#and what needs to be done every day is the tray up in the freezer where we prep rolls pastries fillets etc for the next day
pikechris · 1 year
people are sometimes surprised when I say that I actually like my job in a service station deli. well first of all this is ireland, 98% of customer interactions are polite and pleasant and the worst thing that can happen to me personally is when we get a bus full of teenagers who want chicken fillet rolls. or even worse, two in one day. happened this tuesday. but also i've found that it's actually perfect for my autism/adhd brain because:
I do the same things every day. there are tasks that have to be done every day and tasks that have to be done every week on a specific day. perfect. it's the thing others complain about the most, but me? just how I prefer it
constantly moving and doing something is what keeps me stimulated and staves off boredom aka the worst feeling ever. it gets pretty busy sometimes, which, ideal! I haven't had to touch a stim toy for MONTHS because I put all that excess energy to violently scrubbing dishes
I'm honestly the perfect employee because when I happen to have nothing to do I look for things to clean and tidy and shit and if that doesn't help I ask the manager for extra tasks to keep those hands occupied lol
re: previous point. I'm Fast so I always do everything that needs to be done, too. mostly because my brain takes the rules seriously and when the paperwork says I have to do something. well then I'll bloody well do it won't I. it says it right there. they like me because they know I'm reliable unlike the students who do weekends and even exceed expectations sometimes hah
clear instructions, love em. here I always know what to do and how to do it
the customer interactions follow a similar pattern and are almost always the same so I know what to say and ask and it's not stressful
sometimes people ask me where to find things and such and I Iove a) knowing things and being somebody who knows them and b) telling people about something I know, so it doesn't bother me
there's a whole bunch of safety compliance paperwork tasks like taking temperatures of food every hour that everyone finds annoying. but I love numbers and measuring things and statistics!! it's like ooh I wonder what's the temperature of this soup?? and then I stick a probe in there and find out and write it down! neat. tracking how quickly things cool down in the hot counter is entertaining
there's always 50 things to do at once. I will start 10 at a time. it works out fine. I can check the task list to see if I did it and tick it off. adhd kept in check ✓
others repeat the customers' orders to them to make sure they're getting it right so when I do it because echolalia & needing it to process the information, it goes unnoticed!!
I hate silence so the constant noise of the ovens and the radio and such are a good background noise. plus no one minds when I sing along to the radio as a stim because everyone does it, which is also why I feel safe enough to do so in the first place
no seriously doing stuff gives me energy, so I'm not tired after an 8.5 hour shift (this is even an observation others have made) and still can do the shopping, cook dinner, cook lunch for next day and be busy until midnight. something I couldn't do when studying, which was an energy drainer. huh
(I haven't had this much energy and motivation to do things since I was a CHILD. I'm not joking. I also haven't had a shutdown or anxiety attack or even a bad day in ages since I moved and started working. lying in bed depressed and feeling like I can't breathe? don't know her. also I can actually fall asleep immediately. my brain just shuts down. a feeling I haven't known for years. what is this magic)
I get to put things in the oven and make pizzas and bread and scones from scratch and generally do things I like and am good at and get paid for it! fuck yeah baking!!
I get to clean and put things in order and organise stock and the cold room and freezers and implement Systems and make things Full and GET PAID FOR IT
regular shifts 10-18, perfect, I don't have to get up too early either. allows for going to sleep at midnight and still getting the sweet eight hours
everybody is kind of doing their own thing most of the time and we're all busy so I'm not required to talk to my coworkers if I don't want to. but I can if I do. we all get along well. also good
sometimes I have an issue remembering how many fillings I put in that person's wrap if I wasn't paying that much attention but it's fine, if I charge them 40c less no one will know. there is no failing and no points deducted for a wrong answer. it's chill, no anxiety induced
I'm mostly on my own from 11:30ish until the end, the deli is my kingdom, I make the decisions, no one is in the way, I like it. I like it less when it's busy but I'm capable of handling it either way so eh *shrug*
i have a very good memory (when I do pay attention) so when there are regulars who order the same one or two things I remember them fast and now it's like. white wrap, peppers and plain chicken? and they're like. yeah!! :) I get to make someone happy with something so simple :)
sometimes people eat truly bizarre sandwiches and stuff and I get to internally laugh and/or wonder what the fuck is that. sometimes we actually do laugh about it after. it's fun
I'm also apparently the best new person they've ever had in this shop because I learn extremely fast so that's nice to hear lmao
i easily follow safety regulations such as wearing gloves at all times because dirty dishes and wet bits of food in the sink and raw meat and greasy utensils and sticky bread dough and the inside of the oven mitts are yucky to touch so that's another win-win for them and me
if not the company owner then at least the shop and deli managers are amazing. they will tell you to take any wastage you want without paying for it (because that is a stupid rule that exists that everyone thinks is nonsense and ignores. what's the difference if an out of date bag of crisps goes in the bin or is eaten?) just don't tell the boss, and will go out for drinks with you, and act like normal human beings who are a delight to work with
as a christmas bonus we all got a €50 one4all gift card which everyone thought was sort of shite and useless but are you kidding me? that means a free coffee machine. I got a free coffee machine with it. and a big discount on noise-cancelling wireless earbuds that are actually good and have a long battery life. amazing I'm telling you
yes we get the minimum wage but as someone who never worked or had much money I can live so well off of it? i can comfortably pay for rent and electricity and two grocery shoppings a week that aren't cheap, put a bunch aside, buy some treats online when I feel like it, go places every other week, and still have enough left. I flew to london in december just because. spent £130 on a concert ticket to the o2. I visit places that are a bit further away and stay a night or two once a month. I feel like I eat like a king when I have stuff like homemade bread with avocado spread, homemade cake, fresh strawberries and stuff for breakfast all the time. and that's just for cleaning and making sandwiches?? it sometimes feels unreal to me that I do it for money at all. it's like. housework. things I do anyway all the time at home. I have no reason to complain lol
anyway this is just how I personally feel :') but yeah I like working? who'd have thought. not me. I also feel like I'm the only one there who does. or anywhere really. because I'm so used to retail and service jobs being connected with annoyance and hate and doing them out of necessity etc etc... so I wanted to share that little bit of positive experience I guess. and needed to rant about it somewhere.
is it weird that working 42 hours a week in a shop improved my mental health? probably. but I also get it and can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier because. it's the moving lads. I'm in a constant state of busy. once I stop doing things and start lying in bed all day it goes downhill and the energy and motivation don't come back. but now? that's impossible. even on weekends. I can't put off the ironing because I need the uniform. I have to cook because I can't live on cheese toasties and the veg in the fridge is gonna go off if I don't use it. I have to travel because there's nothing to do in town except lying in bed all day. and once I make a Plan, not even the rain or having to get up at 6:30 to catch the morning bus stops me from following it. and I don't mean that in a stressful grind culture way, I mean it in a helpful actually-it's-pretty-slow-and-quiet way! I found a way of hacking the executive dysfunction completely by accident here and. it's a job
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Ok, it’s a bit early for this type of request but hobie brown on Valentine’s Day with reader. Even though he hates the capitalist part of it, reader convinces him it’s all about the love and they celebrate together. (They make each other homemade gifts, and if they want something from the store hobie would steal it) <3
Thank you for the adorable request!! Ly 🫶 (uploaded early bc i tend to forget abt valentine's day lol)
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, CW food mentions, FLUFF.
The loud music blares right inside your eardrums, chocolate aroma filtering through the entire flat, there's dried bits of it in your hair, apron and hands. You hum while putting the melted chocolate in its heart shaped molds.
Hobie's initials are freshly painted using icing on the prototypes or what you called ‘the rejected batch’ after you dumped more cocoa powder in it, making it lumpy and in turn making the hearts look wonky.
Stretching your aching neck, you place the tray of chocolate inside the freezer to cool, nodding to yourself at how you've practically perfected the last batch; now you just have to wait for it to freeze over so you could paint his initials and cartoon versions of you two on the chocolate. After that you can finally box them up and gift them to Hobie's as a valentine's gift—
“What's all this then?” A chin plops atop your shoulder, fingers taking off your earbuds for you.
You jump in your skin, back hitting the fridge door in surprise. “Fucking fuck!”
Hobie grins at your reaction, his hand hidden behind his back. “Cute apron. You look bloody fit in it.”
You clutch your imaginary pearls. “You're such an ass.” calming your racing heart, you flick his forehead. “You're early.”
“Time is a construct.”
“I'm not done with your gift.”
“Valentine's day is a sham holiday that capitalists invented so you could buy shit your partner doesn't need.” He raises a brow at you.
You loop your arms around his neck, smile widening at every word he utters. “What's that behind you then?”
“Flowers,” he sighs, revealing a bouquet of flowers from behind, the colorful paper crinkles, a thin red ribbon tying it all together. You're sure you've seen the flowers somewhere. “Before you say anythin’ it's from my garden.”
“You're an absolute sweetheart, Hobie brown.” eyes sparkling, you lean to press numerous kisses on his whole face, he scrunches up, feigning offense at your comment, but the way he subtly chases your lips says otherwise.
“My big punk sweetheart got me flowers!” You can't help but squeeze his cheeks. “From his beloved garden no less!” Pressing kisses in quick succession, he surrenders to you, sighing with every smooch you give him.
You lean away, affection satiated. He looks properly smooched with his face relaxed and lips smiling lopsidedly. His eyes are the same shape as the chocolates you've been making.
“The holiday's still a bloody cash grab.” He huffs, not an annoyed huff but a content one as you wipe the sheen you've left on his skin.
“I know it is.” You chuckle, busying yourself on cleaning his face. Your movements remind him of a cat grooming another cat; tender and soothing for the one they love. “It's about the thought, the love that comes with the gifts. Purchased or made there's love underneath it all.” Voice soft, lashes fluttering, you look at him like you've got the whole world in your hands.
“Or stolen from a multi million store that doesn't pay their employees fairly?” Hobie holds you by your middle, spare hand still clutched around the precious bouquet.
“Oh especially then!” you take his gift, smelling the petals. Your heart is full.
Smiling, you embrace him that he welcomes wholeheartedly. Nose nuzzling the crook of his neck, you leave a soft kiss on his jaw for good measure.
“Based on the chocolates on the walls, 'm guessing you got me a new guitar?” Hobie jokes, voice muffled by your temple that he's currently pecking like a man deprived of kisses. (He isn't)
“Wait a few more hours to get your gift?” You lean away to look at him, he's eyeing the prototypes on the counter.
“Stay with you for the rest of the day, getting snogged by you every second?” You nod, giggling. “Sounds like pants.” Before you could say something witty, he crashes his lips to yours.
Hobie tastes chocolates in your lips, making him kiss you deeper. Hands gliding along your lower back, he finds penchant on your hips, molding the soft skin in his hands.
He leans back, watching your flustered face gawp at him. “Tastes good, love.” His voice is deep and saccharine. You're absolutely melting in his arms, the bouquet almost slipping from your clammy hands.
“Let me get another taste.”
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Prompt for Eddie being allergic to something in Steve's house (maybe cleaning supplies or air freshener??) and as the night goes on he sneezes more and more.
Optional bonus Steve has a sneeze kink and is trying not to go feral as Eddie becomes an allergy ridden mess
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
siodjfsadoijf my brain lost it at this. thank you for this prompt, i love it so much. i hope you enjoy!!
+ + +
Steve, Robin and Eddie, walk through the Harrington's front door, bags of food in their arms for tonight's festivities. It's October and it's Friday the 13th. They've been talking about it all week, now that Eddie works at the Family Video with them some days, when he doesn't have band practice or DnD. Not only did they grab the first Friday the 13th, but the next three as well, keeping them hidden in the back so they'd have their copies ready when all the others inevitably got rented out the next few days. Now Friday was here, and the only thing they were going to do was veg out and enjoy the horror to come.
As they make their way further in, all three are hit with the very intense smell of fake lemon Lysol cleaner. Both Robin and Eddie wrinkle their nose, but Steve seems unphased.
"Uhh, Harrington? Wanna explain why it smells like the inside of cleaning bottle in here?" Eddie sets the bags of food down, going through them to find whatever stuff needs to go into the freezer. Steve's working on preheating the oven.
"Oh, our cleaning lady who usually comes Wednesday's couldn't this week, so she came today," the nineteen year old shrugs, obviously used to the manufactured smell.
"Well, it smells gross, and she should use like eighty percent less next time," Robin adds, setting the VHS tapes down over near the Harrington's large television, at least, the largest most of them have seen in someone's living room.
Eddie loves teasing Steve as much as he can about it, and really about anything he can, in hopes of catching one of those signature Harrington smiles. Every time he gets one, it makes him feel a little bit lighter, like the world almost ending was worth it to have met Steve and actually get to know him. He'd thought he was a mindless jock back when they'd gone to school together, but he was still a hot mindless job. And now they're....friends? He hopes Steve considers him a friend, after all they'd done together.
Eddie rubs at his nose with the crook of his finger, a vague, barely there buzzing in sinuses as he shrugs his vest and leather jacket off, revealing an old long sleeve black shirt. It's worn, soft, and usually reserved for sleeping, but watching movies is close enough since they'll all be sitting and enjoying for over five hours.
As they all talk and joke around, Eddie watches Harrington, who looks like a natural as he pulls out Totino's pizza rolls from the oven, a whole large bags worth sizzling on the tray. Eddie wonders if they should have bought more, but then he remembers they still have chips and cookies and candy and soda. He sees the small box of Honeycomb that he'd grabbed for himself after much deliberation and grins, knowing the whole box will be gone by tomorrow.
"I don't see how you eat those things Munson, they're literally just sugar."
Looking up, the guitarist sees Harrington snarking at him, so he sends him his most flirtatious smile.
"You are what you eat I guess," he winks and then smirks when Harrington's cheeks go red.
It's no big secret that Eddie likes guys and girls, and he's been beyond grateful everyone here seems pretty chill with out. Robin had even come out to him earlier in the month, and he's made sure not to talk to anyone else about it, not when she seemed so worried.
As he watches Harrington try to come up with a reply, Eddie can feel an itch start to unfurl in his head and sinuses. Sniffling does the exact opposite of what he's been hoping, and the intense lemon-y smell hits him full force. He tries to follow along with whatever snarky comment Harrington finally shoots back at him, but the ticklish feeling is cresting, making his eyes want to close. Quickly, he brings his left arm up, nestling his face into the crook of it.
"n'GKt! h'GKkt! h'NKt-uhhh!" He keeps his face buried the whole time, even though there's a few seconds in between each sneeze. The last one is hard enough that he lets out a thick sigh after. He's always sneezed in triples, for as long as he can remember. His parents would bless him the first time, but by the third time there was usually a 'shut up' or 'can you stop' thrown into the mix. Not his fault his nose takes more time.
Dropping his arm, Eddie sniffles again and takes the bandana he has in his back pocket, rubbing his nose gently with it before sticking it back in its place. He doesn't notice Harrington staring at him while he does so, but once he's bringing his head back up, the other man gives him a sort of smile.
"Bless you."
"Oh, thanks," Eddie nods and heads to the sink to wash his hands before making himself a plate of pizza rolls and Doritos.
+ + +
Steve and Eddie sit next to each other. Well...Steve sits down, Robin sits on one side and after he looks around for a moment, Eddie choses to sit on the other side of Steve, for which the middle man is half excited and half nervous. Never in a million years would he have ever thought he'd be attracted to Eddie Munson, yet here he was, his stomach full of butterflies as the curly haired man sits next to him. Steve can smell his cologne and it's intoxicating to say the least.
He's embarrassed to say he's always thought Munson was kind of...dirty and grungy, even if back in classes he'd never talked to him or paid him much attention. Now though, now he sees just how nice and white his teeth are, how good his skin is, how soft his curls look. He always smells good, and for the most part his clothes are always clean. Even when Steve had worn his vest back months ago, it had smelled good even after being out in the woods for god knows how long.
As the movie starts, it's silent aside from the movie and everyone eating. No one talks, mostly focused on the food. Five minutes in, however, Steve picks up on a few soft sniffles coming from his left. And god, if Munson sneezes again, next to him, he might combust. Sure he finds sneezes hot, that's just...a thing he's always known. Nancy's sneezes had been surprisingly not dainty like he'd imagined, but they suited her and were definitely cute. But Munson's sneezes...he's never paid attention to stifled sneezes much, at least, not until twenty minutes ago. Something about it just...wow.
The sniffles don't get loud by any means, but they don't stop either. Steve's pretty sure his whole body is thrumming with some kind of weird energy, half watching the movie and half listening to Eddie. Finally decided to chance a glance at the guitarist, he notices he's sitting with his legs drawn to his chest, arms resting on them in a way that doesn't look super comfortable, but hey, to each their own. What really catches his eye though, is the way Eddie's nose is scrunched up, like he's trying not to sneeze. He gives another sniffle, this time rubbing his wrist that's hidden under his soft looking shirt against the underside of his nose.
Not able to look away, Steve's heart starts beating hard, watching the way Eddie's nostrils twitch and he rubs at them again. It's like watching someone lose a game- they twitch again, and then finally his eyebrows knit together, and his eyes flutter shut, showing off his long eyelashes. With one more twitch of his nose, Eddie inhales, his chest expands, and his arm is brought up against his face again.
"h'kGktt'uh! hh-gkXT! hih'KXxt'uh!"
A sniffle and then Steve watches him rub his face into his arm, quickly turning back to stare at the television the second he sees the arm move back down. He decides not to bless him this time- he has a feeling Eddie cares more about horror movies than a simple gesture.
Shifting, Steve moves enough that he can see the screen, but also can easily see Eddie and his movements without being obvious, or at least, he hopes to god he isn't. How awkward of a conversation would that be. He thinks maybe he'd rather get eaten by a demodog. Not three minutes later Eddies scrubbing at his nose with his knuckles, his shirt sleeve pulled up over his hand, his fingers only barely visible. He looks ridiculously cozy. Steve kind of wanders if he's a good cuddler, he looks like he would be. Lost in his thoughts about cuddling Munson, Steve doesn't realize anything's happening until-
"nkGxtt! h'dKGt! ihgKT'uhh!"
