#i drafted my attendance list for work so i am just going to go set up my desk and hope that fixes it
allbeendonebefore · 1 year
you know how when you haven’t Pursued your Craft in several days and you are like. mentally itchy and you can’t scratch it because you don’t know what you are doing and also Stress from Other Things yeah How Turn Off
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averyauthorship · 2 years
About my current project (queer people of color and romance!!)
Hello there! If you couldn't tell, I made this blog is to promote my writing, especially the novel that I am currently working on! I decided to pin some information about this book, just so y'all can understand it some. (I put a break in here so it wouldn't take up my whole blog so make sure to click to read more!)
What is it about?
It is a YA romance featuring Sam, a college sophomore, and a guy named Link. A lot of the plot centers around TTRPGs (specifically D&D in Sam's case) and how they bring Sam and Link closer to not only each other, but the other people in their lives.
Who am I?
I'm a recent graduate who wants to become a librarian. I majored in English and double minored in journalism and linguistics so language is kind of my thing. (Ask me to nerd out about phonetics and I will.) I'm a cosplayer and an artist, as well as a writer. I live in Maryland but, some day soon, I plan to move to Seattle. If you have any more questions about me, feel free to drop them in my ask box!
Why these characters?
I've never really seen myself represented in a book. I have characters whom I relate to on a deep level but I've never had a character with my background. That's where Sam comes in. While she is not me, we are both asexual, masculine-attracted women. We are both biracial with a black dad and a white mom. Seeing someone like me in a book is a huge motivation for writing this.
As for the other characters, it was important for me to have a fat guy as the love interest (there is NO REP for larger guys in YA) and I wanted this book to be a safe space for other underrepresented people besides myself. I hope folks can see themselves in my characters in one way or another.
What is the setting?
Copper Haven, New York. Sam and Aria attend Copper Haven College. It's a made up town in Central New York that is shamelessly based on where I went to school: Ithaca, New York. (Ithaca College Class of '22!) I like writing what I know!
What are some of my inspirations?
Rainbow Rowell has probably influenced my writing more than I care to admit. Her style of soft YA romance is exactly what I'm going for in my writing.
Another book that made me think that this might actually be possible was "Cemetery Boys" by Aiden Thomas (@aidenschmaiden). That book, despite being an urban fantasy, is just so unapologetically representative of the author. I thought that, maybe, I could do it too.
Other specific influences (either on my story or writing style) include Sharon M. Draper's "Out of My Mind," Rainbow Rowell's "Attachments" and "Fangirl," and "I'll Be the One" by Lyla Lee. There are more but I can't list them all! It would be crazy!
How much is written?
Not a lot. But I'm through with the planning stages and I've drafted out a couple chapters. This book has been bouncing around in my head since 2020 so I'm excited to get writing. Of course, I won't look for a publisher until it's written but, in the meantime, I'm excited to share my progress and get as many people hyped up as possible!
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therandomavenger · 2 months
The State of Things
It’s been a busy couple of months here at stately Grayson-Coats manor. A lot going on. Like, a lot a lot.
Jimmy and I spent a few weeks furiously planning the wedding. We have a tentative date (Oct 12th), and we pretty much have our colors (grey and purple) and the overall flow of the ceremony, as well as our attendants selected. Our priest has agreed to marry us (which I something I never thought would be possible, but that’s the Episcopal Church for you), and we’ve decided to get married at the actual church, which will be amazing. The next step is to call the church and schedule an appointment with the priest and also whomever we need to talk to to actually book the church and that has been on my to-do list for like six weeks now and I … just keep forgetting to do it? This is not a ‘he has mixed feelings so he’s dragging his feet’ thing, which I can forgive you for thinking. It’s a ‘the church office is only open until noon every day and by the time I remember I should call they are closed’ thing. I did put it on my LifeUp! To-do list so it should happen soon, hopefully tomorrow. I hear you. Get your shit together, Chad.
We both started school January 16th, and that has been an adjustment for both of us. I love my classes. I love the process of doing art the same way I love the process of writing, which is a good sign for my longevity in this pursuit. Originally, I was just going to get a certificate in Digital Art and Design, but now I’ve decided to get a whole-ass AA in Art. Specializing in Digital stuff, but also pursuing drawing and painting.
I am finding myself having to forgive myself for being a beginner in this. It took me 46 (at least) years to get somewhat good at writing. I’ve been doing art for a month. Less than, actually. I know how I want things to look, but my skills have not developed to the point where they come out like that. This is as it should be! If things were feeling too easy, I wouldn’t be learning. I’m getting good grades on all my assignments. I am exactly where I should be. But there’s a part of me that is like ‘I need to demonstrate immediate mastery of every new skill I try, or I am a loser. I am the only one this applies to.’ I need someone to sit next to me and spray me with water every time I say something self-deprecating. (Yes, I have been working on this in therapy). I will probably start sharing some of my art soon, probably on my Instagram account.
But I love being in school again. I like being on campus and sitting in class and working on a new set of skills. I’m into the whole thing. (Could academia be my kink?) I’ve started to make friends with my fellow students, many of whom are my age or older. Also, maybe this is news to you, but art seems to attract a lot of queer people? Who knew? Anyway, I love every part of this except getting up for 8:00 classes. Like, who invented 8:00 classes? They need to be punished.
And while I have turned my attention to art school, I have not neglected my writing. It is still my first love, and my primary vocation. I scheduled myself three days a week for writing. I write 2500 words every writing day, which gives me 7500 words a week or 30,000 words a month (at least). In January, I met this goal, even though I took a week off because I got sick (influenza can die in a fire), and I am on track for February too. I was a little afraid that my mental energy would fail me, but art and writing, while both creative, don’t use the same parts of my brain, so doing a lot of one doesn’t exhaust my capacity for the other. I have six days a week I work at either school, or writing both, and I take Sundays mostly off. I’m extremely glad I quit working at the library because that would not have fit into this schedule, despite the fact that I don’t have class the day I usually worked.
I’m almost finished with the rough draft of ‘World Enough and Time,’ my sci-fi romance that started with a silly idea and has gotten surprisingly deep. I have my next few projects lined up. Actually, I made a list of all the books I have solid ideas for, and it was, I shit you not, 37 books! So, because I am a planner, I scheduled out a potential work and release schedule and this will take me thirteen years. And part of me wants to post that list of deadlines and hold myself to it, and part of me is like, no, just write the books and don’t worry about deadlines. Clearly, I need my muse to take a vacation because I don’t need any more book ideas. But it was nice to get a realistic idea of what was possible. In 13 years, I will only be 64 (I can’t believe I used only in that sentence) and that isn’t really that old by any means. There are a lot of people in my writing group who are older than that, and still going strong.
Overall, I’m grateful for the way my 50’s seem to be shaping up. I’m not as young as I used to be, but physically, I’m just as capable as I was when I was 30. I’ve finally figured out how my brain works and created ways to be productive. I am wholly myself with everyone in my life, no longer trapped in the closet. I have great relationships with my close family and my kids and grandkids. In October, I will marry the love of my life, and there were many times over the years I despaired of that ever happening.
I would love to get away from financial stress, and really see my career take off, but I’m not really in control of whether or not that happens. The best thing I can do is put out the best work that I can, work that I am proud of, and I have been doing that. I’m looking into ways to not go as deeply in the hole as I have been (the art degree is part of that).
I have four books lined up to publish this year, including a short story collection that will be an exclusive for newsletter subscribers. Also, Curse of the Onyx Heart, the first book in The Circle and the Shadow, and epic fantasy series. In August, I plan to release Beneath the Silent Stars, which is Broken Stars book 5. Also this summer, I’ll be sending out the short story collection, which is titled Ghosts of Exile and other Stories. And then I hope to release World Enough and Time in December. That will bring my published works up to 10.   
I feel good about how things are going right now, even if things are not perfect. This is the life I have built for myself, and if I’d known it was coming during those long, dark, years, I would have realized that all the pain would one day be worth it.
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writing-on-the-wahl · 3 years
Writing Snippet #10
O Positive
Part 2
Ok so @im-a-wonderling had a FANTASTIC idea for a snippet, but I’m putting the ask below to not cause spoilers lol:)
Special thanks to @im-a-wonderling as well for the beta read, edits, suggestions, and expert medical knowledge to help make this way more realistic than my original draft! You’re amazing!!!
Hero shifted from side to side as she stood in line, fingers clutching a bottle of orange juice.
“Well you’re prepared.” Hero’s head shot up as the attendant waved her forward. “Normally people wait until after to go for the juice.”
She chuckled nervously. “That’s me... prepared.”
“ID?” She scrambled through her wallet, making sure she didn’t grab either of the two aliases she’d already used at different locations that morning.
She would have used the same ID, but last time she’d tried to explain that she healed super fast- a result of her powers- and could donate more, the resulting argument had lasted nearly an hour, with nurses questioning whether her “magic blood” could even be used at all (it was perfectly normal blood thank you very much), and they’d still only let her donate the normal amount.
She handed him the correct ID, and he shoved a clipboard full of paperwork at her. A phlebotomist led her to a reclining chair. Even though she’d filled out the information twice that morning, it still took approximately twelve years to finish the stack of forms. The phlebotomist returned, and began asking her an equally long list of questions. She only half paid attention to the stream of questions.
Have you received any blood transfusions?
Have you traveled in the last 6 months?
Are you free of HIV or any other blood diseases?
Have you ever been pregnant?
Wait! No!
The phlebotomist chuckled as she snapped on a pair of gloves. “Ok let’s see that arm.” Hero held out her mark-free arm. After the first donation that morning, the needle mark and resulting bruise had been gone in a matter of minutes. After the second, she’d had to wait over thirty minutes before the signs of her deception to fade. The phlebotomist wrapped a tourniquet above her elbow before consulting her paperwork.
“It says here you’d like to do a double donation?”
“You have to be 150lbs in order to donate that much sweetie.” The older woman eyed Hero dubiously.
Her throat went dry. “I know. I am.”
“I’m just going to take one bag today; you’re looking a little pale, honey.”
“But the other phlebotomist let me—”She cut off and cleared her throat. “I mean, last time I donated. It was fine.”
The phlebotomist shook her head as she felt the inside of Hero’s arm for the vein.
Hero forced a cheery smile. “This is important. I’ll be fine.”
By tomorrow, she added silently. Or the day after that...
Last time she’d only been able to get in one regular and one double donation before she’d gotten called into help with a work emergency. She’d spent the rest of the day in bed, but had woken up fine the next morning. Of course, that was only half the amount of blood...
The woman narrowed her eyes before shaking her head.
“The shortage is the worst it’s been in years, but I’m only going to take one bag today.”
“Unless you’d like to go stand on that scale over there?”
Hero blanched, then mutely shook her head.
The woman muttered something that sounded suspiciously like ‘I thought not,’ before raising her voice to a normal volume. “And make sure to take it easy and drink that orange juice you’ve got there.” She nodded at the bottle in Hero’s hand as she swabbed her arm with an alcohol wipe and picked up a needle.
“I will.”
————— 30 minutes (or so) later —————
Hero made it ten steps out of the building before she collapsed against the wall, head swimming. She peeled the tape and cotton ball off her arm. Blood immediately began to trickle down her forearm.
She struggled to unscrew the cap of her juice, hands shaking. Finally, she succeeded, the cap slipping through her fingers and bouncing against the sidewalk. She brought the bottle to her lips, but only managed a few sips before her stomach revolted. She clamped a hand over her mouth and closed her eyes, willing herself not to throw up.
She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, ignoring the curious stares from pedestrians on the crowded downtown street.
She needed to get home.
A quaking boom shook the ground, and Hero cracked open her eyes to see a plume of smoke a few blocks over.
Most likely the bank on main. Or the diamond store next door.
She took a step towards the plume of smoke, but the ground was still rocking, and she had a feeling it wasn’t from the explosion. She closed her eyes as panicked civilians began running to and fro.
Her phone rang out in a pealing tone, sending her a foot into the air, her orange juice falling to the ground with a sticky splash.
The emergency line.
Groaning, she accepted the call.
“Hero! Villain just set off a bomb on Main Street.”
“Diamonds or bank vault?”
“BOTH! You need to get over there now!”
Hero covered her eyes. She wanted to, she really did. If only the ground would stop moving.
“It’s my day off. Send Other Hero.” She cringed at her seemingly callous words, but she didn’t think the Hero Agency would exactly condone what she’d just done.
Even if she was just trying to save lives.
“Other Hero is undercover spying on Supervillain. Your phone shows you are six blocks away. That will take you 12 seconds to get your speedy butt over there.”
A second explosion rocked the ground.
Oh he didn’t. Hero growled, pushing off the wall and taking a hesitant step forward.
The ground was finally still. Much better. She pulled out the spare mask she always kept in her purse and fitted it across her eyes.
12 seconds, she scoffed.
————— 9 (and a half) seconds later————
Hero skidded to a halt in front of the shattered front windows of Pristine Diamonds.
The windows of the bank next door were in a similar condition. She rested a hand against the ash stained wall, gasping as the world spun.
She forced her head up, scanning the scene. A gaping hole had been blown in the wall connecting the two businesses, and smoke was still pouring out of both buildings. She darted into the diamond store, moving without her super speed through the black air. She made it to the back of the store, where the massive safe stood empty, the door hanging drunkenly off one hinge.
She cursed and made her way to the jagged hole. She was halfway across the bank lobby when a figure leapt from the smoke and she was thrown to the side.
She scrambled to her feet as Villain faded back into the smoke. His laughter echoed around her as she spun in desperate circles. The smoke thickened until it was nearly solid around her.
“You’re slow today, Hero.” The voice rang out behind her, and she whirled around, but there was nothing but smoke.
Her vision was truly swimming now. She swiped at her eyes. “And you’re extravagant. You can create smoke from nothing, you didn’t actually need to set off a bomb.”
“I was creating a passage between the businesses. They should thank me.” The voice was to her right, and she spun again. There was no point in super speed if she couldn’t see. Her head was starting to pound.
“And that outfit.” The whisper brushed against her neck, and she whirled around again, only to see the smoke curling in around the place where Villain had just stood.
She glanced down self-consciously at her pink shorts and baggy tie-dye T-shirt.
“You already ruined my day off. There’s no need to mock my clothes as well.” She huffed, taking determined strides in the direction she hoped was the door.
“Who said I was mocking?”
She sensed him behind her the instant before he attacked. She spun. He hit. She flew. Across the room. To the floor. Over chunks of rubble. And into a brick wall.
Her back cracked against the wall, knocking the air from her lungs.
Smoke swirled through the air as Villain emerged, the dark tendrils receding to lap at his heels.
He looked surprised; he’d never actually managed to land a blow that direct before.
Hero forced herself off the ground. It was time to retreat. She summoned her powers, but between her swimming head and the sharp pain in her leg, she made it only a few feet before sinking back to the ground with a quiet whimper of pain.
She forced her blurry gaze up to Villain, who was regarding her with a strange expression on his face.
“I thought you healed as fast as you can run.”
She blinked, and realized he wasn’t looking at her, but at her leg.
She looked down. Blood seeped from a long shallow gash on the outside of her calf, no doubt from a sharp piece of rubble.
Smaller cuts and bruises covered the rest of her body, and none of them were healing.
“That’s strange.” She wiped clumsily at the cut.
Villain’s eyes narrowed. “You seem oddly off your game, Hero. You haven’t lost that much blood.”
She mustered the energy to glare at Villain. “I did tell you this was my day off.”
“I wonder if it’s from the blood earlier.” She mused, floating on a hazy cloud.
The tendrils of smoke scattered as Villain knelt down beside her.
“What blood? You came to fight me when you were already injured?”
His voice sounded as though he was speaking through a tunnel.
“There’s a national blood shortage. Worst it’s been in years.”
“So, I donated.”
Villain scoffed as he produced a cloth from somewhere and began wrapping it around her leg. “You have regenerative healing powers, a pint of blood wouldn’t have made you this weak.”
Hero shook her head and weakly held up five fingers.
Villain froze. “FIVE PINTS OF BLOOD!” He roared, smoke dancing angrily around them. “ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY INSANE!? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!”
Her head throbbed with every word, and she flinched away.
“I heal fast.” It was barely a whisper, but his fiery eyes met hers.
“I don’t care how fast you heal. No one can survive losing half their blood.” At least now his rage was contained to a low snarl. He grabbed Hero’s hands and pulled her to her feet.
“Your hands are freezing! What were you thinking!? Why would you face me after donating that much blood?!? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
He continued to seethe as he swept Hero into his arms and strode through the bank. He paused only to swing a bulging duffle bag onto one shoulder before he swept out through a second gaping hole into a back alley. A dark SUV was waiting in the shadows. He tossed the bag into the back and slid Hero into the passenger seat.
She curled against the warm leather.
“I was just trying to help.” She mumbled, her voice muffled as she spoke into the headrest.
“I know.” A hand ran down her hair. “Close your eyes. Sleep.”
She forced her eyes wider, remembering. “I can’t. I have a job to do.”
Villain shut her door and rounded the car to the driver’s side. Slipping into place, he started the engine.
“Not today.” He managed a small smile even as his eyes crinkled in concern.
“It’s your day off, remember?”
Original request from @im-a-wonderling:
“I started thinking about a story where the hero donates blood and then the villain does something that the hero has to go and face them. The villain notices the hero is off their game, but assumes they’re just tired or something. Then, the hero gets injured. The injury is really minor in terms of blood loss, but the hero is pale and sickly and can’t stand up and the villain gets all protective like “WHY would you come and FACE ME if you DONATED BLOOD today?!” And the hero mumbles “They’re having a blood shortage.” And the villain is ready to wring the hero’s neck for not taking care of themselves. So they just scoop the hero up in their arms and brings them back to their lair to feed them and let them sleep.”
Again thanks so much for the request!! I hope I did it justice:)
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Follow My Lead | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 4 | I don’t think you are supposed to giggle at Tolstoy.
