#i was just gonna take a few pictures but i got too invested
bug-kid-benny · 2 months
tribute to when i discovered there were many more wet animals living in my plant pots than previously estimated
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miserycanary · 2 months
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & model!fem!reader
synopsis: Ghost mentions you but 141 doesn't believe that he got a wife
tags: crack (well, attempted), fluff
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Ghost’s strict rules for privacy are something the 141 has known for years now. He’s not the type of person to blab about his personal life and often chooses just to keep quiet. So, imagine their surprise when he suddenly says that he’s going to take a day off because his wife asked him to watch a play. 
“Price, ‘am not gonna be here tomorrow. Got a date with my missus.”
All eyes are on him, everyone stills. “WIFE? Since when?!” Soap exclaimed, finally breaking the silence. His eyes were almost bulging out his eyes. “Never told you about her?” Ghost hums, unamused by the Scottish’s exclaim. “Johnny here does have a reasonable reaction. You never tell us anything ‘bout you, mate,” Price joined, chuckling and pulling out a cigar. The man just contemplates before brushing it off and bidding farewell, leaving the group confused. 
“Ain’t no way he’s telling us the truth. That man ain’t got no bone in his body to bag someone,” Soap voiced out, looking for anyone to support his disbelief. “I mean..” Gaz whistles out, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head as if he’s agreeing to some extent. That’s when, unbeknownst to Ghost, he got the reputation of being delusional and a liar. 
Soap, still doubtful days later, watches the lieutenant with a vision like a hawk. “Hey, lieutenant.” Ghost snaps his head up, looking at him. “How was the date with your wife?” Immediately, everyone else stopped what they were doing, silently listening. It was obvious he was baiting Ghost, emphasizing the wife as if putting on quotes. They weren’t as nosy as Soap but each one of them still held a bit of doubtness that the brick wall of the team managed to get a girl, and even marry her.
“It was okay. The missus had fun,” Ghost chuckles, fondly remembering how you were beaming on the way, rambling about the plot of the play. “Can we see pictures?” Soap smirked thinking he finally got the lieutenant but was taken aback when Ghost only shrugged and pulled out his phone before freezing. “Ah, we didn’t take pictures yesterday. Said she wanted to live in the moment.” 
Soap whipped his head to signal to Gaz, seemingly saying ‘See? He’s definitely lying! How convenient he has no pictures.” 
“How about just a picture of your wife?” Kyle suggested, now invested while Price seemed to be shaking his head in the corner. “I have none with me but..” With a few clicks, Ghost holds up his phone for everyone to see. Like birds, everyone flocked around him, curious to see. For a while, everyone was surprised and sure the man was lying. I mean, he just showed them a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous model from a magazine! 
‘He's definitely lost it’ everyone seemed to think, offering pity glances at the man who had this prideful shine in his eyes. Walking up to his superior, Soap patted him on the back. “It’s fine, mate… we understand how difficult it must be.” ‘not having a lady at all’
Thinking Johnny meant about your hectic schedule, he agreed. “It’s quite tough but we make it work,” he chuckled which made everyone wince.
‘Definitely nuts!’
Weeks passed after that and the topic never got brought up, until Ghost came in with a bento in hand covered with a handkerchief with frilly ends. When asked about it, he replied, “Ah, wife’s testing out recipes for an upcoming TV show. ‘S been practicing and asked me to bring one.” Once again, he was given pity glances and even heard a defeated sigh from Soap. 
‘He’s too far gone’
“How’s work?” you ask, dazedly paying attention to the movie you guys put, more invested in burying your face in Simon’s chest while he drapes both arms on your waist, completely engulfing your torso under his muscles. “Been getting a few weird stares,” he mumbles, playing with your hair and pressing kisses on your forehead. “Why?” you peer up, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I don’ know, princess.”
“Should we just… finally set the lieutenant on a date? I feel bad. I mean, he even lied about his “wife” making him lunch,” Johnny sighed.
“Probably the best idea,” Kyle nodded.
Now Price… he knows the truth. He met you before when you dropped by, asking for Ghost— which ended horribly— but he’ll lying if he said he’s not getting a kick out of this.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: probably won't be posting for a while :] Did you guys notice the hint to my previous work? Please do. 😔
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open!
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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cupidssorbett · 10 months
"What a cowboy.”
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Cowboy/Vaquero Miguel x Ranch-Hand? Reader.(Beautiful art above is by Katromz on tiktok and insta!)
Summary: Miguel ends up trying to befriend his longtime friend and employers niece however maybe befriend isn't quite the word.
Includes: AFAB reader but no specified pronouns/race/looks nothing, flirting/teasing, Nicerish AU Miguel, caught masturbating, Oral M & F, recieving praise, mentions of the word 'cunt/pussy', P in V, as well as not much use of name more nicknames.
P.S Vaquero and Cowboy are the same words for those who don't know, a friend requested this so I delivered! Please pardon any terribly translated Spanish I am still learning and had only few help from a friend of mine! This was a request so thank you to my friend!
Word count: 7766.(it's a long one babes.)
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By cupid.
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You’d been sent out for the summer to help your uncle at his ranch, you didn’t mind too much it’d be giving you more to do than usual. He was happy to have you since most his ranch-hands called out or would be busy trying to fill in the empty spots left by others. So when he heard his favorite niece would be dropping in to help out he was more than delighted.
It was a long, long car ride to his ranch and by the time you had arrived the sun was high in the sky and it was sweltering. You hopped out of your dad’s truck with a smile on your face, your cousin’s Poppy & Nana coming to greet you with enthusiasm, quickly taking your bags. “Look at you two, it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve hung out together!” You say as you nudge Nana’s arm, she laughs a bit as the three of you trudge up the dirt driveway up to the main house.
Poppy opens the door for you as soon as you head inside you hear a squeal from your Aunt Maria, who immediately runs over to scoop you up into a hug. “Sweetheart it has been too long!” She says excitedly as she practically squeezes the air outta you. “I missed ya too aunty but please..please let me go I can’t breathe-!” You manage out as she lets you go, “Oh my! Sorry ‘bout that sugar! It’s just been so long!” She says pinching your cheek a little. “Now, Girls go show her to her room alright? Get all cozy, Jack said he wasn’t gonna have you start work till tomorrow when he can give you the lowdown of everythin’ new.” She said shooing you three up the stairs.
You followed the girls up the stairs as they talked away, you weren’t really invested in the conversation as you looked at all the old pictures that were hung up on the walls. All those old memories made you smile, you were out of it until Poppy pulled you back into reality with a tug on the arm, albeit a hard tug, “You alright there?” She asked, raising a brow at you as nana opened the door to the room, you blinked and flashed her a smile. “Yeah just got a little out of it, this heat whew it is-” “Why don’t we head to the lake!” Nana says with a bright smile as she sets your bags on your bed, cutting you off.
“Oh I don’t know what if your dad needs me here or help with anything I’m not just here to leisure about.” You say as they both sigh dramatically, “C’mon you heard mama, papa’s not gonna need you till tomorrow!” Poppy says crossing her arms, eventually you sigh giving into them and their antics. Excitedly they leave you to get ready telling you to meet them downstairs when done. Once you are ready to go with a little bag that has sunscreen and such inside you hurry downstairs the two girls waiting for you.
You can’t help but grin with their contagious smiles, “Ma! We’re heading to the lake!” Nana calls out to her, “Be safe girls! Be back by sundown too ya hear?” She calls from the kitchen and you all respond with unanimous ‘Yes ma’am!’ before hurrying out the door giggling like a bunch of school girls as you anticipate the cool water of the lake.
It was a bit of a trek until you reached it, shoving branches aside and walking through bushes hoping none of them were poison ivy or poison at all. Once nana pushed a thick willow branch aside you sighed happily, the blue water shining under the high sun. The three of you quickly hurried to the shore finding a nice spot to lay your things.
As you and nana carefully laid things out poppy quickly ditched her shorts she wore over her swimsuit bottoms and ran into the cool water with a loud cheer. She then decided to splash the two of you, causing you to get a cheeky grin. “Oh that’s how it’s gonna be huh?” You asked playfully as you ditched your own shoes and bottoms before running into the water yourself.
The cool embrace of the lake on your warm skin made you feel completely relaxed, until you remembered your motive to run in here in the first place. The time at the lake started with games and running off the rock ledge that overlooked the lake to jump in. Splashing one another or Watching as someone did something dumb for what felt like the 100th time in those hours.
By the time the sun started to settle down in the sky you were resting on your towel as the girls continued to play in the waters. Drifting off into your own daydreams, sunglasses shielding your eyes from the fleeting rays, until you were startled awake by squeal. You assumed something had happened, so you quickly sat up pushing your sunglasses to sit on your head. “What? What happened?” you asked worried, until you saw them giggling over something or more rather..someone.
You let a slight huff at the fact they had you all worried for nothing, you however curiously followed their eyes. Wondering what could’ve caused them to squeal to begin with. Down a good way from your spots on the bank was a man, a rather handsome man you had to admit. Poppy however caught your staring and with a cheeky smile sat beside you, “Ooo! Do I sense a crush perhaps?” She said with a shit eating grin.
Waving her off you stopped staring at the mystery man, “Oh please, You think everything is a crush or love related.” you said, trying to dismiss her packing your stuff away as the sun started to set. Nana was quick to hurry outta the water spotting you and your packing, quickly just tossing her stuff in her bag as you & poppy shook your heads at her mess of a bag now.
All of you hurried back dodging branches and plants until you were on an open stretch the house coming into view, “So..” you started, earning their attention again. “Who was that guy?” you asked, keeping your gaze ahead. You heard the stifled giggles and such from them before nana caught up to you, “He is papa’s right hand man, quite the looker isn’t he?” she teased with a smile. “I suppose,” you said as you walked up the porch steps hearing their squeals and giggles. “But don’t go tellin’ anyone, I barely know that man.” you said sternly pointing at the two of them and they quickly stopped their giggling nodding as you headed inside.
Heading inside your aunt had prepared some dinner for when everyone got back, and as hungry as you were you decided to go and get a shower. Not before your uncle was quick to scoop you up in a hug much to your protest before you fake made a disgusted face before he ruffled up your hair as you headed up the stairs getting a warm shower and some dryer clothes.
After dinner and what not you were sitting upstairs with Poppy & Nana and one or two of the herding dogs, flicking through movies trying to find something to watch. Seeing as none of you could agree on anything it eventually came down to just getting some sleep, the hours at the lake tiring you out and your aunt & uncle calling out a goodnight to you three had reminded you that you’d be out helping in the morning so sleep was a good option.
The birds started chirping and the sun began to peek through the blinds, once it hit your eyes you groaned and began to open your eyes with a squint bringing a hand up to block the bright rays from practically blinding you. Sitting up blinking the sleep from your eyes you took note that it was just you and nana in the room, nana being fast asleep still.
You decided it’d be a good time to wake up and get ready so you could start helping your uncle out, you quickly brushed your hair to look less like you just got up and then you grabbed an outfit from your suitcase that would best suit the chores you’d be doing and the hot summer heat. You quickly made your way downstairs some of the dogs following you, “Mornin’ Sugar!” Aunt Maria called to her as she flipped some pancakes. “Morning Aunt Maria, Where’d poppy run off to?” you asked, snatching up a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter sharing some with the dogs.
“Oh she ran into town to fetch some more seeds for the garden, Jack told me we had extras but I know we didn’t, speakin’ of which since your most likely heading out that way mind giving those breakfast burritos on the counter the boys.” She asked using her spatula to motion to the cloth covered basket. You nodded, finishing the bacon off and grabbing the basket heading out the back door and off the porch to the main farm area and barn.
It wasn’t a long walk by any means, just one that felt long with how the sun sat so high and beating down on you, you spotted your uncle's truck out front of the barn. All the workers either sitting in the bed of the truck or leaning against it, you hurried over with a smile on your face as your uncle spotted you tipping his hat back slightly, a smile coming to his face.
“Hey there sweetheart, whatcha got?” he asked as he got up off the side of the truck walking over. “Aunty asked me to bring these breakfast burritos for you boys.” you said and they all hooted and hollered hurrying off the truck to grab one for themselves making you just laugh and shake your head. “Thank you for that darlin’ , right you all know my niece don’t you?” He asked, raising a brow as a few murmured yes’s and no’s were heard.
“Well you do now,” he said as he motioned to you, moving aside as you gave them all a wave of ‘hello’ then you spotted him, the man from the lake the other day. You didn’t realize you were staring until he made eye contact with you. A rather cheeky smile gracing his lips.
Once they were all done with their burritos the real work began. “Alright, Think you can work on feedin’ all the animals first then we can start on herdin’ the pasture ones back alright?” Your uncle asked and you nodded, “I’m on it!” you said with a smile. “How bout I send someone with ya, we’ve got a few new ones that might need some introduction, How about..Miguel!” your uncle said, clapping his hands together.
You were picking up one of the feed bags off the truck bed when a rather tall and muscular man walked up with a slight smile on his face, “Looks like I’m helpin’ you today sweetheart.” Miguel said, and oh god Miguel was the man from the lake. This realization almost had you dropping the feed bag before you quickly readjusted your hold on the bag. He only chuckled, slightly tilting his head and the brim of his hat up, giving you an even better look at his face, “Come on don’t go fallin’ for me already.' ' he teased at you.
Huffing you adjusted your grip on the bag turning on your heel with a little scoff, “You wish, I would never I barely know you.” You said as you began walking, utter bullshit, you couldn’t lie that his face, his eyes, his damn voice had you enthralled. He only let out a hearty chuckle following you carrying a bag or two of his own, “Then why not get to know me?” He suggested, shaking his head as you sped up your walking speed.
When you finally reached the animals you breathed a sigh of relief, quickly hurrying over to say ‘hello’ to all of them forgetting about Miguel following after you, he stood off to the side as he opened some of the bags watching as you excitedly said ‘hello’ to the ones you knew, all calling them by name then excitedly gasping at the ones you didn't know.
He had to admit he found it amusing, cute even at the way you greeted them all. He had to, he just had to, he cleared his throat which brought you back to your little situation causing you to huff almost and it only made him chuckle as he pushed a feed bag, ready and open your way. You grabbed the bag, opened the pen door and made your way inside without him, starting to fill up all the feeding spots walking about.
Miguel thought this would be a good time to start a conversation, “So, Why do ya keep ignoring me?” he asked and you just hummed in response, “I’m not.” You denied, “Ah-Ah just now you almost did.” He said looking at you, that stupid look on his face had you smiling slightly and rolling your eyes. Trying to look away before he caught it, but oh he caught it. “Hey! I saw that, I made a breakthrough!” He says motioning around to a nonexistent crowd almost proud of himself causing you to shake your head with a slight smile.
You two finished up the feeding chores with relative ease, the tension simply melting away as you two actually got to talking with one another actually getting to know more like he suggested, then you started saddling up some of the horses so they could head out to check for any lost or still loose cattle or sheep. You finished tightening one of the straps, patting the nose of the horse, a smile on your face when it responded with a big sloppy lick to your hand. “Alright, Are we ready to get a move on?” he asked as he took the reins from your hand. “Yep, All saddled up.” you said with a little salute.
“Thank you sugar, how bout you go feed the calves while we’re gone if you're up for it?” your uncle asked, hoping on the horse. “I can’t say no to feeding the calves,” you said with a smile. With a few waves and goodbyes you went off in search of the bottles that had the formula for the calves that were rescued and didn’t exactly take to any cow the ranch had. You grabbed the bucket of bottles and took a seat in the stable stall with one of the babies. Taking the bottle out, the little thing came running and it made you laugh.
You held the bottle up for it and at first it went well until it didn’t somehow, something had gotten on the shirt underneath your overalls and that was not sitting well on your skin with heat in the air. So you thought, hey they wouldn’t be back for maybe an hour or two at most so you unclipped the clips of your overalls and took the shirt off letting it rest on the table that had all the tools and such then you clipped your overalls back up and when right back to taking care of the calves.
To you only 30 maybe 40 minutes had gone by so you still weren’t too worried about putting that shirt back on or heading back to the house as you happily wandered the stable saying ‘hello’ to the horses that stayed behind. Blissfully unaware that Miguel had headed back to grab the hat he had forgotten, quickly making his way inside of the stable. Stopping his tracks quietly when he spotted you petting one of the horses and it seemed innocent enough until his eyes seemed to wander lower..to the point where he noticed you were not wearing a shirt under your overalls. And not wanting to make you uncomfortable or wanting to make anything else happen he just gave up grabbing his hat and left as quietly as possible.
When you had assumed they’d be coming back you went and got the shirt off the workbench and put it back on quickly as the cowboys came into view. You put on a smile and looked ahead as they made their way over and started hopping their horses all saying their ‘hellos’ and such but Miguel just completely ignored you, was he not going on about you ignoring despite barely knowing him earlier? What a hypocrite.
