firemblem-fics · 7 months
Chapter Seven — Zora’s Domain
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[chapter warnings: injury, self-doubt]
t.o.c ; << | >>
The red guy was weird.
You'd seen Zoras before— in books since the Gerudo Desert was too hot for them to traverse. You guessed that they'd be similar to what you'd read, but nothing compared to seeing the large, brightly colored shark-man in the water below the bridge.
He spoke with an accent, something you'd assumed was typical for Zora's Domain. It was soothing, but the velvetyness of his voice did little to ease your startle every time he randomly appeared.
Sidon, you learned his name was, also spoke with an energized vigor when he learned that you were headed towards the Domain. This excitement grew tenfold when Link expressed his desire to tame the Divine Beast, and Sidon sent you on your merry way. Your merry way to trek the perilous trail that led to the Kingdom. Fun.
"Couldn't he have like, I don't know, given us a boat?" You wiped water from out of your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. It didn't help, as the torrential, never-ending rain just blocked your vision more.
"I don't think that would've worked with the waterfalls going upwards." Link was slightly snippy, but you couldn't blame him.
"A ride on his back, perhaps? He is roughly the size of a horse."
Link snorted. "Maybe it's to make us prove ourselves. I've had to do that constantly since I've been awake. In any case—"
Link was cut off abruptly as he ran into your back. He was ready to curse you out but quickly dismissed the thought when he noticed your hand on the hilt of your Demon Carver. At this point, he trusted your cautiousness. He gazed ahead, over your shoulder, to see a small camp with a freshly dampened fire.
"Lizalfos." You whispered, hoping that the monsters wouldn't hear. They were too busy sharpening their spears— incredibly ominous, in your opinion.
"Remember what Sidon said." Link whispered behind you, pulling out his bow. "These Lizalfos are probably electric, and that'll hurt us if we get shocked. Especially with all of this water."
You nodded. There were about 5 Lizalfos in total, all in their own worlds as they milled about their little makeshift camp. You scanned the area, a quick plan coming to mind and you motioned for Link to follow you.
The Lizalfos had yet to notice you as you scaled to the top of a boulder nearby, out of reach. You grabbed your own bow and barely took any time to aim before nailing one of the Lizalfos between the eyes. It collapsed in a cloud of dust and weird, mismatched body parts and you bit your tongue to keep from cringing. Gross.
The Lizalfos took little time to recover before grabbing their own weapons and congregating at the bottom of the boulder. Link joined in the fight, sending his own arrows flying into the Lizalfos and before you knew it you had taken out the camp.
You cheered a bit and jumped down, walking closer to inspect the camp. The weapons left lying around were subpar and probably wouldn't do shit to help fight, so you ignored them and focused on the roasted trout that were speared in front of the fire.
The small, makeshift tent covered them for the most part— obviously, they'd been roasted earlier and stored there to keep dry out of the rain.
Your mouth all but watered at the sight, and you moved closer to grab them. Before you got to them, however, Link's voice rang out from behind you.
"Look out!"
You whipped around to see the enemy, but you were suddenly blinded by bright light and an excruciating pain through your body. Your muscles cramped up and you collapsed, too weak to hold yourself up as you felt yourself uncontrollably seize.
Then, black.
"—pretty bad. She'll probably be here for a while—"
The ringing in your head was too much to bear. Paired with the hushed voices near you, the pain was enough to make you nauseous and you groaned out in an attempt to make them stop.
You were lucky— they did for a second.
"How are you feeling?"
The voice was female— definitely not Link. It was soft and gentle as if whoever it belonged to knew that you were struggling. You could only manage a small huff of air. That would have to suffice as your answer.
"Y/N?" It was Link this time. "You need anything?"
"To be euthanized." Your throat muscles hurt. Guess that's what happens when you get electrocuted.
"Not gonna happen." He huffed out a small laugh through his nose, but you could tell he was still a bit too worried to relax even with your eyes closed. "You would be proud of me, I carried you and all your junk all the way to the Domain."
"You're the hero of Hyrule, that's your job." That earned an actual laugh. "I'm not heavy and neither is my junk. You're just dramatic."
"You seem like the dramatic one here."
"Yeah? You try getting shot and electrocuted at the same time and tell me how it goes." You cracked one eye open and moved to sit up, wincing at the absolute agony that your muscles were in.
Thousands of volts did go through them, so you couldn't necessarily blame your limbs for needing a break.
Link was quick at your side, adjusting the pillow behind you and moving the blankets to still be covering your lap. He handed you a glass of water that sat on the bedside table and you slowly sipped, feeling at least a bit of your headache go away. Enough for you to finally look around, at least.
You were in Zora's Domain, in one of the beds at the inn. It was a shame you didn't get to experience its beauty with Link, but you were sure you'd have other opportunities. You were grateful for his help— normally, you wouldn't have just relaxed after waking up in an unfamiliar place. But with Link there, you knew you were safe. The thought made your cheeks burn and your muscles clench again and— ow.
Why was your thigh hurting so badly?
You moved the blanket away and saw your right thigh covered in bandages, a sizable spot of obvious blood seeping through the side. Ah.
"It was hard to get out," The gentle-voiced Zora noticed you looking, "You got the worst combination in history. Shot with an arrow, electrocuted, and having that electricity amplified by all the rain we've been having. Goddess, you're lucky to only come out with this and a few burns."
Link nodded. "It was, uh, hard to watch. I couldn't help you until all the electricity was gone or else I'd get shocked too. I just had to sit there and wait for a minute."
"I'm sorry." You hadn't taken your eyes off of the bandages. It was hard not to beat yourself up for letting your guard down so much. You'd promised Link you could care for yourself. Hell, you were literally raised better than that. It definitely put a damper on the old confidence.
Link also looked down at your leg and you felt your chest tighten. You wanted to pull up the blankets to cover the obvious bloodstain. The more you looked, the more you saw burnt areas along your leg and going up to your hip, beneath your pants. They were bad, but obviously not bad enough to have to cover to the extent that the arrow wound was. You subtly tugged at the blanket and Link noticed. 
"Uh, yeah. A little." 
Link looked around the area for another blanket, but couldn't find one that wasn't already being used by another occupant of the inn. He moved to the other side of the bed and sat down beside you, shimmying under the blankets instead. You tried not to let your embarrassment show. 
"Maybe this will work." He gave you a tight smile, "At least for now, until the Innkeeper's wife gets back with some more medicines for you. I just didn't want to get on your injured side.”
"Don't mention it," You let out a dry laugh, "Guess I can't even argue with you about coming along to the Divine Beast now, huh?"
"As if I was going to let you in the first place. You can handle yourself, I know, but I'd rather you not risk death."
"And you think I want you to?" You shoved Link's shoulder and huffed. "The only reason I'm letting you do it is for the fate of Hyrule. Any other time, I'd be so mad that you insist on throwing away your life."
"Letting me do it? Sounds like you just can't stand being away from me." He teased. 
"More like I just can't stand you." You tried to hide the flush that came to the tips of your ears, "If you get injured, all I'm gonna do is hear you complain."
"I could say the same about you.”
"I haven't said shit, and I just almost died!"
"And you're not allowed to do it again--" 
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." 
Sidon and the innkeeper's wife, Kodah, enter the inn, both carrying medical supplies and potions. Sidon tilts his head at Link sitting next to me, but Kodah just smiles and sets the supplies on the bedside table. She kneels beside the bed and peels the blankets back, and you look away. You don't necessarily want to see the injury-- it would just make you feel even more incompetent. Instead, you focus on Sidon. 
"Link, my father would like to speak with you before you head to tame Vah Ruta." He turns to you, "and I know Kodah here will take wonderful care of you while you wait for your dear Link."
Link nods and faces you as well, a grin on his face. "I'll come by one more time before I go, but until then don't get into any trouble!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." You shoo him away, immediately noticing a difference when his warmth disappears from under the blanket. You're nervous for him. 
Wait-- your dear Link?
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firemblem-fics · 8 months
breathless | table of contents
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(1) Freedom
(2) Kimi
(3) Protection
(4) Truth
(5) Survival Mode
(6) Rusty
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firemblem-fics · 10 months
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requesting rules & guidelines
❦three houses❦
❦tokyo mirage❦
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firemblem-fics · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Freedom
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[Chapter warnings: abuse, fighting, sexual jokes]
[table of contents]
Sweat dripped down your forehead, soaking your hairline and traveling down to your eyelashes. The water nearly blinded you, yet you knew you couldn't stop. You swung the Windcleaver in your hands with terrifying strength, slicing the arm off of the wooden dummy as if it was butter. Your muscles burned at the feeling and nearly gave out after you had cut, but you knew better.
Don't stop.
A loud thud resounded behind you, and yet you did not turn around. You held the blade over your shoulder to protect your spine, effectively blocking the soldier who had attempted to attack you from behind. At his surprise, you were able to turn and use two hands to push the blade towards him, pushing him back against the sand floor. The soldier regained his footing quickly and charged once more, making you continuously block and parry his shots, looking for an opening to go on the offensive.
Finding none with your sword, you sighed. You blocked his blade once more and threw both his and yours to the side, following the weapons with a blow to his face.
Hand-to-hand combat was never your favorite-- it hurt your knuckles and it was just too much trouble. Why use your fists when you had so many weapons at your disposal?
You ducked under a punch from the soldier, taking advantage of the low point to hit his ribs. The soldier coughed and kicked out while you were still low, hitting your shoulder and knocking you back a few steps. You squared your stance once more, ready to charge again--
"Y/N! Y/N!"
A high-pitched voice squealed from your left, where the entrance to the training arena was. You dropped your guard after seeing the soldier do the same and turned to see a little girl, height barely reaching your hips, barreling towards you. You grinned and wiped the sweat off of your forehead again, kneeling down with your arms open wide.
Your little sister giggled and crashed into your arms, wrapping her own around your neck as you picked her up and spun her around. She held a piece of paper in her hands and once you stopped spinning her, she unfolded it and held it up to the scorching sunlight to let you get a look. On the paper were scribbles of color and what seemed to be three stick figures, adequately drawn for a seven-year-old such as Kimi. You looked at her and smiled, "And what do we have here?"
"It's a--"
"Family portrait." A slightly lower voice comments from the same area Kimi came from. "She says it's us, but I don't see the resemblance."
You laughed. "Hiro, she's seven. You can't expect her to be the next great artist just yet."
Hiro shrugged, feigning distaste although you knew it was all for fun. "I dunno. I think I did better than that when I was four."
"Not sure about that one. Last week, Master got on you because he couldn't read the ambush plans you had drawn up. Four wasn't your magic number and thirteen might not be, either."
Hiro scoffed and opened his mouth to rebuttal, only to be interrupted by the soldier overseeing your training.
"You were distracted today. You could have done better if you focused, Y/N. Get ready for dinner." He waited until you saluted him before walking away. You and your siblings watched him walk off, the large door closing behind him.
"Fuckin' hate this--"
"Hiro, language."
"What?" He threw his hands up. Kimi buried her head into your shoulder-- she never liked it when people were upset. "Y/N, we've been here for five fucking years. These people have kept us kidnapped here, and for what? To become their super soldiers? 'Protect Ganon, protect Ganon'. From what? There's fucking nothing going to tame that dumb pig in the castle. That one dude is not coming back to life.”
You could only watch in sympathy as Hiro ranted. You felt the same, but you felt like you had to keep it together for him and Kimi. If they saw you crumble the same way your pubescent teenage brother was, then you'd be seen as weak. They wouldn't be able to rely on you for anything. That couldn't happen.
"It'll all work out, Hiro."
"Doubt it." He blew a strand of white hair out of his face, crossing his arms. "Let's just-- let's just go. Time for dinner, I bet it's just a bunch of fuckin' rocks."
The events after dinner were always the ones you dreaded, and yet also looked forward to the most. Nights in the desert were always cold, even from the comforts of your room in the hideout. They chilled you to the bone, and could lead to your demise should you travel unprepared. The sand seemed to turn to snow and the dry winds did little to help, as did the thin blankets that laid across your shivering body in the rock-hard bed that you shared with your younger siblings.
Yet, you were alone. Free from the prying eyes of your captors, and from the ever-present pressure to be the strong one for your siblings as they slept soundly beside you. Here, you could relax.
Kimi was curled up in the middle against your side, still sucking her thumb despite you telling her she was too old for it. Perhaps it was to cope. You stared at the ceiling, thinking back to the training earlier today.
You agreed with Hiro-- what were you doing here? Of every child in the world, why did the Yiga Clan decide to take you three? What good could you do for their cause? Surely there were people more willing and capable of doing what you were being trained to do.
