#i said i'd do the tray up first
pikechris · 1 year
people are sometimes surprised when I say that I actually like my job in a service station deli. well first of all this is ireland, 98% of customer interactions are polite and pleasant and the worst thing that can happen to me personally is when we get a bus full of teenagers who want chicken fillet rolls. or even worse, two in one day. happened this tuesday. but also i've found that it's actually perfect for my autism/adhd brain because:
I do the same things every day. there are tasks that have to be done every day and tasks that have to be done every week on a specific day. perfect. it's the thing others complain about the most, but me? just how I prefer it
constantly moving and doing something is what keeps me stimulated and staves off boredom aka the worst feeling ever. it gets pretty busy sometimes, which, ideal! I haven't had to touch a stim toy for MONTHS because I put all that excess energy to violently scrubbing dishes
I'm honestly the perfect employee because when I happen to have nothing to do I look for things to clean and tidy and shit and if that doesn't help I ask the manager for extra tasks to keep those hands occupied lol
re: previous point. I'm Fast so I always do everything that needs to be done, too. mostly because my brain takes the rules seriously and when the paperwork says I have to do something. well then I'll bloody well do it won't I. it says it right there. they like me because they know I'm reliable unlike the students who do weekends and even exceed expectations sometimes hah
clear instructions, love em. here I always know what to do and how to do it
the customer interactions follow a similar pattern and are almost always the same so I know what to say and ask and it's not stressful
sometimes people ask me where to find things and such and I Iove a) knowing things and being somebody who knows them and b) telling people about something I know, so it doesn't bother me
there's a whole bunch of safety compliance paperwork tasks like taking temperatures of food every hour that everyone finds annoying. but I love numbers and measuring things and statistics!! it's like ooh I wonder what's the temperature of this soup?? and then I stick a probe in there and find out and write it down! neat. tracking how quickly things cool down in the hot counter is entertaining
there's always 50 things to do at once. I will start 10 at a time. it works out fine. I can check the task list to see if I did it and tick it off. adhd kept in check ✓
others repeat the customers' orders to them to make sure they're getting it right so when I do it because echolalia & needing it to process the information, it goes unnoticed!!
I hate silence so the constant noise of the ovens and the radio and such are a good background noise. plus no one minds when I sing along to the radio as a stim because everyone does it, which is also why I feel safe enough to do so in the first place
no seriously doing stuff gives me energy, so I'm not tired after an 8.5 hour shift (this is even an observation others have made) and still can do the shopping, cook dinner, cook lunch for next day and be busy until midnight. something I couldn't do when studying, which was an energy drainer. huh
(I haven't had this much energy and motivation to do things since I was a CHILD. I'm not joking. I also haven't had a shutdown or anxiety attack or even a bad day in ages since I moved and started working. lying in bed depressed and feeling like I can't breathe? don't know her. also I can actually fall asleep immediately. my brain just shuts down. a feeling I haven't known for years. what is this magic)
I get to put things in the oven and make pizzas and bread and scones from scratch and generally do things I like and am good at and get paid for it! fuck yeah baking!!
I get to clean and put things in order and organise stock and the cold room and freezers and implement Systems and make things Full and GET PAID FOR IT
regular shifts 10-18, perfect, I don't have to get up too early either. allows for going to sleep at midnight and still getting the sweet eight hours
everybody is kind of doing their own thing most of the time and we're all busy so I'm not required to talk to my coworkers if I don't want to. but I can if I do. we all get along well. also good
sometimes I have an issue remembering how many fillings I put in that person's wrap if I wasn't paying that much attention but it's fine, if I charge them 40c less no one will know. there is no failing and no points deducted for a wrong answer. it's chill, no anxiety induced
I'm mostly on my own from 11:30ish until the end, the deli is my kingdom, I make the decisions, no one is in the way, I like it. I like it less when it's busy but I'm capable of handling it either way so eh *shrug*
i have a very good memory (when I do pay attention) so when there are regulars who order the same one or two things I remember them fast and now it's like. white wrap, peppers and plain chicken? and they're like. yeah!! :) I get to make someone happy with something so simple :)
sometimes people eat truly bizarre sandwiches and stuff and I get to internally laugh and/or wonder what the fuck is that. sometimes we actually do laugh about it after. it's fun
I'm also apparently the best new person they've ever had in this shop because I learn extremely fast so that's nice to hear lmao
i easily follow safety regulations such as wearing gloves at all times because dirty dishes and wet bits of food in the sink and raw meat and greasy utensils and sticky bread dough and the inside of the oven mitts are yucky to touch so that's another win-win for them and me
if not the company owner then at least the shop and deli managers are amazing. they will tell you to take any wastage you want without paying for it (because that is a stupid rule that exists that everyone thinks is nonsense and ignores. what's the difference if an out of date bag of crisps goes in the bin or is eaten?) just don't tell the boss, and will go out for drinks with you, and act like normal human beings who are a delight to work with
as a christmas bonus we all got a €50 one4all gift card which everyone thought was sort of shite and useless but are you kidding me? that means a free coffee machine. I got a free coffee machine with it. and a big discount on noise-cancelling wireless earbuds that are actually good and have a long battery life. amazing I'm telling you
yes we get the minimum wage but as someone who never worked or had much money I can live so well off of it? i can comfortably pay for rent and electricity and two grocery shoppings a week that aren't cheap, put a bunch aside, buy some treats online when I feel like it, go places every other week, and still have enough left. I flew to london in december just because. spent £130 on a concert ticket to the o2. I visit places that are a bit further away and stay a night or two once a month. I feel like I eat like a king when I have stuff like homemade bread with avocado spread, homemade cake, fresh strawberries and stuff for breakfast all the time. and that's just for cleaning and making sandwiches?? it sometimes feels unreal to me that I do it for money at all. it's like. housework. things I do anyway all the time at home. I have no reason to complain lol
anyway this is just how I personally feel :') but yeah I like working? who'd have thought. not me. I also feel like I'm the only one there who does. or anywhere really. because I'm so used to retail and service jobs being connected with annoyance and hate and doing them out of necessity etc etc... so I wanted to share that little bit of positive experience I guess. and needed to rant about it somewhere.
is it weird that working 42 hours a week in a shop improved my mental health? probably. but I also get it and can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier because. it's the moving lads. I'm in a constant state of busy. once I stop doing things and start lying in bed all day it goes downhill and the energy and motivation don't come back. but now? that's impossible. even on weekends. I can't put off the ironing because I need the uniform. I have to cook because I can't live on cheese toasties and the veg in the fridge is gonna go off if I don't use it. I have to travel because there's nothing to do in town except lying in bed all day. and once I make a Plan, not even the rain or having to get up at 6:30 to catch the morning bus stops me from following it. and I don't mean that in a stressful grind culture way, I mean it in a helpful actually-it's-pretty-slow-and-quiet way! I found a way of hacking the executive dysfunction completely by accident here and. it's a job
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likedovesinthewindd · 21 days
sore loser — (a. donaldson/p. zweig)
summary: you're just trying to enjoy your lunch, but you can practically feel the two pairs of eyes on you | content/warning: reader also plays tennis, reader is kinda mean but not really.
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You absent-mindedly poked your fork into the leftover piece of lasagna as your head rested in your other hand. You had lost your appetite the minute you set foot off the court today, but you knew you needed to at least try and get something in your stomach. You had taken a few big bites until the frustration of losing set in.
You let out a defeated sigh, dropping your fork and raising your head from your palm, looking around the cafeteria. It was basically empty except for a few people here and there quietly eating. Your eyes caught sight of two boys sitting by the window table, their seats practically turned to your direction. When their eyes caught yours, they smiled. The one on the right lifted his hand in greeting, his blonde friend quickly following suit.
You gave them a wave, sparing a small smile before your eyes went back to your tray. You figured you weren't going to finish the food, so you quickly grabbed your backpack, throwing it over your shoulder before taking your tray to the bin. At first, you hadn't even noticed the two boys joining you, one on either side as they disposed of their trays as well.
You took a step back, watching as the two turned around, eyes set on you. You spared them another small smile out of kindness before readjusting your bag on your shoulder and making your way to your dorm. You were barely outside until you were stopped by someone shouting your name, turning around to find the same dark-haired boy, his friend soon following.
"We saw you play today," he said once you had stopped walking and they were close enough. "You're really good," the blonde added with a smile. You knew him; you've seen him play and remember your roommate gushing over how cute he was. He was cute. They both were, you thought now that you got a good look at them.
"I lost," you retorted, reminded of the reason for your foul mood a while ago. "Doesn't mean you're not good." You looked up at the boy with the dark hair, trying to see if he was just trying to be funny. He had a small smirk playing on his face, his eyes darting down to your mouth before they met your eyes again.
"Thank you," you said, sparing both of them a look before focusing your eyes back on the dark-haired one. "Do you go here?" you asked. "Uh, no," he said, smile faltering for a split second before pointing his thumb back at his friend, "but he does."
"I know," you smiled, "I've watched a few of his games." Art couldn't help but smile at that, a bashful look on his face. "I'm Patrick, by the way," the other boy said, causing your eyes to shift back to him. You shook his hand. "Do you play, Patrick?" you asked. He nodded, and you nodded along absent-mindedly before sucking air through your teeth. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Patrick. And nice seeing you, Art," you said before adjusting your bag's strap again.
"Are you going to tonight's party?" Art asked and you turned around once again. "Would you like me to go?" you asked. "I'd like to see you again," he replied. "We both would," Patrick added. "You both wanna see me?" you asked as they nodded in unison. You laughed at that, your lips pursing in thought. "Okay, I'll be there," you said before making your way back to your dorm.
✰ ⊹ ˚. part 2
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Ive Fallen
The moment they fell in love with you~
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk x GN Reader
Please support me on Ko-Fi I'd like to pay rent 👍🏽
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It was the moment you had made him his favorite meal and said the magic words-
"Hey Luffy welcome back!" You say cheerfully as you set down a plate for a customer. Your regular Luffy coming in for his normal mountain of food-
"Hey (Y/N)!" He said cheerfully as he set himself on his normal bench. You already having his glass of milk poured as you set it before him and got his plate consisting of his favorite items you had already made ahead of time.
"I saw you were getting your boat ready to set sail"
"I got to get everything going for when im pirate king!" He said loudly, taking a hefty bite of his food. You smiled, always loving his optimistic ways.
"Well, I believe in you Luffy. If there is anyone who will become king of the pirates its you" You say cheerfully and give him a smile.
Luffy felt his heart beating like a drum and warmth developed his body. Like your words had kicked his heart into action-
"Oop let me go refill Mr. Yamos drinks" You say cheerfully as you go to continue your work, Luffys eyes following you.
Had you always looked this pretty?
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When he saw you training
Zoro was.. well lost- He had needed to use the restroom when the ship made port and it was like he made one turn and suddently his was in a deep forest.
So Zoro went to make his way back, unknowingly getting himself more and more lost.
Stumbling through a clearing he stopped when he saw you- standing there practicing formation and swings with your sword- So beautiful and powerful, he couldn't help but be mesmerized.
Standing there watching from the trees he couldn't help but feel some warmth come to his cheeks, finally working the will to approach.
"Need a sparing partner?" He offered as he stepped forward.
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When he saw you baking and trying the food some kids had made for you
They had made port to restock supplies, in his case get more groceries since Luffy ate enough for 5 men. Walking through the streets of the village he smelled the sweets before he saw you- in the window letting out trays of freshly baked treats with a smile on your lips.
Your smile drew him to stop midstep and watch. A few young children running past him to the shop as they held up their treats to you-
He saw the pastry even from here he could see it was burned and most likely raw in the center, the thick layer of flower on the bottom no better then cement. Any person with a pallet wouldn't be able to swallow it- not even Luffy. However you smiled and took a big bite of the pastry and swallowed.
Smiling at the child and praising them on doing so well- Sanji felt his chest tughten and warmth unlike his normal attraction bubble in his system, his feet moving faster then his mind as he approached your bakery.
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When he saw you perform for the first time
Buggy had stopped by a village during a festival, Normally he would have just raided the place but he had a soft spot for festivals like this- So for now the village was spared.
Especially since they had one hell of a hot dog stand which he gladly took part in. While standing there eating his treat he turned to see the grand bonfire that was being set up as music started to be played, everyone starting to gather and dance- And then he saw you.
Singing and dancing along to the music as you stole the show, twirling around the fire with others as your clothes seemed to highly glow next to the light of the bonfire making you look like a living star.
Buggy felt Hypnotized as he watched you, The way you sang, dance and your overall grace.
He had never wanted to see another person perform so badly in his life, a warmth Flooding his face and chest as he watched you laugh and walk away to get a drink. Standing up to follow and work up the nerve to speak with you.
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When he heard you singing while gardening
Ah to he back at his favorite bar
He stepped out to get some fresh air, the warmth of the sun hitting his skin and making him feel energized. His train of thought was broken however as he heard singjng?- this wasn't a area that had a choir or anything like that so it caught his interest following the song to behind the bar.
Turning around the corner he spotted you, on your knees in the herb garden thay grew next to the restaurant gathering things needed for drunks and food.
He couldn't tear his eyes away from you as your voice washed through him- you looked so damn cute, paired with your singing it just made his chest squeeze at the sight.
