#he’s going to be upsetting our edgelords
britcision · 1 year
“You can kill me if you like but that won’t change that I fucked your dad” - Waylen Keidogast, our Caleb Widogast homage but he grew up in a place where “Child Protective Services” fucking means it
The school is still on fire 40 years later
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coffeenonsense · 9 months
guys I'm reading season of mist for the first time and I am LOSING IT at the endless family dynamics already
First of all nobody can convince me Destiny is not the messiest bitch in this or any other plane; sure it's his function but he definitely called the family meeting in a way that would be most interesting for him specifically. He has one book, entertainment options are limited
then you have desire, whom upon experiencing a .3 second lull in conversation immediately unfurled their "dream's biggest mistakes: greatest hits" list they keep with them at all times as is their divine right as a younger sibling
which brings us to our favorite edgelord fucking drama king Dream of the endless storming off and going "everyone else is being so mean! Death, do YOU think me throwing my ex-girlfriend into hell was maybe not cool?" with the air of a teenager who's just been informed it's a dick move to break up over text message
And then death, A FULL TEN THOUSAND YEARS AFTER THE FACT: "I mean yeah we didn't want to bring it up, you seemed upset, but hurling your ex into a dimension of eternal punishment for rejecting you is shall we say not an approved Good Breakup Strategy"
This comic is incredible I love these chaotic unhinged deeply mentally unwell anthropomorphic personifications with my entire soul
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sebastianthemadlad · 5 months
(to be clear this isn't a vent, at the time it made me upset but now I just laugh at how stupid that kid was)
I remember this one time when I was 13 my friend introduced me to his friend, we shall call him D. Me, D and the friend who introduced D to me mainly talked in group chats with each other alongside some other friends, D and me didn't really talk much in the group chats
Of course since at the time I loved Jojos Bizarre Adventure (and I still do) I sent a bunch of Jojos memes and fanart to the group chat because a few other people in there watched Jojos. Apparently D absolutely hated anime, which I didn't really care because people have their preferences of course, he never really commented on any of the jojo stuff I sent to the group nor did he comment on anyone elses
Until ONE DAY one of our friends sent me a text saying "Hey D has been saying some mean things about you outside the group," and I was confused because D was usually the "chill person". They sent me a few screenshots and screen recordings of messages/voice recordings of him saying things about me, my favourite probably being "Oi, *friend* send this voice message to Sebastian. Hello Sebastian, GO FUCK YOURSELF"
Its probably my favourite because he was such a pussy he had his friend send it, instead of just sending it to me directly himself.
What about the other things he was saying? Average edgy 13 year old stuff
So why was this wannabe edgelord angry at me and telling me to fuck myself? Well it was because he hated anime and hated how I always sent Jojo memes to the group chat all the time.
Yeah, this guy really said some horrible things about me just because I liked anime and he didn't. The thing is whenever I sent a jojo meme to the group chat he never said anything like "please don't send anime stuff I don't like anime" because even though thats odd I would've been okay not sending jojo memes and stuff
In fact the only reason I knew he didn't like anime was because his friend told me randomly in a conversation and never mentioned it again afterwards, I always thought "oh so D doesn't like anime as in he's not a fan of watching it, not as in he would say horrible things about someone he knew liked anime"
But nope. And it doesn't end there it gets funnier.
So I went and texted the friend who told me about all the stuff D was saying and said something like "Tell him I'm sorry for sending anime to the group when he doesn't like it but I don't appreciate how he's acting, I have autism and my special interest is Jojos so I often info dump about it because it makes me happy"
If this happened now I would've just blocked D and ignored him, but when I was 13 I was the type of guy who thought that if not everyone liked me it would be the end of the world so I was kind of telling him "hey please don't tell me to fuck myself" while also sucking up to him because I blamed myself for D not telling me to stop sending jojo stuff to the group chat and then getting his friend to send me a voice recording of him telling me to fuck myself
So after the friend told D about my autism and stuff, D pulled out the classic "BuT mY 3 yEaR oLd BrOtHeR hAs AuTiSm AnD hE dOeSnT aCt LiKe ThAt, He DoEsNt oBsEsS oVeR aNiMe AnD sTuFf"
Oh yes because a toddler 10 years younger than me who probably doesn't even know what anime is (unless its like pokemon or something) and probably has a special interest like Thomas the tank engine or Peppa Pig is totally the base of how the average autistic person acts
D was acting as if I said liking anime was a symptom of autism, no I wasn't, I was saying having an extremely special liking to a certain interest (aka a special interest) is a symptom of autism. My special interest is Jojos, but another autistic persons interest could be memes or goth music or zebras or Bendy And The Ink Machine or something like that
Anyways I eventually did what I SHOULD'VE done at first, and that was block the little twerp and I thankfully have not talked to him since, I hope he's a lot more mature now.
The thing that boggles me the most about this whole situation was that I wasn't the only person who sent anime content to the group, there was a friend of mine in the same group who loved Attack On Titan and Death Note, she would send memes about those animes as well as fanart and stuff to the group, yet D never picked on her (as far as I know anyways)
This unfortunately was not the first time that I was yelled at/had mean things said to me for info dumping, it mostly came off as a shocker at the time because most of the people doing that were just horrible from the beginning, but D was just the "chill guy that my friends hung out with and would talk with me in the group chat every once in a while"
If you have autism and someone yells at you and tells you to "fuck yourself" because you simply like talking about your special interest and they for some reason don't like it, its not your fault that there are angry people who are probably jealous that you can find so much happiness and passion in a certain subject or piece of media you watch
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septembersghost · 1 year
Ahh, I noticed that Jack is in a very precarious position. He is close to TS- but his ties (work/personal) with her personal connections JA & MH places him in an awkward position. Already there's a backlash among the fanbases. Yet his choices may have a ripple effect on his fiancee & professional reputation/finances. He has openly admitted to his struggles with anxiety & admits music is his hobby- although it is his profession also. His time is dedicated to music- hopefully not too costly.
this is going to sound extremely cynical, but there's not much need to worry about any of these people's positions in the industry. they're basically untouchable. i don't say this as a positive or a negative, it's more of a neutral fact. sure, there are thousands of comments in reddit threads and in tweets and some blogs here that are (very rightfully) upset, but she's filling stadiums of 70K people at each show and has who knows how many millions of fans. even if 100K people jumped ship forever, it wouldn't put a dent in her power. if a million fans did, it still wouldn't. she has so much money that she's beyond minor waves of impact. the same goes for jack, he's one of the most prolific producers in pop right now, and association hardly counts for anything within the business, considering even far worse actions don't change much. people like dr. l*ke still have lucrative careers despite what happened to kesha, chr*s brown continues to have legions of fans despite multiple incidences of violent abuse, kany* remains highly successful regardless of everything he's said and done. m*tty being an edgelord engaged in bigoted commentary is gross and disturbing to us, but looks minor by comparison to certain other levels of harm (NOT excusing it, NOT saying it's harmless, because it isn't), and would hardly be looked at askance within the business.
i think part of why it's okay to criticize this indeed is the fact that they all have such an enormous platform and amount of power, and part of the disappointment is because they've been upheld as the "good" (even more noble) side of artistry - something they've fed into themselves, but that fanbases should probably entertain less. they'll all be fine. they'll all still sell out shows and rack up album sales. that's why i care about those who are currently affected and hurting, because they're the minority, and the impact is all hitting them instead. and i'm not even telling anyone to unstan, i'm not doing that myself, more...that we should use caution and discernment, remember that they don't know us nor we them. this will likely blow over, they'll break up and life will move on, but the lessons left behind will be about complicity, trust, and how to draw stronger boundaries to protect oneself from being hurt by celebrities who exist in a world of privilege very separate from our own, and don't have to be concerned about repercussions or hold themselves accountable in the way we would do, no matter how much we wish that they had that integrity.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
So I don't know if I will emotionally, mentally or physically make i through episode 8 of Beyond Evil.
This episode has been a fucking EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER that has inflicted emotional damage on me.
Thoughts and spoiler cuts beneath the cut.
Oh my god everything with Kang Jin-muk makes my fucking skin crawl. The close up of him eating the noodles and the dutch angle just made it like 10,000 x more upsetting.
His smug smarmy and the taunting way he keeps trying to upset everyone and Dong-sik in particular. Just…OH MY GOD. Someone kill this man. He needs to die.
They fucking BROKE ME at the crematorium scene. Everything with that. Dong-sik needs a hug desperately. Someone give this man a hug and tell him it's going to be okay. Him torturing himself and imagining how he failed Kang Min-jeoeng in her final moments. The fucking shot of him standing on top of the place she was slowly suffocating to death right underneath him. The cinematography of that entire shot? Just mwah chef-kiss.
That is actual nightmare fuel personified there.
And then little Mr Sunshine Oh Ji-hoon just having a mental breakdown because he’s blaming himself for being there and not knowing she was in danger. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
The emotional damage of this episode.
And then they go and give us unhinged Dong-sik just grinning like an absolute feral madman when he taunts Kang Jin-muk into strangling him? So help me if fanficcers aren’t writing some absolutely FILTHY Dong-sik getting off to breathplay smut I WILL BE SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU.
I also love that Han Ju-won just fucking shut down because he oops caught feelings and can’t handle the fact he was willing to murder a man for daring to touch his little Meow Meow. This man is so emotionally constipated he can’t even.
My mans really needed to take an emotional sabbatical because he caught the fee-fees.
