#i dated somebody like light before and that definitely was the best way to make me obey
13eyond13 · 1 year
I think that one of the reasons Lawlight would click so well as a couple is because Light would intuitively understand L and how to motivate him and disagree with him in a way that wouldn't automatically end their relationship (because L is so stubborn and cryptic and opinionated that oftentimes that IS what would happen with L if you strongly disagreed with him or tried to tell him what to do). Something like flirting with and flattering L and enticing him into doing something for a fun or sexy or funny or interesting reason, or turning things around on him so that he felt like he was rebelling against you or proving you wrong instead of trying to please you, or simply just acting unimpressed and aloof and disinterested in what L decides one way or the other in a situation where he isn't behaving how Light wants him to... these tactics would probably work on L much better than begging or nagging or outright bossing him around
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vhstown · 10 months
miles g morales x you headcanons
— 42!miles x gn!reader (dating)
warnings: fluff, brief mentions of violence, angst if you squint
note: ok i know i didn't write him like a bad boy rizzful cool criminal bf but this is just my interpretation from the 1min of screentime he had 😭 i hope someone likes it? i don't really but it's ok posting anyway, kind of long a lot of ramble
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wasn't edited previously but is now!
Miles has never dated anyone before, so naturally, he's never kissed anyone before. In fact, though he's reluctant, he asks his uncle for advice about you (just as a nephew in need, of course.) It's sort of hilarious to see the boy with such a cold and unbothered exterior try to flirt and make a move on you. When he asks you out, he nearly trips over himself trying to block your way, and nearly trips over himself again when you say yes. When you try to kiss, he freezes up, but eventually gets the hang of it. It's surprisingly sweet and careful; warm.
Miles is hesitant to date you — date anyone. It's a casual sort of thing at first; he doesn't want to get too attached. But what draws him to you is the fact that you can make his life feel so normal, so simple and in-the-moment. It doesn't take long for him to realise that this is what he wants.
He does everything in his power to keep his criminal identity a secret. When there's rumours going around about the Prowler, he's quick to shut down the conversation with vague, uninterested answers. He's not scared of many things, but he's scared of the only person he can really be Miles around leaving.
So, the boy tries his absolute best to be good to you. Yes, he misses dates doing God knows what, but he's quick to try and reschedule or show up to your door with gifts, food, anything he thinks might make you happy (despite your annoyance, he's really good at making it up to you.) When dates aren't working, he decides to take you on spontaneous ones, going around Brooklyn and wracking his brain for anything that might interest you or be nice enough for a date. Half of your date is usually spent walking around together, but it's more fun than you think to pass time together like that.
For the time you do manage to spend together, you notice he's very observant (he has to be to survive as the Prowler.) Miles remembers every little detail about you and what you like. Things you told him since he met you are still firm in his memory, even if it was something you said off-handedly or to somebody else. He's always surprising you with little things you mention: an accessory, dessert from the place you wanted to try ages ago, etc.
Miles is very aware of your interests and whenever he passes by related stores, he's always asking you if you want anything. You're the only person in his life other than his family; of course he's going to cherish you.
But the second thing Miles is worried about is his mom. He's very overprotective over his mom, understandably so. She's the only parent he has left and he knows she overworks herself trying to provide for them. He's always trying to help her when he can, doing chores and errands without question and per his uncle's suggestions, but if something was to happen to her, he'd blame himself for it above all. So when he introduces you to her, he's more than uncertain. It's not like you could do anything to her, but he's made it a habit to never fully trust anyone anyway.
That is, until he sees how Rio completely lights up around you. She's so thrilled that Miles has a friend (or whatever Miles told her you were.) Even though she can only talk to you for a few minutes before her shift, she automatically opens up her home to you, telling you that you can help yourself to the kitchen and come over whenever you like. She whispers a couple things in Spanish to Miles that you can't quite catch, and he doesn't care to mention.
But you can definitely guess what she keeps telling him. Whenever he brings you over, he acts aloof, almost awkward trying to follow what his mom says to make you comfortable. The house and Miles' room suddenly becomes eerily spotless whenever you're due to come over, and the cupboards are in complete order. Rio's always asking Miles where you are, and she treats you like you're her second kid. She's very aware that you might be in the future (though Miles keeps denying it.)
You catch glimpses of his uncle sometimes. He doesn't really talk to you, but the man is calm enough. Miles seems to be comfortable around him, but when he finds out, you can make out an amused glint in Aaron's eyes whenever he sees you. Miles doesn't take you to see his uncle; he'd rather you're not aware of the man's ridiculous way of teasing him.
Whenever you come over, you both make it a habit to snack, play videogames, listen to music, whatever you feel like doing. It seems like he's always trying to keep you there. Miles will never admit it, but he misses you a lot. All he really does to show that is pull you into a silent hug and kiss your cheek when he sees you again, asking in the lowest voice what you've been up to.
When you asked Miles about his interests, he tells you the ones he shares with his uncle at first — music, art, etc. But whenever you go into his room, you notice a bunch of empty shelves and hastily shut drawers. Miles never really shares his real interests with anyone (he thinks they're childish more than anything), but when you insist, he bedrudgingly takes out the figures, comics and posters, acting like he put them away ages ago and forgot about them (more 5 minutes before you came over, if it wasn't obvious from the way he was flushing.)
The two of you spend a while putting everything back. You ask him questions about it and he returns them with short answers. When you leave that day, his heart is full, and his jaw hurts from trying to hide his smile as he looks at his shelves filled with superhero figurines and comics. He won't be touching anything now that you've put them in place. He really can be himself around you, though he's still a bit reluctant.
On top of Miles' other "secret" interests, he likes drawing. He keeps a tiny sketchbook where he draws people mainly, and you catch glimpses of it sometimes when he thinks you're not looking. Half of it is ripped out (there drawings of his mom, uncle and comic book superheroes scattered around his room), but the faces that do remain are of his dad, unfinished. There's another drawing he's never finished in there too. It's been constantly erased and redrawn; it was meant to be you. Eventually, that page is ripped out too. You can't find it no matter how hard you look; it's in his jacket.
And at first, the boy was kind of awkward. He didnt want to hurt you; he knows he very well could. He usually let you initiate anything (though he's clingy as hell and was just shooting that feeling down as much as he could.)
When he does get more comfortable around you (especially after he's sure it's not just a fling), he's always kissing your cheek, forehead, your hair; his kisses are surprisingly chaste, sweet, much like your first one. He holds your hand often too, even if you're just sitting next to each other, fingers firmly locked together with the occasional squeeze to let you know he's still there.
But he's no short of a tease too. Miles always likes to say pretty things in Spanish just to get you riled up. Even if you might understand what he's saying, he says it under his breath so you can't catch it. Miles doesn't repeat himself, instead giving you that stupid cocky smirk you've grown to love (and hate.) Sometimes he lifts your chin to make his eyes meet yours, maybe to see you flustered too as he studies your face in silence, poker-faced, not responding to anything you're saying. You think he's being teasing, but he just really doesn't know what to say. You're his, and sometimes he just can't believe it.
What he really loves though is holding you close: his head over your shoulder or your head against his chest (or his against yours, with much pestering) so you can't see the way that he's smiling. As much as he wants to be the cool and distant boyfriend, he's a big softie, absolutely melting with your affection, always quick to return it with his own.
But when you're out, it's a different story. He's not only overprotective of his mom, but of you. It really shows when he walks you home. He keeps his arm firmly around your waist, giving dirty looks to anyone who goes even an inch too close to you. He whipsers "you okay?" and "c'mon" while basically directing you around.
Miles knows these streets better than anyone else, but he's not going to take you through quick back alleys. He'll take you through busy main streets, maybe stop by a bodega to pick something up for you if you're still hungry while he eyes every corner of the store, even go on the subway with you if you're feeling particularly lazy, your back to his chest with an arm around you so you don't fall. He's always muttering about being safe, and his street smarts definitely rub off on you; his advice is sound, almost too experienced for a random kid living in Brooklyn.
However, Miles won't let you find out. No matter how much he's juggling being the Prowler, his family and you, he'll make it work. He can't lose this, no way in hell. Even if he has to lie to you about his seemingly random injuries or ditched date nights, you'll never find out about that purple blur that skids past you when you're outside at odd hours. They're just rumours after all, he tells you.
thank you for reading 😭🙏 i struggled w this one and hobie too but idk i love 42 miles he's just some guy fr .... im thinking of writing a friends to lovers fic w 42 miles but im not sure yet (im just really lazy but lmk if ur interested?) + thank you to @qiuweyballs for the inspo i hate you (endearingly)
if u liked this reblogs are appreciated <3 catch the rest of my atsv headcanons here! love ya
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footiehoefics · 8 months
Pretty eyes / Ojitos lindos
This is a repost bc the tags weren't working :(. Anyways sorry I hadn't posted in a while, I'm glad i was able to write this one bc it was an idea I've had for a while now. I hope you guys like :)! Tw none, fluff/light smut, 2.7k words
Gif: bluesmason
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Hace tiempo que no agarro a nadie de la mano
Hace tiempo que no envío un: “buenos días te amo”
Pero tu me tiene’ enredao, me envolví
Iba por mi camino y me perdí 
Mi mirada cambió cuando tus ojos vi
Yo no te busque, no
Chocamo’ en el trayecto
Con tu alma es la que yo conecto
Tranquila, no tiene que ser perfecto, no 
I haven't hеld somebody's hand in a while
I haven't sent a "Good morning, I love you" in a while
But you've got me entangled, I got involved
I was on my own way and I got lost
My gaze changed when I saw your eyes
I didn't look for you, no, 
We bumped into each other through our path
Your soul is the one I connect with 
Stay calm, it doesn't have to be perfect, no
What you and Mason had was something very special, and both of you knew it. You are both certain it was love at first sight, as cheesy as it sounds. You fell for him, quick and hard. The first time you looked at him properly, like look straight into his hazel eyes, you knew you were fucked. 
Before meeting him you knew who he was of course, and you never thought you would meet him in a coffee shop in Manchester and end up falling in love with him. However, the last thing you were expecting was him falling in love with you.
It was lonely for him those first days in Manchester, but he had you. After you two met, he sat down at your table for a cup of tea and a chat and he asked for your number. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He definitely did not plan on seeing someone right now in his life, especially after making such a big change in his life. That all changed of course when he took you on a date. 
He didn't know where to take you not having lived in Manchester before, so you chose the place since you were a local. It was a nice, cozy and cute restaurant. It was also very private which he loved. That whole night was probably some of the best moments he had ever shared with someone. He knew he felt something for you that day at the coffee shop, but on your first date it completely solidified it. 
During your first date, you could not stop staring into his eyes. It was the loveliest and best first date you've ever been to. He made you feel things no one had, and things you hadn't felt in a while. 
After dinner, you took him to a park nearby. You were walking and talking, talking and walking. You learned so much from him and him from you. It was like you were talking to someone who you had trusted your whole entire life. It felt right and it felt like home. 
After debating it in his head, Mason finally had the courage to grab your hand and intertwine your fingers with his. It made your heart melt and your cheeks blush too which caused Mason to giggle to himself.  
Every day after that, the thing you both wanted the most was to be with one another. You craved each other’s touch and presence. It did not take him long for him to tell you about his feelings and how serious he was taking your relationship. You felt exactly the same. 
It scared you a bit, you feel like maybe all of this happening in the span of a month or 2 months was rushing it. All those thoughts went away when you were with him though. 
“Do you want to go to my home game tomorrow?” Mason asked you while you both layed on top of each other on his couch. 
You had never seen him play, the season was just starting and his first game was a home game. You lifted your head up from his chest to look him in the eyes. The same eyes that drove you crazy every single time you looked at them. 
“Do you want me to go?” you asked him back, resting your chin on his chest. 
“Of course I want you to go…” he replied, smiling and caressing your cheeks with his warm hands. You smiled at him, still looking at his eyes. 
“I’ll go, I want to see you play.” you told him. 
You lifted your body up towards him and kissed him lovingly. Kissing him was another thing that drove you crazy. Feeling his lips against yours, his nose brushing against yours. 
“I love you so much, you know?” he said, your noses still touching. 
“You do?” you whispered.
“More than you know” he replied, smiling. 
“I love you,” you said, kissing him, “so much.”
After that night, every morning you woke up to a “Good morning” and an “I love you” from your boyfriend. 
After what you went through with your ex relationships, you didn’t think it was possible to find someone as perfect as him. But you were very thankful and you thanked your lucky stars every day. 
Yo le hablo a Dio’ y tu eres su respuesta
Aprendí que los momento’ lindo’ nunca cuestan
Como cuando me regalas tu mirada
Y el sol su puesta, y el sol su puesta
Nada más seremos do’, tu y yo acariciándono’
En medio del tiempo,  sin decir adiós
I talk to God and you are his answer
I learned that pretty moments are priceless
Like when you gift me your gaze
And the sun its setting, and the sun its setting 
It’ll only be us two, you and i caressing each other
In the midst of time, not saying goodbye
The season did not start the way everyone at United was expecting, and certainly not the way Mason expected. He had trained loads during the summer to get back on track from his previous injury and start contributing to the team. The first games he felt like it was not clicking for him.
On top of the hateful comments and mean headlines about him, he picked up an injury. It added to the frustration he had and it upset him how the team could not count on him now. 
Once he felt his muscle tingle, he knew he had to get subbed off. He hand signaled his manager to take him off. He immediately knew Mason was injured and called another player from the bench to replace him. 
You could see from the stands Mason limping off the pitch. Your heart sank, you felt awful. He had been beating himself up for the poor performances, no matter how much you tried assuring him he was not responsible for the performances of 10 other men. It hurt you to see him this way. His confidence was low, his performances were not great because of it, his face when he looked at social media after games. 
After the game, you waited for him in the player’s lounge. You were nervous. You wanted to give him space but you also wanted him to know he could talk to you and confide in you. After all, you were his girlfriend, and you loved him more than anything. 
You saw him say goodbye to his physio, got up and got ready to comfort him. He approached you, and you could see the sparkle in his eyes was gone. Those eyes that you loved so much, did not look the same. He looked defeated. Once you two were close, you hugged him, not caring if he wanted it or not. It hurt you seeing him like that. He appreciated the hug. Your arms embracing him was the best feeling in the world for him. 
You two stood there hugging each other, your arms around his shoulders and his arms around your waist, for what felt like hours, in the midst of time. Your face was buried on the crook of his neck. 
“I’m sorry baby” you whispered only for him to hear.
“Thank you for being here, always” he replied, kissing your cheek. 
“Always.” you pulled away to look at him, and kiss him. 
You both left Old Trafford and headed home. The drive home was silent which was unusual, but you didn’t want to talk about it unless he started the conversation. 
Once home, you asked him if he was hungry but he said no. You watched him head to his bedroom with his head hanging low. You cooked something for yourself since you were starving, and also to give him some space. 
You ate your food alone in the dining room and cleaned up the kitchen and plates. You headed to his bedroom and saw him lying face down on his bed. You laid right next to him sideways, so you could scratch his head and look at him. 
“What did the physio say?” you asked, trying to start a conversation with him. 
“Um, I have to go tomorrow to get some tests done but…they think it will be at least a month out…” he said, turning his head to your side so he could see you. 
“Fuck…” you muttered under your breath. You got closer to him, still scratching his head with your nails, and brushing your nose against him. “I hate seeing you like this Mase…” 
“It’ll be fine…I hope” he sounded sad and defeated. 
“It will baby, I promise” you tried reassuring him. “I will always be here, after every good and bad game.” 
“Good, you're the only person I want to see after every game” he said, pulling a smile out of both of you. 
“You will get better, you will start getting into the rhythm of the team I promise. I don’t want to see your eyes and just see sadness, I hate it.” you said kissing his nose. 
“You have a weird obsession with my eyes you know” he told you smiling to himself. 
“Excuse you, but they are my favorite” you replied, pecking his lips. 
You changed into more comfortable clothes and got back in bed with him. These moments sucked for Mason, feeling the weight of the world in him. It also sucked for you too, feeling helpless. However, being there for one another was very precious to you both. 
Cuando estoy encima de ti, de ti
Mami yo me olvido de todo, todo
No hace falta nadie aquí
Solamente tú y yo
When I'm on top of you, of you
Mami, I forget about everything, everything
Nobody is needed here
Just you and me
Having sex with Mason was something you were definitely nervous about. Before him, it had been a while since you did anything with anyone. You didn’t just want to sleep with someone and not talk to them the next day. It felt wrong to you. 
When Mason suggested you stay over after a nice dinner cooked by him, you knew it would probably lead to both of you naked on his bed. You’re not gonna lie, you really wanted him. There was no one else in the world that would make you feel this way. 
Nothing had escalated more than a heated make out session. Honestly, it could have since  both of you got really horny sometimes. However, you wanted it to be somewhat special and so did Mason. Mason wanted to make love with you, not just have sex. 
After dinner, you of course started making out on the couch, both of you had thought about this moment for a long time. How it would feel to have him inside you, how it would feel for him to be inside you. How it would feel to kiss every inch of each other’s bodies.  
Mason was currently on top of you, both of you completely naked, and just anticipating that moment. 
“Mase baby, I need you” you moaned against his mouth. 
He lined himself up with you, and started thrusting in slowly. He wanted to make you feel good, and like you two were the only people in the world. 
The room was filled with both of your moans and grunts. 
“Oh my god” you moaned against his ear. 
“You feel so good my love” Mason said, now looking at you. 
You stared into his eyes, while he thrusted still slowly to take his time and make you feel every good sensation. 
Once you both started panting more and more, you knew you were close. 
“Fucking hell” Mason said, as he finished, making you moan and finish too. 
“You are something else…” he said, moving hair out of your face and smiling down at you. 
You lifted your head a bit to kiss him. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” he replied, kissing you again. 
Y solo mírame con esos ojito’ lindo’
Que con eso yo estoy bien 
Hoy he vuelto a nacer
Tu y yo, tu y yo
Tu y yo, tu y yo
And just look at me with those pretty eyes
Cause with that I am fine, 
I have been reborn
You and me, you and me 
You and me, you and me
Mason was a little disappointed in not being called up for the England capm this month. He knew, however, he had just returned back from his injury and understood the manager’s decision. 
He thought this break was the perfect opportunity to do a little road trip with you, and take you somewhere a little more sunny. It was still cold, but the sun and the beach made it better. 
He wanted this trip to be just you and him, no one else and no distractions. He also wanted to make this trip for you as a thank you, for being there for him even though it got tough. 
When you arrived at the airbnb he rented, which was right in front of the beach, you gasped. It was a beautiful little house with the perfect view. You both got settled in the house and decided to go to the pier which was not far away. It was a 15 minute walk from your place. 
The whole day was perfect. Holding hands the whole time, him giving you sneaky kisses, shopping a little, exploring the town and eating delicious food he was normally not allowed. 
“Why don’t we go to the beach to watch the sun set?” he asked, giving a kiss to your left hand. 
“Okay, let me just finish this” you replied, licking the drop of chocolate that was about to fall off your churro. 
Mason looked at you, and started giggling. 
“What is it?” you asked, “do i have something on my face? Mason!” both of you now laughing. 
“You have chocolate on the tip of your nose” he said, giggling. 
“How the hell did that get there?” you laughed, trying to reach for the napkin but Mason beat you to it. 
“I mean, you are devouring that churro like it’s your last meal”  he replied, removing the chocolate from your nose and making you gasp, jokingly acting offended. 
You both headed down to the beach and found a comfy place to sit down and admire the sunset. You were sitting side by side, resting against a rock, his hands on your legs and your legs over his. 
You rested your head on his shoulder looking at the seagulls fly by, the waves crashing and the sun setting. 
“This is nice” Mason sighed. 
You looked up at him, his eyes were closed, clearly enjoying the moment. You still looked at him though, admiring his side profile. He was perfect. 
“Are you staring at me?” he asked, still didn’t open his eyes.
“So? I can stare at you” you said, kissing his cheek. 
He smiled, and opened his eyes, now looking at you. Those fucking eyes. 
“Your eyes look even brighter right now with the sun” you said, placing your hand on his cheek. 
“Mmm” he hummed at the feeling of your skin on his, closing his eyes again. 
He leaned in and kissed you. 
“I love this, just you and me” he said, still inches away from your face.  “Just you and me.” you replied, kissing him once again.
