#happy anniversary to the girls that own my heart
girlkisser13 · 3 days
call it what you want
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"i want you war her initial on a chain 'round my neck" "not because she owns me" "but 'cause she really knows me"
pairings: piper mclean x poseidon fem!reader
warnings/tags: none. fluff and established relationship.
summary: piper gets you a gift for your anniversary.
in the quiet serenity of camp half-blood, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campgrounds. piper felt her heart flutter with anticipation, nervously clutching a small velvet box in her hand as she made her way to the poseidon cabin.
piper's pulse quickened as she approached, the weight of the moment settling in her chest.
"hi honey," piper greeted softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
your eyes lit up at the sight of her, and you bounded forward to meet her with a gentle embrace. "hey, pipes. what's up?"
with a nervous smile, piper presented the velvet box, her heart pounding in her ears. "happy six months, gorgeous."
curious, you accepted the box, your eyes widening in surprise as she lifted the lid to reveal a delicate necklace nestled within. the pendant, a shimmering silver heart, bore the initial "p" in elegant script, a symbol of piper's affection and devotion.
"piper, it's beautiful," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "thank you."
taking the necklace from the box, piper carefully fastened it around your neck, her fingers lingering on the clasp as if reluctant to let go. the sight of the pendant settling against your chest made her heart swell with love and adoration for you, the girl who had stolen her heart.
"i love it," you whispered, "and i love you, piper mclean."
"i love you too, y/n y/l/n," piper replied, her voice soft but unwavering. "forever and always."
"oh!" you exclaimed suddenly. "i got you something too! well i made it, actually."
with a sheepish smile, you presented her with a seashell necklace, apologizing profusely for almost forgetting.
piper's eyes lit up with delight as she accepted the gift.
"y/n.., thank you." she said, turning around as you clasped the necklace around her neck.
piper turned back towards you and pulled you into her by your belt loops as you laughed into her mouth.
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f1byjessie · 4 months
being the wife to a formula one driver is hard, especially when they're far away.
( fernando alonso x wife!reader )
━━ one shot.
When you were ten, you baked with your grandmother for the first time and fell in love. With the flour up to your elbows, an apron two sizes too big looped twice around your waist, and your grandmother's sweet voice crooning along to Sergio Endrigo, she taught you the differences between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, that a pinch sometimes means two, and when it comes to cinnamon you can never have too much.
“My angioletto,” she called you, her little angel, “it doesn’t have to look pretty when it’s done. When I was younger, I made my husband, your nonno, the ugliest cookies you could imagine. But I put my love in it, and he loved me very much, and he ate every single one and for the rest of his years claimed they were the best cookies I ever made for him.”
She’d lifted you onto the stool at the counter, so you could peer down at the mangled mess of cinnamon rolls. “It may look odd on the outside, but it is just as delicious as the others, and you know what? It’s even more special because it was made by my granddaughter.”
She’d wrapped you up in her arms then, pressing a kiss to your forehead and laughing loudly and warmly when you tried to squirm out of her arms with a giggle of your own.
“One day, my angioletto, you will find someone who loves you with their entire heart, and it won’t matter how pretty your baking is, because they will eat it, and to them it will taste like heaven.” She’d pulled apart the cinnamon roll, looked you in the eye, and smiled— “Until that someone gets here, I will stand in.”
You ate the whole pan together, and neither of you cared that it ruined your appetite for supper or gave you a stomach ache a little while later.
She’d driven you home that night after the sun had set, and when you got to the little shop on the corner of the market square, a little storefront overgrown with ivy, she’d slowed to a cruise and pointed out where the old sign used to be— where there was just an off-color splotch where the walls around it had been bleached by the sun.
She had regaled you with another story of her time as a girl in the kitchen baking bread with the owner, as she did every morning before school in exchange for a few dollars a month, and then she told you, as she always did, that one day she’d buy it for herself and turn it back into the best bakery Italy had ever seen.
When you were twenty— a law school dropout, struggling to find your place in a world that didn’t seem to have any room for you— you bought the small shop on the corner of the market square, turned it into a bakery, and named it after your grandmother.
It was all on a whim, a result of what you're pretty sure was some quarter-life crisis brought on by feeling as lost as you were. Still, you were living out the lingering ghost of a pipe dream from your teenage years that your father's harsh words and mother's disapproval had shattered to pieces, and following in the footsteps of the woman who inspired your passion for creation.
You’re nearly thirty now, and you still don’t regret buying the bakery. It’s your home away from home now— your home when your heart is halfway around the world and waking up as you go to bed. You love what you do, and you feel grateful that you’ve lucked out in being able to spend your days doing something that makes you so genuinely happy.
But that doesn’t mean that every day is easy.
Today is one of those hard days. Valentine’s Day is just a week away which means orders are coming in like crazy, and on top of the hecticness it’s also the thirteenth anniversary of your grandmother’s passing. Even though you’ve made it these thirteen years without her, the reminder of her legacy— her dream, which you now live for her— is no easier to deal with now than it was all those years ago when you’d just lost her.
The smell of fresh bread from the kitchen and the deep lull of Sergio Endrigo over the bakery’s speakers do nothing but remind you of her and the afternoons you spent in her kitchen, kneading dough and icing cookies. You feel like a little girl again, laughing over old stories of your mother and flushing bright red when she’d bump her hip against yours and ask if there were any boys at school that had caught your eye.
You’d give anything to hear her talk about her days at the bakery one more time, have her guide you through another recipe, or listen to her sing along to old Italian classics.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Beatrice asks. She’s a young American woman you met a few years back when she was studying abroad. She hadn’t known much Italian back then, and you were the first person she’d met who could speak English, so she’d asked you for directions to the nearest bus station and you had walked her there to make sure she wouldn’t get lost, which had led to you both talking, trading contact information, and eventually you offering her a job at the bakery when she announced to you months later after continued talking that she’d be staying for the foreseeable future.
You wipe your hands against your apron and offer her a smile. It doesn’t come as easily as it normally does, and you feel like it shows. “Just being a bit nostalgic today,” you admit, turning your gaze to the picture of your grandmother that hangs on the wall across from the display case.
There are other pictures hung up with her— you in front of the bakery on the day you bought it, the bakery back when your grandmother still worked there nearly sixty years ago, you and your husband the day you got married, and Beatrice with her three dogs to list a few, all things and places and people you love and want to remember.
“My grandmother, who I named this place after, have I ever told you about her?”
Beatrice hums, thinking back to the many conversations you have both shared you imagine. As she does so, she reaches for a cloth to start wiping down the front of the display case. “I don’t think so,” she finally answers, rounding the counter to the glass front. “I knew the bakery was named after her, and that she taught you to bake, but not much else. You don’t really talk about her much.”
You frown, “I guess I don’t.”
“But it’s okay,” Beatrice adds quickly. “I know family can be a touchy topic. If you’d rather not talk about her, I understand. I’m not very fond of talking about my brother, to be honest.”
The only time Beatrice does talk about her brother is when she’s drunk, which she usually tends to be when the two of you sit down over a bottle of wine and gossip about the happenings of your lives. You’ve heard plenty of stories about him, and thinking back to the most recent one in particular startles a laugh out of you.
Beatrice seems relieved when you glance back over to her with a soft smile.
“My grandmother was the greatest woman I ever knew,” you start. “Do you mind if I talk about her?”
Your employee— your friend— smiles gently at you and continues polishing away the smudges on the display case. “I would love it if you talked about her.
“She used to call me her little angel…”
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll, and 45,918 others
yourusername i’ll leave a piece just for you, nonna.
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user that looks delicious!!
user it’s actually my dream to visit y/n’s bakery 😍
↳ user no cuz literally same, idk anyone else who makes smth as simple as bread look so amazing
↳ user it’s like how irl some foods don’t look that good but somehow in cartoons they make it look like it’s the most appetizing thing in the entire world i would actually cut off my own arm and leg just to get to try a single bite
user così carino!! ❤️❤️
user how is it possible to make food look heavenly 😳
user every time she posts food it makes me want to marry a husband that can bake bc there’s no way i could ever do this myself but i do in fact want to live a life like this so very badly
user what a beautiful way to remember someone 🫶
user she’s gorgeous aND SHE CAN BAKE???
↳ user she’s really the most wag of all wags 😩
↳ user fell down a rabbit hole of wag interactions throughout the years and y/n’s introduction into the group is so iconic bc she baked them all cookies and brought them when she first met them all
↳ user i read that in an interview that she knows all their favourites and tries to make them all throughout the season when she goes to races
↳ user she’s actually such a sweetheart irl too, i visited the bakery before i ever knew who she was or what f1 is and if i hadn’t already seen that ring on her finger i would’ve shot my shot no joke 😔😔
↳ user what’s alonso’s secret??? where can i find me a wifey like that???
user this is gorgeous
user using food to celebrate a loved one is one of the most loving things a person can do in my opinion. so much love goes into food, but especially baked goods which take time and patience and practice. this is a really touching and beautiful way to honor someone, and i hope she’s watching down on you and thinking the same thing ❤️
↳ user didn’t think i was gonna be crying today but here we are ig 😭
fernandoalo_oficial mi vida, she would be so proud of you 💛
↳ yourusername i hope so, i am who i am because of her 💛
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, beatricejackson, and 71,074 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername arrivederci 💛
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fernandoalo_oficial and may it be soon, mi vida 💛
user obsessed with the way fernando is obsessed with his wife
↳ user the fact that he calls her mi vida every time he addresses her has me walking into oncoming traffic 🙃
↳ user “my life” in spanish 😭😭 i literally fucking can’t when is it my turn to get a man that loves and cherishes me like this
↳ user honestly i think it’s just time to accept we’ll be alone forever cuz if he don’t treat me the way fernando treats his wife then i don’t want him
user for the ppl asking, arrivederci means until we meet again in italian, it’s a pretty common way to say goodbye in italy
user when will he return from the war…
↳ user it’s only february the season hasn’t even started yet so why isn’t he with her??
↳ user aston martin’s hq is in the uk and fernando has to be there for the car reveal, testing/sims, training, promo content, etc. it’s the logistical pr side of formula 1 that makes the season start a lot earlier than what ppl might think
user mama y papa
user i want to grow old with someone and have pictures of our vacations to look back on and remember and i don’t think that’s too much to ask for
user she’s posting like he’s dead or smth 💀
↳ user i mean i would be too if my husband was missing valentines day bc of work tbf 🤷‍♀️
user i can’t believe fernando alonso bagged a baddie who ain’t even 30 yet
↳ user i can have you SEEN fernando alonso?? 👀👀👀
↳ user have you SEEN y/n?? 👀👀👀
↳ user two baddies bagged each other guys there’s not a lot to try and comprehend
Fernando being gone has never really mattered to you much. You miss him, of course. He’s your husband and ideally, you would be able to travel the world with him on a whim without needing to worry about who’s in charge of the bakery, but despite how perfect your life seems with Fernando by your side, there are a lot of things that don’t go according to plan and Fernando’s hectic work schedule is one of them.
The constant traveling across the season is exhausting for both of you, even though you’re not the one doing the majority of it. You attend his races when you can— usually when Beatrice forces you to, which is more and more recently as of late, with the logic that you should get the chance to see the world while you’re still young and while Fernando is still racing— but even when you’re home in Naples, the worry that you feel for Fernando as he flies around the world and races in a dangerous car takes its toll.
You wouldn’t even think of ever asking him to give it up, but not being by his side is hard and you cannot afford— for the sake of the bakery— to follow him wherever his sport takes him. So for now, you will always worry and stress about the toll it all takes on him as well.
You honestly hadn’t given much thought that he’d be missing Valentine’s Day this year, but it occurs to you now as you scroll through the comments on your post.
It’s by far the first time he’ll be gone for the holiday, but something about this year just feels different. Maybe it’s the stress of the extra workload you’ve taken on at the bakery to make up for the extra orders this year and the employees that have had to call out, or maybe the anniversary of your grandmother’s passing is hitting you harder this time than it has in the past, but whatever it is, the idea of Fernando not being here to celebrate with you has your eyes filling with tears as you sit curled up in bed.
As you have been for the last few weeks now.
Fernando is in Silverstone, preparing for the launch of the new car and getting back into the swing of things before the new season starts, and this is part of the job you understand. You’ve been his wife for many years now. The racing may start in March, but the real season begins much sooner, and to a certain degree it never truly ends.
There’s always a push to be staying in shape, eating healthy, and staying up to date with all the up-and-coming news. Fernando has worked hard to try and find the middle ground, to enjoy his break while he has it, and take a step back from the Formula One world if only to de-stress from the sport’s particular brand of pressure.
And you’ve worked hard to accept that he will always be thinking like a race car driver.
Nonetheless, though you have enjoyed the interview clips and photographs of him being posted around on social media, and you love even more the pictures your husband’s teammate has been sending you and you alone, you can’t help but want to be selfish. You want to have him with you, in your home, cuddled up beside you instead of 1700 kilometers away in another country.
But that’s the way of things.
You’re about to turn off the lamp and, maybe, cry yourself to sleep while ignoring the very cold and very empty other half of a bed that’s too big for one— a bed you haven’t slept in the middle of since before you ever met Fernando, too used to occupying one side and finding another body on the other— when your phone lights up with an incoming call and his contact image flashes across your screen.
It’s late in Italy, nearing midnight now, and the UK isn’t too far behind. With the strictness of his daily schedule and the importance of a full night of rest, he should already be in bed by now. He should’ve already been in bed hours ago, if you remember correctly from past seasons.
“My love,” he greets, soft and sweet and sounding like just hearing you say his name has left him breathless. You can practically hear the smile in his voice. “I am sorry that it’s so late. I hope I did not wake you up, but I am calling because I simply could not bear to fall asleep without hearing you.”
You sniffle, wiping away at the tears in your eyes, but the quiet noise must’ve been enough for him to hear because he makes an inquisitive sound.
“Mi vida,” he calls to you, concern seeping into his words. “What is wrong? Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum back to him, shifting around in bed to face the window and the scenic view that lies beyond. You can see the ocean from your home— the dark water pulling in and pushing out and glittering with the reflected light of the moon, and the boats docked at the marina, still, silent, asleep. The moon’s glow paints the cityscape in an ethereal haze, like something from a fairytale. “I’m okay. Just a bad few days. I miss you, Fernando.”
“I know, my love,” he coos. “But we will be together soon. Do you remember what I told you when I left?”
As if you could possibly forget. The morning he left, a fog had rolled in from the sea and you’d swathed yourself in a shawl to chase away the early, damp chill as you stood on the stoep to see him off.
Fernando had wrapped you up in his arms, an embrace so warm and safe that the feeling had lingered for hours afterward still, and he’d whispered in your ear that he would move mountain and sea to get back to you if you ever needed him.
“But I always need you,” you’d teased. He’d chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, a promise, and then pulled you in even closer, tucking your head beneath his chin and letting his fingers run through your hair and comb through the remaining bedhead tangles.
You would similarly move earth and sky to be with him again now, just to feel his arms around you, or in the bed beside you.
“I meant what I said,” he says over the phone, drawing your attention back.
You hum again, “I know. But sweetheart, you have a job to do. It’s a very important job, too.” You curl the blankets around you tighter. “Pay no mind to my musings, okay? It’s just been a rocky start. The bakery has lots of orders to get through for Valentine’s Day, and I am short-staffed now.”
“What has happened?”
“What hasn’t?” You joke, heaving a sigh. “Rodrigo broke his hand in a biking accident this past Sunday, and the doctor says he’ll be out for a month at least. I can have him work the register and do minor cleaning chores, but we really need him in the kitchen because Andrea hasn’t yet been trained to use the equipment. I am trying to have Beatrice help with that, but it will take time we don’t have. On top of that, Samuel’s wife is having her baby so he has taken paternity leave, and Gemma has gone back to France for her mother’s birthday.”
Fernando makes a noise of understanding. “You are so stressed, mi vida. I wish there was more I could do. I am sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You have no reason to. In fact, I should be thanking you because I’m feeling so much better just hearing your voice,” you answer. Feeling the tears dissipate as your husband’s joyous laughter trickles into your ear from the phone’s speaker.
“And I am better just hearing yours,” he says. “But I will leave you to sleep now. It’s too late for you to be awake. Te amo, mi esposa.”
“Ti amo, marito mio.”
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liked by yourusername, astonmartinf1, and 187,813 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1
lance_stroll i’m really only here to take pictures for his wife
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fernandoalo_oficial the heart is for her only
yourusername and i appreciate you very much for it lancino 🫶
↳ lance_stroll at least someone cares about the work i put in 😔
astonmartinf1 Breaking News: Aston Martin’s Lance Stroll challenges Aston Martin’s social media admin for their job
↳ lance_stroll thanks but i think i’ll stick to driving fast cars. it’s less stress.
user if you look closely you can actually see me about to jump off the roof in that last picture 🫠
↳ user real
user why is the first one so cute??
user lance is really just fernando and y/n’s kid at this point, he’s the disgruntled son who reluctantly takes pictures of his dad to send to his mom, and he complains about it, but he secretly loves doing it
↳ user i mean have you SEEN what y/n does for his birthday each year??
↳ user no????
↳ user she specifically learned how to make bannock and a bunch of other traditionally canadian desserts and baked goods for him
↳ user i bet lance’s trainer hates that lmao 😂😂
↳ user you all are talking about them like y/n isn’t just a few years older than lance himself is 💀
↳ user leave fernando and his controversially young wife alone
↳ user guys?? he’s literally only 42?? y/n is almost in her 30s, it could definitely be worse. at least they’re both well into adulthood
user nobody talk to me for the rest of the day this is all i can think about now
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liked by yourusername, lance_stroll, and 298,513 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial throwback thursday, as they say, except it isn’t thursday and i just wanted a reason to post my beautiful wife. te amo 💛.
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yourusername i love you more mio carissimo 💛
↳ fernandoalo_oficial impossible, i love you the most
user adding “posts me just bc he can” to my list of standards for men
user “just wanted a reason to post my beautiful wife” oh my god fernando alonso the man that you are… 😩😩
user guys he’s the blueprint
↳ user she’s so lucky
user she’s actually so beautiful omg 😳😳😳
↳ user they’re such a power couple
↳ user super excited for y/n to be back in the paddock this year (fingers crossed it happens more) cuz she’s actually so stunning and her outfits are always very classy and fun to look at
↳ user is there a reason she doesn’t go to many races?? they don’t have kids iirc, so idk why she wouldn’t be able to attend more 🤔
↳ user she owns and runs a small bakery in italy, which means she can’t just travel for 9 months out of the year. she shows up when she’s able to, don’t get me wrong, but it’s definitely less frequently than some of the other wags
user gen imagine being fernando alonso’s wife
↳ user i think i would cease to exist
user cuando es mi turno 😭
Valentine’s Day arrives and with it comes the added stress of knowing you’ll be stuck in the bakery all day helping last-minute patrons sort through pastries and treats for their partners. This in and of itself is not a problem, you’ve always liked helping people and baking is your passion after all, but the idea of rising before the sun and being on your feet until long after it sets is not the most appealing, and even worse, your usual happiness is still overshadowed by the cloud of gloom that’s been following you since last week.
Ever since his first late-night call, Fernando has been good about making sure to ring you in the morning before he heads into the factory, and at night when he leaves. It’s helped, certainly, but nothing ever compares to the real thing and that thought makes you feel guiltier every day that you think it.
He has a job to do, a job that he loves. Neither of you should be forced to give up your passions, and that just means needing to make a few sacrifices every once in a while.
He doesn’t call you that morning, however, and though you hide it behind as much of a cheery grin as you can manage, it stings and you’re disappointed.
But throwing yourself into your work is always something you’ve been good at, so you focus instead on kneading dough, mixing pastry filling, and icing cupcakes.
Beatrice finds you back in the kitchen an hour before the bakery is scheduled to open, and the look on her face tells you she knew it’s where you would be.
“You shouldn’t be working today,” she says in lieu of a greeting.
You shrug, sliding a pan of bread from the oven. “We are too short-staffed for me to not be working today. Plus, what would I do anyway? Sit at home alone pretending that I’m not? At least in the bakery, I can put myself to use and be distracted.”
All she does is sigh.
The morning goes well. There’s a bit of a rush when you first open, the most notable of customers is a disgruntled older gentleman who you consider to be a monthly regular. He explains a long-winded story about his daughter’s boyfriend breaking up with her over text last night, and needing something to help cheer her up. He leaves with a box of cannoli, and an extra loaf of bread you threw in for him on the house.
Near the afternoon is when it starts to pick up, but in a lull between customers just after lunchtime, Beatrice corners you in the back. Her arms are crossed over her chest, her eyebrows are furrowed, and her mouth is set in a line.
“Go home,” she orders.
You huff. “Beatrice, I am the boss. Not you.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“I am not going home! The rush will get busier later this evening and we are short-staffed—”
“Rodrigo’s coming in to work register in—” she checks the watch on her wrist, “—fifteen minutes. I ran Andrea through kitchen duty the other day and I’ll be supervising her the entire time, and Marco and Silvia both said they could pick up a shift. I also have a text from Samuel’s wife saying if we need even more help she would gladly get her husband out of the house if it means he’ll stop hovering over her, and I’m prepared to take her up on that offer should the need arise.”
You blink at her. There’s a reason she’s the one you leave in charge when you travel, but whenever you’re reminded of just how good she is at managing the bakery you’re always left a little shocked. She orchestrated everything in the span of a morning and you didn’t even notice.
“Why do you want me to go home so badly?” You ask her, shoving your hands down into your apron’s pockets. “Nothing is waiting for me there anyway. Even if we weren’t short-handed, I would’ve still been here.”
“You sure about that?” Is all she says before turning on her heel and exiting back into the front of the bakery.
You don’t pretend to understand what she’s talking about as you hang your apron up and head for home. Beatrice shoots you a wink as you wave goodbye, and it feels like some sort of foreshadowing for whatever awaits you.
Nothing, however, looks any different than it had when you left. You park your car in the empty driveway, collect the newspaper from the stoep, and unlock the door.
Your keys and the newspaper are both tossed onto the counter just inside the kitchen as you toe off your shoes. You hang up your jacket on the dining room chair as you make your way into the living room, and then you pause.
There, resting on the couch is a stuffed toy bear and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. In the bear’s arms is a little sign, and the handwriting is already enough to have your eyes filling with tears.
“Fernando?” You call out to the silent house.
You check the ground floor and find no other sign of him, so you take to the stairs and begin the ascent up to the next, continuing to call out the many different pet names you have given to him throughout the years.
