#i imagine that like in the stars u can see the letters
eir-parade · 9 months
Dreams ⭒✮⭒ Destination (DnD)
Wonderlands x Showtime Adjacent Troupe
A group of performers and entertainers that want to bring smiles and laughter to the audience.
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Ootori Emu - Troupe Leader. Princess. Wants to save the Wonder Stage and bring smiles to everyone.
Hinomori Shizuku - Knight Captain. Main Actress. Wants to be able to make Shiho smile again - remembers how much Shiho enjoyed stories of fantasy and dare-do-wells.
Azusawa Kohane - Hunter. Actress, Partial Script Writer. Doesn’t really seem to have a dream of her own, but was captivated by one of the troupes performances and found herself wanting to do the same but lacks the confidence to put herself out there.
Akiyama Mizuki - Witch of the Woods. Costume Designer, Partial Script Writer. Wants to be able to express themselves through their fashion and found themselves inspired further into doing so by one of the troupes performances.
Can also be called the Storybook SEKAI.
The main meeting point of the SEKAI tends to be the Castle, but it does expand out into a small Kingdom Town as well as a forest.
The residents of the SEKAI seems to be a mix of plushies and bipedal animals.
First Virtual Singers
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Hatsune Miku - Story Teller. Purposely looks like she doesn’t fit into the SEKAI as she is not part of the story, only the one telling it. Always found in the Castle’s Library, writing or reading or sorting/tidying the Library. Is always excited when the others come to her to tell her something.
Kagamine Rin - Knights Apprentice. Looks up to Shizuku and aspires to be just as strong, beautiful and confidence as she is. Does eventually notice that Shizuku is all confidence and has her own issues but Rin promises that she will be Shizuku's strength. Is kind of like the groups one man hype squad, but can be a bit suffocating in her support.
Virtual Singers
Order of Appearance (StC)
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KAITO - Wandering Bard. Represents confidence. Was the one who specifically helped Kohane through her confidence issue during the main story and allowed her the moment to catch herself and sing from her heart. He is always found in the Woods and sometimes in the Town, rarely ever comes to the Castle. He never seeks out the others and instead allows the SEKAI and their feelings to bring them to him if they’re ever needing a confidence boost or simply someone to talk too about their struggles. Mostly always seen strumming on a lute but can appear with other instruments too. (Appears in Main Story)
Kagamine Len - Butler. The groups carer and everytime they arrive in SEKAI, he immediately appears with drinks ready for them whether they accept it or not. Despite being the one to take care of the troupe as part of his role, he always ensures the other that they don’t always have to be in service for everyone else. That is always okay to take break for themselves and allow their ‘mask’ to drop. And if not to people in the outside, at least to those in the SEKAI. However, his advice is very rarely ever taken but by GODS will he continue trying.
MEIKO - Merchant. Unsure exactly what her role is right now at this point but she’s always the one offering a smile and laughter to the others and will totally 100% try to convince them to buy something when they visit her shop
Megurine Luka - Evil Queen. Mizuki’s assigned distance partner. Similar to KAITO, she is always found in the Woods and sometimes in the Town. Has never appeared in the Castle since she was first introduced to the SEKAI. Mizuki is the only one who doesn’t seem to have trouble seeking her out. If the others seemed to be worried for Mizuki however, Luka will allow them to find her, otherwise, though not impossible, the others normally struggle to find her ever. Like Niigo MEIKO, she keeps her distance from the troupe and other VS’s, and always seems to question Mizuki’s willingness to ever tell anyone their secret.
Subject to Change as I go on figuring out this AU more.
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
Okay I had a fic idea and rushed to tumblr to see if your requests were open I'm lowkey shaking rn.
Anyway can we imagine hobie and reader who are friends but secretly having feelings for each other, and one night reader gets a little too drunk at a party and sends a confession text to hobie ?! And the way he would come to pick her up right after this and confess in return AAAAAAAKFODJODNXODBF do you think you could write something about it ? No one can write Hobie fics like you 💕❤️
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Hi hi I combined both of your requests bc they were similar hope you don't mind. Changed it up a bit but it's basically the same! Thank you for requesting!! 😘❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), CW alcohol, fluff.
Getting wine drunk is a bad idea, getting wine drunk alone is an even worse idea. Your vision swirls whilst you watch the most mind numbing reality tv there is. Mind hazy, the smell of stale popcorn filtering in the air, blanket comfortably on your legs. You look at your phone right next to you like it owes you money.
With a narrowed glance, the screen blinks open like you commanded it in your mind. You don't miss how you quickly take it in your wobbly hands despite the alcohol warming your insides. Huffing, you're immensely disappointed to see a notification from one of the games you play to pass the time.
‘Your castle is under attack!’ it says in bold letters, and you wish it was him texting you instead. Your wallpaper doesn't help much with your pining, the picture’s a bit blurry but even the blurriness can't hide how deeply in love you are with your best friend. You remember when the photo was taken, and you remember how fast your heart was beating in your ribcage when Hobie yanked you towards him. Sweat still clinging to him from his energetic performance, adrenaline still flowing in his veins as he squeezes his face close to yours. He gives the camera his signature smirk, whilst you could only manage a lopsided smile. Eyes shimmering under the spotlights, arms bravely wrapped around his middle.
You still can't believe you fumbled that day, you thought you had your confession in the bag, but when he stared at you with those brown eyes you loved so much since year eight, the words got stuck in your throat. With alcohol in your system, flooding your nerves with courage, you open your phone to finally tell him your feelings.
> Heyyy boo thang <3
You giggle whilst you hover your thumb at the send button. Backtracking and drunk off cheap wine, you add more to your message.
> Heyyy boo thang <3 just messaging u how ur doing and also I love u so much like a lot ever somce you held my hand during pe when that ball hit my face I loveee u and not just a friend muah <3
Eyes scanning the message, a sudden realization hits you like a truck, as if sobering you immediately. The thought of sending a love confession to *your best friend has you sitting up right on the settee, moreso via text message. But before you could erase it and forget about it, a sudden scream startles you, jolting, the sound making you drop your phone on the carpet.
“Shit!” You glare at the fallen phone then at the telly where the reality stars are now pulling each other's hair like they're in the playground.
With an annoyed click of your tongue, you take your phone from the ground to check the damage. Sighing in relief, you see no cracks in the screen, but your heart falls on the floor once you see that your drunken message has been sent. “No! Motherfucker—!”
Hobie’s head is pounding from the combined powers of the pints he chugged and the loud music banging on stage. The old leather seats of the booth scratch at his jeans, the smoky and musty air entering his lungs, and the warm lights shining in his blurring vision. He usually doesn't mind it, he thrives in the environment. But his band mates basically dragged him into the pub when he was supposed to be hanging out with you tonight.
“Mates before chicks!” James said, earning a loud slap from Yuri a second later. “You hang around her too much, we miss our guitarist.” Ned mumbles with his puppy dog eyes that Hobie never thought would actually work on him. “Just one round with us! And you can come back home to your girl.” Riri added with a teasing grin. Hobie didn't even correct her at this point, and he knows it’s not just for one round.
After sending you a heartfelt message using Ned's phone, he rescheduled the weekly hangout where you and Hobie would watch the crappiest show you could find airing on cable, and whoever leaves the couch first owes the winner dinner. To which Hobie always sees as a win/win, he gets to hangout with you more, and he gets to see you smile when he purposely loses. Hobie invited you to the pub, even though he knows you'd reject his proposal, simply because he knows you hate the place, and how the carpet sticks to your shoes.
He knows you more than he knows himself.
It's hard enough to find the time to see you with all his responsibilities. He hates it when he could only settle with a quick phone call every night to check in on eachother. Especially when just a few years ago you were hanging out with him almost everyday.
He never thought he'd miss you this much when he agreed.
Hobie loves his friends, he really does, but you just have a very special place in his heart that he wishes he was in yours too.
Nursing a pint, he drowns his feelings with the amber drink and loud chatter with his band mates. Riri grumbles something about her landlord, while Yuri replies back with a ‘mine’s always open for subletting,’ she says in a singing tone. A minute later, the entire table looks at him with similar glints in their eyes.
“What?” He asks a little too roughly.
“You should get your own phone, mate, because I don't want to see your bloody messages.” Ned scoffs, his phone in hand. “Seriously, this one is sweet and all but this could take a turn real fucking quick, and I don't want to see that shit.”
“What the fuck are you talkin' ‘bout?” Hobie doesn't think he's that drunk yet, even though he doesn't notice how his words slur together, or how his tongue sits heavy in his mouth.
Riri and Yuri giggle amongst themselves, while James takes a peek at Ned's phone before making a dramatic shocked face.
His nerves shoot up when James mouths your name. Are you hurt? Are you mad at him? “Y/N, texted? What’d she say?” Hobie tries to snatch the phone from Ned, to which his friend pulls it away from him playfully.
“Oh I'm gonna need some popcorn.” Yuri snickers.
Ned, being equally drunk, clears his throat dramatically while leaning away from Hobie, who is too drunk to even win against James who's currently holding him back. James laughs like a hyena in Hobie's ear, while Riri takes a picture of the chaos.
“Hey! Boo thang! Heart emoji.” Ned reads unabashedly, the girls laugh louder at Hobie's expense. “Just messaging you how you're doing, and also I love you so much!” Ned tries to copy your voice, “Like a lot—!” Hobie has had enough, cheeks hot (not from the alcohol) he uses his spider strength to push past James, then grabbing the phone so quickly that not even the owner processed what happened until he sees it in Hobie's hand. “You're no fun, mate.”