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loudmound · 6 days
What don’t you like about the remake? I gotta know
anon i fear you are going to open pandora's box with this question.
since it was revealed in 2022, i will say that my very passionate, fiery, and searing hatred for its very existence has definitely simmered, and what i hold now in my heart for it is a very... cautious disdain.
i'll do my best to break it down for you.
so... for starters, bloober team, the developers behind the remake, has had something of a muddied history with riding off the coat tails of games past, airlifting concepts from them wholesale, and layers of fear was no different in that respect. there's also the can of worms that is their survival horror title "the medium", which is basically bloober's silent hill 2 before the sh2 remake.
spoilers for the medium, but what can be gleaned from it thematically deeply concerns me as a sh2 fan, i.e. the notion that a victim of csa is simply too far gone and either the player character has to kill her or herself with the adage "you cannot save everyone". not to mention the fact that said victim's abuser was framed in a far more sympathetic light than she was, framing his predatory behavior as a monster controlling him from the inside. it's disgusting and insensitive, simply put.
this theme of "if you're mentally ill or suffer from trauma, you're beyond help and simply better off dead" also appears in their blair witch game, which is... great. from jump, i have had less than favorable opinions on bloober team, not for the quality of their visuals or their gameplay, but what stories they're most interested in telling, and how they go about telling them, exactly.
now, to blanket state that every single person on bloober team are hacks and frauds and don't have a shred of integrity telling the stories that they do would simply be ignorant and incorrect. i wholeheartedly believe that there are individuals working on the sh2 remake right now who want it to be the best that it can be and Very Much Want It To Be Good. it's a shame that these individuals who don't have much in way of creative control are getting thrown under the bus, too.
i can, however, maintain that opinion while also finding their backlog of games prior to the upcoming remake very disconcerting and have that inform my overall level of distrust in their integrity wholesale.
i don't think there's anything that makes me more miffed than thinking about when the first remake trailer dropped.
so, we see our friend jim rush into the bathroom, seemingly out of breath, and wash his hands in the sink. we then get a shot of those hands, trembling with fear. he then takes thumb to palm, rubbing circles into them, presumably as a means to soothe himself. we then get him looking into the mirror, seemingly confused and out of place. he touches his face, much like he does in the original.
now, i understand that the notion of jim's emotionality has been a hotly debated topic. some people like it. some people don't. and i'm one of those people who doesn't. at least in this particular vein. in the original sh2, the cold open we get with james slowly approaching the mirror, shrouded in shadow, running his hand over his face as if he doesn't think he's real immediately sets the tone. we don't know who this man is or why he's here. as far as we know, he's just a random guy looking for somebody. namely: We Do Not Know He's Guilty Of Anything.
jim, however, is OOZING of guilt. he literally washes his hands, for christ's sake. anxiously washing his hands of his deed. the fact that it's more obvious that he's a guilty man from the start rather than further re-contextualizing his behavior throughout the narrative and to the reveal is a very classic blooberism.
bloober has a very bad habit of being... heavy-handed when it wants to implicate. saying what something is without saying it outright. this can be found in the most recent release date trailer, where angela desperately tells james that "[she'll] be good for him" ('him' being her sexually abusive dad, of course) in a scene which looks like she's in front of the giant mirror. in the original, it's apparent that Something's happened to her, but we're not sure what until the abstract daddy boss fight later in the game where she says "or you could just force me. beat me up like he always did."
it's not that sh2 wasn't ever blunt or heavy-handed with its storytelling, of course, but it's a matter of when it's appropriate to forego subtlety. eddie, for example, doesn't make vague allusions to or sugarcoat the abuse that he experienced as a fat person, and that's fitting! being candidly violent and more outward in contrast to angela who for the most part is very withdrawn and meek works very well. sometimes, being blunt is the best course of action for optimal characterization/narrative progression.
also, on the topic of jim... i call him jim simply because he does not read as james to me. he's a new individual that's operating within a james-like role; he's just... simply a different person. he's very, very gritty, and VERY visibly neurotic. to me, he's very much anxiety tunnel-visioning: hyperfocused on one thing that everything else seems to fall by the wayside.
i never got the implication that he was dissociating like the original james is, of which i think is a core trait of his, and probably informs a lot of why i do not read jim as james. this is a very take it or leave it kind of opinion, and it's not that i feel super negatively about jim's characterization, either. it's just... idk i don't think screaming and crying while falling to your knees is a very james thing to do. james fell to his knees silently after he screamed, comparatively. shrug.
it's like... james is a herding dog and jim is a sighthound. same animal, different kind.
and then there's maria. but i wrote a whole post on that already, so you can read that here. people have also written numerous think pieces about why her redesign is so nothingburger, too, so i'm not the only one who thinks this way, either.
angela in the remake is alright. i have my gripes, but she's okay. what concerns me the most is the VERY PERTINENT lack of eddie. he has been very notably absent throughout this whole song and dance, and it's getting fucking ridiculous. WHERE IS HE BLOOBER. I KILL ANOTHER HOSTAGE THE LONGER YOU KEEP HIM FROM US.
all and all, i don't have very high hopes for the sh2 remake, not because it doesn't look good, play good, etc.; the way that a game plays, and even more so how a game looks doesn't matter to me so much as how the narrative is executed. the remake, photorealistically, looks great! the environments are very rich. that's all well and good.
but, again, looks alone cannot sway me. it's nothing that i haven't already seen before done by games past. i'm not excited for a sh2 that looks like a re2r or a re4r, simply put. there was a style developed within the limitations of what the ps2 could handle, and with the massive upscale in technology and photorealism above all else, it's undoubtedly lost. while a matter of taste, of course, i just find myself very straight-faced looking at what teasers we have of the remake. i'm not amazed, nor am i amused! it's as simple as that.
and also, we should mention that at the helm of it all, konami has been milking the silent hill franchise for all it's fucking worth. maybe the members of bloober team are trying to genuinely make a good game for once, but konami wants that money at the end of the day, if the spectacular failures of games past, as well as silent hill themed experiences such as ascension are anything to go by.
also also, this remake is never gonna satisfy every single sh2 fan. that's just the truth of the matter. i think some people are really gonna love it and some are really gonna hate it. realistically, i'll be very meh on it. i can find some things to like about, but that's really it. if i'm cherry-picking things i enjoy about something i'm largely reticent on, i wouldn't call that enthusiasm in the slightest. would you?
anyways, thank you for reading. i hope these answers suffice and satisfy.
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Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers vibe, saikis awkward ngl.
Wordcount: 1090
Warnings: talk of food(Bullet 12,13,15,16 and 17,) slight implication(but not intended) over-achievement issues(Bullet 18 and 21) btw /j means joke.
E N J O Y:)
Intended for: it's intended for NBLM(Non binary loving men) but no pronouns are used so anyone can read but be respectful and understand this is meant for NON BINARY people. Cause there are also a couple implications that it's for non-binarys so don't be mad.
First and foremost this man could care less about gender heck it's not like he can even see it.
Listen bro we got to start this off by bro never thought he'd ever be even remotely attracted to somebody let alone wanna be in a relationship.
Man would have no clue what to do with himself he's never even thought about liking somebody how could he ever date them.
Never been In a relationship before so like 88% of his knowledge Is from what he's seen in shojo mangas and shows.
No he would not take ANY advice from his friends cause he knows they'd come up with the stupidest things known to man kind.
Thought about asking Teruhashi but decided against it since she would probably think it's a plan to ask her out.
He would probably first developed interest in you because of how normal you are and than after......
I feel like he'd be some what nervous talking to you and would definitely read your mind to see how you feel about him before making any moves Whatsoever.
He will use your mind against you.
But not in a bad way he'll use it to see what you like what you don't and what type of gifts to maybe get you.
Anonymously ofc.
For examples on Valentine's day he'll get you candy he knows you like cause he read your mind.
And on white day since you don't know who gave you the candy you'll put then on your desk hoping the person whom there for gets them. 🔫🤭
Which he does.
Even if he doesn't like the candy he'll still take it.
May even still eat it.
Will leave you little notes saying "thanks for the candy" and/or "I got them thank you".
Sometimes if he notices your having a bad day or nervous for/failed a test he'll go up to you a try to comfort you.
Keyword: Try.
And If you didn't get a good score on a test he'll change for you.
He loves the way your face brightness up when you see you didn't end up being the reason Mrs Chonyun hates her job. (Even though we all know it's nendou).
Will compliment you.
Wether it be about your outfits your intelligence or just random quirks of yours hell compliment it if he feels like it.
Extremely attentive you can't hide anything from this kid(and I mean anything).
If your friends with his friends he'd go to group hang outs with them just to see you(as if he doesn't already get dragged along any ways).
If not he'd probably use clairvoyance to "coincidentally" run into you in the hallways.
Would make the slightest attempt at socialism with you.
He's never been one to initiate conversations so he would be kinda awkward but trys his best.
Would either split or buy coffee jelly with/for you but no he'd never fully give you his. (he doesn’t love you that much/j)
He wouldn't make any moves on you in public cause well..... Privacy.
But In private that's a different story, he'd try all the body languages if man had led lights he'd turn them slightly red you know?
He wouldn't use any pick up lines tho because he thinks there cringy and dumb.
Hes not really the type to shy away from his feelings but he his the type to be completely obvious to what's happening to him.
But dw once he finds out and/or understands he'll make some moves(maybe even say oh wow to you/j yournotTeruhashi)
He'd confess....................Eventually.
Scratch that he'd read your mind and depending on how you think about him and your likeness chart toward him he'd confess(if you don't know it's the chart that was mentioned in the volleyball episode and valentines day episode show how much a person likes you thing).
Again this guy has never been on contact with any romantic feelings for anyone before so he lowkey as no idea what he's doing.
The way he confesses to you is probably by giving you a note to meet him behind the school.
He's blunt.
Like super blunt (it's saiki what did you expect🤨).
The way he confesses is Litterally just a "I like you" in the most monotone voice known to man kind.
And no, against popular belief (apparently) my man saiki here isn't that expressionful.
He's deadarse looking directly into your soul while he confesses his feelings to you.
You say yes cause you love him obviously🔫🙂.
And he hold his hand out for you to hold for a little bit.
He thinks things that require physical contact Ex: holding hands, hugging, hand around shoulder. Things like that are intimate and romantic.
He just wants to touch you tbh.
He then pulls away and offers to walk you home.
You say yes🔫😊.
He walks you home and you two talk about swaggy things like school, cyborg cider man number 2, the kid next door, how dumb his friends can be, how you both are like the only two people in the school who aren't head over heels for Teruhashi.
You know just chillin with each other.
You guys get your house and he waves good bye to you giving you one of his very rare smiles.
He waits till you get inside your house to walk away because there are crazy people out here.
All in all he's happy you like him.
your happy he likes you🔫😃.
You two are a power duo.
◡̈⋆🄷🄴🅈(●’◡’●)ノ it's me this wasn't a request I just wanted to to this. I'll probably do a continuation to this about my head-cannons of what dating saiki would be like. Until then have a good day and stay cool bro😎.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᵇᵗʷ thank you for 33 likes on my last post it's highly appreciated. Also this is quite a colorful one cause I like color some kid saw me working on this in a coffee shop and asked if I was gay. I'm not btw I just like✨c O l O r✨
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oneprompt · 2 years
Hello again! Think you could do Boa nsfw headcanons.
authors note: why yes , I can do that .. happy to oblige , in fact ! anywho .. please enjoy to the fullest <33 i havent really written for boa , my apologies if shes a bit ooc-
Boa Hancock NSFW Headcanons
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
note : gender is very vague for the reader. overall gender neutral , entirely. no afab or amab
- Lets get this out of the way, right away. Boa is not the type to sleep around. She’s the type to only have sex with somebody who she truly loves, as well as someone who loves her back. She needs a lot of time to prepare her heart for such a thing, due to her trauma and overall nature. Boa doesn’t do casual sex or hookups, she’s a sentimental person when it comes to sex. So, if Boa does actually grant you the privilege to take her in such an intimate way, you best feel honoured.
- Boa also makes sex super extra. Not the act itself, but the build up. She’s the most gorgeous woman ever! And a beautiful lady needs beautiful lady things. Whether thats having a candle filled room, rose petals angling her steps to the bed, lights dimmed just right, soft music filling the room... Or having herself be all gussied up, just an elegant yet skimpy robe hiding her decorative lingerie from your eyes. What can i say? Presentation means a lot to her.
- During your first night with her, Boa takes the lead 100%. Sure, she loves you and knows you wouldn’t hurt her but old habits die hard. She needs to feel in control of herself, and the situation. Give Boa all the sexual liberty and leverage for the first few times.
- The more used to sex she gets, the more submissive she becomes. Boa actually loves being pampered, especially in the bedroom. She finds it utterly romantic to submit to another person, offering them her soul, mind and body. Boa is a huge sub with you. She’s always crying out praises while you pleasure her, her body going numb from it all. Boa’s a huge pillow princess, especially with you.
- She isn’t too kinky, definitely vanilla. Like, 100% vanilla. I’m talking missionary, with nothing else. Of course, Boa is open to hearing of new things to try, especially if they make her feel good. She’ll need lots of guidance with exploring new positions, fetishes and sex toys. Similar to her stance on submission, Boa has to have a deep sense of trust with you if shes going to try new things. Change is intimidating.
- Out of all the new sexual things you introduce her to, Boa is sure to fancy toys the very most. Especially vibrators. It’s such an odd thing to her, to use such a contraption in the bedroom but its so good. Use a bullet vibrator on her while you’re pleasing her and she’ll melt into the sheets, utterly overstimulated. Perhaps she’d let you use a rotor vibrator on her while shes attending to her princessly duties....
- As i mentioned before, Boa is an absolute pillow princess. She prefers receiving more then giving, even with her partner. I mean, as an empress, shes used to people catering to her needs. Boa’s never had to really lift a finger, at least in the walls of her kingdom. So, she has those expectations with you... Of course, Boa can make compromises with her beloved...! She doesn’t mind at all.
- Boa tries her best to embody what your dream girl would be, both in and out of the bedroom. Through her hair styles, fashion choices, anything like that. She has no doubt that you find her to be stunning but she wants to amplify her charm, just for you. If you drop a hint that you like cute aesthetics, she’ll come to your guys’ next date in a pink, frilly dress, matching parasol in hand. After your date, you’ll be able to slip off her endearingly cute panties. Or if you like more elegant girls, she’ll make sure she’s always decked out in golden jewelry to catch your eye. Even having it trim the outside of her garter belt, beneath her dress. She wants nothing more then the approval of her beloved...!
- Boa loves face sitting, a lot. She gets to feel your lips, slaving away to satisfy her arousal, while also tending to whatever paperwork she needs done. Although, most of the time she just scribbles before giving up, falling complete captive to your mouth, hands nestled in your hair. She makes the cutest faces during it, just for you.
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transformsx · 2 years
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  @magizian 🫶🏻
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆:  whoever won’t kick my ass for tagging them in something so long?
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟷    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
NAME  :  her middle name is jean, if that’s what you’re digging for. not too exciting once you’ve already heard her last name.
EYE COLOR  :   dark, dark brown. in a lot of lights the iris and pupil just kind of blend and they’ll seem to be pure black.
HAIR STYLE  /  COLOR  :  naturally it’s probably best described as light brown, but it’s been dyed blonde since she was about thirty. it progresses from a bob in s1 of the show to like, a pixie cut ‘currently’. it’s very straight and very thick. 
HEIGHT  :   she’s 5′4″ (barely), but if we’re anywhere near the show timeline she’s in heels pretty much always. 
CLOTHING STYLE  :  pant suit in single color (usually bolder, the older she gets). button-up blouse with some crazy print on it. comfy, at home. owns more grandpa cardigans and pj bottoms than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE  :   her eyes (huge) / lashes (miles), probably. invented being bambi. her skin is also so flawless It Makes Me Sick, but there’s nothing especially noteworthy about the tone or whatever.
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟸    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
FEARS  :  [enneagram vc] Losing Her Support And Stability. also, just in general, anything bad ever happening to anyone she loves that she cannot personally stop in its tracks. and she is a self-proclaimed hypochondriac. 
GUILTY PLEASURE  : she pretty much thinks enjoying anything is a guilty pleasure. nobody is supposed to know she smokes, though, so probably that, if we’re playing by the rules here.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE  :   incompetence lol she’s VERY patient in the sense of like, waiting for things to happen, but she can deal with people being bad at their jobs for about two minutes before she just starts doing it herself 
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE  :  retirement. god bless. she wants a family but her boyfriends keep dying and it’s usually kind of her fault if we’re being honest [my actual ‘canon’ is kinder to her but where’s the fun in joking about that] 
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟹    :    𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒.
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP  :   1. still here? 2. damn. 3. phone. Where Phone. did anybody have a near death experience while i was sleeping that they personally requested i attend? no? okay. good. 4. what do you mean i have 88 unread text messages and 81 of them came from someone texting me from inside my house 5. [screaming] 6. coooffeeeee
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST  :   like that list is hard to deduce for anyone who has seen like 6 episodes of htgawm. but also, what her next trauma haircut will be
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED  :    not shit, baby. she just drinks her bourbon and passes the hell out. she sleeps like a rock.
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟺    :    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒    𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑?
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES  :   you say that like she’s ever been on an actual ‘date’ in her whole life (but single) (you wouldn’t wanna try a group date even if you’re literally all in a poly ship) 
BEAUTY OR BRAINS  :   she definitely has her preferences but, she could date somebody she didn’t find Beautiful. she could not date somebody she thought was an idiot. except for that one time
DOGS OR CATS  :  you’ve met her
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟻    :    𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE  :  astonishingly well? yeah. it’s always intentional, though --- which is to say, if she’s not in the right mind space when she tries, she’ll get flustered (but this only happens when she is very, very comfortable with you). 
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES  :  she’s not unreasonable. she’s pretty aware of what she is and isn’t good at / what she can and can’t change. she gets self-conscious, but she doesn’t stay that way. that said, she will always have an inferiority complex in literally any situation where she feels like she’s being #competed with romantically, so you can imagine the stress she is under
BELIEVE IN LOVE  :  does she believe in anything else lol DON’T tell her i said that
WANT SOMEONE  : it’s kind of her thing. yearning. look up the verb ‘to yearn’ and she will just be there like HEATHCLIFF, IT’S ME, I’M CATHY, I’VE COME HO-O-O-OOOOME and it’s like. a renewable resource. she just keeps being like that
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟼    :    𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
BEEN ON STAGE  : most certainly not
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN  :   i mean, she’s tried before, but she’s [her vc] a grown-ass woman
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟽    :    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒.
FAVORITE ANIMAL  :  butterfly. no use for real animals but if you made her go to a zoo she would probably pick something stupid-looking like a penguin 
FAVORITE BOOK  :  she can’t read. she works 26 hours a day
FAVORITE GAME  :  the american legal system. she’s canonically great at pool
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟾    :    𝐀𝐆𝐄.
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE  :  she’d be 38 if these things worked that way
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟿    :    𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.
I LOVE  :  coffee 
I FEEL  :  not caffeinated enough
I HIDE  :  alcohol from annalise, so i can drink it myself and be a good wife at the same time
I MISS  :   getting away with it without those meddling kids 
I WISH  : she’s not that fun. she’s an istj
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augment-techs · 10 months
Song Lyric/Spoken Word Poetry Writing Prompts IV
-It's not your body that I need, but that's what sleeps next to me//And you're killing it; Please Eat by Nicole Dollanganger -Paranoias all I've got left; Papercut by Linkin Park -Sir was blinking at me//Is this because your date is a freak?; Red Flags by Tom Cardy -I am too young to be cast in porn//And you are too young to buy alcohol; Letter to a New Crush by Sean Patrick Mulroy -I'm in control (I'm in Control) I'm in control (I'm in Control)//I Hate Control//HERE//Take all of my power; Letter to a New Crush by Sean Patrick Mulroy -'Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mind//Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine; Last Resort by Papa Roach -Baby, you can find me under the lights//Diamonds under my eyes//Turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just come along for the ride?//Oh, my outfit so tight//You can see my heartbeat tonight//I can take the heat, baby, best believe--That's the moment I shine; Dance the Night Away by Dua Lipa -I will always be waiting//And I'll always be watching//We are one breath apart, my love//And I'll be holding it in 'till we're together; Speak to Me by Amy Lee -Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet//Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth//Late night devil, put your hands on me//And never, never, never ever let go; Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer -I guess, I guess I got what I wanted//I never knew what I needed//Leave it up to me to fuck it up without a good reason; Me Myself & I by 5 Seconds of Summer -"Tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!"; Noel's Lament from Ride the Cyclone -Remember when I told you, "No matter where I go//I'll never leave your side//You will never be alone"; Way Back Home by SHAUN Sometimes I feel like I'm all the pigeons//Trapped in all the subway tunnels//In all the major cities of America; Some Things You Should Know Before Dating Me by Jamie Mortara -I love the word "Fuck"//"Fuck" is such a good word//I love that it doesn't have a definition//It's a shapeshifter; Fuck by Nora Cooper -Once I thought that love was meant for anyone else but me//Once I thought you'd never come my way//Now it only goes to show how wrong we all can be//For now I have to tell you everyday; My Love by Petula Clark -You don't care what I've been through//'Cause you had it harder; You're Exhausting by Beth Crowley -Hold her down while her gate is open//Hold her down while I get a taste//Hold her down while I share her spoils//I will not let any part go to waste; Hold Them Down from Epic: The Musical -I'll take "Fast Forward Two Years" for 200 Alex//Because I can't wait to see who I'm crying over then; Love is a Game (Show) by Naomi Haag -I want you to be happy//But I don't wanna watch; Love is a Game (Show) by Naomi Haag -Don't say what I want to hear//Make your intentions clear; Spare Me by PrinceWhateverer
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tiny-as-a-firely · 1 year
closed starter for @incalescentia.
