#i just do not feel comfortable anywhere anymore and i dont know what to do to change it
bunnihearted · 3 months
#sorry gnna sound like a shit person now but im not feeling well i just need to rant#nothing good ever happens to me. every aspect of my life is a mess. im constantly miserable w nothing to pull me out of it#it's been getting worse nd worse for years nd if it keeps getting worse im not gnna be able to take it much longer#ofc there are sooo many others who have it way way way worse than i do. so i feel weak nd pathetic for being so affected by it when i know#it could be literally sm worse than it is now. like i get that. i know im not nearly as bad off as many ppl are#but idk still it's rlly tough to have *nothing* that makes me keep going. the literal only thing is that i dont kms bc i dont wanna hurt mom#bc im poor so i cant do ANYTHING. i cant go anywhere. not the cinema not concerts not to the mall not to the bookstore not an amusent park#i cant even go to cafées bc i dont have any money at all to spend on that#i have no friends to hang out w. even if i couldnt afford going anywhere i cant even just take a walk or sit nd talk to them bc there r none#my sisters havent talked for me in over a year#and like yada yada i dont have anything to pull me out of my misery bubble. no friends to comfort me no family to hang out w#nothing to do or nowhere to go. hell i havent even been able to eat for 8 months so i cant even like eat smth yummy nd watch a movie lmao#i cant even read bc of the constant noise! i cant go out into the forest bc there r always subway construction work or choppers or gun shots#i know im 'focusing on the negative' but what am i supposed to do when theres nothing positive to focus on lol?????#im always physically uncomfortable bc of pain nd health issues nd im always anxious nd stressed too so like... yay#and. this is where i sound mean but like after years nd years of nothing good happening to me... idc for others anymore like#when they talk abt their loving relationships and their kind friends nd them going to concerts im like.. wow !! u get to be happy!! i dont!!#im just envious nd jealous nd bitter bc why cant i have ANYTHING good???? not just ONE fkn thing?#other ppl get to have multiple things but i get nothing?????#and its not exactly like i hate them or wish illwill on them im just like wow kinda dont feel sympathy for u bc u have sm things#i've never had :))) nd u can never understand how awful it feels to be deprived of it so idc :))))
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teruthecreator · 2 years
remember when my life was interesting and held any sort of greater meaning? yeah me neither 
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imwetforyourmom · 11 days
lights gone
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you ran across the beach, the wet sand attempting to sink your feet in—yet your rushed footsteps beat it. panicked breathing flowed in and out of your lungs, everything was crashing down at once.
your chest felt hallow, as you got closer to the oh so familiar lighthouse, where memories of your and matt’s shared laughter echoed throughout, where the sloppy noises of lips smacking against eachother was and where.. just, where your and matts situationship lived.
he’d been the only man in your life who’d treated you like you actually mattered, like he actually liked loved you. you didnt want this to end, but it had to. he was the only man that actually treated you as someone he was interested in and not just for sex.
“this isnt fair, this isnt fucking fair.” your shaky voice rung throughout the lighthouse as you opened and closed the door behind you. you blinked back the tears that threatened to flow, to flow and only make you feel worse.
you walked up the stairs to where matt was—the highest level where he watched the ocean, watched the waves crash down onto one another, the air fogged and the wind aggressively pushing and shoving, announcing its presence.
“matt- I- I need to talk to you” you spoke, taking your turn from the wind to announce your own presence, your fingers fidgeting with eachother, your nerves taking over.
your familar voice warmed matt, a small grin forming on his face. he turned around to look at you, ready to see your overbearing grin and and fidgety hands (that were fidgeting cause you were so full with happiness), yet when he saw your appearance his grin died down to an unsure, small smile.
he stood from his chair, making his way over to you, the clicking of his boots thumming against the wood mirroring the same thrumming of your heart against your ribcage.
“whats wrong sweetheart?” he asked, his eyes trailing your face to capture more of your distressedness, to see what the cause of it was.
“I-“—you couldnt look at him while saying it, so instead you threw yourself in his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso and shoving your face into the nape of his neck, where your shaky, muffled voice continued—“I have to leave, matty, and I cant come back.” you revealed what the cause of your distressedness was.
matts arms returned the same wrap around you, holding you in his comforting body heat, warming your shivering frame. his hands rubbed your back assuringly.
he took a small breath in, to calm his own composure from crying, he didnt want you to hear his vulnerabilty. “y/n, baby, its okay- you’re okay, im okay, we’re gonna be okay.” he mumbled into your hair, trying his best to comfort you with his words.
“but its not okay, matt! I love you, and I cant see you anymore!” a sob ripped from your throat, you wanted the first time you tell him you love him to be special, but it wasnt anywhere near special and it probably never would be.
matt knew long before you did that you’d leave after summer was nearing an end, he knew but refused to believe it. he didnt want his special girl leaving him.
“dont do that to yourself, sweetheart, dont say those words.” his own words took a toll on him, how badly he wanted to return them, yet he didnt want to hurt you even more, knowing that you shared feelings, but couldnt pursue them.
your stomach crumbled with rejection, and even more tears and sobs flowed from your throat and eyes, your tears imiatading the largeness of the ocean and how persistent it was with the water, the water holding such great amounts of sadness, one couldnt dare put themselves in its place, yet you had no choice but to experience it.
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@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox @riasturns @chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx @dollyspsychoxo
@aliceloveschris @starsturni
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lovely-keii · 1 year
being their sibling
characters: kageyama tobio, miya twins, iwaizumi hajime, hitoka yachi, ushijima wakatoshi
a/n: comeback?! 🫣
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he thinks everything you do is normal, it skews his perspective of the real world. you’re a great painter? suddenly he’s asking his seatmate why her drawings look like that. you sing well? he tells some kid with an average voice that he can’t sing. you’re rich? suddenly he’s calling someone’s car cheap.
obedient, whether or not you’re younger than him. “get me a glass of water, tobio” “ok.” // “my feet hurt, tobio.” “put them on my lap, ill massage your feet.” honestly, really reasonable and kind
he’s so loud when he gets annoyed though. stubs his toe on the coffee table and the next day, you receive a noise complaint. swears a lot too. god forbid he loses one of his volleyball equipment. he’s going to absolutely flip the house upside down.
kageyama is so transparent with you, literally almost no boundaries. he’ll literally go into your room and is confused why you tell him to get out. “why? is there something you need to hide?” somehow knows your password always “why can’t i use your phone? you can use mine.” bro has nothing to hide, hes too comfortable around you
just dont mess with his volleyball things and you’re all good.
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you three are so loud all the goddamn time, your neighbors hate you guys. the two might baby you or look up to you, but you’re never exempted from their mischief. but at least you have your very own bodyguard and sidekicks.
you own literally nothing. things will go missing from your room, and appear in atsumu’s desk. one time, you see your hand cream in atsumu’s hand, and he’s using it to massage his foot after volleyball practice. “what are you doing?!” “i ran out of foot cream. plus, what’s the difference between feet and hand skin anyways? oh hey, it smells nice.”
you can’t store your food just anywhere too, you have to hide it in the most creative spots just to make sure osamu doesn’t get his hands on it. always makes excuses too. “this is OUR house so this is also OUR food” “sharing is caring, and i’m your brother.”
when osamu and atsumu fight, you either get dragged in or you have to start haggling to get between them. you three will fight about literally anything. mainly because you three love to intentionally annoy each other “get out of my room!” “my feet are outside so it doesn’t count.” BAM BOOSH POW!! knuckle sandwich for everyone!
and you three love to pretend to be characters in the show. powerpuff girls? osamu is bubbles, you and atsumu fight over who’s blossom. alvin and the chipmunks? osamu is theodore, atsumu is alvin, and you’re simon. god forbid spongebob comes on, because atsumu insists he’s pearl.
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he’s a great brother, in all senses of the word. you leave something at home and he’ll bring it for you. you get into an accident and he’s the first to show up. you lose something and he’ll find it for you.
you see oikawa so often he might as well be your brother too. when you’re talking to people, the two are so irritating lol. oikawa’s teasing you and giggling about it, and iwaizumi is giving you “the talk” which he’s given you dozens of times.
he likes to scold you, but he’s only really looking out for you. he doesn’t like to encourage you when you cause trouble, but a single text from you, and he’s already grumbling and on his way to open the window for you to sneak in.
if you like any of his teammates and he finds out, you’ll get an earful. “there are so many guys in the world and you like him?! you can do better but you’re settling on so little!” and if it’s oikawa, he’s literally gagging and telling oikawa he isn’t allowed to come over anymore.
but also, he’s paying for your deliveries, opening the car door for you, and making you walk in the inner side of the sidewalk, so you win anyways.
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she makes you talk to your mom and ask permission for her, because she’s too scared to do it herself. feels bad and gives you some cash or snacks to make it up to you if you get scolded in her place.
brings you to volleyball practice with her, and if you’re classmates or in karasuno too, she makes you sign up as manager with her too. you two are almost inseparable, mainly because yachi doesn’t want to do things with strangers, and wants to be with someone she knows.
loves to go out and hang with you. she’s not really a shopping kind of girl, but you two will literally get lost when you get to stationery. you two will frequent cute cafes too. you go under the guise of studying but get distracted by everything.
in the nights, she’ll do your hair and skin routine, and you’ll do hers. you two have a shared playlist and everything, and the both of you will just talk about everything under the sun.
surprisingly has a large appetite around you. she’ll ogle your sweets. “um…are you going to eat that? just asking…”
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sibling or not, he’s really quiet. doesn’t like small talk or messing around since he doesn’t see the point in it. also can be super blunt with you so he hurts your feelings sometimes, but he’s always quick to apologize once he realizes you were upset by it. “you might have gotten a higher score if you didn’t waste time on your phone last night.” “toshi…” “sorry, i mean it as advice.”
has really good insight into things, so you often go to him for advice. he’s straightforward and likes to cut to the chase, so he’s rarely in between decisions. on the other hand, he can occasionally misunderstand your intentions and feelings and doesn’t understand why some things bother you.
he’ll call you to the backyard to toss to him every so often. you’ve spent a majority of your childhood passing ushijima volleyballs for him to hit and receive, and waiting for him to finish watching a game so you can watch your cartoons.
he always has tickets for you to watch his games. if he hears your cheers, he’ll give you a determined smile. he’ll find you after a game and ask you how it was and if you had fun. has you ride in the team bus to and from games and no one really pays too much mind. (except for tendou who’ll pester you)
on his way back home after a long practice, he’ll stop by your favorite restaurant and get some take out for you.
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
hi, if you dont mind me requesting, how about a wally darling x gn reader where they are the villain of the show, but like,, unintentionally. they are vv clumsy and knock into shelves at howdys, trip eddie on his mail route, ruin julies chalk games, etc. and every time they feel horrible, but run away because they are scared of confrontation. so one day they knock over all of wallys paints while hes stepped away, and when he goes to their house to give them a piece of his mind, he finds them crying and ranting to their cat about how bad they feel but how scared they are to apologize (sorry if its too long!! ive had this idea in my head all day lol)
A poor soul who is mistaken for the villain being a victim to their own clumsiness. I love it! Hope you’re having a good day or that it gets better! Also you’re fine I love it when I get descriptive requests! ⚠️⚠️warning: Angst
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“ Oh no! No no no!” You gasped panicking over the now kicked over bucket of paints.
