#he just wants his ex-soulmate to pay attention to him
In Cleo's episode for secret life, Cleo asked who Etho wanted to kill first, and the obsessed man straight up said "Joel" and his reason was because he's "very cheeky."
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moonit3 · 8 months
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➥ warnings/notices: yandere, violence, obsession, codependency, blood, murder, gender neutral reader but you are into guys only, axel is a little sh*t at first but then becomes a yandere, reader’s ingenuity, implied depression, slow burn, stalking, obsession.
➥ yandere! rent-a-boyfriend x gn! reader
➥ synopsis: desperate to be loved after rejections and being stand up numerous times, you hire a rent-a-boyfriend to delude yourself that someone actually loves you.
➥ a/n: with the poll done, here the post choose by you guys! for the story, i think i got this idea from the rent-a-girlfriend manga? but the story is pretty boring and don’t lead to anywhere as every character dumb ^ ^ , so i have decided to write something based on this plot with yandere, blood and some violence. this piece won’t have any smut on it, sorry. this work is longer than my others, aware.
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➥ like every start of the weekend, you are left to be alone at a friday night that you believed to be the day that you were going to meet your soulmate, but that was wrong. turns out the guy isn’t coming up for this second date as he texted, sorry. but you aren’t as attractive as I thought you would be!, resulting in you paying the drink you ordered was you were waiting for him to show up and walking back home.
➥ arriving home, you just throw yourself into the bed, ignoring the cute clothes and makeup you put on to impress that idiot, that doesn’t matter with the tears already flowing down to your chest. why this keep happening to you? all people you know or see in the streets are happily living their lives with someone at their side, even having children after years of being together. but you, you didn’t even got to the second phase of dating nor a boyfriend, all guys would just ghost you after the first date (if they even bother to show up).
➥ could it be that you are destined to be alone? your heart is breaking piece by piece with every failure that lead you to a final attempt in order to make you feel less lonely, a rent-a-partner dating site. it’s really bad that you are hiring someone to pretend to be your love, your are paying them to make up for your loneliness. you are quite pathetic, right?
➥ scrolling at the numerous pages full of candidates, you came across one that easily called your attention. axel, auburn hair with freckles all over his face and of course, a cute smile! the picture itself made you blush and already imagine the millions scenarios with him. a picnic at the park, maybe a shopping date where he buys you the jewelry you always wanted or even holding your hands! stay chill, [name]. he is a rent-a-boyfriend, not a real one, he is getting paid for it.
➥ and you did hire him for a completely service next day, your heart start beating faster and you couldn’t help but spend some hours preparing the perfect set of clothes to impress axel. something that is both casual, yet classy to give him the impression that you aren’t desperate for this nor that you never had a properly relationship before, nah, you are just trying to forget about your exe (at least that what you’ve told in your bio).
➥ once the day finally arrives, you put the best clothes from your wardrobe and waits for axel to show up at the cafe where the date will be set. sitting next to the glass window, taking a sip your favorite drink, he arrives. the redhead boy sit in front of you with that smile on the face, already acting and analyzing you from head and toes, oh god. he is even handsome in person!
➥ the date start so good! he is truly a gentleman with his manner and his acting is amazing, the way he holds your hand at every moment and how he pays attention in whatever you are talking is more than enough to make you blush. you feel lucky to have hired a guy like him, he truly makes the experience feels to real that you ended paying him more just to stay a little longer than you planned at first, and of course, he made it worth it.
➥ when his job was done, axel walked you back home despite not having do it, but he did and even hold your hand in the way. he said it’s to protect you from any possible danger or guy that might try to flirt with you, making you blush more and more (his plan is working!). once you got home, he kissed your forehead and waited until you got inside to leave with that smile of his, happy that everything is working out perfectly.
➥ to you, he is the perfect boyfriend that you always wish to have since the very moment you learn about romance, that’s why you are going to hire him more. and to axel, you are more than willingly to pay more than usual just to him pretending to be your boyfriend, aren’t you a little silly? you must be really lonely to have hired him from that stupid site, but he isn’t complaining, after all, you are the one paying him.
➥ then more and more dates happen, axel pretending to be your boyfriend while you began to truly falling in love with him, completely forgetting that he is just with you for the money and ranks of the enterprise he is part of, yet it’s easy to notice that you believe that axel is in love with you, that he will stop being a rent-a-boyfriend to become your real boyfriend. so you propose it to him after many dates, only to be rejected.
➥ his laughs are tormenting your mind and his words are unforgettable. you really thought that i loved you? you are so funny, [name] and quite pathetic too. do you really thought that i would stay with you if wasn’t the amount of money you spend on me? you are delusional for thinking that you are worth of my love. with that, you ended the contract with axel and leaves him immediately with tears ruining your makeup and clothes. he expected that you would apologize to him, but no, you blocked him from your social medias and deleted the photos that you posted with him. despite being his highest paying client, axel moved on to others clients and you moved on to find someone else.
➥ a couple of weeks passed and he couldn’t stop thinking about you at all. the expression you gave him whatever he would surprise you, the small gifts you gave him that he always wanted and the kisses you two share when it was his time to leave. why is thinking about it? you were just a client like everyone else, but why you are in his mind? he needs to stop thinking about you. so he began taking even more to job in an attempt to forget you.
➥ it was working until he catch a glimpse of you during one his job, you are serving tables at a expensive restaurant that his date asked to come and there are visible marks of dark undertones beneath your eyes. did something happened to you? he wants to ask it, but that would ruin the date and he won’t get his payment, so he keeps to himself and tries to pay attention on the woman that hired him.
➥ at some point of the date, he excused himself to go the bathroom, where he got hear some faint sounds coming from the kitchen and of course, he wanted to check it. there, he saw you hugging another coworker of yours in tears and your voice broken him, the way you spoke to your friend about being stupid enough to think that you are worth of love and how you are never going to fall in love again. axel knew that he did hurt you, but never expected it to hurt you so much to make you feel horrible…he needed to apologize.
➥ after his date, axel wait for you at the back doors and as expected, you were there, but weren’t alone. there is another guy standing next to you, someone he recall to be another waiter of the restaurant, someone who is too close of you with a arm around your waist. you replaced him? no, you can’t do it. axel began to talk, at least try, about his mistake and how he will repay for all the things you did for him, he even knee on the ground to ask for your forgiveness for his acts.
➥ it’s embarrassing that he is asking forgiveness from someone he treated like trash, but axel has to do it to beg for your forgiveness and to get back together with him, this time to become a real couple til their last breath on earth. i know that i was an idiot, a fucking horrible person and that y-you deserve someone better than me, but i promise that i have changed to be someone better just for you! let me become your boyfriend, a real one this time and then we get married one day , have a family if you want and grown old together. and he spoken even more til he loses his voice.
➥ you didn’t speak, not able to talk for hearing so much of axel’s rambling, but you did slap him harder. he is acting like he is the victim in this situation and that made you yell at him for a couple of minutes til you were done. the emotion you put in your voice made axel cry of guilt and once you left him along your friend, the redhead began rethinking about the ‘relationship’ you two shared weeks ago. it was so perfect and he ruined that.
➥ after that, axel began stalking you in his free time and leaving gifts for you in your doorsteps, hoping that you would accept his handwriting notes full of apologies and money, only to be left devastated when you didn’t even bother open the letter and throw it away in the trash. but he didn’t give up, no, he still has hope to change your heart and accept him once again.
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@moonit3 writings
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scekrex · 2 months
Love your writing!!
Can I request an Adam x Lucifer’s Ex! reader? Reader is basically the same rank as Lucifer was (so he’s the same strength as him too) Basically, they split up after he and Lilith got together and gave Eve the Apple. Reader is extremely depressed about it but then he meets one of the humans from Eden, Adam . And they find solidarity and comfort in going through the same/similar situation.
Lowkey giving that one scene from Steven Universe (No idea if you’ve watched/like SU so, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’ll link it here. (If you want, you can probably just skip to the time stamps or watch all of it, either’s fine, but it starts at 2:33 and ends around 3:11
Spoilers for Steven Universe, if you even care.
(The context for the SU scene is ofc different, but just the overall vibe of it is what I mean.) but just 2 people abandoned by someone who was supposed to be their soulmate (Twice for Adam) and them finding love in each other in the end.
(Like, imagine both the fluff AND angst potential.)
Also!! If/After you write this one, I might request a Part 2 of this with angst for the aftermath of EP.8. (ONLY if you’re ok with it OFC! If not, just tell me in your A/N for this one and I won’t send it!!)
I hope you have a great day!!!! 💙💙
Okay first of all: gimme that EP 8 request right now, I need it soooo badly °^° I haven't seen SU but I've watched the scene you linked and it helped to get the vibe right so much, this is a lil short but dragging it out just to make it appear longer felt wrong. I hope you like it though. Also friendly reminder: this is set in Eden before Adam became a douchebag.
Part 2
I'm a jester and I'm yours, call me your fool
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, hurt (with comfort)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Eden had always been the place for you to ge whenever you felt sad or upset, it calmed you down, eased your mind, made your thoughts shut up for only a couple moments. Lucifer had betrayed you, you knew that, you also knew that it had been for the best to end things with him before he would take it too far with his wish for free will and with the things that were going on between him and Lilith. And before you even realized how sad that made you feel, to be betrayed, to be replaced by a mortal soul that would never be as pure as you were, you started crying - it wasn’t loud and if someone wouldn’t have paid attention it was also not visible but Adam did pay attention. Lucifer and Lilith had given Eve the apple, the forbidden fruit, how much further would heaven allow them to go? You weren’t sure. What you were sure about though, was the fact that you missed Lucifer, you missed his warmth, his chaotic yet gentle way of handling things, no matter what it was. You missed his creative mind, his joyful character, the love he had held for you that he had never been able to hide. You missed your clumsy blonde little angel - you shook your head, no, he was no longer yours.
And while you tried to sort your emotions out, the brunette human carefully creeped closer, he noticed your sadness and despite the fact that he didn’t know why you were crying, he felt like he understood without knowing the true reason - he had heard them whispering about it. About how Lucifer had left his boyfriend in order to get together with the first woman, his ex wife, Lilith. And while one loss alone had been seemingly impossible to carry, Adam had not only lost Lilith to his former best friend, he had also lost Eve. Eve, who had tried to talk him into eating the apple as well, he had refused to though, he wanted to remain pure, if she decided that wasn’t for her though, then that was her deal and not Adam’s.
Once he had reached you, he quietly sat down next to you, he wanted to take the sadness away from you, a creature as gorgeous and heavenly as yours should not sit in Eden and cry. He wanted to ask you why you were crying, who caused all those tears but he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so - you were an angel after all. Was he even allowed to sit next to you? The first man didn’t know, but he was sure that if he wouldn’t be allowed near you, you would tell him so. Lucifer might be disobeying heaven’s rules, but you? You looked too pure to do so.
You quickly wiped your tears away as soon as you noticed the presence next to you, when you turned your head to look at the person that had decided to take their place by your side, you were quite surprised to see the face of the first man there. “You look so sad,” the brunette hummed as he reached out to gently touch your cheek. Your golden, broken looking eyes met equally broken brown ones and you somehow found comfort in them, even though they belonged to a total stranger. “Yeah,” you softly chuckled at his words, a small smile forced itself onto your lips, “I guess that’s normal when you get dumped, though.” So the rumors had been true, Lucifer had left his boyfriend for Adam’s former wife. He inhaled deeply, “That’s what love brings.” And yeah, he had a point. Love was able to bring joy and happiness, but it could also take those feelings away from you within seconds. Carefully you leaned into Adam’s touch and closed your eyes as you breathed in the scent of the brunette. “A creature as beautiful as you shouldn’t be sad over losing someone like Lucifer though,” the first man continued and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, wiping away all remains of your tears. “That’s so easy to say, Adam,” your voice cracked when you said his name and you opened your eyes again, “He was everything.” Adam nodded, he understood, “So was Eve. And Lilith. But sometimes they choose a different path than you do and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
And looking at it that way made you realize that Adam was in the same situation as you were, a situation that tore apart everything just because Lucifer had made a reckless decision. You had lost everything and so had Adam, you were sitting in the same boat, sailing the same ocean of sadness. But now you had found each other, so at least you weren’t sailing alone anymore. “Adam?” you asked quietly as you looked at the first man, making sure you’d get nothing but honesty when your eyes met his, “Can you stay?” And without hesitation the first man nodded, this would not only bring you comfort and take a little bit of the sadness away from you, no, the brunette would also find comfort in this, you would keep his mind busy and that he was very thankful for.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Down Again
Pairing: Soft!Dark Ari Levinson x Female Reader Summary: Getting settled into your life with Ari is easier said than done. Word Count: Over 2.2k Warnings: Tagging (D)ubcon to be safe (please do not read if this upsets you!), (e)xplicit (s)exual (c)ontent, (u)nprotected (v)aginal (s)ex, (p)ossessive behavior, soulmates, telepathic link, (p)orn with feels (it's me,) soft!dark Ari Levinson (he's a warning, okay?) Graphics talent and thanks: Banner by @sgt-seabass. Divider by @firefly-graphics. Header by yours truly. A/N: Continuation of Wear Me Down. Our poll winner and @flordeamatista sensed it coming. I hope you lovelies enjoy. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @galatially, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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When Ari brought you to your new home, far away from your old place, you didn't go kicking and screaming the way you expected. You still weren't sure what he did for a living, but the way the few men around him averted their eyes in his presence stopped you from lashing out. If grown and capable men feared him, what would that spell for you if you tried to run? Who would help you anyway when they discovered you were trying to outrun your soulmate?
