#i know thats not how thats spelled hush
angrysheeptime · 6 months
Lol every time I go to the dermatologist there's a new lotion or potion to slather on my skin
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drabblesandimagines · 3 months
Hi there, I would like to request Cloud, if thats okay. A sparring session that leads into an unexpected kiss?
Just read you are feeling under the weather, hope you feel better soon!
Sweet anon, I'm sorry this took me literally months! Please lemme know what you think x
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It’s late as you leave your room at Stargazer Heights, pulling the door closed behind you with a gentle click. The weight of your new sword still feels unnervingly foreign on your back as you head down the stairs carefully, not wanting to disturb any of your neighbours’ sleep with your heavy footfalls.
Just because you couldn’t sleep didn’t mean theirs should suffer in return.
Your beloved, trusty sword, after many years of faithful service in the Watch, had snapped clean in two after a particularly good thwack against a hard-shelled creature whilst on a job in the scrapyard earlier that day. If that wasn’t enough, it just had to happen in front of Cloud Strife, the blonde ex-Soldier who had joined the Avalanche ranks - temporarily, at least – and who you were somewhat hoping to impress with your mastery of the blade as common ground over the past few weeks.
“You’d be good for him, you know?” Tifa had teased over the bar one night, catching you staring a little too long as he sat down the opposite end, nursing a drink. You’d have told her to hush if Barret’s voice wasn’t booming around the establishment, meaning you were lucky to have even heard her comment in the first place.
Instead, you answer flustered. “What? I… He’s your… No!”
“I don’t like him like that, sweetie.” She’d reassured, patting your hand with a smile. “Plus, I’m pretty sure he likes you.”
“Me?” You scoff, shaking your head. “I don’t think he’s aware I exist, not with how Jessie has been all over him.”
“Mm.” Tifa purses her lips in thought before they pulled back into a knowing smile – she’d caught the merc’s gaze flickering in your direction before it settled back on the drink before him. “No, I think Cloud’s warming up to you. Let me see what I can do.”
Biggs’ warm hand wrapped around your arm and tugged you up from the bar and away from your protest in an instant. “Come on, you owe me a rematch and I’ve finally convinced Wedge to let us have a round.”
You concede, destroying Biggs at darts once again would be a good distraction from the blonde at the bar. Besides, what could Tifa do anyway?
What Tifa could do, apparently, was make it so whenever Cloud took on a job, Biggs or Wedge would insist you tag along to help him navigate the area – sometimes with Tifa, sometimes without – and that’s what had led you to today, stuck deep within the scrapyard with a broken blade.
You’d never been any good with your fists, nor could aim a gun straight – despite tips from Tifa and Biggs over the years – so, reluctantly, you’d been relegated to the back line for the rest of the outing. At the most, you could fling a spell or two from the materia still equipped in the broken hilt when you could.
Unfortunately, it meant you didn’t have anything really to defend yourself with whilst the materia recharged. A nasty hit from a retreating drake had sent you tumbling backwards, head literally over heels. It dived back down at you, realizing you were now easy prey, ready to go for a nasty bite when a certain blonde merc’s sword dug into its side, sending it flying over in Tifa’s direction who finished it off with a perfectly executed roundhouse kick – all before your life could flash before your eyes.
“Are you okay?” Cloud crouches in front of you, his sword already sheathed, and places a hand on your arm as he awaits your answer. His expression, usually stoic and unreadable, is marred by a slight furrow in his brow as he looks you over with concerned Mako-blue eyes.
He must find you at least tolerable, you’d decided, as he didn’t seem to protest as much when you joined them on jobs like this around the slums.
Though maybe not ever again after today’s pathetic display.
“Yeah,” you nod, feeling foolish. “Still in one piece. Thanks for that.”
“Don’t mention it.” He shrugs and gets to his feet, offering you his hand in assistance.
You take it, relishing the feeling as his gloved fingers wrap around your palm. He pulls you up with a little too much gusto – or maybe underestimates his own strength - sending you stumbling forward. You try and catch your balance, only to find your hand placed firmly against his chest, his other hand now on the small of your back in alarm.
“S-sorry,” you stutter out and retreat back, bowing your head as your face feels horrendously warm. Somewhere behind you, Tifa poorly attempts to hide a giggle.
“It’s fine.” His tone is back to his usual curt manner. “Come on - we should head back.” And without another word, Cloud spins on his heels and storms off ahead.
“Cloud, wait up!” Tifa calls, threading her arm through yours to pull you along with her. “He’ll get there – don’t worry.”
You’d taken the blade in to the weapons store below the Watch’s HQ after reporting in, Cloud and Tifa following behind. The proprietor dutifully inspected it for a few moments before deeming it beyond reasonable repair - said he could re-forge it, but it would only last a hit or two before it snapped in two again and he didn’t want the bad advertisement. He’d offered some gil for the scrap metal value and waved to the selection of his ready-made wares. Even with the gil he’d proposed and from your own pocket, the prices made your eyes water.
“Can I pay in instalments?”
He scoffs.
“You know I’m good for it.”
“This ain’t a charity, kid.”
“Here.” Cloud had stepped forward then, placing a pouch of gil on the counter. “That should cover it.”
“What?” Your eyes widened in disbelief. Cloud had been hounding Tifa and Barret for his pay for days and you knew he still hadn’t received all of it yet. “No, I couldn’t – that’s yours.”
“You need a weapon.” He shrugs, Tifa bouncing on her heels behind him at his act of generosity, a told you so smile plastered across her face. “Pay me back in instalments, if you want. I don’t care.”
“Are you sure?”
He nods, crossing his arms. “You’re good with a blade, it would be a waste for you not to have one.”
Your scalp tingles at the compliment.
The blades all felt lighter - maybe you’d grown stronger over time? - though they were thinner in width in comparison to your old blade. You’d performed a cautionary test swing of each towards the back of the shop but they all felt off, unbalanced. Begrudgingly, one felt a little less odd to wield so you’d settled with that, thankful it was a mid-range price of the selection so you hadn’t needed the entirety of Cloud’s gil pouch.
“I’ll pay you back as soon as I can – I promise.”
Cloud shrugs, as usual.
You swing at the tower of boxes you’d assembled in the middle of the wasteland, trying to be precise and knock out the one in the middle, but as soon as you release the momentum you nearly lose your balance, missing entirely. If you were in combat, it would’ve been a pathetic sight to behold. Thankfully, you were the only one to wit-
You jump, spinning on your heels to face the blonde mercenary, holding your blade aloft in a defensive stance to an unimpressed face.
“Cloud! Hi.” Your heart is pounding at his sudden arrival – how could you not have heard him approaching? You lower your blade to rest on the floor. “Sorry, did I wake you when I left?”
“No, I couldn’t sleep so I heard you leave.” He folds his arms, looking a little displeased. “You shouldn’t be out here on your own, you know? It’s not safe.”
“I wanted to get some practice in, that’s all.” You look down at the sword in your hand in demonstration. “There’s been no more wererats here since you cleaned out the nest either, so it’s safe enough.”
“It’s not just fiends I’m talking about.”
That’s true – unfortunately, you weren’t a complete stranger to the troopers that often patrolled the slums. All it took was one to recognize your face and you’d be dragged to Shinra HQ faster than you could blink.
“I really need to get used to the weight, though. Barret wants to strike any day and-“
“Fine. I’ll spar with you.”
You weren’t expecting that. “Really?”
“Why not?” He reaches back for his sword, before swinging it out in front of him playfully. “Unless you’re scared.”
You bite your lip in a smile. “Bring it on, Strife.”
Cloud holds back at first, acting more as a training dummy for you to swing at. He doesn’t even need to deflect any of your blows at the beginning, but as you become familiar with the weight and how the new blade swings, finally he starts to raise his sword in return, the sound of metal clashing echoing through the air before one firm blow sends you toppling back, the Buster Sword now inches above your neck.
“Better.” He pulls back his sword and offers you his hand, which you gratefully accept, bracing yourself for his strength this time to avoid what had happened that afternoon. “Try again.”
You’re not sure how much time passes like that, but steadily your confidence in your weapon grows and it turns into a proper sparring bout, both giving it your absolute all. As your blades clash, crossed in front of each other’s faces, you risk a smile at the blonde merc. Suddenly, Cloud’s forearms lose their tension, meaning you get an upperhand you were not expecting. You swing your sword out to the right and fall forward, Cloud toppling backwards, his sword to his right, and his head smacking into the ground as you fall on top of him.
“Oh… Shiva,” you gasp, heart pounding, your thighs somehow straddling around his. “Are you hurt?”
Cloud doesn’t reply, staring up at you in bemusement as he tries to catch his breath.
“Cloud?” You lean down, planting your hands either side of his head for balance.
He lifts his head, suddenly, and presses a kiss to your lips.
Your arms go limp and you drop into his embrace, his arm wrapping around your waist to hold you close as you return the kiss, lifting a hand to cup his cheek, fingers curling into his blonde hair, blissfully lost in the moment until there is an odd, inhuman sound from behind you.
Cloud sits bolt upright, twisting you as he does so you’re sat in his lap, one arm still wrapped tightly around your waist and, somehow, the Buster Sword back in his other hand as he holds it out in defense.
A cat sits a few meters in front of the two of you, flicking its tail back and forth curiously. You feel his muscles relax beneath your touch at the realization. You get to your feet then, grabbing your blade as you do so and securing it against your back. Though you feel flustered, you can’t turn down the opportunity to offer Cloud an assisting hand this time.
To your delight, he accepts, somehow twisting it as he stands in order to intertwine your fingers within his.
“We… We, er, should get back.” He mumbles.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
He leads you back through the tunnel, silently, fingers still laced, and back towards Stargazer Heights. You climb the stairs together before he brings you to a stop outside your door, hesitating. Your stomach twists – does he regret what happened? Are you just to wake up tomorrow morning and it will feel like nothing but a dream?
A firm squeeze of your hand brings you back to the present, as if he could read your thoughts. “I’ve been thinking about that for a while.” Cloud whispers, cautious of his voice carrying through the neighbours’ door. “It’s… unfortunate that we were interrupted.”
You place a hand on your door handle and smile, coyly. “Would you like to come in?”
Cloud smirks. “Do you have any pets?”
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
Comments, follows, likes and reblogs make my day!
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dreamingsung · 1 year
SUB!JISUNG >>>>>>>
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^ me reading this ask because I LOVE sub!jisung
܀⊹nsfw thoughts under the cut⊹܀
imagine cuddling with ji at night, maybe watching a show or scrolling on tiktok together. you’re running your free hand through his hair and occasionally rubbing his back absentmindedly
once you're bored of scrolling or watching the show, you turn to face him and throw one leg over his hip and thread the other between his thighs, pressing up against him with a smirk as he bucks against your thigh from the sudden friction
he looks at you with wide eyes before letting out a small whine when you slide your hand up under his shirt before slowly running it down to his semi-soft member
after steadily pumping him at a painstakingly slow pace, he's fully erect and the frequency and volume of his whines and hushed pleas for "more" increase
running your thumb over the his leaking tip, you pump him faster until he's on the brink of an orgasm. You quickly remove your hand and coo at him, teasing his strained groans and pants while he ruts up into the air in search of friction
you keep this up a few more times until there's tears brimming in his eyes.
