#how lucky are we to have gotten stories told by such a compliment of talent!
mobius-m-mobius · 1 month
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
cj? who's that? sounds annoying.
im agent bl with the fbi and we demand that you answer --- ALL OF THEM.
wow yeah thanks for being here agent bl if it's a demand from the fbi then guess i better answer all of 'em 🙄
angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself? uhhh i'm like a roach. i'm resilient as hell. the world just keeps trying to squish me but jokes on them i'll be here forever.
doll - what’s your favourite outfit? my favorite outfit right now is my lucky high-waisted jeans and this really cozy gray sweater that's just barely cropped. paired with my gay converse, of course.
pumpkin - what’s your favourite weather and why? i love love love like, september weather where the morning is barely chilly so i can wear a sweater but by noon it's warm again. i hate being cold but i really love cold weather clothes, so compromise.
baby - what makes you feel better when you’re down? a hug. and ice cream. and a comfort show. or, depending on what the upset is i used to do kickboxing and i used to have a punching bag back before this apartment that i'd use to burn off some steam.
sugarpie - what’s your favourite sweet treat? ICE CREAM. but if we're talking like a baked good, it may sound weird but i loveee carrot cake.
kitten - are you a dog person or a cat person? cats. i am petrified of dogs.
princess - if you could live in any other time period, which would it be? i mean, assuming that like, period-typical discrimination and stuff didn't exist...idk that's hard. i'll go with the 80s just so then i wouldn't have to do so much research for stranger things fics.
peach - what’s your ideal aesthetic? i change up my aesthetic on the regular, but i always seem to come back to the general, like, dark academia style i guess?
darling -  what romantic gesture makes you feel the most loved? hand holding. but like the kind where you're like busy doing something like watching a movie or like reading and your partner just like grabs your hand and holds on while you both do your thing. it's sweet to me.
button - do you have a type? what is it like? ehh women who could beat me up and idk for men.
sweet pea - what’s your favourite flower? i really love magnolia flowers. they smell so good and they're gorgeous.
sunshine - what’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever gotten? well, i was told i was someone's sunshine, speaking of. but also i was told that i brighten someone's day just by being so me and that just was so nice.
baby girl - how do you like to be held? tightly. idk, just arms around me and i can tuck away my face like in their neck or shoulder or chest. i sleep rolled up in a weighted blanket, if that says anything.
lover - how do you show someone you like them? i pull their pigtails. no, i tend to get really nervous and am bad at that, but i do tend to make more excuses to spend more time with that person. like, things i could probably do on my own i'm asking for company, or stuff like that.
buttercup - what does/would your online dating bio say? omg do i pull up my cringy tinder from undergrad? i do.
gemini, intj, slytherin my talents include knowing enough useless facts to rock trivia night and pretending i can sing like taylor swift. my favorite character from grey's anatomy is bailey and if i had to vote someone off the island it would be owen.
boo - what’s your dream date? oh thats so hard!! i'm really bad on dates if i get too overwhelmed or too focused on it being a date, ya know? it's gotta be lowkey. i love coffee dates, or a girl once like packed a bag of food and we ate out on the campus lawn and talked.
wild thing - what’s something about you that surprises people? uhhh i'm not sure actually!! i know people tend to be surprised by my personality once i get close to them, just because i'm so quiet and reserved upon first meeting people.
bubba - tell me a funny story from your childhood.  i once cracked my head open on a corner of a wall while i was running around. the adults were all panicking and debating on if i needed to go get stitches and if i'd be okay, and meanwhile i was using this distraction as a way to get into my birthday cake early. i did need stitches but more importantly, my devious plan to get cake worked.
love bug - what song would you love to have sung to you? oh idk there's so many. i sat here for a long time i did.
cutie - what’s your favourite fairytale? i always loved the ugly duckling as a kid, as well as the little mermaid.
dumpling - what’s your favourite movie right now? mmm i've been watching love actually and 10 things i hate about you incessantly lately.
my love - what would your dream home be like? well, not my permanent home but for the next several years i'd love to live in a NICE apartment in the city. a lot of windows and cozy furniture, very open. idk.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Six // Wanda Maximoff
chapter five | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter seven
author’s note: i’m glad you all seemed to like the last chapter! i’m all for slow burn but i didn’t want to leave you hanging too long aha. Now onto dating territory!
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Since going to Blackpool with Wanda, we hadn't actually gotten another moment to ourselves. Wedding plans were picking up which kept her busy, and if not that, then I'd only see her in passing in which we'd exchange smiles before moving on.
So, I though it would be good to take her out on a date. A proper one, even if it was to be disguised as a simple outing between soon-to-be sister-in-laws. The plan was to 'bump' into her in town, which we did, then I asked her if she wanted to go to the art gallery. She'd been before, but they'd put in a new exhibition which I thought she might like.
We couldn't exactly hold hands when there, but I made the most of her presence and stood a little too close to her than a friend might. Since she'd kissed me at the beach, I wasn't able to think about anything else. And when shot me a knowing smile, I knew she felt the same.
"I like this one," I told her, pointing to a piece hung on the wall, before squinting to read the plaque. "Jedburgh Abbey from the River by Thomas Girtin."
"And why's that?" she asked, watching me with humoured eyes.
I pursed my lips, glancing between her and the painting sheepishly. "I'm not gonna lie, I just like the way the guy painted the clouds in the sky."
She stifled laughter, not wanting to draw attention from passers-by, and nudged me in the shoulder. "You're unbelievable, milaya (darling). We didn't have to come here if you don't like art."
I gave her a knowing look. "Hey, I love art. Especially when it's by a certain Sokovian artist named Wanda Maximoff."
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. I grinned at her bashfulness, wanting to tease her but also very true with my words. Her work was my favourite, biased or not, and I still had that amazing portrait she'd done of me in my room back home. It was tucked into one of my drawers where nobody would find it. I didn't want anyone else to look at it since she'd done it for me and it was private... it was a beautiful reminder of the amazing day we'd had.
"You're poking fun, but in all seriousness, I'd actually love for my work to be up here someday," she said softly, looking at the painting before us with hopeful eyes. 
"They wish they were that lucky to score someone as talented as you," I said without skipping a beat.
She cracked a smile, tilting her head in my direction. It was obvious she was losing her patience with me, but I enjoyed watching her lose it. She didn't know what to say, especially when being complimented, and it was endearing to witness.
We remained civil for the remainder of the 'date', refraining from holding hands or gazing at each other longer than friends would, and I was pretty proud of myself for not thinking about kissing her once when we were done.
As we got into the carriage to go back home, the door closed and I was going to ask her how she found it when she moved towards me in an instant, kissing me without question. I raised my hand, caressing her jaw and closing my eyes as she leaned forward, practically on my lap, not that I cared. She sucked on my bottom lip sensually before she opened her mouth, pushing her tongue into mine. I almost forgot how to breathe as she did, unprepared for such an intense kiss.
"I've been wanting to do that all day," she revealed when she pulled away.
I flushed at the contact, a dazed smile on my lips. "Huh."
She chuckled as she sat back beside me more 'appropriately'. "Thanks for taking me. I loved it."
I nodded lamely, still trying to recover from our kiss. "I'm– I'm glad."
She smirked playfully, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to my lips before sitting back. "You're so cute."
My words still hadn't returned, so all I could do was nod before looking the other way. Her laughter filled the carriage and I wondered how I'd gotten so lucky to be in the presence of someone so perfect.
After exchanging some more kisses and actually being able to hold hands without prying eyes, we reached Wanda's home and she invited me in for some tea. Sadly, that meant we had to let go of one another, but I think she'd given me enough to remember her by as we parted, and she must have thought the same, judging from the smirk she sent my way.
We sat on the patio outside to have some tea and biscuits, enjoying the sunshine and blue skies, a rare occurrence for England. We were chatting mindlessly when her brother decided to make an appearance, helping himself to a seat between Wanda and I.
"How lovely of you to grace us with your presence, Miss Y/L/N," he said playfully, shooting me a charming smile, before reaching to grab a biscuit. Wanda slapped his hand but he stole one anyway, making her roll her eyes.
"Nice to see you, Pietro," I greeted with amusement, always enjoying his presence.
"And you," he returned, before chowing down his biscuit.
Wanda gave me a fed up look over his shoulder which he was oblivious to, and I tried not to laugh as she clearly wasn't a fan of him interrupting our time.
"So, I caught a glimpse of the wedding invitations," Pietro said, making conversation. He glanced between us with a nod of approval. "They're coming along well."
I hummed in agreement, smile becoming less real when he mentioned the wedding. Wanda didn't acknowledge his words as she fiddled with the handle of her teacup.
"Is your brother behaving, Y/N?" Pietro continued jokingly, looking to me. "I know how many admirers he has, but my sister should be his first priority."
"Oh, Piet...," Wanda breathed out with embarrassment, facepalming.
"Of course he is," I assured her brother with a small smile. "He wouldn't dare try hurting Wanda or he'd have a lot of explaining to do."
There was some playfulness in my voice, but an underlying truth to my words.
"It's sweet how close you've gotten," Pietro noticed, looking between us, before settling his gaze on me. "It's about time Wanda made friends with people who aren't me."
Cue another slap. I chuckled at her sheepish expression, amused by Pietro's antics.
"Anyway," he changed the subject for his sister's sake, "mother has been getting on my very nerve about finding a bride because you decided to get married."
Wanda rolled her eyes. "We both know I didn't decide, Piet."
He sighed over-dramatically. "Well, it's because of your engagement that she's now on my back about it."
"Join the club," I joked, knowing exactly what he meant. "My mum was already on my back about finding a husband, but since this engagement, it's ten times more annoying."
Pietro laughed. "Oh, no. Has she lined up suitors? My parents like to point out every pretty woman they see to me in hopes I'll make a move. It's hardly productive."
"I haven't asked her for fear she'll pull out a folder with all of the eligible bachelors in town," I said, half joking and half serious.
Pietro snickered as Wanda rolled her eyes in the background. She should have been happy I was getting along with her brother. He was actually quite entertaining to be around.
"It's funny you say that because you're one of the women my parents pointed out," he admitted.
"Oh, God, so they're saying the same thing to you?" I asked with a groan, and he nodded regretfully. "Isn't it just the worst?"
"You're a lovely girl, Y/N, don't get me wrong," he began gently, "but I don't like you like that."
I raised my hand for a high five. "Me and you both."
Laughing once again, he returned my high five and I was glad we were on the same page. The amount of people that had been hinting at getting to know Wanda Maximoff's very single brother was getting pretty annoying. It was nice to know he was just as irritated at the insinuation as I was.
"Okay, I should leave you both to it," Pietro concluded, slapping his knees and standing up. Looking to me, he said, "Miss Y/L/N, it was as lovely as ever to make your acquaintance."
I smiled as he winked playfully before looking to his disgruntled sister.
"Dear sister, the pleasure is always mine," he continued to tease, and she slapped him once more, making him dodge her and begin to leave. "Love you, too!" he called before heading back inside.
I laughed at his silliness and relaxed in my seat, looking back to Wanda. She didn't seem half as amused as I was as she drummed her fingers on the table and chewed on the inside of her cheek.
"I may be mistaken, love, but it looks like you're jealous," I poked fun at her.
She rolled her eyes and her jaw tensed before she finally looked to me, expression softening. "Can you blame me?" she asked quietly. "You're both single. You're both similar age. Everybody talks."
I shrugged nonchalantly, having a sip of my tea. "True... but I've got my eye on another Maximoff anyway."
She sighed, small smile creeping on her lips. Subtly moving my chair closer to hers, I grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed. My thumb stroked her hand softly as I leaned on the palm of my hand on the table.
"You look really beautiful today," I admitted in a hushed voice. "I should have told you earlier."
She, too, leaned into the palm of her hand as she watched me with an enchanting gaze. "So do you, milaya (darling)."
Unable to resist, I glanced around quickly before kissing her cheek and pulling away. Letting go of her hand, I busied myself with the tea and biscuits again.
"Biscuit?" I offered her, and she began to laugh at my attempt at acting casual.
Playing along, she accepted the biscuit from my hand. But a knowing smile was on her lips as she nodded. "Thank you."
Being with Wanda was a luxury in itself, even if we had to keep it private.
To everybody else, we were merely two women about to become family who happened to create a bond that was close. But we both knew what it really was and weren't eager to say it. Because saying it made it true and that meant that what we were doing became realer than it was in our daydreams and hidden moments.
I did find myself wracked with guilt sometimes – particularly the times when Y/B/N would gush about how excited he was to marry her. Wanda was technically cheating on him with me, his sister, but that fact was something that was still blurry to me.
We had no choice but to lie and be secretive. In a world like this, where we would never be able to be together like we wanted to, all we had was secrecy and deception. Did that still make us bad people?
I tried not to think about what would happen when she actually married my brother. The future was something I was adamant on pushing to the back of my mind because I knew what it would hold and I just wanted to enjoy the time I had with her. Convincing myself that what we had wasn't serious, just a heat of the moment relationship maybe, made things easier to accept. But really, I knew that whenever she looked my way with her signature smile and dazzling eyes, it was way more than I envisioned. She was way more.
So, trying not to be dragged down with the weight of reality, I vowed to myself to only focus on the now. Focus on the moments I shared with her whilst we could. Anything beyond that and I'd surely snap.
"Medovyy (honey), the Y/L/Ns are here!" Iryna called behind her, before looking to my family and I as we stood at her front door. "Please, all of you, come in!"
She ushered us into the main hall before closing the door after us. Perfectly timed, the rest of her family left the living room and came to greet us.
Automatically, my eyes found Wanda's and she was already looking my way, her dimple making a show as she attempted to reign in an excited smile. I did the same, trying to ignore the way my heart stirred upon seeing her.
Oleg and Iryna welcomed my parents and then me, kind expressions accompanying genuine greetings. In the corner of my eye, I saw Pietro shaking Y/B/N's hand before Wanda took his place, accepting a kiss on the cheek from Y/B/N. It wasn't jealousy that I felt whenever they were together, at least not entirely – they were to be married, what more could I expect? – but it wasn't anything pleasant either.
"Ah, my favourite Y/L/N," Pietro beamed upon shaking my hand, making my lips twitch upwards. "You excited for dinner? We're having salmon."
"Ecstatic, Pietro," I answered with a playful eye roll. "All I've been thinking all day."
He chuckled at my sarcasm before letting go of my hand and moving over to greet my parents. Wanda was next, her shoulders relaxing when she stepped before me with a soft smile present on her lips.
"It's good to see you," she said, but her eyes said much more than that. "How have you been?"
Exchanging a friendly-looking hug, my body was warm where she pressed against me. Touching her always sent a rush of emotion through me and I looked forward to it every time.
"I've been good," I answered aloud, before whispering into her ear, "Better now."
She squeezed my waist inconspicuously in response before letting go. "That's good. You know, we've got time before dinner and I wanted to show you the painting I've been working on lately. Wanna see?"
I glanced at my parents and hers for permission, knowing they'd heard her question.
"Just try not to take too long since dinner will be on the table soon," Iryna said with a nod. "It's so good to see you girls getting along."
Breathing out slightly, I smiled gratefully before letting Wanda intertwine our fingers and drag me up the staircase. She led me past several doors before we finally reached hers and she tugged me inside.
As soon as the door closed, she was quick to connect our lips in a heated, desperate kiss. I relaxed against her instantly, my hands falling to her side and pulling her closer. Her fingernails gently scratched the sensitive skin behind my neck, giving me goosebumps, and I let out an involuntary gasp at the feeling.
When we pulled away for a breath, her nose brushed against mine and she pressed a final kiss to my lips, slower and more tasteful compared to the first, before smiling at me.
"I missed you," she said, as if reading my mind.
A breathy laugh escaped my lips. "It's only been a week since we last saw each other, love."
She shrugged, arms laced around my neck. "A week too long."
Raising a brow judgementally, I gave her a knowing look. She wasn't embarrassed in the slightest as her half-lidded eyes met mine with a confident smirk.
"Did you just pull me up here to have a quick snog?" I teased her.
"Well, yes," she said, making me laugh again, before adding, "And I wanted to ask you if you'll go to the park with me tomorrow. A picnic. If you want."
She bit her lip anxiously, eyes darting elsewhere as she waited for an answer. I always found it amusing how she could be so confident one second and then so innocently adorable the next.
"Wanda, I'd love to." My thumb rubbed circles on her waist as I kept ahold of her. "I hear it's supposed to be nice weather tomorrow, too."
She pursed her lips. "Even if it rained, I'd still drag you to the park with me."
"Somehow, I feel like that's true," I countered with a ghost of a smile on my lips. She tried to hide her own smile and I continued, "Was there an actual painting you wanted to show me or...?"
Breathing out with amusement, she intertwined our fingers and pulled me to the back of her room where her 'studio' was. Since the last time I'd visited, there were plenty of new additions to her work, all as wonderful as the next.
"This one is from the beach at Blackpool," she said, stopping before a medium-sized canvas depicting the horizon. "When we sat on the bench. Just before I kissed you."
My heart fluttered at the memory and I studied the canvas, recalling it looked similar to her watercolour painting of the same view. She'd done a spectacular replica in oil paints, reminiscent of the trip we took.
"You should already know what I'm going to say," I said, looking to her knowingly. "But just so you can hear it again, I absolutely love this. You're so talented."
She rolled her eyes to distract from the pink spreading across her cheeks. "Thank you... and again, thank you for taking me. Seeing an actual water source upfront really helped me refine my paintings. It feels so much more real now."
I looked back to the painting, noticing what she meant. Either way, I loved both versions of her work, before and after going to the beach.
"You did good, love."
She squeezed my hand gently before sighing quietly with realisation. "We should probably go back down."
"We should," I agreed, glancing at her. "Thanks for showing me these."
She cracked a smile, teeth nibbling on her bottom lip. "Always."
Reluctantly, the two of us returned downstairs and joined the others as they were settling at the dining table. Wanda and I sat side by side, and this time when her fingers brushed mine, I made no move to pull away.
The meal was good, but as usual, I found myself zoning out. The conversation made its rounds, falling to me as the Maximoffs wanted to know how I was doing, then moved on, giving me chance to focus on eating my dinner and getting through the evening. I knew that at one point, everybody was talking about some play that was showing in the theatres.
Bits of the conversation were going in one ear and out the other and I was minding my own business until Wanda's bare foot rubbed against my leg under the table. The sensation of her skin against mine made my knee bounce up and hit the table with surprise, earning everyone's attention.
"Are you okay, dear?" Oleg asked, noticing my discomfort.
I cleared my throat, straightening up and ignoring the stifled smile Wanda had in my peripheral vision.
"I'm good, sorry about that," I apologised awkwardly, shivering when she dragged her foot back down my leg. "You were talking about the play, right?"
That seemed to distract them, as they leapt right back into conversation, giving me a chance to breathe out with relief. I looked to Wanda, watching her lean on her palm and hide a smirk as she stared at me with mischievous eyes.
Glaring and nudging her in the arm subtly, I looked back to my food, but she didn't move her foot, nor her hand. Both brushed my against me, starting a fire on my skin and making me swallow hard. She kept like that for the whole evening, making my head dizzy and leaving me at a loss for words.
And when I looked her way, she was already staring, definitely knowing the effect she had on me.
"I just need to find my shoes and we can go," I told Wanda the next morning, before our date at the park.
She'd come to pick me up at my house and was hanging around my room as I finished getting ready. From her place at my desk, she hummed in acknowledgment before distracting herself with my notebooks.
"I see you're making great use of the notebook I picked out for you," she commented, and I glanced towards her mid-search for my shoes, seeing she was flicking through the already-filled book.
"I have a lot of ideas, what can I say?" I joked, before looking under the pile of clothes near my wardrobe.
She chuckled, before falling quiet again. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing until she spoke up after a few minutes.
"Y/N, your writing is beautiful," she said, making me look her way to see an amazed smile on her lips. "I didn't know you could write like this. I mean– I should have because you helped write that letter Y/B/N gave to me, but this..."
I shrugged awkwardly, distracting myself with my search again. "It's okay, I guess."
She exhaled mockingly. "Okay? Y/N, this is miles better than okay. Why didn't you show me this sooner?"
I smiled satisfactorily as I finally located my shoes. Grabbing them, I approached Wanda and took a seat on the edge of my bed, opposite her seat at my desk.
"Because it'll never be anything more than what you're looking at?" I said rhetorically. "It'll only ever be words confined to pages that nobody will see?"
She gave me a knowing look. "I think you forget that my brother is a publisher, dorogoy (dear)."
"And I think you forget that he is the publisher to my brother, dear," I retorted playfully.
She sighed, shaking her head and putting the notebook back on my desk. "You know Pietro would love this, right? He'd sign you in a heartbeat."
I snickered at the ludicrous thought. "Wanda, you're a little biased, love."
She rolled her eyes. "Writers write for audiences. I am an audience. I consume literature. And I'm telling you that it's not just me who would read what you have to write."
I tried not to laugh as I pulled my shoes onto my feet.
"Are you really telling me that you'd never want to get published?" she asked with a raised brow.
My heart ached at the thought of such a fantasy. "Of course I would, Wanda." I met her eyes, which were already peering across from me patiently. "I've dreamed of that. But it's just not what's to happen. My family have told me that many times. In another lifetime, maybe."
She pursed her lips, studying me thoughtfully. I offered her a smile and stood up, holding out my hand.
"Forget that," I told her. "I believe you promised me a picnic."
Thankfully, she dropped the subject and accepted my hand, letting me pull her up. The topic wasn't brought up again and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
We went to the park like she wanted and she brought a picnic basket with her, having packed a lovely variety of finger foods and snacks.
As she was unpacking the food onto the blanket, I narrowed my eyes at her. "You know, now that we're finally alone, I can say how unfair it was of you to do what you did last night."
She played dumb, shrugging, focusing on neatening up the sandwiches on a plate. "I don't know what you mean, milaya (darling)."
"Huh. Sure you don't."
Giggles flew from her lips as she glanced at me through her eyelashes. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I just love seeing you squirm. You get all tense and it's so cute."
I pursed my lips. "I figured. You've been watching me squirm since we met."
She grinned knowingly before straightening up. "Okay, I made sandwiches and there's also some coleslaw, fruit, cheese... I made some Sokovian dishes, too, if you want to try them. Okroshka – it's like a cold soup. Then there's this olivye salad. It's... well, salad."
I smiled at the thought she put into it all and grabbed her hand between us. We'd set the picnic out behind a tree so we wouldn't have curious eyes watching us. It didn't look like we were overtly hiding, but we still got our privacy, too.
"It all looks great, Wanda," I said with appreciation. "I can't wait to try it."
She squeezed my hand in response before letting go to grab some paper plates. After popping a strawberry in her mouth, she asked, "Do you just want a bit of everything?"
I leaned on the back of my hands as I hummed a 'yes'. She began to put me some food in and I watched her, admiring the sight.
Her hair was half-pulled back today, falling in waves down her back and exposing her perfectly sculpted jawline. Everything about her was perfect – the way she moved was elegant and graceful, even when her hair fell over her shoulder and in her way; she simply moved it back with a flick of her hand and resumed what she was doing. The sun caught her immaculately, her hair glowing bright under the light and her eyes magnificently green as they focused.
As always, she took my breath away.
"Here," she said, holding out the plate towards me and pulling me from my reverie.
I accepted the plate and fork, returning her smile, before she watching as she began to make another plate for herself.
"You sure this is fancy enough for you?" I asked jokingly, stabbing my fork into a carrot. "I heard you and my brother went to a very luxurious restaurant the other night."
She met my eyes, holding amusement in her own. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, milaya (darling)."
I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes. "I'm not jealous, I just– it's so annoying listening to him talk about how beautiful you are or how funny you are or how kind you are."
"Oh, so you don't think I'm any of those things?" she teased, trying to get a rise out of me.
I titled my head towards her. "Of course I know you're all those things. But it doesn't mean I like hearing him talk about it constantly..."
Clearly amused, she erupted into laughter and I felt my face heating up with embarrassment. I know it sounded like I was whining, but it was true. Sometimes, I wasn't envious of my brother but rather at the fact that he could actually take Wanda out properly. He could be seen with her in public and hold her hand without fear of getting looks or disowned. He had the privilege of being with her and it wasn't fair.
"You may hear him talk about it, but there's one thing I can assure you that you get that he doesn't," she said when recovering from her laughter.
I stared at her with an exasperated sigh. "And what's that?"
She smiled confidently, glancing around quickly, before leaning forward and kissing me softly. As quickly as it came, it disappeared, leaving me desiring more.
Licking my lips, I couldn't tear my eyes from hers. "You know, you're a really good kisser."
She chuckled at my reaction and I found myself leaning in again, entranced by the way she tasted. Putting my plate to the side, I raised a hand to pull her closer, getting better access to her mouth.
She tasted sweet like the strawberry she'd just eaten and I swiped my tongue across her lip, indicating I wanted her to part her them. She did, allowing me to slip my tongue in and wrestle with hers, revelling in the way she tasted. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest as she let out a moan, it reverberating in my mouth and giving me goosebumps.
When lack of oxygen became an issue, she pulled away breathlessly, flushed cheeks adorned with a smile.
"As lovely as that was, I actually want to eat what I made," she ridiculed playfully.
"Yes, we will," I assured her, my hand moving from her neck up to her jaw. My thumb touched her lips, outlining them tenderly, subconsciously committing them to memory. "We'll get back to it."
She wanted to laugh, but I moved forward and caught her bottom lip between mine, unable to stay away. It was wrong, the rush I felt in my gut and the warmth that spread all over my body and the tingles that travelled down my spine. Because I knew what it all meant, but admitting it was a different story. So, I didn't.
I just continued to kiss the girl before me, knowing I could have kissed her forever and not regretted a single thing.
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haikyuul-kid · 3 years
itadori and megumi soft headcanon
after episode 23, i knew i had to write something about these two. i’ve had this idea for a soft headcanon for a couple days, but ep. 23 pushed me to do it. again, i’m sorry it’s been so long. college is fucking hard. but i hope you enjoy and HERE WE GO 
- megumi wasn’t exactly confident. all his life, he’s always seen himself as second best and never really figured he could ever be anything more than that. over and over, others surpassed him, like gojo and idatori had. he didn’t think there was a reason why he should push beyond. he did fine as he was. sure, he wasn’t the strongest sorcerer around, but he could hold his own. the thing that bothered him the most was the comments. people telling him he’s wasted potential and that he can do so much more. he just didn’t see how he could do that. 
- it wasn’t until he found out that itadori was alive that things started to change. before he died, itadori was a naturally open person with a lot of things. praise wasn’t really one of them. but after he came back, megumi noticed how he was far more liberal with his praise, especially with him. after the school exchange, when they would spar, work together, or anything, it seemed to megumi, itadori somehow found something of megumi’s to praise and compliment. when he would lose to megumi in a spar, which wasn’t often, itadori was sure to compliment and tell him how much he’d improved since he last saw him. if they were working on a case, itadori would tell him that he was brilliant and they were lucky to have him. even on a normal day, itadori would make comments like “you’re really cool, fushigoro” or “i’m lucky we met, fushigoro” and megumi didn’t understand where this was coming from. 
- one day, after weeks of what seemed like constant praise from him, megumi finally decided that he needed to ask. he was a logical thinker. he needed to know what caused this change. so, he knocked on itadori’s door on one of their off days. he could hear shuffling from the inside. the door swung open, revealing a slightly dishevaled itadori, which megumi couldn’t help but think was something he missed. in the months he was ‘dead’, itadori was on megumi’s mind an unhealthy amount, at least he thought. he didn’t know why, it wasn’t like he was the one who ripped out his heart, he didn’t kill him. yet, he felt regret when he thought of itadori while he was gone, like he’d missed out on something more, something better. megumi’s heart sometimes would ache for him. he’s never experienced that for anyone, not even his own family. he should’ve known that itadori was special, ever since he wanted to save him when he first met him. he should’ve known he was attached. 
- “hey fushigoro, what’s up?” itadori’s voice was heavy with sleep, megumi felt a little bad for waking him up, but his need to know pushed him forward. “itadori, i,” he hesitated for a moment, “i wanted to ask you something.” itadori tilted his head in question, but moved over so megumi could enter the room. as he entered the room, he could tell it hadn’t changed much since the last time he’s seen it; before itadori was killed. itadori shuffled over and sat on his bed, confusion obvious in his face and posture as his head was still tilted, his eyebrows twisted in concern and him knees tucked into his arms. megumi knew he only did that when he was nervous. “what did you want... to ask me?” itadori asked. 
