#i haven't played in awhile ok
fermented-historian · 1 month
need to be on my knees waiting obediently to be useful, inspecting me and telling me how I'm such a good girl for him. making me beg to be his slut
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k1ttef1a · 3 months
Opposite's Attract 2! |Johnnie G.
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pairing: Johnnie Guilbert x fem! reader
warnings: none
summary: you and johnnie go on the date.
a/n: I know everyone has been asking for part two of 'opposites attract' so here you go 👐
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"Holy shit!" Johnnie said to Jake, it was the day of your guys first "date". Johnnie was nervous because he had never been on a date. "Johnnie you're gonna be fine, didn't she say that she liked your style? I'm sure she'll like your personality too." Jake said to Johnnie, trying to calm his nerves.
"I mean yeah but what if she thinks I'm weir-" Johnnie gets cut off by the sound of his phone buzzing, it was 'y/n🌷', the contact name he gave you. " Oh my god, oh my god-" said anxiously, putting down his makeup brush and grabbing his phone. "WHAT DO I DO?!" "ANSWER IT YOU DUMB BITCH!" Jake said. "Hello?" Johnnie said to you, his voice slightly cracking when he said hello, he hoped you didn't hear it. "Hi Johnnie! I was just making sure we were still meeting up at the mall at 4?" you said questioning. "Yeah! we're still meeting up, I'm almost done getting ready." He said lying through his teeth, he just started getting ready. "Ok I'll see you in a bit, byeee!" the phone call ended. "I'M SUCH A FUCKING LIAR!" Johnnie said, slapping his hands to his head. "You're literally almost done with your hair and your makeup doesn't take long what do you mean you aren't ready?" "NO" Johnnie blurted. "I'M NOT MENTALLY PREPARED TO SEE HER AGAIN."
Johnnie had finally arrived, having Jake drive him since he didn't have his license and he didn't want to spend money getting an Uber. His heart pounded at the thought of seeing you again, your beauty, your grace, your kindness. Everything about you made him scream in his head.
"Johnnie!" You said speed walking towards him, snapping him out of his trance, you hugged him as a greeting which made him flinch for a second. He wasn't used to that kind of affection but he wasn't complaining about it. "It's nice to see you again." You said, smiling at Johnnie like he was a million dollars. "It's nice to see you again too." Johnnie said rubbing his arm, trying not to stumble on his words.
"Have you eaten today? There's this cafe I think you'd really like." You asked, he was hungry, practically starving but since he was picky he was slightly nervous to say yes. "No I haven't actually, ummm sure, yeah let's go." He said, you smiled brightly and started leading him to the cafe.
You and Johnnie were sitting in a small booth in one of the corners. You had convinced Johnnie to try one of the chicken sandwiches you liked from the menu he took a bite out of the sandwich and he was surprised, it was actually really good. " Woah, this actually tastes good, like really good." Johnnie said, talking with food in his mouth. You smiled. "I'm glad you like it, that's one of my favorites but I decided to get my second favorite."
Silence fell between you too leaving you both in your thoughts. "He looks really nice today, I wonder what he does for work?" You thought to yourself, playing with your hair. "Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is so awkward I just want her to say something, anything!" He thought, anxiously. "So what do you do for work again?" You asked. " Oh I'm a YouTuber and make music once in awhile." "WAIT. YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU MADE MUSIC TOO, THAT'S AMAZING!" You said, practically jumping out of the booth.
"So what kind of music do you make?" You asked him, now fully paying attention to his career. "I make kind of alternative music I think?"
You and Johnnie were now walking around the mall, trying to find something to do when you guys walked past a very...cutesy store, which made your eyes sparkle.
Johnnie saw the shine in your eyes. "Do you wanna go there?" He said, pointing at the store. "Yes!" And before he could say anything you grabbed his hand gently and walked into the store.
You were looking around as he followed you awkwardly. You had a couple pins, keychains, and small cute figures for your room.
You walked to the checkout and you put all of your stuff on the counter. As you were paying, Johnnie kind you looked at everyone, how you looked at everyone and everything with glowing eyes that held millions of stars in them, how you looked at nobody with judgement.
As you drove Johnnie home from the mall it was an awkward silence so you turned on your Spotify playlist, but it started playing one of his songs his most recent song, 'Vampire.'
He immediately looked at you but you were focused on the road but your eyes were widened more and your face was more flushed then before. He didn't say anything though, he liked the fact that she enjoyed his music.
You guys finally made it to the shared house him and Jake both lived in. You both got out of the car and you walked him to the front door. "I had a lot of fun today with you." he said ruffling his hair, which was an anxious habit he had. "I had a lot of fun today with you too, Johnnie. I hope we can do this again soon." You said. He just smiled, he didn't want you to leave but he didn't want you to stay either, not when he was like this, not when he was choked up on what to say because he was thinking about the fact he had just gone on a date with you. "Well I guess I should go, you probably have a really busy day tomorrow." You said, playing with your jewelry. "Yeah..." He said under his breath. He watched as you walked to your car, sad to see you leave.
You rolled down the passenger seat window. "Call me when you get the chance, we should hang out sometime soon!" You said, hoping that he would call you later.
"I will!" He screamed from the front door, as he watched you drive a way.
He had a feeling that this would be a recurring thing.
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☆ this was requested by @anonymous! I know it's been awhile since I've posted a fanfic but I'm back and I'm gonna TRY and post more, my requests are open! ☆
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webslingingslasher · 6 months
okay ! okay ! i have things to say I HAVE THINGS TO SAY !
so i was listening to sabrina carpenter’s cover of ‘i knew you were trouble’ and i don’t known if this happens for other ppl but like i hear lyrics differently based on how they’re sung. and this cover was like so so so sad. and it got me thinking of trouble when peter and her ‘breakup’ (like the situationship break up where peter is an asshole and tells her not to go feeling special yk) and then it reminded me of the time trouble thought he was dating someone else right after and storms to the frat house. like the line “i heard you moved on from whispers on the street” and i literally wanted to sob because like not only is this their exact situation but like, she’s his trouble.
i had this thought in class today and i genuinely felt so sad cause ik it’s just a fic but it’s real to me ok 😭
okay that’s all, have a marvelous day <3
- 🧃
let's circle back. you aren't mad when you heard peter moved on, you're just really, really hurt. so hurt you're numb to embarrassment. you don't care peter's with his friends, the same ones you spent months around.
'was i just a fuck to you?' it's so sad sounding. like everything you ever had with him boiled down to nothing, you were just a warm body. nothing special, just what he had for the moment.
it's been weeks, you've ignored him at all costs, and this is the first thing to say to him? all his friends are looking at him, but he only has his eyes on you. 'what?' because, if there was one thing he wanted you to take from the relationship, that even if it ended, it was real to him.
'a new notch in your belt? was that all it boiled down to? i was just someone to fuck?' peter can't decide of your words hurt or offend him. 'why would you say that?'
'i heard about your girlfriend. i just really wish it was from you, cause that really fucking hurts. especially when you tried to tell me all you ever wanted was me.'
that's what it took for peter to get up, gently pushing you towards the library doors. 'c'mon, trouble. let's talk.' you feel dumb, like he played you for a fool. you've felt like one for awhile, this just made it real.
'i don't really want to. i just want to know what she has that i don't.' peter tries again, 'can i please talk to you? outside?' if it means he'll give you an answer, you'll do it. isn't this closure?
you walk out on him, he's left chasing after you. the second he has you outside, he pleads. 'there is no girlfriend. none. i promise you.' even when he has nothing to lose, he lies.
'don't even try this game, peter. she said it was you, alright?'
peter holds his hands up, 'i'm not saying she didn't, but she wasn't talking about me. trouble, i haven't even looked at another girl since you dumped me.' the calmness in his voice had you beliving him.
'there's nothing wrong with you, trouble. there's something wrong with me. i let you go, and i'm going to punish myself forever. there's not another girl, there's never going to be another girl.'
'when i said all i wanted was you, i wasn't lying. i'm still not. it kills me to think you think so little of me. i know i wasn't the best to you, but you were never just a hookup to me.'
a sad smile, he didn't move on, but at what cost?
'but not enough to change it.' peter lets you have it, he lost his fight when you walked out on him. 'yeah, i guess so.' even if you don't believe it, and it feels like bile spewing from your mouth, you give him your blessing.
'don't let me stop you, peter. just promise me you'll be a good boyfriend when the right person comes along.'
all peter does is nod because you'll never understand you're the right person, and that's his fault, because he let you walk away for the second time with that thought in his heart and mind.
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
“i miss nature wives” “i miss treebark” “i miss doctho” I MISS DESERT DUO IN THE DESERT DUO AU
(dont take this the wrong way, just, bring them back please. i need my daily dose of desert duo)
Their names may be on the title, but at this point TTSBC is definitely not what I would call a Desert Duo AU 😭 Half the reason I've been able to keep up with doing the AU for so long and produce so much content for it without getting bored or burned out, like, at all has been because it's got so much to DO in it. So many ships, so many dynamics, so many different places to play along the timeline, and I've basically made the deal with myself that I won't make myself write a certain ship/dynamic for any of my AUs even if perhaps they haven't gotten much attention recently. Because I know that as long as I do that, I will end up circling back around to those characters eventually, because that's just how my brain works. And as long as I've writing SOMETHING I'm happy, and it means I keep writing the AUs, then that's good!
I don't take it the wrong way, I know you're just excited to see them make their comeback, and they will I promise I have big plans for them (as I do for everyone 😅) so yeah! Everyone is gonna get their time to shine, I swear! I have no plans on stopping anytime soon with either of my AUs, I have planned endings for both of them, and both of those endings are a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way away, and we WILL be making it there one way or another, so you're stuck with me for awhile if you're still invested 😆
(...I mean, it's Treebark week over in TT so...)
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starshinesama · 5 months
✦ In such a lonely world, how I wished to see you again. ✦
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Your pleas were heard.
Authors note: this takes place after any regular sagau fic, (definitely imposter au). Reader is Gender-Neutral but B/N is an implied she/her :]
༄ CW: CHAOS,Fluff episode,cringy red liners
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- POV: after being so lonely in Tervat, - you meet someone from your world, - stranded, like you.
How odd, you feel like your feeling a sense of deja Vu.. hmm, must just be from rewatching the Liyue lantern rite cutscenes over and over!
previously ...
"O-OH, uhm.. im not really sure how to explain this-"
Your about to explain before you hear a familiar voice behind you-
"Your grace~ there you are! Oh? Who's that friend of yours over there?"
no… please not right now..
ugh, not NOW
“your grace?”
no. you are not dealing with Yae Miko today. you’ve had your fair share of chaos already.
you’d rather escape right now right here than have Yae miko spilling your secret to B/N, you've decided, your going to tell her yourself.
You grab B/N’s hand and book it for the nearest Teleport Waypoint!
. ⁺ . ✦
"hufff huff.." You pant furiously as you finally get teleported somewhere else in inazuma..
Probably somewhere in Chinju forest, considering the glowing flowers and trees everywhere
wow, you hadn’t abused your legs that much since the other timeline!
you don't know why you overreacted really.. you finally catch your breath. But hey! It worked out-
“uhm.. WTF IS HAPPENING?!??? and did she just call you your grace?! What was that about??"
oh right.. you avoid B/Ns gaze as u twiddle ur thumbs for comfort
“well.. uhm, do I really need to explain this?”
...You literally bled gold earlier.
“YES! yes please, can you explain everything? i have no clue how we even got here! are we dead? is this the afterlife? were we reborn- ARE WE IN HEL-!?"