“Has anyone ever told you not to read someone else's messages?” Hobie hides the screen on his chest.
“It's my fucking phone!” Ned gestures wildly.
Hobie glares at his bassist, he peeks down at the bright screen, your name up top and caller ID smiling at him. He can't help but smile back.
He might be drunk, but he's not drunk enough to hallucinate you confessing your love to him. Via Ned's phone nonetheless.
He feels bodies crowd around him, Yuri's chin is pressed on his left shoulder while Ned on his right. Riri pushes James away to get a closer look at the screen while James settles to loom over everyone like some muscle-bound shield.
“What the fuck are you lot doin’?” Hobie asks, hands gripping the phone like it's about to be snatched from him.
“We're dying from anticipation here, bruv.” James says above everyone.
“‘Anticipation’, that's a big word, James.”
“Eat a bag of dicks, Yuri.”
“You first—”
“Would you all shut up?” Hobie hisses, eyes glued to the tiny dots at the bottom, indicating that you're currently typing.
“She's typing.” Riri whispers.
“We can all see that, Riri.” Ned whispers back.
Hobie shushes them both when the three dots disappear without a new message. His heart hammers at his chest, he feels like he's back in high school, way back when you could just smile at him and his day will be made better.
“Just tell her, mate.” Ned says a lot softer than Hobie thought he was capable. “We all know you love her, just bloody tell her because I'm gonna need my phone back to call a cab real fucking soon.” And he ruined it.
“D’you have a curfew, Neddy?” James asks teasingly, earning a scowl from Ned.
Ned rolls his eyes. “I'm just saying, she might appreciate it if you actually reply to it.”
“I think she's drunk.” Riri pipes up, everyone looks at her. She roams her eyes towards each of their faces. Rolling her eyes she points at the message. “Look, there's so many mistakes there and I've texted with Y/N before, she doesn't text like that.”
“What's wrong with texting with spelling mistakes? I do that.” James smiles.
“Because it's just you, you ding dong.” Yuri teases, and James fakes a deep frown.
“Being drunk doesn't mean she didn't mean the text. The alcohol might've just helped her send it.” Ned reassures Hobie.
“I did it.” Hobie half exclaims, bleary eyes repeatedly reading his text. I fucking did it, shit! He thinks to himself. Hobie's suddenly incredibly sweaty.
“Oh shit! That's my guy!” Ned punches Hobie's bicep. The rest look at him with bewilderment.
“What did you even say?” Riri scooches closer to read.
> I love you too I might be drunk right now but I wasn't when I first realized it I have loved you since you gave me hot chocolate when I was freezing my ass off trying to win that stupid selling contest
“Holy fuck.” Yuri pats Hobie's cheek. “Can't believe you're capable of being sweet.”
“Shit, bruv,” James sniffs, his tears falling on the screen. “that shit is awe inspiring— don't even start, Yuri”
“Wasn't gonna,” she shrugs.
Ned pokes Hobie's side when he realizes his friend hasn't moved an inch from his position. “You okay, Hobs?”
Hobie inhales shakily, a smile slowly spreading across his lips once your message pops up. He swears that fireworks suddenly lit up inside him.
“Oh my god—” Riri tears up, but before the rest of the band reads the message, Hobie jumps out of his seat, even forgetting his own jacket in the process.
“Hobie—shit! Wait!” Ned tries to call him back, but Hobie's already out of the pub, sprinting fast. “My fucking phone.” He could only scratch his head.
The wind nips at his bare arms, lungs heaving whilst he runs at full speed. He should've brought his web shooters with him, but he unfortunately left it in his jacket pockets. If he had them he'd be swinging to your place so he could get to you faster.
Hobie's glad that it's late, or else he'll be dodging people left and right. Boots thumping loudly across the pavement, hand gripping Ned's phone, getting closer to your familiar street, he curves around the corner, almost bumping into you.
He stops your momentum with his arms. He feels his own jacket against his arms, you wear his hoodie well. Your chest heaves, grin slowly appearing on your wind whipped lips.
“Hobie?” You ask and everything clicks together in his mind.
All the tentative touches you two shared, all the hugs that lingered a few seconds longer, all the times that you looked at him like he fished the moon out for you. And all the times he looked at you like you're made out of stars. It all comes together in that dusty street corner where you both have crossed a thousand times before.
“Looks like we had the same idea.” Hobie softly says, clammy hands sliding down to your own sweaty palms. He doesn't mind, it's you, so he would never mind it.
“I guess you read my message.” You hold him close, hands squeezing at his hands that you've mapped out in your mind.
He chuckles, sliding his hand out from yours to show you the screen. “‘Say it to me in person and I'll say it back,’ doesn't give me much leeway, love.” The streetlight above perfectly aligns above you, giving you both a spotlight.
You mirror his smitten smile. “What are you waiting for then?”
Hobie pockets the phone, then he holds your face gently, eyes staring at you like he always has. “I love you.”
You pull him closer by his collar. “I love you too, Hobie Brown.”
“Since when?” He rags you on.
You roll your eyes with a smile. “Ever since I got hit in the face with a basketball and you deflated it with your spiked bracelet and then called the jock who threw it a wanker.” He smiles wider at every word you utter. Leaning closer, he smells the wine on your lips. “The hot cocoa, really? That—” you fight the tears from flowing. “That was years before we became best friends.”
“And I've continued to love you since then, and will love you as long as you let me.” Hobie presses his forehead atop yours, a kiss would suffice better, but for now, he'll settle for this.
You know him better than you know yourself. “Save me a kiss once we're both sober?”
“They're all reserved for you, love.”
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rosedom · 1 month
Oh, oh, new event!! :D
Albedo + ACDKM hear me out (hope that isn’t too many letters :P)
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you have summoned ALBEDO for the event . . .
A/N : i'm hearing u out, honey !! i hope we're on the same wavelength here . .
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✦ㅤㅤA = aftercare (what he’s like after sex, what he needs from his partner)
regardless of if he can even walk or not, albedo is first to nudge you with a warm cloth. he gives it to you for you to use, to bathe down the two of you quickly and perfunctory. it won't be sufficient in the long run—you'll definitely need a bath tomorrow morning—, but it's all you'll need.
he's a cuddle-bug, too, always burying his face into your throat. it must be this position, too: he's not content till he's got his nose snug in the hollow of your skin, breaths kissing the empty expanse where, on his own neck, lies that golden star. for a man so aloof, he truly adores you, and he is so, so glad to have given himself up to you in such an intimate way. it is humanity, the way he laid beneath you; and it is beautiful. prepare yourself for nonsensical murmurings, your sweet albedo describing just this notion to you while you're falling asleep, content in your lovers arms, his soft breathing lulling you into slumber.
✦ㅤㅤC = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
really, albedo doesn't often cum in that super "noticeable" way. he's not often a creamer, and he's certainly not like the people in pornos. 'bedo cums in that way that'd leave anybody less experienced than you to wonder if he even came or not. (it's not like he fakes an orgasm, either; he's just so . . albedo, that anybody else would think he came—that he's just as aloof in orgasmic bliss as he is any other time.
he's not, by the way.) his cunt'd be puffier, slightly, pink-hue turned more ruddy-red, and his cock'd be left twitching n' throbbing. and his voice—he whimpers n' whines all the time, but he has this very particular whimper he only makes when he's cumming. it's a reedy, high-pitched thing, but it's so, so obvious to you. your possessive heart is satisfied knowing that you can pull orgasm out of orgasm out of your albedo, and nobody else he slept with could have ever came (hah) close.
✦ㅤㅤD = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of his)
that damned golden star across his throat—it's sensitive as hell, and he's got a smattering of somethings that glitter—these little stars etched across his skin—that make him shiver, each and every time. none of these "freckles" throughout his body are quite as sensitive as that one in place of the adam's apple, but it's so, so easy to key him up . . . kissing up between each lil' star and not so much as getting close to his throat . . it drives albedo crazy.
imagining the way you could brush your fingertips across the smattering on the backs of his hands, maybe fluttering up his forearms . . . really, what makes it such a dirty secret is that way you have pavlov'd him to get hard n' wet off nothing but an innocent touch. it gets really bad when other people—his coworkers, friends, even—will accidentally touch the freckles, and, while they're apologizing for touching him and he's dismissing it, he's warm between his thighs.
those busy festivals in mond are always your favorite 'cos of it. all the people—he's not a fan of them, of course, and neither are you—make it an impossible tease to poor 'bedo.
✦ㅤㅤK = kink (one or more of his kinks)
it's less-so that albedo is into more stuff than his peers, and more-so that he's up to try almost anything. he's the epitome of an experimentalist; and it can stem from his desire to learn about the limits of the human body, or his desire to give himself up wholly to you. introducing a new kink into the bedroom ends up being a one-time thing, more often than not; and it's not that it was bad, per se, but it was simply . . . not worth doing again. albedo sees no attempted kinks as a "fail," per se—he sees them as an experience he was glad to have, but one neither of you are keen on trying again.
anything goes, really.
but the kinks that stay? 'bedo has found himself to be particularly into bondage, in most any sense of the word. spreader bars (which are admittedly a favorite, the way he's always left so open for you . . . the way he can't so much as hide his pale, pink cunt), simple bondage to shibari, and even all the different types of restraints: rope, silk, metal, leather, even his own clothes. that, and good ol' fashioned praise. he gets told how brilliant he is everyday, but it never amounts to the way you praise him even as his smart brain melts and he goes sex-stupid.
