#i want that sad sloppy man to fall in love and get played
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Someday, I hope LF and Douma finally becomes canon-
This is technically not a Cold Affections fanart, but hey, its still them, just... far far far far far off in the future (probably, maybe, possibly, i hope)
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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greengoblinswifey · 2 years
Sub!Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Idccc what y'all say, that man will whimper and moan during sex, probably more than you.
He gets a little needy sometimes and when he does, you like you like to edge him until he's a whimpering and crying mess at your feet.
He loves when you praise him. Your praises could make him cum on the spot.
He gets so needy when you refer to him as your good boy or your little devil.(ya know, cuz he's the leader of the Hellfire club and all)
When you're smoking weed, you like to press the heated bud on his body. Trailing it down until you're at his V line and leaving red marks.
He calls you mommy, duh. And its hot asf.
Hearing him chant mommy over and over while you suck his soul out makes you throb. It's fucking hot.
He'll also call you mistress on occasion when he's been bratty and you're punishing him and Lordddd does it make you wet.
He loves making you feel as good as you make him feel. Pleasure is like #1 in your dom/sub relationship.
This man loves eating you out. He loves having his mommy writhe under him and call him her good little boy.
Coupled with eating you out, he adores your boobs. Whether they're small or big, he loves mommy's boobs. Sometimes he wished they had a bit of milk in them so he could suck it and fall asleep.
He's having a bad day? Wants mommy's boobs. Needy? Wants mommy's boobs.
When he's been a brat, you'll give him a handy and the sloppiest blowjob ever, but you don't make him cum. That's when he starts whining, begging and when he starts crying, you start to feel sorry for him but whatever his mommy says, goes.
When you're smoking weed, he'll beg you to press the heated bud against his skin. You do just that, trailing it down his body until you reach his V line.
He loves when you blow smoke into his mouth. While smoking some weed, you'll kiss and exchange smoke.
He has a heavy praise kink but, he also has a degrading kink. He loves when you degrade him and wrap your little hand around his neck. Hearing you call him a little slut or desperate for your pussy is enough to make him cum.
And, this man can cum from anything. Even a sloppy kiss is enough to make him cum, its adorable really.
He's such a baby with you, the little pout on his lips when you playfully deny him anything is adorable.
He craves mommy's attention every second of the day. He can't spend a minute away from you or he'll be all sad and whiny.
He loves when his mommy gives him forehead kand neck kisses.
He loves when you mark him up, whether it be your fingernail marks trailing down his back or the hickeys you leave on his neck and chest. He wants you to mark him as yours.
He loves your thighs. He loves laying on them and biting them.
Oh he loves when you tie him up. Sometimes he'll purposefully misbehave just so you can tie him up and ride him until his cock is sore. If that's even possible.
He adores when his mommy plays with his hair.
Having your fingers run through his thick hair is the highlight of his day.
He'll moan as you massage his scalp and kiss his cute little nose. Ugh, I love him.
His shirt. His Hellfire shirt to be specific, he loves seeing you dressed in it. It awakens something feral inside him.
After that, he'll eat you out. Slurping your juices every time you cum and have your legs shaking and your fingers tugging his hair roughly.
He allows you to peg him. That's it. That's the headcanon. He'll moan your name, loud enough for probably all of Hawkins to hear as you slowly push the strap on or the vibrator inside him.
A/N: in my eddie munson era, I fear. gif not mine and requests are open, like I love him and I love doing these.
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creedslove · 9 months
Ur literally a wizard at writing i don’t know how you do it because GURLLLLL ur writing makes me more feral then a clicker… anyways
Could this be a headcon or and imagine I don’t know but I was thinking Joel is ur dads best friend you end up getting together romantically BOOOM the dad find out she’s sleeping with his best friend BUT ashes also pregnant with his baby I WONDER WHAT HIS REACTION WOULD BE
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: omg anon, this is sinful and I love it!!!
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• When you finished college, you returned home to spend some time before you could get your shit together and find yourself a job
• so you went to your dad's new home
• he'd moved during the fall and you still hadn't had time to pay him a visit
• in the meantime, your dad had made new friends as they often gathered at your dad's at least once a week for poker night
• most of them were alright, just regular ordinary middle aged guys who had a few drinks and talked about life and played cards
• but there was one of them who wasn't the average dad's friend guy you'd met
• he was painfully handsome, a few years younger than the other guys but probably in his mid to late forties
• he had a gorgeous curly hair, brown eyes that scanned your body up and down whenever he thought you weren't looking
• and his smile
• Joel Miller had a beautiful smile
• you had exchanged a few words here and there and he was a pleasant guy
• but your interactions with Joel Miller didn't go further than that, until you were out at a bar for a few drinks, feeling a little low to find out your ex had got together with one of your friends and you bumped into Joel
• he could tell you were feeling upset so he offered you a drink, that turned into two drinks and then it turned into more
• and that was how you spent the night with your dad's best friend for the first time
• when you two woke up the next morning, you were both a little weirded out, and you promised it would be a one time thing
• but you couldn't keep Joel out of your mind, he had fucked you like no guy ever had, he was rough and gentle and caring and he buried his handsome face into your pussy and didn't stop eating you out until you'd cum for him
• and Joel couldn't keep you out of his mind, he just thought of your tight pussy every day and night and he forced himself to go after you
• so you two decided to keep seeing each other once a week, until it wasn't enough, as time went by you were seeing Joel almost every night
• and what was supposed to be just sex, was turning into something more, as the two of you were always taking care of each other, Joel was protective and sweet and you were just the same, taking care of your man
• it was pretty obvious you two were in love with each other but you didn't want to admit it, though it was too complicated as you two were a secret
• but you were just so into Joel you began getting sloppy and one day your dad overheard you talking on the phone and you had to come up with an excuse you had found a boyfriend
• he kinda was your boyfriend but you dad didn't know your boyfriend was also his friend
• the shit was when your dad rang the doorbell of Joel's home on a Saturday morning to borrow some tools and you answered the door in nothing but one of Joel's t-shirts
• and your dad went crazy
• that man thought he was having a heart attack right there and then, screaming at the top of his lungs and calling you and Joel awful things
• in fact, he even tried punching Joel, and you had to get in the middle of them
• after that, your dad kicked you out of home and told Joel he never wanted to see him again
• so Joel took you into his house, trying to make you feel better about things
• you thought the sickness you were feeling had to do with the sadness about your dad finding out your relationship with Joel
• but a pregnancy test later you found out it had another reason behind it
• you broke the news to Joel, who remained quiet for a while, shocked and trying to let the words sink in
• but once they did, he smiled at you, and he confessed his love for you
• and you confessed your love for him
• you and Joel began living your lives together and nine months later, you welcomed your baby
• your dad was moved to know he'd become a grandpa, even if he wasn't happy you had got together with his friend but you loved him and now you two had built a family together and he had to respect that
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eiightysixbaby · 5 months
you can run but only so far
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jonathan byers x reader
18+ only — brief descriptions of piv sex, angst
just something short based on tis the damn season by tswift. jonathan is so evermore coded to me i couldn’t get it out of my head. barely proofread sorry in advance lol
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The week between Christmas and New Year’s is always weird. So much preparation and anticipation for the first holiday, only for it to be ripped away like wrapping paper in the blink of an eye. There’s still lingering remnants of the presents and the baked goods and the decorations, but they leave you feeling sour.
Being back in your hometown means sleeping in a bed that no longer feels like your own, staying in a house that feels more like a hotel than your childhood home. You have the streets mapped out in your head, yet you don’t frequent them anymore. You feel like a stranger in a place you once fully belonged, like you’re just something that stands out rather than fits in. Thankfully, there were still a few people left who could make this place feel like home.
Your bare body is pressed into the seat in the back of Jonathan’s car where it’s parked in the empty lot of the high school; the only place you could get some privacy. Your eyes glance out the window over his shoulder to see precipitation that isn’t quite rain but isn’t quite snow, either. The slushy, sloppy mixture hurtles to the ground, soaking the greyed landscape. The man’s eager mouth swallows your sighs, fingers sinking in to the meat of your hips.
“Feel so good, babe,” he praises, his nose smushed into your cheek. The pet name makes your heart flutter, though it’s fleeting.
Something in you aches. You’re sure he feels it, too.
Jonathan had been the hardest person to leave behind when you left your hometown. You’d ended what could’ve been the greatest relationship of your life, to chase your own dreams in a place that wasn’t Hawkins. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to cozy up to him while you were home, but he made it impossible to stay away.
The holidays made you want to be in love, made you crave a companion, and maybe all the mistletoe and holly blurred the edges of your logic and his.
Because you’d been seeing each other for the last few days, kissing and holding hands like all was normal. Like you weren’t going to leave again, like he wasn’t going to watch you go. As your time in this town grew closer to an end for the season, a bittersweet concoction of emotions flooded you.
“Hey…” he murmurs softly, catching your chin with his index finger. “You okay?” His movements have paused, his chest and yours rising and falling in gentle unison.
You nod, brushing away the cloudy thoughts. “Yeah. I’m great,” you say, pressing a kiss to the very corner of his mouth.
He smiles in response, and your heart skips a beat. If only it could be like this forever.
The next evening, as the sun sinks low on the horizon and a cold, desolate darkness engulfs the town, your hand is clutched tightly in Jonathan’s as he pulls you into Benny’s diner. The smell of fried food and chocolate malts kisses the tip of your nose as you both sink into a quiet booth in the very corner of the space.
He drums his fingers on the greasy tabletop, probably keeping tune with the song playing over the stereo. You’d know for sure if you could pay enough attention to listen to it. Your focus is on the way the crappy lighting floods his features, the ways in which his face has matured since you’d seen him last. It makes you sad to think that you would’ve been watching him change every day had you never left.
But you had to leave. And you’ll have to leave, again, tomorrow.
He orders a coffee, because of course he does. Practically running on it like he always has. His perpetually sleepy eyes crease as he smiles across the table at you, knowing you’re internally teasing him for getting caffeine so late in the day. It’s funny, how you don’t forget his little quirks. Tiny facts about him that haven’t been relevant to you in some time, but that still linger tucked away in the filing cabinet of your brain. You want to write all of it down, so they never slip away from you.
You wonder if he remembers the same sorts of little things about you. When your burgers are served, and he requests honey mustard on the side for your fries, it’s clear that he does. He hates honey mustard, but you don’t.
You shrug your big, soft, plaid coat off, the heat in the diner working overtime tonight to keep you warm. Taking a bite into the burger, it tastes like high school and adolescence and late nights and stupid choices. The flavor is nostalgic, bringing back a slew of memories. You wipe away a stray blob of ketchup that lingers beneath your lip with your thumb, painting your white napkin red with it.
“I wish you could stay,” Jonathan blurts, looking remorseful almost as soon as the words leave his mouth.
“Jonathan…” you sigh, setting your food back on your plate.
“We’ve had such a good time this week, doesn’t it feel right like this? Just hear me out,” he urges.
“Jon, please,” you try again, fiercely trying to ward off any tears that spring into your eyes. “You know I have to go.”
You have your reasons for leaving. He has his reasons for staying. This just can’t work.
He goes silent, sipping from the steaming mug in his hands. There’s a chip in the table that becomes increasingly interesting to you, your eyes downcast at it as your finger slides over the jagged edge.
“I know,” he says finally. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…”
“It’s okay,” you say quietly, but it doesn’t feel okay. You aren’t mad at him for what he said, but it just leaves a lump in your throat.
The rest of your meal is eaten mostly in silence, darkness having completely taken over outside. It snows just a little bit, tiny flakes that you’d miss if it weren’t for the halo around the street light letting them show.
“You wanna come back to my place? My mom and Will are gone,” he offers, leaving extra cash on the table for a tip and standing.
You nod, half here, half somewhere else. The weight of your departure tomorrow makes your shoulders sag, but you put on a brave face so as not to ruin the last of the time you have with him. He knows your smile is fake, of course he does. Reading you like an open book, devouring every single word. Your novel is one he reads over and over again, hoping each time that the ending will be different.
He knows it won’t be. Not this time. But he can allow himself to keep pretending, for tonight at least.
He keeps one hand locked in yours as he drives the near empty streets back to his home, his thumb rubbing over your fingers. His tires slosh through the muddy mess that’s formed in potholes, splattering the lingering remnants of snow from the Christmas storm.
The world looks so lifeless, so dull. The pretty piles of white fluff half-melted, the trees bare. It makes you depressed. Jonathan keeps a spark of happiness ignited inside of you, but even that will soon be blown out.
The Byers home is decorated with big, colorful lights. A tree with lots of tinsel sits in the corner of the living room. There’s Christmas themed crafts that must have been made by the boys as children, Joyce was ever the sentimental mother. It’s cozy, and it’s warm, and it feels safe. Jonathan is kissing you the second you’ve hung your coat up, his hands cradling the back of your head, fingers entwined in your hair. He smells like coffee and the musky scent of his cologne, the same one he’s worn for years.
You’re walking him backwards, maneuvering yourselves carefully into his bedroom before pushing him down onto his bed. He’s undoing his belt with haste, your turtleneck sweater is being pulled over your head. Garments are tossed to the floor until both of you are bare, and as you go to straddle him he’s meeting you halfway, partially sitting up to kiss you. His hands roam your body as you slip him inside of you, wasting no time.
Despite your hurry to start, the sex isn’t rushed at all. His hands guide your movements, letting you slowly move up and down on his cock. Even though you’re alone, his moans still come out hushed, as do yours. It’s quiet, still, saccharine.
You let him finish inside of you, after you came first of course, his chest rising and falling with his staggered breaths. It’s an act so intimate, reserved for someone special.
He is special.
He pulls you onto his chest once you’re finished, rubbing your back with soothing hands. Covering your body with a blanket, he kisses your head. You try to fight sleep for as long as you can, because once you go to sleep the sooner you’ll wake up. With tomorrow morning’s light comes your cue to leave.
It comes regardless, your eyes blinking into the pale light of his room. His body is comforting beside you, the blanket rising and falling with his quiet breathing. You realize that his bed feels warmer than any you’d slept in before, certainly warmer than yours where you sleep alone. It messes with your head, lulling you into a false sense of stability. You can’t linger, can’t stay.
Quietly, so as not to disturb him, you slip on your clothes from the night before. You sit back down on the mattress, pressing a kiss to his head. Your hand gently brushes hair from his eyes, resting on his cheek for a moment before you finally pull it away.
Your own heart shatters for him, all over again as you don your coat once more and step out into the cold weather. It’s not a far walk for you, you’d rather be alone than have him drive you. Than have to say goodbye.
He knew this was coming all along, as did you. You could never stay. And so once again, you leave. The smell of your perfume lingers on his pillow, and it’s all he has left of you when he wakes.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Omg hi!! I saw your taking requests for Tom from Make Up!!! Can I request one where the reader gets a call from one of his friends and has to pick him up from the pub and he’s SUPER wasted and the reader has to take care of him all night? Ty Ty!!!
Smashed - T.G
hi love thank you for your request! this is so bad and i’m so sorry. i’ve been so busy at work and it’s been a hectic week but i guess enjoy <3
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you had moved to Cornwall two years ago and in that time you met your boyfriend Tom. he came into your life at a terrible time and being with him made you come out of the negative mental state you were in and you were so grateful for him. he worked on the caravan park site, where you both lived, and decided tonight he'd go out to the pub with a few work friends which you didn't mind. you weren't really the going out type and staying home sounded so much better than going out.
you were sat on the sofa, TV playing some random show whilst you were reading 'It Ends with Us', your phone next to you as you concentrated on the book. you loved to read whether is was in your heads or reading out loud in bed to comfort Tom, sending him into a deep sleep. your reading was cut short when your phone had a non stop buzzing sound coming from it. you looked at your phone seeing it said 'incoming call from Daniel'. he was one of Toms closest friends but he never called you, he had no reason to do for him to call you made you worried.
"hey Daniel, everything okay?" you asked, balancing the phone between your ear and shoulder as you put your bookmark in your book. "hey y/n. everything's fine it's just Tom is pissed out of his head and i was just wondering if you could come get him? he's like calling your name so i'm assuming he wants you" Daniel said, making you smile shyly. "i'll be there soon, i'll call you when i'm outside" you said, walking to the door to slip on your sliders. you weren't dressing to impress anyone so pyjamas and sliders would do.
you grabbed your keys and slipped them into your pocket as you walked out the door. you locked it then made your way to the car, hoping that Tom was okay. he never usually got drunk and when he did he would turn into the biggest baby ever. he would be so clingy and cuddly which you didn't mind on you, but if he was doing that to his friends you knew he would be embarrassed when you told him in the morning. the drive to the pub was quick, it was about 20 minutes away so you didn't mind driving to get him.
when you arrived outside the pub, you didn't have to call Daniel. he was already outside with Tom, he was lent against the wall, head in his hands as Daniel tried to keep him against the wall so he wouldn't fall. you stopped the car and quickly rushed to Daniel and Tom. you could head Tom groaning and his slurred voice as you walked closer to the pair. "no man i just need y/n" he slurred, rubbing his eye. you approached the two and Daniel felt relieved, he had him waiting outside so he could go straight home instead of drinking more.
"oh y/n thank god. he's been asking about you for ages." Daniel said as you placed your hand on Tom's shoulder. "don't worry, i can take it from here. go have a good time and thank you for taking care of him" you replied sending him a smile which he reciprocated and then went back to the bar. Tom still had his head in his hands, still lent against the wall. "Tom, love, i'm here baby" you said, stroking his shoulder comfortingly, he finally looked up and his face completely changed.
he looked sad when he looked up but then he saw you and flung his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his hold. "y/n. oh my god i missed you so much" Tom said, leaving a sloppy kiss on your temple. "hi sweetheart. you ready to go home" you laughed, your hand rubbing up and down his back. "yes i am. i can't wait to cuddle and sleep" he said as you pulled away from the hug, his eyes closed as he swayed slightly.
you smiled and pulled him gently to the car, holding his hand as you guided him along the pathway. "woah the world is moving" he said as he swayed as he walked closer and closer to the car. you laughed loudly as you finally got to the car and opened the passenger door for him. he sat down in the seat and as soon as you closed the door his head fell onto the window, eyes closed as he 'rested his eyes' as he liked to call it. you got into the car and started driving home. the whole way home the car was almost silent worn Toms small snores filling the car.
you kept looking over at Tom, making sure he was okay as you drove to the caravan. after ten minutes, Toms head moved from the window to your shoulder, getting more comfortable as he slept. you let your hand move to stroke his cheek, giving him some comfort as you drove. you arrived home 15 minutes later and parked the car as close as you could to the caravan which was the car park down the road. you took the key out of the ignition and turned the car light on. you quietly opened the car door and walked around to the passenger side to help Tom out of the car.
you opened the passenger door and gently shook Tom awake. "Tom, sweetheart. do you think you can get out of the car?" you whispered, hand on his shoulder as he opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. he allowed you to help him out of the car and walk to the caravan. the walk to the caravan was filled with Tom slurring his sentences and almost tripping up over nothing. once you'd got into the caravan you got Tom into the bedroom and sat him down on the bed. you started taking off his clothes so you could put on his pyjamas but he stopped you by grabbing your hands.
