#i know there are people who will have the mentality that i should’ve just chugged coffee and gone in
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Well I failed to get even a single second of sleep last night so I’ve cancelled the job interview. My life is a comedy of errors
#i mean i don’t feel as bad as i think i would if i’d gotten an hour or something. for me the headache usually sets in#when i’ve had inadequate sleep rather than no sleep#but i look like hell; my sinuses are congested; i feel drunk; i’ve lost the ability to count#and i’m liable to faint on public transport either going there or coming back#and i feel the need to mention i never consume caffeine of any kind so i’m pretty sure if i got like a big espresso or something#it’d send me into cardiac arrest. like it would make me even more incomprehensible than i am now#there’s just no point me going in. they’re not going to give me the job#even if i’d gone in with a full night’s sleep they probably wouldn’t have given me the job. it would literally be a waste of everyone’s time#anyway i’ve emailed HR but they have an out of office automatic email thingy so i left a voicemail as well#or at least i think i did. something beeped and then i started at it waiting for something to happen and nothing did so i explained myself#as best i could (which is not well because i’ve never been able to explain myself in this climate)#have i done enough? i think i’ve done enough. i just don’t like the idea of the panel showing up and wondering where i am#i’ve spent the last year teaching and studying there for god’s sake. i don’t want their last impression of me to be ‘no-show’#is it my fault HR had a training day today and the voicemail thing is confusing? no#anyway i don’t know what to do with my day now. i’m not calling them again. i don’t trust myself to talk to a human person#i know there are people who will have the mentality that i should’ve just chugged coffee and gone in#but frankly those people can go to the moon for all i care#like i don’t want to hear it. sorry i didn’t think a 1% chance of getting this job despite being out of my mind was worth roughly a 99%#chance of embarrassing myself in some way; probably by passing out on public transport or crying or hallucinating#(i’m literally fucking hallucinating that the spider i killed last night is everywhere. maybe he is. maybe it’s his wife. who knows)#all i’m saying is if anyone says the wrong thing to me they will find out that hell hath no fury like a woman#who literally did not get even a single second of sleep last night and wants to bite something#i did the right thing and i’m not arguing about it#personal
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ah-ga-seven · 3 years
No More Pain | Jung Jaehyun
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Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x Fem!reader 
Synopsis: The lingering wounds of your miscarriage have reopened. Now that you are broken up, an unforseen change in Jaehyun’s life has brought him back to your doorstep. Will he be able to fix you this time? Or will he fail just the same as before?
Genre: Angst, One Shot. 
Warnings: mentions of the reader having a miscarriage, depression, alcohol addiction and heartbreak.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Probably one of the heaviest angsts I’ve written. I know the subject is rough but the idea came from a dream so I just had to write it down.
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This was a different kind of pang to your heart.
You’ve had your fair share of tragedies, heartbreaks and disappointments, but this…
This feeling was nothing like anything you’ve ever felt before and quite frankly, you wouldn’t wish this upon your greatest enemy.  
It was a Thursday night, one like many where you decided to stay in and recharge from a busy day at your demanding job.
You were seated on your couch with a hot cup of tea as you mindlessly scrolled through your Instagram feed. Completely wrapped in the warmth of your favorite fleece blanket. But even the thick fluffy material couldn’t protect you from the cold shivers that ran down your spine.
You blankly stare at the post your best friend forwarded to you via dm and stiffened.  
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Memories of the night you miscarried 4 months into your pregnancy flood back to you as you stare at his comment.
You remembered how broken he looked when the doctor couldn’t find the baby's heartbeat anymore.  
You remembered how he held you as you cried in his arms, promising that he’d love you just the same as he tried to console you to his best ability while suffering himself.
You remembered the pain and the relief of having Jaehyun by your side through it all. Glad that even though your life was about to change forever, he’d be the one constant thing you could rely on.
You remembered all of these moments like they happened yesterday, wishing future you could mentally prepare past you for what was going to be the hardest time in your life.  
The man who swore never to leave you did just that, and not even 6 months into his new relationship, your biggest insecurity was made into a reality.  
He had moved on for good, and even though you have no ill feelings towards him, you can’t help but feel anger over sadness right now.  
It was that easy to replace you. And that easy for him to find someone that could give him what you couldn’t.
Even though your miscarriage wasn’t the direct cause of why he left, the effects of the incidence on your mental health dragged him down with you. So both of you felt it’d be better to part ways for the sake of not wanting to hate or resent each other in the end.  
But God…you hated and resented him now more than ever.  
It didn’t matter to you that both of you started to date new people, because a part of you always held on to the fact that you’d somehow find your way back to each other, though the probability of that ever happening again turned to ash.
Your miscarriage broke you.  
No appetite for weeks, no motivation to get yourself out of bed and no cure for the monsters in your head who told you that Jaehyun was only sticking around out of pity for your broken state.
That same insecurity is what drove him into the arms of the women he told you not to worry about, and now they’re having a fucking child together.  
Knowing that that should’ve been you was a thought that was just too much to bear right now. You suddenly feel sick to your stomach, tears prickling your eyes as you rub the spot on your belly where the mini bump used to be 8 months ago.
You were finally doing better, thriving in your job and social life. Meeting new people and dating a few loose ends here and there, but you can already feel yourself spiraling back into old depressional habits as you stare at the picture once more.  
You pettily decide to like it, hoping it would spark interest from none other than your ex, and much to your surprise, it did.
Not even 20 minutes later your phone started to buzz on the counter as you poured yourself a glass of wine. You mindlessly retrieve it, expecting it to be your best friend but when you see his name as you take a sip you almost choke.
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Is he serious?
You try to come up with what to say for the next 3 to 5 minutes but nothing in your head seems to translate your exact feelings to your fingertips.
You sigh in agony while leaning over on your kitchen counter with your phone still in your hands, reading his messages over and over again. You subconsciously start to bite your lip in deep thought, getting startled by your ringtone as your phone starts to ring in your grasp.
“Fuck,” you mumble to yourself, taking a big chug of the alcoholic beverage in front of you, putting on the bravest face and straightest posture to make yourself feel better before accepting the call.  
You knew you didn’t have to answer, but you were dying to hear what he had to say under these circumstances.  
“Y/N? Is that you?” His voice was unchanged. You didn’t know why, but you expected him to sound different, be different. Yet the same worry he’s always had for you was evident in his tone this time as well.
You clear your throat to avoid a voice crack and sigh. “Congratulations,” you tried to sound as genuine as you could, but you knew you sounded like shit.  
You start to play with the ends of your hair out of anxious anticipation, waiting for him to respond on the other end of the line.  
“I meant to tell you,” he starts. “I just��I didn’t know how and Chaeyoung suddenly uploaded the picture and-”
“Jae…please spare me the details,” you interrupt him. Saying his name like you used to felt like speaking a foreign language. He stayed quiet upon hearing your voice again and let out a frustrated sigh.
“Do you still live in the same apartment in Itaewon?” he suddenly asks, immediately alerting you to stand up straight because he could only be asking for one reason and one reason only.
“Good, I’m on my way.”
Just like that, he hung up and just like that your heart rate starts to race uncontrollably.  
You down the remnants of your wine glass and hope he’s isn’t too close because your place looked far from neat. For the next 15 minutes, you run around, shoving things into random cabinets. Whether those items belonged there or not was the least of your concern and just as you fluff the last pillow on your couch, your doorbell rings.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves as you walk up to your front door, taking it off the lock before you open it with a dramatic swing.
There he was. Jung Jaehyun.
As beautiful and put together as he always looked, no matter the circumstance. You forget how to breathe when you lay eyes on him and gulp. It’s actually him.
His big dark orbs widened as he laid eyes on you after months of not seeing you. His facial expression softened, slowly parting his lips to speak but you beat him to it when you broke out of your trance.  
“What are you doing here?” your shoulders fall as you look into his eyes for answers. The same eyes that once looked at you with so much love and adoration, but right now his pupils were stressfully darting back and forth, trying to read you like he used to be able to but he had no idea what you were feeling right now.
“Because I feel like shit y/n. Please let me in and let me explain,” he pleaded with a defeated tone.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “What is there to explain? You knocked up your girlfriend and finally got what you wanted. Why bother coming here? To rub it into my face?”  
Your plan of staying calm and collected went completely out the window just now and you could tell by the shock on his face that he did not expect you to be angry with him.
He took a step forward, backing you into your own hallway. His height towered over you when you stepped back and without looking back he closed the door behind him.
“Y/n. I would never purposely do that to you. Ever.” You ignore his statement, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I don’t remember inviting you in Jaehyun. Does she even know you’re here?”
You hold your ground, crossing your arms over your chest as you wait for him to counter your attack, but he simply shook his head. Knowing damn well that you’re acting tough just so you won’t get emotional.  
As he’s scanning the premises, his eyes linger on the red wine bottle on your kitchen counter and with a look of utter disbelief, he averts his attention back on you.
“You’re drinking again?” he asks with an almost condescending tone.  
“Did you come here to practice your parenting skills because no thanks Jae, please leave,” you bite back as coldly as you could, but he wasn’t having it.
“That shit almost killed you and you’re just casually drinking again?” He runs his hand through his locks out of pure frustration, not knowing what to do with the misplaced feeling of still caring for you just the same, while also knowing he has no business to tell you how to live your life.
The truth is, Jaehyun had no idea what he was doing here. Everything about the situation felt wrong and he couldn’t lie to himself any longer. Ever since Chaeyoung told him she was pregnant; he couldn’t be fully happy about it. He couldn’t commit to fatherhood knowing how much it broke your relationship. How much it broke the women he loved most to this day.
“A little red wine didn’t hurt anyone,” you mumble under your breath and that comment alone send Jaehyun’s emotions into overdrive, unable to hide his disappointment and worry for you any longer.
“IT HURT YOU Y/N. DAMN IT!” He raised his voice at you as he roughly grabbed your arm to make you look at him, which is the last thing you expected. He wasn’t mad at you. He was mad at himself. Mad at the fact that he wasn’t there when you needed him most and mad at the fact that this is what your lives had come to.
You might have previously dealt with your pain by drinking, and you might have mindlessly mixed your anti-depressants with your drink once, which…just might have earned you a trip to the hospital, but that was your lowest low and you made sure it’d never happen again.
You beat your demons by yourself when he had already moved on, so he had no place to waltz back into your life when he felt like it, just to judge you.
You’re absolutely fuming by now because of that same reason and much to your dismay you feel new tears well up in your eyes.  
“NO, YOU HURT ME!” you yell back at him as you smack his chest, the salty droplets streaming down your face as you kept hitting his chest to make him feel your pain. “YOU LEFT ME.”
Your knees got weak and you knew you looked absolutely pathetic as you crouched down in front of him. Shock took over his features as he got down on his own knees just as quickly, pulling you into the comfort of his arms. The warmth that you used to call home and the warmth that always seemed to calm you down engulfed you completely, a feeling your favorite fleece blanket from before could hardly imitate.  
He patted your head with assuring strokes, whispering sweet nothings to you as he held you on the floor of your apartment. Letting you sob the pain away in his black shirt. “Shhh, it’s okay…” he kissed the top of your head, caressing your cheek as he wiped away your tears.
You calmed down slowly, ignoring the suffocating ache in your head and heart while he made you feel safe and sound like he always did. You sat there like that for God knows how long, letting your minds go into overdrive as silence comforted the both of you.  
Ironically enough, this scenery was the exact same as the one in the hospital 8 months ago. You cried in his arms just like this when you had lost your child, but now you were crying because you had lost him. For good now.  
“I would never purposely plan to have a baby this quickly y/n, you have to believe me. Chae was on birth control but it just…happened,” he whispers, finally breaking the agonizing silence.
You stay quiet, closing your eyes to the sound of his low voice, letting his words register. “I was going to tell you. I was planning to ask you out for a coffee but as soon as she passed her first trimester, she was just so excited and made the announcement…it was just bad timing.”
“All of this is bad timing,” you mumble, which made him nod in agreement. He sighed into your hair as he continued to explain. “Y/n, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care for you anymore. I wish things were different, but they simply aren’t and I’m sorry.”
You sniff, dabbing your tears and your nose with the sleeves of your blouse before looking up at him through your lashes.
“You don’t have to apologize for moving on and being happy Jaehyun. It’s all I ever wanted for you.” You wipe the single tear that remained on the corner of his eye, not having realized that he shed a few tears himself too.
He leaned into your touch as he looked into your eyes before closing them, leaning his forehead onto yours while taking a deep breath.  
“I just want you to be ok.” He says suppressing a sob. “I can’t live this picture-perfect life knowing that you’re in pain y/n. It makes no sense; you deserve so much more it’s not fair.”  
Your lip starts to quiver as his words hit you, and you build up the courage to look at him again.  
He stared at you longingly and lovingly for the first time since forever and you knew a mistake was about to be made when he inched his face closer to you, but it was too late.
His lips made contact with yours and you completely gave in. Letting him lead you into a slow yet passionate kiss that took both of your breaths away.  Before things could get more heated, you realize what was happening and froze.
You take a hold of his wrists as you pull away, your eyes staring into his equally electrified ones as you recompose yourselves.
“I-I’m sorry,” he started. “I should’ve never confused you like that. Fuck. What the fuck am I doing.” He covers his mouth as he got up. Frustrated with his own behavior, he digs his fingernails into the palms of his hands to suppress the urge to swing at your door or any other object in sight for that matter.
You get up just as quickly as well. Straightening out your clothes before shaking off the nerves of what just happened.  
You take a deep breath followed by a shaky exhale as you opened your front door, turning around on your heels to look at an equally distressed Jaehyun.
He was about to speak; about to confess that he still loved you, but you stopped him by raising your hand, motioning for him to keep whatever he was about to say to himself.
Your eyes find his own and you take one last glance at the man that was supposed to be the pillar to your family. The man you used to call yours, and the man that you had hoped to still have a future with, despite everything.  
But you knew better.
You knew what was right and you knew what you had to do before things would start to spiral out of control again.
You stepped aside so he could pass by you, trying to avoid eye contact all while you could still feel his burning stare lingering on your fragile state.
You swallow harshly, licking your lips before you spoke as clearly and steadily as you could.
“For the sake of your family, please leave Jae…and never come back.”  
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teddy06writes · 3 years
sapnap x reader where the readers first language is greek and they confess to him in greek without knowing he speaks it too ? i love ur writing btw !! :)
sapnap x reader
first of all, this is such a cute idea and I love it, second of all, I DO NOT KNOW GREEK, so apologize in advance for anything google translate gets wrong
trigger warnings: some swearing, drinking
(y/n/n)- your nickname
You’d first seen him from across the quad, whilst searching for a distraction from the boring chattering of your mother on the phone, the dirty blonde man also lost in conversation with the brunette who’d walked beside him.
You continued to watched them on their path through the mess of kids on benches or even the ground, tracing his familiarity to one of your lectures on software design.
What surprised you most, was when he looked over, and smiled at you, he’d caught you in the act of staring at him, and smiled.
You smiled back, not to be impolite, and were pulled back to reality by your mothers voice in your ear, “(y/n), είσαι εκεί? ή έχει πετάξει το κεφάλι σου στα σύννεφα;” (Are you there? Or has your head flown off in the clouds?)
“Είμαι εδώ μαμά.” (I’m here mama) you sighed.
The next time you saw him was at a party some frat house on the other side of campus was throwing.
You hadn’t planned on going, seeing as you barley knew the boys in the frat, and your friends, well, at this college anyway, were nonexistent, but hey, free booze.
So that's how you found yourself, leaning against the living room wall, cup in hand, watching the beer pong game happening in the center of the room.
Taking another sip of your drink you did a mental walk of the room, making mental note of the people you knew, and then there he was again, definitely less than sober, calling dibs on playing the loser of the game.
You watched, amused as the game ended, and he quickly took the place of the loser, taunting the other guy loudly.
Three games (and several beers) later he was still winning, loudly yelling that he could beat anyone at the party.
Unable to help yourself you stepped forward, “I’ll have a go then.”
He looked you up and down proclaiming, “Easy win.”
You smirked, moving up to the table.
The game began, and his confidence quickly wore down, as all your shots either landed, or came very close.
The last few were neck and neck, but soon it was down to three left on your side, and only one left on his.  
Desperately, his first shot got one of yours and you quickly chugged it down, still smirking at him.
You raised an eyebrow as he lined up his next shot, and his eyes flicked to yours just long enough to cause him to miss.
You bit back a grin, easily sinking the last shot, “I’ve bested the beast.”
The people who had been spectating cheered, and the brunette who you’d seen with him before started to laugh his ass off, “They fucking got you Nick!”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” He sounded all too sober for someone who should’ve been that drunk.
You chuckled, turning and disappearing into the crowd.
A half hour later you were half way out the door, not bothering to pull on your jacket, the relative amount of dinking you had done still making your cheeks feel warm.
“Wait! Wait!” He- Nick, you reminded yourself, came half stumbling down the road, “I wanted to say good game.”
“That was half an hour ago.” You laughed.
“Still- i- sorry, what is your name?”
“(y/n), I’m in your intro to software design.”
“I’ve never seen you in there before,” He looked confused, “Which group do you sit with?”
“I don’t really have friends.” You shrugged.
Nick frowned, quickly holding out his hand for a shake, “Hi, I’m Nick, I’m your friend now.”
You looked at his outstretched hand confused, “Yeah o-kay. Your drunk, I’m tipsy and if I’m lucky you won’t remember this in the morning. I don’t really do friends here.”
He nodded as if paying attention, but then said, “You have an accent.”
You nodded, “Yup, I’m leaving now.”
You didn’t see him again after that, for nearly three weeks, and you were beginning to think he really had forgotten, that is, until he approached out out side of the lecture hall, “Hey!”
“(y/n) right? Your the one who beat me at beer pong. And then walked away when I asked about your accent.”
You rolled your eyes, “You didn’t ask you literally just stated I had an accent.”
“Well I’m not wrong! I meant to ask why- well not why- just, are you an exchange student or?”
You adjusted your laptop bag on your shoulder, “This isn’t high school. We don’t have exchange students.”
“Well, are you studying abroad then?”
“I’m an American. I can’t study abroad in my own country.”
He looked slightly confused, “Sorry- it’s just with your accent I assumed.”
“I wasn’t born here if that helps.” You turned and started away, pulling out your phone as it started to ring, “Ναι μαμά; Έχω μαθήματα σύντομα, τι συμβ��ίνει;” (Yes mama? I have class soon, what's wrong?)
“Why are you always alone all the time?”
You groaned, looking up from the firewall system assignment you’d been testing on your tablet, to see Nick, “I’m working.”
“And I’m asking a question,” He sat down at the otherwise empty table, “Why are you always alone?”
“I told you, I don’t have friends here.” You ran the breaker code again, seeing if it could illuminate any unseen holes.
“You were at the party, surely you knew someone there, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone.”
“σκατά“ You muttered, a new problem in the chain arising, “It was an open house party, I heard about it from people I know.” (shit)
Nick frowned, “Oh, thats-”
“Sad, tragic, depressing? Yeah I’m aware.” You sighed.
You saved the project, shutting off your tablet and looking around the empty cafeteria, “Isn’t it like, wicked late? Why are you here?”
“Why’re you?” he countered.
“World’s asleep.” You muttered, packing up the rest of your stuff, “Why do you keep making such an effort to talk to me?”
“Cause we’re friends remember? Shook on it.”
“I never shook your hand.” You grumbled, standing up.
“You know that I’m right!” Nick exclaimed.
“Maybe! But I don’t want to admit it!”
Over the course of a few month Nick had crawled, kicked and wormed his way into your life, all but forcing you to become his friend, and surprisingly, you didn’t mind all that much.
Now you were sitting out on the roof of your dorm, looking up at the night sky.
“I swear your fucking nocturnal dude! Like an owl! And I willingly give up my sleep to hang out with you!”
You hesitated, feeling a sudden jolt of a realization, and as suddenly as a lighting strike, you were falling in love.
You fumbled to recover, “Well you’re the one who went out of your way to become my friend.”
“I mean, too be fair I was drunk.”
“But still went out of your way to be my friend once you were sober.” You pointed out.