You just shrugged it off, what would it matter really, you said a quick ‘hello’ to your uncle as you checked the time, you had promised you’d spend the last few hours before the sun actually set at the lake with the girls and you had to depart to get ready. Simply brushing off Miguel ignoring you, you went back to the main house to change and once you were done you headed off however little did you know you’d spend your time alone at the lake..well for a little bit at least.
You relaxed on the bank for a little bit taking in the sun's rays after applying sunscreen of course, waiting thinking maybe they’d got busy or something. So you went from enjoying the water to resting on the shore to reading the book you brought until you exhaled a bit annoyed. You got up, gathered your things, slipped your shorts back on and made your way back to the main house in a slight huff.
When you opened the door your aunt seemed to pick up on your bad mood, “What’s the matter pumpkin?” she asked as she dried her hands with the towel. “The girls told me to meet them at the lake and then they just didn’t come!” you said with arm motions. She seemed to shake her head and sigh, “Well if your looking to pick a bone with them they might’ve gone down to the guest house to deliver the fruit like I asked, the one where the cowboys are stayin’.” She said, giving you a little nod. You thanked her begrudgingly before starting your way to the guest house, saying hello to the cowboys you saw as you headed by whether they were lugging hay or simply just passing by.
You got to the guest house and opened the front door, it was rather empty, and you didn’t hear any giggling, not even a hint of your cousin’s voices, you raised your brow carefully making your way down the hallway. You continued until you saw a door slightly creaked open, you neared it hoping maybe your cousin’s were just fooling around here and that you could drag them back. But that idea quickly evaporated as you neared closer you heard..grunts? At first you thought it was one of pain but when you got a view of what was behind the just barely opened door you quickly realized it was not one of pain rather of pleasure.
There Miguel laid on presumably his bed, legs spread slightly, cowboy hat resting lazily over his head, pants just barely down his thighs as his head moved up his hard erection..precum leaking from the red angry tip. You couldn’t help but stare, biting back the gasps with a hand over your mouth. His teeth sucking his bottom lip back slightly exposing his sharp canines that had you feeling some kind of way, but oh boy it just got better as soon as you mindlessly dropped your hand from your mouth he muttered out your name, “Dios... Ni siquiera sé cómo me hiciste esto..(God... I don't even know how you did this to me.)” He murmured out in Spanish as he hissed when he glided his thumb over the leaking slit.
Miguel was lost in his own thoughts, his mind flitting back to when he saw you in the stable in nothing but your shoes and overalls. He groaned out as he moved his hand up, he knew it was wrong and dirty not just for the fact that he was just getting to know you but the fact he wished it was your hands and not his then he was snapped back to reality by a noise..
You gasped and your gasp got his attention causing you to quickly hide behind the wall before he could spot you, when you heard him moving off the bed you were quick to run as quietly down the hallway. Your feet carried you quickly as you hurried out of the guest house not wanting to get caught in the slightest.
Your heart felt like it was in your ears, your cheeks felt hot, hell your whole body felt hot. You hurried quick and fast to the main house, your feet just carrying you inside as you gave a quick ‘hello’ to your Aunt before going to your room flopping onto your bed. Burying your head into your pillow and just screaming muffling it.
God..he was thinking about YOU? That had your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest, you rolled onto your back as you stared at the ceiling that moment replaying in your head causing you to subconsciously rub your thighs together before you brought your hands up to smack your cheeks, mentally cursing yourself for feeling this way.
Huffing you sat up on the bed grabbing your journal you brought with you, “God..Was he really thinking about me? But why,” you murmured as you flipped out the journal trying to write it out of your mind at least so you could push it off and act as if normal. By the time you finished you were called down for dinner and you just inhaled and exhaled pushing it to the back of your mind shoving the Journal under your pillow and heading down.
By the time dinner was done you and poppy were helping with the dishes as a few of the cowboys stopped by to drop off some stuff and there he was again, you quickly looked away as he spotted you offering you a sweet smile and tilt of his hat. You only just ignored him continuing your conversation with poppy and working on the dishes.
When you finished you quickly dried your hands not wanting to stick around for very long you couldn’t even fathom why seeing him again got you so much more worked up than it should. “I’m headin’ to bed really tired, Night everyone!” you called quickly as you hurried up the stairs to your bedroom causing Miguel and a few others to raise a brow before just brushing it off to turn to their own things.
You inhaled sharply and exhaled laying onto your bed, your hands traveling gingerly down your stomach to the hem of your pj shorts. Your fingers slipping past the hem of the shorts to your panty clad cunt, exhaling slightly as your fingers brushed over your cunt that slight pressure you added caused your body to melt slightly into your pillows. Your mind clouding with thoughts of him, before the sound of someone coming upstairs snapped you back to reality.
You quickly pulled away from your shorts and grabbed a random book from the nightstand to act as if you were reading. Poppy and Nana came bursting in with a movie for the three of you to watch and you all but sighed happily as it was something to completely take your mind off it.
The movie was put in and the lights were turned off getting all cozy in your beds and watching the movie until you all but fell asleep..
For the next few days you did your best to keep your distance from Miguel but your hard-headedness to stay away from him only had him more intrigued and always earned a laugh from him because you always denied his questions whenever he asked one and you denied his help just to make it easier, but it seemed to fail every now and again considering your help to your uncle’s work and with him always having the cowboys with him you only ever saw him everyday..
The next morning came and you decided you’d just avoid Miguel completely and only interact if you just HAD to interact with him thinking that it would be best especially because of the way you made him feel and with the way he had you feeling even if you were just getting to know him better.
Today you dawned a nice summer dress as you were going to help your Aunt in the garden to keep a distance between you and him. You put on a sun hat and followed your Aunt out to the garden to work on the precious marigolds she had planted that were getting swallowed by the pesky weeds.
Dropping down onto your knees and getting to work right away you heard a clatter of tools causing your head to whip around to where it came from, and god fucking dammit you swore nothing was on your side this week, it was miguel, tool belt beside him and a few fence posts as he shot you an apologetic smile. “Sorry bout’ that didn’t mean to startle you act like I’m not here.” you only hummed in response, turning your attention back to the flowers.
Digging into the dirt yanking weed after weed out as the sun began to rise high into the sky above, causing you to start to sweat under the hot rays. You huffed sitting back on your heels as you dusted your hands off of dirt with the exception of some stuck under your nails. Miguel heard your little huff and his eyes happened to wander your way, gazing unapologetically up your figure, your flushed face and slightly pouted lips catching his attention.
He cleared his throat slightly, turning his attention back to the fence, “You doin’ alright Miss?” he asked, tipping his hat back slightly. You just hummed in response earning a small frown from him, “What?” you asked, raising a brow. “How come you keep ignorin’ me, I thought we were making progress?” he said as he looked at you.
“Well, You started it when you came back from the stable that day and completely ignored me.” you shot back as you crossed your arms, “I did not I was just busy,” he said more matter of factly. The way he seemed so hurt by your antics had you feeling bad almost, you eventually sighed dropping your arms to your side. “Alright fine I have been but I ain’t telling you why, BUT I will make a better effort to stop ignoring you I suppose.” You said and you watched as his face brightened slightly.
“Well I think I’d be the happiest cowboy around,” He said with that stupid smile, “You're so weird.” You stated, shaking your head and turning your attention back to the weeds. He only laughed and went right back to his job, that’s what sparked the two of you talking again, you knew deep down you weren’t gonna be able to ignore him even if you tried because that really only made things awkward so you decided it would be best to try and be his friend.
That is how you spent some of your days, getting to know him and then spilling your feelings to your little diary and then going right back at being friendly, well one fateful day you made the mistake of leaving your diary not entirely under your pillow.
You were helping Miguel lug some hay to the truck and you exhaled, noticing the way your skin was getting a little red, “Damn, Hey Miguel could you go to my room and grab my sunscreen for me? I’ll finish loading up the hay if you do.” You said giving him a little smile and he sighed with a laugh. “Alright alright I’ll go fetch it, Where would I find it?” He asked stopping in his tracks.
“On the nightstand!” You called back as you grabbed another bale, he nodded giving you a little salute before setting off. He headed inside offering a polite ‘hello’ to your aunt before going upstairs finding your room and heading inside. Originally he was just here to grab the sunscreen and go but a little book peeking out from behind your pillow had him curious.
He stopped for a moment before he eventually caved and carefully picked it up in his hands, just a peek, it wouldn’t hurt really. Just a peek turned into reading some pages and skipping others, that was until he stumbled upon some of the more..explicit pages and they seemed to be about him. God he felt his pride swell, the way you thought about him and looked at him.
“Well damn little lady..” Miguel murmured with a slight smile on his face before he shut the journal, having now learned about your developing crush on him and the way you thought about him. He grabbed the sunscreen and headed back down and out with a curt tip of his hat.
You noticed when he was walking back he had a little beat to his steps causing you to smile and raise a brow as you took the sunscreen from him. “What’s got you so happy go lucky?” you asked as you applied some on your face and arms and he just hummed in response. “Eh no particular thing, can’t a man just be happy hm?” He teased you and you playfully swatted at his arm. Once you were all good with the sunscreen you two got back to work, all the moving and feeding and more moving of stuff had you both out till the sun was settling near the mountain tops.
“Hm, Looks like we should start headin’ back Miguel.” You said looking at the way the sun was settling, “Ah right, can’t believe the day slipped away from us that damn quick.” He said as he adjusted his hat to sit back on his head slightly, you couldn’t help but admire his features slightly before snapping yourself out of it. “Miguel, I was wondering if you, I mean if you and any of the cowboys would like to come down to the main house for a lunch of sorts,” Miguel smiled coyly at your little invitation, “Oh? You're inviting little ol’ me huh?” he said his smile went from coy to smug and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“You wish, I’m doing it as a request from my aunt.” You said lying through your teeth, no you were wholeheartedly inviting Miguel, using your aunt as an excuse so he didn’t see right through you. However that was long gone really, he already saw right through you, you and your dirty little thoughts with the way you looked at him and what he learned from your diary. He dramatically put a hand over his heart, “I am truly honored sugar,” he joked causing you to roll your eyes again starting your way back to the main house.
His smile never leaving his face,”See ya tomorrow sweetheart,” he laughed as you turned away from him quickly heading back to the main house to wash up for dinner, he knew damn well what he was going to do tomorrow to get you alone and he couldn’t wait.
He spent his day counting down the minutes till he could meet you for lunch well you and your family really, when he saw how the time neared closer he had gone back to the guest house to freshen up opting for a nicely pressed shirt, one of his nice belts, and some jeans that he knew you thought looked damn good on him. Grabbing his hat swiftly and the sunflowers he got just for today.
Making sure he didn’t look too eager he toned down his steps and his excitement, knocking on the front door adjusting his grip on the flowers. He heard you call out ‘I got it!’ before your footsteps followed, opening the door you were the picture of summer. Wearing a nice little sundress, hair more loose and free, and a smile creeping its way onto your face. “Howdy little miss.” He said his southern drawl coming out more has he held the flowers out to you.
You accepted them gratefully, “Miguel you really didn’t have to-” “I wanted to sugar, there’s a difference.” He hummed as he walked inside with you greeting your aunt and uncle with his usual polite demeanor and then greeting your cousins with that smile of his. You couldn’t help but grin, going and finding a vase for the flowers. “He’s a real nice boy ain’t he?” your aunt asked, having noticed your grin.
Still subconsciously smiling as you filled the vase with water you shrugged, “Yeah I suppose he is.” She just laughed a bit as she brought the food and drinks to the table with you following behind her setting the beautiful sunflowers as the centerpiece. Calling everyone to the table for lunch, you settled into your seat, Miguel sitting in the seat beside you which was across from your uncle so they could continue whatever conversation they were having.
You all served yourselves and then conversations began, it felt like most lunches with the addition of Miguel, little did you know what he was planning. He knew how the herding dogs were so when your aunt went to grab the pitcher of juice he sneakily tossed a piece of food underneath the table causing all of them to make a run for the food bumping your aunt’s chair, the pitcher of juice ended up splashing all over your sundress causing you to squeal and jump up.
You quickly excused yourself to hurry up stairs to remove the splotches of color that had begun to seep into the fabric more and more. Miguel excused himself as well, saying he had a call to take and it was rather important. Your family thought nothing of it, just hoping you’d be alright. He headed up the stairs with ease as he heard the sink start to run. Inside you had grabbed a cloth and began to rub at the stains without much thought.
Then a knock sounded and you sighed thinking it was your Aunt or cousins you opened it, it was Miguel. “Ah- I’m sorry I’m tryin’ to-” Miguel cut you off, “Don’t worry sweetheart, I know how to get pesky stains out especially ones that ruin such a nice dress.” You blinked the nickname felt less innocent for some reason especially with the way he was looking at you.
You cleared your throat allowing him to come in and shut the door as he kneeled down digging through the cabinets, “Ah here we are,” He said holding some bleach, “This oughta help somewhat.” He hummed as he dabbed a cloth with some leaning forward looking at you for your permission. You nodded slowly and he brought the cloth to one of the stains, wiping gently. His touch so gentle and soft had your stomach erupting in butterflies.
You felt your arousal grow slightly from his little touches and ministrations and the way he always looked to you with those eyes as a way of asking. You couldn’t help but stare at him, analyzing his features and then a chuckle erupted from his chest causing you to snap back to the situation. “Darlin’ If you keep staring at me that way I might just have to do what your little diary says.” the mention of your diary as your cheeks flushing red and your heart speeding up more than it was before. “I beg your pardon?” was all you could manage out.
He chuckled, setting the cloth aside and moving closer, “I didn’t wanna tell you this sugar but I’ve read your little journal and all the thoughts you think bout me.” He whispered softly against your ear causing you to shudder slightly. “Miguel I can explain-” You started, “Shh, Shh no need sweetheart, I know exactly what you need.” He said softly as he leaned closer, his lips hovering just away from yours. “Question is, do you really want this?” He asked wanting to really make sure this wasn’t some wet dream or that it wasn’t you who felt this way. You swallowed hard as you exhaled shakily, nodding, “Words sugar.” He said softly against your lips. “Yes Miguel, Please.” You pleaded slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head. “Goodness little miss your going to be the death of me.” He teased before your lips met.
It started out soft and sweet then grew into something more passionate and rough as his hands rested on your hips, his thumbs tracing patterns on the cloth that covered them. You pulled away for air, your breathing coming out in small pants and huffs. “Look at you..Kiss bitten lips all needy for me.” Miguel said with a slight smug smirk, “I’m not needy.” You shot back at him with a small huff.
His hand went from your hips to your thigh working up to your panty covered clit, a gasp eliciting from your throat. “Not so needy huh?” he teases as he rubs a thumb over your covered clit groaning at the way your arousal has made your panties wet. “Not-Not needy at all,” You managed out as a whine followed your words when his hand moved away.
“Then maybe I shouldn’t,” He started before you sighed, “Please Miguel..” You murmured, earning a smile from him, “Please what?” he said, pushing you on. “I need you.” you whined out earning a satisfactory chuckle, his hands found your waist and he hoisted you up to sit on the counters of the bathroom. His lips immediately find your inner thigh, sucking marks into the soft skin.
His hands wander as you let out small gasps and cries trying to be quiet, as you beg for him, as you beg TO him. God he never really thought his little idea would work but here he was buried in between your thighs, what a dream. His lips inched closer and closer to where you wanted him, he gently pulled your panties down and off. Then he licked a slow stripe up your folds eliciting a moan from you causing you to cover your mouth.
You could practically feel the smile he had on his face, he began eating you out like you were the last meal he’d ever eat. His tongue working your leaking hole then focusing directly on your clit. Humming gently when his lips wrapped around the sensitive bud causing a guttural noise to slip past your hand. His pace is unforgivable with the way he’s eating you.
He acts like he's a starved man eating the most delicious food alive and he just can’t stop, one hand keeping your thighs apart and the other massaging the soft supple skin. The way he alternates between tongue fucking you then sucking at your clit has your head in the cloud feeling like your on cloud nine.
Without warning he shoves two fingers in causing you to gasp at the surprise feeling, his fingers working slowly but surely in a soft pace to give you time until you're practically begging for more and he gives you more. His fingers curl in the right spots as he pumps his fingers in and out of you sloppily kissing and licking at your clit.
All the stimulation has your head reeling as a knot forms in your stomach, he doesn’t stop, he makes direct eye contact with you with that smug smile on his face as the knot snaps. Your velvety walls spasming around his fingers as you orgasm, your eyes shut tight as he laps up all of it slowly letting you down from your high as you exhale sharply when he removes his fingers.
His hands come to make quick work of his belt and jeans bringing his boxers and jeans just low enough for his painfully hard cock to spring out. You can’t help but stare as he works it slightly, your mouth practically hanging open at the sight of it, precum beading at the tip as he works it slightly lining his head up with your entrance.
