#i have found super boop! i am god!!!
siremasterlawrence · 4 months
Celebrity Exchange Program
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As a up and coming actor who proudly just joined the SAG (Screen Actor’s Guild) for the first time and I am offered a chance to be a test for the pilot program where I can use a Human Exchange Program.I had a signed a strange waver that is a gold paper with a specialized pen as the gold like paper erupts in to fire and throwing it from my hand as it disintegrates before my very eyes.I shake my head forgetting as I exit the SAG office I receive a pamphlet from the agent at the desk and I flip through it as I head home a key falls from the pamphlet with instructions on it.I flip through it as the introduction page is stating that I have entered a super hot type of exchange program where I get to switch my body with any celebrity I choose to try experience.I use the sd card shape like a key placing it into the laptop as the screen turns deep odd gold color scheme and I am sent in to a new typo of interface and I found myself seeing the options.I skim down the list with of celebrities I can inhabit for a few days I find myself lusting after each you and for different reasons of course my main squeezes are married or dating so it’s a no.Colton Haynes listing himself on the system which leaves me floored and I immediately click it to the main page showing me his face and all of her naked picks of him on full display.I press agree after scrolling down the page for God knows who long finally I signed on the dotted line and begin feel the full weight of my actions.I ignore my own feelings it heading to bed as I fell in to a deep sleep my spirit lifts from my body into the air and floating through the window and passing a strange orb I am assuming is Colton Haynes entering mybody.Everything goes black as my body continue floating into the air speeding up as his air around my soul catch fire and I land through a window and enter it hitting some strong body.The body falling backwards onto the bed rock hard sending me a coma my body is beginning to shake convulsing out of control and I wake up with my eyes popping open up.I sit back up thrusting my legs into the air as she lands a bit, my head is groggy coming towards me walking to the mirror, and he is fluctuating this body hitting the mirror in a thud.I come to looking up to the mirror to see him it’s Colton’s face I am touching and I am so feeling fantastic as I strip naked to showing his body on showcase this is my body now forever.I check my body landing onto my chest as they let them spread feeling every inch and crevice of his body and I knew he felt that even in body but just spun it to the side to head into the bathroom.Letting my clothes fly into the air as I enter the bathroom closing the door behind me, switching the knob of the side as the shelf flows down raining over me and begin to soap up.The soap in my hand is place back as I am lathering myself up to the point suds are now everywhere and I enjoy the heat of the water wash over me and it felt so amazing to me.I do dance as I am getting a bit more of his confidence knowing I am super fucking hot now and their is nothing they can do to stop me and cleaning myself off with a towel as the steam rises.I am a new man stepping out of the shower drying my feet and into a pair of slippers as I walk out and the steam flowing into my main bedroom.
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“Oh My God!”
“I am a stun”
“Look this face”
“This body is perfection”
“I am about to go out “
“Flash this smile “
“Get some ass”
“Claim someone “
“They won’t know what hit them”
“I won’t be shy “
“I am so tired of being misunderstood “
“What’s his passcode”
“Oh right! Boop boop boop”
“Excellent! Let’s download some app”
“Set your profile”
“Take a few pics “
“Hit me up bitches “
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“Time to get dressed “
“This polo shirt is it “
“Nice pair of jeans”
“Grab my shit “
“Almost forgot my keys “
“Here we go”
“Hello! Yes”
“This is Colton Haynes”
“I will be at this restaurant in five minutes “
“I need to get a private table at your restaurant.”
“This is Colton Haynes”
“Yes sir!”
“I’m on my way “
“Move! “
“The main main is here”
“I’m here “
“Hello Sir!”
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The end
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chlorine-and-daisies · 2 months
i see people with internet friends who gush about each other's work and write collabs and exchange ideas, and it's beautiful
people who have found their own voice and unique takes on characters
and i enjoy it on one level but on another level it's just like
i'm not good enough to deserve to be let into that
sometimes it hurts more to know that you're not a bad writer, you're just a mediocre one.
like i usually don't get hate or even constructive criticism (which btw i would welcome) on my writing, i've received one or two very sweet comments that mean the world to me
but generally i haven't gotten much of a response in terms of hits/kudos/comments, my stuff just flies under the radar usually, which suggests that a. i need to improve my summaries and tags and b. i'm just not standing out in this huge fandom
there is so much good and unique writing out there, and i don't have super original ideas, i tend to write things that are pretty simple and short and not super original
and also obviously my mostly canon compliant oneshots won't be able to get attention next to longer aus
and i'm young with lots of time to grow comparing myself to experienced writers but god
i often leave long comments on people's work and make recommendations and analyze what they're doing, i try to support others and hope that the friendships will come but it feels like i'm just here alone
because again i can't stand out
and don't get me started on that boop day which was fun but i gave Way Way More than i received and it felt like a popularity contest in a way
i wish i had better ideas, i wish i could write something more touching
i wish i was likable
i have enough knowledge to recognize good writing but not enough skill to write something good myself
i'm so painfully jealous
even in a large fandom the world is so small and so lonely
it's a self fulfilling cycle where the lack of reception translates into lack of motivation and second-guessing myself and writer's block
i finally scheduled a consultation with student health at my college today, something i should have done years ago
and as i take steps to improve my mental health i hope that i'll start to be able to interact with others in healthier ways and stop comparing myself so much
but for the time being it's just so hard, it's so hard
it's ironic how i joined this fandom because of my connection to aziraphale, someone who is also socially awkward and absorbed in special interests, but it ended up making me feel worse about those traits in myself
bc he is an angel and doesn't care about being cringy, but i am unfortunately human
my partner says i should take a break from tumblr if it's no longer fun for me
i probably should
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snappleapple · 3 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Every Little Thing
Pairing: Colin Shea x fem!Reader
Words: ~4.3k
Summary: You and Colin are two slutty pea in a pod neighbors, but maybe you could be more?
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, f receiving oral sex, unprotected vaginal sex), idiots in love, excessive alcohol consumption, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: Ugh, I love Colin and I can’t believe it took me so long to write him. Before I get a bunch of notes about it, they’re gonna realize their feelings eventually but it might take a couple fics because they’re both morons, but they’re pretty morons so it’s fine 😉
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!!!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Oh god, what the fuck was that noise? Why was your phone ringing at 8 AM on a fucking Sunday?
You picked up the offensive object and growled when you got a look at the caller ID.
“Colin, it’s Sunday morning, this had better be really good. I didn’t get home until 4 AM.”
“She won’t fucking leave.” He hissed over the line. “She wants to go out for waffles.”
“I fail to see how this is my problem.” You grumbled, rolling over onto your back and flinging your arm over your eyes. “Just ditch her at the fucking waffle place.”
“C’mon, Y/N, that’s like a second date. What about our deal?” That fucking deal, he definitely benefitted more from it than you did.
“You’re an asshole.” You mumbled, sitting up with an exhausted groan. “Gimme 5 minutes.”
“You’re the best!” You could hear the fucking grin in his voice and rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah, I fucking know.” You didn’t wait for him to confirm before you hung up on him, stretching your whole body as you moved to put on some clothes.
It only took you a few minutes to pull on some old jeans and a sweatshirt and then you were stomping across the hall to Colin’s apartment, determined to make this as uncomfortable as possible for him. 
“Colin Shea!” You pounded on the door viciously. “This is your wife! I found your little love nest! What hooker do you have in there now?”
You couldn’t help but grin to yourself as you heard a commotion from inside, someone was cursing up a storm and you were pretty sure you heard a couple of slaps.
“I can hear you in there.” You tried to make it sound like you were on the verge of tears. “What about Colin Junior? I’m not raising that baby on my own, you bastard!”
The door slammed open and a very angry looking woman stormed out, shooting a glare over her shoulder and calling Colin a motherfucker as she scurried down the stairs. He came rushing after her with a frustrated look on his face, rubbing the side of his jaw and scowling when he got a look at the shit eating grin on your face.
“My wife?” He asked incredulously, grabbing his hoodie and pulling it over his naked torso as you just continued laughing at him. “That was kinda mean.”
“8 AM on a Sunday, Shea.” You booped his nose with your finger and winked at him before turning to head back to your place. “You wake me up before 10 AM on a weekend and you take what you can get. I’m going back to bed.”
“Wait, Y/N, don’t you wanna have breakfast or something?” He jogged after you, ignoring the glower you shot him as you opened your door. “I’ll make you my famous eggs.”
“Did you not hear me when I said I got in at 4 AM?” You frowned at him when he kept you from closing your front door. “Colin, quit being so clingy. If I wanted to have breakfast with some annoying dude I would’ve actually brought that lawyer from last night home.”
“A lawyer, huh?” He was giving you one of those stupid looks that he typically reserved for girls he was trying to bang but that he definitely knew didn’t work on you. “And that didn’t even do it for you.”
“I mean, I still rode that beard for a good hour, but he was super depressing.” You kept knocking your door against his foot with an annoyed air. “Which is why I need to sleep, so get out of my fucking doorway.”
“Fine, we’re hanging out later though!” He called as you slammed the door in his face.
You just ripped off your clothes and crawled back into bed, burying your face in your pillows and cursing the sun as you did your best to fall back asleep.
It must have happened at some point, because you woke up six hours later with a mouth full of cotton and absolutely drenched in sweat. Why was it so fucking hot?
The pillow case tried to come with your face when you rolled out of the bed and you threw it away from you with a huff as you padded to inspect your air conditioner. 
It wasn’t on. You knelt in front of it and whined as you tried flicking it off and on and nothing happened. This could not be happening, not with summer just about to start. It was supposed to be in the 90s today. No matter what you tried, it didn’t turn on. Granted, all you tried was unplugging it and plugging it back in, but that always worked with your computer.
The call to the repair company was no luck, they were closed for the weekend. This was going to suck, you fucking hated being hot. You moved to your kitchen to try to find some way to cool off after opening every damn window in your place to hopefully get some kind of air circulation going.
That’s when you spotted it. 
The frozen margarita machine you had bought on an absinthe fueled online shopping spree and never gotten around to returning. It was like a little miracle right there in your kitchen, designed to help you cool off and get drunk so you could forget about how fucking hot it was while you did the week’s worth of chores you had been procrastinating.
You hummed happily when that first gulp of frozen tequila goodness slid down your throat, and maybe you shouldn’t have chugged the whole thing but who fucking cared, it was hot. Time flew by as you downed those things like it was your fucking job, scrubbing your pots and pans and singing little songs to yourself.
Music started drifting through your open windows but you barely registered it even as you started singing along because it was Queen and how could you not.
It was the third time you had filled that margarita machine and you were feeling fantastic, dancing around your kitchen as you continued cleaning your dishes. Whoever was playing music was still going strong and you began belting when they started doing Seven Seas of Rhye.
“You are mine, I possess you, I belong to you foreveeeEEER!”
“Hey, Y/N!”
Your badass high note devolved into a shriek and you turned to chuck the cup you were holding at the intruder on the fire escape, cursing when you saw it was Colin. He managed to duck out of the way at the last second with a muttered fuck and you sighed as you watched your mug sail over his shoulder.
“Fuck, Shea, that was my favorite mug!” You pouted, stamping your foot a little and taking another gulp of your margarita. “What the fuck are you doing on my fire escape?”
He gave you a stupid cocky grin as he watched to try to lean on one hand on your counter and almost go down when you missed it at the last second.
“Are you drunk, honey?” Fuck him for calling you honey, that wiley asshole. “We could hear you singing from the roof.”
“I’m just a little buzzed.” You hiccupped. “Who’s we?”
“My band.” He crawled into your apartment and caught you when you tripped over your own feet again, still grinning at you like an idiot. “The ones you were singing along with.”
“That was your band?” You had never realized how blue his eyes were. “You guys sound great!”
“Yeah, you sound pretty good yourself.” He grabbed the cup you were holding and gave it a sniff, coughing a little before he set it on the counter. “Maybe you should come hang out with us instead of drinking what I think is blended jet fuel and ice all by yourself.”
“If I’m gonna hang out with you guys I think I should bring a pitcher of margs.” He was really fucking pretty, had you noticed that before? “Don’t wanna be a bad hostess.”
“Oh, baby, you’re wasted.” He tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear and you felt your chest flutter a little bit. “No more margs for you. Come sing with us while you sober up. No, no.” He pulled you back when you tried to crawl out the window and started dragging you towards your door. “Ladder doesn’t really seem like a good idea right now, let’s take the stairs.”
You tossed your head back as you laughed, slapping his chest while you leaned heavily on him and let him guide you through the hall and to the stairs to the roof. Those were some firm pecs, you were a little marvelled at the way your palm just bounced right off so you slapped it again.
“Wow.” It was like your hand was moving independently from your brain as you gave him a pretty brazen squeeze. “Your tits are fantastic, Colin.”
“Holy shit, Y/N!” He was laughing hysterically when he shoved the door to the roof open. “Your drunk game is on point sweetie. Guys, this is Y/N, the killer vocals you heard from downstairs. She’s a little tipsy.”
They introduced themselves and you promptly forgot all of their names, your hand trailing down Colin’s chest until you could press it against his abs. This was getting weird, it’s not like you hadn’t seen him naked before. But seeing and touching were apparently two very different things.
“We still doing Queen, boys?” You said, finally tearing your eyes away from Colin after poking him in the bellybutton and grinning when he made a noise like the Pillsbury doughboy. “Cos I’m good with whatever.”
“What about some Journey?” He slung his SG over his shoulder and watched you carefully as you grabbed the mike one of his bandmates was handing you. “You wanna sit down, hon?”
“Don’t call me hon, sweetheart.” You teased, giving him a wink and tapping the mike a couple of times. “I’ll be fine. Journey feels a little basic but ok. Faithfully or Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’?”
That grin he gave you should not have been affecting you like this, maybe you did have too many margaritas. The bassist started playing the opening riff to Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’ and your grin got even wider, your hips moving to the beat as you kept your eyes on Colin. You laughed happily when he joined in with the guitar part, joining in after the piano had done its thing and losing yourself in the music.
He could not take his eyes off of you, he was pretty sure you’d never been this fucking cheerful around him before. Not that you were especially grumpy or anything, or that your typical dry wit didn’t immediately endear you to him. But seeing you with that goofy grin as you sang every fucking Journey song they had in their roster until the sun set was not helping the already prodigious crush he had on you. 
Now the two of you were sitting on the couch he had dragged up there months ago and watching his bandmates pack up their gear, saying goodbye to each of them as they headed down the stairs and left you two to lean against each other and sigh happily. You had your legs flung over his lap as he plucked at his guitar strings lazily, kicking your feet slowly and leaning back on the sofa as you watched him closely and sipped on a bottle of water.
“You ever do any actual performing, honey?” He asked, his fingers running over your calf absentmindedly. “Cos with that voice you could probably line up some gigs.”
“Just karaoke.” You murmured. You were definitely sobering up now, but you were still hyper aware of his hands on your skin and it was giving you some feelings you weren’t totally sure about. “Lemme see that thing.”
“What?” He gave a little huff when you grabbed the neck of his guitar and pulled it into your lap. “Baby, do not tell me you play.”
“I mean, it’s been a little while, but I think I remember a couple chords.” You gave him another grin and his chest started to hurt.
“Jesus, a couple chords?” He laughed to cover the absolutely filthy sound he almost made when you started playing, it was like he had made you on a computer. “Honey, that’s Led Zeppelin.”
“Yeah, but it’s easy Zeppelin.” You teased, turning your body so you could lean against his chest and not missing the low rumble you felt when you tucked your head against his shoulder. “It’s Coda.”
“Uh-huh.” Being this close to you was doing something to him, he suddenly had the overwhelming urge to smell your hair. 
“Why haven’t we slept together, Col?” Fuck it, you might as well do this.
He choked on the water he was drinking, turning his face so he didn’t spit it all over you as you stopped your playing and grinned at him.
“I seem to remember giving it a good try when you moved in.” He managed to get himself under control and turned his face back to you. “But you said you had a rule about not fucking people who live in the same building as you. Something about not shitting where you eat.”
“That’s about sex with coworkers.” You said, scrunching your face up as you tried to remember what your exact justification had been.
“Which is what I told you.” He tried to scoot away from you but you followed after him. “To which you replied, ‘doesn’t matter, not gonna happen’.”
“Huh, that seems awful short-sighted of me.” You scooted closer again and this time he let you. “C’mon, we’ve fucked almost everyone else in this city, we’d have gotten to each other eventually anyways.”
“Jesus, what a romantic sentiment.” He was trying to focus real hard on his softeners, but they weren’t working with you squirming against him like that. “You really want to do this?”
“I mean, I think we’d enjoy it.” You set his guitar aside and turned so your chest was pressed to his. “It’s not like we’re gonna catch feels, or anything. Just gonna see what all the fuss is about.”
“Right.” Maybe this would get his little crush out of his system. “Let’s not do it on the roof, though.”
“God, no. My place?” You stood up and started heading towards the fire escape.
“Yeah, ok.” He watched you climb down to your apartment before sliding down the ladder after you like the damn frat boy he was.
As soon as he climbed in the window you were dragging him towards you, swallowing his tiny cry of surprise when you pulled his mouth to yours. His lips were unbelievably soft against your own, and when he opened up and stroked your tongue with his? 
“Shit, Colin.” You purred when he started trailing his lips down your throat. “I feel like maybe we should’ve done this sooner.”
“Yeah, maybe.” His voice was muffled as his mouth moved to your chest, one hand moving to hook under the neckline of your camisole and pulling on it until your breasts popped out. “Well fuck me. No wonder you know so much about fantastic tits.”
You laughed at that, arching into his face and grinning down at him as he buried his face between your tits and gazed at you through his lashes. Those stupid, long as all fuck lashes that were brushing against your skin as he mouthed at your soft curves. 
“Jesus, fuck.” You wound your fingers through his hair when he dragged his tongue over your nipple, tugging on it softly and guiding him further into your apartment. “God, you really know how to use that mouth of yours, sweetie.”
“Oh, honey, you don’t even know.” He teased, moving his face back to yours and lifting you to wrap your legs around his waist as he started carrying you towards your bedroom.  “You wanna find out, though?”
“You tease all the girls you fuck this much?” You nipped at his lips and grinned when he moaned into your mouth, reaching behind you to open the door to your bedroom. 
“Nah, that’s just for you, baby.” He cooed, giving you a quick peck on the lips before dropping you on the bed with a huff.
Every place his fingers touched sent a jolt of heat through your body straight to your core, your eyes never leaving his as he started kissing and nipping his way down your torso after pulling your cami over your head. He grinned against your thigh when you moaned after he yanked your shorts down your legs, sucking a soft bruise into your flesh before rubbing his face over your clothed core and inhaling deeply.
You throbbed under his lips as he pressed gentle kisses over the fabric that covered your mound, hooking your legs over his shoulders and trying to grind into him when he tugged at your panties with his teeth and let them snap back into place teasingly. His fingers skimmed up your legs until he could hook them under the band of your panties and drag them off you, sighing heavily when he settled back between your thighs and got a good look at you.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty.” He spread you apart with his fingers and flicked his tongue out to run over your slit softly, moaning when he finally tasted you. 
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” You ran your fingers through his hair and beamed at him, rolling your hips against his face when he sucked your pussy lips into his mouth with a low hum.
Colin chuckled into your cunt at that, pressing gentle kisses all over your soft folds before dragging his tongue over you in a heavy stripe. Your body reacted immediately when he reached your clit, your back arching off the bed and your legs curling around his neck as he repeated the same process but at a much slower pace. 
Two of his fingers slid inside you as he wrapped his lips around your clit and you keened, gripping his hair by the roots and tugging hard when he started stretching you open while his lips drove you wild. The rhythm of his suction and release matched the curling of his fingers inside you and made you want to scream, your free hand reaching above your head and digging hard into your pillow as your body tried to rise off the bed when he brought you right to the edge of your peak right away. 
“Col, Colin, oh fuck.” He felt like your thighs were gonna suffocate him but those sounds you were making for him had him past the point of caring about a silly thing like oxygen. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.”
Your whole body seized against his face as you let out a gorgeous fluttering moan, soaking his lips and chin in your release as he hummed with satisfaction into your pussy. He sat up when you finally released him, removing his clothes in a rush as he watched you pant underneath him and run your tongue over your lips. God, you were fucking beautiful, he couldn’t believe he’d waited so long to do this.
Before you had a chance to say anything he was hooking your knee over his elbow and thrusting into you, sheathing himself to the hilt in one smooth motion and releasing his breath in a thin hiss when he felt your satiny walls flutter around him. 
“Ah, fuck, you feel amazing.” He ducked his face to catch your lips with his before pulling back with a groan. “Shit, I forgot a condom. Uh, I’m clean, just got tested last week.”
“God, you’re fine sweetie.” You brought a hand up to cup his jaw and ran a thumb over his cheek in a soothing gesture. “Also clean and I have an IUD, so we’re peachy. I am a little mad at you though.”
“Yeah, why?” He wasn’t too worried, you were still grinning at him as he started moving his hips slowly.
“Well, Jesus, fuck, you’re big.” You almost lost your train of thought when he tilted your hips just a bit and his cock hit you deep. “I usually like to reciprocate oral, sweetie. I barely even got a look at what you’re packing down there.”
“You’ve seen it before.” He groaned when you wrapped your free leg around his hips and rolled your body against his.
“Just glances though.” You gripped his biceps and dug your nails in, biting your lip as he continued dragging his length over every inch of you at an agonizing pace. “And never hard.”
“Honey, there’s no way I’m pulling out for you to take a good look so you’re gonna have to make due.” He teased, grinding against your clit and grinning when your eyes fluttered closed.
“Fine.” You huffed, frowning a little before winking at him. “We’re switching then.”
You didn’t answer, just giving him a cocky grin and gripping his hips with your thighs. One quick move and he was under you, a small sound of surprise leaving his lips when you were suddenly straddling his hips and grinning down at him.
“Oh yeah, that’s better.” You placed one palm on the center of his chest and curled your fingers through his chest hair as you rose up on your knees before sinking down again nice and slow, loving the low groan you felt reverberate in his chest when you clenched around him. “Good for you, Col?”
“Yes, yeah, s’ good.” He was completely mesmerized by you, his eyes trailing over your body as you arched your back and continued to ride him. 