“Hey, drunk me makes good decisions sometimes.” He laughed, looking over at you.
You let out a sigh, watching the white wisps of your breath drift up in the sky, “That’s the thing I’ve never got over.”
“What? Drunk me making interesting decisions?”
“The cold,” You said simply, “I’ve lived here half my life, but the cold still doesn’t make sense to me.”
He laughed, “This is Texas, it’s not nearly as cold as it gets up north. Snow’s much more common for now, up there.”
“I’ve never seen snow. Mama doesn’t like it much,” You laughed, “The first time I really heard about it it sounded so strange.”
Nick smiled, “Lets go up north during winter break then. I know people up there, we can go do winter tourist things.”  
“Winter tourist things?”
“Yeah,” He chuckled, “Go ice skating, look at lights, sleigh rides, all that.”
You laughed, “Winter Tourist things.”
A month and a half had passed, your sudden change in feelings toward your only friend on campus had not.
If anything they had just gotten worse, and now, the thing you still couldn’t wrap your head around, you were tossing your suitcase into the back of his car, about to head on your way to the airport, because yes, the Winter Tourist thing stuck.
“Dude, I’m so excited! This is gonna be epic!”
You nodded, “You know, thinking about it, it actually is possible I’ve seen snow, like when I was little. It just never lasted long.”
Nick scrunched up his nose, “Well it’s too late to duck out now!”
“I never said I was ducking out.” You laughed.
The trip had gone pretty well, the snow in the northeast was certainly different than that of Macedonia, but you didn’t think it was all Nick had said it would be.
Still you had enjoyed wandering around the city looking at Christmas lights, attempting to ice skate, and just enjoying each others company.
It seemed like every minute you spent with Nick, you teetered closer to the edge, knowing that by the end of this trip you’d be head over heels for him, if you weren’t already now.
Now you were quietly sitting on the balcony of your hotel room, hands cradled around the warm cup of hot chocolate you’d made, looking out into the swirling darkness above the city.
“You know your gonna freeze if you stay out here.” Nick moved through the door and sat beside you, draping part of a blanket around your shoulders.
“I know.” You sighed.
He looked at you, concerned, “What’s wrong?”
“Νομίζω ότι ερωτεύομαι,” You murmured, a quiet confession, more so to yourself than to him, “και αυτό με τρομάζει.”  (I think I’m falling in love with you... and that terrifies me)
You started to sigh as he looked confused, though only for a moment, because “Τι είναι τόσο τρομακτικό για την αγάπη;” He asked softly. (What’s so scary about love?)
You froze, almost dropping your cup, “ε-ε-ε, εσύ- μιλάς ελληνικά;” (uh- y- uh, you-  you speak Greek?)
“λίγο,” He smiled, “Είσαι ερωτευμένος μαζί μου;“ (A bit... you’re in love with me?)
“λίγο.” (A bit), you breathed, trying to ignore the small space between you seemingly shrink.
“Νομίζω ότι είμαι λίγο ερωτευμένος και εσένα.” He chuckled. (I think I'm a bit in love with you too)
Your breath hitched, and your quickly bridged the small gap between you to kiss him, smiling into it a bit as he kissed back.
“How long?” He asked softly when you pulled apart.
“When you first brought up the trip. You said that you were willing to lose sleep to hang out with me,” You chuckled nervously, “You?”
“Second week of school, you were on the phone with someone, and you smiled back at me,” Nick grinned, “I saw you from across the quad and knew.”
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thewrldx · 3 years
accident | r.c
!warnings: angst, drug usage, underage drinking, use of guns, mentions of blood & people getting shot
navigation | obx masterlist
“chug! chug! chug!” the crowd chanted at the infamous rafe cameron, doing another beer bong. he finishes the beer effortlessly and the crowd erupts with cheer and laughter.
“HELL YEAH BABY!” rafe shouts, interacting with the people who worshiped him like a god. you couldn’t blame them though, you were once like that. but a lot has changed since then.
you scoffed at the boy you used to call your world. before turning around, pushing your way out of the crowd. he barely paid any attention to you, fuck you weren’t even sure you were considered his girl due to the way he treated you.
walking over to the small fire pit on the beach you see the group of pogues laughing passing around the joint. you never had a problem with the pogues and you never understood why we were all so separated buy something so stupid.
“hey guys!” you said making your way into the conversation. you had been starting to hang out with them a lot more since they were actually fun and cared about your presence.
“y/n!” they all shouted, greeting you and making you feel welcomed. your eyes landed on jj who smiled brightly at you motioning for you to come sit next to him by the fire.
you couldn’t lie, jj was cute. he was always so kind to you and everyone would tease him for it. he knew you were with rafe, but growing closer to him he knew your relationship and even though he was into you, he respected and cared for you. never made any move and always lended you a shoulder to cry on.
“hey party girl.” jj says as you sit next to him already being passed the joint.
“hi jj” you replied, taking a big hit before passing it to him. “this is exactly what i needed.”
he took a hit, passing it along and then focused his attention on you.
“what’s wrong?” his hand gently rested on your knee, thumb rubbing soothing circles. you sighed heavily. you wanted to cry but you have cried all the tears you had for rafe cameron.
“the usual.” you say, “it’s an endless cycle that i don’t know how to escape from.”
“i wish i could take your pain away y/n.” he admits, if there’s one thing jj wanted more than you it was for you to be happy. he looked up meeting your eyes. your heartbeat quicken as you studied the blonde boys face. he had beautiful blue eyes that you found yourself getting lost in. we’re you really catching feelings for jj maybanks?
“what the fuck is going on here?” a sudden voice booms behind you making you and jj snap out of the moment. you turn only to be faced with a very fucked up rafe cameron.
he walks closer to jj, stumbling a little in his steps. “you trying to mess with my girl?” he slurs. jj laughs.
“like she even is your girl anymore, you hardly pay any attention to her.”
“you want to continue that shit talking?” he says, you watch as he balls his hands into fist, squeezing so tight that they turn white.
“actually i do,” jj suddenly replies, “i don’t know one person that would purposely make their girl feel like shit so they can sniff a line. that’s pretty fucking selfish if you ask me.” rafe looks over at you and by the look on your face, everything he was saying was true.
“you’re not a man rafe your a piece of shit.”
that was rafes last straw, he pushes the blonde aggressively making jj stumble back, trying to regain his balance. jj started toward him when suddenly rafe pulls out a gun.
it seemed at if the world had stopped, everyone was silent and staring at the gun now pointed at jj.
“your gonna regret talking about me and my girl like that maybank.” he stares blankly. you know rafe and this wasn’t him. he was way too fucked up to be thinking straight.
“rafe!” you scream walking towards him, “stop! put the gun down!”
his eyes meet yours, you see no emotion in them.
“shut the fuck up bitch.” he spits at you, “you’re a goddamn whore trying to fuck a dirty pogue.”
your heart ached at his words. you hated that you loved him.
“please rafe, he didn’t do anything.”
“no y/n” jj suddenly speaks, “you don’t deserve this, you never did and he needs to know the fuck up he is.”
rafes face twitches, “i’m gonna kill you.”
you quickly run between jj and the gun, never thinking that rafe would actually shoot.
shot one, shot two
it happened so quickly. the sound of the gunfire ringing through your ears. you didn’t even realize you had fallen to the ground. there was a ton of commotion and people gathering around you but the sound was so...distant?
you looked down to see blood, a lot of blood. it was completely covering your shirt and that’s when it hit you. you were shot.
you looked to see jj right by your side panic plastered on his face.
“y/n! y/n!” he shouted to you, “you need to stay awake.”
you didn’t even realize that you were going in and out of consciousness. the blood loss must be really getting to you.
you suddenly felt a pair of hands cup your face and then cover your wounds. you looked up to see a very distraught rafe. he was aware of his surrounding and was clearly in panic. shooting your girlfriend probably sobers you up quickly.
“rafey.” you whisper.
“y/n baby fuck.” he cries, you don’t think you have ever seen rafe cry this much, in front of this many people. “i’m so sorry babe i didn’t mean to, i wasn’t thinking straight and i-“
“shh it’s okay.” you cut him off. you knew it wasn’t okay, however you were shot and bleeding out, and you loved rafe. you knew if you didn’t make it out of this being mad at him would only make it worse.
“it’s not okay. i should’ve never pulled a gun out or put you in harms way fuck.” he was having a mental breakdown, not knowing what to do as he has never felt this much love for someone and now they are dying in his arms.
you felt yourself getting sleepier and sleepier by the second. rafe would grab your face or give it a few taps. “you have to stay awake my love. please you have to.”
you could not longer form words, you felt so weak. you wanted to just tell rafe it was okay and that he needed to get some help because he could be a good person. like he used to be.
“babe.” he says again tapping your face to keep you awake, “the ambulance is coming you need to stay with me.” his voice was soft and comforting. the voice you first fell in love with. tears flowed down his cheeks unsure of what else to do for you.
“i love you rafe.” you managed to cough out. it was true, you did love him. and you knew you were bleeding way too much to survive this.
“no y/n stop it.” he cries, “you can’t leave me i need you.”
you close your eyes finding comfort in the sound of the sirens and rafes cries. you go limp in his arms as the darkness consumes you.
a/n: part two?
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dreamsclock · 3 years
hi it’s dr3 !! I thought I’d submit this so people could see it on tumblr too, seeing as I still haven’t gotten around to making my own blog yet lol
anyway, this is a continuation of the prompt sent in earlier with Dream confronting Sam abt the pickaxe 
tw: emotional distress, physical/emotional abuse, pickaxe injuries, prison abuse, trauma, mental illness, suicide, suicidal thoughts, violence, death, mental illness, c!sam/warden!sam critical, panic attacks, blood, illness, vomiting (this one’s quite dark) 
Dream stumbles to the ground with all the grace of someone that’s been unable to run for months, whose legs had been shackled by magic that sunk deep into skin-muscle-bone-marrow, who has been running on nothing but fumes and spite and a rapidly fading conglomerate of potion effects from what scattered bottles he could find in the desperation of his escape – which is to say that he collapses with little grace at all, but oh well. It’s not like there’s anyone around to notice.
  The sky is blue, and the color is so foreign it physically hurts, the grass too green and the sky too blue and clouds too white and everything far, far too much; the sun beats down on him with a golden warmth that is nowhere near the stifling intensity of the lava but feels more like it’s melting him to his core anyway. He wants to close his eyes, look away, because the brilliance of the color above him creates needles of white-hot pain that drive into the inside of his skull, but he can’t, he can’t wrench his gaze from a sky he’d been so sure he would never see again, that the Warden had told him-
  The thought of the man has a roiling, shifting pressure growing in his throat, and he thinks it’s just from the rage that hasn’t left him since he caught sight of the creeper hybrid standing tall on the other side of the field, mingling with the constant ache in his gut from the too-few potatoes he’d been left to eat, the ache in his muscles from using them far beyond pacing the same obsidian walls (6 blocks across, 11 blocks back to front), the ache in his chest from listening to the same discordant melody of broken xylophone ribs smashed in by netherite, so it’s not until he’s pitching forward into the earth with a distantly familiar haze settling over his mind and angry pressure at the back of his mouth that he realizes - oh, he’s got potion sickness.
  He should’ve been expecting it, chugging so many potions with nothing in his stomach, when his body (cracked fractured ruined) seemed hardly enough to hold itself up, never mind a set of hastily-crafted diamond armor and then being forced to fight, but the nausea catches him off guard anyway. He chokes on the burning, multi-colored sludge that forces itself out of him, heaving on hands and knees in the middle of a rolling plain. His eyes are shut but the stabbing brightness of the sunlight leaves no mercy, anyway; he whines pathetically, limbs trembling, weaker than a newborn kitten.
  His left arm spasms and it’s the final straw, and between one blink and another he’s collapsed onto his left side, vision blurring and swirling in on itself, arm still shaking beyond his control (the sharp-dull edge of a pick rending through muscle, shattering too-brittle bone, a deep voice, familiar, unchanged, unflinching, this is your punishment-) and the sky swims blue and beautiful and he doesn’t know if the shifting shapes are from the cloudiness the potions have left in his brain or the tears gathering in his eyes. He needs to leave, needs to run, needs to get out out out until he is too far to chase, too far to find, until he can build walls of netherite and magic and totems and pearls and potions that will not crumble under the single-toothed bite of a pickaxe swing, until he is too deadly to fight and too strong to hurt, someone that no one would dare try and break (someone so thoroughly broken that they wouldn’t bother trying anymore-)
  He can’t.
  His arm convulses, seizes as he draws it into his chest; his legs are twisted into each other and feel like lead; he begins to shake all over from the adrenaline crash or developing fever or some twisted combination of the two. It doesn’t matter, really, because the end result is the same; he watches the clouds crawl across the sky through desperate, resigned tears and burns the blue to memory. He’s too weak to run, too weak to fight, and he’ll sooner let the Warden drive Will Breaker through his heart before he lets them drag him back into that hell. Either way, the potion sickness has sounded his death knell, and all he has left is to watch the sky and wait for this field to become his grave.
  Laughter bubbles forth, desperate, bitter; he wonders how much the world must hate him, to dangle freedom so close yet so far away. When he escaped, he’d been prepared to die, ready to meet the inevitable army raised to bring the monster back into its cage with no goal in mind but to show them how they could never tame him, but to break their bones like they had shattered his. He’d had no goal but to go out on his own terms, to die with his feet in the grass and eyes on the sky and under the warmth of the sun’s stare that he hadn’t felt in so, so long, to die as he lived, an axe in one hand and shield in the other, the fight they could never leach out of him still red-hot in his blood.
  But then Sam had stuttered, stopped in the middle of the fight, the people around him turning away, weapons no longer trained on him in favor of turning curious, horrified gazes to the hybrid’s face, and Dream - hyped up on strength, pushed forward by the air in his lungs that didn’t taste of smoke and iron and dead hope, had screamed through bared teeth with the humming euphoria of having nothing left to lose. For once, it wasn’t himself under the Warden’s heel, not his eyes blown wide in desperation, not his voice breathing someone’s name, begging, ignored; for a moment, it was his voice forged with iron and dipping low in threat; for a second, he spoke and everyone listened.
  For a fleeting second, brilliant with (naïve, reckless) hope, he thought that he could be free.
  A breeze brushes past his face, soft, gentle. A breath rattles in his lungs and leaves his lips; his eyes droop to half-mast as he watches a cloud drift across the sky. The world is not kind, not to him, not to a monster, but the sunlight is warm and the world is quiet and it’s almost enough to shush the lava bubbling in his ears; the world is not kind, but he thinks that maybe this is the closest to kindness he has left.
  Footsteps, to his right. His eyes squeeze shut; he’d known better than to think that they would heed his warning, but maybe a stupid, naïve part of himself had still hoped that they would at least respect this last wish. The sound is indistinct, muffled by the grass, heavy with the netherite that all of them had been wearing. He steadies his breathing and wonders if they’ll bother giving him a quick death.
  He can’t really help the choked whine that rises in his throat, hating himself for how pathetic he sounds as he does - out of everyone, why did it have to be her? Even the Warden would be more bearable - he, at least, is predictable, punishments methodical and executed with the same sort of ruthless efficiency that characterized everything he did in Pandora’s Vault. He hadn’t seen her since the day it had all crumbled down, since she ducked her head away from his eyes as he choked on his own blood from the sword driven through his chest, hadn’t seen her since she abandoned him into an endless hell of obsidian and lava and screaming for people that would never come-
  “Oh duckling,” he hears more than sees her move from the corner of his eye, rustling grass, a whirl of red against the yellow-green grass, brilliant blue sky; she edges closer and his right hand tightens on the handle of his sword, a frantic, seething wheeze building from the space beneath his ribs. Her voice is soft, mournful. “Oh duckling, what happened to you?”
  You did, he wants to scream, you left me in there you let him hurt me you let him break me piece by piece by piece until I was a broken bottle smashed against the corner of a brick wall unable to do anything but draw blood on my jagged edges you let him do this to me you knew what he did to me and now I am shattered I am wrecked I am ruined beyond repair and you did this to me you did this you-
  She stops moving forward, sinking to the ground; he watches her through half-lidded eyes, the world dissolving into impressionist swirls of color and light, Puffy a brilliant red bloodstain smeared against blue blue blue- he’s all too conscious of the way his left leg trembles, shakes, feels it move on tangled puppet string nerves that have been frayed and snapped too many times for even respawn magic to knit them back together. His heart flutters, hums in his throat, battling his lead-heavy limbs as it pushes him to move run fight- he tries to claw himself back up to his feet through the fog in his head and can’t manage any more than the twitching of the fingers on his right hand, still wrapped around the sword he clutches like a lifeline.
  “I won’t go back,” he murmurs, voice scratchy, “I won’t- you won’t take me back, I’ll kill you,” he hears her breath hitch, and he barrels forward, breathing ragged, “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill Tommy, I’ll kill- all of you, I don’t care I won’t go back I won’t I’ll kill myself before I go back there I’ll do it I’ll-”
  “Duckling, Dream-”
  “I-” he raises his sword, waving it wildly, drawing it towards himself - he’ll be damned if they drag him back, he’ll be damned if he dies by anything but his own terms, he’ll be damned if they think he’ll die under anything but a blue sky- “I’ll-”
  A hand grabs his wrist and he freezes, sword clattering out of his grip, hates himself for freezing, hates the way he draws in on himself to protect his head, hates the way his ears ring with the sound of cracking bone and bubbling lava and the fragmented screams of a person that died-respawned-died too many times to count, whose torment feels so visceral and vivid that he can hardly recognize it as himself. It takes all too long for him to push the memories away, the darkness so foreign in this new world of brilliant color and light and something softly brushing his skin, the screams in his head washing away at the babbling croon of someone murmuring in his ear, “-sorry, duckling, I’m so sorry I didn’t know, none of us knew, please I’m sorry I’m so, so sorry-”
  It’s too late, he thinks as he sinks down back to the ground, shoulders shaking with something too dark to be a laugh but too delirious to be a sob, black crawling up the corners of his vision as he looks up at his mother’s face. He smiles in a dizzy sort of realization as the world swirls away, melts to the sound of her softening voice and tumbling apologies, the sound of his own wheezing breaths rattling in his chest-
  Puffy’s eyes, wide and wet and crinkled in the corners from sadness, are blue.
DR3,,, DR3 OH MY GOD ??? i have read this literally dozens of times and every single time i fall in love with it ten times more ,, this is such a masterpiece and i am going to marry it plspls this is so angsty ???? and beautifully written ?? your style is literally my favourite thing and i’m going to reread this 1000 times over tysm for this :’))
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sunflowersteves · 3 years
alive and well || b.f.
summary || whoever was in the familiar green armor before you was about to feel your wrath for stealing what wasn’t theirs. 
author’s note || this is my first boba fic so pls go easy. it was also way longer than i intended and very sad but i hope you all enjoy!
warnings || angst, sadness, fluff, soft!boba
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You never thought you would be back in the place you dread most. You hated it—your body filled with pure contempt as your feet trudged across the hot sands. Jabba’s Palace looked almost exactly the same as you remembered it. The red rusty metal gleamed against the blazing suns of Tatooine.
You could feel the bounty hunter’s eyes behind you, making sure to escort you into the large building. Everything was dark, with no light or windows to pave the way in front of you. The bounty hunter pushed you forward, and you let out a groan, almost falling onto the ground. Despite knowing that they can’t see you, you still send them a glare. 
The aura took no mercy on everyone around it; cruelty and greed were highly regarded above all else. There was always someone on top, someone that ruled over others. Someone always had control over the forsaken land and its people. 
And that was currently Bib Fortuna. 
After that day, you wanted absolutely nothing to do with that place. Bib tried to convince you otherwise, but you sneered at him and spoke in a venomous tone.
“There will never be a day when I’ll want to come back to this wretched place.”
So having one of his lackeys come and ask for your presence had confused you. He was aware of what would happen if you came back, of what would happen to him if you came back. You blamed all of them for what had happened on that day, and you would make them pay. 
