#her best to get as accustomed to everything as possible. however i feel as if there will always be a part of her-
brutalmasks · 27 days
what kind of time loop are you stuck in?
historical tragedy.
you know how people say that when someone dies, it’s like their candle goes out? of course you know, you’ve been lost in the dark before. you’ve felt the wax drip onto your skin as the wick burns out, the smoke rising away from the puddle in your hands. maybe you can reshape it—put it back together. maybe you can light it again someday.
tagged by: i found this quiz here on tumblr!
tagging: @hexsreality, @divingdownthehole, @question-marked, @clawsextended, @furiaei, and anyone else who wants to take this quiz!
4 notes · View notes
planetnini · 5 months
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࿔・゚*࿐ for the first time ever satoru is left puzzled just by a simple question from tsumiki, but he knows just how to prove his love for you + gn!reader. fluff with some angst— use of nicknames (baby, sweetheart), found family trope <3, girl dad satoru agenda, he is a bit insecure but it gets resolved, cutest fucking declaration of love ever, surprises! snow shenanigans, mistletoe kiss, satoru is the best boyfie ever i love him (5.8k words)
notes. this is a gift!!!! so it will cater to the interests and personality of my person but everything else is very vague :) merry new years secret santa thing @scarameows-world !!!! very late by the time this gets published but whtever.. i'm the reindeer that's been up in your inbox <3 we had alot of good talks and i hope we can stay in touch after this :") now here's a cute little fic i made for you about the one and only gojo satoru. title is inspired by this song
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gojo satoru is a man whose proficiency knows no bounds. he is a force to be reckoned with ushering a new era of powerful sorcerers and curses due to his possession of both the six eyes and limitless technique. he could do almost anything as one might expect and everything came naturally to him. he never had any doubts about himself, but then came along you. 
satoru was a natural when it came to flirting, but he was not accustomed to the rejection he faced in his early days when you would ‘let him down easy’– it was nothing short of disastrous, always ending in banter between you two. yet somehow you had your wicked ways of making him chase even though all you two did was flirt. after several attempts to woo you and you finally stepping up, one thing led to another now here you were, co-parenting two kids with the man you once swore you’d never be with. satoru was 100% sure that he would be yours for infinity, but it wavered on this particular day. 
satoru was on a little errand run with tsumiki whom he had entrusted with pushing the trolley around as he scanned the list you had made for tonight’s dinner and activity. she was a young and incredibly happy girl who was much friendlier than her brother, megumi. when satoru adopted the two, tsumiki had taken a liking to him immediately whilst megumi took a liking towards you so he had taken her on the trip. it had been going well, with them doing the final grocery run after spending what felt like hours picking out the perfect wreath for the front door, however tsumiki’s question stopped him right in his tracks.
“do you love y/n?” she asked, a little curious look decorating her features.
“that’s a silly question. of course i do!” he uttered, scanning the wreaths with his eyes picking out the perfect one because quite frankly, he didn’t know how to react. 
people naturally assume that growing up from a family who viewed him as an ornament and coddled him that he would be a closed book or lacking in social skills but his first few years at jujutsu tech proved everyone wrong: he was not just a pretty face who could get away with just that. in the end, his love for others was his weakness and tsumiki had brought up something that satoru had failed to anticipate. what did she see that satoru couldn’t and was that even possible?
she took the wreath from his hands and put it into the trolley bringing him back to the present, “how do you know you love y/n?” she paused, and tsumiki must be sadistic for making him suffer like this, “what does it feel like?” she asked, looking up at him.
satoru looked down at the child, surprised by her questions. he paused for a moment, considering how to articulate such an answer to a complex question. was it that hard to believe that gojo satoru was capable of loving someone?
while satoru would never admit it at the start, he needed megumi and tsumiki more than they needed him. after suguru’s defect, they especially reminded him that sometimes blood wasn’t all that important when it came to the people you loved. he loved them but in a completely different way than he loved you. a love so unequivocal that it was impossible for people not to know how truly and deeply in love satoru was with you, so he wasn’t sure where he went wrong but perhaps it wasn’t enough.
“well,” he began a thoughtful look on his face, “loving someone is different to everyone. i guess i can’t really explain it other than a warm, fuzzy feeling inside and it makes you feel like everything is right…” he replied, her eyes lighting up with understanding, “you care for their happiness the most, that you’d even share your favourite candy.” he chuckled with a playful glint in his eyes, trying not to sound too sentimental.
“so you feel warm and fuzzy when you see y/n?” she looked up curiously at satoru.
he chuckled, ruffling the child's hair, "yeah, exactly. now come on, let’s finish this quickly so we can go home. get something for yourself and your brother.” he winked to which tsumiki nodded eagerly, seemingly satisfied with his answer as she rushed down the aisle finding something to bring home.
the atmosphere between satoru and the girl was no longer tense but satoru’s mind was swirling. he was reflecting on the innocence of the question as he took control of the trolley now, finished with his chores for the day. he even went as far as buying you something too but tsumiki had inadvertently planted a seed of doubt in his mind and now satoru was spiralling. did he love you enough? was his warm and fuzzy feelings strong and genuine, or was it something he convinced himself of after everything that went down? the simplicity of her question left satoru questioning himself and for the first time in forever, he is unsure of his relationship with you.
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“i thought i told you that they can’t stay up late.” you spoke while washing the dishes. satoru could only lightly chuckle as he rinsed the plate, putting it on the drying rack. he knew you only meant well but he enjoyed seeing you like this more than he had expected: seeing you so worried and being such a caring person towards them. it was not like he had forced you to take care of them, it was through your own volition that you practically raised them.
“come on…” he drawled a little pout on his lips, “they said they didn’t want to decorate the tree without you tomorrow.” he reasoned, knowing that the two children in the living room were your true weakness and that just as much as you do for them, they’d do for you too. the way a simple sentence morphed your furrowed brows into a look of gratitude proved his point.
“do they actually want to decorate the tree with me or is it only because you bought them sweets today?” you accused.
“they’re much older now,” he reassured with a tone you doubt has any good intentions, “besides, i think it’s fair if we stop their ban on sweets, don’t you?” he asked with a simple hip nudge and you roll your eyes at the gesture.
he was happy with this, with how things were going in your life right now, in fact he couldn’t get enough of it. his request was simple, but you wasted no time immediately retaliating, “you just want to freely eat your sweets and use them as an excuse.” 
“what little faith you have in me!” he gasped and you have to stifle a laugh, “plus, they’re kinda scary when they don't get their way.” he joked, leaning back on the counter with his arms crossed to get a better view of you who had just finished washing and drying your hands after dinner. 
“how the higher-ups trust someone like you on those missions, i have no idea. i wonder how they would react if they found out you can’t handle two children.” you said, flashing him a smile. mentioning the higher-ups in the conversation made satoru’s blood boil but it had been tamed when he caught that little shake of your head combined with your smile. he had been contemplating the nature and depth of his feelings for you but tonight had proved that it was all a fluke– just seeing you was enough to remind him that nothing about loving you could ever be doubted, because loving you was as natural as breathing.
satoru leaned down to meet your eyes as you turned to face him, “sweetheart, if you want me home instead of on missions, you could just say so.” he smirked– a signature gojo satoru look that you couldn’t tell if you loved or hated.
you narrowed your eyes at him, “i hope you get put on more missions.” 
“you wound me.” he grunted, a hand over his heart feigning hurt but you knew that he was joking.
“you can take it.” you hummed, eyebrows scrunching as he stared down at you lovingly with a smile etched across his face.
there have been so many moments between you, satoru and the kids that blossomed with joy– something that felt lost in a world rife of evil– but you forget that you’re both still fairly young, thwarted into roles of guardians. you loved satoru since you were teens and seeing that this was your first relationship ever, it is only normal to feel insecure, and normal that you have doubts that satoru could ever truly love you.
while staring at satoru your mind can’t help but swirl with thoughts and he catches on immediately, perceptive as ever due to his six eyes and well, being gojo satoru. he sees it in your contemplative sighs that he had been hearing throughout the week, in your crafted smile, the way your shoulders are tensed and your jaw clenched: he knows you’re feeling some way right now because even your eyes don’t have their usual spark. your name rolls off his tongue so naturally, as if he was born to say it, as he reaches up to brush his hand across your cheek.
“what’s on your mind?” he questioned with a tilt of his head, thumb caressing your cheek. to him, the signs are as clear as day that you were troubled with thoughts of something and he wouldn’t rest until he found out what was going on in that beautiful mind of yours.
that warm fuzzy feeling intensified, secret moments between the two of you that the young girl was unaware of. it’s times like this you’re grateful that satoru is so in touch with how you felt most times and you can’t help the relief that settles in your heart when you realise you were so lucky to have him in your life, “it’s nothing,” you shook your head with a smile plastered on your face, “just… thank you for everything you did the other day,” you said, genuinely appreciative of his contribution to megumi’s birthday dinner, “i know you don’t think that he likes you but he really does look up to you.” you admitted.
“my charms aren’t all that bad.” he hummed, a proud nod as you snorted at his holier-than-thou tone.
your eyes closed at the soft contact of his lips on the crown of your head, warmth spreading all throughout your body during the cold winter month. you crave him and his touch, and you’re lucky that he hasn’t been put on any missions, specifically requested (he threatened the higher-ups knowing his status) to stay home with you and the others for just a couple of weeks. a small sigh left his lips as he started moving his hands away from your face up over his blindfold, the loss of contact made you pout slightly. your hand came over his, stopping him with a simple action, “are you sure you want them off?” you whispered, your voice dripping with concern.
“i want to see you.” he said, without an ounce of hesitation in his response. 
“i don’t like the migraines it gives you when you have them off.” you retaliated as you shook your head resolutely. he wants to listen to you, seeing how much you cared for him and laid your heart out for him. the love you had for him was overflowing and he did not know how he got so lucky.
“i can take it,” he insisted, voice a mix of both amusement and affection, “besides, i’ll endure any and all amounts of pain just for you.”
“after that declaration, i better not hear a complaint out of you.” you said, smiling up at him as you begin to unwrap the blindfold yourself. your delicate fingers moved the bandages around his head, undoing the white bandages. the gesture made satoru relax in your touch as you pulled them away from his face. being able to let his guard down after suguru had been difficult but you were a rare (and lucky) case.
once the bandages are undone, you can see that he’s wincing and squinting, probably due to the oversensitivity. adjusting to his surroundings, you brush his cheek with your thumb and his eyes flutter open to have a look at you, “hi beautiful.” he breathes out, utterly captivated by you.
you mirrored his look, squinting as you leaned forward with a smile wanting nothing more than to kiss him until– 
“what’s taking so long?” tsumiki yelled, surprising you and making the two of you jump from your spot. if satoru was masking his pain before, he wasn’t doing so now as he screwed his eyes shut and you feel extra protective of satoru now that his blindfold was off. he was extra sensitive to loud surroundings so when she came in shouting the two of you with his guard fully down, you knew satoru probably was still adjusting to having his blindfold off with the kids.
“did your brother put you up to this?” you asked.
“we were just wondering where you two were.” she replied bashfully.
“i told you they were kissing.” megumi groaned from behind her and if you weren’t embarrassed before, you wanted to dig your grave now that he had said it out loud.
“actually, we were rudely interrupted.” satoru complained, narrowing his eyes at megumi. living with them, you know how much megumi truly looked up to satoru but moments like this question why they were always at each other’s neck
megumi rolled his eyes, “have some manners you two,” you ordered, making tsumiki chuckle a bit, “i’m sorry for making you guys wait so long.” you apologised and you see megumi nod slightly at you.
“are you two in cahoots?” satoru whispered in your ear but you pushed him away jokingly. megumi was first to leave the room and tsumiki followed suit, but before satoru joined the two, you reached out grabbing his hand, “i know you said no presents this year, but-” you said, handing him a wrapped rectangular box.
“you said no presents for christmas.” he blurted out, confusion taking over his features.
“well, i sometimes doubt if you ever listen to me,” you looked up at him and you would be right because satoru had bought and wrapped your gift already, “just think of it as a very belated birthday present then.” you smiled at him, anticipating his reaction to your gift.
he opened the box carefully and he could see an engraving on a case, and his heart sunk. he knew he was in love with you, but was it possible to love you even more than he already had? he picked up the case and took out the special glasses he wore when he went out instead of the usual blindfold.
“i remember you said you needed new ones after they broke.”
“correction, when megumi broke my other ones.” he corrected. you rolled your eyes at him, and give him a light peck on the cheek, “thank you.” he spoke before you could make your way to help the children. 
“don’t break them again, i’m not made of money satoru.” you warned and situated yourself on the floor, sitting cross legged as you peered over at what the two had been up to when you and satoru were in the kitchen. tsumiki was unboxing some tinsel and megumi was taking care of the ornaments. to be honest, you weren’t sure when you became one of those families who went full out for christmas. the only things you ever really did was presents or stockings and having dinner together. you were overlooking the process, not really helping, or rather not knowing how to as you had never really had a tree let alone decorate one. 
“you’re not going to help?” tsumiki questioned, with a tilt of her head as she began to decorate the tree.
all the attention is turned to you now as you shake your head untangling some of the lights for the tree, “i mean, i’ve never really celebrated christmas with a tree and it’s for you guys right?”
“that’s sick and twisted!” satoru gasped, slumping down right next to you with his new sunglasses, “so you mean you’ve never had a christmas tree?” he exclaimed, and quite frankly you don’t really see the big deal.
“i wasn’t blessed with being born into a family like yours.” you teased and he took serious offence to that, not because he was offended by your comment but more so your nonchalance. 
“well, anything you want to do for christmas?” megumi asked, putting some of the ornaments on the tree. he always had an artistic perspective and you were glad he was putting so much thought into where each one went.
“i’m not going to be home until late at night, but i guess i’ve always wanted it to snow big enough that i could build a snowman.” you shrugged, looking at the kids.
“that’s impossible.” megumi groaned.
“how are we going to get it to snow?” she exclaimed.
“exactly. it’s alright,” you reassured as you stood up from your spot, “as long as i’ve got you guys, that’s all i could ask for.” you winked at them as you helped them get to the higher spots of the tree. satoru sits there watching as you now start to help the two decorate the tree and decide to help out. you are too distracted to see that his mind is swirling with ideas– he is determined to make your christmas a little more special and he has some ideas up his sleeve that he can’t wait to use.
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you feel the exhaustion of staying up late last night settle deep into your bones when you’re on your way home from the mission. it wasn’t like you didn’t get enough sleep, you got just the perfect amount but not being home today to celebrate with the kids and satoru kind of made your heart sink. it had always been the four of you the entire day and sometimes occasionally with the others but being away from home, away from them had taken a big toll on your heart.
you wiped at your eyes with a yawn as you began making your way down the path to your house. the cool winter night was in full swing, trees moving slightly in the small rush of wind that passed by along with the small sprinkles of snow.  you took a deep breath and rubbed over your arms as you looked up at the sky. you weren’t lying when you said you wanted snow, it had always been a dream of yours to see falling snow, and enough that it might be enough to build a snowman, it was just something that hadn’t happened in a long time. 
you reached the house but the eerily quietness and lack of light concerned you, were they watching a movie or something or did they go out and not tell you beforehand? you brushed off your worries, unlocking the door walking into an empty house. the whole room was dark, nothing could be heard and your heart was stuck in your chest, stopping at just the mere thought of not being completely alone right now. 
you could hear some whispers and instinctively your hand went up, charging up your cursed technique as you hear some shuffling until an array of fairy lights went off above you, decorated meticulously going up the stairs and some nice garlands all around, warm lighting and while you’re staring at the lights, you don’t notice the three standing right in front of you.
“welcome home.” they shouted, and you swear you had felt that much relief in your entire life.
“i could’ve hurt you guys!” you exclaimed, a hand over your heart. the soft vinyl record you distinctly remember shoko gifting you after seeing you eye it last christmas playing from the living room, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“well that defeats the whole point of a surprise if i told you, right guys?” he said, and it is only now you realise that he has a santa hat on with the other two in ugly sweaters. you know megumi would be less than happy to be dressed in this right now but you assume he did so for you and couldn’t help the way the corner of your lips curved up at the sight. this… this is what you loved about your little family, and you knew it was wrong to call it a family– the two kids aren’t yours, and you’re not married to satoru but this moment, combined with the cute late night you shared with them just the night prior confirmed that you were all closer than that and how much they loved you.
“you did not need to do this for me,” you sighed, a little overwhelmed by how well decorated everything was. you hadn’t even noticed the holly, the bells, candles, and a bunch of other festive decorations– they really went all out. you wonder just how they pulled it all together but then you remembered that satoru would stop at nothing when it came to his gestures, “and you definitely did not need to drag them into this.” you added, kneeling down in front of them so that you could hug tsumiki and as you stood up you looked at megumi and ruffled his hair despite how much you know he hated when satoru did it, when you did it, you weren’t met with the same grumpy huff.
satoru gasped, “hey, these two were asking if you’d like them and i pointed them in one direction okay?” he defended but as you looked down at the two they were shaking their heads as if to refute his words, “don’t listen to them. they did it because they love you just as much as i do.”
respectfully, you hated satoru but not in a way that was malicious but for always making you feel like the luckiest person on earth. for being friends with you back then when it seemed like the world wasn’t on your side, for allowing you to stay in his life after losing his friend, for letting you take care of two of the most beautiful children ever. he was one of the sweetest people you ever knew and you doubt any gift or gesture would be enough to make up for the man that he is. without realising you had tears stream down your face, and you bring your hand up over your face to cover it. you weren’t usually the type to cry over something so trivial but here you were.
“i can’t believe you made y/n cry on christmas.” megumi complained, trying to lighten the mood as tsumiki’s mouth dropped.
"y/n's fine!" satoru reassured and you can’t help but laugh as you wiped away some of the tears. before you could speak satoru went over to you, engulfing you in a hug, “you better not apologise for crying. there’s nothing you need to be sorry for.” he reassured, rubbing circles on your back. you nod profusely, trying to keep yourself calm in front of the others (not that they’d never seen you cry before) before pulling away from the hug. you stared into his cerulean eyes, out and free from their usual blindfold or glasses, “it’s nice to see you my love.” he whispered, meant only for your ears. 
you chuckled, pressing your lips into his cheek before turning around, “how about we open some gifts? how does that sound?” you smiled and their eyes lit up, brighter than the lights all inside the house and they scattered off like little mice to the living room where the tree was, with quite a few presents under the tree (courtesy of satoru’s money but joint in terms of thinking of what to get them) and you followed behind. satoru threw his arm over your shoulder as you took a seat on the couch as they got ready to unwrap their gifts.
“are you hungry?” he asked softly as they started unwrapping their gifts, the one in the penguin wrapping paper which satoru had wrapped up himself.
“i had something to eat on the way back.” you reassured and he nodded.
the two had spent quite a while opening satoru’s gifts. you noticed that the presents were some things the two children had mentioned once a very long time ago and were quite surprised that satoru had hand picked these gifts himself without asking you for help. you knew that he noticed every little detail about the people in his life but it made you wonder if he got you a gift after you said not to. you wouldn’t be mad if he didn’t get you one and vice versa.
“i got you that one.” you spoke, trying to contain your excitement as megumi picked up your gift, wrapped in some candy cane paper. you watched as he unwrapped it, revealing a digital camera and you hear tsumiki exclaim, excited for her gift now.
“a camera?”
you sat up, moving away from satoru as you leaned forward, “i know there aren’t that many pictures of you guys around the house so i got you that so we could start printing some out and putting them up.” 
megumi couldn’t hold in his gratitude any longer bringing you in for a hug, “thank you y/n.” he said, and you hugged him back, kissing him on the cheek. satoru was going to make a comment about how he also wanted a hug after all the gifts he gave but it was a special moment shared between the two of you and he was not going to ruin the moment.
as megumi was setting up his camera with satoru’s help, you turned to tsumiki and watched as she unwrapped her own gift, she looked up from the box to you with shock all over her face, “y/n…” she whispered, voice cracking, “i can’t take this.” she said, handing you back the box.
“hey.. it's okay,” you reassured, lightly pushing the box back in her direction, “it’s a gift tsumiki.” 
you watched her pull out the necklace, the stunning small heart shaped engraved with her initial on it but that wasn’t all you got her. after observing the necklace and helping her put it on, she opened a box that contained a letter, telling her of how much you adored her with special keepsakes from some memories you shared throughout the year. you have never seen her so happy and when she hugged you, you catch the stare that satoru is giving you– absolutely entranced by how much you loved them. a simple flash takes you off guard as megumi takes his first picture on the camera.
“how about you guys get your coats, i have something to give y/n.” satoru stated and they ran off with excitement in their bones at his plan. he had filled them in but they weren't convinced he could pull it off.
“talk about a successful night.” you chuckled, picking up the wrapping paper and throwing it in the bag that satoru was holding. 
“get changed.” he spoke, taking the bag from you and now it’s your turn to be surprised again.
“what? where are we going?”
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after getting changed, suspicion arising from his sudden ask of getting changed. you walk out of your room seeing everyone in their coats, scarves, and you watch as the children begin to walk out first leaving the two of you alone. 
“what are you up to satoru?” you questioned, furrowing your brows. 
“since you thought you could cheat your way around buying me a gift,” he replied honestly, which took you off guard, “i thought it was only fair if i got you some things as well.” there was a small box in his hand, and you took it from his hand. you held your breath as you unwrapped the paper to see a box tied with a ribbon. you opened the box, revealing nothing but a sheet of paper.
you definitely weren’t the ungrateful type but you were expecting something else like maybe a ring, a necklace or something else but as you examined the paper you looked up at him with your mouth wide open. it was a receipt of something you had been eyeing for a couple months but nothing you could excuse spending money on. you had been an avid lover since you were young and it was always your dream to have one of these.
“satoru.” you said, honestly starstruck at his gift.
“you have been eyeing that for so long,” he reasoned with a simple nudge of the shoulder, "merry christmas."
“i can’t accept this.” you shook your head, giving it back to him but you know it is relentless to deny his gifts especially after you pulled your little secret gift on him the other day.
satoru gave you a stare and pursed his lip, “you are keeping it. end of discussion.” he smiled as he started to wrap a scarf around you. satoru had always looked good in winter clothing, a scarf tucked around his neck and due to his infinity, he was never cold but still dressed to the occasion with his designer brands. he was so handsome…
“and since you’re not saying anything i'm assuming you don't like it?” he taunted. you told your brain to make a coherent sentence or at least move so you don’t make a fool of yourself just looking at the gift. you stared up at him, you used your free hand to push the scarf down from the bottom half of your face, "you know i thought you weren't going to get me anything?"
satoru had never stopped at any words faster than he had those, "what?" he answered with a shaky voice.
you scoffed holding his hand in yours, looking anywhere but into his eyes, "i thought you might do a whole 'i'm your gift' thing," you admitted, a little ashamed you had such little faith in him, "i guess you do love me."
"y/n..." he uttered, "if i have ever made you doubt i love you then i have failed as your boyfriend," he spoke and you could feel your whole body warm at his words. "you are everything to me even if you and megumi are in cahoots and pray on my downfall." he said and you shoved him. he winced lightly at the push and smiled as he pulled you close to him once more, eyes moving down to your lips then back up to your eyes.
“that was really sweet of you.” you uttered, looking up at him.
“sweet enough for a kiss?”
“unless you make it snow, i’m not kissing you.” 
“i think i deserve just one…” he teased as he leaned closer to you.
a hand suddenly grabbed yours, tsumiki's gloved one, and once again stealing that moment between you and satoru, "y/n! didn't you hear me?" she gasped as you saw the wet snow on her coat go from crystal into a wet drop.
"what happened? is megumi okay? are you okay?" you asked, hand brushing over her face as if to check for any injuries.
