#i was double checking all my saved files earlier
ddwcaph-game · 4 months
I had to reformat my computer to get it fixed. I was so sure everything would be saved, but because of a stupid misunderstanding, ALL my files are gone now. My documents, my drawings, my animation and portfolio files, everything I did for school... it's all gone now.
I guess the silver lining is... all my DDWCaPH files are still intact, minus all the art stuff. Which is... fine in the grand scheme of things. None of the existing artwork is final anyway, and I guess I can still download the files I uploaded.
I'm still trying to process everything, but the messed up part is... I don't even feel like crying? There's obviously a LOT I'll never be able to get back, but it almost feels freeing to have some sort of fresh start? I dunno, it's hard to explain. Maybe the realization will catch up to me later.
Since I'll never be able to polish the animated trailer I made, I guess I might as well share it after I've recovered a bit (thankfully I uploaded that to Youtube).
Please distract me with asks about the game. I need it more than ever.
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shins-rpc-sources · 1 year
being able to find pre-made icons of whomever you want to roleplay as can be nothing short of tedious, right? well, that's why i've put it upon myself to make this tutorial! because idk about you guys but i prefer making my own icons because mine are all 150 x 65 because i simply like and prefer rectangular icons to square icons. so let's get down to business, yeah? and like pretty much all of my lengthy tutorials, this will be under a READ MORE.
the main program you'll need for this is VLC Media Player. the reason for this is because it has a built-in feature that allows you to screencap any video you play. now if you're roleplaying as a video game character and you need the cutscenes from said game ( or video game movies as i call them if they're all together in one video ) then i definitely recommend you getting 4K Video Downloader. the free version allows you to download up to 30 videos / day for free whereas the license grants you an unlimited # of downloads / day off of youtube.
after you've install VLC Media Player, get it going and go to Tools > Preferences. once you've done that something like this should pop up.
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now do me a solid and click All in the box that's highlighted in the red box. by doing so will result in this popping
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now scroll all the way down to where you see Video and then click on Filter. once done you'll have this pop up.
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once you have this window up scroll the sidescroll all the way to the right until you see Scene filter video. it'll be third from the top as highlighted down below. check it and then click Save.
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so once you hit Save, the box closes. there's nothing to freak out or worry about because that's perfectly normal. what we're gonna do now is have you go to ... like ... your Pictures folder and make a folder named after whatever you're getting screencaps for. if you're needing screencaps for, say, crisis core reunion then you'll create a new folder and name it something like ... say ... Crisis Core Reunion Screencaps. now do me a favor and double click on the folder so that you're now actually in it. you'll see why in a minute.
i need you to go back to Tools > Preferences > All > Videos in VLC Media Player. once you do that i need you to click on the little > right next to Filter so that a little drop down menu will pop up. it'll look a little something like this.
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now scroll all the way down until you see Scene filter and click on that. once you've clicked on it this window will pop up.
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remember when i told you to keep that folder up and running for Crisis Core Reunion Screencaps? well, this is where it comes into play! click on where it says This PC > Pictures > Crisis Core Reunion Screencaps , highlight everything , and the press CTRL + C to copy it. and for those of you wondering ... ... ... ... ... it'll look a little something like this: C:\Users\PROFILE\Pictures\RP Stuff\References. that's perfectly normal!
now i want you go pay close attention to the box i have highlighted down below. why? because the original number they had for the Recording ratio is ridiculous. switching the number to 1 means that it'll take one ( 1 ) screencap every second! and the number of screencaps you'll have will determine how long your video game movie is.
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now you're probably wondering why the Directory path prefix is empty. of course you are. why wouldn't you be wondering it? well, that's where you're putting the directory for the directory path you just copied earlier! click on the empty box and press CTRL + V to paste it. once finished, click save and you're good to go.
now that you've gotten all of the hard stuff done and out of the way, this is when you click on Media > Open file and then click on that Crisis Core Reunion movie you downloaded using 4K Video Downloader. once you have that going, the screencapping will commence and all you have to do is just minimize VLC Media Player and go on your merry way until the "movie" is done!
this is all you have to do to get screencaps. and all you have to do every time you want to get screencaps for something super specific is to make a folder for said thing, copy the directory path, and paste it into the Directory path prefix.
i'm hoping this tutorial was simple enough and easy to understand for y'all!
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sundropstories · 7 months
Make Me
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Pairing: Steve Rodgers x reader
Summary: The villain saves the hero.
Warnings: LOTS of swearing and I guess it kinda gives the idea of smut.
a/n: idk how good this is but I'm really happy with it. I hope y'all enjoy it!
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Shit shit shit..I'm tripping over myself running towards my exit. Once I get out of this abandoned warehouse I double check that I got the files. Wait..maybe it's in my back pockets..front..please...please..please..please... "DAMNT!" I take a deep breath as I turn to run back into the scene I just left.
I see Captian America trying to fight off the masked man from earlier. I run to the masked guy "Bold of me to assume you were on my side" I say practically jumping onto him. As I notice 2 more guys enter.
Cap immediately begins fighting them. Weird it's almost like we're on the same team.
"Just to be clear I didn't come back to help you." I say in between breaths.
"Yeah well I had him." He replies. "Mhm.. Seemed like it." I tumble back after taking a hit to the ribs. Wow this guys like strong, and I've had my fare share of hits from Captian America himself.
After what feels like fighting for, literally ever I start to realize that there are tons of these masked men. And..I hate to say it...against me and Cap.
"I need backup" I hear cap say and almost Immediately there's a few shield agents and avengers joining us.
Most all the masked agents are gone but I'm getting weaker. My eyes are watering, I can hardly see. I fall over defeated.
Almost seconds after tapping out I'm being cuffed by the lovely Captain America.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." He says with a slight chuckle. Then returns to fighting after handing me off to some shield agents.
Cap has the files now. I notice a bunch of guys go after him. God what's in that file.
Im watching over my shoulder when I notice one of the men on the floor aim for Steve.
He doesn't see it. He's not going to see it.. In the rush of adrenaline I somehow release myself from the agent and jump in front of cap at the exact time the gun goes off.
I fall backwards into him My enemy, Steve Rodgers. He sits back as I'm now basically laying in his lap..not willingly...choking on my breath.
"You took a bullet for me." He mumbles, and I almost can't hear him.
There's shock in his eyes. But mine are filled with fear. I can barely choke out "Only cause you're supposed to die in my arms, you got that." attempting a half smile.
His hand moves to hold my wound. "Well then I guess I can't have you dying on me."
My eyes flutter shut.
I gasp awake my hand immediately going to the shooting pain in my stomach. I got shot. "Shit"
I immediately begin removing all the IV's, and sit up out of bed.
"Where do you think you're going" I hear from across the room.
"Steve" I whisper, now looking towards him. "I- I have to go I have to finish this job."
I stand only to immediately fall in pain. Steve rushes over to help me back on the bed. "I've actually never been shot before, and I think this is the worst." I say clearly struggling.
"Yeah well looks like you're stuck here a little longer." Steve says taking a seat next to the hospital bed.
I let out a pained laugh. "What?" He says, looking at me confused.
"I just can't believe we're having a conversation right now and I don't feel like I want to kill you." I say Turning to look at him.
"Yeah, it is pretty weird huh, guess I can't be that upset when you took a bullet for me." He leans forward looking me in the eyes.
"Why did you do that? Y/n." He says just above a whisper.
I spend a second just looking at him before I answer. Good he's pretty. And those eyes...Then I start to remember the events of the fight.
"I-I told you, because I want to be the one who kills you." I turn to look away from him.
"Is that really why?"
I look back at him again. "Because your hearts beating pretty fast right now."
"You can hear my heart beat?" I say in a low voice. "Yeah so you're either lying to me or...oh?" He quirks an eyebrow.
I can't help myself from looking into his eyes again.
"Are you nervous y/n?"  My breath hitches as he inches closer. Our faces inches apart. "Do I make you nervous y/n?"
"I- I um" my eyes shift to his lips.
I barely have time to react when he connects our lips. I'm quick to settle in to the kiss, my hands now holding his face when the kiss becomes more heated. Grabbing and pulling at each other. 
When we finally pull away. My hands still caressing his face, and our foreheads connected.
"Okay fine, I didn't want you to die because then I'd have no nemesis left to beat." I say finally releasing him and laying back down on the bed.
"Oh shut up." He says, laughing while sitting back in his chair.
"Make me."
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kafus · 11 months
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i have some loose ends to tie up (mostly detecting pokemon eggs) but i've done it... my javascript program can take a GSC save file upload of any version/language, check the version, read the important data from all the party pokemon, and also calculate/validate checksum. whew. tons of progress today. i've practically been coding the entire day and my script has doubled in size
a lot of the code itself is kind of boring (checking specific byte positions for various numerical data like stats) but i'm happy with how i implemented my big dictionaries that i posted a video of earlier. now i'm able to read raw hexadecimal and translate it into, well, letters (the korean is in a different function because it's quirky but it's basically the same thing except each letter is two bytes)
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and of course working with hex is janky in javascript as per usual (this function is for taking multiple bytes in 0x00 format and making them one number instead, like 0x01 and 0x02 becomes 0x0102, which is 258 in decimal)
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many such cases of little workarounds...
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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16 | Hunter
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
Day 8
You’ve been with Baji and Draken for a week now and you’ve made a habit of going out each morning for your daily ‘hunt’ with your shotgun slung over your shoulder.
Shamelessly, the three of you walk down the streets no longer in a single file line. You’ve all gained a bit of confidence. You especially, despite walking with a man on either side of you.
Baji had given you his bulletproof vest, too. Ever since you opened up to him and apologized for the way you acted before you really knew him, he’s been quite the gentleman.
“Keep up, you too!” Draken says as he looks back at the two of you. He always needs to be a couple of steps ahead. Same old Draken.
“Is it weird that this is getting easier for us?” you ask the two of them aloud.
“I can hardly believe it’s been a week,” Baji adds.
“I know. Feels like it’s been-“ you begin, before suddenly getting cut off by the sound of a woman screaming.
The three of you rush to the side of the street and look around. “There!” you point out to a bus that’s shaking side to side.
“You ready?” Draken asks.
You can’t forget to mention that ever since you started going on your so-called ‘hunts’, you haven’t just been killing people. You’ve been saving others at the same time. It was pretty much all Baji’s idea- going after the predators, not the prey.
“I’ll go in,” you say as you take your gun from your shoulder and pass it to Draken, exchanging it for the pistol hidden in your waistband instead.
“We’ll be right behind you,” he replies.
After a silent nod at the two of them, you quietly make your way closer to the bus. You hear no sounds now, but you continue moving in getting closer to the door.
Just outside, you take a deep breath and double-check the pistol for ammo. Of course it’s loaded. You checked it ten times before going out this morning.
Despite your nerves, you close the barrel and step onto the bus. You point your gun straight out and see a woman tied in the middle of the bus with tape around her ankles, wrists, and mouth.
“Hinata!” you gasp as you run up to her. “Oh my god, you’re still alive!” You’re in tears as you start undoing the tape around her wrists where you notice a four on the inside of her left wrist. “Just hold on, I’m going to get you out of here!”
But no matter how much you try to comfort her, she squirms and shouts through the tape. It’s then that you notice blood all over her fingers.
“Oh my god. What-“ you begin just before realizing it. Both of her pinky fingers are cut clean off. Suddenly, you get light-headed and start falling to the side.
“Mom!” you shout as you open your front door and walk into the house. “I’m back! God, school was such a fucking drag but at least graduation’s only one week away!”
“Mom?” you call out again, walking through the house. “Dad?”
Your parents were usually always home before you. But after walking around the house and waiting until it got dark, you decide to call the police.
Upon further investigation, you learn from the police that your parents never even made it to work that day.
The following morning, you ditch school and lay in your bed, eyes wide open. Your phone sits beside you as you anxiously await a call with any kind of news.
However, it’s not until it’s gotten dark again that you finally get the call. The officer assigned to your missing parents’ case is calling from a farm on the outskirts of down. Despite how much he pleads with you not to go, you want to see it for yourself.
Faster than you’ve ever driven, you get yourself to that farm. You park your car beside the three other police vehicles and rush over to the stable.
“I thought this place was abandoned,” you tell the officer once you find him. “What were my parents doing out here?”
“Listen, Y/N, we got an anonymous call before saying there were straight sounds coming from the farm so we came out earlier today and had forensics treat the whole place like a crime scene…”
“Okay, and?” you ask nervously. “Did you find my parents? They’re dead, aren’t they? I know the chance is like zero after twenty-four hours…”
“Well that’s the thing, Y/N… We found a bunch of bones mixed in with the feces of the hogs,” he tries to break to you easily.
“Oh my god,” you groan, slapping your hand over your face before you throw up. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“That’s not all,” he shakes his head as he nods toward another one of the officers. You watch as he’s passed a small white cloth and starts to open it for you. Again, you feel puke crawl up your throat. It’s a miracle you haven’t made a mess.
“Are those…”
“Four pinky fingers,” he tells you. “We can do a blood test… if you’d like. But, Y/N, the odds are very high.”
“I want to make sure,” you shake your head. “Please, can we do the test?”
“Of course,” he nods.
“Can I follow you to the station? I don’t really want to be alone right now, either.”
“Yeah,” he replies, handing the white cloth back to the other officer. “I’ll have someone lead you downtown and I’ll meet you there, too, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod as you let out a deep breath. “Thank you.”
After waiting at the police station for what feels like years, the same policeman as before calls you into his office. Quietly, you follow him into the room where he passes you a whole box of tissues.
“So it was them,” you say as you grab a tissue and crumble it in your hands. You can’t even look at the man who has been nothing but nice to you.
“Y/N, if there’s anything you need I’ll be here to-“
“I’m eighteen,” you say, finding enough courage to fix your posture and glare at him. “I can handle myself. Don’t sugarcoat it, either. My parents were chopped up and fed to pigs. And for whatever sick reason, only their pinky fingers were saved. I’d like to have them back, if you don’t mind. They’re all I have left of my parents.”
“Officer,” you interrupt once more. “I’d like to have the remains of my parents and go back home. So unless you’re about to tell me I’m under arrest for feeding my parents to fucking pigs, I suggest you let me gather the four fingers I’m asking for and let me go home!”
“Fine,” he sighs as he stands up. “Please wait in the hall for your, uh, parents. I’ll bring them right to you.”
“Thank you,” you nod firmly, though the second he steps out, you quickly reach for the tissue box. Tears stream down your face like never before. Your beloved parents. Chopped up and fed to pigs as meat. What kind of fucking sicko would do such a thing?
You never even got a chance to say goodbye.
Wasteland Masterlist
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martinsmith01 · 15 days
Cricut Design Software Download: Full Installation Guide
Welcome to this complete guide on the Cricut Design software download! Whether you’re a Mac or Windows user, I will walk you through the basic steps to download the Cricut software. All you need is a little patience and a willingness to follow along.
Ever since I got my Cricut machine, I have downloaded the Cricut Design Space software to use it. But earlier, I was using a Chromebook, and later, I found out that I can’t use it on a Chromebook. For this, I had to visit Cricut’s official website, and then I came to know about the system requirements. Luckily, I had an old Dell laptop with Windows 10 installed, which I am currently using.
As a crafting expert, I would like to teach you how to download Cricut Design Space. This software allows you to create, edit, modify, and much more. However, this is the software that will enable you to control or operate your Cricut machine. Let’s get started!
Minimum System Requirements to Download Cricut Design Software
Checking system requirements before the Cricut Design software download is important. You can’t just jump to Cricut’s site and download the app onto your desktop. This is not the right way as it can lead to error, resulting in performance issues, system inability, and other related issues. I check it every time before installing any software, be it the Cricut app or others. Hence, I suggest you check the following needs of your desktop that I have desired below for both Mac & Windows:
For Mac
Operating System — Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
Disk — 2 GB free
A USB port or Bluetooth is required
RAM — Minimum 4 GB
CPU — Intel Dual Core or equivalent to AMD processor
Display — Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
For Windows
Operating System — macOS 11 or later
CPU — 1.83 GHz
A USB port or Bluetooth is required
Disk — 2 GB
RAM — Minimum 4 GB
Display — Minimum 1024px x 768px screen resolution
Cricut Design Software Download on a Computer
I have used both computers, so I know how to download Cricut Design Space on Mac & Windows. So, if you are a Windows user or Mac, you can simply learn to download the software by following the steps below:
For Windows
In the beginning, start with turning on the Cricut machine.