The bounty hunter pushed you slightly for what felt like the hundredth time, hinting for you to get a move on. You want to squeeze your eyes shut at the familiar stairwell, bile rising in your throat. You thought of him and those brown eyes staring back at you. You thought of his lips and how they felt against your cheeks. You thought of his skin and how it felt flushed against yours, the heat radiating off onto you. You thought about his hand clinging to yours, feet dangling in front of the Sarlacc pit. You thought about those soft words that poured through the modulator of the helmet. 
“It’s okay, little one. It’ll be okay. Let go.”
Your boots touch the hard ground of the cantina area, the music loud with dancers floating on tables and customers chugging Spotchka. Your eyes trailed from table to table to watch everyone with a sneer. 
You knew you shouldn’t have come back to this place, a wave of disgust washes over you. Your eyes follow to the center of the room, right where the throne is. You expected Bib Fortuna to be sitting there with a smug expression while he whipped one of his slaves. You expected Bib Fortuna to want something from you, to exploit your services for his own gain. 
But what you weren't expecting was to see him. No, his armor. There was no possible way that that was him. You had watched him die. You had watched him fall into the depths of the Sarlacc pit, the tears stinging your eyes as he let go. 
So who the fuck is this?
The newly painted armor shined against the dim lights; it looked brand new. It didn’t have the chipped paint that you remember or the small bits of rust packed on the side. The visor was locked in your direction; whoever was underneath your riduur’s helmet was staring at you.  
Before you could even really think, you pointed a blaster straight at the helmet. The whole room becomes dead with silence, anticipation leaking from the walls. The amount of respect held for the thief before you had surprised you quite a bit. Bib Fortuna only had Jabba’s reign that kept him at the top. So whoever this being was, they were highly regarded and feared by others around the cantina. 
The mercenary next to them immediately reacted back with a blaster now pointed directly at your head. But it didn’t phase you. You held your ground and spoke with pure venom against your voice, “Take it off.”
“What did you just say?”
You didn’t look at the mercenary that spoke. Your eyes set right on the black visor. Honestly, you straight up ignored her, and the blaster pointed at you. You didn’t care, not when someone was wearing his armor. 
“That armor doesn’t fucking belong to you. Take it off.”
“That armor does belong to him.”
You wanted to give her an exasperated look. You know who the armor belongs to, and it wasn’t them. There was no possible way that it was theirs. “No, It doesn’t. He probably found it somewhere. Kriffing—take it off.”
She smirked. “Or what?”
Your eyes finally flick over towards the mercenary with your hardened gaze never wavering. You spoke your next words carefully, making sure that every syllable was articulated. You wanted everyone in Jabba’s Palace to know just exactly who you were. 
“I peel it off his dead body.”
Her fingers pressed against the trigger, you mentally prepared yourself for the mistake you were making. The entire cantina was full of people who would shoot you in a split second. She was almost about to shoot when a booming voice rang against the walls. 
“Everyone out!”
You almost had to double-take at the sound of that voice. You knew that voice. You knew that voice better than your own. You could spot the click of his tongue and the shake of his vocal cords. Your gun only lowered slightly as you try and decipher whether or not your ears were playing tricks on you.
It took some convincing for the mercenary to leave, but everyone filed out as quickly as possible. The helmet, however, stayed right on you. He never wavered or faltered as everyone rushed out of the room. Your hand reacted quickly at the movement of his hands; the blaster pointed at his head again. He lifted his hands before slowly reaching his helmet. Once he saw that you weren’t going to shoot him, he started to lift his helmet. The hissing sound lifted into your ears as he slowly showed his face and the scene before you made your heart stop.
It was him.
He was alive. He even looked well. 
Your riduur was sitting right in front of you on a fucking throne. He was much different, that much you saw. There were new scars that were scattered on his face, and he didn’t have the fluffy black hair you once remembered. There were small wrinkles that deepened his smile lines, and his eyes had a sense of void in them. 
Before, they were lively and spirited. Before, they shined bright against many suns and glowed in the depths of moons. But now, they seemed duller, more broken.
You lowered your gun ever so slowly. Was it really him? Was the love of your life really standing before you? You didn’t know how many moments had passed that had been spared from the time you had been staring at him. You even didn’t know how long it had been since you started crying, the tears soaking your cheeks and dripping down your chin. 
“Boba, is—is that really you?”
The soft pillows of your voice struck his ears, and he could’ve sworn it was the most beautiful sound he had heard in quite some time. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes as he thought about the days, weeks, and years you went through, knowing he didn’t make it on that day. But, you were here. His little one was right in front of him, flesh and blood. 
“It’s really me, little one. I’m here. I’m alive.”
You were closer to him now, having taken a few steps onto the throne. A part of you wanted to reach out and touch his face, to hold him and never let go. However, the other part didn’t want to pressure him. What you had was in the past, far away from the surface of what once was. 
Before you could even make a decision, Boba grabbed you so desperately into his lap. The cool metal your body felt made you ache, pure fire burning through your body as he quickly took off his gloves. He needed to feel you. He needed to feel the soft crevasses of your skin, the rough calluses that grew beneath you, the edges and rounds of each and every part of your body. 
Your hands immediately went to rest on his cheeks, a gasp leaving his lips at the sensation. You didn’t waste any more seconds and pressed your lips against his, mouths colliding and mushing against one another. His hands roamed your body in desperation, his fingertips tingling at the familiar feel of your silky skin.
In between each kiss, you both sputtered out sweet words, grabbing and twisting at every waking moment. “I missed you. I’ve never stopped missing you.” He let out a breath, “you were always on my mind, little one. There wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of you.”
You never thought that this moment would come to life—you had dreamed of it many times. You never thought you would ever see him again except for your memories. But he was here. He was right in front of you—kissing you, loving you. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. You are my alit, my one true love.”
“I love you, I love you, I love—” You cut him off with another kiss, begging for those lips to never leave yours. Your hands ran down his chest plate, the hard surface struck upon the pads of your fingers. Your lungs screamed at you for some type of relief, but you never wanted to give in. 
“Never leave. Never leave me again. Never—”
“I’m never leaving. For as long as you want me, I’m yours.”
You shook your head slightly at yourself, “I should've looked for you. I should’ve gone there to save you. I should’ve held onto you tighter. I should’ve tried harder—”
He quickly grabbed your hands and held them tightly against his chest. His mouth pressed kisses against your cheeks and nose before diving back to your lips again. 
“Cyare, there was nothing you could’ve done. I was dead. I was gone. By luck, I was saved, and I knew you’d come back to me. I always knew.”
Your cheeks were still wet from the buckets of tears that had poured out of your eyes. Your hands shook slightly from the pure shock of the moment. But none of that mattered. All that mattered was that you were home. You were with him, and that’s all you could ever ask for. Your riduur found his way back into your arms. 
Star Wars: @marvelous-capsicle​ @fandomsandxfiles​ @mudhornchronicles​ @cutebubblylmp​ @3strogen​
Permanent Taglist: @captainchrisstan​ @angstysebfan​ @teenagereadersciencenerd​ @rebekahdawkins​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @stardust-galaxies​ @wiccanmetallicrose​ @keithseabrook27​ @hereforthesunrise​ 
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fawad-khan · 3 years
Together Always
A/N: hey guys, this is a part of @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh 's 1k writing challenge, congratulations again, queen K! I hope you enjoy. I’m so sorry for the delay hvfuuvcurv, i hope you enjoy! This is my longest yet, if this flops, i will be angy :)
Pairing- Harry Holland x reader
Warning- some angst maybe? mentions of hospital, nothing too gory, maybe swearing here and there
Word Count- 3.5k+ (woohoo!)
Prompt- “Marriage? Pass”
Prompt will be in bold
Summary- you finally realize why people choose to go ahead and take a long term committment with each other.
(At age 10)
You were sitting on a park bench alone, crying by yourself. No one was around, for you were sitting in a quiet and empty part of the park. Your head was bent to your knees, which you had brought closer to your chest. You were so engrossed in your own sorrow that you did not notice two identical faces catching your sight and walking towards you, wondering what was wrong.
"Hey, what happened? Are you alright?" You heard a voice in front of you and looked up, seeing two twin boys standing in front of you. One of them had curly hair, while the other had straighter hair.
"Well no, I'm not in a really good mood right now." You replied meekly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" The curly haired boy asked. You let out a sniffle and wiped your wet eyes. They sat down beside you, the curly haired boy sitting on your left and patting your hand for comfort, and the straight haired boy sitting by your right.
"Well, uh it's just that my mommy an-and my daddy they do-don't want to live with each o-other anymore and are getting a d-divorce."
"Oh, uh that's really sad to hear. Do you know exactly why this happened though? Like do they fight or anything?"
"Harry, don't ask her all that! She will tell us if she wants to."
"It's ok, uh they kind of fight a lot everyday and I overhear them saying they cannot live like this and all, I guess." You said, smiling sadly. "Now I have to decide who I want to live with. It's gonna be a bit hard for me." You sniffled again, making the boy named Harry (you guessed when the other boy called him) rub your arm in comfort.
"Well if you ever have any difficulties, we don't live very far from here. You can always come and maybe live with us, if our mum agrees with it."
"No no, I don't wanna burden you like that, but uh sounds nice!"
"Oh and I'm Harry, he's my twin Sam." He said, pointing to the straight haired boy.
"I'm (y/n)." You said, shaking their hands. Little did your 10 year old self know at the time that their friendship would make a tremendous difference in your life.
(6 years have passed)
It has been 6 years. You decided to finally move in with your dad, partly because he was kind of a better parent to you and partly because his house was near the Hollands, which made it easier for you to see the twins more often.
Ever since that day, you had become great friends with Harry and Sam. Of course, through them, you also met Tom and Paddy and their parents, and they were the sweetest people you ever met. They helped you go through your parents divorce, as it is always very difficult for a small child to go through such things alone. They were like a second family to you. Tom kind of became like a protective older, while Paddy was like a little brother.
Harry and Sam were your best friends, of course. They never failed to always keep you happy and amused, especially when they did a lot of silly things on purpose.
Harry never failed to pull you out of your blues. No matter what it was, he always managed to get a smile out of you every single day. He made you feel warm and fuzzy every time it was just the two of you together. You often accompanied him whenever he would do some casual photoshoots, as you were a great help to him, giving valuable tips, helping him choose a perfect scene, etc.
Of course, as you grew older, puberty was obviously very much favourable to all of you. Harry was no longer the cute little boy with a baby voice, you were no longer the small girl with a doll face. Harry grew more tall, his muscular features become more and more prominent. His voice had become deeper, which you found pleasant to hear all day long. Not to mention, he was more attractive as well, so naturally he often attracted the attention of girls in school which often made you jealous.
Sam of course grew up to be a very charming and handsome lad as well, quite like his twin. His cooking skills had improved a lot too. But, the bond between the two of you was more platonic. You felt a deeper connection with Harry, something more than friendship. You were still wary of a long term committed relationship, given that you had gone through your parents divorce, but that did not stop you from daydreaming about what it would be like if you and Harry were together.
(Age 17)
It was your senior prom and your date had turned out to be a bitch, deciding to never show up at your house to pick you up. He had messaged you about having caught the flu, and right when you were about to just give up and stay in at home instead, Sam insisted that you come to prom anyway. What you did not know was Harry had not managed to get a date, so he just decided to show up solo. He had been hoping to ask you, but seeing that you got a date already, he decided to just go by himself.
So when he saw you alone and dateless, looking absolutely impeccable and breathtaking in your body hugging purple dress that ended above your knees and hair opened save for a small braid in the side, he decided to take this chance and go for it.
You had seen him too, looking so handsome in his tuxedo. How you were mentally wishing that you both would be together instead. The way his curls flopped despite his best efforts to keep them tidy only made him seem hotter in your eyes.
"What happened? Todd ain't here?" He asked, referring to your date.
"Na, he's had a bout of flu, at least that's what he says."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I dunno, I guess I just kinda had this coming you know, maybe I'm not meant to have a nice date to a dance and have fun. Ah, just my luck."
"Come on, any guy would be lucky to be with you."
"Yeah right." At that moment, his eyes fell on a couple who had entered the ballroom, and when he realised who it was, his blood boiled and his fingers were clenched as he tried to control the urge to just go and punch him.
You could feel him tense up beside you, and looking at his face, you could sense something wasn't right. His face held an agitated expression.
"What's the matter, Harry?" You asked, concerned.
"I hate to tell you this, but uh looks like Todd is in perfect health." He mumbled.
"Wait whatever do you mean?"
"See for yourself." He pointed you in the direction where he was looking, and to your immense surprise, there was Todd all suited up, getting quite cozy with some random chick who was in a dress slightly shorter than the prescribed dress code. You could feel your blood boiling. The audacity of the motherfucker to lie like this and then just show up like that, you couldn't control the rage building in you.
Before Harry could stop you, you stormed your way towards the couple, who were now making out in a corner and ripped them apart. The chick had barely uttered a word when you gave him one tight slap.
"Fucking bastard, so this is your flu? How did I even agree to you, you son of a bitch?!" You shouted out so loud that now the whole hall of students was staring at this scene. Harry finally came behind you and held your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down.
"Hey hey hey, just leave that fucker alone, okay" he whispered in your ear and dragged you away from them towards the drinks table. He handed you a cold drink and you gulped half the drink in one sip, which helped you to calm down.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly, holding your hand for comforting you.
"Yeah, I'm fine just, I should've expected this would happen, I guess. I don't think boyfriend and all is meant for me." You said, feeling a small lump in your throat as you felt tears in your eyes.
"Hey hey hey, now don't say all that." He lifted your chin up and looked into your eyes. "Don't cry over that wanker. You wanna dance with me?" He held out his hand, waiting for your answer. You wiped your tears and smiled at him, taking his hand, which he took as yes.
He took you to the dance floor and held you by the waist, pulling you closer towards him. Some slow music was playing. You held his shoulders and rested your head on his chest, swaying slowly to the music. The space between the two of you was not that prominent now, and you could hear your heart beat very loud and felt that Harry could probably hear it too.
He was feeling sorry. Sorry that you were made upset by a total jerk, but at the same time glad because that was the reason he was here, holding you close, dancing with the prettiest girl he knew, the girl he had liked over the years. He could smell sweet shampoo from your hair, mixed with some perfume you had applied, lulling him into a trance of you.
The beat of the music changed as the DJ changed into another song with faster rhythm, making you pull away from each other as you matched to the rhythm. He accompanied too, although he wasn’t too great of a dancer, but he still looked cute trying to match your moves, making you giggle at him. You danced to a few more songs, before you felt a little hungry and thirsty, signalling Harry who was feeling the same. You went to the snack counter and got some snacks for both of you, while he got the drinks. You quickly chugged the drink and snacks at once, making him laugh, you following suit.
“Thanks for this Harry, I’m really enjoying prom.”
“You’re welcome, love.” you froze a little at that nickname. Love, huh. You’d love to get used to that nickname. You just smiled in response.
The rest of the prom just went in a blur. All that you really remembered and cared about was when you sneaked out of the party and took a walk in the park. You both were just walking side by side, hands brushing every now and then. Harry suddenly stopped and let out a deep breath.
“Hey, (y/n)?”
“Yeah Harry?”
He cupped your cheeks and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on your lips, catching you off guard. Slowly you melted into the kiss, moving your lips against his soft ones. He pulled away from you, eyes closed and pressed his forehead against yours, hands still cupping your cheeks.
"Would this be a good time to say that I like you? Like maybe we could be something more?" His eyes slowly opened, looking into your (y/e/c) eyes, both of you knew the answer.
"Yes Harry, I'd love that." You said smiling, making him grin from ear to ear. He leaned in again to kiss you harder, one hand still on your cheek while the other pulled you closer by the waist to practically press into his chest. Your hands went around his neck as you kissed him harder as well, with more passion, as if letting out all of the tension into it. Needless to say, this was your happiest memory of your lives.
(Age 23)
You never thought that you'd be in a relationship this long, but here you were, six years later. Harry was now a professional photographer and often had lots of photoshoots lined up for him. You had decided to take up journalism, as you were fond of writing a lot and often wrote plenty of articles in your school days.
You both now lived together in an apartment of your own, not very far from the Hollands'. You were both busy in your professional lives, but always found time for each other as well. You’d maybe go out on dates to a restaurant or to the movies, or have a night in having a movie night or just do something goofy or have some fun ;)
He has always made you feel complete. Neither of you really felt the pressure to go to the next step, which was marriage, or well so you thought. Harry would lie if he said that it didn’t occur to him. However, he knew that you weren’t ready just yet. He did not mind much, so as long as he could be with you all his life.
You were sitting and having tea with one of your colleagues Sally, who was also a good friend of yours. You were just sitting and discussing stuff about some work and boyfriends, bitching away about some stupid colleagues in your office.
“Oh also, I have something to say.” she said in a very excited voice.
“Oooh what is it?” you asked, curious as to what she was going to say. She simply squeeled a little and  thrust her left hand in front of your eyes and you saw a beautiful silver princess cut diamond cut ring on her ring finger. You covered your mouth, a big smile on your face. You gave her a big hug. You were so happy for her.
“Oh my god, Ricky proposed? I cannot believe this! When did this happen?”
“It happened this morning! He did it when I woke up! Isn’t he so amazing?”
“Of course Sal, I’m so happy for you!”
You could not, however, feel a panging in your heart. It felt a little like a longing pain, as if you would love for something like this to happen. You had no intentions to settle for a long term commitment like a marriage, but maybe, just maybe, there was a teeny tiny part in you that perhaps wanted that with Harry.
“So what about you and Harry? Are you guys planning to marry any time soon?” she asked cheekily. You gave a clamped smile.
“Marriage? Pass.” you said, trying to sound nonchalant, even though your voice quivered a bit.
“Are you sure though hun? I mean, you and Harry have been going strong for years now. Don’t you even think about it sometimes?” 
You gulped. She was kind of right.
“I don’t know, maybe? Ok, yes maybe I’ve thought of this a few times.” you paused to take a sip of your coffee and continued, “well actually speaking, I have some issues to be in a long term commitment. So far, I am kinda surprised that I’ve been in a relationship this long, although Harry is really amazing. It’s just that, I don’t want that if we marry then something happens, creating a wedge between us, and then we have to split up. Like, in the case of my parents as well, who couldn’t wait to leave each other. I guess, I’m just scared of that happening, that’s all.”
“Oh I see. Hey, its normal to feel scared of what may happen in the future. I would be lying too if I said that I’m scared too. But sometimes, we just have to go for it, you know? Life is a roller coaster, yes, but if you find the right person to spend it with, then you’ll be ready to face them.” she held your hand to give you assurance. You let out a breath and nodded in agreement.
“Thank you so much, Sal. Also congratulations again! I’m so happy for you!” you hugged her again and headed towards your bike to go back to your apartment, Sally’s words never leaving your mind.
(many weeks later)
You were sitting in your office cubicle, editing an article on your computer. Suddenly you saw Sam’s name flashing on your phone as it buzzed since you had put it on silent. Sensing that something was up, since he never called you while you were at work unless it was an emergency, you picked up the phone, a “hello?” leaving your mouth. If you were not mistaken, you could hear him crying.
“Sam? What happened? Is everything okay?” you asked, getting worried.
“Oh (y/n), come to the hospital quickly. Harry’s been admit-ted.” he stuttered, followed by more cries. Your hand flew to your mouth, you went into a shock. Harry? In the hospital? Was he ok? With so many questions buzzing in your mind, you managed to mutter a quick yes and got up from your desk, gathering your bag and telling your boss briefly that you needed to go to the hospital urgently, to which he agreed. You quickly climbed on your bike and drove to the hospital, which was thankfully not very far off.
You went to the receptionist, where Sam was standing, waiting for you. Seeing you walk towards him, he just gave you a hug, tears dropping from his eyes. You hugged back, trying your best to soothe your best friend by patting on his back.
“It’s ok Sam. Where is he?” your voice was suddenly high as you choked back your tears. He just led you to a hospital room, where Tom was sitting beside the hospital bed, face tear stained. He gave you a small and faint smile when he saw you. Your eyes finally fell on Harry, who was lying on the bed, his eyes closed. The heart monitor was bleeping, he had an oxygen mask on his face. Many wires were attached to his left hand, for medicine and blood supplies. He had some bandages on his left arm and his left leg as well.