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A/N: This will update every Thursday.  There are 13 chapters.  There are all sorts of kinds of D/s relationships.  This is the one I choose to write this time.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Vivian Swann)
Summary: Tom and Vivian have both been unlucky in love, searching for something outside of the bounds of a typical relationship.  When the two of them connect via a dating app, Tom is introduced to the idea of being submissive to Vivian.  Which is the one thing he never knew he needed.  Under the firm hand of Vivian, Tom learns what it means to submit and Vivian learns what it means to be in a loving dominant relationship.  But not everyone seems to understand what they have and the best intentions can destroy the strongest relationship.
Warnings for story: Dominant/submissive relationship (sub!Tom), lots of smut including but not limited to: vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), edging, denial, teasing, use of restraints, spanking, multiple orgasm, anal play, use of toys.
Tag Lists Are Open!  Let me know if you want to be added.  Thank you for reading!
Tom slept like a rock that night. The best night’s sleep in a long time. He dreamed of Vivian, kneeling on his chest, kissing him, teasing him, biting him. And he woke that morning with his cock hard and leaking. He stroked himself as he thought about Vivian. But not in the way he usually did. Instead of fantasizing of her touching him, sucking his cock, jerking him off, Tom closed his eyes and imagined his lips on Vivian’s folds and clit. Her hands in his hair tugging his head where she wants it. Vivian moaning in response to his touch, his tongue. As her pleasure increases, Tom’s motions in real life increased. Tom came with a soft gasp, spurting along his torso. He panted, trying to catch his breath. Once he regained his composure, he headed to the shower to clean himself up and go for a jog.
Vivian rapped her nails on the desk in her flat. Her email open on the screen. She was drafting the proposed protocols for Saturday to Tom, and she contemplated on how far to push him. So far, Tom exceeded all Vivian’s expectations. Which worried her. In the past, all men have been eager to please, at first. But once the shiny new wore off, and the men realized the relationship wasn’t about her fulfilling their fantasies of kinky sex and it was about surrendering to her authority, they ran. Sometimes without further word. It wasn’t the incompatibility that bothered Vivian, but the coldness in which they communicated it. As though she was without feeling or emotion. This caused her to assign the reading at the beginning, to move more cautiously. And she wasn’t sure if her heart could handle a rejection from Tom.
With a sigh, she typed out to Tom:
This is a date for the sole purpose of kissing. No food, no drink, no chitchat, no reading, no hanging out.
In short: Kissing, petting, stroking and all the things come along with that- yes. Talking, sex, orgasms- no.
Here is a list of what may happen, not what will happen. If anything bothers you or off limits, let me know.
- Kissing, obviously. Let me know of any spots that are off limits.
- Shirt off
- Pants off (underwear on)
-Nudity (you, not me)
- Kneeling
- Blindfold
- Light bondage (cuffs- both wrists and ankles, tied to the bed)
- Biting
-Bruises on your body (both in places normally covered by clothing and places it would be visible such as the neck)
- All over body touching (let me know of body parts off limits)
- All over body licking (same as above)
- Roles reversed (you touching/licking me)
- Hands around your throat (gentle not choking)
- Hair pulling
- Fingers in your mouth (not gagging)
- Body-slapping
- Pinching
And I think I covered everything. Wear a button-down (I like when you undo the top few buttons) and jeans or slacks. Send me a photo of what your current underwear options are. I will send you your address that morning. I expect you at 7.
She smiled as she re-read the email. She buzzed with anticipation at the possibilities of Saturday night. Vivian was certain she would cuff and restrain Tom, and not just because he had the tendency to squirm underneath her. She suspected it would push a button and was eager to test her theory. She hit click and headed off to work.
Tom was eating breakfast, having finished his morning run when his phone dinged with a new email from Vivian. He read through her email and swallowed hard. The list was extensive. He re-read before finishing up breakfast and heading upstairs and digging through his underwear drawer. Tom had three options laid out on the bed. He snapped a photo of them laid out on the bed. He examined the photo, unhappy.
“Might as well.” he commented to himself as he stripped down and pulled on the first pair, navy boxers.
Tom stood in front of the full-length mirror in the closet and snapped a photo. He hated to admit he may have flexed a bit in the photo. He repeated the process with the white underwear briefs, and the black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Pleased with the photos, Tom typed back to Vivian.
Wow, that is quite the comprehensive list. I appreciate the thoroughness and the bullet points. I am not scheduled for any meetings until Wednesday, so any marks will have faded by then. My feet are ticklish. Probably shouldn’t tell you that. ;) And I would rather not have my armpits or the inside of my ears licked. Otherwise, I am game for whatever you want.
I have attached photos of the underwear, per your request. And if there is anything else I can do to be of service, please let me know, ma’am.
Your sunshine boy,
He attached the photos and sent the email and then returned to dressing for the day, flopping on the bed to return the last two books on his list before starting his essay.
Vivian was pleased Tom modeled the underwear rather than just lay them out of the bed. She probably would have directed him to model them. She wrinkled her nose at the first pic and flicking through the rest.
Black boxer briefs. Burn or throw away the tighty whities. If I find a pair in your home, I will punish you. Let’s change our night time call to 9:00 p.m. from now on. I hate keeping you up so late.
She placed the phone down on her desk. It buzzed almost immediately.
Consider them burned. 9 p.m. works for me, although I don’t mind waiting up if it means I get to hear your voice. :) I shall wait with bated breath until Saturday.
The rest of the day seemed to fly by for both of them and before long, Tom was settled into bed with both his books of collected poetry and Anna Karenina. He called on time and Vivian asked for him to read more of Tolstoy. He started doing voices of the characters, in particular an exaggerated Russian accent for Levin and Vronsky.
“I don’t think you are supposed to giggle at Tolstoy.” Vivian commented after one particularly dramatic passage.
“I’m a full service entertainer. Comedy, drama, action, romance.” Tom teased back.
“What about erotica?” she teased right back, her voice low.
Tom paused. “For you? Without question.” She could hear the hesitation, fear, and excitement in his voice. She hoped it would remain.
Vivian sighed. “I think it is enough reading for tonight. I want you to get a good night’s rest for tomorrow.”
“Yes ma’am.” he responded.
“Goodnight, Tom, my sunshine.”
“Goodnight, Vivian.”
They ended the call, and both drifted off to sleep.
Vivian attended her weekly blowout appointment, not realizing Tom spent the day as a bundle of nerves. He ran ten miles hoping to burn off excess energy. It didn’t work. The only thing he did was finish the last of the books from Vivian’s list. The fastest ever read through anything in some time. He was too distracted to write his essay, thought swirling in his brain. Tom wants it to be perfect. He wants everything to be perfect for Vivian.
Tom must have tried on at least six different shirts, each discarded on the bed as unsuitable. He settles on a soft, well worn light blue shirt. One of his favorites. The collar is fraying at the corners, which is why he doesn’t wear out as much anymore, favoring instead newer but less comfortable shirts. He grabbed a pair of jeans only to notice a hole on the inside of the thigh and discarded them also on the bed, grabbing a different pair. Tom left the top two buttons undone, a calculated air of casual. A quick dab of cologne and then he waited, not wanting to arrive too early.
After her morning errands, Vivian ate a light lunch and set about preparing her flat for Tom. She made up the bed with fresh linens and double checked the restraint points on the posts. She hadn’t decided on a leg position, so Vivian placed straps on all the corners as well as the point in the middle. Vivian opened the nightstand and retrieved the cuffs, adjusting them and placing them prominently in the foyer on a table. Cuffing Tom would be among the first things she did that night. In addition, she laid out a blindfold on the nightstand and put a bottle of water there too. After bathing, she slipped into a simple silk tank and striped shorts. She wore the same wedges as before. Vivian enjoyed looking Tom in the eye while standing and kissing. A quick dab of perfume behind the ears and settled on the couch, watching some TV waiting for Tom.
He knocked on her door, ten minutes early. Acceptably early without fear of being so early that he disturbed preparations.
“I couldn’t wait any longer.” Tom commented.
Vivian giggled. His eagerness was endearing. “I’ll allow it. Come in.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He stepped into her flat, looking around in wonder. Vivian grabbed him by the chin and kissed him hard.
“Do you still remember your word, sunshine?”
“Yes.” Tom is already breathing hard. “Sushi.”
She smiled and slid her hand down around Tom’s neck. His Adam’s apple moving underneath her palm. His eyes widened in fear. Vivian kissed him again. He leaned forward when she stepped back. She walked around him, fingers tracing the planes of his body, his broad shoulders, defined pecs and abs. Vivian gave his ass a playful swat. Tom yelped and staggered forward.
“Such a nice ass, sunshine.” She growled in his ear, grabbing it with her nails.
“Thank you, ma’am.” his voice shook. He wasn’t used to being manhandled, and his cock appreciated the rough touch.
“Shirt and pants off.” She stepped back to watch him undressed.
Tom’s cheeks blushed. He had been nearly nude in a room of strangers before, but under Vivian’s glare, he never felt so exposed. Tom tugged his shirt over his head, not bothering to undo the buttons this time. He folded the shirt, placing it on the nearby table while he slipped his shoes and socks off, and slipping his jeans down his lean legs. Vivian licked her lips at Tom in his underwear. While the man appeared fit clothed, he was something carved from marble without the clothes. He flashed a lopsided smile as he placed his jeans on top of his shirt and folding his hands in front of him, obscuring his crotch.
“God, you are beautiful.” Vivian hissed as she stepped forward to kiss him again. Tom hummed back at the praise, his body growing warm. She nipped at his lower lip, nibbling rather than biting, sending shocks through his body. “Wrists, please.”
Vivian moved to the table. Tom’s arms shot out. She grabbed the leather cuffs and put them on. Tom jerked back his arms.
“What are those?” His brows furrowed.
“Cuffs. Wrists.” Her tone sharp. Tom hesitated, his mouth opening to protest. “Sunshine, wrists.” she snapped.
“Yes, ma’am.” He reluctantly held out his wrists. She tightened the cuffs, making sure they wouldn’t chafe.
Tom twisted his wrists back and forth, testing out the weight and listening to the rings thudding against the thick leather. Vivian kissed him again, hands sliding down his torso. His cock jumped. She grabbed the back of his neck and led him towards the bedroom. Tom gulped at the blindfold and straps.
“Ah…” he started before being cut off by Vivian’s lips on his neck. “Oh!” he moaned. She laved and sucked hard, removing her lips with a pop, satisfied at the dark mark already formed.
“On the bed, sunshine. On your back.” Tom scrambled onto the bed, lying flat on his back. As Vivian slipped the cuffs on Tom’s ankles, he jerked back. She raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
She slipped her shoes off and then hooked his ankle cuffs to the straps in the middle of the bed. As Vivian strolled to the head of the bed, she ran a nail up Tom’s leg. He jerked against the restraints. She grabbed his arm and clipped it onto the strap before crawling onto the bed, reaching over to clip in the other side, her breasts grazing Tom’s body. His hips bucked.
“So squirmy, sunshine. Best I did tie you up.” Vivian straddled his chest, pushing him into the mattress. “I can’t let you get away just yet.” She pressed against his lips softly, earning a sigh. Her teeth worried his lower lip.
“Ow.” he mock protested.
Nevertheless, Vivian let go of his lip and trailed down his neck. She licked the bruise from earlier before moving down to his collarbone. Vivian sucked and nipped, leaving the twin to the neck’s bruise there. She smiled at her handiwork. Tom struggled against the restraints.
“They have held stronger men than you, sunshine.” Vivian dragged her nails down his sides, leaving faint lines. As she settled by his hips, Tom’s cock pressed against her. Tom huffed and puffed as she kissed his Adonis belt, scraping her teeth along his skin from time to time. Her hands stroked along his thighs and he flexed under her touch.
She slid off of Tom’s body, and he whined at the lack of contact. Vivian rolled back on top of Tom, lying along his full body like a blanket. Tom sighed at the weight and contact. She pressed her cheek to his chest, listening to his heart race. She snaked a hand to the back of his head and jerked his head sideways before kissing him. Tom met her lips with hunger and he whimpered each time she pulled away, only to tug him towards her again. He strained against the restraints, desperate to touch her, to pull her tight against him and rut against her. His tongue slipped into her mouth, needy, exploring every inch. He moaned as Vivian’s grip tightened on his hair, hurting, but he wanted more.
Vivian could sense Tom coming close to overheating, making a mess and complicating the hell out of this. His cock strained, hard and weeping. She pulled away, holding his lower lip between her teeth as long as possible, stretching it.
“Ow.” Tom muttered.
Vivian slid down to press against Tom’s side. She cupped her cheek before gently kissing behind Tom’s ear. Tom moaned softly from the back of his throat. Her fingers twisted into his hair and she massaged his scalp. Tom’s shoulders relaxed and his hands loosened from the fists. As she scratched and petted him, he leaned into her touch, his breath slowing to a deep and even pace. He closed his eyes, enjoying the soft touch.
“You are so beautiful, my sunshine.” She cooed at him. Her other finger tracing his jaw and cheekbone. “So pretty.” She kissed his cheek and stroked his chest.
“Thank you, ma’am.” His voice breathy and floaty.
Vivian reached over and unhooked Tom’s wrist. She turned and unhooked his other wrist. Tom didn’t move. She stood to unhook his ankles.
“Legs up, please.” Tom lifted his legs into the air. Vivian undid the cuffs, rubbing the skin and massaging it. She kissed the top of his feet and Tom giggled and squirmed. “You weren’t joking about being ticklish.”
“No, ma’am.” He slowly floated back to reality.
“Sit up, please.” Tom rocked up, his hair a rumpled mess, and held out his wrists. Vivian smoothed out his hair and held the back of his neck while she kissed his cheek and lips a few more times. She released him and unbuckled the wrist cuffs, rubbing his wrists and kissing each one and placed them on the nightstand and grabbed the water bottle, handing it to Tom.
“Thank you.” He opened the bottle and took a large swig. Vivian smoothed his hair back one more time.
“Let’s go get dressed, sunshine.” He sighed, taking another swig of water before standing. Vivian slipped her wedges back on and walked beside Tom, rubbing his neck the entire time. “I was a bit rough on you. Are you okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.” His voice quiet while he grabbed his jeans and tugged them on before pulling on his shirt, tucking it and zipping up.
“How did it feel? I imagine you are used to being treated with kid gloves.”
Tom pulled on his socks and shoes, working on finding the right words.
“I don’t quite know how it felt.” Tom replied, a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. “But I know I didn’t want it to stop. I didn’t mind the pain. I wanted to touch you and make you feel as good as you made me feel.”
Vivian smiled and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tight. “Sunshine, I feel good. I received great pleasure at teasing you.” She kissed him. “With my mouth. And watching you squirm and hearing you purr.” She petted the back of his head. “But I appreciate your desire to please me physically. And you will when the time comes.”
Tom stared at her with his endless blue eyes. “When will that be, ma’am?”
“When you’re ready, Sunshine.” She kissed his cheek. “You still haven’t finished your homework first.”
Tom’s hands fidgeted, twisting in front of him. “I finished all the books. I plan on starting the essay tomorrow.” He stared at the floor. “I want it to be perfect.”
“As long as it is from your heart it will be, my sunshine boy.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I don’t ask for perfection, just effort.”
Tom nodded and squeezed her hand back. “Yes, ma’am.”
She walked him to the door, kissing him one more time. “Call me in the morning when you wake up.”
Tom nodded. “Thank you for tonight.”
“You are welcome. The pleasure was mine.”
Tom smiled and kissed Vivian’s cheek and headed out. She clicked the door shut and set about cleaning up the place. Tom came home and ate a sandwich before turning in early that evening, his brain still fuzzy.
As requested, Tom called in the morning, still in bed, to check in with Vivian. It pleased her that outside of the marks on his neck and collarbone, Tom was no worse for wear. Tom left out the part of the dreams he had or the fact he woke up with a raging hard on which Tom took care of in the shower, skipping his run for thirty minutes on his long neglected rowing machine.
Tom lazed about for most of the morning, having something akin to a hangover without the benefit of being drunk beforehand. As he sat down at this computer to start his essay for Vivian, there was a knock on the door. He groaned as he trudged to see who would dare disturb his lazy Sunday.
A smiling Benedict greeted him at the door. When he saw Tom in workout gear, he frowned.
“You’re not dressed!” he complained.
“For what?” Tom blinked back at him. He didn’t recall making plans.
“Lunch!” Benedict stepped in the foyer. “We made plans weeks ago. I’ll wait for you to change.”
Tom was ready to protest, but Ben crossed his arms and it was clear he wasn’t leaving without Tom. With a huff, Tom discarded his clothes into the bedroom which now had a small pile of discarded and dirty clothes, and grabbed an old gray v neck t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Shoving his feet into a pair of boots, Tom stomped back to Ben, pushing past him.
“Let’s go.” Tom grumbled.
Tom’s mood improved once he ordered some food and got half a pint into his system. Benedict stared at him, squinting.
“What?” Tom asked, still irritated.
“What is that on your neck?” He pointed at Tom’s neck. Tom twisted it, and then Ben spied the second mark on his collarbone. “And your chest? Were you attacked?”
Tom touched his collarbone and remembered. He blushed. “It’s nothing. Forget it.” He gulped down the other half of his pint and stood. “Let me go get another round.”
Benedict held out his arm to stop Tom. “It’s like you were bitten by someth… Oh… OH!” The lightbulb went off. “Things going well with Vivian?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “Yes.” He sidestepped Ben’s arm and grabbed another pint before returning to the table.
“Care to share?” He prodded.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Moving on.” Tom grew more homicidal by the second.
Benedict clapped his hands together. “Remember how Sophie wrangled me into serving on the children’s hospital charity board?”
“Yes.” Tom saw the Cheshire Cat grin on Ben’s face. “No. No! I went last year and got cornered by that old lady who kept calling me ‘Henry’.”
“It was endearing.”
“It was ridiculous.”
“There’s an open bar.”
“Hard pass.”
“I have two tickets. You can bring Vivian.”
Tom stared at his friend. “I am not introducing you to Vivian.”