The way he was reacting to you was making it hard for you to focus on what you were doing, his eyes soft and relaxed on yours and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he slowly moved his hips to meet your own. You could’ve lost yourself in those eyes if you really wanted to.
Shit, none of that.
His fingers started trailing up your sides when he fucked up into you suddenly and he lost it at the way your tits bounced for him, sitting up with a whine and nuzzling into your chest before wrapping his lips around your nipple as he started bucking wildly.
“Shit, fuck, Colin.” He was hitting your cervix with each punch of his hips and it was taking all your self control to not pass out from how hard he was railing you, wrapping your legs around him and dragging your lips over his jaw. “Baby, you’re gonna make me come again.”
“Yeah? Good.” He cupped your jaw and brought your face back to his, tugging at your lips with his teeth while he gazed into your eyes. “I wanna watch your face while you come.”
You kept your eyes open and trained on his, worrying his bottom lip with your teeth and resting your forehead against his as you felt a warm coil gathering in the pit of your stomach. It was like you were falling into those lust blown pools as he took you apart, your lips crashing against his as the coil snapped and you gasped his name into his mouth. 
The feeling of your entire body fluttering around him was too much, and he followed you with a low growl. He muttered your name under his breath as he spilled his cum inside you, holding you close to his chest and rubbing his nose against yours.
You fell on top of him when he collapsed back against the bed, the two of you laughing breathlessly as you tangled your limbs and molded your lips together before pulling back and gazing at each other some more. Both of you lost yourselves for just a beat, your chests heaving against each other’s before disconnecting and rolling off the bed in two opposite directions as you did your best to compose yourselves.
“I’d say you definitely earned all those screams I’ve heard coming from your apartment, Shea.” You teased, trying your best to lighten the mood and not dwell on the desire you had to ask him to spend the night. 
“Yeah, well I’ve always thought so.” He was avoiding looking at you as much as possible, searching the room for his clothes and fighting the urge to pull you back into the bed and snuggle with you. “Have you seen my converse?”
“Yeah, here.” You shoved his shoes at him after pulling an oversized tee over your head. “Well, I’ve got work in the morning, so…”
“Right, I’ll, um, I’ll talk to you later, I guess.” He shuffled towards your front door and pulled it open before leaning back to look at you one more time. “You can join us for band practice any time, by the way.”
“That would be great.” That smile you were giving him made him feel like his heart was going to break. “I promise not to be sloppy drunk next time.”
“Aww, drunk Y/N was pretty fun, but ok.” He winked at you then left in a hurry, slamming the door behind him. 
You fell back on your bed and ran your hands over your face in frustration, hating yourself for coming up with this stupid idea because now all you wanted was to have breakfast with that beautiful idiot tomorrow after sleeping on top of his chest.
“Goddamn it.”
Colin grabbed himself a beer when he got back to his apartment and chugged it, sinking into one of his barstools and considering the fact that he was absolutely not over his crush after everything the two of you had just done.
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TAGS!!!! (If your name is scored it won’t let me tag you, check your privacy settings!!)
@slothspaghettiwrites@captain-asguard@starlightcrystalline@harrysthiccthighss@bonkywobble@chubbybuckydumpling@blackestpinkworld@egcdeath@wanderinglunarnights@wandering-spiritash@bval-1@chris-butt@badbleep88@shutupstevie@muzzyandbusy@sizzie9@isysen@babyb3ar@wanderingalice00@whxre4cevans@kaleeelizabeth58@angrybirdcr@unsaltedalmonds@amerikakapitanyy@lizette50@patzammit@dwights-new-plague@tenaciousperfectionunknown@daughterofthenight117@obsessivereaderchick@before-we-get-started@missmintyross@mariaenchanted@Marvel-baby@iwanttobekilledtwice@banditmarkymark@wayward-blonde@travistheaussie@thiskindahotkindamusic@stan-all-the-things@roleplaytaboo@jnkyrds@oops-aquarius@riemasonline@superoopuniverse @ethereal-beaut-y@Lex-Is-Up-All-Night-To-Get-Bucky@ambthegamer@tapouttt34@hobbitingryffindor@gudenuph@hevans-angel@rose-m22@jennmurawski13@dumb-ass-writer@kristopbishta@haleemah@yippikaiyaymotherfucker@violet-amxthyst@Thatzolagirl@misshale21@Chamorritaluv@ellefran@pinkdiamond1016@nonamenatalia@katexrichardson@aliceforbes@hornyhoursonly@tvckerlance@xoxabs88xox@phantompogues@ke1084299@ghotifishreads@chloehn@sherlocksmanwatson@partiesandblurrypolaroids@bwbatta@cherrychris@acceptyourselfloveyourself@itstaylorcale@miriamkb@needleandhammer@xoxonotme@Sunny223456@moments-tattoos-on-my-mind@thatsthewrongwallcraig@l-sofiamia-l@lemarvelsimpette@old-enough-to-know-better73@smokeandnailz@loverofaccents@inactivewhore@sohoseb@NINJA Q-TIP@amelia-song-pond@everything-is-all-clear@weasleytwins-41@avada-kedavra-bitch-187@girlwhofans@littlezombie666@xmusictodiebyx@moony-is-bae@mogaruke@nymariel@inmoix@sebastianstanswifey@jeremyrennermakesmesmile@jbreenr@glassesandthunderthighs@aerialclouds@mrs-kcathrb@rosalynshields@littlezombie666@malloryknoxx@hoseokmylovesworld@shynerdystudent@lharrietg@chrisevanseditsworld@dreck-t@Lisafrers@kaitieskidmore1@jane-doe6@vintagepigeon@cece5@brxttybottom@ntthuyy25@sweetcupcakegirl@nathalienight@lululuci-allonsy@umadirectioner@ice-dtae@chrisjaay@drabblewithfrannybarnes @stargazingfangirl18@jack-skellingtons-stuff@chrissquares@msmarvelwrites@sweeterthanthis@gotnofucks@ozarkthedog@thefallenbibliophilequote@a-little-counter-esperanto@afriendlyblackhottie@cockslut-padalecki@gracechristo@ghotifishreads@tossacoin2yourwitcher@angry-angelic@grumpyashhh@fckdeusername@toni9@girlfriday007@starrybrock@simpcitylolz@weasleytwins-41@millennial-teenybopper@mochionly@archy3001@madbaddic7ed@yeolliedokai@I-lie-here-charmed
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
NSFW Valentines request: Y/n and Sero had just been out on a date. When they got home, Sero decided to tape Y/n’s arms to the headboard. I’m sure you know where this is going.. (Dominant Sero but since it’s Valentine’s Day he’s slightly more gentle.)
Reader: Male
Thanks and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! ❤️
Oooh sounds awesome! I’ve never (ever) written for Sero before, so I’m excited by this new challenge! I actually really liked how this turned out, so if you want a part two, feel free and let me know when requests open again (which will be in a few days)
💖Valentine’s Day Special💖
Sticky Situations; Sero x Male Reader
Genre: smutty smut
Type: oneshot
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: making out, bondage, quirk play, daddy kink (it’s technically Papi, but whatever lol), prince kink, blowjobs, brat play, spitting, cum play
Other: I’m so sorry this took so long to come out, I admit I was watching anime. Death Note totally isn’t creepy at all. Also, I do like the headcanon that Sero is Hispanic, but I myself don’t speak Spanish and I had to use google translate. If anything if translated incorrectly, please let me know and I will change it. Also, I call my grandpa Papi, so I kept being reminded of him when I wrote this, and it felt super weird lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (let me know if you wanna be added to or removed from the taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made during the Valentine’s Day Special Request Event
Valentine’s Day was always fun, even when you were single. Mostly because you could bully tease all the simps in relationships. However, Valentine’s Day was even more fun when you were in a relationship.
Gone were the days where you would state that you’d never ever date.
I mean- most of those days you’d say you’d never date a girl.
You’ve kept that promise thus far.
You and Hanta Sero had been going out for about four or five months now, and you’d been looking forward to Valentine’s Day with your boyfriend. You took him on a date to a cute cafe, then took a walk in the nearby park. 
If anyone looked your way, it had to have been obvious that you were dating. You were holding hands, laughing and giggling together, and Sero couldn’t stop himself from pressing countless kisses to your face and hands.
It was a little embarrassing when a little kid shouted “EEWW THEY’RE IN LOO-OOVE!! HAHA!” However, the two of you just kissed again to piss him off.
Your jaw was aching from all the smiling by the time you got back home. Stomach in loops from all the laughter.
“Hanta! You know you can’t bully a five-year-old!” You laughed, pushing the keys into the door.
“I wasn’t bullying him, I was just- ah- showing him that I love you! C’mon, you can forgive that, right, Mi Amor?”
“Hanta, don’t pull the ‘Mi Amor’ on me, kids are still kids.” You waved your finger in his face jokingly, pushing the door open and stepping inside.
“Kids may still be kids, but Y/n’s are still sexy~” he grinned, placing his head on top of yours (he’s so freakin tall).
“Oh my goodness, Hanta! You horny bastard,”you laughed, shutting the door behind you. You felt Hanta’s hands curl around your waist, tugging you close to him.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling a little and moving towards the kitchen, Hanta’s arms still around you. He waddled behind you like a lost puppy, insistent on keeping the physical contact. 
“We should relax...” he muttered in your ear. 
“Hanta, ‘relaxing’ to you is fucking me until I can’t think.” you commented, booping his nose. Despite your words, your body was headed towards the bedroom. 
“Yeah? And? You don’t have to do shit, just relax and take it baby~” he murmured as the two of you found the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. In an instant, he had you pushed up against the wall, pressing his lips against your neck and chin, sucking your skin into his mouth to give you some visible hickies.
“Mm- you’re lucky your handsome, tape-boy~” you teased, smirking up at him. “lucky I’m so fucking horny~” your hands caressed down his sides and stomach, finding their way to his pants, cupping his crotch.
“Watch where you’re touching, Querido~” he purred in your ear. 
“Yeah, I’m watching, Papi~” your boyfriend’s eyebrows quirked upwards, tugging your arms upwards. You felt something cold and sticky on your wrists, tightening around your skin. He fucking taped you. “Ah- Hanta! Seriously? Today’s supposed to be sweet, not kinky~!” you kept up your smug act, despite the uncomfortable tightness in your pants.
“Drop the vanilla act, Principe. You can’t call me Papi then pretend you want it gentle.” his hands were woven in your shirt, and his words fell straight gay to your dick. He pushed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you and unbuttoning your shirt. You bit your lip, still grinning like a top despite your sticky situation. 
“I ain’t dropping anything anytime soon~” you cooed, wrapping your legs around his hips and grinding your clothed dick up against his. “Come on, Papi, I’m hard as shit right now, you gonna do something about it?” you felt his growl before you heard it, his hand gripping your jaw and tugging it up to his face, his lips inches away from yours.
“You need to shut your fucking mouth, or I’ll use it for something better.” you gulped, nodding as best you could with your face in his hand. Your grin had fallen, but a nasty smirk was plastered on his face, sending shivers down your spine.
“I-I’m sorry, Papi, please touch me,” you whined, and he let go of your face, setting your head down on the soft pillows. He undid your belt, and you lifted your hips so he could pull them down.
“That’s a good boy, asking Papi nicely for your pleasure~” he purred like a cat, palming your growing hard-on through your boxers. Your breath hitched, trying to pull out of the tape on your wrists so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
Hanta noticed, pushing your arms up and quickly taping you to the headboard. You whined, complaining loudly about the excess bondage. You wanted to touch him, wanted to run your hands through his hair and scratch up his back.
“Enough of the brattyness.” he growled again, hand smacking against your thigh. “You want your dick sucked or fucking not?” 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please I do want my dick sucked! Please make me feel good, Papi, I won’t complain again I’m sorry~”
“Buen Chico, Good boy~” his hand finally dipped into your boxers, pulling your cock out. You sucked in a hiss as his long fingers wrapped around your base, slowly jerking you off. “You were right, Principe, you are hard as shit right now. That’s all cause of me~?”
“F-fuck! Cocky bastard-” you grunted, pulling against your restraints as your boyfriend tugged on your dick.
“I think I reserve the right to be a bit... cocky. ‘Specially considering the circumstances~” you opened your mouth to spit another bratty insult at him, but he shut you up before you could get the chance. His lips pressed against yours, and his tongue halfway down your throat. You groaned into the kiss, hips bucking up into his touch.
He pulled away from you, a string of saliva still connecting your tongues. His hand found your face again, holding your jaw and forcing your mouth to remain open as he spat into your maw. 
You instinctively swallowed, looking up at him helplessly. Was it possible to get any more turned on? You were literally taped to the bed with your hot as fuck boyfriend hovering over you, jerking you off and spitting in your mouth. 
He pressed kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach before he finally finally reached your throbbing dick. He pressed his tongue flat against the underside, dragging it up to the tip and suckling on it a little. You grunted again, bucking up to try and get him to take in more. He pulled of, letting out a small huff of disappointment.
“Really, baby? I thought at this point you’d recognize that you’re not in control. I am in control.” you whined at his evil grin. You were so fucking wrong. With Hanta, there was always room to be more turned on.
“Yes! You’re in control!” you cried out, “You control my body, Hanta! Please please please suck my dick! Please make me feel good! I’m your good boy, right? Tu Buen Chico!”
“That’s right, Mi Chico, un Buen Chico~” he purred, finally taking your throbbing cock into his mouth and sucking. Your eyes rolled back, head flopping limply onto the pillows with a loud moan. 
“Fu-uck!” you whimpered, he had so much talent, tongue swirling around your tip as he tugged on your balls. Bobbing up and down your length and deep-throating you with ease. “Hanta, Papi! Please it feels so good!”
He hummed around your dick in approval, grinding his hips against the mattress as he continued to suck you off. He loved the cute noises you made, enjoying every dirty word that spilled from your mouth.
This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten a blowjob from him, but he seemed to get better at it every time, using your reactions as data to improve his skills. The first time he sucked you off, he was inexperienced, and you didn’t cum. Now, he had you cumming in less than five minutes.
Most days, he’d edge you. Keeping you from cumming until you were in tears, at which point he’d finally prep and fuck you. But today was Valentine’s Day, a day to appreciate your lovers, romantic or otherwise, so he decided he’d be nice and let you cum.
“God- fuck it feels so good! I wanna cum, please let me cum, Papi!” You looked down your chest at your man, he looked up with you, not pulling off of you, instead, he sped up, swallowing around you. 
Usually, he’d pull off and tease you, deny your poor little dick of it’s orgasm before going back down on you, so his continuance was a pleasant surprise. You arched you back, squirming as your legs twitched.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Hanta~” you cried, bucking up into his mouth a few times as you leaked your cum into his mouth. He finally pulled off of you, stroking you a little more to encourage more to shoot out on his face. 
Finally, he let go, and you flopped back into the mattress. You felt the bed’s weight shift as Hanta crawled over you, lifting your face by your chin. You felt your face heat up at the sight of him. There were lines of cum on his cheek, lip, and a little on his chin. Then he let his mouth fall open, your cum dribbling off his tongue and past his lips.
You opened your mouth out of instinct, letting him spit your cum into your mouth. His face dipped down, lips pressing against yours as he fed more semen into your mouth with his tongue. You let out soft mewls into his mouth in return. He separated, rubbing your cheek with his thumb gently.
“Don’t you fucking dare swallow.” his voice was commanding, contra(dick)ting the sweet look on his face. His tongue darted out, licking up as much spare cum as he could as he sat back on his haunches.
Hanta was still dressed, hard on evident in his pants as he rolled his hips against yours. Your breath hitched and you tugged on your restrains. You wanted to protest against him, but you couldn’t without swallowing what was in your mouth, and you weren’t exactly in the mood for a punishment.
“We’re in for a long night, Mi Buen Principe~” he smirked.
Oh shit.
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
shirtgate: tom holland imagine
a/n | i finally did it! i wrote a thing without angst! i have grown so much as a person. anyway this is my third and final (☹️) submission for @hollandsrecs​ 1k bingo event, crossing off the “accidental relationship reveal” trope square. this has been a super fun challenge and everything i’ve written for it i’ve actually been v proud of so thank you all for the continued support :)
summary | it is pretty obvious — you accidentally tell the whole world about your relationship with your costar Tom Holland.
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tom x fem costar!reader | contains language, fluff, heavily suggestive dialogue | word count: 1.8k | enjoy!
“Babe, have you seen my shirt?”
A strong pair of arms snake around your waist.
“Why do you need a shirt?”
You slip around and lace your fingers behind your boyfriend’s neck, blushing at his sly smile.
“As flattered as I am, I don’t think my publicist will be very pleased seeing pictures in the papers tomorrow of me walking around naked.”
He ran his hands up and down your bare back and leaned in to kiss your neck, making you shiver in the best way.
“Ooh, I would buy the hell out of those photos.”
“You’re such a weirdo, Tom.”
“You love it.”
“Maybe. Where is my shirt?!”
“Just borrow one of mine,” he said, going to his closet and pulling one of his favorite spider-man t-shirts from the back. You draped it over you and reveled in being enveloped in his scent while Tom frowned at the loose cotton now hanging over you.
You walked over to him sitting on the edge of his bed and straddled his hips, lazily putting your arms on either one of his shoulders. The smell of your perfume mixed with his laundry detergent blissfully dizzied him, and he couldn’t stop thinking about how the only thing between your bare bodies was a thin piece of fabric- but his pout stayed put.
You noticed the drop in his mood. “What, I don’t look good in gray?”
“You look amazing in it, darling. I just wish you didn’t have to leave,” he exaggerated his expression, toying with the bottom hem of the shirt, exposing a few inches of your bare belly. You kissed his nose and pushed him back on the mattress, leaning over and propping yourself up on your hands. His eyes continued to roll over you, the sunshine filtering in through the slats in his blinds casting a glowing sheen across you that he couldn’t peel his eyes away from.
“I’ll be back later,” you said, dragging one finger slowly down his chest. “And you can take it off again then.” You finished your sentence with a smirk and a boop to the nose, got up, and went to finish getting dressed. Tom stayed there with his jaw slacked, cursing his better judgement for not tackling you and using his charm to convince you to stay.
“Oh, you better believe I’ll be doing a lot more than that,” he huffed, swallowing hard, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do with himself until he could get his hands on you later.
“...and this is the room where it happens!” you pan your camera around your bedroom to show all of the fans who were watching your live story. You had promised them a tour of your new apartment once it was all moved into, and with a fan base as big as you had, you couldn’t disappoint, even if you would’ve much preferred being tangled up with Tom right now than showing millions of strangers your throw pillows. But your relationship was to be kept completely off the books, out of the media and only inside the comfort of your own homes, with the exception of your close friends. You both knew what kind of drama it would spark if you went public this soon after your movie release, and wanted to live in your little private bubble of normalcy as long as you could. When you expose your love to the world, things just get messy- and right now, you were content with everything being divinely simple.
Feedback poured in onto your tiny screen.
“wooowww so jealous!!!”
“your house is beautiful 😍😍”
“hiiii y/n! show us more!”
You scrolled through the comments on your live-stream, laughing and responding to some questions people asked.
“Yes, my dog lives here with me!”
“Ohmygod, no, Chris Evans does not live in my basement! Did he tell you that?!”
You floated from room to room giving the tour, and eventually made your way to your impeccably organized closet, opening the doors and flipping your camera to show the live audience the inside. And right there, sticking out like a sore thumb on top of your white dresser, was one neatly folded gray spider-man shirt- normally spotted on Mr. Tom Holland. It was unmistakeable. The comments started flooding in before you could even turn the closet light off.
“wait a second- is that TOM’S SHIRT?!”
“yoooo i knew it, y/n and tom 😍😍”
“wtf?!? are they DATING???”
You realized what you’d just done a second too late, immediately came up with an excuse as to why you had to close the tour, and ended the livestream, heart beating out of your chest. Not even a minute later, you got a call from Tom; you almost threw your phone across the room.
“Hey, hi, y/n, uh, what did you just do?”
“Tom, I swear I didn’t mean to-“
“Baby, it’s alright. Just…what- what happened?”
“They saw. They saw it. All of them. Your stupid shirt. On my stupid fucking dresser. I’m so sorry, how do they even know what all of your shirts look like, that’s so fucking weird-“
Your mouth couldn’t keep up with your brain you were so flustered, and all you heard on the other end of the line was Tom chuckling softly, which only confused you even more.
“Are you- are you laughing? Because I’m having a heart attack,” you half-muttered, sitting down with your heavy head in your hands. It was pounding with panic and confusion and couldn’t hold itself upright any longer.
“Take a breath, y/n. The world isn’t ending-”
“Yes it is!” you teared up, feeling your phone buzzing out of control in your palm.
“Baby, no it’s not. Stay there and I’ll be over in 5.” Tom hung up the phone and you went to check your texts, every app under the sun pouring in with notifications of screenshots and callouts about what you had just revealed. When Tom finally knocked on your front door, you basically fell apart in his arms before he made it past the threshold.
“Tom, I’m freaking out, everyone is saying we’re-” he cut you off with an unexpectedly sweet kiss, this proving to be the only thing that could get you to stop panic-rambling. Your eyes fluttered shut against your mind’s wishes to keep pumping with adrenaline.
“Yes, darling, most people are speculating all over the internet that we’re an item because they saw your livestream,” he said, walking you to your couch and sitting down, guiding you to sit on his lap. “You have a much bigger following than I thought.” he grinned at you, but all you could do was frown back.
“Oh, god. I ruined everything.”
“No, you didn’t. It was about time people started knowing I was off the market,” Tom said, running a soothing hand through your hair as you continued to pout at him. 
“Yes! I mean, it’s just cruel that I’ve had all this to myself-”—he gave your body a once-over—“and couldn’t show it off, y’know.”
That got you to crack a small smile, and Tom capitalized on that moment and pushed you down onto the couch to hover over you, peppering you with obnoxious kisses. Admittedly, he’d made a valiant effort to distract you, but you playfully swatted at him to get off because you were nowhere near done being dramatic about this. 
“Okay, so wait, you’re — Tom, stop that — you’re not upset?” You found your previous spot etched into his lap and settled back down, interlocking your hands and playing with his slender fingers.
“Actually, no, I’m not,” he said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “Thought I would be, but, honestly? It feels good, love. I don’t have to hide you anymore. I never wanted to in the first place.”