"it's snowing!" she exclaimed as she made her way back out.
you looked over at satoru baffled but you could just see him smile at you mischievously and you run out and to your surprise, the snow is pouring down from the sky and you now know that your christmas wish has been satisfied. looking up at the sky, you put your hand out as the snow falls into your hand and you chuckle even though you are freezing your ass off.
the children began throwing snowballs at each other and one hits you at the back of the head and you turn to see all three of them standing there staring at you. they all point at gojo before you decide to pick up some snow for yourself throwing it at him back, thankful his infinity was still down.
you truly appreciate satoru doing his best to make you happy because it was all you ever wanted. he got a snowball in the face before falling down on the floor, and all of you chuckled at him landing on his back as he began to sit up, snow covering his whole back side and all in his hair.
you knelt in the snow and began to make the snowman you've always wanted to during christmas with the help of the two and when you're done you notice him standing at the front porch just staring as tsumiki started doing snow angels and megumi's two wolf shikigami joining him in the snow. you don't know when he let them out but you just smiled as you approached satoru, "what are you doing here?"
"just admiring you," he complimented and you shake your head, "did i do okay?"
you stare at him in bewilderment before moving to press a kiss to his cheek, "you did well satoru. more than that if possible."
he smiled cheekily and you move your hand to drag him back into the snow, "come on..." you hummed as you tried to pull him away from the front porch but he refused to move and you stare at him with a tilt of the head, "what's wrong?"
"you said you would kiss me if i made it snow.” he recalled, hand on his chin as he tried to refresh your memory.
“how the hell did you manage to make it snow?” you snickered but he didn’t look like he was joking. you don’t know how he managed, he would never say but you shook your head, “sorry babe, i don’t think you can control the weather… it is quite unpredictable.” you shrugged, giving him a fake guilty look.
“it’s a christmas miracle!” he yelped with his smile that you know and have grown to adore so much and you follow his gaze to the mistletoe above your head, "you know the rules." he seethed trying to seem nonchalant.
"you're an idiot," you laughed before holding his face in your hands, tiptoeing a bit before pressing your lips to his. you pulled away and brushed his lips with your thumb a little, "i love you satoru, always."
he could only pull you back in for another kiss, smiling as he did so as the kids exclaimed in disgust and horror at the sight. "i love you y/n. here's to many more years with you." he whispered when he pulled away. it was a christmas you will never forget and one that tsumiki and megumi will also never forget, dramatically reminding you that they were traumatised from your little kiss.
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tags! @stsgluver @sukxma (thank you for hosting the event)
i hope you love this lynne, i apologise it's not my best work and i'm sorry it took so long. i love you, i hope you're doing well
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Jealousy or caring?
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Hi guys :)
After the results of the survey, this is the story you have choosen. I may write the others too though.
Summary : This one talk about jalousy and everything who can come out of it, whether it’s little cute reconciliations or a little more complicated repercussions.
TW : Jealousy, discomfort with her feelings, a little angst.
Looking at your sleepy girlfriend, you gently raise your hand to caress her face. Your gesture is gentle and delicate, afraid to wake her up. Alexia’s moments of rest are so rare these days that you do everything you can to make them as restful as possible.
You loved everything about her, even her jealousy. Or, as she prefers to call it, her caring. As the days, weeks, months and even years went, you realize that Alexia's jealousy caring has different colors.
Losing has never been easy for anyone. But you must admitted that on your side, you are perhaps less accustomed than some of your fellow teammates. You’ve been playing at FC Barcelona for a few years now and the few times you’ve lost have traumatized you. Perhaps because it often happened in the finals, you must admit that disappointment is always up to the hopes and efforts that have been made to get there.
Your national team is a little less successful than your club though. You are of Norwegian origin and even though you qualified for the last World Cup, you are having a little trouble earning points for the next Cup. After another loss, you find yourself in the last place in the ranking and the bitterness that reigned in the locker room after your defeat is still well anchored in you.
You're actually lying on your bed of the hotel room that you share with Ingrid Engen, your bestie, who also plays in Barcelona. You’ve both been staring at the ceiling without saying a word, unable to sketch the slightest gesture. You are lying in a V-shape on the same bed, the legs of the brunette on yours. You’re playing the game in your head again and again and the things you could have done otherwise to allow your team to win. And you know that it’s the same kind of things that also turn in Ingrid’s head.
You only get out of your lethargy when you feels your mobile phone vibrate in the pocket of your jogging, making you jump. You startle Ingrid at the same time and she throws you a glare while you roll your eyes, wriggling on the bed to extract your phone. Looking at the screen, you smile when you see that it's your girlfriend. You pick up and wait patiently for the few seconds necessary for the Facetime call to connect.
The black screen gives way to Alexia’s face and your heart tightens when you remember that she's thousands miles away from you. Even if Ingrid is your best friend, you’d rather be lying in the same bed as Alexia.
"Holà Bebita" makes you affectionately the latina and you smile tenderly.
"How are you feeling?"
You pout and shrug. Always lying on your back on your bed and your blond hair in halo around your head, you are not sure of the effect, but never mind. You don’t answer with words, but that’s enough for Alexia to understand what you mean. She can’t stand to lose, too.
"For what it’s worth, you played very well."
"Not good enough apparently"
You grumble, but you’ve seen a few comments from frustrated fans who feel like you should have found situations to get the ball in the net a second time. Your equalizer wasn't enough to save your team and a few minutes before the end of the match the opposing team scored the goal of the victory.
Alexia frowns when you say that and you already know the words she will say. They are always the same when a teammate takes the team’s defeat on her back. However, this doesn't seem to apply to her, she's the first to declare herself guilty during a defeat.
"Hey I forbid you to say that. If you hadn’t done your best, you wouldn’t be that exhausted. How’s Ingrid?"
Preferring not to answer and focusing on her question, you turn your head towards your best friend. She's Alexia's friend too after all. The brunette imitates you a few seconds later and your lack of common energy ends up amusing yourself. So it's with a slight smile that you bring your attention to the screen and Alexia.
"She's laying down on my bed and didn’t even have the courage to get fully dressed after her shower."
"Perdóna me?"
You hoped to tease Alexia’s jealousy, but it's finally Mapi’s face that appears on the screen, her eyebrows frowning. You are surprised to see her, Alexia didn't inform you that she was in her company, but not entirely astonished. If Ingrid is your best friend, Mapi is definitely Alexia’s. This allows the four of you to have great moments together, even if Alexia and you are less likely to party than the other two.
"Y/N why is my girlfriend not answering her phone and naked on your bed?!"
"Holà Maria" you laugh.
"Mapi give me my phone back!" your hear Alexia in the background and some noise make you realize that she's really trying to take it back.
This chaos makes you smile and ends up shaking Ingrid from her lethargy. She rolls on her stomach to also watch the screen of your phone. Even if for the moment you have a breathtaking view of the ceiling of Alexia’s living room, then some fingers, then a black background and finally Alexia’s face again, with Mapi pouting in the background.
"Hi darling" Ingrid smiles when she sees her girlfriend. "My phone battery was discharged, I call you as soon as it comes back on."
You laugh when you see Mapi's face but Ingrid slaps you on the head and you frown.
"Hey" you whined, rubbing your head with your hand, as Ingrid gets up from bed to check her phone.
It actually had to come back on since you lost time to look at the ceiling and when she unplugs it from the cable, you look at your screen again. When the brunette informs you that she will call Mapi, you decide to plug in your headphones so you can focus on the conversation you have with Alexia. And besides, your roommate is doing the same. Rolling on your side, face on the wall, you look at your perfect lady.
"I miss you so much"
The confession you make to the blonde isn’t surprising, even if you are not physically demonstrative in public, you are very often together. Alexia actually has more things to do outside of trainings than you do, but you have at least all your evening together.
"I miss you too" Alexia replies before hesitating to continue "… but Ingrid was really not naked, huh?"
Alexia's jealousy, excuse-me, caring, wasn't always cute and nice actually. At the beginning of your relationship, you decided not to tell the fans. Partly because you didn’t want to deal with the reactions it would cause, but also because you wanted to be sure it would be a serious relationship. To be perfectly honest, you already knew on your side that this was the case but you didn't want to put too much pressure on Alexia, believing that she already had enough things to manage like this.
Her insecurities have always surprised you, even if she never really talked about it. She never accused you of anything and you know perfectly well that she never searched in your phone either for example. But the fear that sometimes colors her eyes when she sees you talking to another girl surprised you so much the first time that you told yourself that you were imagining things. Spoiler, you weren't.
You also remember perfectly well the time when you were looking for an enveloppe with pictures of your childhood in your apartment, making a mess in your living room. "I’m sure Anna put it in there" you mumbled, head down in a drawer.
"Who is Anna?"
The question was thrown as lightly as if Alexia had asked you the weather for the next day. But when you turned around, her face seemed too smooth and the fact that she looked away very suspicious. Again, there were no accusations in her behavior or tone of voice.
"My cousin? Who came last week?"
And with that, Alexia had moved on to another subject after a few seconds. You felt her relief and you saw how her whole body suddenly relaxed. It was always like that with the blonde. She has never been in the habit of talking about her emotions and even if she shows you that she loves you and cares about you, she is not the type of person to make you long love declarations. But you love her this way.
Because of all this, the first time her jealousy really took over her, you were taken by surprise.
It was during a casual match with a team in the middle of the ranking. You were easily winning and the match took place in a rather good general atmosphere, the visitors being rather respectful of the game.
This didn't prevent a bad tackle from an opposing player on you, more clumsy than voluntary, throwing you to the ground with a stabbing pain in the tibia. This pain made you stay a few seconds on the floor during which you resumed your breathing. The player in question quickly leaned over you to apologize, making sure nothing serious happened to you. You didn’t even calculate her hand on your shoulder, but you willingly accepted the helping hand that Alexia held out to help you up, taking you away from the other girl.
"I'm ok" you simply reassured her, taking her suspicious look as an interest on her part for your leg.
Well, you still think she was worried about that too. But, head in your game, you went back to your position and you didn’t think about this incident again.
When the referee whistled the famous three shots, you stayed on the pitch for several minutes to chat with your teammates and go sign some jerseys and take some pictures. After examining your tibia, you saw that a bruise has starting to form and the medical team asked you not to wait too much before going to put at least a little ice on it.
So you apologized to the fans and walked into the hallway leading to the locker room. It was at this moment that the player of the opposing team came after you, calling you by your first name. Surprised, you turned around and smiled at her when she made sure once again that you were okay.
You showed her your tibia to reassure her and with that you started to discuss a bit about the game. She ended up asking for a jersey swap and after a few seconds of hesitation, you agreed. It was at this very moment that Alexia made her appearance and the timing could probably not be worse.
Even if you had nothing to reproach yourself, she nevertheless found herself facing the image of her girlfriend only dressed in her shorts and a sports bra, facing another girl wearing her jersey. All of this with a few laughs that reflected on the walls of the corridor and the hand of the opponent placed on your arm to thank you.
The moment you met her gaze, you knew the situation was going to be complicated. Alexia were frozen a few feet from you, but you perfectly saw her jaw contract and the muscles of her hands tense.
You naturally ran after her when she turned around and it took you the whole way to the locker room for her to at least agree to look at you. And you had to take her face in your two hands since saying her name repeatedly, asking her to listen to you seemed to have no effect.
"Ale, Baby, look at me"
You had to put yourself on tiptoes to have your eyes at her level and finally really have her attention. The way she pushed your hands back into that corridor and walk with a quick step while shaking her head and not even looking at you gave you the impression that she was only there physically.
You never raised your voice, feeling that it would only make things worse. And you were right. Alexia’s eyes cut off your breathing and for once it wasn’t in the right way. The anger she had felt a few moments ago seemed to have deserted her mood, replaced by distress and insecurity.
You were alone in the locker room but you knew there were risks that it would not last. And Alexia would never want to be seen in this state of emotions by anyone. So, ignoring your bruise, you informed her you were taking her home. You left her no choice and she didn't protest, which may seem surprising coming from Alexia, but you were relieved to see that she was not trying to run away from you anymore.
The ride was quiet and it was a relief when you arrived in the safety of your apartment. That said, you didn’t really know what to do with your girlfriend, suddenly turned into a mute wall, looking at nothing. So you made the decision to sit her on your couch and kneel in front of her, between her legs. The fact that you are both still in football outfits added to the strangeness of the scene.
Her gaze rests on you and the emotions that were previously there was added the fact that she seems lost. You put your hands on her lap and you look at her for a long time, not really knowing what to say. But you end up choosing what you think is most important.
"I know what you saw and that it may have seemed inappropriate, but I swear there was nothing. She just apologized and asked me to swap our jerseys"
You feel her gaze scan you and you let her do it, leaving her the time she needs. She finally nods, but you’d like her to talk to you, explain what’s going on in her head. Except she seems incapable of it for the moment.
"Come on, let’s take a shower."
You hope that the hot water will allow Alexia to relax and gather her ideas and you let her enter the shower first. Until she finishes, you unpack your bags and you decide to make her a cup of tea. Even if you are not English, your mom had this habit when someone was not well and you took the same way.
To give her as much privacy as possible, you left some spare clothes and you wait patiently on your sofa for her to come out of the bathroom. Looking at your phone, you realize that your hurry departure surprised some of your teammates and you don’t wait to answer them that everything is fine and that you are together. You can already imagine the kind of gritty scenario that Mapi will put herself in the head.
When your girl had finished, it was your turn and you hurry to go back to her as soon as possible. Despite her silence, you’re afraid you won’t find her when you get out of there. But no, except instead of being on your couch, she’s sitting on the foot of your bed. She plays nervously with her fingers and looks up at you as you slowly enter the room.
"I'm sorry"
You don’t see why she apologizes, but you decide not to ask her a question right now. Instead, you climb in the bed behind her and pull her against you, reversing your bed habits. Usually, it’s you in the role of the little spoon. But this time, she willingly nestles against you and you gently rock her, leaning against the head of the bed.
"Can we talk about it?"
She nods again, but remains silent. Looking for a way to start the conversation, you realize that you feel her heart beating against your skin, testifying to the strength of her emotions.
"Ale, you know I would never do that, right? Cheating in any way. I care too much about you to risk losing you. I only look at you."
Alexia obviously heard you, but you realize she seems to be grappling with words. She never has problems finding the ones that are necessary to motivate her teams or to reassure others, it seems to be another thing to find those to express her emotions. This isn't surprising, once again the number of people to whom she opened must be counted on the fingers of one hand.
"Ok, let me try to help you. How did you feel when you came into this hallway?"
"I wanted to rip her head off."
Well, that was rude but clear. You find yourself trying not to laugh.
"Something else?" you asked, hiding your smile in her hair.
You couldn't do it for long though, since a few seconds later Alexia gets up to sit and face you.
"I know you would never do anything like that, but that doesn’t stop me from fearing losing you. If I told you that I trust you, but I don’t trust others, would you understand the difference?"
You nod and replace a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I don't care about the others, though"
"I know I'm beeing stupid b..."
You interrupt her by placing a finger on her lips, making her look up at you for the first time since she spoke again.
"Don't. You're not stupid because you feels emotions Alexia. You're an human, not a robot"
"I don't know what to do with all this emotions" she mumble.
"Talking to me can help?"
You try a smile and she gives you a smirk back. That's a beginning right? You take her again against you and she half sit on your lap, her face against your shoulder. The silence is this time more relaxing and you feel Alexia relax in your arms.
"Thanks for getting me out of there before the others saw me like that."
"Always here for you, Love."
But Alexia can be possessive too.
As time passed, she learned to deal with her frustrations differently. When a girl has looked at you for too long for her taste at a party for example, it isn't uncommon that you find yourself the next day with scattered hickeys all over your body. Your bond has continued to grow and your understanding to evolve to the point that you can understand each other only in a few seconds, without even having to speak.
This connection has obviously been noticed by almost everyone, but there are only two people who can brag about knowing Alexia perhaps better than you. Alba, her little sister, but especially Eli, her mother. This one is grateful to you for regularly bringing her eldest daughter home, apart from the weekly diner organized at home. At first, you refused to accompany Alexia, preferring to let her spend time alone with her mother and sister. But, when your girlfriend informed you that her mother was about to sulk you permanently, you ended up going every week.
"Here you are at last!" Eli said the first time you went back.
You laughed and gave her a hug before you went to greet Alba. If Alexia quickly dragged you into the family lounge to watch their usual series, Eli eventually commandeered your help in the kitchen. Laying a kiss on Alexia’s head who hums and smile at you, you obviously agreed and found yourself peeling carrots with your mother-in-law.
You expected remonstrance from what you told Alexia, but instead you find yourself facing Eli’s inquisitive gaze.
"You swear to tell me nothing but the truth?"
"Uh… yeah?"
You are intrigued but also a little worried. You don't see what you could have hidden from her, but she has the same effect on you as when you have to pass the security gate of the customs at the airport.
"It’s been weeks since you were seen here. I thought you and Alexia broke up and she didn’t have the courage to tell me."
"Oh… no, everything is fine between us" you assured her by turning your attention to your carrots.
"Really? You’re not pretending to be always together so you don’t worry me?"
You smiled at her and after a few seconds scanning the blue of your eyes, she responded to your smile. Realizing that Alexia has the same way of looking through your eyes amuses you a lot.
"Why would you worry anyway?" you ask, frowning. "Alexia could find someone else in a snap of the fingers."
Eli snorts and you turn your attention to her.
"Maybe she could, but I sincerely doubt that she will find someone as good for her as you are. She hadn’t been with anyone for a long time before you came from your freezing Norway. I was genuinely afraid that she would never find someone good enough for her. I never asked you if you want children or getting married like I know Alexia want to, because I know that the bond you both have will take you where you have to be."
What could you have said to that? Nothing. So you cut those damn carrots, lost in your thoughts. You are obviously convinced that Alexia is made for you, otherwise you would never have been with her for so long. But you never claimed you were made for her in return.
After the carrots, you attacked another kind of vegetables, always in silence. Hearing your mother-in-law talk to you about marriage and children is rather peculiar, you never really touched the subject with Alexia. You obviously noticed the way she behaves with children and it makes your heart melt every time. You know she’ll make a good mom when her turn comes, but you don’t know if she wants to have that with you. You don’t even live together right now, after almost a year of dating. Even if you are more at her home than at yours.
"What have you done to my girlfriend?"
Not seeing you coming back to her, Alexia ended up leaving her couch to come see what’s happening in the kitchen. She knows you well enough to realize that you are lost in your thoughts and not necessarily light things. But by your side, Eli gathers the vegetables in a pan to start cooking them.
"Nothing, we were just talking mija."
The look Alexia gives you is uncertain and you give her a small smile that you hope reassuring. (It’s not). Eli sends you back to the living room and you follow your girlfriend to finish the current episode. At the end, Alba decrees that she has a call to make and Alexia takes you with her to the garden. Her fingers are tangled with yours and you looked up at the sky that darkens when she draws you against her. You let her do it and you find yourself facing her, her hand coming on your cheek. This gesture intrigues you, not that Alexia isn't tender with you, but you wonder what is behind her head.
"Are you ok?"
"I am"
You answer and, taking advantage of your proximity, you kiss her softly on her lips. A few seconds later you pass your arms around her neck to extend the kiss, enjoying of this sweat moment during which you get lost in all of her. But Alexia, determined to know more, finally backs down to plunge her gaze into yours.
"Talking to my mother about things you don’t want to talk to me about now?"
Alexia has arched an eyebrow and looks amused, but you know perfectly well that behind this light air, there is a real concern. You laugh gently though, taking the time to kiss her again before answering her.
"Do you want children?"
"I… What?"
"Living with me? Getting married?"
"Y/N - "
"Maybe get a brother or a sister for Nala?"
"A pomeranian?"
You laugh slightly but shake your head gently. Without releasing your hands around her neck, you back your face a few centimeters to have a better view of her.
"Have you ever thought about a future together, you and me?"
Alexia bites her lip and slightly tilts her head to the side while looking at you. The length of time it takes him to answer you creates a knot in your stomach and you detach this time your hands around her neck. You’re trying to pull back a little more, but Alexia’s arms around your waist are holding you back.
"Don’t take this the wrong way, okay?"
Well that’s a bad start. You only frown for answer and look forward to the rest.
"The first time I saw you, I knew. I knew you would be the one I wanted to live with. I want everything you just described, even though the second dog didn’t come to my mind."
You smirk and arch an eyebrow. As she spoke, you felt your stomach relax and your heart rate drop. But you don’t interrupt her, having learned over time that if you wanted to know more about her deep thoughts, you have to let her talk.
"You were more than patient with me, you knew how to get to know me and understand me better than anyone else. I fell in love with you the very moment you walked into the gym, half hiding behind Ingrid."
The scene is still fresh in your memory and you laugh softly remembering it. You were impressed, more than ever, to be faced with world-class players.
"I know my jealousy is sometimes difficult to deal with, but I really love you more than anything. And I don’t even want to imagine my life without you."
You find yourself without words, for once in the role of the one who is unable to find the right terms to mean what she thinks. You are not used to receiving such statements from your girlfriend, the latina preferring to cover you with attentions and gifts.
So you just pass your arms around her neck and kiss her with everything you have. This kiss is passionate and intense, it makes you completely forget the place where you are currently. Alexia tightened you impossibly close to her and the blonde took the opportunity of a moan from you to slip her tongue between your lips. Both lost in your embrace, you only take a few seconds between each kiss to catch your breath before starting again.
You can’t tell how long you’ve been kissing here, but you’re still grateful that it’s Alba who surprised you rather than your mother-in-law.
"Oh wow, I’m going to have to wash my eyes with bleach" she exclaims as she puts her hands on her eyes. "Diner is ready"
With that, she goes back inside and you laugh slowly before putting your attention back on Alexia. With a smirk, she kiss lightly your neck while whispering "We will resume this conversation later".
Over the years, Alexia’s jealousy has continued to punctuate your life. But she always kept a healthy jealousy, never accusing you of anything.
There was for example the time when you went out to a restaurant during your summer vacation. No one seemed to recognize you, allowing Alexia to feel particularly relaxed and comfortable with your physical proximity. You were surprised at the beginning of the stay when she takes your hand in her when you strolled around town or when she joined you on the same deck chair to enjoy a sunbath while cuddling.
The restaurant you booked that night was highly recommended by Ona and Lucy, who had come to the same place some time before. You failed to swallow your gum when you saw Alexia come out of the bathroom after putting on a red dress that showed nothing more than necessary but that made her breathtaking. More than usual.
And she may swear you’re the prettiest of the two, but you don’t believe it for a second. You must restrain yourself so much from letting your eyes slide over her body, in places that only you have the honor of knowing at your fingertips, that you don't realize Alexia’s growing annoyance towards your server.
It's true that he perhaps insists a little too much to know if everything is fine and that he has a strong tendency to talk to only you. It's only when you notice that Alexia’s jaw is a little too tense that you realize that something is wrong. You gently place your hand on hers and caress her skin with your thumb.
"What is it, Bonita?"
"Nothing, don’t worry."
She smiles bravely at you and since she doesn’t want to talk about it, you don’t insist. Instead, you draw her hand to your lips to lay tender kisses. The smile coming back on your girlfriend’s face, you leave this information aside until the end of the meal. After dessert, you forbid Alexia to spend any penny and pay the bill. When the waiter gives you the receipt of your payment, you slip it in your bag without thinking about it for a single second.
After a walk hand in hand, you return to your suite, secretly in a hurry to get rid of your high heels. In truth, you are so in a hurry that you decide to remove them just out of the elevator, highly amusing Alexia.
"Where’s the room card Bebita?" she asks smiling.
"In my bag"
You hand it to her and sigh of relief as you feel your feet breathe again.
"Maybe I will be able to still play football after all" you grumble as Alexia searches your purse for a few seconds, giggling about what you just said.
The sweat sound stop rather abruptly though, making you raise your eyes on her. She was livid. Regaining your seriousness, you take a few steps in her direction and you question her at the same time when she resumes speaking.
"What is it?"
You frown as you look at the piece of paper she holds in her hand, realizing that this is the receipt you had slip into your purse when leaving the restaurant.
"The restaurant's bill?" you answer, not understanding what was going on.
"No. This."