"You have a beautiful voice" He said softly before giving you a sly smile, seeing you turn back to him and blush at being caught.
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When you were sitting by the fireplace reading
Mihawk had arrived in a sleepy village, going to the nearest inn for the night to rest. Typically he would have just camped outside but the flash flood pouring over the village said otherwise-
Entering he spotted you right away, seated infront of the fire with a book. Normally he wouldn't bother glancing at such a sight but in truth he couldn't turn away.
You just looked so elegant? Seated so perfectly infront of that grand fireplace in comforble warm clothes, a cup of tea next to you and eyes focused only on the written word.
"Sir would you like a room?" The old women snapping him from his thoughts as he quickly nodded and paid for the room. Deciding it was best to just approach.
"What are you reading?" He asked, watching your eyes travel up to meet his and giving him a gentle smile as you tell him about the book series you were reading and offering him to read the first edition since you'd already completed it.
He accepts and sits at the chair across from you- A comforble relaxes feeling washing through him at this and he couldn't help but let his eyes fall in you.
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rubysunnday · 1 year
love language
summary: the few ways in which Kaz shows his love for Y/N
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Opening night of the new Crow Club meant Y/N hadn't stopped all day. She'd been running around serving drinks and keeping an eye on the Makker's table all whilst making sure Jesper didn't gamble away everything Kaz had given him as a thank you for the Pekka Rollins job.
She hadn't stopped and now, four hours in to the night, she was tired. Her face hurt from smiling and she was almost certain that there were a few blisters on her feet.
As she set the drinks tray full of empty glasses down onto rhe bar, one of the newer members of the Dreg's appeared at her side, silently waiting for her to notice him.
"Yes?" Y/N asked tiredly. She couldn't remember his name.
"The boss wants you?"
"Who? Kaz."
"Yeah. He's in the corner."
Y/N followed the boy's vague waft of a hand and spotted Kaz sitting in a dark, seclude corner, his cane in his hands. She sighed but stepped away from the bar, weaving through the mass of people until she was in front of his table.
"Nice to see you too," Kaz replied. "How's it going?"
Y/N's eyes narrowed, slightly suspicious. "Fine."
Kaz waved a hand and suddenly one of the barmaids appeared and set a drink down on the table in front of Y/N.
"For you," Kaz said. "As a thank you."
Y/N picked up the glass, ice jingling inside it. "So, Jesper gets money -"
"This is a thank you for what you've done tonight," Kaz replied. "The other thank you is currently clearing at the bank."
Y/N took a cautious sip. It was her favourite drink. Granted, it was the only thing she tended to order, but she was amazed that Kaz had actually remembered what it was.
"It's not poisoned."
"Even if it was, I'd still drink it, i'm desperate," Y/N replied, taking another, bigger sip.
Kaz nodded. "Don't overwork yourself. There are others who can do it for you."
Y/N smiled slightly. "I know."
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Wylan had blown out all the candles in his lab and put his experiments to bed. Their sleeping situation wasn't ideal - at least Wylan's floor was clean and he'd had extra pillows.
Kaz had yet to go to sleep. He doubted that he would at all that night. His leg ached and his mind was racing with plan after plan.
Everyone else had, eventually, fallen asleep. Jesper had been first and was now snoring away, his face buried under the duvet. Nina hadn't been long after him, curled up in a ball, a heavy blanket on top of her, hiding most of her face. Wylan had quietly fallen asleep after Nina, propped up on a pillow, a piece of paper and a pen on his lap.
Inej had been trying not to fall asleep but had failed, her head slumped to the side, her hand on one of her knives.
Which left Y/N. Y/N had been sat up against a wall, numerous pillows underneath her, acting as a mattress. And, as Kaz looked over, she had slid down the wall and was now fast asleep, her chin resting on top of her chest.
Kaz grunted as he stood up. He limped down a step and picked up a folded blanket from the pile Wylan had produced. With a gentle shake, he unfolded it and walked over to Y/N's sleeping body. As carefully as he could, he laid it over the top of her, gently tucking the edges in around her.
Y/N shifted slightly but didn't wake. Kaz stepped back and watched her for a moment before walking back to the steps and sitting back down.
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They'd all ran into the chapel without a second thought, slamming the door shut behind them in a weak attempt to keep the volcra at bay.
Y/N fell back against the door, putting her entire weight against it as thevolcra tried to break in. Tolya and Tamar came either side of her, squishing her between them, as they also put their weight against the door.
"Jesper, hon," Y/N said. "Wanna do your magic trick?"
"Oh, yeah, right," Jesper said, handing his revolvers to Wylan. He shooed at the three of them. "Move."
"Please," Y/N muttered, pushing herself off the wall and away from the door.
She walked forward, coming to a stop beside Kaz, her arm brushing the sleeve of his jacket. Wylan, who was stood in front of her, abruptly took a step back into Y/N. Y/N grabbed his arm and was about to ask what was wrong when she saw it.
Slowly forming in front of the stained glass window of Sankt Alina was one of Kirigan's nichevo'ya.
"Um, guys," Y/N called. "There's a shadow thing in here."
Then chaos unfolded. The nichevo'ya launched at them and they all scattered, falling into the pews and onto the floor to try and avoided the reach of the shadows. Wylan threw a small bomb at the advancing shadow and it dispersed into nothing, a few bright blue sparks the only sign it'd ever been there.
Y/N pulled herself up using a pew and exhaled a sigh of relief. She looked up and saw Jesper's face drop from a smile to absolute horror. Y/N turned around and saw another nichevo'ya looming behind her. It's tendrils shot out at Y/N.
Someone tackled Y/N to the side, into Nikolai, sending them both to the floor. The nichevo'ya's tendrils slammed into the pillar beside them before Nadia and Adrik dispersed it with a blast of air.
Y/N rolled over, almost lying on top of Nikolai, and saw Kaz sprawled on the ground beside her. He stood his cane up and pushed himself to his feet, quickly moving out the way as Tolya ran over to check on Nikolai.
"Where does it keep coming from?" Y/N asked. Tolya extended a hand and pulled her to her feet. Y/N groaned, wobbling slightly. Nikolai put a hand on her shoulder as he also stood. She nodded, reaching up and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
As the others began talking tactics and plans, Y/N looked over at Kaz, who was stood apart from everyone else.
"Thank you," she mouthed, putting a hand over her heart for a moment.
Kaz gave her a single nod.
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"I've got a delivery here for a Y/N Orlova?"
Y/N poked her head out from under a table and then glanced over at Nina. "What've you been using my name for now?"
Nina held her hands up. "Not me."
Y/N stood up, dusting her hands down on her trousers. "What is it?" She asked the delivery man.
He shrugged. "Don't know, I just delivery it, my dude."
"Helpful," Y/N muttered, taking the parcel from the man.
She set it down on a table as Nina moved over to join her.
"It could be a bomb," she said.
Y/N gave her an unconvinced look. "It's from Johannes' Bakery. Besides, I doubt a bomb maker would go to the trouble of," she unfolded the flaps of the box, "wrapping a box in purple ribbon and writing my name on an envelope."
Nina reached in and took the envelope, pulling the flap open and then taking the card out. "Happy birthday Y/N." Nina paused and looked at her friend. "It's your birthday?"
Y/N nodded. "Ahuh."
"You didn't say anything."
"Never do."
"But we could've -"
"Nina, stop complaining and help me."
Nina put the card down and grabbed the bottom of the box, pulling it down and away from the cake box within. Y/N carefully set the cake box down on the table.
"Who's sent you a cake?" Nina asked, sliding into a chair.
Y/N undid the ribbon, pulling the bow out. "I couldn't tell you. I don't tend to advertise my birthday anymore."
Nina leant forward. "Hurry up and open it then."
With the ribbon undone, the cake box lid came off easily. Inside was a heart shaped cake covered in purple icing with pink and white sugar flowers around the edge. Happy Birthday Y/N was written on the top in white icing.
"Oh, my saints," Nina said. "It's beautiful."
Y/N carefully slid the cake out of the box and onto the table. "What did the note say?"
"Uh... happy birthday, thank you for everything, Mr R," Nina read out. She frowned. "Who's Mr R?"
"Why do you expect me to know?" Y/N muttered. "I've not a clue."
The front door to the Crow Club opened and Jesper and Wylan walked in, hand in hand.
"Who's cake is that?" Wylan asked, dropping Jesper's hand and heading over to the table.
"Y/N's," Nina replied.
Wylan looked at her. "It's your birthday?"
"Yup." Y/N nodded. "I don't tell people."
Jesper joined them and pressed a kiss to Y/N's cheek. "Happy birthday, love. The cake isn't from me."
"I suspected as much," Y/N muttered. "It's too nice."
Jesper laughed sarcastically. "Thanks."
From the doorway leading up to Kaz's office, a shadow slinked away and up the stairs. They pushed open the office door and hovered behind Kaz as he scribbled away.
"Well?" He prompted.
Inej walked forward and perched herself on the edge of his desk. "She loves it." She paused. "I think that's the sweetest -"
"That's all, Inej." Kaz picked up an envelope and handed it to her. "Take that to Johannes' Bakery. It's payment for Y/N's cake."
Inej nodded. She stood up and paused. "I still can't believe you bought -"
"Pay the bakery man, Inej, stop commenting on my private matters," Kaz drawled.
Inej rolled her eyes. "Fine."
She stepped out onto the landing and climbed down the stairs, not bothering to be silet.
"Inej!" Y/N yelled, hearing her friend come down the stairs. "You must try this cake, it is divine!"
Inej smiled to herself and tucked the envelope into her pocket. "You've got a cake?" She said, walking into the main floor and acting surprised. "Who sent you a cake?"
"Not a clue," Y/N replied. "But whoever it was, I love them." She took another bite and hummed happily. "Best cake ever."
Upstairs, Kaz leant over the balcony, evesdropping on his crows below. He smiled to himself and stepped back, retreating back to his office.
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whxtedreams · 4 months
Cookies as Payment
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Inspired by:
i'd be lying if i said  you make me speechless the truth is you make my tongue so weak it forgets  what language to speak in  - by rupi kaur (milk and honey - page 61)
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: neighbour!joel x reader
Tags: no outbreak, fluff, baking, kissing, first kiss (with Joel), just wanna rip my heart out kind of fluff.
part two: eyes on me darlin’
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little thank you to @janaispunk for tagging me in the pinterest moodboard game and therefore making me sit on pinterest for an hour looking at cookies to bake and then write this. Thinking of making this a small series. Just small scenes losely based around rupi kaur poety as I read through their books.
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You didn’t expect it. Truth be told, you’re positive he didn’t plan it either. There’s so much you didn’t expect to happen between you and your neighbour, and knowing how soft his lips are was definitely not on your bingo card.   
The house smells divine, a tantalising blend of vanilla and chocolate filling the air, the sweet scent mixing with the smooth jazz playing from the record player. The atmosphere is cosy and welcoming, blending all the perfect ingredients for an afternoon with Joel as he works outside on another one of your projects.
He walks through the kitchen door, his nose leading him to you while you pull the slightly browned cookies from the oven. Your back is to him as you place the tray on the counter to continue cooking as they cool.
“They smell amazing.” Joel hums as he reaches over you for one. 
“They’re not ready yet, they’re still cooking as they cool.” You swat his hand away with the oven mitt, scolding him for almost touching them.
“But they smell too good.” 
You softly shove him as his hand reaches for the cookies again. You turn to face him then, arms crossed over your chest as you lean against the counter. His wired headphones dangle over his shoulders, blending into his plain white tee, his jacket discarded in the early afternoon from the Texas heat.
“I could smell ‘em from all the way outside, got me droolin’ out there.” He huffs a soft laugh as he brings his hands up in false defence, moving back from the cookies. “I’ve been tellin’ ya to start sellin’ them, make a fortune.” He points at you then before pushing himself to sit on the unused side of the counter. 
You open your mouth to say something but shrug instead, your hands focusing on the small fabric strands at your sleeves. He’s mentioned this a few times, every time he tries something you cook he ends up showering you with compliments. It’s sweet, how much he likes your baking and cooking and you have considered selling what you make but the idea terrifies you. Having someone pay for what you make, you’d rather just gift them to friends and family.
The first time you cooked for him, he almost begged you to help him cook for Sarah’s birthday the following week. You didn’t believe him when he told you he was a terrible cook. He ended up cooking for you that night to prove you wrong and after he made you spaghetti, you thought it would be better if he just stuck to prepping while you did the rest of the work for Sarah’s birthday dinner. You didn’t think someone could mess up spaghetti that badly, you were proven very wrong.
It’s been a few months since you moved in next door to Joel and it took him no longer than a week to start offering help in renovating. Took two weeks before he started coming over without the excuse of helping out and just wanting to hang out. 
It’s been nice, the constant company that doesn’t feel like you’re suffocating your own social battery. It’s the easy, effortless conversations that instead fill your social battery instead of draining it like others tend to do. There have been nights where nothing is said for hours, each just bathing in each other's company as you each do your own little hobbies, not demanding attention. 
There’s been times where you’re so stuck in your book you forget Joel is sitting across the room, tools in his hands as he carves away at another design. It’s not until he walks over to show you that you get the fright of your life, forgetting that you’re not alone.  