- megumi has been thinking about this conversation for the better part of the last two weeks and he was still lost on how to start. “what happened?” he said after a few moments. “while you were-” megumi lost focus for a second when he thought of what he was about to say. “while you were dead. or, gone.” he clarified. “since you’ve gotten back, you seem different. obviously you’re much more skilled, and you’ve improved immensely since before. but you’re also so much more liberal with people. you’ve been praising people more than they deserve, especially me. i haven’t done anything different or special in the time that you’ve been back, yet you still somehow find a way to compliment me, praise me. i just don’t understand where this came from. sure, you were open before, but you didn’t praise people like you do now.” megumi knew he was rambling, but he needed to get all of his thoughts out before he got an answer. “other people may deserve the praise, but i don’t. i’m not as talented as everyone else, my skills are average at best, and i’m the same as i was before.” megumi shook his head. “i’m not special, i’m not better in any way so why?” 
- itadori took a moment to look at megumi. then, his eyes dropped to his hands as he let out a soft sigh. it was a few minutes later, as megumi was growing impatient that itadori finally answered.  “while i was gone,” he began. “i met someone who reminded me a lot of you. he is...” itadori paused. “he was... quiet, thoughtful, too smart for his own good. he never thought of himself as anything. he was told all his life that he wasn’t enough, that he would never be anything. he was bullied, he didn’t have the support that he needed. so,” itadori took a breath, megumi noticed he was trying to steady himself. “when someone actually acknowledged him and gave him what he was missing, he followed them to the ends of the earth. literally.” itadori’s voice was shaking as he said, “he died because he thought the only way to feel worthy was to follow someone’s order, to meet someone else’s standards, because he never felt like he was enough. and,” megumi could see the tears running down itadori’s cheeks. 
- “i don’t want that to happen to you. i know... i know you wouldn’t but i worry a lot. i can see how you don’t think highly of yourself. you don’t see yourself going far, or doing anything worthwhile.” itadori was growing in volume. “you are such a good jujustu sorcerer, you so powerful and you have so much potential. and you don’t see it.” the intensity was rising as itadori continued. “you just put yourself down and i hate seeing it because i know what coud happen. and i don’t want that to happen to you. i can’t lose you, you’re too important to me.” itadori was breathing heavy as he finished. “i just want you to know that you matter, that you’re important, especially to me.” 
- “i... i didn’t know you thought that.” megumi could feel the blush rising. “i didn’t really think i was important enough to try and get better. i didn’t think i could ever be like you, or gojo, or nabara, or anyone here. i just don’t have the potential-” “you do!” itadori interrupts. “i want to support you and help you grow. i know praise is a way to encourage and help people grow and so i thought that i would do that for you, to help you because you can be so powerful. and... i don’t want to lose you.” “you won’t. i appreciate it, i just didn’t realize it. i-i can’t tell you how much that means to me.” megumi commented softly “i’ll always be here for you,” itadori hugs megumi. “fushigoro, i need you. you have to be by my side until i go. i can’t be alone, i can’t let you die before i do.” “you won’t, you mean too much to me for that to happen.” megumi said, gripping him harder. “you’ll always have me.” 
to be continued...
i think i’m going to keep going with this. i want to keep developing this story and their relationship. i think it could be very interesting and cool to write. please leave feedback and what you would want to see. see you in the next one. 
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kooala · 4 years
once you realize - chapter one
!!used to be kookie-off-his-kookie  but now it’s kooala!!
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x his girlfriend Mina
Tags: best friend! Jungkook, idol verse, friends to lovers!
Genre: fluff, mutual pining, basically the cutest falling in love story 
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: language
Parts: chapter one / chapter two / chapter three / chapter four / chapter five / chapter six / chapter seven
Summary: Seeing your friend regularly turned out to be difficult because of your colliding schedules, but seeing him again after a couple of months something about the way you thought about Jungkook seemed to have shifted. If only you wouldn’t have started getting close with someone else before you had realized how you felt about your best friend. 
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You knocked on the practice room door hesitantly before opening it an inch, peeking inside to see Jungkook and Jimin sitting on the floor, sharing snacks, and talking about something.
“Look who we have here.”, you announced your arrival, opening the door more to walk in and hug both of them in tightly because it had been months since you had seen each other. The conflicting schedules and the fact that they tried to keep male and female groups separated most of the time made it difficult for you to see each other. 
“Oh my god, what are you doing here Y/N?” Jimin was the first one up on his feet and you hugged him in tight, realizing how much you had missed him as a friend over the past months. 
“I figured I was going to come to say hi, it’s been forever.” Smiling you walk over to Jungkook who peeled himself off the floor, walking towards you to wrap you in a massive hug that embraced you completely. He seemed to have gotten broader, taller even. 
“If I had known we would’ve made up some nice plans.”, he smiled over at you after letting you go from the hug and the three of you just smiled at each other, starting to talk and catch up as you follow them up to their rooms for chatting.
You had met BTS back in your days when you had just debuted with your group because social media and tv had picked up on the fact that Jungkook and you had similarities in the position of the group. Not only were both of you the Maknea’s back then, but both of you had the same sense of competition and mastering things with ease - most of the time. 
This had resulted in a couple of collaborations and backstage videos together, where both your girl group and BTS had to compete, both Jungkook and yourself ending up fighting over the deciding points and differences that would make your team win. But as random as it had been to meet during competitive videos, all of you had gotten along well immediately and you had especially grown close with Jungkook, Jimin and Tae, who were all similar to your age. Jungkook never enjoyed the fact that you were a year older but you had always loved it because it annoyed him so much. 
Those years seemed to be long gone now but the friendship had stood the test of time over the past couple of years and it had turned into a tradition to meet up with some of the idols from other groups who were around the same age, going for dinner and some drinks whenever possible. All of you had turned into a strong core group of friends.
 “Honestly, we just talked about going out for a drink a couple of days ago and mentioned that we have to call you guys up before doing so!” Jimin announced as you entered Jungkook’s bedroom, all of you sitting down on the couch in the corner. 
“I wish I could but there’s no time at the moment. I’m so happy we got tonight off, it was only because they canceled a broadcast last minute. Mina is with Taehyung already.” You say, wiggling your eyebrows excited because they all knew how close the two of them had gotten randomly out of the blue over the past couple of weeks.
“Of course she is.”, Jungkook laughed and sunk lower onto the couch, putting his feet up on the table.
“How did they end up talking again anyway? I never saw them hang out before.” Jimin pulled his legs in on the couch and it seemed like he was thinking hard about it.
“Oh wow there is an entire story behind all of it and I’m surprised Tae hasn’t told you.”, you start laughing. “You better go ask him sometime.” 
Both of them looked like they were ready to tickle the answers out of you but they both seemed to have decided that being quiet might be the more gentlemen thing to do.
 “What should we do? Should we get some drinks? Or watch a movie?” Jungkook asked after a while of catching up about each other’s schedules and Jimin got up after looking at his phone.
“I’m meeting up with Yoongi and Hoseok, I can’t. You can come if you want to?”, he asked, running his fingers through his hair while opening the room door.
“I can’t go out or be seen.”, you smile excusing and he nodded understanding.
“Okay, then I hope you’ll be here after we return from dinner to hang some more. See you guys.” Leaving the room he closed the door and there was a sudden moment of silence that made you chuckle and after looking over at Jungkook, you couldn’t help but notice that he definitely had been working out more. He seemed thinner, more toned, you could’ve sworn his jaw never stood out like that before. 
“You really went all out, didn’t you..”, you mentioned, poking his firm chest once and he put both his hands over it a little shy and protective before he started chuckling, his ears turning slightly pink.
“What do you mean?” 
“Oh you know very well what I mean don’t make me compliment you.”, you laugh and he got up with a smirk on his face because you hit the mark with your statement. 
 “So do you want to watch a movie? Game? Order food? We haven’t made a cover in a while.” He mentioned in thoughts as he walked across the room while making different offers, switching on a floor lamp and a couple of lights on the shelves before turning off the ceiling lamps, turning the room into a more dimmed and chilled mood. 
Although you, like everyone else, had always thought of him to be very attractive, seeing him with his slightly longer, messy hair in a sweatshirt and sweats - you couldn’t help but wonder how things had changed under that sweatshirt... 
“I don’t know, what are you up for? I’m too exhausted for gaming. I’d fuck it all up for you. Movie and food? ”, you ask and sit up to walk over, dropping on his bed to get your phone out and look through all the places to order from. 
“Do you want fried chicken? Or ramen? I don’t know why but I’m really craving some soup right now.”, you chuckle and the bed dipped down by your waist when he dropped down on it next to you, looking at your phone screen as well to choose one of the options. 
“I’m always for fried chicken? Totally your call. I’m good with anything.” He sat up more, leaning against the headrest as he pulled two remotes from his nightstand to let down a massive white screen on the opposite wall to project movies on.
“Oh my god since when do you have that?” You sat up, crossing your legs to watch the screen roll down slowly, all amazed by the size and quality of it.
“To impress hundreds of innocent girls coming in here.”, he chuckled and you rolled your eyes, looking over to him because he was mocking your reaction a bit.
“Oh, yea because there are sooo many girls in here all the time. You’re lucky they like me and allowed me in after that stupid no people in dorms rule.”, you chuckle and he shrugged. 
“I have a lot more freedom now than I used to. Which is also why you’re here - because I’m a biiig boy now.”, he laughed and you couldn’t help but agree with his statement. They hadn’t even flinched when you announced your arrival to the security team, letting you through without any issues.
 “Crazy how much things have changed, isn’t it? I mean obviously things are going amazing for all seven of you but also little things. You’re not the Maknea anymore and all of that, crazy to think that. I mean in this setting right now you are, but who’s really keeping a record, you know?” You smirk while teasing him, getting a little lost in your thoughts, watching him look through the movies to pick from, and eventually turn your attention back to ordering food on your phone, handing it to him then so he could pick some things for himself. “You enjoy this way too much.”, he mumbles quietly.
“Sometimes I forget how far we’ve all come, honestly. We met when both of us were... what, seventeen?”, he asked and smirked.  
“Well I was, you were sixteen. Don’t try and brush your age under the carpet, I’ll forever be older than you. Wiser, prettier, more talented... ”, you smirked and he rolled his eyes.
“Want me to formally talk to you? Pour your drinks first?” Jungkook asked a bit cocky and you looked at him as if you had to think about it for a moment.
“You know what? That’d be super fucking great actually.” 
Laughing at your cursing he shook his head, ordering his food quickly before dropping the topic, both of you rummaged through all the movie options available to you. 
 The food arrived and you still hadn’t picked a movie and eventually the both of you played rock paper scissors for the power choice, with you winning it meant you were going to pick one of the horror movies you enjoyed watching only with him. It was going to be a win-win situation.
“I usually hate eating in bed.”, he mumbled as he unfolded his fried chicken box, careful not to get crumbs on it. “We can put a blanket down so it doesn’t ruin your sheets?” 
After getting up, putting down a blanket, and then opening the food while watching the movie, both of you were sitting down content and happy for a solid thirty minutes with comfortable silence only interrupted by the occasional ramen slurping from either of you, switching bowls and items between each other. 
Namjoon had burst in at one point, looking surprised at your presence in the room and saying hi to chat a couple of minutes before leaving again. It had been so nice to relax and feel like a normal person in their twenties without any obligations, feeling trapped or like all eyes were on you. It was relaxing and you really appreciated Jungkook for being the lowkey, chill person he was. 
 “You know -”, he started talking after both of you had finished eating, lying down all comfortable and stuffed to the brim, ready to enjoy the second movie you had just started.
Lying on your side and hugging in the massive pillow a bit, you looked up to him snuggled all cozy and cute next to you in the pillow. “I kind of missed you, not going to lie. It has always been nice to have someone from outside the group that’s.. you know - not a dude.”, he chuckled and looked over smiling. You weren’t sure what kind of undertone was swinging in that comment so you just waited for him to elaborate.
“I don’t get to see loads of people because of schedules and all. I mean I don’t have to tell you, you know what it’s like but I’m just saying it’s nice we have kept in contact all this time. And it’s fun seeing each other grow up. I haven’t seen you in a long time and you’ve changed a lot since I last saw you.”, he chuckled and looked down at your face.
“I hope what you’re trying to say is I got more talented, funnier, prettier, more toned I’ve been working out you know I’m a muscle machine... ”, you joked, counting it off on your fingers and he laughed at your comment, putting one of his arms behind his head, looking back to the screen. 
“You’ve always been super pretty, there was nothing to improve.”, he chuckled and you kept looking at him, waiting for another reaction but his gaze was focused on the tv, if purposely out of interest in the movie or simply to not look at you was unclear. 
“Thank you..?”, you mumbled hesitantly and he chuckled at the sound of confusion in your voice, looking back down at you.
“You’re very welcome.” The smile on his face was so bright that all of a sudden you noticed the lack of distance between your body and his. Both of you weren’t close or intertwined on the bed, there was still a good amount of space between the both of you but the comment about how he had always thought of you as pretty, somehow made that distance seem significantly smaller.
“Rich coming from you, but - ok.”, you chuckle quietly and knew he understood immediately that this was supposed to be a compliment judging by his lack of response from being shy. 
The movie had turned into a third one and you couldn’t help but doze off a couple of times, your mind heavy from all the stress you’ve been having over the past couple of months and being in the comfort of someone who made you feel great just the way you were, combined with the dimmed lights and a full belly, it hadn’t taken you long to fall asleep. 
You felt him get up at one point and leave the room and you only woke up again as he laid back down next to you, putting a blanket over you quietly. 
 The next time you woke up, the movie screen was playing the end credits, music blasting through the speakers as you frowned, disoriented for a couple of seconds. Only then you realized Jungkook’s head was buried at the crook of your neck, his body leaned towards yours, him almost laying on his stomach next to you, cuddled into your side, breathing deep and slow as he was sleeping. His breath was tickling your neck which made you wake up in the first place and the sudden lack of proximity between both of you made your stomach twist in a surprisingly good way.
You pondered for a moment, thinking about if you should act like you were sleeping and just enjoying how warm his body was or if you should scoot out before he woke up so he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable or intrusive. 
Selfishly, maybe a little dazed by the scent of his freshly washed clothes and hair lulling you in, you opted for closing your eyes and turning your body towards his more, enjoying having someone close which you hadn’t felt since joining the company all those years ago - not soft like this at least.
Through your almost completely closed eyes, you could see that he had woken up just now, lifting his head suddenly confused by the position both of you were sleeping in, just like you were a minute ago, and to your surprise, you could see him look at your face for a brief second longer, lingering, before laying back down on his stomach, scooting in an inch closer, making your bodies touch. Although it was in an innocent way of sleeping next to each other, you could feel the heat radiate from his body, making you tingle and feel like wanting to giggle. Taking it a step further, you reached your hand out, seemingly still sleeping, and wrapped it around his back, leaning in cuddly, resting your hand on his waist. You couldn’t help but feel like your arm was very heavy on his back and suddenly regretted your decision. What if this was something he didn’t even want? You could still always act like you were asleep but you hadn’t even thought about how he would feel about that move of yours. The urge to do it alone confused you completely since it was Jungkook you were lying next to - not just anyone. It was one of your closest friends, not your lover.
 Hesitantly you stretch your arm, acting as if you were just waking up, pulling it back in onto your chest slowly and start blinking. You were curious to see if he was going to play the asleep role a little longer or not, curious to see what happened now that you had done a little more than what friends would’ve done in their sleep. 
Opening your eyes, them genuinely feeling heavy from being in a daze and the dimmed light in the room, you tilt your head over to look at his face. To your surprise, his eyes were openly looking at yours, you could see his back rise and fall with every breath and he didn’t do anything except look at you, not saying a word. 
His gaze made your cheeks feel hot and you knew that they were blushing. Cursing yourself for your weak reaction and being so obvious about the fact that you knew what happened, otherwise you wouldn’t have blushed, you felt like an idiot for openly making this feel awkward although it seemed like you were the only one feeling awkward in this situation. 
 Jungkook’s lips grew into a soft smile, looking at your features, slowly letting his gaze drift over your face before turning his head into the pillow, smiling shy to himself. You could see the corner of his mouths turned into a bright smile in his pillow and the affirmation of his behavior made your heart jump a little more than it already has 
You weren’t sure what to do now since you hadn’t been in a situation like this in a while - in fact, you had never been in a situation like this at all which made you hope that Jungkook was going to do something now, anything to guide this weird situation in one of two directions: he was either going to confirm your suspicions, making it obvious that what just happened, didn’t happen on accident but because he wanted it to - or second, he was going to turn this around and make it feel comfortable and easy, putting it off as two friends just falling asleep and accidentally waking up almost in each other’s arms. 
Either way - he had to make a move because you wouldn’t be able to do it for him. 
 As if reading your mind, he turned around to his side, facing you and stretched his arms and legs, yawning into the pillow, looking like a soft marshmallow, making your heartache a little bit with the urge to reach out and touch his cheek and lip softly.
There you were, just staring at him comfortably and when he noticed your gaze he gave you another bright smile, scrunching up his nose gently which gave you the deadly shot you had needed to know that there was no point of return for you now. 
 When you started speaking after the silence all you could get out was a whisper. “I should really go, I’m already going to be in a lot of trouble for coming back so late.”, you mumble into the pillow and his eyes examined your face carefully, looking for something he couldn’t quite put his finger on yet.
“Okay, let me drive you.”, he smiled and although it took both of you a couple of minutes, you managed to crawl out of the bed heavy-hearted. Taking a deep breath, stroking your hair back and hoping that you didn’t look like a complete mess, you went to grab your things, following Jungkook out the door to the hallway.
 “Ah, good. I was just about to kick you out so you don’t get in trouble. Mina left earlier - can you believe they’re lovey-dovey all of a sudden? Still freaks me out. He’s so tiny... ”, Namjoon said laughing and you smiled at him.
“Yea happens to the best. People growing up, I bet they’re doing loads of dirty things together.”, you teased a little bit, seeing his almost ‘shocked parent’ expression. “And thank you. I fell asleep so that was on me. I’ll see you guys soon though. And you don’t have to drive me, I can take a cab.” You stirred the conversation away before Namjoon could get mad at you for being disrespectful and smiled at Jungkook instead, trying to sound as casual as possible and not wanting to cause any inconveniences since you were well aware he had to start early as well tomorrow.
“It’s no problem, really.”, he smiled and you knew that this was off for him judging by Namjoon’s confused look while Jungkook went to grab the keys and put on his shoes, along with his coat.
“Thanks.”, you smile at Jungkook, waiting by the door. “And thank you again. Good luck with the tour if I don’t see you before that.” Bowing your head a little bit towards Namjoon you walked over to the elevator with a smile on your lips, feeling nervous and excited for the car ride ahead.
 “Dirty things together? You really want him to kick you out, don’t you.”, Jungkook laughed once the elevator doors closed and it started moving.
“I don’t know why I said that -  I panicked.”, you admit chuckling and following him down to the parking garage you look at all the fancy cars standing there, none of the members ever able to drive them properly so all they did was appreciate the beauty when they walked past them. 
“Such a waste.”, you mumble as you walk past Hoseok’s G-wagon with a sad expression on your face. It was a matt grey color, almost a green tone, looking exactly as extra and badass as you’d expect Hoseok to look in a car like that one. 
“Wait till you see the luxury vehicle we’re going to have to take.” He pushed the button on the car key and the Hyundai Palisade’s lights started flashing.
“Honestly, this car still confuses me because the front is ugly and the back looks like a Range Rover.”, you admit and Jungkook chuckles as both of you get in the car.
“Sure you don’t want me to drive?” The little dig at his car crash back in the day made him squint his eyes in your direction, seemingly not amused.
“Do you want to walk?”, he retaliated and you lifted your hands in defense, putting your seatbelt on quietly. Sometimes it was hard not to tease him because truth be told, he was kind of sexy when he got a little mad and annoyed or disappointed. 
“Can I at least be in charge of music?” 
He drove out of the parking spot smoothly, making his way out of the garage. Jungkook was a good driver and you knew he was. 
“God they’re already mad.”, you mumble looking at your phone but deciding to ignore trouble until you had to face it face to face in about twenty minutes, you closed the conversation to plug your phone in and got right to picking some good tunes. 
One of your favorite things was hearing Jungkook sing in enclosed spaces like cars or small rooms because his voice seemed to fill out the entire space, going through your brain and tingling it in all the right spaces. His voice was everything and when both of you sang together and you got to perfectly harmonize because both of you were perfectionists, those were the moments that truly made you happy in your friendship. 
Each of you recommending songs, both of you immediately got to singing along together, trying to find an even better one until silence dominated the car ride, making both of you enjoy the songs and just listening to them while driving through the still busy streets. 
“Car rides always freak me out, what if someone sees us at the light.”, you chuckle and Jungkook shrugs smiling, resting his elbow on the car door, sliding his hand through the hair on his neck absent-minded, making you want to scream from excitement. 
“They won’t. Don’t worry.” He smiled and started singing along to the song playing and only now you realized what kind of song had come up next in your playlist. ‘Outta my head’ by Khalid was one of your favorite songs at the moment but given the context of the earlier situation, it just seemed to hit a little different this time with both of you in the small car together and your brain going foggy only thinking about how Jungkook was snuggled in by your side earlier, smelling like heaven. 
 “I was thinking, maybe next time we can make food instead of order? You still want to show me how to make those Italian little balls we had last time.”, he stated as the red light turned green, driving off into the street of your apartment.
“You mean Gnocchi?”, you start laughing and he seemed a little embarrassed by your reaction. “They’re... I mean yeah, we can do that if you’d like.”, you chuckle smiling as he stops the car in front of your apartment. 
“Perfect, I’ll text you then.” He put the car in park and smiled over.
“Thank you for driving me and distracting me tonight. I had a lot of fun. Even not having to sleep alone made me happy.”, you smiled at him, hoping he got the little nudge and without wasting too much time and being suspicious, you exited the car and smiled at him, the door still open.
“Anytime. I’m glad you came over and stayed. I’ll see you at MCountdown?” You nodded smiling. His eyes met yours with a sincere expression and with your cheeks blushing one last time, followed by a shy smile, you nodded and closed the door, waving to him one more time before walking towards your apartment building. When you looked over your shoulder, he was sitting in the car, waiting for you to get inside safely and when you gave him a last quick wave before opening the door, he smiled to himself knowing you were safe inside, starting the car again and disappearing into the night. 
Whatever just happened was going to only be the beginning of what was about to come. 
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If you’ve managed to read this far, I’d be more than happy if you could like and share my first chapter if you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions for improvement or any drabble requests - make sure to shoot me a message! 
thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll stay for the second chapter 💖
© kooala (stealing, translating or reuploading to other sites is prohibited.)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
I know requests are closed but I’m obsessed with this Olympic ice dancing duo, they’ve been skating for 20 years since they were 7 and 9 and the guy is always saying she’s his favourite person and how beautiful she is and their chemistry is so intense and their body language just says they’re in love but it was announced that he is engaged to another woman and I’m sad and waiting for them to realise they’re in love! I was wondering if you could write something along these lines with Tom? Ily 💙
I love this idea. I pulled inspiration from Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue interviews and from Little Women.
One Man Cult
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: You and Tom are inseparable ice skating duo who aren’t as inseparable as you thought
“This unrequited love, to me it’s nothing but a one man cult.” - Frank Ocean
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Tom had been your ice skating partner for 20 years now. You’d come a long way from the frozen pond behind your house to an Olympic ice skating rink. The way you two skated was pure art. You moved impossibly in synch as you floated over the ice together, winning competition after competition together. Tom had never once dropped you or let you down due to your powerful connection to each other. He was always there to lift you, dip you, spin you, and you carry you around the ice as you danced to the music. Your undeniable chemistry and endearing friendship made you and Tom the most popular team in the Olympics on social media, but it was your powerful skating that made you the most decorated skaters in history. 
After every competition, with the medals you wore around your neck clanging together, Tom always picked you up bridal style to carry you off the ice. He’d been doing it since he was nine and he’d do it until the last day he ever skated. You were always met with a rush of cameras and microphones from journalists who wanted to know just as much about your relationship as they did your performance.
Your most notable interview was when you appeared on Ellen together after winning gold medals in the Olympics. Your fans campaigned for you to be on the show and Ellen happily complied. Despite the large couch, you and Tom sat practically on top of each other. He had one arm secure around your waist and the other resting on your knee. In return, you had both hands on top of his, giving them a gentle squeeze whenever you felt butterflies in your tummy. 
“Y/n, Tom, how did you two meet?” Ellen began the interview.
“We met when I was 7 and he was 9 because we were neighbors. We formed this unbreakable connection and we’ve been best friends since then.” You answered, looking at Tom for most of your speech. “I honestly don’t even remember my life before him. We started skating on the pond outside our houses and realized we both had a love as well as a talent for it.”
“Wow. That’s 20 years now.” Ellen nodded in admiration. “You guys must be very close.”
“Oh, definitely. I know everything about him and he knows everything about me. I can’t imagine not being with him everyday. We’re a family.” You smiled as Tom squeezed your hip, feeling the nerves melt away at his touch.
“Yeah, we’re very very close. I live for Y/n.” Tom chimed in and the audience melted.
“And there was never a romance? No feelings for the other?” Ellen asked skeptically.
“Uh-“ Tom scratched his neck, looking at you.
“Nope. Just a really close friendship.” You nodded.
“Does Tom know that?” Ellen teased and both your faces flushed as the audience laughed.
“I ask because you guys clearly have a lot a chemistry together as we see on the ice but your fans see a little more than just chemistry. They see a romance between the two of you.” Ellen said as a picture of you and Tom flashed on the screen. It was a photo of your last performance, and you were sitting on his knee with your hands pressing his forehead against yours. He had one hand around you waist and the other gripping your thigh. The audience laughed and ooo’d at the picture and you hid your face in Toms neck for a moment.
“Oh shoot. Maybe we are a couple.” You joked and felt Tom laugh beside you.
“Did you know we were a couple? That’s crazy. I had no idea.” Tom teased back. You laughed at his joke and he smiled at your laughter, throwing an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple.
“So you are a couple?” Ellen asked as a different picture came on screen, a close up this time. You had both hands on Toms face and he had his firmly on your back with your legs wrapped around his waist, lips almost touching. The audience laughed again and Ellen’s point was made.
“No. We’re not. We’re just a really great team.” Tom confirmed as he looked at you. “Y/n is my favorite person in the world. There is no one I admire or love more. I mean, I’ve loved this girl since I was 9. We have such a deep love for each other and an unbreakable connection that I know I could never find anywhere else. She’s my soulmate, really. I’m so lucky I get to spend 23 hours a day with her.”
“What’s the other hour?” Ellen asked.
“Icing wounds and bathroom breaks.” You and Tom said in unison, earning a chuckle from Ellen and the audience.
“We really do take it as a compliment though. If that many people see us performing and think we’re a couple in love, then I think we’re doing something right.” Tom continued. “I think all the romance rumors speak to our chemistry and ability to portray a romance as we skate together.”
“Exactly. And we really do love each other.” You said as a third picture came up, you and Tom hugging tightly after a performance. You and your arms secure around his neck and he was lifting you off the ground. “We’ve spent the last 20 years building this partnership and it’s so rewarding to see where it’s taken us. I’m just really lucky I could go on this journey with Tom at my side. My favorite moments are always after the performance, when the crowd is cheering and the music stopped and it feels like there’s no one in the world but me and Tom.” You said as you gazed into Toms eyes. He couldn’t resist kissing your forehead, in no way helping the conversation.
“So you are a couple?” Ellen repeated and the audience chuckled again.
That’s how interviews often went, but some reporters wanted a different story.
“Where’s your other half?” A reporter asked when Tom came off the ice rink alone. He was met with a dozen more reporters and took a seat on a foldable chair to answer the questions.
“I know!” He laughed. “She’s getting changed. It feels so weird to be interviewed without her. Don’t worry though, she’ll be here shortly.”
“While we have you, we do have some questions.” Another reporter spoke up.
“Go for it.” Tom smiled.
“What makes Y/n a good partner?” They asked.
“Y/n is honestly just a perfect person. I love everything about her. She’s my best friend in the entire world. She’s so beautiful and so so dedicated to our work. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.” Tom said sincerely into a camera.
“You never considered trying you luck as a solo act?” A different reporter tried to instigate drama and Tom quickly shut him down.
“I couldn’t go solo because I myself am not a solo act. Y/n is my other half on and off of the ice. I couldn’t imagine my life without her.” Tom replied suavely.
“Hi! Am I interrupting?” You asked as you walked over to Tom. He smiled happily as the sight of you and reached out a hand to guide you over to where he was.
“Here, we can pull up a chair for you.” A reporter offered but you politely held up a hand.
