#i followed a lot of tutorials to get her eyes how i wanted them
sesshy380 · 2 months
Over in the RP, there was a certain interaction that had been planned, and I decided that there needed to be a visual.
Because I can, here is a very pissed off Kat (though 'pissed off' is putting it mildly lol)
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alizalayne · 3 months
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Hello! this will be a quick process post so that you can see how I needlefelted a fursuit head!
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I began by following the "bucket head" tutorial by Matrices, then added a layer of polyfill so that I wouldn't use as much of my merino wool. This is how I typically make a doll head, my "core wool" is often polyfill because it really likes to clump together and fuse.
Overall, this project took about two months of my spare time. This is the first fursuit head I have made, but not my first needlefelt project.
I would really like to encourage other people to try making masks this way! You can do any kind of subtle color with wool and the wool fiber is very cheap. If you wanted to make a fursuit head with the entirety of starry night flowing over it, or a head with tons and tons of complex colors, I think wool might be the best material. I also did not need to know how to pattern or sew in order to make this-- it was sculpture rather than sewing, which I am bad at.
The rest under the cut!
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Another angle where you can see that I am building up the structure of the head.
I then made the ears, which are translucent because they're felted, just like real ears!
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I wasn't happy yet with the proportions at this point, so I spent a lot of time figuring that out and deciding where and how I'd be placing the eyes.
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I made a pair of sculpey follow-me eyes by using a little soy sauce dish as a concave circular mold and tried a foam clay nose and teeth. The sculpey eyes could be more successful, they took a lot of shaving and adjusting to get right and they eventually cracked from the strain I'd put them through while making them more shallow. For a while, I intended to make wefts of white wool to use on the sides of the head, but I ended up preferring a domestic shorthair head shape because it reads the most clearly as a cat vs any other animal.
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I originally intended to have the eyes behind clear plastic domes and used "shaker domes" that people use to make greeting cards to cover the eye, but in the end they made the eyes too dull. I made foam clay housing for the eyes and painted it pink with acrylic paint. I used stick-on car window tint to create the pupils. My visibility inside the head is really good!
Finally, after fiddling, one of the eyes was deeper than the other and I had to re-set both to account for it. I added spot glitter on top of the acrylic paint on the eye using some gold watercolor paint I had, which was silly because I'll need to wash the head at some point. I will probably seal the eyes before washing and hope for the best. I intend to spot clean the head until it absolutely needs to be washed, at which point I'll remove some pieces or find a way to protect them while soaking the head in a cool dr. bronner's bath.
I glued down a layer of felt fiber on top of the foam clay "tear ducts" and then felted new fiber over the tear duct skin and cheeks to blend them into the face. I also removed the teeth and closed her mouth because I didn't have time to adjust the teeth as much as I wanted before the con that my friends and I attended. I would like to modify this head so that she can open and close her mouth.
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Lastly, I added wire whiskers with little glass beads looped onto the ends and paper eyelashes that I also watercolored and sealed, like the insides of the eyes. Like I said before, it's gonna be a problematic wash, but I'm confident I'll figure it out, and I can always repair her or replace her lashes if something goes wrong.
Last thing, to keep the inside of the head nice and cool and prevent fogging since in the end I closed the mouth and had sealed eyes, I made a snorkel out of a snorkel mouthpiece fitted into two collapsible auto funnels.
I would say that realistically this entire project cost me less than $150. I had some materials lying around, like the wire and the beads and the sculpey.
I added two ear vents on either side of the head so that I had options on where to feed the snorkel out. If you look at the other pictures on the blog of me wearing the head, you mostly can't even see the snorkel mouth. However, it was a little problematic to let go of the snorkel to talk. it would be perfect for a silent suiter, but I'm lucky that so many people wanted to talk to me. I'd like to try and replace the snorkel mouth with something I can talk in, but I'm not sure what to use. It should be something that can create a seal to keep my breath out of the head. it's possible that I will be able to make something with a painter's mask.
I hid the "seam" between the head and my body with two yards of tulle tied into a big bow and sewn down onto the neck so that it wouldn't move around.
I hope that if you try making something similar you'll show it to me!
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aajjks · 1 year
Puppy. (JJK)
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synopsis. Jungkook should feel bad, but all he feels is satisfaction.
pairing: yan!best friend jungkook x fem!popular girl reader.
warnings. YANDERE, how to ruin a relationship 101 tutorial by jungkook, sabotaging a relationship, infidelity, obsessive thoughts.
disclaimer: DO NOT ROMANTICISE THIS BEHAVIOUR, this is fiction, this is not a healthy relationship. Keep in mind that this is purely fictional n I do not condone this behaviour irl.
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Jungkook tries to not get too jealous when he sees you laughing or hanging out with other people than him.
He is your best friend but he gets insecure, so much that he has to calm down his irregular breathing while he hides away in a corner, his doe eyes constantly looking at your laughing face.
You are the most gorgeous person ever.
It’s astonishing to him that how nervous you get him despite knowing you for years, it’s hard for him to not be nervous around you.
You are just so perfect to him, and he’s just pathetic.
Jeon Jungkook is absolutely obsessed with his best friend of nine years.
He inhaled a breath in, closed his eyes and stops chewing at the insides of his cheek. “Okay jungkook…. Go to her.” He instructs himself.
He looks back to you once more when he opens his eyes, and smiles while walking out of the corner, holding the backpack as he calls out your name.
“Y/N!!” You look in his direction and Jungkook feels his heart flutter in his chest, the girls standing along you stop talking or blabbing as he’d like to say.
“Oh look Y/N your puppy’s here!” One of the girl laughs and Jungkook feels his cheeks tighten.
He’d be annoyed but it wasn’t a lie. He was your puppy. He looks at you, his eyes fixated. “Girls….” You roll your eyes as you scold them in a gentle way.
Oh you were just so sweet.
“Hey kook! I think we have the same class today?” You move your lips so elegantly, his eyes follow the moment of your mouth, his own falls open but he licks his bottom lip.
“A-Ah yes! It’s calculus.”
“Cool. It’s almost time… God I hate- “I know you hate it Y/N…. Don’t worry I’ll help you!”
Your friend whispers ‘puppy’ but Jungkook really doesn’t mind. You close your lips and give him a kind smile.
Oh, he’s gonna explode!! You do things to his heart.