You peek into the bedroom, “Mia vita?”
Stood in the center of the room, a big grin on his face, is your husband. Fernando looks mighty proud of himself, a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s had this planned for a while and he’s smug that he’s managed to keep a secret from you. He opens his arms wide when you just continue to stand in the doorway, and like a flip has been switched, you rush into him when a sob of happiness.
He wraps himself around you, and the feeling of his arms holding you so firmly in his embrace is warm and comforting, and everything you had missed in the weeks he was gone. Your face is pressed into the crook of his neck, and the smell of his cologne has you sagging even further against him, sinking as far as you can into his hold.
He presses a kiss to your head and sways the both of you back and forth.
“Mi vida,” he murmurs. “I’m here, my love. I’m here.”
“I didn’t know you were coming home,” you cry against him, voice muffled from where your face is still pressed against him.
He runs a hand through your hair, scratching his nails against your scalp in the way that always calms you down, and hums. You feel it in the vibration of his chest more than you hear it. “I wanted to surprise you after you told me how stressed you were. I told you, no? I would move mountains and seas to be with you whenever you need me.”
“Ti amo,” you whisper against his skin.
“Te amo,” he whispers into your hair.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll, and 97,141 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername to the luce dei miei occhi, i love you more than life itself 💛
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fernandoalo_oficial mi vida i'll love you in this life and the next, until the very end of time itself 💛
↳ yourusername ti amo mia vita
↳ user oh my days 🫢
↳ user i’m actually ill that is too cute
user they ARE that couple and they have every right to be
user i need them to adopt me right tf now it’s not a want it’s a need
↳ user fernando alonso once again proving why he’s the best husband on the grid
↳ user i’m obsessed with them a totally normal amount
lance_stroll every time i saw him he was talking to someone about how he had plans to surprise his wife, i’m so surprised he didn’t end up ruining the secret somehow
↳ fernandoalo_oficial have more faith in your padre
↳ lance_stroll well i’ve seen my “padre” make the most cartoon heart eyes at a picture of baked goods so i don’t think faith is really gonna cut it. you’re whipped man 🤷‍♂️
↳ yourusername lancino you must put up with so much from this old man
↳ lance_stroll you know what? i really do
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @casperlikej @pear-1206
━━ a/n: this is the longest fic i've ever written, coming in at a whopping 5.4k words! and it's also the first request i've written for! so, cheers to that. this is my little valentine's day story, because i'm actually a big sap and i really do love good fluffy romances, so writing this distracted me from the fact that i'm actually very alone at the present haha! anyways, hope you all enjoyed! i also wrote this in under 24 hours, and it's a lot, so if there's any editing mistakes please ignore them, i genuinely could not bring myself to re-read all of this looking for every single mistake.
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wintfleur · 1 month
hi lovebug!!! congratulations on 1k! the most deserving person ever, i'm truly blown away by all of your works!!
i cannot stop thinking about the "[ apology ] a kiss offered as a way to apologize or make amends" prompt from the last list (🌷) with lando ofc! like i can totally see him just waltzing up to you, a little bit guilty after a silly argument, and placing a kiss on ur lips as a truce 🥹
again, congratulations on 1k, and here's to many more! i love love love you!! <33
౨ৎ your lips, my lips.
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Lando norris x female! reader )
°. — details ( g; angsty, fluffy. w; kissing, I think that’s all. wc; 1.9k )
﹕─┈ prompt ~ a kiss offered as a way to apologize or make amends
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( HI MY LOVE !!! tysm lovely, it means so much coming from you !!! Im sending you the biggest hug and smooch ever !! You should be receiving it soon mhm 💌 I really hope you enjoy it !!! so sorry it took so long for me to get out, I wanted to post it after a race and on my birthday !!! Please don’t be silent readers mwah ! )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( HE WON FOR MY BDAY !!! )
1k celly masterlist main masterlist f1 masterlist
“He’s just being nice” Lily spoke loud enough so you could hear over the loud music that bounced off the walls of the club they were spending their night at. She placed her hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she watched you look at your boyfriend from afar, a sad and disappointed look in your eyes. 
Lily tilts her head to look at her own boyfriend who sat next to her in the booth they had for the night, he was leaning back and sipping on his alcoholic beverage. Lily nudged his knee under the table with hers, motioning her head towards you once he turned his gaze to her. Oscar gets the memo, and he clears his throat and sets his glass down on the table, giving you an awkward smile when you turn your head to look at him “Yeah you know Lando, he loves talking to his fans.” 
Your heart drops and a frown quickly forms on your lips at oscars words. You look back to your boyfriend, he was standing near the bar, surrounded by 3 girls. They had come up to the two of you while you waited for your new drink, and you could tell that they were big fans of his as they went on and on about him . . . completely ignoring your presence and leaving you standing there uncomfortably with a fake smile on your lips. 
You look down at your lap where you had your hands folded on, your eyes lingering on the shiny ring lando had gotten you for your anniversary. Lando had always made it clear that you were the only one for him, the only one he loves, but you can't help but feel insecure when tons of beautiful girls come up to lando, fans or not. Oscar's words did not help. 
Lily furrows her perfect eyebrows and slaps Oscar's thigh, giving him a look of disbelief at his choice of words. Oscar winces and gives the two girls a sorry smile. “Men am I right?” lily giggled as she nudged her shoulder with yours, and for the first time since the beginning of the night, you had a genuine smile on your face, tilting your head back as you joined lily in laughter. Oscar playfully rolled his eyes, but nonetheless joined the two girls in laughter. 
“What's so funny?” Lando asked the laughing trio as he slid into the booth right next to you, his arm moving to rest on the booth edge behind you. Lando had a happy smile on his lips as he watched you laugh, you always looked so carefree whenever you laugh, and it was by far his favorite sound. 
“Oh! Just Oscar being an idiot” Lily answered for you, giving Lando a small smile before looking back at you. You were looking down at your lap, acting as if your painted nails were more interesting than anything, Lily is your best friend, she could see that you had gotten in your own head with negative thoughts. 
“Oh, so nothing new '' Lando chuckled, his fingers absentmindedly tracing random shapes on your shoulder. Oscar rolled his eyes but laughed at Lando's words, of course he was going to take the chance to tease him like always. “Wow” 
Lily brings her hand up to cover her mouth, and you would think she was an award-winning actress with the perfect fake yawn she let out, at the same time she was gently kicking Oscar under the table, giving him the side eye. Lily wasn't really tired, in all honesty she could go a couple more hours before wanting to go home . . . but you, her best friend, wanted to go home.
This time Oscar doesn't say something stupid and instead he makes up some stupid excuse that they have to wake up early in the morning, the two of them already tired from a long day. And before they all knew it, they were standing outside of the club, Oscar and Lando giving each other a bro hug while you and Lily had a hug of your own. Lily whispering sweet reassuring words in your ear before getting in the uber with her boyfriend. A sigh leaving your lips as you watched them go. 
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Lando could tell something was wrong, it was obvious with the way you were acting ever since you got in the uber. You weren't curled up on his side, excitedly talking about everything that happened tonight, like you always do. Instead, you sat by the door, resting your head against the cold window as you looked out at all the lights and buildings you passed by. 
The silence was loud . . . in the uber, the walk through the hotel, the elevator ride, it was all silent and it was driving him crazy. Lando locked their hotel room behind him as they walked into the large room, a sigh leaving his lips as he watched you immediately go into the bathroom to change. The hotel room was already filled with tension as you closed the door loudly, it wasn't a slam . . . but it proved to him that you weren't happy. 
He lets out another sigh as he drops his phone, wallet and watch on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed. Dropping his face in his hands while his elbows rested on his knees, his mind racking through ideas on why you would be upset with him. But he honestly couldn't think of anything, it was a great night . . . until it wasn't, and he had no idea why. 
He sat in the same spot for a few minutes, his thoughts all of you, until he got up with a sigh and made his way to his luggage, decided to get ready for bed. He knew you would be in there a while getting unready from the night out and getting ready for bed, and plus you were upset with him . . . you were gonna make him wait while you took your sweet time. 
Lando was pulling down the blanket of the neatly made bed, already dressed for bed when you came out of the bathroom. You were dressed for bed, and you didn't even look at your boyfriend, who paused his movement to watch as you leaned down to put your clothes neatly into your suitcase. Your shoulders tense and your eyes tired. 
“Can you at least tell me what I did wrong?” Lando asked as he broke the silence of the dimly lit hotel room, for a moment you paused your actions, but you quickly continued to close your suitcase, you didn't want to think of it anymore. You were tired, emotionally and physically. 
You got up and made your way to your side of the bed, carefully setting your jewelry on the bedside table, along with your phone. You could feel his heavy gaze on your back as he got up from the bed, desperate for your answer. An answer you weren't ready to give. “I don't want to talk about it lando” 
“Well too bad because I do” Lando groans as he gently grabs your arm and slowly turns you around to face him Lando looks down at you and a frown forms on his lips at the upset look on your face, this time he speaks softer “You know i can't stand it when you're upset with me, So please . . . What did I do?” 
“Of course you wouldn't notice, you were too busy with that group of fawning girls” you rolled your eyes as you pulled your arm out of your boyfriends hold, crossing your arms and looking out at the floor to ceiling window that gave a beautiful view of the city. You didn't want to look at him, to let him see how much you were letting this affect you. 
“Is that what this is about? Those girls?” he asked, and your silence was a perfect enough answer for him. He tries to remember everything that happened when the small group of girls came up to them, and he feels like an idiot and a dick when he recalls how he gave them all his attention and the obviously fake smile you gave him before leaving. 
“Baby” Lando muttered sadly; his eyes softened as he thought about how you must have felt. His hands traveled slowly up your arms and rested on your tense shoulders. You let out an annoyed huff, masking the insecurity you felt with annoyance. God it was embarrassing, Lando never did anything to make you think he wouldn't be faithful . . . and yet that insecurity never left. “Lando please i don't want to ta⸺ “ 
A sound of surprise leaves your lips at the sudden interruption and the feeling of his soft lips on yours. Your eyes quickly shut, and you couldn't help but lean into his soft hold on your face. Slow, but passionate kisses like this always took your breath away, your lips moved in tandem. It wasn't fair how quick your mind blanked whenever he kissed you, all your thoughts before would vanish and all you could focus on was him. 
Lando reluctantly pulled away from the kiss “You don't have to talk, just listen” He whispered breathlessly against your lips, still gently holding your face. You flutter your eyes open and nod softly, it was like he kissed all your words away. There was a small part of you that wanted to push him away and shout at him for distracting you, but you were weak to his charms. 
“You have every right to be upset with me darling, I shouldn't have done that . . . I’m sorry I made you feel like you're not important to me, because you are. Ever since I met you, you have been the most important person in my life” Lando didn't break eye contact once, as he poured his heart out to you. Before you, he had trouble talking about his feelings, it was scary showing that intimate and sincere part.
 But he had no fear when he was with you, and he didn't want you to have any either. 
“But my heart only has room for one girl, and she happens to be the funniest, prettiest, most intelligent woman I know . . . you” every compliment he gave you, he pulled you closer to him, you were basically flush against him, and you hoped he couldn't hear or feel your loud heartbeat. Little did you know that his heartbeat was just as fast as yours. 
“Lando” you whispered, the tears in your waterline almost overflowing and rolling down your cheeks as you looked up at him. You had so many things you wanted to say, but nothing could come out, all you could do is look at him with love in your eyes. God he couldn't take his eyes off of you, even with tears in your eyes you were still the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. The city lights coming from the window made you glow. 
“Let me show you how beautiful you are” he whispered, his hands slipped under your sleep shirt and his fingers caressed the soft skin of your hips, pressing your hips flush against him. You were sure he could hear your heartbeat now. He leaned down to place a trail of soft kisses up your neck. Placing a longer kiss under your ear before whispering huskily 
“Let me show you how much i love you.”
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this is so bad omg I’m sorry I feel like I’m missing something with this )
°. — taglist ( @iloveyou3000morgan @copper-boom @cixrosie @partyinpitlane @toasttt11 @c-losur3 @lovings4turn )
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Can lumberjack Bucky take care of me?
Yes, nonnie.
To-Do List
Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky shares a list of things to do with you when you wake up. Word Count: Over 600 Warnings: Fluff, pet names, talk of sex, light humor, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: More Burly and Bambi . @tavners, can we manifest this? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky’s spot on the bed beside you is cool when you wake up and reach for him, seeking out his warmth. You don’t want to start the day cold.
But he’s back in the bedroom before you can get up to look for him, a tray in his hands and a smile on his face as you yawn.
The shirtless sight of your burly man is enough to chase any lingering tiredness away.
“Wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, Bambi,” he says as he sets the tray over you and lets you look over the feast he prepared. “You drooling over the food or me?” he teases.
You wipe at your chin, thinking for a moment that you did drool. “Both,” you smile, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear once he gets back in bed. “What’s the occasion?”
It isn't your birthday and or anniversary. No reason to celebrate anything.
“No reason at all, darling,” he answers, sincerity in his bright eyes before he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Just want to take care of you.”
Your heart flutters because no other guy had ever done anything for you just because they wanted to. “You take very good care of me,” you promise, feeding him a bite.
You watch him lick his lips after his bite, your heart fluttering for an entirely different reason. “This is just a start,” he says, feeding you a bite in return.
You would never turn down his cooking or him feeding you.
“What else could you possibly have planned? You have to work.”
“No work today,” he replies, nodding to a small piece of paper beside the plate.
A smile spreads across your face due to the impromptu day off before you pick up the sheet and scan it, recognizing his handwriting. “‘Burly and Bambi’s To Do List’,” you announce as he chuckles. “Breakfast in bed.”
“Check,” he smiles, feeding you another bite.
“Cuddle in bed,” you continue.
“After breakfast.”
A giggle bubbles up when you read the next thing on the list. “This just says ‘Each other’,” you state, which you would happily help him cross off.
He puts a hand on his chest when you laugh more. “Are you making fun of my list? You wound me.”
“I’m not,” you promise. Any excuse to do your lumberjack, you’ll take it.
“Good. Because I have us doing each other as number 6,” he smirks, your throat dry when his gaze falls to your chest. “And 9.”
You laugh all over again, careful not to shake the tray. “6 and 9? 69? Really?”
“It’s a good number,” he says nonchalantly. “And as your personal lumberjack, I’ll also be happy to split you in half.”
It’s a tempting offer and you’ll take him up on it. “After we eat.”
“Good idea,” he agrees, popping a bite of fruit into his sinful mouth. “You need your strength.”
“Cocky,” you whisper, but he’s right. You do need your strength because he’s insatiable. “You also have watch a movie together and snuggle with a blanket under the stars.”
“I’ll keep you nice and warm,” he promises, gesturing to the sheet. “Flip it over.”
You’re not sure how you manage to hold back tears as you read it, falling more in love with Bucky as you read out loud, “Tell Bambi how much I love her every day.”
He grasps your chin so you can’t hide your face. “I love you, Bambi,” he whispers, pressing his soft lips against yours.
You ask yourself how you’re lucky enough to be his girl as you kiss him back. “I love you, too, Burly.”
And you would tell him every day, too.
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These two. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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pinkcarnatixns · 3 months
leah williamson | training wheels
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synopsis your plan for a romantic date goes downhill when your girlfriend admits she doesn't know how to ride a bike [2.1K] contents pouty! leah, slight injury, slightly suggestive
You really thought that your girlfriend would be blown away by your plans for a romantic date, but you apparently had made a quite significant miscalculation. 
Leah, constantly one to sweep you off your feet, had organized a sweet weekend getaway to Amsterdam for your six month anniversary. Since joining the club and hitting it off with the blonde, you hadn’t had much time to explore around Europe like you’d hoped when you first decided to make the move. With the way she hung onto your every word, Leah had clearly remembered this small detail and planned an extremely thoughtful getaway around it, surprising you with the plane tickets after training one day. 
You were nearly drunk on the amount of affection you felt for the girl, having been sufficiently pampered with the amount of plans she had made for the two of you. The day before, Leah had arranged a walking tour of the city which, wanting to stay in her own little bubble with you- was guided by the overexcited girl herself. Judging by the exasperated texts you received from a certain Dutch striker afterwards, it seemed that she had really gone all out to impress you, even if it meant she was never allowed to ask Viv a question again. If you hadn’t been completely gone for her by that point, you had arrived back to your beautiful hotel room just to see a new dress and heels laid out on your bed, before you were promptly shooed off to get ready. 
When you stepped out of the bathroom that had turned into your holding cell at her insistence, you were pleasantly surprised by the sight of your girlfriend in a suit you had picked out for her during one of your first ‘dates.’ She had been so nervous then, and desperate for an excuse to see you away from your teammates’ teasing remarks, using the excuse of an upcoming event to have you go shopping together. You never did get to see her in it, and when you had started dating, she claimed that it was too precious and had to be used for an incredibly important event. 
Apparently, she had deemed her surprise dinner date a special enough occasion, almost missing the reservation due to your appreciation of her attire. After hours of giggling over an expensive bottle of wine and being kindly told to wrap it up by staff, both your stomach and heart were completely full. Stumbling around in the streets hand-in-hand, entirely too dressed up while looking for ice cream with her jacket hugging your shoulders, you could have died happy.
So, after finally collapsing for the night and drifting on cloud nine, you decided you wanted to return the favor somewhat- to make her swoon for once. With a free day tomorrow, and her snoring softly in your ear with your head pillowed by her arm, you sneakily turned your phone brightness down and hatched your plan. 
In the morning, even though Leah took so much coaxing to get out of bed that your lips were sore, you had succeeded in getting her dressed and out the door. Not one to enjoy being out of the know, she had attempted many sneaky glances at your navigation app, receiving warning glances every time she tried to distract you from your mission. As you approached, you gave her a deceivingly sweet smile, immediately making her suspicious. “Love, you’re being quite cryptic and we’ve gotten pretty rural. Do I really treat you so badly you’ve taken me to the Dutch countryside to kill me?”
“Leah! Where’s your sense of adventure?” You pout at her with hands on your hips, determined to have your dream realized. “Now can you close your eyes please?”
“Oh, this is really the end for me now. Tell my mum I love her.” She sasses back at you, but does as you say anyhow, putting her hands over her eyes for emphasis. You mock her accent and pouty tone under your breath, but delicately guide her by the crook of her elbow, taking care that she doesn’t trip over anything. 
She lets you lead her, careful to keep her eyes shut to avoid upsetting you and whatever has gotten you so excited. You firmly tell her to stay where she is and reinforce that she needs to keep her eyes shut before she hears your steps walk off. She worries you’ve gone and left her abandoned there before she makes out your voice talking to someone quietly, curious at the clanging that follows the conversation. Relieved at the warmth of your hands returning to her, you slowly take her hands away from her eyes. “I’m going to count down! Stay here- ” She hears you scurry off and at your prompt, opens her eyes, letting them adjust to the sunny day. 
“Ta-da!!” Her eyes focus on you, before dragging over to what you’re gesturing excitedly to. Hand gestures highlighting two bikes- fuck. Her face goes completely red as you prattle on, “We’ll be so cute! And this path up here goes just past some pretty tulip fields, we can stop and have a picnic!” 
Silently and not quite meeting your gaze, she grabs one of the bikes by the handlebars and starts walking it past the stand where you had rented them- nodding in thanks to the old man running it. This leaves you completely confused, and you jog your bike over to where she’s walked off, “Is it horribly cheesy? Do you hate it? I’m sorry I just wanted to do something for you because-” 
Once out of range of the little bike stand, she whips around to face you and mumbles something under her breath, only making eye contact with her feet. You tilt your head questioningly, prompting her to try again, and she rushes out “‘m not good at riding bikes.”
As you take a second to actually process her fast words, it’s your turn to be embarrassed, “Leah! You’ve never told me you don’t know how to ride a bike? I dragged you all the way out here trying to be romantic!” 
She kicks around the gravel under her Birkenstocks, like a scolded kid pouting, “It’s embarrassing…” You sigh hard and start to speak before being cut off, “-And I know how to ride one I’m just not good at it!” 
You raise an eyebrow, and she immediately loses the nerve she had built up, averting her eyes again. Having been too determined to give up something you had been so excited for, you knock your kickstand and trudge over to her. “Well get on! We’re going to get your confidence up!” 
She realizes that you’re not giving up anytime soon, losing the battle of puppy-dog eyes that she initiated. You expect her to climb right onto the bike, but instead she also kicks her stand and steps away. You’re ready to protest, expecting that she’s ready to call it a day, but are surprised when she falls into a crouch in front of you. She hastily starts tucking the bottoms of her baggy jeans into her socks and glares up at your shaking form, trying to contain your laugh. “What! You really do want me to die, don’t you? What happened to safety first?”
You shoot her an apologetic glance, still letting some giggles escape as you ruffle her hair. “I’m very flattered that you care so much for some cheap H&M jeans I bought you love, but I think you’re safe. Now stop stalling!”
She shoots you a wary glance, but regardless stands and kicks her leg back over the bike, getting into position. “Now! The hardest part is just getting started and righting your balance so I’ll give you a little push!” 
Leaving her side to stand over the back wheel, you grab her hips to steady her as she places her foot on one of the pedals. She stiffens slightly and shoots you a wink over her shoulder at the new position, “Well miss cheeky! I bet this was your plan all along wasn’t it?”
At her teasing, you slightly lean her over to the side she isn’t resting on, crumbling her confidence and setting off her balance- her face paling immediately. “Hey! This is no way to treat someone who is greatly humoring you right now! We could’ve been having a grand old time back in our hotel room at this time!” 
“Sorry sorry! Just focus!” You giggle and feel your face get a bit hot at the implications of her words before continuing. “Okay you’re gonna sit up, look up-” She follows your words, and with a hard push from you, “And pedal!” 
She wobbles a bit, clearly panicking and forgetting to actually pedal, having to put her feet back down to stop herself from completely toppling over. Catching her breath, she exasperates. “This is horrible! Who does this for fun? Psychopaths?” 
You try terribly hard not to laugh at her, but she’s just so cute and frustrated that you can't help yourself, shooting her a big smile at her withering glance. You really do appreciate that she’s trying for you, and lean up to give her a big, exaggerated kiss on the cheek with some words of encouragement. “You really almost had it baby! Just have to breathe and pedal, momentum helps a lot! Now come on, one more time, I’ve got you.”