Despite her calm voice, you see her hand shaking as she approaches the paper from your face. And there you see. The waiter thought it clever to write his phone number in hand, accompanied by a small annotation. "I finish at 0h, call me ;) " Your face drop and you raise your eyes on Alexia again, feeling a wave of panic going through you.
"I'm not... I didn’t see that he wrote that, I never would have taken it! Alexia I swear."
You were scared, really. Alexia had never been as relaxed as she was on this trip and had never behaved the same way with you outside the four walls of your shared apartment. You were terrified that it would make her step back or worse, that she would think that you might be interested in him somehow.
But you soon realize that if she’s angry, it’s clearly not against you. Furiously opening the door of your room thanks to the magnetic card she finally found, Alexia enters like a furious. And you follow her on tiptoe, dropping your shoes next to the door that closes behind you.
"Who the hell does he think he is?" Alexia roars, making you wide-eyes. "Wasn’t it visible enough that we were on a date? I’ve practically been drooling over you all night and if your eyes could undress me I wouldn’t be wearing my dress anymore."
Laughing may not be a good idea right now, but your girlfriend’s phrasing still amuses you a lot. You bite your lower lip to avoid to do it and grab her by the arm to prevent it from spinning like a propeller in your room. Drawing her against you, you pass your arms around her waist, unable to access her shoulders. If you got rid of your high heels, this is not the case for Alexia although she is only five centimeters taller than you without it.
"We don't care about him. I’m only yours, Alexia, for as long as you want me."
"Don’t say that kind of thing where you’re gonna get stuck with me for the rest of your life" she grunts against your hair.
"Can’t wait."
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The Gift
Kristen tapped her feet restlessly waiting for Elvis to grace the stage. She was squashed between countless other already-screaming women of all ages and indeed some excitable men too.
When she had realized a few months earlier Elvis would be performing on her birthday she worked all the hours god sent to be able to purchase a ticket. Her closest friends weren't interested in seeing Elvis perform, and although going to a concert alone wasn't something she'd normally do- and had never done-Kristen would sell her soul to see Elvis Aron Presley himself in person.
Despite the long hours at the local diner, she still didn't make enough so her parents, knowing how much the gig meant to her, helped her pay. She had fallen in love with Elvis the moment she set eyes on his beautiful face on the pages of the local paper. So naturally her nerves were shot to pieces, and she felt as though she might throw up despite this being the best birthday of her Nineteen years on earth.
Finally, Kristen could see a middle-aged man who spoke into a microphone "Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Mr Elvis Presley and his band members..."She didn't hear the names of his band members due to the deafening screams and cheers over Elvis' name. Elvis' band members began making their way onto the stage, instruments in hand and the young man appeared from behind them sporting a huge grin,white suede shoes, plain black trousers and a tucked in button down shirt with several buttons undone-revealing his bare chest.
Kristen quite literally felt like she was in a dream. He was even more beautiful in person which she didn't think could be possible. Then he began to speak "I-I-I'm so happy to be here for y-y-you all" He even sounded sexy when he was stuttering in his southern drawl. Which, coupled with his appearance was why Kristen found herself screaming like her life depended on it. Elvis looked bemused as he introduced his first song, "Baby let's play house"
The crowd became even wilder as he began shaking his legs and rolling his hips to the music. The media labeled him crude for those actions but as far as he was concerned he was just feeling the music deep in his soul and his actions were completely innocent. However the girls in the crowd saw it as the former and not the latter. His movements brought sex to their minds, a topic the majority of them hadn't had a thought about before now.
Kristen was no different. She watched as he bounded around on stage with endless energy, at one point even getting on his knees at the very end of the stage, nearly close enough to touch countless hands that reached for him. By the final song she was so overwhelmed with the foreign feeling of lust that she decided to make a bold move.
She spotted that the team of Security men were too busy enjoying the performance to keep a close eye on the step to the stage. Everything was hazy as she hurriedly, wildly clambered up the step. In the time between her setting foot on stage and the burly men hauling her off she only managed to let out a squeaked "ELVIS" and continuous screams. Although Elvis did give her a "Hi, honey" with a quick glance and a friendly smile. She was sure if it wasn't for the men holding her she would have passed out right there and then.
"Lady, what in the hell did you think you were doing?" One with the name tag Bill sternly questioned, but all Kristen heard was white noise.
"HEY!" He waved a large, rough hand in her face which was enough to momentarily bring her back to earth. 
She muttered a "Sorry" feeling a blush spreading across her face. Acting like this wasn't something Kristen was accustomed to but there was something about that man.Bill and his cohorts removed their grip on her weak arms and shifted to the entrance of the stage, shooting a look to say I'm watching you.
Elvis had by this point reached the end of his final song and was again thanking the crowd, breathless "Thank-thank you all. God bless you" 
Kristen was sure she saw him focus his baby blue eyes on her, just for a split second, boyish grin plastered onto his face. The blush that had swept across her face was now raging through her own body as she pondered whether she had just fantasized the interaction. She didn't ponder for long as he exited the stage into the back of a limousine which quickly departed, leaving her heart to sink.
Hordes of women began sprinting (Some even in high heeled shoes) to try and catch up with the car and Kristen, after coming out of her daze, began to join them. That was until she was stopped by a firm hand on her shoulder. She let out a gasp as she realized it was a member of Elvis' band. Why was he still here?
"S-Sorry. I didn't mean to bother Mr. Presley up there"
She prepared to be scolded but the man let out a laugh "Trust me, you didn't bother him none" 
Kristen gave a shy laugh but didn't speak.
"I'm Scotty by the way" He offered her his hand. She took it hesitantly "Kristen. I don't mean to be rude sir but what do you want from me?"
"Sweetie, It's not me who wants something from you. Elvis does." 
Her mouth fell agape as she questioned if she'd heard correctly. Scotty chuckled again. "He had a word in my ear before he shot off. He told me he admired how bold you were coming up to him like that. Plus he thinks you're real pretty"
Her eyes widened with every word he spoke resigning herself to the fact it must be a joke. "Very funny." 
Scotty appeared offended. "Now why would I hang about in the cold just to pull a prank on a girl I don't even know?" 
"Well...I don't know what you would do...I don't even know you!"
"Precisely! I don't know you and you don't know me but my pal E would like to get to know you."
"How am I supposed to trust you?"
"Because like I just told you, I'm Elvis's pal and he trusts me, surely that's reason enough? And I'm betting meeting E isn't something you'd pass up the opportunity to do"
He was right, she quickly realized. She would risk anything for the opportunity to meet Elvis Presley.
"C'mon. I'll drive you to him."
"Wait..right now?" 
"You have somewhere to be?" He looked shocked at the fact a person would possibly want to delay meeting Elvis.
"Umm..no!No where" Kristen lied. She had planned to meet her parents for dinner shortly after the show but she could do that any old day.
It was her birthday, she intended to spend it exactly how she wanted and this was exactly how she wanted to. She followed Scotty to another waiting limo, jumping into the back with him while a older looking man in an all black suit drove. The drive seemed to take an eternity however it was only just over fifteen minutes until they pulled up at a swanky hotel.
Scotty gave a quick nod to the driver before ushering Kristen out and into the hotel. It was even more stunning on the inside, but she really didn't care about the hotel. The man waiting for her inside it was all she could focus on. They headed straight for the elevator, Scotty pushing for floor 10. Like the drive there, the elevator ride seemed to take a lifetime. "Elvis was very keen to see you" He broke the awkward silence, but it did nothing to calm her nerves. When floor 10 finally came Scotty led her to a room numbered 50.
Kristen's heart was beating so fast she felt as though it could have been heard. "E?" Scotty called out as his knuckles rapped the wood. Almost instantly Elvis appeared, still in the same get-up as earlier but with every single one of his shirt buttons now undone. She tried and failed to stop a gasp escape her mouth. Scotty stifled a laugh but smiled cheekily back at her.
"Okay, I'll leave you two kids to it" With that he slapped Elvis on the shoulder playfully and waved at Kristen while heading back down the corridor, leaving her slack-jawed and staring at the tall, dark-haired man in the doorway.
"It's okay honey I'm not the sort to bite" He giggled at his own joke, beckoning her to follow him into the room. Elvis leapt onto the bed head-first in a childlike manner while Kristen awkwardly perched on the edge of the dresser chair, eyes trying to be everywhere but Elvis' spread-out body. He sprang up to sit on the edge of the bed, bringing himself directly in front of her vision.
"You've not told me your name darling" He cocked his head and gave a crooked smile.
"Kristen. It-it's my birthday today" She wasn't quite sure why she had blurted it out but what he did next made her glad she had. 
"Aww. Pretty name for a pretty girl. Well happy birthday Kristen, honey" He leaned over and pecked her on one cheek causing her to shudder. Elvis's scent was delicious, a mix of cologne and fruit.
"Thank you for choosing to spend your birthday with me. Did you enjoy the show?" He looked genuinely flattered with the slightest hint of mischief in his eyes upon his question.
"I did Mr. Presley. You're very talented" She had to keep looking away when she spoke, he was just too overwhelming.
The glimmer in his eyes grew. "What do you think my talent is?" The way he spoke the query seemed suggestive.
"Um..how well you sing, the way you move..." She trailed off as she noticed Elvis not so subtly trail his tongue over his top lip.
"You like the way I move huh?" His slender fingers reached her face to force her into his burning gaze. Her skin felt red hot under the gentle touch, stomach flipping.
All she could do was rapidly nod. "Want me to show you again how I move?" His fingers remained on her face, feeling it flush like lava. A groan fell from her lips, hands gripping the armrests of the chair as though she was on a white-knuckle ride 
"I know you want me to show you honey. There's no need to be nervous." Elvis allowed his hand to move down from her face to her hand, rubbing it in his own. She swallowed hard and allowed her eyes to close. They opened in pure surprise when she felt the softest lips on hers, a gentle peck. Before she had time to react his lips were back on hers, this time not so gentle.
His tongue begged to be let into her mouth, his neediness growing as she began to kiss back with the same passion. Her nerves melted away and, in its place, grew feelings of deep lust. 
"You sure you want this, baby?" Elvis quizzed as she whined at the loss of his lips. 
"Fuck, yes" Her reply was breathless. He chuckled at the enthusiasm and wasted no time in returning his kiss, hands fondling the back of her hair. His mouth rapidly made it's way to her jaw, down her neck where he sensually suckled, causing her head to fly back, allowing him more access. He pulled away with a groan to stand up and help her onto her feet, spinning her round to undo the zipper at the back of her floral dress.
He tugged it down and she stepped out of it, kicking her shoes off with it. Elvis turned her back round to face him and looked hungrily up and down at the sight of Kristen in front of him in red lace underwear "Fucking gorgeous" His voice was laced with lust.
He removed his open shirt and kicked off his shoes before wasting no time in working his hands on her bra clasp, pulling it down her shoulders and flinging it carelessly across the room. Next, he hooked two fingers either side of her panties and slipped them down with ease. She trembled despite the warmth of the room, boldy grabbing Elvis by the head and kissing him with passion, her bare breasts pressed against his bare torso. His hand shot to her ass and squeezed inducing an aroused shiver.
"Let's get in bed baby" Elvis undid his belt and zipper with enthusiasm, discarding of his pants amongst the other items of clothing. Him doing so led Kristen to discover he hadn't been wearing any underwear, his already solid cock springing up. She'd never seen anything so big and couldn't help but gawp as he crawled into bed, laying on his side. She led beside him facing him, trying to get her head around the fact she was in bed with Elvis Presley.
"See something you like honey?" Her eyes on his cock didn't go unnoticed. In response she wrapped her fingers around it and gently tugged a few times. Elvis let out a whine "Feels so god damn good baby" before gently pushing her shoulder to lie her on her back. Elvis continued kissing her neck the way he had before and this time teased his fingers around the soft skin of her breasts and nipples, squeezing both breasts before allowing his mouth to continue down to them, causing a gasp as he swirled his tongue around each nipple. "God, Elvis" His name escaped her lips as she laced her fingers into his soft hair.
He repeated the same actions taking equal turns with each breast for a moment before releasing his mouth to bring it to hers, sweetly exploring before pulling away and questioning her "Can we use something baby?" 
"Huh? Like a condom?" She furrowed her brow trying to work out what he meant.
"No, not a condom" He laughed. "These" He left her wondering what these meant for a second before reaching into the bedside draw and pulling out a pair of steel handcuffs along with tiny keys.
"Oh!" Kristen exclaimed, staring at the things dangling in Elvis' hands.
"It's no bother if you don't want to use them?" He smiled sweetly.
"No...I mean yes I definitely do I just never have before"
Elvis' smiled grew even wider. "That's okay mama.I'll be gentle" He gently took her wrists and clicked the cold cuffs closed around them, placing the keys back into the draw. "That okay?" His baby blues looked into her eyes. "Fine" She affirmed, somehow even more turned on by how concerned he was about her being comfortable. 
"Good. Now can I kiss you down here?" He asked so casually as he placed his fingers on the inside of her naked thighs. The very thought of what he was asking caused an ache down there. 
"Please, Elvis" Her words came out a little more desperate than she'd intended, earning a laugh from the musician.
"Gonna make you feel so good, promise" She had no doubt whatsoever he could keep his promise as he gently spread her legs apart with his warm hands.
He positioned himself so he was in-between her legs with his knees tucked underneath him, starting by tenderly kissing her abdomen, hearing her moans grow louder as he worked his way down to just above her sweet spot. "Please" She begged again, unable to reach Elvis' head to guide him to where she so desperately wanted him due to the cuffs. He stopped and moved his mouth across to the very top of her leg and kissed a few times before finally getting to her inner thighs, carefully nibbling his way up till he reached her center.
Kristen's heels ground against the bed in anticipation. Elvis grinned up at her before trailing two fingers upwards along her slick folds, relishing the feeling of her wetness.
"Elvis. You did ask if you could kiss me down there!" Impatience resounded in her voice.
"Patience honey, I mean what I say" He gave her a filthy wink and finally-but barely made contact with her clit. She cried out with longing, and he stopped finally teasing and rubbed firm circles onto her clit. "Fuckkkk" She could see by the pleasure on his face he was enjoying this almost as much as she was.
Heat built rapidly within her as Elvis inserted one, then two nibble fingers into her with his other hand, curling them inside her in a come-hither motion. She desperately thrashed underneath him as he increased his pace on her clit and at the same time searched for a special spot deep inside of her.
"Mouth Elvis, fuck" As amazing as his fingers felt she was focused on knowing the sensation of his lips.
He finally obeyed, withdrawing his digits completely and replacing them with a gentle kiss to her bundle of nerves. Her eyes shot shut as she bit down on her lip, moaning loudly.
Elvis tapped her thigh gently "Hey! I want you to watch me make you cum" She had no words but did as he said, trying her best to keep her eyes open for him.
He began more intensely kissing her clit then lapped his tongue up and down her pussy, returning to her nub to take it in his mouth, sucking. He experimentally darted his tongue against it, glancing up to make sure she was still watching. 
"I'm really close Elvis" She panted, feeling wetness dripping down her thighs.
"That's good baby. Cum for me honey" He took her clit in his mouth again, licking and sucking hard whilst entering his fingers back into her, finding that special spot again and hitting it over and over.
His dirty words coupled with his hot tongue and fingers sent her trembling right over the edge. He continuously praised her as she came down from the high, kissing her mouth sweetly.
Despite just orgasming hard she wanted more of him. "Let me suck you off" Kristen needily looked down at Elvis' throbbing dick, still rock solid.
Elvis groaned but regained his cool "Ask nicely and I might let you" She shivered at his words.
"Please. Please let me. I need to taste you" 
"Okay. As you asked so sweetly honey" Elvis tugged at himself a few times before searching the draw for the keys to uncuff her.
Once she was free Elvis led himself down as she sat between his legs. She took a second to admire his length, she was truly in awe at just how big he was. He keenly watched her looking at him which aroused him even more.
She took him in her hand, slowly pumping at him whilst watching his eyelashes flutter and his pretty mouth fall open. "That nice, honey?" She cooed as he shivered from her touch.
"Want me to use my mouth?"
"God yes. Would be a dream" He spoke as though this was the first time he'd experienced this.
She took just the very tip in her mouth and softly sucked, using her tongue lightly, tasting his pre-cum. "More" Elvis pleaded.
Listening to his pleas, she then licked his entire length from base to tip before taking him back in her mouth and swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip.
Elvis bucked underneath her, urging for more. She resumed sucking at the tip of his cock again before, without warning taking the full length of it.
It was extremely difficult not to gag around such length. A series of hot moans escaped his mouth as he became more and more frantic.
Elvis wrapped a strong hand around her hair and began pushing her head down, hard onto his cock as he thrusted up with his pelvis, begging for release.
She began to audibly gag at the fullness of her throat, but she really didn't care. He held his tight grip as his moans became louder and louder, fucking himself into her again and again, making tears stream down her cheeks. With one final, long moan he convulsed and his white hot cum coated her throat. It seemed to never end, there was so much of it.
She opened her mouth to show him she'd swallowed it all as he let go of his grip. "Angel" He praised dreamily, before kissing her passionately.
She was amazed when she saw him tugging at himself, still hard as a rock. "It never seems to go down honey. No matter how much I relieve it" 
Kristen was glad about that. "So, it would seem I'm not done with you yet" He gave her a cheeky grin whilst rolling her over and landing on top of her. They continued kissing with hunger, Elvis squeezing her breasts then trailing his hand down to rub her clit again. She tugged (hard this time) at his erection before speaking "Fuck me, Elvis" 
Elvis seemed thrilled with the request and wasted no time in positioning himself between her legs. "You ready baby?" 
"Yeah" She moaned, preparing herself. She gasped and he groaned as he pushed in ever so gently, gradually, slowly going in and out filling her up more each time until he finally had his whole length inside.
"So god damn tight honey, fuck" He kissed her again as he carried on moving at a snail pace. She'd never felt so full before, but he was going agonizingly too slowly.
"You can be a bit more...rough ya know. I'd like ya to." 
Elvis's eyes lit up. "Rough? Damn. I can be rough" With that he pulled out then gave a hard, deep shove inside her. It stung a bit, but the pleasure far outweighed the slight pain.
"Is that what you want baby?" Elvis groaned. She nodded and he took that as a queue to do it again, his fingernails digging into her shoulder and hers in his back.
He proceeded to take her legs and place them over his shoulders, granting him more access. He thrusted his hips hard, pushing deep inside a third time.
"Feels so fucking good!" She praised him. She could feel another orgasm building already.
"Can I go faster?" He already knew the answer and she confirmed it with a moaned "Yes, please"
As soon as the words left her mouth Elvis held onto her legs firmly and began wildly pounding into her, sweat dripping down his body.
"They d-they don't-call you-Elvis the-Pelvis-for-no-reason do-they?" Kristen gasped out.
"I've never liked that name, honey but when I'm fucking you like this, you so tight around me you can say whatever the hell you want!" Elvis panted, withdrawing for a minute causing her to whine.
"Aw. My baby doesn't like it when I'm not inside her?" Before she had time to respond he carried on his frantic pace, moving his hips in just the right way, his cock throbbing inside her with very move.
"I'm close Elvis" She let him know as he resumed fucking into her hard. 
"Good girl. Love watching you cum. I'm right behind you" His pretty mouth fell open in ecstasy as he watched her head roll back and continuous moans leave her mouth while he thrusted as hard and fast as he possibly could, bringing his fingers to her hair to pull hard as she came with a cry.
"Ah. Baby. So good. Cuming. All over. My cock. Gonna. Come for. You" He breathlessly spoke a broken sentence right before he cried out himself, his cock spurting his cum into her walls, again seeming to go on forever, endless groans leaving Elvis's mouth.
He eventually pulled out in bliss, and once again it was still hard, although the man it belonged to seemed shattered.
They both cleaned themselves up in the bathroom and Kristen began looking for her clothes. "Hey, where you going?" Elvis quizzed.
"I was due somewhere hours ago" She informed him.
"A few more isn't gonna hurt, is it?" Elvis gave his best puppy dog eyes. She couldn't say no to them so proceeded to clamber back into bed with Elvis.
"By the way, happy birthday, again" He kissed her innocently on the cheek as she got comfortably laid down. It had been a VERY long day.
Elvis stroked her hair as she allowed her eyes to close. Then, he did something she wasn't expecting. He started to sing.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you"
"Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you"
Her eyes sprung open, and she felt a blush on her face, a tear starting to form in her eyes.
"Aw honey. I just love singing to a pretty girl like you. Let me sing you to sleep. My birthday gift to you."
And so, he continued singing and playing with her hair, stroking her cheek until finally she drifted off, Elvis falling asleep soon after.
His arm around her, his head on her chest. Peaceful. 
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woednesdayaddams · 1 year
name : veronica (middle name's anna but shh)
nickname/s : vero, ronnie, you can pick any or choose one for me
pronouns : she/her , although i don't mind if you use any other, i respond to everything
preference of communication : tumblr im's , recently had a bad experience on discord and it doesn't feel quite right but i am planning on returning bc that's the only way i can share more ooc time with amazing people (i'm looking at you moots)
most active muse : wednesday addams
experience / how many years : thirteen years overall been there during the astericks era, took a big break and here i am
platforms you use : tumblr only
best experience : ic stuff works so much better when you've already talked ooc. most of the times, i am yelling ooc about possible plots and dynamics and it feels so nice when the feeling is mutual. so far i've only met/talked to super nice people so ig i am lucky to have found all of you mwah
rp pet peeves : godmodding when it's not necessary/haven't discussed it prior, hate toward the nicest of people, writing historic muses without acknowledging what they did wrong/supporting bs behavior
fluff , angst , or smut : fluff and angst all the way. i did read smut at some point, never able to write it myself so wattpad did me no good rip
long or short replies : while i do tend to get carried away and write long replies, i have nothing against short replies, in fact, i think it's a good start with muses you're getting accustomed to! so anything works for me, but if i love our thread(s), i might write long replies, however, never feel pressured to match
best time to write : mornings or night time
are you like your muse/s : all my relatives joke around that when i was little i was wednesday's long lost twin sister. ignoring my pigtail phase as a child, i do resonate with her and the way she's thinking. having a thing (wink wink) for the macabre? check. peculiar sense of humor? check. either can't look people in the eye or stare at them? check. i was doing what jenna's wednesday does before it became a trend. i love wednesday, always have and writing her feels so easy, she's one of the muses i can't see to grow out of anytime soon.
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tagged by: @edxmunson
tagging: @psychicanimator , @blccdshed , @outcaest , @thvrpe , @killerv1bes and you!
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thedaythealienscame · 2 years
i've been writing a lot more recently in short bursts, going between projects. this is something that i finished last night, kind of diving into my character and their one-sided relationship with their "boss." it's kind of all over the place tbh but. who cares.
if it had a title, it'd be "there was something almost soothing in the hard-to-define note of terror in your eye" <- which is pretty long! it's from "i've got the sex" by tmg for character dynamic reasons
only warnings i can think of are like. insecurity, jealousy, vague mentions of alien sex? and the last part is imagining an intimate moment that could be ruined by an easy murder (which could be construed as suicidality?)
O-Ren's mat lies on the floor of the generator room, surrounded by a few bits and bobs. Personal belongings that don't actually feel all that personal anymore. (For instance; a literal piece of one of the people who built them, an amulet from home, a book that they're hesitant to touch.) But more important than that, O-Ren is kneeling at the end of the mat on their knees, palms flat on the floor, and praying.
Well, loosely.
They're running over possible scenarios in their head and trying to work their way out of each one. Sometimes with some act of divine interference on IVAN’s part, sometimes not. Sometimes there isn't an out and everything is shit. It depends on how hopeless they’re feeling that hour.
Accompanied by this is a choking, muttering sound. The kind of thing that makes you wonder whether or not someone is chewing gravel next to your ear. A reinforcement of sorts.
It doesn't change anything, though.
Now they have a new burden to take on at the hands of their own poor decision-making. A choice that they shouldn’t have made as lightly as they did, and now it was a piece of them. The Menace had even accompanied them on the ship (even though Hugo had not for a good hour or two), and while they weren’t stressing in the doorway anymore, nothing really changed. And they had messed up with Juno, and now they had to take far more on than they were accustomed to.