“That’s okay.” You shook your head as you sat comfortably on Toms lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“We were just asking Tom if either of you ever considered going solo?” You were asked.
“Oh, never.” You laughed. “I don’t exist if I’m not with Tom. We’re connected. I could never not be with him.” You turned over your shoulder to look at him and he smiled at you before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You two seem very close. Y/n, you wouldn’t date him?” A reporter asked and you laughed in surprise.
“Maybe.” You shrugged to appease them.
“Wow. I’ve known her for 20 years and we’ve been getting interviewed for maybe 10 now and that’s the first time I’ve gotten a “maybe”. Must be my lucky day.” Tom joked and squeezed you tightly. His answer seemed to satisfy the reporters and they left you alone.
A rough patch of ice and a broken ankle sent you to the hospital for a week and benched from the ice for two months. Unfortunately, the injury came in June, right as Tom was scheduled to return home for a holiday with his family. It killed him to leave you alone, but he knew with his busy schedule he’d never be able to reschedule.
“Go. Your family is counting on you.” You promised him from your hospital bed. He shook his head at you.
“You’re my family.” He insisted.
“I’ll be fine. Go. Be with them.” You told him, but he still looked unsure.”
“I’ll miss you. Can’t you come with me?” He whined. You laughed at his childish behavior.
“The doctor said I can’t fly with my cast.” You reminded him as you looked down at your bright pink cast. It had one signature, Toms name is a big heart. “It’ll be okay. We’re not attached at the hip. We can handle a few weeks apart.” You assured him.
“I don’t know if I can.” Tom laughed sadly and took your hand.
“You’ll survive.” You touched his cheek and he leaned into your palm.
“Without you? Impossible.” He smirked and pressed a kiss to your palm.
The three week vacation was extended by four weeks when Toms grandmother fell ill. Still not able to fly with your cast, you had to result to FaceTiming at 4 am just to get a hold of him. Being without Tom was strange enough, but he was acting stranger. His brothers told you he went out most nights and came back at odd times. His mom told you he wasn’t looking well, but brushed it off as a minor cold.
“I’m sure he’s just used to you keeping him in check, making sure he’s hydrated and getting enough sleep and all that. He’s probably just overwhelmed and being without you is making it harder. I wouldn’t worry too much.” His mother assured you but you still worried. It’s been 7 weeks since you’d seen him and you hated every second of it.
The day your cast was taken off, you got on the first flight to the UK. You didn’t get to Toms house until late, but Harry told you he was home. You climbed into his first story window and he jumped in surprise when he saw you
“Y/n?” Tom asked in shock at the sight of you.
“Hi Tommy.” You kept your voice low so you wouldn’t disturb his family as you jumped into his arms.
“What are you doing here? I thought you couldn’t fly?” He asked as he held you tightly, taking in your scent once again.
“Doctor cleared me this morning.” You held up you healed foot with a proud smile.
“I didn’t know you’d gotten your cast taken off.” Tom said, a little disappointed he wasn’t aware of all the details of your life anymore.
“Well, it’s been pretty hard to get a hold of you lately.” You said a little sadly. “God, what’s it been, like two months? I’ve missed you so much. Sit, tell me everything.” You guided him to his bed and sat down with him.
“My grandmothers doing a lot better. They’re gonna release her from the hospital soon.” Tom said and you noticed he was beginning to sweat.
“That’s great Tom. I’m so happy to hear that.” You ignored his stiffness and rubbed his shoulder.
“Thanks.” He sighed and brushed a strand of hair away from your face, looking incredibly torn with himself. “Y/n-“
“I’m really happy to see you, Tommy.” You interrupted him. “I know I was the one saying we could stand being apart for a few weeks, but I honestly couldn’t last another day of this. I never realized how much I wanted to see you everyday. You’re a huge part of my life and it’s been so weird not seeing y-“
“I’m engaged.” He blurted, cutting you off. You blinked in surprise at his sudden announcement.
“What?” You laughed shortly, trying to read his face but the room was too dark.
“I met her over the summer when I came home and she fell in love with me. She asked if I wanted to get married and I said yes.” Tom continued in the same flat, emotionless tone. “She’s going to be my wife.”
“What?” You repeated, still not believing him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but my mind is made up.” Tom continued as if he wasn’t telling you the most outrageous thing you’d ever heard. He stood up, unable to look at you for a moment.
“I’m sorry, can we go back a second?” You got up as well and walked to him. “You’ve known her what, two months? Three?”
“One. We met in July.” Tom said quietly and you scoffed.
“You can’t possibly be serious.” You said gravely. Tom wiped his nose on his sleeve and nodded.
“I am.” He told you, a sad gleam in his eyes. “She wants to be married by Christmas.”
“Well what do you want?” You asked, looking for a different answer then what you were getting.
“Whatever she wants is fine by me.” He said robotically and you felt nauseous.
“I’ve never even met her.” You pointed out. More importantly, she’d never met you. You exactly a minor note in Toms symphony. You guys lived as a duet and now he was trying to rewrite the chorus without asking you first.
“You will. I’m going to introduce to her everyone. My family, my friends, you. You’ll get to know her.” Tom said as if he was trying to convince himself more than you.
“Oh so your family hasn’t met her either?” You laughed bitterly. “Do they even know she exists?”
“I’ll tell them.” He said, and you knew he was ashamed.
“Tom, what?” You asked gently, going easier on him now that you know he was upset. “Your family doesn’t even know? What’s going on? This isn’t like you.” You tilted his chin towards you and made him look at you. As soon as his eyes met yours, they filled with tears.
“What, just because I’ve never had a girlfriend before means I can’t have one now?” He asked with a defeated shrug.
“You have had girlfriends before.” You reminded him and he shook his head.
“Have I?” He laughed sadly. “I’ve tried, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t date anyone else knowing that they’d never…”
“Never what?” You stroked his cheek lightly, pleading with him for an answer to his madness. “Tom.” You urged when he hesitated to answer.
“Never compare to you.” He gripped your wrist as teared ran down his cheeks. You looked at him in confusion and tried to search his face again. He was making less and less sense.
“What are you talking about?” You whispered and Toms lip trembled.
“If you’re gonna stand in front of me right now and pretend there hasn’t been something between us for the last 20 years then you might as well just leave now.” Tom said through gritted teeth. You felt the wind knocked out of you and took a step back, withdrawing your hands and holding yourself tightly.
“Thomas…” You breathed.
“I can’t find another my heart will beat for. I can’t do it.” Tom cried in pain. “I have loved you since I was nine years old and it’s killing me. I can’t move on. I can’t think, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. This unrequited love is destroying me.” He sobbed. “And I swear to you, I will never love anyone more and nothing has to change between us as partners but…” ,his lip trembled as he hesitated, “but I’m lonely! We spend all day together but I want to spend the nights too. I’m in love with you, Y/n. We have something incredibly rare between us. Can’t you see that? Please tell me you see that.”
You stayed silent as tears slipped out of his eyes, not having any clue what to say.
“Please?” He whispered at your silence.
“I do see it.” You touched his cheek lightly and he smiled in hope. “I see a beautiful and loving friendship between two people, Tom I’m sorry-“ he threw your hands off his cheeks and turned his back to you.
“I thought you felt the same. You’re always going on about the connection we have. Every friend of mine, all my brothers even your own mother told me there was no way you didn’t feel the same.” Tom sniffled. “The whole world sees something between us. They’ve seen it since we were kids. How is it that everyone sees it but you?” He looked at you over his shoulder.
“I just don’t, Tom. I’m sorry. If I could change it, I would.” You put a hand on his back and rubbed his shoulder blade with your thumb. “I love you so much, but not in that way. Not in the way you want me too. Not in the way you deserve.”
“You tell me I deserve it but then tell me not to marry this girl?” He turned around again and you saw how red and puffy his face was. You tried to reach out to him but he pushed your hands away.
“You don’t deserve a half baked engagement to some girl you met a month ago.” You said. “You deserve someone who knows everything about you, little things and big things, and someone loves you deeply and unconditionally. Someone you have a connection with.” You were as upset as he was now.
“Is that not you?” He cocked his head.
“Of course it’s me. Just not romantically. You have all my love, Thomas. I swear to you, my hearts beats just for you. Is that not enough?” You cried and he looked down at the floor.
“I would have you.” He said in defeat, nodding his head as he looked up at you. “If it were enough, I would have you.”
“You’re always gonna have me-“
“-I love you.” He cut in.
“-maybe not in the way that you want but that doesn’t mean-“
“-I love you.” He said again, as if he was accepting it.
“-we can’t continue being friends. You’re still my favorite person-“
“Just not the person you want to be with?” He asked with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry.” Was all you could give him.
“Don’t be. My bad for assuming, right?” He shuffled his feet and you felt more tears rising in your eyes.
“Can we talk about this? Please?” You begged, worrying if you ended this conversation it’d be the last one you ever had with him.
“I’ve said all I’ve had to say. What about you?” Tom shrugged and wiped his eyes.
“We need to be adults about this, Tom.” You grabbed his hand to keep him in the room. He looked down at your hands for a long time before squeezing yours and looking at you tearfully in the eyes.
“I can’t be anything but in love with you.” He said with a sad smile.
“Then why are you marrying her?” You asked him desperately.
“Because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone.” He told you.
“You’re not alone. You have me.” You held your intertwined hands against your chest, kissing the back of his hand.
“Do I?” He asked and dropped your hand, slamming the door behind him as he left the room.
The next few months leading up to Christmas had an ice between you and Tom that chilled the country. The distance between the two of you wasn’t noticeable enough to hurt your scores on the ice, but it was unbearable when you weren’t working. He wouldn’t talk to you, wouldn’t even look at you. Conversations never lead back to that night in his bedroom, no matter how hard you tried to lead them there. Tom went on as if it never happened, as if he never confessed his feelings for you.
You on the other hand, were given plenty of time to reflect. In those few months, you realized you’d never love anyone as you loved Tom, and in return, no one would ever love you the way he always had. You’d been so consumed in being his best friend that you hadn’t realized you wanted to be more. You knew there was no one in the world you could imagine spending the rest of your life with other than Tom. He was your soulmate, and you were his. Your heart broke as you knew you came to the conclusion too late. He was engaged to another girl. He was happy now, or so he claimed. So instead of confessing your feelings, you kept your mouth shut and let him distance himself from you.
It was different on the ice. Neither of you could conceal how you felt. Your chemistry was still evident and radiated off every leap and turn. With your newly realized love for him, your skating became even cleaner and more passionate. You were at the lowest point in your relationship but at the highest in your careers. You spend endless hours with Tom, practicing, performing, and being interviewed. Interviews turned awkward fast whenever Toms engagement was brought up. The rest of the world was as confused as you were.
“So Tom, you’re engaged?” A reporter asked and the room quieted down.
“Yes, I am.” Tom said stiffly. You tended up at his side and faked a smile.
“And not to Y/n?” The reporter joked. You felt your face flush, and not in the wya it usually did when you were questioned about your relationship with Tom.
“I was just was surprised as you were.” Tom said with sad laughter. You wanted to place a hand on his knee but decided against it in fear of rejection.
“How did you react, Y/n?” The reporter asked you.
“Yeah, I was surprised too. When I thought about my future with Tom and all the milestones I imagined we’d reach together, this was never a apart of the plan.” You laughed nervously. “I never saw this coming.”
On December 19, the church was set for Toms wedding. You sat in your seat with your leg bouncing nervously as his bride walked down the isle.
You couldn’t handle the smug look she gave you as she passed.
You couldn’t handle the stares of pity from everyone around you.
You couldn’t handle the somber look Tom had on his face as his eyes bore into yours.
You really couldn’t handle the feeling inside of you that told you you were making a terrible mistake.
Unable to handle being silent about your feelings anymore, you stood up. You locked eyes with Tom and gave him the most sincere look of an apology you could give him. He nodded and you took that as your cue to run out of the church.
“If anyone has any objections as to why these two should wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest read.
“I do.” Tom blurted.
“No no, you don’t say that yet, son.” The priest chuckled.
“No, I do. I object.” Tom said and dropped the girls hands like they were poison. “I can’t marry you, I’m sorry.”
“Why not?” His bride, no longer to be, demanded. Tom looked at the priest apologetically and then at his family.
“Because I’m in love with someone else.” He said as he stared at your vacant seat. There were no gasps of shock, just sighs of relief.
“I’m sorry everyone.” He said and then gave one last look at the girl. “I’m so sorry.”
Tom ran down the steps on the alter and out the doors, laughing a little as he went.
“Y/n? Y/n, wait!” Tom screamed once he was out of the church. He slowed down to a halt and looked around for you, but didn’t see you anywhere. He blew out a breath of defeat, knowing he was too late. You didn’t wait. You hadn’t run for him. You just ran.
Tom dragged his feet as he made his way to his car. There was no way he could go back into the church. His only option was to go home. Once Tom approached his car, he could hear someone jiggling the door handle on the passenger side. Suddenly, an all too familiar friend of his popped up from behind the car.
“What took you so long? We gotta go.” You urged in a panic. Toms entire face lit up at the sight of you. He smiled fondly, just taking you in.
You had waited.
But it didn’t seem like you could wait much longer. Tom unlocked the car and hopped inside. You bunched up your dress and did the same. Tom started the car and you drove off without another word. Once you had left the church parking lot, he looked back and laughed.
“I can’t believe I just did that! I left a girl on the alter. ” Toms smile quickly faded. “Can you imagine how that must feel? She must be devastated. Oh my God, should we go back?” Tom was experiencing excitement, confusion and guilt all at once.
“You can turn back if you want.” You said calmly. It was the last thing you wanted to do, but you’d do it for him.
“No. No of course we can’t go back. I can’t marry her just because I feel guilty.” Tom said mostly to himself. “Especially when I don’t love her.”
“You don’t?” You asked, having already suspected that he didn’t.
“I never did. And I don’t suppose she loved me either.” He laughed softly. “We were just two lonely people who didn’t want to be lonely anymore.”
“You don’t have to be lonely ever again.” You put one of your hands on his thigh. Tom looked at you before picking up your hand and kissing the back of it. You smiled slightly as he continued to drive.
“Can I ask you something?” Tom said, breaking the silence.
“Anything.” You replied.
“How’d you know I’d run after you?” He wondered. “I could’ve gone through with it. I could’ve married her. You must’ve waited by my car for a reason. How did you know I’d come after you?”
“It was that look.” You admitted. “I saw it in your eyes when you were on the alter. You know how we always say we have a connection?”
“Yeah?” He asked with a shy smile.
“That was it. It was our connection. You knew I’d run. I knew you’d follow.” You explained before quieting down. “Why did you run?“ You asked timidly.
"I couldn’t have what I really wanted, so I settled for whatever girl let me put a ring on her finger.” Tom confessed as he kept his eyes on the road.
“I see.” You nodded, also looking ahead.
“What about you? Why did you run?” He snuck a glance at you.
“I guess I couldn’t have what I really wanted either, and I couldn’t sit around and pretend to be happy for someone else when I was miserable.” You told him. “It hurt too much. Especially when it was my fault that I was miserable.”
"What is it that you really wanted?” Tom questioned and you looked out the window.
“Poor girl is probably so embarrassed.” You mumbled, feeling genuinely sorry for the girl he left at the alter. “The whole country was rooting against her and they won. She didn’t get what she wanted either.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Tom said, feeling his heart pick up speed when a tiny smirk appeared on your face.
“What was it again?” You asked, shifting to face Tom. If he wanted to go all those months avoiding the conversation, you weren’t gonna let him have it when it was finally convenient for him. He needed to work for it.
“You said you couldn’t have what you really wanted, so you were miserable. What was it that you really wanted?” Tom asked, looking at you for answers. It was the first time you had made and held eye contact since you both ran.
“What I wanted was you.” You confessed, and Tom slammed on his breaks.
“Get out of the car.” He ordered.
“What? Why?” You asked as you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“Out. Now.” He repeated.
You hastily got out of the car, seeing that he had stopped at a small elevated platform that looked over a river. You walked over to the railing and waited for Tom as he slammed his door shut and made his way over to you.
“Look, Tommy, I didn’t mean to upset you and if you could just let me explain-” Tom cut you off by wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into a long awaited kiss. You froze at this unexpected sign of affection, but quickly put your arms around his neck, where they belonged. Tom hugged you closer until there was no space between you.
You only broke apart to gasp for air. Tom smiled and pulled you into a hug, pressing a light kiss to your temple and holding you tight.
“I’ve missed you.” He said softly into your hair.
“I’ve missed you too. I’m sorry we fought.” You cried into his chest.
"Me too. I shouldn’t have sprung all that information on you at once. And I’m sorry I got mad for expecting you to figure out your feelings right away. I should’ve given you time.” He sniffled as he rubbed your back.
“I’m sorry too. And I do feel the same.” You pushed away from him a little so you could see him. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner.
"Let’s put that in the past. It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is you and I, here and now.” Tom answered as he brushed your hair off your forehead.
“You look great, by the way. I never got to tell you that.” You complimented Tom as you fixed his tie.
“Thanks. I was more excited for the suit than I was for the wedding. It’s a shame it’s gonna go to waste.” He laughed lightly as an idea popped into your head.
“It doesn’t have to.” You realized.
“What do you mean?” He asked curiously.
“There’s a chapel about five miles from here.” Was all you said. Tom knew exactly what you were thinking. You grabbed his hand and you both ran for the car. Before you took off, Tom ran back to the railing and threw the flower in his lapel into the river, the flower that matched the brides bouquet. You laughed and applauded him as he got back into the car.
An hour later, you were officially married. You were slightly disappointed that your families couldn’t be there to see it, but Tom promised you that you could throw a huge wedding reception to celebrate your newly realized love later on. Before getting back into Tom’s jeep, you pulled your husband into a hug. Tom smiled and put his arms around his bride. You stayed in each other’s embrace for as long as you could, swaying gently as Tom hummed your favorite song. You were used to performing the most elaborate dance routines together, so this simple slow dance was nice. He was about to pull away when you hugged him tighter.
“Wait. Don’t let go.” You said and Tom put his arms back around you.
“I won’t.” He promised. “I won’t ever.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @sunrise-shawn @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkersbodyguard @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines
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lackingspace · 4 years
Dyad (Vincent x Reader x Bo)
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 2.9K
Summary: A nice evening watching your art boyfriend paint....who am I kidding, its smut.
Warnings: Praise kink, Dirty talk like normal, Creampie, Cockwarming, More Dirty talk, Bo being sweet (wow), Oral, Cumeating?
A/N:I’m still on House of Wax boys. I love them. Please take a disgusting Vincent x Reader x Bo. It’s not a weird husband brother thing tho.・゚: *✧・゚
Now has Part 2: Dyad II
Ao3: Dyad
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You’d just finished dinner chatting with Lester about some new clients you’d gotten at the tattoo shop. There was at least one crazy story a week being a few towns over with a much more ‘metro’ clientele. He loved hearing about your work and all the weirdos that wandered in wanting just the most ridiculous things. 
With him being your foster brother the two of you had a different relationship. See, when their parents had died none of them were 18 yet, so they were stuck in foster care. And of course, the system had failed to keep them together. Lucky for them though, your parents were actually decent humans. 
They’d tried to house all 3, but rules and regulations had prevented it. However, a social worker your father had guilt-tripped had been kind enough to ‘accidentally’ drop a card that had the number and address to where his brothers were homed. They never came to visit him, always the other way around, which sucked, because it sounded like their home wasn’t the greatest. So it was only Lester that joined your family. 
Your father loved taking him out hunting, your mother doted on him, and you grew to consider him an actual brother. The two of you could talk about anything and everything. Your father liked to say y’all got on like two peas in a pod. Which you always rolled your eyes at, but it was true, so even when he’d turned 18 and wandered off back to his brothers he still kept in touch. Visiting on some holidays and special occasions. 
He was even your biggest supporter when you started your tattoo apprenticeship- going as far to volunteer as your first guinea pig. And God did he still have a terrible outline of a turtle on his ankle. You’d offered to cover it up, but he always refused and said he loved it just how it was. 
So when you’d decided to visit him for a change, well, that was a surprise to everyone. You knew where the town was, could see the address clearly from the foster papers your parents had. And he’d told you plenty times that’s where they’d all headed back to. So, you’d used an old map and made your way into the town. 
You’d freaked Bo out when you’d asked for Lester and then knew his name too. He thought you were a fed at first, but everything cleared up when you explained. Lester also ran in frantically scared he hadn’t made it in time when he’d found your jeep outside town, but it all worked out. You’d even picked Vincent’s brain about technique and swooned over his art. So Bo had begrudgingly accepted you into their lives.
And that’s how you’d come to be a regular occupant with these boys. At first just to visit your foster brother, but then to visit with them all. Staying a night here and there, until you’d ended up hooking up with Vincent. Then a while later Bo too. And it just became a thing unquestioned between you three. 
So there you were, packing up a dinner for each of the twins who were still messing about in town. Wasn’t anything complicated-- Bo had mentioned he’d wanted chicken fried steak a few nights ago and you’d thought to be nice and make it, some gravy, green beans, and mashed potatoes. Not a very health-conscious dinner, but it was nice to cheat every so often.
Closing the last lid on your care package you grabbed them both and turned to Lester, “I’m gonna go bother the twins, Les. I’ll see ya in the mornin, k?” He nodded and waved you off, “Yeah, night, sis!” you grabbed your bag and made your way down into town. 
Stopping by the station first, you found Bo and set the food down next to where he was working. He was in a good mood because he leaned down and gave you a quick peck, “Thanks, pumpkin.” you gave him a smile and turned to leave only to feel a swat to your ass, “Bo!” he looked smug as hell, “That tight ass skirt is criminal. Couldn’t help myself, darlin.” You only shook your head and headed to Vincent. 
He was currently working on an oil painting and it was beautiful. Of course it was though, your boyfriend was insanely talented. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle. It didn’t even phase him as he continued on with his brush strokes. “I brought you dinner and yeah before you say anything you need to eat. I know you haven’t all day so don’t even try.” 
You heard him huff in annoyance behind his mask. Vincent only had a temper when he was interrupted while in a flow. But you understood, being an artist yourself, but he could be mad all he wanted- food was important.
“I swear once you eat, you can go back to it, I have some sketching to do too. She’s gorgeous by the way, I like the lighting and use of discordance.” Not that you’d see, but Vincent still flushed when you complimented him so nonchalantly. He’d never tell you it was a painting of you. It was a close up of your torso twisting warped in pleasure-- the face distorted so you wouldn’t realize the subject. He agreed silently though, you were beautiful.  
Practically inhaling the food, he mumbled a quiet, “Thank you” before immediately replacing his mask and going back to work. You pulled your sketchbook out and set to designing some of your new client’s pieces. After an hour or so, sleep had started to set in and so you laid on the mattress he had while you watched him work until you drifted off. 
Vaguely waking when you felt yourself being lifted you wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled closer. The hand on your back started to soothingly rub up and down once you’d gripped him. Sleep was shaking off with each step he took and you blamed his neck for smelling so good, but you couldn’t stop yourself from lightly placing kisses against his pulse. 
The grip on your thighs tightening when the pecks turned to open mouth kisses. And his breath hitched when the nibbling started. He was all but ready to just have you out in the street when you’d placed the first few bites, but he restrained himself and kept moving towards the house. Groaning when you licked up his neck to his ear and moaned, “Vinny, I’m so wet. I was dreaming about riding you, ya know.” 
The strangled moan that left him had you giggling, “Can I please do it when we get home? Let me sink down onto you while you fuck up into me?” He choked out a sob of agreement and power walked the last few feet home. He was on you once you’d set foot into his room. 
Mask off instantly- mouth swooping down to drown you in kiss after kiss. His hands gently gripped your face as his tongue catishly teased your lips. Tilting your head he nipped at your bottom lip as you reached down and ran a hand over his clothed rock solid cock. Arousal flushed through your system like you were caught in a fire. His open mouth groan gave you the opportunity to dip your tongue in to graze the roof of his mouth and then pull back to nibble on his bottom lip. Fuck, he tasted so good. Your sex pulsed when he dragged you back in for another kiss and his tongue ran against yours in a teasing dance.
Your hands had finally gotten his pants open and down enough to pull him out. He released your mouth to cry out when you gripped him tightly at the base. He pulled back to stare down as your small hand tried to wrap fully around him, but couldn’t quite manage. His hands still on your face absentmindedly ran through your hair as you cooed, “God, you look so fucking yummy, Vincent. I’m dripping looking at you, and all that’s for me?” his tip was angrily swollen and with so much pre-cum spilled over that it was leaking down the side to pool at your hand, dripping onto your wrist. 
He whined when you dropped to your knees and licked as much up in one go as you could. You showed him it on your tongue before you swallowed. Moving closer you rubbed his cock around your lips smearing any leftover before taking his tip into your mouth as you felt your clit pulse. Moaning around him as you swirled your tongue around his pulsing head. He sobbed as you gave a light suck and your hands twisted around his base. His hands still in your hair pushed you- shakily pleaded you to take more in your mouth. 
You were happy to oblige when he was moaning so sweetly for you. Bobbing up and down in at a moderate pace as your hands worked him at the base until you pulled up to flick your tongue against his frenulum which had his grip tighten in your hair. Your hips were moving in want of some kind of relief, seeking some kind of pressure. Swirling your tongue once again around the tip and then giving a flat lick to the head as you pulled off. 
You looked up at him pathetically, “I love when you fuck my face, Vinny, but I really wanna ride you.” Your hips arched and you pressed your breast against his knees as you mouthed the underside of his cock, “My pussys so empty and achy right now. Need your cock stretching me open.” Licking the underside from base to tip you pleaded as you rubbed your cheek against him, “Please Vinny? You’ll feel so good inside my hot wet cunt. I promise I’ll take you deep and let you cum inside. Fill me up till its leaking out of my messy hole.” the sound he made was almost inhuman. A cross between a growl, gunt, and sob as he scooped you up and rapidly set to undressing you. 
Between sloppy kisses and grabbing hands the two of you were finally on his bed. You straddling him while his hands gripped your hips. You were leaning down sloppily kissing as you let you hips writhe against him. With every whirl, his cock was slipping through your folds hitting your clit just right and God did it feel so good. Breathlessly releasing his lips you leaned back and gripped him by the base.
Locking eyes as you lifted yourself to sink down had your core fluttering as you took each solid inch. Finally seating it all you took a moment to just feel. He was so fucking thick and stretched your pussy open so good. Circling your hips to rub your clit against him had you clench around him. He groaned at the feel of you tightening before he reached a hand up and pinched a nipple of your aching breast. You cried out at the pain and placed both hands on his stomach as you rocked your hips back and forth-- letting him feel your walls hug him.
He gripped a breast as you lifted your hips to drop back on him. The drag was delicious and had your head toss back a moan as you felt the fire in your belly kick up. “Oh, fuck Vincent, you feel so good in me.” he hummed in agreement as he flicked your neglected nipple. Rising to fall back down he hit so deep and fuck was it good. Arousal was coursing straight to your clit having it pulse in time with every downward stroke. 
His hand at your hip leisurely thumbing circles into your skin as you picked up the pace- taking him as deep as you could with each fall. You’d slowly built up until you were bouncing on his cock babbling about how good he was stretching you open and how deep his cock hit. Both hands were back at your hip pulling you down harder as he fucked his hips up into you while watching your tits bounce. 
Everything was building, you were tense, hot- like you were burning up, could feel the familiar heat of an orgasm building in your lower stomach like lead. You were so close, but you wanted his cum first, “Oh, fuck! Vinny I’m so close! Please, please I want your cum in my cunt! Please, I need it filling me up before I cum.” You sobbed out a cry when he moved his thumb to circle harshly on your clit, “Vincent, god you’re so fucking sexy. Please, I want you to fuck your cum up into me!”
He moaned when you said that and arched as he shot his thick cum deep inside you. The hot sensation of being so filled pushed you over the edge and had your moaning out a cry as your own back arched. His hips were still jerkily fucking into you and when you finally looked down you saw his cock was covered in his own milky white essence when he pulled out. 
Fuck that looked so good and somehow even after your intense orgasm fire shot back down your spine- almost like an aftershock. Leaning down you gave him a long lazy kiss before you pulled away to ask, “Could you put it back in? I wanna keep your cum inside and cock warm while we fall asleep.” He ran a hand over his face and through his hair as he groaned out a single, “Fuck.” but he pulled your back to his chest and as you settled down his thigh lifted one of yours for him to slowly push his softening cock back inside you. Some of his cum that’d started leaking out helped him slip in easier.
You pushed your hips back against him, “Oh, Vincent you feel so good like this.” His hand rested low on your stomach pulling your hips to his as he came back up to kiss at your pulse before you turned your face to lock lips. He settled in behind you and after a few minutes the both of you were out like candles. 