He looks to you for another affirmation and you nod looking up at him with those pleading eyes again and he can’t say no to you. He nudges his head in before plunging in full force eliciting a loud moan from your lips and groans from his with how tight you are around him. “God..So tight, such a good girl I swear.” he murmurs as he begins thrusting into your cunt, the praise causing your pussy to flutter around him. He acknowledged this with a little smirk.
“You like that huh? You like being my good girl,” He huffs out earning a whine from you, he lands a small slap to your ass causing a yelp to fall from your lips. “I asked you a question.” He said gruffly his change in attitude had your stomach feeling butterflies. “Yes, Yes s’good Miguel!” You cried out as his pace became relentless. His smirk remained at the way you reacted to all of this. His hands have a grip on your hips that’ll most definitely bruise without a doubt.
His face finds itself in the crevice of your neck placing soft kisses and words of praise into your ear, your mind practically melts from all of this as he fucks you with such a pace, the sound of skin slapping and your muffled whines and cries becoming evident as he continues on. Your legs come to wrap around his back slightly as he pulls his face away to watch where you two connect. “Tan condenadamente apretada, tan buena para mí.(So damn tight, so good for me.)” He managed out as your walls fluttered around him, having a vice on his cock.
“That feel good? Hm?” he asked knowing damn well your practically fucked dumb at this point, nodding your eyes fluttering open as he comes to rhythmic pace that’s hitting all the right spots for you. He continues to praise you and kiss up your neck leaving marks occasionally just because he can. With the way your walls clench around him he can tell your close, his free hand comes down to rub circles on your clit making you gasp and your head loll back onto the mirror behind you.”So damn needy for me..Taking all you can get.” he chuckled out.
“I’m not needy,” you managed out best you could as you took his hat from him, He shook his head at your hard-headedness “Eres tan terco…(You are so stubborn..)” He huffed out with a chuckle, quickly taking his hat back from you as you shot him a mischievous smile even in your mind melted state. Rolling your hips eliciting a groan from the cowboy who tossed his head back, his hat covering his face.
He hums slightly, leaning down to plant kisses on your collarbone and shoulder, “That’s how you wanna play huh?” he murmurs into your skin, his pace picking up almost knocking the air out of you, the lewd noises that spill from your lips spur him on, and that familiar knot tightens in your stomach, then the coil snaps and your cunts warm walls restrict around him and he can’t help but groan before he quickly pulls out before he can cum. Causing a small whine from you at the loss of feeling full.
“You wanna play games then we can play games sugar.” He says as he brings you off the counter onto your knees, you swallow thickly as you gently kitten lick the tip of his cock, soft and slowly. Teasing him with it, earning low groans and even slight whines from him. You don’t get very far with your tricky endeavors before he bucks his hips slightly causing you to gag around it. “Sorry bout that darlin’ just can’t help myself.” he says with a slight smile.
You start a steady pace, your hands resting on his thighs as you bob your head back and forth, your nose touching the tip of his pelvis before you pull off of him just to tease him again. He groans out before laughing slightly, his hand coming to find itself behind your head. “God you are just a little tease ain’tcha.” he says before thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag slightly and pat his thighs. Tears welling in your eyes.
“Shh shh, it’s alright just relax.” He says softly and you try to, finding a steady breathing pace through your nose and relaxing your throat slightly. He begins face fucking your practically, drool coming to spill from the side of your mouth and nose tickling his pelvis as the hums you produced in response to his praises elicited groans and huffs from him.
His pace was rhythmic until it became erratic, his breathing becoming more uneven, “Don’t think I’m gonna last any longer.” Miguel huffs out as his pace becomes more needy. You hum around him and he groans, begging you to do that again and you oblige, humming around his length gagging slightly. The sensations send him over the edge after a few more thrusts his cum spurts down your throat causing you to swallow out of reflex, he slowly pulls out a string of spit connecting him to your kiss bitten drool covered lips. God the sight of alone could have had him going again he leaned forward wiping a thumb over your lip to wipe the drool away as you swallowed.
He planted a small kiss on your temple, “You're just perfect darlin’.” He praises making you smile slightly as he helped you stand up, a hand resting on your hips. “Maybe we should head back down, Wouldn’t want your family to worry too much.” you hummed in response, “I’m gonna change first, you go on down.” you said softly planting a kiss to his cheek as you carefully exited the bathroom to go back to the room.
Could this be the start of something real with this cowboy?
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Part 1
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For every beginning, there has to be an end first.
Tags/Warnings: Punk!Jungkook, strangers to lovers, Stereotypes, description of Unrequited love, romance, accidental flirting, some angst, major fluff
Length: ~3k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
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Jungkook’s apartment is surprisingly clean, and most of all.. Bright.
His shelves are filled with trinkets, pictures and little things that seem to value for him. LED lights roam around the white walls, while soft music playing in the background- all while he cooks in his open kitchen, singing to the song currently filling the apartment. It feels oddly comforting to just watch him like this, hair a bit wild on his head, casually dressed, everything domestic and without any force at all.
“Do you like yours spicy?” He asks, and you shrug.
“Not really.” You answer, resting your head on your arms on the kitchen counter. “I enjoy.. Bland foods. Like chicken ramen, with just an egg.” You giggle softly. “I know what to expect from it every time I make it.”
He looks at you for a second, before he smiles knowingly. “But where’s the fun in that?” He chuckles. “Gotta have some.. Variety every now and then, no?” He asks, but you shake your head.
“I’m not the kind of girl for.. Variety. And fun.” You answer.
“Well you were certainly up for something fun last week.” He mentions, making you roll your eyes as you sit up, leaning back a bit as you look at the countertop your hands rest on.
“That was.. Kind of just because I was tired of it.” You mumble, while Jungkook turns off the stove to fetch some bowls and cutlery to plate up the food.
“Tired of what?” He asks as he puts the food into appropriate portions.
“Being a virgin.”
Jungkook’s entire body freezes at that, even the chopsticks he holds stiffening as he stares into nothingness for a moment, eyes wide. He slowly puts everything down, before he looks at you.
“That was.. Your first time?” He asks, and you nod, not seeing the issue with it at all.
“My first kiss, too. In the car.” You mention, and at that, he dramatically turns around, hands on his face.
“Oh my god, what?!” He whines towards no one, and you can’t help but laugh at his misery. Why he’s so invested in that you’re not sure of- but it’s oddly cute almost, how it seems to affect him. “No, no no no I’m not letting that stand!” He denies, shaking his head as he braces himself on the countertop opposite from you, looking at you with a serious expression that holds no harsh feelings however. “We’ll rewind the whole thing, I don’t care.”
“What, are you going to sew up my hymen back together and try again?” You ask, making him laugh at your blunt words, unable to keep a straight face at the way you so dryly ask that.
“I-no, but I can, I don’t know, give you such a good experience you’ll forget the club-incident altogether.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making you laugh. “So no sex and no kisses until I took you out on a proper date, got it?” He playfully threatens.
“You’re weird.” You tell him, but he just shrugs with a grin, leaning over to kiss you- just to slap the counter and yell to no one-
“Ah fuck!” making you laugh once more.
Amused that he can’t seem to follow even his own rules when it comes to you.
“Alright, so I kind of have a little rule for you.” He tells you as you both finally sat down in the restaurant a few days later, surprisingly fancy and way out of your usual price range. “There’s.. Probably gonna be a guy coming to our table as soon as I order food. Do not, under any circumstances, take anything that comes out of his mouth seriously.” He tells you with a dramatic expression, making you furrow your brows a little- though you nod.
“Okay?” You answer, getting a bit nervous at the prices on the menu.
“By the way, just order whatever.” He chuckles, watching you- before he leans forwards. “Trust me, don’t look at the price.” He urges, and you nod, though still a bit uneasy.
After ordering something for the two of you- deciding to share a large steak and some side dishes just in case you can’t finish it on your own, something happens that Jungkook spoke about earlier- a man walking from the kitchen into the restaurant, seemingly searching for something or rather someone- making a beeline for Jungkook as soon as he spots him.
“Jeon Jungkook, I can’t believe this!” He barks out, but instead of greeting him, he straight up walks towards you- smiling as he bows politely, and reaches out to shake your hand. “This isn’t true is it? A date?” He asks, now looking at him- though Jungkook is busy hiding his face, looking down and shielding his eyes with his hand before he glares at him.
“Can you maybe talk a bit less like you’re at a fish market?!” He hisses at the man, before he looks at you with a sigh. “You’re free to kick or bite him, I’m sorry he’s being weird.” He apologizes, but you just laugh it off, amused by the whole interaction.
Well, Jungkook is a little odd. So it’s not surprising his friends are just as unusual.
“I’m not weird, you’re weird for not introducing me to her!” The man whines. “Kim Seokjin. I’m so glad he finally got over his weird crush-”
“Jin please-” Jungkook complains, and you feel a little sorry for him.
“What? That harpy lived off of your paycheck for months if not years! Was about time you pulled your head out of that situation.” He mumbles, crossing his arms. “Anyways, I’ll make sure your food comes out right away. You two just relax and enjoy your night yeah?” He smiles. “And don’t worry about the check. I’ll cover it for you.” Jin winks at Jungkook, who runs a hand over his face as his friend leaves.
“I’m so sorry for that.” He chuckles a bit embarrassed, but you wave him off.
“He seemed nice.” You say, and he nods.
“He is. My best friend, really- but he can be a lot.” He explains. “He was worried about me for quite some time.” He admits a little shameful, but you just shrug it off.
“Understandable.” You simply answer. “I hope he knows I’m not here to use you.” You say, as the food finds its way to the table.
“I know that you’re not.” He tells you softly, smile warm as he looks at you. “And that’s more than enough.”
A few days later, you’re staying over for the first time.
He’s busy washing the dishes with you when someone knocks on the door however, making him excuse himself to go check who it might be- just for someone to enter right away, the person quickly stopping however at the sight of you at the sink in his kitchen. “didn’t know you had a friend over, kookie.” She says, waving at you in a friendly manner-
Though there’s a strange sharpness in her gaze, like an animal snarling more than someone smiling.
“Why are you here?” Jungkook asks, and he looks oddly.. strange to you in this moment. Like he’s internally fighting with himself, unsure what to really do. Like he’s cornered, pressured to pick a side, like a child asked which parent they love more or less.
“Its kind of private?” she meekly says, wringing her hands a little. “I’ll just text you later, maybe we can hang out tomorrow after work?” she wonders, and Jungkook looks at her.. very oddly. Even she seems to notice, sensing something off as his gaze changes, becomes softer, but not in a way she was most likely hoping for.
“Lucy, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He denies gently, taking a deep breath. “I.. I can imagine what you’re going to ask me, and I can’t keep doing this.”
“You don’t even know what I’m gonna ask you-“ she defends herself with an uneasy chuckle, and you feel like you’re witnessing something you shouldn’t be. But you’re trapped- you can’t move, can’t escape, because they’re having this conversation right where you’d need to pass to get out the open kitchen. “Kookie come on, is it because of that night with-“
“If you think that’s what bothers me, how come you never mentioned it?” He asks, but it’s without any bite. It’s more.. disappointed, if anything. Like he’s exhausted. “You knew all this time that I liked you. You knew it.” He tells her, and she sighs, looking away.
“It was just awkward, okay?!” she defends herself. “after I turned you down that one day at the Cafe, I regretted it. And then I felt like.. I missed the chance. I didn’t know that you like me still.” She offers softly. “I.. Jungkook, I’m sorry for how it went. Let’s talk about it properly tomorrow okay?”
You feel out of place. You really want to leave.
You don’t want to witness any of this, or what’s to come.
“No. “ He however answers, catching her off guard, clearly. “You’re.. too late. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, before he walks to open the door.
“ju..” she looks at you with both devastation, and something akin to both jealousy and envy, strangely enough. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be there.” She says while looking at you, before she walks past Jungkook- her attempt to hug him denied as he gently pushes her away by her shoulder. “right.” She simply sighs, before she leaves- his phone vibrating multiple times after the door closed, probably with texts she’s sending him.
The device is promptly thrown onto the couch- though it misses the furniture, and clatters to the floor harshly, vibrating somewhere under the coffee table before it becomes quiet.
You carefully move to walk out the kitchen, give him space- but instead, you feel him hug you from behind, arms around you holding onto your body as if you’re a lifeline. You turn around to hold him too, unsure for a moment what’s wrong-
When he takes in the first shuddering breath, sniffling from trying to not make it obvious that this just hurt him. It must have- after all, he’s been after her for such a long time, just to have her basically confess days after he’s started to get involved with you instead.
Does he feel regret?
“You can meet up with her tomorrow.” You tell him. It doesn’t hurt you as much right now- after all, you haven’t had enough time yet to get emotionally attached to the point of no return yet. “Maybe this was all just.. one big misunderstanding.” You shrug, but he holds you tighter now, shaking his head that’s still hiding in the crook of your neck.
“I don’t want her.” He denies, voice awfully fragile. “I hate her.” He even tells you, while you run your hands over his back. “Please stay..” he mumbles into your skin, and you nod.
“If you want me to.” You offer. “but don’t feel like you have to choose me right now. I’ll be fine.” You make sure he knows, but again, he shakes his head.
Instead, he removes his face from you to show himself vulnerable, tears still falling from his eyes, emotions boiling over as he moves to kiss you, the gesture desperate. Maybe he needs to convince himself he made the right choice. Maybe he’s imagining her instead? Has he ever kissed her at all?
“no-“ he whines, complains like he can read your mind, hands on your cheeks as he looks at you with frustration. “What’s wrong?” He asks, but you just look at him confused.
“What do you mean?” You ask, because you’re genuinely not sure what his problem is.
“You’re not kissing me.” He explains, but you just frown.
“What? I am.” You respond. “not right now, obviously, but I was.. you know. Kissing back.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “not like you did before.” He denies. How can he even tell? “is it because of her?” he asks, carefully so, as if he’s afraid of the answer. “I promise I’ll delete her number-“
“Jungkook you’re really emotional right now.” You tell him. “You’re not thinking clearly-“ you try and make sure he doesn’t rush things, but he shakes his head.
“I am.” He denies. “for the first time, I feel like I actually am.” He tells you, hands moving to rest on your shoulders now instead. “but, if you want to go home . now, you can. M-maybe that’s a good idea? I don’t know..” he tells you, confused.
And it just underlines you statement that he’s not very clear in his head right now to make any kind of decision.
So you do it for him instead, packing your little bag to go home on your own tonight-
Though he pays for the cab, no amount of words from you able to change his mind.
You slept way too long- phone telling you its pretty much the middle of the day as you accept the call, mumbling something incoherent.
“Good morning.” Jungkook chuckles on the other end of the call. “Could you like, let me in maybe? Your neighbor keeps asking me if she should call the cops on me.” He tells you, and you frown to yourself, slowly walking out your bedroom and to open the front door- where he actually sits, right in front of it, back having been resting against the door. “thanks.” He tells you, getting up to stand in front of you now. “can I come in?” He wonders, and you sleepily nod, letting him in before you close the door behind him. “damn it’s cold in here!” He laughs, and you rub your eyes.
“I sleep better when it’s cold..” you mumble. “What’re you doing here?” You ask, yawning.
“have been thinking.” He tells you, hands in his pockets after he takes off his boots. “like you told me to.”
You’re not really sure what to expect now- but then again, you did tell him to really think about it once he’s had a good night’s rest and all, so you can’t really complain now if his answer is not one you’d like to hear. “I’m sorry that.. you had to witness what happened yesterday. Both her visiting so unannounced and.. well, my slight mental breakdown after.” He tells you, rubbing the back of his neck a bit before he straightens his posture again. “and I’ve made my decision. Properly, this time.” He promises.
“Oh, okay.” You nod. “you.. gonna meet up with her later?” You ask. He shakes his head.
“No.” He denies. “though I did call her to tell her I don’t want to stay in contact any longer.” Jungkook says, and you look at him for a moment. “I really meant it. I don’t want her any longer. I.. you kind of made me break free.” He shrugs.
“Oh uh.. I’m glad then.” You nod. “You’re.. you deserve that. The freedom, and stuff.” You say.
“I still want you, just to be clear.” He chuckles. “if anything, I really kind of.. fell for you yesterday.” He bashfully confesses.
“What? How?” You wonder, sitting on your small sofa with him next to you.
“You.. technically had me. Right in the palm of your hand.” He says, looking at your bare legs. “And yet you chose to step back, and let me catch myself. You made sure I didn’t just.. rush into things without thinking, and I’m very thankful for that.” He admits. “You were looking out for me.”
“I.. did what was right.” You shrug. “or what felt right to me at least.”
“You’re very kind, you know?” He says, smiling softly. “I’m.. it’s kind of scary just how quickly I’m becoming attached. It’s ridiculous.” He complains with a laugh, shaking his head. “But at the same time I can’t really bring myself to care.”
“Do you still feel bad for taking my virginity in a club?” You giggle, but he just rolls his eyes.