Then, plug its power cable into the wall outlet.
Now, navigate to any compatible browser — Google Chrome.
On your browser, visit the URL design.cricut.com.
Next, you will be moved to a new page where you have to select a checkbox.
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You need to accept the T&C, go forward, and click the Download button.
Here, click on the Download tab to begin the Cricut download.
As the downloading begins, you have to wait until it is fully downloaded.
Afterward, you should head to the folder in your file explorer where you have downloaded it or not.
In your file explorer, go to your Downloads folder and verify it for downloaded files.
Double-click on the file you have downloaded and start the installation.
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For your Cricut installation, you will have to follow the illustrated screen prompts.
For Mac
To get started, switch on your computer.
After that, you need to use an internet browser on a Mac.
Next, you have to use the URL design.cricut.com on the search bar.
Follow the simple-to-understand related instructions on the display and get the app.
When you have finally downloaded the Cricut Design Space, navigate to the folder where you downloaded your .dmg file. By default, it will be saved to your Downloads folder.
Following this, you need to double-click on the .dmg file to install it.
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In the end, drag a Cricut icon to the Applications folder. It will eventually download your Cricut software to your Applications folder.
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Finally, you have learned Cricut Design software download on Windows or Mac. Before that, I also showed you the minimum system requirements for downloading the app.
Question 1: Do I need internet access to download the Cricut app?
Answer: Yes, you need the internet to download the Cricut software. To do this, you have to go to an internet browser. As you know, an internet browser requires an internet connection to open a website. In short, you will need internet access to download the software on your computer or phone.
Question 2: Why do I need to download the Cricut application?
Answer: There are many benefits to downloading the Cricut software, such as the ability to create designs from scratch or use a pre-made project. The software is also used to set up your Cricut cutting machine. Using this software, we can easily update the machine’s firmware, and the timely update of software keeps it up to date with new or latest features, ensuring a seamless design experience.
Question 3: Do I need a computer for the Cricut Design software download?
Answer: Not necessarily! Computers can be used to download files, but it is not always necessary. For example, if you want to use your Cricut on your Android mobile phone, you can navigate to your Play Store to install the app. Similarly, if you are an iOS user, just go to the App Store to install the same Cricut Design app.
Source: Cricut Design software download
Visit here For More Information: Cricut.com/setup
Cricut Explore Air 2
0 notes
crqelsummer · 1 year
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Title: the next chapter Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairing(s): Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki/Yaoyorozu Momo Character(s): Jirou Kyouka, Kaminari Denki, Yaoyorozu Momo Additional Tags: Baby Fic, this is actually just about them bringing home their new baby, Mention of dead parents, Adoption Language: English Archive Warnings: None Rating: Gen
Published: 2023-02-12. Word Count: 3,661. Chapters: 1/1
Summary: momo never thought that responding to one collapsed apartment call would result in this. but now, she thinks she was destined to meet him.
Momo thinks this may be the most scared she’s ever been. Or apprehensive at least. Or all of the above. She hasn’t been able to decide for some time now.
Not since they’d woken up, all too early because that’s when the paperwork done and he was ready to be taken home. Not when Momo had gotten the text, grabbing her phone over her slumbering partners and bolted up so quick she’d woken both of them. Not when there’d been such a nervous energy between all three of them as they’d silently gotten dressed, tossed jackets on into the dark early morning in barely cohesive outfits. Not when they’d been in the car, quiet as each person could catch the gaze of another but say nothing. Not when they’d already had the baby’s carseat in between her two partners, waiting for its occupant. It isn’t until they’re actually signing their names on the form for their nametags in shaky handwriting in the hospital do all the words start to spill out of Denki like a faucet.
“Did we fill everything out for him? I mean, I remember going through all the files and stuff, but what if we forgot something? Like they have our IDs right?” He asks, voice quivering and barely at a whisper as they walk down the halls, the click of her own heeled boots on the linoleum punctuated with the far heavier footsteps of Kyoka and Denki barely breaking the silence, “They said it was processed but what if something went wrong?”
“Double checked. And then triple checked, they know who we are, Denks.” Kyoka says to her right, a barely there nervous grin crossing her expression. Kyoka had been the most closed off all morning, playing with her earphone jacks with a terrified air to her as she’d sat by in her plum sweatshirt and jeans. Kyoka had been the most surprised when Momo had arrived home almost three weeks ago with a burning question on her lips. About him, about the baby she’d rescued earlier in the day. The one who had no parents, the one she’d saved from the wreckage and couldn’t stop thinking about. She’d been stunned by the news, and had needed time to process what Momo was asking. She hadn’t known if it was right, if after the heels of her tour that it was even a good idea. 
*“Momo, we all have lives already. Inserting him into it could upturn everything — I need him to feel loved by all of us.”*
But eventually, she’d come back to her with a nervous grin and agreed wholeheartedly to the motherhood she’d soon experience. While Momo had been away on missions lately, she’d been the one taking care of all the paperwork. Done her neat scrawl of writing, Kyoka would know if they were missing anything. Had stayed up some nights organizing everything, had exclaimed proudly one night that their application had been accepted. Her critical eye wouldn’t let anything important keep them back from this, “I’ve got it, don’t worry.”
“Hard not to worry, y’know?” He chuckles lowly, scratching the back of his neck as Momo glances for the office she’s looking for, “I mean, they’re putting us in charge of a whole *baby*. I didn’t think they just did that.”
“Babies are born everyday, you think they just lock them off before you reach a certain achievement?” Kyoka asks, her grin growing wider at her husband’s indignation. It’s softer this time though, “We’re all he’s got.”
“I know. It’s just…” Denki doesn’t finish his sentence, trailing off. He changes his grip on the baby carrier, scratching the back of his neck. Denki had been the most concerned about their new adoption. Worried about treating him right, worried about whether he’d grow up happy and healthy in a home of three pro heroes. He’d never given fatherhood a second thought, and the word *no* was just about on his lips when Momo had announced to her partners that there was an orphaned baby she really thought they could take in. 
*“I — Momo. We’re pro heroes, I don’t want to be the reason he’s orphaned again some day, or has to live with my name on an urn somewhere. He needs people that can be there for him no matter what.”*
Given that time though, it had been a hesitant yes that Momo had to confirm that it was what he really wanted. She’d sat down personally with him, made sure he wasn’t just saying yes because his wife and partner were. He’d sat across from her, rubbing the back of his head before turning to her with a nervous grin and nodding, sparks jumping off him when Momo had pulled him into a hug. And it was, and through that worry, he also managed to be the one who’d babyproofed their home and bought everything known to man that he thought could help. Momo doesn’t know how many gadgets he’d bought already, coming home with new ones the closer and closer they got to today. He constantly claimed they were necessary and they might need them, even as Kyoka had begun hiding them away, “Wanna do it right. *Hope* we do it right.”
She remembers coming home one night, then realizing the home smelled distinctly of paint. Shucking off her shoes, she’d padded into the little office turned nursery to find her wife and partner laughing with yellow, lavender and rose paint on them. It was more artsy than she’d given them credit for, a deep rose along the baseboards while the sky had been painted purple. Denki had been in the process of painting haphazard stars when the two of them had noticed Momo in the doorway, pulling her in to help finish the project. That was when she’d truly gotten excited, allowed herself to feel properly happy about the prospect of a baby in their home. They’d stepped back together, looking at their handiwork and dissolving into laughter.
Momo doesn’t think she’d loved the pair of them anymore than she did in that very moment.
They stop behind the door, a little abruptly as Momo catches the numbers as she mulls over Denki’s words. She doesn’t like having second thoughts, they’d certainly gotten her hurt enough times. She has to make a plan and go through with it, and she has her plan. All lined up in a row, and she thinks she’s ready. She’s has to be ready, with both of her partners and now her baby relying on her. How had she even gotten here?
Late in the morning a month ago now, when she’d responded to a call of a collapse of an apartment building. Biting and blustery just days before Christmas, it’d just been her and Shiozaki responding to the call of a minor villain attack, when she’d heard the crying of a child just underneath some rubble. She’d raced ahead while Shiozaki detained the man, careful not to let anything else fall on her as she came across the bassinet, the baby boy inside and miraculously unharmed other than being dirtied. She’d lifted the heavy plank of wood off of the dented crib, then pulling the shrieking child out. Momo had been so scared, so afraid that he was hurt. Pulled close to her chest she’d picked her way back through the ruined apartment, hoping her body heat would’ve comforted him until he quieted. Wrapping her cape around him, she’d carried him out to the paramedics, begging them to keep her updated if he got back to his family.
He didn’t. He was orphaned that day.
And Momo had asked the only thing that she thought to do. Ask if she could take him in. They said they’d get back to her on the legal and medical side of things. Then she’d gone home, still in her costume and had breathlessly asked her partners how they felt about being parents.
She turns to the both of them, in their early morning grogginess and anticipation bubbling out of them through their expressions. Her own smile is already tugging at the corners of her mouth underneath her medical mask, “We already love him so much, Denki. That’s what he needs and what he’ll hopefully treasure for the rest of his life. We’ll make our mistakes, but that’s to be expected, dear.”
His amber eyes twinkle into something hopeful, something soft. Possibly thinking about what she already was. Kyoka reaches out a hand to him, and he threads his fingers through her’s. Rapping twice at the door, a smaller voice calls out, “Come in!”
The same nurse she’d spoken to weeks ago when he was first brought in, still small and unaware, sits behind the desk. She stands all too quick, accidentally hitting her knee in her quick rising, “S-Sorry for calling you all in so early! The paperwork just cleared so soon and he’s ready to go home and everything, we figured it was best to get him out of the hospital as soon as possible.”
“That’s quite alright.” Momo says, itching with nervous energy. The way her hair stands up on the back of her neck says Denki is feeling the same, “He’s alright then? Everything clear?”
“Yes!” She says all too loudly, then lowering her voice with a labored exhale, “Yaoyorozu — that’s what we’re calling him for now — he’s doing great. As far as I’m concerned, you saved him from a month, maybe two month long stay in the hospital. We were really only worried about his skull, but it turns out he was completely safe from the collapse. The dust inhalation was a big concern but that also cleared up pretty quickly. Other than that, the rest of the time was for observation and to let three of his fingers set.”
“They broke?” Denki asks before she can answer, the look on his face being nothing short of heartbroken. Momo hadn’t even known about that part, the infant had seemed okay when she’d dropped him off with her. Still crying, still breathing — he was alive and alright. How had she not noticed? “Is he okay?”
“He’s perfectly fine, Chargebolt. They did break on impact, but one of our nurses was able to reset the bones and set him on an accelerated healing path. No chance of misshapen fingers either.” She smiles brightly in his direction, “Other than that, his other health notes are this file —” She reaches behind her to the desk, handing Momo a thicker manila folder, “He’s already gotten most of his shots, though I’ll likely see you again in the next couple of months to follow up on more. Health history is more dicey though, we don’t have much from his birth parents. Let them and his foster parents find peace, but anything the hospital did have on file is in there.”
She doesn’t move to immediately open it, this can be pored over later. She would have to find allergies and such as soon as they got settled and home, “Thank you.” Is all she says, her mind already spiraling to later in the morning, when they’d be back at the house and able to get him settled, “Is there anything we should know beforehand?”
“Ah,” She stops to think, tapping a finger on her desk, “Nothing that raised any major red flags. You’ll have to be careful with him though, we aren’t entirely sure but we think he might have some hearing damage on his left side. That’s something we’ll have to wait and see on in regular checkups, but I figure it’s something you may want to know.”
“Hearing damage?” It’s the first thing Kyoka’s said to the nurse, a curious but concerned tone in her voice, “How so? Why?”
“During the villain attack, the apartment building he was in with his parents partially collapsed. That sort of noise could be damaging to anyone, but especially to brand new ears.” The nurse answers, tapping her own left ear as if to demonstrate. Momo remembers hearing the building crumble, but hadn’t thought about what that meant for survivors, “We did a hearing screening while he was here, his right is fine but he scored lower on the left. We doubt it will develop to deafness, but it’s a note in his file to watch.”
Kyoka makes a noncommittal sound, certainly already thinking through the new information. 
“Well, if that’s all on the administrative side, why don’t we get you all settled to meet baby Yaoyorozu properly?” The nurse asks chipperly, walking around the three of them back down the hall in the opposite direction. They follow after her dutifully, the excitement and anticipation thick in the air. Pediatrics is emblazoned on the wall when they pass through another waiting area, not sparing the other patients another glance when the nurse pushes through the double doors. She turns another corner, this time greeted by a smaller hallway with none of the doors having namecards except the one on the end. Her surname is scrawled across the notecard in quick ink strokes, and her heart skips a beat as the nurse slides the door open.
It’s a smaller room than her office, as it holds little more than a hospital bassinet and some other machines that have been stored away in a corner. A small sofa and chair round out the corner as well as a bed in the corner closest to the door on the right. The walls are painted a pastel yellow, as if welcoming in the daylight as the sun just barely peeks out from the horizon. The gurgling from the bassinet is what snaps up her attention first, and the three of them take their fair amount of hand sanitizer before growing closer to it.
The nurse is there first, carefully doing a once over before smiling up at all three of them. Momo’s heart squeezes just as it did the first time she saw the infant, but he’s cleaner than he was almost a month ago. Gone is the dust and soot, instead just baby-soft pale skin settled against the white bodysuit he’s in. Deep purple hair wisps not dissimilar to Kyoka’s own peek out from underneath the small hat he wears, and when his eyes meet her’s, its the colbalt blue that’d broken her heart when she’d pulled him out from the wreckage. Held tight against her body to protect him from falling debris, all while he had been watching her with wet blue orbs.
She doesn’t know if he recognizes her. But he holds her gaze, staring. The nurse gently picks him up, cradling him when she looks up at the three pros, “I’m sure you all can shed a few layers? I can turn up the heat a little if it’s too cold.”
They’re all about to trip over each other with how quickly they’re taking off their outer layers, left in longer sleeved shirts. They slip back onto the sofa, almost shoulder to shoulder with Momo in between them. Her hands are quivering as she tries to dry the sweat off of them, the nurse leaning forward to hand the now very-much-awake baby to them. And then, all of a sudden the warm infant is against her chest and Momo is breathing far too hard. Cradling him careful, remembering to hold his head properly, she allows herself to take a small sigh against her mask. The nurse says something, something Denki answers and then she’s gone. And they’re alone.
In that small room, in that hospital, they become parents to this little bundle of joy. 
Momo is only having a *minor* freakout. Very, very minor as she watches Denki rub his anti static wristbands vigorously out of the corner of her eye. The baby, he doesn’t move at first more than squirm in her arms, but nestles into her arms well enough. He’s bigger than he was a month ago too, how much growth he’d had is near astounding. Kyoka is the first to reach out a tentative hand to the baby, her own hands shaking just as much as Momo imagines her own are. Careful, ever so gently, to rest on his hands that her’s dwarf. His eyes dart over to Kyoka, a small noise escaping him as he reaches his tiny fingers to wrap around her index. Something strangled escapes her wife’s throat, something akin to a sob but she can’t tell. 
“He’s…God he’s so small.” Denki whispers, as if he’s scared too make too much noise. He leans against Momo’s left shoulder, body shivering as if there’s a draft in the cool room, “How old is he?”
“Only a few months. Suzuki had said according to records just about three,” She responds, remembering when the nurse had sent over the few records that she had in an email. She frowns down at the infant, suddenly hit with a wave of sadness, “So early to be among the destruction of villains.”
“And he doesn’t have any living family left?” Denki asks, with a comforting hand on her thigh.
“No. They did everything they could to place him back with a family member, but they couldn’t find anyone,” Momo responds, watching as he looks around at all three of them. Soaking in their appearances perhaps, committing them to memory. She briefly wonders what his foster parents were like. She hadn’t seen them, hadn’t found them. Later on someone else had reported them among the dead in the rubble, with an obituary on the newspaper website only days later. Momo hopes she and her partners can treat their little one with same love they would’ve given him. She’s already committed their names to memory, with the intention of telling him one day whenever he asked, “He was placed with a foster family around a month old, but those details I don’t know anything about.”