It’s just that they don’t like him. The Menace.
His whole demeanour puts them on edge, as much as they would rather it did not (or however intentional it may be). Reminds them of their guardian’s description of a dolphin’s laugh. A privilege, it had been, to be able to even hear that story. And what a regret it is now. It haunts them more than anything they’d ever thought about before.
“A bright, high-pitched sort of thing, yes? Like two sheets of thin iron rubbing against each other so quickly you can hardly see the switch. They talk to each other like that. All bubbly.”
As taboo as it was to leave, they were grateful for everything that their guardian had given them. For everything… but that.
To be honest, they had no idea what would have happened if their head hadn’t been filled with so many different ideas of that sort. Of earth, of mars, of other planets in their own solar system all made up of gas.
And they kind of don’t understand what Hugo has in mind when he sees Kelsi, though she is pretty, something about her grates on the plates around their stomach. Emotion all heavy in its sincerity as it flows through them at a remarkable speed. Some combination of envy and appreciation all at once.
Of course, of course it makes them feel gross. He’s allowed to do whatever he wants.
And he has, in turn, allowed them to do whatever they want. Anytime, they’re allowed to just pack up and leave as if nothing ever happened there. O-Ren could jump ship if they wanted to, or just get lost on purpose and never return. Do something that they would have never dared to do in a thousand lifetimes. Drink and smoke their life away. Let someone take their core like it meant nothing to them. Would it matter? Would he care?
O-Ren, despite their best efforts, really wants Hugo to care.
What would they even be if he didn’t care?
Hours later, they walk out of that little room, regretting a little bit that they don’t house themself with the others. But it just doesn’t seem right. And they don’t want to intrude now, especially now that they’ve come to think of that place as a private little home.
And… during a routine check-in with everyone, it’s all okay.
Nothing is going wrong, people are getting along, everything is okay without the constant rounds of the ship. Whether or not this should be a reason to stop doing so is filed away into the back of O-Ren’s mind for later. It makes them feel a little safer.
(Then grosser, when they exchange pleasantries with Hugo and can barely tear their eyes away from the octopus-like sucker marks that litter his skin. Not that he’d notice. It’s so obviously unintentional as well, like he just… forgot about the marks now that he’s not in the direct presence of the Menace. Wrapping fully around his wrists and forearms and the back of his neck, so perfect in proportion that O-Ren is both upset and insecure all at once for no justifiable reason.)
Even if O-Ren was never given a specific job to work with ever again, they would never be done working in every meaning of the word. There is no “stop” from the specific moment of creation to the end of the universe unless they die somehow. And that’s just something they have to accept.
Not that they know what their job is now that they aren’t hauling bricks.
But a part of it seems to be pacing around the ship until they pass out from exhaustion and a lack of oxygen. And worrying about their crewmates.
(Jealousy is not in the description, it shouldn’t feel as good or righteous as it does.)
IVAN pushes for them to sit down for a little, apparently unphased by the journey that they have ahead of them. And they don’t mind, really. If he’s treating them normally, they must be acting somewhat normally.
(O-Ren, as stupid as the thought is, wants nothing more than to take off their outside face and reveal a hidden little piece of them. One that couldn’t have been seen by anyone since they left their home planet and blasted off into eternal nothingness with only other work to replace it. More fulfilling work, but work nonetheless.)
It's not that they don't like the chatter, but they're not really focused on it. Or much at all, really. They find themself warming Hugo's drink back up without a second thought while nodding along to another beach ramble/argument.
(The idea is dangerous. And if anyone had done the most surface-level research on their people, they would know just how humiliating that can and should be. Best not to lose any more credibility while they're still with Deep Blue.)
It's become such a boring argument over the past couple days, and they can't even bring themself to care about it anymore. If they're going to the beach, who cares?
(Just flash your bosses, O-Ren. Smart.)
Calmly and as quietly as possible, they slip out of the room without so much as a glance going their way. People too wrapped up in each other to care about the outside world in exactly the way that they shouldn't want to be.
Fighting is disruptive and inefficient, to be avoided at all costs. If one has authority over another, the subordinate should allow things to go as the other sees fit. That’s how it’s supposed to be anyway.
O-Ren knows firsthand that nothing is that smooth.
Of course the moment that O-Ren sneaks away, back to their little room they call home, disruptive little thoughts make their presence known in the most distracting way possible. The pieces that make up their outer-face have become oppressive in nature in the short amount of time it took to get from the control room to the engine.
Thick fingers shift the biggest piece up and to the right. It falls on their mat with a gentle thud.
Maybe he’d like it.
More sheets of hard, heavy rock start coming off bit by bit. Slowly revealing an underlayer that would sparkle if it weren’t so dull and entice people if it weren’t so full of holes. Holes that keep them alive and breathing, but holes nonetheless. Ones that would be worth a pretty penny (an even better reason to keep themself under wraps).
Maybe, if he was lonely enough. Or experienced some sort of change of heart. But they’d take it.
They’d cherish any sort of attention on that scale.
It’s such wishful thinking, but they can’t really help it anymore.
O-Ren has, at least, a few hours left to breathe without anyone going looking for them. Which means a few hours before they have to put half their body back on again, but it’ll be so worth it to not feel stifled, at least for the moment.
They take some extra care with the left plates of their outer chest, minding the hole that they have yet to find an opportunity to fill.
Maybe he’d like that too.
The idea could be thrilling, that they’d willingly show off a piece of their most fragile layer. There’s a pretty solid chance that he’d get curious and ask to look (or maybe even reach) inside to see their core. The worst part is that he could probably handle the heat if he did decide to reach inside.
Lay them down on their mat right here, the door locked, far enough away from the main activity that goes on in the ship that no one would know or hear.
Support their head with his hand, maybe…
Or they’d just rest in his lap like it was a pillow, cheek pressed against his stomach (for all that that would be worth). It’d even be easier for Hugo to reach inside and touch the one thing that keeps them alive. Boiling hot and soft in the middle, a core resting right where their diaphragm would be.
All their plates off, resting on the thing that makes up their bed, and O-Ren kneels beside all their pieces that they need to take the time to fix, no matter how intriguing the idea of Hugo noticing and realizing what the meaning behind that is. 
Not that they’ve ever expected much.
What’s even more embarrassing is that they’d love it. They’d love everything and anything that Hugo did as long as it was him. No matter how clinical he was.
If he touched them like he meant it, like they mattered to him, or if it was purely scientific. If he spent most of his time distantly twisting and bending the quartz that made them keep shape inside. Applying pressure to their core to see what they do, to see if they’d ever pull away.
(And the answer would be no, not in a million years. Any survival instincts that may have been drilled into them since creation have gone out the window for a man who doesn’t care all that much as to whether or not they live or die. O-Ren can’t actually tell if that’s a downside or not. It should be, but it kind of isn’t.)
Maybe even if it would kill them. Or if he could try to move it around and see what that would do. 
(But he’d try to be nice enough to them every step of the way, which kind of makes it hurt. He likes them enough to use them as a living shield from his ex, that has to be worth something. This all has to be worth something.)
Hugo’d be nice if O-Ren clung to him, and he’d be nice if they spent the whole session with their hands by their sides, and he’d be nice even if they asked to cover up those sucker-marks by wrapping their fingers around his throat.
Not that he’d agree, ever, but he’d be nice when letting them down.
Only because they made it this far, but it’s a good thought. A thought that sends O-Ren into a slightly safer state of mind.
A sharp rap against the engine room door has O-Ren reeling, trying to decide between staying quiet or rushing to cover themself back up and answer whoever was making their presence known.
Not that they stay, effectively making that decision for them.
If they had a heart, it would be beating out of their chest. Not that it really mattered. Getting caught now would be akin to being caught in underclothes, not that anyone would be thrilled about it, or incredibly happy about it… but a sight better than having something to be caught for.
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j-graysonlibrary · 7 months
The Xiang Chronicles: Book Three Chapter 28
Title: The Xiang Chronicles: Book Three
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 107k
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, drama, LGBT+
Available on: my website
Synopsis: Only one Xiang remains and her name is Merra. She hopes to unite the land by force and plow down anyone in her way—especially the people of Agni who she deems faithless and the native people of Terra who refuse to cooperate with her.
Raine continues to serve his Lord but he has taken to alcoholism to soothe his grief—a fact he keeps out of his letters with Heidi. Baiya has returned to mercenary work in order to keep his family safe while Kira is on the warpath. He, fully, takes on the title of Chaaya and means to defeat the Xiang he sees as false.
And, in a guarded castle in Enlil, a stir-crazy Princess dabbles in the dark arts, setting in motion something even Tiandi cannot see.
Full chapter 28 under the cut
Chapter XXVIII:
Riding a horse while drunk was not an easy skill to master but, after a lot of practice, Raine had found it was not too bad. He no longer felt sick to his stomach due to all the motion and he had a pretty decent handle on his limits. Naturally, if he drank too much, no matter how accustomed to it he was, he would still end up vomiting over the side of his horse.
He could not afford to display that sort of behavior around his new company so he kept the drinking on the road down to a minimum. His head was in constant agony, however, and he craved liquor worse than he expected.
Really, he had hoped that Pangu coming back into his life—literally being raised from the dead—would curb his drinking habit.
He was beyond happy to have his friend back and he went immediately back into disciple mode but his stress levels had not especially changed. If anything, he might have been more stressed given the fact he deserted his King, the military, and possibly put both his orphanage and Heidi in danger if Merra pieced things together right away.
And, when he thought like that, of course he needed another drink.
The group was low on supplies anyway so Raine did not feel especially selfish about the stop. He just was not delighted by the location.
He had passed by, a couple of times, going on missions for Merra and chasing down leads about Kira but he had not actually stepped foot inside Sun-shi city since the last time he was there with Pangu.
The outer walls were just as dilapidated and abandoned as he recalled—probably even worse now. There was more miasma too and Raine scrunched his nose at the wall of it they walked into.
May, Fujin, and Kaz all struck quite similar faces at the blanket of poison. “Is this okay to breathe?” Fujin asked and cupped her hand over her mouth. May quickly followed her lead.
“For a little while, it is fine,” Raine explained. “We will not be here long enough for it to truly affect you.”
Pangu’s eyes darted all around the area and he frowned although no one could see that behind the fabric covering his face. “Have I not already cleaned this city?”
Raine chuckled. “You have. It is terrible though.” He led them to a building, as run down as every other structure in the vicinity. “You four stay here, I will get the supplies, and I will be right back.”
“His face is hidden already, what are you worried about?” Kaz asked, gesturing to Pangu.
“Our group will draw too much attention further in and I do not want to be here any longer than necessary. You have trusted me this far, right? Trust me on this as well.”
Kaz scowled. “Who is to say I do trust you?”
Pangu grabbed his arm. “Kaz, come on.” He then looked to Raine. “We will stay put.”
His first disciple gave him a curt nod before bowing out and leaving.
“Why does he always just boss us around?” Kaz complained and pulled his arm free.
“It is not bossing,” Fujin replied, “He knows the area the best. We probably would slow everything down.”
Pangu nodded. “If Raine says this is fastest then I believe him.”
“I know but…” he grumbled and then turned to May, hoping to find some solidarity with her but then he promptly realized she had not said a word since entering the city. That was unlike her so his eyebrows rose. “May…are you alright?”
She kept a hand clamped over her mouth and said, in a muffled voice, “Don’t wanna breathe.”
Fujin smiled. “He said it was fine in small doses.”
May shook her head and added another hand. Pangu almost laughed—especially when he saw the almost matching looks on the siblings’ faces. As if the wheels were turning in their heads to ask the same question: “if we tell May there is miasma around, will she always go quiet?”
His amusement was intercepted by confusion when he felt the miasma start to shift in the air. He had not been particularly paying attention to it but, with the amount, it was impossible to completely ignore.
“What is it?” Kaz noticed his smile dropping immediately.
“Something or…someone…is absorbing the miasma.” Pangu bit down on his lip, lightly chewing as he contemplated his next words. He could not resist. “I am going to follow the trail.”
Lord Huan Lao Weiyan stood at attention to the right of the stage, looking on expectantly. It was the second time Merra had needed to perform a purification ceremony in the city and she knew that, before her, Pangu had done at least one as well.
There was clearly some problem that would keep causing miasma to spawn in the city but she could not figure out what it was. She had asked Ashoka to investigate for another possible Chaaya in the area and for Gongji to search for any open wounds in the earth that could be leaking the substance.
So far, there has been no luck in finding an answer.
Her other two disciples were busy on their own, at a border town out north-east. Merra was due for a report with them after a few days where she would learn of any other towns or cities that needed her assistance as well as how the Kyrie military was fairing.
Most importantly, however, she would get some decent news about Raine. Or so she hoped. Since she last heard of Kira’s whereabouts, there had been no news. And that was when Raine was sent to capture him so, maybe, he finally succeeded.
Those types of thoughts were not especially productive during a cleansing, however, so she had to focus on the present. She used the grounding methods the four Heavenly Princes showed her and closed her eyes.
Unlike her predecessor, she did not feel the need for a ceremony of grandeur. She was happy if people came to watch but she did not demand music or hold the attention of the city by dancing. She certainly did not leave the most important part—the actual absorption—to one of her disciples, either.
Gongji and Ashoka just stood at her sides, guarding and offering silent support.
Her Enlil disciple was a staple in her travels, as much as possible, since he was the strongest and with the highest resonance. Merra was not shy about letting everyone know that she felt safer with him around. The man could whip up a tornado with his fan without breaking a sweat and his air barriers were nigh impenetrable.
And her Agni disciple was incredibly useful as well. For starters, it was always nice to have another woman around even if their backgrounds were incredibly different. Ashoka also served as a salient point against all of the protests in Agni that the Xiang or, worse, Tiandi did not care for their people or their country. If that were true, then would Ashoka work with them?
Still, even if she was from Agni, that had not given Merra access to the country. They had turned on Ashoka as well, even her own uncle, the lord of Phaos, did not seem to be returning her letters.
Merra made sure to let the woman know that she always had a place by her side, if nothing else. And, when they inevitably did breach Agni’s borders, they would take Phaos and Ashoka could have it if she so desired.
When Merra suggested that, her disciple’s face remained stoic. She was like that a lot. Sometimes, it was difficult to tell what she was really thinking. The spirits had a few reservations about Ashoka but they felt similarly to most people from Agni. It was their lack of faith but the Four Heavenly Kings had picked the woman specifically for the job.
Of course she was fit for it.
She was a great guardian too—almost as good as Gongji. Merra did not doubt for a second her safety when she was with the two of them so she closed her eyes and pulled in the miasma with her arms outstretched and raised into the air.
That feeling had taken getting used to but she had done it so many times now that it was becoming second nature. She could tell when the ceremony would go smooth just by the texture of the miasma and she could definitely tell when she was hitting a snag.
When someone else was pulling on the other end.
Her eyes snapped open and she tugged harder, attempting to draw out the rest of the miasma but it felt stuck—held captive almost.
“What is wrong?” Ahsoka asked, noting her scowl.
“Is there more than expected?” Gongji guessed.
Merra shook her head, the thin metals of her headpiece jingling softly. “No…someone else is absorbing it.”
No one even had a chance to respond before the sun was blocked by a figure standing on a rooftop, across the square and directly in Merra’s line of sight.
“What is going on?” Lord Lao demanded as the small crowd began to mutter amongst themselves.
“The Chaaya is here,” she answered and gulped. Her heart thundered in her chest and she did not move her eyes from his form. “I knew this day would come eventually. We could not evade him forever.”
“Do you wish for us to engage, Xiang?” Gongji asked.
“There are only three of us!” Ashoka pointed out the absurdity.
But Merra was not worried. “I have backup,” she whispered.
Form across the square, the Chaaya hopped down from the roof and landed on the ground, not wasting a second before forcibly parting the crowd with a crevice in the ground. He walked through it, raising a chunk of land for every necessary step.
“So, Merra,” he said her name as if it was poisonous to him, “You will not run?”
“I will not.” She balled her hands into fists and shook her head back and forth. He was close now, close enough for her to see the blood red of his irises and how deathly ill he looked. The last time she had seen him he had been tan—dark even—but now his skin was almost the same color as hers.
Kira shot out miasma, a cloud veiling an assault of vines and tendrils that came up from the ground but Gongji erected a barrier just in time. Black veins stretched over the surface and Merra saw, up close and personal, what materialized miasma truly looked like.
The people, what few were left, ran off and screamed. Lord Lao, as well, abandoned his post in search for cover, somewhere safer.
Merra’s eyes bulged in a mixture of adrenaline and fear. She threw up a hand, going straight for her trump card. “Shuishra!”
The glow from the spirit realm helped to bring light to the city square and the blue dragon Merra relied on in times of need wormed her head through the portal. Her mouth was already open, showing bright, pointed teeth that glowed with the buildup of energy she would release onto the Chaaya.
Just as the water condensed in the dragon’s mouth, Kira flicked his finger up with a smirk on his face. He threw out a large ball of miasma which smacked the spirit on the nose.
It did not seem like much at first and the dragon only flinched but, after a second, her glow started to fade. “No…No!” Merra shouted when she remembered that the poison was much more harmful to spirits than to humans.
The dragon’s eyes rolled back into her head and filled with the same slimy, black veins that had shot across Gongji’s barrier. Her mouth opened, as if clawing for breath and her tongue stretched out, slowing turning darker by the second. Steam poured out from her jaws, rather than water and, with a quick jerk, she retreated back and the portal closed. Merra could not even feel her energy with her anymore.
“Shuishra?” she called but felt no connection to the spirit realm. Was she cut off when the Chaaya was around? She had heard miasma was especially dangerous to spirits but she did not fathom the effect would be quite so immediate and brutal. Her body shook with a rage and she turned back to Kira. “You monster!”
“You are the one bringing others into our fight,” he responded easily and shot forth more miasma, coating the barrier over the trio. He held nothing back—he would exhaust all of the miasma he had in his body for this.
The surface of the barrier began to crack no matter how much Gongji sweated to keep it up. So, Ashoka summoned a ball of fire in her hand but, before she could send it toward the Chaaya, she, herself, was thrown back.
No miasma touched her and she had not been jostled around by the earth. Merra looked to the side, completely baffled. Even Kira’s attack stopped.
“What was that?” Merra asked.
A metallic flash screamed through the air and nearly impaled Gongji. He managed to dodge but the tail end of his robe was pinned to the stage. Along with the spear that held him was a blonde man who no one had ever seen before.
“Who—?” Merra tried to ask before she was shoved at as well by some invisible force. She was not used to having an element used against her but she still stood firm in the face of it.
Ashoka scrambled to her feet and removed her pole from her back, ready to fight whatever strange opponent had approached. Another blonde appeared, sword in hand so she took a swing at her. The strange woman whipped her shield around to block the attack but without, physically, holding it.
Then a third figure—a tan woman with long, brown hair—ran in front of Merra. “I would ask if you remember me but I was not allowed in your presence, great Xiang.” She grinned from ear to ear. “I have a bone to pick with you, however.”
She pushed more air into her and Merra almost flew back that time. She saw, from her peripherals, that Gongji was exchanging blows with the blonde male and Ashoka with the blonde female while this tan woman walked even closer to her.
Merra switched to her natural element and threw out spikes of earth toward her yet they did not travel far. Then they started to travel backward.
At first, she assumed it was the Chaaya but a fourth stranger came into view. They were fully clothed, even their head was covered, and they threw her against the back of the stage with a force greater than what Gongji could muster with the wind.
She had merely been puzzled before. Now, she was horrified.
Kira watched the display with almost the same level of bewilderment but no one was attacking him so he saw nothing but opportunity in the chaos. Merra and her two disciples could not possibly fight off all of them at once so he singled out Gongji.
The man had always given him a case of the creeps—just something about him did not feel right so he would gladly watch the light leave his eyes.
He summoned a few vines and snatched the man up by his ankles as he was focused on defending against the spear wielding blonde. Gongji let out a satisfying yelp as he was hoisted into the air.
Kira grinned like mad. He felt no need for final words so he latched more tendrils of miasma onto him, ready to pull him apart and watch his blood paint the floor.
But a trident ripped through the vines.
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Journey below
Summary: You get sent to Hell instead of Heaven, God's mistake. While God tries to correct his ways, you become more accustomed to the place you're in.
Warnings: Death, blood, stabbing, demons, hell and heaven, religion, abusive mother, filicide
Author's notes: Hey everyone, I send my apologies in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes throughout this story. I shall try my best to remove any errors but it would be helpful and appreciated if you could let me know if you come across any I have missed. Thankyou for spending your valuable time to read this story. I hope that none of you get too emotionally attached to these characters as at this point in time, I have no idea what is going to happen to them, hopefully nothing too gruesome or painful. If you have any ideas or recommendations for chapters or updates, I would be more than happy to accept them, as long as they are reasonable and fit into the storyline. Also my spelling is Australian, so apologies to all of those Americans that spell things weirdly. I think that covers everything, so I shall now allow you to continue onto the real story. I hope you all enjoy it.
Prologue: The hallways were winding, they were the kind of hallway that you would wander for an eternity and never find the end. There were no paintings or flowers lining the walls. No differentiation of colours or unique curves. They were the same, every single hallway and corridor, identical as the one before it. Hence why I was so very lost. I would have looked at my map but, oh wait... I didn't have one, and of course there was no guide I could follow either. But I suppose that's what I get for going to Hell. Hell? How did you get there? Allow me to explain. God screwed up. There you go, that's the story or at least it's the simple version of how I ended up down here. You want the whole story? All of the details laid out before you? Okay, fine. This is the story of how and why I dropped to Hell.
Chapter 1: I guess you could say that it began like any other day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, at least not in that morning. i woke up at 7am to my screaming alarm, throwing my phone across the room probably wasn't the smartest way to turn it off, but it made me feel better. Going back to sleep wasn't an option, it never was. "Electra! Get your arse out of bed. NOW!" Rolling onto the floor and shoving my trackpants and singlet over my underwear, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen where my mother was busy slamming eggs onto our plates. "Good morning." I smiled at her, even though I knew she wouldn't see me. "Sup?" My little brother, Tommy took his seat across from me. It still amazes me how he was able to fit so much into his mouth at the one time. Of course, he doesn't do that anymore. "Eat, then go and do the laundry." No please, no thankyou, just go and do. That's how it was in our family, mother didn't believe on wasting her precious breath, especially not on us kids. Not that I realised the why until after my death. I went about my day as usual I did the laundry like mother asked. I mowed the lawns, I took the neighbour's dog for a walk around the block (we didn't have our own dog) and I made Tommy's sandwich for lunch. I would have cooked dinner as well, but sometimes routines get broken. It was late afternoon when it happened. There is nothing in this world or the next that could ever possibly erase the images from my mind. It was awful. If evil truly exists, this is how I would have pictured it. However, even the worst of times can look just stunning. The sun hung low in the crimson sky, the clouds glowing a lovely rose pick and the shadows cast by trees looked like fingers reaching across trying desperately to hold onto the dying light. But I know now, nothing beautiful like that ever truly lasts. "What the hell do you thing you're doing!?" Her shouts were followed by a series of cries that could only belong to that of a little boy, Tommy. I ran, following his noises to the back room where we were never to go. I didn't dare open the door and further that it had been left. Through the crack I could see our mother, large not in height and her caramel hair tied in a messy bun atop her head, there she stood with her hands on her hips. Cowering beneath her was Toomy, crying his eyes out. "What did I tell you about coming in here?" "You said not to." I could tell that Tommy had been crying for quite a while, his voice had become scratchy, the signs of a dry throat. "Please, I was just, I was just..." "Just what? Hmm? If I tell you not to do something, you don't do it, EVER!" I should do something, like now. My inner voice was telling me to move, to help him, but I didn't, I just stood there hiding in the shadows. I still believe that it was my fault, that if I had done something, Tommy would be alright, but then again it wouldn't change my fate.