“Why not?”
“Because I like her and I’m afraid you will scare her off.”
Benedict scoffed. “I have never…” He clutched his chest in dramatic fashion. “… never scared anyone off.”
“Alice, Catherine, Eva…” Tom counted off on his fingers. “… I can go on.”
“None of them met my high standards. Please come.” he begged. “Sophie will kill me if you don’t come.”
“The thought of your death is tempting.”
The waiter set the food down.
“Tom…” Benedict dropped all pretense. “… please come. I promise I will be on my best behavior.”
Tom’s head dropped. “Give me the details. I will check with Vivian tonight when I call her.”
Benedict’s lips pursed. “Really? I can’t wait to meet her. Especially someone who leaves marks like that on you. Sounds like she is yours for the taking.”
“Yeah.” Tom mumbled as he took a bite of his food.
Tom called her at 9 p.m. like always.
“Sunshine, how was your Sunday?” she asked.
“Speaking of that…” Tom started, and she noticed the nerves in his voice. “What are you doing next Friday evening?”
She thought about it for a moment. “I believe I’m free. Do you have any ideas?”
Tom exhaled sharply. “I’ve been invited to a charity event by Benedict and I have two tickets, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me.” He blurted it all out in one big run-on sentence.
Vivian paused before laughing. “Wow, you were really nervous about that, weren’t you?”
“Yes, ma’am. Everything is still so new and I don’t… I don’t want to mess this up.”
“You are just the sweetest, sunshine. You know that right? Beautiful and sweet. Yes, I will go with you.”
Tom beamed. “How would everything work?”
“Like any date would. We go, we drink, we dance and mingle.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, darling. We can set some rules that work for both of us. okay?”
“Now, read to me please.”
Tom grabbed the book.
Tom and Vivian agreed he would pick out three outfit options, but Vivian would come over ahead of time and make the final choice. They would not use pet names and instead would do what is natural. Tom asked that she still rub the back of his neck.
“It calms me down.” he commented.
“Of course, sunshine. I like when you are calm. You are more attentive that way.”
It was now the day of the event and Vivian sat on Tom’s bed, noticing the clutter. Tom was modeling the second outfit.
“I don’t like the tie. Let’s see the last one.”
Tom undid the tie and shirt and grabbed the last option. It was a double-breasted blue pinstripe suit with a blue shirt and navy tie. He did a little spin.
“That one.” Vivian stood and straightened his tie and petted his neck before squeezing his ass. “Your ass looks amazing in those trousers.”
Tom blushed again. “Thank you, ma’am.”
She kissed his cheek, wiping away her gloss. “Remember, no names, now let’s go.”
Tom was more at ease with Vivian by his side. Her reassuring touch at the back of his neck or even his shoulder grounded him. Not to mention, she dazzled everyone she met. Now for the big test.
“Benedict, Sophie, meet Vivian Swann. Vivian meet Benedict Cumberbatch, notorious troublemaker, and his queen of a wife, Sophie Hunter.”
Vivian shook each of their hands, holding tight to Tom’s but leaning in for a kiss on the cheek by Ben. Tom tightened his grip. She suppressed a giggle.
“Charmed. Thank you so much for inviting me. I have been looking into getting the firm involved in more charity work and the children’s ward is an enticing option.”
“Firm?” Sophie questioned.
“Watkins, Price, and Forbes. I work in their corporate law division.”
Benedict let loose a low whistle.
“Tom, you didn’t tell me you were dating a pit bull.” Sophie commented. “Impressive.”
Vivian smiled. “I prefer the term ‘velvet hammer’ but pit bull works. “
“How did you and Tom meet?” Ben interjected.
Tom paled, but Vivian didn’t miss a beat.
“The Bloomsbury Club. We bonded over a shared loved for Macallan 18-year-old aged whisky.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Right. Why don’t we take a seat?” He gestured at their reserved table.
“Your feet must be killing you in those shoes, Vivian. After having kids, I just can’t stand wearing them, but if I want to see eye to eye with this one.” She gestured at Benedict.
“Guilty.” He shrugged. “Although not as tall as the Frost Giant over there.”
Tom paused as he pulled out Vivian’s chair for her.
“I don’t mind the heels.” Vivian responded. “It is all what you get used to. Besides, I enjoy towering over people.” she giggled.
“Champagne?” the waiter offered.
“No, it makes her sneeze.” Tom commented.
“Get me a glass of white wine, please?” Vivian gazed up at him.
Tom smiled down and kissed her cheek. “Yes, of course, darling.”
Benedict and Sophie blinked at the two of them.
“Uh… yes a white wine sounds fantastic. Thank you, Tom.”
Tom nodded and headed off to the bar. Sophie elbowed Benedict in the ribs. He shuffled to his feet.
“Tom, let me help you with that!” He called after his friend.
Sophie waited until both men were out of earshot.
“How did you… I don’t want to know. You’re not like Tom’s other girlfriends, Miss Vivian Swann.”
She smiled. “I’m not sure if that is a compliment or an insult. So I will say thank you.”
“Definitely a compliment. There is something different about Tom when he is around you. He seems…”
“… happy?”
“Yes, but the word is content.” Sophie added. “Content, at peace. After that last nasty breakup, the man could use a little peace and quiet.”
“Hopefully not too quiet.” Vivian smirked.
“Are you two gossiping about us?” Benedict teased.
“I was just telling Vivian how happy and content our dear Thomas looks with her.” Sophie quipped.
Tom blushed as Vivian smiled and reached out to rub his neck. “I am. Thank you for noticing Sophie.”
The evening wound down. Tom for once enjoyed the event. Vivian won over Benedict and Sophie, so much so that Sophie invited her to go shopping tomorrow afternoon while she wrangled Benedict and Tom in tearing down a shed in Ben’s yard.
“Leave them to grunt work while we shop.”
“I would love to.” Vivian sipped at her wine.
The two couples said goodbye while waiting for the valet. Benedict hugged Vivian tight and kissed her cheek. While Sophie and her exchanged numbers. Benedict pulled Tom to the side.
“There’s something different about you, man.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m still me.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“No,” Ben folded his hands in front of his face. “there is definitely a change. And I think it has something to do with that enchanting woman over there, who I am sure is being tortured with baby pictures by my wife.”
“Perhaps.” Tom replied cryptically.
“Don’t fuck it up man. You will never find another girl…”
“Woman.” he corrected his friend.
“… Woman like her. You deserved a little happiness.”
“Tom?” Vivian placed her hand on his back. “The car’s here.”
“Of course. Ben.” He shook his friend’s hand and then hugged Sophie before opening the door for Vivian and then getting in and driving off.
“I’m going to head home.” Vivian stated when they got back to Tom’s home.
“Okay. I had a lot of fun tonight. It wasn’t nearly as dreadful with you there.”
“Your friends are a delight. They really do want the best for you, sunshine.”
Tom smiled at the name. “Yes, ma’am.” He fell back into the old pattern.
She grabbed the back of his head and tugged him into a kiss. Tom wrapped his arms around her and did his best to hold her tight. She pulled away, and he whined.
“I’m ready to take this to the next step, Vivian. I want to please you.” His hands ghosted over his shoulders. “In all ways.”
She smiled. “Send me the essay and we will talk. How about lunch tomorrow?”
“I will send it as soon as I step inside. I could cook you lunch here.”
“I would like that, sunshine.” She kissed him one more time. “Sleep well.”
“Yes, ma’am. You too.”
She smiled and walked to her car to head home. Tom stepped inside and rushed to his computer. He did a quick spell check on the essay he had been tweaking over the last week and clicked send.
Vivian laughed as her phone beeped before she even left Tom’s driveway, knowing it was Tom’s homework.
“So eager. I like that.”
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shiftyskip · 4 years
Joseph “Joe” David Liebgott
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The Real Joseph Liebgott:
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Joseph David Liebgott was born in Lansing, Michigan in May 17, 1915 to Joseph (Josef) Liebgott Sr and Mary. Joseph Liebgott Sr was of German descent, but he was born in Beresztocz, Hungary. Joe’s mother was Yugoslavian, but was reported as born in either Yugoslavia or Hungary I am not sure which one because records show both. On his father’s side his grandparents were Yugoslavian as well. On his mother’s sider, they seem to be from Hungary. His mother immigrated in 1909, Lieb’s father immigrated in 1912.
Below is a picture believed to be his parents. 
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 He was the oldest of his siblings. He has four sisters: Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, and Barbara, and one brother, Stephen/Steffen . Both of his parents spoke German, which would later help him during the war. His father worked in the auto industry before they moved. 
His family soon moved to California around 1927 and his dad became a barber. He was the oldest of his siblings, one brother and four sisters. He was extremely protective of his younger sisters
Liebgott and his siblings attended Catholic schools. This is where learned how to box and played soccer.
After high school, Liebgott drove a taxi around San Francisco. This career was temporary and he soon attended barber college.
He was also previously married before the war. He was married in July 31, 1933  to  a woman named Frances. They had one child, David Albert together on February 27, 1934. But the couple soon divorced within a year, and he was living with his family again by 1940, where he was working on a forestry project. Meanwhile his ex-wife and son moved into her family. Here is Joe and Frances:
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He eventually became a barber and this was his career when he enlisted at the age of 26. Liebgott chose the paratroopers to be able to make more money to be able to put a down payment on his parents’ house. 
Included is a photo of Joe and his mother
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He has a Jewish service card, registered under his mother’s name. But his family denied he was Jewish, stating he was a German Roman Catholic. I’ll attach it below (filtered for safety). 
In his draft card he is listed as 5 feet and 5 inches tall and was 109 pounds. He had blue-grey eyes and brown hair.
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Malarkey remembers meeting Liebgott on his way to Toccoa where they became part of the original Toccoa men. Liebgott was trained under the harsh command of Herbert Sobel.
Liebgott didn’t talk much about the war, so there will be little but other’s words to put here. This is a photo from 1945 in France.
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Right before the jump out of the airplane, he put his barber skills to use and gave a few of the men Mohawks. 
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He would jump out of the airplanes with the rest of the men on June 6, 1944. He received the bronze star for his bravery at Brecourt Manor, where he worked with Winters and several other men, Compton, Guarenere, Wynn, Lipton, Toye, Malarkey, and Ranney to destroy a German Battery firing on Utah Beach on the day of the D-Day Invasion.
He cut off the finger of a German that he had bayoneted and took the man’s ring near Carentan. At Carentan, Ed Tipper was seriously wounded after clearing out a house with Liebgott. Liebgott grabbed Tipper, yelled for a medic, and told Tipper that he’d be okay. Welsh and Lieb dragged Tipper into the street until Welsh could get him back to the aid station.
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After Brecourt, Compton recalls a painful memory with Liebgott in his book, Call of Duty, Compton and Liebgott were patrolling along hedges at dusk. Across the way, in another set of hedges were two men. Both were dressed in German ponchos, one was holding a German gun. Assuming that these men were in fact German, he and Liebgott shot the men. Come to find out, when they checked their dog tags, they were not Germans. They were Americans. They had just killed fellow soldiers in friendly fire.
October 5, 1944. Winters sent a few Youmen out on patrol to take an outpost near a windmill. Liebgott and a few other men (James Alley among them) went with Sgt. Youmen. They sent one man ahead, to look out over the dike. The man spotted German machine guns. German voices approached the remaining boys. Lieb called out for the Youman, as we was trailing behind, only to have grenades thrown at him and the other men. Liebgott got minor wounds while James Alley received 32 shrapnel wounds in his left side, stretching from his face down. They’d run into a company of SS.
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Liebgott was known for being rough with prisoners, the fighting that followed the injuries wit the SS company was a prime example of this. After Winters led his patrol to attack these Germans, in which during the fighting they lost William Dukeman, 7 Germans surrendered. The most famous story of Liebgott is as follows, in Dick Winter’s words.
As Winters explains in his book, “Tech/5 Joseph D. Liebgott had been slightly wounded in the arm, but he was ambulatory so I assigned him the mission of escorting seven German prisoners to the rear. Liebgott had earned the reputation of being one of Easy’s best combat soldiers, but we had all heard stories that he was very rough on prisoners. Liebgott was one of Easy Company’s “killers,” so I deemed  it appropriate to take a bit of caution. When he heard me say, “Take the prisoners back to the battalion command post,” he replied. “Oh, boy! I’ll take care of them.” In his exuberance, Liebgott stood up and paced back and forth and he was obviously very nervous and concerned. I stopped him in his tracks. “There are seven prisoners and I want seven prisoners turned over to battalion.” Liebgott was highly incensed and started to throw a tantrum.Somewhat unsure of how he would react, I then dropped my M-1 to my hip, threw off my safety, and said, Liebgott, drop all your ammunition and empty your rifle.” There was much grumbling and swearing, but he did as I had ordered. “Now,” I said, “you can put one round in your rifle. If you drop a prisoner, the rest will jump you.””
Liebgott got all 7 prisoners back.  
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Joe would recover in a hospital in England with Webster, but he was back before Bastogne. Here is the record for that: 
Name:Joseph D Liebgott Race:White, includes Mexican (White) Rank:Enlisted Man Admission Age:29 Birth Date:abt 1915 Admission Date:Oct 1944 Discharge Date:Nov 1944 Military Branch:Infantry, Parachute Troops or Units Diagnosis:FirstLocation: Ulna, generally; CausativeAgent: Artillery Shell, Fragments, Afoot or unspecified Type of Injury:Casualty, battle Injured in Line of Duty:In line of duty Type of Discharge:Duty Length of service:2 Year(s), 6 Month(s)
In Bastogne, Winters made him a runner to get away from the tension and constant stress of fighting.  One story of his service was outside of Foy is the battle of Noville, he and Earl Hale ducked into a barn and took 6 SS officers prisoner. Outside the barn, a shell exploded. One of the SS officers took this as an opportunity and jumped Hale. He slit Hale’s throat. Liebgott instantly shot and killed the officer. He then killed the others. Hale survived miracuously. 
At some point, before the end of the war, Liebgott became first platoon’s interpreter-radioman. This was because he could speak some German. But Webster claimed in his book that the German’s didn’t understand his Yiddish. 
He was with Webster when they took Hitler’s Nest. They spent their time drinking Hitler’s alcohol together with a few other men. He was living with Headquarters Company while there.  
Of course, the war came to an end and everyone who wanted to was discharged.
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Over the course of the war, Lieb was injured 3 times and won 3 purple hearts. He refused one because the wound was “just a scratch”. He would receive partial disability for his wounds.
When he returned home, he disappeared for two years. Eventually he was found living in  Yuma, California. He didn’t come to reunions, even when offered multiple times. His father simply told the vets “not to mess with him”. 
After the war, Liebgott was a barber for a short time. He married again to a woman named Peggy in 1949. They had eight kids together. Making Lieb’s total children come to nine, although he was mostly involved with the last eight. They lived on a barber’s salary, not leaving much room for fun activities but everyone had their basic needs met. He often  only had one day a week off and would take his kids to a Long Beach pike, where they would visit an amusement park. 
Liebgott liked to bet on the ponies at the racetrack. Every other sunday, him and his boss would take the boss’ airplane down to Mexico.
He is believed to have never contacted anyone from his days in Easy Company. He just wanted to get away from the war. 
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The Liebgotts divorced in  April of 1969. She remarried, but he never did. He was described as really quiet by his granddaughter. 
She states, in Marcus Brotherton’s book Company of Heroes (pages 120-121) “His hands looked like a man who worked with his hands, sunspots all over. He absolutely loved his grandkids. he had false teeth that he flipped out of his mouth and smiled, threatening to kiss us with his gums. He was a tickler. He never held babies over his shoulder...because he wanted them to see everything....He didn’t have a lot of money - I’m pretty sure all he had was his veteran’s benefits...He made all of the bikes for the grandkids by scouring thrift stores for dilapidated bikes. He stripped the bikes down to their frame, fixed and assembled them as good as new. He let each grandchild pick the color of new paint for his or her bike....I always knew the specific foods we were going to eat at his house. He had bite-sized candy bars and store brand soda-pop. There was no drinking water in his house. He always lived in rental houses...” 
He was very neat, and keep his house and appearance orderly. However, he was always working in the garage, so the house had black smudges from the dirt on his hands. 
However, Liebgott was not perfect. While he hated the Nazis, he was also seen as a bigot, maybe even harsher. Rhonda explained that he threw the n word around like it wasn’t a big deal. He blamed the wrong goings of the world on different ethnic groups. Rhonda started seeing a guy from El Salvador, he asked if her partner “even spoke English?”
As he grew older, Lieb got sicker. He eventually lost the use of one of his legs from a hernia. He was confined to a chair and hated any new technology. He was stuck in a wheelchair, angry when he would hit a cabinet. 
Lieb did not talk about his military career until towards his end. He would spend time with his son Jim, watching tv talking about the war during a war movie.  He would talk about the war when he was mad, possibly angry at himself for doing a lot of killing and other things that people his age shouldn’t have to do.
In 1992, Liebgott developed a tumor in his neck, near his windpipe that would cause a lot of pain. Jim took him to the hospital on Father’s Day. Shortly later, on June 28, 1992 Liebgott died. He was against a funeral and just wanted to be cremated, so his family did as he wished. They still have his ashes and letters and the Toccoa book. 
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hollow-dweller · 3 years
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thanks for the ask @gooddaygalaxy! ♡♡♡
'amnesiac knight/rogue au' is actually an expanded version of a kinktober fill from last year. the au premise is that David survived the beach but Diarmuid didn't realize it, and Raymond survived as well. both are dragged back to the Norman camp, and when David wakes up he can't remember anything about his life. the Normans, understanding what an asset a fighter like David could be, draft him into the army and convince him he's always been a soldier. fast forward 5 years, David is in Rome with his unit when he runs into a man who seems to know him, and who he is inexplicably drawn to....
the original prompt was "stranger sex" (for which this was both the loosest and most elaborate fill imaginable) and left off without David knowing anything about how Diarmuid knows him, but i'm reworking and expanding it to fix pacing issues and pick up where the initial fill left off. oh also in the intervening 5 years Diarmuid has become a rabble-rouser, a real upstart, a trouble-maker, if you will...
also also, there's a lot of women OCs because i will not be stopped
here's some morning-after intrigue for you (David is still in the dark about his past at this point):
David wakes up to the sound of someone banging on the door to Diarmuid’s room. 