“So…we’re really the only ones he has?” Denki’s voice cracks, as he leans his head deeper into the crook of Momo’s shoulder. If she’s right, his eyes are damp at the thought. Kyoka does the same against her shoulder, now playing with the boy’s tiny fingers. He coos at her lowly, blinking a few times as he snuggles closer into her arm, “That’s…I don’t even know. I mean, what’s his name?”
“Seiji.” Momo says, remembering the characters that had been on the document in one of the many emails between her and the agency. Lawful and just, when she’d looked up what the name meant. She thought it would be fitting one day, “It’s what was in his files. I don’t know if that’s the name his foster parents gave him or the one his birth parents did. But that’s what it is. Our dear Seiji.”
As if recognizing his name, Seiji blinks up at her, gurgling as his grip slips on Kyoka’s finger. His eyelids are growing heavier, as he eventually lulls off into a light sleep, just barely shifting enough to grasp onto Momo’s shirt. The small, barely there tug makes her eyes water. Her baby. Their baby. *Their son*, and she doesn’t really know how to process it yet. It’s as if all of her emotions are slamming into her at once, and she just wants to do everything she can to protect the little one she has in her arms. He looks so content there, barely aware of the the things that’d happened only a month ago. She thinks he must be so thrilled with the idea of not spending any longer in the sterile pediatric ward and instead in his own crib in their room. Just as they’d prepared so meticulously as soon as their papers were submitted. Onesies ready to be worn and grown out of, a stroller ready for long walks in the park. Enough of their friends’ merch and their own for him to make a life out of.
She leans back into the sofa, exhaustion creeping into the corners of her subconscious. It already feels like it’s been such a long morning, and it feels like a great weight has been taken off her shoulders with the arrival of Seiji. Kyoka and Denki move to lean back against her. They’re so close together, the warmth of each person on either side of her easily making up for the drafty room. Denki’s the first to speak, his voice cracking ever so slightly, “I think…I’ve fallen in love all over again. No offense, Kyoka”
Kyoka hums in agreement, “I think you might have some competition as my favorite boy, babe.”
He chuckles, a nervous but greatly amused laugh on his lips. He turns to press a kiss to Momo’s cheek. She knows it’s mostly friendly, just affectionate enough to make her smile against it, “Thank you. For giving us this chance, Momo.”
“Thank you both. For everything.” She takes a shuddering breath, watching their future breathe as he naps. They squeeze a little closer as she dares not move to wipe away the rogue tears that dare to escape and roll down her cheeks. It clicks into place, in that little room on the far side of the hospital that she’ll do anything for this beautiful baby boy. The glint of her wedding ring against the light, gold and silver bands on top of one another. Her family, her Denki, her Kyoka, and now her Seiji.
She’d be here for him, with a tissue if he cries and a hug when he needed it. Denki would surely be able to make him laugh, comfort him when things went wrong. Kyoka with nothing short of giving him the confidence to do whatever he ever desired. Momo could already see it, and it fills her with so much warmth she thinks it might explode out her chest.
“Welcome to the family, little man.” Denki says, raising a hand to gently cradle his head, “We’re so happy to meet you.”
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theliterateape · 1 year
Law School Might Have Been a Good Idea If Money Was the Object of My Dreams
by Don Hall
Brad William Henke, a former NFL player known for his role as Tom Cullen in the latest television version of The Stand, has died at 56 years old.
I'm 56 years old.
A side character in the recent Netflix mega-hit Wednesday with a full white beard and looking as old as the hills is killed by a monster. When the title character goes to the morgue to check out the body, she mentions he was fifty years old.
I'm 56 years old.
I certainly love the happy bullshit that dictates "You're only as old as you feel" but reality is simple: you are as old as you are in the number of years you've been alive with no regard whatsoever of how you feel about it. It's a nutty thing that, as a modem of control in a world that simply refuses to be, we double down on the idea that reality can be bent by our self esteem. Reality is just that and no matter how you feel about it isn't going to change. So we spin tales to influence our behavior.
Back in 1984, my mom was concerned about my future. One of her methods was to put my name on lists of interest in the military. Consequently, I was visited six times my senior year by recruiters doing their level best to convince me that a stint in the service was the way to go. At the time, each interaction felt like Bill Murray and Harold Ramis in Stripes as I thought I was taking the piss out of these stiff men. In hindsight, I was just a smartass kid disregarding a life these men believed in enough to devote a solid chunk of their lives to. I'm certain each thought I was a little prick and they'd be right.
My stepfather, on the other hand, was a very successful defense attorney and had decided that with my excelling in debate in high school that he would pay for my college if I promised to go to law school. Again, a smartass with distinct but undefined anti-authoritarian tendencies, I denigrated the idea. I was so dismissive of the idea of becoming a lawyer and instead devoting my time to be a contrarian artist that his response was to decide I was on my own. No assistance whatsoever. In fact, for my birthday mid-year, he gifted me luggage and a bill for rent and told me to choose.
I was determined to go my own way, eschewing the suggestions and advise of all who cared about my future in terms of security, stability, and of course, money.
I am 56 years old and, in a recent background check for a gig at a local Kansas casino, I had to list my assets. The section was left blank. No savings (because my third ex-wife took all of that but also because of decades of my own short-term financial planning), no property (except a cubicle of furniture in storage and my computing devices), no assets. At least Henke had a few of those asset-like things and was well known enough to merit a few mentions in media when he croaked.
I look around and one of the professions cleaning up is law. Lawyers are making serious bank on stupid lawsuits designed to appease the moral indignation of people looking to game the system by way of legislation.
France’s highest court has ruled that a man fired by a consulting firm for failing to go out for drinks with his colleagues was wrongfully dismissed.
A Florida woman is accusing Kraft Heinz of misleading advertising, based on the time it takes to prepare a single-serving cup of microwavable mac and cheese.
While the company markets its Velveeta Shells & Cheese as being "ready in 3 1/2" minutes, Amanda Ramirez says that's only the amount of time each cup needs to be microwaved — and that the actual preparation process, from stirring in water to letting the cheese sauce thicken, takes longer (she does not specify how much).
A 15-page class-action lawsuit filed earlier this month alleges that parent company Kraft Heinz sells more of the product, and at a higher price, than it would if it didn't mislead consumers about the pasta's prep time.
A 78-year-old man was promised he would always have a job with the town golf course “as long as he wanted one” before he was fired after working there for 18 years, according to a federal lawsuit filed in Maine.
Gary Rees, who worked as a seasonal golf professional at the Val Halla Golf Course in Cumberland, says he was fired over his age.
When the manager of the golf course, who is the head golf pro, fired Rees in January 2021, he told him that “Val Halla wanted to go in a ‘younger direction’ next season,” according to a complaint filed in federal court on Nov. 28.
Around the same time, Rees says two other older employees were fired as well.
Now he is suing the town of Cumberland, which operates the golf course, and is accusing it of violating the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by firing him. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission granted Rees the right to sue in August, the complaint states.
I blame The People's Court. As soon as petty civil disputes became entertainment, as soon as neighbors suing neighbors over fence disputes become fodder for fun, as soon as the law became more spectacle than substance, the fix was in. Lawyers spend a lot of time and money becoming lawyers and most aren't in it for the justice. That sweet cash that comes from suing businesses and wealthy individuals is just too tempting.
Las Vegas is littered with billboards for lawyers looking to represent you in disputes against hotels and casinos. Hell, even a burg like Wichita has more ads for attorneys looking to represent you than anything but pharmaceuticals for the elderly.
No matter how ridiculous your lawsuit and your perceived injury, the lawyers get paid whether you win or lose. This isn't the grand gesture of King Solomon threatening to chop the baby in half because most people in this litigious hellscape would prefer the baby dead anyway.
The Swifties are out for blood. According to TMZ, fans of Taylor Swift have filed a lawsuit against Ticketmaster following the infamous presale for Swift’s “Eras” tour that took place last month.
A judge agreed to let TGI Fridays off the hook in a class action lawsuit that claims a TGI Fridays-branded mozzarella stick snack is misleading because it contains no mozzarella cheese, but also ruled the lawsuit can proceed against the food's manufacturer. 
The lawsuit was filed in federal court in 2021 by Amy Joseph against TGI Fridays and snack manufacturer Inventure Foods over their snack product, “TGI Fridays Mozzarella Sticks Snacks”.
Joseph claims the product is misbranded and misleads consumers into believing it contains mozzarella cheese, when it in fact only contains cheddar. 
Cardi B may be facing legal action over her 2022 Halloween costume. As you may recall, Bardi dressed up as Marge Simpson draped in Thierry Mugler and an artist, aleXsandro Palombo, has accused the “Up” rapper of appropriating his work without consent. The Bronx superstar’s look is similar to Palombo’s 2013 Marge Simpsons Style Icon series.
The story I tell myself is that if I had taken the largesse from my stepfather and become one with the law, I'd tell these idiots they're wasting everyone's time with this braindead grasp at unearned wealth but my guess is that I shouldn't be a lawyer for the same reason I shouldn't own a gun. I don't ever want to own a gun because I'm the kind of person who would probably use it and I never want to be a guy who used a gun.
In a recent interview for a gig doing promotions and events for a series of radio stations, the guy asked if the money was right for the work.
"Have you seen my resume? Does it look like I do anything for a serious paycheck? Public school teacher, theater producer, public radio events director. If money was my motivation, I think I'd have started doing things that actually paid something, amiright?"
If money were the object, the best I could hope for would be to claim victim status and start suing companies. Remembering that I'm 56 years old and could drop dead at any second from just being in my fifties, time is a wasting.
Anyone want to join a class action lawsuit against Applebee's for serving shitty food?
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Installing 60 fps patches - Citra Support - Citra Community
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Back to ppsspp. Search Member List Calendar Help. Login — Register. Pages 59 : « Previous Threaded Mode Linear Mode. Post: Ohh and i've updated the list again. I've been having to disable 60 fps before in-engine cutscenes. Btw, the first Code Crimson mission "Behind Enemy Lines" at the end of Chapter 2 was not completable on previous version. After collecting all the documents in the mission you're supposed to get a COMM message then get teleported to a new area. Worked fine in 30 fps, but in 60 fps the teleportation didn't happen. I'll see if new patch somehow fixes that. Edit: Mission is still broken. Picking up the final document does not trigger COMM message. Thanks for testing. Update 5 should have it fixed. Let me know, if there are any other missions which never trigger some kind of events. It's hard to keep the track of everything because of the patch size, so hope there will be no new bugs like last time;c. About stability, while testing the patch was stable for me, althrough I didn't really had time to test earlier versions much. Thanks, fix in Update 5 worked. I'll keep saves at the start of every chapter so I can rush through and test the other missions eventually. Something strange happened, though. A Golem in the mission was double speed at first. Disabling the patch returned speed to normal. Re-enabling doubled his speed for a second, but he slowed down after that. I couldn't replicate it after that, so it's not too major. Stability is fine for me, as well. I always have CPU clock maxed, though. It never seems to cause any problems. Another update , since I broke movement speed in world map and many cutscenes by one of the earlier fixes. And by speedup it's animation or movement speed as it uses different code. If it's animation speed it's probably caused by the hackish workaround for Ifrit fireballs althrough I don't think my golem summon was triggering it with any attack. I really need to find a better way to deal with the fireball I guess, but for now fail miserably at figuring out where it actually get's broken. I was finally able to replicate it and found the actual problem. Turns out going from Update 4's disable code to Update 5's 60fps code doubled the speed of a few things. Sorry about the false report Jeez, another update? You're pumping these out super fast. I'm about to start on Chapter 3 combat exercises. I'll update this post afterwards to let you know if I find anything. Persists until patch is toggled or certain animations cancel it. I checked against forced double speed, and it isn't quite that fast. Reloaded and tested with previous patch, and problem occurred with it, as well. Edit3: Ace's attack animation speed is fine, but his cards fly faster looks like double speed. Edit4: The level 99 enemies on the world map have faster animations. Patrolling movement speeds seem faster, but chase movement speeds are unaffected. May have been from one of my characters dying, as it happened at about the same time. Edit6: Patch seems to heavily affect calculation of spell costs. This will complicate further testing, as I'm almost always out of MP now. Edit7: Not sure if the countdown during chapter 3's first mission, "Iscah Infiltration," was supposed to go faster than 1 per second, but it was. It wasn't much of a time constraint for me, though. Done for today. I'll tackle second half of Chapter 3 and the Code Crimson tomorrow. BUT I found a different address to modify and then the games are playable, now with only some minor time issues. I can post these codes if someone can test them. I can't play rhythm games too well on emulators. Input lag, I suppose. I adore Patapon, though, so I'll test either way. Alright, I'll try that, post the USA version for completion sake, and begin testing immediately. Edit: Removed pointless Patapon code. It's my pleasure. I was just playing my third favourite FF and pointing out problems while you're the one that's doing all the tedious work. Rechecking potential problems is the only thing I have to go out of my way for. I guess I should start testing seriously since I want to help as much as I can on making this play normally. On to testing. I'll update this post throughout the day to report all findings. Edit: Trying a new report format. I'll bold the item and explain all problems after. Should prevent messy reports like yesterday's, and I'll continually edit each item's explanation until I say I'm done for the day. Projectiles : Most projectiles confirmed to be sped up. Same is probably true for all charge ups. Other Abilities : 1. The fiery red circle of Nine's Jump appears and hits enemies before he stabs the ground. It seems like the fiery circle is it's own animation tagged onto the end of the Jump animation. Queen's Cross Judge rotates at double speed. Anytime King is still his shots take double ammo and hit twice standing attack, post-dodge "crouching" attack, and Endless Waltz. Doesn't happen when locked on nor when moving, but he shoots twice as fast instead. Basically, anytime he's shooting his DPS is doubled. It's harder to confirmed triggers since I have to watch Machina while playing other characters. It seems to happen during Imperial Army Commander's grenades, Nine's High Jump, occasionally during King's new still-standing "double shot," King's Powered Bullet, and maybe when switching between the two characters that aren't Machina. Edit : Queen started going faster at some point. Nothing that triggered the other characters would trigger her, so it seems like the triggers are extremely selective now. Scenes : The panning and text of the Moogle Class scenes go at double speed, but audio is normal. Minor Details : Listing these in case you plan to finely polish the patch. There's a frame or two in the Relic spinning animation that glitches out. Seems to be when the animation loops. The fountain water in the Fountain Plaza is going double speed. Unnecessary reapplication of scaling fixed in newer builds. The double speed of the Alto Crystarium causes a sizable performance hit. It's one of the most resource heavy parts of the game. Side notes: 1. Decided to test all projectiles since you mentioned projectile animation I had thought it was only Ace's cards before. Personally, I like the enemy bullets being faster for realism and difficulty purposes. It also makes Cater more potent which she kinda needs later on. I wouldn't mind this staying if it weren't for the fact that it buffs the already powerful Ace, and it makes speed stat for spells a little less useful. Seeing enemies die while Nine is still in the air is hilarious. It's a decent buff to Nine, but it just looks silly and broken. Seems like King is the most powerful character at the moment. He ain't playing games with those fast bullets and double shots. Trying to find and fix everything affected by the Ifrit fix must be a pain on your end. Alright, I'm done for today. I got sidetracked, so I couldn't fit the Code Crimson into today's sessions. Most characters and all four of chapter 3's combat exercises done. Next Code Crimson and a rehash of character testing when there's an update. Thought I should bring attention to that. Gehrich thanks for the detailed list. I guess the code which I forgot what was doing and was multiplying cost of spells was used for their speed previously;p, since I remember doing something with spell speed earlier;x. Oh well, have to do some things differently. Didn't really knew I patched relic animation already, heh probably accidently by something completely different, or it's just a rounding issue. Anyway I'll probably not have much time until the weekend, so will mess with it all then. You're right. Idk what I was thinking. The only way it would affect performance is if it reloads textures when they loop. The textures in this game are pretty heavy, though, so it may help. I decided to work on other things today. I'm gonna need to eventually bite the bullet and attempt to find speed modifiers. Corrected the Patapon USA code. I tested for a very short period since I was able to reduce input lag. Patapon test log Scenes : The very start of the tutorial cannot be played in 60 fps. It fades from black fine, but it fades back and forth after reaching a certain point. It seems to require pressing O twice as fast to trigger the following scene, but that would be off rhythm. Timing : Perfect timings seem to require more precision. Enemies : Dragon in tutorial has double movement speed. His animation speeds are normal. I don't think this game is benefiting much from 60 fps since the vast majority of the game is 2D animations. As far as I can tell, the only uses for this are smoother camera pan and adding a "hard mode" by making perfect timings tighter. I'll continue testing if someone really wants to fix the problems for such a small payout. English American. GamerzHell Senior Member. Posts: Joined: Feb Reputation: 5. Gehrich Junior Member. Posts: 14 Joined: Apr Reputation: 1. LunaMoo Posting Freak. Posts: 1, Joined: Sep Reputation: Posts: 66 Joined: Nov Reputation: 8. I also have 60fps cheats for Patapon 1 and 2 I am sure that it's possible with Patapon 3 too , with these games we can NOP any of the sceDisplayWaitVblankStartCB and they will run at 60fps, but are like at double speed. BUT I found a different address to modify and then the games are playable, now with some timing issues. I can post these codes if someone can test them EDIT: Patapon games are 2D, after some real testing by Gehrich, it's obvious that this patch is not worth the issues it brings, so I deleted the cheats. If you still want to test the codes, with cheat engine enable the HEX checkbox and search for the value "", you will get less than 20 results and the one we want is usually the first one, replace it with "" and that's the cheat. The fact that I could not find the codes for these does not mean they should be ignored for future attempts, maybe I missed something and someone else can find them. And a lot more games that I forgot - - - stranno MGS Portable Ops speed modifier must be changed before the game start otherwise it will not work, it should be the same for Ops Plus. You can follow my tutorial but instead of searching for 1 or 2 according to the game FPS, search for 15 20fps and 10 30fps and freeze the value with cheat engine enabling the checkbox of the address before you start a mission to test it. LunaMoo Thank you for your advice about the speed modifiers, no luck with any game yet but at least now I have more options to try. Posts: 2 Joined: Oct Reputation: 0. If you play in time trial, zone or free play modes it runs at 30 fps If the game is running normally with the breakpoint enabled, then disable that breakpoint and continue the search for another "vblank". At some point you will find a vblank that pauses the game with a breakpoint on it, look around for an opcode with a "b" like "b 0x08ABC" , right click it, click on assemble opcode and enter "nop", now go play the game. If it runs at 60fps, right click the address you found with the "b" and click on copy address. If we decrease this copied address by , we have the CW cheat for the ini file. You can use the same values I posted above with the address you found for the CW cheat. After playing for a while with the cheat enabled I thought the same about it, it's just not worth it. Let me know some games with this behavior and I'll give them a shot. Posts: 13 Joined: Feb Reputation: 0.