Before him and you can say anything? Jungkook sees a guy walking in your direction. His knuckles tighten.
Jungkook hates him!
“Babe!!!” You shriek.
Fuck him!
“Oh hey man!” Jungkook suddenly chimes in before he can hug you or get any more closer to you. “I saw you yesterday at the coffee shop? Did you like it there? It’s my favourite place!”
You furrow your brows as you glance at your boyfriend who’s expressions waver, his eyes filling with confusion and something else.
“A-Ah yea it was pretty good…” he stutters but Jungkook forces his smile.
“And the chocolate cake? Y/N did you like it?” Jungkook looks at you again, biting his lip to contain the smirk that threatens to spread all over his face.
“Umm what? What cake?” Your pretty E/C eyes fill with utter confusion.
oh here comes the best part!
“Oh? I saw you with Jaesung yesterday at the shop but I didn’t want to disturb so I left.”
“But I wasn’t there with him?”
“Umm I think he’s mistaken babe! I-I was alone?” Jaesung blinks,
your friends watch you with suspicious eyes and you look at jungkook with even more confusion.
“Oh? I saw a girl with same hair colour as Y/N…. You even kissed her across the table, but I could be wrong I guess?” Jungkook shrugs, playing innocent.
Your girls gasp. “Yeah we hung out together?”
“Anyways Y/N… the bell just r- NO SHUT UP JUNGKOOK. let me talk to Jae, FUCK CALCULUS!”
You seethed. Jungkook pretended to get embarrassed.
“N-No babe! H-He must be mistaken I’m telling you!”
“Okay then I’d better leave….”
Jungkook doesn’t wait for anyone’s reply, he hears you screaming and your boyfriend stuttering, he walks away.
It hurts him a lot to see you like this, but that asshole? Jungkook will make sure he regrets being born.
This is the least he deserves for being unfaithful to you. That guy doesn’t deserve you. If only you saw it coming.
But Jungkook will always be there for you, because he’s your best friend, and best friends are always there for you right?
And he is a loyal puppy, your puppy.
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good-beans · 3 months
Concept that just popped into my head: Milgram characters doing "get ready with me" videos
Aw, this was so fun!! I always love your hc style of normal au/everyone's chilling, and tried to go the same route -- it was so cute to think about :D
Haruka: Puts on his outfit for the day and explains everything in great detail. He has lots of comfortable items and fun colors. At the very end he speaks off-camera and you realize Muu was standing there cheering him on the whole time. He gets a lot of encouraging comments, and Muu and Fuuta keep an eye on the account to delete any nasty ones that may come in.
Yuno: Shows her outfit, makeup, nails, and bag she’s taking with her. She tries out a variety of styles (not just sticking to the more feminine looks we see in canon). She gives a bit of a tutorial and tips as well as showing things off. Has a main account for her daytime outfits, and a more private one for her nighttime looks. Mahiru is the only one aware of the latter account.
Fuuta: Layers. Lots of layers. There will be three sweatshirts laid out in front of him and you wonder which he’s going to choose before realizing he’s putting them all on. He focuses most on his sneakers and sportswear. He plays loud music over the videos, not knowing what to say. Has gotten into comment-section arguments over those yellow socks.
Muu: Also does a full look at her appearance: nails, accessories, etc. She mentions where you can buy everything, and it’s unclear whether she was sponsored by these brands or is just excited to talk about them. (Whether they’re actually together or not,) she’ll have Haruka on as a guest a lot to show off couple’s outfit ideas. She definitely has the biggest following, and loves recommending Haruka and the others’ accounts.  
Shidou: He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but his account is getting tons of views so the others keep encouraging him to make videos. He’s just glad to be connecting with the other prisoners as they show him how to do it. He dresses in a mix of the sleek patterned shirts and dad fits, and both types of videos are equally popular. 
Mahiru: None of the serious-faced flirts or little pouty faces – it’s all smiles for her. Every video is basically a full tutorial – she has captions and a voiceover giving commentary on everything. She has the next biggest following, and interacts constantly. She loves getting questions “what should I wear on an x type date?” “How do I dress to impress x type of person?” because she always comes up with the perfect outfit to help. 
Kazui: A bit confused as well, though he does know a lot about style. His interro question makes it seem like he wanted kids – I think he’d really get into the account as one of those “Dad How Do I” types. He talks about matching things, clothes upkeep, shaving/hairstyling. 
Amane: Also wouldn’t have made the videos without prompting from the others, but enjoys it a lot. She usually talks about practical things instead of “vain” fashion: she’s excited to show off a new raincoat, sturdy shoes, useful pockets, etc. Over time, she leans into outfits that are more cute and colorful, gaining confidence in them. 
Mikoto: He started the account as something for one of his design classes, and got really into it. He likes to challenge himself with unique styles and clothing articles, making pretty much anything work. He keeps everything professional in case an employer/coworker sees, but isn’t afraid to add some flirting and flaunting in there. If he’s open about his plurality, he’ll have some special videos, “choosing an outfit for John today!”
Kotoko: Like Amane, she’s more excited about practical outfits. She’ll show off clothes that have good flexibility, places to store and conceal objects, and heavy duty materials. She’ll rate jackets, boots, and other “military-grade” things for what has worked best for her. She’s very attentive to the accounts that follow her – she does full background checks to make sure her info is being used for justice, not more crime. Mahiru convinces her to do a special where she puts all her piercings in and talks about why she chose them/what they mean.
Es: Experiments with a lot of new styles, trying to figure out what they like. They also just play music in the back, not having much to say about each outfit. They'd rather focus on their series of dressing-up-Jackalope videos, much to his dismay...
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sirianasims · 4 months
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I listened to Myra’s slow breathing. Her mom had taken us out to dinner at a fancy vegan restaurant to celebrate Myra’s birthday and then we’d watched a movie. It was tradition. It had been a nice day until we were in bed and Myra started another tirade against the popular kids in school.
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I didn’t know what to say. She still didn’t know about the party last weekend, and I didn’t want to argue with her but I couldn’t quite bring myself to agree with her anymore. She ended up giving me the silent treatment until she fell asleep.
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I quietly got up and went to the bathroom. It was dark, but Myra and I had been best friends since kindergarten when her parents moved to Copperdale so her dad could work with my dad. I knew their house like it was my own.