“I’m still gonna erase that memory from your mind one day, just so you wait.” He points a finger at you playfully. “but also no. You said you’re okay with the way things happened, so I accept it too.”
“so..” you mumble, moving your legs up to have your feet rest on the couch. “what now?” you ask.
“whatever you’d like.” He shrugs, resting his head on the backrest just like you do, looking at you with a warm gaze.
“What do you wanna do?” You wonder, and he grins.
“How about we fall in love?” He asks-
And you can’t help but smile too, as you look at his eyes sparkle, much more than the silver piercings decorating his lip and ears.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
i got two things; would u ever add more characters to the helluva boss list??
second thing was my request lol :3
can i get a blitzø x gn!sinner!reader headcanons where reader is so down on their luck that they are applying to randoms jobs and the only one that got back to them was I.M.P lol and the slow progression of their relationship to becoming lovers :D
Pure Luck Or Dumb Luck?
Blitzø x GN!Reader
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TW: FLUFF- A mention of a little nsfw but nothing explicit
A/n: Blitz! Our favorite Boss! And to answer your question, yes I will! I’m just writing out for the gang first so I can get used to writing for the characters before I move onto other characters!
Let me set the scene:
You recently had been fired from your last job for punching a customer who had been harassing you lately. It was well deserved but it had landed you in the unemployment category of working. So you applied to every single work ad you could get your hands on. They all rejected you except for one that had been the infamous, I.M.P! Maybe not so infamous..but they do amazing jobs, you’ve heard and you got an interview to go to THE NEXT DAY?!?!?
-🐴 Well fast forward- you do land the interview but depending if you know how to kill or shoot a gun depends if you need training. By training I mean going out in the human world and killing to get you over your nerves. Blitz is strict but fair with this. If you want to be out on the field, you have to kill. If not he can let you be the receptionist with Loona or the janitor! They need one badly- dried blood is hard to get out of the wooden floors and carpets.
-🐴Now! If you do need training, he’s gonna send Millie and Moxxie with you, the sweetest people to help and can validate your feelings on taking a life. Moxxie understands the hesitation.
-🐴 Blitz isn’t stupid (he can be but shh), he knows a good killer when he sees one (and a hottie). Now he won’t hold your hand during missions especially if you can handle yourself but if you still got some jitters in you about killing? He’ll give you an easy target to kill.
-🐴After a few months into the job? He starts to become friendlier with you, like instead of sending you out to get coffee? He asks if you want coffee and then asks if you can go get it cause he’s out of money. He’ll pay you back! (I mean at least he’s asking instead of yelling at you to go get it)
-🐴I swear he does become nicer over time but it takes so long cause he has trust issues. 
-🐴 But once you do become his friend or best friend as he puts it, oh boy he’s clinging to you and not letting go. You get so many privileges that no one else does and it's a blessing but a curse. Cause you get to know what he’s thinking all the time and then he tells you all of his horses names.
-🐴You start catching feelings for him and realize it at midnight when your alone in your bed. Your feelings go from “oh fuck-” to “I’d bang him” IN SECONDS- The whiplash is real.
-🐴Blitzo? Falls harder and he only realizes it when you bring him to a horse show and he’s watching you instead of the horses. But what really solidifies it for him? Is when you're able to talk your way into allowing Blitzo to ride and take pictures with the horses. 
-🐴 He won’t shut up about you when your not in the office, like you’d leave to go pick up lunch for everyone and as soon as you walk out the door. “Have you noticed how hot they are?” “Sir-”
-🐴Millie ships it so fucking hard. But because he doesn’t want to admit it and you probably think he won’t reciprocate your feelings, it’s a whole dance for a LONG time. Moxxie is about to rip his fucking hair out- while initially he didn’t care for it much- he’s as much as invested as his wife is. JUST FUCKING KISS PLEASE- 
-🐴 Loona is in on it too but she has a betting pool going with Millie. She’s either gonna be fifty bucks richer or out of fifty bucks. 
-🐴Either way it will be a long ass time before you end up pulling him into a kiss one night. Maybe you both were at your place watching a movie or you were out on the town with him and he’s walking you back to your apartment. 
-🐴 It ends up with you waking up in the morning curled up in your bed with your head on his bare chest. You abruptly wake him up by shaking him awake and staring at him cause you just slept with your best friend who is also your boss??
-🐴 this ends up with a huge talk and you both realize your feelings are mutual and POOF you’re dating.
-🐴This silly little Imp loves kisses and going on fun but not expensive dates! That doesn’t mean he won’t spoil the shit out of you cause he will! But he likes it when you are both relaxed and having fun.
-🐴Now he tries to keep your relationship out of work (despite working together) but he swoons or cheers you on if you get a kill or you are just being protective. His tail curls into a little heart.
-🐴 Wear his clothes if you can- especially his leather jacket it makes him puff his chest out in pride. He will wear your clothes, especially your shirts when he goes to bed or if you have a break!
-🐴Oh boy! He’s a jealous little imp! Not because he doesn’t trust you, it's because he doesn't think highly of himself and will often try to push you away. Don’t let that scare you, just hug him close.
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pokegalla · 10 months
Requested by @tryslogic
Ngl never thought of this but it’s gonna either be really funny or really sweet. There is no in between-
Killer and Lust with a crazy rich S/o who loves spoiling them
* Oh this poor sweetheart was just expecting you to ask for “service” since you kept flirting with him everytime you visited Grillby’s. He found it charming though as you were always making him laugh too. It surprised him really when instead of that, you actually asked him out instead! Especially when he learned you were rich. Like are you sure you want me??? You could literally have anyone! But it just made him feel extra loved that you genuinely liked him for him. He didn’t really care about your money✨
* He’s actually very humble when it comes to gift receiving. Because he’s not used to such nice and thoughtful gifts! So whether it’s a simple rose to a HUGE teddy bear to even the finest wardrobe? He’s a blushing mess, always left surprised and still asking if it’s really ok. (Please reassure him!)
* Despite you spoiling him, he sure as hell is spoiling you too. You definitely have received gifts over time. His gifts weren’t as expensive…..but the thing is, the value of it is something money can’t buy✨ he’s made custom clothes just for you, stitched by HIS hands. Adorable picture books of you, him, even family and friends! Oh and the cuddles, smooches, and fun dates?!
* He’s a romantic guy and he’ll make sure to bring a smile to your face and give you the love you deserve
Mini story time:
“Huh? You have another surprise for me? Goodness you spoil me too much love….” Lust giggles.
You laugh too, “Well I can’t help it. Your smile and blush makes it worth it everytime.”
Lust playfully nudges you, “Oh stop it you!”
You laugh and take his hand in your own. You knew this surprise was probably the biggest you’ve ever given him. But it was an investment that you won’t regret. And you knew Lust would make you proud. So you walk him up to an old building. It looked refurbished and cleaned up already. You open the door with the key.
He looked around in wonder, “Wow…..what place is this?”
“Your new boutique,” You said casually. Lust looked at you in shock. You knew he loved making clothes…..”You have talent Lust. Everyone deserves to know you have something special…..and I’m willing to help show that.”
He actually tears up from this….this was….too sweet. He’s NEVER had such kindness in his life before. You made him feel…..like he actually had value. He hugged you and smiled with purple tears coming down.
“Thank you”
* Ah here we go with this lil shet. Now with him, y’all probably got together randomly. He probably saw you on his day off and threw you a pick up line for funsies. Next thing you know, you both exchange numbers and become true love birds. Funniest part? It took him AWHILE to learn you were even rich- probably like a few weeks or a month. He thought it was cool and didn’t really think much of it.
* Now what shocked him was you spoiling him- he literally joked about wanting a PS5. Which he did want but he ain’t got no money- next day? Boom. You pop up with a whole ass PS5 with games he might like. His initial reaction: “Heh nice prank babe”. Oh- oh you weren’t? HOLY SHIT YOU ACTUALLY GOT HIM-?! The way he excitedly jumped up like a happy puppy, you knew you had to spoil him more-
* He absolutely shows you off to his team. Mostly out of a joke but also to be an absolute dick- like just smirking at his teammates, hell even his BOSS, just having an arm around your shoulder to say “My bae spoils and loves me soooooo much✨” Everyone wishes to beat your bonefriend’s ass- not you though. Because honestly you probably spoil them too. So you get a pass. And your bonefriend looking like he done got betrayed-
* He’s a silly little gremlin and honestly he does feel bad that he can’t spoil you more. So he’ll make sure to make you laugh and have fun no matter what.
Mini story time:
Ah the date went well as usual. A fancy dinner, a stop at an ice cream shop, and a walk through the park together under the moonlight. And you couldn’t stop laughing. Killer had been making you laugh the entire night, talking about his latest shenanigans with his group.
“And then after Dust wiped off the pie cream, he chased us ALL around the castle until Nightmare nabbed us and put us in our rooms! Dadmare moment✨,” He said with a chuckle.
“PFFFFT- Dadmare?!” You laughed again, “Killer you’re so cute….but god you’re chaotic-“
Killer takes your hand then kisses it, winking at you, “A chaotic cutie that you love so much~”
You blush but smile, “Yeah…..someone I will always cherish.” You swore for a moment, his eye lights popped up and his target like soul shifted into a heart for a moment.
“………heh. You’re too sweet babe…..,” He says with a nervous chuckle. You were surprised….but you couldn’t resist spoiling him one more time: with a kiss on the cheek. His skull flared with a beautiful shade of red. You giggle as he hid his face and tried acting cool about it. Ah……
You truly love this skellie.
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kopilot-pop · 2 months
hi, about the yunjin starbucks controversy.
i’m gonna try to be as fair as possible talking about this controversy, but i’ll be honest i’m leaning more on yunjin’s side. i’ve been getting several requests on yunjin and i feel like i need to get this off my chest every time i see her name on my page.
let’s start off with the facts: yunjin was caught drinking starbucks in Korea (in front of the company building.)
I thought she drank it on a post or somethrong but no, it was just a few pixels of a low quality picture fans took. And that’s my first minor problem; she wasn’t on live, it wasn’t a post, it was a few milliseconds of pixels. But I get the ‘performative activism’ controversy, it DOES feel like she’s hiding it.
However, my take is that she just got out from her car, and wanna know a little fun fact? Most snacks and drinks that all idols are seen eating are most likely bought by their managers. And it’s a fact that Koreans aren’t currently boycotting Starbucks as actively as western foreigners are. So my thought the first time I saw the picture was that. The manager probably just bought coffee from whatever shop was closest, and handed it to her.
But I do understand how that can feel like reaching so I did some more research .
The biggest thing I have to so called ‘defend’ Yunjin is that Starbucks Korea is completely separate from International Starbucks (source: ChosunBiz).
In 2021, 67.5% of Starbucks was comepletely bought by E-Mart (a branch of Shinsegae), and the rest 32.5% was bought by a Singaporean investment comapny (GIC).
So oh, Starbucks Korea has no affiliations with the part of Starbucks that sues their worker’s union.
However, I can make the argument that Yunjin could influence others to ignore the boycott and buy Starbucks. Is it true that she has several international fans and alot of impressionable fans? Yes.
But then we have to go back to our first argument; it was a few milliseconds of a low quality video.
And after finding that out, I started to feel like all the people commenting about “starbucks queen💕” and “omg whats your starbucks order?” is the problem.
YOU guys are the one promoting Starbucks at this point. Do you understand?
I’m not saying don’t hold someone accountable, no, but I’m saying the comments aren’t fucking helping.
Don’t get me wrong, I do live in Korea, and I have been actively avoiding purchasing from them because I saw a few posts on twitter referencing it. I based an activity on a twitter post. And wanna know when I figured out WHY I was supposed to boycott exactly?
After I deleted Twitter because of the stress I got from the app.
That’s when I finally found out about the BDS list, found out oh, Puma is on the list, McDonalds is an even bigger problem than Starbucks (directly supplying food to soldiers), HP APPARENTLY SUPPLIES TECH FOR THE ISRAEL GOVERNMENT, and oh wow! Starbucks isn’t even on the list because theres not enough proof that they financially fund Israel.
In conclusion, the people preaching about how Yunjin is a performative activist is such hypocrites themselves
It’s clear that while some of the comments and criticisms are genuine, trying to hold a person accountable, but its also clear that the repeat of the same mocking comments of Yunjin is just performative and for attention and likes.
That’s what pisses me off. People who don’t give a shit about Palestine, and people even if they do support Palestine not even doinng the bare minimum amount of research just having fun mocking (not criticizing) a person when a tiny bit of wrong doing is shown.
Please, go look in the mirror, and i dont like saying this but go touch grass, do your own research, dont base off your whole ideology on a reddit post or a twitter, tumblr post, read different variety of news articles from several companies, and THEN make your decision on a situation. Not only Starbucks, not only on Yunjin, but on several other ones too.
Media literacy. Look it up.
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ns-imagines · 11 months
What they drive
141 Guys x domestic/everyday life
SFW | Word Count: 1.4k | Headcannons
**Long post with lots of pictures!
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A/N: I dunno much about cars but I always wonder what the boys would be driving. See what they’re picking me up in for date night… this is just for fun and highlights the modern life they have outside of missions. Also the gif of Soap falling on the car took me out lmao. Not requested. -Kiv
John Price
A man who takes pride in his vehicles. He has two Chevy trucks. A nice truck for everyday use and a project truck. The perfect person to talk to if you are thinking of purchasing a car or truck. Price has got the “dealership scam” game down. You'll be leaving the lot with a good deal.
The project car being a 1985 Chevy C10. Price is always going on about how “this is every man's dream car to work on”. He says it everytime he opens the garage. Without fail! It's got a classic blue color with a few rust spots but, nothing a good layer of paint can't fix. Its the 90s car from the movies. Nothing else to say about it!
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Ahh the project car. Price works on it when he can. Set up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade, and just watch that man work. Sometimes hell even explain to you what he’s doing. That is if you can even pay attention. There’s something so attractive about a man talking about what he’s passionate about all sweaty with a nice pump. HEY, wipe that drool off your face.
Price’s personal truck is nice. It gets him from point A to B. Everything on it is stock. He’ll always tell you hes gonna sell it once his project car has been fixed. But there’s still quite a lot to do on the project car. Its a 2012 Chevy Silverado in cherry black with a covered bed. Good on gas and can pull a trailer or boat! He doesn’t invest money in it for other than maintenance costs.
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It smells specifically like “Lakeside Morning” from Bath and Body works car scents. The packaging is what got him. It was honestly super cute when he read the package out loud. “Smells like: Cool, Sweet, Fresh, and alone time on the dock” followed by a shrug and him throwing it into his cart. Does he even fish?
Oh, whenever he turns a corner in the Silverado theres a thud coming from the bed. Its a cooler that has been there FOREVER. He swears he’s going to take it out. Price brought it when 141 met for a cook out and some beers a few months ago.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Don’t ask about the APR please. Kyle is going to use this bad girl till it breaks. Its his dream car. Price took him away from base to get a better rate for it! Its fast its speedy its a 2015 Ford Shelby GT350. Oh yeah racing stripes and all. He got it wrapped in a matte ocean blue. Im talking leather seats, tinted windows, and custom wheel.
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Kyle loves this car and will always offer to pick you up. Ur always going to be passenger princess. Kyle always drives up reallll slow, rev the engine a little, and rolls down the window to smile big at you. He gets the door for you when you are both approaching the car. Don’t test him. He will literally sprint to get the door for you. An actual cutiepie
Hes so damn cute when it comes to long drives. Hand on your thigh and singing to the music together. Expect spontaneous trips!! He doesn’t even know where you guys are headed today.
Loves to speed up when there no cars in front of him. That feeling of the car pushing into you the sear is his favorite. Kyle is definitely the type to lightly bang on the steering wheel and go “Wooooooo” when returning to the normal speed limit. Hehe. Hope it didn’t freak you out too much. You will without a doubt get a few reassuring thigh squeezes.
Classic Black Ice scent. Cant go wrong with it! Its his car’s signature sent if you ask him. Kyle keeps his car clean. Theres a few half empty water bottles in the back but never straight up trash. He makes sure to buy the premium wipes for the interior. Like I said that car is his baby. Ugh did i mention the sound system?! Its absolutely amazing. You can feel the bass in your bones. Literally sounds like you’re in an air pod pro.
John “Soap” Mactavish
His car is the hangout car. Like if were going out with boys were taking Soaps car. He drives a pearl colored 2020 Honda Accord. He ordered the under the seat lights and everything. Its actually a vibe in there. The music changes the lights or he has an app on his phone to change the color. Another amazing sound system tbh.
Similar to Gaz the glovebox in the car is yours. He even puts stuff in there for you as a surprise :,). Sweet baby Johnny. Like one time you got in the car like usual and opened the glovebox to grab chapstick or some perfume/cologne and sitting on the car instruction manual was a bag/box of ur favorite snack. When you looked back over, Johnny was looking back at you with a big derpy smile.