In some ways, you couldn't complain. The house was beautiful and spacious, plenty of room for you to be on your own while Ari worked. Anything and everything you could possibly want, you had. The moment you thought of something, he made sure it was there because he took the time to enter your mind and pay attention.
"But you still won't look through mine, will you, sweetheart?"
You wrapped the soft blanket tighter around you as you ignored Ari and stared out the bedroom window. The growing storm tempted you to open it and wash away your tears with the rain before you remembered the cries were inside your mind. You counted a few of the drops as they hit the glass and traced their paths with your finger, doing your best to ignore the pull to answer your soulmate. It was when you imagined his beard against your neck that you replied.
"What will I find if I look?" you asked.
It was strange to speak in your head, but it felt more natural than you expected. Whenever he spoke, it was like butterfly wings brushed against your temple. Soft kisses that said you weren't alone.
You'd never be alone again.
"Whatever you want."
But you didn't want to venture in the depths of his inner thoughts. He showed you enough of them as it was. Your bodies tangled together in your new warm bed. A ring on your finger. An intimate wedding where he made love to you right on the altar. Forever entwined and never apart.
You gasped when your legs opened on their own, beckoning for him to join you. "Stop," you whispered out loud, but it was as if you shouted.
"I'm not doing anything. That's all you."
Ari was right. He may have fed you the images, but you were the one who kept replaying them in your mind. He knew the kind of flowers you wanted on your wedding day, the sweet scent surrounding you as you closed your eyes and inhaled. His tux tailored to perfection, emphasizing his massive frame until you itched to see what was underneath.
He's breaking me, isn't he? No. I'm still me.
In a sense, some part of your old self was still intact. It was also buried deep down under the crumbled life you built for yourself. The job you used to have? Gone. He made sure of that once he claimed you.
And Luke.
Your heart lurched, but you didn't dwell on your ex. There was no point. Ari would likely knock the door down and fuck any thought of him away if you did. You were too tired for that today.
"I'm going to sleep, Ari. Do not join me. Just do whatever it is that you do."
He chuckled in your mind as you went to bed. Your recent fitful night of sleep ended with you waking up to the slow and deep thrust of Ari’s cock. He had worked you over first with his tongue before you were completely awake, the scratch of his beard leaving an invisible claim as his tongue lapped up every drop of you. Recovery time meant nothing to him as you whined, your thighs trembling as he sheathed you. The aura of red surrounding him almost seeped into your skin, another display of ownership. Would others see who you belonged to?
"I'm joining you whether we actually sleep or not."
You shivered at the implication. When you were younger, you didn’t understand or appreciate the value of sleep. You felt like you’d miss out on something if you didn’t stay awake, so you fought it as much as you could. As you grew older, you wished you hadn’t skipped out on the opportunity to rest. If only to hold onto the chance for lost dreams.
But how can I miss them if I never had them?
You dreamt of your soulmate now when you slept. The gorgeous and dangerous man who invaded and took over your life. The person who convinced you that you belonged to him. You felt in your core that he was right, as much as you didn't want to.
Because it wasn't my choice. I never had a choice.
"You know,” he gently began. “You could just ask me what I do. I'll tell you."
The connection between you and Ari was there by chemistry, but not your emotions. As much as he upheaved your life, he was at least trying to build something more. He didn't hurt you when you refused to comply with his whims. He attempted to talk through things with you and treat you well when he wasn’t bending you over the nearest surface.
You closed your eyes instead of offering an olive branch.
Maybe tomorrow.
The stubborn flame inside you dimmed more and more. Was a life with Ari really going to be so bad? He would take care of you, but it seemed like you were the only one who had to sacrifice something. How was that fair? Did he give anything up for you?
You weren't sure how many minutes passed when the bed dipped, but you didn't open your eyes. Ari would make it known if he wanted your attention. He did so by pulling the sheet from your naked body a heartbeat later, making you shiver as the cool air hit your skin. You could have put underwear on and at least give you that barrier, but why ruin another pair?
“You can try to sleep if you want to, sweetheart,” Ari said in a low and throaty voice as his body glided over yours, his bare chest brushing against yours. A whimper left your mouth a moment later as his lips moved over your fluttering pulse in your neck. “But I can't resist you like this.”
Pliant. Taking everything he gives me.
Insatiable would be a good word to describe Ari. Once he had a taste of you, he needed more. He didn't need to say it with his mind because he told you with his body. How did he have the stamina to take you over and over?
Is it the need for his soulmate that fuels his desire?
"Ari," you whimpered, wishing nothing more than to rest for just a little while.
"It's beautiful when you say my name," he said, using a knee to push your legs open. You resisted just enough that he had to put a bit of force into it. And you didn't need to look between your bodies to know he was hard and aching. "You should do it again."
Your eyes flew open when he began to push into your sensitive pussy, your walls still welcoming and wet despite the slight discomfort. Still a bit stretched from earlier made it easier for him to sink each inch in until he bottomed out. The groan he let out had you shuddering as he lifted his head to stare down at you. Was he an angel or a demon?
He's both.
You brought your hands up to his shoulders and rested them there, which made him pause. He was waiting to see what your next move would be. Would you dig your nails in and urge him to fuck you in deep strokes? Or would you attempt to push him away and keep fighting a losing battle?
“It’s all just… too much,” you whispered, closing your eyes so you couldn’t see the darkness in his blue eyes.
Shades of red moved behind your eyelids when he covered your mouth with his. It wasn’t long before you kissed him back, allowing him to invade your mouth the way he had with your cunt. Your senses. Every single part of you began and ended with him.
That was why it was too much.
“Too much? It’s not enough,” he whispered in your mind as he resumed his thrusts. "I'll never get enough of you. One day, you'll feel the same."
That's what I'm afraid of. That isn't love. Love takes time and care. This is obsession. I can't lose myself. I can't.
Because who are you now without him?
His hand, heavy and warm, gripped your hip as his lips curled into a smirk. You couldn't stop your pussy from squeezing around the length of him and it told him what he wanted to know. No matter how much your mind tried to fight him, your body welcomed him home.
“You’ll come around,” he promised as you pushed your hips back against his. “Sooner than you think.”
It was like he threw fuel on the fire, igniting the tiny flame. He was so sure of himself, so rooted in his convictions. What about yours? With more strength than you knew you had, you shifted your bodies until you straddled him. He didn’t look the least bit surprised as he lay beneath you, choosing to put his hands on your hips and rest them there.
He was waiting again to see what you’d do.
“You think I’ll come around just because you say so?” you asked, lifting your hips just to slam them back down. “Because my pussy loves your cock?”
“There she is. My stubborn little soulmate even though you know we belong to each other,” he moaned as you set your pace. "Go on, sweetheart. Take me the way you want to. That’s it.”
“Do you have to talk?” you asked through your teeth.
“Shut me up then,” he challenged, squeezing your hips for good measure. “Fuck me until all I do is grunt and moan your name.”
You rolled your hips, trying to remember if you ever felt so full before him. The way the tip of his cock hit your sweet spot, it was a wonder that you hadn’t gushed all over him. Yet. His light touch as he slid his hands to your breasts encouraged you to move faster and throw your head back, but he let you stay in as much control as you could. You’d take it as a small win.
“Sweetest pussy I’ve ever had and it’s all mine. Like my cock’s all yours,” he said in your mind as he sat up and wrapped your arms around your back, crushing his chest to your as you lifted your head. He groaned against your lips as you rode him harder, losing yourself to pleasure you didn’t ask for, but craved. “Fucking take it. Make me come. Make me pump you full. I know you want it. I want it, too.”
You lost yourself to his words, pleasure pooling in your stomach as you reached up to yank on his long hair. The growl you were met with spurred you on, getting closer to the edge as you eagerly bounced in his lap. You hoped this impending orgasm wouldn’t leave you feeling empty after.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
Your head fell back again with a sharp cry, spasming around him with your release. He gripped the back of your head when you tried to squeeze your eyes shut, your face still contorted in ecstasy as he thrust up to chase his own end. He wanted you to look at him as he emptied himself inside you. A twisted part of you wanted it, too.
A familiar warmth bloomed deep in your core moments later as he finished, the sound of Ari grunting your name reaching your ears. He surprised you by laying back, taking you down with him as he twitched inside you. Both of you panted as he held you and you didn’t have it in you to try and roll away.
Every time Ari took you was like a cut to your heart, slowly making you bleed out. With each whispered word he spoke though, the wound closed. You didn’t feel the same ache you normally did and that frightened you. Was your heart slowly becoming his by giving him your body willingly? No. You refused to let that be the case.
And you refused to shed a tear when he pulled you closer.
“You’ll say it back. And you’ll have my ring on your finger.”
Because it wasn't enough that he had all of you, he needed you to take his last name, too.
“Having my body is easy,” you said in his mind as your eyes slipped shut, your breathing still ragged. “My heart is a bit harder to get.”
“I’m a very determined man,” he promised, kissing the top of your head with a small nuzzle. “Besides, you aren’t going anywhere.”
You bit your lip to keep from snapping back in denial. "If you say so."
Maybe you would try to run, after all. If only to see how long it would take for him to catch you. Because if Ari Levinson truly wanted your love, he’d have to earn it. He owed you that much.
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What do we think? Will you run? How long until Ari catches you if you do? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Misc. Chris Evans Characters Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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xxsycamore · 6 months
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A Soulmate That Wasn’t Meant to Be
╰┈➤ 🩷 While rare, there are some instances of a soulmate clock appearing to be broken, showing a negative countdown or one that you cannot outlive. Or both. You were just born under an unlucky star. One that destined you to not only fail to experience such a major event of your life as knowing when you've met your soulmate, but also for Arthur Conan Doyle to find out about it when you've successfully kept it a secret from almost everyone so far.
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Arthur Conan Doyle x Gender Neutral Reader • rating: G • tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Alternate Universe - College/University; Alternate Universe - Reincarnation; Alternate Universe - Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Timers; Denial of Feelings; Feelings Realization; Fake/Pretend Relationship; Pet Names; Drinking; Time Travel; First Kiss • wordcount: 2,641 • masterlist
a/n: This is my gift for @oigimi, for the Secret Santa event hosted by @lemeowade ! I saw your preferences for AUs and I couldn't help myself searching for a connection...then I remembered soulmate clock AU is a thing, and then I remembered ikevamp deals with timetravel and I went "hmmm this can turn into something interesting!" and it spiraled out of control after that point 😭 i sincerely hope this isn't too big of a mess and that it's your type of fic! Hope you enjoy, I had a lot of fun!! 🥺🥺❤❤ Namesake song by Jess Benko. Take a look at the end notes for clarification on some parts of this fic!
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"Remind me again why do I have to spend the whole day being your pretend partner. The party doesn't start until 10PM tonight!"
"Here you go, luv. Be careful, it's hot!" Arthur hands the freshly baked pastry to you, resuming your slow stroll in Jardin du Carrousel, the garden of the Louvre museum. You hurriedly take it from his hands if that would make him finally pay attention to your question. Of course it would be hot, he doesn't need to remind you - it only annoys you further, as he so obviously does it to look like a good boyfriend more than anything.
"Do you want to taste mine? I can taste yours too."
"No thank you."
You suppose it's partly your own fault finding yourself in your current situation, considering the recent events. In a world where everyone is busy chasing after time, enjoying the dating scene before their soulmate countdown turns to zero, or trying to rush in and see the countdown speeding up as they try to play with fate and meet with their designated soulmate faster, you're an outcast. An outcast with a broken soulmate clock on your wrist, condemning you to a lifetime of long sleeves and wide bracelets and false modesty to trick people's curiosity. You should be used to them by now, their comments about you not being interested in relationships. And even though you do feel fed up with it, the thought of lying about dating someone just so they can shut up never crossed your mind.
But it crossed that of Arthur Conan Doyle. The college's infamous frivolous playboy, a firm believer of the 'hook up as much as you can before you find your soulmate!' ideology. Now, you didn't want to have anything to do with a guy like him, but on one of those college parties you were dragged to, he decided to pick you for the lead role in his biggest, stupidest drunken decision yet. And you were equally as drunk to play along with it, nodding in the face of his ex-girlfriend as she looked at the both of you in disbelief. For a playboy like Arthur, you thought he was managing to control his dating life better than this. But you guess he just got bored of being surrounded by love.
