#i also did this thing as a kid where i would only sketch using a ballpoint pen to force myself to be cleaner and make less mistakes
teenyranibow · 1 year
HI HELLO I LOVE YOUR ART SM and it’s is such an inspiration to me! ^-^ i’m a beginner artist and am self-teaching, and i was wondering if you have any tips or advice :]
OHHHHHH HIIIIII OH MY GOD THAT'S SUCH AN HONOR 😭😭💌 aheemmmhhhm i have MANY and it's long sorry.....
if you're focusing on the human body then when you're studying take literally any pic you see and study it. it's not about what pic looks more interesting or pretty because a study is a study and any pic of any pose will give you new knowledge. you never know when you're gonna need to draw a person in the most simple pose you can think of in the future. even not actively doing studies like observing your surroundings can be a nice tool to learn, like looking around and see a certain way clothes folds or how light and color works and go """ohhhhhhhh☝️💡💡💡""" it's mostly unintentional as you go on your day i think. im a very observant person so this is very useful to me hehe
a basic and important one is try to block basic shapes when doing studies. always try to start simple and slowly add detail at the end. besides it's reallyyy fun to draw shapes lol you can get a little funky with it. ALSO focus on the white space of what you're drawing. for example, when i draw someone standing with their hand on their waist i like to first draw the triangle of white space that the arm forms between the torso and the arm itself. it can be applied to whatever you're drawing
mmmm......outside of technical advice i'd tell you that you should find fun and comfort in what you're drawing, enjoy your process. i believe that's the most important thing when doing art. it's kinda sad to see art as a burden, try to make every part of the process comfortable to you. you can even drop certain stages of it if they are not enjoyable, for example a lot of people don't do lineart because it's tedious and not fun for them
another is DO NOT cater to what you think social media may like the most. im not talking about """don't draw what's trending""" because you can draw whatever you want (and it's a different topic), it's more about being true to yourself. all that about: you like what you enjoy, what you like, what you think is pretty or ugly or any other ajective; basically is to merge your own mindset with your art, because art is SELF expression. and you may read this and think """ohh but i only draw characters standing in a white background :( it's meaningless/boring :(((""" DOESN'T MATTER!!! IT STILL APPLIES!!!! it doesn't matter how pretty, detailed or how meaningful your art can be, your linework, color palette, the way you draw a face or a house and overall style down to the simplest things can also say something about you and personally it's very interesting to see. it's up to you if you enjoy it as it is or want to improve, or both👍
LAST is don't worry about finding an art style right way or about the dumb imperious necessity of having a single art style, really don't worry. and if you have settled with one don't be scared of the possibility that your art may change with time, because we change and if we do so then our art is subject to do the same, it's kinda pretty when you think about it
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vanessagillings · 2 months
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I’m posting the ever-so-rare photo of myself alongside one of my characters based on my childhood because today is World Autism Acceptance Day, and I wanted to show my little corner of the internet who this particular autistic person is:  
I was officially diagnosed in February, at age 38 (I’m now 39). A lot of people thought I couldn’t be autistic.  Some people who know me in real life still don’t.  And until around 10 years ago, I didn’t think I could be either, because I was nothing like the stereotype media portrays. I was told that autistics lacked empathy (untrue), and never played make-believe (also often untrue) and only enjoyed STEM.  I was — and am — an empathetic artist -- and make believe?  I can spend days sketching finely bedecked bears brewing tea or carefully choosing the right words to weave tapestries of fiction — though perhaps my hyper focus was a bit of a red flag.  Even so, how could autism describe me?  I was a good student.  I got straight A's. I didn’t act out in class.  I can make eye contact…if I must.  And lots of girls hate having their hair brushed with an unholy passion, right?  Clearly I swim in sarcasm like a fish, so autism couldn't be why I was so anxious all the time, could it?
If someone had told me when I was younger what autism ACTUALLY is — instead of the nonsense I’d seen on screens — I would have seen myself in it.  I didn’t hear that autistics have sensory issues until I was in my mid-twenties, which is when I first began to really research autism symptoms, and I had almost all of them:  sensitivity to light, smells, fabrics, temperatures, textures, and certain touches, all of which make me feel anxious, I fidget (stim), I never know what the hell to do with my hands or where to look, I talk too little or too much, I have special interests, I have entire animated movies memorized shot-by-shot and can remember the first time and place I saw every movie I've ever seen but I often forget what I'm trying to say mid-sentence, I echo movies and tv shows (my husband and I have a whole repertoire of shared echolalias, making up about 20% of our conversations), I was in speech therapy as a kid, I have issues with dysnomia and verbal fluency, I toe-walk, I can't multitask to save my life, I like things just-so, I’m deeply introverted but not shy, I need to recover from all social interaction — even social interaction I enjoy — and I find stupid, every day things like grocery shopping, driving and making appointments overwhelming and intensely stressful, sometimes to the point where I struggle to speak.  It turns out, I am definitely autistic. My results weren't borderline. Not even close. And while these aren’t all of my challenges, and not everyone with these symptoms is autistic, it’s definitely something to look into if you present with all of these things at once. 
So why did it take me so long to get diagnosed? The same bias that exists in media threads through the medical community as well, and because I'm a woman who can discuss the weather while smiling on cue, few people thought I was worth looking into. Even after I was fairly certain I was autistic, receiving an official diagnosis in the US is unnecessarily difficult and expensive, and in my case, completely uncovered by my insurance.  It cost me over $4000, and I could only afford it because my husband makes more money than I do as a freelance illustrator — a job I fell into largely because it didn’t require in-person work; like many autists, I have been chronically underemployed and underpaid, in part due to physical illness in my twenties, which is a topic for another day.  But it shouldn’t be like this.  It shouldn’t be so hard for adults to receive diagnoses and it shouldn’t be so hard for people to see themselves in this condition to begin with due to misinformation and stereotypes. Like many issues in America, these barriers are even higher for marginalized groups with multiple intersectionalities. 
It’s commonly said that if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.  This is why it’s called a spectrum, not because there’s a linear progression of severity (someone who appears to have low support needs like myself might need more than it seems, and vice versa), but because every autistic person has their own strengths and weaknesses, challenges and experiences, opinions and needs.  No two people on the spectrum present in the same way.  And that’s a good thing!  No way of being autistic is inherently any better than any other, and even if someone on the spectrum struggles with things I don’t — or can do things I can’t — doesn’t make them more or less deserving of respect and human dignity.
But speaking solely for myself, the more I learn about autism, the happier I am to be autistic.  I struggle to find words and exert fine motor control, but my deep passion and fixation has made me good at art and storytelling anyway.  I find more joy watching dogs and studying leaf shapes on my walks than most people do in an entire day.  More often than not, the barriers I’ve faced weren’t due to my autism directly, but due to society being overly rigid about what it considers a valid way of existing.  My hope in writing this today is that maybe one person will realize that autism isn’t what they thought — and that being different is not the same as being less than. My hope with my fiction is to give autistic children mirrors with which to see themselves, and everyone else windows through which to see us as we actually are.
If you’re interested in learning more about autism or think you might be autistic, too, I recommend the Autism Self Advocacy Network  autisticadvocacy.org and the following books:
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz
We're Not Broken by Eric Garcia
Knowing Why edited by Elizabeth Bartmess
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD
Loud Hands edited by Julia Bascom
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
(trigger warning: the last two contain quite a lot of upsetting material involving institutionalized child abuse, but I think it’s important for people to know how often autistic children were — and are — abused simply for being neurodivergent).
