#harry potter deserves the world
Overprotective Ron and Hermoine
Thinking of Ron and Hermoine being so overprotective over Harry after the war. No one even dares to crowd around Harry, not when the two other part of the golden trio started brandishing their wands around as if they were knives that they could just use to stab someone.
(They could, and they would. No one really dared to know because they've seen the two fight in the war; Harry has morals stopping him from doing things, but the two? They seemed to lost it after watching their Harry trying to fight to live and to save their world.)
Once, someone tried ambusing Harry to talk to him (when others say that he was so protected, it was not a lie). It was someone (coughFudgecough) who wants Harry to support him in his political agenda. Unfortunately, when the emerald-eyed boy denied the man, he started shouting at him and even dared to cast a spell towards his direction.
Very furious about what the man tried to do, both Ron and Hermoine started casting every (legal and borderline illegal) curses and spells that they could think of. A few of the witnesses even swore that they saw Hermoine cast a crucio towards the foolish man, but they aren't really willing to do so in court.
(They believe that the man coughFudgecough deserves it.)
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achiepy · 3 months
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evyltalks · 1 year
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Our favorite stars
I imagine regulus studying a little too hard, so he fell asleep and Padfoot came for cuddles
(I love them so much)
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Tomarry AU where Harry knows everything but it's not because he is a time traveller, neither because he is a seer —
Pages and words have always been Harry's best friend. Living inside a cupboard did not help with his obsession. Rather, it was due to those pages that he survived. (He was 14 when he got his room instead of a bloody cupboard to sleep in.). The library was the only place Harry was able to hide from Dudley before they were sent to different schools.
When he was fourteen, and hiding from Dudley in the public library (he was mad that his gaming room was given to him.) he ends up reading a book he came to like very much.
It was a book about an orphan boy (like him.) who ends up going to this magic world (oh, how Harry wished) but sadly Tom ended up being hated there as well. Harry was awed by Tom's strength, but also angry (at the world how they let Tom down.) and angry at Tom for destroying himself to destroy what hurt him (or maybe he was angry at himself for not being able to do the same, maybe he was angry that he couldn't save Tom —) Harry was fourteen and it would seem he was angry at a lot of things.
(—that day Harry punched Dudley back after Dudley hit him. He didn't get to eat for a week straight.)
Jealousy is something he never let himself feel, because it wasn't a privilege he was given — not really. But one thing he was jealous of was the fact that Tom got to fly. (Harry wondered some nights — hungry and unable to sleep — what would he do if he got a magic letter? Would he have friends? How nice it would be to get to eat 3 times a day — how nice it would be to just fly away.).
Harry Potter loved Tom Riddle. Harry Potter also loved Lord Voldemort. The boy who died to be born as a monster. The boy who swallowed all the hatred so that he could hate the world in return (oh, how Harry wish he could burn down the world too sometimes — how he wish he could just hate hate hate and not care care care; maybe then he would finally stop trying look for approval in his aunt's eyes). Harry knew when started reading the book Tom was as cruel as he was strong. And he knew as he read the text, there would come a day Tom would burn the world like he was also burned. Even though he didn't agree with Tom's decisions most of the time he knew Tom. So yes, Harry Potter might not agree with Voldemort but he still loved him. And he wished that he could tell him that. Wished he could tell the man who was still a boy that wanted a family so bad that he stayed up for hours at night searching, hungry to find any living family there was, hungry for a belonging that he wasn't even deigned in the magic world. He wished he could tell Voldemort that no matter what he became, Harry would love him.
So imagine his surprise when he wakes up in a moving train — right after going to bed (instead of a cake he got a can of soup) the night he turned sixteen. Imagine how surprised as he sat there, in robes that he doesn't remember he ever owned. Imagine him freaking out that he got kidnapped as the door of his train compartment opened, and in came Tom Riddle.
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peachipies · 2 months
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Hold your hand till forever~
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bluebutter-art · 1 year
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Dear sweet @sitp-recs,
✨💜 Happy Birthday!!! 💜✨
This is a gift to you from the lovely @pennygalleon! It was such a delight getting to draw some festive drarry, so we hope this little gift can put a smile on your face! :D
Hope that this year brings you many many joy and happiness and all the sweet things you deserve!!!