“Wh-what exactly h-happened?” you stuttered, tears spilling from your eyes. 
“He got into a crash, and got injured. The doctor said that he hasn’t suffered too many injuries, but he is yet to gain consciousness.” Tom said, voice still shaking. “We’re all just waiting for him to wake up.”
You took a seat beside the bed and held his right hand, which did not have any needles. You muttered a silent prayer for him to get well soon. You stroked his hair as he kept on sleeping peacefully.
Harry finally regained consciousness two days later. You all were so happy and relieved. The doctor also gave good news that he was better and would be good to go in two more days, as he had to do some minor check ups. You were relieved that he was going to be alright. You had been so afraid to lose him, as you couldn’t imagine your life without him. He had been your support all your life. 
Oh. Oh. A realization hit you. He was your whole life. You did not want to spend your life without him. This episode of almost losing him had made you realize it. You quickly made your way towards Harry’s room, where he was just lying awake. Sam was telling him something, and he had an amused look on his face.
“Hey, babe. How are you feeling?”
“Better. How’re you?”
“I’m great. Hey, could I talk to you for a minute?”
“Yeah sure, (y/n/n) what is it?”
You took a deep breath. “So uhh, I’ve actually been thinking ever since we almost lost you. I don’t know, but it got me thinking. You know how I’ve always been wary of the idea of marriage, as I have always feared that what happened to my parents, would happen to us, which is not what I want. But umm, I’ve realized that I never wanna lose you, ever. I cannot imagine a life without you with me. Also, what Sally said to me the other day, made me realize that you are indeed the right person for me.”
“Oh my- wow (y/n) so, are you saying that um, that umm you’d consider taking the next step?” he asked, hoping you’d say yes.
“Yes Harry.” you tucked a hair strand behind your hair, took his hand in yours and continued, “so Harry, I know this is probably not the place to say this, we’re in a friggin hospital” he chuckled as you smiled and continued, “but maybe, when time comes, and I’m hoping it comes soon enough, do you wanna consider maybe going further? Like, be together forever?”
“You have no idea how much I’ve waited for this.”
“Is that a yes?”
He just pulled you towards him in response and caressed your cheek, attaching his lips to yours. You kissed him back gladly, smiling into the kiss. He pulled away and stroked his finger on your hand, whispering a “yes”, a goofy grin on his face.
The End
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maddpopcorn · 4 years
It’s Okay || pjm
Pairing: Maine Coon!Hybrid!Jimin x Male!Reader
Request:  hiii can i request a jimin x male reader fic? maybe an angst/comfort hybrid au where jimin is a homeless hybrid who escaped from his abuser owner and is now trying to survive in the streets. the reader would find him and try to help him, but since jimin is scared and doesn’t trust humans, it’s a bit harder than he expected.. (i’d prefer a series but you can make it a one-shot or drabble or whatev boils your noodles lol) thank you in advance and have a nice day!
Summary: When walking down your normal road, you spy a long, fluffy tail. And when it connects to a bruised and bloodied up hybrid who immediately hisses at you, you find yourself trying everything in your power to bring him home….even if you have to suffer a couple of scratches along the way.
Warnings: Angst, lots of angst, burning of the skin with cigarettes, mentions of starving from neglect/punishment, punching, slight mentions blood and cleaning the wound, night terrors
A/N: Wow, you were my first request! I am so sorry it took long. However, I enjoyed writing this piece a lot so I hope you enjoy it, too! If people like this so much, perhaps I could make a second part (I already have one hybrid series I’m planning on making so it might be too much to make this into a series :)) Also, forgive me if there are any mistakes!
Jimin hates being a hybrid. No, scratch that. He despises it. He despises himself. Because of his nature, he’s immediately treated with little to no respect by most humans in society. He’s treated like he’s some type of scum on the bottom of their shoes.
Which isn’t true at all but who will ever listen to him, right? He is just a mangy good for nothing hybrid, after all.
He despises humans. After all of this time observing them, after experiencing them first hand, he has deemed them greedy, selfish and just evil.
They are all evil.
Without his permission, tears well up in his eyes, and he hastily wipes them away out of habit in fear of being caught. He blinks and then dryly chuckles, looking down at his burnt scars that dotted his arms. Who is going to burn their cigarettes into his now dry and cracked skin? Who is going to punch their frustrations out on him again?
No one, right?
He escaped them.
He escaped them.
Sighing in relief and with a smile, you wave bye to the last customer that walks out of the coffee shop. Immediately, your smile drops.
“Holy hell, today was busier than a fucking highway,” you groan, shoulders drooping dramatically. You let the broom slide in your hand until only the tips of your fingers are barely holding it up.
“Yeah, why do these people need all of this coffee on a Friday afternoon anyway?” Yoongi complains, dropping his head on the counter, his recently dyed mint hair covering his eyes. “It’s like they’re addicted or something. Damn.”
“Takes one to know one, Yoongles,” you tease, holding the broom properly again and resuming sweeping.
Huffing at your joke, he stretches, popping several bones in the process (that you may or may not be worried about).“Yeah but unlike them, I know my limits.”
“Hah, funniest joke of the year. Yeah, right, dude.”
He reels back like he has touched fire and gasps. “Wha-excuse me, mister but I know my limits.”
“No, you really don’t.” 
“Yoongi-” you stop sweeping, putting your hand on your hip. “-you drank 5 cups of coffee in one sitting during exam week. And then, the next week, you kept chugging energy drinks like they were nothing so you could finish your ‘precious song’.” One by one, you start listing off all the times he has drank too much coffee and energy drinks. His body deflates with each jab at his pride until he’s crumbling in on himself.
It’s a hot minute before any of you say anything, quietly cleaning up the shop so that you could finally go home.
“Fuck off, pretty boy,” he finally says, middle finger in the air and face heating up. 
You bark out a laugh. “So you finally admit that I’m pretty, huh? Jin owes me $5.”
“You fucking-”
“Don’t forget, 8 o’clock tonight, my apartment. Don’t be late like last time, brat,” Yoongi scolds, adjusting his glasses. You throw your hands up, a cheeky smirk on your face.
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You wave bye to your coworker as you exit the coffee shop. Humming to yourself, you begin your journey on your normal path to home. Mentally checking off your to-do list before you have to get ready for the annual hangout you and your friends have every week, you spot in the corner of your eye a fluffy, blonde blob. You turn your head, fully stopping and squinting.
“What the fuck?” you mutter to yourself, creeping up on the blob. It grows until it stops at a…
“Holy shit!” You yell, quickly slapping your hand over your mouth in disbelief.
A hybrid. A cat hybrid, to be specific, is laying on the dirty and wet ground of the alley way. His eyes are closed, and you timidly squat down near him to examine him. Matted blonde hair sticks to his face with what you can only assume is sweat and dirt which is also smudging across his face. His lips are forming a pout and he moves a bit, making you jump back in surprise. When he stays still after, you continue your examination. His skin looks dry and his cheeks are sunken in. Trailing your eyes down his form, you notice how worn and ragged his clothes truly are. And how big they look on him. Your eyebrows furrow at his state. Someone did a beating on this poor guy.
He whimpers in his sleep and without thinking, you do something stupid. Something incredibly stupid.
You reach your hand out towards him, to pet him or give him comfort, not really controlling your urges to get close. And that’s when you instantly regret it. His eyes snap open, and you yelp in pain as his claws swipe into your skin. Recoiling back, you immediately grasp your now bleeding arm, eyes glued to it. Three deep scratches litter your arm and blood starts to come to the surface.
Even if you’re the one that got scratched, you apologize.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammer, letting out a shuddering breath. “I should’ve given you your space. I’m sorry.”
“Leave me alone!” He hisses, shuffling far away from you. Growling, his entire body shakes as flashes upon flashes come back to him. Pupils reducing to slits and ears flattening against his head, he swipes at you again, 
You mentally slap yourself in the face. Of course he would scratch you. You invaded his personal space and reminded him of his abusers. You scared him. You back up, giving the hybrid one last glance, guilt racking every bone in your body for scaring the hybrid before you walk away. 
He doesn’t meet your eyes.
You rush home, your makeshift bandage from the napkins in your pocket soaked in blood. He got you deep. But it wasn’t his fault. It was yours.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” you repeat to yourself. “How could you be so fucking stupid?”
Someone holds the door open for you as you slide past them, muttering a quick thanks.
“Hi, Mrs. Hags. Bye, Mrs. Hags,” you yell out to the landlady, rushing past people into the elevator of your complex.
“Bye, dearie,” she calls out. “Odd fellow, he is. Isn’t that right, Mr. Whiskers?”
Her cat only yawns in response and she immediately coos, getting right back to her knitting.
Stomping your foot impatiently, you give an awkward smile to the other tenants present in the elevator. They smile back, weird looks on their faces as they realize you’re holding your bleeding arm and you silently wish that the elevator would hurry the hell up. Sighing in relief as the elevators dings, you squeeze through the opening doors.
“Odd fellow,” One whispers out.
“Yeah, very odd,” Another whispers back.
Fumbling with your keys to your door, you curse in frustration as you drop them. Picking them up, you unlock your door after what seemed like forever. Finally, practically throwing open your door, you race to your bathroom, not caring as your door slams behind you. Dropping everything, you quickly get the first aid kit out.
“Fuck,” you hiss in pain as the alcohol seeps into your wound. Tears fall from your eyes from the burning sensation. “Ah, I’m melting, I’m melting…fuck, I’m dumb.”
After 10 minutes of grueling pain, you look at your newly bandaged arm. That was so stupid of you. How could you just invade his space like that? As you focus on your arm, dumb thoughts running through your head, your phone rings, snapping you out of your thoughts. Fishing it out of your pocket, you groan again when you realize it’s Yoongi. You still had time to get there, two hours really, so why was he calling you?
“Y/N, wanted to let you know that Joon got the stomach bug so the hangout is cancelled. Hobi and I are taking care of him.”
You can hear groans of pain in the background and Hoseok teasing. “Quit being a baby, Joonie. It’s a mere stomach bug.”
“Feels like I’m dying, Hobi,” he groans dramatically.
“Sounds like you have a handful, Yoongles,” you chuckle, putting up the alcohol and first aid kit.
“Yeah, unfortunately.”
“Okay, thanks for telling me. I hope Joon gets better. I have some stuff to do so I have to go.”
“Yeah, right. Bye, Y/N-Namjoon, did you just hit me with a pillow?”
You can hear Namjoon yelling “Cuddles, now!” before Yoongi hangs up, eliciting a belly laugh out of you. How Yoongi and Hoseok put up with their boyfriend, you have no clue but more power to them. Staring back at your arm, you nod as you come up with a plan to win the hybrid over. Or at least apologize to him. You roll up your other sleeve, making your way over to your kitchen. You’ve got work to do.
It’s a couple of hours later when Jimin finally retreats from his hidey hole to see a brown paper bag with a note attached to it. An amazing smell wafts through the air that makes his stomach growl in hunger. He slowly crawls forward, tail swishing in curiosity, and snatches the note from the bag.
I’m sorry about today. Please enjoy your dinner.
P.S, I hear Maine Coons like this fish, assuming you are one. Enjoy :)
-Y/N (The guy who is really sorry about invading your personal space)
He hisses in disgust, shifting backward from the paper bag. The note flies from his grasp and lands in a puddle, immediately getting soaked from the dirty water. What if you poisoned it? Or laced it with something? Are you working for…her? Are you going to take him back? It’s not like he’s never had the wonderful pleasure of starving before. She would make sure of that. He can deal with it. He has done it plenty of times, one more can’t hurt…right?
He sits there, just glaring holes at the bag as rain drops hit him, trying so hard to ignore everything. The smell, the wonderful smell. He clenches his teeth so hard he’s afraid he’ll break them as another sharp pain shoots through his stomach, accompanied by a familiar grumbling. He tries to ignore it. He tries to focus on something else. Perhaps the way his bones are shivering from the rain will do? No, that makes it worse. Makes him want whatever is in the bag even more. It seems warm. Warm enough to make him warm. He wants it. He needs it. So much.
Ignore it.
Ignore it.
Ignore. It.
But, a guy can only take so much.
The smell surrounding him in mockery and the nagging pain finally makes Jimin grab the bag, fishing out the food and digging in, without sparing it a second glance. He’ll worry about the consequences later.
He almost moans from the taste he thought he had forgotten long ago. The fish is still warm, kept in a container that keeps the temperature insulated and whatever soup you got (or made, he can care less) goes perfectly with it.
In a matter of minutes, the fish is finished, and Jimin is gulping down the remaining soup. He pulls back, licking his lips and sighs in satisfaction. His stomach is warm from the soup. He’s not shivering that much from the rain anymore. He actually feels…cozy and it’s incredibly weird to him. Something foreign almost. He places the bowl back into the bag and crawls back into his hiding place. Curling up, yawning, he thinks of you and quietly mumbles a thank you before falling fast asleep.
It is a couple of days later when you return, bandage wrapped around your arm. Jimin growls in annoyance and begrudgingly relief. You seem..okay from his scratch.
Stupid human can’t follow a stupid task.
“I come bearing a peace offering,” you smile, holding out two bags.
Jimin’s eyes study the bags and then trail up your hand and to your arm. Annoyingly, in his opinion, guilt racks up. You notice his eyes glued to your arm and you wave your hand.
“Don’t worry about. My friend Jin said it would be fine.”
You lock eyes for a mere second before he’s immediately spitting back, “Like I care.”
He averts his eyes, letting out a loud huff. You sit down, slowly sliding one bag towards him. He views the action from the corner of his eyes. What are you doing? He turns his head just a bit to get a better view and his eyes widen.
“What are you doing?” he practically screeches as you pull out your lunch for the day.
“Taking my lunch break. What else?” you tease, waving the take out container in your hand. “Would you care to join me?”
You shrug your shoulders and open your container. “Suit yourself, buddy.”
You begin eating and Jimin rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and looking away. Again, he repeats the same mantra from last time.
Ignore it.
His stomach rumbles and if you heard it, you make no move to comment and instead, continue to happily eat. 
“Wow, this chicken is to die for. Compliments to the chef,” you groan, giving a chef’s kiss. “Sure you don’t want any?”
He knows what your game is. You’re just trying to rile him up to eat the food so that you can do whatever you want with him. No, not this time. It won’t work. After you leave, he’ll throw the food away. He is sure of it.
“I am positive I don’t want your shitty food,” he snaps.
You wince, putting a hand to your chest. “Ouch buddy, that hurt.”
“Not your fucking buddy either,” he growls in annoyance.
“Just slash at my feelings, why don’t yah?”
That is his last and final word. You finish your lunch, taking one glance at the hybrid and leave. Jimin sits there and makes a move to throw out the food. He hesitantly reaches out but backs away. His eyebrows furrow at his dilemma. On one hand, should he waste food like that? That would be wrong of him. On another, did you poison the food this time? Can he really trust that you didn’t?
He lasts a total of five minutes before he’s digging into the food. Maybe, just maybe, you’re a decent human. Just maybe.
It takes you weeks to earn the still nameless hybrid’s trust. Even then, it was only a small amount. At least you could sit closer together and talk about random things. That’s why it surprises you when he meekly asks if he can go with you this time.
You widen your eyes at his request. “What?” 
“When you leave, can I go with you? Y/N, please?” His ears are flattened against his head and his tail is curled around his waist.
“I don’t even know your name-”
“Jimin. It’s um, Jimin.” He blurts out. He clears his throat, face flushed, eyes looking at every thing but you.
“Jimin…” you whisper, the name so foreign on your tongue. “Pretty name. What made you want to come with me?”
“I…” he didn’t expect that question. “I don’t know. You just seem…comforting, I guess? I don’t know, it was stupid. I’m sorry-”
You cut him off. “Shh, it’s not stupid. I’m glad that I seem comforting to you. My answer is yes, you can come home with me.”
His eyes widen and it’s the first time you have ever seen him smile that wide before. You hope you’ll see that smile even more in the future.
“And this is your room!” You gesture with your arm. “I had to quickly clean it since I honestly didn’t think you would come with me so forgive me if it’s still a bit dusty.” You walk in but he doesn’t follow. You turn around towards him, cocking your head. “Jimin?”
Jimin can’t say anything. This is all for him? But, he didn’t do anything to deserve it. He didn’t please you. He didn’t let you use him as a personal punching bag for your frustrations. This is a trick. It has to be. No one is this kind to a stranger, especially a hybrid. A hybrid who hurt you. For fuck’s sake, he scratched you. Yeah, he wanted to come home with you and yeah, he did say you were comforting but he expected that you would make him share the same room or something. He didn’t know what to expect. Just not this.
“Jimin?” Your soothing voice lures him out of his mess he calls his thoughts.
“I-I can’t accept this room, Y/N.”
You must’ve pulled a face or something because Jimin is immediately tense, ready to dash right back out on to the streets.
“Why?” is the only thing you ask.
“Why can’t you accept the room?”
He wraps his arms around himself, his tail joining them. “Never had this before. This much kindness thrown at me. Expected to..pay you in return.”
“It’s yours now, Jimin. No payment needed.”
“Why are you so kind to me?”
His question throws you off-guard and it takes you a minute to answer. You brush the lint off of his comforter. “Because you deserve it. I can only assume you’ve been through hell and back. Why not live the rest of your life peacefully?”
“Thank you.”
With that, you smile and leave him be in his new room. A couple of hours later, he joins you for dinner. Whatever you made smells heavenly. Quietly sitting down, he watches as you put the pot on the table in between you two. The bowls are already set and you serve him first before serving yourself. He mutters a “thank you”.
“Dig in, Jimin. I hope you’ll like it. New recipe I’m trying out,” you hum, taking a spoon full of the stew and blowing on it. He waits until you take a bite first. You smile in satisfaction as the spicy fish stew came out perfectly. Just the right amount of spice. He should’ve known better, really. You never wanted to hurt him in the first place but old habits die hard and he finds himself gauging your reaction to the food. You didn’t trick him before, you didn’t poison him at all, so why should this meal be different? Maybe it’s because he’s on your turf now. He waits and when he deems the food is safe enough to eat since you aren’t spasming out of control from poison or getting sleepy from a sedative, he digs in.
You’re an amazing cook.
It doesn’t take Jimin even 5 minutes to finish his bowl and your heart aches just a little at the mere thought of him being hungry ever again. 
“Must’ve been good?” You tease light-heartedly. Jimin nods, licking his lips clean. “Want a second bowl?”
His eyes widen at the aspect and you only take his bowl to fill it up again. Jimin wastes no time finishing the second one. He feels all warm, fuzzy even and he looks down at his stomach in confusion. This is a familiar feeling. A feeling he had on the day you two met. It takes him a good solid minute, weighing the pros and cons of asking you if you had made that soup. Would you think it was weird if he told you he had remembered the fuzzy feeling? Would you think it was weird if he told you that that was the only time he had ever felt close to home? Finally, he concludes that either way, he needs to know because he cannot stand the stupid curiosity that’s nagging him.
“I..I have a question,” Jimin mumbles.
You nod, gulping down the remaining water from your cup. “Shoot.”
He looks around the room as he hesitantly asks, “Did, did you..you know, that soup..”
“Soup? What soup?”
“You know, that soup.”
“I’m not following, Jiminie?”
His face heats up at your nickname for him but you don’t seem to realize that you even said it in the first place. He finally blurts out, “The one that you gave me the first time we met! Did you cook it?”
“I just,” he continues. “It was the only time I ever felt..I don’t know. Nevermind- it’s stupid.”
“What?” Did you actually think it was-
“Yes, I made it. I wanted you to have a homemade meal. And I was apologizing to you so I thought it would be a bit more..special I guess.”
“Thank you..”
You both clean the dishes, wash up and head to bed. Jimin is finally alone to just process everything. This could be a home for him. He lays down, relishing in the softness of the bed. He wraps himself with the comforter. It smells so nice and it feels so warm and so..homey. Yawning, he doesn’t notice the smile creeping up on his face as he closes his eyes, sleep taking over.
A couple of weeks have passed and having Jimin around is such a delight. Not having to come home to an empty apartment feels so much better. He helps you clean, he accompanies you when you’re watching something on the tv. He lets you ramble about your day at the coffee shop. It takes Jimin a while to grow used to being here. And not everything is so pleasant. Countless of times, Jimin has woken up from night terrors, from flashbacks of that place. And this time isn’t any different.
