#guys i frigging love this movie so much
whoknowsyourfuture · 1 year
Knives Out 2: The Glass Onion and And Then There Were None
Spoiler warning for The Glass Onion.
So, I watched The Glass Onion and absolutely loved it, I think even more than the original. Of course, as with all media I fall head over heels with, I dive into the Tumblr tag for it, and I've noticed something interesting. I've noticed a few people talking about how it draws from Clue, but I haven't found anyone talking about the parallels with And Then There Were None, which is interesting because of how clear they were for me. To be fair, I have acted in a community production of And Then There Were None, so I know it very well. I thought I'd go over what I noticed linking the two since there are just. So many threads guys.
So clearly the setting is the most obvious, an over the top mansion on an island which is unable to immediately be accessible to those on the mainland. The second is in some part the invitations, even if in Knives Out they are both more outlandish and less individual, as the puzzles boxes were the same and not created by Miles, whereas the letters from U.N. Owen were designed specifically to get each person there. The third biggest initial thing is how Duke brings a gun to the island, which is also an excellent red herring for those familiar with ATTWN, as we're expecting it to become a big thing, but maybe not in the way it ultimately becomes significant. For those not familiar with ATTWN, one of the characters, Phillip Lombard, brings a gun at the behest of U.N. Owen, and he is arguably the most dudebro of the book, even if he has an extra depth we discover later on, which again is similar to Duke.
There are a few other little things that could be references or not that I'll run through before I get to the biggest ones. The islands are both run by significantly less staff than normal, with the Rodgers the only servants in ATTWN and robots in Knives Out. The hourly dong could be a reference to the record of accusations in ATTWN. Even Miles almost running over Duke could be a reference to one of the characters in ATTWN, as Anthony Marston almost runs another character off the road on the way to the island and does run over two children driving recklessly. Both stories even have detectives invited to the island, although motives are very different for those characters. 
Then we come to Duke's death. Stroke for stroke, it is very similar to Marston's death in ATTWN. Accusations are levied, the party grows uncomfortable, and one character drinks, almost immediately dying. Poison is the immediate suspect, and it is discovered that they cannot escape the island until morning. This is where the parallels diverge, as everything happens a bit faster in Knives Out, but there is a period when all lights go out, and another body is found.
Finally, the simplest similarity, but it’s hard to notice as the story literally tells you not to notice. In ATTWN, ten people are on the island. There are ten people on the island in Knives Out.
Benoit Blanc
Miles Bron
Birdy Jay
Claire Debella
Lionel Toussaint
Duke Cody
Andi/Helen Brand
Yeah, Derol. He literally goes ignore me, I'm not here, but he is the tenth living person on the island. This is also a bit obfuscated by Benoit telling Miles that he has invited 7 people to the island with reason to want him dead, which I think most people will brush over and think yeah, there's seven people there, either forgetting Peg and Whiskey in the moment or not counting Benoit, Miles or Derol. Arguably, there’s a case for either Helen and Andi counting as separate people, or the Mona Lisa counting as a person, but as for alive people on the island, Derol rounds it out.
There’s probably dozens of influences for the movie, just like there were for the original Knives Out, but I think ATTWN has a very marked influence that I thought was very fun and left lots of misdirections for those familiar with both works. I loved how it brought elements into the story, but did not try to be an adaptation. I’ve already watched Glass Onion twice, and I’m sure I’ll watch it plenty more times with how much stuff there is to catch for the wary viewer.
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fudge24-7 · 3 months
Spamton for the send the character thing 👍
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
My first impression:
I thought he was a fun character, I didn't think about how odd he was nearly enough though, he reminded me of mad dummy a bit with how he jumpscared me from some trash and wanted my soul, i was also reminded of mettaton when he mentioned showing off our soul, in general spamton felt like a classic undertale interaction, which I should have realised was odd to have in deltarune where practically no one else even mentions your soul, was a bit surprised how much everyone was into him because I never did his side quest due to misunderstanding his instructions, but I also couldn't blame them because he's pretty fun
My impression now:
God, I love him so much, I want to kiss this puppet scam artist so bad, And His lore drives me insane in a good way, so damn tragic, Yet he's also really dang funny too, it's honestly a shame I didn't get to do his sidequest blind before getting things from it spoiled, or maybe it is good I nearly cried watching my sister beat spamton neo when I already knew what was gonna happen, I can only imagine how much emotional damage it would have dealt if I experienced it blind, all in all a wonderful character he's been living in my head rent free for almost 3 years now
Favorite thing about that character:
Hmm, that's tough, maybe a tie between his lore and his dialogue/personality, I frigging love how much there is to this guy, I might have to go with dialogue honestly though there's so many good lines of his
Least favorite thing:
Probably the fact he calls noelle a hoochie mama (well "hochi mama" but its not hard to geuss thats what hes trying to say), sir that is a teenager why are you basically calling her a whore- (I should probably clarify I don't see this as like a writing flaw on Toby's part, it's just probably my least favorite thing about spamton personally)
Favorite Line/scene:
Line wise it's a bit silly, but "YOU'VE GOT [guts] KID! THATS [Discomfort and abdominal pain] IN MY [guts]!", idk it seems like he's going to say something positive about kris having guts, and then he says that, hilarious to me, "turn up the juice turn up the juice make sure to not get any on your shoes" is pretty dang great too though
as for scene, deffinitly the one where you've almost cut all his strings during the neo fight. Obviously it ends very sadly with him just falling on the ground and realizing he'll never be free but, idk him finally realizing kris is trying to help him, it's bittersweet, he's probably been pretty convinced for a while no one would ever genuinely want to help him, and he seems so touched when he finally realizes kris does, it gets to me, the scene after he falls on the ground is really good too
Favorite interaction that character has with another:
His interactions with kris is kind of an obvious one, but Honestly, I think his interaction with noelle we learn about from the sweepstakes is really sweet, how she was the first person to read his emails, so he sent her that code for a pipis in that game she played, which his brackets imply was probably the first gift he ever gave anyone, idk to me it shows a sweeter side to spamton you don't usually get to see, also the implication that even when he tries to do something nice he ends up sending a suspicious link that crashes a cumpter is pretty funny (also kind of sad when you really think about it)
A character that I wish that character would interact with more:
Hmm, maybe noelle I geuss? Or berdly maybe that would be pretty damn interesting to me, I do get why we never see him do so in chapter 2 though
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character:
Hmm, I can't think of any that came to mind while i was playing, do ones you think of afterwards after seeing them count? Theres honestly quite a few... but you know what you can have one that deals me slight psychic damage, jack frost from the 3rd Santa Claus movie, yeah you know the movie trilogy that started with a man becoming Santa after the original died from falling off his roof? Jack frost from the 3rd one kind of reminds me of him
A headcanon about that character:
I like to think his brackets quoting ads and things in the internet constantly is like when autistic people quote things from movies and things like that to help communicate, Yes this is basically me headcanoning him as Autistic, actually there's more related to him being autistic where that came from, the fact his smile is an "award losing" one being the result of him not being able to control his facial expressions well, him being a spam email while his peers are regular ads could work really well as allegory for being autistic among allistics as well, especailly being undiagnosed with how the addisons say he was "just like the rest of us" and don't seem to want to acknowledge or say that he's different from them in any way, even though he is, and how because he most likely didn't realise he was, he tried really hard to be like them and failed and didn't get why (before he gets that phone call even), (idk of toby fox intended for it to be, part of why its with headcanon stuff, i just think it could be interpreted that way)
this one's a bit of a stretch, since he probably is willing to push boundaries to get what he wants if how he acts when you try to decline his deal is anything to go by, but he also doesnt seem to ever acknowledge how uncomfortable he makes kris, going all the way up to their face even though they backed up from him, I could see that being him being bad at picking up social cues, and also struggling with boundaries like how close you should get to someone (like i said, it's deffinitly a stretch)
A song that reminds me of that character:
Too many, I have a private 2 hour long playlist on spotify full of songs that make me think of this guy, if I typed out every one that would be a lot of songs so just have a few, 'Everybody Loves Me' by OneRepublic (specifically him during his big shot days in 1997), 'The Drunk' by Kiltro, and 'Shake My Hand, Look In My Eyes' by Rinse & Repeat
An unpopular opinion about that character:
Was going to say not believing in acid theory, but I feel like that isn't unpopular enough so, I don't think he was as much of a shy wittle soft guy uwu as people make him out to be pre big shot days, I mean it's not impossible, but the one thing we learn about him is that he'd run his mouth about making it big some day every night he was at the cyber grill, which tells me he was probably more like, ambitious and confident really, I mean I'm sure deep down he had his doubts but I don't think he was that open about them
I mean there's nothing wrong with portraying him as shy, and once again he could have been for all we know, but I think it's refreshing when people approach addispam differently, and it would be nice to see more takes based off what we're given rather then what would seem more sad
Favorite picture:
Every. single. one. Ok actually to be more specific one of these two, hard to pick, love how messed up he looks in the right one from the door knob thing, but I also love the left one because look at him, he's so happy to be eating that nice big cheeseburger, he should get to eat big tasty cheeseburgers forever <3
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
hey for day 20 of the event, lets talk about homra! any unpopular opinions you have about characters or the clan itself? Any AUs or ocs?
Ohhh, you might get me into trouble here, haha! I do have some very unpopular opinions about HOMRA, haha. And you all know me well enough to know I have like, a thousand AU’s for these boys!
As far as unpopular opinions go, HOMRA? Most interesting clan, by fucking far.
But guys, spicy moment here for me? HOMRA? It’s a fucking gang. HOMRA IS A GANG. They do some shady and very violent things. They break into places, they rough up people (and it’s not always horrible people). They took a school hostage in the first season and yes, we know why they did it and there’s so much sympathy for them for losing Totsuka but again – they took an entire school hostage in their search for revenge. These boys are not angels, they are not white knights in shining armor, they are not even technically ‘good guys’. I think all the characters in HOMRA have great hearts deep down, are wonderful characters and I love them all but HOMRA is morally grey – they drink, they smoke, they swear, they commit violent acts. I really hate when people completely disregard that fact and woobify the boys into these righteous, saintly guys.
Going along with that, guys, Scepter 4 are not evil. They’re really, REALLY not. Technically they are a police force, they follow the law, they don’t run around committing violence unless tasked to. They’re not horrible, slimy gross people. Their biggest flaw is that they’re just REALLY fucking boring compared to HOMRA.