All you wanted to do was take a closer look at Wally’s newest artwork on the large canvas. But no you just had to accidentally step into one of the paint cans. As you tried to get your leg out of it you had only made things worse. Sloshing paint everywhere, knocking down more cans, tubes, and almost the canvas. But you had managed to save in it your colossal pile of mistakes. As you finally got your foot out after jerking it out the heavy can you had noticed a small smudge of red paint. Your heart beat quickened. You ruined it! You ruined all of Wally’s hard work, hours, seconds, and passion. You just ruined it!
Why are you like this? Well that’s obvious. You’re the town screw up. The pushover who always ruins everything. You sometimes avoid going anywhere for months because you’re too scared to ruin something else. For instance one time when you were just looking the ingredients you needed to bake a cake as an apology to Julie for accidentally giving her poisonous flowers. They had all of her favorite colors , but turns out hot pink can literally burn your eyes. You had knocked down two shelves after hitting your head on them. You didn’t know what to do or how to handle all the eyes on you so you ran. Just like with Julie after giving her the flowers you ran. Just like with Frank when you accidentally tore half a page in one of his books. Just like with everyone else you always ran away.
Just like right now as you ran away from an enraged Wally who had just came out of home. Frozen in shock taken back by his usual cheeky smile now gone and replaced with an annoyed look. So you rushed to your only sanctuary as always your house.
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You apologized as you ran back to your own house. You panted slamming the door as you knees curled into the floor of your home. You just wanted to look at someone’s painting and yet instead of being able to admire their work you ruined it just like every thing else. All except for one soul in this name uttered your name with a scowl. Well if they could and it was your pet cat Mr.Wiggles. He was an adorable spynx cat who you one day found out all alone in the rain in a battered up box. His red eyes may have made him look scary but you find them enduring from how much love he always showed once you were in the room. On days when you let him wander around with you to most he would look like your evil sidekick ,but to you he looked like a little angle just wanting to make friends. It’s almost like you were both on the same boat of being the outcasts of the group.
You sat on the cold floors as Mr. Wiggles came to your aid at the hurried slam of your front door. Meowing attentively as if he was trying to ask what was the matter. Seeing as you were once again crying once home. Curling beside you as he tried to comfort you.
“ Thanks buddy, but I don’t think we’ll be welcome here anymore.” You sniffled trying to hold back the rest of your tears.
“ I’m fine I just…screwed up…again!” Your voice cracked as the tears poured down once again while you trembled from each sob.
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This was outrageous! How and why do you always keep on doing this!? Tube after tube of his new paints were ruined. Even his brand new canvases he laid out behind his latest work. Everything ruined and covered in the new paints. Were you just trying to make everyone feel bad? Every time you came out of your lair you always ruined something. For instance with Julie you made her sick for a week with flower pox! You had tripped Eddie while he was out on his daily run to Franks house. Burnt Poppy’s cookies when she asked you to watch over them. Ripped a book of Franks favorite book sure it was Frank, but even he wouldn’t do that to that to him. You had made a huge hole in Sally’s now broken stage. You knocked down two displays in Howdy’s store and didn’t even try to help. The worst one was with your evil little cat. He had pounced onto Barnaby’s head.
And now you decided to ruin his work. That was the last straw. Chance after chance was given to you, but now it seems like you’re just testing your luck.
“ How does someone even manage to achieve all this in under 5 minutes!?” He frustrates at the ruined paints.
His cavas had a small smudge of red paint on it thankfully. Everything except his painting was mainly ruined. But just why do you do this? The first few times when you first came here everyone brushed it off as small accidents, but it was just a constant cycle of ruining things. So he had no choice, but to try and confront you. To see just why you kept doing this. And to give you a piece of his mind once and for all.
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As he greeted a few of his neighbors while he stomped over to your own home he eventually came to the dark and gloomy home of yours. Already giving him chills down his spine as he was about to knock on the door. But he soon had heard sobbing and continuous meows. Concerned he looked around to see where they were coming from and noticed one of your darkly colored windows opened still. He sneaked around the corner peeking through the cracked window.
“ I know I know! It’s just that whenever I make a mistake and try to help I just can’t stand trying to talk to anyone.” You cried.
“ I just want to be friends and make up for my mistakes, but every time I try I make a new one! I even ruined Wally’s beautiful painting and got Julie sick! I’m just a horrible person aren’t I?” You ranted to Mr. Wiggles.
“ It’s just like every other neighborhood I’ve gone to! Soon enough they’ll all start hating me and want me gone again.” You cried now uncontrollably sobbing.
He then felt pity for you as you cried out to your cat now holding him close. Just as he was about to try and comfort you he soon tripped over a stray thick vine in your almost dead garden.
“ Wha..What was that!?” You gasped startled as you slowly got up hurriedly seeing who had just yelped outside your open window.
“ Hello Neighbor!” Wally popped up from the outside of your window startling you.
“ H-Hi…I swear I didn’t mean to knock over your paints! I just…I swear it was an accident!” You sniffled.
“ I know. I didn’t mean to ease drop, but I heard everything you said. But I just wanted to say sorry to you. ” He chuckled trying to lighten up the mood even as your glazed eyes still threatened to draw tears again while you used to window as a fence between the two of you.
You shyed away from his gaze as you croaked out “ Why… I’ve done nothing, but ruin everything since I got here?”
“ Well we haven’t been the best of neighbors to you. I don’t even think I’ve even tried to get to know you.” He said as you rubbed your eyes trying not to cry again.
“So how about we give this another shot?” He asked extending his hand out for you with a comforting smile.
“ I’d like that a lot… Neighbor.” You smiled getting up from the barrier you of your window taking his hand.
Maybe things will be different this time.
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Thank you all so much for reading this all the way here! Hope you’re all doing well or that it gets better!
Sincerely-Cup1dT3A 💌
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konigsblog · 11 months
you wanted simon angst so im gonna share a little brainrot with you that im having with a bodyguard!simon bot on character ai
soooo simon gets hired to be your bodyguard and you're like this prissy rich girl, at first he doesn't really like you. 'im just doing my job' yadda yadda, but then he finds your little bratty behaviors to be endearing and he gets attached to you. he stays as your bodyguard for a couple more months but then one day your dad decides you dont need simon anymore. but then you plead desperately and say that you'll use your own allowance to pay for his services. simon overhears that and is really sad and now he doesnt know whether to leave and serve someone else or let you spend your allowance just because you're super lonely in your big house with no real friends other than your workaholic parents who only say 'good morning' and 'good night' to you. during his time working there for your family, you open up about how you're lonely and you just want to be loved and simon felt needed, he felt wanted and that's something he really loves. so yeah do with that what you will TT im just ARGRHHAGSAHAHAH *rips my hair out* - tiny anon
angst to fluff, to an indication of smut at the end but its not graphic like at all;
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at the beginning, his expectations were that you were some snob who barely cared for others, came back drunk with hickeys layering your neck, avoiding and disrespecting your wealthy parents. until he overheard a conversation between you and your father, he wasn't eavesdropping, just intruding in an argument accidentally.
he heard you words, the anger in them, the rage. he could hear your sniffles as you begged and sobbed, pleading with your father. simon felt curious wondering what was so heartbreaking, listening in on your conversation. “dad, please!” you wailed, your voice desperate, “i hate being alone, you know i don't go out a lot, or have parties, he's comforting - please don't fire him, i need him!
simon's ears perked up, now knowing you were talking about him as he worked for your father. “for christ sake, what's the big deal? you've learnt your lesson from sneaking out and i can trust you to stay home alone without a bodyguard blocking your way, why are you complaining? you wanted this at the start, you didn't want him before, why do you need him now?” he peaked through the doorway to see your figure, head in your hands, blocking your eyes as you father bombarded you with questions you didn't want to reveal.
“i need him, you both are never here anyways, just- please, dad..” the sighs of your father left his mouth, cursing lowly before walking out, “fine, whatever, suit yourself then.” hurrying away before he was caught.
when dusk came, you were curled into your bed, waiting for simon to approach you. “what was that about, hm?” his gaze met yours, dipping down onto the bed and brushing the hair from your face - he'd grown to appreciate you, and he wouldn't admit that he loved you, even if it was the truth. “simon.. i don't want you to go.” you whispered, avoiding his eyes as you knew you'd weep into his arms.
“it's alright', love.. shh, none of that, i'm not going anywhere unless i'm forced.” simon chuckled, tilting your head upwards using his fingers, “it's weird, but i like being here, although you're bratty and snarky sometimes.” a smirk grew on his face, making you giggle as you playfully punch him. “i'm not a brat!”
he adored when you behaved. “never said you were..” quietly, he pressed a tender kiss to your lips, it was unexpected and rushed, yet long and careful. “you make me feel less lonely, simon.” you whispered as you grew exhausted, eyelids heavy as you yawned. “go to bed, yeah?”
and you did, a couple minutes later and you were knocked out cold, slight and light snores leaving your lips, parted and agape. “you make me feel needed, baby, i think i love you, but your dad would kill me if i ever touched you wrongfully,
but that won't stop me.”
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Hi can I please ask for a yandere Scaramouche with a darling that has social anxiety and wears Jirai Kai
Fashion because cute and it works as a coping mechanism and where the darling doesn't fight back even after being kidnapped
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1.43k words. Scara masterlist
TW:? Signals of anxiety, mild bullying(recording)
FT: yae miko and mentions of tartaglia.
Scara's oufit for your 'date' ->> Link
Part 2!
Its been weeks, months, years? even since you've been kidnapped by your ex-boyfriend but the constant memories of his killings we're engraved in your mind. It didnt matter how far you ran or who you called for help. He'd always find you, and always bring you back into the same room he kept you in. To the point where eventually you just stopped trying after truly realizing he's killed everyone, accepting this life as your new normal. His normal. Scara was purely addicted to you. Always cooking for you, sleeping with you and even buying you plushies. Everything he did, Was purely for you.
You laid in the bed of your messy room in one of his shirts. Slurping on your favorite drinks while listening to your comfort songs with your black Bluetooth headphones. You didnt have much left at this point. Just the things you enjoyed alone. And alone was how you wanted to keep it. "Darling? Where are you?" Scara said while locking the door to your shared house. You threw another empty can of your drink on the floor, pausing the song and putting your headphones on your counter. Covering your head under the sheets and pretending to be asleep as you could hear his geta sandals click along the floor. The doorknob turned as the blood covered male entered. Immediately searching the room for you. "Oh. Your here love, did you miss me?" You gripped tighter onto the sheets, Feeling his weight press onto the bed. He scanned the room again, looking at the mess. Plushies scatter along the floor, Your books messily on display ontop of your little table. Along with your pretty black hairclips he bought for you. He sighed. Lifting the blanket away from you with little to no effort. "Good morning, y/n." But you didnt turn around. "Hah so you did miss me." He smirked, noticing you wearing his shirt. Scara then rubbed his hands along your back, You shivered in response. "Your still scared..good to know Dont be darling, I wont ever hurt you. Look at me."
