#i need to stop going deep for imagine requests lmao
emphistic · 2 months
If it’s okay with you, can I request modern day Sukuna comforting an overwhelmed reader who’s so stressed to the point of crying?
a/n: i, personally, am really bad at comforting others so i did a little self-projecting lmao — also, apologies to anyone who drowns in my sea of commas
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You down the rest of your energy drink before rubbing your eyes and checking the time on your phone. 10:47pm, you sighed.
This was going to be the third time in a row that you pull an all-nighter. But it was okay. Albeit thousands deep in student debt, after you get financially stable it would be okay. When you're able to sleep without worrying about loans, it would be okay. When you're able to think without another assignment getting in the way, it would be okay. When you're able to have a relaxing night to yourself, it would be okay. When the eyebags finally decide to go away, it would be okay.
It would be okay. It would be . . . okay.
Just okay?
You didn't need 'okay'.
Completely and utterly exasperated, you didn't even notice the tears beginning to slip down your cheeks. Quickly, you moved to wipe them away with your sleeve.
You didn't need 'okay'. You needed . . .
A hand — which you figured to be belonging to your pink-haired boyfriend, Sukuna — swiftly pushed the lid of your laptop down. "You need to learn how to take a break. Relax, kid. You haven't come to bed in days, much less: slept, even." I miss you, he wanted to say, but couldn't bring himself to.
"Heyy, I was using that. Sukunaaa," you turned to look at the man, jutting your bottom lip out into a pout.
"You should be thanking me, actually. You've been practically living off caffeine," Sukuna gingerly grabbed you be the arm and peeled you off of your chair.
"You stink, by the way," Sukuna remarked.
"I'm busy, 'Kuna. I have to get back to my work, the due date is—"
"Do you ever stop talking?" Sukuna guided — more like dragged — you to your shared bedroom, and then into your bathroom, forcing you to sit on the tiled floor whilst he drew you a bath.
Your head, and the rest of your body, leaned against the tub; your eyes kept threatening to close, but you didn't let them. Instead choosing to continue staring at Sukuna's bare back and his unruly bed-hair.
He must've awoken and climbed out of bed just to come fetch you. Your heart fluttered at the thought, but you pushed it aside, thinking it too unrealistic.
Unbeknownst to you, you were actually wrong — maybe not in the way you imagined, though. He didn't wake up to fetch you because. . . He was never sleeping in the first place. The absence of you in his arms had kept him awake, staring at the desolate ceiling, tossing and turning — until he couldn't take it anymore, which leads you here: to present time.
Sukuna stopped the flow of the water, breaking you out of your thoughts; he turned towards you and squatted down to help you remove all your clothes.
He slowly lifted you into his arms and placed you into the bathtub, before moving to step out of his sweats.
To this, you raised a brow. "Huh? What are you doing?"
"You're not the only one in the house who needs to regularly bathe, duh."
Sukuna entered the tub behind you, pulling your back to his chest. You attempted to start washing yourself but Sukuna grabbed your wrist, kissing your knuckles, adding, "Let me take care of you. Just sit still and look pretty f'me."
The amount of tenderness and compassion that Sukuna used while washing you made you hum in content. While the sloshing and splashing of the water nearly lulled you to sleep — (assignments successfully long forgotten).
When you stepped out of the tub, Sukuna had to hold on to your waist just to wrap your towel around your middle, as you continued to sway in your exhaustion. Your legs could barely hold you up. And that didn't change a bit whilst the pink-haired man also helped brush your teeth.
It did help that Sukuna had forced you to lay down while he massaged you, though. He got on his knees and massaged and rubbed your feet, your back, and the rest of your sore spots.
Sukuna had never gotten on his knees for anyone — excluding carnal activities — but he would do it for you in a heartbeat. So he did. He got on his knees, for you.
Moments later, he rolled you onto your back before crawling into bed next to you. You immediately curled into his side, his arm going to wrap around your waist.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, breathing in the scent of your lemony shampoo and whispering into your hair, "Go to sleep."
"Noo," you snuggled impossibly closer to his chest, seeking his warmth — which you obviously received.
"Idiot. Your body is practically crying out to you at this point. If you don't close your eyes, I'm going to give you a reason to." Sukuna used his middle and index finger to push your eyelids shut. You relented, quickly entering slumber land, and dreamt.
When you woke, your pink-haired hunk of a boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. Seeing your chance, you immediately stretched, yawned, and hurried over to and opened your laptop. Planning to continue where you had left off, only to find that all of your assignments had already been done: written and submitted.
Riiiight, Sukuna was not only handsome, but he was also freakishly smart. Silly you, must've forgotten.
A/N: i usually write sukuna as being a dumb, typical bad boy, but lets switch things up just this once (maybe)
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
ROMANTIC IMAGINE: Miguel O'hara visits you when you call in sick
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i know how to write things other then headcannons i swear. theyre just so EASY. you can request actual fics lmao. promise! This was intended as romantic btw, but you can interperate this however you want!
WARNING: descripion of wounds/blood, description of burns, overprotectiveness,
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Miguel lands on your balcony with a heavy thump, his landing was a little awkward from trying to swing with only one hand, but he managed well enough. The Tupperware in his hand looked a little worse for wear, though.
Almost every fibre of him wanted to turn around and forget about this, but he knew he couldn’t bring himself to, he needed to know you were ok.
You had called off sick from work yesterday, and you didn't show up today either. In all the time you were working at Alchemex you’ve never done that before. The secretary had told him you sounded like you were in a lot of pain over the phone, so it was obvious you were unwell in some way or another. He’s been worried ever since.
This felt stupid. Over dramatic, even. But he’d gone to his brother for advice, and this is what he had given him: Their moms classic Pozole recipe, The same recipe him and his brother ate while growing up. Obviously Miguel protested, adamantly. he hadn’t cooked for anyone in a very long time. He wasn’t even sure if he’d still be able to… His brothers response?
“Do you want my help or not?”
So Miguel scrounged around the kitchen for what he needed. He squinted to read his mothers old chicken scratch from all those years ago. He put in the work, as uncomfortable as he felt, And He packaged it and come all the way here.
And now he didn’t know how to go forward.
He had never felt more out of his element in his life. As he Stood outside your window with the soup in his freakish claws he realised he didn’t know where to go from there. He hadn’t thought further than this point. What would he say when he gave it to you? What would he even do after that?
He had to awkwardly shimmy through the window with the Tupperware in one hand, almost stepping on a cable stretching across the floor. “Fuck—“
the hinges creaking offensively as he pushed down your open window and he cursed, shutting it as delicately as possible. When he heard your voice ring out from behind him he tensed.
“Uh, Hey Miguel!” You call from the bathroom. He breathed out the puff of air he was holding in. No turning back now.
“…Hey,” he called, not knowing where to begin. “…I brought you a little something.”
He makes his way to where he heard your voice coming from, and pauses briefly by your kitchen counter. He looks down at the soup in his hands.
…He could just leave it here, that would be less humiliating for everyone, wouldn’t it? He knew you were ok, now. He heard your voice, so you were alive. He did what he came here to do. He could turn around right now and escape while you were still in the bathroom.
But something stops him. A little smell wafted by his nose briefly. It was brief. It was faint. But it was there and it made him pause.
So he sits the soup on the counter quietly, but he doesn’t turn around. He walks further down the hall and takes a deep breathe. The smell is clearer now. Miguel gets a bad feeling.
He picks up the pace and pulls off his mask to get a better whiff, and suddenly he’s hit with the all too familiar stifling stench of blood.
“Y/n!” He runs up to your bathroom door and starts rattling the handle, but the door is locked. He pauses when he hears your voice on the other side, clearer and more effective at preventing him from tearing the door off its hinges—.
“D-Don’t come in!” You yell. “I’m... ngh- I’m a bit busy in here!”
“Y/n, what do I smell?!” He doesn’t need you to tell him, He already knows the answer. It’s pungency rings clear from his side of the door. The tanginess was so prominent that even someone with normal senses could pick up on it.
“N-nothing!” You stutter. You always stutter when you’re nervous. And when you're lying.
“Are you bleeding? Where’s it coming from? Open up!” He starts banging on the door again, his fist unintentionally rattling the frame.
“You don’t smell anything- stop that!” You snapped, annoyance ringing clear. But there was a certain strain to your voice, a painful whine that made his heart drop. “I-I’m just, uh- changing! will you give me a minute? Please, Miguel.”
“Don’t lie to me! What’s wrong, can you not get to the door?” He starts backing up to gauge the frame of the door and… Yeah, he could kick that in, easily.
sensing what he was getting ready to do, you spring up from your spot hunched over on the side of the bath tub and amble to the bathroom door. “No no no!” You lean against the door, heaving. “Don’t do anything drastic, I’m right here!”
He paused and waited for you to open it, but your hesitation makes him start losing his patience. “Y/n-“
“I’m ok, Miguel. S-seriously. I just took a little tumble on the way home.” You swallow back a painful grunt as you lean on the door frame for more support. “Look…” you started. “Now’s really not a good time—“
You shut your mouth. ‘Oh, shit.’
the tone of his voice hid a warning. Miguel knew what you were going to suggest even before you said it, and he refused to let you finish. The fact that you were bleeding as much as you were for him to smell you across the house, And you were trying to hide it from him? It must be bad, there was no doubt about that. His brain began racing for answers, for explanations, for names. He didn’t know where you were hurt, god what if it was somewhere vital? Who did this to you and where? Why were you trying to hide it? Did they threaten you? Something must of happened. there was no way he would leave you here, No. There was no getting rid of him now.
“Open this door.” He says one final time. And you can tell it’s the final time from the tone of his words. His voice quaked with fury at even the mere insinuation that he’d ever leave you when you were wounded. That you were even wounded In the first place.
There’s a beat of silence where neither of you say anything. And for a second he thinks he’s going to have to break the door open inwards just to avoid plowing over you to get it open. But then he hears you apprehensively turn the lock and he almost breaks the handle from how fast he rips it open.
You stumble a bit, reeling at his strength. and then youre taking a tumble from being thrown off balance, but before you can even yelp out a cry he swoops in to catch you in his arms before your body can even comes close to hitting the floor. “Lo si—! Sorry! Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
from being so close he could tell immedietely that you were running warm, did you really have a fever too? He perches you on to the toilet seat and you wince at the ache washing through your body. God, your back was killing you... and Miguel's hands were all over you. you tried pulling your arms out of his grip, but he wasn't budging. he scoured your front for bruises, cuts, anything.
"what happened, where does it hurt, Y/N, please." he lifted your arms, checking your sides. nothing there... You couldn't bring yourself to answer, all the jostling around was making you go really dizzy... so much so that his words seemed to bounce off your ears. you squint at him. were there two of him before?
"Oi, mami/papi. focus for me. tell me where your hurt." he pats your cheek, snapping you a little out of your stupor. you blinked. his faced was pulled taught with worry, lines creased his skin in places that looked almost painful. and his eyes...
"Miguel... hhhave... your eyessschanged?" you weren't sure if it was the delirium from the pain finally setting in, or if your bathroom light just highlighted the underlying hues, but his tired brown eyes had shifted to a shade of... dare you say red.
they flicked back to your face, they had this wild look in them, like he was angry. but his voice wobbled like he was scared. "tell me where the pain is."
"... M' back.." you mumbled. he tugs on your shoulder to twist you around, making you whine. he apologizes quietly, before turning back to the red stains that were crawling up the back of your shirt.
you both descended into a tense silence. Miguel looked cramped, hovering over you in your tiny bathroom. he had to draw in his arms to not knock into your shower. not the most ideal place to play nurse... but he would manage. Miguel unshealthes his talons and cuts open the fabric like its warm butter. all you feel is a cold draft hit your back, and you shudder.
when he gets a good look at the state of your back his heart drops, what he finds isn't what he was expecting. your lower back is marred with an explosion like mass of burned skin. the center of the wound is deeper and more bloody then the rest, like something fast, blunt and burning hot struck you there.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" he glances at your bathroom bin and spots your old, scorched shirt lying inside. so you really were changing... that explained why the shirt you were wearing didn't have a massive gaping hole in it.
"Lyla. whats the aetiology for this." she flickers into view next to him, screening your back, and she winces.
"the lascerations have been caused by 1st and 2nd degree burns, the wound has become infected and needs to be treated immediately. the depth of the wound is telling me that the collision was hard and fast, likely a projectile."
"they were shot?."
"most likely. not by any normal weapon though, obviously." she confirmed, "it... doesn't look like the infection has interfered with the spinal collum." she optimistically added.
"will it scar?" he tilted his head towards her, but didn't take his eyes off the wound.
the Ai assistant didn't respond, calculating the most nerve settling response to his question. her silence told him everything he needed to know. "yeah, don't answer that." a snarl was building in his throat, fighting its way to the top.
he spots the first aid bag and its contents sprawled across your counter. most of it was over the counter painkillers, light ointments and bandaids. nothing in there that would help you.
"ok." he drags his hand down his face looking around the room. "Hijo de puta-!" his fist banged against the wall in a burst of anger, the pathetic thin walls rattled underneath the force. "Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?!"
you were stuck in this apartment by yourself, barely able to move or, jesus, even think. the fact that he could have never come… No, that he had come but couldve left here without knowing you were going through this on your own... the thought made him sick. why did you let it get this bad? what had happened?
you don't answer his question, your breathing has started to grow heavier, fevered. the sheen of sweat on the back of your neck had grown thicker as well. miguel reaches out to hold you steady. his mind racing. you can't stay here.
he knows he has to make a call. literally. he lifts his watch to his face.