And then this fucking show has the AUDACITY to hand us the fertile AU of rent-boy Ju-won and Donk-sik being his client with Dong-sik AS ALWAYS flirting like crazy with him and asking him what kind of flower boy he would be.
HOW DARE YOU. I also love the entire restaurant scene and Han Ju-won trying to be the edgelord that he is who hates icky things like feelings and friendships. Whilst he is TURNING HIMSELF INSIDE OUT EMOTIONALLY for a dead hooker he used as bait just because he doesn’t want her to lay in a ice box for months on end unloved and unclaimed.
And our king Dong-sik just calling him out on his bullshit as always.
Also? I hate to tell you this boo but YOU are the clingy one in that relationship. You and your mancrush obsessing over Dong-sik which was so strong you moved to a whole new city just to try and ‘catch’ him. Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that, boyo.
And Jeong-je and his awful mother. Please tell me this poor damaged manchild is not still living at home because that sadly would explain a lot about his Peter Pan syndrome and why an adult man is wearing a hideous hair cut like his. Pfffffft He is a poster child for arrested development. And is so emotionally fragile but my mans has a lot of rage in him and I'll be interested to see where his story heads.
But then it has to end with them finding Jae-i’s mother and just…fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all over again.
I am exhausted after every episode of this show. And cannot binge it all at once because it makes me feel too many things
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I’m pretty sure I was like 2 or 3 (maybe younger but not older bc we still lived with my grandma) my dad watched “Banned From TV” with me and also “Faces of Death” which all I remembered was the monkey “death” until I rewatched it in my teens but people think I’m weird for being fascinated with gore/lost and forbidden media and it’s like my brother in Christ I was watching my first mixtapes when y’all were watching Barney my ability to feel healthy levels of shock went out the window before they had a chance to develop. I really do hate the trending back toward long mixtapes because there’s usually something on the mixtape like animal or child content which I find too upsetting or gross filler like scat porn. also there is animal violence material (the crushing of chicks) that I thought was a bad dream when I was little but I’m starting to suspect was something on my fathers mixtapes because apparently he used to collect tapes of shock footage that he would buy on construction sites in NYC and has the VHSs in his gun locker so I guess my gore fascination is another thing I inherited from him but yeah apparently in the early 90s in the shittier part of NYC you used to be able to buy an unmarked VHS with only the knowledge that what it contained was really bad. Also I never got in trouble for watching gore, it was something I did in the open on my family computer growing up (as opposed to reading Hannah Montana erotica and forgetting to clear the search history which got my internet privileges revoked for a few days in middle school) my parents were just like “oh, our goth teenager likes gore, what a quirky little girl” like it was treated as completely not alarming to the point where I just assumed everybody watched gore in private like they watched porn and was shocked to find out that wasn’t the case. Also it’s weird that my family just let me watch it on the communal computer in the middle of the living room where my sisters and shit could also see and they’ve thrown it in my face since that I exposed them to gore growing up and it’s just like y’all I didn’t even realize it was a taboo thing until I hosted a viewing of 3 guys 1 hammer and half my friends avoided me for a week but I’ve grown up with gore and consider it a fairly harmless indulgence especially compared to porn. It was also an important part of me re-mastering the parts of my brain that Happy tree friends shook up (which were the only segments in FUBAR that I remember having to look away from). Idk what the point of this post is other than to say I never really had a chance to develop a healthy sense of shock and early exposure to extreme/adult media has completely fucked up my ability to respond normally to the concept of violence and I really worry for this generation who is growing up with iPads from the time they are old enough to hit a button they are going to get exposed to so much and as much as i front like queen edgelord early exposure to that kind of material seriously damaged me and as far as I’m concerned the glass can’t be Uncracked the damage is done but if u have a child please dear god monitor/limit their internet activity because I grew up in the age of the physical Chinatown mixtape and still saw what I saw kids growing up online are going to see so much so soon if you don’t take active steps to shelter them please protect the next generation from what happened to ours they deserve better
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Ok, this has becoming more and more common recently, both online and offline. It seems everyone wants to spread religious dogmatic bullshit about what Atheists are. So I'm just going to rip apart some of the more common bs myths I've seen/heard floating around.
- Myth: Atheists don't have morals and they just want to sin.
So, sin is when you do something that angers or offends your god. Seeing as Atheists do not believe in your god, or any god, the idea that we just want to offend someone we do not believe exists is just, well, stupid. As for morals, those are the knowledge os what is right vs. what is wrong. We can still figure out morality, we can still look at a shitty act and say to ourselves, 'yeah, that is a very wrong thing to do to another person/humanity'. We simply do not need a holy book or belief in as diety to be able to comprehend the difference between being an asshole and being a better person.
- Myth: Our differences are just ecclesiastical differences.
As per Meriam-Webster, the definition of ecclesiastic is of or relating to a church especially as an established institution. 2 : suitable for use in a church. Atheism is not a denomination of Christianity. We do not believe in your god. There is no Atheist church. Atheism is the opposite of religion. There is no Atheist clergy. There is no Atheist holy book. Atheism is an abscence of religious beliefs. Atheism has no established institution. There is no structure to Atheism. There are no Atheist charities. Atheists donate to whatever charities they want, but there is no Atheist-centric charity. If it's not clear, people do not join Atheism, they stop going to church. Your brand of religion and another religion may have ecclesiastical differences, but we do not.
- Myth: Atheists are so mean and the church didn't do anything to them. Why do they persecute us?
Well, imagine some rando from some other country just barges into your home uninvited one day and demands you follow the laws of his country instead of your own. Then he demands you learn his language so you can understand him, but then tells you that you are not allowed to have any say in anything, so STFU. Then he erases your culture and tells you you must have the same ideas he has or you can be considered evil and depending on how he feels at the moment (angry for no reason), he may or may not put you to death. Massively fucked up, right? Yet religious groups the world over do the same to both other religious groups and Atheists. You overstep and write the country's laws, so that those who follow your religion and those who don't, alike are bound to follow your god's religious edicts, and if we don't, we are punished, whether that's fines, imprisonment, or death. Atheists are persecuting you when they ask you to leave them alone?! Quite the opposite. Gosh, why would Atheists ever be upset? Why would anyone?
- Myth: Atheists blame their sins on god.
As I already explained, sin doesn't really apply to Atheists. Morality does. We don't blame a thing that does not really exist on a diety that doesn't exist. That's just silly. If someone does that, then they are an edgelord, not an Atheist. Likewise, I would not consider anyone who has never heard of the Christian god, Jesus, and the Bible to be a Christian, no matter how much they claim to be Christian. Why? Words have meaning, and certain criteria must be met to lay claim to a religious belief or the lack of a religious belief. If a person does not meet the basic criteria to be what they claim, they are not what they claim. If your friend who was born a girl says they are a boy, cool, as gender and sex are not the same thing. But if someone blames god, which means they believe in god, and claims to be an Atheist, they are lying to you.
- Myth: Atheists hate god.
Again! You can't hate that which does not exist. You can hate that something doesn't exist, such as hating the lack of Universal Health Care in the US, but you cannot hate a person or thing that does not exist. That's your religious blorbo, not mine, and that's a you problem. It's not that Atheists hate god, but more like many Atheists aren't fond of your god's followers making draconian mandates and forcing them to follow those mandates or be punished. There's a difference.
I hope this clears things up at least a little, because I am tired of religious institutions using us as their scapegoats and punching bags. The next time you feel like crying that Atheists are just big bad meanies because they don't have god to guide them, ask yourself if maybe, just maybe you were being the asshole first and they are simply reacting in the only way that really seems to catch your attention and cause you to listen to them at all.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Call me the flash because of how fast I’m asking this! XD
Anyways, how do you think the boys would all react to a MC who HATES Valentines Day because their former boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other dumped them on Valentine’s Day?
Damn we got a speedster over here! Someone call the justice League, you're missing a super XD
As someone who just generally dislikes valentine's I feel like this will go very well~ though seeing as alot of my prompts are the boys and them are already in a relationship - I decided to add abit of ✨ oof✨ to this prompt
Not a big Valentine times day fan either
Ever since the Devildom was introduced to the holiday he wasn't a fan
There was no such thing as love in the air
But then you came into his house; he still finds it stupid and doesn't get the hype but having you around makes me him wonder if he should do something
When he found out you hated valentine's Day he felt relieved
But because it was because of a past lover???
He sees this as a challenge; you really think he's going to just brush this off?
When valentine comes you are greeted to roses, chocolates, wine and a fully prepared meal for you two
"Is this fitting enough for the holiday? I heard people tend to go overboard these days."
"You know I didn't want to celebrate today-"
You frowned, slowly coming to sit with him at his desk which has been turned into a makeshift table with cloth covering it
"And let some mortal spoil such an occasion even with your present partner? Think of this as your first steps of Getting over them."
"I'm mortal, Lucifer, don't say it like it's something insulting."
He jabbed his fork at you, raising a brow
"You're avoiding my point, don't you wish to move on?"
"I- of course....I'm happy with you."
"Then dig in, I made it myself."
You huffed, digging In but soon found yourself wrapped up in how delicious it was
He raised his wine glass to you, silently gesturing for you to do the same
"To a new meaning to valentine's."
You hesitated but repeated his words
Your glasses clinked and that was the first sign of your relationship becoming stronger
Active lover of the holiday and celebrates every year - couples want gifts and he can get money aswell as the fact he's a romantic
So when he found out you hated valentine's; he had to change that even when he found out why - that reason just made him annoyed that you were still hating on the holiday
"yo! Yo! Yo! Guess who just got money~ this guy so that means I'm treating ya!"