Straightening the lapels of his grey coat, Arthur fetches the brochure handed earlier to him out of his inner pocket and takes a quick look at it to make sure you checked out everything of interest in the area before entering the museum itself.
The guy has a whole checklist of activities for the day. You've seen it. He purposely taped another page underneath just to scare you with its sheer length, but you're seeing right through his tricks, the page is full of gibberish written just to take space. You've got your best frown on to keep the illusion of ignorance, hoping that you'd get bonus points for agreeing to go through the full contents of the list, both the real and the fake ones.
But is it really an act? The occasional tidbits of satisfaction coming from beating Arthur's brilliant mind - not that you'd ever give him the credit for it - are hardly enough to keep you entertained throughout the day. When the activities you take on today are meant to be just that, entertaining. And romantic too.
Now, were you a normal couple, a true couple, then maybe you'd be having fun now.
"Arthur, I think partners are supposed to listen to each other and answer each other's questions. At the very least."
"But you see, dear…" Arthur wraps his arm over your shoulder, gently nudging you into taking a turn away from the crowded path ahead and into a more secluded walk. "By asking that question out loud with people around us, you've already answered yourself. We clearly have more training to do, or we won't appear as a genuine couple."
Ah. He's right, damn it.
"I only lowered my guard because these people don't know us, stupid… Let's get inside already!"
Getting ahead of him, you think that as long as you appear excited to see the exponates, you can get away with keeping a few steps distance from Arthur. Hearing his low, annoying chuckle triggers the sensory neurons in your brain until a neat little image of his smirk is produced with near-perfect accuracy. Have you simply seen it too many times? There's no escape even when you turn your back to him, great.
The Louvre is magnificent to explore with the many pieces of art it houses, instantly changing your infatuation with the slow passage of time into wishes it would stop altogether. There's so much to see that you'd frankly not mind getting lost in here just to have an excuse to spend more time surrounded by art.
You have to admit, Arthur chose the perfect dating spot. You're not sure if it was based on your own preferences - surely not - but you find yourself not minding it suddenly.
Hearing the signal, you instantly turn in the direction of the raised-up phone, smiling for the camera as Arthur presses his face closer to yours.
"Oh, this is a good one, I'm definitely posting it. You look so inlove."
"I'm in love with Da Vinci's work, that's it."
"Uh-uh. That works for me too." Arthur replies while his fingers dance across the screen, likely typing some cheesy caption for the picture. A second later your own phone vibrates in your pocket, signaling that he posted the picture and tagged you in it, and you don't even bother looking.
"At least you're a natural, Arthur."
"What, in masking an expression? How are you so sure?"
You blink, meeting his gaze as some child holding a balloon separates the two of you for a mere second. Instinctively, you shorten the distance so you don't lose Arthur, looking for his hand to take hold of. You've already been through that today, linking hands in the crowds. And while there was no real need to do that right now, you just did that…
To the question in your eyes evoked from his last words, he smirks and adds, "There are pieces of art here that I look at with fondness just like you do."
Your heart sinks for a moment, only to create palpitations that mess with your head. You have no idea where they came from or what evoked this feeling in your chest, but while looking anywhere but at Arthur, your gaze falls on other couples passing by. It's because you were instructed to watch them if you're having trouble recreating the subtle romantic gestures that indicate dating. An advice from a writer no doubt, one that you wish you could forget because it's too late telling your brain to forget what it's been taught. But the question is, why the sudden turning of stomach at the sight of them?
While failing to watch your step, you lose your balance and stumble on your own feet, meeting the hard ground hands-first. You feel eyes on you for a short moment; just a mere second any stranger might spare to witness the unfortunate event before moving on with their tour.
That's it, except for Arthur - who is there to pull you up in a manner of utmost care, dusting off your clothes, taking you to a more secluded area with benches to rest on and asking you at least three times if you're alright before you can snap out of your surprised state and let out a murmur of affirmation.
In the whirlwind of emotions rushing through your slightly clouded mind, you put the embarrassment of your fall aside and realize you still feel hot. As Arthur turns your hand around to inspect it, you realize that no amount of hand-holding numbed your reaction to the touch of his warm hands.
And no amount of his exaggerated lovey-dovey gestures of affection could prepare you for the look of genuine worry over something so insignificant on his face.
"You fell on your hands, they must be scrapped… let's get them under cold water, it would wash away the dirt too."
"Wait, don't look!-"
With the distraction slowing down your reactions, you fail to stop Arthur on time before he can roll up your sleeve.
Your soulmate clock instantly makes him adopt an expression of perplexion, as the quick look he gave it was enough for him to notice the bizarre sight of one too many numbers aligned on the width of your wrist.
-46 750 days, 9 hours, 17 minutes, 35 seconds
"Your countdown is…"
"Screwed up. I'm one of those people."
While rare, there are some instances of a soulmate clock appearing to be broken, showing a negative countdown or one that you cannot outlive. Or both. You were just born under an unlucky star.
One that destined you to not only fail to experience such a major event of your life as knowing when you've met your soulmate, but also for Arthur Conan Doyle to find out about it when you've successfully kept it a secret from almost everyone so far.
It has to be some kind of irony, being here with him today for these reasons. He who made up this whole plan because he needs an escape from love, while you on the other hand-
"Now that I've seen yours, it would only be fair I showed you mine."
"It's nothing, you really don't have to-"
You try to avert your gaze as Arthur extends his hand and rolls up his sleeve, turning it so you can see the inside of his wrist.
-12 616 days, 9 hours, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
"Huh…" You freeze for a moment, not believing your eyes. The guy you secretly envied for having the privilege of being sure about meeting true love to the point he'd chase ephemeral trysts just to kill time. Turns out he also won't be able to…
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't think I'm all that sad, luv. I was never destined to have a soulmate, but that's fine by me. Maybe that's what I deserve."
Your head spins with emotion once more, and this time it's guilt. And it weighs down on you heavier than all else there is, and you suddenly want to disappear.
It's probably not wise to turn your back on Arthur without saying a word, but you'll be regretting this later. You start running, and he calls out your name but it never approaches you. He's not even chasing after you, but you're glad - you've already started thinking of the apology you're going to drop in his direct messages before blocking his number.
Just as you halt your step and check behind your back, you spot his tall frame amidst the crowd, trying to push his way toward you. Without much time to think, you open the nearest door and pray that he'll lose you from his sight and continue ahead on the corridor.
This section of the museum appears different somehow, ontop of being strangely devoid of visitors, with the exponates carrying an air of extra antiquity to them. The path ahead is quite narrower in contrast to the other hallways too, the lightning more sparse, and the feeling of unease tells you to wait out Arthur's chase attempt and then go back where you came from.
Except, he finds you.
You hate it that he read your mind about entering that door, and you hate that you're now practically given the privacy to talk. Not wanting to face him now, you simply continue ahead, hoping to blend with the crowd at the other side of that corridor and escape him then.
Arthur follows behind you, continuing to call out your name, and your mind becomes dizzy out of a sudden. You're ready to blame it on one too many things and you don't pay much attention, until something odd happens. A blinding light flashes before you, making you unable to advance further. Arthur catches up with you just in time to put his hand on your arm.
The light is gone in the next moment, and you slowly open your eyes to find yourself in a different hallway, together with Arthur.
Sinking to your knees, you try to make something out of the bizarre situation, and Arthur follows you on the ground to soothingly massage your back, simultaneously checking for injury. A tiny part of you remains sane and warm, and it's glad that he's here.
"A-Arthur! Look at my-"
Moving his gaze from your shocked expression to your outstretched hand, he gasps as he sees your soulmate clock suddenly speed up, losing years upon years, seemingly not planning on stopping anytime soon. Another portion of shock hits you as you notice his own clock doing the same, and you drag up his hand to get his attention to it.
At a pace slower than yours, Arthur's clock reduces its countdown. The two of you can only watch in alert silence, everything else becoming irrelevant in the face of the miracle happening to those who accepted their deprived-of-love fate long, long ago. In the lone hallway, two sets of eyes search for a third person who does not exist, as one might do when that moment approaches.
The days on the counters reduce to what at most adds up to a few years, then a few months, then finally they turn to zero; followed by the minutes, and at last, followed by the seconds as well.
The rows of zeros align on both of your wrists, signaling that…
"My soulmate is…"
"It's been you the whole time?"
After being found by the residents of what you came to know is the mansion of Comte de Saint-German, you were introduced to the lord of the house himself. His explanation eased some of your concerns while still being bizarre enough to be hardly believable.
Being trapped here for a month surely sounds like you'll have enough time on your hands to unpack everything that happened today. But you're glad you're not going through this on your own.
Once you find yourself alone in the company of Arthur again, the butterflies in your belly are revived, stubbornly refusing to let anything overshadow the realization you came to just awhile ago.
Arthur seems to be able to tell what's on your mind. His deep sea-blue eyes lock into yours, and you don't know what to say. Luckily, he takes the initiative.
"We traveled back in time. The clocks were never broken… we were meant to meet here."
An echo of his words reverberates in your head as you try and let them sink in, absurd as they sound…there's no other explanation.
He starts laughing, much to your dismay.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just…" He casually puts his hands in his pockets, admiring a painting hanging on the hallway's wall as he picks his words. "Seeing as we won't be showing up to that party… I guess we don't need the pretend couple lessons anymore."
It's a laugh you didn't know you needed. You aren't sure what is it about human nature that nudges you to seek the solace of a smile no matter how sobering and hostile a situation is, such as finding yourself in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar age. But you're thankful.
"It's a shame." Arthur turns to you. "I was looking forward to kissing you as our grand final lesson."
Your eyes widen, and Arthur has that stupid smirk plastered on his face. Without taking his hands out of his pockets, he leans into your frame and shortens the distance.
"It's a shame indeed…" is all you can muster before sealing those damned alluring smiling lips of Arthur with your own.
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a/n: The soulmate clock AU normally uses the countdown for the couple's meeting but here they've clearly met before, so I wondered if I could instead make it count down to their first meeting in the place they're destined to fall in love at, Comte's mansion in 19th century Paris.
Arthur's countdown differs from that of the reader because his clock is synced with the timeline of his previous life - practically, he was born in 1859, lived through the year 1895 when they were destined to meet with the reader - but because it wasn't the right timeline, his clock began to run backwards. Arthur then dies in 1930 and gets reborn into 21st century Arthur, with a clock that still counts down to the year 1895, but the countdown picks up from the moment he died in his previous life - july 7th 1930 (his death day). This is why his and the reader's clocks aren't synced and they can't see it coming that they're each other's soulmate LMAO get doomed by the narrative
"mo are you alright why is this a 4 different AUs at once, 2600 word fic without any planned squeals" yes I think it's perfect as it and I had fun!
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sweeter-innocence-fics · 11 months
There's Always Time For Second Guesses (I Don't Wanna Know) (One-Shot)
Pairing: Tangerine x Reader
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Work Summary: Tangerine x Reader Soulmate AU.
You're on vacation in Japan, trying to get away from the shitstorm that is your life, but you're not prepared for what's waiting for you on the bullet train to Kyoto.
Rating: Teen and up.
Word Count: 3519
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mcximffs @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Warnings for snakes and sadness, general assassin stuff, blood.
Timeline probably doesn't line up with the timeline of the movie, whoops.
It was supposed to be fun. The sort of relaxing faux-adventure you get from travelling to the tourist-y destinations of another country. The precursor to a fresh start after everything in your life had gone to shit.
But that wasn’t meant to be. Your carefree vacation had turned into a nightmare over the course of a few hours.
There were people with guns on this train. There was a dead man bleeding out of his eyeballs. Over the course of your journey, the number of train passengers had thinned out, and none of them seemed as worried as you felt. It was like no one else was paying attention. You needed to get out of here, but the next stop wasn’t for another thirty-five minutes.
Heart in your throat, you decided to take your backpack and hide in a bathroom. It was close to one of the exit doors. You would wait until the train was pulling into the next station, and then you would run for it.
That was your plan at least. You sat yourself down on the closed lid of the toilet, trying desperately to forget the face of the blood-covered man. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you knew exactly how to distract yourself. You’d packed your vacation to the brim, trying to leave yourself as little space for quiet reflection as possible. Maybe this was your penance. Now was the time to think about everything that had brought you here.
For starters, your boyfriend of four years had found his soulmate. It wasn’t as if you’d never considered this eventuality. After all, things like that happened all the time.
You weren’t ready, though, when you came home and found him sitting at the kitchen table with an expression half-guilty, half-ecstatic, the back of his hand stained a bright red.
He had tried to let you down gently; he really had. You hadn’t wanted him to feel guilty, either. It just as easily could’ve happened to you. You wished him the best, and then, when he was gone, you’d cried for three days.