She nearly hops off, and you rush to praise her so that she keeps at it, “You really are so brave lovie! I nearly had to be shipped off to the hospital when I was being taught!” She puffs up a little at the praise, and so you give her a proper kiss and continue, “My fearless, beautiful girlfriend!-”
“Alright alright, one more time but that is it! I don’t like making a fool of myself.” She backs up a little bit, ready to start again and clearly psyching herself up in her head. This time you’re stationed next to her, holding her handlebar with one hand and the seat cushion with the other. She glares down at the bike like it’s personally out to get her as you count her off, kissing her on the cheek and propelling her forward with all your strength on one. 
She gets some really good speed at your push, but once again forgets she needs to do the rest, righting her error as you yell desperately, “Pedal!” 
She starts really getting the hang of it with minimal swerving, and you whoop excitedly as she actually manages to turn the bike around and head back towards you, complete with a smug smirk on her face as she passes you. 
However, her pride doesn’t last for long enough as her eyes are still glued to you and not on the rock in her way. Before you can warn her, she’s crashing to the ground and you rush over to her deflated form. Luckily, her football instincts had clearly kicked in and she had landed with no injuries, bar some scrapes on her face and hand. You know you’re really in for it at the familiar frown you receive as you help her up. 
The door chime indicating your exit from the small convenience store, you walk over to your poor girlfriend’s pathetic form, a cup of ice in one hand and box of plasters in the other. Sitting on the rough wood of the bench, she allows you to coo over her as you patch her up and hold ice over her thrumming wounds. 
You hold her hand in silence, laying your head on her shoulder as you sit side-by-side, watching the sun set over the beautiful tulip fields. You tear up a little bit, emotional at the view and that you were the cause of your girlfriend’s wounds, your plans slightly ruined. You nearly open your mouth to apologize again when she starts, “Thank you for today. I would’ve never thought to just sit outside and enjoy the view like this. And for believing in me, even if it was slightly misplaced.” She chuckles at the last part, placing her head on yours and nuzzling in slightly.  
You giggle at her sincere words, squeezing her hand in yours, reveling in the heat radiating off her accompanied by the comforting smell of her perfume. “All these flowers and you still have my favorite two lips in the world. Speaking of, I think I deserve a proper kiss after my act of courage today.”
You laugh at her horribly cheesy joke, but decide to indulge her anyway, pulling off her shoulder and cradling her poor wounded head in your hands as your lips meet.
a/n: thank u guys so much for the love on my last fic!! also terribly sorry if this doesn't make sense to my dutch friends </3 i am american
++ my reqs are open for more leah fics or for other woso girlies!
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edenesth · 2 months
[2:36 PM]
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"Holy crap, I'm stuffed! I feel like I've eaten enough to last a week," you exclaimed, embracing your bloated belly in amazement as you glanced at Seonghwa, who was still happily devouring his meal. You'd been indulging at the all-you-can-eat buffet for hours, yet he showed no signs of slowing down. "Thank god one of us has a black hole for a stomach; I swear, Hwa, you make every buffet meal so worth it."
Your boyfriend chuckled, "You say that now, but I bet you'll be craving convenience store snacks by tonight like always," he teased, feeling a rush of affection for you as you stuck your tongue out playfully.
It was your fourth anniversary together, and he had let you choose the venue for your date. You opted for the Japanese buffet near your shared apartment, knowing it would make him happy. And it did; he was over the moon, utterly in love with you for your thoughtfulness. So much so that he could propose to you on the spot. In fact, he had a ring ready and was eagerly planning to seize this perfect moment to pop the question.
As he finished his bowl of ramen, his heart warmed at your immediate response—reaching over to delicately wipe the corner of his lips with your napkin. You smiled, asking, "Was it good?"
He nodded, holding your hand and planting a kiss on your wrist after you finished cleaning his mouth. "Everything tastes better with you around, my love. Now, be a good girl and wait here while I go get us some desserts."
You giggled before exclaiming, "Ooh yes, I want to come with you!" as you began to rise from your seat. But he panicked and stopped you, "N-no, please, let me take care of you today. I'll be back real quick, I promise," he said before darting out of the private room you had reserved. He had plans to hide the ring in one of the cakes for you to discover later, and if you were to go with him now, he wouldn't be able to execute his plan.
With a satisfied hum, he admired how perfectly he had hidden the ring in one of your favourite cakes. Oh, he couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you realised what was inside. Walking back to the room, his heart raced and his mind swirled with all the possible romantic outcomes of this surprise. If all went well, you'd be his fiancée by the end of this meal.
It's going to be perfect.
"Yay, you got all my favourites! Thank you, Hwa, you're the best," you cooed, pulling him down by the collar to give him a chaste kiss on the lips before allowing him to return to his seat across from you.
He grinned, biting his lip excitedly as he watched you begin to eat, "Anything for you," he murmured. His attention was momentarily diverted when his phone chimed with a few texts from his friends in their group chat. He clicked open to find a couple of silly memes, offering a quick 'Haha' reaction before returning his focus to you.
"Hwa, say ahhh," you said, holding out some cake to feed him. Absentmindedly, he looked up from his phone and accepted the bite. "Thanks, babe. You enjoy it, I'll get more later," he said, his words slightly muffled as he spoke with cake in his mouth.
Wait a minute, I—
His eyes widened in horror as he realised the ring was in his mouth. He was dangerously close to swallowing it when he attempted to push it back out, causing him to choke violently and startling you in the process.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" you rushed over to his side immediately, lightly slapping him on the back. Your concern intensified as his body shook. "Cough it out, Hwa!"
And he did, eventually spitting out remnants of the cake onto his trembling hand. In the midst of the mess lay a shiny object. You didn't know what it was, but one thing was certain: it clearly was not meant to be in a cake. "Wh-what's that? Why would they put something like that inside a cake? Are they trying to harm someone? This is unacceptable; I'm going to file a complaint."
"N-no, babe!" he called out, gently grasping your wrist and pulling you close before you could scold anyone for his own mistake.
"But Hwa, you could have died—"
He sighed, "It was me, I put it in there." He grabbed a few new napkins and cleaned up the mess in his hands, and your eyes rounded, your breath catching when you recognised what was in his hand. It was a ring you had once jokingly shown him, telling him how pretty it was and that you would love it if he could propose to you with it. You didn't think he would actually do it.
"God, this went way differently in my mind. You were supposed to discover it on your own; it was supposed to be so romantic, and I ruined it all because I'm an idiot—"
You silenced him with a kiss, pressing your lips to his and cradling his face while you caressed his cheeks, tears tracing down your own. Pulling back slowly, you rested your forehead against his with a soft chuckle.
"Well, I think it's rather romantic."
"I swear, I'll redo it properly—wait, really?"
"Mhm. Oh and, yes, I do."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
Look what you made me do, @itstheghostofmypast😭 this was a little something my pookie and I came up with while we were talking hehe ilysm istg pls never stop feeding me these ideas.
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha
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Joel feeling insecure about the large age gap you guys have
Large Age gap (reader is 28, Joel is 56), baby Ellie makes an appearance (ugh I love Bella Ramsey), lack of communication, hints to making out+Kissing+Sex, insults, body pain, crying.
• Joel first laid eyes on you when he and Ellie arrived to Jackson to settle down permanently.
• Tommy was giving Joel and Ellie a tour while you were taking a group of kids out of the Jackson daycare for a walk to the small playground.
• When Joel spotted you, he couldn’t help but stare at you and feel content watching how gentle and patient you were to the kids you were leading.
• Your warm smile that you flashed him when you caught him staring had him jump out of his daze and clear his throat, turning his attention back to Tommy’s voice.
• Ellie caught notice and nudged Joel’s shoulder, smirking and whispered, “Were you just staring at that pretty woman, Joel?”
• Joel had rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t”
• Ellie kept teasing him after that, making kissy faces to piss off the old man.
• The second time he saw you was at a Christmas gathering in the bar, strictly held for the adults a day before Christmas Eve.
• Tommy had brought you over to where Joel had been sitting on his own in the corner.
• “Joel, this is Maria and I’s close friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Joel, my brother. He just arrived to Jackson earlier this week with his girl, Ellie”
• Joel thought you were so much more beautiful up close. You looked so much…younger, up close. Not even a wrinkle in sight.
• You had to only be 27 or 28 years old.
• When you both shook hands and you stared at Joel with so much genuine interest in your eyes, wanting to know about him and asking him questions, his seemingly cold heart had turned so much warmer.
• The conversation between you both flowed so freely and smoothly that you barely even noticed Tommy had removed himself from the conversation to go work the bar.
• After that night at the bar, you edged your way slowly into Joel and Ellie’s life, baking them cookies and lending Ellie your comics, and having them over for dinner alongside Maria and Tommy.
• Skip to four, long months after Christmas Day, you and Joel were an official couple.
• Joel had his doubts about becoming a couple due to how much older he was than you, and also hadn’t felt the touch of a woman since Tess, yet he kept it to himself knowing that if he tried to talk to you about it he’d feel vulnerable and all mushy. Joel didn’t do that kind of stuff.
• So he kept it in, even though it was itching to come out when the judgmental stares from people around town increased whenever you both would show public affection.
• He almost opened up to you about it one night when the Tipsy Bison Bar was gathered with people all around Jackson who had threw an anniversary party for Maria and Tommy.
• Joel was actually enjoying himself, having his beautiful girl on his left arm and a cold beer in his right hand.
• A slow song had came on and Joel brought you to the small dance floor where all the other couple were slow dancing with their loved ones.
• Your arms were wrapped around his broad shoulders and his strong arms wrapped around your waist.
• Joel was so happy and relaxed to have you in his arms and swaying gently to the slow Elvis song in the moment, that he wasn’t even focusing on anybody who was possibly staring at you guys with questionable faces.
• It was when Joel’s cold beer bumped your bare skin where your shirt lifted up, and you squealed, wrapping your arms around him tighter,
“Jeez, Joel! It’s so cold!”
• He did it again out of amusement and was letting out soft laughs,
“Can you get the bartender to refill it for me, baby? Please?” He asked, planting a kiss on your forehead.
• You happily took it from him and he watched you teasingly sway your hips dramatically when walking away from him, knowing that it always made him blush and laugh at your joking attempt at being sexy.
• He watched you from where he was standing, you were waiting for the bartender patiently, occasionally turning around to give him a grin.
• All the alcohol Joel had been drinking that night caught up to his bladder, so he had went to use the bathroom.
• You finally got the bartender to fill Joel’s bottle, and before you could start walking back to where Joel was supposed to be on the wooden dance floor, a man, around your age had tapped your shoulder.
“Uh, Hi? Can I help you?” You looked at the man who had short black hair and a nose ring with a confused look on your face,
“I’m usually not this forward but, you are one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen here”
•You were used to men complimenting you around Jackson, so you just politely thanked him and looked around for Joel, not seeing him on the dance floor or sitting on any of the bar stools. Hoping he would walk away,
“You work at the Jackson Daycare, right?” You wanted to cringe at his attempts at small talk,
“Uh, yeah! I do” You didn’t ask him a question back, wanting him to get a hint that you weren’t interested in engaging in any broken flirting with him.
• He still wasn’t getting a hint, and Joel still was no where to be found,
“I have to ask pretty girl, are you seeing anyone at the moment?”
•You wanted to cringe again. ‘Pretty girl’ only sounded nice coming out of your boyfriend’s gruff voice.
• Speaking of your boyfriend, where the hell is he?
• There was a small line for the bathroom when Joel went, so it was taking longer than he thought it would.
• You looked at the man and gave him a tight lipped smile,
“I am, actually. I’m with my boyfriend” You responded to him.
• The young man looked around,
“And where is he? I don’t see him” You wanted to punch the cockiness out of him.
• That’s when Joel had came up behind the both of you,
“I’m right here”
• The tension released from your body when you heard your man’s voice,
“Hi” You kissed Joel on the cheek and slightly stood behind him, grabbing his arm to try and lead him to sit down. He wouldn’t budge from where he was now towering over the younger man,
“There a problem, young man?” Joel asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.
• The man had laughed in disbelief,
“This grandpa is your boyfriend? Wow, unbelievable”
• You gave the man a dirty look and continued to tug less gently on his arm,
“Joel, c’mon. He’s not worth it”
• The man scoffed and stared at you,
“I’m pretty sure I’m worth more than this old fuck, bitch”
• That’s when Joel shoved the guy into the wall and clenched his fists,
“Joel, seriously! Let’s just walk away!”
• Tommy and Maria had rushed over to break up the two men, talking to them both, but their voices sounded blurry to Joel’s ears.
• Your face was becoming hot out of embarrassment due to the eyes from everyone in the bar all on you.
• You placed the beer on the bar counter and grabbed you and Joel’s coats from the hanger and walked over to him,
“Let’s go home, okay? It’s getting late, baby”
• Joel didn’t answer you, instead just taking his jacket out of your hands and walking ahead outside,
• Joel was quiet the whole way home. He wasn’t slipping his hand into the pocket of your jeans and giving you drunken kisses like he usually did on these nights.
• When you both got to his and Ellie’s house, he was still quiet.
• Though, he was being loud with his actions. Tossing his jacket to the side, kicking his boots carelessly off the carpet, and stomping up to his bedroom upstairs.
• Ellie, who was sitting on the lazy boy chair reading one of the comics you gave her, looked at you with a confused look,
“What’s up his asshole tonight?” You shook your head and rubbed your forehead,
“He got into a small fight at the bar. Nothing too serious” you said. Flopping down on the couch with a tired sigh,
“If it wasn’t serious, why is he acting like some fucking kid who got told he wasn’t allowed some candy?”
You laughed and shrugged,
“I really don’t know, honey. I wish I did”
• And it’s true, you really don’t know why that situation at the bar made him so angry.
• You knew Joel to be strong and get over his shit easily.
• Joel had been quiet and less affectionate for the next few days after that.
• The comments the much younger man made about Joel’s age really fucking got to him.
• Also the fact that the guy had the audacity to call you a bitch.
• What the guy said was getting to Joel’s head…what if a younger man was more worth your while? A man that didn’t groan and grunt when he sat down or up, a man that didn’t need massages before bed every night because of his constant aching bones, a man who was not old enough to be your dad.
• Joel was feeling insecure.
• Joel had finally opened up to you about it when you guys had the house to yourself.
• He had finished showering, a much needed shower after helping Maria clean the barn all day.
• When he walked into the bedroom, you we’re sitting pretty on the flannel sheets of the bed, a white night gown that Maria gifted you for Christmas draped over your body and a big smile on your face.
• Even though Joel had been in a foggy mindset since that night at Maria and Tommy’s anniversary party, looking at you never failed to make him crack a smile.
• He sat down on the bed, grunting when pain shot up his aching back,
“You okay, baby?” Your warm hand rubbed his shoulder, soothingly.
• Joel just nodded,
“I’m alright. Don’t worry about it”
• You frowned when it seemed like he didn’t want your touch.
• When he laid on his back, you, out of usual routine, straddled his lap, hopefully to have sex.
• It had been coming up on a week that Joel had barely touched you. Always wanting to to just head straight to bed,
“Sorry, sweetheart, not tonight. I can’t” Joel patted your bare thigh, signalling for you to lay down beside him.
• You became embarrassed, biting your lip and awkwardly getting off his lap,
“Oh, okay”
• Joel felt his heart slightly crack at the confusion and hurt in your voice.
• He wanted to so bad tell you how he felt, but he too felt embarrassed to mention how he had been stuck up all week because of the comments that guy made.
• He was hoping the problem would slowly solve itself.
• He looked at you when you sat up on your knees beside him, facing him who was laying down with one of his arms tucked under his neck,
“Joel, why have you been acting so weird with me all week?” You were chewing on your nail, staring at his face trying to study him.
• Joel felt his stomach drop. Oh god, here we go. He cleared his throat,
“What do you mean, baby?” He rubbed your knee with the hand that wasn’t behind his neck,
“You’ve been distant since that night at the bar. You’ve barely touched me or even seen me all week. Your just, distant. Ellie and Tommy see it, too” You placed your hand on top of his that was resting on your leg.
Joel sighed and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t hide it anymore,
“I didn’t like what that man said the other night” you remained silent, waiting for him to continue,
“He was right. I’m an old man, and I’m way too old for you. I see the way people stare at us in public, the judgmental looks and shit. They practically tell me that I don’t deserve ya. You deserve a younger man who has energy and active bones. Who can fuck you more than once in one night”
You wanted to cry hearing him degrading himself like that,
“Joel, I didn’t know you felt that way. How long?” Joel looked up at you,
“Before we even dated, sweetheart. It’s embarrassing, I know” You shook your head and straddled him, planting your hands on his chest,
“It’s not embarrassing. I’m sorry you felt that way for a while. I love you so, so much. If I wanted a younger man I would have already been with one of them by now, but I chose you. I chose you because your strong, you care about the people you love, your extremely handsome and make me feel like the only girl in the world” Joel could feel his neck and face getting red at your words,
“Joel, baby, please tell me when you are feeling upset about these kinds of things. I’ll only know how you feel if you talk to me” You combed your hands gently through his grey hair, looking down at him with so much love in your eyes it almost made him tear up,
“I love you” He reached his hand up to your cheek, rubbing it,
“I love you, too” You whispered. You pressed a kiss to the pad of his thumb while staring down at him. He pressed his thumb in between your lips, slowly pushing it in your mouth. You accepted it, and sucked on it slowly. He groaned and closed his eyes,
“Sweetheart, I really wanna make love to ya right now but my back is just so fucking sore” You slowly pulled his thumb out of your mouth,
“Don’t worry about that. Just lay back and let me take care of you, Joel. My Joel” Joel moaned at that, his big hands going to grasp at your hips, slowly pulling your nightgown up.
This was going to be a long night.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 4 months
A Year In Love 💚 - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Happy one year anniversary to Hogwarts Legacy! I can't believe it's been a whole year since the game has been released! (I can't believe it's been a whole year since I descended into madness over these boys either!)
A few of us in one of the HL Discord servers decided to all write a one year related fic, so here is my contribution to that. Enjoy!
Warnings - None! All Fluff! || 1.5k words
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Ominis stopped walking as he felt his wand begin to rapidly pulsate in his hand - a sign that he had reached his destination. He sat on the grassy ground, using his wand to guide him again as he placed a small bouquet of flowers on his aunt’s grave, which was marked by a large rock, with various smaller colorful rocks and seashells surrounding it.  
Today marked one year since the night that Ominis, Sebastian, and the new fifth year ventured into Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium, where his aunt Noctua’s remains had been found. She was the only member of his family to show him any compassion, and the only member of his family not obsessed with blood status. She was the only family Ominis felt like he had. Although the night brought back painful memories for Ominis, it also changed the course of his life forever, in the most positive way possible. It was also the night Ominis realized he was in love. 
The evening started with Sebastian begging Ominis to join him in venturing into the Scriptorium, eager to see what secrets it held. Ominis didn’t want to go, well aware that the room likely held terrible things. But Sebastian wasn’t about to let it go, enlisting the help of his secret weapon against Ominis - the new fifth year, who Ominis had been harboring a small crush on. 
“Please, Ominis?” His name sounded so lovely on her lips, he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her. She was far too convincing. His heart even skipped a beat when she complimented him on his rare ability of being able to speak Parseltongue. 
 As the trio descended into the tunnel leading to the Scriptorium; however, Ominis cursed himself for allowing his crush on the girl to cloud his better judgment. The tunnel radiated dark magic, and was full of various puzzles which opened the way to more, deeper tunnels. What started as a nerve-wracking endeavor quickly turned into anguish as they reached the entrance to the scriptorium, guarded by a door that required a Cruciatus curse to be cast. In front of the door lay his Aunt Noctua’s long forgotten skeleton, her journal pages around her body confirming it was indeed her.
While Sebastian explored the Scriptorium, thrilled by their discovery, the new fifth year was by Ominis’s side, her arms around him as he sobbed into her shoulder. Ominis felt guilty, knowing that he should have been the one comforting her after she had endured the painful Cruciatus curse from Sebastian. Ominis could feel the way her hands shook as she held him, but despite the pain she was in, she had put his needs before her own. No one had ever put Ominis first, or shown him this level of care, not even his own blood. Her kindness changed him, and it was at this moment that he fell in love with her. 
Ominis awoke the next morning deep in denial, He convinced himself that he was just clinging to her because of the compassion she showed him, and he absolutely was not in love with her. That  is, until he received her owl asking to meet outside the castle. When he found her, she explained that she had gone back in the morning and retrieved his aunt’s remains so they could give her a proper burial. Ominis fought the urge to get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage at that moment. 
With her help, Ominis decided on a secluded spot across the Black Lake in a little clearing for her final resting place. The area was surrounded by trees and overlooked Hogwarts - the place Ominis called home. 
As the year went on, and the two became closer as friends, Ominis fell deeper in love with her each day. They supported each other when Sebastian strayed further and further away from them, and Ominis showed her the same level of compassion she had shown him in the scriptorium after the battle against Ranrok, when she broke down in his arms after losing Professor Fig - the closest thing she had to a father. Despite the clear connection they shared, Ominis still hadn’t confessed his true feelings, fearful that she only saw him as a friend. That fear was extinguished for good on a random night, after she crashed her lips into his and confessed her own feelings for him after an after hours meeting in The Undercroft. From that moment on they were inseparable.
Ominis was broken out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching. His heart raced when the footsteps got closer and a familiar scent hit his nose - her scent. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Ominis! Professor Weasley needed me for something after class. I hope you’re not mad!”
Ominis let out a soft chuckle at her words, knowing he could never be mad at her. He stood to greet her, placing his hands on her waist to pull her into a gentle kiss. Once she pulled away, he heard her begin to dig through what sounded like a bag, followed by the sound of a blanket being fluffed out. As if she could read his mind, she explained herself. 
“I brought us lunch, the weather is lovely, I thought we could have a picnic!” 
As they sat in front of Aunt Noctua’s grave, enjoying the weather and food, Ominis’s mind began to wander again. This time, he thought about their future together. He thought about their graduation, and how he hoped she’d say yes to his elopement proposal he had planned for right after. He thought about what it would be like to have a home of their own, far away from the Gaunts. He even let his mind wander to children. Although he was still uncertain if he wanted to bring more Gaunts into the world, if they did have a daughter, he hoped his future wife would be open to naming her Noctua. 
As he said his aunt’s name in his head, he felt a tingle of pain in his heart. She would never get the chance to see him as a married man or a father. She would never get to meet the girl who had stolen his heart and made him so happy. He hoped that she was proud of him for finding someone who loved him and treated him right, unlike the rest of his family. He hoped that she was proud of him for making a new legacy for the Gaunts.