With that rant over…unpopular opinion that will get me stuck in the guillotine? Yata’s a little overrated. I do enjoy him, he’s a fantastic character, I either like him a lot or just feel favourably neutral on him. But he’s so goddamn huge in the K fandom, to such an extent, that he got boring to me. Someone says K and 85% of the time, they’ll be talking about Yata or talking about the Yata/Fushimi ship. 10% of the remaining time, they’re talking about Mikoto or Totsuka, and the following 5% is dedicated to the rest of the HOMRA boys and I’m part of that 5% haha. Yata? Fricking great character. He’s interesting, dynamic, his design is well done, he has some amazing scenes. Mikoto? Absolutely frigging spectacular, I love him. Totsuka? Despite how often I kill him, he was HOMRA’s glue and an absolutely underused character that I would have loved to see more of. But HOMRA has other members than those three and those other characters are just as well designed, interesting, and dynamic and while we mostly got them in spin-off media, I wish not only the fandom, but the creators had showed them more love.
Now onto something I love – AU’s. I have a shit ton of them for HOMRA. Recent ones I’ve thought of:
A beauty pageant for guys and HOMRA, as well as Scepter 4, being the contestants.
HOMRA as the Parachute Infantry Regiment or just a general company of soldiers(Yes, I have been rewatching Band of Brothers)
HOMRA as a male stripper troop
HOMRA having to save Christmas
HOMRA as an actual bar, the guys working there and the different customers and experiences they’d have
HOMRA working at a busy retail store
Genderbent HOMRA! as magical girls
Preschool K with everyone being little kids in the same preschool
HOMRA horror movie AU! Both as what they'd be like in a horror movie and imagining them as actors filming a horror movie where weird shit starts happening.
As for OC’s…I have some self-inserty type OC’s, I’ll admit to that, but other than that, only two of them. There’s a brother, who tried out and got into HOMRA and his sister, who works as a nurse, who often gets called in to patch up the boys and god, she is so constantly fucking done with them all but still enjoys them.
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iguanathehuman · 6 months
Just finished watching DR part 2. These three are the only thing I will ever think about ever again.
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I put so much effort into this at like twelve at night so u better like it. Frigging died bc I puked on my old sketchbook but the new guy came today so I can stop drawing ing books with six year old drawings inside.
This show is ... Wow. That was just about all they could say. Wow. (Lily and the Purple Plastic Purse reference 😁) It is my favorite everything. Favorite color. Favorite food. Favorite movie and book and animal and person and just aaaaaaagj so I'm so normal. Have a nice day, love you ❤️
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wtchwtch · 1 year
PM002: Is There a Problem?
This is a fanmade transcript, please let me know if you see any errors.
Cole: Okay, say it again.
Mark: You really want me to say it again?
Cole: Yeah, come on. Just say it for the tape.
Mark: Reign in that hyper fixation for a moment, we need to have a talk about the podcast. We might have a problem.
Cole: Okay.
First off, you say it like being focused is a bad. Now. Secondly, I could obviously tell you wanted to have a talk about the podcast when you stormed in here saying, "Cole, we need to have a chat about the podcast, we might have a problem." So could you do me a favor and just say it like you did the first time for the tape so I can get a little behind the scenes drama?
Mark: Okay. Okay, fine.
Cole: People love drama.
Mark: Cole, we need to have a chat about the podcast. We might have a problem.
Cole: Oh, no. A problem, you say? Well, never fear, where there's a problem, there's a solution!
Mark: Look, okay. Jokes aside, we actually might have a bit of a problem here.
Cole: Okay, okay. Do tell what's the problem?
Mark: Have you ever heard of another podcast called The Opus Archives?
Cole: Yeah, of course. Everyone's heard of the Opus Archives.
Mark: Okay, so there's a character in the podcast called Tom.
Cole: What about Tom?
Mark: Cole, I sound exactly like Tom.
Cole: No, you don't.
Mark: No, seriously. I sound exactly like Tom.
Cole: So what? You think people are gonna get you and Tom mixed up?
Mark: I dunno. Maybe?
Cole: Mark, could you state for the tape, and very clearly please-
Mark: oh God.
Cole: For everyone listening what your name is?
Mark: Hi, I'm Mark LeBouf.
Cole: And who are you not?
Mark: And I'm not Tom.
Cole: Problem solved.
Mark: Maybe I'm just being a stress case, but what if, right? What if the guy who made the Opus Archives, what if he thinks we're trying to copy them?
Cole: Oh, come on, copy them?
Mark: I'm just worried that they're gonna get mad at us and think we're trying to steal their thunder.
Cole: Hmm. I wonder if you actually are Tom.
Mark: I'm sorry, what?
Cole: Mark, you've been taught this whole time, haven't you?
Mark: I admit nothing.
Cole: You will tell the truth or I'll pry it from your dead cold fingers.
Mark: Even in death, I defy you, my Lord.
Cole: There are things worse than death.
Mark: And pray tell. What would those things be?
Cole: I could put you on the internet as a fraud.
Mark: Oh!
Cole: And I'll take a sample of Tom from the Opus Archives and a recording of you compare the wavelengths or the spectrograph or whatever, and forensically prove that you are in fact, Tom and not Mark, and never were Mark!
Mark: You wouldn't dare.
Cole: Oh, wouldn't I? You're nothing but an imposter, bud.
Mark: Look, not to change the subject, but what is the name of the guys who made that podcast?
Cole: I think the director's a guy named [REDACTED].
Mark: How funny would it be if [REDACTED] did like literally just that and I dunno, felt particularly petty one day and compared the podcasts and tried to prove that somehow through a confluence of factors that the shows were in fact like, too similar for his liking.
Cole: Imagine feeling that much ownership over a framing device that's been used in one iteration or another since War of the Frigging Worlds, man.
Mark: I literally just watched Session Nine, that 2001 film. Fella finds and listens to nine cassette tapes. You know how it goes. It's literally the whole movie.
Cole: Yeah, and what about The Black Cassette Tapes? You ever listen to that? It came out a year before the Opus Archives. I doubt the people making the black cassette tapes were freaking out over the Opus archives. And low and behold, both of them are cashing those checks.
(Tape recorder sounds)
Mark: Tiny Terrors is an anthology horror podcast produced by Pulp Audio and licensed under a creative commons attribution, non-commercial share alike 4.0 international license.
D: This episode was directed by Cole Weavers with sound production and editing by Mike LeBeau.
Mark: To find additional information or to join our Paton for additional content and ad free episodes, visit our website www.tinyterrorspod.com
D: Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at TinyTerrorsPod,
Mark: Or join the Pulp Audio discord by clicking the link in the description below.
D: Rate and review us on Spotify and Apple.
Mark: And finally, thanks for listening.
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
So I'm kinda curious, what is your "Like Father, Like Son" Au?
Oh my...I was honestly afraid someone was gonna ask me this, but I kinda wanna answer it so...yeah. X'D
The AU started off as a "Doof is Phineas' dad" fan fic that evolved into something else entirely...sort of. Doof's not Phineas' BIO dad in this AU to put it simply - that just wouldn't make sense for the story I've written for it.
Basically, the AU takes place in "another 2nd Dimension" - the 2nd Dimension with the 2D cast still exists, this just takes place on another route (because I doubt that the number of dimensions is that finite if the movie is to be believed). Kinda like @lyllaotterofhalfworld's Platydad AU, everyone there is kinda the opposite of their canon counterparts, only I take a different approach.
Phineas is the main protagonist of this AU - he is an orphaned/abandoned little ragamuffin that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel ended up taking in after finding him in a dumpster. He is creative and fun-loving much like the Phineas we know, but has a much more destructive way of going about it, often choosing to blow stuff up than build something in particular (though he CAN build things and has - his favorite part is just the demolition). He's a little troublemaker who likes to break rules, worldly possessions, and starts some fires here and there. He's also inhumanely strong and indestructible, with boundless amounts of near-unhealthy optimism. He can be pretty selfish and a brat, often at odds with the people who took him in, but ultimately is very caring towards others in spite of his more unstable tendencies. He's an adventurous daredevil that is incredibly extroverted.
Doofenshmirtz is the deuteragonist, and much like in the 2nd Dimension, he is a dictator (though his reign goes far beyond just the 2nd Dimension). He is almost nothing like his counterpart - rarely cracks jokes or smiles, is very no-nonsense, and is incredibly intimidating - it's also very clear that while he never wanted to be a dictator, he is the only reason why the inhabitants of Danville have not been killed by their own hubris. He's often the straight man to everyone else's insanity, though he too is quite the character, often displaying the same kind of reckless behavior and Phineas (and even somewhat encouraging it). He tends to keep people at arms length, but cares a lot for Phineas and Schnitzel's well-being and happiness. He lost both Charlene and Vanessa in a blimp accident and was never the same ever since. He also has a softer side when it comes to animals, stating that they're easier to understand than most people. Though he often is fine with Phineas' antics, he's equally overprotective of him.
Schnitzel (my OC) is the tritagonist, and is Doof's righthand (wo)man. She's a medical professional who's in charge of multiple factions of DEI, and is always stressed and suffers from high levels of anxiety. Always having to keep an eye on Phineas and to make sure Doofenshmirtz doesn't feel like being an idiot, she's often the voice-of-reason, or at least tries to be, her fear often driving most of her decisions. She is incredibly motherly, but can be very blunt and violent when provoked to rage. The universe seems to absolutely hate her, seeing as she's often the target of a lot of the slapstick in the AU. She's Doofenshmirtz's love interest and closest friend, being incredibly loyal to him and Phineas, as well as to Charlene even after she died. In spite of being the universe's punching bag, she often comes through when the call to action arises.
The AU centers on these three dealing with multiple antagonistic forces such as the OWCA, a "heroic" organization that experiments on animal agents to take on DEI (led by Monogram, the man that supposedly was responsible for Charlene and Vanessa's deaths), The Resistance, a group of teens bent on overthrowing Doofenshmirtz by any means necessary (that's also lead by Phineas' older sister, Candace, who very much hates him and is sadly blinded by anger to see that she's not being reasonable), and even LOVEMUFFIN, the very organization that rules over most of the planet that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel both work for. They also deal with a bunch of misadventures as well, some typical familial drama, that kinda stuff.
