#hello! wishing all of you well as always šŸ˜Š
yuyu1024 Ā· 4 months
Pairings: Yoongi Ɨ y/n
Genre/tags: Arranged marriage
Warning: šŸ”žšŸ”ž smut/angst, mention of food/eating, cursing, sensual touching, making out, needy/clingy, Pet name, lies, kink, unprotected sex, Smoking, jealousy, insecurity, mention of weight&food/eating, oral (m/f receiving), mention of blood/violence
~~~~[lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 5.8k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice šŸ˜Š
Note: continuation of Prisoner.
I hope this is a good part 2. šŸ™šŸ» took me a while coz idk if i should or not. šŸ˜… sorry guys.
(This may continue a bit more...? But please be patient šŸ™šŸ» as I do have work & usually I try to write before i sleep but lately i've beeen so tired and drained that I cant even function šŸ˜…)
Another day, another event to go to. You are wearing your best 'pretend' smile. The smile you have practiced for months, to be your default expression whenever you meet anyone in any formal event. It's not that your trying to be fake. You just want to represent your husband the best that you can. And being a shy person, this is what you can do to help yourself.
Although, you wish, that even just one time, Yoongi would show up to these events with you.
At the first month of your marriage, he did. He did that to introduce you to everybody. You could still remember how you two were holding hands and always together. Those were the days when you have spent so much time with him.
But... Now, it's just always you. Alone. Amongst everyone in the whole place, you are the only one who always arrives with no partner.
"Excuse me?"
You twirl around and find the prettiest girl you think you have ever seen in your life. She looks like a goddess.
"Ahm, yes?" Your voice sounded so weak. You haven't said a word in the last hour.
"You are the only one wearing a corsage with a hint of lilac flowers in it... I'm guessing... you are Yoongi's wife?" She asks
"Ah, yes. I am." You look down at the flower pinned on your chest
She's smiling at you. She looks sort of happy to see you. "Finally... I've met you."
You haven't said a word. You are not sure how to approach this. You have no idea who she is and why is she approaching you. Plus, You are sort of intimidated by her. She is a beautiful, a sophisticated woman. She have this energy from her that says she is different than anyone else. You could feel your difference with her. Though you are covered with all highend brands of clothing and accessories. You can still see it.
"Oh, sorry... if I'm invading your personal time..." she says, "I am a friend of Yoongi... well... an old friend... from University" she explains. "Sarang."
"Oh." You smile and bow. "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N... I'm sorry... I've not met any of his friends yet so...I didn't know..."
"It's fine. I understand."
She looks like she came from a regal family, the same level as Yoongi. Also, her beauty.... takes your breathe away. She remind you of how you reacted the first time you saw Yoongi. In awe.
"Thank you for coming here also..." she says as she walks you around the gallery. "I hope you find something to your liking here that... would be a part of your home or either a gift to anyone you love."
As you two talk more, you learned that she's the one that threw this charity event. She gathered all these arts from known artists, to auction. She says that 100% of the earnings from it will go to the children's hospital that she have been donating ever since.
You have just met her and you are already at amazed by her. Not by just her prominent looks but also the way she talks and speaks her mind is very inspiring and uplifting. Because of her words you find it easy buying two items in the collection. You know all of the money will go and be used for something good.
You chose the items, the two that caught your attention the moment you entered the gallery. Both are paintings of a beautiful flowerfield which reminds you of your past. The field where you would always go with your friends and have picnic during summer break.
Such beautiful memory that you wish you could've not taken for granted. You wish you could re-live those moments again. And the paintings, those paintings you chose might go well in your own study room.
"It's nice meeting you..." she says, cutting you from reminiscencing your past
"Thank you too for inviting us.. though... my husband couldn't come..."
She smiles, lips pressed together. "He hasn't changed at all. Not very social and just focused on just working..."
Hmm.. The way she talks, the way she describes your husband is very detailed. She seem to know him pretty well. 'They are friends' you say to yourself but then at the back of your mind, a thought, just a tiny thought about him and her, is peaking through.
'Is she an ex of his?'
'If not an ex... probably... someone who liked him?'
I know, this is no place nor time to think about these but you can't help it.
Look at her and then you look at yourself. You two are totally opposites. From status to looks. And probably from personaly to intelligence. She is more than you. She is perfect. You think that he and Yoongi might or will get along more than you and him.
"Ahm... I ahm..." you start to feel uncomfortable with all of your self pity thoughts. You need to get a hold of yourself. "Sorry... I'll... I'll just go to the bar and have some drink..." you say as you clutch on to your dress.
"Oh. Okay." Sarang says. "You want me to accompany you...?"
You shake your head, "No... thank you... don't mind me... please go ahead and tour the rest of the guest." You say pointing at the newly arrived guests.
You turn around immediately before she could response again.
This is weird. You're not sure why you suddenly have the urge to drink. Even though you don't drink. Also because, you can't. Literally, can't.
You only drink red wine when you are offered to drink, by Yoongi of course. It's only when he asks you to join him during nights when he needs company or if you two are to discuss things about the family.
You don't drink also because you are a lightweight. You get tipsy and red easily. One time when you had more than three glasses of red with your husband, you instantly changed personality. You have no idea how and what changed besides the stories that your maid said the day after which were embarassing.
You have no recollection of anything besides the fact that you were on the sofa, inside Yoongi's home office, butt naked and only have Yoongi's blazer on you.
"Mrs. Min, what can I get you?" The cute guy behind the bar asks as you reach your destination.
"How... do you know who I am?"
He smiles, "We had the lists of the guests coming tonight... with photos." He pours water into a glass
"With details...? who can and cannot drink... I suppose?"
He nods. "Your husband noted... to not serve any alcohol to you Miss."
"Even... I want to? Or... pay?"
"I'm sorry Miss..." he says, "If you like we can offer you our non-alcohol champagne?"
You sigh heavily. You badly want to drink. Even just one glass to calm yourself. But...you can't. Yoongi have rules and you cannot avoid and disobey them.
He does give you the freedom to do whatever you want but when it comes to what not to do or what he likes, he have a handful.
1. Don't cut your hair short
2. Don't drink when he's not present nor ordered by him
3. Don't leave the house without atleast one body guard
4. Don't wear perfume (he gets dizzy)
5. Use the safeword during sex
And etc.
The rules are quite simple. Nothing to weird nor to hard to follow. It's just you compromising. And also, you do have a hard time saying no to Him.
"Thanks." You mumble, sighing as you take the glass of water and walk away from the bar.
After figuring out you can't drink to calm yourself, you decide to just go somewhere outside, away from the crowd and peaceful to get fresh air. Lucky you, you found an exit that leads you to the garden.
As time have gone by, you're not sure how long have you been there, staring at the fountain, the flowers and even starring down at your feet every now and then. You thought being out here will leave your head empty. Not worrying about anything. But then you'd catch yourself pouting and comparing yourself to all the ladies you have seen in the event, especially the last person you have talked to.
Your self pity and low self-esteem is thriving today than usual. Is it the lack of sleep? Or because of the one guy from earlier giving you a judging look that made you regret wearing the dress you picked? What happened?
These thoughts are not very helpful. Especially lately, well probably more on daily basis, you do wonder why Yoongi chose you. To marry.
They've said, more particularly his parents said, that he didn't like the ones they suggested for him; so he decided to pick you. To marry you instead of those women who is on the same level as him or close to his family's wealth.
Odd isn't it? Why would someone like him, an elite bachelor, pick a girl from a lower class family to marry? What did he see in you? What made him randomly pick you? You are not special, inexperience about life and not alluring as the other girls in his world. What did he saw? How did he even saw you? You were sure you two never met before. So did he hire someone to find a daughter from a poor family or what?
Instead of clearing your mind, you suddenly had these outburst of questions.
"What are you doing here?"
Your eyes widens after hearing a familiar voice. You didn't dare to speak. You just slowly turn your upper body around to see him, walking slowly towards you.
He's wearing a tuxedo. His hair is slightly slicked back and his scar. His beautiful scar. It's him.
You can't believe what you are seeing. He's really here. Why? He's been away for a week because of work and when did he came back?
"Y-yoongi..." you mumble, standing up
"I asked you..." he says as he stands right in front of you. Then you see his eyes darts down at your glass of water, sitting beside you. "Your bodyguard said... you asked for a drink." He looks back at you, his expression is so serious.
"I ahm... sorry..." you lower your gaze.
"You know... you can't drink."
"I'm sorry..." you whisper softly
"Let her have fun." A woman's voice says. "She just wants to have a glass of wine. It won't hurt."
Slowly raising your eyes, you see her, Sarang, standing from afar from you and Yoongi.
Her stance at this moment is unidentical to her persona earlier. It feels like she is a completely different person, though her appearance is the same. Something shifted.
"She did an amazing job.. representing you earlier." She adds
Your eyes then goes to Yoongi. You want to see his reaction to the angelic woman speaking. You are curious. No one talks to him directly like that, blunt and straight forward, even you.
Sarang is brave to talk casually to him.
"Ready the car..." Yoongi finally speaks after a monent of silence. Ordering one of his men to move.
That was it?
"I'll return the items. Keep the money. I don't care." He says while he's looking at you, straight into your eyes. Though you know, even his eyes are on you, he's not actually speaking to you.
"Yoongi le---" she tries to speak again but he didn't allowed it.
Yoongi just slightly turned his head to give her a side eye. He is not pleased. "My wife and I are leaving..." and then takes your hand to hold onto. "Let's go home..." he says that only you can hear.
"Ahm...ahh... okay." You say, lost by the sudden fierceness from him
"Get in." He orders you
Carefully climbing in the car, you move to the other side making sure there is a space betweem you two.
"Home please." Yoongi says to his driver as he shuts the door.
"Sir." The man answers, nodding and then pushes a button that closes the opening between the driver to the passenger seat of the car.
We are now isolated.
He looks so tired. Looks like he just came back and went straight to event to pick you up.
"I have my driver with me... you could've rested at home." You say
He sighs and closes his eyes. "I'm fine."
Did he purposely pick you up because he wants to see you? Did he missed you while he was away for a week?
Your mind is filled with questions and curiosity but you cannot dream of these questions to be real. You have to remember, he just married you because he have no other choice. There is no love in between you two. You are married by paper only that is worth a lot of money. Everything you are doing for him is to repay all of his kindness to you and your family.
This is all just a fantasy. A beautiful fantasy.
"Come closer..." he softly says. His eyes are still shut but his arm is arching, gesturing for me to take place in then. "Y/n..." he opens his eyes, calling my name. You scoot over his side. He immediately puts his arm around you, making sure you are close. "You're shaking..." he utters as he goes back to closing his eyes, resting his head back. "You're almost naked with that dress of yours..."
"Sorry..." you say looking down at your knotted fingers. "I thought it will look good....that's why I wore it."
He sighs. "You do look good..." then he shifts in his position and makes sure you're looking back at him. Then he starts leans in, to kiss you.
He pauses, confused by your reaction. You have never denied his kiss before.
"I'm sorry..."
"What for?" He asks
"Well..." you look to the front, where the driver is. "Do we just kiss or..." you whisper
Yoongi didn't expect your question which made him smile. "It depends." He is looking straight into your eyes, your face are just inches away.
"He might hear us..." you whisper
"I don't fucking care." He moves forward and finally catches your lips.
After travelling for almost half an hour, you finally reach home.
"Welcome home, Miss..." The maid greets the second you slide out of the car. she then sees Yoongi, coming out from the other side of the car. "Master!" She bows again. "Welcome..."
They are suprised to see him. They didn't expect him to arrive with you. Looks like none of them knew he went to pick you up.
"Do we have anything to eat?" You softly ask the maid, then you realized that it's already late and that they have to rest too. "Oh... Sorry... never mind... you may go and rest." You give her a faint smile.
Then slowly walking towards the elevator, you could see your husband's reflection through the glass doors. He is busy already with his phone.
You glance up, peaking through the reflection. He is walking towards you. So you wirl around and waited for him to stand in front of you.
"Ask your assistant to remove all charities or event under the Lee's tomorrow. Even parties." He says as he undo his bow tie. "And... to not accept any invitation from them...again"
He didn't answer. No answer means he's serious.
"Okay..." You just answer before turning your back at him again.
Thinking about what you are in his world is heart breaking in a way. You are nothing but someone he owns. You just go with the flow of his world.
Yes you do had an idea what you've signed up for but its still shocking nonetheless how everything is unfolding and is doing.
"Aren't you getting in?"
You look up and see that he is in the elevator already, waiting.
"S-sorry..." you say before entering. You try your best to not make eye contact with him.
After both of you settled in, the maid follows and taps on level 3. That is where both your rooms are.
Oddly, Yoongi taps on the Upper ground after her. "Can you please cook something light before you leave? My wife needs to eat." He orders
"Yes, Master." She answers just in time when the elevator stops on UG.
"We'll both be down after we shower and get rested a bit."
"Understood, Master." She exists the elevator, bows and immediately walks off.
'My wife'. It is the second time he said that today. He never says that.
"Don't skip meals." He mumbles as the door closes
You didn't answer. You didn't mean to skip a meal or two today. And maybe a few days before too. You were nervous. One main reason is the dress you're wearing right now is very revealing. A satin black backless maxi dress. You wanted be perfect in the dress thats why, even though you know it's not achievable.
The elevator door opens on level 3. You step out and about to turn to your wing when you hear him call your name again.
"Where are you going?" He asks
"T-to my room..." you sound so weak, "To shower..."
"Shower here." He says, suggesting the shower in his wing. Meaning in his room. Meaning his bathroom.
"Hmm?" You are lost in translation. Why is he asking you to shower there all of a sudden.
"To my room." And then he undo the first two buttons of his shirt.
"W-what? Why?"
He didn't say another word. He just continued to walk off towards his room leaving you.
"W-wait..." You take two steps forward but then stops.
"Y/N...." you hear the heels of his shoes stop hitting the marbled floor. His back is facing you. "I said, shower here. I didn't ask you to decide." he then turns around and you see his white top basically open now. "Will you go and shower with me or do you want me to peel that dress off you and carry you to my room?"
Flusttered by his remark, you just released an unsolicited shaky breathing. "Ahm... yes... I'm... I'm coming..."
[Flashback to Yoongi's side]
(Earlier... as soon as Yoongi arrived at the charity event)
Some of the people in the event went silent for a few seconds the moment they saw you enter the building. They all didn't expect you to show up since your wife was already present. But of course, they still greeted you with a smile and tried to make small talks. They want to be on your good side. They know what you are capable off. What power you hold in this world.
However, you don't care about these fuckers. You dropped by because you received a call from your wife's bodyguard that Y/N is not looking okay.
"Where is she?" You ask the man standing behind you.
"She just left the bar, Sir. And went out to the garden." He reply.
"I see."
One step, you just took one step and somebody already stands in your way to your wife.
"Look who's here."
"Sarang." You say her name, bitterly. You are not expecting her to be here.
"You have been ignoring my invites for quite some time now... I thought, helping others is one of your goals in life that's why you work 24/7?"
"I thought this event was by the Lee's?" You hiss at your male assistant.
"It is, Sir. By--"
"Lee Do-Hyun..." she cuts off the assistant. "My husband..." she proudly says. "Aww.. That kind a... hurts my feelings...that... you have no idea I got married..."
"I don't keep tab on people who's not important to me."
She scoffs but she sounded a bit insulted and her ego got hurt. But she's good at pretending that it didn't bothered her. "You say that now...but a few years ago... I was your muse..." she tries to move closer to you but your body guards stands in between quickly.
"Was." You look away from her and try to search for your wife through the window not far away from where you stand. "My mistake for socializing to a liar, back stabbing... leech like you." You say, then giving her a side eye. "I wish your husband good fortune... or that he loves spoiling you... or esle... he'll found out his wife's true color..."
You're about to walk away, again, but this bitch still wants to talk to you.
"You think... she'll not get tired of you? Of you controlling her? Especially getting married with you... with no love at all?" She snorts a laugh again. "Or maybe... she will not..." she mumbles under her breathe, "Now... It figures... why you picked someone from a low class family... someone with no choice but to stay with you because her family needs your money. I see..." she laughs again, "poor girl... if I were her, I would milk you all of your money so it will be worth it... after all she married a controlling, dominant, and a freaky person like you."