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Adeline was decidedly ignoring her phone. 
It was buzzing every two seconds. Not from social media, which she hasn’t had on her work phone in ages. No, that phone stays tucked away in her assistant’s bag, advice from her agent - too tempting to scroll for days on end when everyone in the world had something to post about you.
It seemed like Addie would never get used to the fame. She was far from an A-list celebrity, having worked her way through Broadway (and off-Broadway) plays for the last three three years after graduating from her prestigious performing arts high school. Little did she know, everyone comes from somewhere prestigious nowadays. It didn’t make her special.
And still, here she was, at the Oscars. With a Best Supporting Actress nomination. And everyone wanted a piece of her.
Well, everyone except for her asshole ex-boyfriend who stood her up. It’s not his fault - she knows that fame is an adjustment, and the second his face got plastered all over the internet, he kind of couldn’t deal.
She just wished he’d told her he was dipping more than thirty minutes before they were supposed to be on the red carpet.
Her phone buzzes again and she groans quietly, trying not to draw attention to herself among the very famous people surrounding her. She flips her phone to glare at it.
You need to find a date, NOW.
Addie purses her lips and then flashes a smile to someone waving at her from across the room. Fuck. Where is she possibly going to find somebody?
“Sorry I’m late.” A voice interrupts her thoughts, one that is most definitely not sorry by the tone of it.
Addie turns to face the newcomer to her table and freezes. The lights have lowered slightly for the announcement of an award she's not particularly paying attention to, making it hard to see him. Her brain does some calculations. Daydream-y hair. Disheveled suit, in a way that makes him look fashionable yet uncaring. Lop-sided “I don’t give a fuck” smile. Hand tattoos. No model on his arm. No ring. Bingo. 
She clears her throat and takes a sip of her wine before tucking her hair behind her shoulder, shifting to the edge of her chair to be closer to the mysteriously late stranger. 
Addie plasters the most charming smile on her lips that she can muster, placing a hand on his shoulder as she leans her bright red lips in closer, murmuring into his ear.
“I know you just got here, and I know this is going to make me sound crazy, but I will give you literally anything if you pretend that you came to be with me tonight.”
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albertjamie · 2 years
The Most Effective Method to Continue Dating While Social Removing
How does social removing sway our dating lives and what would we be able to do to continue meeting new individuals from victoriahearts.com in these uncommon occasions?
There are numerous new difficulties we face considering the ongoing guidance from the legislature. Social removing has been turned out to help battle the mind blowing speed in which Covid-19 has spread around the nation and the globe. These proportions of dodging pointless social contact, telecommute where conceivable and stay away from movement, are affecting our lives in many ways, which can be overpowering, best case scenario however in the expressions of Bear Grylls 'Ad lib. Adjust. Survive'.
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Ad lib.
You may be asking yourself 'How am I going to meet somebody in lockdown?' Or saying 'allows simply put dating on pause till this has all blown over' however for what reason do we have to quit dating – sure, you can't get along to Friday Night Speed Dating yet in the event that you've been to one of our occasions before why not connect with a past match that flamed out. Jump on to the First Dating errand person from victoriahearts.com and re-light those past associations, you coordinated which is as it should be. Possibly work was insane or you had a ton of social things disrupting the general flow and it didn't exactly work out around then – however let's face it, the one thing we have right now – is TIME. How about we utilize this to further our potential benefit and take advantage of our self-segregation by proceeding with discussions.
OK, so how would we adjust to dating in a period of social separating and self-segregation? We've bounced on the First Dating delegate and we've hit up a convo with a past love interest, it's working out in a good way, you're figuring 'for what reason didn't I do this first time round?' and here's your additional opportunity. Be that as it may, getting them a Nando's is impossible. You must the regular point where you have to change gears and get off the writings to meeting face to face.
Sorry to break it to you yet that can't occur. Or on the other hand can it? We're as of now living later on, so exploit the fantastic innovation we as of now have available to us. Approach them for a face time date from victoriahearts.com, you heard me, orchestrate a period and meet eye to eye. There are likewise huge amounts of clever applications like Zoom, Local Gathering, and Skype just as most advanced mobile phones having a face time highlight.
This is the place the great beginnings, get innovative. Have a beverage, send them cash to purchase their preferred jug of wine, request each other a delivered, play a drinking game like 'I have never'. Fundamentally treat it like you're out on a first date. The main contrast is - you're in the solace of your own home. Still get spruced up, light a few candles and fly on your preferred playlist.
Because we can't get making the rounds equivalent to typical doesn't mean we need to quit living our lives and living it up. At the point when this all finished, you will have developed a solid association and in spite of the present circumstance you will have figured out how to beat the difficulties that have emerged from social removing and self-disconnection. You'll be allowed to take them to their preferred eatery and you'll definitely realize what jug of wine to arrange.
So there you have it, a few plans to keep you proactive in these uncommon occasions we wind up in. The conceivable outcomes are huge and fun from victoriahearts.com. Ideally this has given you some consolation, all things considered, as one entryway shuts another opens and on the off chance that you end up at a remaining detail today around evening time give somebody a small book. Who comprehends what could occur, envision telling this 'How we met story' to your grandkids.
0 notes
hyunjinspark · 2 years
star lost with you | hyunjin au | part 2
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synopsis: working in a quaint little art store, you’ve had the honor of meeting all kinds of people, but you’ve never met somebody like him.
there were many reasons hyunjin returned to his hometown; a getaway from the ephemeral and fast-paced life of the city, so he could fall in love with life again. he thought he was prepared for everything, to study art in the way that he’s always wanted to, but what he didn’t anticipate was meeting you.
hwang hyunjin realises that sometimes, the best things in life happen unplanned.
series: star lost with you
pairing: idol! hyunjin x artist! reader
genre: friends to lovers, angst, smut, fluff, set in the idolverse, mutual pining, unrequited love, forbidden (?) romance
word count: 10K
warnings: cursing, angst, jealousy (kind of), so much dialogue, mature content and language, yn has a lot of questions lol
a/n: thank you for the amazing response for part 1! this is a much more conversation focused chapter, but i hope you still enjoy it. please tell me your thoughts after ! also, i imagine hyunjin in his hair and fit from ‘venom’ for this part :) thank you @ortali for this beautiful gif <3
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Hana’s hand fit perfectly into his.
The golden charm bracelet you’d bought together in middle school adorned her wrist, and it had never looked as pretty as it did now, linked with his hand. 
Every charm that hung off her bracelet had a memory attached to it; a little heart to signify the day of her first kiss, a bow and arrow from the time she was absolutely obsessed with The Hunger Games series, a rubber duck from the time you taught her to swim, and then… there was room for more, for all of the future memories you were going to create.
Yours was similar to hers, but far emptier, because your first kiss hadn’t been good enough to mark as a special memory, because you’d never really been obsessed with pop culture the way she had, and because the only thing you’d ever been in love with was art.
Unfortunately for you, art was far too abstract a concept to find in bracelet charms. The only thing you’d found at a local flea market, was a silver circle with the letters ‘create’ engraved into it, and that had been far too cheesy and obnoxious to attach to your person at all times.
You willed yourself to focus on that, instead of the funny feeling in your stomach.
That’s what you had said in response to the news of your best friend and her date. 
It wasn’t your proudest moment, and if Hyunjin hadn’t thought you were stupid before for the way you’d spilled soda all over yourself, he surely would think that now.
“My date!” Hana repeated, lifting their interlocked hands up to show you, as if that wasn’t the only thing you were looking at right now, “Say hi”
Why would you think he was your date? 
Embarrassment rushed through you, and you felt far too hot standing here. Your cheeks were definitely heated up, and you nodded, praying they couldn’t see the flush under the pink lighting. Since when had you started jumping to conclusions like so? Thankfully, you had the grace to not slip up or say something about the fact that you’d just assumed he was going to be your date for the night. 
He was Hana’s date. Of course. That’s why she had been so excited about this, and nervous. If it had just been somebody else from town, she wouldn’t have felt the need to make a big double date out of it.
He was exactly her type.
“Oh. Hi” Your voice unmistakably wavered, the squeak in it catching you off guard. 
Hyunjin smiled at you, unaware of the effect his presence had.
Your stomach turned as you watched him, and you quickly downed a sip of the soda cup in your hand. You realised immediately that it was a bad idea because it was definitely watered down, and left a bad taste in your mouth, which made you want to throw up.
You shouldn’t have come on the double date. You were clearly sick. 
You don’t even remember the last time you’d felt like this, as if something was wrong, but nothing was wrong.
It was the nervousness, and the anticipation.
You weren’t the kind of person who would ever go on blind dates, and that was a good enough reason for your stomach to be in knots right now. Maybe it also had something to do with the fact that you’d been wondering who Hyunjin was for all these years, ever since you saw him that summer, and now he was finally in front of you. How were you even supposed to act, without coming off as some sort of creep? 
Hana was smiling widely, and her eagerness calmed you. 
She was excited for this, and you wouldn’t ruin it for her. 
After all, this is what you had been talking about all this time, hadn’t you? For Hana to move on, and to find someone who could make her forget about the heartbreak Yeonjun had caused her.
You didn’t really know anything about Hyunjin yet, but something told you he was just that kind of boy, the one that made you forget everything else that could exist in the world.
“Y/N?” She asked.
Your gaze snapped to hers, eyes falling to the silver hoops in her ears that you’d gifted her for her last birthday “Yeah?”
Her eyes were wide, as if she was telepathically trying to ask you what was wrong, “Is that all?”
“I mean, aren’t you gonna say hi to him?”
Your eyes fell on his, “Um, I just did”
She giggled, with a undertone of nervousness “Forgive me Hyunjin, she’s usually friendlier”
He glanced down at her, “Don’t worry about it, Hana”
God, what were you doing? This was your best friend’s date. You had to be nice to him, and talk like a normal person.
“It’s nice to meet you, Hyunjin” You spoke.
He smiled at you, a smile far too sweet for someone who looked like he did, “Likewise, Y/N. It’s nice to see you here too”
“Wait, do you two know each other?” Hana asked suddenly, stepping back. You gripped the soda cup tighter, unsure why you were still holding it as it dripped with sticky liquid.
“No” You said. 
Hyunjin’s eyes widened, just slightly, as if he was surprised by your response, and Hana turned to him.
“Oh.... you just spoke like you were already familiar with each other” She hummed.
“We don’t” You waved it off, nonchalant “He just dropped by the store earlier. That’s all”
You didn’t know him, not really. Did it count as ‘knowing’ someone if you saw them years ago, and then somehow never forget about the encounter, and then met them again as your best friend’s surprise blind date?
Definitely not.
It was just a weird, freakish coincidence.
Hyunjin nodded along at your response, not protesting. Hana didn’t seem fazed, probably because she was indulging in the warmth of the cute boy’s hand instead of your strange behaviour.
“So…” You squeezed the cup “Isn’t there someone else coming?”
It would be funny if you got stood up by your blind date.
Hana immediately pulled her phone out to check, “He should be right here, don’t worry. He just texted me that he’s outside”
Who was he?
You hummed in response, lifting the cup to your mouth again. You didn’t want this soda, but drinking it would at least give you something to do instead of stare at the couple in front of you. Busying yourself was infinitely better than being awkward, so you tipped your head back, drinking the leftover drink.
You resisted the urge to gag at the terrible taste as it made its way down your throat.
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows at you.
“Is that good?” He asked.
“Yeah” You lied, drinking some more to cover up your awkwardness. 
He nodded, the corners of his lips curling up, as if he knew you were lying. Except he didn’t know you. You’d barely even talked to each other. 
Hyunjin’s eyes were focused on you as you sipped the soda, and you felt far too conscious.
“I didn’t know you two knew each other” You ended up saying, to take the heat off yourself. Fuck. It sounded so accusatory, but you were curious. 
Hana had never mentioned knowing this boy. Did he just materialise out of thin air, like he had all those years ago at Aera’s?
Hana brightened up, as if she was waiting to be asked that question, “I bumped into him at the supermarket, right before San’s party! I was there to pick up a carton of beer, because I thought San would like it and he would kill me if I showed up late and empty handed…and then I saw Hyunjin. I know! What are the odds?”
“Huh, wait, so, that’s how you know each other? From the supermarket?” You asked, question directed at Hana, because how did she miss telling you this? It was extremely unlike your best friend to meet a handsome stranger, and not spill the details to you. Especially when all she had wanted was to meet the love of her life that night.
“Trust me, I was just as surprised” Hyunjin spoke, chuckling, “I’ve never met anybody who’s so…forward”
You hadn’t expected him to answer. In fact, you found it better to ignore that he was here. His presence made you…anxious.
You kept your eyes trained on Hana’s, despite him addressing you, and maybe that was rude of you, but you were sure you’d say something dumb if you looked right at him and that stupidly intimidating face of his.
“I’m sure you are, but that’s Hana for you. She’s very spur-of-the-moment romantic” You quipped, chewing the rim of the cup.
They seemed perfect, hand-in-hand, eyes sparkling. She looked absolutely adorable today, hair pulled up into two messy space buns, and a white top with lacing on the hem. 
She looked just as cute as she had on San’s party. Even though you hadn’t been there, you’d seen all of the pictures. If you were Hyunjin, you would have also said yes to a random date in the grocery store, if the girl asking you looked like her.
Hana had a perfectly enchanting look to her, full cheeks, big eyes, curled hair, and she wasn’t too different from a princess in shows you used to watch growing up. It was one of the things that had attracted you to her, when you had met her as a little kid. You’d seen her across the classroom, in her puffy pink dress, and red cheeks, and known that you were going to love, and adore her.
She was smiling up at Hyunjin, as she pointed out all the games in the arcade that she’d loved as a kid. They were engrossed in conversation, and your soda tasted terrible, so you put it aside. This was a double date, so where was the boy Hana set you up?
The excitement you’d felt for those few seconds when you saw Hyunjin here, had now dissipated into apprehension. You’d been curious about him for so long, and there was so much you wanted to ask him. 
Firstly, who the hell was he?
If he lived in town, why hadn’t you seen him for all these years? Even if he was homeschooled, there’s no way he could have kept himself hidden for the past few years or so. And if he didn’t live in town, why had he shown up to Aera’s, of all places, the day it opened? 
Nobody else had, except him, and you obviously.
Where had he been for all these years, and more importantly, why was his hair the color of the sun? 
Felix was the only boy you knew who willingly chose to dye his hair such an unnatural color and it had pretty much fried his hair by now. Maybe it was a stupid thought to have, but you wanted to know why Hyunjin made such a bold choice. You feel like even such a simple answer as that, would tell you more about what kind of person he was. 
Maybe it was because you’d always been curious about people, and what made them tick. Part of the reasons you loved volunteering at the art classes in The Château was because you met all kinds of people there, from all parts of the world, and most of them were always so easy to read.
As you watched Hana lean onto Hyunjin, their hands still interlocked, you realised you couldn’t ask him any of this. At least, not right now. It wasn’t appropriate. 
You would have to instead spend tonight talking to your own mysterious date, and your interest was fading by the second. It was so unlike you to be here, completely out of your comfort zone. You loved talking to people, especially getting to know all about them, but maybe tonight wasn’t your night, because you only felt dread, and nervousness.
The dress you’d fished out of your closet was surely a waste, and you wonder why you dressed up. You could’ve been at home, working on your unfinished projects.
Why did you have to say yes?
When Hana had called you last night, telling you how she’d found the perfect guy for you, you would be lying if you say that your heart didn’t skip a beat. Of course it did. Even if you weren’t actively looking for love, or to date anybody…her words had sparked butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t sure what you were expecting though.
Your date wasn’t here, clearly he didn’t care enough, and Hana was perfectly capable of having fun on her own. Her and Hyunjin seemed to be getting along well already, and you felt uncomfortable standing there.
“There he is!” She yelled, and you whizzed around, curious for who this boy was going to be.
Oh god.
You knew she had been up to something, as a clueless Kim Seungmin made his way to you. 
Seungmin was dressed well, but simple, like he always was, a cardigan slipped over his shirt, and when his eyes locked onto yours, he faltered in his tracks. 
You’d never met him outside of the art classes at Le Château. 
This was going to be awkward. He was practically your boss. 
“Shocker, Kim Seungmin is so freaking late!” Hana exclaimed, rushing over to him.
He nodded, wringing his hands together “I’m sorry Hana, I was just caught up with some work”
His eyes trailed off to you, as you awkwardly stood behind them, “Y/N…fancy seeing you here”
Well maybe Seungmin as your date would be better than a total stranger. At least you were comfortable with him. 
Why did he say yes to going on a date with you though? He’d never shown any kind of interest towards you, in more than a platonic way. 
He shot you another nervous glance, a gentle smile on his face. 
It sounded like a paradox, but if he was just as nervous as you were, that would somehow calm your nerves down exponentially. He didn’t even have anything to be nervous about. You two met up every week. The only difference was that you were dressed slightly fancier, not that Seungmin would ever have the grace to notice something as inconsequential as your outfit.
Regardless, it made you feel good that you made him nervous. Perhaps he was looking forward to tonight, and to this date.
You stepped up to him, a smile playing at your lips, “You as well, Seungmin. I didn’t know you’re into bowling”
He laughed, “I was promised a free game, and drinks”
“Ouch. My company wasn’t enough?” You joked.
“Respectfully Y/N. I didn’t know you were gonna be here”
Your heart dropped at the revelation. He didn’t even know he was going on a date with you? Your gaze darted to Hana. That was embarrassing. Was it so tough for her to find anyone interested in going on a date with you? 
You’d assumed that Hana’s reason for a ‘blind date’ was just something to trick you into coming, because if she told you who it was going to be, you would probably have said no.
You wonder if Seungmin would have showed up, if he knew you were his date…
Hyunjin stepped up to him, shaking his hand, in a gesture far too uncharacteristic of someone your age.
Seungmin nodded at him, “It’s nice to see you out of that room”
Hyunjin smiled, looking down at his shoes bashfully “Just thought it’d be nice to get out”
So they knew each other too? Of course they did. It was strange that everyone except you had had an encounter with the boy. 
You wonder if Yongbok knew him.
Your curiosity was bubbling up further by the second, but you restrained yourself from asking anything invasively stupid. You’re sure Hana wouldn’t appreciate you interrogating the first date she’s ever had.
“Guys, we should get a bowling lane for ourselves before those fucking kids hijack them for another round” Hana said, far too loudly, definitely drawing the attention of said kids, and parents. An older couple shot your group a dirty look, but paired with Hana and Hyunjin’s apologetic smiles, you had a feeling they wouldn’t hold a grudge for very long. It’s like they say, attractive people can get away with a lot more.
Hyunjin laughed, cheeks flushing, “Okay, Hana”
She turned to Seungmin, extending her hand forward, “Come with me to the counter please”
“Why me?” He crossed his arms.
Hana shrugged, smiling playfully “Why not you?”
He rolled his eyes, “Just say you want me to use my employee discount”
“You work here? I didn’t know that” You asked him. 