"oh? How comes?"
"It's valentine's! And you're the person I'm spending it with!"
"you know I hate it-"
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks
"And I'm going to make you stop hating it, was that ex of yours really so important you don't wanna spend valentine's with me?"
"It's complicated, I just really hate it now, it's attached to bad memories-"
"then let's change that! Make some good memories so you can stop being a grump on the day of love."
He grabbed your hands, giving you puppy eyes
You were utterly helpless to them and let him take you out
He stole a heart balloon and tied it to your wrist, doing your initials on it in Sharpie with a 'x' between them
He did definitely treat you; buying you chocolates, a teddy bear, the two of you matching keychains and many other items
You let yourself be happy as he got excited, dragging you around to every shop either of you looked at, wanting to get more matching stuff
He definitely made your valentine's a positive one
Hated it
His reason was because he was always alone for them, never getting anything and ending up never giving anyone anything because he believes they'll hate it
He felt Insecure that you seemed to still be attached to the breakup of your ex
Fearing that you could be missing them
You both spent valentine's as a couple but mocking and booing at others
At one point you threw Chocolates you didn't like at a overly touchy demon couples from a window
"Do you still think about them....?"
"Your ex, you're not over your breakup with them and we've been spending Valentines being bitter."
"I thought you enjoyed being bitter about it."
"I do but could you answer my questions, please - I know I'm not much and I'm sure they were so much better than me but maybe we could spend a little bit of valentine's together as you know....a celebrating coup-couple."
He was completely blushing, hiding his face behind his arm hoping his rambling didn't completely ruin your feelings towards him
"If you really want to, I don't have any feelings for my ex and it's just that reflection that sticks with me but, I wanna try if it'll make you feel more secure."
You guys ended up watching 'normie' movies, cuddled in his bathtub bed eating what was left your chocolates
You kissed his jaw and he immediately stopped functioning
You smiled, holding him closer
Perhaps valentine's can be a good time
Casual valentine's man
Doesn't really care for the holiday and only has spent it with his brothers
He's use to just giving his brothers a small gift and never have a partner to spend it with
But things were different now and sadly, you hated the holiday
He respected your reason why but he felt worried that you were fully over your ex as you still let the holiday be ruined for you
He got you a small gift like he does his brother's
Wanting you to be apart of it but not doing anything big
"happy valentine's, I know you don't celebrate it but I thought you'd like the gift anyway."
"Satan....I didn't get you anything- Let's go out then, I'll treat you."
"I'll consider it a valentine's date."
Whilst he normally had a 'meh' feeling to it, he wanted to spend his first valentine's with you on a date
He just wants the experience and can say he's spend it with you
Even if it was a one time thing
"really Satan?"
"Let's spend this one together and be happy, next year we can go destory things and let out our anger towards the world."
That won you over, you agreed
You took him on a date
You both tried to ignore all the decorations everywhere but that was pretty hard, got lunch together and even walked around to see the new sights
You ended up in the park, staring to the horizon with confetti on your backs and Satan with a party hat
It was forced on him whilst you guys were out but he never got rid of it
"I liked today, maybe after we destory things we can go on another date next year?"
He LOVES love!
Nothing brings him more joy than valentine's
Aphrodisiacs are being sold EVERYWHERE
When he found you out hated it he was so upset, he wanted to spend it with you! His usual valentine's crew was nothing compared to you!
And you hated it because of an ex dumping you?!
"Noooooooo! (Y/N) don't let them ruin this for you, please, let's go on a cute picnic or even just stay in room if you don't want to go outside-"
If anyone saw asmo hugging your leg whilst you trudged down the halls, they definitely didn't say anything
"Let me spend today how I want!"
"what? Eat ice cream and get grumpy over someone you're not dating anymore?"
You frowned, knowing he was right
"why not spend it with your gorgeous boyfriend instead? Don't I shine up on your day?"
He had those Puppy eyes again
You finally stopped trying to get away from him, crouching down and cupping his face
"will you let go of my leg if I say yes?"
He nodded
As soon as he stood up you helped him straighten up his clothes, fixing his hair for him
"I'm sorry for dragging you around the house, I know I shouldn't be moping but it just really hurt."
"I know, darling but let's get through this together, we'll do whatever you want."
He was being honest; you were in charge of the whole day
You stayed in his room, having a romantic bath and then ate your feelings
After that you both went out and enjoyed dinner
Life really was happier with him; you decided you'll be doing with him more often
Mainly focuses on family valentine's
Has had to play a few sports game on the holiday and every player got a kiss and gift from a cheerleader
He liked the thought and always liked it when he was given food
But he wasn't interested in any of them
Or really the holiday itself, he always wants to share his love for the people around him
Why wait until some holiday to do it?
But when he finds out you hate valentine's and it's because of your ex
He considered fighting your ex
Doesn't want to force you to celebrate with him but wants to be able to do stuff with you
"Wanna go out to eat? They have valentine's day deals."
"i don't really feel like taking any part of it."
"I want to spend today with you and don't like seeing you being upset over the past."
"You just want to eat? No surprise dates or big deal about today?"
"no, just want to hang out with you."
He immediately took your hand, taking you to the restaurant he saw online
On the way we got you a magic rose
Handing it over for you to wear
But other than that he stuck to his word,just having eating out with you and didn't even talk about the holiday
You smiled but apart of you did feel bad you were going to stop something like this from having because of your ex
You felt the rose, looking up at him
"Want to take a couple's picture? They're doing it for couples celebrating today."
"we don't have to, you don't like today."
But you insisted, letting him pick you up for the picture and kissed his cheek
You were able to get the picture in different sizes and he put the small one in his wallet
From then on you planned to keep spending Valentines with beel
Absolutely disgusted by it
Will always tell anyone how much he hates it
But on the other hand, he watches romcoms and yells at the TV for the chatacters not understanding they love each other every valentine's
He's just trying to keep up his edgelord persona, okay
When he learned you hated valentine's he was happy
Means he didn't have to do anything
But it's because of your ex?? He's now going to be romantic as FUCK
You enter the attic expecting to find a chill place to rest but instead there are rose petals everywhere and belphie laying waiting for you
You expected something like this from asmo but you couldn't deny seeing your boyfriend try to be romantic whilst half asleep was pretty cute
"I have romcoms and violent horror movies, pick your flavour."
"what's with all this? You know my feelings about Valentine's."
"I'm not going to let some pathetic ex ruin this valentine's for us, so I'm romancing you - is it working?"
"I'm picking the horror movie."
You put the dvd in ignoring him
"That doesn't change the mood for me."
You should of known
You cuddled and watched as people got ripped open and blood went flying
Belphie wiggling his eyebrows at you whenever an couple came on
You just shoved his face laughing
You forgot your bitter feelings and looked down at your now asleep boyfriend
"thanks for today, maybe you can try again next year."
Thrilled by it all!
It's so heart warming to see love be so celebrated
Demons were always so violent and everything had to be edgy - he was tired of it
Was disappointed you hated it, he already had plans for the both of you
But after finding out the reason - it seems all his scheduling was back and the gifts became more grand
"Trust me, I'll change your mind on Valentines! We're together now and I want to treat you to a date."
"but why? I don't wanna take part-"
"We are going to get through your heartbreak together! I know things can still sting even when you feel over it, so let's just try."
You thought it over, nodding
He just grinned, taking you by the shoulder and led you to the royal carriage
You struggled to sit down when it was filled with gifts and flowers
They all had your name on them and immediately blushed
You should of known he'd go all out
He took you to see the Devildom at night, where all the lights covered the streets like stars
He set up a picnic in the park and you both ended up dancing in the water fountain
"I really enjoyed today, thank you."
He kissed your cheek, telling you not to worry
Isn't a fan of all the decorating and cleaning up that'll be involved when the day is over
But he gets time off to de-stress and that's always a plus
He was thankful you weren't a fan of Valentines but your ex? He might have to write them out of timelines
Understood you just had a sting from it all and was use to feeling that way
Was surprised when you were one to actually make the first move on Valentines
"I wanted to give you this, I don't want to celebrate but I thought this could be nice?"
It was a pocket watch with a hidden compartment, it had a picture of you and him
Good thing he also got you something; a locket with the same picture you have him
Was it an accident? On purpose? He'll never tell, he just knows it's your favourite picture of you two
"I see, then we won't celebrate it but I'm sure you would still be willing to accompany me in the gardens?"
Takes you on a boat ride across the lake even better as it's sunset and the water looks immaculate
Cooks you both dinner and you just spend the day as if it was any other
"I like spending Valentines with you."
"I would hope so or I would fail as your boyfriend."
"I wanna spend the next one with you properly."
"As you wish, I'll be sure to make it the best one you've ever experienced."
Forgets holidays
Always likes bringing up history facts about any holiday as he's seen them all evolve from one part of history to modern day
Pretends to not know how to celebrate it so people will try to explain it to him and end up not really knowing why they celebrate things
You hate Valentines? Doesn't care but it's because of your ex? That he doesn't get
"So you're still hurting from your past relationship that you don't want to spend valentine's with your boyfriend?"
"when you say it like that it sounds really bad."
"I'm not really up for celebrating so it makes no difference to me but I'm not sure I can accept you still letting them upset."