"excuse me. i have a girlfriend and i do not consent" he said, making you smile at him. even in his drunken state he was loyal to you and you were so grateful. "Tom, love, i am your girlfriend i'm just trying to help you get into your pyjamas" you said, stroking his arm comfortingly. he looked at you confused for a moment before his face changed to content and happy. "baby, oh i missed you so much" he said, smile widening as he pulled you into a tight hug. "i missed you too. now let's get you into your pyjamas so we can go to bed" you replied as your hand went up to stroke his cheek softly.
you helped him get changed into his pyjamas and got him into bed before getting yourself ready for bed.you brushed your teeth and washed your face before turning the lights off and made your way back to the bedroom where Tom was already fast asleep. you slipped into bed and Tom immediately laid his head on your chest, cuddling into you more. "goodnight love. sweet dreams” you said, kissing his forehead as he snored loudly, obviously in a deep sleep. you let your chin rest on top of his head, letting yourself fall asleep. whenever Tom slept he always let his head fall to your chest. it was like the only thing that helped him get to sleep was the sound of your heartbeat and you loved him so much.
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vintageaustin · 1 year
lotta true crime part 4
pairing: serial killer Austin x reader
summary: serial killer Austin kidnaps reader who has a podcast about true crime with her friends cus she saw something she shouldn't
trigger warnings: mentions of murder and well death kidnapping Stockholm syndrome.. mentions of various serial killers talk of blood and knifes psychotic thinking... and smut in the next chapters last but not least my shitty writing
authors note: sorry it took so long to write art 4 i kept re writing it. might be a part 5,6
special tag: @asshlyyyy
*couple of years earlier *
“I might…” Austin said as he took another swing of his drink. “I might kill my ex…” he laughed as he looked at his best friend.
“Not the best idea….  Her new boyfriends next.” He said and stared daggers at his so called best friend Jordan, but Jordan should’ve known better he should’ve know better then fuck Austin’s girlfriend.
Did he really love her no? Did that matter no. It wasn’t a if I can’t have her no one will kind of case, but tsk he thought Jordan knew better then touch what’s his 
*present time*
Now how did he get here…in downtown Los Angeles.
He slit the girls neck, but little did he know he was getting sloppy sure he wore gloves but there was a witness .. and he dropped the knife.
Little did he know that person saw his face. Maybe not clearly but certain details they’ll remember 
*pov switch* 
Meanwhile It’s been a couple of months since Austin kidnapped you.
Your friends and family have been looking for you every night and day, while you were happily playing house with your serial killer boyfriend. And the worst part was it didn’t even bother you one bit.
You were happy and sure Austin wasn’t perfect but who was you were blinded by love. And you weren’t exactly perfect either. You cleaned the stains out of his blood stained clothes and made him dinner.
If you were being honest Austin was insane and you handled it beautifully. You never saw yourself as a house wife at all you hated when people wanted that 1950s shit they asked from you.
But here you were willing to be a bride love really did make blind and you’d be damned if you’d let it slip by. 
When Austin came home from work you were laying on the couch as you scrolled though Netflix. Watching that new Dahmer show, because at the end of the day you were still a true crime student taking online courses. 
He smiled softly as he put his keys down after he  locked the door back up. He walked over to the couch and bend down kissing you. “Hi” he said in between the kiss “baby”. You smiled softly and kissed back holding his cheek. “Hm hi how was work?” You asked and sat up a bit.
Austin sat down on the couch and put your legs on his lap. He let out a dry chuckle and started kissing up your neck. “Chilled a bit” he mumbled. Getting closer and closer to your ear “killed a bit” he whispered in your ear. And started to tickle you.
You laughed softly, this man had all of you, he owned you and he…. He would be lost without you. It’s crazy really how fast two people can fall in love, how fast they can bond over being insane… and then end up insanely in love with one another. You remember your friends, they were talking about you on the podcast it was kinda sad. A part of you felt guilty but then again they never treated you good did they. At the end of the day you knew that in a few months they wouldn’t even notice you were gone.
You got snapped out of your thoughts. As the door bell ring you looked over at Austin and he frowned as he checked the camera on his phone. “Cops…?” He mumbled to himself as he looked at you. “Listen honey I want you to go hide in room underneath our bed okay?” He said and cupped your face kissing you.
After the kiss you ran off and hid underneath your bed. Austin on the other hand went out to the door and opened it. “Good afternoon officer,how can I help you today?” He asked ever do polite. “ good afternoon mr butler just wondering why you got all these… bars up your window and doors…?” The police officer asked suspicious.
Austin chuckles and  let out a small sigh “yeah well officer I do live in a nasty neighborhood rather be safe then sorry” he said and rubbed the back of his neck. 
The officer nodded and scanned all over him still suspicious. “What happened to your hand..? If I may ask” the officer asked and looked at the bandage around his hand. “Oh I burned it while taking something out of the oven.” Austin said and looked down at his hand.
The Other officer nodded and spoke up. “You haven’t heard anything about the murders in the neighborhood have you, the missing girl?” He said as he showed him a. Picture of you, Austin looked at the picture and shook his head “no sir sorry I haven’t seen her around” was all he said. The officer nodded and spoke up for the last time “just uh stay in town we might have some more questions, if you see anything call us” he said before walking of.
Austin nodded and closed the door “good day officer”. He said and waited for them to to get in their car and drive of as soon as they did. He kicked the door “FUCK”. He said and rubbed his face you came running out of the room and looked at him.
“What’s happening ..?” You asked nervous. Austin walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Well baby better start packing, we’re going to Vegas “
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love, jessica
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iivormirii · 3 months
been listening to Strangers by Ethel Cain pretty religiously for the past 3 months and I made the connection to Saltburn because obviously. I always listened to the song from Oliver's pov though. Which makes the most sense, of course. 
"Don't talk to strangers or you might fall in love." -- Of course Oliver denies the fact that he was in love with Felix because yeah. He wasn't typical head-over-heals, strangers to friends to lovers, boy best friends in love with Felix. There's no way he could have been. But he was in love with Felix. In love with a pinch of limerence. With a heaping scoop of limerence. He was obsessed, yes, but he was, in his own way, in love with Felix.
"I tried to be good, am I no good?" -- Oliver's performance was probably more important to him than Felix himself. He spends the bulk of the movie putting on a show for Felix, trying to get Felix to like him (bc Felix is a selfish mf but that's a different story). Oliver goes so far into his plan that it seems as if he cares more about the process of getting Felix to like them than the actual outcome, which played a part in the downfall of their "relationship".
"I'm happier here cause he told me I should be" and "Don't think about it too hard or you'll never sleep a wink at night again" -- When Felix invites Oliver to Saltburn, he does it to cheer Oliver up. He tells Oliver that he can come there so he doesn't have to be alone and sad. He does this so Oliver can be happy. Once Oliver has gotten rid of Felix's family and inherits Saltburn, he isn't happy. A lot of people view the ending scene of Oliver dancing as joyful. This man is not happy. That is a coked out, depressed, sloppy shell of a human being. Oliver doesn't want to deal with the reality he's created for himself because he doesn't like it. He's putting on the front of being happy because he thinks he should be happy. He's gotten everything he wanted, right? *loud incorrect buzzer*
"Am I making you feel sick" -- I feel like this is a thought or a statement that clouded Oliver's head throughout the entire film but it really starts to make sense after Oliver's lies are revealed to Felix. Especially during their conversation/argument in the maze. This one just speaks for itself, there’s not much left to explain
But the more I listened to the song, the more I realized it makes sense from Felix's pov as well. pt 2 is on its way

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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Sicktember Day 16 - Care Package - Steddie - Rockstar AU
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Steve’s curled up on the couch in his and Eddie’s apartment, one of Eddie’s bigger sweatshirts from an old tour draped over him. He’s come down with whatever Robin’s been spreading around, resulting in a fully closed day for their coffee shop. Sure Max and Dustin have keys, and he knows they’re capable, but he also thinks they should probably disinfect everything before reopening. 
Sniffling, the twenty seven year old grabs his phone as You’ve Got Mail plays quietly in the background, checking Twitter and Instagram. A few fans have tagged him in some sound check videos for tonight’s show in Florida, and god Steve wishes he could be there. He wishes he could be at every show, realistically, but he knows his own job is important too. 
His phone buzzes in his hand and he sees Eddie’s name. Grinning, he slides the unlock button and then feels his whole body relax at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. 
“Hey Stevie! How’s your day going? Lots of customers?” 
“Hey! Actually uh,” he turns to cough quietly. “We didn’t open today. Robs and I are both sick,” Steve murmurs, sniffling wetly after, rubbing his nose with his wrist. 
“Oh…you should have told me earlier,” the voice through the phone sounds sad, and he bites his lip. 
“It’s ok, it’s just a cold really, but…don’t wanna spread germs…hh! HEISHhhuh! eiTSHHhuh!” 
“Bless you, Jesus, you sound kind of awful.” 
“Thanks babe, you know exactly what to say,” Steve jokes, snuffling against Eddie’s jacket. 
“Gareth is calling me back to sound check, I’m sorry sweetheart. I’ll call again as soon as I can. I hope you feel better. Rest okay? I love you Stevie.”
“Thanks Eds. Yeah, m’resting. I love you too,” he says, a little sad they’ve talked for barely two minutes.They hang up and Steve tries watching Parks and Rec, falling asleep soon after flipping it on, the noise relaxing. 
Someone is knocking on his door. Steve jolts awake, disoriented and exhausted. Coughing and wiping his nose with his sleeve, he gets up and blinks, shuffling to the front door. Nancy Wheeler is standing outside with a bag. Thoroughly confused, Steve opens the door and looks at her. 
“Hey, I have a delivery for you.” 
“Uhhh…okay,” Steve feels slow as he continues to stare at her. 
“Here, there’s a message inside. I heard you’re not feeling well, if you need anything after uhm, after all this,” she gestures to the bag- “Just let me know okay? You being sick is weird.” 
“Okay…sorry, I’m…tired,” he takes the bag that’s surprisingly heavier than it looks, and watches as she squeezes his shoulder and then walks back down the hallway. What the hell. 
Shutting the door, the man sits on his couch in his blanket nest and curiously opens the bag, peering down inside. The first item he takes out is cough drops- his favorite kind, cherry. He pulls out two boxes of tissues and some actual cold medicine, along with a little bottle of Tylenol. Beneath those, there’s a Tupperware container of what looks to be the only soup he likes when he’s sick, the vegetable soup from the deli in town, as well as a can of his favorite favorite La Croix. 
Swallowing thickly, feeling emotional, he finds the last item, a little polar bear plush. Taped to its back is a piece of paper that looks like it’s been printed out, but the handwriting on it is sloppy, and Steve recognizes it immediately. 
‘I’m so sorry you’re sick babydoll. I wish I could be there with you to hold you and help make you feel better. Instead, I hope this stuff can help while I’m not there. The polar bear’s name is Marty, I’ve decided. And he’s used to being around cold(s), so he’ll be immune to your germs. Hug him all you want, and know I wish it was me you were hugging. Feel better Stevie. Yours always and forever. Eddie.’ 
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sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 9: A Prince’s Duty [Part 2]
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Still funny
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Honestly? This looks really cool.
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RIP Cassim too soon
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First of all, I loved how Morgiana was like "I should help him", but she looked like she simply had no fucks to give. Like, yea, I probably should do it, but there's no hurry.
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Bro, I'm trying to be serious here, but it's just. He just yells Cassim & looks mildly annoyed, like, bro. At least make him look shocked.
Also, Cassim attacked Sinbad, which did not happen in the manga.
ALSO, in the manga it's kinda cute, bc Alibaba lowkey hides behind Cassim;;
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Now, that kind of expression makes more sense.
Ok, I'm actually a little sad we don't get Alibaba's little "stop it, stop it don't say it!". It kinda showed how much he can't stand being viewed as not part of the group, y'know? Which made sense, bc he is insecure about his belonging there. But here he just starts yelling.
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Man, the animation really is sloppy
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This looks cool
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Aaand, this is awkward
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At least they put some effort here, tho
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Uh oh.
But tbh, that small fighting scene looked pretty good, I'll give them that
That being said, Cassim yells some stuff, how if it wasn't for Sinbad they would've been unbeatable etc... Nope, doesn't happen in the manga. Also, when Alibaba falls he's like "I'm sorry, Cassim" which is supposed to be sad & dramatic, but it kind of made me laugh, ngl.
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Kicked puppy-coded.
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Poor Ja'far
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He did it in the manga, too, don't worry. i've just never commented it, but it was cool how he'd knelt to be on Alibaba's level here. It's a good strategy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do believe Sinbad genuinely wants to help. But it doesn't distract from how good at persuasion/manipulation he is.
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Ja'far reminding everybody he's a "former" assassin >>>
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I still love the fact that Alibaba places himself in front of Cassim, and only agrees after him being threatened.
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"So I can join? Thanks." He knows exactly what he's doing.
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In the anime he looks so sad and unsure, but in the manga he seemed more determined.
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"You're a hero, I know it." In the manga he'd called him brave. Small thing, but I just prefer the bravery thing, yknow? It feels... less grand? Bc the thing about Alibaba is that he's not that special, but he's brave, and that's what matters. Not that he's a big ass hero. But, like, it's a minor thing.
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Ok, it's now that he looks determined. Or is supposed to, at least. He looks kind of angry, imo.
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Ok, you know what? Anime!Sinbad is actually giving Alibaba some good advice/reassurance. "The fact that so many people came here is the proof of the current King's bad rule, and the hopes they place onto you. Let their voices be your strength." Damn
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Cassim doesn't buy it, tho
Holy shit, Notre Empire is playing as they enter the throne room.
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Something I didn't notice until that moment - Sinbad is much closer to Alibaba than he was in the manga. It gives you the feeling of Sinbad really being there for Alibaba, whereas in the manga Alibaba seemed far lonelier.
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Black Sun.
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet lies (m.)
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His lies were way too sweet – and you were too addicted to make him stop.
cw. oral (f receiving), fingering, slight body worship, public sex, multiple orgasm, orgasm denial, dirty talk, praising, titty sucking, nsfw, toxic megumi, fwb, slight angst, the traditional unedited fic
note. choose your fighter, megumi or sukuna 😈 and thank you to besties nie and ellie for editing this STOP SHOWING YOUR ANKLES CHIRREN
series masterlist | 01 | 02 | 03
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Megumi slides your shirt down your shoulder to press kisses on the bare skin. Your head tilted to the side to give him easier access. You hate that you feel so weak around him, your hands gripping his thigh you’re currently straddling, already so breathless from his teasing ministrations. 
“You should move back closer to campus,” he mutters at the juncture of your neck, pulling another soft gasp from you the moment his fingers dip inside your damp underwear. You feel him smile at your skin, using his deft fingers to push two of them inside your sopping hole. He pumps them in slowly, teasingly slow, coaxing your arousal to coat his fingers while you grind against his palm, eyes shut tight from the pulling knot in your stomach.
“It’s hard to fuck you when you’re a half-hour drive away.”
You scoff against him and roll your eyes. “I wonder why I got kicked out from the dorms in the first place.” Exactly two weeks ago, Megumi snuck in drunk and horny into your dorms, shaking you awake to get rid of his boner. 
It was a sloppy quickie, mostly because he’s eaten brownies and got fuck drunk before stumbling beside your bed. The insensitive idiot left his rum bottle under your bed just as he wobbles back to his frat house, and as if things couldn’t get worse, there was a surprise dorm inspection the next day. Not only did they find cum stains all over your sheets, but your bed also reeked of weed and alcohol, resulting in a quick expulsion from the dorms.
If it weren’t for the help of one of your professors, Gojo-sensei, you wouldn’t have been able to find a decent, cheap apartment. It came with the price of rooming with one of his old acquaintances, a muscular, heavily tattooed guy who seemed to be a few years older than you.
He really wasn’t a bad roommate. Other than the fact he seemed really intimidating, the dude mostly kept to himself, either locked in his room or away for work that you don’t really get to see him that much. His place was decent too, your room bigger than the last, so it was a good deal, but as Megumi said, it’s really hard to fuck around when you’re so far away.
“Not my fault, you’re so weak for me, baby,” he taunts as you tighten around him, his pace increasing with his lips sucking love marks on your skin. You can’t help but snicker at his actions; if you didn’t know better, you’d say he was jealous. 
But this was Megumi you were talking about – everyone knew he never got jealous. 
“I don’t like you here.”
“Aw, sucks for you.”
“I’m serious,” he grips your waist tighter, drawing a drawled-out moan from you. Megumi rubs your clit with his thumb and swallows your moans through open-mouthed kisses, your fists balled into his hoodie. Fuck this, you’re completely aware he’ll never like you the way you like him, but it’s so hard to feel sad about that when he’s knuckle deep inside you and playing you like a violin. As much as you hated him and his pretty face, you have to admit his fingers were fucking magical.  
Megumi nips at your lower lip before thrusting his fingers in and out of you at a numbing pace, not taking long until you’re creaming all over his hands. You pant at the orgasm, head falling back into his shoulder. 
He brushes your hair away from your eyes and kisses the side of your head, the gesture way too sweet for someone who insisted on a ‘no-strings attached’ sexual relationship. But you don’t complain – this is like a dream come true for you – allowing him to leave a trail of kisses down your jaw instead, his wet hands squeezing your thighs in a possessive grip.
“You should just live with me. I’m not comfortable with the fact you live with a man.”
There’s a trace of jealousy behind his voice that you’d normally swoon at, but he’s pushing you to the edge and fucking around with your feelings so much that you can’t even enjoy the rare moment. You push yourself off him and reach for your discarded shorts on the floor, sliding the material over your legs while Megumi shamelessly stares at your ass behind you, his head resting on his hands.
“Megs, I barely even talk to the guy; he’s always away at work. You’ve really got nothing to worry about,” you tell him, making quick work of tidying your school packets just to ignore his heated gaze. “Besides, you and I aren’t even dating. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“You never hold back with your words, huh?”
You shot him a look, an angry glare that should be threatening, but the glint in his eyes just tells you he’s enjoying every second of it. “You like it.”
“Hmm, maybe I do,” Megumi tugs you back to the bed, effortlessly, as he flips you under him. In this position, he’s situated right between your bodies, hands clasped against one another. He’s absolutely stunning, bathed in the sliver of the moonlight, in your bed, no less. You’re a flurry of emotions – stuck between wanting to fuck him and kissing him, and then scream at him to let him know he should stop playing with your heart. 
Megumi’s eyes darken as he traces over your silhouette, watching the way your chest falls heavily at his touches. He uses one hand to trace the tip of his finger from your breast down to your clothed core, a smirk painting his lips when you buck your hips up at the contact. 
Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. 
“Just promise me you’re not letting others see your pretty pussy okay?” he tugs your shorts to the side, tongue darting out to lick at his lips at the sight of your glistening folds. You’ve lost count of the times he’s made you cum tonight with just his fingers; the raging hard-on hidden behind his sweatpants is proof that he’s quite different today by letting you get fuck-drunk on him first. Perhaps it’s his way of keeping you so helplessly wrapped around his finger, fucking you good enough that no one else comes second to him, and he knows this. He sees this from the desire pooled in your eyes. 
Megumi scoots down lower to stare at your pussy, which is already embarrassing since you’re so wet down there. He simply sighs at your bare cunt before him, using two fingers to pull the lips apart, followed by a groan at the apparent slick. “This is all mine.”