"please y/n-" "I'm so close,, please.."
for the final time, once he's near the brink, you start pumping him as fast as you can. All you can hear or his sweet moans while he mumbles your name out between them
he ends up cumming all over your hand and his navel
his face scrunches up and relaxes leaving an expression full of pure pleasure when he does finally cum
when he thinks you're done, his eyes widen once again as you crawl over him, straddling his waist after you pull his sweats down, revealing his pretty and long member thats completely covered in his release. You rub his messy tip against your hole, moaning and putting on a show as you tease his tip in and out before quickly sinking down on him
you both let out a loud and long moan
while you steadily bounce on him and he thrusts up to meet you, he grips your hips so tightly that you're sure he'll be leaving bruises
he twitches inside of you as he's already close to another orgasm
you lean down and kiss him gently on the forehead and his shaky and glazed gaze meets while he pants knowing he won't be able to hold on much longer
connecting your lips in a long kiss, you reach your hands for his and interlock your fingers. He mumbles about how much he loves you with tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes while you clench around him
reaching his final orgasm his hips snap up into yours and stutter while he cries out from the overstimulation, filling you to the brim while you continue to bounce of him, riding out both of your highs
he's practically seeing white with the prettiest 'o face'
once he fully comes down, he feels you leaning forward and stroking your clean hand through his hair once more and placing a kiss on his forehead in an attempt to ground him
you sit up again and attempt to get up off of him before you feel his hand quickly reach out to you
"p-please.. can we just stay like this" he pants.
you nod with a smile laying back down on him
you end up falling asleep like that, feeling so full of him and complete overall
(sorry if there's any mistakes, reading makes me tired so it's hard to spell check everything)
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sunnygrey99 · 10 months
Honey, Smoke, Lemon, and Oak Pt. 2
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~Trigger Warning: Typical TLOU warnings. (minors DNI) If any other Triggers apply please let me know.~
Story Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Violence, Murder, Death, Smut
A/N: I gave reader a nickname to kind of play around with it. so far both chapters are pretty lighthearted but it will start to get darker in the next few chapters. This is going to be between 9 and 20 chapters. Idk where this story is going exactly so strap in. If you catch any grammar or spelling mistakes please feel free to either PM me or comment. I don't have a beta reader.
Wordcount: 2,947
Summary: Plus size!Reader is a Beekeeper and Medical Scientist living in Jackson. A simple meeting of a new friend slowly becomes so much more. Reader is immune. Reader is given a nickname. (This fic will have very dark tones though out. This deals with the unfortunate reality that men do disgusting things to women regardless of the world having ended. All chapters will include warnings and tag warnings. Please take care in reading.)
The sun rose slowly over the hills and trees as you sleepily walked around the kitchen. Already dressed and ready for spending the day in your barn. It doubles as storage and a lab. It’s where you spend a good chunk of time making any medications you can for the town. Some are more from just herbs and others are straight from a pharmacologist textbook. Luckily even in an apocalyptic world you had or could find the resources to make more modern medicines.
As you pour some fresh lemonade into a glass and bite into some toast you hear a knock at the door. You weren’t expecting anyone specific today so your body froze for a moment, hand hovering over the knife on your hip. Another knock comes to the door and you slowly approach and peep through the small window on the door. It was Joel and a young girl. Quickly you unlock the door and swing it open with a smile on your face. “Hey Mr.Miller! How are you settling in?”
“We are settling in alright, ready to get started on that barn of yours. Brought Ellie here too, hope thats alright.” He pats Ellie’s back before turning his attention back to you.
“That is absolutely fine, Its good to meet you Ellie, I’m Bunny.” You held out your hand to the younger girl. She shook it enthusiastically with a smile.
“Joel said you made all that stuff in the basket, It was so good!” Her energy levels this early in the morning nearly made you want to turn around and close the door, but she was being so sweet. “Do you have a bunch of bees here? Joel said you harvest the honey yourself, do you have one of those bee suits?”
Her questions were only slightly overwhelming due to the early morning. Sighing with a smile you nod, “I can show you later. I don’t really need the suit anymore for my hives but you will definitely need to wear it to meet the bees.” You look from her to Joel hoping to have his approval as well. Ellie doing the same.
He looks between the two hopeful faces and nods, “Lets take a look at that barn first so I can get started and I’ll let you off the hook. You gotta promise to listen to Miss Bunny here and be safe.” He fixes Ellie with a stern look before she nods back.
You can’t help but smile at the two before sliding out the door yourself and starting to lead them through the garden and back to the large barn at the back of the property. Hidden behind apple and lemon trees sits the old red building. It looks to be only held up by the few sturdy poles and one side of the barn is starting to cave in slightly. You hear a low whistle come from behind you and a “Holy shit” in a hushed tone from Ellie.
“I know she doesn’t look great but I’ve at least kept her standing for the last few years.” Your turn to look at the pair sheepishly. “I’ve lived here since I was 18. There was a big storm about 3 years ago and nearly took the barn out. I’ve tried fixing it but I know nothing about construction.”
Joel moves about the side of the building and scratches at the back of his head. “I’m surprised shes still standing at all. I mean no offense by that its just the damage itself looks pretty extensive and this is just the outside.”
“I take no offense to it Mr. Miller, If you can fix it I’d greatly appreciate it. Its a pretty important building. Not only to me but to the town too.” You go to lead him inside to show him. He and Ellie follow with some confusion. As you slide open the big door the building creaks and whines. Its only supports wanting to finally give in and the newer ones you’ve placed taking the rest of the weight. One side of the building is purely food and medical storage for the town that has yet to be transported to the clinic and town kitchen. The other half looks like a fully functional lab. Beakers and jars everywhere on chemistry desks that look to have been taken either from a high school or college science room. “Please forgive the mess I was going to make more rounds of antibiotics and saline fluid bags for the clinic today.”
“You can MAKE the medicine?” Ellie’s excitement launches her into a million questions after you nod. The list of questions just keep pouring out about how you do it and what do you use. How long it takes and do you use this tool? She leaves no room for you to answer any of it so your mouth just hangs open slightly waiting for a moment to answer any of it. That is if you can remember any of the questions.
Joel seems to catch on quickly to what is happening and he decides to speak up, “Ellie quit with all the questions give her time to answer.” He has an eyebrow raised at her as she stops. “And put that down. Don’t need ya gettin’ hurt.” She puts the flint lighter back down on the counter with a pointed look at Joel and then gives you an apologetic look and a soft apology.
You take a deep breath and take the next 30 minutes to go over some of Ellie’s questions as Joel continues his inspection. He takes notes on every major fix that needs done only pausing every few minutes to make sure Ellie doesn’t go off on another tangent. The only reason you stop answering Ellie’s questions is Joel coming over to show you his list.
“Are you sure we can’t just knock it down and rebuild it? The is going to be even more work and take a lot longer if we don’t just start over.” He looks sympathetic as he notices your features drop from the excitement of talking with Ellie to that familiar sadness in his own eyes.
A small sigh escapes you, “I’m sorry we don’t have the recourses to spare to fully rebuild it. And even if we did I don’t think I could say goodbye to this barn. Like I said its important to me. Do you think its stable enough to fix?” You look to him a hope he’ll say yes.
He takes the list back and sucks in a breath. Before the world had ended he would have said no and still suggested to rebuild it instead. He took another look over at the supports you added in yourself and the roof and wall sagging in, the window at this point completely missing. The air he held in his lungs releases again as he looks back to you, “With your supports added in… I can fix that.”
Its only an hour later that Joel returns with a truck full of materials, tools, and Tommy to assist with getting started. Ellie insisted on staying with you to learn more about what you did and help with the days chores. The last 16 years you had done it all yourself so it took a lot of convincing from both Ellie and Joel to accept. He and Tommy were unloading the truck next to the barn when you approached the two with a tall cool glass in each hand. Ellie still content harvesting green beans in the garden. “Tommy, Mr. Miller Thanks for all this.” She handed each of them their drinks.
Tommy immediately drinking the refreshing liquid and Joel watching to see what it might be. He simply nods to Joel to drink. He hesitantly takes a sip and is surprised to find its sweet tea and mint. He takes another bigger gulp of the amber drink. “It’s no problem Miss Bunny, Thank you for the tea and all the food you gave us. Its very kind of you. Ain’t had anything this good in decades.”
Tommy’s eyes widen and he gives an incredulous look at his brother before Bunny is talking again. “That’s very kind thank you…I’ll uh leave you guys to it then if you need anything I’ll be with Ellie in the garden.” You smile at the two and start walking back to help Ellie who is already excitedly talking and trying to show you her haul of green beans.
Joel watches for a moment as he continues to sip the tea in hand. It’s not till he hears a cough from next to him that he snaps out of his trance and looks back at his brother who’s still giving him a look. “What? What’s that look for?”
“Miss Bunny?” He gestures to the woman across the property.
Joel looks from his brother back to her and then back to his brother, “Yeah? What about it? I’m just bein’ friendly. You told me when we got here these were all good people and to be nice. So I am.”
Tommy gives him another pointed look, “That ain’t just bein’ nice, you are flirting. And you are horrible at it. And you let her call you Mr. Miller. You ain’t ever let anyone call you that.”
“I ain’t flirtin’…” Joel gives his brother a fixed look back. “I ain’t…”
“You don’t sound so sure to me.” Tommy ignores his brother’s huffs and continues unloading the truck and assisting his brother in repairs for the rest of the day.
It’s nearly sundown when you and Ellie wrap up making dinner after spending the first part of the day doing chores around the farm. As reserved as you are she found a way to weasel into your heart quickly. You chalk it up to having been so lonely the last few years only having a real friendship with Maria and Tommy. You are friendly with the other people in town but you don’t feel the need to go any further in getting to know them. Ellie excitedly talks your ear off as the two of you set up the dinner on the picnic table outside, Tommy and Joel approach as they each wipe the sweat from their faces.
“What’s all this?” Tommy asks as they reach the table.
“We cooked dinner! Bunny showed me a bunch of stuff on cooking with seasoning. Did you know she makes her own seasonings too? Like she makes everything from scratch not much of it is found from outside the walls.” Ellie’s broad smile gives you more hope for a future where people can heal and go back to a more normal way of life.
“Well that’s awesome, Sorry I can’t stay. Gotta get back to Maria.” Tommy gives your arm a reassuring squeeze.