A few days later, you’d found out that the company you worked for was ‘downsizing’ and you hadn’t made the cut. Redundant and freshly unwillingly single, you packed up everything you owned into your car and drove back to your parents’ house.
They had welcomed you back with open arms, but you could see the pity in their eyes. You hated that pity. So you made a decision. You took your redundancy money and decided to go on a trip.
You’d never been to Japan before, even though you’d always meant to. It was an exceptionally beautiful country, but you were still miserable. You had hoped that travelling would decrease the desire to check your ex’s Instagram for pictures of him with his new girlfriend, but it was still a compulsion that you were struggling to break.
You should just delete the app. It’s not like you posted much anyway. As you opened your phone and pressed on that little colourful camera icon, you heard a low hiss.
Your thumb paused over the Instagram app. “Huh?”
Probably the plumbing. It didn’t sound like any pipes you’d ever heard before, but Japanese toilets were different from the ones you were used to. Even though you weren’t using the toilet, you decided to flush, just in case.
A shape caught the corner of your eye, and before you could properly process what you were seeing, a scream ripped its way out of your throat.
A small, yellowish-brown snake slithered had slithered out between your legs. You launched yourself into the door, cursing the lock as you did so. Your fingers fumbled over it, and then, after an agonising moment, managed to unlock it.
You spilled out of the room and almost collided with a man in the process. You stumbled backwards, slamming the door and praying that the snake was now trapped inside.
Feeling unsteady, you almost lost your balance when a warm hand wrapped around your forearm, helping you stay upright. The man’s skin was hot against yours. Too hot. It burned.
He leapt back from you suddenly, and you fell into the wall, stabilizing yourself with one hand. Your eyes darted over him, trying to assess whether he was a threat.
With a jolt, you realised that you recognised him. You had seen him and another man talking to the dead man earlier. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes, but now, his hair was dishevelled and there were splotches of blood on his clothes.
You took a step back, away from him, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was staring at his hand.
It shimmered, like gold paint. A soulmate mark. Unbidden, your eyes found the spot on your arm where he touched you. It still burned. It had turned a rich, dark blue.
He looked at you then, his eyes roving over your face, trying to take you in. Your cheeks heated up under his penetrating gaze.
“There’s a snake in the bathroom,” you blurted out. You clutched your arm to your chest, cradling it through the burning ache. The man in front of you flexed his hand, and you realised that he must’ve been feeling the same thing. As you glanced at the now closed bathroom door, you had a sinking feeling of dread. “I left my backpack in there.”
“It’s okay, love. I’ll get it back for you.” He smiled at you then, and when you smiled back, you realised that you had never really been in love before.
Your ex was forgiven, the pain forgotten. If his girlfriend made him feel half as good as you did now, how could you possibly blame him for choosing her over you?
As he guided you back into the carriage, gesturing for you sit down, your smile faltered.
“Be careful? Please?”
He chuckled a little at that. “Don’t worry, love, I’m a professional. Just stay here and keep your head down, okay?”
Your heart thudded as you watched him retreat. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to breathe. Today had been quite the day. You were sure you were going to cry as soon as you got away from this train.  
A moment later, your soulmate returned, holding your rucksack. He put it on the seat beside you.
“You need to get off this train, love. It’s not safe here anymore.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to do.”
“Okay. We get to Nagoya in…” He checked his watch. “Twenty-five minutes. Let’s find somewhere to lay low.” There was no question as to whether or not you would go with him. Your trust in him was implicit and biological. In the space of a moment, he was yours and you were his. He took your rucksack again and slung it over his shoulder.
He took three steps and then stopped, turning back to you. “I don’t even know your name,” he said, almost apologetically. You gave him your name, and watched that smile spread across his face again. “Tangerine,” he said in response.
“That’s my name. Tangerine.”
You were sure he was lying to you, but you could get into that later. He led you down the train until he found some unoccupied private cabins. He even held the door open for you so that you could go in first.
He was nothing if not a gentleman, evidently. You sat down in the seat next to the window and pulled your legs up onto it, hugging your knees. Tangerine put your bag in the overhead storage and then slid into the seat opposite you.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. You just looked at each other. This was the man that fate said you were going to spend the rest of your life with, whether you liked it or not.
He was certainly very handsome. He was smooth and polite and well-dressed (or at least he had been, earlier). Other than that, you knew almost nothing about him. There was one thing you were sure about though: he was dangerous.
“I saw you and your friend talking to that man earlier. The one who died,” you said.
His lips turned down. “My brother.”
“Not my friend. My brother.”
“Your brother,” you repeated. “Where is he?”
Tangerine looked out of the window, frowning. “Dead.”
Your stomach gave a lurch. “What?”
He turned his eyes on you again, and took a deep breath, like he was steeling himself. “There’s some things you should know about me, sweetheart. I am not a good person. I am not a safe person. If you stay with me then you could get hurt.” As he spoke, you felt your stomach sinking. “Me and my brother, we’re- we were- are assassins.”
He shook his head slightly. Until he’d stumbled over his words, the speech had sounded practised. You wondered if he had prepared for this exact moment, when he would meet his soulmate.
“What happened to your brother?” you asked in a small voice.
He sighed deeply. “We were hired to retrieve something. A briefcase. And a person. Trouble is, someone else was hired to kill that person.”
“The man who was bleeding out of his eyes.”
“Right. Seems like this whole train is full of assassins. One of them took Lemon out. That’s why I need to get you out of here. I can’t lose another person today.” His eyes were starting to look very shiny. His hand was curled into a fist on his knee. Cautiously, you reached out and put your hand over it.
You watched as his expression smoothed out. His hand relaxed, and he let you turn it over, taking it between both of yours.
“I’m sorry about your brother,” you said softly.
“You’ll come with me, right? When I leave the train?” you asked.
“I have to finish this job.”
“There’s people who’ll kill me if I don’t.”
“Sounds like there’s people who’ll kill you if you do.” For a moment, he smiled again. It was a reluctant smile, but it was still beautiful, because he was beautiful.
“You’re probably right about that. But still. I have to see this through. I’m sorry.”
“Why?” Frustration was edging into your voice. “What could be worth that?”
He didn’t answer right away. He ran his free hand through his hair, turning back towards the window. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.
“Okay. I’ll come with you. There’s nothing left for me here, anyway.”
You squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”
“What about you then? What brings you here? You’re not a local.”
It was your turn to frown. “I guess I was just looking for a distraction.”
“Well, you certainly found one.”
His expression was relaxed again. So you found yourself telling him everything. Your job. Your ex. Your parents. Everything that had been going wrong in your life that had led to you being here. He listened, lacing your fingers together and rubbing over the skin of your palm with his thumb.
The overhead announcement that you were about to pull into Nagoya almost made you jump. It hadn’t felt like twenty-five minutes had passed. Your heart began to speed up again.
Tangerine got to his feet and pulled your rucksack out of the rack above your head. Reluctantly, you stood up too. He swung the bag over one shoulder, and then held out a hand to you. When you didn’t immediately take it, he wiggled his fingers at you.
Okay. So he was cute too. Trying to suppress a smile, you took his hand.
It was a straight shot to the exit. There was a stretch of corridor about ten feet long, and then you would be off the train. You were almost at the door when Tangerine swore loudly, and then pulled you into the space next to the luggage storage.
You squeaked, almost losing your balance, but he put both hands on your shoulders. As the train pulled to a stop, his hands were the only things stopping you from falling into him.
“What’s wrong?” you asked once you’d got your feet under you.
“The man who hired me has got guards on the platform. If I try to get off this train, they’ll kill me.”
It felt like you’d been dunked in a bucket of ice. You’d been so close to getting away.
“What do we do?”
His expression was serious. “You need to get off the train.” You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off. “They don’t know you have anything to do with me. You’re just another passenger. They won’t bother you. Take this.” He pulled a wallet out of his pocket and grabbed a handful of cash. “Rent a car. Drive to Kyoto. I’ll meet you there.”
He wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was scribbling something down on a scrap of paper. As he slid it into your hands, you saw it was a phone number.
“I know today must’ve been terrifying for you,” he said. “So if you don’t call me, I won’t hold it against you. My life is dangerous. I’d hate for you to get hurt. So if that means living without you…” He swallowed. “I can live with that, okay?” You gritted your teeth. Your eyes were stinging. “Come to Kyoto. Or don’t. I’ll understand either way. Okay?”
Your heart was beating hard enough to hurt. You were almost surprised he couldn’t hear it. This beautiful, stupid, dangerous man. You had only just met him, but you’d do anything for him. Even leave, if that’s what he wanted you to do.
You pushed up onto your tiptoes and kissed him. It was a clumsy graze of your lips against his, but before you could rock back on your heels, he grabbed your face and kissed you back properly. You gripped the front of his shirt, trying to pull him closer, but he pushed you away.
“You need to get off the train,” he said again, looking almost bereft.
You pulled him down to steal one last kiss. “I’ll see you in Kyoto.”
He handed you your rucksack. Resolute, you slipped it on and made your way out into the corridor. With your chin held high, you walked down the little steps off the train and onto the platform.
There were a lot of men in suits milling about, but as Tangerine had predicted, they paid no attention to you. You walked straight over to the car rental office without looking back.
The drive to Kyoto was almost two hours. The bullet train would’ve got you there in under forty minutes. You drove the speed limit, rucksack thrown haphazardly into the passenger seat, no question of stopping any time soon, but you still felt Tangerine getting further away from you with every minute.
There had been a lump in your throat ever since you’d left him behind. It would be just your luck to meet your soulmate and then have him die after you’d known him for less than a day.
You couldn’t think like that. You’d never make it to Kyoto if you had a mental breakdown on the drive there. Your eyes darted down to the new patch of blue colour on your arm. It was still as vivid as it had been when he’d first touched you. He was alive. That made it a little easier to breathe.
You were twenty minutes outside Kyoto when you reached the roadblock. There were police everywhere, and no way through. They were trying to direct you down a diversion, but you weren’t having that.
You pulled over to the side of the road and got out. You put on your best clueless tourist face and walked right up to the roadblock.
“Excuse me? Do you speak English?” you asked one of the cops. He held up a hand, telling you to wait, and then went over and spoke to another officer.
The second cop came over to you. “English?” he said.
“Yes. What happened here? Why is the road closed?”
He grimaced at you. “Bullet train derailed. Very bad.”
Your heart seized. You glanced down at your arm again. Still blue. His eyes traced the movement of your gaze right down to your soulmark, and a look of understanding crossed his face.
“My soulmate was on a train to Kyoto,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Not many people on this train. We found no survivors. Only dead.” At the expression on your face, he grimaced again. “Probably not your soulmate. Lots of trains come through here. Maybe on the next one?”
“Maybe,” you said shakily. “Thank you.”
He didn’t say anything else as you turned around to go back to the car. You slid into the driver’s seat, and took a shuddery breath.
Slowly, you unzipped your rucksack and rifled through it, looking for your wallet. In your hurry to get here, you had stuffed it into the top of your bag.
You flipped it open, and there, folded up in the space that used to hold a picture of you and your ex-boyfriend, was the scrap of paper with Tangerine’s phone number on it.
You smoothed it out on your lap. His handwriting was messy – though given the circumstances, you could hardly blame him – but it was still legible. With trembling fingers, you typed the number into your phone.
It was answered before the first ring had even finished.
“Hello?” Tangerine’s voice was in your ear, and your relief came in the form of a rush of tears.
“Tangerine?” you asked, and he said your name in return.
The rest of the phone conversation was hazy. You were crying through it. Eventually, he told you that he’d text you an address, and you needed to meet him there. You promised him you would.
It was dark by the time you drove up to the hotel. You pulled into a parking space, turned your engine off, and paused.
You were sure you looked a mess. You’d been crying on and off for hours. You looked at yourself in the rearview mirror and frowned.
“Stop being an idiot,” you muttered to yourself. Tangerine was your soulmate. He wouldn’t care if you were a mess. You took a few deep breaths, and then got out of the car.
The lobby wasn’t manned, so you went straight for the elevator. The floor numbers were handily written in both Japanese and English, so you hit the button for Tangerine’s floor and watched the doors slide closed.
It was very quiet here. The hum of traffic that had kept you company for hours seemed very far away now. You rubbed at your face, trying to get rid of any evidence of tears, to no avail. The elevator dinged.
Jittery, you made your way down the hallway and found the number of Tangerine’s room.
Here goes nothing.
You knocked on the door. There were footsteps, and a moment later, it opened a crack. A dark brown eye peeked out at you.
You were about to start apologising, saying that you had the wrong room, when the man took a step back, opening the door wider, and you recognised him as the man Tangerine had been with earlier. The man he’d called his brother. The man who he’d said was dead.
“Tan!” he called over his shoulder. “It’s for you.”
You heard another door slam shut, frantic footsteps, and then there he was, standing in the doorway.