Steve's not sure if it's just his imagination or if the sneezes sound stuffier, but the sniffle after definitely confirms he's congested. It's thick and soupy and before Steve can do anything, Eddie's snagging his bandana from his back pocket and pressing it tightly to his face.
"h'GKt! hih'gKtuh! ihh'KTsch'uhew! Fuck..."
His insides are melting, he's sure of it. He can already feel his pants getting tight, and his palms are sweaty. The fact it's all happening beside him too, it's making him jittery. He wants to ask if he's okay, wants to ask if he can help. Hell, he wants to ask if he can jump him, but instead he misses his opportunity.
"Are you okay?" Robin beats him to it.
Eddie looks up, big brown doe eyes meeting hers and then flickering to Steve's. He's still holding his bandana, but it's resting against his lap for now. Steve notices that his nostrils are still twitching in allergic anticipation, and if he really zero's in, he can vaguely see a light sheen on his cupids bow. Eddie blinks and his hand that's not holding his bandana comes up and rubs at his eyes, making him look far younger than he is.
"Y-Yeah, sohhmethings...just," he sniffles but this time it's more desperate. "Just gehhttihng to me..." His eyes are fluttering and his nostrils are twitching like crazy, quivering and obviously itchy. Steve shifts, trying not to just blatantly stare, if only for Robin's sake.
"hih'Ktschh! ihh'gTCH'uh! h'kgt'uh!"
"Dude, do you w-"
"Nohht done H-Harri'gton...h'GKkt! Jesus Chrihhst..n'gXKTuhew! hihdKXtch! hah'KSTCHuhew!!"
As soon as the small fit ends, Eddie blows his nose roughly into his bandana, rubbing his nose over and over. Steve bites his tongue almost hard enough to draw blood so he doesn't let out any other noises.
"You want some benadryl? My parents keep some in the cabinet, I think it'll help. Do you know what's bothering you?" Steve finally manages to come up with words while Eddie scrubs his face with the neck of his shirt.
"Uhh, sure. N-Not suhhre, think mahhybe the cleaner?" Eddie sniffles and rubs a little harder. Steve nods and gets up, going to find the pills. As he walks, he tries to think of things like his parents, or showing up to class naked, anything to help get him to calm down. He comes back with water and two pills, then freezes. Eddie is looking at Robin with a curious expression, eyebrow raised. Robin is half blushing.
"-n't know that was a thihhng- kTSCH! hih'GXKtt! h'ixschh'EW!"
The last sneeze is louder and surprisingly...girly? And Steve squirms again. Then he notices Robin looking even more weird and Eddie smirking. And...oh. OH. Is this a joke? Some kind of new hell? But then again, he and Robin could always have fun with it...but. Really?!
Steve thrusts the pills into Eddie's hands and then mumbles something about going to the bathroom, needing a minute to himself.
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foodandfolklore · 3 months
Kitchen Basics and Essentials
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Earlier I made a quick list of Kitchen Witch Essentials, and planned to expand on it later. However, my list was made with the assumption that you have the basics to cook with. So, I figured I'd go over them to ensure we're all on the same page moving forward.
I am not a professionally trained chef. I'm just a Canadian home cook who's had an interest in cooking since young. Not everything I think is important, other home cooks will think is important. But I think we can agree on about 90% of what I list.
Knives. Any list about Kitchen essentials, the Chef's knife will be right at the top. But you'll actually need 2, maybe 3 knives. The chef's knife, as mentioned, or just a main working knife. It's knife used for cutting up everything from meat to veggies to garnish. If you prefer to use a Chinese Cleaver, go for it. Your second knife you should have is a paring knife. Basically a small knife. It's good for more delicate work like eyeing potatoes, cutting up berries, stuff like that. Now most people will tell you, that's all the knives you really need, but I recommend one more. Particularly if you are going to get into bread making. A serrated knife like a bread knife. It is so hard to cut bread with a flat edge, because you end up squishing it. The serrated knife will cut crusty bread without issue.
Pots and Pans. I think it's fair to assume you have at least two pots and a pan or skillet. You can boil pasta and cook sauce at the same time with the option to fry an egg if you wanted to.
Cutting Board. Protect your surfaces and your knives and use your cutting board! I see you quickly chopping up veggies on a plate. Having multiple cutting boards can be quite useful for when you are preparing something like meat. I like to use a plastic cutting board to do most of my meat cutting on so it can be easily put in my dishwasher when done.
Vegetable Peeler. There's a lot of different kinds of peelers. Some are fancy, some can turn vegetables into noodles, some are electric; I'm just talking the basic hand held vegetable peeler. It does a lot without taking up much space.
Measuring Cups and Spoons. Super important to have if you're following directions from another recipe. As you get more experience, you'll find yourself measuring every ingredient less and less. But if you're baking, or trying something new, measure.
Mixing Bowl. Your cereal bowls are only going to get you so far. A mixing bowl can hold Salads, marinating meat, pancake batter- just not at the same time. If you enjoy baking, you will want more than one.
Baking Trays. Ideally two of these. Most known for cookies, but used for roasting all kinds of things in the oven. It's also good to put one in under the rack of something that drips while cooking. Lasagna is bad for this. Catching the falling food on a baking tray makes clean up way easier.
Stove. Doesn't matter if it's gas, electric, induction; how many heating elements you have; I'm assuming you have a stove.
Oven. Since most stoves are built into an oven, I am going to assume you also have an oven. I know not every place is allowed to have one, but chances are if you're interested in Kitchen witchcraft, you have access to these things.
Microwave. These days, they are everywhere. Some apartments will be built with a kitchenet which has no stove, but definitely a microwave. These are super helpful, melting butter, defrosting ingredients, while being very safe.
Fridge/Freezer. The modern standard of food preservation. Every home that consumes perishables has at lest one; and it's not uncommon for a large family to have more than one fridge or freezer.
Salt. If you're cooking, you're gunna need salt. Especially if you're going down the route of Kitchen Witchcraft. Not a lot; I got excited one time and bought like 5 different kinds of salt. I'll probably be dead before I use it all. You don't need a bunch or even fancy salts. Just get a box of salt; Kosher, Sea, Pink, whatever. Even the finely ground iodize salt will work.
Oven Mitts. Pulling stuff out of the oven is hot! Protect yourself from burns.
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tinyshe · 10 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.08.20
Harvest is in full swing as is the need to finish up winter prep in the pantry and in the garden. The mornings are starting to have just a wee bit of nip in the air. Time to air wash the jumpers!
The blackberries are harvested every other day and stuck in the freezer for now. Most of the berries will be turned into fruit leather this year. I did raspberry and peaches and forgot the apple sauce! Was dragging along, popped the berries and chopped peaches into the blender because I was not feeling very olympic (i like to use the foley = less air) but i forgot about incorporation of whirling air so looking at the pitcher it seemed right until i pulled the trays at mid point to check ... not enough bulk. That is what the applesauce does for the fruit leather and it was lacking because my brain was lacking. Hopefully next batches i will remember the sauce!!
Looking at the cider apples: fox welp is busting to ready but Queen Cox is lagging too far behind. That could change if we get a few more warm days and not rain. The elderberries are still blooming (?!) but i will be able to get a small harvest in a couple of weeks if the birds don't get there first! Sparrows are the worst.
The grow box is starting to come alive with the winter garden. It is so great to see those seedlings but need to get a cover over them so to save them from marauders. The sparrows are pulling up and sometimes chomping on the pea seedlings. Out of 20 seedlings, I now have 4. I have them in various large pots pulled up close to the house and are inter-planted but the little buggers spy them out.
Alcott was being super shy the other day and it was like, 'come out from under the coop, baby, so i can see you' (she usually comes to take a few mealworms from me). When she was lured out, i let out a gasp; overnight she had lost all her facial and comb colour. Its nothing serious like leporacy/disease, she's getting ready to moult (is now moulting) but it was so sudden and she hasn't slowed her laying pattern to clue me in. Bronte, not be out done, started dropping feathers but her colour remains up and bright. She is slowing in egg production. Little Rossetti don't care; she just happy to eat bugs and give an egg every couple of days and whine insistently at me when i'm watering because she wants out to get those greens that are growing in the pots. Still haven't gone to the beach to retrieve sand for them. Not strong enough to lift the buckets full of sand now so maybe I can get take out :) . Need to pull old shavings out this year and put fresh for the chicken coop. I have two bales tucked away from last year so that won't be a hard hit on the pocket book but I will have to replace those asap -- i like to keep stock of supplies because sometimes you can't get what you want when you want and if you can ... its ridiculously expensive. Waiting until all the festivals and faires are over as that the prices are up during those times of demands (but to get before the heavy rains start).
There is still time to get in a little garden if you have been on the fence, time to get off and give it a try. Most seed packets have a germ date and a maturity date so look before buying. Some things like brassicas are more hardy. Radishes are always a good choice (remember you can eat the greens and the roots). Some places will start discounting their seeds now as it is later in the year. You can also buy seed to save for next year, just make sure that they are stored properly to keep that germ rate high! Get going! Get growing! Nothing like the present -- its a gift, don't squander it :)
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Best Time-Saving Tips For Cooking On A Busy Schedule
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Best Time-Saving Tips For Cooking On A Busy Schedule
There's no getting around it: life gets really busy sometimes. And when you're juggling responsibilities — like kids or a full-time job — cooking dinner can often feel like the last priority on your list. But there are plenty of ways to save time and effort in the kitchen while still cooking satisfying, nourishing and delicious meals. So Redditor u/apple-white-red asked, "How do you manage cooking every day when you work five days a week?" Here's what people said.
1. "When I'm already cooking pasta, I add vegetables into the boiling water during the last few minutes of cooking. The veggies soak up that starchy deliciousness and turn many of my recipes into one-pot meals."
2. "Cook several things at once by dividing your sheet pan using foil. If, for example, you need to cook chickpeas and potatoes at the same time, just divide your pan with a thin wall made out of foil. That way, if one item cooks faster than the other, you can pop the entire section out of the tray and continue roasting the other half. (This trick is especially great if you don't like your foods touching.)"
3. "I plan ahead and keep dinner simple. Most nights I like to cook one protein (often: chicken) and one veggie (like roasted broccoli) for dinner. it doesn't need to be anything more."
4. "I make frozen veggies often. Don't be afraid of frozen veggies! They're just as 'healthy' as the fresh stuff, they last longer, and they taste great when prepared right. I usually blanch them before doing anything else to them."
5. "I buy lots of garlic, peel it, and put it in the food processor or blender. Then I flatten out the garlic in plastic storage bags and store it in the freezer. Whenever I need garlic, I just break off however much I want from the sheet. It keeps forever, saves time down the line, and tastes much better than the stuff you get in the jar from the supermarket."
6. "I pound chicken breasts to a uniform thickness before I cook them. It makes them cook more evenly and quickly."
7. "For me, it’s been learning to mise en place. I can get so stressed out easily when cooking, but preparing and laying out my ingredients in advance really helps make it more manageable."
8. "I've started keeping notes about the recipes I make. I jot down the quantities of ingredients I used, how many servings it made, and helpful pointers about the cooking process. I also rate recipes so I know which to make again. You can improve on them by changing a few variables at a time, and when you make it again in a month or in a year, you'll know exactly how to do it."
9. "Investing in a food processor has made a huge difference. It might sound lazy, but since getting this appliance I can’t live without it. When I need to chop up an onion for spaghetti sauce, it takes 30 seconds (and doesn’t make me cry). If I need to shred a block of cheese for lasagna, my arms don’t get sore from the grating, and I can get every last bit of cheese without grating my fingers. When I need thin discs of eggplant for ratatouille, the food processor does it easily and perfectly uniform."
10. "I use my slow cooker! This appliance is nice because you can just drop all the ingredients into the pot, set it to low, and by the time you come home your house smells delicious and dinner is basically ready. Slow cooker recipes also generally provide leftovers, so one day of cooking might cover two nights of food."
11. "I clean up as I go. There's nothing worse than cooking a lovely meal and having a giant sink of dishes waiting for you. I always make sure I have an empty dishwasher before I start cooking, and then everything I use while cooking goes straight into the dishwasher as soon as I'm done with it."
12. "I have an arsenal of Trader Joe's three-ingredient meals that I rely upon time and time again. These are life-savers for me when I either don't feel like cooking or simply don't have the time to make something time-consuming."
13. "I get frozen chicken nuggets and one of those salad kit bags from the grocery store that already has all the ingredients and dressing included. Then I put the cooked chicken nuggets on top of the salad. It's tasty, plus there's protein, veggies, and fat in it. It's pretty effortless, practical, and delicious."
14. "I devote an hour Sundays to preparing ingredients I know I'll use throughout the week. It isn't meal prep, per se, because I'm not planning out a whole menu. But I'll hard boil half a dozen eggs, roast a bunch of broccoli or sweet potato, or make a big pot of brown rice. Then I can quickly incorporate these ingredients into meals throughout the week or pack them into quick on-the-go lunches."
15. "Get a vacuum sealer and for every meal you make, ask yourself if a portion of it will freeze well. Soups, stews, spaghetti sauce, and doughs all freeze perfectly. Take advantage of any leftovers by storing them for later."
16. "Embrace sheet pan/one pot dishes. Not only are these recipes often faster and easier to cook, but they also reduce the number of pans you get dirty, which saves you clean-up time."
17. "When I'm time-pressed and want to make something fast, I'll put just about anything on toast — for example, baked beans, hummus, guacamole, or cream cheese — with some Everything but the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe's and red chili flakes. It's not a proper recipe, but there's nothing much easier than this 'toast, spread, and shake' method."
18. "One thing that finally worked for me and my wife was creating a weekly menu. Once we establish the meals we want to cook, we don't have to make decisions about food throughout the week."
19. "It helps me to have a bunch of go-to 'pantry meals' that I know my family likes. I'm talking recipes that you can make on the fly with items that are almost always on hand (canned, frozen, etc...)."
20. "I spread out one side throughout multiple meals. This works best with carbs and grains like rice. I make one giant pot of rice early in the week and then I have my grains covered for the next four-or-so meals. Plus, rice is so versatile you can use it as a side with so many recipes."
21. "Fill your freezer with homemade frozen meals so you can come home to something healthy and delicious after a long day. Store them in Ziploc baggies or invest in a vacuum sealer. Unlike store-bought frozen dinners, you'll know exactly what's in these meals. Think of them as your backup meal prep; the meals you turn to when even 10 minutes of cooking seems impossible."
22. "I love finding ways to use leftovers quickly in different recipes to introduce some variety into my cooking without much effort. For example, if I slow roast a pork shoulder on Sunday I could use the meat to make an omelet one day, tacos the next, and sandwiches the following day."
23. "I keep a Google Doc of recipes that I've tried and loved and others that I haven't yet tried but want to make. I sort the recipes by theme — such as meatless, chicken recipes, seafood, or 30-minute meals. This helps me with meal planning. At the beginning of the week, I stick to tried-and-true or quick recipes for nights that I know will be busy, and aim to make new recipes when I have the time."
24. "I pay attention to surface area while cooking. When I want quick pasta and need to boil water quickly I use my stock pot and put just an inch of water in it. I place it on the biggest burner at highest heat and put the noodles in right away (so long as they aren't fresh pasta). The water boils very quickly since it's shallow, and the noodles will start to rehydrate as the water heats up. This allows me to cook pasta way faster than if I were to use a small pot with the same amount of water."
25. "Rotisserie or roast chicken! We do a roast chicken on Sunday (or pick up a rotisserie chicken from the market) and then make chicken soup, chicken wraps or sandwiches, and more chicken recipes that get us through some of the week."
26. "Take shortcuts when you need to. There's nothing wrong with whipping up frozen lasagna or frozen pizza with salad to get through the busy nights. I have plenty of other dinner shortcuts I use often, like putting canned chili on baked potatoes."
27. "I make a lot of breakfast for dinner recipes. It takes maybe 10 minutes from start to finish to cook some eggs, heat up some ham, stir fry some spinach, cut a piece of fruit, and make toast. If I have a bit more time, I'll make bacon in the oven and eat the leftover bacon throughout the week for breakfast, BLTs, and more."
28. "I don't bother peeling most ingredients. Most vegetable skins (besides garlic and onions) are edible and they taste no different with the skins on. Plus, they even have more vitamins supposedly."
29. "I pre-make lots of sauces that I use for multiple recipes. Every once in a while I make a large amount of sauce or gravy. I put single-serve quantities in storage bags and freeze them flat. Then I use them as needed. This process works with soup, too."
30. "I use an Instant Pot to replace slow cooker recipes. 30 minutes in the pressure cooker versus six hours in a slow cooker? Yes, please!"
What are your best tips and tricks for balancing cooking with a busy schedule? Tell us in the comments!
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter Seven}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Nesta was out with Elain, Mor, Emerie, Amren, and Gwen for the night.
She had no idea when she’d be home.
This meant one thing and one thing only.
It was Cassian’s first night alone with Nyx.
It was no different than being home alone with Nyx during the day, which Cassian had been a handful of times thus far. However, Nyx didn’t seem to need as much during the day.
Eat, sleep, play, repeat.
At night, he needed a dinner, a bath, his bottle, to be rocked, to be put down for the night…which was something he never liked doing. A daytime nap? He didn’t mind. Sleeping for nine hours? Apparently that thought just pissed him off.
Nesta was a pro at getting him to sleep for the night. Cassian had offered once to do it and failed miserably.
“Not tonight, little man,” Cassian said to Nyx as they sat at the dinner table together. “Tonight, you’re going to bed the first time for Uncle Cassian.”
Nyx looked at Cassian and giggled.
Cassian scoffed. “Don’t mock me.”
Dinner with Cassian meant Nyx got the good shit. No puréed green beans or mashed carrots tonight. After he’d polished off a small jar of the cinnamon apples, Nyx had eaten nearly half a tube of puréed sweet potato, and Cassian was eating his own food. He took a bite of supreme pizza and pointed at him, before holding up a single finger. “After this, we’re gonna take a bath, and you aren’t going to throw water everywhere or poop in the tub, got it?”
Nyx just banged his little hand on the tray of his high chair, causing more sweet potato to fly onto himself, grinning up at Cassian.