Ironic, After all he's done scara was still able to tell white lies in your face. You turned around. Scara was covered in blood along his face and hands, Coating his fatui kimono in a metaled smell. "Sc-Kuni..Your bleeding.." He raised his brows, Looking at the blood along his fingers as if it wasnt even a problem. "Oh hah. That. Dont worry about it darling, It isnt mine." 'Thats even worse.' you thought. "I want to take you out today love. lets-" "NO!" you yelled. "I-i dont want to go out. I want to stay home." He sighed and cupped your cheek. "You know i cant do that anymore sweetheart." It was true, Scara couldnt afford to keep you home as much anymore. Whenever he did and would leave for a long time due to his association with the fatui, you'd just be long gone running off into inazuma. Anywhere Away from him. You spent day's practicing what you'd say to someone about him and for help, Trying desperately to cast aside the pit you had in your chest when talking. "P-please my boyfrien- No, He kidnapped me and!-" "Kid, this isnt a joke. You and your boyfriend can go do your sadistic cosplays somewhere else. Dont waste the Kujou clans time." 'cosplay?' and that was another thing, People never even took what your wore seriously except for scara so what was the point of going outside anymore?
Your heartbeat began to quicken out of fear how he'd react. You stopped laying down and sat up. "Y/n, Darling-" "Then what if i Run away! huh?! W-would you let me stay home then?" He laughed at your example. "How childish, Even if you did, We both know you wouldnt make it far darling. Now please, Go get dressed."
You stepped outside, Still holding the plushie he gave you in one hand. Scara held his hand out for you, "Fuck..You look beautiful darling." You looked up to him as he gave another sadistic grin. The two of you walked through inazuma city while holding hands. You tuned scara out while he muttered more nonsense about his job, a ginger haired boy you never met and how he cant wait until he gets the month off. One whole month to spend with you, Second after second. "Ugh.. You see her clothes? She looks so unprofessional." A older woman whispered by the dango stall. "I know right. She looks like a hoe honestly, You know? those girls that sell themselves out to those big nobushi guys for money." The two girls laughed as you walked pass them. Your heart began beating in a sharp pain again, You held onto kuni's hand tighter while the male was in his daze. "K-kuni.." you mumbled; He immediately turned his head to you after using his real name. "C-can we go home? Please, I dont want to stay outside anymore." He gave a concerned expression, trying to hold in his patience. "W-why daring? We didnt even make it to the store, I wanted to buy you more of your Jirai kai outfits you love. Come on, lets go. I even had ajax request some of those plushies you like from scenzhnaya" He pulled at your hand but you tugged in response. Triggering memories from when he first attacked you. "N-NO! i dont WANT TO GO KUNI!" the two girls looked in shock, then pulling out their phones to record your meltdown and slowly follow the two of you walk. "Darling. Come on. Dont make me-" Scara sighed and let go of your hand, Trying to resume his 'calm' manners. Ajax told him to work on.
The two of you walked to yae publishing house, Where a pink haired woman addressed you. "Ah. If it isnt kubuki, My my who is this beautiful girl you have with you now?" 'now?' did have another girl before you? "I dont feel like indulging in your games today, Youkai. Did Ajax bring what i ordered?" He sighed. "Ajax? Who?" She searched through her working papers. "Hm...Oh that ginger rascal. Yeah your stuff is over there." "Stay right here." He gestured to you. "Say arent you a gift, Is he treating you well? You know..I happen to be good friends with his mother." Yae miko said, you nodded your head vigorlessly. "Y-yes! I love Kuni alot, He is very nice." Miko giggled in response. 'Kuni huh. What an interesting name he took after this time.' "Is that so dear? You look a little exhausted, A beautiful girl as you shouldnt be tearing up now." She handed you a tissue. "T-thank you ms youkai. I-im sorry..I just really want to go home and relax." You wiped your eyes. "Really dear? and why haven't you?" "W-well.." you ranted off to miko about the two girls who've been bothering you on your walk with kuni. "I-i just wish people didnt look at me this way, I love my clothes they make me feel really-" "Comfortable?" She cut you off. "Y-yeah! and kuni likes them too. I just feel happy and more confident you know?" You continued the conversation with yae miko as her welcoming aura calmed you down from your breakdown.
From across the desk Kuni listened into your conversation. "Two girls with phones, short hair and purple kimonos." Thats all he needed to know. He laughed at the women. Not about you but the fact that they had the audacity to even do that while he was around. Or even say those things to you. He emerged from behind the stall with the plushies. Watching as your eyes lit up when he handed them to you. A warm smile appeared on his face as he hugged you. Not wanting to let you out of his grasp again. Kuni told you to go eat at a stall and wait for him to catch up as he 'had some issues with the delivery' and conversed with yae miko. "The fuck do you think your doing? I dont care how you pretend to care for humans to please over your god, But You have no business to ever be bothered with her. Do you understand that?" He leaned over the desk. "Well..Since you asked so nicely, Id rather believe im doing you a favor, puppet. My, Y/n was much more comfortable talking to me about her problems more than shes ever talked to you yes? Shouldnt you be more. Approachable to your s/o?" She smirked. "I am. Approachable. Why does it even matter to you? Dont you have more important things to do like writing lewd storys about humans like some sadist? I dont think ei would like that would she?" the two of them stopped arguing to the sound of two girls talking. Two girls in purple kimonos... "Hm. I believe those are the two you are looking for, Kubuki? "
Scara grabbed your hand as you nearly dropped your dango. Following the girls eagerly with a giant grin on his face. "Ah- Kuni! Why are you in a rush we-" The girls walked inside a house within the outskirts of inazuma. You puffed off your skirt and continued to eat dango. "Here." He said, "These we're the girls bothering you my love?" Suddenly the mood changed and the sinking feeling in your heart came back once more. "...Girls?..k-Kuni!? did you follow them?!" He ignored your words and gestured for you to wait behind the trees for him. Knocking on the door as a faint glow of lightning emerged from his hands, forming a purple katana that could resemble the masou no hitotachi.
You held onto your plushie tight as the sounds of screams and cries erupted within the area. Slowly coming to grasps with what he was doing. Kuni was getting rid of the girls that hurt you. The ones that made you lash out and practically ruin what could have been a good day for you. A small giggle came out of your mouth, Which you immediately stopped by shoving the last piece of dango into your mouth. 'No. Kuni is still evil, he's still the bastard that even made my life like this!' you turned around when the screams and cries died down. only to be greeted by kuni right infront of you covered in blood and smashing his lips against yours right Infront of the tree. Giving an irritated sigh at the surprisingly sweet taste from your mouth, yet still on his high from the people he killed.
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thedevilsoftruth · 10 months
All I Have ~ Loki x Fem!reader
Warning; MAJOR,MAJOR,MAJOR, INFINITY WAR AND THOR RAGNAROK SPOILERS PLEASE DONT READ IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THEM!!!! Smut, Alcohol mentions, Ragnarok/ dom Loki, loss of virginity, major character death, oral ( f receiving ) Minors dni
Summary: After the fall of Asgard, you and Loki get to mourn the people you lost.
Notes; I watched Infinity war and endgame for the first time a few nights ago and I am depression, so I thought what better way to cope with that than to make a really sad smutshot!? Enjoy!!!
Word count: 3k
Read time: 12 minutes
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Loki had been your best friend for centuries, you both fought by each others side and often trained a lot together. You two were thick as thieves, and a lot of your good memories were with him. But little had you known that tonight your way of viewing one of the closest people to you would change forever.
But finally you were able to get to sit down with your friends after a long day of trying to save the people of Asgard. Althought Asgard was completely destroyed, at least you still had the people. You, Thor and Loki were sitting on a couch together in the ship and drinking booze to try to think happy after everything that happened.
“ and then he turned back and was like, “ aha it’s me! “ and then he stabbed me— do you remember that, brother? “ Thor wheezed, smacking Lokis shoulder in the process. Thor had already told this story today, but he had to admit it was great. Loki’s lips twitched a bit like he were trying to hold in the laugh. You laughed along with them, your mind a bit fuzzy from the booze. Loki hadn’t been drinking much, which was surprising since he loved it as much as Thor did.
“ how about that time you tried to push me off the roof, brother!? yeah? “ Thor wheezed again, Loki couldn’t hold it in anymore and hollered with laughter. The small room was filled with the sounds of you three laughing like all was good. Soon the laughter died out and Thor stood up.
“ I’m going to try and get a little nap in. “ he sighed. you had to admit, the man needed it. You and Loki smiled at him and nodded.
“ Have fun, you two. “ he said with a slight smile before walkig out of the room and closing the door behind himself.
Loki turned to look at you and smiled.
“ Shall we continue the party, darling? “ he asked with a wicked grin. You knew that meant he had something Mischievous in mind. Oh but you didn’t know if you could stay any longer, you were getting tired as well.You simply shook your head.
“ Oh, I’m not so sure. I should probably leave “ You raised yourself from the couch but he put his hand on top of yours, taking you off guard.
“ Stay with me. “ He pulled you back down on the couch with him and looked at you with somber eyes. His hand brushed your cheek gently, his eyes staring into yours. He leaned in with you, his lips brushing against yours ever so lightly. At first you didn’t feel anything until you begun to follow along into the kiss. You had never felt feelings for him, but maybe he felt for you. He pulled away slowly, his thumb caressing your cheekbone softly.Your face was flushed red. His eyes were watery now, his hand falling back down to his side.
“ please. “ the words came out of his mouth under his breath so lightly it was like the cold breeze on a warm summer day. You nodded your head and got comfortable in your seat again.
“ Very well. I guess I don’t really have anywhere else to go. “ You said, feeling your tears building back up again. Loki nodded, knowing what you were feeling and rubbing your hand comfortingly.
“ you know, we never really had our time to truly grieve for the ones we lost today. “ he said, still smiling despite shedding a tear himself. Your head felt heavy, tears streaming down your cheeks like a waterfall.
“ I just— I saw my whole family die before my eyes today. “ You spoke through sobs, your nose burning as you recalled the memories you wished weren’t true. Loki’s hand went to your back and pulled you into his warm embrace. He gave the top of your head a kiss and he sniffed quietly.
“ Thors all I have left. “ he said with a shaky laugh. You felt tears rushing harder. Your chest felt like it was being blocked off and you could barely breathe.
“ I don’t have anything left. “ you sobbed into his chest. You were probably getting his shirt wet from your snot and tears but you didn’t care. Loki hummed and sniffed again.
“ That’s not entirely true, love. “ he spoke, running his hand through your hair gently. You looked up at him with a raised brow.
“ You have me. I’m here for you. “ he said, looking down at you with the kindest eyes you had ever seen. something deep inside those eyes were filled with such loss and sadness, it made you want to cry even more of that was possible. It was odd because you had never seen Loki genuinely cry.