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Since his car is the hangout car it can get messy pretty easily. He has to do “trash runs” to empty the random things people leave in his car. Dont get it wrong, It isnt nasty with random food left behind!! Soap has tried those like little trash cans on Amazon but they always end up lost under the back seats.
Johnny always goes with New Car Smell. He doesn’t have a specific brand he likes he just gets whatever’s at the gas station at the time. He also has the bad habit of never locking his car. Soap swears he always forgets to but you think its just a habit at this point.
CEO of spontaneous trips. You would never believe how much camping stuff his car can hold. Soap will give him car encouraging words as it struggles to go up the hills to the hike or camping site. He always keeps an emergency box under the passenger seat. Its shaped like tackle box. It has a first aid kit, some portable batteries with chargers, flares, and an emergency flash light. Last time you both went camping he was so excited to show you the random hatchet he bought. He keeps it in the trunk for no reason. I mean, he cant have it in the barracks so you suppose it makes sense.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Simon currently owns two bikes. Hes in the process of selling his old one. Which is a chameleon purple painted 2006 Suzuki GSXR600 with 750 cc. It gave him a good year and half off rides. He took care of it and rode it to its top speeds. It has a scuff on the side from when he tried to do a wheelie but, he was going to slow and had to jump off before it fell to its side. Your heart sunk when it happened. Ghost was super embarrassed because he thought he had it down. He’ll never tell you though.
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After a long deployment where he was getting quite a big of hazard pay (extra pay when you’re in a dangerous location) he saved it all up. As soon as he got back he bought a black 2021 Honda Rebel 1100 DCT. This bike is fast but it’s more for cursing. Trust that he’ll ride it to its max speed at least once for the adrenaline rush.
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Bought you a matching jacket. He wont say anything about it being matching but you noticed almost after putting it on. Best part about riding is when you get to wrap your arms around his waist. Simon always makes sure to take it slow especially if you get nervous on bikes. Don’t even try to do your hair. He wont move the bike unless you have the right gear on. Ghost doesn’t wanna lose you from an accident.
You are probably wondering what he does when it rains… or maybe you already knew he chooses to ride anyway. I promise though that after a ride in the rain he will slightly complain about how wet the road was. It makes you worry because so much could happen with one slip. Simon will always reassure you that he’s an experienced rider. If you pick him up in your car he won’t be upset. Definitely wont say no to a free and dry ride!
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falloutjuli · 6 months
I kinda went nuts and casually made this 5k words. OOP- Anyways, stan Mochi, I love him already.
If anyone wants another continuation, be sure to let me know, Im always down to write more cute domestic fluff with your gravity man.
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader - Domestic Adventures part 2 (First part;♥️) Wordcount: 5,2k Short summary: Their little family gets a new addition in the form of a dog. With that also comes letting their closest friends and family (pretty much only Chuuyas side) know just how serious they are. Warnings: NONE - Y/N used - Reader gets caught lying, Chuuya being a cutie, author is invested in Mochi, Akutagawa being an awkward mess, DAZAI
"But Chuuya, let me repeat your point yeah?" He nodded, taking a sip of his wine, his thumb caressing the back of your hand.
"You think it's a good idea to get a dog that can protect me while I'm out with them yeah?" He nodded again, trying to find your problem.
"And the first breed you name me is a Chihuahua?" Chuuya shrugged, still struggling to see the problem.
"Chuu, no one is afraid of a Chihuahua. They are like... tiny as Fuck. No person who intends to harm me is gonna see that miniscule thing and go 'yeah I won't fuck with them, they got a Chihuahua '."
"Fine, then what about a Maltese?" You stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile Chuuya didn't get you. Why not get one of those?; you should like them since they are cute and small like hi- He stopped immediately and cursed internally for having thought that.
"Then what's your idea?" With a huge smile you got up to get your phone.
Getting a dog has so far not been the fairy tale that the movies had sold to Chuuya.
No picking up a stray dog with huge innocent eyes who will love you eternally.
No, the time he had found one it tried to bite him when he approached. In the shelters you haven't found the perfect one either. Either they needed more care and attention that you could plan for or the vibe simply didn't match. So now you were going through listings, in the hopes of finding a puppy you both like.
"Okay sooo… I have found this listing online from a little family whose dog recently had a few puppies, and after I have seen the pictures, I have been thinking about them." You passed Chuuya your phone, watching his reaction carefully as he took in the listing.
You watched his content expression become bewildered, as he scrolled through the pictures. "Those are German shepherds." He stated and you nodded excitedly.
"Yes, I know. And they are so adorable. Don't you think?"
Chuuya didn't know what to think. Sure, these were cute, fluffy looking pups but they'd grow. A lot. And he was unsure of that. In his mind he had always pictured having a dog that’s more... compact.
And while that was his preference, he knew he can't deny you. You'd just need to insist on one of these and he'd get it. He cursed that you had him in your hand.
As you noticed his hesitation, you sat down next to him, laying your head on his shoulder, watching as he took in the pictures. "We don't have to get one of these. It's just... if we get a dog, I want one like that, or a golden retriever, something like that you know?"
Hugging him sideways, carefully aware of his wineglass you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But like I said, if you don't want to, we won't get one like this. We can always wait."
"No doll, you like these." You rolled your eyes.
"Chuuya, it's our dog. We both make the call and won't decide alone. But if you're worried about them being too big, it says down here, that there's a bit of corgi in here, so they stay rather small." "Really?" Orange eyebrows furrowed as Chuuya read the text.
"We could always ask to see them in person and see if they fit us." You said, a finger trailing over his leg. "Alright. Sounds like a deal. You make the date and I make sure I'll be there alright?" The smile you now wore made Chuuya feel warm.
Barely a week passed before you sat in your car, Chuuya in the passenger seat, currently trying to squeeze into a parking spot near the family’s home.
"I can't believe you manage to fit that." Chuuya stated once he saw how insanely tight the space had been that now your car stood in. "I'm the majesty of parking spaces, now come on, I wanna pet some cute puppies!" You dragged him along, your eyes looking around as you compared the GPS map to your surroundings.
"This should be it!" You finally stated, opening the front gate to a tiny average looking house. Chuuya grew nervous a little. Which felt weird to him.
He was a Mafia executive for god's sake, and yet the thought of meeting his potential new family member had him wary.
"One second!" A woman called from the other side of the door, after you had rang the doorbell. Once opened the woman took both of you in.
"Sorry for the mess, a toddler and puppies are no easy task!" She said, as you both came in and for what she said, it looked rather clean even. "Follow me, they are currently outside, playing." She stated, guiding you and Chuuya to the backyard where a bunch of black and yellow furred puppies were running around, playing with toys.
Chuuya felt his heart swell immediately upon seeing all these cute little beings. He barely registered you and the mother talking. Only when your hand slipped in his, he was ripped out of his trance, focusing on you again.
"Soo.. let's play with them!" You said giddily and approached the tiny pups. The second your knees made contact with the grass you were swarmed by them, their paws all over your thighs, as they tried climbing onto you. You giggled, hands trying to pet and caress each and every one of them.
Good thing you wore some jeans that could be ruined, as you had expected something like this. When your quickly looked next to you, you saw that Chuuya barely got any attention from the puppies as they were busier trying to get to lick your hands.
Sensing how Chuuyas mood took a dip, you picked one puppy up and placed it closer to him, but the second Chuuya lifted his hand to pet it, it ran back to you.
Well... This was awkward.
"You can pick which one you like best." He just stated, trying his best to mask his disappointment. "No, Chuu, you know we both pick one."
He looked over to you, who was getting swarmed by the furry beasts, and he wondered just what it was about him that dogs didn't like... He knew dogs had a weird sixth sense, so perhaps it was something about him, like the whole Arahabaki thing that made them keep their distance.
A sigh escaped his lips, and you shot him a sympathetic smile. "We can always look for others." You stated trying to cheer him up. He nodded, once again trying to mask his true feelings, as to not upset you.
But just when he was getting up, one of the puppies ran up to him, nudging his hands.
Hesitantly and very slowly Chuuya moved his hand towards the little thing and eventually his gloved hand met the body of the pup. The soft fur tickled the skin the glove didn't cover and if Chuuya ignored all his feelings about you for just a second, this was the best feeling ever.
You watched him, biting your lip from how cute the scene looked, with your Mafia boyfriend almost crying from cuddling a puppy. He looked unlike himself, all soft and in disbelief of the situation.
"I think we made a choice." You whispered to the woman, who chuckled quietly and led out back towards the patio so you could talk.
While you discussed when the puppy could be picked up, which shots he had already gotten and anything else that could matter, Chuuya was busy playing with the soon to be new family member, finding immense joy in watching the little thing do the most mundane things.
He barely noticed time passing, until you cleared your throat behind him. Curiously he looked up from his sitting position and cocked an eyebrow.
"Chuu, it's time to go home. They'll be tired soon and we still have some cooking to do." "Oh yeah, of course." He quickly regained composure, getting up and dusting off his clothes.
He desperately tried to ignore the puppy that was nudging against his leg to continue playing. He coughed in his hand, shifting awkwardly.
"Thank you so much for your time. You have my number so if anything important comes up, don't hesitate to message me." You said and waved goodbye to the family and took Chuuyas hand to return to the car. Once in it and on the road, you got talking.
"We can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya needed a second to register what you meant. "We're gonna get him?"
"I mean, you were so in love with the little one, so I asked if someone wanted him specifically and now he's ours. He will get his remaining shots at the vet, and then we can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya was silent. Oddly so.
"I love you so much."
You chuckled, caressing his thigh, as you kept your eyes on the road. "As do I. Any ideas for a name yet?" You asked but the ginger shook his head.
"No... I guess I have enough time to think about any ideas. Do you?"
This time you shook your head. "Nope. I'm sure a fitting name will come find us." You said, pulling into the garage of your shared home.
Time passed, but barely quick enough for Chuuya. Never in his life had a month felt as long. Not when he really wanted his dog but the most he got was pictures you showed him after work that you got from the very kind owners.
He had already ordered all kinds of pet stuff you could need in an effort to keep his mind off the excruciating long time, but it only made it worse. Now there was pet stuff everywhere in the apartment, and no dog to show. Damn his overexcitement.
A knock on his office door interrupted him from his workflow. Fortunately, it wasn't a subordinate coming with bad news or anything, it was Kouyou, carrying a little gift box.
"Ane-san, how are you, do you need anything?" He asked, setting his papers aside. Kouyou took seat in front of his desk, putting the pink box with white ribbon on top on it.
"I was out shopping the other day and I bought some sweets for you and your partner. Who I still haven't met by the way."
Ah yes, the god ol' passive aggressive way of Kouyou saying "When am I going to meet them?"
"Come on, it's not that serious or deep." Chuuya tried to downplay, but this was still Kouyou he was talking to, so with a smirk she replied; "Ah yes, your totally not serious partner that moved in with you and are now adopting a dog with. At least invite me to the wedding when the time comes.”
Chuuya rolled his eyes. There was no hiding the truth from Kouyou, especially not between the two of them.
"I'd get not letting them meet the Akutagawas, Mori or Kajii, but me? Didn't I raise you better than that?" She said with a dramatic sigh at the end, further lamenting the feeling of being left out.
"You know they are a regular person, so I'd prefer to keep ‘em far away from any of this. But maybe, someday, I'll invite you to dinner. And you know if I were to get married, you'd get the important roles anyway."
With a smile, she got up. "That's all I wanted. I just hope you're happy Chuuya. I'll leave you to it then."
She left his office, only the package left on his desk from her.
"From your big sister?" You questioned as Chuuya put the box in your hands while he hung up his coat. "She's not my actual sister. Her names Kouyou and she's reeeal curious about you."
You smile awkwardly, before you set the box on the kitchen island and drag him towards your room. "Sounds interesting. You'll have to tell me more later, because for now, I have a surprise for you!"
Chuuya raises a curious eyebrow and watches you open the door, only to see a puppy running out, that's now circling his legs.
Amazed he bends down to get rid of his gloves, his hands brushing through the soft fur. "B-But...how? It hasn't been a whole month just yet?" He asks, voice an octave higher.
"I was surprised too. He got his last vet exam yesterday and I was asked if we're already ready to pick him up. I said yeah, and came to get him today. We're just... Lacking a name still."
Chuuya didn't care about all that right now. He was too busy enjoying being an official pet owner now, engraving the feeling of soft fur and a tiny tongue licking his hands in his brain for all eternity.
He felt like he could combust from happiness in this moment, from just how perfect his life seemed right now. A loving partner, his lifelong dream of a dog being fulfilled.
"Mochi." You stated, ripping through Chuuyas mind.
"Your sister got us mochi." You repeated, holding up one of the treats from the box. Looking down at the pup, Chuuya smiled.
"Why don't we call him that?"
"Yeah? He sure is sweet enough to be one." You smiled, watching Chuuya stroke the puppy that excitedly wiggled its tail.
"That's a cute idea. Mochi it is then." While munching on a mochi, you crouched down to Chuuya and placed on in his mouth too, his eyes not leaving the puppy. He chewed, smile ever present on his lips.
"I love him so much already." He stated, mouth still full. Once he had finally swallowed, his turned his attention from Mochi to you, kissing you all over you face in pure excitement.
He called in sick the next day just so he could play with Mochi all day, making you chuckle as you listened to the worst fake cough ever as he phoned around.
Falling into the new routine was easy even. Mochi would be walked to his dogsitter (who Chuuya had thoroughly vetted before he even got to meet Mochi) by you on your way to your job.
After your shift you come pick him up, walk a detour through the park, get home, start dinner as you both wait for Chuuya to come home.
At the weekend Mochi goes to a dog trainer for a few hours for his behavior and to learn new tricks and otherwise spends the days with you, whatever you decide to do.
Chuuya had been right about a dog helping your when he was away. During a particularly long mission of 3 weeks in Europe, Mochi had kept you busy and happy.
"Sorry that it's taking so long doll. This stupid asshole I'm here for is really testing my patience." He stated and looked outside at the rainy streets on London at night.
One the other end of the speaker your sleepy voice rang through his ears. "It's alright. It’s what I signed up for when I said yes to dating you. Take your time and get that punk. I have Mochi to keep me company." As the mention of the name, the dog let out a quiet whine, but Chuuya still heard it.
"I miss both of you. I’m hoping you’re not letting him stay in the bed." Despite spoiling Mochi to no end, like all the steaks he kept buying just for him, he was adamant about the bed being a dog free zone. "He has an almost 55k yen pet bed in baroque style, no need to have him in our bed too." He had said.
"Oh yeah I'd never do that." You said while Mochi laid happily on Chuuyas side of the bed.
"Good. I'll see you soon."
You didn't know how soon, because Chuuya went well past the initial return date and was unable to update you. It was alright for you, after all it wasn't his fault, and you knew he didn't have much choice in the matter at all.
On a lazy Sunday morning, you still tucked into your warm blanket, one arm draped over Mochi as he curled against you on the bed, the apartment door opened very, very quietly.
Having picked up on it, Mochi left the bed, making your stir awake. Your half-asleep brain was ready to get back into dreaming about being stuck in a candy maze, when the weight on the bed shifted behind you and you were pulled against a chest.
"Good morning." He whispered, against the skin of your neck before he pressed soft kisses anywhere, he could reach. You let him, before you rolled on your back, your hands finding his neck to pull him down into a real sloppy but passionate kiss.
"You're back." You mumbled tiredly and pressed your face against his shoulder while you cuddled with him. "Yes. Finally got that fucker and took the first flight back. Sorry it's been so long."
"You're forgiven." Another kiss was shared. "I'd say you too, but not when you lied to me that Mochi wasn't in the bed." You groaned, of course he had you figured out.
The next day Chuuya for once had off while you had to come into work. It was a rare occurrence, since normally Chuuya worked a lot more, but Mori had been kind enough to give him an addition day to settle back in before returning to his duties the next day.
With him at home, Mochi got to stay home too, and Chuuya took full advantage of it. Cuddling, playing, bathing, brushing his fur, Mochi was getting spoiled rotten by his ginger owner, who was just excited to finally be back with his family.
"What. Is. That." Akutagawa asked as he, Higuchi and the Black Lizards stepped into his office to be briefed on their mission. Mochi laid on a pet bed, tail wagging in excitement at the sight of new people.
"That's my dog, Mochi. Dogsitter called in sick and my partner can't take him with them to work so he came with me." Chuuya said and watched as Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi all crouch down to pet the good boy.
Hirotsu retained his composure, though Chuuya did seem him sneaking glances with a smile on his lips, while Akutagawa kept trying to shift subtlety as far away as possible.
"He doesn't bite, ya know." Chuuya said and was met with an accusatory stare from the boy in the long coat.
"And?" Was the simple statement and Chuuya let him, knowing fully well that due to his upbringing Akutagawa was no big fan of dogs. Why he then became the dog of the Port Mafia is an irony beyond Chuuyas understanding.