You gave him an audible awww and snuggled into his chest, wrapping your arms around him and trying your best to squeeze him until he popped. “I’m sorry it couldn’t happen on your own terms, though, it was just a dumb mistake,” you sighed into his shirt.
“Are you kidding? The fans are eating this up. They’re dubbing it ‘shirtgate’,” he laughed and shrugged again, “I don’t even know what that means.”
You giggled into his chest and brought your face back up to his, kissing his forehead, then nose, then lips. You went for a deeper kiss the second time, but he interrupted you.
“Although, I did tell you y’should’ve just stayed shirtless.”
You feigned offense at what he said and instinctively covered your chest by crossing your arms over one another.
“Well good luck getting me shirtless now, Holland.”
“Excuse me?!”
“What a horrible time to prove a point!”
You both laughed as he tried to wrestle your arms apart, but they didn’t budge. You gave an impressive fight, but Tom got the better of you, and ended up throwing you over his shoulder from the couch and carrying you upside-down into your bedroom. You seized your opportunity and pinched two handfuls of his butt, chuckling.
“Hey, I like the view.”
“Did you just grab my ass?!”
He dropped you down onto your bed and walked away, coming back in with his gray shirt and throwing it at you.
“Put it on, babe.”
You obliged all while staring at him puzzled as he twiddled away on his phone. Once you were dressed, he sat down next to you, put his phone up to face you both, and turned on his instagram live.
“Tom! What are you-” you gasped but had to stop speaking as thousands of people were already tuning into his stream.
“Hey, everybody! Me and y/n here. We know there has been some buzz going around about this shirt,“ he pointed to you and you smiled awkwardly. “and wanted to set the record straight.” Tom put his arm around your shoulders and you were suddenly in the foreground of the screen.
“Yes, it is mine. And she does look amazing in gray, doesn’t she?” you started to giggle and blush incessantly as he kissed your cheek, gave a casual wave goodbye, and shut off his phone.
“Uh, what did you just do?”
“Gave ‘em something to talk about.” he flipped his phone onto silent, grinned and came back over to you, fingers already fussing with the oversized shirt, starting to tug it upwards.
“We’re so screwed.” you said eliciting a laugh from him, leaning back so he could take in more of your features that he loved oh-so much.
“So, you know me, I’m on the record as loving you in this shirt,” he said, his voice already sounding lower, softer, huskier.
“Mmhmm,” you played along.
“But I’d like it much better off again.”
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neo-culture-mafia · 4 years
NCT Dream Reaction First Kiss
Hey guys! It's admin j back with another reaction. Most are fluff and a some have a twist. News on Cleanse Week will be coming soon so be sure to look out for that. Some are longer than others for sake of the back story and...well...I might've gotten carried away haha.
Remember I love you guys and remember to smile. If no one has told you yet today, I love you and I'm proud of you.
[Not proofread - sorry]
[posted : 5.22.20]
Mark's first kiss with you would be a total accident. It had turned from the trainee mentor relationship into something more very quickly yet beautifully. It was still in the puppy stages of the relationship where you both were finding eachother's vibes.
You both would be in the hand-to-hand combat training room just running over some drills, one on one. "Right hook. Left sweep. Chin kick." His voice barked as you pushed your body to its limits. His hands were in mitts that protected himself against your assaults effortlessly.
"Finish off. Spin kick." He said and you turned around connecting your heel with the gear. "Good work." He cheered shaking the gloves off and handing you your water.
You took it and sat down on the ground where you previously had practiced. "My body hurts." You whined rolling around for a minute as he joined you on the floor. "You did great though." He took a sip from his own water.
Talking for a few minutes then you stood up. "Your turn now." You smiled and grabbed his gloves. His hearty laugh had you raise your eyebrows at his reaction. "Not a chance, baby." He got up and pinched your cheek. "Why do you say that?" You said putting your protected hands on your hips. "I just don't wanna hurt you is all." He shrugged and your mouth dropped.
"Am I not strong enough?!" You said with a shocked laugh. He shook his head no, walking over. "I didn't say that, cutie." His finger came up to boop your nose quickly.
"Then let's go." You kept nagging and he only looked at you for a moment. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He chuckled as you put your hands up strongly.
He got ready and took his beginning stance. "Right kick." You said and the force you were met with made you want to grab and cradle your own hand, yet, you carried on with the calls. "Left knee. Right knee. Roundhouse." You thought of all the kicks you knew in your own head.
Mark was getting lost in the calls and forgot about who he was training with for a moment. "Knee wrap-" his leg hooked around your knee and it had you shooting towards the ground.
After he felt your body falling he reached his hands out and grabbed your flailing arms quickly, picking you up mid-fall.
He had yanked you up and the next thing you knew...lips to lips. You both stood there for a moment in the kiss, not moving until you both had fully registered what was happening.
Both of your faces were blushed and rosey from the magical feeling kiss; both standing face to face still, turning away to try and hide the clear embarrassment. "Uh. I have to uh. I have to go write up some reports." You said as you picked up your bag with a smile.
"Of course." He nodded. "Thanks for the extra training session." Your smile only had his heart thumping faster.
"Always. You know where to find me." Both of you were so awkward as you said goodbye. Yet once you left him alone he was going crazy with excitement.
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It turns out that your guys' kiss was after the first argument. The kiss was cliché within itself but it was magical.
You both were in his apartment just talking as a thunderstorm raged on outside. The night took a dark turn when you both stated what you were looking for in a long relationship. You looked at Renjun and saw what you were looking for exactly. Renjun thought you could do better than him and his insecurity shone through that night.
"Someone amazingly smart." You smiled yet his smile dropped. "Oh?" "Mmmhmm. And wickedly handsome." The small giggle your body carried irked Renjun.
"Someone who has a tough exterior but is actually a softie." You were basically describing him trait for trait but the description wasn't lining up in his own head.
"So who are you looking for?" You asked as you situated yourself on the couch so you were facing him more. Just to spite innocent you, he started to list everything you thought you were, making yourself question your own worth and being.
"Loud and bright." Your smile only faltered a little at the hard to swallow statement. He didn't see like you that? "Someone who understands when to not talk about stuff. They stay quiet." Your gaze fell to your lap.
"Someone insanely beautiful." His playfully sounding yet vindictive words got your mood down and all you wanted to do was leave. "I think I should get going." Was all you said as you grabbed your bag and slipped on your shoes. He didn't stop and could only watch as you walked out of the door.
"Hey Jeno. Bye Jeno." You said as you opened the door and were met with the bulkier boy. Then you were gone.
Jeno rushed into the room and looked at Renjun with an upset face. "You idiot." Jeno stressed as he started beating Renjun with pillows. "She was talking about you, you doorknob." He said pointing to where you were once sitting.
"Huh?" Renjun was dumbfounded. "We bugged the room idiot. She was talking about you and you act that way towards her?!" Jeno asked and your words flashed through his mind again. The truth of the intrusion went directly over his head in the moment.
"Oh my God." He said starting to get up but freaking out. "What do I do?!" Renjun asked as his hands went through his hair, gripping at his brown locks. He started to pace the room in agitation.
"Go get her back!" Jeno dragged Renjun to the door and Renjun wasted no time as he pushed his shoes on and ran out the door and down the hall to the stairwell. He flew down the flights of stairs and into the apartment building's lobby. You were no where to be seen.
He felt guilty as he ran out the door into the pouring rain and saw you walking down the side walk in a hurry to get to shelter.
"Y/n!" He yelled but you couldn't hear him over the sharp drops of water. He groaned as he raced after you, passing some nightly joggers in the process.
He automatically flung his arms around your body and held onto you. "I don't deserve you. You were talking about me and I didn't realise. I am so sorry for trying to hurt your feelings, y/n. I'm still new to this whole relationship thing and still need to learn some things that you already know." you cut him off by turning around to face him.
"You're insanely pretty and super bright and bubbly at times. You're too friendly at times and so kind to random strangers. You're so respectful and I could never think of anyone better of a person than you. I'm so sorry that I was me-" you automatically connected your lips to his as you realized he wasn't going to shut up anytime soon if nothing stopped him.
He relaxed into the kiss and held your face perfectly in his hands. A moment of silence was between you both as you eased out of the kiss to look at one another. Raindrops fell down from your eyelashes and Renjun thought he was holding onto an angel.
"Oh my God you're perfect." His words were mumbled as he could only kiss you again in the rain.
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He knew that he was the boyfriend that you got to piss off your parents. You two had met at your work at the library when he was picking up se alchemy books.
He had really fallen for you though. He was absolutely enamored with you and your personality. You were his personal drug. You both were polar opposites yet found the most random things in common.
He would always try to set up the 4th date but something would always come up. He really believed you liked him and you knew for sure that he likes you but you both just had to wait for now. But waiting had been 3 and a half weeks since you guys have at least saw eachother in person. The boys were asking where you went to at this point for they had grown a liking to you too.
The second date was at his place where his friends dressed up in tuxes and served a fancy dinner. Yet...no kiss as he dropped you off that night. Just you scurrying away from his car with a bright smile on both of your faces.
"Did you guys smooch?" Jaemin asked as the door to the apartment opened to a smiley Jeno. "Nope." He cheered as he threw his keys in the bowl. The boys groaned as some popcorn was thrown at the ecstatic boy.
"I'm not just gonna rush her to kiss me. If she wants to then we can-" "wow you really have softened up." Hyuck gasped as his eyes became squinty at his friend. "Bad boys really do fall for good girls." Jisung gagged at the circumstances. "Yeah yeah yeah. Just don't want to scare her off is more like it." Jeno sighed slipping off his boots. "You just gotta go up and smooch. How hard is it? Have I taught you nothing?!" Jaemin asked as he punched his friend's shoulder. "Chill. It'll happen eventually." Jeno laughed as he twirled into his bedroom.
You had been out with your parents for a cute little lunch on a sunny Sunday afternoon. "You need to start going after boys who can take care of you." You mom sighed as she finished up her meal. "And not this imaginary gang member you're dating. Fantasy land is not reality."
Whatever you said always went in as stories to your parents' ears. It was getting insulting at this point. "Well I even offered to bring him to lunch today-" "and you probably would've picked up a hooligan off the street." You dad pointed his finger at you.
You huffed and fell into your seat. "I have a love interest. You just don't want to believe he's real." You sighed and they groaned. "Because the things you say don't make sense. What gang member goes to a library? For science books? Do you hear yourself, sweetie?" You mom grabbed your shoulder as she tried to be comforting.
"Can we just go home now? I don't want to shop anymore?" You pouted and you automatically got up to leave. Your parents followed and you all went to the front desk to pay.
Jeno had spotted you before you spotted him. He and the rest of the Junior Forces came to the outside mall to shop and chill for the day. That's when they sat by the fountain and just joked around for a little bit. There, he saw you standing with your two parents. You didn't look the happiest as you rocked back and forth on your feet.
Jeno whistled loudly and quickly drawing the attention of the boys but most importantly you. You turned your head and were met with the boys who were all staring at you along the smiley face paired with the usual done up head of hair that you loved oh so much. "Y/n!" Some of the boys waved which got the attention of your parents. "Who are they?" You mom asked quietly. "Make-believe." You sassed.
Your head turned towards your parent's confused faces and you knew what you were going to do. Jeno was expecting you to cheerfully skip over but you marched over with a purpose. Some of the boys were actually confused on why you looked so distraught. "Y/n! Get back here." Your father called loudly from the desk.
You approached and grabbed Jeno by the collar, pulling him up. "Don't ask why, just kiss me." It didn't take long for him to grab your waist and pull you up closer towards his face where he passionately kissed you. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders. His free hand traveled to the back of your neck to lead you. The kiss was filled with such passion and fierce feelings that if he wasn't holding you against him, you would've surely fallen to the ground as you legs turned to jelly.
"Oh my God she actually did it." Jaemin said with a shocked face while the boys cheered. "Finally!" Renjun raised his arms over his head. Yet, the rest of the boys noticed the approaching parents before you both did. The cheers died down. "Angry parents. 12 o'clock." Hyuck slapped Jeno's legs quickly.
Your parent's presence along with your dad clearing his throat, "y/n.", made you break away first. You stood on your own two feet and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand with a smirk.
"Mom. Dad. Meet Jeno. Not so imaginary now, is he?" You said with such an attitude towards your dad. You turned back to Jeno with a sweet smile. "Call you later." You winked. "Bye, boys." You sweetly smiled, "Bye. Y/n." Jisung was the only one who shly waved back. You walked past an awestruck Jeno with your angry parents in tow.
Once you all were out of hearing distance, the cheers from the boys made Jeno return to reality very quickly. "Oh. My." He whispered, hands coming up to feel his lips gently. "Ugh. Growing up so fast." Hyuck coo'd as he dabbed his eyes from his fake tears.
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Hyuck (longer)
You were an outside business women that had this poor boy following at your every step. You were a bad ass leader that ran her own fashion firm.
He was deployed to pose as your assistant because Taeyong was suspicious on how fast you came up and got known.
You both instantly clicked and Hyuck found out that you had no affiliated work with any type of syndicate or group of any sort. You just worked hard for what you wanted and you surely got it. Yet, once his main job was done, he still kept his position as you assistant. Tae didn't mind as long as he was where he needed to he when he needed to be.
As you two got closer he learned who you really were. You were a strong ass lady who never let anyone take your title or money from you. He fell in love with your strength and bad bitch personality.
"Coffee for the queen." He set your coffee on your big desk. He sat on the laquered wood next to you in your big office chair. His put one leg on top of the other and sipped his own coffee as you sketched in your designing pad. "Thank you, Hyuckie." You said as you concentrated. "Any thing on the schedule today?" You asked and he pulled up your agenda on his phone.
"Nothing but a meeting at 5." He bounced his leg. "Chelsea boots...again?" You asked as you caught sight of his foot wear.
He chuckled and took a good look at them. "What? Don't hate on the outfit of the day." He said and you finally looked at him up and down since he clocked in this morning. His distressed Nirvana tee was paired with jeans and the Chelsea boots. It was overall a nice outfit.
You said no more words, "clear my schedule. we're going shopping." And just like that you 2 were headed to the mall to shop the day away.
You linked your arm with his as you both walked into the bright shopping center. Both of you were super comfortable with each other and you would never be caught dead telling him that you had fallen for him.
He was so friendly but you were so sure that was just his nature and he didn't feel the same way.
"Oooooo. I'm getting you new shoes." You said as you tugged him into a random designer store that caught your eye. You pushed him down onto the velvet bench where he quickly regained his balance.
"What size shoe do you wear?" I asked and he only stared for a moment. "You don't need to. I have shoes already-" "But I want to." You smiled and was waiting for his answer. He wasn't used to people getting him stuff like this so he felt very out of place, but when he looked at you be felt safe. "270." And with that you were off down the aisles of shoes.
"Ew. They carry my brand." He heard your voice and he couldn't help but laughing lightly. You came back with your arms full of shoes. "Woah." He got up to try and help but you just dropped them on the ground.
"Start trying on, please. Get what you want. Don't be modest. I got some spending money. I'll be looking at watched and jewlery at the other side of the store." You handed him one of your credit cards. No information except your name was on the thick piece of black plastic that he now hesitantly held in his hand.
You were now bouncing off to the other side of the store with a smile on your face.
He began trying them on and he was blown away with the quality of each shoe. They were all amazing but he knew he couldn't get all. He narrowed it down to 3 shoes and headed to the cashier who was dressed very fancy like.
He set the shoes on the pristine white marble counter and waited to be serviced. The man just looked skeptical as he rung Donghyuck up. "How will you be paying?" The man's stares made Hyuck uneasy and feeling judged. He slid your card across the counter and returned to his position of his hands behind his back.
The man looked at the card and at the uneasy boy then back down to the card and had a throaty laugh. "You're playing a prank, aren't you?" He asked and now Hyuck just wanted to leave. "Your type shouldn't even be in here." The worker scoffed
"No. He belongs here as much as I do." You popped up beside Hyuck who automatically felt a rush of confidence that he usually had, but ever since he had entered this high-profile area- he lost. "And especially because I know for a fact that he makes more than all workers here...a week." Your voice was tough as the worker stood in shock with your card in his hands.
"Oh my God. You're...you're y/f/n." His smiles were now being dumbed down once he realized you were not happy in the slightest. "Now...I'm Pissed. That's who I am." You said pushing the shoes closer and setting some pieces of jewelry and a couple pairs of sun glasses down on the counter. He rang up all of the items with care and quickness. Hyuck stood there in shock that this was happening. Your hand came up to play with some of his hair that lost its place. "I apologise again sincerely. It's just that type-" "Can you please tell what TYPE you're talking about?" You asked as you grabbed the heavy bags from the counter and keeping them in your hands. All the workers now gathered around with their heads lowered.
"Well. Lower clas-" "I'm going to stop you there." Hyuck knew exactly where this was going. You had been lower class yourself before making it big and you never forgot where you came from. There has been times that your friends stopped talking to you because they walked into your office to see you sporting department store sweatpants and a distressed tee along with your all-time favorite pair of skating shoes. You get it. And you never treat anyone differently no matter how they look or what they sport in the daytime. What you did judge people on though, is how they interact others...and boy did you hate mean and rude people.
"-and I can promise that your ass won't work in any luxury store in the whole Asian continent after this week. That isn't a threat. It's a promise. Good day to you, sir." You said taking Hyuck's hand and dragging him out of the store.
You both walked down the tiled floor and you breathed out. "Almost lost my cool there." You said and Hyuck could only laugh. You had put him in a better mood.
"Are you okay though?" You asked and he nodded. "Never been better." He smiled and you touched his cheek lightly. "Now let's go for some shirts and pants." You said motioning to the next store that caught your eye.
"Hello Miss. y/n. Welcome back." A woman greeted and you greeted back equally as nice. "Oh thank you. How are you this week? Did your daughter perform well in her recital?" The bags were taken from yours and his hands automatically by workers while you started to look through racks.
"Do you like button ups?" You asked him and Hyuck could only shrug. "I like t-shirts." You laughed at his cute response but held a shirt up to his torso. "This would be handsome." You said and put it over your arm and continued looking.
"Go. Look around. Pick up whatever catches your interest." You winked and he took you up on your offer. He looked around and picked up some shirts that he would wear daily to have some elegant sense.
"Ready to try on?" A worker asked you and you nodded grabbing Hyuck and you were both guided to a big room with what felt like a million mirrors.
The door closed and it was just you two. There was a small circular rising in the middle of the room where you could model clothes once they were on.
"Alright. Shirt off. This shirt's been making so curious on how it would look on you." Hyuck froze. His gun's metal has never felt more cold on his hip. "Uh. Can't I try them on myself?" He laughed nervously. You looked at him and looked around. "Uh. You okay?" You laughed lightly and he shrugged after a moment.
Then a lightbulb went off in your mind. You took your hand bag off and opened the lid and put the opening towards him. "What?" He asked looking at you.
You sighed at his cluelessness and motioned a gun shape. His blood ran cold and a shiver went down his spine. He slowly lifted his shirt up to expose the dark metal laying on his waist.
He grabbed it and put it in your bag. You cheerily put it down and tugged at his shirt. "How did you know?" He was still in a frozen state and wanted to know answers now.
You pushed him back to the stage and he obediently stepped on. You started lifting his shirt but his hand grabbed your wrist. "How do you know?" He asked sternly and your eyes rolled. "I'm a girl that knows what she needs to." You said and continued to help him redress.
The scars on his torso intrigued you but need to be brought up at a later time. "How?" He asked once again as you buttoned his buttons. You spaced out for a moment before regaining all your thoughts.
"My father ran a smaller syndicate and my brother acted the same way as you before you started his own. I separated myself from that life and went to design school to run from that life." You rambled but he took in every word. "All of a sudden you become my assistant and I see your behavior, gun bulge on your waist, and tattoos. Next thing I know, my brother talks to me for the first time in 10 years to see what I've become." His mind was doing loops as he tried to put the missing puzzle piece in place.
"I'm guessing Taeyong doesn't talk about me much, huh?" You said and Hyuck thought he was gonna faint and puke at the same time. "You...you...sister?" He asked slowly. You sighed as you nodded your head. "It's old family affairs, I suppose. Saw I was head of my own company yet a big softie and retracted all offers he first gave me." Your hands ran down his torso to smoothen the fabric out.
"Oh my God." Was all he could say in the void of silence. Your laugh pulled him down to earth.
"It's okay. I'm not gonna judge you because I know what it's like. Training. Not have a clear thought for yourself. Following directions all day long. And you're a good guy. I don't judge from what you are. But how I feel about you. And I like you." You shook your head and everything seemed so much more clear.
He wasn't thinking clear when his lips found themselves on yours. He was more shocked you didn't pull away. Yet , he was so happy that you didn't pull away from him.
The kiss broke with the both of you regaining your breaths. "I promise we can talk about this...us...later." you smiled. Hyuck hadn't noticed how his arms wrapped around your body until you broke away and stepped off the platform. "But I want to get these clothes and go get a burger and a milkshake. I'm starving." You smiled and turned away.
Yet, the mirror couldn't hide your rosey cheeks and big smile that made his heart thump behind his scarred chest.
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You and him were polar opposites in personalities. His rough and jagged moods were always slowed down and capped by your soft nature. On the outside, both of you held the similar style, yet once each of you opened your mouthes, people would turn their head in confusion.
Both of you were close since you became a trainee in the Junior Forces. He had grown an unusual liking to you that had the other boys confused as to what he saw in you.
He saw something he could protect and stuck to it.
"Let's go get some coffee." He whined as he dragged you out of your bed by your ankles. You hit the ground with an 'oof' and were still dazed and confused by what happened.
"Y/n let's go." He pulled at your arms. "But I'm tired." "That's why we're going to get coffee." He said and threw a hoodie and jeans onto you.
"5 minutes then I'm going without you." He said walking out of your room. He would wait patiently for up to 20 minutes is what '5 minutes' meant.
You groggily got up and got changed into the oversized hoodie and jeans. You pulled random shoes on and walked out to Jaemin eating ice cream from your freezer. "Are you ready yet?" He asked and you nodded as you grabbed your phone and wallet.
He pushed you out of the door and all the way until you both hit the street. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day to just stroll around for a little bit.
"So what's new with you? How was the mission?" You asked as his hand slipped around your shoulders. "Tiring. Wanted to leave as soon as I got there." He smiled a little. "So...the usual." You giggled as you both turned the corner onto the main street.
