a small wave. You point your finger at yourself then around to him, signalling that you would move back to him.
Quietly, you pack up your things into your bag and wait. When Levi finishes rattling off the names, you push back and scurry over to Jean’s desk, plopping down next to him. 
“Hey,” you begin, smiling warmly. You introduce yourself to him, holding out your hand for him to shake.  
He just blinks at you blankly before the edges of his lips lift in what honestly looks like a small grimace. “I’m Jean.”
“Nice to meet you, Jean,” you reply, smile a little strained now with his chilly reception. You drop your hand awkwardly and wipe your clammy palms on your thighs. “How exciting that we’re going to be partners, huh?”
Ice runs through your veins when Jean winces at your words, actually groaning out loud. “Yeah, great. We’re partners.”
What the hell? Although his reaction stings a little, you try to shake it off. You're a natural people pleaser and one of your fatal flaws is that you always want to give off a good impression and give people the benefit of the doubt. You clear your throat and reach for your phone. “Guess we’re going to be spending a lot of time together now. How about we swap numbers so we can get in contact with each other?” 
Jean gives a small nod and accepts the phone you’re offering to him. As he enters in his digits, you shift in your chair, a little uncomfortable with his cold demeanour.  
"So, what’s your major?” You ask, cautiously. 
“Oh, cool! Me too.” 
His eyes flicker up to meet you and he wordlessly hands back your phone. 
“You also pre-med?” You ask him.
He just nods in response. Your fingers tap a restless rhythm onto the desk surface, about ready to take flight. The low hum of voices fill the room as your fellow classmates get to know each other and prepare for the upcoming semester. The silence between you and Jean, however, is thick and unrelenting. You wonder what could possibly be his problem. Sure, you’ve seen him in classes before but you've never had the chance to interact. There’s no reason why he should be acting like such a dick towards you. It’s just your luck to be paired with the one person who seems to have something against you. Fuck group projects.
You sneak another glance at Jean sitting next to you. He’s leaning back in his chair, legs extended in front of him between his desk and the seat in front, taking up the walking space as if it belongs to him. He’s tapping away at his laptop keyboard and curiosity gets the better of you as you lean in a little closer to see his screen.
“What are you doing?” You ask, leaning your weight half off your seat as you crane your neck towards him. 
At your words, his head snaps to you and your eyes meet. Your breath catches in your throat. Somehow, you’ve ended up face to face with him and up close you feel like you’re really seeing him for the first time. His eyes are locked on yours - amber with flecks of light honey. The world seems to slow for a moment as you stare at him, all of a sudden a deer trapped in headlights. You blink and clear your throat, leaning further away from him until you feel safe enough from the magnetism of his presence. 
He straightens. The faintest hint of pink tinges the tips of his ears. “W-what?”
“I asked you what you’re doing?”
“Oh.” He turns back to his laptop, shifting the screen slightly so it’s easier for you to see. “I was just making an outline for this class … so I know what assignments we have and when they’re due and stuff.” 
A quick glance reveals a tidy table with colour coded headings and columns, half filled with empty spaces yet to be filled. You can’t help but feel a little taken aback. True, you don’t know anything about him but from first glance with his worn jeans and scruffy shoes, table empty except for his laptop, no notebooks or stationery in sight, he doesn’t really seem like the organised, neat freak type to you. He must be able to read the surprise on your face because his lips tug down and he lets out a scoff. 
“What? Didn’t think I would be someone to take my studies seriously?”
Huh, the fuck? 
You recoil. In an instant your body becomes as rigid as ice while your wide eyes snap to him in shock. “No! Why would you say that?” you question him, completely flabbergasted.
He just shakes his head, the displeased expression remaining on his face. “Whatever.”
You just sit there dumbstruck, completely lost by what’s just happened. Did you miss something? Did you do something? Why does he hate you so much? Possible scenarios race through your mind of potential ways you could have offended him, but nothing sticks. There’s honestly nothing you can think of to warrant this reaction from him. 
In your head you try to hype yourself up (It’s just one project - you can do it!) but the unease remains as you slump into your chair and groan internally when you remember that yes it’s one project, but it's worth 40% of your grade. As a pre-med student, you feel the weight of every percent and you’re barely holding on as it is. A memory of your father lecturing you about the importance of your grades flashes in your mind and you wince. If your grades drop even slightly this year it's going to be all over for you. This predicament had the potential to well and truly be the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
At the front of the room, you watch as Levi leans forward into the microphone again. Your peers quieten around you when he speaks, his amplified voice booming from the speakers. 
“Alright guys. That’s all the time we have for today. First lab’s on Wednesday. Any problems, just email me.” 
At that, the tables around you burst in a flurry of movement as you all pack your things and get ready to move to your next classes. You shove your laptop into your tote bag and sling the straps over your shoulder. You’re about to get up when you pause, remembering Jean sitting next to you. Stiffly, you turn towards him and open your mouth, unsure of what to say to him. 
“Well … I’ll see you in the lab,” you manage awkwardly.
Jean shoots a quick glance at you and nods once. “Yeah, see you.” 
Alright then. You turn away with a grimace. A gut feeling tells you this semester is going to be a real shitshow. As you walk away, you try to conjure up happy thoughts in an effort to erase the dark cloud currently hanging over you. Ahead of you, Historia waves to get your attention as you make your way to the doorway and she waits patiently for you to catch up. 
“Bio 320 next?” She asks, linking arms with you and leaning her head onto your shoulder. 
“Yup. We’re lucky it’s just down the hall. Let’s go,” 
As you start walking, the phantom weight of a pair of eyes on the back of your head urges you to turn around. When you glance over your shoulder, you catch Jean staring at you. From the distance, you can't make out his expression, but he has his head resting in his hand with his arm leaning on his desk. His eyes lock on yours and you can tell there’s no smile on his face. Your legs root to the ground as you both freeze momentarily, eyes wide. He's the first to break, quickly snapping his head away to look down at his phone. You watch the way his hair falls to hang in front of his eyes and his leg bounces restlessly as he feigns interest in whatever is on his screen.
Historia tugs your arm, shaking you from where you stand frozen with your head pointed towards his direction. There’s a slight pinch when she pokes a sharp nail hard into your shoulder. You reach up to rub at the sore spot and shoot her a look.  
“Ow, what the hell?” You yelp, glaring daggers at her.
She rolls her eyes and pulls your arm again. It causes you to stumble a little in her direction. “Quit staring and let’s go.”
“I wasn't staring,” you grumble, but your feet finally unroot themselves and you follow her lead towards the next room. 
“Yes you were … and I don't blame you. You got so lucky getting paired with Jean Kirstein. He's so smart, you’re going to have such an easy time with this project.” Her eyes light up and there’s a cheeky lift to her lips when she speaks her next words. “Plus he's not bad on the eyes right?”