Thanks for reading 💛
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sand-jam · 22 days
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MORRO RANTING (through my old art)
the drawing above is like a year old?? most of the drawing that are coming are at least half a year old so just yeayea noticed i never posted these bad boys because i didnt have an account yet so im doing it now
anw thats morro with punk clothes because i thought he seemed punk-ish but mmm not so sure anymore but it looks fun
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^heres a little headcanon of mine: morro used to help out mystaké!! Basically the idea was that yknow how Wu was always off and gone on some journey at least in the earlier seasons?? So like what if he did that with Morro around too so mystaké had to look after him sometime?? IDKIDK honestly just like the thought that Wu isn't the only notable person in morros life so im headcanoning everything
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^ undecipherable sketches while brainstorming morro's training + first sketch i found of the aunt mystaké headcanon
feel like morro wouldve been a really creative kid with his powers (at least before the green ninja shit) and would be trying out stuff like the parachute or the little arm glider flappy flaps
theres also some familial sketches with Wu and Morro like the one where Wu cuts Morros hair because who else would yknow its all just headcanons
also really like the one where he jumps off the monastery mountain like a baby bird love that canon 100%
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^drawing i did mainly to practice my side profiles but also to play around with morros hair which is sometimes more of a mullet when i feel like it
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^old exploration of what if those weird eye things he has are actually burns
still draw him with these every now and then
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^this is the first ever time i drew him!! I think its more than a year old by now?? I think my art improved a bunch since then
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self explanatory
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^this ones from a few day ago
Really love wojira duo and I like the fact that their powers are different from the rest because they didn't come from the first spinjitzu master
I like to think that wind and water are more 'sentient' elements and the masters of them have to sort of listen and understand them?? ykwim?? I think Morro was more naturally attuned to his element so he basically trained himself because Wu didn't understand and years later when Wu trained Nya he just made her do the same stuff he saw Morro do
I think thats enough for now
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keruimi · 14 days
Lingering Gazes
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Pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x reader
Warning: Slight Angst and Fluff
Note: I don't know how to write it better but I deeply relate to the reader. I love calm boys like Akaashi but Bokuto took my entire attention away. Hope you all enjoy!
When I was a kid, I always wanted someone to like me. The smart ones, and boys who can provide a good future for the both of us.
And the more I grew up, I found myself getting interested with the stoic and cool leading man in every drama I watch.
Someone who will gently treat me better than other girls. The type of man who is the dream of every lady.
And I thought I would never change that standard, even if those type of boys were the one who badly broke me.
Until I surprisingly found myself falling in love with the volleyball Ace of the Academy.
Bokuto Koutaro whose presence can immediately light up the day of the students he passed by with.
Like the Sun in my world. Like a medicine that can heal my wounds.
He is the opposite of who I wanted. Yet loving him felt so right.
But I am aware that I will just be another stranger in his eyes. An average student who is part of the audience who watched him play on the court.
Even if he is friendly, he still seems too far for me to reach.
A remarkable volleyball player in the history of the Academy.
I'm sure the type of man who will already make a name in the country would want someone as great as them.
No matter who they are. And it was discouraging.
Until that far admiration on the Ace gradually closes its distance when all the students are called to the gym for announcements.
My eyes never left his figure who kept showing his bubbly side to his friends who just keep up with the topic of his talking about.
A small smile made its way to my lips when I saw how happy he is everyday.
An unusual emotion to feel with the stress the school has given to us. That sometimes it made me think if he ever felt negative since he seems to be the only lifting up the mood.
A difficult role he manages to easily fill up.
"Y/n, what food did you bring today?" My classmate's voice made me immediately remove my gaze from the man before they look at where I have my eyes set on.
"Sushi" I whispered before I started to offer it to them and like a flock of hungry animals, they started asking for me which I always agreed on until I heard his excited voice in front of me.
"Can I have some too?"
"Bokuto-san" I heard his favorite's setter disbelief making my smile a bit bigger.
"Of course Bokuto-san. You can have the rest"
His eyes seemed to brighten up more when I lent him the container that has 5 more sushi as he gradually took it.
I can feel my cheeks getting warmer that made me start looking for my mask just to cover up the smile that is threatening to get bigger the longer he stayed complimenting the food I gave.
"L/n-san, my apologies for him"
"Did you make this? It's the best sushi I have eaten" Bokuto cut him off while still chewing the food that made my heart swell more.
It was the opportunity I took to get closer to the Ace.
I mean, it goes with the saying...
One way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
And with a man like Bokuto, that can mostly happen.
Small things can make him happy. That it pushed me to start learning how to sketch just to draw the grins that lift from his lips because of me.
Just to help me engrave that memory as one of the happiest moments in my life.
Because in even another way, I still manage to interact with my biggest crush in my entire life.
It was an accomplishment that made me different from who I was before when I just secretly liked him.
Now I started to openly show it.
And I know the people around him also began to notice.
How my eyes linger longer on his retreating back. The way my eyes seem to spark when I watch him play the sport he deeply loved.
The way I shakily gave him the bento I made for him.
It was obvious actions that he didn't think of deeper.
And it made me dejected that if I don't confess now, only my eyes would look at him with fondness.
And the hope of it returning will never happen if I stop moving.
That brought me in front of the gym doors with the sketchbook in my hands.
The best gift I can think of is to portray my feelings.
Is to show him how I look at him.
It was a lot of deep breaths before I mustered up the courage to knock on the door until his teammates teasing voice became more clear.
"We knew it!"
"Akaashi! This is your fault! You promise to not tell them!" I heard his screeching voice that made me put a hand on my mouth to suppress the giggle that is attempting to escape from my lips.
Until I stopped when I heard the next word of his friends.
"Bokuto, it's obvious that you like her. It is not difficult to know how you seem to be happier when she appears in your view!" Konoha's words stab an arrow straight to my heart when it reaches my ears.
He likes someone?
I stood silent in front of the gym door as thoughts began to appear on my head.
Who is it?
Is it fine for me to hope that it would be me?
Is she someone he knows?
Is he really in love with someone right now?
"Bokuto-san, why don't you just confess to L/n-san?" It made me snap from my train of thoughts when the familiar voice of his setter stated those words.
"But Akaashi" my mind went blank from the conversation I am eaves dropping on right now but it didn't fail me to imagine that the Ace is pouting right now.
"Wow" I muttered breathlessly from the new revelation.
The happiness I felt was unexplainable and only the thing I did to save myself from humiliation is to back away and start running away from the gym.
Just to let this happiness be expressed.
"Oh my gosh" I felt tears form in my eyes as I stood in the school garden with the sketchbook on the bench.
I can't prevent the squeals that bubble up in my throat as I jump around in delight.
His untold feelings made me happy.
And at that time, I am not aware of how his eyes my energetic figure around the garden.
All this time...
His eyes also lingered on my form.