You took a deep breath and steeled yourself. You had to be stronger than ever to utter your next words, much less carry them out.
"Hiro... Kimi... Wake up." You waited for the two of you to acknowledge your presence. "Do you want to leave tonight?"
"Leave? Tonight?" Hiro's voice echoed back.
"Yeah, from here. We need to."
"But won't they catch us?" Kimi whimpered.
"Not if we do it now. The guards are switching shifts. Let's put on our suits and get out of here. And stay quiet."
All you heard for confirmation was the ruffle of clothes as Hiro and Kimi slipped on their outfits and packed their few belongings. You looked around outside the curtain that separated your bedroom from the main room. You watched the open holes in the rock walls that pretended to be windows, making sure that guards didn't walk by to see you up past curfew. Quietly, you led the two younger kids around the rock pillars that turned the room into the hellish labyrinth that had been your home for the past five years-- nearly Kimi's entire life. Your heart lurched at every ruffle the red banners made along the corridors as the wind breezed through.
The place was peaceful tonight.
You held your breath around every twist and turn, the fear of getting caught nearly paralyzing you— urging you to turn back and crawl under the safety of the blankets— but you pushed on for your siblings. Finally, you saw stars.
The entrance of the Yiga Clan hideout was so close. You could reach out your hand and be free.
You could taste the fresh air and see the night sky, the stars getting even closer as you stepped carefully towards the entryway. They seemed to sparkle in morse code, praising you and encouraging you to continue forward.
The small streams of sand falling from the cliffs above near the entrance stung your eyes and the dust clouded around you, making you squint. Only a few more steps until you're free.
A loud sneeze echoed through the canyon, nearly rumbling the rocks and causing an avalanche. You and Hiro turned and looked at Kimi in horror as she bashfully held her nose.
"Bless me."
"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A large Yiga member walked up from his position above the canyon. If Kimi wouldn't have sneezed, you would have passed him without being noticed.
"We were going to patrol the borders, sir." You answered quickly.
"There were already three chosen to go earlier." The member deadpanned.
"Yes sir, but it was deemed that they did an inadequate job. We were sent to resecure the borders."
The Yiga snarled. "Y/N. Hiro. Kimi. Where are you going? You can't lie to us."
"We're going to patrol the borders, as I said." You quickly picked up Kimi and grabbed Hiro's wrist, sprinting out of the entrance and across the soft sand.
Loud sirens wailed throughout the peaceful sky. The stars were blinking faster, as if saying, "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"
You didn't need to look back to know that Yiga members were hot on your trail. You'd teleport, but Hiro nor Kimi had mastered it yet, meaning you'd leave them behind. They couldn't fight, but you could.
Suddenly, your eyes lit up.
"Hiro! Take Kimi and keep running!" You called.
"What?" Hiro replies as you thrust her into his arms. "Y/N, no!"
"Run!" You screamed as you stopped.
You turned around to face the swarm of members chasing after you, pulling out your Demon Carver and preparing to fight.
You were sore.
Your bones, muscles, head, everything. They ached.
It was a struggle to open your eyes, but you did.
Sunlight flooded through the window beside you. The room smelled like expensive perfume and food. Your eyebrows furrowed- the Yiga hideout didn't have perfume. The food cooked there wasn't good, either. This food smelled good.
Where were you?
Sitting up, you blinked again and looked out the window, your eyes adjusting to the harsh light. Outside of the room was a town. Sand sat in piles around the edges of the walls and on the yellow cobblestone ground. A cat, donning an emerald-studded collar, stalked around the corner, looking up at you and purred before running after a mouse.
"Ah, you're awake." A voice came from the doorway behind you.
"Where am I?" You cautiously asked, not looking away from the window. Your hand stealthily crept to your pocket, which held a small knife. just in case.
"You're in Gerudo Town." You finally turned to see a tall lady walking towards you holding a food tray, "You collapsed next to our ice house last night. Our ice keeper, Anche, fought off some pretty bad guys to save you. She brought you to us. She said those guys were definitely trying to kill you, probably still are."
"Don't scare the poor girl, Romah!" Another feminine voice came from the doorway. A slightly taller lady stood there.
"Oh hush, she'll be fine. She needs to know." The shorter one, Romah, waved her off.
"In case you didn't hear, she's Romah," The other one said, "I'm Olu. We've given you potions and such to help you heal, but you've had some pretty nasty cuts. You'll have to stay here a while before you go back home, it's way too dangerous to leave in your condition."
You looked down in silence, "I don't have anywhere to go, so I guess I won't be in a rush to heal." You shrugged.
"What do you mean, darlin'?" Olu pressed.
"Don't really wanna go back."
"Were you the only one there?" Romah questioned.
"No, I had two others," You explained, "but we got separated. They're my younger siblings."
"Really? How old are they? They couldn't possibly have gotten far."
"Thirteen and seven. I think they will be okay, but I need to find them soon."
"Of course, darling, say no more. We'll have you healed up and out of here in no time. But while we wait, have some lunch. I'm sure you're starved." Olu pushed the tray of food towards you and ushered Romah out, leaving you alone once again.
Your injuries were much more detrimental than expected, especially since you refused to rest in bed to heal. You had to move around and train.
Days spent with Romah and Olu turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into a year until a letter appeared in the town.
Kimi. How did she find you?
She said that she was safe in Hateno Village, having heard that one of her friends saw a girl who looked like you on her trip to Gerudo Town. She sent a letter in blind hope. No word on Hiro.
You stayed in Gerudo for four years. Four years since you had seen either of your siblings. Three since you began writing letters to Kimi back and forth. She was eleven now. You hadn't seen her grow up.
In exactly 30 minutes, it would be your 20th birthday, and you were leaving. After working the nightly love classes with Ashai and running the inn with Romah and Olu for so long, you were leaving.
After finally finding a loving home and family, you were leaving.
Your first stop was Kakariko Village, then to Hateno to find your sister. Then to the rest of Hyrule to find your brother.
You sighed and closed the curtains on your window, laying down and getting what little bit of sleep you could while being excited and nervous about tomorrow. You tossed and turned all night, the plushness of your mattress doing nothing to soothe your nerves and make you rest. Soon enough, the sun peaked through your curtains and you couldn't help but groan.
"Good morning, old lady!”
The door to your room burst open, Olu rushing in like a bull. She held pancakes with a lit candle stuck in the middle, running to your bed as Romah tried to stop her recklessness around an open flame. To your surprise, Ashai came in behind them as well, the two of you having become close as well.
You laughed, taking the plate from Olu and blowing out the candle, making a wish.
Olu sat on the foot of your bed. "So what did you wish for?"
"I can't tell you, silly. Then it won't come true." You said.
"If I were you, I'd wish for love. A fine, muscular, tasty man who'd love me," Ashai sighed dreamily and fell back onto the bed, "A man who'd love me day and night. Especially night. Or a woman. That would be nice too..."
"Alright now, she's still a kid to us." Romah chuckled, "I'd rather her not be thinking about boys."
"Okay, okay, mom." Olu rolled her eyes playfully, "Now eat up and get packed, you have a long journey ahead of you!”
With that, they left again, giving you your precious privacy.
After eating, you got out of bed and dressed in your Gerudo outfit. You packed outfits for every weather possibility in your bag as well as weapons, food, and other supplies.
You stood at the entrance of Gerudo Town with the ladies of the town who had become your family over the last four years, saying your goodbyes. You hugged the last ones and turned to Romah and Olu.
Olu was bawling, her makeup smearing on her face and your shoulder as she squeezed you into a hug. Then you went to Romah, who wasn't openly crying. She had tears in her eyes and as you hugged her, you felt one slip out and land on the top of your head.
Taking one last look at your home, you boarded your sand seal and set off to Kakariko. The journey through the desert and Gerudo Canyon was a breeze-- you were accustomed to the sands and extreme weather, but you were completely lost as to what to do when you got out. Your sand seal was useless once you left Gerudo, being unable to maneuver on the grass. As you came to your first settlement outside of Gerudo, Outskirt Stable, a lightbulb went off. You knew what you had to do.
You had to get a horse.
The stable hand at Outskirt had warned you of the difficulty of taming a horse, but you were confident. You had fought numerous people and monsters, what was taming a horse compared to that?
You scanned the open area around the stable for a few moments before finally locking your eyes on the horse you wanted. A beautiful light brown stallion stood a few yards away from you. As he turned to graze on a different patch of grass, you noticed white patches of fur against his muzzle and around his feet. He was absolutely gorgeous, and you wanted him.
You crouched in the grass, stepping carefully towards him to not make any sound. Training with the Yiga paid off for this-- stealthily sneaking up on your target. Except this time you weren't going to take out a knife and kill it. The stallion had no clue you were near and when you got close enough, you lunged forward and placed your hands against its haunches to push yourself onto its back.
Immediately, the horse began to whinny and buck, trying its hardest to knock you off. You held on tightly to his chocolate-colored mane, patting his neck to soothe him as best as possible. It wasn't working. You were getting tired, struggling to continue holding onto his mane, so you leaned down and wrapped your arms around his neck entirely, shutting your eyes and hoping for the best. He continued to rear up and buck, and finally, your arms had enough. They loosened and you lost your grip, sliding off of the side of the horse and hitting the hard ground below.
The horse was still reared up, his front hooves raised over you. You covered your face with your arms, preparing for him to slam down and crush you underneath his strength, yet it never came.
Instead, you felt a nudge against your arm. Peeking open an eye, you saw the same stallion hovering over you, his hooves now planted on the ground on either side of you. He was looking down at you with big brown eyes, head cocked to the side as if you say, "You good?" Slowly, you stood up and the horse gave you space, putting his head down in front of you. You quirked an eyebrow, petting his muzzle and he swished his tail in happiness.
"If you like me, then why did you throw me off?"
He just snorted.
You rolled your eyes and walked around to his side, swinging one leg over. The horse-- Taz, as you decided to name him-- walked to the stable with you barely having to control him, swishing his tail the entire way like some kind of giant dog. You registered him and after putting on his saddle and bridle, you set off to Kakariko Village.
Kakariko Village was a sight to behold.  The small town was embedded deep in a little dip of the mountains, the rocks themselves surrounding it on all sides. It reminded you of the entrance of the Yiga hideout, yet so much better. Less evil. You were glad that Taz stayed on the path well because you were having trouble keeping your eyes on the road. The area was just breathtaking.
Seeing the Sheikah symbols, you were taken far back. Further than your life with the Yiga, but to your life before everything went wrong. You got a glimpse of you before even Hiro was born, playing outside while your mother, a Sheikah woman herself, tended to the garden. Your father, a regular Hylain, chased you around as you laughed.
Suddenly, the village seemed more nostalgic to you. Kids ran around like you used to-- like Hiro and Kimi never got to. Hiro was the only one to get your mother's hair, and everyone around reminded you of him.
Shaking your head, you got off of Taz and led him around, searching for an inn to let you stay for a little while. Finding it on the other side of town, you didn't hesitate to ask for a room. The innkeeper was a nice man who kept yawning and hobbled around the front desk to show you to your quarters. It was just a bed and nightstand surrounded by privacy curtains, but it was enough. You didn't plan on spending all of your time there, anyways.
"We haven't had many visitors lately," The man, Ollie, yawned once more, trying to keep his eyes open and start a conversation. "Other than one dude that's been here for a few days."
"Really? Is he staying here as well?"
"Sometimes," Ollie responded, his speech slurred. Goddess, he was struggling to stay awake. Was he okay? "Sometimes he's here, sometimes he won't come back for the night. He's apparently a special traveler, according to Impa. We have to treat him real nice."
Special? And he'd be staying next to you? Wow.
"I hope he's nice," you mused to yourself, "Special people sometimes let it get to their heads."
"He hasn't talked to anyone, I don't think. Might be mute, might be a self-righteous asshole who thinks he's too good to talk to anyone. Dunno." Ollie sat back down at the desk and laid his head against his hand. In no time, he was back asleep. You sighed and left the snoring man to his nap, deciding to go to the stores.
High Spirits Produce was the shop that you decided to explore. You and Taz had eaten all of the snacks that Romah and Olu had packed, so you definitely needed more before traveling again.
You walked over to the swift carrots, wanting some for Taz, but they were swiped from your view as you went to grab them. Looking up in surprise, you came face to face with a pair of blue eyes that practically glowed in the soft light of the shop.
Those eyes seemed nervous, the person's eyebrows furrowing in some type of frantic anxiety.