You sighted, knowing he was going to make up some sort of plan or trick
But instead he just kissed your hand
"let's go to the human world, I heard there's a traveling fairground."
You agreed to go, both of you making it there in seconds and of course everything was heart themed
You couldn't escape the love
It was actually really fun! There were bouncy castles, a Ferris wheel and lots of food stands
You were definitely willing to celebrate again if it was going to be like this
A day of love? It's Charming
Finds it amusing how people can much such a big deal out of it all
Though he thinks you should always be expressive of how much you love the people around you
So you hating it was an opposite to him but he was respectful
Knowing it was because of your ex made him displeased
Whilst very understanding, wanted to atleast improve your opinion on the holiday so you didn't associate it with them anymore
"Let's just do one couples related thing today then we can do whatever you please."
"but why? I should be allowed to dislike what I dislike."
"you're absolutely right but you're letting an ex ruin a whole day for you, don't you want to spend it with me?"
"of course I do! I'm just unsure."
He smiled, grasping your hands
"that's fine, we won't do anything big, just a fun date and then you're free to do as you please."
He was right, you didn't do anything big
Just went to a pottery class and you made all sorts of clay creations together
It was peaceful and there was no Valentines being forced down on you
You giggled when he showed you the clay heart he made
"we should make this our thing, valentine's we do things like this together."
He agreed, happy to make Valentines whatever you wanted it to be
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
The guy from the foodcourt
So @reddstardust made a few really cool doodles. And one made me want to write this. So show them some love as well! Enjoy!
This is part of this bigger story, first chapter here
Nico groaned in frustration and banged his head on the desk.
There were piles of discarded notes around him. Why was this so hard?
“Okay so change of medium didn’t help,” Félix relented. Nico could hear his creativity was getting frustrated as well, though he was trying to stay positive for his sake.
“All it did was desecrate some poor tree’s memory,” Alejo pointed out in dismay.
“I’ll recycle the paper,” Nico sighed. What to do?
“It’s cramped in here. And too dark,” Alejo complained trying in vain to get comfortable on the windowsill since there was literally nowhere else for him to sit.
He had a point. The window didn’t exactly let in a lot of light and the lightbulb wasn’t helping that much.
“That’s it! A change of scenery! Brilliant idea!” Félix grinned at his opposite/partner in crime.
“Hm… I don’t know about brilliant, but it’s okay,” the darker facet agreed.
Nico nodded. Maybe he could go to the mall…
“Who knows! The people passing by might yield inspiration!” Félix pointed out eagerly.
“But we gotta focus. No side trips, no distractions. We get there, we get inspired, we write the song and we’re out. No shopping. This song has to be done by the end of the week or Diego is going to get mad at me for not keeping you two in check!”
Alejo always turned just a bit darker and scarier when he drew a line in the sand.
Félix put a hand on his heart and raised his other, palm facing Alejo.
“I swear on my spectacular spectacles, my tense friend. No unneeded distractions.”
“By Aphrodite’s hairbrush!” Félix exclaimed, his star shaped frames shifting to hearts.
“Just look!”
Nico had just sat down and looked up under ‘mild’ encouragement from his creativity, who also covered his hormones. Well his desire for romance and other… Well desires in general. Success, love, happiness. All that stuff.
Right now his attention, and therefore Nico’s, was drawn by a handsome stranger ordering food at one of the shops in the food court.
“Just look at him! He’s so cute!” Félix gushed. And Nico couldn’t disagree. He was very handsome.
He also looked rather tired.
“We don’t have time for this. Besides he doesn’t look in the mood to be bothered anyway,” Alejo argued, though Nico could hear a bit of doubt. The guy was really cute.
“Maybe bothering him will get him in a better mood? Let’s take a chance, what do you say?”
“We don’t even know if he’s gay!”
Félix clapped in delight right as Alejo groaned at his accidental rhyme.
“No distractions, you promised!” his inner edgelord insisted as the man sat himself down at a table and Nico went back to his blank screen.
“But love!” Félix whined. “Can’t that be the only exception?”
“Not when we have people waiting for a new song! Maybe if we get at least an idea down, then we can think of talking to the guy. If we can find a non-creepy reason to do so.”
Félix groaned but relented his frames going back to star shaped.
“Very well! Brainstorming time!”
Nico wrote down at least a hundred beginnings of ideas already, but most seemed to be at least somewhat related to the cute guy sitting a few tables away.
“Come on royal pain! You are killing me here!”
“Maybe if I could just chance a glance at him? He might be our muse!” Félix pleaded.
“That makes no sense.”
Before the argument could escalate Nico’s food arrived.
He was honestly relieved. He could put the laptop away for a bit and just let his thoughts go free for a moment. Hopefully not drifting towards…
From the corner of his eye he could see the guy get up. Welp that didn’t take long.
“He’s coming over!” Felix declared triumphantly.
“You don’t know that! Don’t get Nico’s hopes up!”
Nico tried to focus on his food, but it was impossible not to sneak a peek as the guy passed by. Oh, he did not mind that view either. “Look away before he sees!” Alejo hissed.
“He looks so fine!”
“He could still be a jerk. Or already dating someone. Or straight!”
“Oh come on Misery Business. There is nothing straight about that guy. My gaydar is on point and he is 99% gay. And if he had a boyfriend, he would be here with him. Or he’d at least be in a better mood,” Félix argued.
“One, you do not have me convinced gaydar is a real thing. Two, there are a ton of situations where he could have a boyfriend while also being here alone and in a bad mood. Having a relationship does not join you at the other person’s hip and it does not get rid of all the bad things in life.”
Alejo had a point there…
“And again, we should try to work on the song!” Another good point.
“Please, my dearest Paramour. One more look.”
Alejo sighed. “Fine! Just one.”
And so Nico looked up and…
“Oh god! Eye contact he caught you!”
“He’s looking back! Maybe he wants you to be looking at him!?”
“Is he looking at us? Maybe there is something behind us?”
Nico looked back, he couldn’t see anything much of note. But when he looked back at the stranger he was no longer looking at him. It was like he never even really noticed him sitting there.
“By the frozen head of Disney!” Félix exclaimed. He was clearly upset. He only made morbid Disney references when he got really down.
Alejo sighed a little relieved, but put a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. “It’s fine. Let’s finish our meal and maybe we can come up with a song idea? Then after we can try and talk to him?”
“Would you really?” Nico thought it was awesome that his creativity and his anxiety got along so well. They looked out for one another. And pulled pranks on him and his other facets. They were a terrifyingly efficient team.
“Of course. Now what do you say?”
Félix nodded. “Let’s focus.”
And Nico got into the zone. The whole mall seemed to disappear around him except for the food in front of him. He knew he wanted to make something about mental health. He just didn’t know what aspect of it yet.
Then suddenly he heard a loud crashing sound nearby.
He looked up and could only just see a figure in an upturned trashcan.
Poor soul.
“Same,” Alejo smirked as he returned their attention to their work.
But that… Was actually not a bad idea.
“It’s a metaphor for life!” Félix gushed!
“Like how not dealing with an issue head on can cause it to pile up and before you know it bam! Disaster.”
“Are you trying to say something about…”
“Order 96!? Anyone?” Nico’s head snapped to the food stand and then over to the table where the mystery guy had sat earlier.
“Noooo!” Nico shared the musician’s sentiment. The handsome stranger was gone.
“He left without his food?” Alejo frowned. Nico got up and approached the table, indeed, the number 96 was sitting there abandoned and forgotten. He’d missed his chance. Now he’d never know.
“Would bringing him his food be an acceptable excuse to talk to him?” Félix asked desperately.
“Um… Yeah, sure. That’s probably the only reason we can justify chasing him down,” Alejo nodded nervously.
So Nico claimed the food and started walking around hoping to spot.
“Adonis at 8 o’clock!”
Nico’s head snapped in the direction Félix had pointed out and there he was, looking like the day had somehow gotten worse since Nico first noticed him.
Should he…?
Félix looked pleadingly at Alejo who sighed. “Well? Are you waiting for a written invitation or what?”
At that Nico immediately ran up to the guy. “Uh, Hey!” he called out still not sure what he was going to say.
When he came to a stop in front of him he realized that first and foremost he needed to catch his breath. It took him a second, but when he did he righted himself and gave the guy his best smile.
“There you are,” he sighed in relief. “I was afraid you’d left.” And that would’ve blown.
“You almost forgot your food…”
“He’s even cuter up close,” Félix sighed dreamily.
“He’s staring at us like we have two heads. This was a bad idea,” Alejo cringed.
He was staring at him kind of funny. Come on something to talk about… He really whished the guy was wearing a bracelet or anything of note to start a conversation about other than a bag of boiled carrots. And his sad look from earlier.
“Brilliant! Ask about that! Show how caring you are.”
“Well… We don’t have anything better so…”
“You looked really upset so I figured it might be some kind of comfort food or something. You mind kind of telling me about that?”
Nothing happened. Still staring strangely spooked at him. “Abort mission. I’m sorry Félix but this is not going to end well if we keep pushing!” Alejo rushed.
“Oh, very well. Goodbye handsome stranger,” Félix allowed reluctantly.
“It’s okay!” Nico rushed shoving the bag of food towards the stranger before he could do something to embarrass himself more. “Uh, it’s probably a bit too nosy for me to ask anyway.”
“Uh… Yeah!” The stranger replied, god why did even his voice have to sound so pleasant? And that while he was clearly 100% uncomfortable talking to him.