"Jess, get someone on the medical team to prepare for my arrival." he picks you up carefully and fights to keep his voice from rising, he wasn't thinking clearly. all he could think about was getting you somewhere safe.
it wasn't common for miguel to ask for medical assistance, even at times when he probably should. he didn't like calling for help, he prefered to do things on his own, even to his own detriment. the idea that something could shake miguel up like this, making him ask for assistance, was new. Jessica could hear the tension in his throat as clear as day.
"whats your condition." she responded, concern shining through in her voice.
"no, no. i'm fine." he answered. "i've got an injured with me, they've been shot and need first aid immedietely. its a second degree burn that been left for over 24 hours, its infected."
"...done." she answers. "are they a new recruit?"
"they're a friend."
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Pozole: a traditional soup or stew that is made from hominy with meat, you can put in things like shredded lettuce/cabbage, chilli peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, avocado, salsa or limes. (this sounds scrummy ngl i'm so hungry bro)
"Lo siento": i'm sorry (this is when he goes "Lo si-" but cuts himself off)
"Oi, mami": hey, Mama (i learned that mami or mamita can be used in a lot of different ways. native spanish speakers can use it to adress parentel figures, friends that give motherly energy, or it can even be used as a funny nickname for kids. i've seen a lot of people use it sexually in fics, but apparently thats not always the case!)
aetiology: kind of like a diagnosis, but different. its the cause of a desease or condition. idk if it's applicable to wounds, though.
"Hijo de puta-!": son of a bitch-!
I put these here so if anyone has any corrections i could make to the terms I’ve used to be more accurate then I can change them accordingly. I used online translators and articles… if anyone has any good websites for translating languages let me know! i'd be really interested.
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jester-lover · 5 months
Could you do a Diasomnia dorm with their soulmates? Like the guys meeting soulmate for the first time, mc preferably being a human for that extra drama in case you’d want to add that?💙
Soulmate Sorrows
Oh you know I love the drama. Thank you for requesting, I hope my favoritism towards Sebek doesn’t show as much.
Feat/ Diasomnia
CWs/gn! Reader, angst-to-fluff, mentions of mortality, war and discrimination, brief kidnapping/isolation, bittersweet fluff (various soulmate aus), uhh, Sebek insults you pretty heavy
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I took the creative liberty of making Lilia and Silver’s more humorous to tone down the angst of Sebek and Mal. (Also, I hope someone notices the flower language in the Sebek HCs.)
When Malleus saw the red string on his finger connected to yours, he was filled with a sense of pure and simple happiness
As he holds you in his warm embrace, some realization hits him like a brick
As a human, you would live for a minuscule amount of time compared to him; he would see you grow gray and weak and pass on as he held onto your memory for eons to come
Or, even worse, a simple accident could take you away from him in the blink of an eye
Some sort of dragon instinct fills Malleus for a while, always suggesting to spend time with you away from others who may hurt you
He tries to keep you safe by hiding you from others, but humans like you are social creatures, and even the most introverted of us need some communication every once in awhile
He slowly realized he would be making you miserable by hiding you away and eventually stopped his behavior, apologizing to you meekly
During this process, Malleus breaks.
He cries into your arms, apologizing for his actions and revealing his fears and worries
As you comfort him, you tell him that you’ll be happy to be his for whatever time you have, and he decides from that point onward to keep you happy no matter what
He’s a very tender, affectionate lover
You can expect to sleep in his big bed, with the warm prince wrapped around you, and to hold his hand in between classes
Malleus seemingly forgets any social norms from his home when it comes down to you; he will literally fight tooth and nail with his advisers to keep you as his spouse when the time comes
Mortality rarely comes up in your discussions after a certain point, as he focuses on keeping you happy and safe
“My dearest, long after you’ve passed, I will still only have you in my heart... you’ve taken up all the space.”
He’s as playful as ever when he sees the matching tattoo on your arm; his own is practically centuries old, and while he was content with being alone, he's so happy to see you!
Lilia might play his feelings off as being plainly giddy, but deep down he does worry a bit about how the two most important people in his life will most definitely outlive him
Now that he has a partner, a strange form of protectiveness surrounds him, like he’s found another purpose, a reason to grow stronger 
(A reason to cook more!)
 Moving on from that more serious topic, Lilia will be most excited to spend time just lounging about with you, strumming little melodies on his guitar, taking you on upside-down walks, cliche couple stuff, y’know?
(Just wait till he starts spilling historical tea)
To wind down and enjoy the little moments with the family he’s built, however long it lasts, is a major priority in his life
“I need someone to try out my new recipe~, all the ingredients are actually edible this time around!”
y'all are chill lmao
Okok, but when he sees you start showing up in his dreams, he’s a little freaked out, partially because you’re very attractive to him but mostly because he has zero clue how to navigate romance
Imagine going on a date with him, and he’s down for the count in the first 10 minutes
Thankfully, I assume you are aware of his sleep habit, and he’s always very grateful when you wake him up 
Despite his stern exterior, Silver has a tendency to show his deep affection for you through acts of service, such as helping you clean Ramshackle House, because God knows how much it needs help (thanks, Crow Man).
Another little quirk about him is his tendency to go along with any cute couple activity you want to do
Wanna wear matching outfits? Cool with him.
Walk him to his classes? Absolutely.
Be the loudest spectator at his equestrian club meets? He appreciates the enthusiasm.
Even if you consider yourself to be a volatile or argumentative person, it’s very hard for Silver to get mad at you because of the genuine adoration and respect he holds for you
He can’t wait to grow older alongside you, to see you at your best, your worst, and your most human moments, until the two of you are old and wrinkly
“I saw something I thought you’d like at the store while I was running errands… maybe we could make dinner together…?”
this is Sebek's worst nightmare come true; the words written on his wrist were the first you ever spoke to him, you, you disgusting, vile, no good human...
He runs far away, back into his room, and under his covers
He refuses to speak to you, refuses to look at you, and refuses to do anything involving you
For a couple of days, he just sulks, which is super heartbreaking for you, considering the fact that you can't control who you are, and your only soulmate just harshly rejected you
Sebek cries a lot. Like, a lot. at one point or another, his mother calls him to verbally smack some sense into him (and most likely Lilia too)
You see him standing at the door of Ramshackle House, breathing heavily as Grim offers to flambé him for you
You decide to hear him out, and he practically spills his years of self-loathing and hurt on your lap
Some part of you hurts for your soulmate, and you hold him in your arms
This relationship starts out turbulent, to say the least, but there’s a mental click that happens for him at one point, where he just realizes how if his own mother found joy with a human, he can too
Sebek tries his best to earn your trust, trying to break down the emotional layers his own internal bigotry has put between you
(it’s also very cute when he shows up with a bouquet of daffodils, as per Lilia’s recommendation) 
You two definitely have a long road ahead of you, but Sebek’s affection is loud and unwavering, and while he might be stubborn in his nature, he knows when to cool it down now
For your sake and for the lifelong relationship he wants with you
“Human! I have a few hours to spare before training, would you like to read with me?”
OMG I actually posted??? I'm crawling through requests as fast as I can ya'll, school has been destroying my creativity for the last few weeks.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
What Did You Do
pairing: tom riddle x female reader, voldemort x female reader
warnings: angst, tiny bit of fluff
summary: throughout your years at hogwarts, you and tom were inseparable, now as a professor you see what happened to him at the battle of hogwarts - requested by anon
a/n: i'm going to age down voldemort and the reader (meaning because mcgonagall is a little younger than voldemort, the reader would be so old lmao. so i'm just imagining the reader is like remus' age, it wont affect the time line, idk if that makes sense sorry)
song: the night we met - lord huron
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Tom was brilliant, so were you. You were both the top of your classes since your first year at Hogwarts.
That's how you two started talking. You would be partnered with each other in most of your classes, you made an excellent pair.
Throughout the years there, you two had grown a bond. Eventually, you both had feelings for each other.
You knew of your affections towards him, you didn't tell him because you didn't want to ruin your close friendship. But Tom had been in a sort of denial, seeing as how he was conceived under a love potion, he didn't think it was possible.
Around your sixth year, he had come to terms with how he felt. You two had confessed to each other after one of Slughorns dinner parties, he had attended as your date.
It came as a shock to most students when the news of you getting together spread.
They had know he had a soft spot for you, but he had never shown any romantic feelings towards anyone before.
It was seventh year and Tom had confessed to you of his plans and becoming Lord Voldemort.
He asked you to join him and be his partner but you couldn't. It was wrong and you knew it, he knew it deep down too.
You figured this was caused by his horrible childhood at the orphanage, he told you all about how he was treated.
He asked you one final time to join or he would have to continue without you.
You stood there in front of him with tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
He wanted to wipe the tears from your beautiful face, but he knew it would make him tempted to give up the plans he worked so hard for.
So he turned his back on you and left you behind while you cried and begged him to stop what he was doing.
After that night, you hadn't seen him again.
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"Harry!" you call your student, a student who was like a son to you.
You knew of how he got his scar, as did everyone else. It broke your heart each time you thought of what had caused it.
"Harry, be safe, I'll be right behind you," you kiss his head. He goes and runs off to find Voldemort as students and staff start to fill the courtyard and go into a circle.
You quickly walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, making sure there were no student that needed help.
You finally went outside and saw Harry and Voldemort in a duel.
You gasp at how he looks, this wasn't your Tom. You hadn't seen how he looked since that night so long ago.
You rush over ignoring the calls of people to stop.
"Tom! Stop this!" you yell with angry tears forming in your eyes.
Voldemort blocks Harry's spell and sends one to knock him out for a little while he drops his arm to look at you.
People watching were frozen in their places as they took in the scene in front of them. There were very few people who were aware of your past relationship with Tom.
"What did you do," you cry. He almost winces at the pain in your voice.
He slowly walks over to you and stops about three feet from you.
"I got the power I've always desired," he explains in a monotone voice.
"Tom... we could have had a future together, look what you've become," you whisper.
"You didn't wish to join me, you didn't expect me to drop everything I've worked for, did you?"
"Yes, I did, because you could have and I would have done the same for you," you try your best to keep your voice from cracking.
He knows you're right. He couldn't look you in your eyes. He looks around at the faces watching as he tries to not think about how beautiful you still are.
You had grown into a stunning woman, and well, he felt embarrassed by what he had come to.
"Stop!" Voldemort shouts, annoyed at his now conflicted emotions.
He feels tempted to stop and apparate you and him somewhere to stay, like how you always dreamed of.
He couldn't, not now. He decided an apology was the only thing he could do, as he went to apologize to you, he suddenly felt pain all over.
He turned his head to see Harry with his wand pointed at him. It was then you both realized he was truly gone.
As he starts to turn to stone, he uses all the energy left in him to look at you, in the eyes this time.
He watches as so many emotions flash through your eyes. He memorized your features in the few seconds he has.
You look at Voldemort on his knees, almost all stone. You see him mouth something, it looks like 'I'm sorry', but you can't be sure.
You watch as he looks you dead in the eye, finally turning completely to stone and dissolving into nothing.
People around you start cheering and hugging as they all celebrate.
Harry turns to you and sees the devastated look on your face.
"I'm sorry that you lost him," Harry says as he hugs you, "not Voldemort, but Tom," he continues.
"I'm sorry too, but you're safe, along with everyone else," you sigh, "that's all that matters," you kiss his forehead and hug him back.
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It took you a while to finally accept that Tom- Voldemort, was gone.
Things slowly got back to normal. Hogwarts was rebuilt and repaired. You continued your teaching career there.
You were sat in your room, in a cottage where you and Tom were supposed to be living.
You decided that if he couldn't be there to live life, you would do it for the both of you.
You pick up some letters he would send you when you were dating, you had saved them all. You look at the box and see one that hasn't been opened. Your eyebrows furrow as you open it. Then, a tear slides down your face as you read it.
My y/n,
If you are reading this, that means I have become Lord Voldemort, and am likely dead now.
I need you to understand that I am not the Tom you once knew. I also need you to understand that I have regretted walking away from you each and every day since I did so.
You were my family, my love, my everything.
I'm sorry I threw that away for power. I know now that it is far too late to go back.
I wish I could though, and spend life with you in that place you always use to tell me about. Unfortunately, it isn't possible. But know that if it was, I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
Stay true to yourself, don't turn your back on the people you love, I regrettably made that mistake.
You are a beautiful person, my love, I hope you accomplish all of the things you use to rant to me about.
Please forgive me.
Yours always,
Tom Riddle
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lamnwar · 3 months
Hey me again, lmao
Could you do Kiyoshi + Gom as husbands, If so thank youuu xxxx
Hi there, love! 💕 love love love this request!! I spend all my time daydreaming abt being married to these boys LMAO it's embarassing 😭 alsooo ik I took long before getting to your request but I wanted to finish all the big os requests first before working on hcs bc it's more heafty so sorry for my shitty habit of taking too long for simple stuff :((
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Context: what I imagine married life to be with these characters. 🥰
Pairing: GOM + Kiyoshi x gn! Reader (gender not specified)
Warnings: mainly fluff and crack, can get a bit suggestive in Aomine's (of course it's always him 😭) so mdni!
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Rich, handsome and a gentleman!!! Literally the Holy Grail of husbands
The kind to spoil his pretty spouse out of love
Takes you out on a date at some fancy restaurant at least once a week
He's also very independent!! Now, I think he's the kind to hire people to help around the house but that doesn't stop him from doing chores
He'll always help you doing stuff for the house if you need
He has amazing taste!! Take him furniture shopping and you'll end up with on of those houses you see in AD
Brings up the subject of you dropping your work so you can stay home while he's the breadwinner
He's a bit traditional in that sense because he really doesn't want you to work if it's unecessary, you know?