You fall into another easy conversation as Joel impatiently waits for the cookies to be ready. He updates you on the bench he’s building for your patio, and you get lost in how passionate he becomes when he talks about his job. His hands start moving the more he talks, the corner of his mouth twitching as he explains how he overcame something when it wasn’t quite working the way he wanted it to. 
You could listen to him for hours. You have listened to him for hours. 
You offered to pay him of course, but he said a batch of cookies was more than enough payment.
You make him coffee as he talks, already knowing how he likes it due to the amount of times he’s ended up over at your house in the mornings while his daughter Sarah had a house full of teenage girls over. He’d stumble over half awake and plant his face on the counter as he waits for the coffee to brew, his hair a mess and clothes crumbled. Hard to sleep when they stay up all night fuckin’ laughin and playing games. As much as he complains about it, you know he loves that his daughter ended up with a nice group of friends, even if they keep him up all night. 
You pour his coffee and he takes it as he mentions he’s almost finished outside. He’s rambling now and you’re half listening as you place a few cookies on a plate. His eyes light up and he shuts up as you turn back around with the cookies. This time you don’t swat his hand away as he takes one. 
His eyes close as he takes a bite and you smile, knowing that you made him happy. “So fuckin good.” he mumbles with a mouth full. 
You’re standing in front of him when he opens his eyes, and you can’t seem to read his face as you smile up at him. His eyes seep into you and it lingers on your skin as his eyes flicker down to your lips. The room goes quiet besides the music in the background. 
And then he puts his coffee down along with the cookie, his hands reaching for the sleeves of your dress. Your heart is in your throat by the time he pulls you between his thighs, one hand on your wrist while the other rests at the back of your neck. 
Your smile is gone, eyes wide as his own burn into yours. Then his hand on your neck ever so slowly pulls you in, giving you time to move away. You don’t. 
The first press of his lips on yours steals the air from your lungs and leaves you completely breathless, completely entranced by the sensation of his touch. Your muscles loosen, your mind clears, and any sense of tension in your body disappears. You feel like putty in his hands, every ounce of your trust and affection poured into this single moment. He could do anything he wishes, and you would simply allow it. 
His lips are soft and comforting, the stubble a welcomed contrast as they move over yours again and again. There's a sweet and sensual feeling in the air, the connection between you both being amplified with every kiss.     
His hand trails up the back of your neck and into your hair, his fingers lacing themselves through the strands and pulling a deep sigh from you. The tender, intimate touch is causing you to melt, your body and mind slowly responding to his touch. The feel of his hand in your hair is both soothing and stimulating, drawing out a shiver from you.
He pulls away all too soon, leaving you wanting more. He holds you close, his warm breath fanning over your face as he looks into your eyes. You can see the smile slowly settling on his face as he sees your gaze, the longer he looks down at you the more his smile seems to grow. 
“I think you taste better.” He confesses in a whisper, his hand leaves your wrist and settles at the small of your back. 
You try to speak, but the words keep failing to escape your lips. You want to say so much, but there are so many thoughts and feelings racing through your mind that you can't translate them into words. It makes your tongue tired as it struggles to say how you feel, as if your feelings have completely filled your brain and left it with nothing left to speak.
At your lack of response, Joel's smile widens and his lips move down to kiss you once again, this time with even more tenderness and affection. The touch of his lips on yours is soft and gentle, sending an intoxicating sense of joy and comfort that sweeps through you. As his lips move over yours, brushing over them in a sweet and sensual way, you can feel yourself falling further into his arms.
And you think that maybe, you like the taste of your cookies better on his lips as he kisses you. The lingering flavours of vanilla and chocolate seem to blend perfectly with his mouth, as if designed to perfectly complement each other.
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Skincare Rituals
Gojo x reader Genre: floof Words: 505 Synopsis: Doing skincare with Gojo Masterlist
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The soft glow of evening light filled the room as you and Satoru Gojo prepared for your nightly skincare routine. The two of you had developed a routine of winding down together. There was something so peaceful in the simple act of taking care of your skin. Tonight, however, you decided to make it a special occasion.
Gojo standing inside the restroom, waiting for you to join him. As you entered the room with a tray of skincare products, his eyes lit up with a glint.
"Ah, my favorite part of the day," Gojo grinned, his white hair falling softly over his eyes.
You chuckled, walking next to him. "Well, tonight's going to be even better. I got some new products we can try together."
Gojo raised an eyebrow curiously. "New products? You spoil me, babe."
The two of you began unpacking the tray, revealing an array of serums, masks, and creams. Gojo watched with curiosity as you explained each product and its benefits.
"Okay, first up is the cleansing oil," you said, pouring a small amount into your palm. "It'll help remove any impurities and makeup."
Gojo followed your lead, applying the oil to his face. The sensation was new to him, but he trusted you implicitly. As you both massaged the cleansing oil into your skin, you laughed at his adorable antics.
Next came the gentle cleanser, its sweet scent filling the room. Gojo watched as you worked the cleanser into a lather, and soon enough, both of you had faces covered in fluffy foam. The sight was enough to make you burst into laughter, and Gojo couldn't help but join in.
After rinsing off the cleanser, you moved on to a hydrating mask. The two of you sat side by side, the masks turning your faces into amusing expressions. Gojo grinned, his eyes sparkling.
"I never thought I'd see the day when the mighty sorcerer Gojo Satoru indulges in these printed skincare masks," he teased.
You pinched his cheek, "Well, you have to maintain that flawless skin of yours, don't you?"
After the mask worked its magic, you continued with the skincare routine, applying toner, serum, and moisturizer. Gojo watched you in awe, clearly appreciating the care you put into each step.
Finally, you handed him a jade roller. "This is the finishing touch, love. It helps with circulation and reduces puffiness."
Gojo rolled the jade over his face, relishing the cool sensation. You did the same, and for a moment, the room was filled with serene silence as you both enjoyed the simple pleasure of the skincare ritual.
As the night continued, you and Gojo snuggled up on the couch, content in the soft glow of the room and the lingering scent of the skincare products. Your skin felt refreshed, and the bond between you two grew stronger with each shared moment.
"Who knew skincare could be so enjoyable?" Gojo mused, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
You smiled, "Anything can be enjoyable if we do it together, love."
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vax-merstappen · 4 months
Just home fluff with Max Verstappen, like a cozy Sunday
sundays are for racing (mv1)
ooh i love home fluff!! hope you enjoy this, anon!
summary: it is winter break so max is home this sunday, you decide to show him that it's okay to relax and take some time off.
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It was the first weekend after the Formula 1 season had ended. You woke up in the bed you usually slept in alone to see that for the first time in a while, your boyfriend was sound asleep on the other side of the bed. It was comforting to know he was home and that everything in your life was together again.
You sat up and looked to the foot of the bed, seeing that Jimmy and Sassy were curled up between you and Max's legs. Your heart filled with joy, knowing your whole little family was back together. You closed your eyes for a few more minutes, content with your current situation. But then you had the wonderful idea to make breakfast in bed for your boyfriend. He had just finished an intense season of racing where he had won his third world championship. You wanted to do something special for him.
You stretched and climbed out of bed, making your way to the kitchen. The cats followed you and you made sure to put some food in their bowls before getting to work on breakfast for your boyfriend. After investigating the fridge, you decided on some toast and eggs, simple but tasty.
It took you a few minutes to make it, but you then assembled all of the ingredients on a tray along with a glass of milk. Pleased with the results, you went into your bedroom to find that your boyfriend was no longer in bed. Instead, Max was standing up and fully dressed in exercise gear.
"Max..." you said with a sigh. "Why are you going jogging?"
"Because I need to stay in shape," he replied, matter of factly.
"But the season just ended? Surely you can have a lazy day?"
He looked at the plate of food in your hand. "Was that for me?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd make you breakfast in bed so you could relax after the season. A breakfast of champions."
His gaze softened and he smiled at you. "Well I guess I can enjoy that before I jog."
He sat down on the bed and you sat beside him, wanting to be close to your boyfriend after being apart for so long. You were willing to spend any moment with him that you could get, even if it was just watching him eat breakfast.
"Thank you, darling. I wasn't expecting you to make me breakfast."
"Just wanted to do something nice for my handsome, incredible boyfriend. But he almost ruined it by going for a jog on what should be a lazy day," you teased.
"Who said today was supposed to be lazy?"
"I did. I always spend Sundays being lazy, you know, staying cozy in the house before I go back to work on Monday. I always relax on the couch and watch movies or your races."
He seemed thoughtful. "Well Sunday is usually the least lazy day for me. Sundays are for racing."
"Not when you're on break."
Max looked you in the eye. "Well I guess one lazy Sunday won't hurt anyone. You mentioned relaxing and watching movies?"
"I sure did."
"That doesn't sound so bad anymore."
You smiled and hugged Max as he finished the last bite of his food. "Let me show you how it's done. But first you've got to change into comfy clothes and not fitness clothes."
You grabbed his plate and set it in the sink. You could wash it later on a less lazy day. For now, you needed to complete your movie setup. You closed the curtains over the windows that the sun was shining through and you turned on your faerie lights that were strung around your living room. You grabbed the bowl of snacks you kept in the kitchen for such lazy days and set it on your coffee table. Finally, you got out your favorite comfy blankets and set them on the couch. By the time Max had returned wearing sweatpants, everything was set up.
"Wow, you have quite the movie theater", Max commented.
"I set it up since summer break," you explained. "The cozy room makes lazy days just so much better."
"I agree," Max said, joining you where you were seated on the couch. "So what movie are we watching?"
"Maybe Gran Turismo? I heard that was good?"
Max smiled at you jokingly. "I thought Sunday's weren't about racing when I'm on break?"
You rolled your eyes. "This isn't what I meant. But we can watch something else instead? Maybe Top Gun? I love that movie and it's similar to racing?"
Max nodded. "Sounds good to me."
You queued up the movie and leaned back on the couch. Max shifted closer next to you and wrapped his arm around you. You leaned your head on his shoulder and watched as the introduction to the movie began to play. With his other arm, Max grabbed your hand. You stayed together like that, simply enjoying the comfort of each other as the movie played.
Later that day, you and Max were now laying horizontally on the couch. Your bodies were so tangled together that getting up would be a struggle later. You were three movies into your movie marathon and you had not stood up from the couch once.
"You were right," Max mumbled into your ear.
"What do you mean?"
"Lazy days are great. Maybe I should spend less days worried about constantly training and more days curled up here with you."
"I would love that, Max."
"Just like I love you."
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Imagine Shanks spoiling you while you're on your period
I'm on mine, and my cramps are the most annoying thing in the world.
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Shanks: has anyone seen (y/n) yet?
The crew: *look around and shake their heads*
Benn: it's almost noon, they should be out of bed they have chores to do.
Shanks: hmm, I'll go check their bunk.
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In your "private" room
Shanks: *knocks before he enters* (y/n)? Are you there?
You: *grumbles at him from the best of blankets and pillows on your bed*
Shanks: are you going to get out of bed anytime soon?
You: absolutely not.
Shanks: are you feeling okay?
You: my uterus is trying to kill me.
Shanks: ... Oh, it's that time, huh? Are you menstruating?
You: *glares at him*
Shanks: okay, okay, you can have a few days off... Is there anything I can get you?
You: a hot water bottle, chocolate, and potato chips... Oh, and a soda with ice!
Shanks: *chuckles* alright I'll be right back.
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Out on deck
Benn: you find them?
Shanks: yeah, they're gonna be out of commission for a few days. They've requested a hot water bottle, chocolate, chips, and a soda.
Yassop: ... Wait a minute, are you really gonna let them skip work because they're on their period.
Shanks: well yeah
Yassop: if my wife worked on hers so can (y/n).
Shanks: why don't you go try to tell them that?
Yassop: fine I will.
Shanks: in the meantime, Hongo can you prep the hot water bottle?
Hongo: on it
Lucky Roux: I'll make the potato chips and some other snacks for them
Shanks: then I'll get them some chocolate and the soda.
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A few minutes later
Shanks: *steps over Yassop's unconscious body to knock on your door* I have the stuff you asked for.
You: *opens the door for him*
Shanks: *puts the tray of goodies down and tucks you into bed* now about your chores
You: Yassop volunteered
Shanks: *eyes his friend and notices he has a black eye* very well, I have my own chores to attend to, but don't hesitate to call for anyone if you need something. I'll take Yassop with me when I go. Also, if you like once I'm done I can come back and we can cuddle.
You: *tears start to well up in your eyes* I'd like that
Shanks: shh shh shh, *presses a square of chocolate to your mouth for you to eat* I'll hurry up, so I can be done sooner. Okay?
You: *nods, sniffling as you munch on the chocolate*
Shanks: * leaves and drags Yassop behind him by his ankle*
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Yassop: *holding a bag of frozen peas over his eye* you're gonna spoil them.
Shanks: and I'd do the same for you if you had blood and parts of one of your internal organs coming out of a major orifice. Now hush up and finish your chores, you still have (y/n)'s to do.
Yassop: what, why me!
Shanks: they said you volunteered, I'm guessing for having the gall to suggest they get up and work when they don't feel well. Hongo even said that menstrual pain is worse than having a heart attack. Shaky once described it as worse than being stabbed.