You make a face at her. “I don't feel very lucky right now. I think the guy has it out for me or something. What’s the point in being smart if you’re a righteous dick” 
Historia snickers. A hand comes up to cover her mouth when she sees your disgruntled look but it’s to no avail because she can’t stop giggling. “Trust you to get on his bad side already,” she says between her tittering. “I talked to him last year once in a lab and he seemed really nice.” 
You huff and pull away from her, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Great, so it’s personal then. For some reason, this Jean guy must actually genuinely dislike you. Whatever. It doesn't phase you. He can glare as much as he wants and do his best to intimidate you or whatever it is he seems to be trying but it won't matter. At the end of the day, you're here to do the work and get the grades and he can continue being his miserable self if he pleases.  
The two of you walk into your next class and take your seats. You sigh as you pull out your laptop again, settling in for another lecture. It's only the first day but you're already counting down the hours until you get to go home. 
By the time you get home after your first day, you’re exhausted. It always takes some time for you to adjust to the routine of sitting in hours of classes and labs when you first get back from break. You kick off your shoes and drop your bag down on the floor as you shut the door behind you. The aroma of cooking spices wafts around you, getting stronger and stronger until you see Mikasa standing in the kitchen. A pot filled with a thick liquid bubbles in front of her as she slowly stirs it with a wooden spoon.
“It smells delicious in here,” you tell her enthusiastically, waving your hands towards your nose as you do an exaggerated inhale. “Whatcha making?”
Mikasa looks over her shoulder and smiles. “Japanese curry and rice. Is that okay?”
“Of course! I’ll eat whatever you make, Chef.” You lean next to her and peer into the pot. “That looks good. Need any help?” 
She nudges your shoulder and slaps your hand away playfully when you reach for the spoon. She waves her hands, as if shooing away a fly hovering over a plate of food. “No, I’m fine. I’m pretty much done - just need to plate this up.” 
You put your hands up in mock surrender and back away. Reaching into the cupboards above you, you grab a couple plates and pass them to Mikasa. She accepts them gratefully and begins scooping enough food to satisfy your appetites.  
“How was your day?” You ask her as you both sit and dig in. Steam wafts from the curry, fresh off the stove and you’re careful to not let the hot food burn your mouth. “Mmm, this is really good Mikasa,” you say between mouthfuls.
She smiles. “Thanks. It was okay. Nothing exciting.” 
Like you, Mikasa had started off as a science student too, but had soon realised halfway through her first semester that it just wasn’t for her. With her natural talents in athletics and martial arts, she had chosen to change to physical education instead. A part of you always feels a little jealous when you think about how easily she had made the change and stuck to it once she had made up her mind. If only you could change your major too, or drop out altogether. The dark cloud is back as you think back to the day you've had today. Without meaning to, your shoulders slump and you sag a little as you pick at your food. A bit of curry splashes out of your bowl when you scoop a little too forcefully. 
Mikasa cocks her head to the side, looking at you with mild concern. “How about you?”
You roll your eyes and groan. “Where do I start … Got to my first class only to be told we have to do a stupid paired project and then of course my partner turns out to be a fucking weirdo who hates me for some reason.” 
“Yikes … What do you mean by "hates you”?” She asks, fingers coming up to form air quotes.
“I don’t know!” You exclaim. “I’ve literally never met the guy before but he was acting like I killed his cat or something. I’ve never had someone be so hostile towards me before.”
“Would he be anyone that I know?”
“No, I doubt it. His name’s Jean and he’s a biomed major like me. I don’t think you would have ever met him.”
Mikasa shovels another spoonful into her mouth and hums in thought as she chews. Her eyebrows furrow slightly and her chewing pauses momentarily. “Jean … kind of sounds familiar” she mutters. “But you’re probably right, I doubt I would have met him.”
You shrug and pull a face. There’s a clang of metal as your spoon scrapes the bottom of the bowl. “He’s an asshole that’s for sure,” you grumble. 
You finish off the last of your food and sit back, folding your arms over your chest. Across the table, Mikasa scrunches her nose at you as she eats. She’s scolded you in the past for eating too fast but it’s a bad habit picked up from having to fit in feeding yourself between cramming for exams. Her eyes study your sour face with humour as she swallows her mouthful. 
“Wanna watch something? I can ask Eren and Armin what they’re up to. Would that cheer you up?” 
Despite feeling a little like a child being given a new toy to distract from throwing a tantrum, you can’t help but brighten up a little at her proposal. A smile forms on your face and you nod enthusiastically. 
“Yes! Might as well since we have nothing to study yet anyway.” 
She claps her hands. “Okay then. Let me send a text to the group. I'm sure they're free.” 
new notification in the 3 musketeers + eren 
mama mika: where are you guys rn    eren 😎: Just got done at the gym.    Armin ☀️: How was your first day guys?   mama mika: come over? movie marathon    Armin ☀️: Oh no bad day?   You: im stuck with an asshole all semester :/// i’ll tell you more later You: only a binge session with my faves will save me    Eren 😎: K we’ll come.  Eren 😎: Do you have food though I'm starving    You: yeah mikasa made curry and it's chef's kiss   Eren 😎: oh sweeeeet that sounds good Eren 😎: When are you cooking again?   You: tomorrow :D why?   Eren 😎: Cool. Remind me to eat before I come over tomorrow    You: what the hell You: my food is great wtf you would be lucky to eat it   Eren 😎: [sent a photo] Eren 😎: Why you lyin   you: i hate you so much You: not like i offered anyway 🙄   you have changed the group name to eren hate club    Eren 😎: why   eren has changed the group name to eren fan club   you have changed the group name to eren hate club   Armin ☀️: Guys don't fight. We'll be there in 15   You: he started it  You: yayyyy :)))) can you bring snacks?   Eren 😎: We don’t have any   You: :(((( you: wasn't asking u, dickhead   Armin ☀️: We’ll grab some on the way!   You: :DDD you: ok then see you soon 😘 you: i wanna watch fast and furious
Eren sent a photo of a pot with spaghetti on fire from when you last cooked for the team. It's only happened once in your life but he won't let it go.
Why does jean hate reader so much? 🤔 Surely he’s not someone that would intentionally be a dick for no reason. Stay tuned!!!
taglist: @honeybleed @cptnleviackerman @310802 @milky-aeons
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saintship · 10 months
could I request a florist!könig x reader?? I don't even know how this would go, but I like the idea of him being absolutely enthralled in plants and bugs as a kid. lil dude would know anything and everything about flowers, because he'd bring back random assortments of wildflowers and foliage back to his grandmother after a day of wandering around the woods and playing pretend, and she'd buy him a big book about flowers one day because she thought it was adorable.
was thinking reader could be a regular, because she likes having fresh bouquets around her workplace/at home/to give as gifts? she knows quite a bit about flowers and their meanings (though, it pales in comparison to what könig knows- i don't think anyone could ever compete), and she's just head over heels for whatever whack ass/gorgeous assortment he comes up with for her.
who knows, maybe our lil köni finally musters up some courage one day and throws in a free bouquet for her? 👀
Ancient draft. Cobwebs. Please forgive me this request is magical
*Some real places are mentioned but the floral shop is fictional ALSO if my German is bad feel free to correct me and I can make the edit, thank you!