I mean he's crazy rich so does that even make sense to make you work?? (Unless you absolutely want to)
Wakes you up every morning with a kiss!
He always had the proudest smile when he introduces you to people as his spouse <3
This man takes marriage very seriously, listen
He most likely did a deep analysis of your birthchart before deciding that you are the right one for him
Naturally, as your husband, he gotta get you your lucky item of the day everyday
You don't even believe in that stuff but it's his love language, I guess
Not much one to go on dates unless you want to, then he'll be up for it
He's more one to enjoy time with you at home
Something like having a nice diner and cuddling while you read
The kind to love going grocery shopping with you
Every once in a while, he'll buy a fancy bottle of wine just to share it with you
A very supportive husband!! Every project you have in mind, he's already done the research to find the most efficient way for you to accomplish your plans
Not a PDA guy but he'll happily hold your hand when you're at gatherings together
May not be very vocal about his love for you but you better believe that he talks proudly of his spouse to every one he knows
He is OBSESSED with you
Man never left the honeymoon phase, he's so crazy about you
Takes you to his fancy modelling events and shows you off to every one he meets
He also buys you lots of clothes and acessories
Dare you say something is cute, he's already inside the shop buying it for you
Tries his best as chores but it's not really his thing
Will help as much as he can, though!
Breakfast in bed kind of guy hihi
And it happens a lot because let's be real, that man isn't the kind to let you sleep at night
Like I said earlier, he's never left the honeymoon phase so... yeah
Wants to be the kind of husband that gives you his credit card and tell you to do what you want with it but you have to decline
It's ok though, he'll fine plenty of other ways to spoil you
You have that cute habit every week of taking baths together
The kind to miss a day of work to take care of you when you're sick!
Daiki never thought he'd ever get married, but then he met you
Not the best at being a husband but he really tries!
Like he makes an effort of not being too lazy and messy
Leaves the chores to you mainly, but will give a hand
Like if you're cleaning around and need to put stuff on the top shelf, he'll do it for you
Not the best cook so he lets you make food while he does the dishes
I'm trying to delay the obvious but that man never stops being horny for you
Literally sits and daydream of fucking you on every surface of your home
Gets so riled up at the sight of that ring on your finger, he can't believe your all his
The kind to follow you everywhere you go, even if it's for some stupid errand
Takes you out to the beach or for a picnic as soon as the sun is shining outside
Buys you clothes he thinks you'd look good in and surprisingly, he's got amazing taste
Loves when you refer to him as "husband" in conversation!!
So casual about being married, most likely because to him that doesn't change a thing about the way he feels about you
Likes that now he gets to have you with him all the time
Cooks for you! Buys you snacks! Takes you out on restaurant dates!
Sharing is caring so he only ever shares his snack with you
I can see him being into matching outfits (if you can find any that fits both him and you)
A bit lazy so he doesn't help around that much unless you tell him to
And even that, he'd do some chores before getting distracted
But listen, it's ok though because he makes up for it in over ways
He's very caring, only because you're his spouse
Cuddles in bed, at all time! He just feels clingy sometimes
He smiles softly when he plays with your hand and sees the ring on your finger
He likes to sit you on his lap often
Basically being a husband doesn't differ much from how he was as a boyfriend
Very casual about calling you his spouse all the time, even in front of others
Kiyoshi Teppei was born to be a husband!!
Because he grew up with his grandparents, he's got the habit of taking care of a household and the people living in it
So he naturally took in most of the chores and he's good at it!
Doesn't want you to get tired either so he'll do most things
Pays attention to all the little things so you're always comfortable
He also likes going for a run/the gym with you and he's so encouraging!
Has the stupidiest smile on his face everytime he looks at you
He holds his grandparents as a reference so he really hopes you'll both grow old together, still madly in love
Don't get that man started on building a family, he just gets too excited at the idea of being a parent!
He'd be a great one too, but the final decision is up to you. Either way, he's just happy being with you.
I don't know what else to say because he's just made to be a husband, yk?
Yeah, probably the best person to marry <3 (I'm very biased)
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onsraas · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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┊luke castellan x daughter of aphrodite!reader — angst-fluff
summary: although the daughter of aphrodite tries, the feeling of love won't come other than from the person who not only seems oblivious, but also lacks the reciprocation of the love she so wildly desires. but, is that right?
warnings: use of y/n, 1st person, like one cuss word, (some poor writing tbh) — not proofread !!
wc: 1.3k
a/n: hello, I'm back with my take on why an "i love you, too." is more important than a bare "i love you." — also, can you notice the big fat crush I have rn through this? lmao.
ps. reblogs helps a whole lot.
photo credits | masterlist | navigation | request
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My chest feels empty with the lack of a heart. I can feel it beating in my chest yet somehow the sense of emptiness remains there as I kiss this boy.
I can't remember his name, I don't even remeber if he said it or not, to be honest. But when his hands reach for my waist I try to help myself from gagging. I don't like the feeling of his hands on me.
Not as much as I like Luke's.
He's never touched me romantically, and yet his hand on my thigh trying to calm me down, his shaking hand in mine looking for comfort, his arms wrapped around me, lifting be from the ground after I told him big news, it all comes back to me before I feel a hand tug me backwards, tearing me away from the stranger I'd been kissing, who I now realise is Mark, a son of Ares.
"What is going on in here?" The voice behind me makes me shiver with recognition.
"What does it look like, dude? Leave." Mark says. He attempts to reach for my arm but I snatch it away.
Before either of them can say anything else, I turn to look at the person behind me: Luke. His face is contorted in an angry frown, glaring at Mark as if he'd just killed a kitten.
"What is it, Luke?" I say, my voice sounds annoyed, but although I'm looking at Luke, is not him whom I'm annoyed at. It's me. The fact that I had been imagining Luke kissing me while kissing someone else makes me think I'm stupid enough to not realize the truth: it's never gonna happen.
Luke's gaze softens when he looks at me, but still keeping the look of superiority. "You shouldn't be here. It's dark and you're very deep into the woods." He pauses and looks at me, but whatever he's looking for he doesn't find it. "We should get back."
"Okay," I agree. I think both of them were expecting me to put more of a fight because they look at me in confusion...or anger on Mark's side could be.
I pay Mark's insults no mind as I follow the path that will lead us back to the camp, Luke beside me.
Eventually we stop hearing Mark altogether and Luke finally says something. "Not a good one, huh?"
I shrug. My heart is overwhelmed with the sense of dread and the need to tear it out of my chest becomes more powerful with each step.
Why do I feel like this is my mother is the goddess of love? Why do I feel like this when everyone fights to get the bare minimum from me: a child of Aphrodite?
Could it be because the only person whom I really want looks at me with a shine that lacks of love?
Because every night I go to sleep I think about the stars and how they are my only companion when I see him look at someone else with the look I want all for myself.
I think about the stars whispering in my ear how I'm still dumb enough to not give up on the idea. What they don't realize, though, is that he's the one not letting me go.
He doesn't know my heart is his but still he won't drop it for it to break completely.
"Hey," Luke's hand on my shoulder stops me on my track, making me flinch a little. "What is going on?" His voice makes me want to break down and cry from how soft it is.
He is looking me right in the eye, and I can't help but notice that he's already invading my personal space with his closeness. "Nothing is going on, okay? Can we just...walk in silence?" 
"No, we can't." I don't think he's ever talked to me this serious. "Not until you stop pushing me away." 
I'm dumbfounded. "Wait, what?" My voice sounds weird to my own ears. "What are you talking about? I'm not pushing you away, Luke." 
"Yes, you are, y/n, and you've been for the last year." His eyes reflect nothing but hurt, probably remembering how this last year has gone for both of us. "You think I don't realise? You think I don't realise how you do anything to stay away from me? And my only question is: why?" 
He is closer to me than he's ever been and I can only focus on his intense blue eyes staring back at me. "That is none of your bussiness." I somehow get it out, still my voice sound breathier than normal.
I could get it out now, try to make the damage the least painful as possible, but my selfish heart tells me I can't make it better if a lose him.
"I think it is. Now, either you say it, or I'm going to say it myself." Still, I don't say a word. He leans impossibly closer, and my breath hitches when I feel his hand slightly touching mine, as if waiting for and invitation. 
Fuck it. "You think you know, everything about me, Luke, well you don't. The answer to your question is the only thing you should have noticed and it's yet the only thing you see to have no clue about. The only reason I've been avoiding you, and doing anything to stay away from you is because..." I pause, trying to gather my thoughts. "It is because I love you, Luke. I have loved you from the very moment I met you all those years ago."
Luke looks at me as if a just grew a third head. Yet, somehow, I can for the first time feel my heart. 
"Why were you kissing mark then?" He asks.
I scoff. "None of them matter, I've only ever done it because I wanted to stay away from you, Luke."
"Away from me? Why would you wanna make that?"
Is he serious? "You're just making fun of me at this point." I attempt to leave, but I fail when Luke grabs my arm, keeping me from leaving. 
"I would never make fun of you." His voice is soft as silk. "I truly want to know."
I sigh. "I know you don't feel the same, Luke. That's okay. Just...please, don't become a stranger." 
"I would never." He takes my hand in his, bringing us closer, or noses touching. I could lean a little and our lips would touch, but I won't unless he asks me to. "Can I kiss you now?" 
When people said they felt butterflies I'd never undestood. Sure, I'd felt nervous, yet the feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach right now was so strong I wanted to vomit. I decide to nod instead.
His lips are soft in mine. One of my hands is occupied in his, while the other moves to wrap around his neck. 
The kiss is sweet at first, two people showing affection through the art of kissing. But when Luke's tongue gets access inside my mouth I feel like we are both making up for all the times we wanted to do it but couldn't, for all the years of waiting, and for the time we need to catch up.
His hand leaves mine only to get bothe his hands in my waist, tugging me closer to him, closing any possible gap there could be between our bodies. 
His hands are everywhere in my body and when his hands find the bare skin underneath my shirt I break the kiss, searching for his eyes. "Was that too fast?" He asks with pure panic.
I smile and shake my head before I wrap my arms around him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, while he does the same. 
"I love you, too." He says leaving a soft kiss in my neck. 
And there a realise that the emptiness is long gone.
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
Hello :) I must admit I've been binge reading your content. I was hoping I could request a Percy (Vox Machina) x gn reader where he gets very worried when reader either nearly sacrifices themselves for him or they take a risk that he didn't think was necessary? 10/10 worried perce is adorbs but i also feel guilty o.o 👉👈 ngl I live for when he be stressing and overprotective lmao. Poor Percy needs a vacation.
I Need You
Percy hadn't let himself care for someone this much ever since he lost everyone. How had you managed to change that?
Percy de Rolo x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/ Critical Role
Format: Oneshot (1550 words)
Content Warnings: Fairly light descriptions of injuries, and an argument between Reader and Percy. Talk of potential deadly harm, as this takes place after a battle.
Gender Neutral Reader
Consider the image of Percy on vacation in one of those Hawaiian shirts and big sunglasses. Also I do not apologize for the amount of Pike. She is everything to me<3 -Finn
"Now, I know reckless in a fight," Pike said, carefully wrapping a bandage around the deep wound on your leg. "I have been reckless in a fight. But that? That was not reckless. That was stupid. And stupid will get you killed out there! And then where would we be?" 
You knew her well enough to recognize the concern under the scolding, even as she wrapped the bandage a little tighter than necessary to punctuate her point. You felt bad about letting her look after you even after she had burned the last of her spell slots, but she hadn't been keen on taking no for an answer after getting a look at the injury, dragging you to your room in the keep. According to her, it was a miracle you’d gotten back to the keep at all on that leg after the battle. Even when you insisted you could wrap it yourself, she waved you off. Too kind for her own good with a party like this. Sometimes she was the only thing keeping you all from running headfirst to your demises. (Or at least yanking you all back when you tried.)
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Pike. I just couldn't let Percy take the hit instead, he didn't see it coming, he would be worse off than I am now." You smiled at the cleric, shrugging your shoulders sheepishly. Pike didn’t look all that impressed, but you knew she understood. 
His gun had jammed in the middle of the battle, a familiar flaw of its mechanisms. But instead of teasing your lover about it like usual, you had seen an attacker lunge at him as he let his guard down. He was a ranged fighter, nothing should have been allowed to get that close in the first place. Of course, he dropped his guard for a moment. In any other fight, he would have been fine to unjam his gun while ducking back from the battle. 
It sent an uncomfortable chill down your spine when you imagined what might have happened if you hadn't been so close. Throwing yourself in the way and fighting off the creature had landed you with a blindingly painful wound on your leg and likely a couple of bruised ribs if the ache that came with breathing was anything to go by. It had been stronger than you'd expected, and getting hit with the flat of a weapon may have been better than the edge, but it still hurt like a bitch.
"Both of you were being stupid. If I see that happen again, you'll have Grog patch you up instead. And he hasn't quite gotten a handle on his bedside manner, yet." 
Laughing hurt, but It was good to know Pike was relaxed enough to joke. Meant that you probably weren't dying. 
"Pike! Are they-" Percy bolted into the room, looking for all intents a wild man, before stopping in his tracks at the sight of you. A load of tension dropped from his shoulders, but only for long enough for him to register your injuries. You knew you looked pretty rough. In all fairness, so did he, his white hair shot through with wisps of gray from gunsmoke and the black powder always left on his gloves. He must have been running his hands through it, if it’s messy style was anything to go off of. 
"Hey, Percy," you said softly, doing your best to offer a reassuring smile. It must have been closer to a grimace with the concerned noise he bit off  in response. There was something a little heartbreaking about the open stress and worry in his eyes as he stepped forward, hesitating to touch you. He so often had his emotions in check, that seeing them so openly on display felt unfair to him. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it a moment, and the contact seemed to pull him back out of his thoughts. 