Yassop: oh shit really? I should apologize to my wife then.
Shanks: we both know you're not gonna write her, get back to work.
Yassop: where are you going?
Shanks: I have a cuddle appointment with (y/n), but I gotta go get more snacks and a few books first.
Benn: *makes a whipping noise with this mouth*
Shanks: ha, jokes on you, I get to spend my evening snuggled up with our cute little friend, and being at their disposal is totally worth it.
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cottonlemonade · 21 days
heyy! SO glad to see you're having another event!! The last piece with kags was so cute!!
For this event- i'd really like to order a large americano for here with iwaizumi!
So excited to see what you come up with!
Working From Home
word count: 656 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip husband!Iwaizumi x chubby!Reader
genre: fluffy smut
warnings: spoilers, mdni, nsfw (ironically)
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Iwaizumi sighed and stretched his neck. While he enjoyed a little time away from the very energetic roster of the Japanese national team, he was proven time and time again that he was not cut out for office work. The only upside to those days working from home, when he felt chained to the computer, was when your home office days overlapped and he could enjoy the comfort of knowing you shared the same space. Since you worked remotely often, he had made sure to look for an apartment with an extra room with plenty of natural light that could be turned into an actual office. He made a little game out of knocking at your door and announcing himself like a secretary would, whenever he brought you something to eat.
Today however, it seemed like you had finished early and he could hear the quiet bustling of chores as he focused on drawing up a plan for a new training regimen he wanted to try out next week. He sat on the couch, laptop on a tray over his knees, reading over the timeline when a small plate came into view.
“Here, hon. To tie you over until dinner time.”
Iwaizumi looked up at the plate in your hands but was met with the sight of a completely different kind of snack.
A washed out tank top clung to your chubby body - something you often wore while you two did housework. It was an old, ratty thing that was a bit too tight here, too wide there, and had a frayed hem from having washed it too many times. But as if he cared when all of that was paired with his wife clearly not wearing a bra.
“Is it my birthday?”, he asked, very obviously staring at your breasts.
You looked down on yourself, a little puzzled at first, then grinned.
“This is your fantasy?”, you laughed.
“It for sure is the start of one.”
You put the plate on the coffee table and straightened again, highly amused that your husband was not even attempting to hide his stares.
“I thought I’d get a jump on things and do some laundry.”
Iwaizumi didn’t miss a beat. “Can I be laundry?”
You giggled when he put the laptop next to the plate of apple slice you had cut for him and pulled you into his lap - you allowed yourself a bit of shifting so you could comfortably straddle him, your arms around his neck, fingers playing with his hair.
Not wasting any time with pretense he brought both hands up to gently grab your breasts, squeezing them when you leaned in for a kiss. You felt like you were back in high school and ignoring homework to fool around.
You chuckled against his lips at his now rhythmic squeezing. “What are you doing?”
“Just relaxing my hands, darling.”, he met your eyes with a smirk, “You know how important it is to loosen your hands every once in a while when working at the computer for too long.”
You nodded along, putting on a serious expression. “Is that so?”
“Hm hm. Trust me, I’m a professional.” He began kissing your neck, giving your now hardened nipples a few brushes with his fingertips.
You let out a moan when his lips went over your shoulder down to your breasts, exposed from him pulling a little at the neckline of your top.
“I remember you said something about regular exercise while in home office as well.”
“You’re such a good listener, babe.”
He lifted you off his lap to lay down the couch, swiftly pulling your shirt over your head, flinging it somewhere behind him and taking your nipple into his mouth.
Large, calloused hands gripped your fleshy hips and he groaned when your plush thigh rubbed against the hard outline in his sweats.
“What about work?”, you teased
“They can live without me for an hour.”
a/n: thank you for your sweet words! Please enjoy ^^ 🌟
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ohbabydollie · 3 months
dollie i know you said no more schlatt but you're my fav schlatt writer and the only person i'd trust with this idea🫣
cheesy christmas cards/photoshoots with schlatt and the cats, with the tacky costumes and everything, the cliche poses, just funny cringe stuff. it becomes sort of an inside joke, and a yearly tradition, and it continues even after you guys have kids, putting them in the silly matching costumes
that is all, living for your ted era, because i'm obsessed with him too
-all my love, 🌠
*sigh* even when i came close to quitting he still haunts me /j
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schlatt has everything planned out, from the theme of the christmas card to the outfits. schlatt hires a professional photographer to take the photos of you and the cats.
he spends a good two hours getting the tiny custom made sweaters onto jambo and [redacted] and trying to get them to keep it on for the photo. tiny cat santa hats, he goes all the way for these photos.
he even makes you do your hair in a 80’s poofy, curly, over sprayed style with the ugliest sweater you have ever laid your eyes on to match. schlatt is dressed to match you and is stoked to take the photos.
he wears his glasses and sits in a chair so you can put your hands on his shoulder and lean on him in that christmas card pose. he holds the cats as they start to try and take off their sweaters and he makes sure to pick out the worst possible photo out of all of them.
one where you’re not looking at the camera as [redacted] starts to hiss, jambo is getting ready to jump off his lap and schlatt is giving the biggest, psychotic smile known to man to the camera as the chaos starts around him.
he loves that picture and reposts it every single Christmas alongside the other pictures that show the chaos unfolding.
with kids it only gets better (or worse depending on how you see it), he picks the theme based on the classics from how the grinch stole christmas to a christmas story. they’re often the worst and best photos people have ever seen.
from your baby’s first christmas, schlatt dressed as the grinch, you as martha may and your poor little cindy lou who sobbing her eyes out as her dad holds her on her lap
all the way to their teenage years, your oldest dressed in ralph’s bunny onesie, youngest in a thick red coat with a scarf barely letting them peak through to look at the camera, you holding a turkey about to fall out of the tray and you husband holding that damn leg lamp.
he loves looking back on the photos from your first christmas together to the most recent, he puts them up as soon as thanksgiving is over and doesn’t take them down until after new years. he absolutely loves the stupid photos no matter how cringey they may look, he always finds a way to make them worse every year and sends them out to his friends just in time for the beginning of the christmas season
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chellestrash · 11 months
Birthday Girl
Mikey Berzatto x Female Reader 
Summary: You show up at The Beef on your birthday, a bit earlier than Mikey was expecting you. But that's alright, you'll still get your birthday gift, dont you worry.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex, unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, teasing, praises, pet names
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: Hi hellooo! So, this is a late birthday gift for my sweet @chelseasdagger because I know how hard she fell for Mikey, especially with how he looks in season 2? The beard?! I mean we all love it right? Thank you @suitsofwo3 for proofreading this mess and I hope those of you who choose to read it will enjoy it. This is my first time writing for Mikey so I hope I did him justice but if I didn't...dont tell me, thank you. 
@chelseasdagger Pea I hope you’ll like this, this is all written with you in mind, and I know we talked about a lot of different ideas for birthday fics over the year and this is I guess a bit different but I hope its still okay. I love you, happy birthday!
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You straighten up the dress one last time and clear your throat, mentally preparing yourself for the chaos that's about to ensue the moment you step through the door of the Berzatto restaurant. You loved The Beef, of course you did. You enjoyed most of the time you chose to spend helping around the sandwich shop, but you also knew how overwhelming it could get.
Pushing the designated staff door on the back of the building, you step inside.
You jump at the sound and smile at Richie, waving your hand as he sets down the tray of dirty dishes and makes his way over to you the moment he notices your presence.
“Well, well, well, look who it is.” He starts, his arms spread open and a big, welcoming smile on his face as he looks you up and down quickly, nodding his head in approval. You can't help but smile, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.”
“Thanks Richie! I look okay?” You ask, after he hugs you tightly, quickly getting rid of the jacket to fully present your outfit.
“Well, I'd say, fucking great actually, not okay. Okay is not…” He steps back, gesturing over your body, and you shake your head slightly amused, waiting for him to finish the thought.
“Okay is not…doesn’t do it justice, actually.”
You let out a chuckle, rolling your eyes at the compliment.
“What doesn’t do what justice?" Marcus pops his head in from around the corner, and you watch how his face lights up the second his eyes are on yours.
“Oh shit, look who it is!”
“I said that already.” Ritchie points out, and both you and Marcus breathe out a soft laugh.
“Good to see you.”
You step further into the restaurant, meeting him halfway, before he pulls you into a big hug. Brushing his hand over your back, he holds you there for a little longer before finally letting go.
“Happy birthday, that was a special birthday hug.” He announces, and you nod with an impressed expression.
Marcus agrees, doing his best to look completely serious before you ask.
“What makes it special?"
Your eyebrows pull together as you watch him attempt to come up with some serious explanation before he shakes his head.
“Can't tell you.”
“And why is that?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.”
You blink, not knowing what answer you were expecting, but it obviously wasn’t anything along those lines. He winks, a big smile on his face as you both step into the kitchen now and you’re left with no other choice than to just accept the explanation.
You walk past the stoves, careful not to disturb the somehow chaotic but still functional ecosystem the Berzatto brothers managed to create within the restaurant.
“Behind.” You rest your hand on Tina's shoulder, and she turns around quickly, her whole face lighting up, her arms almost immediately wrapping around you as she pulls you into a hug.
“Ayyy my Love, happy birthday!” She cups your face, kissing your cheek before letting go.
“Thank you, Tina, thank you.” You hug her back, and she nods, the smile never leaving her face.
“How are you, how's the birthday girl, huh?” She asks, glancing over your outfit, clearly impressed.
No one here has ever really seen you dressing up like this. Today was…a bit of a special occasion.
"Weird. Tina, Richie, gave me a compliment. Richie! You believe that?"
You hear the man's voice from the other side of the kitchen, and both you and Tina turn in the direction of the sound.
“I'm being nice!”
“I know!” You shout back, ducking under Ebra's arm when he walks past you. Smiling from eye to eye once he notices you, the man stops for a moment.
He nods, showing you he means the dress and the way you look in it.
You nod with a smile, thanking him for the compliment, before he quickly wishes you a happy birthday as well.
Walking around the restaurant, you quickly greet everyone working today. Passing by Sugar and Syd you stop to talk to them for a little bit and they both give you their best wishes and compliments on your outfit as well. Stepping away after a moment, you look around the place with an intention of eventually finding your boyfriend out there but bumping into the rest of the crew you’re unable to complete your mission.
Fak, in a typical Fak fashion, stands in front of you with his mouth wide open the second he sees you, clearly impressed by your chosen look for this special evening.
“Oh my god, you look so pretty!”
You feel your cheeks heating up, not even trying to hide the way the compliments got to you any longer.
“You think so?”
Twirling slightly, you show off the way the dress moves with your body, the silky, soft fabric contrasting with the harsh, industrial interior of the restaurant kitchen. You feel out of place but at the same time, somehow they all make you feel like you’ve never fit in better anywhere else.
“Yeah, you look like a freaking princess!” He continues, walking around you in a circle before turning to face the rest of the crew. “You guys seen this?”
They all nod, smiling and glancing in your direction, and you feel so thankful for all of them in that moment.
“Seen what?” You hear the familiar voice behind you and quickly turn around to face Carmy. Stepping into the restaurant, most likely after a smoke break, he sees you for the first time that day.
“Hey!” You smile.
“Heyyy, yo…you look great, holy shit!”
Pushing his hand through the mess of blond curls, he scratches the top of his head, quickly glancing up and down your body before shaking his head softly.
“Sorry, happy birthday.”
You both smile as he pulls you in for a warm hug.
“Thank you bear.” You mumble quietly, your hand rubbing up and down his back a couple of times before letting go.
“Course! You need anything?" Carmy asks after you two step away from each other.
“Oh right, yeah. Office.” He points in the direction of the small room right by the “employees area” and you nod, thankful for the help.
You turn back and wave at the few people still looking at you before crossing the hall in a couple of quick steps.
You push the door open and step inside the small, mostly dark room. It's messy, very busy and there's hardly any rhyme or reason to the way the space is ‘organized.’ It screams ‘Mikey’.
You watch the older Berzatto brother while he talks on the phone for another moment, before turning to face you at the sound of the door closing behind you. You wave, not saying anything as you do not wish to interrupt any, possibly, important business. A quiet laugh still slips past your lips, when you watch his eyes open wide at the sight of you.
You gesture over the dress, pushing your hip out to the side before posing. Mikey sinks his teeth into his lower lip, nodding his head to the quiet words on the phone as if the person could somehow see him.
“Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back, man.” He finally speaks up, and you glare at him with a confused expression.
“What? Yeah, emergency.” He lies before hanging up and quickly throwing his phone onto the desk.
The way his eyes shine when he looks at you makes you feel like your insides are doing jumping jacks. You try your best to remain looking completely unphased but the way his eyes skim over the dress, the way his expression softens and his body slumps slightly, simply just from seeing you there, makes your knees weak.
“Holly Fucking SHIT!” He looks away but quickly turns back to you, squinting his eyes with his head tilted to the side, he attempts to take in the whole picture one more time.
“You like it? Looks good?” You ask, your cheeks aching from the constant smiling, as you feel, possibly, the best you’ve felt all day.
“Good?!” Mikey almost shouts, offended that you'd even try to use such an underwhelming word to describe yourself.