Something was coaxing your senses back awake. The light was blinding when you’d tried to open your eyes, only to shut them again. You could hear your breathing was heavy and felt the warmth in your lower stomach. A second later you figured out what it was when you felt a hot tongue lick though your folds to end at your clit with a swirl. Moaning you pushed your hips into the mouth as you opened your eyes again. 
When your vision finally focused you saw Bo’s head between your legs sloppily eating you out.
You moaned Bo’s name as his tongue dipped into your center before he sucked your clit into his mouth. He released you with a pop, “Mornin, Pumpkin” You’d tried to return it, but when he dipped his tongue back through your folds you moaned again. 
He spread your pussy open with two fingers to tongue fuck your hole before he pulled back, “Fuck, princess, your pussy’s tangy this morning.” You groan because fuck that thought of why was hot and you finally answered, “That’d be vincent’s cum. Somes probably still there. Asked him to keep my pussy plugged with his cock.” You thought it’d maybe deter Bo, but all he did was drag his tongue back into you and dipped in as deep as he could reach. He licked up to flick your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your legs jerk open wide and hips buck into him when he swirled and then sucked. 
Taking his mouth off you, he climbed his way up until you were caged in face to face. He gave you a scrutinizing look and you caught your breath as you stare back. Snaking your Legs up to grip his hips your ankles lock around the backs of his upper thighs. Damn, he came prepared. No boxers to be found and shit he felt so good-- he has such fucking solid thighs.
He breaks your internal chatter and brings you back with, "Yeah? You let my baby bro cum all in your cunt and didn’t wash?" You shrugged sheepishly and offered, "We were tired...plus, baby bro? he’s like 2 minutes younger." Bo huffed a laugh while swooping down to your neck, "Two minutes still means younger. And that makes him the baby." Before you could retort he ground his hips against yours. Cock sliding through your folds to catch your clit had you whimper out a moan. 
He licked up your neck to nibble on your ear while still grinding against you, "Wanna know a secret, sunshine? I actually prefer when you’re a dirty slut and leave his cum inside." A plus shot down to your core and settled in your clit, "Just means I get the pleasure of fucking it outta ya and filling it up with my own." You groaned and tightened your thighs around him "Oh fuck, Bo! You’re disgusting. You like your twin’s sloppy seconds?" He leaned back and gripped the base of his cock and pushed in your opening as he snickered, "Yeah, I do. I heard the two of you fucking last night, was hoping he’d cum inside. And besides, it don’t look to me like you or your pussys complaining." He gave a harsh trust, “In fact, with how wet you got and how hard you clenched,  I’d wager you like it too.”
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This is my Idea
Chapter 2:  Marriage 
Hello, deers!  Welcome back.  Happy @shikatemaweek Day 2!  Wow, can I just say how many talented and supportive people there are in this community!!  Gold Stars everyone!  Thank you for all your time and efforts!
Here’s the next chapter for my story.  There’s a time jump from the first one.  You can have a cute montage in your head about them spending the last few Summers together.  Mama Nara makes an appearance (that’s always fun)  This is where the fun, fluffy stuff really begins. :D 
Prompt:  Marriage
Shika:  17
Tem:  19
Summary:   It’s time for a wedding!
Temari stared at her reflection in the mirror for a final glance over. This was now the fifth Summer that she’d spent in Konoha. It was her first visit there without her father. The last few years they made the journey there together then he would return to Suna before her.  She was hesitant to be alone at first but she’d learned her role well and conducting her work independently suited her.  She enjoyed her work as the ambassador. It was important and she’d do everything that she could to ensure peace remained.
Temari grew to love her visits and the Village Hidden in the Leaves had become like a second home to her.  The small room that she kept while in the village was now filled with various knick-knacks and photos.  Snapshots of warm summer days with people she at one time would have never considered being friends with. Her favorite photo was one of her and Shikamaru during their very first year together in a frame by her bed.  They were so young back then. Pushed into a situation that they both hated. How times and relationships had changed. 
The person that greeted her at the gates this year wasn’t the same boy. She saw hints of that familiar smirk and lazy stance but he was all of 17 now. An important member of the village, a Jonin, and adviser to the Hokage.  His rank could have easily gotten him out of his assignment as her guide but she was thankful that for at least another year they had gone through the season together. A part of her hoped that he wanted to keep that role too. 
They had gotten into the habit of writing to one another.  They worked hard to stay in touch and knew about each other’s lives.  So that when she arrived each Summer it was like nothing had changed.  Their Summer together had been just like the rest. Days filled with work but with Shogi and cloud watching sprinkled in between.  Quick lunch breaks together when they could. Sunset walks and stargazing on warm nights. Late evenings that turned into early mornings when they were with their friends. It was all so familiar and wonderful that it passed in a blink of an eye and it was just about time for her to return to Suna. This year though his parents insisted that she attend the wedding of one of the Nara clansmen as Shikamaru’s date.  Despite their flustered expressions and protests Yoshino was relentless and waved off any of their complaints.  So here she was.  After hearing a knock on the door she looked at herself once more ready for where the night took them. 
Temari smiled seeing Shikamaru dressed up in a dark suit. His hair was down which was a tradition when one of their clansmen got married.  She secretly loved it when it was out of its usual style.  He looked much more mature and handsome than she was used to. It was a stark reminder that he’d grown up. 
“You clean up nicely Nara.”  She complimented him adjusting his tie. 
He tried to not make his stare obvious but it would be impossible to deny how stunning she looked.  Her hair was down which was an intentional move to match his own.  In all their Summers together he’d only seen it down a few times.  Each time left him a little off-centered.
“Thanks, Temari.  You uhm you look beautiful.”  She grinned at the soft blush but decided not to say anything.  She’d grown up as well and it would have been absurd for him to not notice. 
“Let’s go.”  He offered his arm excited for their night ahead.  
“Temari you look, gorgeous sweetheart.  Thank you for coming. It's such an honor for you to be here.”  Yoshino greeted her, gathering her into a tight hug. 
Temari held her for a moment before replying.  “I’m happy to be here. It’s been wonderful so far.”  The ceremony had been incredibly sweet and touching and she held onto Shikamaru's hand the entire time. 
“Good! If my son does anything you don’t approve of, come find me.”  She warned Shikamaru with a glare.   
“You’ll be the first to know.”
“Okay kids, have fun.”  She waved off to go socialize with more of her friends. 
“It’s kind of a drag that my mom likes you more than me,”  Shikamaru whined, handing her a drink. 
“What can I say? We get each other.”
“Because you’re both nags.”  He mumbled.  
“That’s one.” 
“Fine, sorry. Apparently it’s a thing though Naras can only marry let’s say ‘determined’ partners. We’re geniuses but we wouldn’t get anything done without them.”
Temari grinned at the admission before taking a drink.  “We’ve spent a lot of time together. You may be super smart but left to your own devices you wouldn’t make it a week.” 
“You’re probably right.  Thanks again for coming Tem.  It means a lot.”
Temari looked out at the sea of people, the warmth and love present.  Life as a Shinobi could be so difficult so any chance they had to celebrate life should be taken. 
She knew that it was a bit unprecedented.  She wasn‘t part of the clan, not even the village, but she was welcomed with open arms.   With all the time she’d spent in the village over the years, the Naras were her second family.  Since the beginning, they recognized and embraced her as if she was one of their own. 
She rested her head on his shoulder a little overwhelmed by emotion.  “I appreciated the invite.”
“I don’t dance.”
“I know, but I do.  Come on.”  She dragged him to the dance floor not giving him a chance to complain. 
“Loosen up, you look so awkward.  Here.”  She placed his hands on her waist so that her hands could go around his neck. She felt his skin flush beneath her fingertips. They swayed slowly side to side. 
“It’s weird looking up at you.” 
He laughed remembering that moment when he had finally grown taller than her.  Teal eyes that now looked up towards him.  “Thank God for that growth spurt.”
“So do you think that you’ll ever get married and have an event like this?”
He sighed with a nod.  “It’s a drag but probably. I’ll be clan leader and all once my dad retires.”
That wouldn’t be too long from now. Eventually, he would have to give up his role as her guide, even now it wasn’t completely necessary for him to escort her around. “That’s true. I guess just uhm make sure you invite me to the wedding.”  She shrugged trying to keep a teasing tone in her voice. 
A warm hand came up to brush a soft lock of hair from her eyes.  “Of course.” 
The music changed to a more upbeat song and as she tried to pull away he wordlessly pulled her back in.  Keeping their same slow rhythm.   He wasn’t quite ready to let her go just yet. The look in her eyes told him the same. 
The silence between them felt heavy so he tried to break it. “Are you ready to go back to Suna next week?”
“Yes, I miss my family so it will be nice.”
“Did you have a good time this year Princess?”  He asked curiously.  
“I’d say so.”
She rested her head against him to avoid his gaze nuzzling into his chest.  He was so warm and she felt herself becoming drunk from his familiar smell of pine trees and smoke.  “ I’ll miss you okay.” 
He was surprised by the admission but nodded. Their goodbyes were becoming more difficult. 
“I’ll miss you too Tem. Hey, maybe I can go out to Suna for a few days?  You’re always telling me about places and things to do there. It could be fun.”  He knew that it probably wasn’t possible. He’d return to his regular missions once she was gone but it was nice to dream.  
She nodded knowing that it was just a nice thought.  “Sure, I’d like that.” 
They remained there swaying back and forth to the rhythm of their own hearts. 
Once they finally took a seat Yoshino quickly swept in demanding a dance with her son. Temari just laughed at his horrified expression and told him to enjoy it while she got a drink.  
“Temari looks incredible tonight doesn't she?”  Yoshino asked with a grin.  He knew that look all too well.  
“You’re really going to make me say it?”
“Come on now.  Your father and I have always thought that you two would make a fine couple.  Can you imagine, an actual Princess being part of our clan.  She is such a wonderful girl, she’d make an incredible matriarch.”
He rolled his eyes not the least bit surprised.  She’d been arguing the same point for years now.    “Mom, seriously, not this again.  I have to escort her around, it’s a mission I've been assigned to.  That’s it.”
Yoshino shook her head.  “Don’t give me that excuse.  We both know that the Hokage offered to assign another Shinobi for her detail and you shot it down.  It’s okay son.  I’m just saying that not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate.  You are very smart, wouldn’t it be foolish to let her go.”
He looked over to where she was talking and laughing with his other clansmen as though she’d always been a part of their family.  He knew that something between them had changed but neither of them was ready to face that new reality just yet.  Besides, she was leaving for Suna in just a few days.  Temari caught his eyes from across the room and smiled back at him forcing one to cross his lips.  Maybe by next summer, he’d have some clarity.  
This is my Idea
Chapter 1:  Trust
Chapter 2:  Marriage
Thanks for reading.  <3 you all and I’ll see you tomorrow! 
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I’ve seen a lot of people experience massive doubts as content creators, so I just thought I’d share something I wrote three years ago that continues to help me when I have my own doubts. Hopefully it can help some people out if they’re going through a tough time (and you can apply this to more than just writing, of course). 💕
Even when it seems like you’ll never have any luck, you keep going. Don’t give up because someone criticizes your writing. Don’t let a bunch of people online depict where you go with your writing. If writing lives in your heart, in your very soul, you continue writing.
I have written thousands upon thousands of words. There will always be a new way to arrange them, a new story to write.
As someone who spends every single day at battle with my own head, I know how hard it can be to think your writing is any good. Trust me, if you write with your heart and soul, it could never, ever be bad.
The most important thing is to just keep going. Don’t give up because your story has less than a hundred favourites. Don’t let yourself think you’re something special because you have thousands of ‘fans’.
I know there will always be someone out there with better writing skills than mine. It’s a simple fact.
But there is also one thing I know without a doubt.
No one can write exactly as I do.
No one can write exactly as you can.
We are all different, and that, my dear aspiring author, is what makes us all unique. Take writing prompts, for example. Exact same prompt, thousands of different ideas. No two people will write the exact same story. And, if they do, well then that’s just strange.
I guess what I’m trying to get at here is that I, someone who has gotten hundreds of supportive comments on The Criminal Soulmate, still doubts myself. There will always be times when you doubt yourself. It’s called being a human being.
But I also learned not to be so hard on myself.
As my mother once told me, when I was sobbing in bed because my first ever novel suddenly seemed bad to me;
“I’m sure every author on your bookshelf went through the exact same thing.”
It’s not easy to expose your soul to the world and have it ignored. Believe me, I know that feeling all too well. I’ve sat at the computer bawling my eyes out writing some things. Even the tiniest criticism still bugs me some days. But I learned to get over it. Not everyone is going to appreciate your hard work.
There will be people who hate what you write. There will also be people who place you on a pedestal and think you are the greatest writer of all time. Opinions vary between every single person.
Take the compliments and hold them in your heart, but don’t forget the constructive criticism either.
It’s taken me five years to get where I am today, and I’m still not a perfect writer. No such thing exists. You need to realize this.
Just don’t quit writing because you don’t get lucky online. For all you know, you could become a world-renowned author someday. You’ll never know if you stop writing now.
Because the simple fact is, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your story. If you poured your heart out into those words, that’s what matters. Fall in love with your own characters. Be on the edge of your seat with the rest of your readers. Also, know when to end the story.
The amount of words doesn’t matter if you use each one wisely.
I just want you to know you aren’t alone if you doubt your writing. Literally every writer has their doubts.
“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.” – Robert Hughes
It is perfectly normal to doubt yourself. No one wants a person who thinks they’re the best at everything they do. In fact, I’d say it would be a bad thing if we didn’t all have our doubts in our art. No one is perfect. Don’t let yourself think there’s no room for improvement, because there always is.
Continue to write, my aspiring author, because that’s where the magic happens. Don’t deprive the world of a truly amazing story because you’re scared no one will want to read it. Just think of this all as preparation for the day you set out to be published in the real world. There will be rejection. Companies may turn down your script. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. It all comes down to luck in the end. Talent will only get you so far, you still need to work hard to get recognized.
Anyways, I hope you take these words to heart. I’ll try to take my own advice.
Never give up. When you love something so much, you feel it within every fiber of your being, that is called a passion, my dear. It’s called a purpose. Don’t let your purpose fade away and join the ranks of the billions of other shattered dreams.
We live in a world that will claw at you every opportunity it gets. Stay humble. Don’t claw back. Learn to take the compliments, and the criticism with stride. Prove those non-believers wrong and work until you no longer need to worry about those cynics, because you’ll have everything you could ever imagine.
I believe in you. Perhaps you believe in me, too. We can believe in each other.
Someday, the world will get to read your words. Get to see how beautifully you can weave sentences together and bring out emotions in them they didn’t even know they had.
Keep going. Never give up. Wait for the day when you no longer need to call yourself an ‘aspiring’ author.
Because “anything is possible, if you just believe”.
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strawberry-skies-xx · 4 years
those blessed days
C H A P T E R     1
summary: Jaskier sits beside him. The soda can echoes as it cracks open. “So what next?”
Geralt looks over at Jaskier - at his dark hair, highlighted by the gold light, at the same light pooling in the dips and curves of his skin like honey. The ache in his chest starts, painful with its intensity. “Don’t know,” he says roughly.
Jaskier frowns. “We have to do something. We’ll run out of money eventually, and we can’t keep living on quick jobs and my parents’ credit card.”
Geralt hums. He doesn’t actually know what they’ll do, but he wants to continue this simple existence with Jaskier. Driving anywhere they want, spending a week in town and working, coming back to the hotel after their shifts and falling into the same bed together. Waking up with Jaskier’s warmth against him.
words: 8344
tags: major character death, geralt / jaskier, implied/referenced sex, implied/referenced self-harm, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, modern AU, implied/referenced child abuse, terminal illnesses
author’s note: lyrics in this story are from So It Goes by Robert Hallow and the Holy Men. 
main masterlist | story on ao3 | next chapter >>
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34 days after
“Maybe we could go see the band playing a few states over,” Jaskier says, the idle notes of his guitar ringing through the room. He leans against the headboard of the hotel’s cheap bed, chipped wooden guitar resting on his lap.
Geralt watches him. He’s gotten better at relaxing, but Geralt still sees the line of tension in his shoulders, the subconscious way Jaskier’s eyes dart towards him occasionally. Old habits die hard, especially ones like Jaskier has made, in bruises and harsh words thrown at him by the two people who were supposed to have his back for the first years of his life.
Geralt still remembers it - his phone beeped the ringtone for a call at three in the morning. Jaskier’s frantic, panicked voice came from the other end - Geralt, I’m at the South Street bus station and they’re texting me, I don’t know what to do, they can’t find me, please don’t let them take me back - and Geralt’s headlights illuminated the too-skinny form of Jaskier standing alone in a dark bus stop half an hour later, one backpack hanging from his back and his eyes wide in the dark. The rest of the night was driving - driving away from Jaskier’s parents, away from their town, away from everything they’d ever known and didn’t want to know, while Jaskier stared at his phone screen as new messages came in and waited through the ringing of phone calls, trembling.
That was the first night they slept in the same bed, in a cheap hotel where Geralt’s strong arms wrapped around a shaking Jaskier as he broke down, tears staining the sheets and Geralt’s shirt. And in the morning, they didn’t talk about it, but they continued driving, and if Geralt occasionally woke up to find Jaskier shaking through a nightmare, and if he happened to hold him curled up against his body through the rest of the night, well. No one needed to know.
Geralt had lost count of how many cheap hotels and dirty motels they stayed at, lost count of how many times they stayed for a few weeks at a job and then left, nameless and friendless. They lived as ghosts in society, invisible and barely surviving, and it was only a matter of time before they were forced to rebuild themselves and create their new life from the shattered pieces of the old.
For now, Geralt was content to continue this existence with Jaskier.
“Should be a singer,” Geralt says. Jaskier’s eyes dart to him too fast, scan down his body too quickly. Geralt makes himself smaller, less threatening, like he’s been doing since he was sixteen and met Jaskier after the high school talent show.
“Are you admitting you pay attention to my music?” he asks, and Geralt can hear the smile in his voice, even if he isn’t looking at him.
He hums noncommittally and leans back in the cheap wooden chair, hearing it creak dangerously beneath his weight, studiously not meeting Jaskier’s eyes. Jaskier’s smile widens and he sits up, one arm bracing his guitar against his lap while the other points at Geralt.
“You do pay attention! I knew it!” Jaskier says brightly, triumphantly. Geralt looks up and meets his blue eyes that are alight with joy, feels his own warmth well up in his chest. Jaskier leans back again, glances down at his guitar and plucks a few notes, a smug, confident air about him at this revelation. Geralt looks down at his hands again where they sit in his lap.
“Kinda hard not to,” he says quietly. Watches Jaskier’s smile fade for just a moment before it quirks up again and Jaskier looks up to meet Geralt’s golden eyes.
“Still knew you paid attention.”
Geralt’s quick glance down hides his small smile.
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2834 days before
“Where are you from?”
Geralt rolls over on his side of the bed to face Jaskier, whose blue eyes are lit by the moonlight and looking at Geralt curiously. He glances down, studies the pattern on the sheets. Sighs, puts his explanation together, and answers.
“I was adopted,” he rumbles. Jaskier shifts and keeps his attention focused raptly on Geralt. “Me and two other boys were adopted. Different times, but we’re brothers now. Or as close to it.”
Jaskier‘s voice is quiet in the dark. “You’re lucky. Having family that cares about you.”
Geralt thinks about wrestling with Eskel and Lambert in the old house. Thinks about Vesemir’s deep voice breaking up the fights. Compares it to the luxury of Jaskier’s family mansion, the soaring ceilings and grand staircases. The harsh words bouncing off of gilded walls and the sting of blows on bruised skin.
He hums softly and Jaskier’s eyes fall closed.
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37 days after
Geralt looks over at Jaskier beside him, whose pale skin has silver moonlight dripping from the dips and curves like liquid, face peaceful and soft brown hair fanned out across the pillow. He wants to touch, desperately. Wants to run his calloused fingers over smooth, creamy skin, watch it indent beneath his hands and blood rush to the spot where he presses.
Geralt makes a soft noise and turns away, rolling over. It’s colder here, staring at the dull gray wall, with the warmth of Jaskier behind him, and he picks up his phone from the nightstand. He doesn’t think about how the surface of his phone case is rough, not smooth, and the bright glow of his phone screen is harsh compared to the soft pool of silver moonlight on skin.
There’s no new messages, and Geralt sighs, flipping the phone over and setting it on the nightstand as quietly as possible. He rolls to his back, doesn’t think about how in the morning, the ache in his chest will start again, and the world will try to shove them apart. He shouldn’t think of touching his best friend in the way that makes him pant beneath him, shouldn’t think of tasting his best friend in the way that leaves him breathless and flushed. It’s wrong, he tells himself.
Geralt doesn’t think about it, shouldn’t think about it, and he spends the night staring at the smooth gray paint on the ceiling.
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2826 days before
“My family is the Pankratz, but we own the Lettenhove estate,” Jaskier explains, fingers toying with the pencil in his hand. Geralt hums. “It’s a really old house, but of course we had to buy it and restore it, because we absolutely needed a mansion with fifteen more rooms than we actually use.”
There’s a sarcastic bite to his voice. He falls silent, spins the pencil. Geralt’s golden eyes track the movement.
“My house used to be a boarding school. Kaer Morhen. Sold in 1953,” he says. Jaskier looks up at him, the pencil stilling in his fingers. Geralt doesn’t look at him, but there’s something playful teasing at his voice when he speaks next. “For the record, we have twenty more rooms than we actually use.”
Jaskier grins and laughs, bright and clear, and Geralt thinks he wants to bottle the sound and carry it with him.
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46 days after
They drive two states over to see the band - Geralt can’t remember the name, but Jaskier spends the drive singing and playing their songs on his guitar in the front passenger seat. They spend their money on gas, on cheap hotels, on fast food, and sit in the back of Geralt’s truck, eating and talking before starting out on the road again.
“What a surprise, my siren’s sleeping in, and all joy and drunken rituals, without a wink to horror or to sin,” Jaskier sings, voice filling the quiet car and fingers plucking at guitar strings - somehow, Jaskier had adapted the band’s song, played on piano, for guitar. Geralt leans back against the seat, feels tension bleed from his shoulders, lets Jaskier’s voice wash over him like it did the first time he sang, on a stage with light shining over him in an old high school.
“Nice music,” he says. Jaskier stops and looks over at him.
“Is this a new thing, you complimenting my singing?” he asks, almost accusatory. “Because if so, you could’ve done it a long time ago, Geralt.” He points a finger at him, which, yeah, that’s definitely accusatory. “No more telling me to shut up. You’ve confessed that you like my singing, now I don’t have to listen to you when you say be quiet.”
Geralt’s lips quirk up. “You never listen to me anyway.”
Jaskier focuses back on his guitar strings, starting up the tune of the band’s song again. “That’s not the point.”
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1034 days before
Vesemir didn’t allow for visitors usually, but his eyes scan over Jaskier, catching on the yellow-green fading from his skin, and he doesn’t say anything. Geralt nods at Vesemir in thanks as he passes, tries not to focus on the way Jaskier is tense and quiet beside him. It’s unsettling, the silence.
Eskel and Lambert are in their rooms; Geralt told them that Jaskier was coming by this afternoon and, in no uncertain terms, told them that they were not to scare him. Jaskier liked to pretend he was strong - and he was, really, but Geralt could see that he was still hurting. He’d been worn down by the years, until even his strength wasn’t enough to stop the flinches from movements that were too fast, and the way he curled in on himself until he melted into the shadows better than either Geralt or his brothers could.
There was a bright side to Jaskier, though, a side that was colorful and loud and unafraid. It didn’t come out often, but when it did, Jaskier positively glowed with the joy, looking more comfortable in his own skin than he ever did usually. Geralt loved it when that side came out, did his best to make Jaskier relaxed enough to let it out.
“Where are your brothers?” Jaskier asks, blue eyes darting around, assessing every threat. His arms wrap around himself. Geralt doesn’t like how small Jaskier looks like this, how quiet and unassuming.
“They’re in here,” Geralt replies, turns to lead them through to Eskel’s room first.
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54 days after
They keep driving. Jaskier looks up directions to the venue the band is playing at, and Geralt follows them to a small parking lot outside a club. The sun is setting, bathing everything in gold and lighting the sky with reds and pinks as they get out of the car.
“Do you think they’d let me play with them?” Jaskier asks.
“Wouldn’t make any money,” Geralt replies, deadpan, listens to Jaskier’s dramatically offended gasp, feels the sting as he smacks his arm. His lips curl up the smallest bit.
“You’re terrible, Geralt! Honestly. I’m so unappreciated.”
Geralt hides his discomfort at that statement, because it may be said in jest, but it serves as a harsh reminder to him of what Jaskier suffered through at the hands - and voices - of his parents. He doesn’t ruin the moment, though, and stays silent, swings the door to the venue open and allows Jaskier through first.
The band is on stage already, setting up; the place is moderately filled with people sitting at tables, lounging at the bar, talking and slamming drinks down. Geralt braces himself against the noise, follows Jaskier as he finds a booth and slides in across from Geralt.
They go through their routine that they’ve had since Geralt was eighteen and had a panic attack because it was too loud. Jaskier’s foot catches against his ankle, pulls it across the floor beneath the table, all while his eyes stay focused on the menu. Geralt taps once against his ankle - I can manage - and Jaskier taps three times - let me know if it’s too much - before retreating.
Geralt picks up his menu.
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962 days before
Golden eyes look up from his book to see Jaskier running towards him, phone held in his hand and earbuds held in another. He slides smoothly into a sitting position next to Geralt, offering one of the earbuds. “Come on, take this.”
“Why?” Geralt asks, skeptical. Last time he accepted an earbud from Jaskier, the damned man played heavy metal in his ears at full volume. He’s not willing to repeat that mistake again.
“I promise you, it’s not heavy metal. I found a new band I absolutely love, I want you to listen to them.”
Something about the excited sincerity in Jaskier’s wide blue eyes prompts Geralt to get over his suspicion and accept the earbud, fitting it into his ear and waiting for the resulting burst of noise.
Except, it rises gradually, and the singing isn’t at all overwhelming - more soothing.
“ Lay me down my friend for so it goes, see the waning of a grace I’ve never known, ” sings the man, in a smooth, soothing voice, and it takes Geralt a full verse for him to realize Jaskier is singing along with it.
The song suddenly stops; Geralt opens his eyes, not realizing they were closed, and looks at Jaskier. His blue eyes are questioning.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” he says roughly, pulled suddenly from the entranced state the music had put him in. “It’s good. Keep going.”
Jaskier grins. “Someday I’ll tell you about all the layers, after I pick it apart in my music program of course. But the lyrics, Geralt, they’re amazing! The things I could write about their lyrics…” He trails off, presses play on the music and sings along when it starts.
Geralt closes his book (it was for an assignment anyway, wasn’t all that interesting either), leans back against the tree, lets his eyes slip closed and the man’s voice and the band’s music wash over him.
“ Know that you will always find a home in me, so no sorrow, no. I cannot wait to see you... ”
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54 days after
Three hours later, and the band is finishing their last song, Jaskier his fourth glass of wine. Geralt watches him flirt with a blonde sitting at the bar, trading tipsy smiles and probably making a fool of himself more than actually scoring a night.
Jaskier sways over to their booth, throwing a last flirtatious wink over his shoulder that isn’t returned, before he turns back and slides ungracefully into the booth. Geralt finds himself with a lapful of drunk musician, long fingers curling around his thigh, the scent of cedar and lemongrass assaulting his senses, and pale, smooth skin close enough to touch.
“Geralt,” Jaskier says, too slowly. Geralt slides his arm around his waist, pulls Jaskier forward before his head hits back against the wood wall, and patiently waits for him to continue.
“Did you like the band?” Jaskier asks finally, looking as if he needed to think of how to put those words together before actually saying them out loud.
Geralt hums noncommittally and receives a slap on the shoulder in return. “Don’t be so - so you!” Jaskier says, almost too loudly. “You should… talk every once in a while. That would help you. Make for better communication anyway,” he adds, lower.
“My communication is fine,” Geralt protests, tightening his grip on Jaskier’s waist when he tilts dangerously forward. He doesn’t think about how close he is, doesn’t think about Jaskier at all.
Jaskier laughs. “Your communication is absolute shit,” he says, grinning. “You refused to call me your friend for years because you thought I was only tolerating you. And failed to ever mention that small fact, despite the many times I asked.”
Geralt frowns. “You only asked twice.”