✦ㅤㅤM = motivation (what turns him on and really gets him going)
it really depends, with him. he's not this insatiable thing; most times, he thinks with his proper head—not his cockhead. but, back to that dirty secret of his . . teasing touches, teasing looks, teasing words . . . anything teasing gets albedo going. he turns to you, each and everytime, with almost no shame, either. whether or not you satisfy him—play dumb, deny him, whatever—is up to you.
however, i'd like to add this: albedo definitely cannot help getting a lil' hot between the thighs if he ever sees you roll up your sleeves. it's a silly turn on, really, but—god, albedo has something for your forearms . . from the way veins run down the length of them to the way your hands are left so tantalizingly exposed (and don't get him started if you're wearing bracelets or a watch, too) . . it all sends that smart, smart brain going from thinking about alchemy to thinking about nothing but those same, strong arms wrapped around him, those same, strong hands playing with him, those same, strong fingers absolutely ruining him.
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this is kinda irrelevant but also not but also i sorta kin albedo, so: ever since he's learned that tidbit of information about the color of your lips (supposedly) being the same that the head of your cock is, your nipples are . . well. it hasn't ever left my mind, and it certainly wouldn't leave his ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ when he's staring at your lips, he either wants a kiss . . or he's thinking about your cock.
he'll test whether or not that theory is truly fact or not .3.
27 APR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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n4giism · 8 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ break you off by sonder ࿐ྂ
bllk x gn!reader
characters: kenyu yukimiya, tabito karasu, eita otoya, shouei barou, oliver aiku, michael kaiser, gin gagamaru
content: their nicknames part 2!
ari’s note: omd guys yall rly seemed to like part 1 of this nickname series so i thought i should write a part 2😜 here it is hope u like it !
part 1
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kenyu yukimiya:
— yukki
people call him this often. it’s the name he introduces himself with.
“hello, my name is yukimiya. but you can just call me yukki.” because he’s friendly and chill like that.
you and all his friends call him this and he addresses himself as ‘yukki’ too. it’s such a cute name.
— ken
ken! that means you are his barbie <3 he likes joking around with this name and you do too!
well it is true, he would do anything for you like how ken does anything for barbie.
if you like to watch barbie movies/series he’ll gladly watch them with you too. i feel like yukki is also the type of guy who isn’t afraid to wear pink in public he’s ALL for it.
— ken-not see
i feel like karasu and otoya made fun of him with this😭
like just imagine this silly trio arguing and yukki brings up something like, “why don’t you stop putting so much gel in your hair, some of it seeped into your brain and now you’re all stupid!” to karasu and the room goes silent.
otoya giggles a bit and before y’know it karasu it biting back with, “yeah? at least i can see! ken-yu see?! how ‘bout that?!”
yukki is shocked and otoya is just laughing to himself watching this unfold and now, karasu has yukki’s contact changed to “ken-not see”.
tabito karasu:
— tabi
such a cute name for a manly guy. you call him this often and he seems to like it. sometimes he likes it so much that he won’t respond if you call him “tabito” or “karasu”
he’ll only respond if you call him ‘tabi’!!!
and only from you!! like if his friends call him ‘tabi’ he’ll ignore it because it’s special and only for you to use.
— tiramisu
the two of you were playing around with words and you somehow managed to connect the word ‘tiramisu’ to his full name.
the ‘t’ is taken from ‘tabito’, and ‘tiramisu’ rhymes with ‘karasu’ hence this ridiculous but funny nickname came to be.
— kraasu
like just imagine the typos you make when you text him and one day ‘kraasu’ popped up and you haven’t let it go ever since.
i guess it’s also an easier way to say ‘karasu’ it’s basically just shortened to ‘krasu’ y’know!
eita otoya:
— ei
he doesn’t really mind it, but it’s cute. just ‘ei’.
— toyota
he frowns a little when people call him this but he doesn’t stop them. it’s like a playful name for ‘otoya’.
sometimes people confuse his name as ‘toyota’ like the car too so!
— yoda
if you take his last name ‘otoya’ and just merely play around with it and mix up the letters to ‘yota’ it sounds just like ‘yoda’!
and it suits him (???) because of the green in his hair just like the actual yoda from star wars!
shouei barou:
— sho/shou
simple. short. easy.
barou likes it when you call him this, it’s cute and he replies to this name.
— baron bunny
kinda like amber from genshin💀 i’m so sorry if you don’t play but basically there’s a character who has these bombs that explode and she calls them baron bunny.
idk i just thought barou’s name is similar to baron when i first started bllk lolol
— barou, barou, kyun!
LMAO nagi and isagi will not let this ago during that blue lock selection games. when you started dating barou and met with his friends from bllk they were quick to tell you about how barou acted during their time in blue lock.
nagi having a fever dream about barou being a maid and isagi adding on to it with barou wearing a maid costume and chigiri would’ve done his makeup with bright red lipstick.
it’s funny to think about…
oliver aiku:
— oli
sometimes he doesn’t like it because of oli london😭 but it sounds so nice and the way it rolls off your tongue makes him melt so he forgets about that cursed koreaboo and just loves when you call him this.
— ai/aiku
he especially loves ‘ai’ because it translates to ‘love’!
so it’s kinda like you’re calling him ‘love’ when you call him ‘ai’ ugh he just loves it.
— captain
you joke around and call him this when he tells you to do something.
“y/n, could you get more of my protein snacks from the store later?” “yes, captain.”
“y/n, could you help to time my runs today?” “of course, captain.”
it doesn’t faze him, he’s so used to being called captain by his teammates that he doesn’t really care.
michael kaiser:
— micha
pronounced as ‘mika’. it’s cute, he smirks a little when you call him this.
— kai
i guess he likes this too! it’s simple and easy to pronounce.
— liebling/schatz
he loves when you call him any of these names. any german term of endearment, he just loves it.
he’ll also call you this too, and so you picked it up from him and begun calling him these lovely names too!!!
gin gagamaru:
— ginnie
he smiles sooo wide his eyes close when you called him this for the first time. he didn’t know how much he loved being called a nickname until it slipped out of your mouth!
“you’re calling me that? that’s so cute…” he mutters, all smiley and giggly.
i guess there are two pronounciations for this. it could be “ginnie” with a g, or like “jinnie”!!!
— gaga/lady gaga
he was confused at first like “who is lady gaga” until you explained to him and he likes it!
he thinks it’s silly and cute.
— gin
short and sweet. he likes his name already but he loves it even more when you call him this. it just melts his heart and he just loves you so much :,)
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luvring · 1 year
Hii!! can I request oikawa having “the great-queen of seijoh” as his girlfriend? I’ll explain: so basically oikawa is the great-king of seijoh right? He has lots of fangirls and is in class 6 AND is the captain and star setter of the volleyball team. What if his girlfriend is just as popular and constantly gets love letters and bouquets from others, and she’s really sweet and pretty so, others view her as the ideal woman and student, and nickname her as the great-queen; and what if she is the manager of the volleyball team?
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no warnings | yes u can absolutely req that. i did write it in 3rd person rather than 2nd,, i hope that's ok/what u wanted! 👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻
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never in these people's lives will they ever again see such a power couple. when they started dating it was fate. at least that's what people said in the halls while the couple walked past holding hands
a lot of oikawa's fangirls can't even be mad because,, she doesn't give them a reason to. she's so so nice to all of them and understands why they'd like him because well,, so does she LOL
^ plus the few times they tried starting trouble with her, oikawa and her fans were basically ready to fight, and that's not a war you want to fight
oikawa and his girlfriend's fan clubs teaming up. not even just for events and stuff, but if anyone tries to mess with their relationship?? they're about to face the wrath of dozens of fans because What's Wrong With You
most people are smart/respectful enough to not confess to either of them but sometimes,, you know how things go. one time someone tried personally handing oikawa's girlfriend a love letter while she was waiting for him outside, and the look on oikawa's face when he saw. woah. get that guy out of there
like of course they'll be rejected. whether that rejection is gentle or not depends on how respectful the confession was. don't bring up that one girl who said she'd be a better girlfriend to this couple unless you want oikawa to start ranting and ruining his image
oikawa's annoying btw (said so lovingly). he will Literally buy bigger bouquets, more food, make better, personalized gifts, etc. after witnessing his girlfriend's gift pile.
where do you think she got that sweater that has his initials on one sleeve and hers on the other, little hearts beneath? or that crochet flower bouquet with her favourite flowers/colours? or that unfolding love letter he wrote over the span of like 4 days? or those joke matching shirts that say "her king" and "his queen"? or
oh volleyball practice...oikawa pouts and whines, "can't i get some special treatment as your boyfriend?" which is easily met with a smile and "nope. i'll even make you do extra if you ask."
does the entire team react ranging from a snicker to a cackle? yes of course. but fair is fair and tooru does get back to practice
he'll regularly tease her but as soon as he gets the opportunity to? oikawa will tell the team to make her life easier and to Work Hard! you don't want to disappoint seijoh's queen would you? and everyone just looks at him. like be so serious rn
of course she and the team get along and bond over this dynamic. they love her!! both because she can give them ammo against their captain, and because she's genuinely super sweet and makes sure they're taking care of themselves.