“Then one last bottle before bed, while I read you a story,” he said, holding up a second finger. “I’m sure there will be a diaper change in there somewhere, so please go easy on me, yeah?”
Nyx played in the mess of mixed food in front of him.
“And then you go to bed, so I can watch a movie and pass out myself, and boom. Nesta can’t say anything about my parenting anymore cause I managed to keep you alive for a whole night.”
Nyx blew a raspberry at him before he started babbling.
Cassian took that as agreement.
“Perfect,” Cassian said, ruffling Nyx’s dark hair as he shoved the rest of the pizza into his mouth with his other hand.
He got up to clear his plate, and by the time he went back to Nyx’s high chair, he had managed to make orange streaks in his black hair.
Courtesy of the sweet potatoes.
With a sigh, Cassian took the tray off the high chair and unbuckled Nyx, picking him up and carrying him toward the bath.
“You first, tray second,” Cassian said.
Nyx started patting his little potato covered hands on Cassian’s cheeks, giggling at the sound it made.
Cassian cringed at the way it felt. “Thanks for that.”
He filled the bathtub up, ensuring it wasn’t too hot, like Nesta had shown him, and got Nyx out of his messy clothes and into the tub. After he’d wiped his own face clean of sweet potato, he went to work on Nyx, who had somehow managed to get it on the back of his knees.
Twenty minutes and a full change of wet, soggy clothes later for Cassian, he was sitting in Nyx’s nursery, in the rocking chair in the corner, a book open in his lap.
“This would be a book your parents bought you,” he muttered, opening the front cover. After clearing his throat, he began, “The night sky of Velaris greeted all the townspeople, letting them know it was time to go to bed.” Nyx patted the page and babbled something incoherent. Cassian nodded. “Yeah, it’s a nice picture, isn’t it?” He went on reading the story, written by a local author, no doubt, and Cassian found himself snorting at some of the sentences, but Nyx was fully engaged.
By the time he had finished the book, Nyx was leaning back against him, fully relaxed in his pajamas.
Even Cassian let out a yawn.
“You know, the Velaris starlight was important to your parents,” Cassian said, rocking Nyx back and forth. “They fell in love on Starfall. At least, that’s what Rhys always said. He was in love with your mama long before that, but she started falling for him on Starfall.” Nyx’s dark lashes began to fall, his eyelids drooping. “That’s why they named you Nyx. In Greek, Nyx means night.”
Nyx’s hand gripped Cassian’s thumb. He looked down at the sight and chuckled, quietly.
The baby looked up at him then, with those big, blue eyes, eyes that were so blue, they looked violet in the dark. That dark hair that was starting to need a trim, falling into his eyes. Cassian blinked quickly, trying to keep the sudden tears from spilling over. “You look so much like your dad,” he whispered.
Nyx just continued to watch him, pacifier in his mouth, those eyes getting sleepier with every rock of the chair.
Swallowing harshly, Cass set the book down and resituated Nyx so he was laying against his chest. He gently rubbed his back, the way he saw Nesta do when he would get fussy.
“I miss your dad,” he said, softly. “I know you do, too, you’ve known him your whole life, but—. But so have I. And after twenty-eight years he’s just…gone.”
That dark head snuggled in closer against him, one of his little hands clutching Cassian’s t-shirt.
Cassian said nothing else. If he had, he wouldn’t have gotten them out clearly.
He rocked. He rocked and he rocked and he rocked until Nyx was snoring, softly. As carefully as he could, Cassian rose and laid Nyx down in his crib.
After waiting a moment to make sure he didn’t wake up, Cassian tiptoed out of the room and across the hall to his own bedroom.
He had just laid down and unlocked his phone when he heard crying.
Tossing his phone back on his pillow, Cassian was instantly up, hurrying back across the hall. Nyx’s feet were kicking, his arms waving wildly, perfectly unhappy.
“What’s going on?” Cassian asked, picking the baby up out of the crib and cradling him against his chest. “Huh? You were sleeping so nicely.”
He continued to cry, and no amount of bouncing or patting his back was seeming to work.
“Come on, dude,” he muttered, sitting back down in the rocker. He resumed the slow back and forth motion, praying it would soothe Nyx back into peaceful sleep. “We did the bath. We did the bottle. We did the book. This is when you go to sleep.”
He kept crying and Cassian just shushed him quietly, his hand resuming the gentle rubbing he had done before. It helped, but Nyx still sniffled. “I don’t know what to do,” he admitted. “I don’t know how to do any of this. I’m still scared I’m gonna do something to fuck up and I wouldn’t just be doing it to you, it’d be to Rhys, too.”
Nyx’s wailing returned, and Cassian tried to close his eyes and take deep breaths. It wasn’t working. With everything he tried, Nyx only cried more and more and more.
“Come on, buddy,” he begged. “It’s time for bed, alright? It’s time to calm down.” Nyx let out a cry so loud that Cassian nearly jumped, which only scared Nyx, making him cry louder.
Cassian tried changing his diaper, tried getting him to take his pacifier, but nothing helped. He continued to rock, continued to pat, continued to walk Nyx around his room, but nothing worked.
Defeated, Cassian laid Nyx back down in his crib. “Come on, bud. Come on.”
Nyx kept crying, and Cassian rubbed his temples, trying not to join his nephew in his agony.
“Shhhhhh,” Cassian began, leaning over the crib, patting Nyx’s stomach. “It’s time for bed, Nyx. It’s time for bed. If your parents were here right now, I’m sure you’d already be asleep. Shit, if Nesta were here, you’d already be asleep.” He shook his head. “It’s me, isn’t it?”
The baby replied by continuing to cry.
He swore quietly, and hurried across the hall grabbing his phone, dialing a number he’d unknowingly memorized. She answered on the second ring.
“Is everything okay?”
He couldn’t hear music and laughter in the background of the call, but heard how panicked her voice was. She must have stepped away from her friends. It only made him feel that much worse.
“I can’t get him to stop crying and go to sleep,” he admitted. “I don’t know what else to try.”
“You gave him his bottle?” She asked, and he nodded. Then audibly answered her. After that, she ticked off the checklist of things she usually went through. Every single one he’d already tried.
“It’s like it’s just me,” he said, trying to calm him down while he held the phone to his ear. He scooped him up into his arms and sat down in the rocking chair. “He hates me and won’t go to sleep.”
She was quiet for a minute. “You know that’s not true, Cassian. He loves you.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he said, quietly, low enough that he wasn’t sure if the receiver could pick it up over Nyx’s wailing.
But it didn’t matter, because he heard footsteps hurrying up the stairs.
When Nesta rounded the corner, she wasn’t expecting to find Cassian looking defeated in the rocking chair. She pretended not to see the tears on his handsome face as she dropped her purse by the door of the nursery and took Nyx. She began to soothe him and tried to give him back his pacifier, but he wouldn’t take it.
“He’s cutting a new tooth,” Nesta said, carefully looking into his mouth, wide open thanks to a drawn out sob. “That’s all. He’s just uncomfortable, isn’t he?”
By the end of the sentence she was looking at Nyx, an over-exaggerated frown on her face.
She handed him back to Cassian and was downstairs and back with cooling, teething toy she’d pulled out of the freezer. He began to chew and gnaw on it the moment she handed it to him.
The crying quieted.
“There,” she said, smoothing his dark hair back from his forehead. “Better, yeah?”
Taking him from Cassian who hadn’t said a word since she walked in, she put him back into his crib and gently rubbed his belly. Within minutes, he was asleep again.
He murmured, “Thanks. You…didn’t have to end your night early for me.” He gestured toward the front door. “You can head back out. I can— I can handle it now.”
She shook her head. “I was on the way home. Turns out I wasn’t really in the going out mood.”
Cassian nodded, and said no more. He simply watched Nyx, his chest rising and falling. Nesta gave him a curt nod and walked out, back into the hall.
Cassian followed, shutting the nursery door quietly behind him.
“You did that so effortlessly.”
Nesta stopped and turned to face him near her bedroom, a brow raised. “Effortlessly?”
“I’ve been struggling for hours and you came in, and less than five minutes… He was out.” Cassian shook his head. “I’ve known him since the day he was born and I had no idea what he wanted.”
“He’s a baby, Cassian. He doesn’t even know what he wanted.”
“You knew,” he said, exasperated, exhausted.
She blinked, not expecting the tone of his voice to have sounded so…empty.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Nesta said, looking at him, willing him to meet her eyes. He didn’t look up.
“It’s not okay,” he said, and suddenly his words were sharp. “Rhys trusted me to take care of him but I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”
She shook her head. “They trusted us, but they knew it wouldn’t be easy. We knew it wouldn’t be easy. We just have to take it day by day and-.”
“It’s not okay!” His words weren’t loud but they were panicked. “I have to provide for him and I can’t fucking do it if I don’t know what he needs.”
“Why would they choose me?” He asked, his voice quiet. Tears filled his eyes. He hated himself for it. “I never even wanted kids! I have no idea what to do with a kid, Nesta. I don’t know what parents are supposed to do, what dads are supposed to do, I didn’t even fucking have one.”
Nesta remained quiet, afraid to speak, afraid to move. She had never seen Cassian like this.
She didn’t think anyone had ever seen Cassian like this.
“I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to do this,” he repeated. “I can’t— I can’t do this.”
She knew her words would mean nothing, reassuring him that he wasn’t alone in this, that they would figure it out together. It wouldn’t help him, wouldn’t ease his mind or his heart. That heart that was still broken from the loss of his best friend, his brother. So she did something she never thought she’d do.
She closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around him.
Cassian didn’t move for a moment, he just let her slim arms wrap around his waist, not realizing that he was on the brink of losing it. He was fairly sure that right now, she was the only thing holding him together, both mentally and physically. But after a long minute, his own arms wrapped around her shoulder and he buried his face into the top of her hair. He didn’t care that his tears were soaking her hair, didn’t care that this was the woman he’d spent the past five years hating and avoiding like she was the damn plague.
He didn’t care that he was falling to pieces.
Standing in that hallway, with Nyx sleeping behind the closed bedroom door, Cassian wept, and he didn’t care who saw it.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
You need some Izaya love?
So he comes back to the hideout in absolute shambles and the first thing he can get out is
"I've been hit by a fridge."
(Sorry if you're not taking requests, just wanting to help a sister out 💜)
I love this idea. 😂 So I hope you like the outcome. 🥺❤️ My requests are most definitely open and I’m always happy for some Izaya love. 🥰
The Fridge || Izaya x Reader
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Warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff
Word Count: 600
You turned the page in your book and readjusted it in your hand, enjoying your time by yourself. It wasn’t often that you were able to be by yourself. Izaya spent most of his time in the house and Namie was usually there even when he wasn’t.
But today Izaya had made his way to Ikebukuro and Namie was running his errands.
You grabbed your tea from the table beside you and took a sip, the warm liquid running down your throat, leaving you satisfied.
But just when you settled into the best part of your book, the front door swung open.
You dropped your book in your lap and spun around, expecting to see someone breaking in. But instead you saw a very odd sight.
Izaya Orihara looked more disgruntled than you had ever seen him before. He was holding the side of his head and a cut was visible on his lip. It was rare that Izaya ever took any hits.
You tossed your book onto the cushion beside you and jumped up, running to him. Worry was clear on your face as you approached him. “What the hell happened to you?”
Izaya held a hand out as you reached for him and stopped you. “I’m fine, darling, really.”
You ignored his attempts to stop you and placed your hand over his, slowly moving it to the side. “What happened, Izaya?!”
Izaya looked into your eyes and finally caved, not wanting the possibility of angering you to come. “I’ve been hit by a fridge.”
Your jaw dropped open, you were speechless. “What-” You started to speak but stopped yourself, not even sure what to say.
“Shizuo.” That one word made you chuckle at him, until you saw his eyes narrow some.
“I always tell you not to go into the city Izaya. One of these days you’ll listen to me. Shizuo isn’t who you should be messing with every day.”
You turned and walked toward the kitchen, grabbing a sandwich baggie from the drawer of the island. Izaya was always messing with the wrong people. Usually he was able to dig himself out of it, but the only person that he hadn’t been able to succeed against lately was Shizuo Heijwajima.
You opened the freezer and grabbed a handful of ice from the tray, tossing it into the bag and closing it. The towel on the stove handle was just in your reach so you wrapped it around the bag.
As you approached him again you smiled, lightly placing the bag on his lump as he slowly moved his hand away from it. “You’ll learn soon enough, Izaya.”
Izaya looked into your eyes and smiled, just the fact that you were willing to take care of him making him love you just that much more. “Thank you.”
You narrowed your eyes and tried to hide the confusion that now painted your features. “Where’s the real Izaya and what have you done to him?”
Izaya scoffed as he placed a hand on your cheek. “I mean that I’m grateful for you always taking care of me, even when I don’t think I need it.”
You placed your free hand over the one he had placed on your cheek. “I’m your girlfriend, Izaya. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”
His lips pressed to yours as he tossed the ice from your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you toward him. You smiled into his kiss and placed both your hands on his cheeks.
Izaya’s words made your cheeks warm, it wasn’t often that you saw him like this. “I love you, darling. Forever and ever.”
You dropped your head, your forehead resting on his shoulder as you smiled like an idiot. “I love you too, Izaya Orihara. Forever and ever.”
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @ellechanwrites @bonnisimpparker @impinthecloset @nikiniki743
©bakubabes-hatake’s original work, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
MC that doesn't have any energy during the day, just moping around all tired. But from like, 12 AM to 6 AM, really energized and would go out and do the most Chaotic Shit TM. You know when you just come up with some crack idea at 2 AM? MC every goddamn night. Probably tried making a bathtub fly.
(if you do want to do this, please do the brothers and the undateables ^^)
XD WHY IS THIS ME???!!!!! I'm always so tired and never leave my bed but it could be 1 am and suddenly I rise from the dead and just do random things around the house
Though these aren't chaotic, mostly just the boys trying to stop you as they're tired and want to sleep but you're messing around too much. I tried to base it off my own activities and things that would seem funny - sorry if you wanted something more chaotic but I couldn't think of anything
When he learned about your strange late morning/early morning shenanigans
He saw it was a way for you to finally get your school work done
Every room - and I mean EVERY - had a textbook from your different class with notes, he goes to bed late so he put them their before he tucked in for the night
He could hear your distress at the continuous reminder of work you needed to do
You knew this was his work so you went to his room
Climbing on his bed and just walked over his body
"Stop it, I'm trying to learn how to replicate the set ups from home alone."
"You can do that after doing your coursework, I'm being merciful with you, don't push it."
You just threw yourself down beside him
Pretending to suddenly fall asleep and began to loudly fake snore
You remained like that whilst Lucifer tried to ignore you
He took this as a sign of war
He was going to monitor you all day if he has to, he refuses to let your bad grades affect their image
But you got bored of snoring and left
He felt relief; his desire to sleep over weighing his desire to force you to study
When you came back with a toy gun you altered to shoot golf balls he knew thing's weren't going well
You shot at his lower body between each words
This was definitely war
He was sleeping just fine until he heard his car rev up
He bolted awake and saw that his car was on, a string of curses coming from inside
He knew of your weird habit of becoming energised at ridiculous times but he wasn't expecting you to do this
He could tell it was you by your voice
He stormed up the stairs towards his car
"Oi! What are you doing in my car? Go to bed!"
You finally were able to turn off the car, just leaning on the wheel casually as if you didn't just accidentally turn it on
"I'm just cruising~ nothing to see here!"
He wasn't amused
He got you out of his car and strung you over his shoulder, scolding you for being so irresponsible and slightly bragging about how much trouble you'd be in if it weren't for him
You tried to explain you were just pretending to drive but you saw the keys still inside and got curious
He just threw you on his bed and held you, hiding his blush in his pillow
You let him fall asleep but when you tried to escape it ended up with your shoulders in a head lock and your ass stuck in the air
It seems your productive night has came to an end
It was a fifty - fifty chance that levithan was awake or not
But Lucifer gave him an earful about staying up late as it's effecting grades
So you betted he was asleep and your desire to game and wonder aroulnd his room set itself in motion
What made it awkward, was when you came in you heard a suspicious girly moan come from his headphones
You both just stared at each other, unmoving
"Uh- this isn't- this is just a dream, this is definitely not happening."
You checked out the game he was playing; recognizing it to be a dating sim he's been following the development of
You just nodded, shuffling over to his set up
"Scoot over dream levi, I wanna see the hot babes."
He got even more embarassed; face completely red as you sat on your player 2 chair
You put your hand on his, forcing his finger to click the mouse and watched what was happening on screen, listening to the loud music from his headphones
Luckily, the voice acting was just suspicious - like most animes - and it was a fairly cute game
You did end up swirling around in your chair aroulnd his room
Both of you coming up with strategies to get the best girl to like you
Though, too much moving and spinning made you and the chair fall over
You bonked Into his bathtub, your ribs squishing against the rim after the trip
Levi let you make all the gaming decisions to make up for it
He planned to have some late night reading, hoping it'll make him tired enough to actually sleep
He found you sitting on the floor in the library
Torn books and littered paper was surrounding you
Then he noticed the paper stars and cranes pouring out from your lap as you froze mid fold
"That's....a thousand stars and cranes - where did you get all this paper from?"
"......the books belonged to me before you assume anything!"
He slowly nodded
He wasn't a fan of the destruction of books but they were yours so he couldn't say anything
He felt odd just leaving you in the barely lit library
Just folding paper who knows how long
He asked if you were hungry, guessing you've been awake for a long time
You just shoved paper into your mouth and began chewing
He was horrified
You immediately spat it out, cringing
"that was a bad idea.... that was gross."
He's going to get you food
When he came back he felt more energised; walking around will do that for you
So he decided to just stay with you whilst you folded the many pages of your destroyed books
It was around 6 am when you finally yawned; Satan fell asleep already
You looked at the fire place, your tired brain screaming for arson
He woke up as he heard your fits of poorly muffled giggles
You were throwing your stars in the fire as you sat a fair distance from it
When you threw the cranes, accepting some didn't fly far enough and didn't burn, he asked what you were doing
"It's survival of the fittest, only the strongest cranes survive in this paper world."