A lot of the times Isabella, Phineas' best friend/crush (the boy just...loves her so very much, he can't even, if only she frigging knew, come on, it's so obvious), will tagalong on these adventures along with the likes of Ferb (who is NOT Phineas' stepbrother in this, but is considered his OTHER best friend - really, Ferb is trying to assassinate Doofenshmirtz for Candace, but grows attached to the very annoying triangular redhead), Buford, Baljeet, Irving, Django, and the Homicide Girls (the Fireside Girls of this AU). There's more to them as well, but that's about the gist of it.
Phineas also has a hamster named Freddie (ala @sortofcaffeinateddoodles) instead of Perry - I'm not actually entirely sure what Perry's role IS in this AU, anymore. He's definitely THERE, I'm just not sure what his relationship is with everyone else, or even if he's a good guy or a bad guy. Freddie's fun - he's got a knife. No one knows where he got it from, but he has one, and Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel are concerned.
This is mostly a very self-indulgent AU, that I guarantee is not for everyone - especially since I portray certain characters like Candace and Linda in particular in a very bad light, some characters like Vanessa are dead/are probably gonna die, and the fact that there are OCs in this story, blahblahblah. Oh. And they cuss a LOT - this isn't a kid friendly AU. I do plan on writing a fic where the canon-verse meets this AU, cuz I feel like it would be interesting for the characters to interact. Though I already do that with @lyllaotterofhalfworld, and our three-way AU where her AU, my AU, and the canon-verse Phineases all interact and stuff, and it's great and I wanna do more of that.
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niuniente · 3 years
Well we're clearly synced! Cause I've already watched Death parade and death billiard and I loved it. I'm planning to watch Jujutsu Kaisen. Bleach is just kinda too long for me. But yea I agree, I don't get picky with anime but I just dont get hooked on them easily like before, I just watch them and nothing
Anything else?
Noo, don’t let Bleach scare you like that...! Half of it are fillers, really, and the good parts stop around the middle of the series, so you “have to” watch:
Watch episodes 1-32
Skip episode 33
Pick up at episodes 34-49
Skip episode 50
Pick up at episodes 51-63
Skip the complete “The Bount” and “The Assault” arcs till episode 110
Pick up at episodes 110-127
Skip episodes 128-137
Pick up at episodes 138-167
Skip the complete “The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai” arc
Pick up at episodes 190-203
Skip 204-205
Pick up at episodes 206-212
Skip 213-214
So 116 episodes and you have seen the best of Bleach and can ignore the rest if you ask me. (And you will LOVE Grimmjow if you liked Bruno!)
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Anyway, if I can recommend any series, here we go:
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MUSHISHI The world is filled with Mushi creatures which intervene with daily lives of human while Ginko travels to safe humans from Mushi’s influence. A wonderful series if you love traditional old Japan and Japanese folklore stories. Does contain elements of horror.
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SAMURAI CHAMPLOO Fuu hires two guys Jin and Mugen to find a samurai who smells like sunflowers. This is an unique and fun series, and one of my all time favorites.
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SPACE DANDY This is also one of my all time faves. The best thing in Dandy is that every single episode is directed, animated, scripted and composed by a different team. Art styles and story telling varies and each episode is a story of its own. Everything and anything can happen in Space Dandy from finding the best ramen in the universe to dance offs, from zombie apocalypse to high school musical, and from saving a damsel in distress in a fake-date story to a calendar which refuses to change the day to tomorrow.
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GINGA NAGAREBOSHI GIN This series has a HUGE cult status in Finland and pretty much everyone of my generation and the one after mine has seen this (and been traumatized by it lol). It follows old Japanese samurai honors and warrior spirit, capturing extremely well the Japanese mentality of never giving up no matter what. The story follows Gin, a dog who joins a pack of wild dogs. Bears are killing people and the dogs have decided to gather together the bravest and the strongest warrior dogs around the whole Japan to a final showdown with the bears and end their terror for good. It has blood, it has gore but if you can take them, a biiiiig recommendation for this old vintage anime. Take tissues with you as you WILL cry a lot! I have a feeling you would like these Kai Brothers as well as Kurojaki.
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DEVILMAN If you haven’t seen Devilman Crybaby yet, do it! Also check the movies from the 80′s which follow the manga. For me, Sirene was treated badly in Crybaby (Ryo, too) but their characters are much better in the 80′s Devilman movies.
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GEKKAN SHOUJO NOZAKI-KUN This is one of those happy mood series where you can laugh a lot. A big smile for this one!
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MIDORI NO HIBI (OR MIDORI’S DAYS) Listen. This is a weird series. A weird synopsis of a girl Midori, who somehow one day wakes up as her crush’s, Seiji’s, right hand. But it is so darn adorable and cute and funny! I don’t know if I will ever love any series as much as I love Midori no Hibi. I rewatch it regularly. It also has the best anime cat.
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MADE IN ABYSS I was recommended this series with a warning “Watch it only if you can take bad things happening to children”. They weren’t lying! This series is very grim and dark but just what I like.
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THE PROMISED NEVERLAND (ONLY SEASON 1!!) Watch only season 1 from this! The second season is a mess where they squeezed the whole frigging manga into 2 seconds, skipped 70 arcs and important world building, and ruined things so bad that no one wanted to take responsibility for the script in the final episode credits. Basically tried to put 4 seasons worth of stuff into 11 episodes. This series is also dark and grim thriller but the 2nd season is like switching from Alien-movie to Teletubbies. The first season works as its own story and it is captivating. Then, continue manga from CH38 forward.
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tehcoop · 4 years
I am an old. I'm an old, old fandom lurker wandering from one fandom to the other for the past (oh God) two decades. I've read in everything from Gundam Wing in my (not that) delinquent high school years to Due South to Stargate Atlantis, Harry Potter, Star Wars, yadda yadda yadda, on and on up to The Witcher, most recently. 
And then The Old Guard.
Guys... Guys.
This movie smacked me in the face and shook me to my core. It was everything I've never known I wanted in an action movie because it just never occurred to me that it might exist. Two female leads! One of them is black! Eighty. Five. Percent female representation behind the scenes. 85%! Amazing character beats. Everyone has their own arc and motivations. No stereotyping. It's just beautiful.
And then there's Joe and Nicky. 
I have never related so hard to characters or to a relationship in my life. I love my badass immortal husbands so much. It's ridiculous. I could gush for hours. I'm nothing like them, of course. I identify as a mostly straight, mostly cis, so white I reflect sunlight (though I hope I'm at least an ally to BIPOC) woman. There's nothing particularly badass about me. But I still relate like hell to these characters. 
I love to laugh like Joe, and completely understand his protective instincts. And then there's Nicky. I relate to him more than any character I can think of currently. I'm introverted and can be kind of intense, but I'm also patient, kind, and nurturing. And if anyone does anything to hurt my family, especially my kids, I can rip you apart with just my words. (Seriously, I think my mother in law is afraid of me now after she got a talking to when I called her out for being shitty to my spouse. Our relationship is Much Better now). 
Most importantly, I am deeply in love with my wonderful spouse who happens to be a trans woman. 
And guys, I'm angry.
Remember, I'm an old. I've been searching for scraps hinting at any kind of queer love story in all kinds of media for decades. And I'm angry because I shouldn't have had to. 
I shouldn't have to read into a maybe not on purpose significant glance. I shouldn't have gotten excited when two characters grabbed each other in anger because clearly they're so in love. I shouldn't have been delighted when an actor bit his lip to hint at a love story in film, or that a writer said that a character was gay years after the books were written. I made myself believe that those little bits of subtext were enough and somehow better than getting it outright because then we can tell our own stories, right guys? I preferred reading fan fiction because I could think of the hot guys I wanted to pair up in the way I wanted. I even stopped watching a lot of gay movies because they were always so sad and full of strife, and I just couldn't relate to them. I just wanted my fluffy romantic comedies. Fan fiction was literally the only place that I could see any kind of healthy queer relationship.
Which is how I got to be almost forty and still identifying as mostly straight even though I'm in a queer as hell relationship. In each of these canon stories, the character's sexuality was part of the conflict, and I was never particularly conflicted about mine. I just liked who I liked and craved a healthy, stable relationship. Or when I did see characters like Klaus in Umbrella Academy (who I love) who is comfortable with their sexuality, he's also so fantastically ridiculous that I can only laugh or cringe at him. I enjoyed many of these stories, but still related more to the Jane Austen heroines I saw in straight stories even while I preferred to chill by reading about say... John and Rodney accidentally making a baby or something.
And then Joe and Nicky come along. And they're beautiful. They're a goddamn interracial, interfaith, committed, happy, unkillable gay couple. In canon. They are the most married. They're 900 plus years of married. Their sexuality and relationship are incredibly important to who they are and to the story without being the conflict of the story. Or without being a walking stereotype of one thing or other. Instead, you have two men casually stating their love for each other, blatantly declaring it, cuddling, and kissing all while they each have their own stories, skills, and motivations. 
I have literally never seen that before. Except at home, in my own house, where my spouse and I get to be our own people, but then support each other, tease each other, and cuddle at the end of the day. It was beautiful to see something that reflected the kind of love I always wanted and now get to have. In canon, on screen. Seeing Joe and Nicky's love makes me so deliriously happy that I'm incredibly angry I've never seen anything like that on screen before. Just imagine what it would have been like seeing that kiss in a crowded theater.
So why am I writing this? Because this movie is important. It's so goddamn important. I'm so happy it exists. And I want you all to know the actual weight of all the years of going without characters like this. What it means to say that I'm furious that I've never seen this before after decades of searching. How ridiculous it is that I still identify as mostly straight possibly because I've never really seen nuanced, flawed, real queer characters before. Instead, I've imagined and created evidence of gay relationships from nothing while ignoring the awful canon hetero relationships my favorite shows have forced on us. All while still unironically sighing over Mr Darcy and Clueless. I'm tired, y'all.
I want to see all the stories with all the people in various configurations. Romances, action, sci fi, fantasy, everything. The Old Guard did it. And they did it well. I'm done with the queer baiting. I don't think I can look at many of the fandoms I have loved throughout the years the same way again. I'm incredibly grateful to Gina Prince-Bythewood, Greg Rucka, Marwan Kanzari, Luca Marinelli, and the rest of the cast and crew for bringing me these already beloved characters. It's so refreshing to finally get what I've really wanted all these years. Representation absolutely fucking matters. 