“Piccolo monaco,” a woman’s voice calls, managing to sound both amused and urgent. “You manage to sleep in today, of all days? Have you no respect?”
Diarmuid groans next to David, rolling onto his back and blinking groggily at the ceiling for several long moments. He rubs a hand over his eyes, then shouts back: “I am aware of what day it is, Adaleta.” He sounds exasperated, but fond. Diarmuid props himself up on an elbow and squints at the light that shines into the room through the edges of the badly-hung shutters. 
“There is plenty of time,” he continues, lowering his voice but angling his face towards the door so whoever it is on the other side can hear him.  “We are not moving until this evening, regardless.”
“Still plenty of work to be done, pigro," the voice says. A pause, where David can vaguely hear someone muttering, then a gasp. “Diarmuid! Do you have a man in there with you?”  It sounds as though she is attempting to sound scandalized, though she lands somewhere closer to amused. 
“I will meet you later, Adaleta,” Diarmuid says. “At il santuario, as we had arranged.” 
“Well, you are hardly any fun at all,” Adaleta calls back, sounding mockingly affronted. A moment later, however, David hears her footsteps receding down the hallway, towards the stairs. 
He looks over at Diarmuid. 
“Adaleta, a very good friend. Mostly.” he says, with a small frown that nevertheless does nothing to hide the fondness in his eyes. “She was one of the first people I met, back when I... arrived in Rome. She introduced me to the city, prevented me from making some fairly foolish mistakes. We are planning to move our- congregation today, to a new place of worship. It has been planned for months and we are all anxious to see it go smoothly.” 
David nods. Then: “Little monk?” he says, amused at the idea. 
Diarmuid stiffens, and David raises his head to look at him fully. His smile has turned wooden, eyes tinged with something deeper than sadness, sharp-edged and delicate like shattered porcelain. 
“In another lifetime,” Diarmuid says, after a long moment. 
'fine i'll do it myself', truly the au that nobody but me was asking for: it's an exes au, baybeeeeeee
modern setting Diarmuid and David were together for several years, back when Diarmuid was an undergrad and David had been freshly discharged from the army. they loved each other but David was unwilling to get help for his PTSD, hinging his sense of self on protecting Diarmuid and making him happy. Diarmuid in turn was too inexperienced to know how to set appropriate boundaries, feeling unable to lean on David for support and eventually buckling under the pressure of being idolized. for both their sakes, he broke up with David and cut off all contact in order to break their codependency.
fast forward several years and Diarmuid is traveling to attend his friend Rua's destination wedding, and whaddaya know but Rua's fiancé's best man just so happens to be a familiar face...
so really despite the angsty backstory this is just a romcom.
Ciarán has barely opened his hotel door before Diarmuid is elbowing his way past, intent on flinging himself dramatically across Ciarán's bed and never ever getting back up.
"No, do come in, Diarmuid," he says dryly, shutting the door.
"This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me," Diarmuid says, voice muffled by the duvet. Maybe he'll suffocate in it. That would be a mercy.
"Are you stealing my thunder? I'm the groom--I should be the one in crisis here."
Diarmuid lifts his head just enough to stare at Rua, who had almost certainly not been in the room when Diarmuid entered. "Where did you come from?"
Rua makes a sweeping motion with his hand. "Never you mind. Lets focus on my crisis, shall we?"
"Why are you in crisis? You love Mael," Cathal answers, and seriously had Ciarán been hiding them in the closet or something-?
"I'm not in crisis, I simply think that as the groom I am the most entitled to crisis should crisis in fact occur-"
"That's semantics-"
"Excuse me," Diarmuid cuts in, rolling onto his back and lifting himself up on his elbows so he can address them properly. "Are you planning to help here or just argue?"
"Help," Cathal says.
"Argue," Rua says.
"There there, Diarmuid, don't fret," Ciarán says. He doesn't look up from where he's unpacking his suitcase.
Diarmuid rolls back onto his front and presses his face into the mattress.
ask me about my endless list of wips
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zelenacat · 3 years
Chapter 2- When We Were Young- An Obitine Story
The Duchess was careful the first four months of her first pregnancy, she wore flowing outfits with ruffles and loose-fitting sashes to draw eyes away from her stomach. Satine would appear at state events and cut ribbons, and make speeches on holidays or days of historical importance, and of course, she opened parliament. By now, she had made her political views very clear, she was a pacifist, and she supported the New Mandalorians. Those who were critical of the new Duchess' views claimed she was a shame to her clan, to her War Lord father, and that her sister should be more involved in government. That hurt Satine, but she decided that people had to let their anger out somehow. At least, none of the courtiers had claimed their dissent in her face, though Satine wasn’t sure how long that would last.
In her fifth month of pregnancy, that’s when things got harder.
Sighing, the Duchess looked up, Khaami had a worried expression on her face.
“What is it?” she asked.
“The Mandalorian Society for Peace would like you to give a speech at their banquet next week.”
Fesma frowned.
Satine rested her hands on her stomach, “That will be tricky.”
“You can’t deny them,” Fesma stated, “you’ve shown yourself to be an advocate for peace.”
“A staunch one at that.” agreed the Duchess.
Khaami huffed, “We need a way to get around this.”
The room got quiet.
“Perhaps,” Satine began, “I could claim I have a former engagement but record a speech?”
Khaami brightened, “That might work.”
“But if you give too many televised speeches,” Fesma fidgeted, “won’t people get suspicious?”
Satine grinned, “Not if we implement my new idea.”
Raising an eyebrow, Fesma asked, “And what would that be?”
Khaami gasped.
“Satine,” Fesma sighed, “no.”
“We could work them into my outfits,” the Duchess suggested, “like we did with my coronation outfit.”
“The seamstresses did that.” Fesma corrected.
“And isn’t it dangerous for the baby?” Khaami added.
“I have to take some risks,” Satine swallowed, “I want this baby, but it’s going to be difficult.”
A silence once again descended over the room, Satine’s thoughts riveted through her skull.
“I’ll tell your writers to start drafting a speech then,” Khaami stood, “and I’ll stop at the tailor’s room on the way back.”
“Thank you, Khaami.”
Fesma sighed heavily as soon as Khaami closed the door.
“What is it?” Satine asked.
“This would be much easier if you,” Fesma paused, “if you-”
“I can’t,” Satine’s hands began to shake, “I don’t have the courage.”
“But this will be so much harder.” Fesma urged.
“I know,” tears sprung into the Duchess’ eyes, “but I love the baby’s father too much to get rid of it.”
“Stop, I won’t have this conversation again!”
Fesma nodded, “Yes, Your Grace.”
In two days time Khaami and Fesma outfitted Satine’s newest dress. It was blue with silver embellishments and a purple sash.
“Sorry, Satine.” Khaami grimaced.
“Tighter.” the Duchess ordered through ground teeth.
“Satine,” Fesma brought a mirror over to Satine, “are you sure?”
The Duchess turned sideways and stared at herself in the mirror, it looked like she had gained some weight, but it didn’t look like she was pregnant.
“You know what,” Satine gasped, “this will do.”
After recording her speech for the Mandalorian Society for Peace, Satine attended a council meeting with her newly selected advisors. They drew up a list of societies for the Duchess to give speeches at or attend, and advised her on when to hold court.
Looking around the table, Satine committed her advisors’ names to memory and thanked them for their support.
“Of course, Your Grace.” bowed the Prime Minister, Jaru Djarin.
The Duchess waited before all her advisors had left before hoisting herself upward, leaning heavily on the table. Her back hurt terribly these days, and sometimes she had trouble sleeping.
The rest of the day went by uneventfully, Satine sighed, some of these days were starting to blur together and she felt lonely. Hopefully that would change soon.
“How did it go, Satine?” Khaami asked, unbuttoning the Duchess’ dress.
“Eh, same as usual.”
Fesma frowned, “Satine, I’m worried about you.”
The Duchess’ dress fell to the floor.
Fesma sighed, “You’re not yourself anymore.”
Khaami met Satine’s eyes in the mirror as she undid her corset.
“Do you agree, Khaami?”
The lady’s eyes saddened, “You are a little down sometimes.”
Satine sighed as her corset came loose, standing in just her underwear, she turned and stared at herself in the mirror.
“It’s definitely noticeable now.” the Duchess observed.
“Would you,” Khaami began, “would you like to tell us about him?”
Satine blushed.
Fesma picked up the Duchess’ dress, “Satine, we know you wouldn’t do something like this without reason, tell us about him.”
Letting loose a giggle, the Duchess bit her lip and shook her head.
“Satine?” Khaami asked, shock in her tone.
“He was so kind to me,” Satiine said at last, “gentle and trustworthy, and he even had a snarky sense of humor.”
Satine watched as Khaami and Fesma glanced at each other, eyebrows raised.
“At first we only argued,” Satine admitted, “but then we agreed for Master Qui-Gon’s benefit that we should try to be civil.”
Khaami snorted, “Civil?”
“Our first kiss happened on a ledge overlooking a valley,” Satine smiled, “the sun was setting.”
“Satine,” Fesma sighed, “don’t tell me you’re a romantic.”
The Duchess laughed.
“What was his name?” Khaami asked.
Satine let her eyes fall to the floor, “I called him Ben.”
“Meaning: mine.” Satine explained.
“Here, Your Grace,” Fesma said after a long silence, “let’s get you changed.”
Once Satine was in her nightgown, Fesma went for tea and Khaami clamored onto the Duchess’ bed.
“So,” Khaami grinned, “have you picked out any names yet?”
“You know,” Khaami crossed her arms, “for the baby.”
Satine opened her mouth to speak, the air recycler went on.
“Well I,” the Duchess paused, “I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl.”
Khaami was about to answer, when a vent popped out of the wall. Satine turned.
“Don’t move.” came a growl.
On shaky legs, Satine stood.
“I said not to move!”
It was a man, clearly, and he was dressed from head to toe in rusty Mandalorian armor. The man’s eyes fell onto Satine’s stomach.
“Well, Your Grace,” the bounty hunter sneered gleefully, “you certainly have something to answer for, don’t you?”
“Who are you and what do you want?” Khaami managed to stutter.
 “I’m just here for the Duchess, little lady,” the bounty hunter pointed his gun at Satine, “and if she comes with me I won’t have to kill you.”
“Her Grace is going nowhere.” said Fesma, appearing at the door, tea tray in hand.
Satine yelped as the intruder grabbed her arm and yanked her in a hold against his chest.
“Move and she dies, they’ll take her dead or alive.”
Satine could not let this happen, she decided to try a trick she’d seen Obi-Wan do before, ram your head into that of your attacker. So, she did.
Satine held up the bounty hunter’s shooting hand and wrestled the gun from him.
“It’s treason to attack a monarch.” The intruder pulled a knife, “They said you were a pacifist.”
“That doesn’t mean I won’t protect myself.” Satine spat.
“You sure it isn’t the momma bear instinct?”
Satine pulled the trigger, she was lucky, the bullet lodged in the bounty hunter’s neck. Shaking, the Duchess dropped the gun.
“Your Grace?” a voice called.
Thinking quickly Satine hid behind her dressing partition, a few seconds later a guard entered.
“Where were you,” Fesma shouted, “he tried to kill the Duchess!”
“Forgive me, my lady,” the guard said entering the room, “we were in the middle of a shift change.”
The guard spoke quietly into his communication device before calmly stalking towards the intruder.
“What happened here?”
Satine peaked around her partition, she saw Harryn, the captain of her personal guard.
“This assassin tried to kill the Duchess.” answered the first guard.
“And you killed him?”
“No, sir,” the guard shook his head, “he was dead when I arrived, I heard the shot.”
“Then who-”
“I did,” Satine’s words were rushed, “but in the report I would like it said that I waited for professional assistance.”
Harryn bowed, “Yes, Your Grace.”
The Duchess’ personal guards were so focused over the next few weeks, that when a palace nurse came to them with the news of a missing medical droid, they didn’t look into it, even though they said they would deal with it.
“What are you going to do, Satine?” Fesma asked.
The Duchess and her ladies were sitting in her personal parlor, a receiving room connected to her bedchamber. This and her bedroom were the only rooms where there were no microphones, only cameras.
“I hate to do my father this dishonor,” Satine began, “but I have to do this for the baby.”
Fesma tilted her head, “What dishonor?” 
“I want to claim this child is my niece or nephew,” Satine lowered her eyes, “that they’re the child of my bastard brother.”
Khaami gasped.
“I know people who can fake the documents-”
Khaami’s mouth fell open, horrified, “You know people?”
Satine hesitated, “I’ve heard of people.”
“I agree with Her Grace,” said Fesma after a short silence, “this seems to be the best course of action.” “We’d have to pay them in kind,” Satine stated, “they can’t accept credits.”
“What could we use,” Khaami asked, “jewelry?” “I was thinking of physical monetary value.” Satine confessed.
“So,” Khaami paused, “bills?”
The Duchess looked to Fesma, who was mulling over the prospect.
“I think jewelry might be best, Satine,” said the lady, “it’s easily exchangeable and has good value.”
“Alright,” Satine agreed, “we’ll pay them in jewelry, but where am I going to, you know-”
“Give birth?” Khaami whispered.
Satine flinched, “Yes, birth.”
Fesma frowned, “It has to be somewhere no one frequents, and it has to be soundproof.”
“The bombing basement?” Khaami ventured.
Satine grinned, “Unconventional, but it might work.”
By the time her third trimester began, the entire plan was in place. Under Satine’s bed lay a stolen medical droid and a bag of missing pain relievers, on her toilette in a mahogany box sat a cheap set of jewels, authentic, but not the grandest thing Satine owned. Finally, if one went into the bombing basement, they would find an old mattress covered in stained sheets and newspapers surrounded by tapestries on the walls and candles on the floor.
“Things seem to be looking up, Satine.” Khaami commented when the Duchess returned from a council meeting.
“We might actually be able to do this.” agreed Fesma.
Satine swallowed, “My advisors think I should marry as soon as possible, make a political alliance and sire heirs.”
Fesma groaned.
“Just when we thought things were looking up.” added Khaami.
“I told them I would consider it,” Satine sat down, hands on her stomach, “but I’m not sure how long I can hold them off.”
“Just until the baby is born,” Fesma assured, “then, once it’s safe, you can marry.”
The Duchess began to sob.
Khaami ran to her lady, “Oh, Satine-”
“I’m still in love with him, after all these months,” Satine choked on the air in her throat, “and he hasn’t contacted me once!”
“I kriffing hate the Jedi!”
Fesma heaved a long sigh, “How very Mandalorian of you.”
Satine planted her face into her pillow and screamed.
Khaami tried again, “Satine-”
The Duchess screamed again. Then she groaned, sat up, and wiped her eyes.
“You know,” Satine swallowed, “sometimes I question my life choices.”
The Duchess was met with silence.
“Like why, for instance,” Satine continued, “did I have to fall in love with a Jedi?”
Fesma and Khaami shared a glance.
“It’s alright, you know,” the Duchess crossed her arms, “you can answer.”
Khaami opened her mouth to speak, but it was Fesma who spoke. 
“You know, Satine,” the lady placed her hands on the Duchess’, “it’s okay to be upset.”
All at once, Satine’s anger level began to lower.
“I don’t have a heart anymore,” the Duchess began to tear up again, “I’ve given it all to him.”
“That’s alright,” Khaami wrapped her arm around Satine’s shoulders, “it will come back to you eventually.”
“I’ll never stop loving him.” Satine said matter of factly.
“Then the baby,” Fesma assured, “your heart will grow again when the baby arrives.”
Satine nodded, “Thank you, ladies.”
“Of course,” Khaami kissed the Duchess’ cheek, “and now, we must think of names.”
It didn’t take much deliberation for Satine to decide that if she had a boy, she would name him Korkyrach.
“After the warrior king,” the Duchess said, “but we’ll call him Korkie for short.”
“And if it’s a girl?” Khaami asked excitedly.
Satine faltered, “I want to give her a regal sounding name, a hyphenated name.”
The Duchess blushed, “I think I like Tyra Satine.”
“Tyra Satine,” Fesma grinned, “it certainly has a ring to it.”
A month later, Satine sent Fesma and Khaami, disguised under heavy cloaks, to a seedy bar in lower Sundari with a chest full of jewels. The Duchess listened in from her room, carefully following the criminal’s instructions on how to spread the news. Then the items were exchanged, three USBs for a chest of jewels. Fesma and Khaami nodded, so did the criminal conspirator, before going their separate ways. Still, Satine was nervous until they arrived back at the palace.
“Oh, thank you,” the Duchess embraced her ladies, “thank you!”
“Of course, Satine,” Khaami smiled, “things are going to be better from now on.”
The next morning, a story broke about the Former Duke of Mandalore, Adonai Kryze, the rumor going around was that he’d had a bastard son who had died in the civil war, and that he’d left a wife and child behind. After a week, the rumors grew so big that Satine was asked about them at a press conference.
“I do not know whether or not what people are saying is true,” The Duchess said solemnly, “I learned of this possibility from the media myself.”
At the end of the press conference, Satine traveled back to her room, claiming she had a slight headache. Khaami and Fesma were waiting for her.
“How did it go?” Fesma questioned.
“Good,” the Duchess paused, “they ate it up.”
Grabbing onto the back of her chair, Satine groaned.
“I think-”
A burst of water splashed onto the floor and the Duchess swayed.
Fesma ran to the Duchess and pulled her arm around her shoulder, supporting her just below the arms.
“Khaami, the droid and the pain relievers!”
As quickly as they could, the trio made their way through the less populated halls of the serving corridors down into the basement. The first wave of pain hit Satine two landings from the basement door, it was as if her lower half was burning and decaying at the same time, flaring up and dissipating at the same time. She gasped heavily and faltered, but Fesma held her steady.
