#i literally do not know why they did bc it was not a nice plush coffin. it was literally a plain wood box
sanstropfremir · 2 years
Why are the theatre/film schools like that? 💀💀💀
In mine most profs were complete idiots. One of them, a well know actor and the president of the Academy at that time, did absolutely nothing in class. He bailed most of the time due to “shootings” and the few days he came we practically did nothing, just some chats with him about his job. To grade us he asked us to write in a paper what we thought we deserved. I kid you not.
Another one, who was a tv producer, was most likely very mentally ill and undiagnosed cause he would have the most random shitty ideas that we had to comply with and a lot of mood-swings. The day of the final exam he came 40 mins late because he was smoking week in front of the back door and then proceeded to give us the weirdest exam ever that kept us a minimum of 3 hours there. We had to make a plan of how to shoot an event and he kept adding snipers, famous people and animals to the mix.
There was one that I deeply hated cause we had 3 classes with him that were practically the same. He was more on the sociology side but did not know at all how to be a professor. His classes consisted of spiting facts and giving 10+ random bibliography per day. I learned nothing and I still have murderous waves every time someone mentions his name.
There was a couple who were married and had the sane vibe of old and way to classical. They were harmless until the end, when we learned that they blocked A LOT OF THINGS to make the space and curriculum better. Like, requesting funding to take a paid intern for their research lab of 3d shit, choosing the one (a friend of mine), signing the contract and then NEVER DO ANYTHING NOR SPEAK WITH THE CHOSEN PERSON. She had to go crying to the dean for a response and even then they were not held accountable. The school employed her as a paid intern in another department to make up for it but the rest never got resolved.
Other profs were alright, just very weird characters. The screenwriter prof was a very funny man but deeply depressed and had us all worried at first hour on Mondays (his Very Bad Day).
And on top of that was The Building™️. You see, ours was made by a very famous architect and it won several awards. Every couple of weeks we had someone taking photos of it. However, it’s the most impractical building ever because it was built as at a museum and not a school. The chairs are absolutely demential. So uncomfortable and very easily breakable BUT they cannot be replaced until 20-30 years from now because they signed a contract with the architect that said so. There is one (or two if your lucky) power plug per class but millions on the corridors. The bathrooms stalls are so narrow that if you want to enter with a bag/backpack you cannot close the door. In fact, some of those doors barely close without anyone inside. The editing rooms have gigantic windows where you cannot block the light so you can’t see shit on the computers. Well, windows are a thing in general. Classrooms have them but only one of them can be open partially with a button and let me tell you it does not help to ventilate properly 🙊. And the doors, boi, most of them had the handle broken so someone was always at risk of getting trapped there. You taught that they would fix this but it’s been more than 6 years since I finished and it’s still the same. There’s a twitter account that posts the shenanigans that are going on and most shit is the same.
So yeah, wild shit is always happening I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
✨🎥 anon
literally all film/theatre schools are same shit different channel slkdfjsldkjflskdjflskdjflsdjflsdkjf oh i feel you for all of this. most of our profs did actually know what they were talking about thank god, but a lot of them were old bastions and hadn't worked professionally in AGES so they were sooooo out of date to how the scene actually operated in the modern era. we had a couple of real characters and one of which was the director for my thesis show, who was five foot zero inches and thin as a twig, wore leather pants frequently and called everyone 'lovey'. and like i previously said, was somewhere between 65 and 85 and nobody could tell bc she occasionally went to switzerland to have some crazy type of botox done to her face. we did have potentially maybe two sexual abusers?? i never got confirmation on any of it bc it was kept sooo tightly under wraps but in one case i'm not sure if there was any evidence brought forward (he was just a regular abuser though, that guy fucking SUCKED), and the other guy i only found out about from a former student bc the whole thing got swept under the rug bc his wife ALSO worked in the department. also the whole staff was like. so racist. the year after i left one of the shows that went up to committee for season suggestion was a show written in the 70s that had a bunch of racial slurs in it (and no people of colour in the script) and almost the entire student body put a petition up to remove it from selection but the director wouldn't stand down so they did it anyways 💀💀💀 i was fucking glad i was out of that hellhole by that time.
and oh my god the building architecture.....never before have i been so glad that there's no famous architects from anywhere near my hometown bc fuckin YIKES. we had a designated separate building from the rest of campus that was built in the 80s specifically for the theatre department, so we rarely left bc all the rehearsal rooms + class rooms were all in there with the theatres. and almost no non-theatre students came in bc there was only one 'theatre' class that a non-registered theatre major could take, and that was a public speaking class, so every time that class happened once a week we'd all give eyeballs to the lost looking business and sciences majors coming in. also there were signs on like every door that said 'no non theatre personnel beyond this point' (bc the building also had the box office and held audiences for when the shows were running) so anyone who was lost always looked extra lost. plus the whole thing was a huge maze bc there were upper level catwalks and corridors that connected the grid + fly systems between the two theatres, so the techies sometimes would go up to the upper levels and not come down for the entire day.
oh and there was a tradition where if you had sex in the building you would mark the spot with a black 'x'. in my first year we did a show with a big coffin as one of the setpieces and on one of the last nights of the run two of the actors fucked in it
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
cassian x reader: dating a high maintenance girlie
Hello, if this seems extra its cause it is but this is quite literally my high maintenance routine. This is just one of my favorite parts of life and I love the idea of these big burly men doing skincare with their girls. 
i’m a high maintenance girly bc i like to be. pls this isn’t a pick me bullshit type thing. Im a girls girl yall. 
-This man doesn’t know shit about self care. 
-He knows the basics but like, nothing that would genuinely make him feel comfy in his own skin even more than he already is. 
-He uses 3-in-1. Technically 4-in-1 because face wash is separate formula than body wash but you digress. 
-Y'all know that stereotype of a guy glowing up after getting a girlfriend? You guys were the blueprint for that. 
-You taught him his hair type (2A), his skin type (dry), his preferred scent profile for himself (spicy, woody, aromatic). What his favorite types of care products are, he loves leave-in conditioner, cream cleansers. He’s not a fan of super heavy moisturizers because he’ll get overstimulated.
-These are just things this man has never thought about. 
-When you two leave the house for a Court Duty, you end up doing Cassian's hair. He wants to look nice, for lots of reasons, but especially because he wants to be let back into Summer. He wants to be able to take you on Summer Court dates! 
-He lives for that sliver of time you’re able to squeeze in before going somewhere. You doing his hair, him staring at you in the mirror if you’re behind him. If you’re in front of him, his large hands on your plush hips as you bite your lip in concentration trying to make his wild hair look nice. The feeling of your fingers through his scalp and how even when there’s a knot, you never tug or pull hard enough that it hurts him. You’re gentle and sweet with him even when he thinks he doesn’t deserve it (spoiler: he always deserves it) 
-He loves how high maintenance you are, it helps him remember to take care of himself. 
-You do a little self care sunday reset type of thing. It helps you get ready for the week. 
-He finds these routines utterly fascinating. 
-He begs to watch you do them, not even in the dirty way but it's just so interesting to watch. You also banned him from getting frisky when you do the routines. This was your time, he was welcome to watch but he would step out if you asked because you needed to be alone. 
-Some days, your routines are a bit more intense, such as the monthly waxing for your legs and armpits. Coochie too. 
-He flinches every single time he watches you wax some part of you, especially the coochie. He kind of has an attachment to that part. 
-You do the whole shabang sometimes. Wax legs, armpits, etc. Exfoliating shampoo, regular shampoo, conditioning mask, conditioner. Then the body stuff, exfoliating, shaving any parts you didn’t want to wax, double cleansing your body with antibacterial then the fun scented stuff. Then when you’re out of the bath, face extractions, face wash, whatever else you want to add. And then body creams. Then you’re done. 
-He’s just amazed every single time. 
-He also loves that you make a little thing out of it. You make it fun for you. There's a whole closet filled with different scents, treatments, formulas, etc. 
-You always smell good. There are deodorants shoved in every single bag you own, every room for that matter. Massive perfume, bodycare, candle, anything that makes a room or you smell good, you have it. 
-Even going to bed, you put perfume on.
-He loves that you say “I only wear it for myself Cass, it’s just a bonus that you love it.” Because he knows it’s true. 
-Sometimes he goes in just to sniff around. The fool just stands there and sniffs stuff. You had no idea why he decided to sit in the closet and sniff things in the dark. However, you did know that when you opened the door to see a nearly 7 foot tall clown smelling your beloved collection, you screamed bloody murder. 
So loud Azriel came running with his knives. Cassian just looked at you like “what’s your deal bro?” 
You were trained by two of the most powerful warriors, yet your first reaction was to scream. 
“Why didn’t you try to fight me?” Cassian asked, “I’ve seen you kick someone down for less.” 
“I am in my bathrobe Cassian! You want me swinging my legs around with my flaps out?” 
Azriel chose to leave the room after that. 
-You also always have perfectly manicured nails. And somehow someway you taught your tricks to the Valkyries so now they are able to have beautiful nails while still disemboweling enemies. 
-Great, now he and Az have four she-devils with perfectly manicured nails and glossy hair that can slay their enemies with one swipe. The four of you were feral together. He wouldn’t be surprised if he walked into the camps one day to see some guys dead because they were sexist. 
-You also got him and Az roped into these skincare nights. 
-He loves sitting there with a face mask on and you using one of your crystal rollers rolling it onto his skin. Bougie bitch eats it up. 
-One of your favorite things to do is wear a sheet mask and hide in a closet.  Scares him every single time. 
-Your stuff is everywhere, you’d be damned if you were uncomfy in your own home. After talking to Cassian and Azriel to make sure you weren’t being a shitty roommate, you kind of went crazy. 
-Lip balms in every room, hand creams, candles. Hair ties and claw clips. Fuzzy blankets stashed in every trunk you could find. 
-Rhys made fun of it, but ate his words pretty quickly when Feyre saw the beauty of having lip balms and hair ties/claw clips stashed everywhere. (and he later found the joys of said products and gave you a gift basket as an apology….you didn’t even remember that he judged you because you simply didn’t care).
-Also, the guys live in fucking luxury. The home always smells good, they never have to worry about chapped lips or dry skin. Or pesky hair in the way. Anywhere they want is a blanket or cute pillow to prop their heads up. 
-they were living like animals until you showed up.
-Cassian having a mate is the best thing to ever happen to Az. 
-Feyre, Nesta, Elain, Emerie, Gwyn, Morrigan and even Amren shop your stash of body care if they wanna smell a certain way for a certain fun time (wink). 
-Even Nuala and Cerridwen will approach and ask you. Obviously you say yes. You own so much you’ll never get through everything in time. 
-Plus you’re a Girls Girl. You’re gonna be there for your girls in your life.
-Speaking of the ladies in your life. 
-When you and Cassian have twin baby girls, you were ecstatic. Either way you were going to be happy but you always wanted a girl and now you have two!
-Teaching them how to take care of their skin and hair has been the best for you and Cassian. He loves watching his girls play with their hair. He loves having his hair braided by them. 
-Family self care nights become a Thing (that sometimes an Uncle or Aunt will join).
-He loves you because you taught him how to actually care for himself and his mental health. You showed him how he needs to stop and appreciate the smaller things. That not everything has to be a chore. 
-He loves you more than anything, maintenance and all.
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stoned-eren · 7 months
okay. im going to talk about the fnaf movie.