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casefagan58 · 2 years
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cinebration · 3 years
The Turncloak and the Spy (Cassian Andor x Reader) [One-shot]
Premise: You demand to go on a mission that Cassian objects to.
Warnings: blaster fire
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Gif Source: guillermodltoro
 “I’ll do it. I’ll go.”
The whole room turned to you. You stood your ground under the onslaught of incredulous gazes, refusing to let yourself falter.
“You can’t.” Cassian’s voice sliced through your confidence. “The risk is too high.”
“I can,” you insisted, avoiding his stare. You focused on Mon Mothma. “I know the layout better than anyone, and I know exactly how to get the files.”
“No, she can’t.”
At last, you met Cassian’s gaze. “Yes. I. Can.”
The crowd around the table shifted uneasily.
“Why do you think she can’t, Cassian?” Mothma asked.
“She’s just my contact. She hasn’t been trained. She shouldn’t even be here!”
“You recruited her, Andor,” another senator pointed out.
“Yes, to provide intelligence, not to run a mission.”
Your hands clenched into fists by your side, concealed by the table. Exhaling heavily through your nose, you returned your attention to Mon Mothma. “Regardless of whom you send on this mission, you need me.”
“She can walk us through it. We don’t—”
Mon Mothma raised a hand, silencing Cassian. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. “I am the most qualified.”
“Andor raises a point. You have no training,” someone said.
“I have the only training that matters. I’m an Imperial. No one will look at me twice.”
A fraught silence settled over the group. Few had forgotten that you were an Imperial turncloak, a double agent deep enough in their ranks not to garner any suspicion. No one would ever suspect that one of Thrawn’s own had switched sides.
Cassian had merely been the agent they had sent to make contact with you when you had communicated your intentions to defect. He had also been the one to convince you to remain undercover to exploit the system from within. The Alliance had so few agents inside that they had been desperate enough to warily trust you.
“If you betray us…” Senator Jebel began.
You fixed your cold stare on him. “I have had every opportunity to crush your rebellion with one word.” The crowd shifted uneasily. “Yet here you all still stand. Betrayal isn’t on the table.”
“You’re betraying the Empire.”
“Would you rather I didn’t?”
“All I’m saying is it’s easy to turn cloak again once you’ve done it once.”
“Believe what you will,” you said through gritted teeth. Addressing Mon Mothma once more, you stated crisply, “I will do this alone. This will mitigate any danger to your other agents.”
“If you’re caught, how do we know you won’t sell us out to save yourself?” Jebel cried. A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd.
“You either trust me or you don’t.”
Jebel pleaded with Mothma. “She’s a creature of Thrawn.”
“And we have been creatures of a corrupt Senate,” Bail Organa countered. His voice silenced the entire room. “I trust her. We have no other choice.”
You nodded curtly and swept from the room without waiting for an official confirmation.
Cassian dogged your heels, intercepted you in an empty corner. “What are you doing?”
“My job.”
“If you get caught—”
“I won’t.”
He hesitated, dark eyes scrutinizing you. You weren’t sure when you had fallen in love with his tragic eyes, but any time you looked at them, you felt your hard exterior form another crack.
That’s why you had to do this. You had to prove to yourself that you were still the hardass, Thrawn’s perfect soldier. No one could see the cracks in your façade. Not even Cassian.
But he did. He grabbed you by the elbow as you tried to turn away, forcing you to stay. He stepped closer, lowering his voice. “What is this really about?”
“If one of you walk through those doors, you will get caught, and everyone will know. You told me yourself, they’ll never expect it right under their nose from someone they trust.”
“That was a mistake.”
You blinked in surprise, your brow furrowing. “The great spy Cassian Andor, making a mistake?”
“I have made plenty,” he hissed. The sudden vehemence stilled you. “I won’t let you make this one.”
You pried his fingers from your arm. “You can’t stop me.”
His face hardened.
Straightening your uniform—the white top, black pants of the Imperial Security Bureau—you left your office and took the lift down to the security archives at the base of the building. Few people knew that the archives were housed there, the room cleverly marked as reserved for statistical analysis. Otherwise the Rebels would have tried to hit it earlier.
Striding through the double doors that blocked the entrance, you glanced at the desk where the archivist acted as sentinel.
It was empty.
Alarm coursed through you. Hurrying around the desk, you found the woman sprawled face down on the floor, a bruise forming on her temple. You checked her pulse: steady.
Cursing, you drew the blaster pistol she kept hidden beneath the edge of her desk and keyed shut the double doors behind you. You approached the inner door to the archives slowly, the blaster held down but at the ready in your hands.
A figure hunched over the console, trying to decipher the buttons on the panel. You inched forward and whistled low.
Cassian spun, pistol raised. Seeing you, he dropped the blaster, his face hard. “What are you doing?”
“My job,” you hissed. “Why are you here?”
“I’m getting the intelligence.”
You wanted to strangle him. “You are jeopardizing the whole mission!”
“I couldn’t risk it,” he muttered, turning back to the console.
“In other words, you didn’t trust me,” you snapped. Hip-checking him away from the console, you quickly keyed in the right call information. You jabbed a portable information disk into a slot on the console and began downloading.
You glanced over your shoulder, checking the doors. “You can’t just steal the actual disk itself. That would set off all kinds of alarms.”
“Why didn’t you tell us that?”
“Because it was my mission. I would get it done.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line.
“Stop it. I don’t have time for your ego.”
“My ego?”
“Did I stutter?” Your mind raced as the information downloaded, trying to solve the problem of the unconscious archivist. The blaster caught your attention.
Cassian seized your elbow, spinning you to face him. Something unfamiliar clouded his soft features. “This isn’t about my ego.”
“That’s news to me.” You tried to pull away, but his hand tightened on you.
The intensity of his gaze burned. You forced yourself to meet it defiantly, your chin jutting up.
The console beeped: Download complete.
“Take it,” you told him.
He reached over and grabbed it, his eyes never leaving yours. He leaned a fraction closer, his breath ghosting over your face. “I couldn’t risk you.”
You snorted. “My cover will be fine as long as you shoot me.”
He frowned, beautiful face creasing. “What? That’s not what I was saying.”
“Take your blaster and shoot me here.” You pointed to your right shoulder, just under the collarbone. “Then run.”
“I can’t.”
You pulled the blaster from his belt and pressed it into his hands, pushing your chest against the barrel. “It’s the only way to explain the archivist. You came in here while I was completing my scheduled job, and you shot me to get the information.”
“I did this so you wouldn’t get hurt.”
“If you had trusted me—”
“I do. I do trust you.”
Frowning, you stared into his face, trying to read the expression there. Swallowing thickly, you repeated, “Shoot me. I’ll be okay.”
A conflicted look passed over his face, but he held the blaster in place as you let go.
Then his lips were on yours, hard and insistent. Startled, you found yourself reacting to him. The kiss burned, as intense as his stare. Cassian clung to you like you were the only thing in the world, danger a million miles away.
When he pulled away, you both were panting. You looked up at him in confusion as he pressed his forehead to yours, breathing your name.
Pain tore through your shoulder, the blaster sounding off. You cried out as Cassian held you tight and eased you to the floor.
“Come back to me,” he whispered, pressing a hard kiss to your forehead.
Then he was gone.
As you gasped through the pain, giving him a minute before you sounded the alarm, you at last understood now why he hadn’t wanted you to do the mission.
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hongjoongtrasher · 3 years
ATEEZ FINAL PART : when they said something to hurt you.
I'm glad you've liked the previous part (part 1 and 2 here if you haven't read it yet), so here is a final to all this angsty reactions (if it is a reaction). Sorry if there are a lot of grammar errors, English not being my mother tongue -
Gosh this is going to be LONG please, bear with me ugh.
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After this stormy episode of him totally lashing his stress out on you, he spent some time alone to think and reflect upon his trashy behaviour. He was genuinely aware of the massive efforts you were doing for his ass. Literally be patient and taking everything on you so he didn't have to feel more stressed. But today was different. He obviously went too far, saying those words horribly. Furthermore, he knew how hurt you've been because of him and now he didn't really know how to be forgiven. He always have been busy, always considering his work first and thought you were in an equal part of this, but seems he considered you taken for granted. The leader sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes not seeing any solutions at the moment. It's at this moment that Seonghwa entered the place. "Erm...Joong ?" he didn't answer, only Seonghwa could see how much his leader was in distress. "I heard from Y/N, mh I mean she told San who told me but anyway-" began the oldest before Hongjoong asked simply: "Have you come to scold me ?" A silence then. "No, I came to check on you." Seonghwa was always worried about his leader, since he knew the best how hardworking and diligent Hongjoong was, but today he felt like he was wrong. "You've acted like a real idiot this time" Hongjoong let a sarcastic laugh be heard as he slowly turned to face his friend. "Yeah, I know. Do you think she will forgive me ?" "Probably not easily." he answered honestly before continuing. "She told San she was tired of this, always being a shadow to you, erm...and nowadays she's been really stressed at work" A shadow ? Is this how you were seeing yourself as ? And on top of that, he was completely unaware of your work, how life has been going for you. This made the leader felt more guilty as he bite his lips. "So...What should I do ? Kneeling and beg her for forgiveness ?" Seonghwa sighed and put a comforting hand on the leader shoulder. "Sometimes actions are better than words".
And he left the studio, putting Hongjoong in a more difficult situation than he was already. What did he mean ? He thought about it again and again, watching without really watching his screen before it tilted inside his head. "THE SONG !!" he yelled at himself, feeling now very dumb. He had almost forgotten this track, a very secret one he composed for a long time. This song was special for him, it was a song which were written for you, and was conveying all of his feelings. He had to make you listen to this. A glance at his phone indicated it was already 3am in the morning, but sleep could wait. He spent the rest of the night finishing this track, or actually checking it before he saved a copy and directly sent it to you, praying you'd see it in the morning.
You'd spent the most horrible night of your life. Crying and turning under your blanket as you felt useless, no one. San proposed to come with Yunho, but you insisted to be alone, so they let you be, though they were worried. You only found sleep around two in the morning, tired for having crying most of the night. You woke up at six, your eyes hurting, puffy and red as fuck. Anyone could tell you've cried your eyeballs out. First you went to the bathroom to clean your face with cold water, your stuffy nose not helping in the process. After a while you returned to your bedroom and took your phone, not expecting to see a message from your boyfriend, or was he still yours ? At first you hesitated to open it, but finally did. No text, just an audio file. What was this ? Taking your headphone, you put them into your ear before clicking on the file, closing your eyes. At first, you were confused. You've never heard any melody like this one, so...calm, bubbly and soft. Soon Hongjoong's voice appeared with lyrics he surely had written and...you broke in tears again. This time not from sadness, but ...it was like a dream. You could heard his feelings, how much he loved you. You were ready to forgive him, but...it wasn't easy. Reconciliations were always difficult for both of you. Brushing this instantly aside, you rushed out from your apartment for going directly to Hongjoong's studio, in home wear, messy hair and "after crying faced" only to find him asleep on the couch. Panting, you rushed to jump on your boyfriend, sobbing again . This caused Hongjoong to wake up in surprise, confused. "Y-Y/N ?" why ? Why were you crying again ? After a while of you crying heavily on his shirt, he realised you probably came after hearing his song. His arms softly hooked around your tiny waist as one hand rubbed your back. "Shh...don't cry" he said, heartbroken to see you like this. "You dummy !" you yelled between two sobs. "I know." "I - I love you" "Me too, I'm sorry for being a huge dummy" he said with a gentle smile, holding your face to wipe your tears.
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How rude he's been with you. It's only after hearing your answer that he realised you didn't deserve this. He wanted to chase after you, saying he was sorry, but too late, you slammed the door. Hongjoong came to their shared room before leaning at the door's frame, arching a brow at the oldest. "Can you explain to me what did just happen ?" he asked calmly before Seonghwa bite his lower tier. "I've been a jerk with her" he mumbled, not proud of himself this time. "Yeah, we saw this. You know, she only wanted to cheer you up. We all know you're having bad times because of vocal things, but you didn't have to lash out on her." His leader wasn't wrong, only himself was. "Hwa, go after her. It's not too late" said Hongjoong. "Now ?" Hongjoong sighed. "Yes now, not tomorrow or later" Seonghwa blinked, overthinking before his own body stood up and carried him outside the dorm, chasing after you desperately. He shouldn't have had been this way, he should have been thankful to have you by his side, always being cheerful and bright although sometimes you were hiding your own demons. But being a couple meant for the good and the worst right ? After running for a while, he stopped, panting his lungs on fire. He started to think. Where could you be now ? He remembered when you were sad or stressed, you used to go to Starbucks and get a drink full of sugar and whipped cream, that's how he thought you'd at the nearest one. Not minding people watching him when he opened the door, he eyed the room quickly before seeing you at the table across the entrance. He stepped inside and directly went to your seat as you were still sniffing with tears, your drink between your hands. Not expecting to see your boyfriend, you gasped when you finally realised he was standing here without saying anything. "Y/N.." You tried to gain composure, not wanting to appear fragile in front of him. "What are you doing here ? I thought you didn't want to see me" you croaked, looking away coldly. You heard him sitting before you and took your cold hands. "Y/N I'm sorry. I've been a jerk, you didn't deserve this- I know my work isn't an excuse for acting this way, I understand if you don't want to talk to me or-" "Shut up..." you mumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed as more people were staring at you two. "I will do everything for you to forgive me, really." he said seriously, not quitting your face from his gaze. Some people were whispering and gossiping, and the more they did, the more you felt ridiculous. You stood up quickly and went straight to the exit with your double cold latte with whipped cream, your boyfriend following you closely. "Are you crazy Park Seonghwa ??? Did you forget you're an idole ? Huh ?? What are you going to do if they recognise you ?" You began to yell but Seonghwa stopped you by taking your free hand and said clearly. "Then I will just say you're my girlfriend and that I don't care, cause you deserve way more than this. Beside being an idole I'm a man, and I love you, there's nothing wrong with this, and if they don't like it, screw them !" you were shocked by his fearless answer, and you felt your heart melt again. You were definitely madly in love with him.