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I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. Was it really so bad to want more friends? To be a part of a group? Maybe I really was just a superficial person who wanted everyone to like me. I definitely wanted Oscar to like me. We hadn’t kissed since the party but we were messaging on Social Bunny every day, and yesterday we’d locked eyes across the hallway and I had to look away before Myra noticed.
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The lights were still on downstairs. Myra’s mom never went to bed before her dad came home from the hospital. My own mom did the same.
I quietly walked down the stairs and Daria looked up from her laptop.
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“Can’t sleep? Is Myra snoring again?”
“No, I’m just thinking a lot.”
“Want to talk about it?”
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I told her about the Spooky Day party. Somehow it had always been much easier to talk to Myra’s parents than to my own.
I did leave out the part about Oscar though.
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“So since then I’ve been posting a few pictures of other costumes I’ve made. And now some people are asking for tips and I thought it would be fun to maybe make a channel and stream the process or something. Or make tutorials and post them online.”
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“That sounds like a great idea! I’ve always been impressed with the stuff you come up with.”
“But what if Myra sees it as me just trying to be popular?”
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“And what exactly is wrong with being popular? She should be supporting you in whatever makes you happy. Myra has a lot of strong opinions, Griffin stubbornly insists she gets it from me. But don’t let her hold you back.”
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“Myra says having people like you online is dumb because they’re not real friends anyway.”
“Sometimes I think my darling daughter forgets what I do.”
Daria gestured towards her computer.
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“My podcast has a couple hundred thousand listeners. Are they all my friends? No. But some of them have actually become friends, because sharing what you love with a community that likes the same thing is a great way to meet people. You can even teach others and inspire them to share their own passions. I think you would do great, and I know you’re talented. But don’t take it from me, take if from those girls at school, because I’m probably too old and hopelessly uncool to listen to.”
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I couldn’t help but smile. Daria was the coolest person I knew, second only to my grandpa Conrad. They didn’t care what people thought about them, but unlike Myra, they also didn’t spend hours talking about how little they supposedly cared.
Daria was telling me all about her podcasting gear when Myra’s father, Griffin, came home.
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“Evening, my love. Oh, hey Julia, you’re up late.”
“Hey Griffin. You’re right, I should probably go to bed.”
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“Alright, let us know if Myra’s snoring gets too bad, we still have spare earplugs.”
He winked at me.
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“And remember, we love to see what you do, Julia. So you’re guaranteed at least two followers who are also real friends.”
She stood, but then leaned down and kissed my forehead, just like she used to do when Myra and I were little.
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“Goodnight, kiddo. Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life, OK? Not even my dear daughter. Always be yourself. And if you want more tips on getting a proper recording setup, just ask me.”
beginning / previous / next
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catastrothy · 3 months
Do you have any tips for someone who wants to start rigging simple models and stuff?? i know basic live 2d but i really wanna make a new prettier model for myself!
ok so first of all i hate recommending joining discord servers BUT for better or worse the live2d community server is by far one of the best places to get resources, including a channel that's basically full of various tips n tricks.
there is also a LOT of good advice out there on twitter and i highly recommend following larger live2d artists cuz they're usually very happy to share any tutorials or tips
now then i will put down a bunch of shit i've bookmarked over the years under the cut here
lena's guide to making a very simple vtuber in 5 minutes (you should absolutely do an easy project first, something with not that many parts!!!!!)
nonon_yuno's basic mouth guide (this artist in particular posts a lot of tutorials)
nonon_yuno's slightly more complicated mouth guide and also how i learned how to add mouth toggles (so i can switch between :) and :3) (you do it by having a third parameter that you add after finishing the :) mouth. you don't HAVE to do :) type mouth first but i've found it's easier to edit afterwards)
Koziichu's mouth guide (this is the main guide I use)
Fennryn's guide to head XY angles
Cherrichu's $5 Live2d separation study file (also cherri is a fellow cringie RawrXD member and you should support her!!!)
Yoshinoart's guide to body X
Briatcookiebox's eye physics
Cat athenya's guide to animal ears
CutieDragon's guide to expressive animal ears
xaconite's guide to hair cutting
Kira Omori's guide to cutting Live2d models for beginners
Kira Omori's guide to hair and boob physics (Kira has a lot of good tutorials on her YT channel!)
i wasn't able to find an exact tweet about it BUT you can copy paste forms which makes doing XY angles a lot easier!!!! (ctrl shift c to copy and ctrl shift v to paste. apparently this is a pro feature only)
Cillia's live2d study model (make sure u read TOS! also it's paid (3000 yen) but well worth it for the study material)
CutieDragon's how to view animation in physics window
CutieDragon's way to add depth to your head turns
PeachnKey's way of making a tear animation
Moki's guide to animating tails
Koziichu's guide to getting the most out of your tracking
CutieDragon's guide to making expressions in VTube Studio (you still need to make the specific parameters in live2d itself)
Yoshinoart's guide to glue
Enma Akatsuki's guide to arms
BriatCookiebox's reminder that temporary path deformation exists (temp warp deformation also exists, amongst others)
Momoiro's guide to meshing objects to help them look more 3d
anyway that's all i can find off the top of my head but yeah. in my experience other live2d artists have been very welcoming in helping newbies out and that's why i specifically recommend the community discord!!!!!!!
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mishacakes · 7 months
eeyyuh ye, how do youpick out the colour palettes for your characters like tomiko or alice? i can never get satisfied with the colour palette while my friends claim they are nice. (i feel like i can't tell whether a colour combination looks good)
Uhhh gonna be real it’s a little bit color symbolism and theory, and a LOT of bullshit and throwing paint at the wall to see what sticks. Again it’s all story based, so color symbolism will depend on story (red might mean evil in one context, but power and strength in another) To me, characters serve the story first and foremost, so color palettes will follow that, or story follows the characters and their colors.
I like assigning a color to a character based on personality (Alice and Tomiko pink, Edith blue, etc etc), and then picking a secondary color that’s close to the primary color on the color wheel, and a highlight color to add interest. (LEARN COLOR THEORY!!! THERE’S PLENTY OF TUTORIALS OUT THERE!!!! I recommend Gigi DG’s color tutorials, and their whole comic Cucumber Quest is a master of color theory) Alice’s secondary color is purple, and her highlight color is cream/peach orange. Tomiko’s palette is the pinks, cream, and very dark purple of her fur, all very warm colors, but then she has the bright blue eyes, an offsetting cool color (then her outfit is related to those colors. Red for Lucky Cats, teal to offset the pink of her fur and match the cool color of her eyes, and peach shorts to match the pink). Edith has a lot of medium blues and navy blues/blacks, and her highlight color is white. All these colors have story meaning attached to them.