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overall, i thought it was very good. somehow making a whole series of a video game condensed into 1.5 hrs is not something easy to do. i think with what they were working with, they executed it pretty well. costume design was superb, and the acting from josh hutcherson was amazing.
that being said, i did find some scenes didn't belong. for example the fort scene, though i'm sure many people have pointed that out already.
i felt like they were trying to tow the line between silly/cute and scary/suspenseful, but in my opinion i don't think they needed to do that? i think if they leaned in fully to the horror aspect it would have still been a very enjoyable experience.
the scenes with vanessa disappointed me, just a bit. it felt like she was only there to progress the story/exposition. and the fucking fort scene with her... in that scene, vanessa is like "oh freddy fazbears' is so fun yayayayay" and then literally in the next scene she's telling mike "if you ever come back here IM GOING TO SHOOT YOU" ???????????? like why? what did mike even do?
the old bf made an observation that william afton was just straight up not fleshed out, at least not as much as either one of us had hoped.
i personally think if they had just included like... a 5 minute scene of william afton on his killing spree (without outright showing william afton), it would have done alot for his character. i felt like he was just kind of thrown in there towards the end, which makes me sad bc william afton is such a unique character with sooo much backstory integral to the lore of fnaf, and it just felt like he was alluded to the whole movie? idk.
there were some questionable moments. it was funny how freddy literally just murders the aunt and no one even questions it? mike would have come home to a literal corpse in his house, how does he explain that to the police?
and it made me sad how little they showed of foxy. :( foxy is my all time favorite (i literally brought a giant stuffed foxy plush with me to the movie) and it felt like he was the most forgotten animatronic. bonnie seemed to be the main center of attention tbh, he was in almost every scene where the animatronics were. but it makes sense since scott cawthon thinks bonnie is the creepiest animatronic lol.
those are my main criticisms.
but i still loved it, very much so!
when the matpat cameo came on screen... it was a shocker. i gasped so loud. the people in the movie theater literally laughed at me lol bc i gasped SO LOUD, I COULDNT HELP IT i was so shocked. AND WHEN HE SAID ITS ONLY A THEORY???? i ate it up. idc if it's cheesy, I ATE IT UP.
also i thought it was cool that the movie is (i think but could be wrong) five nights long! a little easter egg that i thought was neat. the old bf pointed this out to me.
another nice touch is in the beginning of the movie when mike is reading that dream theory book. a good callback to matpat's dream theory on fnaf (you know the one). and it's also a good way to tie in what's currently happening to mike with his dreams in the movie.
i really appreciated the subtle little ways they tied in the movie with the games, like the little "it's me" in the mirror during the scene with mike in the security room. and foxy's humming!!!! i loved it i loved it i loved it! the little noises they used from the game made me so happy!
but yeah. i'll stop ranting bc i can go on forever lol. while it had it's flaws, i don't think they affected the overarching storyline.
this is it my gamers. eight years in the making, and this is the end result.
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my score? 4 cupcakes out of 5. :>
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taavisplushies · 11 months
What are your plushie preferences? Brand, size, etc?
omg this is the best ask ever hold on
i’m adding the “read more” cut thing bc this is gonna be a lot of talking!!!
basically i don’t have a preference when it comes to brands. any brand is fine with me!
for size i prefer stuffed animals that are big enough to hug, but not too big! so like medium size i guess. maybe like 12in max??? i also like small ones that can fit in your hands easily! most of my medium sized plush are on my bed, and sadly i’ve run out of room for more :( i still can fit some more small ones on my shelf tho!
i’m kinda picky about fur texture. i have sensory issues! if the plush is a bad texture i will not get it, even if it’s cute! i like soft plushies the best, because they are nice to hold and pet. it’s okay if the plush isn’t super soft tho! i just can’t stand certain textures… they freak me out. i can’t really explain it. :/
now for poses… i like standing poses best for dogs and sitting poses best for frogs! those ones just look the best in my opinion :) sometimes laying down poses can look good for both of them too! i’m not a huge fan of sitting dogs though. they’re cute, but can be harder to hug!
one thing i’m also picky about is how stiff the plush is. i like mine to be soft and somewhat squishy! i do not like when they are firm, hard, etc! this is because you can’t really hug a plush well if it’s hard :( but i also don’t want to plush too be super floppy! i like a good middle ground i guess. mostly soft/squishy, but still firm enough so it can keep its shape!
and obviously my preference for species is dogs and frogs! lately i’ve been more interested in dogs compared to frogs. it started i think in march/april ???? i began taking a new medicine called Buspar, and suddenly i needed to collect stuffed dogs. and suddenly i like stuffed dogs more than stuffed frogs. i have no clue why the medicine did this to me????? the medicine has helped me an insane amount tho so it’s okay! literally before i started this medicine my anxiety was so bad i could barely go into public, and i couldn’t talk to any strangers, and i would have panic attacks at stores and stuff. but with the help of the medicine, i was able to finally get a job! and i can go in public easier, and i even talk to strangers! i rarely have panic attacks related to social situations anymore too! i’m super proud of myself btw, bc my doctor said i’d probably never be able to get a job. but i proved her wrong!!! ok this got a little off topic sorry……
anyway hmm… other preferences…. oh! i prefer to buy secondhand plush. this is mostly because they’re cheaper, but also it feels like i am saving them! because i know at the thrift store, anything that doesn’t get bought gets thrown away. so i am saving these little fellas and giving them a new home :)
i also prefer more realistic colored designs for the most part! however there are some exceptions. sometimes colorful plushies can be cute! it just really depends on how bright the colors are i think.
tldr i’m not super picky unless it comes to fur texture or how firm the plush is.
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Simba’s Christmas Gifts
For Berlioz @ber-bonfamille-lyons: this playlist :)
For Ashlee @ashlee-bonfamille-lyons: new pointe shoes, treats for juni, a few other odds and ends probably like clothes and books, etc.
For Marie @marie-a-bonfamille: is it a cop out for him to get her more fabric like he has the past two years? lmao he doesn’t think so!! it’s gonna becomee one of those things where he always gets her it bc he thinks she likes it but she’ll get sick of it at some point lol
For Toulouse @lou-bonfightme: a new houseplant for his new apartment and treats for victoire
For Amelia (and Abigail) @amelia-o-gabble: treats for duckie and goose for sure, probably custom sweaters w corgis on them -- one pink/one blue lol
For Jenny @jenny-marshfoxworth: he def stressed about what to get her bc he doesn’t know her super well yet but he probs wound up getting her like a combined present w ber -- maybe a new guitar, i feel like they’d do that -- idk ask lauryl what it was haha something expensy
For Isaac @isaac-morey: probably something to sort things in his classroom like containers or w/e bc simba finds those helpful and thinks eeveryone else would too
For Drakken @dr-drckken: YEAH they’re still FRIENDs literally rude (i read the discord thing lmao) -- he probs got him like one of those kiddie science kits bc he thinks they’re fun lol
For Winston @winndeavor: got him a nice cashmere scarf or NO some knitted pot holders for plants. both.
For Martin and Archimedes @geehosaphat: archimedes got a bowtie with golden retrievers on it lol -- and Martin probs got some charmed cooking equipment since he bakes
For Pacifica @northwestxprincess: some rose gold air pods do they make those? idk it just seems like a vibe
For Eilonwy @eilonwy-notjustgirl: a rugby ball with signatures from some girl’s team in england idk :) simba has #connections
For Jessica @notbad-justsungthatway: some rose/honey/ginger tea made by his aunt in kenya -- “good for ur throat” :) - simba
For Greg @notmuchofatail: a donation to Ruff to Fluff for 500 pounds, from the Bonfamille-Lyons clan
For Jessie @belladonna-wright: one of those scratch off travel maps
For Jeremy (and parents and Suzy) @jere-me--oh-my: some baked goods for the whole fam, parents probs got nice scarves, suzy got like some toys, and jeremy got some guitar picks and maybe a new guitar strap
For Hades @trip-downtheriverstyx: a mug that says #1 mayor which i THINK he got him last year, but doesn’t remember but is very funny if he did
For Dian @dian-morey: some fun scrubs since he works w the kiddos sometimes!
For Doc @doc-hudson: a book on dealing w grief lmfaooo this is so passive aggressive (he means it genuinely tho)
For Robbie @robbie-ryeo: a nice leatherbound notebook YEAH i remembered they’re kinda awkward friends so :)
For Flik @flik-feathery: also some of those kid science experiment kits bc again, simba thinks they’re fun
For Arista @arista-the-musical: probably a nice handcrafted tote from kenya in a nice bright red :)
For Jake @crickey-itsjake: a pair of nice polarized sunglasses bc he’s outside a lot
For JEFF: a nice wallet that he doesn’t give him for reasons...
For Aquata @aquata-the-champ: a nice plush towel customized with her name and “coach” on it -- in blue ofc
For Alana @alana-the-brilliant: ...another kiddie science kit there is a theme this year lmao
For Agustin @accident-prone-agustin: a 1000$ bonus from InterPride -- a nice hat for the winter
For Mads @mads-morey: a book in arabic probs
For Franny and the bb @mrsrcbinscn: some jewelry for Franny and some toys for the bb
For Reza @rezares: “i know u don’t celebrate that’s why it’s funny” - simba who bought reza a santa hat lol
For Elena and the babies @displacedprincess: a locket with the babies’ pics in it and some toys for the bbs
For Lightning @lightning-kachow: he just is too excited for him to be in Swynlake so he probs bought him a bunch of Swynlake swag lmao
For Mirabel @waitingona-mirabel:
For Tiana @truitt-story: a gift certificate to a spa day -- also another one for her mama probs :)
For Belle @labellerose-acheron: some bath salts and treats for philippe
For Isabela @rowsandrows-of-roses: a book of wax paper to press flowers
For Felix @tirameunpaso-felix: the ugliest button up he could find :)
For Ella and Willa @cinderellaashbourne: some toys for the bb and some sorting containers for her classroom for Ella
For Barbie @estrelllas: some beaded bracelets from kenya!
For Dolores @haveyoumet-dolores: some cute ear muffs probs in like a nice bright yellow, and fuzzy. like thsi
For Al @alzcomicbarn: a gift card to Hatter’s sorry he doesn’t know what to get him but doesn’t wanna leave him out
For Gil @agentgrumpy-gils: a 1000$ InterPride bonus
For Ting-Ting @princess-ting-ting: a 1000$ InterPride bonus
For Pepa @letitrain-letitsnow-letitgo: a photo album for her to fill -- customized with “swynlake memories” on the front
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icharchivist · 1 year
merry christmas icha!! love ur new icon. fittingly enough, the stars aligned and i just went through the a very mankai christmas event! i think it's a nice touch the event wasn't actually on the day... but since it goes up to the 25th i thought it fitting to read through it now. i was very hype for the mixed troupe performances but i knew that tsuzuru would be in absolute hell the entire time. like not being able to contribute writing-wise would take a real toll on me. however i think despite that pain it would be SOO fun! one thing i feel very much is like when u meet people who are just starting out with like writing etc.? writing is very very reflective of the self i think. and u end up learning a lot about how people work when u see other people's creative output. but it would also be hell.
i guessed hisoka would be one of the main characters the moment he was like oh i have no. christmas ideas. and then the moment tsumugi was like oh sakuya do u have a christmas memory I remembered sakuyas family situation and when sakuya was like nah I gripped my chair like. sakuya hisoka event? sakuya hisoka event? AND THEN they both went … at the end of the scene so i did lose my mind. thats a veryyyyy fun duo i think in terms of thinking about dynamics. also the funniest thing is I actually put off this event for like a week bc this chapter in the event started with the like sad a3 flashback music and I was worried I couldn’t handle it like. what if it was hisoka and it like glitched or smthing like that bc he can’t flashback to anything. what if it was rly sad. but instead it was just juzas chocolate melting which is a tragedy but not one that will devastate me. oh also tsumugis story with tasuku is so sweet. i was like. wow. they were rly good friends. also i literally have a scene in my drafts somewhere where tasuku catches tsumugi before he trips. glad to see thats in character.
but sakuyaaaaa. i was rly expecting him to be the sort of basic "main character" of this game but i think a3 doesnt rly have that feeling? (probably helped massively by the fact that there's 4 different groups in the first place) anyways he is not boring to me at all. i feel like hes a little bit of a subtle character with a lot of interesting quirks? probably related to the whole. family situation hes got. but man. smthing about having to be good for christmas got me. and the way he feels guilty about lying and when he tells hisoka he had a bad experience hes quick to brush it off as not a big deal even though that's like. his big memory of christmas as a holiday. and it really feels like. honestly thinking abt how sakuya stuck to his lead role as romeo in act 1 i do think a lot about like. how sakuya probably feels he needs to act around other people and how he needs to be as a person. like does he ever think oh i'm not a good person. that's why no one likes me. that's why i never got christmas presents. sakuya i want to give you a very long hug. going to jump a little non-chronologically and say that hisoka getting him that cat plush was SO SWEET. i grabbed at my heart really it was so adorable. the way hisoka is so pleased abt it! it was nice to see that from hisoka too. like. hes not sweet always but when he is hes SWEET.
anyways back on chronology. when izumi went "im baking today since omi is busy!" my immediate response was to narrow my eyes thru the whole scene and then go "…you know how to make more than curry?" next the other team plays. as predicted the team tsuzuru was on (team a) was wild. they had a good time so good for them. what really makes me laugh is that apart from like team d with the mains of the event etc. i think team a may have been the only group to actually do a christmas theme. the sakyo and azuma thing was HILARIOUS. with the like soap opera relationship thing. azuma was the perfect person to play that lady kazumi... also!! sakyo mentioned thinking about doing mixed troupe plays in the future... thats a nice way to setup that since i do know it does happen later! so cool.
let's see the last things i had to say... oh right. hisoka Thoughts. he was so weird abt the snow he was like “snow…” TWICE. so i have to assume there's some memories associated with that. there was the ocean in winter's episode too right?? anyways. this goes next to my hisoka == december??? / chikage jacket? notes. i thought it was nice that it was sakuya who was with him when hisoka froze up on stage! like, i think he's probably the best person equipped to handle that kind of thing out of everyone. oh and also im not saying hisoka used his assassin stealth to sneak in a present in sakuyas stocking but im also not NOT saying that you know. i also have to wonder how citron's sleeping reflexes are considering my runaway prince theory... like either sleeps like the dead or super light sleeper i feel.
unrelated but during the party where homare is like "I ended up getting a little too intoxicated on life and wine" and then izumi said smthing that was basically like "homare u were just straight up crying" that made me laugh.
this was such a sweet event! it hit a good balance of being melancholy without being like too depressing, i think.