He was wearing a white bathrobe. His hair, which had been slicked back earlier, was damp and curly. You liked it better that way.
He was no longer covered in blood, but you could see a couple of nasty cuts and bruises. You moved towards each other at the same time. He opened his arms and you stepped in.
He smelled like soap and aftershave. His skin was damp wherever it pressed against yours. He was so attractive that you felt a little light-headed.
A small, gasping sob escaped from your lips, and he immediately drew you tighter into himself, holding you.
“Shh, shh, love, it���s okay,” he murmured, guiding you back into the room. The door fell closed behind you.
You stood there for a moment, clinging to him like a lifeline. For his part, he seemed perfectly content to let you try to burrow your way into his chest.
Somewhere behind him, someone cleared their throat. Feeling a little embarrassed, you pulled back to see Tangerine’s brother lounging on a bed, a book propped open on his lap.
“If you two are gonna carry on like that, I’m gonna get my own room,” he said.
Tangerine chuckled, and then pressed his lips to your temple. “That’s probably for the best. Love, this is my brother, Lemon.”
“I thought you said he was dead?”
“It’s a long story, sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get room service.”
'‘Cause there’s always time for second guesses, I don’t wanna know If you’re gonna be the death of me, that’s how I wanna go.'
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bottomlouisficfest · 6 months
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the fics from weeks 9-10 of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023! Every two weeks, we’re compiling all of the fics from that period into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
part time soulmates (full time problem)
A fic by localopa on AO3 | @voulezloux on Tumblr
12k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
sworn enemies harry and louis are soulmates. everything is going smoothly until the pain hits.
Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets
A fic by Whoopsiedaisiesss on AO3 | @shining-louist on Tumblr
6k | Not Rated | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis. --- Or the one where Louis suffers from anxiety. His rivals with Harry makes this even worse. Until one day he accidentally calls Harry during one of his panic attacks. Harry just wants Louis to feel better. He always does.
Bend the Rules
A fic by youreyesonlarry on AO3 | @youreyesonlarry on Tumblr | @youreyesonlarry on Twitter
17k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 588: Lous hires a ‘ghost cooking’ service because his family is worried he’s not eating well and he wants to impress them by showing them what an amazing cook he’s become. The service includes sending a discreet cook to your house and have them get everything ready so that you only serve and take the credit. Problem is, his sisters (can be OCs if that’s more comfortable) get to his flat earlier than planned and the actual cook has to hide in the master bathroom for hours. Louis is mortified. The cook is amused and helps him to clean and well. Gives him a thorough service. Feel free to pick your fave as the cook.
The Writing on the Wall
A fic by stylinsonwritingpalace on AO3 | @stylinsonwritingpalace on Tumblr
7k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When BookToker Louis receives a gift basket filled with all his favorite sweets, wines, and stuffed animals alongside the new Harry Styles book, he's shocked at the story he finds in the pages. ----- For BLFF Prompt 85: Louis is a literature teacher who spends his free time either making videos on Instagram or TikTok (author’s choice) talking about his favorite books. His audience knows how obsessed he is with a specific author, from his poems to his novels, he reads and gushes about every single one of his works because he always feels as if they were written to him. That was why when he receives a special PR package with his favorite sweets, wine, and the author’s brand new book, it only took him hours to finish the whole thing. Only this time, to his shock, the story on the pages of the book were too familiar to him. It was the story of how Louis broke his ex’s heart.
Define me again
A fic by Hazzascul_07 on AO3 | @hazzascul on Tumblr
54k | Mature | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He's never felt so frightened in his life before, so fucking terrified for himself. And Louis. He looked down at their hands, which seemed to have been connected throughout the incident. He looked at the ring on Louis' hand, for the nth time that day. His heart hurt so bad now, he was terrified. He wanted to do so many things, he wanted to check on louis, if he- if he- God he couldn't even think about it. "Louis," he tried to whisper, but nothing but air came out from his mouth. "I love you, Harry," whispered a voice. But it was nowhere near him. Visions attacked his mind, rapidly flickering through like one would do the pages of a book. He was terrified. His entire life literally flashed in his mind, vision growing more and more weak and he fought unconsciousness. Memories and the picture of Louis lying unconscious in front of him altered and flickered, so rapidly that he felt dizzy with how fast his mind was whirring. What happens when you die? God he was so, so, so, fucking terrified. All his senses gave out, last thing he felt was Louis' hand in his and then, everything went black.
in deep devotion
A fic by ifthat on AO3 | @lovehl on Tumblr | @omegalouis on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
With no signs of presenting at the age of sixteen, no official designation by age eighteen, Harry was no match for the line of Alpha suitors Louis attracted with his sweet, gravitating disposition and breathtaking beauty. His presence commanded attention. His movements were graceful, his skin tinged by the sun, his smile infectious, and his eyes the color of the sea.
You Were Always Mine
A fic by GoldenSunflouervol6 on AO3 | @sunflouervol6 on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 45: A/B/O fic where Louis and Harry have a lot of mutual friends but they don’t get along (mostly Louis doesn’t like Harry). One day, Louis turns up on Harry’s doorstep covered in blood and asking for help. (Inspiration: Prompt #126 from the BLFF 2021).
give my heart a holiday
A fic by Ashisinlove on AO3 | @ashisinlove28 on Twitter
14k | Not Rated | Tumblr post | Twitter post
AU where Louis and someone else both like Harry but Harry obviously likes Louis and is oblivious to the other person with scenes like Harry’s sitting with his legs on the coffee table and the other person wants to walk across and Harry doesn’t see them, so they have to say excuse me, but when Louis wants to cross he doesn’t even have to say anything because Harry sits up, puts his feet down, and gives his undivided attention to Louis.
always tell the truth
A fic by anditsonlyforthebrave on AO3 | @HARRYSC1NEMA on Twitter
5k | Not Rated | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry is Louis' dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn't be the end of the world.
Wait For Me
A fic by cherrygelb on AO3 | @cherrygelb on Twitter
17k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Moving to a new place always comes with a few challenges. For Harry, it’s trying to start over after his divorce, while still doing his best taking care of his son. Though just like every parent, he is not infallible, so some mistakes are bound to be made, settling into his new role as a single-dad. For his son, Davie, moving means he has to get used to all the changes happening in his life through no fault of his own. Discovering a secret passageway on their new property lets him form an unlikely friendship with the young man and his dog he finds on the other side. BLFF 2023, Prompt 391: Harry’s son gets very attached to Louis! Maybe they just randomly meet at first (possibly neighbors?) and then the kid just keeps running back to Louis without telling his dad.
Remember to give these fics kudos and comments, and spread their fic posts!
All roundups will be linked here:
Weeks 1-2 Roundup
Weeks 3-4 Roundup
Weeks 5-6 Roundup
Weeks 7-8 Roundup
Weeks 9-10 Roundup
Week 11 Roundup
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rosemarydisaster · 2 years
Steve was almost certain Nancy's been flirting with Robin, and he was loosing his god damm mind about it. Not in a jealous way, Nancy and him had their time and whatever happened in the upside down clearly hadn't stuck. He simply wished he could be certain so he could tell Robin! Look, it's not that he didn't trust her, but it had always seemed like she exaggerated the difficulty of telling apart flirting from girl friendships. But now...now Steve understood.
It was such a weird experience because he remembered distinctly Nancy sitting in his lap as one of the big "she likes me" moments. It was obvious, why would you sit in a boy's lap like that -arms around his neck, head on his shoulder- if you didn't like him? Now with a girl, it was different. Was she giggling coyly because she liked Robin? Or was it because that's the way girls talk with each other?
Robin wasn't of much help, she was panicking about her crush and had not that much experience on girl friendships. She seemed convinced that Nancy was just trying to be besties, which was Steve's reason to begin his secret crusade for the truth. His reasoning was that, having dated Nancy, he could easily tell. he thought that just by looking at Nancy the answer would drop from the heavens...but no luck so far. Sure, everything Wheeler did screamed "she's flirting" to Steve, but everytime he tried to frase it, it felt inconclusive. He needed hard facts for Robin to believe him.
It was Byers, high as a kite who actually made him feel less crazy. Eddie was DMing for the kids while the non kids played cards in a different table. They've given up on actually paying attention to the game -Steve thought Eddie sounded really cool when he explained things in that intensely theatrical voice, but he didn't have the attention span to actually understand anything- so now they just sat next to them. That way Eddie didn't have to spend 6 hours hanging out with only highschoolers.
Jonathan and Steve were betting whether the kids were going to realize Eddie was high or not, when something caught Steve's eye across the table. Nancy had offered to paint Robin's nails and had her legs on Robin's lap while poor Robin rambled endlessly. Nancy was holding Robin's hand up to inspect her handiwork, but that's not what really interested him. She just softly smiled while telling Robin "Oh woah, your hands are sooo big!". It was the way she elongated the os, her embarrassed little laughter -like she was somehow high too-, it was so obvious! And when he looked to his right, sure enough, he could see his face reflected on Byers'. It was a kinda funny expression. The "am I too high or did we both see that happen?".
Suddenly feeling not alone in his madness, they both made the unspoken pact of solving the mystery right then and there. Steve decided to re involve himself in the conversation just to stir up trouble. He was done just observing Nancy, he needed to know. And giving Robin's near catatonic state, he needed to know as fast as possible. His platonic soulmate would not survive much longer.
He threw every single topic he could think of, trying to gauge Nancy's feelings from her answer. It was Jonathan who actually had the winning idea. "how's school going, Robin?". Of course, he didn't know about Robin, Steve realized. He was laser focused on Nancy, but Byers might want to actually know whether his "ex-now-best-friend" had a chance. It was an innocent enough question, one important to someone like Nancy but that would not ring any alarm bells for Robin. And easy enough, she was rambling about senior year being a bitch. She was fine for most classes but her history was proving to be a real pain in the ass. The teacher was against her, apparently.
"I could help you study! I have the best notes" and bingo. That was Nancy's signature move if she had any. "I've seen 'em Rob, Nancy's quite the miracle worker". Nancy's eyes snapped to his, an unspoken conversation. He made it clear she didn't need to panic but that also, he was onto her. They both volunteered to go search for more drinks and snacks for the brats the next time they'd inevitably asked them. It was a quiet trip right up until the kitchen door was closed.
"I knew it!" "Let me explain" turns out she didn't need most of her explanations. If she seemed surprised by how well Steve took it, Steve tried not to take it personally. He did call Byers queer, so maybe he deserved it. The second she realized Steve was safe, she immediately asked for help "You have way more experience at flirting with girls!" "Not in a gay way!". Nancy's gears were turning in her head while she searched for chips in the cupboards. She always did that, focus on the goal and nothing else. Steve had always thought it was really hot, and so did Robin.
Once things were neatly set on the tray she finally stared at Steve. "How do I let her know I'm flirting in a gay way?" Steve did not know how Nancy's opinion of him had changed so fast from "might be homophobic" to "knows about gay stuff". He would have been more surprised if he had not gone from one to the other equally as fast himself when Robin confessed to him. He thought about it, conjuring in his brain all the little things Robin had explained him about queer culture. "Okay, we might need more time to properly prepare you for this". Nancy only gave him a little wondering look, but decided to ultimately thank him and plan for a Tuesday while Robin was at rehearsals with the band.
That Tuesday Steve gathered every single nugget of knowledge he had on the topic of lesbians and bisexuals just so he could educate Nancy. Considering he was just Robin's apprentice, he did not feel at all prepared for the task at hand but damm him if he was not going to give it his all. He started with Rocky Horror. Maybe because that's what Robin started him with, and maybe because Tim Curry did look really good in fishnets. Then it was all about listening to Robin's casettes (he made sure Nancy did not suspect they were from her), talking about clothes, about all the little details that signified you liked girls. Nancy was all but taking notes. By the end she thanked him with a hug that just melted into friendly cuddling. Steve realized he had not been the only one that missed their relationship. After all the evening's intensity, they both felt drained and closer than ever.
It was the next day when Robin stormed Family Video with a panicked look on her face. "Steve" "mmm?" "Nancy has Doc Martens" "yeah, they look good on her" "No, Steve, you don't understand!" And so she explained to her friend in excruciating detail what that could mean, clearly having forgotten the fact that she had already explained it to him months ago. Steve nodded his head, feigning surprised at the appropriate moments.
He gave it a couple more days before actually speaking. He waited for Robin to be absolutely certain that all those little clues could not be coincidental, and then he pounced. "You know, I keep thinking about how she offered to help you study, because that's how she flirted with me". Robin stopped dead on her tracks with an incredulous look on her face. After a theatric pause -he was starting to understand why Eddie enjoyed them so much- he continued pointing out all the things he'd noticed. "You should definitely take her up on her offer for a study session".
So if the next time they were in the Wheeler's basement Robin and Nancy sat a little closer and giggled to themselves, that was their business. He enjoyed the satisfaction of a job well done. Nancy obviously tried to thank him and inform him they were together.