Jaskier’s brow furrows in thought for all of a second before he waves his hand vaguely and leans against Geralt, head resting against his shoulder and face nearly buried in the crook of his neck. “Doesn’t matter anyway,” he says, warm breath fanning over Geralt’s skin.
The ache in Geralt’s chest starts again.
“You’re my best friend now,” Jaskier says, nearly a whisper, and then, a breath that smells like wine, “but wish you were more.”
His heartbeat and breathing even out and he sags against Geralt.
Geralt hears the breathed words, picks up Jaskier, picks up his expectations, leaves some money and his hopes on the table, and exits the bar.
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473 days before
“I’m writing a story,” Jaskier says. Geralt sits on the ground next to him, leans against the tree. “Takes place on somewhere called the Continent.”
Geralt hums. “Couldn’t think of a name?”
Jaskier shrugs. “No, but it sounds cool, don’t you think?”
He doesn’t reply, doesn’t need to. Jaskier continues anyway.
“There are monsters, and they’re hunted by Witchers. They’re mutated men, made at a castle called Kaer Morhen, like the school your house used to be. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve named them different, but I decided to just name them after you and your family. You’d make a good Witcher.”
Geralt closes his eyes, lets the sun shine on him and Jaskier’s voice wash over him as he listens to his story.
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55 days after
Jaskier wakes up somewhere between one state and the next. He groans, hands going to his head. Geralt picks up the bottle of aspirin and hands it to him wordlessly, tries not to think about the electricity shocking through him at the curl of Jaskier’s fingers around his as he takes the bottle, picks up his water, and downs the painkiller.
“Better?” Geralt asks once Jaskier screws the bottle shut and slides it back in the glovebox.
“Not sure. May still throw up.”
Geralt grunts and frowns. “Not in here.”
Jaskier groans again and presses the heel of his hand to his forehead. “Can’t be sure about that. Could happen anytime.” He sends a teasing grin at Geralt. “Besides, this car could use some color anyway.”
“Not green.”
Jaskier tilts his head, and Geralt nearly sighs when he can practically sense the mischief light in his blue eyes. “Now there’s an idea. I can paint the entire car lime green! We’d be practically glowing in the night.”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “I can paint your guitar lime green,” he says dryly. “It would be practically glowing in dark clubs.”
Jaskier gasps dramatically, pressing a hand to his heart, hangover momentarily forgotten. “You wouldn’t dare!”
Geralt’s lips quirk up. “You wouldn’t dare paint my car.”
Jaskier grumbles and faces forward again, reluctantly conceding defeat to this argument. “Terrible man. I can’t win against you.”
Geralt tilts his head to Jaskier, amusement coloring his voice. “It’s entertaining when you try.”
“You’re an evil man, Geralt.”
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432 days before
Jaskier’s footsteps crunch on the dead autumn leaves coating the ground as he walks up to Geralt sitting, leaning against their tree and takes his place next to him. He puts a piece of lined notebook paper on top of Geralt’s book, scrawled with familiar black pen.
“What are these?” Jaskier asks, voice holding a strange note, fingers pointing to Geralt’s small, idle doodles in the margin of the page.
He flushes slightly red - he does pay attention in class, he does, but sometimes (most of the time) the curriculum was boring and Geralt found himself drawing to pass the time, taking notes still but decorating the page with his doodles. He hid them from everyone, but… he gave this page to Jaskier fast and without looking, it was the only time Jaskier had ever asked him for notes and he didn’t want to deny him.
And apparently he had drawn on the damn thing.
“Doodles,” he says, clipped.
Jaskier is silent for a long pause. Geralt looks over at him, slightly concerned -
And finds he’s smiling, blue eyes alight with something soft, almost like he’s… endeared by Geralt?
No, that can’t be true. Geralt never should’ve given him the notes in the first place - everyone looked for the first possible flaw in him and he shouldn’t have thought Jaskier would be any different.
He pulls the paper away from his book, away from Jaskier, and tugs his bag roughly over to him. “Don’t mock me.”
Jaskier laughs and Geralt resists a low growl. “Geralt, I’m not mocking you. That’s- fuck, that’s adorable. What are the doodles of? They look like monsters.”
Geralt grits his teeth, tells himself he won’t respond. “For your Witcher stories.”
Jaskier gasps, grin growing impossibly wider and the expression in his eyes impossibly softer.
“You’re doodling monsters for my stories on your algebra notes?” Jaskier says, incredulous, yet strangely not judgmental. No, he’s still grinning, blue eyes still soft and- Geralt doesn’t want to think about that.
“Tell me about them,” he asks, pleads when Geralt sighs. “Come on, you want them to be for my stories right? Can’t use them if I don’t know about them.”
Another long sigh, a look that is absolutely not fond at all, and Geralt pulls the paper back out.
“The first is a kikimora…”
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59 days after
They drive for three more days, crossing the next state line into Kentucky. Jaskier writes a song in that time, something about a bard and a Witcher. Geralt remembers that story, remembers the weeks spent after that first afternoon listening to Jaskier talk about it, reading the short stories he wrote. He wasn’t sure if he’d want to be a Witcher in that story, but Jaskier said most of the boys didn’t get a choice, and the Geralt of Rivia in his stories didn’t dream of being anything else.
Geralt found himself particularly endeared to the bard Jaskier in his stories too. He certainly got the constant talking part spot-on - Geralt wondered if the fictional version of him was as comfortable with the constant chatter as the real life version of him was.
“When a humble bard-“
Geralt scoffs. “That’s not accurate.”
“What’s not accurate?” Jaskier asks.
Jaskier rolls his eyes, finger pointing accusingly at him. “First off, Geralt, it doesn’t have to be accurate, and second off, I am very much humble!”
Geralt lets himself give a small, dry smirk. “If you say so. You’re the storyteller.”
“Yeah, I am the storyteller,” Jaskier says defensively, then, gives his own private smile when Geralt glances over, voice teasing, “but you’re right, I am not and never will be humble.”
Jaskier’s smile widens to a bright grin as Geralt gives a low, rumbling laugh and returns his gaze to the road, Jaskier’s strumming and singing starting up and filling the car again.
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322 days before
Jaskier’s blue eyes are dark, filled with sadness as he focuses down on his lap. “They started fighting again,” he says quietly. “I was in the way, and my mother came over to me. Said the usual - I wouldn’t get anywhere in life, I’m a disgrace to the family, I’m a shit musician. Which, I’m not,” he adds, but he’s not into it and he sounds more like he’s convincing himself. “I think it’ll bruise.”
Geralt shreds the leaf in his hand with his fingers, letting the dead, brown pieces fall to the grass. “You’ll get somewhere in life,” he says, voice nearly a whisper. “You’ll be something great.”
Jaskier looks up at him. Geralt doesn’t meet his eyes. “You will, too,” he says earnestly. “Wherever you go, I will go. Whether I give up being something great or not. I’m not leaving you.”
Geralt thinks of the way the other students look at him. He’s smart, sure, but he’s callous, too quiet, too abrasive. They don’t want him there, don’t want his bulk taking up space when they can get someone friendlier, someone smaller and prettier and better.
“I don’t know.”
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68 days after
Jaskier leans back against the seat, fingers tapping a rhythm against the wood of his guitar. He looks out the window at the sun, close to setting on the horizon, and the empty, grassy fields passing by them.
“We should stop,” he says.
Geralt raises an eyebrow, a thread of concern climbing up into his chest. “Why?”
“To see the sunset.”
Geralt frowns, but he supposes they don’t have anything else to do. They’re not in a rush - they’re four states away from Jaskier’s parents. Jaskier is a poet, too, so Geralt thinks that if he wants inspiration from the sunset for his next song, or poem, then he can’t really deny him.
“Okay,” he says simply.
Jaskier looks over at him, blue eyes widening in surprise. “Did you just- agree with me? Just like that? You never stop to watch the sunset with me.” He narrows his eyes. “Are you sick? A robot? Imposter?”
Geralt sighs, swings his truck off the road and into the field. “I’m not sick, not a robot, and not an imposter. And I did stop to watch the sunset with you once,” he says, cutting the engine. “Come on.”
Jaskier still looks suspicious, but he follows Geralt out of the car and around to the back. Geralt opens the truck bed and pulls the cooler over to him, handing Jaskier a can of soda and taking one for himself before sliding the cooler back against the car. He jumps up onto the truck bed, pushing himself back so he can lean against the back of the car.
Jaskier sits beside him. The soda can echoes as it cracks open. “So what next?”
Geralt looks over at Jaskier - at his dark hair, highlighted by the gold light, at the same light pooling in the dips and curves of his skin like honey. The ache in his chest starts, painful with its intensity. “Don’t know,” he says roughly.
Jaskier frowns. “We have to do something. We’ll run out of money eventually, and we can’t keep living on quick jobs and my parents’ credit card.”
Geralt hums. He doesn’t actually know what they’ll do, but he wants to continue this simple existence with Jaskier. Driving anywhere they want, spending a week in town and working, coming back to the hotel after their shifts and falling into the same bed together. Waking up with Jaskier’s warmth against him.
“We could head to the coast,” Jaskier says quietly, a few moments later. “Rebuild our lives. Become something.”
Geralt doesn’t respond. He keeps his eyes on the burning reds and golds of the sunset, quickly fading into dark, midnight blue as the moon rises. Jaskier doesn’t continue, and they sit in a comfortable silence as the stars slowly blink into existence against the dark velvet of the night sky.
Geralt doesn’t notice Jaskier has fallen asleep until his head lands on his shoulder, eyes closed and chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. He slides his arm behind Jaskier and around his waist, pulls him closer and listens to the soft noise Jaskier gives as he shifts and curls into Geralt, warm breath blowing over Geralt’s neck.
Geralt’s chest aches. He carries Jaskier into the back of the car and lays with him on the seat, sinks into sleep with him curled up in his arms, face buried in Geralt’s black hoodie.
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217 days before
“You like to watch the sunset?” Geralt asks, walking up behind Jaskier and taking the place next to him in the grass.
“It’s poetic, isn’t it?” Jaskier replies. “Sunsets are beautiful - all the fiery reds and golds and pinks. It’s the death of light and the birth of night.” His voice is soft, thoughtful. “The sun doesn’t go without a fight, though. It makes sure to set the whole sky on fire and dip the world in gold honey first.”
Geralt hums. “Or, Earth is rotating and we simply don’t see the sun’s light anymore,” he says bluntly.
Jaskier makes a doubtful sound and tilts his head. “I like my version better, thank you very much.”
Geralt isn’t looking at the sunset, though; he looks at Jaskier. He thinks Jaskier doesn’t need the setting sun for him to be alight with fire, or be dipped in gold.
next chapter >>
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
4! 6! 12! 21! 33!
4. What is your favourite genre to write for?
i like writing a lot of different genres but i think i’d be a pretty huge liar if i said anything other than hurt/comfort. i really like build-up, and it teaches me about characters when i have to think about how they’d go about comforting somebody else. it’s also just cathartic, not gonna lie. (i like pre-relationship and introspective/character study pieces a lot too!)
6. If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
honestly it comes down to throwing a dart at my hundreds of hamilton fanfics from my hamilton amino days and choosing one to eliminate. i can’t even read them anymore because they make me cringe so hard. this is kind of a cop-out answer though so if i had to choose a danganronpa fic, ehh, i might go with the first naekusaba fic that i wrote, but only because i said that naezono is a good pairing in the end notes, and it’s not.
12. Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
RANTARO AMAMI. i think anybody who spends a decent amount of time on my profile could figure that out, though. shuichi and kaede are runners up, and i love ibuki as well because she’s so random.
21. Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
this is a really hard question because i admire pretty much anyone whose work i read and enjoy even a little bit. i like sunflower_8 a whole lot, she posts SO MUCh and her work is really really good. @celestial-nova is really great too (i admire anybody who actually gets their work beta’d and morgan is also just extremely talented) and @mandowo is... so fucking talented. holy SHIT. he just, has this way with language that makes me weep. @piatonics is incredible, and i also really admire my brother @birdn4t0r because he focuses so much more on plot than on pairings and damn.... give me that strength, bro.
33. What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
i think any compliment has the ability to turn me into a blushing mess-- if you’ve ever complimented my characterisation, it’s killed me on sight. i think it’s a cross between what someone said once about my work being “atmospheric”, like extremely visual, i suppose? and sun praises my depictions of mental health a lot and i... ;w; damn that went for my bones, dude. platonics called me prolific writer recently and that got me too.
i was typing out the thing about my work being atmospheric and it reminded me of the first time someone ever complimented my writing? i was in fifth grade and we had an assignment to write a story about a power outage, and so i got this fun idea of writing a story where we all used mirrors to get light and keep doing our work, and my teacher really really liked it. she said it was like i was painting a picture in her mind, and read my piece out loud to both of her classes. she read it out loud to my mom during parent teacher conferences, too. i know it was probably a super terrible writing, since i was in fifth grade, but hearing that from someone like my teacher, someone who i respected and looked up to and cared a whole bunch about the opinion of? shit, man, that really boosted my self esteem. i was so lucky when i was younger to have a mentor-figure in my life who told me i had a talent for writing, because without that, i don’t think i ever would have picked up on it as a hobby. (teachers take note!!! kids remember!!!) that story still makes me kind of teary-eyed sometimes.
thanks for asking! i like answering questions! :D
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lilyvandersteen · 4 years
Out of the Blue: Chapter 2
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Cover art: @redheadgleek​
Beta extraordinaire: @hkvoyage​
Links: AO3, FF.net
Author’s Note:
The Twitter feed mentioned in this chapter circulated around Tumblr a while back, and I just KNEW I had to turn it into a fic one day :D
This is the blog post in question: https://lilyvandersteen.tumblr.com/post/190456831744/thesorrowoflizards-awful-brew
Chapter 2: A Good Idea
“This was a lucky idea of mine, indeed!” said Mrs. Bennet, more than once, as if the credit of making it rain were all her own. Till the next morning, however, she was not aware of all the felicity of her contrivance.
(An excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)
Kurt sipped from his cocktail and leaned back contently. It was Friday night, he didn’t have any shifts at the diner the following day, and all his favorite girls were here for a night out, even Mercedes and Brittany. Life was good.
It was fun catching up with everyone. He told them all about the photo shoots he’d helped his boss Isabelle with at Vogue, and the articles he’d written for the website. Quinn was interning with a district attorney at the moment, and talked about the court cases she’d attended so far. Tina had been helping out a vet treating farm animals exclusively, and told stories about cows calving and a horse that had to be put down after breaking its leg. Mercedes’ tour was a big success, and she was thinking of taking it overseas. Brittany, who was one of the back-up dancers at Mercedes’ concerts, was all for that plan, and summed up all the cities she wanted to visit.
Rachel, for once, wasn’t monopolizing the conversation, seeing as she was sad about another short relationship that hadn’t worked out. And Santana was more mellow than usual, seeing as she had Brittany with her.
The two of them were cuddling and whispering softly and smiling, and it sent a pang of jealousy through Kurt. He didn’t envy Santana the long-distance relationship. He’d witnessed first-hand how hard it was for her sometimes. But he did long for that bond that Santana and Brittany had. He too wanted someone who’d understand him with half a word, who’d move mountains just to be with him and who’d look at him as though he were the most precious jewel on earth.
All he’d ever had in the way of relationships was an admirer called Chandler when he was still in Ohio. Kurt had liked the compliments Chandler had showered him with, and had liked getting Chandler’s undivided attention. It was flattering, and it did wonders for his self-esteem. See? Someone thought he was worth talking to! Someone appreciated his fashion sense!
That was why he’d agreed to go on a date with Chandler, and after that a second one. They’d gone to the cinema together, and then shopping at the mall another time. And Kurt was pretty sure that Chandler expected more to come of it, looking at Kurt with hope in his eyes at the end of each date. But Kurt couldn’t bring himself to kiss Chandler. Not when he didn’t feel anything for him other than gratitude and kinship.
So their relationship petered out before it could even begin, and Kurt couldn’t say he regretted it. But he’d very much hoped that his dating prospects would improve upon moving to New York City, and that hadn’t been the case.
Yes, the leader of the Adam’s Apples show choir had recruited him with a serenade, but he’d made no move beyond that, and Kurt hadn’t dared ask him out.
And when he’d started his Madonna cover band, he’d developed a crush on Elliott – could you blame him? – and admitted to it one night after a gig, half-drunk and giggly, only to be told that he was about five years too late to make his move. That was how long Elliott had been dating his boyfriend, and when he brought Mark along to rehearsal the next time, they proved to be ridiculously happy and in love. So no luck there, either.
It wasn’t his looks, he knew that much. In his stage combat lessons, he could see other students check out his body, which had filled out nicely. But none of them ever came on to him, and anyway, Kurt wasn’t sure he’d be interested in just a hook-up.
Still, it wasn’t fun to be the only one of his friends who’d never even been kissed. Other than by a girl or a bully, but that didn’t count. It didn’t, okay?
When Kurt tuned back into the conversation, he heard that they were talking about a tweet Tina had found on her Twitter feed that encouraged people getting married to send an invitation to all billionaires they could find the address of. If you got lucky, those billionaires’ secretaries would think you were a friend or relative of their boss and would send you a gift.
“Wouldn’t it be great if one of us got married so we could get some decent stuff for the loft?” Santana asked. "We barely have anything, and we could ask for all of it! A blender. A coffee machine. A panini maker. And, you know, bedding. Sleeping on the sofa would feel a lot better if I had a decent pillow and comforter. And bath towels. Big and thick ones."
“Oh yes,” Kurt chimed in. “A wok, a food processor, a real Le Creuset pan. Good knives. Matching sets of plates and cutlery. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but just more. Now we have to wash up after every meal because we only have six of everything.”
“A vacuum cleaner that actually works,” Rachel sighed. “It was nice of Carole to give us her old one, but let’s face it, its best days are over. Oh, and what about a quality throw blanket to hang over the sofa, to hide the stains?”
Kurt nodded. “I also want a full-length mirror for the bathroom, and a nicer hamper for the dirty laundry. The kind that doubles as a bench.”
Rachel put her chin in her hands and stared dreamily into space. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”
“It would,” Santana and Kurt agreed.
“Too bad none of us are getting married anytime soon,” Kurt mused.
“Well, I’m not seeing anyone, and neither are you,” Rachel said, “so technically, we could get fake hitched, but I don’t think anyone would buy you and I getting married. The wedding would be fabulous, of course, but obviously fake.”
Kurt suppressed a shudder, and Santana threw her head back and laughed.
Rachel pressed on, “But Santana could totally get married. What about it, Santana? At least you and Brittany are dating.”
The proposition shut Santana up at once. She stared at Rachel with her mouth wide open.
“I’d like to be married to you,” Brittany piped up, smiling softly and kissing Santana on the nose. “And I’m sure Kurt would help us plan the wedding, wouldn’t you, Kurt?”
Kurt grinned at her. “You know it!”
“And I know just what the invitation should look like!”
Brittany took a piece of crayon from behind her ear and started sketching a tree with hearts instead of leaves.
“That’s beautiful, honey,” Santana murmured, and Brittany beamed at her. “So we’re doing this?”
Santana nodded, and claimed Brittany’s lips for a lingering kiss.
“Okay, okay, that’s as much foreplay as I can stomach,” Kurt said. “Let’s get back to the loft. You can have my bed tonight if you promise not to be loud and not to get the bed linens dirty. Use a towel.”
Brittany kissed Kurt on the cheek. “Thank you, Kurtie!”
When they reached the loft, though, Brittany made no move to join Santana in Kurt’s bedroom. Instead, she badgered Kurt into opening Photoshop on his laptop so she could recreate the love tree in digital format. She added a recent picture of her and Santana, and looked up examples of wedding invitations on the internet to see what information should be on the card.
Before Kurt knew it, Brittany had commandeered all of his expensive ivory drawing paper to print the invitations on, and she set Rachel to work Googling names and addresses of billionaires.
Soon, Kurt was calligraphing these addresses onto hot pink and deep purple envelopes from Rachel’s stationary set, while Brittany was setting up an online wedding registry.
When that was done, she used up all of Rachel’s stamps to frank the invitations, and then ran out to go post them.
Rachel and Santana were already fast asleep by the time Brittany came back, and Kurt had almost drifted off when he heard a cheery, “There, all done!”
He chuckled at Brittany’s enthusiasm, closed his eyes and was out like a light.
The next day, they all woke up with hangovers and no recollection of their wacky wedding scheme nor the fake invitations Brittany had sent.
On Monday evening, though, Santana blanched and gasped when she checked her e-mails during dinner. “Dios mio!”
“What is it?” asked Rachel, spearing three green beans onto her fork.
“Brittany! She actually sent out wedding invites! And somebody has accepted the invitation. Who goes to a wedding of people they don’t know at all? And what on earth are we gonna do?”
“Wait, what? Who is this person?”
Rachel looked over Santana’s shoulder at the screen. “Cooper Anderson… Oh yeah, that’s the guy from those FreeCreditRating.com commercials, you remember? We all had that jingle as our ringtone for a while.”
“You mean YOU did,” Santana muttered, rolling his eyes.
Kurt wisely didn’t mention he’d had that ringtone, too.
Oh, he remembered the FreeCreditRating guy only too well. He even had a signed poster of him somewhere, that dated back to a talent show at the Westerville mall. Cooper Anderson had been one of the judges of the show, and Kurt had taken part just to get to see him in the flesh. Kurt had been the runner-up of the competition, after Rachel, and had gotten to shake Mr. Anderson’s hand and stammer about how much he admired him. And Mr. Anderson had been so gracious about it all, giving Kurt a 1,000 Watt smile and asking him if he’d like an autograph. So Kurt had whipped out his latest edition of Vogue and had Mr. Anderson sign a perfume ad he starred in.
Kurt smiled at the recollection, and nodded along when Rachel continued to gush about Mr. Anderson.
“He’s ever so handsome. And ever so rich. He’s a Westerville Anderson, so he comes from old money, and then he started this advertising company that everyone uses nowadays, so now he’s a billionaire ten times over.”
“Nice!” said Santana. “So whatever he buys us as a present, it’ll be worth it. But how are we going to pull this off in… What?! Less than a week! Britt put this Saturday as the wedding date!”
“WHAT?!!” Kurt and Rachel shrieked in unison.
Santana waved at the screen. “See for yourself. This Saturday, at 6.30 p.m., in our loft.”
Kurt shook his head in disbelief. “Five days! Neither of you have wedding dresses, we don’t have an officiant, we don’t have a wedding cake nor any other party food, we don’t have any flowers or decorations fit for a wedding. This is a disaster!”
“But you CAN do it, right?”
Santana’s hand clamped around Kurt’s arm like a vice, and she looked up at him beseechingly. “Please help us out? You organized Burt and Carole’s wedding in a week too, right?”
“Two weeks,” Kurt corrected absent-mindedly, his brain already working overtime. “I suppose I could manage it. But you’d owe me. Big time. I want at least half of the wedding present haul.”
Rachel clapped her hands and cheered. “Can we look at what people have bought you already?”
Santana clicked through to the wedding registry, and her face went slack with horror.
“What?” Kurt asked.
“Britt only put cat stuff on the list,” Santana groaned as she scrolled through the list. “Nothing but cat stuff.”
“She did what?” Rachel screeched.
Kurt didn’t say a word. He took over the mouse and checked what had been bought already. So far, Cooper Anderson was the only one who had chosen something. He had put his name down for a pet pavilion that was worth a cool 25 grand. 25 grand! For something so ridiculous! You could fit out an entire kitchen with that amount of money! What a waste!!
“Ugh, as much as I love Britt, I kind of hate her right now,” he murmured, and he heard Santana and Rachel hum in assent.
Kurt clicked on “Edit your wedding registry” and started to delete all of Brittany’s choices, one by one, muttering curses under his breath when he arrived at the costly pet pavilion that he couldn’t delete because it had already been bought.
“Now, before anyone else buys something we don’t want or need, let’s add all the stuff that we DO want,” he said, and between the three of them, they compiled a decent list.
When he’d clicked on “Save changes”, Kurt let out a deep breath. “Well, looks like I’ve got some wedding planning to do. This had better be worth it, San!”
Santana was still too shaken up to snark back. She just looked at Kurt like a deer caught in the headlights. “Can we do this?”
Kurt nodded. “We can do this. Calling Isabelle straight away!”
Isabelle, when she heard the story, laughed for five minutes straight, but then promised all the help she could offer. “Bring the brides along tomorrow, I’ll find them dresses and shoes, no problem. And you can use whatever decorations we have lying around here. What else do you need?”
“Rings for the brides. Dresses for two bridesmaids, I’ll bring them too. A three-piece suit for both me and the officiant,” Kurt started listing. “The others are on their own and will have to dig up whatever formal wear they’ve got lying around. Then, what else, let me think… Chairs for the ceremony. The weather will be nice on Saturday, thankfully, so we’ll have the ceremony and the reception on the roof of our building. There’s a railing all around, so it’s safe, and I’ve already made a cosy corner there that we sit in when the loft gets too hot. Very sturdy and well-made trelliswork. I will just have to decorate it.”
Isabelle hummed. “White roses. We’ve got tons of fake ones from the May issue, remember? You’re welcome to them, but make sure we get them back afterwards.”
“Will do,” Kurt promised. “The guests will have to go through our loft to get to the roof, though. You can only get there using the fire escape. So we will need a cover for our sofa. It’s in a terrible state. Stains all over. Ugh, we’ll have to start by cleaning the whole loft top to bottom. Girls, you WILL help!!”
Rachel and Santana murmured their agreement, and Santana went to look for cleaning supplies, while Rachel started to tackle the piled-up dishes in the sink.
“Oh, and could I borrow a few of those high tables people can stand around to eat finger food? We’ve got no room for a sit-down dinner.”
“Reception tables,” Isabelle said. “Yep, we have about twenty of them, and you’re not going to need that many, are you?”
“Nope. Five or six will do. Plus decent tablecloths for those tables, so that they don’t look cheap. I’d also like twinkle lights. As many as you can spare. And some sheer fabric or tulle I can wrap them in before I drape them all over the terrace.”
“Right, I’ll find you some,” Isabelle promised. “Do you need vases for flowers?”
Kurt hummed, thinking hard. “Nope, I’ll repurpose some empty wine bottles. Dipped in silver glitter, they’ll look fab. I’ll hang some on the railing and I’ll put the others on the reception tables. And some in the loft as well. And maybe some twinkle lights there, too. If you have some other decoration ideas, please let me know. Oh, and wedding favors! What do I do for wedding favors? For my dad and stepmom, I put a wheelbarrow with seed packets in the garden, with a sign that said, ‘Take one and watch love grow’. But that only works for a garden wedding.”
Isabelle hummed. “Let me think about it and get back to you. What are you going to do about the food?”
“Make it myself. Thank heavens we have a big fridge and freezer. We’re going to need every inch of space.”
Isabelle tutted. “Don’t overdo it, Kurt. You don’t want to fall asleep halfway through the wedding because you’ve been working day and night to make this perfect.”
“I’ll make everyone help.”
The steel in Kurt’s voice made Rachel and Santana look up from their work in alarm, but they didn’t protest. They knew all too well it was futile.
The rest of the week passed in a frenzy of cleaning, cooking, baking, decorating as well as inviting and briefing their other friends.
Elliott agreed to act as the officiant for the wedding, Artie offered his services as a DJ and Tina volunteered to be the photographer. Mercedes and Artie rehearsed the song for the first dance while the brides worked on the dance itself. Sam made himself invaluable running errands and assisting Kurt from dusk till dawn, and didn’t give a peep in protest when Kurt sat him down for a haircut.
By Saturday afternoon, the loft and the terrace both looked splendid. The twinkle lights wrapped in tulle gave the loft ceiling and the terrace a dreamy but festive air, and the silver bottles holding colorful flowers added to the splendor without making it tacky.
Kurt was hard at work decorating the top tier of the wedding cake while Elliott rehearsed the ceremony with San and Britt, Rachel prompting them whenever they faltered.
When the cake was safely stowed away in the fridge, Kurt checked the wedding registry one last time. It seemed like all his work had served some purpose after all. Their scheme had worked out pretty well. Brittany and Santana had received a gift from no less than eighteen billionaires, some of it pricey stuff. The Louis XV pet pavilion was a sad waste of money, of course, but Kurt was pleased with the other gifts, and was mentally already picking his favorites.
Humming happily, he helped zip up dresses and arrange the brides’ and bridesmaids’ hair, and then went to his bedroom to put his suit on and check on his coif.
When he headed back to the living room, he noticed that all their friends had arrived, and grimaced at all the noise they produced. He hadn’t slept properly in days, and he felt a headache coming on, throbbing at his temples.
Artie was testing the music installation, and soon all of the former Glee clubbers were singing and laughing and dancing. Kurt slunk away to the kitchen and put his head against the cool metal of the fridge to soothe the pain.