You know Y/N is not like her. She is a nice person. She's not into money like this bitch is. However, you do think about how Y/N thinks about you and her marriage to you.
You admit that you are very controlling when it comes to her. It is one of your negative trait that you cannot put away. It comes natural with you because of the life you have been brought up and your business. You want things to happen in your way and you are also possessive. You do try to controll it when it comes to her but you are not sure if you are doing it right.
Well how could you know, you never talk about it. Even with your wife. You never asked about her feelings and opinions.
"Watch your mouth." You mumble. "You might think you know me from the years we've been together. But you haven't seen half of what I can and would do... if anyone picks a fight with me.." you glare at her. "Consider this a warning."
[End of flashback from Yoongi's side]
Slowly opening your eyes, your eyes carefully adjusted to the light. You could see the ray of sunshine peaking through your dark thick curtains.
You turn your head to the side and see your maid bowing.
"It's noon Miss..."
It has been a quite a few days now, since you start waking up this late. You are usually up early. You are a morning person. You also do jogs or walks around the property and sometimes go to the home gym to move, always. But something shifted in your routines.
You are tired, less motivated and no will to get up your bed.
"I think we need to call the family doctor now, Miss." The maid suggested. "You've lost a bit of weight and you look pale."
"I'm fine." You say as you push your duvet off your body and slide down off your bed. "I'll take a quick bath..." you mumble
"Understood." She is ready to come along with you.
"No... I'm fine... I'll just go alone... just prepare food for me please."
"But... Miss..." she usually prepares your bath and always stays with you there. After the little accident you had a year ago when you first experience a hot bath on the tub. You fainted because you fell asleep. Too much enjoyment and you forgot it is not good to stay long in there.
"I'll be fine." You smile and requested for her to leave
"Okay Miss... but... I will be back after half an hour to check."
You slept last night, wearing your silk robe and your fancy cream nightgown, his favorite. You were expecting Yoongi to come home last night as per usual schedule. But he didn't. He didn't even informed the staff that he'll not be home for a longer period.
What happened? You don't know.
The last time you talked to him was the night he asked you to come to his room and shower with him.
Everything that night was magical. For you atleast. But then you ruined it.
When you both entered his dark room, he immediately clung onto you. He held you like everything depends on it. It was more intemate and hungry than the usual and you liked it for some reason. After all the self doubt and insecurity you felt in the party, the intemacy made you feel more than what you feel.
And when he peeled off your dress from your body, you didn't expected him to go down on his knees and lick your soul out of your body. His tongue did more than you know he could do. It brought you to another level of high. And you didn't know you could screech like an animal because of it. He really made sure you are on cloud nine or even beyond that.
"Fuck me... please..." you begged him after you knees weakened and fall down the floor where he is.
"No." He said. He was sturn. "No request for tonight." He said and then he positioned you underneath him where he could properly see you crumble because of him.
"Y-yoongi... please.... I need... I want to come..." you begged
He brought you to cloud nine but then hold onto your pearls when you were about to orgasm.
"I'm punishing you right now..." he said as he lowers down and starts to run his tongue from your chest up. "Next time... don't wear any sort of revealing clothes...when I'm not around.. do you understand that Y/N?"
"Another rule to add... are you okay with that?" He hummed the last words on your ears before he let both his hands squeeze your breast. "Answer me..."
"I don't... mind..." you were squearming underneath him. He was playing your nipples then. "I... I don't mind... Yoongi..." you repeated, pleading.
His punishment continued for another few minutes. It was too much. You were struggling catching your bliss but he's playing you. However, you are patient. You know his kinks and you know what he wants and so you do whatever and accept whatever. Coz you know it is from him.
"Scream my name." He grunted as he pounds you with no mercy.
You were holding on to his massive bookshelf on the wall, your legs were lifted and hanging over his forearm whilst he was thrusting deep in you. You were getting hurt from your back hitting the shelves but it didn't matter. You don't know why but for some reason you can endure everything just for Yoongi. Even pain.
"Nnggghhaaa..." you threw your arms around his neck as he went faster. "Please!" You cry on his neck. "Aaaahhh!!" You screamed the orgasm you have been keeping for a while. You felt relieved and content.
And as you two were catching your breath. You uttered words that surprised the both of you. You said 'I love you' to Yoongi.
It should not be a surprise. You two are married right. However since yours are different from others, those words were never said or mentioned ever after the wedding. It is like a forebidden phrase though there are no rule about it. It's like an unspoken deal that no one says those words since THIS.. YOU TWO... is just a fantasy. You two got together with no love. It is not real. You are just one of his property.
And so, after that night. That magical night for you ended up into this cold, quiet and empty prison. Again. You are back to nothing.
You thought you are on a journey escaping that confinement. You thought that something is going to change. You thought... that you were wrong about him. But who are you kidding? You were just having sex like you used to. It is nothing special. It is the same crap. So you saying you love him is... worthless.
"Did I even mean it?" You ask yourself as you lay down in your hot bath. "I said it... after sex.." you are trying to understand how those words slipped out of your lips. If it all just happened because of such high from the sex.
You can clearly remember how you said it. You paused, looked into his eyes and carefully said it. You know you said it with the intent for him to hear it but when you saw his reaction. It made you realize what a big mistake it was.
"Am I having feelings for him?" You mumble as you lower yourself more into the water. "I should not right?"
You know the answer to your own quesion. Look at him even ignoring you for almost two weeks now. Who are you even kidding thinking it will have an effect on him?
After the 'I love you' incident, He eat dinners without you or he let you eat first before he comes out of his home office. And then when he leaves, he does not inform you now. You just get the news of him flying off somewhere from your maid. Even his men are being cautious with you. He must've ordered them to be distant but at the same time protect you.
How funny that these are his responses to you. You know you deserve it but you're a little bit hurt, your not going to lie.
"Who am I for him to love?" You sigh. "Maybe... I should just prepare myself for the ending of this fantasy..."
"Master." The maids bows as they suddenly sees Yoongi enter the main entrance while they are all cleaning.
Yoongi have not been home for a while. He has been... busy.
"Give them all my clothes." He says to his right hand man. "Sorry if it's quite a lot today." He then says to the maids as he removes his black coat revealing his white button up shirt, stained with blood. A lot of it. No one reacted to the visual that is shown. All the staff are used to it. They know how his world is.
"Where is she?" He asks as he loosen up his tie
All the maids in the corredor suddenly turn heads to the youngest one at the end of the line. She is Y/N personal maid.
"Master." She steps forwards and bows again. "Miss is in her bath."
Yoongi frowns. "Alone?"
"Ahm..." she suddenly stutters. "Sorry, Master! She... Miss wanted to... alone... but I told her after half an hour I will go back."
"How long has she been there?" He then throws his tie on the ground.
"Okay." He takes a deep breathe and tries to collect himself. "Just go and be on standby in her room. She can't stay any longer."
"Okay, Master." She bows again and briskfully walk back to Y/N wing.
"Are you not going to... visit her Sir?" His male right hand asks. "She have been messaging you since..." he pauses for a bit. "And calling too."
He didn't answer. "Ready my bath please." He orders and just continue walking his way to his room.
"Understood." The man replies
"She can't see me like this." Yoongi mumbles as he walks
"I see..." his right hand man smiles at his master's response.
"Why are you smiling?" Yoongi asks, one eyebrow up.
"Nothing, Sir."
"Just spit it out."
The right man, Mr. Kim have been Yoongi's right hand man ever since he was in his teens. Mr. Kim saw him grew up and be the man that he is now. And for sure, if something changed he would be the first one to notice
And now, the tiny changes in Yoongi's mood and decisions, He might not know or see it but it is obvious for Mr. Kim. He knows it is something about his wife.
"2nd week of your marriage, Sir. She saw you coming home with a bloody lip and injured knuckles. You said you don't give a damn if she sees you looking like a murderer."
"So? What's your point?"
"It's just lately...."
Yoongi pauses and turns around to see Mr. Kim, wearing a smile.
"What are you implying? Just... say it."
Mr. Kim bows and says, "Nothing Sir."
"Hmmm..." rolling his eyes, he continued to walk.
"Miss..." your personal maid rushes in your room, "Master have return." She says.
To her suprise, she sees you standing in the middle of the room, wearing your bathrobe and a towel in your hair already.
You take a deep breathe, not letting your eyes look away from the view you are seeing from your window, a clear blue sky.
"Miss.. shall I prepare your clothes?"
You close your eyes and then removed the towel wrapped around your long hair. "Please..." you softly answer
"What do you prefer to wear today, Miss?" She asks she she begins to walk towards your walk in closet.
"A black dress..." you say as you follow along. "Maybe the one with the longer sleeves."
She nods and then continues to search for the dresses you have that matches your description while you on the other hand looks at yourself in the full length mirror while you undress from your robe.
You stare at your body and see how you thin you are. Not super thin but thinner than what you used to.
It's your own fault. You have been skipping meals when you are stressed and it's not good.
"Miss?" She then lays three dresses on the sofa in the middle, for your choices.
"The middle one." You says.
You then open the drawer for your undies to grab a black lace matching underwear.
"Ahm, Miss...?"
"Are you going to eat with Master, in the dinning today?"
"Hmm... what did he say?"
"Nothing. He just asked me to stay with you when I told him you are in your bath."
"Did he say if he wants to see me?"
The maid didn't answer.
"I guess not." You scoff as you getting into the dress. "Just bring my food in my study room. I'll eat there while I do some reading."
"Understood." She bows and exists the room.
"I'm not gonna wait for him anymore." You say to yourself while looking onto the mirror. "If he's going to avoid me or ignore me... then... that's what I'll do as well..."
Starring once again at yourself on the mirror, you look at your face and then your eyes goes down to your belly.
"I have to learn to go on with my life... with or without him..." you mumble. "I should start to escape this fantasy... a dream that maybe the 'us' will be something."
Part 3 - Twilight
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sagesolsticewrites Ā· 3 months
Hi! Iā€™d like to request a John ā€œBuckyā€ Egan fic where he tries several times to flirt with the reader, but the reader is super oblivious about it and just thinks heā€™s being nice. It becomes something everyone on base talks about and gets invested in. Maybe other people set up a scheme to get them together or make the reader realize how he feels. Idk, just something funny and cute like that ig šŸ˜
Thank you so much for requesting, Nonnie, Iā€™ve been having so much fun with these Masters of the Air requests! I loved getting to write for our best boy Bucky šŸ„° Shoutout to @blurredcolourā€™s Trust fic (an absolute masterpiece, check it out yā€™all!) for helping with the writers block on this one šŸ˜… (Reminder that requests are open! Feel free to check out some of my favorite prompt lists in my pinned post šŸ˜Š)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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ā€œThereā€™s my favorite nurse!ā€
You rolled your eyes at the phrase that announced John ā€œBuckyā€ Eganā€™s every visit to sickbay.
ā€œHello, Major,ā€ you said, turning to greet him with a mock-exasperated smile.
Bucky clutched a hand to his heart as if wounded, a hurt expression on his face. ā€œHow many times do I gotta tell you to call me Bucky, sweetheart?ā€
ā€œAt least a few more times, Major,ā€ you reply, unable to hide a smile at the usual volley of friendly banter.
Major John Egan had been unusually friendly to you since the first moment heā€™d sauntered in to introduce himself to the medical staff as Air Exec. Your colleagues had blushed afterward and playfully insisted that he had paid you more attention than the others, but you just laughed and shook your head, insisting that he was just being nice.
This visit was simply another instance of Bucky being friendly to you; well, that and Harry Crosbyā€™s airsickness had gotten the better of him again and he was checking up on the navigator.
You stepped aside as Bucky approached Harryā€™s cot, ready to update him on the goings-on since the last mission had returned.
He threw you a kind smile before perching on the stool next to Harry.
ā€œHowā€™s my girl treatinā€™ you, Crosby?ā€
Harry happily told him how the base had gotten a new shipment of airsickness pills and you had slipped him a spare box for his own personal use, and Buckyā€™s smile grew wider and wider.
You were glad to see how happy he was at the news that his friend was feeling better, and you quietly excused yourself to tend to the other patients.
Bucky sighed as you walked away.
ā€œShe still hasnā€™t picked up on it, huh?ā€
ā€œNo, Croz, she hasnā€™t.ā€ sighed Bucky, ā€œShe thinks Iā€™m just beinā€™ā€¦ nice or friendly or something. Which I am!ā€ He added hurriedly, ā€œBut I justā€¦I like her so much. I wish sheā€™d notice.ā€
ā€œShe will, buddy,ā€ Harry replied, with a comforting pat on his friendā€™s hand, ā€œShe will.ā€
Bucky headed out after a few more minutes of conversation, giving you a wink and a smile as he walked past your station.
ā€œBucky visited again, huh?ā€ Rebecca, one of your fellow nurses, sidled up next to you with a teasing grin.
ā€œYes, Major Egan came by to visit Lieutenant Crosby,ā€ you replied, putting emphasis on their ranks.
ā€œYouā€™re sure thatā€™s all he was here for? Somehow he never shows up here without an excuse to see youā€¦ā€
ā€œHeā€™s just being nice, Becca,ā€ you insisted, ā€œYou know how these soldier boys are.ā€
ā€œBut heā€™s alwaysā€”ā€
ā€œBecca,ā€ you cut her off as gently as you can, ā€œI really donā€™t wanna talk about this anymore.ā€
ā€œAlright, alright,ā€ she held her hands up in surrender, ā€œBucky is an off-limits topic, gotcha.ā€
The conversation turned to the current hot gossip, and you idly chimed in when it seemed appropriate, losing yourself in your routine tasks.
Rebecca broke off to check on Harry again, narrowing her eyes as she noticed Harry watching you.
ā€œSomething Nurse L/N can help you with, Crosby?ā€
He jumped, gaze darting to Rebecca as she approached.
ā€œNo maā€™am, I justā€¦ā€
He scrambled to think of some excuse, but all he could come up with was: ā€œIā€™m trying to think of some way to get Y/N to notice Bucky!ā€
Rebecca blinked in surprise, then plopped down onto the stool next to his bed, leaning in conspiratorially.
ā€œOh thank goodness itā€™s not just me! Heā€™s been at it for months but the poor girlā€™s just so obliviousā€¦ā€
ā€œI keep telling him to just talk to her like a normal person, but he insists on dancing around it!ā€ Harry instantly agreed, glad to have someone besides Jean to talk to about this. ā€œHeā€™s been so distracted lately. If he doesnā€™t do something soon, Iā€™m worried it might start to affect his flying.ā€
Rebecca pressed her lips into a thin line, twisting a strand of hair worriedly.
After a few moments of quiet, she spoke up again, green eyes sparkling with mischief.
ā€œIā€™ve got an idea.ā€
ā€œHey Bucky,ā€ Harry said at breakfast the next morning, ā€œIā€™m gonna pop down to the infirmary to visit Winks, wanna come with?ā€
Bucky quickly agreedā€” heā€™d been meaning to check on Winks yesterday as well as Croz, but got caught up inā€¦ well, you.
As they entered, Bucky made a beeline for Winks while Harry caught Rebeccaā€™s eye and gave a subtle nod, which she returned, signaling her part of the plan was complete.
She had removed the step stool you always used from one of the supply closets, now hidden under one of the cots nearby. When you werenā€™t able to reach something on one of the higher shelves, wellā€¦
Good thing Bucky was so tall.
ā€œY/N, would you mind grabbing some more bandages for me? My stationā€™s running low.ā€
ā€œSure thing, Becca!ā€ You called, stepping away from your current station to check the supply closet.
ā€œBeccaā€¦ā€ your confused voice called from the closet, ā€œDo you know where the stepstool went?ā€
ā€œItā€™s not there?ā€ She called back, sounding equally confused. ā€œLetā€™s see, umā€¦ā€
She scanned the room, putting on a good show of looking for someone who could help.
ā€œOh, Bucky! Would you mind helping Nurse L/N grab something from the supply closet for me?ā€
ā€œNo problem, Becca,ā€ came his reply, accompanied with his trademark winning smile as he nodded to Winks and made his way over to the supply closet.
It was much smaller than heā€™d anticipated, and barely half a foot was all that separated you as he asked, ā€œAlright, what do ya need, sweetheaā€”ā€
The pet name was cut off by the sound of the supply closet door closing.
And locking.