In your lust-filled haze, you scrunch your eyebrows and sneer, “How about you mind your own business?”
“The fuck did you just say?” he chuckled, his warm breath tickling your inner thighs. “You’re mine, babe. Haven’t I fucked you enough to drill in that in your pretty little head?” Megumi doesn’t waste his time diving straight to your eager, awaiting core. Your hands fly down to tug at his hair as you grind your hips to his face, legs weak from his lips wrapped tightly around your clit. “You know I’ll get mad if you touch anyone else.”
“Fuck off, Megumi,” you spat out, “We’ve been fooling around for a year, and you still refuse to date me every time I ask you out officially. Listen, I understand you’re not ready for that kind of relationship, so you could at least respect that you don’t get the exclusivity of keeping me all to yourself.” Truly, this rebellion is so uncalled for and unexpected. The moment you had your eyes on him and made it your life’s mission to win him over, not once had you complained that he never wanted to take things a step further. But it’s been too long, too fucking long, and too many no baby’s already – your pride was beyond crushed. It was about time you set the boundaries this time, and you quiver around his skillful tongue, strong and firm as you rasp, “I’ll fuck whoever I want.”
“You’re lying.”
“You love me,” Megumi pulls away from your clit with an audible pop, his face glistening from the smeared juices all over his cheeks. However, his eyes are narrowed, almost as if he’s scrutinizing you. You can’t focus on the fact he denied you of your orgasm because he’s looking at you so seriously, only to tilt his head to the side, a smirk playing on his lips. “It’s written all over your face.”
“Maybe I do, but are you deserving of it?” you push his head away and ignore the aching in your chest. Megumi shuffles close to you, pulling you in for another cuddling session before you hide under the sheets, making it clear you were not to be touched anymore. “Go home, Megs. I’m tired.”
In all honesty, you want him to stay. You want him to fight harder to win your approval back. He’s not a big cuddler, more of the type to pass out beside you after he’s gotten his own orgasm, but you’ve been so sure that maybe he might be different today. Under the sheets, your lip trembles in anticipation, eyes blinking wide at the dark silhouette outside your metaphorical shield. But as Megumi playfully slaps your ass, his warmth leaving the bed, you’re not really surprised. 
He never stayed the night before – why would he do that now? 
Silly girl, you chastised yourself. 
“Fine. But I’ll be back tomorrow,” you hear him scuffle for his shoes outside, a smile evident in his voice as his words float around the silence of your apartment. “Wear my favourite set like a good girl for me?”
“Go away!”
Megumi’s laughter echoes all the way to where you curl yourself into a ball. You hate that his laughter alone makes your heart skip a beat, even if it doesn’t carry any affection behind then. “See you then, baby,” is all he says before the door slams shut, leaving you alone to your thoughts and insecurities all over again.
His lies were way too sweet – and you were too addicted to make him stop.
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You’ve really hit rock bottom; that’s the only explanation for your actions. Megumi was coming over in a few hours, unsurprising that he chooses 3 AM of all times. Not only did it mean his frat brothers would be asleep, but it also meant that his other side bitches would assume he’s doing the same. You know, of course, you fucking know you’re not the only one, but it didn’t hurt any less.
The pain just keeps getting worse every time you think of him, said thoughts always comprised with your shirt trapped between your teeth and your hands down your pants. There’s no denying you’re addicted to him, though being addicted to a never-ending heartbreak was a different story. 
A story which you’re not ready to find out yet, so you dress up in your sexiest dress and take the nearest cab, heading to a place where you definitely shouldn’t be.
Two more hours before Megumi arrives. Two more hours before you fall into that endless cycle of fucking and him leaving you alone, promising he’ll be back tomorrow, before it all repeats and traces back to square one. He’s not going to stop, and neither are you, so where was any of this supposed to go now? He doesn’t want you, not in that way, that very much is clear – so why was it so hard to let go of him?
Deep down at the back of your mind, you know your answer. It’s because, like the lovesick fool you are, you’re still hoping that maybe someday he’ll look at you the way you look at him.
Fuck it, is all you think of as you flash the bouncer your ID, not missing the way his eyes fall down your tits that are so close to popping out of your dress a minute longer than welcomed. Snatching your card away from him, you push against the crowd, immediately regretting coming here as the loud thumping of music and stench of sex and alcohol washes over your senses. 
You make a beeline for the empty bar, save for the bartender who had his back turned to you as he wipes the glasses over.
You clear your throat to make your presence known. The first thing you see is a broad back, thick lines of dark tattoos outlined even in his white button-up shirt. He places the glasses down and moves expertly before you, sliding shot glasses next to others before procuring a drink out of nowhere, a greeting about to leave his lips when you both make eye contact.
The drink stays still on his hands, blinking for a moment at your equally stupefied face before he says, “It’s you.”
“S-Sukuna,” you greet back, smiling at your roommate. You’ve barely seen the guy the past few weeks other than sleepy good morning’s, and I’ll take the trash out tonight before both of you disappeared into your own worlds. 
Sukuna is...well, you don’t know, exactly. It’s not like he’s around much for you to make a proper judgment of, but he’s a pretty nice roommate, filling up the fridge whenever you guys run out of beer. There were times he nods at you as a greeting before leaving for work, too, leaving you alone at the house from midnight all the way to the morning. Other than thinking your roommate is pretty unique from his face tattoos and roguish handsomeness that contrasts his rather frequent sleepy mumbles, you’ve failed to realize he could actually be like a normal human. Seeing him stand before you, his forearms lined with veins and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, taut waist emphasized by a black vest, you swallow audibly.
He’s entirely different from the guy you often see passed out on the couch, but it’s a welcomed sight, nonetheless.
Sukuna’s actually...pretty hot.
Hiding the thumping of your heart – whether out of nervousness or it’s just trying to match the beat of the music – you beam up at him,  eyes glossed over with curiosity as he reciprocates with a more mischievous grin. 
If he’s easily read your mind that you are indeed attracted to him, he makes no comment about it, focusing on hearing your voice over the music instead. 
He leans over to you, not pulling away even as your lips faintly graze his ear. Fuck, he’s got piercings too. You greedily drink in his masculine scent, thankful that the music thumping is so loud he won’t hear the frenzy mess inside your ribcage. 
“I didn’t know you worked here. Heck, I didn’t know you were a bartender, but I guess the irregular sleep patterns make sense somehow.”
“What did you think I was, sweetheart?”
His deep voice reverberates all the way down to your toes, his throaty chuckle hoarse. “I-I don’t know,” you pull away nervously, blinking up at him way too innocently. “A gangster, to be honest,” you blurted out. Sukuna tilts his head to the side, and you immediately raise your hands beside your head as you mull over how offensive your words might’ve been. “I don’t mean anything offensive by it, I swear! It was just my first impression!”
“First impressions are usually false. Anyway. It’s fine,” he shrugs, resuming his task of wiping over the glasses. 
His hands were so big, his fingers long and slender...your attention is drawn to the adept manner of how he wipes the cloth using the tip of his finger, reaching behind him to get another glass, all without keeping his eyes off of yours. It leaves much room to muse about what else he could do with those hands, and you squirm at your seat, opting to look at his face instead since that would be more polite than eye-fucking his hands.
Sukuna smirks, that cunning twinkle in his eyes matching the dim lights of the bar. Somehow, you suddenly feel so lightheaded. 
“If it makes you feel better, I thought you were a shy girl at first, but your boy toy brings a different side of you every time he comes around.”
You squeak in embarrassment, “You’re home by then?!”
“Only sometimes,” he reassures with a laugh. “But I’ve heard enough,” Right. He’s older and definitely more experienced than your sexual escapades with Megumi – this must be nothing new to him by now, and yet, your skin flushes heated. “Don’t look too flustered, sweetheart. It’s not the first time I’ve heard of that,” he nods at you, “You don’t look very happy with him, though.”
“Tch, now you’re assessing my relationship status?”
“I don’t have to,” he shrugs, the gesture so damn reassured. Chuckling at your apparent frown, Sukuna shakes his head to himself. “It’s written all over your face you’re not satisfied with something. You wouldn’t be here if you were feeling good in the first place.”
“How much have you heard?”
“Oh, I don’t care about how you scream his name. That’s none of my business,” he grumbles under his breath rather bitterly – but that could just be the music messing with you. Sukuna holds your gaze as he sets the final glass down before you, his elbows languidly resting on the counter that separates you both. You’re left staring at him in wonder, watching the way he pours the drink right in front of you, the movement of his lips so intoxicating and even erotic you nearly didn’t hear him say, “But as your roommate, I wish you’d stop inviting him around and just kick him out already. He doesn’t like you, you know.”
He doesn’t like you. Megumi doesn’t like you – you know that already.
Glare deepening at your surprisingly nosy roommate, you take the glass from him and down it in one go. Sukuna’s brows shot up in awe, arms crossed against his puffed-out chest as you slam the glass down. 
You were fuming. 
“You don’t know a single fucking thing about me.”
“That’s right, I don’t,” he answers without skipping a beat, “But we men, we understand each other,” You open your mouth to retort, silenced by Sukuna’s finger pressing against your lips. You freeze at the contact, and Sukuna makes use of your state, continuing right where he left from. 
“Listen, take it from me as free advice. I’ll even put your drink on the house.”
Really, nothing is stopping you from biting off this guy’s finger, but he looks like he knows something you don’t that you just choose to keep your mouth shut.
Satisfied at your decision, Sukuna smiles sweetly, reaching over to tuck your hair behind your ear. The gesture puts you under his spell, and he lingers there a little longer, massaging the lobes of your ears before he pulls back just as fast, almost as if he never touched you in the first place.
You fight back the urge to huff. 
Why were men so complicated? One moment, they were hot, then cold the next. You would just never get it.
“That guy you’ve been mooning over for who knows how long? He doesn’t give a fuck about you. You’re just someone who warms his cock every now and then, but I guarantee he’s thinking about someone else in his head when he’s with you,” he announces straightforwardly, not giving you the time to recover before he shrugs like his words didn’t just slap you in the face. “Just call quits on him, sweetheart. There’s really no need to waste such a pretty face. Ever heard of the saying – there’s plenty of fish in the sea?” he pushes another drink to you, “Drink up and loosen a little. With a face and body like that, you’ll find someone better soon.”
“I highly doubt I can find someone better when all everyone sees is my appearance.”
“I don’t,” he hinted with dark eyes, “But I assure you it might be what people see first. You do have a face of an angel; men are into that shit.”
Taking the drink from him with a loud sigh, you feel yourself weaken. You bury your head in your hands, replaying all the memories you’ve had with Megumi. It’s foreseeable that almost all of them consisted of you two fucking, nothing but a faint memory of two where Megumi actually cared enough to perform aftercare. The thought makes you wince; he really is an ass, but you’re also so hopelessly infatuated with him that you refuse to acknowledge the truth.
“Megs and I...we’re just complicated, okay?”
“I swear!” your defenses are hopelessSukuna’s knowing smirk, the man holding back a snigger from your silent rage. “Besides, maybe his disinterested nature is what made me attracted to him in the first place. I like the mystery. It’s not bad for a girl to enjoy searching for answers every now and then.”
“Except he’s already given you a concrete no, and you’re the only one still hanging onto him,” he reminds you. At your dropped jaw, Sukuna has the audacity to wink. That motherfucker –“Pressed a button, kitten?” he pats your head, leaving you to be even more riled up. “Don’t be sad. It’s not like he’s the only guy who can make you feel good.” As if a light bulb went up in his head, Sukuna hid his smile by turning his back to you, pretending to be engrossed in the drinks all laid out in front of him. But even with his face obscured from your view, his words rang thick and clear: “In fact, I bet you your cute ass someone else can change your former perspective on what pleasure really is.”
“Yeah, like who?” you snorted sarcastically, “You?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” he faces you, absolutely shameless as he eyes your cleavage. Sukuna clenches his jaw at the tempting view before him, sliding his gaze back to yours to look for the answers in your face. “If you want a demonstration, that is.”
Sukuna hasn’t really touched you or even spoke explicitly, but you’re breathing hard anyways, subconsciously clawing the countertop. 
You don’t know if it’s your voice or his that’s ringing your ears, the words what’s holding you back? the last thing you hear before grabbing him by the collar, leaning over the counter to taste his lips. Sukuna smiles at the kiss, his large hands cupping your face in them. His thumb traces circles over your jaw as you greedily suck on his lip, uncaring that you’re making out with your roommate in a public place.
As if remembering that he’s still at work, Sukuna pulls away for a moment, diving in for one last peck that has you giggling adorably. Sukuna’s grin grows wider at your flushed cheeks, snapping his fingers at someone from a distance. “Geto, break!” 
The guy who must be Geto popped his head out of the backroom, frowning at Sukuna’s words when his gaze lands on you and the not-so-subtle needy grip you have on Sukuna’s collar. His mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape before he gives a thumb up, disappearing afterward. 
That’s all Sukuna needs before he’s leaving the counter, breathing in your panicked squeals as he picks you up, your legs flailing to wrap around his.
You’re giggling and laughing all the way to the back of the club, your hands tugging at his undercut and his own squeezing at your ass. Sukuna kicks the door of the restroom open, which is thankfully clean (you made the right choice choosing a luxurious club), settles you down before him, and locking the stall.
His lips are on yours in an instant, his hands tugging off your dress and scowling at it as if it’s offensive. “Calm down,” you tease him, “They didn’t do anything wrong.”
“They were a fucking tease the whole night,” he glares at the lacy cups of your bra, his breathing laboured as he cups them. You throw your head back until it thumps at the door, teeth muffling the moans that threaten to erupt. Sukuna unclasps the material in one swift movement, surprising with just how many times he’s done this before. “Fucking gorgeous tits – why the fuck does your boy toy not want to keep you to himself?”
“He’s – oh fuck,” you scrape Sukuna’s scalp, his tongue wrapping around the swollen bud. He caresses the other one not to leave it unattended, and he’s grinding you against the door so hard, his dick poking at your dress leaving very little to the imagination. 
Sukuna chuckles at your broken response, rutting his hips in such a sensual manner you didn’t think he was capable of. “You were saying?”
You glare at him from under your chin, but he can’t take you seriously while he’s sucking at your tit like a child. This man is brave enough to nip it with his teeth, the sting making you hiss and buck against him. “He’s possessive,” you breathe through your mouth, a little in disbelief you’re casually thinking about him while Sukuna gets down on his knees. “He wants me to be exclusive with him, but he’s free to fuck who he pleases.”
Sukuna rubs both palms in front of his face as if preparing to devour a meal, which he’ll do so soon enough. He pushes your dress and bunches it at your waist, tugging your underwear to the side before he groans. The sound is so deep and masculine, so utterly frustrated for some reason you can’t understand.
“Now that’s unfair,” he mumbles absentmindedly, peppering your pelvis with kisses. The feverish touch of his warm lips on your already burning skin has you clutching at the door, feeling your legs weaken.
His eagerness and distrait acts of body worship drive you crazy. Megumi is good at making you feel desired and fuckable – that much you know from his habits of pushing his pants down at pretty much anywhere as long as you were around, claiming you’re a walking ‘boner trigger.’ Sukuna, on the other hand, was a lot more patient and attentive to his movements, taking the time to make you feel you were more than just a body and a hole. It’s odd, hella fucking odd, because this man is older than you and a friend of your professors, but did you care? No. Did you want him to fuck your brains out in a public restroom? Fuck yes.
A wanton moan paints the wall as Sukuna slides your thong off just above your knee, his eyes closed as he buries his cheek in it. You look down with wide eyes, hands grabbing at nothing and everything at the same time. From the looks of it, he’s sniffing your sex, the sight so outright erotic that you only moan louder.
How was it possible to be this much turned on?
By the time he’s opened his eyes, his entire demeanour’s shifted. Gone was the enthusiastic and sly bartender, now replaced with a much more animalistic entity residing beside it. 
Before you could make yourself comfortable, Sukuna hooks one of your legs over his shoulder, the tip of your heel grazed against the tight walls of the stall. He licks a flat stripe from your hole that clenches around nothing, moving upwards in such a passionate, languid manner he’s making you forget you’re literally in a fucking restroom. Your breasts heave up and down from how you’re struggling to breathe, his tongue pushing past through the tight ring of resistance until he’s plunged through your core. You wobble above him, remaining upright only by his arm pushing your back flat on your under boob.
Sukuna slurps at your cunt yearningly, the hums he gives every now and then, making your core vibrate. You grind your pussy on his face, the black marks lined on his face glistening.
He moves to suck at your clit, transitioning after each beat to slurping the swollen bud and kissing your lips as if he was making out with it. You’re sure you’re making a mess on his face, but he doesn’t give you time to feel embarrassed about it. He spreads your legs further until your muscles ache from the stretch, the pain accompanied by your stomach tightening.
“S-Sukuna, oh, oh yeah,” you bang your fist on the door, his smug chuckles sending you over the edge. Your pupils blow wide as you feel the impending orgasm weigh down on you heavily, about to send you into overdrive by his tongue swiping at your lips, teasing you to give it to him more, give it to him harder. Turning your head down to warn him you’re coming, the words die on your throat because he’s already looking at you, his cheeks and nose smothered with your shining slick, and the brat is smirking. “Shit, you’re a little—” Sukuna cuts you off by generously sucking your clit one more time, pulling the muscle taut just to show you that it’s rolling between his lips. It looks fucking insane and filthy that you come right there and then. 
Your orgasm is so strong that you actually slip from your heels. A scream from you is knocked back into you just as fast, Sukuna moving quick and graceful in one fluid movement. He catches your leg and shoves you against the door, gripping at your hips until you’re bending forward, ass perked, and wiggling just for him.
For a split second, you’re sure you hear the unbuckling of a belt, but it all fades in your clouded mind.
Sukuna enters you in one thrust, the sensation of being filled up so soon rendering you speechless. Literally absolutely silent, palms flat on the door and tongue lolled out, all the burning in your body focused on your centre.
He releases a grunt at finally being inside your plush, warm walls. Sukuna allows you to get used to his length for a solid minute, both of you catching your breath in the meantime. Your tits are sprawled out, and you’re a shaky mess, feeling nothing less of dirty yet so aroused that you can’t do anything about it. Sukuna thrusts in slowly at first, and that’s when you feel the size difference between him and Megumi. Megs was definitely blessed in the dick department, and he’s always been so cocky about it, but goddamn, Sukuna was beyond huge.
You think you could cum again just from him filling you up. He was stretching you out so well that he leaves behind a faint burn, making you feel as if it’s your first time all over again – all for the good reasons.
He soon begins to set his pace, one of his hands tugging at your ponytail so he could see your glossy eyes and mouth hanging open. Sukuna scoffs at your fucked out state, too cock-hungry even to form coherent sentences. His length is slipping past your folds in such a tantalizing, delicious state, the prominent veins of his cock kissing the bumpy ridges of your walls. He was right – you’re definitely changing your perspective on pleasure because you don’t think you’ve felt this good in your life. 
With Megumi, it was mostly always about his own release. With Sukuna, he’s making sure you get to feel inch by luscious inch slipping out of you before he slides them back in, his deep moans the dirtiest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Aw, look at you,” he coos, kissing you sideways sloppily. Sukuna reaches the edges of your lips but licks at your skin anyway. His canines revealed to graze at your skin. It’s so animalistic, so carnal, and he’s fucking you with such primal need that you forget everything you once knew about sex. “Your pretty pussy is drooling for cock, sweetheart. Such a dirty little thing, taking me like this.”
