#hestia and poseidon
shipcestuous · 2 months
One thing I used to find kind of funny as a kid just getting into Greek mythology was how Kronos and Rhea had three sons and three daughters... and yet, only two of them got married, rather than everyone pairing up in three divine brother/sister pairs.
I remember I would do little thought experiments to figure out how things might have worked out in an alternate version for the married pairs that could have formed in addition to Zeus/Hera after Kronos' and the Titans' defeat and reached these conclusions about them:
Poseidon/Demeter: this one is kiiiind of canon already, because there is a myth where they have children together, but... Poseidon doesn't exactly care about Demeter's consent there, let's leave it at that. But for the sake of argument, let's just say this wouldn't happen in this AU, and just look at their roles and personality. To oversimplify things a lot, Poseidon is the sea and Demeter is the earth. The sea is often called "barren" in Ancient Greek poetry, while the earth is ideally fertile and generous. These things already make for a potentially fun "uniting the opposites to reach equilibrium" theme. Also, Poseidon is known for causing earthquakes in his wrath as well as punishing mortals who offend him (the Minotaur was born when Minos wouldn't sacrifice his best bull to him so he made Minos' wife go mad...), while Demeter created winter when Persephone got abducted by Hades (creating considerable trouble for the mortals and even the gods themselves) and keeps recreating it whenever her daughter leaves for the Underworld again, which makes me think they're both very emotional and strong-willed. A relationship between them could be as explosive as the one between Zeus and Hera, and while that wouldn't be very healthy, probably, it could be an interesting dynamic!
Hades/Hestia: Hades is the god of the Underworld: people who have done terrible things are punished horribly for eternity in his gloomy realm, he doesn't take people going against him lightly (like when Theseus and Pirithoos tried to kidnap Persephone...), and he usually doesn't allow anyone to come back to the world of the living (though there are a couple of attempted exceptions). However, this doesn't mean he's evil or mindlessly cruel or sadistic, just strict to the point of being ruthless. Hestia is associated with fire, but instead of being a wild, destructive force, she's the patron of hearth and home. They have a similarly "not nearly as bad as they could be considering common views on their domains." And I can also see both of them caring a lot about boundaries and rules, all things considered. But Hestia could have a softness about her that Hades lacks. And Hades, perhaps, could act as a sort of grim protector for her. I also see them both as the quiet, reserved type, personally, which could make them get along pretty great, bonding through the messes of their chaotic family.
Poseidon/Hestia: Water and fire, anyone? It could be a case of "opposites attract" both in terms of elements and personalities... even if in very different ways. Ironically, Hestia, the fire goddess, could calm down Poseidon's wrath and mellow him out, while Poseidon, the sea god, could bring excitement and wildness in Hestia's life.
Hades/Demeter: ... this one always felt so weird to even consider lmao. But they both seem like gods who prefer going off to do their own thing away from the other Olympians, on some level. Plus, they're both connected to earth: Hades is the mysteries hidden under it, while Demeter is the prosperity and beauty that grows out of it. They would inevitably be a little like a variation of Hades/Persephone, I think, but the lack of an age gap would also influence their dynamic and make it a bit different. It wouldn't bea mature man and a young, lively maiden, but two siblings (possibly very close in age) growing together on more or less equal footing. I like to imagine them both as rather indipendent people, but I always end up giving a motherly streak to Demeter and an insecure/withdrawn one to Hades (likely due to my vision of the myth of the abduction of Persephone, I admit) and so I feel that would make for some sweet hurt/comfort.
Now, I'll say that, while I'm a serial multishipper, I don't actually ship these pairings. They're just fun to think about in a "what if" context for this specific AU, but talking more in general, Hades/Persephone is one of my main mythology ships, Poseidon/Demeter has all that canon history I talked about which squicks me out a bit, and I usually see Hestia as someone on the aroace spectrum. Although... that last one doesn't always stop me from shipping her, as sometimes I like to imagine her capable of romantic attraction, so only ace without the aro part.