He’d almost dozed off when a loud voice rang through the loft. Mr. Anderson! He’d arrived!
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rulesofthebeneath · 5 years
how bout a dance: part 13
<AN> Me? Stop doing Saturday updates of hbad just to start them again when they’re least expected? Of course!!
I don’t think even I saw this coming when I first had the idea for a future!ajay x mc AU about a month and a half ago. And 103 pages, 35990 words, and 43 days later... wow. This is it. I’m really tearing up, honestly.
You guys have been so amazingly supportive of this, and I couldn’t be more grateful! This, the thirteenth and final chapter, is dedicated to everyone who read, liked, replied to or reblogged any part of this fic. You guys are my lifeblood, thank you so much for reading.
Before I do the tag list and finally get this show on the road, I wanted to share this comment I left on the fic the second I finished drafting chapter 13. It’s... absolutely me.
Tumblr media
Anyways. Thank you.
also gonna warn again for references to explicit activity and like hella suggestion, but as always nothing explicit. </AN>
Tagging: @pixelburied @itsbrindleybinch @witchiegirl @ajaysbhandari @catlady0911 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @ylevolenahs @awkwardalbatros @ravenclawpokegirl25 @aidenzhous @hufflepvnk @lorosette
Grace woke up Monday morning to sunlight streaming through the windows into the peach-colored room and a pillow pressed up against her back. She groaned and rolled over, stretching out, and finding the other side of the bed empty.
She was disappointed until she heard conversation and laughing from the other side of the door and a delicious smell wafting in. Grace was hungry. She popped her back, then sank her toes into the soft carpet. After pushing herself up she rummaged through her bag, grabbing a sports bra and a pair of shorts to wear with the t-shirt she’d slept in. She brought the collar up to her nose and sniffed–it smelled just like him, a soapy smell with a little mint. She quickly put the clothes on, then opened the door to Ajay’s bedroom.
She leaned against the door frame for a moment, a soft smile crossing her face as she looked out into the kitchen. He was there, stirring something in a saucepan while his roommate (his name was Jake, Grace dimly recalled) sat at the breakfast bar nursing a large cup of coffee. A timer went off somewhere in the kitchen.
“Dammit, I almost forgot about the muffins,” she heard Ajay say. “Jake, could you please–”
“I’m on it.” As Jake was getting off his stool, he turned and noticed Grace.
“Hey, Grace!” he called over with a smile as he walked around to the oven. Ajay whipped his head around, his face lighting up when he saw her.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
Grace pushed herself off the door frame and walked over. Jake, having gotten the english muffins out of the oven, gave a huge yawn as he walked over to Grace.
“Sleep well? I didn’t,” he smirked, holding out a hand for her to shake. She turned scarlet, instantly realizing what he meant.
“Jake, stop being a dick,” Ajay called from the kitchen. Grace tentatively took Jake’s hand, opening her mouth to apologize when he shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it. Really.” Then Jake turned back to the breakfast bar, climbing back on his stool. Grace made her way over to Ajay, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind while he waited for the poached eggs to finish cooking. He turned his head to kiss her on the forehead.
“Grace, this fool is bringing someone home at least once a week. I guarantee you he didn’t care.”
Still red, Grace buried her face between Ajay’s shoulder blades, taking the moment to breathe in the smell of his t-shirt. But she dropped the subject.
“What are you making?” she asked in a voice still a little rough from just waking up.
“Eggs benedict,” he said proudly. “I’ve been working on the hollandaise sauce for days.”
“Aw, all this for me?”
“No, for me too. And for Jake, because apparently he thinks he can come out here, make fun of me, and still get free breakfast.”
“It’s true, though! You’re literally making enough for three.”
“I’ll throw this plate at your head,” Ajay joked, not even turning to look at him. Ajay made a move towards a slotted spoon on the counter, so Grace released him and went over to sit at the breakfast bar.
“So. Jake. I want to know all his embarrassing stories,” Grace said. Jake took another long sip of his coffee and rubbed at his eyes.
“Well, most of what he’s done lately has been talking nonstop about you,” Jake grinned.
“Jake!” Ajay yelled, nearly dropping an egg back into the pan. Jake just laughed, and Grace joined in.
“Oh, that reminds me,” Jake said, patting the counter, “Why were you guys laughing last night? Ajay, did you-?”
“Okay, we are definitely not talking about this,” Ajay said hurriedly, cutting him off. Grace blushed again, but smiled apologetically when he set a plate down in front of her. She eagerly dug in to the eggs benedict, finding the hollandaise sauce to be a perfect compliment to the egg, canadian bacon, and english muffin.
“This tastes amazing! I could get used to this.”
“Anything for you. Coffee?” Ajay asked.
“Ooh, yes please. Two sugars and a little milk.”
“Coming right up.”
“Hey I’ll take another cup, black,” Jake piped up. Ajay glared at him as he set Grace’s mug down in front of her.
“Get it yourself.”
Jake, hands up in surrender, walked around to the coffee machine. Ajay finished serving up the eggs, then took a seat across from Grace. Once she’d finished a bite, he pulled her in for a kiss. Then he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“How are you doing?” he asked quietly.
“Amazingly,” she replied, picking his hand up and kissing the back. Ajay was about to kiss her again when Jake settled back on his stool, fresh cup of coffee in hand.
“So, Grace,” Jake said, “Tell me about yourself! Ajay’s told me a lot, but that’s mostly been about your talent or how amazing you are.” Ajay turned red, burying his face in his hands and groaning. “I want to know something with more substance.”
“Well, um, what do you want to know?”
He paused, possibly thinking over possible questions. “What’s your favorite thing to do on a free weeknight?”
Grace tilted her head, considering the question. “I’d have to say watch movies. I have all these movies, old and new stuff I got from thrift stores, and I’ve been slowly working my way through them.”
Jake’s face lit up. “Oh, you like movies? That’s awesome. Ajay, you didn’t tell me she was this cool!”
“Pretty sure I did,” Ajay retorted, then turned to Grace. “He’s an indie film editor,” he explained.
Jake checked his watch and cursed, getting up. “Speaking of which, I have to go. I’m almost late and it’s your fault.”
“Payback!” Ajay yelled at his retreating back. Then he turned back to Grace.
“Sorry about him.”
“I’m embarrassed!” Grace wailed, putting her hands in front of her face. Ajay tugged her wrists away.
“Don’t be. He’s literally done that exact same thing to me over and over. He doesn’t care, he just likes to tease.”
“If you insist…”
Ajay grinned at her and sat back, finishing up his breakfast. “You like the eggs?”
“Loved them,” Grace replied. “The sauce was perfect and the muffins were even better. I’m lucky to have snapped you up, with all these baking skills. I thought your cooking was like a dream in high school, I didn’t know they could get better.”
“Oh, I did a summer abroad in Paris during college and took a few classes there. I still can’t even compare to the experts. But thank you, I’m glad you’re happy.”
“Ajay, you know I’d be happy here if you made me a bowl of cereal. You make me happy, the delicious food is just a plus.”
He shook his head and beamed at her. “How did I get lucky enough to get a second chance with you?”
“We’re both lucky.” Grace leaned in to kiss him, but jumped back when Jake bustled through the apartment, a briefcase over his shoulder.
“See you guys.”
“Bye!” Ajay called, then stood up to shut the door behind him and swept Grace up into a bruising kiss, running his hands down her sides.
“I thought he’d never leave,” he whispered, making her giggle. He kissed her deeply, then pulled back.
“So, we’ve got about four hours until we have to be at strike. Did you want to go home, or do you want to stay here?”
“I’ll stay here. It’s closer to the theatre. And also that means I get to spend more time with my boyfriend, so it’s a win-win.”
“Great,” he smiled. “Anything in particular you want to do?”
“Do you have Netflix?”
“Then let’s watch a movie and cuddle.” Grace decided.
“Sounds great to me! Which movie?”
“Ooh, what about Hairspray?”
“You have good taste. I’ll get it cued up, you grab some blankets from my bed.”
A few hours later, Grace and Ajay watched the credits scroll across the scene. Ajay’s arm was still around her, her legs thrown across his lap.
“Every time I watch that movie I remember why it’s my favorite,” Grace sighed. Ajay laughed at her gently, then pulled his arm back. She took her legs off his lap, turning to face him.
“Okay, now we’ve got one hour before strike. And I actually thought of something I wanted to do,” he said, gently taking her hand.
Grace wiggled her eyebrows at him.
“No! I mean, yes, but I actually wanted to say something.”
“Alright, go for it,” Grace said, taking in his serious expression. “Everything okay?”
“Of course. I just need to say something, in the interest of complete honesty between us.”
“Spit it out,” Grace said, growing concerned. He didn’t make eye contact, instead staring at their linked hands.
“Okay. So,” he huffed, “I don’t know if I should qualify it by saying ‘again’ or ‘still’, but…” he trailed off, seemingly losing his nerve. She tightened her grip on his hand, trying to offer him support. But it was hard to support him when she had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth next. He took in a deep, shuddering breath and finally met her eyes.
“Grace, I love you.”
She let the words resonate around the small apartment, her grip on his hands slackening and her eyes widening. He looked like he wanted badly to take it back, but they both knew he couldn’t.
“I- Ajay,” Grace started, then stopped suddenly. It was as if her entire brain had switched off when he’d said those words. Her heart started beating faster, like it was making up for her head’s inactivity.
He squeezed her hand, looking a little sad but still smiling. She looked away, still trying desperately to figure out how she felt about it.
“You don’t have to say it back, I know it’s really soon and we’ve both been through a lot, but I had to say it. I don’t know if it’s because of the friendship we rebuilt over the course of the show, or if it’s because we rekindled something, but that’s how I feel. And I won’t say it anymore until you’re comfortable with it. But I needed to tell you.”
He kept rambling, but Grace didn’t register any of the words he said past that. Tears pricked in her eyes, and her brain was finally startled back into action. Between the tears and the pounding in her chest, Grace figured out exactly how she was feeling.
“I love you too,” she said suddenly, cutting him off. She finally looked back at him, lacing their fingers back together. “I love you too.”
She watched as the realization spread across his face, a hesitant smile forming there.
“You love me?” he asked, voice shaky.
“I love you,” she replied, and found it to be the truest, rawest feeling in her head. “It’s not too soon. Between our friendship, our previous relationship and all the emotions of last night, I… it’s not too soon. It’s the perfect time. I love you again, and I love you still.”
They sat and stared at each other for a moment, lost in a universe all their own. She watched as he went from near disbelief to shock to pure love, something that she’d seen in his eyes before but never quite this much. He pulled her to him and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, holding her tightly against him. When they separated, he pulled her into a hug, pressing his face into her shoulder.
“I love you,” he whispered to her, repeating it over and over. She leaned back to kiss his forehead and to cup his face.
“I love you too.”
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 years
Two Dearest Friends (Chapter 7)
Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, meets Sally, a ragdoll created by Dr. Finklestein. A friendship blossoms between them as he introduces her to the world outside of her tower. Sally is falling for him as their relationship grows into something more, and Jack finds the same is happening to him.
A story where the Christmas incident never happens, and Jack and Sally find their happiness on their own.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally
She finds the Graveyard's gates wide open, and, for a moment, this discourages her. What if there are people inside, since it is such a busy day? She doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of company here. This is where she thinks and goes to be alone - it wouldn't be the same if there are other people about. She turns around in defeat and starts to leave, until a voice halts her in her tracks.
Sally feels a thump in her chest. She turns around so fast she nearly falls over. She supports herself on a nearby wall and listens carefully. She wanders through the gates in an attempt to find the source of the wonderful noise. She sees a skeleton on top of the Spiral Hill - his arms outstretched and his gaze at the sky.
She is about to call his name until he starts to sing. His voice is so smooth, so wonderfully pitched, and surprisingly calm. It sends chills down her spine. She hasn't ever heard him like this before. She's too absorbed in the sounds to make out what he's saying, but her jaw goes agape when his tone increases. She stands in the middle of the trail and watches him in amazement. He doesn't seem to be aware of her presence. Instead, he turns to the ghost dog beside him. Zero has been watching him as well, though with a front seat compared to Sally.
"What do you think, boy?"
"You're right." Jack places a thoughtful finger to his jaw. "I think I might have held that last note a little too long."
He turns around in thought until he suddenly sees her. She'd been inching closer to the hill but stops once he turns around. He jumps in surprise before quickly patting his suit down and giving her a flustered smile. It almost seems like he's embarrassed. Adorable, she observes.
"Oh! I didn't see you there. I wasn't expecting..."
The skeleton clears his throat, making his way down the hill. He steps over the gate with ease to meet her at the bottom. She shyly looks away, playing with her hair. Zero looks at them both with a smile before deciding to leave them alone, hovering back to his grave quietly.
"I really should have told you I was here." Her cheeks are hot. "I hope I didn't scare you."
He laughs. "You caught me by surprise, is all."
She smiles before peeking around his figure. Most of the pumpkins that were once below the Spiral Hill are now gone. She assumes they're the ones in the Town now that everyone's carving. The graveyard looks a little empty without them. He waves his hand in front of her to get her attention again.
"Did you need something? I'm sorry if you checked my home. I've been here all day."
"I often come here to get my mind off things. To settle my thoughts."
She looks around the graveyard, noticing how quiet it is without his voice. From here, you can't even hear the commotion at the town. She turns back to the skeleton with a confident smile. "-I came here to get my mind off of some things as well..."
"I don't want to intrude. If you want me to leave, I can-"
She waves her hands in front of her, frantic at the suggestion he'd leave. That's the opposite of what she wants! "No, no, you can stay here! I didn't meant to disturb you - I was just going to sit on the Spiral Hill."
"Well, then. Mind if I join you?"
She nods, more than delighted at the idea. She climbs the hill and cautiously steps over the gate. She doesn't want to catch a seam, nor does she want the humiliation that would come after. She lets out a pleased noise when she avoids it and sits down on her knees, gazing at the empty patch below. She hears his footsteps come to her side before he sits down beside her, with a generous gap between them.
Her last encounter with him was similar, but now there's a nagging feeling in her chest. She doesn't want to waste time thinking of what it is, so instead she gazes around. Every so often her eyes will land on Jack and she feels that burning sensation again. When he catches her stare, she turns her head to hide the blush growing on her cheeks.
What should she say? There isn't any tension, yet she feels so nervous. But her curiosity is overwhelming. She's read a lot about Halloween since she last saw him, but she still has so many questions. He can probably answer them a lot better. It would make a pleasant conversation, she thinks. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, preparing herself to...talk to him.
"Hal-Halloween sure is big her-here, huh?"
Jack recalls hearing her stutter before, but it still catches him by surprise. He watches as she slaps a hand over her mouth and a smile grows on his lips. She can't think that's embarrassing, can she? She's just a little nervous, is all. And he's more than understanding with that. It sounds very...natural to her voice. Not that he doesn't like her confidence, but it was complimenting, in a way.
Collecting his thoughts, he answers, "Yes. It's practically our existence."
She picks at a strand of her hair and twirls it with her finger. After a moment or two, she asks, "....Just what makes it so special?"
He can't stop the curious and intrigued expression climbing on his skull. Many thoughts swirl in his mind. He understands it isn't fair to overwhelm her with all of the answers at once, so he decides to only reveal a glimpse of Halloween like he did last time. "-I can't speak for everyone - I'm sure many of the monsters here all have their own reasons - but personally...I think Halloween is just so fun. Scaring other people gives you such a thrill. A big part of it is scaring, so it's a big opportunity of thrills and chills for everyone."
"Is that why everyone enjoys it? Because it's fun?
"Well, yes. It's the best time of the year. We always look forward to it when it comes around; that's why we have a big clock counting down the days."
There is far more to it than that, and he knows it well. But he is too busy watching her absorb the information. Her black eyes are full of interest. He recognizes the look all too well. One that belongs to the few hopeless dreamers in this world. He is one himself. In fact, he would say he spends most of his time thinking more than he does doing. And he sees that part in Sally as well - hidden somewhere beneath her demure impression.
She clasps her hands down to her lap and looks away. "I'm sorry if these questions are bothersome. I've been reading some more Halloween books, is all..."
He perks up at this information. He couldn't find anyone else with their noses in any books! Most of the monsters here either can't read or just didn't have the interest to. Halloween books nearly went extinct because everyone here knows enough about it. It makes sense that Finklestein would keep them after all these years.
He grins. "Did you like them?"
She studies her lap before nodding. "Yes. Yes, I believe I did."
He's elated. He's finally found a fellow bookworm. How lucky is he? "What other books do you read? If you don't mind me asking, that is..."
He finds her biting her bottom lip. She keeps quiet as if the answer is going to be embarrassing, which he highly doubts. She pushes her hair back shyly. "Usually romances...A-and sometimes I read fairy tales..."
He didn't expectbthat answer, but he thinks it suits her. From what Jack has gotten to know about the girl, that is. Sally is quite the shy and introverted person. Usually citizens wikl blurt out anything to him, but she keeps a lot to herself. A detail he hasn't let go unnoticed.
"Do you have a favorite book?"
She blinks. "A favorite? I'm afraid that'd be a hard choice. I've read so many."
He chuckles, recalling the hundreds of book he's read. His library back at home takes up nearly half a room. He's positive he's hoarding the rest of the books at this point. He has a hard time picking a favorite as well. But he doesn't need to say it, as he hears Sally move from beside him and look at the empty pumpkin patch. The Pumpkin King works through the calendar in his head. Behemoth must've come to the Graveyard and gathered the pumpkins for carving just a few nights ago. They all must be in town now, cutting bats of all shapes and sizes.
Her voice goes unusually quiet. "I really enjoy your singing..."
"Thank you. It's just a hobby of mine."
She plays with her hair again. He notices she does it often, unconsciously. "I've been trying to teach myself how to do it for the longest time..."
"You sing?" He doesn't attempt to hide the surprise in his voice. He can imagine her own in a song. Her voice is very gentle, but has a kind tone. He picked up on it the moment she told him her name. She waves her hand modestly.
"I'm not that good. The Doctor told me my voice wasn't for singing, so I stopped practicing."
He would roll his eyes if he had any. "He doesn't know what he's saying, sometimes. I'm sure you're very good."
She appreciates his advice. He can tell by her flattered smile. He unfolds his legs as they sit there in silence. For how long, he doesn't know. Eventually, he asks, "Can you sing for me?"
She turns to him in surprise. "-Sing? I....Well, after hearing you, I don't I'm anywhere near obliged to-"
He gives her a smile. "Everyone in Halloween Town sings, Sally. Not even the ones who consider themselves gifted. I'm sure I'll enjoy hearing you sing."
"I-I think I need more practice before I start singing in front of the King..."
He holds back a sigh. "I want to listen as a friend, not a King. I'm sure you're more talented than you think you are."
"Well, there is this one song I've...sort of come up with."
He waits in anticipation as she prepares herself, watching as she closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths. Then, to his wonderful, wonderful, surprise - she starts to sing.
 "Every night I sit alone Gazing out my window I see something more wonderful Than the stars And every night I think About what's inside
He is at a loss for words. Really. Every note she sings is beautiful. It sounds so thoughtful, and as he takes a listen to what's she's singing, he finds himself wondering just what it is that could be more wonderful than the stars. When she stops, he can't help but look at her in surprise. She's confident until she sees his face, then blushes and looks away.
"I told you I was nothing special..."
"I have to disagree. That was...wonderful."
"You think so?"
"Of course I do. The Doctor might not have told you, but I think you have a very engaging voice." He hesitates before adding, "It's beautiful."
Her mouth goes agape as she looks at him, and he wonders why she seems so surprised at the compliment. But all he does is smile back and nods his skull, showing how confident he is in her. She shuts her mouth to look away bashfully, and for some reason, he finds this adorable.
They sit together for awhile more, not much exchanged after. But it gives him plenty of time to think. To realize that it is so difficult being with anyone else. People who swoon over him. He's aware Sally used to do those things, but that bothered him. He remembers feeling something when he met her. Something that told him he wants this to be different. To make a real friend who didn't worship the ground he walked on for once.
"You know," He brings up. "Besides being a wonderful singer, I think you'd make a great seamstress, too."
It is a little out of the blue, but he genuinely believes so. If she isn't used to getting complimented, he may as well change that now. He's finding a lot to appreciate about her. And judging by the way she places her hand on her chest in surprise, she thinks otherwise.
"Me? Oh, no. I wouldn't. I only make clothes out of scraps."
"But I think you would." He reaffirms, scooting closer in her direction. "I wouldn't know where to BEGIN with making clothes. It's a skill that I, personally, do respect. And in case the Doctor doesn't appreciate it, I do."
She is starting at his eye sockets now. He can't quite read her expression from this angle. That is, until the smile on her lips widens. He widens his, too. Something about it is really contagious.
"I guess the witches are right about you, Jack." She tugs at her hair again. "You really are a horrifying man."
His smile nearly falls when she mentions the witches, but returns as she finishes her sentence. No offense to them at all...they are very nice ladies, but the compliments drag on to an end, sometimes. He decides to return the favor to her.
"Thank you, Sally. I think you're wonderful, too."
Her eyes widen. "Y-You think so?"
He nods, finding her shyness a little charming. "Yes, I'm sure of it. Like I said, it's not very often I get to meet someone like you."
He means every word. He notices how red her cheeks are now. He didn't know ragdolls can blush. The witches blushed, too, but their faces are far too deformed to make it appealing. On her, though, a blush is....nice. She doesn't bother trying to hide her smile anymore, which oddly brings out her eyes more.
"How come...how come you're so nice to me?"
"Come again?" He asks, believing he's misheard.
"The Doctor isn't so kind," She explains. "He's never said any of these things to me...but you're the only one who has." She looks up at him slowly. "Why?"
"Why am I treating you so well?" He repeats, still amazed that this is even a question. "Well, it's...I'm treating you like anyone should. You deserve to be complimented because you're very talented. And as your friend, I think I should remind you of that."
She tears up a little, worrying him until she wipes it away. "Th-thank you..."
"I shouldn't have to be thanked." He looks at her in concern. "But you're welcome."
"The Doctor isn't anything like you," She continues. "I had to sneak out today because he wants to keep me inside. I went to the witches and it was very nice until one of them mentioned you and things got a little...well..."
"-Out of hand?" He finishes. She gives him a weary smile. He can't help but laugh. Poor Sally. They probably went on for hours about him again. He can't imagine what that must've been like for her. "--Yes, they're a little, erm, garrulous at times, but they're very nice gals. I'm sure you can befriend them if you tried hard enough."
The words escape her mouth before she can stop them. "I think I prefer you, truthfully."
He pauses, taken completely off guard. She does this a lot, doesn't she? No one catches him by surprise as much as she does. Regardless, the smile spreads back on his face and he decides to place a large, bony hand on her shoulder. "-I think I could say the same about you."
A warm feeling prickes his bones for a moment. He tries his best to ignore it as he looks around. The moon is out now shining in beside them, illuminating the whole graveyard in whites and yellows. Time always tended to slip from his hands.
"I've never noticed how beautiful it gets here." She breathes, gazing at the sky.
Jack looks at it himself. The graveyard's beauty is just one of the many reasons he goes here often. It is always empty and silent and the hill has the most convenient spot he can sit down in and see the town. Not to mention that the pumpkin patch is one of the many things he's in charge of, and he always uses that as an excuse to come here. It relaxes him knowing that someone else thinks the same. He is beginning to realize that he and Sally have more in common than he assumed. The ragdoll stands to flatten her dress down.
"I don't know how to thank you for your company." She sways a bit on her heels. "And for everything. I'm afraid I have to go, now. The Doctor-"
"-Doesn't know you're here?" He finishes. She nods and slightly frowns. He takes this as a message to stand back up and shove his hands inside his pockets.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" He offers. "I think there's a burned lantern near your Tower and I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you trip."
"It's fine." She insists. "I think I've had plenty of fresh air."
The skeleton nods his skull regretfully, watching as she climbs down the hill. She turns to give him a wave before leaving through the gate. He is left to stand and stare in her direction. He doesn't notice Zero emerge from his grave and join his side. When he sees him, he finds a smug smile on the ghost's muzzle.
"I noticed someone left as soon as she came," Jack teases him.  
Zero only widens his smile. The skeleton climbs down and goes on the implanted trail circling the graveyard. He turns back behind him and pats his leg, giving the dog full permission to start following him back to the gate. He closes it behind him while Zero flies right through the bars. He stays as close to his master as possible, occasionally sniffing the floor and nabbing a few sticks. Jack goes down his usual route back home, but pauses at one particular turn. When he goes right, Zero looks up at him inquisitively and follows behind with no protest.
The rest of the trip goes smoothly until Jack stops in his tracks. Zero finds he is gazing up at Finklestein's Tower thoughtfully. Then he picks up his pace and resumes the trail, not noticing his dog's tail wagging the whole way.
Her trip back to the Tower is full of weary. She doesn't want to think of what will happen once she's back. The ragdoll did, after all, leave in the heat of the moment. She is sure that the Doctor realized she slipped out and will give her a good scolding. But she is becoming less fearful of her punishments now, as if it feels more like a schedule than anything.
What is the worst he can do, anyway? She thinks to herself. My limbs are detachable...he can't hurt me.
She slips through the gates and slowly climbs the stairs. She opens the heavy-weighted door and closes it behind her as quietly as possible. When she hears silence ensue, she sighs in relief. Maybe she got lucky and the Doctor is fast asleep in his-
"Did I do something wrong?"
She jumps at the sound of a low yet eerie voice from the darkness. She turns around slowly and finds him in the middle of the room. In his gloved hand is an oil lamp, which had been dimly lit so she could barely see the exhausted yet empty look worn on his face. She has been so used to the scowls and anger in his features that seeing him look so empty caught her by surprise.
Her talk with Jack lasted longer than she thought it would. All of the lights in the Tower are turned off, save for the fire inside the lantern Finklestein is holding. Sally can barely make out the outline of the walls from the moon. She entwines her fingers behind her back and does her best to fake a smile.
"What are you talking about?"
"I know you've been sneaking out." He responds, maintaining a calm tone. "I found the Deadly Nightshade."
She gulps. He comes forward and stops when he's right in front of her. He gently sets down the lamp and stares at the floor nonchalantly. He raises his large head and asks, "Was it something I've done? Something I've said?"
Sally opens her mouth. To tell him about the cruel words, the overworking....yet she falls silent. He seems empathetic now, but she knows better. In the morning he'll probably go back to his usual cruel self again. She closes it and looks away, saying nothing.
"So you've been sneaking out just because you could?" He accuses. "Should I keep the front door locked, then? Maybe lock yours so you'd stop slipping out when I'm working?"
"I felt cramped." She admits. "It was...hot...and stuffy. The outside just seemed much cooler."
Finklestein sighs. "I shouldn't have ignored your behavior. Your brain is developing far too quickly. You AREN'T supposed to be restless like this."
She's reminded of the uncomfortable, cold feeling she felt when he checked her leaves....The never-ending, yearning feeling in her stomach urging her to go outside. The unforgivable, cruel labor and the strict rules. Those must have been what made her restless, wasn't it?
"I don't like it. It makes me feel unsettled."
"It's just a phase, my dear." Finklestein picks the lantern off from the ground. "You'll be over it soon."
She isn't sure if she'd like that. She likes feeling this way. It encourages her to sneak out and see Jack, which has yet to disappoint her. She bows her head in return, listening as he hums. He lowers the lantern to hold it back to the ramps.
"Come back to your room, Sally." He instructs. "I'll lead you there. No more slipping Deadly Nightshade into my dinners from now on, you hear?"
She follows his trail of light, purposely not acknowledging his question. They eventually reach her room, were she comes in and listens as the door closes. She climbs into her bed and rests on the pillow, letting her thoughts consume her for the night.
When she wakes up, she finds no cleaning utensils waiting for her outside. There's no upset Finklestein nor any sight of Igor coming up and telling her to come downstairs. She wants to consult him about this, but has second thoughts. If she bugs him about work, then he might actually assign her something and she'd only make matters worse.
As she reads some books and works on a few dresses, a hunchbacked assistant comes running in. She sighs in relief to see Igor. He has an eager smile on his face, only meaning that something great must've happened.
"Thank goodness you're here, Igor. Has the Doctor assigned anything for me today?"
"Master...made Sally lunch! Master want you to try." He spits out.
He doesn't wait for her answer before grabbing her hand and dragging her outside. He guides her to the kitchen and only lets go when she's standing in front of the table. The sight makes her eyes go wide and her mouth to form a large 'O'.