"Now, you. What's been going through that brain of yours?" He asked, ready to hear you become talkative about what you've been up to. "I was watching this new show and the main characters are so cute-" "yeah?" "and they just won't fall in love already. They're perfect for one another but they just won't see it and it's so frustrating-" you talked to whole way to the cafe but he loved every word that fell from your lips.
"The usual?" He asked and you nodded but continuing where you left off. You shushed when he ordered but he became more engaged as you both waited.
"That's basically it." You suddenly said and he smiled. "Well the show sounds amazing." He complimented your explanation. "It really is. Ooo and there's this new movie we should see together. It's about zombies." You said playing with the straw container. "Really?" He mindlessly added on. "Mm-hmm. It's coming out next week." He thanked the worker as the two drinks were served.
He handed the cold coffee to you and put a straw in. You both were off on the streets again.
"What do you want to do?" You asked and he shrugged. "Park?" You suggested. He gave a small nod and you both began the new journey. "Mmm. Taste this." He held his dark black iced americano up to your lips but you just looked at him hesitantly. "No. It tastes icky." You shook your head but he continued to hold it up to you.
You sighed and decided one sip wouldn't be terrible. You took some of the liquid into your mouth. The bitterness made you reel back from the sour and bitter liquid.
His laugh shook through his body as your eyes sparked with pure caffeine. "It's awful." You said taking sips of your own drink. "Awfully good." He continued.
You both made it to the park and sat on a bench that looked out to the river. The cool breeze wrapped you both together. His arm found its way around your shoulders and your head ended up resting on his shoulder.
"I like you." His sudden confession had you frozen. No warning or anything. Not even a leading up statement. "What?" You said as you sat up a little to face him. "You like me?" You restated the confession and he could only nod.
"I like you too. I just never thought that you felt the same way. I was so scared that it was one sided and you would never talk to me again-" he rolled his eyes at your never-ending rambling.
He grabbed your face and shut you up by kissing you. The bitterness of his coffee was present in the kiss but it tasted more...sweet this time. It was intoxicating.
You both broke away from the kiss but your foreheads rested against one another. "You talk to much." He whispered with a smile.
"If that's what you're going to do to shut me up. I'll talk more often."
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The first kiss would be magical yet an unplanned way to distract you.
Both you and Chenle were deployed on an extraction mission. Jisung and Jeno messed up during their own mission and had been held captive for the past week. Jeno his his mic and wire and that was the only way you guys knew they were still alive.
Mark and Taeyong deployed both of you as soon as a plan was made by Chenle. Him being the escape artist on the team made him an amazing fit for the job. You were more for a backup and decoy.
You both entered the foreign feeling base and automatically got to work. "Guards just left." Jeno mic'ed from wherever he was in the building.
"Headed directly to you." Chenle whispered into the almost invisible wire. Your range of vision was wide as you looked out for any other people.
You bumped into Chenle as he stopped outside of a door. "This one." He said and you looked for any witnesses as he began to pick the locks.
The door was opened in no time and he pulled you into the dimly lit room. A bloody jeno and jisung sat in chairs. Yet, the happiness in their eyes made up for their bruises and scrapes. "Get us out of here. Now." Jisung begged moving around in his seat.
"There's a device on his chair. We think it's explosive." Jeno said lowly. Chenle checked his best friend's chair as his smile fell. "Pressure activated. Once you get up, it'll detonate." He said and you could see everything flash through his mind. "We just need to find something to transfer the pressure so we can leave." Everyone's eyes looked around the bare room until Jeno was the first one to lay his eyes on you.
One by one they all gained the same realization. "Oh. No." You shook your head. "No no no." You shook your head and you saw the bruised boys become more ancy. "Please, y/n." Jisung pleaded as tears came into his eyes.
"I'm the only one that knows the right way out. I promise we'll be right back to get you." Chenle said coming over and grabbing your shoulders strongly. "I swear." He said and all of a sudden you became ancy and distraught.
"The guards came back and they're not here? And I am? I'll be dead." You said becoming more erratic. Chenle slipped his own gun into your hands. "That would never happen. The exit is directly down the hall. As soon as we're out, I'll be 10 minutes tops." He said trying to stop your tears that were forming.
"Y/n. Please." Jeno called softly.
Your heart rate picked up and you felt a panic attack coming on very quickly. You grabbed your face to stop the heat rushing to your face. You started babbling and rambling, becoming more louder as your ears clogged naturally.
"Y/n you have to be quiet." Chenle tried shushing you as the two boys were still trapped in their seats. Chenle was looking for something to shush you but was left high and dry.
"They're going to come if she gets any louder." Jisung rocked back and forth in his seat. "Stop doing that." Chenle said holding his hand out to his friend who was about to breakdown himself.
The boys understood why you were getting so worked up. They were asking you to be a sitting duck for a while, not even being allowed to move out of the position for fear of death by explosion.
Your levels of loudness were consistently rising in the small concrete room. "I really thought this would happen another way." Chenle sighed but threw his lips on yours. It was dead silent as Jeno and Jisung sat stunned at the methods Chenle used.
When he backed off you were still silent. Silent tears were what you were diminished to. "10 minutes. I promise." He hugged you tightly and he felt your nods of approval against his shoulder. "Don't let me die here." You whispered and he could only hold you tighter if that was possible.
"We have to go." Chenle said and went back to finally untie Jeno and Jisung. Jeno got up smoothly but Jisung sat frozen. "Y/n. Start scooting onto the seat as he starts scooting off. The weight transfer will hold constant that way." Jeno said and Jisung began to slowly scoot off of the wooden chair. You slowly took his position and the next everyone knew, you were trapped in the seat.
Chenle put one of his guns in your lap and kissed you one last time. "I'll be back soon. I promise." He said. You watched as they walked out of the room, never looking back.
The door was left wide open and you sat there in plain sight. The only thing you heard was the shakiness in your breath. "Almost to the car." Was all you heard over your earpiece after what felt like forever.
You couldn't respond out of fear of being heard by someone fom the other side.
The silence became deafening. "Are you coming back?' you asked into the mic but it was met by silence. The tears began to fall faster as the same erratic heartbeat took place in your chest again.
Footsteps were heard coming back down the hall at a rapid yet quiet pace.
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(omg I could never imagine real chenle doing this but I had to do it for the angst)
Both of you lived out the puppy love stage for all of the relationship.
"Please just leave." Jisung groaned as he followed Jeno and Jaemin around the apartment. "Why? We've met her before. It's not like we'll be scaring her off." Jaemin said as he took a bite of his sandwich. "I know but I get out when your partners come over. Why can't you do the same for me?" Jisung asked as he sat down grumpily at the counter. "Because we're not ready to be uncles yet." Jeno reasoned and the two older boys laughed.
"You two are so gross." Jisung whined. "And we're not even..." The two boys stared intently at Jisung. "None of your business. Why can't you just leave for like a couple hours." Jisung spun around in the chair.
"Here. We'll make you a deal." Jaemin said as he threw his sandwich onto his plate. He took a moment of thinking and came up with a good negotiation. "You wash both of our cars. Inside and out." Jaemin said and Jisung was on the edge of his seat. "We'll leave for a couple hours and let you guys do...whatever you guys do." Jaemin finished with an eye roll. "Deal." Jisung said and automatically began to gather his hyungs stuff.
"New movies are showing. They look really cool. You should also get some dinner." Jisung said shoving each of their wallets in their hands. "Now leave." He said looking at both of them seriously.
The older boys groaned but obeyed the wishes of their younger brother. "If Mark calls and says he hears ONE moan-" "Yeah yeah yeah. Ew." Jisung said as he swatted them out of the door. "Oh, hi, y/n!" Jeno greeted cheerfully as he opened the front door. Jaemin gave a sincere smile. "Jisung is kicking us out for the night to have fun with you. Please do not do the diddly-do on any shared furni-" "YAH! LEAVE!" Jisung yelled once he saw your face fall and all color drain.
The two boys left with laughs as Jisung pulled you into the apartment.
"Please ignore them." He laughed and you waved him off. "It's fine. Really." You laughed.
The whole date was cuddling on the couch and just being with each other which was actually really cute.
Jisung went to lay on the floor and you followed suit to bug him. You lifted his legs and began to balance on them. "Airplane." You laughed as his own laughs made it hard for him to hold you up.
Next thing you know, you fell directly into your guys' first kiss. What went from a laughing moment turned into a serious one.
His arms wrapped around you comfortably.
The presence of a shocked Jeno and Jaemin went unnoticed.
"I mean at least they're not on the couch." Jaemin said causing his friend to laugh and the two of you to push off eachother in a blushy and heated mess.
"You could've knocked." Jisung said as you began to get up and straighten yourself out. "For our own apartment?" Jeno asked as Jae was in the kitchen once again.
"I should be going." You smiled sweetly and bowed to Jeno and smiled at Jisung who waved quickly from where he sat on the ground.
You put on your shoes and left quickly.
Jae came back with a sandwich in hand to join the silent tension. "First kiss?" He asked with a mouth full of bread.
Jisung shyly nodded and the two olders looked at eachother.
"Figures." Jeno said walking off.
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(ugh he'd be such a comfy boyfriend. prove me wrong)
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shut-up-its-funny · 3 years
Roman's Super Awesome and Fun Spontaneous Planned Date Night.
What a name right XD anyway! Fic exchange fic yay!!
For CheerleaderCherry! @remrom2yr-exchange
Remus destresses Roman from all of his stressful college work, pure sappy sap fluff.
tw: they drink and Remus gets slightly injured.
Words: 4750
Roman swings open his dorm room door, his shoulders are slouched and the door barley even opens all that much -he’s just too fucking tired to put any effort into it- he needs a nap… or a vacation.
There’s just too much work to be done though, college is a never ending supply of work, but it’ll be worth it he just knows it.
The door that he hardly swung open creaks its way back to him and he groans “can’t you just like… listen to me?” he tells it and a snicker comes from right behind it; Remus’ face pops out from there.
“You look like shit.”
Roman sighs and walks past his twin “thanks babe.”
“Did Romie have another hard day at school today” Remus coos and follows Roman to his bed, Roman flops down on it and Remus flops down on him; he bumps their noses together “wanna talk about anything?”
“Uuuuuugh no not really, same bullshit as every day, I can’t wait until we’re out of here and have our dream jobs” Roman laments.
Remus snickers “you’re such a dreamer” there’s a soft smile on his face as he lightly kisses the other “love that about you.”
Roman hums into the kiss leaning in for more when Remus backs away, he whines when Remus doesn’t lean back in.
“Shush your whining I have an idea!” Remus says but pecks Roman again before telling him “we should do something fun and crazy tonight to let you wind down!”
Roman’s face scrunches up with indecision “I don’t know Rem, I have homework and I need to practice my lines I ju-“
Remus squishes his index finger on Roman’s lips “shhhh no! no worrying and no work tonight! Besides I know that you know those lines by heart.”
“How don’t you have a bunch of work to do?” Roman asks from under Remus’ finger, his words are a little muffled.
“I’ve already finished my mountain of work” Remus boasts.
Roman throws his hands up and lets them thump back down to the mattress “how? your homework is harder than mine is!”
Remus fans out a hand to his chest “I’mwhat people would like to call: A Genius.”
“Yes yes and you’re always sohumble about it too” Roman smirks.
“It’s my one redeeming quality” Remus says then sticks out his tongue.
“Mm, but you use it for evil.”
“Okay, you made your point: tworedeeming qualities” Remus’ smile widens
“You have a lot more than that, and Istill have work to do” Roman sighs.
“Not tonight you don’t” Remus says and gets up, he grabs Roman’s arm and shakes it “c’mooon we’re going out and we’re gonna have fun!”
“Do you even know what we would do?” Roman asks a little sceptically.
“Inspiration will strike” Remus waves off “now let’s go!” he bounces.
Roman smiles at his boyfriends enthusiasm “fine, I trust you let’s go.”
“Yes!” Remus fist pumps “you won’t regret this!” he declares tugging Roman off the bed and kissing his cheek loud and playfully before snatching his backpack and dragging Roman out of their dorm.
They’re walking down the hall, still hand in hand not really knowing where to go until they overhear some people talking about a party, Remus bounces a bit as he walks.
“Ah, found our first stop” he says excitedly.
“I don’t know… don’t you have to be invited to parties?”
“We just were” Remus says flapping his hand towards the people who’re not there anymore.
“No, we just overheard about it.”
“How do you think parties fill up? Word of mouth brother dearest and we’ve heard about it therefore we were invited, besiiides we’re not staying.”
They get outside and start walking towards where the party is being held “what do you mean we’re not staying?” he’s kind of relieved to hear that, he’s not too fond of being in a room with a bunch of random drunk people.
“You don’t think we’re gonna have yournight off at a random sloppy college party do, you? that’s my scene not yours, nah nah nah we’re there for food and drink, we won’t be five minutes.”
“Five minutes? To eat? Remus what?”
“For food and drink” Remus says again pointedly.
The party isn’t that far, they get there in about ten minutes their hands linked the whole way and Remus only tightens his grip when they walk up to the house.
“Stay close, don’t wanna be separated” he says and Roman agrees tightening his grip as well.
Remus leads them through the throng of bodies all dancing and shouting and not paying attention to their surroundings, he high fives some people and finger guns others from across the room.
“How often do you go to these things?” Roman asks, sure Remus goes out a lot, he doesn’t like to stay still but does he know all these people?
“Oh, like all the time, like I said before it’s my scene; some crazy shit happens sometimes and it’s fun to wreak havoc and get hurt” he waves off “these are my people Romeo!”
Apparently so, he really should know this stuff…maybe he does need more breaks.
They get to the kitchen and Remus slings his backpack to his front, they’re standing at an island counter where food and drink are laid out; Remus takes out a plastic baggie.
“What are you doing?” Roman asks panicked “you can’t just take their stuff!” he looks around to see if anyone is watching.
“Calm down Ro Bro, no one cares” Remus says putting sandwiches in the bag, he grabs a whole bag of chips and shoves it in his backpack, he fills yet another baggie with cookies and other assorted goods that are on the counter “I do this more than you’d think, we’re broke college students and I have no qualms with taking food.”
“I am learning so much about you tonight” Roman says “I really should not be surprised though.”
Remus bounces towards Roman and lands a small peck on his nose “you may learn even more” he winks.
He doesn’t zip up the backpack as he grabs Roman’s hand again to get to the cooler with the drinks, he shoves a couple of cans into his bag and then manoeuvres them to a table with larger bottles of alcohol on it and bags an almost full amber one, zips up his bag and then brings them back outside shooting more hand greetings at people Roman has never seen before as they go.
When they’re a little ways away from the party Roman speaks “you… live a colourful life huh?”
“Wouldn’t live it any other way love, I knooow you have loads of work to do all the time, but” he glances at Roman “maybe sometimes you can come with me, I’d really like you to do stupid shit with me again.”
“I suppose I could use more breaks, heh I never even knew I missed doing this kind of stuff until now” he squeezes Remus’ hand “thanks for always looking out for me, I love ya you know?”
Remus beams and squeezes back “of course I know that ya big dumbie!” he knocks their shoulders together “love ya too.”
Roman unlinks their fingers and wraps an arm around Remus’ waist to pull him closer, they stumble a bit as Roman kisses Remus’ cheek “how did I get so lucky to be born with the love of my life hm?”
Remus laughs loudly at that “that’s a weird thing to say, you’re a weirdo.”
Roman shoves Remus playfully “oh I’mthe weirdo? Do you want me to repeat to you what you did this morning? Or that time in the pool at home? Oh or how about our tenth birthday party? Or maybe the things you do and say every single day of our life?”
Remus is laughing at every memory Roman shoots at him “I didn’t say I wasn’t a weirdo! I just said that you are, we’re weirdoes together be proud of it - it’s a badge of honour!” Remus accentuates by poking Roman’s cheek.
“So, what’s our next stop genius?” Roman asks.
“Well, we have a whole ass picnic I say we go somewhere somewhat secluded to enjoy our spoils.”
“And do you have a place in mind?”
Remus smiles knowingly “of course I do, who do ya take me for?”
Roman chuckles “someone may think that you’ve planned this whole night.”
Remus’ smile widens “oh, may someone think that?”
“You did didn’t you?” Roman laughs out.
“Weeeeeeell someone had to!” Remus swings his arms up “we both have tomorrow off and you’re always so strung up!”
“So you decided to let me fall behind on my work to have some fun and completely ruin my work ethic?” Roman teases.
“Excuse you I decided to give my wonderful boyfriend a night of fun through a well-planned but spontaneous date so he can stop being so freaken stressed all the time, aaaand if he happens to fall behind on his work ethic it’s totally not my fault” Remus ends his explanation with a boop to Roman’s nose.
“Then who am I supposed to blame for when my life hits rock bottom because of this night? Myself? I don’t think so brother mine.”
“Oh Romie you know I’d never let you hit rock bottom, cause even if you do drop out because of this I can be your sugar daddy~” Remus wiggles his shoulders and eyebrows.
“Well now if I knew that was an option I would have flunked out agesago” Roman flips his hand up.
Remus waves him off “ah it’s probably a good idea ya didn’t, gotta wait a few more years anyhow until I get my super amazing high paying genius job.”
Roman taps his finger against his chin in mock thought “ooor perhaps” he purrs and nuzzles his nose into Remus’ cheek –Remus shivers at the touch and tone- “I’ll get famous and be your sugar daddy” he whispers in Remus’ ear.
“Oh god yes” he melts - he lets his limbs go limp and Roman has to tighten his grip around hos twins waist; he stumbles and stops walking trying to keep Remus from dropping to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
“Jesus fuck Remus I almost didn’t get you in time!” Roman squawks out.
“Buuuut’cha diiiiiid” Remus sing songs “and hey look you’re dipping me, ever the romantic one huh Bromeo?”
“Pff this is the worst dip, I’d be ashamed to dip you like this on purpose, now-“ he shakes Remus’ limp body “-stop being a noodle so you can bring me to wherever we’re going.”
Remus perks up “oh! We’re already here look!” he points a little ways down the street.
“The pier?” Roman asks and Remus rights his body; he takes Roman’s hand and swings their arms as they continue walking.
“No no! The beach!” Remus declares with a skipping hop.
“The beach” Roman says softly the smile he has is just as soft when he looks to Remus at his side “I love the beach.”
Remus wiggles a bit “I know.”
And then off he goes running, still holding onto Roman’s hand so he has no choice but to match Remus’ speed.
They run hand in hand towards the sand and trip a little when they hit it making their stride back into walking.
“This way” Remus tugs Roman in a direction “I’m gonna make fire!”
“Fire? Please tell me there’s a pit here and we’re not just committing arson.”
Remus snorts “since when are you concerned about committing arson?”
“How about the moment we turned eighteen? And also when we got college scholarships?”
“Oh Roman always the good little golden boy - thought I broke you outta that” Remus winks with a cheeky smile.
Roman rolls his eyes, chuckling out “oh don’t give yourself too much credit, I’ve always had that wild side.”
“Yea” Remus agrees and then points to himself “that side is me.”
“Ohhhohkay I’ll let you continue thinking that”
Remus plops himself to the ground in front of an unlit fire pit dragging Roman down with him; he rummages through his backpack and retrieves a lighter, some newspaper, a small bundle of sticks and three small logs.
“What” Roman deadpans.
“What what?” Remus says as he starts to build the fire.
Roman gestures to Remus’ bag “what do you mean ‘what what?’ is that some kind of magical bag?”
“Uhm, duh” Remus answers “didn’tcha know? I recently gained magic powers and made my pack a pocket dimension where I can put anything I want in.”
“Mmhm, and would this pocket dimension happen to have a blanket to sit on, I’d rather there be no sand in my pants thank you very much.”
Remus is holding a tube of flaming newspaper under the logs on the twigs “you’re welcome to set up if you don’t wanna sit here and wait” he says.
“No fuckin way” Roman says with scepticism; he gasps only half surprised that there actually is a blanket rolled up in there when he looks into the bag “you really put some thought into this huh?”
“Like I said: well-planned” Remus answers waving a flaming paper tube like a wand in Roman’s direction with each word.
“Apparently so” Roman smirks and gets up to unravel the blanket to lay out their picnic – there’s a container of food in there that didn’t come from the party “you even brought berries.”
“Of course” Remus replies “they’re your favourite.”
The fire flares up and Remus beams, the light dances on his face beautifully; he turns to Roman, his large smile is proud.
He knows his face must look love sick and dopey right now “god I hope you know how much I love you” he says with adoration.
Remus crawls over to sit on the blanket with Roman “well it’s a good thing that you’re stuck with me then hm?” he leans in feigning going in for a kiss and instead licks up Roman’s cheek.
Roman squawks out “ugh, more like you’re lucky that I do” he foax pouts while wiping the saliva off his face, Remus laughs at his displeasure.
Remus’ tone is soft when he speaks despite the high pitched noise of his laugh that Roman will always be fond of “yea, yea I am lucky” he leans his head on Roman’s shoulder and the two stare into the fire for a few seconds – well Remus is staring into the fire, Roman is side eyeing Remus with a smile.
“Thank you” he whispers.
Remus lifts his head to look at Roman; his head is cocked to the side “of course!”
Roman leans his forehead on Remus’ “I really needed this, and you just… knew that and did something about it.”
“Well someone had to get you out” Remus chuckles “you’d work yourself into the ground if I wasn’t here to break you outta it, only doing my duty.”
“Your duty?” Roman asks.
“Yea, not only as the oldest but as your soul mate I have a duty to make you have fun.”
Roman’s cheeks flush a bit “soul mate…” he says softly with a very fond smile “I like the sound of that.”
He kisses Remus softly and breathtakingly at the same time, their foreheads still connected when the kiss breaks.
The rumble from Roman’s stomach makes Remus laugh out “have you eaten today?”
The flush on Roman this time is from embarrassment, he turns his head and pouts “I didn’t have any time.”
“And I’m the reckless one…” Remus rolls his eyes, he picks up a raspberry and shoves it in Roman’s face “eat” he commands.
Roman opens his mouth without a word letting Remus pop the berry into it with a satisfied nod of his head and hands him the container filled with them and Roman wastes no time in eating more; Remus opens the amber alcohol and takes a swig right from the bottle with not even a wince.