"By the gods, what were you thinking? Are you insane? You could have gotten yourself killed! Who just jumps in front of an attack like that?" He wasn't quite yelling, wouldn't yell at you in your own room, but the panic set into his voice was more than a sufficient substitute. 
"Percy, it's not like you were dodging it, you would have been hit instead." You made an attempt at answering reasonably, trying to calm his worries, but if anything, it only made it worse somehow. 
"Then you should have let it hit me instead of throwing yourself at a blade! If it had hit you at a different angle it very well could have gone straight through you! Were you thinking at all?" He had dropped your hand now, pacing a circle in your room. 
"I was thinking about how you were going to get hit. Is it such a crime to look out for you?" 
"At the cost of yourself, yes!"
"I'm not going to sit and watch you get hurt if I can do something about it!"
"And make me watch you nearly die instead?"
Pike spoke up before you could say anything, pushing herself to her feet. "Both of you. Quit it." She was obviously both annoyed and exhausted. You and Percy both wilted under her tone as she turned to look at you. "That was a stupid and dangerous move today. Don't pull that again. Percy, Don't yell at someone who saved you, you sound like an asshole. They need to rest, so shelve your argument for later." 
The wind had been taken out of his sails, leaving him standing back by the wall, thoroughly chastised. "I, yes, of course, Pike."
"Don't walk on that leg today, take it easy," Pike said, looking back at you. "I'll be back in a couple of hours to double-check on you, but I need some rest. I'm plumb out of energy." 
"Don't worry about it, Pike, I'll be alright. Thank you." 
"Good. Now both of you, if I hear anything about you two arguing again, I'm setting Keyleth on your case." With that, she patted your shoulder and swept out of the room. 
There was a moment of awkward silence, Percy glancing around your room rather than meeting your eyes. He seemed to be debating on what to say, or maybe whether to follow Pike out the door to be out of your hair. 
"I apologize. I shouldn't have been so harsh with you. Especially not while you're injured. I didn't- I, well." Staring fiercely at his feet, his apology was stumbling. There was something endearing about it, in the way there always was when he extended a branch of vulnerability. "I was worried about you. Seeing you get thrown to the ground after taking a hit for me was...terrifying, to say the least."
"Oh, Percy," you sighed, beckoning him over. "It was pretty fucking terrifying to see you about to be hit, too." 
He walked up to you, stopping in front of you and kneeling down so as to look up at you instead of towering over you. "I...can understand that. I simply don't want you getting hurt on my behalf. Or at all, really."
"Wouldn't that be lovely? Being adventurers who never get hurt." You reached a hand out, resting it softly on his cheek. He leaned into your touch, and you could see through the worry to the affection underneath it. "I don't want you hurt either. If today didn't make that obvious."
"I know, dear, I do." He nodded, turning his head to press a kiss to your palm. It was achingly soft, like he was still afraid that you would break. You wouldn’t, but the gentle nature of his love still squeezed your heart. "Could I at least look after you while you recover? This is my fault." 
"Don't be an idiot, I moved of my own free will. But, I wouldn't deny some extra time with you. And I'll need the help if I'm supposed to stay off my leg." 
"We can discuss who's at fault tomorrow, love. Tell me what I can do to help?" There was an exasperated fondness in his voice, the familiar pattern the two of you always fell into. It was soothing after the sharp tension of before. 
"Just hold me? We could both use the chance to relax, I think." 
He let out a breathless chuckle, nodding and reluctantly pulling back from your gentle hold. He wasn't fragile either, not like glass ready to break. But you couldn't help but want to treat him with care, the same way he treated you as he carefully helped you lie down in your bed, shedding his coat to slip in beside you and draw you into his arms. 
There would be more fights to come, there would be more injuries and arguments, and worries. But if after them all, you could both be okay enough to end up like this, it would be alright. Your face pressed against his shoulder, his hands steady on your back. You could be safe here, together. 
As your heartbeats fell into synch, you gently pulled off his glasses, setting them aside. It made it easier to lean in and kiss him, slow and tired. 
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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undeadcannibal · 11 months
NSFW WARNING, for anyone who may want to skip
Hi, first time requesting you!! Really like your work. I may be blind but I can't find any request rules, hopefully this is ok!
Can we get how 141+ König react to f!reader squirting for the first time during sex? Lmao thanks <3
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Summary: How Task Force 141 and König would react to you squirting for the firs time with them~
Genre: Imagines, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Gaz, Ghost, Soap, and König.
Warnings: ‘N.SF.T’ situations, squirting, oral sex (afab receiving), consumption of bodily fluids, you get the idea, folks!
A/N: Thank you so much for the first time request, it is very appreciated! Also, I apologize because the reason you couldn’t find my rules is because I’m currently rewriting them. Still, most is allowed so long as it’s not gross and/or illegal. Other than that, I’m usually fine with it. Also, when I tell you I jumped at this request because I already had a few ideas for Soap regarding something similar. I needed to say my piece, damn it! Anyway, sorry for rambling, I hope you enjoy!   ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Ghost has been slowly working you up so you could take the entirety of his length, something you had stated you wanted to do since the first time the two of you had become intimate. He'd warned you it'd take some time - especially with him being away so often - but you didn't mind in the slightest. Reassuring him you wanted this for the both of you.
He'd already managed to work three orgasms out of you and felt you were finally ready. Still, that didn't stop him from being safe and lubricating both your cunt and his cock regardless of how wet you were. He was on the larger side and knew taking him while unprepared would be uncomfortable for both of you.
"Ready, dove?"
He wouldn't move until you gave the go-ahead.
Once he had the signal to continue, he pressed his lubricated cock forth. Sliding his length against your own wet core and clitoris till both of you were groaning and rocking against one another. Glancing over at your eyes, Simon made sure you were looking at him the moment he pressed the head of his cock against your opening, gently prodding and pushing forth till you split open and welcomed him inside of you. Both of you sharing a moan as he sank in till half of his length was nestled inside.
"Jesus, sweet'eart, feels like I'm gonna split you in two."
Even with the throbbing ache that comes with every inch of his cock sinking inside of your tight cunt, you can't help but want more. Shifting till you were able to wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him forth to show you were ready for more.
With your eager coaxing, Simon rocked his hips forward, pushing the last few inches of his member in till his groin was nestled directly against yours. His balls flush against the curve of your ass as the two of you held onto one another for support. Both of you groaning and shivering now that he'd managed to nestle himself deep within your cunt entirely. After a few moments - and many reassurances that you felt comfortable enough to continue - Simon found himself losing composure the more he fucked up into your wet, hot pussy.
With every piston of his hips, he watched as your stomach bulged out a bit each time he bottomed out within you, causing him to groan and fuck you even harder. Pounding you with reckless abandon now as both of you held onto one another, exchanging noises of ecstasy between the sound of flesh meeting flesh repeatedly.
With him nearing his end, he wanted you to reach yours before his own began. Reaching between your sweaty bodies, he pressed his thumb to your clit so he could swirl the pad of his thumb against it. Stimulating you whilst he continued to fuck you even as he felt your muscles twitching and milking his length. Gritting his teeth with a low growl, he ups the ante of his thrusts, fucking you through the aftershocks of your orgasm until both of you become lost in one another.
Neither of you were sure when it happened, but when Simon finally seizes his hips so he could pump the last few spurts of cum deep within you, he finally realizes both yours and his thighs are soaked, hell, he can even see a few drops working down your ass when it hits him.
That was the first time he'd gotten you to squirt for him, but he certainly doesn't intend for it to be the last.
The two of you had been fooling around one evening when Johnny had tried to wiggle down your bottoms and underwear. Grinning cheekily before he saw the hesitant and worried look on your face, causing him to stop and ask if everything was alright. After you'd explained that you'd never had anyone go down on you before, he found himself both surprised and aroused altogether. Needless to say, he wasted little time in asking if he could do you the honors of showing you how good he could make you feel if you allowed him to.
Should you say yes, he's picking up where he left off, quickly ridding you of your bottoms and positioning himself between your legs. Guiding one of your legs over his shoulder, he'd wrap an arm around to position himself better before tossing a saucy wink up at you.
Using both hands, he strokes the pads of his thumbs over both sides of your slit, causing you to bite down on your bottom lip. Silencing any sound you could have made as you also tossed an arm over your face to hide your flushing cheeks. Despite the fact that you trusted Johnny more than anyone else, you couldn't help but feel both exposed and raw in such a vulnerable state. Yet, you didn't bother to ask him to stop. 
After a few more strokes, Johnny spreads you open with his thumbs, exposing your glistening core to him right before he leans in. As delicately as he could, he licked a vertical stripe along the length of you before latching onto your bundle of nerves. Sealing his lips around your clit and sucking just hard enough to make you finally break your resolves. Lips parting with a soft cry as pleasure began to bloom throughout your core and lower belly.
As you began to pant between the light moans you couldn't hold back, your arm fell away from your face and you sat up, supporting yourself on your elbows to watch Johnny work you over. Unsure as to why, the sight of him lapping at your pussy like a starving man made you feel a rush of excitement course through you. His tongue worked tirelessly against your slit till he was moving his calloused thumbs again.
This time, he'd kept you spread open so he could freely lick and suck at your core, thoroughly coating you in a lewd mixture of your own arousal and his saliva before introducing two - very thick - fingers against your opening. Glancing up at you to silently question if you were still on board with things, once you gave your silent approval, those fingers were pressing against you and struggling for a moment before sliding in deep. Johnny not bothering to wait as he worked you open till you were able to take both of his digits to the third knuckle. He also began to crook those fingers in random spots, doing his best to seek that spot inside of you as you groaned and writhed beneath him.
When he finally felt you twitch and cry out loud when the pads of his fingertips brushed against a firm yet pliable spot within your core, he'd double down on fucking you open with his fingers. Smirking directly against your mound and placing a kiss on the soft skin there before moving down to capture your clit with his lips once more. This time, he'd kiss the throbbing nub before opening his mouth to flick the tip of his tongue directly against you over and over.
Your thighs began to shake uncontrollably beside his head and your sounds of wanton pleasure could no longer be held back as you fell back. Resting against the bed so you could squirm comfortably against the soft surface as your arms gave out beneath you. Releasing a string of curses beneath your breath, you could feel your inner muscles constantly clenching around his fingers as he alternated between flicking his tongue against and sucking at your clit till you felt a foreign yet painfully familiar sensation rushing through your lower body. Before you could even warn him, you felt a sudden gush of liquid rushing out of you right as your orgasm hit.
Pulling away with his mouth and chin thoroughly soaked, Johnny didn't seem bothered in the slightest as he took in your overstimulated, twitching form with pride. Knowing that not only had he succeeded in being a good partner for your first-ever round of cunnilingus, but he'd also happened to help you discover you were quite the talented squirter in the process.
After that night, he fully intends on seeing how often he can make you squirt like that as often as he can.
"Go on. You know what to do."
Pouting at John, you huffed as he remained still. Currently, he had both of your arms behind your back, held together by his hand. He had you seated on one of his thighs, straddling it with your own so he could press his up against your mound. Flexing his muscles to tease you as he brought over his free hand to rock you back and forth across his leg.
With his encouragement, you began to slowly rock your pussy over his clothed thigh but the slight pleasure you felt from the subtle stimulation didn't stop you from being a brat.
"Touch me, Captain."
John chuffed out a laugh, shaking his head. "When you're not even bothering to say 'please'? Sorry. No can do, love."
Damn him and his brat-taming tendencies. You exaggerated your reaction by groaning with displeasure despite the fact you were still riding his thigh. The feeling of your swelling clit gliding back and forth across the rough material of the clothing between you two was maddening. You needed more, even if he didn't want to give it to you.
Carefully stabilizing yourself on your legs, you increased the rhythm of your rocking till you began to softly pant and moan with every movement of your hips. The once subtle pleasure was quickly increasing to the point you couldn't think of acting out much more. Instead, doing your best to chase the high that you were currently riding out.
"Atta girl." John's hot and heavy gaze never left your form as he watched you get off on his leg. He could already feel a wet spot where you'd been grinding over, but he didn't mind in the slightest. Instead, he loosened his hold on your arms so he could reach up to your cheek. Caressing the soft and chubby skin there with his thumb rubbing over it before the same thumb moved to your lips. Sliding in past them as you welcomed his calloused thumb into your mouth to suck on. Hips faltering in their movements every so often.
Feeling your clit pulse in time with your heartbeat, your heavy breathing fanned over his hand as you weakly sucked at his thumb. Fucking yourself over his thigh till your legs were growing weak and you could feel yourself approaching that familiar edge. Using the last bit of strength you had left in your legs and hips, you let go and let yourself fall against his thigh. Heavily grinding down against his thick, taut muscles until you were hissing and nearly biting down on his thumb. Your orgasm hitting you harder than you'd expected.
Unable to stop sloppily grinding against him as you came, your upper body slumped forward to be held up by him as you rode it out together. His hand stroked over your back whilst you writhed and mewled against him before having to stop. Your own thighs felt like jelly as you stopped and pulled back. Glancing down between your bodies to see that not only had you gotten his pants wet, but you'd completely soaked the entirety of his thigh and knee with your orgasm, causing you to groan and hide your face against his neck.
"Aw, acting all shy now?" John teased in a mocking tone. "Better straighten up soon. You're gonna be riding my other thigh here pretty soon."
"Feeling alright, love?"
Unable to speak at the moment, you nodded silently up at Kyle as he smiled in return. Tweaking his wrist, he'd watch with glee as you cried out and twisted your hip, fighting not to pull away from the sex toy between your legs.