Now, this was lust as its purest form, the rhythm of his hips so sinful you’ve lost faith in everything but how he’s making you feel. 
The walls are pounding with the bass boosting outside, but soon even the loud volume of the synthesized music is drowned by your whimpers. Sukuna lets go of your hair to place his hands on your hips. If he was dominant before, he only encourages you to scream his name louder, realizing that he was still being nice seconds ago, but now he’s the one controlling you. 
He pounds roughly into you until you’re crying, your drool dribbling from your lips and small patches dropping to the floor. It’s the same with your cunt. You’re so wet that you can feel squirts of cum staining his pants and your legs. Sukuna doesn’t stop praising you on how you’re so perfect, how your cunt is the tightest he’s ever fucked, and now he gets why your boy toy could never really let you go. In the middle of it all, he manages to slip in a comment that maybe Megumi’s dick isn’t big enough to stretch you out because you’re wrapped around him like a vice, to which you respond that he’s just massive.
“Fuck yeah, I am,” he agrees cockily, eyes narrowed at where his length kept being swallowed by your pussy. “I’m fucking destroying you, sweetheart. You’ll be broken by the end of this, fuck.”
His words are like ambrosia you’re getting drunk on, the filthiness of his mouth fuelling your desire. Your body heats up at the same time that familiar tingling tightens in your stomach, and you blindly stretch your arm out behind him. Sukuna easily reads your mind and takes your hand, looping his fingers with yours. His palm is right above your knuckle, and the angle hurts your arm so bad you cry harder.
“Please, please, please,” you beg him and snap your hips back to meet his dick thrust by thrust, “I’m so fucking close, please—”
“I got you, sweetheart,” he leans down for a quick peck at your hand, increasing his pace as he twitches inside you. Sukuna is thrown off rhythm by the way you grip down on his dick harder, his breath stuttering as a result. You wrap your fingers around him as your second orgasm that night crashes down onto you in waves, his cock on the brink of being spent from how you’re milking him. 
He pounds deep and slow into you, relishing in the warmth of your cunt that he’s losing his mind, basically in the same state as you are now. You’re panting and sweating, cursing at each thrust, and he stills for a moment, pulling out so fast that you wince at the emptiness. Sukuna pumps his dick with his free hand and shoots his load onto your back, his moans guttural and hoarse. You grimace at the warm cum now coating your back because there’s no way you’re using your dress to wipe that away. 
Sukuna chuckles at your silence, probably noting in the way you frown at him. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he runs a hand through his hair, his cock growing hard despite releasing a huge load. “Next time, I’ll cum in your mouth. I want to see you swallow me like a good girl.”
“Next time?” 
You think you’re so sly by scoffing at him, but Sukuna isn’t stupid. He sees the way you light up at his implications, and he walks closer to you, a hand wrapped around your throat before you pull you flush against his chest. You gasp at the lack of air, blindly patting behind you, but your hand only grazes at his cock, which twitches excitedly at the contact.
“Yeah, next time,” he affirms with a low growl, licking from your jaw down to your neck. It’s so hot, he’s so hot, and you’ve never felt this sexy in your life that you soon become on par with him, pussy clenching around nothing. “I’m not done with you yet. You’re not leaving unless I’ve changed your mind,” he teases the base of your throat to squeeze it tighter, the swift movement of him filling you once more escalating to a tenfold. Your struggle to breathe causes you to clamp down on him hard and Sukuna’s chuckles falter into a quick inhale that’s so satisfying to witness. “What do you think? Still need more demonstrations?”
“Yes,” you choke out. Sukuna’s victorious and award-winning smile is hidden at the sweaty column of your neck where he leaves little kisses in its wake, ones that soon turn into something of a harsh bite. “Yes, please, show me more. Need you, need you so bad, you fuck me better than he does.”
Sukuna does more than show you that night. He makes you feel a thousand more nerves set on fire until you’re nothing but a moaning mess. After all, what better way to change someone’s mind than to mess with it on the inside?
In the end, when it comes down to it, your lies were way too sweet – and he was too addicted to make you stop.
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watashijeon · 3 years
Sharing My Heart | MYG
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♪ ♫ song to listen to while reading 📖— Softcore - The Nbhd
before you read: Keep in mind that this is all purely fiction. If any of the below warnings trigger you then do not read, blocking is welcomed if you are uncomfortable btw.. idc! (๑˘・з・˘)~
pairing: stylist sub!reader x playboy dom!yoongi
wc. 9k | smut & angst + minor fluff
think of this yoongi: 🍓
→ Warnings: (+18) — unedited! yoongi plays with ur heart like a fiddle, brat taming, unprotected rough sex, oral sex (m receiving), cocky short yoongi is embraced here, praise galore, emotionally unavailable yoongi and yn is aware but in denial all at the same time, car sex in his limousine, caught cheating but not really because ur not dating?, desperate yn, dirty talk, yn got a mouth on her, creampie :] possessiveness is mutual on both ends, finger sucking, unrequited or is it?, yoongi kinda does whatever to get what he wants, crying, panic attack (throwing up), mention of dissociation, manipulation, yoongi is nice when he wants to be, hot hot jealousy, brief hissy fit of an argument, a sad unhealthy friends with benefits situation, yn gets rag dolled around, spanking, doggystyle, squirting, choking, yoongi acts as if he takes viagra, multiple orgasms..
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And he just.. looks at me. With those eyes – I mean, you’ve seen his eyes, right? Maybe not the way I have. But really? You have never noticed that look in his eyes?
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“Yeah, just like that.” the man groans, fingers tangled in your hair bobbing your head ferociously on his cock in the backseat of his limousine. Nothing but wet smacks and gulps heard, mixed with your muffled whines.
Min yoongi was mean, and the textbook definition of awful but you were utterly and hopelessly weak for him. Any grasp of yourself that you had before was now completely thrown out the second he made way into your life, you were nothing but a mere hair and make up stylist for the man. Between constant flirty banters back and forth only suspecting that he acted like that with everyone, catching yourself months later from being professional in your work field into now his part time fuck.
“Mouth so good, always good for me.” yoongi hissed while your scalp burned from every tug and pull of your mouth being pushed further down onto him. You let him in deeper, jaw relaxed that his cock finds the back of your uvula swallowing around him. You decide to hum around him, feeling his body tense with fingers finding their way over his thighs. The sensation of your throat swallowing around him just right, he weakly attempts to stifle his moans by biting knuckles with short breaths of laughter. Your eyes flickered meeting his barely lidded ones, pulling back abrupt in mid deep throat. A trail of spit connecting from his cock to your lips.
You smile licking your petals only to follow down with a sloppy trail kissing with short smacks to his inner thighs “So sensitive Min Yoongi” you whispered, loving the way he would jerk up at every touch of your fingers or lips even just the feeling of your hot breath against his skin. Your tongue finally trails back down to meet his mushroom tip, wet muscle swirling around him all the while you moan out wantonly urging him to take control again of your throat. Lapping over the slit that dribbled of pre cum, tasting salty against your tongue. The bitter taste fueling you to press back on him harder this time, desperate grunts falling into broken moans. Hips bucking back into your mouth, no problem with choking you to death if fate decided that now.
Besides the aggressive thrusts, your throat giving out with the constant tugs to your tender scalp. You took his cock like a champ, never complained once. Only downside of this you thought, was the carpet of his limousine brushed carpet burn to your knees, but of course nevertheless you were a cockslut. The man grunts again feeling himself closer to his end, “fuuck baby you’re going to make me cum fast if you keep sucking on me like that” he smiles down at your mess of a state, wiping your tears with the pad of his thumb thinking to himself how crazy it was that you still maintained to look this pretty. Tears of mascara dripping down to your cheeks contrasted to pink swollen lips, on your knees being obedient as ever.
He licks his lips coming from his thoughts, continuing to relentlessly fuck your mouth like you were his favorite fleshlight. “Fuck.., fuck” his chest rises “wanna see you take it all and hold it longer.” your eyes blink to his, and he knows just what to do to get his way “Can you do that for me pretty?” smile small, falling even more for his words of given pet names that meant nothing to him but all the everything to you. He recognized the hidden hints, yearning for more. Deciding to ignore it he hums motioning his head for you to get back to it. Even if the way he commanded you to do things was the resemblance to a dog, you didn’t care. If this is how he wanted to treat you, it was deserved. Besides, he was being so much nicer to you than usual. “Damn it," he moans for the umpteenth time head thrown back to his headrest, swallowing around him so fervently not pulling back for air. Holding eye contact begging for him to look at you, while hoping you could last. Your throat began to give out, finishing with a couple strokes later of bobs and swallows to his cock.
Trying his best to keep his eyes from rolling back, “My God.” he looks over his shoulder to check his phone, eyes faltering between you and the device letting out a sigh clicking his phone off. His fingers slipping back into his spot “You are magical or s-something” he was definitely not prepared though for the vibration of your giggle that went straight to his cock, he huffs with a long groan fisting digits into now knotted hair. Abs flexing with every clench to his jaw, trying to hold himself longer from falling apart.
Swallowing sporadically, breathing heavy throughout your nose. You knew he was getting close when he began to babble in tongues, “Oh oh gonna cum, gonna cum—” with various curses and chants of your name your lips pressed tightly around his shaft, sure that they were bruised by now. One last thrust then it’s two, you hold your throat just a bit longer counting back the seconds. Beginning to see stars from the lack of air, he cums, milky spurts of seed dripping down the back of your throat.
Satisfied sighs fell from his lips, feeling him fill your throat to it’s limit. Used to the bitter but somewhat sweet taste, most times liking it more than you would like to admit swallowing yoongi down to the last drop. You pull off with a wet *pop* sound gasping for breath, voice likely ruined but in your eyes it was all worth it. To see the aftermath of Yoongi lazily smirk every time at the lewd action no matter how many times you’ve done it, his muscles would always squeeze one last time. His digits slip from your hair now, cock heavy against his stomach while laid back just enough to take a deep breath.
Yoongi’s completely flustered, maybe at loss for words from his distracted stare “You are fucking crazy you know that?” he grows quiet again, lips parted with uneven breaths, pink tongue darting to lick his bottom lip. The small action not going missed by you, he grins cat eyes prominent. Yoongi sighed ignoring the underlying sentiment as per usual, “Give me a few and then we can fuck?” your eyes turn to slits teasing him, pulling boxers back over his cock. He hissed at the action clicking his teeth shut, your wrist stilled in his hand “No?” he gestured with eyes down to his cock, his half limp dick straining against him desperate. You could only roll your eyes clearing your throat, tapping to your esophagus “Water first please.” throat hoarse from the onslaught, he gasps to himself the realization handing you the bottle shortly apologizing before busying himself to his phone.
You sipped your water quietly watching him through scrunched brows, droplets trickling to your chin mixed with the remains of his cum. You give him an eye smile that was mirrored back to be the tightest lip one you’ve seen from him. But you didn’t question it, you knew he was tired and he wasn’t the most in check with showing his emotions. So you moved on both agreeing to take a small break, in no exact rush still being over an hour away from his place.
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You’re straddled in his lap panties already thrown off, legs knocked apart worn somehow still in the tight snug satin dress that reached barely above your thighs. He questioned why you always dressed up for him, it was pointless in his mind. Always ending in him ripping whatever you were wearing off your skin every time without a beat, sparing you his not so sorry apologies that he would buy you a new whatever. His hands already busy roughly grabbing your chin pulling you in for a kiss, your tongue swiping across.
Lips parted allowing you to lick into his mouth, sloppily clashing with each other’s tongues and teeth. You whisper against his lips that you were in the mood still, his hand grabs onto your waist leaning over to grab a familiar foiled packet passing you the condom “Protection like you wanted.” his voice comes out with fake enthusiasm, acting as if he was on board using condoms when all other times he would beg if he could go raw.
You saved him the merciful act throwing the condom to wherever it landed, rolling your eyes at the feign surprise on his features while you were growing impatient. You rut your hips up against him, his eager fingers slipped down to swipe through your folds with ring clad fingers brushing barely. He smirks at the shine of your arousal coated on his fingers, sliding them right into your mouth “All wet from sucking cock, mh.” you ignored him just needing him inside of you now, spreading your thighs more hoping he would take the message. You align the tip of him over your soaking entrance, gentle but rough kisses trailed from his neck up to the shell of his ear.
The smell of your perfume filling his senses full, a sweet scent of tangerines and bourbon vanilla. He hums in contentment carding his fingers through your strands, tilting his neck for more of your mouth "You smell like my two favorite things.” he feels you squirm up against him, your entrance grazing over his cock waiting for permission ignoring his attempts to foreplay any further.
A hiss falling from his and your lips, hand on your hip while continuing to ignore your growing sexual frustration “You put that on for me i bet” he grins rocking you back and forth barely over him, listening aimlessly you whine impatient now “just- fuck me properly for once damn yoong-“ the moment those few stupid words left you, a brow quirks up at you in half amusement and the other in shock. Fingers quick to finding their home over your throat, long deft digits pressed feeling the coldness of diamond and gold plated rings grace you. Lips and teeth quickly coming to clash against yours, you draw him in closer biting down on his lip to tug back for your own enjoyment. Feeling his cock pulse against your cunt that pressed further in, your folds completely soaked of your essence coating him. He breaks back from the kiss to tug the straps of your dress down to pool at your waist, drooling at how your tits spilled with ease from the flimsy thin fabric.
Licking his lips with a smirk, knowing you forgone a bra now when he was around. Probably because he almost always ended up breaking the clasp, tearing your bra right from your chest. As if it was a crime to not see your tits bounce right in his face at every given moment “Yoongi p-please fuck.” he scoffs “Always fucking needy.” his hand fell from your throat, fingers quick to spreading you open. Your shiny slick dripping right from your cunt, cheeks burning red at the realization of how easily worked up you were from just dry humping each other “You want it don’t you baby, you need my cock that bad?” His gaze strong enough to melt your flesh off with how intensely he stared up at you “I do, please i-i need it” his palm cupped your cheek slipping his thumb past parted lips to shut you up.
The man smiling wolfishly mouthing right to your lust driven eyes “You asked for this.” your breath jumping right in your throat, pulling hips up for his cock to bottom all the way out to slam right back into you with timed haste. No time to think now when he immediately began to hit your sweet spot just right. Left to you yelping in a choked cry while clawing claws for nails into shoulders taking every one of his thrusts — yoongi grunts growing more and more feral his fingers boring into your cheek, thumb pressing down on the wet muscle. Your moans muffled begging for more of him, thighs clenched tight while you sunk up and down repetitively on his cock taking the stretch to your cunt all at once. Brows creased, a sheen layer of sweat forming to his hairline his eyes zeroing out at the way your cunt swallowed him with every thrust “This is all your fault baby, it’s what you get for being so fucking mouthy.” your hips buck forward mouth buried down into his shoulder, canines sinking into his flesh marking him. Lapping your tongue over any blood drawn, kissing him with no exact direction. Deeper whimpers fallen against his skin every so often, making zero sense of your mindless babbles.
He felt the heat build to his abdomen, slowing his thrusts down wanting to furlong his orgasm. Still holding onto him, you pull your mouth back from him to meet smiling brown eyes with your tearful ones that were on the edge of your impending orgasm. You were drooling, incapable of forming any words only your hooded irises a sign of being present. You could feel him in your stomach when he began to slow down, hand pressed between your thighs pleasuring your swollen clit. Letting you adjust to the size of his throbbing member, the sensation laced with pleasure no longer feeling the unforgiving burn as much. You arch out to him with every moan for his touch, pushing tits to his face feeling each time he bottoms out to you hitting places you could never dream reaching with your fingers.
Your tongues were kissing, noses knocking against each other with every thrust and bounce crying against his mouth that it was all too much while he cooed up at you patronizingly “Keep crying, baby. You’re making my cock hard.” he hissed against you, hot breath against yours making you squeeze your walls around him. Landing you a smack to your ass while Yoongi watched you began to break apart in his hold, glossy lost eyes and red cheeks staring to him just the way he liked it. Your warm skin naked only for his hungry eyes. Only craving for more of you the man pushed himself back deeper, hand to your face while the other held your hair. Feeling your walls begin to flutter around him your end coming close, mouth drawn agape desperately clinging to his sweaty skin.
"Tell me what you want." his groans guttural, keeping your hips continue a steady pace becoming sloppier with every passing minute
"P-please make me cum!" your legs tremble from holding yourself off for too long, just waiting to hear those few words.
"Go ahead, cum." he demanded watching you finally let go your body that seized in euphoria. While desperately rocking yourself against him, the feeling of your release making waves over his cock spilling over him while you shook and cried from pleasure. Your eyes barely flutter open coming slowly back down from your high, feeling him stare at you dumbfounded by your reactions through furrowed brows. His head titled resembling a confused puppy “Did I fuck you right this time?” his cocky smirk visible, rubbing the sides of your arms to calm the blubbering sobs that fell “I-I’m sorry” you sniffled with a cough, voice still rasped from earlier blinking tears away. Your head crashes to rest on his shoulder, hands moving to your hips to pull himself out from you.
You whimper from the sheer sensitivity, his fingers rubbing over your wet slick. Dragging your sticky arousal over your globes, whispering barely “You better get ready and take what I’m about to give you for being a stupid unapologetic whore.” you clamor quickly at his arms with panic shaking your head “N-no please yoongi, no more.” he pulls you back by your hair smiling at the way your eyes began to well again, rough calloused fingers pressed to bruise your hip “I was too nice earlier don’t you think? you don’t like nice baby, clearly.” he chuckles pulling you off from his lap whirling you to your front, head buried hilt to his seat your backside up in the air ass arched as on command.
It happened so quick you couldn’t even process it correctly, he hums back to you content with the compromising position he pulled you into, his toned taut chest pressed to your back “You want it harder don’t you sweetheart?” you sniffle feeling the smug grin down against your neck. His cock surely throbbed begging for release, watching the sight of your little mouth parted with cheeks burned pink, tongue stuck out your head nodded into the hot leather “Y-yes.” you would be lying if you didn’t like him being rough, the countless pleas to slow down were only foreplay. Yoongi himself knew that if you really wanted to stop you had a safe word, if you could be of use for his masochistic tendencies then you would indulge in it whole.
He scoffs pulling himself off from your back “So greedy baby, you’re going to regret ever saying yes.” you wiggle feeling his member throb with a quiet hiss, earning you another spanking “We’ll see about that M-Min.” barely able to muster those few words trying your best to keep the bratty front you once had “Right.” is all the man says before lining himself to your hole again, pressing himself down into you full while you gasped nails already clawing to his seat with shaky knees and a broken gasp “You feel so tiny,” he huffs with a grunt pacing himself further until he was buried deep inside of you “even after I just drilled you.” and while you thought he was going to torture you with slow thrusts, boy were you wrong. His hips immediately disconnect from yours snapping all the way back to your cunt, pounding viciously inside the tight heat just to hit every beat whatever song was playing within the car stereo.