Chapter 3: I'm not entirely sure how long I hid there listening to the sound of her yells and his pleas, but it was a long while. It was just yelling, the occasional slap or hit, the normal things. That's when I saw her reach for something on a nearby bench. Shiny. Sharp. Oh shit! Knife. My body froze though I willed it to move. Grab the knife, come on, come on. I can do it. But I couldn't. I was completely paralysed. There was nothing I could do as I watched my mother plunge a blade deep into the chest of her favourite child. I know that wound's bleed, but the sight of his blood was a shock to me. I couldn't believe she stabbed him. It was fine, everything was okay, but it wasn't, no matter how many times I repeated those words, it would never be the truth. Able to move again, I pushed the door wide open and raced towards them. "Tommy!" My voice had never been louder yet I didn't hear it, everything was underwater. The wound went through him, cherry red blood pouring out of him. His eyes were wide and glazed, he stopped moving in my arms. Dead. My brother, the only person who ever needed me, ever cared, was gone. Turning on my mother, I was horrified by what she had done and by what I hadn't. There was no hesitation as she met my gaze, and my world went black. I was dead. We were dead. The murderer unavenged.
Chapter 4: I wasn't greeted by an angel nor a reaper. There was no one. I thought that when you die, there would be a guide, someone to show you the way to your afterlife. Apparently not. I was left standing over my dead body, I could see everything as it had been before. My brother's corpse laying still as stone on the tiled floor, the bloody knife placed back on the hardwood table and my mother walking out the door, locking it as she left. The only difference was that it was shadows. Everything had a coat of grey covering it. It was as though I was looking through a layer of dust as everything had that smokey filter over it. I couldn't see Tommy anywhere. I could see his corpse of course, but his spirit or ghost, whatever we were was nowhere to be found. I was alone. How long I stood there, just looking, thinking how I got here, where I was to go, I wasn't sure. It could have been hours or days, it was long enough for my legs to become numb and my body without feeling.
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chyanxrene · 3 years
His obsession
♡ Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Y/N
♡ Summary: Draco has an Obsession with Y/N who has up until this time not given him the time of day, until she finally caves in at a Slytherin house party.
♡ Warning(s): Pure smut, hair pulling, choking, degradation if you squint
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It was no secret Draco Malfoy was in love with Y/N Y/L/N, he would drool over her as soon as he laid his eyes on her. She was all he could think about. However the same couldn't be said for Y/N, despite Draco's numerous attempts to get the Slytherin princess to fall in love with him, nothing worked.
In Y/N's mind, he was just another player, who only wanted one thing from her. Why would she give him the time of day when she's witnessed him with a new girl everyday? Sure she found him attractive, but then again who didn't.
Draco never gave up, he'd send her flowers, chocolates he even wrote hand written notes to the young witch, some asking about her day others begging for a chance. But she didn't budge, she'd just shake her head, laugh or consume the edible gifts he gave her with her friends.
His friends told him to get over it, it was becoming comical the amount of times he had been rejected, but he didn't care. Her boldness, cunningness, sense of humour was everything he wanted in a woman. Draco Malfoy liked a chase and he would not give up without a fight.
Y/N rolled her eyes when she sighted the ice blonde strolling down the stairs with an unknown Ravenclaw witch. This was the second girl she had seen this week and it was only Tuesday. She never understood why he continued to have relations with all these other girls when he desperately tried to pursue her. Perhaps it was his way of making her jealous, but it only made her resent him more.
The poor Ravenclaw witch left, batting her eyelashes at Draco. Everyone knew he would never see her again, but she didn't, which made Y/N feel sorry for her.
Y/N smelt him before she saw him.
"You coming to the party tonight darling?"Draco sat down next to Y/N, interrupting her thoughts.
She closed her book "are you going to be there?" She asked Draco who was flickering his gaze from her lips to her eyes. He licked his bottom lip and nodded eagerly.
"Then no."
Y/N stood up and walked out of the common room. Draco was left utterly confused, did she not like the roses he had left her?
"Come on Malfoy, give it up, she not interested" Blaise Zabini joined his friend in the seating area.
"I don't get it, why can't she give me a chance?" Malfoy huffed, confused at his latest rejection.
Blaise let out a loud laugh, holding his stomach  as he watched Draco.
"You seriously don't know?"
Blaise then dropped his face realising his best friend really didn't understand what he was doing so wrong.
"Malfoy, you fuck a different girl every other day, Y/N sees all of it, why the hell would she want to date someone like that" he laughed.
Draco's face went into a scowl, his tactics clearly weren't working.
"I thought that would've made her jealous."
"Jealous? Crabbe has more of a chance dating her than you" Blaise cackled.
Draco stood up, stomping to his room. There was no feelings involved with the other girls, just a quick fuck, he would only think of Y/N whilst he done it anyway. But she didn't know that, so he would try again, tonight.
Y/N had left the common room only to be shoved into a wall by Hufflepuff who was crying her eyes out, running down the hall. At first she was angry but once she realised the witch from the year below was distressed she couldn't help but feel bad.
"What's wrong?" Y/N asked, rubbing the witches back.
The poor girl couldn't speak, she was stuttering all over the place, but one name made Y/N's hairs stand up Draco.
"W-we had sex and now he's with someone else."
Y/N consoled the younger witch and promised her she would deal with it.
Draco was wide eyed when he saw Y/N storm into his room. Red with anger, she threw her books onto his bed. Her hand was raised, ready to add some colour onto the pale boys skin, but she was too slow, he caught her wrist mid air and pushed her hand to her chest. Backing her against the wall.
"I've dreamed of moments like this, however in them you weren't trying to hit me" Draco drawled, his nose ran through Y/N's hair, inhaling the scent he loved so bad.
"You're a bastard" Y/N gritted, shoving Draco off her. "Don't fucking touch me!"
Draco's eyebrows furrowed "what's the problem darling?" He asked the girl he admired the most.
"You need to stop messing with these girls Draco, they're all distraught after being with you" Y/N growled.
Draco let out a small laugh.
"And you don't think I am? The girl I want the most can't even give me the time of day" he shouted back.
Y/N's mouth closed abruptly, she would not give in to him. "There's a reason for that, you're just a lad, someone who just wants to get there dick wet!"
Draco's frown turned into a smirk "I've only ever wanted you to wet my cock."
Y/N's breath hitched in her throat. Numerous conversations with Draco and he'd never used such vulgar words towards her.
Draco noticed this and a light bulb turned on in his head, maybe this could be his new approach, he was a master at dirty talk. He could easily make a girl cum by just his words alone — which he has done before.
He was slightly surprised that this is what Y/N liked, this only made him want her more, if that was even possible.
"You like that don't you?" Draco purred.
He stepped towards her again, a light pink shade painted on her cheeks.
"Stop Draco."
Y/N's hand went to reach the door knob behind her but Draco's cold hands stopped her.
His warm breath on her ear, he'd never had her in this position before "do you like when I talk to you like that?" He whispered.
A small whimper came from her throat.
"You filthy girl."
"Fuck, I could do so many things to you" Draco's knee pushed in between her legs, spreading them apart.
Y/N's breathing was heavy, she felt herself becoming wet, her underwear sticking to her pussy. She had to stay strong, she would not give him the satisfaction.
"I'd make you cum so hard, everyday" Draco breathed. "Fuck, I'd ruin you for every other man, stretch you so wide that you would be accustomed to my cock only" he growled.
She felt Draco's thigh coming in direct contact with her clothed clit.
"Let me make you mine Y/N, I want nothing more than to pleasure you and make you happy" Draco left a small kiss on Y/N's ear.
A knock came from behind them, bringing Y/N back to reality, she pushed him off her and swung the door open. Outside was another girl, she looked between them both, Y/N scoffed and walked out of his room. Draco was left in awe and a boner, which the unknown girl would be made to satisfy.
Later that night the party had come around Y/N wore her tight fitted forest green mini dress. It had a low back and a small slit on the upper thigh, she wore some black strappy heels to match with her outfit.
Whistles and cat calls were made as she walked into her houses party.
Y/N joined her fellow Slytherins, she was always down for a good time. Drinking, dancing and having fun in general.
She was known to be quite popular, she's what boys wanted and what girls wanted to be. That's one of many reasons why Draco was so infatuated with her.
She hadn't seen the Slytherin Prince yet, but Y/N knew he would be around. Probably with a different girl linked onto his arm.
Y/N found herself thinking about this afternoons conversation with him, she wanted more, but in the same breath she despised his actions.
She shook her head, maybe she was more than attracted to him but she didn't want to admit it. There was times when she would wonder how good he was in bed for girls to be crying and swooning over him. Maybe he was all talk, but she made a promise that she would never find out, even though a part of her wanted to.
Y/N had a few drinks, feeling herself loosen up and wanting to dance, she made her way to the centre of the common room. She swayed her hips to the beat, muggle music was playing which she enjoyed a lot. She closed her eyes feeling the sensual words of the song.
Draco had spotted her from when she first stepped into the party. He couldn't take his eyes off her, even when he had a red head witch attached to his arm. He wanted nothing more than to drag Y/N away and keep her locked in his room so no one else could see her provocative dance moves.
So he made his move, he left the red head alone and slithered through the crowds of wizards.
Finding his prize, he slipped behind her, snaking his long slender fingers around his waist and settling them. His hips moved in time with Y/N's, she knew it was him and purposely pushed her ass onto his groin, causing Draco to let out a quiet groan.
Her arms went behind her wrapped around his neck, her long nails scratching the back of his neck. He had to lean down as she was shorter than him, but he didn't mind, he was closer to her ear and that's exactly what she wanted. Maybe it was the alcohol but she wanted him to say filthy words to her, like before.
"If you were mine we wouldn't even be here right now" he growled, kissing her ear lobe.
"Why's that?" Y/N whispered, Draco's hands dug into her waist, pulling her closer to him.
"Because, I would be fucking you senseless, in this pathetic excuse of a dress."
Y/N moaned at his words, imagining his large hands running all over her body. Attacking her pussy with his tongue, she craved it. She was beginning to realise that she wanted Draco Malfoy, she would never tell him that though.
The music continued and so did their dancing.
"Perhaps if you we're lucky I would let you join the party again, only when my cum was inside you"
"Draco" she whimpered, one of his hands made its way up towards her neck, holding it with a light grip.
"All those other boys that eye fuck you would know you're mine, they'd see my cum running down your thighs, they'd see the wobble in your walk, your swollen lips and I would be there so they knew who you belonged to."
Y/N was wet, more than wet, she felt her arousal leaking onto her thighs. Her underwear was uncomfortable as it was soaked.
"Draco move your hand" she whispered. She felt his hand sitting in the middle of her ass, making it impossible to concentrate and dance.
"That's not my hand darling."
That was it for Y/N she needed to get away from him. "I'm going to use the bathroom" she rushed, hurrying away from him and finding the nearest bathroom.
She took a deep breaths, her nipples were erected, face was red. She'd never been this turned on before.
She stared at herself in the mirror, an awful ache down below. She needed some release, she ran into the bathroom stall, slamming it and locking it behind her. Her thighs began rubbing together but it didn't work.
Y/N growled in frustration and walked out of the bathroom stall. She was faced with Draco, he had lust in his eyes, his breathing was laboured. He leaned against the door, she watched as his hand went to the lock and turned it.
"Draco" Y/N said which came out almost inaudible.
He closed the gap between them, his erection was apparent, creating a tent in his trousers.
"Tell me to stop."
Y/N gulped, feeling his hands settle on either side of her face, cupping it gently, his darkened eyes remained on her lips.
"Tell me to stop Y/N."
She couldn't think, she was too turned on, she wanted satisfaction so badly. She wanted Draco to be the one to do it. His mouth inched further towards her own, she felt his breath on her lips.
"I won't be able to control myself if you don't ask me to stop right now" he mumbled, holding her face tighter.
Y/N had finally caved, she wanted him.
"Don't stop."
Draco's mouth instantly dove onto Y/N's. It was a desperate kiss, tongues were in and out of the others mouths. Teeth were clashing against one another's, Draco groaned at the taste of her mouth. He loved it, he knew no one else would compare to her.
Draco backed Y/N harshly against the sink, her lower back bending slightly, a small hiss came from her mouth at the force of his push. His hands were no longer on her face, they were everywhere. Y/N couldn't keep up, one moment they were on her thighs, then her waist, they brushed against her nipples.
Their mouths were still connected, they couldn't get enough of each other. Draco kicked her feet apart, one hand holding her neck, the other drew patterns on her inner thighs.
Y/N became more desperate for him, a small thrust from her hips made Draco laugh.
"Patience darling, I want this as bad as you do, but I want you to be ready for when I give you my cock, I don't want to hurt you."
His fingers brushed her clothed cunt, the friction between the lace and her clit was sending Y/N over the edge. "Fuck you're so wet, tell me it's because of me" Draco said hoarsely, it almost came out like a beg.
"Yes Draco."
Draco let out a strangled groan, pushing her underwear to the side so he could come into direct contact with her sensitive clit. He rubbed circles around it, causing Y/N to moan his name.
"Fuck, I can't believe I've finally got you like this" he moaned, feeling the wetness on his fingers. Y/N was withering beneath him, rubbing herself against his fingers, but Draco was taking his time.
A part of him wanted to savour this moment as he didn't know if this could happen again.
His middle finger entered Y/N with ease, her wetness surrounding his digit. Draco's hand fell from her throat onto the edge of the countertop, gripping it, turning his knuckles pale. He was enjoying this just as much as Y/N.
Draco's finger curved, stroking her rippled wall. The pad of his thumb still pleasuring her clit, Y/N was close, she wanted to cum so badly. He slipped in another finger, Y/N instantly squeezed them, nearing closer to her orgasm.
"You're so fucking tight, I can't wait to feel you around my cock."
Draco's fingers pumped in and out of her quickly, Y/N was panting against his neck, she sucked and bit on his pale flesh. Her mark was now on his skin, Draco saw this in the mirror and oh he could've came right then and there.
"Oh God, Draco" Y/N cried into his shoulder, he had added another finger, stretching her out and preparing her for his cock. "Cum, fuck I want to taste you so bad, cum Y/N."
That was it for Y/N, her pussy tightened around his three fingers, his thumb continued to rub her clit. She came moaning his name "that's it" Draco cooed in her ear.
He pulled his soaked fingers out, watching them with hooded eyelids. Y/N watched him with a blush on her cheeks as he dipped each finger into his mouth, sucking and moaning at the taste.
"Better than I ever imagined."
But Draco wasn't finished, he wanted to be inside her, he wanted her to cum around his cock the same way she did with his fingers. He pulled her into a passionate kiss, not an eager one like before.
Y/N was spun around, her back against his chest, she was pushed forward by his large hands. Y/N bit her lip as she watched Draco eye her backside which was now exposed to him. He was so hot, she thought to herself.
Draco looked at her through the mirror, his trademark smirk now on his face. His hand raised and fell hard on her ass, causing her to jolt forward "that's for calling me a bastard."
He slapped her again.
"That's for ignoring my gifts."
And again.
"That's for rejecting me."
Y/N was a moaning mess, she was wetter than before. Draco saw this as he watched her exposed pussy "now look at you" he laughed.
"Bending over for me, waiting for me to fuck you."
"Fuck you Draco" Y/N spat, this was why she didn't want to give into him because he was a smug prick. Y/N went to get up, Draco gripped the back of her hair, pushing his erection between her ass cheeks. She let out a small sob.
Y/N was pushed forward again, his hand remained on her lower back, holding her in place. "Keep your eyes on me darling."
Y/N felt Draco snap her underwear, he unbuttoned his trousers pushing them down with his boxers. Y/N's eyes went wide, it all made sense now, why the girls were always crying, itching to have sex with him.
It all made sense.
He was big, not big like 'oh that might satisfy you'. No, he was big big, Y/N couldn't believe it, she wondered how the hell he was going to fit that inside her. She was definitely not walking straight after this, he must've hid it well because she never expected him to be that large.
"This is yours, after this" he said whilst rubbing his tip up and down Y/N's entrance. "It belongs to you and so will I."
Draco's head was thrown back as he held onto Y/N's hip tightly. His other hand was in her hair, he pushed his tip inside her, groans came out of them both simultaneously. He pulled out and pushed into her again, this time making her take more of his dick.
It was never ending for Y/N, he just kept going, inch by inch he entered her. Stretching her so wide and reaching close to her cervix. Draco's face was red, his breathing was heavy.
"I- fuck, I can't, shit" Draco couldn't form a proper sentence, he was fully inside her, his cock was hugged so tight by her pussy he knew he was going to cum within minutes.
Draco pulled out halfway and pushed into her again, he repeated this action a few times, he saw through the mirror that Y/N's eyes were screwed shut.
"Shit, are you okay? I can stop, fuck, do you want me to stop? Is it hurti-" Draco was cut off by Y/N opening her eyes.
"Fuck me Draco."
His eyes widened, he nodded quickly, both hands were now gripping onto her hips, digging into her. He thrusted hard, a loud scream came from Y/N's mouth. Draco stalled but Y/N told him to keep going.
He picked up his pace, pulling 3/4 of the way out and slamming back into her. He was fucking her hard, with determination in his eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening, especially after their conversation this morning. Draco was on cloud nine.
"Oh fuck Draco."
"I know" he growled, he pulled her hips back at the same time to meet his aggressive thrusts. The sounds of their skin slapping together echoed throughout the bathroom, partnered with distance background music. The sound to Y/N was so erotic.
She was coming close to her second orgasm, Draco must've felt her clench around him as he let out a growl and started to rub her clit.
Y/N had never had sex like this before, she loved every bit of it. Draco's face whilst he was fucking her turned her on even more. He watched his cock slip out of her and then bit his lip when he pushed back into her. He was going to cum.
Draco pinched her clit, which was it for Y/N. She was screaming his name, her thighs shaking, her vision became blurred.
"Fuck, tell everyone who's making you cum like that" he grunted, his thrusts were now short and deep.
Y/N cried out as Draco continued to fuck her in order to chase his own orgasm. "Tell them who you belong to, who you always belonged to."
"You Draco, it's you."
That sent Draco over the edge, his thrusts were sloppy as he found himself cumming. He left bruises on Y/N's hips from his fingers.
Y/N moaned feeling his cum spill inside her, rope after rope of his warm, thick cum it was so much. Draco had never came like this before, he found himself not knowing when it would end.
Y/N was filled up with it, he pulled out, two more spurts landing on her ass cheeks and then his dick went soft again. He let out a string of curse words, before he ran to grab tissue.
He wiped Y/N's red ass, removing his cum and then wiped himself. Y/N was still catching her breath as she watched as Draco pulled his boxers up, followed by his trousers.
"Are you okay?" He asked her with concerned eyes. Y/N couldn't speak, she just stared at him, her mouth agape. She watched him as if she was star struck.
"Say something."
Draco looked around nervously, slightly feeling uncomfortable as if he'd done something wrong. Y/N cleared her throat and stood up as straight as she could. Her pussy was hurting, her ass was sore, she could feel his cum sliding down her inner thighs.
"Y/N, fuck, if I've done something wrong just tell me."
Y/N shushed him with her finger, she pulled him towards her by his shirt. Draco was confused, even more when she pulled him into a sweet kiss. He returned the kiss, melting into it, Y/N pulled away and scanned his features.
He was blushing "do you" he trailed, looking down at her inner thighs "should I get a tissue for that?"
"Leave it, I want all the boys that eye fuck me to know I'm yours."
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Somebody Else
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Jace Wayland x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1978 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Clary really hurts Jace after they kiss  which leaves you to pick up the pieces, which doesn’t exactly go how you’d think
You knew that something was wrong as soon as you saw him in the hallway, stalking around in the dark.
Jace was always moody, but this was something different.
He looked hurt.
It wasn’t a look you were accustomed to seeing on his face, as he normally wore that stoic frown, but you weren’t blind. You could tell that something was definitely wrong, it had to be.
Knowing Jace, it could have been anything, from an argument with Alec to Isabella getting the best of him during training. You couldn't tell right off the bat but unfortunately, even if you asked, he may not ever tell you what happened.
In all the time that you had known him, Jace had always been secretive with his emotions. He didn’t want people to know that he had them, or that they could be exploited, but if you paid close enough attention, you could always tell.
If you were looking, you could read him like a book.
What he was going through might not have been the most obvious with no context clues but if you had to guess, it likely had something to do with Clary.
There was just something about her.
Since she arrived at the institute, Jace had been acting strangely, worrying about what could possibly happen to her and talking more about her than you’d ever heard him talk about anyone in his entire life.
It was obvious that he cared about her, and if something had happened between the two of them, that would more than explain the mood he was in. Even a look from her could make a clear impact on him.
Frankly, there was no telling how bad it could get.
The worst thing was that he probably was going to ignore whatever he was feeling, which would only make it worse.  Jace hated to feel things, no matter how important they were, or how much more difficult it would make it if he buried them.
It just wasn’t who he was.
Still, you knew better than to just let him go on that way like nothing happened. You knew better than to leave him to his own devices, because that would be a disaster. If there was any chance you could make this easier on him, you would.
“What’s going on?” you asked, hoping that he would just tell you the truth, all while knowing that he wouldn’t. He’d been in pretty good spirits since Clary got to the institute but there was no proof of that now.
You hadn’t seen him this upset in a really long time.
“Nothing” came Jace’s grumble in reply. He hoped that you would be in bed by now, already fast asleep, but he would never be so lucky. Of course you were here, after everything else that had gone wrong today, now you wanted to talk.
You always wanted to talk.
Asking was a long shot to begin with, you knew that, but you just hoped he’d be honest with you. You were his best friend, and you loved him, so if something had happened, it seemed like something you should know about.
This was important to you, even if he didn’t want to talk about it.
“Tell that to your face” you sighed, eyeing him incredulously in the way you so often did. You had this way of dealing with him that no one else did, and right now, it wasn’t something he wanted.
All he wanted to do was go back to his room and sit in silence for a while, staring at the wall.
He didn’t want to talk about his feelings, or what had happened between him and Clary. He didn’t want to tell you about how stupid he’d been, thinking that he’d actually have a shot with her. Not only would it be a huge bruise to his ego but you would do that thing you did.
You would tell him that you were sorry, and that it was okay if he was upset. You always supported him, even when he was being an idiot, and right now, it was only going to add insult to injury.
Clary didn’t seem to care whether or not he was there at all.
If she had, that mundane wouldn’t have been in her bedroom to start with. He thought they had something special, but clearly, he was wrong.
No matter what he did, he was never going to measure up to him, and that was something he’d have to come to terms with.
The two of you walked in silence for a while, your plan to go bed long forgotten in exchange for whatever Jace needed. Right now, you didn’t want to leave him alone because no one wanted to be alone when they were upset.
Though, Jace would have surely had you believe that was false.
He wanted nothing more than to be by himself, but if he had to be with anyone right now, he was glad it was you. There was a reason you were so important to him, and a reason you’d been friends for so long.
You didn’t push too hard, but you also didn’t give in completely when he asked for space. It was a good balance, one he felt safe in.
Safe enough to let you in, just a little bit.
“He was in her room” he decided finally, not really explaining much about his situation. It was hardly an explanation at all but at least it was a start. You could build off of that, and it was more than you’d been expecting.
Normally, ‘nothing’ would be all Jace cared to give you when you asked about his feelings.
You had no idea who he was referring to, of course, not at first. However, going off of your Clary assumption, it only tracked that he must have been talking about Simon.
Simon was a mundane, and Clary’s childhood best friend who she seemed to value more than anyone else in the world.
It was no secret to you or the other Shadowhunters that Jace and Simon didn’t have much in common, and they weren’t exactly each other's biggest fans.
Seeing him there must have been difficult for Jace, especially considering how he felt for her.
You couldn’t help but briefly imagine what that must have been like for him, and what it would be like if you were in his shoes. If you had to see Jace and Clary in such a way, it would put you in quite the sour mood too.
You really couldn’t blame him for being so grumpy.
“And you know this because you were going to be...in her room?” you clarified, ignoring the tinge of jealousy in the pit of your stomach at the idea.