"I'm sorry, could I have two of those? My horse is in the stable and he's hungry-"
The boy quickly slammed down a carrot and rushed to the counter, paying for the rest and practically running out of the shop.
Okay, weird. But he only left one...
You shrugged and paid for it along with the other items you had collected and left. Taz wouldn't be the happiest horse in the world- he always got two carrots. No more, no less- but you supposed that he would be subdued with an apple or two as a substitute.
Your mind went back to the boy that you saw. After many Gerudo classes on "men" with Ashai, you could tell that he was nervous and slightly uncomfortable. It was body language that the women were taught to recognize, lest they accidentally make the man uncomfortable. His shoulders were tense, the stress lines across his face were abundant and his lips were turned down into a deep frown. He didn't say anything to you, which led you to believe that he was just anxious. But about what? It didn't seem quite like normal social anxiety. It toed on the line of dread and pure panic- like the world could be ending soon and he was the only one who could stop it or something.
Shaking your head, you reached the small stable.
"Taz?" You called, "I've got snacks!"
Taz whinnied and you went to walk towards him, but stopped as you saw someone already in front of him.
It was the man from before. He had his head down, seemingly deliberately avoiding eye contact with you. In his hand was a swift carrot, a large bite in it that you assumed Taz had taken. He was feeding your horse.
"Um, hi. I don't think we've properly met." He jumped at the sound of your voice. Despite this, you still carefully walked toward the blond man. "I'm Y/N."
He hesitated for a moment. "...Link."
You paused, but only for a millisecond. That name was familiar, but from where?
"Link. I like it." You smiled. "But do tell me, I have a question."
Link turned to look at you, still on edge. "Yes?"
"Why are you running around here like a Cucco without its head? I've only seen you twice and you're acting like the world-"
"-Is ending. That's what Ollie said too..." Link sighed. It seemed as if he really didn't want to talk to a total stranger about his problems. You understood why, though. However, instead of saying anything, you remained silent, hoping that he would elaborate. After a few more moments, Link spoke up.
"Do-- do you know your way around Hyrule?"
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firemblem-fics · 3 years
teacher. | felix fraldarius
-> Pairing: Felix Hugo Fraldarius x Fem!Reader
-> Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff
-> Warnings: Sexual Innuendos, Sword Fighting
-> A/N: i really don’t know if i’m back back but here’s a little something lol. it’s frfr comp cheer season so my schedule is now even more packed than usual. i should be back after december? idk it depends because then it’s ✨pageant time✨but yeah thanks for being patient with me i’m sorry
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“You’re absolutely ridiculous.”
“What? What did I do?”
“You’re holding the sword wrong. One hit and your wrist will break.” The man scolding you, Felix, scoffed.
You were a magic wielder, specialized in white magic and healing. You figured that you could hold your own rather well on the battlefield, but you still felt a little uneasy about your skills at times. This feeling made you pursue the art of swordsmanship, with your teacher being the one and only Felix Hugo Fraldarius.
You should have known that training with Felix wouldn’t be easy, but you still were shocked every time he reprimanded your technique or fighting strategies harshly. You considered yourself to be his friend, but it was obvious that such a title held no power when it came to training.
“Hold it closer to the hilt. Thumb on top- no, no, not that close- Goddess, Y/N, are you even listening to me?”
Furrowing your brows, you tried once more to correct your grip on the weapon. You really didn’t think swords would be this difficult and you considered quitting in favor of the lance, but those thoughts were shoved aside when Felix huffed and walked towards you, grabbing ahold of both the sword and your wrist.
He took your fingers and wrapped them correctly around the hilt, absentmindedly closing his own over them for a split second. Not long enough for anyone else in the training hall to notice, but enough for the both of you to feel sparks shooting up your arms.
Too soon, Felix let go of you and raised his own training sword. “Try to block my attacks. If you touch your blade for a stronger block, make sure not to actually grab the sharp part. Just use your palm to push. It’s a training sword, but it can still hurt you-“
“Hey, hey, hey, Felix and Y/N!”
You watched as Felix visibly deflated. He rolled his eyes and dropped his stance, but his fingers still danced dangerously against the sword.
“What do you want, Sylvain?”
“I just wanted to come ask this sweetie here for dinner and tea later on.~” Sylvain’s arm wrapped around your shoulder and he squished his cheek against yours.
You grimaced. Ever since Sylvain began suspecting something going on between you and Felix, he’d been trying nonstop to make the man jealous enough to snap. To any other outsider, it just seemed that Sylvain wanted a little fling with you and Felix just despised Sylvain, like normal, but the red-headed man knew his childhood best friend well enough to know that he was reaching his limits.
“She’s training with me after dinner.” Said man responded coldly.
“Please, Fe~ Give me an evening with her, you’re always hogging her time.” He turned to you and jokingly pressed a chaste kiss against your cheek, reveling in the fire that began to burn brighter in Felix’s eyes. “Y/N, c’mon. You won’t regret it, especially if you decide to spend the night-“
“Enough!” Felix raised his voice and everyone in the training hall turned their heads. Your face burned a bright red from the attention of both Sylvain and everyone else. “Y/N, let’s go train somewhere where imbeciles can’t interrupt.”
Sylvain laughed heartily. “You are unbelievable.” He said to Felix, before turning to you. “The offer’s always on the table, darling.”
“She’s not taking it.” Felix seethed, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the hall.
He led you behind the stables, where a rather roomy alleyway was located. Not many students took this route on their way to places, so you expected to be alone for a while. You wiped your hands on your shirt before readjusting your grip on your sword, suddenly nervous about being alone with the handsome fighter. However, you didn’t have much time to dwell on it before Felix raised his sword and came charging towards you.
Your eyes widened and you quickly parried his swing, stepping to the right and jabbing your sword towards his side. Felix was able to predict your movements- they were that of a beginner, of course- and he swiftly deflected your blade with his own, pushing it away.
Felix was fully offensive, rapidly swinging his sword down on you. You were able to deflect, parry, and block most of his attacks until his foot swept across your ankles, knocking you to the floor. You winced as you fell onto your elbows. Felix stood above you, ready to press his sword into your throat to claim victory, but you grabbed your own weapon and thrust it up, your arms shaking as you tried to counter the weight of his attack.
Felix leaned in, getting close to your crossed blades, and smirked. “You’re doing better.”
You finally let go of the breath you were holding as he relinquished his attack and stood up, allowing you to join him and recover. “You absolutely did not have to go that hard on me.”
“It was beneficial for the both of us. You won’t improve unless the lessons are hard and I needed to let off some steam. It’s a win-win, so why are you complaining?”
“Because you suddenly attacked me! Whatever steam you needed to blow off should not pertain to me. You’re my teacher in this, I’m not your little dummy to beat up!” You nearly cried. You felt as though you were being a little unreasonable, but you had literally started studying the blade a week ago. You weren’t ready for such an intensive fight.
“It did pertain to you, idiot!” Felix snapped back, but suddenly shut his mouth and clenched his jaw. He turned his back to you, beginning to walk away. “We start again tomorrow morning.”
“Wait- wait, Felix, what do you mean?” You followed behind him, but he never answered. You didn’t want to push him so much, but he was nearly out of the alleyway and you probably wouldn’t get another chance to talk to him alone like this. “How is it about me? What did I do?”
Felix stayed silent again, so you grabbed his wrist. He harshly yanked it away and faced you. “It’s about what you didn’t do, Y/N.”
You looked at him, confused. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but continued.
“Sylvain was obviously flirting with you. And you let him! Are you attracted to him or something? Goddess, if you are, I won’t ever understand how.”
“Wh-?” Slowly, but surely, some pieces were coming together for you. You just wanted to hear Felix say his thoughts out loud. “I feel nothing for Sylvain. I thought he was just joking. Is that why you got upset at him? Because he was flirting with me?” Felix nodded. “Why?”
“You’re- you’re ridiculous. I can’t believe I have feelings for such a stupid girl.”
You both flushed red, unable to say anything for a few moments as you let it all sink in. Finally, you stepped forward and reached for Felix’s hands. He let you, and you held them gently in between your own.
“And I can’t believe I have feelings for my own teacher.”
“Oh my Goddess- No!”’
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
🥺 this is probably a dumb little ask but I’m super into knitting and was wondering how Felix and Sylvain might respond to receiving knitted socks as a way of like showing affection? That probably sounds super weird oops
knitted gifts. | s.g & f.f
-> Pairing: Sylvain x GN!Reader | Felix x GN!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
-> Warnings: None
-> A/N: this isn’t weird at all! it’s super cute actually!im sorry this ones really really short i am just very tired LOL
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he’s not going to show it, but he thinks that it’s super sweet and a really unique gift to give
warm socks are a MUST in the cold winters of faerghus, so he’s really thankful for them and actually uses them often
just don’t point it out or else he’ll get supes embarrassed and might take them off
FUCK sylvain is so STOKED
like the minute he sees socks? fuck YES. when he learns you MADE THEM? DOUBLE FUCK YES
he like never takes them off it gets kind of concerning ngl
once you decided to wash them and he almost panicked because he thought that he lost them and he didn’t have the heart to tell you
he almost cried that day fr
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
hi lay! could i please get the sfw alphabet for yuri? i love your work!!! have a nice day!! 💕
sfw alphabet. | yuri
-> Pairing: Yuri x GN!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, SFW Alphabet
-> Warnings: None
-> A/N: i just wanted to say i’m so so so so close to 1.2k followers and i’m so excited i love having so many of y’all supporting me ♡︎
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A -> Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
yuri is not affectionate in the beginning. it takes him a long time to warm up and get truly comfortable and fully trusting with you, so he still kind of has his walls up at the beginning of your relationship.
as it progresses, he gets a little more open in private, but there are some days where yuri just doesn’t want affection
B -> Begin (How did the relationship begin?)
you two were flirting MASTERS bruh
the tension in the monastery was unreal from the moment you two met. at first it wasn’t really serious, instead just trying to fluster the other, but eventually you gained some genuine feelings and he did too. yuri never really actually asked you out, it just kind of happened one day
C -> Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
yuri’s kind of temperamental when it comes to cuddling. he doesn’t mean to be, but some days just aren’t cuddling days.
growing up, yuri didn’t get the affection he needed after being adopted. a sudden onslaught of affection and cuddling sometimes gets really overwhelming for him and he just needs to chill for a bit
D -> Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
yuri’s never really thought about settling down. if you don’t want to settle down, he won’t either. if you do, he’ll consider it. to him, his work in the abyss never ends. he doesn’t want to “settle”, because to him, settling down means that his work is done.
E -> Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
unfortunately, yuri would pull some shit out of his ass like he did in the ashen wolves route. he’d come up with some lie as to why he’s breaking up with you and make you hate him so that it’s a little easier for him. newsflash, it’s never easier
F -> Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
yuri is definitely not going to jump at the chance of marriage, but he’d be willing to sit down and talk with you about it. after you’d been together for a long time, of course
he’s good with commitment, like exceptionally good, which is why i don’t think that he believes marriage is necessary. what’s the point other than earning a new last name? you love him and he loves you, he doesn’t think that there needs to be some big ceremony to know that
but if you’re adamant about it, he won’t be against it. as long as the wedding ceremony isn’t too big
G -> Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
physically, yuri is very gentle. he’s kind of awkward at first, not knowing what to do, so he’s lowkey kind of scared of doing the wrong thing. everything he does is done with precision and care to make sure that you’re comfortable and happy
emotionally, it takes him a while to be a little less... closed off. yuri is blunt and brutally honest, preferring not to sugar coat things or get caught up in sweet pleasantries. he has to realize that sometimes, those things can be taken as mean and the last thing he wants to do is be mean to you. showing you his soft side comes slowly, but it’s worth it when he does.
H -> Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
hugs are reserved for the small, fleeting private moments that the two of you get alone
they’re loose, with his arms draped around your waist and yours resting on his shoulders as he smiles down at you, talking sweet nothings in a hushed voice
I -> I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
yuri’s love language is definitely not words of affirmation
it’s acts of service but that’s not what this letter is about
yuri doesn’t say i love you often. you’re the one to say it first, and even then, it’s a little hard for him to get out. it’s not that he doesn’t love you, because trust me, he does, it’s just that it’s such a vulnerable thing that caught him completely off guard when you said it.
he does say it back, though, muffled into the crown of your hair as he holds you in the middle of the night
J -> Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
to get yuri jealous is to accomplish the impossible
to even consider you as his s/o, yuri has to have an enormous amount of trust in you. he has faith that you won’t ever betray him
but if he does, somehow, get jealous, it’s kind of funny to watch. he’ll just casually walk up to whoever you’re talking to and join in on the conversation, making sure to butt in and interrupt the guy. he just wants to make the dude super duper frustrated, and it works.