He smiled at you, “Used to. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Y/N”
“Well, that’s what tonight is for! Getting to know how perfect you are for each other.” Hana interrupted, all subtlety forgotten.
Seungmin turned red at her words “All right, cupid, let’s get the tickets first. Y/N and Hyunjin, I assume I can trust you with the drinks?”
Wait… what? 
They were splitting up from you? 
They were going to leave you alone with Hyunjin?
You looked to him, for any visible signs of distress, but Hyunjin just smiled at them “Of course you can trust us”
“I can go with Seungmin” You blurted as they began walking away, ignoring Hyunjin’s gaze on you. Seungmin was your partner for the night after all. Shouldn’t you be spending time with him instead of your friend’s date ?
Hana turned around, rolling her eyes “How eager. You’ll get him to yourself all night, Y/N, don’t worry. I’m just stealing him away for a minute”
Seungmin nodded along, “Anyway it’s not like we’re leaving you alone. You have Hyunjin to keep you company”
“What’s good here?” The boy in question nudged you.
You shifted away, peering up at the flashing signboard, even though the menu hadn’t changed since you were fifteen and you had it memorised by now. 
Hyunjin was looking expectantly at you.
You pushed your hands into your jacket pockets, “Coke”
He let out a chuckle, timid “Is that really all?”
The girl at the counter was staring at you. You weren’t sure if it was because you were taking so long to tell her your order, or because Hyunjin was standing next to you.
You wouldn’t be surprised if it was the latter. For somebody your age, he was dressed far too well.
The white button up shirt he had on would have been extremely formal in the context, but the leather jacket made him blend seamlessly into the dim atmosphere, and he looked so put together. The jacket had silver detailing all across the collar, sleeves and chest. It made you wonder how expensive that piece of clothing was, for it to have chains on it but still manage to not look tacky in the slightest.
The darkness of his outfit made you wonder once again why he always chose to dress this way, as if he was trying to subvert attention, although the purpose of that would definitely be defeated by his hair. It was so light in color. 
It was the kind of hair you’d only seen on television, or on Mattel Barbies. You wonder how many times he must have bleached it to get the color so light.
“Everything okay?”
Hyunjin blinked, an unreadable expression on his face “No, you were just…you were staring at me”
You flushed, turning your attention back to the menu. 
“The ice cream float is good too” You spoke, a lame attempt to ignore what he’d just asked you.
Hyunjin hummed, eyes darting over the display shelf, “Does Hana like that too?”
“Yeah. She gets it every time we come here” You smiled at the memory.
Hyunjin nodded, seemingly pleased with the response, and then turned to the girl at the counter, “Could I please get four floats?”
She smiled, entering it in, eyes darting up to Hyunjin every other second, “Anything else?”
He looked to you, “Do you want anything, Y/N?”
“Um, I’m fine”
He nodded, turning to the counter as he looked over the menu, his fingers tracing down all the listed items with so much focus. It was cute, like a kid in a candy store. 
“Could I get a plate of nachos?” He finally asked, having decided what he wanted.
“Of course” The girl beamed. She was profusely blushing, pink coating her cheeks as she hurriedly punched in the order. Hyunjin seemed oblivious to it, all smiles, as he reached into his pocket to hand her the money.
“Wait, I got it” You spoke, fingers curling around his wrist to stop him.
He turned to you, “It’s just a few drinks, Y/N”
“Yeah, but you’re the guest of honour and everything, so let me pay”
He let out a chuckle at your words, “Y/N. I honestly got it, don’t worry about it”
He shook your hand away, handing over the money and you frowned. The girl at the counter seemed happy that he had won this little scuffle because it possibly gave her more time with him, based on the bright smile on her face as she thanked him.
You crossed your arms, leaning against the counter as you looked around the place. The bridal party from before had now moved into a booth, divulging in the drinks and food Sunset Bowl had to offer. Hana and Seungmin stood by Lane 8, laughing over something as they looked at you. You shot them a small wave, and Hana jumped, gesturing you to hurry up.
Since when did Hana know Kim Seungmin so well? You’re sure she only set you up with him because you mentioned him at the diner the other day, she must have really thought you were hooking up with him. But you only knew him because you had taken up work at Le Château a while ago, which she wasn’t aware of. 
You weren’t sure how she’d react if she found out.
Like Felix, Hana had also always expressed concern for the way you apparently overworked yourself. She was a live-in-the-moment kind of person, and to explain to her why you were investing so much time and effort into this would be a futile task. She would never understand your need to keep yourself occupied, instead of just sitting around and waiting for summer to end.
You hope Seungmin didn’t mention that to her.
Now that you think of it, you wonder why Hana felt he was ‘made-in-a-factory perfect’ for you.
There was no question that Seungmin was great. He was gentle, and kind, and talented, and he was absolutely stunning. His presence always put you at ease, and he had a way to make you laugh no matter the context. 
He was easily one of the nicest boys you’d met, but you’d still never considered him as a potential romantic interest. 
To be honest, you’d never felt that way about anybody before.
You weren’t sure if it was fair of him to be paired up with you, since you had never thought of him like that. You didn’t want to lead someone on, or to hurt their feelings, especially someone as sweet as him. If things ended awkwardly tonight, it also would surely ruin your time at The Château.
You were thinking too much. Perhaps you could just enjoy tonight, and let it be. Live in the moment, as Hana always did. You doubt she thought this much when she spotted Hyunjin at the supermarket, a complete stranger to her, and asked him out.
Seungmin was laughing in the distance, his doe eyes, and full smile making your heart warm. He was pretty much perfect, but something…was missing.
You wish you knew what.
Maybe the problem was you. You hadn’t even tried to explore your feelings towards him.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Y/N?”
You whipped your head to the voice.
Hyunjin was leaning against the counter, an unparalleled tenderness in his voice as he asked you that. His hand rest on the countertop, fingers tapping an unknown beat as you both waited for the food to arrive.
He glanced down, “I don’t mean to overstep since we just met but… it just seems like something is bothering you”
How could he possibly know that? You were sure your expression didn’t give off your thoughts. But he also seemed to somehow know about the colours on the shelf the other day, which had been troubling you for weeks on end. You’d been meaning to ask him about that too.
He was insanely intuitive for a 20 year old boy.
Hana had known you her entire life, and she still couldn’t tell when things were bothering you. Huh. 
“Sorry. I guess I’m just tired”
He chuckled softly, eyes narrowing, “You don’t need to apologise, Y/N. I was just worried about you”
Worried about you? He didn’t even know you. 
Why was he being so nice?
The neon sign above his head read “sweet candy”
The colours reflected onto him, and you wonder how his face was so perfectly shaped. 
You’d never seen someone like him in real life, and he looked far similar to the kind of people you drew in your paintings. But they only ever existed in the bounds of your canvases, and to see someone like that in front of you, it was…weird. Even the people in your paintings had imperfections, he didn’t.
Despite how kindly he talked, you weren’t sure how Hana could be so open with him already. He was intimidating, and he was hard to read. A tough combination. 
You let your gaze wander over him. His hair was messily curled, but every tendril fell perfectly into place. How was that even possible, for something so random as hair, to still frame his face so delicately, as if every strand was calculated? Hell, you could probably spend fifty hours trying to recreate that onto your canvas, but your strokes wouldn’t match up to the real thing. 
His hair was absolutely captivating, and maybe you were developing an obsession with it. 
Purely artistic.
You glanced away, “You don’t have to be. I guess I just wasn’t expecting to see Kim Seungmin here”
“Why? Is he not your type?” 
You shrugged. You didn’t know what your type was, and even if Seungmin wasn’t your type, you weren’t sure if you would straight up tell Hyunjin that. 
“I’m not really a blind date kind of person”
That was still the truth.
He laughed, awkwardly “Oh, don’t worry about it. Neither am I. This would be my first time…”
People like him probably didn’t ever need to rely on the concepts of “blind” dates. Lucky.
You turned to him, “How come you said yes then?”
He shrugged “Between the two of us… I didn’t know I was going to until I said it. It was crazy, agreeing to go on a date with a stranger I met in the bread aisle…but I suppose I wanted to do something crazy”
“Hana’s just like you. I guess you’ll really get along then”
He smiled softly, “I guess we will”
Song Hana was a legend when it came to bowling. 
Maybe it was because she’d spent every single birthday perfecting the skill, because the thought of being a sore loser at her own party was far too disappointing. Regardless, she was much better  at it than you could ever hope to be. It was surprising to most people because Hana was petite, but bowling was more about skill than strength and she was excellent.
Seungmin was bent over the bench, tying the laces of his shoes neatly. 
A tray of hot dogs balanced on the plush seat next to him.
“So, what did you get us?” He asked, without looking up, as you and Hyunjin approached them, drinks in hand.
“Ice cream floats?” Hana cried, excitedly, running over. 
“I got you an extra cherry” Hyunjin told her, gesturing to her glass.
Hana’s eyes widened, picking up the bright red cherry by the stem “You’re serious? The cherry’s my favourite part!”
He laughed as she popped it in her mouth, “I guessed it was”
Where did he get that? 
The employees here definitely never let you or Hana have one, and you’d been coming here as a kid.
“Wow, the girl at the counter must have really found you handsome” You commented, staring at your singular sad cherry.
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, she’s never been that generous with any of us” You frowned. Hana nodded in agreement before busying herself with the nachos.
Hyunjin tilted his glass towards you, so you could see the top of it. 
It was empty, save for the cream. 
He’d given Hana his own? 
But the cherry was the best part...it was the reason you got ice cream floats in the first place.
“Oh” You spoke stupidly as you stared at the bare whipped cream.
He shrugged, with a small smile “I guess she didn’t find me handsome after all”
“Come on, when are we starting the game?” Seungmin piped up, before you could respond to Hyunjin and tell him that he couldn’t be more wrong.
“It’s us versus the two of you” Hana declared, slinging her arm around Hyunjin as she sipped on her drink.
“We’re gonna lose” You realised.
Seungmin laughed, popping a nacho in his mouth “Do you happen to be a terrible bowler, Y/N?”
“I’m not terrible”
“She’s the absolute worse, Minnie. You have your work cut out for you”
“Bowling is a very specific, and niche and useless skill to possess anyway, so it hardly matters” You frowned.
“What a way to impress your date” Hana rolled her eyes.
Seungmin grinned at her, “Oh but I’m already very impressed by her”
“I’m new to this too, so you won’t be the only one making a fool out of yourself” Hyunjin added. 
You blinked at him “I doubt you could ever make a fool of yourself”
He raised his eyebrows, “Well, say that again to me in an hour, Y/N”
Seungmin laughed, pushing you to the rack “Come on, go up first, tragically awful player”
You sighed, staring at the different balls, and grabbed a dark blue one. It felt like the lightest, the weight easy in your hands. You slipped your fingers into the thumb and finger holes.
Hyunjin and Hana settled down on the bench, the plate of nachos between them as they expectantly looked at you.
You looked up at the scoreboard. 
0 , 0.
“That’s the last time it’ll be even, Seungmin. You best get used to it” You mumbled, heading up to the lane.
Seungmin followed behind you, his hands on your shoulders “You can’t possibly be that bad”
You took a step back, taking in a deep breath, and bending down to get into position.
You moved forward, squinting at where you wanted the ball to go, and the path you wanted it to follow.
Hopefully you could knock at least one pin down.
You let out a breath, closing your eyes briefly before you rolled the ball forward. 
It went straight for the gutter, and Seungmin let out a loud laugh.
You frowned, stepping back, not bothering to look at the terrible outcome of your swing.
“I take my words back” He laughed.
“Can’t we play with the rails up? I haven’t done this in years” You asked, hands on your hips.
“The kiddie bumper?” Seungmin raised his brows.
“Don’t call it that” You sighed.
“Come on, you have one more chance” He spoke.
“One more chance to embarrass myself”
Seungmin laughed “Come on, just give it a shot”
You nodded, doing as he said so. The ball didn’t immediately go into the gutter, which was a win, and it ended up hitting just one pin in the process. 
You don’t remember being this bad as a kid at this. Perhaps you should just stick to art, and nothing that had anything to do with sports.
“That’s better than none!” Seungmin spoke, squeezing your shoulders.
“You’re too kind” You sighed. Why hadn’t you just gone for a movie or dinner instead of this?
Hana and Hyunjin were looking at you, and Hyunjin spoke, sincerity laced in his tone, “It wasn’t so bad”
It sounded so genuine that you would feel bad calling him out for the undertone of sarcasm. You sat down with a huff, stuffing a salsa-dipped nacho into your mouth.
Seungmin stepped up for his turn, picking a 15pound ball. 
“Wait, I need to film this” You spoke, before he could go.
Seungmin turned to look at you, hand on his hip, “Why? So you can laugh at me later?”
“Of course not, I just want to immortalise your victory” You teased, but you were only joking, because you expected him to lose, and you gaped as he managed to knock down a few pins.
Seungmin laughed, turning to you, “Immortalise my victory, you say?”
“Shut up” You flushed “I didn’t know you’re actually good at it”
At least your team wasn’t completely hopeless.
“I think everyone and their mum is better than you at this, Y/N” Hana pointed out.
Hyunjin drew in a breath, “Ouch, Hana, that’s harsh”
“Thank you!” You exclaimed, sitting down.
Hana turned to him, a face of betrayal “You’re on my side or hers?”
Hyunjin laughed, eyes darting to you, “I’m on the side of not being mean to people”
Hana gasped, “We need to break up then”
You laughed at her dramatics, “Don’t worry Hyunjin, she's only like this with me. She’s a sweetheart otherwise”
Hyunjin smiled at you, “I know”
Hana had shifted closer to him, but she had her hands in her lap, and it was a telltale sign of her nervousness. 
You couldn’t blame her, this was the first boy she was seeing after Yeonjun, if you don’t count San. With San, things were different because they already knew each other, and all the ice had been broken. There was no awkwardness. Maybe you should converse more, after all, that’s why you’d come along, so you could make sure she was comfortable.
Hana bit her lip, looking at Seungmin instead Hyunjin. Hyunjin’s eyes were also focused elsewhere, as he slowly bit onto a nacho.
“So…how did she ask you out?” 
Hana and Hyunjin’s eyes snapped to yours at the question.
“Yes please. I need to know this story as well. I’m curious as to how you got him out of his room” Seungmin added, coming in to sit next to you as he casually swung an arm around you.
“What do you mean by that?” You couldn’t resist asking, even though you’d told yourself to keep your curiosity at bay.
He leaned back into the chair, hand dipping into the tray of nachos, “Well, Hyunjin’s been back in town for almost a month but I bet you’ve never seen him out. That’s because he’s always holed up in that little room of his, completely alone, doing god knows what. I’ve urged him to come out so many times, but it’s always a no. Thus, Hana you’re truly a miracle worker and perhaps my favourite person for bringing Hwang Hyunjin out of the house”
“Hwang Hyunjin?” You repeated. There were a lot of questions you had from what Seungmin had just revealed, but his name struck a chord.
It was familiar.
Seungmin laughed, pointing at you “It’s also a miracle how you’re always out of the loop”
You blinked at him, “I don’t understand”
“And I’m not alone Seungmin. I have Kkami” Hyunjin responded, a small pout on his face. His brows were scrunched together in faux sadness.
Your stomach flipped at the sight, and you looked away. Maybe you’d drank too much soda.
“What is Kkami?” Hana asked, leaning forward, to keep up with the conversation.
“His puppy” Seungmin answered.
You suddenly remembered the sign-up sheet for the art classes that he had asked you to check, and the name on it which had confused you.
Hwang, H.
“Wait, you’re the one who signed up for all of the weekend classes at The Château?” You blurted, like a dumbass. 
You hadn’t meant to pry so much, and Hana was right there and she couldn’t know you volunteered there. Not yet.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened, along with Hana’s.
“Yeah I did” He answered you, softly.
“How do you know that?” Hana asked.
Before Seungmin could say something, you interrupted him “Oh, Seungmin mentioned it in passing the other day…”
You squeezed his hand, hoping he would get the hint.
He slowly nodded, loudly biting onto the chip, and you knew Seungmin would question you later, but you were thankful that he didn’t question you now. He swiftly changed the topic “So, tell us how she asked you out”
Hyunjin laughed at the memory, turning to look at her “Well, I was - ”
“Let me tell the story!” Hana jumped in, her nervousness already subsiding, and you were glad it had worked. Hyunjin nodded, crossing his arms with a fond smile so she could speak.
“So, you know how I was late for San’s party, and I knew he would get mad at me, so I thought a carton of beer would cheer him up, cause well, he loves beer. Then I was in the section, and I see him there, and obviously I pretty much stop dead in my tracks” She gestured to him, and he laughed, feeling embarrassed. 
“So, how did you talk to him?” Seungmin asked.
“Well, he was tall…so I asked him to help me get some bread from the top shelf, something I absolutely did not need, but well, a cute boy was getting it for me so I didn’t care”
You laughed, that was so definitely something Hana would do.
“And then…I asked him his name, and then I asked him if he’s ever been to Sunset Bowl”
“Wait, really? That’s all?” You asked, leaning forward. You thought there would be more of a conversation, or build up, but she really went straight into it.
“Yup” She smiled proudly, “I went for it! And it worked”
Hyunjin laughed “I think part of why it worked was because I was so caught off guard”
Hana frowned at him, pouting “Not because you thought I was cute as hell?”
Hyunjin smiled at her, his eyes crinkling as he reached into her lap to grab her hand, “Of course. I thought you were so cute. That was the other part of it, Hana”
Your heart flipped. It wasn’t even much, but it was the way he said it. When had you ever heard a compliment so genuinely spoken, that wasn’t in a book written by women or a 90s romcom?
Hana burst into a grin, reaching forward to loop her arms around him, “You’re such a sweetheart”
You couldn’t help but smile as she buried her face in his hair. This is what she had been talking about.
It was only midway through their first date, but you knew that this was what she was looking for. You just never thought she would have found it so quickly, and so close to home. You suppose you were right when you said that only your best friend could find the love of her life on a Thursday night, surrounded by bread at the local 7/11.
“Gross” Seungmin spoke, and Hyunjin laughed.
He smiled as he pulled back, “Come on, it’s our turn now”
“Yes!” Hana yelled, realising why you were all here as she rushed to grab a bright pink ball. 
You watched with bated breath as she indeed scored a strike, knocking down all ten pins. On her first try.
“Fuck, it’s not fair that she’s so good”
“Or maybe it’s not fair that you’re so bad” Seungmin added.
“Hey! Kim Seungmin, you could try to be nicer to your date” You mumbled.
He laughed loudly, throwing his head back, “Trust me Y/N. This is me being nice”
“I feel truly blessed” You rolled your eyes, and he pinched your cheek teasingly.
“You’re up, Hwang” Seungmin spoke.
Hyunjin took in a deep breath, standing up. He’d taken off the leather jacket for ease, leaving him in just the white shirt now. He’d rolled up the sleeves, leaving the top two buttons undone, and you noticed the silver necklace that rested against his collarbones.
It was pretty.
He walked over to the rack, staring at all of the balls as they rolled back in. You wonder if he would go for an easy, light-weight one as a beginner, but he went straight for the heavier choice. He slipped his fingers into the purple ball, giving you both a once over before he stepped up to the lane.
“Please don’t make us lose” Hana mumbled, biting her finger, eyes darting to the scoreboard.
“I’ll try” He promised her.
Hyunjin brushed his hair back, getting into position.
You gaped at him, as he got into perfect form.
He had never bowled before? That was clearly a lie.
He took a step back, bending down before letting the ball slip from his hands and roll ahead. The sound of the ball hitting the floor reverberated throughout the alley. It moved so effortlessly, and smoothly, going straight into the pins and knocking most of them down.
“What!” Hana screamed, running over to him as she grabbed his arm, “You’re so fucking good!”
Hyunjin seemed surprised too, as he stared at the knocked over pins, “I am?”
“Ah! I’m so happy I picked you” She laughed, throwing her arms around him. Hyunjin laughed in disbelief, hugging her back.
Seungmin let out a groan, “We are definitely losing”
You sunk into your seat, shoving another chip into your mouth, “Let’s go home now”
“Ah no, come on Y/N. You have to try again” Hyunjin spoke, bringing a cosy Hana in his arms. She was beaming, and you were sure it was 90% because she found someone as good as her at this. She absolutely hated being on the losing team.
“It’s not possible that this is your first time” You spoke.