Like how my eyes watch him
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thosewildcharms · 3 months
thinking about how the ones who live is intentionally a love story and how everything that happens on screen functions to service that love story, and how they have done an incredible job at making that evident through rick's behavior. even (especially even) through rick's "programming" by the CRM.
he chopped off his own hand trying to escape and get back to michonne. and it didn't work. and he still did not give up.
in fact he was one hundred percent going to keep trying to escape forever ("I'm going home or I'm dying. that's it") until okafor revealed that he knew who his family was, how to find them, and that he'd kill them if rick ever escaped. that is the only thing that could get rick grimes to stop trying. okafor (and now jadis) is basically holding rick hostage by metaphorically holding a gun to michonne's head and threatening to pull the trigger if rick tries to get to her, or leave with her. which means he can never go home. he would never dare it. not if it meant risking their lives.
as a result he metaphorically killed himself. he says he "still decided to die" and in order to do that destroyed his letters to and sketches of michonne because as long as he had the hope of her he could not kill the part of himself that would try anything to get back to her. instead, he lets his mission become taking down the CRM to make the world a better place for her, without her ever knowing it.
even after he makes this decision, he still dreams of her - dreams of meeting her in a kinder world where he can casually propose on a park bench after meeting her once. he can never actually let her go of her.
from the moment he sees her again, every single thing he does is to keep her alive. from giving her a cover story and staging her crime scene on the spot, to immediately running interference with thorne. michonne is such an obvious, indisputable A, to the point where she cannot hide it despite making an effort. he knows the CRM would have killed her on site in that field, and are now watching her closely and can still decide to kill her at any time. his every waking moment is trying to think two steps ahead of them.
last episode, we saw rick step between michonne and the gun thorne was aiming at her. he also raised his gun on thorne when she reached for her knife to use against michonne. both times he covered it up by playing the part of a dutiful soldier (a role so completely against his character it horrifies michonne to witness it, just like it horrified rick to learn is dad did something so dishonest when he committed insurance fraud to save their family). everything he does - even becoming someone the love of his life cannot recognize- is to save her.
rick is standing between the metaphorical gun that okafor/jadis/the crm is pointing at michonne, his kid(s) and alexandria. when he says he belongs here and michonne doesn't, he's saying he already sacrificed himself (by metaphorically dying) so that he could take down the CRM, so she and everyone else could be safe. in his mind, it's too late for him - he's already caught, he's already gone, and he knows jadis has him by the neck. but he can get michonne out. even if it means making her hate him. it's the only way to protect her.
it's exactly what he did on the bridge - his life, his happiness, his needs, are always secondary to keeping his family safe. in that sense, rick grimes is very much still alive - doing this one last thing he can do to protect his family. I truly do not believe he is suddenly loyal to the CRM the way we see thorne has become. rather, he truly believes that he can never go home. all he sees is the huge, HUGE fucking gun pointed directly at michonne. if he leaves, there's no one to step in front of it. that is the how the CRM has him programmed. that's the mindset michonne will need to break him out of.
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Can you do the bachelor/ettes with an s/o that is an artist?
Bachelor/ettes x Artist Farmer
Hi 🌙! Glad to have another emoji anon here! How are things going? Anyways, cute request! Thank you for asking! I think I might have done this before? Maybe. I don't know. Oh well! This mainly focuses on drawing sorry.
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Sam loves your art! He always looks over your shoulder when he sees you drawing, so you'll definitely have to take it upon yourself to tell him not to do that if it makes you uncomfortable. He's also going to beg you to design an album cover for him and his band.
Elliott would also like to use your artistic skills, this time for his newest book. He can't pay you all too much (unless his previous book becomes a bestseller), but he will shout you whatever you want at the saloon whenever you want. He really appreciates your skill, it reminds him of Leah!
I'm pretty sure his job involves making models, so he'd ask you for some references to copy off of. Really likes to admire your work; spends a lot of time just looking through the pages if he can. If you won't let him he'll respect your boundaries, but will still ask every once in a while.
He's not really an artist, so he's really amazed at what you can do! He'd ask you to draw his model airplanes for him (if you want to, of course). Despite his lack of drawing/painting skills, he does appreciate good art, and will set aside some money to go to an art show.
Shane's drawing skills equate to that of a five-year-old's potato head self-portrait. I mean, art is art, so it's not necessarily bad, but he's not getting recognised for it anytime soon. So when he finds out you're and artist, he gets secretly excited and makes note to try and find out what you've made.
When he was a kid, he'd get the hose and paint a smiley face on the fence with the water, but that's about all he's done. Actually, he did try to impress a girl with his drawing skills once, but she ended up rejecting him, so he stopped. He asks you to teach him how to do some spaghetti sort of art sometime because he looks at you (no matter what art medium you do) and immediately assumes you'd be a master at pasta art. You're welcome, I guess?
Please tell me you read the same books as her and please tell me you've made art of the characters; she will fall in love. Since she's a teacher (basically), she does have some skills in art related mediums, but nothing beyond what she needs to teach. She likes sketching characters the most, so she sheepishly shows of her work to you and asks for advice.
Artist duo, baby! Leah loves your art! She's into sculpting and a bit of painting herself, but recognises any art is art and is totally down to do some with you! You have some fun competitions on trying to draw the other worse and worse each time but still have it look like them. That, or you just set up a vase and chill trying to copy it.
Abigail's a decent artist. Again, she only really uses pencil or pen on paper, but has dabbled in digital art through the use of an old game console she had as a kid. You two do that competition thing like Leah, except you purposely try to make each other look worse and worse without any semblance of the original subject. Fun times!
Maru is a great artist, I think. She does a lot of detailed planning for her inventions and puts a lot of effort into the artwork. You know that car show where the guy draws the finished product in coloured pencil before actually making it? Yeah, like that. Except she doesn't use colour. Anyways, she gets what art's all about and can feel with you when you get that art block.
She can draw clothes, paint abstract art, and make towers out of dry spaghetti sticks. When she finds out you're an artist, she immediately asks to see what you've done. Emily's very much a believer in 'any art is art as long as you put your soul into it', so she'll always say she loves whatever you make. Not the best for constructive criticism, but great for a pick-me-up when you're feeling low.
Unlike her sister, Haley has no idea what she's doing. I suppose photography is related to other mediums of art, but the most she's done is draw some hearts on some photos and hung them up on the wall. During her mean phase she pretends not to care, but once she comes out of her shell she really takes an interest in it! She tries to copy your art but doesn't do so well.
Hello. Long time no see. I make a second account since I was tired of this one being my main aha. Anyways, I'll be back (hopefully) for a little while now. Bye-bye!
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I get why this is divisive, but, Jordan Peele has constantly described the themes of the film as dealing with Spectacle. He is 1000% right, but I personally think that the themes have even moreso to do with exploitation.
When it comes to Ricky or "Jupe" I've seen so many reviewers saying that subplot had nothing to do with the film as whole, but it did in a VERY haunting way.
When Ricky is talking about the SNL skit that parodied a traumatic time in his life, he recalls it like a well executed comedy sketch. Then it cuts back to him hiding under the table.
I've seen so many videos online that have some sort of attention-grabbing title, regardless if it's accurate to what you will actually see, but the OP is aware of what makes people click on what's to be supposedly promised in the title or the thumbnail. They know what will attract a crowd. Not to be too graphic, but even porn videos will do the same thing, anything to get clicks & clout.
When Ricky starts the show promising a spectacle, he's used to the reaction he gets, hence why he always does the show showing off the "aliens" at 8:00 PM. Or at least practices the show at night, but the reason he does probably has to do with the "aliens" showing up at that specific time, hence why it's the first time we see activity from the supposed "aliens". (When we see the lights from the show when the sun is down in the first few scenes of the film. We don't know if it's rehearsal or just another show of his.)
He's willing to risk the possibility of an attack from a wild animal like the supposed UFO because he dealt with the attack from Gordy. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop. (like the shoe standing upright, which could be the "bad miracle" OJ refers to) He truly thought he could handle the intensity of the "alien ship" since he survived the attack and lived to tell the tale. He developed some kind of God complex that he could work around the danger of a "trained animal". His wife even said "Even trained animals can be unpredictable."
The people on set with Lucky are a great example. Who the hell stands behind a horse as an adult? Who's the genius who had different chimpanzees for a T.V. show with 0 wranglers? There are still people whom are dumb enough to go to the zoo and go over safety barriers, taunt the animals, or even hold their children close from any danger.
It's ironic how people are very obsessed with the concept of aliens, but if too many people can't handle creatures from earth, what makes us think we can handle the ones not from here?