And now? I'm gonna go back to being a lurker. I'll read all the Old Guard fanfiction I can. I'll watch all the movies, read all the comics because I want more stories like this, dammit. I'll probably go back to giggling over and overanalyzing little character moments in all kinds of fandoms again. Mostly, I'll just go back to quietly taking care of my little family. And I might post something again in another couple of decades when my kids are off to college. And God, do I hope it doesn't take another couple decades to get more characters like this. I hope that my kids get all kinds of stories I never did growing up so that they can figure out who they are and who they relate to before they're almost forty frigging years old. It's about goddamn time.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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chim-aera · 3 years
tips for enjoying surviving your teenage years by a tired 19 year old
aka things I wish I knew around those years...
first off, I know when you're around the age of 13 to 18, crap is really, really confusing.
I mean, it seems like yesterday you were ordering kids menus and running around like a maniac at playgrounds and suddenly you're a teenager. what the heck that's supposed to mean.
but, listen, nothing changed. just because you're suddenly on the "brink of maturity" you're not bby you're still a child doesn't mean you can't just literally do whatever you want no matter how stupid it is. so here's a list of stuff to do when you feel panicked about being teenager or just adulthood problems in general (all 19 and 20 year olds you can read this too, i know exactly how this feels XD)
experiment. kiddos, look, you do not, by any means, have to appear put together and/or well rounded AT ALL
HAVE FUN and please don't try to come off as cool. be dumb. it's so much fun in the long run.
dye your hair. cut your hair. experiment with clothing styles. dress like an emo, or an anime character, or preppy or punk. anything. try it all. you'll learn something or just have fun in the process.
don't worry too much about your appearance. you're gonna be a hormone fueled zitty rage monster sometimes, but it'll pass. workout at the least sometimes, but seriously. eat that pizza, try those new ice cream flavors. make cookies as you cry in the kitchen at 2 am. live. you're young, take advantage of that.
don't try to seem more mature then you actually are. and what I mean is, don't get involved with stupid nonsensical adult things if it's not necessary.
build a lego set, play video games, binge a cartoon, cry at disney movies, karaoke with your hairbrush. seriously dude.
play board games and cards with your family or friends (if they're nice people, not if they're assholes or something guys) you'll remember it in the long run, it's a nice memory to have.
do movie nights. watch shrek, or jurassic park, or anything. eat a bowl of popcorn and do a marathon.
don't worry too much about crushes, relationships, and orientations. you'll have plenty of time to figure all that out later. kiss people, don't kiss people. hug people, hug pets, hug yourself, hug a plushie. love. love yourself. don't worry.
don't get too caught up in drama. if all your friends are trying to be adult or whatever, and you want to still do stupid kid things. DO THE STUPID KID THINGS.
naruto run in a parking lot, swing on the monkey bars. wear animal headbands. wear mismatched shoes.
journal your experiences. it doesn't even have to be every day, just try to just a little. you'll look back at those memories.
if you want to wear something but you feel too "ugly, fat, etc." oh my god. frigging wear it. you'll thank yourself later.
watch/read little prince
don't get too caught up in social media. please. I swear it's not to be tiktok famous at 15,
be loud. take up space. speak your mind.
study a foreign language for one week, then another the next. be a fashion blogger one day, and an astrophysicist the next. go to the library if you want.
read books from your childhood, cry afterwards.
yell out the window on car rides
play tik tak toe
dress up on hallowen
dance on your bed. listen to music. sing.
read spooky stories under your covers at midnight.
love your pets if you have some. you'll treasure those times in the long run. trust me. <3
pierce your ears, don't pierce your ears. where the weirdest jewelry, or none at all.
wear shirts that are 2 times your size because they're comfortable.
cannonball into a swimming pool (if it's safe)
play tag, catch a firefly. try all different sports. or practice them yourself.
try. try everything you want to try.
just have fun, don't worry, be you. even though you might not know who that is yet. just enjoy life. and be true to yourself. you've got the whole world to explore. trust yourself. it works out in the end. :3
(tell me if I should do one for the 19 / 20 years. I might XP)
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hexusproductions · 7 years
Arms and legs are for cowards!
Jorge Sánchez, ‘The Book of Life’
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kurosarium · 4 years
A/N: Finally back with some content yaaay! It’s 8am and I have yet to go to bed...but I could go on and on about atsumu, he’s such an interesting character.
This was a request, but I accidentally deleted it, so I’m posting it separately. 🥺
Feedback is appreciated!
His communication skills suck at the beginning of the relationship. I mean, he does like communicating his feeling to other people, but most of the time he’s just talking out of his ass with little to no consideration for the other person’s feelings. It takes him seeking out Alan and/or Kita for relationship advice to realize that behaving like a pubescent fuck-boy won’t get him anywhere in a serious relationship. I say this with young adult Atsumu in my mind, shortly after graduating, at the beginning of his pro career etc.
Because it’s a bit different for adult Atsumu. Adultsumu is aware of everything I mentioned in the bullet point above, he’s still a fool, but more considerate of other’s feelings. Still can’t communicate with his partner properly, because he knows his words are sometimes too blunt, he knows that if he’s being too blunt and his words come out sounding mean he could seriously hurt your feelings.
Atsumu usually isn’t a very forgetful person, but when he’s super busy or has a lot on his mind that can change. He absolutely forgot about the date you two had planned, or the thing you asked him to get on his way home. He always feels extremely bad once he remembers or is being reminded, and tries his best to make it up to you.
You could probably ask for anything, he’d do everything to make up for being neglectful. He knows he can be an ignorant idiot from time to time, that why he tries extra hard to make up for a forgotten date or anniversary. He would never tell you, but he’s actually afraid of losing you over something like that, because he knows that volleyball takes up the biggest part of his life, but he still tries very much to be a good boyfriend and not neglect you.
He doesn’t expect you to, but he’d be super happy, if he found you awake and waiting for him, on days he would come home late. If you weren’t too tired you’d sit down in the kitchen together, talking about how your day went while he warms up leftover food in the microwave or makes some tea. On days you would feel too tired to stay up any longer, he’d take you to bed, join you under the covers and tell you about his day with a soft smile on his lips while holding you close and stroking your hair. (doesn’t that sound amazing)
It’s not a secret that Atsumu loves getting on other people’s nerves, especially the ones closest to him, and it’s no different with you. He constantly teases you and tries provoking you with that shit eating grin sitting on his lips. He draws the line at jokes involving your insecurities, though. At least he tries to, because from time to time he may accidentally overstep your boundaries, he just can’t keep his mouth shut. He may be a blunt shit at times, but he’s not cruel, especially not to you. Maybe a bit. Sometimes.
Contrary to his wannabe-smug-fuckboy side is a side of his you’ll get to experience the more comfortable Atsumu grows in your relationship, Softsumu It doesn’t happen every day, and it definitely doesn’t show when people (aside from his brother) are around, but when he goes into soft boy mode it’s like a switch has been flipped.
 Softsumu just hits differently. It often shows when the two of you spend time together after not having seen each other in a while or when he feels down, or exhausted. Coming up to you for a hug every so often, kissing your temples, playing with your hair and you hands, he just can’t get enough of you. Return his affection when he’s in that kind of mood and you’ll make him the happiest man alive. He may not outright say it, because it’s a little embarrassing, but he loves receiving your affection. bc sometimes he’s like ew affection I don’t need that soppy shit but he does
He likes taking baths together. It’s pillow talk of some sort, but bathtub talk. Until you look like raisins.
You’ll have to show him how you want to be treated by him. Atsumu used to be an egoistic and a pretty damn cocky person, just a frigging brat in general, and while he changed a lot, for the better, after starting his volleyball career, he still has problems reading others feelings/behavior from time to time. It’s not that he doesn’t care about other people, he certainly does, but Atsumu mistakenly assumes that the people around him express their feelings the way he does, that they want and need what he wants and needs. Does that make sense? Also, he’s just really awkward around you in the beginning and has no clue how to treat you right.
Not really the jealous type. Okay, maybe a bit jealous from time to time. And he sometimes has phases where he feels particularly insecure, and vulnerable. When one of those phases hit him he gets a bit clingier, and jealous, when he thinks you’re giving somebody more attention than him. It really comes down to him being afraid of not being good enough for you, as in not being there enough for you or not being able to fulfill you wants and needs properly. Such a phase doesn’t last very long, though, and after you give him reassurance and some affection he’ll be back to his confident, idiotic self in no time.
Atsumu had a short temper when he was younger, I imagine that he gets more patient with time and experience, but the temper’s still there, you know? If you’re having an argument with him and it starts getting a little heated, he tries his best to stay calm. You will hear him sighing heavily and see him rubbing his temples a lot, he really does try, but in the end,  he still gets frustrated rather quickly. Especially if you don’t get his point and he has to repeatedly explain something.
Really bad at apologizing, his pride is a little too strong. He quickly realizes when he made a mistake or is in the wrong, but he has a hard time coming forward and admitting his wrongdoing.
When he’s really mad he’ll either leave and not come back until he cooled down, or try to give you the cold shoulder. Both methods work semi-well, because he can’t stay mad at you for long, he’s pretty stubborn though, so the argument will come up again until you resolve it.
Catch him huffing and muttering mean remarks under his breath when he’s mad at you for something minor, or something that isn’t even worth mentioning, because he’s the only one that thinks you did something wrong, and also a petty little shit.
Loves you A LOT. All the way. And he likes showing you exactly how much he loves you, in private as well as in public.
That being said, Atsumu has absolutely no problem PDA. He likes having an arm around you, and will gladly hold your hand while you’re walking together.
He’s a very passionate, and wild lover. Sure, he doesn’t act inappropriately with you in public, but in private he’s a hands-on kind of guy. Literally. He has to have his hands on your body, not even in a sexual way. He just like knowing, feeling, that you’re there, beside him. That make sense?
Usually more of an outdoor dates kind of person, but if he’s feeling rather exhausted or socially spent, he would prefer a relaxing evening at home, preferably with you, watching movies or playing some games.
If you’re quite a bit shorter than him you bet he’ll use your shoulder or even your head as an armrest, and this action often comes with a teasing remark about your height.