“Are you alright, darling?” Her sweet voice laced with concern flooded his ears and broke him out of his train of thought once again. 
“I miss her…” Ominis choked out as tears began to form in his eyes. 
His fingertips registered the softness of her hands as she gave his hands a gentle squeeze. “Oh darling, I’m so sorry. I know you do. But she’s not truly gone. The ones who love us never really leave us. They’re always in our hearts and watching over us.”
Ominis squeezed her hands back, his tears freely flowing now. “I wish she could have met you. She would have loved you. I…I hope she’s proud of me.”
Ominis’s heart fluttered as he felt her lips press against his cheek. “She is proud of you. I know she is. So proud of you for doing the Gaunt name justice. She helped make you into the amazing person you are and will grow to be. She’s extremely proud of you, and so am I.”
Releasing her hands to cup her face, Ominis pulled her into a gentle, but passionate kiss. Their lips remained locked for several seconds, Ominis savoring the way her lips felt against his own. Over the course of the past year, he had kissed her many times, never once getting sick of it. He didn’t think he could ever get sick of her.  
The couple spent the next hour in the same spot, talking, laughing, and updating Aunt Noctua on things that had happened throughout the year. They stayed until it got dark, Ominis feeling the change in temperature.
“We should probably make our way back, make sure we’re prepared for the potions exam tomorrow. Thank you for joining me today.”
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, Ominis.”
She stood up, pulling Ominis to his feet with her. He wished Noctua a good night and assured her that he’d visit again soon before taking his lover’s hand as they made their way back towards the castle.
When they had just reached the Hogwarts grounds, Ominis felt his girlfriend stop walking, but before he could ask her what was wrong, he felt her arms wrap around his neck as she planted a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Ominis Gaunt.” she said softly. He could hear the smile on her face through her voice.
“And I love you.” he said back with a smile. And he did - he had loved her for a year, and planned to love her for many more years to come.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - Chapter Nine
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Chapter Nine: Dry Your Tears
Plot: Joel, Y/n, Henry, Sam and Ellie make their way out of the tunnel system, but Kansas City refuses to let them leave.
Word Count: 9.4k
Warnings: tlou ep.5 spoilers, implied s*ut, language, canon-typical violence, knives, blood, death, loss of a child, s*icide, (16+)
A/N: Oh, we’re really in it, y’all. This is the last chapter in which you get any sense of happiness, so hold it close to your heart. It all really goes to shit after this…
As always, and I really need people to read this, this series is 16+ and I will not be adding anyone to the taglist unless their age is listed in their bio. Gotta look out for younger eyes 👀
Good night, and good luck, my loves ❤️
May 27th, 2003. Austin, Texas.
The referee’s whistle rang through the air, signaling the play was starting. Sarah had the ball, her team was one goal away from winning the season. If she nailed the shot, she’d bring them to victory.
Now, on his own, Joel was one of the loudest and proudest parents at the games. Adding in Tommy and Y/n had made them their own cheer section.
“Go, Sarah!” Y/n yelled.
“C’mon, babygirl,” Joel clapped, “C’mon.”
“Fuckin’ nail it,” Tommy cheered, earning a light knock to the chest from Y/n, “Frickin’ nail it!”
Sarah wasn’t listening to any of them, she was in the zone. She wound her leg back and kicked the ball, it flew through the air and straight through the goalie’s arms.
Y/n screamed and leapt into Joel’s arms, the whole crowd cheered wildly. Joel spun her around, this felt like a victory for all of them considering how much time they’d spent practicing with Sarah.
After celebrating with her team and taking their yearly photo, Sarah bounded over to her family.
Joel picked his daughter up, not caring if he was embarassing her. Sarah hugged him back.
“You were amazing,” he said, setting her back on the grass.
“You’re so freakin’ good, it hurts,” Y/n grinned, wrapping Sarah in her arms.
“Thanks,” the girl smiled up at Y/n.
Tommy high fived his niece, “Calls for a celebration.”
The four of them drove downtown to the ice cream shop. They parked themselves outside at a table in the shade. In celebration of Sarah’s impending graduation, her recent birthday and Y/n and Joel’s one year anniversary, they were driving down to the beach for a weekend.
“Okay,” Joel said in between bites, “I’ve got the confirmation for the hotel printed out.”
“I’m going to the store tomorrow to pick up the food,” Y/n raised her spoon.
Sarah hummed enthusiastically, swallowing her dessert quickly. “Can you pick me up when you do?”
“Yes,” Y/n nodded, “But you can’t run me into debt.”
“Can I come?” Tommy asked through a mouthful of ice cream.
“You will run me into debt,” Y/n replied with a smile.
Tommy reached into his wallet, theatrically handing Y/n a twenty dollar bill. “Beer money,” he clarified.
“Thank you,” Y/n replied, stuffing the money into her jean pocket, “What time are we leaving on Thursday?”
“I figure 9,” Joel answered, “Try and beat the traffic.”
Practical as he was, Joel was also plain excited. This was the first family vacation Y/n was joining them for.
“We’re leavin’ on a Thursday mornin’,” Tommy interjected, “There’s not gonna be any traffic.”
Joel peeked across the table to Y/n, who met his eyes with an equal level of contained enthusiasm. Celebrating one year of her in his life didn’t warrant waiting a single minute longer than necessary.
“Won’t hurt anybody,” Joel responded, shooting his girlfriend a wink.
Come Thursday, the Millers and guest loaded their bags and coolers into Joel’s truck.
“Sarah?” Y/n called from the bottom of the stairs, they were nearly ready to leave and she was still upstairs, “We gotta go, babe.”
“Coming,” she yelled down, skipping out of her room and down the stairs, carrying something in her hand.
“Whatcha got?” Y/n pointed to the small package.
Sarah waved it nonchalantly in the air, “It’s an anniversary present. For you and Dad.”
Y/n’s heart swelled, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, I did,” she gave a small smile, before scrunching up her face, “Just please don’t make out the entire trip.”
Snorting, Y/n wrapped her arms around Sarah’s neck and walked the two of them out of the house.
Joel and Tommy had just finished their thirty minute game of Tetris with the luggage. There were so many bags for only four days and four people.
“No,” Tommy called out, spotting Sarah’s present, “Not one more fuckin’ thing comes into this truck.”
“It’s a carry-on,” Y/n shouted back with a smile, patting Sarah’s arm after, “Be there in a minute.”
Sarah skipped off to the backseat, passing her dad as she did. Joel ruffled her hair before locking eyes with Y/n across the driveway. She looked so natural, standing on his porch with his daughter in her arms, locking up the front door with her spare key. She’d settled into the family so well.
“See somethin’ you like?” Y/n smiled, sticking her nose up in the air and letting the sun hit her.
“Somethin’ I love,” Joel replied, walking slowly towards her. He encircled her waist with one arm, his other hand holding her hip.
Y/n let her hands slide up Joel’s chest, “Your daughter has requested a vow of celibacy from us this weekend.”
Joel chortled, “That’s ‘cause one day she woke up and decided us lookin’ at each other was disgusting.”
“Well, then,” Y/n got on he tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the tip of Joel’s nose, “Save it for the evenings.”
Joel nuzzled his nose against her cheek, savoring the warmth of her skin and the promise of her words.
“What happened to beatin’ traffic?” Tommy teased from the passenger seat.
Rolling his eyes, Joel turned around to his brother and glared at him. Tommy just smirked and tapped his foot against the dashboard.
“Come on,” Y/n intertwined her fingers with Joel’s, pulling him behind her and marching them both to the truck.
“Seatbelts,” Joel ordered as he got in the front seat.
Y/n settled herself in the backseat next to Sarah, who absentmindedly grabbed her hand and started playing with it. Of all the milestones her and Joel had hit in the past year, Sarah’s casual comfort with her was Y/n’s proudest.
“Alright, gang,” Joel started up the car and backed it out of the driveway, “6 hour drive, settle in.”
Y/n and Sarah cheered from the backseat and Joel swore he could feel a physical warmth spread across his chest.
It took them all day to get to South Padre Island, having stopped for bathroom breaks and lunch on the way, but they made it in one piece.
Their hotel was modest and one of many on the strip that backed straight up to the beach. The view from the balcony was unmatched, nothing but sand and ocean as far as the eye could see.
Their first full day there, they spent all day on the beach. It was early enough in the year that the full force of summer’s heat hadn’t hit yet. Joel stayed with their cooler, messing around on the guitar he’d brought in a beach chair. Tommy switched between relaxing in the shade with a beer and flirting with whatever lucky woman was in their vicinity. Sarah and Y/n walked the shore, searching for seashells.
Leaving Sarah to keep hunting, Y/n walked back to their spot, admiring the sight before her. Joel looked more at ease than she’d ever seen him, strumming away in the cool shade.
“You’re ogling me’,” he said, trying to sound put off.
“You look happy,” Y/n smiled, pushing past the humor.
Joel peeked up over his sunglasses, taking in the wind blowing through her hair and how the sun shone off her skin. “I am happy,” he replied.
Y/n walked around the back of his chair, bending over to encircle his neck. Joel kept on playing, trying to stay focused as she pressed a loving kiss to his cheek.
Looking out on the beach, Y/n’s eyes found Tommy, buying some girl an ice cream at a vendor’s cart. She watched Sarah, crouched down in the sand and hot on the trail of a particular shell. With Joel in her arms, and her chosen family happy, she felt like everything in her world was just as it should be.
Y/n rested her chin on Joel’s shoulder, “Me too.”
They’d celebrated both Sarah’s graduation and Y/n’s anniversary on Saturday night with dinner on the beach. There’d been good food and good laughter, especially when Sarah tried oysters for the first time, managing to swallow the bite with a grimace.
When gifts were exchanged, Y/n, Joel and Tommy had compiled their money to get Sarah tickets to see her favorite band. She’d leapt out of her chair and bear hugged all three of them. For Joel and Y/n’s anniversary, she handed them a CD she’d burned a playlist to. Songs she’d heard them listen to or that the three of them had sung together in the car or while Joel played guitar.
Deep into the evening, when Tommy and Sarah had retired to their room across the hall, Joel and Y/n celebrated their anniversary privately.
Joel’s body weight Y/n’s down, pinning her hands above her head and pressing soft kisses across her face. At some point in the night, she’d slipped on his t-shirt. He was convinced that if there was a heaven on earth, he was in it.
“Promise me something,” Y/n breathed, her lips brushing Joel’s cheekbone.
Joel rubbed his nose against Y/n’s, “Anything.”
Pressed into the bed, completely consumed by the man she loved, with a soft ocean breeze flooding through their balcony window, Y/n was in utter bliss. There was nothing that could have made the moment more perfect.
“Promise me it’ll always be like this,” Y/n whispered, her urging eyes boring into Joel’s, “Even when it isn’t.”
Joel’s grip on Y/n’s hands loosened, letting her slip out of his hold with a need to feel her arms around him. Neither of them were under any illusion that life was without its problems, they’d run into them eventually. But through it all, Joel knew that the one thing that would never fade was their complete and utter devotion to one another. That was forever.
Joel brushed away a strand of hair stuck to Y/n’s face from the ocean’s humidity. He ran the tips of his fingers along her cheek, down her neck, tracing the path his lips had traveled moments ago.
“Always,” he promised, his voice soft, but determined.
The room’s energy was emotionally charged, bringing tears to Y/n’s eyes as she gazed up at Joel. He looked so beautiful hanging over her, it nearly broke her heart. She was so overcome with love for this man, she truly didn’t know if she could handle any more. Joel overwhelmed her in the sweetest way possible.
The moonlight reflected off a single teardrop that slipped down Y/n’s cheek. Joel adjusted himself in concern, taking her face into his hand, “What’s wrong?”
Y/n smiled, she’d never known one could be moved to tears by the simple act of adoring someone. “I just love you,” she pushed past the lump in her throat.
Joel’s breath caught in his chest. Even though he’d heard her say those words a hundred times, something about this utterance felt new.
He stroked his thumb over her cheek, wiping away the tear’s streak. They lay intwined, coming alive in one another’s eyes. They’d known for months, really since their first kiss, that they’d be together a long, long time…but there, in a beachside hotel, wrapped in lily white sheets and each other, they knew they could never leave one another.
Joel dove back into Y/n’s lips, his hands slipping under his shirt she wore to hold her hips. He prayed that when the day came for him to die, he’d do so in her arms, her kiss stealing his final breath.
2023. Kansas City, Missouri.
While the tensions were high the whole way, the five survivors made it through the tunnel system with no issues.
“Do you know where we are?” Joel asked Henry as they made their way through a door. He was still suspicious, nothing was ever as simple as a few tunnels and some luck.
“Yeah,” he answered, “The other side.”
Henry shone his flashlight on a dirty sign stating that it was, indeed, the parking lot to the Bank of America building. They’d made it out. Y/n huffed a sigh of relief, it was a much needed win.
The group headed for the street of the residential area, it was dark and empty allowing them the perfect cover. Joel had still insisted on no flashlights, just to be safe.
Joel led the group, with Ellie, Sam and Henry at the rear, and Y/n sandwiched between. She didn’t particularly feel like being near Joel after the conversation with Henry. She was still trying to shake the memories from her brain, twenty years of wasted energy and not a single one had faded.
Joel didn’t quite know what to do either. He felt at war with himself, a poorly docked ship being drawn out to the open waters against its will. It was getting harder to deny the increasing intensity of his pull to her. Not that it mattered, he still considered her a liar and she hated him with a passion that would never die. But seeing her with the kids, showing the humanity still left in her, had left him unsettled. It was like seeing a home he could never go back to.
“No,” Henry said, having just been signing with Sam, “No one is here. No one’s gonna be here because…my plan worked.
“So much damn talkin’,” Joel remarked from the front of the group.
“I’m just saying,” Henry continued, “I delivered. Make this right, go down the street, embankment behind the last house…and we’re out.”
Y/n and Joel wanted to believe that they were home free, but they’d seen more of the current world than anyone else in the party. Things that seemed too good to be true, almost always were.
“So we cross the river and then what?” Ellie asked, “Where ya gonna go?”
“Don’t know yet,” Henry shrugged.
“Well, we’re goin’ to Wyoming,” Ellie announced.
Joel glared back at her, earning a light hit to the arm from Y/n, who glared right back at him.
“What?” Ellie replied, “It’s a huge state, it can fit two more people.”
“Yeah,” Henry stretched the syllable, not any more keen on the idea than Joel, “Maybe we just call this one a success and say our fond farewells.”
Y/n drifted to walk alongside Joel, his stubbornness breathing a little bit of life back into her. “If you’ve got any happy pills left in your pocket,” she muttered low enough for only them to hear, “I suggest you take them.”
Joel shook his head, glancing out the side of his eyes at her. He couldn’t decide if her silence or her snark was preferable.
“No, he’ll change his mind,” Ellie said to Henry, “Trust me. This is how it goes, he’s like,” she dropped her voice and added a twinge of an accent, “‘No, Ellie. Never, ever, ever happening.”
Y/n couldn’t stop the snort before it escaped her, it physically jerked her body forward. When she looked up, Joel’s hardened stare was resting on her.
“That supposed to be funny?”
“It’s hilarious,” Y/n smiled, still trying to contain her laughter, “And you know it.”
“And then I’m like,” Ellie continued, “‘I’m gonna ask you a million more times.’ And he’s like-“
A gunshot flew past them, killing only the levity.
Joel and Y/n ran for Ellie at the same time, colliding with one another in a heap of arms.
“Move! Move!” Joel ordered, shoving both of them forward, “Go!”
The five of them dove for cover behind an abandoned car, crouching on the asphalt.
“Where the fuck is that coming from?” Henry asked, shielding Sam with his body.
“Shut up,” Joel ordered, peeking his head above the trunk of the car to scan the area. As soon as he was semi-visible, another gunshot hit one of the nearby vehicles.
Henry tried to get a look at the house where the fire seemed to be coming from, earning another close call.
“Fuck,” he muttered, grabbing Sam’s hand, “Let’s move. Let’s go.”
“Henry!” Y/n shouted through her teeth.
“What are you doin’?” Joel yelled, not budging.
“Getting the fuck outta here,” Henry called back, barely making it to the other side of the road before another shot blew past them. He rushed him and Sam back to the first car, “What do we do?”
Y/n and Joel’s brains were working overtime, trying to figure out the best possible course of action. Joel, closest to the house he guessed the gunman was inside, peeked out once more and got another near fatal shot. He was right.
“All right,” Joel breathed, “Stay here.”
“What?” Y/n and Ellie exclaimed in unison.
Joel turned to them, addressing Ellie but drifting his eyes to Y/n at the end of each sentence. “If you don’t move, he’s not gonna hit you. I’m gonna go around, try to get in the house through the back, and then I’ll take him out.”
“No,” Y/n blurted out, “No fucking way.”
“Yeah, if you go out there, he’s gonna kill you,” Ellie agreed.
“It’s dark and he has shit aim,” Joel countered, “Nobody’s gonna kill me.”
“Then he’s gonna kill us,” Ellie replied.
Joel’s eyes flicked between the kid and the woman behind her. He addressed Ellie first, “Do you trust me?”
Hesitating, but eventually rolling her eyes and nodding, Ellie answered.
Joel looked up to Y/n, silently begging her to listen to him. He’d trusted her when Ellie had revealed her immunity, now he needed her to do the same.
Y/n wanted to be unreasonable and illogical, to stew in her anger a little longer. But Joel hadn’t failed them yet on their journey, this wasn’t the place to start.
“You go around the left,” Y/n countered, “I’ll create a diversion so he won’t see you coming.”
“You stay here,” Joel replied, his voice turning to steel.
It was the first time that Y/n didn’t want to argue. She withdrew her pistol from her holster, “I wasn’t asking.”
Joel was busting his ass trying to make sure she was safe and she was throwing herself into open fire to protect him. He felt sick to his stomach.
Y/n took Joel’s reluctant nod and mirrored it, hoping she looked more confidant than she felt. They both brushed a hand against Ellie’s arm, who was terrified to let the only two people she cared about run headfirst into danger.
Joel and Y/n crossed past one another, he grabbed her arm to stop her. The pain-stricken worry in both their eyes communicated all that they couldn’t out loud.
They took up their positions on either end of the car, cocking their guns and drawing a deep breath. Joel nodded to Y/n, signaling for her to move.
Y/n jumped out from the car and ran for the one directly across from her. A gunshot kissed the air behind her, she slid into the asphalt behind the vehicle like it was third base. She could feel the fear creeping up her spine, threatening to break her, but breaking wasn’t an option. Tess’ last wish rang in her ears; keep Joel safe.
Spotting the next car, in the row, she made a beeline for it, dodging two shots on each side of her. She kneeled behind the trunk, peeking out just enough to fire a distracting shot towards the house.
“C’mon, Joel,” she whispered.
Joel was making his way down the street, Y/n serving as the most perfect and unwelcome distraction. Every shot sent a cold shot of panic through him, terrified that the gunman was going to be too quick for her. Just before making it behind the house, he snuck a look over his shoulder and caught her racing across the street, dodging more fire. It urged him to move faster.
Y/n was getting closer and closer to the house, praying that Joel had made it. When she made a clean run to the next car, she assumed that he’d put a stop to the fight. A final shot rang out, but it had come from a different gun. Joel’s gun.
Y/n slumped against the car and exhaled, he was safe.
Joel felt grief pass over him, a drop of it trickling down his throat, as he grabbed the old man’s rifle. He was about to stick his head out the window and signal to Y/n that they were clear, until a sound caught his ear.
“Anthony…Anthony…” a staticky voice called, Joel tracked it beside the old man’s body and found a walkie-talkie, “Anthony, hold them where they are.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, rushing to the window, “Run!”
Y/n stood up, Joel’s voice reassuring her they were in the clear before she registered his words.
Y/n bolted back toward Ellie, Sam and Henry. In the near distance, she could hear the sound of a truck. The same one they’d been dodging for the past day.
“Run!” Joel urged, watching Y/n���s shadow run straight towards the threat.
The truck’s headlights shone down the street, shining right on Y/n. She collided with Ellie, wrenching the girl ahead of her and racing back towards the house. Behind them, the fleet of trucks were beginning to plow through the rows of cars.
Determined, Joel started to fire at the truck’s windows, trying to take out the driver.
Blindly, Ellie and Y/n began to fire their pistols at the main truck after them. Without being able to take proper aim, their attempts failed, but they kept trying.
Ellie’s gun ran out of bullets as the truck began to gain on her. Y/n wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pushing her to go faster. Ellie tripped, bringing Y/n down with her. Y/n enveloped the girl in her arms, putting her body between the truck and Ellie.
At that exact moment, Joel had fired a perfect shot, taking out the driver and causing the truck to crash through the front of a nearby house. He’d bought them mere seconds, a whole fleet of cars were behind them and their passengers were about to surround Ellie and Y/n.
“Come on,” Y/n urged, pulling Ellie to her feet, “Move.”
They’d barely made it two steps before they were thrown to the ground again by a blast. The crash had somehow started a fire and both the vehicle and the house surrounding it were set ablaze.
The smoke filled Y/n’s lungs, restricting her airways and letting dizziness to set in. The only clear thought ringing through her head was Ellie, save Ellie.
Joel watched helplessly as Ellie and Y/n lay on the ground. He could feel his heartbeat in his throat, waiting for them to get up. Henry, a godsend in that moment, darted out from behind a car and pulled them both to their feet.
Y/n stumbled back to the car Henry had sought as protection, blindly reaching for Ellie and making herself a barricade once again.
“You okay?” Henry asked them both.
“Yeah,” Ellie muttered, Y/n gave a breathless nod.
Up above the flames, Joel watched a group of rebels walk through the smoke with guns drawn on his window, calling out orders to raid the house. They’d found him.
“Fuck,” he breathed, hiding behind the wall. Unlucky for them, Joel wasn’t so easy to throw in the towel and lose his life.
Below, Kathleen surveyed the damage, strolling casually amongst the flames. “Dead end, Henry,” she called, “Gonna step on out? Save us some time?”
“Is that her?” Y/n whispered, Henry nodded in response.
“No?” Kathleen asked, her tone was eerily even, “That’s all right. Doesn’t matter.”
Henry looked to Sam, who Y/n had an arm around, and knew what he had to do. “I’ll come out,” he replied, “Just let the kids go!”