“I can’t feel my legs,” the Duchess moaned, “I can’t-”
“We’re so close, Satine,” Fesma assured, “we’re so close.”
Finally, when the pain passed, the Duchess and her ladies continued down the stairs. 
“Please,” Satine whined as Khaami struggled with the door, “it’s starting again.”
The door opened with a creek and Fesma flinched, but Satine yanked her forward as she made her way to the bed. Khaami set down the droid and closed the door, then she opened a metal drawer of steaming towels.
“Stolen from the guest freshers,” the maid smiled, “I thought we’d need them.”
Satine nodded, lips drawn tightly.
Something buzzed, “I am Oiyo, the medical droid, what seems to be the problem here?”
“I’m kriffing giving birth!” Satine swore.
“Stay calm,” advised the droid, “and please answer some questions.”
The Duchess opened her mouth to yell at the droid again, but a shriek escaped her instead.
“You are a female of the human species, correct?”
“Yes!” Satine gasped.
“Is this your first baby?”
The droid turned to Khaami, “Nurse, get behind the human female and support her upper body.”
The maid obeyed, and Fesma began to undo Satine’s corset.
“She shouldn’t be wearing that.” the droid observed.
The Duchess heaved a sigh of relief when the tightness left her stomach.
“Spread your legs, please.”
Shaking with the effort, Satine managed to spread her legs.
“If we have any pain relief,” the droid droned, “we should administer it now.”
Fesma stood, “I’ll get some water.”
Satine whimpered as Fesma sped from the room. Khaami rubbed her back.
“Roll up your skirt, please, I need to see my work.”
Satine pulled up her skirt and clenched her hands tightly around the material, hissing as the droid touched its cold fingers to her inner thigh.
“Contractions are progressing nicely,” the droid stated, “you should begin pushing in approximately four point three minutes.”
Satine groaned, the only thing she could feel was pain.
“I’m back!” Fesma announced, shutting the door tightly behind her.
Satine noticed the two water bottles in her ladys’ hands, and the Duchess began to pray.
“This is almost medieval.” Khaami noted as Fesma hand-fed Satine pain relieving pills.
“That will only ease some of the pain.” the medical droid agreed.
“Still,” Fesma frowned, “We agreed to help our lady.”
As the hours progressed, Satine’s throat grew hoarse as her screams grew more violent.
“What time is it?” Khaami questioned.
“Eleven o’clock on the twenty third of Mae Month.” stated the medical droid calmly.
Satine wailed. Fesma, who was assisting the droid with warm hand towels and holding its tools, ducked her head and inhaled sharply.
“What is it?” the Duchess simpered.
“I can see the head, Satine,” Fesma’s face went blank, “it’s a very messy business.”
In response, the droid leaned down and worked silently. 
“Push, please.” it beeped cheerfully.
Satine squeezed Khaami’s hands like her life depended on it, and after a tremendous heave and seven quick gasps, Satine had a baby.
“Congratulations, you have a son.”
Bursting into tears, Satine held her arms out. Fesma wiped the baby clean then placed him into his mother’s discarded corset. Khaami leaned over the Duchess’ shoulder and dabbed her eyes.
“Here you go, Satine.” Fesma grinned.
She took the baby in her arms and sniffled, cradling her son’s small body against hers.
“Korkyrach Kryze,” Satine smiled, “it’s wonderful to meet you.”
The baby giggled in response.
“He should be kept in a blanket.” the droid suggested.
Fesma stood, “I’ll go get one.”
“Bring two!” Satine called, laughing.
The medical droid’s innards began to whirl and soon a piece of paper was ejecting out from its stomach.
“Printing birth certificate.”
Satine stared at Khaami, wide-eyed.
“Please input information correctly,” the droid stated, “it is a felony if you do not.”
“A felony?”
The droid handed Khaami the birth certificate.
“We have to fill this out correctly, Satine,” the lady bit her lip, “we could make a fake one and hide this one in the palace archives.”
Satine looked down at the baby, then nodded.
“I’m back!” Fesma panted.
“Wrap Korkie in the blanket,” Satine ordered, handing Fesma the baby, “we have to fill out the birth certificate.”
“Birth certificate?”
The medical droid beeped and offered Satine a pen. Turning her upper body, the Duchess pressed the sheet against the wall and wrote.
Name: Korkyrach Kryze  Date of Birth: 23, Mae, 39 BBY  Birth Time: 11:12
Home Planet: Mandalore  Mother: Satine Kryze  Father: ___________________
Satine’s hand began to shake.
“Why don’t we leave that one blank.” Khaami suggested kindly.
“Something’s wrong,” Satine said suddenly, “it hurts again.”
“Is it the placenta?” Khaami asked, taking the paper and pen from Satine.
The medical droid leaned down and examined its patient.
“Your body is preparing for another birth,” the droid observed, “you’re having twins.”
Satine’s mouth dropped open, then she began to grunt in pain.
“Lay back down,” Khaami suggested, pulling Satine’s shoulders back, “you can do this.”
Fesma offered her lady a quick sip of water before returning to help the medical droid.
“This one’s coming quickly, Satine,” Fesma stated, a mix of shock and fear in her voice, “not much longer.”
The Duchess screamed. Korkie cried, he was back in his mother’s arms now, and Satine was trying not to squeeze him too tight.
Wailing, the Duchess prayed and begged for this to be over soon. Fesma handed the droid a knife.
“One last push, Satine!”
As soon as the Duchess stopped crying, another pair of lungs did.
“Congratulations,” the medical droid beeped, “you have a daughter.”
Fesma wrapped up the baby in the spare blanket and gently placed her in her mother’s arms. Khaami rested her head on Satine’s shoulder.
“Tyra-Satine,” smiled the Duchess, “I think it fits her perfectly.”
Within the next hour, both birth certificates were filled out, and while Khaami helped Satine nurse the babies, Fesma wiped the droid’s memory and began to clean up.
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mimssides · 3 years
Never Met You
Chapter 7: Peace
To fight for peace they need to lay down their weapons. To know peace, they need to recognize their enemies’ humanity. 
The throne room was deadly quiet. No one spoke, some almost didn’t dare to breath, as Logan Rayne and George Seymore stared at each other. The arrival of the king had been deadly quiet, the words exchanged cuttingly polite and superficial. Rarely Logan’s lips were pressed together so tensely in a smile. Rarely people could see King George force a grin for such a long time.
The formalities had taken up a good forty minutes at this point and Logan was glad that they had finally had moved on into the conference hall, where they would discuss the possible truce offerings. Janus was setting up the presentation of the current events at the shared boarder together with Jean Seymore, the older brother of the king who was acting as his right hand since he refused the throne years ago. The man was slick, sleazy and ruthless and Janus had expressed his dislike for him at least fifteen times a day since he had started working everything out with him.
Janus begins the presentation by giving a detailed account of the last few attacks and breaches that had happened at the north-eastern boarders in the last weeks and recounted all the reports of stolen and destroyed goods, the injured soldiers and the few hurt commoners who had been attacked by the forces.
Jean thanked him when he finished and began to add reports and sightings from the Raganian side of the conflict. Immediately he began to defend their people by putting the blame on the Theanan soldiers, who supposedly had irritated and mocked their soldiers until they simply had to react. It cost Janus all the nerves he had to not scratch his own eyes out because of the vibrant and ostentatious colours Jean’s lies produced.
“And thus, I thank the Theanan court for their attention and conclude my reports of the current events. I shall give the word back to His Majesty, the King of Theana,” Jean said with a slimy bow and stood down.
Logan had listened to all of it with a neutral smile. He had expected the outcome and had prepared for the situation. And now the time had come for him to answer and bowed his head as Jean retreated and directed his attention towards George who was sitting on the other side of the table.
He looked stiff, wearing a deep violet coat with furred rims. His coal dark eyes were pulsating with power and anger which was barely veiled behind his expression. Logan needed to be careful with what he was going to say and especially how he was going to say it.
Calm but not without vigour in his voice Logan began to speak: “Thank you so much for your intel, Advisor Seymore. I apologize for the inappropriate behaviour my soldiers displayed and will them have investigated and put into place as we see fit. I hope that could be an acceptable first step to overcome our differences.”
George raised an eyebrow. Logan kept his expression straight and continued.
“As for the claim of Vallée du Tournesol; as far as the reports go the people there do not wish to be part of Ragan, but I will of course allow you to question them yourself to make sure that my claims are right.”
“And if these claims are right, you will keep the valley?” George countered coldly. “There is no economic use of the lands for you. It's on the other side of the Blue Mountain range, hard to access and cultivate. What I am offering you is a relief of those barren lands. And we both know that the people of Vallée du Tournesol are culturally closer to my kingdom than yours. They have always been. It will be easier for me to deal with them than it has ever been for you.”
“I don’t disagree with those claims, Your Majesty. Yet I will listen to what my people wish for. Even if their wish to stay with Theana were a burden for the kingdom, we can and will carry it, as long that is so desired.”
King Georges jaw was tense. Logan kept on smiling calmly.
“But I have an offer to make to you,” Logan said and waved one his advisors from the side who came with a scroll and displayed it in front of the gathered court. “Since you are right with your claim that the Vallée du Tournesol is very closely linked to the Raganian culture, I have drafted a new arrangement on the duty system on the boarders, which shall allow both neighbouring regions to cross the boarders without fees and waiting lists. Like that your concerns would be addressed and it also would allow our kingdoms to have a more prolific exchange between our cultures.”
Logan paused and folded his hands on top of the table. He had thought a long time about this next offer and hoped that it would be worth the risk he was taking right now.
“Also, I wish to enter an alliance with Ragan. It would entail the help in food, water as well as epidemic crisis and the support of our army in times of war. This arrangement can be exclusive if you wish so and we would be willing to stop our talks with Sictes and Kainen immediately if you are considering this offer.”
There was mumbling among King George’s council. Logan didn’t watch them. Jean broke off the rest of the council and walked up to George. He whispered something in his ear. Logan did not watch him.
Logan only watched his fellow king’s reaction. His chest ached when he saw the cold expression turning to ice.
“Where is His Royal Highness?”
Logan sighed and looked to the side where Green stood. He was still under the command to look after Roman but had been allowed to attend to this meeting. At Logan’s look he bowed his head and stepped forward.  Keeping his head low but turning slightly towards the foreign king the Raganian council laid eyes on him.
“His Royal Highness, Prince Roman,” Green stated evenly, “was excused from this meeting by the Court Physician as was stated in the greeting formalities. He is not in the state to attend.”
This was a lie. Janus had fabricated this excuse for Roman to stay out of this because Logan, Roman and he knew that it wouldn’t take much for Roman to become angry and unreasonable in King George’s presence. And yet he wished in this moment that Roman would have been here, as George clicked his tongue dismissively and waved Green to stand down.
“There is no talking sense with a guileless commoner playing king like you, Rayne. This talk is over,” King George announced and stood up.
The urge to scream and shout rippled through Logan’s body. Instead, he just stood. Smiled. Thanked the king for his visit and let them be accompanied outside of the castle.
 Old men were talking over each other and fighting about what would be best for Theana. Why had █████ ever thought that would be any different after he would be officially been crowned ████?
 With a subtle sigh he blended their shouting out and looked around the room. This was his first meeting with the military leaders and advisors since the coronation and the first meeting without Royal Advisor Jove. █████ had let him retire as he became ████ so Janus was now taking over almost all of the tasks Jove had still been doing for him. The military meetings were the only exceptions, which Janus would not attend and █████ felt a bit forlorn in all of this without his Royal Advisor by his side. At least like that he would have someone to joke with or make funny faces at when no one was looking.
 Now he had to settle with staring at Logan Rayne. The young advisor was sitting close to General La Cour, who was being rather quiet as usual. By now █████ knew that Logan had gone to the Mercier Acadamy and was a commoner who had with the help of scholarships and a brilliant mind worked his way up to the position he was now upholding. He had faced many obstacles and █████ was admittedly even more impressed by him after each new fact he learnt.
 The meeting was reaching its end and █████ was listening to several of the military men fighting about how the boundaries towards Ragan had to be secured more fiercely, as he noticed Logan lightly clenching his jaw and fists. A spark of curiosity got enlightened in █████’s eyes and with a simple motion of his hand he stopped the discussion. Immediately all men looked at him but he did not pay them any attention. He was completely focused on Logan.
 “Advisor Rayne,” █████ said and motioned towards him, “you seem to have something to say. Please correct me if I assumed wrong but otherwise, I would like to hear what you think about the proposition to raise the security measures by our boundaries towards Ragan.”
 All eyes were on Logan now who for once did not look as neutral and well put together as he usually did. █████ talking directly to him in favour of listening to all the others who had been talking was not the diplomatic thing to do and Logan felt a few unflattering stares thrown into his direction.
 “Advisor Rayne? Would you enlighten me?”
 Logan snapped out of it and bowed his head towards █████ before he explained: “I do not think that upping the security at the north-eastern boundaries will be useful.”
 Commander Tama was about to interrupt Logan right there but stopped as █████ held up his hand again and said: “I want you to let him speak. He at least knows how to be straight forward with his opinions.”
 And that was all the push Logan needed.
 Confidently, he continued: “After the coronation we have had a calmer and more idle relationship with Ragan than we had in many years. To return to the tense atmosphere from before would be inefficient as we can trade many goods with them and profit from the cultural exchange. This is our chance to strengthen our relationships with them and offer them to lessen the duty fees as a first step. I also could see an exchange program between our academies and universities, since their education and research systems are developed quite well and we could learn a lot from each other.”
 █████’s ears rang. This man-
 “This has nothing to do with military strategy,” Commander Zhao said.
 █████ wanted to speak up but Logan came before him and retorted coldly: “The military strategies you are thinking of belong to war times. I do not wish to think of or reach war times under any circumstances. My concern is to the people of this country and not to its army or the warfare industries. The ████ has made a point to focus on the education system, infrastructure and health services, which serve the people of Theana as well. Why not use these new resources instead of outdated and inefficient strategies that will lead to unnecessary conflicts and the potential losses of lives? We have good people who can and want to protect our country. They should be put to use helping within our boarders instead of protecting us from a non-existent threat from the outside. What you are talking about will not help our people nor do I think is it what our ████ wants for his country. Or am I mistaken, ████ ███████?”
 With his legs crossed and his hand resting thoughtfully on his chin █████ watched Logan intently. Then he pulled his hand away and revealed a wide smirk to the surprise and horror of the council. Except for Logan, who had not yet seen what this smirk could mean and was utterly clueless to what was to happen next.
 “You are not mistaken, Advisor Rayne. Your proposals and ideas are more than welcome and I will have them discussed at the next meeting. You may present all those points to me and the rest of the council. Of course, you may gather whoever you need for a committee and tell me which people you need to realize your projects. Is this acceptable to you, Advisor Rayne?”
 Logan’s heart was almost standing still. Or maybe it was beating too fast for him to feel it beat anymore. He couldn’t be sure as he simply agreed with █████’s conditions and stood up as the ████ announced that the meeting was to end now. But Logan did not go outside. He stood still as the others left besides █████ who was looking at him with a coy smile. As finally all had left █████ walked towards him and Logan’s brain decided to function again.
 “I am honoured that you gave me this opportunity, ████ ███████,” Logan said quickly and lowered his gaze.
 █████ wanted to tease him that he had been able to look at him before but let it be as a moment went by and instead decided give him a little space by looking towards the door of the conference hall.
 “I am sure you will do a wonderful job,” █████ said gently and saw how Logan raised his eyes a little from the corner of his eyes.
 There was a bit more movement and Janus was looking inside the hall, as he had waited for █████ to come out, when Logan began to speak: “I do not want to be ungrateful for what you give me but why did you want me to speak? I had not said a single thing before.”
 █████ turned his head back to Logan. Their eyes met and something intense was laying in the air.
 With a smile everything shifted.
 “Who do you serve?”
 Logan blinked.
 “Theana’s people and you, ████ ███████.”
 █████ snickered and squeezed Logan’s upper arm who looked at him with big eyes. Playfully, █████ tilted his head and pulled him to his side. He began walking towards Janus, who had a hard time to not start groaning at his ████’s behaviour.
 “You put the people before me, Rayne,” █████ said as Logan’s mind was still short-circuiting, “which makes you a truly great advisor. One I would love to work with you a bit closer, if you were open to that?”
 At that Logan halted in his step and sputtered in a high-pitched voice: “Pardon me?”
 █████ threw him a confused look until he noticed the deep flush over his nose and began to right out laugh to Janus’s dismay and amusement.
 “Oh, not like that!” █████ cackled with a suggestive eye wiggle and let go of Logan’s arm. “I meant that I wanted to give you a position as my personal military advisor, since Royal Advisor J- Celer doesn’t fill that role. If you would be interested in that, of course.”
 Logan looked up, still with a brightly flushed face but a little less tension in his shoulders and replied: “Oh, I will consider it, as it is quite a big responsibility I were to carry if I agree to this offer. Nevertheless, I am very honoured by your trust. I promise I will do anything in my power to not disappoint your trust in me, ████ ███████.”
 As Logan bowed █████ looked over his shoulder to Janus, who simply shook his head. Why did █████ always have to choose the hard and unconventional path in life, Janus thought as he watched █████ look fondly back to Logan and let himself smile a little.
 At least his job would never get boring.
Logan was pulled into a follow up meeting. They were talking about the entry of the soldiers, the first locations which would be put under attack and if they were to wait for the Raganian court to officially declare a first date for an upcoming battle at the frontier or if they should do so themselves.
To Logan most of it was a blur. His head was spinning and his mind fighting with the realization that had failed to keep the conflict form escalating. Theana’s people would suffer because he had not been able to mediate successfully and so many innocent people might die because of it. So much would be lost.
After two hours of sitting with his council, Logan excused himself. Green was again stationed with Roman and Janus was overseeing the current military meeting, which left Logan unsupervised for the first time in weeks. Quickly, he walked through the halls, avoiding all the well populated areas and eventually ended up in a storage room in the proximity of the kitchen. He slammed the door behind him and paced around flour sacks and dried meats while panting and pulling at his hair.