It’s around 4 in the morning when Jimin wakes up, his eyes flying open from the nightmare. Gasping for air, he looks around. Everything seems so hazy, so dark. All he can remember is him screaming for you.
Oh no, oh no, oh no. You’re not going to give him away, right? Right?
You weren’t anywhere in sight and he could feel himself panicking. He rapidly jumps up, trying to find the light switch or the curtains or something to give light. To give him hope that you hadn’t sneakily sold him back to her. He trips over something and reaches out his hand, grasping a cloth and pulling it down with him. Moon light floods the room and he curls up, sobbing and shaking. His heart is racing and he silently begs for you to appear.
You jolt awake at the loud “thunk” coming from somewhere in your apartment. You jump up, grabbing your baseball bat and tip toe out of your room. Hearing whimpers from Jimin’s room, you drop the bat and rush in.
“Jimin, oh my god, are you okay?” you ask alarmed, freeing him. He’s shaking all over, eyes closed and arms wrapped around himself.
“Please tell me I’m not there again. I don’t wanna go back. Please, please please..” He repeatedly mumbles. “I’m a good boy. I’ll be a better boy, I promise. Please, just don’t take me there.”
Without thinking, you wrap your arms around him, rocking him back and forth. “I promise on everything holy that I will never leave you. I will never let you go back there, Jimin.”
He sobs into your shoulder, gripping tightly at your t-shirt. His tail wraps around you, and you stroke his head.
“Shh, I’ve got you. You’re here, you’re home. It’s okay, you’re safe. I promise,” you whisper. After a long time, Jimin grounds himself and he pulls back to see you, worry filling your eyes and tears at the brim of them.
“Y/N,” he mumbles, diving right back into your arms. You only rub his back in soothing motions.
That was the first night ever that he had asked you to stay in his room.
The next morning while you’re making a delicious breakfast for the both of you, he stalks into the kitchen. You hum a little at his presence, asking him if he is okay. He hums in agreement and stares at you. You, already used to him just staring at you, studying your movements, continue cooking. He walks up behind you, ears pinned back, arms opening up.
He back hugs you.
You’re startled for a moment and it makes him hesitate to tighten his grip but when you don’t move away, just slightly humming as you continue to cook, he smiles, ever so slightly, tautening his hold.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he murmurs into your back, so quietly that you have a hard time hearing him. But you hear him. He buries his head into your back, inhaling your comforting scent. “Thank you.”
That’s when you realize that the future for the both of you would be much brighter from here on.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Father Christmas is Back (2021)
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Movies like Father Christmas is Back are why people hate Christmas movies. Maybe it’s a British thing because over in North America? This comedy is about as hysterical as a pick-ax to the groin.
It’s hard to tell if the Christmas sisters - Caroline (Nathalie Cox), Joanna (Elizabeth Hurley), Paulina (Naomi Frederick), and Vicky (Talulah Riley) - would've grown up as friends, or if their father leaving 27 years ago is what caused them to become such radically different people that they constantly argue. As Caroline and her husband Peter (Kris Marshall) attempt to host a Christmas celebration at the family Yorkshire mansion, it couldn't get any worse... and then their father (Kelsey Grammer) and his new girlfriend (April Bowlby) show up.
As you meet these characters, you know you’re in for a lousy experience. Caroline is the kind of control freak whose obsession with “getting Christmas right” because daddy left should’ve prompted her husband and kids to get her some psychiatric help. She’s still more mentally sound than Paulina, who spent at least a decade writing a thesis on the Beatles. She’s so useless to the plot they could’ve exed her out and lost NOTHING. The oldest Christmas sister is Joanna, who constantly tries to convince everyone that she isn’t 40+. If her boyfriend had any brains he’d read between the lines. Finally, there’s Vicky, whom everyone falls just short of calling an ultra-slut. Generally, this is a very horny movie, which makes the PG-13 rating a death-knell. The only thing that could’ve made this ordeal interesting is an Elizabeth Hurley wardrobe malfunction - each of her scenes must've demanded a new roll of double-sided tape - or an actual payoff to the mention that “I can’t get any bars in this house!”. If writers Philippe Martinez and Mick Davis had any shred of mercy, they would’ve pulled a bait-and-switch. Father Christmas is Back would’ve started as the yearly holiday slurry no one can stand and then turned into a You’re Next-style home invasion movie with everyone brutally massacred.
The lack of any substantial plot makes this picture infuriating. It’s just people being quarreling for an eternity - and then dad shows up. Then, they keep at it, with extra snide remarks thrown from their uncle (played by John Cleese) to his brother, while their mum (Caroline Quentin) says NOTHING - a dead giveaway that there’s more to the story than we’ve been told. No one could relate to this, particularly when criminal offenses are committed. Except this tale takes place in an alternate universe where nothing matters so the plot (or lack thereof) just keeps chugging along, oblivious to the reality that’s being shattered by the constant lack of consequences.
I swear Father Christmas is Back aims to ruin your day on purpose. At one point, you think the conflict is over, that everything’s wrapped up… and then it keeps going. You’ve got another forty minutes to go. Please. Have mercy! Instead, more "comedic" emotional conflicts emerge; the kind that could’ve been settled decades ago with a 5-minute conversation. Father Christmas is Back will have you reach for the lights on strings so you can hang yourself. (December 20, 2021)
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [3]
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-> Pairing: Yuri Leclarc x Fem!Reader
-> Modern!Au | Gang!Au | Enemies to Friends to Lovers
-> Word Count: ~2.4k
-> Warnings: Violence, Blood, Intense Scenes, Alcohol Mention, Someone legit gets shot, Other things I probably forgot about
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn't mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you're running with the wolves.
-> A/N: hi i’m back hello this took me a little bit to do because after the action scene i simply lost motivation but it’s back i know what i want to do and i WILL do it. also, just an fyi, i, as a writer, do not condone anything that my character, Hiram Chapelle, says or does. Hiram is meant to be an ass and for gods sake he’s quite literally a psychopath. That’s how he’s written. I’m just saying for future reference because Hiram is a shitty person and I plan on keeping him that way LOL
send an ask if you’d like to be on the taglist!
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If someone had told you, months ago, that when you moved to Fodlan, you’d be accidentally caught up in gang activity, you’d laugh in their faces.
What a silly notion, You’d nearly cry out of laughter, Fodlan is safe. Nothing happens there.
What a fool you were. Everything was too easy. Life was too simple for there not to be a catch. That’s the funny thing about the universe and her strange ways. There’s always a catch.
Your mother had said that God always tests you. That you’d know in hard times, He was just challenging you. The only thing you knew at this moment was that if God really was real, you’d like to have a few choice words with him.
Your test was only getting more difficult with each step you took. Each limp, actually. The frigid night air numbed nearly every part of your body, except for your ankle. Instead, it burned with a fiery intensity. Your shoe was tight enough to prevent a bit of the swelling, but you needed medical attention soon.
You laughed bitterly- you’d been saying that you needed help for a while now. Your arm, your ankle, and now probably a therapist. Physical and mental help were on your to-do list.
Biting back another shiver, you fumbled with your phone. The screen was black, only showing a little red battery in the middle of it. Dead.
The window you’d jumped through was in the back of the house, facing a patch of woods. In your rush, you didn’t think to run another way to get out, only pushing forward until you had no clue where you’d come from and where to go. Everything was forest. Everything was dark.
Until it wasn’t.
A flash of light shined from behind you and you gasped, running to your left and trying to hide behind a larger tree. The flashlights came closer and you held your breath.
“What doesn’t she fucking understand about you can’t leave?”
“Well, boss, you were a little rude about it-“
“She’s in danger! And she doesn’t even realize it- the seriousness of this situation. I don’t care if I’m rude or not, she’s risking her own life being this stupid.”
You resisted the urge to scoff. Yuri was definitely a rude individual from what you’ve interacted with, but of course he didn’t care.
The lights were getting even closer now. You stepped back and started to run again, ignoring the pain. You’d get help when you were safe. You tried to stay light on your feet, but couldn’t help but crush the fallen leaves under your feet as you ran.
“I hear something that way!” Constance shouted and every light flashed in your direction before the group began chasing after you.
Your heart caught in your throat as you willed your legs to work faster and faster. You’d be okay- you’ll get help when you’re safe. Lungs burning, you surged forwards still and tried to take different turns to make them lose your trail. It didn’t work.
“Y/N, stop!” Hapi yelled out.
You didn’t answer, still running. Suddenly, you were airborne. Your feet flew off the ground and you landed two feet in front of a tree root, sticking up from the ground. You were hyperventilating- they had caught up with you.
Before they could reach you, Yuri also stumbled over the root. His flashlight and handgun both flew out of his hands, skidding to a stop in a puddle of mud in front of you. You lurched forward, grabbing the gun and pointing it at the group. It was just Balthus, Hapi, Constance, and Yuri, but you still felt helpless. They could easily overpower you, but you weren’t giving up without a fight.
“Stay back!” You cried, your finger sitting shakily on the trigger, “Don’t come any closer!”
Hapi put her hands up. “We don’t want to hurt you- we want to keep you safe!”
“Keep me safe? By making me some bad guy in a gang that I never even asked to be a part of?”
Yuri scoffed and tried to step closer, but you quickly aimed the gun at him. “You think we did?”
“No more. Don’t come close, I’m warning you.” You could only utter a few words.
The leader of the Wolves ignored this, putting his hands out in front of him, “Drop the gun and this will be okay-“
“STAY AWAY!” You were screaming at this point. Everyone tried to shush you, but you couldn’t stop. Hysteria did such cruel things.
You closed your eyes and pulled the trigger, your arm injury hurting slightly from the recoil. Constance yelled out, grabbing onto Yuri, who seemed to fall in slow motion. Your head was spinning. Stars seemed to twinkle in the trees and bushes in front of you instead of staying in the sky like they should.
You swayed for a moment, watching the three try to help their leader. Blood seeped out of the right side of his abdomen. You tried to stay awake, but soon the gun fell out of your hand and you went limp beside it.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Your mind was awake before your body. You could feel the velvet sheets beneath your fingertips and smell the comforting french vanilla aroma that wafted through the Wolves’s house. It was warm- almost too warm for your comfort. Or maybe it was the fever you were running from stress.
You tried to smack your lips together, cringing when the inside of your mouth resembled that of a desert. You needed water.
Peeling your eyes open, you groaned. The lamp beside the bed was too bright, contrasting greatly against the still-dark sky. How long were you out?
You sat up on the bed, feeling sore, but brushed it off and trudged towards the door. You opened it and headed towards the stairs when you heard voices in a room across from you, two doors down.
“She’s already caused too much harm. I say we let her go and let natural selection take its course.”
You scoffed. Typical Hiram- rude ass.
“No- no. We brought her into this, the universe has basically ordered us to keep her safe. If any Eagles see her on the street, she’s done for.” Hapi reasoned.
“That might be a good thing-“
“She shot Yuri! He’s not waking up because of her!”
The silence that followed his outburst made your heart clench. You didn’t mean to actually hit him- you just meant it as a warning shot. Hell, you didn’t even know your aim was that good.
“He’s going to be fine. In the meantime, we need to contact Claude or Dimitri and see what’s happening.”
Claude? Claude, the boy at the pizza shop? You rolled your eyes. Of course he’d be a part of this- whatever this is.
“What if they’re siding with her?” Constance asked worriedly.
“Trust me, if it’s anything that Claude’s against, it’s an imbalance of power. As for Dimitri, I’m not sure.”
Your hands began to shake again and you blinked rapidly, trying to push away the looming realization that no, this wasn’t a joke, and yes, these college kids are in a fucking gang. You supposed a part of you didn’t want to believe it until now, but it crashed onto you like a bag of bricks.
These people have hurt others. Killed them. You hurt someone too- you shot a man. A man who apparently is trying to keep you safe.
Continuing to blink, this time biting back tears, you walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the counter, you filled it up in the sink and began chugging.
One glass.
Maybe if it was alcohol, you’d feel a little better. But it wasn’t. And you didn’t.
More footsteps resounded from the stairs, making their way through the living room and into the kitchen. Hapi entered first, followed by the other four. She gave you a tight smile, choosing to mess with some papers that still rested on the kitchen table.
The papers were frenzied and unorganized- they must have really rushed out once they realized that you’d left.
Hiram walked past and bumped your shoulder rather harshly, making you spill your third glass of water down the front of your shirt. You hissed, wanting nothing more than to yank out those snowy locks of his, but he was definitely armed and no doubt dangerous. You valued your life a little too much to mess with the little man.
Eventually, the group sat down at the table and Hapi patted her hand on the wood, pointing to the empty chair across from her. “Please, Y/N, sit.”
You did so, awkwardly, clasping your hands and putting them in your lap. You didn’t want to look up, already feeling the five intense stares burn into your form.
“It seems our first little talk wasn’t as… effective as it needed to be.” The redheaded girl began. “You were seen with us in the cafe when Edelgard attacked. You let your mouth run, disrespecting her. And I can assure you right now, that the Eagles have all the details on you. Especially since one of their own seemed to recognize you. Like it or not, you’re in this now.”
Hiram snorted, leaning back on his chair and nonchalantly checking his nails. “You’re stuck with this, toots. If you didn’t want to be, you should’ve stuck behind everyone like a good little coward and let the big dogs fight over the bone. You could’ve easily been seen as a citizen and an innocent bystander, but no. Something in you said ‘hey, let’s be a bitch to these people who suddenly barged in here with guns’. If I didn’t know any better, it would seem to me like you were practically,” He leaned forward, his icy eyes boring into your own, “asking for it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, but still kept shut. He wasn’t necessarily wrong, you could’ve easily decided to let the obviously-more-experienced people deal with it, but in your defense, you didn’t know at the time! You didn’t even think your 5 second long conversation with this Edelgard chick was as negative as they made it out to be.
Crossing your arms, you willed your face to remain stoic. “I just don’t see why she’d have it out for me. I didn’t even do anything that bad.”
“Look, look at my face.” Hiram pointed to the bridge of his nose, where a deep, pale pink scar contrasted against his skin. “Rhys and I used to be… involved with them. Her little lap dog- Ferdinand- did this. Because I made some ill-timed joke.”
You couldn’t help but glance over at Rhys, whose eyes had darkened at the mention of his past. The mention of Ferdinand’s name and his affiliation with the Eagles made you wonder about everyone’s past- how exactly did all of these people get involved with such a deadly life? You didn’t have much time to dwell on it before Balthus spoke up.
“Listen, little one, just stay here and chill out until we can a hundred percent confirm that the Eagles aren’t associating you with us. If they’re not, you’re free to go.”
“And if I am?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
Everyone at the table gasped and turned around to the kitchen entrance, where the strained voice had come from. Yuri was leaned up against the door frame, holding onto his side still. His torso was bare, but the skin was covered by bandages and gauze.
The Wolves shot up out of their seats, rushing over to their leader.
“Why are you up?”
“You need rest.”
Yuri just chuckled at them, hiding a wince as his stomach contracted with the laugh. “I’m fine, I’m fine, everything’s cool. Not the first time.”
You still sat at the table, watching as they helped him sit in his place at the head before going back to their own seats. The Wolves really seemed to care about each other, you noticed, and felt a small pang of guilt for causing them so many problems already.
“So, Yuri-Bird, I was explaining to everyone earlier that our best choice of action is to contact Dimitri and Claude and see what’s happening in their little sectors of the world.” Hapi folded her hands on the table, “I know with about a 90% certainty that Claude will be against whatever Edelgard’s doing. Dimitri, I’m not so sure.”
Yuri nodded, taking in the information. “We need stronger people going to Dimitri, then, just in case he sided with her.”
“Which is why I decided that it would be best for all of us to go together. Dimitri has that one assassin with him- the Black Cat or whatever his alias is.”
“It’s Felix. I wouldn't forget the name of such a hunk of a man.” Hiram practically swooned.
Hapi rolled her eyes. “...Right. So, we start with Claude and then move on to Dimitri.”
Rhys raised his hand for a moment, making Hiram shush everyone. He said nothing, only jutting a thumb at you as if asking ‘what do we do about this chick?’ The room was quiet for a moment, then Constance clapped her hands together.
“She can stay and take care of Yuri!”
“What?” You and the previously mentioned man cried out.
He turned and glared at you. “You lot are going to entrust my healing to the same bitch that shot me? No. I’m coming with you all.”
Balthus shook his head. “She’s right, Boss. You could barely walk down here. You need to rest before you get back in the game.”
“Yeah,” Hiram began to laugh, “I’m sure Miss Girl will fix you right up. Maybe she’s better at caretaking than she is running away.”
You returned Yuri’s glare, but quickly switched it to Hiram. He lost his smile and quirked up an eyebrow, as if challenging you to say something. You didn’t.
“We leave tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock. Yuri, you sleep in. Y/N, be up early to change his bandages.”
Hapi stood and stretched, letting out a large yawn before walking out of the kitchen.
The rest of the group followed, Yuri lagging behind as Balthus helped him walk. His lavender eyes pierced into you, obviously extremely angry at you. You shuddered. You absolutely did not want to be alone with him tomorrow.
Dreading morning, you went to your room and tucked yourself back under the velvet sheets, watching the hall light turn off and listening to Hiram’s annoying voice echo throughout the walls.
“Goodnight y’all! Sweet dreams- except for the Princess, of course.”
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz 
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seven minutes in heaven ~ mark;midsommar
word count: 1865
request?: yes!
“First of all thank you for writing about Mark (midsommar), I love Will Poulter and, even though mark is an idiot, I couldn't help but like his character. Secondly can I ask you a smut Mark x Reader fanfiction? The story can be whatever you like, I just need some Mark smut 🔥🔥 Thank you and keep up the good work 💕✨”
description: a friendly game of seven minutes in heaven turns dirtier than they meant it to be when things get hot and heavy in the closet
pairing: mark x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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I watched as the bottle spun and yet another couple of drunk, horny teens made their way to the closet. One person timed the seven minutes while everyone else stood around, trying to hear what was happening. I rolled my eyes and remained sat in my spot on the floor.
I don’t know why I let my friend convince me to be a part of that stupid game. If anything, I should’ve convinced her not to be a part of it, she was already shitfaced drunk and could barley walk straight. The last thing she needed was to be felt up in the closet by some guy she probably would never talk to again.
“You’re such a poor sport,” she slurred as she sat next to me. I realized then that the newest couple was emerging from the closet, their clothes ruffled and their faced flushed.
“I’m not a poor sport, I’m just not into these dumb party games,” I responded. “I’m definitely not drunk enough for this.”
“Well, that’s an easy fix,” the host of the party said as he passed me another beer. “Finish that and you can spin it next.”
I really wasn’t in the mood to do either of those things, I just wanted to back out of the game and leave, but everyone was looking at me expectantly then, so I decided hey, why not? I was at a party to have fun, may as well have some fun.
I opened the beer and chugged the contents, causing my watchers to cheer with excitement. When I was finished, I wiped my mouth and placed the bottle onto the floor and spun it. As I watched it spin, I felt my head starting to spin with it and felt myself becoming more and more tipsy.
The bottle started to slow and stopped on a familiar brunette. I wasn’t sure of his name, but at that moment I was starting to feel so light and giggly I could barley remember my own name. He looked shocked, as if he couldn’t believe the bottle landed on him, before one of his friends grabbed hold of his shoulders and pulled him to his feet. I followed, trying my best to walk to the closet without tripping. Lucky for me, the light was already on so I didn’t have to fumble to find it.
“You know the rules,” one of the girls said as she held up her phone with an alarm set. “Seven minutes you two. Make them count.”
She closed the door and our seven minutes started. I turned to my companion and smiled.
“I’m (Y/N),” I told him.
“I know, we actually have a few classes together,” he responded. “Mark.”
“Oh yeah! Yeah, Mark! Sorry, that beer just like suddenly hit me and I’m really feeling it,” I responded. “So, do you want to kiss?”
“That depends, do you want to kiss?”
I nodded, an excited smile on my face. It had been so long since anyone kissed me, and now I was getting the opportunity to kiss a really cute guy with no consequences? How could I say no to that?