You were already in his room, you've been sleeping in it almost all day
So when you finally got out you looked around, spotting the makeup kit he got in a sponsorship
He lets his brother's or you use it as it's a spare
But if you touch his stuff; you will perish
So you decided to use that one, practising all sorts of looks and tried not to laugh when you made yourself a clown
You decided to stay in the clown makeup and go into his practice room
What was his practice room?
Well, he hates exercising Infront of people as he'll be sweaty and his hair will get ruined
So that's where he goes but the real magic was the pole in the middle of it
You felt a spark of inspiration
Looking up tutorials on your phone on how to pole dance
It did not go great
You were sliding too fast
Falling over and when you tried to spin, you would just get stuck
"I love you but if you keep disturbing my beauty sleep I will throw you out the window."
He was grouchy; his hair was barely smoothed out and arms crossed
You hugged the pole you were slowly sliding down; a long loud screech coming down
You definitely felt like a clown
"Sorry- you look handsome already so is there really any need for beauty sleep?"
He blushed, agreeing he was beautiful before giving you a "I will end you" smile
You got the hint, flattery wasn't going to work
Perhaps your pole dancing adventures can wait
He was aware of your strange energy burst at night, you were talking about it with him the other day
He's been wondering if he would ever spot you and tonight he did
He found you in the kitchen
Just chipping away at the frost on the top of the freezer trays with a small knife
He crouched down behind you, picking you up
Beel let you sit on his thigh and began to eat anything he could get his hands on
Meanwhile you were aggressively stabbing the formed ice
"Why are you doing that?"
He grabbed a handful of the ice chunks that fell from your stabbing
"Not sure what I want to do tonight and the build up was bothering me."
He didn't need to know anymore, just nodding and letting you do your own thing whilst he ate
He cleared out the entire fridge in no time
Letting you eat anything you wanted whilst you were hard at work
He noticed one part of the ice wasn't giving it to your stabbings
He just gripped it and easily broke it off
You thanked him and ignored how he was able to eat the big block with breaking it
Whenever something was too stubborn he would just break it off for you
It went on like that until you were satisfied
You closed the empty freezer and turned to your assistant
"Good work, but I'll need your help again, I can't reach the top cupboard and I know it's big enough to let me sit in it."
He got to eat more so he had no issue, helping you get into the cupboard once he was done clearing it out
You were so energised yet you couldn't think of what to do
You put a spell on you to stop you from feeling pain and began to let yourself roly-poly down the hallways
You penciled rolled abit too fast at one pointand ended up thumping down the stairs
You were thankful the spell worked
It got to the point you just kept rolling around until you couldn't anymore
You padded the broom closet
Immediately doing a double take when you noticed a body In the darkness
You went over and turned on the closets light
"is there a reason you're sleeping in the broom closet?"
Belphie was grumbling, trying to hide his face from the light
He glared up at you for disturbing his sleep
"Is there a reason you're rolling around the house?"
You ended up dragging belphie around the house
You felt like you committed a crime and it was fun
He was fast asleep and you were bored
You dragged him by the ankle and tried to keep his body from banging into anything along the way
You ended up bumping into Beel, he was looking for his twin, and he noticed you were dragging him
Belphie slightly woke up, waving at his brother before going back to sleep
Beel carried the two of you back to the his bedroom; hugging you both
If it weren't for these warm beefy arms you would be free! Free to terrorise all the shadows in the room
You gave up your night activities when even Belphie wrapped an arm around you
Dia was sneaking around the house, hoping not to run into his butler
He didn't want be to be sent back to bed
He was planning to have a light night snack and see how you were going
He knew you were always doing something during the nights, it surprised him when he found out because you were always in bed whenever he saw you
He checked your bedroom and didn't see you in your bed
Suddenly, he noticed a pile of black by his feet
He saw you, scrunched up on your back with the little D's covering your body, all hugging you
"oh! I almost didn't spot you under there, are you alright?"
"I'm great~ you should join me."
The little D's You were able to scratch were purring in their sleep
He found the sight adorable as he crouched down
"I'm teaching them to love me so they can willingly become armour for when I take over the Devildom - we'll be like the rat king!"
He just quietly laughed; the prince helping you pet and scratch the little D's
He agreed you'd make a good ruler
Though he had to force himself to be silent as you started chanting whispers of 'You will be my armor' and 'rat king'
Decided to leave you and your brain washing, going to the kitchen like he intended
Though when he walked past your room again you and the little Ds weren't there
He found you in his room, pouting and dangling off the chandelier
He helped you down, asking what was wrong
You told him the little D's banished you from the cuddle pile because you kept trying to make them move as one being
He patted your head and told you you'll become the overlord some day
"Why are you making pudding at 3 am?"
He already knew why, just like he knew you were here hence why he visited you
But that didn't stop him from asking
He knew you liked it when he showed his intrigue in things even if he already knew about them
"my hands demand to CREATE- oops sorry - hopefully that didn't wake anyone."
He was always surprised to see you up and about during the nights
He was always the one looking after you in the morningsa; making sure you ate and had a drink
Whilst you just laid in bed, always barely awake and unmotivated
He stayed with you, watching over you as you made your pudding
Making soft spoken discussion as he guided you through any steps you seemed to become hesitant in
You ended up making 10 batches of pudding
Barbatos eating a few whilst he watched you
When you grew bored of pudding making you ate the cups he didn't eat
Saving a few for lord Diavolo in the fridge
He complimented your pudding, telling you that they were very delicious
You felt proud; having a spark to make more food
He told you what would be best during this time of night and helped you
Though it did end up with the both of you covered in flour and barb slipping on a dropped egg
You both thought it was best to clean up and stop for the night
He was very embarassed he made a fool of himself
He didn't expect to find you in his working space
He knew you would be awake but didn't even think of you doing what you're doing right now
"is there a reason you're drinking my potions like their shots? I must say this is rather interesting - how many did you have?"
You wiped your mouth, your hiccup coming out as exploding bubbles
You looked at the small glass viles, and saw ALOT of them empty
More than you realized
"uh- 3?"
he just chuckled, reading the notes you made
The notes was recording what each potion did to you
He was thankful you remembered this was his safe batch
Unknown to him you in fact did NOT remember and was having a Russian roulette game with them
He sat with you, making a cure for your explosive hiccups
You happily drunk it and felt better
He laughed more when he saw your scribbles; drawing what happened to you
Solomon will be making you his potion tester from now one so beware
He was an early riser; awake by 3 am and usually did some writing or watched TV until he got tired again
He had a mug of tea, shuffling through the dorm
He's hung out with you plenty of times whilst you cure your late night boredom
But he was surprised when he saw you in the living room, mini flashlight in your mouth and scrubbing the floors with a sponge mop
"Oh, you don't need to clean - that's very sweet of you but don't you think it's abit early to do this?"
You looked at him, semi blinding him with the flashlight
Immediately took it out of your mouth and apologized
You agreed it was but you wanted to do it as you've been meaning to for the past week
He just nodded, letting you do your own thing whilst he enjoyed his drink
But you suddenly felt awkward; no longer wanting to clean now that someone was in the room
You made your way over to him, climbing on the coffee table and jumping onto the sofa
He was curious on why you weren't doing your thing anymore
"dunno know, just feels awkward when people watch me do stuff."
He suggested leaving you be, saying he'll stay in his room
But now you felt bad because he wanted to rest in the living room
In the end, he helped you clean and you both fell asleep in the bathtub, cuddling up with towels working as padding and a blanket
You liked creeping Luke out
It was fun, so far you've convinced them that you're a type of demon that watches bad children whilst they sleep
But really you just wanted to feel like a cryptic, sitting in the corner of his room on a cupboard
It wasn't long for him to wake up from your staring
"I'm going to tell Simeon if you keep staring at me."
You wanted to laugh; he really was a child
Luke wasn't aware that you were a night owl, he just assumed you were always tired and sleeping
He liked to help you around the house and look after you when he could
It almost made you feel had
He's been extra stubborn about liking the Devildom to the point he's Been insulting his friends and trying to push them away
"Luke, you've been very bad, pushing your friends away just because they're a demon isn't good - embrace your friendships."
You weren't amazing at changing your voice but it seemed to work on him
He complained that it wasn't right for angels and demons to be friends
But you quickly reminded him what this whole exchange program was about
"you have been chosen to help fix the divide between the three realms, just hang out with the people you care about or I'll eat your toes!"
He immediately got scared, scrunching into himself and only peered slightly out of his blanket
He made you promise to leave him alone if he made up with the demons
You agreed, feeling bad for disturbing his sleep but thankful your plan worked
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Movement {MandoxFem!reader}
Word Count: 1.8k words
Warnings: Shameless use of “Sweet girl” and yearning, still throwing cannon out the window, Mild NSFW thoughts and lingering touches, but no smut…. Yet
Comments: So, it turns out I’ll be writing a group of one-shots about the reader and din, mostly domestic, slice of life, very little plot, just smut, fluff, and the occasional angst. And they’re all going to be set to and named to the lovely tune of Hozier’s Wasteland, Baby! Album because it is, in a word, perfect. I highly recommend listening to the song that’s featured as the title for each fic. No beta we die like men
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Mando was lucky you liked working on the Crest. He had parked you in a shuttle bay on Tatooine, leaving you to run repairs with Peli while he hunted some easy bounties. You’d spent the last two days fixing up the ship; you repaired the hyperdrive and increased its capabilities by winning parts off Peli in games of sabacc. You found some old rags she didn’t need anymore and you added it to Mando’s sad excuse for a mattress as some extra padding. You fixed the programming on the nav and you even started making a vambrace of your own, out of some of the spare parts Peli didn’t need anymore. You thought it might be good to have one of your own to control the pram in case you and Mando ever got caught in another firefight. I wonder if he’d help me put a flame thrower on mine. You chuckled to yourself at the thought of the chaos that would inevitably occur if you had access to flames on a regular basis. 
You hear the child’s squeal behind you. You turn to see him reaching out to his dad--his dad, who is unceremoniously dragging a body behind him. He seems to be all in one piece, if not a little tired. You secretly hope he notices the padding you added when you finally convince him to lay down. You scoop the kid up to keep him out of his dad’s way.
“You excited your dad’s home?” you ask with a grin. He coos in response, and you laugh at his clear happiness at the sight of Mando. He reached out for the hunter as he passed by. ”Let your dad work. He’ll play with you as soon as he’s cleaned up, okay kiddo?” 
You set him down and he waddles over to Peli, where he knows he’ll get the attention he craves. You watch Peli pick him and start showing him all the fun toys and gadgets that’ll get him into trouble before turning back to the Crest. You needed to make sure Mando got some rest. Knowing him, he’d freeze the bounty and head straight back to the cantina to hunt down the next bounty if you let him. 
He pushes the bounty into the carbonite freezer and turns it on. Sometimes you forget how strong he is, but watching him hoist the limp body as if it weighed nothing makes a shiver run down your spine despite the dry heat. It takes everything you have not to image the solid body under the beskar, beautiful and strong while he worked to provide for his kid. His helmet tilts towards you and you can tell he’s watching you. You pray to the Maker he didn’t notice your ogling.  
“Go take a shower. Leave the beskar outside and I’ll get the sand off,” you order, prepared for him to try and convince you he was fine. With a step forward, he touches you arm gently.
“I’m fine, mesh'la. you don’t need to worry about me,” he murmurs, his touch gentle.  
“I always worry. Don’t try and argue. Go shower and then go play with the kid. He misses you and you deserve at least one night of rest,” you say firmly. If you let him keep talking you know you’ll cave. You could never really deny him anything he asks. His shoulders sag in defeat. 
“Were there any issues?” he asked, gentle and quiet. Shaking your head, you place a hand on his chest and gently push him towards the fresher.
“It was quiet. Peli’s spoiling the kriff out of him. I don’t look forward to the amount of attention he’ll be expecting when we leave,” you answer, glancing down the ramp towards where they were playing and smile softly. “Now go, you’ve more than earned it.”  
Maker, did he hate leaving the two of you. You, holding the child-his child-on your hip while he reaches for him. Your quiet promise to protect the kid, and making him promise you to come back, to come home to you. 
He watches you climb up to the cockpit to wait until he leaves his beskar outside the fresher. He never asked you to clean it, and he’d given up telling you not to. You had taken it upon yourself to clean it after he came home from a particularly messy bounty.  When he came out of the fresher, you had him sit on his cot so you could clean his helmet without him being uncomfortable. If only you knew. He had sat impossibly still, controlled his breathing. Thank kriff for the beskar separating him from you, so you couldn’t feel how fast his heart was beating. He would have done anything to feel your hands caress his face the gentle way you were wiping his helmet. Your hands were so soft, every part of you was. Even the parts he had yet to touch. His thoughts wandered without permission. 
So he shook them away and tried to focus on the task ahead, unhooking his armor and placing it gently on the floor outside the fresher. Closing the door and turning on the water, he let the streams of water wash away the sand that had inevitably worked its way under his duralayer. He runs a hand over his face and tries to block out thoughts of the girl cleaning his armor and protecting his child.  He shouldn’t think of you in the ways he does; he shouldn’t think about the way you look playing with the child, or flying the crest, or the way you curl up and sleep in the co-pilot chair when you don’t think he should be alone. He shouldn’t think about the way you must look in the fresher, and the way you look when you try to keep quiet as you touch yourself after you think he’s gone to sleep. Kriff, what he wouldn’t give to be the one who makes you make those sounds. 
He shut off the water and put his helmet back on, secretly happy he wasn’t heading out to catch another bounty. As he opened the door, he found his armor, cleaned of sand and blood, and a tray of food, warm and waiting for him. Sweet girl, you’re too good to me. He gulped down the meal and headed out to see his kid. And his girl.
“MANDO,” you grunted, “get this hunk of junk off of me.” you could hear the modulator crackle, it was a sound somewhere between a sigh and a chuckle. You try to push yourself out from the hunk of metal one of the droids had mistakenly lowered on you. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s too heavy to get out from under on your own. You can see Mando’s helmet tilt towards you and the modulator crackle again.  “I swear to the Maker if you’re laughing at me-”
“Oh sweet girl,” he sighed, “hold on a second.” He finally set down the kid and rose to his feet. You could practically hear the smile in his voice. I bet his smile is lovely. I wonder if he had dimples. I wonder what color his eyes are. I wonder if they crinkle around the corners when he smiles. Alright, maybe this metal was starting to cut off circulation. He walks over to you and crouches beside you, assessing the damage. He lifts the metal like it was nothing and you crawl out from under it. You sit up and start to try and stand, but a firm hand keeps you in place. Mando kneels in front of you and looks you over to try and make sure you weren’t actually hurt. I wonder if his helmet has X-Ray vision. I wonder if it can see through clothes; wouldn’t that be a skill to have. I wish I could see through his cl-
You found your runaway train of thoughts interrupted by a hand on your thigh. Logically, you know he’s just checking for bruising or damage, but the weight of his hand on your leg makes your heart run far faster than it should. It’s just his hand and he’s wearing kriffing gloves. Maker, I wish he would touch me without the gloves. You realize he’s close enough to feel your heartbeat and your breathing. 
“You alright?” His voice is low and he’s close enough you could almost hear the voice beneath the helmet. You nodded, your own voice too caught in your throat to come out properly.  “We have bacta. If you’re hurt, I want you to use it.” 
“I’m fine, buckethead.” You use his shoulder to help you stand up, disbelieving he’d use what little bacta you have to treat something as small as a few bruises. “Besides, we need to save it in case a bounty goes wrong, or more importantly, if you get hurt.” You look down at where he’s still crouched, helmet tilted up towards you. 
“I’d rather use it on you, cyar'ika.” 
You shoot him an incredulous look before turning to pick up the child who had waddled towards you. “While I appreciate your preference, mine is more practical, especially since I have nothing worse than a few bruises.” He stands, putting his arm around you and the child and pulling you close. The beskar is cold against your shoulder despite the Tatooine heat. “You’re more important, after all. I’m just the nanny.”
He huffs at that. “You’re not just the nanny. You’ve never been just the nanny.” His voice is gentle, almost unsure as he speaks. His words feel like they don’t fit where you are, under the late light of the second sun. They belong somewhere dark, private, like the Crest in hyperspace or hidden away in his cot when he’s resting. Your own voice is unsteady. 
“If I’m not just the nanny, then what am I?” you ask tentatively, feeling him tense at your words. 
“I could never define all that you are to me,” he pauses, trying to find the right words, “having you with me- it’s like- it’s like I can recall something that’s gone from me.” You look at him, at yourself in the reflection of his helmet. He takes a breath and says, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” 
You smile softly. ”I don’t know what that means, Mando.” 
“I know.” His modulator rumbles, “Maybe one day I’ll teach you.” You don’t know it, but these are the closest words he knows, the only words he knows to express what he feels. You trust him and that’s enough for you. After a moment, you push him towards the ramp up the Crest.
“Come on, I think someone needs a nap.” 
“I’m sure he’s had a busy day,” Mando chuckled at the sight of the child’s big eyes slowly shutting out of tiredness. 
“Who? Him?” You laugh, “I was talking about you, tincan. Come on. You need some rest, and I want to keep working on my vambrace.” You can hear him quietly laugh at your teasing as he closes the ramp door. It’s a sound you want to hear forever. He sits on the cot and you can almost see the gears turning beneath his helmet as he tries to figure out what’s different. You rock the child and place him in the pram for a nap. 
“Yes?” you respond lightly, pleased he had noticed your work.
“Did you add padding to this?” 
“Maybe.” You turn to look at him fully, still trying not to grin. He lets out a groan and grabs your wrist, pulling you between his legs at the edge of the cot. 
“You’re too good to me,” he murmurs, thumb rubbing gently against your skin. The worn leather is rough, but his touch is soothing.
“I could never be too good to you,” your voice comes out as a whisper as you bring your other hand to his, “now rest, you need it.” 