“No,” Kathleen responded, “Sorry. The girl is with the two who killed Bryan, don’t think I don’t know that the woman’s back there with you too.”
Y/n shut her eyes, the back of her head digging into the car. She knew she’d die eventually, she woke every day faced with the possibility of death. But she wasn’t about to die before she could get Ellie out west.
Joel’s blood ran cold at Kathleen’s words, his hands squeezing the rifle tighter. He had to fight every instinct to fire a bullet straight through her head.
“And Sam” Kathleen continued, “Well, Sam’s with you.”
“You don’t understand,” Henry yelled.
“But I do,” she said calmly, “I know why you did what you did. But did you ever stop to think that maybe he was supposed to die?”
“He’s just a fucking kid!” Henry called back.
“Well, kids die, Henry. They die all the time.”
Y/n’s fear turned to shock and that shock turned to rage. Deep, bitter, twenty year old rage.
Joel watched carefully from his spot, feeling the anger swell in him.
“You think the whole world revolves around him?” Kathleen continued her monologue, “That he’s worth everything? Well, this is what happens when you fuck with fate.”
Henry turned to Y/n and Ellie, bracing himself for his own fate. “Get ready to take him, and run,” he instructed.
“No,” Y/n argued, “I’m not-“
“Yes,” he said, his voice like steel, “Do it.”
Y/n gave in, nodding and taking Sam’s hands with Ellie. “You stay in front of me at all time,” she instructed, reaching out for the girl, “If I go down, you don’t turn back.”
Ellie’s eyes widened, “But-“
“You don’t turn back,” Y/n repeated, forcing her voice to sound strong.
“It’s time, Henry,” Kathleen gritted, her soft voice suddenly dripping with venom, “Enough!”
Henry took a few shuddering breaths before getting to his feet, hands raised in the air. Sam anxiously started to go after his brother, but Ellie and Y/n pulled him back to the ground. The three of them sat there, Y/n and Ellie’s pulses racing as they waited for the inevitable sound, their signal to move.
“It ends the way it ends,” Kathleen said, her calm demeanor returning.
Y/n froze as she listened to Kathleen cock her pistol, squeezing Sam’s hand a little tighter.
But the bullet never came.
Instead, there was a terrible creak from the totaled truck. Ellie scrambled to get a peek while staying hidden, Y/n held up a hand to her and poked the tip of her head out. Just enough to see the car sink into the wreckage of the burning house.
Joel aimed his rifle and came to the window, watching it all happen from above.
Three ominous seconds of silence.
And then they came.
Hordes of Infected came sprinting out of the sinkhole.
Henry rushed back to their spot, Y/n and him shoved the kids in between them and sinking against the car as far as they could. One of the Infected leapt on the hood, a well-timed bullet sinking into its skull.
Joel reloaded the gun, waiting for the next shot.
“Come on,” Henry called, the four of them got to their feet and took off in the direction of the embankment.
Ellie obeyed and stayed ahead of Y/n, who was frantically cocking her handgun. One Infected was chasing after them and she couldn’t get her weapon ready in time.
Joel aimed at the creature trailing Y/n and fired. The body lurched forward, falling on Y/n and causing both her and Ellie to topple to the ground.
Somewhere in their fall, Y/n and Ellie had lost sight of Henry and Sam. Y/n kicked the dead body off of them and glanced up towards the house, she knew who was acting as their guardian angel. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have a job to do as well.
“Car,” Ellie yelled, having quickly crafted a plan in her head.
“Stay low,” Y/n responded.
The two of them army crawled their way through the chaos, screams of both the living and Infected filling the air.
Joel tracked their movements, shooting down any Infected that even looked in their direction.
Ellie and Y/n ran the final distance and dove into the abandoned car through an open window. As Infected began to crawl across the behicle, banging against the windows, one of Joel’s bullets took each one out.
“Get to the back,” Y/n instructed.
The two of them crawled over the seats, taking shelter in the very rear of the vehicle. Ellie’s eyes were wide with terror as she watched the scene play through the dirty glass.
Joel saw them make it in, but his relief didn’t last long. He watched as one of the Infected snaked through the window and into their car. His breath trembled, taking aim and realizing he couldn’t do a damn thing to help them.
Y/n and Ellie heard the dreadful snarling together, their heads turning to watch the Clicker flip through the front seat of the car. Y/n raised her gun and took aim.
She was out of bullets.
Joel’s brain switched off, his primal instinct to protect taking over as he fired relentless shot after relentless shot, trying to take the Infected out.
The Clicker acrobatically made its way through the car. Ellie blindly reached for the door handle, whimpering in fear as she couldn’t open it. Y/n kicked it with her boot and it swung out, she shoved Ellie roughly out of the car. Y/n slid out, slamming the door behind them and feeling the slam of the Clicker throwing itself against the window.
Joel had lost visual on them briefly, but saw the swing of the car door and how it was still rocking. They’d trapped it.
Somewhere in the noise, a child’s cry could be heard. Y/n’s eyes darted around them, finally spotting Henry and Sam trying to fend off a group of Infected underneath a car.
“Help! Get the fuck away!“ Henry screamed, kicking at one of the creatures, “Get the fuck off me!”
Ellie looked first to Y/n, who was already pulling out her knife from where she hid it in her boot, before they both looked up to where Joel was. Y/n could barely make out his face with the distance.
Joel looked down, knowing that they couldn’t possibly be making eye contact from so far away, but knowing that they were on the same wavelength.
They had to work as a team.
“Go!” Y/n yelled, and they were off.
Joel shot with more precision than he ever had, this was the most he’d ever had at stake. As Y/n and Ellie moved through the crowd, he took out every Infected that were heading for them. He worked as a machine, but the terror he felt was the most human sensation he’d experienced in years.
Y/n shed her humanity, becoming more beast than woman, mercilessly ripping through the throats of any Infected that came near Ellie. She swung onto one’s back, stabbing her knife into its head, and let the collapse of its body land her back on the ground.
Joel and Y/n worked seamlessly together, ground and aerial coming together to protect the one thing that couldn’t be lost. Or in Joel’s case, two somethings.
Ellie and Y/n finally made it to Sam and Henry, there were two clickers still clawing at them. One dragged Henry out from underneath the car, Ellie got behind it and stabbed it. Y/n wrenched the Clicker attacking Sam backwards, staring into where its eyes would have been as she sliced through its heart.
A bullet whizzed past her head, landing in the monster’s skull. Joel needed to be sure.
“Come on, come on,” Ellie helped their friends to their feet, “Go! Go!”
Y/n shoved Ellie in front of her again and they fled the chaos, climbing into the lawn of the house Joel was in.
The four of them turned to see Kathleen with her gun aimed at Henry, but her eyes flicking between him and Y/n. They didn’t have time to fear for their lives, they clocked the same Clicker who’d almost gotten her and Ellie creeping up an old piece of furniture behind Kathleen.
Kathleen heard the sound, turning around just as the Clicker shot through the air and latched onto her. They watched in terror as the creature claimed the resistance leader’s life.
Joel hurried out of the house, running faster once he saw Y/n and Ellie. He stopped a second, watching as Kathleen lost everything she’d fought so hard for, but didn’t care so long as his people were safe.
“This way now,” Joel yelled, grabbing Y/n’s arm to urge her forward, “Move!”
The group took off, leaving those who had sought to kill them to their fates. Joel and Y/n ran together, keeping one hand on each other the whole time. Their grudge was suffocating, choking under the weight of their undeniable devotion to one another.
The motel the group landed was a haven to their weary eyes. They broke into one of the rooms and tried to get it through their heads that they were safe. Joel had made sure that no one followed them, they were miles away from any Infected. They could breathe.
Once Ellie and Sam had been squared away with food, they went into the bedroom and began reading Ellie’s collection of comic books. They were either bouncing back spectacularly fast or burying their fear.
Henry, Joel and Y/n sat out in the main room, trying to come down from what they’d just been through. Since fleeing the hellish nightmare, Joel and Y/n hadn’t left each other’s side. She hadn’t even bothered with putting space between them when she sunk down onto the floor. They were pressed against one another and neither of them minded.
“You think they’ll be okay?” Henry asked, picking at a bit of his food and watching his brother from the next room.
Y/n’s eyes drifted to Ellie, she was growing more and more worried about the girl’s psyche. She’d seen so much in such a short span of time.
“Yeah, I think,” Joel answered, “It’s easier when you’re a kid, anyway,” he met Henry’s stare with intention, “You don’t have anybody else relying on you. That’s the hard part.”
“Well,” Henry looked down at his food, “I guess we’re doin’ a good job then.”
Y/n and Joel both looked to the kids, Ellie was helping Sam to read one of the pages.
“What’s that comic book say?” Joel asked, “‘Endure and survive?’”
“Endure and survive,” Y/n repeated.
Henry chuckled, “That shit’s redundant.”
Joel shook his head, this was as close as he’d come to laughing with another person. “Yeah, it’s-it’s not great.”
Y/n gave a small smile, not quite to the point of being able to laugh about any part of the day.
Joel turned to look at her, drawing her gaze to him and focusing on the two quirked corners of her lips. It used to be his favorite game, making them rise until she’d complain her cheeks hurt. Tonight was the first night that he’d been able to make her smile again, and the little bit of his old self that was on life support took a breath.
Y/n let her eyes drift across Joel’s face, resting in the way he returned it. It was a dangerous fucking place to be, but after what they’d just gone through, she was too tired to fight her way out.
A loud laugh from Ellie snapped them out of whatever moment they were having.
“Look,” Joel turned to Henry, “I don’t know exactly how we’re gettin’ to Wyoming, we’re probably walkin’. But,” he stopped, still uncomfortable with the full spectrum of his emotions, “You know, if you want to.”
“Yeah,” Henry answered instantly, “Yeah. Um…yeah, I think it’d be nice for Sam to have a friend.”
“Oh, trust me,” Y/n smiled, looking on to Ellie, “You won’t find anyone friendlier than her,” she glanced at Joel, “Then again, we don’t set the bar very high, now do we?”
Henry laughed under his breath, even Joel couldn’t stop himself from smirking. “No, you don’t,” Henry replied, “I’ll tell him in the morning. New day, new start.”
“We’re not getting anywhere if we’re carrying them on our backs,” Y/n remarked, dusting the crumbs off her jeans and getting to her feet.
Henry got up with Y/n and heading into Sam and Ellie’s room. He knocked on the door and began to sign to Sam.
“Whatever he’s saying,” Y/n pointed to Ellie, “Same goes for you. Real adventure starts tomorrow.”
Ellie rolled her eyes lightly as Y/n approached, letting her take the comic out of her hand and place it on the nightstand. “Hey,” she said, “Is Joel’s brother like him? All grumpy and constipated?
“He is,” Y/n started, a flood of pleasant memories hitting her, “Way more fun. Not a stick to be found up his ass.”
Ellie snorted, Y/n knew she’d fall in love with Tommy in a minute. Everyone did.
Y/n ran a hand over Ellie’s head, they weren’t close enough for a hug but she wanted the girl to know that she had someone that cared about her. If Joel was her protecter, Y/n wanted to be her comfort. The oasis she could run to in the desert.
“Get some rest,” she ordered.
“Why?” Ellie cocked an eyebrow, “So you and Joel can have more time to cuddle?”
Y/n knew she’d be paying for her unconscious choices as long as Ellie was around to witness them. She lightly pushed her forehead, sending Ellie back on the bed in a fit of giggles.
“Will Livingston dies a slow and painful death if you ever bring that up again,” Y/n retorted, giving Ellie a pat on the leg after, “Goodnight.”
“Night,” Ellie called in a teasing tone.
Y/n stopped by Sam’s bed, tapping his hip to get his attention. She signed ‘endure and survive’ back to him, Sam nodded with a smile.
“Practicing,” Y/n beamed, earning herself a thumbs up, “Goodnight.”
She left the room before Henry, Joel hadn’t moved from their spot against the radiator. The door had been open the whole time.
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “‘Stick up my ass?’”
Y/n leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms, almost relaxed. “I said what I said,” she smirked, “She called you constipated.”
Joel shook his head at her, fond memories of her and Tommy ganging up on him filing his head.
He wouldn’t tell her that he’d heard the whole conversation.
Henry exited the room, shutting the door behind him. “I don’t know about y’all, but I’m exhausted,” he said, staking out the far right corner of the room for himself.
“Yeah,” Y/n sighed.
Joel rose up from the ground, already dreading trying to do another bed time shuffle with Y/n. He glanced over at her, first spotting the blood seeping through her bandages.
“Your hand,” he said, crossing the space between them.
“Huh?” Y/n furrowed her brows, holding it up to examine it, “Oh, shit. I didn’t even feel that.”
Joel was hesitant to grab it, but was itching to fix it up. “Adrenaline,” he settled for.
“So much for sleep,” Y/n grumbled, bending down and picking up her backpack.
Joel followed, setting the corner table back on its feet along with the two nearby chairs. Henry was already asleep in his corner. Joel sat down across from Y/n and watched as she pulled out the first aid kit. As she unpacked the supplies, his fingers began to twitch with nervous energy.
Y/n picked up on his fidgety state, stopping what she was doing to look at him. “Are you really that much of a control freak that you need to do this?”
Joel didn’t know what he was, just that he needed assurance that she was going to be alright. The only satisfactory way to do that was to do it himself.
“Fine,” Y/n scoffed, sliding the kit across the table to him, “Have at it.”
Joel unpacked the same supplies they’d used yesterday as Y/n unwrapped her hand. He was glad she’d taken extra gauze from his stash back in Massachusetts, they were running low.
“How long do you think it’ll take to get to Wyoming on foot?” Y/n asked as Joel grabbed an alcohol wipe. She’d already clotted, but the sites still needed to be cleaned.
He bristled, “A long fuckin’ while.”
“And are we measuring that in miles or kilometers?” Y/n asked, her tone deadpan.
Joel nearly smiled, gently rubbing the wipe over the bloody surface. Y/n hissed as it made contact with her skin, digging into her chair and drawing a deep breath after.
“Killed, like, four Clickers,” Joel decided to joke, never looking up from his ministrations, “Can’t handle a little wipe.”
“Says the man who can navigate his way across the country, but couldn’t explain a siphon to a fourteen year old,” Y/n remarked, matching his wit.
Joel peered up, a small smirk playing on his lips, mimicking the one on Y/n’s. This was the longest they’d gone without fighting during a conversation. One shift could turn the almost peaceful moment to a shipwreck.
“What happened out there tonight?” Joel asked, his mind still spinning from anxiety.
“Ran out of ammo,” Y/n answered, she know immediately what he was referring to, “Perfect timing, huh?”
Joel scoffed and ran a second alcohol wipe over her wounds. “Yeah,” he muttered, unsure of what else to say.
“But there was this weird guy hiding out in an abandoned house who took care of things,” Y/n remarked, her eyes traveling from her and Joel’s hands to his face.
Joel paused and met her stare, surprised that she was acknowledging his effort at all.
“Thank you,” Y/n continued.
Joel shook his head, returning to his work, “You don’t need to thank me.”
“Would you rather me say ‘Fuck off, you dick. I can take care of myself?’”
“That would fall in line with what you usually have to say,” Joel replied, reaching for the gauze pads.
Y/n nodded in reply, a smile pulling at her cheeks. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing, only that she was traumatized, tired, and in need of someone to talk to. If that someone came in the form of Joel, then so be it.
Joel tried to focus on Y/n’s wound, breaking it down into steps. Sterilize, gauze, wrap. He couldn’t get caught up on the fact that they were getting along. As benign as the it sounded, it was leaps and bounds ahead of where they’d come from.
Y/n, on the other hand, had nothing to do but sit and wait for him to be done. She watched how precisely he placed the gauze pads, as if one inch off their assigned spots would cost her her life. It reminded her of how precise he’d been with his lips, his hands. Every touch had carried purpose, the ultimate goal to make her know how much he loved her.
This touch, so warm and gentle, felt the same to Y/n.
Much like the day before, it took a lot of effort on Joel’s part not to get caught up in the feel of Y/n’s hand against his. He wrapped a fresh strip of bandage around it, weaving the roll between her thumb and under her palm. Back at the house, watching her narrowly avoid Infected had choked him. Every five seconds, she’d been brought to the edge of death, only for one of them to strike back at the very last moment. It had drained any and all energy left in Joel’s body, and had brought on a whole new set of questions.
If he were to lose her or Ellie at this point, what would it do to him?
He anchored the bandage down, sealing Y/n’s wound, and tried to escape the scenarios his mind was creating. They were alive, they were safe, and they would make it to Wyoming. If that was what he needed to keep repeating to himself the whole way west, he would.
“At the risk of inflating your ego,” Y/n examined his work, “Well done.”
Joel didn’t respond, he simply handed her the supplies to pack up. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, or rather, what he wanted and what he knew he couldn’t have.
Y/n threw the kit back in her backpack and came back to where they’d been. Joel was already kneeling down on the ground, removing and balling up his jacket. She didn’t want to land herself in another situation where cuddling up to Joel was a possibility, she also didn’t want to infringe on Henry’s personal space.
“You mind keepin’ an ear peeled?,” Joel asked, it was like he could read her mind, “In case I roll over on the wrong side again.”
“Yeah,” Y/n replied, coming to sit beside Joel with just enough space between them. Close enough to protect, far enough away for clear minds.
Joel stretched out one arm just above Y/n’s head. It wasn’t the closest they’d been in the past day, but it was certainly the most intimate. Y/n was facing him, the top of her hair nearly grazing his forearm. Every signal in his brain told him to roll over, put another wall between them, but there was a stronger thought that cancelled the noise.
He simply didn’t want to.
Y/n adjusted herself on her jacket and was left with nothing left to do but stare at Joel. The lines on his face were deeper, his features had grown sharper, yet somewhere underneath it all…she could still see the man she’d fallen in love with in the heat of an Austin summer. Perhaps that was what was playing with her mind the most; how she got glimpses of Joel as he was before morphing into the new version. She used to wonder what age would do to them and she knew that if Cordyceps had never mutated, Joel’s frown lines would be smiles lines. The skin underneath his eyes would wrinkle from deep laughter. And in the times where his brow would crease with concern, a single kiss from her would have relaxed the muscles.
It was enough to bring her to tears.
“What’s wrong?” Joel asked, his voice gruff but his words filled with concern.
It was all wrong. All of it. Everything that had happened to them. Everything the world had become. Risking their lives every day for a future that wasn’t guaranteed.
It was all so horribly wrong.
“I’m just tired,” Y/n spoke past the lump in her throat, “Really fucking tired.”
Joel wanted to reach out, place a finger underneath her lashes to catch her tears before they fell. In another life, he’d have taken her in his arms and grazed his lips across her ear. He’d have called her Rosebud and told her to sleep, that he wouldn’t let anything hurt her.
But he’d lost the right to act on such feelings a lifetime ago.
“Get some sleep,” he replied, it was the only part of the urge he could listen to.
Y/n shook her head, smiling with sadness, “It’s not that kind of tired.”
Nothing else needed to be said. Joel understood those six words better than any other. His exhaustion went so far past his backaches or cracking knees. His soul was seeking rest that it would never find.
It wasn’t lost on either of them that it took nearly dying for them to start drifting back to one another. The hate faded into background noise, or ceased to exist at all. They picked up their anger when they were safe, because it took effort. It took effort to stay mad, a fire requiring constant attention. But protecting one another was natural. At the end of the day, all that had transpired between Joel and Y/n would never come in the way of saving one another. Hate was a choice, care was an instinct.
Joel’s soft gaze traveled across Y/n’s face. “Try,” he encouraged, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n nodded, her eyes still resting on Joel. She knew if she stared at him a minute longer, she’d no longer be able to choose hate.
Though she’d never know it, Joel felt the exact same way. He was becoming weaker and weaker for her with each moment they spent together.
They didn’t bid each other goodnight, they didn’t even fall asleep at the same time, despite sharing the same exhaustion. Joel stayed awake a few extra minutes after Y/n drifted off. He watched her frown relax, her brows unclench and her chest rise and fall, keeping the same steady beat that used to lull him to sleep.
Y/n had scooted closer in her sleep, her and Joel’s bodies still not touching but their breaths mingling together.
Had they awoken with the sunlight peeking through the blinds, strips of the warm glow across their eyes, urging them awake, they wouldn’t have backed away. It would have been the first time in twenty years they’d have woken up to one another. They wouldn’t have been mad.
Instead, they startled awake to the sounds of screams.
Joel and Y/n sat up in time to see Ellie fall out of the door, a snarling Sam jumping on her and pinning her down. Henry woke not two seconds after them, barely able to register the sight.
Sam was infected.
Joel was the first to reach for his handgun, but Henry was quicker and yanked it away. He had it aimed at Y/n and Joel before they were even on their feet.
“Nope, nope, nope,” he warned.
“Joel!” Ellie’s heartbreaking scream filled the room, “Y/n!”
Joel and Y/n took one step in Ellie’s direction and Henry fired a shot at their feet. Joel shoved Y/n behind him, she clung to his arm.
“Joel!” Ellie shrieked again, begging for help from either adult, “Y/n!”
Before they could have a coherent thought, it was all over.
Henry turned his gun on Sam.
He fired a single bullet.
Sam collapsed to the floor.
Ellie sat up with tears in her eyes.
Joel lowered his hands, but Y/n still kept a firm grip on him.
“Ellie,” he breathed, his heart was racing, “Are you okay?”
The girl looked to her guardians, shocked and heartbroken.
They took a cautious step towards her, but Henry put a stop to it as he trained his pistol back on them. Joel threw his arm back out in front of Y/n, not knowing what the man might do.
Distraught seemed too small a word to describe the expression on Henry’s face. He was gutted.
Joel ensured Y/n was still fastened to him before he cautiously held out his hands to Henry, “Easy, easy, easy,” his voice was barely audible, “Henry, gimme the gun. Henry, gimme the gun.”
“What did I do?” Henry choked out.
Joel shushed him, as one would a wild animal on the verge of attacking.
“What did I do?” Henry asked again, “What-what-what did I do?”
“Henry,” Y/n nearly whimpered, her breath trembling as she did, “Henry, stop, please.”
Henry stared through his tears at his little brother’s body, blood spreading across the floor, “Sam?”
Joel urged with a new desperation as the realization deepened, “Henry, gimme the gun.”
“Henry, please,” Y/n let go of Joel, taking a calculated step forward, “I know. I know.”
“Gimme the gun, Henry,” Joel continued.