The stars of the SNL skit straight up mocked a heavily disturbing moment in his childhood, yet he's still profiting off of the moment where this kids dress up as aliens to scare his neighbors as a joke and an intimidation tactic. (notice how their alien costumes look also like ape costumes)
Plus he said he was getting paid by people to sleep in a memorabilia room referencing multiple violent deaths on a TV set. Even with Oprah herself, when she interviewed the woman who was attacked by a chimpanzee and got her face ripped off, people in the comments criticize her for exploiting the woman instead of talking about how she moved on from the spectacle of a tragedy.
For the Haywoods, they're trying to uphold a legacy, they're the only black-owned horse trainers and their great great great-grandfather is someone whom had not been credited for their work as the first motion picture captured. For Emerald to be the one who captured a picture of alien proof as the descendant is SOOOO symbolic.
The cinematographer, Antlers, a white man played perfectly by Michael Wincott, didn't like the lighting in the shot he took so he took the risk to get a perfect shot. The TMZ biker had a whole helmet that reflected everything around him because who else would be obsessed with getting all of the chaos around them than TMZ? (The same publication that somehow managed to know that Beyoncé was filming the music video for "XO" & announces celebrity deaths before the family even gets a chance to.)
I've seen videos of so many disturbing events before, during, or after the fact that I can see what Mr. Peele was going for in commentating on. There's an infamous tiktok showcasing someone in the middle of a near plane crash I've seen reposted on Twitter, there's footage of a bear and a cougar in a circus attacking their supposed "trainers", talk show footage of a lion going after a toddler & almost biting the poor child it was sitting next to, the frozen and preserved bodies of those who've tried do climb Mt. Everest, and I've even seen a man who documented himself after getting graphically attacked by two grizzly bears. Yet the views on those videos reach the millions.
There's so many times a fucked up or upsetting moment in time has been exploitated to the point where it can be made a joke, a traumatic scene, or a topic of discussion, and that for me is what NOPE was commentating on. Some will not catch on with one viewing, but I recommend a second, or even third watch to fully get what's being told.
Films like that, that have a longer shelf life are what inspire me. It's a rarity that a filmmaker chooses to give their audience a challenge.
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chronological-knight · 3 months
Day 2 of @mcyt-aro-week was way harder for me for some reason. I decided to do the prompt "loveless" so for context, in this headcanon Gem is a loveless aromantic, however she doesn't actually know it yet. ALSO, i am not actually a loveless aro, I am in fact the opposite, so if I got anything wildly wrong please tell me <3
Gem had never liked romance. Even as a kid, she'd wrinkle her nose at kiss scenes, complain when her parents called each other pet names, and gag whenever anyone asked about “her future boyfriend.” Back then, though, it was less apparent. Easier to ignore. Sure, it was a bit strange, but she'd been a kid, and kids do strange things all the time.
The first time she remembers being aware of this, is also the first time she got in trouble at school. She was eating lunch with a group of kids, when one of them started bragging about how he'd kissed a boy. All the other kids were oohing and aahing, asking him what it was like and acting all together more impressed then she thought was deserving. If she was honest, she had thought it was gross, so when it came her turn to speak she said as much.
The reaction she got for that was surprising, even to her child mind. Up until then she'd been under the impression that romance didn't appeal to her, so why would it appeal to anyone else? The boy had started crying, and someone got a teacher involved, which all led to a very reluctant apology from Gem and a very awkward ride home with her parents.
Even that, though, was quickly forgotten. Sure, it was a bit strange, but strange things happen all the time, and for now Gem could easily go about her day talking to her friends, and drawing, and definitely not thinking about romance.
As a teenager she was well and truly sick of it.
She didn't get it. She'd never gotten it, and if her luck held she never would. She didn't know how, or why for that matter, but even with their exams only a few weeks away all anyone ever talked about was love, love, love. She didn't know where they got the time.
One day, while she was complaining to her parents on the floor of their living room, and working on an architectural sketch for her portfolio, her dad told her something that would stick with her forever, though not for the reason he probably thought.
“Everyone falls in love. It's what makes us human.”
He'd said it with a patronising grin, like he thought her feelings were childish, and her childish to feel them.
She took it as a challenge.
From then on, she stopped referring to her feelings as love all together. It was a subtle change, one you didn't notice until you did, but once you did you couldn't unsee. She adored it. She'd always felt divorced from what others called love, and being able to reclaim that discomfort, that disconnect as her own? It was nothing short of delightful.
“Hey, Gem?” Pearl asked.
Dappled light shimmered though tree leaves, spreading across a stepping-stone path as if someone had splattered the ground with paint. Gem and Pearl walked slowly, enjoying the view and each other's company. A bittersweet atmosphere stuck to them like glitter, since this would be the last time they could talk before Pearl left to her new server, the Empires SMP.
“Mhm?” Gem hummed
“Are you aromantic?”
Gem cocked her head to the side, her red hair flowing over her shoulders. “What's that?”
“It's where you don't fall in love”
Well, that was unexpected. Neat.
“Huh. Guess I am.”
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Two POVs of Percy & Poseidon in HoO: The Neglectful Parent and the Helping Behind the Scenes Parent
Sometimes I like to think that after Percy returns home from the nightmare that was HoO (and Tartarus) he's big-time angry with Poseidon.
I mean, he was kidnapped, brainwashed and manipulated by Hera (using Annabeth's name no less), and then barely got his memories back before getting thrown into a second war and ended up falling into hell. And when he gets out, he sees Poseidon just casually :) chatting :) with :) Hera :) Like if I was him that would've been my villain origin story. The gods need me to save them? Fuck no. If they're not strong enough (or willing) to protect their own rule and kingdoms, then maybe they shouldn't be ruling at all.
Like I think that pre-hoo Percy and Poseidon were building a good relationship, and Percy would've kept all the gifts that Poseidon gave him (sand dollar aside). Maybe stick some of it up on the wall. Maybe make something, like a family sketch of him, Tyson and Poseidon he commissioned from Rachel. After HoO he's so angry and hurt that he just tears it all down. Rips it to shreds. Sally and Paul hear the racket and come bursting through the door hella worried only to find Percy looking furious with his eyes full of unshed tears with everything that Poseidon gave him (aside from Riptide) in pieces at his feet.
(Meanwhile Poseidon has no idea why his child is so upset. He believed whatever lie or excuse Hera spun to cover her ass and doesn't know how much Percy went through, and he's in for a very rude awakening the next time he tries to talk to Percy).
On the other hand, I like to think that Poseidon was paying attention (as best he could with the Greek-Roman split) and helped Percy out, and its just the fact that Percy had so little POVs that we don't know that Poseidon was in contact and helping out.
Like sure, Poseidon/Neptune wasn't able to help Percy against Polybetes, so he gave Percy power over poison so Percy could protect himself.
Percy fell into Tartarus where Poseidon couldn't reach or help him? He had his power over poison from Poseidon that saved him from Akhlys. Poseidon also went to Hermes and made sure that his temple in Tartarus was constantly stocked with food, and maybe sent a few of his elite Cyclops to find/help Percy since he couldn't go due to the Greek-Roman split + Zeus's rules. The cyclops just weren't able to find Percy because Percy and Annabeth's whole strategy was 'move fast to keep ahead of the hoards of titans/giants/monsters chasing us down,' so while their enemies couldn't catch up with them, neither could their allies.
And then afterward. Its canon that Poseidon appears to Percy in dreams to communicate (SoM), and that he shows up after the big battles to check in with Percy in person to see if he's okay (BoTL) so maybe he did that when Percy was alone in his cabin on the Argo II? Or when he gets back to Sally's apartment after HoO? And Percy just didn't want to tell anyone because 1. all the roman demigods are terrified of Poseidon/Neptune, 2. Annabeth does NOT like Poseidon (or his kids - Percy is the only exception) and they generally don't talk about Poseidon in a family context so why would he tell her, especially after she was scared to tears of his Poseidon given powers and 3. Percy isn't close to any of the other people on the Argo II (Piper - he thinks Percy needs to be controlled - the one thing the sea hates, and Leo - who's terrified of Percy).