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thedvilsinthedetails · 3 months
what skirt I think each marauder/valkyrie/skittle would wear or like what their fav skirt would be
be warned this is a loooong post bc I attached pictures
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Im honestly not sure what this shape is called ok but he would defo wear denim skirts with pleats half way down them
another denim skirt one (a lot of denim skirts in this post)
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He gives me such denim with lace energy
ok so ik this is red and ‘red is James colour’ but also I saw it and thought ‘THATS THE ONE’ when I was making the Pinterest board for this post
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A layered yoke (is that what it’s called?) skirt
dear lord the dark academia energy emanating from this one
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this cherry mini skirt because it’s adorable and I hc that Mary loves cherries ok?
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This fire print skirt.
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A lace up skirt with that belt, he’d wear denim so he could put pins and badges on his skirt
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He gives me such high low energy, I don’t think he’d wear that fabric but Pinterest actually didn’t have many good options for this one so yeah and he’d wear a cool belt with it probs
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Im not actually sure what this type of skirt is called but he’d 100% wear this
ok I had such a vision for this but the issue is she gives me the vibes of like the skirt of a dress so these r all dresses
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basically she gives me MASSIVE ‘long skirt with a leg slit’ energy
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White maxi skirt QUEEN!!!
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the-colourful-witch · 5 months
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💀 🌹 Regulus Black 🌹 💀
Highly requested and very late…. But we don’t talk about that. It’s Regulus! Believe it or not, he was pretty difficult to draw. I wanted him to look a little two-sided; unapproachable, yet laid back. Neat, but sloppy. It’s a fine line.
It got a little hectic during the holidays, so many people to see, so many hours of sleep to catch up on. I got terribly drunk on New Year’s Eve and regretted it. So, there’s my punishment for putting off Reggie.
Oh well, Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had some warm and cozy days 🧡
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alwayshinny · 20 days
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Harry J. Potter - The One Where Sirius Never Came Back 😢
He knew he was gone, but he wrote a letter just in case and attached it to Hedwig's leg. She simply stared at him, as if she were gazing into his soul.
"Go on, GO!" he said, harsher than he had intended.
She stood there for a brief moment, then hooted and affectionately nibbled on his finger before taking off. Hedwig flew around aimlessly for hours and even checked 12 Grimmauld Place because she knew it was what her Harry needed at that moment.
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valoale · 9 months
Idk man, there’s something about Harry gardening/taking care of house plants that does silly things to my heart
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iwasborn-hungry · 1 month
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“to the dark lord. i know i will be dead long before you read this, but i want you to know it was i who discovered your secret. i have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as i can. i face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B."
regulus black’s letter to lord voldemort
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saesinart · 9 months
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I've read three fanfics of Snape trying really hard to stop hating Harry and being his mentor, and I've decided it’s the cutest dynamic ever
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
harry definitely not heterosexual potter is the funniest thing to me because i literally cannot remember a single time in the book where he thinks “i should probably be nervous about draco trying to kill me because i am literally convinced that he is willingly working with voldemort.” no. he was like “oh draco? yeah he is definitely working for voldemort and he is so evil because did you see the way he is combing his hair now? probably switched shampoo. he would never change conditioner, that thing works wonders. what do you mean, this is common knowledge. anyway, he is so evil and definitely working for voldy. but of course he won’t kill me, are you crazy? who would he talk to across the great hall? like literally you don’t even understand.” and everyone just WENT WITH IT.
Hahahahaha I KNOW! Would he feel this safe around literally any other person who he suspected of being in league with Voldemort? I think tf not!
Even once Draco has Harry incapacitated and totally at his mercy on the train Harry at no point thinks that he's in danger. Even after Draco breaks his nose he doesn't think it. After that incident Harry still is all 'can't wait to break into the Room of Requirement BY MYSELF while Draco is in there so I can see what secret evil mission he's working on for Voldemort' and at no point does he worry that going in without backup could end badly. And HE'S RIGHT. When Draco has Harry at his mercy he never seriously harms him and risks everything multiple times in book 7 to protect him. This is NOT Harry seeing Draco with rose tinted glasses. This is Harry deeply and intimately understanding that Draco will not hurt him and feeling comfortable around him on an instinctual level despite every reason he has not to.