You lunged for the handle as Bucky reached up to turn on the single lightbulb, both of you calling out in confusion.
ā€œBecca! What?ā€
ā€œCā€™mon, guys, this isnā€™t funny!ā€
Harryā€™s voice came through the door, clear and determined.
ā€œJust tell her how you feel, Bucky! Your tactic clearly isnā€™t working!ā€
ā€œIā€” what?ā€ You turned to Bucky, hoping he knew what in the world they were talking about.
Bucky hesitated, but seeing as it seemed he had no choiceā€¦
ā€œWell this isnā€™tā€¦ exactly how I wanted to do it, butā€¦ā€ He took a deep breath, twisting his fingers together in an uncharacteristic display of anxiety, ā€œI really like you, doll. Iā€™ve liked you since I first laid eyes on you. And Iā€™ve tried every way I know how to tell you, but nothinā€™ worked, soā€¦ā€ He gestured around at the supply closet, ā€œI guess it came to this? Which wasnā€™t my idea, by the way. Just for the record. I would neverā€¦ā€
His voice faltered, and you realized just how close you were to him. You didnā€™t remember moving forward. You were just suddenly there, so close the two of you were almost breathing each otherā€™s air.
ā€œYouā€¦ you like me?ā€
Bucky couldnā€™t help but laugh at that.
ā€œDoll, you think I call every pretty girl workinā€™ here my favorite nurse?ā€
You flushed at the compliment.
ā€œI thought you were just being nice, I didnā€™tā€¦ā€
ā€œI mean, I was beinā€™ nice,ā€ He said with a shrug, grinning, ā€œJust not quite in the way you were thinking.ā€
Buckyā€™s eyes flicked down to your mouth, and being this close to you, he couldnā€™t hide the bob of his throat as he swallowed nervously.
ā€œIā€™d, uh. Iā€™d really like to kiss you right now, if thatā€™s alright with you, sweetheart.ā€
You nodded slowly, ā€œI think Iā€™d really like that, Major Egan.ā€
ā€œItā€™s Bucky, sweetheart,ā€ he murmured softly as he leaned in, capturing your lips.
You may or may not have spent more than a few lonely nights in your bunk imagining what it would be like to kiss Major John Egan.
Your imaginings were nothing compared to reality.
This was magic unlike anything you could have dreamed.
Your arms wound around his neck as his wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You toyed with the dark curls at the nape of his neck as he slanted his mouth against yours, deepening the kiss. Needing to be closer, you tried to step towards him, but merely succeeded in pressing him back against the shelves.
Ordinarily you would apologize, but something like a thrill ran up your spine when you felt him grin into the kiss as his back hit the shelves, knocking rolls of bandages and boxes of gauze onto the floor.
His right hand moved to cup your cheek, keeping your lips connected as his other hand splayed across your back, pulling you impossibly closer as you arched into him.
You could still feel him grinning as he murmured against your lips, ā€œKnew you were feisty under that good girl act.ā€
ā€œBucky,ā€ you whined softly as he pulled away from you, chest heaving.
ā€œOh, now she uses my name,ā€ he teased breathlessly, bumping his nose playfully against yours.
The two of you flinched as sunlight spilled into the dim closet, a harsh change from the dingy yellow lightbulb you had become accustomed to.
Harry and Rebecca stood in the doorway, wearing twin smug grins.
ā€œLooks like our work here is done,ā€ Becca said, shooting you a wink as she bid farewell to Harry with a two-fingered salute, ā€œPleasure working with you, Lieutenant Crosby.ā€
ā€œSame to you, Nurse Carter,ā€ Harry replied, and he turned back to the two of you, a genuine smile on his face.
ā€œAbout time, Bucky.ā€
ā€œYeah, yeah,ā€ Bucky waved off his friendā€™s I told you so, ā€œYou gonna congratulate me or what?ā€
ā€œCongratulations,ā€ came Harryā€™s mock-put-out reply, accompanied by a genuinely congratulatory clap on his arm. ā€œYou got a good one. And it only took months of unsuccessful flirtingā€”ā€
ā€œHey, I got her in the end, didnā€™t I?ā€ He squeezed you closer, grinning down at you.
Your lipstick was all over his mouth, and youā€™re sure the Victory Red on your own lips was in no better shape.
You couldnā€™t bring yourself to care, however, as he pulled you in for a tender kiss.
Which you broke for a moment to point out, ā€œHe isnā€™t wrong, you know, it was months of unsuccessfulā€”ā€
Your teasing was promptly cut off with a ā€œshushā€ mumbled against your lips as Bucky silenced you with a kiss.
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holdmytesseract Ā· 9 months
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Surprising News
Jotun!King!Loki x fem!Ɔsir!Queen!Reader
Summary: You are suffering from circulation problems since a few weeks, which gets your husband quite concerned. Unbeknowst to either of you, is a sweet surprise waiting to be discovered.
Warnings: fluff, bit angst, protective Loki, some health issues, pregnancy stuff
Word Count: 3,4k
a/n: I'm back, guys! šŸ˜ This oneshot is based on an idea @eleniblue had. I hope y'all like it! I do, 'cause it's definitely not how it 'normally goes'. šŸ˜Š
P.S I have no idea why I chose that gif. šŸ„“šŸ«”
Tagging: @lady-rose-moon @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @chennqingg @smolvenger @theaudacitytowrite @alexakeyloveloki @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @evelyn-kingsley @chantsdemarins @vanilla-daydreaming @valencia-rou @loz-3 @simping-for-marvel @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @linaax @mochie85 @lovingchoices14 @goblingirlsarah @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @november-rayne @mandywholock1980
(Continuing in the tags :))
Ice Flower Masterlist ā„ Loki Masterlist ā„ Masterlist
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It all started a few weeks ago, while taking a stroll through the royal gardens in Asgard, as you visited your family.
Circulation problems.
It wasn't that bad, though. You had felt a bit dizzy, but nothing more; brushing it off and telling yourself that it was caused by the sudden change of temperatures. Sure, it was summer. On Jotunheim as well, but there it was definitely colder than on Asgard. Problem solved - you thought.
But then it came back. Only a few days later, when you were on the way to the city with your husband for the monthly visit of your folk. It came suddenly. It was unpredictable. You swallowed hard; eyes squeezing shut as your hand gripped the fabric of your dress tightly; knuckles turning white.
Loki - who sat opposite you in the open carriage noticed your distress - of course and leaned forward; hand gently touching your hand with a worried look in his eyes. "Is everything alright, flower?" You nodded quickly; not trying to cause your husband to worry further. "Yes, my king. Just a bit dizzy." Loki frowned, but nodded. "Do you wish to return to the palace and do this another day?" Again, you shook your head. "No, no! It's alright. I'm good." "Very well. Your decision, my queen."
The next time it occurred, was on the summer hunt. Sure, you weren't hunting yourself, but you accompanied Loki - like you always did. In your eyes, it was an obligation as the queen to join in on the hunt. So, you did. Unfortunately, the circulation problems got worse... It wasn't just the dizziness which increased. Slight nausea joined the party as well. You shortly had the feeling you were going to faint. Everyone was immediately at your side - with Loki leading the way. Luckily, it subsided after a few minutes, and again you brushed it off.
But Loki really started to worry by now. So, it was no wonder, that he sought talks with you...
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A knock on the door ripped you out of the documents you were reading; head snapping up. "Yes?" Ivan - one of your personal guards stepped inside; taking a deep bow. "The king wishes to speak to you, your majesty." You couldn't suppress the smile which instantly darted over your face at the Jotun's words. "Please, let him in." Ivan nodded and stepped aside; letting Loki enter your study. Before your husband went to greet you, he turned to the guard. "Leave. I wish to be alone with my wife." Ivan took another bow, "Of course, my king." and left the room. Almost giddily, you stood up and rounded the big, wooden desk. "Hello, my beautiful, precious flower." You immediately went to hug Loki; arms crossing behind his neck. "Hello, my king." You bit your lip; smiling, before you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him.
"What brings you here, my love?" At your question, Loki's demeanour shifted immediately. A sigh left his lips, and you could swear that you saw worry in his eyes. "We need to talk, darling." Your brows furrowed. "You seem very serious... What is it?" Loki took your hand and led you to the chair. He sat down, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his strong arms around you. He took a deep breath; deep ruby eyes gazing into yours. "I am worried about you, my love." You blinked, but knew exactly what Loki was talking about. Nevertheless, you tried to cover it up. "Worried? About me? Why?" "Your circulation problems." You just wanted to open your mouth to speak, when Loki cut you off. "No, no, please... Don't deny it. I saw. I noticed. Flower, please... Go to the healers and get this checked. I need to know that the love of my life is alright."
You sighed; "Loki... I am alright. It's nothing. Just a few stress symptoms." brushing it off once again. But Loki wasn't very convinced. "I am not so sure of this, Y/N. You should really go to-" You interrupted your husband; shushing him with a kiss on the lips. "I am fine. Stop worrying."
At that moment in time, you had no idea, that you were going to eat your words only a week later...
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"My king, I don't know if we can trust this convention. Something about all this seem off to me." One of Loki's advisors spoke up; scratching his beardy chin. The king of Jotunheim was in the middle of an important converging with his royal advisors. "And what is it you are suggesting?" He asked; crossing his bulging arms over his chest. "I suggest that your majesty-" The advisor didn't come any further; got interrupted by a guard, who just barged inside the room. It was Ivan.
Loki hated it, when somebody did that and was about to chide the man, when he spoke up quickly. "My king! I apologise for the harsh interruption, but..." The Jotun panted; trying to catch his breath. "...but it's urgent! An emergency! The queen, she... She almost had a circulatory collapse!"
The words had merely left Ivan's lips, when Loki immediately jumped up from his seat. Adrenaline shot through his body, causing his heart to fall over the cliff and beat as fast as if it had a race to win. "She what?!" The guard just nodded frantically; unable to form any words at the king's 'outburst'. "When?! Where?!" "I-In the gardens, your majesty. A few minutes ago. I-I was with her and brought her immediately to the healers." Loki gave the guard a last look, before he stormed past him; literally running towards the medical wing of the palace. Anxiety started to flood the king's system; infecting his body like poison. He had told you. He had warned you; had begged you to seek out the healers, but no, you didn't want to listen - and now you seemingly paid the price. A price Loki wasn't willing for you to pay. He couldn't lose you. Not today, not now. Every possible worst-case scenario played out in his head on the way to the healers.
To his surprise, he was already expected...
One of the friendly, Jotun female healers waited patiently in front of the big, wooden doors; hands clasped together in front of her body. "My king." She started and curtsied. "We thought you would come here as fast as possible." Loki didn't beat about the bush, of course.
"I want to see my wife! I demand to know what is wrong!" He was quickly losing his patience; his temper taking over. After all, this was about Y/N... About his lover's health and safety!
The healer gave him a short, soft smile. "She's well and asleep now. Please, your majesty, I can assure you that she is perfectly healthy." Loki blinked; totally confused. "But... Where are those circulatory problems coming from?! There must be something wrong!" "We should sit down and have a chat, my king." The healer answered calmly; gesturing towards one of the smaller treatment rooms. "Please, follow me." She started to walk towards the room - away from you, and Loki had no other choice than to follow. He wanted to know what was going on - and that was seemingly his only option.
Still walking the lines between confusion and scepticism, the king sat down on the chair. The healer closed the door behind herself and joined him; sitting down opposite of him. Nobody could hear what she told Loki then. He was the only witness of her words.
"What?!" Loki choked out; eyes widening. He couldn't believe what his ears had just heard. For the second time within minutes, he felt completely overwhelmed, like one of the biggest stones just had hit him. "Are... Are you certain of this, milady?" The elderly lady nodded. "We are, my king. We checked. Twice." An audible gasp left his lips, as his brain tried to fully process the information. "Does she know? Does my wife know?" She shook her head. "No. We didn't quite have the chance to talk to the queen, as she passed out in exhaustion as soon as we regulated and stabilised her circulatory." The king nodded. "I wish to tell her." "Of course, your highness."
"I... I need a moment now." The healer smiled. "Of course, my king." Loki had a hard time to not show his emotions so openly; needing to suppress some tears. "Am I allowed to see my wife?" "Whenever you wish, your majesty." With those words the woman left the room, leaving Loki alone. The king ran his hands over his face and through his thick, luscious locks, before he took a few deep breaths of relief and happiness; even letting some tears fall down his cheeks. He had definitely needed the small moment for himself - but then he couldn't wait to see you.Ā 
Gently closing the door - not to wake you - Loki stepped inside the big, cosy, but medically looking room. With his eyes not leaving your frame, he walked over to you and sat down on the chair beside the bed. A smile grazed his lips as he watched you sleep so peacefully.
Loki would wait by your side, until you woke up again. He had no intention to wake you. So, that's what he did... Waiting.
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The king had no idea how long he waited. Perhaps only half an hour; perhaps three hours. He didn't know; lost the feeling for time.
A soft, sweet groan left your lips, before you furrowed your eyebrows for a moment; eyes fluttering open. Loki reacted immediately; greeting you with his deep, gentle voice. "Hello, my darling flower. Did you sleep well?" You blinked a few times; head turning to face your husband. "Loki?" He nodded. "I'm here, my love, I am here." One of his big, cerulean hands went to cup your face; thumb gently stroking the skin of your right cheek. You leaned in his touch, of course; feeling warmth spreading throughout your body.
"Why am I here? What happened?" You asked; slightly confused why you were in the medical wing. "You almost had a circulatory collapse. In the gardens. Ivan brought you here and alarmed me. I came as fast as possible, but the healers told me you were asleep." You swallowed hard. You could remember that you had been, indeed, in the gardens, but then everything got blurry. "Oh norns..." "I was quite worried - and I told you to seek out the healers, but you just didn't want to listen..." You squeezed your eyes shut; feelings of guilt over rolling you. "I-I know that now. I'm so sorry, my love, I-" "Shhh..." Loki shushed you on an instant. "It's okay now, flower. You are going to be just fine. Everything is alright."
Now you were slightly confused. After all, something had to be wrong... But not just at your husband's words. About the fact that he had tears in his eyes. Happy tears?
And Loki? Loki saw the confusion reflecting on your face, but he just wasn't able to hold back his emotions.
Letting out a shaky breath, he lunged forward and showered you with countless kisses on your lips - which managed to confuse you even more. What by Odin's beard was going on here?
Between some moments, where his lips weren't locked with yours, you were able to take a few breaths and literally pant out: "L-Loki, what... What is going on h-here? I'd like to have an e-explanation."
Your husband smiled brightly from ear to ear and took your hand lovingly in his bigger ones. "My love, you... You are with child."
You blinked; needed a moment to process the information, but then your eyes widened; jaw dropping. "W-What? I... WHAT?!" Loki just nodded; softly squeezing your hand. "I-I am pregnant?!" A small laugh escaped the king's lips. "Yes, flower, you are. The healers told me. They checked. Twice." You blinked again. This was a little overwhelming for you at the moment. "A-And my circulation problems are-" "A side effect." Loki finished the sentence for you. You swallowed. "Wow, um, I... This is..." Your husband's cheerful expression fell; smile vanishing. "Are you not happy about this, my queen? Didn't you - we, wish for this to happen?" When you saw the troubled look in his eyes, you quickly lifted your free hand to cup his cheek. "No, no, my love! I am happy about it! I truly am!" You tried to reassure him. "It's just a bit overwhelming at the moment. You know, normally it's the woman's job to break such news to her man and not the other way round... I absolutely wasn't prepared for this." Loki nodded; smile returning slowly. "I see - and I understand. I am sorry. Perhaps I just should've let you rest first and tell you tomorrow, but I was just too excited. I wasn't able to control my emotions. Apologies, flower." You shook your head. "No, Loki... Do not apologise for that. Ever. It makes my heart beat so much faster, to see that you are so excited to become a father."
Loki's bright smile had returned. "Oh, I am so excited, my darling. So very much..." He leaned forward to press a lingering kiss on your forehead.
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Loki hadn't left your bedside that evening; completely abandoning all his royal tasks and telling several guards and advisors, that he'd not be available in the next hours. Loki wanted to stay by your side - after all, you almost collapsed today... And he wanted to enjoy this happy, intimate moment with you. Only you.
Now he was laying in bed with you, after the healers had checked on you once again. His arms wrapped around your middle securely; keeping you pinned against his chest.