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Daffodils - König x reader
Salzburg wasn’t the city you were born in, but it might as well have been. You’d found a peace there; the summer rain, snowy winters, and captivating architecture being just a few wonders of the city.
Hotel Altstadt was where you made a living, tucked inside a busy plaza where the young children could never seem to sit still. A dozen or so steps across from the hotel was a small floral and plant nursery.
Königs Blumen un Pflanzengärtnerei, a shop that had grown popular since it opened its doors for travelers and tourists. The shop was beautiful, inside and out, with creeping vines and a wonderful twinkling filling the room each time the door opened. The brass bell responsible was entwined with a long sprig of lavender, which carried its smell to greet newcomers. Shelves of live, flowering plants lined the walls, some of which you couldn’t name, while in the center, a calm fountain bubbled around several ferns and tall lilies. The piece would block the register entirely if it weren’t for the owner’s height—he had to be more than 6’5’’, with generous muscle accompanying his stature and a head of auburn waves that brushed his ears before tapering off. He always wore a black fabric mask with floral detailing. Beautiful, but you always wondered why he did so.
The reason you were lucky enough to familiarize with him was the honeymoon couples of the hotel—you were often tasked with picking up entryway bouquets and treated rose petals for the bedspreads, and protected that position with your life. Today was the day you gathered enough courage to strike up a non-professional conversation with the man you’d been admiring for some time.
A breeze slanted through the alleys and roadways, providing some relief from the warm weather. You made your way across the plaza with your delivery cart as usual, thanking a young girl who held open the shop door for you. You walked inside, glancing into the fountain where coins glittered below the wavering surface.
“Good morning, König.” You sidled up to the counter, offering him a smile.
“Morgen! Here for the roses again?” He replied brightly, leaning down to reach for the package of white and red roses used for romantic suites.
“Yes, thank you..” your heart pounded as you received the first package, not missing how your fingers grazed his hand.
“I’m sure you grow a lot of these, huh?”
You managed to spit it out; a simple invitation to a real conversation.
“Yes..but it is not often I’m bored.” König remarked, handing over another package. “I enjoy the white ones especially.”
You gazed at the flower he’d pointed out, nearly getting distracted before quickly stowing it away and reaching for the next.
“Eternal love, right?”
König looked up, blinking.
“The meaning, I mean. Of-of white roses?”
Oh my god, kill me.
“Oh, yes! I have heard that perspective..though I always thought the classic meaning was most accurate; youthfulness.” He paused, holding onto the third package to study it. “So—young love, then.” He looked up, and you felt as though the earth fell around you. You took the last box, setting it down carefully.
“What other meanings do you know?” It didn’t matter that you knew many already, you just couldn’t drag yourself away from him.
“Quite a few..” he looked off a bit, thinking. “What’s your favorite flower?”
You felt a twinge of warmth at your cheeks. “Daffodils.. daffodils are my favorite. I like adorning flowers too, like baby’s breath and lily of the valley.”
He blinked, pleasant surprise flashing over his gaze. “Are you a florist?”
“I make arrangements for my friends sometimes—so, freelance?”
He laughed a bit. “Keep it down, I need business.”
You smiled in return. “Every good business has a partner, no?”
You don’t know where this banter was coming from, but decided to seize the confidence while it was there.
“I suppose you’re right.” König conceded, then studied you for a moment. “You already know what daffodils represent, don’t you?”
You don’t reply for a moment, seemingly forgetting how to form a sentence, before your phone goes off.
“Sorry..hello?” You turn, holding the phone to your ear. “Right..okay. Be right there.” You click to end the call, grasping your cart. “I’ve got to go. Nice talking to you..”
You steer back into the plaza, letting a deep breath free itself from your chest. Your hammering heart only frustrated you further, shaking your head and getting back to to work.
It was a notable stretch of time before your job drove you back to König's shop; lord knows you weren't going to wander in there on your own volition. The thought of him started to make your heart flip over, and it was close to nauseating. When you did, you saw something near the door that caught your eye. Abandoning your cart, you approached the small display table arranged to the side. You usually had trouble with written German as opposed to spoken, but the label was straightforward. "Blume des Monats". Flower of the month. It was an arrangement nestled in a small ceramic vase, the dominating flower being--the daffodils.
"You inspired me."
König's voice behind you made you turn, nearly spraining your neck from surprise. "I did?"
He was wearing a button down today, the sleeves hiding his hyacinth tattoo.
"You did. The adorning pieces, too. I find yellow and white fit nicely together for a light summer arrangement, both their looks and etymology."
You turn back, confirming the appearance of the baby's breath that framed the yellow flowers. "I agree."
König stepped up so he was standing beside you, looking at the arrangement as well. "I have to tell you, uh.. while I was arranging this, I wasn't imagining it to be displayed."
You look up at him, blinking. "No?"
He seemed to avoid your eyes. "No." he shifted his weight, glancing at the floor. The sight of a relatively intimidating man shifting on his feet was, admittedly, endearing. Still, the warmth in the tips of your ears irritated you to no end.
"I was going to uh..give it to you. Because I thought you'd like it. And then I was going to ask you on a date."
You smile to yourself, looking at your shoes. "I wish you would have."
You felt his eyes on you. "Truly?"
You nod, meeting his eyes. Suddenly, your nervous energy melted ever so slightly into a comfortable sort of understanding.
"Well, uh.." König took the arrangement by the stems, the water dripping as he held it in front of him. You couldn't help but laugh gently at his tenacity.
"Your floors-"
"Could I take you on a date sometime?"
"I--yes, just, oh your shoes.." you take the hand he holds the flowers with, setting them gently back in their place. You can only see his eyes, but they seem to be smiling.
"Wonderful. I'll have another when I pick you up."
"Oh, that's not-"
"With orchids."
You blink, his proximity suddenly clouding your awareness.
His eyes seem to tilt with another smile.
"I think you know their meaning."
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francis-writes · 3 months
Could you please do a Ramsay x Reader where she is captured and he is mean to her at first but eventually has a soft spot for her. If you could make it a smut that would be awesome where he is dominate in bed?
A/N: I am sorry, it turned out probably less uhh fluffy than you expected. Capture and domination are kept in the story, soft spot is debatable.