“You need rest too. Stay here. Stay with me.” His helmet is expressionless, but you can feel his steady presence pulling you to him. Maker, he can’t serious. You search for some sign that he’s only being polite, but upon finding none, you nod and let him pull you into the bunk with him. He lays with his back pressed against the cold metal wall and pulls you against his chest. You play with his gloves until you feel him laugh softly behind you. He lets you pull them off and toss them aside, intertwining your hands in his. “Sleep, cyar'ika. I’ll be here when you wake.”
cyar'ika- darling, beloved, sweetheart
darasuum - eternity
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum: "I love you." (lit: "I know you forever.")
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1/100 DOP
I'm doing the 100DOP challenge with @metastablephysicist this year! I have a bunch of new year's resolutions I'm working on and shit I need to do, so here's a rundown of what I'm aiming for first:
Dry January! This is not really specifically productivity focused but don't be surprised if I put in little updates on how I'm doing.
PhD apps! Got to do lots of those. I will try and make list of all of them and update how far through them I am. So far I have done 2.
Masters project! I have one of those and I need to do work on it often.
Other misc deadlines
Weird resolution 1: to be more in control of my grocery shopping. I'm autistic and I hate supermarkets, so I mostly let my partner do it for me. Now I'm trying to get more independent with it and make sure I have everything I need for cooking and I know where to find everything.
Weird resolution 2: keeping the house clean! My plan is that we clean 1 room per day, and that shouldn't take too long and frees up time at the weekends for fun stuff.
Weird resolution 3: trying a new food every week or so! I have ARFID and I'm trying to do my best to broaden my list of safe foods. Some foods I'm never going to like (anything milky or with a lot of spices and flavour), but I can do my best with the things I think I might like.
So basically that's what I'm going to be on about!
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These are pictures from a while ago because I haven't taken any today, but anyway, today I:
Cleared a shelf in the fridge and a drawer in the freezer for my groceries
Bought groceries from a little supermarket
Told my parents I was engaged ❤️💍
Last night (after midnight) I totally cleared out my front room and did the litter trays
I made my own pasta sauce to have with pasta! I have some leftovers in the fridge too!
I bought some red bean mochi from the Korean supermarket, and some tapioka pearls because I have never tried bubble tea and I want to! But I can't just go and order some because that's just too stressful.
Hopefully I will also be doing some more cleaning and doing some PhD apps.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - The Sapling of His Labors
A Drifting Stars AU one-shot, in collaboration with @clownwry.
1st, 2nd, 4th.
Ford hummed an old tune to himself as he worked on dinner. Rather than sitting in front of a fire-pit in the middle of nature, butchering food to make it edible, he was blessed to be standing in a humble kitchen with a stove, cabinets, counters, and everything. The only thing he didn’t have was a fridge or freezer, but that was okay. Ford worked calmly and at his own pace as he chopped up the onion, blinking the burning feeling away, and he used his knife to scoop the diced pieces of onion into the hot skillet, and it sizzled and immediately smelled good.
Ford smiled as he added the green bell pepper, and other delicious things from the garden, and then he gave the veggies and herbs a stir with his hand-carved wooden spoon. Estimating that dinner would be ready soon, he walked across the kitchen, through the living room with a fireplace, two rocking chairs, and a large homemade three-way desk with two chairs, and to the front door. 
The top half of the dutch door was already open, so he leaned against the bottom half of the door to watch his little girl run around with other kids her age, playing tag. “Mabel, honey, dinner!” He called. “Will you please bring some water when you come?”
“Okay!” Mabel called back cheerfully, and Ford trusted her to end the game soon and say goodnight to her friends as he went back to dinner.
The veggies were cooking well, so Ford threw some of Mabel’s special homemade butter into another pan, let it melt, and then he carefully laid two filleted fish down to cook.
The bottom half of the dutch door opened and Mabel came in with a bucket of water from their well. She grinned at the sight of him and sat the bucket down to use a ladle to pour some water into wooden cups. “Ms. Mahogany asked about you again.”
“Oh?” Ford raised an eyebrow at her, his smile still present.
“Yeah, I told her how just last night you told me you were lonely and only wanted someone to hold at night…”
Ford barked a laugh that Mabel joined in with, but she continued as she set the table. “Then she said her son is still single if…”
“Mabel, please!” Ford guffawed with rosy cheeks as he flipped the fish. “I wish you would stop trying to set me up with everyone in town.”
“But I’m a great matchmaker!”
“I know you are. Why not focus on someone else’s love-life?” Ford suggested as he began to plate the veggies.
“I don’t really care about everyone else’s love-life.” Mabel said with a shrug as she sat.
Ford snorted as he platted the fish on top of the veggies, one plate slightly smaller than the other.
“Well, not nearly as much as I care about you.” Mabel elaborated, and smiled sweetly at her uncle as he turned to set the food at the table. “I just want you to be happy, Grunkle Ford.”
The old man was a bit surprised by this, but he smiled softly and said, “I am happy, darling.” He sat the plates and himself down where they belonged, then patted his lap. “Come here.”
The girl didn’t hesitate to crawl into his lap and let him hug her. “I’ve got you.”
“Yeah, but imagine how much happier you’d be if you had me and a partner!” Mabel said optimistically.
Ford chuckled and brushed her shoulder-length hair with his six fingers. “Sweetie, I’m much happier now than I ever thought I would be.”
Mabel grinned at him and hugged him around the neck, allowing Ford to squeeze her gently and hug her back.
A little while later they sat by the fireplace, Ford in his rocking chair, and Mabel by his socked feet, propping her back against his leg as she knitted away. Ford used to tease her and wonder why he even built her a rocking chair, but once she explained she felt more comfortable against him, he let it go. Maybe next time they go to the store, he should trade fish for fabric so he can build a couch.
The eldest read a book out-loud while Mabel knitted, their favorite thing to do in the evening, when all they had for light was the fireplace and lanterns and the stars, but there were no stars tonight. Rain peacefully trickled down outside. They left the dutch door open to enjoy the smells and sounds and cool air, not a hint of a storm in sight.
Ford was enjoying the book, but not nearly as much as he enjoyed looking down at his beautiful girl. The sounds of her needles clicking as she worked, the way her brown eyes twinkled, the blush on her round cheeks, the shine in her hair. Ford had no idea what in the Multiverse he did to deserve her… No, he didn’t deserve her, but he was still grateful for her, and beyond happy he somehow managed to give her a happy life.
Ford was very excited, too excited to let his little girl sleep in too much. True that he purposely got up early to get the eggs, milk the cow, and let the sheep out for her, but he decided to surprise her earlier rather than later, so he made her some pancakes and eggs, squeezed her some fresh orange juice, put a pretty flower on the tray for decoration, and tucked the present wrapped in parchment and card under his arm.
A soft knock alerted Mabel of company, and her door opening and a warm voice fully woke her up. “Mabel, honey,”
She grinned and sat up in her bed. Ford had no regrets. All his hard work was worth it for that smile. “Happy Birthday.”
Mabel was absolutely delighted by the sweet surprise, but a bit disheartened when she saw no plate for her uncle. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at him, still too used to his bad habit of skipping meals so she could eat. Well, he didn’t have to do that anymore. “Grunkle Ford, where’s your breakfast?”
Ford smiled and chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s all fixed and downstairs waiting for me.”
Mabel smiled again and said, “Why don’t you eat up here with me? Then I’ll open my present!”
Ford nodded. That seemed like an even better idea than eating separately. So Ford retrieved his mug of coffee and pancakes, and when he sat at the foot of Mabel’s bed, she opened the card. There was no glitter to decorate it with and the card wasn’t nearly as colorful as Mabel would have made it, but Ford still drew plenty of pretty pictures for her and wrote plenty of kind words, and more importantly, he made it just for her.
Mabel grinned and thanked him for the card, sitting by her nightstand and candle so she could see it every day, and then she tore into her present. She gasped happily and squealed at the gift. Mabel had seen Ford sew here and there, but she didn’t know this was what he was working on.
It was a large quilt. It had many different patches, some with colors, some with pictures of animals, one with a shooting star and one with a six-fingered hand. There were so many different patches that Mabel felt she could look and look without seeing every detail.
Ford rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I asked everyone in town if they had scraps of cloth. I wasn’t sure what to get you, but you deserve something nice, and…”
“Grunkle Ford, I love it!” And Mabel let her new quilt fall on her lap so she could hug him tightly around the waist. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll use it forever! I love you, thank you!”
Ford chuckled and hugged her back tightly. “Y-You’re welcome.”
It wasn’t much, but it was better than what he could have done for her before.
Ford ran as fast as he could. He didn’t care how sharply branches pricked his face or how many times he stubbed his toe on a rock or tree root. The screaming rang in his ears. Mabel needed him.
He was grateful to find Mabel up in a tree, safe, but not for long. At the base of the tree was a giant black bear, roaring and growling and scratching the tree. It wouldn’t be long until the bear decided to try to climb. Ford gritted his teeth and allowed instincts to take over, animal vs animal.
Ford threw a rock and it hit the bear on the neck, making it forget the human cub in the tree and turn to the adult to roar warningly. Then Ford shot his crossbow and it hit the bear right in the shoulder, close to the chest, but not quite enough to kill it, only to anger it. Mabel screamed for Ford to run away, to get away, but Ford stood his ground as the bear charged at him and he rolled out of the way just in time, then shot the bear again, this time hitting it’s back.
The bear turned and roared at Ford, and he was prepared to pull the knife out of his boot and do some real damage, tired of giving warnings that the bear wasn’t hearring. But then something made everyone freeze. A small wheezing roar. A squeak from a cub. The little baby black bear ran out from the bushes and to its mother, who nuzzled the cub with her nose and stood protectively. Ford lowered his crossbow and nodded. Mabel must have accidentally stumbled across the cub, must have gotten too close, and the mother was being overprotective.
The mother roared once more at the humans and ran off into the woods with her cub, taking the arrows lodge in her with her. Well, good. That’s what she gets for going near Ford’s niece. Speaking of…
Ford turned to the tree and looked up at the frightened girl. “Mabel, are you hurt?”
“N-No. I’m okay.” Mabel looked at the spot where the bears disappeared and bit her lip. “I… I didn’t even see the baby one…”
Ford smiled and nodded. “It’s alright. You’ll find parents are quite protective of their kids. Can you climb down?”
Mabel nodded and carefully made her way down the tree. When she was about halfway down, she leaped into Ford’s arms and they hugged each other tightly, the crossbow still in Ford’s hand.
“Oh, Mabel, I was so worried…”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…”
“Shh, hey, it’s alright. I’m not mad.”
“I thought you… I thought…” Mabel mumbled into his shoulder, her grip on his coat extremely tight.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” Ford muttered to her as he walked them home. “I’ve got you.”
Ford walked home from the ocean, smiling with the large net filled with fish on his back. Mabel was with the sheep, as usual, and smiled and waved when she saw his safe return. The leaves were changing colors and the air was getting more comfortable and crisp. Soon winter would be with them, and rather than fish for money, Ford planned to build music boxes and carve toys, a brilliant idea Mabel had when she noticed how he missed tinkering and building. He enjoyed fishing, but it wasn’t like the old lab work that made him proud.
The next day, like always, Ford walked home and saw Mabel among the sheep, but this time she was chatting with a boy her age. Ford had seen the boy before, Mabel labeling him as a friend, but the old man couldn’t help but wonder if he should be putting money away for a small wedding, a thought that made his blood boil and his heart swell at the same time.
Ford gave the soup another stir before ladling it into a bowl. Poor Mabel sat on the newly built couch, wrapped in her quilt, close to the fire, her cheeks and nose cherry red and dark circles under her eyes as she sneezed and coughed. Ford wasn’t as worried for her as he normally would be; it was just a bad cold. She would be alright. 
Weirdly enough, Mabel’s brain had decided to call it quits and she was nothing more than a rag doll, barely interactive and aware of her surroundings, which was fine by Ford. He could take care of her and the house just fine. He smiled softly and sat next to her, holding out a spoonful of warm soup for her. “Here you are, my dear. This will make you feel better.”
Shakily Mabel ate the bite she was given, but it burned and made her cough roughly. Ford rubbed her back and stirred the soup to cool it down a little. “That's it, easy does it. There we go, I’m sorry, sweetie.”
The second time was the charm; Mabel was able to swallow a second spoonful of warm soup no problem. She actually made a weak smile, then muttered to Ford, “Thanks Daddy,” and coughed roughly into her quilt. She patiently waited for her next spoonful, unaware of what she had done to Ford.
She had said it so innocently, so quietly… Was it possible, that in her weakened state, Mabel thought she was back home with her father? Even though she seemed out of it, she did seem aware of where they were; a few minutes ago, when Ford was making the soup, she had asked if the sheep were put away. And she had thanked Ford for making the soup when he first started on dinner. So, maybe, there was a small possibility that Mabel knew exactly who she was talking to, and she articulated with a title that felt fitting to her.
Ford smiled with a bit lip and held out the spoon filled with soup for her. “Y-You’re welcome.”
He smiled sympathetically as she sniffed again, her poor sinuses turned against her. But then she sniffed again, louder, and Ford began to notice it sounded different…
He also began to notice he was sore. And lying down. And wrapped up, like he was tucked in for bed.
Ford was pulled from his dreams and was sluggishly half-awake, his eyes still closed, and he bought his body some time to gather some strength by paying attention to his blind surroundings.
He could hear and feel a fire going. He was lying in a sleeping bag on the ground, and he could tell there were other things keeping him warm and wrapped up. Some damp cloth was on his forehead. And he could hear crying.
Ford forced his eyes open slowly and he discovered someone had taken his glasses off. He forced himself to work with his blurry vision and he sat up a little, leaning on his arm for support in search of his niece. She sat a few feet away, in a tight bundle. If Ford had to guess, she was hugging her knees and hiding her face in her arms and knees. “Mabel…”
She lifted her head up quickly, but then hid her face again, looking away from him and wiping her face dry with the sleeves of her coat. 
“Hey, no,” Ford said softly, taking the damp cloth off his forehead. “None of that, you don’t ever have to hide anything from me. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“N-No,” Mabel cleared her throat and finally turned to look at him; he was a little disheartened to see her trying to smile and still hide what was bothering her. “I’m okay. H-How do you feel? Tea is almost ready.” And she scooted closer to the fire on her knees to check on the teapot.
Ford sighed tiredly, his lips tight to try to keep her from hearing it. “Mabel…”
“Oh, here!” Mabel reached into a pocket of her uncle’s backpack and pulled out his glasses for him. “I thought I’d better take them off you so your face wouldn’t hurt.”
Ford smiled and accepted the visual aid. “Ah, thank you.” He slipped his glasses on and more clues came to his senses.
They were in the middle of the desert. Well, not entirely in the middle, it looked like there was a jungle a few yards behind them. Ford had also been blanketed with sweaters for extra warmth in the cold desert night. Everything seemed well in order and normal, except when Ford looked at his poor little girl. Her hair was a mess, frizzled and… Ford recognized that hairstyle. His hair often looked like that after he grabbed at it too roughly and tried to pull his hair out. There were dark circles under her eyes, eyes that didn’t sparkle. That legitimately scared Ford.
“Good! Tea is ready.” Mabel turned away from him again, refusing to look at him as she pulled out a cup for her uncle and poured him some hot drink. “Here, it’ll make you feel better.”
Ford accepted the drink and sat up fully. “Thank you.” He sipped it and watched Mabel carefully. She didn’t pour herself a cup. Or bring out the water canteen for something else to drink. Instead she held her knees and watched the fire dance. He opened his mouth to ask her if she was alright, but she beat him to it.
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? H-How’s your neck?”
“My neck?” Ford touched his throat, a bit confused, and answered, “I feel fine. Nothing hurts. Why?”
“We were ambushed. You got shot. You… You had a bad fever and wouldn’t wake up.” Mabel, still refusing to look at him, held out a dart to him that had been lying on the sand. “Here. I thought you might wanna study it.”
Ford adjusted his glasses and held the dart. It was quite long, but very skinny, and it had a red bull point at the top, like a sewing needle, but Ford recognized the dart. “Interesting. These are Hummie darts. They’re sold through the dimensions, they’re very useful for bounty hunting. See, the top here is filled with poison, just enough to render the body useless and to also hypnotize the target in a deep, dream-filled sleep. Oftentimes the dreams are the victim’s happiest memories or goals, so they won’t try to wake up. It’s also very fascinating because the side-effects are next to none, this makes these darts ideal if you want to bring someone in for questioning or for next-to-perfect condition.”
But Mabel wasn’t listening. Her eyes were still on the fire, she was still holding her knees, but her mind was elsewhere. Ford watched her mournfully and tried to remember what had happened.
Oh. Right.
They were in a different dimension than this one. They had been laughing and playing in the woods, unaware of who they were attracting. By the time Ford hoisted a laughing girl on his shoulders, a dart barely missed him and it hit a tree, causing him to run while Mabel shot pop-rocks with her slingshot. Ford can now remember feeling a tiny prick by his neck. He had hoped Mabel had accidentally pinched or pulled some skin on his neck, but she was horrified to have let a dart get past her. Ford managed to stop running and put Mabel down safely, shaking his head and even slapping himself to try to stay awake and attentive, but just as he was sharing a plan with her, he fell on his knees and collapsed into the grass, the last thing he heard was Mabel’s desperate please to be okay. Not to stay awake, not to help, but to be okay.
Ford put the dart and his tea down on the ground. “Oh, Mabel… You were amazing. Absolutely amazing! You saved us. You saved my life.”
“M-Maybe if I hadn’t asked you to play with me…”
“They were relentless. I’m glad we had fun and played.”
Mabel held herself tighter and turned her head away so it was out of sight. That broke Ford’s heart. What he wouldn’t give for her to just look at him. Had he done something? Had he scared her? He had heard that while under the influence of the Hammie darts, the body is as useless as a ragdoll, but… Oh. Maybe that had scared her. Mabel had no way of knowing what the darts did, she had no idea what kind of poison they were filled with. Did she refuse to look at Ford because when she did all she saw was the shadow of a dead man?
“Mabel,” Ford croaked longingly, and he opened his arms. “Please come here.”
Mabel was trembling. She sniffed again and swallowed a sob down.