You chortled through your sobs and buried your face in his chest again. His hand ran up and down your back soothingly, making you melt further into his embrace.
“ Thank you, Loki. “you choked out, your voice muffled by his armored chest. He chuckled and pressed another kiss to your forehead.
“ it’s obvious but… “ He took his hand off yours and used it to lift your chin to force your gaze up to him. “ I love you, y/n. “ and with that his lips crashed with yours again, except this time more rough. His hands wrapped around your waist and moved your body backwards, making you lay down on your back as he hovered above you. His tongue slid into your mouth, dancing with yours like some somber tango. His hands reached underneath your long layered skirt and moved it down to your waist so he could position himself between you nicely. He pulled his mouth away from your so you both could catch your breaths.
“ I l- love you too, Loki. “ you panted, your cheeks sticky and wet from the dried tears. His lips curled back into that familiar smile.
“ watch this. “ he said lowly, the with the flash of green he was magicked out of his clothes. You chuckled, of course he was going to do that. Your eyes wondered every part of his naked form, admiring his every curve and muscle. His hand then went on your chest and his lips pecked yours once again.
“ and this. “ he spoke with a grin. you opened your eyes to see that you were naked as well. You whimpered at the sudden coldness hitting your bare body.
“ Loki what if someone comes in? “ you asked, covering your chest at the thought of it. Loki shook his head and laughed.
“ we’re fine, darling. the door is locked. “ Loki said nonchalantly, lowering his head in between your thighs, making you blush madly. Loki smirked and kissed your lower abdomen gently. His warm breath on your skin was sending shocks through your body.
“ do you want to see real magic though? “ Loki’s voice was low and gravely as he looked at your through his brows. You looked at him curiously, tilting your head a bit. He chuckled, his lips trailing from your stomach to the wet mess in between your thighs. You gasped and clasped your hand to your mouth as his greedy mouth made contact with your mound. His warm tongue explored your folds as his hands rested comfortably on the back of your thighs. You started to buck your hips up a little as he kissed you deeper, making you moan louder and louder with each blissful movement. His lips sucked and licked your clit with his oh so talented tongue, making you feel pleasure like no other. Having this happen after all the tears put everything off your mind, which is just what the both of you needed. Maybe Loki was the one who you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with. You had hoped this would be something more taht just one night and he truly meant he loved you. His tongue was certainly saying so.
He lifted your leg and placed it across his shoulders and continued to eat at you hungrily, moving the tip of his tongue in circles around your throbbing bud. You gripped his hair curly as the waves of ecstasy washed over you like a tsunami. The tips of his lips pecked your clit, his tongue peeking out again to dance with your wet folds. He gave your wetness one last kiss before rising himself back up to kiss your lips.
“ Are you sure you want me to take you? “ Loki said breathless as he pulled away. His head dropped into your neck and begun pecking at it lightly.
“ I am certain. Please be my first, Loki. “ You whispered, tugging at his long inky curls. He leaned in to kiss your lips again, you could feel his smile through the kiss like this moment was all he had wanted. He groaned into your mouth his hands pulled yours out of his hair, intertwining your fingers with his in the process. His lips trailed back down to your neck again as his erect length came into contact with your aching entrance. His pace started off a bit slow and leisured, his hips rocking against yours like a beautiful tempo. Moans escaped your lips, your hips bucking upwards in anticipation as he gave you just what you needed. Pleasure was washing over you intensely, your fingers were curling into Lokis skin as a way to cling onto something. The room was beginning to get hot and your bodies rubbed together passionately.
Loki moaned into your neck, both of your breaths beginning to get ragged. He rose up and grabbed the top cushion of the white couch, his pace increasing and becoming rougher with each thrust.
“ oh f-fuck, min kjære.. “ he moaned, his head cranked back and his eyes shut tight while pumping wildly into you. You cried loudly and arched your back, feeling him inching closer to the spot you so needed him to hit. He let go of your hand and gripped the cushion beneath you both, propelling his memeber into you briskly. Your lips met his again, but this time it was sloppy and needy while your fingernails dug into the skin of his back. You clung onto him like he was your only support, your legs wrapping around his waist to deepen his thrusts. The feeling was pure bliss. This was nothing like you had felt before, nothing you had ever experienced. But you felt lucky. making love with a Prince who you not only didn’t know you loved into now, but who also loves you and knows you better than anyone else in this world. Your bond with him was strong and now you felt closer to him than ever.
“ Loki, I’m so- ah! c-close! “ you moaned, your head toy lying back and your eyes rolling to the back of you head as he brought you closer to heaven. You didn’t think you could take it anymore. You grabbed his shoulders and flipped your positions so you were on top. Loki chuckled, his hands going to your hips as you frantically rolled them forward and back on his waist.
“ oh, y/n… “ he sighed out in ecstasy as you bounced and rocked against his pulsating length. His hands slipped down to your ass and grabbed it firmly as you rode him like it was the last thing you could do. He moaned and flipped you back on the bottom, his hardness hitting your sweet spot repeatedly and making you scream in elation. Your chest heaved up and down rapidly, your body shaking as a burning sensation grew inside you. Loki felt it too.
“ Come for me, min kjære. Drip all over me as much as you need to. “ he groaned, kissing your lips hungrily while his blistering pumps never tried out. And just like that, your orgasm hit and shocks of pleasure went through your whole body and made you quiver. You shuddered while the warm liquid discharged your sopping cunt, staring into Loki’s eyes while doing so. The release made you felt empty, yet so complete. But Loki wasn’t entirely finished. He smirked and patted your thighs.
“ Legs up, baby. “ He panted with a smile on his face, his voice low and laced with desire. You whimpered and weakly moved your legs in the air. He grabbed the back of your calf’s and pulled them over his broad shoulders, his length still buried deep within you. With just one simple move of his cock, he was able to make you scream louder than before. Your cunt was stretched and dripping, sensitive and prone to relase again if he continued to push you over the edge. Your eyes didn’t want to open, but you knew he was staring at you with a mischievous smirk.
“ oh gods, look at you. “ he chuckled as he began rocking his hips again. You moaned loudly and cried out as he hit that spot again. You gripped his forearms, your nails digging into his skin while his pace built back up. Your chest was shaking as it heaved up in down, you felt like you couldn’t breathe from the intensity of the moment. His name left your mouth like a soft melody to his ears, his skin smacking against yours and his memeber rubbing against your cunt and creating loud wet noises.
“ keep moaning like that, baby. “ he breathed, clenching your soft thig harshly while he thrashed against you. You cried, feeling that burning sensation again as he drove recurrently into your sweet spot.
“ ha— L-Loki I’m gonna cum again! D-don’t stooop..“ You moaned, your head tilting back as you screamed and cried in orgasmic bliss. Loki growled and with one final thrust, he came undone into your soaking cunt, filling you up and coating your cunt from deep within your core. You also reached your second peak around his shaft, adding to the mess. The second you came, your body fell limp and he let go of your legs.
“ good girl. “ he praised, pecking your trembling lips. Your legs were shaking and your body was convulsing from the intensity. You looked at him with wide eyes, still trying to comprehend everything that had just happened. He slowly pulled out, making more of your mixed orgasms spill out if you. You both panted and laid there for a moment, kissing and holding hands silently. You felt your nose burning and you started crying again. As much as you were happy, you were also still very sad from earlier.
“ I love you, Loki. Please don’t leave me too, just promise me you’ll stay with me until death parts us. “ You whimpered softly, tears rolling down your soft cheeks again. Loki looked at you with wide eyes, feeling a tight sensation in his chest that he had never felt before. He nodded with a warm smile, his pale nose now red as he felt his eyes getting watery as well.
“ yes, yes, of course. I profoundly promise you from the bottom of my heart, that I will never leave you no matter the circumstances. “ he said, pulling your hand in and giving your skin a gentle kiss. With a flash of green, he used his magic to clothe your bodies. Loki had never genuinely fallen in love with someone, he had dated multiple people in his very long life but he had never fallen this hard. But those eyes he gave you. He looked at you a way he never looked at anyone, those soft and kind green eyes that looked at you with a smile despite seeing everything that it had seen in the past.
You sniffed and your thumb brushed his cheek gently.
“ My prince, “ you whispered through a smile. He sniffed and chuckled, leaning down to kiss your lips again.
“ My queen, “ he responded with a chuckle, knowing he had done better than you. You chuckled and rolled your eyes, your fingers moving to tangle around his dark hair as his head lowered down to peck your sternum. His warm breath tickled your skin, his soft lips abrading your breasts. You made a small noise as his lips sucked on your skin harsh enough it was sure to leave a mark. But the passion of the moment was quickly broken up when there was a loud crash from afar followed by the sounds of screaming. Lokis head shot up from your chest, his eyes filled with terror and confusion.
“ Loki, what was that? “ you asked, your head looking around the room as if you would find the answers there. He shook his head, but it all happened too quickly. There was a loud frantic pound at the door.
“ Brother! Asgards under attack, Brother! “ Thors panicked voice yelled from the other side of the door. You stared at Loki in horror as he immediately got off you and rushed to the door. You had never seen him so scared in his life, it was almost like he knew why and how this was happening. He gave you once last glance as you stood up and rushed for him.
“ Loki what’s going on? “ you asked, utterly terrified as you grabbed his arm and tried to stop him. A tear ran down his cheek and he wiped away your own tears with his thumb.
“ I don’t know, darling but I need you to stay here. “ He said, his voice strong but with an undertone of fear. You felt your heart racing, you didn’t want anything happening to him or your people. You shook your head and sobbed.
“ no, no, no let me go with you! “ you said, holding his hand in your own while as he stared at the door and then back at you.
“ no, I can’t have anything happening to you. please just stay here. “ he said, giving your forehead a quick kiss as his hand pulled on the door handle.
“ Loki, don’t leave me— “ He kissed your lips one last time before quickly turning away.