“Super nosy!! What’s wrong with you…man?” Nico would take offence, but he could see that the stranger was desperate to get out of the situation as fast as possible.
“We made him feel worse,” Alejo sighed guiltily.
“We didn’t mean to!” Félix argued.
“Does the intention matter? Look at him?”
“Ahhh, yeah… sorry about that. Have a good night.”
And so Nico turned around and walked away a little disappointed.
Neither Alejo nor Félix had much to say now, just allowing Nico to feel for a minute. And then he heard shoes squeaking and a voice behind him. “Uh…”
He looked around. The stranger. “Did he change his mind?!” Félix squealed.
“Maybe he just realized he was kind of rude and wanted to say sorry?” Alejo reasoned.
“Hey,” he greeted the stranger expectantly. He still looked really tense.
But now he was at least smiling. And it was a real cute smile.
“Hey…” he waved before showing him the bag of carrots. “Do you want this food? I… don’t.”
“What?” Félix and Alejo chorused confused and Nico couldn’t help but laugh.
“Then why did you buy it?” he asked.
The stranger looked away nervously and rubbed at the back of his head as he stammered trough his reply. Sending Félix into a squealing frenzy. The words cute and precious and all kinds of variations could be heard.
“Oh y-…pah-uh…Well it’s probably… you know, maybe because I was trying to see your backpack…”
Nico blinked confused as Alejo was trying to figure out what was so special about it. “Just ask him!” he eventually hissed as the uncertainty got to him.
“Wh-uh, my backpack?”
The stranger was still avoiding his eyes most of the time, a slight blush showing up on his cheeks.
“Yeah… I-I wanted to see if you had any… pride pins…”
Nico could only half follow the strangers explanation about not wanting to bother him because Félix was screaming and Alejo was screaming.
“Gay! He’s so definitely gay!”
“He wanted to know… He is interested!?”
“Oh gods, oh gods, this is amazing! He is so wonderful and earnest and just look at him he’s so worried he’s being weird! Just aaaah!”
“Which would’ve been amazing because I think you are really… cute.”
And then everything went quiet. Cute… He thinks I am cute…
“Don’t just stand there say something!”
“Oh… my… gosh…”
“Not that!”
“You should’ve just said ‘hi’!”
And the shy hopeful smile he got was just the most beautiful thing in existence.
“Oh-oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I had writers block anyway.”
Alejo gave Félix a playful shove at that.
“Oh! Uh… w-what were you trying to write? Uh, Misterrrr…?”
“Shut up, stop being adorable, my heart cannot take it!” Félix gushed.
Nico laughed. “Mr. Flores. Very formal of you! Uh… You can call me Nico if you’d like.”
The man laughed back, still a little tense but much more at ease than earlier.
“Mr. Sanders! But you can call me Thomas.”
“Thomas,” Félix repeated with a sigh, clearly halfway a plan to write an entire song just around the name alone somehow.
“To answer your question. I was attempting to write a song,” he explained as he led them both to the nearest table. He was planning on staying for quite a bit longer.
“Oh! I like… songs.” Nico smiled a little to himself, he wasn’t looking at him but he could already discern the little mental ‘are you kidding me?’ Thomas was thinking to himself at that answer. Nico, or more specifically Félix, had a suspicion of what he meant.
“He’s an artist too!!!” the master writer exclaimed.
“We don’t know that,” Alejo insisted.
“What’s yours about?”
Ah if only he knew the answer to that. “Uh… I don’t know yet. I- I think I like the idea of someone’s life…” No not quite. “or an aspect of their life feeling like… a trash bin.” Thomas’ face at that wasn’t encouraging, but he wasn’t finished explaining yet so the idea wasn’t a complete loss yet.
“And- and the waste keeps piling… and piling up… until it inevitably… spills out… into the rest of their life.” He smiled at Thomas expectantly, hoping he’d like the idea at least a little.
His face became deadpan though and just as Nico started to worry…
“You saw me knock over that trash can didn’t you?”
Oh, my… “That was you!?”
“We could’ve been his hero?” Félix whined.
“He would not have liked us seeing him like that. Imagine if it were the other way around?”
Félix shivered and nodded in understanding.
As it was the realization that Nico didn’t have a clue until now, and he’d had outed himself as ‘the trash man’ was clearly embarrassing enough on it’s own.
“OH- gosh… yes. Dang it!” he confessed as he hid his face behind his hands.
“Are you okay?” Nico asked earnestly though he couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice or face.
Thomas was laughing as well. “Nothing but a bruised ego,” he assured him.
Félix huffed. Nico knew that to him a bruised ego was a serious condition that should not be glossed over. But Nico kind of liked that Thomas was able to laugh at the situation already.
“Sorry if my song explanation… uh, hit a little too close to home.”
Thomas’ earnest smile melted his heart.
“No, it’s fine. It’s true! I do tend to… waste a lot of opportunities in my life.”
“Was that a pun?” Nico’s facets asked shocked.
“Well,” he smiled as he took the bag of carrots. “Let’s not waste this one,” he suggested.
Next chapter
Nico’s head and heart were buzzing with excitement the whole rest of the day when he came home he threw himself on the couch. 
“AAAAAAAH!” Félix and Alejo screamed in jubilation.
“An actor and a singer?” Félix gushed.
“And he has good taste in music and in movies,” Alejo pointed out.
“He did a tour with his own musical! Is he even real?”
“How was he so modest about it?”
“Would it be okay to look him up?” the boisterous facet wondered, phone already in hand.
“Well, he said it was fine if we did… but maybe not right away?” the usually restrained man was vibrating with a mix of happy and scared nerves.
“I need a minute…” Nico sighed dreamily.
“Oh. Of course. We’ll be right here when you need us,” Félix assured him as he and Alejo retreated to the mind to tell the others all the details they might’ve missed.
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tetrakys · 3 years
Tumblr media
Moonlight Lovers - Ethan Chapter 4, Total AP 5,020
The chapter starts with a meeting with all the vampires in the kitchen, they talk about the new murder and discuss what to do, in the end they disagree as usual, even about the fact that Ethan wants us to see the body to understand what the world of the night really is while the others don’t want us to leave the mansion. Then the also disagree on the best course of action so Ethan storms out of the room. We can either stay and listen to more useless banter or join him in the parlour for an angsty chit-chat about how we all are born alone and die alone, and that everyone should think for themselves (I like to refer to Ethan as an edgelord).
After that, Beliath informs us that he is organising a party for the following night and that he has picked up some clothes for us. He also asks us to tell Ethan, and when we do Ethan invites us to go to the party together and meet in the bathroom first so that he can feed.
We pick our dress (the black one, the illu seems only to depend on the dress this time), while the following night we get ready someone knocks on our door, it’s Raphael who invites us to go to the party with him. Now we have three choices: A) go to the party with Raphael, B) go to the party alone, C) go to the party with Ethan. The fist two choices make Ethan angry (the first one the most), with the last one we meet him in the bathroom but he decides not to feed, with the correct choice we even infer that he is actually doing it for our well being.
Once we are at the party, we can either talk to Raphael, Beliath or Ethan according to the previous mentioned choice, we open our eyes to see what this party really is about, a way for the vampires to feed and that the guests are not willing participants. This upsets Eloise and she runs leaves. Here there are two branches:
She can either go to the garden, where she has an angsty conversation with Ethan where he talks about depression, suicide and also a bit of personal lore about his late father’s illness, or we go to the living room where we have a short conversation with Ethan but then Eloise starts feeling attracted to him (it’s a choice) and they start dancing sensually.
Both scenes are interrupted by a scream, a new body has been found and Ethan takes us by the hand to see what happened (illustration), then we are sent to our room while the vampires look for the killer.
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queenofbaws · 3 years
What’s your favorite bad movie and do you have a list of bad movies you recommend?
look, i am but a basic bitch at the end of the day, so i do have to admit it’s very, VERY hard to beat the room for me - i think there’s so much going on with the room that nothing will EVER really surpass it for me, BUT in terms of others............
-repo! the genetic opera: i cannot stress how much i love this movie. is it what you might call “good?” that’s up for debate. i think so, but i unironically enjoy still being a 2009-era edgelord in this the year 2021, so take what i say with a grain of salt. i own the soundtrack. yes i can sing all the parts on my own. love this film.
-samurai cop: this is a personal favorites of mine and my friends - to the point that we have LITERALLY made it our duty to force all of our friends to watch it. we’ve turned it into the ring: in order to purge ourselves of the dark knowledge we obtained by watching this film (namely that katana means japanese sword), we must pass it on to as many others as possible. there is LITERALLY no way for me to describe this movie other than to say he’s a samurai. he’s a cop. he wears a speedo. it’s samurai cop.
-birdemic: shock and terror: ah. yes. true cinema at its finest. this is a movie that you HAVE to watch with other people, much like the room. watching it by yourself is, i have to imagine, a form of torture. the cgi birds? *chefs kiss* the needless romantic subplot? *chefs kiss* the weird old hippie who lives in the woods? *chefs kiss*
-rubber: a telepathic car tire goes on a murderous rampage. do you need me to say more? okay, it also falls in love with a woman. there. you’ve made me say it. my friends and i watched this whole movie with our mouths hanging open and our eyeballs bulging out of our heads. it’s something to be experienced.