"Yeah I know"
"But, how?" Nancy looked flabbergasted.
"Knew about Robin, remember the whole platonic with a capital P? Besides, who did you think taught me about the lesbian things?"
Nancy looked at him like there was a puzzle piece missing in this equation.
"I thought Eddie taught you"
"Why would Eddie Know any of that? He's not a lesbian. Well, I mean gay"
"Wait" Nancy stared at him like he had told her the sky was green "so you two are not dating?"
"I...Steve, you're the smartest idiot I know"
She said it laughing in that "don't worry about it, I've got it handled" way of hers, and Steve was left asking himself how had she known about his crush and why had she thought it was reciprocated. As another customer entered he simply put on his best smile and tried not to give himself a headache thinking about it. Look, if Nancy had it covered, he was just gonna trust her to do her thing...and maybe allow himself to hope for a bit.
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bubbleonice · 6 months
Soulmate reading for Henry Cavill
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As you all might know, whilst we might have one twinflame, we can have many soulmates. Soulmates don’t neccesarily have to be a lover, it can be a friend, a mentor, a pet, etc. Just wanted to calrify this before I head on to the reading😁
So here we go.
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Henry seems to have 4 different soulmates. One who he is connected to through casual flirting. One who is a love connection. One who is not seeing too often and the last one is an ex, someone from his past.
Lets start with number 1:
I dream about you a lot, too much. This is a person who appears in his mind more than they should. He thinks about this person quite often. The energy between them is very lighthearted.
Flirt: they tend to flirt spontanously when together.
Unexpected outcome: things did not go how they planned. Maybe they lost contact, or maybe they did not work out when they wanted to. But something definetely did not work out.
Pay attention to the red flags: eventhough they have a good time their connection is somewhat unhealthy. There are some warning signs that cannot be ignored.
The fool:
This is a connection where you have to weigh the options and the risks.
Number 2:
I just want you all the time: this is a person whom he is passionate about
Give your relationship a chance: this is a relationship worth working on.
Irreplacable: this is quite self explanatory. This person is in Henry’s eyes irreplacable.
Unconditional love: the love between them is eternal. It’s true love.
Queen of swords: this is a person with unbiased judgement and clear boundaries. This person is independent, reasonable, and reliable. While they follow their head over their heart, they are not heartless. If you are friends with this person, don’t expect them to always agree with you.
For physical characteristics, the Queen of Swords as a person represents someone who is disciplined when it comes to taking care of themselves. They take a very practical approach to their physical appearance. This person spends reasonably on clothes, accessories, food, and health-related memberships. If they feel like they’re not benefiting from a gym membership, or not using it frequently enough, they will let go of it.
Aesthetically, they might prefer a timeless and classic look. Because of their impeccable manners, they always dress appropriately for any occasion. Their style is effortless but always on point.
Number 3:
There is someone else: this is a person who has a good eye on Henry but he does not feel the same way back. Though the connection between them is good, he has to choose to set up his boundaries as well as push this person aside for a while.
Seperation: they are apart.
Reminiscing: Henry do miss their inside jokes.
Difficulties: they are best friends but jealousy from others may serve as obstacles to the success of this connection. It can either be someone being jealous of the connection ir this soulmate being jealous of his other connections.
Page of swords: this person does represent some bad qualities though. Deception, manipulation, all talk, devious, gossip.
Number 4:
Wrongful advice: sometimes a soulmate is not someone whi just blindly support you, it can be someone who is teaching you a lesson. This connection looks like it.
Release your ex: this is a toxic energy from an ex that needs to be released.
Forgivesness: Henry might be struggling to put some of the issues from this connection completely behind him.
Make the effort: make the effort to move forward. That’s what he needs to do.
The emperor: this is the energy of someone very stern, in control and disiplined. Their main trait is orderliness. someone who has a very commanding presence. They don’t have to be tall, large, or physically buff. They can be petite and dainty, but something about their aura can be very dominant.
Hope you enjoyed this soulmate reading. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Consider a Reincarnated Bridgerton AU? Where only one person from each couple remembers their past life. Each of the Bridgerton siblings remembers but none of their spouses do. In fact, Philip and Marina seemingly are happily married, Michael is a fuck boy that doesn’t believe in love, Penelope is engaged, Simon only sees Daphne as a good friend, the little sister of his mate and ignores her advances as he dreams of finding his true love and soulmate. etc.
We need to talk about this au. So here we go
Simon: good friends with Daphne, actually gets along with her better than any other woman he knows. Because she's so friendly and understanding and knows how men work. He's famously single, so he thinks he should just hire Daphne to work for him. That way he wouldn't be so lonely anymore at the office. He's still looking for the one
Kate: a professional polo player. More concerned about paying her genius sister college tuition than interfering in her love life. Still very much pissed off that some older guy is trying to ruin Edwina's college career by asking her out and making her miss school. Anthony knows who Kate is, but anytime he tries asking her out he's met with an ' I don't date fuckbois ' glare and tells him that what he needs is therapy not a date. Anthony doesn't know how to get within a 5 foot radius without offending her.
Sophie: private nurse and single mom of a beautiful son she adores more than life. Lives a nomad life with her toddler, carefree and happy, moving one place to another, she doesn't mind that she can't remember what the father of her son looked like since it was just a drunken hookup at a costume party. But for some reason, Benedict Bridgerton does mind, too bad he's just a guy who hired her to be his mother's live in nurse, and nothing else.
Penelope: happily engaged to Friedrich Prince, she swears he's the love of her life and acts like the perfect wife already. Studying journalism, she Writes smutty bestselling novels secretly under the name Lady Whistledown and doesn't take it well when Colin discovers her books or when he tries to Kiss her. She begs him not to tell Freddie because she loves him. Colin is arguably devastated
Phillip: seemingly happily married his highschool sweetheart Marina who he met in a counseling group for depression recovery. He's a Pediatrician in the same clinic Eloise works at, Proud father of two, been married for 7 years. Eloise is his and his wife's therapist. And it kills her to hear Phillip and Marina both talk about how they're desperately trying to make things work between them because they don't want the children to suffer.
Michael: womanizer bartender with a rule of one night stands only. Keeps pushing his quiet frequent customer/friend Francesca Bridgerton to hook up with more men and even take his cousin out for a ride. He believes in open relationships and polyamory, has tried every form of sex there is, likes to tease Francesca about having a threesome with him and John. But oh well, he might want to sleep with Francesca, but too bad she's into monogamy and Michael was meant to share his sexy self with the world
Gareth: he's the lead guitarist of a band. And writes love songs about all his exes. Happily dating Felicity Featherington, much to Hyacinth's horror. He thinks Hyacinth is a friend of his Grandma who happens to be a fan of his band. And doesn't pay her much attention until she's offers to help him translate a bunch of papers his Italian grandma left for him in her will
Lucy: professional pianist and wife of old money heir Ricky Haselby. Lucy isn't a family person, She married Haselby for his wealth and he also agrees that modern couples don't need the burden of kids to ruin things. She's a Frequent visitor at Gregory's country club and complains that Gregory is her only real friend in London because Hermione is an idiot.. Lucy also likes to buy him outrageous presents hoping he'll agree to be her suggar baby. But Gregory always declines since he knows the thoughtful and loving person that Lucy is really like, underneath her trophy wife persona.
The reincarnated Bridgertons all have to watch as their seemingly happy significant others push them away. But they still don't give up
And that's my take on this prompt
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straykidzstay · 11 months
Small Victories Pt. 2
The paring is Han Jisung x F!Reader. The reader isn't into K-Pop but when your best friend gets your friend group a position in a contest to win a chance to preform with stray kids. You may not want to do it but you will do anything for Gwen. What can happen its not like you'll win.
Warning there is some mentions of reader's cheating ex
It had been exactly two weeks since we started preparing for this contest. We have spent nearly everyday working hard to master these performances. Working so hard that Gwen and the others decided we deserve a break day. So taking full advantage of finally being able to do whatever I want, I'm sitting at my favorite café drawing panels for my comic. I had been so deep into designing the panels I didn't realize Gwen had texted me so in her normal fashion she just called me instead of waiting for my response. Looking over at my phone I sighed, setting my pencil down, exchanging it for the annoying device. 
“Yeeees?” I answered the phone nonchalantly.
“Hey! I'm so sorry to ask but,” there's always a but. “I need you to come over and help me with the costumes..” as she said this I sighed at her.
“So much for a break day.” I know she could tell I was rolling my eyes. “Look, give me like 30 minutes and I'll be there.” 
“Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you Y/N!” I'm glad one of us is happy I hung up the call. I looked down at my artwork smiling to myself before I packed my things away into my bag. I was really starting to love how my story was playing out. As of recently I haven't had much time to work on it. Once this contest was over I could finally get back to spending most of my time on the comic. 
Standing up I waved at the barista behind the counter smiling at her before walking out the café. As I walked out I collided with a man who was a little taller than me, he was wearing a hat along with a face mask. As we collided my bag dumped out onto the sidewalk. Pure panic set in the moment I saw a few of my sketchbook pages scattered on the ground. Quickly I started trying to pick them up when the mystery man crouched down and began helping me.
“I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and i didn't see you.” the stranger apologized to me as he looked down at the pages he was holding. “Whoa! Did you draw these?” He seemed impressed even though he was having a good reaction to my drawings. I was still extremely embarrassed. 
I smiled at him before taking my drawings back and repacking my bag. “Uhh, yes I did. I'm kinda writing a comic book.” saying it out loud to a stranger made me feel weird. I honestly hope this guy just glosses over it and we go about our ways. 
“That's really cool actually.'' All I could see of his face were his eyes and that definitely didn't give me much to go off of. “I'm actually a really big comic book fan.” I could tell by his voice he was smiling. 
“Oh really? Me too!” as i said this my phone went off snapping me back into reality. “I'm so sorry I really need to get going.” 
“Oh ok, umm id like to see more of your work.” he said this as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Could I get your number? Maybe you could send me some panels.." I blushed at his question. He wanted to see more of my art. Nervously I nodded , taking his device and typing my number in. “I'm sorry, again.”
Smiling one last time to him I said, “no worries!'' I quickly made my way to Gwen's house. She wondered why I had been a little late so I informed her of the mystery man. She was tickled to death over the situation. Talking about how I met my soulmate which I quickly shut down. I'm not worried about relationships, the last one I was in destroyed me. I'm not trying to get into anything. Even though it's been 2 years I still don't want to deal with it.
“Come on! You can't tell me if you saw his face and he was cute you would be so in love with him.” she said this, raising her eyebrows at me.
Scoffing at her I rolled my eyes, “as if! I'm not you hoe." We started laughing then dropping the conversation about the mystery man we started getting to work on piecing together costumes. After a while of sowing we decided to take a break. Gwen started scrolling on twitter and I started drawing of course. About ten minutes into our break My friend let out a dramatic gasp. I looked up at her, raising an eyebrow waiting for her to explain. 
“There's no fucking way!” She kept staring at her screen in disbelief. “I need you to look at this tweet, but don't freak out.” she held her phone out for me to take it. Still looking at her confused i took the phone in my hands. I looked at the tweet in shock trying to figure out what I was looking at.
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“Do you think you ran into HAN!?” she asked as if her life depended on it causing me to shake my head. 
“There is no way I ran into Han Jisung.” I tossed her the phone. “That's just a coincidence.” It has to be true though what is the possibility that his tweet was talking about me. Plus even if it was the mystery guy still hasn't texted me so it's not like i could ask him who he was. “Even if it is, you know how I feel about men.”
Rolling her eyes at me she set her phone down. “We will just have to see if it is then.” crossing her arms she looked over at me. “Not every man is your ex Y/N. One day you're gonna find a guy you wanna date.” 
I laughed at her comment, “yeah when hell freezes over!” together we laughed off the whole situation. A few hours later we finished a lot of costume work and I decided it was time for me to get home. After saying our goodbyes I began my walk home. It was dark now and the streets were empty, usually this would make me nervous. Tonight however I found it peaceful. The stars were shining, there was a lack of clouds allowing for the moonlight to illuminate the surroundings. 
Nights like this made me think back to a time when I never walked alone. It's been a long time since I've existed like that. Having a companion who was with me for everything. When you start to depend on someone, that's when you give them a way to destroy you. They get the power to tear you down with their words and actions. It only takes one mistake to shatter someone's heart. 
It was a night much like this one. I was walking home alone, that night it was unusual. Normally i walked hand and hand with him home no matter what he was always there. Pushing down the growing fear in my stomach I wondered why I felt this way. He didn't need to be with me all the time, but this wasn't like him. I rushed home to the home we made together. When I opened the door I saw an extra pair of shoes by his. I stared at them trying to find a way to convince myself they belonged to his mom or maybe his sister. Neither of them ever wore heels but maybe they were a gift. Walking down the hall I saw no one in the kitchen or living room. I could start to feel myself shaking as I heard noises. 