Henry’s eyes, still focused on his brother, glazed over as he raised the gun to his temple.
“HENRY, NO!” Joel cried out.
Y/n rushed past Joel, “HENRY, I KN-“
It was too late.
As it happened, Joel jumped forward, wrapping his arms around Y/n and pulling her into him.
“No!” Y/n screamed, she lurched forward as if she could still save him.
Y/n’s eyes were flooded with tears, her sobs tearing her apart so hard that they came out silent. When the noise finally came, it was a guttural cry that might come from a wounded animal. Y/n’s knees gave out on her, Joel caught her and helped lower her to the ground. He kept his arms tight around her as she wailed.
When Y/n came to, and she realized Joel was holding her, the rage reignited. “Get off me,” she yelled, clawing her way out of his embrace.
Joel let her go, shrinking back slightly at the sudden reaction. Ellie watched, consumed by terror as her rock crumbled under the weight of the trauma.
Y/n crawled towards Henry, avoiding the blood, and clung to his shirt. She wept into his still warm body, wishing that he’d have let her finish her sentence. It could have changed everything.
The three of them sat there, waiting for their grief to come to a managable level.
“We gotta go,” Joel said eventually, the words feeling heavy in his mouth.
“We can’t leave them here,” Ellie muttered, wiping her sleeve across her eyes.
Y/n was sitting beside Henry’s body by then, waiting for him to breathe air that would never reach his lungs.
“Gimme a minute,” Joel said, getting to his feet and moving mechanically out the motel room door.
Time moved slow and all at once to the three of them. Joel went into the maintenance closet and found two shovels, bringing them back to the room where nothing and no one had moved. Him and Y/n, trying to spare Ellie what little trauma they could, carried Sam and Henry’s bodies across the road and to a patch of grass. The two of them began to shovel shallow graves, burying their friends.
The job was nearly done, they were just patting the soil back down when Ellie returned. She’d retrieved the few posessions they still had, dropping Y/n and Joel’s coats and Y/n and Henry’s backpack at their feet. She came to kneel at Sam’s grave, taking it in before setting his magnetic pad atop the dirt.
Standing back up with a weight no child deserved to carry, she turned to Joel, “Which way’s west?”
Joel looked off to his left and nodded, Ellie set off in the direction.
Y/n could feel herself slipping into a heavy numbness, a grief filling her that few could understand. She felt like she had one nostril, barely taking in oxygen, above the waters that slammed into her. But as soon as she saw Ellie’s handwriting, the words ‘I’m sorry’ written across the magnetic pad, she lost the fight.
She understood Henry’s fight.
She understood his decision.
And she understood his guilt.
She dropped her shovel where it was, picked up her jacket and slung her backpack over her shoulder, following Ellie and leaving Joel by himself. He was the last person she could stand to look at right now.
Joel watched her leave, any softness that had existed between the two of them a few hours ago had disappeared.
He leaned against his shovel, staring down at the dirt and Ellie’s makeshift headstone. Having done what they’d just done, having known Henry and Sam, watching them interact….it gave Joel the answer to the question he’d pondered the night before.
If anything happened to Y/n or Ellie, he wouldn’t know how to carry on.
And that was the most terrifying feeling he could have had, because he’d had it before.
Ellie had snarked, sassed and snuck her way into his heart. Y/n had always been there, his affection never fading over time despite her perceived betrayal. But he’d buried her, another name in the long list of people he’d lost over twenty years. To have her come crashing back into his life had been unexpected and unwanted. He couldn’t stop himself from letting her consume his mind, just as she had the first time.
Now here he was, a child and the woman he’d loved relying on him, killing for him, and he wanted to run.
“Let’s go,” Ellie called out, she was even beginning to sound like him.
Joel startled, looking on to see Ellie and Y/n waiting for him. Y/n refused to look at him. They were right back to where they’d begun their journey. Perhaps even further, she’d met his gaze even after the ambush that had brought them back together. Something had shifted in her that Joel couldn’t figure out, nor did he think it was best to look too deep.
He put on Henry’s backpack, feeling the weight of it, and slipped his jacket through the strap. He gave a parting glance to the brother’s graves and headed off to join the women.
Despite their failure to keep their pasts hidden, the three of them had scars the others didn’t know about. Intricate pieces of them that had made them who they were in the Cordyceps dominated world. But past the secrets, there was a loyalty too real to deny. They were too deep in to quit on each other. Trudging westward, with grief still fresh and fragile in their palms, they were all each other had.
If one of them died, they all would.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @itwasallinmyhead1 @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags cont. in comments)
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essenceofelegance · 3 months
new year’s day
Luke Castellan x aphrodite!reader
warnings: angst </3
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There's glitter on the floor after the party,
He’s giving her that smile.
The one reserved for you.
The one you adored so, so much.
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Luke took her hand in his larger one, leading her back to her cabin.
He laughed at something she said.
You directly your attention back to cleaning up the Aphrodite cabin after a party, alone.
Luke used to do it with you.
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor You and me from the night before, but
While you were cleaning you own bed, you found a polaroid picture of you and Luke from a year ago, probably.
You were wearing a pink, feathered cowboy hat, you were leaning into the camera, a bright smile on your face.
Luke’s hands were on your waist, he had a pink fur boa around him to match your hat.
You would give anything to have him hold you just one more time.
Don't read the last page But I stay when you're lost, and I'm scared, and you're turning away
Of course he would like an Athena girl.
They’re smart, they can fight, and they’re pretty.
Sure, she doesn’t have that radiant glow around her like you did, but she was still pretty.
She had h/c hair, like you did.
She also had e/c eyes.
But her’s… looked so much better than yours. It glowed.
She looked better, she could fight better, she was actually smart.
Your siblings reassured you, insisting that you were a daughter of Aphrodite, there was no way she was prettier than you.
But that wasn’t the way you saw it.
And in your eyes, that wasn’t the way Luke saw it either.
I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
You were teaching your usual archery lessons, when you spot Luke and his new girlfriend in a sparring match.
He looks happy.
Only, a different kind of happy.
Sure, you were good with a dagger, but not sword fighting. You were never good at sword fighting, you were only good at archery.
Maybe Luke wanted something who appreciated the things he liked to do.
You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi I can tell that it's gonna be a long road
"It's not you, it never was, its just that I feel like we don’t get each other anymore." Luke said.
"Yeah, I get it." you looked down to hide your unshed tears.
"Thanks for... everything," you gave him a forced smile.
“You were great. You were a great experience,” Luke said, as if to comfort you.
‘You were everything!’ you wanted to scream at him.
But you just smiled and walked away.
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
You watched as Luke celebrated his capture the flag victory with his new girlfriend.
You weren’t jealous,
you just felt replaced.
How could he replace you so easily when you felt like your heart would be empty for years?
Did you really mean that little to him?
You couldn’t bear watching them anymore.
Don't read the last page But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes
A total of 17 guys sent you flowers.
If you were a logical person, you would have at least hooked up with them, but little old you decided that you should wait for Luke.
So, you rejected every single guy that came up to you.
All your siblings are just straight up worried about you now, they knew how important Luke was to you, but not to this degree.
You still cry yourself to sleep every night,
they find you in the middle of the night going through a photo book of you and Luke.
I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still wear the matching bracelet he gave you for your second anniversary.
He’s wearing a new one with his girlfriend.
You see them connecting their magnetic heart charm on their bracelet at campfires, while you’re here playing with yours that no longer had a match.
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still have his favourite hoodie under your bed.
You still have his favourite shirt under your bed.
You still have one of his camp t-shirts on your bed.
He caught you wearing his hoodie on you way to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you bumped into him.
He never questioned you or asked for it back.
Hold on to the memories They will hold on to you
You still have everything he gave you.
And I will hold on to you.
Everything reminds you of him.
That one bench where the two of you used to hang out on everyday,
ever your own bed, where he used to sneak in to talk to you at night.
Please don't ever become a stranger Whose laugh I could recognise anywhere
You hate it when she makes him laugh.
You hate it when you hear that damn laugh.
You hate it because it didn’t happen because of you.
Please don't ever become a stranger Whose laugh I could recognise anywhere
You hate him because he’s not yours.
There's glitter on the floor after the party Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
It’s been a couple of months.
You still wear his hoodie to sleep.
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liked this? or want something better? City of Stars is much more heartbreaking </3
author: yay
Copyright © 2024 Emory Belrose. All rights reserved. 
Please do not re-upload my work on any platforms without permission.
Any reblogs, comments, likes, shares, and follows are appreciated.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Sebek Zigvolt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Sebek: That pedestal there is a reproduction from the King of Beasts' bedchamber, and that teacup yonder is ceramic wear with a Queen of Hearts motif.
Sebek: Heheh… That's right, my preparatory research is completely perfect. With this, there shall be no opportunity for me to embarrass myself due to a lack of artistic knowledge.
Sebek: There is no way I can allow myself to appear unsightly now that I've been appointed a supporter of the Land of Dawning National Museum of Art.
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???: Hm? What's with this green light in the middle of the painting…? Oh, it's just a bonfire flame.
???: Those fairies look like they're having a blast partyin' like that, I wonder if something good happened.
Sebek: How dare you claim them to be "partying." This is a painting depicting the Thorn Fairy's men extolling her grand exploits!
Ace: Ack, Sebek… Looks like I got caught by an annoying one. So what, you're tellin' me this painting's got something to do with the Thorn Fairy?
Sebek: Exactly. It is often said that these men were as proud of the Thorn Fairy's achievements as if it were their own, and would express their joy with their whole body and soul.
Sebek: Anyone should be able to infer how magnificent the Thorn Fairy was just from witnessing these men's unwavering loyalty.
Ace: Uh-huh, okay. Kinda just looks to me like they're just partyin', maybe masking it as a celebration for the Thorn Fairy.
Sebek: Don't you dare liken them to superficial humans like yourself. Each one of those fae that appear in this tale are all diligent folk.
Sebek: Back in my hometown there are many stories of the Thorn Fairy and other fae passed down for generations. We even have special functions held to emulate their greatness.
Ace: Sure. Can't see those functions as being anything other than boring, though, if it's attended by lame, "diligent" faes~
Sebek: Heh, curious, are you? One such event that has been around for a long while now is a dress color changing competition. Whosoever is able to magically dye the dress to the color closest to the provided example is the victor.
Ace: Ugh, that pisses me off that it's actually kinda cool-soundin'…
Ace: But I guess the whole having to use magic for it just shows it really is an event in the fae-rich lands of Briar Valley.
Sebek: …In my youth, my elder brother and sister took me to witness one such competition and I was struck with amazement.
Sebek: I was completely taken in by everyone's astounding magical prowess to turn a dress vivid blue or pink in the blink of an eye…
Sebek: I remember how excited I was to learn magic as soon as possible so I may also take part in this contest.
Ace: Guess even you have adorable moments. So, what place in the competition did you get once your long-awaited magic finally manifested?
Sebek: Don't be absurd. Color changing magic is a course of study that human mages only learn in their courses at an arcane academy.
Sebek: This was merely something I found enchanting as a mere child. Obviously I would not take part in such a contest now.
Ace: You suuure? Sounds pretty fun to me. Oh hey, then how about you and me have our own little contest with color changing magic back at my dorm sometime.
Sebek: Why would I set foot in Heartslabyul…? Wait.
Sebek: Surely I am mistaken, but… Were you intending on shoving your rose-dying tasks onto my shoulders?
Ace: No way, I wasn't saying that at all! C'mon, don't you think it'd be a great little competition to have with a fellow freshman?
Sebek: Your excuses will not work on me! I know for a fact that you constantly complain over having to paint the roses.
Sebek: The only contest I had any interest in attempting was the dress color changing competition in Briary Valley. Do the tasks assigned to you on your own!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ace: Oh hey, I know this one. It's a painting of a girl and some talking flowers.
Sebek: According to the legends, the flowers native to the country the Queen of Hearts' presided over had the ability to speak.
Sebek: Who would have thought that the flowers cultivated there would be able to speak or sing as such. I'm sure it was disturbingly loud in the Queen's country.
Ace: Sure, probably. But hey, probably a lot less loud than your voice can get.
Sebek: …Perhaps if you were to cease your own impudent retorts, I wouldn't have a need to raise my voice.
Ace: Reeeaaally, you think? 'Cause to me it feels like you're always angry about something.
Sebek: Of course not. I simply find the uncouth antics of you humans to be utterly aggravating.
Sebek: I know there is a time and place for everything. I myself would never do something as rude as to throw a damper on enthusiastic festivities.
Sebek: In fact, I attended a performance at a live music club just the other day and I did not chide the audience for their overjoyed shouting one bit.
Ace: …Eh. What did you just say? YOU WENT TO SEE A LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCE!!!???
Sebek: Why would you react as such?
Ace: I mean, come on, didn't strike you as someone who'd go to something like that. So, like, what was the live show you went to go see?
Sebek: My latest venture brought me to attend a small show that showcased a collaboration between bands that primarily performed heavy metal music.
Sebek: This was all due to Lilia-sama, who imparted on me that this was the best way to train my imagination, and that listening to live music is an important part of life.
Ace: Aaah, that makes sense now. But hey, do you even listen to heavy metal?
Ace: I mean sure, you can kinda get into it once you're at the concert even if you don't know the songs, but if you don't even like that kinda stuff in the first place, ain't it tough to actually take in?
Sebek: "Get into it once you're at the concert"? Don't liken me to someone like you. Of course I went to the show after doing my due diligence in research.
Sebek: If I were to attend the show without a full understand of what I am to partake in, it would be an absolute disservice to Lilia-sama's recommendation.
Sebek: I studied everything from the exact times the music club opened their doors and how the audience would be filed into the venue, to the established rules on refreshments, to the proper cheering behavior utilized by the crowd near the front of the house…
Sebek: I believe it is called a "mosh pit." Prior to attending the performance, I made sure to carve into my body and soul the different techniques and proper etiquette as well.
Sebek: On that day, I purport that I banged my head back and forth much harder than anyone else there, shouting and cheering alongside them.
Ace: Don't think I've ever heard of someone practicing to mosh before. But I guess it sounds like you had a pretty fun time, though.
Sebek: Indeed. Although, I did run into slight trouble.
Ace: Huh, what kind of trouble? Cause some mischief, did ya?
Sebek: Absolutely not! I'm not sure if they lost their footing during the show or what, but the performer fell forward towards the audience.
Sebek: I immediately caught the performer and returned them to the stage. After that, the show continued smoothly until the end.
Ace: PFFT! You seriously returned the performer to the stage!?
Sebek: Obviously. I could not allow this concert that Lilia-sama had recommended to me be cancelled merely because the performer had become injured!
Ace: Bwahahaha! Looks like all that prepping you went through didn't help at all. All they wanted to do was stage dive, too.
Sebek: A stage dive…? Hold on now, don't tell me that was part of the performance!?
Sebek: I suppose the performer did look rather stunned when I returned them to the stage… Ghurk, what a blunder…!
Ace: Oh man, that's so hilarious. Wish I was there to see it. Hey, let's hit up a show together next time.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Sebek: This is a painting of the hyenas who served the King of Beasts, I see. Their countenance depicts an atmosphere overflowing with trust from their liege and confidence in their own abilities.
Ace: Yeah? To me it just looks like they're up to something.
Sebek: Isn't that due to your own wily tendencies?
Sebek: I have seen you multiple times in locations outside the gymnasium during what should be basketball club hours.
Ace: Hey, it's not like I'm slacking off or anything. C'mon, I'm a freshman, right? Sometimes I get saddled with odd jobs from the upperclassmen.
Ace: But, man… Sometimes I do want to skip morning lessons on cold days. Hey, aren't there times you don't want to get out of bed when it's way too cold out, too?
Sebek: It's true that back home it has happened that I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. However, that was not because I wished to skip my training!
Ace: W-Woah, really? I thought you woulda hit me back with another "Don't liken me to you!" or something.
Sebek: I could not help it. I was thoroughly chilled to the bone that morning. It was so cold that there were numerous icicles dangling from our roof, as well.
Sebek: I did not even wish to fathom the temperature outside, but… I somehow forced myself out of bed to begin my morning training.
Sebek: Perhaps it was due to not having slept well, but I could feel my eyelids start to droop. So I decided then to attempt to wake myself up further with the bitter taste of coffee.
Sebek: I swallowed down the strong black coffee and believed myself ready to go. But that was the last thing I remembered.
Sebek: I ended up falling back asleep on the couch and when I finally woke up, it was past noon… An absolute blunder. This is a blot that I will carry with me forever.
Ace: Hey now, that's pretty normal, c'mon. Pretty steep to say you'll carry that forever.
Sebek: No, you are just weak-willed. I, however, strived through trials and tribulations to overcome the bitter cold of mornings and finally found "that" thing.
Ace: What're you acting so pompous about now?
Sebek: Heh, of course you'd be curious. I suppose I can tell you. The thing I am talking about is… A HOT WATER BOTTLE!
Ace: A hot water bottle…? You're seriously using a hot water bottle? Even in this day and age when we have air conditioners and heaters!?
Sebek: Do you seriously not understand? That thing is a fantastic item that warms your entire body without fear of causing a fire or desiccation.
Sebek: Cold winter nights not only diminishes my ability to fall asleep, but also affects the quality of sleep I am able to get. In turn, that makes it difficult to rise from bed…
Sebek: However, a simple hot water bottle prepared at bedtime can warm my body and lull me to sleep even in the coldest winters!
Sebek: The temperature can even be easily adjusted by wrapping it in a towel, or adding water to the bottle. A very convenient item.
Ace: Huh, interesting. I mean, sure, it might not use electricity, but I'm surprised you're using a "human" item.
Sebek: I received this hot water bottle from my father. Back when he had just arrived in Briar Valley, it apparently was very useful in keeping him warm even without magic.
Ace: Oh, so it's a hand-me-down, huh. And here I thought I'd get to hear another hilarious story or something~
Ace: Since it sounds like there ain't gonna be a punchline anymore, I think I'll go check out the shop. Byeee―
Sebek: YOU ASKED THE QUESTION, HEAR ME OUT UNTIL THE END! Good grief, I can't stand that human. …Hm?
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Sebek: This is… A painting depicting a the human chattering along with animals. I've read this story in a book my grandfather gifted me.
Sebek: This young lady speaks of her dreams to these critters… Does she truly believe that her wish will come true without any effort on her part? What a lazy creature.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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certified-ni-ki-lover · 7 months
Princess Treatment
ENHYPEN Jay Oneshot
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Word Count: 1032
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, kissing
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It was your 3-year anniversary with your lovely boyfriend Jay. He was the most perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. Ever since you started dating you've never once been treated wrong by him, he has always showered you with love & adoration.
Currently, you were seated in front of your vanity mirror adding the finishing touches to your makeup. For your anniversary this year, you proposed to go celebrate at a club. Jay, happily agreed since he really didn't care where you guys went as long as it was with you, he was more than happy.
From your mirror, you spotted Jay in the back who looked as handsome as ever. He always looked good no matter what he wore. "You look gorgeous sweetheart," he said pressing the sweetest kiss onto your forehead. "Thank you!" you said turning around to wrap your arms around his neck, "You look incredibly handsome as well," you said pressing a soft kiss onto his lips.
Taking one last glance in the mirror, you adjusted your black silk dress that hugged your curves flawlessly & fixed some of the strands of your hair before slipping on your silver heels & grabbing your new Channel bag Jay had got for you as your anniversary present. No matter how many times you told him you didn't want any gifts, he was still adamant on spoiling you.
Jay held out his hand for you & you both made your way to Jay's car. As always, he opened the door for you, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek as response to your sweet thank you.
Once you entered the club Jay made sure to have his hand wrapped firmly around your waist, but not too hard that it hurts you.
He led you to the VIP section to one of the booths. He was not letting his girl have ordinary bar service on your anniversary so he got you both bottle service even though you told Jay you were fine with drinking at the bar he still insisted on spoiling you. Knowing you won't be able to change your boyfriend's mind you placed a kiss on his cheek thanking him.
Jay had always made a mental note for whenever you guys went clubbing that if you were drinking, he wouldn't be. He knew how you got when you've had too many drinks & he wanted to be completely sober incase anything happened to you. But today being your anniversary you wanted to share a bottle of Champagne with him & he didn't have the heart to refuse you on your anniversary so he decided to just drink one or two glasses to make you happy.
Jay had always been better at handling alcohol than you were. So by the time you made it to the dancer floor, Jay was barely tipsy while you were completely drunk. But you still had fun dancing, laughing & singing along to the songs that played with Jay.
You both left the club at around 4 AM. Since Jay had a few drinks as well, he decided to come back for his car later & take the subway back home. "Buy Jayyyyy the subway station is so far awayyyyy" you whined drunkenly. "Love, I know but I can't drive," Jay said rubbing your arm, "But my feet hurt from all the dancing & jumping" you said pouting. "Aw it's ok love" Jay replied. With that he took your handbag, slinging it over his own shoulder & made you sit on a near by bench before taking your heels of for you. "Hop on" he said bending down for you so he could piggyback you. You happily hopped on since you didn't have to walk anymore. He made sure he was holding on to you securely before continuing to the subway station, your bag still on his shoulder & heels still in his hands.
The train was basically empty at this time. You sat next to Jay on his left, while your handbag & heels were placed on his right. Your legs on his lap, arms wrapped around his left arm while your head was on his shoulder. His left hand was placed on your thigh softly squeezing it while his right hand was massaging your feet, he knew they must be hurting from all the dancing in your heels.
Once you made it home, you were half asleep. Jay helped you out of your dress & in the shower where he helped wash your hair & scrub your body. Then he dried you off & wrapped you in your fluffy robe & placed you on the bathroom counter while he quickly washed up. Then he helped you brush your teeth & did your skincare for you, softly rubbing in all your serums & facial creams. You fought sleep as Jay blow-dried your hair & changed you into one of his softest t-shirts before carrying you to bed. He made sure you were snuggled up into the sheets before climbing in himself & wrapped his arms around you.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of something delicious. The space next to you was empty so you guessed Jay was cooking.
You made your way down to see your gorgeous boyfriend making your favorite. "Good morning darling," he said giving you a warm smile when he spotted you at the door way. "Good morning" you replied walking over to him to place a kiss on his lips. "Sit down it's almost done" he said.