-manos: the hands of fate: i’mma be real with you guys. i’ve watched this movie like three times and i’m still not sure i can sum it up in an effective manner. a family on vacation accidentally stumbles across a...cult? a cult that’s really just sort of...mostly one dude? it’s...it’s debateably a movie.
-the last vampire on earth: okay, my vtm group and i watched this baby last night and it is. ROUGH. we laughed...so hard. but we also spent a very good amount of time going “WHAT?! WHY?!” you can only understand what the actors are saying like 30% of the time. a girl decides her weird bf is a vampire after he tells her his entire family is dead, and that’s like...apparently all it takes. a man named wayne illegally sells GALLON JUGS of blood out of his suv in plain daylight. it changed us. not for the better.
-deep blue sea: i have probably watched this masterpiece upwards of 10 times. it artfully combines the shark panic jaws instilled in all of us with the shlock of action movies, acting on par with the scary movie series, and some pretty terrible cgi to just create...art. a shark is set on fire. in water. the ending credits have an ll cool j song playing over it. one of the lyrics is “deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark’s fin.” truly something to behold.
-a talking cat?!: it uses ‘?!’ in the actual title. that tells you literally everything you need to know. even the movie is incredulous that it exists.
an important note i’ll tack on here at the end though: these movies are, uh, QUESTIONABLE for a lot of reasons, so if you’re interested in watching any of them, i do REALLY need to say hey, be sure to check doesthedogdie.com or another trigger warning site, just because like...woof. example, repo! is UNBELIEVABLY gorey, there’s a LOT of questionable shit going on in samurai cop...just as with any other movie, if there are topics that you know are going to upset you, don’t go into them blind! they’re BAD movies for a reason, after all. be safe!!!
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
I wrote this story because I was in the mood. This story is kind of, kind of based off of SonamySister567′s oneshot on Wattpad, which is in a series of oneshots called Random Oneshot Collection.
Today was Amy’s birthday. She had sent texts to her friends.
No one had come.
No one replied.
Maybe they were busy? Lmao no.
The app said that they had seen the message. If so, why didn’t they respond?
Who cares? She already faces enough from that stupid blue hedgehog. Ever since that night, he had avoided her. Every single fucking time he saw her, he ran off, as if she went back to chasing him. 
She doesn’t do that anymore. She won’t cry. She couldn’t seem to. What’s the use of crying, if it won’t solve anything? 
Her friends tried to comfort her, but she would not tell them what Sonic had done. What he had left in her. Not just a broken heart, but something else as well...
She needed air. 
She changed into a plain black top and and black leggings, and a denim jacket on top of that. She let her long back-length quills out, and put on gold hoop earrings. She opened her garage, and pulled a black cover off of something. Something magnificent. Something she had gotten on her birthday last year. Something that could be used to escape from reality.
A red motorcycle. 
She got on and drove her worries away. She knew it would catch up to her, but she had to keep on going. She wasn’t going to run away, she didn’t want to leave oh-so-suddenly. She felt the wind in her hair, and the sensation it gave her made her wish she had more time to do these kinds of things.
She heard a ‘zip’ pass on her left. She didn’t need to turn to know that it was that asshole. Nevertheless, she kept on riding.
She knew he saw her, and she knew that he slowed down to look at her. 
     “Hey, Ames!” He dares to say her pet-name. Say it like nothing had happened. Something he called her before that night. She wanted to jump off the motorcycle and pounce into his arms.
She wouldn’t.
Besides, a little part of her enjoyed avoiding her.
Let’s see if he’ll resort to begging.
She goes faster, knowing he’ll catch up. He does, in fact. She continues looking forward.
She wants peace and quiet, that blue pest just can’t seem to understand! She always gave him his space, why can’t he just do the same?
She sped up some more, and he did the same, knowing that a speed like this wasn’t even hard to catch up to in his case.
     “Ames?” He said. “Why aren’t you talking?” 
Did she have to respond?
Was she going to?
She did a donut with the bike and went to max speed, circling around the blue blur, who was confused as to what she was doing. Before he could blink, she was out of sight. She had tricked him. 
She actually managed to trick the so-called “Hero of Mobius.”
She kept on going. She wasn’t following the wind.
She was following the light.
She was following her heart, which led in the same direction. 
It led her back home. She didn’t see him around, so she put her motorcycle back to where she had once placed it, and went back inside. A breeze picked up in her home. Literally. She was picked up by the same blue blur that had the nerve to ruin her. 
He had the nerve to pick her up. 
He had the fucking nerve to run her to a cafe when she could’ve walked there herself. 
But no.
He does it anyways, placing her in a chair. Her friends came out of nowhere and all said the words she thought they had forgotten to tell her. 
“Happy birthday, Amy!”
She shook.
Not in happiness.
But in anger.
They knew she hated surprises. 
So, why did they do it?
Did they have any idea of all the pain and rejection she had to go through? The stress?
She kept a neutral expression, and simply stood up, and went to the door without saying anything. 
She didn’t want anything to happen to the growing miracle inside her. The blue blur, the rabbit, and the thieving bat blocked her way out. The two girls asking her what happened.
The edgelord and nerd joined in, as well as the knucklehead and futuristic duo. They slowly led her back to her seat. She just couldn’t allow herself to show emotion.
She didn’t want to.
    “Ames, please. Why aren’t you saying anything?” That blue son of a bitch had a pleading look in his eyes. 
Why was he pleading?
Was it just so he could talk to her? To reconnect?
Or was it just so he could get into her pants?
Either way, she wasn’t going to reply.
Why should she? He had already ignored her for weeks.
She just wanted him to feel the pain.
She screamed.
Her face fell on to the table in front of her, and refused to get up. Everyone looked to the blue blur, knowing that any of her problems usually revolved around him. 
She heard him tell everybody to give them a little privacy. She heard them go. 
There’s no way she’s forgiving him this time.
She continues to keep her head down. She felt his arms wrap around her torso, bringing her in to him. He kept saying sorry while his muzzle nuzzled into her quills. 
She wanted to push him away.
What was stopping her?
She couldn’t tell him.
He’d leave for real this time.
    “Amy...just tell me what happened...what did I do wrong?” The tone of his voice sounded like he was hurt and was begging to know what was wrong.
She brought her head up.
She was about to say the words.
She was about to say the words that could either excite her or make her only love leave.
She actually gathered up the courage to say it.
Does she want to? 
This was for the miracle. She wouldn’t consider it a curse, nor a mistake.
A blessing.
She was going to say it.
Sonic looked at her with those emerald eyes of his.
    “I’m pregnant.”
She didn’t say anything else. She stood up and left.
She didn’t stay to hear his reply.
Her friends went after her, chasing her until she got back home. She simply walked to her room and slammed the door. She closed the curtains, and puts her phone on silence. 
The door broke down to reveal him.
The reason why she was avoiding her friends.
The reason why she was avoiding society.
The reason why she avoiding reality.
She turned to her side, knowing there was no escape.
He walked up to her bed, and sat on it.
They had done a lot on that bed.
His hands around her once again.
He chuckled.
He had the fucking nerve to laugh. When she was in pain.
    “Why are you laughing?!” She asked, her voice sounding a bit hoarse.
    “Because I’m going to be a dad!” He laughed harder and snuggled into the crook of her neck. “Why were you so upset about it though?” He questioned her. 
She was outraged.
How dare he.
     “What do you mean, I was so upset?! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’ve been ignoring me for the past couple weeks!” She yelled at him.
He didn’t flinch. As if he knew this was coming.
     “First of all, Ames, please don’t stress. It isn’t good for the baby! Second, I thought you needed space after that night, so I decided to give it to you!”
    “SPACE?! If anything, you should’ve been with me! You weren’t there the next morning! You acted like I didn’t exist!” She broke.
She let the helpless tears out.
They weren’t helpless.
She wasn’t helpless.
Those tears were of pain, rejection, and stress. Something that he had never felt.
He felt pain, but it was always physical. Sure, he might get sad over a loved one, but he doesn’t know how it feels to be rejected, and have the thought that he would only be able to love the child growing inside him. He felt stress, but it wasn’t unhealthy for him. It wouldn’t harm anything developing in his stomach.
Nothing he felt could harm a child.
Especially an unborn one.
However, his actions could.
    “I’m sorry. I’m a jackass, an asshole, a son of a bitch, and I avoided you when I could’ve been supporting you. Supporting us. Especially with the little one on the way.” He told her. The way he said it. He sounded genuine. Amy still loved him, and he seemed to love her back.
Everything would stop her from pushing him away.
Her heart, 
Her mind,
Her baby,
    “I love you, Sonikku~” She found herself saying. Sonic smiled, a tear shedding from his eye, while a hundred from her’s.
    “I love you too, Ames. Once our little bundle is born, we’re going to get married, have more kids, lots more~!” Sonic exclaimed whimsically. He meant it. 
Before she could blink, he pulled out a ring.
A ring that would promise her that they’d seal the deal eventually.
Because everything about him made her love him.
Everything about her made him love her.
(Look at all the bolded words, they make a sentence from start to end.)
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mystichanjumin · 4 years
Pairing: Jumin/ Mc (you)
Genre: Domestic Fluff,
Characters: Jumin, Mc (you), Aeji (Jumin and Mc's child)
Summary: This is a combination of a request I received  ("Hi. Can you write about daddy Jumin with Mc please?") [I know that daddy Jumin probably didn't mean him as an actual father... but I hope this is okay] and of a post made by @edgelord-saeran ( this post).