Warnings: Ramsay being Ramsay, cutting, mentions of torture, non-con
Reader is gender neutral
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You pressed your legs to your chest, trying to protect yourself from coldness of your cell. Stone floor wasn't comfortable in anyway and your body was aching, no matter which position you tried - sitting, laying on your back, laying curled up etc.
You didn't expect your situation to get any better soon, to be perfectly honest, you were certain that it will only get much worse. Your host wasn't a person known for his mercy. No, Ramsay Bolton's guests often ended up skinless and crucified. It didn't seem that you would be any exception, considering how he was treating you. Fortunately, you still had your entire skin and probably mostly unbroken bones. Since your capture, you kept seeing young lord Bolton everyday but for now he only kept mocking and threatening you. A few times he maimed another prisoner and made sure that you were looking. It seemed that for now, he didn't need to hurt your body, it was enough for him to see that fear in your eyes. Torturing people was great for him, for sure, but breaking them mentally could create almost as good entertainment.
Ramsay was walking through the corridors of Dreadfort, heading to the dungeon. He recently enjoyed spending his time there for more reasons than usually (the bar was low because his usual reason was just torturing prisoners).
One of the people he captured last week, captured young Bolton's attention. They were beautiful and he considered hunting them in the wood but eventually he left that idea. At least for now. He could always sent them to the woods but at this moment he just enjoyed seeing fear at their face when they saw what he was capable of. He wanted them to be already scared and broken when he would finally take care of them. And that was probably this day. He couldn't wait any longer - denying himself pleasure was never his strong spot.
Ramsay found your cell and looked at you, hiding in the corner. He would take you right there and right now but he decided that he would rather have some more privacy this time. He opened the door and you raised your head.
"You are lucky" he said "Today will be able to see my bed chamber"
His hand pressed your face into hard floor. You managed to turn your head a bit so you could stare into a wall while his hand ripped off whatever was left of your clothes. His fingers, warm and calloused after years of working with knives, bows and other deadly weapons, wandered across your skin, squeezing your flesh so hard that you had to hold back a yelp. You couldn't see what was happening but realized everything when a sharp pain pierced your body. He cut you with a knife. Moreover, he kept doing. You cried, praying that there's still an ounce of mercy left in him.
"I beg you my Lord, don't flay me... I will do whatever you want" you pleaded between sobs.
"Don't worry, I'm not flaying you now. I only carve my name, so you will remember whom you belong to"
It comforted you a bit, though specifying that he wouldn't flay you "now" sounded a bit worrying.
You tried to grit your teeth and stay silent but he added:
"Don't hold back. You don't need to hide your cries, screams and whining. They won't help you but I would love to hear them"
After he finished his little artpiece, Ramsay leaned over and licked the blood off your wounds. You gasped as his rough tongue caressed your cuts.
He grabbed your thighs, pulled your ass up and your whole body closer to himself. He was a strong man, who spent most of his free time in the woods and you were still malnourished after staying locked in the dungeons, so manhandling you was the easiest thing to Ramsay.
Without any further preparation, he pulled out his cock and entered you. You didn't see him, but you could feel that he was thick. You moaned while he was stretching you. Ramsay didn't wait until you adjusted to his girth and he began to thrust brutally in and out of you. At first it was painful, tear kept running through your face but after a few minutes - though they felt like an eternity then - of his ruthless pace, you got used to the feeling and the intensity of the feeling even started bringing you kind of pleasure.
But before you got even close to cumming, Ramsay gasped and you felt his hot semen flooding your insides. He pulled out and stood up, grabbing your arm. If not his strong grip, you wouldn't be able to stand straight on your legs. Ramsay pulled you on the bed. He rested his head on a pillow and pressed your body to his. His hands kept groping your body as he looked at you with mix of hunger and admiration.
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Be Sweet
Jack Hughes x Latina!Reader
Synop: y/n rushes to help her friend and accompany her to a masquerade themed ball but bumps into Narcissus’ incarnate.
a/n: prompt inspired by this: lovers trope. 3.9k words😵 Jack is depicted as an ego-typical guy with too much rizz 🥴, an important background character's name is "Em" fyi, themes & discussion about love and fate 🧀
cw: cussing, reader brings up unhinged hypothetical situation about a kidnapping and a shooting 😭, mentions of cheating , I think thats it
It was a warm evening to start the preparation of getting dressed for a ball and it only got more chaotic as the sun set. You slept through your alarm and had to rush to shower, eat breakfast, buy gas to drive to pick up you and your friend's elegant dresses, and finally drive over to the venue.
To your poor planning, parking was clearly not available. You cringed as your freshly bought gas was idling as you kept weaving through the small lot. Almost half an hour goes by as you find a white car backing out and you quickly turn to claim it's spot until a small black car inches close as possible to take the free spot,
"Don't you fucking dare," you yelled to yourself in your car. As soon as the white car drove off, the black car pulled in, in reverse. You honked for a few seconds and tried to get a good look at the theif but couldn't make out a face.
"What an asshole, I hate people." You whined to yourself and finally decided to park farther away to at least enter the venue in time.
"Where the hell have you been?" your friend with her hair up in heating rolls approaches you and sees your face glisten in sweat
"Everything that could wrong today went wrong. Here's your dress." you handed her dress and reached for your water bottle, the walk from your car to the venue in the sun wasn't ideal.
"Why are you sweating?" she grimaced as she wiped your forehead with a tissue,
"Because some asshole stole my parking, so I had to park farther away and walk all the way here."
"Oh, well sit down and try not to sweat as much. Ashely's going to start on your hair." she passed you a mini fan to cool down but at this point you were defeated and didn't want to get dolled up for something you were forced to attended.
"Are we doing makeup as well?" Ashley the hired makeup artist indirectly asked you through your friend
"Yes" your friend said
"No" you said
"It's a ball y/n, you have to wear makeup." she complained to you
"Can't we do something natural? No smokey eye, I mean I'm wearing a mask aren't I so what's the point?"
"The point is to look good to take pictures and if a man is lucky enough, to see you bat your lashes at him." your friend always tried to set you up with someone.
"A natural but classy look, Ashley, nothing too glamorous." you made eye contact with Ashley through the vanity mirror.
"Got it"
Ashley did what you asked and you started to feel better about the night and more confident, she even added a bold red lip to y/f/n's request.
"Here" your friend handed you a black laced mask, the main reason you agreed to attend the ball; the anonymity of it all was intriguing to you. The mask matched with your long silk dress but it wasted on by helping passing drinks around. You didn't plan to but once the night started to get boring you figured to do anything else.
"Y/n what the hell are you doing?" your friend sees you for the third time the night talking to an older couple after offering them champagne,
"Excuse me," you guided your friend with the empty tray of drinks away "Learning about Paul's and Anne's love story."