Actually, I really like shipping her with Hermes, as either a onesided "he has a major crush on her but she's too aromantic to even notice" pairing or something requited depending on the specific types of shenanigans I feel like imagining for them. A lot of it is another "opposites" and "balancing each other out" thing: Hermes is a god of travellers, merchants, and thieves (who presumably also move around quite a bit, lol) as well as one who's able to cross boundaries (he also has a function as a psychopomp, travellling from the world of the living to the Underworld) so I associate him with open spaces and the freedom of going wherever you want to do whatever you want, while Hestia, as I've already said, is home and hearth, so in a way she represents closed, secluded spaces that are also safe and intimate. But there's also the way I see the age difference/generation gap between them. I usually think of Hermes as a sassy, reckless, relatively young god, while I see Hestia as a warm and maternal woman who definitely has a few thousand years on him.
I think Hermes would be attracted to her stability, kindness, and in general just how level-headed and reliable she can be without ever getting boring. (She's still a fire goodess after all, so I do think she has a more "fiery" side, determined and sharp, under the softness. ;)) While Hestia would enjoy (platonically or not) his youthful daring as well as his clever mind, resourcefulness and wit.
Basically, in my head he'd love to be her boytoy and she, his aunt, would occasionally not mind being his mommy, lmao.
This was a really fun post and I love all of the different dynamics that you sent up! They're all intriguing in their own ways but I really like the way you described the potential of Hades and Hestia in particular.
Thanks for sharing your musings with us!
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the-purvashadha · 3 months
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 28 days
Zeus: "If you don't end him now, you'll have no one left to save."
Athena: "Finish it."
Aeolus: "The end always justifies the means."
Poseidon: "Ruthlessness is mercy."
Hermes: "You can be hurt or you can beat her. ... I'll help you conquer her."
Tiresias: "I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you."
Hestia, probably:
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assistedbytherats · 2 months
Zeus and Hera devotees who feel intimidated by them
Poseidon devotees who live far from the sea
Demeter devotees who live in the city
Hades and Persephone devotees who fear death
Dionysus devotees who are perplexed by madness
Aphrodite devotees who struggle to love themselves
Apollo devotees who struggle with inspiration
Artemis devotees who are saddened by animal death
Ares devotees who are too tired to keep fighting
Athena devotees who are easily manipulated
Hestia devotees with unstable home lives
Hermes devotees who get anxious over new things
Every one of you is so valid and so loved by your gods. They love you, and they want you to know it.
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okayyeros · 3 months
Apollo feels like being smeared in charcoal and paint, taking a deep breath and smelling the oil paint and solvent lingering in the air.
Hestia feels like the end of a college party, when everyone is lying together, slowly sobering up and talking about their hometowns.
Aphrodite feels like taking off your makeup after a long day and staring in the bathroom mirror, truly seeing yourself for the first time in a while.
Hermes feels like people watching on the bus, overhearing all the stories of people you will never meet.
Eros feels like loving something so fiercely, with so much passion, that you don't think you can live without it.
Hypnos feels like waking up from a dream that changed your view of the world, for the better.
Artemis feels like the girls you meet at parties who make sure you have a safe ride home.
Hephestus feels like spending hours meticulously building, with a clear vision in mind, but no proper measurements.
Hades feels like the hot embers burning bright on a fire that is slowly dwindling.
Dionysus feels like teaching young actors the ritualistic traditions of a theatre.
Ares feels like protesters fighting for change with unwavering strength.
Poseidon feels like learning about challengers deep for the first time and feeling yourself get entranced by the duality of the ocean.
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a-lilac-lyric · 1 month
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hades-bat · 1 year
just imagine a boy flirting with a girl in ancient greece and he tells her "you're prettier than aphrodite" and instead of blushing and saying "thank you" she goes BRO ARE YOU KIDDING ME ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND WHY THE F*CK DID YOU SAY THAT DO YOU WANT ME F*CKING DEAD OR WHAT
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seasaltandwisdom · 2 months
i love you, king zeus.
i love you, lady hestia.
i love you, lord apollo.
i love you, lady athena.
i love you, lady aphrodite.
i love you, lord poseidon.
i love you, lord hermes.
i love you, gods that i don’t actively worship.
i’ve been slacking on my devotion lately but i’ll always love the gods and they’ll always understand. they know that as long as i’m alive, i am living for them.