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows “It really is”
“But…you’re so good!”
Hana smirked “Jealous?”
“You have perfect form. It can’t be your first time” You repeated, scowling.
“That’s because he’s a dancer”
“He’s a what?”
Seungmin laughed “He’s a dancer. Things like this must come naturally to him, that’s probably why he has - ”
“You’re a dancer?”
Hyunjin stared at you, a smile pulling at his lips “Yeah, I am”
“Like contemporary? What do you…dance?”
“You can ask him all the boring stuff later, Y/N. I know you’re just stalling your turn” Hana rolled her eyes, pulling you up out of your seat.
“But…” You trailed off, glancing at Hyunjin’s face once before Hana pushed you up to the lane.
You had so much to ask him. At most, you thought he was just an aspiring artist. 
A dancer? You would never have expected that…perhaps it explained why he was so charismatic. 
Seungmin joined you, rubbing his hand soothingly over your arm, “Look at the bright side Y/N. You can’t do worse than you just did”
“You know, by probability, you should’ve knocked at least one down by now” Seungmin spoke. Hyunjin and Hana behind you laughed loudly, all comfortable on the bench, as they huddled over the last plate of nachos and cheese.
It had been seven rounds, and you had consistently lost every single one.
Seungmin was right. You should’ve got at least one.
“How are you so bad at this, but so good at everything else you do?” He asked, arms crossed as you glared at the cursed bowling lane.
“That almost felt like a compliment” You replied, turning back for the walk of shame to the bench. You sank into your seat, grabbing your cherry float, “I’m tired, and hungry”
Hana was whispering something into Hyunjin’s ear, and you quirked an eyebrow at the mischievous smile on her face.
“What are you up to now?” You asked.
“Let’s switch” Hana announced.
“Since you’ve been complaining about how unfair the teams are, let’s switch! Hyunjin can pair up with you. Then we can do…best of three for the new teams, and decide the winner based on that!”
Hyunjin shrugged, “That sounds fair”
How was it fair? Hyunjin was willingly agreeing to be on your team, which would definitely lose. You didn’t question it though, because if he was okay with it, maybe he had a plan.
Seungmin quipped, “Hwang, you’re just signing up to lose at this point”
“And what are the winning privileges?” You asked.
“The loser gets the others dinner. Anything of their choice”
“Fine” You nodded, and then pointed at Hyunjin “But I’m not buying that this is your first time, so our only shot is you”
Hyunjin laughed, stepping closer to you. He grabbed you by the forearm to lead you to the lane, away from your friends, “Listen to me”
You were too shocked by the way he’d grabbed you, fingers delicately wrapping across your arm, like he was afraid of overstepping but also wanted to take control at the same time.
You peered up at him, and his sudden burst of confidence, maybe it was all that sugar he’d consumed. His cheeks were flushed as he looked down at you.
“We can win this, Y/N. Just stop thinking so much…” He paused, studying your features for a second “And if we do happen to lose, I’ll buy them dinner, don’t worry about that”
You rolled your eyes, laughing “Thank you Hyunjin, but you’re expecting way too much from me”
Seungmin was watching the two of you with an amused expression “And you should take off your jacket if you want to win, Y/N. It’s clearly restricting your movements”
You looked down at yourself. You hadn’t realised you still had it on, it was just meant to be something you grabbed in case you were overdressed, which you kind of were.
“Trust me, the jacket isn’t gonna make a difference” You pulled at the zipper.
Hyunjin put his hands on his hips, pondering over Seungmin’s words “It could be worth a shot. Whenever I practice with something like that on, it does inhibit me”
“Practice what?” You raised an eyebrow, hoping to catch him slip up about how he was secretly a professional bowler, because there was no way he hit all those strikes the way he did.
Hyunjin smiled softly, amusement in his eyes “Dance, Y/N”
“I’d listen to him if I were you. My date is a prodigy” Hana beamed.
“Fine” You turned away, to unzip the jacket. They watched as you slipped it off, revealing the black dress underneath. It was an interesting design, most of the back just strings tied together across your bare skin, and the hem fell to your thighs.
You suddenly felt very exposed, the strappy dress had seemed fine when you’d left the house, but seemed much more revealing now after you’d kept it covered completely for the hour that you’d been here. Goosebumps rippled up your bare arms and shoulders, as the cool air of the air conditioner hit you.
You turned to Hyunjin, holding the jacket to your chest. 
He was gazing at you, eyes glossed with something you couldn’t recognise, but guessed was probably judgement.
He probably felt you were so overdressed for a bowling alley, and you suddenly wish you’d never taken it off. 
“Let’s try it out, I guess” You shrugged.
He handed you a purple bowling ball back that he’d fetched, and grabbed your jacket in return.
You got into position, bending down, but feeling far too conscious of his eyes on you. With Seungmin as your partner, at least you didn’t have to worry about sucking so bad. 
“You know, you two are a terrible team” Seungmin commented.
Hana laughed, sipping leisurely on her drink “He’s right. Y/N, you have terrible posture, and Hyunjin, you really should be helping her”
You froze in your movement. Help you how?
“How can I help her?” Hyunjin asked genuinely, glancing at them.
“Well, show her how she’s got it wrong” Hana replied.
Hyunjin’s eyes locked with yours, and he seemed hesitant “I’m not sure…if that would be appropriate”
What did he mean by that?
“Fine. I’ll do it” Seungmin drawled, abandoning his hot dog to come help you. 
Seungmin stood directly behind you, turning you around physically to face the lane. 
“Is it okay if I show you how?” He asked, into your ear.
You nodded, gulping at the close contact. Seungmin’s arms came up around you, your back pressed up into his chest, as he adjusted the way your hands should be placed. 
“Straighten your hand, and your wrist” Seungmin said, positioning you, his fingers trailing across your bare arm.
“Hold your arm out like so” He extended your arm, and he was so close to you, you could feel his breath on your neck. So that’s what Hyunjin meant when he said it would be inappropriate.
“Okay, now rotate your wrist like that when you swing” Seungmin spoke.
“I didn’t know you’re an expert” You commented.
He laughed “It’s common sense, plus I’m a great observer”
He stepped back from you, and you took in a deep breath. You could feel Hyunjin’s gaze burning into you. He must expect so much. You demonstrated what Seungmin had just shown you, swinging the ball forward.
It slipped from your hands, moving forward almost effortlessly. 
You stared in silence, tensing every time it rolled to the side, and you were sure it would head into the gutter. It felt like ages before it finally reached, knocking down four pins to the side.
You gaped in disbelief at it.
Hana cheered loudly, “See! I knew you had it in you”
You grinned, turning to face them “Ten years of losing at these and nobody ever taught me that”
“Aren’t you glad I brought Seungmin then?” Hana winked at you.You sure were.
“When did you even tell him about tonight? I was under the impression that you don’t know each other” You asked, hugging yourself. Hyunjin had placed your jacket onto the seats, neatly folded and you bit back a smile.
Hana shrugged, “Everybody knows everyone in this town, babe. After you mentioned Seungmin at the diner the other day, I knew I had to seek him out and ask him to come”
“You mentioned me at the diner?” Seungmin raised his eyebrows.
Hana smiled, “She’s quite obvious about her hopeless crush on you”
“Whoa…” You spoke, shooting her a look “I never said anything like that”
Seungmin laughed, coming to stand next to you “I’m flattered, Y/N”
“I don’t have a crush on - ”
“Look at the way she’s blushing!” Hana commented.
Oh god.
Seungmin laughed loudly, pulling you into his side, “Don’t worry Y/N. I know not to take her word for it but I’m glad Hana invited me. It’s been fun”
Hyunjin was looking at the two of you as he did that, and for some reason you felt uncomfortable again, stomach turning.
Yeah, you’d definitely had too much soda.
“So!” Hana clapped, “Two more rounds, and we decide the winner!”
To nobody’s surprise, Hana and Seungmin won.
You squinted, as they managed to get another bunch of good runs, easily putting them in the lead. Hana jumped into his arms, as he spun her around laughing. 
“Take that, suckers!” She spoke to the two of you.
You sighed, turning to Hyunjin “I told you, you shouldn’t have agreed to switching”
He just smiled, as if nothing ever bothered or inconvenienced him, “Well. A bet’s a bet. What do you guys want to eat, as the rightful winners?”
“Fried donuts, and candied popcorn” Seungmin announced.
“That’s a terrible combination” You sighed.
“Okay, food police” He rolled his eyes.
Hyunjin looked to you, “I’ll get it”
You stopped him, “Wait, no you already got the drinks, let me get this”
“Y/N, I appreciate that but I already said I’ll buy dinner”
“I’m not going to break my promise like that, and make you pay now”
“You’re very righteous for a 20 year old” You commented, peering up at him.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, “I’m twenty two. I’ll be back”
You watched Hyunjin walk over to the counter, and the girl at the counter lit up when she saw him approach. You sighed, as Seungmin stepped up next to you. 
“He’s always like that Y/N, don’t take it personally. He never lets me get anything for him, plus…it’s hardly gonna make a dent on his wallet”
You pondered over what he said “I still can’t believe he signed up for every class at The Château though”
Seungmin hummed, “He’s very passionate. I guess he likes spending on what he thinks is worth it, he’s very precise about that kind of stuff”
“How do you know him though?” You turned to him, “You said he’s been back for a month in town. Back from where?”
Seungmin smiled “You know, you ask a lot of questions”
You shrugged, frowning “I’m really curious”
“You’re nosy”
“Hey! I’m curious. Plus, if Hyunjin’s going to be dating my best friend, I would like to know something real about him”
“He’s famous”
He laughed at your reaction. You stared at him, wondering if he was kidding, because that was so random.
“Fine don’t tell me, sorry I asked about him” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“I’m not lying, Y/N. Why would I make something like that up?”
“And why would Hyunjin be famous?”
Seungmin suddenly reached forward, his fingers grabbing you by the jaw and you froze at the action. 
What was he doing? 
He suddenly tilted your head, in the direction Hyunjin had gone. He was in line for the food and two girls were stood next to him, simmering with excitement, tissues in hand as they extended it to him. Hyunjin seemed caught off guard, but he smiled back at them, before grabbing a pen.
Your eyes widened at the sight, “Are they…actually asking for his signature?” 
Seungmin hummed, “He moved back from Seoul. Do you believe me now?”
That was such an age-old thing, you didn’t know people actually spotted celebrities in real life and asked them for autographs in the 21st century. The most you’d seen was people snapping pictures from afar to share it on the internet. 
“But what is he famous for? Dancing?”
Seungmin laughed, pinching your cheek “You’re really cute, Y/N. I wonder how you’re so disconnected from the real world”
You squinted at him, despite the blush coating your cheeks at his unexpected compliment, “As if you know every famous person in the world”
Seungmin interrupted  you, “Hold on, I need to go return these coupons I borrowed”
You nodded, following him to the cash counter on the other side of the alley.
As you walked, he said, “You can ask him all about it later though Y/N. I’m sure he would love to tell you. As for being your best friend’s date, don’t worry about it. Hyunjin is a wonderful guy”
“He seems so” You agreed, “I just can’t put my finger on it. He’s…so hard to read. He just agreed to go on a date with a random girl? He never leaves his house? He’s apparently never done this before but he’s so good. He pays thousands of dollars for art classes as a dancer, when he’s famous enough to be recognised in a place like Daejon? I’m just…so curious”
“Well, you also agreed to go on a date with a random guy” He pointed out.
“That’s different though”
He raised his eyebrows “How so?”
You sighed, knowing that he had a point, “Well, what about all the other stuff I said?”
Seungmin laughed, “I know what you mean, but honestly Hyunjin is one of the most transparent and open people out there. I know you���re protective of Hana but she couldn’t be with a better person. I felt the same when I met him, and well, you have all the time in the world to know the heart and mind of Hwang Hyunjin. Don’t worry”
“Yeah" You spoke, as Seungmin handed his friend at the counter the coupons which had managed to get your group a discount.
“Did you enjoy tonight?” He asked.
You turned to him, his face was so sincere, and your heart melted, “Of course, Seungmin”
He grinned, baring his teeth “I did too. I’m glad we did this”
You stared at him, wondering if it meant something more to him. You did have a wonderful time with him, but it felt like you were hanging out with a best friend, instead of someone you wanted to perhaps kiss, or go on a date with. Maybe you just needed some more time to get to know Seungmin better.
When you walked back to your seats, Hyunjin had already come back.
“Hey, I was um, looking for you” He spoke, the tray in his hands.
"Well, I’m back now, and wow, you really decided to treat us” Seungmin spoke, before you could ask Hyunjin why he was looking for the both of you.
You peered at the tray, and the contents in it. Hyunjin had got everything.
A slice of pepperoni pizza, a ham panini sandwich, a portion of quesadillas, chicken tenders, and then the desserts…churros with chocolate, fried donuts, and candied popcorn. 
It was all in small portions, like wedding samples, so there was enough for everyone but without it going to waste.
“Wow” Seungmin repeating, grabbing the tray from him, to place it onto your table with a grin. Hana squealed, diving into the popcorn she’d asked for, and grabbing a mouthful already.
“Hyunjin, you’re a blessing to me!” She exclaimed, sighing wistfully as she chewed.
You stared at the tray full of food, and then to Hyunjin, “You really didn’t need to do that, Hyunjin” You laughed “I mean, Seungmin and Hana only wanted the popcorn, and the fried donuts, which happens to be the worst combination ever...but yeah, you got pretty much everything on the menu” 
Hyunjin nodded, glancing at you as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah I know, I just wasn’t sure what you wanted”
“I wanted to ask you, but you were with Seungmin and I...Well, so I got one of everything. I don’t know what you like more. I hope that’s okay”
He gave you a nervous smile, brushing his hair back with one hand, as if he hadn’t just done something completely unpredictable and crazy.
You were definitely looking forward to knowing how Hwang Hyunjin’s heart and mind functioned.
⇐  masterlist ⇒
please let me know if you liked the chapter, or any thoughts on this part! thank you <3
@thebelljug​​ @lovhyunj​​ @imthecuteanimal @caratinylyfe​​ @princess-kayleigh​​ @lovelyyyou​ @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam​​ @murderyoursoul​ @hyuneluvbot​ @hyunjinslovelys​ @danyxthirstae01​ @jamaisvu97 @lixvs​  @lcvryu​ @seungly​  @hyuka-luvbot​ @neochaeryeong​ @xa21x​ @mel-the-mad-hatter​ @jellyjelly605 @beaann​ @sadbixth11​ @tae-kook-lover​ @hyunzales29​ @hyunhanji​ @imhyvnjin​ @hyynee​ @xpressomarstini​ @hyyuniverse​  @tulips4u​ @kibblesnbites​ @natskilou​ @marsophilia​ @dragonyeon​ @yubinism​ @yellowroseskolchek​ @lochness-butmakeitsexy​ @bangchan-simp​ @princehyun-jin​  @sunflowerbebe07​ @hyuckie-lee​ @malachitehoe​ @leechanniee @lovesickgirl253 @itslinaaaa​ @lovingonchan @ladytrbl @putmetogetheragain13​​ @freyaniobe @kangyounghyunhands​ @itsallaboutclassic​ @fwess​ @rie-cchi​ @w-a-v-ee​​ 
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vquacki · 3 years
It's My Fatherly Duties!
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It's My Fatherly Duties!
Short DAD Scenarios 
Characters: BONTEN - Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Sanzu Haruchiyo
~ Inui Seishu, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, 
~ Souya Kawata (Angry), Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Warning ⚠︎︎ : Mature content, cussing, MINORS DNI
Note : requested, I added some characters. Hope ya don’t mind! These are pretty short, just little things I put together. Word barf kinda..? Anyways- I hope you enjoy :))
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R I N D O U 
His lashes fluttered open when he heard a loud crash coming from the hallway, along with a string of cuss words sounding like his daughter's voice. 
“What the hell was that?” You groaned, not a single word was uttered from your husband when he sprung out of bed, bolting to the bedroom down the corridor.
“Tohru?!” Rindou yelled, flinging open the door. Revealing your teenage daughter fully dressed, half way through her second story window. A facade of pillows under her blanket seeminging meant to be her ‘sleeping body’.
“Oh dad, I-”
“What the hell are you doing” The man was fuming by the ears, pajamas ruffled when he jolted out of his slumber. 
“Is Tohru okay?” You peeked from behind the broad shouldered man. 
“I was just going to get fresh air!” Your daughter lied, making up a somewhat excuse to appease her angered father. 
“Hey Tohru! Hurry up and get down here!” You heard a boy's voice call out, looking over at Rindou’s face to see the man's darkened expression.
“Who the fuck is down there? Is that a boy?!” He growled, stomping his feet over to the glass. Pushing past his daughter to take a look. 
“Oh shit- her dads here. Let’s book it!” The kids whispered, but loud enough for Rindou to make out, hastily running down the dark street. 
“You little shits! Don't you dare come back here!” Rindou growled, slamming the window shut in the process. 
“What! Dad!” Tohru whined, 
“You're so grounded young lady!” Rindou shouted, not caring for the sleeping neighbors beside his shared condo at three in the morning. 
“Rin, she was just having some fun!” You defended, you were also like her when you were her age, trouble makers run in your blood. Actually Rindou couldn't even talk- he was running roppongi at her age.  
“No! She's just too young to be hanging out with boys!” Rindou’s brows joined together as he withered in front of you. 
“But we dated when we were her age-” You deadpanned at him, 
“Grounded! My final answer!” 
R A N  
Ran was coming home from a late night bonten meeting, mouth agape when he saw his daughter’s feet dangling out from her window. 
Fearing the worst he sprinted to the ground below his child, hands outstretched to catch her if she were to misstep. 
“Mitsuri!” His voice boomed,
“Eh? Dad?!” His daughter stuttered, slowly slid out the window, climbing down like she had done this many times prior to this awkward occurrence. 
Toes easily touching the grass with ease, not a scratch upon the females porcelain skin. 
“Ran?” You yawned, cracking the door ajar. It was late, you waking up to your husband's screams outside your house. 
“Mitsuri, what are you doing climbing out your window like a maniac?!” Ran scowled, hands running through his messed up hair. Sweat dripping down his temple from the not so pleasant adrenaline rush. 
“I was just gonna hang out with some friends..” your daughter answered, fingers gripping the edge of her shirt, scarily waiting for her dad’s reaction. 
“At this time of night? .. out your window?”
“Phone privileges. Give me it.” Ran demanded, palm stretched out. 
“But-” no question she was a tad bit spoiled by her father. You being the bad cop, while your husband played the good cop for his beloved daughter. 
“If you want to go anywhere all you got to do is ask!” Ran plucked the phone from his daughter's hand, a wave of relief washing over him. Secretly thanking whatever being watching over him that it wasn't some sort of gang related subject. 
“This is what you get for spoiling her!” You laughed from the sidelines, hand clutching your stomach.
“This is your fault too ya know!” Ran argued. 
“I’m the one who tries to discipline her! But someone always lets it go!” You emphasized the special somebody. 
“Whatever” Ran sighed, This was a lesson for the usual carefree man, a special lesson he wouldn't forget in the many years to come with his unborn future children. 
S A N Z U 
It was Sanzu’s best day of his life when his daughters were born, the two only being about one year apart. They were spoiled to the core, anything they wanted their money liberl father blessed them with. He thought they were the sweetest things ever, them both being a daddy's girl after all. 
He never would have expected to see both of his daughters outside his humble abode, standing beside two boys, most likely a double date. 
He stared in shock, hands pressed firmly against the glass, teeth gritting. 
“Huh? I tucked them into bed an hour ago” You rubbed your eyes, riding yourself of the sleepiness threatening to drown you. The pink haired only tutted his teeth, swifty twisting the door knob to confront the four children outside. 
“Oh you better run” your oldest daughter whispered, gesturing for the boys to make haste from her deadly father. 
“You better not come back here, unless you want trouble you fuckers!” Sanzu yelled, red in the eyes from anger. Not bothering to chase after the two scoundrels. 
“Dad, mom! What are you guys doing awake?” Your youngest asked, sheer panic in her eyes, watching her insane fathers unpleasant smile. 
“I swear you two will be the death of me” Sanzu uttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A irked gleen in his orbs as he stared them down. 
“They were just friends dad, stop overreacting” the older daughter said, 
“I- You little shi-” He bit his lip to suppress his anger fueled words, knowing well it would definitely hurt his precious children's feelings. Having regretted it later if he were to say those sinful words. 