But even with the amount of thought, you can still noodle around with different palettes. “Adjust hue/saturation/brightness” can be your best friend. Just select the color you want to adjust and go off tweaking it as you like.
Good luck and happy coloring!!
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scuderiamh · 2 years
IMPULSE CONTROL || c.leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
word count: 1k
warnings: none
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loneliness caused stupid decisions. y/n had learned that much.
being away from her boyfriend never got easier, she'd learned that, too. throughout their entire dating history, she knew she'd have to get accustom to nights in a half-cold bed and eating dinner together through facetime. watching shows alone when she'd much rather watch them with him. watching the couples outside kiss, hold hands, do all the things she and charles had much less time together to do. she was okay with it. it took its toll, certainly. but she had to be okay with it for him. she'd love nothing more than to follow  him to every race, every country he visited, but flying was expensive as ever and she wouldn't let him pay for her. even when he insisted it was no trouble.
he wasn't her entire impulse control, but he sure did make up a lot of it. he was the voice of reason to poke holes in every bad idea she had, as was she with all his thoughts that weren't as bright as he felt in the moment. it worked. it worked well. they kept eachother from doing anything stupid unless they were in on it together. but, she hadn't consulted him on this beforehand, and now --
a puppy. 
a tiny shepherd-type breed staring back at her with watery eyes and the guiltiest look she's ever seen. oh, what a mess. the pillow cover, once whole and beautiful, now torn nearly in half. ripped open, the perpetrator a small, lanky, ever-growing dog. she wanted to be mad, but how could she? sure, it was charles' pillow and all, he wouldn't be too happy... but the way the yet-to-be-named puppy groveled made it excusable. besides, it was nothing a needle and thread couldn't fix, and suddenly youtube tutorials became her best friend. 
and only fifteen minutes later did she realize how much harder sewing was than she'd initially thought. the messy, jagged threads of her attempts to fix his pillowcase were shameful, and she'd nearly considered just buying a whole new pillowcase. but that would be admitting defeat, and there were a million things she'd rather do before doing that. besides, charles was scheduled to come sometime today and she was uncertain on whether or not she could have the replacement by his arrival. stuck with fixing it she was.
as she was knitting -- or, trying to -- unnamed puppy made every effort to be as irritating as possible. nipping at her socks, licking her face, just about everything to be as distracting as she could. if she weren't so cute, she might've been mad. she'd grown to ignore her, concentrating all too hard on the job in front of her. she'd lost track of time, forgetting how soon her boyfriend would come as the task at hand fully absorbed her energy and attention. but the puppy running to the door gave the indication, even before he came inside. he was here. the sound of the keys unlocking the door was only confirmation, and she let out a soft gasp and let the pillow fall to the ground, quick to stand up and plaster as innocent a grin as she could muster.
now for the explaining.
“chérie, i'm h-” charles started, but his words were cut short by the yapping of an overexcited puppy. he put down his suitcase, closing the door slowly, not quite processing the situation. “uhm, who are we puppy-babysitting for?”
“hi, darling.” y/n said, a sweet smile all but tattooed on her face as she made her way to him. she ignored the jumping puppy as she wrapped her arms around her boyfried, who was slow to reciprocate. 
“as happy as i am to see you...” he trailed off, pulling away. he crouched down, only to sit down on the ground to interact with the puppy face to face. he chuckled, but it seemed more so nervously than anything. “you did not answer my question?”
he glanced up, and y/n only gave a sheepish smile, then threw her hands up as if to declare her guilt. “i'm sorry! i'm sorry. i got lonely, and i saw the ad online, and...”
“oh, god.” he let out an exhale, head dipping. “it's ours?”
“she's ours. she's our daughter, now, leclerc. you always said you wanted a family, didn't you?”
“well... yes, bu-”
“see, it's perfect!” she exclaimed with a grin, clapping her hands together once.
“i meant eventually, amour. a puppy, now?”
he rose back to his feet, prompting the puppy to yap again. he took y/n's hand, lightly squeezing it once, eyes on her. she'd almost decided to not say anything, but it was clear enough that he wanted an answer. 
“i just... you know, when you're off racing, it gets quiet, and-”
a ramble was coming on, he could tell. he interrupted her before that could happen, a soft smile present on his features. “i get it.”
not really. he didn't get it the same we she did and he likely never could. to an extent, he understood, but he'd never be the one sitting at home waiting for a loved one to come back from their work adventures. he was always the one on the work adventures. that was a different kind of struggle and he'd never wholly get how she felt when he was gone. 
“but... a puppy?”
a wide smile lit up her face and she knelt down, picking up the puppy. “our daughter.”
the pair of them erupted in giggles when the puppy licked charles' face, and his doubts on the situation seemed to wash away right then and there.
“i really hope she's trained, at the least.” he said, sighing in contented exhaustion as he made his way past the hallway, y/n and the now-grounded puppy following.
“oh, yeah, yeah, of course! completely!” a lie. 
“good, because, little puppies can be destructive, and we really don't want tha-”
she didn't have time to catch up with him completely before he spotted it. the pillow.
“what is this?”
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emperorbubblegum · 8 months
This is gonna be another long-ish spoiler post for F/SR, so don't click if you haven't learned Rider's True Name yet
Also slight spoilers for Fate/Extra CCC Foxtail and maybe Shimousa but those are old enough that I doubt people care
I really need to hear the opinion of someone who doesn't know much about Fate play Samurai Remnant. I feel like most of us where able to guess a lot of the new Servants based off connections they had to pre-established ones. Rider's probably one of two exceptions because her reveal is supposed to be this huge "what the fuck" moment - and it is, but I feel like that mostly hinges on the player knowing Fate's version of Minomoto-no-Raikou.