K -> Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
super fiery and possessive, and yet unsure at the same time. yuri’s so passionate about you and loves you a lot, but he’s always on the cautious side, making sure that you’re comfy and okay
he love love love loves to kiss the crown of your head, especially as he’s holding you against his chest. it makes him feel like he’s protecting you
kiss his neck and chest!! please! he absolutely melts, even if it’s just cute lil loving sfw kisses
L -> Little Ones (How are they around children?)
yuri is very very good with kids. he’s like a hero to the children in the abyss, so he’s got a lot of practice. he loves to sit with them and tell them stories. his most popular is about a robin hood-esque character who somehow managed to get the most beautiful, sweetest person in the world to fall in love with him. that story makes you blush every time.
M -> Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
mornings together aren’t too often, but they’re not as scarce as they would be with felix. yuri’s day starts bright and early and he’d like it if yours did too. he’d love to wake up and spend like five minutes with you, but if you’re not an early bird he’d understand
if you’re still asleep by the time he wakes up, he’ll lay on his side and just admire you for a bit, running his fingers through your hair and just looking at you before giving you a kiss on the forehead and getting up to start his day.
N -> Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
nights with yuri kind of depend on his mood
as said in earlier headcanons, there are times when yuri just doesn’t want to be touched. those nights, you both just lay side by side and talk about different things
on nights that he’s comfortable with cuddling, he often will lay facing you and will hold you to his chest, his chin resting on your head as he rubs small circles into your back, still talking about the day and future plans
O -> Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait to reveal things slowly?)
even years into your relationship with yuri, you’re still learning things. it’s usually menial things that he doesn’t deem necessary for someone to know, but you’re still learning.
it’s not that yuri doesn’t trust you, because he does, it’s just that he’s not an open person. he doesn’t find talking about his past beneficial for anyone, so he just doesn’t do it.
he will confide in you about his real name right after you get together, though, asking you to never use it again after that.
P -> Patience (How easily angered are they?)
yuri is very slow to anger. sure, he gets frustrated at times, but he’s never one to show such negative emotions. if someone sees that they’re getting to him, that’s a weakness that he just doesn’t want people to see.
he wouldn’t really ever get mad at you, i wish i could elaborate more on that but yuri’s just really tolerant and you don’t really do anything to make him mad anyways??
Q -> Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
yuri remembers big things like your birthday or other significant facts, but sometimes he has to be reminded of smaller things like your mother’s father’s dog’s cousin’s name. he remembers most things is what i’m trying to say
R -> Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
yuri likes to remember the day he realized that you were the one. he was very stressed that day because the abyssians were getting nervous about rumors of an impending attack from thieves and he was struggling calming them all down
you jumped right into the chaos when you saw what was happening and quickly began soothing the abyssians as well, rallying them up and improving their morale just in case they actually would have to defend their home again
yuri’s heart swelled as he realized that you truly cared about his people and his home as much as he did
S -> Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
yuri’s quite protective, but in a secretive way. he’s not really... out there. he chooses to watch you from the corner of his eye when you’re in the same room or fight close to you when you’re in battle, only swooping in to save the day when you absolutely need it.
that’s how he’d prefer to be “protected” as well, just don’t call it protected because the great yuri leclerc does NOT need protection according to him. don’t be overbearing, let him handle things and only really come in when he absolutely needs it.
T -> Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
yuri would definitely try to make special days special, but he wouldn’t do much in terms of physical gifts. instead, he’d make you take a day off from duties and treat you to a tea party or a trip to the sauna and such
U -> Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
yuri will always always always struggle with leaning on you for support. he’s used to being the big, lone wolf leader who doesn’t need anybody and that won’t change easily.
V -> Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
yuri is naturally a beauty, so he doesn’t really try with his looks. even if he doesn’t really think he’s that much of a catch, he doesn’t bother to make himself one either.
your looks don’t bother him at all. he likes you for your personality, loyalty, strength, and all those things. it’s just a plus that you’re exceedingly attractive
W -> Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
i’m sorry, reader, but if he did feel incomplete without you, he sure as hell would be good at showing it. yuri’s spent his life only being close to three other people while everyone else has betrayed or left him. he’s got walls up for a reason and if you left, he’d easily be able to shut those feelings out and put the walls back up again
X -> Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
yuri snorts when he laughs too hard it’s just a proven fact. he gets super embarrassed when he does and makes you swear not to tell anyone, but it’s so cute and funny and makes you both laugh ten times harder
Y -> Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, in general or in a partner?)
if you don’t care about the abyss or are really selfish, that’s a no. yuri has two number one priorities; you and the abyss. he’d appreciate it if you at least just cared a little about it, yk? that’s his home
Z -> Zzz (What’s a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
in addition to snorting when he laughs, yuri also makes little noises when he sleeps. they’re usually just small hums or little mumbles, but once you had a conversation with him while he was dead asleep
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
If sfw alphabet requests are still open, you said you wrote for Fates? Then could you please do C, H, and Z for Keaton? Thank you :)
sfw alphabet. | keaton
-> Pairing: Keaton x GN!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, SFW Alphabet (C, H, Z)
-> Warnings: None
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C -> Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
keaton is the definition of cuddlebug. like, he physically cannot get enough of it. rip to you if you’re not a fan of cuddling because he can and will love you to death
he’ll wrap you up in this gigantic hug, intertwining his legs with yours and just holding you as tightly as he can. his tail also wraps around your waist, or else it’ll never stop wagging happily. he’ll constantly litter your face with little kisses, rubbing your sides or back while he’s at it.
keaton is just the happiest when he’s giving you affection
H -> Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
of course he likes hugs!
he gives them to you every time he sees you, pressing a kiss into the top of your head as well. sometimes, he doesn’t quite get the memo that hugs don’t need to last hours at a time, so he just continues to hold you long past what’s considered appropriate in public
if you ever push him away or deny a hug, he can’t hide the droop in his ears and tail that appear after you say no. but he still respects your boundaries
Z -> Zzz (What’s a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
keaton is very very very protective of you in his waking hours, and this doesn’t change when he’s asleep
he’s holding onto you the entire night and if he hears even the smallest noise, he’s awake and growling at it.
it’ll take you a bit, but eventually you’ll be able to get him to calm down and go back to sleep by switching your roles and holding him close for once, carding your fingers through his hair and humming a small melody.
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
♥︎ requesting rules ♥︎
*updated oct. 5 2020
no character x character
this means that i will only write character x reader.
no teacher x student
if you request a byleth x reader, the reader will be a teacher as well. if you request a teacher!reader, the character will be war-phase.
no yandere
i will only ever write something nsfw if it is aged up into the war-phase. never will i write academy-phase smut.
nothing too extreme. no noncon, dubcon is very iffy and depends on the request. i have the right to refuse nsfw requests on the basis that they make me uncomfortable.
i will not do poly relationships
once again, it just is not something that i think i am equipped to write.
four character limit on headcanons.
if you’d like to see the other guidelines for my writing, see here.
no hate is tolerated. ever. neither is rudeness nor impatience. manners and politeness go a long way on this blog.
& remember!
don’t be afraid to request!
please be patient! i’m still in school and am doing competitive cheer and dance literally 7 days a week (like, 27 hours in total ugh), so sometimes i won’t post as often as i should! as much as i’d like to write all day, i can’t. this blog is a side hobby an comes after my other obligations.
if you ever need to talk, pm me! even if i’m not posting stories, i 100% am always reading your lovely asks and comments (i thrive off of them) and will always answer a message. i’m not really capable of giving advice, but i’ll always listen.
thank you so much for your continuous love and support! it means a lot!
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
♥︎ info ♥︎
*updated oct. 5 2020
fe3h -> felix, yuri, claude, m!byleth, linhardt
fates -> m!corrin, leo, subaki, laslow, soleil
awakening -> inigo, henry, say’ri, flavia, chrom
tmsfe -> yashiro, itsuki, kiria, ellie
basic rules
please use manners while in my askbox. a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ go a long way while requesting
hate towards the writer or others is not tolerated
rude discourse is not tolerated
i will never, ever, talk badly about others or their opinions when it comes to fire emblem. i ask you all to do the same while on my blog.
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
SFW alphabet. | seteth
-> Pairing: Seteth x GN!Reader
-> Warnings: None
-> Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
-> A/N: this was chosen by a poll on my discord server except i gave no context in the poll so this is for y’all :) also uh im sorry if i’m not active in the next week, i rlly just had the absolute worst nervous breakdown ive had in a long while LMAO so uh ya might stay away from the internet for a while
warning, long post.
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A -> Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
with seteth, affection STAYS private. it will never ever be displayed out in the open, especially not around the students. he prefers to keep personal relationships out of professional life
when he does show affection, though, it’s super slow and gentle. he always hugs you from behind and just sways side to side, pressing little kisses against your temple and cheek while you lean i to his embrace and close your eyes.
B -> Begin (How did the relationship begin?)
it didn’t really have a solid beginning. you just kind of wormed your way into seteth and flayn’s hearts unknowingly. when he asked to court you, you were super super hesitant because you didn’t want to replace his late wife. he assured you that she’d want him and flayn to be happy and that she’d 100% approve of you.
you still have your doubts, but seteth is always there to reassure you.
C -> Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
cuddling is saved for nights or early mornings on a day off. seteth is always itching to get up and get things done, so it’s a little on the tougher side to get him to stay. eventually he caves and lays in.
you cuddle facing each other, your head tucked underneath his chin and his legs entangling yours. his hand that lays underneath you plays with the ends of your hair while the other rests gently on your thigh, which is hiked over his hip.
D -> Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
seteth’s thoughts rarely every go astray, but when they do, he imagines what life would be like, just retiring from the monastery and living a nice life with you. he’d like to settle down eventually, but not any time soon
he’s super good at doing his part in chores and duties! of course he is, but he’s very very reliable and does things when asked. it’s nice
E -> Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would sit you down and explain his reasonings and such. it hurts him, definitely, but he does well at hiding it. until you leave his office, that is.
F -> Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
not any time soon, as said earlier. seteth really will not stop his obligations towards the monastery and to fodlan. he wouldn’t have time nor would he want a very extravagant wedding, either. a simple ceremony would suffice.
G -> Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
physically, seteth is the epitome of a soft, romantic man. his touches make you melt and he’s always trying to keep you comfortable and happy. if you’re content, hes content.
emotionally, not as much. seteth has trouble sympathizing with some things. he’s used to pushing his feelings aside for the sake of fulfilling a duty or doing something, so he struggles sometimes to understand why someone else can’t do the same. give him time, though, and he’ll get better at comforting
H -> Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
seteth’s hugs are firm and warm. they’re always like a passionate embrace, as if it would be the last time he’d ever touch you
seteth really enjoys hugs and physical affection with you, but as i said earlier, it’s always behind closed doors. sometimes he calls you to his office just so you can sit in his lap while he holds you.
I -> I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
NOT fast. seteth is kind of in denial that he even had feelings for you at first until flayn pointed it out, so it’s rather hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that he loves you.
he does say it first though, as you’re half asleep, making you wonder if you even heard it correctly. you did.
J -> Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
seteth doesn’t get jealous, really. there’s really nobody around to even like, make him jealous. he knows that a bunch of weird ass teenagers like sylvain aren’t going to actually come in between his and your relationship. honestly, most people in the monastery probably don’t even know that you’re both in a relationship.
if he is jealous, he stays relatively nonchalant about it, asking you to help him with a task somewhere else to take you away from the person
K -> Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
seteth’s kisses are very loving and passionate. every single one of them are full of adoration, even the little pecks. they never fail to warm up your entire body as everything melts away around you
he loves to kiss your neck. not just for more intimate reasons, but because he absolutely adores your giggles as his beard tickles your skin
this only happens when your relationship has been going on for a while, but seteth really enjoys it when you kiss his ears. they’re super sensitive and they always tinge as red as his cheeks when you kiss them.
L -> Little Ones (How are they around children?)
seteth is super good around his own child, of course, but he doesn’t so so hot around other children. theyre often too rambunctious for his liking, but he’ll tolerate them enough to entertain them sometimes.
M -> Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
three words. soft, soft, and soft
you usually either wake up in the same position that you fell asleep in, or you’re spooning. seteth’s always the big spoon, no acceptions. if you’re spooning, he kisses your shoulders and the back of your head until you wake up enough to turn over and give him an actual kiss.