"I still can't quite believe this..." You mumbled; softly shaking your head. "A child, Loki..." The king's chest vibrated with a hum, "Me neither, flower." before he pressed a small kiss on theĀ exposed skin of your neck. "You know what that means from now on, yes?" Your husband continued. "Umm..." "No more hard work for you, love. No stressful royal duties, no hunting, no long travels. None of it. Especially now. The healers said your body needs more rest." You wriggled around; turned in his embrace to face him. "But, my king, I-" "No, no, no." Loki cut you off immediately. "You are growing our child. That's already hard work enough." "Okay, okay, I understand that, but... Aren't you a tad bit overprotective now, my love?" You placed one hand on his strong pecs; right where his heart beat for you.
The king just shrugged his shoulders and started to gently stroke the clothed skin on your lower back with his thumbs. "Perhaps. But I can't help myself. It's in my nature; my genes; my instinct. I must protect my woman and growing offspring - at all costs."
Your mouth literally fell shut after these stern, but loving words; knowing that you had no chance in arguing with him anymore. His point stood. Despite that, what were you supposed to do against his DNA? So, instead you opted for a slight change of subject...
"We need to tell my father... And brother." Your husband nodded. "I know, yes. We should - but not now. We're not telling anyone right now. It's so fresh and vulnerable... This is our moment. Nobody else's. We should give it some time." "Yes," you agreed; knowing that Loki was right. "We should."
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Three months later, it was time for you and Loki to tell the whole palace and kingdom. Thor and Odin knew it already. They've been told by you and your husband a month back. During those three months, you hid your growing baby bump as best as you could. Sure, it was unavoidable that a few guards and maids figured it out, but those who did had been bound to secrecy.
Like in almost every realm and kingdom was a pregnancy reveal quite a big event. That was the reason, why countless Jotuns gathered in the big courtyard of the palace and waited excitedly, but also anxiously for their king and queen to step out on the big, majestic balcony, in order to tell them why they got invited here. Nobody knew. Nobody had a single clue.
"Are you ready, my queen?" Loki asked you, as he came to stand beside you in front of the green flapping curtains, which led out on the balcony. You took a deep breath and nodded. It wasn't like you already stood quite often on this balcony for various reasons, but this... This was bigger... Different.
"I think I am, yes. I won't be able to hide those two much longer anyways." You placed one hand underneath your steadily growing bump; hosting your twins. Loki smiled softly; "That may be true, yes." cupped your hand and pressed a kiss against your temple. "I am by your side, my flower. Always have been; always will be. This is something good and I am happy to finally share this with our folk." You couldn't help but smile as well; heart fluttering. "Me too, my king, me too." Loki gave you another nod, then took your hand in his; fingers intertwining. "Let's do this." Together you stepped past the curtains, which got held open by two guards, and onto the balcony.
Silence spread over the courtyard on an instant, when the Jotuns saw the both of you appear. They went down on one knee or took a deep bow; showing their king and queen the utmost respect.
"Arise!" Loki started to speak; lifting his arms. Everyone raised to their feet again; all eyes directed on you and your husband. "I thank you all for your appearance." You were glad that Loki did the talking. He was by far better at that. A born king. "Now, you all might wonder why we - the queen and I ordered you all to stand before your rulers today."
Immediate whispers broke out within the crowd and everybody seemed a little... tense and afraid. You could feel it - and so could Loki. "Don't fret, my loyal folk. I can assure you, that the reason why we are all standing here today is purely good." And again the whispers picked up, but this time you could see quite relieved and happy faces. The built-up tension left the Jotuns.
You felt how Loki reached for your hand again; trying to help calm your nerves down a bit.
"My wife, the queen and I..." He spoke up once more, and you knew that the moment had arrived. This was it. Giving his hand a squeeze, you told him that you were ready. Nervous, but ready. Until now, the Jotuns were still unaware, since you wore a wide gown, which hid your quite pregnant belly. Nothing uncommon for you. Sure, it was summer, but for you, it was early spring.
Loki gave you an encouraging nod, alongside a smile and helped you to get rid of the gown - and the 'faƧade' to drop. Your belly was for everybody visible now, causing a murmur to go through the crowd. Everybody stared at you surprised, shocked; jaw slacking.
"We are expecting offspring!" Your husband announced then cheerfully; placing a hand on your baby bump. "The lineage of our family continues!" His words caused the dam to break and the realisation hitting your people full force. Suddenly, they broke out in loud cheers and claps. There were smiles everywhere; alongside some chants saying things like: 'All hail the king and queen!' or 'Long live king Loki and queen Y/N!' It was a firework of emotions - not just for them.
You and Loki bathed in the positive reactions from all of your people for several moments, until he lifted his hands again, in order to shush them - which worked immediately. The power this man has over the crowd, you thought. Everyone is so devoted to him.
"But with that not enough..." He continued his little speech; dropping the next bombshell. "My wife is going to give birth in a few months... to twins!" This caused even louder claps and cheers to emit from the Jotuns; and a shiver to run down your spine. It was so intense. You felt so much love, sympathy and support radiating from everyone who was standing to your and Loki's feet. You felt accepted. It was overwhelming. Incredible.
You couldn't help but smile and wave, all the while leaning over to kiss your husband; showing some 'public' affection.
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dilemmaontwolegs Ā· 10 months
hello gorgeous, I love your imagination that you put into words. I expecially like your works on daniel&gasly (maybe because they're my favorite drivers). I saw that requests are closed and you're going under the knife (hope it goes well!) but if by any chance you want/have time to write this I'll be happy. Will be pleased with whatever you choose to do with this request.
The reader is a very normal, ordinary person. Rents a flat, has a job, meets with her friends form time to time. Nothing much. Somehow hers and the drivers paths cross. He immediately falls in love with her, she feels the attraction but after one weekend with him she understands that they're too different and it certainly won't work. So he's trying to persuade her to give them a try and she always runs away when her feelings instead of brain start to win. During intimate moments she starts to make awful jokes or act like a child, everything to not let the passion take over and the driver notices that and the seducing begins.
Would love this with dan or pierre but it's up to you.
Have a lovely day! šŸ˜Š
P.S: Sorry for my English, it's not my 1st language
Romantic at Heart || DR3
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem!reader Warnings: none really, smut implied WC: 2.3k
F1 Masterlist
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You should have been heading straight home, just like you had promised the girls after a Friday night out, but the lights had stolen your attention. At first you thought it was a firefly, a single orange glowing tail on the brick wall. Then you spotted another, but it was blue. Then one by one you noticed them dotted along the wall, all the colours of the rainbow leading the way to the riverbank in the opposite direction to your apartment.Ā 
Curiosity had you following the path of tiny LED lights, wondering what it might lead to. The distance between each beacon grew closer until they became clusters, like little galaxies of constellations you could wish upon. A small laugh bubbled up as you skipped along to the next one with childlike excitement, so engrossed in what you were looking at that you didnā€™t see where you were going.
ā€œOh, sorry!ā€ you apologised as you bumped into a man, his hands scrambling to catch his camera before it could hit the pavement. ā€œSorry, I was distracted. Is your camera okay?ā€
The man had recovered it without incident and smiled as he held it up. ā€œMind if I check?ā€
ā€œCheck what?ā€ you asked as he raised it to his eye, the lens pointed in your direction.
ā€œIf it still works. Smile!ā€
You laughed at the manā€™s confidence and you heard the shutter snap the photo before he looked at the display. ā€œWow, thatā€™s perfect,ā€ he praised, waving you over. ā€œCome look.ā€
You stepped closer to the man, feeling a sense of recognition though you were certain you hadnā€™t met him before. He angled the camera so you could see what he had captured and your lips parted in surprise. You couldnā€™t understand how he had managed to take a simple photo but make it art.Ā 
The smile on your face was pure joy, and the lights behind you had distorted under the exposure and contrast to create a halo around your head.Ā 
ā€œYou look like an angel.ā€
ā€œOh my god,ā€ you whispered in amazement, wishing you could have a copy for yourself.Ā 
ā€œGod?ā€ he chuckled as he held a hand out. ā€œNah, you can just call me Daniel.ā€
You shook his hand with a laugh, feeling like it was a sound he was used to hearing from everyone he spoke to, and gave him your name in return.Ā 
ā€œDonā€™t take this the wrong way,ā€ Daniel started to say and you immediately began to shift uncomfortably on your feet, ā€œbut youā€™re beautiful, and itā€™s late, what are you doing out on your own?ā€
ā€œOh, I was out with my girlfriends and on my way home when I saw these and I kind of, had to, follow themā€¦?ā€ you trailed off and looked back at the dark path you had wandered down, less and less lights illuminating the way home. ā€œI guess I should be going.ā€
Daniel followed your gaze to the darker end of the road and hated the thought of you walking it alone. Shoving his camera into his hoodie pocket, he offered his elbow. ā€œCare for some company on this fine evening? My mother would throttle me if she knew I let a lady walk home alone at this hour.ā€
You chewed your lip as you debated his offer. ā€œAre you a serial killer?ā€
ā€œOnly at breakfast.ā€ You took a sudden step back and he screwed his eyes shut as he berated himself. ā€œSorry, sorry, terrible joke. Terrible timing. I meant Cereal Killerā€¦because I eat cereal for breakfastā€¦Iā€™m sorry.ā€
ā€œThat is not funny,ā€ you said despite laughing. ā€œI watch way too many Netflix shows for that.ā€
His head tilted to the side and caught the colours of the leds around you as curiosity filled his playful smile. ā€œHave you seen that Formula One show on there?ā€
Your nose wrinkled at the idea and shook your head. ā€œSports isnā€™t really my thing.ā€ Trusting your gut that he was safe enough, you looped your arm in his and set off down the road.Ā 
ā€œThen what is your thing?ā€
ā€œBooks,ā€ you admitted, suddenly shy though you had no reason to be. ā€œMy friends actually refer to my apartment as ā€˜the libraryā€™. If I didnā€™t have to work to buy more books I donā€™t think anyone would see me again, I would just hole up and read.ā€
ā€œThereā€™s worse ways to spend your time,ā€ he joked with a grin you were starting to think was perpetually painted on his face.
ā€œYeah, I could watch Formula one.ā€ His smile faded and his laugh puttered out, making you instantly regret the joke. ā€œI can hardly make fun of your thing when Iā€™ve told you mine.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t actually watch F1,ā€ he admitted as he stopped walking and you turned to face him. ā€œIā€™m too busy racing.ā€
ā€œRacing what?ā€Ā 
He blinked a few times and his lip twitched with a smile when he realised you were genuinely confused. ā€œI race carsā€¦in F1ā€¦for McLaren.ā€
You waited for the punchline to come but for the first time since meeting him, he was serious. ā€œOh, oh! Okayā€¦wow. I guess thatā€™s why I felt like I recognised you, I must have seen you somewhere. God, I feel stupid.ā€ You laughed to yourself and sighed, whispering under your breath, ā€œyouā€™ve been reading too much romance.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re not stupid,ā€ Daniel said quietly. ā€œI feel it too.ā€
Your laugh was an unladylike snort of disbelief. ā€œDonā€™t be silly, you donā€™t even know me. You donā€™t even know my last name or what I do for work.ā€
ā€œBut I want to, if youā€™ll give me the time to learn. Not that it matters what your job is, you arenā€™t your work.ā€
ā€œWhat if Iā€™m an escort?ā€
ā€œAre you an escort?ā€
ā€œWould it matter?ā€Ā 
He was momentarily stunned and you saw him worrying his bottom lip and he thought of an appropriate answer.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not, but obviously it would matter,ā€ you clarified as you turned and started your walk again. ā€œIā€™m an admin assistant, not an escort, just so you know.ā€
ā€œNot a librarian?ā€Ā 
You smiled as you tipped your head back to the starry night. ā€œA girl can dream, but they arenā€™t positions that tend to come up very often. Even less with everything going digital.ā€
ā€œYou could open your own library, you already have the books apparently.ā€Ā 
You hadnā€™t realised how far you had walked until you stopped outside your apartment complex. It had been easy to get lost in the conversation with him and you almost continued walking just so the evening didnā€™t come to an end.Ā 
ā€œApparently?ā€ you giggled as he opened the front door for you. ā€œDo I have to prove it to you?ā€
He followed you to the elevator and leaned against the wall. ā€œIs that you inviting me up?ā€
It was daring and absolutely unlike you but when you looked into his eyes you knew you wanted to see more of them so you found yourself asking, ā€œWould you say yes?ā€
His smile grew as he reached for the elevator button in response and hit it.
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Monday morning rolled around too soon and you struggled to pull yourself out of bed to get ready for work. Danielā€™s back was to you as he hugged his pillow, one arm hanging over the edge of the bed, and you saw the slightly raised marks of your nails over his tan skin.Ā 
The weekend had been better than any of the fictional tales that filled the rooms in your house. You hadnā€™t even left the apartment, too engrossed in each other's company to face the outside world. But that would change as you climbed out of bed and started your usual Monday morning routine.Ā 
ā€œGood morning, angel,ā€ Daniel greeted sweetly as he snuck up behind you and kissed your cheek.Ā 
You held up the piece of toast you were eating and let him take a bite for himself. ā€œCan I have your number?ā€ he asked after finishing his mouthful and watching you dart around the small kitchen, packing a little lunch to take to work.
ā€œFor what?ā€
ā€œSo I can give it to telemarketers,ā€ he joked as he caught you around the waist. ā€œNo, so I can call you.ā€
ā€œThis weekend has beenā€¦magical, but youā€™re a famous race car driver, and Iā€™m, well, just me,ā€ you said softly. ā€œIā€™m under no illusion about how this ends, Daniel, we live in two different worlds.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s just a cop out,ā€ he argued, picking up your phone and calling himself so he had your number. ā€œIā€™m going to prove you wrong.ā€Ā 
Three Weeks Later ā€œDanielā€™s here to see you.ā€ You looked up from your computer to double check Jess was talking to you and found her grinning like a fool. ā€œI canā€™t believe heā€™s actually here.ā€
Jess reached for the half empty cup of coffee she had made you and sniffed it. ā€œDid I give you decaf? Girl, wake up! You donā€™t keep a man like that waiting. The PAā€™s are already sniffing around him.ā€
Pushing your chair back, you rose at the threat of the PAā€™s who loved to dote upon any man who had a seven figure salary. Two of the glorified assistants longed to be on Love Island and their entire personality could fit in the extremely large breasts their ex-bosses had paid for - right before the sexual harassment charges were filed. Yeah, you werenā€™t going to leave Daniel to fend for himself.
Leaving the back offices, you followed the scent of knock-off Marc Jacobs to the reception area where Daniel smiled and joked with the small crowd surrounding him. You were once again struck by how different your lives were, his in the spotlight and yours anything but. It was only as you moved closer that you saw how the smile didnā€™t reach the creases around his eyes and heard the laugh that didnā€™t come from deep in his belly.Ā 
ā€œAlright, ladies,ā€ you interrupted the group with a wave of your hands, ā€œthank you for keeping Daniel company, Iā€™ll take it from here.ā€
A few overly keen females pouted as they stepped away and Daniel cast a grateful smile to you before pulling out the gift he had hidden behind his back. It took a second to realise why the bouquet of roses looked strange but then the confused frown was replaced with a smile as you accepted it. Every rose was made of origami, carefully folded and shaped into the blossom and you quickly recognised the lines of Pride and Prejudice, arguably the greatest romance novel of all time.
ā€œWhat are you doing here?ā€ you asked as you held the meaningful bouquet to your chest.Ā 
Daniel was all too aware of your curious co-workers still hanging around the area and dipped his head closer to yours. ā€œThereā€™s this angel Iā€™ve been missing, and I just needed to see her again.ā€
The gesture, the words, it all made your heart skip a beat but you quashed the feelings that arose with it. ā€œThat is stalking.ā€
His laugh was genuine and your smile grew when you saw his reach his eyes as he corrected you, ā€œThat is romantic.ā€
ā€œThank you,ā€ you whispered as you sniffed the paper roses. ā€œDid you spray these with your cologne?ā€
ā€œThe book came from a secondhand store and it smelt like mothballs, which wasnā€™t the vibe I was going for. I think I smell better than mothballs.ā€
ā€œWait, you made these!ā€ Surprise floored you as you looked at them with a new appreciation.Ā 
ā€œWith a little help and a lot of youtube,ā€ he grinned proudly. ā€œI would have come sooner but it took three weeks to make them all.ā€
The effort he made brought tears to your eyes and you hurried to blink them away. The man was absolutely relentless in his belief that the connection between you could become something more, but you still struggled to accept it. It wasnā€™t because you werenā€™t attracted to him, no that had been instant from the moment you met, you just didnā€™t understand how someone as famous as him could settle for someone as plain as you.