Ushi Gozen has been teased for years. Raikou's always been one of the many Servants that mentions how her Berserker Saint Graph isn't the only one we might aee of her (edit 1: I didn't play FGO when it first released so I didn't know this, but apparently Ushi actually shows up in the same event Raikou's introduced in). In Foxtail, we see her used as a prarallel to Suzuka, since both have connections to Oni. The most prominent tease is in Shimousa, where we actually see Ushi Gozen appear, but with the same design as Raikou for budget reasons I guess (edit 2: No we don't, that's just Raikou, but she has the Rider class so I misremembered her there as Ushi Gozen). And now she's actually here! She gets her own game! And she looks...
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Girl what the fuck happened to you
I really like both of her designs to be honest. She's one of the few Servants to be wearing actual samurai armor, and she's the first to wear the helmet too I'm pretty sure. Then after Saber kicks the shit out of her, the armor falls apart and we see that she's in a much worse state than any of us expected. Her hair's cut short, her eyes are dead with noticeable bags, her skin's paler than it was before, and she barely looks like she's eaten anything. Those last two could also be said about Raikou (Raita for the love of god learn to draw human women properly) but on Rider they're noticeably worse. Also she seems crazier than her Berserker form, albeit a different kind of crazy.
When we fight her the second time in Chapter 5, she shows up with these awesome robot-like spider legs reminiscent of what Ushi-oni are usually described with. She doesn't look human because her humanity was seemingly beaten out of her. Raikou tends to suffer from what I like to call "the Altera Problem", where if used right she can be a really genuine and badass character, but 90% of the time she's used for jokes and to get people's dicks hard. However in things like Foxtail, or Shimousa (which is even more apparent in the manga), or Heian-Kyo we get to see her for how she really is, which is A) terrifying and B) a hero worthy of going down as one of humanity's best. Rider is only that first one. No jokes, no big tits, just pure unadulturated "you're gonna die" energy.
Rider's the first Servant we ever see in Samurai Remnant. She's the first one Iori encounters, leveling his house in the prologue and acting as the tutorial boss to show the player "hey you can't fucking take these guys on", and in the teaser trailer (which shows that scene) she's one of three Servants who are actually shown to us - the other two being SR's Saber and everyone's favorite bisexual dimension hopper, Musashi. I could write a whole other post about Shousetsu and Iori (maybe I will who knows) but Rider follows their dynamic. She's a strong parallel to Saber. Fuck she basically is Saber if they didn't have people like Ototachibana-Hime and Iori to keep them grounded.
All of the new Servants are super cool (with the exception of Caster that bitch ass nerd), but I think Rider's possibly the coolest. I mean, I've been wanting Samson since I got into Fate and you haven't seen me make any real posts about him because Minamoto-no-Raikou, one of my least favorite Servants, has got me in a vicegrip. I don't know if she's my favorite, but I'll definitely be saving for if she ever comes into FGO
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What if there was a Minish Cap sequel?
Journey to the Minish Realm
I was a little unsure whether to post this to Untold Myths or not, but decided to post it here. Basically what happened:
And now I'm a little obsessed with the idea.
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Exactly one year after The Minish Cap arrives the next Picori Festival. Link anticipated Zelda would ask him to go with her,
The tutorial section would be Link preparing for the tournament, which he actually gets to compete in this year... After the Minister practically begged him to keep an eye on Zelda while she watches over the whole thing, anyway. For the tournament, Link uses a replica of the Picori Blade rather than the Four Sword.
At the peak of the festival, when Link finds he is at the final two, the opponent set for Link is suddenly injured– too much to compete. As they try to find a replacement opponent, a lone silhouette volunteers after a rather dramatic entrance using a wind spell. They are none other than Vaati, who has mysteriously returned from his defeat... But his form is corrupt and indefinite, constantly leaning between his humanoid form and the monstrous one he was slain in. The husk of who was once a great sorcerer seems overly confident despite the fact he can barely hold himself together, proclaiming a rematch is in order. Although the Light Force was removed from him, somehow a portion of the monster form's power has lingered with him.
Link, although alarmed, prepares for a fight... But Zelda quickly intervenes to protect Link. Vaati is only more provoked by seeing her after he failed to contain the Light Force after draining it from her, about to attack her as well. However, he stops himself as a different idea comes to mind. Using a power unknown to the pair at the time, he manifests his own version of the Minish Door, knocking Zelda right through it and following after daring Link to join them.
Without a moment's hesitation, Link races through the door after Zelda. He awakens in the Minish Realm, managing to find Zelda after she evaded Vaati. The two now find themselves in a world they have never seen, and seek out an old friend to help them return home... And stop the revived Vaati.
The Minish Realm is structured like a mix of Hyrule in MC and FS. While vast, it features a lot of areas tied to a specific element.
Other Ideas
Guide character Zelda, Spirit Tracks style...
I call MC Link "Pico", so someone might give him that as a nickname.
There are four types of Minish in the Minish Realm, the ancient sages that proceeded Ezlo being responsible for the Picori Blade. There are Forest Minish, like in Hyrule, Snow Minish, Fire Minish, and Wind Minish. Vaati was a Wind Minish before his descent.
Ezlo has refused to take an apprentice after Vaati. Although he does miss teaching, especially after departing from Link, he unadmittedly worries about pushing another one down the wrong path. Unfortunately for Ezlo, a ton of younger Minish have heard how he helped a hero in Hyrule like the old Sages... And now they all want him to be their teacher.
Other Minish Sages will be present. Three, to be exact. Ezlo is the Minish Sage of Forest/Earth, but there is also one of Ice, Fire, and Wind.
Ezlo can turn into a bird similar to his cursed cap form. He claims Vaati gave him the idea...
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simplyreveries · 3 months
Hi! I'm just sliding this in for the matchup!
(I'm just going to answer the question like things you put because I have no clue what to write otherwise!)
Ok so my hobbies are competitive traditional dance (poi and Irish mostly) as well as writing! I'm not quite sure how to describe my personality, but I suppose maybe I'm just a fast person? Like I always jump from one thing to another and I'm a bit sassy, even when I'm not trying to be lol
For physical features I'll just say I definitely do look IrishMaori incase the types of dance I do didn't give that away lol, like almond eyes, lots of freckles, round face, red hair lol as well as being very, very short. (4'10)
I go use she/her and I suppose just a few more things about me would be that I have a speical intrest in wonderland and marine life and I have an eraser collection. (Yeah, the things you fix mistakes with, I have weird ones like a fire extinguisher eraser, golf club erasers even a mini ping pong eraser set-) So yeah, I hope that's good for you to work with and I look forward to seeing who you pair me up with!