"I didn't hire Ashley to do your hair and makeup to talk to the elderly-especially passing out drinks. You're supposed to be finding a guy to dance with." she nagged on you
"Is it sad that it's easier to talk to old people about love rather than with a boy my age?" you jokingly asked but knew the answer
"Very. And concerning." She gave you a deadpanned look, "Here, give me this and find someone." she took the plastic tray from your hands,
"Everyone has a mask on, so what's the point?"
"The point is to talk with a boy your age even if he's ugly or not." well she was blunt for sure.
"Well that's a bit harsh."
She holds you by the shoulders, "Look y/n, I truly want the best for you and you don't know when the love of your life can appear-" she slowly guides you backwards, "You are going to make me fall if you don't let go of me." "And who knows he might appear tonight-" she completely ignores your concerns as you trip on the trail of your dress falling into the arms of a stranger.
You curse her name as you fall into sturdy arms, your eyes meet with dark ones behind a mask, "Are you alright?" the stranger asks before you quickly stand up straightening your dress out,
"Yeah, I'm so sorry my friend-" you turn to blame your friend to see her back walking away from the scene,
"She- I didn't mean to bump into you, she sort of pushed me, sorry." you looked up to the dark haired man in the low lighting.
"It's fine. I'm just glad I caught you in time" he chuckled, "Do you want to dance?" he asked with his hand out,
"Sure" y/f/n's wish was coming true.
"I saw you passing out drinks, didn't feel like dancing?" his hand reached for your waist and you began to sway together to a slow song,
"Not after the day I had, no."
"What happened?" you briefly summarized your day and mentioned the person who stole your parking spot and he laughs,
"I'm glad my stressful day makes you laugh," you say giggling along,
"It's not your miserable day that's funny but that asshole who stole your spot might have been me..." he says scrunching his face in preparation. Your smile and shoulders drop,
"So its your fault that I had to walk half a mile carrying ball gowns in the sun."
"It's possible, yeah." he said calmly holding back a smile
“You owe me for making my day worse then.”
“I don’t think so, and I’m pretty sure that spot was mine first” he said with confidence
“You are joking. I had my blinker on before you even showed up!” His teasing was making you a bit irritated
“Whatever you say,” he stops to think of what to call you, “can I ask for you name?”
“No.” you state flatly
“Why not?” He scoffs
“A thief like you, doesn’t deserve to know my name.” you found joy stringing a man's patience.
"Well I'm Jack."
"I didn't ask."
"But you were wondering, weren't you." he cocked his head to the side, eyeing you through each other's masks,
"Nice ego you have there. I wasn't wondering," you most definitely were, "You know not every girl is falling over after you." you looked right back into his eyes to observe them being a dark blue color.
"I mean you kind of did, literally.” to be fair you did kind of set yourself up for that one.
“That’s because my friend pushed me, don't get me wrong."
"It's y/n." you got lost in your train of thought as you stared into his eyes, "Screw your perfect blue eyes" you whispered knowing it would inflate his ego any possibly more,
"So you are falling for me?" a smug look painted on his face.
"You know what's funny? My friend said I might find the love of my life tonight if I actually made an effort. Do you think me, accidentally, falling into your arms counts as- I don't know whatever she claims love's rules are?"
"Are you saying, you accidentally falling into my arms is fate talking?" to your surprise he didn't scare off running at the talk of love, but he took interest in your wonderment if love and fate were real and or connected.
"You said it, not me." you shied your head down
He chuckles, "I think your effort of dressing nice with red lipstick can possibly set things into motion" his hand softly reaches for your chin making you meet his eyes again.
He breaks the silence, "Will you be my date to this wedding?"
"Excuse me?" you turned your head in confusion this time, the conversation turning from love to weddings was a startle.
"There's this wedding I'm invited to and you dress nice so why not be my date for it?" he asks so calmly
You laugh at his request, “I barely know you. I don’t even know what you look like. Let’s say if I left with you tonight and you kidnap me but I escape, because I have enough survival skills to do so, and then the police do a line up but then I realize I don’t even know what you look like. We're not at a very trustworthy level are we?"
He was taken aback at your ramble, “Wow um alright, I guess not. But you thought of leaving with me tonight?” and of course he only focused on the first part.
“It was a hypothetical situation." you tried to reason your overthinking, "No because I don’t know what you look like.”
“It’s a masquerade ball, it’s breaking the rules if you were to see my face.” he said
“I'm sure the servers are not going to shoot you down if you reach to take off your mask” you joke trying to sneak a peek at the full picture of the man you have been dancing with the past minutes.
Unfortunately he can joke too, “You can never be too sure.” he leans into to whisper giving you goosebumps.
You grab the nape of his neck to pull his closer, your cheek grazing his to whisper, “Then you have no date.”
An older lady interrupts the shared moment asking to dance with Jack, "He's all yours." you smile to the woman and back at Jack before turning away,
"Y/n, wait!" Jack pleads as the woman blocks his view of your figure.
You walk back to your friend who was watching from afar,
"Okay, so what happened? Ya'll danced for awhile!"
"Well he's the asshole that stole my parking, alongside that he has an ego the size of this ballroom." Jack had charm, you were aware, but if he really did want a date to some wedding he would have to work a bit harder for it.
"I'm done for the night. I obliged with your wishes as I practically fell into a man's arms tonight. Goodnight." you swiftly said before she could argue back.
You glided towards the exit, finally taking off your mask. You stopped by the door looking for Jack one last time. Across bodies of people his eyes catches yours and his body freezes in awe. You hold the contact before he begins to walk again cuing you to leave for once and all.
To your unnoticed, Jack made his way to your friend to ask a very important request.
+ The Next Day +
It was still the weekend, not as hot as the day before, but another warm morning spent in the park as you made a habit out of it. Nothing felt more relaxing and enriching than soaking up vitamin D on a park bench until an interruption,
"Is this seat taken?" a familiar voice ringed in your ears before you caught a glimpse of the man
"I guess not, how did you find me?" Although you didn't recognize him at first glance, his hair and smile were recognizable.
"Y/f/n told me you liked hanging out here in the morning so I woke up early."
You shook your head at your friend's loose trust but shocked at Jack's determination, "Wow you are desperate for that date aren't you?"
"You as my date? Yeah." he exclaimed, "But I saw your face before you saw mine so I think it's only fair that you see mine now."
"It's okay."
"What is?"
"That," you circled the air surrounding his face ensuing him into a chuckle
"So, will you be my date?" he wasn't going to let this go you thought,
"What's in it for me?" you really wanted to see how far he could go
"You get to spend the night by my side and there's free food and bar"
"Seems very convincing," you sarcastically said
"On a real note, I want to get you know better and spend more time with you," he finally said with genuine.
You thought what would be the harm if it's only one evening, even though he was annoying he was cute too,
"Fine, but I'm only saying yes because I can pick you out of a lineup if I need to."