ā€œSurely you have better things to do with your time,ā€ you said after swallowing the lump in your throat.
ā€œThan thinking of ways to win your heart? No way. Soā€¦can I please take you out on a date?ā€
Your eyes traced the roses, scanning the lines from the pages of one of your favourite books. I am happier even than Jane; she only smiles, I laugh. Daniel made you laugh, he could always make you laugh. The late night phone calls that interrupted your reading time replaced the silence in the apartment with the sound of your laughter. But would it be enough to close the distance between your worlds?
Your eyes followed another petal and felt it resonate within: Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her.
ā€œOne date,ā€ you said as you tore your eyes away from the flowers that only seemed to call to you more, begging to find more sweet sentences among the folds. ā€œAnd nowhere public. I want to actually be able to talk with you, not get swarmed by fans.ā€
ā€œI can do that,ā€ he said with a wide grin before kissing your cheek. ā€œIā€™ll see you tonight.ā€
He started to leave but he stopped as you softly called his name, looking over his shoulder from the doorway.
ā€œThank you for these, Daniel. No oneā€™s ever done anything so sweet.ā€
ā€œItā€™s just the beginning, angel,ā€ he winked, disappearing out the door as you hid your face in the flowers that smelt just like him.
Crap, you sighed to yourself. He was worming his way into your heart, just like he planned.
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ghostlychief Ā· 1 year
First of all Hi! I so far have loved your other ghost fics and canā€™t wait to read more!
Secondly, I was wondering if maybe you could write something where the reader and ghost are like married (possibly have a child but thatā€™s optional) and the 141 find out that ghost has a secret family and sees him being so soft with you and are just in huge shock (especially soap)?
Again love your other writing and completely understand if you donā€™t have the time to do this! Hope you have a nice day!šŸ˜Š
HELLO!! thank you so much for reading my other works, I'm glad you enjoyed reading them <33333 it always means a lot when someone says they love reading the fics you wrote, so thank you again. I hope you enjoy what i threw together for your request!!
Phantom Pain
pairing: oneshot; ghost x reader
warnings; none really
wc: 1.1k+
Ghost rarely ended up in the hospital. If he did, you knew it was bad.
To task force 141, Ghost was an anomaly, an enigma. No one really could crack his code or figure him out. Even though he has been on the team for over seven years. The closest anyone has gotten to him was his team member Soap, but even then, Soap barely knew him.
For Godsakes, even his profile didnā€™t have a picture of him, it was just a blank spot where his face should be.
His teammates really only saw his eyes. They were a deep blue like the ocean. Turbulent, but held all the cards Ghost held. If you figured out what his eyes were conveying, you figured out him.
Looking back at it now, no one ever figured out Ghost, or what his azure eyes were saying. No one on 141, at least.
This mission was supposed to be an easy one. In and out. No casualties, no injuries. But things never seem to go to plan. Typical for task force 141.
Even though the team didnā€™t suffer any casualties, they did suffer quite a few injuries, Ghost being in the worst shape of the lot.
He had two gun shot wounds and a couple of lacerations on his arms and legs. Could be worse, you guess. But honestly looking at the state of him now, you would be shocked he wasnā€™t already dead, laying in a casket.
This is where you come in. The secret wife, partner of Ghost, aka Simon.
He always kept you hidden away from his world, never wanting to tarnish you red. But sometimes you had to step into his vicious world, tending to him in ways you never wished you had to. You didnā€™t mind the deep color maroon though. Maybe thatā€™s why you found yourself drawn to Simon, like a moth to a flame.
It usually ended up with you and Simon in your shared home, you tending to his wounds in any way you could. For some reason the man hated hospitals, and avoided them at all costs, so you always tried your best to fix him up.
So, when you got the call from your local hospital that your husband was admitted and currently being operated on, you knew it was bad.
You immediately dropped what you were doing and drove fast to the hospital, hoping to catch Simon right out of surgery.
Your timing was near perfect, because by the time you arrived, and talked to the nurseā€™s station, he was already tucked away in his room, fast asleep but breathing.
Thatā€™s all that mattered - that he was breathing. Slow and steady.
You pull up a chair and take his large hand into yours, already noticing the usual warmth is lost, which makes you grasp his hand even tighter, hoping to transfer some of your warmth to him.
Itā€™s hours later when you find yourself waking up. Your neck is sore and cricks as you lift your head. The bright lights of the hospital room cloud your vision for a second before your eyes adjusts.
You notice that youā€™re still holding Simonā€™s hand. You must have fallen asleep, your head halfway resting on his forearm and the bed.
When you fully come to, you notice Simon is awake as well, and heā€™s looking at you with a tenderness you only wish to see every time he comes home to you.
You now notice his thumb is tenderly stroking your knuckles, and he gives your hand a squeeze every once in a while, to signal to you that yes, heā€™s here, and alive. Heā€™s alright.
ā€œHey baby.ā€ Your voice carries across the room, travels its short way to Simon, whoā€™s once again looking at you adoringly. His lips upturn slightly, something you wouldnā€™t have noticed if you werenā€™t solely focused on your husband.
ā€œBefore you ask, Iā€™m alright.ā€ His voice is soft, as if heā€™s trying to pacify you, quell you by the best of his abilities. Even though heā€™s the one whoā€™s injured, he doesnā€™t want you to hurt.
He knows you hate it when he has a mission. He pictures you pacing around your shared home, willing him to come back to you, and he hates himself for it.
You let out a sigh, all too familiar with the scene playing out before you.
Now itā€™s your turn to squeeze his hand.
ā€œI donā€™t know how many times I can watch you do this to yourself, Simon. Every time you go away, I always prepare myself that you wonā€™t be coming back. And I just- I donā€™t want to think like that anymore.ā€
Simon shifts on the bed, ā€œCome here.ā€
Even though youā€™re concerned about his injuries, you still settle yourself on the bed with Simon, his arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you down to his chest.
An accustomed position that youā€™ve missed recently. Heā€™s been gone too long.
His familiar scent pulls you even further into him, and you bask in his warm embrace, only hoping it wonā€™t be ripped away from you anytime soon.
ā€œNothingā€™s going to happen to me, ok?ā€ You feel him kiss the top of your head, and you tighten your arm thatā€™s wrapped around his torso.
ā€œBesides, you canā€™t get rid of me that easily, bug.ā€
Ā You can feel the smirk that draws up his lips, and you mentally roll your eyes at his statement. He was always so flippant about his life, yet you still canā€™t help but love him dearly.
You also know he purposefully played the ā€˜term of endearmentā€™ card, which he knew would make you go easy on him.
You hum against his chest, ā€œWeā€™ll see about that. You know, after you get home, recovered and healthy.ā€
You just feel his rumble of laughter, and you smile against him. Glad that his humor hasnā€™t left him despite all the tragedies heā€™s seen throughout his career. He leaves another kiss atop your head, and his hand comes up to stroke your arm while you stroke his stomach.
Youā€™re so caught up in your moment with Simon, that you donā€™t notice a pair of familiar light blue eyes watching you both through the glass window of the hospital room door.
Theyā€™re eyes that only hold curiosity, wishing to know what they are witnessing.
The owner of said eyes slips away before you or Ghost notice him, and he figures heā€™ll just have to causally bring it up to his colleague the next time he sees him at the base.
He imagines heā€™ll say something like, ā€œDidnā€™t know you had a soft side, Ghosty.ā€ He then pictures the punch Ghost would aim at his bicep, already feeling the phantom pain.
Ghost Masterlist
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v3nusxsky Ā· 6 days
Hello! šŸ‘‹šŸ» I would love a little smutty Larissa x Morticia x Reader oneshot if I'm the first ask. Please and thank you šŸ˜Š
Can we keep her? 18+
*Authors note~ Iā€™m so sorry I havenā€™t posted in a while placement has been hectic with so many assessments needing to be done for me to pass the year which ends in two weeks! But have this little brain child*
Trigger warnings ~ established relationship Mortica x reader, mommy dom! Mortica, sub r, sub leaning switch!Larissa, talks of past Tish x Larissa, oral fixation (r), thigh riding (L-M), praise kink, degrading kink, oral sex, fingering, sensory play?, blindfolds, overstimulation kink, mirror sex, aftercare obvs
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Being Nevermoreā€™s Literature professor was in all honesty a dream come true. Ever since your time as a student in the school youā€™d wished to end up here. And that you did. Larissa couldnā€™t wait to offer you a position after being your last placement before you qualified. The skills you possess are honestly some of the best she has seen and therefore makes you an asset to her staff.
But if you know Nevermore, which you do, it always provides the unexpected. The youngest member of staff just so happened to unknowingly gain the interest of a certain raven haired beauty. Morticia Addams. But it was not the only time youā€™d been on her mind, no, when you were studying you often ended up shadowing her class as Larissa felt you needed to be well rounded in classroom management. Your nature making you quiet and reserved and a little afraid to assume your natural authority over the class. Which is why Mortica was perfect for you.
Thinking back to how it all started out with you and your girlfriend always brings a smile to your face. When things got tough she was always there, rain or shine to support you. Also youā€™d be utterly insane to not notice her radiant beauty she so effortlessly wears. Everything about her was perfect. Beautiful skin like the pale moons reflection on the lake. Raven hair as dark as night, perfectly straight and never out of place. Dresses that hugged her body as if they were her skin. And the height that woman has often brings you to your knees. Truly, sheā€™s magnificent. So of course it was only natural to see her celestial being in your dreams.
You knew of her psychic abilities and she knew that you process the ability of mental projection. Now you have a higher ability than most would assume which allows you to project thoughts feelings, create alternative worlds with your imagination and even switch realities. Mostly, you enjoyed your ability and the fact you could use it to help others, but youā€™d never wouldā€™ve thought that your own mind would let out your secret desire.
Youā€™d been utterly exhausted the whole day which resulted in your head snuggled into the womanā€™s neck as she read a French book out loud to soothe you to sleep. And like always the smooth silky voice and the steady thumps of the heart bellow you worked like a charm. Only to send you into the spiciest dream youā€™ve ever had.
ā€œMommyā€ you whined pitifully as you squirmed under Larissaā€™s gaze. The blonde seemingly confident as she towered over you, not even throwing her past crush a glance. ā€œShe is a pretty thing Tish, I could do so much with herā€ the shifter murmured thoughtfully, clearly talking about you and not to you as she ignored your desperate state.
ā€œAh, mon amour, you arenā€™t in control here are you darling?ā€ Your lover reminded the principal, clearly stating that she is in control of both you and the blonde. ā€œWill you be good for me sweet girl?ā€ She practically coed at the older woman while actively ignoring you. ā€œYes mommyā€ came the mumbled response, her shyness soaking the words. ā€œOh my dear Rissa, we both know you arenā€™t shy in this department darlingā€ came her chuckled teasing words. Youā€™d know there was something with them in the past, but purposely not spoken about until this interaction.
It was then that you became overwhelmed with your thoughts of the two women together in the most intimate and inexperienced ways that your grip of control faltered and everyone in the room was blessed with the image of Larissa Weems in her youth, riding your Tishā€™s milky thigh in a frantic rhythm. ā€œOh! Youā€™re so good Rissa, keep going for mommy, I want to feel you cum for me darlingā€ she would murmured into the blondes ear before taking it between her teeth and tugging gently.
Unbeknownst to your slumbering self youā€™d given your girlfriend the opportunity to hopefully bring her first crush and lover to the bedroom without fear of upsetting you. Seeing the sexual dream that had caused you to entangle your legs to hers, effectively pressing your now dripping warmth to her leg was enough reassurance. All she needed now was the principal to agree.
To say Larissa was expecting the potion teacher to barge into her office with such a personal invitation during school hours would have been insanity, but then again the Addams family love to make keep her on her toes. Truthfully, Principal Weems kept her ex lover former crush on the staff for many reasons. Her teaching for one, to be close to her for another, and the third being those pesky lingering feelings that never left once she left the gates of Nevermore with Gomez. One swift divorce had her back where she belongs it still not hers. No. Because she wanted you.
Meetings with the principal after hours were not uncommon for you as a first year qualified teacher however, seeing Tish sat on her desk as their lips fused together like a centuries old dance was definitely a first. Not that you were complaining at all. In fact, you decided to let them feel the affect they have on you, causing Larissa to let out a whimper of need. ā€œPatience sweetheart, this isnā€™t about us yetā€ Morticia reprimanded as she pulled herself away from the shifters body. ā€œWould you care to join us sweet girl? I know just how much you enjoyed your dream the other night, and mommy wants to give that to you baby.ā€
Thatā€™s how you found yourself reliving your first part of your dream, word for word squirming on the sofa by the warm fire. Two pairs of eyes drinking in your now semi naked form. ā€œMuch better sweet girl youā€™re so pretty for mommy babyā€ your girlfriend praised before swiftly moving to grab the blindfold sheā€™d stashed away before your arrival. From there you were promptly ignored by the older women as Mortica claimed her dominant stance causing Larissa to slip into a happy medium, content to please everyone.
Slender fingers trailed your exposed abdomen ever so lightly that it may as well have been a ghost. A phantom feeling only to be chased away with a rougher texture on your plush thighs. ā€œMmā€ you purred happily, Morticia always knew just what you craved without you needing to say it. So there was no surprise when she instructed Larissa to fetch a cold water bottle and roll it over your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. ā€œC-cold mommyā€ you whimpered with an adorable pout on your luscious lips. ā€œOh my poor babyā€ the faux sympathy rolling off her words in waves. Soon enough there was a soft tassle being dragged all over your body like a snake looking for its prey as it slithers over your bra clad chest.
Soon enough both women grew tired of their little game, deciding that you were all simply too clothed for the occasion. Tish instructed you to try and undress her while your vision was not present but you ended up reaching for Weems instead. A quick tut of disapproval soon had you swivelling around to please her only to lose your balance. ā€œSuch a silly baby, canā€™t even undress me. Well Larissa will have to do it seems I know she can be a good girl for me.ā€
Only when Larissa freed the older woman from her garments did she get permission to strip down herself while Morticia ripped the skimpy lace off your body. ā€œPlease can I play with her Mommy?ā€ Larissa mumbled completely star struck by your bare body. With a wave of the other womanā€™s hand Larissa immediately yanked you onto your hands and knees and settled under your body. Mortica coming to sit on the arm rest and spreading her legs for you to be eye to eye with her aching core. ā€œGet to work little slut, be good for me baby.ā€
You immediately delve into her awaiting cunt, blindly missing your target by an inch causing your lover to grab a fist fall of hair to guide you, all while Larissa happily began to kiss and lick your pillowy thighs before eating you out like a starved woman. Soon enough the office was filled with the sweetest moans where French and English words blended together in the height of her enjoyment. Larissa simply moaning shamelessly into your soaked pussy causing you to mirror her with the raven haired womanā€™s clit pulsing between your lips. ā€œOh fuck baby! Right there pretty whore. Best whore for mommyā€ her praise only spurring on your determination to please her. Only when you decide to plunge two fingers into her greedy core did she cum as you happily lapped up your reward before tumbling over the edge yourself.
ā€œOh sweet girl your blindfolds all wet.ā€ She mock gasped before ripping it off your head to examine it. ā€œMessy whoreā€ was offered by the blonde whose mouth was coated in your arousal and cum. All while you were blinking rapidly trying to maintain your position not wanting to disappoint them. Inevitability your shaking legs failed you causing you to collapse against the sofa earning a time out.
Thatā€™s how you found yourself sat on the floor, letā€™s spread wide, hands behind your back as you watched Tish bring Larissa over the edge time after time, lavishing her on sweet praise with ever orgasm, while you sat untouched and ignored. Every little needy sound that slipped past your lips bought the blonde another high. Every time you moved from your position brought your girlfriend a chance to feel the bliss while you sat there watching another woman have her screaming and crying out with pure pleasure. On one hand you were jealous as sin on the other it was hot as hell and what a spectacular show to be blessed with. Perhaps thatā€™s why you behaved.