You chuckle lightly, “That's alright I already figured as much. We made enough for you to take back with you for Maria too. I know how much she likes roasted chicken and veggies.” You pull another weaved basket from the bench and hand it to Tommy. “I also put one of those cakes she likes so much in there.”
“You are a saint, Ya’ll have a wonderful dinner. I’ll be back to help Joel again in a couple days.” With a quick goodbye to everyone Tommy is in his truck and back on his way home.
It isn’t long before the three of you were sitting and chatting about the day and how they are liking Jackson so far. Plates full of food and glasses full of more Sweet Tea.
“So are you going to be going to the school they have here or just jumping straight into a trade?” You take another bite of your veggies as you wait for Ellie to answer.
She rolls her eyes and sinks a little as she answers, “Joel said I have to do school until I’m at least 17. But I think I can just hop in on patrol. It’s not like I’ll use any of that other stuff.”
You couldn’t help but giggle slightly, “Yeah I thought that growing up too. I actually ended up using it a lot. Especially my science courses. Without knowing any of that and math I wouldn’t be able to make medicine for the town or hell even farm.”
“But don’t you just put seeds in the ground and water them?” She seems genuine in her question which made it all the more obvious her previous education was probably more so rooted in survival and combat.
Joel beat you to the answer, “Its a lot more complicated than that Ellie. A lot more steps most rural schools use to have year long classes around just farming not to mention cattle care and environmental sciences.” Ellie looks to you for confirmation.
Conversation continued to flow the rest of the way through dinner. As you started cleaning up Ellie and Joel followed in suit behind you. The way back into the house just barely still being lit up the quickly descending sun. Turning on the lights as you set the final dishes in the sink to be washed later you spoke back up, “Thanks again for doing this Joel. You don’t understand how much it means to me that the barn sticks around.”
“Well I’ll do my best. I wasn’t lyin’ when I said it would take a while to fix. Even if I’m here all day everyday it’ll take 2 months at a minimum.” Joel’s response sure and confident.
“It’s worth it in the end. Which brings me to the next order of business. Your payment.” You disappear past the archway into your living room.
“You've already given us so much ain’t no need to give us anything else.” Him and Ellie follow you into the living room of the ranch style home.
“Non-sense, you both have put in more than 8 hours of work. Thats worth more than just some food.” You pulled the boxes from the coffee table and handed one to each of them. “I would have given you each more if I knew Ellie was coming to work too. So its not much but its better than what I know they probably left you with in that old house.”
Ellie opened hers first and pulls the fabric from the box. “Whoa did you make this? Its so soft!”
You smile at the girl’s reaction. “I did. These are only summer quilts. They’ll keep you more cool through the night but still have some weight to them. Makes you feel just a little bit safer at night.”
Joel opened his and ran his hand over the fabric. It looked like it was made from new fabric too. Plain colors like Ellie’s his in dark greens and creams versus the deep reds and grays of hers. All Joel could do was thank you and have Ellie do the same before parting ways for the night and heading home.
Joel spent that night covered in the new blanket. He fell asleep much faster than he had in years and without the need of medication and booze. She was right. The weight of the blanket did make him feel just a little bit safer. Him and Ellie would spend the next 2 months going through the same routine of waking up and helping you with chores around the farm. However some days you insisted you still needed to make some of the medications for the town. Joel and Ellie would respect that however both refused days off and would still do what they could to help you. If you were working in the barn they would spend the day transporting what needed taken to the clinic and town kitchen.
You had gotten use to Ellie’s constant company and enjoyed teaching her all about your farm and the bees. Before long you dreaded the goodbye at the end of the night. You’d draw out dinner as long as you could. Sometimes simply enjoying sitting silently listening to Ellie go on about one of her particular interests or tell funny stories about Joel over the time the two have known each other. You loved most the way he’d poke little jokes back at her and tell his own short stories of Ellie. The look each of them had in their eyes while talking with each other. Joel’s looks of proud father and Ellie’s smug look that can only be a result of father daughter bonding. It felt good to be a part of it, but all good things come to an end. Tonight was the last night Joel and Ellie would both be there. Ellie was going to start school tomorrow.
It was Joel that finally decided it was time to head home for the day. “Alright kiddo. I think we’ve stayed long enough. You have school tomorrow.”
Ellie puts on her signature pout. “Fine. But I can come over after school again tomorrow?”
Joel looks back over to you in a quiet question. You nod to him that its up to him. “Alright but bring your homework and do that first before to do anything else.”
Ellie groans and you all start standing from the table. “Alright well I guess I’ll just give you guys the weekly payment and then let you go for the night.” You pulled the same basket you’d been giving to the pair weekly with extra goodies back out and handed it to Joel. Your hands brushing against each other as you hand off the basket. You lead the two to the front door and lean against the frame as you bid them a goodnight.
Part 3
If you would like to be tagged in my works please feel free to message me and let me know who/what fandoms you’d like to be tagged in. I plan to write for at least The Walking Dead, Shameless(US), Marvel(MCU and Comics), DC(All), Teen Wolf and The Last of Us
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Gf Headcanons
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Hey guys!
I decided to do the girls as well since i feel like they need attention ya know? So its gonna be the same as the boys version but obviously this is the girls version and this is part 1 which will be the mondstadt girls!
I hope u guys enjoy this and some of the headcanons might not be accurate since i rarely play any of the mondstadt girls, The only one I play from our mondstadt girls is Klee hahahaha....
Also some of my headcanons might be inaccurate or occ thats because as i said i don't play the mondsadt girls that much so i apologize for that.
If some characters are not in these headcanon posts it means there gonna be in another post which has platonic headcanons for them, Because of the kids and some underaged characters(According to Google) soo yea.... 
I would also like to apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes....
REMINDER: None of these characters belong to me they belong to hoyoverse and please note that this work is just the work of fiction.
Ok lets start(。^▽^)
(Mondstadt Girls)
~Grandmaster~ (Jean Gunnhildr)
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~Protective Girlfriend~
- She is very overprotective. Like obviously she gives you freedom but....she also can’t imagine you getting hurt...soo sometimes she makes a knight follow you around when she's busy, look she just wants you to be safe soo please don’t mind it too much :3
- I don’t think jean would be the jealous type to be honest, cause she seems too mature to think about things like that and she knows you only love her and only her 💕
- To make up with her being always busy and stuff, she makes up for it by giving gifts to you. Ex: Buying you flowers and jewelry 
- She keeps her relationship with you low-profile since she knows some people will go after you, so she tries to Keep you guys relationship a bit hush hush🤭
- In her free time or when she takes a day off she likes starting the day off by giving you cuddles and kisses~ Although I think you should be the one doing that to her. Since we all know how stessed she must be from work, soo please comfort our workaholic mommy :3
- She's the type of girlfriend to still keep blushing or getting flustered no matter how many years you guys have been together, it's just that....everytime your with her you make her heart go all doki-doki💞
- You and Barbara are beasties I like to think you both gush about Jean together about how amazing she is ehe~
- All in all Jean is an amazing girlfriend protective but amazing, she knows how to handle things with maturity and knows how to handle you :3, Your the one that gives more fun to her life and she's thankful for that~
Nicknames: My flower, love and My dear
Voice line about you: "Y/n? Oh, their an amazing lover...one of the best in my opinion. Although not a lot of people know of me and y/n’s relationship...they still stuck with me.." 
When she talks to you: "Love? Please come to our room, I..have something to show you..." 
~Lady Librarian~ (Lisa Minci)
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~Flirty Girlfriend~
- She would the teasing type, But mostly a flirt lol
- I expect her to pin you to the wall and whisper stuff in your ear...like ya know what I'm talking about -///-
- She would let you help her tutor Klee and razor, Your basically known as her assistant by now. Well her cute assistant-
- Your dates are always either reading together at the Knights of Favonius library since that's where she works and she's often quite busy, So you both spent your time together there. She doesn't really mind.
- When you guys are alone she would slack off and tell you to lay on her lap and she'll just pet you while reading you a book :3
- If you knew her in her akademiya days you bet she would help you with research, you both would be study buddies. 
- Overall your dear Lisa is a teasing flirt and she wouldn't mind you being her assistant for life~
Nicknames: My love, sweetie, darling and sweetheart 
Voice line about you: "Oh? Y/n? Why there my assistant of course! Oh my~ They helped you? Hehehe...they are my little assistant after all~" 
When she talks to you: "Darling~ Can you help me with these books?" 
~Cryo Mommy~ (Eula Lawrence) 
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~Tsundere Girlfriend~
- She doesn't really understand how to love someone nor how to treat a lover but....shes trying. 
- She would do little things for you without telling you as shes shy about it, Helping you with commissions and just trying to help you with things. 
- If you ask her to teach you to dance she wouldn't mind! Because she would love to hold you in her arms while teaching/helping you, She's so sweet💕
- Anyone who insults or speaks bad about you....all you'll hear is "I will have vengeance!", Good luck to those people🤞
- When your both alone she would be more....nicer you, By that I mean she would hold your hand, kiss your forehead or cheeks and just be sweet to you~
- Almost everything you do makes her either blush or smile and your the only one who sees her beautiful smiles. Well expections to some people🤭
- Sometimes you would have to reassure and comfort Eula....since we all know some people don't really like her.
- I feel like she would randomly touch your hair, Either to comfort you or she just wants to play with your hair, You don't really mind hehehe
- I'd say some children actually like her alot and admire her, They would sometimes try and copy her dance moves or spy on her and they would also ask you about Eula and you and the kids would talk about Eula :3
- Expect you both sitting down at one of Mondstadt's cliffs and just looking at the beautiful city, Very romantic~
- Your the only one who can make her smile like no tomorrow...honestly....she will have her vengeance....by making you feel safe and loved just like what you did with her💕
Nicknames: Love(Yea only that) 
Voice line about you: "Y/n? There my partner what's wrong with that? Hm...you better stop bugging me about them *blush*" 
When she talks to you: "Love...your stepping the wrong way its this way, Don't worry...practice makes perfect after all. 
~Bunny Girl~ (Amber) 
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~Sweet Girlfriend~
- Let's face It, Amber is just the sweetest! 
- She would help you on your commissions! Although she would be often very busy...sadly, So whenever you both have the time you guys go on adventures and lots of dates! 
- She would either take you to dragonspine to visit Klee and albedo! And then to Mondstadt's cliffs to do some sightseeing. 
- She would teach you how to use a bow and also how to defend yourself, Of course only if you don't know how to fight. 
- Expect amber to always worry about you, She just wants you to be safe and if you get hurt she'll actually blame it on herself for not being there and able to protect you....... 
- Your literally her partner in life and at work, Amber wouldn't wanna explore anywhere without you :3
Nicknames: My little bunny or big bunny, My lover and love
Voice line about you: "Hmmm...huh? Oh! hehehehe.....sorry I was just thinking about my lover...i haven't see ln them almost the whole day *Sad face*" 
When she talks to you: "Love! Are you ok!? I heard you were ambushed...h-huh? I don't have to worry? I know...its just that...i don't want anything to happen to my bunny ya know?" 