Your only response was gripping the leather, face smushed to the seat muffling your loud whining moans. Sure that his driver could hear you by now “You like getting thrown around, hm? Used and abused like the good puppy you are.” a vile smile spreads across his sinister lips when occasionally your loud moans reached above the loud volume of his music. His length was stretching you once again, and he knew just every spot to probe repetitively pulling you into nothing but a puddle. Getting fucked so roughly, your head was blank to the point of being unresponsive in making any sense “Y-yoongi” you cry with every wet lewd smack that fell in your ears, the smell of sex and his cologne filling the air.
The complete opposite to how you were talking back minutes before; all the reason how you got here in the first place. Barely here with reality, becoming flustered and humiliated from how pathetic you probably looked. Almost like he was hearing your thoughts, probably taking note of the squeeze to your eyes with pursed lips trying to hold back your moans “What's wrong baby, few more minutes in this position and maybe next time you'll think better than being a fucking brat.” he growls roughly into your ear keeping his firm grip on the nape of your neck, not pounding any less harder into you watching your lips tumble back open.
"Am I hurting you?" the man asked hand snaked between trembling thighs, rubbing at your buzzing clit feeling you writhe in pain from the overstimulation. Whines and defeated moans tumbling from your lips, watching you fuck yourself back onto his hips.
"Y-yes yoongi!" you cried, trying to turn your head back but it was only pushed back into the seats. The man pulling all the way back out just to shove himself into your fluttering hole at once bouncing you back into him endlessly again.
"Good." a lopsided grin tugged at his corners
"Now repeat. No one can fuck you like me."
"N-no- no ah ah! no one can.."
"Finish the sentence."
"Can... fuck mnnh me like you do Yoongi!"
"Your body belongs to me."
"Please! oh fu-.."
"Say it or you don’t get to cum again."
“M-my my! everything is yours”
“Goooood girl.” his voice dropping another octave his tone drawn out with every syllable, followed with praising you from behind helping you ride your permitted high. Watching in amazement at the liquid that sprayed from your cunt while you squirt back all over his stomach, liquids left to drip down his thighs. Leaving him to groan slapping his fingers to your cunt, the gush continuing to leak all over his ring clad digits “What a dirty girl, you just couldn’t hold it in, could you?” you nod stupidly with an impure smile eyes fluttering. Drool dripping from the corners of your lips repeating his name drunkly an airy giggle falls from your lips. Absolutely gone in the afterglow of your pleasure.
His eyes ogling closely admiring how pretty you looked to him, while he blinked back from the feeling of you swatting his hands away to be rewarded with them pinned to your back “Stupid whore, you didn’t even let me cum yet.” he tsks to himself catching himself becoming breathless, after edging for so long he was frustrated and needed to cum now “And to think I was going to be nice once more by fucking my cum into you gently.” he shakes his head with a cocked grin, his bulbous red tip pressing back into your entrance acknowledging barely the hisses from your throat that cursed him under your breath “Hmmm you’re finally getting what you wanted, fucked properly? Right y/n, tell me baby. Tell me how much better I’m doing.” He growls slipping back as he pushes into your fluttering cunt, grabbing ahold of your waist reeling his hips back between each and every thrust. Unforgiving of all your whimpers of protest, he fucks into you slow but long thrusts as your head tilted back.
You could feel the warmth in your center resurfacing, growing more as he bounces you back on his dick. Basking in the pretty sounds you made moving over him, which he thought were the most sweetest yet hottest thing to welcome his ears. A loud gasp ripped itself from his throat, falling forward hot skin pressed to your back. Endlessly groaning into your ear, ropes of his seed coating your walls full feeling you squeeze around him just right. Yoongi hums content against skin, nipping and sucking a bruise to your neck while he finally decided to pull out to admire his work. He sighs out dreamily in his daze “Wish I could taste you right now.” he whispers more so to himself than you, spreading your pussy lips apart to watch his seed ooze from your fluttering abused hole.
He admires your cunt swollen and pink before helping you turn over on your back, half slouched over his seat deeming your trail of tears from the overstimulation.
You were sat back in your seat calming back down while he kept receiving text, you peek over to see his eyes were shut. And of course you were only curious.. so you peek over to see it.
Kiyomi (huge tits): answer meeee :c
Kiyomi (huge tits): i guess u don’t want me to come over tomorrow
Kiyomi (huge tits): hmph 😠
And you don’t know why you ever decided being curious was a good idea. You were fucking stupid, fuck the universe for creating your brain to be this incredulous with everything. You don’t know what to say, let alone think. Your eyes just stare aimlessly now at his phone, the device that sat burning between you and the man. His eyes slowly opening back wide to swipe his phone from you. Watching your once satisfied grin form into a look of utter shock and despair, only watching the man go on about not to look at his phone with a hiss of annoyance “Don’t be fucking stupid and look at my phone.” and just like that he made things worse, were you really sure of what you just saw? He was never a mediator for your feelings, why did you ever get your hopes up.
He attempts to decipher what’s going on in your mind right now, looking for answers in your furrowed features while nothing was shown but pained silence.
You could feel your own insides squirming, your whole body burning still. While you settled down on his leathered seats properly, your chest began to move in abrupt tandem up and down with arising anxiety of what is about to come.
You had always been the different contrasts of you in bed, every moment of yoongi’s pleasure he liked the way you could take anything. But there was something controlled in it that had frightened him. You never let go, even when he was falling apart inside you. Sometimes you would rest on his shoulder, kissing at his neck breathless a mumble falling through swollen lips but that terrified him to no doubt, which left him doing the thing that was best and it was ignoring it all.
You crawl yourself away with a wobble to your legs he reaches out to hold you up, gentlemanly out of all the times you fucked “Woah, what are you doing are you ok,” your teeth gnaws on the redden petal of your lip moving to the seats across from him that connected in the limo, ignoring him straight not even sparing eye contact. But of course that doesn’t stop him from continuing on to speak “Was I too rough, did I hurt you?” your hurt grew into a mix of annoyance in more attempts to mask your pain you felt it was best muttering out the first few words that came off the top of your foggy mind because you were sick and tired of his blatant denial “Can’t believe ‘m fucking a midget in my free time.” this was a low blow and maybe harsh but you didn’t care nor were you thinking, yoongi sat back in the leathered seats remaining unbothered at the satirical jab.
Smiling ear to ear wearing that stupidly charming Cheshire grin of his “and you sure love fucking this midget sweetheart,—” you scoffed, not giving him the time of night to go on. Your eyes muster the courage to stare immediately to his, sending straight daggers to his dilated black pupils that noticed you were sniffling tears before sighing in hopelessness “Must feel pathetic for you then? im quite literally your height Yoongi.. if not taller.” this was doing nothing for you in attempts to soothe your self worth, if anything he embraced being small. He loved himself, you shouldn’t be surprised that he embraced everything of himself. There was nothing else to point out that was imperfect in your eyes, at least except maybe the plain obvious: his god awful ego and complex.
You should’ve called him out, you really fucking should of. But you don’t, you weren’t planning to accept any of this fully. In your own denial that he was never going to change and you didn’t want to accept that there was no room in his heart for you. Apart of you is in love with yoongi, you care and love him with all of you as much as you tried to deny it. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be sat across from him with carpet burn for knees, bare naked sporting the knots in your hair. All the while brimming fresh tears, you tried not to break down and scream out how you really felt with all of this, everything.
You felt sick now having to wear his clothes pulling on the shirt he passed to you silently, thanks to his great habit of ripping your clothes to shreds. You swear under your breath at how you were going to smell so strongly of him later.
His eyes widen in confusion, he adjusts himself knowing he wasn’t going to fulfill another orgasm tonight. Slipping his half hard cock back into his slacks, the zipping sound stings your ears with cringe. The whole reality of your situation hitting you internally, thoughts interrupted of his gruff voice knowing eyes staring into your red ones.
You could just stare into his eyes with false hope needing your answer now, wanting to hear the few words you yearned to hear for the past months.
“Are you crying.. y/n?”
he moves closer across the seats that connected to where you sat. You should tell him to stop, but you don’t. You turn your back to him in your seat with relatalition a slight wobble in your movement, your lip trembles pulling the spare sweats he had to share. Back on feeling the calm before the storm of your impending heart break about to unfold.
“N-nope, ‘m not yoongi.” you wince at your weak attempt to mask your hurt, it was obvious that your voice was on the verge of more incoming tears. And you had prayed to the heavens from above that somehow he was too tone deaf to catch on. But the heavens failed you, of course.
A cold hand is at your waist eliciting goosebumps, hot breath over the shell of your ear “We can stop for the night if you are uncomfortable, hm?” There’s somehow still a soft scent to him that is masked with his musky cologne you think it’s his detergent “Never want to make you feel like you are forced to do this, we can go in to just relax.” and it stings your heart even more because you know if he dropped this complex, and somehow had a change of heart he could maybe just maybe be yours. His death induced glares when others stared at you for too long were not missed, or the way he made it known to his colleagues that you were only his to fuck as degrading as it came to be. The reality of this all is you were his completely, he even knew this himself but ignored any advances you have shown and now you knew you needed to accept it this time for your own good. You didn’t know any better, you didn’t want to take no for an answer once it came all down to it.
“Yoongi please.”
his chin rests on your shoulder, a small hum reverberating against your skin. A shaky exhale escapes you finally speaking up but just barely, “Am I the only one?” you feel his hand from your waist drop, his chin gone with a rough cough as if you asked something rudely insulting “No, you aren’t.” your head drops to your shoulders, with pursed lips you nod finally turning to face him. Just to be met with sorry eyes, wearing a look of seriousness noticing the way he gnawed the inside of his cheek out of habit looking for a sign of what to do, “Ok, o-” you weren’t stupid, you saw the texts there in plain sight. You just wanted him to reassure you.. how sad and desperate are you “You had to have known this already, you know me y/n.” Your heart stings again because somehow you did know deep down already, even before the texts. When you came over to his place with the scent of perfume that wasn’t yours and the stench of sex that lingered in the air, or even the times you would find leftover condom wrappers in the bin that you just knew weren’t from your nights together.
He was never going to truly belong to you, let alone anybody else. And that kind of soothed your heart in some love sick way, that if you couldn’t have him then no one else could. Emotions race through your mind until you couldn’t dissect the feelings between anger or hurt. Your words were caught straight in your throat and you didn’t know what to say, you had to say something because his eyes continued to bore into yours as if you held all the truth in your little mind.
“Do you.. want me more than this, maybe if we could try to be.” you sigh shakily “More than friends with benefits?”
It’s silence, deafening to the soft ambiance of his spotify playlist only heard. The volume turned down now, low enough that you would have to be this quiet to make out the songs being played. You notice now that the engine of the vehicle was no longer on, which meant you arrived to his flat.. over an hour from home and you felt inevitably stuck. You were to stay the night but now you weren’t so sure of that idea.
He speaks up with a short breath of laughter looking into your eyes, hoping to find any signs you were joking “You are playing with me right, it’s honestly funny to think we would ever date.” those words he already repeated, bounced integrating in your thick skull.
There it was, those painful few words that crushed everything in you within seconds.
“Why not.. we spend all this time together already and we get along r-right? We don’t argue that much, why, why can’t you give us a chance?”
You sounded desperate, because you sincerely were. If there was any bystanders you were sure they would have laughed. You really had all hope if you begged enough that he would have the heart to give you a chance, but how silly that you lived in your head of false reality until someone had to take the extreme measures of hurting you properly to wake you up from your daydream.
His stare gapes at you just like you were a joke, his arms to his chest now with his mouth agape in a mid scoff of disbelief mixed with laughter shaking his head “Are you fucking kidding me y/n? We fight to the point where you cry and cry, until I have to leave you alone so you can calm the fuck down.”
He pauses, pinching the bridge of his nose eyes shut in annoyance with an exasperated sigh floating from his lips. There’s a sly roll to his eyes that you catch instantly, your heart dropping into your stomach.
“We, us.. whatever you think this is,” his fingers point motioned between you two “This is a situation where two people fuck with no strings attached. I have made that very fucking clear, i’m never going to be in a relationship with you or anyone for that matter.”
Words of bitter truth and honesty fell on deaf ears, you stare out in nothing but ringing in your head that wouldn’t stop. Reality doesn't appear to be real anymore, you only remember the moments before all of this coming into his car. Looking out through the window with lips tracing onto your neck whispers of completely meaningless praise, you wanted to go back to those last moments and redo everything no matter how wrong it was to wish. You shouldn’t have asked, you hated change and you wanted to take everything back, why did you even bother.
A hand comes to place on your shoulder again, jerking back from a touch that somehow felt the equivalence to a sting. No longer familiar with warmth that used to spread throughout your body into butterflies. Your body tenses, unable to process anything but his worrisome eyes staring to yours with nothing but pure pity. Your own stared to his and you wanted to speak, feel anything but the ringing sensation throughout your body. Most of the time you would have bawled your eyes out by then, all of your emotions were waiting to implode from your body and finally..it was all too intense to take. You did the ethical thing of rushing out the car door that was already opened by his driver, not sure for how long. At this point not even giving a damn what he all witnessed.
You don’t know where you are running, your mind has not a clue with direction. Your body trampling over to the nearest bush puking your guts out. You hate the feeling like you are a burden to him, Yoongi. Someone he feels obligated to worry for. You just being as capable of protecting yourself and he knows that, he knows you are strong and able to take care of your well-being. Next time, next time you will be stronger and and- fuck you don’t know. Will there even be a next time?
“Y/n what the fuck are you doing!”
His voice is an urgent yell and that’s when you realize you can’t breathe. Your chest hurts something tight and heavy, you don’t know why. His breath is coming up next to you in heavy breaths. Your vision is starry like, a mess just like you. This whole situation between you and Yoongi has triggered many panic attacks to happen before but you always caught yourself grounding back to earth before they could succumb to you. When this triggered your anxiety, when you have difficulty being around other people. You begin to experience things in a 3rd perspective. The sense of your body leaving you, feeling as if it was floating off into oblivion and you can’t stop it from pulling you further from the present of life.
A blunt cold wind of winter air hits against your flushed skin and all your body could do was continue to vomit everything that was left from your stomach. In the midst of crying your eyes out his worried tensed voice calling out, feeling fingers pull your hair back into a makeshift pony tail. Not looking to see him motion his driver to park his car while he handled you. Only able to stare through your blurry vision down at the snow covered concrete ground, somehow finding some solace in that. Your hands shakily holding themselves up over, knees trying to not to collapse at the ground. It was so hard that you felt your body shutting down, before your knees decide to buck when his hand pulls your back close to his chest “What the fuck are you doing running away like that? Stay, stay still Jesus Christ.” you continue to squirm in his grasp, broken sobs ripping right from your throat.
Only pushing your head to his shoulder, hand tucked over the back of your head rocking you both side to side while he finally calms you down. You being the first to pull yourself from his shoulder, he sighs out shakily pulling the napkin from his coat pocket. Cold fingers hooked under your chin holding onto you tight so you couldn’t deny him. You make the great mistake of looking into his eyes, he smiles solemn at your broken features making you want to throw up all over again.
Tears left you falling silently to your chin with every sniff, wiping your nose, cheeks and mouth of any excess of whatever you had and still were mustering. Pushing the napkin back in his pocket, eyes tiredly look into his with no life found in them no longer. Only glassy empty doe eyes staring into his, your lips formed down into a pout that he couldn’t stop to find himself cute. As fucked as it was given the situation. He holds his gaze not faltering once, fingers finally leaving your skin. Your eyes look to the ground feeling sudden warmth of his coat around your shoulders and this time, you couldn’t find the strength in you to reject him once more. You accepted it, your gaze lingering back to him with a look of sadness mixed in confusion. All yoongi could offer to you was his hand to your back, walking with you by his side to his apartment in silence. The snow falling onto both of your hair and dissolving into your skin, unbothered to wipe any that fell to your lashes.
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You’re in his apartment worn in a change of clothes that were his, which you found odd since you had few pairs of clothes tucked away in his closet. You questioned yoongi and his smile small, explaining that you needed a sweater rather than a tank top. Right.. that’s what it was, not because he wanted you in his clothes. You nod accepting it and resume your eyes back to your phone to continue watching cat videos to distract yourself from another spiral of dissociation, ignoring Yoongi’s presence completely.
While you’re left in your own little world cooing at the cat that walked on its hind legs out of being frighten, you giggle feeling for the feline. He calls your name which you ignore, he huffs. Listening to foot steps pad closer to you he hums before deciding in speaking softly to you “Made you kong-guksu” your eyes widen trailing slowly over the bowel that begged you to be devoured, you push your protests aside and take the tray and bowl with you before stuffing cheeks full that puffed of food. Your brows pinched humming as if you were angry at the food slurping it down so eager to eat every bite, when he catches the action he smiles foolishly up from his phone sat down across from you.
Your figure wrapped in blankets around your lower half tucked to the couch watching the compilation down at your phone of cat videos smiling to yourself or every so often cooing at the screen with a quiet squeal while sipping your soup taking the last small bites. You would occasionally look back up at him to find a hint of a small grin hovered over his lips, only sending a bitter grimace. eyes shot back down immediately to your phone with a genuine smile, reminded of the kittens on your screen drinking milk.
He’d hope you guys would end up talking but you barely said a word to him since the car, he couldn’t blame you. But it lessen his impatience to no end, he had so much to say. Hopefully morning would be different, time later on ended in you restlessly passing out asleep on his couch, he thanked the universe you were too tired to call an Uber home to avoid of him.
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Landing you here and now, right into his bed nestled close to a warm chest in the early morning.
You huff and groan growling lowly to yourself at the unasked for gesture tearing the blankets right off from you and tumbling out of bed to haul ass to his living room trying to find your jumbled mess of thoughts along with your belongings.
You felt disgusted he would even have the confidence to put you and him in the same bed after the recent events that have taken place probably with that girl, you could feel the bile coming back to your throat. Feeling yourself spiraling back down into an abyss of awful thoughts hoping they would stop. Which somehow the universe listened to you uncannily, it was rhetorical universe damn it.
“Hey.. don’t leave yet. We need to talk.” a gruff deep voice wakens you more, maybe the wrong things especially given your situation but you push that aside. You take a deep breath both of you standing in his living room awkward and terse, his eyes trailing over your face to see how tired and restless you looked.
“I.. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
Your voice sounds broken, and it hurts him.
“No. It wasn’t a question, we are going to talk whether you like it or not.” he’s already being defensive, he knows it wasn’t a good approach to take at all. He talked to himself all night of what to say once this conversation happened so why the hell did he just make things worse.
You practically stagger in your movement before laughing at him bitterly, so fucking done with this. Fuck him and fuck kiyomi, fuck everyone.
“You can’t be for real, what do you want me to do, you want me to hug you like I did before?” you scoff trying your best to hold all of the emotions you buried back, of course terribly failing “Do you want me to watch a movie cuddled next to you and pretend that everything is ok because,” you take a heavy breath before continuing to fume and seethe in your anger not realizing your hands trembled down by your sides “I- can’t and pretend that I’m not in love with you Min fucking Yoongi!”
he has nothing to say, completely speechless. Are you surprised, no. He has no capability of having sympathy or understanding of your feelings even if they aren’t able to be returned.
He is silent. Hurting because you’re hurting, he knows you don’t want his pity. But he can’t help the urge to want to hold you close, craving for your warmth against him. But you only step back further away “Y/n.” yoongi reaches out, but you just take another step.
“No.” you mumble, “You’ll hold me and say we’re friends with special circumstances but no— I don’t want to just be your damn friend.” “I want to kiss you freely and call you mine.”