Tish had simply lost count of how many times sheā€™d rode the waves of pleasure, simply forgetting how good Larissa is in the department before she had some experience. However, sheā€™s not as young as she was back then and her body simply requires a break which is why Larissa gets you resting against your mommyā€™s front, legs spread as she instructs you to keep your gaze on the ceiling. Fuck. Mirrors. Everywhere, you realised. ā€œGonna make you watch how much of a filthy slut you look like as you fall apart for another womanā€ she stated before setting to work in trailing her fingers through your slick. ā€œSo fucking messy sweet girl, eyes on the ceiling or Iā€™ll make mommy hold your head that wayā€ the blonde threatens before unleashing a whole new burst of energy on your pleading core.
ā€œTish, the whore wonā€™t lookā€ Larissa grumbled noticing how your head had dropped to the side after the second orgasm. ā€œMommy, too muchā€ you slurred letting out a little squeal when Larissa touched your oversensitive clit. ā€œOne more sweet girl, mommys right here, one more baby you can take it. Look how pretty my girl looks.ā€ Her praise combined with the principals three fingers curling just right to hit the perfect spot had you seeing stars and drenching the sofa below you all. It was only after working you down from the high did you let out a sob of ā€œno moreā€ over and over.
Larissa hurrying to find the pre set out aftercare things while morticia hummed a French lullaby, your favourite when this deep into sub space. Your eyes filed with a haze as you immediately began to root around for more skin to skin contact. When Larissa returned with water and sugary treat you seemed to far down which worried her. Yet Tish seemed to know just what to do. After sipping her water and encouraging you to do the same with the support from both women you settled in between them both. Completely submerged into your subby mindset you gently grabbed Larissaā€™s hand and brought her fingers to your lips before ever so lightly drawing them between your lips. Immediately a content sigh left your body as you snuggled more into your mommy muttering around the slender fingers, ā€œmm we keeps her?ā€ Without knowing Morticia already planned on it.
Word count ~ 2161
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once-in-a-blood-moon Ā· 2 months
Could I request for your šŸŒ¹valentines eventšŸŒ¹ the prompt voice with Solomon with a GN MC? Heā€™s heard their voice for a long time giving him encouragement and praise but heā€™s long since given up actually meeting them. They meet during the exchange program and he immediately recognizes their voice.
Iā€™ve never heard of the soulmate voice scenario before so Iā€™m realty looking forward to how you pull it all together! I love your works and am really excited for this event! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
Solomon - Voice
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Solomon x GN! reader
Prompt: The voice in their head is their soulmateā€™s voice
AN: Hi Ivy!! Thank you for your sweet words, I'm really glad you like what I do! šŸ’• I'm so sorry about the wait on this request, but I suppose better late than never! I really got in a groove writing this, and uh...it's a little more hurt/comfort than I expected it to be, so I hope that's okay. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy! šŸ˜Š
Warnings: Slight hurt/comfort, mimics how you meet Solomon in the OG but diverges a tad.
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The cool night air whipped through Solomonā€™s hair gently as he leaned out of the open window. His eyes had grown tired from hours of combing through the weathered pages of an ancient tome heā€™d miraculously gotten his hands on, so he decided to take a small break to rest them. The sooner he did that, the quicker heā€™d be back at his desk furiously devouring the magical literature the book had to offer.Ā 
Bleary eyes flicked lazily across the landscape of the soft city nightlife beyond his walls. Heā€™s not in the thick of it, but sometimes he listens just to feel included. The distant sounds of horns honking, the gentle clicks of heels on the street below him as two friends pass by with gossip juggled between them, even smelling the cheap, greasy pizza from one of the restaurants nearby. Itā€™s all something that eludes him. Like an inside joke heā€™s not allowed in onā€¦
ā€œI hope youā€™re doing okayā€¦ā€
Solomon perks upon hearing the soft, almost solemn voice in his head. It had started just a few short decades ago, popping up occasionally to say hello or to spout some words of encouragement. He was aware he was hearing the voice of his soulmate, but it seemed hard for him to let go of his reservations and interact with them. He knew it would never last, and heā€™d never meet them. So, he keeps his mind quiet like he always does, not wanting to give them false hope.
And it seemed he was disappointing them further by not responding yet again, hearing their soft sigh before speaking again.
ā€œSometimes I wonder if youā€™re even there. Maybe Iā€™m talking to nobody...ā€
He wishes you were ā€“ or at least someone that wasnā€™t him.
ā€œBut itā€™s almost as if I can feel your presence. You exist. I know it.ā€
Oh, he exists, alright. Longer than he thinks you could ever fathom. How the universe couldā€™ve paired such a patient soul to his jaded one is a mystery to him. Itā€™s curious how youā€™re able to sense him too. If he didnā€™t know any better, heā€™d think you had some magical prowess as well ā€“ however small that may be.Ā 
ā€œAre you looking at the same moon I am? Itā€™s so bright and beautiful tonightā€¦ A full moon.ā€
The sorcererā€™s ancient eyes slowly move to the moon hanging above the city, where the skyscrapers seem to just brush its surface. Itā€™s the same moon heā€™s looked at for centuries, the one thing thatā€™s stayed constant in his eternal life. Tonightā€™s moon seems to glow a hair brighter than usual. Perhaps itā€™s a super moon just playing with his perception. Either way, he basks in her maternal essence all the same.Ā 
It grows quiet in his mind and Solomon assumes his soulmate is lost in the moment, just as he is. Whether itā€™s due to the moonā€™s company illuminating his figure perched on the windowsill or because of the presence that has wriggled their way into his thoughts, he doesnā€™t feel as alone tonight.
The minutes drag on with nothing more from his soulmate, so he takes this as a sign his break is over. With a long, drawn out sigh, he pushes himself off the windowsill before shutting the window and pulling the curtains closed. He takes slow strides back to his desk, stretching his back muscles before he inevitably hunches over the tome until his body gives out to exhaustion. The old, rickety chair creaks beneath him as the hard wood already begins to gnaw away at his bum. Though he pays no mind to the mild pain as he aims to jump right back into the marked pages heā€™d left open on his desk.Ā 
ā€œTake care of yourself.ā€Ā 
Itā€™s the last thing he hears right before his eager eyes can reach a word on either of the sprawled out pages. That gentle reminder causes his heart to ache in guilt knowing he should do better to take care of himself, yet...heā€™s too consumed with his lifeā€™s work to try harder. With a slight shake of his head to rid himself of those feelings, he plunges right back into the mystical tome.Ā 
The halls of RAD bustle with first-day gossip shared between demon cliques about the newly implemented exchange program and the exchange students that came with it.
Solomon, who keeps to himself against one of the walls to blend in with the crowd, hears the names of his angelic dorm mates, as well as his own, bouncing around as if it were a game of Hot Potato. Itā€™s the typical fare of ā€œthat sorcerer, Solomon, is one of the exchange students this yearā€ and ā€œwatch out for that guy, you know heā€™s a bit of a shady fellow.ā€ Every other word thatā€™s been tacked onto his persona is spit out with a venomous hiss.Ā 
Powerful. Shady. No good. Hardly human. Sorcerer... Solomon, Solomon, Solomon.
Heā€™s heard them so many times heā€™s started to believe there might be merit behind the sentiments.Ā 
Beyond that, heā€™s also heard a few rumors about the second human exchange student. Due to the quickly buzzing word, the clever sorcerer had already caught wind of their name and a few other interesting details, like how Mammon had been appointed as the ā€œhuman babysitter.ā€ Solomon couldnā€™t help but chuckle to himself when heā€™d first heard that. Mammon as a babysitter of anything, let alone a fellow humanā€¦ Thatā€™s rich.Ā 
ā€œI should runā€¦ā€Ā 
Solomonā€™s brow raises sharply, almost instantly, upon hearing that phrase in his head. What an odd thing for his soulmate to say. They hadnā€™t spoken much to him in the past few weeks, apart from some nerves about something they never fully divulged to him, but for this to be the first thing in a while is concerning to say the least. It may not even be a conscious effort as the panic of the voice in his head is quite obvious.
ā€œThatā€™s what Mammon said to doā€¦ā€Ā 
Mammon? How does this personā€¦
Itā€™s then that Solomon notices a timid looking human in the middle of the hall, their eyes casting side to side as a few groups of demons seem to eye them dangerously. The sorcererā€™s feet move faster than his thoughts and heā€™s suddenly in front of the human with a friendly grin on his lips.
ā€œHey, you there.ā€Ā 
He watches you startle at his sudden appearance, your phone slipping through your fingers and clattering on the floor as you just stare at him with anxiety practically radiating off you. It seems youā€™re opting for the freeze response from how on edge you are around him. He automatically feels guilty for scaring you so terribly, but he understands why.Ā 
Slowly, as to not spook you further, he crouches down to pick up your phone, doing a quick check to make sure itā€™s not damaged as he rises back to his normal height.Ā 
ā€œThis belongs to you. I saw you drop it just now,ā€ he hands it out to you, chuckling as he does. ā€œYou should be lucky it didnā€™t crack.ā€Ā 
He watches you glance down to his outstretched hand before slowly taking your phone from him. Your fingers brush lightly against his, sending a chill up his spine. For it being such a minuscule touch, it felt so natural.Ā 
A small appreciative smile eases your frightened features. Though he can tell youā€™re still tentative. ā€œThank you.ā€Ā 
Solomonā€™s heart skips a beat as he recognizes the voice instantly. He stills momentarily, though not enough to seem like heā€™d lost composure...but internally, he was flustered. The previous phrases heā€™d heard in his head suddenly made sense now. Before he gets completely ahead of himself, he decides to converse with you further to confirm his suspicions.Ā 
ā€œMy nameā€™s Solomon. Iā€™m an exchange student from the human world, just like you.ā€Ā 
Your fears instantly seem to vanish upon learning that heā€™s not one of the demons wanting to cause you harm. ā€œAh, well, thatā€™s a relief then. Itā€™s nice to meet you.ā€Ā 
You give a quick introduction of yourself as well. The name heā€™d heard whispered among others earlier rolled off your tongue in the same kind voice heā€™s had in his head for decades. It doesnā€™t seem you realize the situation yet, but how could you? He never spoke to youā€¦ You didnā€™t know what he sounded like. If he had known meeting you wasnā€™t a slim to none chance, maybe he wouldā€™ve asked how your day was, reminded you to hydrate or study, or just said hi.Ā 
The sorcerer makes his mind up pretty quickly ā€“ heā€™d make it up to you once he reveals the true nature of your special connection.Ā 
Even now, heā€™s realizing youā€™re more than just a stranger to him. You were the kind words he couldnā€™t give himself, the reasoning he was blind to, and the connection he thought was best to deny.Ā 
You were the sound he was lonely without.
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miffysrambles Ā· 8 months
Hi thereļæ½ļæ½ļæ½. I was hoping you could do one where LMK Monkey King gets protective of his SO (reader) when he sees thereā€™s a person who is aggressively flirting/hitting on them and making them uncomfortable. Like the person will just not leave them alone no matter how many times they tell them to go away so he steps in to protect them
Protective! Wukong With S/O OneShot
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You were currently sitting on the outside patio as you scrolled through your phone, your boyfriend was ordering your food inside the restaurant.
ā€œAh donā€™t worry peaches, Iā€™ll be right back with the food. You just sit there and be gorgeous like always, mwah!ā€ Wukong blew you an over-exaggerated kiss, making you laugh softly as you waved him off.Ā Ā 
Your social media page was dry, the same stuff you liked earlier was showing up making you sigh as you put your phone down on the iron table.Ā 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a stranger walk up behind you and put their hand on your shoulder.
ā€œWell hello there lovely, you out here all by yourself? Itā€™s dangerous for someone like you yā€™know, there are bad people all around this city.ā€
You flinched at the sudden unwanted contact as you pulled away from his touch, you looked over your shoulder to see a sleazy-looking human.
You scoffed as you responded, ā€œI can take care of myself thank you, sir.ā€
The creep chuckled as he looked up and down at you, ā€œYeah I doubt that, you donā€™t seem like the strong type. So, you got a boyfriend sweetheart?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t call me that, and itā€™s none of your business.ā€ You scooted your chair slightly further away from him.
He slyly smiled as he reached his foot out to stop the chair by one of its legs, making you gasp as he got closer to you.
ā€œIā€™m guessing thatā€™s a yes judging from your reaction, donā€™t worry sweetheart. I love the ones that play hard to get.ā€
You felt the heat rising in your chest, a mix of embarrassment and anger filled you as you grimaced in your uncomfortable state.
You saw red as his hand reached your shoulder once more, canā€™t this bastard take a hint?
You were definitely not interested!
However, before you could protest, you saw the creepā€™s facial features turn from a shit-eating grin to pure fear as he looked behind you.
ā€œHey there buddy, whaddaya think yer doing?ā€ A rage-laced voice spoke to him, and you immediately recognized it as Wukong.
The creep had messed up now, flirting with the partner of the Monkey King himself is basically a death wish.
Of course, his fingers immediately retracted from your shoulder as he held up his hands in defense.
ā€œN-Nothing, it was just a misunderstanding, I thought I knew them!ā€
Heā€™s trying to lie his way out of this, how cute!
Wukong let out a joyful laugh, although you knew your boyfriend far too well to recognize when he was furious.
He was beyond furious actually, his clenched fists were more than enough proof.
ā€œOh, a misunderstanding huh? Well, youā€™re half right there!ā€ Wukong stepped closer to the creep, making him slightly fall backward.
Wukong gripped his shoulder as he he leaned close to his ear to tell him something in a low whisper, too low you couldnā€™t hear but you were guessing it was pretty intense as the creep ran away with his nonexistent tail in between his legs.Ā 
Your boyfriend grinned as he playfully waved him off, ā€œSee ya never creep!ā€
Wukong turned back around, this time with a genuine smile as he held out his hands as a way to ask to hold yours.
You gladly accepted as he sat down in the chair next to you, pressing soft kisses on your palms and on the backs of your hands.
ā€œYou ok sunshine? He didnā€™t hurt ya or anything right?ā€ His golden eyes stared into yours as he softly smiled.
You smiled back at him, shaking your head ā€œNo no, he didnā€™t.ā€
ā€œGood, good. I would hunt him back down if he did.ā€ He laughed gently afterward, although he absolutely meant it by the twitch of his tail at the thought of someone laying their hands on you in such a manner.Ā 
He decided it was probably best to get you out of there as you were still visibly uncomfortable to be there, flying you on his cloud to the rooftop of your apartment building.
ā€œWhat did you whisper to him by the way?ā€ You tilted your head as you two finally dug into your slightly forgotten lunch date as the two of you sat on the cold concrete of the rooftop.
ā€œWell, I basically told him that the ā€˜misunderstandingā€™ is thinking that you can flirt with MY partner. Letā€™s just say if he didn't get out of there right away or messed with you ever again, the streets would be painted red in secondsā€¦ā€
He said in between bites of food, making you blink in surprise.
ā€œAwww you would do that for me?ā€ You slightly joked as you laid your head on his shoulder, making him laugh as his arm wrapped around you pulling you close.
ā€œOf course I would peaches! Youā€™re MY everything after all, and anybody who thinks otherwise can choke.ā€
Although most of the tone had a joke feel to it, a small part of him genuinely meant it.
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ughthisisntright Ā· 9 months
Hello There ! šŸ‘‹šŸ˜Š
May I ask you a humble request ? šŸ™
NSFW Silco seducing and fucking Finn's girlfriend please šŸ™ˆ
YES. THIS. THIIIIIIS. I made reader gender neutral - I was on autopilot and wrote it like that!
NSFW below the cut!
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You felt the watchful gaze of Silco as Finn berates you in front of the entire society of chembarons. You had little to do with the operation, with the cause, but Finn still loved to assert his power over you. Something he'd been doing since the very beginning. You loved him. sure, but there was something eating away at you that made you want to... rebel.
As the man huffed away to join the rest of the chembarons, you were left with an uneasy feeling in your gut. The way he made you feel - small, unimportant, a burden - it was not an easy pill to swallow that your boyfriend was as cruel as he was. It seemed that being part of a covert operation to bring forth the greater good was not something he was suited for. And it angered you.