AAHH HELL YEAH!! MERRY CHRISTMAS KIRI!!! (and thank you for the nice comment on the icon <33)And this is such a perfect timing, i was thinking about this event all day yesterday which makes it perfect for a proper christmas mood.
I really love this event a lot, as a Hisoka and Sakuya enjoyer, as you can imagine. It was sooo good to me.
I do love how the event is spread out. most of the events actually are a bit like that, kinda fits with the fact events usually lasts about 10 days, so when the stories also take a long time it really feels like you're passing the days with them.
Tsuzuru's absolute nightmare was a highlight of this event for sure, it was so funny. Of course, also terrible to picture oneself into, but the whole thing was so fucking funny, he really was paired with the group of people that would give him the most headaches. Love Lady Luck on this one.
There were a few minichats that built up this duo before that which i always loved, which is that Sakuya often caught Hisoka sleeping in wild places and would cover him in blankets, and when Hisoka would complain he can't sleep in his room because Homare is being loud, Sakuya offered Hisoka to sleep into his bed in the meantime and Hisoka has been "i'm going to protect this kid with my LIFE" ever since, keep calling him a good boy from this point on already.
So when the event was specifically about Hisoka getting dedicated in making sure Sakuya was a good boy in a way Sakuya could get/that would override Sakuya's feelings that he wasn't one…. it felt very precious.
PUTTING OFF THE EVENT BC SAD MUSIC WHILE IT WAS ALL JUZA… THIS IS SO FUNNY HELPPP. Tsumu and Tasu's bit were really sweet yessss. and glad to see you also get them in character so well in your drafts on that.
And i agree completely about Sakuya!!! He's a bit of the posterchild of the app but it's especially because, as an orphan who feels like he constantly has to prove he has his place here, he makes for a great demonstration of the found family thematics of a3. But yeah i agee he's very subtle and interesting. It really strikes me that Sakuya has basically been raised into erasing himself, making himself as small and helpful as possible, not imposing himself, desperately trying to be good enough to be kept around. So when he's actually doing that in the story - rarely taking up the whole focus, apologizing for unconvegniancing anyone, not wanting to talk about the bad feelings of his past…. it really feels more like it's his habit of erasing himself in front of his neglecting family, than an idea that he's just a boring character who's good to be good. The whole thing about the "maybe i'm not a good boy" realization was devastating to me, because while it's such a childish thing, it's also obvious it carried on to his current age, and he definitely needed to hear that he was being good, but was never in a situation where he could actively express that he needed to hear that. That Hisoka made it his lifemission to make sure Sakuya knew he was good is so much to me. And yeah it is really interesting to put in comparaison to how he stuck to the Romeo's role. Sakuya kept repeating he'd be okay just being on the stage, but this was the one time, i think, that he allowed himself to be selfish. That he found something he wanted to be good at. Tsuzuru had written this role for him, laid all those hopes for him. And i feel like Sakuya was always so desperate to fill the expectations of his families, only to realize that those expectations was just for him to be as little of a problem as possible so he could be forgotten somewhere. While for once, he had an expectation on him that required him to be himself, and to bloom and grow as himself, and i think eventually, for once, to have this encouragement, really helped him for once to try to reclaim some place for himself. Meanwhile, yeah, i have no doubt there's a whole idea also of Sakuya thinking he's never going to be good enough, which is also why he is so eagger to try once someone give him a chance. But i want to give him a hug so bad too, my precious soon….
And really Hisoka's whole reaction to it was so soft. Like i said, already Hisoka just cares for Sakuya, but i also think like. Sakuya is a highly neglected kid, who basically erased himself for the sake of others. Hisoka, at this point in the story, has lived his memory loss as being erased from others's people lives as well, which was why he was so distant and aloof at the start, with no reason to try to connect to anyone. And i think it may play on how Hisoka just thinks that erasing yourself like that is just too much of a suffering that a sweet kid like Sakuya doesn't deserve.
I'm honestly just. so soft on "Hisoka: guardian of Sakuya's happiness". And the cat thing is so bites fist. Of course in the event they draw a direct comparaison to his role as the cat to the plushy, but it adds that there were a few backstages too where Sakuya kept comparing him to a cat. For instance, the Cheshire Cat's preparation N backstage had Sakuya basically decide "how to best act like a cat. I know. I'm going to learn from Hisoka.". It's like such a running joke between those two that i find it so sweet and gentle.
Back to chronology: listen you go "you know more than curry?" but she legit made them gingerbread. Gingerbread. That's still spices :sob: Girl still has a tunel vision, even if it's a little larger than usual.
For the other teams oh god yeah, it was such a mess. Tsuzuru suffering through puns. BUT YEAH, TRULY VERy CHRISTMASSY compared to the rest. They actually put an effort into it! Meanwhile Muku's team all on fanservice. Itaru and Tasuku being all "why are we doing this", meanwhile i can imagine yen signs in Sakyo's eyes as in "if it means the devoted fanbase invest in us, it's good. Do it again." Sakyo would totally exploit the fanservice there i swear. And the Sakyo/Azuma play was SO FUNNY it was SO DRAMATIC. And tbh with how much Azuma flits with Sakyo in backstages i have to believe it's Azuma who went "what if i play your lover ;D" while Sakyo is just "…. if it makes for a good play i'm in.".
BUT YEAH good set up for the mixed troupes, i love a3's build up.
Ok so obviously about the whole bit about Hisoka, i can't say much, despite wanting to say a lot, but well shoves fist in mouth i'm quiet. I love your thought process though. and yeah!! Sakuya being the one on stage really helped here. He's truly the king at improv to save his companions in time of troubles. I also still find it so touching that Sakuya went to check on Hisoka after the play because he caught on that something was going on, this kid is so perceptive.
and DLKFJD for the stealth HELP. And good question for Citron, that does raise question. Maybe Citron woke up to see it happen and realized it was for Sakuya to have a merry christmas and he closed his eyes back in solidarity. Or Hisoka's stealth is just that good! who knows!
DLKFJDLFKDF that line is so good. Homare i love you so much, don't ever change.
It was really a sweet event! i really loved their dynamic and truly as someone who adores those two; those two lonely kids, i was so in love with this event. crying so hard thinking about it everytime. But yeah, it kept such a good balance of fun and sweet that the little angsts there was wasn't soulcrushing. I truly adore this event
Glad you had fun and thank you for the sweet message <333 i didn't have the best of christmas to be honest but this ask truly lifted my spirit again a little, it was so nice to relive the event that way and it reminds me just how good those kids are. Thank you so much for the message <3333
Take care and i wish you a merry christmas :3c
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figgy-bug · 2 years
Hello lovelies !! This fic is based off of a dream I had a few nights ago that’s been on my mind ever since :]
Very rarely do I wake up from a dream with a smile on my face, so I thought I’d share that same joy with you guys!!
A quick note - this dream did not take place in Casita, so the setting is slightly different, and modern amenities are mentioned, but other than that, nothing should be too out of place!!
With that said, please enjoy:
The Absolute Nerve!
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Characters: switch!Reader x switch!Bruno
Warnings: none!! Very comfy very fluffy!
A/N: I would call this self indulgent but it was literally a dream so idk what to tell ya- ANYWAY PLEASE ENJOY BC I KNOW I SURE DID!!
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Mid winter was always the most drab time of year.
With Christmas and New Year being far in the rear view mirror, there wasn’t much to look forward to, so life just seemed to chug along stiffly until the weather finally broke.
For these reasons, you always found it twice as enjoyable savoring the little happy moments that littered the snowy months, as they always made life just a little more livable.
Tonight didn’t seem to be shaping up to be much of a “livable moment.”
The house was cold, and your body seemed colder. You had spent most of the day nestled in your blankets, though never seemed to actually be warm.
Now it was the evening, and you decided that maybe sitting still in bed wasn’t the way to warm up.
Quietly you slid from bed, wrapping a plush blanket around your hoodie clad frame, and set off to the kitchen.
Down the hall you could hear the indistinct chatter of activity and televisions on in other rooms.
Perhaps it wasn’t as late as you had thought-
The sun does set earlier in the winter.
You made it to the kitchen and you set your phone down on the counter, flicking a light switch on.
A steaming kettle sat beside you on the counter.
‘Perfect!’ You thought, reaching up to the cupboard to grab a mug and a tea bag.
A nice warm cup of tea would absolutely do the trick, right?
Still chilly, you stood holding the mug in your hands, blanket draped over you like a hooded cloak.
“What in the world-“ a voice spoke from the other side of the kitchen island.
“Ah! Camilo! Hello- I didn’t hear you come in”
“Why do you look like some creepy cult member- just… standing there like that??” The boy asked, opening the pantry door and scanning the shelves.
“I’m not a cult member! It’s just cold! And it’s a blanket, not a cloak.” You defended, taking a sip of your tea.
“You’re cold?? It’s like 70 degrees in here!” Camilo scoffed, holding his arms out, showing off the fact that he was fine in just the t-shirt and pajama pants he was wearing.
“Yes! It’s freezing! Well- I have the back room, so it usually gets super chilly in there. Maybe that’s it…”
“Hm.” Camilo returned to the pantry, filling his arms with various bags and boxes. “Well why not just crash in someone else’s room for a while? At least until the snowstorm blows over.”
“Yeah- there’s a pretty killer storm coming through tonight- the wind is probably what’s freezing your room.”
“Huh… I guess I missed that forecast…”
“Well I hope you find some heat soon, Y/N- goodnight!” The shapeshifter said kicking the pantry door closed and starting down the hall again.
Camilo’s idea definitely was a good one, but who’s room were you meant to crash in?
It’s not like you were gonna visit one of the youngers’ rooms- no one wants to listen to blaring music and television all night-
And Isabela was having a girls night with Dolores and Luisa, which you didn’t want to impose on.
Your only other option was Bruno, though you were certain he would be asleep by now.
I’m any case, you took a final sip of your tea, set the mug in the sink and set off to Bruno’s room down the hall.
*knock knock* “Bruno? Are you up??” You basically whispered through the tall glowing door.
There was no response.
Turning the knob slowly, you pushed the door slightly open and poked your head inside, immedietly focusing on a mop of black hair slouched over on a bed towards the back of the room.
“Bruno-?” You spoke a little louder, seeing that he wasn’t asleep.
The figure perked up and turned to you, greeting you with a warm smile.
“Oh! Y/N! Come in, come in!” He said placing the book he was reading down on the nightstand beside him, motioning for you to come inside.
You accepted his invitation and bounced into the room, shutting the door behind you.
Immedietly your body began to thaw, as the room was easily 10 degrees warmer than yours was.
“What are you doing wandering around so late?” Bruno asked, pulling his hands into his sweater sleeves.
“Well, my room was super cold, and I was trying to find a way to warm up, and Camilo said I should try and visit someone else’s room to warm up for a while- oh- I- I’m not infringing am I??” You spoke, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“No! Not at all! I know there’s supposed to be a storm rolling through pretty soon, so I don’t mind sharing a room if need be!”
You smiled, untensing a little bit.
“None of the kids let you stay with them?”
“I didn’t even ask- there was way too much noise coming from all of their rooms- there’s no chance I’m going in any of those rooms.”
Bruno laughed. “I don’t blame you! I can hear it from in here sometimes.”
“Truly- do you wanna come sit down? I mean you can just stand there if you like, but you’re welcome to come sit!”
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course mi vida!” Bruno said, shuffling over to the side of the bed, patting the mattress beside him.
You had never really spent one on one time with Bruno like this, but his willingness to let you stay made you feel almost as warm and cozy as the room itself.
You unwrapped yourself from your blanket and trotted over to the bed, lifting the cover and sliding under, looking up at Bruno.
He giggled, lifting his arm, inviting you closer, to which you happily accept, scooting further into the bed until your head rested on Bruno’s chest, cushioned with the fuzzy fabric of his sweater, your hands retreating into your sleeves as you lazily tucked them into your own chest.