I pushed the door open and that was the night I lost all the light I had in me. It was the night all the butterflies died and turned to punches that I screamed at to come back to life. Sadly, screaming doesn't make the pain better. I don't understand why something that happened so long ago could hurt like this. Still deep in thought I walked through my door setting my bag down on the counter. I ran a hand through my hair trying to decide if I was going to go to  bed or force myself to eat. Going to bed wining, I headed to my room and changed. As I laid  in my bed I heard my phone go off, sighing I picked it up it was a message from a new number. Hello mystery man I quickly opened the message.
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We texted back and forth and ended up playing 20 questions until two in the morning. It was weird i didn't really talk to men or people. Unless it has to do with commission work or something with my friends I don't usually talk to anyone. I say that but here I am staring at a screen waiting for this random guy to respond to me. This honestly made me feel dumb yet still i continued to talk to him. 
For the next week I spent most of my free time getting to know Peter. We had quite a few things in common. We both enjoyed a lot of the same mangas, comics, and anime. We both loved cheese cake more than life and we both preferred cold coffee. We both could play instruments and dance. Since we started talking I've asked him what he looks like. I would get excuses about how he hates how he looks and me being an insecure person too, I respected his privacy. I still wished I had a face to place with the name one day he'll show me. 
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katberk · 2 years
Fanfic Ideas #1
I have so many ideas for fanfic stories and I don’t know how to write for shit so have my ideas for Stranger Things/actors and all that shit lol
Anyone can write about these so if you see someone who’s already wrote about it don’t worry :) different authors write different stories ❤️
I’m also a very big person on fluff and hurt to comfort so the majority or all will probably just be that lol
More to be added so look out for those
x = Romantic
& = Platonic
🌸 = Someone wrote/read story
If you find any like these/write them please tag me in it 🥰
List 2
List 3
List 4 (coming soon)
Bonus - Have some soulmate prompts/ideas
~1st one~
Dacre Montgomery x reader (high school sweethearts) 🌸
Dacre and the reader are costars with their characters being love interests. They’re both in an interview talking about season 3 and Y/C/N and billy’s death scene. The reader talks about how they got the idea to kill off their character because they wanted more time with Dacre and to not stress out. So the scene goes the reader’s character (Y/C/N) tries to save Billy but sadly dies from his hands by strangulation. It was super emotional because the last words that were spoken were “I just want my sunshine back” (which reader calls Dacre) so they basically talk about that scene and how memorable it was to go that way!
“When they yelled cut all I felt were Dacre’s arms around me.”
(If someone writes this one PLEASE TAG ME!!!)
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~2nd one~
Billy Hargrove x reader
Where reader just tries to make Billy jealous for pay back cause he makes them jealous like everyday at the pool.
“Just let me have this for today. Let me have the attention”
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~3rd one~
Eddie Munson x reader
Reader is full on just female version of Eddie but loves the sweet cliché shit. (Ex: cheesy rom coms, holding hands, picnics in the woods) (P.S. Tiefling fairy! That’s a me)
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~4th one~
Ghost face Steddie x reader
Anything that tbh
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~5th one~
Steve x Eddie x reader x Billy
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~6th one~
Billy Hargrove x reader 🌸
You’re having dinner with his family minus Neil till he comes home and things escalate. He’s about to hit Billy until the reader pulls him back and puts a knife to his throat.
“If you lay a finger on him I’ll slit your throat right in front of your family you got that?!”
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~7th one~
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader, (Dustin Henderson & reader)
Reader and Dustin have the best sibling relationship in Hawkins. He’s the little adorable nerd while she’s the mother always making sure he’s okay and well. (Ex: Makes sure he eats at lunch aka packs stuff for him/shares her food, Ruffles his hair/gives kisses to his head/forehead, makes sure he’s doing good physically and emotionally, always picks him and his friends up from dnd) Eddie finds this sweet and slowly falls for her.
“Hey Dusty guess what I got!” *pulls out two Hostess Cupcake packages*
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~8th one~
Steve Harrington x Buckley reader, (Robin Buckley & reader)
Reader is Robin’s older sister who has the sweetest sweet tooth known to Hawkins. Steve figures this out after a week of visits from the sister everyday sometimes twice a day. How will Steve win her over and how will Robin react?!
“She’d start crying if you gave her a giant cake or something!”
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~9th one~
Billy Hargrove x Pyromaniac reader
Billy dropped his lighter and now it’s gone! Angry he’s been ignoring everyone all day trying to figure out where it went. The next day he makes eye contact with the reader who… HAS HIS LIGHTER!!! Running after them he finds the reader and oh wow… their really hot!
“I-I’m sorry! I just really like collecting empty lighters and I thought this one was forgotten… and I was gonna set this trash bin on fire.”
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~10th one~
Eddie Munson x Guitarist/Artist reader
Every week Eddie finds a drawing of him and every month he finds a cassette in his locker. These gifts make him wonder who’s spending their time of day on the “freak” of Hawkins? With the Hellfire club on his side will he figure out who this lovely person is?
“It has all of my favorite songs on it… and look! The art is so realistic!”
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~11th one~
(Talked about this in a previous post)
Steve Harrington x reader x Billy Hargrove
When reader and Billy are on a date they decide to go see Steve “The Hair” Harrington at Scoops Ahoy (Because they missed him and were gonna pick him up after his shift ended). When the party sees Billy and reader having a good time together half of them try to protect the reader while the other half panic because they know that Steve and reader are dating! The party get a big surprise!
“Wait! Robin you knew?!”
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alder-saan · 1 year
Till death do us meet
life 2 : gunshots
Death of the endless x reader
Warnings : mass murder, death
Wordcount : ~1200
THIS IS THE SECOND PART. life 1 : Shooting stars
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You were looking at your lesson. Why the fuck did you chose a math degree ? It was far too difficult for you. Actually, you had not been paying attention for months. Since your best friend just disappeared and blocked you on every social media, you began to wonder what was wrong with you. Sometimes you didn't want to wake up, an you just stayed in your bed all day. Sometimes you tried to motivate but in class, you understood that these "few days off" were in fact a "few weeks off". And from now on, you had to catch up on your work. The few "friends" you had (could you really call them friends? You mean, yeah, you liked them, and they seemed to like you but... You weren't that close), tried to cheer you up, unsuccessfully. You sighed. To your left, 'lyn shook you a bit.
"Hey, wake up"
"I don't understand, 'lyn"
"I know, but you will once you catch up. So don't give up. If you don't want to take notes, listen."
"Yes mom"
You sank into your chair and watch the half-empty lecture hall from the back seats. In the front row, you noticed a young woman. She was... well, beautiful. Really beautiful. You wondered if it was OK to approach someone at the end of a maths lesson that gave headaches. Anyway, what would you say to her, uh? "Hello, er... I was watching you from the back of the lecture hall and I found you beautiful. Do you want to go to the coffee shop with me?"
You knew that wasn't ridiculous. But persuading yourself was the only way you found to protect yourself from being rejected. She wasn't interested in you. No one was. No one would ever be. Your eyes rolled to the left. Marilyn was focused. You let your mind daydreaming. You thought about your best friend. Your ex best friend who just left you without a word.
About your mother who was never happy with what you did, what you became.
About your big brother, your stupid brother who left you and went in an other country. You missed him... He and his stupid hair, which he plastered back with gel. You laughed, hoping he'd change his hair style.
About your father who prefered his job over his children.
About 'lyn, who never let you down. You really liked her. But you felt guilty not to be able to be there for her like she was for you. You never told her she probably was your new best friend. You never thanked her.
About that girl, in the front row. You were sûre you had met her before. But you couldn't remember when. It seemed you always knew her. She may was your soulmate... Ugh, since when were you that mushy? Soulmates? Bullshit. You must have seen it in class but not noticed it, that's all...
" 'lyn?"
"See that girl in the front row?"
"No, to her left"
"Er... the wall?"
"No, the girl with a black shirt"
"Luna is the only girl in the front row"
"The person with the black shirt then"
"I really don't see who you're tal-"
A gunshot.
Everyone froze.
An other gunshot.
The girl you saw stood up. You frowned. Why did she do that? No one else noticed her. The other students were hiding under their table, as the safety regulations provided for this type of incident. You didn't move. Why? Why did she stood up in the middle of the room. She gave the class a sad and sorry smile. Then she crossed your look.
"Can you see me?"
You nodded.
"Hide now."
You hid with Marilyn. She held your arm, silent tears rolled on her cheeks.
The door crashed open. A man entered, you recognized him. That was one of your ex best friend's friend. He had two guns. He pointed the barrel of one at a table and fired it. You startled. Then he shot the professor, under his table. He screamed in pain. Three other gunshot. He remained silent. But the girl? Where was she? You looked down the stairs, through the rectangular holes in the wood of the table.
Your eyes widened. She had now big black feathered wings. There was two teachers. One of them covered in blood, motionless, the other looked normal and the woman took his hands. She flapped her wings. For a brief moment, the second teacher was out of your sight, covered by the black wings. When you could see again, he had disappeared. All that was left was the bloody corpse.
The man turned towards the empty chairs. But all the stuff on several tables couldn't fool him. You shivered. The silence was deafening. Marilyn and you held your breaths. For how long? You didn't know.
Other gunshots.
You heard 'lyn sobbing and gasping, and students crying in pain. You couldn't stop your eyes from watching the woman, walking from table to table, fetching students from under their desks into the other world. She was so sweet with them. Wiping their tears away, hugging them, comforting them.
Luna, the third student who passed away, disappeared.
The police and ambulance sirens drilled the silence. The woman turned towards the man. He shot himself. She stood in front of him.
"It's over"
Her wings flapped. He was gone.
You came out of your hidding, not paying attention to Marilyn, next to you. You wanted to talk to the woman before she goes. She looked at you and went up the stairs.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting"
"Don't worry, you had work to do"
"I've missed you."
"What do you mean?" You said, confused.
"You don't remember? Not surprinsing though, but kinda disappointing... Anyway that's not your fault so don't worry."
You searched in your memory, giving you an excuse to close your eyes and avoid the view of the corpses, but didn't find anything.
"I... I am sorry what was I supposed to remember?"
"The shooting stars"
You frowned. The shooting stars? What did that mean? The shoo-
A shooting star, a big shooting star, with two tails. One fire-colored, one bluish. The woman. Beside you. Your kiss. Was this...
"Your previous life."
You opened your mouth. But no sound went out. You didn't know what to say.
"I must admit I quite liked your kiss... That was... brave."
"I- I need to process these things out. Can we discuss about that later? I can offer you a drink sometime... But with what happened I'm not sure it'll be today, or even tomorrow. I have to talk about this with-"
You turned towards 'lyn, still under her table. She was holding... you? Your body?
Then you saw blood on your stomach, and a whole in the wood of the table. 'lyn was crying, her hands were red, living marks on her cheeks when she wiped her tears.
"Please... tell me something..." she moaned.
Death took your hand.
"I think we need to talk about that now."
"No, no it can't be possible!"
"I'm sorry. You'll be okay"
"But I didn't thank her!"
"I'm sorry, I can't bring you back. Come here."
She ran her thumb over your cheek to remove a tear.
"But what I can do, is being sure you'll see her in your next life. You'll be able to thank her"
"Can you do that?"
"Well I'm not supposed to, but yes, I can."
"Thank you"
She cupped your head in your hands.
"Can you kiss me again, before you go ? I want to feel it one more time."
A smile appeared on your face and you kissed her.
And you were gone.
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Six Times Helaena and Jacaerys were Soulmates (2/7)
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Description: Heleana is the head of HR at Targaryen Inc, and today is the new head of Legal, Jacaerys Strong's first day of work.
Helaena likes her job, the pay is good, her coworkers are nice, and she gets to help people. Her brother Aegon had scoffed when she got her degree in Psychology, saying she would never be able to find a job. And even if she did, her salary would be pennies compared to what she would make with a “real degree.” She didn’t care though, helping people, being able to listen to them and guide them towards solutions was her passion.
Human Relations wasn’t exactly what she had in mind when she graduated from college, but her mother wanted her close, and Helaena enjoyed the stability of office life. She could drink her tea at precisely ten o’clock, answer emails from eleven to noon, eat lunch at one, then spend the rest of the day helping her coworkers. The routine worked, and she was happy.
“Did you hear? They’re bringing in a new head of Legal.” Vera, a lower level marketing employee, was a frequent visitor to Helaena’s office. Sometimes to talk about her strenuous relationship with the man who sat across from her, or just to update Helaena on the social happenings of the company.
“Yes, I did. He’s the eldest son of Ms. Rhaenyra.” Helaena replied. She was Head of HR, no one was hired or fired without her knowledge.
Vera scrunched her nose. “Oh, of course you’d know, you’re HR. Have you met him yet?”