Will put stuff, especially foods/snacks you love, on the top shelf. Because he thinks it’s funny watching you climb the kitchen counter like a monkey.
Absolutely loves giving you back hugs and resting his head on your shoulder or nuzzling his nose into your neck! Doesn’t happen that often, but it’s a sight to behold. He especially likes to do this when you’re going on about your day at home, or when it’s still early and you’re lying in bed together.
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bezdddakota · 3 years
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I just finished my second play-through of TLOU2 and instead of understanding the game and its characters more, all it did was made me dislike everything more than before, especially how it was structured.
I really dislike it when games make you play as 2 different characters like Devil May Cry 4 because not only did I already spend 10+ hours as one character and became attached to them but I was focused on leveling them up and now you took all my XP away and have to start all over but now I have become attached to the second character and the way they play just to go back to the first character!!! I thought I was doing good as Ellie with almost upgrading a full  ANYTHING on her end just for the game to make me play as Abby and just when I nearly got one of her weapons upgraded, it makes me go back to Ellie. I now need to go through another play-through just get upgrade everything which even isn’t much!!! [ Side note: since I hate how much this game relies on the square button when you are grabbed by anyone because my square button is broken, I like playing as Abby because she had shivs to use but Ellie didn’t. ]. Yes the story is all over the place and I hate how you had to wait until the near of the end to see the whole dance scene but since I have no idea how you can fix that without changing the whole game, it might be best to leave it.
Secondly, the NPCs that you are supposed to care about have no character, other than the most basic thing you can imagine. I liked Manny the most because I liked how funny he was but on the second playthrough, I realized that’s basically his whole character: He’s funny and the other characters are worst because Nora and Jesse are just there for what feels like no good reason other than to die. Owen and Mel have characters but they’re stupid characters. Why would a pregnant woman who knew their enemies were crossing their lines more and more each day would willingly go on patrol because her boyfriend is avoiding her?? I understand relationship problems and wanting to do something to avoid your thoughts but to put yourself and your unborn child in danger is very stupid. Also, WHO LET THE PREGNANT LADY GO OUT????? Dina learned she was pregnant and stayed inside the theater instead of going with Ellie but Mel just goes on patrol because she wants to be useful?????? You’re a doctor!! THAT SHOULD BE PLENTY USEFUL!!! Now I want to discuss Owen because while he is the most devolved character out of Abby’s friends, he makes really bad decisions like sleep with his high school girlfriend when he’s ON THE RUN AND WAS ABOUT TO FRIGGING LEAVE HIS PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND TO GO TO SANTA BARBRA AND ASKED HIS HIGH SCHOOL GIRLFRIEND TO GO WITH HIM BECAUSE THEY “ DESERVED TO BE HAPPY “!!!!!!! Just gonna abandon the woman carrying your child which by the way, you never seemed excited about or even to care for???? Maybe he got what he deserved. #sorrynotsorry
Thirdly, the emotional manipulation. Just know I do not actually hate Abby and consider her story to be the best part of the game but I really hate how they introduced her father by having him track a pregnant zebra and they really act like “ oh gee he’s a good guy!! See how he cares about dem poor critters?? “ ( please read that in a Sandy Cheeks voice ). It’s really hard for me to care about someone who is apparently nice to animals but didn’t think twice about killing a kid without explaining it to her why they were doing it. I remember caring about Marlene way more than Abby’s dad because one of the tape recordings you find the hospital in the first game, she says how much she regrets allowing the doctors to kill her but she just wants it to be over and she sounded so tired by how much work she had put in to find the vaccine, meanwhile Abby’s dad has a very punch-able face. Also there’s the whole dog petting which can get pretty annoying ( I threw the ball over the fence because THOSE DOGS BROKE MY CONTROLLER!!!!! ) but it only happens like twice, so...
Fourthly, I feel like the game is too short. The game wants you to be sad over Ellie and Abby’s friends but it’s hard to be because you only spend a few minutes with them while you have spent hours with Abby and Ellie ( or in my case, years ). I liked Abby’s friends especially Manny but you only spend 20 minutes with him and most of that is that the sniper section and I wanted to like Jesse but he has no character and you only spend 2 hours with him, which in a 30 hour long game, is not long at all, [ Side note: most of the friends’ deaths are basically rehashes of Henry and Sam’s deaths ]. Also some people thinks that Abby’s section was too long but I thought it was really short and because of how short it was, I couldn’t see how she could turn from a blood hungry person to someone who would care over 2 kids and abandon her WLF family for. 10 hours is not enough time to develop anything story wise and while the first game was only 15 hours long, it only told one story while this game is trying to tell multiple stories!! I want more Abby!! I want more Dina!! I want more of this game to fully understand but I just feel like those posts about It: Chapter 2  where people love the relationship of Richie and Eddie but the movie killed off Eddie without him ever telling Richie anything and people basically rewrite their relationship because we were never given it.
Fifthly, I don’t just like the game. I wanted to even though I knew the spoilers and didn’t mind Joel died but I feel empty and not in the way Druckman meant for me to. This probably has to do with the fact that I waited 7 years for this game and when I meant 7 years, I really mean that I have loved this game since 2013 and I feel like the sequel is just off, somehow. It wants to be something bigger than itself but it’s not and when it wants to comment on the cycle of violence but other games has done it already and much better. The game that comes most to my mind is God Of War because Kratos got his revenge and realized he started the apocalypse so he tried to kill himself but that didn’t work so he moved to Norse mythology and when Baldr went to confront his mother, Kratos stopped him and told him that the path of vengeance is not worth it but he still went for it and CAUSED RAGNAROK!!!! I really have no idea why people love this game and I want to say it’s because they never played the first game before or they love it because it was LGBT characters in it but that doesn’t explain anything at all. I also want to say that many people were paid off because the game was over 500 GOTY awards and I don’t see how that was even possible!! Maybe some people saw something I didn’t but I still feel weird about this. I wanted to like this game but it’s hard when it’s not good.
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nancypullen · 3 years
You guys, we're just a short walk to the "ber" months! If this month zips by like the last couple, we'll be smack dab in September before we know it! I love that. I 'm not wishing my life away, but I sure am wishing this summer away. With Tennessee still at a 30-something percent vaccination rate, we haven't really gone anywhere or done anything. No baseball games, no festivals, no fun. Sure, we're vaccinated but that shot is meant to keep us from severe COVID, hospitalization, and death. I don't want it at all. I've got friends who had it, never ended up in the hospital, but months later are still battling symptoms. No thanks. Soooo, on Saturday night we got real fancy and picked up a sack of Taco Bell and went to the drive-in to see Jungle Cruise. The movie was bad, but the company was excellent and the nachos were delicious. No regrets.
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What can I say? I'm a cheap date. Before I forget- I've had some questions about the refrigerator pickles. Yes, they were a success. When the first jar was ready for the frig I had the mister taste one and critique the flavor. He said there wasn't enough of a vinegar bite. I added an extra tablespoon of vinegar to each jar and after that he deemed them perfect. In fact, he's enjoyed them so much that he's mowed through the whole batch (4 jars). Today I'll be picking and pickling some more. After that I may pull up the cucumber plants. They're starting to look like they've lived a good life. Besides, IT'S AUGUST. We're nearly finished with summer! Can I get an amen? The bell peppers still have plenty of production time, I've had a pretty good crop and there are still lots of baby peppers on the plants. I'll give them a stay of execution for now. I've been at my desk making cards again. No special occasions, just nonsense.
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Today I plan to make one for someone special who is battling health issues and maybe a couple of back-to-school cards for teacher friends. It would be kinder just to send them haz-mat suits. That's it, you're all caught up on the fast-paced life we're living - drive-ins, pickles, and paper crafts. In about three weeks we'll mask up and FLY to Baltimore. This will be the first time I've been on a plane since February of 2020. Holy cow! Eighteen months feels like a lifetime. Anyway, we've got a meeting with a builder, we plan to visit a couple more towns that we missed the first time we went exploring, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY make a final decision of some sort - even if it's just agreeing on a spot. We've had zoom meetings with the builder and have been going over floorplans and options - I'm still not convinced it's our wisest choice. I'd love a sparkling new home with hand-picked finishes, but there are a lot of hidden costs. We built this house in 1999 and it was all pretty straight forward and we knew exactly what we were getting for our sale price. This time around everything is an "option". Oh, you want a light above the kitchen island? That's another $800. What's that, you want steps to the front porch? We can do that for $1800. Every extra window is $500 or more, and (surprise!) most rooms only have one. The optional stone fireplace is $7,000. They don't sound like much one at a time, but added together it's a bundle. Buying finishes through the builder is very convenient, but far more costly. The same granite or quartz kitchen counters the builder will install are a thousand dollars more than Lowe's or Home Depot - the very same granite! And you know darn well that the builder is buying them at a contractor's price. The catch is that you must have a countertop in order to close. So if you have them install a basic laminate and choose to replace it with granite of your choosing, then you're paying the new installers extra to remove and haul away the laminate that you didn't want in the first place. Ugh. We've also remembered that we are not HOA people. The neighborhood we are considering is really lovely - it sits on a golf course (we don't golf) and has a community pool, fitness center, etc. Of course, there's a fee for all of that. That fee also includes trash pickup and lawn maintenance. Mickey would never mow again! He likes that. BUT, and for me this is a big but, they control every shrub or tree you might want to plant. No trees with a trunk diameter over 12 inches. They also hit you for $650 every January for maintenance of water and sewer. They're on public sewer and water, so I'm not sure what that covers. Of course, we can always purchase a lot elsewhere and build on that, but odds are that would entail having a well and septic put in and I am not a fan of that at all. The allure of building is that we could control the timeline (pretty much). If we broke ground in September or October could list our house in the spring and make our move. That gives us time to book a moving company and have a schedule that doesn't create panic. Our other options are to keep scouring real estate and jump on a house that meets our needs, list our house, close on our house and the new house in a timely manner, cross our fingers we can hire a reputable moving company on short notice, and drive to Maryland with two cats...or...list our house, close, hire a moving company, drive to Maryland with two cats, put everything in storage, rent a place until we find what we love, then hire movers again to get everything from storage to the new place. I'll be honest, the worst part of both scenarios is the idea of driving with two cats. They may have to be drugged. I'm currently liking this house in Ocean Pines. It's a little wonky-looking, but the interior and the lot are appealing (that dappled shade is perfect for hydrangeas!). I'm crazy about that screened room. https://www.homesnap.com/homes/for_sale/MD/Ocean-Pines/p_(21,21266)/c_38.381705,-75.146285/z_12/m_7,107492455 I've
already decorated it in my mind. It's 5 miles from the beach, the community has 5 pools ( 1 indoor), tennis courts, pickleball courts, walking trails, playgrounds, etc. No hidden fees. Every Saturday there's a farmer's market, and everything we'd need from a good hospital to Home Goods is nearby. The biggest drawback is that it's two hours from the grandgirl. Two hours is much better than our current eleven hours but that's definitely not the easy drop-in we'd hoped for. Arrgh! They'll just have to move. Ha! Alright, I've dumped my brain out on here and I'll leave you to pick through the mess and make sense of it. I have to run out to mail a box, then I'll feed the mister, fold some laundry, and make a couple cards. That's kind of a terrific Tuesday. No complaints from me. Besides, we're now just 89 days from Halloween! The stores have had fake pumpkins out since mid-July, they know the way to my heart. One more reason not to buy a lot outside of a neighborhood- no trick-or-treaters! Can you imagine if this was to be my last official Halloween? Tragedy! Gotta' run. Stay safe. stay well, and be kind to each other. XOXO, Nancy
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jungshookz · 5 years
hi cee !! i just thought of how cute coach!jungkook would be where he trains little kids and one day y/n drops off her little brother at practice and sees this cute new coach and is suddenly volunteering to bring snacks for the next game lol
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➺ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre: if it isn’t obvious by now this is 110% fLUFF, y/n is an obnoxious older sister but we love her, banana milk and animal crackers for everyone!!!!