Bruno lowered his arm around you, gently rubbing your back as his other hand reached to pick up his book again.
The room stilled with a comfortable quiet, as the only sounds audible were the murmurs of other rooms around the house, the flipping of book pages, and the sound of your own breaths.
You quickly got used to the quiet, sighing deeply, letting all stress go as you huddled up closer to Bruno, who offered a gentle scratch to your back in affirmation.
A scratch that was followed by a disturbance in the quiet-
A squeak..?
Bruno looked down at you with furrowed brows.
“What was that? Are you ok? Not comfortable?” He asked, resting his book on his lap.
“N-no! I’m fine! I’m comfy!”
“What was that sound?”
Your face lit up red, but you saw no use in lying.
“It- it tickled- when you scratched my back..”
The prophet’s face lit up into awe.
“No way…”
“What do you mean no way??”
“That’s adorable!-“
“And a really uncommon place too-“
“S t o p”
“How have I never know-“
“You’re embarrassing.”
“*gasp* how dare you! After I let you stay in my warm room?!” Bruno snaked his arm under your back again, scribbling along your spine, making your torso arch instinctively.
“NO! NOHOHO!! AHAHAHA- BRUHUHUNO!!” You kicked at the sheets wildly, wriggling as much as you could, though not actually trying to escape.
“That’s my name mi amor!” The prophet teased, sitting up and latching his other arm onto your side, holding you in what could be described as a loose hug.
You reeled your head back, laughter picking up on volume and pitch as Bruno began randomly squeezing at each bone with one hand while the hand behind your back moved up to pinch and scribble at the area between your shoulders.
“NOHOHO NOT THERE NOHOT THERE!!” You yelled out through hiccupy laughter, your body curling in as you crashed into Bruno, grabbing at his shoulder to steady yourself.
Suddenly his attack ceased and his body froze.
You looked up at him puzzled, and he met your gaze with a wobbly smile and a red dusting over his face.
You smiled, giving his shoulder another squeeze, earning a snort from the prophet.
“And you had the nerve-“
“Y/N- Y/N plehehease”
Bruno put his hands up as he backed himself against the headboard.
“The gall.”
“I’m sohohorry okay?? I-I’ll do anything-“
You paused, a smirk drawing it’s way onto your face.
Bruno gulped, regretting his words.
Keeping true to them however, he nodded.
“Great! In that case let me tickle you. It’s only fair!” You said, hands on your hips.
Bruno let out a shaky sigh and dropped his hands, leaning back on the headboard.
“Fine. But I was nice to you, remember that-“
You giggled, waddling on your knees over to your partner’s side, patting his head.
“I won’t kill you, I promise.” You assured.
Without giving him a chance to accept, you reached out and dug your thumbs into the man’s collarbones, kneading the area with impressive skill, sending Bruno into immediate hysterics, laughter uneven and bubbly.
You obeyed, moving down to his stomach, digging ten digits into the plush fabric that covered his thin frame, eliciting a violent jerk of Bruno’s entire body as his laugh broke like a voice crack.
“EHEhEHE-! *snort* Y/NHNHN-!”
Though the sensation told his body to swat at the offender and defend himself, he wanted you to have your fun, and he was enjoying having a reason to laugh, so he stayed as still as he could.
…Until you moved to his sides-
You have both of Bruno’s sides an experimental squish and the man nearly jumped from his skin, yelping, and sitting up straight.
“MOHO!! Y/n plehehease I am sohoho serious plehehease” his voice went quiet but still dripped with mirth.
You simply smiled at him, and continued squeezing and pinching and scribbling the poor prophet’s sides, his laughter bellowing so loudly you feared Dolores may be in tears a few rooms away.
He grabbed hold of your wrists, and you immediately stopped, letting Bruno breathe.
“Sorry- i went a bit crazy huh?” You asked, sitting back on the headboard beside the man.
“A bit?!” He huffed through heavy breaths
You laughed, slouching down and resting your head on his shoulder.
“You ok?” You asked quietly
“Mhm…” Bruno’s response was hushed.
You turned to look at him, and his eyes had closed , sleep falling over him not more than a few moments later.
You smiled, leaning over him to turn off the lamp on the bedside table, closed the book that rested a few feet away on the bed, and pulled the blanket up to his chest.
“Goodnight then!” You whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead and laying down right beside him.
The warmth of the bed, the sound of the breezy snowstorm blustering outside, and a smile on your face.
slowly, you drifted to sleep as well.
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I PROMISE I DIDNT EVAPORATE!! This has been in the works for a few days but we did it 🤝
As you probably read above, this was based off of a dream I had a few days back that I thought was too cute to just try and describe through a small post, so maybe you can enjoy the dream in its entirety like I did!!
And if you caught mentions of my tk spots no you didn’t.
That aside, I’m sorry I’ve been so sparsely active for the last week or so!! It’s been really hard getting the motivation to check my phone, let alone write, but I’m getting back to it, and hopefully I’ll be able to make more stuff for you lovelies in the coming days/weeks!!
And rest assured I haven’t lost any requests or prompts!!
ANYWAY!! I do hope you enjoyed my silly little dream fic, and you have a wonderful day/night!!
- Fig <3
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hi! Saw your post about Sap and Tubbo and I’ve missed their dynamic sm so I wanted to send in a request! How about lee Tubbo and ler Sapnap? Maybe Sapnap wanted to see if Tubbo was just as ticklish as he was back then and uses one of his favorite tactics a bunch, raspberries?
Still the Same summary: sapnap wants to know if tubbo is still as ticklish as before, in his own sapnap way. a/n: sorry for the wait :( low motivation bc of personal stuff happening, but im doing a bit better so i wanted to get this out asap! hope u enjoy :D warnings: swearing, sapnap is Evil (/lh) w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
Everyone always says it’s easier to clear your thoughts from a high altitude. Why is that? No one knows, though no one is going to question it either. It’s always nice to enjoy the breeze from up above.
The only problem is, finding that high altitude and then having to climb up to it.
Tubbo closed his home door behind him, glancing around to find some sort of easy-access place he can sit for a while. As the boy walked around, he was quick to notice the gentle breeze that brushed against his cheeks and over his nose.
He sighed, enjoying the perfect weather present on this day, deciding to start walking down the path to town. As he walked, he chuckled as he recognized the spot he was standing at.
The day he and Sapnap had a playful bicker. It involved Tubbo making fun of the demon for miswording something, and a playful fight lasting afterward. The boy chuckled to himself, then his eyes widening.
Thinking about his old friend reminded him of the hill they used to hang out on. The perfect altitude to sit at, might he add. Now walking with intention, Tubbo smiled at the old memories that were unfolding in his brain.
“Here it is, it feels like it’s been years,” Tubbo spoke softly, arriving at the same hill he and Sapnap used to goof off on ages ago. He smiled contently, plopping down on the grass, and leaned against an oak tree that sat on the hill.
He let his head relax back, enjoying the nice breeze brush through his hair and the convenient shade the oak tree provided for him. The people were right, this is a good place to clear some thoughts up.
Meanwhile, a certain demon was also heading somewhere to relax for the day, wanting a break from all the serious ‘bullshit,’ as he would call it. Sapnap looked up at the tree that rested on his favorite hill and saw a figure under it.
He smiled to himself, recognizing a certain ram hybrid settled underneath the shade of the luscious tree. With a mischievous smirk, Sapnap tip-toed up the hill, avoiding any crinkly leaves or twigs along the way, motivated to startle his old friend.
Oh, how much Sapnap missed being so goofy and carefree. It was honestly a natural instinct to playfully mess with Tubbo, almost like how siblings always try to push each other's buttons. It’s safe to say he saw the boy as a little brother.
“Tubbo!” Sapnap squealed, whipping his head around the tree with a giddy smile. “Sap… Sapnap?! Where did you even come from?!” Tubbo gasped, holding his heart dramatically at the sudden scare.
“From down the hill, you goof.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t, why’re you smiling then?” Sapnap sniggered, earning an eye roll from the ram. “Because you’re annoying, and it’s making me smile because of how annoying you are.”
The demon snorted a laugh. Tubbo really was the sassy boy he always remembered.
The two settled underneath the tree together, just catching up. They really needed it, it was obvious on both sides that they both missed each other dearly.
They missed the playful bickering and fights they’d have over literally nothing, maybe a piece of bread if anything. Tubbo especially missed the warm feeling he got while around Sapnap. Was it the feeling of coziness inside of him, similar to the feeling of home you get when you’re around someone you’re genuinely fond of- or was it just that Sapnap is warm because he’s a literal fire demon? Probably both.
All was content and nice until Sapnap had to bring up a redacted memory, one Tubbo couldn’t think about without a wild blush spreading across his face.
“Hey Tubs, do you remember the tickle fights we used to have? Well, not exactly fights since you never put anything up- Ow!” Sapnap rubbed his shoulder where the boy flicked him, a grumpy but obviously flustered scowl painted on his face.
“Embarrassed, are we? C’mon, it’s not like you’re still that ticklish anymore!”
The embarrassed squeak that left Tubbo really just made all the dignity he had left drain away.
“...Or are you?” Sapnap continued, his curious glance turning into a dark grin. “Hey there- buddy, friend, mate- you d- don’t gotta… gotta do it… actually I think it’s getting late and I should be getting home!” Nervous giggles poured out of the boy, shuffling backward on the grass.
Sapnap just shook his head. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, Tubbo. Not until I get my answer!~”
Oh shit. A surprised squeal left Tubbo as he was wrestled onto the ground, though the boy was strong as well and fought back. “Oh, actually fighting back, are we?~ Now that’s a change!” Sapnap teased, making Tubbo’s body go limp.
‘Teasing makes him go all jelly, got it.’ Sapnap thought with a snicker, looking down at his friend.
“S- Sapnap… dohoHON’T- SAHAPNAP!” Tubbo barked out a laugh, trying to twist on his side away from the prodding fingers on the right side of his ribcage. “Nuh-uh, you aren’t going anywhere, mister!” Sapnap sniggered as he pushed the boy’s hips on the ground, drilling his thumbs into the bones in the process.
A loud shriek left Tubbo, failing to buck Sapnap off of him. He fell limp against the grass, knowing that he wasn’t gonna get out of the predicament anytime soon. Not that he exactly wanted to, though.
“Remember you can tell me to stop whenever you’d like me to, bud.” The demon’s face softened into a more reassuring look, slowing down his tickles. Tubbo nodded, opening his mouth to speak before being interrupted with another screech.
Sapnap’s fingers found the sides of his lower stomach, massaging his fingers into the soft skin. This seemed to be successful, Sapnap found.
“SAP-HEHEHEHAHA- F- FUHuhuck ohohoff!” He continued to squirm, stomping his hooves in the plush grass behind Sapnap. “D’awww, Tubbo!~ That wasn’t very nice, was it? Maybe I should remind you of my favorite tactic?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow, relishing in the immediate anticipatory high-pitched giggles that emitted from the smaller boy.
“Do you remember? I think you do, champ! I think you remember all the nibbles and raspberries I used to give to your cute lil’ tummy- and oh how bad they tickled!~ Are you excited? I think you areeee, I can hear your tail thumping on the grass!”
Note taken; Sapnap was still as evil as before.
“Y- Yohou’re so mehehean!” Tubbo whined, covering his bright red cheeks, his shirt riding up with his arms raising. “Uh oh, Tubbo… Look what I have here! A perfect snack right in front of me!~” The man cooed, dragging his dull claws over the ram’s belly before leaning down and blowing a big raspberry right beneath his belly button.
“SHIHIHIHIT! N- NOHOT THAHAT!” Tubbo shrieked, arching his back up. “Not this? Alright, your wish is my command, champ! Guess I have no choice but to do this instead…” He chuckled slowly before beginning to gently nibble on Tubbo’s lower belly, moving up the side to nibble near his waist.
Fuck Sapnap and his stupid stubble, and his even dumber fangs.
“SAAAAHAP- NONONONOHOHOHO!” Tubbo pleaded, weakly pushing at Sapnap’s head, but the damn thing didn’t budge even a centimeter. “No? Okay!~” He giggled, going back to plant another raspberry over the side of his belly.
Arching his back again, the ram dug his hooves in the grass to try to ease the sensations at least a little bit, but the ticklish stubble dragging around his tummy kept making him go limp. “F- FUHUCK YOHOU- Y- YOHOU’RE SO BAAAHAD!” Tubbo retaliated, yet again trying to twist away but his hips were only pushed back down onto the grass.
“I think you need a little manners lesson, don’tcha think, Tubso?~ N’awww, don’t pout at me, you know I’ll just have to do… this…” Sapnap huffed in a breath, Tubbo squealing in anticipation, but then silence.