N -> Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
also soft, but a little less.
seteth is always so busy during the day that when he lays in bed, he falls asleep almost instantaneously. if you want to stay up and talk or cuddle, he’ll try his hardest, but please don’t be upset with him if he accidentally dozes off. he’s a hard worker
O -> Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait to reveal things slowly?)
this depends on who you are. if you’re the professor, you more than likely already know everything by the time you get in a relationship with him
if you’re not, then he trusts you enough to catch you up on most things in the early weeks of your relationship. sometimes there’s a little tidbit that he may have forgotten to mention in the talk that comes up later on, but that’s really it
P -> Patience (How easily angered are they?)
seteth has the patience of a saint
but no, literally. very rarely does he get irritated or impatient with you. you know how he is and know how he likes things to happen or be done, so you do them. kind of like in the Domestic headcanon, he does his part so you try your hardest to do yours. he doesn’t ever have a reason to be impatient with you and is actually rather understanding now that he knows how you function as well
Q -> Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
seteth remembers everything. literally everything. you’d think in his 1000+ years of life, he’d be an old ass man with shit memory, but no. to seteth, you and flayn are his number one priority and he’d never forget a thing about yall.
R -> Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
seteth’s favorite memory is when he accidentally walked in on you hanging out flayn. you two weren’t doing much other than reading and talking about your books, but it warmed his heart to see his two favorite people bonding
S -> Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
insanely protective, but like in things that matter. if you’re doing something that could get you hurt, he’s in defense mode trying to get you to safety. if you’re in battle, he’s sure to always know where you are just in case.
he’s not one to appreciate being protected- he feels like he failed to protect his people in the past, so to be the protected instead of the protector makes him a little iffy- but he’ll always admit that he needed the protection and will always show his gratitude
count how many times i said protect in that second paragraph wow
T -> Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
seteth is romantic. he’s not much for physical gifts, but the memories and sentiment and feelings are so real and present that you really don’t need material things to know that he loves you
of course he does give you gifts, like a pretty bouquet of flowers that he saw in the greenhouse, or a necklace or something from the market that reminded him of you
U -> Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
seteth tends to forget to slow down and take a break every once in a while. he’s constantly finding tasks to do around the monastery and doing things to help rhea that he often neglects his own well being. you always remind him and try your best to help him out, but he never really breaks that habit
V -> Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
seteth is rather concerned about how he’s seen in the public eye. how could he not? he’s a very prim and proper man. this, however, doesnt extend to you as much.
he doesn’t expect you to dress up to the nines every day just to be seen around him or whatever. he may be like “darling, are you sure you want to be walking around the monastery in your pajamas?” but the minute you’re like “hell yeah” he lets you be.
W -> Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
this is a tough one, because i feel like seteth would do just fine on his own and would still feel relatively whole. but there would always be like this tiny little sliver of him that constantly misses you when you’re not around
X -> Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
seteth has a secret, super playful side that only comes out when you’re alone in your shared bedroom. he likes to play wrestle you and mess around just to hear your laugh and see you smile.
Y -> Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, in general or in a partner?)
in a partner, seteth wouldn’t really like someone who’s obnoxiously loud and blatantly disrespectful. it’s one of his biggest pet peeves and he wouldn’t date someone like that.
this doesn’t pertain to people who like, don’t realize their volume or is disrespectful to someone who deserves the disrespect, though. he doesn’t like just overly rude and jnconfiderate people who are like that for no reason
Z -> Zzz (What’s a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
seteth is the lightest sleeper in the history of the world. he’s always on guard for something to happen. i dont blame him, but sometimes even the littlest bumps in the night wake him up almost completely. don’t ever try to sneak out of bed because chances are, he woke up from you just opening your eyes.
if anything, this habit becomes even more prominent when you start sharing a bed with him. he’s just afraid of losing you is all 😃
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
SFW alphabet. | felix
-> Pairing: Felix x GN!Reader
-> Warnings: None
-> Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
-> A/N: i felt bad for spamming y’all with all kinds of asks and apparently drama or whatever the hell happened earlier so i decided to try my hand at the sfw alphabet, for felix since y’all go batshit feral for him. if all goes well, i may open up requests for them for my 1.2k special. but i def wouldn’t do the entire alfabit for one character this took me so long. also i’m at 1145 tho y’all so don’t request anything please-
warning, long post.
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A -> Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they give affection?)
felix really isn’t that affectionate, even after being in a relationship for a long time. he prefers to show his love through acts of service like me but the occasional hug and kiss is never unwanted
if felix does give affection, it’s small and subtle. holding your pinky as you walk through the monastery halls, resting his hand on your thigh underneath the dining table, those kinds of things. even if you’re cuddling at night, it’s the small circles he rubs into your back and the gentle kisses he peppers on your forehead.
B -> Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
you would 100% be the person to start it. felix would quite literally never do it. he wasn’t even sure that what he was feeling was romantic until you confessed to him and his heart leaped ten feet in the air
it starts slowly- you’re felix’s first relationship. he’s afraid to mess things up, so he’s going to test the waters and move at a pace that both you and he are comfortable with
C -> Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
like the affection hc, felix isn’t a big cuddler. it’s rare for him to initiate, and he only will after a long day. at night, while he’s asleep, he may unconsciously wrap an arm around your waist and pull you closer, but often times cuddling just involves an arm around you as the two of you sit in the knights hall
D -> Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
felix never really considered his future before he met you. he wants to settle down with you, trust me, but it’s not really the biggest thing on his mind at the moment. after the war and after the dust has settled and life is back in order, he’ll consider it
felix does his fair share of housework. he believes that in relationships, you do equal amounts and he will always do his part. even if it takes him a while to learn how to cook
E -> Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
unfortunately, felix would be extremely cold to you. chances are, he broke things off because he feels like he’s a danger to you or is afraid of not being able to protect you, so he breaks things off to avoid getting attached
he won’t look at you at all afterwards. he won’t talk to you, be in the same room as you, or anything. he’s all nonchalant on the outside, but is definitely hurting as much as you are on the inside
F -> Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Would they get married?)
you actually asked him this
felix is good with staying committed to you. he’s very very good at it. he only has eyes for you and it’s easy to keep trust in him because you’re honestly really surprised he agreed to even be in a relationship in the first place. not that you’re complaining ofc
marriage is a yes. he’s going to propose to you, but not now or in the near future. there’s a war to win
G -> Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
felix is afraid of hurting you. physically and emotionally. he knows that he gets angry often and it’s one of his biggest goals to never snap at you the way he does others. it’s hard to do- containing his snarky comments- but he’ll work on it for you
H -> Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
his hugs are pure safety. every embrace is a silent promise that felix will always be there to protect you. the hugs strong and solid and so full of love, especially when he squeezes you a little tighter before having to let go. even he enjoys them because he gets to have you close
because he doesn’t show affection often, felix’s hugs are extra special. they happen whenever you’re reunited after a fight, or if either of you have an injury and give the other a scare. they’re a reassurance to him that you’re still there, alive and loving him
I -> I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
just like the confession, you’ve gotta say it first. felix will internally panic about messing it up or saying it at the wrong time or you not reciprocating, so he won’t say it first.
felix isn’t one for words of affirmation or affection. he’s not going to say it unless it’s in the heat of the moment
J -> Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
felix doesn’t get jealous easily. except around dimitri, but that’s another story. he trusts you to stay loyal and everyone knows that your his anyways, so he doesn’t worry. if they try anything, he’ll kill them
often, it’s just throwing insults at dimitri. he just doesn’t think that a Boar should be talking to such a perfect being such as you, but also because he’s quite aware of dimitri’s attractiveness and sometimes feels a little intimidated in the looks department. but he’ll never tell you that.
K -> Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
passionate. loving. full of emotion. every time felix kisses you, there’s just this flowing warmth in your chest and you can never stop the grin from etching itself on your face. felix isn’t as stingy with kisses as he is hugs and such, giving small pecks to you as greetings and goodbyes, or just little rewards throughout the day for a good day training or something
felix likes to kiss you on your forehead. he does it every time he’s got you wrapped up in an embrace, as if placing a little promise on your head that he will always love you.
he’s a traditional man, though. he wants to be kissed on the lips. he’ll never ever ever get tired of the feeling of your lips against his, sending sparks through his body every time.
L -> Little Ones (How are they around children?)
felix is so incredibly awkward. children love him to death, often flocking around him to hear tales of fights or just to watch him train, their little mouths slackjawed in awe as they aspired to be like him when they grew up
he never knows what to do when one clings themselves to his leg in a hello hug. the angel on his shoulder says to allow it, but the devil on the other side says to punt the kid across the courtyard. luckily he’s got enough self control to not.
M -> Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
felix is an early bird, much to your dismay. he wakes up at the crack of dawn to train before breakfast, but he always gives you a kiss goodbye and makes sure that you’re comfy and happy before leaving
on the mornings that you convince him to stay in for a while, which is rare, he doesn’t fall back asleep. instead, he just watches you as you doze off again, holding you close to him. he’s much softer when you’re not awake enough to tease him
N -> Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
felix lays on his back and you curl into his side, laying your head against his bare chest. silently, you trace your fingers against the scars on his torso and he writes sweet nothings on the skin of your arm, lulling you into a blissful sleep.
O -> Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
felix would never fully open himself up really. it’s just you being able to remember things that he did tell you and piecing them together. it’s not that he doesn’t trust you enough to tell you, it’s just that he’s not one to talk about things. you respect that, of course.
P -> Patience (How easily angered are they?)
as we all know, felix is quick to anger. he still is with others, but he’s really working on it when it comes to you. sometimes, he just gets worried about your well-being and his anxiety shows itself through anger, so small arguments often happen when you’re reckless or not taking care of yourself
he’s trying super hard to work on his communication skills so that he never upsets you with his outbursts again. he has his slip ups, but now that he’s able to verbally apologize, things get solved quicker.
Q -> Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
felix remembers everything, even if he doesn’t show it. he may seem extremely uninterested in the necklace you pointed out at the market after you dragged him shopping, but he’s making a mental note to come back later that day and buy it for you
R -> Remember (What’s their favorite moment in your relationship?)
felix’s favorite moment was when you first met his father. as rude as he is to his dad, he genuinely cares about him and his opinions. his father absolutely adored you and immediately told felix that you were the one. he agreed.
S -> Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
it’s felix. hes protective. there’s a line to be crossed between protective and possessive and he just barely tip toes that line. he’d destroy anyone who bothered you if you asked
on the other hand, felix doesn’t like to actually be protected. it makes him feel weak and vulnerable, so he’d prefer it if you weren’t too overbearing with it. he does think it’s hot if you get protective over him when it comes to some girl flirting with him though
T -> Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
it depends on what your preferences are. if you’re okay with laid back dates and casual things, then he would be too. if you liked more grandeur, he’d try his hardest to make it perfect. goddess forbid anyone see him doing it, though
U -> Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
closing himself off. felix isn’t used to being vulnerable or open with people. hes been through copious amounts of trauma that he can’t just get over in a day, so there are still bad days where he’s not going to want to talk about his feelings or talk to anyone at all. it’s best to just let him train that day and bring him his meals. he’ll eat them, and will be super grateful that you’re still there for him, even if it’s just for a second to bring food.
V -> Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
felix does not care about this at all. he’s usually an advocate of the “fuck what other people think” mentality, even if he’s not too good at following it himself, and that’s going to carry into your relationship. he loves you for yourself, no matter what
W -> Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
felix would tell himself that he’d be fine with or without an s/o, but he does feel a little empty when you’re not around. the days that you two may have to spend apart due to busy schedules mean that those nights are a little more tender than usual
X -> Xtra (A random headcanon of them.)
felix’s ideal date isn’t training, like people say it would be. yeah, it’s nice to train with you, but if you don’t want that to be a date then it won’t be. he’d much rather just a chill day where the two of you are curled up on a couch or in the bed, talking and eating snacks or reading in silence
Y -> Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, in general or with a partner?)
felix wouldn’t like someone who’s nosy or pushy. he’s got a lot of boundaries and it’s a big deal to him when they’re crossed. he wants to be able to talk and be comfortable on his own time, not someone else’s. please be patient with him.
Z -> Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
felix is a kicker. you don’t know if it’s just his insanely acute battle instincts trying to get someone out of his bed or what, but you once woke up with a huge bruise on your calf from his heel. you didn’t tell him that he kicked you, though, because then he’d feel bad
this doesn’t really change at first, but the longer the two of you sleep together the less severe the kicks become. other than the occasional horse kick that nearly knocks you off the bed.