“You fucking-” He starts, taking a step in your direction before you push your leg out, the dress lifting up your leg slight, and he lets out a whine and a grunt before kneeling on the floor right in front of you.
“Oh Mikey come-” You try to stop him, but he doesn't move.
“Holy fuck baby what-you're tryna kill me here i-” He asks, hands already reaching up, longing for the feel of your body against his palms.
You feel yourself getting warmer, the excitement making your heart pound harder in your chest when you glance down to see your boyfriend, Mikey Berzatto, on his knees for you.
“Can I touch you, babygirl? Hmm?” He asks, and you nod, somehow managing to keep your cool and not completely lose it over the way he acts when it comes to you.
“Oh fuck, yeah? Can I touch you here?” His rummbly voice rings out in your head when you feel his fingers brushing the sides of your hips over the fabric of the dress.
“That okay?”
You nod quickly, quicker than you'd like, quicker than a completely composed and not freaking out at the moment person would do.
He hums quietly, tracing over your body for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. Tilting his head up, he stares at you in silence for a couple seconds before speaking again.
“Don’t think I can do it.”
“Don’t think you can do what Mikey bear?” You ask, pushing your hand through the thick dark hair, and you watch him hum quietly after he leans into your touch.
“Don’t think I can wait…till after dinner.”
You pause, pulling your hand away, and fight back the smile when he looks up at you, completely serious.
“Mikey.” You start, but he continues.
“You look too fucking good baby, how the fuck do you expect me to keep it together for another.-" He glances back at the small, long broken clock on the wall of the small office before turning his face back to you. “Couple hours."
You breathe out a quiet laugh, shaking your head in disbelief, and he wraps his arms around the top of your legs, right under your ass. Pulling you closer, he rests his head against your lower stomach, following the action up with a theatrical sigh.
“It's too good.”
“I mean you told me it's a fancy dinner Mikey, you shot yourself in the foot.” You talk back, and he thinks it over for a moment, ultimately deciding that you're probably right.
“Yeah well…" He mumbles under his breath, pushing his face against your body again, he leaves a kiss right between your legs through the soft fabric of the dress.
“Fuck baby.”
You feel his hands again, feel how they slowly travel lower and lower down your body, his fingers tug at the hem on the bottom of the dress before you feel his touch on your skin. Brushing his fingers up and down your skin, Mikey keeps his head up, watching your face for ques and indications, a confirmation that this isn't something only he wanted.
You agree, encouraging him with a small nod and a quiet hum, the gentle feeling of his fingertips on your skin makes your body relax, and you take a deep breath in, closing your eyes for a moment before leaning back on the door.
The sensation of the soft silky fabric grazing over your skin as Mikey pulls it higher up your body makes your hips inch forward. Pulling the dress the few last inches up, he stops suddenly.
“Shit.” He whispers, his warm breath glides over your skin, and you glance down to check on him.
“Hey baby? Remind me please…is it your birthday or mine?”
The question caches you off guard, and you bunch up the dress, looking down at him slightly confused.
His eyes are fixed on the cute pair of panties you chose to wear, they were new, he hadn't seen them yet, it was going to be a surprise…later.
He pulls the fabric a couple inches away from your body before suddenly letting go, the waistband snaps back in place, and he looks up at you with a sly smirk.
“Lucky me, huh?” He teases, and you feel your legs pushing together, the way he was able to turn this whole thing around, to get you wet in a matter of seconds was basically like a special skill of his.
Mikey ducks his head under the fabric of your dress and after a moment you feel his warm kisses press against the skin right above the waistband of your underwear.
A gasp slips past your lips when his fingers hook over the hem, and you reach to lock the door behind you.
Both of you knowing what's about to happen.
"Mikey.” Your attempt is unsuccessful, and he chuckles, seeing your efforts after popping his head from under the dress.
“Yeah no that doesn't—it's busted baby, can't do shit about it now, you'll have to be quiet. Think you can do that?”
You nod, eagerly waiting to feel him on you.
“Yeah? That’s my girl.” He smirks, holding you a little tighter before he ducks his head under the fabric again.
You feel his lips on your skin again, the kisses travel from your lower tummy, over your panties and down to your thighs. The familiar warmth between your legs feels almost burning hot when you feel his fingers brush over the fabric in the most sensitive spot.
He has your full attention, all your senses focus on him to the point where your brain tunes out your surroundings. The small room feels darker now, somehow more secluded, the background
noise of the busy restaurant disappearing almost completely as you let your body relax into your boyfriend’s touch.
Mikey slowly gets rid of the cute pair of panties, pulling the fabric down your legs, following with a trail of small kisses before finally letting go, allowing them to fall to your ankles.
A quiet moan slips past your lips when he pushes your legs open slightly, his face so close to your core now, his warm breath feeling almost electric on your skin.
Mikey works around you for a moment, his tongue following the path his lips create with the kisses over your pussy, on your highs and right under your tummy. You feel his fingers digging deeper into your thighs and ass before he finally pulls you even closer. And with a satisfied hum, he pushes his tongue against you.
You whine quietly, and he breathes out a little laugh, continuing to work you over and over again while you pull the skirt up and off of his head, so you can bury your fingers in his hair again. Your hips buck forward, working as a cue for him to keep going. Your head falls back, and you bite your lip in order to somehow attempt to keep quiet like he instructed you. The sweet combination of licks, kisses and Mikey sucking your clit into his mouth making it almost impossibly difficult, and some part of you keeps telling you Michael Berzatto was fully aware of what he was doing.
“Mmmm-mikey-“ You start. Feeling your body slowly giving into the pleasure, despite you trying to last longer.
“Mmmhh” He hums gently against you, the rumbly sensation causing another moan to slip past your lips. Mikey knew what he was doing, he knew you, he knew your body and most importantly, he knew what you liked, he knew how to make you feel good. You’ve explained it to him before, and he proved to be a great listener.
With your clit in his mouth, his tongue flicking against it repeatedly, Mikey looks up at you, watching the expressions on your face change, your body move as you start to feel yourself getting closer.
Your breathing shallows and you can feel your heart pounding faster now that he’s gotten you to this point.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp, gripping his dark hair tighter when you feel your body twitch at the feeling.
“Yeah?” Mikey pulls away finally, his beard wet from you, shining in the dim light of the desk lamp, the only source of light in the small room at this moment. His fingers fill in for his mouth as he continues to work over your center as he talks.
“Yeah? You want it, baby?”
You nod, closing your eyes and biting down on your lip when he pushes his palm harder against you. Rocking your hips back and forth you add onto the feeling and when the heel of his palm hits your clit you whine out, louder than you would’ve liked.
“Shit, you sound so pretty baby, you know that.” He praises, not trying to tease you in any way anymore, clearly wanting this as much as you do. Your little sounds of pleasure making his jeans feel so incredibly tight, he could swear he feels himself getting lightheaded.
“You wanna feel me, baby?” He asks, slipping one finger inside you, but you both already know the answer.
Nodding energetically, you feel yourself clenched around his two fingers.
“Oh fuck, you're so perfect.” He mumbles, his voice almost breaking when he realizes if you keep this up, he most likely won't last much longer.
“Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you need.”
Unable to fight your own body, you lower yourself on his fingers, the wet sound filling the room for a second before you somehow manage to speak.
“I want to feel your-, Mikey, I need-”
The whine bounces around inside his head when he slips his two fingers out of you. He stands up quickly, his hand on the side of your face as he tilts your chin up and his lips press against yours.
Led by him, you stumble towards the desk, not wanting to break the kiss, you lick over his lips, tasting yourself on him for a second before he spins you around.
“This what you want? Hm?” He asks, already bunching up the fabric of the dress, and you buck your ass into the bulge in his jeans as a response.
“Fuck.” He grunts, gripping onto the edge of the desk to hold himself back for a second. “Fuck, that’s my girl, so fucking perfect.”
The repeated praise makes you feel lightheaded, you can barely hear him unbuckle the belt and pull the jeans down before pulling himself out of his boxers.
You look over your shoulder watching him work over his length a couple of times and reach back to do it for him. He grabs your hand, moving it back to the desk before holding both of your wrists above your head while you bend over the wooden counter in front of him.
“No, baby, today is about you. Got it?”
You nod, feeling the tip of his cock tease your entrance.
“Good girl, hold tight.”
You do, you grip the edge of the desk, digging your nails into the wood just as hard as Mikey's fingers dig into your thighs.
The table moves with the first thrust, and you feel your mouth falling open when you feel your body push forward on the wooden counter.
“Oh fuck” You whimper and feel his hand immediately on yours.
“I'm here, I'm here baby, good job.” He praises again, and you grip his hand tighter, feeling his hips begging to rock back and forth, his cock moving inside you. The pace is steady but slow for the first moment, and it doesn't take you long to adjust yourself properly to his size. He speeds up only after your little whines, when he knows it's your way of asking for more.
“That’s it baby.”
He continues to guide you, holding onto your hand, pushing inside you deeper and faster now. Your eyes begin to water and your legs push together, your body's way of telling you it's almost time. You hum, attempting to let your boyfriend know, and he reassures you.
“I know, I know, I can feel it.”
He speeds up the pace one last time, grabbing onto your hips tighter in order to help you move back and forth on his cock, just to make the feeling a bit more intense.
Your lips part and you pant loudly, hearing the pounding of your heart in your head and feeling it against the wooded desk under your chest.
Unable to fight back the sounds anymore, you whine and moan loud enough for him to hear them over his own grunts. Feeling your body tensing up, you cry out his name and when he slips his free hand between your bodies to touch you, your body tenses up one more time before relaxing completely after you come undone around him.
He makes sure you ride out the orgasm, that, or he just can't really stop himself at this point, trying to follow closely after you. With a loud grunt and a couple of swear words, he pushes deep one more time before coming inside you. The thick, warm liquid fills you up just how you like it, and you push your hips back one more time when he attempts to pull himself out.
“Woah, easy.” He laughs, his hand on your ass now as he holds you in place before taking a step back. You feel the cum leak out, dripping down your leg for a moment before he finally speaks again.
“I can't fucking look at that, or we'll have to go again.”
You laugh, still attempting to catch your breath before pushing yourself off the desk. Mikey steps closer, offering you his arm to hold onto as you try to stand up straight, while he lets the fabric of the dress fall back into place. His own clothes already pulled back up, looking somewhat presentable.
“What if…,” You start watching him grab some paper towels from a shelf. “What if I wouldn’t mind going again?” You ask and he snorts quietly, gently pulling your clothes back up before wiping most of the thick white liquid off of the sides of your thighs.
“I know you wouldn't sweetheart.” He starts, glancing up at you with the most genuine smile, the love and admiration in his eyes almost making you blush like he didn’t just fuck you over his office desk.
Placing a kiss right between your legs, he quickly stands back up.
“But-” He continues, holding your hand up to help you step out of the panties still stuck around your ankles.
“We have a reservation."
He reminds you of the actual plans for today before bending over to grab the panties off the floor and shoving them into his pocket.
“We can't be late for that, huh?”
You shake your head, knowing he’s right.
“Yeah, c'mere.” He sits down on the desk chair, pulling you into his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
You sigh loudly, and he lets you rest your head against his chest. Pressing three gentle kisses right at the top, he holds you even tighter. His thumb bushing over your skin, his breathing helping your own slow down.
“You felt good?” He asks quietly and you nod with a smile.
“You know, I always do.”
“Well…I gotta make sure you know? I mean, if there's room for improvement-“
You laugh, looking up at him and cupping his face with your hand.
“I mean I gotta know baby! It’s the law, you have to tell me.”
“Yeah, they just made it a law this morning.”
“Oh, oh well, that’s wonderful to know.”
You cuddle up into him some more, letting your eyes close for a second.
“Yo Mikey, what the fuck are you doing, we need you in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!” Mikey shouts back, covering your ears before he does so, just to try to not disturb you as much. You both laugh at his choice of words before he leans down for one last kiss.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.” He whispers, his lips brushing over you when you nod softly. Your arms now wrapped around his neck.
"I ain't done with you yet."
You smile softly at the promise.
“Thank you, Bear.”
He winks, walking over to the door.
"Rest up, baby. I love you."
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outermaybanks · 21 days
people have been very supportive and welcoming so far, i completely expected for this blog to be crickets for the first few months, and i noticed one of my new followers was a rafe girlie so i thought i'd write something for the rafe girls ♡
a/n: listen i know people say rafe wouldn’t give head, and normally i agree but i counter with: there are two wolves inside rafe cameron; one is a selfish prick, the other is desperate for approval. 
contains: nsfw 18+ mdni. drug use. oral fem receiving. grinding bc i said so. p in v penetration. ft. switch!rafe but he’s just pussywhipped and has daddy issues (nvm i took it too far switch!rafe fr) pleasure kink? yeah i think so.
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“Hey there, pretty girl,” Rafe shouted a bit, so you could hear him over the music. You turned and looked at him, dressed in khakis and a polo, you had to turn away to stop yourself from laughing in his face.
“I uh… got your favorite.”
That got your attention. You quickly whip back around, crossing your arms and raising your eyebrow. Rafe just smiled, so grateful to have your attention. He leaned down so his lips were by your ear.