+Later That Night+
Jack shared the details of the wedding, place and time, and he would be kind enough to pick you up. Your attire was not as elegant as the night before but still cute and picture perfect for a summer wedding.
"Oh this is definitely the car that stole my parking." you told Jack leaning on the open passenger window.
"I said I was sorry"
"You know I actually don't remember hearing an apology,"
"Well I am sorry. You look nice," a man of many words Jack was.
"You look the same from last night." you replied to his appearance as you sat in his passenger seat.
"I didn't wear this last night."
"I know," you smirked as you buckled in.
"So whose wedding is this? Are you the bride or groom's side?" you felt like you needed to do some homework before showing up to a random couple's wedding.
"Groom. He's a friend of mine, my family will be there also, but you don't have to meet them."
Your eyebrows scrunched as you wondered what he meant, "I don't see how me being your date and not meeting your family is going to work."
"It doesn't have to be a formal introduction just a quick hello."
"Right," as you guys drove there you couldn't help to cringe on how awkward this was actually going to be. Being Jack's date to an essentially family friend's wedding and meeting his family. You couldn't help to wonder if Jack finding dates to these events was a common occurrence, the guy had the charisma if needed.
It was a relatively quick drive to the outdoorsy venue and the sun was about to set. Jack's chivalry surprised you when he told you to wait in the car to open the passenger door for you,
"To be clear, I'm just your date for the night. You didn't tell people I was your girlfriend or a girl you are seeing right?"
"Geez never had a guy open the door for you, y/n?" he gave his hand to help you step out his car,
You took his hand, "Sorry, but genuine question though, who am I walking in as?"
"We'll say the truth, a new friend of mine, and possibly a girl I'm seeing." he took your arm to link around his,
"I'm not sure if that's the whole truth." you looked up at him as you walked to the entrance
"I know you don't like me that much right now but just give it the night," he gave you an infamous grin of his.
"There goes that ego of yours again."
As much as you wanted to find Jack and his perfect smile annoying, you couldn't. Spending the night by his side and hearing him crack bad jokes made you cringe and laugh. He kept you at arm length and included you in conversations. He even offer and eventually forced you to dance with him. His family was sweet too, especially his mom,
"You are dressed so nice sweetheart," Ellen had complimented your summer dress
"And you are very beautiful, Jack is very lucky to have you." she continued the compliments
"She's just a friend, mom." Jack was turning red making you laugh at his embarrassment,
"Well if he hasn't forgotten the charm I taught him, maybe you won't be just a friend at the end of tonight," she gave you a heartwarming smile.
But Jack had enough of his mom being a mom, "Okay we'll be going to the bar now. After you y/n," he placed his hand on your lower back leading you to any direction other than his family.
"She's amazing," it sounded sarcastic when you said it but you meant it.
"You're only saying that because she made me turn red." he found a cold beer to cool his warm face down,
"You want one?" he offered a cold one,
"No thanks. True but she wasn't wrong about the last thing she said."
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean Jack."
He didn't indulge in his regular teasing behavior but started to get shy again,
he cleared his throat, "Do you want a soda or something? There's none in the cooler but I can find you one."
His demeanor didn't go unnoticed, "Yeah that would be great," but you weren't going to address it.
"I'm gonna find the restroom though, I'll find you after." you didn't have to use the restroom but you needed a mirror to check in with your appearance as things were getting real.
When you came back looking for Jack you found Ellen smiling at you across the room before you felt arms snaking around your waist. You turned around finding Jack holding you closer than ever giving you a sweet smile and you involuntary returning.
"A bit close aren't you?" you muttered up to him
"Just a little."
"Hey, Jack." a soft female voice was heard behind you.
"Hey Em." Jack's voice dipped in tone. You turned around to see who he was talking to, still in his grasp.
"How you've been?" the beautiful looking girl asked staring at you for a quick second.
"Fine, good actually." his grip tightened around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. His hold made you stiffen as you read his behavior.
"That's nice to hear. I think I might say hi to Ellen, I'll see you around tonight." she finished talking before heading towards Ellen's direction. As soon as she left, Jack's grip had loosened and you got out of there quick.
"Jesus christ, who do you think I am Jack?" you harshly whispered at him
"What are you talking about?" he had the audacity to looked confused, you thought. You didn't want to bother with his ignorance so you dashed out of the crowded area but he followed you after. When you reached the gravel driveway he reached for your hand,
"Do not touch me."
"I'm sorry, but what's wrong? I thought we were having a good time."
"I thought we were too until you started using me to make your ex jealous!"
“That’s not-“ you interrupted him 
"Was I just a date to make your ex jealous? Is that why you were so desperate for me to come?" you let your voice raise considering no one was around,
“You don’t understand.” 
“Explain it to me then!” he tried to defend himself but his sentence just trailed off,
“Is she not your ex?” as much as you hated it you felt your eyes start to water.
“Why do you care so much if you’re just a date to some wedding?” he didn't lash out but it rolled off his tongue too smoothly.
“Wow I should've remembered you're still an asshole.” you turned away and started walking off ready to call an Uber,
 “Y/n wait,” he yelled  
“I’m tired of waiting.” you mostly whispered to yourself but he still heard it.
“What does that mean?” he softly asked this time,
“Don’t worry about it you wouldn’t want to care too much.” he finally left you alone watching you walk to the end of the driveway.
"Where is she going?" the pervious female voice interrupted the still silence,
"What are you doing here Em?" Jack's head hanged low as he turned around to find his ex a few away from him.
"I was looking for you. I saw you two leave right after I left. You know Jack I'm still sorry for how things ended and I still think about you and us." she slowly approached him,
"Things ended because I caught you cheating. That won't change the fact that we will never be together again." his voice lashed out this time.
"Are you sure? Because from what I just heard she thinks otherwise. Did you bring her here to make me jealous Jackie?" she caressed his shoulders down his arms,
He swiftly pushed her touch off of him, "No I didn't. Goodnight Em."
Jack ended his night early after that fiasco. He knew he was completely in the wrong and had to make things right even if you didn't want to see him again.
+The Next Day+
You weren't going to let a guy disrupt you daily routine so you spent the next late morning at your designated park. You just didn't think he would be bold enough to find you again.
"Is this seat taken?" an aching voice erupted an annoyed feeling up your spine.
You didn't bother looking at him, "Not anymore." you started to pack your bag and stand.
“Before you leave, can you hear me out even though I don’t deserve it?" you didn't see his face but he scrunched his face to expect backlash.