BTW your writing is amazing, I always look forward to when you post ok bye 👋
I match you with riddle rosehearts!!!
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he's very fascinated, though he is a lover of the arts and knows a lot when it comes to the historic side of it. he doesn't exactly know how to do much of it himself. if he did try, he'd spend too much time trying to follow some tutorial step by step and upset when he can't exactly replicate it. he finds himself completely mesmerized an interested in what you do for dance. riddle is awkwardly stiff; he could never imagine doing the things that you can do. he does bashfully crack a smile if you playfully try to dance normally with you. he'd love it.
does find your personality endearing. though ... he has lightly scolded you sometimes because he doesn't want you getting yourself unintentionally getting some savanaclaw student upset over any witty comment or banter back to them. he is slightly concerned for you with such troublesome people at this school!
riddle really does think your interest and collection is cute. he is someone who probably has a lot of generally, stationary for when it comes to school. if there's ever a chance he finds some when he's out somewhere and in a shop, he'll gladly get some for you. especially if they're something that resembles something strictly in twisted wonderland, since he knows you love that so much.
he does secretly enjoy the fact that you are in fact shorter than him... it is pretty rare for him to experience so he has an internal sense of satisfaction whenever he's looking at you and can't help but notice the difference. he finds it so adorable. though he does not take it kindly (actually personally) if someone like floyd would tease you about it. its quite an easy way that eel gets even more of a rise out of him!
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selenacosmic · 1 year
I rly love yr Teen! MC HCs, so is it alright with you if I add one to the list:
Teen MC shows her "big brothers", the Warlords, Vines and TikToks that are exactly like them? I've seen lots of them on Youtube (edit videos), and they are so accurate and funny!!
Thank you! I feel happy you like them. Thank you for the request.
Teen!MC shows them social media.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
He will be one of the big brothers that will learn things quickly, Nobunaga will eventually understand how social media works and will want to dominate them (another word of his to being popular).
He likes how much information he can get from social media, it also helps him learn new things easier.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Just like a mother, Hideyoshi will be staring at the phone for a hot minute, trying to understand things. Everything that Nobunaga posts he will like, leaving comments of support.
Hideyoshi will think that social media can be dangerous, but there a few good things that makes him use it. He is very overprotective of you using it.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
He might get a bit stressed with it, to the point where Ieyasu uses social media as minimum as possible. The one thing that keeps him using them is animal photos and videos.
Will occasionally tweet sassy posts on social media and then not reply to anyone on it. He will always send you videos of cute animals.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
Hoh? What an interesting tool. Mitsuhide will use social media as a way to learn information on people. You will call him a stalker at that, though he is just doing his research for work.
Mitsuhide will wish that such technology existed in the sengoku era, it would make his job a lot easier.
Masamune date.
He will get tons of followers, many of his followers will think of him as “perfect husband material”. He will always post photos of himself, some cooking tutorials, and photos of his cats (Masamune will have tons of them).
He will always like what you post and comment about you as his cute baby sister.
Mitsunari Ishida.
He likes the online books he can read, not too interested on social media. Mitsunari might post something on his social media and then disappear for months, just because he was more interested in reading.
Will definitely post photos of his cat and will attract many followers because of how angelic he looks.
Keiji will likely post about his workout routine, being liked for his cheerful personality. He will chase away any creep that tries commenting indecent things on your posts, Keiji will be very successful.
Ranmaru Mori.
Ranmaru will be seen as an idol on social media, everything he posts gets thousands of likes, to the point where it surprises you. He will sometimes post a photo with you and call you his cute sister, making you a bit popular too.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Being the extremely handsome man he is, Kenshin will easily gain many followers, though he won’t care much about it. Until he realizes he can have his followers as his army.
No one can criticize him or you, otherwise his followers will take care of things. You will seriously ask him to stop his followers.
Shingen Takeda.
This handsome man? He will have tons of followers, and won’t be afraid to flirt with every one of them. He will post frequently, getting many likes on his selfies.
He will post a lot of photos with you, because the world needs to know what a cute little sister he has.
Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura will easily win the hearts of many of his followers, though you might keep an eye on him, just so that he doesn’t accidentally say anything rude.
He won’t post much, just occasionally when he feels like it.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto will use his social media to give support to artists, rebloging their work and complimenting it. He will also use his social media to teach others about art and makeup.
You will be his volunteer for makeup tutorials.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Can you do a fic of Inhuman Reader meeting Skye/Daisy on the bus fir the first time?
Daisy Johnson x Male!reader
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"Who's the new girl," you ask Ward as Jemma and Leo bring Skye up into the bus for the first time, well second time if you include her prior interrogation but this time she is seeing more than just a padded room.
"Her name is Skye, a hacker with rising tide," Ward mutters, clearly unhappy to have her on board.
"She's cute… really cute," you smirk.
"Did you miss the part where I said she's rising tide," he says crossing his arms.
"Hey you have the bad blood with them I don't," you say patting his shoulder and walking over to her, "let me get that for you."
You're smiling at her and Skye gulps, "uh thanks, I'm Skye."
"Y/N," you say, taking the box of her things she was carrying.
Leo rolls his eyes at you blatantly trying to charm her and Jemma chuckles.
You show her to her bunk and place the box down on her bed, "if you need anything I'm two bunks down, I've been told I make a really good omelet."
Skye laughs, "so Coulson is the leader, May is the pilot, Ward is the muscle, Fitz and Simmons are the scientists and you're the chef?"
"Actually I'm the team's resident alien who just happens to be a good cook," you smile.
"I'm sorry, did you just say an alien?" Skye says in disbelief.
"He's an inhuman," Leo huffs.
"A what now?" Skye asks confused.
"It's a long story but basically I have super strength and can lift this entire plane off the ground if I wanted to," you say trying to sound impressive.
"Huh," Skye says, glancing at your biceps and liking what she saw.
"Come now Fitz, let's leave these two alone," Jemma says, picking up on what's happening.
Leo sighs and begrudgingly follows Jemma back to the lab, Skye was supposed to be his new buddy not your next fling.
"So about that omelet, I haven't eaten since yesterday," Skye says with a grin.