Mark chuckled at my reaction and took my face in his hands. He pulled me to him and started kissing me gently. At first, I felt bored. I figured this was the opposite of what you were supposed to do during seven minutes in heaven, but as we continued to kiss I realized how much I appreciated that he was taking it slow. Any other guy at the party probably would've taken advantage of my sudden inebriation to do whatever they wanted.
I put a hand on the back of his head and deepened the kissed. Mark’s hands trailed down my back to rest on my lower back, as if waiting to see what I would do, before letting one hand slide down and cup my ass. I moaned at the gesture and leaned into him, trying to get as close as possible.
The kiss became more passionate and heavy, but Mark still took things slow to make sure I was comfortable. An idea popped in my head and I pulled away first.
“Want to make things a little more interesting?” I asked.
An amused smile came onto Mark’s face as he tilted his head. “Depends, what did you have in mind?”
I smirked and slowly lowered myself to my knees. I put my hands over the buttons on his jeans, but looked up at him to wait for his permission. His eyes were wide with shock and he managed a slight nod. With that, I undid his jeans and pulled them, along with his boxers, down just enough that his dick sprang free and he’d be able to pull them back up when our seven minutes were over.
Mark watched as I took his shaft in my hand and started to pump a little. He had to bite his lip to suppress a moan as I took his hard length all the way into my mouth.
Even through the slight drunken haze, I knew that I wouldn’t be doing this if I was sober. I probably wouldn’t have even kissed Mark if I was. Not because I wouldn’t want to, but because I was just such an awkward person. I had trouble voicing my feelings for people, especially in a sexual aspect. It took me weeks to finally gain the confidence to tell my ex that I had wanted to lose my virginity to him, and even then I ended up typing the message out and sending it through text instead.
But I liked this version of me. The version that wasn’t afraid to do what she wanted, to get with who she wanted to get with. I tried to make a mental note to be more like this when I was sober, but it got lost in the haze of alcohol and now the haze of arousal, so I knew I’d have to pick that thought back up when I was sober.
I took Mark deep into my throat until I was nearly gagging on him, before pulling him all the way out till just the tip was in my mouth, and continuing the process in slow strokes. I looked up to watch Mark coming undone above me. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head and he was gripping my hair with his hand. He looked like he was in pure ecstasy, and I felt a sense of pride that I was creating it.
I started to quicken my strokes, realizing that we were running out of time. Mark had to cover his mouth with his other hand as his moans became harder to contain. I was lucky I had something to keep my own sounds of pleasure muffled, as I didn’t think I’d be able to just cover my mouth if I didn’t.
Before Mark could hit his climax, we heard the muffled sound of the alarm going off to signal that our seven minutes was up. I quickly stood as Mark stuffed his dick back into his jeans and buttoned them up just in time for the door to open. The girl who had the alarm eyed us with a knowing smirk on her face before gesturing for us to leave.
“Come on, let others have a turn.”
We both looked at each other before stepping out of the closet. While everyone else returned to the game, Mark leaned close to me to ask, “Want to finish what we started?”
I smirked and responded, “Definitely.”
While everyone was distracted, we made our way out from the basement where everyone had been gathered up into the house. We looked for a vacant bedroom that wasn’t the host’s, or his parent’s, and found a spare bedroom that looked like it hadn’t been used in a while.
Mark locked the door as I immediately began to undress, my heart racing with excitement. I laid down on the bed as Mark pulled his shirt over his head and his jeans and boxers down his legs. He climbed onto the bed, pushing my legs apart and positioning himself.
He leaned down to kiss me, catching my moan as he pushed himself into me. I arched my back in pleasure, moaning against his lips.
His thrusts were slow at first as he buried his head in my neck, kissing and nipping at it, surely leaving marks that I’d have to cover the next morning. But they soon became rougher and more needy as he groaned in pleasure into my neck. I let out a whimper as I felt him hitting a spot inside me that not even my ex could ever reach.
My nails clawed at his back as I felt myself hitting my climax. I allowed myself to moan Mark’s name out loud, as there was no threat of anyone hearing us. Moments later, I felt Mark twitching inside of me and felt him hitting his own climax.
Mark laid on top of me as we both rode out our highs. My hands were still gripping his back, as if I was holding on to him for dear life. My slight buzz was starting to wear off, and I realized that I hadn’t been regretting the moment at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. I was glad I had gotten the courage in the closet, and followed through when Mark suggested coming upstairs
I whimpered at the loss of contact as Mark pulled out of me. He collected my clothes off the floor and passed them to me.
“We should probably head back downstairs before anyone knows we’re gone,” he said.
I groaned. “I don’t wanna go back to the party. I’d much rather go somewhere else.”
He had his boxers and jeans pulled on again as he sat next to me. “With me?”
I looked at him with a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“Would you like to go somewhere with me? Or was this more of a one time thing?”
I sat up, finally pulling back on my own clothes as I was starting to feel the vulnerability of being naked in front of him, even if we had just had sex. “Well, it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be. I’d love to go somewhere with you, and to hang out if you want to. I just thought...maybe you’d see it as a one time thing.”
Mark shook his head. “I thought I would, too, but that was all the way back in the closet. The moment we stepped out of there, I knew that I didn’t want it to be a one time thing.”
I smiled and leaned towards Mark. He met me halfway and placed another gentle kiss on my lips. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. “Let’s go somewhere that’s not a party, and let’s do it more than just once. I’d really like to get to know you more, and maybe to make this more than just a drunken game at a party.”
Mark smiled. “Okay, yeah. I’d really like that.”
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queensdivas · 4 years
Peonies Chapter 5
This took me a little longer than expected because school has me wrapped up in papers and research projects. Someone do this work for me so I can sleep since I haven’t slept well in nights!!!!!!
But anyway. This chapter was interesting to write and I hope that y’all enjoy!!! 
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Damn him. Damn him damn him! Grabbing the closest random vase to chuck it against the wall. Me! Sleeping with Peter? I would rather die in a pile of shit that had smallpox than sleep with that moron! It’s been a day and I still find those words making my stomach curl! Maybe another vase? Ah these this naked porcelain statue. Chucking it against the wall as it finally made me feel a little better.
How did I allow one man to have such control over my emotions! To flood my mind, body, and soul as if he is a flash flood in the valley! I don’t even..I’m going to drive myself into a pit of never ending darkness. That damn man with those...beautiful blue pools of his eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. I’ve never seen such beautiful eyes in my life. Those strong cheekbones that could cut someone with a knife.
Maybe write a letter..I imagine the family is missing me and I’ve only written two letters so far here. Father is probably worried that I’ve been converted to the Orthodox ways. (Well I’ve been breaking the laws of the catholic church but luckily these people are too busy with themselves). I sat down at my desk to begin thinking on how to send back a positive message when I’m dying on the inside.
Dear Father.
Remind me to never make allies with Russia if I ever become Queen of Italy. These people are uncultured, disgusting horny toads! It feels like I have walked into a brothel except they’re not a bunch of dirty poor people. Now it’s a vast amount of extremely broad people on the court.
I’m not asking for you to save me or come galavanting from the homeland to come save me. Catherine still needs a lot of help and it’s getting worse before it gets better. To think that I gave the Russians the benefit of the doubt because I knew Catherine would be a little sensitive to the whole situation. But this is just horrible. I literally witnessed the Emperor laying with someone in the middle of the hall!
This is definitely a reminder of what not to do when I become Duchess at least. No wild parties at court more than once a week, and no.
My chamber doors bursted open to see Marial storming in, closing the doors behind her. She turned her back and leaned against the door. A panic expression was written on her face as I was waiting for an explanation.
“Yes Marial?” Asking as I continued to work on my letter.
“We’ve got a problem?” I took a sip of my wine that I had sitting out with me.
“Don’t we always?”
“It’s Catherine.” Putting down the quill as I turned around in my chair to stare at her.
“Is Catherine alright?”
“Now that she's Leo , yes. But the ladies..they did something bad. Not extremely bad but bad.” Is this a situation where I should be extremely worried? Worried? Or just a pat on the shoulder should make her feel better.
“After we passed out the eggs to the ladies of the court, Lady Svenska invited her to the tea party she threw, they were in a dance and one of the ladies punched her in the noise and caused her nose blood.” No. NO! NOT WHILE I’M AROUND!
“Are they still at their dance?” Popping up from the chair as I walked over to my trunk.
“Yes. They will be for another hour or two.” Which means pastries and tea will be required. Did I bring it? I really thought I brought it YES!
“Please let Catherine know that I will be handling these women the way they should’ve been. Tossed back down to the station they truly belong in, not what they thought.” Ordering Marial as I rang my bell for Fernanda. She came in as I placed the bottle on the end of the desk.
“Yes M’Lady.”
“Did we bring tea dance attire?” Asking her as she nodded.
“Great. Get my full attire ready, I’m going to way these peasants.” AS before you know I hate wearing the wigs, corsets, layers of face paint, and the dress. But duty calls in this situation because no one lays a hand on my cousin!
Taking off my boots as I heard someone come running into my room as I waited to see who it was. Catherine slid in as I was still sitting there taking off my boots. If she thought she could talk me out of this then she’s surely mistaken.
“Chiara please don’t!” Catherine begged as Fernanda came in with the dress as Catherine looked like she was going to explode.
“You don’t have any idea how this country works and if you do something like this then you could ruin everything I’ve worked so hard for.” Catherine stood directly in front of me as I leaned back against the chair.
“Well your last plan turned out to be a disaster and look what they did!”
“Minor setbacks tend to happen in these situations.”
“You’d call that minor?” Pointing directly as her nose as I got up from my desk.
“Please Chiara just because this works in your country doesn’t mean the same thing here. Peter will see this as an attack and were right in the middle of a war! He would be more than happy to send soldiers just because you caused half the women of the court to suffer.” Rolling my eyes as I began unbuttoning my shirt.
“Might I make a suggestion?” Marial poked her head into the bedroom as we both turned to face her.
“There’s always smacking me down.” See we wouldn’t be in this situation if Catherine would’ve just listened to Marial and I!
“Yes! Look if you don’t smack her down then I’ll be taking this matter into my own hand. And of course it has to be in public. And you’ll really have to say something to really piss off Catherine.” She knows that if she doesn’t do it then I’ll be doing what I do best.
“The horse fucking.”
“Cause allegedly you did. Though I don’t know how you would but maybe if you sort of..”
“Fine. Tonight Elizabeth is throwing a party in honor of the archbishop being selected so I guess we’ll do it there. Can we talk privately?” Catherine whispered as I looked at Fernanda to leave the room. Marial followed suit to close the bedroom door for me to sit back down at my desk.
“Though I appreciate you willing to avenge my attack. I think you enjoy getting ahead of yourself.”
“We’re family. No one hurts la mia famiglia.” I turned away from her to walk over to the small liquor table that sits in my bedroom. Pouring her a glass of wine then grabbing mine from my desk.
“Here. Something to make you feel a little at home.” Handing it to her then she looked at the bottle.
“Gaja Ornellaia. Dark and sweet.” Clinking glasses together as we both took a sip. Motioning her to sit as she sighed.
“How do you deal with women of the court? Sucking up to them sounds torturous and there’s no way that I can stoop to their level of living.” Catherine sat down on one of the loveseats for me to sit down at my desk.
“This court is one that I won’t be forgetting till the day I die. It’s one that has been let loose to do their own bidding. For the moment I wouldn’t suck up to them, but obviously we’re on a mission to make everyone in favor of you instead of Peter. So gifts. Not like your golden eggs but something that will truly aid them in their boring day to day lives. Maybe a better doctor for instance, or even a dentist. Lord knows how rotted their teeths are and could use at least some sort of cleaning. Though they say their modern, it’s more a barbaric modern.”
“You’re the empress Catherine. You have a lot more power at your fingertips then you realize and they’re trying to make you inferior because you’re new to the court. If you really wanted to you could strip down Svenska from her station if you truly wanted to. Lord knows I would at this point in my mind.”
“The ladies are led by Svenska with the amount of money..”
“Who's the Empress of Russia? Who rules Russia? The donkey face can’t even work up the courage to hit you she sends one of her ladies to do it. I really need to find that mean bone in your body and drag it out of you. I’d hate to say it but there is no such thing as a loving Queen. Most of us who are in royal power must rule with an iron fist but that doesn’t mean to be a monster onto the people like your moron of a husband.”
“Be truthful and fair to the people. Gain their trust in the way they need it, not you.” Close enough.
“Tell me Chiara. What exactly were you going to do with the ladies if I hadn’t come by to stop you?”
“Remember that cruise two years ago?”
“What! It worked last time, why wouldn’t it work a second time.” It really would’ve and if something like that happens again while I’m around it will work again.
Catherine put her glass of wine down to then lean a little more towards me which caused me to lean back against the seat.
“You’re a lot more bitter than usual. Is everything alright?” No. Everything is not alright! How can any of this be alright! This country! These people! Backwoods! Horny toads that just do whatever they Goddamn please without respecting..Oh it’s not even that! Fucking Grigor accusing me of sleeping with the moron Emporer who has a mind of a child! How dare he accuse me! I wouldn’t have any sort of sexual contact with him if he was the last man on this earth. If the gates of hell were open and the choice for me to go into Heaven was having sex with Peter I still wouldn’t partake in it!
“Peachy. Just absolutely peachy.” Chugging the rest of my wine to then throw my empty glass against the wall.
“You know that scared me for the first few weeks of being here. But now..” Finishing her drink to then chuck it against the wall. Shattering against it as she laid down on the love seat.
“But now it’s become a permanent sound in my mental wallpaper.” Grabbing the bottle to then walk over to where she was laying then sat down next to her. Getting comfortable as I pulled the cork out with my teeth to spit it across the room. Taking a drink to then give her the bottle.
I’ve yet to look at the top of my room since I moved in. They’re cupids that are dancing around in the clouds. Not sure who exactly designed this room but those cupids...they're so masculine..Why are they so muscular? I know no baby ever comes out this muscular no matter who the father is. Zeus himself could not ever make a baby this muscular!
“Catherine. Catherine. Lookup.” Pointing directly at them as her head tilted in curiosity.
“They’re cupids.”
“Yes they’re cupids. But have you ever noticed that they’re extremely muscular. They’re babies and have more muscles than Zeus himself. Just look!” We began laughing as the bottles continued to go back and forth between the both of us. This is exactly what I think we both needed. No men, no Government, not worrying about anything and just laughing at extremely masculine cupids.
“How is Leo? How is having a lover in your life?”
“It’s..intoxicating and confusing. When I first arrived I planned to make Peter fall in love with me as I am a romantic. Then tossed into a wheel of uncertainty. Leo says that he has fallen for me and..it feels so wrong from everything I’ve once believed in.” That’s one word to describe everything I’ve gone through so far.
“Our worlds are messy. We always think that it will be easy as those before us. But the world...people..him..it’s unclear.”
What am I doing? I’m to be a Grand Duchess in the next year or two, there’s a possibility of being a Queen and I’m in a tiny crisis on how to deal with some Russian that’s just using to get back at his wife? That didn’t even feel like the case till he brought up Peter and the accusation. But...look what he’s going through in his life as I imagine he doesn’t want his wife to be behaving like this.
Grigor...Grigor...for some reason the thought of his arms being wrapped around me is helping me fall asleep..so peacefully. He does this thing with his thumb where it glides up and down where it’s placed and it brings such comfort.
After drinking for a little longer than predicted. Catherine and I ended up sleeping directly where we were sitting for more than two hours. Alcohol is such a good night medicine. Fernanda came in to wake us as we both felt like brand new people and we had to get ready for Elizabeths party.
Per usual I truly didn’t feel like getting shoved into a dress and from what I’ve gathered about Elizabeth this party will end up becoming a clothes off party. So why not just dress the part but not get involved. Besides...I want to piss off Grigor for his accusation so why to wear as little as possible for something he’s not receiving.
My beautiful crafted corset that was pink with gold floral designs all around it. My plain white long sleeve shirt was underneath the corset with my nice pair of black pants and boots. Quite the scandal some would say. (But as you know it’s me just trying to be comfortable.)
“Boot dagger.” Fernanda tossed the sheathed knife onto the bed as I placed my boot on the bed and placed it in the boot. And now we’re set.
“Feel free to let loose tonight. I should be able to get myself ready to sleep and probably will be extremely intoxicated.” She nodded as I fixed my shirt so that my chest would be a little more exposed than most times.
Wait, something is missing. Rings yes, boot knife yes, and OH! Necklace! Walking to the desk to pull out my jewelry box to pull out my pearl necklace. The first few rows of pearls were tight around the neck itself then relaxed across my chest. Oh yes. Much better.
Walking out of my bedroom to already hear the madness going down near the end of the hallway. I really need a break from this palace. I’m in Russia and I should be going into the cities to at least see them! Maybe Catherine would be up for a trip to Moscow or Saint Petersburg sometime soon. I think that it would do her some good to go out and see the people to get a complete understanding of the country that she lives in. It does no good for a rising Empress to preach about change when she hasn’t met her own subjects. At home I would constantly go out and about to see my people. Support their businesses and make sure everything was doing okay. Yes her and I are in different situations but going out every once in a while wouldn’t hurt.
Walking into the party to see people were holding snakes, animals, and...a bird? I must admit this is one interesting party. Reminds me of when we had an animal exposition a few months back and I got to see a Tiger from China! But I imagine that would be impossible here due to the fact that the tiger would eat all of them up.
Looking around to see the ladies were sitting around the fireplace laughing as I wanted to choke the donkey face till she turned a different color. Ah and George. The Emporers would be where you had the audacity to become angry when Grigor and I were fooling around. The hypocrisy that spills from her mouth is exhausting.
Speaking of Grigor, where is he? Trying not to look suspicious as I searched the room to see him sitting with Peter and children as they drink wine? They look around 10? Mother didn’t even let me touch a drop besides communion till I turned at least 12! He looked directly at me to form a smile on his face. Maybe I over blew the whole situation. Tends to be a problem of mine which I need to fix.
“These parties..so interesting.” Catherine commented as we continued into the party. A waiter passed by with one glass as I snuck it for myself.
“Remember the plan.” Winking as we both sat down with the bitches.
“So. Tell me of your lives here.”
“All is bliss in the court of Peter.”
“Of course life is bliss here. But if tiny improvements could be made, and I could help you as Empress, that would gladden my heart to be a friend and a use to you all.”
“Why don’t you stop the war?” Why don’t you stop being a child? Impossible. They all chuckled as I wanted to scream.
“I will note it down. But it is probably beyond me at this point. Maybe more immediate things.” I can’t chime in on this because I don’t really live here full full time. (Though it feels like I’ve been living here for ages!)
“Well, the carriages are always in disrepair. They do not fix it fast enough.” George chimed in. Always being helpful in gaining her own glory.
“I see. I shall look into it. How is your son Tatyana? Boris. He was unwell?”  
“Fucking Chekhow saw him, but...We need better doctors than the Chekhovs. Boris coughs blood, and the fool puts leeches on his throat. I do not know doctoring but it seems ridiculous. And my dearest Boris gets sicker.” I truly can not imagine the horror of how this country would handle an outbreak of any sort of disease. Even if precautions are made to keep them at bay.
“He basically killed Raisa.”
“Indeed. We must have the most modern medicine. We shall bring a new doctor from France.”
“What a friend you are to us. How is Leo?” Is her life so dull that she must pry her big disgusting nose into Catherines love affair? Looking over to Catherine who looked uncomfortable for just a moment then smiled.
“He makes my skin tingle and my heart gladden.” They all giggled as I wanted to scream. It’s a private affair!
“Surely more detail than that. If you really are our friend, we will need you to open up to us, if it is true and we are to feel you love us.”
“Shut up, whore!” OH SHIT! Taking a sip of my wine after Marial yelled at her. In reality I’m trying not to laugh because holy shit that’s funny!
“She cannot…”
“Apologize!” Her and Catherine exchanged a look as I was ready. C’mon Catherine! Use that mean bone!
“I will see her later. Go back to your quarters, Marial.”
“NEEEEEIGH!” Catherine stood up to slap the living shit out of her to the point she almost fell down on the ground. Everyone gasped as I was sipping my wine trying not to laugh at these dumbasses.