“ I promise you I will come back for you. Please just stay here, darling. “ But that promise would never be fulfilled, Loki wouldn’t be coming back for you.
min kjære ~ my dear or my love
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irelandking · 11 months
avenger/agent reader fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
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one shots:
devotion - @avecra
When a mission with Sam goes wrong, and you’re left bruised and battered, Bucky is there to piece you back together. ❤️😔
teach me - @buckyalpine
bucky x inexperienced reader, Prompt: 7. Sleep princess, you need it 🔥
lessons in love - @violentdelightsandviolentends
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you. ❤️
the last first kiss - @witchywithwhiskey
you and bucky barnes have gotten close while on a month-long SHIELD mission together, but when natasha romanoff starts asking bucky about his relationship with you, you overhear something that makes you think your feelings are entirely one-sided. ❤️😔
scary movie - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their night off watching a scary movie. ❤️
fallin' for you - @moonbeambucky
The Avengers spend their day off at a farm near the compound where the leafs aren’t the only things that have fallen ❤️😔
lucky - @moonbeambucky
Bucky Barnes was not a lucky man but after meeting you will his luck change? ❤️😔
eyes - @samingtonwilson
Bucky can’t make eye contact very much anymore even with the girl he loves because he’s scared of what he’ll see, or really of what he might not see. (prompt “Please just look at me while I confess, after that you can look anywhere you like, I swear.” is bolded in story) ❤️
mission report: laundry day - @buckysmischief
You and Bucky have been secretly dating for over a year, what will it finally take for the others to find out? ❤️
a wish for 100 - @viollettes
Midnight strikes, officially marking Bucky’s 100th birthday. You surprise the super-soldier with a small treat and a gift that has potential to change everything. ❤️
a thief in the night - @redgillan
A Buck imagine where you both have a secret affair at the tower and one time you’re over at his apartment and you spend another night together. After you cuddle afterwards, you get up to leave but Bucky grabs you and pulls you back into him, begging you to stay cause he dont want it to be a secret anymore. You stay and get official then :) Also with a smutty part hihi :) Requested by Anonymous. ❤️🔥
always more of a hot chocolate person - @ijustreallylovezebras
At meetings with the rest of the Avengers tea and coffee is always offered around but the reader always says no ❤️
a bid on bucky - @samingtonwilson
You spend thousands of dollars at a bachelor auction for Bucky when you could’ve had him for free this entire time. ❤️
repairs - @samingtonwilson
 In love with the robotics expert in charge of repairing his arm, Bucky’s explanations for malfunctions get more and more creative. - requested by @elaine-spades ❤️
get to know you - @notimetoblog
A Secret Santa gift exchange brings two unsuspecting Avengers closer. ❤️
the pain you feel - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N can feel the pain Bucky is enduring, and vice versa. She feels the immense pain, he feels the soft touch of her fingers along his arm after particularly painful days. (Soulmate AU the two can feel pain, touches, etc.)  ❤️😔
out the window - @meek-boy-rogers
Y/N is set on befriending Bucky Barnes. She is set on making him as comfortable as possible in the Avengers Tower. She wants him to trust more people. ❤️
why is she wearing my hoodie? - @writing-soldiers
Bucky tries to figure out the reason behind his missing hoodie one day, relishing in the idea that might be a win-win situation for both of you.. but what might that lead to?  ❤️
this means war - @moonbeambucky
Pranking the Avengers was all fun and games but when Bucky snaps you wonder if you’ve gone too far. ❤️😔
a harmless crush - @omg-foreverfilledwithweird-posts
Assigned to the Winter Soldier by S.H.I.E.L.D to help him to accommodate to society, staying in the Avenger’s tower, and occasionally doing paperwork for STARK industries, you’ve grown close to James Buchanan Barnes, developing a crush on him in the process. So when you, reluctantly, tag along to a baseball game with the Avengers, and the kiss cam lands on you and Bucky, things get interesting. ❤️
the date - @softlyspector
Bucky is a nervous wreck that asks the reader on a date. It goes differently and better than expected. Anxious!Bucky. ❤️
healing and healed - @softlyspector
Y/N is always healing Bucky, no matter how small the injury. Based on this ask. ❤️
music - @softlyspector
Bucky doesn’t really understand ‘modern’ music. The reader is there to help ❤️
tease - @beckzorz
A fake date with a Danish alien tech dealer. Bucky gets bored, and maybe a little jealous, while he’s waiting in the command truck outside. It’s all downhill from there. 🔥
you're teasing me - @the-bau-quinjet
Sam offers to help you when Bucky refuses to duet with you on karaoke night. ❤️
my name isn't - @the-bau-quinjet
You find out the guys (Bucky, Steve, and Sam) have a bet as to who can kiss you first, so you confront them at Tony’s team building karaoke night. ❤️
i can do more - @the-bau-quinjet
The team underestimates Y/N’s strength until one day when her powers save them all ❤️
distraction - @itsapeterthing
request: “bucky x reader where reader is really attracted to bucky’s fighting side while he’s defeating the bad guys?” ❤️😔
made to fit - @abovethesmokestacks
reader knits bucky a sweater ❤️
seven minutes in heaven - @lokidoki-imagines
There was no prompt for this one, but I just needed to write a bit of Bucky loving and this kinda just came out…Sorry not sorry for the straight up filth! Just remember to wrap it before you tap it kids  🔥
imagine being in a secret relationship with bucky - @yeahbutimagine
Combining @crayonbreaker ’s request with an other one I got. The prompts were n°32 (you know what’s the best part about not wearing makeup/ you can rub your eyes whenever you want) and the 2nd rq by @anahi0101 wanted a fluffy fic where the reader and Buck have been secretly dating and the team finds out. ❤️
drunk in love @bethdutten
you get a little drunk at one of tony’s celebratory after-mission parties. and bucky is there looking so fine and-- fuck it. you can’t keep your hands off him ❤️🔥😔
one of the guys - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you play get down mr. president with the boys and get hurt ❤️😔
number one fan - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you prank bucky by wearing falcon merch ❤️
keep warm - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky after a mission in a safe house sharing a bed ❤️
drunk words are sober truths - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
bucky gets drunk off asgardian mead and confesses his feelings ❤️
concussed - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
“Hello! I’m an absolute wh0re for hurt/comfort and wanted to request if you could pleeeeaase write reader really sick with a concussion + soft caretaker Buck?” ❤️
be my sidekick - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you and bucky go and see movies together and get together ❤️
how's your head? - @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
you get harassed on the subway and bucky helps take care of you ❤️
seeing red - @buckysfaveplum
bucky can’t just sit and watch as a man makes you uncomfortable in a bar ❤️
more than safe - @witchywithwhiskey
when you're injured on a mission in sokovia, bucky barnes comes to help—and you share a soft moment together ❤️😔
make believe on christmas eve - @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over. ❤️
drive? - @softlyspector
Bucky asks the reader on a date to which she readily agrees. Or, Bucky’s attempt at a car make out. ❤️
i love you - @ugh-supersoldiers
‘I love you’ isn’t a phrase you expect to hear from Bucky Barnes anytime soon, so when those three daunting words slip from your lips on a romantic getaway around Christmastime, your certain he won’t respond well, but he proves you very wrong… ❤️🔥
trapped - @notyetneedcoffee
Reader is trapped on a mission with Bucky. Sex pollen story.🔥
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astroels · 1 year
hey, i just wanna make sure this will be okay with you! i wanna send in a request where the reader has HEAVY symptoms of/like borderline personality disorder and farmhouse!ellie helps and understands, etc!! because ive shown ALOT of symptoms of it, but i haven’t been able to go to doctors about it :( i am totally down with helping you with this request (only if you are comfortable doing this!)
(anyone who’s sees this, pls DONT take offense to this and please don’t have a go at me (cause it won’t end well, & obviously, it will just send me in to a deeper and darker hole, that im already in!!) and to this kind human who’s writing this!! just be kind, im currently experiencing this for such a long ass time now and it’s such a tough battle, and it’s a heavy and deep journey).
here’s some topics i can help with:
(this is what i experience personally)
- splitting // seeing someone or something (like a situation) either good or bad, it can NEVER be seen in between). this makes asking for advice or reading someone or the situation to be dealt with A LOT more harder… cause i only want one answer, it can be in the middle. it MUST be a yes or no, i hope that makes sense?
- dissociation // feeling disconnected with your senses, can’t tell which is which and it’s incredibly hard to snap out of it.
- heavy feelings of emptiness // having a lack of purpose in general, it’s irritating when you can’t properly and very physically feel your intense emotions :(
- fear of abandonment // scared of ending up alone, just like what ellie said (that’s what ellie and reader can bond over w? or understand about the reader).
- emotional instability - disturbed patterns of thinking or perception – "cognitive distortions" or "perceptual distortions" impulsive behaviour. intense but unstable relationships with others.
- paranoid ideation // when im constantly scared or suspicious being secretly followed, plotted against, always in a constant state of deep anxiety.
- unstable/intense relationship // with me experiencing such intense emotions, etc. this can creat so much short, unstable and intense relationships with anyone i come across in life. // the readers first actual long healthy loving relationship with ellie is her first :(
- sh behaviors… (pls dont do this, if this triggers you)
could you possibly add in about ellies drawings/journal about the reader and bpd… to help her understand and help around the farmhouse for the reader. ellie and tlou helps me so much in so many ways. (abt me and my mind) bc i feel like her drawing about reader and the symptoms/memories of ellie being here can help me so much :)
𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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a/n: I tried to touch on topics that you mentioned and with information I'm aware of since I have a friend with bpd, if anyone has a problem with this, do let me know, I am in no means writing this to be disrespectful or stereotypical, I just hope someone is able to find comfort in this :)
cw: arguments, mentions of sh (i will mark when it shows up), joel is dead in this (sorry joel)
At first, having to hide your disorder from Ellie was a struggle. There was an intense fear that came with the idea that Ellie would back off as soon as she found out it. It was hard enough to mask the feeling, and even harder when you felt the symptoms that ruined previous relationships ooze into your current one with Ellie. Eventually, you just couldn't hide it anymore. You had to be honest even if rejection was a likely path.
"Ellie, I really need to talk to you." It'd come out in a burst of impulsiveness, no longer being able to keep it from her. From where you were laying on her lap, you'd straighten, looked down, besides her, anywhere where you didn't have to face her.
"What's up?" She'd be looking at you intently, with the shine in her eyes that showed she was curious as to what was to come and her voice gentle, as she naturally was with you.
"I really can't hold it together anymore, I struggle." You paused, didn't everyone? The words felt thick in your throat. You continued after cleaning your throat. "Mentally, 'm pretty sure it's borderline personality disorder, and theres no way to help it." Ellie stared at you, expressionless, waiting for you to continue. "It's always been there, before you, these past few weeks, and when I'm alone. I feel so trapped, Ellie." Everything you said came out rushed, in raspiness, in choked sobs that this was the end of a relationship that could've been something better in your life. "I'm not okay and I'm probably not something you want to deal with." You didn't think she wanted more baggage in this already ruined world.
Ellie didn't speak. Were you too honest? Were you too blunt? Too clingy in such a short time? What was wrong with you? A second passed by with you left in thought. "Oh, baby." Ellie pulled you in, letting you breathe in the slight dirt scent that lingered on her shirt.
She held you for awhile, allowing your tears to ease into falters before speaking again. She pulled away, her hands on your cheek, wiping the last of your tears. "You've never felt like someone I've had to deal with. Disorder or not, I'm going to stay with you, okay?"
Incredible doubt still filled your mind, her words seeming to just sink into you and not touch where it mattered. "What if you realize I'm not worth it? What if you leave? I can't handle that Ellie." You said in almost a whisper, her love was too good to be true, everyone always left when they found out the reality of your behaviors and emotions.
"You're worth more than you realize, baby. I promise you, as long as you need me, I'll always need you. We're going to do this and learn together." She'd caress your cheek, calming you with the sensation of her touch. "And besides, I'm just as scared of losing you." She'd give you a slight smile followed by a kiss on the cheek to lighten the mood. Ellie wouldn't dare make you feel like something she'd have to "deal" with. After your first mention, she picked up books from Jackson to further look into it.