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freuleinanna · 2 years
It's always trauma o'clock somewhere! Especially for these kids who had to come home and lie about why they returned from the camp a day later. They hardly had a chance to unpack the recent trauma, but I think this is how the HQ massacre affected their lives afterwards.
Jacob, as many others, chose a half-truth and told his parents that some jerk broke the car to stay with his girlfriend. He omitted the part where that jerk was him. Couldn't bear that guilt.
He was a decent swimmer and wanted to maybe take it professionally, but the next time he found himself at the pool, he completely froze at the signal. He never dived in that day. He stared at the blue-tiled water, and he saw the chains and the overblown body.
He found Emma on Instagram and, for a while, he was checking it obsessively, hoping she'd talk about what happened or mention it in some way, any way. He wanted to stop being so alone in knowing the truth and living with it. Emma never did that.
Emma, actually, fell silent for almost 2 months after her return. She'd speak the bare minimum, but never an actual conversation, never a joke. The happy, bubbly girl simply wasn't there. Her parents even took her to a teen therapist with little to no result.
Emma had stopped streaming for a while, although she still kept her Insta. One time she almost posted a selfie from that day, before the nightfall. Almost.
Some time later, she set up a really non-Emma-esque live stream. She was sitting in silence, looking at the sunset, the comment section was overflowing, and sometimes Emma would pick a question to answer from there. Many thought she was doing some sort of spiritual cleanse. She only spoke without a prompt for the first time when she saw Abi joining the stream.
For Abi, it was nightmares. That simple, that efficient. Dark forests, mist, dangerous beasts lurking around. What else to screw with the sleep of a sweet, tender person?
Movies on the background didn't help. Music didn't help. Drawing made everything worse, because in every shape, form, and shadow, beasts were lurking. Whenever she'd pick up a pencil to sketch, she left monsters on the paper. Wherever she looked, she saw monsters. Monsters always looked just a little bit like Nick.
It went on until the night she looked Emma up on Insta and, by pure coincidence, got to her live stream.
Nick blocked most of it out. There wasn't much to remember, but some memories still bled through.
He became the snack guy, the guy who always had something to chew on. It was a small quirk nobody was really paying attention to, but its trail led back to the only thing he did remember: hunger.
Whenever he emailed, Abi never replied.
Ryan, on the contrary, was replying to and receiving a LOT of emails. He was the one to send all the evidence to the Bizarre Yet Bonafide studio, and he also kept in touch with a few other Hacketteers, including Kaitlyn and Dylan.
Another thing he did is meticulously go through all his favorite media (TV & films mostly) and unbooked/deleted everything that dealt with guns being shot or vivid descriptions of wild animals (or their victims). This took him several hard days, but he finally felt safer when he did it.
He only watched something new if Dylan watched it first and gave him an okay.
Dylan, as opposed to Ryan, consumed horror content like his life depended on it. At some point, he even had a special notepad with details of how to defeat or protect yourself from all supernatural dangers and their mother. He kept this notepad on him at all times and often re-read it.
Getting used to not having a hand was slightly easier than he expected. What wasn't easy? That one time when his dad asked him to bring him sth to work. His father, a crane conductor on a construction site, did not expect his grown son to have a full-blown panic attack over a pb&j.
On the other hand (his joke, not mine), he got really close with Ryan and Kat, and they were planning a getaway together.
Kaitlyn was the one to propose the getaway. Despite the general total mindfuck, she managed to keep a cool head on the night of, and, surprisingly, it didn't cost her a hand and a leg (her joke, not mine!)
Thus, she became a healer. Reaching out, making sure. Helping. She didn't make it her sacred goal to help all others, but she tried, and that's what counts.
She kept tabs on Jacob especially. She knew he'd never ask for help. He didn't have to ask. That's what best friends are for.
Max never met any of those people, except Emma. That one time he bit his lip and nearly puked because he thought he remembered the taste of blood.
He topped his steak-cooking up to inventing the well-well-well-done steak without any possibility of there being blood.
Mostly, he just wasn't sure if he knew his own nature anymore. As the whole night was blocked in his mind, he could only trust Laura. And he did. The fact that she looked at him even more lovingly than before told him that if she trusts him, if she loves him, than it's okay.
Laura did trust him and loved him. But she also ran a gazillion of drills per week and kept at least two take-and-run bags in the house, and one in a special place. Clothes, flashlights, crackers, compass, you name it. She was an amateur that last time. Now she was ready for anything.
She took up running as well. She continued with vet studies. Even years after, the first thought that sprung to her mind if someone was butten by an animal was: CUT THE FUCKING LIMB.
Max kept her grounded with his laugh and his honest, sincere warmth. She could have gone really cold inside if it wasn't for him.
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chaoticnebu · 1 year
I want to know more about your palistrom au Hunter. Anything. Everything. When does it start happening to him? Did any other Grimwalkers experience this? Was there an event or exposure that triggered the tree growth? (Palisman blood perhaps? Belos needs to be more careful when he eats those things.)
What kind of jokes does Gus tease Hunter with? Does Willow use plant magic on him? Does Hunter find it ticklish if/when she does? What do palistrom tree flowers look like and would Hunter give them to the Captain?
Did Belos use Hunter's condition to advance his 'evils of wild magic' narrative? Does Dell have a professional opinion on Hunter's condition? Does Eda have an unprofessional opinion? Has Flapjack ever tried to build a nest against the twigs on Hunter's head? Just how hard is it to find clothes/uniforms for Hunter and does Darius help out with modifications?
The people have a right to know!
cracks my knuckles and hits that readmore because there’s a lot to write
(( CW for a sketch with blood and bruising + mention of fantasy SH ))
so! I imagined multiple instances where the palistrom mutation happens (aus of the au, if you will.) the main one happens at the end of season 2/during season 3 BECAUSE of the Draining Spell
I always thought that grimwalkers are 100% living beings with the same organs and tissues as other demons and witches (minus a magic bile sac in Hunter's case because he originated from a human) because the various ingredients for making grimwalkers simply transform into living organs and tissues. the Galdorstone becomes a real heart, the one bone of Ortet turns into a whole skeleton, the palistrom wood turns into skin, hair and nails, and so on.