“Now now Sanzu, let's head to bed” You wrapped your arms around your lover, dragging him inside the house. 
“You can sort out their punishment tomorrow, after a good night's sleep” , coating him with reassuring words. That day he learned how misjudged he was of his children, even so he still loved them with all his heart.
I Z A N A 
Izana had his feet kicked up, relaxing in his office while he watched the moon. He had a clear view, the street lamps positioned next to the sidewalk, the side of his beautiful house facing his office window. He was enjoying his free time, mind taking over his body while he thought about his life choices. He was in ease until he saw his son's window light up, a long string of rope being tossed out the opening. 
Sitting up from his chair, he rushed over to his clear casement. Throwing his window open, a boy and girl standing beneath his son's window. The two holding the rope still as your child tried to slid down. 
“My my Yuki, where are you off to?” Izana laughed, nerves finally relaxing when he figured out what was going on. Calmly settling into the frame, head leaning on his chin. It wasn't like he had the right to be upset, he did much worse when he was his son's age. Robbing, fighting, killing. You name it, Izana’s done it. 
Sneaking out was nothing compared to what he did, but he wasn't gonna just let his son go. He was more wise now, he knew for a fact he didn't want his son to end up anything like him. Sure, he wanted the boy to have fun, but in a normal kid way. 
“Dad! Um- I”
“You better get your arse back up that window before I drag you around with that rope” Izana smiled, Totally different from the sentence he was portraying. Not forgetting his manners, giving a nonchalant wave to the other two kids. 
“Zana? Who are you talking to?” You asked, placing a cup of tea you had prepared for Izana on his desk. 
“Oh no one doll” Izana answered, closing the window before walking over to you. 
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He proposed, trailing his hands around your shoulders, guiding you to the door.
“But the tea I made”
“Im tired~” 
Overall the male wouldn't want to talk further about the situation, nor would he discuss it with you. Trivial matters held no place between you both, as long as the child did not dare do it again. 
I N U I 
Inui wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, the AC wasnt working at the motor shop. Him, draken and yourself were sweating bullets, the hot material around you not helping. You had decided to help the pair around the shop, cleaning what you could. Or helping with cashing every customer out, it would've been an easy task if it wasn't blazing hot. 
Leaving your daughter home alone, obviously thinking she’d stay and do her teenage things. You couldn't be more mistaken, astounded as you watched her fiddle around with a boy across the street at the ice cream parlor. 
“Y/N please don't tell me that Kagura..” Inui’s jaw dropped, the wrench that was once in his clasp dropping to the ground. Startling the concentrating Draken that was crouched over a motorbike. 
“What's wrong Inui? Y/N” Draken twisted his body around, raising a brow when you two just started muttering to each other like two creeps. 
“Is that... a boy” Inui held his chin between his fingers, squinting to get a better view of his kid. 
“You trying to catch flies with your mouth Inui? Close your yap” You whispered, 
“Y/N! She's too young, I feel like I just held her in my arms not too long ago. She can't get married just yet!” Inui argued, he would've been on the verge of tears if he didn't have a reputation to uphold. 
“What? The fuck are you on Inui? She's probably just with a friend!” You patted his back, reassuring the man. 
“Boys and girls can be friends ya’know” you added.
Cueing the two children across the road from you, feeding scoops of ice cream to each other.
“I don't think friends do that..” Inui looked over at you, eyes widening when you swung the motor shop’s door open. Hands coming around your mouth to amplify your words,
“Kagura, is that your boyfriend?” 
“WHAT?” Inui almost fainted, the ledge behind him holding his wobbly frame up right. 
“I didn't know you guys would be here!” Your daughter jogged across the street, leaving the boy sitting by himself. 
“And no! Just a friend” She answered your embarrassing, blushing as she stared down at the ground.,
“I sense some lies” you wiggled playfully at the flustered girl. 
“What! Anyways, Sorry I left the house without telling you” Kagura apologized, 
“Just don't do it again, without my permission..” Inui stated, 
“Especially not with a boy.”
Bribing people is his forte, and if they did not obliged? Threatening always did the trick. 
And that's exactly what he did when he saw his descendant out with a male. All was dandy until the boy came running back, babbling about how his girl was the so called ‘love of his life’.
“Hey brat, you got a death wish?” Kokonoi asked, leaning against the door frame. 
“Koko go easy on him, he’s just a kid” You nudged the man, a mischievous grin plastered on the males face. 
“And I kinda think it's cute” You said, a small smile erupting from your daughter that was not so far behind her parents. 
“I approve, kid! I like your romantic drive!” You clapped, 
“Y/N!” Kokonoi pouted, 
“You better not try to bribe him with money again” You threatened, waving a finger at the whiny man. 
“Yeah! I like him too, dad!” Your daughter agreed. 
“You're like twelve, go play chess or something” Kokonoi barked, crossing his arms in disapproval. 
“Dad, I'm sixteen!” 
“That's what I said” 
S O U Y A 
He almost had a panic attack at the sight, having to shield the man from the scene playing out. Your twin daughter saying their goodbyes to their dates, followed by a kiss. You removed your hand when the boys were no longer in view, riding off in their motorcycles. 
“Shira, Nihra” You held Souya up by the shoulder, the light headed male limping towards the worried kids.
“What's wrong with dad?” Nihra questioned, eyeing her ghostly pale father. 
“He's out of it” You giggled, 
“I'm not crazy am i?” He stood tall, letting go of the arm you had draped around him. 
“There was boys-” His voice cracked. 
“You saw that dad?” Shira sweat dropped, watching as her fathers should leave his body. 
“Next time ask before you go out” You smiled, you weren't too strict on the two. They were Souya’s children, earning most of their adorable traits from him. Even his fighting skills. 
“This better not happen again, i'm trusting you” Souya grumbled.
“Sorry pops” The two girls remorsefully sollied the man, both hooking onto one of Souya’s arms as they helped his shell into the house. 
N A H O Y A 
Nahoya was beyond pissed, infamous smile widening. Taking fast steps towards your daughter and her significant other. 
“Look boy, I don't know who you are. But my daughters not up for grabs” Nahoya grinned, cracking his fingers. 
“O-okay sir” the boy was jittering, body trembling from the males intense arua. 
“If I catch ya here again” he used his finger to slash his neck, motioning to the death that would happily greet the boy if they were to ever meet again.
“Yer dead meat kiddo”  Nahoya laughed, watching as the boy ran for his life. 
“Dad, that was really extra!” Your daughter sneered, a pout on her lips. 
“Shut up!, you're grounded rat!” Nahoya shouted. 
“Yeah Nahoya, there was no need to threaten the poor kid. He looked like he was gonna piss himself.” 
“Exactly the effect i wanted”
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End Note : as I said this was a word barf T-T, so it’s quite short.
Reblogs & Notes are always appreciated! Take care! ♡︎♡︎
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rinstars · 3 years
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PAIRING : Suna Rintarō x Reader. Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader.
GENRE : Angst.
TAGS/WARNINGS : NSFW. Fake Dating. Unrequited Love. Profanity. Enemies (not really) to Lovers. Not very canon compliant.
SYNOPSIS : You have been in love with your best friend Sakusa Kiyoomi for as long as you can remember. The problem? He is in love with somebody else. And for you to snag even the tiniest bit of his affections, it seems like you would willingly go through drastic measures.. Even if it means teaming up with his lifelong rival, Suna Rintarō
NOTE : I obviously didn't proofread theres 5.9k words in this one heh so yeah I hope u guys enjoy <3 I tried my hardest to have it out today. Tell me what u think!! I love hearing what u guys think and reading ur reactions/tags. Likes & RBs appreciated!
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If there was only one word to describe you, it would be determined. The embarrassment that flowed through your whole body as soon as you realized just how wrong your previous statement sounded isn't nearly enough to keep you from maintaining a straight face. You said it with such clarity—not an ounce of uncertainty in your voice while you looked at the man in front of you straight in the eyes.
Your lips are curled in a smirk, fingers drumming on the table with your chin resting on your palms. Suddenly, it felt like there was no one else in the room. The voices fading in the background as you wait in anticipation for what Suna has to say. It's like a tunnel vision when you look at him—the rest of the scene a blur that didn't matter.
He stares at you like you’ve grown two heads—like he’s waiting for you to say that you were only kidding and there’s no way in hell you are actually suggesting the both of you fake dates. When it dawns to him that you are, in fact, completely serious about this whole ordeal, his eyes narrow at you.
"I must have expected a bit too much from you," he glares, blinking lazily while he turns his drink around the cup. "The rumors about you always seemed to be nothing but respectable."
"I would hope so," you lean closer to him with a small smile.
He ignores your advances and statement, crossing his arms on top of the table before continuing, "But hearing you propose a little scheme like that," a pause that comes in the form of an unamused chuckle, "What a way to prove me wrong."
You scoff at him, leaning back on the chair and away from him to find comfort while you take in what he just said. You know it's a ridiculous suggestion but both of you were single—nothing to do, no one to touch. If one were to genuinely look at the situation, it doesn't really seem that bad—especially if you both end up benefiting from it. Or maybe that's just what you tell yourself.
Either way, the uninterested look he’s giving you makes you want nothing more than to punch his pretty face. He darts a tongue out to wet his lips—an attractive action, you note. He's such a good-looking man. Definitely up there with the most attractive faces you've ever seen in your life and the more you look at him, the more you see features you didn't notice the first time. It's a pity, though, that he acts like this. Then again, it's not like you’re any better.
“It’s a win-win situation, Suna. You like her and I like the guy she’s dating," you trail off, carefully watching the changes in his expression—if there would even be one to begin one.
"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow, taunting you with a laugh.  "What's in it for me then, YN? Pray tell."
"Oh, come on," you roll your eyes at him, legs crossing beneath the table. Why is he asking you the obvious? "Seeing you with a different woman might just wake something within her and she suddenly sees you in a different light!”
“I don’t recall confirming your hypothesis about me liking her.”
“Please,” you snort with a laugh, head throwing back and accidentally catching a glimpse of the bright ceilings that made you snap your head right back. "You stare at her like she holds all the light in the world.”
He sighs at that—the first reaction you've seen in the entire conversation so far. His eyes are clouded, hesitation clear in his voice when he speaks again, "I have a career and a name to protect.”
“A little dating scandal is not gonna get you kicked out of the team," you laugh at what he's suggesting—your own throat turning dry and craving for a drink as the seconds keep passing by without him giving you a response. You're running out of things to say. "Aren't you practically the best they have around?"
He stays silent for a good few minutes more—ignoring you and staring blankly into nothing as you basically watch the cogs turn in his head. You don’t know why he’s so against the idea. It’s not like you’re expecting to take it as far as getting married. In fact, you don’t even have to kiss; just put on a cute little show when they’re both around and that would be it.
The silence is starting to make you feel uneasy, fingers fidgeting on the wooden top of the table while you wait for the response that never seems to come. Just as you were about to brush off the idea and tell him to just forget it, grabbing your phone and uncrossing your legs, Suna beats you to it—your mouth automatically closing to listen in on whatever he has to say that took five minutes to construct.
"One of the former coaches of Inarizaki is throwing a party inviting every single team in the 1st Division, along with a few people from the teams we used to play against," he swallows thickly, not even blinking once while he holds eye contact with you. "You could guess I'm expected—being an Inarizaki graduate."
Perplexed at the information he's throwing at you, you cross your arms in question. Lips pursed at how he's holding you back and speaking in code. Is he trying to make small talk?
"That's great. Now, what is the point of me knowing this?" You push the topic—aware that there must be something he's waiting to tell you if he's making you listen. Suna Rintarō is not one for trivial conversations, you know that much about him.
He casts a side-glance, eyeing the unfamiliar surroundings before meeting your eyes in an intense stare, "Stop looking for new boys to fuck every night," he stops momentarily, hesitation in his golden-green eyes. "Instead, be my date where everyone will see—Sakusa included. Stay by my side, in my arms, with everyone's eyes on you. Stop increasing your body count on men he can't even see."
Your eyes light up at his words, ignoring the small jabs at your pride with a smile finding its way to your crimson painted lips—almost like a child offered with candies, you beam, "Does that mean—"
"If you're going to drag me into this.." he trails off, cringing inwardly at the idea but going through with it nonetheless, "..ridiculous situation, then we are going to do it my way."
Listening to him lay out the plans for both of you to follow, you are left to wonder if Suna Rintarō has always been this way—composed and reasonable. Being a friend of the twins, there seems to be an automatic idea on your head on what kind of person he is. Surely, he was never stupid. It's not like he failed his classes back then. As a matter of fact, he actually had decent grades. But hearing him speak like this, as he reads through both yours and his situation, maybe the image of Suna you've always had on the back of your head is not as true as you believe.
Time seems to have done him well.
Wise and even more handsome than you ever remembered him to be.
"So, what you're saying is," you drag out your words, smile teasing and wide as you wait for his confirmation.
He narrows his eyes at you, shrugging as a sigh leaves his parted lips, “Stop getting the wrong ideas. It’s only because you fucking keep bothering me."
“Drop the act, pretty boy,” you slightly kick him from below the table, your own eyes narrowing at his futile attempts of denying the obvious while a smirk ghosts your lips. With amusement, you make a promise—something that you believed would rid his handsome face of the expression painting it, "I'll be a good girlfriend so don't worry. You'll get your end of the deal."
He looks mildly bothered by your statement, the contemplation on whether this really was a good idea or not finally catching up to him, but he quickly hid it with a small nod, setting the plastic cup of his iced coffee down as he further briefs you on the details of what you're both getting into, "Party's on Saturday, 8 in the evening."
"That early?"
"What do you mean that early? It's not that kind of party, YN."
"By that, you mean—"
"Possible sponsors and investors for the National team would be attending. Of course, it's not gonna be some stupid frat party," he explains to you like it's supposed to be the most obvious thing in the world. You should've known it's something a lot more formal than the ones you're used to. After all, what would he need a date for in parties where everyone is nothing but high and wasted?
"Ah," you hum in realization, a thought suddenly passing through your hazy mind, one that almost makes you grimace as some type of discomfort spreads through your chest. "That means Omi will be with a date too, then."
"Yeah. With her," he looks away from you at that, eyes trained on the glass walls of the café like it's suddenly the most interesting thing in the world—blank and without an emotion you could recognize. "Killing two birds with one stone for us."
Perhaps you underestimated the feelings Suna harbors for this woman, because even as he tries not to show an expression on his face, you can tell. Maybe it's because you're in the exact same position as him and he mirrors the things you also feel. To anybody else, he is nothing more than uninterested about the whole situation but with you, you know it's anything but that. Even the way he swallowed tells you all you needed to know. Then again, Suna Rintarō is good at this game. He's been playing this look far longer than you have and that's why it looks and comes off so natural to him—not to mention that he's originally a person who never wears his heart on his sleeve.
"Dress up to the nines. Color doesn’t matter," he breaks your trance and returns his gaze, the traces of whatever it was plaguing him earlier long gone—like it didn't even exist. "I'll pick you up."
That was the last thing he said before standing up, pushing his chair backward and grabbing his phone on the table. He doesn't even turn back again to bid you goodbye—feet carrying him to the doors without another word. You expected that. This is nothing but business between you and him, after all. Coincidence leading to both of you scheming against a happy couple.
You're a terrible best friend.
On the way home, a familiar face greets you as he jogs around the park with a mask up his face. Kiyoomi is dressed in his training attire, arms bare on the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing and beads of sweat trailing down his temples. When he catches your eye, a light smile and recognition makes its way to his half-hidden face—quickly jogging closer to yo
“Omi," you greet him with a little smile, halting your walk as you wait for him to approach you. Seeing him like this, everything almost feels in place. The scene reminding you of the number of times you've had to watch him run around lap after lap, reaching his water bottle out and towel out to him every single time he takes a break.
"You always happen to be around when I need help the most," he comments, breathing ragged and shallow.
Raising an eyebrow, you reach to wipe his sweat with the grey towel on his shoulder—patting the damp skin dry, "Hmm? What can I do for you this time Mr. Sakusa?" You smile up at him after wiping his jaw, eyes connecting with his onyx ones.
He sighs in gratitude at you, fingers peeling the mask from his face and giving you a sight of the slight upturn of the corner of his lips, "Have somewhere to be on Saturday," he begins.
"Do you now?"
"Yeah and I can't choose a suit," he furrows his brows at you, making you laugh at his troubles of finding which one he looks better in. What he doesn't realize is that he looks good whatever he chooses. You think maybe it's more the tradition of helping him out rather than him actually needing your help. You used to get ready for everything together.
Nodding more to yourself than him, it seems that Suna was right. Kiyoomi will be there. Internally, you pat yourself in the back for deciding to entrust the plan to Suna—seeing as he was able to take advantage of such a great opportunity.
“Is tomorrow a good time to come over?” You ask him, arms falling back to your sides as you let him handle the rest of the wiping—eyes drawn to the way the shirt clings to his body from the sweat, outlines of his hard stomach visible.
“No no, I’ll come over,” he shakes his head. “It’s been a long time since I've been to yours.” A thought passes over him and he continues with a smirk—teasing and mischievous. "Tidy up a little, would you? Don't wanna see your panties all over the floor again."
You feign shock, lightly hitting his chest while he simply chuckles at you, "Now why would I do that?"
"To seduce me."
It was a joke. And it was supposed to be harmless. Yet you couldn't help the warmth that suddenly rose to your cheeks. He must've thought it was only due to embarrassment and not the fact that he's hitting the nail in the head—not the part about your underwear, but the fact that you are trying to seduce him.
You can almost picture Suna looking at you with the same look he always gives you—filled with so much pity. It's funny coming from him, considering the fact that he's pining for a woman who's in a relationship with the one you are going for. Still, you hear his voice on the back of your head, telling you Kiyoomi will never love you back and that you are wasting your time. Ignoring the thoughts, you laugh at Kiyoomi—your own tongue betraying you as you fail to come up with a response.
"I'll see you soon then," you pat his jaw with a small laugh, brushing the wet strands of hair over his cheeks before ushering him to keep running—bidding a quick goodbye as you walk home from the park.
Suna is annoying. More because he sees through you better than you see through him rather than the fact that your relationship with each other has never been particularly good—especially as Sakusa's best friend. It was second nature to avoid and ignore him.
This time, however, you find it hard to do so.
Knowing that he's right in everything he has ever told you.
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You slid the silver Rolex on his left wrist, fastening the clasp and unconsciously making your fingers linger for a little while—his skin warm in contrast to your cold ones. It's the nerves for what's about to go down tonight, you guess. Suna comes in a few hours, your anxiety spiking higher than it has ever been even while in the presence of your best friend.
Helping Kiyoomi get ready has always been an opportunity for you—the combined efforts of leaning down just a little bit further than usual to give him a good view of your chest and looking up with as much seduction as you can in your eyes all unnoticed even way before he got in a relationship. You don't even bother anymore, certain that Kiyoomi is way too preoccupied with thoughts of how his girlfriend will look tonight rather than the failed attempts of his best friend at seduction.
Surely, if it was anyone other than Sakusa Kiyoomi, you would’ve been in bed by now—shirt discarded on the floor and hickeys all over your bare skin. Too bad he has never seen you more than his best friend. The light you desperately wish he would start seeing you in nothing more than a fleeting dream. Is it because there was never anyone who dared threaten his place in your life like his girlfriend is doing now?
Teaming up with Suna is wishful thinking. A plan with no assurance of a great result. Nevertheless, you try. What other choice do you have? If you were about to lose him anyway, you wanted to at least try.
"Omi?" you whisper, watching him from the bed as he fixes the cuffs of his suit.
"Hmm?" he turns to look at you, walking over to where you are with a mildly humored expression. Once close enough, he lifts his arms towards you—an invitation for a hug which you rushed to accept.
"I miss you," you breathe on his shoulder, eyes automatically closing as you savor the feeling of his arms around you.
His lips touch the crown of your head, inhaling your scent in before pressing a small kiss, "Me too, YN. I miss you too.”
You don’t do any more than that, pulling away and giving him a small smile which he naturally returned. It was just a hug and a kiss to your hair, but it was enough. Anyway, you're not about to try something with a taken man. After weeks of only having small talks, being with him like this feels like a new step forward—like you are slowly going back to how it was before his girlfriend came along. At times like this, you can't help but curse yourself for wanting more and not being contented with your place in his life.