“Come with me.”
You looked over your shoulder to find your girlfriends at the party, the two girls dancing on each other as a group of boys watched, then you looked back to Rafe.
“Lead the way, Cameron.”
Rafe swallowed as you reached out to put your hand on his shoulder, all he could think about was your hand sliding down his chest to his pants. Your pointed look reminded Rafe of the mission at hand and he promptly turned on his heel, leading you somewhere more quiet, which just so happened to be his bedroom.
“This is the best shit in OBX,” Rafe said, grabbing the baggie from his pocket. Only the best for his girl.
You took the opportunity to look around Rafe’s room, filled with typical teenage boy shit. You looked at him before sauntering over to sit beside him on the bed. He had a tray in his lap, ready to make some lines for you two, when you had a fun idea.
“Wanna do ‘em off me?” 
Rafe’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Off you, like-“
“Like off my tits,” you said so casually Rafe almost came in his pants.
“Y-Yeah-“ He cleared his throat. “Fuck yeah.”
You couldn’t fight the giggle that fell from your lips. Maybe this would be more fun than you thought.
Rafe bit his lip as he watched you pull your shirt over your head. He could already feel his cock straining against his khakis, and when you reached behind your back and suddenly your bare breasts were in front of him.
You laid down so perfectly, Rafe could’ve sworn he’d seen this in porn. 
“Well?” You tease, and Rafe didn’t want to waste another second. He swallowed the saliva forming in his mouth, then carefully poured the power from the baggie into a rough life going vertically across your right tit, right beside your perked nipple.
Rafe wet his bottom lip before palming your breast in his hand, holding you steady. His hands were big, and you liked the feeling of them. You watched carefully as he snorted up the powder, and he looked at you once more before licking the left over. You bit your lip at the feeling, a small moan falling from your lips.
Rafe felt like he was in a dream. He wanted to do whatever it took to hear that noise again.
“My turn,” you said softly, guiding him to move as you sat up. “Shirt off.”
Rafe nodded, excitedly pulling off his shirt. His enthusiasm egged you on, so you pushed him down to lie on his back and swung your leg over his lap to straddle him. You could feel his hardening erection through your shorts.
Rafe took a shaky breath as he fought the urge to rut up into you. He settled for placing his hands on your hips.
The boy beneath you couldn’t help but let out a soft hiss as you leaned forward to pour your line of coke down his sternum, your core pressing harder against him.
After you snorted your line, you mimicked Rafe’s actions and slowly licked a stripe up his chest. 
“Hm?” was all he could muster.
“Do you want to fuck me?”
Rafe swallowed again, before desperately nodding his head. You bit your lip as you started grinding against his erection.
“I’ll let you fuck me if you do what I say.”
Rafe nodded fervently, already surrendered to you.
“Take your pants off, but leave your boxers on.”
Once Rafe’s hands moved to the button on his pants, you climbed off to pull off your own shorts off, only you also pull off your panties. Once Rafe notices this, he becomes transfixed on the glistening between your lips.
“You know that trick you can teach a dog, where you put the treat on their nose but they can’t eat it yet?” You ask as you climb back up him, swinging your leg back over his lap. You could see the tent formed by his hard cock, but you didn’t dare touch him yet.
Rafe’s eyebrows furrowed but he nodded. You pushed him to lay flat on his back. 
“You’re the dog.”
You lowered yourself, causing his dick to lay against his stomach as you rolled your hips back and forth. Rafe’s hands once again found their way to your hips, but this time, his fingers dug into the flesh of your hips as he took a deep inhale. You allowed him to help guide your movements.
Small grunts and moans fell from Rafe’s lips with every roll of your hips. The wet spot left on his boxers by your wetness only spurred him on more.
You kept your eyes locked on his as you grind against his cock. Soft moans hummed in your throat as felt your desire swell.
“What do you want, Mr. Cameron?” You practically purred. Rafe wet his lips as his eyes flickered from yours to the damn fabric separating him from you.
“I want another line.”
You raised your eyebrow at him, curiously. He sat up before flipping the two of you, Rafe quickly kissed down your neck. As his mouth made its way down your body, you found yourself grinding against his knee, which was conveniently placed between your legs.
“Now who’s begging like a dog?” Rafe mumbled against your skin, before biting down softly on the flesh of your breast, causing you to let out a soft whine.
Rafe pressed his hand against you, pushing you to lie flat, and carefully poured a horizontal line across the bottom of your stomach. You ran a hand through his hair, gripping slightly as he snorted his line. You felt the familiar cool of his tongue against your flesh, but then he began kissing further down, lowering his body before licking a stripe up your aching core. Your grip on his hair tightened as a pleased moan fell from you.
Rafe took this as encouragement and slid his tongue up and down as his lips attached to your clit, and finally he got the delicious moans he craved from you. 
“Mmm yeah, right there, Rafe, just like that.”
Rafe buried his face deeper into your core, lifting your legs onto his shoulders. 
“You taste so fucking good, y/n,��� He said when he came up for a breath before promptly going back to the task at hand. His eyes were glued to your face, drinking up the sight of you twisted with pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy.”
Those were the magic words to him. 
He slid his tongue inside you, lapping at the juices before he began fucking you with his tongue.
“Mmm! Fuck, I’m close Rafe, I’m so fucking close.”
His fingers gripped you tighter, pulling you impossibly closer. Meanwhile, your fingers dug deeper into his hair, pushing his face down, trying to grind against his tongue.
You came with a gasp, then a moan, before his name fell from your lips repeatedly with quick breaths. God it was music to Rafe’s ears.
Your legs fell limp as you panted, your body practically vibrating as you came down. But Rafe was still chasing release, and he was running out of patience.
“You can handle another one, can’t you, baby?”
Your eyes were half lidded, already drunk off your first orgasm, but you were greedy, you wanted more. You nodded and opened your legs for him, and Rafe wasted no time kneeling in front of you before pulling you closer. 
Your head fell back in anticipation as you felt his tip slide through your lips.
“Tell me you want it.”
You looked at him through your lashes, then your eyes fell to his pretty cock, all pink and needy, already leaking with precum. You bit your lip before reaching down between your bodies to wrap your fingers around his cock. You kept your eyes on him as your hand stroked him, then you lined him up at your entrance.
“Be a good boy and fuck me, Rafe.”
In one movement he slid all the way inside of you, causing your eyes to roll back at the sweet stretch. Rafe had lost the desire to be unselfish, immediately thrusting into you. Your body was still buzzing from your first orgasm, and with each movement of his hips you could feel the tension building back up in your stomach.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby. Knew you would. Knew this was the perfect pussy for me.”
You moaned at his words, pushing your hips up so he could reach a better angle that made your eyes close as you tried to keep focus.
Rafe’s hands slid from your hips to your waist, lifting you to arch your back as he thrusted up into you, the pleasure causing your head to fall back, practically going limp in his arms as your  second orgasms rolled through you. Seeing you unraveling from his cock was what pushed Rafe over the edge, his warm cum shooting inside you, a low grunt leaving his throat as he finished.
You were too blissed out to move, but Rafe held you still while he caught his breath, then he leaned down, resting his head against yours before pressing his lips to yours, and you realized, that was the first time you had done that. You brought your hand up to his cheek, pulling him closer.
When you pulled away, Rafe swallowed as he took in the sight of what you two had done, then without a word he got up, and went into his bathroom attached to the room, returning with a washcloth to clean you with, and one of his shirts.
“What’s this?” you asked, holding up the shirt.
“To sleep. You’re staying the night,” Rafe answered nonchalantly as he pulled on a pair of sweats, making your eyebrows knit together.
“Where are you going?” 
“To kick everyone out of my fucking house.”
©outermaybanks 2024
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nochukoo97 · 11 months
i will never not think about you
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Pairing: Soccer Player!Jungkook x Reader
Summary: req: “May I request something, please? I'd like it to be a JK x reader enemies to lovers fic, when he hears you defending him when someone badmouths about him” alsoo JK PLAYS THE GUITAR HERE for reader 🥺🥺
Word Count: 1.3k+
a/n: this was a request sent to me and i turned out to really like it so i made it a fic to put on my main masterlist HAHAHA ❤️
You and Jungkook were notoriously known for despising each other, he often found ways to pick at you and annoy you, to which you retaliate back twice the amount.
Everytime he would see you, Jungkook always had something irritating to say, the type that would make you roll your eyes at his endless teasing.
But yet Jungkook seemed too perfect for you to find anything to tease him about, he was the school’s star soccer player, had top grades, and he had his values and morals straight. The only downside to this boy was that he could not leave you alone for the life of him.
As much as you “hated” him and envied his perfect conduct, there was this small feeling inside that you constantly pushed away: The sparks you felt in your chest when Jungkook was around you.
You would never let yourself even begin to think about that. It didn’t make sense to you, both you and Jungkook despised each other, so you pushed away those feelings, embarrassed that they had even come about.
The canteen is bustling with noise and chaos as students walk into the area, rushing to reserve their seats and buying their food.
Luckily for you and Chaeyong, you had been dismissed early from class and managed to get there before the huge crowd appeared.
You listen to the conversations being carried out at the table with Chaeyong and some of her other friends, of which you weren’t too familiar with, but you gave you input here and there, finding their gossip quite hilarious.
“Oh my gosh~” Mina says, “And then she literally- wait shit that’s Jungkook coming this way!” She squeals as you internally cringe at her reaction.
Another thing about Jungkook was that he was popular amongst the girls, which was what you assumed gave him his ego.
“Hi ___” Jungkook sends you a boyish grin as he slides into the empty seat next to you. You frown at him as you also hear Chaeyong’s friends squeal amongst themselves.
“What?” You grumble as you look back at your plate of food, not in the mood to put up with a fight with him.
But you don’t have time to react when Jungkook slides out of the seat, grabbing his tray, but also using his chopsticks to grab a piece of meat from your plate.
“Jeon Jungkook!” You shout as he walks away grinning from ear to ear with his tray, heading to another table where his teammates sat. You groan as Chaeyong attempts to console you.
“___ why do you even bother to interact with him? He’s such a douchebag and I’m pretty sure he’s a dick, I don’t even think he’s that good at soccer and honestly he’s only popular because of his looks, nothing else,” One of Chaeyong’s friends, Jisu, mocks.
You immediately frown at her words, upset at what she had blatantly just said. “First of all, who are you to say that? Jungkook is literally the top player of our school’s soccer team and he obviously has the skill. If he heard you say that I can guarantee he will not be happy,” You say back at her.
Jisu isn’t quite the happiest at your response either, “Well my boyfriend, Chanyeol, can easily pick a fight with him if he dares to do anything, Jungkook won’t stand a chance,” She scoffs, clearly agitated.
“I can tell you one thing, Jungkook will not lose a fight with anyone here, he’s so strong your boyfriend won’t even be able to stand if they got into a fight, don’t try to use you boyfriend to defend yourself because it’ll never work,” And with that you stand up and take your tray to another table, not wanting to be around Jisu anymore.
Little did you know Jungkook had been standing behind the pillar next to your table and listening to every word you had said.
Fast forward a week later, you find yourself stuck with being partners with guess who? Jeon Jungkook.
Your chemistry teacher must have played a sick prank on you both for pairing the two of you up for a project.
So that’s how you’re currently sitting on the floor of Jungkook’s bedroom, as he furiously types away on his laptop.
“Are you just going to sit there and stare into blank space or actually help me over here?” Jungkook looks up at you from his laptop, frowning slightly.
“You play guitar?” You ignore his question as you point to the guitar sitting on a stand in the corner of his room.
“Yeah, okay now back to the project,” Jungkook hastily replies, pushing your laptop towards you in hopes of getting you back on track.
Instead you frown as you push the laptop back, clearly uninterested in the project at the moment.
“Can you play a song for me?” You softly ask, not recognising your own voice. It was as if your underlying feelings for him had suddenly taken over your consciousness.
Jungkook slightly raises his eyebrow, surprised at your tone and your request but complies, as he puts his laptop aside and walks to get the guitar.
“What song do you want me to play?” Jungkook asks, after he expertly tunes the guitar.
“Never Not by Lauv, that’s my favourite,” You giggle as Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, knowing that he’s heard the same song so many times before.
When Jungkook starts to strum and sing the song, you begin to gaze at him with admiration, heart thumping loudly in your chest as you listen to his honey-like voice ring throughout the room.
And when he finishes, your eyes light up as you praise him, “Oh my gosh that was so good Gguk, thank god you’re at least good at one thing,” You tease him towards the end, not noticing the pet name slipping out of your mouth.
Jungkook looks at you in amusement, not commenting how your “Gguk” made his heart almost explode in his chest.
“I’m pretty good at other things you know, Miss ‘Jungkook is good at soccer and he can beat your boyfriend up’ ” Jungkook laughs, seeing your shocked face.
“I- How- Wait! How do you-” You stutter through words as your jaw drops, “And that’s not what I said anyways!” You whine as you slap his arm.
“Well I just rephrased whatever you said because it seemed like you had a lot of good things to say about me,” Jungkook smirks at you as he puts down the guitar and walks towards your seated figure.
He approaches you and closes the gap between you two, causing you to panic and inch back further, only to be restricted by his bed behind you.