Tubbo relaxed his muscles as the raspberry didn’t happen- never mind. It happened.
“FUHUHUCK- PLEEEHEHEHEASE!” Tubbo’s body went completely jelly, the tickling too much for him to fight back anymore. Sapnap looked up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You were so bold a few seconds ago, what happened? Hmmm?~ Cat got your tongue, Tubbo? Let’s fix that.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tubbo's waist so he couldn't buck away from his attack.
Raspberry after raspberry, Tubbo knew he couldn’t handle it anymore. “STOHOHAHAHAP! E- ENOHOUGH!” His voice was squeaky and tickled-out, taking deep breaths as he laid down completely limp on the soft grass.
“You alright there, Tubso?”
“Here, let me help.” Sapnap smiled, but it was softer this time- way different than the evil grins he was giving while tickling the life out of the poor boy. The demon laid the ram across his lap, gently carding his fingers through his plush hair.
“C- can yohou… keep gohoing? But- gehentle this t- tihime?” Tubbo stuttered out, Sapnap audibly cooing at the sweet boy. “Of course, it would be my pleasure- seeing how evil I was earlier.” He jested, earning an exaggerated noise of agreement from Tubbo.
He snickered, tracing his dull claws in random shapes over the boy’s belly, letting them graze up and down his sides and back down to circle around his hips. The affectionate light tickles were making the tickled-out boy sleepy, as he curled up in the warm demon’s lap and softly snored as sleep swept over him.
“Sleep well, bud. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ve missed you, y’know that?”
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Hawks, Shigaraki, Dabi, Overhaul, head cannon
So this is their reaction to u being on ur period
also omg i did not expect any of my posts to get that many likes, that u guys so much!!! <3<3<3
So um disclaimer this is what i’m like on my period, and to be honest i’ve never met anyone who is calm during their period...there's a lot of sad bois, angry bois and soft bois.
-He has experience with girls on their period (cough cough mirko cough cough)
-Though your cramps are much more painful and your blood flow is a bit bigger
-When you wake up you’re almost immediately in pain 
-Hawks gets scared and tries to take you to the hospital
-”Kiego i’m fine”, you snap.
-That makes him sad boi
-So u explain you’re on your period
-he goes out to get you chocolates, a Hawks plush, some movies, treats, ice cream, ect.
-he wants to cuddle but u want that one spot where it doesn’t hurt
-So yall end up cuddling in the weirdest way possible
-He doesn’t care
-He just wants his baby bird to be happy and comfy
-Gives you kisses 24/7
-He makes sure you know he absolutely loves you
He is amazing when you’re on your period, like just the best birdy ever.
-No idea what to do
-He walked in the room bc he wanted to tease you for literally nothing, just tease
-and you just snapped 
-”get the fuck out of my room”
-he was just completely frozen
-then when he saw you hunched over in pain he started to get worried.
-he picked you up despite all your complaints and brought you to his rooms bc he liked it more.
-”What the hell are you doing?!”, you shouted angrily.
-he didn’t respond he just kissed your forehead, placed you on his bed, and then left to get you a glass of water.
-he was still confused.
-so when you calmed down he asked why your in pain.
-”I’m on my period dumbass”, you muttered.
-he doesn’t know what that it, because he left before Fuyumi had her first cycle
-”Blood comes out, tummy hurts, sex right now means baby”.
-that made sense to him.
-so when there’s blood, and your tummy hurts, and when you refuse to fuck, you’re on your period.
-starts teasing you
-you’re on the verge of tears now
-you beg him to cuddle you
-he ends up cuddling you
not really the best, but he makes sure you get plenty of attention
-doesn’t give a fuck at first
-when you don’t come in his room to just sit down on his lap and watch him play video games he really doesn’t care
-he just assumed you were sleeping in
-but when you didn’t come in for middle of the day kisses then he got worried
-nope it was more like mad
-since this man is a child.
-he barges into your room and hears sniffling
-your crying in pain 
-he frowned and makes you look at him
-why are you crying?
-”i’monmyperiodandmytummyisdoinghurtandidon’twannagetup”, you just cried incoherent words.
-he groanes under his breath before picking you up easily and carrying you to his room.
-he sets you down on his bed and the sits next to you so he can play video games
-he wanted the blanket
-you wanted the blanket
-you eneded up making yourself into a burrito, and curling up into a ball on his lap
-it was the one spot where it didn’t hurt
-when you fell asleep 
-he would never admit this but...
-he gave u a kiss kiss on your forehead and nuzzled his face into your neck.
Angry but nice towards the end, just let him know before hand and he won’t be anwy
-this man knew about your period
-i mean doctor?
-he knew when it was coming before you
-he knew girls go through pain, small cramps and a blood flow
-so he had all the necessities
-but he did not expect your reaction
-it was a combination of, 
-”You hate me and you think i'm filthy”
-”leave me alone!”
-”Please don’t leave”
-it’s just as stressful for him
-he’s trying to take notes
-and you just have the biggest mood swings ever
-you get easily annoyed
-in the end he ends up just holding you on his couch in the office
-and you just fall asleep on him
-he will overhaul anyone who wakes you up
8/10 the first time, and now he’s a 100/10, just pure cuddles and love
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realcube · 3 years
comfort hcs 💗 feat. overworked! reader
characters: yaku, oikawa, yams & akaashi
trigger warning: swearing
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thank you to anon for this sweet request!
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morisuke yaku
♡ he has concerned mom energy to i feel like he’d notice that you’re overworking yourself before starts negatively effecting you 
♡ once he figures out that you’re actually stressed and he’s not just being paranoid, he will probably hold an intervention where is like ‘sit down, let’s have a cha--’
♡ but you just push him out the way to grab your coat, ‘sorry, sweetheart. i don’t wanna miss my bus!’
♡ DFRTYJUHG he just stood there like a statue looking at you like (●__●) this bitch-
♡ anyway, once you come back from uni/college/school/ work etc yaku insists that you need to sit down and discuss your problems with him 
♡ then you’re kinda just like ‘what problems?????’
♡ also, after what happened that morning, yaku was not taking ‘no’ as an answer
♡ no matter what you say 
♡ homework? you can do that later
♡ chores? he’ll do them for you if you just listen to him
♡ hungry? you can eat while you listen to him
♡ showering? you smell fine!
♡ so yeah, he will pick you up and carry you to the living room if he has to
♡ he’s probably really serious about the issue bc your feelings aren’t a joke to him but he lined up your favourite plushies on the couch so he could talk to them as a third party when you disagreed with him
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“i study in moderation! and i have not been neglecting our relationship; i just need to focus on my studies!” you tutted, averting your gaze from yaku’s as you thought about his accusation; did he really feel as though you had been taking him for granted? because of course, that wasn’t your intention at all and the more you thought about it, the more you realise that perhaps he was right.
yaku rolled his eyes at your response, quite enraged by your dismissive tendencies but he didn’t want to take his anger out on you so he simply turned to the kiiroitori plush that sat beside him, “duck, do you think (l/n) has been overworking themselves and ignoring both of us?”
kiirotori was forced by yaku’s hand to nod in response.
you snorted slightly before trying to furrow your eyebrows in anger once again, “their name is kiiroitori!” 
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tōru oikawa
♡ dsfghjkl ngl he clearly overworks himself too so he wouldn’t even notice 
♡ he’s like ‘oh, you’re spending hours upon hours of a day - losing sleep and energy - to dedicate yourself solely to one thing so you can be perfect at it??? that’s completely normal!’
♡ spoiler alert, it’s not
♡ it’d probably take a third-party to point that what you are both doing isn’t healthy (either iwaizumi or a therapist)
♡ then you’d both look at each other like ⚆_⚆ wut 
♡ anyway recovery time ig ✨
♡ he’d definitely just try distract you whenever he sees you studying/training/practising
♡ forget overwork, he doesn’t even let you work 
♡ oh and y’all have started having ‘lazy days’ once a month where you make it a point to nothing but each other :))
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you both stared at the television, pretending to be absolutely engrossed by jumanji. however, once you let out your fifth sigh that minute, oikawa could tell that you were just as disinterested as he was so he peered over his shoulder to look at you, “this is so boring.” 
you nodded, shuffling closer to him so he could drape his arm around your shoulder and bury his nose into your hair. “it’s so hard to just sit here and do nothing when i know that i have a lot to do, y’know?”
oikawa hummed in agreement, “but it’s nice to finally spend some quality time with you, angel.” he placed a kiss on your temple, scooting awkwardly in his seat before pulling you down to lay down next to him on couch. 
“yeah,” you purred, happily falling onto the soft cushions while in oikawa’s embrace, “i’ve suddenly had a change of heart - i love these lazy days.”
“that was fast.”
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tadashi yamaguchi
♡ it would take him a wile to built up the courage to actually express his concern about you overworking yourself
♡ but until then, he’ll show them in more subtle ways
♡ like if he sees you working at your desk - whether your posture is straight or not - he’ll rush up to you and massage your shoulders/back while talking
♡ he always sends you goodnight texts and gets v snappy when you text him in the middle of the night 
♡  ‘tadashi, what did you get for number five on the maths hw?’
♡ if he opens the message and notices that you sent that crazy late at night or the ass crack of dawn, he’ll lose his shit
♡ he forces himself to ask you out on dates irl so that if you use work/training/practise etc as an excuse..he can give the puppy eyes 🥺
♡ don’t get me wrong, he’s not manipulative at all but you just overwork yourself so much he think that the teeniest tiniest little bit of fun wouldn’t do you any harm 
♡ he literally cares for you so much and he just wants you to be healthy and happy like is that too much to ask ಥ_ಥ
♡ it would take him 3 months of mental preparation to confront you but he’d do it eventually lol
♡ he’d still be super duper nervous though 👉👈
  ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“(y/n).” yamaguchi’s soft voice rang quietly through the hallway before he stuck his head inside your room in search for you. he let out a sigh upon noticing that - like always - you were sitting at your desk, drowning in papers of schoolwork. 
he hurriedly approached you, suddenly throwing his arms around your shoulders as he hid his face in the crook of your neck before wailing, “(y/n)! i know it’s none of my business but i just think you work yourself way too hard and i see how sleepy you are all the time and you didn’t even eat the cupcakes i made you because you were too busy studying - i thought you loved my cupcakes!”
your eyes widened at the sudden contact and the string of words yamaguchi was babbling in your ear; but you semi-understood what he was getting at. so you steadily turned around to wrap your arms around his neck and rub his spine reassuringly, “i am so sorry, tadashi. i had no idea i was worrying you.”
he shook his head against the skin of your neck, “it’s fine, i worry about everything.” he joked before changing to a more serious tone, “it’s just that-- i think you should care more about yourself. take some time to relax once and a while, y’know?”
his sweet words resulted in your lips curling to a smile while his arms wrapped securely around your body brought you a much-needed feeling of peace, “alright, i’ll try.”
“good.” yamaguchi chirped, pecking your forehead then positioning his face where it was prior, going back to enjoying the feeling of your soft skin agaist his. “-so, are you gonna eat the cupcakes or”
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keiji akaashi 
♡ he overworks himself too
♡ if anything, i think he’d praise you for being ‘hard-working’ at first ‘:)
♡ but once he notices how much you work and how negatively it’s effecting your mental/physical health, he’ll intervene
♡ like yamaguchi, i think he’d start small by subtly doing things to reverse the effects of your stress 
♡ and simultaneously, it kinda helps him too
♡ for example, if you get stress ance, he’ll do a bunch of research on the best skin treatments for it, buy the products then do facemasks with you + create a whole new nightly skincare routine for both of you 
♡ or if your not taking care of yourself properly, he’ll book you both in for a spa appointment 
♡ or if you’re tense, he’ll get you both massages from those professional ppl that make you strip naked
♡ when they make you get your tiddies out, you know they are a professional  masseuse
♡ and he’ll take out on ten times more just to help you relax
♡ also, they’re always slow-paced dates bc like ofc akaashi takes you out to the park/beach for picnics....does he seem the sort of guy to take you bowling?? no.
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed as akaashi brought a spoon up to your lips, looking at you expectantly but you simply whined, “keiji, i should be at home studying right now. you know my exam in 5 months, right?” though akaashi wanted to believe you were joking, the seriousness in your voice made it clear that you genuinely thought 5 months was a short period of time - even considering all the work you’ve already done in preparation for it. 
so akaashi simply shrugged in response, continuing to prod your lip with the spoon until you parted you lips, allowing the pudding he made to enter your mouth. then, he pulled it out lower it to observe your pouty expression for a moment; you were so cute that he couldn’t help but smile softly. 