He smoothes out his navy blue suit, adjusting his tie to the center before turning to you with a quirked brow, “Guess I’ll be stealing the show tonight again.”
He’s beautiful—no, he’s perfect. The styling wax you combed through one side of his hair earlier keeps his hair away from his face perfectly. The new and crisp suit hugs his athletic build perfectly and his sharp facial features going along with the look of elegance he's sporting right now. His expensive perfume fills your senses. The air in your room flowing with the scent you know you won't be able to get rid of for at least a few days.
"It's kinda weird how I'm the only one dressed up," he sighs, leaning back on the bed with his elbows. "We used to get ready for everything together."
A pang of hurt catches up to you before you could even process what he was saying. But that's just the reality, isn’t it? You’re no longer his date.
Walking over to your bed, you sit down beside him with crossed legs, propping your elbows on top of it as you look at him sideways with a sly smile, “Is that so? Don’t worry," he looks at you, confused. "You might be surprised to still see me there, after all.”
The slight widening of his eyes made you giggle, watching as he pushes himself up from the mattress so he can look at you properly, “What? Do you have a secret date I don’t know about?” He stares at you for a good while before his face flashes with suspicion. “Are you going out with Miya?"
“I didn't tell you because it was supposed to be a surprise," you snicker at him, standing up to offer your head as you catch a look at the time on your bedside table. “And no, it’s not 'Tsumu. He's just a friend, Omi."
“You must have a secret boyfriend I don’t know about, then," He lets out a breath, taking your hand so he's standing and towering over you.
Bending your head down, you try to hide the smirk that paints your lips—an action Sakusa failed to catch, “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
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A message pops from your phone a few minutes after Kiyoomi departs from your house. Thankfully, he got ready way earlier than he should so you can still have time for yourself. The device on your table blinks at the notifications coming from Suna.
8 pm sharp
don't make me wait.
Glancing at the clock, you still have around an hour left as it reads 7:05. Hurrying to your closet, you pick the dress you bought from the mall a few days ago and laid it down on your mattress—silky, blood-red cocktail dress with golden heels to match. It's what people would call a rather eye-catching and scandalous dress. In movies, it's the color of revenge. To others, it's a cheesy way of trying to get attention. Well, they can call it whatever they want—it won't matter when all of their eyes are on you.
The time seems to go by in a breeze. By the time you finished styling your hair and putting on makeup equally as bold as your dress, the clock blinks to eight. Suddenly you feel cold, palms clammy as you run simulations of whatever could go down later in your head.
As if on cue to disrupt your raging thoughts, the doorbell rings–echoing through the house and amplifying your nerves. Descending down the stairs with your clutch and phone in hand, you make a small mental preparation before reaching for the door and unlocking it. Only when you see the vision on the other side did you realize that nothing could have ever prepared you for the sight you are about to see.
The words drowned in your throat as you took him in—not a strand of his dark hair out of place, not a wrinkle in his pitch-black suit, not a look of uncertainty in his golden-green eyes while a cool scent of cologne whiffs through your nose.
Suddenly, you felt like retracting your previous statement on Kiyoomi being the star of the night, especially when Suna Rintarō stands before you—whole being exuding confidence with the way he carries himself.
You don't even realize the number of seconds that passed. The first words coming out of your mouth as soon as you get back to reality being a low whisper of holy shit.
Naturally, he ignores you. Paying no mind and giving no response. If you didn't know any better, you would think he's completely uninterested in your presence before him. But as he takes you in, eyes shamelessly looking at you from head to toe while lingering a bit longer on the low cut of your neckline—you know he's not as Invincible as he tries to make it seem.
"Red," He nods to himself in approval, tongue darting out to wet his lips before finally meeting your eye. “Very sexy. I like it," he smirks at you with an amused glint in his eyes
The praise makes your stomach flutter. The comment holding a much higher degree of importance to you as he's not someone who easily hands praises out or says it without much thought. He may be a fake boyfriend tonight but it sure does wonders being praised by someone like him.
“You’re not so bad yourself," you teased in return—vague and nothing much even if he deserves much higher praise than that with how.. godly he looks paired with a cocky look on his face. You made a mental note that this night you won't be so easy. Not when he's already agreed to your plans.
“Well, should we go?” he offers you his arm, natural and easy like he's so used to being around girls and knowing how to handle them. Without hesitation, you took it and linked your arms with his, letting him lead the way to his car which was parked on the driveway.
His car is exactly how you expected it to be—sleek, shiny, and black with heavily tinted windows. You were waiting for him to open the door on your side but when you looked up, he’s already getting around his side of the car. Huffing to yourself, you went ahead and did it on your own, sinking down in the cool leather of the seats.
Sure he's not actually your boyfriend and you doubt he bothers opening the door for every woman he's ever been with but it wouldn’t hurt for him to at least act like he’s playing the part now, would it? However, it's the least of your problems right now—heart hammering on your chest as he brings the car to life and starts driving on the way to the venue.
The ride to the venue was filled with comfortable silence, a soft tune humming in the background and blending in with your breathing. It would have stayed that way until you reached your destination. That is, if only you weren’t so curious with finding out more about what really ties him to Kiyoomi's girlfriend.
“So, Omi's girl, huh?” you begin, leaning over the center console to watch him. "His girl out of all people? You should have known better than that.”
His expression doesn't give anything away. One hand on the wheel while the other rests on his gear as he gives you a glance from the side of his eyes. Truthfully, you stopped waiting for the response the moment you land your eyes on him—thinking he wouldn't bother giving in to your persistent prying.
“It’s not as shallow as you think it is,' He sighs, his voice suddenly making you jump as you watch him grip the steering wheel a bit tighter.
“I figured," you look at the tinted windows, streetlights painted into a shade much darker than how it really was. “Then let me rephrase, what sort of history do you have with her?”
“I don’t even think history is a way to call it," he lightly shakes his head. "We were.. acquaintances—for the lack of better term—but it was something that was cut short.”
“Because of Kiyoomi," you realize with the slight widening of your eyes, tapping your chin with a knowing nod. Turns out, this is a lot more serious than you previously believed it to be. "Interesting. She left you for him and that's why your rift with Kiyoomi is now running much deeper than just your plain old court rivalry."
He doesn’t respond to this. Not a flinch nor a look or affirmation either. Something tells you he's accepted his circumstances long ago. Truthfully, he probably even gave up on trying to steal her back until you showed up to propose a stupid plan.
“Did she know?” you press on the topic, taking advantage of the way he’s actually trying to communicate with you—probably for the sake of your scheming.
“That you liked her?”
He met your eyes for a second, not once faltering or cowering from your watching gaze that has been staring at him since the beginning., “No. Not when it's always been him.”
He is firm. He’s just as he usually is—stoic and hard to read. If you didn't try to understand him a bit better, you would miss the sadness painted behind his gaze. Not to mention the fact that if he’s agreeing along with your plan, he definitely isn't as over about it as he tries to make it seem.
You don’t speak for the remainder of the car ride, not wanting to push his buttons even more than you already did. God knows he’ll probably leave you on the side of the road if you start pissing him off.
You arrive at the venue a few minutes later, several cars already parked in the allotted space. The former coach just came back from France where he supposedly runs a successful business. Hence, the fancy venue chosen for the party.
Suna glances at you, smirk on his face as he turns the key to shut the engine off, “Showtime.”
Rolling your eyes, you try to hide the fact that you are not as elated about this as he is. After all, unlike him, the person of interest is your best friend—someone you regularly talk to and get along with.
“So if absolutely anybody asks I just say I'm the girlfriend?” you ask nervously.
“Isn’t that what you wanted to do?”
“Well, yes, but—" you breathe out, leaning back on the headrest. “I wonder if this will make Kiyoomi hate me.”
“Your years of friendship ruined by a single man. How shallow must your whole relationship be," He scoffs at your worries, mirroring your position and leaning back on his own seat.
“Perhaps," you not at him tightly before continuing, bitter tone laced in your words. “But it wouldn’t be worth it in this case. It’s not like we’re actually in a relationship. You don't love me as much as I don't love you. Besides, are we forgetting the fact that you literally hate each other's guts?"
He stares at you, unmoving before nodding with a hard gaze. “Perhaps. But I have no control over what happens to your friendship with him after this. I will not be responsible for the consequences of your plans."
Left with no more arguments to make, you simply frown at the implications of his statements—possibilities running through your head without stop as you anticipate Kiyoomi's reaction.
Suna pisses you off. He’s smart with his words and he knows exactly how to press your buttons. Maybe this is the price you have to pay for dragging him into this—the fact that you're forced to realize the flaws and shortcomings of your relationship with Kiyoomi.
“You piss the hell out of me," you run a hand through your hair, exasperated sigh going through your parted red lips. “If we were in an actual relationship we would probably be having the sexiest angry make-out session on the backseat right now.”
He startles you when he laughs at that—the first genuine amused sound you've ever heard from him since the first time you met in the park two weeks ago.
What you didn’t expect even more though is what happened next.
He leans over the center console, placing his left hand flat on top of the leather seat by your right side while his right-hand ghosts over your exposed collarbone. Placing his face closer and closer to your neck, you start getting goosebumps at the feeling of his warm breath fanning your cold skin. His nose ghosts over your jaw, a sharp inhale sounding across the space as he takes in your scent.
“Do you think I’m that easy?” He asks you teasingly, smirk evident on the tone despite the fact that you couldn't see him from his position on your side. Your stomach churns with desire—sucking in a sharp breath as he inches even closer. “That I wouldn’t make you work for it?”
His lips finally connect to the spot connecting your shoulders and neck. Lips dropping in a wet kiss—tongue running over it for a second before grazing the skin with his teeth ever so lightly. “Beg for it?”
A whimper makes its way past your lips—making you press your thighs together in need. Reaching for the back of his neck, you try pulling him even closer to you—angling your neck better so he would have more access.
Catching your wrist with his fingers, he pulls your hold away from him. Body leaning back slightly away from you so he could look at you straight in the eyes instead.
Gaze dropping to your lips, a smirk stretches over his face—teeth lightly nibbling the insides of his bottom lip before leaning in, "I could kiss you so easily."
“Then why don’t you?” You pant against him. Just a little movement from either of you and your lips would have been touching. You probably look and sound desperate right now, but you didn't really care. The only thing in your mind being the pull that attracts you to him—craving his touch and taste as he pushes you over the edge like this.
He looks at you with amusement dancing in his eyes, fingers reaching to your face and to your hair, tucking it behind your ears with a small chuckle. “Because I don’t want to mess up your lipstick.”
Just like that, he completely pulls away from you—the breath you didn't realize you had been holding forcing its way out of your lungs as you pant, head hung low with a hand pressed to your forehead. Not even at the party yet and you could already feel a headache building.
The next thing you know, Suna's opening the car door to your side—palms opened and offered to you. You take it with a sigh, eyelids shutting as you try and steady yourself on his fingers once you're out of the car.
“This always looks so romantic in movies," you comment without much thought.
“It kind of is, don’t you think?”
His hand leads you to the glass doors, tightening his hold on yours a bit tighter–as if he can sense your pulse beating beneath his fingers. You’re nervous as hell, to say the least, but you’re not about to quit right now—not when you’ve already entered the doors with the sound of chatter greeting you from every direction.
The place was beautiful. Golden chandeliers with accents of white and silver, shiny marble floors which reflected the glimmer on everyone’s dazzling gowns, and a huge assortment of long tables where different kinds of cuisine were placed.
The moment you enter, you recognize familiar faces immediately. Some friends, some acquaintances—they notice you too. Eyes drawn to your hand which intertwines with someone else like a couple.
You guess that��s where the initial shock came from. The fact that you’re attending a party you’re not personally invited in with a guy who they could only assume is someone they know—considering that this is a party where only the invited players can come. But when they realize whose hand you were holding, the shock becomes even more evident— a certain blonde man jogging over just to stop right in front of you.
“Suna?!” he exclaims with a loud voice—attracting a few more number of people to look in your direction, making you uncomfortable. Cowering away from the amount of eyes on you, you end up unknowingly took a step closer to Suna—his hands leaving your hand to wrap around your waist instead, pulling you closer to his side.
You looked up to see him just smirking at Atsumu, eyes bright at the stunned expression of his friend, "Yeah? What are you so shocked for, dumbass?”
Suna Rintarō plays his own games and he plays them well. The expression painted on his face right now along with the stunt he pulled on you in the car earlier made it all pretty clear for you. Like you, he too can play the games you do. He can tease you, seduce you, and attract you—be it when you're alone together or in front of other people.
You can only pray you don’t end up being on the losing side—even as you feel like playing with fire every time you're with him.
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🏷 : @nozomiasl @lilith412426 @coconois @effmigentlywithachainsaw @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @shawkneecaps @satorinnie @fail-big @slxttygoddess @cuddlesslut @stffychn @sugusshi @rintarovibes @jiminslajibolala @rinsangel @atzuums @sunarinsbubs @iwaprotector @exologys @g0thbunnyy @oikawa-bubs @starylust @call-me-lulu @ouraniaastraea @milkteeboba @criesinpisces @tendo-sxtori @plusultra2dwhore @p1nk-p0ison @witcherydotcom @yoitsseulgi @fulltimesunafanpage @trshex @heizenka @maitenight @victoriasee @whoisalexa @asaitashi @evilox @mysticstrawberryballoon @suyasgf @pleasespikeaballatmyface @kyoomisprincess @babyworld @4k0taro @starfireaurora @suzuyamitsuki @novelnekomata @luna-vitae-suae @hortensiyas @omi-kunslysol (if ur url is crossed out, please change ur settings bc i cant tag u <3)
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Pain You'll Soon Regret - Pt. 1
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***This...This is glorious. Oh ho, I will most definitely give you this fic @millenniumofpain! I will do so gladly! Thanks for sending in this great request!***
Poly!MC Summary: MC and the demon lords get in a fight resulting in MC leaving. They planned on going to Purgatory Hall until things cool off, but they never quite make it there. TW: Heavy Angst, Violence, I don't know what to tag this, but there is a pretty nasty verbal fight, Gore/Injury Part Two: HERE, Part Three: HERE, Part Four: HERE
You growled to yourself, angrily wiping tears from your face, as you marched away from the House of Lamentation, away from your partners.
Well, you said marching. It was more of a stumble what with the way your intoxicated brain could barely walk forward. You wished you could say you didn't know how things got like this, but the evidence had been there all along. It was in the slow build of tensions that increased and increased until they overflowed. It was in the way everyone would bite their tongues more and more frequently rather than communicating their thoughts.
Everyone had little things about the relationship between the eight of you that bothered them, and no one said a word until the words could no longer be held back.
It all started after you came back from clubbing way past curfew with Asmodeus.
The two of you were definitely drunk and were giggling messes as you did your best to hold the other up.
You both jumped when the hallway light turned on to reveal Lucifer and the others waiting there for you.
You bit back a sob as you thought of the vicious words that came out of their mouths.
"You're so reckless! Do you know what could've happened to a human like you this late at night in this state?! For Diavolo's sake MC, I expected this behaviour from Asmodeus, but I expected more from you!" Lucifer shouted Asmodeus groaned and leaned against you. "We were just having some fun. It's my date night. Don't get your wings in a twist." Beelzebub glared at him. "Just because it's your date night with MC doesn't excuse you putting them in danger. You couldn't even defend yourself right now, forget about defending them!" You frowned and stepped forward. "Guys relax. Nothing happened." Mammon scoffed, "That's always how it is with you! You think that just because nothin' has happened to ya that it's fine. You ain't invincible MC. Gah, it's like you're just throwin' ya self into dangerous situations just to get us to come to save ya again!" Satan raised an eyebrow at Mammon's comments and crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe that's what they want. Attention. Is that the real reason why you keep being so reckless?" he tsks and scowls at you, "If you wanted attention MC you could've asked one of your seven boyfriends." You looked at them all with wide eyes. "Wha- I do NOT do all of this for attention!" Levi snarled, "Then why do you do it? Huh? Why else would you get drunk in one of the most notorious clubs in the Devildom? Why else would you date all seven of the Lords of the Devildom?" You stepped back as though you had been slapped by Levi's words. You glanced around at the others, but no one rose to your defence. You met Belphie's gaze hoping, that maybe as the only one to have not spoken up, that he'd be on your side. He just snickered and gave you a perplexed look. "What? Don't expect me to step in. You got yourself in this mess." You stood shocked and hurt; almost unwilling to believe that your partners, the people who you thought loved you unconditionally, verbally attacked you. Anger bubbled and boiled inside of you until you couldn't contain it anymore. "If you guys have such a problem with it, then maybe I won't depend on you anymore! I'm reckless, yeah, I admit, but I never did it for attention and I certainly never put myself in danger just so you all could play the hero," you turned your anger to Leviathan, "And in case you forgot, you all agreed to date me! I thought it was because you all loved me as much as I loved you but apparently fucking not! So if you don't mind, I'm going to leave now like the attention-driven child that you all think I am!"
Not your classiest moment, but you didn't care. It was clear you weren't wanted at the time, and you were too tired to handle the brutal words that they were throwing at you. So you left. Which brought you here, stumbling your way towards Purgatory Hall, drunk, and sobbing as you shivered from the cold Devildom air. You could just see the shape of the Hall ahead of you when you suddenly tripped and found yourself tumbling to the ground. You winced as you felt your knees and hands scrape against the ground. You groaned and turned yourself over to inspect the injuries. "Just when the night couldn't get any worse," "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" You stiffened as three demons came out of the woods around you and began circling you like vultures about to swoop in on their prey. The tallest one snickered. "Looks like the Lords' little pet strayed too far from its masters. Lucky us~"
A shorter, rounder one smiled sharply as drool trickled from its mouth. "Their loss, our gain," it leaned forward and inhaled deeply before sighing in pleasure. "Oh, get a whiff of that fear~ Just, delicious! Do you think it's true when they say that human tears really do add seasoning to its meat?" You tried to scramble away from it, as your heart pounded in your chest, but yelped as your back bumped against a curvier one. Its long nails dug into your shoulders as it secured its hands near your neck. "Only one way to find out." You were in trouble. These demons clearly had no intention of letting you go. You needed to get out of there before it was too late. You jammed the heel of your palms against the back of the wrists of the demon that holding you down, while you leaned backwards away from it. You were able to get just enough slack to roll away from the demon before jumping back to your feet. You were still surrounded, but at least now you weren't defenceless on the ground. Progress.
You did your best snarl, one that you and Mammon had jokingly practiced together one day, and glared fiercely at them. "Do you have any idea who you're messing with? I could have you all killed with just a snap of my fingers. You have one chance to run away, or I promise you that no one will ever be able to find your sorry corpses."
The tall one laughed and smirked at you. "And what exactly are you going to do? Scratch us with your blunt little nails? Bite us with your flat teeth?" The round one perked and began to hop excitedly. "Oh! Oh! Maybe they'll summon the lords to do it for them! Such a pathetic thing doesn't stand a chance on its own."
The curvy one wore a sickening grin as it leaned down mockingly at you. "So, you gonna call your guard dogs or what?"
You froze. You couldn't summon the brothers. Technically, you could, but not at this moment. Not after that fight. They had basically screamed at you about how they were tired of you getting yourself into situations exactly like this and then come crying to them for help. And what did you do? Take off and prove them right. They didn't want to be your heroes. They didn't want you.
You were on your own in this, and there was no way you could fight and win. Without a second thought, you turned towards Purgatory Hall and ran. The laughter of the demons rang behind menacingly. You barely got five steps away before a set of claws slashed deep into your ankle. You screamed out as you collapsed roughly to the ground, making your forehead against the dirt road.
You twisted onto your side to see the round demon drooling over your heavily bleeding leg with a nearly psychotic expression. "I love it when they try to run." That was the only warning you got before it sunk its razor-sharp teeth into your calf. You wailed loudly in pain as you used your other foot to try and kick the demon off of you, but it wasn't so willing to let go of its meal. The tall one grabbed your arm, bending you foreword as it roughly folded it behind your back. You cried out as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket and nausea swirl in your stomach. "Not so tough now, are you?" It purred in your ear as it licked the tears off of your cheeks. You choked on your sobs as it roughly bit into the flesh on your collar, and weakly struggled in its grasp. "Let go of me! H-Help! Somebody! Help me!"
The curvy one finally approached you, burying its fingers into your hair before harshly yanking your head towards it. You screamed before it slapped its clawed hand across your face. Bile threatened to rise out of your throat as you felt your own blood drip down your cheek.