Now the only thing you could feel was Jungkook’s bed frame against your back and his whispering in your ear,
“Didn’t know Miss ‘I hate Jungkook’ loved me so much, hmm?” His breath hits your ear as he whispers, your cheeks turning to a horrible shade of red, breathing staggered.
Jungkook pulls back to stare at your reaction, but you can’t bring yourself to even look at him, letting your gaze fall to your fidgeting hands on your lap.
But the boy has other plans, when he lifts your chin with his fingers, connecting your lips together as you gasp at the sudden move.
“Relax baby,” Jungkook mumbles through the kiss, taking your hands and bringing them up to wrap around his neck.
You slowly began to relax into the kiss, unable to process how unimaginable this was.
When Jungkook breaks away from the kiss, you both look at each other, slightly panting.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Jungkook coos as he laughs when you frown and slap his chest.
“Okay now sit here,” He pats the ground next to him, “I need to teach my girlfriend how to play my guitar”
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cheapshrimpysheep · 11 months
When Can I See You Again?
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SUMMARY: After classes you go with Ortho to Ignihyde to play with Idia. You end up eating noodles with him for dinner, and before you leave is when your conversation warms up a bit.
CHARACTERS: Pairing with Idia. Ortho and other characters as secondary.
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from: Book 6; The Phantom Bride; Twisted Halloween (1st and 2nd parts); The Harveston Sledathon; Camp Vargas 2: The Art of Survival.
COMMENTS: This is for the @briarvalleyarchives “Anthems of Old” event. I was invited to join this twst writers network and this is the first thing I write for it. I took this more as a challenge to myself. I was happy with the result and I hope you like it too. And it wasn't until later that I realized that I chose a song from a movie about villains not really being villains.
Check out the Song I chose -> Owl City - When Can I See You Again? (From Wreck it Ralph)
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You and Grim were having lunch with Ace and Deuce. Until Ortho showed up and asked if he could sit with you. He wasn't carrying a tray.
“We can arrange a sit for you on one condition.” Grim said “You don't eat because you're a robot, right?” Ortho confirms. "But now you're a student right? Aren't you entitled to a meal too?"
“Aaah, I think I know what Grim is getting at.” Ace comments.
“I think I know too.” Ortho says. “You want me to go get my meal and give it to you, correct?”
“Yah! If you do, you can sit with us.”
You tell Ortho he doesn't have to do that and Grim starts to protest.
“Ha ha. It's okay, prefect. As far as I know, the necessary amount of food is prepared for all students. If they do it with me as one of the students who will consume the food, that means at least one meal will be wasted. So maybe giving it to Grim is the best thing to do.”
Everyone approves of his point of view. Some for better reasons than others. He goes to get his meal to give to Grim and sits down with you.
You start chatting and, eventually, Ortho starts talking about a new game that Idia and him started to play and that a lot of people say it’s good. It was a cute and fun co-op game about a couple. And when you see some parts of the gameplay that he shows you, you show interest in playing too.
“So why don't you play with my brother? I'm sure he will enjoy playing with you.”
“Don't you want to play?” You ask.
“Hmm... yes, but I would like him to play in real life with someone else besides me. You know?” You do. “Why don't you come with me to Ignihyde after school to play? We can reset the game for you. We haven't made that much progress anyway, don’t worry.” he was clearly very happy about it.
“I pass.” Grim says with his mouth full.
“Hum? WHY?” Ortho asks.
“Because this guy always wants to treat me and pet me like I'm a cat! I'd rather take a long nap in Ramshackle Dorm with the ghosts.”
Ortho sighs, but he says it's okay. The truth he won't reveal is that it will even be better that way.
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After school, Ortho accompany you to the Ramshackle Dorm to drop Grim off. And then, you two go to the Hall of Mirrors to go to Ignihyde.
When you arrive at the door of Idia's room, upon recognizing Ortho, the door opens without any problems and you two enter. Idia was sitting in the desk chair with his back to you at the door, with headphones in his ears. Ortho chuckles mischievously.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” he whispers to you. “Do you want to surprise him?” And you do! He gives you an idea and you execute it.
Idia was focused on the screen. You approach slowly, lean in beside him, and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He jumps off the chair and lands on the ground. And as soon as he sees you, the ends of his hair turn pink.
“WHAT? WHEN... W-when did you spaun here?”
You laugh. "Didn't Ortho tell you I was coming to play with you?"
He looks at his younger brother.
“Surprise!” Nope, Ortho didn't tell him. But now he tells him about your lunchtime conversation. And about you two playing from the beginning.
“But I like to play on hard mode.” Idia mutters, thinking you can't hear him. “In that case I'll have to beat the game on easy mode.”
“If this is so painful for you then why don't you just tell me you only play with pros?” You say, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Hep!” he genuinely hoped you hadn't heard. “No! That's not- I didn't- I wasn't-” he seems unable to finish a single sentence.
Seeing him so flustered is so funny to you, to the point of being a little cute. You can't hide the urge to laugh and that makes him revert to his gloomy self. And sulking a little bit that you're laughing at him.
“So... you're not upset?”
“Oh, I am. But seeing you panicking is revenge enough for now.”
“Oh yeah? Let's see who panics when we're playing.” he smirks evilly.
You turn serious all of a sudden and worn him: “Don't put it on-”
“I'm not putting it on hard mode.” he answers you slightly intimidated. One of the sides he likes most about you and something that he will never admit.
It's a co-op puzzle game. Which means he becomes a cocky bastard for solving puzzles in seconds. He annoys you with his arrogance and you annoy him by messing things up in the game. While you're playing, Ortho left you two alone and none of you noticed.
You were having so much fun that it wasn't until your bellies rumbled that you realized you hadn't eaten yet and it was past dinnertime. You start to worry about Grim. Not because you think he would have been starving without you, but because he could eat who knows what without you around.
“It’s been fun but now I’ve got to go.” you say and your belly growls again.
“It's still going to be a long time before you get to your dorm and still have to cook dinner.” He says “If you are as hungry as I am, you should eat as soon as possible.”
“I know. That's why you should go now.”
“I have a lot of instant noodles. And I would say your best strategy right now would be to make yourself a cup of them and eat before you go. If you leave now with your hunger bar that low you could collapse halfway through.”
“Thank you for showing me the worst case scenario.”
“Oh, believe me, this isn't the worst I can imagine.” he smiles in a slightly creepy way, like someone who prides himself on predicting the worst. But then it goes back to normal. “Hey, it's just an offer. I'm going to make myself a cup now. If you'd like to come.”
You accept his offer and follow him into the kitchen. He asks you what kind of noodles you like best. If you ask him what kind of noodles he has, he will reply: "All kinds. Meh heh heh... Take a shot!" You say which one is your favourite. “IN STOCK NOW!” He says in his best Sam impersonation. It was so good that it surprised you and made you laugh.
He takes out two cups of your favourite noodles, one for you and one for him. He places them on the table where you sit while he goes to prepare the water in the electric kettle. He starts talking about the game you were playing together, but you're paying more attention to his small gesture of "making dinner" for you.
When he turns to you and sees your face, he shuts up and then says: “W-why are you looking at me like that? Has my hair turned a weird colour?” You chuckle but say no. “Then why that look?”
“Cause I think you're cute.” His hair does a PUFF in surprise and the ends of his hair turn pink and his face a little flushed. “Now yes, your hair is in a funny colour.” And you keep smiling at him.
“Meh heh... I may be a noob at this game but I still know how to play it.” He says, with a smirk and that confidence you only see once in a while.
“What do you mean?”
He puts his hands behind his back and slowly walks towards you while smirking. And you feel yourself blushing a little. When he gets in front of you he leans in, his face so close to yours that you almost feel hypnotized by his strong yellow eyes.
“Heh heh, looks like we're both cute when we're flattered.” He's speaking in that deep voice of his. “What's the matter? Not so confident when it's my turn?” He takes one of his hands to your face, thumb on one cheek, three fingers on the other and pinky under your chin, because his hand is relatively big compared to you. He's not hurting you, but he manages to gently get you to form your lips into a kiss pose. “(Y/N), dear, hon, you know very well at this point on a PvP between the both of us, I win. He he he...” he whispers, as he gets even closer “...cute...”
POP! He jumps and straightens up when startled by the electric kettle's signal that the water is already hot. And you laugh. He sulks, but turns and goes to get the water to put in your noodle cups.
Meanwhile, other Ignihyde students started to enter the kitchen to also prepare their dinners and eat. So, you couldn't continue your "little game".
You finish eating and he walks you out of the dorm.
“When can we do this again?” You ask before you leave.
“Well, that depends.” He answers. “When can I see you again?” and then he starts talking very fast. “I mean, I'm always at my room. In the best case scenario. You're the one who's always busy solving the problems of an incompetent headmage. And having fun with those two single brain celled of friends. And having meeting and stuff with the other housewordens. So, hey, you're the one who should text me whenever your free.”
That sounded a little suspicious, didn't it? You look around. You don't see anyone else but you two.
“Idia?... Was that a jealous speech?”
“What? Jealous? No, of course not.” He's still speaking quickly “This is just the speed up speech I use to spit facts and vent in someone's face with the expectation that even if they hear me they won't understand what I say and will just be confused and think I'm weird enough to leave me alone.”
“You want me to leave you alone?”
“W-wha- NO! I-I-I-...” He sees you start to lift the corners of your mouth. In fact, it's funny to see him flustered. “*Sigh*... It's a blessing and a curse to have a weirdo who can understand me even when I speak in my turbo speech mode.”
“I'll take that "weirdo" as a compliment.” you say, smirking.
“As you should.” He says, a little lower and with that sweet little smile. You cherish that smile until you remember what you two were talking about.
“I wish you would go out more often. Ortho too. Wouldn't you like to take a walk with me one day?”
“Surrounded by normies who wouldn't take their eyes off us? No thanks.” He says and you sulk. “Oh, come on. You know very well I'm not saying I don't want to be with you. I will not continue to fall on your sulking face.”
“But you didn't like the other times you left Ignihyde?”
“Oh yes. Being kidnapped by ghosts into a forced marriage was the most romantic experience I've ever had. Getting kidnapped to a Halloween party in the Spectral Realm and being possessed? What an adrenaline rush! Go to a camp and get kidnapped by Couch Vargas and forced to squad until my legs are in agony? The outdoor exercise I've been needing. I just realized I have a problem with being serial kidnapped.”
Even his sarcasm makes you laugh. “Can't say you don't have a point there. But what about the Halloween before you were kidnapped? For example?”
“Ah, what delightful visitors Magical Monsters are.”
“First, what about the normal visitors? Wasn't it good to see them appreciate your work? And second, you're not going to tell me you didn't enjoy terrorizing Magicam Monsters, are you?” He answers you with his smug smile. “And what about that gaming afternoon at Ramshackle Dorm? Everyone was so impressed with your gaming skills.” his sweet smile comes back. “Aaaaand...” you were going to play your trump card and you tried to imitate him in his fanboy mode “Epel's grandma is the inspiration for the team leader os the show I'm obsessed about? DUUUDE. SHE'S BEST GIRL BY FAR! Would you autograph my guidebook? And can I take a picture with you?!”
“OKAY OKAY, I GOT IT!” He was so embarrassed, for both of you. Fortunately, no one was there to see it. “And BTW, the show is called Sled Over Heels, the team is called Beauties Sleeping and the character is called Ai. Thank you very much.”
“Did you regret leaving the dorm that time?” you ask, knowing the answer. But he doesn't answer, he doesn't like to give the other person reason so soon. “Would you regret taking a walk with me one day?”
“Maybe.” He says, you sulk. “Not because of you, because of everyone and everything else. Can't we take this getting me out of the room thing slowly?”
“That reminds me of a phrase. Life is way too short to take it slow. But in your case, yes, we can take it slow. What if you come to Ramshackle Dorm and play together then? Maybe you can pet Grim.”
“That's very appealing. You're good with deal, I must say. Perhaps you can compete with Azul.”
“So, is that an yes?”
“*Sigh* Fine, I will... try.”
“Just try? What if i buy some candy?”
“Damn, you really are persistent. But since you're raising the offer” he smirks “what if I try to see how far it goes?”
“Do you want a kiss?” your cheekiness makes his hair explode in pink, and he blushes a lot.
“I-i-i-is that an a-actual offer?”
“Perhaps. But with such a high offer, do you really think just going to my dorm is enough?”
“Hum...” he thinks for a second. “How about that walk with you? There are not many people on the beach at this time of year.”
“But don't you need permission to leave college?”
“Heh heh heh. You remember who my family is right? Do you really think I can't bribe the headmage? As if it were difficult.”
You two were smiling like partners in crime.
“We have a deal then.” you say “so... what kind of kiss would you like?”
“Any one I want?”
“Any one you want.”
He looks around again, there's no one there, but he still pulls you into a corner. Lift your chin with his fingers and bring his face closer to yours. You were lit by blue and pink fire lights.
“Then why don't we finish what we started in the kitchen?”
You kiss him as your answer. You feel the warm his hair emits and his delicate but passionate lips on yours. You just broke away from the kiss early, because you were in a place where someone could show up at any moment.