The kitchen smells of fire. There are plates of indescribable food on the table, most of which are black. There is a distinct scent that makes her scrunch up her nose. She finds something in a cup is smoking and a mess of tea on the end of the table. She steps back and barely sees the mess on the floor in the kitchen, as well as the trail of smoke coming from inside.
She leans over to Igor and asks, "The Doctor....made all this?"
"Mhm!" Igor nodded. "Master want you to take...head of table. Igor sit out."
With that, the small man pulls out a chair for her and patiently waits. She has no choice but to sit down and let him push her in. His movements are so rough that she nearly falls out. She grips the edge of the table and listens as Igor walk off into who-knows-where. A moment after, Finklestein emerges from the kitchen, wiping some sweat off his forehead.
"There you are, Sally." He sounds unusually happy. "What do you think of the eye biscuits and jelly brains?"
She looked back to her plate, trying to find any resemblance to the food he mentioned. All she sees is a pile of black, gooey...well, something. But telling him the truth will only upset him, so she fakes a smile.
"It looks great, Doctor." She lies. "You made all this yourself?"
"I slaved over that stove, if that's what you mean." He wheels himself over to the opposite end of the table. "Sometimes, I don't know how you manage it."
She attempts to take everything in. Why in Halloween's name would he make her anything? Isn't that what she is created for? She feels a little guilty. She should've made his usual soup before he put himself through so much trouble. If she did, it would've prevented...this from ever happening.
"I'm sorry for not cooking earlier." She bows her head in shame. To her surprise, he waves it off.
"I didn't want you to make anything just yet. I hope you enjoyed this morning to yourself? I thought you'd appreciate some time away from your studies."
She's lost for certain now. Nervously, she replies, "Um....yes, I did. Thank you, Doctor."
"Try some!"
He motions over to the plate in front of her, which makes a noise in return. She jumps and looks back to the Doctor, who continues to point to her plate. She takes  her fork and slowly picks off a chunk of the..."jelly brains", she assumes. She hesitates before trying a bite and becomes immobilized when she does.
"Well?" Finklestein asked. She slowly chews the rest and forces herself to swallow. It tastes like dirt and wood and she wants to spit it out. But she plays it safe and manages a weak smile.
"It's great, Doctor." She slightly edges her plate away. "But I don't think I deserve such a...meal. After what I did last night-"
"Water under the bridge, my dear. Water under the bridge." He takes a bite himself and freezes, but resumes eating anyway. "-You deserve a break, don't you?"
"A break?"
"Yes. I've decided to let you do anything you want today. No studying and no cleaning or cooking. I'll have Igor take care of that. The only thing you are not to do is leave this Tower."
He finishes the rest of his brunch with no issues. He probably can't taste it that well. She peeks inside her cup and finds something round inside. She also pushes that aside and decides to watch him clean up. He leaves to bring his plate back into the kitchen. While he's gone, she dumps the rest of her portion in a nearby container and watches as it disappears. That must've been acid. She leaves for the kitchen and dumps the plate into the sink, leaving quietly.
As she climbs the ramps, she can only wonder what could've possessed the Doctor to act this way.
What's  really abnormal is the same thing happens the day after. No cooking, no cleaning, and she is left to do whatever she wants except leave. She spends her time monitoring Igor and watching him cook and clean for himself. His twitching problem causes some issues, and the assistant ends up breaking a few pieces of china. Finklestein was upset but still doesn't assign her back to her chores. He  insists she is to "have her break" and that he can finally put Igor to work past the Laboratory.
The third day is when she finally breaks. She's struck with boredom and has nothing to do. She busies herself working on new dresses and thinks about Jack again. Then she wonders what his reaction will be if he ever sees any of her new dresses. He said she'd make a great seamstress, so she imagines he'd like them very much, and can only daydream what that exchange would be like.  
She's sitting by her window now, watching the citizens do what they usually do. She's attempted to find Jack in the crowds already this morning but finds he isn't there today. Then she wonders where he can be. In the graveyard? In his house?
She finds the band near the tower as usual. One of them is looking at her. They wave to her and she waves back. Then she sees the figure point to the town and she realizes what they're doing and shakes her head. But then she gets curious. She peeks out of her room to see if anyone is nearby. When the coast is clear, she darts down the ramps and leaves through the front door again. She doesn't bother closing the door as she rushes down the steps and to the band.
"Well, well, well. If it ain't Dolly," James comments as she walks over. "Thought ya' weren't comin' down here?"
"I changed my mind."
"Looked to me like you were really itchy to leave." John comments. "Finklestein at it again?"
"No. He's been letting me do what I want, but it's been cramped there more than usual."
"He's suffocating her!" Jimmy laughs. "That's what happens when men get desperate, eh, James?"
They all continue to laugh. She waves a hand in front of them, snapping them out of it and getting their attention. She hides her hands behind her back and asks, "Did you need me for anything?"
"Oh, yea'." James nods. "I noticed that they were doin' crafts n' stuff in there. Ya' like sewin', right?"
She nods. He ushers her forward towards the gate using the end of his saxophone. "-Well, ya' better get goin'. I hear Bone Daddy's joinin' in a bit."
"Bone Daddy?" She repeats.
"'S a nickname we use for Jack. Now get goin', Dolly!"
He edges her further and she makes no fuss. She enters town without another thought. If Jack's going to be here later, then she should stick around. Maybe she'll be able to make something with the crafts they offer here...after all, this is for the citizens, and Jack said she was one, too.
She finds all kind of monsters here again, except this time there are more little ghouls and ghosts running around. The whole square is filled with childish laughter. She finds plenty of tables scattered around, ones with all sorts of fabric and others with wood blocks and jewels and materials...everything she sees makes her smile in relief.
This feels much more like home...not that Tower back in the Outskirts. Not with the strict rules or the forced kindness, but where she can actually feel free and do whatever she pleases. Where Jack is, not Finklestein.
At the end of the trail she is taking, she sees the gates that belong to the Skellington Manor. They are wide open, and she can see a shadow moving around through the windows just above. Her breath catches in her throat and she feels herself long again. To see the tall, handsome skeleton that lies just behind that grand door....
She closes her eyes and smiles, murmuring. "I can't wait..."
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Red Typhoon: Ch 4. Finding Gold for Body and Soul
The ship was a marvel on the waves, skyrocketing and breaking modern records. Magic was on the side of the crusaders. It took a bit for the crew to get adjusted to the ships speed, but they found that as long as they didn't reach outside of the deck over the water, they didn't feel the speed. Everyone had a chance to catch up on lost time.
"And then, when me wife was screaming profanities at me during labor, I made the mistake of a-telling her that it wasn't my fault, we both did the deed." Rat was telling the amusing story about Trygve's birth. "And then she punched me in the balls."
The entire crew was laughing at Rat's expense.
"You think dat's bad? Me wife threatened ta chop off me balls!" Juju snickered.
"Me wife kicked me out of bed for a month!" Mojo chuckled.
"Missy Orana chucked Corsaire overboard when Nakeso was being born." Bomba held his sides from laughing. "He said, 'Can you quit pacing, I'm trying to get some sleep!'. Wrong thing to say."
"Dad, oh my god, you're so embarrassing." Revy snickered next to him, giving him a light punch in the shoulder.
Liz sat contently next to Halvar, finding comfort in leaning against his frame. Scarlet gave a chuckle at all the men's stories. Her own pregnancy was hell to get through. She wanted to tear the doctor in half from her underhanded comments that all she had to do was 'push' and that is was 'easy'.
"I's learned my lesson."
"Me too."
"Women are scary creatures."
"I's not sure what scares me more. Me lady on her monthly or the kraken!"
"I still can't believe cap'n ever entertained the idea of kids." Bomba took a sip of his drink. "He doesn't even like kids!"
"I tolerated you, thank you very much, and I like kids fine, I don't like brats." Corsaire told him dryly. "You were a brat and a troublemaker."
"I's not that bad!"
"You almost capsized me ship playing with that black powder numerous times."
"Almost is the key word in that sentence."
"Not to mention, you's gotten us chased out of ports before due to your lovely pickpocket talent."
"Aw, thanks cap'n!"
"That's not a compliment!"
"Well, you were a family. So that has to count for something, knowing you could always pull each other out of trouble, through thick or-" Scarlet was happy for a moment, nostalgia hitting her, before sadness slapped the Gerudo back down to reality, and she stopped talking. "You have no regrets. Be happy with that."
"Heh, we's always tried to be there for each other. Didn't have no one else." Mojo told Scarlet. "Corsaire rescued me and me brother. I's albino and dat's bad luck where I's from."
"We's stowed away on his ship and he let us stay." Juju added onto his brother's words. "We's safe with him."
"T-T-Took us out of th-the circus." Pockets gestured to himself then Acrobat. "N-Never saw me... saw me as a f-freak."
"Helped me recover when me legs were both broke beyond repair." Acrobat patted his thighs. "Helped me learn to walk a little again."
"Took me away from the gladiator rings." Rat clasped his hands together. "Reunited me with Renegade after so long of thinking me old friend was dead."
"Saved me from the streets and... and Seer from the brothel." Bomba's voice fell a little. "... Seer loved to cook for us. Never once asked for anything but ingredients for the food. I miss his calm chowder."
"Fish tacos."
"Vegetable medley."
"Chili soup."
"Roasted flounder."
"Braised pork."
"... yeah... he always fixed us food. Knew what it was like to be hungry. Didn't want us to ever feel that way." Bomba sighed. "Despite what those horrid people did ta him, he still has a golden heart."
With that, a thick cloud of sadness swept through. Everyone missed Seer dearly. Halvar could have sworn he was feeling Liz heat up against him, when Lex decided to lighten the mood. "And he is the BEST at story telling! I love the tale how he'd say that Captain Corsaire was a legend of the sea for taking down two Krakens, and it would be a riot if Uncle had to go up against a third. Think we can fight a big squidy Uncle?"
"Heh, Seer was there when we encounter the krakens. He was scared out of his wits too, kept telling me that they were very, very angry." Corsaire smiled a little at the mention of the old tale. "Makes sense now that he could sort of understand them, him being a Direnor and all."
"We all made it a-out unscathed, thanks to him and Missy Orana." Rat pulled Revy a little closer, holding her closer. "Us, krakens, and the ship."
"Liz would tell me the stories that Seer told her when he was on the ship with Corsaire." Halvar finally spoke, resting his head on top of Liz's. "I really enjoyed the one where Rat basically threw Corsaire onto the balcony so he could speak to Orana again."
"Uncle Corsaire isn't really good with the ladies." Liz gave a chuckle. She was grateful to how quick Lex was to cool her off.
"Hey I was just fine with the ladies." Corsaire crossed his arms. "Then Orana just... happened to catch me."
"More like you chased her."
"I did not!"
"Did too, lovesick dog."
"Remember when he was depressed after she went home to Hyrule?"
"Sulked for days in his cabin."
"I did not sulk!"
"You sound like a sulker Uncle Corsaire." Lex giggled.  
"Look! He's doing it right now Dad!" Revy pointed, laughing at her Uncle's embarrassment.
"Ah, shut it yous." Corsaire huffed. "All of yous need to get some rest anyway."
"Agreed. According to the charts, we should arrive at our destination by tomorrow afternoon." Bakura spoke up, having kept his eye on the ship while the group had their fun. He felt like more of an outcast than Scarlet. This was, in some ways, all his fault that Adda did what she did.
"You need to eat before you sleep," Corsaire told Bakura as he stood from his barrel seat. "You didn't even touch dinner. Rat's cooking isn't that bad. Need your strength, so eat then go rest."
"Cap'n's orders, Bakie." Rat gave Revy a gentle shake. "Hey now, me love, don't doze off on me just yet. Let's get you to bed."
"Huh? I'm not sleepy."
"Oh yes you are. Listen to your father young lady."
"What-*yawn*-ever mom." Revy was indeed sleepy.
Bakura continued looking at the stars. "I'll eat in a minute or two. You all have a good nights sleep."
"Taking first watch? Very well." Corsaire stretched lightly and then said. "Come get me for second watch. Men, off to bed."
"Aye, aye, cap'n."
"That means you two, girls." Rat told Liz and Lex. "Halvar, you's sleeping with the men."
"Whu? I mean, of course I am!" The prince blushed.
Scarlet gave a light frown. "Rat. Liz has a Voe, I think they have the right to stay in the same bed."
Liz looked over her shoulder to Halvar, a curiosity forming. How long had they been a relationship for now? Cuddles in the day on a couch were one thing, but what of cuddling at night? More soft spoken than she meant to, she turned to the Prince "Halvar.... would you like to share a bed. With me?"
"No hankie pankie on me ship!" Corsaire yelled from beneath, earning a few snickers from the men, knowing the captain was a protective uncle as well.
"There's a difference between sharing a bed for sleep and sharing a bed for... that." Rat was still a little off put by the sex conversation with the twins and his own daughter. It was always a touchy subject for him, especially with him having to work in the pleasure houses as well when his old master made him for extra cash. "Besides, Liz doesn't need to go and get pregnant right before a battle. Tis dangerous."
"We are NOT going to have sex!" Liz shouted at the men, appalled that was the first place they'd jump to. Lex snickered, giving her sister a tap. "Why not? Heard a rumour that being a virgin is never a good thing going into battle. Trust me, you'll both love it~"
Revy quickly pulled Lex away before Liz lost it. "I will THROW you over the ship so help me god Lex!"  Her max embarrassment couldn't be reached any higher. Liz turned to Halvar, sighing. "I'll just go to bed if you aren't comfortable."
"Pin me down and lick my dick!" Bomba's voice rang out from beneath the deck. "Fuck me like a big, bad bitch! We won't stop til you say when! Next time won't you bring a friend~~~~!"
"BOMBA SHUT UP!!!" The entire crew yelled at him.
"All you's don't appreciate my singing talents."
"More like wailing talents."
Halvar's face was bright red by this time, but he finally found a way to speak.
"I um... I'll do what you want, Liz. You're my lady, and I want you comfortable."
"That's not what I asked..." Liz sighed. If Halvar didn't tell her that HE was comfortable first and foremost, than she wouldn't force him. "I don't want to demand anything of anyone. I'm not my mother..."
Liz walked to below deck. Glaring at her Uncle with a deep growl, Bomba received a hard punch in the stomach for embarrassing her, and she slammed the door to her bed.
Lex patted Halvar on the back. "Pussy move dude. You didn't answer her question if you yourself wanted to join her."
"It's customary for the females to initiate... that part of the courtship." Halvar told Lex with a frown. "I'll go talk to her."
"I don't know if she's in the mood for talking right now. Maybe in the morning?"
"I... I guess..." Halvar said good night to everyone else and stopped at the cabin where Liz was staying. With a sigh, he told Liz through the door. "I'm... I'm sorry if I upset you. I think it's just hard for me to get the normal Uskarian customs out of my head, even though I know you're not required to follow those. Please don't doubt my love for you, ever. You're amazing and so sweet and... I feel lucky that you look at me the way you do. Sweet dreams, Elizabeth."
Liz heard his words and felt them sting. She hated herself now for not being more forward with Halvar, and in her self-pity, bit into her pillow so no one could hear her cry.
Scarlet was making her way to bed when she saw Bomba recovering from his gut punch. "She hit you really good."
"Aye, tis nothing I can't handle." Bomba shrugged and held up his hands, missing a couple of fingers. "Dis here hurt a lot worse. I was being stupid with the black powder and it came back to bite me good."
"Well you were being more stupid here. Do none of you have daughters? You didn't think your words and laughter didn't have an effect on her?"
"I's has no kids." Bomba shook his head. "Cap'n, Rat, Mojo, Juju, and Seer has kids. Acrobat and his man thinking 'bout adopting. Pockets doesn't want any kids; too scared of them being born like him with four arms. Doesn't want the kids to feel like he used to; like a freak."
"Well you all guaking about what she does in bed was insulting." Scarlet gave him a jab, and her voice was loud enough for any of the other men to hear. "At least Bakura was wise enough to know when to keep his peace. I bet even Seer wouldn't judge."
"Hey, she's our little girl and we want her to be treated right, dat's all." Bomba jabbed Scarlet back. "We know Halvar is a good laddie, yet we don't want Liz put in a bind either. Wind up pregnant when we's going to war with Adda is not a good thing. Dat, or worse, Halvar gets her pregnant and something happens to 'em. We's seen it before and don't wish it on her."
"She's not stupid enough to get pregnant. You insulted her core. She wanted to have a moment with her Voe, and all you idiots ruined it for her. She's strong, but she's also still a girl." Scarlet jabbed him back, harder this time.
"I'm not saying she's stupid, I'm saying it could happen!" Bomba poked her harder than before. "You's and Adda were pregnant during fighting and something coulda happened then! We's would have never had these sweetlings with us if something woulda happened to ya!" The first mate was not backing down from this argument. "If she wants a moment with her man, then dat's something they's both gotta agree on. Dey's from different cultures, and Halvar's trying to respect her and everyone else in her family too." He huffed and crossed his arms. "Liz wasn't raised Gerudo, she was raised as a Uskarian. If you's gots a problem with dat, take it up with Seer. He did right by those girls."
"I DID MY FUCKING BEST FOR MY DAUGHTER!" Scarlet picked Bomba up, pinning him to the wall. "I made sure to keep her away from the fighting! Even though it broke my heart and Rat's! And for all the shit my sister in arms has done, the smartest thing she ever did was give Seer those twins! So if I got a problem its with anyone, it’s you asshole!" She dropped Bomba and turned, the stress of the mission having boiled over now. "Fuck... I... I'm sorry. God damn it..."
Bomba yelped when Scarlet pinned him against the wall with a loud bang. She had a good foot in height on him, and was certainly the stronger of the two. However, Bomba was one to never give up, and always found a way to get the upper hand in the end... in most fights. When Scarlet dropped him, he fell onto his ass with a thud and rubbed his throat.
"Hmph." Bomba frowned at Scarlet. "You's ever stop to think dat maybe you doing something 'good' for someone else is 'bad' for you?"
Scarlet, turned to him, and Bomba knew he made a mistake. "What. Else. Was I. Suppose to DO?! HUH Bomba?! I loved my Captain! She was MY LIFE! She saved me, she was my closest friend! I trusted her word as the only word I needed to trust." Scarlet towered over him, picking him up and holding him tightly by the shoulders. She didn't even care that others could be listening, which they certainly were. "Tell me, would you ever have question Corsaire's word? His trust? Because when I was at my lowest, most worried for the new baby I had, I listened to Adda's. Would YOU have done differently than me?"
"Cap'n Corsaire saved us, and he's our brother... but he doesn't expect us to live our lives for him." Bomba told Scarlet, honest as could be. "Your cap'n might have saved you, but dat doesn't mean you have to live your life for her. You's your own person, lassie." He told her, honestly. "Me cap'n would never tell me to abandon me kid. He doesn't put himself first. He puts his... his family first. His friends first. Dere's a difference 'tween Corsaire and Adda." He was not sugar coating his words.
"Adda does put her family first. She gave us homes. She allowed us to choose our occupations once we become of age. She gave me the choice to leave her... us Gerudo are her only family she has. She did what she thought was best for us." Scarlet put her hands to her face and held her breath, slowly exhaling. "And that's why I'm terrified. You're all going to kill her. She won't stop. She won't. And you'll have to kill her."
"You call dumping her kids off and making you choose 'tween your baby and her a 'sister'?" Bomba actually laughed dryly at that statement. "If dat's the kind of definition of family for Gerudos, then I's really glad the girls weren't raised there. Family don't hurt family. Don't make 'em choose 'tween kids or her." The first mate then told Scarlet. "Look, lassie. I can argue with ya til me blue in the face, but what your cap'n did was wrong. End of story." He shook his head. "We's don't want to kill her if she'll just give us Seer. She don't, then it's gonna be a fight. Cap'n never let us down before; he's never lost." He sighed and then said to Scarlet. "We's used to be pirates, but we's never hurt innocents like she did, never took for our own gain. We's stole from those who stole from the others. Cap'n never liked fighting, but he's damn good it if he has to."
"You ever hear about the battle of Fan-Shen Bay?"
"I's heard of a lot of battles, lassie."
"This one was personal. When the great war happened, there was a giant power grab for riches and power. We didn't start the war. It was slowly building up, and I think you and your crew were lucky enough to miss it. Captain Adda saw an opportunity with the Wind Waker. We had the power to put a stop to heavy hitters like Onslaught and keep him grounded. But more importantly, we, a tribe of Gerudo women, had the potential to come out on top. To bring order. As we got into the war, it quickly dawned on us that our night with your crew left us pregnant. My crew, my sisters in our tribe were terrified for us. We couldn't pull out of the war. And Adda, couldn't leave the twins with Bakura. He still had that monster Set in his mind at the time. And... and we couldn't get back to our island sanctuary. It was under siege at the time." Scarlet knew it sounded like she was making excuses to him, but this was the first time she found the will to fully explain herself. "Should I have stayed with Rat? Maybe... but I had to help my sisters. I had to make sure that they lived first. So we took the girls to Rat and Seer, and I returned to the war. The Battle of Fan-Shen Bay occurred a week after I returned to my captain. In that battle our ship was torn apart by cannon fire and we crashed into the bay. Now I want you to imagine what would happen if we had little babies with us. They would have died. I saw girls that couldn't swim drown that day, or torn apart by cannon fire. And I am grateful I returned. Adda was knocked unconscious. My sisters were panicked as we were pinned down by enemy fire. So I took command. I used ever bit of magic and skill I had to protect my sisters as we rounded our forces for a retreat. If I had stayed with Rat, I'm certain my whole tribe would have been wiped out that day. So the choices I make haunt me either way. Abandoning my daughter for 13 years, or knowing if I abandoned my crew they'd all be dead. Tell me how to heal my soul from that?"
Revy was in horror from hearing that story, having listened through the crack of her door. Why did fate have to always leave people with horrible choices. Scarlet felt like crying. "I'm... I'm tired defending myself. Adda might be rotten to the core, like everyone keeps saying, but she loved us.... and I loved her too. Please understand that."
"Me thinks either way, you's just tormenting ye self." Bomba was no guru on giving advice, he said whatever popped into his head. Yet, sometimes, his blunt statements made perfect sense. "You's were stuck either way. Yet... dere's one thing me doesn't understand." He finally asked the question everyone had been thinking. "We's coulda helped hide ye. All of ye. Why didn't you just... ask for help?"
"Didn't want to drag our enemies to Hyrule. Maybe we wanted to be more than just another tribe. Or maybe we were just stupid." Scarlet's lip quivered. "I feel stupid... Like a waste of breath."
"Maybe a little bit of both." Bomba was not very good at comforting females, so he took her hand and gently patted it. "Tis okay to feel stupid. Look at me. I's the silly one of the crew, and me mouth gets me into bad situations. Me crew calls me stupid sometimes, but dey still love me. No one tis perfect. We's all human and make mistakes." He shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes, the best thing to do is... move forward and try to put the past behind ye." The first mate gave her a small grin. "Can't make the same mistakes again if ye don't wanna."
"Thank you Bomba." Scarlet squeezed tight, and looked into his eyes, feeling the warmth of his comfort.
"Me thinks you need to do more thinking, lassie." Bomba was truthful with Scarlet. "Thinking of what ye really want. Tis ain't 'bout Adda no more, 'bout you."
"You're right... Are you the wise one out of your brothers?"
"HAHAHA!" Bomba started laughing at that question. "Aw shit, no. Seer was the wise one. Me's just the kid... well, me used to be a kid then, sneaking into his kitchen to steal a bite of food."
"Well, you show qualities of a man now." Before Bomba could make a remake, Scarlet lifted him up off the ground, and planted a deep kiss on him.
"HMPH?!?!" Bomba was not expecting a kiss, that was for sure.
Scarlet's lips were fine, and she held the kiss for more than he thought she would. Pulling away, she had a light, floaty smile. "Thank you for talking with me. I needed that."
"Uh-huh..." Bomba was a little out of breath from the kiss and partly dazed. "No... no problem, lassie. Good talk'in, and... very, very good kiss'in."
"I'm going to check on the girls. I'll see you in the morning?" Scarlet set the dazed man down back to his feet.
"Hm-hm, morning's good." Bomba tried to snap out of his stupor just for a moment. "Wishing you sweet dreams, lassie."
"Sweet dreams Bomba." Scarlet gave him a hug into her breasts, than turned with a wave goodbye and settled for the night.
"Heheheh... boobies." Bomba snickered as Scarlet exited his cabin to check on the girls.
The morning came, and the crew prepared. A week out of sea and they had arrived at their first destination. They quickly dropped one of the sails to cut the speed as to not draw mass attention. The island ahead had a jungle interior, with a bustling port of other pirates coming and going. Liz was hazy, regretting crying herself to sleep the night before. She barely looked Halvar in the eye, embarrassed by her actions. Everyone was getting equipped properly. Liz was wearing a modest outfit, with a trench coat to give her an air of authority. Revy wore a simple shirt and pants with light armour underneath, and Scarlet was suiting up in her Iron Knuckle suit.
Bakura looked over the sea, turning to Corsaire. "You ever been to this island before?"
"Aye, many years ago." Corsaire made sure to guide his ship into port slowly and carefully. "Rescued Mojo and Juju here. Can't say they're happy to be back."
"We's gonna be fine, cap'n." Mojo assured Corsaire. "We's grown now, not wee lads. We can take care of ourselves."
"We'll stick together, and we's be okay." Juju agreed with his brother. "We's help looking after the girls too."
"Bakie, you's going to be okay a-doing this?" Rat asked Bakura, hating to inquire, but he had to do so. "I don't want your... other half... going too crazy if we's gotta fight."
"We... we've come to an understanding. I believe that horse kick really did a number on him. But I can keep control." Bakura patted Rat's shoulders. His attention than turned to Lex. She was walking out in a very seductive fashion. Proper, yet very alluring. "Sweet heart, what are you wearing?"
"Uh, what are YOU wearing? Baggy pants? And Ms. Scarlet, don't you think you should wear normal clothing? You can magic up your armour at any time right? You need to scream less, "I'm a big bad warrior, rrrrr." You know what I mean?"
"Lex, we's here to find out information, not for ye to find a husband." Acrobat told his niece. "You look like you's trying to bait and hook a man."
"Lex, let Scarlet wear her armor if she's a-wants." Rat then turned to Revy. "Me love, you stay close to me, you hear? I's not underestimating your fighting ability, but I promised your Mama I'd keep you a-safe."
"Aye, all the ladies stay close to us, captain's orders." Corsaire told Scarlet, Lex, Liz, and Revy. "You never know what these crooks might try."
Lex rolled her eyes. "I KNOW I'm eye candy. That's my speciality. How many women have you muscle heads ever ran up to, transfixed by their beauty, and not to mention, tell them anything to get their attention. I can make people talk to help us find our target."
Scarlet nodded, impressed. "Excellent point Lex. I suppose my intimidation factor could lead to an issue. And we ALL have our strengths and weaknesses." The Gerudo woman powered down her armour, the magic making her appear back in regular clothing once more.
"Regardless, all of you ladies are staying with one of us." Corsaire ordered firmly. "Is that clear? You will travel with one of us at all times. This island has been known to kidnap females and sell them into the slave rings."
"Eh. Small advantage I can only hope for is that Adda has made Gerudo feared enough for no one to pull that shit, but don't count on it." Scarlet nodded to the three girls.
Bakura used his skills as a bounty hunter to formulate a plan. "Be careful when asking information. When we find Eltontor, we play it safe. Interrogating him will be difficult unless we get him isolated."
"So we need to set a trap for him." Rat suggested. "Get in his good graces and then get the information we need."
"If he doesn't willingly tell us, we'll make him talk." Liz spoke up, hyper focused on the mission ahead.
"No one goes alone," Corsaire told everyone. "Acrobat, Pockets, you search the fishing docks. Mojo, Juju, stay with the ship, I don't want anyone trying to get the bright idea of hurting Mojo. Rat, Revy, you go search the trading posts. Lex, Liz, you're with me, we'll search the taverns." Then he ordered. "Bomba, Scarlet, you take the markets."
Bakura checked his blades, and polished his mask. "Girls, stick to the captains orders. Halvar, you come with me. You can probably pass off as a slave boy if anyone asks any questions about you."
"Hey!" Halvar objected at that remark. "Slave boy, my ass."
"Halvar, do as he tells you." Corsaire told the young prince. "We need to get you back home to your parents safe and sound."
"... can Liz come with me?" He asked the captain. "I feel better if she's at my side. I want to protect her."
"Very well." Corsaire gestured to Halvar. "Liz?"
Liz thought about her actions last night, how she wished she could be a better girlfriend to Halvar. Maybe they could use this chance to take care of themselves. "Well, I suppose it can't hurt to look after you as well Halvar."