~Shy girl~ (Sucrose) 
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~Shy Girlfriend~
- She's shy AF, Which is obvious since she is very shy and an introvert. 
- Because of her shy nature you would have to be the one to imitate love languages. She gets soo red when you hold her hand or kiss her cheeks and when you complement her, She just isn't used to someone so sweet and loving😊💕
- She gets inscure often since she wonders why your even with her in the first place, So when she gets those thoughts...please comfort her....she deserves it...
- She often invites you to help her with research or experiments, In her mind she thinks those are dates hehehehe.... 
- I feel like certain people(Albedo and lisa-) Would tease her about you, Their just happy for you both don't worry :3
- She would try and teach you about alchemy, Because she knows how interested you are in alchemy😌
- Omg imagine you and her cuddling for warmth while sleeping in dragonspine, Since it's COLD af there. But hold her tight since she's so warm💕
- Sometimes you might actually get creeped out by her...weird hilichurl experiments...but it's all in the name of science and alchemy don't worry😅
- She LOVES headpats, She would start putting her head under your head for more pats and it's soo cute😫💕
- She likes it when you touch her hair alot, She would want you to braid it, brush it or just run your hand through her hair, Your touch is just so comforting to her💕
- She knows that sometimes she's too shy to tell that she loves you or imitate touches to you but never in a million years would she ever leave you alone. Because your the only one who accepts her for her💕
Nicknames: My lover(Although a bit rarely since she's too shy) 
Voice line about you: "M-mr albedo? What is it? O-oh...about y/n...w-well.. *Starts muttering and blushing cutely*" 
When she talks to you: "A-ah! I-i-I...you kissed me! I...uhm..i...liked it *Red faced and starts muttering*" 
~Knight Maid~ (Noelle) 
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~Caring Girlfriend~
- She's just a sweetheart but she's more caring~
- She will cook for you, clean your house for you and help you around. She really doesn't mind! It's the least she can do for you. 
- If you'd let her she wants to help you do commissions, One cause she wants to prevent you from getting hurt and two to spend more time together✨
- She sometimes doubts herself, Because she thinks she isn't doing her best, But reasure her that she is. She needs it❤️
- On your free times you both would lay underneath a tree and just hold hands while talking or just taking a short nap under the sun, It's so sweet~
- Noelle doesn't like when you get hurt, When you do she will IMMEDIATELY treat you. No questions asked. 
- Best girl. Best wife, Your lucky to have her, Even if she doesn't see that💕
Nicknames: My beloved, Darling and my sweetest 
Voice line about you: "Hello there. Have you seen y/n? Because I would like to check up on them! Their at the knights headquarters? Oh thanks so much!" 
When she talks to you: " *Humming while cooking* Oh? Hello darling, I cooked dinner for you! H-hold on I'll set it up. Hm? You wanna dine with me? O-oh...alright hehehe..."
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I'm soo so sorry this took a while, when I was about to finish it exams started so...it kinda messed up my schedule. But now I'm done! I also would like to apologize for any spelling errors or grammar errors...
I really hope you all enjoy this cause I actually had fun writing this :3
Anyways! tysm for reading this far because I know this is long af lol, and I hope u enjoyed the headcanons💕
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trickstarbrave · 9 months
i have a dumb plot bunny in my brain that wont go away
sometime like. i guess before the war a member of house dres sees nerevar and decides to take nerevar as his concubine. nerevar the whole while is trying to think of a way out of it, looking for an escape plan that will actually keep him free. hes drinking or using skooma to cope with the shit in the mean time. all the while voryn has been looking for him
voryn eventually hears a rumor that a dres nobleman has a concubine that seems to match nerevar's appearance. going to his home sure enough, its nerevar. in a rage he ends up just poisoning the guy and taking nerevar while nerevar is intoxicated/passing out. back at kogoruhn a few recall spells and teleportation later, nerevar wakes up thoroughly annoyed because if it was that easy he would have done it months ago. now house dres is gonna know voryn was the last guy to see that nobleman alive AND nerevar is missing. but with some more thinking he has them fake documents that nerevar was 'bought' by voryn as thats prob the only way they are gonna let this go
queue nerevar and voryn having to act as lord and concubine. its a careful little dance theyre both playing, trying hard not to slip up. people from house dres KNOW they were friends, and are trying to catch them in the act as proof the guy was murdered specifically by voryn to free nerevar rather than "happened to die by completely chance after he sold off his favorite concubine sex slave"
theres scheming and planning from nerevar. along with a lot of 'practice'. that both of them enjoy far too much. fake punishments, illusion magic to make nerevar look bruised, etc etc. nerevar and voryn both feelings ashamed theyre way too enjoy the act when they're supposed to be 'friends' who are 'forced to act like this'. and ofc hushed whispers where they reassure the other and feel comfort holding the other at night (just because thats how a lord and his new favorite concubine would sleep. obv. the fact they are secretly in love with the other cant be revealed)
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fictionfixations · 3 months
The Livestream (Scarabia)
(TWST sPoilers for SCHEMER OF THE SCALDING SANDS. or something like that. SCARABIA.)
okay so i just realized
so the part where jamil ends up outting himself as the one basically mind controlling kalim and making him seem awful and stuff.
that was livestreamed. and while there were only like 5k viewers. whose to say that that footage couldnt get in the hands of like. say. the asim family? and wuh woh
i mean. on the other hand. it could've been like a private-ish sort of stream where it would be controlled who could and couldnt see it (but think of it as maybe like. a livestream with a password attached? and they gave the password to the other scarabia peeps [cause they saw the stream too i think])
but whose to say it couldnt have been leaked
or like hacked or something to get the footage anyway???
i mean. would there be 5k people in the scarabia dorm? i dont actually know how many people there are. but even if thats the case, whose to say someone wouldn't blab?? whose to say there might not, idfk, be like an asim plant to keep an eye on kalim and jamil
or like. if news of the overblot are very hush hush, just that something happened,
then whose to say they couldnt be bribed for the truth? which was 'jamil was outed as a traitor, and then everything goes blank from there' which, dun dun dun, snake charmer.
if they do hear of the overblot though
whose to say they couldn't argue that jamil is too dangerous to be around kalim? (oh my god i spelled it as kamil. ....)
like even if they dont know about his betrayal
he still overblotted
during winter break where very few people still remained at the school (i think all the teachers left. which would i think include like medical people.)
whose to say it couldnt happen again, and with no one to stop him? yeah sure he'd die, but jamil is never very far away from kalim at all times..
okay well i havent started the next book yet so i dont know about consequences in canon if there are any. but to me, it doesnt look like there really are any?
for one, overblot leads to risk of death, but i never get that sense of danger exactly? nor do we really see anything where people find out about the overblots because nothing can stay a secret (although logically thats probably happening..)
or like. getting into the part where im not sure if its canon or fanfiction, but like, overblots being rare-ish to happen (which seems odd), and not really any cases where the people overblotting survived.
but. i cant really believe that nothing would happen
(post ending rushed bc i gtg)
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
Hello, long time regem follower here, I was wondering: Since the non-human characters change their appearances when they go to the overworld, do they also use nicknames or can they just say "Hi, I'm Zircon" and everyone else is cool with it? If they use nicknames, what are they?
it depends on the character! both in terms of their personality (would they care enough to come up with a fake name to hide their real identity?) and whether their real name could pass as a human name
i think zircon still goes by zircon. it feels like itd be a name a cool faux-punk artsy chick would pick for herself, and thats the vibe she wants, she WANTS men to think she can be their manic pixie dream girl so she can pick them off easier
sunstone, she cant exactly go by sunstone if she wants to make it big online and not be laughed off as a run-of-the-mill weirdo, so she instead goes by sunny. moonstone doesnt have a "name"; he tells every girl he pursues a different name, and when sunny mentions her manager she only calls him "luna"
amber is already a human name so theyd have no problems there. aquamarine REALLY wouldnt care but i think amber and maybe cinnabar would get worried about it, so maybe they call her "marina", which she thinks is dumb. cinnabar could probably get away with being called "cinna", or maybe cindy
jade, again is already a name
sapphire i think would go by ms sapphire, with it being her surname. she would not answer when asked for her given name
bloodstone is tricky, bc she doesnt really... interact often with any humans other than isaac, but isaac would still need a name to tell people about his girlfriend, and bloodstone isnt exactly a rock you can easily get a name out of. im thinking something super on-the-nose goth, preferably vampiric sounding bc. yknow. bloodstone and isaac are vampire themed. id want it to be very thematically sound even if it wouldnt be used as much as some of the others, bc shes a very theatrical character! maybe "ambrosia" bc of her goals of immortality. itd also be really funny to just call her shiela though, since she is "australian"
alexandrite can just go by alex / alexandra, except i think the russian version of it is aleksandra? and shes "russian", so maybe itd be cute to have her spell it aleksandra
kyanite wouldnt have to worry about a name bc she already looks fucking weird enough on her own, same with corvid. dragons breath opal is already mostly just called "opal" anyway
rhodizite, they have a stage name, they are rocky rhod. serpentine and obsidian also probably have stage names but i dont know yet. maybe they can also be ice cream flavours or other desserts that reference their actual rocks
ruby and jasper are already human names. pyrite doesnt even bother with a human form (he is never shown wit it ever, he will remain the shlubby little critter forever) so he also wouldnt bother with a name, except for how the humans who discuss the rumours of him in hushed rumours know him only as "fool's gold"
the tourmalines would still just call themselves the names the nicknames they use back home: cherry banana and kiwi. maybe banana goes only by "nana"
and finally, 2ircon goes by bunny, which is the nickname isaac gave her bc he felt bad calling her numbers
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Leverage ep 9
No pre-game thoughts, y’all, we going straight into this bitch!