“i’m sure you’ll do fine, sweetheart. i believe in you.” he said, gripping your waist before placing a tender kiss on your cheek. “for now, let’s enjoy this perfect weather. it only comes around once a year, so why not make the most of it, hm?” 
before you were able to reply, akasshi utilized the hand  the had on your waist to pull you back onto the picnic blanket with him, so you were both looking up at the pale blue sky, decorated with delicate clouds. “what do you see?” he inquired, gesturing up to the shapes the clouds formed.
you snickered, slowly intertwining your finger with his as you examined the sky for any familiar shapes or silhouettes in the sky. “oh!” you exclaimed, lifting your index finger to point to a particular cloud adorning the sky, “that kinda looks like my maths professor in a gallon hat.” 
akaashi snorted, “i have no idea what your maths professor looks like but alright.”
you laughed, lowing your finger but not everting your gaze from the special cloud you spotted, “what about you, babe? what do you see?”
with a moment of hesitation, akaashi immediately replied, “an angel.”
your eyes scanned across the sky for a cloud in the shape on an angel but you simply couldn’t find the one he was referring to, so you whipped your head to the side to see where he was pointing, only notice that his eyes were fixated on you. 
“y-you’re such a simp, keiji.”
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todourouki · 4 years
congrats on 1k+!! can i request for sfw #14 (domestic life w/ them 🥺) with aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, and shinsou? thank you sm!! i love your works :>
AHHH! thank you so much for this, it means a lot! and ugh this is so cuteeee!
Want to celebrate prompt night with me? Click Here.
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SFW PROMPT #14: What would living with them be like?
including aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, & shinsou
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living with aizawa would be so nice
he’s not a high-maintenance guy
he’s more of a “as long as nothing looks like a piece of shit, we’re good”
matching sleeping bags
the man adores his sleep, i’m sure we all see that
so there’s soft blankets spread over every single couch/lounge-chair incase the two of you decide to nap
every day off, you guys have a tradition on waking up the latest time you possibly could, cooking breakfast together and eating it in bed with a show the two of you are currently binge watching on the tv
aizawa isn’t a bathroom hogger honestly he probably doesn’t even look in the mirror as much as he should
he’s pretty tidy when it comes to leaving his shit where it’s supposed to be
mostly because if he loses it, he knows he’ll be too lazy to look for it and he probably doesn’t have time
the furniture is all monochromatic
i don’t see him as a guy having brightly covered couches in his living room
everything is neutral, black, or white
minimalistic king
due to pure exhaustion all the time, color is out of the question, it reminds him of his students and he hates it but secretly loves it so all of his plates are multicolored
honestly living with aizawa sounds amazing
“Shouta,” you groan, eyes snapped harshly shut die to the light tracing into the room from the now open shades, “close the freaking things.”
Aizawa mumbles right after you, leg kicking the shade he once accidentally lifted with his foot back to where it once was. With the harsh tugs done by his feet, the light in the room finally fleeted away and allowed the comfortable dimness takeover once again.
The Pro-Hero’s arms gripped onto you tighter, nose nuzzled into your neck and bringing your body the kind of warmth necessary within the cold room. “S’go back to sleep, kitten.”
You mustered a smile, eyes still closed and hands running through the silky black hair resting underneath your neck. Mornings with Shouta were always the same— waking up once because of his leg obnoxiously releasing the shades, and both of you falling asleep once again in each other’s embrace.
You felt Aizawa begin to rub your back, fingers twinkling against your bare back soothing you beyond explanation. Within minutes, you felt yourself losing conscience, and you finally drifted back to sleep with the man you loved cradling you with unconscious admiration.
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living with todoroki is exactly what you’d think it would be
i don’t mean to say it
but ima say it
this rich bitch has a ton of antique and expensive furniture lying around
mostly because he loves using his dad’s money
you and todoroki are a weird match
because you both love the exact same things
so all the furniture in your home
whether the living room be one color and bedroom be another
it all weirdly goes together because you’re both so good and coordinating shit
like your couch could be fucking orange
and the blue throw-pillows and decorations you cover your living room with just make sense
just like the two of you
living with todoroki means you figure out just how funny he actually is
also just how dense the boy could be
like he’s so sweet but also a little ✨dumb✨
he doesn’t know how to use the laundry machine and he never will don’t change my mind about this
todoroki loved cold soba we all know that
so there is a specific cabinet underneath the sink filled with all the ingredients for making it
that cabinet has to be restocked a lot
usually on days off, shouto would like to sleep in but he knows he just can’t
so if you like to sleep in, he already went out for a run, took a shower, and made you breakfast by the time you wake up
if you like to wake up early/with him, you find yourself either joining his workout or making him a hearty breakfast by the time he gets back
living with todoroki is really sweet bye i’m gonna go cry
“I just don’t understand why I’d have to press so many obnoxious buttons to get it to wash clothes,” he began, his stoic voice staring harshly at the machine infront of him as you stared at him in disbelief, “it isn’t my fault.”
“Shou, you froze the entire machine..” You repeated, a deadpanned expression on your face as you tried your hardest not to laugh.
You knew your boyfriend wasn’t the best at figuring things like this out, he hated to admit it but his family had done a lot for him back home. And sure, he wasn’t a little boy anymore and should probably know how to work a laundry machine, but he was convinced it acted up with him and him only.
“It was giving me a hard time, I didn’t even realize I froze it until I realized the clothes weren’t spinning anymore..” The frown on his face was one you couldn’t help but smile at, the grin taking over your face as you chortled a laugh.
With your empty hand, you gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, his calculating expression trying to decipher the reason certain clothes needed a certain temperature of water. Moments like this made you realize just why you loved Todoroki so much.
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is a handful
that’s clear to everyone
but living with him, oddly enough, is not
you both have a specific cleaning day
every single sunday morning
and that same night included the two of you watching a movie and having loud in-depth character analysis debate every single time
you both have special cooking days (he has more but it’s ok bc he won’t say it but he absolutely loves cooking for you)
bakugou has been through a lot, my baby
so consistency is something he depends on
he nearly breathes for it
routine is everything in your household, being something you grew accustomed to as well even if it’s not what you’re used to
every day you’d wait for him to get back home on the plush couch in the living room
so that way you’re the first thing he sees when he gets home, as well as a platter of his favorite food for the night and his fav tv show on the tv
he feels like he’s walking into heaven every single day
and depending on your schedules, you get the same thing when you get home if he beats you to it
a show/anime you’re trying to finish, the food you’ve begged him to make, and your loving boyfriend/husband lounged against the couch waiting for your arrival
you both wake up early— sorry, even if you don’t want to
bakugou doesn’t give a single fuck, he will wake you up and force you to either workout with him or start your day with him
on his days off though, you both sleep in until the afternoon
there’s literally no inbetween with your schedules
you’re both either up and ready to go by 8am or finally getting up to brush your teeth at 3pm
“How many times do I have to tell you— the real villain was not Sharpay, but Gabriella!” Your voice boomed, staring at your boyfriend who looked at you as if you had four heads.
“Babe, with all due respect, you’re a fucking idiot!” He retaliated just as aggressive and firm as you. “How can you say that when she’s such a bitch?!”
The credits of the movie you just watched played in the background, popcorn kernels pushing into the skin you had sprawled against your boyfriend. The pink reflected across your shirtless boyfriend, his ears beginning to redden due to the volume of his voice.
“Gabriella walked into that high school and literally stole everything Sharpay worked for,” you retorted, the straw you were drinking from entering your lips as you took a quick sip of the soda, “that’s being a bitch!”
He opened his mouth, signaling you to throw one of the Swedish Fish candies into his mouth and you did. With a laugh, you continued to throw food into one another’s mouth over and over throughout the argument.
“Maybe you resonate with Sharpay so much because you’re both bitches.” He snickered, dodging a pillow that fleeted your side of the couch and into his side by your right hand.
A gasp slipped your lips, narrowing your eyes at his tall figure and shoving a candy down your throat after his words, “maybe that’s why you love me, cause you’re a bitch too.”
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living with shinsou >>>> breathing
shinsou is a gamer idc
there’s a playstation in both your room and your living room for game nights
you guys had a game night
every single friday you guys would sit in nothing but (shinsou’s) t-shirt, and underwear and play nothing but video games all day
you usually end up falling asleep when the sun begins to come up, always taking saturday’s off no matter what for the occasion
you both are clean
being too lazy just like aizawa to have to find it if it’s misplaced
the bedroom look the best bc shinsou gets tired of monochromatic things and you hate living in a boring setting
so the two of you’s aesthetic shines through the room
if you cook, then please know food us up to you
if you can’t cook
money is spent 90% of the time on take out
because shinsou can’t cook for shit i don’t care
sometimes people wonder how it is you both manage to go to work and have a coherent sleeping schedule
and the reason is
aside from shinsou’s clinical insomnia )-:
that the two of you are absolute dumbasses
you spend all day doing homework if one of you is in college
or doing the work that needs to be done if you have just a job
and after that?
it’s just cuddling, gaming, struggling to cook, ordering take out, and eventual sleeping when you both realize you’re both past a point of ni return
most of the time though, you both manage to sleep
it’s more surprising for shinsou though bc he could never sleep properly if he’s alone
the two of you live together in GTA
also, I canon that Shinsou loves watching The Office so you guys binge watch the fuck out of that
living with shinsou is living with a bestfriend that is a civilized adult at certain times that you can cuddle and make out with
a girl can only dream <3
The sound of the console played through the room, your focused face watching the screen in front of you intently. The feeling of the bed moving along side every tap of the controller in your boyfriend’s hands trembled your limbs, your eyes being too locked on the screen to even maintain a balance.
“Go to the left, the left!” You pointed out, your legs sprawled across your boyfriend’s chest as he rested his body horizontally underneath yours.
“I know..” His voice was enough to show you he was focused, his eyes barely blinking as he followed your command and moved the character closer towards the left.
As gun shots erupted through the room, all you could see were flashes of red across the screen and players who had been attacked in Shinsou’s frenzy dead against the floor.
Exhilaration ran through your veins as finally killed the last person, the feeling of his body tending under you making you smile in happiness. You had both been trying to beat this level for weeks and you finally did it, exciting you to no limit.
The phrase “victory” strobed against the screen, making the two of you cheer in happiness at the time being well spent. He landed a big fat kiss on your cheek, pulling you in by the string in your hoodie and pressing you against him.
“Let’s beat some more ass in this next round, huh doll?”
“I’ll believe it when I see it, pretty boy.”
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
starry nights
pairing: tsukishima kei x gn!reader
request: no, just felt soft for tsukki
word count: 2.5k+ words
warnings: fluff with barely any plot, a few curse words (?), unedited, maybe ooc tsukki, CHEESY AS HELL, the ending is booty bc i couldn’t find a way to end it
a/n: i wrote this as gender neutral as i could bc i’m a useless hetero so if something is not gn friendly pls let me know!
summary: who knew a stressful night could turn so soft with the help of a certain blonde?
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after such a long day, there was nothing more you wanted than a nice relaxing evening before falling into a deep sleep.
the idea of finally getting home and showering after sweating at the boy’s volleyball practice, seeing as you were a manager, sounded amazing. what sounded even better was eating dinner and retiring to your room where you could listen to music in bed as you slowly feel yourself drift off into your dreams.
unfortunately, the only thing you received once you got home was a hard chair pressing uncomfortably into your bottom as you scribbled various formulas onto your notebook.
you were attempting to solve yet another dumb math problem that was assigned to you earlier that day, but you were finding that the results weren’t making any sense. they were far too large to be the correct answer. or were they too small?
you sighed frustratedly as your head began to pound and your butt was beginning to numb. you mentally reminded yourself to ask your parents for a comfier desk chair as soon as possible.
after another failed attempt at the stupid trigonometry problem in your textbook, you felt yourself begin to spiral. your muscles began to tense up and for some reason, your head felt like it was spinning, the pounding only getting stronger. the moment you found yourself struggling to breathe, you decided that it was time to take a break before things escalated any further.
you pushed yourself away from your desk to stretch for a little and to clear your head, hoping it’d be enough to finally let you solve the problem afterward. you might have also done it to get some blood flowing back in your ass, but that’s not the focus of this.
you paced around your room for a couple of minutes before you heard a slight buzzing sound in the room. halting your movement, you turned your head towards the sound and realized it was coming from your phone, which was lying in the middle of your bed.
walking over to your bed, you flopped yourself onto the soft mattress after taking your phone into your hands. upon realizing that your boyfriend was calling you, you clicked on the green accept call button and pressed the device to your ear.
“hey, what’s up?” you spoke as you made yourself comfortable on your bed, grabbing one of your stuffed animals and holding it close to your chest.