“Do not ever do that! That goes for all of you. Am I heard?” The ladies in the circle slightly nodded as my eyes were directly on Svenska. I know the ass face was responsible for this mess and I’ll be dealing with it even after this. Oh did you think I forgot about the whole tea dance? Far from it.
“I have spoken to my husband on this, and he sees it as a sleight on him. If it is heard again, no matter what family, what wealth, they will be a servant stripped of everything and we will slap the shit out of them on a daily basis! Am I heard?” And that is how you do it!
“Marial, wipe the blood from your nose. Pour me wine.” Catherine sat down as Marial began to pour her wine.
“Now, other things you ladies need from me? Lady Svenska, can I help you in any way?”
“No Empress. I am satisfied.”
“Mmm. Marvelous. Good day then.” Catherine got up from her seat as I stayed exactly where I was for a few minutes. I’m waiting to see if ass face will say something smart right after Catherine has left.
“What are you waiting for exactly?” Svenska commented as my focus went directly to her.
“Oh just..watching..and waiting.” Svenska turned back towards Tatyana as I noticed George was staring directly at me. What could she possibly want?
“I think we need to talk.”
“Need or want? I have absolutely nothing to say to you.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Her eyebrow was raised at me as I put my drink down.
“And I find it hard to believe that you’re a good woman of any sort. If you want to talk then talk. You have the floor and are ready to tell me all about how you’re the victim and everything you do is for status. Truthfully you enjoy every moment of it that you go out of your own way to spend all your time with him.”
I waited for a few moments for her to say something back against my statement but what does she have against me? Being a whore? She’s already got that covered in her department so what would that even do against me?
“The Emperor is about to announce the new patriarch to the court.” A servant told us as I got up from my chair to then walk away. Stupid woman.
We walked into a large sitting room as the new patriarch was wearing his garments as Peter was standing on top of the love seat. I stood next to Leo as I noticed Grigor was coming to stand next to me.
“The new Patriarch! Huzzah!”
“Oh! To the Empress! She is finding her feet here, and her fists.” Took her a minute but we managed to get it out of her.
“Apparently she fucked a horse before she got here!” Damn it….
“For I am all for fucking and after Archie blesses us we will all begin!”
“Huzzah!” Glad to know that after everyone is blessed that they’re basically saying yeah God take it back. Didn’t need it in the first place.
“Can we talk?” Grigor whispered for me to raise my eyebrow.
“You and your wife truly love to talk don’t you?” Not looking directly at him as I kept my head straight forward.
“Please Chiara. I really….” Maybe he is sorry. I feel like this is becoming a usual song and dance for us these past few weeks. Nodding for the two of us to turn around and walk out of the room.
We started down the hallway keeping absolutely silent towards each other. Who exactly was going to start this conversation? Not me because at this moment I have nothing to say on the matter besides saying sorry for being a little over dramatic, and that’s it. He stopped walking to move in front of the fireplace to warm himself up a little. Turning towards me to let out a large sigh.
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry that I accused you of sleeping with Peter because of my own personal problems. It wasn’t right and I truly feel horrible for saying that…” I could tell that he wanted to say much more but was working on it. My hands were behind my back as I waited for him to finish his statement.
“Grigor it’s not a..
“Chiara I’ve fallen for you.” He interrupted me as I was confused by what he just said. What?
“I have fallen for you Duchess Chiara.” It sent shivers down my spine. What why? We’ve only known each other for a few weeks and now he’s fallen. Oh no...no no no.
“I am not the romantic type Grigor. I am not like my cousin who will bring you a twig to show love and unity. I..I don’t care for it.” Truth be told I’ve been avoiding the whole love marriage life ever since I was born. If I marry then I lose everything. The power will go to my husband and I am left to be nothing but a baby making device for my husband.
Yet...this feels different. I feel as if I should be comforting Grigor to hold one another. If I could keep him as a lover for eternity I might be okay with this idea. But marriage is something that I plan on never happening in my life.
“I don’t expect you to have fallen because why would you have fallen for a piece of shit like myself. You’re right about me..I’m nothing but a weakling who can’t even stand up against the moron himself..” He fell to his knees as he was beginning to have some sort of attack on the floor in front of me. Quickly approaching him as I got down on my knees.
“Grigor take a breath.” Rubbing his back as he was trying to catch his breath.
“My mind is beginning to chip away right before my eyes Chiara..” Oh no..no no. Holding him close to me as I kissed the top of his forehead. Okay so me swearing off love may just be a phase like mother said! Or is this just me feeling bad. I’ll figure that out later!
“This..this is just a rocky path in the road of life. We all go through it and eventually it becomes better. Just have to go through the rough path in order to see that beautiful green field on the other...this isn’t helping is it.” He shook his head as I thought I heard a door opening.
“A weakling… I’m such a weakling..” I’d rather the court not see Grigor falling apart in front of their eyes. Laughing was echoing from the hall as I had to get him out of here.  
“Let’s go somewhere else.” Telling him as I lifted him up from the ground.  We were stumbling around a little as we quickly walked through the palace till we made it to the apartments. No this isn’t meant for me to tackle him and have rough sex. Rather..rather not let the court see him breaking down when he’s the most important members of Peters court.
Opening the door to my apartment as he walked in then slamming the doors shut. Locking it as he fell onto the love seat. His breathing did calm down a little bit yet he was still in some sort of a panic state. Water.
“God how am I a man? Any man would’ve killed the other man for sleeping with his wife..you 're right..” Okay now I’m feeling horrible. I poured him a glass of water to then sit on my knees next to Grigor.
“Drink some water.” He sat up to take the glass from my hand.
“How could anyone love me...I’m such a coward. I can’t even fuck my wife...she has to go to someone else in order to fill that void...that desire that I can not fufill.” Well that’s utter bullshit because being railed by him was marvelous.
“Stop that! There is no need to bring down yourself because of your wife being a total whore. Grigor I’m sorry...I’m sorry for being such a cunt towards you. We both come from completely different worlds and I have to remember sometimes that this isn’t home..You’re not a weakling or a coward. This is just a difficult situation that probably doesn’t help that I’ve been acting so horrid towards you..” His glass was empty as I took it from him to place it down on the ground. My hands cupped his cheeks as he held onto them, he closed his eyes to put his forehead against mine.
“May I stay here for the night?” Grigor asked for me to nod.
“I can’t spend another night alone. Not another night…” Sitting up to then wrap my arms around him. He picked me up to then pull me into his lap which made me giggle a little. It’s kind of fun just being hoisted up into someone's lap.
“I don’t plan on making love with you tonight Chiara.” Oh really? This is rather shocking because I figured he would’ve found a way to seduce me into the bed.
“And why is that? Got tired of me already? We’re those three days….or five..still a little blurry with the amount of wine and food
“Never. You are the only good thing that has come from my dreadful existence here.” Somehow I think he’s right.
“I’m really wanting a glass of vodka. Care for some?” Asking as he was rubbing his eyes.
“Please.” Climbing off to walk over on my refilled liquor shelf. Two of my biggest glasses filled with vodka as I imagine it’s like water to him at this point. Just like how wine is like water, just drink it like water. Sitting back down on his lap to give him the glass, clinking out glasses as we both chugged down the vodka. HOLY SHIT THIS BURNS GOING DOWN STILL HOLY CRAP!
“Still getting used to it aren’t you?” He began to laugh as I shook my head then blinked a few times.
“Indeed. But it acts fast and my fingers are already feeling wonderful. How about another?” I’m just going to grab the glass bottle so I can stay comfortable on his lap. Skipping to the bottle as I pulled the cork off and placed it on the table.
“If you would’ve told me when we first met that I would be letting you sit on my lap after our first introduction. I would’ve thought they were mad.” Good times from a few weeks ago when I had a large stick up my ass. Sitting back down to take a swing from the bottle then hand it to him.
“Or me having some sort of relationship with you after I almost beat you with my sabre. How the world changes before our own eyes.” We both nodded to continue passing the glass bottle back and forth to one another.
I could feel it coursing through my veins like water rushing down a river after a rainstorm. It feels incredible! Vodka is truly a wondrous type of alcohol that loves to scorch my throat. Oof. As much as I would love to sit on his lap for a long time, my bed looks absolutely enticing for us to crawl in. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind crawling into bed.
“Would you mind if we got into bed? Your lap is comfortable but my bed just feels so much better. Please Grigor?” Without questioning it. He sat up as my legs wrapped around his back for us to start heading towards the bed. As much as I love not being pounded into oblivion in this position..this is fun! Wait for the corset. I can not get into my sleep mindset if I’m stuck wearing this cage.
He put me down on the bed as I sat on my knees to then begin taking off my corset. Crap Fernanda really tied the bow up high to the point I can’t reach it. His fingers began messing with the string as I felt the air entering my body once again. Tossing it across the room to untuck my shirt from my pants.
“Thank you.” Turning to face him as we leaned in to kiss one another. Softly kissing one another as he placed his hand on my cheek.
“Picnic with me tomorrow. There’s a beautiful tree that the leaves just dance with the wind that is just beautiful.” Yes. I said that I wanted to get some sort of fresh air and the timing could not be more perfect!
“It’s only been one day since I’ve been away from your bed, and I’ve missed the way it feels. Warm..comforting, can be a bit rough but eventually I become in a state of relaxation.” Grigor became comfortable down on the bed as I joined him on top of the covers. He placed his hand on my cheek as I kissed his hand.
“I know you don’t love me or have fallen for me...but thank you.” He drifted to sleep as I began to scoot closer to him. He must’ve felt me move because I was pulled closer to him and tucked into his chest.
This is nice.
Very nice.
@mirkwoodshewolf​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @johndeaconshands​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​ @radio-ha-ha​ @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too​ @deck-heart​ @actuallyanita​ @the-baby-bookworm​ @sadhwstudent​ @panagiasikelia​ @ewannmcgregor​ 
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shushushleep · 4 years
Word Count: 1590
Warning: Has a bit of violence in it but other than that it’s just all fluff fluff fluff
This one is a oneshot  of L!L and Lena, where L!L was declared dead but one night Lena had an unexpected visitor at her office...
Hello hello wonderful people, I wasn’t able to finish the A Broken Heart And A Spotless Mind series, i’m having troubles with the plot but it will be out soon, but for now I hope this will do. 😄😄😄
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“Y/N...You’re alive?” Your sister was take a few steps back because last week she saw your corpse being buried six feet under the ground.
“Alive and kicking…Well you know Luthors die hard sis.” You grin and pass by her, you poured some scotch into a glass then take a seat into her office chair and turn away from Lena to face the view of National City from the building.
“You know, you sound like Lex.” She raises her eyebrow. You took a sip from the glass. As soon as the alcohol sits in your mouth for like three seconds, you feel that burning sensation happening in your mouth you spat it out and face your older sister.
“Jeez, does this one came from mother or are all scotch taste like this? I thought it would taste better but I still prefer my orange juice…goodness I need water.” You stuck out your tongue trying to fan out the heat happening in your mouth while getting a bottle of water from Lena’s mini fridge, you chug down the water not stopping until you’re relieved. After drinking the cold water, you lie down on the sofa and covered your face with your forearm while your other arm was left dangling.
Lena grabbed a chair and set it beside you. “So care to tell me, how you came back from the dead, or are you just going to lie down at my sofa and pretend like it’s just an over worked day and nothing out of the ordinary happened a week ago?” She folds her arms while she waited for your answer. “Lee, can we about this tomorrow morning, I got really tired escaping from Lex’s goons.” You sighed still not removing your forearm. “What do you mean? Lex’s goons? You mean Mercy and Otis Graves? But they’re both dead, a Hellgrammite killed them.” She knits her brow because of her confusion and worry at the same time.
“That’s where you’re wrong; you see Mercy did die from the Hellgrammite but Otis…” You chuckled bitterly as you remove your forearm and sat up.
“He was alive and he somehow managed to recruit some friends.” You avert Lena’s gaze, you breathed deeply and you remove your jacket and sweatshirt only leaving you in a tank top and showed her a dried long scar that was sitting between the side of your neck to your shoulder. Lena was alarmed by the information that you’ve just revealed to her, her eyes welled up and her heart aches because she wasn’t there to protect you from Otis or from Earth’s madman that you we’re unfortunate enough to call him your brother. She came closer to take a good look at your scar and she brushed her fingers gently against it, she couldn’t imagine to what you’ve undergone these past few days, tears began to fall from her face.
“(Y/N), I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there to protect you… I couldn’t imagine what terrible things they did to you…” The older woman’s voice breaks because she imagined how scared you we’re alone by the hands of a psychopath and his brutal henchmen. You held her hand and looked at her in the eyes and gave her a weak smile to reassure her.
“Lee…it’s not your fault, and I’m the one put myself in danger at the first place. You don’t have to blame yourself.” You pulled away from her and opened your arms to show you that you’re fine well at least physically a bit.
“Yes, I’m a little battered and had a few bruises and… emotionally damage… But other than that I’m alright.” You tried to convince Lena you’re alright and she has nothing to worry about you but your eyes betrayed you, because your eyes starts to water and a little later it was falling uncontrollably. You just broke down in front of her. She didn’t let another second pass that she hugged you as soon as you collapsed; you cried in her arms, you poured it all out.
“You’re safe now with me, let it all out.” She said to reassure you that you’re protected from any harm; she pats your head and continued to hug you whispering comforting words. You just spend two hours sobbing into Lena’s arms, her warmth had wind you down as time passed. She waited for you to fully calm down and she reached a water bottle along with the tissue box and offered it to you and you took it, you wiped your tears with your hands and blew your nose into the tissue and wiped it then took a sip from the water bottle and let out a deep breath. You sat there in the sofa quietly fidgeting the water bottle staring at the floor; Lena snapped you back to reality and pulled you once again into a hug.
“The driver is waiting for us downstairs, ready to go?” You nodded and you put your sweater and jacket on. While Lena grabbed her bag and make a mental note to ask for her office to get cleaned up due to your shenanigans earlier, drinking scotch and spatting it out all over the floor. While you suddenly stared at your reflection at the mirror, your eyes are puffy and your nose is still red from all that crying session but you brush it off and just prayed that no one would see it.
“(Y/N), let’s go home.” You two exit her office and head for the elevator and the whole time Lena was side hugging you. It was already ten o’ clock, so there aren’t so much people in the building, only the maintenance staff and security guards are only ones left in the building. You two we’re greeted by the driver at the lobby.
“Miss Luthor, good evening.” He greeted Lena and she greets him back and then he was not expecting to see you, his eyes we’re wide open and his mouth drops.
“Miss (Y/N)…good evening…” You gave him a little smile and you chuckled a bit
“Drew, Hi… Well you look like you saw someone came back from the dead.” You joked and you and Lena both laughed about Drew’s reaction then climbed into the car. You leaned into Lena’s shoulder for the rest of the ride. A few minutes later you’ve arrived at Lena’s apartment building, you climbed down and you head to the private entrance of the building where you waited for Lena who’s currently talking to Drew for some orders.
“Drew, you have to keep this a secret, don’t tell anyone about (Y/N)…not a single soul. I mean it.” She said it to him looking him directly with her piercing green eyes.
“Of course, Miss Luthor.” He replied then Lena gave her a nod as a permission that he can now leave as soon as he parked the car.
Lena goes to you with her hands on your shoulder as you enter the private entrance and into the elevator that leads directly to her penthouse.
She enters a passcode and placed her thumb at the scanner; the door opened revealing her pristine, large, and monochromatic suite.
“You need to add a little color to your abode Lee… It’s like I’m looking through some HD 60’s TV show.” Lena chuckled at your remark.
“I will, as soon as I get the time...but for the mean time this will do.” You plop down into her cloud sofa inhaling the familiarity of the place.”
“Hey, get ready for bed, you need some sleep, you can sleep at my room if you want or you can sleep at your room.” She gave you some of your clothes that she may or may have not stolen from your closet.
“This sweater… these pajamas…where did you get these? I’ve been looking for these in ages.”
“I may or may have not borrowed a couple of clothes in your closet...” You narrowed your eyes into her
“What? It’s comfy.” She replied, you throw your hands in the air letting her slide this time and both of you chuckled. As soon as you’re done showering and change clothes you head to your room, where you have always stayed then you saw the picture that was placed beside the lamp, it was a picture of you and Lena, the left on was taken your first day of school of preschool crying and a third grade Lena hugging you and the other photo was taken during your birthday; you two just goofing around making silly faces yourself. You smiled at yourself remembering those times, you we’re so thankful that you have Lena as your sister. You grabbed the fluffy pillow and left your room and knock at Lena’s bedroom door, you opened the door and you saw her already asleep, so you just joined her in the bed and you tried to be as quiet as possible not to disturb her. You slip yourself in the covers and lay beside Lena. As soon as you settle yourself, you feel an arm around you.
“No one’s going to hurt you as long as I am here.” You smiled to yourself because who knew the CEO of LCorp whose notorious of being unreadable, stoic, and fearless woman is a big softie.
“Who knew the big bad Lena Luthor, could be this soft.” You kid
“And who knew that (Y/N) Luthor can be used as a huggable pillow.” She retorts
“Hey… I have a reputation to maintain you know.” You two chuckled and happily snooze away...
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smcc212 · 4 years
Hey!would you write something for tommy where the reader is his best friend (who he always had feelings for) but she had to leave during the war. He meets grace and wants to get rid of his feelings for the reader with her but the reader comes back and even if he's pissed he leaves grace for her since well yk he doesn't love grace? Sorry if it's too detailed lol
Sorry this took so long, but here it is, hope you enjoy
Back To The Beginning
Pairing- Tommy Shelby x reader
Word count- 1, 113
Warning- little bit of angst I guess, tiny bit of sleep doubt, but ultimately a lot of fluff!
A/N- I love getting requests, it makes me inhumanely happy. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy!!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!!
You stood on the platform, hearing the train you’d gotten off of chug away from you. You wondered of this was a bad idea, but when you turned and saw your train leave you decided to head to your hotel.
Once you got there, you started the think. This was the first time you’d been in Small Heath since the war, would anybody know who you were, and, most importantly, would Tommy? You know you were being an arsehole to him by not coming to Small Heath as soon as you got home from France. But you were scared. What if Tommy didn’t love you after what happened in France? What if he couldn’t deal with your nightmares? What if he couldn’t accept that the woman he loved now smoked opium so she’d fall asleep at night.
Regardless, you decided to go to The Garrison to have a drink. You’d talk to Tommy after wards.
As you drunk your whiskey, feeling like a prick for drinking alone, the pub fell quiet. You turned to see your old friends Arthur and John Shelby. They saw you and walked straight towards you.
“Hello, boys. I’m drinking a little before I go and see Tommy. I’m nervous y’know?”
“I’ll see you later, Grace.” You heard a familiar voice say from the snug that you and the Shelby’s would sit in everyday before the war. Then you saw a gorgeous blonde haired women walk out; she was trying to fix her obviously disheveled hair. It was clear someone had the their hands in it. You turned about to see John and Arthur had gone pale.
“(Y/N)-“ John began.
“Well, it was nice seeing you boys. Goodbye,” You said, you weren’t a fucking an idiot and left immediately.
“(Y/N)! Come back!” You heard Tommy’s voice from behind you. You ignored him as you walked be your your hotel. “Stop, please?!” He begged.
“What, Tommy?!” You stopped turning around to face. “I’m not an idiot. I should’ve known you’d moved but I didn’t think I’d have to see it, in person, so soon.”
“Look, I’m sorry you saw me and Grace. Let’s just talk. Please?”
“Alright.” Your heart caved in when you saw Tommy’s eyes fill with pain.
Tommy led you into his house and into his bedroom. You sat down on his bed. The two of you lost your virginities to each in, the bed in which you’d lie in each other’s and talk about the future in. You couldn’t blame Tommy for what had happen. You’d left to be a nurse in the war, and you never got any letters back from him. You thought he was dead, so you moved back in with your family in London.
“Tom, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I didn’t write to you as must as I should’ve and I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got back. Soldiers were the priority you see-“
“(Y/N), please tell me you didn’t get involved in the war.” You stayed silent, staring at the wall.