Before he'd come home, you'd teased him with the mentioning - and maybe a video or two - of the new sex toy you'd ordered. Saying that it felt good, but nowhere near as good as when he used them on you. At first, you'd only been playing up the part to tease him in your sexts, but... somewhere along the way, it'd stopped being an act.
Kyle held the buzzing vibrator directly against your core and clit, giving neither enough stimulation to make you cum, yet just enough to have you constantly teetering on the edge. Your own acts were too predictable, maybe that's why it felt so different to him... You didn't know. The one thing you did know was that you weren't sure how much more of his delicious torture you could endure. Huffing after every deep inhale, you glanced up at him beneath wet lashes. Wordlessly pleading for him to allow you to cum sooner rather than later.
"Think you've been good enough? 'Specially with all those damn videos you sent me while I was away?" He teased, pressing a button so the vibrations shifted to a pattern he knew you specifically didn't enjoy because it offered little pleasure for you. Purposely keeping the odd pattern going against you longer than usual before pressing the button a number of times. Switching over to a constant, heavy vibration just as you were about to beg him to allow you to cum.
Instead of begging, your mouth fell open in a silent cry as you felt your orgasm washing over you gradually as Kyle swirled the buzzing tip of the vibrator against your clitoris till you were shaking. Breathing heavily as he also took it upon himself to play and tweak your nipples as you rode it out together. His pressing of the toy against you was unrelenting, even as you began to cry out and try to move away, he didn't give in to your pleading.
Instead, he pressed his free hand down against your hip just as he watched your core quiver and glisten with your release. Entrance twitching and shaking around thin air whilst clear fluid shot forth from you, catching both of you off guard despite the two of you sharing an expression that could only be interpreted as 'holy shit'
That particular sex toy becomes a favorite of his to the point he often finds himself driving you mad with it many, many nights.
It was an idea that had rooted itself deep within his mind the moment he'd laid eyes on you. The Colonel wanted nothing more than to watch you fuck yourself on his desk for him whilst he watched. Before, he'd thought it was nothing more than a fantasy until you'd asked if there was anything he'd really wanted to try. He couldn't have stopped himself from blurting the thought out even if he wanted to.
Now, as he watches you take your spot on the desk he cleared for you, he feels nervous. Far more than he should. His anxiety flares for a moment as his mind fills with worry and doubt.
You're a soldier yet you're acting like a schoolboy in front of a beautiful woman naked before you?
Behind his mask, he squeezes his eyes shut tightly. Taking a few moments to clear his mind of his more negative thoughts so he can be there in the moment. Truly enjoy it with you. When he finally opens his eyes again, he sees you smiling at him before you part your thighs. Allowing him to see the hidden treasure between your legs as he audibly groans at the sight.
His light eyes roam over every inch of your form as he watches your hands explore your own body. Your delicate fingers stroke over and pluck at your own nipples, making him shift in his seat in front of you. He can feel his own fingers twitch - wanting to reach out and touch on his own - but he remains seated. Instead, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly when he notices your palms gliding down the length of your stomach. Down, down until your fingertips are brushing over the curls covering your mound. Glancing up at you, your eyes meet and König feels like lightning has struck him.
"Mein schatz, touch yourself, please!" König pleads.
Hesitating in delving lower, he watched your sweet smile morph into a wicked grin as you tilted your head to the side ever so slightly.
"But you sound so good begging like that, babe~"
Despite your teasing, you'd give in and press forward, indulging in yourself as you slid your fingers over your mons and straight to your clit. Circling the sensitive bundle of nerves with two fingers and moaning before sliding down the length of your slit. Gliding up and down over and over till you could feel your own excitement begin to build up beneath your fingertips. Eventually coating them as you continued to tease yourself in front of him.
König can feel himself straining against his pants but he doesn't move to touch himself, nor get up to touch you. He wants to see how you make yourself feel good. Taking mental note of the methods you use and for how long for future reference.
Eventually, he notices your expression shifting from a teasing one to that of pure arousal as you begin to get into it. Masturbating in front of him as if he wasn't even there to begin with. It's exactly what he wanted and if he didn't have the self-control that he did, he'd probably be on his knees, drooling in front of you by now.
"König, I-I'm getting close..." You gasped, left knee beginning to shake a bit in the process.
"Don't you dare stop. Make yourself cum for me."
Releasing a high-pitched whine shortly after you heard him order you not to stop, you couldn't help but slide your fingers back up so you could quickly rub at and around your clit. Switching back and forth between different speeds and positions until you found just the right one. Your legs quivering just as your orgasm began to overtake you. Moan after moan spilling past your lips before you suddenly felt your hips jerking forward on their own accord, clear liquid gushing out of you with every pulse of your spent muscles. When the pleasure finally subsided, you fell back against the desk. Panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath.
In front of you, König couldn't stop staring at the clear fluid that'd spilled onto the floor. Silently standing, he walked over and carefully brushed his hands over your inner thighs, delighting in the way they trembled beneath his touch as a result of you still being hypersensitive.
"I hope you know you're not leaving my office until I see you cum like that again, liebling~”
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ferrstappen · 1 year
same anon here with the birth of the twins ask i sent earlier lmao i meant born first. which twin was born first, not early. sorry im sleep deprived and english is not englishing at the moment 😭
hello honey! I totally understand you and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS QUESTION honestly I love mila and Luca. and also to the anon who requested pregnancy bits I'm on it, I just want to do it justice and not rush it :(
Honestly I hadn't put many thought on that, but I've really been thinking about it bc yes, when I saw the question I said Mila 100% is the oldest twin and Luca the youngest, but...
the day the twins were born l MV1
when I picture the labour, everything going smoothly, caesarean being planned months ahead for Max to be 100% available and no one could bother him or put something on the calendar.
Max would beholding your hand and whispering sweet nothings, how brave you were even when you assured him you weren't feeling anything, but he'd be keeping his eye not only on your health but making his presence known; the least he could do was make sure the best nurses, midwives, doctors and medical personnel in general were the best to take care of you and bring the very awaited Verstappen babies to the world. he'd side eye whenever the nurses and midwives made a comment about their lunch or something banal, because the only thing they were allowed to think and speak was his wife laying on the table and being prepared for the babies to be in perfect conditions.
and the only thing they'd said was yes Mr. Verstappen, yes Mrs. Verstappen.
as the time of the procedure approached he'd sit next to you, his head resting next to yours and his both his hands holding your belly, taking deep breaths, trying to communicate the twins they'd be together soon, and taking in the image of your swollen belly for the last time.
of course you'd giggle when he entered the operation room with sterile clothing, but finding comfort in his blue eyes being visible, long and defined lower lashes caressing his skin, his thumb running through your cheeks and forehead, and the strong grip of his hand were the only thing you tried to focus on as you could feel your body being manipulated.
the first scream was loud, but not as loud as you'd imagine, it was received as if the baby was annoyed of being disrupted and having to use his own lungs to breathe.
"a nice cry for this baby boy," the doctor would announce, handing him to the pediatrician to check him before wraping him in a warm towel and placing him on Max's arm, a nurse encouraging him to place the baby next to your face due to the arms being restricted.
you'd cry at the sight of him, heart immediately growing a million times bigger and it wasn't an exaggeration; the way his eyes were squeezed together, hands closed tightly, quiet sounds leaving his lips, everything stopped for you for those seconds.
and Max felt the same, his heart beating a thousand beats per minute when his arms felt the weight of his son, seeing his features, his small nose. but he wasn't relaxed or relieved in any way, knowing your body still had to endure being delivered the baby girl. he was told it was safe to leave the baby next to your face, which he did and went back to keeping an eye on what was going on on the other side of the medical sheet covering from your neck down.
he knew there was a reason why he couldn't feel relief and it wasn't just because he always worried and needed things to be right, and his gut was proven right when baby number two was delivered, but there wasn't a loud scream or annoyed cries, it was silent. a nurse immediately grabbed the baby boy (he still didn't have a name, you had a top 3 list where you'd choose after they were born) from your side, putting him on a crib, at the same time the pediatrics team grabbed the baby girl and placed her on a crib that looked a bit more complicated, more tubes and stuff surrounding it.
"max, what's happening?" you asked your husband, knowing you should've heard your baby girl by now.
"I don't know, but don't worry, schat. they're working on her,"
it was the first time he felt the desperation of being a father: worried, helpless, desperate, so many feelings and none of them were good as he approached where his daughter was being moved around, nurses carefully massaging her feet, multiple warm towels under her, a weird thing being placed on her nostrils.
those were the worst fifty seconds of his life. until he heard the loudest scream he'd ever heard, not even comparable to the one that marked the birth of his brother. it was loud, fierce, almost desperate.
it was his daughter and he instantly knew no one would even think of hurting her, and he also knew his son was a born protector, the first born, he'd able to overcome anything.
martin? levi? lucas? max stared at his son staring at him from his left arm, not so sure.
zoe? sofie? camila? max looked down at his sleeping daughter on his right arm.
maybe he'd have to wait until you woke up from all the medication, you'd probably know.
I got carried away im sorry, I hope it still answers your question though :(
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
can i request a imagine we’re (y/n) finds out she’s pregnant by seth but doesn’t know how to tell him. BUT PLOT TWIST she’s sams younger sister and they also tells him but he gets pissed off.
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love! also didn't really do the sam part because i'm terrible at writing angry sibling stuff lmao
warnings: nothing really aside from the fact that this is absurdly long lmao
link to part 2 and part 3
you knew your period was late. you also knew you were getting a ton of first-trimester pregnancy symptoms but you refused to acknowledge either of them. it wasn't until seth jokingly made a comment about you being pregnant that you had actually decided to take a test.
in your mind, it was never going to come up positive. you had assumed all the symptoms were from your anxiety about being pregnant and never in a million years thought that you'd actually turn up pregnant.
well you were wrong. very wrong actually. the test you took now read "pregnant" in bold print and you had no idea what to do with yourself.
yes you and seth had an active sex life but you were on the pill so you'd assumed that there was no chance seth could get you pregnant.
you sat on the lid of the toilet seat in yours and seth's apartment, holding the test in your hand, thankfully he was out at the store which gave you a few minutes to think this through on your own.
you knew he wouldn't be mad at you but the thought still crossed your mind. would he tell you to get an abortion? keep it? you had no idea. you also had no idea what you wanted either.
were you ready to have a baby with him? you had no idea.
apparently you spent longer than you thought sitting in the bathroom because you were pulled out of your thoughts when seth called your name, the sound of grocery bags hitting the counter drawing your attention.
you sucked in a deep breath, still not sure what to do. you figured he'd probably be more upset if you kept it from him, and it was his baby after all so you figured he had a right to know when you did.
"y/n?" seth called again from the kitchen, more worry in his voice this time around.
"coming, coming! sorry." you called back as you unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, the pregnancy test in your hand.
seth smiled when he saw you, "everything alright?" he asked softly, stepping around the counter to pull you into his arms.
you froze, not sure what to do and just grabbed his hand, wordlessly wrapping his fingers around the pregnancy test so he could see it for himself.
confused, he released his newfound grip on the test, only taking a moment to read it before looking back at you.
"you're pregnant?" he asked softly, setting the test down on the counter behind him as you nodded, still otherwise frozen in your spot right in front of him.
he took a deep breath, "okay... that's okay. are you okay?" he asked quietly, taking his hand and gently cupping your jaw so he could stop you from looking away from him.
you shook your head, immediately bursting into tears. he released his grip on your jaw and pulled you into his chest, one hand holding your head to his chest and the other rubbing your back soothingly.
"'m sorry" he whispered softly, pressing his lips to your hair, "i had no idea."
you whimpered fists grabbing at his t-shirt as you sobbed into his chest, "i don't know what to do."
"i know," he reassured, "you don't have to know what to do right now. did you just take the test?" he asked softly and you nodded, tear-stained cheeks starting to soak his t-shirt.
"okay, that's okay," he murmured against your hair, "do you know how far along you are?"
you shook your head, sniffling, "could only be a few weeks. jus' missed my period." you whispered softly, leaning your head against his chest while he continued to rub your back soothingly.
"okay that's good," he murmured, letting out a sigh of relief, "you have time to think then babe. don't need to make a decision right now." he cooed softly, pressing his lips to your hair again.
you nodded, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down, "i don't know what to do." you said again, peeking up at him and he nodded.
"that's okay babe," he reassured, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "i want whatever you want."
"you aren't mad?" you asked softly and he shook his head, cupping your jaw again so he could look at you.
"i'd never be mad at you for this babe. who do you think got you pregnant?" he smiled softly, attempting to calm you down and you giggled, sniffling, and nodded.
he sighed softly, slightly relieved that you were calming down and weren't as upset. "'m sorry." you whispered softly and he shook his head.
"there's nothing for you to be sorry about babe. 's not like you did anything wrong." he cooed, not wanting you to be more upset with yourself than you already were.
you nodded, both of you taking a deep breath together, "we should get you in to see a doctor so you know all your options." he suggested and you nodded again, more tears streaming down your face. "or not?" he asked softly, not sure what to do.
"'m scared. don't want it to be real." you whispered, burying your head into the crook of his arm and he nodded, pressing his lips to the crown of your head again.
"i know, i know." he reassured, continuing to rub his hand up and down your back soothingly, "you scared of the ultrasound? or just the doctor?" he asked in an attempt to figure out what exactly was bothering you about the doctor.
"scared to see her." you mumbled, tears streaking down your face again at the thought of seeing your baby that you weren't sure if you could keep or not on an ultrasound.