BUT the Draining Spell, due to its nature as a magic nullifier, made the Grimwalker Spell on Hunter regress
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their blood turned to green magic (the same of palismen)
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and the skin of his right arm, scar tissue and right shoulder turned into blue bark
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had the draining spell run its course they would've probably turned into a plant monstrosity :) (i also tried to imagine his heart going back to its galdorstone state, but that would’ve probably been excruciating if not lethal, so idk if it would work at all)
having the Draining Spell been stopped in time, though, the mutation happens slowly and only after Hunter and the rest of Hexsquad have fled to the human realm. it takes about a month for the first palistrom leaves to sprout and before that, Hunter has only suffered a terrible itch (everyone thought it was just mosquito bites at first)
when branches finally start to grow and his arm looks less and less human, hunter realizes that hiding his nature as a grimwalker is impossible even with Luz’s help at that point and he leaves the noceda household during a panic attack (he just can’t stop running off into the woods) they eventually reunite and the grimwalker reveal happens WAY EARLIER than TTT (i like it to be a lot deeper conversation.) they also have to deal with Jacob (the museum asshole) being even more determined to catch and expose the kids after finding out that there's a tree boy with them
the second instance of the AU happens earlier, when Hunter is still the golden guard and the cause of the mutation is the Collector. star kid was feeling especially bitter towards Belos and they tried to mess up the grimwaler spell, which resulted into this one grimwalker to mutate at some point during season 2
this AU develops into two scenarios:
Belos tries to dispose of Hunter before Hollow Mind, but the kid flees thanks to Flapjack and finds shelter in Bat Queen’s cave, where she welcomes them as yet another lost thing despite all the harm he caused in the past. he ends up joining the BATS, attacking scouts who confiscate palismen to save them and made up for all those that died because he brought them to the Emperor
Belos decides to keep Hunter and tries to convince him that he was cursed with wild magic just like the Emperor, manipulating the kid into considering himself unworthy of love and acceptance, that his uncle is the only one who understands what it’s like. it takes Hunter A LOT MORE to distance himself from Belos and learn to trust Flapjack and Hexsquad. this is also the instance where Belos has to be more careful about feeding off palismen
So, about Willow! She totally can use plant magic on Hunter after the mutation manifests (limited to his right arm) but unlike healing magic, plant magic is a manipulating kind of energy that could make the bark grow even more and she would rather not try that. IF she tried i’d assume it would itch just like when the palistrom grows naturally
I never thought about palistrom flowers, i think that it might be a fun art challenge coming up with a design for them :) but Hunter would not give them to anyone because pulling them (like pulling leaves or snapping the branches) hurts like hell. a dark bit about Golden Guard Tree Boy if that he plucks leaves and flowers despite it hurting a lot just because he hopes to look "less wild" to the eyes of the Emperor
BUT a cute thing I like to imagine is that when the flowers bloom (around march/april like it happens to most plants) Hunter becomes especially affectionate!
Gus (and Luz!) totally pester him with tree puns! They never leaf him alone :)c ( /shot )
Dell… don’t know what kind of professional opinion he would have, but I like to think he’d be the one helping Hunter recovering after Belos’ possession (because it happens, it’s uglier than canon, and Hunter’s palistrom comes out of it burned and cracked)
Eda’s also very professional opinion is that she’s sorry she can’t stomp Belos MORE after hearing all that the poor kid has gone through
Flapjack totally tried to make a nest in his branches. Actually he still does because he’s very much alive in Palistrom AU :) He was just so badly damaged that he can’t fly anymore. Being beyond repair Hunter had to carve Waffles as a movement aid for them both and Flap gets to hang out with a silly little sister!
finding clothes with accomodations for Hunter's branches is literaly hell (i know it is because i never know how to draw them) so boy has to make his own. Camila helps with it a lot when the kids are in the Human Realm, while Darius helps when they're back to the Demon Realm :D
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wooahaes · 8 months
a family of your choosing
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pairing: non-idol!danceracha & gn!reader.
genre: fluff. chosen family <3
word count: 0.7k~
warnings: food mention. hyunjin and reader bicker a lil but it's not serious (reader is the hidden paboracha member lmao /j)
daisy’s notes: ngl. i kinda feel like these three would be the chill ones to go camping with.
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“Is the thing secure now or not?”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes from underneath the table where he’d had to re-secure the table after it flopped over earlier. With half of you dedicated to cooking, it meant you and Hyunjin would be there to help out with anything else. Minho and Felix had been looking through the ingredients they brought, deciding to go ahead and make army stew tonight since it was supposed to get chillier tonight compared to the next few days. You had offered yourself and Hyunjin to help set up the makeshift kitchen for the other two, and, despite the way he’d given you a ‘are you serious?’ look for half a second (he’d been mid-drawing and annoyed at having to stop when he was just getting into a groove). Now his annoyance was because you had been the one to try and put up the folding table, only to apparently miss something in the process. You’d taken over moving the heavier things over, but it was a table of all things.
“How come I had to fix this?” He clicked his tongue, crawling up and shaking the table with enough pressure to ensure that it was secure now. When it didn’t collapse, he leaned against it further, just to test it. 
You pouted. “I don’t know–I missed something!”
“It’s a table!” He stood up straight. “You offered to set it up!”
“I moved the other stuff—”
“The kids are fighting again!” Felix called out from where he’d been pulling out a cutting board.
Minho had run back to grab the portable stove, and was nearing the group. “Stop fighting,” he called out, half-hearted as he walked past the two of you to grab a small plastic packet off the ground. It had once held screws—one of which you had missed in putting up this table. “You’re scaring the cat.”
Felix’s head jerked up as he looked at Minho. “Wait, am I the cat?”
“Clearly. That’s why you’re my favorite.”
Immediately, you and Hyunjin began to voice your complaints. What did he mean that Felix was his favorite?! Minho swore he didn’t play favorites with his friends—at least, he did last time the two of you called him out on giving Felix special treatment. He’d been kind enough to speak to both of you with the same thing Felix already knew: Minho was never going to joke around with someone who he felt couldn’t handle his sense of humor. Felix was sometimes softer than the two of you, and he was merely mindful of that. 
Then again, he was also Felix. If you were forced to pick a favorite person, Felix would probably be it… and not just because you were the first person he texted whenever he had leftovers from cooking and his roommate wasn’t around (you lived the closest to him, after all). 
With yours and Hyunjin’s jobs completed, the two of you could finally sit back and watch as the other two started to cook. Hyunjin had busted out the little portable paint palette from his bag to use later, curling up in the other fold-up chair as he flipped to a new page. You had brought along a few books and a little book light to clip onto it, and pulled out the soft, plush blanket to drape over your legs. With the four of you, this trip was more peaceful. Minho had been tasked with making the ramyeon, and you could hear the sound of Felix chopping up other ingredients, humming to himself. The atmosphere was nice, even if you could feel the slight chill nipping at your skin. The leaves had turned for the season, and you’d snapped pictures of the scenery earlier—as did Hyunjin, saying something about how he’d maybe paint it later on. He liked the lighting at the time, though, and wanted to capture it like that. Life with your friends was good. Hyunjin kept stealing glances at you as he sketched. Felix brought up something that happened at work the other day. Minho listened attentively, nodding along and asking questions. All you did was sit by and watch, appreciating your friends for a while.
(And maybe you’d sneak into the brownies Felix brought along when grabbing a bottle of water, passing one to Hyunjin as subtly as you could.)
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm
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definesanity · 2 months
Bite Me (Taken Literally)
'What the fuck?'
Uzi had no filter, and never had. She forgot to install that update. But thank Robo-God she did.
Because she was dumbfounded.
She was the weird kid, the one who nobody liked; heck, she's pretty sure half her class doesn't even know she exists, let alone knows her name.
Which was why she was befuddled at a letter in her locker, asking her to visit a certain location.
Uzi had common sense, despite what many say. And so she used it. And deicided to always have her flight reflexes ready, no matter what happens.
Arriving, there was... nothing. Of note. It was just a regular cabin, much smaller than the ones in camp she's been wanting to visit.
She then heard... something. A noise would describe it, given she couldn't pinpoint it. And it came from a bed. Because of course there's a bed. Why wouldn't there be a bed?
Uzi slowly walked up the bed, thinking on what she'll find; maybe a dead Drone? A human? Heck, anything will do...
Pulling it back... to nothing. Just a bed.
"Huh. Maybe I am a bit paranoid..." she muttered to herself, and turned around to face the most horrific thing she's ever seen.
"JUMPSCARE." the thing wearing the skin ('Holy shit it's a human girl fused with a Disassembley Drone?!') announced, as it tackled Uzi on to the bed, arms pinned via weird tendrils.
The girl gazed down at her, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as two golden Xs shown amid the dark void of where eyes should be. "SMUG LAUGH. SLOW REACTION TIME THERE, BUDDY."
"Screw you!" Uzi attempted to kick the girl, but her legs were pinned down. The girl crawled on to her.