[spoilers. you’ve been warned]
The Snow Job - Reaction
Oooooh synopsis is interesting 👀
OH???? Cop forcing a POC family out of their house so some corporate real estate can take it????? NO IM NOT MAD HUSH
Oh shit we talking about Hurricane Katrina???? More like hurricane tortil—*gunshots*
take a shot every time someone mentions having kids to Ford lmaoooooooo (*cough* so sorry for your loss dude, honestly that sucked *cough*)
oh ho ho! flashback trauma
“no just the cookies” never change Parker
Is Ford….hungover???? Bro why (she asks, knowing damn well why)
oooooooooh Sofie’s mad 🫢 Ford you in deep shit
Wait, so what is a luge????
ok i am sensing an intervention for Ford this episode
extreme intervention
yeah? yeah, i think that’s it
Eliot, why are so acting like a dork you’re gonna make me fall for you T^T
Parker, never change <3 love you
wowwwwwww, gross ew
even more gross
like i already hate this contractor/real estate family but now i’m just gagging
emo Denis 😂
intersting 👀 why are their comma weird 👀
totally not worried. nope. all will be well :)
nvm Denis you’re also gross
Ford, I am worried about you
Eliot let Hardison talk 😠
cops???? again???? why would they listen, they didn’t do shit
same Parker
take a shot every time Ford reaches for a drink
i am currently terrified of deranged Ford
prediction: I want Alec as the doctor
gross part 5
oh shit the popo????
oop just realized i spelled Dennis wrong
Eliot, you’re so cute
Retzings Racketeering…..Racketeering Retzings…..Rocket….Racketeering…..Retzings….guys, i think i cracked the code
Sofie: *trying to give Parker acting advice….she is failing*
dennis you’re so rude
she’s so mad lmao
Does ‘skip some rope’ mean what I think it means????
ooooooooooooh family drama 👀
damn Pam looks very similar to Parker
the boys are fighting 🥰
Ford, i love you (please drink healthy)
oooooooh irony is a bitch and i love her
awwww they gave the house to the family 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Give me a reason to stay” THE AUDIBLE GASP FROM MY MOUTH
General Thoughts
Honestly love this episode. Got worried a little bit in the beginning bc Ford was acting concernly unwell. Also, it’s funny how much I need to remind myself that the gang’s jobs always end well because I am so used to the opposite kind of heist story. The Nate/Sophie content was 🤌🤌🤌🤌 *chef’s kiss* Eliot was fucking adorable (he confuses me beyond no end, his backstory is so wild, tell me your PAST I WANNA KNOW SO BAD—) Hardison is beautiful and clever as always and Parker, my queen, was her unapologetic self 🥰
so yeah, great episode, on to the next 👀
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sunnyydayys · 3 months
Hello this is a short story I wrote in class! About a girl finding a secret in a library and the Bookkeeper didn’t want her to know. Enjoy!
Mr. Linden’s Library
He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late . . . In a little Library centered in the town. Books lined the walls with a strong old paper smell. The library was old and abnormal. The librarian kept to himself, only helping those who asked. He remained hushed behind his desk, reading. The books he read were always strange and never found among the shelfs.
A regular at this place was a younger woman who wanted to read every book in the library. She was ecstatic with a hop in every step walking into the big stained glass doors. She stepped into the cramped library looking for something new and exciting. She wanted a new genre to read, getting quite bored of the normal ones. Walking around the library she goes up to the librarian with his nose in a thick white leather book covered in dust. The writing on the cover was poorly taped over but symbols still showed through. She lightly tapped on a small bell on the counter and was met with an unsteady gaze. The younger woman overjoyed asked “What are you reading? It looks different.” as she gently leans over to see the text. The librarian quickly slammed the book shut and slid it under the desk. He was sweating profusely and broke eye contact. He looked back at the women and spoke with a very low voice, “It's nothing Just a book on . . . taxes, and there not for the public.” He sounded unsure. The young woman looked confused, “oh ok” she muttered and backed away thanking him anyway and went on her way to find something to read. Walking around the allies she looked up and down rows of books. She's read most of them. She wandered looking at the spines of the book whispering, “no. no. no.”
The man in the front, still embarrassed from before, had grown fond of the women but she must not know of the special books written. Grabbing the leather book and walking back to the very back corner out of sight opening a thick black curtain and shuffling in. Little did he know the young woman just so happened to walk by when he slightly opened the curtain. She caught a small glimpse of a book shelf and was overjoyed. She's never been back there, maybe something new is there. She walked over and gently popped her head in. The walls are lined with dusty bookshelves, with cobwebs and vines. The place seems magical. The books are all leather of two colors, Black and white. The man in the front is placing the book back on The shelf with the rest of the white leather books. The man relaxes and goes into a room on the side. The young woman slips in once he leaves. She wonders if all the books are books of taxes like he said or he was lying about how great they are. She makes her way over to the book he put back and snatches it from the shelf. She gently peels back the tape completely flummoxed. The symbols on the front spelled out, “Hailey Holloway. November 29th, 2002 - January 14th, 2053,” she mumbled, “thats my name and birthday. . .” Opening the book gently to the table of context. It reads, Past pages 1-186 and future pages 187- 400. Lightly flipping through the pages she starts seeing her childhood. Her mother and father while teaching her how to ride a bike. And the time on her 13th birthday getting the gift she wanted.
The man sitting in his chair in the small side room was thinking about the book. How he secretly loved her. Being a bookkeeper he gets to read all the documents on human life. Suddenly the room shutters. Being confused he sits up and starts for the door.
When the room began to shutter the young women reached the future page. A bright red page with gold letters saying the future begins. After flipping it butterflies swarm around the room and the book slowly gets darker. The young woman falls backward into the arms of the man. Looking down, shocked, he says louder than she has ever heard, “ What did you do! Those books are secret, it's my job to make sure no one can ever read them!” He takes a deep breath knowing what happens. She startled, speaks up and says, “What are those books! Why do you have that!” The bookkeeper looks away, going back to a lower voice, “ There documents of human life. . . I must tell you I'm not human, I'm a guardian of the books.” Completely horrified, she breaks free of his arms and drops to the floor. “What are you!” she says out of breath. He looks back and breathes in, “ I'm a reaper . . . and those are human documents, you weren't supposed to read those.” The room begins to shake again, knocking the man also to the floor. The book has become fully black as the butterflies swarm and pick up the young women dragging her as she thrashes across the floor. The bookkeeper watched in horror as he was losing someone he fell for. The room still shaking he reaches for her. Long vines reach from within the book. Dragging her towards it. The bookkeeper grabs her and tries to pull her back. But she's slowly dragged toward the book. A feather and ink begins to rewrite the future as the book becomes shorter to 186 pages. The young woman is lifted above the book as the man starts to get closer. The book tears the women in two as she screams in agony and is dropped to the floor, limp and unmoving. The book is opened to the last page. The page is black with a word in white saying End across the page. The book closes and the room is silent. The Bookkeeper has never felt this much human emotion. The word he thinks he's feeling is distressed, maybe even heart broken. He tried to warn her without giving it away. From across the room he spots a dagger.
Upon the screams the others in the library called the cops due to being scared. Searching every room head to toe they came across the thick black curtain. Opening it slowly the room was empty.. it looked untouched except two black books stacked on the floor and bodied side by side. The books were titled one, Hailey Holloway. November 29th, 2002 - March 12th, 2024 and the new one, Lucas Linden. February 27th, 1856 - March 12th, 2024.
The End
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aurathian · 7 months
baptism director’s commentary please please please
omg hi b thanks for enabling me (the fic is here for those who want to read it)
guys. i just. i have such an unhealthy obsession with religious trauma and it is SOOOOO intriguing in the zelda universe especially botw and sksw and totk and like tbh. i know lots of people hate it but i feel like morally grey or even leaning "bad" hylia is so cool and intriguing and awesome. she is not someone i will ever see myself writing as an actual normal character but someone i love to depict through the eyes of other characters like.... zelda. obviously. this fic itself is less about hylia and focuses more on zelda's mother but zelda's mother's feelings are a direct result of religious trauma & anxiety & her own perceptions about hylia
we know so little about zelda's mother she is briefly mentioned and that's it and i CRAVE knowing more about her so i took it into my own hands (i came up with delusional headcanons) and this fic is just one manifestation of that. i could go on about it forever. we saw how the whole prayer thing affected zelda and her father, but we know nothing about how it affected her mother. did she ever have to share the same burden? did she understand the gravity of what zelda would have to go through? in this fic her guilt and anxiety is so intense that she wishes literal death on her baby so that she will not have to go through these things that she knows about but hasn't experienced--but knowledge of it is enough to send her into panic.
i am so sorry. this is less about the fic and more my own ramblings but its some of the thought behind why and how i wrote it... i hope thats ok LMFAOOOO heres a snippet below
The fortune teller said so.
She cradled her baby in her arms, so delicate and small, her tiny hands grasping at the air, mewling; so innocent. There was a small basin before them, gilded and shining, filled with shimmering water; so holy, so pure. Untouched by evil or misfortune, it waited patiently for the dip of the baby’s head. Undemanding, void of stress, it did not beckon or call; it waited, because it knew it was only a matter of time before the baby was baptized.
The woman cradling her baby could only stare at the gentle ripples prompted by the slight movements of the people holding the basin. One of them, the Bishop of the Church of Hylia; the other, a mere boy. The Bishop smiled at her, gentle and polite, giving a small nod toward the bath. If only he knew, she thought.
Her husband asked her, Why do you hesitate? She said, I don’t know. His hand on her shoulder was anything but comforting. His hand on her shoulder was doom; an omen, a prophecy, a call to a future known yet unpreventable. 
The fortune teller said so.
She took a step toward the basin, the soft tap of her shoe against the marble floor echoing through the empty cathedral, empty except for the five people in the room and the hard, stony gaze of the Goddess Hylia above. Here, her steps weighed heavy like no one, not even she, could fathom; her steps were laden with fate, controlled by the puppet string of the gods. Each step spelled another death, another destruction, another ruin. Tap, tap, tap.  
She was beside the basin, hushing her baby in her gentle embrace, her baby with a head of blonde hair much like her own, with eyes like her own, with pale skin like her own; the baby who looked so much like her she wondered if this foretold fate was not the baby’s but hers instead, and by some divine mistake it had been passed down to one daughter too many.
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claggorstuff · 2 years
The most unbreakable of spells... Part four ★
Recently Ive been put under the most breakable of spells... love, yet I sit alone in my room, crying gently..casting spells to distract myself... thats when I heard the knocking and rushed to open the window drying my tears with a handkerchief.. but he notice my red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks
"Hey, Hey tulip whats wrong..?" His nickname for me.. tulip, his favourite flower.. "I-Its nothing!" I sat down sniffling inhaling my snacks.
"Remember what I said about your inhaling food when we first kissed? Yeah. Its not nothing tulip." He cupped my face wiping my pouring tears.. that just couldnt stop running.
"Talk to me.." he set a gift down in my lap, adleast he remembered.. "whats bothering ya..?" I looked at him and smiled softly pressing our lips together "I..I'm fine, claggor.. I'm fine.." I said, my face crumpling before I held it in my hands wailing in despair, he rubbed my back hushing me as I crawled into his lap burying my face in his chest, making sure the gift he had given me didnt end up squished.
It took an hour or two for him to finally calm me down, even then I couldnt breathe properly.. "what happened tulip..?"
"Its uh.. yknow, my birthday..."
"Uh huh, thats what the gift is for."
"And.. I thought my mother would send me.. adleast a birthday card but, she forgot.. like every year.."
"How does a mom forget her own kids birthday..?'