GAH...just imagining oikawa telling her notes about the team so she can work it into her own plans and stuff (and vice versa .) it means a lot to them that she's working hard to help everyone be their best but also? these two strategizing is Scary. you have to just listen in awe at the plans they come up with
it must be said that she holds her role as manager over oikawa when he's over-working. she'll start cleaning up and pull him away, saying that he's important to the team and as the manager, it's her responsibility to make sure he's well-rested. oikawa asks "and as my girlfriend?" (fully knowing her answer.) she sighs before pushing his hair back or squeezing his cheek. "i still want the same thing, tooru."
somebody help everyone who doesn't know these two are dating at games. if they don't know about seijoh's royalty when they get there, they're About To. is it a normal thing for the manager to also have fans and signs in the crowd ?
also as if it isn't already obvious they're dating, oikawa offers his jacket for her to wear while they warm up and also,, maybe,, loudly asks "isn't my girlfriend the best manager ever?" bro could not be more conspicuous
y'know how everyone acts with kiyoko? yeah. imagine that except instead of noya and tanaka it's fucking,, oikawa tooru + the rest of aoba johsai's volleyball team appearing. woah. i'd piss myself
the teams may have problems with oikawa, but his girlfriend? whenever he's being smug or whatever else, she comes over and pulls him back while apologizing. there's something funny about oikawa pouting and whining when he's so renowned
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🏷 | @devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @leexshin @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @the-b-u-n-n-y @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @tooruchiiscribs
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hiii, how r u?
Most People in the Star Wars world don’t think of clones as something special since they are, well, clones; including most clones, if not all, themselves.
So I thought about: What if the crush/lover (preferably fem! Reader but everything is ok!) of tbb (+maybe Rex and Cody?) gets a tattoo of their clone number/helmet or something with their name? Like Imagine the reader not even telling them that in the first place and then noticing it someday.
I feel like it’s such a cute idea, but you can change it up if you want (if you are even going to write something for this because you don’t have to!)
Have an amazing day and thank you for feeding us with clone fics!
Oh I love this idea! Very sweet! I think the boys will love it!
The Bad Batch / Rex / Cody x Fem!Reader HCs- Under My Skin
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Fluffy/ Suggestive/ Not necessarily 18+ throughout, but still Minors DNI
He takes his time undressing you, exploring your body. You're on cloud nine as he slowly peels one piece of clothing after another from your body, his lips leaving a soft, glowing trail on the bare skin he exposes.
Lolling under his touch, you swim in that feeling of absolute pleasure and comfort. You trust Hunter blindly, in every situation. Once again, he proves that this trust is justified during your tender meeting.
But suddenly he stops, his hands at your sides, his lips had just wandered down your naked back. His thumb strokes your right hip, gently, thoughtfully. You hear him let out a shaky breath.
"Cyare, how long have you had that tattoo?"
It comes back to you, you haven't had time for intimacy in weeks, you've almost forgotten about the tattoo.
"A few weeks," you say softly, "Do you like it?"
Hunter traces the letters of his name and his CT number in your tattoo.
"It's… surprising, but wonderful. I'm honored," he speaks softly, and you can hear in his undertone how taken he is.
You chuckle softly and let him admire the tattoo for a while longer. Finally, you turn back onto your back and look at him.
"I love you, you're special, I wanted something like an everlasting dedication. Then I thought of the tattoo"
Hunter smiles, you see the joy on his face and beam at him.
His face comes closer, his lips touch yours, entangling you in a heartfelt kiss. When you take a breath, his lips still touching yours, he says, "Now I want one with your name on it too".
"You want to imitate me?"
Hunter laughs softly, "Is that so bad?"
With a grin, you intertwine your fingers on the back of his neck.
"No, I'd like that"
You're at the beach, the weather is gorgeous, but the sun is also quite aggressive. The water is great, clear and beautifully blue, as you know it from vacation brochures.
Echo and you are sitting in the shade of some palm trees on a bath towel, you just rubbed him with sunscreen and Echo is just returning the favor. He's very tender, very conscientious. He knows you can put sunscreen on your arms and legs yourself, but he insists on doing it. Echo loves to put cream on your skin. Not only that, but he does it after every shower or bath with lotion, if he has time, and you let him.
Echo has only one hand, but he is three times more skilled than other men with both hands. He gently massages the cream evenly into your skin.
As he starts to pull your blouse off your shoulders, which you have on over your swimsuit, you bite your lower lip excitedly. You know he'll discover a surprise at any moment.
"Why are you wearing that blouse on the beach anyway? It's hot like-"
He interrupts himself, pauses in his movement, and finally removes the blouse entirely.
"Mesh'la," he says softly, almost in a whisper.
His fingers glide gently over your right shoulder blade, so gently that they barely touch your skin.
Echo says understandingly, "Oh, I see, you've been hiding this from me".
You say softly, a little nervously, "I wanted to wait for the right moment to show you."
You hear the smile in his voice as he says, "It's not only my name in this tattoo, but also my CT numbers, both of them. How do you even know the numbers? I don't think I told you."
With a little giggle, you say, "Tech helped me with the number, even with the tattoo."
"Tech did that?" asks Echo in surprise.
"Yeah, he hesitated and told me a lot of things about side effects of tattoos and from it being painful to 'you can't change your mind later'" you explain, laughing softly.
Echo laughs as well.
"Yeah, that sounds like Tech."
Echo kisses the tattoo gently and says dreamily, "That's a great honor, Mesh'la, and it looks fantastic on you."
"Do you think it's sexy?" you ask, chuckling.
Echo kisses the tattoo again, your shoulder, up your neck to your ear, wraps his arm around you from behind and hugs you to him. Touching your earlobe with his lips, he says suggestively, "Very sexy, my love."
You were cooking with Wrecker and of course he was fooling around again, and you spilled on your blouse. He follows you into your bedroom when you want to change it.
"Sorry, Mesh'la, I didn't mean to mess up your favorite blouse," he says meekly behind you.
You laugh softly and say, "It's okay, Wrecker, it can be washed out."
You hear him sigh in relief, glance briefly over your shoulder and smile at him. But as you look back into your closet, taking off your blouse, you can literally hear him holding his breath.
You want to turn around and ask what's going on, when you realize that you've just accidentally revealed the surprise you were saving for tonight. Your new tattoo.
"What's that?" he asks breathlessly, "Did you get a tattoo of my name and CT number?"
You laugh nervously and turn to face him.
"You like it?"
Wrecker comes closer, gently grabs your shoulders, and spins you around again. His fingers gently glide over the tattoo on your shoulder blade.
"Woah," he gives out in fascination, "What an honor!"
He turns you back toward him, takes your hand and places it on his chest.
"Can you feel this? Can you feel how excited my heart is beating right now?"
You laugh softly and beam at him. Sure enough, you feel his big, strong heart beating wildly in his chest. Your gentle giant looks at you with misty eyes, quite touched by your gesture.
"That's so wonderful! That you're immortalizing me on your body, I can hardly believe it!"
He hugs you and says softly, "I love you."
It's late, you've been working all day in the Marauder, and you've been late going to your apartment. Tech, who is spending the night with you tonight, follows you into the bathroom, you want to take a shower together before snuggling into bed. It's been a long, tiring day.
"I wish I wasn't so tired, then I could finally enjoy seeing you naked after a long time," you say with a grin as he starts to undress like you do.
He pushes the goggles up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and says with a little smile, "I hope you don't mind that I'm still going to enjoy the sight of your nakedness."
You laugh softly and kiss his chin.
"That doesn't bother me at all"
However, as you take off your shirt, he suddenly stares at your upper arm, very spellbound. Tech rubs over the lenses of his goggles to make sure he sees correctly. He comes closer and gently grabs your arm.
"Cyare," he says, surprised and intrigued, "Is that a real tattoo?"
You nod and bite your lower lip.
Tech blinks and says, "That's my name, and my CT number."
"It is"
His cheeks flush a little, and he beams at you.
"Mesh'la, I don't even know what to say. I'm all warm and fuzzy…. I'm honored to be immortalized on your beautiful body"
You beam at him and say dreamily, "I love it when you call me beautiful."
Tech laughs softly and says, "I do that every day, Mesh'la".
"I know, but I can't get enough of it"
Tech kisses your temple and says, "My beloved, beautiful, Cyare"
You two are sitting on the sofa, today is your day off. Your feet are in Crosshair's lap, his skillful hands massage your feet while you watch a movie. It's relaxed, and you enjoy his massage to the fullest.
As Crosshair looks down at your feet, however, he sees something peeking out from under your pant leg.
He frowns and asks, "What is that?"
Crosshair pushes the fabric aside and turns your leg a little to get a better look at what he has discovered.
"A tattoo," he says quietly.
You bite your lower lip nervously. Until now, you didn't know how to tell him or show him, that he discovers it now is rather unplanned.
Crosshair blinks, his fingers running over the tattoo above your ankle.
"That's my name, my CT number… and a crosshair."
He looks up in surprise. You can see that at first he doesn't know how to react. But finally he shows you a smirk.
Confident and teasing, he says, "You seem pretty taken with me, Kitten."
With a shy little chuckle, you ask, "That's a good thing, right?"
Crosshair leans over and kisses your neck up to your ear and whispers, "I really like that, you should show it around, so everyone knows you belong to me"
Nibbling on your earlobe, he gives you pleasant goosebumps. He is overjoyed and honored that you have immortalized him on your body, but of course he doesn't show his joy about it quite so openly. As always, he plays it down a bit. But by now you know him well enough to know how pleased he is.
You tease him, "You know, I chose the ankle specifically, so it wouldn't show right away, maybe there's a better option coming my way."
He growls softly, pinching your side gently but firmly, at which you start laughing.
"Don't be so cheeky" he murmurs and gently bites your neck, "We both know you're crazy about me".