You thought that you had come to terms with his feelings for her, as you didn’t have much of a choice, but for some reason, that was much more hard to hear than you’d been expecting.
That reason, of course, being the fact that you were in love with him.
You had been in love with Jace for quite some time, as pathetic as that was, but it wasn’t until Clary showed up that you felt the need to be honest about that. You had kept it a secret for so long, content to bury your feelings as he did, but now that she was here, it was different.
It just wasn’t right.
Jace would do anything for her, and his love knew no bounds but Clary didn’t seem to even notice. Surely she must have noticed how important she was to him, though maybe the difference in his actions wasn’t as obvious to her.
They had just met recently, after all.
She didn’t have much to build off of, not like you did. She didn’t have years and years of getting to know him, and of falling for him in the strongest way. She didn’t see the way his eyes sparkled when he talked to or about her.
She didn’t have any idea just how much he’d fallen for her, but you did.
You could see it, even now as you walked beside him in the dark corridor, how much this new development was hurting him.
“I kissed her, and I thought there was something there but-” he started, only stopping when he realized just how much he’d said. This wasn’t his plan, of course, but he really cared about her.
It hurt to see Simon there, standing in her doorway, and the way she acted afterward did little to make him feel better.
She didn’t even bother to come after him.
It didn’t help that you were so easy to talk to, offering as much support and care as you possibly could without giving him advice he didn’t need, or forcing him to share more than he was comfortable with.
You were the perfect person to open up to, even when he didn’t want to.
“But it hurt to see someone you cared so much for with someone else?” you filled in, going out on a limb to try and get him to share just a little more. Any more insight into what he was going through would help you make it better, or so you hoped.
Really, you were going off of pure instinct right now.
You knew exactly what Jace was going through, not that you would ever admit that to him, because what he was going through was what you had gone through every day since she’d come to your home.
Watching the person you loved fall in love with someone else was worse than anything else you’d ever experienced. It wasn’t a demon to slay or a foe to be vanquished. It was real, and unavoidable, and painful.
There was nothing you could do to change it.
“Yeah, I guess it did” he allowed, thinking back to the way his heart had sank when Simon opened the door, and the way Clary backed away from him as if nothing had been going on the moment before the other male made himself known.
It sucked.
“Maybe it was a misunderstanding, maybe she didn’t know he was there” you tried, not able to bring yourself to make him feel any worse. Even if you didn’t necessarily believe that was the case, you weren’t about to tell him that.
Jace cared about her, a lot, and if she was going to make him happy, you wanted it to work out. It didn’t matter if it would make you unhappy, or if it would be hard for you, because as long as he was happy, that was all you cared about.
He deserved to be happy.
He deserved the world, if that's what he wanted.
Jace didn’t sound fully convinced, of course, but you didn’t need him to be. All you had to do was get him not to give up on her, to not give up on anything, because then you would be worse off than you started.
He’d really started to open up as of late, and the difference in him was one anyone could see. You didn’t want him to start taking strides backwards because of what had happened tonight.
“Just go see her in the morning, and I’m sure everything will be fine” you smiled, doing a really convincing job of hiding just how much your heart was breaking at the idea of it. Somehow, you had ended up trying to convince the man you loved to be with someone else.
Still, as you considered the way you’d found him, moping around like the world was out to get him, and how he was now, nothing else mattered. If Jace was happy, you were happy, and it was as simple as that.
It had to be.
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autumnalsteahouse · 3 years
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hello hello hello ! this is my first bnharem collab and I am so happy that I was able to join this month. the absolute BIGGEST shout out to @kingkatsuki for snatching me my baby + helping me brainstorm,,, throughout the whole process. +++ thank you thank you thank you to my dear @iznku for beta reading it for me and hyping me up about it whenever I posted lil comments about the fic !! (you guys are the bestest) ALSO ! PLEASE for your benefit, look at the collab’s masterlist !! It’s full of mouth-watering content. NOW WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I’m super excited for you guys to read this bad boy! Enjoy ~ !!
the myth: pygmalion and galatea ; pygmalion was a sculpture who wanted nothing to do with women… until he sculpted the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
pairings: sero as pygmalion & chubby/thicker + fem! reader as galatea
genre: “romantic” smut <3
word count: 2.5k
warnings: naughty naughty thoughts, corruption kink, masturbation, insinuating of marking up the body (in a sexc way ofc), primal urges ?
a/n: ancient Greek man like big soft ladies because what is not to like about chubbi plush women,,, more meat to suck and bite on *chomp chomp* — though, I will say that I don’t go into too much bodily descriptions; I want this to be as inclusive as possible, but I did definitely emphasize the softness in her body. please imagine however you want- whatever suits your fancy! <3
ps. here’s a lil translator for you guys! there’s not that much Greek in there but !! the phrases are important (to me). Bella suggested that I try to weave it in through the story but,, I dunno it felt too chunky for me so here’s your reference !
“o afrodíti kai óla aftá gia ta opoía axízei na zeis” - ( oh aphrodite and all that is worth living for)
agápi mou - my love
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From everything Aphrodite told you about, the thing that you hadn’t expected to notice was how much you’d grow to appreciate the warmth of the sun on your newly accustomed skin.
Laying spread out in the grassy meadow next to Hanta’s villa, eyes closed with nothing but a soft white linen tunic, you were soaking up the heat, letting it seep into your bones. It reminded you of the comforting warmth that Sero’s hands gave off when he would place his palms on your lower back as you walked, or when he would cup your jaw with both sizable hands right before he’d place a loving peck on your lips.
You found nothing so far that could make your heart race more.
Day in and day out, with each breath of fresh air, you were slowly starting to get a grasp of this new way of existing. It’s one thing to hear about what to expect from a goddess who watches and helps people day in and day out -- experiencing it all felt so surreal.
It was like waking up from a long, satisfying sleep; you blinked in attempts to process the new bodily functions as you filled your lungs with a hefty breath of air, exhaling evenly- hyper aware of everything you were feeling.
The sensations were something indescribable, but best fitted by saying you felt lighter than the stone you’d once been, much more real.
Slowly and stiffly, you slightly began to move everything you grew aware of having; firstly your head, arms, and legs- the rest of your body you slowly began to explore.
The thought that you were able to move all these parts by yourself sat at the forefront of your mind; how incredible!
Bringing your hands up to your face for closer inspection, after a few wiggles and bends, your gaze trailed down your body, no longer made of stone, delicate skin seemingly held its own place- so soft and supple.
An awestruck emotion lifted your chest, soon overcome with the oddest feeling as you watched little bumps raise on your skin before disappearing completely.
What was that?
The loud clatter of art supplies hitting the floor made you jump, startling you into losing your balance from your pedestal.
Sero shot out to catch you without much thought- not looking where he was going; he was but a foot away when he tripped over his own creative tools.
The both of you ended up on the floor, moaning out in pain.
An unexpected chuckle escaped his lips before he rolled over to face the ceiling, “o afrodíti kai óla aftá gia ta opoía axízei na zeis-”
He glanced at you, the weight of the situation beginning to sink in.
Slowly getting up and making his way over to you, cautious not to cause a fright, he asked in a soft voice, “A-are you okay? You hit the floor pretty hard- I think we should go see the healer…”
Hanta watched as you tried to pull yourself up and nearly winced himself when pain caused a sourly scrunch on your facial features; a whimper was all that could be heard followed by short pants escaping your lips in response.
Kneeling down a bit too quickly, he reached a hand out to you, “Shh shh, it’s okay, don’t worry- we’ll get you to the healer- thankfully he’s not that far,”
To his surprise, you cower away from his reach.
“I…” he trailed off, a thin sheet of panic shadowing his face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you…I just… Could I please help you get up? I think you hurt yourself.”
After a moment of judgment on your part, you took a deep breath and prepared to once more feel the sharp sting you felt moments ago.
As soon as he recognized the effort of you attempting to get on your feet, Hanta was instinctively by your side, hoisting you up with surprising ease.
Safely held by sturdy arms, you found it very difficult to draw your gaze away from his chiseled profile. This was so different from what you’re used to seeing of him.
Aphrodite had whispered sweet details about the sculptor, the others you had learned while watching him chip away at the other slabs of granite in his studio.
She had said that he wasn’t very rich, but he also wasn’t very poor- he got by doing what he was good at.
He always paid his respects to the gods, but never asked for anything in turn- not even for the slightest bit of help. He was merely living without actually… “living,” as she phrased it, her tone muddled by confusion.
She said that he cared very little for romantic love; he had never been exposed to the feeling - that is, until he was done sculpting you.
“Though the gods are in their own world,” she began, “it gets exhausting up there. I quite like to come down here and meddle around in the human realm.” She paused to take a deep sigh. “When I saw him all alone, cooped up in this house… I couldn't help but feel pity towards him. I wanted him to have something to love- I think.”
She continued, “It was hard to watch him have such a bright smile that wasn’t full of any light.”
Ever since then, it was hard to look away from him- you wanted to view every expression on his face.
After the visit with the healer, Sero was never too far from you.
Relaying the message, Hanta explained that being in the sun and thanking the solar healer god, Apollo, would appease him enough to help you get stronger. The healer also gave a spread as an offering and advised you to visit his shrine, which would for sure get you in Apollo’s good graces.
The next day, Sero packed up the mule and situated everything; then, against his better judgment, lifted you onto the saddle, him following in suit afterwards.
It was a pretty easy trip; Hanta said he had a good feeling when he left the temple.
What he wouldn’t admit was how nervous he was bringing you along for the journey. To him, it felt like walking into a hungry lion’s den with a slab of fresh goat meat- you were too perfect not to want. He’d just gotten you, the absolute love of his life, and he couldn’t afford to lose you.
But seeing as you two had no issues going to and coming from the temple, he was put to ease.
Once the two of you arrived back at his villa, Hanta had his mind set on having you spend most of your time in the garden.
Not wanting to be a bother, you attempted to protest; “but your studio is inside and I want to be with you,” to which he responded, “I’ll simply move everything outside in the shade.”
“Please… allow me to be there for you, with you.”
The tone of his voice left you feeling weak, there was a softness about it that made your heart ache.
“Okay,” you agreed in a soft whisper.
A week of basking in the hot summer sun - and with very little aches and pains- later, you began to realize what it meant to live and adjust to life itself- little by little; and what it means to be human… alongside another human.
Sometimes it was as easy as breathing; most lazy days were spent lounging about and watching as Sero sat, slightly nibbling his bottom lip in concentration as he sketched out his next big project. Other days, you two would go on adventures through the dry terrains of Greece, frolicking through grassy olive tree meadows and cliff jumping into crystal clear oceans.
Sometimes it was hard; understandably, you had just come to life, you hadn't known the hardships of living as Hanta had- but that didn’t mean you needed to be babied. As much as you’d grown to love being with him, there are times where you needed to be by yourself; things that you could do by yourself…
Sometimes it was tempting; as the weeks passed by, you started to feel certain urges; ones that were foreign- ones that you couldn’t explain.
It was like the logical part of your brain had shut off; there were specific, mundane things that wouldn’t normally stick out to a normal person, but when it came to Sero, these insignificant details became the center of your attention; getting lost in your thoughts would cause heat to build up, but it was significantly different from how the sun warmed your skin.
His hands were so big; why was it so alluring to stare at his long fingers and veiny forearms?
The way his muscles would flex and relax whenever he stretched after being in the same position for too long ignited erotic scenes to play in your mind, scenes that correlated with the many arousing details Aphrodite had dreamily described to you.
One of your personal favorite times of the day is when Hanta would strip down for a bath… there was something so sensual about it, yet all he was doing was washing away the sweat and grime from being outside all day. He had no shame and would strip wherever he felt like- he was a bit cheeky like that, but you didn’t think there was ever an insinuation of anything. It was his body and his villa; he could do as he pleased. That didn’t mean to say it would go unnoticed, though.
You roll onto your stomach and face the shaded spot under the tree, the area where he has his current setup.
The Sero you’re met with was a tired one; eyebags on display as he wiped his brow, exhaling with a deep sigh. Hanta’s gaze trailed over to you before his eyes widened and a lazy grin grew on his lips.
You smiled sweetly in return.
Pushing yourself up and dusting off your tunic of any dried grass and dirt, you swayed over behind your exhausted lover and leaned into the back of his head and spine, massaging the tips of your fingers into his scalp.
The slab of stone in front of him was a thick grey, bulky hands looking as though they were reaching for something.
“My love?” You lean over his shoulder to observe his half-lidded gaze. Hanta looked beat; he had been working on this statue for about three weeks now- it seemed to be reaching the final stretch, but you could tell he was hitting a wall.
“I think… I think I’m going to go bathe and take a nap before dinner,” he sighed, slouching his lanky frame over before stretching his back and standing up from his chair.
“Do you want me to join you?” You tilted your head, only adding to the innocence you held in his mind’s eye.
He felt so terrible… but he couldn’t help it.
He was sitting at his shaded chair-- the day was scorching, and yet, there you were, laying on the grass and receiving the sun’s kisses like some sort of forest nymph- an irresistible one at that. Back slightly arched, light from the sun leaving no detail hidden under the cloth- he knew what you looked like, he sculpted you! But that wasn’t saying much, you’re practically glowing in front of him- tempting him to squeeze those thick thighs.
Not to say you were distracting him, but it was much easier to stare at your soft figure than the hard stone he was starting to relate to.
You were just… so breathtaking: easily not good for business, especially with this abstinent route he was choosing to take. There was no rush, he had his whole life with you - his gift from the gods - he didn’t want to scare you.
“No, agápi mou, it’s okay. Don’t let me take you away from the sun, Helios is shining especially for you.” He made an attempt to play it off, trying not to look down at himself to prevent your gaze from following his. Looking down would only bring a conversation he was not ready to have, mentally and emotionally.
“O-okay. Just call if you need anything.”
He could see the concern etched onto your face, but what was he to do besides hurriedly remove himself from the “situation” and let a load off- quite literally.
Waiting until your back fully hit the grass, Hanta wasted no time in rushing to the bath afterward, shedding his clothing in the process - cupping his aching cock in his empty hand.
Many thoughts were flying through his head but the recurring theme was just making you feel good- making you moan his name so loud that all the gods would blush at the sound.
Behind his eyelids, the picture that was painted was one of you straddling his lap, with his toned arm wrapped around the softness of your waist while you grind your hot cunt against his bare throbbing cock; cluelessly doing what feels best for you until he guides himself inside you -- watching your eyes roll back as your mouth fall prettily parts, back arching even more, putting your pretty chest on display. He’d waste no time in enveloping one of your perk nipples between his lips, making sure to slightly graze the sensitive area with his teeth.
The idea caused a twitch in his palm, almost insisting himself to start stroking.
You’d taste so good.
He held no mercy, his grip hot and tight as he pushed his cock through his fist, emitting a low groan.
Such a pretty sight; he’d be gripping your fat so hard that there were bound to be pretty dark marks as he rocks you back and forth on his lap, your heat consuming him and driving him crazy.
“Fuck…” a breathy moan escaped his lips as more precum drooled out.
While his pleasure was all he could feel, his thoughts were hazy with the mere thought of ravishing you. He would be the one to show you how good you could feel, giving you all the best experiences. He’d make you cum for the first time.
The thought alone triggered something very primal within him, something he didn’t know he had within himself.
Would you gush for him? From his long fingers alone? How would that play out? He’d of course have to coax it out of you, saying something along the lines of “c’mon pretty girl, it’s okay to let go. You can do it, agápi mou.” You’d probably moan out his name; gods, he loved when you said his name. He always tried not to let it show, but whenever you did say his name- it sounded so heavenly coming from your mouth. He could just hear it forever.
His strokes became sloppier as he thought about your body shaking above him, those beautiful eyes wide with shock at the prospect that there was such a strong wave of pleasure coming with your messy release...
The same eyes were now staring him down just as he reached his peak, your body stilled in the doorway, gaze glued to the thick white substance spurting out of your lover's cock.
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michimichim · 3 years
in-dee-ca | rosé
disclaimer: dom!fem!poc reader x sub!roseanne, substance use, semi exhibitionism, etc.
improved version
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the church bells chime a brassy and insistent sound; an ear-splitting, melody you still struggle to get accustomed to as you leave the bustling building. your friends fall into step with you and together you trudge down the steps of assembly hall, hands in the pockets of your school blazer while they chortle with laughter.  
a shiver wracks over your body as the breeze drifts into your hair and frost your cheeks.
“honestly,” it’s one of your closest friends who speaks up, “what does ‘stricter regulations’ even mean? as if the school doesn’t already have a stick up its ass.”  
“it means open up your books for once, dipshit.” jennie, a senior and representative on the school board, snides as she brushes past you along some of her friends busy trailing after, hot on her heels.  
you bite back a laugh whilst a ruckus of guffaws resonate around your small crowd.  
“fuck off, kim.” your friend shouts after her, eyes rolling in nothing but annoyance, however their expression remain soft. they watch jennie’s retreating form before resting their eyes on something behind you. “here comes miss sunshine.” or rather, someone.
you spare a glance over your shoulder, an agitating feeling erupting in the pit of your stomach when your eyes fall on a familiar sight. she's surrounded by a total of three girls, all tittering as they saunter up the steps of the assembly hall. the dark red and blue of the school uniform brings out the peachy color of her skin, singling her out from the small crowd that’s assembled around. picture perfect she is with her plaid skirt hiked up. all pretty, pale thighs and slender legs. eyes naturally veer her way; she always seems to capture everyone’s attention, and it wasn’t solely due to her father being the headmaster, but rather the vivacious and nonpartisan aura she constantly carries around.  
roseanne is the epitome of natural beauty. some still whisper about her loose hair and ruddy cheeks, and stout red lips, and lithe slender body that never seems to walk but rather float through the walls. she's perfect in every sense, the type of perfect that draws in boys and girls alike, girls like yourself.  
as if sensing the heat of your gaze, her eyes flicker to yours and you stare back, eyes unwavering, challenging her to glance away first with a slight cock to your eyebrow. doe orbs scale down your body – syrupy and casual posture leaning against chilly stairs; it gives you an air of nonchalance – in such swift manner it might have never occurred, but attention from roseanne park could never be forgotten. dulce creamed, dreamy eyed with stars in her nebulas roseanne could never be forgotten. she averts her attention back to her friends.
“what’s it with you and the park girl?” it's someone else that speaks up near you, voice tinged with nothing but curiosity.  
you turn to face them; their eyes seem to trickle with a mix of wonder and apprehensiveness.
you shrug in a dismissal manner, “nothing.” you hate denying it, but you learned to be discreet even when the questioning comes from your friends. even when you despised their questioning. even when you despised them for attributing you a role – one that doesn’t include roseanne in it, the golden girl who knows everything, does everything right. you disdain it and so does she.
the conversation lapses into one of silence and your friends say nothing else, some assess you before emitting out a low hum and dropping the topic.  
you tune them out, distracted, as your attention returns to her, the latter’s laughing along to something – could be anything, really. it's not hard to get her laughing. you return your gaze to your friends and stand up. “i’ll text you.” you throw over your shoulder, willing an apologetic smile on your lips as you trade down the stoned stairs.
the sun’s seeping through the arched windows, a kaleidoscope of warm and golden light gushing out over your bodies, tangling with roseanne’s blonde locks. the room she pulled you in belongs to an abandoned and obsolete west wing of the school. no one actually comes here; it has been forgotten, gradually, by its founders until room 144 became nothing but a discarded memory. something close yet hidden.  
the furniture around you is covered with white silky material, gently flapping from the frigid breeze sipping through the cracked open window.  
your hand absently brushes up and down her smooth thigh, drawing arbitrary patterns; she's delicate under the pad of your fingers, a skin so silk angels would exchange for their wings. the hem of her blue plaid skirt is sitting higher than it ought to, her blouse unbuttoned lower than the hall surveillants would ever permit, and between her lithe fingers, something her father would pop a vein over – she’s at her best here with you. your rosie who plays the sweetest of melodies with your heartstrings.  
the sound of fluttering pages fills the cracks of the comfortable silence and she shifts, her legs twirling down over your lap, shoes swiftly thrown off and her gaze, unknown to you, flicks towards your face. she calls you by your nickname, head tilted, exposing the slim curve of her neck as she releases a blanket of smoke through the cherry glossed curve of her lips.  
“hm?” you hum in response and with one hand, the other effectively occupied with multitasking where they usually reside, turn the page of your book.  
a laugh escapes the sheen of her lips. “i'm sensing some sexual tension between you and that book, am i interrupting?”  
the side of your face ticks up into a half-grin, warmth infiltrating your ribcage and through your chest. you glance up from your novel, “kinda,” you tease, eyes softening into a warmer hue once they connect with pools of deep, hypnotizing browns. “mind giving us a moment?”    
“ha. ha." the corner of her lips curve upwards, sarcastic, as she removes the blunt from her parted lips. she sits up and slide over the wooden floor, much closer to you and the substantial, sweet floral aroma of her jasmine and basil fragrance mingles with the herbal scent of weed as she hands the joint over.  
“your mother was the one to assign this to me, you know.” you slump your weight against the soft beige wall, holding the blunt between your lips, before taking a drag out of it, inhaling, holding and releasing it through parted lips.  
“of course she did,” roseanne replies, vexation beneath the delicate pastel shade of her words. you abstain from calling attention to it because here, golden girls like roseanne shouldn't feel anything synonym to anguish. golden girls like roseanne have everything, so why would there ever be a fold between her brows? here, golden, beautiful girl roseanne never has anything but euphonious laughter.  
but the glint of sport in her eyes never wavers, so casting the book aside, you resort to laying a comforting hand on her thigh because you know the golden girl with saccharine smiles, the one who evoke tropical storms in your chest is solid bones and perfect imperfections in a sea of deceptive beings.    
“what’s it about?” she adds, her fingers stringing with yours as the syllables overflow on her smiling lips. her smile, all-too-familiar, whirs something up your spine and her touch seems to burn into your palm, through the cracks of your fingers.    
you take a drag, holding it until it burns, and pass it back to her, “charles duhigg,” your hands never part as you reply, a blanket of smoke slipping out. “the science behind habit, creation and reformation.”    
“so, tell me,” she quips, rustling, inching closer, all hot breath and intoxicating perfume, the tip of her ears crimsoning when you maintain eye contact, “would you rather kiss charles duhigg or, me?”    
"roseanne," you taunt good-naturedly, a laugh looming around to waver your lips. "are you jealous of a forty-something-year-old?"  
you follow her eyes fluttering down to your lips, sharp and wanton. she breathes in another hit then says, "can you blame me for wanting all the attention?"
she wraps her lips around the opaque blunt once more, the scene arbitrarily sinful but then, rather than inhaling it, she cradles your jaw and hovers your lips. exhaling her breath into your willing mouth; it's undoubtedly one of the hottest things you’ve ever witnessed, and if possible, it heightens the smoke wafting in your gut with a coiling warmth.  
“there’s no way i can blame you when you’re pulling shit like this.” you breathe out, slightly dazed from the smoke or her. you don’t really know. 
“i know,” she whispers, several beats too late, breath ghosting atop your lips until they’re meeting in a smooth plash of lips, fluttering lashes and warm breaths.  
the second roseanne’s tongue presses into your mouth, light and pliant and sweet-tasting of hot chocolate, imbued with the smoky aftertaste, you float through a state of euphoria. your hands linger down to the soft curve of her ass, squeezing. you can’t resist the urge, sticking a resounding slap on the round of her ass, loving the surprised moan that’s torn out of her.
she captures your bottom lip into her mouth, teeth toying with the flesh and something about that is thoroughly gratifying to you, as is her quiet pant against your mouth when you draw away – dizzy from lungs running out of air, she pecks your lips a final time before shifting back.  
she sinks herself comfortably between your legs again, perched on your lap while you continue passing the second joint back and forth. as it shortens in size, you grow more physical. your hand never leaves her ass, ghosting over the silken lace of her underwear. roseanne is not far off; she sighs under every single one of your touches, hands threading down through the collar of your shirt, nails roaming up and down your back, scratching lightly at the plains of your shoulder blades.  
you take two to four more hits, you think, you’re not too sure. you've lost count because now the haziness in your head is growing stronger, the sounds are softly intertwining with themselves that you have to haul her closer by the waist as to anchor yourself and think.  