Higuchi, Gin and Tachihara keep on petting, cooing, and talking to Mochi while Chuuya shared the briefings with the two guys who weren't charmed by Mochi.
"A simple thing really, Mori and I just thought it'd be better to send all of you in case of having to detain more people than accounted for or unpleasant surprises." He stated as Hirotsu and Akutagawa quickly read through the notes.
The cooing and happy whines of Mochi behind them were a little distracting but when Chuuya cleared his throat, all other three mafiosi were back in line next to Akutagawa and Hirotsu.
"Be thorough, don't fuck shit up and keep collateral to a minimum, alright?" All of them nodded and went on their way to the mission, with all of them but Akutagawa stealing a quick glance at Mochi one last time.
When his office door closed, Chuuya himself was immediately crouched down by him, petting, and cooing at him. "You’re being so good today. I'll get you steak for lunch, just don't tell Y/N!"
It was late when Akutagawa returned to the office to hand in his first draft of a report.
Chuuya was just starting to pack things up, as the younger one entered, standing at the side of the table that was furthest away from the dog, who only spared Akutagawa a tried glance and a yawn.
Upon seeing the bared teeth Akutagawa became even stiffer, however that was possible. "Thank you, my boy. I'll read it at home if that's alright with you."
"Of course. I only wanted to drop it off, since I had it done anyways, and the light was still on here." He coughed in his hand, promoting Mochi to get up and get closer, which then in return made Akutagawa take a few steps away again.
"He's not gonna bite you, don't worry. He's a real good boy." Chuuya said held onto Akutagawa’s shoulders to push him towards Mochi again.
The younger one became as stiff as a board as Chuuya carefully guided his hand to the top of Mochis head. “See, aint that bad right?” Awkwardly Akutagawa nodded, mentally he was using Rashomon to climb to the ceiling to get away from this.
Letting go of the hand, Akutagawa kept it still, with Mochi turning, sniffing and then licking his hand, making the man scowl. “Ew.” He stated and Chuuya laughed.
“Come on then let’s get home, want me to give you a ride Akutagawa?”
“Im fine. I have more work to attend to anyways. But thank you for your time and thank you for…” Akutagawa stared down at Mochi, before he continued, “Whatever it is you do. But don’t just lick people.”
With that he turned on his heel and left, leaving Chuuya chuckling.
Atsushi Always liked autumn. The way the leaves change, and orange painted skies when the sun began setting was a view to behold, especially when walking home with his mentor after a good day at the ADA, through the park of Yokohama.
Dazai was currently talking about how the waitress down at the cafe was still refusing his advances, even when his most recent love letter (aka a poorly disguised plea to commit a lover’s suicide) had apparently been his Magnum opus.
The constant playful whining stopped abruptly and when Atsushi looked at Dazai, he felt fear. The grin, the glee in his eyes, it couldn't mean anything good. And when followed his line of sight, Atsushi dreaded his existence.
Why did Port Mafia Executive, Chuuya Nakahara, also known as Dazais former Partner have to sit in this park on a bench. For Dazai this was an invitation, one he would never turn down.
"Atsushi! Wanna see me annoy a hat rack?"
"I'd rather not-" But Dazai had already caught his wrist and dragged him along towards Chuuya, whos happy smile immediately dropped when he spotted Dazai.
Dazai kept smiling in this weird way that was sorely reserved for when he messed with his ex-partner, as he saw what Chuuya was looking at. A couple of Dogs and their owners playing fetch and alike.
"Looking at things you can't have? Is that Chuuyas new hobby?" Dazai asked and Atsushi took a few cautious steps away, in the hopes of not getting on Chuuyas bad side by distancing himself.
"Now I know why it reeks of rotten fish suddenly. The bandage wasting Mackerel is here." Chuuya didn't even look at Dazai, which only seemed to egg him on more.
"Ah don't be like that, you love me slug. I know you do."
There had been a few instances in which Atsushi wished to be swallowed whole to get out of uncomfortable situations, but anything that involved Dazai antagonizing the Port Mafia like it's his profession takes the top spot. The sheer awkwardness he feels whenever Dazai decides to meddle with everyone’s business makes him want to ditch country.
But he can't. So, he's stuck listening to the two riling each other up.
"I have you know I'm not stalking Chuuya. I have a job."
"You might have one, but I know you don't show up for it. And that Atsushi-kun does all your paperwork."
"That's quite accusatory of you Chibi! At least I could get a dog without being asked if I have my parents’ permission."
To both their surprises, Chuuya got up calmly, stared at Dazai with a blank face and used two fingers to whistle.
Both detectives raised an eyebrow and wondered what kind of ability related thing would hit them, but no such thing came true. No, instead a dog came running, nudging Chuuyas leg, who in return smiled smugly at Dazai and crossed his arms.
Ex demon prodigy, smug asshole, certified mummy cosplayer, Dazai Osamu meanwhile stepped behind Atsushi, making the young boy wonder if he was dreaming. Was his mentor, Dazai, the guy who was always scheming and playing mind games as a hobby, really cowering behind him because of a dog?
"What's that?"
"Are you blind now too? My dog obviously. Mochi, Mackerel and Atsushi, Atsushi and Mackerel, Mochi."
Atsushi, could help but aww at the animal, looking at Chuuya with big eyes, silently asking for permission. With a nod he was granted it, and Atsushi happily went to pet the good boy, who as always enjoyed extra attention.
"Aren't you a cutie?" Atsushi cooed and caressed the dog happily. He was aware that Dazai was still hiding behind him, eyeing the door cautiously.
"At a loss for words shit for brains?" Chuuya asked smugly, his delight ever so audible in each word.
"Chuu, is everything alright?" A person called out that came running. Atsushi hadn't seen them before.
They came to stand next to Chuuya and had a slightly annoyed expression upon seeing Dazai.
"Oh, Dazai." They said and Atsushi caught his mentor waving at them. Getting up from the crouched position, Atsushi got up to introduce himself, but Chuuya took care of that already.
"That's Nakajima Atsushi, the kid from the ADA." With a pleasant smile, the unknown person, offered Atsushi their hand.
" L/N Y/N, Chuuyas partner. It's a pleasure to meet you Nakajima-kun."
"Atsushi is just fine." He responded as they shook hands.
The Weretiger quickly took notice of all the details before him. The way Chuuya instinctively had an arm wrapped around their waist, pulling them close, the way Y/N scanned Chuuya looking if he was made uncomfortable by Dazai, Mochi circling his owners happily and nudging his head against their legs.
They looked lovely together, and by the ever so subtle, genuine smile Chuuya tried to hide, Atsushi could tell how happy he was.
"Y/N! You're here too, what a surprise." Dazai tried his usual cheery voice, but it was apparent that the dog still had him wary. It was amusing to see the usually composed Dazai be unnerved by a dog, the dog of his ex-partner no less.
"Well, as lovely as this sight of a scared mackerel is, we have plans. See you around Atsushi." Chuuya clicked a red leash onto Mochi's collar, and the two waved towards the detectives before making their way down the path.
It looked really cute and adorable in Atsushi’s opinion; they made a good couple.
Dazai, now finally composed again, also looked after them and there was something in his gaze that Atsushi couldn't name. It wasn't negative, despite what his fake disgusted expression was trying to sell.
"Why were you scared of a dog?"
Atsushi finally asked when they began walking towards the ADA dormitories again. "It's Chuuyas dog! Who knows if he trained it to bite me!"
"I don't think Chuuya-san would be that petty. Also why did Y/N-san also seem dislike you?"
"Curious aren't you, Atsushi?" Dazai hummed and Atsushi raised his hands in defense.
"I can't help it. It's simply..." Lacking the sought-after word, Atsushi trailed off. Dazai only chuckled as he crossed his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, like he was reminiscing a pleasant memory.
"I might have crashed a date of theirs back when they began dating. And since Chuuya doesn't like me, Y/N doesn't like me either! Which is tragic, such a beautiful person for a double suicide lost to a hat rack."
He really shouldn't have been surprised, this was very in character for Dazai, so Atsushi was glad that their conversation slowly faded away from the gravity manipulator and back towards Agency staff.
"You think Kunikida is home already?"
"No, why?"
"Wanna see me break into his home? His lock is so easy to pick."
"Dazai, NO!"
“Here.” You said as you passed Chuuya the wine glass you had just filled for him. Taking it from your hand, holding it at distance as he pulled you down into a chase kiss, he smiled. “Thank you doll.”
You squeezed his hand, before you went back to the kitchen island to keep preparing dinner.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”
“No thank you. I wanted to try this recipe for quite a while now and you can just relax yeah?”
The TV was on, but Chuuya preferred to keep watching you from the corner of his eye, with Mochi cuddled up next to him. From across the room, he could listen to you cutting up vegetable and a faint humming.
Life was perfect, he couldn’t wish for anything more really. Not when he had already everything he could ask for.
As he absentmindedly petted Mochi, he kept swirling his wineglass in his other hand, with only a single thought echoing in his brain.
It didn't take long until the aroma of the simmering dinner filled the air and Chuuya couldn't help but reflect on the simplicity and warmth of the moment. The sound of your humming and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables created a soothing symphony that resonated with the love he felt for you.
Dinner was soon ready, and the two of you sat down at the table, sharing stories and laughter. The TV served as a background hum, but the real entertainment was the genuine connection between you and Chuuya.
As the evening unfolded, with plates emptied and wineglasses occasionally clinking in toasts, Chuuya found himself stealing glances at you. The soft glow of the lights illuminated your features, casting a warm, comforting ambiance over the room. Mochi, content and curled up nearby, added to the feeling of completeness.
After the last bites were savored and the dishes were cleared away, you found yourself in each other's arms on the couch. The day had transitioned seamlessly into a tranquil night, and Chuuya felt a profound sense of contentment.
"I'm glad we have this," he whispered, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Me too."
With a shared smile, you leaned in for a sweet, lingering kiss. The world outside seemed to fade away as you both embraced the simple joy of being together. As the night progressed, Chuuya held you close, the echoes of his earlier thought still resonating in his heart.
"I want to be with them forever," he mused silently, knowing that in moments like these, forever felt just right.
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atalossofwords · 29 days
Guys, I don't normally post here unless I have at least another POV ready, but I'm gonna admit this last Ivan POV is NOT working out. I rewrote it three times, and it's still fighting me. Hopefully I can dig myself out of the ditch, but oh well. Y'all can enjoy Till's POV while I suffer.
ON AO3 - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five&six - part seven - part eight
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Till's life is going well. He's used to the new house, he's found new inspiration to write and mix more songs ever since Mizi's concert, so he's going live more often, which means his audience has been growing steadily. Dewey got a promotion at work and Isaac is doing an EMT course that will guarantee him a promotion as well.
He's also started chatting more often with Navi, enough so that they are... almost friends? He doesn't want to assume, but Navi is always so happy to talk about anything Till wants that the conversation flows easily. Navi especially likes to know what Till is eating, all the boring details that Till finds himself... eager to share. Till has never been overly chatty, and idle conversation is awkward, but somehow Navi shows so much interest in what he has to say that Till finds himself invested in expressinging himself more, in looking for things to talk about.
Navi likes knowing what Till thinks of the weather, and actively engages with him over which brand of ramyeon is better. Somehow, they can get into discussions over the most innocuous thing, and end up discussing music and lyrics and mixing for hours on end.
They have an ongoing discussion about the use of english in lyrics, which frequently comes back up whenever one of them thinks of another argument, and also an untold pact of sending animal pictures to each other; Till sends pictures of any dog he sees on the street, because Navi said it's his favorite animal even if he can't have one, and Navi sends back cat pictures, since his sister has one and cat pictures are easier than snake ones, which are Till's favorite animal.
Till feels... warm, about it. He's never had many friends, being a lone wolf throughout his school years; he was always in detention, or going directly home after school. He'd always had a temper, something that only really cooled after he left school and was allowed to focus on music. Dewey was his brother, not his friend, and Hyuna was more of an acquaintance than a close friendship.
Till also felt. Guilty, maybe? About the amount of money Navi kept spending on him. He wasn't a friendship expert, but he was pretty sure friends didn't send you almost 50$ dollars when you complained about picking between ramyeon and tteokbokki and told you to pick both.
(Till knew it was a mistake to migrate over from texting to Kakaotext, since now Navi could send him money directly through that. But he also had to admit the amount of stickers Navi used was beyond cute.)
Navi had also sent him some other gifts, beyond the spontaneous kakaopay transfers and normal stream donations; he's sent Till a collection of rings after bothering Till for a week straight to give him his ring size, a comfy sweater that Till didn't take off for a week due to how soft it was, and so on.
Till felt a weird tingling feeling on his stomach, a blush taking over his face whenever Navi sent him anything. He's normally fine ignoring it after a token protest, too practical to actually deny money.
He thinks he should feel bad about it, or something. Dewey told him, a few weeks into his streaming career, that he'd feel awful about getting so much money and not giving it back. Till thinks it's an exchange; he streams and people give him money for entertaining them. For a little while, the same applied to Navi. Why should he care if someone wasted their money on Till? He didn't think gacha companies were at fault for people's spending habits.
That was until they started texting. That was until Navi stopped being just a name on the screen and became a person who liked dogs, did spicy challenges for fun and had strong opinions about the conservation of endangered animals.
Till thought he might start to feel guilty, then, or at least want to pay Navi back somehow.
Instead what he gets is a warmth throughout his chest and an entirely undignified urge to squirm in place. He likes it when Navi spends money on the most mundane things, when Navi tells him to get himself some food. When Navi sends him money with instructions to get something specific Till scrambles to get it, and enjoys the treat with red cheeks and an unknown tightness in his chest.
He doesn't get it, and he's too embarrassed to talk about it with anyone else.
(Reviewing the memory, later on, will show Till the following; the weird warmth, the urge to squirm, it is arousal. Till likes it a lot, when Navi gives him things and tells him what to do with it. He feels spoiled and taken care of and confusedly horny about it all.)
He's doing his best to not care much about it, but his weeks-long wave of good luck seems to have run dry, because he ended up sick some two days ago. He's had to cancel three streams already, and is miserable enough he's debating actually going to a doctor about it.
Luckily for him, he's not coughing or nauseous, which are his least favorite symptoms. He is congested and his nose is running all the time, and he does feel feverish, but there's not much he can do about that except sleep it off.
He's currently huddled into his couch, slowly eating the samgyetang Isaac made for him and watching a show Hyuna recommended. It's a simple, no-thoughts-necessary show; the female MC is a former yakuza member that's trying to leave her past behind and live as a teacher, and the two competing love interests are a big executive type who has a child on the school and is an ass to her but is able to afford a pretty luxurious life as long as she goes along with his plans, or a old member of the Yakuza who fell in love with her when he was a child and is now reforming himself to be able to stand besides her "in the light", as he put it.
Till is cheering on the yakuza guy, mostly because he's a lot sweeter than the asshole executive.
He's also live-blogging to Navi, who has been hovering so badly that Till gave up and allowed the other to get his actual address so Navi can buy him some soup and energy drinks. He thinks he'll regret it later, but he's not complaining right now, when Navi is making sure he has food delivered for every meal and also all the necessary meds.
You [ 5:47PM ] Oh look, the asshole is going on a business trip. Maybe we'll get some good scenes with the yakuza guy now.
Navi [ 5:47 ] You're really invested into this, aren't you? What do you even like in this character?
You [ 5:48PM ] He's just so much better than the asshole. I don't get why girls would ever go for someone who's so rude to them.
Till huffs, looking up at the TV as the in-between episode extra starts. They're always funny, showing the behind the scenes and some interviews with the actors. He likes the main actress well enough, and by what he saw the actor for the asshole is a well-established star that he had no idea existed until now.
Well, the same can be said of the younger yakuza guy. His actor, someone named Ivan, is talking about how he prepared for the role, and Till can't help but be interested. The asshole guy only talked about his physical conditioning, but Ivan is talking about how he talked things over with the director, watched former-yakuza interviews and did his best to research about the motivations of his character.
He's also very handsome, in an endearing way, and Till can't help agreeing with the interviewer when she tells Ivan his fans will love the role, and that seeing him do such an earnest character will get all the girls swooning.
You [ 5:48PM ] Also, seeing the interviews, this Ivan person is just a lot better than the other actor. He cares a lot more about his character, which I think is way more important than how you look.
The interview ends, and Till decides to send another commentary before getting up to fetch more tissues for his nose.
You [ 5:48PM ] I bet Ivan would look cute doing aegyo. He's got the face for it, at least. Though I don't know if actors do that, I've only seen Idols do it on command.
Message sent, Till puts his phone to the side and gathers his little mountain for tissues and shuffles to the trash can, dumping them before refilling his water bottle and getting a new box before snuggling up again.
Navi still hasn't answered.
He frowns. He knows Navi can be busy, he definitely has other things to do rather than keep Till company, but he usually sends a BRB text if he'll be away from his phone for more than a minute.