You had a busy day and are a bit tense when you finally sit with Rex on the sofa in the evening. Of course, your attentive lover notices right away that you're a bit unrelaxed. Rex can always tell when something is up and as always he wants to counteract it immediately, caring and loving as he is.
"What's wrong? Rough day?" he asks gently, pulling you close so that you're sitting with your back to him.
His strong hands tenderly grasp your tense shoulders and deftly begin to massage the muscles. It doesn't take long before you feel like you're just pudding under his strong fingers.
"That feels great," you say with a relieved sigh.
You can hear Rex smile in his voice as he says, "I know what my Cyare needs."
But suddenly he stops, he pulls the collar of your shirt down a little, and you can hear him let out a soft surprised "Wow".
You say softly, "So you finally discovered it".
"Mesh'la," Rex says a little breathlessly, "I am more than honored, what a wonderful gesture"
His fingertips, trace the letters and numbers, gently and intrigued. His heart beats faster, he smiles delightedly, entranced by the fact that you feel so strongly about him to take this step.
His warm, soft lips touch your neck, the tattoo, tenderly. With his lips still touching your skin, he murmurs, "My love."
You knew from the start that Cody would quickly discover your tattoo, because it's on a part of your body he regularly kisses tenderly to show his affection, your wrist.
As expected, when you finally see each other again after a little over a week, he grabs your hand, kisses the back of your hand, trailing up to your wrist. For a moment you think he has missed it, but he suddenly stops, still holding your hand in front of his lips.
You see him blink, he seems thoughtful, surprised, a bit like he's not sure what he's looking at. Cody looks up into your face, his expression softening, his voice soft as he asks, "Mesh'la, am I seeing a tattoo?"
You smile, almost a little shyly, feeling your cheeks grow hot, you literally melt under his curious, gentle yet penetrating gaze.
"You see it right"
Cody smirks, his eyes once again falling on the tattoo, he kisses it gently and sighs in devotion.
"It looks great on you. The fact that you're immortalizing me on your body makes my heart sing".
You beam at him, pleased and relieved that he likes the gesture, the tattoo.
"So you like it?"
Cody laughs softly and nods.
"Very much so" he says softly, tenderly stroking your cheek before his lips touch yours.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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bambisnc · 2 months
seunghan as hindi songs is a NEED
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seunghan as hindi songs!
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chogada. seunghan is literal the human incarnate of this song i take no argument tyvm. the softcore + lovecore vibes are just so pure :( i can so see him singing this to you with all the earnestness of the world in his eyes; and imagine him pulling you in mid performance during the dance think that one rapunzel scene :((
next we got ishq wala love~! cutie coded songs for the cutiest bbg ever c'mon,, and the love triangle vibes of the movie... but no because think of him being the soft, sweet childhood friend male lead of the love triangle tm but the thing is : with him you'd also get the lowkey possessive, mysterious, quiet guy AND the sunshiney one..
moving onto a black and white one; pyaar hua ikraar hua. this is THE old timey forbidden, star crossed lovers song ,, the sharing of a single umbrella out in the rain <3 the guy being like "why is your heart afraid of love..?" and the girl answering "its saying that the road to love is difficult and that the final destination is unknown/hidden" (loosely translated) siiiiighs
one of my other fav old songs -> likhe jo khat tujhe. i mentioned in my op : true love hc for riize, seunghan is such a "writes long love letters (w cute self-written poetry,,) on perfumed paper, decorates the envelope with kisses, puts in dried flowers w the letter" kinda bf <3 the lowkey playful (dare i say coy), teasing vibes of the song fit him so well tooooo
also for your consideration, mere sapno ki raani !!! like yess girl (gn) he is the type to chase after your train in a car - probably with sohee's company - and serenade you mid journey yk ?? also the lyrics. the way he describes the female lead. it's seunghan. it's him. and again the vibes of the music really remind me of him
back to like 2018 music,...... hawayein. okay but this song was really popular at my school for the longest time and i swear i thought i'd never wanna listen to it ever again - but i happened to hear it recently and oh my god./// the softness and the yearning which i think is really well captured w the high notes and clinky music :(( the ease and smoothness really make me think of seunghan.. imagine a strangers to lovers/summer fling with him except he totally is the type to get attached and track you down after you've bid what you thought was the last farewell. prob shows up with like a rose at your door while it's raining like ".. hi."
(okay alsox2 -> radha from the same movie ._. LIKE IMAGINE js screaming out songs at the top of ur lungs w him, full on vibing almost like ur drunk and mid way he'd grab your hand and intertwine the fingers with his own uff)
special mentions : ZAALIMA. he's so in love with you and he WILL make it known to people whether they wanna know or not. + apna bana le - the malewife vibes are strong w this one <3 he'd be so down bad that everyone except u and him would know about it fr,,
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notes : pushing my good old fashioned lover boy hani agenda fr !! + why do i feel like w each member the posts r getting longer.. + [m.list]
tags : @nicholasluvbot <3
[wonbin's vers] [eunseok's vers]
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nogenderbee · 1 year
I dont believe I’ve ever placed a request here??? I love ur writing a lot i should have requested a lot sooner💀👎
What about Akito and tsukasa (seperate) with a delinquent reader? I think those two are who I’m most interested in seeing how they’d handle them. Have an amazing day/evening!
Omg I don't think you did! But my memory is like on the ground and refuses to get up so you know... But anyway, it was actually pretty fun to write so I hope you'll also enjoy it <3
Akito, Tsukasa with delinquent!reader
TagList: @vodka-glrl @miya-akane @kuzui5201314 - come get your ginger tsundere~
@alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
@bleachtheidiot - come get your ginger tsundere and future star!
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⊱ when You're warm band Akito met, he either hated or didn't mind you, there's nothing in between
⊱ it's when the two of your help started dating, he started caring about the fact that you're a deliquent
⊱ if you also have bad habits like drinking, smoking and such as,he'll try to get you to stop or at least slow down on these
⊱ he's not the best in school and he doesn't like it either but he knows it's important, so he just keeps you in check for that
⊱ I dare us u to tease him that he's acting like an overprotective mom towards you
"What the- No, I'm not! You're imagining things! I simply don't want you to have any serious probably problems, that's all."
⊱ like... someone pisses or makes fun of one of you? The other one goes to beat their 3 letters for doing so
⊱ if you're female, I feel like he'd try to impress you by being extremely tough, especially if you look tough yourself
⊱ what's funny about him tho is that you can actually convince him to become delinquent himself, sure, it won't be easy but I just feel like it's possible
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⊱ being completely honest, Tsukasa was a little scared of you at first
⊱ it's when tomorrow become friends, he warmed up to you and discovered that you're not as scary as they said in rumors!
⊱ he was worried about you a lot when you still were friend and when you got into more serious relationship, he became even more worried
⊱ if you have some bad addiction, he'll do his best to drag you away from it
⊱ if you also have some problems at school, he'll try to make you attend to classes more often
⊱ he won't be focused on good grades but rather on you just passing to the next class
⊱ unlike ginger, help admit that he's extremely caring towards you and he won't mind the 'mom' title
"Hm? So what if I'm caring towards you? It's nothing bad after all!"
⊱ please protect this little cutie from all the bullying that awaits for him!!
⊱ and the two of you are definition of " 'sunshine' and 'protect the sunshine' " which is so cute of course
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
I'm the anon who requested the trans reader who was scared to come out due to fear of rejection (yes ik it's been a while since that request but I thought I should say thanks!)
Anyway, can I request Rui and Tsukasa (seperate) where the reader writes them a letter that highlights everything they love about rui/tsukasa.
Like they leave it on rui/tsukasas desk before they leave the house after a visit. Just wanna see how either of them would react to the letter.
Have a lovely day! I hope your doing well and Happy new year!
aww yaya ofc !! have a lovely day too, a late happy new year and I hope u like this !! <3
♡ LOVELY LETTER - Rui Kamishiro and Tsukasa Tenma x Reader
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If there's one thing that Rui isn't used to, it's being appreciated. Sure, WxS are absolutely wonderful, but having someone tell him what they appreciate? Well, he's not used to it to say the least-
Which is why even before the letter, he gets flustered whenever you tell him how much you appreciate him. He will always shrug you off with a wave of his hand, but you can see how red his face gets
His constant (flustered) denial towards your appreciation causes you to write the letter in the first place. If he was going to shrug you off each time, then maybe something physical for him to read and look at would help!
The two of you were hanging out at his house as per usual, although you had slipped the letter onto his desk without him seeing
After you had left, he was going through his blueprints when he saw an envelope he hadn't seen before. Tilting his head, he picked it up, noticing your name was on the front
He let out a huff of amusement, you sure were sneaky to leave it on his desk without him noticing. He carefully opened the letter and began to read
His eyes went wide as he continued to read, eyes slowly beginning to tear up as he took in each and every word
You described everything you loved about him, and even though you weren't there, he could already imagine the grin on your face as you wrote it all down
There was just something so genuine about your letter that he couldn't stop himself from crying. They were happy tears of course, but the thought that someone cared for him that much, someone like you for that matter, was enough to make him cry
When he finds you the next day, he doesn't even say anything. He simply pulls you in for a tight hug, shaking slightly as he mumbles a small, "Thank you."
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As a future star, Tsukasa will always relish in every compliment thrown his way! He loves being appreciated, and he loves personal and genuine compliments even more!