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When you get to Ramshackle Dorm, you find Grim and Ortho sleeping on the couch in the Lounge. The ghosts tell you that Ortho showed up there to keep Grim company and feed him dinner. He got some cans of tuna for himself. They also say that Ortho commented that his batteries were running low when he went into sleep or economy mode.
You wake Ortho up gently. And asks if he wants to spend the night there. You can arrange a place for him.
“It's ok. I was saving my energies to have enough to go back to Ignihyde anyway.”
He really wants to ask how the afternoon went with his brother, but it's late and he can ask you the next day. Or simply see in what mood Idia is in when he gets to their bedroom.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
ABOUT THE SONG: "When Can I See You Again?" is one of the 3 theme songs from Disney's 2012 animated feature film, Wreck-It Ralph. It is an uptempo dance-pop and synthpop song written and performed by Owl City.
The song is played during the credits showing Ralph, Felix, Vanellope, and Calhoun's game-jumping adventures.
The song is the main theme of the Paint the Night parade at Disneyland and Hong Kong Disneyland, and is played at the end of Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It!.
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rusmii · 5 months
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xoxo...BONDING WITH A MAFIOSO: ms. healer! - n. chuuya
chuuya x healer!reader/self insert (fem.)
[✦🥛]. . . another self-indulgent fic. idk why but I'm in the mood to make more friends... come talk to me if you guys want to (´,,•ω•,,) [pt.2 of xxx...mr. mafia! NOT PROOFREAD]
[syp]. . . when you meet up with chuuya at the coordinates, you're surprised to see that he's alone. what happens next is a moment of weakness and vulnerability between the both of you.
[cws]. . . flirty chu, reader has a weird thought abt chuuya for the entire fic, you guys flirt the whole time idk why, THIS IS FLUFFY GUYS!!!!, flustered chuuya, smoking, teasing chuuya, bickering/banter, nicknames/petnames
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You shivered. Doubt began to seep in you, the cold air shriveled atop the thinly layered jacket you wore. You should've brought a thicker jacket. If not, then layer up more to protect yourself from the chilly atmosphere — Secrecy of the Port Mafia began to unshed itself in the depths of moonshine. Thoughtless images of your mangled body bloodied and beaten to the curve under the brash aggression of your recruiter were enough to rack fear into your veins.
You shook those reeked thoughts away. Death by the Japanese mafia is, and will not be on your 2024 bingo.
"What's wrong?" His slightly hoarse voice questions from across you. Shaking your head again, you push the question aside, "It's nothing – just.. cold." Noticing the hesitation in your voice, Chuuya gets up and moves around the room — said place was a dimly lit room, you could barely see anything past the four dark corners that the light didn't gaze upon. It was smaller than a shipping container, much like a small living room space with a kitchen right next to the couches. The bathroom was hidden by old paint, the door knob being the only indicator of its existence.
"Is that so?" Chuuya says from the kitchen area. "Want some hot chocolate? Got plenty stocked for the occasion," he flaps the flimsy packet up and down for you to see. He didn't really need to speak loudly. The silent room being so shrunk gave your guys' ears the benefit of even hearing hushed whispers. "Sure," you shrug your shoulders. Chuuya chuckled, amused by the act of your feigned toughness. "Well then, one hot cocoa coming up for my lovely lady tonight."
You wanted to roll your eyes at his blatant flirting. You knew that he was only doing that to soften up your interior, make it easier to invade through your exterior, slip through the cracks, and unwire all the tangled up complexities that mangled up your person. He wanted to; intended to; desired to break down your so carefully curated towers — but you weren't gonna fall, not with the strong resolution you walked in with today. Especially not when he's expecting you to open the gardens' gates so freely for visitors.
"Relax," Chuuya's voice resonated around the walls. Despite his turned back, it seemed like he could read your face and very thoughts at the moment. " 'M not the type to bite – not that fast, at least." How he could tell you were still wary about him, you didn't know. Guess it was a perfected technique you had to acquire before becoming one of the top dogs in the Port Mafia. "So you still intend on toying with me before you make me one of the PM's bitch?" A snide remark escaped you before you could stop and think about what to say next.
He laughs, "Basically."
Chuuya hums, placing both his drink and yours on a tray, the cups rattling atop the metal. "Jus' kiddin'," he sighs when he sees your face. "Toying with my meals ain't my style – playing with food is Dazai's thing. I'd rather go in for the center of the plate, the best part comes first f'me." His smile never disappeared from his lips. Short and elegant, composed in a way you completely weren't. "So you were lying? And who's Dazai?" One by one. Chuuya's smirks widens as he slowly peels you bit by bit.
"Here ya' go, miss healer," he hands you your drink. "Don't worry 'bout poison, I'm supposed to recruit you not kill you," he reassures your next thought, but ignoring your question. You eye him as he sat down, taking the drink with cusp palms. You didn't know what to believe — there was one hell of a 99.9% chance of him lying to drug and kidnap you — but you wanted to believe in that 0.01% of him attempting to somewhat befriend you.
"Heh - miss healer?"
"What? What's wrong with it?"
You wave him off, "Nothinnn," blowing the top layer of your hot cocoa. "What made you think of miss healer, mister mafia?" A familiar smirk made its way back on his face. "Exactly that, miss healer." Taking a sip of his cup, he crosses a leg around his other one. Had he sat like a lady, you'd tease him, but unfortunately for you, he sat like he was waiting for someone to sit on his lap — the wide open space, his knee pointed to the side rather than upward like how normal cross sitting is, and the arm resting above the couch cushion — god he was tempting.
"Exactly like what sir?" Using his tactics, you were starting to recompose yourself. The same smirk Chuuya uses was the one donning your face at the very moment.
Chuuya doesn't seem to mind it however, the same bland expression showcasing his already high confidence. "An eye for an eye. A nickname - " he flicks his cup, " - for a nickname."
Wanting to reply sarcastically, you bit your tongue – not wanting to anger the calm mafioso.
"Keep blowing your drink, and it's gonna go cold." What Chuuya said made you snap out of your daze, urging you to gulp down a large portion of your drink. Bad idea — "fuck – !" you managed to gurgle out, the hot beverage burning your throat, your tongue feels like it burned off all it's nerves. When you heard Chuuya laugh, you had just about lost your temper with him. "You ?! – you tricked me?!" His chest rumbles, "Hey now! You drinking that shit wasn't my fault! All I did was try to warn you!"
An accusing finger points at you, "Tut, tut – miss healer can't handle hot drinks!"
"Wah – Yes I can!" You shout back, "It's just too hot! That's why I was blowing it for so long!!" You point a finger back at him. "If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have drunk it so fast!! Besides! It's hot chocolate, you're supposed to wait for it to cool down if you want to drink it comfortably!"
"Oh really? Cause all I hear are – wait, what's that word..? Excuses!"
"Urgh! You have no point in trying to make fun of me! You barely even took a sip of yours!"
Stopping himself from arguing back, Chuuya takes a look at his brimmed filled cup and exhaled a deep breath of air before pushing the cup to his lips. What came next was a shock to you; of pure utter stupidity. Chuuya chugs down his beverage, some of it leaking down the side of his mouth. His adams apple bobbed with every quick gulp he took — "Dunno' whatcha talkin' 'bout," he swallowed the remaining liquid in his mouth and showed you his now empty cup.
"You..." Feeling speechless. Horribly confused. And just overall weirded out by this weird action, you placed your cup back down on the coffee table. "Actually never mind, I don't know what to say to that," you gave in, the perpetual defeat that Chuuya had paved out was inevitable.
"Don't weep now. We still have business to talk about." Quick and cut to the chase, the mood sours just as the lights dim impossibly so.
Keeping to yourself, you wait. The cigarette that the mafioso had pulled out to light was starting to burn; smell invading your senses. Covering your scrunched nose with your hand, you start fanning the contaminated fumes away from your air space. "Don't like the smell of cigs?" Chuuya puffs out, a fog of white smoke evaporating towards you. "Is it not obvious?" You cough, a glare wrenching it's away out.
"Oh," was all he said before putting out the cigarette and throwing it aside. "That better?" He asks again, wanting to ease you back into the mood before he makes any more advances. "Better," you confirm, still swatting fumes away from your face. Pulling out a lollipop from your bag, you handed it over to Chuuya. "Here, take this." Chuuya takes the candy before unwrapping it. "What flavor?"
"Dum dums show the flavor dumdum – look at the wrapper." He clicks his tongue in annoyance by your relentless back talk, but he didn't let it bother him for the most part. "Blue berry raspberry?"
"Yeah. Thought you'd like it."
"Hm? Why?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "Blue, like your eyes." Chuuya had to pause for a moment when you said that. His eyes slightly widening — his slightly pale complexion now brushed over with a light pinkish red — his composure faltering for just a split second, not even giving you time to witness what you had just done to him.
"Oh – uh, thanks. I guess..." Quickly revaluating himself, the slight loop in his expression fixed itself — making you miss your chance at teasing. "No problem!" Humming for his pleasure, you did take great delight in feeling appreciated. "Yeah, um," he fakes a cough to get you guys' back on track, "Tis' good. Thanks for the lolli." You can see the roll of the candy inside his mouth, his tongue moving around to savor the oncoming flavor. You hum again, a happy look washed over your face.
Chuuya sighs. You two were getting sidetracked — but for some reason, when he glances at your innocent, happy, so, so genuine expression, much unlike his, he feels the need to drag this meeting out for a bit longer. A little bit longer to talk with you as a civil person before he has to force an ultimatum.
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belongs to @churuai DONT STEAL >:(((
taglist (free to join!): @luvan1 @bfdazai @asqmi @squigglewigglewoo @liviash @doonifox @ishqani
teeheeteeheetehheee hope u guys enjoyed! comments and reblogs appreciated <3<3
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
i need to project my pain on someone so lando taking care of his girl with tonsillitis (i feel like im dying but i can’t miss any school since i’ve got a perfect record which my ocd won’t let me break😭😭)
Cw: reader has tonsilitis
Note: I hope you feel better soon! And if you can, go to the doctor or at least to the pharmacy so they can give you something if you feel like you need it! ✨️🤍 hopefully this brings you some confort!
"Baby, you're very flushed, are you sure you're okay?", was the first thing Lando said as he picked you up from classes, driving home as you insisted it was the cold outside, just wanting to go home and rest.
"Let me take it from you", he offered once you were home, taking off your coat and then your scarf, his hand going near your neck, "Y/N, you're burning up", he sterned, looking into your eyes, knowing you had omitted it to him on the way home.
"I'm a bit warm, yes", you mumbled, "my throat is also killing me, I kept drinking water but it was no use", you said, your voice loud enough to sound the hoarseness on it.
"Open up your mouth for me, please", Lando softly ordered, hand rubbing your waist as you did, "tongue out", he encouraged as he looked at the back of your throat, "baby, your tonsils are really big, this is probably tonsilitis", he pouted, confirming what you didn't want to hear.
"Please don't make me go to the doctors, I don't want to leave the house", you moaned, tears brimming your eyes at the idea of having to go back out, "I won't, okay? I think I have the prescription you had last time for the pain and inflammation on my notes, and those are all over the counter meds, so how about you go and have a shower to cool your body off first and then I'll make you something to eat so you don't take meds on an empty stomach? How about that, does it sound good?", he said, brushing your hair behind your ears before kissing your forehead and looking at your eyes.
"I'd like that, but can you come with me, please? I might need help, my head is killing me, too", you asked, allowing your boyfriend to rest one arm under your knees and another around your shoulders so he could carry you to the ensuite, "let's go, baby, shower time", he mumbled against your warm skin.
Undressing you after you told him he could and undressing himself as well, Lando made sure the water was just about cool enough to help your body temperature without being too cold, "please, don't freeze my tits off, I'm uncomfortable enough already", you mumbled against his chest, feeling the vibration of his laugh on hihr lips, "I would never do that to you, baby, or to them either", Lando said as he guided you to the shower booth, arms around you as his hand rubbed the side of your chest, "just for a little, my love, to wash the yucky away and cool you down, I promise you'll be back in your warm pyjamas in a bit", he said, rubbing your skin soflty and kissing anywhere he could as you sighed in relief.
When you got out of the shower, Lando helped you get dressed in your comfy pyjamas and fuzzy socks, "my notes say you took one of these and one of these, too", your boyfriend said, checking on the boxes to make sure they hadn't expired, "Good girl", he cooed as you swalled both pills.
"Can we go to the living room, please? I want to be near you", you smiled softly, "okay, let's go then", he said, pulling you softly through the house and letting sit on the sofa, thankful that the apartment had an open floor plan and he could check on you while he made some tea.
"You can dunk the biscuits so they go all soft and eat something", he suggested, putting the tray in front of you and helping you to the mug, "we still had some soup in the freezer, so I have that warming up too for when you feel like you can eat it", he noted as you scrunched up your face, "I know you don't want to, darling, but it's full of the good stuff for you", he said, kissing your cheek and encouraging you to eat and drink the tea.
Cuddling up to your boyfriend, you traces shapes on his clothed chest, "thank you for looking after me, even if I'm a pain in the ass to eat and to take medication", you whispered, feeling it was best to keep your throat from growing angry at you, "it's alright, my love, no need to thank me. Just want my best girl to feel better", he said, kissing your forehead lovingly.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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