"Usually a girl doesn't get one of my omelettes until after a night of fun but for you beautiful I'll make you one even if it is two in the afternoon," you laugh, motioning her to the kitchen,"this way."
Skye blushes at you calling her beautiful and not so subtly stares at your ass as you walk in front of her.
Once in the kitchen you make the omelet and set the plate down in front of her, "your omelet is served madame."
"That Ward guy doesn't like me does he," she asks, taking a bite and making a surprised sound at how good it is.
"It's not you he doesn't like, it's the rising tide, he has a history with them but that's his story to tell," you explain.
"So he doesn't trust me then."
"Pretty much though it's too bad for him because everyone else on this team likes you, me especially," you say with a wink.
"So you don't think I'm only joining this team just to infiltrate it and expose all of shields dirty little secrets?" She teases.
"Sweetheart you won't have to try that hard to get me to tell you all of my dirty little secrets," you say leaning in close to her.
"I'll keep that in mind," she says, leaning in even closer like she's gonna kiss you but instead takes another bite of her food.
"I have a feeling I'm gonna be making you a whole lot of omelets Skye, maybe even pancakes if you're lucky," you grin.
"I prefer crepes," she smirks.
"I'll start watching some crepe tutorials then," you laugh.
You were gonna like having her around.
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elocinnicole · 1 year
Live Stream
Pairing: Collin Hoskins x OFC Black!Reader (Shauna Lewis) Rating: 18+ M for language, implied smut, praise kink (very slight, if you blink you might miss it) Summary: Shauna is live streaming her makeup routine when Collin makes an appearance. Requested: No, just a quick Drabble. I missed my favorite Pairing especially since I’ve been looking at Season 2 of Blindspotting. Word Count: 688
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“Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the love! Keep sending in what look y’all want to see next. This was requested by one of my followers, they want a soft glam date night look. Which is perfect because my man is taking me out tonight.” Shauna smiled
Shauna started doing live streams and tutorials during the Lockdown when she couldn’t do hair. She quickly gained a decent following from her clients and then when she did the don’t rush challenge by herself she went viral. Her video gained almost a million views and was shared all over social media. Now that the pandemic is over, she still posts videos but now they’re of her doing her clients' hair or makeup. Occasionally she’ll live stream either herself or she has a client in her chair. For the most part, when she’s live streaming she’s by herself showing a makeup look, hairstyle, and most recently an outfit.
“So I’m gonna do my makeup, my hair is already done, I installed this wig yesterday and I will be posting that video on my YouTube—will I ever stream on YouTube? Probably not, I like using TikTok to stream. Who does your lashes? Me, girl! If you in Oakland come get lased by ya girl Shauna. Alright, let’s get started on these brows. Remember your eyebrows are cousins, not twins.”
Collin walked into your shared apartment after having dropped Zan off with Ashley and Sean. He has been planning this date night for months but either he had to work late, Shauna has a client, or nobody could watch Zan. Not that Collin and Shauna didn’t mind going out with Zan but sometimes they wanted to spend time together as a couple. He saw the bedroom door open which usually meant Shauna was recording content to post later on. Collin typically didn’t bother you when you were recording mainly when you were streaming, but if you were just recording a routine, Collin would at least say hi, knowing that you could edit it out.
“Alright, so here is the final look, like I said you don’t have to wear this exact outfit but this is the perfect date night look. I got this dress from Cider, the shoes, purse, and jewelry from Amazon. Don’t break ya wallet ladies, it’s not that serious. Oh, hey babe!” Shauna smiled seeing Collin standing in the doorway.
“Hey, baby.” Collin entered the room and kissed you gently, being sure not to mess up your makeup.
“How was your day?”
“Good, I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick, get changed, and we can head out. You gonna be done by then?”
“Yeah, I’m almost done. I’m not gonna post until tomorrow.” Shauna blushed at the way Collin was looking at her. Well, he didn’t have to do much to make her blush in the first place.
“I love your make up Shauna, it looks really good. I know you put a lot of time and effort into it.” Shauna smiled bashfully at the praise
“Thank you, Collin.” Then Shauna saw a familiar glint in his eyes. Before she could stop him, Collin wrapped his hand around Shauna’s neck causing her to crane her head up at him.
“I can’t wait to mess it up later,” He said huskily Shauna went wide-eyed
“Collin! I’m recording,”
“You can edit it out,” He replied grabbing Shauna by her waist and pulling her closer
“It’s live!” She stressed
“I’m live right now!” Not believing her, Collin got closer, and sure enough almost 2,000 people saw and heard the whole exchange. Many people in the comments were sending laugh emojis or commenting on how cute the two of them are.
“Oh shit,” He mumbled Shauna started to playfully nudge Collin out of the bedroom. “What up y’all.”
“You about to get me shadowbanned! Go get ready.” Shauna closed the bedroom door and went back to her stream
“Alright, everyone, here’s the look I’ll post pictures on my Instagram. As you’ve seen and heard, I got some things to do. See y’all later! Bye!” sshhauna.lewis has ended the Live Stream
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Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @blackpinup22 @iknowthekoolaidflavor @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @ramp-it-up @daveeds-wife @chattykathysquietsister @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @endless-romantic-stories @chrisevanswife0405 @gothic-slasherfan-weeb @pinkbonnetandglasses @cocobutterbaby @moxleys-fav @aonungmyaddiction
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antiadvil · 1 month
20 fics tag
Okay so I found this in my drafts and it's like. 2 years old at least?? I think I filled it out and then couldn't think of anyone to tag so I never posted 😭 anyway!! This is extremely out of date but:
@succubusphan tagged me, thank u yani
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
1. Somebody to Love: Dan’s train was running late, and he couldn’t stop his anxiety from running absolutely wild.
2. Starlight: “We should go stargazing,” Phil said one morning over breakfast.
3. 5 times Dan and Fiona were not dating (and one time they were): Dan didn’t know how to play poker.
4. Is it serious?: It was after another party.
5. who you are: It wasn’t as hard to find as Rey expected it to be.
6. Friends with (Tax) Benefits: “Let’s get married,” Phil said.
7. I’m just curious: Of course Dani would be here.
8. i AIM 2 b w/ u: Dan glanced at the time.