“Hey! slow down girl, ok I can explain everything..” you sigh, this was gonna take awhile to explain, even you had a tough time coming to terms with the fact you were here now
“you might wanna sit down for this one” B/N still shocked and tired from all the running, lets you sit her down on a nearby rock, and thus you begin to explain
"So I was playing Genshin when.."
˓𓄹 ࣪˖
"-and then I saw you! So that's how we're both technically gods now" :D
You pretty much told her everything, wellll almost everything
You still haven't told her about your.. "welcome"
But you’d rather not think about irrelevant things right now
You gulp and nervously await B/N’s reaction..
“[Name].. that-that is…so…”
here it comes..
*You prepare to comfort a shocked B/N, and when she finally opens her mouth..-!!*
“OK I KNOW THIS IS ALOT BU- WAIT YOUR COOL ABOUT THIS?!?” You say surprised, You almost shouted out your words from shock!
“Well.. I do have this theory about our powers"
B/N inched closer hanging on go your every word "come on tell me!"
Her eyes sparkled with excitement they were so bright you were kinda scared you were gonna go blind 😨
You chuckle slightly at B/N's amazed expression and continue.. "well I was thinking that since we're the 6th Descenders that we would have some sort of connection to the elements and Celestia, like the traveler-!"
B/N smiled as you continued to rant about your theorys...
. ⁺ . ✦
“woah, So technically.. we're Indestructible like the traveler now?” she glances at a nearby cliff
"NO!! 😨⊹ ermm first of all the Traveler isn't indestructible, they just respawn- tho I'm not sure if it's the same here.. and I haven’t really tested if I was indestructible so..”
“So.. its not off the table? 😏”
You look towards the nearby cliff, and then look at B/N, she looks back at you.
You both smirk at each other
╭╯. ˚˖ ⁰₊ ⊹ ∘ ⁖⌯
You and B/N scream incoherently like 2 possums in a cat fight as you both fall down and down getting whiplash in the progress
why did you have to jump off the cliff without testing it first..!?
You shut your eyes tightly as you wait for the pain of hitting the ground…
but it never comes ‧₊˚⊹
suddenly the screaming stopped.
B/N suddenly goes unusually quite, did she die? Oh wait your still holding on to her
B/N gasped! “[Name] look!”
you hesitantly open your eyes
and… your.. not dead! yay!
instead your 5 feet above the ground floating in thin air-
“AAAAAAAA” You latch on to B/N tighter in an attempt to not fall
“HEY!! We're actually gonna fall!!"
“Oh, sorry!"
well that was embarrassing *cough
Your eyes widen as the wind in the air swirls around you and B/N ༄
and before you know it your back on the ground ༄ ⊹﹒
You look back at B/N and you both grin
Well that was quick! You sigh in relief
before you knew it, you and B/N were back safely on the ground, sitting next to a glistening Pond
(So after the initial shock, B/N seems to be taking this god powers thing REALLY well)
(like.. concerningly well.)
well, compared to you atleast
But you really didn’t have the most warm welcome to this world
B/N: "Sooo do you think we can unlock every element?!" :D
You bring your hand to your chin as you think "hmm.. probably since we’re both not from this world, how should we test it though?"
You both sit in silence for a moment
till B/N interrupts the silence of 2 braincells brainstorming together with a question 𖥔 ✢ ?
"oh speaking of wich!" "Cant we just ask the traveler about this? since we can just pinpoint wich nation she could be in" B/N points out the waypoint on top of the cliff
you flinch from guilt, but you know Lumine's arm is doing ok.
You look down at the twinkling pond, despite being shallow it has an odd charm to it ˖ ࣪ ִֶָ
You suddenly get an idea!
"hmm.. speaking of collecting all the elements! do you think we could control hydro too? It would be so cool if we could-"
"Trying to dodge the question? 😒"
You gulp a bit
"hahaaha nope! But try to dodge this- HYDRO ATTACK!!"
A fucking waterfall crushes B/N
Pfttt- wait no-
"PLEPWLRPEKEOLEOW" the only thing you manage to hear are undistinguishable drowning sounds..
you rush to B/N in a panic (OH NO DID I KILL HER???)
The never ending waterfall finally seems to be finished and stops.
B/N starts to cough furiously, phew shes not dead
"sorry.. I didn’t know it was gonna be that strong- wait… B/N!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?" a smile creeps up on your face again as B/N finally catches her breath ⊹ 。 ゚
cough "w-what??? SORRY (cough) CANT HEAR YOU SINCE THERES WATER IN MY EARS. DUE TO A CERTAIN SOMEONEE" she managed to say through huffs and coughs ⊹ 。 ゚
SORRYY (your still guilty, how dare you)
B/N somehow managed to dry off a bit, you were still feeling guilty so you tried to summon anemo powers to dry her hair.. to no avail :[
"ugh.. i think im having a brain freeze.."
"i dont think thats how that works-"
B/N shoots you a glare you know all too well..
"uhm.." you chuckle nervously
"anyway to what I was saying!! you know what this means right?!?!"
"That you waterboarded me-… WAIT, YOU USED HYDRO?!?" :D B/N's mood finally takes a turn as her ears perk up
B/N gasped "OOOH I HOPE IM NEXT, I need to get my revenge on you" (you gulp, let’s hope she forgets about this…) she evilly laughs at your expression/j
she chuckles “haha, ok ok im just kidding, don’t worry ill go easy on you, so.. this means..!!”
You both grin from ear to ear
"ooh… OKOK so how did you do that?! i wanna try it too!"
well i kinda just-
You make a series of undistinguishable movements with your hands, and you fail at expressing whatever you were trying to say
"hm.. ok i think i’ll just figure it out myself.." B/N sighed
“Fair enough!”
well! my turn~ lemme try >:3
after hours of practicing you both figure out how to summon the elements (well, two of them anyway!)
You find out how to summon gusts of anemo like venti, and a Hydro blast like Neuvillettes, only problem is.. You cant tell HOW strong it’ll end up being.
But that'll be a problem for future you!!
For now you and B/N decide to call it a day, after all the Lantern rite festival is tonight! ✧
as you and your best friend touch the waypoint, somebody in the shadows reveals themselves.
They watch as you and B/N disappear in a flash of light
“So there's two of them now.. How annoying.”
𖥔 The balladeer, 6th of the Fatui harbingers. 𖥔
“I guess this mission wont be an entire waste of time after all. Ha, it's time to report back to the Tsarista.”
It's lantern rite time!
You and B/N have a wonderful time in liyue.
Thankfully Zhongli was distracted discussing to Baizhu about his back pains so you were able to sneak past him and see Hu tao!! Thank archons she didn't really recognize you..
She decided to come along with you still thinking you were foreigners
The three of you walked around liyue, seeing all of your beloved characters faces light up in person was so touching, along the way you saw Xingqiu and Chongyun dining together at Xianglings restaurant, their smiles lit up the streets till Xiangling offered them a serving of stir fried Hydro slime.. (to wich they politely declined) you chuckle at the sight, soon you see Ganyu and Keqing discussing what seems to be important documents over a nice set of tea, you can imagine Ninguang in her Jade chamber with Beidou and before you know it your back at the funeral parlor just in time to watch the lanterns float up into the sky.. you hear a distant melody in the air, ah you'd recognize Xinyans guitar and Yunjins singing anywhere!
Just then you hear a loud bang from the sky followed with the crackling of other fireworks being lit
Your best friend Holds your hand excitedly ⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ 。
You smile, This year, everything will be alright.
I know this post is kinda late cus I ended up oversleeping, but I hope y'all like it nonetheless! The crossed out inner monologue of the mc is actually something I'm planning to use as foreshadowing for another fic.. but if your not really interested in that feel free to ignore them! Happy new year everyone! :) 🎉
(special thanks to my beta reader <33)
Taglist: @madokamagicaa @vianitry @scarletttcroww
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 11 months
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Note : I only watched Thor 1 ,first Avengers Movie, Thor the Dark Kingdom,Ragnarok and Loki the Series - on YouTube I spoiled myself about how Thanos killed Loki
So basically I only watched Movies with Loki in it
Only from other Fanfics I got a idea about how the other Avengers interact with each other
Imagine Loki using cringy Pickup Lines on you
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It's been awhile since Loki joined the Avengers
Thor convinced them to give his Brother a Chance - because Loki was mind controlled and manipulated .
Most of them ignored him ,Tony was acting snaky , Thor told him everything will be alright and you were interested in Loki - wanting to know everything about him - trying to understand him you Always felt bad when the others didn't treat him nicely.
Loki and you became fast Friends - spending most of the time together
He loves playing tricks on you and flirting.
Loki enjoys how nice you are to him and having your Attention but the others were often quite annoyed and rolled their eyes at you two
But that changed - lately you felt depressed ,tired and powerless - the beginning of the Winter Season hit you hard again - it's dark and cold outside making you wanting to sleep and stay in bed all the time
The Avengers got worried - they haven't seen you lately - you weren't smiling as much - Loki was also bothered by it . He wanted to make you smile
What got you thinking so hard ,are you plotting something Reindeer Games ?Tony asked Loki
Brother, must be planning a way to make her smile again? Thor said with a smile
She loves cringy Pick up Lines - she laughs about them every time? Tony stated
I hope for you it's not a Trick to make me look stupid - Loki uttered
How could I trick the God of Mischief - Toni mocked
Come on Brother it's worth a try isn't it ? Thor said optimistic
A few hours later he walked to your Room knocked on the door and waited for you to give him permission to let him in.
Do you need something? You asked
Want to go outside for some fresh air? You took my breath away. - Loki answered
Confused you said ok
Your hand looks lonely. Can I hold it for you?
Letting him take your Hand - you thought he is acting weird today
You know what you'd look beautiful in? My arms.
You smiled at him - amused - he is doing too much - always so extra
Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me? - Loki said proud
Stop it - you laughed
If you let me borrow a kiss, I promise I'll give it right back.
What's going on? Do you really mean what you say? - you asked unsure
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
Jumping in his Arms he whispered in your Ear
Let’s flip a coin. Head’s you’re mine, tails I’m yours.
Well I always thought
If being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged - you teased him
Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
My Masterlist
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dylan-duke · 2 months
this is for cay (@quinnylouhughesx43) who asked for a duker au, and i responded by saying i already have one but we haven't talked about margo in awhile, so here's an insta edit!
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liked by molly, rutgermcgroarty, teehiggins and others
margoburrow3 life as of late
view all comments
raina shut up this is so cute
joeyb_9 this is- i- i cant even be mad
sharon so happy you could be with us <3
ellie ok ms.little red dress
alyssa alexa play best friends brother by victoria justice
edwards.73 love fest
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mrpldiddles · 2 months
boy that i found | t.blyth
a/n: the amount of screenshots of louis partridge being spotted at the guts tour that i took so that i could make this... ANYWAYS here's another tom x remi insta au because tom was seen at the guts tour so obviously i got ideas :) ENJOY!!!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi tom spotted at remi's calgary show last night!!
user1 he's the most supportive bf omg
user2 they're so iconic
user3 i was standing near him and any time i looked over at him he had the biggest smile on his face it was so cute🥹
-> user4 omg do you have any pictures of him there??
-> user3 i'll dm you!!
user5 tom really said "remi you're doing great sweetie!!"
user6 he's so so in love with her i can't
user7 how many pictures do you think he has of her just from last night???
-> user8 probably so many they haven't seen each other in awhile
-> user7 how do you know??
-> user8 tom's been filming billy the kid in calgary and remi's been on tour which is why she said at the show that it was so special for her
-> user7 ohhhh ok thank you!!
-> user9 tom release the pictures!!!!!
user10 i'm so jealous of her but so happy for her at the same time😩
-> tomremi ugh same girl but with both of them
-> user11 right??? they're both so lucky!!
tomremi posted:
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tomremi remi played a new song at her calgary show last night and released it at midnight!!