Once more Logan began to feel faint and he hoisted himself on a chest. He didn’t understand and he felt the nausea come up again. Since weeks this had messed with his head and health and he did no longer know what to do. He had managed to keep Janus’s question away but he didn’t dare to go to the Court Physician now. Not when the conflict with Ragan was escalating. They couldn’t have a weak king. They couldn’t have a king who was about to cry in a storage room, because his head was dizzy, his heart ached and his lungs burned.
Yet before a tear could fall from his eyes, the noise from something falling off the shelf yanked Logan back into reality and he stood up immediately. He ignored the dizzy feeling and cleared his throat.
“Who is here?” Logan boomed through the small room.
The sound of a tiny whimper dissolved any spark of anger Logan had felt in the moment. Quickly he stepped around the shelves, looking for the source of the little cries. And soon he found what he was looking for. Behind a shelf full of jars of jams, between two potato sacks he found a little boy who he had seen once before.
Through curly brown locks little Patton glimpsed up to him, several food items pressed fearfully against his chest. Had it been anyone else who had hidden in this storage room with Logan, he had asked them how they got here, what they intended to do and then called for the guards. But it was Patton who was sitting there on the floor and Logan would not ask him those things or send him away. Instead, he slowly crouched down a little ways away from the boy. He made sure there was enough space for Patton to get past him if he wished to do so.
“That was a little loud, wasn’t it?” Logan said gently and watched Patton immediately relax. “I meant to ask who is here but it seems like I have found my answer between the potatoes.”
Patton giggled a little and carefully came out of hiding between the potato sacks. He wiped his nose with his arm and walked towards Logan. A bit clumsily, Logan sat down and Pat knelt down in front of him. Silently Logan watched as Patton put down five apples in a neat line. Next, he put a tissue on the floor and looked up to Logan with big eyes.
“I know I should not take things from the castle. It is forbidden and bad. But I was going to share with some other kids in the orphanage and these looked really, really, really good,” Patten explained bashfully and put two muffins and a cupcake on the tissue.
Logan was about to reassure Patton that he was not in trouble for taking two muffins and a cupcake from the kitchen when a growl cut him off. With a flushed face Logan pressed his hands over his stomach which growled again with hunger.
“You should not skip lunch, Sir Will Suffice!” Patton said decidedly and shot Logan an impressively scolding look for a five-year-old.
Taken aback and still embarrassed Logan replied sheepishly: “I didn’t skip lunch. I don’t know why I am hungry again.”
But maybe that explained why he was feeling a little dizzy and nauseous. His blood sugar might be too low.
“Maybe you’re growing!” Patton pulled him out of his thoughts. “That’s what Ms Anouilh always says when I am super hungry! It’s because my body needs food to grow and make me taller and stronger. Did you know that, Sir Will Suffice?”
Logan could not help himself and smile.
“I actually did know that. Yet I don’t believe that would be the case for me, as I have stopped growing a few years ago. But did you know that the body does not only need food to grow but also to have energy and function adequately?”
“So, you mean that you might be hungry because you already used all your energy? For the big meeting with King George?” Patton said with a concentrated frown.
Logan blinked. The public did know of the meeting but it was a little odd that a five-year-old would know of it. He was about to ask when Patton stood up and stretched his hand out for him. With big eyes he pointed to the side where Logan had come from and said: “If you are tired you should probably sit more comfortably! Come let’s go to your box! Mr Green would want that for you!”
Logan let out a brief laugh and got up with a grunt. He kept holding Patton’s hand and let the boy lead him around the shelves back to the chest he had been sitting on. As Patton wished, he sat back down and watched as Patton went forth and back between the shelves to gather his food and bring it over to Logan. Lastly, he brought the muffins and the cupcake and looked at them intensely for a moment before he eventually held one muffin out to Logan.
“I can share with you. We have enough food in the orphanage and I am sure I can come on another day to get some treats,” Patton explained and put the muffin in Logan’s hand as he didn’t reach for it.
Perplexed Logan looked down at the muffin and then back up to Patton. The boy smiled and took the other one in his hand and climbed next to him. Happily, he let his legs dangle down and held his muffin up as if he was toasting Logan.
“Bon appétit!” Patton said and Logan finally toasted back with his muffin and took a bite.
Before Logan knew it the muffin was gone and he realized that he had really been hungry and still could eat some more. As if Patton had read his mind, he looked at the cupcake and simply handed I over to him. There was more hesitance in the gesture than before and Logan took out the knife he usually hid in his boot. With a handkerchief he wiped over the blade and then cut the cupcake in half. With a grin he pushed one half towards Patton and took the other one for himself.
It didn’t take the two of them a minute to eat their halfs and Patton soon asked Logan to cut the apples into slices. Logan obliged and Patton watched fascinatedly how he was handling the blade. Logan took the opportunity to ask what had been on his mind.
“Did Mr Green tell you of the meeting of today, or was there another reason for you to be aware of it?”
“Mr Green told me!” Patton answered and took an apple slice. “I was with him last night and he explained to me that today was a very important talk between you and King George. It decides over the fate of this kingdom he said and that is pretty scary. I don’t know if I would want to have talks that decide over the fate of a kingdom. That’s really scary.”
Logan hummed and dried his blade from the apple remains. Quietly, he put the knife back in his boot and took a slice for himself.
“It is quite scary indeed. But it is my duty as king to face it nevertheless.”
Patton nodded and they ate in silence for a few minutes.
“Is there going to be a war?”
Logan gulped. He glimpsed over to Patton. He looked at him with big watery eyes and concern that should never be visible in a child’s face. Logan had failed. Failed protecting his kingdom and this child.
“I am afraid so, yes.”
Patton did not start crying. Instead, he dug his fingers into the fabric of his pants and balled his fists forcefully. Logan slid closer to him and put his hand on his back. Slowly, Patton leaned against his side and Logan just drew circles on his back. It was all he could do right now.
“Will Green have to fight in it?”
Tears began to drop from Patton’s cheeks and Logan gently lifted his face and wiped them away. His guard had gotten close to Patton over the past month. Green had mentioned Patton ever so often, always joy and fondness in his words when he spoke. Janus and Virgil, both had told him that the kid frequently visited him and how they played together close to the stables.
“I understand that Green is very important to you?” Logan asked softly and Patton nodded. “I do not plan on sending him to the front. He will stay with me but that will be dangerous as well, I’m afraid. But I will frequently remind him that he needs to be careful so that he can come back to you. Do you think that would help?”
Instead of an answer Patton shot forward and hugged Logan ferociously as a wave of whimpers and tears shook through him. Logan held him close. He could barely imagine the pain Patton was going through. Finally, this orphan had found the first real parental figure in his life only for him to lose him right away in a senseless war. How was this fair? How was this real? Logan didn’t know and pulled Patton on his lap to hug him properly. Patton didn’t resist and let his king hold and cradle him fiercely as he slowly calmed down.
Eventually, Patton was quiet but for a few sniffles. His head was laying against Logan’s chest and he listened to his heartbeat and a few grumbly noises Logan’s stomach made. Patton blinked and wiped his eyes dry. No more crying he decided and opened the little satchel he had been carrying with him. Inside he had Green’s surprise from yesterday evening. He checked if it was still there and then cautiously put the satchel down next to him and slipped from Logan’s lap.
There had been jam on the shelves and the whole kingdom knew that their king really liked jam. Quickly, he walked around and found the shelf with the jam in question and carefully took one jar out of it. He looked on the label but couldn’t quite make out if it was a picture of a strawberry or a raspberry. Both were good enough he decided and walked back to the chest and his king.
“Could you take out the spoon I have in my satchel Mr Will Suffice?” Patton asked and Logan opened it with a frown.
He seemed surprised when he actually found a wooden spoon amongst the clutter in the little bag as well as something wrapped in several napkins. Yet before Logan could ask Patton took the satchel back. He gave Logan the jar and then fished the thing in the napkin out of his bag. Very carefully he began to unwrap it and finally Logan could see what was hidden under it.
“Sugar cookies?” Logan asked incredulously.
Patton grinned and nodded. Quickly he motioned for Logan to open the jar and explained in the meantime: “Green made them for me yesterday! He said it was a gift because I have been so nice to him but I know that he just likes giving me things. He knows I don’t have a lot of stuff and I am very excited about anything that he can give me. So that is pretty cool. And because your tummy is still making noises, I thought we could share some! Did I bring raspberry or strawberry jam? I can’t see it on the label.”
Logan needed a moment to catch himself. He didn’t know why but his head somehow got stuck on the first sentence.
“Green bakes?” Logan asked with a flushed face and opened the jar with a pop.
Patton shot him a strange look and then took the jam out of Logan’s hand and began to scoop some of it on the cookies.
“Mhm, but he just started! He says he isn’t that good yet but I like it a lot! I know he tries very hard.  He has also told me to share things if I can. He says that it’s annoying but it’s more fun to share,” Patton explained and handed Logan a cookie with jam on it.
A bit of the jam got stuck on Logan fingers but he could not bring himself to mind. Instead, his mind clung on the picture of Green sitting in front of the stove, waiting for his cookies to bake and tapping his fingers on his knee as his patience ran out. But eventually, Logan managed to focus again and looked at the cookie in his hands. Just smelling the jam made his mouth water a little and he knew he could not resist the temptation much longer.
“You can eat it! I still don’t know if it’s strawberry or raspberry though,” Patton said and Logan glimpsed down to the jar between the two.
A fairly big picture of a raspberry was on the label and he told Patton as much. The boy took the jar and held it closely in front of his face. Logan did not comment on it but knew that he would have his optician visit the orphanage and pay for the glasses these children most likely needed.
When Patton had put the jar back down and took his own cookie, Logan toasted to him gently: “Thank you for sharing with me. I am sure it will be berry good.”
The joyous giggling from the little boy almost made him stop cringing at his own bad pun. When Patton had quieted down again, they began to eat their dangerously sweet sugar cookies and Logan felt himself being thrown into heaven. He definitely needed Green to hand the recipe to his cook so he could have more of those. He really wanted more of those.
As Logan took his third one, making sure to not take more than Patton, Patton said: “I think Green will be very happy that you like his baking. He talks about you a lot.”
Logan almost choked but managed to keep himself from doing so and asked: “Is that so?”
“Mhm. He says you are a very good king. Very kind and forgiving. I think he really believes in you. I think he missed you a little when he had to guard Prince Roman. He talked more about you then.”
Logan listened closely and stopped chewing when Patton gave him a very firm look.
“I think he likes likes you.”
Logan almost spit out his food, which Patton ignored and mercilessly continued: “And I think you should like like him back. He is very good at hugging and he knows the best way of how to clean pans now. I showed him!”
“Really?” Logan coughed with a squeaky voice. “That’s great, Patton.”
“Yah! And also, also you like to have him around too, right? That’s why you want him to stay with you for the big fighting! Because you don’t want anything to happen to him!”
A few moments with some more coughing from Logan passed. Then there was quiet. Logan sighed and slid from the chest down on the floor. He knelt down to look Patton directly in the eyes and cupped his cheek with one hand.
“Such things require time and devotion, Patton. Love of any kind needs to be cultivated and cherished. And to do that all parties involved need to devote time and effort for the others. And as king, especially in this situation, I have to be fully devoted to my kingdom. I have to be devoted to you. I have to be devoted to him to and make sure I will do my very best to lead us all through this crisis. I cannot simply choose to give all my time to him, Patton. I cannot be selfish in this position. Not when so many lives are at stake.”
The look in Patton’s face was heart-breaking. But Logan usually went with the truth and he would not make an exception here. Especially not with Patton who seemed to be far smarter and wiser than many kids his age. Or maybe Logan simply didn’t know that many kids his age.
“It is very admirable of you to wish him and me a happy ending, Patton,” Logan tried to soften his approach. “I am thankful that you care for us, but that is not your job. You are still a kid and should have nothing to worry about but your friends and what you want to play next, okay?”
Patton nodded. He didn’t seem convinced but apparently had accepted his explanation. Logan let his hand sink from Patton’s cheek and rested both of his hands on his shoulders. Patton’s eyes seemed so heavy and Logan felt himself almost cooing at the sleepy expression.
“Can you hold me? Your hugs are pretty nice too,” Patton said and stretched his arms out for Logan.
With a little chuckle Logan scooped Patton up and got on his feet. Like a koala Patton clung to Logan and began to drift off the second Logan began to walk around. Softly, Logan kept swaying Patton in his arms and felt him growing heavier and heavier in his arms. He walked back to the chest and sat down with is kid in his arms. Gently he adjusted his weight and Patton nuzzled against his chest.
“When the war ’s over, can you ask him?” Patton mumbled.
“Ask who what?”
“If Green wants cuddling, you silly!” Patton sleepily giggled and closed his eyes. “I think Green would love being held like this.”
Logan didn't think it was fair for Patton to be able to fall asleep after saying that and leaving him a blushing mess with a little kid in his arms. The image of Green in his arms, head on his chest and his hands tangled in his long hair felt almost like a memory instead of a vivid daydream and Logan had a hard time to ban the picture out of his mind again.
It helped that Patton snored tiny whistle snores and took Logan’s mind of thoughts and feelings for Green which he would not name at this point in time. He just kept focusing on the Patton in his arms and felt himself slowly feel heavier too.
Today had been a terrible day. He had a war at his hands, his people, his friend and family would be forced to fight for no reason but the stubbornness of a man who did not wish to listen to reason. So many children like Patton must be worried for their parents and trusted guardians who were going to fight for their kingdom. He had never wished for this to happen.
Enveloped in his thoughts Logan had lost track of time. He didn’t think of the fact that there was a meeting which he had walked out of, that there was Janus who worried about him constantly these days. He didn’t think of the fact that Janus could have started looking for him already and had told Green and Virgil to do the same as he had no idea where the king could be.
Logan didn’t hear the door opening as he watched Patton’s sleeping face. He almost didn’t hear the steps that were approaching. But suddenly he registered them and looked up. He had not expected Green to be standing there with his mouth wide agape and staring at Patton on his lap.
“Is he asleep?” Green whispered.
Logan found himself simply nodding and stood up. He noticed how Green looked him over and realized that he might look a little messy from his own agitated hair pulling and the snacking with Patton. He opened his mouth to excuse himself but the words died on his tongue when he saw the smile bloom on Green’s face as he looked closer at Patton.
So, Logan walked up to him and gently gave him the boy, quickly fixed his own hair and made sure that nothing was sticking to his face anymore. Green was preoccupied swaying Patton and waited until his king stood by his side before he took Patton’s little satchel and left the room with Logan by his side.
“How long have I been away? I had no indication of time in the storage room,” Logan said keeping his voice low.
“Close to an hour by now. The Royal Advisor got antsy,” Green explained and shot a look to Logan. “I don’t mean to intrude, so ignore that I even asked if I am out of line, but is there a reason why you were eating jam with Pat in there?”
For a moment Logan said nothing and Green expected that his question had been too intrusive.
“My blood sugar seemed to have dropped a bit during today’s events. Patton advised that I ate something.”
Laugher. Bright and loud laugher echoed from the wall and Logan stood still as he watched Green’s face light up. Something clenched in his chest but it didn’t hurt. It felt familiar and he wanted it to stay.
“He can get quite bossy, this little one! I hope he didn’t pressure you too much, Your Majesty.”
Logan shook his head and smiled at Green. He didn’t get to say more as Janus and Virgil appeared around the corner and asked what had happened. Logan didn’t go into detail and only vaguely hinted at Patton. He asked Green to bring him back to the orphanage and question him later on how he got into the castle undetected. Green agreed and Logan went back with Janus for his meeting.
The day kept on going with preparations and scheduling the next few days. Logan didn’t find time to do much but agree and listen to his advisors until it was already late and he headed back to his chamber. But there was still one thing left to do and he turned away around and got to Janus’s quarters.
He walked by his room, voices quietly talking from the inside and he rolled his eyes and headed to his office. As expected the light was on and with one knock Logan entered.
“Virgil I’m com-” Janus stopped as he turned around in his seat to see Logan stand there.
Before Janus could say anything else, Logan stepped inside and closed the door. He smiled at him and raised his eyebrows.
“I won’t keep you long. They must be awaiting you in your room,” Logan said and walked closer to his desk.
Janus shifted a bit in his seat but kept his face blank. It didn’t do anything to hide his embarrassment, not from Logan at least, but Logan was not going to point it out. Not when he had a favour to ask.
Janus crossed his legs as he waited and realized after a few moments that no request would come. Curiously he watched his king. His friend. Right now, Logan seemed not to wear the burden of the crown but the burden of a man and Janus wanted to know what that was.
“What can I do for you, Logan?”
Logan leaned against the desk and intertwined his hand in front of him. He almost looked sheepish.
“Do you think Roman still needs Green as a guard? Or could I have him back with me?”
Logan met Janus’s eyes as he asked but lowered his gaze when Janus didn’t say anything. He sighed and walked away from the desk. Maybe he was being foolish. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked.
“Why are you asking for my opinion? You are the king, Logan. You can have whoever you want as your guard,” Janus said.
He headed towards the door and looked over his shoulder to Janus. Why did he ask for Janus’s opinion? For his permission?
“Of course,” Logan said and opened the door to leave, “don’t stay up too long. They’ll be worried.”
Somehow that phrase didn’t sound like it had been meant for Janus.
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songtoyou · 3 years
Chapter Eight: Be Still
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Would You Call That Love
Pairing: Chris Evans x Raina Morrison (OC)
Rating: PG to PG-13 (Might be 18+ for some chapters)
Story Summary: There was always that one person Chris Evans tended to turn to when he was not in a committed relationship, Raina Morrison. He could confide in her about things going on in his life that he did not feel comfortable talking to his family or close friends about. Chris and Raina were able to establish a way to openly communicate with one another, but also being respectful of the other’s time and needs. It was the only constant “relationship” he had, but without all the nonsense of trying to build a life together. A “friends with benefits” situation. However, what happens when Chris starts rethinking his “relationship” with Raina and if either are willing to pursue something more?