9. Celebrity Dating Life Hacks: “So, dating as a celebrity,” the interviewer said, and Phil froze. “That must be hard.”
10. Soft Things: They kept an awkward amount of distance between them on the walk from the bus station to Phil’s parents’ house.
11. no grave can hold my body down (i’ll crawl home to her): Dani wasn’t always the most reliable, but going missing for two weeks straight wasn’t in character.
12. family reuinions and hurt feelings: Dan was never going to offer to host something again, at least not if it involved any sort of human interaction on his part.
13. Night In: Dan’s nail polish was chipped. 
14. Electrify my Heart: College was hard, Dan decided, and his classes hadn’t even started yet.
15. True Loaf: “And you’re getting the cake?” Dan had asked.
16. hole in my ear (and my heart): Dan’s mom cried every time Dan talked about getting his ears pierced, and his dad was even worse.
17. Roses are Red: Buying his crush a rose for Valentine’s Day really shouldn’t have been so hard.
18. Love is Blind: Phil had some bad habits, he’d admit.
19. a paper cutout of a life: Dan didn’t mean to.
20. forever is in your eyes: “We should have followed a Bob Ross tutorial,” Phil muttered, swiping at his paper.
I guess what we’ve learned from this is I like to start my PRB fics with Phil saying something random. And that I haven’t posted fic in ages, rip. Lots of just jumping to the middle of things, which makes sense since most of my fics are short.
2 years later I am still not sure who to tag so I am tagging whoever wants to do this. Yes you. Do it.
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moonmeg · 1 year
Hey so I really love your art and your body poses ars always so fluent! I have a very simple style what is your suggestion for artists who want to change from cartoony to a more realistic style like yours? And how do you get your anatomy so good!!!Also if you have time or effort could you give a small showcase of where you started and where you are now and how you developed the style!?!?
-Small side note in Watching and dreaming what sene made you cry the most?
-Personally balled my eyes out when the collector started crying.Sorry for the long thread but what do you think happened to the collecotr?
Thank you so, so much!
The time skip made me so happy yet so emotional but I think when the collector started crying after Luz "died", yeah that might be the moment :')
I started developing my own style the way it is now with my entry into the Hamilton fandom. I've had a style before, that I drew Miraculous Ladybug fanart with and it looked something like this
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I was 14 when I drew this. I was still heavily influenced by an anime art style despite me never having seen an anime at that point in my life.
With entering the Hamilton fandom, however, I found animatics. Szin was an artist that had an art style I looked at with 15/16 and said "I want that.". So I started copying some things from szin's artstyle that I really liked (the way they drew hair and noses specifically). Over time I discovered other artists that I had art-style envy over. That being caw-chan and ziksua predominantly. I think I adapted more from caw-chan and szin than from ziksua but I would lie if I said her art didn't have an impact on me.
So my art style developed year by year.
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There are big time skips between these deawings but if you're interested in my Hamilton era search #hamilton on my tumblr and scroll through it a bit. Or if you go down the rabbit hole on pinterest just enough, you'll find old art to. Search "megpeggs" on pinterest for that.
During Hamilton times of course not only other artists inspired me but I also started looking up tutorials or art commentaries on YouTube. Videos where an artist genuinely critiques their viewers art proved most useful, because they show you how to improve the anatomy, what basic rules you can follow to get anatomy right etc. And of course, references and realistic portraits. (That last drawing was created with a reference.)
If you want a more realistic art style you need to study the realistic anatomy and know how to draw something realistic. For that you need a reference that you look at again and again, basically analyzing it and taking it apart to see how what looks and how you can best copy it on canvas.
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Depending on complexity it of course is rather time consuming but it's a huge help. If you know how to draw something pretty damn realistic, you can easily cartoonify or simplify certain features. (Not saying I'm so great at realism but I'd say I'm not that bad at it either)
Enter Avatar era.
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A show where you can bend elements and a show that is filled with quite a lot of fight scenes makes you want to do fanart that is as dynamic. So you sit there staring at pose references again. Or you take pictures of yourself doing these things. I can't say how much the ATLA and LOK art style influenced me because there barely is any resemblance between the show and my art but I do ghink it had at least a little impact on my art style.
It involved a lot of referencing and copying (important note: not tracing!) in my case. And that's really the most important tip I can give here. Studying and analyzing the reference picture you chose. How long and thick are limbs? How big are the hands? The torso? The neck? How much smaller or bigger does this limb look due to the perspective? Learn the rules before you break them.
Some examples:
Foreheads are bigger than they seem! Remember that your character needs to fit a brain in there.
You should be able to fit one third eye between the two eyes - that's the usual distance.
Eyes are on one height with where the ears begin.
The nose's end is on one height with the earlobe.
The distance from the outer corner of the left eye to the outer corner of the right eye is the same length as the neck (in thickness)
Remember that the neck supports the head. When drawing a side profile it should start at the back of the head and leave some room for a jaw.
Hands are big enough to cover your entire face.
Your elbow is on one height with your waist.
Your whole arm should reach from shoulders to about the middle of your thigh.
There's space between breasts and the neck. You have a collarbone there!
Natural breasts hang. They have weight to them and get pulled down by gravity.
There's bones and organs everywhere in your body and they need space too
Skin wrinkles Angle your arms or hand. You're not a Barbie, you've got wrinkles there on elbow and wrist.. Furrow your eyebrows. The skin on your forehead wrinkles.
Everything I listed here is something you can go check out on your own body and it should be correct. Of course this is just the usual way anatomy is like - exceptions are found everywhere.
If my art style is something you look up to, as weird as it sounds, study it. Look at the way I draw things and try to copy them and incorporate them into your own style.
It's also important you go out of your comfort zone.
With TDAAC I couldn't name what exactly changed or developed in my art style more but I do know I started to hide hands less and challenge myself to actually draw that hand pose, staring at references from pinterest or my own hands doing that pose.
Art is a matter of learning and studying. It's time consuming, it's nerve-wreking, you may sit there and ask yourself why the hell you decided to do art but it's worth it all.
I'd recommend keeping your old art around somewhere. Over the years you can then always go back to it and compare it to your current art and see just how much you grew as artist. And that is something that definitely comes. The more you draw, the more you learn. It's not witchcraft, even if it might seem like it sometimes.
I'll add some more art of mine in a reblog, since tumblr only allows me to add 10 images.
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