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He was aware of his jerk attitude, and as much as he felt guilty, he didn't know how to ask for your forgiveness. The members already scolded him for what he had said earlier but he knew better than anyone that you weren't ready to talk with. You were the type to be angry for a while, not letting space for any peaceful conversation until you'd calm down. He overthought for a while, thinking you'd probably dump him now and he wouldn't see you ever again, or you'd be so mad at him you'd just beat his ass. Tormented, Yunho looked at his friend before saying, not really sure to mingle in his friend's love problems: "Yeosang, I'm not sure about her being mad, I think she's ...sad ?" he said cautiously, nervous about Yeosang's answer. Sad ? He was really dumb. Of course you'd not be mad, or at least not as much as sad. After all he saw you crying when you left, and his motto was all ruined at this moment. "You're right...I should go see her." he said flatly, feeling really bad. "Huh, yeah I don't even understand why you're still here to be honest" said Yunho with a smile. Thanks to him, Yeosang found the courage to go to your apartment, with your favorite pastry from the bakery you both liked to go, and...flowers. Yeosang wasn't the type to make such lovey dovey stuffs, but this time it was important. Inhaling deeply in front of your door, he knocked once, shyly, not sure if you'd hear it. Then he knocked more frankly before hearing footsteps from behind the door and before he knew it, you were standing in front of him as much surprised as he was. "...What are you doing here ?" you asked, rather coldly. He cleared his throat before handling you shyly the flowers. "I...I came to apologise. I've been a real jerk to you earlier...I even promised myself I'd never make you cry, but I failed miserably" he said in a go, probably too embarrassed to say it confidently. There is a silence, as you fix your eyes on your shy boyfriend. Suddenly you wanted to laugh. How laughable it was to see Yeosang acts like he never did before. You can't bear it anymore and just burst out of laugh, laughing so much that you have to hold your hurting belly. Visibly confused, Yeosang frowned a bit. Why were you laughing ? "Oh my god...You're really something else" you said, calming down slowly before taking the flowers. He suddenly lifted his head in hope. "Does it mean you're forgiving me ?" You faked you're still thinking about it, humming in an exaggerate way. "Well, only if you let me eat this" you nudged your chin to the box he was carrying and which you spotted immediately before he gave you the flower. He smiled and shook his head. "Alright, it's all for you then"
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He had definitely crossed a line he shouldn't had. After you slammed the door at his nose, he tried to make you open it for a while, but you never opened it again. So he left, defeated. It was supposed to be a romantic moment for both of you since a while, and yet he ruined everything with his mouth. Sometimes he wished he just could rewind and change every thing. Even if he didn't like the dress, he could have accepted it since you were happy, but his selfishness and jealousy got over it and now he was alone, in his car without you. He took his phone, sending you texts. "Babe, I'm sorry, please, you know I didn't really mean it right ?" or "Please answer me, I'm really sorry." etc, but you didn't even open them since they were still on sent. Instead of going back to his dorm, he tried to call you this time. On the fifth time, he let a voice mail, taking a long breath before the beep. "Y/N, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to ruin our date like this, or just ruin it at all. The truth is...you were so pretty in this dress, so sexy that I don't want other men to see you in this, I wanted to be the only one to see you with. You're not a whore, you're not any of this. I'm selfish I know, but please, it's been so long since we went on a date...If you still want to see me...I'll be waiting in front of your building." And he locked his phone, leaning his head on the top of the steering wheel. He didn't know how long he waiting again but he suddenly heard the door of the passenger side opening, making him look at the person who opened it. It was you. With the same dress. He felt his heart stopped as you sat next to him, putting your seatbelt without a word. "Y/N ?" You looked straightforward you, and said simply. "Let's go, I guess the restaurant is still open" you muffled. He couldn't help but smiled happily as he turned the engine on, taking your hand in his before driving and said. "Thank you Y/N, thank you" and kissed the back of your delicate hand.
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Since the incident at the practice room, Yunho didn't hear from you for a while. Hongjoong particularly scolded him about how rude he's been on you while you just wanted to wish them good luck for their performance. He knew it right, but at the moment he couldn't have helped but get angry at you. He knew as well it wasn't so like him to get carried away for nothing, so that's why he didn't really know what to do to make amend for you. He made his mind he would apologise right after their stage for Kingdom even if they boys thought it would be better to do it before. He knew you'd definitely watch them, root for them so he put all of his mind and body in this performance, hoping it would bring him luck. And it did since they snitched 1st place although they started low in the classement. When the MC asked Yunho how he felt about their win, the giant boy just shyly smiled before saying with a trembling voice. "I...It meant a lot for us, and to be able to be first is huge honour. We always want to show our best to our fans, Atiny. But today I...wanted to surpass myself for a certain person." Others groups were chatting among themselves, surprised by Yunho's declaration. Changmin, though he was as surprised as the others still asked professionally. "Oh, who would it be ?" Yunho smiled brightly and said confidently. "Y/N, my girlfriend." Some screams and gasps from shock could be heard in the giant room after Yunho pursued: "She's always been by my side and supports me with the best way she can, but lately...I've not been a good boyfriend to her, that's why I wanted to win, for her, and saying that I love her."
Right after the diffusion of this week episode which you've been watching with your friends, you sobbed like a little girl. How proud you were for your boyfriend, and the only thing you wanted now was to take him in your arms, feeling his arms around you. With shaking hands you took your phone to try to call Yunho, but he wasn't answering your call. That's at this very moment you heard the bell of your door and went for it, not expecting to see your boyfriend at your door. "H-hi" he said shyly. You dropped your phone and jumped directly in his arms, crying again. "You're an idiot Jung Yunho...But I love you". He nuzzled the top of your head as he hugged you back tightly. "I love you too, little one."
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wede Wooyoung always said honestly what he was thinking, and everyone's used to it, so he thought his remarks about your skill about cooking would pass easily, but he was wrong. At first he didn't understand your reaction, why you left like this as he was only joking, or he thought so. Seonghwa nagged at him after you left, saying how rude he's been and at least he could shut his mouth. He felt really guilty. He was the one who made you loose confidence about you, when he knew you're always trying your best. And this time, he really screwed things up. Worst than this, when he ate the cake you'd made, he realised it was really good, and his unfounded claims were really mean. Gathering his courage, he showed up at your workplace, waiting for you at the exit. At first, you didn't want to see him, you haven't digested yet what he'd said to you. But with an expressionless face, you finally appeared in front of him. "Y/N- listen, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said those horrible jokes. No, I mean, I didn't mean what I said, the cake was really good." he tried to say quickly, afraid you'd just brush him away. After listening to his words, you just sighed and said "You're really a jerk sometimes you know that ? Maybe I'm not good at some things, but it doesn't give you the right to bash me out like this in front of everyone. Do you understand Wooyoung ?" he looked down at his feet and nodded, muttering "I'm sorry". "Fine, if you're really sorry, you better cook something too" you smirked, a sign from you that you're half forgiving him. "What ? Wait-" he looked at you astonished. "I don't know what to cook" "Huh, well not my problem" you sticked your tongue out to him and caught his arm in yours.
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Mingi's been aware that his words probably upset you. But he needed to find himself again, to get right on tracks by himself even if he was thankful towards you, taking care of him for so long and everything. But he felt like it was his duty to make his comeback to the team his, from A to Z. He hoped you would understand, but after you left him alone, he felt guilty to suddenly reject you. The first day of his comeback into the team, Mingi felt really nervous. He wished he could call you and talk to you as he used to, but since that day he didn't dare to contact you. Instead he sent you a long message, saying how much he missed you and felt really nervous. That he was sorry for what he's said and how much you counted for him. He knew deep inside his mind that you had understood his reasons to act this way, and he was right. After reading his text, you couldn't help but fall in love all over again for Mingi. He was so sweet and pure that you couldn't hold grudges against him. You texted back saying "Everything's gonna be alright. Fighting ! I love you" which reassured the rapper.
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Although Jongho was the youngest from the team, he was really mature and hated childish behaviour when it comes for his relationship. The fact you got jealous and as a result, acted this way got him angry. For him, the fact he was dating you was a proof of his choice, and love. Things weren't bad with his ex, so he didn't see why he would cut the rope from her, and he expected you to understand his point of view. After calming down on his own, he also realised his reaction must not have been mature as well. He took more time to think about how he was going to reconcile with you, but things shouldn't stay this way. He expected you to be at your place, and directly knocked at the door, feeling nervous. "Y/N ?" he called out for you. It took a moment before you opened the door, clearly still furious about what happened earlier. "What ? Aren't you with Mina yet ?" you spatted out, maybe too agressive than you wished. Jongho took on himself not to react to this again, instead sighing softly. "Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted this way." he began, trying to be the most sincere he was. "You're the only one for me, you know it right ? But you see, Mina is indeed my ex, but it doesn't mean I'm on bad terms with her, and it also means that nothing will happen with her anymore. Because I love you so much and no one else"
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idrellegames · 3 years
So I had a coding question that I've been trying to find the answer for, for a while. I've tried searching up information online and such but haven't been able to find anything.
I was wondering though how exactly someone would go about creating a main menu screen with the whole being able to create a new game, load one or change the settings? Like I said I've tried searching it up but haven't been able to find anything except for information on creating a transition screen.
You’re going to need an understanding of CSS for this, but I’ll do my best to walk you through it, alongside some basic functions of the UIBar and UI APIs. Also, like pretty much anything to do with coding, there is more than one way to do something (and there may be a more efficient/effective way than mine).
Like all of my tutorials, this is written for SugarCube 2.34.1. Since this one mainly deals with CSS, I’m sure you could adapt it to another format, but I’m not familiar enough with Harlowe, Snowman and Chapbook to add specifics.
Additionally, I use the Twine 2 editor version 2.2.1. This tutorial can be used with later versions; some of my example images may look not look exactly like what you have because later versions of the editor launch test files in your default browser (the 2.2.1 version creates its own mini-browser).
Making a Main Menu Page
Step 1: Hiding the UI Bar
If you want a clear main menu page without the UI bar, you can hide it in several ways.
<<run UIBar.destroy();>>
This will remove the UI bar completely from your game. Not recommended unless you have an alternative way of adding access to the Save, Settings and Restart functions.
<<run UIBar.stow();>>
This stows the UI bar. It will still be partially visible on the side and the player can interact with it to open it. The UI bar can be unstowed manually (without needing the player to do it themselves) on the next passage with:
<<run UIBar.unstow();>>
If you don’t want the UI bar to show up on your main menu, but you want to have access to it later, you can use:
<<run UIBar.hide();>>
To bring it back, you will have to use the following on the passage where you want the player to have access to it.
You may want to use the stow/hide and unstow/show functions together. Hiding the UI bar only makes it invisible; it will still take up space on the left-hand side of your game. Stowing and hiding it makes it a little more even.
To use them together, you can do this:
On the passage you don’t want the UI bar:
<<run UIBar.stow();>><<run UIBar.hide();>>
On the passage you where you want to restore the UI bar:
<<run UIBar.unstow();>><<run UIBar.show();>>
TIP 1: Using <<run UIBar.stow (true)>> gets rid of the slide animation as the UI bar collapses/restores, so you may want to use this so you don’t have any weird animations when you menu passage loads.
TIP 2: If you main menu is the first passage of your game, you can run the scripts for storing and hiding the UI bar in your StoryInit passage and it will run it when your game loads.
TIP 3: You can also use the Config API to have the menu bar be stowed automatically when your game starts.
Pop this code into your Javascript:
Config.ui.stowBarInitially = true;
However, if you have any links that navigate back to the main menu without restarting the game, the UI bar will be in whatever state the player left it in last. If you can only access the main menu by launching the game or hitting restart, don't worry about this.
If you want to double-check the SugarCube documentation for these functions, see here.
Step 2: Tagged Stylesheets
If you want to create a menu page that has a different appearance to your game’s default look, you can do so by using a tagged stylesheets. When using a tagged stylesheet, every passage with the same tag will have its appearance overridden to match what you’ve adjusted in your Story Stylesheet.
Let’s make one called main-menu. You can tag passages like so:
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You can also tag the passage a different colour to make it special passages like this one stand out.
Step 3: Adding CSS
Now that the passage is tagged, you need to add a new CSS class to your stylesheet to change its appearance.
To change the appearance, you need to decide which selectors to target and what about them you want to change. Every default SugarCube game has the same set of selectors (you can find them here in the documentation). The most important ones are:
body – the body of the page. You can use this to change the foreground and background colours.
.passages – the element that contains your game’s main text. This is where you can change things like the colour that displays behind your game’s text, the font family, line height, letter spacing, all that stuff.
For the sake of this example, I am going to use the default SugarCube stylesheet and edit it from the ground up. You can find the code for SugarCube’s built-in stylesheets here.
In your stylesheet, you will want to use the tag you created earlier as the new class name.
Put this with the selectors you are going to change.
Let’s start with the body.
body.main-menu { color: #fff; background-color: #000; overflow: auto; }
The color property controls the colour of the font. Here I’ve set it to the hex code #fff and the background-color #000.
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So now I have a black page when I start the main menu passage, and thanks to the code for the UI bar I put in earlier, the UI bar is gone.
Adding a Background
Now, we might want to spice up the background with an image to make it more interesting.
To add an image to the background, you need to use the background-image property.
body.main-menu { color: #fff; background-color: #000; background-image: url("images/main-menu.jpg"); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-position: center center; overflow: auto; }
You can read more about the different background properties and what they do here on W3Schools, but the code above will center your background image in the middle of the page and also make sure that it covers the entire container.
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IMPORTANT: If you intend to upload your game as a ZIP file containing a .index HTML file (this is recommended if you have a lot of image assets or don’t want to link to an outside host, like imgur), you will need to use relative paths with any image URLs in your game.
Relative paths mean that the file is relative to the directory it’s in. In the example above, you can see that the background URL is "images/main-menu.jpg". This means that when the file is uploaded to itch.io, it will find the file—main-menu.jpg—inside the images folder, regardless of where the images folder is located.
For reference, this is what my game assets folder looks like for Wayfarer:
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Relative paths are different than an absolute path, which begins with the drive letter. For example, the main-menu.png may be stored on my personal computer in a path like this one: C:/game/images/main-menu.jpg.
If I use this absolute path in the game, the image asset will not show up for players once it’s uploaded to itch because the image is not hosted on the player’s device in C:/game/images/main-menu.jpg.
This can cause some finnicky issues with the Twine 2 editor because the editor cannot find and display images from relative paths (unless you’ve put the editor in the same directory as the one you’re storing your assets in; I haven’t bothered to try this, so I’m not sure).
While working on your game in the Twine editor, you may need to use an absolute path to see what your asset looks like while you're editing. When it comes time to publish, make sure you switch it back to a relative path, otherwise the image will not load for players.
Step 4: Adding & Styling Links
Now that we have a background, we’ll want to tackle the links themselves.
Adding Links
You can link to the starting passage of your game using your preferred method—the [[ ]] link markup, the <<link>> macro, etc.
But for Saves and Settings (and also a Resume Game link, if you’re using the autosave feature), you’ll need to manually call the functions for accessing those dialogs. You can do that with this code here:
This will add a Load Game link that opens the Saves dialog when clicked.
<<link 'LOAD GAME'>><<run UI.saves();>><</link>>
This will add a Settings link that opens the Settings dialog when clicked.
<<link 'SETTINGS'>><<run UI.settings();>><</link>>
This will add a Resume Game link that loads the player’s last autosave.
<<link 'RESUME GAME'>><<run Save.autosave.load()>><</link>>
TIP: To enable autosaves on your game, add this code to your Story Javascript:
Config.saves.autosave = true;
This will autosave on every passage.
Config.saves.autosave = ["bookmark", "autosave"];
This will autosave on passages tagged bookmark or autosave.
Styling Your Game Title & Links
So this is where you can get get fancy with your CSS. For now, we’re going to keep everything within the .passage element (which is where any text inputting into the editor goes), but I will show you how to move the links and title to wherever you want further down.
