#green eyes (kryptonite)
arrowheadedbitch · 6 months
I might have to make a timkon one-shot about my au bc I just realized that a kryptonite metaphor would be SO perfect for Tim's powers in my au
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tanglepelt · 7 months
Dp x dc idea 165
Super Danny decided that amity was too small. He was a hero. He was needed elsewhere.
Super Danny ends up in metropolis. Kryptonite is ectoranium. In this ectoranium works the same as kyrptonite. Potential mistaken identity.
Then sam and tucker eventually come to hunt super Danny down. Fun Danny in tow. They need to merge the two back into one. They just have to catch super Danny first.
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undercookedcatgut · 4 months
I headcannon that Superman is weak to the color green. You know how in dcxdp fics sometimes ectoplasm and kryptonite are one in the same? Or even simply when ecto affects supes? And the reasoning to that connection is because theyre both GREEN. SO what if kryptonite is just rocks painted luminescent green and no has told superman. Like if someone painted a bullet with some cheap green paint that's practically flaking off the surface and just, shoots superman, it works? No ones tried it ofc because why would they. It's a closely guarded secret by the justice league. Superman is the only one not in the know. Even the other supers know. (It typically works better when the paint is either glow in the dark or luminescent) Superman is confused why they won't let him touch the glow in the dark sticky notes (that just so happen to be green) they look so cool! He wants one too :(
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ftvs-cm45 · 9 months
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Clark Views the File
And discovers his weakness
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the-boy-who-flew · 2 months
When my favourite character is the funny character that eats as much as they can when they’re older cause they were homeless and weren’t able to eat enough as kids.
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dankgemestho · 9 months
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Thinking about Hazel Eyed Damian...
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luthwhore · 11 months
I'm curious about people's preferences, since the comics aren't always consistent with his eye color.
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cro-crocuta · 9 months
So I created Chlolucian (or Chlolu), my own ridiculously overpowered alien superhero with kryptonite flowing in his veins, as well as a parody of a certain well-known superdude. And he protects - for a change - Warsaw and not some real or made-up American city 🤷‍♀️
Also no cape, because that s*it is begging to be grabbed during a fight even if it looks cool.
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PS. Okay he's not entirely a parody, there is a strong element of seriousness to his story
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moneypriestess · 4 months
It starts with the usual 'Justice League has to summon the Ghost King to battle a world-ending threat.' Stick. They decided to do it in the Fortress of Solitude, which took some time to convince Clark to do, but it was the only place that had the possibility to hold the Ghost King if he went off the rocks, especially with all the added protection John did.
So, most of the Justice Leaguers and their sidekicks stood on the outskirts of the giant summoning circle and watched as it glowed a bright luminescent green, and the middle of the circle disappeared, replaced by a hole that, from Superman's place as he hovered a few feet above the ground, looked like a never-ending waterfall of green liquid.
A few minutes passed as everyone held their breath before the waterfall started moving up. Like a volcano, the luminescent liquid shot up and hit the ceiling, falling into drops around everyone. From the water, a shadowy figure appeared, giant and making the water glow brighter with their presence.
For a few seconds after the glowing fountain continued erupting until stopping suddenly and falling back into the hole, a giant eldritch figure revealed as the hole closed up under it.
It looked sort of humanoid, but the most eye-catching thing was its skin. It looked like the galaxy—stars and constellations, planets, and meteors—the being looked like it was made from the galaxy. The stars and planets spun across its skin? And atop his head were wispy white locks, not held down by gravity and flowing with the air in the confined space. On his back was a long cape that reached the floor, and he (it? She? Did gods have a gender, because this being looked more like a god than Zeus did) bent his legs at an angle to not bump his head against the ice roof.
Everyone watched with bated breath as the king, the being, the god reached inside his cape and seemingly grabbed something, coming out with a clenched fist and slowly moving it towards the youngest Robin, the child. Batman barely had any time to swoop in front of his son when the eldritch being opened his hand, and right there, in his palm.
A lollipop.
A green crystal lollipop that made superman fall from his place in the sky and Jon back away from his friend with a pained expression.
The ghost king just gave robin a freaking kryptonite lollipop.
Meanwhile, danny is just wondering why the child touched by death won't take the treat.