"calgary you've been hosting something very near and dear to my heart these past couple months while i've been touring, and he seems to still be doing pretty good so thank you so much for taking care of him for me. i still have a few songs to play for you tonight, but in honour of how special this show is for me, do you mind if i play an extra one for you? a little extra thank you from me to you, if you will...alright amazing, thank you. i wrote this song back in 2021 when me and my boyfriend weren't dating just yet, but there was something there y'know?...my boyfriend does happen to be here with us tonight, which is what makes this show so special for me, and even he hasn't heard this song yet so without further ado, this is "let light be light," which is out tonight at midnight!"
user1 what is she doing to us OMG
user5 "i think that he's good for me this boy that i found" REMI OMG
-> user8 they’re so in love i can’t😩😩😩
user7 i can't do this anymore omg😭😭
remi.alaric posted:
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remi.alaric calgary you were so so special thank you for being so incredible and bringing me back to my home away from home🩵🩵🩵this show will forever hold such a special place in my heart and to commemorate it my new song "let light be light" is out now wherever you stream your music🩵
x remi
rachelzegler INSANE
rachelzegler streaming party happening right now‼️‼️
stevie_alaric um does mom know about the third picture🤨
-> remi.alaric 🤫🤫🤫
joshandresrivera it's on repeat!!!
hunterschafer the new song is so so good so so proud of you!!💞💞
-> remi.alaric i absolutely adore you🥹🥹
stevie_alaric i'm expecting a full album to be released at the BC shows just so ya know
-> rachelzegler i'm flying out if she does so remi tell us now
-> remi.alaric check your texts!!!!
-> user5 GIRL WHAT
-> user7 remi what do you mean😀what do you mean😀what do you mean remi😀
user8 it really is remi's world and we're all just living in it
tomblyth you releasing a new song at my show is gonna go to my head
-> stevie_alaric but did you get a whole album released at your concert HMM
-> user9 STEVIE😭😭
-> rachelzegler AND getting a whole speech about you at the SAME show what did you do to deserve all this😩
-> tomblyth i sold my soul to remi
-> remi.alaric i'm praying for your costars for how much you'll be talking about this
-> tomblyth all i do is talk about you so they're used to it
-> rachelzegler EWWWWWW
-> stevie_alaric YOU'RE SICK
-> tomblyth looooooovvvvveeeesick
tomblyth posted:
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tomblyth pov: your favourite artist plays and releases a new song just because you're at the concert
@remi.alaric i'm your #1 fan!!!!!!!!!
user9 get yourself someone who is a total dork for you like tom is for remi
-> remi.alaric so true girl
rachelzegler you're such a fool in love y'all are adorable
stevie_alaric um actually I'M her biggest fan you fool
-> tomblyth "the fool jingled miserably across the floor"
-> stevie_alaric is that a british reference that i'm too cool to understand
joshandresrivera @remi.alaric when do i get a song about me????
-> remi.alaric check your streaming platforms at midnight!!!!!!
remi.alaric anything for my biggest (and dorkiest) fan🥰🫶
-> stevie_alaric @tomblyth HA she called you a dork
-> tomblyth AND her biggest fan😌
-> stevie_alaric probably because you're a giant.
-> user13 i'm crying tom and stevie act like such siblings💀💀
-> user14 so basically when is tom proposing so we can get stevie's maid of honour speech
-> rachelzegler i second that!!!
user1 no cause tom is actually so her biggest fan like the videos of him at the concert his smile is always so big🥹🥹
-> user3 i know they're so adorable🥺
user5 the last picture of them in her dressing room🥹🥹🥹
-> user6 whoever took it is a godsend
remi.alaric i looooooovveeeee you so much🩵
-> tomblyth i loooooooovvvveeeee you even more🩵
-> stevie_alaric get a rooooooooommmm
-> rachelzegler i’m sick because of how in love y’all are😷🥰
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therebels787 · 2 years
No Need To Be Shy
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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I haven't really had the inspiration to write another fic. This one a bit cheesey honestly but I thought it was a cute idea. I also have another one I'm working on that a bit of a lewd on but honestly I don't think that'll be any good. Anywho I hope you all enjoy this one, it was fun to write.
You looked throughout the apartment, your bedroom lay empty and clean, the guest-turned office was slightly a mess but really who cared, as long as no one was in there, you were good, and the living/dining room was also empty. Finally! You could do something you hadn't had the chance to do in such a long time.
    Cloud was bone-tired, he had been on the road for what felt like a month. He had been travelling back and forth between Kalm and Edge all week. No one was making up their damn mind or talking to one another. It absolutely drained the poor man. At least now he's a little better at talking with people, so it wasn't as bad. Compared to how he was a few years ago, it's like he was a different person. Sometimes though, when he's been gone for a bit too long, he wonders what would’ve happened if things had taken another course.
    ‘I might’ve never met Barret's annoying ass, reunited with Tifa, had the kids, made a new family or met…y/n,' he paused for a moment then shook his head, 'I definitely wouldn’t have been as happy.’ Cloud thought with a small smile. He just really couldn’t wait to see you. All he wanted was to relax with a nice warm meal, cuddle up next to you, watch some corny movies, and just sleep with you in his arms. The thought alone made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Something he never would admit to liking, since he still had a reputation to keep.
He quickly got to your guys' shared apartment, and went to unlock the door. He was picturing you giving him that sweet smile of yours, walking up and embracing him (with a kiss hopefully), and just expressing all those annoying lovable feelings that he only let out for you.
What he wasn’t picturing when he unlocked the door, was to hear music. Naturally, Cloud knew you were really into music, but most of the time you would only listen to it when you had your earbuds in after dinner, when you both cleaned up or when you were working from home on some commissions in the office. This was slightly out of his comfort zone, but nevertheless, he walked through the door and shut it behind him.
The song was not something he thought you would listen to. He knew you for your f/m/g, something he could also enjoy if you had played it around him, but this was a bit more modern. More…he didn't know what, but it sounded really cliche? Anywho, he looked around the living room trying to figure out just what was happening before he noticed a slight bit of movement in the kitchen. Slowly he approached. What he found was quite…interesting to say the least.
There you were dancing, your sweet little heart out to some old pop songs that so many people hated back in the day. You never really were good at dancing but that didn't stop you at this moment. You were twirling, shaking your hips, hell even jumping at some point. None of that mattered to you. You were having the time of your life and Cloud loved it. 
He leaned on the doorframe of the kitchen and just watched, honestly if he had a camera he would've been recording but that felt a bit weird. Either way, he loved watching this side of you.
Once the song was done you let out a shaky breath and went over to turn off the music. Once that was taken care of you turned to see your boyfriend giving you a goofy smile.
"...heya." You whispered and gave an awkward wave.
"Hello," he replied with a nod of his head.
"...so how much did you see there?"
Cloud thought for a moment, "I'm not too sure."
"You looked like you were having fun," he said as he moved from the doorway towards you.
"Y-yeah, it was pretty fun tbh." You reply as you bow your head, feeling too embarrassed to look at him. Cloud, being Cloud though, was not about to let you keep feeling like that. He lifted your head, and gave you a reassuring smile before dragging you into a tight hug, which you quickly returned.
"Why are you such a dork?"
"Maybe because I'm in love with one?" You muttered back against his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
"And here I was, about to offer to be your dance partner for next time."
That made you gasp, you knew about the whole "Miss Cloud Incident '' from Tifa, so you had just assumed that Cloud wouldn't want to dance. You softly pushed yourself away from him just so you could look up into his eyes, which honestly you could just get lost in for hours on end (because you have, too many times now to count), and blinked a few times before asking-
"Really? You would dance with me?"
Cloud wasn't expecting you to sound so surprised.
"Of course," he started to feel a bit flustered with the way you were looking at him. It was the same face you made when he confessed way back when.
You looked like someone that was told their whole life that they could finally have the one thing they were never even allowed to look at, let alone think of. That face always made him feel like he was worth something, that you made him worth something, (he knew that wasn't how it works but still).
"I'd do anything for you, y/n." He said before capturing your lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. You both stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. You relaxed a little more and placed your head on his chest as he held you. "Just don't expect me to do any crazy dance moves ok?" He said.
"Of course babe." You laughed, causing Cloud to think for a moment.
"...Tifa told you, didn't she?"
Cloud quickly regretted this agreement.
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annakie · 10 days
I do not, in fact, have the power.
You may have heard there were pretty bad storms that camd through Dallas Tuesday morning.
I haven't had power until about two and a half hours ago... about 125 hours.
Warning: Very, very long.
First of all, I was dumb. I was real dumb. I got woken up by the cats and a neighbor's dog at about 5am Tuesday morning, but I mean, that's not unusual. I came out to the office, did a little gaming, and was going to head back to bed around 6.
I heard a little thunder when I was about to head back, and then the warning sirens going off.
I checked text messages/phone calls/emails for any of the THREE weather warning services I use to see if I'd missed any notifications. I hadn't.
I then pulled up the actual weather report just as the winds really started slamming into my area.
A minute or two later, when it was already hitting in force, I started getting notifications. I peeked out a window and holy shit.
I grabbed Fry and threw him in the hall bath. Pemily figured out something was up and ran under the couch. I spent the next like two minutes trying to get to her. Just as I grabbed and started lifting her, the lights flickered, then went out. Plunged into total darkness.
I managed to grab her and my phone... and then in trying to get us INTO the hall bath, in the pitch black, Fry got out. And when I tried to get him to come in, Pemily almost got out and... I settled on hoping he'd run under a bed or do something safe because I could only get one or the other in there. The wind was RAGING and the house was creaking a little. I heard cracks and booms booms that weren't thunder.
I was seriously scared that the roof would fly off. It's old, and was going to need replacing soon anyway.
And there I was in PJs and no shoes with just a cat and a phone in the bathroom. Not exactly the model of preparedness.
After awhile, the wind subsided. I crept out of the bathroom and looked through a few windows. I used my phone flashlight to look for ceiling damage/water and thankfully saw none.
After a bit I put on jeans and shoes and went outside.
Tons of shingles all of my yard from my house.
Then looking up... the one remaining tree in my yard was uh... angled. Greatly. Resting on the chain link fence between me and my neighbhors yard. It had taken down a big branch on one of their trees and... oh great.. the top branches were tangled in the power wires.
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In addition to this, I had a couple of lines yanked partially from my house and laying across my yard, with some of it still attached to my house.
My neighbors across the street had their big tree in their front yard laying into the street and covering one of their cars that they street park.
I texted/checked in with my neighbors, and everyone was OK. I put in a ticket with my city's utility company, though that took about a half hour to get through. I logged onto Teams on my phone and told my bosses and team what happened and sent pictures. I expected it might be awhile til I got power back.
I would have no idea how long that would be.
I contacted my handyman and he said he'd be able to get some guys to help with the tree when it was safe to do so.
I'd needed a plumber to come out for a couple of days and confirmed with them that they can't come out til we have power.
I texted the roofer my parents had used a year or two ago and he said he'd be out the next day to take a look.
Annnnd... then I waited. Ate some protein bars, didn't open the fridge. Internet sucked so I played on my Steam Deck some.
After the Great Freeze of 2021 I'd done some stuff to be more disaster prepared including buying a 500w high capacity rechargable battery, some LED headlamps, an extra phone charger, etc. I could run a small hotplate that I bought off of the big battery and recharge most anything.
Day one passed, the 5G was terrible on my phone since everyone was using it, but that's fine, still no power. Our city utilities has a power outage map that I started refreshing nigh constantly. I started playing Hades on my Steam Deck and sat outside for awhile..
Eventually it was bedtime. It wasn't too bad, though I missed my white noise. Kept the spare bedroom window open for air and got through it.