“What do you want Jack?" you crossed your arms and turned to him,
“I want to apologize” you kept silent, “I'm sorry that you felt like you were treated for my benefit and I'm sorry that the night ended the way it did. When I asked you to be my date, I truly wanted to enjoy the night with you, to get you know better but then I saw her and I couldn’t help try to make her jealous or something. And I know that's a shitty excuse but I didn't know she would be there. Believe me or not but I invited you solely because I wanted to be near you, no one else, not her, just you.”
You slowly took a seat on the bench, “So what now” you whispered as a question and a statement, not understanding what he or you wanted.
“I’m hoping you can forgive me somehow and agree to go on another date, a real date with me this time. If I haven't screwed up that badly..." he whispered the latter as he knew for sure you never wanted to see him again.
“Why should I say yes?”
“You said it that night, what if by chance you bumping into me had to happen, because you know, fate." he made air quotation marks with fingers when he said fate,
You genuinely laughed at his reasoning, “And if I say no? Going against fate’s wishes, what would happen?"
“You will never see me again if that’s what you want but fate probably won’t care either way.” He laughs nervously as his loose defense strategy.
“I won’t go on a date with you jack." you stated firmly making his nervous smile disappear, "But I will hang out with you to see if I can possibly forgive you truly.” you didn't know what hanging out meant but it didn't hold the same significance as a date in your mind.
“Actually?” his voice peaked in pitch before he quickly cleared his throat.
“I’ll trust fate this last and final time, so don’t screw up its plans.” you gave him a sour look but he just returned a bright smile,
“I won’t.”
and he never did. 
a/n: it’s me. I’m fate :D
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phantomspiderr · 1 year
Not A Bad Morning
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Pairing: Steven Grant x gn!reader (ft. Marc Spector too)
Word Count: 2.5k+
Summary: Steven was just trying to have a stress free morning before his job interview but it just seems like everything’s against him
Warnings/Tags: not a lot of warnings really, it’s fluff. Steven has a little self doubt, reader has a dog, just a little meet cute in the park, Marc being soft and helping Steven
a/n: ohhhh Steven my beloved. Yes it's another Steven fic, sorrrrrrryyy. I promise I am working on other things, specifically a tlou fic if anyone is interested👀 also this is probably terrible but I hope you enjoy anyway
*(I orginally posted this last night but something kept happening to the end of the fic where it just kept deleting the last two paragraphs so we've had to make a new post and hope that works)
**any lines all in italics are Marc talking with Steven in case that isn’t clear
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
The morning had not been kind to Steven.
It had started with him somehow snoozing his alarm without even waking up and the water in his shower had run ice cold. Then all his clothes seemed to be in the laundry pile and he had to borrow a pair of Jake’s trousers that he felt were a little too tight for his liking.
It felt like some sick joke when he’d opened the fridge and it was empty; bar some dodgy-looking carrots, out-of-date oat milk, and a single egg—why is there just one egg?? Is it really that difficult to do a food shop??— so he had no breakfast and very little time. He makes a mental note to berate Marc or Jake the next time they show up on body sharing etiquette and making sure there’s bloody food in the fridge.
Steven was slowly losing hope for the day and it wasn't even 10am. He'd tried his hardest to plan the day to the tee. It’s been all he’s been able to think about since he saw the ad for his dream job and had been lucky enough to get an interview for it. He had wanted to make sure it was the least stressful it could've been but it was as if the universe wasn't on his side today.
Now he’s impatiently waiting in line at a local coffee shop, his foot incessantly taps against the floor as he anxiously checks his watch every few seconds.
You have plenty of time.
“Shut up,” Steven mutters quietly, looking off to the side into a mirror where he can see his own—slightly disheveled—reflection. A stranger gives him an offended look as they walk past, “not you-I-sorry!” He turns around to stare at the back of the person in fronts head and tries to act somewhat normal, giving Marc a cold shoulder in the process.
Stop stressing out.
Steven rubs at his temple while willing the queue to move even a fraction of a second quicker.
You’re going to get the job.
This time Steven sighs, this is one of those times he wishes he could just stick his fingers in his ears and hum a tune to drown out Marc’s voice.
Even if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. We can go somewhere else. It’d be their loss.
There are just two more people in front, he can ignore him just a little longer.
You can’t ignore me forever.
A little more passive-aggressively than he’d normally be, Steven, rummages in his bag for his phone. Then he theatrically pretends to make a phone call.
“Hiya just wanted to let you know I’m fine.” He glances back to the mirror to see Marc with an unamused look and his arms crossed over his chest.
Sure you are.
“No, I’m not stressed.”
“I wish you’d stop saying I was because if anything that stresses me out more yeah?”
The tone in Steven’s voice is one that says he’s on the end of his tether and this time Marc just holds his hands up, not saying a word. Steven softens a little when after a beat Marc just gives him a look that says, ‘you are stressed out and I just want to help.’
“I appreciate you trying to help. I’ll talk to you later.” He pulls the phone away from his ear and gives his alter a final look in the mirror before turning back to see there’s no one in front of him now and the barista is waving their hand at him.
Now, with a fresh cup of tea and a surprisingly good looking vegan blueberry muffin secured, he takes the shortcut through the park to get to the museum on the other side. He went to check his watch, somehow forgetting the cup of hot tea in his hand and almost spilling it on himself. There was plenty of time for him to sit on that bench at the other end of the park, near the lake, where he could calmly enjoy his breakfast before his interview.
The park seems quiet enough that Steven feels comfortable talking with Marc now without worrying about people around hearing him. “You still there?” He asks the question while simultaneously knowing the answer.
“Do you really think I’ll get the job?” Steven’s anxiety and self-doubt creep out with every word.
I already told you, if you don’t it’s their loss. Marc’s softens after a rather sad-looking Steven catches a glimpse of him in a passing puddle. You’re more knowledgeable on all that stuff than anyone else and you can do that job better than anyone.
“But what if…what if they just don’t like me, like how Donna didn’t?” Steven won’t even look at Marc as he passes another puddle, more interested in the plain-looking pathway below his feet.
Fuck Donna. And fuck them if they don’t like you.
Marc’s voice has an edge to it then before he relaxes again, remembering his goal is to soothe Steven’s anxiety, not make it worse.
Which they will…
…like you I mean!
People find your clumsy nature endearing.
Fuck, I’m not great at this.
The last sentence makes Steven chuckle just a little because Marc may not be the best with words but at least he tries.
As Steven goes to reply his thoughts are interrupted by shouting, for a second he’s so in his head he thinks it’s Marc but it sounds too far away and he looks up just in time to see a big dog bounding towards him. He doesn’t even have a second to react before the dog jumps onto him, knocking his tea completely out of his hand as he falls backward and lands on his ass with a thud. The dog continues to excitedly jump at him and tries to lick at his face despite him squirming as it does so.