And without warning, bit her neck like a vampire.
Code flew past her eyes at a speed she couldn't understand, and then, it was gone. Leaving only Uzi and the girl.
"Who the hell are you?!" the self-proclaimed angsty teen demanded, with the Disassembley Drone/Human thing looking back. Being honest, she felt braver than she should be.
"You killed a child?!" Uzi shook her head, looking at Tessa. "Okay, sure, yeah, but still, really?! ...Wait, you're the thing that was--hold on, what the heck did you inject me with?!"
Tessa only giggled, as the tendrils went from Uzi's arms and legs and allowed Uzi to move.
And then, she was gone.
"What the fuck?"
"Sheesh, who looked at you wrong today?" V commented later on, as Uzi sat on the ship's chair looking sullen.
"Bite me." Uzi shot back, doing her hardest to sketch the thing. She also did eleven different scans of her software and hardware, and even her circuitry, but couldn't find anything amiss.
"Rude." V leaned back in her chair, looking around. "Where's N?"
"You tell me." she had started to draw the thing's ribbon, next, being done with the head.
"Hunting, then. I feel sorry for the guy, doesn't know what he's missing."
"Missing what, having to listen to you?" Uzi had started to draw the Xs.
"Chatting with you."
The Worker Drone stopped. She blinked, looking at V. "Say what."
"Exactly! For a Worker Drone, anyways, you're actually interesting. Not every day that happens. Or ever."
Uzi replied by not replying, going back to drawing.
"What are you even doing?"
"Got attacked, drawing the attacker, if the court was still here that would be wonderful."
"Really? Court?"
"Hey, before you lot came we had a civilization; never saw it myself, but some of my Dad's friends talked about how one of them tried to win a divorce case. It was really boring, the way he told it, but I was a kid who had nothing better to so than look through the Internet, so I listened for the full three hours.
"What what did I get? A headache, someone's life story, and wishing we could have court again so I could disown my dad." Uzi finished her story with a loud sigh, opening her eyes.
V was looking at her with muted surprise. "...Got any other stories?"
"Wha--You're interested?"
"Hey, anything is better than sitting on my ass doing nothing. Speaking of, did you know that--?"
"--There is a setting that makes our bodies more human? Yes, I do, and I shudder to imagine what was going through their minds while making us."
She finally finished putting the last details on the sketch. "Okay, finally done. If you see this girl, tell I don't exist."
She presented the drawing to V, who blinked at it, and an emotion flew past her face. Then, it was gone, and V nodded. "Eh, fine. Anyways, stories, please."
"Ugh, fine. What do you want."
"Ever killed someone?"
"No, but I have committed several acts of violence against my classmates."
"Kinda hot." V said it with such a straight face Uzi had to pause. Then, what she said hit her.
"...I'm gonna... get some fresh air." Uzi started to get up and move towards the hatch, but a hand grabbed her arm.
"What, sick of lil' ol' me?"
Uzi just rolled her eyes (as best as she could, anyways) and left.
None saw the code flashing by V's visor, or how V's eyes softened looking at Uzi.
Lunch time arrived, and Uzi sat by herself. Not solely because she was a loner (that was one half of the reason), but because she preferred it.
Unfortunately, a hand touched her shoulder, and Uzi felt her solitude ending.
"Heya, um..." of all the people, Uzi had Lizzy had the bottom of her list. "...Uzi, right?"
"...Yes...?" tread carefully, who knows what she wants...
"Oh, I was right then, good; hey, listen, could I borrow you for a sec? Cool, thanks!"
"Woah--hey, what the hell?!" Uzi was then dragged away, her not giving an answer but Lizzy answered for her.
Through the corridors the two walked and walked (or, in Uzi's case, dragged and dragged), when the two ended up in Lizzy's dorm (she thinks it is. She could have been dragged into an empty one). Her arm was let go of.
"So. Uzi. Gotta be honest, I like your style."
"...Sty...? What, my clothes?"
"Yes, your clothes!" Lizzy rolled her eyes, walking ahead of Uzi. "Love the goth look, by the way. Gives you an approachable look, and makes people wonder if you're actually a softie underneath that cold exterior."
"...Where is this going." Uzi was not annoyed, just short of patience. "Is this about prom? It's about prom, isn't it?"
"Duh! I could go the classic, popular girl look but, let's be honest, it gets stale. Soooooooo me and Doll were trying to find new ideas and, well, here you are!"
"...Okaaaaay... where is Doll, anyways?"
Uzi near enough punched Doll in the face, only for the Russian Drone to catch it.
That time, Uzi did see the code flying past her visor, and was able to catch some of it:
Uzi wisely sprinted away, taking her as fast as her little legs can carry her, which was into her room.
She breathed a sigh of relief, and fell on to the lower end of her bed.
Then jumped further up, as the thing licked her face.
"You again?!"
"SAD LOOK. DID YOU, NOT MISS ME, UZI?" Tessa attempted to look sad, but failed due to the lack of motor functions. In better light, Uzi can see just how grafted the girl was on to the Worker Drone, and she held back on vomiting for the time being.
"Well, I can get answers! Just... first things first, what the hell is your relationship with my mom?!"
"...You motherfucker...!" Uzi felt angry, and rightfully so, but she held back due to the thing having the advantage, given its ability to make holograms.
This could not get worse.
"Heya, Uzi!"
"Sorry about that, I was just fixing up a door! Heh, you know what they sa--" Khan cut himself off, looking at the scene in front of him: Uzi on her bed, with a fleshy-looking thing on top of her. "...U-Uzi--?"
"IT'S A PUPPY!" Uzi screamed out.
"...Y-Yeah! Turns out um, humans kinda... made up what they looked like, yeah! Sure they're... kinda weird looking, but they're adorable, in their own... creepy. Fleshy. Way. Er. Yeah!"
"...I see!" Khan believed her. Somehow. "Well, take care of them, Uzi!"
She waited until the door was closed, and let out a huge sigh of relief.
She glared at the Solver. "You're going to tell me everything I want to know. Got it?"
"Screw off. Now, answer me. What the fuck did you inject me with?!"
"Can't answer that if you don't tell me what it even does!"
"I'm not lonely, excuse you! I have N!"
"Pretty shit apology, not gonna lie." came the dry reply. Uzi got off the bed and stood up, looking at the corpse. "But why me?"
"..." silence only came from the thing.
"...I'm gonna leave. Come on, I'll take you for a walk or whatever it is they do."
As soon as Tessa said that, Uzi had a zip file open on how to care for a puppy.
...Ugh, she's in for it now, isn't she...?
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corviids · 1 year
You should know that someone is stirring problems with your art and the latest installments in gilded lilies. You should know in case you get bombarded with hate comments https://twitter.com/litathesissy/status/1672795383196418049?t=uZjfGFALpfuXW_l9DkkmMA&s=19
i drafted this entire thing and then my app refreshed so bear with me 😭 i’m also at dinner with my fam but wanted to say something
1. the art: referencing older artists like claude monet isn’t uncommon (at least in the art circles i’ve ran it) but in hindsight i understand that wasn’t the best choice to do without explicitly stating i did so so i take 100% accountability for that. i honestly wasn’t giving it much thought just because that drawing specifically, i worked on-forgot about-and then saw in my files and was like “hey lemme post that”. if you want insight into how i drew it, i side by sided my canvas and reference and then overlay after doing the sketch to correct the funkiness. i will definitely add an edit stating i referenced it.