Importing Fonts
First, go font shopping.
Google fonts has a very large library of free-to-use fonts that you can import directly into your game via your Story Stylesheet. After you browser Google fonts for the fonts you want to use, scroll down to the Use on Web section and click @import. Google will automatically generate the code you need to import the fonts you want to use.
Ignore the <style> </style> and copy everything else inside it and paste it in the top of your Story Stylesheet.
For this example, mine looks like this:
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Almendra+Display&family=Nova+Cut&display=swap');
TIP: If you are importing fonts that a bold weight and italics available and intend to use bold and italics, make sure you import the bold weight and the italic versions of the font as well as the regular one. This will stop your fonts from having weird printing issues when you use bold and italics (especially on non-Chromium browsers like Firefox).
Below the import button, Google will show you the CSS rules for each font family. Keep these in mind, you’ll need them later. Mine, for this example, are like this:
font-family: 'Almendra Display', cursive; font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive;
Basic Styling
In your stylesheet, you’ll want to target the .passage element with the .main-menu class.
.passage.main-menu { background-color: transparent; font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive; font-size: 3.5em; text-align: center; }
Make sure there isn’t a space between .passage and .main-menu, otherwise it won’t work!
Here, I’ve changed a few properties.
font-family – this changes the font to Nova Cut
font-size – this changes the font size. I’ve used the unit em, which is relative to the element size (you can read more about CSS Units here)
text-align – this centers the text to the middle of the .passage element
I have also added:
background-color: transparent;
This makes the passage background transparent so you can see the background image. This is only necessary if you’ve added a background-color to your default passages.
Now, for the links.
Links have their own separate selector.
a means is the link as it usually displays
a:hover is the link when the player hovers their cursor over it.
It's generally a good idea to use different colours on the links—one for the normal display, one for the hover—so the player can visually see that they are hovering over a clickable link. If you don't want to use different colours, you should consider using some other visual cue to make that differentiation.
.passage.main-menu a { font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive; color: #C57C25; text-decoration: none; }
.passage.main-menu a:hover { font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive; color: #dcb07c; text-decoration: none; }
I’ve added an additional property here:
text-decoration: none.
This gets rid of the underline that happens on all default links in the default SugarCube stylesheet. Currently, this only targets the links on passages tagged main-menu; if you want to get rid of the text-decoration on all links, you can change the styling of your links like so:
a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
Choosing Colours
If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to picking hex codes, color-hex.com is a really helpful site. It gives you related tints and shades of for every hex code, which makes it a lot easier to find colours that are slightly darker or slightly lighter than your base hex code.
For choosing colours initially, there are plenty of hex code colour palette generators available online. One of my favourites is the one on Canva, which lets you upload an image and then it creates a colour palette from there. You might not want to use the exact colours it pulls, but checking the colours on color-hex can help you narrow down something that works for your aesthetics.
This is what our template now looks like:
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Giving the Title a Unique Style
Right now, the title is styled by the .passage.main-menu selector and it’s default font size and font type is the same as the links below it.
If you want to style it differently, you can make a new class for it. In this case, I’m going to drop the .passage.main-menu and make a class called .game-title.
.game-title { font-family: 'Almendra Display', cursive; color: #ca893a; line-height: 1.0; font-size: 1.8em; text-shadow: 1px 1px #dcb07c; }
Because the font I selected didn’t come with a bold version, I cheated a bit a used the text-shadow property to bulk it up. I also had to adjust the line height. SugarCube’s default .passage styling gives everything a line height of 1.75 and there was too much space once the new font family and font size were applied.
To add this styling to your title, go into your main menu passage and wrap your game’s title in a span, like so:
<span class="game-title">GENERIC FANTASY GAME</span>
It now appears like this:
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TIP: If you want to play around with your appearance, you can use your browser’s Inspect tool to see the page’s CSS and play around/edit it. Either right click and hit Inspect or hit CTRL + SHIFT + I to open the Inspect tool. Once opened, you can go in and adjust things. If you make and a change and like it, remember to copy the code over to your stylesheet before you close the inspect tool.
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Placing a Title & Links Outside the .passage element
If you want your game title and menu links to be elsewhere on the page, you’re going to need re-write some of your CSS and add some additional CSS.
The first thing is that you’ll want to remove the styling from .passage.main-menu. I’ve left background-color to transparent, but you’re not going to be using this to style your game title and menu links.
.passage.main-menu { background-color: transparent; }
For the title:
I’ve created two elements, one called .main-title and one called .main-title-item.
.main-title creates a container that will hold the title. This is what I use to tell it where on the page to appear.
.main-title { display: block; justify-content: space-evenly; position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 4%; }
.main-title-item styles the actual text.
.main-title-item { font-family: 'Almendra Display', cursive; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: normal; font-size: 6.5em; line-height: 1.0; text-align: left; color: #cf944d; text-shadow: 1px 1px #cf944d; }
To apply this to the game title, go back to the main menu passage and apply your new elements to the game’s title:
<div class="main-title"><span class="main-title-item">GENERIC FANTASY GAME</span></div>
For the menu links:
Here, we’ll do something really similar—a container to hold the links and a separate element to style them.
.subtitle { display: block; flex-wrap: wrap; flex-direction: column; width: 60%; justify-content: space-evenly; position: absolute; top: 46%; left: 8%; }
.subtitle-item a { font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3.5em; text-align: left; color: #cf944d; line-height: 1.3em; }
.subtitle-item a:hover { font-family: 'Nova Cut', cursive; font-weight: normal; font-size: 3.5em; text-align: left; color: #dcb07c; text-decoration: none; }
Go back to your main menu passage and apply the elements. Because all of the menu links will be in the same box, you only need to open/close the .subtitle element once.
<div class="subtitle"><span class="subtitle-item">[[NEW GAME]]</span>
<span class="subtitle-item"><<link 'LOAD GAME'>><<run UI.saves();>><</link>></span>
<span class="subtitle-item"><<link 'RESUME GAME'>><<run Save.autosave.load()>><</link>></span>
<span class="subtitle-item"><<link 'SETTINGS'>><<run UI.settings();>><</link>></span></div>
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If you want to change where the title and menu links appear, you can use the Inspect tool to figure out different percentages and spacing until you find something that works for you.
There are a lot more things you can add (like animations that appear when you hover your cursor on the link), but I’ll leave it there for now.
Additionally, if you intend to make your game mobile compatible, you’ll want to read up on media queries and learn how to adjust font sizes and any other units of measurement for different viewports. This is how you shrink things appropriate to fit on small screens.
I hope this helps! If you have any questions, please let me know. I’m still a newbie at CSS (so I’m sure there are ways of doing things more effectively), but these are some of the things that I have helped me along the way.
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en-worlds · 3 years
enhypen if they were buzzfeed content creators
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a/n: hello this is a short headcanon(?) not proofread and just me missing the old buzzfeed crew (idk how to title this properly so enjoy this mess)
warnings: none that i could think of
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heeseung: try guys
→ is good at everything so he manages to ace every single video
→ catch him be completely clueless and still manage to do well on whatever the challenge is
→ oh god imagine a without a recipe or without instructions episode, he'd just go with his gut feel and somehow manage to please the judges
→ like fr he'd put pepper at the cheesecake batter and somehow it would work 🤔
→ but don't make him do an episode at the amusement park tho... to this day jungwon has file of him and sunghoon losing their shit at the rollercoaster
→ convinces the team that he's the brain of the group, but in reality non of them have braincells when together
jay: worth it / tasty
→ would give detailed ratings to the food and is actually very reasonable with his worth it winner
→ ...save sunoo from the awful food puns tho
→ "well that was a berry nice treat 😁 that really was cherry on top!" (raises his eyebrows, only to be replied with an eye roll from sunoo)
→ probably the most responsible among the tasty team when it comes to actually making food
→ i also see him making content like make it fancy and would def be able to make poptarts exquisite
→ he could also make timtams deluxé in which jake would be the guest judge. spoiler alert: jake takes all the timtams with him
→ ORRR imagine him with a making it big episode
→ halfway through the episode he'd contemplate his life decisions because he did not study culinary arts to cook a huge amount of rice for a big sushi
jake: unsolved
→ you saw this coming
→ idk if he's the brain of the duo or the coward... actually he's both 🧍
→ gets scared easily, but he doesn't want to back down on an episode
→ probably does this 🙏 as a reflex now from all the mini-heart attacks he's experienced
→ i could imagine him trying to communicate with ghosts and whatnot but he's holding onto himself for dear like cos his partner (read: ni-ki) thought it would be best to make him go through the haunted house alone
→ viewers have 111502 reaction memes from jake alone
→ "i thought australia was scary with all the bugs around... now i have ni-ki 😐"
sunghoon: try guys
→ absolutely clueless, please help him
→ pitches in the most random idea, idk how the other producers approve of it but it does work
→ try guys try building a fort made of legos, try guys try teaching kindergarten kids, try guys try heels for a day yeah those are all his ideas
→ somehow he is the most competetive out of all of them, and would complain about rankings if the episode was a competition
→ his average ranking is always the last place so expect an earful from him
→ "i'm clearly the winner??? you said points for creativity... i HAVE the most creativity."
→ "exactly. creativity is all you had, hoon. there are other factors."
sunoo: worth it / tasty
→ his worth it winner would be greatly affected by the other side dishes even if it wasn't the food they're ranking
→ "my worth it winner is place b... the pineapple cucumber cooler was lovely."
→ "sunoo, today's episode is burritos 😐"
→ he'd also be making content for eating your feed and he surprises himself most of the time with his results
→ except for the time he tried to remake omurice... the tasty kitchen was basically an egg dumpster by the end of the filming
→ would actually need assistance most of the time, but it's okay he gets the job done ...albeit most filming takes him three days
→ he accidentally mistook salt for sugar in one of his earlier episodes and to this day heeseung reminds him to always double check (heeseung was sadly the victim of the salty mango jam)
jungwon: try guys
→ thumbnail material, is the best at giving reactions
→ gives the best answers for their interview cuts because he has no filter
→ he probably has the most iconic lines and the comment section is filled with timestamps for whatever comes out of his mouth
→ if he does win during a try guys game time, he'd be cocky about it (he just loves bickering with sunghoon for fun)
→ bcs he honestly did not expect to win, he's just vibing with the flow 😎
→ "i told y'all i truly am the best boss. the big man. the one and only."
→ "sit down mr. 1-point-ahead, there's a next game."
ni-ki: unsolved
→ u cannot tell me this duo is not perfect for buzzfeed unsolved
→ ni-ki as "i've connected the dots" while jake as "you didn't connect shit."
→ a brat, would scare jake for fun
→ he has no fear absolutely none. zero (0). the demons are scared of him.
→ scratch that his only fear is guesting in an episode with the try guys pitched by sunghoon
→ try guys try reviving a cactus (with jake and ni-ki): wherein sunghoon convinces jungwon that his plant is being haunted so he needs the help of buzzfeed's best detectors
→ did not end well, ni-ki has a dinosaur-designed bandaid wrapped around his pinky care of his heeseung hyung
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
Falling from grace for you.
(this wasn’t requested, and I should probably be catching up on those XD)
|Dazai x Female Reader|
This is a darker (that’s an understatement…) and longer (very long) piece than what is typically written on my account. It’s taken from one of my current ongoing fics.
Warnings: Dazai’s typical antics (his jokes of suicide, making light of suicide, disturbing thoughts) depictions of severe gore/violence. Mentions of darker themes: torture, implied abuse. Some slight out-of-character actions. A large amount of insanity, questionable thoughts, and in the end suicide. Seriously, I warned you this piece is dark as hell
Heavy angst without a happy ending. (starts getting very dark/disturbing/unsettling under the cut.)
~You have been warned, enjoy the angst love~
Hiding behind clouds, scarlet red glared down in shimmering beams. The night was given a red hue, a contrast to the normal silver peeking past the darkness. A male, in his early twenties, fiddled with the edges of his coat. Its tan folds, keeping his body from feeling the frigid atmosphere. His finger lightly traced the white, slightly dirtied fabric of the cotton wrapped around his arms. As unusual as it was, most of the agency had stayed past its usual hours of operation. A feeble sigh remained stuck in the man's throat, a sigh that could tell the others he was troubled. He was a man of many mysteries and unsolvable puzzles. The empty hue of his coffee-stained eyes closed the door to what he felt. That was if this man was capable of truly feeling much at all.
Taking a seat on the couch, his mind trailed to the thoughts of a woman. If he dared to admit the wrongs of his life, maybe the situation they were all in would be… different. Maybe, just maybe, this case would have been solved in seconds. It seemed even Ranpo had met his match here. Of course, the only reason he had met a roadblock, was for the same reason nobody had claimed the pool of money placed on his past occupation. His name was Dazai, Osamu Dazai. Sure, by now, the people around him knew what dangerous job he had in the past. Ranpo had probably finally deduced he was somewhere up in the ranks. He doubted they knew just who he had been, doubted they knew the full extent of the crimes he had committed. If they knew surely Ranpo would have said something or given signs of distrust. If Kunikida knew there would have been insults thrown and judgments made. He’d probably be in jail if they truly knew the details about him.
His eyes self-consciously looked up to the clock, his eyes flicking with the smallest flame of confusion. His fingers ran to his pocket, pulling out a phone that wasn’t used for work. The way he rushed to check for a missed message caught the attention of several co-workers. They were all used to his slacking off, even when he was working, he appeared to be relaxing. For instance, this entire time, from the moments spent staring at the window, to the second leading to his hands gripping his phone, were all moments that involved his mind. A plan carefully piecing together. He happened to be the only one who could solve this case. After all, he knew you. The details of this case, the ones that had no evidence, nothing to deduct anything from. By now, he was sure Ranpo knew that too. The only reason he hadn’t been questioned was the uncertainty of how he was involved.
There had never been a day when you missed sending the nightly text. Now, he always received a text no later than 9 PM and no earlier than 8:45 PM. Every day for 6 years, he received the same question. You would ask him when he’d be home, what he’d like for dinner. No matter what the message was, you never sent a text shorter than 2 words. Never screwed the grammar up, nor did you ever leave a text unfinished. Not only was it 9:05, but the text was also missing. He was almost tempted to call you, feeling a panic settling in his stomach. The two of you had so many unspoken feelings between you. He knew you were not really missing, you had run away just over six months ago, after all, you had wanted freedom from the chains of your prison. That home, which had never truly been home. He restarted the phone over and over again, maybe he didn’t have enough service, maybe he was overthinking things? As much as he wanted to believe you were completely fine, he knew something had truly happened to you.
It was his fault, in the past, he had been such a bastard, there were people all over wishing to find a spot in his inhuman mind that would cause him to bend down like a dog; he hated dogs. If somebody ever found that he and you had more than just a business relationship, there would be hell to pay. Having known each other since his mafioso days, you were always a danger to be caught around with. He still remembered the way you had met, the only woman who had not given in to his womanizer ways. The only person on this planet who understood his mind. Your ability, as long as he didn't touch you, told you everything that his mind was reeling under. The pressure of his deepest regrets, the dying, screaming agony that wrapped his heart. So, it was only natural that in his new world of light, he had come to see you differently. This woman who had impacted his life just as much as his dead friend never ceased to surprise him. The way she stayed silent about her own troubles, the way she revealed only what she could with him. The way she remains smiling, like him, despite sharing the same pains that crushed him. He had asked her once, a few years back, to join him in a double suicide. It had been a joke, but the laughing, smiling expression that you wore as a mask had fallen. Those eyes he came to adore fell to replicate his own expression. So used to the word no, his heart nearly shattered when you chuckled darkly and ran a finger over the sleeves of your shirt. The way it acted like it traced scars broke him. The simple sure that whispered from your lips led him to stand shocked. Few people in this world managed to surprise him, so seeing you turn his thoughts into scrambled letters in a scrabble game had him panicked.
Just as he was about to start panicking over your lack of a text, a simple ding echoed in the silent room. The breaths of every agency member halted, it seemed even Kunikida paused to see what this man was up to. For what felt like the first time in his life, that unsettling pit of despair that laid deep within his gut overtook his consciousness rationally. His fingers expertly unlocked his phone, dragging the notification bar down to click on the text that came from your number. That pit that he had been feeling since he left the apartment today rose to consume his mask. Pure, discernible fear placed itself within his irises. The dilation of his pupils, followed by the sweat that fell from his forehead, gathered a panic within every member. Laying on his screen a simple message that he’d never wanted to see; a simple help. The time was now 9:15, Dazai’s hands shook as he tried to remain calm, keep that personality of his from rising past the new him. There was nothing he wanted more than to slip into the darkness of his alter-ego, the original him.