"I dunno.. but... its fine.." I looked down at the box, and kissed his cheek, "Thank you claggor.. Whats in it..?"
"Why dontcha check?" I giggled and opened it, inside was a beautiful little bracelet with glass beads in the shape of pomegranate seeds and little pomegranates with leaves, I quickly put it on smiling and hugged him "I love it!" He nuzzled my neck and hugged me back gently "I knew you would.." I could almost sink into his arms and forget about my mom, but the feeling came back, he remembered and she didnt.. tears welled again
"Tulip, babe, forget about her.."
"Sorry... I cant."
"..alright..cry it out then." He'd never been shy about expression emotions, thats what I like about him.. I started bawling as he cuddled me and ran his fingers through my hair "thats right... let everything out.." I could always be me around him..
"I love you claggor.."
"I love you too, y/n." He dried my tears and we shared a passionate kiss, that was always my favourite part of when we hung out, his kisses, they could be rough and romantic, or gentle and kind, and sometimes, just quick and easy, he always seems to know which ones I want too.. "feeling better?"
"Good, tired?"
"Eh.. kinda.." he grabbed a book and I rested my head on his chest as he laid back, rubbing my waist, he put his glasses on and read quietly, his raspy low voice carrying me to my slumber as if it was meant just for my ears..
then there was a loud crackle and a flash out the window, he jumped and held me tight, this was new.. not a lot could scare him.
"You okay claggor..?" I asked him groggily, he slowly nodded and screamed at the next crackle.
"Its okay to be scared of loud noises clag.."
"Yeah.. I know.." he cuddled me close shutting his eyes tight
"Put the book away first.."
"Alright.." he set the book down on the nighstand and his glasses on top of them, whimpering in fear at every crackle, he'd mentioned how loud noises like gunshots spook him but I'd never witnessed this.. it was new, I kissed his forehead and he smiled gently relaxing into my arms as my hands covered his ears
"Ready to sleep yet..?" I whispered
"Alright.. Thank you for the gift.." he knew i didnt like grand gestures like parties anyway, so what he did was perfect enough for me.. I listened to his snores and the rain tapping the window, thunder making me jump every so often, soon I too fell into the world of dreams.
End of part four ★
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
So whats easier to believe,
Brandon talks to Air,
or Brandon reverse baits stupid white fuckers according to how much they respond to white money or code languages that involve human trafficking?
Brandon talks to Air...
Or Brandon has open ended conversations with teams of white supermasists who constantly want to play child molester blame games, or whatever excuse gets them their next whifffffff of vanilla air
which is more believable,
Brandon, talks to nobody at all,
orrrrrr.... Brandon with years of research and spiritual truths, has found tons of dirty white club houses?
hmmm Brandon talks to Air...
or Brandon is so fucking sarcastic that he can easily reverse and snake entire teams of the worlds most nastiest white powers
Brandon, talks to air?
or Brandon, spelled Birds & Beez with his own God Damn Name,
and listens to guys AND women,
ALL primarily WHITE WHITE and WHITE... who enjoy secret double code languages..
hmmm which is more believable
Brandon Burdett, randomly talks to air... and has twinkle toes...
or Brandon reverse baits the unholy hell out of americas white money
idk... you tell me,
Brandon with all those Bees and Bravery...
or white teams with all those excuses, rush rush & hush hush?
anyone want to go faster?
how about deeper,
i will just poor me another cup of coffee, and play Oh no! Dont touch me! white daddys only lol...
this isnt funny,
its self defense & world justice
which is more believable,
Brandon talks to air,
as entire teams of white "ROLE PLAYERS" have one sided debates.
Yah... totally believable right?
only people, specially 'trained' yah only they can talk 1 sided right?
Brandon talks to Air,
and white teams, talk to.... who?
Brandon double baits ur asses
and Brandon has VOWED his entire life to these YEARS of justices,
america is a sick country
We arent sick, white government is
and even worse, is the white background of "codes" and "clubs"
now we get into a little deeper believably here....
How did Brandon, do so much?
Me, Myself,
Well, My name IS Birds and Bees!
and I do JOIN..
I dont care how one sided any of the teams 'seem'
if your white,
and ur on a team,
im coming for ur money and ur secrets.. specially if you think you will "one sided" talk to me
whats more believable,
Brandon talks to Thin Air,
Or Brandon actively participates in his Public Service Duties, by reverse interviewing anyone who talks about ANYYYYY of these subjects of "white america"
or "white club codes"
Lets refresh,
Brandon talks to Air?
Or Brandon's YEARS of research and devoted spiritual practices... can hear what a "two way" conversation is
oh wow!
people can hear trained agents!?
without being trained!?
specially if their name is fucking Birds & Bees of creation!?
No fucking way!?
How many brain cells were required?
Brandon listens,
And I dont appreciate the ignorance that white teams act like those levels of corruptions are dismissible by making slander claims and playing hot potato
white teams,
is my speciality,
white money,
is my speciality
white secret club codes,
is my speciality
Brandon has years of research
Brandon has first hand experience
Brandon will listen,
and I know the difference between repeated fools, and repeated words.
teams of nasty white club codes
thats actually my favorite focus
white america
white money
white corruption
white codes
white white white white white
boyyyyyyyy once there's this much white, God knows the excuses come flooding in... and their all white too!? wow! big surprise!
Believable, brandon talks to air
or Brandon already openly responded to dozens of corrupt agents, who have no intention of ever stopping what their doing
Brandons years of research
Brandons devoted spiritual practices
or... teams of whites, white money, or mixed message subordinates to white ladders... can only talk 1 sided?
No thanks "white" club america
Brandon Listens
Birds & Bees
america is on a mass rapture, and the world has several mass raptures... but they're not able to credit me, without having to debate thousands of agents positions..
and yes i mean thousands,
there would be so many political and social reforms...
that disbelieving 'brandon'
has became a revolving door...
a revolving door, where repeated agents are coming back to me, again and again,
to wash their own attention spans,
Im not "white powers" plan B,
I am Brandon Burdett
and my years of research wont be erased.
america is disgusting
and I will continue to reverse bait anyone who talks to me, specially if white, and specially if arrogant
and specially if ive heard the same "agents" dozens of times over the courses of several years...
their not investigating,
their marketing and trafficking
know the difference between friend Brandon, or Foe White america
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0 notes
dayeemah · 2 years
Biggest Regrets
Brothers bestfriend au
Light smut (implied)
This was a quick, very detailed story. I hope you all enjoy it :)
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Its just a crush... it doesn’t mean anything, at least thats what you were thinking while his tongue was slowly caressing your mouth from inside out.
Between your legs was so warm and tender and you were so curious...
You moaned softly from the thought of him fulfilling you like in your dreams.. but secretly you were scared. As much as it was arousing and thrilling, you hoped things didn’t end up bad or it just just not good enough for you.
You were older than him and for sure more experienced, as least that was your belief. For all you know, he could be the best you ever had. And thats what made things feel steamy...
“It’ll just be our little secret.” he hushed as he rubbed up your legs and thighs.
You closed your eyes biting your lip as you felt the vibrations of his magical touch against your soft skin.
This was so wrong but you  just felt so weak to him and what was wrong with you? How could you be so foolish? So blinded...
His lips attached to yours and you melted so effortlessly into him feeling that warmth take over your whole body. You just felt so weak and his touch felt so familiar. 
And you didn’t know why.
Your hands cupped his face kissing him back with so much passion. You dreamed of this skin to skin, the electric waves floating through your body. The sensation of feeling so tender in his arms. 
It was too good to feel real.
No way we were doing this...
No way I was doing this with him...
Being intimate with your brothers bestfriend was never something you ever dreamed about or willingly would do.
You dreamed of it a few times but you didn’t think you’d actually be doing it.
If you knew things would’ve turned out like this, maybe you’d reconsider going all the way. It was fun when it was hard to get and now your whole self-esteem was destroyed because some teenage boy was playing you.
You were the one who was taken advantage of not the only way around. He played you so good..so so good. Now all your stuck with are memories of that steamy night, memories of his lips.. his look. God the way he stares at you.
His smell, you’d be so ashamed if he knew you cuddled with his hoodie he left weeks ago, just for the comfort, just for the scent, just for the obsession of him. It was never the sex you craved, it was him. His presence, his energy. His smile. Everything about him.
It felt like like you knew him since forever... his presence just felt so safe and you craved it, Having someone make you feel safe was rare and you haven’t felt that energy in so long you were almost desperate for it,
It hurt you so bad though... to see him treat you like you meant nothing. No more double tapping your Instagram pictures, no more commenting on it either. Were you invisible? Desperate for his attention? You had to be crazy.. yup you were,
Staring at his Instagram pictures and admiring him, your body caught a wave of shivering butterflies every time you heard his name, his voice or even seeing his face. 
It almost felt as if it were a crime to be this attached to someone and you weren’t sure if that spell worked or maybe it was just you being overly obsessive with a guy who just wanted a one night hookup.
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katzeschreibt · 2 years
Its Always Been You (albedo x gn!reader)
Albedo seems to have his eyes on someone else, but is that really it?
The request: Hello there, good morning! I hope youre doing well :> I was wondering if you have seen the show Friends before, and if you have, I was wondering if you could do a sort of thing like the episode where Ross and Julie are being lovey-dovey and Rachel's tired of it for Albedo Kazuha and Scaramouche? Thanks!
Response: Hii! Of course, I love Friends! But ill be splitting this into a few different posts, one for each character sense I didnt expect for these fics to be so long °^°
Slight angst to comfort, its not said who Albedo is dating but its a girl, implied that the reader has a crush on Albedo, idk how to spell labritory so i just say lab alot, oh yeah and this takes place in Dragonspine, also i got VERY VERY VERY lazy at the end so the ending is rushed >:7 also not beta read
Hi everyone, thank you for the support on my last fanfic. Dont forget that i am taking requests right now, so dont be afraid to request anything. Just no smut >:/ a masterlist is in the making, so yeah :) have a good day/night everybody! youre probably able to tell who my favorite genshin character is by now, also i think my English got alot better dont you guys think so too?? :)
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Youve really never seen Albedo this social before. Sure he talked time to time, to you at least; you both had to. You worked together. But hes usually only muttered a quick "thank you" or a "hand me ___ please". Even though you both work together, its like youve never heard his voice. The same applies to you though, you dont really talk to him outside of your work so your own voice is pretty much unknown to him.
However, there was always something about him that caught your attention. The way he was so focused on his studies, how he listened carefully every time someone talked— would he do that for you too? Would he put effort into your guys' friendship? The way he would gently pat your shoulder when it was time for the two of you to go home— would he do more than that? Would he want to go further with you?
You'd sometimes be so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you dont even notice Albedo staring right back at you, sometimes a smile on his face or just a blank expression. He knew that you were curious about him. And thats why he finally decided to speak to you a while ago.