“why haven’t you replied to me?” tsukishima grumbles quietly.
“uhh, i did? i’m literally speaking with you, aren’t i?” you raised an eyebrow even if he couldn’t see it.
“i’m talking about my texts, dumbass. i sent you like ten in the last fifteen minutes,” he sighed.
you pulled your phone away and glanced at your notifications, which only proved your boyfriend’s statement to be true. 
frowning slightly you turned your attention back to the call, “sorry, tsukki. i didn’t see your messages until right now.”
back in his own room, tsukishima could be found rolling his eyes at your lack of attention towards him. a quick glance at his alarm clock at his bedside had other worries streaming into his head.
“what are you doing that’s so important at this hour anyway?” the blonde questioned as he sat up on his own bed.
“homework, what else would i be doing?” you replied.
“i don’t know, maybe getting ready for bed? it’s almost ten pm, y/n. you need eight hours of sleep,” he scolded you.
“i know, i know. you remind me of that at least twice a week,” you grumbled halfheartedly.
tsukishima chuckled softly, knowing you were probably pouting at this point, “clearly i need to remind you more often since it’s not getting through your puny brain.”
the pout you wore grew even wider, just as tsukishima imagined it to, “hey, it’s not that puny!”
you could hear your boyfriend laugh a bit louder as you also say up on your bed, cradling the plush closer to your chest, “i don’t know, you come in pretty close to hinata and kageyama.”
“that’s far from the truth and you know it! we’re literally in the same class,” you huffed.
“that doesn’t mean much, sweetheart,” he teased you.
“fuck you,” you laughed softly.
“you wish,” he retorted playfully. “anyway, meet me at the park we pass by when i walk you home as soon as we get off the phone.”
“come again?” you questioned. not really believing what you were hearing, you got out of bed for some reason believing that being up would tell you your hearing was off.
“meet me at the park by your house,” he repeated. 
“you want me to do what?” you asked once again, your mind not wrapping around the command just yet.
“last time i checked, you weren’t deaf. just trust me and meet me there.”
“tsukki, like you said earlier, it’s almost ten at night.” where was your boyfriend heading with this? he isn’t even the spontaneous type! so where was this going?
well, obviously the park but why?
“i’m aware, i can tell time, y/n.” tsukki rolled his eyes slightly.
“it’s also wednesday night, a weeknight,” you continued as you began to walk to your closet.
“i’m also cognizant of that as well. i own a calendar,” he replied.
“we have school tomorrow, kei. you remember that? school? the building we go to and learn in?” you mumbled, still not believing that your boyfriend wanted to meet up at such a late hour.
think about it, tsukishima is an incredibly intelligent boy. he’s probably one of the smartest kids you know. probably even one of the best students in general and he’s asking you to hang out on a school night? after he nags at you about studying for your classes and sleeping at reasonable hours? 
even if he, himself, doesn’t sleep at reasonable hours, but he insists you do it at least.
something’s up.
“how many times do i have to tell you that i know what these things are?” he scoffed quietly.
“as many times as it takes for you to come to your senses,” you retaliated as you quickly grabbed one of the hoodies in your wardrobe, coincidentally it was one you stole from the blonde.
“you say that as if you’re not already getting ready to meet me there,” he teased you as he began to laugh quietly at how predictable you were to him.
“how are you so sure about that, four-eyes?” you replied as you slipped your head into the hoodie that was a few sizes too big.
“i’m sure for two reasons actually,” he began, the tone in his voice sounding extremely confident as he seemed to know you inside and out. 
“one, i know that regardless of what situation you’re in, you don’t pass up on an opportunity to see me because you’re literally a lovesick puppy. two, i can hear rustling through the phone, and taking that first reason in mind, i’m going to safely assume that you’re grabbing a hoodie and some shoes so you can come out and meet me.”
“you know, i really do hate you sometimes. you’re a pain in the ass,” you spoke, voice slightly muffled by the hoodie covering your mouth slightly.
“yeah, yeah, but you know you love it. i’ll see you there,” he chuckled before hanging up on you, leaving you alone in your quiet bedroom, the scent of his cologne still lingering on the fabric that wrapped your body in a warm embrace.
once you broke out of your haze, you quietly maneuvered out of your bedroom, making way towards the front door. you slipped on your shoes once you got to the doorway and pulled the door open as quietly as possible, to avoid any unwanted confrontation with your parents, before slipping into the cool and quiet night. 
hands intertwined in the hoodie’s pocket, you briskly walked towards the small park a few blocks away from your own house, impatient to see your boyfriend.
sure, you had seen him a few hours prior to this but you could never get enough time with the blonde. time spent with him always flew by and you found yourself craving his attention more and more as your time with him increased as well.
you knew the feeling was mutual, hence why you two were sneaking out to see each other. but still, seeing such a stoic, and a rather asshole-ish, person like tsukishima act so soft and vulnerable in your presence made you want to risk it all for him. a little scolding or tighter limitations on your freedoms for a few days were worth the time you’d spend with your lover.
glancing up at the sky as the park’s playground began approaching your field of vision, you noticed how clear tonight’s sky appeared to be. no cloud in sight, just miles, and miles of countless stars littering the dark night sky. 
the perfect conditions from some stargazing, you smiled softly at the realization.
refocusing your eyes in front of you, you noticed a rather lanky figure sit on one of the swings, awkwardly shifting himself forward and backward. 
“hey, stranger,” you piped up as you took a seat beside his own swing.
“funny seeing you here, hmm?” he turned to look at you, a teasing expression lying lazily upon his face as he briefly eyed your appearance. more than likely, noticing his hoodie engulfing your figure. 
“yeah, extremely funny. so funny that you had to beg me to come out here.”
“yeah, i really begged for it. i felt as if i would die if i didn’t see you, almost got down on my knees.” he rolled his eyes playfully.
“well, you did have to ask me a handful of times before i agreed to come down. so, yeah, i’d like to think you begged for it,” you mimicked his actions. “just admit that you missed me, to make up for the fact that i snuck out of my house for you. after curfew, may i add on.”
“you act as if i didn’t sneak out of my own house, after curfew as well,” he retorted.
“would admitting that you missed me kill you?” you pouted, crossing your arms together.
“fine, fine. i missed you, okay? happy?” he said as he leaned towards your side, long fingers caressing your side which only made you squirm as it tickled.
you laughed softly before nodding and stretching an arm out in his direction, allowing him to link your pinkies together, a form of affection worth more than a kiss in your relationship. 
“so what made you bring me out on a night like this? i was working on some real important trigonometry homework when you interrupted me, and let me mention once again that it’s a school night.”
tsukishima went back to swinging himself on the swing, his pinky being interlaced with yours caused you to begin to sway yourself on the swing as well.
“after i noticed that you didn’t reply to my messages, i figured that you’d gotten too wound up in your homework. i knew you could need a small break from it all and hearing how tense you sounded over the call, only confirmed it for me,” a small blush rose into his pale cheeks.
“you knew that i was starting to get stressed? tsukki,” your voice began to soften more. “you seriously knew that just by one phone call and a lack of replies?”
he scoffed quietly, attempting to look like he didn’t care but the rising heat appearing on his cheeks and ears told you otherwise, “don’t go making it sound like that, it was just obvious.”
you began to grin at the obvious timidness your boy was exuding, “so let me guess, you noticed i was feeling upset so you decided to help me clear my mind by spending some time with me.” 
“tch, you wish.”
you moved your hand to properly interlace your entire hand with his own, squeezing it gently.
“that’s really sweet of you, kei. i appreciate it so much, it’s exactly what i needed,” you beamed under the moonlight, something tsukishima couldn’t help but find beautiful, his expression softening once again.
“this one trig problem was really getting to me. i was so relieved to hear my phone ring as it gave me an excuse to take a longer break, and it was an even greater relief when it was you who was calling.” as you were speaking, a slight breeze swept up and began to lightly run through your locks, which only caused tsukishima to continue admiring you.
“you know, you’re actually really cute, especially under this moonlight,” he said as he pulled your intertwined hands up to his lips, gently brushing his lips against your knuckles before pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
“are you insinuating that you used to think i wasn’t cute?” you rose one of your eyebrows mischievously, wanting to fluster the unusually soft boy.
he sighed dramatically, letting go of your hand, “and you ruined it. i was trying to express my undying love for you and you just had to ruin the mood.”
“well don’t let that stop you, i’m still listening!” you attempted to salvage the soft moment as kei began to laugh before he rose from his swing, extending a hand to you.
“maybe i’ll give it another shot after we get a nicer view of the stars.” you could have sworn you saw a twinkle in his eyes when he said this, but nonetheless you stood up to take his hand.
hand-in-hand you both walked to the playground, getting on it and finding yourselves seated at the very top, the starry much clearer at the slightly elevated altitude.
not wanting to ruin the quiet atmosphere, you turned your head upwards, a small smile on your face as you raked your eyes through the endless clusters of stars.
as you continued to observe the space above you, tsukki turned his attention to focus on your delicate features making his smile reappear. there was just something about tonight that made you look so ethereal, he just couldn’t help but fall for you even harder.
“you okay?” you asked when you finally felt his stare on you.
“yeah, i just can’t take my eyes off you,” he breathed out, which led you to smile at him, your heartwarming at the sight of how in love he looked.
“you’re so cute, kei.” you leaned your body on his, your head finding a home on the space between his shoulder and neck.
tsukishima didn’t waste any time wrapping an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and placing a kiss on the crown of your head. in return you pressed a kiss to his lower jaw, your smile pressing against his skin.
with that, no more words were expressed. everything that needed to be said was done in your respective kisses but also the lovesick grins that you both wore for the remainder of that night.
your starry night with your own little moon pressed right against your body.
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the-trans-anon · 2 years
7 and 16
7. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
Um.... [side eyes Thea who's like the main pov character or at the very least the main focus of everything I write lately] UM....
Ok jokes aside Thea is probably the character I enjoy writing the most, which is probably why he's the one I tend to gravitate towards. It's just easy to slip into his brain and read his train of thought. And like you can do a lot with him, like yeah you can do angsty stuff where he's depressed and self-destructive and *pissed* but Thea's also just....really funny?? Like he's clever and kinda quick-witted and it's fun to write him with people he's friends with just bc he comes up with the silliest shit (best posted example I have of this is the snatcher plush fic, it was a joy writing him coming up with defenses for his stupid ass naming skills)
Other than Thea....my favorite is probably Amelia, which is interesting because she was such a last-minute creation. Like I literally just made her bc I REALLY wanted someone to take the kingdom from Vallerie once she goes to jail for attempted murder bc I did Not want to deal with the situation of "the only royal is in jail and unfit to rule and now there's no one to take over guess it's time to play hot potato with the ruling status". So I was like "ok I don't want this to happen, what if she had a sibling?" and then Amelia was made. But she's just a very interesting character to work with and I've had a lot of fun fleshing her out and it's like....she has such an interesing dynamic with Thea bc it's like....idk it's that feeling of having someone you love and look up to and care about deeply and you think they care about you too only to realize they Don't and they drop everything you had for a guy they just met and both her and Thea were hurt very very deeply by this person who they both loved so much and that shared trauma kinda brings them together and they help each other move on and idk....I just think that's nice :)
16. do you write any particular genre? how do you feel about genre categories in general? love them? want to combine them? want to do away with them altogether?
Not really. I just write dfghjk. In general I think genres are useful, like if you don't really know what story you're looking for but u know the type of thing u want to read so then sorting things into genres can help u find that thing. I do feel like we need more specific categories (like sci-fi can mean a LOT of things) AND it should be a thing where if a book isn't a romance novel but has an entire b-plot deicated to a romance then it needs to be in a romantic subclass, bc I am so tired of reading an interesting, exciting book only for the plot to suddenly come to a slow, unbearable crawl because it's time for the ~romantic part~ (looking at u hunger games)
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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multific · 5 years
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Tom Holland x Reader
Request: Hello! Cen you please do something where doctor!Tom is a obgyn? The reader is a young single pregnant and it's her first appointment with Tom bc something happened to her original obgyn, she's there to do a ultrasound and gets pretty nervous when she sees how gorgeous Tom is? Thank youuuu
 You thought he loved you.
He promised you everything and more.
You truly loved him, his name was Adam.
You met him during collage and you quickly moved in together. You thought your life was perfect. You really wanted it last forever.
But it never did.
Adam was the kind of guy who would make you feel safe and loved.
You never would have thought that it was all a lie.
Four years into your relationship, you found yourself to be pregnant. You were shocked but happy at the same time. You thought that it was fate’s doing.
But once you told Adam, everything went downhill.