"the baby? you don't want to see the baby?" seth clarified, looking down at you confused and you nodded into his shirt. "i know," he murmured, "i'll be with you the whole time though if that helps." he suggested in an attempt to soothe your worries.
you nodded again into his chest, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself down again. seth remained quiet, continuing to hold you close to him and rubbing his free hand up and down your back while you calmed down and he processed the fact that you were pregnant.
after a few minutes of silence, you peeked up at him, releasing your fists to flatten your palms against his chest, "what do you want me to do?" you asked softly and he just shook his head at you.
"i'm okay with whatever you wanna do babe. if you want to have an abortion that's okay and i'll still love you. if you want to have the baby then i'll love you both regardless." he reassured, eyebrows creased with worry.
you nodded, looking away from him as you took another deep breath and exhaled slowly. "why don't i call the doctor and get an appointment scheduled for you, and then we can think about it together?" he suggested thoughtfully and you nodded, looking back at him.
"okay that's what we'll do then. why don't you go sit down on the couch while i get these groceries put away and then we can put on a movie or something? i don't want you stressed out. not good for you or-" he started but cut himself off.
"the baby?" you finished for him, eyes watering again but smiling softly, still conflicted about everything.
"yea ... the baby." seth said softly, "just want you to feel okay regardless. i don't like seeing you stressed." he assured and you nodded, rubbing your hands up and down his chest soothingly.
"can i stay in here with you while you put away the groceries?" you asked softly and he nodded, smiling and pressing a kiss to your lips.
"'course you can babe. want me to make you some tea or something? might help calm you down." he asked and you nodded, allowing him to release his grip on you so you could sit down on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
he ran his fingers through his hair, sighing softly before he stepped around the island and started unpacking the groceries he had brought in. "did you tell anyone else yet?" he asked after a moment, stopping his unpacking and looking over at you.
you shook your head, "only you." you murmured, both of you clearly still in shock from the news. "you can't phase or anything until we tell him." you added, and he nodded, knowing by 'him' you meant your brother, sam uley.
"i won't." he reassured, offering you a soft smile before he went back to putting away the groceries. "he's probably going to tear my head off when he finds out though." he joked as he put the eggs in the fridge, looking over his shoulder at you as you let out a dry laugh at his comment.
"yea... i don't think i can help you with that one." you laughed softly. the thought of your brother finding out you're pregnant was absolutely terrifying but at the end of the day you figured he'd probably have the same reaction as seth. just concern for your well-being more than anything else.
you decided not to think about it too much and instead focus on the present. you were okay. seth was okay. that was all you needed right now.
"do you want to go to your gynecologist? or do you want me to ask my mom about recommendations? she might know a few obstetricians you can go to." he asked after a moment and you nodded.
"ask your mom... she's also a midwife right?" you asked softly and he nodded, "can she just do the check-up then?"
he nodded slowly, "probably. she can definitely come with us to the doctor if she can't though." he suggested and you let out a sigh of relief. you were much more comfortable with talking about this with someone you knew than with a stranger. seth picked up on this and nodded, having finished putting away the groceries and grabbed his phone.
"i can call and ask if you want?" he suggested and you nodded, just wanting to know you and your baby were okay. "okay, right now? i can call her right now." you nodded again and he smiled, unlocking his phone and calling his mom.
the phone rang twice before sue picked up, "seth?" her voice came through the phone and you gulped.
"hey mom. you're still a midwife right?" he asked and you mentally groaned, he was nothing if not blunt.
"yea... why? is everything alright?" she asked, worry laced in her voice and seth quickly calmed her.
"yea, yea everything's fine. y/n is pregnant." seth reassured and you mentally groaned again. he was the absolute worst at reading the room sometimes.
"y/n is pregnant?" sue reiterated
"yup. pregnant. got the test right here." he said again and you leaned down on the counter, burying your face in the crook of your elbow.
"oh... okay... well that's... that's great!" she sounded happy at least you thought to yourself, "is she keeping it?"
"not sure. that's why she asked me to call you. she wants to see if you can check her and the baby before she decides anything." seth explained and you let out a soft sigh, peeking up at him and he smiled softly at you, his free hand reaching out to stroke your hair.
sue let out a soft laugh from the other end of the phone, "okay... um... yea i can definitely do that. do you want me to come over now? is y/n there?"
"yup, she's right here," seth smiled again, "do you want her to come over now?" he asked you and you nodded, still worried but wanting to know you and the baby were okay more than anything. "yea she says you can come over now mom."
"okay, give me a half an hour and i'll be there."
"sounds good mom. see you soon."
seth clicked the phone off and you let out a sigh of relief. happy to know someone you were familiar with and trusted was going to be doing the ultrasound and helping you with all this.
"okay i'll make you some tea and then let's get something on for you to watch while we wait, yea?" seth asked and you nodded, getting up and subconsciously pressing a hand to your abdomen.
seth noticed this and smiled softly at you, "you feeling okay?" he asked gently and you nodded.
"just can't believe there's a baby in me." you admitted, stepping into his arms, allowing him to wrap his arms around you and press his lips to the crown of your head.
"i know." he reassured, rubbing his hands up and down your back for a moment before releasing you, "go lay down on the couch, i'll be there in a minute okay?" he asked softly and you nodded, padding into the living room and grabbing a blanket before curling up on the couch.
while you clicked through the channels on the t.v, seth came in with a fresh cup of tea, setting it down on the coffee table in front of you before sitting down next to you, pulling you into his arms so he could cuddle you while you waited for sue to arrive.
after settling on a show, the two of you relaxed for about 20 minutes before a soft knock on the door alerted both of you to sue's presence. sue opened the door using the spare key the two of you had given her, "seth could you grab the rest of the equipment from the car for me while i get set up?" she asked softly and he nodded, smiling at his mom before pressing a kiss to your head and heading out the door to go get the equipment from her car.
sue smiled when she saw you, still curled up on the couch under the blanket, and set down her purse before heading over to you. "you alright?" she asked gently, taking her hand and stroking it through your hair.
you sighed softly, leaning into her touch. she was always a mother figure to you seeing as you didn't really have much of your own growing up. "i think so." you whispered softly, pressing your hand to your abdomen again.
"you're going to be okay regardless of what you do." she reassured and you nodded, worry written all over your face. seth walked back in then, carrying what looked like the ultrasound equipment and her medical bag.
"so do you want me to do an ultrasound?" she asked softly and you nodded, "okay do you know how far along you are?"
you shook your head, "maybe 4 weeks? i just missed my period."
"okay, that's good. so we'll do an ultrasound and see what we can see that way, sound good?" she confirmed and you nodded.
worriedly, you looked up at her again before asking, "you'll be able to tell if that baby is okay... right?"
she nodded, "'course we will. we can also get a heartbeat if you want to hear that." she suggested thoughtfully and you nodded.
seth came over to you, a hand reaching out and gently rubbing your shoulder, "all good babe?" he asked softly and you smiled softly up at him, nodding.
sue got the ultrasound equipment hooked up and soon enough you were laying down on the couch while she performed the ultrasound on you. seth sat behind you, allowing you to lay down in between his legs and hold his hand, he gently rubbed the tops of your hands, easing your anxiety while you waited.
soon enough, a picture of what appeared to be your uterus popped up on the screen along with what sounded like a steady heartbeat. you whimpered, tears immediately forming at your waterline and falling down your cheeks, "is she okay?" you asked worriedly and sue nodded, smiling at you.
"yea honey... she's okay." she reassured and you let out a loud sob, overwhelmed by your baby's heartbeat.
"we have to keep her." you sobbed, looking up at seth and he nodded, pressing a kiss to your hands.
"then that's what we'll do." he reassured, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks.
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warmsol · 1 month
hi bestie 😚 can we get an lil update on Kai plsssss, like what my man been up to 💕
omg hiiii i’m so happy to see you pop in i hope you’ve been well ;-; as requested here’s your favorite guy’s update ✨
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uhhh i got a lil long winded here, so i stopped myself before i went too overboard!
he’s now working at an elementary school as a part time music teacher! he’s even writing and producing their school musical! crazy, right? over the last year, kai realized there’s so much more he can do with his love of music. (band life has flopped, basically) after becoming a father, he began to notice how much he actually enjoys being around children, and teaching them something he loves has brought a lot of happiness in his life. (is this the same guy who said he never wanted to be a dad and literally rejected it at all costs?) anyway, the other half of the time he still takes on solo gigs in bars, and runs his soundcloud, lmao.
speaking of kai and fatherhood! he’s fallen in love with being arielle’s dad. he can’t imagine life without her. he’s a complete and total softie for his daughter. whatever she wants or needs, he will give. that being said though, he doesn’t want anymore children, mostly because he’s convinced that arielle is the most perfect human to exist so how could he duplicate that twice? 
marriage troubles??? while kai and ashton are very much in love, there have been a few rifts in their relationship. (it can’t be all rainbows and butterflies, sadly. especially if kai is involved.. oh did i say that out loud?) as we know, kai has made amazing progress with his self discovery journey but that doesn’t mean he’s all good all the time. kai has a tendency to get bored, he craves change and chaos. without it he almost feels.. empty? he often self sabotages, and while he’s suppressed those feelings recently, it’s coming to a point. which has led kai and ashton to couple’s counseling. kai has been a little…. flirtatious and carless to say the least. kai and boundaries? yeah that’s something he likes to test. constantly! in his darkest moments, he often questions if he’s capable of long term commitment. and it scares him, because he loves ashton and doesn’t want to ruin it. :/ but don’t worry, they’re dedicated to figuring it out. ashton won’t give up on his boy so easily.. as he's said many times.
kai and elia! they are good friends. they text and facetime now and then, even send each other snapshots of their life. kai has a bit of an attachment to elia, he can’t seem to fully let her go. he wants her in his life in whatever form he can get. (and elia feels the same) they communicate and understand each other as friends much better than they ever did as lovers. buuut there is tension when makoa is brought up, for obvious reasons. he wants her to be happy, but still isn’t convinced it’ll be with him. like, we know he's makoa's number 1 hater through and through. that hasn't changed.
kai and jasmin are closer than ever. jasmin is probably kai’s best friend. there was a time he was cruel to his sister (and the entire world around him) but as they’ve aged they have realized they’re all each other has since they don’t speak to their parents. sadly since jasmin still lives in sulani, they don’t see each other as much as they like but that leads me to my next point!
kai and ashton want to get a summer home in sulani. 🤭 y’know, get away from the city, enjoy the beach.. be near jasmin! oh, and it just so happens his dear friend lives there.. and he wants to see her more often too. (makoa just popped a blood vessel) but anyway, that opens up sooo many possibilities for reconciling, right? beach days with the fam, arielle and elia's twins growing up together.. how could makoa and kai still hate each other after all that future bonding time? (jk they'll find a way)
all in all, kai is doing his best. he's still got some deep rooted issues to work through, and maybe some of it will never go away....... but he IS happy. most the time, anyway.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
heyyooo could u make some headcanons for the lis ppl when we get into a fight for them? Like a physical one 👀👀👀
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 - Chloe, Rachel, Victoria, Nathan, Kate, Steph
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, VERY brief mention of being high ( chloe ), slight descriptions of fights, alludes to wounds, angsty, fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope/ some
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ty for the request, imagining this was fun!! <;33
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☆ 𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞 – Totally roots for you but flabbergasted at the same time. I mean you're obviously fighting them for a reason so she'll cheer you on. But will break it up if it gets too far and if people are seriously getting hurt, but totally panics while doing it because omg you love her and fought for her. But she's dragging you back because the person's unconscious now.
But she'd fight someone for you, so it's only fair.
Loves you to death though, she's always felt like she's not enough for people or doesn't deserve that love. But the fact that you went and were ready to beat someone up because they were talking bad about her or disrespecting her and your only thought was protecting her.
Brings a tear to her eye. No she probably cried after she thought about it for long enough at 2am one night while high.
Chloe is a pussy, as much of a hardass as she claims to be or even is at times, she gets scared. She'll even admit it, she doesn't do good in physical fights, insult her though and the tongue lashing will be worse than your moms. But she can get a couple good punchesin there but seeing you go at someone, seriously, she's gonna marry your ass.
Worries about you though, she feels like she doesn't deserve that love. But you dgaf you'll punch any bitch that disrespects either of you, you barely realize how much love she has while looking at you defending her. Words or a fight. Chloe is in deep.
☆ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 – Rachel, baby, definitely panics slightly. Shows in her face but it's more inside than out. She's worried about you, but seeing you fighting, definitely don't need to be. Rachel's proud, probably records school fights but nobody can trace it back to her and she's like a ghost, nobody sees her.
You just started swinging, no thought just pissed and protective. Rachel would totally fight someone for you, but seeing you just go swinging at someone, makes her panic and then proud and then she realizes how hot you are. Laughing after the fact and even a bit in the moment, watching you beat someone up.
Gloats about it with you later after you totally take the win. Compliments you too. It's definitely a memory you both laugh at every once in a while, but Rachel knows if something happened like that again, you'll be right front and center to it all.
☆ 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 – Not a fighter, physically anyway. Does freak a bit when you jumped up and punched someone for talking shit about her right in front of you. Teasing her and making her feel like shit. It was bothering her, so you whacked them.
Vic, for good reason, panicked a bit and backed up. Staring at the fight while in a bit of shock. Doesn't yell or cheer, just kind of in shock lmao. Nathan would totally stand there laughing beside her.
Laughs her ass off after seeing the victim of your fists. Probably throws some teasing insults at them and their friends just to rub salt in the wound.
Also probably has people post it online or digs at them on her page just to get a kick out of them. She's a bitch, and you love her for it.