Your heart is practically lurching out of your chest, you don’t know when you got this bold but it feels freeing to be able to say what you have held in for this long, the truth always comes out no matter what. As cliche as that is, it’s so painstakingly true.
“Ok. Ok I’m sorry.. I fucking mean that. I never meant to lead you on, ok? I honestly didn’t know what to do, im being honest here.. I mean that.”
and you know Yoongi is being honest, you see it in his eyes and can render his body language and facial expressions for being real and genuine. How saddening you have to do an analysis on him to see if he is lying or not, you couldn’t stop yourself from bitterly laughing with a shake in your shoulders walking past him to sit yourself on the couch. Honestly all your care in the world right now slowly left your body, deciding you were going to do and say whatever you wanted.
You can tell he is beginning to become nervous when you notice he gnaws on the corner of his lip, twisting and turning his rings before heavily trying to mask his sigh “Ok.. ok let’s stop. Let’s, let’s fix this.” he sees your eyes peek up in wide eye confusion, what the— “Is this all because of Kiyomi?” ding ding we have a winner “Of.. of course it fucking is, how would you like it if I hooked up with someone else and they texted me in the middle of sex with you.” a shaky breath leaves you before looking into his clueless eyes genuinely asking him this
“Would you like that Yoongi, please. Would you really?”
And the way you see him close his eyes, taking a deep breath and slowly open his eyes and stare at you with a lethal glare. You know you just hit an unexpected nerve. He didn’t want to answer that, he sent the signal clear and straight when he gives you a pointed look his eyebrow cocked. And usually you would back down and apologize, but no, fuck him. He deserves what is about to come right the fuck now.
You pause and drift off to stare at your phone purposely before a crooked grin forms on your face and you can just feel him tense when you hear a soft breath shake out from his lips.
“Maybe it’s best we just..” you look up at his eyes with that look, the one that leaves him all the types of confused “you know, end this and I hook up with someone else while you get her.” you press on with a devious smirk fiddling with your phone as if you were in thought of who to contact.
He doesn’t respond and you realize you’ll continue then, huh. He’s always been a hard one to crack. You bite your lip hard, eyes set at his dark irises that grew with that look you just gave him.
“Don’tcha think min?” you know he hates it when you address him formally, like this. Maybe he can read it in your gaze.. you can’t really tell. He is too good at hiding his actual feelings, it doesn’t help your small brain but no need. He confirms you have woken the untamed beast in it’s locked cage.
“Well may-be you fucking should sleep with someone since you seem so set on the god damn idea y/n. Go a fucking head.” He growls throwing his hands in the air in defeat turning his back while you just turn your big eyes to implore over his that looked over his shoulder, noticing he faltered begging you with droopy sad eyes to deny the idea and you could but.. mmm, no. You decide to spit venom in his direction dragging it further “‘Kay, will do.” your smile pursed proudly with that shit eating grin only a brat could master in pissing someone off with, while you went to your phone and acted as if you were texting someone before a special hand snatched the phone right from your hands.
“What the fuck y/n. You are kidding me right, were you actually going to text someone?” he stares at you crazed holding your phone in the air not even wanting to look and see you only had your notes app open had typed in random letters.
You mumble to yourself arms crossed pouting all over again like a baby “Yep. You do the same, in fact you did it to me the second after i sucked your stupid dick,” your shoulders only slack giving up with the prospect “Why cant I then?” your smile graceful now staring up at him through lashes
and while you are muddled in your thoughts ready for your next retort the man of the hour speaks “I’ll be dammed to let you sleep with someone else.”
“Huh. What are you going to d-“ and just like that yoongi won’t even allow you to breath the final words of your sentence before your tongues can clash into a sloppy make out session, he tells you right against your lips in a hushed demand “I’ll fucking drop her. Don’t you dare think about hooking up with someone else, I’m fucking sorry, ok?” you inhale his breath practically nodding your head off, licking your lips. Nose to nose right now and you just can’t help yourself to reel back into his forbidden never ending trap.
“If I can’t have your heart at least let me have your dick” you grumble under your breath and he only can snicker at the remark, his shocked jealousy falling quickly into genuine laughter.
He thinks it’s funny but really you’re huffing out pouncing off from the couch stomping over to hit his chest “I am not kidding Yoongi, I’m so serious.” your eyes implore on his, pout visible while he decides to pull at your lip letting it pop back in place making a blop sound “I heard you.” he hooks your chin for both of your eyes to meet his slacked, relaxed even you could say while yours remained wide “You’re cute you know, too bad you’re dumb” you groan breaking from his weak grasp — smacking his arm leaving yourself to plop back to the couch
“You’re stupid, not me.”
Once more you aren’t allowed to think before both of your sloppy mouthes ghost over each looking into each other’s lust filled eyes gasping and moaning into each other with every lick, tasting bitter lime suspecting he drunk while you slept. Your brows furrowed trying to get ahold of yourself grasping onto his jaw.
He shouldn’t look this good, feel this good.
But you just nod in a daze, forehead moved over against his shoulder before moving again a finger hooked under your chin. Kissing your lips feeling your heart jump in your chest gasping out “Fuck y/n,” Yoongi chokes, head thrown back before resting back onto you “God, look what you do to me.”
You don’t respond but he continues to speak, “Just don’t go” “please.” you almost missed how his voice wavered, and you smiled tired thinking back to the previous night where you dreamt he rocked you close to him in his arms at night, lulling you to sleep with soft touches of his fingers rubbing your scalp with eyes falling heavy of sleep head resting on his chest.
You never wanted anyone to wreck havoc on whatever this was, but the thing was.. no one needed to. You and yoongi wrecked each other enough, you would fight and fight then fuck the anger and sorrow from one another to become breathless and whisper sweet nothings that you guys were gonna be ok and that you forgave each other.
You finally came to a realization, this was an endless loop from here and you knew this would end badly.
Just like your friend told you before “you’re no stranger to love and he wouldn’t be waiting for you if there was a given chance, he thinks you won’t leave and he believes that if you do you would meet again, suffering together all over.” and you smile sadly because it was true, you only suffered together but you didn’t mind that.
Loving him too much to let go, it was unhealthy and an endless circle of nothing coming your way.
You think you and Yoongi are good people morally but this was nothing the sorts of good you both carried on your own, even if others thought Yoongi was a horrible person and maybe you thought that yourself at times. But all that aside you saw good in him beneath all the bad, here you are to nod happily receiving a sweet corner kiss with a quiet whisper of hot breath telling you all the nothing but
“I knew you would stay.”
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°˖✧ critique + feedback is welcomed ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ )
a/n: for my fourth time writing im proud of this story !!꒰˘꒳˘๑꒱໒ ‘twas planning to do a two shot but i dunno this story seems pretty straight forward with where this “relationship” would take them.. nonetheless i hope you liked it and of course don’t be shy tell me your thoughts (💭💭)
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
idk what to tell you this is just 2k of pussy eating (don’t blame me blame eren brain rot)
18+, minors dni
part 2
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“What did you do?!” You say, incredulously. It’s a rhetorical question, you can see exactly what he’s done. Eren stands in front of you, shamelessly, with his pants and boxers dropped to his ankles as his flaccid penis hangs between his thighs. Your attention is mainly focused on the brand new, shiny titanium barbell that goes through the head of his dick.
“Do you like it?” You can tell by his posture and the shit-eating grin on his face that he’s incredibly proud of his newest body modification.
“Why on earth would you get a piercing there?” The bulbous head is just few shades of pink darker than the rest of his pale shaft. You wince in your seat, imagining what it would feel like to stick a needle right through your most sensitive parts.
“Well, it was a dare and Jean bet that I wouldn’t so I had to.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, fully aware of how silly it sounds as he says it out loud.
“Of course.” You mutter. What other chain of events would lead to your boyfriend coming home with a fucking Prince Albert. “Does it hurt?” You lean in just a little closer and notice the little bit of dried blood where the jewelry pierces his flesh.
“Nah. Didn’t feel a thing.” He says with a wink and begins dressing himself again before dropping down on couch next you, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest.
“You’re such an idiot.” You giggle, nuzzling your head into his neck, inhaling the heady scent you’ve come to associate with him.
“There is one thing though.” His voice is softer, lacking it’s usual self-assured tone. He can’t say that he’s happy about what he’s about to tell you. In fact, had he known about this small detail beforehand he might not have gone through with that stupid dare.
“Hmm?” You respond noncommittally, too preoccupied by your current task of leaving gentle kisses on his jaw and giving him the soft affection you know he loves but will never ask for.
“No sex for a month. Piercer’s orders.” His eyes drift down cautiously to gauge your reaction.
You stop in your tracks and frown up at him. At first you think he’s kidding but no such luck. “Oh my god.” You groan. “You’re such an idiot.”
Three days.
A grand total of three days.
It’s sad really, but you should have seen it coming. Like Eren Jaeger’s libido would ever let him go a whole 30 days with no sex.
He blames you and the way you prance around the apartment in those tight, short shorts. How is he not supposed to want you when he has to spend the day watching your tits bounce around in that white tank top, nipples just barely visible through the fabric?
It’s not like you put up much of a fight anyways. The way that man has you wrapped around your finger, all it took was a few well-placed touches and whispers of how much he misses the way you feel and the way you taste. Just like that, Eren has you naked, legs hanging off the edge of the bed with his face buried in your cunt.
“Love this pussy.” He murmurs, nipping at the soft skin of your inner thigh. “Can’t live without it.”
He knows that he can’t be inside you. He knows. And yet he continues to torture himself because this is as close as he can get to what he really needs.
The rough pads of his fingertips massage your wall making you buck into his hand, silently begging for something deeper. He laps at you with his tongue, running it from your clit all the way down to your hole, licking up the slick that leaks out around his knuckles.
You feel the sparks of pleasure heating up your abdomen and you squeeze your thighs around his head, weaving your hands through his long, mahogany locks. ‘Eren’falls from your lips over and over in breathy mewls that only encourage him to keep going. His fingers put in double time hitting the special spot deep inside you while he seals his lips around clit and pulls it into his mouth. You dig your heels into his back to give you leverage to rut into his face as he pushes you closer and closer towards an inevitable orgasm.
You’re so hot and wet inside, squeezing so tight around his fingers. His mind conjures up memories of how good it felt to have your gooey walls clamping down on his dick and the soft cries you let out as he split you open.
He’s rock solid in his sweats right now and his cock hurts, sensitive tissue swelling and pulsating around his still fresh piercing. But he can’t think about that right now. All that’s on his mind is how badly he wants to be inside you right now. Any of your holes, it doesn’t matter which. But they’re all off limits.
Quite frankly, it pisses him off.
There is no choice but for him to take his frustrations out on your body. He slowly drags his fingers out of you, marveling at the way your needy cunt tries to pull him back in.
Before you can even protest Eren presses his fingers, still warm from your pussy and covered in your cream, against your lips.
“Open up.” He practically growls, voice thick with arousal.
You part your lips in response, letting him clean his fingers off using your tongue. Reflexively, you close your lips around them and begin to suck, moaning at the taste of yourself.
“God, princess.” He pants with his jaw slack. “Want your mouth around me so bad.”
It only motivates you to take his fingers deeper. Deep enough to make you gag as your drool runs down his knuckles while you swirl your tongue around his digits.
The way you look at him doesn’t help either. Usually you’d shy away from eye contact when he makes you do something embarrassing like this, sucking on his fingers like you’re sucking on his cock. But tonight is different. You stare straight at him with that heavy-lidded gaze, eyes glossy and full of want. The frustration is killing him, he can’t stand to look at you anymore so instead he gives his undivided attention to your cunt.
“Babe you wanna know something?” His breath fans over your soaked core, making you twitch in his hold. Something gives you the feeling that he’s not really talking to you, he’s talking to what’s between your legs. Although he’s not even looking at you, you still nod your head yes, so wound up you’ll take anything from him at this point.
“I read online,” He goes quiet for a moment, distracted at the way your weeping hole clenches around nothing, almost like it’s begging for him to fill it. “That dick piercings feel real good in pussy. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
Eren bends down to lick at your dripping hole, he slides his tongue all the way down, making sure not waste a single drop, stopping just above the tight ring of muscle making your squeal in surprise.
”Can you imagine it?” He drags is fingers from your lips, leaving a path of saliva down the valley of your breasts, across your stomach until he reaches your clit, rubbing the sensitive numb in slow, steady circles with his thumb while you fist the sheets trying to swallow the sounds he’s coaxing out of you. “How it’s gonna feel inside you? How it’s gonna hit that spot that makes you go dumb?”
Sure, he sounds composed but when you look down at him and see the way his pupils are blown wide, pretty pink tongue hanging slightly out of his mouth, you know he’s imagining it too.
“Gonna drive you crazy.” His calloused fingertips dig further into your pudgy thighs, clipped nails leaving little crescents indented in your skin. “Make you even more crazy for my cock than you already are.”
“Yeah ‘ren.” You gasp as he runs his tongue through your folds. “Wan’ your cock.” You babble mindless agreements at whatever filth he’s spewing, too fucked out and desperate for his cock to care.
Like the bastard he is, he chuckles at your response, satisfied with knowing that you want him just as bad as he wants you.
He leans forward and presses the flat of his tongue against your entrance, telling you (wordlessly) what he wants.
He wants you to beg for it.
And of course you oblige. You chant out ‘please Eren, please Eren, please Eren’ over and over again as if you’ve forgotten every other word.
He rewards for your obedience by pushing the slippery muscle into your hole, nice and slow savouring the way your tart essence covers his taste buds.
“Fuck- more please.” Your back arches off the bed in response but his left hand splays across your abdomen keeping you in place.
His right thumb is still rubbing you, pressing harder, going faster while he drives his tongue even deeper licking up all of your juices like a man starved. He devours you shamelessly, the sloppy sounds only drowned out by your pornographic whining. He thrusts in and out, in and out, in and out, fucking you with his tongue, making sure to taste every inch of you.
Your flavor is addictive, he can’t get enough. He grunts against with his face shoved against you, sending vibrations from your core, right up your spine. His fingers and tongue assault your pussy mercilessly, setting every single nerve on fire.
“Baby- ah- I- I’m close” you whimper, feeling tension brewing in your core, threatening to burst at any second.
“No.” The hand that was playing with your pussy comes down hard on your puffy clit, the sound of the smack echoing in the quiet room.
You let out a cry, so high pitched you can hardly believe it’s your voice.
“Can’t come until I do.” Just like that, he’s off of you completely, leaving you trembling without his touch.
The pain and frustration have tears brimming at your lash line. How cruel of him. To dangle an orgasm right in front of your face before yanking it away. You begin to stammer out pleas, begging him to touch you again, but they fall on deaf ears.
“C’mon princess. ‘S only fair right?” He looks up at you with the sweetest, emerald puppy dog eyes, juxtaposing the lewd way he licks the remnants of your arousal from his swollen lips.
It’s not fair at all. You weren’t the one who decided to get their dick pierced on a whim. Why should you have to suffer? But there’s too much blood in your throbbing cunt and not enough in your brain so you can hardly put together a coherent sentence, let alone argue with him.
“Gonna edge you like this every day yeah?” He shifts his body to hover over you, using his arms to hold himself up so that his nose barely brushes yours and stray stands of his messy hair tickle the sides of your face. “Till I get to fuck you again.” He dips down to kiss you on the lips. It’s barely more than a peck, far too chaste and gone far too soon.
“Christ, I can’t wait to fuck you again.”
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yoonpobs · 3 years
together | myg
pairing: min yoongi x singlemother!reader
genre: fluff, very soft fluff, domesticity
words: 5, 007
summary: min yoongi is a good man but even a better father ... figure
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“Baby … what did we say about boundaries?” You crouch down to reach Jihoon’s eye level and the mini you—as said by your friends—simply ignores your oncoming lecture by staring at his feet.
“Limits …” He mumbles softly and all you want to do is hug him and tell him he can do no wrong but motherhood is tough despite all the online blogs telling you that they’re with you. You loved your baby, you really did—but God decided to fuck with you by making him the reflection of yourself when you were younger and you heard nightmarish stories from your parents from when you were growing up.
You run your hand over his hair soothingly because as much as he was like you, he was still only two years old and his own person, fluff and bread arms. You knew not to restrain him with furrowed brows or raised voices but instead with the patience your parents always taught you to have and the compassion that you wished you were naturally blessed with. But life had a funny way of taking away things from you.
Well—your ex-husband was never really taken from you—he left you, and instead of feeling shambled and distraught you were made of such resolve that you merely blinked when he packed his bags after he said he was cheating on you. The only sweat you broke was realising that Jihoon was only three months old when his dad left without sparing him another glance.
But your baby grew up and so did you. Your job at office paid well enough for you to live comfortably with Jihoon and hire nannies to look after him whenever you couldn’t; even though you tried your best to always be with him so he wouldn’t grow up resenting an absent mother. But you worried like anyone else would because while your friends and family would say you were doing an impeccable job, your self-sabotaging tendencies nagged at yourself by saying that he needed a male figure in his life.
He mumbles a soft apology, so respectful with his big eyes and you smile at him. You knew he meant no harm when storming into your office and scrambling off with important documents because he was still impressionable and curious about nearly everything. Your heart dropped when you realised your reports were pretty much incoherent with the way he doodled over them but you knew not to blame him.
“Forgiven Hoon.” You kiss his forehead.
His eyes turn into tiny slits with his toothless smile and your heart clenches at the little human you created and love dearly.
“Love you mama.” He plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek before waddling off to his playpen where his toys are laid neatly. If there was anything he inherited from you; it’d be your meticulous tendencies.
You sigh, leaning into the wall of your kitchen as you watch Jihoon with fond eyes as he plays with his dolls and figurines, dressing them in dresses and pants just like how you taught him that gender had no look and that everyone was different. Obviously, explaining the concept of social constructs to a two-year-old is not a conversation any parent would have with their child but you believed that these fundamental core values of humanity were important to his growth into his toddler stages and eventually adulthood.
“I can’t believe you squeezed that cutie out of your vagina.” Taehyung snorts, sneaking up behind you and you don’t flinch because you’re way too used to his unwanted comments and sudden appearances.
“I am 90% cute so it’s only right that my child inherits that from me.” You retort, eyes still trained on your baby boy.
Taehyung looks over at Jihoon who directs a mini-play of a loving family, and your heart is still sad at the prospect of his adolescent years only being with you.
“You know … hyung is asking about you,” Taehyung says and you immediately still in your position, hands freezing in your pockets because you know exactly who he’s referring too and you weren’t exactly ready for that conversation, especially with your older brother.
“He says he misses Hoonie.”
You sigh, turning your head to face your older brother and you can only muster enough emotion to look fine with his statement but you simply looked constipated with the way your face scrunches up.
“We’ve been busy …” You mutter.
“Jihoon is two-years-old and the only thing he’s busy with is trying not to give you a heart attack every time he nearly runs into the wall and you literally work from home now that your boss is some progressive liberal that tries a new system every two days,” Taehyung says dryly, pinning you with a deadpan.
“Stop offending me by insulting my son!” You whine.
“That’s my nephew too.” He rolls his eyes as you punch him in the shoulder.
“That has a name and it’s Jihoon you bitch.”
“Mama said beech?” Jihoon tilts his head in a curious manner and your expression morphs into one of mortification as Taehyung cackles in response.