“you think,” you clear your throat, trying to swallow down the dryness. “you think we could order something to eat?”  
roseanne turns her head languidly from the tiny spirals of smoke wafting in the air, her eyes fleeting to yours following a couple of seconds. she peeps at you, “mmhm," she utters. "i guess. well, yeah, it would make sense ... right?" and she titters.  
after holding a straight face and retaining the roach (that you still haven’t noticed has been extinguished) for a few moments, contemplating, “rosie,” you let out a stifled laugh suddenly, like a blend between a snort and a chortle. “you really think the delivery guy, like, the car … can get up here?”  
your bones feel weightless. like you’re soaring, there's nowhere else you'd rather be, and every bone in your body is at ease for the first time today. roseanne shakes with gentle laughter, cradling the scrap of the joint in her hands like religion and setting it aside, next to your knees. 
she clumsily knocks the ashtray over, cursing. it's too endearing, you can’t help but mirror her accent, giggling when she pouts and steady herself from falling as you dissolve into a weed-induced puddle of laughter, stomach shaking, fighting a new hurricane of giggles herself. you just have a way of imitating her accent that is almost uncanny.  
“asshole,” she leans her body into yours, pressing your chests together, feeling yours lift against hers. she then stretches her hand to descend the tip of her nail down your collar.    
“your one and only.” you drawl, drawing in a long, faint breath.  
the warmth hasn’t left your body still, it seems to be making its way from your chest to the rest of your being. you tip your head back so it’s resting on the back of the furniture, eyes lazily drifting over to the window. outside, the sky is clear, a stunning tone of cantaloupe, the sun about sitting so low in the sky it dazzles you through the clefts of the buildings and canopy of trees. this place has become your favorite; it’s all just so peaceful and beautiful here, away from the day-to-day activities.  
you're feeling the floor below you stir like you’re in one of those massage chairs at the mall, combating the inexpressible comfort of roseanne’s weight on you and the sudden mass of your eyes – it wouldn’t be the first time you fall asleep right after smoking. usually, you'd instantly pass out to the steadfast rise and fall of her heartbeat, and she’d follow suit, curling in on herself against your chest.  
“this weed is,” the sway of her voice brings you back from your daydream, “wow.”    
picking your head up and letting the blood rush back down your neck, your brow ridges and you shift, sitting upright and inching closer to gaze into her eyes – they’ve turned a reddish hue, heavy-lidded, but as breath-taking as ever with pools of deep, mesmerizing, mocha brown, and you say, “well, it’s definitely hitting.”
you're becoming increasingly conscious of her nail gliding lower between the top buttons of your white buttoned-up shirt – you don’t recollect exactly when they’ve been popped open, but you don’t have it in you to think long and hard about it. the finger’s tracing the dark bites that have been pressed against the soft mahogany flesh of your skin, progressive shivers creeping up your spine.  
“babe,” she whispers, and it’s the lilt of her voice that makes you glance up at her. when exactly did she pick the blunt back up? the shape her lips make to get those flawless smog rings remind you of the other instances when her mouth’s carved similarly – it’s when she first wraps her lips on your thumb and she teases, tongue swirling around the digit, just playing, taunting. she'd push it in and out of her mouth with suction and with her tongue, she’d bob her head, maintaining your eyes locked through the ordeal. knowing all too well that she's gorgeous with your fingers in her mouth.
“you’re okay to keep going?” she questions, moaning when you bunch her skirt up to press your hands back on the soft, small plump of her ass; they fill both of your hands, moulding back against your palms. you land a kiss on the sweet, red blossomed apple of her cheeks.  
“how can i refuse when i’ve been eyeing this ass all day long,” you murmur, running a hand up, snapping the waistband against her skin. 
that’s all she needs to press her lips against yours.  
you lose yourself completely in how thoroughly your lips effortlessly glide against each other, it turns sweeter, cotton candidly sweeter. then lustful and something entirely more celestial. it could just be the weed accentuating the brush of roseanne’s tongue against yours but you know it would feel almost as good when sober, or even better – you’re not quite sure, each time always feels different than the last.  
“rosie,” you ripple against her lips and she hums, moans mingling for a few moments, your hands gripping up the juts of her waist as she detaches from your lips to start mouthing at the junction of your neck and jaw, teeth scouring down your throat.  
she grips, getting a fistful of your shirt in one hand with the other curving within the heated skin at the base of your neck. your bodies are so close, warm, and she wants to look at you but she’s in some kind of stage where all she aches to do is let her lashes wave shut, so that’s what she does along driving her hips instinctively down against your thigh.  
even through all the layers of clothing between you, you can feel the wetness sliding through the flimsy fabric of her underwear on your bare thigh; the delicious friction of against each other. 
your hands part from her hips to shed your school blazer instead, and roseanne opens her eyes to unbutton her shirt as you grab at yours, unceremoniously yanking it out of your skirt and sliding your palm up the delicate valley of her stomach. hand sliding up further still, you’re cupping, kneading her breasts, bringing an exceptional churning in her gut when one of your thumbs stroke her nipple through the lace. it's off with a quick push of your fingers.  
she stretches out her stomach, feline-like, curves her back and chest out, granting you the sight of her petite breasts as she swivels back and forth back along the length of your thigh. “touch me,” she coos, “please, baby.”
“touch you,” you reiterate, finger tracing the outline of the damp spot lining up her labia. she pushes up her knees to raise herself only the slightest bit higher, “here?” she whines as your touch makes her nerves jump, stroking her lips slowly through the cloth, hoping to further drive her out of her mind.  
slipping your fingers into the hem of her panties, the cloth clings against her sex until you push back against it. you shuffle a little so that you could capture her nipples between your teeth, sucking on the bud. her entire body tenses above yours, arms wrapping around your neck, cradling your head closer to her chest.  
slick is smearing all over your panties, merely from relishing her like she’s a fucking gift from the gods, preening when her hands quaintly smooth over the back of your neck and your fingers play, lazily and easily through her lips.  
she gasps against your ear as your fingers run over her entrance, pressing and teasing, slow and calculated, sliding in the slightest so rose could feel the webbing of your fingers just barely inside of her.
a final tug on her reddened nipple, you withdraw your fingers.
without notice, roseanne’s vision tilts, and she finds herself yelping with her back on the polished, wooden floor with your body hovering hers and a dopey smile adorning your lips. her focus narrows into the manner your eyes dilate – lust and the effects of weed in them. “was that … indica?” you ask, a childlike nature to your voice while sliding her panties down her legs, then yours. you drop them near and kneel before her.  
“i don’t –” she cuts herself, contemplating the fleeting body-warming euphoria that expands through melting and blissful relaxation. “mhm.” she titters, letting the word draw itself out slowly.  
she gives you that look – peering up at you, heavy eyes open and telling as she spreads her legs, revealing parted, wet lips, swollen and pink from what feels like hours of teasing. you stare longingly, pupils blown, squirming and urging to get your mouth to taste her.  
you dip down. roseanne feels the warmth of your breath, and then the first hot touch of your tongue on sensitive skin. she breathes out, tilts her hips up against your mouth, so you move the muscle brusquely, forward at an angle that catches at every lap.  
you’re ridiculously skilled at this; seriously, no one, not even her fingers, knows her body as you do. no one else makes the pleasure overtake her mind as you do, as you flick your tongue and suck on her clit, thoroughly enjoying the way her sweet, even as a salty mix dribbles down your tongue. you're murmuring what sounds like appreciative, sugary words that roseanne can’t entirely make out, she succumbs in the soothing oscillations of it, punctuated by the intervals when you prob and poke with the tip of your tongue. she pushes back into it, chasing the feeling of that tongue gently opening her up, exploring for more.  
then, still feeling quite indolent and mellow, you're nonetheless agile to move, sliding roseanne’s long legs over your shoulders. and with a quick mewl and purr tumbling out of you, you grasp her skirt in the balls of your fist and shove it up her stomach, then gather yours to situate yourself over her glistening lips. the first thrust is everything. she had sealed her eyelids shut again, laid back down and gone docile, allowing you to rut freely against her like – contented with being handled however you like. but when her hips roll up to press back against yours, it startles a moan from you, the sensation of it making both of your bodies sigh.
there's a certain rush; like the one you get when you’re veering the wheels of your bike for the first time, or the one where you’re getting away with something you should not have. this rush is the one currently coursing through your veins, a rush of want that floods through you, feeling almost surreal, rendering you lightheaded. you're almost, almost worried something else was laced in the blunt, but roseanne’s pussy proves powerful for it gently coaxes you out of your anxiety-inducing thoughts.  
they're gone with each thrust sending her body forward. you can’t help speeding and hardening the rolls of your hips in quiet appreciation. each jolt makes her whine and thrill— you have to grit your teeth to not reach your high before hers, intent on coming at the same time. you grind harder onto her, make her feel each thrust— no area of her core left untouched.  
“you look so beautiful, rosie,” you lick your lips, the feeling jubilant. past rapturous you can hardly finish your sentence. "and warm, you’re so fucking warm.”  
chest heaving, her throat’s enticingly on display and you think of wrapping your hands around it to feel the pounding of her pulse – it beats against your fingers, singing in no particular rhythm. but it remains a sound you wouldn’t mind feeling and listening to, over and over again.  
you rub harder into the body lying beneath you, brutal and animalistic, carnal taking up your nature to feel more. the space between your bodies is so wet and she might be unbelievably tight, you regret not doing this at your place so you could fuck the living out of her with one of your straps.  
“—fuck,” you hear her gasping, her nails drilling into the hand wrapped around her neck, “keep going, don’t stop—”  
the wet sounds of your flesh meeting, the grip on her hipbone and your hand roaming all over her body every time you buck against her clit, hard and faster —the more you can’t take your eyes away from the jiggle of her breasts. you stroke your thumb up and down, feeling out the little lump of her thin nipple and her mouth opens in mid-gasp, grasping your ass when her hips give out, lazing prone on the cold wooden floor of the room as your body blankets over hers. your hips don't stop thrusting.  
you're rendered voiceless and utterly reckless, letting natural reactions taking over. the sparkle in your eyes burn for a split-second, then a gut-wrenching moan, cut from deep inside you. roseanne throws her head back, returns travelling on her series of heresies, combined with a bit of praise in the mix. “god, babe, right there … mmm—my fucking god,” she cuts herself off as you almost effortlessly pin her hips down, not enough to hurt, but more in a show of dominance.  
and the release that hits you just never fucking ends; it comes in waves. sober, you’d be surprised at how quick you’ve come, losing your thread altogether, but it only takes four long, premeditated but frantic rolls for you to send yourself in a complete state of a body awakening – it's almost too much to move any more than just the bare minimum – two more to enhance the sensations for both you and roseanne, the latter’s body reacting before her mind could race to a conclusion. her eyes flow open, hands scrambling to clutch your asscheeks tighter when she feels herself pulsing, thrumming and seeing white behind her lids.  
“holy -”  
“fuck.” you finish for her, elbows coming down on either side of her head, so close to collapsing if it wasn’t for the way roseanne’s staring up at you. it's the look of admiration she always gives you when you’ve fucked her just right.  
you kiss down her body – but not without a little slap on her ass. as you lay pecks on her thighs, kiss bruises and marks onto them, you bite and nibble on them, clit twitching at the familiar scent of her dripping heat. it just has that thing that makes you delirious, like alcohol. you give a tentative lick.  
she jerks from over-sensitivity, while her cunt throbs for what is to ensue. walls stretching to accommodate the length and thickness of your fingers slowly entering her, lewd sounds and heat licking deep through her chest. you dip the second digit in earnest, your burning touch only seems to make her core burn with greater need.  
then, in the spirit of simply breaking her, you find her g-spot easily, ramming your fingers into it repeatedly with faultless confidence before pulling away.  
roseanne clenches, whining at the emptiness. being filled just a few seconds ago to feeling friction, to her walls abruptly empty. the pressure inside of her gone, she squirms around trying to find your finger to sink back into her body. she moans, then tries again when all she receives is a giggle, hearing the teasing in your voice, but not possessing the patience to deal with it right now 
... “daddy, please.”  
it comes out breathy —imploring and wanton and you almost shake in rapture.  
“you know i love it when you call me that, rosie,” you come up to murmur against the shell of her ear, words dripping an avid rush of honey. it repels any form of weed-produced laziness that’s taken ahold of your limbs. 
roseanne guides your hand back towards her entrance, gripping down so you can’t move away from her – except, she knows it wouldn’t take much to overpower her, but she does it anyway. she feels the plush push against her walls, then you’re slowly filling her again, setting her nerves ablaze and she let herself cry your name, light curses, whatever comes through her mind out as you rub the spot that makes her toes curl.  
you're gradually lured into snapping your hand, just to wallow in the release of breathy sighs and cries of ‘daddy’ in the crook of your neck that leaves the blonde’s lips every time you force the sound out of her.  
you press your body flush against her form and writhe your fingers in a single-minded purpose inside her dripping entrance. you lick at her pounding pulse and plunge deeper in to make it soar higher and faster than weed ever could. she presses her hands into your shoulders, digging half-crescents into the fragile texture of your skin; clutching for more of your warmth against her.  
with the windows open, people could definitely hear the mundane debauchery taking place right up inside the building. but she simply can’t hold in her moans, despite her best attempts at deadening them. 
body unfurling, as your prodding fingers slides out at her entrance, pressing harder and harder until they slip back inside to hook deeper into her warmth — she sighs and throws her head back, body moving, torso arched, light nipples on opaque skin scrounging for your tongue. however, you’re pre-occupied with sliding in and out of her, kissing the pretty gasps out of her lips.  
your palm hits against her clit each time, her inner muscles beginning to contract and squeeze around your fingers. she's so fucking close, you know it, so before she can start thrashing, you get better leverage. you push one of her legs wider with your knee to get deeper and pump freely inside of her, and the increased volume of her moans send a wave of arousal through you.
the more stimulation to her body causes the buzz to alter in one way or another. her vision is fuzzy as lazy eyes squint up at yours, body like jello that could collapse into a puddle any second. for the briefest instant, it’s almost too much to wrap her head around. it's some sort of fucking extraterrestrial experience, her almost entirely useless brain offers, as it proceeds to liquefy completely, overwhelming orgasm burning down her abdomen like scalding lava, leaving her breathless.  
a while later, when the sun’s stopped blossoming in the sky and a blanket of stars have taken the grace of a breeze over your heads, you’re back in your original position – roseanne straddling your waist, buttermilk hair brushing over her breasts, lissome and comely body draped back in her bra and skimpy panties.  
she leans down and inches her chin forward so she can seal her lips and mouth over yours. she drags her tongue, asking for permission. the taste of your skin, your perfume and scent of your body is intoxicating. the high’s worn off, now she could get drunk from just having her thighs wrapped and caging around you, kissing you for hours on end.  
“hol’ up” then she’s pulling away, before leaning over the side to reach for your bag, procuring a small plastic bag.
you eye her with amusement, “while i don’t mind lighting up another one,” you start, the sweet, nonetheless imposing, concern in your voice is palpable, “grab my sweater first in there.” you nod towards the bag. you've closed the window but the weather is known to seep through bones once blankets of dark clouds had already rolled in.
roseanne smiles and rolls her eyes, dropping to kiss your cheek, then neck, then cheek once more. she has to tear herself away with a fit of laughter when you reach up and get a hand in her milky curls, directing her mouth to yours in a show of biting and toying with the sheen of her lips.
the wool blend of your sweater looks the best on her, it draws down to expose one finely boned shoulder and you wish to paint constellations on the exposed neckline, to dart hot kisses against the silky skin.
you watch, admirably as roseanne uses your abdomen as a workplace to pack the bits of weed into the blunt wrap she had also pulled from your bag. her nimble fingers work everything expertly into a rather attractive roll before bringing the blunt to her lips to lick down the length.  
“the joy of roleplay,” she mentions, quite pleased from the attention. “we should do it more often.” 
cocoa eyes peek at you from under long lashes before swiftly looking bavk down at her work. “daddy~” she adds.
“christ, rosie, don’t make me take you here again.” you deadpan, embarrassed, looking at her as though she’s meant to understand the gravity of your statement.
roseanne just laughs, conspicuously displaying how perfectly aware she was on the effect of her recurrent use of your ‘nickname’ in the most inappropriate choice of settings and moments.
you slide one hand up, rubbing and massaging the curve of her waist while she soothes down the edges with her fingertips, and grabs the discarded lighter from the floor to light the end up.  
“professional,” you chuckle, and wrap your arms around her. she blows smoke halos in your face, bubbled laugh when you playfully gust them away before bringing you into a kiss. she hums as she closes her eyes, and glides her tongue across your bottom lip. “we’re never getting out of here if you keep this up.” your words a breathy pant between grazes of tongues.
“good,” she whispers, connecting your foreheads, unfocused gaze of seductive, glassy-eyed squint burning as she flicks them down to look hungrily at you. “because i'm taking what’s mine until i'm satisfied.”  
and you wisely do not voice an objection. one of your last sober thoughts before your skirt’s tugged down your legs.  
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heartofdepth · 3 years
hi, how about Xiao (and Albedo if you feel up to it) with a gn s/o carrying them bridal style ? I just think it'd be cute. feel fre to ignore if you're not interested! have a nice day/night!
genre: fluff
tags: lapslock
under the cut because I wrote hcs for both !
you’re under the scrutiny of a handful of burning gazes of passerby. not many know of the adeptus, but those who do know of the brooding, serious young man at the top floor of wangshu inn that they’re advised to stay away from, will definitely be poking their noses as far into your business as they can manage
due to xiao’s nature, he won’t physically pick you up unless you’re in danger, hurt, or incapacitated in any way. being exhausted likely won’t even work as he’ll opt to piggyback instead, something he views as more efficient.
given this, he’s adamant not to set you down anytime soon until he sees to it that the problem is tended to
you could only ever dream of this happening, but now that it’s come to fruition, you realize xiao has no idea about the connotations behind his actions. if you try to enlighten him on why everyone’s staring, he’ll only get the slightest bit embarrassed due to being cast in a softer light that he’s not accustomed to- the illuminated guardian yaksha in broad daylight carrying his beloved around and now everyone’s bearing witness to it. he’ll sober right back up however, and ask straightfaced, “we are lovers, so is there really an issue?” there’s nothing the passerby are misunderstanding, isn’t there? is his logic
verr goldet will be saying both completely nothing and absolutely everything about what’s happening. she’ll grin smugly, raise an eyebrow and make conversation on anything that isn’t what’s right in front of her but it’ll seem like that’s all she’s referring to
please do trace xiao’s shoulder tattoos, it’s one of the few things that’ll get him to feel flustered about the situation; he doesn’t want everyone to see how soft he becomes by your side, something he’s still trying to adjust to from his sharp edged way of life
albedo is someone you could honestly just ask to his face if he could princess carry you and he’d oblige. he sees nothing wrong with it; he babysits klee, puts up with her whims, you’re his lover, so what other demands do you have for him? he’ll do his best to see it through
the real issue is getting him away from his research long enough to answer your request; he probably wouldn’t do it on the spot, but will try to schedule it like an arranged to-do list. “can this wait until after brunch? there’s been some adjustments i’d like to apply to this experiment that i would like to execute as soon as possible.”
once you’re in his arms, you’re set. he won’t try to say he has to get back to work or anything because once he sets time aside for you, he’ll stick with you to the end.
as per classic albedo, he’s effortlessly romantic without even trying; it just flies out of his mouth unironically- “you fit into my arms as pen strokes line together in art,” “don’t worry for me, i won’t tire if it’s for you,” “where shall we go next? i’m quite satisfied with my view right now, though?”
the day after you ask to be bridal carried, he starts bringing up doing it more often, usually out of the blue too! the sight of delight blooming across your face when he picks you up unprompted again is a moment he’d been attempting to render in his sketchbook
you think albedo’s found a new hobby in it, but you choose to let him silently feel his joy in peace when you see the gentle smile adorning his face whenever he comes up to you, arms open. in fact, he’d even be disappointed if you refuse, or say “not right now”. it’s kind of adorable to see in a let down puppy kind of sense.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
A cold day and a death wish
Aka, that time Esteria saved Daniela's ass, earning Alcina's respect. Warning for gore!
January 20th 1983
Romanian winters sure were frigid in the mountains, so unlike the seaside climate she had grown accustomed to during her lifetime. A lifetime of being stuck in an unwanted family who fiercely shoved their ideas down her throat from the moment she had opened her wide blue eyes into the world.
Esteria shook her head to chase away the past's blurry memories and wrapped the blanket she had taken from her bed more tightly around her shoulders. Of course, the new state her body found itself in did not aid with keeping her warm, blood circulation all but becoming progressively useless since her infection, leaving her extremities perpetually cold. You win some you lose some, she thought with a chuckle.
It was the middle of the day, not that it mattered given the gloomy skies above. Esteria preferred to keep any activities she did in the afternoons, when Lady Dimitrescu was sure to be asleep in her chambers. It was best for the both of them really, as the woman was obviously displeased with what she saw as an invasion of her home in Esteria's presence at the castle. And in all fairness, she wasn't completely in the wrong. Mother Miranda had taken a particular interest in observing the development of her infection and, when she had to go away for a few months, she had apparently shoved that task onto the Lady's shoulders. And that, of course, included Esteria staying at the castle for the time being.
The three daughters would occasionally get up and roam around at any and all hours, doing god knows what, but Lady Dimitrescu was always a woman that stuck to her routine. And besides, the daughters could be quite pleasant company at times, happy to make conversation over a cup of tea, or blood nowadays, or showing her whatever project they were working on at the moment. Sometimes it was a painting while other times it was a new torture device. At least they kept things interesting, right?
The cold marble of the main hall's floor came in contact with skin and she mentally cursed herself for not putting on any shoes, or even socks, before leaving her bedroom. This place was so damn big and had her occasionally stopping to check her surroundings and make sure she had taken the right path, even after over a month of being there, and that only prolonged her walk in the uncomfortable temperature. She just wanted a cup of water and to return to her warm bed.
She was shuffling her way past the stairwell and towards the kitchen when the deafening blast of a gun, echoing ominously through ancient hallways, made her freeze in place. It was close, much too close for comfort.
Her head turned slowly, in an effort to locate the source of the sound but a second shot made her jump in place, eyes snapping to the hall leading to the entrance. Surely no staff member was instructed to shoot something inside the castle, and the daughters seemed to prefer more archaic weapons, so to speak.
Blanket promptly forgotten and left to limply slide off her shoulders and onto the floor, quick steps were taken towards what she hoped was nothing but a misstep. Quick and deliberate, moving close to the wall and keeping to the shadows, hiding as much as possible given her rather tall frame and stark white hair. She passed by grand paintings hanging against the beautifully patterned wallpaper and maneuvered around antique vases, all with precise footsteps, like a predator stalking its prey.
Up until a third shot, this time accompanied by an enraged scream, broke the silence.
"Filthy man-thing!"
Daniela's voice reached her with an unusual high pitch to it, although the growl that came after was no less fierce. There was an odd strain to it too, something that Esteria realized must be caused by pain.
She hastily reached the entrance hall, cool air from the door left wide open hitting her in the face like the world's coldest slap across her features. It made her lips twist into a snarl at the sensation.
Snarl that turned into a growl when her eyes fell upon the scene unfolding there.
Daniela, the ever so sweet youngest daughter, slumped against one of the marble pillars surrounding the portrait of her and her sisters and trying to stop her knees from buckling and giving way to what could only be immense pain. Her sickle was held tightly in one hand, knuckles turning white from the effort, while her eyes sparked like angry mismatched embers towards the man in front of her. A man, who she did not recognize, with a shotgun pointed directly at her, face contorted with anger.
Upon noticing Esteria, he took a handful of stumbling steps back, the barrel now moving between the two women frantically.