This is why he always seems to swell with pride whenever you compliment him. He'll give you his usual spiel of, "Of course you'd think that, I am a future star after all!!" However, you can always see how flushed his face gets <3
Seeing how much he appreciates your compliments, you decide to write him a letter that highlights everything you love about him. It would definitely help him whenever he needs cheering up!
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You were at his house as you usually were, but you had managed to slip the letter onto his desk without him noticing. It wasn't too hard, considering he was focused on showing you poses-
After you left, he had sat down at his desk to look over a script when he saw an envelope he'd never seen before. He stared at it confusion before picking it up, finding your name on the front
He laughed gently, a wide grin on his face. Ah, did you have something to say that you couldn't say to his face? How cute! He opens the envelope and begins to read
His grin only managed to grow wider as he read through the letter, his entire body beginning to grow warm
You described every single thing you loved about him, and as he got further and further into the letter, he only grew warmer. You always managed to notice things others didn't
He was so excited, so warm after reading your letter that he shot out of his seat, yelling about how much he loves you! He danced around his room, giddy like a little kid as he thought over everything you wrote. He was definitely going to pin the letter to his wall!
When he finds you the next day, he can't stop himself from picking you up and spinning you, loudly proclaiming his love for you to anyone who was watching <3
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insertdisc5 · 1 year
Devlog #13: Achievements and Q&A (one more time)
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, a timeloop RPG, which is also the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
LET’S GET TO IT. This month has Steam achievements news, and a third round of Q&As!
I’m very happy to announce… THAT STEAM ACHIEVEMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED!!! That’s right, the true Gamers(™) among you will get to have fun trying to 100% the game. 
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But let me tell you, trying to make steam achievements work for RPGmaker was hell. I must’ve spent 3 months trying to make the (admittedly, somewhat easy) code work. Most plugins for it just use the magic sentence “refer to [someone’s plugin] for instructions on how to do it”, and guess what? SOMEONE’S PLUGIN ISN’T ONLINE ANYMORE. So I had to figure out how to make it work with the few crumbs I found on forums. And I still couldn’t make it work!!!
Thankfully, In Stars and Time’s programmer extraordinaire Isabella Ava took one look at it and figured it out instantly. And I tried it out. And it worked. And I yelled very loudly. Thanks Isabella for saving me again!!!
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(pictured above: ISAT’s testing room, and steam achievements unlocking for the first time. Yes I took a screenshot and I was so happy the screenshot is a little cropped. Adds to the experience)
There’s currently 40ish achievements that can be unlocked in In Stars and Time, I hope you will have fun getting them all!!!
Overall, development is going well, from QA to localization to porting, and many things are in the works! Like, MANY things. I hope I get to share more with everyone soon because I am so excited for everyone to see what’s in store!!! Thank you for your patience!!! 
…What? That’s it for this month? Well, no. Once again, it’s Q&A time! I asked the lovely people in In Stars And Time’s discord to send me some questions! So let’s get going! (Side note, you should join the discord channel teehee) ((Everyone is anonymous this time because it’s discord. Discord names are a very private thing.))
What's everyone's favorite food/animal/both? Which character do you like or relate to the most?
I answered food some time ago, so you get favorite animals! Siffrin likes cats because of course. Isabeau might actually prefers cats over dogs but its a close one. Mirabelle is a dog person. Odile is cats all the way. Bonnie is right in the middle. Wait, that’s just cats and dogs!!!!!!
As for which character I relate to the most: Siffrin :) Closely followed by Odile!
does anyone in the main cast know magic tricks/sleight of hand stuff? if so, what kind of tricks do they do? where did they learn them?
Siffrin for sure knows some coin tricks and maybe some sleight of hand, which they’d probably learn while traveling… Being a traveler means you gotta know some of those right??? It’s part of the mystique???
I also think Mirabelle and Isabeau would know some basic sleight of hand as well, just because I can easily imagine the House of Change having this as a class… 
How do you write the name of the island east of Vaugarde? The map from devlog #10 makes it seem like it's M Wudu? (Similarly, how do you pronounce it?)
Mwudu! And as for pronunciation, hm… Maybe with a soft oo sound for the U letters in there? I wonder… (<- never pronounces things out loud)
Q: Does Odile have a massive collection of books back home? Are there certain books that she took with her on her travels, or had to leave behind? Same for Mira, if she has any books outside of her collection in the House.
I actually don’t imagine Odile having a massive collection of books, just because I imagine Ka Bue as having libraries that are easy to access… Like she definitely owns books, but not a massive collection or anything. She brought the one book with her (her weapon!) but it’s more of a notebook than a book. But also if you ask me in a month I might go "she obviously has 300 books at home"
As for Mirabelle, her room is her home, so she doesn’t have anywhere else to put her books!
are there any deaths that are random chance? if so how would that be programmed?
also. what ARE the gang's favorite books
No, not really! Mostly because it would be very fun from a story perspective, but hellish from a gameplay perspective. Dying for reasons that are just Numbers Said So and this can happen at any time is not very fun as a player! What about my sense of control!!! So, when you die in ISAT, you will know why. HOWEVER, a bunch of events are random chance <3
And Mirabelle’s favorite book is a book series called The Cursing of Château Castle. I’m freestyling for the rest of these: Isabeau would say it's some book like “How To Get Bigger Muscles For Dummies'', somehow I’m certain Siffrin’s favorite book is a memoir of some kind or a poetry book, and Bonnie’s favorite book is the current most popular comic book for kids in Vaugarde. Odile’s is a secret <3
Q: Are there any bugs you've made into features?
alternative Q: What do the characters think about freeze tag?
YES!!!!! YOUR QUESTION IS SO GOOD IM MAD I CAN’T SPECIFY HOW… PLEASE ASK ME AGAIN WHEN THE GAME COMES OUT <3 Without giving away too much, there’s a couple events in the game that are here because of a bug that I thought added a lot to the atmosphere <3
Most of the gang are adults so they do not think about children’s games. However I imagine that for most kids in Vaugarde, freeze tag is the new fun game to play. Maybe they’d call it King instead. Who’s the King? Don’t get tagged by the King or you’re gonna be frozen!!! (Bonnie doesn’t want to play tag anymore.)
what & when was your first exposure where you went: "time to make a game"? im just wondering what got you started 
would there be an official subreddit for the isat community? i dont really use reddit much anymore but its something that croessed my mind a while back and by that i mean would there be official support for it or would it just be supported by fans? 
whats your favorite track from the prologue? 
A lot of things made me start making the prologue and then ISAT, but really: boredom from the pandemic teehee.
A subreddit… That’s a neat idea!!! If enough people are into it, that’s definitely something we’d consider, so if you want that you should make some noise :3
As for tracks, I genuinely think every single track Studio Thumpy Puppy has made is a 10/10, but the King’s battle theme holds a special spot in my heart… And Long Journey too ;w; And that’s not counting the tracks from ISAT which are just All Bangers All The Time (pst go get the prologue’s soundtrack here)
1. What’s something about working on the game or the prologue that was more difficult than you thought it would be? 
The… scope… I truly intended to have both the prologue and ISAT to be very short experiences, and they became way bigger than I envisioned! I did know they were going to be bigger than I thought, but They Sure Are Bigger Than I Thought. For example, I intended the prologue to be a 30mn experience… And it ended up being a couple hours long teehee
with a scale from 1 to 10 how much will the poor guy suffer in the game
Aiming for 11 baby
You got to the bottom of this devlog! Have a Silly Little Picture, which I sent as payment to everyone on discord who sent in a question
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That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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addictvettel · 25 days
heyhey random ask but what songs do u associate w ur fav f1 duos (asking this for no reason) (editing.)
Hi Megamind
Thank you for this amazing question uou r SO snart.
Ok for starters i have so many more fave f1 duos but rn these r like the ones I’m really fixated on so for the love of god i can onlt think about them likr literally anyyyu other song thats related to my other fav ships that r not mentioned here just went fackinf poof so yeah.
Brocedes. I’m so hyperfixated on brocedes at the moment I think its getting really bad
The world we once knew (over and over)- Frank Sinatra
Rosemary- Deftones
Cherry wave- Deftones
These r like the basic boring classics uve seen many brocedes edits eith these songs
Moonlight on the river- Mac DeMarco
somehwre from around likeee 4:00 and up cuz thats where it starts progressing getting louder and crazier thats like the part that reaaallyyy reminds me of them
Shades of cool- Lana del ray
from like 4:12-5:10) and its like its the whole vibe of the song BUT also like im imagining a mixxutureee of angst and also like their old happy memories likee in that time i mentioned in the sonf
Omec more to see u- Mitski
No need for explaining. It speaks for itself. (cries)
Why didn’t u stop me- Mitski
From Nicos view pls mercyyyy😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Francis forever- Mitski
“I’ve been trying to lay my head down, but I’m writing this at 3 am” this reminds me so much of Nicos letter to Lewis plsssssssss mercy pls😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Orbitron- Duster
Only two songs cuz bricedes brainrot made me stop heing able to think when it comes to other duos
Compass- The neighbourhood
This song speaks to my carlando fan soul when i listen to it. GENUINELY.
Gold dust- Duster
The mood of gold dust is sooo happy carlando with also a bit of angst. I imagine a whole carlando edit when i listen to it.