“Stop. Laughing.” You hiss but it’s no use because your brother has never once listened to anything you had to say throughout the last twenty-nine years of your life.
“You—” Your snide is cut short by rapt knocks on your door, and you see Taehyung’s grin widen. You know that look intimately because it’s the expression he wears before he pisses you off or embarrasses you.
“He’s here!” He sounds delighted as he skips towards the door. You want to pull his back by his collar to ask him what the fuck he was talking about but he’s quick with his hands and the door is open. Your mouth falls and you nearly get whiplash with the way that you stare at your guest.
“Y-Yoongi.” He was possibly the last person you wanted to see and you had no idea what he was doing at your apartment at night on a weekday.
Then you see Taehyung’s pleased expression and put two-and-two together.
“___, hey. Taehyung said you needed help with Hoon tonight?” He offers a tilt of his lips because Yoongi was not an expressive man by any means. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a good heart; that was far from the truth of the enigma that was Min Yoongi.
He was a good person and an even better friend. Although the two of you had tip-toed on the line between friends to something more than that, he never explicitly said anything about his interests to you. And you didn’t want to pressure him by saying anything because even though he was in his thirties and still very much single with a stable job as a surgeon at the top hospital, a two-year-old son is rarely what a man that appealing ever wants when looking for a relationship.
That was why you stopped replying to his texts or inviting him over to hang out with Jihoon anymore because Jihoon adored him so much and your poor heart couldn’t bear to see the two boys interact without an ugly flower called hope bloom in your chest. He only ever knew who you were because he and Taehyung were co-workers and probably only tolerated you by association.
You loved Jihoon and wanted the best for him. Even if that was Min Yoongi—you needed to protect your heart too.
“I did?” You tilt your head and Yoongi automatically notices the habit that you and Jihoon share. Taehyung is somehow next to you already and you know that because he stomps on your foot and shoots you a glare when you hiss.
“I did.” You cough.
“Mama?” Jihoon peeks his head through the divider between the kitchen and the common area, and his eyes immediately light up when he sees Yoongi hovering by the entrance.
“Yoongi!” He squeals as he speeds as fast as he can with his little feet towards the man in his scrubs who shoots your son with his gummy smile.
“Hey, buddy.” He picks your son up effortlessly and you know you’re staring but you rarely ever see men who are this patient let alone this good with children.
“Close your lips,” Taehyung whispers into your ear.
“I’m—that’s not what was happening …” You mumble, a blush appearing on your cheeks as you look away from the hugs and kisses that Yoongi gives Jihoon.
“I meant your other ones.” Your brother says dryly.
“Kim Taehyung—!” Your arms are already reaching for his neck to strangle him but Yoongi calling your name snaps you out of your anger.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?”
Your head snaps to Yoongi who now has Jihoon on his hip while he plays with the material of his scrubs. You hate how your heart flutters at the domesticity of the question and how Yoongi looks so much like a father to your son and a husband in your home.
You realise the dangerous daydream you’re falling into and shake your head to snap out of it before you hurt yourself even more.
“Us? No, we haven’t. Tae and I were planning to order in at our favourite place.” You tell Yoongi with a small smile.
You see the hint of a frown marring on his face but it goes as quick as it comes as he stalks towards you.
“Actually—” Taehyung cuts in before Yoongi can say anything, “—I have a … thing.”
He points his thumb towards the door and you curse him in your head so much that you hoped sibling telepathy was a thing so he could hear what you felt about him right now.
“You … do?” Yoongi asks.
Taehyung shrugs, as ambiguous as ever before ruffling Jihoon’s hair and offering a fist bump and a kiss before he approaches your door.
“Taehyung—” You grit.
“Bye, buddy! Yoongi.” He acknowledges the two other boys but not you and you know it’s because while Taehyung loved to annoy you, he knew you were a handful and quite literally the spawn of satan when you were angry and you weren’t just angry but livid.
“Get back here—!” And he’s gone before you know it, and even Jihoon mumbles a soft bye Tae samchon after he’s gone.
You sigh, resting your head against the frame of the door that was now shut in your face, stuck in your own house with the man that you’ve been helplessly pining over that looks way too at home with the way Jihoon plays with the softness of his black hair.
You turn around, closing your eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
When you open them, Yoongi has an eyebrow raised, placing Jihoon on his high-chair. And you don’t know why you found that act so hot but you couldn’t even set your own son down into that chair without him making a fuss but he only giggled cheekily when Yoongi did so.
“What for?”
He doesn’t sound angry, just genuinely confused. You purse your lips and walk towards Jihoon who was simply babbling to himself and grab a cloth to wipe at the appearance of a new stain on his shirt which you suspect he got from his playtime earlier, and you internally groaned at the fact that he probably found some food and decided that it would be a good addition to his play family.
“I know it’s really busy at the hospital this time around and Taehyung basically scammed you here … with us.” You fiddle with your fingers after you pick up a toy on the floor and pass it to Jihoon to keep him occupied as you have a much more … adult-esque conversation with Yoongi. While you made it clear to Jihoon that he didn’t necessarily have a father in his life because you owed him that much, you tried to steer far from conflict and turmoil so he wouldn’t have to grow up knowing only the lows of life.
Yoongi just … stares. And it’s unnerving because you could barely read the man in general and he was looking at you with a blank expression that only causes your anxiety to settle further into your bones. You’re thinking of about a million different ways to apologise or to spontaneously combust so you could save yourself from the scrutiny of Yoongi’s eyes. But before you can say anything and embarrass yourself, even more, he speaks.
“Do you think I don’t enjoy spending time with the two of you?” He frowns, and that’s the most expressive you’ve seen him throughout your entire friendship with the man. The fact that the first time he’s ever shown any explicit emotion around you is one of … disappointment … only makes you realise how far out of his league you were.
“N-No!” You shake your head, flustered at his tone. When you look at him, his face is much softer; a type of expression that shows longing but you aren’t quite sure why it’s there.
“It’s just … you’re busy, Yoongi. You’re a hotshot doctor at the best private healthcare facility in the city and you’re here spending the last night before the weekend with some pathetic single mom who still—by the way—can’t decide on how to brush my teeth just because it doesn’t feel right.”
Yoongi blinks at you, then he looks over at Jihoon and you’re confused for a second because it seems like he’s dismissing your mini ramble, but instead, he reaches out to Jihoon’s hand and bends down so he can look Jihoon straight in the eye.
“Hey, bud?” He calls out to Jihoon and your son looks at Yoongi with all the stars in his eyes.
Your heart softens at the interaction and notices how the way Jihoon doesn’t pull away when Yoongi reaches out to carry him in his arms again.
“Yoongi!” He squeals, squeezing the man’s cheeks between his chubby fingers and you can’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm and the way that Yoongi resembles a cat.
“I need to ask you something.” He whispers as if it were only the two of the room and you stand on the opposite of them with your arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
Your son bobs his head up and down in agreement as he waits for Yoongi to ask him his question.
“Yoongi …” You trail off but he pays you no mind.
“Do you love your mama?” The question surprises you and your mouth opens and closes, and your emotions are all over the place because the question makes you feel nearly inadequate. The way that he asks the question prompts you to wonder if it seemed like what you were doing for Jihoon just wasn’t enough.
“What is this even about?” You snap, eyes narrowed at Yoongi but he still ignores you.
Jihoon nods his cute little head eagerly without a moment of hesitation after Yoongi asks his … what you would say—preposterous question.
“I love mama with all my heart. She’s the best!” Jihoon giggles into Yoongi’s shirt as he leans his head against his chest. You don’t know why his words make you choke up when he tells you he loves you every day but the reassurance that your son does indeed love you makes you feel like you can do anything. It was also probably the fact that you noticed Yoongi smiling fondly between the two of you.
“Do you think she’s pathetic, Hoonie?” He throws your words to your son and you scowl at Yoongi who is still keeping his act of ignoring you very much alive.
“Pathedic?” Jihoon tilts his head again and you almost coo at the slight lisp he has when he asks.
Yoongi chuckles warmly and offers you a small smile as if to tell you that you’d see soon enough before repeating himself to your son.
“Bad.” Yoongi settles.
Jihoon gasps in his tiny little way and frowns, looking over at you with a cute crumpled expression that makes your heart swell even more. The urge to hold your son increases tremendously but you were still confused and curious as to what Yoongi was getting at.
“No no no! Mama is the best, didn’t you hear?” Jihoon squabbles.
You bite your lip to refrain from smiling so wide and choke back the tears that well up.
“Mama always cooks yummy food and never yells at me! I always see other mama’s yelling at their babies but mama … mama loves me too, right?” He rambles off and you sniffle.
“Love you a lot, Hoon.” You say from a distance and Jihoon is satisfied with your answer.
You turn to look at Yoongi and sigh.
“What is this about, Yoongi?” You sound stern and he acknowledges that. He knows the situation is much more serious than what he perceives but he can’t help but observe how the furrow of your brows resembles a squirrel. The comparison makes him want to laugh because you were so cute even when you were angry.
“I have one more question.” He tells you.
You don’t say anything but watch the way he leans in closer to Jihoon with eyes more serious than you’ve seen before.
“You want to see mama happy?” Yoongi whispers so softly that you almost miss it.
Jihoon nods.
“Of course. Mama always makes me happy. But she looks … lonely.” Jihoon frowns a little and you can’t help but have a tear fall. Your baby boy was young but observant and had a heart of pure gold. You didn’t need anyone but Jihoon but—
“What do you think if she gave you a papa?” Yoongi asks and the question stills your entire body. You don’t even see the way Jihoon lights up at the proposition and you also miss the way Yoongi looks over at you once to gauge your reaction.
“Will you be my papa Yoongi?” The question is what snaps you out of your reverie to realise the situation you were in and the allusion of Jihoon’s question.
“Jihoon! You can’t just—say sorry.” You squeak but Jihoon doesn’t pay you any mind because his attention is all on Yoongi who is smiling as wide as he possibly can.
“Only if your mom says yes, Hoonie. If only she knew how much I liked her.” He tells Jihoon but he’s looking at you. Your eyes are wide at the confession and your hands fall limp by your side; not knowing how to respond to Yoongi’s sudden confession.
It wasn’t anything spectacular, and it didn’t cause butterflies to erupt like it was in the movies but the confession was so wholeheartedly Yoongi that you felt so … comfortable. A surprising yet welcoming emotion.
Jihoon looks over to you but you’re looking at Yoongi who looks at you with soft eyes.
“Say yes mama!”
Yoongi stands up from his position to walk over to your frozen state until your hands rest on his chest unconsciously. He looks down at you as his arms wrap around your waist to pull you flush against his body. You blush and avoid his stare when he tries to catch your eyes. You know Jihoon is watching and that makes you feel all the more flustered. It was like you were back in high school and you were ‘canoodling’ behind your parents’ backs.
“Y-Yoongi …” You try to push him away but he reaches his hands to wrap them around your own.
“I’m sorry but you can’t run away from me this time ___.” He teases.
You flush and look away.
“I wasn’t … running …” You mutter.
He chuckles and shakes his head that you feel strands of his hair against your forehead when he leans in closer to connect your forehead with his own.
“Okay.” He agrees. He doesn’t put up a fight and you hate how even when you’re the one that’s flustered he can make you feel … safe. Calm.
“I like you, dumbass. I would go as far to say that I’m in love with you but I know how scared you get so let’s settle for the baby steps first, yeah?” He says so casually that your eyes bulge out of your eye sockets comically.
“You c-can’t just …” You blubber, “Say that!”
Yoongi scoffs.
“I like you Kim ___.”
You punch him in the chest but he doesn’t even flinch.
“No you don’t …” You whisper.
You don’t look at him but you can feel his frown.
“And who are you to tell me how I feel?”
You sigh.
“Yoongi … I don’t know if you heard what I said earlier but you’re … you … and I’m just some other girl that you know because of Taehyung and I’m a mother of a two-year-old. You could literally be with anyone you wanted and I just … you don’t like me. You just—can’t.” You exasperate.
He frowns at you, forcing your chin up to look at him with his index finger. You burn even redder at how close you were.
“I love you. I love Jihoon. And you need to get out of your pretty little head because I don’t want to be with anyone but you. I don’t know where you’re getting this weird picture of me being with anyone I want because I don’t want anyone. I want this—I want in, in this little family.”
You feel yourself choke up, and Yoongi notices so he holds you closer until your head is against his chest.
“I’m emotionally constipated half the time I interact with anyone but you just … you make me feel alive and things that I generally don’t feel on a daily basis. You and Hoon are the only things that keep me going with all the surgeries and stuff. I’m in love with you and it’s all your fault and Hoonie wants you to be happy as much as I do—so please: stop running.”
“Why are you running mama?” Jihoon asks and you remember your son is watching it all.
You flush but don’t move from Yoongi’s grasp. He thinks of this as a step forward because all you do is turn your head to look at Jihoon and offer him a smile through your tears.
You and Yoongi hear Jihoon’s whine and you see him reach his arms towards you as a gesture for you to carry him.
“Mama why are you crying!” He cries.
You feel Yoongi release you and you immediately reach out to Jihoon like it was second nature because it was. Jihoon was the only thing that kept you going when people would give you odd stares as a single mother especially when you were starting to look into preschools for your son. All the superiors would question your legitimacy and income when you were earning more than the average working man. You were always very particular about who you allowed into Jihoon’s life because he was young and got attached easily. But Yoongi made it so … easy. Just like he was that missing piece in both your and Jihoon’s lives.
“I’m okay bubs.” You kiss Jihoon on his cheeks as you hold back your tears.
“Don’t cry, mama.” Jihoon frowns and puts his thumbs between your furrowed brows just like you would always do when he was starting to sulk. You chuckle and hold your son closer to your chest, feeling all the more comforted.
“I’m serious about this ___ …” Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps an arm around you and Jihoon and the action feels so utterly domestic. You feel safe and content within his grasp.
“Yoongi …” You look up at him through your eyelashes and Yoongi has always been entranced with your beauty. It was never just about how beautiful you looked when you were a mother to Jihoon but the energy you carried around you was contagious and he’s immediately lightened up in your presence. He was patient with you because he knew you were serious about Jihoon and that he was your number one priority.
“No, please … listen to me ___.” He cups your cheeks while Jihoon is looking between the two of you with keen interest.
“I know you’re scared because of Jihoon and that’s valid. But I don’t want you to think that you’re not enough for me for superficial reasons because the truth is I probably won’t ever be enough for you and you’re here being the woman of my dreams. I respect your decision if you aren’t ready for a relationship and I won’t push you but I want you to know that I’m not going anywhere just because we aren’t together because I rather have you next to me as a friend than lose out on you forever.”
You had always been a crybaby and Taehyung was probably the reason why you cried all the time as children since he always had been the more rambunctious one between the two of you while you were far timider. But Yoongi knew that under all the times you shed tears because you were touched is a strong-willed woman that could withstand nearly anything in this world if it were for her son.
“And I know that I’m not over my head thinking this but … you want me too and it’s okay if you do but you don’t want a relationship. I respect you as a person, a woman and the mother of Jihoon. I just don’t want you to push me away.” He whispers so softly when he looks into your eyes.
“Mama …” Jihoon whines and you look down at him for a moment when he gives you a glare that doesn’t look so intimidating because of his bread cheeks.
“Yoongi is fun! Can he be our daddy?” You know his choice of words didn’t necessarily entail that context for you in particular but you blush anyway because he was just two. Yoongi senses your flustered state but squeezes your cheeks in between his hands and you feel coddled. It was a new feeling, one that was almost unfamiliar with how long you’ve been deprived of a significant other’s touch.
“I—Yoongi … I really don’t know what to say …” You mumble.
Yoongi smiles at you, comforting and homey all at once because Yoongi was a lot of things but never pushy.
“You don’t have to say anything. I don’t know if you realised this but I’m basically Hoon’s dad whether you like it or not because he and I spend more time together than I do with my colleagues at work and I work overtime all the time.” He teases.
“Jihoon really adores you.” You agree, biting on your lip as your mind races for the hundredth time this hour.
You liked Yoongi. You really did—and somewhere along the way, like turned into something more … dangerous. A territory that you usually reserved for Jihoon because you only had the capacity to care for one boy in your life but Yoongi smuggled his way into your heart and here he was causing a hurricane in your stomach.
The words he spoke were so truthful and genuine that you can’t help but believe that against all odds in the universe, Yoongi has somehow chosen you. You were the one that was afraid. He has always chosen you. That enough is shown when he makes his way after tiring shifts just to lay on your couch and play with Jihoon in times where all he could do was babble incoherent words. He chose you when he made surprise visits with the homemade stew that you knew he knew your son and you loved. He chose you when he invited you and Jihoon to spend Chuseok together because you mentioned just spending it with your son than with your family. His parents adored you and were even more taken with Jihoon.
He has always chosen you but now it was your turn.
“I love you.”
You say those words without much further thought because you’ve always felt it. Three words have never felt so safe on your tongue to utter into the atmosphere and you feel the same after the truth is out there. You always knew how you felt and you knew that Yoongi was smart to observe your feelings too, which was why when you finally said it he just looked … content. Happy—like he was in a place that was so familiar and comforting that he didn’t need to react any differently.
“I want—I want to be with you.” You clear your throat, “If you’ll have me.”
You look so shy and young—because you were. But you had that childlike innocence that he’s only ever had the pleasure to see when you would play fight with Jihoon. He feels his chest swell with pride knowing that he was the reason you looked like that and felt the way you did.
“Hmm … should I?” He leaned in closer until his breath was on your cheek.
You knew he was teasing you but you still can’t meet his eyes, and Jihoon simply giggles at the way Yoongi squeezes him between your chests in a way so comforting that Jihoon feels like it’s a warm hug from a blanket.
“Don’t tease …” You grumble.
Yoongi runs his hand through your hair and pulls your head closer to his to give you a gentle kiss on the lips. It was nothing seductive or implicative but so Yoongi. A kiss to show you he wanted this and that he felt whatever flurry of emotions you felt. A kiss like he was coming home.
He pulls away and you see Jihoon frowning between the two of your through your redness and shock.
“I wanna’ kiss too!” He whines, and you and Yoongi both look at your son with the stars in your eyes, then lock eyes with each other; and you do what comes naturally next.
You both kiss your son on the cheeks.
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lavenderjacobs · 3 years
fluff alphabet - karl jacobs
tw; none just pure fluff >.< wc; 2K pronouns; tried my best to make it gender neutral <3
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?) 
Karl just loves looking at your pretty face. He loves the familiar feeling he gets when he looks at you. He loves your nose and how it feels under his fingers. He loves the way your face fits perfectly on his shoulder. He loves cupping your face with his hands and looking into your eyes. It might be really cheesy, but Karl also just adores your smile. This man just melts at the way you’re entire face lights up when you laugh.
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you) 
Karl is a simple man lmao. Obviously he loves going out and doing fun things with you. But he would way rather enjoy your company in private. Just the two of you. His favourite memories of being with you probably consist of being cuddled up and completely devoured by blankets while watching a movie. Or you sitting on his lap while he plays Minecraft, struggling to stay awake while he keeps planting little kisses on the top of your head. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?) 