Day two the 5G was better. I spent a lot of the time sitting outside letting my big battery recharge via solar panel.
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I felt pretty genius for thinking that far ahead. It worked pretty well. Played more Hades, the roofer came and evaluated things. Helped me file a claim with my insurance.
I started trying to figure out a solution for the two lines laying in my yard, still attached to the house.
Eric helped me figure out via pictures that they were old telephone and internet lines and were no longer in use. I called the power company, they said they didn't own them and couldn't touch them.
So I called an electrician to come out and take a look. He wouldn't get there til Friday.
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The other thing that happened Wednesday was that... during the storm my cattycorner-alley neighbor's fence blew completely down in the storm. And then... he just left it there.
Look, my tree was half blocking the alley, but I was told by the city not to touch it. But like... this guy's fence was laid out in the near-center of the alley. and he Did Not Care to move it I guess. Like my dude, take some pictures for insurance and then stop blocking shit. You Could drive around/next to my tree OK, it was very difficult to ignore his fence. You can kinda see it in the solar panel pic a little bit above.
There are only 2 or 3 houses that use that alley, I had driven down it maybe once or twice in the 21 years I've owned this house, but those couple of houses NEEDED IT for access.
So like, the white truck that I most often see driving by it stopped on Wednesday night, and just picked up this dude's fence and moved it himself. And he was not gentle. There was wood cracking and the fence was pretty much non-functional.
I was outside for the whole thing and heard the homeowner come out and start yelling at him.
My next-door neighbors had their generator going and it was kinda far away (and in Spanish which, well, I am not so good at anymore) but the argument was pretty clear.
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Bonus appearance in the pic by my feral friend Peter.
About ten minutes later... they were laughing and slapping each other on the back. I had to leave before it was all over but it was an entertaining few minutes.
That night I went to my buddy Eric's place. He let me store my meds in his fridge, throw a protein shake in there to cool as well. He let me leave my Steam Deck charger there to charge and lent me his phone charger.
I stopped and got fast food for the first time in awhile on the way home. Grilled chicken, but still. I was tired of plain Protein food.
Thursday it was overcast. But it looked like a HUGE number of people had gotten power back in the last two days so I was hopeful.
Got some well wishes and funny memes in Teams when I didn't make our Thursday staff meeting.
And then it started raining at 10 and didn't stop til 4.
Not a lot got done that day. From the city or from me. There wasn't much to do. I mostly sat/laid in bed. Played Hades a little, but mostly scrolled Reddit and checked my city's Twitter.
Two great things happened not long after though. First, my boss told me that he and his boss had talked and told me not to put in PTO for this week. It was out of my hands, they didn't want me to stress about it. I just got the week for free. I love a lot of things about my job, tbh.
I'll be honest, I'd started feeling pretty low that day as the rain went on and I knew that not much was getting done in the city. Most people who live here have municipal power, including me, so I just kept refreshing the map and taking screenshots two or three times day so I could see progress. I cried when my boss told me that, it was so kind and such a relief.
And then, an hour or so later, the Conviction happened, 34 for 45... it turned out to be a pretty great day after all.
And our across the street neighbors got their power on Thursday night! I was very happy for them, but sad ours didn't come with it. I knew for sure the Tree was the problem.
On the way to Eric's I saw work trucks in my neighborhood for the first time. I took pictures and texted both sides of my next-door neighbors. They didn't come to my house, though.
I left my big battery at Eric's overnight to charge since it couldn't solar charge. I also went to Sonic and got a Big Bag of Ice and a little food I did not enjoy. But the ice kept the freezer at refrigerator temperatures and I filled all my smaller thermal mugs with ice, so I had cold water with no worries from then on out.
By then I'd maxed out my Data plan for the month and the rest of the data would be free, 5G was working great by then, so I just watched the Taskmaster Season Finale and TMAustralia S2 E2... ending the night on a high note.
Until it rained for several hours at night and my across-the-alley neighbor let their dog bark for two hours straight because its terrified of lightning.
Surely, I thought, today would be the day.
I was wrong.
Anyway, Friday I had an electrician out to the house. The city twitter said that if there was damage to the meter, that we had to get that fixed first. I had also been hoping he could help fix the two downed cable/phone lines running through my yard and all yanked out at the house.
First, he said that my power lines are completely fine. He also took a look at my neighbors who's yard my tree is in and he said theirs are fine, too. He also said he couldn't help with the lines, but to call my phone company. I've literally never had a landline, at this house, he said to try Verizon since they serviced the area when I bought the house.
Kindly, since he did no actual work and said I had enough to deal with, he didn't charge me. I plan on giving him some work later, anyway.
Called Verizon, they no longer operate in Texas.
I called my current internet provider, they have someone coming out this Wednesday, hopefully they can fix them. And by fix I mean just remove completely.
It's a mess. And still Like That.
Well that was a project that took like half the day. At least it was something to do.
When he left, I went to Eric's and spent about an hour working. Convenient since Eric and I work at the same place. We've worked together at four jobs since 2020. Basically my career path is "Eric finds job, Eric convinces people to hire Tori". We met at the first job in 2020. He left in 2006, I stayed. In 2012 he got me a job that we were both at from 2012 to 2018. I had a job I got WITHOUT his help 2018 to 2020, and then he and our old boss got me a job where they were. Then Eric left job #3 and in 2023 got me to move over to where we are now. He also lives like a mile away.
So after working I got lunch, got to keep the leftovers in the freezer-fridge, and cleaned out the fridge a bit. I need to do more of that. It's super annoying because trash day is Tuesday and ours didn't get picked up on Storm Day Tuesday so now my trash can is very full and I don't feel like I can put any more fridge stuff in there. Bleh.
I truly cannot think of anything else that happened Friday. It was in the high 80's and I mostly just closed up the house early (because it's actually well insulated) and stayed in bed all day refreshing Reddit.
I went back to Eric's that night to swap batteries and grab a protein shake I'd put in his fridge and on the way out there were a ton of work trucks in our neighborhood. I took pics. I texted people, I showed Eric and his family, I was SO excited.
SURELY, I thought, Saturday would be our day for power. The power outage map said all of the big outages were taken care of, there were just a couple of medium sized ones left and a bunch of small ones like ours... about 5 - 10 house outages. The nicer neighborhood to the west now had NO outages big or small, and there was ONE small outage in the north side of our neighborhood now (also nicer than our side. Hmmm...) THIS was surely OUR DAY.
I spent a couple of hours that day out of the house. I met my friend Stephen for lunch and to loan him a bunch of D&D stuff halfway between his house and mine.
When I left my house to meet him it just started raining.
I drove up to meet him in the rain. It rained the entire hour+ we were in the restaurant. It rained most of the way home.
Not much got done in the nearly 3 hours I was gone.
I got home and drove around the neighborhood when it hadn't been raining in awhile looking for work trucks and there were none.
I'd gotten like 4, maybe 5 hours of sleep every night that week.
I was hot, tired and exhausted. I felt very... done.
I looked for work trucks when I left to go to Eric's and only saw a couple of brush clearing trucks trimming trees in an area that had no outages.
I was tired, y'all. Real low energy when I got to Eric's. They were really nice to me.
I went home, got more Sonic ice and cried as I refilled the stuff in the freezer with it.
Pretended I felt fine when I gave my updates to friends and family that night and that all was well. Truly, I didn't feel all that well. And there was one friend kinda snarky, saying more or less that I was soft and asking why I didn't go to a hotel. I was just like... find me a nearby hotel where I can take my cats and OK. Maybe. I'd looked into a few. Then he wanted me to abandon my cats there and just go myself.
No, I don't think I'll do that. I wasn't even whining in that chat, just giving updates as to the power situation in the city and me specifically. Pretty rankled about that still.
But I didn't feel like arguing, I didn't feel like gaming. I just caught up on Hacks, glad that even after maxing out my data plan the free 5G was holding up well, and went to sleep right after.
ANNND I finally slept decently even though it was the hottest night yet (high 70s which still... wasn't bad.)
Woke up around 8 and felt... better.
I just spent the morning in bed, not really hoping, watching the map, seeing that some of the outages near me had been resolved. Wondering if my job would be cool with me missing more work and now thinking about tethering my phone to my work laptop, or just seeing if I could work half the day at Eric's tomorrow.
And then around 11 I heard work trucks.
Not unusual, lots had driven by my house many times a day almost every day.
But these were close. And they stopped.
Hoping against hope I looked out my back door and... there they were.
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The most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
I put on shoes and went out to ask them if they needed anything from me. They said nope and that they'd have us back up soon. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart.
I went inside. Texted people. Cried a tiny bit in relief.
About twenty minutes later, I felt a cool breeze... and heard a buzzer going off.
Air conditioning and haha.. my stove timer. I turned it off then went back outside and thanked the workers again, sincerely. I wondered if they were just happy that they weren't being yelled at.
After getting my PC and internet back up and letting just about everyone know the situation, I headed to Eric's one last time to get my meds and shakes out of his fridge and give him his charger back.
It's over, here I am, sitting enjoying the full spoils of civilization again.
So here's a few lists.
Things I'm grateful for:
Eric & family, first and foremost. This would have been a lot rougher without having him to rely on for even the small stuff and he really helped keep my spirits up.
Honestly, the Tree situation could have been worse in SO many ways. It's something I'm still dealing with and will be for a couple of days -- the workers detangled the branches IN the wires but the rest of it is still there. But it fell on the shared fence and not into the alley, not onto the neighbor's shed, not on anyone's house or other people's property except that most of the tree is, ya know, IN their yard.
The roof looks ROUGH, there are a LOT of missing shingles and damage but it's still whole, as in, no leaks into my house. That is a FREAKING miracle to me. I've checked the ceilings and see no damage and I think by now I'd know. IDK if it'll withstand another storm like that but... it's fine for now.
I have good tradespeople who were helpful and I think will do a good job when I can employ them fully soon. My parents really liked the roofer and if my dad likes him, he's a good one.
My neighbors are being very kind and patient about the tree. I am of course going to take on all the expenses above what the insurance will pay for (and will be paying out of pocket for it and getting reimbursed for a lot of it.)
TBH I've been wanting to put up a sturdy wooden fence for as long as I've owned the house. Now I have a reason to and hopefully at least some seed money to do so from insurance.
The weather could have been a lot worse. At night it was in the low 70's most nights and stayed in the 70s until late morning almost every day. Today it's 86 out but overcast... this is the hottest day we've had I think. Maybe Wednesday it was like 88? But not that bad, for Texas this time of year. We could have done without the extra rain delays but... at least the temperature was decent most of the time.
Like I said earlier my house is well insulated so it never got too bad even on the hottest days. Later this week it's getting into the 90's though. Hopefully EVERYONE is back up by then.
I had plenty of nonperishable food and water to get me through the week if I wanted... and more. But honestly, gladder it didn't have to.
Lessons Learned:
Even when you look at the tree and think "Nah it's fine, it doesn't need to be trimmed this year." maybe think again. Of course... that no longer applies to me because I now have ZERO large trees on my property. When I bought the house I had... four. I'd like to plant another one where that one went down and one in my front yard to replace that one I had cut down several years ago but just... keep them relatively small this time.
Had to order batteries for the headlamp Friday. Keep more batteries in stock. The LED Headlamp is extremely useful and maybe I should order another one or two.
Keep rechargeables charged. I mean, I did well with that this time! Also I still have plenty of candles. Probably need another lighter.
I definitely needed to be more prepared at the very beginning. I didn't really take action when I heard the sirens go off for too long. I think I could have gotten both cats in the hall bath, clothes on, shoes on, supplies and a heavy blanket in the bath much sooner. In fact, I should keep some supplies under the cabinet in that bathroom in the future, and maybe a collapsible cage so I can get one cat secured while I go get the other one.