➺ wordcount: 3.5k
➺ note: hi i want coach!jungkook to hurl a soccer ball at me thanks 
(gif isn’t mine!)
                                       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“alright, twerp.” you crank the brakes before punching the unlock button on the dashboard “get outta my car.”
you push your sunglasses up to the top of your head before turning to look at lucas in the back seat and raising a brow
why is he not moving
“…mommy always walks me to the field.”
oh dear lord
you have places to be and people to sEE
more specifically you have to pick yoongi up at his apartment because you guys are going to watch that new spiderman movie together and you typically like to get there early so that you have more time to decide what you’re going to do in terms of snacks
“well, mommy didn’t drop you off today. sissy did.”
okay quick note: maybe don’T address yourself as sissy ever again
“-big boys walk themselves to the field.” you point out before glancing over at said field “y’know, lu, the world is a big, scary soccer field that you’re going to have to face alone one day…” you sigh and shake your head playfully as you yank the keys out of the ignition
of course you’re going to walk him to the field
you just like messing with him
“-you might as well get a head start now.” you unbuckle your seatbelt before opening the door
“…maybe next year, when i turn 6.” lucas mutters and kicks his legs against the seat
you can’t help but snort at his comment before shutting the door
your parents insist that lucas was planned but let’s be real
he’s more of a… happy accident!
the boy is sixteen years younger than you
he’s 5!
you’re 21!
a sixteen year age gap is never intentIONAL
nevertheless you still love him more than you love yourself
he’s a sweet boy!!!
he actually never went through the whole terrible twos phase and for that you are grateful because you’re pretty sure 18 year old y/n would’ve willingly flung him out the window in a heartbeat
and you know for a fact that he worships you
not reaLLy
but he’s a good little brother and you’re a good older sister and you’re just glad that the two of you get along
you just like acting like he’s a little stiNker all the time because it’s fun seeing him get worked up
“by the way, don’t tell mom i didn’t put your car seat in my car.” you help lucas out of the car before reaching in to grab his bag for him
you were going to be a responsible older sibling and put his car seat in for him but there were so many things to click and clack and lock and pop and honEstly you just didn’t have the energy to put it in your car so you just buckled him in and made sure to drive a little less recklessly
also you didn’t see the point in installing it in your car since this is going to be the only time you’re ever going to drop him off at his soccer practice session
your mom usually drops him off because duh
she’s m o m
but she had an emergency meeting at work and your dad is on a business trip for the entire week which means that yoU have to take care of him for the afternoon
which is fine!
except you made plans with yoongi, as mentioned earlier
which means you need to get this show on the road if you’re going to get back on the road to get to the show  
“okay, as long as you don’t tell mom i threw my grapes away.”
“wha- you threw your grapes away?!” you gawk at lucas as you shove your keys into your pocket “are you kidding me? you could’ve given them to me! those grapes were organic, too! they were the goOD juicy grapes!”
lucas smiles sheepishly before shrugging
kids these days
throwing away their damn juicy organic non-gmo grapes
what a waste!
“what time am i supposed to come and pick you up again?”
“6:30” lucas hums in response as he swings his hand with yours
the movie is set to end at 7
…how mad would your mom be with you if you made lucas wait an extra half hour in the dark for you?
u know what
it’s a risk you’re going to have to be willing to take
you are SO brave
not all heroes wear capes
“any preferences for dinner? mom won’t be home til late so it’s just the two of us.” you glance down at him as the two of you approach the field
there are already a bunch of other kids there with their parents
usually the parents just sit on the side and watch
and you would totally stay and watch but like…
spiderman > watching a group of sweaty 5 year olds running around and tripping over themselves
“mcdonalds!” lucas grins excitedly
he likes it when you’re in charge of dinner because it actually means that he’s in charge of dinner and he aLways likes it when he gets to choose what to eat for dinner
one time he asked for spaghetti tacos and you just gave him spaghetti tacos with no complaint
it’s amazing!
you’re a pushover for him and he knoWs it
“alrighty. but i’m getting the apple slices for you instead of the fries because you threw your grapes out.”
lucas immediately deflates
u win some u lose some
“okay, bud. i’ll see you at 7!” you chirp before dropping to your knees to give lucas a goodbye hug  
“6:30” lucas corrects you smartly and you resist the urge to roll your eyes
you don’t want to miss the ending of spiderman!!!!!!! what if you miss something mAjor that links to the next spiderman movie?!
whaTEver you’ll just watch it again when it eventually gets on netflix
back to business
one huGE perk of being an older sibling is the fact that you get to embarrass your younger siblings any time and anywhere
it’s your given right!
you’ve earned it
…and this is one of those times
“oH i’m going to miss my lulu so much-“ you’re practically suffocating lucas considering how tightly you’re squeezing him and you can’t help but giggle as you squish sloppy kisses to his chubby cheek
you don’t want him to ever grow up because you lovE kissing his cheeks
they were exTra chubby when he was younger
he’s starting to lose some baby fat :’(
lucas whines and starts to shove at your chest “stop it, my friends are watching!!!”
“well they’re just jealous because they don’t have an older sister as cool as-“ you immediately cut yourself off because-
holy SHIT
who the friG is thAT
it’s almost as if time itself slows down when you’re suddenly made aware of this very beautiful human being
warm brown eyes that you can already envision yourself drowning in
a bright bunny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
honey caramel brown hair peeking out from underneath a plain black cap
two small, silver hoops hanging from his ears
he’s wearing a plain black hoodie paired with a pair of plain black shorts but somehow he’s making it look like he just walked straIght off a paris fashion week runway  
he has that boyish quality about him that’s making you weak in your knees
and to top it all off
he’s great with kids
your ovaries are quaking
he laughs and throws his head back before giving one of the boys a fist bump and getting back up on his knees
is it weird that you think his thighs are hot?
…yeah that’s a little weird
get it together
you pull away from lucas before resting back on your heels
you reach out to grasp onto his shoulders to make it seem like you’re having a serious conversation with him because let’s face it this is a very serious conversation
“lu. i’m going to ask you a question, and i want you to answer me honestly.” you look him dead in the eye
“don’t make it obvious, but… is that your coach?” your eyes flicker over his shoulder and lucas whIPS around to look at where you’re looking
way to make it nOt obvious
“mhm! that’s coach jungkook.”
coach jungkook
that has a nice ring to it
he looks to be around your age which is vEry appealing
working man with a stable job
…you’re into it
lucas is obviously blissfully unaware of the way you’re practically drooling over his coach because the next thing you know- “hi coach!!!!!!” lucas waves wildly and starts bouncing up and down excitedly when coach jungkook glances towards your guys’ general direction
you immediately get up off the ground and reach down to dust your knees off
you should’ve worn something cuter had you known lucas’ coach was going to look like that
“hey, buddy!” jungkook leans down to ruffle lucas’ hair when he rushes over to hug his knees “you ready for a fun session?”
you feel your heart skip a beat when he looks up at you and offers you a friendly smile
o god
“hi! i’m jungkook.” he sticks his hand out for you to shake and oH sweet lord even his hands are pretty
“hi…!” you clear your throat and shake his hand briefly “i’m y/n, i’m… uh, i’m lucas’ sister. older sister.”
you’re not sure why you had to throw in that last detail
you’re obviously his older sister you waLNUT
“ah, that makes sense. usually lucas comes with your guys’ mom, so i was just curious… are you going to stay and watch? there’s plenty of space to sit…” he gestures over to where the parents are and you’re about this close to texting yoongi and cancelling your guys’ plans together
“she can’t!” lucas blurts out “-she’s watching spiderman with yoongi!”
uh oh
lucas is blowing your chances with coach jungkook right in front of ur eyES
“yoongi- riGht, yeah, i’m watching spiderman with- lu, why don’t you go and warm up with your friends, hm?” you nudge him a little and he nods before ziPPing right off to join his pals
a beat of silence goes by
“yoongi’s my friend. just my friend.” you clear your throat again before glancing at your watch
“good to know…!” jungkook trails off and purses his lips slightly
this interaction is going downhill vEry fast
“i… should probably go if i’m going to get to the movies on time but thank you for the invitation to stay!” you chuckle lightly and jungkook nods in acknowledgement “i’ll see you later? when i come to pick lucas up? it was nice meeting you��?”
you are a hoT mess
you’re all over the place
why are you phrasing everything as a question?
what’s wrong with you?
you complete moron?  
jungkook can’t help but watch as you jog back to your car
lucas never mentioned an older sister
a very pretty older sister, as a matter of fact
of course, lucas doesn’t really mention anything besides a) soccer, b) snacks, and c) power rangers
very interesting
“how come you’re driving me to practice again?” lucas’ brows knit together in confusion as he looks at you through the front mirror
needless to say he was very much confused when you came to pick him up from school… again
the act of you picking him up from school isn’t weird but usually you only pick him up maybe once every two months
but this is your sixth time picking him up this month
so yeah
it’s a liiiiiittle weird
“because i wanted to give mom… another day off!” you smile brightly and turn on your signal before smoothly swerving to the right and heading down the familiar path to the field
“oh.” lucas nods and slumps back down in his car seat
about five seconds go by before he speaks up again
“how come you have so many drinks and crackers back here?”
your eyes flicker up to the front mirror again and you see him leaning over to look into the huge tote bag sitting next to him
“you know, lu…” you sigh and shake your head “-as your generous, thoughtful, veRy caring older sister, i just want to make sure you have enough energy for practice which is why i took it upon myself to provide nourishment for you and your little friends!”