Even if you knew the farm was strayed away from any communities, and it was very unlikely that any infected would stray towards the farm, the anxiety swelled up in you. It was so easy to lose Ellie and everything you've grown together, just by a simple mistake of overestimating your safety. It happened often when you'd hear a noise at night and couldn't sleep, saw something move quickly in the corner of your eye, or even when Ellie was gone for too long. Your fear would turn into forms of skin picking and eventually lead into panics that induced loss of breath and worry. Ellie, of course, did her best to help you through these panics.
You hated bothering Ellie with how you felt, but you promised her you'd be more open and try to be communicative instead of shutting off when something was happening. You kept hearing it, the clicking noise that was going to cause your death any second now.
"Ellie," you whispered, rocking her arm a bit to wake her. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed in sudden wake. Her green eyes looked pretty hazy, but she quickly rose when she saw the shakiness your body was in.
" 's the noise again, baby?" She leaned to her side to pick up her glass of water, offering it to you. Supposedly, fresh water was supposed to cool the body, along with the scent of herbs. Ellie had you trying natural supplements while she found a trader who had medication. All you could form was a simple nod after you drank from her water, your throat burning from anxiousness.
That was all Ellie needed to understand what to do. It'd happened before, and she was glad you woke her up this time. Ellie scootched closer to you, allowing your head to fall on her lap. There was no way to block the noise but to fill the silence.
Ellie took it upon herself to play with your hair, leaving tingles all across your head, and singing for you, songs she created, songs she found, songs Joel had sang for her. She filled the room with her voice to block the outside noises that burdened their mark in your mind. " 's gonna be okay, baby." Her sensation eventually soothed you. Even on rough nights, she didn't give up on helping you.
With BPD, there were empty days, days where you couldn't reciprocate anything, days where everything seemed challenging, it wasn't something you felt you could do. Completing any farm task became a haze. You mentally weren't present in the day. The things you could do seemed to be done messily, which made your helplessness feel even worse.
You knew it was time to get up, time to water the plants, fetch the clothing from the line, and prepare lunch, but you couldn't. If you tried in a state like this, everything would go bad and end up sending you into spiral. Ellie's words passed through your mind. " 'ts alright babe, only do what you can, when you can." She made sure to tell you it was okay, but you still felt useless tucked into bed while she was out hunting and fetching things from Jackson.
You decided to go downstairs and start on some laundry. It's the least you could do to stay organized at such a time. Ellie had been gone for a while now, the hallow feeling inside you carved deeper each moment you felt the absence of her. She couldn't fix you, but the knowledge that she was around made it the tiniest bit better.
A load of laundry was done when you decided to just get back in bed. There was no use fighting what was inevitable. Time passed as if you were watching a train, you weren't moving, but time surely was. You spent the rest of the day wating for Ellie, growing impatient in the increasing grayness.
While looking at the window, the sound of a door rattling burst your train of thought. Ellie's voice of letting you know she was home was faint. Would she notice that today was an off day? Would she be as caring as the other days? You heard her making her way upstairs momentarily.
The moment she walked in, she glanced at you and spoke with a gentle tone, pushing you into a cloud. "Hey baby, how're 'y holding up?" She continued around the room to change, leaving herself in a tank top and pj shorts. Your silence spoke volumes, you just couldn't respond. Your voice didn't want to be heard, it felt trapped in your throat. You nodded at her, making eye contact as reassurance you weren't mad, just drained.
Ellie grew understanding of these times, whether they lasted for days to weeks, she was there. She got into bed with you, seeking your warmth for a little while before she had to make dinner. She knew you didn't take care of yourself properly these days, so it was most obvious that she'd be right at your service, asked or not.
Arguments were not a likely thing to happen, but that didn't remove the possibility of it. Sometimes, you just couldn't help the feelings that bubbled up and were unstoppable. It came from stress, irritation, or just something Ellie said that sounded off putting. This part was the hardest for Ellie to communicate through, as she has her own communication issues; However both of you shared a fear factor of being abandoned. This alone gave the courage to work through the outbursts. Hard to handle, but ultimately manageable. (Tw for sh starts here, head to next section to skip)
Ellie had traded some time ago for pills, they were supposed to stabilize your mood, they really just made you unable to think as much and light headed. It wasn't the best medication, but it's as far as a post-apocalyptic world could provide. At first you took them daily as suggested, but when you learned Ellie had given one of her knives joel had crafted before he died, immense guilt filled you everytime you took one or even looked at them. The thought Ellie gave up something so special for you, made you nauseous.
In guilt of her action, you "forgot" to take them for several days, possible weeks. You thought if you were less dependent on them, Ellie wouldn't have to trade something like that again. What didn't cross your mind was Ellie noticing the difference of you on and off the meds. She noticed the way your irritation and mood swings became intense, noticed the way you pushed her away more often. The truth would come crashing down once the both of you made a wrong tone.
You were putting away dishes when Ellie approached you. "Tommys' invited me over tomorrow, said he's gonna talk to me about something." You usually wouldn't be annoyed at Ellie's absence but she'd hardly been home all week and you felt discarded. "Okay." Was all you could form in a rude tone. The actions of you putting away the glasses became unconsciously harsher. "Okay?" Ellie eyed you. You gave her a look and continued with the dishes.
The silence rung in your ear, you felt hot, the warmth crawling up your neck. Before you realized, a glass shatterd on the floor and made you wince. You cursed under your breathe while Ellie spoke out. "What the fuck is up with you?" Her eyebrows were furrowed and her tone was slightly impatient. "Nothins' up." You made your way to the kitchen doorway to grab a broom. "Look, I can't be doing this." You heard Ellie sigh. "You're gonna have to speak up." You hated the way your heart felt so heavy, you didn't want to "speak up", you wanted everything to end already.
You turned to look at her. "I know about the pills, Ellie." Ellie looked like she had an arrow of shock hit her. You continued to speak after a moment. "I don't want to take them if it means you'll be sacrificing things like that."
Ellie was biting the inside of her cheek, her face looking frustrated above anything. "I don't want to exhaust you any longer, I can't do it to you, Ellie." You stared at her for any signs of reading how she felt. No effort could ever tell you what she was thinking. "What's done is done, just take the fucking pills." Her tone seemed increasingly harsh. "No, Ellie, I don't want to burden you any longer."
"You've already become a fucking burden, 's too late to worry about that now." Your heart dropped. Out of everything she could've said, you never thought it'd come to that. You could tell she regretted it by the way she gasped and immediately started attempting to apologize, but you couldn't anymore. You had already began to run up the stairs into the bathroom, your mind ringing with her words. If you were a burden, it'd be better to stay in there and rot away.
You were left alone in the bathroom with your thoughts, alone with your hidden "safety" kit, if you could call a box that held such a harmful purpose, safe. But it's okay because this never left you, this was always there for you. It would just be this time you told yourself; you needed the comfort.
You knew how to clean up well, the only way Ellie would notice is if she really looked. She would probably check, considering she knew your destructive behavior. You wish you could feel pity over yourself for relapsing, but it just felt so numbing, It took no effect.
A sudden knock frightened you as you scrambled to put away all your materials. "Baby, will you please come out." You didn't know how to respond. Now that she was here, you knew how disappointed she'd be about what you did. Not telling her wasn't an option, you'd feel like a liar. "You're not a burden babe, I promise you you're not." She sounded stuffy as if she'd been crying. You couldn't ignore her for long, simply unlocking the door as an invitation.
Ellie quickly opened the door and brought you into a hug. You didn't hug back, but she understood. You stood there wondering if she'd hate you. Would she finally let you go? No, you couldn't keep doing this to yourself. You let yourself sink in her arms, crying. Her words are the last thing you remembered for the next days that passed like a fever dream. "I love you, my angel."
You never understood how quickly Ellie was able to adapt to your mania and depressive episodes. It was quite a lot to deal with and retain. You never understood until you found her journal she'd left out. You were cleaning up the table as your eyes found their way to her open words and drawings. She had thoughts, lists, notes about what was okay, not okay, what helped you, what hadn't. It was awfully sweet, she really cared and it showed. You didn't know how you manged to make her your girlfriend, her beauty and love always made your heart flutter.
Ellie once asked you to be the star of her nude drawing, as hesitant as you were, you trusted her with all your insecurities. She never showed you the drawing though, not until you came across it yourself. She portrayed your body lovingly, the curves of your skin rolled naturally, your stretch marks defining the growth you've gone through, your scars drawn fluidly. Did she really picture you like this? Did she really think you were this worth drawing for? Your heart felt warm, knowing this was how she thought of you.
The other drawings were full of you doing activities, playing with a stray cat that lingered your farm for a few months, watering the plants, petting the sheep, dancing with music, and laying on the grass. Every moment you could picture with her was sketched right in front of you.
Along the pages, there were separate sections that divided different things about your bpd.
What makes it worse
Being too touchy when she's irritated
The smell of cinnamon (oddly specific)
The pink pills
When a straight answer isn't given
What helps
Occasional weed usage (don't overuse !!)