"Ive noticed how youve been looking at me lately," He would say im a hushed voice next to you, standing behind you as you sat in your chair in Albedo's small lab. Youve been commissioned to work there a few times— it was like a second workspace. "Is there something that I should know?"
"Oh, yeah." You awkwardly chucked, looking behind yourself to see Albedo staring right back to you. "Uh, ive just been spacing out, thats all."
Albedo hummed in response, his lips twisted in a smirk. "Ive been wanting to know more about you. Its a shame that we arent able to properly cooperate with each other, yet we are forced to work together." You shrugged laughed once again.
"I mean, youve always been so quiet, so..." It then went silent, Albedo was thinking of what to say next.
"Ive only been quiet because you havent spoken." He replied, backing away from the chair. "I think we should speak more. It would be nice to have someone to speak to while I work."
"Ah, yeah. It would be nice."
The conversation awkwardly ended there, as Albedo went back to his table to begin working once more. You, however, wasnt able to finish your assignment. You kept thinking about the recent conversation you both had, which unabled you to get your mind straight. But you did somehow.
But then, as you recalled the past events, you heard the sound of a telephone ringing next to you. You both had a silent yet mutual agreement that, for whatever reason, the lab telephone would stay next to you. You did have the better "formal speaking voice" anyways,
"Y/n L/n, alchemist at the Knights of Favonius— how may I help you?" You spoke, sitting up straight in your seat. Albedo glanced over to you for a brief moment, listening to you speak.
"...The chief alchemist? Um... no, im not— ...oh, Albedo is the one youre looking for? Sure sure, one moment." You looked over to the man sitting near you and pointed at the phone, noticing Albedo already looking at you.
"Sounded like a girl. She was looking for you." You shrugged as Albedo stood up and grabbed the phone from your hands.
"I see. While I take this call, do you think you could finish my project? I have a feeling you'd be able to finish it faster than I can. The notes are on the table." You nodded and made your way over to his table as you heard him begin to speak.
As you finished the project Albedo had started, you recalled your guys' previous discussions over the past few weeks. You remembered a specific conversation you both had not too long ago, something about your love life.
"Hey Albedo," You called, the man in question turning to face you. "I have a question for you."
"Hm? What is it?" You were a bit nervous, it didnt feel like the right time to ask something like this but you really wanted to know.
"...Do you like anybody? Or, do you have a crush on anyone? Are you even single?" You blurted out, staring straight into his eyes. His eyes widened before he began to chuckle at your question.
"Oh my, is there a reason for asking me this?" He asked, laughter still in his voice. "Mmm, I do like someone. We arent... very close, but talking to them makes me feel something... why do you ask?"
It was your turn to widen your eyes, you felt your face heat up at his answer. "Nothing—! I just, you know, youre so quiet so I was curious if you were in a relationship." You pursed your lips and squinted. "Who do you like?"
"...I cant tell you at the moment. Im afraid you might tell them," He smiled and shook his hesd. "Now, if thats all you had to inquire me about then I suppose I'll get back to work."
Thats right, he liked someone. Someone who he isnt very close with— you, perhaps? That would be great if it was you. It would mean that you both had mutual feelings.
However, as you were lost in your daydreams, you heard laughter coming from Albedo. You turned towards him, seeing a slight tint of redness on his face.
"You really didnt have to do that, darling. I didnt— ...Youre too amusing. I'll see you soon, then. ...Alright, I love you. Goodbye."
Your eyes widened in shock at what you heard. But when you were about to ask yourself another question, Albedo continued.
"Hm, I love you more. ...No, I love you more. ...Yes, I do— No, I love you more. ...Fine then, we can both hang up at the same time." He wore a smile on his face througout the call, you noticed. "Alright, three... two... one...— You didnt even hang up. ...Well, youre right. Okay okay I have to get back to work now, I'll talk later. ...Alright, goodbye now darling."
You quickly turned back around, finishing Albedo's project for him as he hung up the phone and walked over to you.
"Have you finished yet?" He asked, placing his hand on the chair. You shook your head, not looking up at him.
"Almost." Is all you said. Albedo hummed, watching you tinker with different mixtures and what not, until you finally got the elixir that Albedo couldnt make.
"Ah, you did it. I knew you could do it." He smiled as you stood up and shrugged.
"It wasnt hard." You said, walking back to your own seat. Albedo watched you leave, usually you would attempt to talk to him more but he noticed that you were... rather quick to end your conversation.
The next few days went on slowly, you were devestated at the fact that he already had a girlfriend it seemed, and that you now had to deal with the burden of hearing how romantic he was with her.
You usually got calls every day now from the same girl— you didint know her but its not like you wanted to either. She sounded very sweet though.
As you got another call, you sighed as you picked up the phone. "Y/n, Knights of Favonius. What do you want?" You sluggishly asked, catching Albedos attention. You werent usually this improper when answering calls, but you seemed as if you were annoyed. Well it would make sense, youve been hearing the same womans voice over the past 6 days over and over again.
"...Mhm, okay. ...Uh-huh, I know who you wanna talk to." You rolled your eyes and pointed at the phone, standing up and the alchemist walked over to you.
"Do you think you can—" Albedo began, but you shook your head.
"Im going out for a while." You quickly cut him off, hurrying out the door. You were tired of hearing how romantic those two were; Albedo and the girl. It felt like he was mocking you at the fact that your crush was in a stable and amazing relationship that you couldnt have.
It was tiring having to find a way to get rid of your crush.
A few minutes later, after just sitting outside and getting some fresh air, you heard Albedos voice.
"Y/n, I expected you to be far from the lab." He said, coming up next to you and sitting down. "Is everything alright? You seem irritated."
"Mhm, everythings okay." You said, looking away from him. "Im fine, dont worry."
"Did I do something to make you feel this way?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes widened for a moment before you auickly brushed his hand off.
"Im fine, I said. Just go back and work, ill be there in a second." You frowned, still not facing him. You could hear him sigh as he stood up, beginning to walk back into the lab.
"...Please let me know if I can do anything to help you."
A few minutes passed and you finally decided to come back into the lab, noticing that Albedo was talking on the phone once again. Thats when you began to think, maybe it was better to just begin working somewhere else. It was bothersome and heartbreaking to hear how lovey-dovey Albedo was with this new girlfriend of his, and it hurt your heart everytime because you still felt something towards him.
So the next day, when you had finally got the green light from Master Jean to move labritories, Albedo was very, very confused.
He came in early in the morning, expecting to be the first one there until he saw you putting your items from your desk into boxes.
"Oh, are we moving areas?" He asked, expecting an answer from you. But instead, you stayed silent, continuing to pack everything up. He walked over to you, standing in front of you now. "Y/n? Are we going to a new lab? I could help pack up my things,"
"No, youre not." You spoke in a bitter tone. "Dont worry about what I do, you should maybe go talk to that girlfriend of yours and tell her how in love you are with her." The alchemist furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
"Really now, this is what this is about? Youre leaving because you found out that Im dating someone?" He chuckled. "Did you even get permission from Master Jean?"
"Mhm, I did." You finally looked up at him, a glare in your eyes. "But why does it matter to you?"
"Because we work together...? I cant work alone in here."
"Then why dont you invite your girlfriend over? That way she wont have to be a bother to me and you will have some company." You walked past him and to the door, placing down the box in your hands.
"Seriously. Youre moving to a different workstation because Im in a relationship? This is what thats about?" His voice began to raise. "I understand that youre... jealous, perhaps, but that doesnt mean we arent partners anymore."
"I never said that. We can continue to be partners, sure, but I just cant do this anymore. Im tired of it, of hearing her voice ask for you everyday."
"And why is that?"
"Because I like you, Albedo. And its just really hurting me to hear you both talk to each other like that." You sighed, it felt good to finally get it out of your system but you saw Albedo's eyes widen.
"...Huh?" He said, taking a step back. "You like me? I never expected that..."
"...Really now?" You shook your head. "Bye, I'll come by later to drop off some papers."
And with that, you left.
Even though you both didnt have a "friendship", it was still sad to see your empty desk in the labritory. Albedo barely even talked to his girlfriend in that lovely voice anymore, for some reason he just felt like it wasnt what he truly felt. So thats why he was running down the mountain in Dragonspine, running towards your own lab all the way in Mondstadt.
As he finally reached your lab, he quickly knocked on the door, out of breath. He saw you open the door, a shocked expression on your face.
"Albedo— what are you doing here?" You asked, your eyes wide and your feet shuffling.
"I wanted to apologize... I missed talking to you so much. Its out of character for me, i know, but... even though we never talked a lot, i want to talk to you, i want to become friends with you, and maybe even more. So please, come back to Dragonspine..." He quickly said, gazing straight into your eyes.
"But— your girlfriend?" He shook his head.
"I'll sort that out with her. I like you too, Y/n. We havent really spoken to each other, but I feel... an attraction to you that I cant understand why."
You processed his words for a quick moment before nodding. "Sure, I'll come back with you."
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i hate this so much omfg anyways im too lazy to write fanfiction :'0
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draggingthedregs · 3 years
Hello! I love your writing so much! Can you write some kanej with Kaz being protective of Inej? If not that’s completely fine :) thank u!
a/n: okay so I always really struggle with “protective Kaz” things because I feel like he knows that she can most definitely take care of herself and he respects her for that. So this is what I came up with to try and meet in the middle. There’s that scene in Six of Crows where Kaz sends Inej to get rid of Rojakke (is that how you spell it? Idk he was in one scene, his name is not the point) and then when they’re back in his office that night he asks like “Did he put up a fight?” and she says “Nothing I couldn’t handle” and he says “Not what I asked” so thats where the idea for this came from, thank you bye. 
word count: 2634
There was something about the floor of the Crow Club that set Kaz at ease.
Its endless cacophony of coins bouncing from table to floor, the spinning of Makkers Wheel, the laughter floating onto the street, and, his personal favorite, the flipping that only accompanied a deck of cards. Somedays he thought he’d be content to shuffle at a table forever.
It was then that Inej pushed through the entryway, shaking off the rain that rarely ceased to pour over the crowded city. She pulled her hood down, her inky hair braided into a long rope laying against her shoulder. Kaz traced every inch of her, as he often did when she entered a room: the slope of her nose, the smile she flashed to the greetings shouted in her direction, the knives strapped to her hips. He tried to ignore the voice in the back of his head that reminded him he’d also be content to be with her forever.
There were times he hated the things that he would notice, hated how his brain slipped past the innocent intention of watching to a sinister place of touch and consequence. He flipped the thoughts over in his head, studying them from every angle like he would a card trick, trying to mold them into different pictures. But the images froze in place anyway; the feel of her skin against his burned like fire, even in an illusion.
Most of all, he hated that he couldn’t force these delusions into reality, couldn’t touch her how he wanted, couldn’t force the bile down and only feel Inej’s warmth.  