She was a Pines, after all. She was going to be stubborn. So Ford scooted himself and the sleeping bag and pile of sweaters. He carefully began to scoop her up, but she finally broke and turned and hugged him around the neck, sobbing into his shoulder and allowing him to hold her close and burrow her in his arms and sweaters and sleeping bag.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright now.” Ford petted her hair and closed his eyes, giving everything he had into making her feel better. “I’m okay, I swear. You did an incredible job.”
“I thought… I thought…” Mabel croaked and swallowed to try to communicate better. “Y-Your eyes… they rolled! Into… y-y-you looked d…” And she choked and sobbed and held him so tightly her fingers ached, but she didn’t care.
Now Ford had never heard of that side-effect before. “Oh, Mabel, honey…”
“I k-k-know you’re okay now… I know… but I th-th-thought I was g-gonna lose you!” Mabel cried out, her throat sounding like it was going to tear in half. 
“I’m sorry…” Ford cooed to her and adjusted her so she laid by his heart and he felt her hands. Holy Moses, she was so cold. “I’m so sorry. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I love my little starshine too much to be anywhere else.”
Mable hiccuped a weak giggle and she nuzzled her cheek against his chest. “I love you, too, D-Grunkle Ford.”
Yup. Ford wasn’t shedding tears alongside her. No. A raindrop must have fallen on his cheek. On a cloudless night. Yeah, that was it.
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bluesakurablossom · 3 years
How would the turtles feel if their S/O poured cold water on them while they slept? They can pour cold water anywhere. On their face, body, or other parts.
Oh this is funny! I actually did something similar not too long ago! It's a bit of a change since they are in the shower when the s/o does this but I hope you still love it! <3
Leonardo: You were getting ready for the day while applying your makeup at the sink and the shower was running beside you, releasing some steam form the curtain. Your boyfriend in blue had stayed over last night and he wanted to freshen up before he had to sneak back home for training. So he asked if he could take a shower which you happily let him you gave him your biggest towels you had in your small apartment. You both were comfortable enough in your relationship to be this intimate to get ready together. You were applying your mascara when the mirror started to steam up making it harder to see. “Babe, you must be cooking yourself in there, you must have the water all the way on hot” “I love my showers hot, helps relaxes the muscles, need that for training for this morning, especially if I am going to perfect my katas” He peeked around the curtain giving you a smile “By the way you are looking beautiful as always this morning” “Why thank you, well its a little too hot babe, can’t see in my mirror”, Wiping away at the steam that keeps returning with another towel you tried to finish applying your lip gloss “I am gonna look like a clown if I can’t see myself right” “I’ll be right out honey, enjoying every second of this” He moaned softly in content “Oh yeah, right down the back, right where I need it!” You rolled your eyes and suddenly got a brilliant idea come to your head and you left the bathroom quietly without him suspecting your absence. You came back in with a plastic bowl filled with cold water and a few ice cubes to make the water extra cold trying to contain your fit of giggles. “Hey babe? How much longer till you are out of the shower?” “Why don’t you come on in here and I will tell you? If you know what I mean” He joked playfully, he could be such a dork at times when he was with you. You giggled as you quietly pulled a small stool closer to the curtain and stepped up top, your head barely peeking over the rod. “Bow chick a wow wow” You laughed at his dorkiness, you got to admit, seeing him not all serious all the time and showed his kid side it was cute. “Okay you convinced me, I will be right in” You held the bowl quietly as you could and you were starting to feel bad that you were doing this to your boyfriend but then again he was making it hard for you to do your makeup and the humidity was going to make it even worse. It was gonna be worth it. You reached over and dumped the bucket on your boyfriend causing him to shriek and you busted out laughing but you lost your footing, trying to grab on to the rod but ended up pulling it down with you, exposing your naked boyfriend, whom had slipped falling with his shell facing up. You were expected to hear a yelling, but instead you were greeted with laughter same as yours. “Oh my god! Leo! I am so sorry!” You were struggling with your laughter as you tried to help him up but you ended up getting sprayed “Move the head, eeekkk I am getting soaked!” You were blocking the water with your arm, but it was no use “Hello?! I am face down in the tub stuck here I can’t! What did you do that for?!” He laughed slipping and sliding to stand up “I was trying to prank you!” You stood up and moved the shower head to move to the wall as you returned your attention back to your boyfriend as he shook his head free from water “What the heck?! What is this Jackass?!” You both ended up laughing as you were able to help him up to his knees and you went to fix the shower rod trying to place it back. “Are you okay?!”, asking in a fit of giggles “I think I bruised a rib” He chuckled as you covered your mouth feeling guilty for what you had done “Oh shit baby! I am sorry! I just wanted to get you back for making it too hot in here! I didn’t think you were gonna slip!” You tried to hold it together but it was a clearly losing fight He pulled the curtain back giving you a playful glare. “You better watch your back, I am gonna getcha you”, He pointed a finger at you making your fear disappear and laughter return to the atmosphere. “If I was you, I would run very fast” You
shrieked and ran out of the bathroom giggling slamming the door behind you. But there was no hiding from him he was gonna find you no matter where you chose to go, he was going to find you and he was going to get his sweet revenge. You mess with the sensei, you are going to get punished. Raphael: You groaned in annoyance, for some reason your best line of skin care was lower in being close to empty than you know it should be. You know you don’t use too much when it came to personal care of your face, you had to think about what could be the reason. You eliminated the cause of the cap being left opened accidentally, any cracks in the bottle, or even making sure it wasn’t a defect. But then something hit you, you realized your stuff always looked shuffled whenever he was over for the night, you start to wonder could it be him using your stuff? You wouldn’t think your man was using your stuff, I mean after all when you would do your face masks, manicures, and foot soaks and offered him one, he would decline saying he was too manly for that stuff. Deciding to investigate you set up your phone in the bathroom out of sight of him and when he was freshening up for the evening before your scheduled movie night, you caught him red handed or should you say green handed. Your boyfriend Raph was in your sink cabinet taking some of your facial treatments and using them himself. “Oh too manly for using my stuff huh?” You giggled as you planned your revenge on him. You invited him over as usual and you actually did notice a difference in your man as he climbed in through your living room window. The facial stuff you used, was meant to remove any darkness, brighten in the skin and make it baby soft and you saw that skin looked brighter in green and there wasn’t much darkness in his cheek bones and jawline. “Hey you”, You kiss his cheek and feel along his jaw “My babe, did you do something different? You are skin is so smooth” “Oh....uh....nah just been trying to take care of myself more, you know, feel good” He blushed a bit in his cheeks trying to play it cool, you played along knowing he was lying through his teeth “Awwwww that’s good babe, but before we do have our movie, please go freshen up, you smell like sweat and protein shakes” You giggled slapping his ass playfully as you went into the kitchen to prepare popcorn “Don’t smell that bad”, He smelt himself giving you a stuck out tongue walking to the bathroom As soon as you heard the water, you waited a few minutes till you knew for sure he was in and you opened the freezer door and grabbed the ice tray. You opened the door quietly trying to not make any noise. You snuck up close to the shower and stood on the rim of the tub, making a little clinking noise in the tray. “Babe? What you doing?” You suddenly dumped the ice over the rod as he shrieked at the top of his lungs ruffling behind the curtain. “Hohyuhoo!” He pulled back the curtain and sure enough he had a whole face covering of your facial treatment as you snickered uncontrollably. “Dude what the hell? Yo dude are you dead?!” “Too manly to use my stuff huh?”, You crossed your arms with a giggle He looked at your guilty and with a nervous chuckle. “Oh.....heh caught me didn’t ya?” “Babe I recorded you snooping through myself the night before” You chuckled shaking your head seeing him blush as red as his bandanna that was once wrapped his head “You tempted me” He mumbled trying to hide his face behind the curtain All you could do was giggle and took a towel off from the sink and wiped some of the facial treatment off from his lips softly and gave him a deep kiss, as he returned it back. “Hey you know all you had to do was ask, I could of gotten you a bottle yourself” You cocked an eyebrow at him “Sorry....” He mumbled again as you giggled “I got to say babe, your face is glowing, it even works for mutant turtles! Your skin looks great! I’m impressed” “I noticed a change right away, that’s good stuff you got!”, He rubbed his cheeks with his hands as you busted out laughing “Told you it was good, hey when
you are done, I will let you use my foot soak, helps with calluses”, You held your leg and rubbed your bare sole “Nahhhhh not that, maybe this, but definitely too manly for a foot soak” He waved it off as he rinsed his face off “Oh don’t you start that shit again, and this time there is no sneaking through my beauty products to do it!” You laughed as you grabbed the stuff you would need for the foot soak and you looked back behind your shoulder “I love you, by the way aren’t you angry about the ice?” “I should be but not yet your kiss distracted me for a moment, you got me all done my shell but you just wait, I’m gonna get your ass” He gave you a deep playful growl, giving you a shaking fist You giggled and shook your ass playfully sticking out your tongue. “Hey you know what I always say, pay back is a bitch!” Donatello: You were on your boyfriends laptop laying out on his bed watching tik toks while you waited for your nerdy boyfriend to finish working on the garbage truck. He wanted to do some updates that he had been planning on his blue prints for the last few weeks and sure enough it was going to take him longer than you thought. But you knew this was the normal you didn’t mind sometimes, but sometimes it was lonely. While you waited you chilled out in his bed in the wall and used his laptop that was rested in his cubby. You did everything that could pass the time over, looking at photos of you and him he saved in albums, played a few games, and were now on the internet watching tik toks. Some of the videos you have seen you and Donnie have tried before together just for the fun of it and kept the recordings for your own pleasure and giggles. You saw a video of when girlfriends dump ice on their boyfriends in the shower prank and you couldn’t help but laugh seeing the outcomes. It made you reminisce on the time where you had tried to do it on Donnie for getting back at him for eating your pop tarts snack that you had left on his desk while you were doing college course work and when you had left to get a drink. He went in sneaky ninja mode and had swiped it without you knowing it before you came back. When you found your treat missing you yelled out to your sweet tooth boyfriend and he had locked the garage door to avoid your pastry crave rage as he munched away. You had plotted your revenge for weeks trying to think of a way to get him back but he was too smart for you and it made it difficult to catch him off guard. But while watching the video you gotten the idea of trying this prank on him, you got a huge grin growing on your face. This was genius! You prepared a bowl in the kitchen filling it with two trays of ice from the fridge, just as you heard Donnie come out from the garage. You hid from view seeing him covered in grease and oil, on his pants, boots and glasses. He wiping his hands clean with a rag as he went to his room. You peeked around the corner to see he was looking around for you seeing your spot where you laid disturbed. “Princess? Princess? Oh I am sure she just went with Mikey out skateboarding” He grabbed a few things before he left heading to the lair bathroom where the brothers shared. He had shut the door and you giggled like an evil scientist as you took the bowl giggling to yourself. “Shall we test to see how cold a cold blooded reptile gets? Your wish is my command master!” You dramatically laughed deeply You quietly opened the door, even with you being quiet you still managed to startle him making him squeak out loud, seeing his tall shadow behind the curtain. “It’s okay honeybun, it’s just me, just need to grab something really quick” “Oh you scared me babe, thought it was going to be Mikey, he has been pranking me all week” You struggled to contain your giggles as you walked closer but you remained composed as you walked closer and closer taking one step at a time “Oh really? What did he do?”, You asked, trying to distract him while you balanced your shaky hands “Well first off he putting chewing gum in my book sticking it shut, he swiped some of my test tubes I had
been using for my experiment while on his skateboard I had to use my drone to get it back, and this is far by the worst one yet, he put hot sauce in my coffee” “Awwwwww my poor baby, Mikey’s pranks should terrible, but you know what a more worse prank could be?” You stood just right in front of the curtain, seeing barely the crown of his bald green head “What could possibly be worse than his pranks?” “This!” You cheered and jumped throwing the water over as you heard it come splashing down on him “What in the freaking heck are you doing babe?! What was that for?!” You giggled to yourself quietly doubling over on your knees as you heard the curtain rustle and you looked up to your boyfriend with a surprised look on his face that quickly turned into a laugh. His glasses were fogging up from the steam “What was that for?! What did I do to you?” “Think back genius! My poptarts!” You laughed uncontrollably clapping your hands together “But yeah I was only doing that cause you ate mine hiding on top of the fridge! Told you those were for emergencies only!” He threw his arm out and some of the water droplets flicked you in the face making you shriek “It was an emergency I was hungry!” You replied in a whiny voice “What in the world?! You left the door open too I was freezing my tooshie off in here!” He motioned his head towards the door as you giggled walking up to him stroking his head “I am sorry pumpkin, but I had to do it”, You pinched his cheek sweetly “Now hurry up we got cuddle time we need to make up!” “The war is on miss! The war is on!” He called out as he went back behind the curtain “Oh I am so scared...I am so scared” You dramatically shook as you walked off holding your arms up innocently with a playful tone He blew a raspberry at you as you left and you blew one back to him as you shut the door giggling, heading to his room ready to finally have him in your arms once more. Michelangelo: You were walking past the bathroom mindlessly scrolling through your phone when you heard the water going and hearing your boyfriend singing in the shower. You stepped closer to the door letting your head touch the door, hearing him louder and you couldn’t help but laugh at his goofy behavior. Even though he wasn’t the best at singing you couldn’t help that it was cute to you for his efforts. And being in a relationship with the prankster of the family, this gave you a perfect opportunity to do another one of your pranks in a never ending war with him. You went to the kitchen and got the biggest bowl you can find and dropped some ice cubes into the water stirring it up with your hand. It was bitter cold but it couldn’t be anymore of a great prank to get him back for when he put itching powder in your sports bra during your workout in the gym. You quietly opened the door and took out your phone and hit the record button, this was going to be a golden globe for sure, you set it on the sink as you snuck up to your boyfriend. Seeing his silhouette from behind the curtain you quietly stood on your tip toes not even aware of your presence as he continued to sing. You reached over and threw the water straight on his head, making him scream like a girl. You busted out laughing falling to the floor as you saw ruffling behind the curtain. “Payback is a bitch sucker!” You yelled laughing “Y/N!!!!! My ass cheeks cold!”, He yelled out You were screaming in laughter doing a victory dance in front of your phone as he peeked behind the curtain. “Babe its freaking cold!”, He looked at you with surprise with teeth chattering slightly “Oh boo hoo you poor baby!”, You giggled “Score one for the girls back home!” “Oh you wanna play this game again? Well if its a game you want its a game you shall get!” He surprised you by running out of the shower naked in all of his glory and started to chase after you. You screamed as he chased you all around the bathroom, slipping and sliding on the wet tile floor. Soon as you turned hard at a sharp corner, Mikey lost control of his grip on the forming puddles and slid into along heading
straight into the wall, smashing right into it. The abruptness of the collision caused the shelf above him to break off one of its hinges and cause the contents of bottles to fall straight onto his head one by one. “Ow! Ow! Ow! OW! OWWWWWW!” Earning a moan of pain as he held his head with his hand. “Oh my god, baby!” You rushed over barely slipping on the floor as you knelt down in front of him, hugging his aching head. “Mikey sugar cake, are you okay?” You looked at him worriedly as he hid his face from yours. “Question is, will you be after this?”, He gave you a sly look. The color drained from your face and before you could run, he grabbed you around the waist throwing you over his shoulder. You punched at his shoulder repeatedly and trying to pry his hand off of you, but there was no getting out of this one. When you saw he was heading towards the shower that was stilling running, you screamed and begged all that you could, but all Mikey could do was just laugh standing underneath the showerhead drenching you head to toe Giving you a good soak he pulled you out from underneath the spray and pressed you up against the shower wall. You moved your wet hair out of your face looking utterly annoyed to see your snickering boyfriend. “Trying to make a clean get away huh angelcakes? You can’t outprank the king!” “I.......hate.......you......I just washed my hair!”, You said, trying to sound mad but clearly your tone was laughing as you started giggling “You love me”, He nuzzled your nose affectionately “I do, but better watch your shell, I am gonna getcha back”, You pointed your finger at his face, but he chuckled sucking on it as you giggled bringing him into a deep passionate wet kiss.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
The Cowboy Conundrum
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/GN! Reader
Word Count: 3,128
Warnings: Jack gets heatstroke and suffers the symptoms (passing out, vomiting, etc.), but other than that it’s mostly just hurt/comfort
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell​
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The prompt for this week’s Writer Wednesday was given, as always, by the lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog​, and the masterlists are created by  @clydesducktape. 
Out in the middle of the desert, the days were long and hot, usually unforgiving and always unbearable. The sand was gritty, the sun was cruel, and the lack of humidity was somehow a curse and not its usual blessing. 
Why the hell you were in a desert right now was beyond you, but apparently your work had decided to send you to the middle of God’s country, Arizona for something important, so something important you were doing. Well, you were waiting for your instructions in a cabin on the outskirts of some ghost town, but that felt close enough. You’d been here for almost three months, and at this point, you were entirely used to the boringness and the labor of day-to-day life in the desert. 
Thankfully, it seemed the gods were merciful today. Instead of heading into town for a drink or counting tumbleweeds as you always did to stave off the boredom, a horse approached you as you exited your cabin to grab water from the well. It wasn’t a particularly interesting horse, just a regular old bay horse with one small white sock, but what intrigued you was the horse’s rider, or obvious lack thereof. Fully tacked in western gear, the horse had no rider that you could see. No one on the horizon, no shouts above the dry wind, not even a whisper of whoever had sent this horse running to you. 
“Are you alone?” you asked, rubbing up and down the horse’s muzzle. “Are you all alone out here pretty boy? Hm?” 
The horse whickered, shoving against you and flicking his tail. You nodded, looking out over the sienna landscape. “Is there something out there?” 
Another soft whicker, and this time, you could’ve sworn you saw something, a glimmering mirage against the heat. A man, shambling upright, limping with every step. With one blink, he was gone, but the image remained burned in your head. You blinked a few more times, trying to dispel the mirage, but you couldn’t. 
“Oh what the hell,” you groaned, picking up your hat and placing it securely on your head. “What could go wrong?” Already in riding clothes, you wasted no time swinging up into the horse’s saddle and gripping the reins tightly in one hand. “Take me wherever.” 
Immediately, the horse was off, you along with him. Riding was as natural as breathing for you, and you actually felt nice with the wind threatening to upend your hat with every step the horse made. 