OMG KARL IS SUCH A HOE FOR CUDDLES. Whenever you two lay in bed together he just holds you so close to him the entire time. He just loves feeling you so close to him and knowing that you’re safe and happy. He loves being bigger spoon so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on top of yours, but he definitely won’t complain about being little spoon either. He loves resting his head on your chest, just listening to your heartbeat as he has his arms wrapped around your waist. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?) 
Karl definitely has a dirty mind oops. He is very open about it too. He can be very soft with you but when he’s whore knee he just wants to have his way with you. That can mean planting sloppy kisses on your neck from behind you while your just minding your business in the kitchen, or giving you ‘that’ look when you come out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around your body.
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?) 
Karl is on it 24/7 to make sure your happy. He loves planning little dates, even if it’s just a walmart run or a drive around the neighbourhood, he just wants to spend time with you. Whenever you’re going through a tough time he will drop everything to make sure you’re okay. For example he could be streaming, and you would text him saying you’re sad, not knowing he would be streaming, and he’d just end the stream right there to go spoil you with cuddles and loving words.  
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F=First date (What was your first date together) 
Your pre-dating relationship was probably either a friends to lovers one, or an enemies to lovers one. Constantly teasing each other but everyone, including your friends, would know what was really going on. You probably got tricked into going on a date with him for the first time, both acting like you hated it but secretly falling harder and harder for each other with every second. 
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?) 
This dude literally treats you like he could break you. He hold your hands like they’re little butterflies and plants the softest kisses on your forehead. He’s also super protective and possessive of you. He hates the thought of you going out alone, and whenever you two are at a party or something he’s just constantly holding your hand or having his arm wrapped around you, to show you’re his.
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
To be honest, Karl’s hands are probably one of his best features. He takes such good care of them and loves wearing rings. He also loves wearing black nail polish, and constantly wants you to polish his nails for him. He could easily do it himself but that’s not the point lol
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
The first time Karl saw you walk into a room he lost his breath for a second no joke. He was just so taken aback by your charming attitude and thought you were the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. He just immediately walked up to you to ask you for your name. 
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
Karl is such a pouty little jealous boy. He gets really whiney and needy in public when you’re not giving him enough attention. Whenever he sees someone hitting on you, he just gets extra lovey-dovey with you, wanting to make sure everyone knows you’re his. You would know exactly what was going on but just play along with it. One time you joined him on a filming day with the mr beast crew. All the boys would give you lots of attention, making flirty jokes mostly just to mess with Karl. Which worked because oh my god you had never seen him so touchy. You would ask him what was up and he would act like nothing was bothering him. “I’m fine why? Am i not allowed to show affection to my gf/bf/so anymore?” 
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
Anything that has to do with touching you, Karl is a sucker for. (have I mentioned this man’s love language is 100% physical touch?) He litarally kisses your neck or forehead every 5 seconds, it’s just his way of showing he’s there. He doesn’t shy away from pda either. He won’t hasitate to kiss you passionately in front of a crowd of people. He doesn’t care who’s watching, all he cares about is you. 
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?) 
As I said, this dude’s love language is definitely physical touch. After that probably comes quality time. He will get super pouty if the two of you haven’t gotten to properly spend time with each other for a while. For example, whenever you’re on your laptop working on something for school or work he will get super whiney, constantly begging for you to get off your laptop and come cuddle with him. He’s less good at expressing his love through words of affection. Obviously, this man tells you he loves you all of the time, but he gets scared about having deep conversations about your relationship, he’s just scared he’ll say something stupid and mess it all up.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
His favourite memory in general 100% has something to do with you. If he had to pick one, it would probably be that one time he introduced you to all his friends from the SMP. He’d be on a videocall on discord with Dream, George, Sapnap, Alex, Tommy, and Wilbur. They had been begging to meet you since forever, but he always said no, because he was scared they’d say something to embarrass him. But after some persuasion of you, he finally gave in. “HOLY FUCK I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE REAL THATS SO POGGERSS!” Alex yelled when you joined the call and sat next to Karl. You burst out laughing. You all just played Minecraft and messed around with each other for that night. All of Karl’s friends really liked you, and Karl himself couldn’t be prouder. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
He has practically replaced your real name with “Baby” at this point. He loves calling you baby or babe in front of other people to show that you’re his. But when it’s just the two of you he would definitely be the type of guy to call you something really cheesy like sweetheart or darling. You love it tho :)
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
The only thing you and Karl would ever fight about would be whenever your schedules would clash and you would spend less time together because of work/school. A lack of communication and both being exhausted lead to a huge fight once. Ending with you both thinking it just wasn’t gonna work out like this. You had slept in a nearby hotel for a night or two, basically crying yourself to sleep every night, because Karl wasn’t laying next to you. After a few days of both being miserable you realized that the two of you are meant for each other. You showed up to your house again, and almost tackled Karl with how fast you ran into his arms. “I’m never letting you go again.” He whispered in your ear. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
You and Karl both think it’s too early to have children, but you love just having endless conversations about how amazing it would be to have a little baby of your own. Just fantasizing about showing the little thing off to all of your friends, thinking of ridiculous baby-names together. Everytime you have these types of conversations you just melt at the thought of Karl actually being a dad one day. He’d be perfect for it. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
I’m not saying homeboy has abandonment issues but....whenever you get up in the middle of the night to go get some water or something, he either gets very twitchy in his sleep, or wakes up right away and asks you where you’re going. “Y/N?” He says with a sleepy voice. You reach out for his face in the dark and gently ruffle your fingers through his hair. “Only getting some water baby, I’ll be right back.” You reassure him. 
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
Karl doesn’t want things to feel forced. He just wants things to be effortless. Big romantic gestures and fancy restaurants scare him. He has a very specific way of showing his affection to you and you know this, so you don’t expect him to wake you up with breakfast in bed or anything. Making it even more special whenever he does pull something like that. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
Karl didn’t really like showing any emotion to you whenever he would be sad, he felt like he’d be bothering you with his problems. But after you explained to him that you just want to be there for him whenever he’s feeling down, he started warming up to you. Sometimes he would just crawl in bed with you hiding his face in your shoulder. You would play with his hair while he talked to you about what bothered him. He always feels so comforted and safe with you.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
Karl can be super hyper. Constantly wanting to do stuff like bake cookies or play minecraft with you. You’d obviously always be down to do these types of things with him. But he could also really find the joy in simple things like just watching a movie or getting his nails painted by you. Whenever you would have these types of moments, Karl just keeps cracking little jokes to make you laugh. He also would be telling you how much he loved you every 5 seconds. Just so you know.
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
Sometimes Karl can have a little trouble trying to get into your mindset. But he does think it’s super important to know what you’re going through and do his best to help you. Whenever you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, he makes sure to ask you what he can do to help you and be there for you. He tries to do as much research as possible, trying to find the best way to help you.
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
Karl cherishes the relationship you have for so many reasons. One of the most important ones being that he can have fun with you. Both understanding each other’s type of humour, finding joy in the same types of things. He just loves that you know and understand exactly how his brain works, because it’s very similar to yours. 
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
Karl literally proposed to you 2 months into dating. He knows you’re the one. It’s very clear to him. But after discussing it you both decided that having a wedding would be way too stressful right now. It’s definitely not that you wouldn’t marry him, obviously you would, but you both know that breaking up just isn’t an option, so why go through all that trouble, just to get it on paper? You both agreed on this, but after all Karl just wants to see that ring on your finger, just so he knows you’re his forever.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
Earlier in your relationship, Karl would often have trouble reading you, he would be very hyper and touchy with you, and would just be completely oblivious to the fact that you where sad or tired or something. But as he got to know you better, he learned exactly how to tell when you’d be sad. He knew to get you some food, put on a tv show and play with your hair, without you having to tell him you weren’t feeling like going out or doing something extravagant.
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
Karl would hate to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t in it for the same reason as he is. He doesn’t like to ‘date around’. He want’s someone who was a very similar vision of their future, so that’s why he’s so lucky he found you. The most reoccurring arguments you two have are about not agreeing on your future. He finds it very hard to compromise and doesn’t just ‘agree to disagree’. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
Karl just has to touch you in some way when he’s sleeping. Having his arms wrapped around you, having his legs intertwined with yours, resting his face in the crook between your head and shoulders, you name it. He also loves to hold hands whenever you two are sleeping. As i said, this man gets very icky about you leaving him when he’s sleeping. So, he just wants to know you’re there. All of the time.
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906 notes · View notes
Every part of you
Request: Something just fluffy and domestic would be so nice...missing that old man. Maybe something like baking with him? Fluffy smut or just fluff, I would be really happy to see you write either. 💕
Warnings: Smut, blowjob, p in v, unprotected sex, kitchen sex
Words count: 2,4k
Joel Miller x Reader. Insecure Joel. No virus, no apocalypse. Divorced!Joel.
* * * * *
After his divorce with Sarah’s mother, Joel entered years of celibacy, except for the occasional hookups. He didn’t want to go down that road again, his marriage wasn’t the best one but he loved his wife and expected it to last forever, like they promised each other.
But things changed when he met you over a year ago.
It was one of those nights where his brother Tommy dragged him to a bar. You were there with some friends and the first thing he noticed about you was your smoking hot body. And before he knew it, Tommy brought you to their table to have a drink with them.
It was supposed to be one of those hookups. No strings attached. In the morning, he would’ve left and you probably wouldn’t have never met again.
But he broke rule number one on the first night anyway: never take someone home. He always found a way to go to his partner's place, or at least, found a place to do it, but never at his place. His home.
Until you.
Once you were done, he realized how young and innocent you looked. He could see the struggle on your face, as to whether you should leave or stay. He felt bad about himself and told you to stay. You warmly smiled and faxed yourself under the covers, your warm form curled up against him.
In the morning, he woke up to the smell of coffee and French toast. As you had breakfast together, you told him a bit about yourself and Joel found himself to be interested.
You left your phone number and two weekends later - he spends every two weekends with his daughter - Joel invited you for a drink. Which turned into a few ones. Which turned into taking you home again.
That was over a year ago. Now, you’re moving in with him.
He didn’t expect for it to happen. It’s just that when you mentioned wanting to move out from your crappy apartment, he simply told you to come live with him and Sarah. His teenage daughter is very fond of you, and Joel is deeply in love with you. There’s no reason this could go wrong, is there?
But somehow, it caused your first fight.
It was hard to fit two homes into one, and Joel wasn’t compromising at all. He didn’t want to get rid of anything.
“You have to meet halfway, Jo.” You told him, clearly annoyed.
“I am. I just don’t want to get rid of my couch. What’s wrong with that?”
“Well, for starters, mine is fairly new, bigger and way more comfortable. But it’s not just about the couch. It feels like you don’t want me to move in after all,” you said with such sadness in your voice, Joel felt horrible.
“I asked, didn't I?” He answered, defensively.
“Probably because you felt bad about my struggle to find a new place. Just like you felt bad after our first night together.”
“I’m not stupid, Joel. I know you didn’t want me to stay at first.”
“But you did.”
“Well, yeah. Because it was my first time hooking up with someone I just met. And—“ you took a deep breath. “I really don’t want to compliment you right now, but the sex was—mind blowing.”
You obviously were still pretty mad but Joel couldn’t help but smirk in his beard. Sex with you is indeed pretty mind blowing. There’s love, trust, passion, and you’re open-minded concerning his kinks. He never witnessed that before. Actually, he discovered new kinks with you, pretty much like if you were his very own kink.
“Take that smirk off your face. That’s unfair.” You breathed out.
Joel closed the distance between your bodies, and gently kissed your forehead. “Letting you stay that night was the best decision I’ve made in a very long time,” he kissed your nose. “I’ll get rid of the couch.” Then he kissed your lips and moved to your neck. “Let’s ruin it before.”
You chuckled and you did ruin his old couch.
A few weeks later, you were all moved in. Joel was exhausted, he fell asleep on your - extremely - comfortable couch. You covered him with a blanket and took care of the last details before cooking dinner.
Your parents had been owners of a restaurant for the past thirty years, your father being the chef and your mother doing pretty much the rest. You spent most of your time in the establishment as a child, and your father happily shared his know-how with you.
In the past year, Joel had barely spent time in the kitchen, as it became your space. Not that he minded.
He does mind the weight he’d been gaining though.
He woke up to the smell of one of your dishes, two hours after falling asleep. He could hear you doing your thing in the kitchen. He smiled, stretched himself and when his mind seemed awake enough, he joined you.
You felt his strong arms wrapping your middle, and took advantage of your messy bun to plant wet and sloppy kisses in your exposed neck. You felt shivers all the way through your body. “Hi handsome. Sleep well on the couch?”
“Bite me.” He growled against your skin and you chuckled.
“Did that last night.” You said, referring to the bite mark you left right on top of his shoulder. He had made you cum so hard, you didn’t control yourself.
“I love when you mark me.” He whispered in your ear, nipping your ear lobe.
“Good, I’m taking you for a scarification tomorrow. My name, right above your penis.”
“Hmm,” Joel was still planting kisses anywhere he could and you could feel his growing erection against your ass. It was getting really difficult to focus on the marinade in front of you. “I can meet you halfway and agree to get a tattoo.” You laughed but somehow imagined it. It would ruin any relationship for him if you two ever break up. “Only if you do the same, obviously.” He added.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?”
He hummed in answer and you felt his hand playing with the waistband of your sweatpants. But you slapped his hand away before he could slide it in. “Put your hands to other use for now. Cut the onions for me,” you playfully rubbed your ass against his crotch but only to push him away.
Joel let go of you and looked around to find the onions. “Wow. I like punishment but only if I know what I did wrong.”
You laughed before throwing two onions at him, which he almost missed. As he began to peel them off, you gently grabbed the knife from his hands and squeezed a lemon on the blade. Joel looked at you, lovingly. “There. You won’t cry.” You said, handing him the knife.
“Huh, we’ve been dating for a year and you’re only telling this trick, now? I thought you loved me.” He used his best complaining voice, and he felt your hand slamming against his ass.
“What will we talk about in ten years if I tell you everything now?” You casually asked and it caught Joel off guard. He stayed silent while cutting the onions in small squares and you didn’t push it. You focused on your marinade and checked on the steamed vegetables.
“Are you picturing us still together in ten years?” He finally asked once he was done. He gave you the bowl with the onions in it.
“Well—yeah. Don’t you?” You took the bowl from his hand, preparing the pan in order to cook them.
Joel sighed. It had been a struggle since you two started to date. Your relationship had been so perfect, you had been an amazing partner, it almost feels surreal to me. “I guess my marriage broke a part of me.” He paused, staring at you cooking. “It’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
As you ditched the onions in a hot pan, a soft smile appeared across your face. “That will happen when your alien friends will come to pick you up, in order to bring you back to your home planet.”
Joel couldn’t help but laugh. He couldn’t believe you were real. He stared for a moment. You are so beautiful, young, funny and smart, with the biggest heart. How did he got so lucky?
He jumped on the part of the kitchen plan you weren’t using. “Or when I got so fat from your cooking, you’re not attracted to me anymore.” He finally said and you stopped everything you were doing.
“I gained a few pounds lately.” He confessed, avoiding your eyes this time.
“Yeah so?”
“Oh so you’re agreeing? Not even something like ‘honey that’s crazy, you haven’t changed a bit.’?”
"I'm sorry. Let me do this again.” You took a step back and got into character. “Joel! Are you crazy? You didn’t gain any pounds. Are those masculine magazines making you feel bad, again?”
“Wow. Don’t quit your day job to become an actress.”
You playfully punched his shoulder and he let out an “ouch!”. “But seriously love,” it was your loving and smoothing tone again. “Do you really feel bad about this?”
“Kinda. I’m already older than you, I can’t have that too.”
“Baby,” you settled between his legs and tiptoed to kiss him softly. “You’re perfect to me. I don’t care about your age, your weight, your height, the size of your—okay that, I do care but still.”
Never a woman made him laugh like you manage to. No matter the subject, the time of the day, his mood or your mood, you’re always able to bring a smile to his face. He’s so in love with you. “Do you get my point or do I have to take you upstairs to show it to you?” You stroked his beard and Joel leaned into your touch, humming in content.
“I won’t mind the show. But I’d rather have you showing me—here.”
“I better stop cooking and focus on my other hobby then.” You turned off everything and invited him to get down. “My favorite actually.” You whispered, before kissing him gently.
“Please do.” He pleaded, sticking out his tongue in order to meet yours.
As you kissed, you brought him against the wall of the kitchen. He moaned at your sudden dominance, and you felt his semi hard cock against your belly. Joel tried to travel under your tank top with his hands but you prevented him access. You quickly worked taking his tee-shirt off, throwing it on the floor. Your lips immediately crashed against his hairy chest, while your hands were softly caressing it. “I love you, Joel.” you whispered against his skin. “I love every part of you that you don’t.”
It was overwhelming. Never in his life has Joel felt this loved, this attractive. It was such a mix of feelings, he could have cried on the spot as well as fucked you senseless. But he only stood there, panting hard as you were taking his sweatpants and briefs off. He stepped out and you threw it away, next to his shirt. He was dying to undress you, to feel your smooth skin against his, but he knew better.
You kneeled in front of you, taking his hard member in your hand. You looked up to him with your big and loving E/C eyes. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamt of,” you said. “Call me crazy but I’d follow you to your damn home planet.” you confess, referring to what you said a moment ago.
Joel intensely stared at your mouth when you gave him a first lick. This view was so damn perfect.
You teasingly played with your tongue against his cock before taking him in your mouth. Joel moaned, deeply and you sucked him for a moment, not taking all of his length yet. Your jaw needed to relax first. No matter the amount of time you’ve seen his cock, you’re always amazed about how thick and long he is.
Joel’s hand grabbed your hair bun into his fists, guiding you. When you were ready, you took all of him inside your mouth, your nose buried in his pubic hair. “Fuck, baby!” he growled as his cock hit the back of your throat. “God I love your mouth so much.”
You kept going for a moment until you felt his urge growing. Joel was basically facefucking you, thrusting his cock deep inside your mouth. But you weren’t done with him yet, so when only a trail of saliva was connecting you to his length, you took advantage and got back on your feet.
You passionately kissed him, allowing him to taste himself. “Sit on the chair.” You ordered him and Joel obeyed.
You striped in front of him as he was lazily stroking his painfully hard cock. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Y/N.” he said before you straddle his lap.
“So are you, Joel.” He almost didn’t catch that - maybe because a part of him didn’t want to - as you guided his cock into your wet cunt. He was stretching you open, it almost hurt but you kept going until he was fully inside you.
“So fucking tight.” he growled against your neck.
You settled for a slow pace at first. Joel’s face was buried in your chest, assaulting your rounded breasts. One of his hands was in the small of your back, following your hips movements. “You feel so good inside me.” you moaned, your hands buried in his hair. He was so deep inside you, you two almost could hear every time he reached your end. “I’ll never be able to be with anyone else but you.”
His urge was coming back and yours was building up. You quickened the pace, and Joel furiously rubbed your clit with his hand. “Yes Joel, right there!” he looked up at you and crashed his lips on yours. You could feel his fingers digging on your hip, while yours did the same on his scalp.
“I’m gonna cum.” he warned you, thrusting as fast as he could.
“Me, too. Don’t stop,”
It was a closed call but you came practically at the same time, both crying each other’s name.
You stayed in the same position as you and Joel came down from your high. You held him close against you, feeling his cock softening inside you. You were both panting. “Every part of me, huh?” he said.
“Every single one.”
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