Placing your plate in front of you, Jay sat down as well. "Drink this," he said handing you a mug. "It'll help with your hangover," he said. "& once you're done dig in. After last night you must be really hungry. & After that we can go-" he wasn't able to complete his words cause you broke him off with a kiss, which surprised him but he responded back. "Thank you for always taking care of me," you said remembering everything he did for you last night. "Of course love. I love giving you all the princess treatment you deserve" Jay said placing another loving kiss onto your lips.
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So I got some inspo to write & I'm slowly coming back but I don't want to rush myself. But hope you loved this💛
I wrote this on my break at work while imagining how perfect of a bf Jay would be😭Hope I could fulfill all your Jay fantasies🥰🤍
Re-blogs, likes & comments are appreciated🙏
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witchywithwhiskey · 4 months
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witchywithwhiskey's steve rogers masterlist
you'll find full content warnings and summaries on each fic. some works contain dark themes and elements such as dubcon and noncon, so proceed with caution. you're responsible for your own media consumption!
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key: 💖 molly's favorites ◦ ⭐️ over 1k notes ◦ 🌟 over 3k notes ◦ 💫 over 5k notes
steve rogers
the alpha next door [smut] omegaverse au ⭐️💖
the endurance of a super-soldier [smut] catws 10-year anniversary
inappropriate attire [smut] avengers tower au, coworkers to lovers
ever since i met you [smut, fluff] friends to lovers, valentine's day
offer me my deathless death [smut] greek myth au, strangers to lovers
put on a show [smut] established bdsm relationship
a dream in the bookshop [smut] bookshop owner au, mutual pining ⭐️
a shelter in the storm [smut] park ranger au, strangers to lovers ⭐️💖
hallowe’en fun with your werewolf knight [smut] werewolf au, royalty au ⭐️
halloween is the perfect time for tricks—and treats [smut] friends to lovers 💫💖
screaming in a haunted corn maze [smut] strangers to lovers ⭐️💖
a deal with the devil comes with wicked strings [smut] demon au ⭐️
a king's morning [smut, fluff] lotr au, royalty au ⭐️💖
a fair punishment & take your punishment [smut] established bdsm relationship ⭐️
happy wife, happy life [smut] established relationship, husband/wife
the best birthday gift [smut] avengers tower meet-cute
it's your captain's birthday [smut] dark-ish beach party
his radiant sunflower [fluff] farmer au comfort fic
lilacs & ink [fluff] tattoo artist au ⭐️
at the hand or command of a man [smut] modern royalty au, arranged marriage 💖
right where you belong [fluff] college au, idiots in love ⭐️
tomorrow’s a promise [smut] older brother's best friend au 💖
nothing he could do but touch you [smut] roommates au, dark 💖
so pretty with a knife in your hand [smut] serial killer au, dark
you got yourself a bet, sweetheart [fluff] rivals, movie star au 💖
nowhere near done [smut] bodyguard au, enemies to lovers
your heart a pancake [fluff] drunken confession ⭐️
and all was lost [smut] DARK non-con 💖
get this girl some ice cream! [fluff] emotional hurt/comfort
wear his mark [smut] vampire au
pretty flowers for a pretty girl [fluff] farmer au
dripped heavy like warm honey [smut, fluff] established relationship
cookies and cocoa and a little bit of patience [christmas, smut, fluff] established relationship
giddyup and ride my sleigh [christmas, smut, fluff] established relationship
a threat beneath the nice veneer [smut, eventual fluff(ish)] enemies to lovers
you’ll always be the sexiest man alive to me, captain [smut, fluff] coworkers to lovers
what are best friends for〈deleted scene〉 [smut] friends to lovers
steve rogers & bucky barnes
a monster, a captain and a soldier [smut] monster!reader, avengers tower ⭐️
know how to share [fluff, pre-smut] love triangle ish, flirting, banter ⭐️💖
multiple characters including steve rogers
chris evans characters chest hair thots [smut] drabbles about ari levinson, andy barber, curtis everett, jake jensen, johnny storm, lloyd hansen, ransom drysdale and steve rogers
ova with ceo ari, dbf bucky and dark steve [smut] drabble follow ups to always keep my heart safe, safe and sound and and all was lost
steve rogers series masterlists
ONGOING: a bun in the oven series [smut, fluff] baker au, steve rogers
ONGOING: see you next shift series [smut, angst, fluff] coffeeshop au, bucky barnes, eventual steve rogers
steve rogers collections and challenge masterlists
LOTR-verse universe [smut, fluff, angst] lord of the rings au, multiple characters
a cozy steve rogers autumn [smut, fluff] fall-themed steve rogers fics
halloween fics [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
30 day writing trope challenge masterlist [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
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navybrat817 · 4 months
I saw an Instagram reel - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2H-mV3y2ng/?igsh=dHNlYWl2N3RpbWdz - that immediately made me think of Stud and Smartie! They’re one of my favorite pairings that you write about and I can never get enough of their story, they are perfect for each other! 🥰❤️
I hope you have a good weekend, Navy 🥰
I love this, nonnie, and it's very Stud and Smartie coded!
Just Because
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky gets you a card just because.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, inner monologue, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Lovelies, your girl is worn out, but I hope you enjoy this Stud and Smartie ficlet. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You yawned as you let yourself into the apartment, but quickly smiled when Alpine and Soot rushed to see you at the door. They brushed against both of your legs once you got your shoes off and set your keys down, your smile widening when they purred. You half expected Bucky to call out to you or make a joke that the cats were crowding his girl, but all that greeted you was silence.
No music, no television, nothing.
“Honey, I’m home!” You called out, frowning when Bucky didn't answer. “Where is he, huh? Is he taking a nap?” You asked, crouching down so Alpine could rub her head against your hand. Soot patiently waited until she was done for his turn. Like Bucky, he was crazy about his other half. You were convinced that was the case.
Okay, but if he’s actually taking a nap, I’m crawling into bed with him because I deserve all the naps and cuddles and orgasms. I mean, it’s not like I did anything extremely worthy of those things today, but adulting is hard, so I actually really do deserve love and warmth and hot sex.
You ceased the ramblings in your head as you headed toward your room to get into something comfortable that you didn't plan to be in for long. You felt your heart jump when you saw an envelope taped to your door, a smile spreading across your face when you recognized Bucky’s handwriting. It had to be something special or important, otherwise it would've been a post-it note.
But what is it?
You lightly bounced on your feet as you carefully took the envelope from the door. Part of you hoped it was not the first clue to a scavenger hunt. Not that you wouldn't enjoy that, but you wanted to set something like that up for him as a birthday surprise. Or a romantic gesture.
He deserves it.
Happiness bloomed inside you when you opened the card. It was reminiscent of the puzzle he had made for you when he revealed his feelings to you, the different pieces creating a heart. There was even a smaller envelope that held the “missing piece” for you to finish it.
You thought your heart would burst from how full it was.
Gasping when you felt a warm, familiar chest against your back, you smiled as Bucky pulled you back against him by the hip. “This is beautiful. What’s the occasion?”
It isn't our anniversary. Not my birthday. Already engaged. Wait, was it the first time we made a pizza together? Is it the anniversary from the first time I blew him?
Bucky chuckled as if he read your mind. “I’m glad you like it. And there’s no occasion for it.”
“Okay then,” you said, whining when he pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder. “So, why get me such a nice card then?”
It was a sweet gesture. One he clearly put some thought into since the card looked homemade. You'd have to get it framed.
“I got it for you just because I was thinking of you. I got it just because,” he said against your ear, making you shiver. “Because I love you, Smartie.”
He is the most romantic, perfect man and I will not burst into tears. I won't.
You turned in Bucky’s arms so you could face him, taking care not to drop the card as you put your hands around his neck. Tears sprang to your eyes anyway when he smiled and nuzzled his nose against yours. Love was in the small things and he reminded you of that every day.
“I love you, too, Stud,” you whispered, watching his blue eyes soften at your words. “Thank you.”
He leaned in for a kiss, your heart aching from how tender it was. “I’m glad you liked it. Otherwise, I would've had to make you fall in love with me all over again.”
You giggled as he kissed the tip of your nose. “Bucky, we’re engaged. I’m very much in love with you,” you reminded him.
Always will be.
“Yeah, my ploy worked,” he smirked at you. “I got you to move in with me.”
“You had a cheap room and a nice cat,” you deadpanned. Both things were true, but they were bonuses compared to the amazing package of a man holding you.
“And I made you fall in love with me.”
Cocky, but true.
“It’s because you're adorable,” you said with a tilt of your head.
Yes, my beefy fiance is adorable and easy to love.
“I try to be,” he said, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Don't want some book boyfriend taking my place.”
“A book boyfriend wouldn't get me the best puzzle or cards,” you said, though you did enjoy how he acted the last time he got jealous of you reading a romance novel. “Or take a nap and cuddle with me.”
He trailed kisses over to your ear. “Or give you orgasms.”
How did he know I was thinking that?
“You are welcome to take me to bed then,” you said, still a bit surprised at yourself for not jumping on him over the sweet card. But you stopped him when he reached past you to open your door. “Bucky?”
“These ‘just because’ gestures? And every gift you’ve given me? They really mean so much to me,” you said, hoping he understood how much you appreciated them and him.
You still couldn't believe some days that he was real and in love with you.
He swallowed before he spoke in a quiet tone. “You deserve the entire world and I just wish I could give it to you.”
“You already have,” you promised, pulling him against you this time so you could kiss him.
Bucky had given you everything you could ever dream of by loving and believing in you. And you would get him the perfect gift as soon as you could. Something that said you were thinking of him. Something just because.
Because you loved him.
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They bring me such comfort. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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wings-of-sapphire · 6 months
I watched Wish twice (once on early screening day and once on the offices release date) and I fuckin loved it. But I feel like while this was a great movie, it was Disney’s 100th anniversary one and it needed like twenty minutes more or so to develop the characters and make it a truly spectacular celebration of 100 years of Disney.
I recently read about the concept pictures for Wish— Asha being the daughter of Magnifico, Star taking a human form and having a relationship with Asha— and I liked the idea of changing up the “quirky main character” idea as well. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with girls like Rapunzel or Mirabel. They’re fun, they’re optimistic, they’re hardworking and determined. Buuuuut as more of a pessimist myself I found my favorite character to be Gabo. The short pink sarcastic side friend based off of Grumpy. Yes, the friends are based off of the seven dwarfs. But ANYHOW— I thought maybe a return to the Classic Disney Princess attitude would be nice. So I chose Kusco. Because he’s the best Disney Princess out there.
I’ve been rambling long enough. Full rewrite under the cut! Will explain more in future posts! Ask any and all questions you’d like! Now, presenting my Wish rewrite~
💫 Asha is the princess of the kingdom of Rosas. Her parents, Magnifico and Amaya, built Rosas after Magnifico’s old kingdom was burned by greedy Wishers who used magic to give them whatever they wanted, which led to their own destruction.
Asha grew up in her kingdom learning that because her father kept the magic in check and only he granted wishes, Rosas could stay safe and happy. Asha gives tours of the city to people who sail in, and as they give their wishes to Magnifico, Rosas grows stronger and safer.
Welcome to Rosas
(Though she’s on carpets and stuff and there’s servants swarming her and she’s comfortable while giving the tour— we see Asha being kind to the child of the tour group)
Asha puts on a happy face for the tourists. But the people of Rosas say they know the “real” her. They hate their princess, truthfully. But they love her parents.
Asha doesn’t really have friends. She’s above that. She’s a princess and her parents founded this kingdom that literally granted people’s wishes. Sure, she sometimes lingers in the kitchen to hang out with Dahlia, the head chef. And sure, sometimes she wished wanted to hang out with them. Dahlia and her six friends whom Asha could never remember the names of. She calls them nicknames based on their characteristics. Easy and efficient. Dahlia is Doc, since she always patches her friends up. She said Asha couldn’t call her friend Stoner, so his name is Dopey (Dario). There’s Happy (Hal), Sleepy (Simon), Sneezy (Safi), Bashful (Bazeema), and Grumpy (Gabo). They’re all close-knit and trust each other with everything.
Asha doesn’t have that.
But she’s their princess. And she remains that way. Untouchable. Unbreakable.
Until one day, Grumpy Gabo says she’s not above them for any reason other than her title. That if ranks were stripped away, she’d be talentless and left behind.
Of course Asha can’t have that.
Soooooo she sneaks into her father’s study to get some of his magic.
What? He has a ton of it.
But then stuff goes awry. Asha tampers with Magnifico’s forbidden books and… nothing happens.
Grumpy laughs at her and Asha threatens to have him imprisoned if he doesn’t treat his princess with respect. Dahlia and the gang stand up for Grumpy and Asha storms off.
Amaya tries to comfort Asha when she runs to her room and throws herself on her bed and cries, princess-style, and Amaya and Asha talk about how Asha dreams of a group of friends she can have fun with and trust, and Asha says her brain knows what her wish was, and it was to become the most powerful sorceress princess in the lands just like her papa. Amaya says that a dream is a wish your heart makes, and Asha’s heart didn’t want to be the untouchable princess of Rosas. Her head may tell her that, but everyone needs connections.
 It’s Magnifico that ends up cheering Asha up by bringing her to see the wishes of Rosas again.
At All Costs
Asha calls Magnifico “Papa” and Amaya “Mama” by the way
That night, Asha tosses and turns, and we see the magic swirls from the book start to gather around her, then shoots into the sky as she shoots up, panting.
Turns out she accidentally ripped a star out of the sky. Asha runs after the giant comet fall, where a young man is floating in a crater in the forest.
The star had taken the shape of a young man. Who can fly. And bring objects to life for a bit.
He’s glowing yellow and wears a dark teal-blue velvet cape and his glow turns pink when he spots Asha.
When Asha freaks out and grabs the boy— she’s calling him Star— and hides his glow with her pajama cloak, and asks how the heck did this happen?
Star shrugs and says he was just chilling in space when the force of someone’s dream pulled him down to land.
Asha quietly excitedly stims, saying she can’t wait to rub Star in Grumpy’s face, and Star is like please don’t rub me in someone’s face, sweetheart.
Asha glares at Star, who smirks.
Asha exclaims that anyways— she knew she was a powerful sorceress, and Star says he senses no magic on Asha.
Asha says she must’ve had magic in her, or else how could she have ripped a star from the sky?
Star says people can learn magic but right now, Asha was inexperienced. It was probably because of her connection to the stars.
That means—
No, it’s not just you. All people are connected to the stars.
You’re a Star
Asha takes Star back to her room and says they can’t let her dad know she used his books to summon Star— but maybe Grumpy would need more proof. Maybe she could sneak a peek at his book again, and summon more stars to prove to Doc and the gang that she has talent and she was sooooo qualified to be their fr— sorcerer princess.
She tells Star to stay put in her room, and she’d sneak out and take a quick look.
Star asks if he can come with.
He just got ripped from the sky and needs some more exposition than “I don’t know.” And he’s too impatient to wait for Asha to come back.
Asha says he’ll have to learn and Star magically locks the doors until Asha explains something about how he was brought here.
“You made trees dance the hula and we rode here on a singing deer.”
Star gives Asha a look.
Asha pinches the bridge of her nose and explains that her papa’s whole family was killed because of the greedy wishmakers. With him in charge, he gets to choose, and people are safe.
Star says that the people deserve more, and Asha snaps that get family decides what everyone deserves because they’re the rulers of Rosas.
Star smirks at her and says she’s adorable when she’s mad. But, she’s wrong. The people deserve a chance to get their wishes returned so they can become dreams that can be achieved by pure hard work.
Asha says they’re the same thing, and Star shakes his head. “A wish you give away. A dream you keep with you to work hard and achieve your heart’s goal.”
“Wow, you have a great personality.”
Asha rolls her eyes and says Star can come, but he has to be quiet.
In Magnifico’s study, Asha sees Star heading to the wish room, and before she can grab him, he opens the doors and sees the wishes of Rosas.
Star is amazed and Asha sighs and walks up next to them. She looks up and closes her eyes and bathes in the feeling.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
“Yeah… they are.”
Star quickly turns to look at the wishes above them, his glow pink.
They end up arguing again because Star wants to return the wishes to the people so they can become dreams once again and Asha says her father worked hard on protecting them
Out in the hallways, Asha ends up shoving Star into a nearby room when she hears Doc and her friends come by
Asha smooths down her skirt and holds her head high as she walks by and calls to Grumpy. She smirks and says unfortunately, they were incorrect about her being talentless. In fact, she was so powerful, she ripped a star from the sky.
She opens the door (which turns out led to the chicken coops) where Star was chilling in the sunlight where his glow looked normal.
“You brought us all here to check out your boyfriend?”
Asha rushes to explain that no, Happy, he was the star. She orders Star to step out of the sun.
Star crosses his arms.
“Excuse me?”
Dahlia and her friends all gasp and start planning Star’s funeral.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’m a star. If you ever want your dream to come to fruition you have to be nice to people you want to befriend. Go on. Apologize and then ask me nicely.”
Dahlia and friends are now forgoing that funeral, there will be no remains left to bury.
But then Asha flares her nostrils, taps her foot, then glances at Doc. She averts her eyes and mutters, “sorry for being mean to Grumpy. Star, can you… can you please show them?”
Jaws: dropped. Wigs: snatched. Princess Asha of Rosas, apologizing and saying “please”? Sure, she cared for her people. But she never apologized if she accidentally ran into someone for walking in their way! It was her way! She was the only one who’s way mattered!
Star smiled and thanked Asha, then steps out of the sun to reveal his glow.
Jaws: even dropped-er. Wigs: even snatched-er.
After the initial “ooh”s, [something something]
Asha tells everyone that because she’s a star, she was able to be this powerful. They should all be impressed.
Star then corrects her by saying everyone was made of stardust and therefore had a connection to the stars and magic.
When Gabo laughs, Asha throws a fork at him and tells him to do that to himself.
Magnifico is calling Asha for a family meeting, and she says it’s probably about tonight’s wish ceremony. Dario’s Sabi who’s turning 100 today wants to get his wish picked. He doesn’t remember what it is as all wish-givers forget, but he knows it has something to do with his sickness. Asha tells everyone else to keep quiet about Star, or else. And with that, she leaves the room.
Star opens his arms and asks which of the group wants to help him commit a crime.
He wants to break into Magnifico’s study and return the wishes to the people of Rosas.
Gabo snaps at him that they can’t just steal from the king and queen, and everyone else agrees. But Dahlia purses her lips. “Why?”
Dario asks if he wants to betray his girlfriend like that, to which Star turns pink and rolled his eyes saying they were not dating, in fact, they were enemies! She was uptight and didn’t care about anything but her title, scoff!
“Uh huh. Sure, buddy.”
“Gabo, stop talking.”
“Yes Bazeema.”
Star explains that losing people’s wishes made them lose a part of themselves. The most beautiful part, their heart’s dream. He tells Simon that his heart is sad.
He asks that if he returns Simon’s wish back to him, and it does make him whole again, then would they believe him?
Dahlia shakes her head and says they wouldn’t be part of this. But… they wouldn’t mention anything to Magnifico or Amaya. For the time being.
Star thanks Dahlia, and she says this was for Simon. And if Asha also changes her mind, then that’s a bonus. Then she smiles. “Good luck, kid.”
Magnifico called Asha to talk with her and Amaya about a threat that’s happened to the kingdom. Last night, someone harnessed the magic of a star and ripped it from the sky, which disturbed the wishes and his magic. Someone has threatened him, and this was a warning that something was to come. He couldn’t let that fire happen again.
Amaya and Asha calm his worries, and Magnifico says he doesn’t want the people to lose faith in him. Amaya says she will explain to the people about the giant light last night since they were asking questions, but they shouldn’t let it worry them.
“Thank you, darling.”
“You’ve got this, papa. I’m sure whoever bashed that light meant you no harm.”
“Thank you, Asha.”
Star asks Asha to spend the day with him, to which she agrees until the wish ceremony that night. The two have a day in Rosas, Tangled-style. Romantic montage, beautiful moments, Star sneaking glances at Asha when she isn’t looking and Asha doing the same for him.
Star shows Asha how to be messy and see the beauties of life while Asha shows Star how she actually does have good in her and cares for her people, truly. Star gives Asha a small wand to practice some small magic as a gift. While she shows him the study, he sneaks into Magnifico’s office and steals Simon’s wish.
Star returns to the seven and gives Simon back his wish. His dream was to become the kingdom’s best knight— and now he could achieve that! They show Asha how much happier Simon is with his whole self again, and while Asha is happy for Simon and that the seven are being kind to her (after she’s been kind to them), she asks Star to promise not to steal stuff from her papa without running it by her first.
“I promise, sweetheart.”
Safi asks Asha if she can get her papa to grant his Sabi’s wish, or at least return it so he could have a chance at fulfilling his dream like Simon now can. Maybe it would reveal a way Sabino could live longer.
Asha hesitates.
In her room, Asha paces. Her papa said that if people kept their wishes, they’d be dangerous and bring another fire to burn down their kingdom. But Simon seemed so happy. She didn’t know what to do.
Later, in the wish ceremony, all her friends are happy and excited for Safi’s Sabi. Sabino only has a few weeks left to live, and if this month his wish is granted, Safi can keep his Sabi with him.
Asha did talk to Magnifico but Amaya reminded her of the dangers of people chasing wishes in the wind. They showed Asha that Sabi Sabino’s wish was too dangerous, his heart’s dream was live forever. Sure, he was sick now, but once he gets better from that, who knows what immortality will do? Magnifico revealed the true story of their home using magical glass shards—
Backstory details that’s tragic and sad
Basically a king wanted to be immortal and it led to him going insane which led to the destruction of his kingdom
He sent his son away before the whole place burned to ashes
Magnifico was that son
A Wish Worth Making (?)
Asha agrees with him that that can never happen, and Sabino’s wish must never be granted and only the royal family can keep Rosas safe.
At the ceremony
Magnifico doesn’t grant Sabino’s wish and Amaya makes a public statement about how wishes were kept with him to stay safe and anyone who tried to oppose that rule was a danger to everyone in Rosas and a traitor to the crown.
Star calls them out for this and while Simon hides his glow with his huge body, the seven create a ripple effect through the crowd with questions that question the king and queen’s authority. They bring up how Amaya reassured them but this contradicted her words. Magnifico ends the ceremony and storms up to the royal master room with Amaya.
Asha and Star have an argument, with her saying her parents were good people and him saying that Safi’s Sabi will die because her parents were scared, and with that Asha flares her nostrils and says that she is the princess, and as their superior, they should watch their tone before something bad happens.
Safi is heartbroken. Without that wish, his Sabi will die.
Dahlia comforts him, and Star steels himself.