He's still a little sick, and fervish, and miserable, so he doesn't think too hard about it and messages Navi again.
You [ 5:50PM ] Navi?
Navi [ 5:51PM ] Sorry, hyung. I just got surprised. My name is Ivan as well.
Till makes a little surprised noise. Ivan isn't that common of a name. What are the odds?
You [ 5:51PM ] Wow, it must be weird to share names with someone famous.
Navi answers quickly, but with far poorer grammar than what Till is used to.
Navi [ 5:52PM ] haha yeah well, I got used to it. do you like Ivan?
You [ 5:53PM ] I haven't seen much besides this series, he seems pretty good. Did you have any recommendations?
Navi – or, well, Ivan. Till quickly goes to change his contact name before he forgets – takes some more time to answer, and Till decides he must be busy, so he puts the show back on, doing his best not to sneeze into his soup. It's only as he's almost napping that he gets a text.
Ivan [ 5:52PM ] "Creating Heaven", "So long, not enough" and "Kamera" are tolerable, but hyung should watch some more and tell me what's your favorites!
Till is too sleepy to type, so he just takes a picture of himself giving thumbs up and snuggles back on his couch, Ivan-the-actor's soothing voice talking with the MC lulling him to a nice, dreamless sleep.
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part ten
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 - singledad!bucky x neighbor!reader
complete masterlist | mcu masterlist | bucky barnes masterlist
words || 𝟚𝕜
series masterlist || week to all hallows' eve
summary || in which bucky's neighbor really connects with his daughter
a/n || gonna be posting a few stuff today to make up for my absence ➵ part of my 'week to hallows' eve' halloween countdown. check out the masterlist ➵ not yet proofread ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff
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bucky knew how to deal with hair. he knew how to keep it soft, to keep it clean, to tie it up into both professional and casual pony-tails. he knew how to untangle it, and how to brush it without hurting the scalp. after all, he had kept his own hair almost shoulder length for quite a while. he’d never had a problem styling his little girl’s hair in the past, when she’d come to him with requests of ponytails or braids. hell, he’d even taught himself how to french braid for the girl but, as the time they should have been spending preparing to go trick-or-treating dwindled, he realized that the style that she had in mind was simply beyond his capabilities.
he ran a brush through it, detangling it again, and holding onto it right above the roots to ensure the knots would cease without causing any pain to her. she was distracted by the accents of her outfit, and he blows out a deep sigh, guilt-stricken at the thought of disappointing his daughter.
“sweetheart, are you sure you can’t have it like this?” he gently attempted to break the news to her, but she adamantly shook her head.
“no, daddy, it has to look like this!” she showed his reference picture again, and he nodded solemnly. he knew that the hair made or broke the costume, and he couldn’t ruin something she was so excited about. checking the time, he decided to employ his last resort. he turns his daughter’s chair around, taking her hand.
“c’mon. let’s go on a lil’ trip.”
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bucky didn’t live with his daughter’s mother. the break-up had been swift enough, and he wasn’t too upset about ending the relationship, but he did regret the sheer loss of contact with the woman. she was never really too involved in their child’s life - invested in her own projects - and, though he didn’t too much mind that part, it did become difficult when he needed a woman’s expertise or perspective on certain topics. as close as he and his daughter were, there were simply some things better expressed within her own gender.
that was where she stepped in. she’d moved to the neighborhood just a while over two years ago. at first, they rarely met - her job keeping her out of the house for hours and sometimes days at a time. they’d met at the occasional barbecue or out on their lawns, and those few times showed just how good she was with his daughter. sometime last year, though, she’d switched to working from home and, suddenly, her schedule started lining up with his much more often.
after that, they’d drop by at each other’s places often. first, it was to ask for basics - do you have some sugar i could use? the store’s closed by now and i seem to have forgotten it… or could i borrow a wrench? my old one’s been a bit - er, misplaced, i suppose! - and, after that, it was to ask for small favors - i hate to bother you but i think my sink’s a bit broken and i hate to ask this of you, but could you look over her for a half-hour? i’ve just got to run into the shops.
since then, she’d pop in without warning, a dessert or snack in her hand - homemade, usually. then, when she found out that the young barnes’ favorite pastry was apple pie - courtesy of her uncle steve - she would bring it whenever she could. she’d be met with fond smiles and sung praises from bucky, but also a playful admonishment for spoiling his daughter.
though, he came to realize that, as he did, his daughter also absolutely adored her. she’d been a massive help when confused as to how to deal with his daughter’s expanding interests and emotions that he couldn’t really get.
he still remembered when he’d gone to her - completely baffled - with the topic of his daughter’s new kindergarten boyfriend. she was so young - and he couldn’t fathom the possibility. in fact, he had looked so grief stricken that she had unfortunately laughed when describing the problem, much to his indignance.
she was fantastic and, of course, absolutely gorgeous. had he been anyone else, he would have allowed himself to indulge in the thought of her so much more than this, though close, strictly friendly, neighborly relationship. but bucky knew that, though he was content in his choices, others say parenthood and the light of his life - his daughter - as a burden. after all, she was successful and seemingly fulfilled; who was he to add such a major role to her life.
still, he loved remembering the ways his little girl’s eyes shone at the mention of her.
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he rapped on the door, his knuckles tapping the wood loudly. his daughter’s whole hand basically wrapped over one of his fingers, but she’s quick to release it at the sight of her opening the door, instead excitedly rushing to greet her. she grunts at the speed of the little girl’s pounce.
“oh, hello! is everything alright?”
“yeah, yeah, of course!” he reels his daughter back to him, keeping her in place, before swallowing, “just - look she’s got this idea for a hairstyle and i just can’t get the hang of it. could you - uhm -” she nods immediately, ushering the both of them in without hesitation.
they’d been inside several times and, as she ushers his daughter to go wait in the bathroom, he watches her try to finish arranging her candy for the night.
“oh, i’ve got that, please.” he immediately moves to her side, pulling at the super-sized bags on candy to place them in the neatly labelled buckets. she looks as though she wants to argue, but decides against it, smiling graciously as she goes to tend to the little one.
it doesn’t take long for him to finish emptying out the bags into the buckets, and he’s gone to see how the progress is going. she’s already got half of the girl’s pinned up delicately and cleanly, with not much more than a strand out of place. he watches her work her magic with a mixture of fondness at his daughter’s smiling face, and just a sheer awe at her ability to do something that he so struggled with.
it takes her no more that a few more minutes, taking the young girl to do a twirl in her completed outfit in the full-length mirror in the hall. she was giggling as she was being spun, before running to her daddy to show him her hair.
“wow.” it’s a true statement of wonder, and he looks up to see her blush lightly at the inherent complement. she crouches to be at the height of his daughter, caressing her dress with one hand to ease out any wrinkles and lightly taking her hand in the other.
“will i be seeing you, my little warrior?” his daughter looked up at him, and he pursed his lips in thought.
“oh, i’m not sure if your candy emporium -” she laughs at the analogy, “will still be open. we’re hitting our neighborhood last.” he daughter dejectedly looks at her, upset by the news that was new to the both of them. seeing this, she immediately shakes her head.
“it’ll still be open, i promise. d’you promise to come, honey?” she nods eagerly, babbling a promise! back at her, making her laugh, “d’ya promise, buck?” she tilts her head up to look at him, and he smiles.
“i promise.”
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his daughter’s arms had gotten tired about halfway through with holding her heavy bag of goodies, and he was quick to her her out. now, with an absolutely brimming bag, they get to their last door of the night. he lifts her up a little so that she can reach the doorbell.
the door opens in moments and, with a toothy grin, she brandishes her bucket (with some support from her father)
“trick or treat!” she smiles at the little girl, picking out a large chocolate bar for the girl.
“and for, my little warrior, the best candy of them all!” having not seen the candy anywhere else, the young girl is elated, grasping at it and thanking her several times over. she looks up at the somewhat exhausted image of bucky, and smiles sympathetically to him, “wanna come in for a bit?” he looks a little surprised by the offer.
“are you sure?”
“’f course.” his daughter looks up at him.
“can i show her my candy, daddy?” she responds for him.
“of course you can, honey. c’mon, let’s got to the couch.”
as his daughter arranges her assorted goods on the coffee table, she brews hot chocolate for everyone, presenting the sweet drink in front of them in a few moments.
his daughter begins to explain her different treats but, as her drink dwindles, so too does her energy, and she’s quick to pass out on the floor. her father places her onto the couch, stroking her arm lightly to keep her in the soft lull of sleep.
“you’re real nice to her, you know.” he says it after a moment of silence, and it catches her a bit off-guard.
“she deserves it. she’s a real good kid - in most part due to her father.” she can see him flush at the compliment, and smiles.
“you help me out a lot, y’know.” she knows, but she also knows that he’d do the same for her.
“well, you are my favorite neighbor.”
“you mean it?” his tone’s a little different, and she looks up to see a gleam of flirtation in his eyes.
“i mean, who else could make single parenthood look so easy - and look good doing it?” he laughs, and she does too.
“she really likes you…loves you, i think. is that forward?” he’s a little worried by the comment, but he knows she won’t take it too oddly.
“not at all - i like-slash-love her too.” he smiles, as they both go silent, and for a moment, she knows what he’s thinking.
“do you think i could ever-”
“i didn’t ask the question?”
“shit, oh - no, it was just very obvious what you were gonna ask - go ahead, though, you can be a gentleman about it.” he laughs at her blunt response, but continues.
“alright then - could i ever take you out for a dinner? or a drink?”
she had been nodding already as he was asking the question, and he suddenly felt elated at her lack of hesitation
“please, that would be lovely.”
“will you come over to mine, then? friday?” she thinks for a moment, before nodding.
“friday’s good.” he looks at his daughter.
“i’ll find someone else to babysit for a change, then.” she laughs.
“nah, she can stay. i think it’ll be nicer.”
“i know - who wouldn’t want her. she’s adorable!”
“you’re adorable.” she rolls her eyes at the cheesy comment, but the pink on her neck indicates her actual feelings.
“that was awful.”
“you liked it.”
“only because you’re the one saying it.”
“what can i say?”
“don’t say. get home, tuck her in and pick me up friday - 7 p.m.”
“yes, ma’am.”
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
Hii!!, again lol I requested Jeonghan head canons a few weeks ago, I think but I wasn’t really active because of school so I didn’t get a notification so I’m not sure if you did it. It’s completely fine if you don’t want to I just wanted to know, Thank you and I absolutely adore your work.
hi! yes i remember! i've been slowly working on it, but so here you go, enjoy <3
bf!jeonghan headcanons
bf!jeonghan who would love teasing you just for fun to see you get shy and all bashful. he'd absolutely love it if you were extra affectionate or clingy. he'd tease you about it, but hug and cuddle you and shower you with love and kisses.
bf! jeonghan who would be a little shit and put his cold ass hands on your waist when he hugs you from the back, making you jump, yelling at him as you whack his hands away. and he's going to hog the blanket at night and proceed to put his cold feet on your legs too like the little devil he is. but seeing your frown and how you're still trying to hold onto one end of the blanket, he'll give in, embracing you in a bone-crushing hug as you complain and he'll butter you up with a kiss or two.
bf!jeonghan, who would say what was on his mind fearlessly, whether it is nice or not. he'd always be honest with you. if you guys did argue and things got heated, he'd stop because he knows that you both are gonna get hurt, saying things to watch others that you don't mean. and i feel like he would never let you go to sleep upset or angry. he's always come and talk to you and make peace with you for the night and you guys would sort things out the next day.
bf!jeonghan who would love to go on dates with you. he'd love just being able to spend time with you and treat you to good food. you'd make him take pictures of you too and he'd go all out trying to get the perfect pretty shot for you. he'd take like 122343 pics and be so proud. and of course, if you don't give him picture credits when you post it, expect him to comment and then text you being all sulky and pouty like "i worked so hard taking those pictures and you didn't even give me credit for it ???", he says scoffing, but you know he's just teasing you. you'd be like "okay i gave you credits okay really jeonghan the world is not ending calm down", you say. and then he'd cutely be happy and give you air kisses while you mumble about him being overdramatic as he kisses your temple.
bf!jeonghan who would be your listener and shoulder to lean on rough or tiring long days. he knew immediately and would help you relax and calm down. he'd let you lay on his chest as he rubbed your back and asked you if you wanted to talk about it. if not, he'd tell you the random sweet but funny stories to you from his childhood just a memory and he'd narrate them so well you'd be fully invested. it would help you get your mind off what was weighing you down and help you feel better. you were always grateful for that and that he trusted you enough to share those stories and memories with you too <3
©️ etherealyoungk 2022 // please don't copy, or translate my works in any shape, form or manner without my permission
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vince-linder · 5 months
Christmas Exchange!
As part of the lovely cyberpunk xmas exchange, I got to write a lil piece for @mango-parfait :DD Hope my little idea suits what you was picturing :3 _________________________
Still early in the morning, the household of V and Johnny was already awake and getting ready for the day. Johnny, as so often, sitting in the living room on the couch, his guitar in his lap and a cigarette dangling between his lips. He was just scribbling some notes to a song down, before he tried another riff on the guitar, crossing out the previous notes just to try it another way once more. V was in the bathroom, styling himself up and deciding what he was gonna wear for today. It would probably, as so very often, end with him wearing his favorite red jacket, which was fitting so nicely to his bright yellow optics.
“It was at 8 pm, right?” V's voice echoed through the apartment, hoping his partner would hear or answer him, even when the rockerboy was busy on his guitar. And it only took a moment before the answer came. “Yeah, that's what Kerry said.” V nodded to himself, taking a short look into the mirror and brushing once more through his hair. 8 pm, at Afterlife. More than enough time to do a lot of stuff together. He left the bathroom, fully dressed in his usual gear, placing a soft kiss on Johnny’s bearded cheek as he passed him. Just as he wanted to say something else, his phone was ringing. Seeing that it was Regina who called, made V accept the call with a worried expression, while he started to pace through the room. Johnny made only an unhappy grunt, watching his partner pace through their shared apartment, he could tell from his frown alone, that this was no ‘Merry christmas, enjoy the holidays’ call. After all, they were living in Night City, and Night City was always busy with Merc work, even just before christmas. Maybe also, because most of its citizens wouldn’t really celebrate this old holiday. In the end, it was Johnny’s fault that he and V would celebrate with the rest of their friends, there was still a somewhat nostalgic feeling towards Christmas at Johnny’s end and with that he invested all around him to spend the holidays together,letting work be just for a few days at the end of the year. V was doing his best to shift all his work away from the next few days, but sometimes, things went different than planned, especially in Night City. “A fucking what now, in City Center?”, Vs gaze shifted to Johnny for a moment, making a grimace, before he listened again to the caller. Whatever it was Johnny was really hoping V would decline this dumb gig and hold up to his promises. Slowly Johnny stood up from his place on the couch to get closer to V and may pick up one or two pieces from his call. Lazily he slung an arm around Vs waist and tried his best to understand what was going on. “... a Cyberpsycho. Rambling through … stores.” A deep sigh left the rockerboy, V wouldn’t deny that case at all. He would always take serious gigs like that, at any time of day or night. They discussed over and over again, that it never could be more important than his night sleep, or planned meetups with their friends, only to always end it with V being clear about it. Gigs like that always had top priority for V. Crossing his arms in front of his chest he watched V closely with an annoyed expression. “Yeah sure, I am on my way, Regina. Give you a call once I get him down.”, V ended the call and looked over at Johnny, an apologetic smile on his face. “Don’t look at me like this, J. It’s not a big thing for me, but maybe could save a bunch of people in his hood.” “We were clear with this.”, Johnny turned his back to V, his arms still crossed and his voice showing far too well his annoyance “Not a single gig on the holidays. For once.”
“I know, Johnny. But come on. I cannot say no in a situation like this. I promise, it will go smoothly and I will be back right in time when we head out to the Christmas meetup.” A deep sigh left the rockerboy again, as he looked over his shoulder at V. He couldn’t really voice what was making him so uneasy about this all, but the feeling just wouldn’t leave him. Still, he nodded it off. “Fine. But I swear to god, if you are not on time, I'm gonna punch you in the dick.” “Damn it, fine!”, in a playful attempt to surrender, V raised his hands and smiled at Johnny. As always he felt the concern from Johnny, but they wouldn’t talk about it, they never did. “I promise I will be back in no time.”
Hours went by, and still not a single message or call from V. This wasn’t the usual way V handled stuff. But today pretty much nothing was really usual at all. Johnny's gaze was glued to the windows as he really couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was snowing. Here in Night City, just as if this was some cute little Christmas Wonder. But with all the years without snow, this unusual weather turned the city into even more chaos. Drivers weren’t used to handling their vehicles in this weather, nor did most people have anything good to wear for the sudden cold. A slow sigh left the rockerboy as he shifted his gaze from the window to his phone. Still no message, no call. Johnny was worried about V, but coped it with being angry, like he always did. V promised to make it in time and was already late, of course he was. “Fucking snowfall. Bet that’s just some marketing gig from a Corp. Disgusting, they really use everything to make their sales go up. Fucking corpo rats.” 