Bakura waved her over. "Alright. Anyone asks. I'm an Yuga bounty hunter, you're my partner, and this is a Direnor slave we acquired."
"Grr... fine." Halvar agreed to go along with the farce because this was Liz's other dad. He did not want too many tensions since he intended to marry Liz.
"Is everyone else ready?"
"Aye, cap'n."
"Let's find this guy. Seer's counting on us." Bakura finished slipping his mask down and the ship pulled into the dock.
Everyone set out, Scarlet ready to summon her armour at a moments notice. Looking around, she was hit with an air of nostalgia at all the unlawful trade occurring around her. Smiling to Bomba, she nudged him. "You miss this at all?"
"Eh, a little." Bomba looked around at all the merchandise. "Me's content to work for Hyrule now. Better money, safer, and can still be close to cap'n and me family."
"Not gonna lie. Cracking heads and getting rich with all the laughs and joy with my sisters is a feeling that I wish I could recapture sometimes."
"Not like you can't recreate that feeling with us." Bomba suggested to Scarlet. "If you're bored in Uskar, then come work on the ship with the cap'n and me. We could always use a bit of extra muscle!"
"I go where Revy goes. That's how its always been for me."
"Aye, and me admires your dedication to your wee one." Bomba nodded his head. "Though, you know, Reveka is grown now. She knows how to fight, how to take care of herself, and one day, she'll have a family of her own. She'd want you to be happy doing what you like. She wouldn't expect you to chain ye self down cause of her."
Scarlet knew Bomba was right. Borghild had told her the same so many times. "I haven't really found anyone to settle down with."
"Well, even if you haven't found a mate to settle down with, it'd be fun for you to come along with us." Bomba reminded Scarlet. "We's not pirates no more, but we still know how to party and have fun."
"I'll give it some thought..."
"All righty, then." Bomba looked around the market at the various booths. So far, he did not see no crocodile man. He did, however, see an object which caught his eye. Approaching the stand full of flowers, he paid for a single gerber daisy. Once in his hands, he waltzed back to Scarlet, stood on his tiptoes, and put it behind her ear. "There. No lady can be sad with flowers."
Scarlet looked down at him in surprise. Her shock was evidence she didn't know what to make of the action. "No one has ever given me flowers before."
"Eh? All ladies deserve some perdy flowers." Bomba stretched and then put his hands on the back of his head. "Especially a red flower like you."
Scarlet took the flower and smelled it closely. "Lavender... I love lavender."
"Lavender? Me's not too good with the names of flowers, lassie." Bomba told her. "Next time we's seeing some at a booth or what not, you show me. Learn a little from you 'bout perdy blooms." He then held up a pocket of coins he had taken from another customer with a grin. "And me learn you a little about pickpocketing."
"Well, aren't you sneaky." Scarlet threw him another bag that she snatched off a man walking back to his boat.
"The sneakiest, lassie, don't you forget it." Bomba then showed Scarlet one of the daggers he took from her, that she had hiding in her belt with a laugh. "Me could steal your undies and you wouldn't know it."
"You know what, I'd like to see you try." Scarlet wiggled her hips, her heart beating every glance she took at Bomba now. Walking to a clerk, she got his attention. "Oy! Got a question for you."
"Me gets 'em, me gets to keep 'em." Bomba snorted at her little wiggle. "As a trophy."
As Scarlet approached the clerk, he looked up at her.
"Yes, miss?"
"How much would it cost for a box of condoms?"
She let her words drip in the air as she gave a cheshire grin back at Bomba, savouring his reaction.
"Three rupees, please."
"..." Bomba's face turned red for a minute before he snickered. "Only one box?"
"I'll take three boxes." She was starting to get a little red herself. Turning to Bomba once more, her pearly white teeth grinned at him. "If you think you're man enough to handle that~"
"Me can take anything you throw at me. Even if ye throw ye self."
"We have a buy two, get one free special." The clerk then asked. "Also, if you're interested, we have a buy one get one special on lubes today. Our three most popular edibles are strawberry-banana, coconut-lime, and peach-mango. In the back of the store, there's lingerie for the ladies and the men if you're interested."
"I'll take four boxes and each of the lube. Lingerie isn't necessary." Scarlet started to take her rupees out to pay.
"Very well, miss." The clerk bagged up her purchase and took the payment. "For buying the specials, we've played a complimentary bottle of oil in the bag just for you and your lover. Thank you for shopping at Noctural Pleasures and have a good day."
"Me guesses we need to find a room next." Bomba chuckled with a wide grin. "Cause cap'n don't like it when we's rock the boat."
"After we find our target." Scarlet paid a boy on the dock to bring the new cargo back to the ship. Leaning down, she pinched Bomba's cock, satisfied he was growing an erection. "Let's go little man. Who knows how long it will take to find him~"
"Hmph, you's a tease, that's what you are, lassie." Bomba sulked at being denied at first and then yipped when she fondled his privates. Grasping her hand, he tugged her along in the streets. "Come on, hurry up, daylight's burning, and I wanna fuck, so let's find this reptile."
Halvar, Liz, and Bakura walked through a large pub, looking around. The older man made sure to keep an eye out on the two young adults every once in a while. Liz tapped her foot, some impatience getting to her. "Can you two cover my? I'm going to duck into one of the bathroom stalls quickly."
"Sure thing Liz."
Once Liz was out of sight, Bakura gave Halvar a slap on the back. "Look alive kid. You're way too focused on my daughter right now."
"Hey!" Halvar turned slightly red in the cheeks at Bakura's statement. "... she's beautiful. I can't help but look at her."
"Well, you haven't exactly inspired confidence in me that you're the right man for her. If all you're going to do is drool like a dog, and hump like a dog thinking about her..."
"I'm not a dog, I'm a fox." Halvar did not like being referred to as a dog. To a Direnor, it was an insult. He was often seen as a meek prince, but right now, he was mad. "I respect her, and I love her. I've made no advances because I want her to be ready to take that intimate step. I've been there to encourage her and help her through hard times." He said before he thought. "You don't exactly inspire confidence in me that you're a good father figure. After all, you did try to kill her once." The prince then said bitterly. "Don't try to bring me down with you. I'll be there for her thick and thin, no matter what the future brings us. I'd happily give my life for her, or any children we have in the future. I'm a good man, and Liz has accepted my offer of courtship. If she was not pleased with me, I'd know. So back off and butt out of our relationship. It's for me and her to decide what we wish to do, not you."
Halvar couldn't see it behind that mask, but Bakura was shocked, which quickly turned into him being impressed. He gave Halvar a slap on the back again and laughed. "That's the spirit lad. I'm how Lex would say, "Just fucking with you". Well you need to be there for her. And I think Liz would appreciate a little boldness. Just an inch."
Bakura held his hips and shook his head with a chuckle. "It's my job as a father to look out for my girls best interest. Sure, a part of me tried to kill her once, but what family hasn't wanted to kill each other at some point! If you're going to lay down your life for her, you have to be smart about it. You can't let anything distract you. Take, for example, if we find Adda, and you happen to be alone with a bombshell like her, what are you going to do?"
"Hmph." Halvar tried not to show he was sulking at the teasing from Bakura, and crossed his arms. "Liz wants to find Adda, we cannot let anything distract us now when we're so close. However, if we were alone together, and she was comfortable, and only if she was ready, then I would not object to mating. She is a fine woman and sometimes it's hard to hold myself back. My father and mother taught me to respect a female or else, she might claw your eyes out."
"Oh yes. Or she could see the demon in you, and make a catastrophic choice. If you catch Adda... let me get a chance to talk to her."
Before Halvar could ask more, Liz came out. "Alright, sorry for the wait. Was talking to a girl in the bathroom. She mentioned pirates like to hang out at a place called, "The Sun Pyramid."
"Hmm, I'll ask around for what that is. You two stick together."
Bakura left the couple alone as he asked around.
"Unlike you, I'm in control of my 'demon'." Halvar huffed at Bakura, and then quieted when Liz approached the two of them. He was exactly too keen on her overhearing their conversation. Though, as much as he hated to admit it, Bakura did have a point. It was now or never, he supposed. Anything could happen with this fight with Adda. "Liz?" Halvar turned to look at her. "I... I'm sorry if I embarrassed you the other night. Or if you think I don't want to mate with you, that's not the case. Sometimes, I keep repeating these proper rules in my head, and it's only gotten in the way. I don't want you to ever think you're a problem, you're my lover, and I'm yours." He took her hands, and kissed her knuckles. "Whenever you're ready, I'm happy to love you."
"Halvar..." Liz looked sadly at his hand. "I wish I was stronger with this aspect of my life, like other Gerudo woman. I just didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to feel forced into a situation, like... my mother would do to others." She looked back to him, kissing his fingers back. "I want to take things slow. Can we just... cuddle in bed? Like normal couples do?"
"Hey," Halvar tilted her chin up to look at him. "Whatever you want, whenever you want. I'll do what you're comfortable with, okay? Never think you're disappointing me. I love you too much for that."
"I... thank you." Liz leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's ask around, shall we?"
Lex waved to the many pirates that were giving her whistles and cat calls. It didn't take long for her to get a lead out of one. She told him to meet her at the peer so she wouldn't have him nip at her feet the whole way for the rest of her search. "So, the Sun Pyramid. I wonder what we'll find there Captain Uncle."
"Was it really necessary to flirt with every male specimen on this island?" Corsaire groaned, wondering why he did not send Lex with Revy and Rat.
"Hey, they flirt with me! Besides, you said you wanted to look out for me, and keep me away from the nasty men~" Lex tickled her Uncle's chest teasingly. "Just jealous they're dropping better one liners than you give Princess Orana?"
"I invented one liners, lassie." Corsaire grumbled under his breath. "And I didn't give one liners to my wife. I treated her like a proper gentleman... and the first one liner I gave she only laughed at me, so I didn't give her no more."
"I bet. Well, I'm gonna keep doing what I do best. Being fabulous as fuck~"
Lex tapped her sunglasses as they walked through a jungle path. The Sun Pyramid was an actual pyramid, having been modified into a giant entertainment centre. On the right, exotic dancers, the left, a fighting ring for people to sort their shit out, but the main attraction was a giant casino.
"Holy shit. Think of all the money we could make here."
"Lex, we're here to get information, and get out. Time's a tick'in."
"I'm just saying." Lex took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll take the lead." Standing up on a staircase, Lex shouted loudly. "Who wants to gamble against me?! 100,000 worth of rupees on me!"
"IGNORE HER, SHE'S DRUNK!!!" Corsaire shouted and pulled Lex off the staircase and over his shoulder. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?! We're not here to stand out!"
"That's exactly what I'm doing. Getting attention." Lex pushed him away as some men approached. One was reptilian.
"Who's this guy?"
"Don't worry, he's my bitch."
"You serious about playing little girl?"
"That's woman to you scaly. And I am. Serious about winning."
"Alright. Who else wants to play with this spitfire?"
"... I hate you so much right now." Corsaire hissed under his breath to Lex, and then saw the crocodile man approach. "... she's only interested in one player at a time."
"Oy. Bitch. Did I give you permission to speak?" Lex raised her sunglasses at her Uncle, trying to act cool.
"I'm her uncle and I'm supervising her night out." Corsaire corrected Lex with a harsh slap on the butt as if she were an unruly kid. "Can't have no man taking advantage of my little girl now."
"Hmmm. And her I thought she was kind of gangster."
Lex yelped, and part of her spirit crumbled. Her image was being shattered by her Uncle. An cold anger built up inside in her. No one trusted her abilities. They either thought she was just a kid or a slut. She gave him a hard kick to the leg. "You're ruining my mystique. So piss off and get me a drink, while I take every bit of fucking coin these losers have."
Lex turned back to the man, glaring at her opponent, before giving a smile and a pretty face. "I am a gangster sweety. How about you draw your cards. We can do some Blackjack."
"Ha. Sure thing." The crocodilian man pointed to a dealer to cut them a deck.
"OOF!" Corsaire nearly dropped Lex when she kicked him. He growled at his niece, giving her a glare. Seer would not want her dealing with the scum of the earth. She was not in Uskar, the men here were not honorable. The bastards here would take advantage of her, cheat her, or worse, try to drug her and sell her as merchandise. "Fine." He snapped at her. "Don't come crying to me when they get the one up on you." With that, he stormed off to the bar. However, as Corsaire watched Lex play, he noticed how in control she was, how comfortable. Her porker face was on point, switching between cold, and full of playful emotion to throw her opponent off.
"So tell me, you seem so different than the other men here."
"It's the scales right? Humans love the scales."
"I do." Lex looked to the dealer. "Hit me."
Looking at her cards, she frowned, making a jiggle with her body. Her opponent thought he won. "Alright. I'm playing my hand." He placed a jack and a seven down. "You seem disappointed."
"Oh, I am!" Lex threw her hand down. A three, a ten, and a seven. "That I didn't get a full 21~"
"Fuck me..."
"Your rupees please~!"
The reptile growled. He thought he was tricking some kid. He wasn't supposed to actually lose this money. "Look. I need to actually get my money from my boss."
"Ooooo, what's the matter, need to cry to your captain? Why don't you bring him here? Maybe he can win the money back."
The man thought of that. "Stay right here sweetheart. He might just want to meet you."
Lex turned to her Uncle in the distance to give him the finger. As she waited, she saw the biggest reptile, barring dragons, in her life stomp forward. He was a big crocodile man, with a thick brown coat, a hat with a peacock feather, and a golden artificial right eye. His smile was filled with sharp, jagged teeth. "Hello sweetheart. My name is Captain Eltontor. How'd you like to make a wager?"
"Fuck me, she actually did it." Corsaire watched from the bar. He decided he'd only interfere if things got out of hand. If Lex wanted to play this game, she could.
"Oooo my~ Aren't you a big boy~"
"You don't know the half of it little snow flake~"
Lex giggled, hoping to fully entrance the big crocodile. She felt so much pride that she was the first to find their target. "So you aren't mad I beat your little boy in some gambling are you? I was thinking of buying some golden earrings."
"I think a golden chain would look better around you~"
"Oh stop it, you naughty man~" Lex waved her hand in a fun gesture. "So what's this gesture you have?"
"Oh, quite simple, I was thinking of a game of chance."
"Yes. How'd about it?"
"Depends, what we talking here?"
"I love this particular game." Eltontor snapped his fingers and received a glass of liqueur. Pouring it into a bottle, he made it so it almost overflowed. "The rules are simple. You keep dropping coins into the glass until it spills. You can put as many coins as you like in, but if you spill, you lose."
Lex had never played this before. "Sounds fun."
"So I was thinking we could play for more than just money." The croc smiled down at Lex's body. The Gerudo smiled back, but not for the same reason. This is what she wanted. A chance to find her mother.
"I can agree to that. What do you want?"
"Well my dear, I was thinking when I win, I'll take you back to my ship. We can have all sorts of fun there."
"Ok. And if I win... you have to tell me where I can find Captain Adda."
That took Eltontor by surprise. "Captain Adda? The Queen of the Seas? Why do you want to find her?"
"Girls got her reason. I heard you know a way to find her, or, just as good, someone who does."
Eltontor grew visibly more nervous, tapping his claw. His instincts were telling him to drug this girl and take her away. "Well, little lady, I suppose I might."
"Than do we have a deal?"
"We do." Eltontor made a special click with his mouth and some of his men got them two different drinks.
"Your move, babydoll~"
Lex picked up five coins. This prompted everyone around the table to 'Ooooo' her. Eltontor chuckled. "You like to take big risks, I can tell. I wonder what other big things you like~"
"Please take your hand off the table dear." Lex breathed deeply, very, very carefully placing her fingers over the glass. Letting go, she dropped the coins. The liquid shifted, but didn't spill. Lex relaxed back into her set and took some of her drink. The young Gerudo woman felt confident she understood the level of liquid in the glass now.
"Hmmph. Impressive. My move." Eltontor took a coin from the side of the table, and put it over the glass. Smiling, he squeezed some hidden cotton, pouring additional liquid into the glass, unknowns to Lex.
Dropping his coin into the glass, Eltontor hid the cotton he used, and the glass shifted, but once more, didn't spill. "Heheheh. That was close. Your move."
Lex starred at the glass. She saw how the liquid shifted around. With one coin it shouldn't have moved like that. She should have had enough space to place one or two more coins in. What gives? Lex took a coin, uncertain.
"Well girly?"
"Give me a moment."
"I think we know that you lost."
"Shut up."
"Well, not everyone can be so certain."
Lex was afraid. She felt like she was going to lose. She gripped the glass with one hand, and steadily held her coin over the glass. She was gonna lose. She was going to be this freaks plaything. How could she fuck this up? She didn't want to. She didn't want to fail. So, to her surprise, and everyone else, when she dropped the coin, it didn't spill.
Eltontor was in shock and disbelief. "What? WHAT?!"
He quickly took a coin and dropped it in. Did he not pour enough liquid in? His glass shifted and the liqueur spilled out.
Lex smiled. Somehow she won. "Yes. YES! I DID IT!"
Eltontor threw the contents of the glass out and looked at it. Ice had formed above the tip of the edges, giving it a tiny little room for error. "You cheated me."
"What? No I didn't. Tell me about Adda you piece of luggage!"
"You little bitch. I think I know who you are now. You're one of Adda's girls, aren't you?"
Oh shit. That was not part of the plan.
With a loud 'clang' Corsaire's metal hand slammed on the table, causing the rupees and the drinks to clatter. The ex-pirate was pissed. He gave a cold stare to Eltontor, and put a hand on Lex's shoulder.
"Call her a bitch one more time and see where it gets you, lizard." Corsaire did not know if his reputation with the kraken still preceded him, but he did not care. No one was going to mess with his niece, even if she was acting like a little shit. He would make sure she was all right for Seer's sake. "She belongs with me. You think I didn't see that cotton? You think I don't know how you cheated and won this game? Or for the fact of the matter," He picked up Lex's drug and took a sniff. "That this roofie you put in her drink has a salty taste and oil residue it leaves on top? I know all your tricks and I know you're going to apologize or else, I'll beat your ugly skull in until they'll have to identify you by your bones. What's it going to be, reptile?"
Eltontor knew EXACTLY who this man was. How the hell did the legendary kraken slayer end up here? He was supposed to be retired. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, nah. How about this." The crocodile, grabbed the table and threw it at Corsaire and Lex, running through the casino to reach his boat. "WASTE THESE FOOLS! MILLION FOR THE MAN’S HEAD DEAD! ANOTHER MILLION FOR THE GIRL ALIVE!"
Corsaire reacted quickly, catching the table, ducking down and pulling Lex with him, using the furniture as a shield. He drew his gun, and shouted, "If anyone dares to fire at me, I'll set the damn kraken on their ship!!!" He leaned out from behind the table and fired a single shot... busting through Eltontor's kneecap.
Eltontor screamed, but still lurched along, his weight able to keep him up. His reptilian crew were the only ones to fire at Corsaire. Lex hated this and ran to the left. "I'm going after him! They want YOU dead, not me! Asshole thinks he can cheat ME!?" Lex growled, dodging the commotion all around her.
"YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Corsaire nearly screeched at Lex, trying to chase after the girl, but the bullets kept him pinned. "LEX!!!"
Lex found Eltontor getting into a speed boat, trailing blood. It started to take off, and Lex felt her heart sank. She fell for this pirates tricks. Once again, that cold sense of failure hit her. If they lost him, they lost a chance at her mother.
“No. NO YOU’RE NOT GETTING AWAY!” Lex willed it, and she thrust her hands to the water. The entire channel froze, lurching Eltontor's boat and sending him flying and skidding across belly first on the ice back towards her.
Lex was completely shocked. She had ice magic. She was a wizard! As she felt her new found confidence, and ready to tear some questions out of him, that was when the roofie hit her. Slumping to her feet, her head was suddenly killing her, and she threw up. Eltontor smiled, walking up to her. With a slap across the face, he knocked Lex to the ground. Picking her up with one hand, he held his cannon in the other. This little girl would make a great companion and a meatshield. Lex cursed in her haze. They found their quarry, but the plan was starting to fall apart. She heard Eltontor cry out in victory as her mind started to go blank. "Let's go men!"
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Leagues - Mikey Way x Reader
Request: I know you'll be away from doing asks for a while and you have a long list of requests, but I would love a story with like a rich girl and someone (Gerard, Mikey, Pete, Brendon, who ever you feel like writing, idc) has a crush on her but thinks she'd never like him back, but she does k thanks xoxo
Reader: female
Word count: 1 887
Mikey could not help but stare at her as she walked past him in the hallway. She was looking as cute as ever as she strode past the other students. It seemed like she was untouchable, no one even dared walking in her way. But it was not the scared kind of making way, it was the impressed kind. She simply had something about herself that Mikey could not place his finger on. Maybe it was the way she dressed in simple clothes, a short skirt and a shirt that was a little too big for her, making her seem tiny and fragile, maybe it was her posture, the way she always held her head proud, but lowered so she glanced out from under her wild strands of tastefully messed up hair, maybe it was the way she walked so gently, as if she was almost floating. It was not something you would assume on the first glance, or the second, or the third for that matter, but Mikey knew her parents had money. Lots of money. Everyone in the whole school knew about it, and many kids still tried to befriend her just because of that, but not Mikey, no. He just loved watching her, and he melted inside when he heard her soft voice. There had been a rumor that she had gotten a car for Christmas, but nobody knew if it was true, since she always took the school bus, like all the other kids. Something that was no rumor though, was that she had had a long fight with her parents until she had convinced them to allow her to attend public school. Otherwise she would have been homeschooled.
“Dude, forget it, she’s out of your league,” Frank, Mikey’s friend snored and leant against his locker.
“Am I not allowed to dream,” Mikey wondered, annoyed that Frank had stolen his last precious seconds to watch her before she turned around the next corner.
“You always dream,” Frank whined and grabbed Mikey by the arm to drag him to class. “You should get out there and find someone who you could actually have a chance with.”
“Tomorrow maybe,” Mikey answered, his heart beginning to hammer in his chest when Frank dragged him towards the classroom door, that was right next to (Y/n)’s locker.
You quickly turned towards your opened locker when you saw Mikey being pulled down the hallway by one of his friends, a boy called Frank. You had successfully ignored him earlier, but now you felt your cheeks heat up at the mere thought of him. Something about him was different. You had gotten used to all the envious stares and glances when you walked in public. Not your fault your father was a bestselling author. But with Mikey it was different. There was tenderness in his eyes, interest that reached beyond your financial situation. His eyes seemed to follow you whenever you walked past him, but when you turned to meet his eyes, he always looked away. You loved the way he doodled on his notes in class, the way his quiet voice barely reached the front of the classroom when the teacher asked him to answer a question. He was really talented when it came to drawing and you admired that his notebooks were covered in superhero doodles that his brother had made, which Mikey had stuck on all of his school books. It really showed how much Mikey admired his brother.
Now he was being pulled past you, and only for a split second yours and his eyes met. You felt your insides warm up comfortably. Something about him made you feel safe, like he really was only interested in you and no one else.
When you finally took a deep breath and faced the corridor again, he was gone.
Music class was Mikey’s favorite class of the whole day. Not because it was the last lesson, but because you were in it. Nervously he tried fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror, but as soon as he stepped outside, Frank messed it up again but rubbing his head.
“Hey,” Mikey complained, trying to duck away from Frank’s attack but it was too late, his hair was already messed up again.
Of course he stumbled a few steps further, bumping into a girl, and when he looked up, his heart almost stopped. Of all the people in the school he could have bumped into, he had fallen against you, almost taking you down in the process. Quickly he extended his hands and grabbed you, saving you from a fall.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry, sorry, are you okay,” he babbled incoherently, his cheeks burning.
You had hardly realized what happened, only that two big hands were securely holding your upper arms, saving you from falling to the floor.
“I’m fine, thanks,” you mumbled, looking up into brilliant hazel eyes that scanned you worriedly and almost… afraid.
“I- I didn’t mean to- ahm- he- yeah, sorry again,” Mikey sputtered, letting go of your arms and waving around helplessly, pointing at Frank, trying to explain the situation.
“It’s okay…” you tried to tell the nervous boy, but he had already turned around and quickly disappeared around a corner.
You could barely concentrate in music class that day. Mikey was sitting at the other end of the room, absentmindedly picking the strings of an electric bass that was not plucked in, and you were dying to hear what he was playing.
So you took all the courage you could summon and walked over to him. At first he did not notice you, too focused was he on playing a little tune you immediately liked. But then, out of nowhere, Frank popped up at his side.
“Hello there,” he winked at you, making you roll your eyes, and Mikey look up.
He was obviously surprised to see you standing right in front of him and his cheeks reddened at the same time as yours once your eyes met.
“That sounded really good,” you complimented, deciding to ignore Frank’s comment.
“Thanks,” Mikey whispered almost inaudibly.
“He wrote it for a girl,” Frank added knowingly.
Mikey shot him an angry glare that you did not see, instead your heart sank a little.
“Oh,” you managed to get out, trying not to sound too disappointed, but that failed terribly. “She’s a lucky girl to get songs written about her.”
“It’s not a good song, so…” Mikey tried to explain, hoping that this would somehow not end up with him accidently confessing his feelings for her.
“I think it’s good,” you disagreed, “and even if it wasn’t, it’s still very special and incredibly valuable.”
“You think so,” Mikey asked, not yet allowing himself to hope that he might actually have done something that could impress you, you of all people.
“Of course! It’s something really personal, and it takes a lot of time and talent to write a song, or even just a melody,” you explained, trying to make him understand how much you adored his work.
“You think I’m talented,” Mikey asked with wide eyes, completely forgetting what Frank had just told him this morning; you were out of his league.
“Hell yes! That melody just right there was so beautiful, and dude, have you seen your art? It’s so gorgeous,” you told him excitedly, fully aware that you sounded like an excited fangirl.
“Thank you,” Mikey grinned.
For a moment you just stared at each other, and it felt like you had finally made a connection to the quiet boy you had been admiring from afar for almost a year now.
“The song is a really romantic gesture,” you finally said, breaking the silence, “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Really,” Mikey asked, deciding that he had waited long enough.
“Totally, she is really lucky to have you,” you answered, suddenly feeling sad again. You really hoped she was good to him. He deserved to be happy.
“Well,” Mikey hesitated, but then grabbed the notebook that had fallen shut next to his feet. He lifted it up and turned the pages until he had reached the one with the chords to the song he had been playing. He ripped out the page and folded it in half, handing the paper to you.
Confused you took the page out of his hand, and with a quick glance at Mikey you unfolded it again. Neat handwriting covered the page, lines of a song written down in tiny letters with chords for the bass written above it. You scanned the lyrics, a song about how the boy thought there was nothing he could do to gain the girl’s attention because she was too good for him, from a rich family while he was the son of workers. Only then her eyes caught the title. ‘For (Y/n)’.
Her breath caught in her throat as she read the title again and again, not realizing how nervous Mikey grew with every passing second.
“This is- this is so not true,” you finally breathed, looking up from the paper in your hand, “It so doesn’t matter who our parents are, or how much they earn or how big the houses are we live in, Mikey. And I am not, I repeat, not ‘too good for you’ or ‘out of your league’ because I don’t believe in that bullshit and also it would be really rubbish because I like you at least as much as you say in this song that you like me, and I really, really want to prove you wrong on the ‘not worthy of your love’ part.”
Mikey stared at you, still nervously holding his breath but with each second he felt like a weight was falling off his shoulders until he was feather light.
“Does that mean-“
“I like you, a lot,” you answered his question before he had finished it.
“Oh,” he mouthed.
“Don’t be so surprised, what is there not to like,” you laughed, feeling relieved to have finally admitted to your feelings for him.
“Uhm, a lot,” Mikey answered, still nervous and unable to believe he was not dreaming, “the glasses, the hair, the mouth…”
You shook your head.
“Your glasses are really cute, your hair,” you ran your fingers through the brown locks Frank had messed up earlier, “are super silky and your mouth,” you could not help the smile on your lips as you leant down to press them against Mikey’s who was still sitting with the bass in his lap, “are really, really soft.”
You leant back up and watched as a big grin appeared on Mikey’s face.
“Wow,” he whispered.
“Yeah, wow, pretty soft lips indeed,” you chuckled.
“No, I mean-“ Mikey put the bass aside and stood up, placing his hand on your cheek and gently pulling your face closer to his again, “this.”
He kissed you again, gently, without pressure and your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation.
“Hey guys, that was really, really kitschy, just so you know,” Frank commented from next to you, having watched the whole time.
“Shut up,” Mikey giggled, not finding it in him to care that Frank had seen everything. At least he had proven him wrong, you were not out of his league, because there was no such thing as leagues.
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