Chapter Summary: Raina and Chris are having trouble dealing with their time apart. Long-distance relationships suck.
Chapter Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,258
Author’s Note: I was having trouble with this chapter. I had to end up rewriting it because I was not feeling the first draft. 
Italics represent flashback conversations.
Sadly, I do not know Chris Evans or anyone in his family, and this is just a fictional take on his life. I do not permit this fic to be reposted on other platforms.  
Tag List: @patzammit​
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Three months. That is how long Raina and Chris had been apart. She continued to star in the Broadway version of Moulin Rouge as Satine. Shows were constantly selling out. Reviews were acclaimed. Unfortunately, Raina was feeling bored. The same routine was beginning to annoy her. She didn't like that there was no room to change things up. Being in a Broadway show was vastly different from her concerts. Raina knew it would be.
Jerry had warned Raina that Broadway was a whole different ballgame than what she was used to or experienced. "You won't be able to change or add things from show to show. It is more rigorous than what you are used to, kid," Raina remembered Jerry telling her one day before she accepted the role. 
Raina wanted a challenge. She wanted to do something different. There were times where Raina felt stagnant in her career. Plus, Raina was now considered an aging pop star, so she had to begin the process of branching out into different fields of entertainment. 
"You should do the voice," Jerry would always suggest, which Raina repetitively turned down. It wasn't that Raina looked down on voice competition shows. She didn't want to open that door to be on television every week for months on end. She was a performer, not a judge.
Again, three months. Three months since Raina had physically seen her boyfriend. They talked on the phone and skyped regularly, but it was not the same as being in the same room. She missed Chris terribly. And he missed her.
Chris had been pretty busy himself, first having to take Dodger back to Boston before getting ready to go to Toronto. With Raina's busy schedule, she would not have been able to take care of the canine. For a week and a half, Chris would attend the Toronto Film Festival to promote the movie Knives Out. Raina wished she could have gone with him. Chris wished she could have gone with him. 
After the film festival, Chris didn't have much downtime. He rushed into working on A Starting Point with Mark to outline the website and coordinate interviews with politicians. 
Raina made it a point to steer clear of conversations about ASP. Truthfully, she didn't find the idea appealing or exciting. Yes, Americans needed to be informed about certain aspects of politics and important issues. But many outlets already offered what Chris and Mark were trying to do. She asked Chris one time what made ASP different from the others. She was surprised that he wasn't quite able to come up with a sufficient answer. Raina knew Chris meant well. 
"Chris," she spoke up one day before he left the City, "You know I will never bullshit you, and I won't ever blow smoke up your ass. That has never been the kind of friendship we had. Nor is it how we want our intimate relationship to go."
He looked at Raina and told her to go on. "Sometimes, I have noticed, is that you tend not to be able to look outside of your privilege, Chris. You know what I am saying?"
Chris turned to his girlfriend. He was confused about where she was getting at. "No. What are you saying?"
Raina sighed. She could tell Chris was on the verge of getting defensive. "Nothing," she said, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Look, let's no…argue about…stupid stuff, okay." Raina pleaded and walked up to Chris to put her arms around him.
He reciprocated by doing the same. Leaning in, Chris captured Raina's lips. "I don't want to argue either. Especially not before I have to leave," he whispered in her ear.
There would times when Raina would look back on that exchange between her and Chris. She felt weird about how Chris became so defensive. Yeah, she could have worded things better; however, why should she? 
Truthfully, Chris was a privileged white male. If he took the time to recognize his privileges, it would make him a better ally to those who represent underprivileged groups. Raina was worried about any possible backlash Chris could face with a project like AS, which was not what she wanted for him. She understood that this was a passion project for Chris and Mark as well. Raina only wanted Chris to make sure that everything was in order and that nothing would be thrown at him unexpectedly. She knew Chris wasn't able to take criticism very well, even when it was constructive, mainly when it came to projects he was enthusiastic about; she understood as she was the same way.
With their time apart, Chris had to miss her birthday, October 19. Chris made sure to send Raina an enormous flower arrangement he could find, along with an array of goodies from Dylan's Candy Bar store. Chris knew the gifts would something Raina would appreciate. However, he still felt guilty that he was not with her to celebrate her birthday in person.
"Hey, birthday girl," Chris greeted Raina through skype on the day of her birthday. He laughed when he saw that she was holding the cupcake pillow he got her.
"I love it!" she exclaimed happily. "And I love my three-tier candy cake. I can't believe you got me that," Raina pointed out as she adjusted the laptop camera to show Chris the candy cake. "I won't be able to eat all of that."
"Yeah, you will," he laughed.
"I miss you," Raina said to Chris. "I didn't think being away from you would be this hard."
Chris sighed, "I miss you, too, sweetheart. But we'll see each other for Christmas, right?"
"Yes, of course. I made sure to schedule that time off. I still plan to come up to Concord for Christmas. My dad has already made plans with Diane for not only Christmas but Thanksgiving as well. So he is taken care of," Raina revealed. "Speaking of Thanksgiving, what are you doing?"
Shifting in his seat, Chris shared that he would spend it in Concord with his family. He noticed the slight disappointment on Raina's face and shift in her demeanor. "You don't want to come here and spend the holiday with me?" she asked solemnly. She didn't want to press on the issue but wanted to hear Chris's reason. 
Raina understood that Chris always liked to spend the holidays with his family, but deep down, she hoped he would change it up this year. "It's just been two and a half months since we saw each other," Raina began but stopped. The last thing she wanted to do was to make Chris feel guilty. "Do you have any time off before then?"
"Like you, I'm completely booked up until Christmas. Mark and I are still working on the website for A Starting Point for the rest of October, then when November comes around, it is all press for Knives Out and premiers. Trust me; I would rather be with you than have to do press junkets or walk red carpets," Chris acknowledged.
Raina grabbed a piece of candy from her three-tier candy cake. She just sat back in her chair, not looking at the computer screen. Raina focused on the candy. She didn't want to look at Chris because if she did, tears would begin to form. For some reason, missing Chris and wanting to be with him felt like the equivalent of homesickness. It was a feeling she had never experienced when it came to another human being. Even when she was a teenager touring across the world, she never felt homesick. Her relationship with Chris brought along a whole new set of feelings for Raina, and part of it scared her. 
She suddenly asked herself, 'Am I becoming too dependent on Chris?' The last thing Raina wanted to be, was co-dependent.
Raina shook her head and sat up in her chair. She looked at Chris and smiled. "I'm sorry. I know you're busy. I don't mean to pressure you or make you feel bad."
The two continued to talk a bit longer until Chris noticed Raina yawning. "Okay, sweetheart, I will let you get to bed."
"No, I can still talk. It's early," Raina whined like a child.
"It's a quarter after eleven, and that is now your fourth yawn in the last fifteen minutes," he pointed out. "You need to get to bed."
Raina sighed, "Alright, boss. I'll get to bed. Talk to you later or when either one of us is available. Bye, honey. Love you."
"Love you, too. Bye."
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Thanksgiving rolled around faster than Chris expected. Time flies when one is busy. He continued to talk to Raina via phone or skype. However, Chris was also beginning to get frustrated at their time apart. Currently, he was home, sitting in his living room with his brother and brother-in-law, watching a football game between the Buffalo Bills and Dallas Cowboys while his mom and sisters prepared dinner. Lisa would poke her head from the kitchen, asking the boys for help from time to time. His niece and nephew were running around playing with Dodger, who appeared to love the attention. 
It was almost perfect, except one person was missing. Raina. He called her earlier that day. She shared that she was celebrating Thanksgiving, Chandler Bing style, with some of the Moulin Rouge cast. 
"What the Hell is Thanksgiving, Chandler Bing style?" Chris asked, confused. 
"Damnit, watch friends, Christopher," Raina scolded teasingly. "Chandler Bing doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Because that was the day his parents told him that they were getting divorced. So, instead of all the turkey fixings and stuffing, we have grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and a family-size bag of Funyuns as an appetizer. We have lots of booze, so don't worry. Oh, and pumpkin cheesecake. Good times, right."
Chris only laughed. "You're living the dream. I don't think what Ma is making could compare."
"Just be sure to tell her to make her spaghetti for Christmas dinner. Or at least make a small pot of it just for me, okay."
"She's planning to, so don't worry. What are you watching? I hear gunfire," Chris enquired.
"I'm watching my husband, Tommy Shelby, shoot at the Italians," Raina informed as she watched Peaky Blinders. "I love Tommy Shelby. I tell you, Chris, if Tommy Shelby showed up at my door asking me to marry him, I would most likely say yes."
"Is that so."
"In a heartbeat. Sorry, hon, but Tommy Shelby, the things I would let him do to..."
"Thank God he is a fictional character," Chris interrupted. 
"Not in my dreams he isn't," Raina taunted.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now."
"Alright, I'll stop lusting after my fictional husband while I'm on the phone with you," said Raina and switched topics.
The two continued to talk until Chris was ordered into the kitchen by his mother. It was his turn to help.
Chris was chopping carrots and celery when his mother asked how Raina was doing. 
"She is doing fine. Raina wishes she could be here."
However, Lisa could tell something was bothering Chris. He could never hide his emotions from her. "What's the matter, Christopher?"
Chris continued to chop the vegetables until he stopped to look at his mother. "I didn't expect being away from Raina would be this hard, Ma."
"Of course it is. You love Raina," Lisa stated as she continued cooking. 
"I do. But in the past, I had girlfriends who I loved and had to do long-distance," Chris explained. "None of those worked out."
"Because you weren't truly in love with them," Lisa pointed out. "Don't compare what you have with Rain to your past relationships. Every relationship is different. What you and Raina have now is not something you have experienced before, which is real love. True love. Everyone always knew that you two would end up together, except you and Raina. You both are so cute but also clueless at times. You both will get through this. The work commitments will die down. You both will be reunited. Everything will be fine."
Chris took in what his mother was saying. He knew she was right. He had things to look forward to beginning the start of the new year.
"Raina is the first person I dated, well since Jessica at least, that I have really begun to think about marriage and kids. Part of me is scared because it's all so fast. We have only started dating back in mid-July. I don't want to rush anything. I don't want to scare her off. I don't want her to get bored of me," Chris confessed honestly. 
It was heartbreaking for Lisa to hear. She gestured for Chris to sit down at the kitchen table. "You need to stop, Chris. You are allowing your anxiety to get the best of you. Just take a deep breath, okay," she instructed her oldest son. "Raina will never get bored of you. She loves you very much. Don't think about the past; only focus on the future. You and Raina will be fine. More than fine. Yes, there will be hard times, along with good times. It is normal for every functional relationship. You can't have the good without the bad, the sad without the happy, the ups and the downs. The universe needs balance."
"Okay, Oprah," Chris joked. "I get what you're saying."
"Do you?"
"Yeah, I do, Ma."
"Good. Now get back to chopping," Lisa ordered, and Chris went back to cutting vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner. 
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Stories in the works
Jotted this down to organize my thoughts, decided to share for the benefit of the whole 1.5 people who might be interested. :P
Below are some notes on the Whiplash WIPs I have going (that have transcended the status of Elaborate Plot Bunny), roughly in order of my focus.
Will I make Andrew cry in most of these? I have to assume so. Sorry, babe. It’s just that you and your single tear are so very cute...
1. The Andrew/Ryan novella that I mentioned before. For Want of a Nail AU diverging just before the film, 10ish chapters. Heavy Andrew/Fletcher as secondary pairing, and Carl is also reluctantly in the mix. 
Status: I have most of the story mapped out and several large chunks drafted. Holding off because I want to have a complete rough draft before I start posting since I live in fear of abandoning it so I don’t end up plotting myself into a corner. Also because the first chapter is table-setting and writing the sex and romantic parts that happen later is more fun.
2. “Playlist” of Andrew/Fletcher vignettes (ya bitch loves vignettes), scenes from their post-canon relationship paired with jazz standards. Part smut and part slice of life, depicting better moments in their relationship. Inspired by Feeling Very Sad while writing Spillage. One-shot, probably 3k+ words? 
Status: 85%+ written. Needs some fleshing out and editing but it’s nearly there. I expect this would be the first one posted from this list.
3. Sex-focused story (there are multiple sex scenes but mostly I mean “sex as the main subject”) about Fletcher reluctantly accepting that he has to treat Andrew with a bare minimum of respect as a partner instead of being an absolute bastard every moment of the day. Past Fletcher/Sean. 
Status: This was originally going to be 2-3 parts, the first of which is written, but I’m not so sure. Might re-work it and publish as a one-shot instead. Maybe 4k words in that case? TBD.
4. Genderbent AU: Fletcher and Andrea attend a wedding. A guest gushes to Andrea about what a cute couple they are and how in love they look, which causes Andrea’s brain to short-circuit. I think there would be some major differences in sexuality/behavior/perception of Andrea/Fletcher vs. Andrew/Fletcher as couples, and I wanted to dig into that. One-shot most likely, 2.5k+ words. 
Status: I haven’t decided how much to expand on this. Upwards of 50% written but if I get more ambitious maybe only 20-25% so far.
5. Prostitution AU with some nods to Pretty Woman because I am a bad person who loves bad tropes. :D 
Status: I have 5k+ words of set-up written, and I'm happy with most of that as a rough draft. However, I don’t have the plot nailed down yet, so I’m proceeding with caution. I do hope to see this get off the ground! 
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adenei · 3 years
Always A Bridesmaid, Never A Bride - Chapter 6
AO3 || FFN
It was official. I’d agree to anything if it meant I had a chance to spend time with Harry outside of work. I knew it was a problem, and it was blatantly clear when Jenny called me in a rush this morning. She thought she’d scheduled an appointment to set up her registry at John Lewis  for Monday, but her days had gotten mixed up and she took the only open slot for Sunday. 
Of course, I knew she’d already booked herself at the bridal salon and florist, and couldn’t fit it in as she was explaining her mix-up. I was going to suggest she reschedule, but then I heard her mutter about sending someone else, and thinking she was going to send Harry, I offered to go, too. So, despite telling myself numerous times to just call her and cancel, I still forged ahead, even though I knew my ulterior motive was despicable.
Jenny had slipped her list of items under my door while I was in the shower. I thought it was odd if she was sending Harry, but then maybe she didn’t have time to stop by his place before her first appointment.
I took the list and caught a taxi to take me to the department store in the city. My phone buzzed and I checked it to see I had a text from Jenny. Your reinforcement should be there soon. Thanks so much for doing this again! I decided to go in and get started at the registry desk since I knew the set-up process would take a while. Finally, after I finished the paperwork, I was ready to begin. 
“So, here’s the scanner!” the clerk said. “This is all you’ll need to choose the items that you’d like. Once you hear the beep, you’ll know it’s been added. If you scan something by mistake, just scan it again to take it off. I’ll be here if you need anything, and if not, just drop the scanner off before you leave.”
“Thank you,” I said as I pulled the list out from my bag and determined where I should start first. 
I was paying so much attention to the list, I didn’t notice someone joining me. 
“Fancy meeting you here.” I looked up to see Ron standing next to me.
“Jenny sent you?” I asked. Surely, this was a joke.
“Are you surprised?” Ron asked me innocently.
“Yes, actually, I am. What writer helps with menial wedding tasks like this?”
“When I cover a wedding, I cover the whole wedding,” he explained as I shook my head. “So, where should we get started?”
“Probably housewares,” I said with a sigh.
I handed Ron the list to check things off as we scanned them. If he was here, I was going to make sure he was helpful. Maybe it’d make the job go by faster.
“Who needs all this useless junk, anyways?” he asked as I scanned a beautiful set of ivory candlestick holders. “Don’t they both have separate flats already? Surely, they have enough stuff between the two of them to outfit one apartment.”
I rolled my eyes in his direction. “When you’re starting a life with someone, you want to pick out items for the home you’re going to share together. You know, to make it both of yours instead of a mix of two people’s things,” I explained.
“So you’re telling me if you were to get engaged, you’d chuck all of your current stuff just to ask for new versions of the same stuff because you’re marrying someone else?”
“Well...not everything, but I’ve been inside Jenny’s apartment and it’s rather bare in there.”
“What about Harry’s stuff?”
“It’s okay, but he is a bachelor. He only has half the stuff he does because of Teddy,” I said.
“Harry has a kid?” Ron asked, his eyes wide.
I chuckled. “Not exactly. Teddy’s an orphan that’s part of the Boys & Girls Club. Harry’s his big brother. Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if he really does try to adopt Teddy after he and Jenny are married.”
“And how does Jenny feel about that?”
“Why do you care so much?” I gave him an odd look. 
“N-no reason. It’s just an interesting dynamic, that’s all.”
“Well, when we went to Teddy’s football game, Jenny seemed really taken with him. She’s surprisingly good with kids,” I mentioned offhand.
“Surprisingly? What’s that supposed to mean?” Ron asked curiously.
“Oh, um, I suppose she probably has several nieces and nephews if four of her brothers are married.”
“Ah. Well, that’s good, then. I’m sure they’ll make a beautiful family,” Ron said. 
“Yeah,” I said distantly. It was hard not to think about it, even though I really didn’t want to. 
Ron was looking at me curiously. “You know what I think you want?”
“What? Please bestow your infinite wisdom about me, a person you barely know, to me,” I scoffed.
“I think you do all this because you just want a wedding for yourself. Not an actual marriage, but a wedding.”
I stared incredulously at him. “How can you even say that? You don’t know me! Of course I want a marriage! Who wouldn’t want someone to spend the rest of their life with?”
“Well then why aren’t you looking harder for your ‘one true love’?” he said in air quotes. “You spend all your extra time helping brides and attending weddings, and it seems like you barely date.”
“I do too date!” I retorted.
“Yeah? When’s the last time you dated someone? I don’t count,” he said pompously.
“What do you mean you don’t count? Of course you don’t!” I argued.