He searched through their wardrobe, picking up a few sweaters and jackets that look somewhat warm, but neither he nor V had much clothes against the cold, as it was pretty unusual by now. In the end he picked a black sweater without much on it and a fur-lined leather jacket he found deep down behind all the summery clothing. Another quick gaze on his phone, still no message from V, and he headed out to meet up with the others at Afterlife. Hopefully V will join him soon. If not, he would have to search for him. A sudden wave of negative thoughts, what may have happened to V hitted Johnny, as an especially cold wind gust blew into his face, making him feel the freezing cold far too well. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts. As he was slowly walking through the city, watching the snow settle on everything and lulling the city in a certain kind of silence. Johnny could remember his childhood days, before all this chaos emerged in his life. Just playing in the snow, throwing snowballs with his friends or building a snowman with the most goofy design. After a short walk, that was surprisingly refreshing, Johnny reached the Afterlife. Without much problem he got inside and already could spot their friends at one of the big corner tables, sitting together and talking about whatever. Johnny took a deep breath before he slowly headed towards them. “Hee Johnny, you finally arrived. Where’s your better half?” Kerry asked towards him in a mocking tone and made room for Johnny to sit down next to him. From Rogue he got a mug with steaming hot cocoa, he took a long sip and noticed the sudden silence around him. “What?” “Is V.. not coming?” Misty’s voice already showed deep concern. It wasn’t usual that one would appear without the other. Johnny made an annoyed huff, placing the mug back on the table. “Dumbass is just late, like always. What else do you expect from him?”, his voice was snarky and angry, hiding far too well his own concern for V and his well being. “Did you hear from him? The kid will absolutely not be used to this weather.” “Nah. And not gonna call after him, not his babysitter.”, Johnny fumbled for his pack of cigarettes and lit one up, taking a long deep breath from the cigarette. He never asked for permission for doing so, and got angry gazes for it. But his mind was filled with concern for V. An hour. V was an hour over the time, and with every passing minute Johnny got more agitated. He couldn’t really follow the conversation anymore, his leg twitching nervously up and down. Only Kerry seemed to notice his behavior, but also kept his mouth shut about it. Still not a single message from V. Johnny only picked up several accidents and problems the news were talking about in the background, more than usual, because this weather was pure mayhem for Night City. Finally the door swung open, echoing against the wall with a deep thud and made once more fall everyone silent. Without any word V came to the table of his friends and partner and sat down next to Johnny. He looked exhausted and like shit, here and there stains of the works he just did.
“Where the fuck have you been?”Johnny lowered his voice but the anger was clear in it. 
“Eh. After the Psycho, there were a bunch of problems because of this… this white shit. People are going crazy in the city. Trying to eat it, sell it, telling stories how this is a sign that the world is ending. You know the drill. I helped to get a few hoods back under control.”, V gladly took the hot cocoa from the table and took a few thirsty sips, before he looked at the faces of his friends. A small, tired smile grew on his face. “You dumbass had your friends worried! And that's all you say? Could have called, you know?” Johnny flicked against Vs head, looking at him, but all the anger from his voice wasn't visible in his gaze, there were a bunch of other emotions. “Sorry to let you wait. Somehow all my calls or messages couldn’t connect through. I guess another problem with this fucked up weather.” Johnny was dumbfounded and for a rare moment felt silent. The thought that the weather may be the reason for V not texting or calling him never occurred to his brain. Of course, the net as it was by now, would have problems with stuff alike. He sighed and nodded it off, deep down happy that V was finally here. V took another long sip from the cocoa, breathing out the hot steam with a content demeanor. Now after they got this out of their systems, he scooted  closer to Johnny, leaning his head on the rockerboys shoulder. Johnny gulped down the urge to say something nasty and was deep down really glad that his partner finally was here at his side, in one piece, without bad injuries. “You are a fucking idiot V.” “And you are an asshole.”
An amused huff left the rockerboy as he slung his arm around Vs back, pulling him a bit closer and sharing the warmth with him. With a raised brow, Johnny noticed how very calm and silent V got, taking the cup of hot cocoa out of his hand and placing it back on the table. He only got an approving hum with his Merc, who cuddled deeper against the rockerboy, fully ignoring that they were in public and both Rogue and Kerry were watching this scene with puzzled emotions. A small smile played around Johnny's lips, watching his Merc dozing off in his arms. He would never say it openly, but this was exactly what he was always craving, just a moment of peace with his beloved. Johnny’s hand rose up to carefully brush through V’s hair, while his gaze shifted back to Rogue and Kerry, picking up the conversation with them again.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
❤ for the ships ask game :) chewku please!
Or, alternatively, rexani/rexanidala if you've been pursued far enough by the former. Thank you! Love your writing, it always makes my day when you update on AO3, and the snippets of aus here are always so fun and well constructed!
Send me a ღ and I’ll fill this out about a ship
This ask meme is from a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
Gonna do this for Rexanidala
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Rex, like clockwork.
Who’s the one to make breakfast: Usually Padme, but they all take turns, I think.
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: They would all do it, but I think Anakin would be the most excited to do it, then Rex. Padme does it casually but the boys... the boys are really into it.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: Anakin, sometimes Padme. Canon tells us they are horny idiots. (It's okay, we love them. They can be smart when they're not being led around by the hormones.) Meanwhile Rex is just like. Why are you guys like this. Date night is literally today. Just wait a few hours? We're gonna be late to work? Come on.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Like the above, Anakin, sometimes Padme. They both judge the other when they do it, too. Rex is so tired of them being like this. The war is over, you guys, we are not on a deadline!
Who chooses the movies: They cycle through. Anakin's got a thing for old romances, like Shakespearean stuff or full-on operas. Padme's into more modern musicals and romcoms. Rex is willing to try just about anything, but usually picks mysteries or action adventure or something when it's his turn, just to mix things up from the romances the other two pick. (That said, he keeps the horror and thrillers for movie nights with the 501st.)
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: Padme, I think. Anakin may be on Team Horny, but he's also the kind to get really invested in whatever he's watching, while Rex isn't very 'spontaneous kisses during another activity' unless there's a big shift (e.g. kissing during a spar isn't expected, but if you grapple your way into your lips being an inch apart, it' snot abnormal to just do a quick peck).
Who orders lunch: Rex. Anakin tends to hyperfocus on whatever he's doing, and Padme's often busy in meetings or on calls. Rex is more than happy to pick something up and swing by for a throuple's lunch.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: Mostly Anakin, but nobody's immune to this urge.
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: Still on team 'Padme likes kittenplay, put her in a collar and pet her.' Anakin and Padme are both prone to this. Rex is just happy to have people treating him like a pillow, it makes him feel loved.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: ...again, this is just canon for Anakin, and even a little bit for Padme. They drag each other down. If they try to do it to Rex, he suffers through it. (After a few incidents, though, Cody or another clone takes them aside and tells them to knock it off, because Rex still isn't entirely comfortable telling them to stop bothering him while he's working, just out of habit from the war when Anakin would bug him while on shift, and if they keep doing it, Rex might call off the relationship before he tries just telling them to stop.)
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: Mostly Anakin, but the other two are willing to stoop to this level.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Padme.
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: Rex is more than eager to whip out "I was in the army for several years" levels of dirty joke to see if he can get Padme to blush. (Anakin, despite also spending three years in the army, is very easy to make blush. No challenge there.)
Who cooks dinner: Padme likes making breads and other baked goods, but Anakin's a stovetop guy (fried foods, soups, etc). Rex is learning new recipes here and there, and has decided he's really into foods that can be made in a casserole dish, like musaka and pilav.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: Whoever didn't cook... unless they're at Padme's place (which they usually are), where cleaning droids take care of it.
Who stays up until 2 reading: They're all prone to this. Rex is the most consistent about getting to bed, but Anakin (hyperfocus, time blindness) and Padme (overdeveloped sense of responsibility and 'just one more thing' about work) are both liable to stay up waaaaay too late.
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: Anakin. Sometimes Padme.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: All of them, but it's usually the boys.
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milliemakesmagic · 1 year
So, I have such a huge urge to talk about this. Trigger warning: unhealthy online relationships, and mentions of sexual harassment.
In 2020 during the height of quarantine, my friend (and Pinterest lol) introduced me to this film called, "Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs." I was immediately interested because it was the first time I saw myself as an animated character. I'm a pale, brunette, with brown eyes and a slim figure. (Yes I know, basic, and most girls in fiction look like that, but I actually DO look incredibly similar to how they animated her.) I grew extremely attached to the gifs and pictures I'd find of Red Shoes because
It's quarantine. What else am I gonna do.
When I finally saw the movie I absolutely loved the quirky retelling of Snow White, with the absolutely STELLAR women of all sizes empowerment, AND THE KID FRIENDLY WAY OF SAYING DON'T OBJECTIFY WOMEN. 👏👏👏👏👏
But around that same time, I was talking to a boy online who eventually became my online boyfriend. And even though he claimed to be Christian and respectful, he had a LOT of issues with objectifying women...and by extension, me. He claimed to be respectful of boundaries. But he wasn't. My rose colored glasses were so thick that I didn't see it all until after I had loved ones step in to separate me from this guy before things became dangerous. But I truly thought he was the Merlin to my Red Shoes. And in a way, he was. Merlin is a difficult character for me. I LOVE his character arch and charm. But I sometimes can't get over just how much he did for Red Shoes only for her looks. There was a lot that my relationship with this guy. I was stuck with a Merlin that wasn't going to change his ways. His eyes would always stray to prettier things.
After the hellish breakup, I started therapy, and developed a lot of unhealthy coping strategies. When you fall in love during the "end of the world" you kind of assume he's all you have. So when I lost that and then realized that he'd been sexually harassing me and I was too smitten to notice, it was a LOT to take in. "If I'd given up their magic you wouldn't have helped me find my father would you?....Would you? I thought we were both under the same spell. But now I see that, I was wrong."
My ex used to refer to me as Red Shoes, he understood how much I loved that I felt like I was her. And when he and I split, the pain that movie gave me was unbearable. My Merlin never loved me for who I was inside. I was only pretty.
I even had sent him photos of my in my Red Shoes cosplay that I did for my birthday. I was so excited to show him. Next thing I knew he was blocked, and my costume, my own pair of red shoes, were boxed into the closet where they couldn't hurt me anymore.
And I thought that was the end. I wasn't the princess Snow White. I was some twisted version of Red Shoes that got a crappy ending and a pervert for my "prince."
I dated one or two people a few years later. But it was all surface dating. Nothing emotionally invested. And then my friend introduced me to this guy. And you want to know what one of the first things we did together was?
We sat down together and watched Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs. And he held my hand, and squeezed it when he could tell I was getting emotional.
Months later I have a ring on my finger to be his. And tonight as I laid here listening to the Red Shoes soundtrack that no longer hurts like hell, I realized that my love and connection for this movie wasn't ever between me and my online abuser. It was meant to be a stepping stone for me and my now fiancé. That boy wasn't my Merlin. This man, who respects me, loves me, encourages me and builds me up to be all that I can be, HE'S my Merlin, my prince.
We agreed that I'd wear red pumps on our wedding day. To me, it's a reminder of how far I've come and that God never gave up on me.
And with a loving, secure, and healing heart I can finally truly say,
"I got Merlin'd."
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hmmm, well, lots of stuff happened!! That scene is fairly far into the story actually haha. It means a lo to me that you're invested though!!!
Perhaps you would like to know how Hadrian and the reader met?
Warnings: Kidnapping, someone tied up against their will, mentions of violence that just happened (of the sword fight variety), implied previous sexual assault and trauma from that.
"Take whatever you can, but don't be stupid!" you shouted out to your crew as they quickly scattered below deck on the sinking ship. "If any of you get stuck because your hands were too greedy, I'm not gonna be the one to save you!"
One of your crew that was standing on your left snorted as he kicked the corpse of the man he'd just killed off the side of the deck and into the sea, leaving a red smear on the sinking deck. You ignored him and set about following the rest of your crew below, hoping that Kars's ship held enough treasure to make this worth your while.
Not that defeating Kars and sinking his ship wasn't worth it in itself; He'd been a thorn in your side for far too long.
You smirked to yourself. Not any more.
Picking up the pace, you only had a few minutes to grab what you could before the ship sank after all, you made your way to Kars's personal captain's quarters. Pushing open the door, you found it unlocked. Did he really trust his crew that much, or did your little unplanned party catch him off guard that much?
Either way, it certainly made your job easier.
Pushing into the room, you immediately started rifling through the desk draws, pocketing all the jewellery, money and a particularly fancy compass. But just as you were rifling through some of Kars's papers, you heard a noise. Not the various noises of your crew hauling treasure onto your ship, no, a noise coming from he wardrobe.
Silently withdrawing your dagger, you crept towards the wardrobe doors. Clearly, you'd missed someone, someone stupid enough to take drowning over a quick death with a blade.
Hands poised by the handle, you counted to three in your mind.
You yanked open the door, dagger poised to kill whatever member of Kars's crew you found, but no one jumped at you, no one shouted, no one tried to flee... because the man you found was chained up.
"What in the...?" you murmured, pulling open the other wardrobe door to reveal the full picture.
There was a man bound and cowering on the floor of the wardrobe, his wrists tied behind his back and a dirty rag stuffed in his mouth and tied around his head. His clothes, although perhaps it was generous to call the rags that, hung off his too thin body and his blond hair was dirty and hung limp in front of his face as he flinched away from you.
You scented the air and swore as you realised what he was.
Kars had captured an omega for his own sick desires. You swore again in disgust and briefly regretted not giving him a more painful and humiliating death.
You heard your name called out from the corridor as you second in command was clearly searching for you.
"I'm in here!" you called back. "I'm fine, but get everyone back on our ship as fast as possible, I need them out of the way for what I'm bringing out."
There was a pause as your second in command processed your order. It probably sounded strange, but he was a good enough pirate to know that now wasn't the time to be questioning your orders and called back a 'yes, Captain!' before his footsteps faded back towards the way they'd come from.
You crouched down in front of the omega, looking for anything that might be chaining him to the wall. You found none. He must have hid in here when he heard the fighting rather than been chained in here by Kars.
"Come on, darling, we're going to get you out of here," you tried to keep your voice soothing, but you didn't have time to waste if he refused to come. "Kars is dead and the ship is sinking, we haven't got much time."
The omega's eyes were wet and his bottom lip was shaking, but he hesitantly moved forward anyway, allowing you to pull him to his feet by his shoulders.
He stumbled immediately and you had to wrap an arm around him to keep him steady, something he didn't seem to appreciate, but you figured he'd appreciate being left in here to drown even less, so you didn't remove the arm.
You hadn't been this close to an omega in a long time, but you ignored the sweet scent and focused on getting out of here before you died a horny idiot like so many before you.
"Here we go, that's it," you muttered encouragements to the poor man as you basically dragged him up onto the deck. His whole body was shaking and he was making small, muffled sounds of pain.
As the deck came into sight, you saw your second in command. His whole body relaxed as he saw you and then stiffened in surprise as he saw what was in your arms.
"Help me get him to safety, Nix, I don't think he can climb on his own."
With some difficultly, you managed to get the man onto the deck of your ship without any casualties.
"Right!" you called out, gathering the attention of your crew and gaining a flinch from the omega still leaning on you. "Half of you get us back on course, the rest of you store whatever was grabbed down below!"
"And I assume you'll be getting familiar with the new 'on ship entertainment'," one of your crew smirked, eyes making an obvious crawl down the omega's body. "Are you planning on sharing?"
You drew your sword before you had time to think out it, pointing it directly at his throat.
"Another word out of your mouth and you'll be joining what's left of Kars's ship," you said harshly, leaving no room for arguing. You pressed the tip of the sword in a little harder. "And that goes for the rest of you too! We are pirates, but we are not scum like those we killed today! You best remember that."
You let your words hang for a moment.
"Keep things running up here, Nix, I'm going to get our guest settled in. Let me know if someone needs reminding of their place."
"Yes, Captain," Nix replied, eyes hard and determined. "You lot! Stop gawking and get to work!"
You wrapped an arm around the omega, idly noting that his shaking was getting much worse.
"Come on, I won't let them touch you, darling," you said, keeping your voice low to avoid any of your crew hearing you go soft. "We'll get you cleaned up and warm, I promise."
The man looked at you for a moment, his brown eyes large and doe like and he nodded, the first time he'd acknowledged you directly.
"Good," you gave him a little smile. "You'll be safe here, I promise. What's your name?"
The man didn't answer, dropping his eyes to the floor.
"Where are you from?" you tried instead.
"...Anaret," he eventually croaked, throat hoarse and sore.
Anaret, huh? You considered the place, trying to imagine a map in your mind. You could work with that.
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