☆ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 – Let's be honest, he's not a fighter. Nathan might be able to hold his own in a fight but... lord you seen him against Warren he's up there but got his shit rocked... I'm sorry. Moving on... he would laugh his ass off. Blast the person – with words and bullying.
Probably a bit insecure though, honestly, like he couldn't stand up for himself and that his dad would think he's a pussy but trust me, there was no stopping you. Def cried, like Chloe after thinking about it for too long in the middle of the night like 2 months after it happened.
He's more of a sit in silence type of grateful. Laying in his dorm room while you clean up, but the fact that you about got suspended for him. It's true love. Also teases you about it here and there, but it makes him wonder if he can protect you, but shit – seeing that you probably don't need it.
☆ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 – Kate gives me strong ' I cry a lot ' vibes and not in a bad way. She's just very sensitive and if you watch the notebook with her she'd cry for hours and probably think so deep into the story it makes her cry more. So seeing you fighting immediately makes her worried and sprint to the scene.
Then she sees you, practically slamming someone's face into the cement. Probably cries, mostly out of panic and shock. Cries after, cause my poor baby was worried about you and what was gonna happen, especially if you were okay.
Just overwhelmed, because of everything that had happening to her and then that happening. She's just so worried and upset. But you were right there to comfort her, even after beating someone's ass.
you love her, and she knows it.
☆ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 – screaming. Not her, me. She'd totally fight someone even while shitting her pants because let's be honest, Steph's a pussy. love her and her admittance too because she'd totally admit it. BUT YOU?
You start throwing hands with someone and she hears, deadass probably has popcorn magically to watch the fight video with. Biggest cheerleader, but it's also childish so she breaks it up fairly quickly but gives you a high five later then scolds you.
Don't fight on my behalf but good job on winning.
That might as well be a direct quote from her. Gives you major props though, Steph probably wouldn't have won if she was you but shit she sure would've tried. She loves you very much, but don't do it again.
She's proud. But you're def grounded.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
Can I request Leizi/Blaze with some heavy bondage, intense E-stim and maybe some latex? Electric powers and a strong cat who can take some punishment sound like a fun combo
anon i honestly fucking love you for this request how in the FUCK did you just stumble into some of my top kinks and with this ship to boot AAA
this got so filthy. lmao.
She's so fucking beautiful.
Blaze's head is completely empty save for this solitary thought as Leizi closes the distance between them with her stern, pretty scowl, her steely blue eyes shining with a dangerous light, the slight wispy movements of her hair fluttering with live static. It's the worst state to be in when she needs every available faculty to prepare for whatever Leizi does to her next.
Whatever preparation she might be able to mentally make is the extent of it; she can't move the rest of her body. All she can do is prop her cheek against the pillow and point her adoring, breathless expression at her mistress-just the way Leizi likes. The Yanese silk ropes that lace and criss-cross through her forearms and behind her back are meticulously tied, as lovely as they are unyielding.
Just like her, Blaze thinks.
She feels Leizi's weight behind her on the bed, her small, slender hands easing beneath either one of Blaze's hips and guiding them up until she's on her knees.
When they started doing this, Blaze knew that neither of them thought it would become so frequent a form of stress relief-but curiously, Leizi never failed to innovate on their formulas. Blaze had definitely not imagined herself 'behaving well', as Leizi liked to put it, but the way that any of her most gentle of touches could so suddenly be suffused with a healthy spark sinking deep into flesh had a way of keeping her obedient that couldn't be replicated by anyone else.
The only off-limits place that Leizi insisted upon not sending a current through was anywhere at or above her bust line-too dangerous, she insisted, and to be certain that Blaze's pacemaker was not at risk, Leizi had her wear a tailor-made black latex top to every session: it fully covered her chest, arms, and the perimeter of her throat.
"I heard you were out of control on the mission today." Leizi casually slots herself behind Blaze, her tone even, but Blaze knows better.
Blaze knows she's in trouble.
"It...worked out though!" Blaze offers cheerfully, "You're always asking us to handle things efficiently, right? What can I say...? I really take all your advice to h-"
Blaze lurches forward with a choked cry as white-hot electricity courses through Leizi's fingers on their drag up the back of her thighs. Anything clever she'd meant to say promptly falls out of her head.
"I missed you." Even without looking, Blaze can tell Leizi is scowling, trying to put on her usual, brave face. "What did you expect me to do if something happened to you?"
"But something's always happening. You know I'd never leave you waiting if I could help it."
"'If you could help it', huh?" Leizi murmurs thoughtfully as she strokes Blaze's underwear down the back of her bare legs. "What if you couldn't? What if you just, couldn't help yourself?"
Her fingers rake apart the flesh of Blaze's rear end, exposing her, and from deep in her palms comes a buzzing dull hum of electricity.
"-Aah, fuck-" Blaze moans, her mouth halfway obscured against the pillow, "-fuck fuck fuck please-"
"Maybe I want that. Maybe I just want you to work with what you're given?" She shifts her hips, and Blaze can feel the silicone weight between Leizi's legs and beneath her skirt, sliding along her drenched slit, parting her lower lips and teasing the length of it along.
"Leizi-" Blaze whines, her hips straining against hers. She can't move an inch, and Leizi's just...stroking her. More than once Blaze thinks she's going to finally slip inside, she's certainly soaked enough for it to be a possibility, but then she stops and sends another current of electricity through her ass instead that makes her eyes roll back.
"Can you do that for me?" Leizi finally begins easing the tip of her strap into her, guiding it with her free hand to stretch down where Blaze will feel it the most, "Can you handle this like a big girl?"
"Yes, god, yes, please-!" Blaze blurts, her voice cutting out into a split cry of agonized euphoria as Leizi slides forward deep, bottoming out into her to the hilt. "Aaah-" Blaze can barely put a word together as Leizi works the length of it slowly out, then sends it back in in its entirety with a quick pump of her hips, again and again.
Leizi must be really pissed; she seats a faster pace, and the aftershocks of each thrust become something a little more literal in nature as a fresh current of electricity races up and down the front and back of her thighs, crawls through her feet, and pulses through the front of her abdomen on every pump.
"C-Cumming, fuck, fuck-" Blaze gasps through chattering teeth, and Leizi wrenches a hand into her hair-
"In my lap-" Leizi positions herself under Blaze, "-right now."
Frustrated, Blaze bends herself into place, slides herself down to bounce on it, whining all the while. She's a mess, her skin hot, her hair plastered to the sheen of sweat forming at her low back, and her arms ache behind her as Leizi grabs the ropes and helps her ride, but she's too wound up to negotiate for anything faster.
The only surprise is when Leizi's free hand slides over the smooth latex covering her chest, dimpling the shiny material as she fills her fingers with Blaze's left breast.
"If it were up, to me-" Leizi pants as her mouth hovers closer to Blaze's ear, "-if I could, hold your life in my hand..." Something about her voice changes here, like she's actually asking permission, "...may I?"
"Y-Yes-" Blaze wheezes, still bouncing, and Leizi's fingers contort tighter, static coursing through Blaze's chest.
Her pacemaker shorts out and the absence of its sensation as her heartbeat slips into freefall-arrhythmia is dizzying.
Then, steadily-
Her heart throbs under Leizi's hand, responding to each little wave.
"I know your pulse by now. Every vibration, how it feels when it speeds up, when it slows down..." Leizi's chest is pressing hard into her back-she lets out a whimper, and Blaze realizes she's not just manipulating her heartbeat, but her own as well, syncing them.
"L-Leizi, please-please just-!"
"Yes-" Leizi squeezes closer, "-let's."
Leizi forces a current through Blaze's pacemaker to return it to its functional state before collapsing over the top of her to finish pounding her full back down into the mattress.
"H-Holy, holyfuckingshit-" Blaze pants, squirming through their shared climax with a scream as Leizi pushes her over the edge.
It leaks down her inner thighs, warm and obscene, and Blaze feels so pleasantly full that she can't even support herself on her knees anymore. She catches her breath as Leizi begins to untie her and massage where the ropes had dug in.
"I'll get you water. Did I go too far...? I just-you're too reckless-! You should really keep in mind that you're risking far more than just your own well-being when you're on the battlefield, no matter how self-assured you are-"
Leizi is flustered, and Blaze gets it. She kind of broke her own cardinal rule. With express permission, but still.
Time for aftercare with a lecture.
"You didn't do anything I didn't want. You know I'm not exactly a pushover. Guess it was a little shocking though-"
"Shut up-"
Blaze grins her usual, affable, handsome smile up at Leizi, and she sighs loudly before leaning down for a kiss. Blaze wraps her arms around her, into her wealth of blonde hair, and feels their heartbeats join once more.
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auroracalisto · 1 year
runs in the family
dad!otto octavius x gn!offspring!reader, 1.5k words tw: gn!reader, reader grows up thinking they don't have a dad, cussing, au!! doc has his arms and has his accident, but everyone lived and spiderman saved him because i said so. unnamed mother character. reader is said to be around 18. a/n: i am not a scientist. i literally took a cooking biology class in college so i have no idea what a lot of the scientific terminology is, unless i try to remember from my high school sciences. please bear with me. LMAO. this was requested by @loreoflemons—sorry it took me so long to get it done, but i hope it lives up to your expectations! also, thanks to @yn-ymn-yln for being my first reader <33
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A father.
You had an actual father, and as much as your mother inadvertently tried to keep that hidden, it had come to light. Or rather, you found evidence, and then you made an effort to actually prove it.
The birth certificate you clutched in hand was enough to make your mother panic as she searched for the right thing to say, but you understood her well enough. As much as you wanted to be angry, you knew that she kept it secret to keep you safe, especially in recent years.
"I want to meet him," you said, staring her down as she stood there, gaping at you.
She hesitantly nodded, and you couldn't help your smile. She understood.
The day had finally come in which her worst fears would be recognized—but you were taking this far better than she had imagined, and she was grateful for it.
You had always known you had a father, but never did you think it would be someone like him.
Your mother almost hated that it was him.
He was an intimidating man, with his degrees and lumbering stature. The mechanical arms protruding from his back did little to douse the overwhelming feeling that your father was indeed none other than Doc Ock.
His accident had set him back years on his revolutionary work, but he bounced back from it with the help of his wife and those who had worked with him. Had Spider-Man not been there in his time of need, it's possible that he could have turned for the worse.
But despite his injuries, he didn't stop. He had a world to help, and the addition of these arms only proved to be beneficial.
That was nearly two weeks ago.
You stood in front of the laboratory door, paper with directions scribbled on them clutched in hand.
This was it. You were going to meet him.
What would he even say? It's not like you even knew if he would be in today. Your mother didn't have his number—it was a one-night stand, as she so kindly put it. They never exchanged emails, or addresses, or anything else you might have thought to mention. You only knew where he worked because of the mass number of newspapers that acknowledged his wondrous achievements.
You took in a deep breath and knocked rapidly on the door, eyes squeezing shut as you waited for an answer.
A short, "It's open!" was shouted, and you immediately walked in. Your eyes darted from each lab station. They each laid empty, save for the very last one where he sat, peering into a microscope.
The man pulled back, eyes settling on you. Confusion became him as he tilted his head, sitting his pen down as he did so.
"May I help you?"
His voice was far kinder than you had envisioned.
"Yeah," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. The thought of that being too brash ran through your mind. Quickly, you uncrossed your arms, awkwardly standing in the middle of the laboratory like a deer caught in a pair of headlights. "I, uh, you're Doc Ock, right?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Doctor Octavius, but yes. I do suppose my reputation precedes me, hm?"
"Yeah, it does," you said, clearing your throat. You hesitantly pulled on a smile, realizing that this was far more intimidating than you had wanted it to be.
Your mother had warned you that this wouldn't be easy. Maybe you should have just brought her along and let the doctor put two and two together?
That would have been so fucking awkward. You would have rather died on the spot.
"Is there something wrong?" he asked, genuinely concerned. The young teenager standing in the middle of his laboratory had managed to bypass all the other lab techs and doctors who roamed the hallways. Why were you even here? Were you friends with Peter? You couldn't have been older than twenty if even that.
"No, I just..." You paused. You just needed to tell him. He would understand. It wasn't rocket science—you were his kid. You had the proof in your bag if you needed it. "Doctor Octavius, you're my dad."
His lips parted as he went to speak, but no sound came out. His eyebrows furrowed and he stood up from his seat, mechanical arms frozen behind him.
"Yeah... you know, eighteen years ago, you had a fling with my mom. She disappeared afterward, and then she had me less than a year later."
"And you believe I'm your father?"
"She put you on my birth certificate," you said, rummaging around in your bag for it. You told him your mother's name, and as you pulled out the piece of official documentation, realization struck him where he stood.
"You're her kid?" he began, a smile beginning to form. "You're my kid?"
You held out the birth certificate to him, but made no move to walk closer to him. He came over to look, his smile only growing.
"You really—you really are!"
He had always dreamed about having a child with his dear Rosie, even if she were unable to bear her own—she would be in for an earful when he went home that night. He hoped she'd take the news well (though he knew that she would; she was the love of his life, after all).
"You—we must talk," he began. "I'm sure I have so much to catch up on."
Your features softened and you began to smile yourself. This had gone far smoother than you believed it would.
"A hell of a lot, Doc."
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You found yourself in the laboratory once more, staying out of the way of the lab techs who ran around, trying to finish up for the day. In the past month or so, you'd been in there at least twice a week, catching up with your father. You had years to talk about, after all.
Otto had planned on leaving far sooner that evening, and yet, he sat at his desk, clear glass vials sitting in front of him. Most had been filled, each with a combination of chemicals that just wasn't working for what he needed.