It took almost ten minutes to find anything, but the horse seemed to know where he was meant to go and took you there without hesitation. When you finally came upon the crumpled body of a man, you swung off the horse’s back before he slowed to a stop, running alongside him and falling before the man. He was unconscious, his skin as hot as the ground beneath him and as dry as the air you were breathing. You shoved two of your fingers to the side of this neck, just below his jaw, and found a pulse, wild and erratic, racing under the man’s skin. 
“Looks like heatstroke,” you said to the horse, flicking the brim of the man’s hat up and seeing his sun-flushed face. “Yep. C’mon, think you can carry us both?” 
The horse was surprisingly willing to carry you and the mystery man. He knelt down so you could position the man at the front of the saddle, and stood still when you swung yourself up as well. Because of the extra weight, what should’ve been a ten minute trip home was closer to twenty, but before you knew it, you were dragging the man inside your cabin, leaving the horse cool and comfortable in the attached stall beside the house. 
You groaned, hauling the man onto your only bed. You could take the couch until he recovered, you truly didn’t mind. Turning the ceiling fan on, you listened to it creak as you stripped the man of his clothes, piling everything to be washed in a basket by the door. When he was left in only his underwear, you began to relax. You’d need well water, which was typically cool, but for now, you grabbed an ice tray from your ancient freezer, popping out an ice cube and handling it carefully. The last thing you wanted was to drop the man’s temperature too fast, but you had to cool him down. 
In the end, you ran the ice cube across his skin, focusing on the sensitive areas the most, his face, neck, and armpits. He gave no response to the shock of cold, and you couldn’t help but fear the worst. How long had he been out there? You knew heatstroke victims could lapse into comas, and you were technically supposed to call emergency services immediately, but who the hell were you going to call out here? All you could do was treat him as best you could and pray to whatever God resided over your personal slice of hell that the mystery man didn’t die in your bed. 
You sighed, watching the last sliver of ice melt away. The man’s face looked a bit less flushed, and you ducked into your bathroom, coming out holding two thermometers. One was an oral thermometer, the one you were probably going to use, and the other was a rectal thermometer, the one you really should use. The second one was going to give you a more accurate reading, but holy shit. You hadn’t even technically met the guy yet, and you didn’t exactly think sticking a thermometer up his ass was the way to kick off your introduction. 
Giving in, you put the first thermometer in the man’s mouth, watching and waiting for the beep. When it dinged, you pulled it out from between his teeth and sighed. 104.2 degrees fahrenheit. Shit. Still in the danger zone. 
There was no getting around it now. You needed water, and fast. Your shower could only get to lukewarm before it stopped cooling, so you resigned yourself to hauling a bucket to and from the well. The horse looked at you as you sloshed water into the house, hurrying to get back to the man’s bedside before anything bad happened. Thankfully, he seemed to be better when you returned, dropping the remaining cubes from the ice tray into the water, cooling it down for a minute, and then grabbing a threadbare washcloth from the bathroom. The rag seemed to help more than the single ice cube, and you felt comfortable enough after wiping him down for a while to get up and leave him, the water-soaked towel still across his forehead, of course. 
While the man rested inside, you headed outside to tend to the horse, putting his tack away in the miniscule shed beside the house and getting him cozy with some water and hay. He seemed grateful, munching on the hay while you began to fill your laundry trough. It was sat on the porch, the metal tub and laundry line the only way you had found to wash clothes out here. Two buckets of well water did the trick, and then you were grabbing your washboard, soap, and laundry, ready to scrub. 
You were halfway through washing the man’s jeans when you heard a thud inside the house. Abandoning your laundry, you rushed back inside, seeing the man, awake, bent over on the floor, clutching his head and groaning like a wounded animal. You knelt beside him, helping him sit back on his haunches and then slump against the wall, skin flushed and warm against your damp hands. 
“You have heatstroke,” you explained clearly and slowly, grabbing a new wet washcloth and wiping the man’s skin down, taking care around his brown eyes. “You were unconscious in the desert. Your horse found me, and I brought you back to my cabin.” 
The man nodded loosely, his movements uncoordinated. You tracked his eyes, watching how they flickered around your face, never seeming to focus on one thing. “Are you nauseous?” you asked, grabbing an ice cube out of your second tray. You handed it to the man, gesturing for him to put it in his mouth. He did so, nodding as he went. 
“Dizzy?” Another nod, and you were standing to wring the warm washcloth out and re-cool it. 
“Headache?” The nodding increased in strength, and you winced, setting the cold towel against the man’s head, soaking his brown curls. “Pulsing?” You hated the confirmation, and you sighed. “Yep, heatstroke. Just gonna have to keep cooling you off, I guess.” 
You were hesitant to leave the man, but the laundry still had to be done. Eventually, you gave him an old paper-thin bathrobe and let him sit on the porch swing, sucking on ice cubes and watching you scrub his undershirt against the washboard. He never once complained, but he didn’t say anything else either, and you had to wonder, as you hung the shirt to dry, if the man could even speak at all. 
You got your answer over dinner. You insisted he eat plain toast, and he shook his head in refusal. It was a battle you were willing to fight, because you kept pestering him until he finally snapped, “Y’ain’t my damn mother!” His voice was raspy and sick sounding, but underneath that you could hear a richness to his words.
“Even so,” you said, not ready to give up just yet. “You need to put something in your stomach. Just one piece, please.” 
The man’s eyes softened as you pushed the plate towards him. “Half,” he countered. 
You shrugged, ripping one piece of toast in half and giving him the slightly bigger piece. “That works, cowboy.” 
He ate slowly, each bite small and hesitant. He was still woozy, staying in his chair only because of the study back and arms of the chair trapping him in. But his head bobbed and his eyes flickered open and shut, and you were certain his head was still killing him. 
“A good night’s rest will do you good,” you said as you finished dinner, helping the man up and into bed. “I’ll leave the fan on, okay?” 
The man nodded, letting you tuck the thin quilt around his body and leave him with nothing more than a whispered goodnight. 
The next morning, the man seemed to be doing better. His skin was no longer as flushed pink as it was the day before, and he told you over breakfast that his head had finally stopped pounding so hard. It still hurt, but was no longer unbearable. 
Unfortunately, he was still nauseous and lightheaded, stumbling around the cabin and throwing up what meager oatmeal you’d convinced him to eat. It was hell as you followed him to the bathroom and rubbed his back, letting him cry into your shirt for a while before realizing being on the floor couldn’t be good for him. 
“Looks like it’s another bed rest day,” you said, helping him up off the bathroom floor. He swayed in your arms, groaning as you walked him to the bedroom. “I know,” you said slowly, pulling back the quilt on the bed. “But you just have to rest.” 
The man fell asleep quickly, and you left him with the fan on and an open window to let in some breeze while you went outside to get some chores done. It was mostly busy work, hauling well water to fill the house’s water tank, checking on the laundry, feeding the horse from yesterday, and caring for your own horse in the stall beside the mystery horse. By the time you walked back inside, it was nearing noon, the grandfather clock in the living room reading half past eleven. 
The man was awake when you entered the bedroom, and you insisted on taking his temperature. 
“Just a minute,” you promised, holding the thermometer out. “Then I’ll leave. I have to go to town anyway. Think you’ll survive on your own?” 
The man gave you a look as he put the thermometer under his tongue. When it beeped, he handed it to you, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “One hundred and three point six,” you said out loud, putting the thermometer on the nightstand. “Getting lower.” 
“That’s good,” the man said. “I think.” 
“It’s better than it was yesterday,” you said, looking over the small bookshelf in the room and picking a book. “Here. Read as much of this as you can before I get back please. I’ll see if I can’t find anything to help your head while I’m out.” 
You ended up leaving the man with his book while you saddled your horse up and rode into town. The trip was only a few miles, but you almost never walked it out of fear you’d end up with heatstroke, just like the man in your house. 
“Heya Sal,” you said, dismounting and walking up to the convenience store. “How you doing?” 
Sal looked up, his cloudy eyes unfocused. He was older than everyone in town by a wide margin, but no one dared try and help him, lest they end up getting a cane to the ankle. “I’m doing fine,” he said, finally focusing on you. “How are you?” 
“Oh I’m hanging in there,” you said, smiling. “Gotta get some groceries. I ran out of eggs yesterday, if you can believe it.” 
Sal shook his head. “Just don’t go drinking them raw,” he said as you entered the convenience store. “I did that in my youth and let me say, made me sicker than a dog.” 
Smiling, you let the cold of the air conditioning wash over you as the door swung shut. The store was dead empty aside from the owner, who seemed oddly excited to see you. 
“I haven’t seen anyone else all day!” He said happily, hopping over the counter to hug you. “It’s good to see you, how’ve you been holding up?” 
“I’m fine Joey,” you said, hugging Joey back and flicking a stray brown cowlick he’d missed when he was getting ready. “I found a heatstroke victim yesterday, and I’m no nurse, but I think he’s getting better.”
Joey winced. “Out here? It’s a miracle he’s survived!” he said. “Is he okay?” 
You shrugged, reaching around Joey to grab a basket. “Headache,” you said. “Nausea, he’s still running a fever, and he’s woozy, but he’s awake now, so I don’t have to worry about a coma.” 
“Sounds rough,” Joey muttered, picking up a bottle off a shelf and handing it to you. “Here. Painkillers. Should help the mystery man’s head.” 
You grinned. “Joey, you are a lifesaver.” 
By the time you got home an hour later, the sun was at its peak, and you were worried about the man inside. But your worries were just that when you realized he was fine, sitting up in bed and reading the book you’d given him. He looked up as you walked in, carrying the bag of things you’d gotten him. He took his medicine without complaint, even though you knew it was probably nasty, and seemed to perk up when you told him you’d bought him new clothes because his old ones were disgusting. He joined you yet again on the porch when you went outside, although this time you sat beside him, working patiently on a cross stitch project. 
“Do you like working on these things?” the man asked, handing you your thread snips. “When you’re bored?” 
You snorted, tying off the thread you’d finished using. “Yes,” you said sarcastically. “I’m a ninety year old woman who has nothing better to do than to work on a cross stitch in my rocking chair.” 
The man laughed, passing you the thread bundle you gestured at. “I’m serious,” he said, watching you expertly thread the needle you were holding. “You’re very good at this.” 
His words made you warm, and you shrugged loosely. “There’s not much to do out here,” you admitted. “So yeah, I guess I do like it, cowboy.” 
The man looked you in the eyes, smiling slightly. “My name is Jack.” 
Just like that, Jack was no longer a mystery. He was a constant in your life for two more weeks as he recovered, growing stronger by the day. You gave him chores to do, making sure none of them were too labor intensive, and he pulled his weight around your cabin, hardly ever complaining. At night, you and him would watch the sunset on the porch, sitting side by side on the porch swing. You took care to finish your cross stitch, the tiny, rhythmic X stitches in the fabric lulling you into a state of calm night after night. 
One day, almost three weeks after Jack had arrived, he told you he had to leave. 
“I’m gonna go tomorrow,” he said, tangling his feet with yours under the kitchen table. He had made dinner, the chili a nice warm meal after your long day. “I was out here traveling, and my people back home are probably worried sick about me.” 
You nodded. You understood, you really did, but damn did it hurt to see him go. You liked having Jack around. He was funny and smart and an excellent cook. A tiny part of you wanted to ask him to stay, and then you remembered you didn’t live here either. You were just visiting, exactly as he was. 
The next morning, you helped Jack pack his things, giving him a nice new shirt to wear. 
“It’s thin,” you said, handing him the vibrant red fabric. “So it should help keep you from overheating. Just remember to drink water and to stay cool please.” 
Jack chuckled, putting his hat on his head and tipping the brim up. “Will do.” 
As Jack got dressed, you walked out to his horse, holding your completed cross stitch. It was a beautiful pixelated version of the landscape, the tiny cabin illuminated by the rising sun. Slipping it and a letter into Jack’s saddle bag, you gave his horse one last kiss on the nose before going to tell your cowboy good-bye. 
It was hell watching Jack ride away. He waved to you as he kicked his horse into a trot, disappearing over the horizon line faster than you wanted him to. When he came back into view, miniscule and almost unseeable, his red shirt a stain against the orange of the sand, you waved again, He saw you and his hand raised, bidding you farewell one last time before he looked out over the sea of rising buttes and sienna sand, riding off and leaving you alone under the cloudless sky.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
Puzzles and Limes and Family Times
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes
Summary: Parenting kids is tough. Growing up and parenting your parents is even harder. Luckily T.K. and Carlos have each other to help figure things out. A post-ep for 2x11 "Slow Burn." Thanks to @bluenet13 for the help with the spicy food stuff and for inspiring what will likely be a prequel. And for just generally always being a supportive friend! 
“How about a book?” Carlos asked.
T.K. shook his head. “He has books. I want something different. Something that will really distract him.”
“I still think a couple DVD’s might do the trick,” Carlos told him. 
“He has every streaming service known to man. If he can’t find it on one of those, it’s probably not worth watching.”
“T.K. as nice as it is that you want to get your dad a gift for his surgery, maybe we should think about it a little more since you don’t seem to know what you want.”
They’d circled the aisles of Target more than once, T.K. turning down every one of Carlos’ suggestions. “I just want something that’s going to keep him busy,” T.K. said. “He’s terrible at sitting still. I’m afraid if we don’t do something he’ll try and run a half marathon three days after surgery and kill himself.”
“Babe I don’t think there’s anything in the world that’s going to keep your dad recovering the way you want,” Carlos said. “He’s kind of a strong willed guy.”
T.K. sighed and turned the cart into the next aisle. “I know. I know, I just have to at least try.” He paused and grabbed a box off the nearest shelf. “What about this?”
Carlos raised his eyebrows. “A puzzle? Your dad doesn’t strike me as someone with the patience for puzzles.”
“Exactly. Maybe this will help him learn some. And,” T.K. tapped the box for emphasis, “this one has dogs playing poker on it. He loves dogs and poker.”
“That is true,” Carlos said, keeping his tone even and his expression neutral.
T.K. shot him a look of fond exasperation. “I know you’re humoring me but I’m going to pretend that was genuine.”
“And now you can humor me by picking out new towels,” Carlos said with a grin.
T.K. groaned. “I thought we already picked new towels.”
“We picked new master bath towels. We need some to match the guest bath.” Carlos grabbed his hand, towing him along toward the home goods aisles. 
“I didn’t realize you were going to use my moving in as an excuse to redecorate the entire condo,” T.K. said.
“I want it to feel like our place.” Carlos stopped and picked up a washcloth. “How do we feel about cream?”
“I feel like towels are towels. Especially in the guest bath.”
Carlos rolled his eyes and moved further down the row. “We have guests coming next week. Everything needs to be perfect.”
“Speaking of which, are you sure you want to invite my dad to dinner with your parents?” T.K. asked as Carlos silently debated the merits of blue versus off-white towels. 
Carlos looked at him in surprise. “He’s your dad. Of course I want him there.”
“It’s just…he can be…a lot sometimes,” T.K. said. 
Carlos raised his eyebrows and T.K. held up a finger in warning. “If you say I’m also a lot sometimes I’m taking the keys and leaving you here to Uber home.”
His boyfriend smiled and turned back to the towels. “My parents want to meet him. And your dad is very charming.” He looked at T.K., eyes sparkling with mirth. “Just like you.”
Now it was T.K.’s turn to roll his eyes. 
“Besides,” Carlos said, dropping the blue towels into the cart, “having your dad there will take some of the attention off of me so my mom doesn’t tell every, single embarrassing story about my childhood. Instead your dad and my dad can try to one-up each other talking about crazy calls they’ve been on.”
T.K. wasn’t convinced yet. “He’s just really not been himself lately. And I have no idea what his mood is going to be like post-surgery. I don’t want him to leave a bad impression with your parents.”
“I’m sure it will be fine. Besides, it would be good for your dad to get out of the house. Be around family.”
T.K. sighed. “I guess at least if he’s with us I’ll know he’s safe. And it will give him something to do to keep his mind off how bored he is.”
“I thought that was what the puzzle was for,” Carlos said with a teasing grin as they walked toward the checkout.
T.K. sent him a withering look. “Just let me pretend it’s going to work and not sit on a shelf in the closet until the next time he has a garage sale. It makes me feel better.”
Carlos nudged him good-naturedly. “I will let you keep your delusion.” He stopped pushing the cart and leaned against the handle. “But it’s going to cost you.”
T.K. took a step closer and bit his lip. “Oh is it?” he asked, wondering exactly how randy Carlos was going to get in the kitchen appliance aisle. 
“Yep.” Carlos grinned. “We’re having camarones a la diabla for dinner tonight.”
T.K.’s face fell. “What? No! Come on I already looked at towels with you!”
Carlos just smiled and sauntered away with the cart, leaving T.K. alone in the middle of the aisle to hurry after him. “Okay but only a little spicy all right? Not ‘accidentally almost kill T.K. spicy’ like last time?”
“That was your own fault and you know it,” Carlos called back.
T.K. huffed. “That’s exactly why we don’t need a repeat!”
Carlos stopped and let him catch up. “If we’re going to live together we have to build up your tolerance to heat. Don’t worry,” he said, patting T.K.’s cheek, “I’ll be gentle.”
T.K. eyed him warily. “Nice try Reyes. I know behind that smile is a conniving, spice loving, diabolical monster.”
“What if I promise you homemade ice cream for dessert?”
“What because I’m a five-year-old and can be bribed to eat my dinner?” T.K. asked.
Carlos cocked his head and raised his eyebrows.
“Fine,” T.K. said grudgingly. “But I want chocolate.”
“Then chocolate it is.”
T.K. had never seen his boyfriend panicked before. Upset yes, excited for sure, but the most emotionally intense his mild mannered boyfriend typically got was moderately annoyed. Tonight however, he seemed like he might actually be about to lose his shit. And as intrigued as T.K. was to see where that might lead, a little voice in his head reminded him that Carlos losing his shit five minutes before his parents were due to arrive was probably not going to leave a favorable impression.
“Where are the tortilla chips?” Carlos asked, his voice sharp and pitched a note or two higher than usual. “I thought you picked them up on your way home today.”