When things that belong to him, things that he deeply connects to are hurt or taken from him, he can’t help but become a monster to protect such things.
Another text followed as he tried to keep himself together. If you want to see her alive, find us within the hour demon prodigy. To send such a thing from his belladonna’s phone created another crack in his expression. Unfiltered rage poured from his eyes in fiery streams. His hands nearly cracked the delicate glass of his phone. Clicking the phone off, he set it down. Walking to his desk, he slammed open every drawer. Nobody spoke, they only watched this man rummage around his desk. His stoic eyes were now full of dreadful emotions. The aura this man was giving off dragged the somber room into a dark state of horror. It was as if a serial killer had walked into the home of its unsuspecting victims. The only thoughts with their heads were of concern for the coworker, whose laid-back attitude had disappeared in seconds. Was this how he was in the mafia? That question suddenly popped into some of the heads turned towards him. One girl sat next to an older boy. The teenage child tilted her head at the recognition of the room's mood. The mood resembled the still air that she’d experienced in the mafia. When she was nothing but a worthless assassin, she had seen this happen before. Whenever a high-ranking mafioso walked into a room, one known for their bloodlust and demonic ways, such as Akutagawa, the room felt heavy and sticky with fear and worry. While this was different, it had that same tingle.
Dazai pulled out a pistol, why he still had this was a question even he couldn’t answer. It had been the one he used in the mafia. Slamming it on the desk, his hand traveled for other items. Grabbing a container of pins, he set that down along with pens in both black and red ink, a notepad about the size of his palm, a file, and lastly, the girl's photo. He grabbed his phone again, this time walking to a computer and downloading information from it. It was easy to get the location of which the texts were sent. If the GPS was correct, her phone was currently several blocks from the house, after moving within the three minutes, it took him to search the drawers. The text had been sent from inside their apartment. Popping the pen lid off using his teeth, he rushed to a map. His mind had blocked all consciousness of the world around him out. The unadulterated need to find you and save you from harm, or in the worst case, death, controlling him. Never in his life had he felt this way for anybody. No subordinate, no friend, no co-worker, no enemy had ever filled his body with so much emotion at once. A man normally dragged on by only logic, a man who discarded his heart for his mind now laid within the opposite. His emotions controlling his thoughts, his heart pumping within the hundreds as he raced against the clock. Marking every move possible in his head, he scanned over the map once, twice, and even a third time. His lips curled into a nasty snarl as he realized how you had been caught.
On your way back from working that bar, you had been followed into the apartment, heard the noises, and texted him a quick plea. You're meant for it to be longer, but hardly had time to send help. No capitalization, no punctuation, and help had been misspelled. A simple typo only your terrified fingers could manage. Then when they realize your phone is unlocked and laying on the floor after knocking you out, the attacker had sent him the warning. With that scenario, he became completely encased in displeased anger. His eyes scanned the map with frustration, trying to narrow the possible routes down. He used the black pen to mark the important events with times. He marked everything from his leave to the current second. Using the red pen, he sketched a draft of the route being used. The phone had been carried as a distraction. Any person of his mind would instantly disregard that route. But without Ranpo needing to point out which route was most likely, he tapped it with his finger. Crossing out certain marks as he intertwined all three routes to come across the place he’d met you. An amused, almost ironic snicker parted his lips as he tugged his jacket tighter around his body. His hand using the small notepad to jot down the location. Not for himself, but for the others in case they decided to follow him.
Walking to his desk, he grabbed the pistol, its weight nearly disgusting him. A conflict parted through him, his promise to Oda, then your life. Looking towards the ceiling, he sighed. He’d visit his grave later to apologize for breaking his promise. He had all intention to kill, whether it’s called for or not. “Dazai, what is going on.” Kunikida's cold voice cut through the heavy atmosphere.
Snapping back as if only now realizing the other existed, he fell to look at Kunikida. The look he gave was full of nothing but emotionless despair. With a simple response, he walked over and dropped the file on the desk. “Taking care of this case… alone.” The last word was spoken with an emphasis as if to warn them. This case was tied to his past actions.
Making a full 180, he dramatically raised his hands and spoke with nothing but a childish facade. “If I’m not back before midnight, my dreams have come true!” he hummed before walking out of sight.
Now that he was alone, that facade dissipated, and he sighed walking briskly down the streets. It didn’t take him too long to arrive at the building. An abandoned shipping room that provided a perfect height for suicide. He smiled slightly at the thought. Yes, that would be so much more relaxing than this. Simply taking your hand as the two of you fell gracefully in each other's arms. Then with no pain, the two of you would part from this meaningless life and find peace. His hand touched the door, pushing them open, the red glimmers of light, provided by the blood moon, filtering in through the now open doors. He whistled to signal he was there, and as his feet stepped inside, the doors closed and latched behind him. A trap well fit for him, but he already predicted such. “You really did go all out to catch me off-guard. It’s too bad this really isn’t much~.” he purred the words calling out to whoever laid within the shadows of the building. Tracing steps of the two men behind him, he ducked before grabbing two fists of hair and slamming their heads together. “Now, I suggest you give her back.” His voice became cold as he held himself straight, brushing his hands against the tan fabric.
Instead of a vocal response made of words, there was only a light laugh. With a sudden glare that nearly blinded him, the light turned on in only one specific spot. The middle of the room glowed with vibrant white light. Revealed by the sudden change was a body. Slumped against a chair with the smallest rising and falling of the chest. A piece of cloth wrapped around both your eyes and your mouth, successfully gagging and blinding you. Around your waist lay a thick rope that was most likely tied in the back, and was coated in duct tape to keep you secured to the chair. He assumed your wrists were bound behind the chair, judging that they were not loosely hung by your sides. The rope around your ankles was wrapped around several times. Already your body was showing forms of bruises. Blood trickled from your nose and your head. Your clothing was in tatters, the white lace of your bra showing in parts. It was as if your attacker had tried inflicting as much pain as he could. Perhaps you had woken up from the pain before passing out. He could see the wet stains on your cheek, probably from the feeling of pain. He went to take a step forward and pull out his gun, but before he could make much movement, a gun aimed itself at you. His eyes flared, and he looked to the man who had taken you. The time was now 10:05 PM. He had arrived exactly at 10 PM. within the hour the text had said, so logically speaking he had 10 minutes until an hour from when the text was sent to now.
So where had he gone wrong? Why did that gun fire at your stomach? It missed anything vital, in fact, it was a spot he knew well. Fyodor had once had a sniper shoot him in that exact spot. He knew it wasn’t lethal, but the blood loss could kill you. That death would be slow and painful. It was pure luck that you had been shot there, that gun was meant to put you to death.
Never in his life had he lost to his emotions. Even in his moments of insanity, he had never acted rashly. Even when he shot a dead body over and over, he had not been completely lost. He had relished in the enemy’s pain, but he was not lost. He understood his surroundings. Even as his lips parted and cusses left his lips and insane demonic laughter parted his lips, he tried keeping his mind together. His left hand covered his eye, the eye he had once kept bandaged for no particular reason. His right hand fumbled for his gun, before snapping his eyes back to the enemy. “You really shouldn’t have done that~” he hummed taking steps closer. “Were you expecting me to fall and weep? If this is revenge over something I did in the past, I hate to tell you… I don't remember a single one of my past victims. I mean that would be a ton of people to remember. Between the murders and the blackmail along with all the other crimes I’ve committed, I would never remember anybody who held no importance.”
With the room's descent into a hellish atmosphere, your attacker tripped falling down. Dazai walked to you and brushed a finger over your cheek. “It’s alright, I’ll save you.” Maybe this possessive protectiveness this event had induced could be classified as slightly yandere? He would never lose you, your happiness was of course important, but this feeling was beyond normal rage. He walked up to the cowering form of your attacker. He guaranteed the man's death would be painful. He normally wasn’t this violent, even in the mafia he carried out his assignments and assassinations quickly. He hated pain himself, so it was natural to show some pity when it came to physical pain.
All that went forgotten as he approached the shaking male. He fiddled with the trigger of his pistol, before shooting both of your attacker's hands. Watching as crimson carefully spill and the shriek of horror, that twisted Dazai’s heart with pleasure, echo within the walls, he smiled. The smile was created from pure insanity. Without a shred of remorse, he glanced at you before his foot lifted to slam against the male's jaw. He did it once, twice, and thrice. When his foot shoved the man's skull down to the cement flooring, he laughed trying to keep control. His emotions were slowly wrapping dark webs around his reason. He knew that was enough, that he should stop and lay down a final blow. He knew he should do the right thing, which would be to slam some cuffs on this man's wrists. Yet, in the back of his head lay a voice telling him this man deserved a punishment far worse than a jail cell he’d likely be out of in a few years. This man deserved death for hurting you. There was only one light in his life, that light was you. Losing that light would break him. There was one fear for this man, that fear was losing all hope. Plummeting into true pain, a life without you would be empty. It would be too much to go on. He’d toss away his ideal death to escape the chains of this mortal world. He’d accept death, whether there was an after-life or not. As the thoughts ran rampant inside his head, his decision was made. No, this decision had been made the moment his slender fingers touched the metal of this discarded pistol.
Kneeling down, he got into the man's personal space, his hands clasped behind his back as if this were one of his many interrogations. “Tell me, when you laid the first blow on my belladonna, what were you expecting would happen? Was it A, you thought you would manage to bring me to my knees? Or maybe B, you thought your actions would have no consequences because the feared demon prodigy was now an ex-demon prodigy? You thought you would be able to act out revenge by taking the one thing he clings to. People are easy to read, when they are terrified for their lives their life story is portrayed through their eyes. I wonder, would you beg for mercy if I gauged them out?” the sadistic curl of his lips leading to the crack of his fingers echoed in the room. The only other sound to challenge such a disturbing noise lay the whimpers and shaking chatter of the enemy. “If you want forgiveness, then beg for it.” Dazai's lips quickly fell to a snarl as his finger ran from the man's cheek up to the base of his eye socket. Already pushing with pressure, he waited. Just before his finger could start any damage, the man's words leaped.
“I’m sorry, spare me!” he would shout more and more pleading for his life. Dazai merely laughed, running his other hand over the man's lip before dragging it down over the man's neck, imagining the sight if he were to take a pin and drag it along the skin.
“Did she plead for you to stop? How many times did she beg you not to hurt her? Did you do more than simply hit her?” he knew the answer to that already, which is why even if this man pleaded and begged and swore his life to Dazai, he’d never make it out alive. “If you're honest, I may… be gentle.” A lie, a believable cunning lie all for you. He was doing this for you, all to take revenge for you.
“No!” the man screamed for only a moment before Dazai dug his finger into the socket, letting blood soak the tan of his coat. Flinging his hand to the side, the excess blood splattered.
“Too bad, I knew you'd lie to me anyways. Humans are truly despicable creatures, aren't we? Was it fun? Listening to her beg for you to stop? Did she ask you to just kill her already? Did you keep her conscious just to traumatize her? Tell me, did you think I'd let you go?” lifting his foot, he slammed it against the man's chin, sending him into the wall. Watching the stone crack and small pebbles fall, he walked over with nothing in his eyes.
His thoughts were blank.
His expression is blank.
His mind blank.
His heart… full of anger and merciless vengeance.
His hands, despite lacking the same strength as some of his opponents in the past, snapped bone after bone. He tore through the skin until the floor was coated in blood. The game continued until the man bled to death. When Dazai noted there was nothing left, he stared and watched in satisfaction. That was until a groan made its way into his ears. Slowly, he turned around to look at you. Your head had shifted slightly, but small drops of crimson were now dripping down from your abdomen. Pulling the bloodied knife from the corpse, he rushed over to cut you free. Letting your body collapse into his he hummed. His mind was still gripped in insanity. He slid down to the ground, running his blood-stained hands through your hair. “I came for you.” A half-hearted smile lifted his lips, but your voice did not respond. Your eyes still remained closed as he laid you on a clean spot of cement. He lifted the tatters of your shirt just enough to view the wound.
With a hesitant movement, he grabbed your wrist. The pulse was seeming to slow down. “Fuck…” he cursed the word under his breath as he came back to his senses. As if coming from a trance, his eyes scanned around. A single drop of water left his eyes before more came crashing down. He grabbed your body and pulled it towards him. Cradling you as he whispered an apology.
It seemed as if an eternity had passed, but in reality, the time was 10:35. Hardly half an hour had passed since he arrived. You would last another twenty minutes before that tiny wound became a problem, and you died. He knew this fact, and so he searched his pockets for his phone. He’d disappear before anybody got there. He’d sound as if he were running. He’d stage something to hide what he had just done. Everything he’d worked for could be unraveled soon. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, hoping you'd wake up, so he could tell you what he wanted to say. Even as he gripped the phone and dialed his co-workers, all he wanted was to look into your eyes. The eyes that reflected himself. Before he could hit the dial button and start the call, those metal doors which had been sealed shut opened. Light filtered in from the moon and flashlights. The click of guns pointed at the two of you.
Dazai glanced to the side before hiding you behind him, still protective over you. Until he heard the sound of a familiar blonde's voice, he would not let you be exposed to danger. “Stand down, he’s… one of ours.” Kunikida yelled, before storming in with the other members behind him. They had all seen him rush out, the state he was in… it was only recommended by Ranpo they call in some officers just to surround the building. “Dazai...” Why was it so hard for the blonde to speak? Had he truly believed there was a shed of moral sense within his work partner? “Hands above your head… step away from the girl.'' It was a plea more than an order.
Hesitation wasn’t something he normally dealt with. Dazai looked back to you before realizing the smallest movement of your fingers. Immediately he grabbed your hand. A warning shot echoed missing his head by mere centimeters. It wasn’t like he cared though, a bullet could kill him right away. There would be no pain, so what if it wasn’t suicide. At this point, he was fed up with living in a world like this. He was tired of not having a purpose. The only purpose he had was to protect you. He’d managed to fail that too. So without any emotion, he waved dismissively. “If you shoot me, you know I won’t care right?” There was silence as a gurgled noise escaped your lips.
It was relatively fast, your eyes shooting open as your hands reached to grab your abdomen. Nearly screaming out in pain until your eyes adjusted and noticed Dazai. Relief flooded into you as your body weakly reached for him. He let out a relieved choked noise, similar in sound to a sob. He cupped your cheek with that feeling in his chest before another warning shot fired. This time missing him by even less and cutting it close to your hands. Terrified your body reeled back.
Dazai put your safety first before comfort. So despite wanting to kiss you and finally express the feeling he knew you were aware of, he stood up and raised his hands above his head. Walking towards the lights, he kneeled and hung his head. He was rather surprised with how gentle he was pushed to the floor. The feeling of metal clasping his wrists wasn’t new. He’d been caught many times before this. Of course, he always escaped, returning to you. If he tried that now, he knew he risked your safety. Yet your shrieks passed the air as you were grabbed by two officers. Watching from the sidelines with solemn looks stood the rest of his co-workers. Atsushi, a young male orphan, Dazai, had been saved from starvation and death, couldn't understand what was going on. “Why… Dazai, why?” he whispered far too soft to be heard.
As Dazai was pulled to his feet and led away, you were left to scream and ignore the pain of blood gathering in your throat. No matter how much splattered from your lips you screamed for him. You struggled weakly against the arms of the officers. The blonde who had cuffed Dazai walked to you. Kneeling to your level, your eyes moved to read him. Using your ability to see his emotions, personality, and troubles. He was a good man, one who had strong morals. Only at that did you react and calm down. Letting a woman who shared his presence and whose aura you trusted heal you. “This is… my fault,” you whispered, finally feeling warmth fall down the soft skin of your cheeks. As a brunette looked over the crime scene with anger and disgust, he deducted everything within minutes. It was done by Dazai, and there were things he didn’t understand, but he knew enough to locate why this had happened.