Star tells the group that they’re going to steal all the wishes. And return the dreams of the people back to them. Especially Safi’s Sabi.
“But Asha—“
“I’ll tell her when she comes back. We need to do this now.”
Back at the castle, Magnifico is pacing angrily in his room with Amaya. How dare these people question them? They’re doing everything in their power to prevent that (points to a burned tapestry of young Magnifico and his family) from happening again!
This is the Thanks I Get?!
Amaya also joins in
Cutscenes of the seven + Star breaking into the wish room again
Meanwhile, Asha goes back to talk to her parents. Maybe talk to them about Sabino again, maybe tell them everything, who knows—
Wait. There’s a noise in the wish room.
Asha uses her magic wand to open it and sees Star using his magic to lift the roof open to free the wishes. But it isn’t enough. They need more people; the roof is too heavy.
There’s a small magic scuffle with Asha and her wand against Star and his magic, and Asha ends up beating Star (much to his surprise and he’s totally not turned on by this which is why he’s bright red he’s not at all attracted to powerful women). Her heart breaks and she yells at him and all the seven and says if they ever show their faces around her again she’d banish them from Rosas.
“Don’t call me that name! Just— just go!”
“Asha, please. Safi’s Sabi—
Star stays and says he’ll be back to free the wishes and return them to the people. Sabino’s sickness has gotten worse, and he can’t wait another month for Magnifico to turn him down once again.
Asha snaps and yells at him a lot and blames him for everything that’s happened lately, the chickens, and the chalk drawing, and the dancing in the city square, and especially that sticky feeling in her chest when Star’s giving her those sad looks. So she doesn’t want to see him again.
She goes to snitch then sees the Epic Celestial Villains her parents had shifted into. Both of them used forbidden magic in the other section of the book Asha used. She asked if she had forbidden magic in her too, but they tell her she wasn’t powerful enough to handle this magic.
Their magic swirling fog is telling them via shapes that Asha was the one that ripped a star from the sky.
They’re acting different— they barely acknowledge Asha and demand that she tells them where Star is.
They crushed wishes to give them power, and Asha is of course horrified.
She saw how happy Simon was, and now those people…
Her parents weren’t survivors.
They were just power-hungry.
And now this forbidden magic was changing them.
They demand Asha tells them where Star was so they could siphon his galaxy magic and become the supreme rulers of Rosas— no one would never question them again.
Asha tells them she doesn’t know, and Magnifico uses his magic fog on Asha to make her tell them that Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, and Doc probably did know.
Amaya tells Asha she was grounded. She says Asha should sit down in her room and wait for the new era to rise.
Asha runs back to her room and cries, princess-style, and speaks out to the sky, to Star, that he was right. He was telling the truth, her parents weren’t good. And now she didn’t know what to do.
This Wish
Yeah she says she’s the first to stand in line but she’s been told that all her life okay
Magnifico makes an announcement to the people of Rosas that the entity that came from the sky was named Star, and he, along with Simon, Gabo, Hal, Dario, Safi, and Bazeema were conspiring to commit treason. He says to find them all and get him Star’s powers do he can grant all of their wishes!
Asha runs after the seven and sees them arrested by other citizens, with Gabo cursing everyone out. Magnifico waves his hand and mutes Gabo. Asha commands the soldiers to give her the satisfaction of imprisoning these traitors and interrogates them in the carriage driving them to the prison with guards posted by. 
She asks all of them where Star was, and they refuse to listen to her. They’re cold because she sort of beat them up with her magic. She says as their princess, they have to tell her.
“You all are underneath me. I am your future queen. Tell me where Star is. This is important.” She turns to the shortest in the carriage. “My parents are looking for him. Gabo, if you know where he is, you have to tell me.”
Gabo’s eyes flicker up at her saying his actual name. He glances at Dahlia, who sighs. She says that even if they wanted to, they couldn’t hand Star over, because he was already gone. He was at the place Asha first starting falling in love with him.
The guards raise an eyebrow at Asha, and she says the fools were so simple-minded that they believed her lie. Then she tells Sabi to shut up and stop sneezing.
She says the forest was where she first found Star, and Magnifico creates a dark fog horse to ride out and find Star.
Once she’s sure he’s gone, Asha whips out her magic wand and blasts the doors open. She apologizes to the seven and says nothing could make up for imprisoning them and lording her title over them, but she needed their help to help Star.
Asha and the seven run back to the Rosas town square where Star is rallying the people and telling them the truth about Magnifico and Amaya. The crowd gathers to help pull open the roofs to free the wishes.
Knowing What I Know Now
Asha joins in and leads the people
Asha apologizes to Star for yelling at him and he apologizes to her for going behind her back. He says she deserved to know. Before they go, Asha tells Star to wait.
“That… feeling. That I mentioned before? I think… I think they’re feelings. For you.”
Star’s glow slightly turns pink. “Like, do you mean…”
“Yes. Feelings of affection. I just… wanted to let you know.”
“Sweetheart, you should know I feel the same. Have since I first laid eyes on you.”
“I am pretty beautiful.”
“The beautiful-est.”
Asha laughs. “That’s not a word.”
“She’s right, it’s not,” Dahlia quips.
The two pull back and laugh awkwardly.
The seven lead the people of Rosas to help lift the roofs, but Amaya catches them and there’s a magic battle where Amaya turns into a dragon a la Malifacent. Star helps Asha suck out the evil magic, and Amaya falls to the floor. The roof is opened, and the wishes began to flow out.
Then Star is grabbed from the back by a fog hand and Magnifico tuts, telling Asha he’s disappointed in her. But now that he has the power of a Star, no one will ever question him again.
He ties down every single person and closes the roof, draining Star’s essence into his magical staff.
Asha yells and uses her magic wand against him, and the two have a giant blast of magic against each other, but the energy is draining Asha while Star’s is giving Magnifico more strength.
Star weakly whispers to Asha to remember where she came from.
Magnifico snarls do Asha that she is nothing, and Asha remembers.
“We… are… stars.”
Asha’s blast of magic is battling Magnifico’s but he’s still stronger.
Asha cries out a plea to the people, these stars just like her, and Dahlia responds.
This Wish (Reprise)
The strengths of these stars give Star enough energy to break free from Magnifico’s staff and fly over to Asha’s side, and the magic blast shines bright and blasts Magnifico back, burning away the evil magic.
When the dark clouds clear and the night sky is sparkling once again, Magnifico isn’t moving. Amaya and Asha run to him, and Amaya cries over his body. She apologizes to Star for what they did, and asks if she can help her husband.
Star sadly tells her that his powers weren’t strong enough for that.
Amaya cries, and kisses Magnifico’s lips. Then, her star soul orb thing in her chest glows bright, and Magnifico’s does too. His body glows that shimmering yellow and he’s lifted into the air and the last bit of evil magic is burned away.
Asha asks Star what he’s doing and Star says he’s not doing anything!
Suddenly, Magnifico’s eyes open and he gasps, then falls.
Amaya and Asha rush to catch him, and Magnifico asks what happened.
Star shrugs and says some sort of True Love’s Kiss.
Magnifico and Amaya walk up behind Asha and address the people of Rosas. They apologize for what they did and they know nothing could ever make up for it. But… they promise to keep working to be the best king and queen they can be. If the people will still accept them. Also, they should have what’s rightfully theirs.
Magnifico uses his magic to lift the roof and release the wishes of Rosas back to their people. Amaya tells them that now they have a chance to fulfill their dreams, and she and Magnifico will be behind them every step of the way.
Dahlia steps foreword and thanks them for apologizing.
Basically they can still remain king and queen but they start a council of representatives where people can address them directly about problems and stuff
Then, Asha turns to the seven and says she has to apologize to them. For treating them all so poorly in the past.
They forgive her, and when she asks how they can do something like that so easily, Dahlia smiles. “It’s what friends do.”
“Do you have a hearing problem, or something?”
“Sorry, Bazeema!”
Asha laughs and turns to Star who spins her around.
“I have friends!”
“You have friends!”
Meanwhile, Gabo whispers to Simon how they ever feared the princess. She was just a sad, lonely, friendless girl.
Asha turns to her wand and discovers it broken in half when she was blasted backwards.
Star restores her wand, and she says she’s going to be the most powerful sorceress in the history of ever and Gabo says she looks like a stupid fairy.
Asha glares.
“A fairy godmother,” Gabo smirks.
Star laughs and says that sounds amazing and Asha groans and bites back a smile.
Star smiles at the family, but he looks sad still. Asha holds his hands and he rubs her thumb.
“You have to return to the sky, don’t you?”
“If I had a choice, I’d choose to stay by your side.”
“I’ll keep on wishing on stars. I’ll find a way to bring you back.”
He tells Asha that they’ve learned that sending your greatest desires into the universe in hopes that they’ll be answered doesn’t do anything. It didn’t work for Magnifico, and it didn’t work for Asha. Instead, the people of Rosas should work to achieve their dreams.
Asha says she’ll work to achieve a way to find him again, then. Since she was going to be the most powerful sorceress—
“Fairy godmother~”
“Shut up Gabo.”
—she’d find a way.
Star smiles and says she’s his dream girl, and Asha jokes that’s he’s got to work to achieve her.
Star flips his cape and says it’ll be easy since he’s so absurdly handsome, and Asha snorts as she pulls him down and raises an eyebrow at him. Star turns a bright pink, then rolls his eyes as he smiles and pulls Asha up in the air with him by her waist, and the two kiss.
When they finally separate, Star is vibrating happily and he accidentally shoots out a magic blast at a nearby chicken, which makes it grow big and lay a giant egg on Gabo.
Star winks at her and returns to the sky.
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Writer's Note: Hey, y'all! I finally remembered to do a masterlist for my fic shit so everyone can find my work more easily. Enjoy & thank you so much for the love! -Jazz 💕
A New Kind of Distraction (KiriMina x Bi!Fem!Reader) (18+) - After your boyfriend of a year breaks up with you on what would have been your two-year anniversary, your very good, very attractive friend Mina (whom you’ve secretly been crushing on since high school) and her even more attractive boyfriend Kirishima decide that the only way to get you over your shit ex is through a threesome with her and him when you get an invite to Dynamight’s birthday party. 
Smile for the Camera (Geto Suguru x Black!Plus-sized!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you decide to volunteer to model for your friend’s lingerie line photoshoot when the original model gets sick and meet the very sexy photographer who isn’t letting you leave until you realize how gorgeous you are. 
All Up in Your Mind (Hitoshi x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you decide to use Hitoshi’s quirk to your advantage when things get tough in your life and you just need a bit of release. Lucky for you, Hitoshi is an understanding and generous guy, but what happens when he starts to get sick of trying to understand why you put up that wall between them even though you’re visiting him every weekend? 
Trigger Me (Aizawa-centric/No Reader) [Request Fill] (18+) - In which Aizawa decides to take matters into his own hands to try and ease his stress a little more, but what starts as something fun and interesting when he stumbles across a hypnosis video catered to stronger orgasms turns into a BIG problem when he finds himself unable to break away from the hold his new addiction has on him. 
When I Get Home (Hawks x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which Keigo realizes how truly lucky he is to have you by his side despite his refusal to open up to you and show you how deep his scars run, so he decides when he finally gets home from his stupid fucking mission, he’ll show you his scars, his heart, and everything more. 
A Birthday Threesome for 'Suki (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you and your best friend decide to help your man see the joy in birthdays by giving him a threesome. Also, Bakugou likes butt plugs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUBBY 🎈
Like A Big Girl (Quirkless!Dabi x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you get the surprise of your life when your apartment neighbor and crush (who happens to be extremely anti-social) shows up at your housewarming party to celebrate your moving into your first-ever apartment after a breakup. 
Peace and Quiet (poly!Geto x Gojo x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you realize peace and quiet aren’t ideal with your two noisy ass (yet extremely attractive) coworkers renting out the same Airbnb as you while visiting the hot springs on a business trip. But lucky for you, they know another way to help you relax.
Drunk N Nasty (poly!Pro!Bakusquad x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot) - In which you and Mina get tired of your boring ass boyfriends not making time for their girlfriends, so you two decide to hit the club for a night out with every intention of getting under your boyfriends’ skin. Fortunately for you, it works and your men decide to teach you and Mina a lesson about being some disobedient brats. 
Ao3 link here!
Several Shots Later (Pro!Sero x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you go on a vacation in an effort to relax and feel more confident, but find yourself falling for the sexy stranger who sends you a drink across the room and also happens to give you some firsthand dance lessons and a night you’ll never forget. 
In the Fruit Orchard (Bull!KiriBaku x Heifer!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - In which you, a heifer girl, get a night with the hottest bull boys on Aizawa's farm after a trip through the fruit orchard.
What Spoiled Girls Get (Pro!Bakugou x Dabi x Plus-Size!Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - You get whatever you want as Bakugou and Dabi’s shared GF. You’re their pretty princess. Their baby. Their spoiled little girl. You wouldn’t have it any other way and don’t know any different, so when they take you shopping to get some clothes for your birthday and you see a dress in the window that costs a bit out of their bracket, they get it for you…but not without you showing how thankful you are.
As Beautiful as Moonlight (Hawks x Black!Chubby!Fem!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - In which Hawks tries to show you that you are more than just a conquest and that his stares aren't because he's judging you. They're because he is dying to make you his.
In the Heat of Things 🐰 (Dom!Nanami x sub!Bunnygirl!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - In which you're Nanami's bunny girl girlfriend who is going through a rough time during your "cycle", so your gentlemanly boyfriend takes it upon himself to help you out and ease your heat when your body tells him what your mouth can't.
Dance For Me (Fatgum x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you give Fatgum the experience of a lifetime when his friends drag him to a strip club for his birthday.
First Day Jitters (Pornstar!Bakugou x Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you spend your first day on the job as a pornstar with your favorite adult film persona in front of the cameras and are shown what it’s really like fucking with a pro. 
Breakin' A Sweat (Kiri x Tetsu x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which your weekly session with your very hot personal trainers ends in a different kind of workout when they reciprocate your burning attraction to them.
Ao3 link here!
Yours To Keep (Daddy Dom!Law x sub!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which your boyfriend the best gift you can give him: yourself, totally and completely. 
Lost in the Woods (Werewolf!BakuKiri x Black!Plus-Sized!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you get lost on your way home one night while coming back from a party and end up straight in the jaws of two strange yet sexy men who you get the feeling aren't quite human.
The Swordsman’s Secret (msub!Zoro x Black!Femdom!Reader) (18+) - In which your favorite swordsman has an interesting secret and kink that you are more than happy to explore with him in the bedroom. Or in which Zoro gets pegged for the first time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZORO! 💚
Going Half (on a Baby) (Toxic!Toji x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which Toji, your fuck buddy for five years and the man you're secretly in love with, "persuades" you to let him fuck without a condom after he exposes himself for his breeding kink.
Prove Your Worth to Me (Brat-tamer!CEO!Nanami x Bratty!Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you apply for a sectorial job, but the interview process is a lot more intense than you bargained for. 
Daddy's Home (Dom!Gojo x Sub!Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - It’s been 3 years. You believe your fiancé is dead. You’ve been attempting to move forward in your life without him there beside you. You try to grieve properly in order to move on….until he comes home. And he’s more than ready to make up lost time.
The Greatest Gift of All (JJK Men x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which your friends take it upon themselves to help you release your inner slut by taking you to a glory hole for the first time to get you some dick for Christmas. Many of them.
WRAPPED UP TIGHT (Dom!Levi x Sub!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you surprise Levi with a special present under the tree for his birthday and Christmas: you, naked, wrapped up in Christmas lights.
I Love a Challenge (Brat-tamer!Toji x Bratty!Self-Insert!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - In which you feel like you are boss enough to make Toji break when you meet him one night at a club and he gives you a lesson on what happens when you go toe to toe with him in the bedroom. Your fierceness and brattiness may be sexy, but Toji knows a thing or two about making anyone submit…and he loves a challenge. That challenge being you, little V! 
SELF LOVE 101 (Gojo x Black!Self-Insert!Reader) (18+) [REQUEST FILL] - When you get invited to your coworker's Valentine's Day party, you have no intention of going. Especially since this particular coworker isn't exactly your cup of tea: Gojo Satoru is just too proud, too cocky, and too damn full of himself for a girl like you. But when you're persuaded to go and find yourself alone with him, Gojo will stop at nothing until you see that loving yourself is nothing to hate on. After all, a beautiful woman like you deserves to be loved on...especially on camera.
Comfortable With You (Inexperienced!Painter!Choso x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - Choso has never been anyone like you before: so confident and sure of yourself yet so sweet and compassionate. He can’t stop thinking about you. So to make this Valentine’s Day one you’ll never forget, he’ll show you just how comfortable he is with you and how desperately he wants to make you feel the same…even though you’re his first everything. [Based on the song “Comfortable” by H.E.R.]
Sweet Like Sugar (Tattoo Artist!Geto x Black!Bimbo!Reader) (18+) - In which Geto gets paid a pleasant surprise at his tattoo shop when his favorite, cute little bimbo client comes to visit one night on his birthday to cover her ex's tattoo.
Served On A Platter (Sanji Vinsmoke x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you give a very special surprise breakfast to your favorite love chef for his birthday...and you make pancakes too.
To Be A Good Slut Girl (Mean MDoms!Sukuna & Choso x Black fsub!Reader x msub!Itadori) (18+) - In which your boyfriend’s older brothers decide that they don’t like how you’re treating their kid brother (who is too oblivious and in love to realize that you’re using him for his money and his d*ck) and decide to teach you some lessons.
In A Rut (Monster!Hawks x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - You haven't seen your boss around the office in a while ever since he started feeling "under the weather", but when you decide to visit him one day to cheer him up with some soup, you realize that this isn't a normal spring cold. Your boss is in heat and you, his good little assistant, are the only one who can help him cure it.
Playin’ Games (Choso x Self-Insert!Reader) (18+) [COMMISSION FILL] - In which your brother's best friend calls from his business trip to play a game of truth or dare over a Skype call, but it quickly turns into something else once your brother heads to bed and naughty pics and strip teasing get involved.
Most Wanted (Mafia Boss!Toji x Spy!Self-Insert!Reader) (18+) [COMMISSION FILL] - You’re a highly skilled hitwoman. You’ve been doing this for years–getting paid to take hits on the wealthy and corrupt at your agency’s order. You figure taking a hit on the renowned Tokyo mafia boss Toji Fushigiro won’t be any different. However, things take a terrifying turn for you, and your skills are put to the test when you go undercover as a dancer at his favorite club and give him a private dance. But instead of killing you, Toji takes it upon himself to punish you and show you what happens when you fuck with him.
The Florist & the Baker (Florist!Nanami x Fem!Black!Baker!Reader) (18+) - In which you get a storyline straight out of a meet-cute romcom when Nanami, the quiet and stoic yet handsome florist who only comes into your bakery for coffee, asks you out on a date. 
Siren Song 🧜🏽‍♀️🧜🏾‍♀️🧜🏿‍♀️ (Zoro x Sanji x Black!Mermaid!Reader) (18+) - In which the siren song that you sing in hopes of finding someone to free you from your curse attracts more than one mate when two of the most notorious and wanted pirates come to search your cave after a shipwreck.
Sneaky Link 💙 (Toxic!Student!Gojo x Professor!MILF!Reader FWB) (18+) - You’re a stressed-out mom and college professor who has been swamped with your job and mommy life lately. You’re so knee-deep in your work and kids that you need some kind of release. Unfortunately, you’re not finding any of that in your husband, but luckily, that’s what Gojo Satoru is here for…even though he’s way too young for you and is your student.
Short Stories/Fics
I'll Show You "Uptight" (Bakugou x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which a very pissed and very emotionally frustrated Bakugou decides he’s not going to let you get away with your lip that easily and pays you a visit one girls’ night to prove to you that he is, indeed, able to be “looser” after you make a drunk comment about his introverted and uptight personality to your mutual friends and Kirishima “accidentally” spills the beans.
Ao3 link here!
With Good Weather Brings Good Breedings (BakuKiri x Black!Bunny Girl!Reader) (18+) - In which your spring cycle comes a little earlier than usual and you’re too afraid of your boyfriends–whom you’ve been dating for five months–thinking you’re weird instead of telling them about your cycle during mating season. However, during a picnic thrown especially for you, your two favorite pros are more aware than you realize and are more than happy to help you with your little problem.
Ao3 link here!
A First Time for Everything (BakuKiriMina x Fem!Reader) (18+) - You and your girlfriend Mina have been dating for three amazing years. You couldn’t ask for a better partner–someone who is supportive, loving, and willing to explore new things with you…including in the bedroom. So, after a UA High 5-year reunion when you run into THE Katsuki Bakugou and Eijrou Kirishima, two of the top pros in the game and your old crushes, you don’t expect those past butterflies to come rushing back. And when you find out Mina, Kiri, and Bakugou feel the same, you decide to embark on the journey of experiencing your first-ever foursome and possible polyamorous romance.
Ao3 link here!
Longer-Lengthed Stories/Fics
Here, Kitty, Kitty (Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader) (18+) - In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead. [COMPLETED]
Ao3 link here!
Lovers & Friends (Hawks x Black!Fem!Reader) (18+) - In which you and Keigo have begun to realize the strange new feelings you both have for each other after one drunken night at a close friend’s wedding that ends with you in his bed, but because of your longtime friendship and committed relationships with other people, you’re more than happy to forget that night even happened and keep your mutual feelings in the dark…for now, at least. [COMPLETED]
Ao3 link here!
Hit 'Em Up! (Cowboy!SatoSugu x Black!Cowgirl!Reader) (18+) - You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? [ON-GOING]
Headcanons N Drabbles
When You Wear Glasses (BNHA) (18+) (for Black!Fem!Readers)
Sundress Season (BNHA) (18+) (for Black!Fem!Readers)
You're the Cutest Bimbo He's Ever Seen (MHA) (18+) (for Fem!Readers)
You’re Not Wearing Any Panties (One Piece) (18+) (for Black!Fem!Readers)
He Gets H*rny From Your Halloween Costume (One Piece) (18+) (for Fem!Readers)
He Gets H*rny From Your Halloween Costume (JJK) (18+) (for Black!Fem!Readers)
You Speak His Native Language to Him (18+) (One Piece) (for Fem!Readers)
They're Your Blind V-Day Date (18+) (Crossover Anime) (For Black!Fem!Readers)
Where He Takes You For Your V-Day Date (18+) (JJK) (For Black!Fem!Readers)
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