“Holy shit how can you just do that?” Roman asks befuddled.
Remus swishes his hand about “I like the burn” he holds the bottle out for Roman to take, he does.
As he’s taking a sip Remus throws a berry at his face and laughs when Roman jumps at the sudden splap on his cheek, he turns slowly to look at his twin who is laughing too much at his expense; he picks up a different berry and throws it towards Remus and it thwacks off of his forehead and his laughter stops but the smile doesn’t leave – in fact it gets mischievous.
“Oh fuck” he giggles out, he knows he’s just started something even if he was the one to throw second.
Remus takes a cookie and crushes it in his hand, he gets up and crumbles it over Roman’s head.
“Ugh!” Roman lets out his mouth hanging agape “how. Dare. You” he says but he’s still smiling; Remus shoots him a raspberry and dashes away from him, Roman scrabbles up and gives chase “come back here you heathen!”
“You gotta catch me!” Remus laugh shouts over his shoulder as he runs.
“Challenge accepted!” Roman shoots back aiming to bring his brother down for his indiscretions.
“Ha! Bring it on biiiiiitch!” Remus chortles.
Roman narrows his eyes and digs the ball of his foot into the sand to boost his running speed, Remus looks behind him to see that he’s almost caught.
“Ooohh shit” he giggles and tries to go faster, but Roman has always been the better runner so he gives in to the chase -but not calmly- he starts to run backwards sticking his tongue out and flapping his hands at the side of his head “take the shot!” he goads Roman on.
Roman leaps and catches Remus around the waist, they both go crashing down into the sand laughing and giggling hysterically Roman crawls up to straddle his twin and pin his hands above his head “ha ha ha, got’cha.”
“Oh woe is me” Remus playfully laments “what ever will you do with me now that you’ve finally caught me?”
“Hmm” Roman purses his lips in thought he then wipes sand out from Remus’ ‘stashe and leans down to kiss him.
“I aint complaining or nothing but wasn’t this supposed to be a punishment?” Remus says in a teasing manner through the kiss making Roman break it with a little laugh.
“Do not question my punishment methods, besides do you want it to be harsh?”
Remus raises an eyebrow like ‘you know who you’re talking to right?’
“Okay okay” Roman backtracks “point taken” he lays his chin on Remus’ chest and just stares “so much for not getting sand everywhere” he mumbles.
Remus laughs “you wanna go back to the blanket Your Majesty?”
Roman scoffs “shut up-” he pushes off the ground to get up “-but yes, yes I do” he holds out his hand for Remus to take and he does, he does so surprisingly not pulling Roman back down into the sand and they walk back to their little picnic setup.
Remus drops himself down and Roman shakes himself off before sitting back on the blanket picking up one of their stolen sandwich halves to continue eating.
When they’re done their little picnic they cuddle up against each other, staring into the dying fire or watching the ocean, the waves crashing against the sand in the moonlight.
“We should jump off the pier” Remus suggests.
Roman lowers the bottle that he was drinking from, his face twisted in displeasure as he swallows “we’re both a little too tipsy for that don’tcha think?”
“What? psshaw” Remus flaps a limp hand around wildly, he turns to look at Roman and wiggles his shoulders “c’mooon it’d be fuuun!” he tempts and gets up grabbing Roman’s hand without waiting for him to answer and tugs his boyfriends arm “c’mon c’mon c’moooon!”
“Okay! Yes I’m coming!” Roman laughs letting Remus pull him up.
“Yea yea yea yea yea!” Remus chants bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Remus grabs Roman’s hand and dashes towards the pier stumbling on their own feet and soft sand, once they get to the beginning of it Remus turns his head back with a wide smile on his face, oh no Roman knows that look.
“Remus whatever you’re planning, don’t!” he shouts and Remus smiles wider.
“We’re not stopping brother we’re just gonna fuckin jump right into the ocean Gucci?”
“What!? No not Gucci! I need to psyche myself up or something!”
“Do it now! We’re almost there!”
Oh god, he’s not stopping is he?
The pap pap pap of their bare feet running on the wood of the pier gets rapid as Remus speeds up.
“Okay so we’re going to jump on the bench to get over the fence!”
“Oh fuck no - Remus!” he screeches as they get to the bench, Remus jumps and Roman freezes in place - Remus however does not stop with him.
He loses his stride by Roman’s sudden stop and his whole body flips over the ledge and a harsh splash sounds a couple seconds later.
“Remus!” Roman shouts with worry and barely looks over the edge before jumping in after his other half.
Roman hits the surface as Remus comes up laughing hysterically.
Remus is giggling as Roman comes up and tackles him in a watery hug.
“Holy shit I thought you might have been hurt.”
“That was fun” Remus giggles out.
Roman pulls away to look his brother in the eye “you don’t have a concussion or are hurt anywhere?”
“Pft no, stop worrying” he waves off and when his hand breaches the water blood starts to trickle down into it from a gash on the side of his hand; they both stare at it for a beat “huh, that’swhy my arm stings” is all Remus says.
“Oh no oh my god Remus we need to get you to a hospital!”
“Nuh uhn no fuuuuckin way Broman, this” he gestures to his bleeding arm “this is bullshit, it’s nothing it’s baby stuff I’ve had worse than this and you never even knew about it.”
Roman lets out a concerned strangled sound “is that supposed to make me feel better? Cause it’s not working!”
“Chill bro” Remus says.
“No you un chill bro!”
Remus gasps “you take that back mister, I can’t believe you’d just say that to me, you don’t mean it you can’t that’s just ludicrous, my feeli-“ Roman slaps a hand over Remus’ mouth.
“Okay, I get it shut up you goober” as expected Remus licks all over Roman’s palm “ha! We’re in water I don’t care if you do tha- ouch! Did you just bite me?” he pulls his hand away.
“Not hard” Remus defends.
Roman glares “I’ll decide what’s not hard” he grumbles and cuts Remus off when he goes to respond to that particular sentence “don’t do it.”
He shrugs “fine your loss Bromeo.”
“Doubtful, now let’s get out of this water and dress your cut yeah?” he says a little impatiently.
“Fine fine fine, but I’m tellin ya” he points at Roman with his bloody hand “tis but a flesh wound and will in no way be anything other than a fun scar.”
Roman rolls his eyes and grabs on to Remus’ wrist to drag him to the land.
They walk back to their stuff and Roman doesn’t let Remus pack up any of the sandy items, he snuffs out the embers of the fire by kicking sand over it.
They start to walk back to the dorms bare footed and still tipsy, they’re leaning on each other and slowly getting back.
“You had fun right?” Remus asks.
Roman looks to Remus perplexed by the almost unsure tone he asked it in “I… of course I did, it’s the most fun I’ve had in-” he windmills his hand around “-in like years Rems, I loved it and I love you” he kisses Remus’ cheek.
Remus beams “good! Expect more of this then!”
“Hopefully not exactly this, we don’t need for you to get hurt on every date.”
“Snrk” Remus lets out “says you.”
Roman pouts at him “yes says me, is my word not enough to deter you?”
Remus puffs out his chest lifting his hand to it, waving his fingers out “I dear cannot be tamed.”
Roman snickers and nuzzles his face into Remus’ neck making them sway their walk even more and in a soft tone he says “not even if I ask nicely?”
“Cheat! You can’t be all cute and soft while asking me for something!”
Roman looks up with wide puppy eyes saying nothing else.
“I… I’ll try my best okay?”
Roman looks unconvinced – Remus narrows his eyes.
“And anyway, I’m blaming this one on you, so there” he says like a child who thinks he won and even tops it off with his tongue sticking out.
Roman straightens (hah) up at that “how exactly is it my fault?”
“You stopped the momentum bro, never stop the momentum.”
“Well you shouldn’t have been running and leaping off a bench over the fence” Roman pouts.
“Haha, and I’ll do it again too.”
“That’s not a counter point! That’s actually worse for your case!”
“Pff, I’ve done it before.”
Roman throws his arms up “of course you have.”
“And I gotta say” Remus starts “this is not only the most fun I’ve had doing it, but also the only time I got injured doing it!”
“Well…” Roman says impassively “that makes me feel like shit.”
“Aw no!” Remus shouts getting in front of Roman and holding his shoulders, he shakes him a little “no no no Romie baby! It’s not a bad thing!! Now I’ve got a scar to have a memory of this night and you know how I feel about cuts!”
Roman scrunches his face up but it changes to thoughtful then resigned “yea, okay” he sighs “this is the norm for you.”
“Exactumando brother love!” Remus exclaims throwing his arm over Roman’s shoulder to continue walking.
Roman snickers and shakes his head good naturedly.
They get back to their room and immediately start to shuck off their gross sandy wet clothes, Remus’ cut is not completely bleeding anymore and when they dress enough to be comfortable –meaning Roman in pyjama pants and Remus begrudgingly in boxers- Roman takes out the first aid kit.
“C’mere you” he sits on a bed and pats next to him, Remus bounds up to it and plops his butt down.
Roman takes his hand to start cleaning out the wound “man, I wonder what got you, this is gnarly…”
Remus takes his hand back to examine it “oooh yea it is! This is gonna be a pretty one!” he enthuses.
Roman chuckles “god you’re so weird” he says fondly.
“But you looove it” Remus sings poking Roman’s cheek and wiggling his finger around.
“I dooo” he sings back and grabs Remus’ hand towards him “now let me finish this, even if you don’t mind or even like this you won’t like it being infected.”
“Anything you say princey baby” he salutes with his other hand.
Remus is gazing softly at Roman while he dresses his cut “heh I feel like a knight who got hurt in battle and my wonderful prince has decided to patch me up all pouty like.”
“You read too much fan fic, and I am notpouty.”
“Not right now you’re not and you do too” he shoots back.
“Irrelevant on both accounts” Roman says.
Remus shoves him lightly “totally relevant bitch.”
“Mm nope” Roman shakes his head “no relevance here…bitch.”
“I’ll show you relevance.”
“This word has no meaning anymore” Roman points out.
“You have no meaning anymore.”
“Oohkay time for bed I think, how long have you been awake for?”
Remus finger guns him with a wink “not relevant.”
Roman bursts out laughing “let’s not start that up again, I say let’s call this even and go to bed hm?”
Remus smiles adoringly at Roman “ye I think that’s a goooood idea” he snuggles up to him even before he gets to the pillows, Roman just drags him up with him and lays the blanket over them.
He kisses Remus’ forehead and snuggles into the bed and his love.
“Love you” Roman whispers.
“Love you too” Remus slurs out.
And off they go to sleep.
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tr1xc · 3 years
okay okay i’m getting to the last request right now buuuut i made this oneshot a bit ago and i decided to put it here. because. why not
Johndave oneshot
“Dave.” All John got was a muffled reply from him. The Strider had a pillow over his face, his body sprawled out across John’s bed. “Dave!” Dave removed the pillow from his face, his voice sleepy and slurred, “What?” John sat in his computer chair, smiling like a dork. In his hands were a pack of Crayola markers. “I was looking around my closet..and found these bad boys.” He shook the box as if something extraordinary would happen. Dave tilted his slightly, face stoic.
“It’s markers dude. Mar-“
“They’re scented.”
Dave’s expression suddenly shifted into a smirk. “Oh hell yeah dude. Toss me that blue one.” John threw the marker Dave’s way, the blond effortlessly catching it. He held the marker up to his nose, inhaling dramatically. Well, halfway through inhaling Dave broke out into a coughing fit. “Dude. What the fuck. That smells as bad as your dad’s-“ Dave wheezed between coughs, attempting to regain his breath. John huffed, crossing his arms. “Come on Dave… It can’t be that bad!” John pulled a marker out from the pack, sniffing it lightly. The corners of his smile dipped for a moment, before it returned. “See? Grape.” Dave crossed his arms, glancing at John.
“More like shit.”
John rolled his chair over, holding the marker in front of Dave’s face. “Dude. Trust me. It’s grape.” Dave hesitated for a moment before leaning forward to smell the marker. John suddenly moved the marker forward, booping Dave’s nose, making it purple. John chuckled, not only at Dave’s marker nose but at his shocked expression. “Oh wow. Okay Egbert. Feel the wrath of my ass marker.” “Woah woah wait what the fu-“ John was cut off by Dave dragging his marker across John’s cheek.
“Dave! What the hell!”
“One word John. Payback.”
Dave dove back into the battle, attempting to draw something on John’s forehead. “Dude! Cut it out! I surrender!” John pleaded, though the smile on his face never faded. “Stop squirming. I can’t draw well if you’re moving so much.” Dave drew back his marker, smiling smugly. John looked up and down his face before suddenly blurting out, “It’s a dick, isn’t it?” Dave’s smile only grew with the question. “Maybe.” Dave uncapped his marker, drawing on John’s arm without warning. Unlike last time, John didn’t struggle. “Is that.. a stick figure?” “Well, yeah. It’s Obama.”
“Wait, lemme draw something on you dude.”
Dave smiled, capping his marker. “Okay, don’t do anything freaky, nerd.” John held his marker, inching closer to Dave. “Hold out your hand and close your eyes.” This seemed to get Dave’s interest. “Woah, that’s kinda weird.” The corner of Dave’s mouth tugged upward, but not quite a smile. “Go ahead.” Dave outstretched his palm to John, causing John to grip his wrist. John seemed to hesitate for a few moments before drawing very quickly. Dave heard the familiar snap of the marker cap, before John got up in a hurry. “Hey, I’m gonna go wash this dick off my forehead.” He said, before hurrying off.
Dave opened his eyes, anxious to see what John had drawn his hand. But it wasn’t a drawing...it was a message. It read, “I love you” with a small heart by it. “Woah, wait wait wait.” Dave spoke to himself. He instantly felt his cheeks heat up. “Holy shit…” Dave had butterflies in his stomach, and his cheeks were probably dark red. John liked him?? He shook his head and went to go find John. He was used to the layout of the Egbert’s house, so it wasn’t hard for him to find the bathroom.
Dave knocked softly on the door. “Hey. Bro. We should talk.” The door opened slowly, revealing a shaky and sweaty John. A nervous and obviously forced smile was spread on his face. “Hey Dave.” He hesitated for a brief moment, but it felt like hours to the two of them. John took a shaky breath before continuing. “Look. I’m sorry I wrote that. I don’t know what came over me and…” He trailed off, the sudden Egbert charm drained from his voice. “Listen. John. I only have one question.” Dave looked up at John “Did you mean that?” John looked like a deer in headlights. The color drained from his face, and his blue eyes widened. “I mean..well..Yeah. I did.”
John seemed to have this look that he was about to cry, and Dave felt immense pity for the other teen. “Listen. Dave. I know you probably don’t feel this way but..Can we at least still stay friends? Our friend group is all I have right now and…” He sighed, finally looking towards Dave. “Dude. I’m gonna be honest. I feel the same way.” Dammit, it sounded super embarrassing to say that out loud. The Strider could feel John’s stare burning into him. “Wait. Dude. You’re not joking, right?” Dave only managed to shake his head, before feeling arms wrap around him. “Fuck. Dave. This is literally the happiest I’ve been for all 13 years of my life.” John smiled brightly, making Dave’s face burn. Suddenly, John looked up at Dave, inching closer to him. Oh god, we’re they really about to do this? Dave honestly wanted to bolt out that room and call it a day, but instead he stood his ground. John inched closer, finally closing the gap between them. The kiss probably didn’t even last for 5 seconds, but it felt like an eternity to Dave.
“So, you wanna go back to drawing dicks on each other?”
“Dude. I literally am having a mental breakdown about you kissing me and that’s what you say?”
John chuckled at Dave’s response
“I love you Dave.”
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ofdogsandchocolate · 3 years
‘Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
-He promised her they were forever. And they were, Till they weren't.-
Young, dumb, and in love. That's what Percy and Annabeth were. They were fourteen when they got together. Previously best friends since birth, but they both had formed a crush on each other. She asked him to the Halloween dance, and they both slowly started falling after that. Falling in love, that is. Annabeth had been told that it was scary, falling. That it's something you'll regret, that you'll come out empty handed. That you won't be able to get back up if you do. But, she couldn't help it. One look into his sea green eyes, and she was gone. Sometimes, though, she did get scared. Scared that he would leave her for someone else, like his father left her mother. Scared that he would change into a person she couldn't love, or vice-versa. But, Percy would just hold her close, and promise her that he wouldn't leave her. That they would be forever. She wanted to believe him, so she did. They battled the struggles of high school together, as well as got accepted to the same college. A college both of them dreamed of attending. Annabeth was waiting for some higher force to come down, and tell her all this had been a simulation. She was leading a life the rom-com girls wished they had. She was 18, and was still in love with her one and only. High school couldn't separate them, and so far college hadn't, so what couldn't they overcome together? They were forever, they always would be. Things were good. Really, really, great.        
College was hard, money was tight, and people were mean, but Percy and Annabeth got through it.
Four years of college was enough for them, and they already had decently paying jobs, so they were all on their own. No school, or superiors to guide them. They were finally full fledged adults.
Annabeth thinks Percy must have not gotten the que, because he sure acted childish sometimes.
The two of them had been trying to bake cookies, but neither of them were meant for the kitchen. Flour was all over the place, the counter was stained faintly blue in one spot, and the apartment smelt of...burnt-ness.
As the blonde Woman took her oven mitted hand and retrieved the tray from the hot oven, Percy coughed.
"God, woman! You burnt out cookies!"
Annabeth rolled her eyes, and slams the hot tray onto the stove top, the cookies that were supposed to be blue, a greenish brown color. She placed a hand on her hip, and turned to her boyfriend.
"Maybe if you hadn't forgot the baking soda, they would've turned out a little better."
The man mock gasped, "How could you blame this on me! You're the one who added all that salt. It only called for half a teaspoon!" Annabeth violently untied the lady-bug apron that, was much to small for her, and threw it over at the guy.
"You idiot-"
Her sentence was interrupted by flour. Flour that Percy threw at her. Flour that landed right into her mouth.
If you didn't know, flour doesn't taste all that great.
The woman started to cough violently. It was so dry, she couldn't swallow it, but it was sticking to the insider of her mouth aswell.
Annabeth reached around herself, trying to get a handful of flour to throw back at Percy. She finds the back of brown sugar instead, but figures it should do.
She threw a handful of the sugar blindly towards were Percy's voice was coming from.
The blonde, who's hair actually looked more white than blonde at the moment, groaned as Percy began to laugh. It must have been super funny, watching her struggle. She wiped the flour from her eyes, so that she could see. Percy was standing at the Island, rapidly scooping up more flour into his hands.
Annabeth chuckled darkly.
"Oh, it's on."
Let's just say, the two of them were finding floor everywhere, for months.
One Saturday Morning, Annabeth and Percy were laying in their bed.
The bed that they shared.
They were both crammed over to one side, Annabeth head in the crook of his armpit, with Percy's hand resting upon it, combing through her golden curls.
It didn't particularly smell like roses, but it was nice.
She didn't know, since she was staring up at the ceiling wordlessly, but Percy was smiling widely at her.
He didn't understand how someone could be so beautiful, inside and out. And, how someone like her could ever love someone like him. He thought about the glittering diamond ring that sat in his underwear drawer. The ring he bought 2 years ago, when he was 22.
He was planning on popping the question soon. But, he was patient. He wanted it to be perfect, for her.
Percy turns back to Annabeth, who was now staring back at him. They smile at each other.
"Penny for your thoughts," she said turning over on her side, to get a better look at him. Percy followed in her movements. "You, of course," he exclaimed booping her nose with his pointer finger.
Annabeth laughed. "Well, I would hope so. You sure your not thinking of anything else? Anybody else?"
Percy knew she was joking, but Percy took it to himself to answer seriously. "No. I'm thinking of...forever."
The two held eye contact as a smile grew onto Annabeths face. "I like the way you think, Mr. Jackson."
Percy smiled. "Yes, me and Ms. O'Leary shall have a wonderful life together."
Annabeth snorted, and shoved her face into the pillows. "Yes! I wish you two the best of luck," she said, her voice muffled by the pillows.
Percy laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist.
"I love you."
Annabeth took her face out of the pillows to look at him. "Right back at ya."
It was a month later, and Percy and Annabeth were ready for a movie marathon.
(They both immediately agreed Harry Potter, for obvious reasons.)
Once they were all situated on the couch, Annabeth scrolling through the TV, Percy spoke.
"We don't have ice cream, do we?"
Annabeth's eyes stayed put on the television. "No. We finished it the other night."
He thought for a moment, before getting up from the couch and slipping on his shoes.
His girlfriend finally looked over too him, her eyebrows raised. "Um...were do you think you're going, mister?"
Percy looked back at her, smiling as he pulled on his coat. "Getting us ice-cream, of course."
He walked back over to Annabeth, who was now propped up on her elbows, and presses a kiss to her forehead.
"Blackberry rebel?"
"Blackberry rebel."
He gave a chaste kiss to his girlfriends lips, before walking back over to the door to their apartment.
"Don't start it without me!" He called out as he reached for the door nob.
It didn't feel any different from the other times Percy had gone out to fetch something. It felt normal. It was normal.
Then why did Annabeth feel so anxious all of a sudden? She got chills, but she told herself it was nothing.
Until she couldn't.
Percy spun his hear around back to Annabeth, who was sitting all the way up. Her heart was racing, but she didn't know why.
Her boyfriend looked at her warily. "What? Is everything ok?"
Annabeth nodded uncertainly. "Um...yeah. Yes, I'm fine, just...be careful. It's dark."
Percy nodded, and reopened the door. Once it was all the way open, he threw his head over his shoulder.
"I love you."
Annabeth tried her best to calm down her heart, and give him a smile.
"I love you too."
The scariest thing, is that it felt like a goodbye.
An hour and 30 minutes. It should not take him that long to drive to the market down the block and get ice cream.
Annabeth paced around the living room.
Were is he? Is he okay? What if-
No. No, he's fine.
He wasn't fine.
Hours passed, and he still hadn't show up. Annabeth crossed her fingers, and wished that he would appear. That he would walk in the door, plastic bag with Ice-cream and pretzels, unharmed and happy.
That wasn't the case.
Annabeth was at the point were she was grabbing her keys frantically try to get out of the apartment, and trying to find Percy. Just as she walked toward the door, a rang was heard from the couch.
My phone. It could be Percy.