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
also i saw AUS AND I CAMEEEEEE if ya dun mind me double requesting im sorry im such a fire emblem simp 😔😔😳 sum barista/bartender au claude hcs or one shot, whichever ya prefer lovelie 💜💜
barista h/c’s . | claude
-> Pairing: Barista!Claude x GN!Reader
-> College!Au | Modern!Au
-> Genre: Headcanons, Fluff
-> Warnings: Cursing idk
-> A/N: another restaurant thing in honor of rwtw except everyone’s good and wholesome in this universe 😌
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when you first started at your university, almost everyone you talked to buzzed about this on-campus cafe
they hired students and were apparently super, super good, so when you had stayed up late one night studying for a big test, you decided to go try it out the next morning
you walked in and immediately were taken aback
not just by the gorgeous decor, or delicious smell of coffee, but by the gorgeous and delicious man behind the counter
claude, as his nametag stated, took your order and wrote it down, asking for your name
once you gave it to him, he smiled
“a cute name for a cutie like yourself.”
you were FLUSHED
your pink cheeks didn’t go away until an hour later, because every time you drank your coffee, you’d think of claude
it became routine to go to that cafe
almost every single morning you’d go in for a coffee and every afternoon you’d sit at one of their tables with a lemonade and work on your school work
claude was always your barista. you never noticed, but when he saw you enter he’d drop everything to make your drink and be able to talk to you while he did so
the other workers at the cafe would constantly tease claude about his crush on you, and eventually he stopped denying it
“just ask her out!” hilda would advise.
claude would, truly, but he was nervous. he was okay with just admiring you and being your friend, unaware that you wanted the same as him
finally, though, one day he mustered up all the courage he had and made your drink as normal, this time writing his cellphone number on the cup instead of your name
you got this cup in the morning, so you didn’t see the writing until you were out of the cafe and heading to your class
when you did see it, you couldn’t fight the grin that creeped onto your face as you pulled out your phone and messaged him
“hi, my favorite barista ;)” you texted
claude, on the other end of the phone, nearly choked as he saw that you actually messaged him
“hi my favorite customer. how about we go out for dinner instead of coffee tonight? ♡︎”
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [3]
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-> Pairing: Yuri Leclarc x Fem!Reader
-> Modern!Au | Gang!Au | Enemies to Friends to Lovers
-> Word Count: ~2.4k
-> Warnings: Violence, Blood, Intense Scenes, Alcohol Mention, Someone legit gets shot, Other things I probably forgot about
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn't mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you're running with the wolves.
-> A/N: hi i’m back hello this took me a little bit to do because after the action scene i simply lost motivation but it’s back i know what i want to do and i WILL do it. also, just an fyi, i, as a writer, do not condone anything that my character, Hiram Chapelle, says or does. Hiram is meant to be an ass and for gods sake he’s quite literally a psychopath. That’s how he’s written. I’m just saying for future reference because Hiram is a shitty person and I plan on keeping him that way LOL
send an ask if you’d like to be on the taglist!
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If someone had told you, months ago, that when you moved to Fodlan, you’d be accidentally caught up in gang activity, you’d laugh in their faces.
What a silly notion, You’d nearly cry out of laughter, Fodlan is safe. Nothing happens there.
What a fool you were. Everything was too easy. Life was too simple for there not to be a catch. That’s the funny thing about the universe and her strange ways. There’s always a catch.
Your mother had said that God always tests you. That you’d know in hard times, He was just challenging you. The only thing you knew at this moment was that if God really was real, you’d like to have a few choice words with him.
Your test was only getting more difficult with each step you took. Each limp, actually. The frigid night air numbed nearly every part of your body, except for your ankle. Instead, it burned with a fiery intensity. Your shoe was tight enough to prevent a bit of the swelling, but you needed medical attention soon.
You laughed bitterly- you’d been saying that you needed help for a while now. Your arm, your ankle, and now probably a therapist. Physical and mental help were on your to-do list.
Biting back another shiver, you fumbled with your phone. The screen was black, only showing a little red battery in the middle of it. Dead.
The window you’d jumped through was in the back of the house, facing a patch of woods. In your rush, you didn’t think to run another way to get out, only pushing forward until you had no clue where you’d come from and where to go. Everything was forest. Everything was dark.
Until it wasn’t.
A flash of light shined from behind you and you gasped, running to your left and trying to hide behind a larger tree. The flashlights came closer and you held your breath.
“What doesn’t she fucking understand about you can’t leave?”
“Well, boss, you were a little rude about it-“
“She’s in danger! And she doesn’t even realize it- the seriousness of this situation. I don’t care if I’m rude or not, she’s risking her own life being this stupid.”
You resisted the urge to scoff. Yuri was definitely a rude individual from what you’ve interacted with, but of course he didn’t care.
The lights were getting even closer now. You stepped back and started to run again, ignoring the pain. You’d get help when you were safe. You tried to stay light on your feet, but couldn’t help but crush the fallen leaves under your feet as you ran.
“I hear something that way!” Constance shouted and every light flashed in your direction before the group began chasing after you.
Your heart caught in your throat as you willed your legs to work faster and faster. You’d be okay- you’ll get help when you’re safe. Lungs burning, you surged forwards still and tried to take different turns to make them lose your trail. It didn’t work.
“Y/N, stop!” Hapi yelled out.
You didn’t answer, still running. Suddenly, you were airborne. Your feet flew off the ground and you landed two feet in front of a tree root, sticking up from the ground. You were hyperventilating- they had caught up with you.
Before they could reach you, Yuri also stumbled over the root. His flashlight and handgun both flew out of his hands, skidding to a stop in a puddle of mud in front of you. You lurched forward, grabbing the gun and pointing it at the group. It was just Balthus, Hapi, Constance, and Yuri, but you still felt helpless. They could easily overpower you, but you weren’t giving up without a fight.
“Stay back!” You cried, your finger sitting shakily on the trigger, “Don’t come any closer!”
Hapi put her hands up. “We don’t want to hurt you- we want to keep you safe!”
“Keep me safe? By making me some bad guy in a gang that I never even asked to be a part of?”
Yuri scoffed and tried to step closer, but you quickly aimed the gun at him. “You think we did?”
“No more. Don’t come close, I’m warning you.” You could only utter a few words.
The leader of the Wolves ignored this, putting his hands out in front of him, “Drop the gun and this will be okay-“
“STAY AWAY!” You were screaming at this point. Everyone tried to shush you, but you couldn’t stop. Hysteria did such cruel things.
You closed your eyes and pulled the trigger, your arm injury hurting slightly from the recoil. Constance yelled out, grabbing onto Yuri, who seemed to fall in slow motion. Your head was spinning. Stars seemed to twinkle in the trees and bushes in front of you instead of staying in the sky like they should.
You swayed for a moment, watching the three try to help their leader. Blood seeped out of the right side of his abdomen. You tried to stay awake, but soon the gun fell out of your hand and you went limp beside it.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Your mind was awake before your body. You could feel the velvet sheets beneath your fingertips and smell the comforting french vanilla aroma that wafted through the Wolves’s house. It was warm- almost too warm for your comfort. Or maybe it was the fever you were running from stress.
You tried to smack your lips together, cringing when the inside of your mouth resembled that of a desert. You needed water.
Peeling your eyes open, you groaned. The lamp beside the bed was too bright, contrasting greatly against the still-dark sky. How long were you out?
You sat up on the bed, feeling sore, but brushed it off and trudged towards the door. You opened it and headed towards the stairs when you heard voices in a room across from you, two doors down.
“She’s already caused too much harm. I say we let her go and let natural selection take its course.”
You scoffed. Typical Hiram- rude ass.
“No- no. We brought her into this, the universe has basically ordered us to keep her safe. If any Eagles see her on the street, she’s done for.” Hapi reasoned.
“That might be a good thing-“
“She shot Yuri! He’s not waking up because of her!”
The silence that followed his outburst made your heart clench. You didn’t mean to actually hit him- you just meant it as a warning shot. Hell, you didn’t even know your aim was that good.
“He’s going to be fine. In the meantime, we need to contact Claude or Dimitri and see what’s happening.”
Claude? Claude, the boy at the pizza shop? You rolled your eyes. Of course he’d be a part of this- whatever this is.
“What if they’re siding with her?” Constance asked worriedly.
“Trust me, if it’s anything that Claude’s against, it’s an imbalance of power. As for Dimitri, I’m not sure.”
Your hands began to shake again and you blinked rapidly, trying to push away the looming realization that no, this wasn’t a joke, and yes, these college kids are in a fucking gang. You supposed a part of you didn’t want to believe it until now, but it crashed onto you like a bag of bricks.
These people have hurt others. Killed them. You hurt someone too- you shot a man. A man who apparently is trying to keep you safe.
Continuing to blink, this time biting back tears, you walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the counter, you filled it up in the sink and began chugging.
One glass.
Maybe if it was alcohol, you’d feel a little better. But it wasn’t. And you didn’t.
More footsteps resounded from the stairs, making their way through the living room and into the kitchen. Hapi entered first, followed by the other four. She gave you a tight smile, choosing to mess with some papers that still rested on the kitchen table.
The papers were frenzied and unorganized- they must have really rushed out once they realized that you’d left.
Hiram walked past and bumped your shoulder rather harshly, making you spill your third glass of water down the front of your shirt. You hissed, wanting nothing more than to yank out those snowy locks of his, but he was definitely armed and no doubt dangerous. You valued your life a little too much to mess with the little man.
Eventually, the group sat down at the table and Hapi patted her hand on the wood, pointing to the empty chair across from her. “Please, Y/N, sit.”
You did so, awkwardly, clasping your hands and putting them in your lap. You didn’t want to look up, already feeling the five intense stares burn into your form.
“It seems our first little talk wasn’t as… effective as it needed to be.” The redheaded girl began. “You were seen with us in the cafe when Edelgard attacked. You let your mouth run, disrespecting her. And I can assure you right now, that the Eagles have all the details on you. Especially since one of their own seemed to recognize you. Like it or not, you’re in this now.”
Hiram snorted, leaning back on his chair and nonchalantly checking his nails. “You’re stuck with this, toots. If you didn’t want to be, you should’ve stuck behind everyone like a good little coward and let the big dogs fight over the bone. You could’ve easily been seen as a citizen and an innocent bystander, but no. Something in you said ‘hey, let’s be a bitch to these people who suddenly barged in here with guns’. If I didn’t know any better, it would seem to me like you were practically,” He leaned forward, his icy eyes boring into your own, “asking for it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, but still kept shut. He wasn’t necessarily wrong, you could’ve easily decided to let the obviously-more-experienced people deal with it, but in your defense, you didn’t know at the time! You didn’t even think your 5 second long conversation with this Edelgard chick was as negative as they made it out to be.
Crossing your arms, you willed your face to remain stoic. “I just don’t see why she’d have it out for me. I didn’t even do anything that bad.”
“Look, look at my face.” Hiram pointed to the bridge of his nose, where a deep, pale pink scar contrasted against his skin. “Rhys and I used to be… involved with them. Her little lap dog- Ferdinand- did this. Because I made some ill-timed joke.”
You couldn’t help but glance over at Rhys, whose eyes had darkened at the mention of his past. The mention of Ferdinand’s name and his affiliation with the Eagles made you wonder about everyone’s past- how exactly did all of these people get involved with such a deadly life? You didn’t have much time to dwell on it before Balthus spoke up.
“Listen, little one, just stay here and chill out until we can a hundred percent confirm that the Eagles aren’t associating you with us. If they’re not, you’re free to go.”
“And if I am?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
Everyone at the table gasped and turned around to the kitchen entrance, where the strained voice had come from. Yuri was leaned up against the door frame, holding onto his side still. His torso was bare, but the skin was covered by bandages and gauze.
The Wolves shot up out of their seats, rushing over to their leader.
“Why are you up?”
“You need rest.”
Yuri just chuckled at them, hiding a wince as his stomach contracted with the laugh. “I’m fine, I’m fine, everything’s cool. Not the first time.”
You still sat at the table, watching as they helped him sit in his place at the head before going back to their own seats. The Wolves really seemed to care about each other, you noticed, and felt a small pang of guilt for causing them so many problems already.
“So, Yuri-Bird, I was explaining to everyone earlier that our best choice of action is to contact Dimitri and Claude and see what’s happening in their little sectors of the world.” Hapi folded her hands on the table, “I know with about a 90% certainty that Claude will be against whatever Edelgard’s doing. Dimitri, I’m not so sure.”
Yuri nodded, taking in the information. “We need stronger people going to Dimitri, then, just in case he sided with her.”
“Which is why I decided that it would be best for all of us to go together. Dimitri has that one assassin with him- the Black Cat or whatever his alias is.”
“It’s Felix. I wouldn't forget the name of such a hunk of a man.” Hiram practically swooned.