“Right here,” T.K. said smoothly, opening the cupboard and pulling out the bag of homemade chips he’d purchased from a favorite restaurant down the street.
“And you told them to make the guacamole fresh right?”
“Yes, I stood there for fifteen minutes while the guy went out and hand picked the avocados,” T.K. said, trying not to let too much amusement color his tone.
Over the last few days the tension in their home seemed to have changed direction. As T.K. had grown more comfortable with the idea of his dad coming for dinner, (despite the one minor, running into a burning building incident that T.K. was trying not to think about) Carlos had gotten increasingly tense. 
The condo, always in a state of near perfect cleanliness now sparkled like something out of a magazine. And the list of instructions Carlos had left for T.K. to complete after his shift had been so detailed and exact that T.K. wondered if he’d stayed up all night writing it. Personally he thought that doing a deep clean of the refrigerator and painting over scuffs on the baseboards was a little bit of overkill, but he’d done as asked. Now, as he watched his boyfriend dart from one side of the kitchen to the other in a slightly manic state, he was wondering if he might need to intervene. 
Carlos pushed past him to take the perfectly made guacamole out and put it in a bowl. “Did you put a clean hand towel in the bathroom? The blue one?”
“Blue? I thought you said black.”
Carlos froze and glowered at him. “I’m kidding,” T.K. said, holding up his hands in a pacifying gesture. “Blue towel is freshly laundered and in the bathroom. I’m not sure exactly how the color of a hand towel could ruin the evening but I certainly didn’t want to risk finding out.”
Carlos’ face dropped a bit, emotional exhaustion pulling at him. “I know I’m being crazy.”
“Oh I think we surpassed crazy about two hours ago when you were picking individual pieces of lint off the throw pillows,” T.K. said with an amused smile. “Relax. Tonight is going to be great. You’re making a damn soufflé. How could anyone not be impressed by that?”
“Maybe I should have gone with something more traditional,” Carlos said, running an agitated hand through his curls for the hundredth time that evening. “My parents are traditional people. But your dad is coming so I wanted to pull out all the stops.” He peered through the oven door at the soufflé. “Maybe I should have done the beef. I’m going to take it out just in case.”
“Carlos, Carlos whoa, hey,” T.K. stopped him by putting his hands on his shoulders. “The soufflé is going to be great. Everyone is going to love it. Do not take that beef out of the refrigerator.”
Carlos’ eyes widened. “Oh my god I forgot to put the ice trays in the freezer!”
“Whoa, hey, nope,” T.K. held on a little tighter and didn’t let him go. “You asked me to do that this morning. Let’s just go sit for a minute—“
“I need to—“
“What you need to do is take a few deep breaths and get yourself together,” T.K. told him, pushing him gently onto a bar stool.
“I just want it to be perfect.”
“Babe I know. But it’s not going to be. Nothing ever is, so you need to let got of that expectation. It will be a great dinner because everyone who’s coming loves you and wants you to be happy.”
Carlos slumped a bit, mussing his curls a little more with his hands. “I’m nervous.”
“I know. But I’m going to be right beside you the whole night. And nothing your parents say is going to make me upset. Or want to leave.” T.K. leaned a little closer as Carlos deliberately avoided making eye contact. “That’s what you’re really worried about right? Not that they’ll say something to make you upset, but that they might hurt me?”
Carlos chewed at the inside of his lip and covered T.K.’s hands with his own, twining their fingers together nervously. “They just might not be as careful with their words as I want them to be. Sometimes they speak without thinking. They have old biases, things from church and the family…”
T.K. brought one of Carlos’ hands up to his mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I know the difference between willful hate and accidental ignorance. I’m not worried.” He ran a hand through Carlos’ hair, fixing some of the damage he’d done to himself. “And nothing, not even rude parents or a fallen soufflé, would ever make me want to leave you.”
T.K. watched as some of the tension eased out of his shoulders. “I love you,” Carlos said quietly.
“I love you too,” T.K. said, squeezing his hand.
There was a knock on the door and Carlos sucked in a deep breath. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
T.K. leaned forward so their lips met in a sweet kiss. “Absolutely.”
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
Can I get a modern AU Levi scenario where reader and Levi are coworkers and Erwin and Hanji are trying to set them up knowing Levi has a crush on reader?
I really like ur stories btw!! <3
AN:  Thank you so much--I’m glad you like them!!
So...I have never done a coffee shop AU...now is THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY.  This occurred to me when I sat there after reading this trying to figure out what job they shared.  So yes, I’m going cliché for this one because I can’t resist the opportunity to FINALLY DO IT!!!  Also, in a way, its also Levi finally getting his tea shop (Cries softly behind the laptop screen).
Okay, quick rundown of who does what and where so I don’t have to spend time on it in the fic:  Levi--Owner of the coffee shop--though he also works there.  he doesn’t deal with the people, though, just makes the drinks, namely the teas.  Erwin--Business Partner, mainly the one who made the money work to get the store open and running.  He also works in the back in the little bakery/kitchen he convinced Levi to incorporate so it wasn’t just drinks and there was something to eat as well.  Hange--Cashier.  She’s the bubbly chatty on that people get to interact with and deal with.  Occasionally helps with the drinks if its busy and she has a moment.  You--Pick Up Counter/Waitress and Drinks.  You get people their drinks, the second face they see/person they deal with, and you help Levi with the drinks, leaving the teas to him since its his preference and specialty and making whatever else is needed.
Also I don’t know why this ended up feeling like a sitcom...and how we ended up seeing more from Hange and Erwin than Levi and Reader XD
Fanfic One-Shot Request is below the cut.
~*~The Perfect Blend~*~
“They work so well together.”
“I have yet to find a flaw--it’s like perfect harmony.  It’s ridiculous and it makes me so jealous.”
“Well there is one flaw.”
“You mean the fact that he hasn’t--?”
“Well, I’m running out of ideas of how to fix that, and yours are just getting crazier and crazier.”
“I still suggest we lock them in the back cooler until they can work things out.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and for warmth, they’ll--”
“Oi!  Eyebrows!  Shitty Glasses!  The morning rush is going to start any minute now--stop gossiping and get back to work!  Erwin, don’t you have another batch of scones still in the oven in the back?  Hange--you still haven’t fixed the menu for the new week, get on that!  Now!”
Erwin sighed and let out a soft ‘stubborn man’ before he disappeared into the back to make sure the scones were all right.  Hange, however, pouted in the face of Levi’s knowing glare.
“Aww, Levi, come on, loosen up a bit!  It’s a Tuesday, it’ll probably be really q--”
“AH!  Don’t you dare!” you suddenly shouted at her, running through the back room door with a bag of espresso beans in on arm and a box of coffee cup sleeves tucked under the other.  “The last time you said the Q word, we had to stay three hours late closing up and cleaning because we didn’t get enough time to breathe, let alone keep the place from turning into a disaster!”
Hange huffed.  “That’s just a bunch of superstitious nonsense.  Saying a word doesn’t effect whether or not we have a busy day.”
“Speak for yourself--jinxes are a thing,” you returned, getting up in front of the coffee machine and filling up the espresso side.  “Also, Levi, we’re out of decaf beans.  Well, almost--what’s in the dispenser up here is the last of it.”
“What?  I thought there were at least three more bags back there,” Levi said with a frown, turning away from filling his tea assortment up front to look at you with a spark of concern.  You didn’t get a lot of decaf orders, but orders were also fairly unpredictable--now that you didn’t have any more, today could be the day for a rash of decaf coffee orders.
“Well, I didn’t see any.  I looked everywhere they might be, so unless someone moved it somewhere it shouldn’t be...”
Levi sighed, following you into the back to help see if the two of you could find the missing bags of beans.  Once they disappeared from sight, Erwin stuck his head out the little window into the kitchen for communication between the front and back, one of the sliding doors in the back of the glass display cases for the baked goods open with a tray of scones sliding into place before he gave Hange a pointed look, brought his hands together with his palms faced outwards before he gave an exaggerated pushing motion.
“I know I’m usually the one for the crazy impulsive things, but we really shouldn’t lock our two drink makers in the cooler right before the rush hour,” Hange said with a sigh.  “And it was such a perfect opportunity, too...”
“Did you hide the coffee beans?”
“You should have done it near the end of the rush when no one was looking.  Then they might have gone looking for it when we could afford to shove them in a freezer for a while.”
“Erwin, you’re starting to sound like me.”
“It’s been a year and a half, Hange, I’ve lost my patience for this, it’s getting ridiculous.”
“We might have to stage a straight up intervention.  Before that, do you think we could set them up on a blind date?  Do you think they’d take that bait?”
“Levi knows what we’ve been doing, he’d see right through it...Hange, it’s taking them a while, where did you hide the beans?”
“In my car.  They’ll never find them until I want them to.  What if we just tell Y/N?  Shorty obviously isn’t going to make the first move, so maybe try to get her to?”
“No, I don’t think she will make the first move, either, they’re both too damn shy.  Hange, you should probably smuggle those back inside, it really is almost time for the morning rush, and we might need it.”
“Don’t worry about the beans, you just worry about your pastries.”
Erwin raised an eyebrow at her tone, noting that she was pretty much standing in the same place she’d been in when Levi snapped at them for gossiping when they should have been working.   “Don’t you have a menu to update.”
“Pfft,” she replied, looking like she was about to laugh it off before a now disgruntled Levi appeared through the back room doors, and she slunk away to at least look like she’d been doing it all this time.
“Just keep Hange up to date on how much decaf we have left so she knows when to stop selling it.  When it’s out, it’s out,” he was telling you, going back to his little section behind the corner where he would stay during the rush to make the teas.  The door opened with a quiet whoosh, and Hange scrambled down from where she’d been scrawling the new specials for the weak on the chalkboard menu so she could wait on the customer that had just walked in.
And just like they’d been anticipating, the rush began a few minutes later after the first arrival.
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When there was a lull in the constant flow of business that constituted your morning rushes, Erwin poked his head out of the back to gesture you over to him.
“Y/N, I need a second pair of hands back here, just for a second.  Hange, can you--?”
“On it!” Hange said cheerily, taking over your position behind the coffee bar while you hurried into the kitchen to help Erwin with whatever he was having trouble with.
Surprisingly, when you came into the kitchen, it didn’t look like he had anything going.  And looking over at the glass sliding back doors to the pastry shelves, it looked like everything was appropriately stocked.  He didn’t look like he was in the middle of cleaning--everything looked spotless, his supplies neatly organized and filled...so why were you back here?
Erwin turned to face you fully once the kitchen door swung shut behind you, heaving a sigh as he wiped the remnants of flour on his hands off on his apron.  “Listen, Y/N, Hange and I have been talking about how to go about this subtly for a while now, and I’m of the opinion that subtlety isn’t going to work, so--”
“You two are dating!” you gasped, interrupting him with a flash of excitement.  With all the whispering between the two and the times they would stow away leaving you and Levi alone to do who knew what, it made you start to wonder.  Especially with the little glares you caught Levi giving them every now and then, like he knew what they were up to and didn’t approve for some reason--or at least didn’t approve of it during working hours.
Erwin blinked, taken aback for a moment before he regained that unfaltering composure of his.  “Ah, no.  We’re not.  We can discuss where you got that idea later, but right now, we need to keep this quick before another rush comes in.  Do you like Levi?”
You let out a startled laugh at his question, for a moment believing he might be messing with you before you saw the serious look in his eyes.  “Do I...um...Why, why would you need to know that?” you asked, a blush starting to creep up in your face.
Yes, yes you did like Levi.  But you tried not to think too much about it.  He was kind of your boss as much as your coworker, and those thoughts, that you didn’t think were returned, would only be distracting if you let them slip through while you were working together.  And you two worked well together, like clockwork, perfectly in sync behind the counter no matter how fast paced and complicated business got.  You were rather proud of it, actually.  And you didn’t want to disrupt that, afraid to cause a ripple, or rather a wave, in the calm waters between you two if the feeling wasn’t reciprocated.
And sure, Levi and Erwin owned the place, it was a small privately owned business, not some franchise, so maybe a workplace romance wouldn’t be some big HR mess here, but if something did happen, and then something went wrong, it might ruin the good thing you all had going on here.
“I’m asking because Hange and I are certain that Levi likes you, as well,” Erwin said, clearly deciding based off your reaction that you did like him.  Especially after he just outed how Levi felt about you like that, your eyes widening as you stared blankly at him.  “But both of you are two shy and stubborn to do anything yourselves, and Levi’s been resistant to any of our nudges to get him to make any kind of move.  We’re both at the point of locking you two in a room together until you both come clean, but, this is probably the much more tacit and practical approach.  I figured if Levi won’t make a first move, perhaps you should just be told up front, so maybe you will.”
What you were not aware of, was that a few feet away from where Erwin and you were having your conversation, Hange was doing something similar with Levi as the two of them made coffees and teas, speaking around the moments where she had to pause and shout out an order or dash off to take a table their drinks to have a much more...to the point conversation with Levi.
“Levi, you’re stubborn, and lovestruck, and it’s too painful to watch you two awkward love birds waddle around blindly like this anymore.  You’re worse than children.”
“Hange, we’ve already talked about this, it’s none of your business, stay out of it,” Levi grumbled under his breath, at least taking pains to keep his voice lowered while talking about personal matters at work, even if it was to try and keep Hange quiet.
Hange didn’t care, though, and apparently she wasn’t messing around today, either.
“If you don’t tell her yourself soon, Shorty, I’m going to tell her.”
Levi set down the empty cup he’d just grabbed for another tea a little harder, glaring at Hange with a sharp look.  “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.  You like her, Levi, and she likes you--it’s obvious.  Just ask her to go do something with you, it’s not that hard,” Hange stressed to him, assembling some of the teacups that had Levi’s freshly made tea in them to take out to some of the customers that were sitting in and not grabbing their drinks to go.
“Talk to her,” Hange stressed before taking off with the drinks, a big smile and playful laughter for the guests she entertained along the way.
“It’s not that simple,” he muttered under his breath, keeping his eyes down on the tea he was making as he thought of the ultimatum Hange just gave him.  As much as he kept hesitating and doubting himself when it came to confessing how he felt about you, and as much as he struggled to even think of what to say, he did want to finally say something.  Every time he tried, though, the words got stuck in his throat, or what he planned to say turned into something else entirely at the last second, something that had nothing to do with telling you how he felt.  However, he did /not/ want someone else confessing his feelings to you for him, even if it was meant to push him to act.  He wanted to do that himself.  So Hange threatening to tell you herself was actually a pretty smart move.  He hated how pressured he felt to say something, now, though.
But he really had been taking far too long to get this out between the two of you.  It was time he did something about it.  Now he just had to do it...even though he had no idea what he was doing.  What to say.  What they should do.  What it would mean.  If it would impact the two of you negatively, if it would even work out.
He was getting far too deep into his own head over this.  He just needed to...rip the band aid off.  Get it out and between the two of you.  As soon as Erwin returned you to the front, he would ask...ask...well, he was going to try and ask you out.  First he had to make sure you had time, though.
As if on cue, you came out of the kitchen with lightly flushed cheeks, looking preoccupied with your own thoughts as you robotically took your usual spot next to him at the coffee bar.  For a minutes, Levi kept glancing at you, suddenly hesitating because of the look on his face.  Maybe he shouldn’t say anything, it didn’t look like you were open to conversation even right now.  And you seemed a little closed off to him, like you were keeping to yourself for some reason.
Ah, fuck, but if he didn’t do it now, he might chicken out.  Or Hange might get impatient and spit it out anyway.
Levi scowled into the cup in front of him as he tried to figure out what to do before he just blurted out the sentence without even looking at you, ironically at the same time you tried to speak to him.
“Levi, can I ask you some--”
“Are you doing anything this week?”
Levi realized he’d just talked right over you, and he immediately started kicking himself, keeping his eyes glued to the tea instead of you as his cheeks started to color and betray his embarrassment as he scrambled for words.  Did he apologize?  Keep talking?  Explain himself?  You weren’t saying anything.  Wait, were you confused?  He knew your schedule--well, your work schedule, he was your boss.
“I mean, besides work--I know when you work, obviously, I just meant--mean...shit...I’m sorry, I interrupted you, um...What did you want to ask?” he said, hating himself more and more as he stumbled through the awkward words, closing his eyes and cursing himself.
“I, um...I was going to ask if you...if you liked...” Levi looked up sharply at you in surprise, heart skipping a beat as he met your gaze.  You stuttered at the eye contact, a strange little noise coming out of your throat as your cheeks burned a brilliant shade with the intensity of your blush.  “...would like to do something this week, actually.  Maybe see a movie, or grab something to eat together or...or go to the library.”
Levi stared at you.  “The library?”
Your gaze flickered up at him, appearing to scream ‘I don’t know, I panicked!’ so loud that he didn’t even need to ask.
You were both complete messes, weren’t you?
“We can.  Just...just pick a day, and we’ll figure it out from there.”
“Saturday night?”
“I can do that.”
A silence settled over the two of you, and you both went back to what you were doing, butterflies in your stomachs as you snuck glances at each other from the corners of your eyes, Levi trying to hide a subtle, pleased smile, and you brightly beaming but chewing on your lip as if you were trying to rein yourself in and have at least some decency.  It didn’t work of course.
Was that entire conversation...really that easy?  After all this time?
Hange was leaning against the wall next to Erwin’s little window, both of them staring at the two awkward lovebirds in a mixture of satisfaction and bewilderment.
It was Hange who spoke up.
“I don’t know the bigger pair of idiots are--those two who took so damn long just to say something so simple to each other...or the two of us that didn’t realize that it was as simple as telling them to talk to each other.”
“...You should probably put those beans back before Levi figures out what happened to them.”
“Shut up, you’re the one who wanted to lock them in a cooler,” Hange grumbled, quickly slinking away to try and sneak the decaf espresso beans back into the back storage without Levi noticing.
An endeavor doomed to fail from the start, but at least when he did catch her sneaking back inside with the decaf espresso beans in her arms it was quite a bit of entertainment for the regular customers who knew about Levi’s stricter, surlier attitude and Hange’s antics.
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Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea @hauntedhousecat @peaches-and-clouds
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