“…what’s a noorushmint-”
“-just out of curiosity-“ you veer right into your usual parking spot before cranking the brakes
you turn to look at lucas over your shoulder “has coach jungkook… said anything about me?”
“i- oOH banana milk!!!!!!” lucas grins excitedly and pulls one carton out of your bag
here’s the thing
as mentioned earlier this is your sixth time picking lucas up from school and driving him to practice
that means that this is your sixth time seeing jungkook
and each time, he somehow becomes more and more attractive which mEans that you progressively get more and more nervous and awkward-flirty with him each time you see him
every time he looks at you you get all weak in the knees and your palms get sweaty and you end up regurgitating some lame joke about soccer
every time he laughs at your lame jokes about soccer you feel your heart skip a beAt
and you’re obsessed with how attractive he looks when he’s focused on something
he does this thing where he pokes his tongue into his cheek and it just-
oOh it just gets to you
“hey, twerp-“ lucas glances back at you as the two of you start trekking down the grassy hill to get to the field “don’t tell your friends that you already drank a banana milk in the car otherwise they’re going think that i’m playing favourites which i guess i kinda am buT-“
“y/n!” you immediately freeze when you hear jungkook call your name and you neaRly trip over your feet in surprise “-let me help you with that!”
you swallow thickly before offering jungkook a bright smile “hey! oh, that’s so nice of you…” he takes the two tote bags from you eaSily
what the heck
you were out of breath just picking them up and he’s acting as if they’re as light as feathers
you feel your mouth go dry when you catch a glimpse of his biceps flexing
the lord is testing you toDay
“hi coach!” lucas greets enthusiastically
jungkook grins down at lucas before wiggling his brows “someone’s certainly very energetic today-“
“y/n gave me an extra banana milk and i drank it all in thirty seconds!!!!!”
he totally just blew your cover
“you said you wouldn’t tell!” you scold playfully and lucas giggles before dropping his bag to the floor and spRinting over to his friends
“banana milk, huh?” jungkook peeks into one of them before looking over at you
he loves banana milk!!!!!!!!
“banana milk and animal crackers.” you correct and jungkook raises a hand in defence
oh fRick
he loves animal crackers too!!!!!!
you are the girl of his dreams!!!!!!
,.,.,.but like.,,., in a super casual way
because he hasn’t known you for very long
but it’s safe to say that he’s already become veRy fond of you and your company
you’re super friendly
and you’re super funny
and you’re super pretty
it’s also super cute when you’re cheering on for lucas on the sidelines
whenever he scores a goal you jump up and down on your feet and clap suPer excitedly and basically scREAM for him
jungkook loves how supportive you are even though this is a kiddie soccer game and the stakes are so unbelievably low
and his heart melted into a warm puddle that time lucas tripped and scraped his knee and you imMEdiately rushed to his aid
you patched him up and even kissed his boo-boo!!!!!! (lucas was a little embarrassed by that) ((he wouldn’t have minded if u did that at home but u did it in front of all of his bROS and he’s like the resident Cool Guy))
it doesn’t get any cuTEr than that!!!!!!
and jungkook knows that he’s here to coach but he’s finding it vEry hard to do his job whenever you’re around
because you smell like warm vanilla and your laugh is contagious and your smile makes his stomach do flip-flops
and the fact that you brought snacks and drinks for the kids is honestly just the icing on the cakE
“wanna split a banana milk?” jungkook jumps in surprise when he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder
“wh- sorry, what was that? i was, uh, thinking about… stuff.” he clears his throat
talk about s m o o t h
“i put the bag down for five seconds and the kids went wild but i managed to snag one carton without losing an arm.” you snort and poke the straw through the top “you wanna split one with me?”
he knows you’re not a mindreader but it’s taking every single one of his brain cells to try to noT think about how kissable your lips look right now
you turn slightly before holding the carton up for him to take a sip and you just have the cutest smile on your face right now and before he knows it he-
“do you wanna grab dinner sometime?” jungkook blurts out and his eyes widen in surprise when he realises that he just asked you out on a date
cuRse him and his complete lack of fiLTER
your own eyes widen in surprise and you blink owlishly
where did thAt come from
you’re not complaining or anything because yes of couRse you want to go out on a date with jungkook but heLLo where did that come from!!!!!!
“um, i-“
“oh, god. sorry! i’m sorry, that was totally- ah, jeez-“ jungkook groans quietly and reaches up to adjust his hat
“-i’m sorry, you’re just really nice and pretty so i thought-“ he can feel his face burning hotter than the damn sun “-i just feeL like we get along really well even though we don’t really know each other buT we can always get to know each other on a date-“
“-yeah, you’re right about that-“
“-i don’t know what i’m thinking!!! i haven’t gone out on a date in a long time so maybe it’s not a-“
“-jungkook!” you slap a hand over his mouth and he stumbles backwards a little from the impact
“…myeah?” his voice is muffled and you give him a warning look so he shuts up quickly
you pull your hand away before adjusting your cardigan a little “i would… i would love to grab dinner with you sometime.”
“oh!” jungkook’s voice is slightly pitchy and he clears his throat quickly “cool. sick.” he says with a lower voice before sniffing and looking back over at the boys
it’s totally whatever
he’s cool
it’s casual
dinner is casual
he’s like… suuuuper chill about it, bro
“mm. sick, indeed.” you tease lightly before nudging his side “…you still wanna split the banana milk with me or not? because i’m going to inhale this entire thing if you don’t want any.”
(the entire time you and jungkook are taking turns taking sips of the banana milk he can’t help but feel like he’s indirectly kissing u)
((but whatever))
(((he’s like…. suuuuuuper chill about it, brO)))
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drabble masterlist // main masterlist
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
dead man’s party
s1 e03
‘how can shadowhunters be better than what you call mundanes?’ well, the leather jackets and badass tattoos for one thing.
‘kay, clary kinda does have a right to be salty right now, but i gotta defend izzy. she left simon in the van to protect him. bringing a mundane into a fight would have been worse. but alec’s response to her salt is so funny
‘there is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense.’ this is so in character with him, but seriously he could have a little compassion for the guy abducted by vamps
i don’t like clary’s salt anymore. i dunno how to explain it but she’s very hyper. (see ‘oh but there’s like this magic cup i hid on the planet bongo)
‘i can’t turn into what you are overnight’ the first correct thing she’s said all day, well all night really, but who cares? in this universe it’s day for like 5 minutes
alec just wants the mundanes out of his institute right now. ‘what are you, her spokesman now?’. i don’t envy his position, all he wants to do is just report back to the clave so they’re safe from scrutiny. he still hasn’t reported any of this.
RAPHAEL!!!! sorry, i get very excited but s1 raphael doesn’t live up to expectations (possibly cause he dead)
‘kay, i know clary wants to find simon asap but she can’t run into things head-first without a plan (which she keeps doing throughout the show). and if anyone really needs to know why i prefer alec, it’s cause he’s so level-headed, though to be fair, it’s not his best friend that’s been kidnapped.
‘right, seelies have their charms apparently.’ cue jace’s stupid grin. ‘izzy can tell you about them, she’s got a thing.’
raphael has had simon for 10 minutes and he’s already 100% done with him. ‘i really hate fidgeting.’ what would raphael look like with squirrels?
‘kay first point, did simon just throw a knife perfectly right into raphael’s chest? second, has this kid not watched vampire movies?
aight, camille is super creepy but her lines are gold. ‘how sweet. you’re bleeding.’ WHO COMES UP WITH THIS STUFF?!?
‘typical mundane failure of imagination’ hahaha, s1 alec is so salty. where’s magnus, alec needs to light up?
izzy’s so done with her brother being miserable and i love it.
oooh, alec got in trouble with jace.
‘kay, this episode kinda sets the tone for the rest of the season, especially with clace. i mean most of this season is just alec and izzy doing their jobs and jace ‘being there’ for clary. literally every 10 minutes, clary pulls jace from her job to talk about how miserable her life is becoming. whiny clary is boring and annoying
wooah. ‘are you so desperate to get laid that you’d risk killing us?’ yikes, alec, even i know that was a low blow.
‘beloved servant? who puts that on a headstone?’ - yeah, clary wouldn’t know anything about serving others. 
‘don’t touch that, you don’t know how to use it’. haha, that sounds like something i’d say to my brother if he tried to use the electric whisk. 
‘what, like in pandemonium, when i killed that demon?’ technically you held a sword and freaked out when jace shoved the demon into it.
first thing i noticed was alec’s dialogue is super clipped. i replayed the scene a couple times and you can kinda tell that alec’s really resigned to helping clary, probably because he knows it’s only gonna get them into trouble.
okay, jace training clary is giving me pain. its so cliched ugh
also is using a sword really that complicated?
‘could i even do this without you?’ jesus clary, you’re just waving a glowing sword and if she’s friends with simon, chances are she’s watched star wars. personally, i played with mock swords all the time as a kid. it ain’t that hard. but that might just be me.
‘alec doesn’t like anybody’. for the record, that’s true. i’m not sure where, but in the books, cc kinda mentions that alec doesn’t really like people, they just annoy him until they don’t, which is what happened with clary and jace (although personally, idk why she doesn’t annoy him anymore). the cutest thing though is that magnus never annoyed him. so technically, he likes magnus, ‘cept he hasn’t met magnus, yet...
‘why would he help me?’ who’s gonna tell her?