Stuff to do:
Call Plumber. The sewer situation isn't great but it's still moving. That just added to the stress this week but it was manageable.
Get garage door serviced. I didn't realize how much I needed to. My garage door is solid wood with real glass windows and it is FREAKING heavy. It's not bad when it's serviced and the springs are tight, but nigh impossible to open when it's not... and right now it's not. I can barely lift it. And now I can't get it back on the track to lift automatically.
Have already texted my handyman to take care of the tree, idk when he's coming though. May be a day or three =\ I don't love that.
Insurance called like Friday just to tell me they got my claim and are assigning an adjustor, but since my house is habitable and I'm not in immediate distress, I'm lower priority. I get it, but I don't love it because another bad storm and I may be in distress. But for now, just deal with all that.
I need to talk to my neighbors about the fact that I'm going to get a wood fence put up to replace our chain link one. It's time. They are lovely but I want the security of having my back yard fully fenced in. I've never done much with it back there and have shitty furniture because I'm like ehhhh.. it'll just get stolen if I put anything nice out there. I want the security and privacy of a full heavy fence. Gotta find someone to do that, too.
Get the electrician back to wire up the house for a generator.
Buy a generator (and gas cans) to run the fridge, an outlet for charging things, and either a window AC unit or space heater depending on season. That's all I need.
Clean out the garage, for real. This might wait until fall when it's cooler out. I can park my car in it but it's otherwise filled with clothes and just... stuff. I need to do a major wardrobe purge soon anyway. Need someplace to store the generator that I can easily pull it out and get it to the porch next time this happens.
So yeah, there's still a lot of work to be done.
This week sucked, but also it coulda been much worse and I had a lot of people being very cool with and/or concerned about me and that made it a lot easier.
And now I'm tired of typing. I hope anyone who actually read all this had a much better week. :D
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paperstarwriters · 10 months
ive come kneeling at your doorstep to beg for that essay on murio and luciels parallels you mentioned 👀💦👉👈
i love loathing lucio so much so it would deal my lil hater ass so much psychic damage and i cannot wait to get rekt
(onlyifyouwanttothoofcoursetakeyourtime)(just making sure youre aware id print that shit n frame it above my bed were it to come to existence)
Hello @tetsuooooooooooo! I know you said I can take my time, ok I'm still really really sorry this took awhile, I've been kinda burnt out from classes lately, and writing a bunch of essays for that lol, but I've managed to make a somewhat coherent argument for my case here lol.
Now, to preface this:
I only really like Lucio as a character to thematically dissect and kick around occasionally for giggles. I am a far, far cry from a Lucio stan, I just find him interesting—like a bug. Honestly I don't think I'm gonna convince you he's in any way a good guy I just might make you loathe him more 😅
I haven't played Lucio's route. I'm too busy and I get too annoyed with some of his antics + the options of reactions that MC is allowed to make. I've only played the side stories and a lot of my understanding of his character is built from Muriel's route (and I know he's much more different in his own route than he is in the others') as well as hearsay from other people talking about Lucio
I know I said that I'd include Aurora's songs in my original statement but that got wayyyyyyy too messy so I'm just opting to exclude them lol. (not to mention youtube is doing a very irritatingly strange thing of deleting and then reuploading Aurora's songs??? so I don't wanna deal with the messy files :/)
With that out of the way here is my essay :)
Wordcount: 2,908
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Muriel and Lucio are both very, very caught up in how they are seen by others. While it's clearer when it comes to Lucio, it is also made clear in Muriel by the fact that Social anxiety is often caused by stress over how a person is perceived and their mental belief that they are helpless to change that perception. This causes of their self perception are also quite similar, due to their similar histories, but in the same way that there are some notable opposites between them with their struggle for their identity there is also some notable differences in their histories that arguably causes the slight difference in their struggle for their self image.
To begin with their history, Muriel and Lucio are noted to both come from the South. They come from two opposing tribes, and are both eventually chased out of their home and community by 1) a cruel person who arguably causes their struggle of identity and 2) the plague. Of course, the major difference here is that Lucio actively made decisions that would lead to him being chased out of his tribe, he was arguably aware that if it failed he'd have to leave, he just hadn't considered that it would actually fail.
Muriel on the other hand is chased out of his home at a much younger age, and he has no choice in his eviction from his home or his family. There is no action that Muriel could have done that would have allowed him to stay where he was, unlike Lucio who had a clear option that would have allowed him to stay.
Or at least would have allowed him to stay until he grew tired of his mother's attitude towards him.
I don't believe that Morga's cruel and dismissive attitude towards Lucio started when he tried to kill her, rather, I believe that she has been doing that for a long, long time. She often states that she had been "too soft" on Lucio, but I think her "softness" is the same kind we see in Muriel's route. She berates him, she threatens him, she tells him how awful and unskilled he is to everyone else and makes a show of his failures, but when she is completely and fully enraged and is about to hit Lucio, she hesitates.
Is that softness? To her perhaps. To the tribe, perhaps. But not to me, and not to Lucio.
So, despite all of the harsh words thrown his way, he decides to take action to prove her wrong. I'm willing to bet that a lot of Morga's criticisms were about how strong he was and how he was in fact not actually as strong as he could have been, not as strong as he should have been. That's why when he takes action to prove Morga wrong, he immediately snaps to killing her. There is, after all, no better way than showing your power than killing your opponent (we see this belief in Morga when she spars against Muriel and he beats her.) Of course, in hand-to-hand combat, and on fair terms, Lucio can't actually defeat his mother, so he takes to more under-handed methods in order to beat her.
When this fails, it is the first major wound on his self-image. He cannot defeat his mother. He is not strong enough to defeat his mother despite cheating.
So, he runs away.
Besides marking a wound on his self-image, this also marks Lucio's connection to others. Having been exiled from his tribe, he is disconnected from the friends who may have actually supported him somewhat, he is robbed of his connections and separated from anyone who may have actually loved and cared for him (platonically and/or romantically)
Similarly, Muriel's separation from his own family, and his eventual abandonment into the streets of Vesuvia separates him from any stable sense of love and affection as well. Because he was separated from loving parents as a child and was likely surrounded by a number of children who were abandoned because they were unwanted, or because their parents were unable to care for them, Muriel has no other answer than what the other kids give him it is the only answer he has. Further more I believe that Muriel was probably abandoned by that merchant because they were unable to keep feeding him, which he also attaches onto his real parents as to why he was abandoned in the first place.
And so Muriel believes himself to be unloved and unlovable after being separated from family, or any semblance of a family.
Returning to Lucio, he moves on from his tribe and eventually joins a military group(? I think? Idk. I'm sure there was a specific name for it but I can't remember sorry) Once again, this is an act of trying to prove to his mother and to his community that they were wrong, and when compared to the ordinary person outside of their tribe, he's actually a really good and capable fighter. Of course, however, this is inevitably cut short as he looses his arm, and is once again confronted with the fact that he is unskilled as a warrior and so he retreats from his perceived deficiency and takes a different route to getting the love and admiration he wants—politics.
Of course, as we see in Muriel and Asra's childhood tale, this inevitably puts him into direct conflict as, in order to climb the social ladder he offers to "clean up" the streets. While it's largely left up to interpretation as to whether or not the Threat of Asra's safety came first or Muriel's position as a gladiator came first, I can't help but believe that Muriel's position as a gladiator came first, as otherwise, he might've gone out and tried to check on Asra's safety. (though this is mostly a headcannon) I believe that Lucio offered Muriel a chance to have some say in who gets "cleaned up" from the streets, and for Muriel to be able to get rid of the "actually bad criminals". Regardless of whether or not this is true, the arena gives Muriel his first taste of admiration, as people cheer for and adore him, but it also tears that sense of admiration away as he eventually has to come to terms with what he is doing. Whether that sense of dread and awareness was always there or it occurred somewhere in the middle is also unknown but the outcome is the same regardless. Being known and being admired becomes tied to hurting and harming people—because it is the only trait he sees that other people admire, he sees it as his only lovable trait.
And so Lucio and Muriel begin to reflect each other—and I don't mean reflect as in they show the same image, I mean reflect as in we see a similar image, but the image is reversed (*wink wink nudge nudge*). Here Muriel sees himself as only capable of being loved for his ability to commit violence, and Lucio sees himself as being incapable of being loved because he cannot complete the amount of violence he needs to commit.
Now, I feel the need to emphasize here, despite having many people around him who Lucio may truly believe love and admire him, the people around him very likely don't actually care for him very much because they either do not know him well, or they see him as little more than a pawn in a plan, or at least someone who gives them benefits. And even if there are a number of people with genuine admiration for Lucio, it still wouldn't be enough. Admiration is never enough when you lack genuine emotional connections with others, and Lucio, clearly does.
Again, this parallels Muriel who also struggles with a lack of genuine emotional connections to others. Although he has Asra with him, it's clear that, Asra's tendency to be fickle with connections has extended to him as well, especially when Asra spends more time with MC than him, leaving Muriel feeling abandoned and alone. Considering that Asra is the only person we ever really see Muriel connect or talk to, it's no stretch to say that Asra is one of Muriel's only friends, if not their only friend period, and so with Asra disappearing on him as often as they do, Muriel is left feeling that he actually has no connections at all.
Of course once again reflecting each other, where Muriel clearly sees he lacks connections and pretends he does not, Lucio, makes unsteady transactional rather than emotional relationships and pretends that that is enough.
It is of course, not enough, because if it were, he wouldn't have treated Muriel like that, he likely wouldn't have plucked Muriel out at all. Although this is largely speculation, I believe that Lucio treated Muriel the way he did because he feels as if Muriel is the very child Morga would have wanted. He is big and strong, and although not technically skilled if Muriel were raised by Morga like Lucio was, he might've been. This is why his first reaction to seeing Muriel and Morga working together is that Muriel is Morga's replacement son. It's because that's how Lucio had been treating him. Muriel is Lucio's little avatar to live out the glory of being a fantastically skilled fighter who can beat up all of his opponents. This is also, why I believe that Lucio purposefully trained Muriel to be less skilled in fighting than he was. In Muriel's route, Lucio comments that he's always been able to beat Muriel, and while I do in fact believe that Lucio is actually a skilled fighter, despite how he is often presented and despite my arguments above—he's most often a skilled fighter in the technical sense. He knows all the movements, he knows all the strategies, he knows all the underhanded tricks. By not fighting Muriel too often, and refusing to teach him these tricks however much it may be able to help Muriel out in the arena, it allows Lucio to be able to defeat him whenever he wants to. It allows Lucio to make it seem to himself that he is better than the person his mother would have wanted as a son, which I believe to be both horrible but also sad, for both Lucio and Muriel.
With Lucio, it shows how desperate and inferior he feels with his fighting skills, constantly trying to compensate for it something we can also see that in the portrait of himself he has in his room.
For Muriel, it keeps him scared, and keeps him pinned in place despite having realized the consequences of his fighting. Something which only furthers his self-hatred when he realizes he actually could have easily left.
So yes, Muriel and Lucio are both very self conscious people, and while for Muriel his self consciousness stems from people seeing him as a monster, and him believing that he is one although he does not want to be one, Lucio is self-conscious in the fact that he is not seen as the brutal fighting warrior he was supposed to be.
These reflected aspects of each other, alongside of their self consciousness is the very thing they struggle through in their routes, the very thing that MC helps them to get through.