You leaned back in your chair, foot kicking the edge of the table you were near. A bag of jelly beans sat beside of a can of your favorite drink. Had you known you would have been here for this long, you would've just picked something up for you and Otto. At least then he wouldn't have had to worry about anything.
Takeout was starting to sound really good at this point.
"I'm sorry, dear," Otto said, looking up from the glassware with a frown. "I'm almost done, I promise."
He picked up his pencil once more, crossing through a formula on his notepad. Scribbling ensued as he worked through yet another, frustration marking each symbol written in soft graphite. While this should have been far simpler, he seemed to only be making it more difficult.
Your shoes scuffed against the tile flooring, forcing your chair into a little spin. You closed your eyes, head tilting back to face the fluorescents that smiled down at you.
"Have you tried cadmium sulfide?"
Otto's scribbling stopped. He slowly looked up at you, a sluggish blink following suit.
You stopped your spinning abruptly, leaning forward and grabbing a handful of your jellybeans. You looked up at him when you realized that he was staring. You held out your hand with a smile.
"Want one?"
"No," he began, quickly finding his voice. "That's... a good idea, Y/n," he said, confusion evident in his features. He said nothing more, immediately grabbing the substance and using it in his chemical solution. It seemed to do the trick as Otto's face melted into that of one that showed victory—he could wrap this up sooner than later, now.
You popped the handful of jelly beans into your mouth, continuing the spinning once more.
"Since when...?" Otto started, looking up from his desk once more.
"You never asked," you said. You stopped your spinning once more and grabbed your drink, grinning.
"I just... assumed that you wouldn't have an interest in science," he confessed, scratching the back of his head as he spoke.
"I've liked it since I was a kid. Mom put me in camps and shit," you said, fingertips tapping against the aluminum of your can. "You know you can go to forensic camps when you turn twelve?"
"You like forensics?"
"Nah," you said. "Well, toxicology. But I took what I could get. And the forensic camps were free for Brooklyn kids."
He smiled a bit and returned to write something else down on his notepad before he spoke.
"Glad to know it runs in the family."
You couldn't help but smile at the phrase—it did, indeed, run in the family.
You leaned back against your seat, nursing your can with a grin. Your father was one of a kind.
So were you—the world just didn't know it, yet.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Prove Myself
Pairing: Florence Pugh X Fem! Reader.
Summary: Flo books a girls trip with you and her mum to Greece so her mum to see what Flo see’s in you. 
Fluff & Angst | 2.5K | Mentions of alcohol | Language |
AC: I can’t imagine Deb hating anybody Flo dates unless it’s necessary, so this was tricky!! Also, I lost track of writing this and now it’s like over 2K words, my bad lmao! I hope you enjoy x.
*This was a request made to my old blog*
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“Stop worrying my darling” Flo’s soothing voice enter your thoughts as she gently wraps her arms around your neck. Your eyes meet hers before giving her a fake smile. “I promise, she just needs time with you to see how amazing you are” she added, leaning in and kissing your lips with care. “She hates me Flo, she won’t stand in the same room with me for 5 minutes” you told her, gently placing your hands on her hips. “She doesn’t hate you baby, she’s just protective” Flo gave you a comforting look.
Before you could say another word, Deborah walked into the room making eye contact with before letting out a sigh. “Are we ready to go to?” she mumbled, putting her jacket on. Florence kissed your check before letting you go and turning to her mother. “Sure are” she chirped. Your eyes feel to the floor knowing Deb couldn’t stand being in the same room as you right now. You never knew why she disliked you so much, she’s never given a reason to why and to your memory you haven’t given her a reason to dislike you.
Florence booked a week away in Greece for the three of you in hopes it would put the tension between you and her mother to an end. You’ve been dating Florence for a little over a year now and still, her mum can’t seem to see any good in you. From the first time Florence brought you home to meet her family, Deb has had a chip on her shoulder about you even though you get along perfectly with the rest of her family. 
“Please be nice” you heard Florence whisper to her mum as she helped her grab the suitcases. “I’m always nice” Deb scoffed, “you know what I’m talking about” Florence whispered back. You took a deep breathe before offering a helping hand, “I’ve got it, thank you” Deborah spoke bluntly without looking at you before she wheeled her suitcase to the car. “Do I really have to come?” you turned to Florence. 
“I know she’s being difficulty right now but please, give her another chance to see you the way I do. I know deep down she loves you, she’s just doesn’t know it yet” Flo looked at you. You gave in to her look and nodded. “I’m only doing this for you” you spoke. “I know darling” she responded. 
The flight was only 3 and a half hours to your relief, Florence sat between you and her mother, and she tried her hardest to come up with conversation starters that would get the both of you talking. “You know, Y/n once wanted to be a professional dancer as a child” Florence spoke, making you cringe at the memory of 7-year-old you being obsessed with dancing. “Well, that’s lovely” Deb said quietly, ending that conversation quickly. The rest of the flight was exactly that, Florence would make a comment for Deborah to shut down the conversation before it began. 
Once the three of you got to the hotel resort Florence suggested that you and Deborah find a table for the three of you at the restaurant around the corner from the resort while she checked everybody in. You agreed with a smile while Deb just nodded. You both walked in silence until you go to the restaurant. 
“Welcome to Greece! I saw you guys walk by with luggage; can we offer you a table?” the waitress greeted us. “A table for 3 please” Deb smiled at the woman before you were led to a table. “I’ll be back in just a moment with menus” the young woman smiled. 
“I know you don’t like being here as much as I do….but I just want to make Florence happy” you spoke as Deborah started into your soul with disapproval. “Are you saying you don’t like being around me?” she scoffed. “N..no…that’s not what I meant” you frowned, “Then what did you mean?” she demeaned. 
“I just meant…that…this just means a lot to Florence; she really wants us to get along”
“Don’t tell me what my daughter wants and what means a lot to here. I’m here because she sees something in you for whatever reason. If I had it my way, this would just be a family trip” she began, “I don’t what is it about you that Florene loves so much but I hope by the end of this week you’ll understand that I’d very much like you to call things off with her.” She added.
This angered you, “I’m sorry what?!” you spat. “I’m not going to break up with Florence just because you have some dilemma about me” you stood up.
“Where are you going?” Deborah ignored your word. “Tell Florence, I’ll be around” you shook your head with anger before leaving the restaurant. You made your way to the beach that was only across the street, you walked along the shoreline before finding a rock to sit on. Hating how you snapped at Deborah but you had good reason.
“Where’s Y/n?” Florence asked as she took a seat, Deborah shrugged, “she lost and left, said to tell you she’d be around” she told Florence, looking at the menu. “Mum” Florence sighed causing Deb to look up at her daughter, “I leave you alone with her for 10 minutes and now she’s just gone? What happened?” Florence asked. 
“Maybe it’s her true colours shining through” Deborah commented making Florence shake her head. “Let’s just order, she probably needs space” Florence mumbled. 
After a couple hours you felt Florence’s arms wrap around you from behind, “there you are” she said softly, rest her chin on your shoulder as you watched the waves crash on the shore. “Here I am” you fake smiled. “What happened?” Florence asked. “I just said something stupid and snapped a little, it’s fine” you explained without knowing what Deb had already said. “You snapped at her?” Flo questioned as she left go of you and moved to crouch in front of you. “It was nothing serious, I’m just tired” you lied not wanting to upset her. 
“Do you want to go have a nap? Mum and I were just going to go do some window shopping so you won’t be missing much” she smiled softly, you shook your head slightly, “no it’s okay, I’ll come” you commented. 
Most of the trip was like walking on eggshells around Deborah, you had to ignore her sly comments and smug looks while Florence wasn’t looking. Despite the frustration you still made an effort for Florence’s sake, laughing at the jokes that were share, offering to do things, suggesting ideas to do and so on but nothing you did seemed enough for Deborah.
“So, enough of the bullshit. How serious are two of you?” Deborah asked over diner. “Mum!” Florence scoffed. Too much wine between the three of you didn’t help the situation. “No, I want to know. You’ve never mentioned your intentions with Florence. Why are you here?” Deb’s attention switched to you. You looked between the two, worry flooded Florence’s face as you bite your bottom lip in frustration. You wanted to respond but you didn’t want to upset Florence. 
“I’m not going this” you mumbled before looked at Flo, “I’m sorry baby but it’s just not going to happen” you spoke to her as you stood from the table, putting money on the table. “This should cover what was spent” you said. 
“You’re going to use my daughter’s money to pay for dinner?” Deb squinted. “Stop!” Florence turned to her mother. “Darling I just want to make sure she isn’t with you for the money” Deborah confessed. 
“Is that what this is all about!?” you snapped. “You’re worried I’m only dating Florence for her money?!” 
“Baby, calm down” Florence stood up to comfort you, “No, Flo enough is enough” you kept your eye contact with Deborah. “First you expect me to break up with her before the end of the week and now you’re accusing me to only dating her for money?!” You bite your lip once again, “I have put up with your huffing and puffing every single time Florence and I show any sort of affection, I’ve put up with your sly comments about me and the eye rolls when I wake into the room but I will not stand you for thinking so fucking low of me” you continued. 
“Darling, let’s go, we’ve all had a bit to drink” Florence tried to defuse the situation. “No, I want to hear this” Deb spoke. 
“Go on, Y/n” she added. 
“I don’t need to prove to you that I love Florence and I sure as hell don’t need to prove to you that I’m with her because I want too. Her money is none of my business and if you ever cared to ask about how we met, you’d know that”
“Enlighten me” Deborah baited. 
You sat back down, never breaking the eye contact with her. “Baby, please don’t” Florence spoke, knowing the story you guys had originally told her parents on how you met wasn’t the truth. 
“I met Florence on a night out, she’d had a bit too much to drink and parted ways with her friends. I couldn’t help but notice two men following her.”
“Darling, that’s enough” Florence spoke again. Deb looked at Florence and shook her head, “go on” she said softly. 
“Nothing happened, lucky but these men they were trying to take certain photos of her. I walked up to her and acted like her friend, I took her to the bar my friend works at for safety and told the bouncer to not let those men in. They waited out back for Florence….” You paused, “I made sure Florence got home that night and the next morning the same two men were arrested for attacking woman who was just trying to get home. I never left Flo my number or anything like that. She came back to my friend’s bar weeks after, looking for me to thank me. She offered to buy me lunch, I said no. I wasn’t in the best mind set but still, Flo came back to my friend’s bar week after week until I accepted her offer of lunch” you continued. 
“We went to lunch, and I paid for it after” 
“What? No, you didn’t” Florence said confused. 
“I told the waiter to place your money in the tip jar” you looked to her with a softly smile. “Even after we had lunch that day, she still came back every week until my friend got sick of her and gave her my number” you added with a chuckle. “I can’t tell you what Florence sees in me, but I can tell you what I see in her and that’s a beautiful, loving and caring woman who was raised by wonderful parents and I’m not just saying that right now. Florence brought me out one of the darkest times of my life and I can never thank her enough for truly being the better half of me. So, you can hate me and throw stupid comments at me all you want but please, don’t ever think of me like I’d use your daughter for anything” you paused again.
“I love her, and I can see how much family means to her. All she has wanted was for us to get a long and I wish things were better because you are a lovely person, and my mother didn’t raise me to disrespect others, but I can’t sit back anymore and listen to you wish for me to leave. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go to bed” you finished as you stood back up as Deborah watched you walk off speechless. 
“I’m going to go to bed as well” Florence spoke while giving her mother a disappointed look. 
You splashed some cold water on your face and prepared yourself for bed as Florence entered the room. “Flo, I’m sorry… I just couldn’t take it anymore” you looked at her with sorry eyes, she came close to you and kissed you softly, “no darling, I am sorry. I didn’t know she was being that way, that’s not like her” she said after the kiss, “Come to bed” she added, you nodded before getting comfortable. “I’ll just have a quick shower” she smiled at you as you turned the TV on flicking through the channels as you listened to Florence softly singing to herself in the shower. 
Soon after, Florence got into bed. You cuddled up to her side with your head in the crock of her neck before placing small pecks of kisses on her. It was something you usually did while she played with your hair. “Thank you for trying your best, love. I’m going to speak to mum tomorrow but for now I just want to be here with you” she kissed the top of your head as you both watched whatever was on TV before drifting into a slumber.
The next morning while you were still asleep Florence’s mum came knocking on the door to your shared room with Flo. The sound of the knock woke you, your eyes flickered open as you yawned. 
“Mum, she’s asleep. You can wait” you heard Florence say with a stern voice, “Flo?” you called out. She popped her head into the bedroom, “Mum is here” she paused, “she wants to talk to you” she added. You nodded, “okay, I’ll just get my robe” you stretched before your feet hit the soft carpet. 
“I’d like to talk alone….if that’s okay?” Deborah asked as she looked between you and Florence. “I’ll just be in the shower” Florence took the hint and left the room. 
“I’m sorry about last night” you spoke, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
“No, Y/n, I am sorry. I wasn’t aware of your true intentions, and I was out of line. I’m sorry that I was so harsh on you” 
“She’s your daughter, I understand. My mother probably would’ve been the same” your eyes dropped to the floor as your heart ached knowing your mother never got the chance to meet Flo. 
“I’d like to start over, if you’d let me” Deborah for the first time gave you a genuine smile as you looked back up at her. You nodded softly, “I’d like at that” you softly smiled.  “I do have one question” she paused as you gave her the go ahead look, “Would you like to go get breakfast? It’s on me” she smiled. 
“Sure, just let me get ready” you smiled back at her. 
You knocked on the bathroom door when you heard Florence turn the water off, she opened the door and let you in, “what did she say?” Florence wondered. “We’re going to breakfast and she apologised” you replied, turning the shower back on before seeing the happiness on Flo’s face through the mirror.  
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