Again one somg cuz uhm brocedes brainrot☹️
Fallen star- Neighbourhood
Lewis, Seb, Kimi
Snap out of it- Artic Monkeys
Honestly ik its not a duo but pls every time i listen to that song I’m reminded of them
Anythiwng- Adrianne Lenker basically fits all pls😭 lenker cooking up the most peak songs pllssssss have some mercyyyyy😭😭😭🤞🏼🤞🏼💔💔💔
The favt that obsessing over brocedes made my brain shut doen completely when it comes to ANY other f1 duo like pls. Like it was hard even tryint to think of other duos while answering thus pllsssss😭😭😭 brainrot is so real
Honesly i have so many more fave f1 duos but haven’t thought of somgs and styff to them. Its like i have a an idea of what tyoe of songs they woukd have but i dont have any specific songs likedee. I need to get on my game and make playlisys for diff f1 duos. I eill one day tehee.
Ok thanks for readinf my rant baaaaaiiiiiioooo tehee
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rustytrident · 1 year
nights in your teapot
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ch: childe
cw: angst, but it's also fluffy and comforting (relationship is ambiguous so make it whatever u want idc)
wc: 735
a/n: first genshin fic give it up for my first genshin fic!! more so a drabble but yeah, it's kinda all over the place, but so is my head so beware. i love tartaglia sm i wish gingers were real <//3
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childe randomly visits your teapot on a thursday night.
confused, you stare at the glowing portal slowly fade away, giving place to a tuft of ginger hair and a mischievous smile. he looked good even like this, tired and messy.
"ajax," you tease him, knowing that hearing his real name gets him flustered.
"traveler," he teases you back, using your alias, the title everyone has started using.
"to what do i owe the pleasure?"
"i just wanted to see you – and honestly you don't look too busy yourself. i mean, come on. why are you outside, on the ground?"
"you sap. these aren't even real stars"
"are the others?"
he huffed, not answering. you both knew he wasn't going to, but it was still entertaining to see him struggle just a bit. childe sat on the ground next to you, tilting his head up. you watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed and breathed in.
"looks like the stars aren't as interesting anymore, huh comrade?" me muttered, voice slow and gentle.
"of course. you're here, how could i tear my gaze away?"
"you flatter me," he blushes and leans down further to rest his head on your lap, trying to play it cool, hide behind a facade of flirtation and hope you don't notice his vulnerability.
"just being honest. you shine even under starlight"
you start absentmindedly playing with his hair, relishing the way his shoulders relax, and his face starts losing its usual edge. like this, you see ajax for what he is deep down: soft and gentle. rounded edges and soft skin.
"hey, can i ask you something?" he breaks the silence.
"can you cook for me? i'll help! i just missed your cooking is all"
"i don't have a kitchen here"
"liar! don't try to avoid my humble request!"
you absorb every one of his chuckles like they're your energy source. you want to tattoo the sound waves of his laugh inside your brain, so you never forget what it sounds like.
"right. what would you like? i don't have much but i can get most things for you"
his eyebrows furrow as he thinks of the dishes you could make him. it's not often that he gets to eat something from you, so a lot of thought must be put into it, to make it memorable and sweet.
finally, childe speaks up "this one sumeru recipe you mentioned in your letter. it sounded delicious"
"it was. i'll go make it for you in a bit, i just-" you sigh, turning your eyes to the sky above you before lying down completely, relishing in the way the soft grass feels under your skin, "let's just stay like this a bit longer"
"for as long as you'd like" he, too, looks at the stars, reaching out to hold your hand.
if he could, he wrote you once, he would leave everything behind to travel around with you. it's during times like these that he wishes he could more than ever. ajax imagines all the stars, the sunrises and sunsets he could see with you, how many opportunities he could have to lie down on your lap like he is now, and feel the years of tension built in his muscles slowly recede.
a shooting star passes in front of his eyes, and he thinks he's dreaming. still, delusion or not, he takes the star as a sign, closes his eyes and makes a wish.
"what did you wish for?" you catch him off guard – of course you knew he'd make a wish. he wonders if this was your doing, but he'd rather not find out.
"classified information. sorry, comrade," he smiles.
but you know, and he knows you know, too – of course you do. you don't comment on it, however, and continue twiddling a strand of his hair between your fingers.
"maybe we wished for the same thing," you joke, in a way that isn't funny, in a way that spares your feelings from hearing the blatant truth.
"yeah, maybe" ajax jokes back, and if he notices the flutter in your breath, he doesn't say anything.
he simply keeps looking at the sky for a little while longer, and you do the same, enjoying each other’s presence, and silently, in a way that isn't funny at all, wishing things could maybe be a bit different, just for a little while.
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Random the Quarry headcannons for all counselors
~ my baby the future art major
~ obviously he’s really into art but I imagine he’s more specifically into animation
~ loves old school hand drawn animation like in the Cuphead games and old school Disney
~ definitely the kid who always had his sketchbook out in class but somehow got all A’s
~ LOVED the warrior cats series and had a phase it was all he would draw
~ his little sister looks up to him and he teachers her how to draw🥺
~ since he’s the sailing coach he’s probably a good swimmer and grew up near the coast
~ oldest sibling energy idk where I got that from so don’t ask
~ I personally hc him as gay and he probably found out when he was pretty young
~ his family knows and is accepting bc I said so
~ very much a science geek as a kid I’m imagining Flint Lockwood from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs as a kid 💀
~ probably won the school science fair a few times
~ imagine tiny Dylan with safety googles playing with a chemistry set I want to eat him
~ I think she was a military kid
~ her dad was in the army and he was the one who taught her how to use a gun when he was in between tours
~ her mom is a retired military nurse and that’s how her parents met
~ she moved around a lot as a kid and that’s how she met Jacob
~ he was her only friend that bothered to try and keep in touch with her after she moved they probably wrote letters when they were kids and switched to texting when they got older
~ was probably Jacobs idea that they go to camp together so they could see each other during the summers and once they graduated they kept going as counselors
~ I love their friendship can u tell
~ the himbo of everyone’s dreams
~ I think he’s from Texas but he chugs his respect women juice in his protein shake
~ was always a football kid and played all the way through high school
~ star quarterback baybey
~ the people who didn’t know him assumed he was a jerk and the people who did know him made fun of him and called him soft
~ raised by his grandma
~ he felt like Kaitlyn was the only person who really understood him which he mistook for romantic attraction which is why they practiced kissing but she helped straighten him out
~ I am an Emma apologist she was RADICALIZED
~ anyways she was a horse girl in elementary school
~ got to ride horses on her 9th birthday and it’s a core memory
~ I can see her being a pageant girl too
~ is really into fitness bc she LOVES sweet and sugary food and she’s got to keep her body in shape somehow
~ probably loves cute mobile games like Neko Atsume and those Toca games
~ also absolutely is amazing at Mario Kart and Cooking Mama
~ soft art girl my baby
~ she was waaay into MCR and P!ATD in middle school
~probably plays DnD with her friends on the weekends
~ I can see her having an ao3 account
~ new ao3 copypasta just dropped “sorry I couldn’t update guys my friends were attacked by werewolf’s 😒anyways here’s my 6k word chapter
~ started drawing when she was little and had an elementary art teacher turn it into a passion and she wants to follow in their footsteps
~ I am an Emma/Abi believer
~ grew up in Australia and moved to New York with his family after he graduated he’s got the “I’m new in town” energy
~ why anyone would want to come here idk but I digress
~ was a baseball player growing up and loved watching it on TV
~ came to camp as a counselor bc he saw an ad for it online and wanted to make friends🥺 sweet boy
~ has a secret nerdy side he’s embarrassed about bc he thinks it makes him less manly or whatever
~ loves Star Wars and Star Trek
~ was one of the girls that wanted to be a vet when she was little and one of the few that actually meant it
~ devastated about the idea of having to put animals down or do anything they wouldn’t like but she knows it’s part of the job
~ has a golden retriever and wants to have a cat when she moves out but her dad is allergic
~ Met Max in elementary school but they were never more than acquaintances until high school
~they had a lot of classes together freshman year and their relationship blossomed from there
~ the baby himself
~ bounced between sports and clubs growing up but nothing really stuck
~ had a puppy crush on Laura in elementary school but it went away as they got older (them came back obviously)
~He lives with his dad and his stepmom and his bio mom isn’t really in the picture anymore
~ hated his freckles and they make him insecure
~ Laura said they were cute and he doesn’t hate them so much anymore
~ I see him being an animal lover and he probably takes dogs on walks as a side job when he has time
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
When u said that ur sure the ghost kids in Into the Black r trying to contact (Y/n) it made me so sad bcoz I can picture that when the Grabber left after groping her legs sexually the ghosts all sat with her wanting to give her a hug 😭
That leads to my question that other than giving her survival tips, if the kids could contact her what do u think each of them would say to comfort her?
I can totally picture Vance being like “damn that fucking sucks, he’s like the last person you’d want as an admirer”
Oh yeah, they all seemed like sweet kids, so I imagine they’d probably all be gathered around, wishing they could offer her support. I feel like if they could communicate somehow, the younger ones would be more just “we’re sorry miss, we know it’s hard” kinda deal, and I think she’d genuinely appreciate the company.
I think paperboy would talk to her about his golden retriever—Y/N would be delighted to discuss dogs with him I’m sure. I think with the others she might just like to talk about The Hobbit or Star Wars and such; Reader is really just a big kid herself, so she gets along with them.
Though I also feel like Y/N might feel slightly worse, too, knowing that they’re all trapped down there and unable to move forward. She’d probably try to figure out how spirits work and if there was a way she could help them to move into the afterlife.
She probably brings the kids some amusement, given her proclivity for always talking to herself and yelling at her books, and giving The Grabber shit every chance she gets.