Lucio believes that through various paintings of himself that rearranges his past (paintings of himself as a triumphant fighter, while his mother is demure and elegant), various unfair/practically staged fights, and celebrations of himself on top of it all, he would be able to convince people that he is awesome and amazing and that he deserves to be loved. In doing all of this however, Lucio runs away from confronting the beliefs at his core and wondering if perhaps, what he understood as traits that make a person great may be incorrect—that his mother had not just been incorrect on the fact that he was a failure, but on the fact of what makes a person successful or powerful. By constantly covering up what he sees as deficits, Lucio skims over his own internal struggles entirely which makes him look foolish and annoying as he ignores what's so clearly there for others.
Meanwhile, for Muriel, he is aware of his deficits, and is unable to properly hide them without disappearing completely himself, he tries to figure out and fix all of his problems through introspection and isolation, but it is not something he can do on his own. Muriel of course, can't accept the fact that he may need help. He can't accept the fact that despite what he believes of himself, other people may actually care for him the same way he cares for them, and will actually offer help. And so, as he runs away from people and community, from friends, and possible friends alike, Muriel runs away from his own problems as well, even if he tortures himself with confronting them (I can't remember if he actually does this or if this is a fanfic trope 😅) Essentially, by constantly trying to deal with his struggles on his own, he neglects his connections to others who may help him, or at least offer support.
And then MC comes along, and because they both desperately needed that deep connection to someone else, regardless of whether it is something platonic or romantic. MC is able to leverage their relationship in order to further propel Muriel and Lucio's development into acknowledging the thing they refuse to acknowledge, and finally balance out their coping mechanisms, which, on their own isn't actually unhealthy (Lucio's really good at connecting with others; Muriel knows how to confront his inner turmoil) using that single method as their crutch for their traumas only ever hurts them more.
As Muriel progresses through his route, he grows more connected with his community and people. One meaningful moment that I don't think they give enough screen time in the game is the moment that Muriel is forced to confront people recognizing and seeing him again. He's forced to confront everyone's perception of him, their memory of him and he retreats into the mirror maze where he stares at all these reflections of himself, all reversed images of himself, but he believes them all to accurately represent himself—as if his superficial physical image is what represents himself mentally and emotionally. And then MC (and Morga 🙄) come through to him and pull him out of that panic attack (or interrupt and yank him away from properly addressing the problem in Morga's case 😤) And that's the first step to being loved. As they say, in order to let yourself be loved you have to let yourself be known, and in that first step, choosing to step forward and prioritize the lives of others over his own self image, Muriel begins to be admired by others. Genuinely admired, for traits that he likes in himself rather than traits that he hates.
Similarly for Lucio, (although I haven't played his route so this is largely based on hearsay) he's faced with problems that he Has to face on his own (or at least somewhat on his own) the main one being that he has to confront the consequences of his own actions, he has to acknowledge to himself that he isn't perfect and that he can't be perfect. It's why at the end of his route on the upright ending, he leaves Vesuvia, to take on a life of (semi)solitude to further take some time to improve his ability at introspection, while in the Reversed ending he's still talking with people, still trying to manipulate their perceptions of him (and the MC), and still trying to be a "good boy" (ie. perfect) for the MC.
Now, it may be argued that Julian can/should be included in this struggle of how others perceive him but I raise you this; that guy is the most dramatic ass dude in town and his biggest dramatic act was telling everyone about how horrible he is. He clearly has no issues with how other people see him, but he has problems with how he sees himself, which again, reflects Muriel a bit, but I'm sure most people are familiar with their (more blatant) similarities by now lol
So yea.
Muriel and Lucio are reflections of each other. At their core, they both struggle with the same problem of caring way too much about how they're seen by others, but they cope with (and thus worsen) the problem in opposite ways, so when they take steps to heal themself, they also go in opposite directions, with Lucio needing to take some time to himself to get into his own head, while Muriel needs some time away from himself to get out of his own head.
Essentially they're heading in opposite directions to reach the same conclusion: other people's opinions don't matter as much as your own opinion of yourself and the opinions of the people close to you.
Interesting parallels, no?
Of course, I believe this could've been better illustrated if Nyx Hydra didn't rush the last three routes, but alas, this is what fan fiction and fan-analysis is for lol
Anyways I don't tend to poke around the Lucio side of the fandom too much to begin with so if this has all been said and argued before forgive me for the repetition, and If I've gotten some points wrong, please feel free to correct me! I've mentioned before I haven't really played through Lucio's route so some things may be wrong.
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yourmomni · 8 months
Fix You 5
A/n:🥲so sad to say goodbye to this story i honestly had fun doing it and I love how it's made me notice so many things about my writing 1).I'm not good a schedules 😂 and 2) I'm a very interesting person well I hoped you enjoyed the ride. I'd theirs anymore request just let me know and I'll it ok adios 🥲🥰🥰 p.s. @loveyouselfalways thank you for being my first request 🥰
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You Spinned in your chair that was in front of your desk waving at your computer.
" Hey ENGENES, how are you guys today?" You began drumming your fingers on the table music playing in the background from your iPad.
" I missed you guys too, it's been so long since I last did one of these, almost 3 months wow." The comments were moving so quickly
Jakesgirl: Hii y/n I missed you
Nikinum12: You look so pretty
Jaysguitar: girl where have you been
"I know you guys have a lot of questions on why I haven't been on live or social media for awhile,and I feel like I owe you an explanation. I decided that I would take a break from social media to focus on my mental health and on myself. I started noticing that I had a lot of unhealthy habits and they were affecting my mental stability very much. So I decided that the break was the best for me."
Jake: We love you y/niiie
You smirked seeing your member in the comments supporting you
" But I couldn't have done it by myself. I had my awesome members supporting me through the difficult times and helping regain everything I lost such as my confidence, my will to work, and my happiness and I will forever be grateful for them."
After more songs and interesting conversations you had with them you were ending the live.
" Okay well I will definitely try that brand of chapstick soon thank you for the recommendation, well guys it's been almost 4 hours and I think it's time for me to go."
Sunomono: Byyeee come back soon
Makiey: bye love you
Porlocksung:thank you for spending time with us
Heesgirl: is that your snorlax pushing on the bed I thought you liked bulbasaur
you quickly turned around seeing the huge snorlax sitting on your bed staring back at you.
" shit."
Nikiwiki: Omg is it niki's
Engenes4life:omg niki likes snorlax wtf
Heesgirl: why is it in your room….teaaaa
Y/nlover: omg y/n+nikiAHHHHHHH
Jungine: guys stop they all live together maybe they have movie nights or sleep overs in each others room
You nodded " Yeah guys we have sleepovers all the time he just forgot it in here don't worry guys." You laughed nervously " Okay byeee" you waves trying to end the live.
You exhaled taking your headphones off, next thing you knew you were tackled to your bed with a huge weight on your back " that live was so long I almost died from boredom." I laughed, turning my head to see niki smiling at me.
" hi." He smiled back at me " hello" He kissed my lips softly." I think I left me snorlax in here from last night's movie date" I raised my eyebrow " You think?" He laughed getting off of me and pulling me up wrapping his arms around me and he rested on the headboard of my bed
I rested My head on his chest, throwing one leg over his.
" I'm so proud of you." I looked up at him and he ran his index finger over my cheek. " You've grown so much in these past months don't you think?" I nodded, hugging him close to me.
" I can finally look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgusted at what I see so thats a positive." Niki smiled kissing the top of his girlfriend's head lovingly
" And that's all I ask for, all I want is for you to love yourself more and more everyday. I know it takes time and practice and I'm here for it all."
Niki pulled you closer and nuzzled himself in your hair smelling your conditioner you used the morning of.
You wanted to stay like this forever cuddled up with the person you love in your new headspace where you're finally getting comfortable in your own skin. You knew it would take a while for you to be 100% hell you didn't even know if you would get to 100% but if niki and the members were by your side the whole time, you knew you could do it.
" Yall are just adorable." The boys were standing there with their phones out taking pictures and videos. Niki sprung up chasing after them causing you to laugh.
You pulled Pokémon close to you once again sighing into the pillow like material.
In that moment you knew you would be just fine. And niki didn't need to Fix You.
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bossbabyfan2 · 10 months
If I stopped post for awhile I'm not dead I just ether forgot about tumblr or I'm busy with school or both or got my iPad taken away
I'll put all my OCs b days here so I don't forget
Also I'm virtually adopting people call me what ever make's you comfortable mom dad what ever 🙂
(So someone told me to kys a few days ago and someone said I should play tik-tac-toe on my arm with a chainsaw when I first started posting on tiktok and bunch of other people told me so bad stuff but it stop for awhile and then started back up a few days ago so I um may not post a lot when I'm feeling down so if I don't post during the summer or weekend I'm not feeling ok not in a sick way like an a way that I'm just feelin down and not wanting to do anything but lay in bed all day so if I'm still not ok by tomorrow I'm going to post something sad or really cringe.)
O and links
My YouTube channel it's kinda cringe so don't question what I post I haven't posted in months and need to work on videos I'll probably never finish
I'm most active on tiktok but still post on other social media accounts
A post that's kinda important
Qna rules and other stuff
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
15 questions
Tagged bby @barbieliberationarmy thank you!
Were you named after anyone? Molly Ringwald's character in Pretty in Pink 😕
Do you have kids? Fuck no 🤨 never wanted any and still don't, but have nannied for two babies/toddlers and after awhile they can start to feel like your quasi kids. You love them and it's hard to hand them back to parents who don't really... feel the need to put as much effort into parenting as you do into taking care of them when they're with you. If that makes sense.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
What sports have you played/do you play? Basketball through elementary and middle school but dropped off in high school. And a bit of volleyball but whew that was an epic fail. Does golf count? Darts? Pool? Flip cup? Beer pong? No? Ok
Do you use sarcasm? huh what idk
First thing you notice about people? I don't really think about it tbh. Correction, Sam says I'm always saying whether or not someone has kind eyes 🥴
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, but also if the horror has a fantastic plot twist then 🤌🏻
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, video games, I like music gameshows don't judge me, haven't drawn in forever but in theory that's still a hobby just one I've set aside. Sleeping. Really good at that one. Cooking.
What is your eye colour? Green/hazel
Any talents? I make a mean potato salad? (No fuckin raisins 😒)
Where were you born? Illinois
Do you have any pets? No, haven't had any since my pug died several years back
How tall are you? 5'5
Favorite subject in school? Other than art... probably history. Or choir/band
Dream Job? Art history professor (shocking, I know) or perhaps a curator. Art restoration. Something within that general arena.