And still as you ruminated over the horrible display of toxic masculinity, that feeling of Silco's eyes on you burned your skin. You turned your head ever so slightly to meet his gaze. He wasn't even listening to the meeting. He didn't care what Finn had to say. He would never care again.
When the meeting concluded, and Finn tossed his coat at you before leaving, you sank into an empty chair. The room was empty, the rest of the more important people going to finalize plans for another shimmer plant, and all that was left was you and this stupid fucking coat. You gripped it in your smaller hands, wishing beyond anything that you would be able to tear it into pieces and cast it into the River Pilt.
You screamed in agony before slamming the coat onto the table. It felt good, but not good enough. And before you could even allow yourself the joy of letting some of that go, you heard clapping behind you.
Turning, you laid eyes on Silco. So the room wasn't empty. He stalked toward you with a smirk on his face. The older man always carried himself with such bravado, such confidence, not unlike Finn. But there was a key difference between the two: Experience.
Silco was successful long before the chembarons came together. Independently achieving goals left and right before any of them had even had the chance to taste Topside. Long before Finn was even born.
And here he was, stalking toward you like it was nothing. You watched him come closer, clasping his hands behind his back, and looking you over.
"Quite impressive the way you stand your ground in the face of something like that. Are you quite alright?" His low voice reverberated off the walls of the room, as large as it was, and you could feel it in your bones.
"Well," you began, trying to find your words. "I'm fine, but... That's him I guess."
"Regardless, it was quite the sight to see. I don't exactly know what the cause was for that kind of reaction, but it seems if I know Finn enough, it was likely his fault." A smirk lifted his features as he gave what you assumed to be his version of comfort. A smirk to which you responded with a small smile of your own.
"That's very kind of you to say," you admit softly.
And that was how you found yourself bent over the table - on top of Finn's elaborate coat - in the meeting room. The same meeting room where Finn had berated you earlier, the same meeting room where the meeting between the society of chembarons had taken place, and the same place where Silco - of all people - had given you comfort.
The feeling of him inside you was overwhelming. You didn't exactly expect him to be as large as he was, but you also thought you'd seen all you'd ever get with Finn. And now, with his hands around your waist and his hips against the swell of your ass, you were sure that this wouldn't be the last time this kind of meeting would occur between the two of you.
Heavy breathing and grunts behind gritted teeth sounded out from behind you as harsh snaps of hips shook your entire being. You could feel the hard edge of the wood digging into your flesh as you were pounded into the surface of the table like a thing to be used. And you were loving every second of it.
At the height of your ecstasy, when Silco was growling the filthiest things in your ear, you heard the sound of the heavy door being opened. Your eyes opened and you caught sight of your boyfriend standing in the doorway.
Ex-boyfriend, that is. It's a fair trade-off for this kind of lust.
233 notes Ā· View notes
between-star Ā· 4 months
Hi! Hope you're great!
I just wanted to say thank you sm for your zelda art like seriously i mean it
All my family enjoys it and laughs about how pretty it looks and how cute it looks.
Some art i just exclude it from my parents for obvious reason šŸ˜
But overall your art has been a great moment for us as family to share
And i appreciate it for the bottom of my heart
I hope you always continue doing what you love
And me and my family send you best wishes šŸ’–
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Hello! I'm a bit busy but I try to do something that makes myself happy. Waahh thank you so much, i'm glad you and even your family enjoyed it šŸ˜ŠšŸ’•I hope you and your family very well so i can show cute and heartwarming zelink more!
yea, i understand some of my drawings aren't family friendly (sorry, children) lol
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deathmetalunicorn1 Ā· 3 months
hello! since requests are open, i was wondering if i could request a fem reader thatā€™s kind of like a mother figure to law? she knew law when he was a kid and cared for him and was also there when corazon was taking care of law as well and helping him. sheā€™s a part of the heart pirates and also has a devil fruit power or some kind of other power but im not too sure on what yet. šŸ˜… sorry this is kind of long and complicated. if you wish to not do this then thatā€™s okay! thank you for taking the request if you do! šŸ˜Š
-You were there the night Corazon had been killed, watching the man you love be so coldly murdered by his big brother, allowing himself to be captured and killed so you and Law could flee to safety.
-You and Corazon werenā€™t married, but you could have easily been, based on how close the two of you were, and when Law came into the mix, Corazon couldnā€™t help but smile, seeing you hugging and doting on Law like he was your own child.
-You went with the two when they left the Donquixote Family, seeking out a cute for Law.
-You hadnā€™t anticipated it ending badly, with you hugging Law close as the two of you were taken away secretly, both of you watching Corazon die.
-You remained by Lawā€™s side, even as he grew and became a pirate and a warlord himself, you were the one thing that remained constant in his life, you were his rock, the most precious person in his life, his mother.
-He would never call you by that title, something he struggled to do, but thatā€™s how he thought of you, as you would always holding him and allow himself to be weak around you, because he knew that you would keep him safe.
-You didnā€™t mind, as you did the same, despite you adoring and loving Law like your own child, you never called him as such, having that same respect for him that he has for you.
-You were definitely the ā€˜motherā€™ of the crew, as you would dote on all members, not just Law, something Law would childishly pout over at times, which you did think was rather cute, but he enjoyed seeing his crew all adoring you as well.
-Law was scared to lose you as well, so for a while he forbade you from fighting, not wanting to take that chance, but as he grew, he realized that this wasnā€™t fair to you, and when you joined a battle for the first time, you quickly proved that you were not to be underestimated with your Copy-Copy Devil Fruit ability, being able to copy any other Devil Fruit userā€™s ability for a short while, plus with your combat skills, you were a very dangerous person.
-You supported Law with his plan to take out Doflamingo, even if it took years to do, as you were the only person that he told this plan to, as he trusted you, and while he had to be on his own, you were in charge, keeping the others safe.
-When you got wind that Law and Luffy took down Doflamingo, you were stunned, completely shocked, but you couldnā€™t help but smile, ā€œHe did it my love.ā€
-When Law arrived at Zou, Bepo and the others were the first to get to Law, hugging him, embarrassing him in front of the Straw Hats and the Minks, not wanting to lose his tough guy image, which was rather cute.
-When he saw you, however, waiting your turn, many couldnā€™t help but smile as he immediately ran over, leaping into your arms as you hugged him tightly, praising him for what he had done. Law refuses to admit that he had been crying while hugging you, saying it wasnā€™t true, but you knew the truth.
-It was rather cute, when you got to meet Luffy and the other Straw Hats, Law wanted to keep you away from them, especially when both Brook and Sanji tried to hit on you, as he threatened them. However, the one he wanted to keep you away from the most was Luffy, but by the time he was done dealing with Brook and Sanji, Law collapsed to his hands and knees, seeing you hugging and doting on Luffy as well.
-Law was a little extra pouty for a few days, as he hated sharing you, especially with Luffy, but you thought it was rather cute, seeing him so jealous. You made sure to give him extra attention that evening, to assure him that you werenā€™t leaving him.
-For a while, every time Law would see Luffy he would glare at the rubber man, he wasnā€™t sharing his mama with anyone!
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seelestars Ā· 9 months
Hello. I'm sorry if this is sudden but I was wondering if you took story requests and if you do, could you make a platonic Dan heng story with the reader being the child of his previous incarnation Dan feng and is the reader still quite young. Jing Yuan is the one to tell Dan Heng about them even though he's only met the reader a couple times and doesn't know them very well, but Jing Yuan felt like Dan Heng had the right to know about the reader especially after the reader had an encounter with Blade. (If this is too much that's completely understandable and I wish you a good day/afternoon and or nightšŸ˜Š)
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āž“ āœ« * āœ§ DAN HENG MEETS HIS CHILD !!?
a/n : sorry if thereā€™s like. plot holes? in areas bcuz ik vidyadhara canā€™t reproduce and adopting just didnā€™t make sense for me in this context ļ½”ļ¾Ÿ(ļ¾ŸĀ“Ļ‰`ļ¾Ÿ)ļ¾Ÿļ½” i hope u still enjoy tho!
this moment of peace was much needed, though rare since he returned to the luofu temporarily to sort some things out. he blew on his tea, taking a small sip before he sensed anotherā€™s presence approaching him. he set the cup down, turning around to see just who it was that dared to disturb him. he relaxed slightly, after noticing it was just jing yuan.
an old friend of his previous incarnation.
but what could he possibly need from him at this time? he kept wondering to himself before jing yuan spoke up, his usual calm expression on his face, ā€œsorry if I was bothering you. i thought there was something you should know.ā€ he could sense his choice of words were a little more causal than usual, as if he still viewed him as dan feng. ā€œgo ahead.ā€ he nodded, waiting for jing yuan to spill whatever he needed him to know.
though what he said next, brought him shock he hadnā€™t felt in a while.
ā€œā€¦you have a child.ā€ jing yuan confessed, the calm smile never leaving his face even while confessing such news. ā€œ..how come.. I never knew about this?ā€ dan heng had a puzzled look on his face, his eyes widened uncharacteristically. ā€œthatā€¦ im not exactly sure. but they have strikingly similar features to yours, and we even did a dna test. ā€¦youā€™re the father.ā€ jing yuan said sheepishly, letting out a small chuckle. ā€œbut that aside, would you like to see them?ā€ he offered.
even though he was no longer dan feng, he couldnā€™t find it in himself to refuse.
ā€œ..sure.ā€ dan heng said awkwardly, following jing yuan to where his supposed child was. they walked for a little while, until they reached the busy and crowded streets of the luofu.
there they were.
a young teen that resembled dan heng was distracted, playing celestial jade with qingque. they had similarly colored horns that sprouted out like branches above their head, except with a scaly tail poking out from a hole in their outfit.
ā€œthank you for distracting them, qingque. they seem to be quite a carefree spirit from what ive seen, so I appreciate you helping them stay in one place for the time being.ā€ jing yuan had an amused smile on his face as he looked at dan heng before looking back to his child. ā€œno problem general.ā€ qingque responded, her eyes still glued to the game of celestial jade as she made another move. ā€œill be taking my leave now, have fun you all.ā€ and with that, jing yuan disappeared in the crowd of people.
you on the other hand, was too focused on dan heng to pay attention to the game. ā€œwho are you?ā€ you had a friendly look on your face, even though he was a complete stranger to you. ā€œmmm waitā€¦ you look like me!ā€ you smiled, always so full of energy.
ā€œ..I suppose I do.ā€ dan heng smiled warmly back, feeling his heart melt at the sight of you. ā€œand thatā€™s because.. I am apparently, your father.ā€ he averted his gaze awkwardly, the smile fading from his face. he was never good with kids, even when they act like someone heā€™s familiar with (march).
ā€œooooh.. Iā€™ve always thought I didnā€™t have a father or anything of the sorts!ā€ there was an excited look in your eyes as he admitted to being related to you in that way, your arms immediately pulling him into an embrace. dan heng was never a huge fan of chatterboxes, but he didnā€™t seem to mind when it came to you rambling about how excited and happy you felt. your childlike innocence warmed his heart in a way, as he found himself returning your embrace.
he was never good with kids, but maybe, just maybe, heā€™ll learn how to be a father. for you.
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the-moon-devi Ā· 1 year
Hello šŸ’• what is your favorite placement in composite chart ?
Heyyy!!! Thank you for your ask!! Thats a very good question! So hard to choose just one so here are a few but, I would say my top is Sun in 11th!
Jupiter in 5th- The fun never ends butttt.... be careful. This relationship will also expand your creativity and I just think that's so poetic.
Sun in 11th house- No matter if your friends or not, this placement can make you have an amazing foundation of friendship. Usually friendship to lovers. I LOVE THIS because you get to know the person before getting involved romantically, and it's usually wierd how you guys got together. This placement can also indicate that you guys accomplish your goals and wishes together! So cute I love it šŸ’—šŸ„ŗšŸ˜Š
Venus in 12th/pisces: Unconditional love, a deep connection. That's all I can say, you'll always love this person and it'll hit you hard like out of no where. Sacrifices are made as well.
I could name a lot more but that would take 4ever!! I love talking about composite!!šŸ˜Š
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lightlycareless Ā· 5 months
I really love your fics. Would it be too much to ask for the naoya nsfw alphabet?
Awww thank you so much šŸ„ŗā¤ļø!! And no! It's not too much :> I might be a bit slow, but I always try my best to deliver šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Enjoy!
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A = AftercareĀ (what theyā€™re like after sex)
Weā€™re talking about a Naoya that is happily married to you, so the first thing that he wants to do is cuddle against you, indulge in some pillow talk, before falling asleep. šŸ„ŗ If you ask him to bring you water though heā€™ll do it; although Naoya is the type of person to have everything ready beforehand cause he ainā€™t running his intimate time with you!!
B = Body partĀ (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partnerā€™s)
His chest: heā€™s really proud of what heā€™s got, you know? Heā€™d be more open to showing off if he didnā€™t have to adhere to his familyā€™s customs. And if he werenā€™t a bit shyā€”his ideal physique has to be Tojiā€™s.
From there, Naoya loves your lips and butt šŸ˜Š depending on his mood of course. If heā€™s feeling rather romantic, heā€™ll always find a way to peck your lips, or straight out make out with you. Naoya will pout if you donā€™t succumb to his wishes, which always works lol.
If heā€™s feeling ratherā€¦ naughty, however, your ass is getting constantly kneaded, pinched, slapped, so on and so forth by him. Like it was some kind of stress toy or somethingā€”you always have to excuse yourself when someone has the misfortune of seeing him. Oof. He gets worse when in public too.
C = CumĀ (anything to do with cum, basically)
Naoya cums a lot. It is what it is. Itā€™s thick, kinda hard to swallow, but boy does it feel good when he finishes inside you. Heā€™s very careful with his diet so it doesnā€™t taste that bad, you know šŸ˜? Also he only expects his cum to finish inside you. No matter if itā€™s your mouth, pussy, ass idc, it has to be somewhere there. If not, your face. Heā€™s not fond of ā€œwastingā€ his seed.
D = Dirty secretĀ (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Yā€™all did it once in Naobitoā€™s bedroom. And if you havenā€™t, itā€™s in the plans. Also, he mightā€™ve jerked off to you while asleep, or not. Guess weā€™ll never know.
E = ExperienceĀ (how experienced are they? do they know what theyā€™re doing?)
Very. He had some flings before you + his trained physique sure offers one hell of a night. Heā€™s the kind of person to fuck you in all positions simply to show off that he can (and because he wants).
F = Favorite positionĀ (this goes without saying)
Anywhere where he can see your ass; his favorite though is when you ride him. He gets to see your face + boobs, wow šŸ˜Š He just loves seeing your body bounce.
G = GoofyĀ (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
The goofy one here is you; heā€™s more of a tease. A relentless tease.
H = HairĀ (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Didnā€™t really groom until he met you; and no, the carpet does not match the drapes. You kind of tease him about it, wonder if heā€™d bleach his pubes to match his hair, to which he justā€¦ well, looks at you as if youā€™ve grown a second head or something.
Ironically, he likes it when you notice when heā€™s trimmed. Lives for the compliments/attention.
I = IntimacyĀ (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can get very, very romantic. Specially during those high where he is about to cum or had just orgasmed; heā€™d chant just how much he loves you and such, as well as promising to give you the whole world if you ask him. ghjhasghagkj
Also, Naoya must be kissing you throughout the whole ordeal; something about it makes him weak on the knees.
J = Jack offĀ (masturbation headcanon)
It depends; sometimes he jacks off daily, a lot, sometimes he can go on days without even thinking about it, but really, he doesnā€™t do it as often now that he has you šŸ˜‰ although he always goes back to it when on missionsā€”where you are more than happy to supply content for him to release stress.
K = KinkĀ (one or more of their kinks)
Anal. Cockwarming. Breeding. Also, I donā€™t know what the word for it is, but sometimes he likes to not care about anything and just lay down while you take control, tell him that heā€™s been working so hard and that he deserves to be rewarded and whatnot. Is it like a praising kink? For sure.
L = LocationĀ (favorite places to do the do)
His bedroom is the safest option. From there, he likes a bit of the thrill of doing it in a public place (or a place where people commonly go) such as the meeting hall, or when visiting your parents lol. that kind of stuff. Please refer to the dirty secret section of this alphabet for an additional answer.