She sprints across the living room, and searches through the blankets and crevasses of the couch, to find the vibrating device in between the cushions.
East Coast Emergency Center.
A hospital?
Annabeth's mind thought the worst, and she answers shakily.
The feminine voice on the other side said, "Hello. I's this Annabeth Chase?"
A scared sob rose in the woman's throat, her chest tightening. "This is her."
The person sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your partner Percy has been in a car accident."
Annabeth gasped, a hand coming to her mouth. Tears started to form in her eyes, as she said. "What- Um. Is he okay?"
"Sadly, he was gone when the ambulance found him. I am- so, sorry."
Annabeth cried as she began to crouch on the floor. "Oh my- I- I- Ill be there as quickly as I can," her voice wobbled off as she hung up.
She was in shock as she drove to the hospital. Sobbing, but not particularly thinking straight. It felt unreal. 15 minutes prior, she just thought Percy had gotten mugged, but-
He was gone.
Percy was gone and their forever was over.
                                                seven years later
Annabeth liked to dive through the suburbs sometimes.
To see the life she could of had, and cry, and laugh, and just think.
She also visited the cemetery from time to time. Not as much as she used to, but a couple times a year.
Her friends had told her she should move on, that it just wasn't meant to be. But they didn't know him like she did. They didn't know how important she was to him.
So, Annabeth still visited him. Put blue flowers on his grave, sometimes talked, sometimes wrote a little note.
She didn't know if he heard, or if he was even there, but it felt nice, just imagining that he did.
Annabeth looked down at the soft gray stone, and the little trinkets and flowers scattered along he bottom. She smiled, as she reached into her pocket to take out the small enveloped note.
She kissed it lightly, before setting it down lightly at the base of the stone. Straightening her back, he took one long breath, her eyes stinging. But this time, with happy tears.
"I love you, Seaweed Brain."
And it finally feels like a proper farewell.
Hi, Percy.
How are you? I hope you're well. I'm okay, thanks for asking.
I haven't seen you in so long, I don't really know what to say. Which hurts to think, since you were such a large part of my life. Which also hurts to think about, because you aren't that anymore. I don't think of you everyday, and it scares me. You're face isn't always on my mind, and I hate it. I know you would want me to move on, and while I care deeply about your opinion, I deem that stupid. I know its been a long time. Hell, I'm 30. Can you believe that? An actual grown-up.
I might find another person, at one point i time, but I will always love you. Because, well, how can I not? I always hated how easily you made me love you. One of your worse traits, for sure.
Anyways, what I'm trying to do here is a...final goodbye. A way were I can finally try to let you go, or at least partially. I've just held onto you in my stubborn mind, and I think it's time to try and get better.
Because I know it's what you would have wanted.
I never got to say goodbye to you, and I think that's the hardest part for me. That I never got to see you one last time.
So, this is it. This is me, letting you go.
I think it's the best for the both of us. Not necessarily to move on, but to start healing.
We got our forever. Our little forever that only us got to live. Thank you for that.
Goodbye, Percy Jackson. I had a lovely little forever with you.
I seriously have no idea if this is the type of stuff you post on tumblr, but...here I am! Yeah, just a little thing I wrote.                   
(Very much based off of Drivers license, by Olivia Rodrigo. Beautiful song.)
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Eighty-Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: fluff
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You wake up to Harry’s crushing weight on you. You had no idea how you could have possible ended up like this since you thought you fell asleep on him. Your eyes slowly open, and you’re met with the headache you figured you’d have. You look around and see everyone else still fast asleep. Harry rolls over and you feel the air come back to your lungs. You were cozy and didn’t feel like getting up just yet so you decide to spoon Harry for a bit.
Eventually you all sit up and try to come back to life. Harry sits up and smiles at you.
“Happy birthday, angel.” He says into your ear and kisses your cheek.
Before you can say thank you, Rachel and Sarah dog pile on you and scream happy birthday. You giggle and playfully tell them to get off you.
“We’re gonna make pancakes for breakfast.” Rachel says.
“And mimosas. Need new alcohol to flush out the old.”
“Good idea.” You smile.
They go into the kitchen while the rest of you clean up the living room. You go upstairs just to brush your teeth and wash your face. You didn’t feel like getting dressed yet. Harry did the same. You both plop on the couch while you wait for breakfast to be made. He throws his arm around you and you snuggle in close.
“So, that was your ex at the bar last night?” Harry’s face goes pale.
“Surprised you remember.”
“I was fucked up, but I certainly wouldn’t forget threatening someone.”
“That was pretty cool.” Niall says.
“That was the girl you saw before me though?”
“You make it sound like I was with her and then with you right away. It was like three years ago.” He groans. “I have no idea why she got so mad either.”
Sarah comes over with a plate of pancakes, topped with plenty of butter and a little syrup, just how you like it.
“I’m so spoiled, thank you.”
“You’re the baby of the group, you deserve to be a little spoiled.”
She laughs and sits with Niall with their breakfast. Rachel and Mariah sit down as well. Rachel hands Harry the banana he requested for his own breakfast.
“Seems like it must have been a bad break up if she was so aggravated to be running into you.” Mariah says.
“There wasn’t much to break, honestly.”
“Harry.” You look at him. “You were with that girl for seven months, come on.”
“Wasn’t in love, didn’t see it goin’ in that direction, and she thought it was more than it was. Remember, I told you I ended it when she wanted a key to my place? Didn’t want it with her.” He shrugs and bites into his banana. “Clearly she found someone else, good for her.”
“She said you only liked being called by your name.”
“I did, at the time. Pet names would have just led her on more.” Everyone’s looking at him. “I…was not a very nice person back then, okay? Can we drop it?”
You place a hand on his knee and give him a little squeeze.
“I thought she was going to wet herself when you got in her face.” Rachel laughs. “I love when you get feisty.”
“She was disrespecting my man! What could I do?” You shrug and finish up your pancakes. “That was so yummy, thanks guys.”
“What time do we need to be at the ferry?” Harry asks Sarah.
“In like an hour and a half. It won’t take long to get there, but we should all probably get dressed.”
You all go upstairs to get dressed. Harry watches you take a pair of spandex shorts out, along with a pair of shorts to wear over them, ones you would wear to the gym. You pull out a sports bra, and a tank top you would also wear to the gym. You look up at him.
“We’re gonna be doing a lot of walking, might get sweaty.”
Harry nods, and picks out a pair of shorts a graphic t. You flip your hair over and put it up into a messy bun. Your phone goes off after you get dressed and your face lights up.
“Hello?” You put the phone on speaker so he can hear your Nannie sing happy birthday to you. Your eyes fill with happy tears. You take it off speaker once she’s done. “Thank you.” You giggle.
“How are you, baby?”
“I’m great!”
“What are you up to?”
“I’m at the Cape with all my friends, and Harry. We’re going to the Vineyard in a bit.”
“Oh how nice! Good weather?”
“Mhm, it’s been beautiful all weekend so far. We got lucky.”
“Oh, I’m so glad honey. Well, I’ll let you get back to it. Enjoy the rest of your day.”
“Thanks Nannie, I love you.”
“I love you too, precious.”
You hang up and smile.
“That was really cute.” Harry says.
“She’s done it forever.” He kisses you on to top of your head and you both head downstairs.
You all pile into Sarah’s car, and Niall drives to the ferry. You get on and take pictures with your friends. You all find places to sit, and Harry puts his arm around you. When you get off you walk around for a while. There was a neighborhood with all of these brightly colored homes, and later you come to the house with all of the Betty Boop stuff out front. You and your friends all pose like her and Harry takes your pictures. Him and Niall pose too, causing you all to laugh.
None of you wanted to eat too heavily since you’d be going out to eat later, but you had to stop into the ice cream shop that seemed to have a million flavors. Plus, sitting for a bit didn’t sound like a bad idea. You get cookies and cream in a dish with some whip cream. Harry gets a strawberry cone. You all sit down outside the ice cream shop.
“How about a walk on the beach after?” Mariah asks.
“Great idea.” Niall says. “Work off this heavy ice cream.”
It was super hot out, and all the ice cream was melting quickly. That’s why you opted out of getting a cone. You look over to see Harry trying to lick at his ice cream so it doesn’t make a mess, but a little drips onto his hand. You giggle and lean down to lick it off him. He raises both his eyebrows.
“Should have grabbed more napkins.” You say with a smile. “Thought I’d improvise.”
“Like where your head’s at.” He chuckles.
All of your friends had seen you and Harry interact plenty of times, but never for this long of a stretch. This was almost a trial weekend for Sarah and Rachel. Rachel had told Sarah about the deeper conversation her and Harry had when painting. Sarah knew Harry wanted to marry you. Your friends were very over protective, and this was a great way to just really make sure he was right for you.
Your phone blows up with texts from friends and family wishing you a happy birthday. Sarah and Rachel had posted cute things on Instagram earlier in the day. Even Harry made a post, using some pictures you didn’t even know he had. It made you tear up when you first looked at it.
When you’re all done with your ice cream, you all make your way to the beach. You all carry your shoes so you can walk along the water.
“Sarah, what time do we have to check out tomorrow? Will we be able to go to the beach in the morning?” You ask.
“Yeah! We don’t have to be out until like 1PM, so plenty of time.”
“Perfect! I’d like to get a little more sun in before we have to leave.”
You all agree it’s been a great day, but you’re exhausted and wouldn’t mind just chilling out before going out to dinner later, so you make your way back to the ferry. Harry stands off to the side with you as you make your way back to the main land. You have an arm around his waist and he has one around your shoulders.
“Quick get a picture of them.” Rachel says.
Niall takes his phone out and snaps a couple of pictures of you two looking off. Harry tilts your chin up to look at him and he puckers his lips. You smile up at him and kiss him. Niall gets a shot of that too. You all hang out in the living room for a bit, just watching some TV. You were sitting up against the arm rest of the couch with Harry laying at your side, his head in the crook of your neck. Your baby was tired. You stroke your hand through his hair as you hear his soft snores. Sarah takes your picture with him and you giggle quietly.
“So, we’re gonna go to that seafood place you really like, and then we’ll come back here to do cake and gifts and stuff.” Sarah explains to you as she flips through a magazine.
“Sounds good, I hope you guys didn’t go too crazy with gifts, this has been gift enough.”
“No, just some small things like we usually do.” She smiles and looks at Harry. “How can he sleep like that? Niall and I have to sleep butt to butt to be comfortable.” She laughs.
“Hey, you make it sound like we don’t cuddle at all.” He says with a frown, putting a hand on her thigh.
“No! We cuddle all the time, but we never sleep like that.” She points at Harry who is absolutely passed out.
“He’s always been like this.” You look down at him and smile. “Sometimes I wake up and he’s all the way on top of me. If I’m not sleeping next to him, like if he’s napping he sleeps with his arms crossed. I think he likes having something to hold onto.”
“It’s true, if he fell asleep on the couch in school he’d either be cross armed or spooning one of the cushions.” Niall laughs. “When we were campin’-“
“Niall, I swear to god.” Harry groans against your neck.
“Ohhh, I love when there’s something Harry doesn’t wanna share.” Mariah says. “Go on Niall.”
“It was really funny. Harry and Lou had to share a tent because Lou didn’t have one, so-“
“Niall.” Harry turns over onto his back and sits up slightly. “Here I am havin’ a nice nap, and you have to go and bring up campin’?”
“I’m gonna end up embarrassin’ myself just as much.” He laughs.
“Please, I need to hear this.” You say. “What happened?”
“I woke up cuddling Louis both mornings.” Harry says. “And both mornings, Niall came into the tent and joined us, so there.” You and the girls all look at each other with soft faces.
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” Sarah says.
“Yeah, we cuddle all the time.” Rachel says. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“You’re such a snugly sleeper Harry, it’s cute.” You poke one of his dimples. “I personally really like it, it makes me feel safe.” He looks up at you and smiles.
Later you all go upstairs and get ready for dinner. You pick out a flowy yellow sundress, and put your hair up into a high pony. You pull some pieces out like always to frame your face, and you put a little makeup on.
“You look so pretty.” Harry practically squeals. You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
You step back to look at him. He has a pair of tan capri-style pants on with a pair of loafers, and a salmon pink silk shirt.
“So do you.” You smile, and grab his hand to go down the stairs.
You all weren’t sure if you’d be drinking a lot, but you’d be drinking nonetheless at dinner, so you uber to the restaurant. You’re seated at a nice size round table when you get there. Harry was off speaking to one of the waiter’s quick, but you didn’t notice. He sits down next to you, and Niall is on your other side.
You all order your drinks and a few apps for the table before deciding on what you actually want.
“What are yeh thinkin’, sweetheart?” Harry asks you.
“I’m dying for a lobster roll to be honest.”
“Then you should have it.” He smiles. “Think I’m gonna get this veggie burger, it’s an avocado aioli, sounds good.”
You pick at the calamari that’s on the table when the waiter comes back over to take your dinner orders. You all talk about how you’re dreading to going back to reality soon.
“This seriously has been the best trip. As much as I miss Buster, it was so nice to get away.”
“You act like you weren’t just in London like three weeks ago.” Rachel laughs.
“Yeah, I suppose that sounded stupid.” You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. “But that wasn’t a beach getaway.”
“Very true.”
“And we only have to go back to reality for like a week and half until we’re off to Ireland.” Niall says, squeezing Sarah’s hand.
“I’m so excited, what a perfect thing to do before school starts back up.”
“God, I’m not looking forward to getting into a hot and stuffy classroom that smells like old paint.” Rachel laughs. “Although, I have missed my students a little.”
“Same, I can’t wait to meet my new kids.”
“My next class starts in September, this’ll be my fourth one. It’s already flying by, thank god.” The waiter brings all the food over and you lick your lips before diving into the lobster. “Mm, oh my god, now I remember why I liked it here so much last time. This is a damn good lobster roll.”
You all enjoy your meals and more drinks. When you think the night couldn’t get better, you start to hear the restaurant’s birthday song, and your mouth falls open. All your friends were filming you and you smile and laugh as you’re sung to by everyone. You had no idea when someone had the time to bring your cake to the restaurant ahead of time, but you didn’t question it. It was beautiful.
“Thank you everyone!”
One of the waiters leaves a knife at the table, and Harry cuts the came for everyone.
“This was all Harry’s idea, but the way.” Sarah says and you smile at him as he takes a bite of cake.
“Thank you sweetie, this was so nice.”
“He had the cake made at this really nice bakery too.” Rachel says.
“It was all the two of you would let me control out of this whole weekend, I had to do something big.”
You all enjoy the cake and pack up the leftovers. You uber back to the house and your friends have you sit on the couch while they all grab their gifts for you.
“You guys really didn’t have to do anything more for me, honestly.”
“Oh stop it.” Rachel hands you a drink and you smile. “Of course we did.”
Sarah hands you her gift first.
“I’ve been working on this for months so I hope you like it.”
You tear open the wrapping paper and gasp when you see the homemade scarf she knitted.
“Oh my god, I love it! This is beautiful! I love the patterns.”
“I know you can’t wear it for a while, obviously, but you wore so many this winter, I thought I could add to your collection.”
“Thank you so much, I can’t wait to…hold on.” You wrap the scarf around your neck. “Well?”
“It’s perfect!” You hug your friend and giggle.
Rachel hands you a big, and you dig into it. You laugh immediately, and pull out the t-shirt she got you.
“You can only wear that for a year.”
It was a white t-shirt with a picture of that episode of Spongebob, and the caption says, “I thought of something better than being 24…25!”
“I got it off Etsy, I just couldn’t resist.”
“I love it! I’m gonna wear it all the time, this is hilarious, Rach.” You slip it on over your dress and scarf. “I’m really feeling this vibe.”
Mariah hands you a card.
“It’s just a gift card…” She blushes.
“Thank you so much!” You open it up and smile at the card. “I’m glad we’ve become such good friends too. Wouldn’t want anyone else as my boyfriend’s work-wife.” You both laugh.
Niall looks at you and hands you his gift. You smile and unwrap it. You had no idea what it could be. You tear open the wrapping paper, the same Sarah used so she must know what he got you. You gasp and look at him in shock.
“You got me a Stranger Things version of monopoly?”
“For the next game night.”
“I love it! Thank you.” You hug him.
“Okay, Harry, your turn.” Sarah says to him and he sits next to you.
“I had a tough time with this. I’ve gotten yeh earrings, a chain, and even that watch.” Your heart starts to race. The only other piece of jewelry he could possibly give you was a ring. Was he going to propose in front of your closest friends? How sweet! “And we already went to the concert, but I still wanted to get you a little something.” He slips a card out from his back pocket and hands it to you. You open it up and see an itinerary for a round trip ticket. You look up at him confused.
“Another trip?”
“Not for you…you were really sad that your Nan couldn’t come up for our house warmin’, even though you had gotten to see her in Aruba…and you always talk about how much you miss havin’ her around for your Jewish holidays, so I’m flyin’ her up for the New Year in September. And she’s goin’ to stay with us so you don’t have to share any of your time with her, cause I know you hate that.”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you start sobbing. You covers your eyes with your hands. Harry isn’t sure what to do, and neither is anyone else.
“That is…” You say in a high pitched voice between your tears. “The sweetest things anyone’s ever done for me.” You lunge on top of him to hug him. He chuckles and rubs your back. “I love you, thank you so much.” You kiss him.
“You’re welcome, happy birthday.”
You look at everyone and wipe your tears away.
“Thank you all so much, this all means so much to me. I’m so lucky to have all of you.” You all share a group hug.
You had thought to use the fire-pit tonight, but it was drizzling outside, so you all opt for getting cozy in pj’s, drinks, and another movie. You went to call your Nannie again to tell her how good she was at being sneaky. You talked with your mom for a few minutes too so she could wish you a happy birthday. Your siblings had all texted you during the day.
You were all hanging out and just being cozy, and you loved it. Sarah had made frozen margaritas, your favorite. You also dove into a much needed second piece of cake.
“So we’ll go to the beach for a bit in the mornin’?” Niall asks.
“Yeah, if it’s not still raining.” Sarah says. “Then we can come back and pack everything up. The kitchen is all cleaned up, and the air bnb people said they would send a service in to clean out the fridge and what not. We don’t even need to make the beds up.”
“Love when they make things so convenient.” Rachel says. “Harry, don’t you use air bnb for your flat in London?”
“Yeah, my sister is the cleanin’ crew though.” He laughs. “We just tell the people to strip the bed and take out all their trash. She’ll do some of the easier things, but will hire a maid if she thinks the mess is too much for her to take care of.”
You all decide to watch I Love You, Man, another one of your favorites, before going to bed. There were a few times you laughed so hard you cried.
“It’s just the way he says Jobin, it kills me.” You wipe some tears away.
“Nice that both of your boyfriends are in this movie together.” Harry jokes.
“I regret ever telling you I liked them.” You shake your head.
“Honestly, as gay as I am, I would fuck Paul Rudd.” Rachel says and you all burst out laughing. “I mean, look at him!”
“That’s what I’m saying! And look at baby Andy, he still had the curls! Oh my god, next movie night we have to watch Hot Rod, please, we have to.”
“Yes! I haven’t watched that in years.” Sarah says.
When the movie ends you all go up to bed. You couldn’t wait to just wrap your arms around Harry. He lays his head on your chest.
“I love you so much, thank you for everything.” You kiss the top of his head.
“I love you too, you’re more than welcome.”
“How did you even pull all that off?”
“Asked your mum for her phone number. It was a bitch gettin’ her to let me buy the plane ticket, she started yellin’ at me, but I yelled back, I stood my ground. She started laughin’ and gave in. She was really excited.”
“It’ll be so great, she and I can make her brisket together. We used to have the New Year at my house growing up, it was so much fun.”
“I’m glad I could do this for you then.”
“My boss is gonna think I don’t like working anymore with how much time off I’ve been taking. I’ll definitely take a few days while Nannie’s here.”
“You won’t need too much, just Friday and Monday.” You hum your response.
Harry had another reason for wanting your grandmother there around that time…but that would be revealed to you later.
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ladyfawkes · 3 years
THIS IS THE 2ND UPDATE IN 10 DAYS!!! FINALLY posted latest chappy....I spent an hour or two wrangling with the text editor on AO3. OY!! I hope y'all enjoy!! =) I'm not getting much feedback so it's difficult to tell if people are actually liking it or not. Tangled Just Before Ever After Chapter 3/? : Eugene's One and Only Current Word Count: 8040 Chapter 3 Summary: More satisfying character interaction. More homages. A nice loooooooooooong chapter, too. This is just too delicious to skip or gloss over, especially considering the happy couple likely only gets a few hours all to themselves before reintroducing Rapunzel to the royal family....and nothing is ever quite the same for them again.
Chapter 3: Eugene's One and Only “And...is that height a bad thing?” Eugene asked, trying to break the tension. His attempt at levity flew right over Rapunzel’s head, however.
“Of course it isn’t bad --” she said hastily, holding up her hands.
“Because I can slouch if you want,” Eugene interrupted, trying a bit harder this time, his shoulders slumping over so suddenly that it even startled Pascal a little. “How’s this, now?” The sight of Eugene arduously trying to appear permanently humpbacked, even with his lush upper body was so ridiculous that both Rapunzel’s and Pascal’s eyes bugged out and their jaws dropped. A spontaneous snicker escaped Rapunzel in spite of herself and one of her hands flew to her mouth.
“So….no?” deadpanned Eugene, on a roll now. “Because I can always go lower, you know.” Then he bent his knees until he was bow-legged in combination with the super-slouch, and he was schlumping around in front of her, back and forth, like some court jester. Rapunzel and Pascal burst out laughing. When he was satisfied the tension was fully dispersed, Eugene dropped the goofball routine, happy to see that Rapunzel’s nervousness had disappeared. The young man never wanted her to be afraid of him, even if it was merely over their height difference.
“That’s my girl,” Eugene grinned and affectionately set his hand against her cheek. Rapunzel perked up even more after he said it. “Hey, that’s really what I am now, aren’t I??” she replied wondrously, covering his hand with her own. “I’m your girl!!”
“Only if you wish to be,” Eugene amended softly.
“Of course I do!” Rapunzel exclaimed. Unable to contain herself, she bounced from the pads of her feet to her toes. “More than anything!”, and she bubbled over, launching herself into his arms with such sudden and wild abandon that Eugene nearly lost his footing. As soon as he regained balance, Rapunzel again sealed her lips over his and urgently showed him just how much she wanted him, wanted to be his girl and nobody else’s.