‘there’s no human bond that compares to what alec and i have.’ clary proceeds to compare that bond to her and simon. though, technically in the books, they become parabatai, but that whole plot-line is non-existent in the tv show since simon never becomes a shadowhunter.
simon apologising for trying to murder raphael is really funny
haha, subtlety is not alec’s best asset. no-one would doubt the acting head of the institute if he didn’t look so damn shifty. also, why not just grab the arrows and start runing them literally anywhere else?
hold on, clary can see jace even though he’s using a glamour but not the vampires?
noooo, simon, not camille ugh. watching camille and simon is painful.
again, alec with the unsubtlety. for someone so used to being responsible for jace’s misdemeanours, you’d think he’d be able to lie better. also for someone who’s meant to be like family, no-one seems to really care about hodge’s punishment rune literally scorching him. alec kinda just looks like the guy deserves it (which he does.) 
omg, now he’s antagonising jace and alec’s relationship? bold move. also hodge slapping alec’s neck sounds so painful. like you can literally hear the slaps. but also, i feel like hodge does poke at a very central aspect of alec’s relationship with jace. alec’s always been responsible for his siblings and i can’t blame him if he’s frustrated by it. jace and izzy constantly get to do whatever they want, damn the consequences. except the consequences always seem to damn him, not the others.
how is it that jace can ride a motorbike, but can’t drive a car? i’d assume motorcycles are harder to ride than a van?
again, the soundtrack is flawless and ruelle is a goddess; the song for when they’re on the flying bike is invincible by ruelle
hahah, alec’s little ‘okay’ is slaying me. ‘great job izzy. you have fairy dust on your dress. and i hate being the distraction.’ cue dreamy sighing at grumpy lightwood.
also i love when emeraude toubia’s voice has that accent but the way she says frigging with the accent, chills.
they keep cutting to simon and camille making out, and i don’t wike it. it is gross and creepy. also her neck is bleeding and i’m very unhappy as to where this is going.
i have to admit, it’s surprising how well clary takes to the runes considering jace is literally burning her skin. although, at a certain point, if the heat is high enough, it just feels numb, or cold even. anyway, just to point out that in the books clary doesn’t get any runes until the city of glass. guess that’s impractical for the tv show.
surprise surprise, clary’s ‘not your typical girl’ and doesn’t see the romance in vampires. although it’s not really vampires as much as robert pattinson and i was always a jacob gal. i haven’t really watched all the movies though so don’t @ me, i don’t know enough. on top of that, it’s hard not to see clary as a sort of bella swan. having to deal with a love triangle between a childhood friend and a tall blond stranger and being practically useless in battle, even after she becomes a vamp. nope, no similarity whatsoever.
oh noooo, jace has never been in love. reeally heart-wrenching huh. and it’s not like clary has either. in the books, jace is like her first boyfriend, other than simon but we don’t talk about the disaster that is climon here. call me cynical but falling in love isn’t really that big a deal anyway. a lot of the time it’s just sexual attraction and i really don’t see the fuss. i dunno how to phrase it but clary feeling pity for a loveless jace is kinda icky. 
haha, he doesn’t understand friendship? what’s alec, a distant cousin? cue her comparison of having a parabatai and having a best friend (see ‘there’s no human bond that compares to what alec and i have.’) and besides, you don’t know you’ll die for each other until you actually do. alec would actually die for jace and you see it multiple times throughout the show and vice versa. 
i’m assuming the seraph blade works a lot like a normal sword in which case, again, i think he’s exaggerating the trick bits of it. but again, i grew up playing with pretend swords so....
i love how izzy talks about alec’s feelings while they’re trying to find vampires to distract. a lot of people tend to see this as a complete flip of normal priorities, but casual banter during what would normally be a very stressful situation is really important for me, personally. you finally get to see how izzy, alec and jace have grown up in situations like this, where they don’t know if they’re gonna make it to the next day. and yet they’re talking about their feelings. aaah im overanalysing again. sorry.
again with the banter! i love it. ‘whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword was an idiot.’ ‘when you’re right, you’re right.’ i love one pair of lightwood siblings
izzy looks way too excited to be killing vampires
also kudos to whoever came up with the idea of a whip as a bracelet
alec looks so happy with his arrows. aaaaaaaaaa!
okay, i love how clary kicks that vamp in the balls, but why doesn’t she just stab him? and why doesn’t she have her blade out yet? jace has to literally remind her, ‘hey you have a glowy sword in your back pocket’. this matchstick irritates me so much.
my archer boy has returned. am i the only one who thinks he was tempted to just shoot through clary? maybe it’s just me. also, you have to commend how alec thinks on his feet. i mean who’d have thought to nail an arrow through the wall to kill that vamp.
‘i killed him.’ ‘he was already dead.’ THAT’S STILL MURDER JACE! that’s what i don’t like about the shadow hunters, and it’s not just jace too. they all think that downworlders are somehow lesser beings because of their blood, but im guessing that most of them didn’t ask to be vamps or werewolves or warlocks and most shadowhunters (i.e. jace) were brought up to believe that blood somehow makes you a lesser being. that’s what i hate about shadow hunter society. but clary? she just falls into the same beliefs despite her father figure being a werewolf and her best friend being a vampire. she’s introduced to this world of angels and demons, she sees the discrimination that occurs and is silent about it, until simon becomes a vamp. reason #14 as to why i dislike clary
im sorry, but i laughed so hard when clary said, ‘thanks, but it’s not about me.’ for the record, alec had to save her from that vampire and the second one had already been punched to the floor by jace. also my tol bean is just standing in the back, waiting for this shitstorm of a mission to be over.
simon keeps punching the wrong people man. stop messing with raphael. also i love how raphael keeps thinking of the long game. camille is going to endanger the whole clan with the way she keeps breaking the accords and antagonising the clave. for non-book stans, raphael doesn’t particularly care about...well, anyone. except his clan. he cares about his own vampires, protects them like they’re his family and that’s only part of the reason why i love raph. the other reason is that his annoyance with other people is really funny for me.
i know the scene of the 3.5 shadowhunters walking in sync is meant to be like this cool badass scene, but i can’t help laughing at how they’re all dressed in black and izzy’s in this hot pink mini dress. we stan one queen.
watching climon is physically painful for me. i hate unreciprocated love.
watching jace and alec fight is physically painful for me. i hate family conflict
izzy just walks away, which is such a youngest sibling thing to do.
‘i’m older than you jace. i’m not in your shadow.’ aaaaaaaaaa my baby, noooo
‘if you really feel that way about her, why’d you help us tonight?’ JACE, YOU ACTUAL MORON. now that that’s out of my system, he is such a moron. first of all, if that mission went south, that would all have been on alec. this episode actually had me start disliking jace. in his race to help clary, he’s undervaluing the role alec plays in saving their asses. sure, alec’s not the strongest, or the fastest, or the fiercest. but when the clave comes down to rip them a new one, jace can’t save them. shadowhunters, just like police officers, have to follow the law. they have to think objectively and so far, alec’s the only one who’s been doing that. jace can fight vampires and demons all day, but he can’t fight the clave.
well, that episode was a hot mess. numero 4 coming up soon.
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
Most underrated character in the series??? If it's too hard, list three you think deserve more screentime! <3
I’mma answer BOTH of these, because I know EXACTLY who is the most underrated character imo, AND I have three other characters who I wish had more screentime!
Most Underrated Character in the show, in my humble opinion is...
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He was an absolute KING! He’s probably the best frigging antagonist that Phineas and the gang have ever faced, and NO ONE TALKS ABOUT HIM! No one talks about how this shitty overlord of a capitalist actually managed to PISS PHINEAS OFF! This episode isn’t even a special - and it’s one of the few times Phineas is anything but happy. You wanna know why? THIS GUY!
Mittington Random had bite, he was fun, he had CLASS, he was a total asshole, he was willing to KIDNAP CHILDREN and an ENDANGERED SPECIES OF LIVING FABRIC and he did this all with a charismatic grin, I love this son of a bitch and I’m sad we never got another episode with this cad!
But as much as I love and adore this man, and know he deserved to be the main antagonist of a movie, and is the PERFECT antithesis of Phineas himself (a man who uses his skills to get himself some cash and doesn’t care WHO he steps on to get that achievement), here are some other characters I wish had more time to shine:
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Not necessarily with Isabella - I would’ve loved an episode that showcased them as a group WITHOUT Isabella being there. I love Isabella as a Fireside Girl, but the focus is usually set on either her, or Ginger - sometimes Gretchen and Adyson. Where’s my love for Milly, Holly, and...uh...the blonde one-KATIE! Yeah! Katie is her name! Yes...yeah...
But yeah, these girls have enough personality and quirks to hold their own, without Isabella necessarily being there. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have wanted more Isabella and the Fireside Girls episodes, because I love all of them, but like - if Irving and Baljeet can have their own episodes, why not them?
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I must reiterate how much of a lost opportunity it was for these two to never have another major role in an episode again? We saw them in the background a couple times, but like - they’re perfect antagonistic foils. Come to think of it, what would their “gang” look like - where’s the Thaddeus and Thor versions of Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, heck, even IRVING? I wanna see that episode.
And finally, of course:
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Django Brown. He and his sister were ROBBED, they need more screentime, end of story. Like, he was the ORIGINAL sixth ranger of the PnF Gang, and while I love Irving, it doesn’t change the fact that he basically stole that spot from him. And the show doesn’t even FORGET about Django - to pour salt into the wound, we see him multiple times in the background, and even participating in some of Phineas and Ferb’s adventures but with little to no major role. Heck, I’ve literally seen him on a page of a PnF comic where it looked like he HAD a role in it, BUT WE NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN IN IT! It’s like - they KNOW!
I can only guess that they stopped using Django in the main scheme of things because they no longer thought him to be necessary - probably because Django isn’t as interesting as other characters, sadly. But that’s no excuse! They should’ve MADE him more interesting, this kid has so much potential! His sister is a flipping HIPPIE for heaven’s sake! He’s an artist! Artists are fun to write! Heck, he’s also a contortionist, that joke was hilarious, ya’ll can’t tell me they couldn’t come up with fun stuff to do with this nerd!
So yeah. That’s my two cents. Once again, Mittington Random deserves more FRIGGING attention from the fandom, like, COME ON PEOPLE! Where’s my Random love?!
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