He wanted you to get an abortion, or he would leave. Then when you told him that you will not do such thing, he got mad very very mad.
To the point where he physically assaulted you.
The neighbours called the police and an officer had to take him off of you.
Your kind and caring boyfriend turned out to be a monster.
It was hard to get over it. And the fact that none of your friends of family supported you.
But now, you were fine, you already were in your fourth month. You rent an apartment from a nice lady who upon hearing your story felt bad for you and decided to help you. Everything went fine until your obgyn threw the towel in and moved out of your country.
So, now you were assigned to a total stranger.
All you knew was his name.
“Dr Holland.”
He was a male, and you were a bit afraid because you always wanted a woman to be your doctor, you hoped that way, she won’t look down on your situation.
“Miss Y/L/N.” called the nurse, and you had no time to think anymore, you were in your way to his office.
Today was your first ultrasound. Today, you will learn the gender of your child.
“Sit there, the doctor will be here shortly.” the kind nurse said, offered you a smile and left you in the room.
You looked around the room, it looked very similar to your previous doctor’s . But it was more…calming?
The door opened an in came your doctor. You didn’t know if it was the hormones or what, but you found him to be extremely handsome. His dark brown chocolate-like eyes and that jawline…
It wasn’t good it was literally only five seconds and you already had a crush on your doctor.
“Miss Y/L/N. Nice to meet you, my name is Dr Tom Holland.  May I call you Y/N? We are the same age after all.”
“Sure.” you said as he sat down in front of you. He looked into his computer then turned to you.
“So, Dr Shan sent all of your information to me, and I read it all before you came. You are now into your eighteenth week and today is your first ultrasound where you will learn the gender, is that right?”
“Yes.” you nodded. He gave you a smile.
“Okay then. Let’s move to that chair, but so far, any questions?” he wanted to stand but sat back and looked at you.
“I hope you will say more than just yes and no to me. But I understand, you don’t know me. Believe me please, my best interest is taking care of you and your baby, you do not have to be afraid.” he said and gave you a warm smile before he moved to the other chair that was the ultrasound examining table.
“Okay, I will explain what I’m going to do first. I have this gel, I will have to ask you to roll your shirt up to expose your stomach. Then, I will apply the gel, it will be rather cold, so don’t be shocked. Then I will turn this machine on and place this thing on your stomach with this, we will be able to look how’s the little one doing. Is that clear?”
“Yes. A-and… can I have pictures?”
“OH, a question, nice. Of course you can! As many as you want to. Any other questions?” he smiled, damn he was sexy and cute at the same time when he smiled.
“Umm. No, I understand everything.”
“Okay. Then Shall I began? Or are you waiting for someone?”
“No, it’s just me.” you said. It seemed like that Dr Holland sensed your sadness.
“It’s okay.” you gave him a weak smile and he continued with his job.
You rolled up your shirt exposing your pregnant belly and he applied the gel, he didn’t lie, it was a bit cold. Soon, he placed the device to your stomach and the pictured showed black and white.
It was your baby.
Through the speaker you heard the heartbeat, although you hear it before, this time you saw the baby too. It made tears appear in your eyes.
“Perfectly healthy. Everything is going fine. This is the head, the spine, the little arms and legs.” the doctor explained at he pointed at the screen, showing every part of the baby.
“Would you like to know the gender?” he asked when he finally turned and looked at you. Your eyes were glued to the monitor, so you could only give a nod. He moved the device around your stomach
“Seems like. It’s a boy. You can see the signs here.” he said as he pointed at the monitor once again. You couldn’t look away.
Your little baby boy. At that moment you felt so lonely but lucky at the same time. This was when the tears finally rolled down you cheeks.
“You know, I have seen may people crying out of happiness here. Some, out of sadness. But this is my first time seeing both.” he said, and you looked him in the eyes. He almost seems, worried?
“Can I have pictures?” you asked, ignoring his comment. You didn’t mean to be rude, but your emotions were mixed.
“Sure, let me print them out for you. You can clean yourself off and dress back, I’ll leave this picture on.” he said as he pushed a button on the machine. The screened showed your baby from the side.
Suddenly a lot of ideas came to your head.
You’ll have to find a name for him, you can finally assemble his room, find clothing. So many things to do, with so little money.
Dr Holland came back with a folder in one hand and a paper in the other.
“There you go. And I wanted to give you this too. This is a charity, they specialize in single mothers. If you need help, you can ask them or even me. It really breaks my heart to see such a young woman so sad.”
You didn’t know why, since he was a stranger, but you felt like you wanted to tell him everything, cry on his shoulder and hug him.
“I… How should I say this… First of all, thank you. Dr Shan had already gave me this and other options when I came to her the first time. But I really appreciate it.”
“So, you are single, right?” he asked.
“Good. I mean not good, because you are alone with a child and that’s not…Sorry, what I meant is that at least I won’t feel guilty for checking you out while you were here, and I can ask you on a date too.”
What? Checking you out? Date?
You were in such a state of shock, you couldn’t say anything at first.
“B-but you’re my doctor.”
“Technically, not anymore. Dr Shan said that you are more comfortable with female doctors and already assigned you to another one. You only had this check up with me because that doctor is on break for this week. So technically, I won’t be your doctor after you leave this room. So, what do you say?”
“B-but…” you looked down at the folder in your hand.
“I don’t care that you are pregnant. You seem like a nice girl, shy, yes, but you seem kind and when I saw that look in your eyes. I knew, I needed to know more about you.”
“I’m free this Friday.”
“Great, then I’ll text you the details, I can look for your number in your files.”
“Okay. Just one more question. As my doctor, is the baby fine? Do I need to change my diet? I have been craving for peanuts and Nutella all day, is that healthy?”
“Oh. As your doctor, yes, the baby is healthy as ever, he is growing well and your diet seems fine to me. Cravings are normal, just do overdo them.”
“Thank you.” you gave him a nod. He smiled at you again, that sexy-cute smile of his.
“You’re welcome, then I’ll see you on Friday.” you smiled back at him.
“Yes. Goodbye.”
“Daddy?” Tom woke up to the soft voice of his son, it was currently the middle of the night.
“I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you and mommy?” the little boy asked, when Tom’s eyes finally adjusted to the dark, he saw the little guy standing there, with his favourite bear plush hugged to his chest.
“Sure, but don’t wake mommy.” he said as he helped the little boy to lay between him and his wife.
In the morning, when Tom finally woke up, his son was still sleeping beside him, just like his mother, you.
He never imagined that a one-time check-up would end with marriage.
But he was the happiest man alive. When you told him the story of your pregnancy and ex, he wanted nothing more than to help, and that he did.
And now, little Bill was six years old, and thought of Tom as his father and Tom loved the child more than anything.
You were very grateful that you agreed on that date and that you opened up your heart and let Tom in.
It was worth it to trust him.
And nothing could prove that more than the growing life in you.
Yours and Tom’s.
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Feedback means EVERYTHING to me, so please take the time and tell me how you liked my story. Thank You~
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fydream · 4 years
Could you do prompt #1 with jisung ??😚
☌ genre: best friend!jisung x reader, high school!au, yes this will be f2l bc im a sucker for that, fluff!!
☌ prompt #1: “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”  | prompt list + inbox
☌ song: 18 - one direction
☌ word count: 1.1k
☌ warnings: jisung says the word ass, but thats pretty much it
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Friday nights after school were your favorite times of the week because they were the nights that you and your best friend, Jisung would have your weekly “check-ups.” Due to the school system not allowing you and your only friend have any classes or the same lunch period together, along with your conflicting after school activities, you decided to come up with the idea of “weekly check-ups” where you’d go and complain about what happened during that week of school, this way you would be able to see each other sometime during the week without having to skip a class or two.
You would normally go out to the park or your local diner (if you were feeling fancy) to just talk about your week and how it went. In the beginning of the school year these conversations were just you two talking about your classes and how ready you were to finally graduate. Over time they turned into friendly hangouts rather than a school related conversation, where you would just talk about and do whatever you want. Most of them would end before the sun set but you felt that this one in particular, would last all night.
Not only has Jisung been avoiding your texts and calls but when you decided to skip one of your classes to surprise him at lunch, you couldn’t find him. So when he texted you “Pack your bag, tonight’s gonna be an all nighter.” you were more than ready to finally find out where your best friend had been.
At about 6:45pm you found yourself pulling up by the sidewalk in front of Jisung’s house ready to hang out.
You only had to ring the doorbell once before someone answered, opening the front door to you. It was his mother, who you greeted with a hello and a hug before quickly taking off up the stairs to Jisung’s room, where his mother had told you where he was.
As you got closer to his room you knocked on the slightly open door, signaling that you would be coming in. “Come in!” He shouted, voice muffled due to the door being closed.
“Ah Park Jisung!” You exclaim, pushing the door open. “It’s been a few days in’it?” You joke, quickly tackling him with a hug earning a slight chuckle from him.
“Wow, nice to know you’re excited to see me.” He says playfully, pushing you off of him and onto his bedroom floor.
“You’re so mean to me.” You pout, slightly offended. “Where have you been? You’ve literally been avoiding all my texts, also not to mention that fact I totally skipped Mr. Suh’s english class today just to surprise you at lunch, but you weren’t in your normal spot! And all of a sudden you text me as I’m driving home that we’re having a sleepover!“
“Oh yeah. Sorry about that haha, I was retaking a math test.” He apologizes as nervous laughter follows up his statement, making you question if what he said was true.
You cocked an eyebrow up at him, as if you were asking “Are you sure? Because you don’t seem so sure.” Which he definitely got the hint.
“You don’t believe me?” He gasped overdramatically, while you rolled your eyes in response.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” You reply.
“You’re an ass.” He snorts, tossing a pillow in your direction which you assumed was supposed to hit you, but it surely missed.
“You’re such a bad shot.” You tease, throwing the pillow back his way, hitting the side of his arm perfectly.
“So why the sleepover?” You ask once the giggles die down.
"I dunno..” He shrugs, “I just missed you I guess.. It’s been a while since we’ve had a sleepover y'know..”
“Aw when did you get so sappy?”
“I suddenly regret inviting you over to my house..”
“Hey!” You yell, grabbing the nearest object in reach to throw at him. To his luck, it was just an old plush doll he had that was on one of his bottom shelves.
Many hours and snacks later you found yourself laying halfway on his bed, upside down while Jisung sat on the floor in front of you, where you were previously sitting.
“Okay.. Truth or Dare.” You ask, looking mischievously at the boy in front of you.
“Mmm.. Dare!”
“I dare you to give me $5!” You grin, sticking you hand out. Jisung gasps, clearly aware of what just happened.
“Y/n! you can’t do that!” He whines.
“Yes I can, I just did.”
“Y/n no.”
“Y/n yes!”
“Ugh, fine!” He scolds, reaching for his backpack to get his wallet. “Now I really regret inviting you over.” He mumbles.
“And I will take that thank you!” You happily say, taking the bill from his hand before stuffing it into the pocket of one of his jackets that you decided to borrow and never give back. “My turn!”
“You’re annoying.” Jisung teases, sticking his tongue out at you. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth!” You say eagerly, and you watch as he tries to think of a truth to say.
“Have you ever-” He pauses hesitantly, “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
Confused, you get up from the position you were sitting in. “No. Why?” You ask and all he does is shrug in response. “Truth or dare.” You ask once again, and this time he picks truth.
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?” You ask, and Jisung shakes his head no. “Why?” You ask again and Jisung giggles. “You’re only supposed to ask for one truth, silly.”
“Fine then, truth or dare.” You ask again, earning a pout from him.
“It’s my turn to ask you!” He whines.
“Too bad!” You taunt. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Jisung sighs, rolling his eyes. There’s no use picking a fight with you, he knew that you would keep asking until you got your way.
“Ugh.” You scoff. “I dare you to tell me why!” You exclaim, proud of yourself that you found a loophole.
“Mmm.. Fine.” He hums. “I didn’t think anyone would want to kiss me.” He says shrugging, earning a “What?!” from you.
“What do you mean?” He asks you, clearly confused on why you’re disagreeing with his statement.
“Well it’s just-” You start, hesitant to complete your thought. “Well, you’re Park Jisung!” You exclaim. “You’ve literally got everything! Do you know the way the girls talk about you at school? They say that your everyone’s dream boyfriend, I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to date you, let alone kiss you!”
Jisung smiles, letting you continue your rant. “You really think that about me?” He asks, looking up at you with hopeful eyes.
“Yes!” You exclaim, watching as the smile grows bigger on his face.
“Okay. Then truth or dare.” He says slowly this time.
“Dare.” You pick, waiting for an answer.
“I dare you to kiss me.”
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