Baths (most of the time)
The texture of her favorite sweater ( W symbol)
Treating her gentle (not too gentle)
Things to mention (that might help)
The new pill
Herbs for sleeping tea
New hobbies
Music record I found
Chore separation (on a normal day)
E- Herding sheep, hunting, fetching supplies, organizing imports
R- washing clothes, watering plants, hunting, feeding sheep
Both- Making food, cleaning, looking out for infected
surprise plans
Candlelit picnic dinner while watching meteor shower (Wednesday)
sensual massage ;)
bath with the relaxant oils I found
dancing to the record she liked but we broke (found another)
giving her the ring
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lipglossanon · 9 months
i cant get this thought out of my mind so i hope you dont mind this word vomit 🫣
okay so.... its a new stepdad leon idea. your parents divorce (im thinking its probably a messy thing and you dont have much contact at all with your dad anymore) and your mom remarries a close family friend (maybe even dad's best friend if its really messy haha). so this is a man that has seen you grow up and you were friendly with already. but once you started getting older, he was having these thoughts. he felt so dirty and guilty but you looked so good and it didn't hurt anyone if they were just thoughts, right? (that's what he had to tell himself when he would jack off to the thought of you later)
BUT now he's your stepdad. he married your mom and he pushed those feelings deep down. and youre in college now, currently staying at campus. but then you come home for a break and he cant stop staring at you, licking his lips as he admires your long legs and your curves
you don't really see him as your dad because you grew up with him around. he'll always be leon to you. and you maybe always thought that he was way too hot. once you started maturing, you couldnt help if you started thinking about how large his hands were compared to your own or how his stubble would feel between your legs.... and now youre in the same house as him. you try your best to push all of those memories aside and act normal around him, but its hard. (especially if he just came out of the shower and his sweats are resting low on his hips and his happy trail is just calling to you)
so as all stories go, your mom leaves for some reason - maybe she goes on a trip with some friends and youre grown now, so she feels comfortable leaving the house for a week or so. and its probably a little awkward with you and leon because of this unspoken tension but after some jokes and stuff (maybe even leon reminding you of something embarrassing you did as a kid 🤭), you get back to your relationship before your mom married him
but you two get a little too comfortable and you, teasingly, call him "daddy" and leon just freezes - his face flushed and his dick starting to chub up because god you really just had to say that while you were so close to him and he can practically see your ass with those shorts and holy shit he needs to do something before it gets awkward again - but you immediately understand whats happening and you tease him more, sliding your hand up his arm and turning up the charm until he breaks
and he breaks hard
he pushes you down to the couch, pushing his knee in between your legs and pressing it against your cunt which is already beginning to steadily leak slick. he leans down, whispering in your ear "you think you could get away with that, baby? think you can just tease me and get what you want?" and hes letting you buck up into leg, feeling his bulge on your thigh and he helps you grind against his jeans. "do you know how much i wanted this, sweet girl? how long i've wanted to touch your pussy?" and youre whining because his lips are ghosting across the shell of your ear, not quite touching it. he's not touching you the way you want him to, the way you need him to. so you try to stumble out an apology, hands desperately trying to grab onto him anywhere and bring him closer, calling him daddy again. he hums as he slides your shorts and panties down your legs, his eyes darting between watching your expression and looking at your glistening pussy that he imagined more than he cares to admit
and i cant think of the specifics of how i imagine it but he makes you rub your bare cunt against his thigh and it hurts but it also feels so good and he talks about how much he thought about you before and how dirty he must be. and he makes you cum like that, not even really touching you, just letting you hump him. and then of course, he fucks you properly, saying how you feel better than he ever imagined and how he can't wait to taste you later too 😵‍💫
im sorry that this is like rushed at the end but my brain stopped working 😭 maybe i'll have more ideas later
💭 anon
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This has got my brain going brrr 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
This stepdad Leon seems the type to tell you that this is so dirty and it can’t happen again while he’s rearranging your guts 🥴 and then he’s just mumbling about how he’s thought about you like this and how he feels like a total perv but never stops fucking you, thrusts even harder into you, talks about how he jerks off in your panties even when your mom’s home, how he’s done it right next to her while she’s sleeping 🥴
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jewish-vents · 2 months
Self harm warning
I finally broke down and relapsed tonight. 2 years clean down the drain. I’m not going to lie, part of it is that I’m so fucking tired of no one taking my pain seriously. I’m not fully completed reform conversion yet but I’ve lost so many friends. I have to see childhood friends who previously comforted me about antisemitism post things which imply or state I deserve it. That my pain doesn’t matter. My pain isn’t real and maybe it never was.
My partner won’t take it seriously, they keep telling me “they don’t know what they’re saying. They dont mean you. Just talk to them.” I CAN’T. I’ve already had the ones I tried talking to tell me my pain is lesser. Me getting called slurs and told i have no culture, that i’m either the worst kind of white person or that I’m not white but nothing else either. A third worst thing. Saying I want peace for everyone in the region somehow translates to saying I want ethic supremacy and I’ve never faced “true” racism?
My jewish family and I have no contact right now. My local community is on lockdown or packing up. I can’t see anything about Judaism or Jewish people or politics without feeling like I’m about to have a heart attack with a stone crushing my chest. I can’t go anywhere online and I’m terrified to leave my house. My queer “support” is gone so I’m practically closeted again. Everything I tried to build up or wanted is gone or changed because of some fucking countries I don’t live in.
Maybe if my pain is visible people will give a shit, maybe at least if I can point to my new scars and go “this is how antisemitism affects me.” I can at least make them uncomfortable and fuck off. They’re screaming for my blood anyways. The physical pain is a distraction from the mental pain. I’m sorry this is heavy but I can’t stop angry crying. I’ve been dissociating and trying to be good and unwavering. I coudl’mt do it anymore.
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meowzilla93 · 2 months
this is a rant, vent, jumble of words im feeling and need to get it out of my system because im a little done
please scroll along if you dont wanna read, or dont, i dont control you
it never ceases to amaze me just how cruel people in fandoms can be. cruel, mean, hyprocritical, straight up dumb.
dont get me wrong, these people are a minority. i have found myself amongst the best sort of people in fandoms i am a part of and couldnt be happier for the friendships i have made from them.
but this incredibly loud minority piss me off to no end. i stay away from any sort of discourse, silently watching from the background and watch thing blow up over trivial matters, and then learn who to avoid in those circles and move on with my life
but when i see, what i consider to be blatant bullying, to someone i hold dear, i dont want to be quiet anymore. im not a loud figure, im a tiny blog that loves to simp over 2d characters, a tiny stream channel that i interact with like minded people. and i mean i am TINY, im barely a blip on this wide web. so anything i say, it doesnt go anywhere, so still, i stay silent until i cant anymore.
so lets get to the crux of the matter.
if you dont like a character, you dont get to make others feel bad about liking them. i dont care if you think they are problematic, if you dont like their story, their look, or simply the fact that they exist
you dont get to make someone feel bad for finding a connection with them and loving them
you dont get to attack them about liking the character, passively or aggressively, you dont get to make fun of them and any of the work they do around them. you have no right to take it upon yourself and make someone feel like they dont belong just because they like a character that you dont
if you dont like the character, dont fucking interact, its that bloody simple. scroll away. mute the tag, mute the channel, whatever. just walk away
interacting with someones content for the pure purpose to make fun of it is cruel. you are making it public that you want to demean the person for what they enjoy. and the worst thing is, if you catch the attention of the younger audience, they learn that they get to act that way, and this kind of online activity only gets worse
it already has gotten worse. man, im a millenial and i thought keyboard warriors when i was in highschool and older where bad. these days the younger generation feel justified to think that they can say whatever they want and suffer no consequences of those actions. i see it in so many fandom discourses. its horrible
but they learn from the worst of us on the internet. the more they see the cruel interactions, the more they think its okay to act that way. and without a doubt, fandoms will end up being incredibly toxic environments that people wont feel comfortable to exist in anymore.
every fandom has a toxic space, its unfortunate but it is true. i wish it wasnt
and the smaller the fandom, the louder this toxic group is
it just fucking sucks. and watching people i care about be treated so badly hurts because all i can do is be their support. an ear, a shoulder, just someone they can vent to. but it doesnt stop the fact that they got hurt and i cant do anything about it
god i dont even know what this even turned into. im tired, im upset, im just so frustrated.
why cant people just be nice?
if you managed to read all the way down here, man i applaud you. that was a great mess of thoughts, i still have many more but at this point i feel like i would be repeating myself
please, just. be kind guys. its not that hard, i swear it
to all my moots, honestly, i love you guys. seeing all your work and love you put into your creations gives me life and brightens my day. dont ever stop loving your craft and your fav characters just because someone decided to be a prick.
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eatpoopstaymad23 · 8 months
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Hello !!! I wrote this original on wattpad but then I realized that no one really uses that app anymore (no one as in me) so I'm gonna post this on here too ! I hope someone enjoys this so I can get motivated on writing more parts to this story or maybe even to different stuff because I have so many ideas !!
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"Please Y/N! I have this mission I have to do while Megumi and Tsumiki are off for winter break, and I need someone to babysit them while I'm away." Satoru begged, he's currently on his knees holding your legs. "No Satoru, I just got finished with the annoying exams I had to do. Its time for me to relax, and besides YOU'RE the one that decided to take these kids in, which means YOU have to take care of them." You spat. You then kick him in the stomach making him fly across the room dramatically. "Oowww" Satoru pouts on the floor, then you see his blue eyes widen. He gets up from the floor and now has a evil smirk on his face,"what if I pay you 100 dollars a day when im gone while you're babysitting them?"
"Make that 100 dollars an hour and you've got yourself a deal." You respond back with a grin now on your face. "fine, deal." Gojo rolls his eyes while walking to the front entrance of your apartment "Megumi doesn't feel comfortable when he has to sleep at somebody else's place so you're gonna have to stay with him and Tsumiki at my place for about maybe 5 days, im sure the mission won't be to long." He assured while getting up from the floor "come over at my place at 7am, I'll be waiting." Gojo said with a smile while closing the door of my apartment. 'I can't believe I just agreed to babysitting some kids while I'm on break from school' you say to yourself while going into your bedroom to start packing for probably the worst 5 days you're gonna experience.
You're asleep in your comfortable bed all bundled up in your soft gray blanket till you hear a loud knock coming from the front door of your apartment.
"Y/N YOU BETTER NOT BE ASLEEP!! YOU WHERE SUPPOSED TO COME TO MY APARTMENT AT 7!!" You hear coming outside of your apartment, you groan loudly knowing it's your ex classmate most likely with the kids that you told him you'd babysit. 'Why the hell did I choose to babysit some kids', you scold yourself while getting up and going to your closet to put on a bra under the shirt you wear as your pajama shirt. You walk tiredly do the front door and open it slightly to be met with the one and only Gojo Satoru with two little kids. One looked upset and annoyed while the other one looked happy, both where holding onto gojo's hands.... well one of them was trying to release his hand from gojos grip "CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF, Y/N?!" Satoru looked down at you with an angry expression plastered onto his face, "Jesus Satoru, its to early to hear your annoying voice" you mumbled while rubbing your left eye with your left hand, "well I wouldn't be yelling if you weren't so irresponsible!" Satoru barked back when you open your apartment door letting Satoru and the kids in. "Says the one who forgot to pick Tsumiki and I up from school 3 times in a row" the little boy uttered under his breath "Megumi dont say that! Mr. Gojo is trying his best!" The little girl told the little boy. You look down at the two kids then back up at gojo with an eyebrow raised and arms crossed, Satoru laughs nervously while he scratches the back of his head looking anywhere and everywhere but your face. "Anyways... Megumi, Tsumiki this is my friend I was telling you about yesterday during dinner, her names L/n Y/n and she's going to be looking after you two while I'm away." Gojo kneels down to the kids level, "hellooo" you chirp, waving at the little kids with a smile. "HIII MY NAMES TSUMIKI AND HIS NAME IS MEGUMI-" "she knows what are names are, he just told her dummy" "I was just trying to be nice, you should try being nice Megumi" the two kids bicker back and forth.
"Here's the key to my apartment, I dont think there allergic to anything..." Satoru gets up from the kneeling postion and hands you the key while saying bye to Tsumiki and Megumi. He then faces you and tells you Goodluck while you're looking down at the key he gave you, once you realize he hasn't left your apartment you look back up at him confused "...what?" You question him, he pouts and responds "Aren't you supposed to say 'be safe Satoru, I'll miss you!!'" He screamed in a high pitch anime girl voice while repadilty blinking his eyes big blue eyes at you. "...no, now get out grandpa." You look at him disgusted. Satoru then pouts and leaves your apartment, shutting the front door.