Lol, I can definitely see that with Vance. He’s a tough kid, but he strikes me as the type to mostly just put up a front, so I think he’d have the “damn that sucks” kind of compassion. I also get the impression that he would use Y/N to communicate with Al since he doesn’t pick up the phone anymore.
“Hey I got a message for ya.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s from Vance. He says to tell you that your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.”
“I would say don’t shoot the messenger, but he’s got a point y’know.”
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tagged by @xenon-demon @rogueddie and @a-little-unsteddie (≧∇≦)ノ
this took me SO LONG to compile because not only did i change my username to be like three times longer but i also added a challenge for myself to use songs i associate with steve (and tumblr deleted my drafts. three times.)
i've also added why i associate them with steve because some of these options may seem odd and also because i love going off about my steve thoughts (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
put a song for each letter in your url! either in a reblog or new post!
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S: Solar Powered by Fulton Lee, Jacob Sigman
(i imagine a very light-hearted rollerskating session with Steve and Max during summer time, both pulling fancy moves while the rest of the UD gang cheer them on)
A: A Little Bit Happy by TALK
(this gives me Steve talking about how Robin sees him, major self-esteem issues, etc etc)
I: I Was Made For Lovin' You by KISS
(this is the one KISS song i put on loop, and like to me, steve feeling like he was made to love just hits different)
L: Lovely (cover) by Lauren Babic
(i ADORE this artist and this particular cover makes me think about separated stobin in the russian bunker, major angst, 5k with a happy ending -)
I: I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen
(i started listening to springsteen after reading this fic that i highly recommend, and this song just got me, it felt so appropriate for steve)
N: Not Alright by Pink Sweat$
(very big steve coping all alone after he deals with the latest UD incident vibe)
G: Golden Hour by JVKE
(i will always promote sun-and-gold-coded steve, always)
T: The One That Got Away by Katy Perry
(okay this one's a little tricky, but after i started this blog i listened to this song and was struck by a steve-centric animatic concept that would take way too long to explain but the Story is There)
H: Her Song by Kaylee Federmann
(same situation as above but this animatic would be a college au ft. Steve's serial dating)
R: Rot by DBMK
O: On and On by Djo
(i'll be honest this one is purely because it's by Djo but it's a good vibe!!)
U: Untouched by The Veronicas
(OKAY THIS ONE this one gets me it gives me pining and touch-starved friends-with-benefits steddie, the chorus goes so hard for me)
G: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen
(it's by queen, it's called lover boy, need i say much more?)
H: Holding Out for a Hero by Adam Lambert
(i was struggling and went through charlie's wonderful playlist and was like oh OF COURSE how did i miss that?? but i went for this version because it really does remind me of steve back in the junkyard)
H: Here's to Being Single by Lost Stars
(ooooh this one!!! it makes me think of stobin lamenting over not being able to get their romantic relationships just right together)
A: Ashes (cover) by Lauren Babic
(again UGH this artist sings so beautifully and this cover really makes me think of the desolation spreading after season 4 and the whole UD gang doing their best to push it back)
W: When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going by Billy Ocean
(i imagine steve thinking about leaving hawkins often and listening to this song while he drops Dustin off just so he can daydream about it)
K: Kids In America by Kim Wilde
(more of a general UD gang vibe, like the camera cuts to each of them prepping for battle and then fighting against every UD creature that comes their way together)
I: (I Just) Died in Your Arms by Cutting Crew
(once again provided by charlie's playlist after i was struggling to find a good match, like hello self-sacrificial steve anyone)
N: Night Vision by Drives the Common Man
(i loooove the chorus in this, and it also makes me think of monster!steve which we know is what i'm all about)
S: Stranger Things by Survival Kit, IAMCOUCHSURF
(yeah this one was purely for the title, also more monster vibes ( •̀ ω •́ )✧)
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i'm too tired to tag anyone so if you see this and wanna try it out yourself, consider this me tagging you!!
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HEY! I really need some help, but since I don't know many people here, you seemed like a more affordable option.
I was writing about some of the boys from Twisted Wonderland, but when it got to the Malleus part, my mind went blank. He's not one of my favorite characters and I don't do much research on him. Could you give me tips on how to characterize it, please?
Oh God this took so much time...
This is my interpretation of Malleus. You could have a different opinion than me (just saying before someone jumps at me and says that I'm just wrong and messed up and that their cute, cute dragon could never be like that.)
WARNINGS: loneliness, death, unhealthy relationship, idk this whole thing us just a huge outcry for help from him in my eyes
I also did this on my phone so... typos guaranteed.
Relationship to others
Malleus is very lonely. This is no secret. The game tells us very early on that he is being avoided by others. But in my opinion it goes even further. Silver, Sebek, Lilia and his grandmother are the ones closest to him as far as we know (could be that there is another character that isn't released yet). But no, I think there is even a distance between him, Lilia, Sebek and Silver and if you ask me, Lilia is the one who is at fault for this one. Lilia raised Silver as his son and Sebek was also very close to him his entire life. Now think about it, how do they behave around Malleus? Yes, ofc they dare to talk to him and don't avoid him but... what I'm seeing is pretty cold. They aren't those BFFs that we see at the first glance. They are literally servants and admirers. Nothing more. They put him on an unreachable pedestal and don't even try to approach him on an even more casual level. This is where I want to scream at Lilia. He was the one who practically raised these two with how much time they spend with him. Heck Silver attends school with his father! So Lilia is in my eyes the one who created the distance. Had he told his son “respect that one but try to be friends” when he was still young their relationship would probably look very different. That professionalism would always be there but maybe, just maybe, Malleus would have had a true friend. Sebek... I can't really say completely in his case that Lilia is entirely at fault here. The thing is, he has a grandfather. I read somewhere that this grandfather was supposed to be some sort of military figure in the past as well but I can't find it again so I can't say that this is 100% true but if it is then maybe that grandfather made him so obsessed with Malleus. Who knows? But if not, wtf Lilia are you trying to isolate Malleus bc if you did then congrats, your plan worked. Lilia is also another can of worms we need to talk about. Lilia said that he took care of Malleus. Ok great but Lilia also raised Silver and not in the castle where Malleus grew up. Nope. In a village in the middle of nowhere. My man just said "Bye, see u again sometime in the future" to a already lonely person. Maybe Lilia didn't put much thought ij it but... uh... he failed him in my opinion.
Malleus granny? Idk we don't know much about her but I would give her 5 out of 5 stars for the good granny award. Takes over a kingdom again so he can live normally (or something close to that) for once and even writes him letters when she is already busy.
So yeah. And the servants in the castle? Probably not warm towards him as well. Most likely just plain, cold master-servant relationship.
So ofc it's no wonder he accepts Yuu immediately and likes them so much. Imagine, accepting a silly nickname from someone you met once before. He must be starving for affection at this point.
His "haughty" behavior
I would say this is because he never learned how to have a normal conversation. This is bc of two points which the second one is so not 100% secure. One, would you talk casually to the fifth most powerful magician in the world totally normal without fear? And two, here I can't be too sure but I, once more, read somewhere that he has never left the castle before coming to NRC. So yeah, everything he ever did in terms of communication was either cold servant talk which didn't last longer than a few minutes at best and conversations with his family. We don't know much about his parents so.... yeah. Granny was probably busy with the kingdom so... can't be too long those convos...
So yeah... if everything you do is based upon ordering you might come off as haughty and basically weird.
"He is just lonely and in truth he is a fluffy dragon."
I see this kind of thing so many times in fanfic about him which I can't agree with.
No absolutely not. Malleus isn't "fluffy" and "just" lonely. Malleus is a huge possibile threat that can wipe out huge masses of people in a short period of time. Also, do you think that someone who was raised in a way so that they can be a authority in the future would be like your friendly, flower loving neighbour? No, he just likes roses but forget that "friendly" part. We can actually see this in his conversations with Leona. Let's take his ceremonial robes story as a example. Leona was unfriendly, and Malleus retaliated. Not in your typical "you mean so I am mean" way but with trying to intimidate him. Have you seen those eyes and his choice of words? That isn't your typical fight. It's a learned way to get what you want and crush your enemy. (It didn't work on Leona though bc... yeah let's say bc it's Leona and it's a completely different analysis but laziness of mine.) The only way why Malleus behaves somewhat friendly towards the player (and if we look really long at his words they aren't even taht friendly) is because he is, like I already said, starving for attention.
But Veil didn't you just say that it's wrong what he is "just" lonely. What I think is being misunderstood is how lonely he truly is. If I'm saying "just" then I'm talking about someone who is stuck in their room working on something and bc their job js so time consuming the haven't met friends in a while. But Malleus, uh... no. Some meetings, a nice "Hi, how is it going?" is far from the solution. I would even say that it has gone so far that he is a potential danger if someone were to take Yuu away. Need a example? His lab story coat. His tamadochi (is that how you write it in English?) is being broken. Now, it's not a person but we can see how sad be gets over that and most importantly, how attached he is to a thing that was never even alive. A simulation of something alive. A something that would give him the feeling that there is something alive close to him which isn't distant. See the desperation there? He doesn't just say "Oh well, how sad" and then buys a new one. Oh no. He repairs it. And, I never took care of such a pet and I see that some might get attached to it but he rewards Deuce with fricking rare ore. He even asks if that is too little like bro, that attachment isn't normal anymore. Don't give me "He just doesn't know the value of repairing it bc it's a machine." I think that this was done out of great gratitude which can be compared with a doctor saving their patient in a critical state and their family thanking him. For Malleus, Deuce just saved a living being and... how lonely do you have to be to feel that way?
I hope this helped. Have a great day/night!
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