“Oh, you wound me,” Ron said, his words dripping with sarcasm. “Are you going to answer the question?”
I stopped to think about it. Was it bad that I really couldn’t remember. Ron took advantage of my distraction to steal the scanner from me and started scanning random trinkets.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I tried to take the scanner back. 
He used his height to an advantage to block me. “Oh, come on, it’s all in good fun. Every couple deserves some random trinkets that they open and have to fake a smile for, don’t you think?”
There was a mischievous glint in his eye that made me laugh even though I should be scolding him. I was still mad at him for his accusations, but I was willing to play along so I didn’t have to answer the dating question.
“Is that what you think?” I said with a smile. “You’d want to open random gifts you didn’t ask for because someone thought it would be funny to play a joke on your registry?”
“It’s never going to happen for me, so it doesn’t matter what I’d do, now would it?”
Ron was smiling, but it wasn’t reaching his eyes. I stopped to contemplate his words for a moment. “Something must have happened to make you resent love so much. So, what is it?” 
I snagged the list from his hand to see how we were doing as I began walking again. We needed to get to the linen section next. Ron still hadn’t answered me, so I decided to push his buttons a bit.
“Did your parents get divorced? An ex-girlfriend cheat on you with your best friend like in those cheesy romantic comedies? Or, were you left at the altar or something tragic like that?” 
“Yeah, actually.”
I froze. I wasn’t really serious. I turned around to look at him. “What?”
“I was engaged a few years ago, but about two weeks before the wedding she called it off. Apparently she was more interested in my brother instead, and only realized it when she came home to meet the whole family.”
“Oh, my God, Ron, I’m sorry. It was—I didn’t mean it,” I apologized. That was awful and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
“It’s fine. I was too blinded by love to see that we weren’t a good fit anyways. My brother saw right through her shallowness and told her to fuck off. So, I guess there was a silver lining.”
I handed him the scanner. “Scan all the ugly things you want. I’ll feign ignorance as long as all the stuff on this list gets added.”
He let out a weak laugh. “Thanks.”
“Are you close with your brother, then?” We hadn’t discussed anything personal yet, aside from my involvement in weddings, but I found myself wanting to learn more about him.
“As close as we can be. He lives in Africa on a wild nature preserve.”
“And your ex was more interested in a—”
“Zoologist? Apparently. Guess my career as a writer wasn’t adventurous enough for her. Or it didn’t make enough money for her lifestyle.”
“If she’s more interested in money than love, you’re better off. You’ll find the one someday, I’m sure.”
“So will you...maybe,” he smirked.
“Good to see you being so supportive,” I said sarcastically. 
Just like that, the moment had passed. Maybe I’d been a little too quick to judge Ron without knowing his backstory. First impressions were typically a good indication of a person for me, but now I was starting to think that maybe I’d misjudged him. Even though he reverted right back to his sarcastic ways, I was fairly certain that it was all a cover. I couldn’t help the feeling churning inside of me that yearned to know more.
I was sitting at my cubicle on Wednesday when Rita stopped by my desk. “How’s the article coming?”
I knew she was talking about the perpetual bridesmaid one. “It still needs work; still a rough draft,” I told her.
“I want to see what you’ve got. Email it to me,” Rita said bluntly before walking away.
“But—” It didn’t matter what I was going to try to say, she was expecting it and I needed to send it along.
I didn’t understand why I was hesitating, though. This was going to be my big break, and yet I had this nagging feeling in my stomach. 
Sure, Hermione was strong minded and opinionated, but she was always so interesting to talk to. I found myself craving her company and wanting to learn more about her. Hell, I’d even admitted my darkest secret about Romilda that no one knew outside of immediate family.
The last time I put love ahead of my career I lost the section for my contributing investigative pieces and landed my arse firmly in commitments. I needed to stay focused so I shook the thoughts of Hermione from my head as I carried on with cleaning up the article. It’d been so long since I let anyone into my life, and I just didn’t know her well enough yet to trust her. 
I did make one small concession, deciding not to use her real name because of the business. So I called her Hermione Wilkins in the article. No one needed to know, and it was my feeble attempt at protecting her identity. Satisfied with the draft, I pressed send on the email and moved onto my next task.
On Friday, Rita called me into her office. “This is really good, Weasley. You should be proud.”
I looked at her in slight confusion, not exactly sure which article she was talking about.
“The perpetual bridesmaid article! We’re running it on Sunday. You’re on the front page of the Styles section. And you’re out of commitments for good after you cover that Warrington/Potter wedding, of course.”
“Er, right. Yeah, thanks!” I tried to fake excitement over it, but the knot was pitted even deeper in my stomach.
“Why aren’t you more excited?”
“I just think it could use some more time, that’s all. She’s in that wedding, too. The one next weekend. Let me wait and see if I can learn more. You know, to add—”
“Ron, this is perfect as is. Isn’t this what you wanted? Or has someone taken a fancy to Ms. Wilkins?” Rita gave me a knowing smile, but it wasn’t a genuine one. It made me uncomfortable.
“Can we please just push publication one more week?” I asked once more.
Rita sighed dramatically. “I’ll see what I can do, but if you have started to care for her, you might want to tell her. You can go now. I’m sure you have things to accomplish before the weekend.”
I nodded slightly as I turned to leave. I had to find a way to tell Hermione. I wasn’t ready to lose whatever dysfunctional new friendship we’d created, but after she’d already accused me of lying to her, I had no idea how I was going to spin this. No matter how I looked at it, it was totally deceitful.
 Not to mention my sister and all of her lies, too. No matter how annoying I thought Hermione could be, I knew she didn’t deserve that. She needed to know this was coming. I had to tell her.
My phone rang on Saturday afternoon. It was the first Saturday where I didn’t have to do anything related to weddings and it was brilliant, until I saw Ginny’s name on the caller ID.
“What?” I answered.
“I need your help.”
“Aren’t I already helping you enough?”
“Never,” Ginny said through a grin that I knew was undoubtedly plastered on her face.
“Well?” I asked, pretending to be annoyed.
“I just got a call that the favors are done and ready to be picked up in Brentwood. Harry was going to do it after the dinner tasting, but I’m worried that won’t give him enough time to get to Andover for dinner with Mum and Dad since it’s in the complete opposite direction!”
“So, you’re asking me to pick up the favors, then?”
“Unless you wanted to come to dinner—”
“Nope, I’m good. I’ve got to try and get a hold of Hermione tonight for something anyways,” I told her.
“Hermione?” Ginny’s voice sounded intrigued.
“Yeah, but it’s not what you think. It’s not like I’m into her or anything,” I said a little too quickly.
“Sureee,” Ginny teased. “Well, you’re in luck. She’s with Harry right now for the tasting at the Winchester in Putney. She offered to go to the tasting since I was wrapped up with things back home. Maybe she could go with you?”
“Yeah, maybe…” I had to admit that Ginny came up with a good idea.
“Listen, I have to go, we’re getting ready to leave now. Hopefully Harry will be hungry enough. I did reserve a later dinner, but Mum and Dad wanted to get settled at the inn beforehand since they didn’t want to drive home tonight…” Ginny trailed off.
“Okay, tell them I said hi, and I’ll take care of the favors for you.”
“Thanks, Ron, I owe you!”
“Yeah you owe me for a lot of—” I stopped talking once I realized she’d already hung up the phone.
“Doesn’t she believe in saying goodbye?” I said out loud as I shook my head. 
I could be at the Winchester House in fifteen minutes. Grabbing my wallet and keys, I headed out the door and hailed a taxi.
When I arrived at the hotel, the maitre’d pointed me in the direction of where Harry and Hermione were seated. It was a relatively nice day. Warm and partly cloudy, but I could tell by the way the sky was changing that a rainstorm was coming in.
I walked through the main area to the outdoor seating section where I stopped near the doorway to look for them. I spotted them on the other side of the terrace overlooking the Thames at a small table. My first thought was of how gorgeous Hermione looked when she was smiling. She normally only reserved scowls for me, and I hadn’t realized how attractive she truly was until that moment.
The thought terrified me. I wasn’t sure if I was even ready to let someone else into my life like that. I’d sworn off love, convinced it wasn’t in the cards for me. If things were meant to look up, there was no way it could be her. Especially not after that article dropped. At least Rita was giving me more time to explain it to her.
I refocused on the two of them and began to take a few steps toward their table. That’s when I saw it. The look I’d seen on every bride who was hopelessly in love with their soon to be groom. How had I never realized it before? The way she smiled and leaned across the table. 
All the unabashed flirting. Everything was making sense now. Why she was so upset at the club that first night, why she was so dejected when she called me, and why she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be part of my sister’s wedding. Hermione was in love with her boss, who was also my sister’s fiancée. I wasn’t sure what was worse. Her pining over a man who had no interest in her at all, or Harry’s complete obliviousness to the entire situation. I’d seen him around my sister long enough to know he only had eyes for her.
I was feeling a mix of hurt and anger that I hadn’t felt since Romilda left me, and I didn’t understand why because it wasn’t like I was in love with Hermione or anything. I just enjoyed her company and was keen on the prospect that she might be a good friend if we could get past her constant accusations. 
At that moment I lost all my ambition to tell Hermione about the article, and even to ask her along on the wedding errand. I was about to turn and leave when Harry happened to look in my direction and called me over. Shit.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione looked at me in surprised annoyance.
Of course she was annoyed, I just ruined the probable fantasy she was currently living with this whole situation.
 “Jenny called and asked if I could go pick up the favors with you before the shop closes.”
“Oh, I thought I was going to take care of that,” Harry said.
“Yeah, Harry and I were just getting ready to head to Brentwood now,” Hermione said pointedly.
“Well, the bride is worried that it’ll make him late for some dinner that’s past the other side of London, so…”
“Hmm, she does make a good point. And it looks like the rain is heading in, which would make travel conditions worse,” Harry said. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Not at all. Hermione’ll ensure everything is sorted as the maid of honor, right?” I asked, raising my eyebrow in question and knowing she couldn’t say no.
“I—I guess,” Hermione sounded deflated as she shot me a death glare as Harry was finalizing the menu.
Good. Someone needed to pop the bubble because she was holding onto a dream that would never come true.
“Great, thanks again, you guys. I better get going if I have to stop home before heading to Andover.” 
Harry got up and clapped me on the back as he took off toward the exit. I smiled widely at Hermione, who looked like she was going to murder me. I couldn’t wait to reveal what I’d found out about her little secret.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Do you have any tips for doing nanowrimo for the first time? Or any tips in general?
I do actually. Kind of a lot of tips. But when I have a lot of things to say about something that people would need to take action on, I like to do bullet points to organize the information so it’s easier to digest.
Bullet point time.
Start now. No I don’t mean starting the story. That’s the challenge, to write all the new words in November. I mean, start THINKING about your story. Start planning. Start brainstorming. Start character development. Start backstory. Start researching. Start your writing habit. Because writing at that level take training. You have to get INTO it. It’s far too hard to start writing a novel cold if you’re not used to writing.
Make An Outline. Okay. This is a choice. Not everyone likes outlines. In nanowrimo, we say there are two types; Planners who outline their novel and Pantsers who write by the seat of their pants. This can also be called “intuitive writers.” I think there’s a third, a combo of the two. Plantsers. I like that word because not only is it a combo of pantser and planner, it also has the word “plant” in it. So you plant your garden in a plan and then let it grow however it wants, intuitively. That’s me. Anyway. If you don’t want to plan an outline because you’re a pantser, take notes on your story. Do character interviews, research back story, get excited about tropes you want to use, write short stories about the characters, take notes and make lists about ideas you have.
Start a vision board for your story. I use pinterest. Here is an example of my vision board for one of my nano novels that has already been through three drafts, so...years. I’m REALLY into pinterest do no be intimidated. I’ve been doing it a long time. Keep track of characters, settings, ideas, research, advice. It gets a different version of my brain working on my story. 
Sign up at the nanowrimo site. Choose a title, a genre, a location. Plan to attend events if you can. Okay, quarantine, but maybe digital events, i don’t know what they’re doing yet I haven’t checked. Go to the forums and engage in conversations about writing. Ask questions. Answer some. Buy some merch. Read the advice. Get involved in the community. Don’t let the community take over your writing time, but before nanowrimo? Perfect time to get involved.
Make room in your life for writing: Writing is a commitment. You have to show up to the page. You have to sit down and write. And it more or less has to be everyday, unless you’re planning on bingeing on only certain days... which is possible but harder. Plan out regular times where you will write. Carve out a schedule. It can be the whole weekend or it can be fifteen minutes here and there throughout the day. I am proof that you can write a novel in stolen fifteen minute increments. It takes TIME to write. Oh hey, while we’re on the subject, find out how long it takes you to write. How much can you write in 15 minutes? 30 minutes? an hour? How many of those time chunks will you need to get the words down. Don’t assume you write faster than you do. 
Set up your writing space. A room, a corner, a laptop on your bed, a cafe, a library, a journal. Whatever it is. Make sure you have what you need and it is reasonably organized so that you can not worry about it. ALSO, get snacks and drinks set up so you can feed your body while you write.
Tell people in your life that you will be doing this. I know that may be hard, but telling people that you are committed to this project means you are being held accountable for your goal. It’s not just a wish. The more real you make it, the more likely you’ll reach it. You want them to know that you’ll be taking time to do this. But also, support helps. If you have no one irl to support you, find groups on line, if you don’t know where to look. go look at the forums on nanowrimo.org. You can find forums for age range, life stage, interests, genre, whatever.
It turns out these are all suggestions for how to get nanowrimo going BEFORE nanowrimo. I do believe that this is important. You need to work out your writing muscles before november. This is one of the things that can help you succeed. But I have other hints for how to get it done done while you’re doing it. I’m afraid for simplicity’s sake, that needs to be another post. 
If you want to do nanowrimo... which I do suggest even if it turns out not to work for you, it helps to start earlier. Like running a marathon, you need to train to be able to go the distance. There are lots of thing to do that can get you there. These are only some of them.
Oh okay. I have one more thing. I’ve been keeping writing boards over on pinterest. I have boards both to brainstorm my novels and for writing advice. 
nanowrimo pinterest board story ideas pinterest board character ideas SFF ideas Villain ideas The Writer’s Life
Feel free to plunder and pillage my writing boards. Repin whatever you want. That’s what it’s there for as well as my own inspiration.
All my writing boards start with “to write” or most of them do. There is “the writing life” and “kids and writing.” I have a lot of boards and a lot of pins. 
also check out my writing board @rosy-writes i think at some point I’ll return this blog to a writing blog, but maybe i’ll keep rosywrites for my writing advice or something.
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
College!Kenma Headcanons
hello! so i originally had a fic upcoming that fulfilled a request for college roomie kenma but i lost it so LOL so this is a general idea of what i had! (reason being it’s long) and i am still using tumblr drafts bc idc lol
for this sake of this headcanon set, y/n and kenma do not live in tokyo until they both move into the apartment!
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You and Kenma have been next door neighbors for a long time. You just haven’t really had the chance to talk to him because you’ve attended different schools. However, you both applied to the same university in Tokyo, and he got in! You got waitlisted.
So you were ready to attend a junior college but soon enough, the university told you that you were accepted off the waitlist, so you’re kind of scrambling to get money to attend this school because the program you’re interested is very strong and reputable.
“I hear Kozume-san is going to have an apartment by himself for the next year at university, so I asked his parent if you could split the rent and stay with him.”
You’re literally gaping and blinking your eyes at this plan. “I don’t really know him though…”
“Oh, don’t worry! This will help us save money.” Well, since your parent is saying this, you suppose it won’t hurt.
Moving in is very rough, but somehow it all works out.
Kenma’s neat and quiet. He hardly talks to you. You hear him gaming at ungodly hours of the morning, but it’s such a contrast to the self that he presents to you and other people.
One day, you forget an important book you need for an upcoming class and you board the subway without knowing. Sure enough, right before you’re about to enter the class, Kenma comes by and hands you the book, telling you that you forgot it. He walks away like nothing happened.
So you try it again, purposely leaving a textbook on the counter where you know he’ll see it. Lo and behold, he comes to drop it off, and thus begins your crush on him. I mean, come on. He’s very kind and goes out of his way just so you can be prepared for class.
You try to have conversations, eat dinner with him - nothing really happens. He doesn’t talk much to you.
So you consult a friend and she suggests, “Why don’t you get tutoring from Kuroo, his friend? He tutors Intro Chemistry.”
“…but I’m not failing.”
“Use it to get closer to Kozume-san, duh.”
You sign up for a slot to be tutored, noticing the fact that most of the names on the list are men, but it’s not a major deal.
On the day you get tutored, you meet up, introduce yourself, and get thrown into a brief overview of what you’ve learned and reinforcing concepts that you didn’t understand completely.
“Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere?”
“Um, yeah. You might have seen me at Kenma’s apartment, I’m his roommate.”
“Right, right. Look, did you really come here for help on Chemistry? Because you seem like you’ve basically got it all down. You probably could have done without my help.”
Bingo. “See, that’s the thing. I kind of wanted help with Kenma. I sort of like him?”
“Damn, and so I thought I could get a girl from tutoring. When the first girl in ages has a session with me, it turns out she used me for my best friend. That hurts, (Y/N).” Kuroo clutches at his chest, but keeps going before you can say anything. “Come to an intramural volleyball match. We have one coming this Saturday at 4 in Suzuki Gym, and then I’ll invite you out for ice cream with the team. Sound good?”
Soon enough, Saturday is here. You watch the match and Kenma is just so amazing. He’s very calculative and focused on the court and there’s an aura washing over him that you’ve never seen before.
After the match — Kuroo’s team won over a different intramural team — Kuroo invites you, as planned, to get ice cream with his team. 
You see Kenma in a different element again, laughing when one of the teammates gets soft serve on his face.
“I hope it’s okay that I brought (Y/N) with us. I didn’t even get to know her until lately, she’s a cool friend, Kenma. You should get to know her better.”
Without looking up from his ice cream, he says, “Maybe I should.���
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