“No, I haven’t. Ms. Rhaenyra has been giving him a tour of the legal department, then he’ll meet with me.”
“I hear he’s very handsome.” Vera said, wriggling her eyebrows.
“And the Head of Legal, which means it would be entirely inappropriate, and unethical for you two to become romantically involved.” Helaena reminded her. She knew Vera well, even considered her a friend, but she still had to do her job.
Vera rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. “I know, I know, but maybe you could become romantically involved with him.”
Helaena shook her head. Of course, she’d read over Jacaerys’ resume, and gotten some information about him from his cousin Alyra, but she was not going to involve herself with him. She loved her job, and most office romances ended badly. She didn’t want anything to affect the life she’d built for herself here, not even a handsome man with soft looking brown hair, and full pink lips that looked very kissable.
“There will be no romance between me and Mr. Jacaerys. Besides, I’m sure he’ll be much too busy with legal to even think about a relationship.”
Vera sighed again and pushed herself up from Helaena’s couch. “If you say so.” She waved and left her office, heading for the elevator.
Heleana collected the mug Vera had been using and set it aside, before busying herself with Jacaerys’ first day papers. He still had a few things to sign, and then Helaena needed to stop by finance, where her brother Aemond was in charge, and make sure he was added to the payroll.
Her printer hummed quietly as it spit out the forms, and Heleana arranged them in a neat pile on the corner of her desk, setting a blue pen atop the stack. He would quickly sign the papers, then dive into his work. They would only see each other when a lawsuit regarding an employee or an ex-employee came in, and she would be able to stay professional during those times.
A giggling caught her attention and she saw Alyra hanging off Aemond’s arm. They’d discovered they were each other’s soulmates, Alyra’s first week of work. She’d brought some files into his office and when their hands touched, all their past memories came flooding back. If she didn’t adore them so much, she’d find their affection towards each other nauseating. Not because it disgusted her, but because she longed for that connection as well. She’d been enraptured by the idea of soulmates since she’d first learned about them as a child, but here she was twenty-four and still single.
A knock at her door interrupted her ever so slowly glooming thoughts.
“Come in.” She said, straightening out her blouse.
Rhaenyra pushed the door open, a smile on her face. “Helaena, I was told Jacaerys still needed to sign some forms?”
Heleana nodded, pointing to the stack of papers on her desk. “They're all right there, I just need them signed, then I’ll give them to Aemond.”
Rhaenyra stepped back and let Jacaerys take her place.
He was taller than she expected, and his shoulders were broad, like those of a knight. A knight? She blinked away that thought. Obviously, she’d been reading too many medieval romance novels.
“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Helaena, my mother has said great things about you.” He held out his hand for her to shake.
She took it and felt a twinge of disappointment when no memories flooded into her mind. “The pleasure is all mine, I’m excited to see what you’ll bring to our company.”
Jacaerys took a seat on her couch and began filling out the forms.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Jace, you know where my office is if you need me.” Then Rhaenyra left, leaving Heleana and Jacaerys alone.
“I need to fill these all out?” He confirmed.
“Yes, just where I’ve highlighted.”
Jacaerys flipped though the pages, then chuckled softly. “Pink, cute.”
Helaena was struck with a wave of dizziness.
She was nervous, hiding her hands in her skirts. She’d slept terribly, her dreams filled with jeers and blood.
Jacaerys rounded the corner, his sword by his side. He held a hand out to her, and she placed hers in his.
“I’m afraid, husband. What if something happens to you?”
He kissed her hand gently, his warm umber eyes finding hers. “Nothing will happen, my flower. I will take every precaution available.”
He stood in the dirt, armor on, his head tilted up towards her. “Might I request my queen’s favor?"
She threw down a cloth bracelet. “I wish you luck, dear husband.”
The duel was bloody, she watched through her slightly spread fingers, sighing in relief when his opponent hit the ground and stayed down. She rushed down to meet him, ignoring how he placed the flower crown on her head.
“Are you well, did he hurt you?” She frantically scanned his body for injuries.
Jacaerys brushed back a strand of her hair, admiring the roses twined together to make her crown. “Pink, cute.” He said, a fond smile on his face, as he cupped her cheek and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
Helaena took a deep breath, her eye flitting to Jacaerys whose hand had frozen above the paper. He lifted her eyes to hers and dropped the pen rounding her desk and pulling her chair out, falling to his knees before her.
“Jacaerys?” She stuttered out, heart racing in her chest.
He was tall, so tall that even on his knees when he straightened his posture, his head was the same height as her chest. He reached up and cupped her face. “My sweet flower, my queen.”
She slid from her chair, kneeling in front of him. “My husband.” She whispered, leaning into his touch.
Jacaerys connected their lips, his moving against hers with a practiced ease. Warmth erupted within her, and she flung her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
“I missed you, lady of my heart, I missed you so much, even though I didn’t know who I was missing.” He said against her lips.
“I have waited for you; I knew you would find me.” She replied, pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips.
He kissed her lips chastely, then her nose, her cheeks, then down her neck, his soft lips leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find you.”
Helaena shook her head, pulling him back up to face her. “It’s no matter, you’re here now.”
“And I will never be parted from you again.” He promised, capturing her lips once more.
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Parents Not Included
Summary: When Patton sold his soulmates soul to a demon, he should have worried what being the perfect dad or dad friend could become. Janus is more than happy to let that extreme make Patton's life go downhill fast. They know Remus has already had his revenge but they can add their own, after all, they were the one to make the deal.
Part of my Anxceitmus Demonic Soulmates AU
Technically, demonic deals can't be turned back on the person who made them. Technicalities mean nothing however, in the face of rage, twisted deals and scheming if the demon the deal was made with was smart enough.
Janus definitely was smart enough.
Of course they would never do anything to break or take back the deal they'd made. It brought them to Virgil and they would do nothing to ever endanger their second soulmate. They could easily however fulfil the deal too well, too perfectly, while leaving out one simple exception to it.
Patton had wanted to be the greatest dad or dad friend ever, so that's what Janus made him seem like, to everyone, except the parents of actual children, the police or the courts. It was a trap simply made, and easily ready to be fallen into.
Blending into the background was easy enough, especially for beings who didn't need to remain in one physical form and could easily push everyone's attention elsewhere.
And there, walking down the street was Patton, the image of a perfect dad for everyone to see, even including a child holding his hand as he looked about in concern.
“Mr Dad, why are we coming back this way? You said you'd help me.” The child was whining.
Patton glanced down immediately going back to looking around the people nearby. “Well you ran over from this direction. Don't you need to return to your parents, let them know you're safe?”
“Of course I'm safe, Mr Dad. I'm with you.” Ah for childhood innocence and a deal strongly fulfilled. Janus hid their smirk behind a book, but his eyes tracked directly to further along the path.
“Olivia! Where did you go? What happened?” A frantic mother charged along it, immediately sweeping the child into her arms and rounding on Patton with a fiery glare. “What the hell are you doing with my child, Creep!”
Patton raised his hands backing away a little. “She came and asked me for help. I was retracing her steps to try and find you.” He attempted to explain, but was already being yelled at again.
“Likely Story! You were abducting her, weren't you? I've seen men like you before, all friendly and nice to the kids until you get them where you want them!” The rant is harsh, and enough to get more people paying attention, including some passing officers.
“Excuse me, Ma'am, but can you explain what's happened?” One of them asked, approaching and looking sternly over Patton.
Janus decided they didn't need to see more today, especially since a bus had just pulled up at the stop they'd decided to wait in. They could check back on the outcome of this deal in a few months time.
Since the deal, since learning demons exist and becoming soulmates with 2 of them, Virgil had learnt that demons, possibly even more so than bankers, ensured debts were paid to their liking, and that included getting revenge.
He'd known that Remus would get revenge on Patton at the first opportunity. That had been why he never questioned getting Anathema from the store his ex had worked at, and why he still avoided complaining about frustrating people from work too much. Just in case someone who'd just been having a bad day got punished for upsetting him.
What he had assumed however was that the deal Patton had made with Janus would prevent the other demon from being able to get revenge.
Coming home to see Remus and Janus giggling on the couch as smug and happy as can be had Virgil questioning that idea.
“What's got you two so happy?” He asked, easily letting himself be pulled into the cuddles.
Janus nuzzled into his neck, purring, “Figured out some small revenge for a deal gone bad.”
Now some alarms would be ringing in his mind, except he knew there was nothing he could really do to control the pair. “Another one? I thought the last deal you said went bad was Patton's and Remus already got plenty of revenge for that.”
“Didn't he just.” They agreed, making no other comment.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I cannot tell you how much it hurts my heart to read your feelings about your mom. I lost a very close relationship with my brother because of the extreme right lies and trump crap. I don't think i have spoken to him in a year outside of birthday and holiday wishes. As a mom of 4, ages 16 to 23, I have 1 that has come out as bi, 1 as a lesbian, 1 is straight and my oldest says labels are for soup cans. I'm not your momma, and I wouldn't want to budge in where I don't belong, but I am proud of you. You are a hard working, sweet, intelligent young lady who genuinely cares about others feelings. I have seen posts from you where you could've dived into the mud and dragged people and you don't do that. You take the high road. You are patient with repeated questions and still answer each one no matter how many times they come up. I have yet to see you make someone feel stupid. In times like now, these characteristics are rare. Most people don't want to show they care at all. Being bi is just part of it. I wish I could tell you it will definitely get better and your mother will come to her senses, but it could take a long time or never happen at all. But she could have an epiphany. I admit I rage verbally at the news, sometimes I rant and rave like a mad woman. but I don't think politicians, the government and the church have the right to decide how human a person is. I know you didn't ask for all this, that you were venting. But I hear you. And I accept everything about you.
thank you so much for this ask. your kind words made me tear up. i appreciate you reaching out to me to say all of this. it's nice to see something like this unexpectedly.
i will say outside of politics, my mom and i get along really well. she's been my best friend since i was a kid, even more so now since i don't have any physical friends. it's just when it comes to politics we do not agree AT ALL. which is why i do my best to remind her every time she starts to talk about politics that i just don't want to hear bc it just becomes a screaming match.
i just wish at times i knew how to debate better, or had all the facts. bc i usually just get too angry to even speak and just have to walk away bc i don't want to scream at my mom. and she likes to act like she knows everything and that i know so little when in reality i'm paying attention to the news just as much as her, the difference is i just don't watch fox news and don't listen to whatever bullshit they're trying to make ppl angry about now.
i will say my saving grace is that while my mom is republican and likes trump, she isn't a maga person. she's not all about him, and she's not devoted to him like some of his followers are. she's just a somewhat-conservative, republican. she isn't into qan*n and all that shit, thank god. she's mostly level headed, she just…. watches way too much fox news. and i do also have the benefit of my brother, who is very good at debating and is on my side for the most part. i wouldn't say he's a leftist like me, but he doesn't agree with her and ngl i kinda always love hearing them debate bc he says all the shit i wish i knew how to word. he points out a lot of her hypocrisies.
as i mentioned in the tags of my post, i think once my father passed away, her jadedness for life just... grew. i think she lost a lot of her empathy for ppl when he died since that was her soulmate. and it breaks my heart to see her change like this, but i understand her hurt. she was like this too back when her father passed away, but i was four or five when this happened, so i never noticed. but her and my dad talked about it before as i got older and how she just stopped caring for a while. so i'm kinda hoping things will swing back around eventually.
and growing up, i had a really good home life. a safe one too, which i know a lot of ppl (and a lot of my ex-friends) couldn't say the same so i'm grateful for my parents. my mom had a really hard life, and life hasn't been easy for us in a very long time. i get her frustration, i get her anger. however, she's taking it out on the wrong ppl and it's just easier to punch down than up. so i try my best to give her the empathy she doesn't give others anymore.
my life hasn't been easy either. i've had depression and anxiety since i was 13, and have tried to end my life twice. all the financial struggles my family has had i have had. but i think what sets me apart from my mom is that i don't want to be angry. i don't want to hold onto that stuff the rest of my life. i know i won't make it if i do. the pain and anguish i've dealt with makes me understand ppl, not wish others feel the same as me. i don't want ppl to suffer like i have. and i don't want to grow envious of those that have it easier than me.
one of the worst things she ever told me growing up was "once you get older, you'll understand how the real world works. you'll be just as jaded as me and your father." and i made a promise to myself that would never happen. and so far i'm sticking to it. i just find it strange that the ppl, the person, that taught me to be kind isn't kind anymore. or at least is decidedly kind, which is almost worse in my opinion.
(and as i said in my previous post i don't feel unsafe to come out, i just don't want to deal with the hassle of having to explain myself. i'm a grown adult, if i want to fuck somebody and that somebody is a woman, or even identifies as something else entirely, it really doesn't matter what my mom has to say about it. i'm not a teenager anymore hoping my mom approves. tbh i just want her to know and to accept it as normal so if it ever happens it's not breaking news lol)
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