After they came up for air, chests heaving, Eugene braced Rapunzel against him so their foreheads could touch. “I want to be your girl,” she whispered, still breathless from their most recent dalliance. “Eugene’s girl.” And oh, how Eugene’s heart soared! “I believe you,” he answered fervently, positively giddy at the prospect. He could have sung….Eugene’s girl, indeed!!! It still sounded so fresh to his own ears. For Eugene hadn’t ever dared to approach a girl before; that territory had been exclusively reserved for one Flynn Rider. Until just two days prior, Eugene had always felt too shy or insecure to approach girls as his authentic self. Now he knew he’d found a great woman who wanted him for who he was, and not just for good looks, not for a projected façade, not for his illegal skills, nor ill-gotten gains, nor anything else. But it wasn’t just that.
For the first time in his life, Rapunzel had actually made Eugene love hearing the sound of his given name. It was both an unintended consequence and serendipitous gift. As far as Eugene was concerned, this gift was every bit the mystical miracle that Rapunzel’s tears saving him had been. Even the lilting musicality of the way she pronounced “Eugene” made it all uniquely special. He felt almost silly for asking, but he just had to hope she would "get" it. And as intuition would have it, he was right.
“Could you….could you say that again? For me, please?” he requested, so softly that Rapunzel nearly had to ask him to repeat himself. His thumb gingerly skimmed her bottom lip as he cupped her chin in his hand. She gazed into his eyes questioningly, but only for a mere second before she understood.
“I’m Eugene’s girl!” Rapunzel stated proudly, her smile beaming even brighter than midsummer’s day.
Overcome with lover’s euphoria, Eugene lifted her high above his head as effervescent laughter escaped from his throat, filling the air. Rapunzel’s laughter immediately joined him as he spun his princess in tight happiness circles across the cleared portion of the floor...and back. Hearing her say that with such love and sincerity meant more than he'd ever imagined.
Following their spinning, it was Eugene’s turn to be breathless as he pondered, utterly awestruck, “Whatever did I do in my miserable life to deserve someone like you?” He trailed a fingertip down from Rapunzel’s forehead and booped her nose. His question was rhetorical, of course, but the young woman answered him anyway.
“Hmmm…” Rapunzel considered. “Maybe it's because you….finally made some better life choices?” she quipped, with a twinkle in her eye.
“PffffSHahahaHAHA!!” The simple baldness of her reply caught Eugene so off-guard that he instantly released Rapunzel and burst into raucous guffaws in spite of himself. “I--I--” he attempted to reply but continued spluttering through his laughter so hard that tears leaked from his eyes. “I cannot argue with that! Not even a little bit!” And wow, did Eugene ever need this release! It had been one hell of a morning (or week) -- even according to Flynn Rider standards -- that’s for damned certain.
Rapunzel pondered innocently, “How can a person even ‘deserve’ another person, anyway?” Her face scrunched up in genuine confusion, which in turn made Eugene want to boop that adorable button nose of hers again. He had enough tact to refrain, though. She continued “Besides, it isn’t about what you deserve….it’s about sharing what you have, right? Sharing time, life, and building new dreams together.”
“My dear Sunshine…..” and Eugene clasped her hands within his, “once again, you are correct.” He brought her right hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Before Eugene knew it, his diligent princess was once again checking up on his former wound.
“Sunshine, sweetheart, I can assure you that I’m quite all right at this time -- all thanks to you.”
“Yeah, I know….I know,” said the princess, hesitating. “It’s just that, well…..”
“...you keep waiting for life to drop the other shoe and just end the suspense? Get things over with already?” Eugene finished for her gently.
“Yes!” Rapunzel replied, “But….but how could you know? I’m always worried you’ll think I’m just being stupid or naïve or something...”
“I could never,” assured Eugene with utmost sincerity, shaking his head and again taking both of her hands in his own. He meant it, too. “And as far as me having anticipated your answer? That’s easy,” he said with a sad smile, “it’s because those self-defeatist emotions are nearly always born out of genuine need. It’s a hallmark of someone who never possesses quite enough. And admittedly," Eugene dipped his head back and forth in that self-deprecating way of his, "it's something I've seen an awful lot amongst those of us who must live life on the run. Your basic daily needs of food, clothing, shelter, and positive human companionship aren’t being met, no matter how hard you try,” he elaborated, looking down at the floor with a pained expression. Eugene tried hiding it, yet it seemed clear he seemingly wrestled with some long-buried memories that were closer to the surface than he’d let them come in a very long time. “And....then….without even realizing it, you become so accustomed to life’s tiniest happiness crumbs….that you actually start to believe it’s all there is to have. Without anything real to look forward to, you’ve overtrained yourself to deal with the inevitable, which winds up being…..” Eugene paused briefly in spite of himself before continuing.
“....bit-bitter disappointment,” finished Eugene acerbically, stuttering over the words. “Bitter disappointment,” Rapunzel said in unison with him.
“I’m so very sorry,” she continued worriedly, openly concerned that she had inadvertently caused Eugene to recall his own pained past, “we can talk about something else,” Rapunzel suggested. “The last thing I wanna do right now is dredge up painful memories from your childhood--”
“--it’s….it’s quite all right!” Eugene held up a hand and cut her off mid-sentence, eager to let her know that wasn’t at all the reason why he sounded so bitter and angry. "It's not what you're thinking."
Rapunzel was clearly puzzled. “Then….why were you sounding so harsh?” she tilted her head at him quizzically.
Again, she saw that sad, pinched smile -- and Eugene replied softly, much to Rapunzel's surprise, “It’s….it’s because I was thinking about your past, not mine -- that's all. Your upbringing….what it must’ve been like for you being lied to and promised things your whole life, only to have them yanked away when it mattered most.” He reached up a hand and tucked Rapunzel’s hair lock behind her ear and tugged her closer by grasping her wrists. She reflexively winced and sucked in a sharp breath.
“What is it?” Eugene hastily pulled back in alarm. “What’d I do?”
Rapunzel’s eyes had squeezed tight shut, and he looked down to see angry-looking red weals on her wrists from those god-awful manacles Gothel had shackled upon her that morning. Eugene gasped in spite of himself.
“Oh, Rapunzel," he indicated, his voice overflowing with guilt, "I’m--I’m so sorry!” For no reason at all, Eugene clearly felt personally ashamed it had taken him so long to notice these wounds of hers.
“I--it--really, it’s okay!!” Rapunzel reassured hastily, “truth be told, I didn’t even notice them myself until just now. Far too much happening at once, I suppose,” she smiled weakly.
If she weren’t already dead, Eugene would’ve had some very choice actions to visit upon Gothel at that time. Having been caught by some of the worlds most notorious bounty hunters and at times held in some of the world's most notorious prisons (however briefly), Rider had gotten far too familiar with nasty chafing from iron chains. In fact, it's the main reason he got such an infamous rep for picking locks. Pain can be an obnoxiously good motivator. But Eugene refused to dwell on that now.
“Do you have any healing salts?” he asked Rapunzel.
“Yes,” she said. “Across the floor in Gothel’s potions dresser. The second drawer on the left, clear corked bottle.”
“How about water and clean rags? Oh, and a small dish and spoon?”
“We’re out of water. But Gothel always got it from the spring behind the Tower. Spoon and saucer are over there in the cupboard.”
“The one with that waterfall? It’s also a water spring? That’s so cool!”
“Why, I s’pose it is!” Rapunzel agreed, having tilted her head in consideration. “I’ve never thought about it before.”
“I say we’ve definitely spent more than enough time in this place,” said Eugene, as he was gathering up a small bit of Rapunzel’s lengthy cut-off hair. “I have a feeling we’re gonna need this later,” he said seriously. Rapunzel was momentarily concerned with the sudden gravitas Eugene projected but it was gone before she could mention it to him.
Eugene was so pleased with Pascal’s helpfulness, he was nearly beside himself. As Eugene had turned toward the wall in order to tuck in his shirt properly without, ah, exposing things, the little chameleon had shown up at their feet again. This time he had Eugene’s satchel that contained Rapunzel's crown, the healing salts and clean rags, a dish and a spoon. “He’s so strong for something his size! Thank you, Froggy,” Eugene said, “for all your help. Just don’t hurt yourself, hmm?” And Eugene took his satchel from Pascal, who was suddenly indignant. He squeaked out something angrily to Eugene.
“It’s okay, Pascal,” Rapunzel soothed, “he was actually admiring your strength. Not insinuating that you are weak.”
“That’s right!” Eugene agreed, taking his lead from Rapunzel. “Pfffsh. Weak?? I could never think that. Not now, after watching you haul around something that’s gotta be 100x your size.” The little lizard grew proud and puffed up, and dropped the angry stance entirely.
“So,” Eugene turned to Rapunzel, who was again on the stairs, “were you needing anything else here?” He grabbed a purple ribbon from Pascal and tied it around the furled up lock of Rapunzel’s hair, stashing it carefully in his satchel. He slung the leather bag across his body.
“Nope,” Rapunzel stated firmly. “Nothing.” If Eugene was surprised by her resolve, he elected not to show it, instead saying, “Then let’s get the hell out of here.” And he looked around. “But….uhhhh,” he asked, suddenly stymied, “is there a way to get out of here that doesn’t require using the window?” He no longer had his arrows nor Rapunzel’s blonde hair to scale the side of the Tower.
“Over there is a trapdoor in the floor to a second staircase,” Rapunzel replied, pointing all the way across the floor.
“Right you are,” Eugene said, once again full of purpose. “However, as you are a barefoot maiden, I simply cannot have you pick your way across all that broken glass.” He bowed deeply to Rapunzel, much to her surprise. “Might I offer assistance to milady?” He straightened up and held out his arms to her where she stood above him on the stairs.
For a second or two, Rapunzel couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. After all, she really was royalty….but then she caught the quirk of his top lip.
“Oh, you….” she reached out and ruffled Eugene’s hair as they both laughed.
“In all seriousness, though, you can’t safely walk across this floor without shoes,” said Eugene and Pascal squeaked in agreement. “See? Even the Frog agrees with me.” Then, “Hey! I’m learnin’ your language, Froggy!” Eugene turned around to face Pascal, who had folded his arms in pretend annoyance. Yet Eugene’s enthusiasm made Pascal think better of it and the chameleon instead gestured the young man closer toward him on the floor. Eugene crouched down and Pascal hopped up on his knee, then up to his shoulder, and nuzzled against Eugene’s cheek. The man legit giggled. Like a little boy.
Rapunzel’s hands flew to her mouth in utter delight. She had no idea someone like Eugene was capable of laughing like that! It was so endearing that she was almost afraid of ruining the moment. In turn, Eugene had unexpectedly reached up toward the little chameleon. “And you’re ticklish, too!” exclaimed Eugene, as Pascal laughed in his own adorable scratchy-voice way.
As Eugene went to stand up with Pascal still on his right shoulder, Rapunzel said, “You’re right about the broken glass and my bare feet. “I saw someone in the town square doing this one thing….carrying someone on their back. Could we try that?”
“One piggyback across the broken glass, coming up!” confirmed Eugene with a smile. He stood with his back in her direction and instructed her to gently wrap her arms about his neck. “I’m gonna reach my arms backward and hook them behind your knees, okay?”
“Okay!” Rapunzel answered, with far more confidence than she felt. She needn’t have worried, though. Eugene’s arms were so large that even while reaching backward, he could support most of her thighs on just his forearms. It was only after he had situated her around his hips that it occurred to Rapunzel just how intimate her position could be. Instantly she had become supremely aware of just what proximity this piggyback might bring for the two of them. Pascal was also watching her, having hopped from Eugene’s shoulder to hers.
“Are you all situated, then?” Eugene asked. Rapunzel got the distinct impression it wasn’t the first time he’d asked the question. “Mhm…” she replied distantly, trying to deal with the sudden electrifying sensations overtaking her body as she sat with her legs around Eugene’s hips, her arms surrounding his neck and shoulders. “Off we go, then….” he continued.
Rapunzel’s lustful little button nose inadvertently brushed the nape of his neck. As she took in the now-intoxicating scent of his hair, Rapunzel quite nearly forgot how to breathe as Eugene’s walking motions across the floor awakened something deep within her netherregions. With each step he took across the floor, Rapunzel’s own hips involuntarily twitched and quivered a little bit more beneath her.
How was this possible?! A mere two days prior, when she had freaked out over the terror-bunny, Rapunzel had unintentionally wound up on Eugene’s back in a fit of pique. Back then she hadn’t felt anything like how she felt now; rather, she had been extremely embarrassed afterward! Yet the feelings she had at this very moment -- ones that made her want to bury her face into the man’s soft silky hair and the urge to wrap her legs and her entire self around Eugene and never let go weren’t exactly unpleasant but they were definitely unfamiliar. Unable to fully suppress a sound between pleasure or longing from escaping her throat, Eugene came to an abrupt stop and worriedly asked her if she was still okay. “Don’t worry, I’m fine,” she quickly replied, trying desperately not to blush yet again.
“Are you sure?” Eugene asked, showing uncanny perception with his ability to know when Rapunzel was keeping something from him.
The young woman quickly slid off of Eugene’s back and onto the floor by the trapdoor. Mumbling a distracted “thank you” to him, the princess mentally resolved to herself to have no more piggybacks until further notice. And to think she had so erroneously believed piggybacks would be a bit less intimate than having Eugene outright traditionally carrying her in his arms....
Rapunzel opted to let Eugene believe that her current, ah, frustrations(??) were related to something else other than the pinching tightness growing in her groin. It was just too blasted intimidating at that time to even think about bringing up her newness with romantic physical intimacy, especially with someone like him.
“Yes,” Rapunzel finally answered Eugene. That clipped reply had sounded almost mechanical, even to her…..and utterly foreign. The perceptive man folded his arms and replied gently, “Wellllll, that doesn’t sound very convincing. At all. Sooo...out with it. You can tell me anything, you know.”
“I’m--just--” she stuttered, not certain where to begin, only to blurt out, “have…..have you had many women?”
Eugene’s eyes widened and he blanched. He had known this was coming but he hadn’t expected the questions to come quite so soon. In his mind, the only woman Flynn Rider ever truly had was his ex-fiancé. And even then….he’d learned Stalyan had been such an over-controlling viper that it was her who’d secretly manipulated him into proposing in the first place. His discovery of the following became a huge part of why he’d walked away from her in the end.
Not to mention that in large part, Stalyan had been directly responsible for grooming him into the womanizer he had become. Once upon a time, when he was very young and still extremely naïve, it’s true that quantity of sexual conquests was what he sought -- exactly like most randy teens. Along came Stalyan who was so hyper-attractive and had such animal magnetism that it was almost unreal. She was six years his senior when she first recruited him and Lance and it had been far too simple for her to mold, coerce, and gaslight the impressionable 15-year-old Flynn into doing and becoming whatever she wanted.
But how on earth was Eugene going to explain all of that to his dearest Rapunzel without scaring her away?? He was already almost too terrified to even approach Corona again -- especially in light of his most recent escape that was witnessed by the entire royal guard -- though he wouldn’t let Rapunzel see the depth of his fear. The last thing Eugene needed to do was arm the noose-happy Captain with the knowledge of even more of Rider’s lousy past.
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sambergscott · 4 years
a little drabble inspired by this message from @fourdrinkamy​ ant how big and alert mac’s eyes are!! i'm gonna go cry again
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it’s crazy that waking up at 6.30am is considered a lie in for him now. with a newborn, who is half-santiago, long gone are the days he’d sleep in til noon. most days he’s up before it’s even light outside. his coffee intake has more than quadrupled, but it’s totally worth it to hang out with the baby they wanted for so long.
his bed is empty, which is a little unusual. amy likes to stay in bed with mac in the mornings and snuggle under the covers and finish last night’s crossword together (she gives him the clues and pretends he knows the answer, booping him on his lil nose before filling in the appropriate boxes) (it’s the cutest thing in the entire world).
he fumbles for the baby monitor on his nightstand, blindly turning it on. it crackles, then he hears amy’s laughter.
he’s always loved her laugh. the way her eyes crinkle in the corners, the way she tilts her head, the way she keeps a not-so-secret note in her phone of the funniest things he’s said (she started it when he was in florida) (it was rosa’s idea to help ease the pain of missing him) (whenever he catches her adding to it he falls in love even more and gets brainstorming on the next joke).
he still thinks about their undercover date as johnny and dora when she said him making her laugh was how she knew he was the one. he’s always been the class clown (or now, precinct clown) (terry literally hired him to be a clown at cagney and lacey’s 3rd birthday party) but ever since he met her outside that elevator, he’s really only cared about making one person laugh.
thrilled that their son has inherited his comedic talents, and already missing his 2 favourite people, he hops out of bed and heads for the nursery, leaning against the door frame to take in the tableau.
amy is in the rocking chair her mom and dad gave them (it was the one they used for all their babies and as amy was their only daughter, they thought it was the perfect baby gift), mac swaddled in her arms. she has her phone out, showing him something, and mac’s big, alert eyes are staring right at it, a tiny baby smile tracing his lips.
“thought we had a no screen time before 9am rule?”
she glances up at him, her own smile widening. “i guess motherhood has turned me into a rebel”
“oh yeah, you’re a total rebel” he teases, thinking back to yesterday when they went to ikea for some finishing touches to the nursery and she made him walk all the way round to go back and get something they forgot, just so they weren’t walking against the direction of the arrows. “what’s so important that it’s got you breaking rules, santiago?”
“oh, nothing” she shrugs, acting cool. “just showing him some pictures”
he narrows his eyes suspiciously. call it detective intuition. “what pictures?”
“just some ones of you, doesn’t matter”
he pieces together the final piece of the puzzle (metaphorically, of course, because he always loses at least one piece and it drives amy crazy that they can never finish a 2,000 piece puzzle that they’ve spent days working on). “YOU’RE SHOWING HIM THE NOSE RING PHOTO!”
“what? no” she says way too quick and he can see through her lies like the perp he arrested last week that denied stabbing a guy, despite holding a knife and being covered in blood
“you swore you would never tell anyone!”
“and i’ve kept that promise all these years! i just got my phone out to take a picture of him making a cute face and then my phone said my storage was full, you know, because i’ve been taking so many pictures of him, and then i was going back and deleting stuff from my camera roll when i found it”
“i have never felt more betrayed. and by my own wife” he makes a noise of disgust
“i’m sorry, babe, but it’s just so funny. he loves it, look”
he walks over to them and watches as amy swipes right to a random picture of some binders and then left, back to the nose ring photo, mac’s face lighting up at the offending image
“you think laughing at daddy is cool, pal?” he points an accusing finger at mac who makes a gurgling happy sound (that’s not quite a laugh yet, but is the closest baby version to it and is his new favourite sound in the world) (even better than taylor’s bridge in last kiss and the way amy says his name whenever he’s done something sweet)
“only when he has long hair and a nose ring” amy responds on mac’s behalf
“hilarious” he deadpans, rolling his eyes. he cut his hair years ago and yet his wife will not let him live it down
“you tell him embarrassing stories about me!” she cries
“amy, all your embarrassing stories are that you got an a- on a test once or you solved a case in two weeks instead of one or your ponytail wasn’t quite as shiny as it usually is. it’s not nose ring level embarrassing”
“fine,” she concedes “i apologise, i won’t bring it up again. unless he wants a nose ring, in which case it is my duty as his mom to show him how dumb he’d look”
“fine,” he agrees, ignoring the hurtful comment. he actually looked super cool and he scored one whole date because of the nose ring until it got infected and he had to take it out and the girl was no longer interested. whatever. her loss. he ended up with his dream girl anyway
“want to hold him and make friends again while i go change into something not covered in baby spit-up?”
“always.” he carefully accepts the precious cargo, bouncing him gently in his arms. he kisses amy before she leaves the room, squashing mac in between them, and spends the next 20 minutes showing mac all his amy photos, the 9am rule be damned
(yeah, he’s a rebel too. he once had a freakin’ nose ring)
when amy returns in clean clothes and her natural curls that she hasn’t bothered taming since mac was born, she raises her eyebrows. “showing him embarrassing photos of me? low blow, peralta”
“i’m actually not, santiago,” he says snarkily, then murmurs “i couldn’t find any” under his breath
“then why have you still got a screen in front of him?” she rests one hand on her hip
“i’m showing him normal pictures of you. he needs to see how pretty his mom is, babe! it’s a rite of passage! like a bar mitzvah”
she gets this soft look on his face despite herself and he would pat himself on the back if he weren’t holding his son
“for the record,” he adds, “he thinks his mom is suuuuper pretty. the prettiest mom in the entire world”
“he told you that did he?” she laughs
“mm-hmm. we’re bros so he confided in me, he probably wouldn’t say it again while you’re around but he’s definitely thinking it”
“well thank you my little macaroni,” she coos and honest to god, the nickname (of his nickname) was only supposed to be a joke at first, but now it’s kind of stuck and their entire family are calling him macaroni
(charles loves it)
(the first time hitchcock and scully heard it, on the other hand, they thought someone had brought in a delicious bowl of macaroni and cheese and were highly disappointed that they were just talking about the baby again, storming back to their desks in a huff)
“i think you’re very handsome too, mr mac”
“i told you, ames. he’s liquid fire. liquid. fire.”
she laughs again and mac gurgles and he thinks that if he can spend his entire life doing that, making his 2 favourite people laugh, then they’re going to be ok
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bradshawwannebe · 4 years
Bits and Lost Pieces- Part one
A Chain of Silver- prologue
Bucky x reader
Summary: Soulmates gain what the other loses. But you’ve never heard of soulmates born in different centuries…
so in order to get the whole… picture, I’m going to be making this a fic. If i’m moving to fast… oh well. This is also loosly based off of a soulmate tik tok and a fic called I knew you by @klinenovakwinchester its amazing and wonderful and I fully and truly believe that you should go read it 
Warnings: there is slight angst and cuss words, mention of drugs and deadbeat parents but detail are very vague
“No, Mechel, I’m telling you I don’t have one.”
“Oh… come ON. You really can’ t expect me to believe that you don’t actually have a soulmate.” 
your best friend, Mechel, has been trying, and failing, convince you that you have a soulmate. 