“You became a nurse?” He asked, his voice quiet.
“Because I wanted to help, Tommy. And I would’ve came back sooner, but I realised somethings about myself when I was away.”
“What? What did you realised about yourself, (Y/N)?” Tommy asked, his ocean blue eyes looking deep into yours.
“I realised I’m not the same person you feel and love, no matter how much I love you,” You admitted. “But you’re happy with... Grace? Or whatever her name is so... goodbye, Tommy. I’ll always love you.” You left his house and went to your hotel. That night you cried yourself to sleep and decided you were heading back to London the next day.
As you wait for the train the next day, you mentally went through your check list. Making sure you’d packed everything, when a young boy ran towards you. He stopped in front of you.
“Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” He said. Why is this boy talking to me? You wondered. “I’m Finn Shelby. My brother Tommy wants to speak with you.” Before you could say no, the young boy was dragging you with him.
He pulled you into that old house you had so many memories in. The Shelby clan all gathered around, looking at you. The young boy that dragged you there sauntering off to join them. You were just about to speak before Tommy stood up.
“(Y/N), we need to talk, come with me.” He lead you out of the room. I’d never been more confused in your life.
“Tommy, what’s this about?” You asked once you were far enough away from his family.
“I left Grace.”
“You what?”
“I left Grace, I’ve never loved her. It’s always been you, (Y/N/N).” Your eyes widened at Tommy’s words. You left all those years ago. You thought he was dead until you heard people in Camden talk about him. Plus, Grace was beautiful, she wasn’t spoiled by the war. You just couldn’t understand why he would’ve done it.
“I’m sorry, but what?”
“(Y/N), I love you, I’ve always loved you and I’ll never stop. Grace, she kind and beautiful... but she’s not you,” Tommy explained as you stared at him dumbfounded.
“But, Tom... I’m damaged goods. The war changed me... I can hardly sleep anymore, I have these nightmares and I have to take drugs to even get to sleep and they just make the nightmares worse. And-“
“I know. I’m the same,” Tommy interrupted you, placing his hands on your shoulders. “I’m not going to lie, I’m not happy that you ran away to join the war, but I have the same problems. I can’t sleep without smoking-and I’m not talking about cigarettes- I wake up as a result of horrible nightmares from the war. But I know that I still love you; I’ve never stopped loving you.” Tears welled in your eyes. You’d never stopped loving Thomas. You’d heard of the things he’d done, you’d always known of them, but nothing could change how you felt about him.
“I’ll never stop loving you, Tommy.”
“We can get through what happened to us in France together, I promise you. I just need you to stay with me,” Tommy practically begged. You nodded your head, no words coming to you. “Yeah?” Tommy asked, almost as if he couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah,” You whispered, though it was barely audible, he heard you. Within seconds his lips were on yours, your tongues dancing together as he dragged you to his room. Feelings of nostalgia coursing through your body.
Tommy was yours and you were his, just like it always should’ve been.
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hannahindie · 4 years
Not Part of the Plan
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1,853 Warnings: Language
A/N: This is only like...my second time writing Bucky, really. (The other time is in We’re No Heroes...which maybe I’ll pick back up during this quarantine.) I enjoyed writing him, and I hope you enjoy it, too! 
Beta’d by @amanda-teaches​ (who you can thank for the idea since it was written for her 2k Celebration, which you can find HERE, and the prompt is bolded). I didn’t break her heart this time, so I’m proud of myself for that. Also beta’d by @pinknerdpanda​, who always leaves me such beautiful reviews and straight up tells me when I mess the words up. (My old eyes ain’t what they used to be.)
Also, tags are at the bottom. Unless you’ve otherwise stated, I’m tagging my Forevers list. If you don’t want Marvel, let me know. If you want all the things because you just like my words, let me know. And, if you decide to be tagged, I hope to see you interact! It’s not like...a must. But I do love hearing from you all, it makes my soul happy. And in times like these, everyone needs some soul happy. Also, it makes me want to write more for you! 
Alrighty, on with the show!
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This did not go the way I had planned it at all. 
Not that any of my plans really...I don’t know...work. But I manage to squeak by. It generally doesn’t go over well with whoever I’m working with, but I’m adorable so that makes up for it. Usually. 
But this time, things are different. In my defense, the original plan was not my idea, not by a long shot. You can blame Stark for that. The one after the original one failed...that one was mine. I don’t really want to accept the blame for that part, but I’m not so sure my partner would agree. 
Speaking of…
I can feel the anger radiating from him, and I can guarantee he’s not even looking at me. I chance a quick glance, and all I really see is the glint of sunlight off metal. 
“Listen, in my defense, that move usually works.” 
I shift against the wall I’m leaning against, and realize we might be in some deeper shit than I thought. My side feels like someone has jammed a hot poker in between my ribs and twisted, and the hand I’m holding against it is sticky with drying blood. I squeeze my eyes shut, and force back the tears that are threatening to spill. I will not cry in front of him. 
“Come on, Barnes, you can’t be that mad at me. I mean, I know this sucks, but where’s your sense of adventure?” 
He whips around and I suddenly forget my next thought. His hair has started to fall out of the man bun he’d wrapped it in, and tendrils of dark hair are framing his face...now is not the time, Y/N. 
“Sense of adventure? Sense of adventure?” He stomps toward me, his hands clenched at his side. “Adventure is jumping in the car and not knowing where you’re gonna go! Adventure is takin’ a girl on a first date and deciding whether or not you’re gonna kiss her! I hate to break it to you, doll, but this,” he motions vaguely at the abandoned building we are trapped in, “this is not an adventure.” His gaze shifts to where my hand is holding my side. “What the fuck is that?”
“Oh, this little ol’ thing? It’s nothing, just a souvenir from our not adventure. It’s fine.” 
“It doesn’t look fine. Let me see it.”  
I flinch away from his hand, “Stop it. I’ve had worse, I’m fine. Why don’t we just try to figure out how to get out of here, huh? Please tell me that we have some kind of back up coming?”
“How the fuck should I know? The only part of the plan I was aware of has already failed, and unless you added that into your brilliant back up plan, then no, probably not.” I yank my jacket off and wrap it around my waist, sending fire through the wound as it squeezes tightly against it. Bucky opens his mouth to comment on my obvious discomfort, but immediately closes it. Instead, he turns away and walks across the room, carefully looking through the window. 
“Well, what do you see?” 
I roll my eyes, “That’s vague. How many?” 
He turns to look at me and the seriousness of the situation hits home when I see his face. “Lots.” 
I make a mental note to punch Tony in the dick if we manage to make it out of this in one piece. “Define lots.” 
“Sweetheart, even if you were in perfect condition, the two of us together wouldn’t be able to take all of ‘em.” He looks back outside, “We need Steve, Sam.” I giggle and he turns around to glare at me, “Don’t you ever fuckin’ tell him I said that. Not a damn word.” 
I shuffle over to the window, and groan. He’s not wrong. There’s at least twenty men, all armed, and all looking for us. “It’s less than ideal, but I’ve been in worse spots. I think we can do it.” 
“I think is not giving me much confidence, Y/N.” He shakes his head and chuckles, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were Steve’s kid sister. You’d actually be him if you were any more alike.” 
“Yea, well…” I slide down the wall, landing heavily on the floor, my body suddenly realizing I’ve lost more blood than I should have, “I’m gonna take that as a compliment.” 
He kneels down, forcing my hands away so he can look at my side. “Goddammit, Y/N, you should’ve let me look at this earlier.” He tears my jacket into strips, much to my disappointment, and makes a better makeshift bandage than I had attempted. He wipes my blood off his hands and onto his pants, resting his elbow on his knee as he looks at me. “What do you suggest now?
“What floor are we on?” 
He shrugs, “I dunno, fifth? Why?” 
“I’m like 20% sure this plan will work. The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it’s a really solid plan. Get to the roof. There’s another building to the left, cross that roof, take the emergency exit stairs on the far side, jump the fence, and you’re in the clear. Get Tony and bring him here so I can kick his ass.” 
“I’m not leaving you here, fuck that.” 
I grin, although I’m sure it was more of a grimace, “Aww, do you actually like me, Barnes? What a time to be alive.” 
“I just don’t want to get shit about it.” 
“Yea, yea, yea.” I take a moment to look at him, really look at him, and can see the fear in his eyes. We are in deep shit. I sigh. “I can’t do that and you know it. I fucked up, Buck. It’s no one’s fault but mine. But, you gotta get out of here. You can do it, and you’ll get help, and it’ll be fine. Bonus: we won’t let Tony live it down! He’s gonna get all the shit.” 
Bucky laughs, wiping a hand across his eyes when he thinks I’m not looking, “You’re something else, you know that, kid?” 
I shrug, “Someone has to have a sense of humor, and I’m thinking you’re a lost cause.” 
“Whatever.” He pauses, and my eyes slip shut. “Y/N?” 
“I’m fine. Just sleepy. Why don’t you hurry your ass up so I can go home, huh?” 
“I can’t just leave you here-“ 
“You can and you will!” I say it angrier than I intend, but it’s for his own good. “Go, Barnes. Just go.” 
I keep my eyes closed, it’s too much work to keep them open, and wait for the sound of his footsteps. The sound never comes. 
I wake up, fully expecting to still be in that building. Instead, I’m lying in my bed back at Stark Tower. My head rolls to the side and I see Bucky sprawled out in a chair in the corner. 
“The hell…” my voice crackles and I look around for a glass of water. When I don’t see one, I attempt to leave my bed and immediately hit the floor. Bucky jumps up, his eyes wide, then sees me sitting in a heap on the floor. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” He immediately grabs me, helping me back on the bed way gentler than I’ve ever seen him. 
“Language, Barnes. Language.” He frowns and I laugh, grimacing at the dull throbbing in my side, “I’m thirsty. I wanted some water.” He walks over to my desk and throws open the mini fridge I keep stocked with water and Coke Zero. 
 I chug the ice cold water and sigh happily. “That is the best thing ever. Thanks.” I take a moment to gather my thoughts, picking at the blanket while I do. “So...what happened?” 
“You passed out. I couldn’t just leave you there, so I carried you.” 
“You...carried me? Like, to the roof?” 
“And, then Tony came?” 
“No, I carried you to the next building and then over the fence.” 
“Because I could.” 
I roll my eyes, “Always the hero, saving people you don’t even like just because you can. That was stupid.” 
“What do you mean, people I don’t even like?” 
“Oh, come on. I get on your nerves and you know it. You most certainly didn’t pick me to go on that job, everyone else was too busy.” 
He stares at me, his brows furrowed, then shakes his head. “I wasn’t upset that I had to go with you. I was upset because I didn’t want you to get involved. I knew it was gonna be a sticky one, and, uh…” He runs his fingers through his hair, “I didn’t want you to get hurt, is all.” 
“You didn’t want me to get hurt? You mean…” I think I know what he means, but I can’t possibly be right. 
“I mean...well, I like you, doll. Hell, more than like you, I guess.” He rolls his eyes and stands up, “I sound like a kid.” 
“You...you like me?” I try and fail not to laugh. He whips around and glares. 
“Oh, laugh it up.” 
I wave a hand, “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you liking me. Well, I am. But, mostly because I thought you hated me.” 
“Why the hell would you think that?” 
I hold my fingers up, counting as I go, “First, you never laugh at my jokes. Second, you avoid me every job we go on. Third, you make it a point to leave the room whenever I walk in...ohhhh.” 
He smiles, shaking his head, “For a smart girl, you’re pretty slow at realizing things.” He sits back down and tentatively grabs my hand. “You’re funny, I just don’t always get the references. I just never know what to do with you. Back in the day, I could get any gal I wanted, just by smiling. But you...you don’t need anyone. You’re just...you. I don’t know how to handle you, and it makes me nervous. I hate to admit it but...you scare me a little, Y/N.” 
I squeeze his hand, “I am a lot to handle, so it’s understandable. You should know, you don’t scare me at all.” 
He raises an eyebrow, “Oh, is that right?” He moves in closer, “Not even a little bit?” 
“I...no. Not even a little.” He gets closer, his lips barely grazing mine. 
“Not even a little nervous?” His hand traces along my neck, before cupping my cheek. “What about now, sweetheart?” 
I clear my throat, “S-steady as a rock. You ain’t shit, Barnes-“ I can’t finish my sentence because suddenly his lips are on mine and then I am scared. I’m scared about what this means for us, for the team. Then, his other hand comes up, holding my face in place as he kisses me deeper, and I realize none of it matters. 
Because honestly, the thing I’m most scared of? 
Losing James Buchanan Barnes. 
Forevers: @pinknerdpanda​ @wheresthekillswitch​ @amanda-teaches​ @masksandtruths​ @escabell​ @trexrambling​ @cosicas-cuquis @ladylachesis @amanda-teaches​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @docssoulshine​ @arryn-nyxx​ @emptywithout​ @charliebradbury1104​ @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes​  @deanssweetheart23​  @canadianjelly​ @super-not-naturall​ @aubreyreadsstuff​ @fandomismyspirit​ @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell​ @owllover123​ @rosie-winchester​ @amionthetumbler​ @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl​ @goldenolaf25​ @authoressskr​ @nanie5​ @mrssamfuckingwinchester​ @zincomms​ @kathaswings​ @crazynerdandproud​ @barbedwireandbubblegum​ @sandlee44​ @boxywrites​ @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj​ @captainradicalpassion​ @myloveforyouxx @atc74​ @mrsbatesmotel53​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @thelittleredwhocould​ @jotink78​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​  @anticipate1003​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @mogaruke​ @speakinvain​ @linki-locks11​ @wildlandfox​ @rhochradel​ @lostnliterature @eternal-elir​ @spn-ficfanatic​ @polina-93​ @lexiiiii28 @poukothenerd​ @emoryhemsworth​ @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend​ @closetspngirl​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @hunterscabin
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rosaetae · 4 years
the subtlety of breaking in
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☇ prompt: "time passes slower without you." & "are you stupid or stupid?"
➣  pairing: jimin x reader 
➣  genre: drunk!jimin
➣ word count: 1.4k
➣  summary: park jimin breaks an entering— sort of.
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When you come out of your room with your damn lamp that you unplugged next to your night stand, your heart is pounding nearly at the speed of light as you're tip-toeing down the hallway. You're scared of making a sound, so you're making sure that each step you made was as a silent as you could make it.
In your head, you're wondering if this lamp is even enough to knock this burglar out, and you're hoping to the gods that it is because this is the only weapon you could think of at the moment.
As you near coming out of the hallway, you're mentally preparing yourself for the attack, wondering if you should charge at them or sneak up behind them when they're not looking, until a mew sound pulled you away from your thoughts of making a choice.
Cosmos, you silently curse.
Peering into the hallway, you find your pet cat purring, her tail curling as her head nudged at the stranger squatting down in the middle of your living room.
Carefully, you walk out of the darkness of the hallway, eyes dilating to focus on the person whom your cat grew fond of very quickly.
Upon seeing a brown-haired stranger, you realize it's not a stranger petting your cat when you should've known at first hand when you first heard Cosmos purring the hallway, realizing that Cosmos doesn't like strangers— or people for that matter— except for one.
"Jimin!" You nearly yelp, lowering your lamp that was clenched in your clammy hand, immediately bringing the other to your forehead in exasperation. You switch on one of the lights to realize that the stranger was in fact your best friend, petting your cat.
Hearing his name, he looks up, alert, before his eyes recognized you.
"How the hell did you get in?" Sighing, you set your lamp down on one of the tables next to the couch as you watch Jimin pick up Cosmos who was licking his hand very fervently.
Jimin, a sheepish grin on his face, shows you his key chain that held your apartment key, causing you to close your eyes in exasperation once again.
It was on his birthday that you gave him the key to your apartment. It wasn't meant as a rooming proposal, but more of an act of trust that for his birthday, two weeks ago, you decided to get your key copied and give it as a gift it to him. Admittedly, you're not the best person when it comes to trusting people, but after having Park Jimin stick around for nearly five whole years of your life, he became one that you trusted.
Now you're doubting that as you're wishing you'd have given him a watch or something of a sort rather than something of sentimental value that would lead you to this very unnecessary moment as now.
"Jimin," you began as you watch him set Cosmos down on the wooden floor. "I gave you that key as a symbolic way of showing how much I trust you. Not for you to come in at 2 AM to play burglar. Gods, I nearly almost attacked you!"
"With a lamp?"
"With a lamp," you affirm with narrow eyes. "Do you still want me to hit you with it?"
"No ma'am," he laughs, throwing his hands up in mock defense. "I wasn't playing burglar, I just wanted to see you is all."
"You saw me a couple hours ago."
It was true. He came over as you both decided to play a couple rounds of smash, but seeing that his friends invited him to go clubbing, you let him leave— not thinking he'd come back so soon, especially unannounced.
Jimin waves you off dismissively, walking over to your kitchen, targeting the fridge. Even when sober that's the first thing he thought of. "Yeah, and that was a long time."
"No, it wasn't."
"Time passes slower without you," he says nonchalantly, eyes roaming up and down your fridge and turns his head back to you, an ever-so flirtatious smirk planted on his face.
"Time passes slower because you're drunk," you say after him, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the fridge. "Can you please sit down? I'll bring you some water and something to eat. What are you craving?"
He hums along the way to the couch where you plop him down to sit still, but as you walk away to grab him water you feel his hand grab at your wrist.
Turning over to him to raise an eyebrow, he cheekily smiles.
"Not an option," you roll your eyes at his coquetry, attempting to tug back your wrist. "Seriously, Jimin, let go of me. You need to drink some water and sober up."
He lets out a whine, tugging you closer to him in return. "No, I want to hold you."
"That's not an option, either," you exasperate, slapping his hand away from you to which he finally obeys and lets you go. "Gods, I never knew you were so touchy when drunk."
"And I never knew you were so hot," Jimin lolls back onto your couch, causing you to scrunch your nose in return. "Nah, that's a lie. I've always known."
Jimin may be your best friend of five years, but you've always known how much of a flirt he was. His snark remarks were the first thing that made you stray away from him and even before you began to trust him, he would say such coy statements that would make you want to hit his head for even daring to tell you that. Though seeing that his inhibitions are extremely lowered, he's being more amorous and touchy than usual.
"Jimin, I suggest you shut up before you say anything else you'll regret."
"Why would I regret saying you're hot? You are. That's why you're my best friend. We look good next to each other," he chuckles. "But we'd definitely look better together."
"I think you would look better if you would shut up."
"Baby, why you mad? I came all the way here for you, you know."
"Nuh-uh, you came here to find a place to stay for your drunk ass because you live thirty minutes up state," you point out. "You can't come in here in the middle of the fucking night without any warning because your dumbass is forgetting that I have to wake up early tomorrow for work, and you're making this very hard because you're drunk and I can't seem to find a damn off button because you will not shut up!"
"Well, why didn't you say so!" He announces cheerily. "That's an easy fix. If you wanted me to shut up so badly, how about we go to bed together?"
"Jimin," you say his name in the most annoyed form possible. "Are you stupid or stupid?"
He pauses, mouth opening and closing as if he was stumped by the question— before he smiles. "The second one."
"Jimin—" You sigh, grabbing a water bottle from the cupboard and chucking it at him. He grabs it fluidly though, resulting to you narrowing your eyes at him. "Just chug that shit down. There's a blanket on the couch and feel free to snack on whatever. I'm going to bed."
"And I can't join?"
"Why not?"
"Because I said so?"
"Don't push me Park Jimin, or so help me gods, I will take that lamp and will not hesitate to beat you with it."
"Jeez, you always result into violence," he sighs defeatedly. "I can't innocently sleep beside my best friend?"
"Anything you do is not innocent and you've never slept beside me before and we're not starting now," you throw at him with a scowl. "If I wake up tomorrow morning and you're in my bed, I will make sure you do not wake up to see the morning."
"As always, your threats always turn me on."
"Goodnight, Jimin," you yell as you walk into the hallway, wondering off to your room.
"Not even a goodnight kiss?" He calls back before you're shutting the door behind you.
Climbing into bed and having the familiar feeling of your comforter over your body, you're too tired to even notice your heart beating fast.
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this was written from this list of prompts + this drabble is apart of my drabble series
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