2. the fic: another author reached out to me earlier regarding this this morning and we discussed it in private but i think it best to just say something here: the similarities in the specific scene are a complete coincidence. i have had aenys presenting and going feral as a result of luke planned for a while bc i’ve known i wanted aenys to be an alpha since the start. the specific “i’m his mother” “i’m your uncle” was meant to both be kinda hot but also show how different luke and aemond’s mindsets are towards their kids. luke tunnel visions whereas aemond recognizes their natures. i have discussed the aenys-aemond-luke dynamic pretty extensively elsewhere (bc i wanna keep nsfw off here), but there is a through line in my fics that aenys is a protective mamas boy and aemond is jealous of that. as for the setting, i frequently use the training yards in my fics when i want public displays to happen (and the nursery in private). i can only say that the similarities where not at all intentional.
3. as for the specific fic, i have read it in the past but in all honesty, i never retain specific scenes in fics. this isn’t bc an authors works are not being memorable, simply that i struggle to retain info beyond my hyperfixations bc my adhd. this is why i struggle to rec fics when asked. i’ve had numerous scrapped fics bc as i worked on them, something similar popped up and i didn’t wanna create that overlap. i genuinely did not even think about the other fic while writing mine. i went into it wanting to write heat sex but also wanted to build on the world of gilded lilies by giving some info on what the kids are up to as they are older
if the other author would like me to add a note in my fic regarding the similarities, i would be happy to discuss it with them as i don’t want to do it without their permission bc i haven’t seen anything from them and don’t want to involve them if they do not want to be.
to kinda conclude, the similarities were not at all intentional. the ideas in this fic for that scene was mostly based on things i’ve already messed around with and constant rambling with others in discord. as for the art, i once again take accountability for that and apologize for being so careless with it.
also: please do not harass anyone. i want to believe no one will but i just want to say that bc i’ve seen drama unfold before in past fandoms and want to avoid exposing people to that.
lemme know if y’all want me to expand upon anything else :)
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faffreux · 8 months
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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mossyflowers · 5 months
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Tossing this art here so I can ramble abt my Cipher, thoughts below the cut because i've come up with a lot of stuff for him :]
Early life-
His real name is Ciro Palomo, which mean lord and pigeon respectively. However, the name Ciro also sounds a lot like cero, which is the Spanish word for zero
He was born around that gulf area in Sapin that bordered both Osea and Belka before the borders were moved
His parents were allegedly perfectly happy, well off, and could have taken care of him, but decided to leave him at a small orphanage instead. Essentially leaving him with nothing, including no memories of them.
Due to a wide variety of reasons, he didn't learn to speak until he was five, and didn't bother speaking much after that anyways due to no one wanting to listen
A lot of his time was spent wandering OUTSIDE of the orphanage, since he couldn't stand being stuck inside with all the other kids. He'd spend most of it staring at where the ocean met the sky and trying to imagine himself somewhere inbetween it
He also spent a lot of time interacting with some of the adults in his town, with some older women who'd moved to the town to escape the recession in Belka especially taking a liking to him. Telling him a lot of superstitions and other little things from their home, including a few myths about fairies
There was a baker who'd sneak him food that was taken off the shelves and a few days away from going bad, just so he could have some treats every now and then
When he was 17, a group of mercenaries came to town that he ran into while he was out. Eventually convincing them to take him with them before they left town. This was also the group that taught him how to fly.
The squad was called Extraño, which (I hope) translates to Stranger in Spanish
His first and original callsign was zero, as the group preferred to use numbers and he was essentially their first member with "zero" experience.
Cipher did not know how to read until one of his wingmen eventually taught him how to once they realized this.
It was his flight lead who drilled it into his skull to not shoot down neutral targets, insisting on pride above their paychecks.
They flew together for five years, before they took a contract with Ustio some time in September by the name of Operation Thresh. Where they were sent into the Round Table and attacked unexpectedly by another squad.
All of them died except for Cipher, who managed to survive shooting down seven enemy pilots alone, as well as a crash due to a sudden engine failure from sustained damage.
He managed to walk away with only a few severe burns and some damage to his nose. He wasn't happy about the fact he got to walk away.
The Belkan War-
After Extraño squad's deaths, Cipher became increasingly detached and began taking more dangerous missions while taking more risks in the air due to a mix of resentment and survivor's guilt
Cipher also kept a guitar from One, a pocket knife from Two, a rubik's cube from Three, and a notebook full of sketches from Four.
He originally signed on to work with Ustio under the impression he would NOT last long during the war.
Was both very hesitant about Pixy and confused by his behavior. He was pretty confident that Pixy would live longer than him, but still didn't want to get too close in case anything did happen.
The first mission at the Round Table and Pixy saying they'd survive was essentially a massive slap to the face that resulted in Cipher starting to open up to others again.
Alcohol was originally seen as a necessary evil to him for getting new contracts at dingy bars. He started enjoying it after Pixy kept dragging him to the bar on base, though.
He and Pixy would usually end up cuddling in the same bed if one of them got drunk enough, starting after the liberation of Directus.
Liberating Directus also got him to cry a little in his jet, and was one of the proudest and best moments of his life.
During practice and drills, he would purposefully try the craziest maneuvers he could just to see if Pixy could keep up.
Pixy also got him to start reading more.
Being called a demon was something he actually took pride in, until Hoffnung.
After Hoffnung, he stopped taking pride in a lot of things.
Pixy's betrayal hurt him a lot more than he let on, and he spent a lot of time wondering if there was anything he could have done differently before it happened.
PJ was like a little brother to him <:)
Despite everything, he thought the duel over Avalon dam was extremely romantic and attractive
Cipher also decided to disappear on the same night/morning after all the stuff with AWWNB and V2 happened for a lot of reasons. Mainly not wanting to be seen as a hero or remembered for what he did, though, there was also a lot of guilt over what happened to both PJ AND Pixy
Post war-
As soon as he could, he moved to what was left of Belka and into the city closest to Avalon Dam
Working with different groups of volunteer and rebuilding efforts helped him get into construction.
He still does contract work, but instead of being a mercenary pilot, it's mostly either construction or music performances.
Cipher also does a lot of street performances with his guitar, with him having a specific spot in the park near Avalon that he goes to perform at fairly often.
At some point, he gets a degree in music theory from a local college.
He ends up performing the music for his own documentary ten years later, too.
After the documentary, he tracks down Pixy again. The two of them work out most of their stuff eventually and end up getting together because they deserve it I think <:)
Misc stuff-
Cipher doesn't know when he was born, but I like to think it was 6/6 just so it'd be an extra punch to the gut.
He's Sapinish and was born and raised there, but doesn't have a very strong accent.
Has a chronic case of resting bitch face, unsurprisingly.
He also struggles a lot with emotions, specifically internalizing them after he realized getting mad at people who killed people you cared about and then killing them doesn't actually fix the fact the people you cared about are dead. It's easier to make him happy than it is to get him mad.
Thinks a little too much and tried to use flying as a way to cope since it cleared his head a lot
After his squad died, he also became physically incapable of speaking while flying as a trauma response. This also applies any time he's in the air, or somewhere that reminds him too much of flying or the sky.
He knows how to swim and is actually very good at it
Ended up learning how to walk silently as a kid to sneak out and never unlearned it
Somehow managed to completely train out his fear of heights and falling as a child on accident.
His first flight lead was the one who taught him how to play the guitar
Cipher was also a bit of a cunt before he went through his whole character arc during the war. He'd purposefully try to end missions as soon as possible and screw over other mercenaries he was flying with if he thought they'd try and shoot something they shouldn't
He's got a huge soft spot for kids and is actually surprisingly good with them
Also has a soft spot for pigeons, even if he's not great when it comes to getting them to not immediately fly away from him
Very sentimental, he collects things that other people give him and goes out of his way to take care of mementos from all of his dead wingmen.
Refused to die unless something killed him (nothing did, so he just left in the end)
He feels really bad about what happened to Belka after everything
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