Jumin had promised his daughter that he would make it to her recital, and he had every intention to keep that promise. However, when a meeting with an incredibly important client ran longer than he anticipated he unintentionally broke that promise. AKA Jumin learns what it means to be a father.
"Jumin, can I speak to you in the kitchen please?" Mc's voice was soft as to not wake their napping daughter.
Jumin, who had been engrossed in his newest embroidery project, looked up at his wife and smiled, "Of course, dear."
Mc watched as he softly kissed their daughter's forehead and asked Elizabeth the 3rd, who was laying beside their daughter, to watch her until they returned. He set his embroidery down on a shelf high enough that their daughter could not reach, just in case she was to wake up during their brief absence, and followed his wife.
"What seems to be the matter, my love?" Jumin asked.
Mc sighed, "How much did cost?"
"The cost is not an issue-"
"Jumin, please just answer the question," Mc asked again.
"$6,000," he replied with a shrug. He truly did not understand why it mattered
"For a dollhouse?" Mc was shocked. "Jumin, that's ridiculous!"
Jumin's brow furrowed, "I'm not sure I follow, my love?"
Mc walked closer to her husband, placed a loving hand on his chest and looked up at him, "We've talked about this, Jumin. You can't just get her gifts every time she's upset with you."
"I just don't see the issue with it, Mc. My father did the same for me, and I turned out just fine."
Mc gave her husband a look. He knew that look all too well, "Are we being honest right now?"
He hesitated, "Yes?"
She smiled at her husband lovingly. Mc wondered how someone so intelligent could be so dense. "Jumin, you don't need to buy her affection. She's seven. She's going to get mad at you sometimes, that's just part of being a parent. Do you know how often she's mad at me?"
"When is she upset with you?"
"Every time I tell her no," Mc chuckled. "She can be very stubborn, like someone else I love dearly, but I don't buy gifts to make the stubbornness or anger go away. I give her the space she needs and then we talk about it."
Jumin wrapped his arms around his wife, "I just can't stand her being angry with me. I promised her I would be there, and then I broke that promise. Mc... I know I'm not home as often as we would both like me to be, but she doesn't understand why I'm gone so often yet."
"Our daughter is very smart, Jumin. She's young, of course, but if you just sit and talk to her she'll understand. My love, that little girl doesn't want $6,000 dollhouses, all she wants is her dad. We have to teach her how to express her feelings, especially to us. Think about how long it took you to learn about your own feelings. Do we want to do the same thing to her?"
"No," he answered sadly.
Mc caressed her husband's cheek lovingly, "We're both learning here, Jumin. Sometimes we're going to make mistakes, that's normal, but we need to teach her that it's okay to mess up sometimes. If we teach her that even we mess up sometimes then she'll want to talk to us when she does the same. We're not perfect, my love, and we're never going to be, but we need to teach her that not being perfect is okay."
"You're right," Jumin exhaled. "I'll talk to her when she wakes up."
"Thank you," Mc smiled as Jumin kissed her forehead.
The pair stayed in each other's arms for a moment before they heard a small voice call from the living room, "Mommy? Daddy?"
"We're right here, sweetie," Mc said as the pair walked into the living room.
Aeji looked at her parents, "Where did you guys go?"
"We didn't go far," Mc smiled as she sat on the couch next her her daughter. "We were just in the kitchen talking."
"Sweetheart, you and I need to talk, okay," Jumin said as he sat beside his daughter.
"I didn't keep my promise to you yesterday, and I am very sorry. I know I said I would be there and I wanted to be there more than anything, but I got held up at work. It's okay to be upset with, I understand. Just know that I love you very very much."
Aeji looked at her mother and then back to her father, "I was sad. Only mommy goes to my dances sometimes. It's probably boring so it's okay."
Jumin felt his heart shatter as he looked at the sad look on his child's face, "No, sweetheart, it's not boring. I watch the videos mommy makes of your recitals all the time. I don't want you to ever think that I'm not interested in the things you do. The only reason I'm not there is because of work. I made a mistake but I'll do better, okay?"
Aeji's face brightened and she smiled at her father, "Okay! Do you want to see my dance now?"
Jumin laughed, "Yes, I would love to."
Aeji jumped off the couch and started running to her room, "I need to change! Elizabeth come on!"
Elizabeth the 3rd followed the little girl, which caused both Jumin and Mc to laugh. When the two were left alone Jumin pulled Mc closer to him, "She's wonderful."
Mc giggled as she kissed her husband's cheek as they waited for the show to begin.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Dadster (standalone)
Summary: This was not what Gaster expected when he created the machine.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Unethical Experimentation, Found Family
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
When Gaster designed the machine, the goal was to discover a way to get past the barrier without having to break it. After all, the fastest way from point a to point b wasn’t a straight line, but rather, no line at all.
What he hadn’t planned on was instead of bypassing the barrier, he managed to accidentally confirm the multiverse theory. That was going to require going over his notes again diligently to find what calculation was off on which equation. But that would have to come later, right now Gaster had other things on his mind.
Behind him, the front door opened and soft footsteps from slippered feet came towards him. Gaster did not look up, only took another drag off his cigarette as his eldest son sat down next to him on the frosty stairs.
Sans picked up the mostly empty pack of cigarettes where they sat on the porch along with the ragged book of matches. He shook one out, the flare of the match bright in the darkness and as he lit it, he said around it, the words blurred, “shouldn’t smoke these, pop, they’ll kill ya.”
“From what I’m gathering from our guests, cigarettes are the least of my worries,” Gaster said dryly. Signing along with the words was automatic and as he did, he flicked ash into the snow. “Are they sleeping?”
“yep. well, most of ‘em, anyway. stretch and red are out cold. blue’s rooming with papyrus and from the chatter coming out from under the door, they ain’t asleep yet.” Gaster gave his son a quelling look and Sans’s grin widened. “sorry, pop, aren’t asleep yet. only a matter of time.” Sans’s expression sobered, smile fading, “the pointy one isn’t asleep yet, don’t think edge is gonna close his sockets ‘till we hit the hay.”
“That’s not surprising, all things considered.” Gaster took a long drag off his cigarette as he recalled meeting the one his youngest son happily dubbed ‘Edge’, who despite his battered skull and jagged scars looked so very much like Papyrus that it was painfully disturbing. Barely out of childhood and the stories these boys told in their bland, clipped words as they described their worlds—
Gaster stubbed out his cigarette savagely and stole the pack back from Sans, shaking out another.
A gentle elbow jostled him as he fumbled with the matches. “you okay, pop?”
“Me? I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” He lit the cigarette, tasting bitter smoke. “We may be trapped underground, but I have two sons that I love very much, I have a duty that I enjoy, I have so much. It’s those boys who aren’t okay.”
Boys who were now trapped in their world, two extra sets of sons whose own fathers sounded as if they did not deserve the title. DNA donors, perhaps, or abusers, yes, fucking abusers sounded more accurate. Monsters they might all be, but his alternates were truly monstrous. He’d seen the numbers carved into the bones of Stretch’s wrist, he’d looked into Red’s determination-tainted eye lights and seen horrors. From Blue’s almost desperate cheer and Edge’s emotionless distance, he couldn’t begin to fathom what these boys had endured and perhaps they were adults, but all Gaster could see when he looked at them were children.
His children.
“yeah,” Sans agreed softly, and how difficult must it be for his son to see such damage in others who bore his face. Gaster groped blindly for his son’s hand, clutching the cold bones against his own. Those fingers squeezed back three times, an old joke between them from when Sans and Papyrus were only children and at the point of being embarrassed by a too visible show of fatherly affection. Hands, though, Gaster spoke in Hands, and three squeezes meant, ‘I love you’. “they’ll be okay, pop.”
“Do you think so?” Gaster asked. He shouldn’t, his son did not deserve to bear the weight of his worries, but Sans only gave him a cheeky wink.
“with a dad like you looking after them?” Sans teased. “yeah. i do.”
“At their ages, I doubt they want or need a father.”
“nah, i don’t think you’re ever too old to want a dad.”
Gaster did not know how true that contemplative statement would become. The coming months that would involve many changes— like altering the color of his lab coat because the white seemed upsetting for some of his boys and Gaster didn’t give a damn if there were titters about his new tie-dyed ensemble. Coming up with meals in triplicate for the needs of those with delicate HP and when he discovered Red hoarding food beneath a loose floorboard, he only replaced it with packaged options for the boy so nothing would rot or attract pests.
Plenty of changes, so many nights waking up to soothe Blue’s nightmares. Calmly indulging Stretch’s frequent need to nap until he stopped jerking awake, cringing from nothing, and petitioning the king to allow Edge to begin training with the guard. These boys, like his sons and yet not, each with their own personalities and quirks, in such desperate need of a father, and Gaster would give them whatever they could allow themselves to accept.
For now, Gaster only squashed his cigarette out in the overflowing ashtray and squeezed his son’s hand. Three squeezes, I love you, and Sans pulled away, punching him lightly on the arm. “c’mon in, pop, at least pretend to go to bed so the edgelord will.”
“Yes, father,” Gaster said, sotto voce, and he followed his son inside.
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kihyunswrath · 4 years
If it wasn’t hurting Wonho, other MX members and fans so much, I guess I would be laughing at how stupid Starship really was, in the end.
They really did that.
After all these months, I’m still writing this repeating these same useless words because I still can’t wrap my head around this mindblowing fuckery.