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"I seldom cahoot"
babe wake up biblically accurate Hades just dropped
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cityoftheangelllls · 1 month
Here it is: my completed first Greek mythology series!
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Which one is your favorite?
Commissions info
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incorrectgreekgods · 11 months
Greek Gods as Kermit Pictures
making my grand return with this masterpiece you’re welcome
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allmythologies · 5 months
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greek mythology: neon gods
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themodernwitchsguide · 6 months
altars for greek gods (pt.2)
this post includes zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena. for part 1 including hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (usually barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: white, blue, and grey for association with the heavens, yellow and black for association with storms. gold because he's the King of the Gods
Offerings: rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain, cinnamon, laurel. images of himself or lightning bolts are particularly recommended for Zeus
Crystals: diamonds, gold (i think pyrite, aka fool's gold, would be offensive), turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Animals: eagle, bull
Colors: blue and white for association with the seas, gray for association with storms, brown for association with the earth/earthquakes
Offerings: coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Crystals: coral, petoskey stone, abalone, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
Animals: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
Colors: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
Offerings: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Crystals: pearls, garnet, citrine, diamonds, lapis lazuli, topaz, opal, moonstone, rose quartz
Animals: peacock, cuckoo, cow
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, brown or white for the hearth/home.
Offerings: tea/coffee (especially if you drink it with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon
Crystals: amber, jade, garnet, ruby, carnelian, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
Animals: donkey, pig, crane
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, metallics for association with metalworking.
Offerings: spicy things, hot beverages, handmade things, dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Crystals: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, obsidian, hematite, carnelian
Animals: donkey, dog, crane
Colors: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
Offerings: grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones. there's a particular emphasis on non-physical offerings with dionysus, like playing music, partying or sex/masturbation
Crystals: grape agate, leopard jasper, crazy lace agate, tiger's eye, garnet, rose or rutilated quartz, amethyst, jade
Animals: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent, dolphin
Colors: red and purple for association with war
Offerings: spicy things, yarrow, chocolate, basil, cinnamon
Crystals: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
Animals: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
Colors: green, brown, and yellow for association with the earth/harvest. black for her ruthlessness
Offerings: oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Crystals: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz
Animals: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), gecko, turtle-dove
Colors: white and grey/silver for association with wisdom. red for association with war
Offerings: anything handmade, olives/olive oil/olive branches/olive leaves, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon
Crystals: metals, celestite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite
Animals: snakes and owls
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landstedelesbian · 22 days
Annabeth: I just want to hear those three little words. Percy: I love you. Annabeth: Try again. Percy: *sighs* Percy: I will behave.
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olympushit · 8 months
Greek gods and their mottos:
Zeus: Justice above all.
Hera: Loyalty is the key to harmony.
Poseidon: Life is like the sea, you can never know for how long it will be calm.
Hades: The reason you don't enjoy life is because you are afraid of death.
Hestia: Keep calm and carry on.
Demeter: Don't underestimate someone because they look calm.
Ares: Never judge a book by its cover.
Aphrodite: Love is a bird, she needs to fly.
Apollo: The sexiest language someone can speak is the motherfucking truth.
Artemis: Women can do everything.
Hephaestus: Ugly outside, beautiful inside.
Athena: Knowledge is power.
Dionysus: Rage on or go home.
Hermes: Being talkative is nice, until you start lying.
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So this is from april, but i need to say it...
For the Olympian Games, we saw a emotional and very cute representation of the Ancient Gods Cult... Women dressed as priestess honoured Zeus for the Olympiads, was beautiful 🤗
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.... But we have, of course, these comments:
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Zeus was also a god of justice and order if you don't know…
Do you really think that Ancient Greece treated Zeus or another deity like Modern Media and Retellings treats them? Pick a book of History and Religion of Greece, please…
"But Zeus did this in the myth…" Gods are not characters that the Greeks worshiped from their myths… The myths are stories that Greeks wrote for the Gods them worshiped! Was a religion first, read the hymns and you will understand how Greeks respected and still respect their gods!
Also is still today a religion… A polytheist religion like Hinduism. Is not "gone"!
Hellenism is still practised in some regions, inside and outside Greece… So please be respectful 🙏💙
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