"Stay back!" She did. Esteria did not have Alcina's healing abilities and was not particularly keen on getting a bullet to the face. For now. "You wretched witches! Y- You took my wife from me. She came here for work and never came back!"
Daniela groaned for a moment, apparently gathering her strength to reply. "Maybe she doesn't want to go back." Her voice, despite coming out raspy, was sickly sweet, the same tone she used so many times before when toying with her prey, but now the dripping malice behind her words was on full display.
The hunter stomped forward, aiming for another shot, and that's when Esteria's body finally reacted, jumping forward.
Transformations were never painful, no, it felt more like a really good stretch. A stretch of bone and skin down to the very cells, that made her body tingle for a meager moment until a gangly beast with wide eyes like the deepest caverns full of water and silt took her place. The one thing that required some getting used to however, was the mild disorienting sensation that came with her normal vision being completely replaced by black and white and all the grayscale in between, forming fuzzy silhouettes that were brighter or dimmer according to heat signatures.
Long talons screeched against the smooth floor when she pounced, crashing into his body within the blink of an eye.
The shot was fired, however not at its intended target but ending up embedded somewhere in a wall behind them. It broke something priceless for sure, but no matter. There was something more important to deal with at the moment.
The man thrashed under the weight of her claws, his hands trying in vain to push or cause any form of damage. His voice mixed terror and rage in screams that all but scratched against her eardrums.
And he was an intruder.
Not in her home, no, this was not her home to begin with. But if nothing else, she respected Lady Dimitrescu deeply and her daughters had grown on her more than she would like to admit. Hurting Daniela certainly warranted punishment. And punishment she delivered.
Her mouth opened in a fraction of a second, elongated jaws forming an unnaturally wide angle and sharp fangs glistening in the low light. Without another moment of hesitation, she dipped her head, maw clamped shut around his face and those same fangs digging their way through scalp and skin and bone and everything that lay beneath. Sickening cracks, that were more felt than heard with the irking scraping of bone against bone, were accompanied by pained screeches. Esteria shook her head slightly, the movements dislodging some fragments from her mouth and tongue, and then she jerked her head back. Still shut jaws took with them a good portion of the cranium, that was promptly spat out and sent rolling on the marble floor smearing it in crimson, finally putting a stop to any sound or movement from the man.
There was no time to dwell around the corpse however, as a small whimper made its way to her ears. In a moment she was back to her normal self, although her robes were hanging rather loosely and were now soaked in blood on the front, and taking long steps towards the source of the noise.
She kneeled in front of Daniela, who was now also on the floor. "Hey. Hey darling, I'm here, what's wrong?"
One hand came to gently caress a pallid cheek, making sure to use the back of her hand to avoid her talons causing any further pain. She almost recoiled at how frigid the skin was. Frigid and cracking, feeling almost crystalline under her fingers.
Surprisingly enough, Daniela clung to her, shaky hands grabbing fistfuls of her robes and slumping forward with a couple choked sobs.
"P- please. Take me-... take me out of h- here."
Esteria did just that, scooping the girl into her arms and quickly walking down the same hallway she had come from. A few servants were starting to gather around, wide eyed, having heard the commotion and coming to check on what was going on.
"Shut that damned door," Esteria all but barked while stepping around them, although everyone quickly jumped out of her way.
She did not wait for an answer, as she started to make her way up the stairs, when her eyes landed on none other than Alcina Dimitrescu, coming down and freezing for a moment upon noticing the shaking form of her youngest daughter in her arms. The Lady's face contorted with anger, but before any accusations could be made, Esteria spoke up, voice coming in a rushed breath.
"A hunter came in. Please just-... where should I put her?"
Alcina did not answer her however, opting to bend down and take her daughter into her own arms, features immediately softening upon hearing a small whimper from Daniela caused by being shifted around. She cooed at the girl for a moment, whispering words of reassurance that were far too quiet for anyone else to hear.
She turned around, heading back up without another word, and any sensible person would take it as their cue to get lost and mind their own business. But growing up in the woods like some Peter Pan wannabe didn't make sensible people now did it. Esteria followed along, quick steps barely keeping up with the Lady's long determined strides. She followed until they reached a bedroom unfamiliar to her, though by the furniture and decorations, she could assume it was the youngest's chambers. She stepped inside and watched as she placed her daughter on a small couch placed right in front of the fireplace, soft furs covering the patterned cushions.
Not wanting to simply sit by, she helped by gathering a few extra blankets, gears finally turning in her brain, and handing them to Alcina, who by now was gently stroking red locks as Daniela all but glued herself to her mother's lap. Golden eyes snapped at her but the blankets were accepted, unfolded and quickly wrapped around the shivering girl.
Esteria couldn't help placing a hand on Daniela's shoulder and giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze, although she was unsure whether or not it was felt through the multiple layers.
She didn't look at the other woman when she spoke, eyes fixated on her hand, seemingly finding her talons of interest at the moment. "Are they… weak to the cold?"
It was barely a whisper and the reply took so long to arrive that Esteria started to think she had only imagined asking in the first place.
"Were it not for the fact that you're Mother Miranda's pet project, I would kill you for knowing that." Alcina's tone was flat, but the conviction it carried left no room for interpretation on the truthfulness of her words.
Esteria chuckled. That sure was a way to thank someone for saving her daughter.
She decided to take that as her cue to leave, raising slowly and making her way to the door left ajar. A mental note to change her robes and take a bath before returning to bed was also made, the sticky sensation on her skin quite unpleasant. Before she could get a hold on the door handle and exit the room however, the Lady's voice called out for her, uncharacteristic tenderness making its way where sharp pointy edges were mere moments ago.
"Thank you. I'm glad you were there to intervene before any real damage was done."
Esteria managed to hold back a grimace and a snort, remembering that some damage had definitely been done, although most likely to an antique decoration or painting hit by a stray bullet. Keeping her expression under control, she half turned her head, fond smile adorning her lips.
"Of course my Lady."
"Just call me Alcina."
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kiranogareru · 3 years
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WARNING: Language, but this is all fluffyyyy
A/N: I present to you, my first requested work. Dedicated to @mysticmaee I apologize for taking so long, I hope this meets your expectations. Enjoy and again I'm so so sorry it took me so long
Y/n and Bakugou -as much as he refuses to admit it- have been pretty good friends for a while and they recently started dating
Katsuki is well aware of the fact that he isn't all that good at this whole relationship thing!
He knows how a relationship is supposed to be like, he's read all those things about them in novels before and even though they appeared unrealistically perfect to him, Bakugou couldn't help but compare himself and feel inferior to those fictional men and their romancing abilities!
He has observed how well Y/N seems to be fitting the role of a girlfriend and has taken mental notes of the way she always shows him how she feels, whether that's through words or affectionate little gestures, such as simply holding his hand!
Bakugou has never really been the type for physical contact, one could even say he is quite touch starved in all honesty, which makes him a little bit timid to show her his appreciation that way, since it makes him feel uncomfortable and it gives him this weird fluttery feeling inside
The blonde thinks back to the short time they have shared as a couple and how sweet Y/n has been to him, even before, when they were just friends and he insisted on pushing her away!
Bakugou is suddenly left dumbstruck, when he comes to realize that he never even asked her out properly! She just kind of blurted out her feelings and he simply claimed her as his..and by his, he means his one weakness, but of course it goes without saying that he would never reveal that!
He then decides that he wants to try harder. He knows he can do better 'I can be the best boyfriend she's ever had, I'll be her number one!' he tells himself
'She put so much effort into approaching me and I know I made it even more difficult -I can't help it, that's just how I am- but the least I can do is put in just as much effort, it's only fair!'
He doesn't want to be a shitty boyfriend, because for 1 he knows that's not what she deserves and 2 he's the best, he's not one of those stupid extras, who would let her slip right through their fingers!
'It's time I finally lowered my defenses' he thinks, although he's still hesitant of showing his softer side and unsure of what that can possibly lead to
Katsuki walks in silence as he rakes his brain for a way to make it up to Y/n for the way he's been so far.
It's not like he's treating her bad or anything, as a matter of fact he is at his calmest when he's around her and all he does is admire the way her beautiful e/c eyes sparkle when she's focused on something she enjoys, or how her face lights up when she's happy, or he revels in the taste of her lips against his own whenever they share an unexpected kiss!
This warm feeling spreads throughout his chest and blood rushes to his cheeks, tinting them with a shade of pink, at the thought of the memories!
That's when it hits him and the perfect idea pops up in his head. If he's learnt anything from romance novels, it's the fact that every relationship starts with a date!
And that's something they haven't done yet, which gives Katsuki the opportunity to change that!
"Katsu?" Y/n stops in her tracks, making him break out of his trance and do the same
"You zoned out, is everything ok?" She asks with a soft smile, placing a hand on his cheek
"Tch, everything's fine dumbass, I'm just thinking" Bakugou returns the smile, resting his hand at the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer and leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on her forhead
Y/n is left speechless and her cheeks burn up at the sudden action, Bakugou doesn't usually behave this way, especially not in public!
'I don't know what he's been thinking about, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this adorable change' She ponders
Y/n is quick to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of burnt caramel and cologne -something that she's grown so accustomed to, that it now brings her comfort
Bakugou's eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a breath as he relaxes, bringing one hand to her head as his other one makes it's way to her back to hold her close
They stand there in each other's embrace for a bit, before they decide to continue their walk to the dorms, hand in hand
Once they reach the dorms, they catch the attention of a few of their classmates and friends. It's only logical though, since a smiling Bakugou Katsuki is not a sight one could easily miss!
The rest of the day goes by pretty quick as usual, since everyone is studying either alone or in groups, but once that's out of the way most of the students normally spend their free time by engaging in their hobbies of choice
While Y/n is hanging out with Jirou in the purple haired girl's room, singing and having a good time, Bakugou takes that chance to go to the kitchen and set his plan in motion
He has all the time he needs to prepare a few things for later
While the ruby eyed boy is in the middle of cooking, Sero walks into the kitchen, Kaminari following close behind him
"Kacchan?!" Kaminari exclaims in surprise
"Hm?" Katsuki turns around and realizes he has an audience
"How come you're cooking today?" Sero questions in confusion
It's not uncommon for the explosive boy to cook for his classmates, but he had done so just a few days ago already, that's what didn't sit right with Sero
"All of you extras cook like shit, tonight we're having some actual food!" Bakugou's voice remains low in volume, but his usual aggression is evident in his tone
"It smells amazing, what is it?" Sero technically drooling as he walks over to check
"I bet it's something spicy!" Kaminari declares, knowing his friend's taste
"Damn right Dunce Face! Let's hope you idiots can handle it this time! Tch" Bakugou tries to mask the smile forming on his face with his signature, cocky, smirk
"Kaminari.." Sero gives the electric blonde a look
"I know right!" Kaminari laughs, returning the look
"What are you idiots on about?" Bakugou raises an eyebrow
As soon as the table is set and dinner is served, the students pick up on something unusual
"Hm? Where did Bakubro go?" Kirishima points out, while looking around the room
Kaminari and Sero stand back to back with a hand on their chin and wearing a knowing expression of confidence on their faces! The sparkles surrounding them are technically visible at this point
"What do you know? Spill the tea!" Mina interrogates with a pointed look
"Has anyone seen Y/n? I thought I saw her come downstairs earlier.." Jirou asks, seemingly popping up out of nowhere
"They are probably fu-" Sero wraps Mineta up using his tape with an unbothered face
"Shut up you nasty grape!" He scolds "They are on a date! We are sure of it!" He continues pridefully
"Who knew Bakugou could be so good with the ladies, right!" Kaminari comments, almost in disbelief
Meanwhile Y/n is comfortably sitting on a blanket behind the dorms with Bakugou. The night air feels cool on her skin, but not cold enough to give her goosebumps. It is rather refreshing if anything
They place their now empty dishes on the tray that's sitting in front of them and Bakugou pushes it aside
"That was delicious!" A look of content spreading on her features
"Hm, of course it was!" He cocky voice sounds. A winning smile playing on his lips
"Katsuki, this is so sweet..thank you" Y/n softly speaks, tilting Bakugou's head slightly with a hand on his cheek and leaving a feather-like kiss on the other
"You don't need to thank me dumbass..you deserve it!" His tone calm and loving
Bakugou lifts his hand and places it over her smaller one that is resting on his face
They lie down on the blanket, eyes staring at the wide night sky, littered with sparkling gems
"That one reminds me of you!" The excitement clear in her voice as she points at the sky
"How can a star remind you of me dumbass?" His laughs in amusement
"The way it shines looks like an explosion, it's powerful and beautiful!" Her explanation flusters the blonde momentarily, but he gathers himself and starts looking for the perfect star
"That one right there is you then!" He gestures towards it
"Is it now? How can a star remind you of me eh?" She teases
"It stands out, it's so bright and has such a stong presence!"
"Katsu..you idiot" She murmurs feeling bashful
"Huh who are you calling an idiot, idiot?"
Y/n intertwines her hand with his and Bakugou tenses up!
He still isn't used to the gentle gesture, since he has always perceived his hands as weapons, however as he eases into it he starts rubbing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb
"This side of you is so soothing, so intoxicating~" She smiles before continuing
"I'm so lucky to be the one who gets to see you so peaceful..Dynamite" He is caught off guard by the mention of his hero name, which only she knows this far
The first reaction that comes to his mind is to kiss her and his body acts just as fast, pulling both her and himself to sit up and doing exactly that
His lips connect to hers in an uncharacteristically slow and passionate kiss! It is as if Bakugou is pouring everything that he can't put into words in this kiss!
He pulls away with his confidence restored
"Do you want to be mine?"
"I'm my own person idiot and we're already dating!" She laughs, knowing what he meant, but wanting to mess with him regardless
"I know that dumbass! You think I would date some sort of weakling?" He asks matter-of-factly
"I'm already yours and you're all mine!" She boasts
"Damn right!" Bakugou cups her face in one hand, tilting it upwards and leaning down slightly to capture her lips with his once more
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nicolesangel · 3 years
always, for you.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
summary: a mission gone wrong leaves wanda broken and all you want to do is heal her soul.
words: 2.2k
author’s note: based of off a dialogue prompt from @writing-challenges-and-prompts​. i gave this story every ounce of energy i had whilst manic and angry and honestly, it's quite good considering the circumstances LMAO anyways, please enjoy this angsty (but with a happy ending!) hurt/comfort story because apparently i don't know how to write anything else anymore </3
click here to read on ao3 or read below!
Wanda sat on her bed in the compound. Her face is burned with dry tears and her body remains trembling, even hours after everything happened.
It was out of her control. Out of everyone’s, really. She was just doing her best to protect you; she didn’t mean to kill people in the process.
You and the others had been tasked with a recon mission. Just study the enemy and then get out. Except you got caught. You were simply walking down the hallway peering into a lab when the lab assistant locked eyes with you and set the entire facility into lockdown, sirens blaring through the air.
The next few minutes went by in a blur. Running. Screams coming from behind you. Clouds of red throwing you to the side as a bullet whips past you. Wanda’s eyes glowing. She was the last one to get out. When you saw her face, her eyes were still red. But instead of magic, it was from the tears beginning to prick at her eyes.
You knew better than to pry if Wanda was crying. She would tell you when she was ready. Which leads to now: her sitting on her bed, fingers picking at the pills on her comforter, with you sitting next to her with eyes of empathy and an encouraging, but timid, smile.
You’ve been sitting like this for a few minutes at this point and Wanda has yet to look up at you. You lean over toward her slightly and brush a stray hair out of her face. This brings her back down to earth, back to you, as her green eyes look up to meet your own. Except her eyes aren’t shining the way you’ve become accustomed to; instead, weak irises and shattered spirits stare back at you.
Her glance up at you, however, was short lived. She quickly returned her gaze to her fingers that were still attached to the comforter. You were filled with sadness and desperation. You wanted to help Wanda, to comfort her, but you didn’t want to push her over the edge or worse, scare her away. Wanda must have sensed your need and empathy because a small sigh released from her lips.
“I’m scared that you’ll walk out and abandon me if I tell you what happened,” Wanda finally releases. Her voice cracks just slightly; you know she is being honest.
“Wanda, I would never,” you retort, looking at her in anticipation.
She glares at you, tints of red mixing with the green in her eyes before it fades as quick as it came. “You might,” she whispers before returning to her previous position.
Another few minutes pass by. Wanda has now moved to toying with her rings as you lean your back against the headboard of her bead, eyes up at the ceiling, mind spinning with everything that could have possibly broken your girlfriend like this. Hearing the echoes of your thoughts, Wanda sighs again, louder this time, before looking over at you. “Fine,” she announces, “if it will make you feel better, then fine.”
“Wanda, really, you don’t—“
“No, Y/N,” she whispers, her voice raspy from the hours she spent crying, “I think I want to.”
Wanda takes a deep breath in, holding it for a few seconds before releasing. She had hoped it would release some of the tension flooding through her muscles from the anxiety of telling you but it only made her body tremble. Fuck it, she thought.
“I was scared,” she begins. “Had I waited two more seconds to move you out of the way, you would have been dead. Even when I knew you were free, back at the Quinjet, I was still so scared. I didn’t want to lose you.”
You interrupt her, “You weren’t going to lose me.”
A vile laugh falls from her mouth, “You say that now but I wasn’t really thinking rationally in the moment.”
“Okay,” you sigh, “so, what happened Wan?”
She glances over at you, eyes glimmering as tears begin to form. Her voice is strained as she turns her head to look anywhere but at you. “People died. I killed them. I was so focused on making sure everyone got out safe and then I was so afraid of losing you that I began losing control. And then I saw this girl at the end of the hallway, she—“
Wanda’s voice breaks as her body trembles. You want to reach over, to wrap your arms around her and stroke her hair. But you didn’t want to touch her while she was upset; you couldn’t know what reaction to expect.
Wanda took a deep breath, the release shuttering with cries, “She reminded me of myself, back before I became… this. And I got so angry for her, for myself for ever allowing myself to end up in such a horrible position, at the people who take literal children and mess with their minds. I completely lost control. I blacked out and the next thing I saw was pure red.
“There were bodies everywhere. So much death that I couldn’t function. The last thing I saw was that poor girl’s body lying there, completely lifeless. It was my fault. Everywhere I go, every time I try to save the people I care about, death follows. It’s always my fault.”
“Wanda, please don’t blame yourself, you were only trying to do the right thing—“
“Since when is killing innocent people the right thing, Y/N?” Her voice is laced with venom but as she glares at you, you see just how broken she is.
“You know what I meant,” you whisper, your own tears beginning to form.
The room grows silent, the only sounds being the soft hum of your breathing. Both of you are afraid to speak; Wanda is afraid she will scare you off, that she will lose you for good; you’re afraid of losing her or that you will ignite a flame that you didn’t know how to put out.
It’s strange, the silence. When you two spend time together, if neither of you are speaking, it’s because you’re so focused on whatever it is you are watching or doing or your lips are preoccupied with each other. Even when you fight, it doesn’t take long for apologies or words of affection to come spilling into the empty air. Only, this time is so much different.
This time, death, guilt, and trauma are all intertwined and you didn’t know how far you could go without completely shattering Wanda.
It’s almost ten minutes into the silence when you decide that enough is enough. You can’t handle it. All you want to do is comfort your girlfriend, to show her that you aren’t afraid of her, but of losing her.
“Can I… Will you let me touch you?”
Your voice startled Wanda, your question absolutely baffling her. You weren’t the one who just caused a mass murder; she was. Her eyes met yours, frantically searching for a sign that you were joking or that you were intending something else. All she found was sincerity.
A watery chuckle, tinged with sarcasm and pain, fell from her lips. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
You unconsciously reached out and took hold of Wanda’s hand, toying with the rings on her fingers. “You’re hurting. I- I don’t want to presume…”
You couldn’t look at her, ashamed of crying when you weren’t the one having a difficult time. Wanda slips her hand out from under yours but quickly places it under your chin, gently lifting our face to meet her gaze. “Look at me, Y/N,” she whispers.
You hold off for a few seconds before looking up at her. Her eyes were glistening and her cheeks a rosy pink, a sad smile resting on her face that you couldn’t help but immediately reflect. She searched your eyes for any hesitation, her flicking back and forth, before taking your hands in hers.
“I’m not going to hurt you for wanting physical contact, or not wanting it, for that matter.” Her gaze drops to your intertwined hands before continuing. “Even if I’m… in a mood about something or if I’m absolutely crushed or furious, if you need me,” she looks back up at you and takes a breath, “I won’t turn you away, moya lyubov.”
Those words meant so much more to you than she could ever know. The thought that Wanda would always be there for you and she would always let you be there for her. God, your heart ached to tell her how much that means to you, how much you love her, but there aren’t enough worlds in the world to articulate how you feel. So instead, you settle for “Okay.”
Silence fills the air once again but this time it’s built of comfort and safety. You hold open your arms and lean back further against the headboard, signaling to Wanda to fall into your grasp. She quickly lays down with you, wrapping one arm around your back and placing the other on your stomach. She takes your free hand and connects it with yours, resting them on your abdomen.
You lay like this for a while, simply soaking in the peace that finally overtook both of you. A solid fifteen minutes passed by; your eyes were dropping and your breathing had relaxed when you heard a small “thank you” spoken against the crook of your neck.
You turned your head, causing Wanda to remove hers from your shoulder and replace it on your chest. You give her a small smile, even though she can’t see it, and squeeze her hand. “For what?”
She tilts her head to look up at you, her eyes no longer weak, but reflecting her healing spirit. “For not running away and being scared of me even when I… you know.”
Your expression changed; the smile that was there seconds ago is replaced by a small frown, your eyebrows furrowing together slightly. “What makes you think you could ever get rid of me? That you could scare me away?”
Wanda looks away. You feel her body tense as if she is going to cry again and you fill with worry. You can’t comprehend just how hurt she is and all you want to do is make her happy. She chokes out, “I don’t know. I just— I thought you might feel unsafe around me if you knew about what I did. What I’ve done.”
You lean down and place a soft kiss on her forehead, lingering for just a moment before tilting her head up to mirror yours. You notice a tear slip form her eye and you quickly swipe it away, leaving your hand resting on her cheek.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. It’s going to take so much more, probably one of us dying, to get rid of me. You know I love you, right?” Wanda moves her free hand to cup your jaw, the corner of her mouth twitching up slightly, both of you sitting up now. “You are the one person I trust with my life wholeheartedly.”
Wanda’s eyes are swimming with fear, but mostly just love. “But what happens if I do something horrific like that again and lose your trust? I’ve already lost so much, I can’t bear to lose you too.”
You kiss the tears off her cheeks, the taste of salt on your lips. “You won’t lose me. At least, I won’t leave you. Even if you try to get rid of me, I’m not moving.” Small chuckles escape from both of you. “No matter what horrible things you cause, I know where your heart lies, Wan. You only ever want to do the right thing. To help those in need. To protect the people you love. Even when you can’t do it, I know that you still try. And I can’t help but admire that about you.
“You can’t save everyone, you know that, and I’m so sorry that it can’t be that way, but it really isn’t about the lives you failed to save. It’s about the lives you’ve made better and there are so many of them. Including mine. I promise, you don’t have to be afraid of me leaving or me losing your trust. I love you too much, darling. Okay?”
A sigh of relief leaves Wanda. She rests her forehead against yours, her breath tickling your lips as she whispers “Okay.” She presses forward, catching your lips with hers, the taste of salt and strawberries lingering on your tongue when she leans back.
Now both of your hands are connected, resting in between the two of you, legs stretched out and crossed over each other, your body leaning into Wanda’s. A few minutes have passed since she last spoke. She presses a kiss on the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your shampoo.
“You know you’re never getting rid of me either,” she says, her head leaning against yours resting in the crook of her neck. “I love you too much too and I think—“ she breathes, “I think you’re the only person I really trust with my life too. Sure, the other guys will protect me but not without conditions. But you, draga… I know you have me. So, yes, you aren’t getting rid of me either, you know.”
You capture Wanda’s lips once again, holding just a moment longer this time, smiling with relief into the kiss.
“I know.”
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