They really did let one of their most successful artists go, just because. Because, well, why not? Why not ruin things for fun every now and then like a chaotic evil DnD wanker who throws dice every time important business decisions need to be made. There was no reason at all. Not a single thing motivating their actions, not a single braincell being activated in their numb skulls.
They really ruined their most successful boy band, one of the most successful groups they will probably ever have. A group that was in top five of all kpop boy groups. A group that was breaking records every single comeback. A group that had hands down one of the strongest images in the industry, a group that was still fucking climbing to the top and wasn’t anywhere near being outdated, too tired or too old yet. Their biggest moneymaker, their most promising asset, their fucking power weapon. 
Monsta X was very likely the best thing that happened to Starship, and they fucking spoiled it, didn’t even fight for them, didn’t even fucking bother STOP for a second to think what would be the wisest, the most rational, the most obvious course of action. And why is that? Well, if I listen to it intently, I can hear the smallest violin playing the tiniest, most useless excuses I’ve ever heard in my whole fucking life.
They ruined the entire group’s health and motivation when they removed one of their key members. Because let’s not pretend Wonho wasn’t one of them. Every member in that group was and is irreplaceable, but Wonho’s image as a strong masculine character (alongside with Shownu’s) was literally that one thing that was giving Monsta X so much cutting edge over many other groups. And his personality was as ideal for an idol as it can fucking get: genuinely emotional, grateful and overflowingly loving toward his fans. He was one of the kindest, cutest and softest celebrities I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen just about thousands of them by this point. He was one of the best idols out there point blank.
None of that bullshit had to happen. None.
He didn’t do anything at all. He didn’t hurt anybody. He didn’t break any rules in his job. He didn’t let the fans down. He didn’t say anything bad, he didn’t injure, assault, rape, kill, blackmail, bully or harass anybody. He was a completely normal, innocent, hard-working and dedicated idol, and that’s it. He faced backlash, slander and defamation, but even all THAT was made-up, exaggerated, menial and inconvenient nonsense. There was one (1!) article made by a butthurt friend-turned-bully and her insignificant druglord friends, published in a local clown / Fox News website that would exchange pictures of JYP’s rectum for some cold hard cash if they could get their hands on them, some knetz edgelords acting all high-horsey in Naver searches, and ten-to-fifteen upset fans who have zero reading comprehension skills. NONE OF THAT MEANS ANYTHING. LIKE I DON’T KNOW HOW ELSE TO PUT THIS FOR STARSHIP TO UNDERSTAND.
I’ve been repeating these words over and over again these latest months. None of that meant anything.
I’m amazed I need to even say this. I’m amazed I need to even write it out like this. What a fucking waste. What a fucking shame and embarrassment that someone who spent years training and working his ass off, being loyal to his company and following every ridiculous command they gave him to the last detail, would then get ditched because someone shat in their pants somewhere once.
Shit is indeed a mild inconvenience, and smelly too, sure, but I can guarantee it’s better for everyone’s health if we don’t flip tables and destroy careers every time we realize it exists and we need to do a bit of cleaning to get rid of it.
I’m just. Still not okay with any of this. And I am especially not okay with how Starship is now trying to make it seem like they’ve been helping him and are giving him a “second chance” in a made-up whatever company, when in reality they are just trying to silence normal fans while also not upsetting those fifteen antifans and their holier-than-thou cousins who can’t read. They are just trying to gain profits off of the remnants of Wonho’s career while not acknowledging him ever again, and that’s it. It’s because “we would rather die than admit we have ever done any mistakes, even if not admitting is going to destroy our own future uwu.” It’s just them going “somehow we want to make this sound nObLe and like we had it planned all along, but without any risks involved, because we’re wimpy and clueless and we WILL cry.”
Ok, Starship. I heard your cries loud and clear. Be as unhelpful to your own self as you possibly can, be fucking dumb and please do trip over your own feet when you go pay your respects to that shrine of antifans the next time.
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
// To Mun: Did you see the Let's Get Dangerous promo? What did you think of it? Are you looking forward to the episode or no? I know there's a fair share of fans of older Disney Duck media, like yourself, that are disappointed with decisions made in the reboot, and I think it's important for older fans to be allowed to share their opinions without being harassed. Critical thinking is important, and it's important to be able to share opinions, good and bad, especially if you're a long-time fan!
{{ Before I rant, I JUST HOPE I’M WRONG ABOUT THE UPCOMING EP. And if I am, I’ll admit it.
I have a lot to say, so for sanity’s sake a chunk is under the cut, and long story short folks? I am nervous af about the DWD episode. I think it looks pretty. That’s it. I am not looking forward to being upset by all the fanboy changes Frank will have undoubtedly made. He’s made it clear every day behind the scenes that he doesn’t give a fuck about what the seasoned team or original creators want, and he’s well known in the field to disrespect “his elders” as well as his new team naysayers, treating them like shits, and he rules with an iron fist. So I am excited to see the ART, but not the way it’s written.
The art is nice for what it is, not going to deny that I like how DT17 looks. ( I also love the original style too, because cell-art is superior to me ) I guess I differ from fellow “old school fans” in that I DO like how the show looks. 🤷‍♀️ It has polished animation that is much different from the inconsistent styles from 4 different studios hand painting the cells. ( Although I appreciate hand painted-cells!!! It’s fun to see diff styles too!! ) For the most part, the characters and backgrounds in DT17 are consistently styled, and there is a feel of modern western comic mixed with manga art brought to life.  Which is ironic, because the WRITING is  inconsistent, brick-a-bracked, disconnected, and has a multitude of continuity issues in lieu of whatever joke of the day fits the featured character. But, that’s what you get when each 24 minute episode is written by 6-12 people. And, there can be no consistency among those 5-12 writers/scripts between production gaps. One writer may do 1 episode one season, while only contribute a scant amount to 4 eps on another season, and then never write again until the finale, and only contribute ONE scene. Of course, many ideas have been thrown out that promote continuity and loyalty to story arcs and characters by, you guessed it, Frank. The best TV, animated or live, has 2-3 writers per episode at most, and a story editor that actually cares about consistency and the show as a whole. Not several vignettes that don’t connect and appear to look like a meta-gaming wet dream and bad fix-ups. It’s highly sophomoric.
There is obviously a clash of egos going on behind the scenes, and too many cooks ruin the soup.
BTW; I thank you for asking me, but to be perfectly honest, I am well aware of how the tumblr “DT17 only” fans think of us old-schoolers. They are not kind to us, and most of them think we’re overreacting, “problematic,” mean, and should “Just STFU and let them have the show” to themselves.  We never said you can’t enjoy the reboot for what it is, an AU. But we’re the ones told consistently that if we don’t bow down and accept the reboot as BIBLE truth, we’re to be ousted. I KNOW, I play 2 DT17 muses here, but I can bridge the differences just fine. But the flaws are so big for me, I have to cherry pick “DT17 canon” and ignore much of fandom to enjoy it.
What Frank & company are doing is disrespectful. Not just to the majority of Duck fans, but to the original creators, actors, and artists that worked so hard for 30-90 years to make these characters come to be. I know I won’t convince any of the new fans, so I’m going to be brutal. They are only on board with what Frank is doing because he loves to bait the young fandom into disagreements if it means their crack!ships are validated for 1 episode with forced subtext or vague tumblr/twAtter posts. If they actually saw the original content as a whole, they’d be pissed too. 
To those of us that actually grew up with both Ducktales and Darkwing Duck, owned Disney Adventures mags, Don Rosa comics, and respect Tad Stones for not only birthing DWD, but GARGOYLES, our stomachs drop before most episodes begin. We’re preparing ourselves to see a blasphemous take on characters and storylines that DO NOT NEED UPDATING. “Woke is the autotune of art and tv,” folks. It doesn’t make it better, it’s like putting a cup of salt on an already seasoned dish.
SO. Ehhhhhhhhhh I am more cautious than usual about the 1 hour DWD special. I am EXTREMELY nervous about Gosalyn.
She’s aged up “to a sassy teen” like Lena for some stupid reason, when she’s always been 9-10. There’s other issues facing Gos I am not comfortable talking about openly, but basically, I don’t like what Frank’s been doing to old characters to make them more woke and modern, there was NOTHING wrong with these characters. 
Some of his voice actor choices by the way? Not a good match. Don’t get me started on Jason taking over for Steelbeak. Stephanie B is funny/sexy irl, she’s made a career out of the edgelord-deadpan-roughneck routine, but she’s not a voice actress. Christine Cavanagh ( RIP ) had a youthful, spunky, cuteness that Stephanie lacks. So instead of finding an actress that has true Gos “flair” he picks someone that’s deep-voiced and cold, instead of cute and spunky. Frank seems hellbent on making every female dry, rude little edge-lords and it’s PLAYED OUT. I’m finding it very hard to like former female characters I adored growing up because almost all the women & girls in DT17 are bitchy she-beasts, and the men are either bumbling idiots or weak boys that need the women/girls to wipe their tushies for them after potty. It’s so demeaning to these characters. As a grown woman, I am not threatened by men, so I don’t need them to be dumbed down to make me feel big. I just KNOW Gosalyn, a now “Sassy Teen” is going to be a disrespectful ASSHOLE to Drake. Old school Gosalyn was TOUGH and a huge handful, but there was still an endearing charm and sweetness to her that made you forgive all her bullshit, and when she rebelled it was because she wanted to be with her dad, not “put him in his place” she has canonly stated in the 90′s DWD and comics over and over, that DWD and Drake = her hero.  }}
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