M = MotivationĀ (what turns them on, gets them going)
Just seeing you tbh. But as I stated some time ago, the slightest indication of you being disheveled is enough for him to get it on. Also: Seeing you walk before him. He loves staring at your ass.
N = NoĀ (something they wouldnā€™t do, turn offs)
He aint adding anyone to his nightly activities anytime soon. So, you can forget about any trios or orgies you had in mind. Also, anything heā€™d consider remotely nasty or gruesome.
O = OralĀ (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Naoya loves receiving. Like, heā€™d be thinking with one head and itā€™s not his brain. He didnā€™t know he liked giving until he met you; he really, really enjoys when you straddle his face.
P = PaceĀ (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This man is fast and rough, there is no time for slow and sensualā€¦ unless heā€™s feeling rather romantic, after long days of being away from you ā˜¹
Q = QuickieĀ (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes. A must. If you were to have a mission with him, theyā€™re kind of the norm. If youā€™re watching a movie and a sex scene occurs, or just because he feels like it, you know whatā€™s happening. Heā€™s not particularly fond of it though, he likes to go all the way.
R = RiskĀ (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This is a continuation to the dirty secret section and locations. Also, unprotected sex used to be like a taboo or something. He likes teasing you with the idea of getting pregnant and such. But when you do get pregnant the two are very happy so, is it really a risk?
But yeah, Naoya likes trying out new things, however, youā€™re the one that mostly comes up with the ideas or follows it up.
S = StaminaĀ (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
They can go all night for sure, thanks to his training as a sorcerer. If you donā€™t ask him to stop, I donā€™t think he would.
T = ToysĀ (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
A bit of his ā€œtraditionalā€ aspect comes out here. He doesnā€™t own toys because he believes (knows) he can do better. But his mind changed one time he was away after you sent him a video of your new companion šŸ˜Š
U = UnfairĀ (how much they like to tease)
Very, very unfair. Itā€™s almost unnatural how he does it; sometimes borderline cruel, but itā€™s a good thing that he always makes up for it by making you cum endless times or spoiling you with gifts.
V = VolumeĀ (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Endless commentary whenever the two are doing it; itā€™s like heā€™s narrating the whole thing hahah but itā€™s mostly dirty talk or telling you how much he loves you.
W = Wild cardĀ (a random headcanon for the character)
Naoyaā€™s dream is to one day get back home and you greet him by sucking him off. Telling him how much you missed his cock or such. And wake up like that too. šŸ˜Š
Or that one time you sat on his lap, during a meeting or something, with his cock deep in your pussy. If anyone noticed, no one dared to say a thing. (it was more of a you and Naoya were already doing it and one of his irritating relatives decided to pull a meeting on him out of nowhere, so who's really at fault here??)
X = X-rayĀ (letā€™s see whatā€™s going on under those clothes)
Heā€™s more into the length side of things that girth; but heā€™s still impressive, nonetheless. The sight of him in sweatpants is one youā€™ll never forget.
Y = YearningĀ (how high is their sex drive?)
High. I genuinely believe many thought Naoya would calm down after getting together with you, but nope, he just got worse.
Z = ZzzĀ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Quickly, itā€™s almost cute how heā€™d begin to slur some of his words before eventually falling asleep. In other words, heā€™s immediately knocked out after sex; the two try to not go all crazy before a mission because of that. Ā 
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references to y/n's and naoya's shenangangs are always welcomed haha.
Anyways, hope it was to your liking!! thank you so much for sending in this ask šŸ„ŗā¤ļø take care and hope to see you soon!
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fadingsnow Ā· 11 months
Hello! I hope youā€™re good šŸ˜Š Iā€™m just getting in touch with a Sandman request, I would love to see a piece where Dream joins reader for a swim! This might not be something you want to write, so no worries. Also it doesnā€™t have to be NSFW, but take it anywhere you want! I just think heā€™s got a whole dream ocean, the potential is there šŸŒŠ
SUMMARY AND TW: When you enter the Dreaming, you realize just like the human world, there's oceans as well, so why not go for a swim with the king of Dreams?
A/N: I hope you don't mind I did not add nsfw content, I just didn't know how to really add it in here :)!
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You understood that the Dreaming would forever hold a place deep inside your being, a cherished sanctuary where love and dreams intersected. Or all, since Morpheus is the personification of dreams. And with Morpheus by your side, you would continue to explore the realms of the Sleeping Marches, together, as one. Perhaps he had finally taken you seriously, when you always made jokes about swimming with him in the large ocean that exists within the Dreaming, a vast realm filled with different possibilities. You could hardly think about swimming though at the moment, as you fell asleep, your head hitting the soft pillow with wishes of seeing the Sandman with all his power.
You found yourself standing at the edge of a tranquil ocean, surrounded by an ethereal glow that emanates from the Dreaming. The peaceful waters shimmer in hues of midnight blue, reflecting the stars hanging in the sky above. You take a deep breath, feeling a sense of anticipation tugging at your heart. It was hard to even believe such a thing existed, it was so vast, filled with some unknown mysteries under it. Maybe, you'd just stay only close to the surface.
As you gazed upon the serene scenery, you suddenly became aware of a figure approaching from the distance. With each step, the soft grass beneath their feet seems to whisper with reverence. It is none but Morpheus, the lord of dreams himself.
His dark, flowing hair cascades over his shoulders, as if mimicking the undulating movements of the Dreaming. His eyes, deep and endless, hold a warmth that belies his title as the ruler of the realm. His presence alone fills the air with a serene energy, drawing you closer with each passing moment. He tilts his head at you to give you acknowledgement, a warm expression shown on his face.
Without a word, Morpheus extends his hand towards you, a silent invitation to join him in the depths of his kingdom. You take his hand, the softness of it, feeling an electric spark at the contact. A smile graces Morpheus' lips as he leads you toward the edge of the ocean.
His piercing silver-blue eyes met yours, and in them, you saw a glimmer of rare vulnerability. "Would you care to join me for a swim?" he asked, nervously, as though he hesistated and thought that you would reject his offer.
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you took his hand, feeling the weight of anticipation and exhilaration build within you. As you lowered yourself into the water, a soft warmth enveloped your body, and your senses became keenly aware of every sensation.
Morpheus moved with grace and fluidity as he swam beside you, his obsidian hair dancing upon the water's surface. His presence was magnetic, as if the very essence of dreams and imagination pulsed through his veins. It was as if the Dreaming itself had come alive in his presence.
With each step into the pristine waters, ripples of anticipation dance across your skin. The Dreaming greets you warmly, embracing you as its own. As you wade into waist-high depths, Morpheus guides you further, until the water envelopes both of you.
Together, you begin to swim, the silky touch of the Dreaming's waters caressing your skin. As you move, your synchronized strokes create a symphony of tranquility, a dance between mortal and ethereal, as if the Dreaming itself is responding to your presence.
Morpheus' eyes never leave yours, his gaze filled with an understanding that transcends words. In this intimate moment, the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the depths of the Dreaming alongside him.
At last, the two of you found yourselves floating gently beneath an ethereal waterfall, one that seemed to cascade into infinity. Droplets danced upon your skin like stardust, mingling with the memories of countless dreamers who had passed through this realm.
Morpheus drew closer, his features illuminated by the celestial glow. His eyes searched yours, searching for confirmation, for consent, for a desire that matched his own. And in that moment, with the realization that the Dreaming held a love between you that was boundless and all-encompassing, you gave yourself to him.
With every stroke, you feel a sense of freedom wash over you, a release from the constraints of the waking world. The weight of your worries and burdens vanish, replaced by an inexplicable connection to the infinite possibilities of dreams.
Time seems to lose its meaning as you and Morpheus enjoy this moment of pure intimacy. The water cradles you, its embrace a testament to the boundless love that exists between you. In this surreal landscape, you immerse yourself in the joy of being with Morpheus, knowing that this union transcends the boundaries of reality.
As the moon casts its gentle glow upon your entwined forms, you both emerge from the embrace of the Dreaming's waters. A sense of contentment washes over you, leaving behind memories that will never fade.
Morpheus turns to you, not being able to decipher his thoughts, perhaps that's one of the qualities of being an Endless. He simply walks over to you, and plants a soft kiss on your lips, in which you give back. "I'd take you anywhere throughout the Dreaming to make you joyous." He murmured in your ear, putting little kisses on your neck.
In that moment, you realize that being able to swim in the Dreaming was not just a mere encounter, but an affirmation of the love that blossoms between you and Morpheus. He chose for you to go to the ocean in the Dreaming, because he loves you.
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spaceyaceface Ā· 1 year
Hello! Rumor is you want some Ominis ideas lol
Idk if this is any good, but I've had this idea where after Sebastian killed Solomon, Anne moved to London in with the reader. The reader hears all about the trios adventures together before Anne was cursed and loves hearing about it. When Anne is ready to reconnect with Sebastian, the reader goes with her and chemistry begins to boil there maybe as Sebastian and Anne want privacy to talk, and the reader hounds Ominis for more stories.
Just an idea, you're free to do what you want with it lol
I'd love to see a fem!reader tho šŸ˜Š
Hope you have a great day!
Oh this is very good!! I loved this idea, hopefully this turned out at least a bit like how you pictured it! I really wish we had gotten to see Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis interact in the game---it would have been so much fun!
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
As Anne paced the floor of their London flat, Y/N was reminded how similar she and her twin truly were. She had seen Sebastian pace in the Undercroft many times during her fifth year--now, as the summer before her sixth year drew to a close, she could hardly count the amount of times Anne had done the same.
"Anne, you're going to wear yourself out before they even arrive," Y/N said imploringly. "Come on, sit down."
The brunette sighed, but continued pacing. "I can't help it. Am I sure I'm ready for this?"
"Will you ever be?"
Anne chuckled. "Probably not. I... I have missed them, rather terribly."
Y/N gave a small smile. She had missed her friends, too. Perhaps one especially... but she would see him soon enough. Anne had told her countless tales of their old adventures from before she had been cursed. It had seemed to comfort her to reminisce on the good times---and Y/N, by her part, was absolutely enthralled in the stories she shared.
It was through these stories she learned that Anne had a real knack for picking pockets---"Never to steal or keep anything for my own," Anne had been quick to clarify. "Just to mess with people." And mess with people she had---hiding wands and pocket watches to drive others mad, while she and her companions watched on in amusement. The targets always deserved it, she assured Y/N. Common ones included Leander or Imelda; they'd even managed to hide her broom once, levitating it high above the Quidditch pitch so she had to use one of the rickety school brooms to retrieve it. She'd complained the whole way up and down, threatening every person she saw that if they had any idea who had messed with her broom, they'd better tell her or they'd get a wand up their arse. Somehow, they'd never been found out.
Sebastian, as she had more or less expected, had always pushed the limits. He'd been familiar with the restricted section since his first year, determined to learn every outlawed hex he could get his hands on. When occasion called for it, he'd use them, mostly on older Slytherin students who got on his nerves. He'd usually get away with it, too; that was the power of having an ally like Ominis on their side.
And Ominis---well, Y/N would be lying if she didn't admit that it was any tale involving him that intrigued her the most. Compared to Sebastian, her friendship with the Gaunt boy was slower coming. Because of this, she savored every opportunity to get to know him better, even if just through stories. The image of him slyly breaking rules made her all the more curious about him---of course she knew he was a trouble maker; he just seemed to do it in a sort of style neither Anne nor Sebastian could achieve. Apparently he had a way with nonverbal spells the others hadn't yet ben able to master. With his blindness, he was the image of innocence, able to cast spells left and right without anyone suspecting him. It had led to plenty of lovely stories that Y/N could only dream to witness.
There was one other fact about the boy that she couldn't wait to question him about.
The thought that he would be there soon sent a flutter through her stomach. If she was honest with herself--which she tended to avoid when it came to this topic--she was a bit more fond of Ominis than she probably should have been. There was something different about him, something she didn't feel when Sebastian was around. It frightened her, but excited her all the same. The more she thought about his beautiful eyes, his well-kept hair, his lovely lips---well, maybe she should join Anne in her anxious pacing.
She didn't get the chance. There was a knock on the door, causing Anne to freeze on the spot. Y/N stood from her seat at the kitchen table, moving to answer it. When she opened it, there they stood---Sebastian and Ominis. They were clearly nervous. Sebastian's jaw was clenched hard, and his eyes darted around the room behind her.
Y/N smiled at them, trying to calm them. She opened the door wider, then reached forward to take Sebastian into a hug. "It's so good to see you," she said. The letters she had sent to both the boys had been brief and far in between. She could hardly believe they were here standing before her now. Sebastian returned the hug. She could feel him relax a bit at the warm welcome. Y/N pulled away, then turned to Ominis.
She had to hug him now, didn't she? Not that she didn't want to---quite the opposite, in fact---but they had never---
She forced herself not to think of it and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff for a moment before returning the gesture. He was warm and smelled of fancy soap.
When they pulled away from each other, she found herself missing the contact. But she had other matters to attend. She ushered them both in, closing the door. Sebastian and Anne stared at each other, each unsure of what to do. Then, in a synchronized movement only twins could have, they moved forward to embrace one another. Y/N smiled---that was a good start.
The group shared pleasantries for a moment, but it was clear that the siblings needed to discuss things on their own. Anne lead Sebastian to her bedroom, shooting Y/N a nervous glance. She gave her a reassuring smile in return.
This left Y/N and Ominis alone. Ominis took in a deep breath beside her. "I suppose all we can do now is wait," he said.
"I'm just going to assume it's going well until I hear explosions," Y/N said. Ominis chuckled.
"Sounds fair enough."
She took them over to the kitchen table, both of them taking a seat.
"How's your summer been?" Y/N asked.
"Admittedly, not wonderful," he said. "Sebastian's been... in a bit of state, as I'm sure you can imagine."
Y/N pressed her lips together. "I can. I got as much from his letters. He's lucky to have had you by his side to get through it. Any more mentions of Dark Magic?"
"Thankfully, no. He seems thoroughly dissuaded from that path, having had time to process the results." Y/N was glad to hear it---she had worried about her friend. Ominis continued. "What about you? How has your summer been with Anne?"
"Difficult, at times," she said. "Obviously, she's been grieving, not only her Uncle but Sebastian as well... it's only been recently she's decided that he can't be completely lost." She smiled a bit. "However, I have had my fun in hearing her stories about you three before her curse."
Ominis chuckled. "I hope you don't think any less of us."
"As if I didn't do worse my first year there," Y/N said, grinning. "I actually found most of them very fun--I wish I could have been there. How come you never told me you were so good at nonverbal spells?"
Ominis shrugged. "You never asked."
"Well, you're going to have to teach me," she said. "Oh! And there was one more thing Anne mentioned I wanted to ask you about."
He smiled, intrigued. "And what would that be?"
"Is your puffskein impression as good as she says it is?"
Ominis's face flushed bright red. The reaction made her laugh---it also made her heart beat faster. His cheeks looked rather pretty dusted that shade of pink.
"You---she told you that?" he spluttered, obviously mortified.
"She did, with the utmost respect, too. Said you've probably shortened Duncan Hobhouse's lifespan by a few years from all the frights you gave him," she said through her laughter. "Of all your exploits, that is what I longed to see the most."
"In fairness, Duncan is absolutley dreadful. And a coward," Ominis said.
"So you're confirming it, then? You purr just like a puffskein?"
"I--" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "I suppose I am. But only to torture that good for nothing cowardly prick."
She grinned. "Whatever excuse helps you keep your dignity."
"You know, I didn't come here to find out Anne had given you material to blackmail me."
"I won't use it to blackmail you," she said. "Just to rile you up a bit. You look cute when you're flustered."
Her mouth closed quickly as Ominis lifted his head, smirk appearing on his face.
"Oh, do I?" he said, tone teasing. His face was still flushed, making it even harder for her to come up with a proper response.
"You---um... I---"
"I'll have you know, you sound rather cute when you're flustered," he said quietly, leaning a bit closer to her.
She couldn't have guessed what would have happened next, though she very much would have wanted to know. Unfortunately, the door to Anne's bedroom opened, and Ominis sat straight up in his chair. She couldn't imagine the pair of them looked like anything less than a couple of kids caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. That thought was confirmed when Sebastian narrowed his eyes, looking at them both.
"Are you both alright? You seem a bit flustered," Sebastian said. Ominis let out a small laugh while Y/N buried her face in her hands beside him.
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