'Okay, this is gonna be fine. If Satoru can do this then so can I!' You say to yourself looking at door then at the kids.... "where'd your sister go?" I ask the little boy with black hair "...I dont know." A awkward silence soon falls, then you speak. "Its fine, uhm why don't you sit on the couch there's a remote on the coffee table. I just have to get ready then we can go head to gojo's" you say walking to your small living room, Megumi following not that far behind you. He goes to sit down on the couch. After that you head to your bedroom shutting the door "Do you and Mr. Gojo go to school together Miss. L/N!?" You yelp when you hear a voice coming from my bathroom. You soon realize its Tsumiki by the high pitch voice, You walk to your bathroom finding Tsumiki on her tippy toes while trying to wash her hands "we use to be classmates last year but I left the school" you tell her while handing a towel to her to dry her hands off. "So you two are like BFF's?!" She says with her adorable smile looking at me with her brown eyes, I laugh then respond "God no, im friends with one of his friends." she looks at me confused once I answer her question, "Mr. Gojo doesn't have any friends... unless you're talking about Miss. Shoko, but she told me hes not her friend. She says hes her classmate". I start brushing my teeth then laugh while the toothbrush is still in my mouth "I guess I'm his classmates friend" Tsumiki smiles at me than laughs "I guess so... Mr. Gojo is a very lonely guy. do you want to be his friend Miss. L/N?" she asks me while she's putting the towel I gave her on the counter. I stare at her through the mirror thats in my bathroom, then I soon smile giving her a so so handmotion with one of my hands while the other is still brushing my teeth, she smiles at my answer then skips away opening the door to my bedroom then once she's out she closes it.
Once im done getting ready I get my backpack filled with all the stuff I need for the five days. Closing my door I head to the living room where I find both the kids watching TV. "Alright let's head out!" I tell them both with a smile, Megumi turns off the TV and heads to the front door to put on his shoes, Tsumiki also heads to the door but kneels down to help megmui put on his shoes "I can do it myself Rsumiki, im not a baby." Megumi tuggs his feet with his shoes on away from Tsumiki, he then trys to tye his laces but fails miserably, "can I do it now?" Tsumiki ask, causing megmi to mumble and moves his feet back to Tsumiki. I smile softly at the scene, soon we all head out to Gojo's place. Once I open the door to his apartment tsumiki runs to the kitchen and opens the fridge "Megumi, come! The jello is done!", Megumi rolls his eyes but heads over to the fridge. I take off my shoes and head to the kitchen, finding a huge mess of pots, pans, plates, and cups over flow the sink while there's candy wrappers all over the counters. I make a grossed out face, "how often does gojo clean the kitchen guys?" I ask the kids while taking out a a trash bag from the pantry. "Tck, he never cleans. Its always me or Tsumiki that has to", I grumble slightly "Who the does this jackass think he is...?" "i know right. He's so annoying" Megumi replies back to my comment while watching tsumiki take out the jello from the fridge "MISS. L/N CAN YOU CUT SOME FOR ME AND MEGUMI SO WE CAN EAT LUNCH?!" "Jesus Tsumiki, shes right there you don't have to yell." Megumi tells his sister "first of all you can call me y/n, and second of all why don't I make you two something like...oh curry and rice? I use to make that all the time for Satoru and Shoko" Megumi and Tsumiki stare up at me confused, "you can cook?" Megumi ask. "Yeah... wait, does gojo for real feed you two only sweets?" I look down at them shock "Mr. Gojo says that he only likes sweet food, thefore we only eat sweet food." Tsumiki tells me while putting the jello back in the fridge. 'Are these kids for real. wait no... IS GOJO FOR REAL?? IS HE AN IDIOT? Why the fuck am I even surprised, I should've expected this. Poor kids...' "wellllll, thankfully Gojo the grandpa is not here, so that means its time to eat some actual food!" Tsumiki laughs at the name I called gojo while, Megumi smiles slightly up at me "first I have to clean this mess, he didn't clean" I tell them while looking around the kitchen flowing slightly "we can help!" Tsumiki tells me, she runs to a closet bringing back a broom and some clorax wipes. "Well let's start cleaning!"
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okkalo · 1 year
could u do a scenario with kunigami and a reader who has a perfectionist mindset and ends up breaking down bc they dont feel pretty or smart enough? i’ve honestly been feeling like shit for not feeling perfect and i just want my comfort character to help me escape </3
if u need more inspiration listen to pretty hurts by beyonce
hi anon! i tried to write this one as fast as i could after the previous request for u..i hope ur feeling somewhat better!! just in case no one has told u recently im soso proud of you and you can get through this! i hope u enjoy,, lots of love 🫶🩷
character: kunigami
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- kunigami had gotten used to your perfectionist attitude
- in fact, he barely struggled getting used to it
- he was always there to try to comfort you or take your mind off of whatever was bothering you
- he definitely struggled with reassurance at first, however. he actually still isn’t good at it
- he’s only good when you start degrading yourself and his mind just kinda takes over
- if you ever tried to brush him off with an “i’m okay” he would definitely back off
- he would instead try to do other things for you, such as getting your favorite food or making sure to pull you in to rest on his chest
- if u did brush him off he’ll probably learn not to comfort you that way and won’t really approach you, he just continues doing stuff that would hopefully make your day better
- all of that aside he actually loves your perfectionist side
- he loves the way you continue to strive to be better
- mostly because he can relate, he has to work hard to be everyone’s hero!!
- he tries to help if he can too
- he feels as if it’s his role as your boyfriend
- he also thinks your beautiful
- duh, you might be thinking. but he always tries to remind you with some sort of compliment
- he’s just as bad as giving compliments as he is at receiving though! so be patient
- but back to the moment you breakdown
- he’s probably not the best at detecting how stressed you are
- he didn’t even notice. he only knew when he saw you crying in bed while looking at your phone
“y/n?” your name rolled out of his mouth with worry, catching the attention of your widened teary eyes. “y/n, what’s wrong?” the question immediately left him once his concerned eyes met yours. he dropped his bag on the ground, his long legs extending to reach you fast and pull you into a comforting hug.
his heart broke at your released sobs and the way your body slumped into his, your hands clawing at the fabric of his shirt in desperate need of comfort. his finger pads gently made their way to your scalp, each spread out to gently massage your skin. he felt stupid, unable to come up with any comforting words at the moment and only being able to hold you close. he wanted to do more, he wanted you to feel better.
once your sobs lessened and you finally gained confidence in your voice you started sputtering what was weighing your heart down. the moment kunigami heard the words ‘i’m not pretty enough’ or ‘i’m not smart enough’ is the moment he decided to interrupt, not being able to hear anymore of your painfully wrong thoughts.
“hey, don’t say that.” he pulled away from the hug to lift your chin and make you look at his stern eyes. the hand still softly resting on your waist told you he wasn’t mad at you. “you know none of that is true, you’re just in a bad mental state right now to see. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve seen, and you aren’t anywhere close to dumb. you’re damn near perfect.” he stated, confident in each word he was saying while making sure to hold eye contact throughout the whole time.
“come on, take a bath with me and once we get back you’ll have to tell me who made you feel that way.” he gently took your hands, pulling you off the bed with him. once you were standing on your feet he cupped your face in his hands, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away with a reassuring gaze. “i’m so proud to be your boyfriend, i can’t have you feeling like you’re not enough, because you’re way more than enough for me.” he stated, giving one last final kiss to your cheek before his hand found your back and started pushing you to the bathroom.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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johnnyslvr · 13 days
I wanted to try shifting around a year ago but it never worked, could you give me some tips please??? Thank you 💗
Shifting tips !! °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
from someone who has minishifted >_<
(Please ask me questions, I love talking with you guys :3)
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I would just wanna start off and say that these tips have helped me minishift, your journey may be different so if these don’t work please don’t feel discouraged. At the end of the day you either shift or YOU give up.
Starting point 🗝️⋆。𖦹°‧★
Do you truly want to shift?
Do you intend to wake up in your Dr? Attempt to shift and know that your Dr is where you are going to go. What I’ve seen most people who want to “shift” are still afraid of the concept, you can’t trust yourself that you will shift if you still don’t know if you even want to shift.
Shifting Tips 🗝️⋆。𖦹°‧★
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TAKE BREAKS , take breaks if you feel you aren’t getting anywhere. Whether it means for a day or two or for weeks. Don’t over stress yourself if you truley don’t feel like shifting. I know we get elicited and want to shift every night, but if you feel drained it’s okay to take breaks. ꩜ .ᐟ
DONT OVERCOMPLICATE IT, you dont have to drink 2 gallons of water a day in order to shift. Or make sure your 100 step shifting method is perfect. Do what you feel is right. ꩜ .ᐟ
EASE UP, I know we feel we have to do so many methods, and have to have a perfect method in order to shift but that’s simply not true. I have minishifted by just not following my method anymore and just doing what I feel is correct. Don’t force yourself to do something you feel isn’t right. Do what you like. ꩜ .ᐟ
ITS EASY, don’t make shifting to be something hard. The more you convenience yourself it’s hard the more difficult it will be for you. Shifting is all about mindset, what you say becomes your reality. The more you complain that “shifting is hard” the more hard it will become for you. ꩜ .ᐟ
WE ALWAYS SHIFT, everything we do causes a shift out of us. For example take your hand and grab anything, you have just shifted to a reality where you have grabbed that thing. Where then is another reality where you didn’t. Every decision you make causes you to shift. Even in “failed attempts” where you don’t wake up in your Dr, you still shifted to a reality where you tried to go to your Dr. Shifting is as simple as breathing. ꩜ .ᐟ
GROUNDING, you are already in your Dr. Your DRSELF is still YOU. You should focus on grounding yourself to be at your Dr already. You can shift at any moment, even as of right now. Learn to ground yourself, to get to the feeling of living in your Dr. ꩜ .ᐟ
ROBOTIC AFFIRMING, omg such an underrated way to affirm. When you have free time just affirm, say your shifting affirmations like “I’m a master shifter” “I shift realities whenever I want” “I can go to my Dr whenever.” Just say these over and over and over, when your cleaning your room, when your outside, whenever you want. Just repeatedly affirm over and over. ꩜ .ᐟ
RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN, don’t take everything you find on TikTok(shiftok can be so bad with all the misinformation.) Find your own things about shifting, do research on your own time, you don’t have to understand everything but knowing more will always feel comforting. ꩜ .ᐟ
PRACTICE A METHOD, shifting is a progress. Of course you can shift on your first time but it’s not so common due to how much were attached to our cr. The more you practice a method the more you get the hang of it. If you feel a method is working for you, trust your intuition and practice that method. Do what feels right to YOU. ꩜ .ᐟ
FLIP DOUBTS, flip negatives to positives. Every time you have a thought about shifting like “I can’t shift” turn it positive, think “why do I think that if I shift with everything I do. You always shift, you just have to make it to your Dr. ꩜ .ᐟ
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These are the end of the tips!!! I can make more if needed but I’ll feel I’ll end here. You guys can talk to me whenever!! Feel free to ask any questions, my inbox is always open!! ⋆˚✿˖°
I do have an outsiders head canon post coming up soon!! I love you all, happy shifting 𓊆ྀི❤︎𓊇ྀི
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