As she approached him, nodding to the private game rooms at the back of the club, giving him a clear view of her, he saw that something was amiss. Scarlet bloomed through her vest and onto her sleeve, trailing down to her thigh. He followed her, shutting the heavy door behind them and turning its complex series of locks. She’s upright. That’s all you should care about. 
“The Exchange was crawling with Stadwatch. Security must be tight since the incident.” 
“Did they see you?”
Inej practically scoffed, leaning her weight against the wooden table. “No. But I’m sure they’ll find someone who fits their bill. You know as well as I do, the council will want this quieted soon.”
Kaz nodded. Two weeks ago, the Exchange had been robbed, and though it was never publicly released, Kaz knew exactly what was stolen. After all, he had all the stocks and shipment papers locked in his safe as they spoke. 
Roeder had been the one to pull off the job originally, this being one of the few things Kaz had required a spider for while she was busy at sea. He had done a mediocre job, but he was sloppy with locks and leaving the place as he’d found it. Going back to the scene of the crime seemed too risky a gamble but when Inej returned, she knew she could scrape it. And Kaz wasn’t going to start doubting the Wraith’s abilities now. 
He flipped through the file she handed him. To anyone else, it may have looked useless, just pages and pages of numbers and times, scratchy handwritten tables filled with nonsense. But to him, and to a mercher with half a whit, this was key to investing. With the talleys and dates in hand, he would know what shipments to bank on and where to place his shares for the next few months. 
“As always, the Wraith pulls through.”
Inej nodded and pulled her hood up once more. “You’re welcome.”
Kaz gave her another once over, slower than intended. “What happened?” He blurted, his voice sounding like a low growl in his throat.  
Inej looked down at herself, brows knitted, studying the blood on her trousers. “Bullet or two from a guard just shooting at shadows.” With her brief summary of events, she took her weight off the table, readying herself for the journey back into the wet.
Kaz felt a sinking in his chest at the thought of her walking away from him, even if it was just to her apartment, and he hated himself for it. Now especially with her covered in blood, he couldn’t stomach the thought of her leaving. Without meaning to, he had taken himself back to before she had left.
It had been Inej’s last night before heading to sea when they had tried to pretend they were normal, that there wasn’t still so much between them. Kaz sat next to her on his bed, bad leg out in front of him, avoiding her gaze. 
“We don’t have to do this at all.”
But he did. Kaz had to prove that he had come further than this. I can best this… 
When she set sail the next morning, the feeling of failure settled deep within him, right beside the feeling that this time, he may never get her back from the sea. 
Now, he couldn’t help but stop her. “Inej-” he began. 
She turned, her hand resting on the doors heavy handle.
He made up the steps between them to stand beside her. Kaz forced himself to give any semblance of explanation, knowing that he’d promised to give her what she deserved and knowing that he was currently failing. “Let me walk with you.”
Inej nodded, dropping her hand as Kaz unlocked the door and opened it for her. He felt awkward, and quite frankly stupid; opening it as if she was some pretty girl that couldn’t handle the difference between whether to push or pull. She strided through anyway and he followed, silently cursing himself and hoping the grimace on his face looked normal for his temperament. Once they’d made it to the street, she slowed to walk beside him. 
At first, neither of them spoke. Then, in her gentle and hushed tone, perhaps to avoid his inevitable questions about her evening, “Am I getting a personal escort through the Barrel?”
Kaz needn’t look down to feel the smile in her voice. “Is that what you’d prefer to call it?”
“It isn’t exactly an evening stroll down the canal, is it?”
“I suppose not.” He cringed at the sound of his own rasp, smashing against the lift of her voice like waves against stone. Though from what he could tell, she didn’t do the same. Inej only shrugged, tugging her hood forward against the drizzle. 
“I only meant that I should feel lucky to get the King of the Barrel to myself for the night.”
Kaz thought he might keel over. “I am a busy man, but I still find time to survey my kingdom.”
Inej only rolled her eyes and kept her gaze straight forward. A moment of silence nestled between them, leaving only the sound off the East Stave hanging in the air. After fighting with himself for what seemed like far too long, his gaze settled atop her.
Kaz swallowed hard, “Did you miss Ketterdam?” Did you miss me? 
She considered his question, and to him, the silence stretched through the air like a rubber band about to break. 
“I did. More than I thought I would.” Inej finally relented. Her voice had drifted to a somber place, a quiet stillness replacing the humor she’d had minutes before. 
They had turned down a back alley, the darkness consuming them in sore contrast to the dazzling lights of the Stave. Their footsteps echoed in a syncopated rhythm, his awkward gait and cane paired with her near-soundless steps. 
Maybe it was the high of having her back, walking next to him through Ketterdam as they’d done so many times before, but he hadn’t realized the direction they’d been walking. They approached the Slat, its crooked frame jutting out from the foundation at a welcoming tilt. He glanced down to Inej once more, watching as she took in the building, trying to see it through her eyes, as he wished to see much of the world. 
“Is the Captain afraid of her old nest?”
If he had intended it as a jab, she didn’t take it as such. Inej shook her head once, “It just feels like home…” 
She moved before he did, taking a deep breath of the stale air inside as she stepped through the threshold. There was movement, as there always was, but the Slat was quiet this time of night and Kaz was thankful. It meant that, selfishly, he could keep Inej upstairs and to himself for as long as he could come up with things to talk about. Perhaps they’d even sit on his bed and she would allow him to make up for the last time they’d found themselves there. 
Kaz marveled at her as she took the creaky stairs ahead of him, the steps creaking beneath his weight after seemingly not registering her. His eyes once again wandered to the blood stains that covered her. He felt a hair-pin trigger go off in his chest and suddenly, there was anger. 
Stop that. She isn’t yours to save. 
Inej waited for him to open the door, sidestepping as they both now stood on the landing. If Kaz hadn’t just been studying her, he might have missed her change in demeanor and the way she shifted her weight to the wall behind her.  
Kaz attempted to even his tone. “How bad are they?” 
His voice sounded like stones grinding against one another, “The bullet wounds.”
She shrugged but he could see the stress of the evening in her features. Her limbs seemed heavy and her eyelids fought to open with every blink. With a shove, Kaz unlocked his office door, forcing the warped wood open and, without hesitation, Inej followed him in, taking in the room as she clicked the locks back into place.
He leaned his cane against the makeshift desk and shucked his gloves off as he approached the cabinet beneath his wash basin, digging through its drawers for gauze and shears. Behind him, he heard the familiar creak of his window opening. The smell of rain against the cobblestones wafted toward him. 
“Your window seat has felt neglected. Your crows too.”
“Does that mean you stopped feeding them while I was gone?”
No. They reminded me of you. I couldn’t let another piece of you go. “They’re scavengers. I’m sure they managed.”
It was then that Kaz turned to see her standing by his bed. Inej looked up, her cheeks flushing red like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been. He only walked over, setting the bandages on the thin mattress. “So I don’t have to find a heartrender for you.”
“They really aren’t that bad-”
“You’ve bled through your clothes. They’re bad enough.”
Inej cleared her throat as she began removing layers of knives and clothes. Kaz’s eyes roved over her, the pounding in his chest growing louder. He hated it. 
 Her arms and shoulders were covered in fresh scars, some of them still red and scabbed, and the bruises on her ribs were still deep purple. 
“Slavers don’t give up their cargo easily.” Inej’s voice came out with caution, as if she was waiting to see his reaction. 
His gaze met hers, voice carving into the air like a rusted blade. “Where are they all now?”
A sense of pride cracked through him as a rare smile settled on his lips. Kaz nodded. “Good.” 
She picked up a strip of bandage, wrapping it around the bullet wound on her bicep, silence filling the space between them. Inej didn’t need to look up to feel the weight of his eyes on her. A flush crept to the tops of her ears. “I didn’t want you to see.”
It was rare for Kaz Brekker to be confused and yet, here he was. 
“I thought you might kill someone. Or start to doubt that I could handle myself.”
“I could never doubt you. Only a fool would.” It was only after he said it that he realized it had been aloud. 
Inej tied off the bandage then glanced down to the blood on her pants.  
“I can-”
“No.” She said, finally making eye contact with him again. “Stay.”
For his sake and hers, Kaz turned his head to avoid staring as she shimmied out of the bloodied fabric. 
She sat on the edge of the bed and poked around for any bullet fragments, the muscles in her thigh tensing, the dried blood on her skin looking black. Inej was just as strong as ever; all her limbs built of corded muscle coated in the lithe grace of an acrobat, just as he remembered. Despite his better judgement, Kaz took a long look at her. 
It’s shame that eats men whole. He could feel it gnawing at him as he attempted to push away the image of her bare thighs against his sheets. 
“Kaz, can you-?” She nodded to the scissors, her hands stuck at an awkward angle around her leg, the apprehension on her face clear. 
He picked them up and took a deep breath before sitting down beside her. When he leaned over, he was careful not to touch her. Her breath stirred the hair on the back of his neck. One turn of his head and their lips would have been inches apart. This reminded him far too much of the hotel washroom; he only hoped it would end better. 
Kaz cut the bandage gently, taking the end from her and tying it, his knuckles grazing against her skin. Panic hit him before anything else, afraid he had overstepped. It took him a moment to realize there was no revulsion roiling through him. 
“It’s alright… Thank you.”
He nodded, grabbing what was left of the bandages and the shears and placing them on top of his dresser. Then he opened one of his drawers, rummaging through the mess of clothes until he found what he had been looking for. 
Kaz handed her a pair of cotton sleep trousers. “I can’t imagine yours are salvageable.”
Inej smiled, sliding them over her legs. They were huge on her. And though they hadn’t discussed her sleeping arrangements for the evening, it appeared she would be staying there. 
He sat back down, staring at his bare hands; the hands that had just graced her without trouble or hesitation. She reached over, threading her fingers through his, and studied him, watching for the shift. But it never came. 
“Will you lay with me?”
At that, he looked up. 
In front of him was a girl who deserved so much more than Dirtyhands. A girl who made the sea cower and made the sun look dull. A girl who could have done anything she wished in life with ease and grace. And yet- she was sat in his bed, holding his hand, and patiently waiting for the semblances of affection he could provide. 
Kaz felt himself nod. 
She pushed herself back until she was against the wooden headboard. They both moved slowly, carefully placing their limbs so there was no overlap. 
Then, he was laying beside her; both of their heads turned to study each other.
“Thank you.” Inej’s voice nearly a whisper. 
The minutes stretched into hours, and Kaz lay listening to her breathing. I will have you without armor. 
Well after twelve bells, the cadence of sleep seemed to grab hold of him, weighing heavy on his body. As his eyes drifted shut, he hoped that there would be more nights like this: nights with Inej close by his side and stillness in his mind. 
He reached for her hand in the dark and promised he would not let go come morning. He would never let go of her again. 
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