Idk who to tag cuz idk who's done it. Everyone? @syngularitysyn @anonymous-red-506 @100hearteyes @commanderlexaofthegrounders @sassymajesty @heda-in-the-clouds @gabywithoutthedollhouse @bisexualseraphim and literally anyone else just tag me back
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Spin/ 2
Pairing- Yunho x Named Reader
Word count- 4.5k
Includes- Angst, pining, wall sex, Blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole
@jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo
@meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @yeosayang @iitaetaeiisstuff @atiny68 @itstyraaxx
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist
📝Yunho Masterlist
Part 1
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2 weeks later
Yunho POV
"Can we hang out today?", I text her, anxiously waiting for her answer
I think she's avoiding me
Ever since I saw her run away from outside of my apartment building, she's been giving me excuse after excuse for not hanging out with me
I saw her cross the street when I was down the block with Mina
And I saw her crying
Which scared the fuck out of me because she never cries
And I mean never
Not even when she broke her arm or had to get stitches when we were younger
I immediately texted her once I was in my room, asking if she was ok
She said yes and that was it
Any question I asked she ignored
Like why was she at my apartment and if she needed anything
I didn't get an answer for that
She didn't pick up when I called
Didn't answer her door when I went to check on her
Although to be fair I didn't know if she was there to answer the door
She could have been in class or at work
I just need to talk to her
Maybe tell her about these feelings for her that suddenly developed, won't go away and are driving me nuts
I honestly never thought of her as anything but my best friend
We grew up together
I helped her get guys, she gave me advice on how to get girls
Which hasn't worked for me so much but that's because I'm so fucking awkward
She's been there my whole life, I tell her everything, she knows all my secrets
But that kiss
That kiss from that stupid spin the bottle game
That one kiss changed my whole view of her and our relationship
I had no idea she could kiss like that
It just took over my whole being and I loved it more than I should
When she kissed San, the intense jealousy I felt surprised the shit out of me
I wanted to rip her away from him and keep her with me
When Mina landed on me I did not want to kiss her
I didn't want to make her feel bad so I smiled but her kiss was nothing like Joanne's
It didn't make me feel anything close to how I felt when I kissed my best friend
And when I saw her get up and run out of the room, I pushed Mina off and ran after her
Being with her was everything I didn't know I needed
Didn't know I wanted
And I found out just how amazing sex can really be
Or the feeling of her in my arms
How she fit absolutely perfectly like I was meant to hold her
Like she was meant to be there
Walking up next to her cuddled into me was heaven
And I find that I replay it over in my head
Laying with her, playing with her hair, her head on my shoulder, her face in my neck
Her arms around me
And her kiss
Shit I think I could kiss her forever
Yeah I definitely need to talk to her
My phone dings and I move my fingers so fast that I mess up my code to unlock my phone twice
My heart falls as I read, "I don't think I can today"
Another excuse
But instead of saying ok, this time I want to try harder to see her
"Please? I haven't seen you in awhile and I miss you"
"I have stuff to do at my apartment. It's a mess and I have to clean it"
I don't know why she's saying that because she knows I'll come help her
I've done it before
"I'll come and help"
"I have to study"
Ok, I've helped her do that too so that's not an excuse
"Just for a little bit?", I ask, desperate now
"I dunno Yunnie"
"Please", I beg
It's a full minute before she answers
"Yeah fine. For a little bit"
I breathe out in relief, "Great. On my way"
Jumping up from my bed, I grab my hoodie and practically run out of my room
"Hi Jo", I say shyly, walking into her apartment and closing the door behind me
"Hi Yunnie"
I haven't seen her in two weeks and I'm just taking her in
She's fucking beautiful
How did I not notice until now?
We stand facing each other like idiots and I can't take it
Slowly, I move my hand, taking hers, lacing our fingers
Her eyes widen at our hands, then look up at me
Stepping closer to her, I lean down, my lips almost on hers
She backs away before I can kiss her and my heart shatters
I guess she doesn't feel anything for me
"Aren't you with Mina?", she asks, shocking me
That's why she stopped me from kissing her
"Uh no", I shake my head
She looks at me annoyed, "Don't lie to me Yunho. I saw her go into your building with you"
"Yeah but she wasn't there for me"
"Yeah ok", she snorts
"She wasn't", I argue, "She was there for San. They're dating Jo"
She raises her eyebrow, "Since when?"
"Since she kissed him after playing spin the bottle"
"I thought she was kissing Seonghwa when you left?"
I shrug, "Apparently after the game ended, she and San kissed and hooked up. He really likes her so he asked her out and they're a couple. She's at my apartment all the time, always in San's room"
They never come out and her moaning is driving me so crazy that I bought noise cancelling headphones
"Oh", is all she says
"Is that why you left? Because Mina was with me?", I ask
She looks down at her floor, "Well yeah. I didn't want to make it awkward. I thought you and her were finally together and I didn't wanna like kill the vibe or anything. You liked her for so long"
That doesn't explain why she was crying but I doubt I'll ever get her to answer that so I just let that go
"Uh no Jo. I haven't liked her for awhile. She's....she's not my type"
She's not you is what I want to say but don't
"Oh", she says, her cheeks pink
"Jo", I call, her eyes moving to mine
Tucking some loose hair behind her ear, I bend down again hoping I don't get rejected again now that that's cleared up
She doesn't back away and I finally feel her lips against mine again
And it's like a dam breaks
Her arms fly around my neck, as I pull her right against me, bending down to pick her up
Her legs move around my waist, the
searing kiss intensifying when my tongue moves against hers
I turn, pressing her against the wall so I don't fall back and hurt us like the idiot I am
I can't help but squeeze her perfect ass, pressing my hard on between her pretty legs
God I want her so badly
"Jo", I breathe between kisses, "Please"
"Just one more time", she says, kissing me desperately, her hands undoing my jeans
Fuck yes
I nod, moving my hand to her pj shorts
Grabbing one side, I pull hard, ripping it off one of her legs, letting the other side dangle on her other
I just need access to her pretty pussy
I'll worry about fucking up her clothes later
My jeans and boxers drop to my ankles, her hand in between us, touching my hard cock
"Ffff...fuck", I gasp
I need to be in now
"Hold onto me jagi", I whisper
She does and I let go of her, keeping her up with my body pressed to hers as I tear apart the panties she has on, the sound of fabric ripping so fucking satisfying
Tossing the remains of her panties to the floor, I put my hands back on her ass to hold her and press my dick against her pussy
My dick slides in between her pussy lips, juice all over me
"So wet already", I whisper in her ear
"Yeah cuz it's your dick Yunnie. You make me this wet"
A whimper leaves my mouth hearing her, hoping she's not just saying this in the moment
Grinding against her, her pussy leaks all over me, drenching every inch of my length
"Please no teasing Yunnie. I fucking need you now", she moans, "I can't stop thinking about you. I want you inside me so bad"
Jesus Christ, this is everything I wanted to hear
Sexually I mean
"Fuck jagi, you don't know how much I wanted to be back inside you. Feel you"
"Then please Yunnie"
I grip my dick and move it to her tiny hole, so excited to feel her again
Sinking into her, her cunt sucks me in, both of us moaning so loudly
"Yunnie, fuck Yunnie, all of you baby"
"I will baby. You'll get all of me I promise", I assure her
I stretch her cunt around me, bottoming out and shivering against her as I feel her pussy pulse around me
"Yunho oh god, baby, you feel so good. Fuck so good", she praises
"You feel good baby girl. God I'm so happy to be back inside you", I whisper
"I'm happy you're back too Yunnie"
She looks at me, touching my cheek softly, "Kiss me Yunnie and don't stop"
I fucking won't
Crashing my lips to hers, I kiss her deeply, my whole world completely shifting under me
God it feels so right kissing her
Like I was always meant to
Like I was always meant to be with her
I didn't notice her like that but now I do
And I want her so bad
Holding her up, I pull back, feeling her cunt trying to suck me back in
Thrusting into her, I hit so deep, she yells in my mouth
I swallow her yell, kissing her passionately, our tongues playing with each other's
I never want to fucking stop kissing her
I thrust hard and fast, plunging deeply and hitting her spot, her body shaking against mine
Her fingers thread into the back of my hair, holding tightly
Hiking her higher up, her legs tighten around me as I move my lips from hers to her neck
I press kiss after kiss to her skin, licking and sucking, wanting to leave a hickey on her
"Can I?", I ask her
"Yes Yunnie"
I immediately suck on her skin harder, determined to leave my marks all over her
Fucking her against the wall, she clings into me, her head against the wall, moaning so loudly and turning me on even fucking more
Pulling away from her neck, I lick the dark purple mark I left, then move to another spot to leave another
Shoving my cock inside her, I grind against her, rubbing my head on her spot, squeezing her ass
"Oh god Yunho, oh god", she groans, her pussy tightening on me so hard
I leave a trail of hickies down her neck to her chest
Pulling down her tank top, I pop her boob out, wrapping my mouth around her nipple
I start sucking softly, increasing my speed with each move of my mouth
"Yunho oh fuck", she cries , her hand in my hair as she creams my cock
I close my eyes against the massive pleasure I'm getting from her orgasm
She keeps screaming my name, her orgasms going on and on, throbbing around me so fucking hard
When she finishes, I move off her nipple, then kick my shoes and bottom clothes off, pulling her off the wall and heading to her room
"Bed now", I tell her and she nods
Getting into her room, I drop her on her bed and immediately taking the rest of her torn shorts off
Then I grab the top of tank top and rip it down the middle, her naked body exposed to me
And fuck, I drink her in, amazed again at how perfect she is
I almost passed out when I first saw her, laying naked on my bed
Placing my hands on her hips, I slowly move them up, feeling her soft smooth skin
I absolutely love touching her
"You're so perfect", I whisper
I raise my eyes to hers to find her already looking at me with a look I can't place
She sits up, pushing me back, standing up off the bed
She stands on her toes and I bend down to meet her in a kiss
I feel her hands move under my shirt, her small hands touching my back as she lifts my shirt up
We break away from the kiss so she can pull my shirt off, throwing it behind her
She moves her hands onto my stomach, slowly sliding up, touching me softly
Her fingers leave fire on every inch of my skin as she touches me, my skin actually trembling
There's so many things about being with her that I've never felt with anyone else
The way my body reacts to her in a way it never has with any other girl
And I like it
I like feeling this way with just her
Yeah I got it bad for her
Suddenly her hands leave my body and I immediately look down at her
I watch her kneel down, her eyes on mine and I swallow hard
"Shhh baby", she says, "I'm gonna blow you baby, then I'm gonna ride you so fucking good, you'll never forget it"
I'll never forget any time with her
Not the first time, not this time
But I am excited for her to ride me, watch her move
I'm thrown back to the present when I feel her tongue lick along my shaft
My eyes focus on her, pleasure running along my spine
Her tongue moves to my head, licking my cum that's leaking
"Mmm good", she says, smirking, making my breath hitch
I watch her mouth go around my head, soft sucking sensations throwing my body into pleasure
Her tongue circles my head before sucking, then licking my slit for my cum
"God Jo, fuck. So good"
Her tongue moves to the underside of my head, licking as she sucks and the extra stimulation from her tongue is fucking amazing
Her head moves down my length more, sucking harder, her hand wrapping around the rest of my shaft, jerking me off fast
"Oh god", I moan, "Don't stop baby"
She looks up at me and god fucking damn, she looks so fucking hot with my cock down her throat
She moves her hand off me and my mouth drops as she moves down further, taking my whole cock in her mouth
Like seriously my whole dick and she's not even choking
Not even a gag
Her tongue moves to the underside of my cock then she moves half down my length then slides back up, taking me all in
I feel my head move into her tight throat and I gasp from the incredible feeling
She moves faster, spit falling from her mouth and I can see my cock bulge in her throat
Oh fucking god
So hot
She keeps up the pace, now moving all the way down to my head, then sliding all the way up, taking me in deep
Like she takes me in her cunt
She's so fucking good at blow jobs, holy crap, I had no idea
I move my hand in her hair, wrapping the strands around my hand holding on as I get closer and closer to coming
"Please baby, faster. I'm gonna cum", I whine
Somehow she sucks my dick faster, fucking her throat on my length and I have to cum
I pull her on my cock, holding her on it as I cum down her throat, bliss taking over
She swallows over and over and that tightening of her throat sends extra shocks of pleasure through my body
"Joanne, fuck baby"
When I finish she sucks a few more times before moving off me
"Goddamn Yunho, your cum is the fucking best I've ever tasted. What the fuck?"
Yeah I don't know what the fuck but holy shit she really said that
"Are you being serious?"