Spots began to blur your vision as the demon leered down at you with its menacing eyes. You felt your stomach drop as a realization hit you. This was how you would die.
You whimpered as you thought of the brothers, and how you never got to even kiss them or tell them goodbye one final time. Hell, you didn't even get to see them smile at you. Instead, you were reminded that you could never be what they needed you to be.
You would die scared, in pain, and unloved.
The curvy demon laughed as it wrapped its hands around your throat. You struggled to breathe and whined as, for just a moment, you saw Belphegore choking you to death once more, and not this monster. You morbidly thought that it was only fitting for you to be killed the same way twice. The demon leaned closer to you, demanding that you meet its un-naturally yellow eyes as it smiled. "You realize it now don't you? That this is your death bed? That no one is coming for the pathetic little human. I bet no one would even-" Before it could finish its sentence a blindingly bright beam burst across the side of its face sending it flying across the ground. You could hear the other demon curse and began to take off as two voices shouted and more bright flashes were sent in their direction. As your vision began to fade, you saw tear-filled, innocent blue eyes look down at you and a small mouth framed by chubby cheeks try to speak. But it was too late. With a final whine, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your skull and your mind plummet into darkness. ***This request is just evil and I love it. There will be a part two. So stay tuned for more pain. Hope you enjoyed it @millenniumofpain! Thank you for allowing me to write this!!***
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eddiemsbitch · 2 years
…drop the angst. Do it. Don’t be shy. Give us the Eddie content
You're gonna wish you never said that :))) bring out the tissues.
Vecna's curse - Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: Whenever Eddie said '86 was his year, he never knew it'd be the year that traumatized him the most.
warning: THIS SHIT IS HEARTBREAKING, angst, reader is hiding something from Eddie, get the tissues. on a serious note though this story contains mentions of a dark reader past involving thoughts/hallucinations of suicide, talks of sexual assault but no details, please read with caution my loves.
a/n: So..I finished this with 4k words last night and my internet crashed for the second time right as I pressed post, so this is the third re-writing of this story, it's definitely not as sad as I thought but totally sadder than my other works lately
Eddie was distant with you the past few weeks, blowing off dates for hellfire emergency meetings, ignoring your calls for days, and whenever you would talk to him he seemed annoyed with your voice, so whenever you started getting headaches and started hearing things you didn't say anything to him, afraid he might just shrug you off for good. Eddie's timing couldn't be worse, after you got back from vacation he started acting cold towards you, leaving you to deal with something horrible on your own.
Walking through the school hallways you kept your head down, walking quickly to the main doors, ready to crawl into the mountains of blankets and disappear until tomorrow morning, but Eddie had other plans "What the hell?" He asked, towering over you, your relationship wasn't new, Eddie and you were extremely close throughout school, you were held back in middle school so he was ahead of you in school until he had gotten held back leaving him a 21 year old senior and you a 18 year old senior. "Don't what the hell me. you've been acting like a prick the past month!" You yelled shoving him back a bit "You've been avoiding me the past month!" He argued, he was about to say something before the rest of the hellfire club walked over leading Eddie away "We're not finished with this" He said looking at you, your hands shook, you didn't want it to be like this, you wanted to be Eddie's best friend again, not feel like you were just a bother to him.
Walking home you decided to make a shortcut walking through the woods, quietly humming to yourself as you attempted to clear your mind, while you were focusing on your breath you hadn't noticed the tree root sticking out of the ground sending you tumbling to the ground. When you stood up you felt like something was off, it was silent except for a loud ticking sound, you rapidly glanced around trying to find your path back to any type of road but the spinning just made you disoriented and lose track of where you were. Nervously walking through the trees you stopped seeing a clock somehow made into a tree, ticking loudly as you walked closer "y/n.." You heard a deep voice calling, your breathing picked up hearing footsteps come closer, there was Eddie, but there was something off about him, there wasn't any emotion behind his eyes "You fucking whore" he spat, you fell back in a mix of fear and shock "E-eddie" You whimpered looking at him "Honestly. fucking somebody else whenever I was waiting for you at home" his voice started to contort into a deeper much more guttural and demonic sounding, you quickly kicked the thing pretending to be your boyfriend and ran quickly "No! no! no! go away!" You screamed running as quick as you could, the same time you broke out of the forest, a branch smacking you in the face on the way out of the trees the lighting changed, you could tell whatever that thing chasing you was gone, at least for now.
The next few days would be hell for you, between trying to figure out where your boyfriend disappeared to and the harassment of town-folk following the tragic news of Chrissy Cunningham's death in your boyfriend's trailer. You were jerked awake from your nightmare, thrown into a world with crumbled buildings, and red fog covering every inch of wherever you were "Hello!?" You called walking down the staircase that was almost destroyed, whenever you heard the loud ticks of the clock again your feet slowly started to carry you farther away from the building "Y/n.." You heard the deep voice call for you, after his call you started to run faster, anywhere away from the thing trying to get you. Unknown to you, your friend's were attempting to save you, after Eddie demanded the younger teens go to find you and fill you in they left and found you in Eddie's living room, your eyes were rolled in the back of your head. You were lucky that his uncle or it'd make Dustin's job even harder before, you were his older sister, and now he was about to see what Eddie was talking about happened to Chrissy "We have to save her!" Dustin screamed shaking your body harshly "Y/n! y/n! come to me please!" He begged even slapping your face a couple of times "Code red! code red! Eddie y/n's trapped!" Max yelled into the walkie talkie repeatedly hoping they would be able to get your favorite song back to her before it was too late.
"Co...Red...ed..y/..trapped!" Max's voice broke through the walkie talkie, Nancy, Robin, Eddie and Steve were already standing in Eddie's trailer of the upside down, ready to get the hell out of the upside down. Eddie stopped in his tracks looking around, almost like you'd appear out of nowhere and go through the gate with them, but he didn't see you. As everybody rushed inside they heard Dustin's panicked screams "Y/n!! Y/n please!" He screamed loudly shaking your body rapidly, he screamed in fear watching your body slowly start to ascend up "Music! Music Dustin remember?" Max said quickly starting to go through the tapes Eddie had sitting in his house.
You screamed loudly, staring the giant creepy monster in the eyes "It is your time Y/n..just give in" Vecna called to you watching as you struggled against his hold, screaming for your boyfriend or brother to come save you.
"I knew this was going to happen! How could I of left her!?" Dustin yelled in frustration putting tape after tape in Eddie's cassette player hoping at least one of them to help save his big sister's life. "You knew it was going to happen!? We'll talk after I save your sister. You just start singing" Eddie screamed from his trailer in the upside down, grabbing his amp and guitar, ready to do whatever it took to save you. Quickly he climbed to the top of the trailer looking aorund, Dustin and the others still trying to save you, he could hear the muffled kiss song play through the gate in his trailer and started to match the cords with his electric guitar.
You had closed your eyes, ready to give in to whatever the hell this thing was trying to kill you, you screamed in pain whenever you felt your arm start to snap, first your wrist, then your upper arm, Your brother screamed watching your actual body start to break, only encouraging the others to sing louder and Eddie to turn his amp up as high as it could possibly go, In the split second you weren't screaming you heard your brother's voice, along with his friends's singing along with him. tears welled in your eyes as you started to think about your friend's and family. If you didn't make it out of here you'd never get to argue your brother about dungeons and dragons or watch scary movies with your boyfriend, you'd never get to sit with your best friend, Robin and talk to her about her newest girl crush.
You didn't know you were fighting against Vecna's hold until your feet hit the ground, with your adrenaline running high your feet moved quickly towards the large window showing you your brother and friend's.
Eddie looked around, his fingers starting to blister and bleed from how aggressively he was plucking the strings to save you. His heart was caught in his throat as he watched the window leading into his bedroom at the trailer, not seeing you anywhere, Dustin started to cheer, watching the breaking of your arms stop and your body hold still, he watched anxiously, the others still trying to sing as loud as they could.
Looking across Eddie could see your body, or more of you tripping on one of the black sludge arm things that Vecna used to drag Steve underwater hours before "Y/N! RUN!" Eddie screamed, his voice echoing loudly, smirking whenever the thing chasing you directed it's attention to him "COME AND GET ME YOU NASTY FUCKERS!" his voice pulled you out of your thoughts, pushing yourself off the ground you sprinted, glancing towards wherever you thought the voice was coming from, there was Eddie standing on his trailer using his prized possession to knock bat like creature out of the sky. Dustin jumped back whenever you body clashed with the ground, your breathing rapid and out of control, Dustin quick to your side hugging you tightly, you clung to your little brother trying to calm down whenever the thought of Eddie fighting on his own crossed your mind, and as soon as your thought popped into your head you heard a padded thump and Eddie yelling for you. "She's okay!" Dustin yelled holding you tighter whenever Eddie walked in glaring at him "Now what the hell did you mean by 'I knew it' Henderson?" Eddie asked your brother kneeling in front of you checking for any injuries, quickly ripping his shirt making it into a sling for your arm until they got you to the hospital, only now did you notice the multiple deep wounds on his arms and side, you had to force him to get it checked out when you went for your arm. "I told him..about seeing the clock Max saw..my headaches..you were just too busy to notice" You said after finally catching your breath looking towards your boyfriend "I-I wasn't busy..You were brushing Me off..you always seemed uninterested whenever I was around" Eddie defended himself not wanting your brother to kill him "I was..something happened..in California when I went to visit Will.." You whispered "I didn't want you to find out because I knew you'd be upset and try to kill the kid" You explained nervously looking at him "Pin in that for when we have privacy, so...you don't wanna..end things?.." Eddie whispered, his voice cracking with every word he spoke, you just stared at him for a moment "No..I don't want to end things Eddie but we have to talk more...we can't play back and forth with the silent treatment, nobody in Hawkins has time for a silent treatment" You explained quiet, your throat sore from screaming and your adrenaline was wearing off, making you even more aware of the pain in your left arm "Agreed" Eddie whispered holding your good hand tightly as he hoisted you off the floor and into a hug, not letting go or loosening his grip on you, it was obvious to you something was up with Eddie, you just didn't wanna bring it up in front of everybody.
As the group helped you into Nancy's car that was still parked outside of Max's house you glanced at Eddie, he was messing with his rings staring at his shoes in the seat next to you "Penny for your thoughts, Munson?" You whispered scooting closer to him "I almost lost you, y/n/n..and the last memory I would've had of you was me being an ass" He whispered looking at you, you cooed slightly leaning your head on his shoulder "Well..you didn't lose me..and that's why you just gotta learn from our mistakes..We both know to focus on communication now" You whispered resting your hand on his leg "I could've lost you, y/n" He whispered looking at you "and I almost died Eddie..neither of us are gonna process it just yet..it takes time" You whispered leaning against his body for comfort "I love you.." He whispered holding you tighter almost like if he loosened his grip you'd be gone again, maybe 86 was his year, the year he realized he was deeply in love with Y/f/n Henderson.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! I love reading your works but can i have request?
If it's not too much i request for a mikey, draken, mitsuya,angry,smiley,ran and rindou (sorry if it's too much, i love them all i can't pick) with a s/o bakugou katsuki? But the s/o is a bit calmer since she have a angry management but when she snaps she became the explosive queen?(lmao) and called someone extras,nerd,shitty and when fight she keeps saying "DIEEE!"
Oh God! I love this idea so much!
And of course I can write for all of them! I really don't have that much of a limit on how many characters I'm willing to write about in one request 😅 I'm also really glad you enjoy my other writings :)
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!!
Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Smiley, Angry, Ran, Rindo with a fem!Bakugo Katsuki!reader
TW: mentions of language, anger management, violence, name calling
Just like Mikey, you would like to give others nicknames rather than call them by their actual name. However, while the blond would simply add '-chin' at the end of names or change the way it's said, you would create these nicknames by either how annoying they were to you or if you were friends, by their features.
You were like a firecracker. Short fuse and when it was lit, you were explosive in both your words and actions. Many of Toman had learnt this the hard way. Especially poor Baji. He had made a comment that had set you off, next thing he knew he was facing the sky as Draken and Mikey were holding you back. Never again did he make the mistake of saying something that would upset you.
While you were usually OK if not provoked, there were times when you couldn't hold back. This was especially true when it came down to fights. Even the Invincible Mikey knew to not get too close during these moments. After all, he had witnessed what happened to those that had.
You would be the loudest and most explosive on that entire battlefield. It was intimidating for the rival gang when you had gotten into the zone. Yells of you telling all those 'extras' to get out of your way, with each punch you would scream out for them to 'die'. Yep, the others are going to get as far away from you as possible.
Would be back to your calm self after letting all your frustrations out. This is what surprises your boyfriend the most. You could be yelling at people to die as you punched them only to become sweet and innocent afterwards. It did remind him to never provoke you to the point of you losing it.
No one could understand how Draken had ended up with someone as arrogant as you. You made it no secret that you believed in your skills as a fighter, even looking down on others you deemed too weak.
However, this was mainly to make sure others knew that you should be taken seriously. Being a girl in a gang, especially the girlfriend of the Vice Captain, had others looking down on you all the time. You were strong on your own merits. You didn't need to be dating Draken to get people to notice this.
Most of the time, you were pretty calm and people felt they could approach you without any harm coming towards them. After all, you were actually a nice person under all that harsh exterior. But they still made sure to watch what they said around you, remembering how short your fuse was.
When you snapped, the person who got you to that point best start praying for their life or running as far away as they could. You were known to be quite agile when it came to fights and this would be no exception. A swift punch to their face followed by you yelling for them to 'die you shitty extra'!
Ken would never admit it but you terrified him when you got like this. After all, he was the Vice Captain to one of the strongest delinquent gangs in Tokyo. He shouldn't be scared of a girl that was shorter than him. People reminded him that he could stop you by picking you up. Draken knew this wouldn't do anyone any good.
"Ken-ny, you not going to stop her?" Mikey asked, appearing at the side of the taller blond while munching on his dorayaki. Draken just sighed before explaining that he couldn't. In fact, he doesn't even believe that Mikey could stop you when you got like this. The best course of action was to just let you have your fill so you could calm down.
The poor boy who had lit your fuse was now lying black and blue on the ground, blood pouring out of his now-broken nose. You simply blew a strand of hair from your face before making your way to your boyfriend, not wanting to talk about the incident.
Being a pacifist, Mitsuya didn't agree with how fast you would turn to violence when you lost your patience with somebody. After all, he was a firm believer in that most situations can be sorted by talking it through. So people were really shocked when it came to light you were dating.
You were both the complete opposites of each other in how you dealt with overwhelming stress. However, you both did make a great couple when it came to other aspects in the relationship. It's just people hardly saw that. And nobody seemed to remember that you were actually quite a calm person who just so happened to have a short fuse.
What seemed to set your fuse of the most is when others looked down on you or your boyfriend. People seemed to think that because he didn't actively fight those he had a disagreement with.
So when someone dared to talk smack about your beloved Takashi, you were not going to take it. And so, that is how Mitsuya was trying his best to hold you back as you were shouting and trying to kick out at the person that had made you angry.
"Let go of me, Takashi! I'm gonna rip that shitty nerd's arms off, that's all!" You may have been trying to convince your boyfriend to let you go but the threat of removing the arms of the boy was keeping him from doing so. Even the boy who had annoyed you had begun to feel scared for his safety and so chose this moment to walk away.
"Oi! Get back here you damn extra! I'll kill you!"
Mitsuya simply held you until you calmed down, softly shushing you as you yelled out more threats. But when you finally had calmed down enough, that was when Mitsuya would begin to lecture you on how violence and threats were uncalled for in situations like that. Although he would express his gratitude that you stood up for him.
You both would get on so well together. Same energy and love for violence and threatening people. in fact, you both would tell each other "I'll kill you" (affectionately of course) when the other was being annoying. The best type of relationship.
You would definitely give Smiley a nickname that only you would call him. And Nahoya would reciprocate with his own nicknames he had for you. They would definitely just be affectionate insults.
When you would be on dates, Smiley would love how you muttered under your breath about all the extras and nerds that were getting in your way. Sometimes you may actually call them that to their face if it was a particularly bad day, scaring the poor souls at how aggressive you seemed.
Nahoya would ride his bike with you clinging to his back. You would both ride around Shibuya, speeding around corners just to feel that adrenaline high you both would crave. Sometimes you would both find yourselves in a fight against people that made fun of you both.
Smiley loved watching how intense you became. It was like a switch flipped in your mind, turning you into a small ball of pure rage. Shouts of 'DIE' could be heard throughout the streets of Shibuya as you delivered blow after blow against your opponent. This was when he knew you were perfect for each other.
You would remind Souya of a female Nahoya, just without the constant smile. No, instead you would usually appear unapproachable with your resting bitch face.
Angry would be the sweeter of the two brothers and so would do anything to keep you safe. But that was easier said than done. As you were a lot like Nahoya, you would get annoyed easily and quickly resort to violence.
The main reasons why you ended up In fights was to protect your cute boyfriend. One comment on how he looked stupid with his angry expression and the person was seeing stars. There was no way you could let someone get away with making stupid comments about Souya! These damn extras needed to learn their place in the world!
Your anger made your vision red. The word 'die' seemed to become a lot more frequent, to the point where your victim was beginning to genuinely fear for their life.
Souya had to grab your arm to get you to stop. He was scared that you could end up getting hurt or worse, you could end up going through with your threat. He didn't know what he would do if you ended up in juvenile detention. Especially if you could be there for 10 years.
"Please stop Y/N!" The fact his voice was so teary is what had snapped you from this rage-filled trance. Turning your attention to the blue haired Kawata, you got off the now unconscious boy and decided it would be best to continue your hang out in an attempt to calm down.
He would love how you had two sides to you. One side was calm yet arrogant, similar to his own, while the other side happened to be his favourite. You would explode and takedown a handful of gang members on your own.
Ran wouldn't admit it out loud to anyone but you, but he found the second side so hot. Maybe it was how you moved so elegantly as you dodged each punch before dealing your own? Or maybe it was the strength you used behind each throw you aimed towards your opponent? Either way, he thought you were a damn work of art.
It really didn't take a lot to get you to switch. However, you made sure not to explode when Ran or Rindo was testing your patience. You may have agility and strength but you were nothing against their combo. However, Ran would never hurt you and Rindo would only gently restrain your limbs. It would definitely be just to show you that you were not on their level.
You often followed the brothers when they were going to deal with gangs that tried to muscle in on Roppongi. That could not be forgiven. After all, Roppongi belongs to the Haitani brothers.
While the brothers were busy with the leaders, you would be left to take out the others. It would be a struggle but you could manage most of them.
"You damn extras need to learn not to take what doesn't belong to you!" Another one had fallen. This continued until Ran and Rindo finally dealt with the leaders. It was an obvious victory for the brothers.
"You look so hot splattered with blood, baby," he would whisper in your ear before leaning back and sending a wink. You rolled your eyes before starting the journey back to their home.
You were like his own personal guard dog. Not that he needed one but he did appreciate how you were always there for him. In fact, he loved that you didn't view him as the weaker brother and instead saw his amazing combat strength. You had to keep reminding him that Ran couldn't actually use his baton as efficiently without Rindo locking them down.
He had yet to really see you in action as the 'explosive princess' people knew you as. It did bother him a little but he never did express this disappointment outwardly. After all, he was a Haitani brother and so had to keep up appearances. Especially if he wanted to be viewed as an equal with Ran.
It was as he was on a date with you one day that he saw the mysterious explosive side of you. And he totally wasn't prepared for it.
It started when a high schooler had approached you both, telling you how you should ditch a weakling like Rindo to be with him. Rindo was about to kill this boy for even trying to get you to leave him as well as to prove that he wasn't weak.
However, he was left speechless when you had thrown a punch into the boy's stomach, causing him to double over and drop to his knees. You used your boot to push him onto his back before starting your assault on his face.
'Who do you think you are, you shitty extra! My Rindo is a hell of a lot stronger than your weak ass! Now do me a favour and die already!" Even as you were talking, fists smashing into his face as blood exploded from his nose and lips.
Rindo could only watch, not knowing whether to be terrified of you or to find this whole display extremely hot. The blood that covered your fists was a sight he wished he could see more often.
Once you were satisfied that the lesson had been learnt, you stood up and dusted your clothes. "Let's continue our date babe!" And now you were back to being the calm and sweet girl Rindo knew best.
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