Hapi rolled her eyes. “...Right. So, we start with Claude and then move on to Dimitri.”
Rhys raised his hand for a moment, making Hiram shush everyone. He said nothing, only jutting a thumb at you as if asking ‘what do we do about this chick?’ The room was quiet for a moment, then Constance clapped her hands together.
“She can stay and take care of Yuri!”
“What?” You and the previously mentioned man cried out.
He turned and glared at you. “You lot are going to entrust my healing to the same bitch that shot me? No. I’m coming with you all.”
Balthus shook his head. “She’s right, Boss. You could barely walk down here. You need to rest before you get back in the game.”
“Yeah,” Hiram began to laugh, “I’m sure Miss Girl will fix you right up. Maybe she’s better at caretaking than she is running away.”
You returned Yuri’s glare, but quickly switched it to Hiram. He lost his smile and quirked up an eyebrow, as if challenging you to say something. You didn’t.
“We leave tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock. Yuri, you sleep in. Y/N, be up early to change his bandages.”
Hapi stood and stretched, letting out a large yawn before walking out of the kitchen.
The rest of the group followed, Yuri lagging behind as Balthus helped him walk. His lavender eyes pierced into you, obviously extremely angry at you. You shuddered. You absolutely did not want to be alone with him tomorrow.
Dreading morning, you went to your room and tucked yourself back under the velvet sheets, watching the hall light turn off and listening to Hiram’s annoying voice echo throughout the walls.
“Goodnight y’all! Sweet dreams- except for the Princess, of course.”
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz 
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [2]
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-> Pairing: Yuri x Fem!Reader
-> Gang!Au | Modern!Au | Enemies to Lovers
-> Word Count: 2.4k
-> Warnings: Blood, Violence, Cursing, Angst, Crack
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn’t mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you’re running with the wolves.
-> A/N: okok i know this is a lot shorter than the last chapter BUT y’all already heard my struggle with it so i’m actually kind of happy with this and liked where it ended. i’m sorry it’s boring, i think this was just a chapter where i do some introductions and go further into characters and a teeny bit more into the world of the gangs idk more info in later chapters because reader will NOT suddenly get a huge info dump of shit - also i hope you all like my two oc’s in here!
if you’d like to be put on the taglist, send me an ask or a message!
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In that second, Yuri began firing shots at your pursuers again. Hapi gave her gun to Balthus, who began using both his and her pistols to keep them back as well. She turned and grabbed your arm- the same one that was bleeding before recoiling.
“Who hurt you?”
“Yuri dragging me around.”
Hapi scoffed and reached for the other arm, leading you out the back door and into a small white car. She cranked the engine and backed out before you could even get buckled, narrowly missing a larger black van parked beside it. You held onto the door frame, your fingers turning white as Hapi whipped the car down a smaller, empty street.
“Why are you driving like a fucking lunatic?”
“They could easily follow us! Look behind, do you see anything?”
You turned as well as you could as Hapi made another sharp turn. “No, there’s nothing behind us.”
She slowed the car just a little bit. “Keep checking. We don’t need someone knowing where we’re going.”
You stayed turned in your seat, heart jumping out of anxiety every time you saw a random car or person pass by. “My home is the other way.”
“Wh- Oh, honey, no. They think you’re a part of us, you can’t go home.”
“What? Why not? I could just explain to them what I was doing- they’ll understand-“
“No, they won’t.” The redhead leaned her head back against the seat and bit back a sigh before mumbling to herself. “We weren’t even involved in their little spats with the other places. Why the hell would Edelgard come after us?”
You checked back one more time. “Didn't she say something about how ‘she’s the boss now’? Whatever it’s about, it’s because she’s apparently in charge or whatever. I- I just want to go home.” Your nose burned as tears filled your eyes, but you willed them to not fall. Hapi would definitely be the kind to make fun of you.
You thought back to the others- Yuri, Balthus, and Constance. Ellie had said that they were just some random college kids, making money to get by. Obviously they were more than that.
“What about the others? We just left them there.”
“They’ll be fine. They’ve had their fair share of fights. We’ll meet them back at the house.”
You could only nod and try to soothe your shaking body. Your arm still burned from the wound, but you didn’t want to look at it. Knowing the severity of it would only make it hurt worse.
Eventually, Hapi pulled into a normal looking house. It seemed inconspicuous, with a fraternity sign hanging out front to complete the “normal college kids live here” look. You shuddered. Things are not as they seem with these people, and their house for sure isn’t a normal one as well. Hapi got out of the car and scouted around it, searching the entire car before once again muttering to herself.
“... Can’t believe I forgot to look for a tracker-“
“Look who’s finally home! Hapis and- who’s this?”
Suddenly a loud, annoying voice shouted from the front door of the house. You looked up to see a new man, slowly putting down his waving hand as he saw you. From the top of the brick stairs, he looked quite tall, but as you continued to ascend, the shorter and shorter he became until he was scarcely a few inches taller than you.
“Hiram, this is Y/N. She was, uh, put in an unfortunate circumstance and had to come with us.”
His white eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Hapi confusedly before nodding. “Uh, yeah, okay. Come on in, then. Rhys is out getting takeout. What’s the circumstance?”
“Edelgard attacked the café.”
Hiram was still confused, but it was cut short as the same black van you saw earlier pulled into the open garage. Hapi motioned for the two of you to come inside, saying that Yuri would explain everything.
The house was more normal than you expected. The living room walls were painted a light blue with a couch surrounding the fireplace and a TV on top of it. The colors of that room contrasted greatly against the honey yellow walls of the kitchen, where everyone had gathered and sat at the table. You squeezed yourself between Hapi and Constance, the only other girls there.
“We should wait for Rhys-“
“There's no time.” Yuri scoffed at Hiram and leaned back on his chair. “Somehow, Edelgard took power from her father and is now the leader of the Black Eagles. I’ve yet to figure out what her plans are- attacking us, out of everyone possible- but I’m sure they aren’t good.”
You sighed and leaned against your arm, but stopped. You really, really needed medical attention for your arm. You also really, really needed to go home. You stood up.
“Okay, well, have fun with that. I’m out.”
Yuri laughed. “No, you’re not. Sit down.”
You whipped around to face him, your cheeks burning in anger. “I am! I’m going to leave this house, go to a hospital, fix my arm, and go home. I have no business here.”
You moved to leave again, but a pair of pale arms wrapped around you. One arm gripped your waist tightly as the other flicked out a knife, holding it against your neck. You tried to struggle, but the person- a tall man- tightened his hold even further. Yuri rolled his eyes.
“Easy with her, Rhys. You started having business here the minute you decided to open your stupid little mouth. Hasn’t anyone ever taught you to shut up? To think rationally in the face of danger? Did you even realize the danger you were in, or are you really just that dense?” He sneered, walking towards you. “You, Princess, have gotten yourself into a Hell of a lot of trouble. You’re right, you shouldn’t be here, but now it’s time to reap what you sow.”
You grimaced at Yuri’s close proximity and spat at him, making him stumble back and wipe his face in disgust. This caused Rhys to lift your chin with the knife, pressing down enough to leave a small cut. A trail of blood dripped down to your collarbone.
“I suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut.” Hiram laughed almost maniacally from the table. “Rhysie’s silent but deadly. Don’t mess with us.”
Said man finally let you go, pushing you back to your seat, which you took with a huff. Constance handed you a tissue from the small pocketbook she carried and you thanked her, smiling wearily.
Hapi, who had stayed silent the entire time, coughed awkwardly. “So, what’s our next move?”
Yuri shrugged. “We’re no longer neutral, obviously. But we don’t know if the Golden Deer or the Blue Lions are on our side either. Edelgard had to have had a plan when she attacked us.”
The six others sat in thought for a minute while you, on the other hand, had never been more confused. “Wait, what’s even going on? Why do restaurants kill each other?”
Hiram giggled and plucked the bloody tissue out of your hand, beginning to mess with it and look at the new stains. “You’re tellin’ me that you really thought this was just some dumb restaurant rivalry? Hah! Sweetheart, we’re gangs. Y’know. Drugs. Illegal trades. Turf wars. The usual.”
You tried to put more pieces together. “So, Edelgard’s gang is the bad guys?”
“We’re not good. None of the gangs are. Our sins are irredeemable- we’re not the good guys. Edelgard’s people aren’t the bad guys. We don’t know what’s going on right now.” Hapi cut off Hiram.
Said man snorted and ran a hand through his ponytail. “Hey, Rhys, say fuck for me.”
Rhys’s freckled skin flushed a bright red and he avoided the eye contact of everyone around. “...I can’t.” He mumbled.
“See? Rhysie’s good.”
Hapi closed her eyes and suppressed a sigh again, and you wondered what was up with her and sighing. “The next move is to wait. Maybe do a little digging in their computers and communication, but that’s Hiram’s job.”
“We’ve got to figure out something for the rat to do.She can’t just sit here and be in the way.” Yuri mused. “Housekeeping, perhaps?”
“I am not a rat!” You hissed, “You are!”
The purple haired boy only smirked. “Whatever you say, Princess. Go upstairs to the first room on the left. There’s a big stack of manila folders with profiles on the desk. Bring them back down here.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat, practically stomping your way to the wooden stairs. Opening the first door on the left, you found the folders Yuri was talking about. You reached for them, but hesitated and looked out of the window beside the desk.
It would be so easy to leave, you thought, but jumping from this height would definitely lead to a broken bone.
You committed this room to memory and grabbed the folders, taking your time down the stairs to plan an escape route if needed. You were going home, whether they liked it or not, you decided. You were close to the bottom of the steps when a paper slid out from one of the folders. It was a profile with a rather familiar looking face on it.
Yuri Leclarc, It read, Age 24. Affiliation: Ashen Wolves. Family: Father (unknown), Mother (missing).
You heard footsteps walk through the living room and you quickly snatched up the paper, stuffing it in a folder before you finished reading it all. Hiram became visible, one hand carrying a large laptop and the other, a basket of cables and other equipment. He didn’t say anything to you. Instead, he barely spared you a glance as he walked back into the kitchen. You followed.
“Here.” You huffed and slammed down the folders. Hiram was busy plugging up different cords and routers to the computer, still completely ignoring your presence.
Yuri nodded and stood, sifting through the papers before landing on one labeled “Black Eagles”. He pushed the other folders to the side and opened that one. He laid out 8 profiles, all of people around your age. You could’ve sworn you’d seen some of them around campus, but you nearly vomited as your eyes caught one certain profile.
Ferdinand von Aegir.
“It’s up and running!” Hiram’s voice knocked you out of your stupor. “A piece of art, truly!”
Constance snorted. “A piece of shit, actually.”
Hiram ignored her comment and grinned, placing his hands on his hips proudly. “I call it the Computer of Chaos. COC for short.”
The silence in the kitchen was practically screaming.
Yuri looked up from the profiles. “The what?”
“The Cock, Yuri-bird. Didn't you hear him correctly?” Balthus nearly choked trying to hold in his laugh.
“Exactly! And it works for everyone here, you just have to say your name and it’ll unlock for you.” Hiram motioned for someone to give it a try.
Yuri still looked at the computer quizzically, but walked towards it nonetheless. He leaned down and said, “Yuri Leclarc.”
“Access Denied.”
“What?” Hapi questioned, pulling the computer toward herself. “Hapi.”
“Access Denied.”
“Ohhh, that’s right.” Hiram’s grin turned mischievous. “It only answers to the nicknames I gave you all.”
If looks could kill, Yuri would have committed a murder. He sighed heavily and violently moved the computer back to him. “Yuris.”
“Permission Granted.”
“Go die.” He growled at Hiram, who only laughed.
“What nicknames?” You had to ask, but regretted it once Hiram’s smile was directed at you.
“I add an -is to the end of everyone’s names! Yuris, Hapis, Constis, Balis, but I call Rhys ‘Rhysie’, he doesn’t tell me not to~”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t fucking talk, that’s why.”
“Can I have a nickname?” If you were going to be stuck here, you may as well make friends.
“Hmm,” Hiram pondered, “No.”
So much for making friends.
Yuri interrupted the awkward moment by slamming his hand down on COC, making Hiram gasp in protest. “Fucking- Hiram, try to find something- anything- to find out Edelgard’s intentions. We had a neutrality pact, she shouldn’t have broken it.”
Your head was starting to hurt from the events today. Rubbing your temples, you stood up, making everyone look at you.
“Listen, I’m tired. I’m stressed. Is there like, anywhere I can sleep? I can’t do much more.”
Constance nodded. “I’ll take you up to the spare room!”