“Ok, well, if soulmates were real, and I of all people have one, why haven’t I found anything? Have you gotten anything yet, from your soulmate? And that is where I'm gonna hit you with a hard no, you haven’t” apparently, whatever your soulmate loses, you gain. However, having something stolen or taken doesn’t exactly count. Mechel figured that one out when some hobo stole her wallet which also included her ID.
“No, I haven’t but that could mean anything, but that doesn’t mean that soulmates don’t exist. Weren’t your parents soulmates or something?” 
You deadpanned, right before you face palmed a bit too hard. “No, Chelly, my parents’ soulmates were drugs. That’s why we were handed over to my grandparents, you dingle berry.”
Her face fell ever so slightly. “N/n, honey, I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that soulmates don’t exist when my parents were. My mom got my dad’s boot… and she didn’t even know him then, and dad got her camera with her name on it. You, have to believe me when I tell you this.”
“Look, you shouldn’t be sorry, I’m sure soulmates do exist but mine probably fell off a train or something and died because I haven’t gained anything. Maybe yours is just super organized and doesn’t lose anything,” you weren’t lying, well not to her. 
Ever since you were little, you always thought soulmates were a hoax. Your father didn’t have one, always trying to find his after your mother left him for someone else, and then your father dropped you and your siblings off at your grandparents house when you were 15, and oddly enough you never asked either one of them if they were soulmates, it just never came up in conversation before. You’ve never had real proof.
“Well, Mechel, I have to get going, I’m opening the store up early tomorrow.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” she asked almost in horror.
“I don’t know, it’s my store, and if I wanna open up early tomorrow, I’m gonna do it,” you sassed standing up to boop her nose, which caused her to scrunch up her face.
“No one likes a smart ass.”
 “I don’t really know about that, I’ve always liked my ass,” you met Mechel when you were a freshman in high school while she was a sophomore and when you took classes to graduate together… God bless the teachers that had you two in the same classes. 
However, your best friend’s voice stopped you dead in your tracks when you got to the door, “It would explain a lot, especially the emptiness you’ve always felt, maybe yours died before they could lose anything.”
“Yeah, your right, maybe.” 
The revelation was really nothing but a self-deprecating jab at your lack of a soulmate, but you never really put two-and-two together. I mean, he might not have fallen off of a train, that would be sad and very painful. 
That night, not much sleep was gained, but you didn’t notice the silver chain that was laying on your night stand either.
“Hello! Welcome Starstruck Books,I hope you found everything nicely,” you said to the little girl with a soft kind smile.
“Me and Mommy want to find the kid’s books… can you help us?” The small girl looked extremely shy and almost like she didn’t know how to ask the question.
“Sure thing, sugar plum, how old are you?” you asked squatting down to her height. Feeling a warmth spread within your heart at the smile the girl gave you.
“I’m 5,” she said a bit louder counting her fingers to hold them up to you, and you held out your hand for her to take.
“Well, I think we have to find your mommy first, don’t you?” the girl’s hair bobbed up and down as she nodded and she pointed to the adult section of books off to the right.
“She’s over there,” walking over to her mother, you told her where you would be. Just in case something were to happen and she needed to find you.
“Hey, kiddo, how do you feel about poetry?” the little girl nodded and you showed her your favorite book as a child.
“What’s The Giving Tree?” the little girl was full of curiosity pausing between words while reading the title,when she asked you the question. Her brown eyes looking into your own.
“It's a poetic book by Shel Silverstein about a tree and a little boy. The tree loved the boy, and the boy loved the tree.”
The little girl looked thoroughly confused, “How can a tree love a boy?”
“I don’t know, but the tree gave the boy as much as she could, and as the little boy grew up, she kept giving and he kept taking,” at that remark, her eyes lit up.
“Can I take this to my mommy?” 
“You sure can!” she smiled big, grabbed the book, and took off. Her hair bobbing behind her.
“So when do you think you’re gonna be a mom?” you popped up, Mechel standing behind you.
“Oh, I don’t know, Chelly, probably whenever I get married,” you stood up, Mechel stepping closer to you.
“Well, I stopped by your house to-” 
“How the hell did you get into my house?”
“Shut up! That's not the point-”
“It kind of is…” and if looks could kill you be dead ten times over, “Ok, ok, I’m done.”
“Well, I went to your room to see if I could find anything that wasn’t yours and….” her hands whip out from behind her back holding something that you didn’t recognize.
“They appear to be dog tags, any idea where they came from?” that smug grin was what always got you two into trouble in high school. 
“James B. Barnes.”
“I don’t-”
“ I know you don’t,” and with that she handed you the tags, “you’ve got customers.”
You were in a bit of a shock. So much so, you gave the little girl and her mother a discount on The Giving Tree but that also might have been because you wanted to. You haven’t figured that one out yet.
‘Ring, Ring’
“Hello?” you picked up the phone without even looking at the caller ID.
“Hey, it’s Mechel.”
“I kinda figured that, you lean-to.” 
“HEY! I am not a lean-to… what is a lean-to?”
“Well, firstly, you could have fooled me because you’re attached to me and it doesn’t seem like there is much of any reason to be doing that, and two, you seem like an extension of my dark counterpart.”
“No, honey, I am your dark counterpart, and as your dark counter/lean-to I want you to be happy. So I did a search.” If you can’t hear actions, then you must be delusional or lied to because the smug smirk in her voice was so real.
“What kind of search?” 
“On your James, duh. What else am I supposed to be doing with my life?”
“Well, Chelly, as head of security at the City Hall, watching the security cameras for possible threats.”
“Pfft, your so dense, that’s what my brother does, I’m a secretary at the police station, dummy,” Welp… some friend you are.
“I was testing your memory, now what did you come up with?” 
The hesitation in continuing the conversation on her part was… unsettling to say the least.
“James Barnes has an exhibit at the Smithsonian-,”
“Okay it means he’s smart, keep going,” you walked over to the door of the store, turning the sign to Sorry, We’re Closed!.
“Well, actually he was a soldier in the second World War. He fell of a… well he fell off a train in 1944. They never recovered his body.”
When you collapsed in a sobbing wet mess of tears, you don’t know, but then why did you end up with his dog tags?
“Oh,” you cleared your throat,” I can’t drive right now, not in this condition, could you-.., could you take me home?” It wasn’t a complete lie, per say, but you really just didn’t want to be alone.
“Yeah, babe, I’ll be there in 5.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
Well, this explains a lot.
With a small half smile you looked over at your best friend,”Well, I mean at least we know what happened to him.”
She sent you the worst glare possible, you almost thought she’d stab you, but the meaning was very clear ‘don’t do that to yourself’
“Well I mean I wasn’t wrong, but like... if he’s dead why would he have lost something? How could he lose anything if he’s dead? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself and you’re over analyzing, and that isn’t good, not now, not ever, especially not in this situation.”
“No, Mechel, you’ve said it yourself. I have a soulmate and at that point one would realize that when their soulmate loses something they gain it. My soulmate lost something. James. Is. Alive. He has to be. It’s logical-”
“No, Y/N, its not. That’s impossible. Have you ever heard of soulmates being born in different centuries? No. James cannot be alive, and that is proven by the emptiness you always feel, for Christ’s sake y/n he fell off of a damn train!”
“Then explain to me why you would have brought the whole thing up if you don’t believe he isn’t alive. Exactly you wouldn’t. Not unless you’re just so cruel you wanted to get my hopes up to tear them apart and I know you wouldn’t do that to me because we’ve been through some terrible crap together. Deep down, subconsciously, you believe he is alive. He lost his dog tags and if I have to find out why, or how. and If I have to do it myself, then by golly I will. I will do this with or without you, you brought the soulmates thing up, you broke into my apartment-”
“You gave me a key-”
“You broke in,” you said with a pointed glare,”He lost this. He has to be alive,”
“Okay, calm down.”
You went silent.
He has to be alive... he has to.
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i just watched the dallas theatre company les mis here are my observations
so, in case you didn’t know: in 2014, Dallas Theatre Company did a modern interpretation of les mis. i just watched it on youtube (i will link it later, i promise) and took SO MANY GODDAMN NOTES so here they are!
(Look Down-WHID)
starting out strong! we got some HARSH TRUTHS ABOUT THE JAIL SYSTEM!! blatant police brutality happening BASICALLY the entire first part of the song. it hurts me. 
note on the cops costumes: they legitimately terrify me and they are dressed in like. full riot gear.
okay so,,,valjean wraps the rope from his bag around his neck at the end of WHID. this is interesting bc, a) he’s trying to find a solution as to what he should do after the Bishop and that’s a direction I’ve surprisingly seen no one take, but b) this part has the same melody as javert’s suicide, when javert is ALSO trying to figure out what he should do after his perception on life is altered. for a moment there, they both are on the same page, the page being suicide. however, only one of them takes that choice.
the above makes the lines (in both songs) “i’ll escape now from that world / from the world of valjean” ESPECIALLY interesting because. in two different ways, they did escape, but they ALMOST had the same conclusion for a brief second.
(At The End Of The Day)
in ATEOTD fantine ends up being the last one working, causing everyone to look at her with varying degrees of annoyance or frustration. She do be hardworking doe
OH SHIT KIDS IN THE FACTORY!! three little kids run up to the foreman when he’s giving daily stipends to the ladies!! (they’re also the last to be paid, giving significant sass to foreman who also sasses back)
Girl #5 mockingly calling fantine “innocent sister” when 5 is white and fantine is a WOC...that’s kind of interesting given that that can be read as SERIOUS racial profiling on 5’s part
foreman looks like bob’s boss in the incredibles but like. tall lmao
(I Dreamed A Dream)
her look of like,,shock-but-not when everyone from the factory exits and she takes off her bandana,,,that. that is good acting
her transitions from chest to head voice are so good
i’m kinda sad she isn’t younger?? or just. doesn’t look super young bc fantine is supposed to be like. early twenties. she’s not 45 and had a decently long life before she died, no, she’s young. she was taken advantage of. that’s the whole point. but that’s sUPER little like this lady is way too good
she has the perfect mix of sadness and regret plus anger and shameless hope. like. kudos to you allison blackwell you’re a dope fantine 
the cry on “killed the dream i dreamed” brb sobbing
(The Dock Scenes)
MALE PROSTITUTES I REPEAT!! MALE PROSTITUTES!! (no idea what wig he’s wearing tho. he was done dirty in the wig department) 
oh male prostitute is prostitute #1! 
oh damn there is. lady def on some bad drugs with her kid passing behind fantine on the bench. ouch.
hoo okay they did n o t censor lovely ladies!! (mini note: camera person has the camera down an AWFUL LOT on these docks scenes lmao)
there are cops on the docks. gross.
(Who Am I-Confrontation)
jvj comforts not-jvj for a second!! (money note was FANTASTIC btw)
fantine being WOC and DYING in a modern hospital also is,,yeesh because. you know. racist doctors. 
jvj cries after fantine dies JUST STAB ME NOW OKAY—
confrontation is really funny when u see that javert has a GUN and jvj has A CHAIR
JVJ DID THE LIL RUN ON “live within my care” YAAAAY
(COAC-Master Of The House)
oh boy baby cosette,,so small,,so pure plus classic baby head shake when she sings I STAN
cosette: “please do not send me out alone—“ madame t: “oooooh my gOOOOOD” omg 
what the fuck is thenardiers hair i—
random idea regarding thenardier’s prison tattoo: he has the same number on his chest that jvj has. Meaning he was in jail too. so why isn’t he as messed up as jvj? i wanna say maybe he was in for less time, but like. I doubt it. However, he has a whole ass gang. did the thenardier gang break their boss out of jail? please say yes 
him listing things for baby éponine to charge i love it
OH MY GOD THENARDIER FLAUNTS HIS NUMBER WHILE JVJ DOESNT!! jvj hides his past because he believes it will get him into better places (it does, he becomes mayor for god’s sake) while thenardier shows off his past with stubborn pride. while thenardier cheats his way to success, jvj lives an almost honest life where he ultimately suffers due to the stress all the hiding he does gives him
i love that éponine looks like neither of her parents,,,madame t got around huh? 
(The Bargain)
Instead of madame correcting thenardier on cosette’s name he asks cosette herself which prompts the CUTEST ANGRY YELL OF “it’s cosette!” I HAVE EVER SEEN
also thenardier fuckin MANHANDLING cosette i’m DYING
(The Beggars)
omg marius is so ADORABLE i love him
gavroche is a style icon
kid holding sign saying “my mom got laid off” POOR BB
i love éponine
that’s it that’s the note
wait a sec was that montparnasse with the prostitute earlier in beggars??
why does enj have a bat?? If it;s not a bat then,,,what is it? someone please help me
marius saves cosette from bad guy gang!! 🥰🥰
bruh javert misses jvj running by like,,,MAYBE two seconds that is hilarious 
jav looks so done when thenardier is trying to get out of this lmao i love it
javert looks so cop-like it scares me
the line “safe behind bars” in stars kind of kills me here because as the audience you SEE the cruelty that the convicts face. you see the guy on the ground getting beaten you SEE the chains around their throats and yet. yet javert still somehow thinks that putting jvj in jail is safe? i think the thing to focus on here is not whether it’s safe, because it obviously isn’t. the focus is who it’s safer for, jean valjean or javert?
has it always been “your father” rather than “her father” when marius asks éponine to find where cosette lives?? if they changed it that is SMART because yk. jvj would be ALARMED if he found out he’d been found by éponine but he wouldn’t hurt her. he’s not the guy she has to worry about, it’s her own father. thenardier gave her a job and she’s straying from it, he’s what would endanger her.
(The ABC Café)
“note-ruh daym”
hee hee pretty enjolras
pretty enjolras in skinny jeans even better
OOH we have,,,angry enjolras in this version o k a y
grantaire raises his hand before agog/aghast part omg
“i’ve never heard him ooOOOOh and aAAAAh *excited squeal*
“dan joo-wan” i love texas
bossuet spotted :)
longing gay looks NOT spotted :(
i love enjolras okay but this one is just,,,a little too aggressive. enjolras isn’t just angry all the time, he’s not that one dimensional. of course, there is more of the show to see and i hope he changes a little bit, but so far red and black isn’t doing much for me. enjolras is hopeful, not just angry.
the amis finding out lamarque is dead has “fuck trump just won the election” energy
okay i was hoping that enj would change his aggression thing when they find out lamarque is dead (bc that’s when most enjolrai figure out what may happen and kinda sober up yk) but. it doesn’t look like he did. there is hope for barricade scenes
OMG LIL NOTE ON COMBEFERRE GIVING OUT FLYERS TO AUDIENCE MEMBERS: that is fucking pERFECT and yk why?? because it’s a call to action!! it’s less obvious in DYHTPS because they’re mostly singing to each other but later in epilogue when the words and melody is repeated, it’s meant as a call to action! “will you join in our crusade, who will be strong and stand with me?” is a cALL TO ACTION AND THEY ARE HANDING FLYERS TO AUDIENCE MEMBERS—that’s officially the only way to break the fourth wall THANK YOU 
hey fantine doubles as a student i think!!
(In My Life-Heart Full Of Love)
okay yes i already love cosette because she plays awkward-teen-in-love-for-the-first-time PERFECTLY. 
book-ish cosette hell yes a cutie
father-daughter forehead kisses 🥺
placing marius, éponine, and cosette in a triangle is a MARVELOUS decision thank u for that symbolism
marius checking if he looks good and ép giving him a thumbs up omg
*aggressively tries to sit normally* same cosette
*awkward curtsy* also same cosette 
(Attack On Rue Plumet)
robbery time let’s see how they do this
ooh marius and cosette run off but i can’t tell if they notice gang before running
thenardier fuckin SLICES éponine after her scream
(One Day More)
this lil part between robbery and one day more is interesting bc i legit have NO idea what jvj is thinking here. he keeps looking between his watch (i think it’s a watch idk) and cosette after she runs off to pack so like. what. is he doing here bc he looks like he’s choosing between two things but i don’t,,know,,what things
red berets on the amis are dope btw
i think marius is discussing what to do with éponine here, which is FUN because we all know why she goes to the barricade in the brick :’) éponine might be convincing marius to go to the barricade knowing this is her chance to die with him like in the book
that stomp bit with the students was the coolest fucking thing i’ve ever seen
act two will be posted shortly :D
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Bucky’s Little Wingman
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Bucky’s Little Wingman: A Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x  F!Reader (Feat: Kobik)
Word Count:  1175
Rating:  T
Warnings:  None
Synopsis:  Every day at the park Bucky and Kobik see you with your dog. One day Kobik decides it’s time for you to meet.
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Bucky’s Little Wingman
Bucky pushed Kobik on the swing.  She kept asking to go higher, though he didn’t know why considering she allowed herself to float several inches off the seat with every change in direction.  He obliged though and now her screams were drawing the attention of everyone around.  The fact she was glowing and flying probably adding to the general attraction of the event too.  There was a time, Bucky would be worried about it.  Where he’d stop and tell her she needed to relax.  His attitudes had changed a bit now he had legal custody of her.
Also right now, he was distracted by you.
He’d been noticing you in the park on and off for the last couple of months.  You came in with your dog and the two of you would sit under a tree while you ate lunch and read.  You always looked so at peace out in the sun.  Even when you were reading a book that made you weep openly - something you never hid, and your border collie always started wiggling and licking your face when it happened - you looked alive and present.  The sun and the nature found in the park seemed to feed you.  It made you thrive.
Bucky was drawn to it.  It seemed so familiar to him.  A reminder of who he once was way back before he had been spoiled by the darkness of the world.
“I’m gonna fly!”  Kobik yelled and on the upwards swing she let go and flew up into the air.  She somersaulted and floated down in front of Bucky’s face.  “Bucky!  Did you see?  Did you see me, Buck-a-roo?”
“Yes, Kobik.  I saw.  You shot right off into space.”  Bucky said, grabbing the little girl around the waist and settling her on his hip.
“It wasn’t space, Bucky.”  Kobik huffed.  Her little voice conveying how ridiculous she thought he was.  “I could go to space if I wanted.”
Bucky booped her nose and looked back over at you.  The flying child incident had caught your eye and you smiled at him before returning to your book.  “I know that, silly.”  He said.
Kobik followed his line of vision to where you were sitting.  “You’re looking at her again.”
Bucky’s eyes snapped back to Kobik.  “What?  No, I wasn’t.”
“Yes, you were.  You should go talk to her.”  Kobik said.
“I - I - She’s just …”  Bucky stuttered putting the little girl back on the ground.
“I could make it that you already did talk to her and she said she’d go on a date with you.”  Kobik squeaked jumping up and down excitedly.  “Oh - oh!  Buck!  Bucky!  Buck-a-roo!  I can make it so that you’re already married and you’re both my mommy and daddy!”
“Woah!”  Bucky yelped, crouching down in front of her and putting his hands on her arm.  “Woah, now, Kobik.  How many times?”
“I just want you to be happy.”  She whined.
“I am happy,”   Bucky argued.  Though the words felt a little like a lie.  Not that he was unhappy exactly.  He was doing much better recently.  He’d been in therapy.  He had his friends.  Kobik.  Still, that real happiness he used to have when he was young, and going out with his friends.  Seeing girls.  That felt like a dream he once had a long time ago.
“I’ll talk to her,”  Kobik said, pulling out of his arms and running over to you.
Jemima your border collie sat up as soon as she got to you and started wagging her tail.   “Hello, I’m Kobik.”  The little ethereal looking girl said smiling brightly at you.
“Hello, Kobik.  I’ve seen you and your dad around the park.” You reply.
“He’s not my dad.  I don’t have parents because I was made out of bits of these magic cubes.  But Bucky takes care of me.  I live with him at the Avengers.”  Kobik babbled.
“Oh-kay…”  You said dragging out the word and looking from her to the dark-haired man who was just coming up behind her.
“Kobik!”  Bucky yelped, coming up behind her.  “What have I told you about dumping your whole life story onto complete strangers.”
Kobik looked up at him with her brows knitted.  “Nothing.  You’ve never told me anything about that.”
“Oh.  Right.  Well, you shouldn’t do it.”  He said.  “That’s a slow trickle over time story.”  He turned to you and dropped his head, smiling apologetically.  “Sorry, miss.”
“This is Bucky.  He was born like a hundred years ago and he fought in the war with Captain America.  I call him Uncle Steve.  One day he fell off a train and his arm broke off and HYDRA got him.  You know HYDRA?  They had me too.  I thought they were the good guys but then Buckaroo made me realize they were really mean.  They gave him this cool metal arm.  You should see it.  Show it to her, Buck!  It’s really cool and super strong.  But they also messed with his head and made him do some real bad stuff.  He won’t tell me.  But I know.  I pretty much know everything.  They made him kill people and stuff.  They used him for so long.  I don’t even know.  Like a million years probably.  Then Uncle Steve helped him be good again.  Then he found me and now he takes care of me and helps the Avengers.”
Kobik spoke at a million miles a minute and as the words all tumbled from her mouth the look of horror on Bucky’s face became deeper and deeper.  When she stopped talking you’re both just stared at her with your mouths hanging open.  “Okay.”  You said, blinking slowly.
“Kobik!”  Bucky yelped.  “Oh my god!  The not dumping the whole life story goes doubly for my life story!”   He dragged his hand down his face and shook his head.  “I’m so sorry.  I’m so, so sorry.”  He said to you.  “I guess that’s our cue to leave.  Sorry for bothering you.”
He took Kobik’s hand and started to lead her away.  She looked back at you and waved and for a moment you were just frozen watching them not knowing what to say.  “No.  Bucky!  Wait!”  You called, getting to your feet.  Jemima jumped up with you and started bouncing around you.
Bucky turned back to you raising an eyebrow.  “Yeah?”
“It doesn’t seem fair that I know your entire life story and you don’t know mine.”  You said raising your eyebrow.
Bucky shuffled in place and looked down at his feet before he looked up and met your eyes.  “Would you like to go grab some lunch?”  He asked.
“Oh, at least lunch.  I don’t talk nearly as fast as Kobik.”  You replied.
Bucky smiled and Kobik ran over and grabbed your hand.  “Come on then, let’s go!  Can I play with your dog?  What’s your her name?  Does she like treats? Can I give her one?  I can make them if she likes them.”
You laughed and closed your hand around Kobik’s and started to introduce yourself properly.
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