"Yes baby. I never lied to you"
She stands up, taking my hand and pulling me to her bed
She lays on her bed, pulling me down with her
Leaning on my arm, I look down at her, moving her hair behind her ear
One of her arms moves around my neck, softly pulling me down, her soft beautiful lips against mine
"Fuck Yunnie, I don't want to stop kissing you", she says softly
"Then don't baby", I tell her, kissing her again
She pulls me right up against her, her skin against mine, kissing me wildly
I can't get enough of her kisses, I can't get enough of her lips against mine, her tongue against mine, her arms around my neck
Her hands move in my hair, holding on tightly, my arm moving around her waist, holding her tightly
Her legs open and I move between them, kissing her desperately because I don't know if I'll ever be able to kiss her again after today
She lifts her hips, rubbing against me
I move with her, my dick getting hard again
Christ I usually need like ten minutes before I can get hard again but it's happening so quick with her
She softly pushes me, sitting up while she gets me on my back
She swings her leg over my body, straddling me and fuck me I just got harder knowing what's coming
"Can I sit on your cock Yunnie?", she asks
"Yes jagi fuck", I say, holding my cock up for her, "Sit baby. Please"
She smiles brightly, taking my breath away
She's so fucking beautiful, how did I not see it before that kiss?
God, I was so blind
She lowers herself on me and I watch in amazement as her cunt takes me inside, her tiny slit opening wider and wider the more she goes down, her cream running down my length that's not inside her
Her moans are so loud, driving me fucking crazy
She keeps moving until she's sitting flush against me, my entire shaft buried in her, her pussy latching on to my cock, pulsing hard and fast
"Yunnie", she moans, her head tilting back, her eyes closed
Fuck me she's absolutely stunning
She looks so fucking good on my cock
I've been ridden before but none of the girls look as gorgeous as her
She leans back, one hand on my leg and she starts moving
Slowly sliding up, leaving a huge mess on my cock, then slipping back down, bottoming me out
Up and down, up and down, her tight cunt impaling on me, her hips slightly getting faster with every move
It feels fucking intense and so fucking good
"Baby", I whisper, touching her hips and dragging my hands up her body, feeling her skin tremble against my fingertips
Fuck, I like that a lot
I end up wrapping my hand around her jiggling boobs, squeezing softly as she bounces on me
I'm fucking mesmerized by the way she moves on me
She takes me deep, yelling in pleasure when my head brushes against her spot
"Yeah baby, right there", I urge her
She switches from bouncing to rocking on me, her hips circling as she grinds on my head
"Yunnie...fuck Yunnie"
She's so fucking tight and I'm so fucking excited to feel her cum again
I've never felt anything like it and there's nothing like that pleasure
"Cum for me" I ask her, my mouth dropping as she orgasms
Out of this world pleasure hits me hard, her screams of my name filling my ears, the sight of her coming on me, me, burned in my memory
So fucking ethereal
"More please", I beg when her orgasm tapers off, "Please jagi, I wanna feel it again"
God I'm like a junkie for her orgasms but I couldn't give a shit
I wouldn't have it any other way
She leans forward, her hands on my shoulders as she rides me so fucking hard
"Yunnie, fuck baby. You're cock is the best", she whines
I can't answer, the bliss turning my brain off
All I can do is feel and watch her
Watch the sweat roll down her body, her eyes that are on mine, the small smile on her face
I grip her hips hard, holding on for dear life as she slams her cunt up and down my shaft, right into her spot
"Yunnie...I think....I think I'm....", she trails off, her words turning into pleasurable moans
I feel my whole pelvis get soaked and I immediately move my eyes down, watching her cunt squirt all over me
She stopped moving, but I grip her hips and continue to move her on me, watching her squirt flying everywhere
I fucking love when she squirts
She said she's never done it before
Only with me
She likes being with me that much, likes my dick that much that she squirts all over me
Not gonna lie, it makes me feel really good and really special
I might feel dumb for feeling that but I do
Right after she finishes, she takes over bouncing right away, begging me, "Please cum in my pussy Yunnie. Please, I want your cum deep inside me"
"Fffff.....fuck", I moan, her tightening cunt bring me closer, "Faster baby"
I don't know how she does it but she rides me faster, her hands digging into my shoulders
The pain feels so fucking good, mixed with the pleasure
"I want you to cum with me", I tell her
I can't think of anything better
Her coming pussy sucking all the cum from me
That thought makes me go feral and I start fucking up into her, meeting her as she slams down on me, her cunt holding my cock in a vice grip
"Cum with me baby. Fuck now", I yell, losing it, stars blasting in my vision as complete ecstacy takes over
We orgasm together, her cunt throbbing amazingly as I fill her, both of us screaming each other's names
"Oh my god Yunnie", she whimpers, as we finish, her forehead leaning against mine
Oh my god is right
That was....I can't even describe how fucking....good is not enough to describe it
It just was....wow
Lifting my head up, I press my lips to hers, wanting to kiss her forever
She responds, kissing me slowly and gently
After, she moves next to me, laying her head on my shoulder and cuddling into me
And I immediately take it, turning my body to her, holding her in my arms
She fits perfectly
I have to say something
I can't stand her not being mine for another second
This can't be the last time I'm with her
It can't be
"Can I ask you something?", I ask her, running my fingers in her hair, trying to calm my nerves
"Yeah Yunnie. Always"
I take a deep breath and go for it
"I want to be with you for real", I say softly, "I just...I don't know, ever since we kissed during that dumb game, I can't stop thinking about you"
She's silent, her eyes on me and I'm getting more nervous
"I don't want this to be just sex. I want to be with you. Go on dates with you. Do all the stupid cheesy things that couple do. I....I have feelings for you. Real feelings. I want you to be my girlfriend"
I said it
Hopefully she doesn't laugh in my face
But who am I kidding?
I'm nothing like her type
The bad boys she usually goes for
She touches my cheek softly, my eyes moving back to hers
"I think that's a great idea Yunnie"
"You do?", I ask completely shocked
"Yeah. It's perfect since I have real feelings for you too"
"You do?", I repeat, stunned
"Yeah baby", she smiles, "Fuck Yunho, that kiss from that stupid game, fuck I never felt that way from a kiss before"
"Me neither. I didn't know what was happening or why I was feeling that way but all I knew was I didn't want to stop kissing you. I also lost it when you kissed San"
"His kiss meant nothing Yunnie. Not after yours. I wanted you to be kissing me. Not him"
I nod
I know what she means
"I felt the same jagi. Mina's kiss meant nothing and all I wanted was you"
She bites her lips, looking at me, "Promise?"
"Absolutely jagi. Fuck I just wished it was you kissing me again. Your arms around me, you sitting on me. I swear Jo, I never saw you like that and I was so stupid. It was like that kiss opened my eyes"
She nods, softly stroking my cheek, "I know what you mean. I felt the same way"
"Is that why you ran to the bathroom? And why you were crying outside my apartment?", I ask, realizing that maybe the reason
"Yeah. When she kissed you...you're tongue in her mouth, I just couldn't watch. I had no idea why it was bothering me so much but it was"
I nod, understanding, "I almost ripped you off of San when you kissed him, so I know what you felt jagi"
I was so fucking enraged and it took everything in me to stay in my spot
"And outside my apartment?", I ask
"I was there waiting for you to talk about us sleeping together. To see how you felt and maybe tell you how I felt about you. But when I saw you with Mina, I thought..."
I know what she thought but that was so far from the truth
After that first kiss, Mina left my mind permanently
"I'm sorry baby", I start
"No I'm sorry for running away like a coward"
"You're not jagi. I understand why you thought what you did", I answer, "But actually while I was walking with her I was talking about you"
"You were?", she asks
I nod, "I was asking her how I should tell you how I feel. She's a girl and I thought she'd maybe have some insight on how a girl would want to be told someone has feelings for them"
"And?", she prompts curiously
"She said to just tell you. Be straightforward and tell you exactly what I felt and what I wanted. She said girls like it when a guy is direct"
"She gave you good advice baby. She's right"
Well thank god for that
"Now that we're together, you know you're gonna have to kiss me all the time right?", she asks, making me smile, "I seriously can't get enough of your kisses"
I laugh, "That's not a problem baby cuz I love your kisses too"
"Good", she beams, "You can start right now"
Smiling, I press my lips to hers in another world altering kiss
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seedlessmuffins · 9 months
aren’t you a new football fan? celebrating like you’ve won the fucking world cup after one arsenal win lmfao. i’m not a city fan but don’t get used to assna wins when you lot lose the league to city again. embarrassing behaviour
hi anon! let's clear the air, yeah?
first of all, yes! i am a new football fan, i just started watching seriously after the world cup, and i am also a new arsenal fan. however, i still care very deeply about the sport and my team's successes in said sport! that is what being a fan is all about <3 just because i didn't grow up watching european football doesn't mean that i have less of a right to enjoy it then you do! also, it is the most popular sport in the world with billions and billions of fans globally, and out of the entire sport, the english premier league is the most viewed league in the world. of football, but also of any sport. so you can't really gatekeep it, sorry!
second of all, i'm aware that this was only a regular matchweek, not the world cup. but there are two important caveats to that those being:
who we were playing
the fashion in which we won
for who we were playing, it's not a secret that outside of the spurs and the north london derby, manchester united is one of arsenal's biggest rivals and has been since the start of the premier league when they were competing against each other for titles and trophies. i won't go into premier league history with you, i am just a new fan who knows nothing after all, but you should know that beating a rival is always exciting, especially when you are competing against them for points and jockeying for the title to compete with man city. every win is important, and winning is better when it is against a historical rival team.
for the fashion in which we won, it was a close game until the very end. rashford scoring in the 27th minute, and odegaard answering back 35 seconds later. the teams were trading chances and possession, there were good chances and var calls that went either way, it was a close game where the teams were fighting hard. and then, in the 95th minute, rice scores an absolute screamer and it was truly scenes at the emirates. gabi jesus caps it off with a 101st minute beaut, and arsenal win the game. winning in the last 3 minutes of regulation time, with a bonus goal over 100 minutes into the game is exciting! it was thrilling to watch, and seeing a team that i support win that emphatically in that dramatic of a manner was so much fun. its an exciting thing to watch and its ok to be excited when there's a win like that!
it also isn't just one win, this has just been our best win this season (imo)! we have only played four games, and we have won three and drawn one. so that is three wins actually, i am just celebrating this one the most, again, because of who we won against, how we won, and how we played to secure the win.
if the bit about "not getting used to arsenal wins" (i don't think you can call them assna when they came second in the premier league last season, and this season they haven't lost and they're in the champions league, right? but what do i know i'm just a new footy fan <3) is about the post where i said i forgot how good it feels to watch my team win, i don't think you understand what i have been through in the past 12 years as a sports fan. my hockey team has been on a losing streak almost this whole time, and we have been one of the flops of the league for awhile. just take a look at these gorgeous statistics from my favourite hockey team (that i have been a fan of since i was two, thank you very much)
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do you want to talk losing? i know about losing. i know about losing for a long time, in an embarrassing manner. if you want more examples from football, from january to april 2023 i watched psg play every week. that was embarrassing losing in football for real. i might be new to football but i'm not new to sports, and i have to be perfectly honest: coming second is not losing. and what happened today wasn't a loss at all! in fact, it was the opposite! it was a win!
idk about losing the league to manchester city, it seems to me that arsenal has a good system with talented players that can ball out. we will see what comes, as the season is long and there are many other competitions for arsenal to compete in, but i have faith in the gunners and i believe that they can win! (and ill let you in on a little secret: that's what being a fan is all about <3)
i'm not sure if the embarrassing behaviour at the end is for my behaviour or arsenal's behaviour, however i am not being embarrassing, i am just being a fan, and arsenal certainly wasn't embarrassing with their performance today. idk what you're seeing, but bestie i think you might be blind <3
thanks for coming into my inbox anon, hope this cleared everything up for you! next time, let's let people enjoy things yeah? i try my best to be positive on here, i'm hardly ever a hater and i like to spread joy. why don't you take some of that energy alright? alright. hope you enjoyed your stay <3
ps: arsenal definitely are winning the world cup :)
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