She led you up the stairs and past the room you had gone into earlier. Opening the door to one of the bedrooms, she gestured for you to enter.
“I’ll have to lock you in, but I’m sure you won’t mind. You’ll be sleeping, after all!” Constance smiled, “Goodnight!”
You waved back at her and waited for the click of the lock before turning on the lamp and peeling your sleeve away from your arm. You grimaced- blood had dried and caked around the wound, which was still slightly bleeding. You needed medical attention, but you didn’t blame the Wolves for not thinking about it.
They certainly were stressed- being previously neutral and suddenly attacked. They’ve got enemies now and you suspected that was something they haven’t had in quite a while. And then there was you, the epitome of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. Who would’ve thought that you’d end up accidentally in the middle of a gang war when you moved here? Certainly not you.
Guilt tugged at your stomach. These people were different from you. You didn’t belong here and you needed to get out of their hair. Yuri made it obvious that you stuck out like a sore thumb, unaware of what to do like they did.
You glanced at the window in the bedroom and stood up, making your way towards it. You could easily unlock it and risk an ankle injury. You’d already hurt your arm, it would be fine.
Your two choices were to try to survive a mob that wanted to kill you all, or get a foot injury while escaping and get back to your normal life.
Unlocking the latch on the window, and sitting on the edge, you had already made your decision. You jumped down and ignored a loud crack that resounded in your ankle, slipping into the depths of night.
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @mifuyuyu @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
bc we're all good felix simps in this house i kind of want felix cuddling hcs 🥺🥺 happy writing -eun💜
cuddles. | felix
-> Pairing: Felix x GN!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
-> Warnings: I say Ass once
-> A/N; more felix content! enjoy! ♡︎ also i’ve been listening to nothing but All Too Well by my fave gal t swift for four days straight in order to sing a cover of it it’s alright i’m good it’s all good
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like many other things in your relationship, affection is something that you’ll have to initiate first
he absolutely will not show affection in public. it just makes him really uncomfortable and you do respect that
but alone, he’s a little softer
very awkward, but softer
the first time you’d ever curled up next to him was on the couch in front of the fireplace in the knights hall
he had sat down next to you while you were immersed in a book you’d picked up from the library and sat silently, watching the flames crackle
you’d noticed that he was rather tense- you’d assumed it was because someone had once again pissed him off- so you turned and leaned your back against his side, hoping he’d wrap his arm around your shoulders so you could lean in further
instead, he tensed up and flushed, unable to even ask what you were doing. you rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm yourself, wrapping it around you and leaning your head into him, still reading your book
it took quite a while, but eventually felix finally relaxed. until sylvain walked in
this is a normal thing when it comes to cuddling with felix
the awkwardness, i mean. not the sylvain walking in. sometimes. 
felix is very, very touch starved. he wants to hold you, i promise. he just doesn’t know how. he doesn’t know where to place his hands or what to do or what to talk about or anything
so the first bit of affection in your relationship was him learning what to do. you’d tell him what you were okay with, he’d tell you the same
once, you laid on top of his chest and he kept his hands at his side, afraid of touching you too far below the waist
just to be a tease, you positioned his hands right above your ass and grinned when you heard his heart rate increase before he moved them up just a smidge. what a respectful man.
it does get easier and more smooth eventually. it takes a while, but it does. you’re felix’s first relationship and he really doesn’t want to mess it up
plus, the attitude is hard to drop. it’s his self defense mechanism for when he feels weak, and goddess do you make him feel week
if you fall asleep while snuggling with him, he will look at you with absolute stars and hearts in his eyes. he’ll pull you closer and nuzzle his face into your hair, breathing in your comforting scent
it calms his racing heart before he can fully relax and have the best sleep of his life, right beside you, the love of his life
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
you’re mine. | sylvain
-> Pairing: Sylvain x Reader | Academy
-> Genre: Fluff, Lime (?? is that what it’s called?)
-> Warnings: Cursing, Suggestive Scenes, Making Out
-> A/N: hee hoo this is as close to smut as i will write as a minor but it’s still a decent amount to be honest. sylvain’s academy age is 19-20, so reader is of course 18+ as well
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To Sylvain, the ball at Garreg Mach Monastery was the perfect opportunity to scout. He’d planned the night perfectly, starting off a dance with Mercedes first. From there, he’d cast her off to the next man and reach for another lady in his vicinity, giving them each teasing winks and suggestive smiles to try and woo them into his bed.
This was a sure-fire way to get women wrapped around his finger. They’d run to him at his every call, throwing themselves at his feet whenever he pleased.
So why couldn’t he stand the sight of any woman now?
He stepped into the reception hall with utmost confidence seeping from his pores, but he couldn’t finish scanning the ballroom once his eyes laid on you from across the room. You were smiling and talking to Claude, who was standing way too close to you for Sylvain’s comfort. He wanted to stomp over there and yank you away from him, but that would tarnish his reputation.
Sylvain Gautier was supposed to see you as a toy. That’s how the two of you acted together- you both flirted relentlessly, making suggestive pickup lines and leaving lingering touches on the other to leave them flustered. It was just harmless flirting, it wasn’t as if Sylvain was courting you. That thought sent a pang through his chest, but he shook it off.
You were just another woman to mess with. You just happened to be more fun than the others. Sylvain was just a little more fond of messing with you because you reciprocated. And you reciprocated because you also didn’t feel any true feelings, right?
Sylvain watched as you laughed loudly at something the Golden Deer leader said, smacking his shoulder as he leaned even closer to you with a grin. Obviously you didn’t feel for Sylvain- you wouldn’t be so friendly with Claude if you did.
The redhead shook his head and took a deep breath, plastering on a seductive smile and walking to the first woman he saw- a beautiful brunette with an even better body. He leaned down and kissed her hand, leading her to the dance floor for a few dances.
You had just finished laughing at Claude’s latest corny joke when he looked up, his dark eyebrow quirking as he looked over your shoulder. You turned around as well, gazing at the pairs that glided across the ballroom floor with grace and nobility. If you weren’t so bad at dancing, you’d love to be out there with them.
“Looks like your boy toy has found another.” Claude pointed to said boy, who held that... gorgeous brunette close to his chest. His lips moved against her ear, undoubtedly telling her all the things he tells you as you walk past him in the halls.
Your heart clenched, but you rolled your eyes and took a sip of your drink. “And? He’s called a boy toy for a reason. It’s not serious.”
Claude laughed. “You’re obviously jealous. You just got an attitude with me- you never do that.”
“Listen,” You sighed, “I made my choice and sealed my fate by messing around with one of the most emotionally unavailable bastards there is. It’s fine.”
“Doesn’t seem fine to me.” Claude grabbed your drink from you and set it down on the table next to him, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the dance floor. “C’mon. I’m gonna help you.”
“You- what? Claude, I don’t need help.” You tried to struggle out of his arms, but they tightened against your hips and he leaned close, looking towards Sylvain before brushing his nose with yours.
“He’s staring. Has been since he walked in. Just- trust me.”
You looked into Claude’s eyes, which were shimmering with mischievousness. Typical. But, Claude’s plans and intuitions were usually right. You needed to trust him to do... whatever he’s trying to do. You nodded.
Claude smirked and pulled you against him even more, his head dipping down to press against your temple. You moved your arms around his neck to get even closer. You tried to focus on your dancing instead of Claude’s actions- you couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable letting someone else touch you while your crush watched, but you trusted Claude.
Suddenly, you stiffened and tripped over your feet. Claude had turned his head slightly and nibbled on your ear, licking the shell of it before moving down even more and pressing a kiss against the junction of your shoulder and neck. Your fingers tightened against the cloth of his uniform, slightly enjoying the affection.
Teasing words and compliments only went so far. You were a little touch starved- Sylvain did leave you high and dry at least once a week.
Claude lifted his head to look above yours, catching eyes with Sylvain, who quirked an unamused eyebrow at him. He smirked and slid his hand down from your waist, firmly grabbing your ass.
You gasped in shock, smacking his shoulder. “What was that for?”
“He’s not looking too happy. Thought I’d rile him up even more.”
Claude turned you in a slow circle, allowing you to see over his shoulder. Your heart dropped. He was wrong. Sylvain was pressed up against a different girl now, practically grinding himself against her as he danced around the room. He was obviously enjoying himself, not giving a single glance towards you. You sighed and lightly pushed Claude away. He gave you a questioning look.
“I- I need some fresh air. I’ll be back to dance more later.” You patted his shoulder and began to walk out of the ballroom when Claude called out to you.
“You might not be able to walk later, much less dance!”
You flipped him off right as the doors closed, leaving you alone in the courtyard. You walked around, breathing in the chilly night air and taking a seat on one of the benches in the area.
You felt foolish for thinking that Sylvain could have actually cared about what you were doing. Foolish for believing that maybe you were different from all the other girls. Foolish for letting him be different from any other boy.
You sniffed, wiping away a stray tear that threatened to fall.
“Quite the spectacle you put on back there.”
You jumped and stood off the bench, startled by the one voice you didn’t want to hear tonight. “Sylvain.”
“Y/N.” He stepped closer to you. “I noticed you left. I’m a little surprised you’re out here alone instead of with your new little fling.”
“Fling? You mean Claude? Oh, Goddess no, that’s not it-“
“It isn’t? Then why was he kissing your neck? I don’t think friends act that way.” His amber eyes darkened as he thought about the Alliance heir being so close to you.
“Oh, they don’t? Are we not friends?” Sylvain looked confused, so you gained confidence and stepped closer to him to elaborate. “Those flirts. The touches and compliments and everything else that you and I do. They’re the same thing that Claude did. You and I are friends, so why can’t he be as well? Could it be that you’re-“
Sylvain grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards him, pressing a rough kiss against your lips. You melted into it, your free hand reaching up to cup his jaw. Sylvain pulled away and wrapped his large hands around your waist, hoisting you up and giving you another kiss.
“Jealous? Yes.” He turned around and carried you towards the classrooms, pushing open the door to the Blue Lions room. “You’re mine.”
You suddenly scoffed. “I am? So I can’t go around messing with other guys, but you can mess with other women? No- let me down. I’m not doing that.”
Sylvain held you tighter during your struggling and closed the door, practically slamming you against the wood and pressing himself into you. He sighed and leaned in, gently brushing his lips against yours.
“Okay, okay. That was a shitty thing for me to do. Truth is, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” He paused, thinking about his words. “I didn’t want to admit that I, Sylvain ‘Womanizer’ Gautier, had caught feelings for another girl I was just supposed to mess with. So I danced with others to try and get my mind off of you.”
His thumbs rubbed gentle circles on the dips of your hips and he looked up, gazing fiercely into your eyes before continuing. “But when you started dancing with Claude, I got mad. He started touching you and being all close, like how I wanted to be, and I let jealousy get the best of me. I- Y/N, I’m sorry. You don’t have to forgive me, but I promise you this will not happen again. I’ll be faithful to you and work through my issues-“
“Shut up and kiss me.”
He smiled and leaned in, still holding onto your hips as your lips met again. You gripped his shoulders tightly and smiled as he moved you both away from the door and laid you down on one of the tables. You ran your fingers through his hair as he moved down, beginning to trail kisses along your neck.
“You’re too good to me.” He groaned out, taking extra time to mark a spot on your neck that you were extra receptive to. “So sweet, and forgiving, and perfect. It’s like you were made for me.”
You couldn’t hold back a smile as you brought the boy above you back up for another kiss, this time opening your mouth to let his tongue in. Alone in the classroom, the two of you shared a dance of your own as Sylvain’s warm hands toyed with the hem of your shirt.
He slowly worked his fingers underneath the thin cloth, splaying one hand against your stomach while the other reached down to squeeze one your thighs that were wrapped around his waist.
Just as Sylvain began to slide his hand up your thigh, loud laughter echoed from the courtyard. You shot up and Sylvain quickly wrapped his arms around you, impulsively shielding you from potential danger- or embarrassment. You peeked over his shoulder and saw a small group- Dimitri, Dedue, Ingrid, and Felix- walk past the classrooms towards the dorms. They didn’t even spare a glance in your direction, much to your relief.
As the laughter subsided, you looked back at Sylvain, only to see that he was already looking at you with something that could only be described as adoration in his eyes.
“I guess the dance is over, huh?” You laughed, unable to hide the disappointment that you felt knowing that you’d have to be separated from Sylvain soon.
He gently smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “I mean, we can still spend time together tonight. I want to catch up on all the times I thought about kissing you but didn’t.”
You smirked. “And how many times would that be?”
Sylvain leaned down and captured your lips once more. “Every time I’ve ever looked at you.”
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