“Val!” The shouting continues, this time much closer and it sounds like someone is running, “I’m so sorry! Val get off!” Suddenly the dog is pulled off of him and Steven’s a little dazed by what just happened. He blinks up at you, his eyes squinting because of the sun's brightness. Maybe that’s why he thinks you look like a literal angel standing above him. The sunlight behind you causes your silhouette to be surrounded by a ring of bright yellow light. “I am so so sorry! She’s a friend's dog and she’s just a pup. I’m just walking her while my friend’s away. I’m so sorry the lead slipped out of my hand and she just bolted.”
Either get up or talk please, this is painful to watch.
“Oh.” Steven’s head kicks into gear again and he awkwardly gets back up onto his feet, wincing slightly when he rubs a hand over his now sore lower back. “It’s okay, accidents happen.”
“I’m so sorry, I hope she didn’t hurt you. Shit, you’ve dropped your drink. Here-“ you start rummaging around in your pocket.
“Oh no, it’s okay! Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t a great cup of tea anyway.” That was a lie. It cost about £6 and was actually a pretty good tea that he only got on special occasions, like today when the world seems against him.
“I’m so sorry,” your eyes look so apologetic and Steven still feels a little dazed while looking at you. He thinks you look like you belong in a museum, amongst the marble statues and fancy oil paintings. You’re something that should be admired by everyone.
Steven, the attractive person is talking to you and you need to talk back, like now.
Steven barely has a second to form any thoughts before Marc speaks again.
Let me front.
“No!” It comes out before he even properly thinks about it and he tries his best to play it off, “no don’t be sorry. What kind of dog is it?” He tries to shift the conversation so you hopefully don’t think too much about how weird he is acting.
“Oh… she’s a rescue so they think lurcher but my friend swears she’s part collie too!” You’re fondly looking at the dog while Steven observes you for just a second more, “she usually listens really well but apparently, we need to work on not running off and jumping strangers. Huh, Valkyrie?” Both the dog and you look at each other affectionately as you scratch behind her ear.
“That’s a really nice name, it’s from Norse mythology right?” Steven likes it when you smile right at him, a quiet giggle slipping out.
“Uh, yeah. That and I think my friend is in love with the king of New Asgard.” You both laugh this time and Steven thinks it’s the nicest sound he’s heard in a long time.
Then there’s an awkward moment of silence and Steven just doesn’t know how to keep the conversation going or if you even want to keep the conversation going and now he slightly wishes he’d let Marc front. Marc’s always better at flirting with people in regular conversation, he can pick up on certain social cues Steven is blind to. Steven wants to flirt with you, he was just immediately drawn to you and he wants to get to know you so badly, he just doesn’t know how.
Ask for their name or introduce yourself.
Marc’s voice filters through Steven’s self doubting thoughts.
“I’m Steven,” it comes out quickly and forcefully before he can overthink it and his hand flies out in your direction. He can barely look at you his eyes flickering anywhere but at you. That is until your hand slips into his, your hand’s a little cold but it feels nice in his slightly clammy one and he watches your smile grow after you say your name. Quietly he repeats it to himself as a way for his brain to better remember it and he really just likes the way it sounds.
“I’m really sorry again, can I buy you another cup of tea? There’s a cart just down this path that sells hot drinks.” He thinks he’s maybe getting ahead of himself or looking too closely into it but he really likes the idea of spending more time with you. Marc catches him just before he ultimately agrees immediately without another thought.
Steven, your interview.
“Oh sh-!” He reluctantly pulls his hand from yours to check his watch only to see time has somehow run away from him. Now he suddenly has very little time to get to the museum. “I’m sorry I have an interview for this dream job of mine in like ten minutes and it’s probably going to take me that long to run there!”
“Oh.” Is that disappointment seeping into your features? “That’s okay,” just like that it’s gone and you’re smiling at him again, “I owe you a cup of tea then Steven.”
“After?” It comes out a little more like a forceful statement rather than a polite question. He just had to say it before his brain chickened out. Now you’re looking at him confused, quietly repeating the word he just uttered.
Steven, buddy, you gotta say a little more.
“I’m trying,” he quickly mumbles to the side before turning back to you and more cautiously speaking this time, “maybe we could- if you want to-maybe you’d want to-"
Steven, calm, breathe.
He pauses and takes a deep breath, his eyes falling closed for just a second. When they open you’re still there. You’re real and you’re still standing in front of him, curiously waiting on him to speak again. That beautiful smile still gracing your face and he’s lost again, lost in the calm of your eyes on him.
“Do you want to meet after?” Marc’s voice reminds him of what he was trying to say and it comes out more smoothly than he expected. Maybe that’s down to Marc being even closer to the front, almost slipping into control of the body for just a moment.
“Oh.” Steven thinks he’s misread the situation—it wouldn’t be the first time—because you look surprised. Just as he opens his mouth to rescind the offer and apologise profusely you speak again. “I-I’d love that,” Steven watches as a grin spreads across your face and he mirrors your expression.
As much as I want to see how this pans out, we’re late.
“Shi-!” Steven checks his watch just to confirm even though he already knows he’s more than late at this point, “I have to go!”
The last thing he wants to do is leave and he awkwardly moves to do so before something else inside him fights it. If this wasn’t his dream job he’d forget all about the interview and just stay here in the park with you. Maybe you could walk around the water and sit with a cup of tea on a bench, and get to know each other better.
“Go! Go!” You’re gently shooing him off so he listens, and forces his feet to move but he keeps looking back at you as he takes the first few steps. Val tugs on the end of her lead, a little cry escaping as she looks at Steven and then back to you.
Steven halts abruptly almost falling over his own feet.
Give them your number!
Frantically Steven rushes back over to you, Val now pulling you almost off your feet as she excitedly taps her paws on the ground. How did he somehow forget a crucial part?! He quickly rummages in his bag and pulls out the receipt from the coffee shop, a loose pen, and some crumbs from his forgotten, now squished muffin.
“Here,” he messily scribbles down something that resembles his phone number and quickly decides to add a little note on the end. You delicately take the note when he offers it, smiling as you glance over it before looking at Steven again. His face hurts from how much he’s smiling, “see you later then?” When you excitedly nod he adorably waves as he starts to back away again. Steven walks backward for a second longer than he probably should just so he can admire the way you’re still standing smiling at him too. Reluctantly he pulls his eyes away from you and turns, breaking into a light jog as Marc reminds him they're late once again. Steven takes one last look at you, he’s surprised you’re still standing there reading over his little note with a large smile still plastered to your face.
You did a good job back there.
The small compliment makes Steven feel good. He'd been working hard with Marc on communication. Learning to breathe and formulate his words better in conversation and it seems the hard work is paying off.
Steven takes one final look at you before he speeds into more of a run, his heart now racing for another reason. Even now when he nervously answers the interviewer's question his mind stays stuck on you. He can't stop thinking about how nice you looked or the way you smiled so brightly-
Steven, focus!
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