And let's not forget why Harry finally stops investigating Draco in 6th year. It's not because he decides he's wrong about his whole "Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort" theory nor is it because he gets worried that since Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort looking into this could get Harry or his friends hurt. No. He stops because his investigation leads to Draco getting hurt. And Harry is so horrified by this that he completely backs off and gives up trying to stop the super secret evil mission from Voldemort that Harry is sure Draco is on. Harry is like 'foiling an evil plot masterminded by Voldemort himself isn't worth it if it could lead to me hurting Draco.' He really said 'I can excuse putting myself in mortal danger on a regular basis to stop Voldemort's plots but I draw the line at Draco being upset.' In canon.
And yeah Harry cares about people in general but not to this extent. When Umbridge gets carried off by centaurs Harry doesn't even think of going after her. He's just like 'lmao bye bitch.' He straight up KILLS Quirrell in first year and when he finds out he's like 'well that sucks for him.' Tons of Death Eaters get hurt and maimed at the Department of Mysteries and Harry never even stops to check if they're ok. In second year he forces Lockhart to enter the Chamber of Secrets first in case there's a Basilisk waiting at the bottom of the chute.
But anytime he sees Draco in danger he does whatever he can to help without even thinking about it. From the time in first year in the Forbidden Forest when he immediately throws his arm out to stop Draco walking towards Voldemort to 7th year when he risks his own life and that of his friends to pull him out of the fiendfyre and reveals his presence while running through the battle so he can stun a Death Eater threatening Draco. And he does it automatically, without a second thought because Harry can't fathom a world where he wouldn't protect Draco.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Do you guys know what would've been awesome?
If severus, Regulus and Remus were a spy team.
Imagine it, both Severus and Regulus death eaters, double agents for the Dumbledore against the dark lord, Dumbledore sent in Remus to go spy on Fenrir Greyback and his pack. (I know it's not Canon) Remus meets up with Dumbledore's spies, and they trade information. They work on plans, and they turn the tides of war together.
Now that I'm thinking about it, this would've been a really good trio.
Let me know your thoughts on this team of spies.
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Tomarry AU where Tom HATES this book he read because his favourite character dies a miserable death. So what if his favorite character was a no-named side villain? Why does it matter that he only had like seven lines (seven is Tom's favourite number anyways)? He was still gorgeous, smart and strong and beautiful — and it doesn't matter that others think he isn't all that because they would never know him— understand him like TOM DOES.
An AU where Tom has a healthy obsession with a character named Harry Potter, a no named baron's son who was the first to go against the king (MC's father, and the mc who is incidentally known as Draco Malfoy, ahem anyways); he tries to “poison” him. But he gets caught or to be more precise he ends up sacrificing himself for the common girl Hermione Granger (the female lead, I'm sorry guys but imagine the fucking drama.) who gets blamed for his transgressions.
But that is not why Tom falls for this weak villain, no — it's because he respects how this no-named orphan became a baron on his own two feet without anyone being there for him especially in a world where old money and title is everything— and he hates how he had to give his life for the MC to notice the female lead? (Harry is better looking and smarter than her anyways — Tom, in an online forum perhaps.)
Anyways, now imagine Tom dying (he hated it so yes he ends up looking for immorality anyways.) and waking up in the world he hated. Now imagine, Tom Riddle, waking up in the body of a Duke who wasn't even given a name in the novel. (He would know because he has a photographic memory, ok? It's totally not because he read it more than 14 times) and then saying fuck it and owning it.
Just think, Tom taking over the world slowly with his worldly knowledge while trying to keep Harry alive because even though he was right about Harry being smart; the guy treats his life like Draco treats his money - you get the idea.
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moonychildxd · 5 months
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Tried to draw on phone and I felt like drawing them :3 💖
Ship and oc by @dinxieyinxie
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