“Please… don’t lock him away! If I had been stronger... if I had listened to Dazai’s advice none of this would have happened!” Despite being the victim of all of this, you couldn’t help but blame it all on yourself. “We still haven't gotten to try out the method I found.” gripping the sides of your arms, you looked up with the same expression Dazai often wore. The startled expression of his co-workers was expected. “We may have succeeded this time.” You whispered the words softly in your head, before passing out from exhaustion once more.
Dazai never ended up in prison, he’d slipped away the moment he could. All of this had been in your line of expectations. Walking into the apartment to see Dazai reading the suicide book had you running over to express your love in the form of asking him the question he always asked you. “Shall we commit a perfect, flawless double suicide?” you asked before seeing an excited glimmer in his eyes. Taking your hands in his, he nodded.
On that fateful night, two months after your abduction, two bodies were found. Cuddled close together under the sheets. Their bodies cold and pressed closed. A swift easy death within slumber.
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tuiccim · 4 years
The Scientific Method
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader     Word Count: 2842 (It got away from me.)
Warnings: Angst, Sass, Fluff, Smut- NSFW 18+ Only! (If you want to avoid the smut stop at the bed divider. 
Prompt: Oct  2 - Authority Kink (“Sir”/“Sergeant”/“Captain”/“Your Highness”/“Doctor” etc.)
A/N: This is for HBC’s Kinktober! @the-ce-horniest-book-club​  Big thank you to my beta readers, @fandomsaremylifeline​ and @bubbabarnes​!
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There were no words for the feelings coursing through you. Or too many words as you watched Steve flirt with the new lab tech. He glances over at you and you raise an eyebrow, smirking at him to mask your own feelings. He had teased you the same way in the beginning. You had been polite but felt uncomfortable with his flirting. He took the hint and a comradery had built. Now, you kicked yourself for not returning the flirtations through your discomfort. Knowing you lost your chance sucked. He only saw you as a buddy now. 
The new tech giggles and you rolled your eyes. “Are you about done there? I need to synthesize the sample.” You interrupt ending the giggles abruptly. 
“Yes, Doctor.” She smiles brightly at Steve before bringing you the vials. 
“Take these to Mr. Stark, please.” You hand her a file of findings. 
“Sure.” She turns to give Steve a coy smile. “Nice meeting you.”
“You too,” that charming grin of his stretching across his face. 
“Really?” You grouse when he turns to grin at you 
“You can’t go five minutes without flirting with the new girl?”
“Jealous?” He smirks.
You roll your eyes.
“Are you coming to the party tonight?” Steve asks. 
“Um, yeah. I guess” You shrug.
“Save me a dance.” He says as he leaves with a backwards wave. You’d save a dance for him alright, the arrogant ass. Making a decision, you text Natasha. 
Y: I need help with a dress for tonight. 
Nat: I thought you had one. 
Y: Need something that’ll make him look twice. Done playing. 
N: Hell, yeah. Come to my room. I’ve got just the thing. 
“FRIDAY, inform Mr. Stark that I’m leaving to get ready for the party.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
In Natasha’s room, she pulls out a dress you would never have picked for yourself. You turn, examining yourself in the mirror. 
“Nat, are you sure I can pull this off?” You ask apprehensively. 
“Yeah. You can. You look stunning.” Nat smiles.
The tight black dress hugged every curve. Your hair looked amazing and your makeup was spot on. You looked almost entirely not like yourself. 
“Thanks, Nat. Hopefully someone else will notice.” 
“Everyone will notice you. Don’t worry, just have fun. And let him find you.” Nat winks.
The party was in full swing and you were dancing with Jack Rollins, a member of Strike. When the song ended you both hit the bar for a drink. As the two of you chatted and laughed, Jack was summoned by his team leader, Brock, who wore a dour expression. 
“I’m sorry. There’s something we have to take care of. Save me a dance for later?” Jack smiles sweetly. 
“Sure thing.” You say as he departs. You are sipping your drink and taking in the room when a voice from behind startles you. 
“I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you since I first caught a glimpse of you on the dance floor. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Steve.”
You snort as you turn towards him, “Really, Rogers?”
Steve’s mouth drops open comically as he looks you up and down. Laughing, you reach up and push his chin up to force him to close his mouth. 
“You shouldn’t let your mouth hang open like that. You could get lockjaw.”
“What are you wearing?” Steve exclaims.
“It’s just a dress, Captain. I know you’re used to seeing me in a lab coat but it can't be that shocking.” You see his cheek flinch when you say Captain. 
“I just… I’ve never… you don’t-” Steve sputters.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue, Captain?” You know exactly what you’re doing to him. The man rarely gave you a second glance and suddenly he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You lick your lips while looking at him. “Well, I need a refill.” You turn back towards the bar, shocked at yourself. You aren’t really sure where this sassy personality suddenly came from. Maybe it was the dress or Nat’s peptalk, but you were enjoying the newfound confidence. Whatever it was, it just had you walk away from a flummoxed Steve Rogers. With a fresh drink, you moved towards a group of tables and nearly run into Happy Hogan. 
“Happy! Hi!”
“Hey! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to knock into you. Wow, you look great.” Happy Smiles.
“Why thank you!” You grin.
“Can I get a dance?” Happy asks. 
“I’d love that.” You set your drink down.
“Actually, she promised me the next one.” Steve says, giving a stern look.
“Oh, uh, of course, Cap.” Happy demures.
“No. No, you didn’t. You were having trouble using your words. Remember, Captain?” You smirk and grab Happy’s hand. “Come on, Happy. Let’s show ’em how it’s done.”
While you happily twirl around the dance floor with Happy, Steve stands to one side scowling. 
“Did you just turn down Steve Rogers?” Happy asks. 
“He’s been a bit of an arrogant ass lately, so he’s gonna have to learn to play nice.” You wink at Happy. “Plus, you asked first and you’re always such a sweetheart, Happy.”
“Hey! I’m a badass fighter, too.” Happy says.
“They’re not mutually exclusive. Everyone knows you’re both.” You smile. 
“Anytime, friend.”
“Did you save that dance for me?” Jack Rollins asks from beside you as the song changes.
“She’s all yours.” Happy twirls you into Jack’s arms.
“Did you take care of your business?” You ask.
“We did. Free for the rest of the night.” Jack winks at you. 
“May I cut in?” Steve says curtly to Jack.
“Uh, su-”
“No, you may not. Promised Jack the whole dance.” You pull Jack closer and smirk at Steve. 
“May I have the next one?” Steve says tightly.
“I’m not sure. My dance card is getting pretty full and you interrupted our dance, so now I feel like I owe Jack two. Maybe later. Bye, Captain.” You nearly quell under Steve’s angry glare but manage to smile brightly and turn back to Jack. 
As soon as Steve is out of earshot Jack says, “I didn’t know you and Cap were a thing. I don’t want to cause any problems.”
“We’re not anything but friends. I’m not sure why he’s acting like that.”
“He must think you two are something more for him to be so pissed.”
“He has no reason to. Anyway, what was going on earlier that pulled you away from me?”
“Just an unwelcome guest. Nothing to worry about.” Jack looks up to see Steve glaring at him over his beer bottle. “Look, I’m sorry. I’ve got to go check in with Brock.”
“Fine. See ya later.” You say frustrated before turning to give a withering glance to Steve. He smirks and begins moving towards you. You roll your eyes and walk away. Going to the hall leading to the bathrooms you run into Bucky. 
“Hey. Enjoying yourself?” You ask. 
“Hey, Doc. Yeah. You look great. Did Steve find you? He’s been looking for you since the party started.” Bucky asks.
“He apparently didn’t recognize me.” You scoff.
“What?” Bucky guffaws.
You give Bucky a quick rundown of the evening and then stare at him bewildered as he bends over double laughing. “Bucky, what the hell is wrong with everyone tonight?”
“Oh, man, that punk. He couldn’t just ask you to the party like a normal person, could he?”
“Why would he ask me to the party?” You ask, confused.
Bucky just gives you a look and waits for the light bulb to go on above your head.
“Bucky, he doesn’t like me like that. He was flirting with my new lab tech right in front of me just a few hours ago.” You exclaim. 
Bucky chuckles, “He wanted to see if you’d get jealous. He’s scared to ask you out because he actually likes you.”
“Bucky! Stop laughing, you jerk. Are you serious?”
“Sorry, sorry. Yeah. I’m serious.” Bucky says but begins laughing anew.
You punch Bucky in the arm. “Jerk.”
“Wait, wait. Do you like him? Seriously.” Bucky asks.
“I’m not sure at the moment.” You say vehemently as you walk away. The sound of Bucky’s laughter following you. Catching sight of Steve, you motion your head to the balcony and he nods. When the two of you are somewhat secluded you ask, “What the hell are you doing and why?”
Steve looks down sheepishly, “What do you mean?”
“Ugh, fine.” You turn away but Steve grabs your hand. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Did you flirt with the new tech earlier to make me jealous?” You narrow your eyes at him. 
“Yes.” He says quietly.
Steve stares at you wide-eyed. 
“Why?” You ask again. 
“Because I wanted to see how you’d react.”
“Why?” There’s a long pause as Steve shifts from foot to foot and fidgets. “You can’t even say it.” You shake your head. 
“I like you. A lot.” Steve says. 
Your frustration dissolves and a victorious smile spreads across your face. You move closer to him and look into his face. “Is that so, Captain?”
“Yeah.” Steve narrows his eyes at you. “That’s so.”
“Prove it.” You challenge, glancing at his lips. 
Steve captures your mouth in a fierce kiss. His lips move over yours dominantly. His tongue slips out demanding entry and you comply with a low moan. Steve’s hands wander over your back pulling you flush against him. When he finally pulls back your lips are swollen and your head feels light. 
“Proof enough?” Steve smiles.
“Usually, I would take several samplings to determine if a theory is true.”
“I can provide all the samples you need, Doctor.”
“I do appreciate a willing subject, Captain.” You retort.
“Ready and willing.” Steve says as he pulls you in for another kiss. 
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"Wanna get out of here?" 
"God, yes." Steve twines his fingers with yours and leads you to the elevator.
Seeing Steve press the button for the bedroom floor, you smirk, "Bold of you to assume I wanted to go to your bedroom, Captain."
"Oh, uh," Steve falters, "Would you rather go talk on the roof or something?" 
"I said it was bold, not wrong." You wink as you press against him. 
Steve growls as he grabs the sides on your neck and forces you to look at him, "Do you know how long I've wanted you?"
"Tell me."
"Since I first laid eyes on you. You didn't seem into me, though, so I backed off."
"I just wanted to get to know your first, Captain."
Steve's hands squeeze just a little around your neck, "Keep saying Captain like that and I'm gonna have to fuck the sass out of you."
"You can try, Captain."
"You asked for it, Doc." The elevator doors open and you find yourself being thrown over Steve's shoulder. 
"What are you doing?" You squeal. 
"Pulling rank." Steve growls and slaps your ass. 
"Oh!" You didn't mean for it to come out as a moan, but your core clenched at the feeling of his hand.
"Liked that, did you? Maybe you can be a good girl." Steve tosses you on the bed, "Take the dress off." 
You war with yourself for a moment over whether to comply or tease, but deciding to oblige him, you rise to your knees and unzip the dress. "Yes, Captain." You lock eyes with Steve and slide the dress down and off your body. You are left only in black lace panties. Steve's eyes widen as they slide down your body and his breathing quickens. 
Steve rubs his thumb over your lips, looking down at you, and licks his lips. "Lay down, hands over your head." As you obey, Steve pulls his tie off and wraps in around your wrists.
"What are you doing?" You say.
"Tying you down for your lesson." Steve smirks.
"My lesson?" You echo, core clenching slightly as you’re restrained.
"Yup. I'm gonna fuck the sass out of you and then teach you how to be my good girl. You want to be my good girl, don't you?" Steve whispers against your ear, dragging your earlobe into his mouth and biting it slightly, your thighs squirming at his words and sensations
 "You do. Do you like it when I call you good girl? Hmm?"
"Yes, Captain." You moan as Steve's tongue plays over your nipple before traveling down to play along the scrap of black lace covering you. You arch at his touch. His hands grip your hips for a moment and then the sound of ripping fabric reaches your ears. Your last covering is thrown off and legs are spread wide by Steve's rough hands. He rubs his hands up and down your inner thighs. 
"You look so pretty, baby. All open for me." Steve's tongue swipes up your slit before circling around your clit. When he presses a finger in, you arch. 
"Steve!" You gasp. 
He stills, looking up with a wicked smirk, "Try again, sweetheart."
"Captain. Please, Captain." You breathe.
"Good girl." He says as he returns his mouth to your core and adds a second finger. His tongue dances over you clit, licking, sucking, flicking. You writhe against him feeling every movement of his tongue and thrust of his fingers. He curls his fingers into you and you nearly lose your breath. Your hands strain against the tie binding you to the headboard wanting to touch him. 
"So close, Captain." You moan. 
Steve redoubles his efforts pushing you closer before suddenly stopping, leaving you whimpering and looking at him.
"Did you think I was gonna make it easy on you, baby? Told you I was gonna fuck the sass out of you." Steve smirks as he removes the rest of his clothes. 
"Captain, please, I've been a good girl."
"You were sassy all evening at the party. Gonna have to make sure you know better in the future." Steve rolls a condom on and positions himself between your legs. He presses against you but stops, eyes roaming over your face as he speaks "Words, babygirl.  I need you to tell me you want me," he whispers, soft this time as he waits for your consent.
With the desperation throbbing between your legs, you moan loudly and arch your back, "Please, Captain, please fuck me!"
You cry out as he thrusts fully into you. He sets a rough pace, pounding into you with a bruising grip on your hips, your own body twitching to meet him halfway, heels digging into the mattress for leverage against the force.
"Fuck, you're tight, baby. You feel me? You feel me stretching you?"
"Yes, Captain. It's so good." 
Steve puts your legs over his shoulders and bends over you as he thrusts. Hitting that spot deep inside, you feel the coil tightening. Steve’s hands go around your throat and squeezes lightly as he continues to rail you. You were so close. You began clenching around Steve’s cock and strained against your ties when Steve stopped still fully seated in you. His fingers tighten around your throat, “How’s that sass? Gone yet?” Steve says as he thrusts hard one time. 
“Yes, Captain.” You whisper. 
“You sure about that?” Steve thrusts hard one more time. 
“Yes, Captain.” You cry. 
Steve pulls out and throws your legs over before hauling you up on your knees. Your face is pressed to the mattress as your hands are still tied. You wait for Steve to press inside you, but instead are caught off guard when his hand descends on your ass. You cry out in surprise when his hand meets your flesh. “Are you going to sass your Captain again?”
“Probably.” You answer eliciting another, slightly harder smack. 
“Are you going to sass me, baby?”
“I’ll try not to.” Another smack rains down on your ass. 
“Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, Captain.” His hand rubs over your reddened flesh. 
"You're dripping, baby" Steve chuckles deeply and slams into you, your back arching as you cry out. “Do you want your Captain to fuck you into the mattress?”
“Please, Captain.”
Steve slams into you again. “Say it again.”
“Please, Captain. Please fuck me into the mattress.” 
That is all the encouragement Steve needs. He fucks into you until you are drooling. Your cheek rubbing against the sheet with each thrust.
“Captain, I’m close.” You whine.
“So am I.” Steve grunts. “You’re so tight. So fucking tight. Come for me baby.” 
His permission was all you needed. You cry out as you fall over the edge. Your toes curl and Steve rides it out with you, feeling you’re walls clench against him. 
Unexpectedly, he pulls out and turns you over to face him again. Ripping off the condom, he fists himself and ribbons of his cum spurt across your stomach and breasts, marking you. “Mine. My good girl. You’re mine.” Steve moans as he looks into your eyes. 
Staring up at him, your hands bound, and body covered with his release, you answer him, "Yours."
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​​​ @badassbaker​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @strangersstranger​​​ @cherthegoddess​​​ @buckyluvrs​​​​ @sherlocksmanwatson​​​​ @cap-n-stuff​​​​ @finleyjayne​​​​ @caplanreads​​​​ @connie326​​​​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​​​
Kinktober: @nsfwsebbie​​ @jobean12-blog​​ @buckycuddlebuddy​​ @eurynome827​​  @navegandoaciegas​
The Avengers: @adorkably​ @chrisevansbaby​ @bluetree76​ @fandomsaremylifeline​ @nourrybirds​
Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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