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confessedlyfannish · 8 months
DP x DC Prompt #6
Phantom is sitting at the Batcomputer, kicking his legs back and forth. With the seat last set for Batman's height, his feet barely skim the ground. He's propped his head up with one hand, examining something he is holding between his thumb and forefinger in the other.
He is very casual for someone who has never been told the location of the Batcave.
"Phantom," Batman grunts. Phantom doesn't glance his way, likely having heard the Batmobile pulling in.
"Hi Bruce," he says. "I had a nightmare last night."
It's important to note that The Justice League does not know Phantom's true age, although there are several theories:
Theory One: he is a ghost dating back to several thousand BCE. The proof of this is sparse but present, through written record of beings with white hair and green eyes and uncanny likenesses found in artifacts proven to be authentic. Could these truly be Phantom? Yes. However, there is
Theory Two: he is a teenager, as his visual presence suggests. This could be true even if his existence is thousands of years old, as his mentality might not have advanced beyond that of a child aged fourteen to sixteen when they died. This is supported by his general behavior and advanced knowledge of memes. The few times he and Red Robin have interacted, Bruce did not understand a word of it without extensive googling. But worse, of course, there is
Theory Three: Phantom is the age of his first recorded appearance in modern times, only a few years ago. Phantom's recorded appearances in the past were sparse compared to his consistent existence in this century, which could hint at a timestream accident similar to Bruce's own, if they are real. And ultimately, this would not be the first time a two year old presented as a teenager in form.
Two out of three options propose Phantom is a child, and so Batman's tone is gentle when he says,
"Did you?"
"Yeah," Phantom says, words almost a sigh. Whatever is in his hand catches in the lamp light, shining green.
It's kryptonite. Phantom is holding a shard of kryptonite.
"Sorry." Phantom twirls his chair around to face Bruce. He holds the shard out in his palm. "I called you Bruce, didn't I? I know you hadn't told me yet."
"That's okay," Bruce says. He takes the shard calmly, his suit's layered biometrics disguising the fact his heart is racing. He recognizes this chunk from his stores, kept in the secure, deepest, impenetrable section of the cave coded to his DNA alone.
He's been aware Phantom's powers include invisibility and intangibility, but the ghost has been benevolent, honorable, and heroic since introduced and he had allowed his guard to slip. All it would've taken is being tailed one time, and now he must rely on that benevolence.
"And I'm sorry about that," Phantom says, nodding at the belt Batman has tucked the kryptonite inside. It will do nothing to stop Phantom should he decide to pluck it away again, but kept out of sight in a lead-lined pouch still feels safer than out in the open.
"I needed to make a point." Phantom says. The words are threatening but his tone is not.
"Oh?" Bruce asks, wary nonetheless.
"I'm really strong," Phantom says. "I can walk through walls. I can disappear. I can fly. I can blast and freeze stuff. I don't need to breathe. Traditional weapons don't really work on me."
"I can duplicate," a voice says from behind Bruce. He whirls around, batarang in hand, to see another Phantom rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "That duplicate will have all the same powers," the doppelganger says, apologetically. He floats back over to the Phantom sitting on the chair and the two merge.
"I have bad powers too, ones I don't like to use. I can scream at things until they fall apart, even buildings. I can...I can possess people, and make them do things," he admits, unable to look Batman in the eye. "It's not that all ghosts are like this, pretty much all of them aren't, it's just that I'm one of the stronger ones, and I'm only going to get stronger, and the stronger I get, the more powers I might get, and the less weapons even made especially to fight ghosts will work on me."
None of this is phrased as a threat, but rather a confession.
"Why are you telling me this?" Batman asks.
"I had a nightmare," Phantom repeats weakly. He reaches under the computer table and pulls out a purple JanSport backpack, cotton dirty and frayed with use. He unzips the front pocket and pulls out a small plastic baggy. He offers the baggy to Batman, his hand shaking.
Batman takes the baggy, examining the contents. Inside are six tiny little dots. They look like poppy seeds, but held up to the light are a deep purple in color.
"Phantom, what are these?"
"Hemo Prunus," Danny says, eyes stuck on the baggy. He's paler than usual. "Colloquially: blood blossoms. At the time they were grown it was believed they required drops of blood to grow, but a friend of mine who likes plants thinks it's more likely they actually just like a higher quantity of iron in their soil. You know, truths found in witch's tales and stuff like that. I don't know much about their care beyond that but I do know they were grown previously in Salem in the late 1600s, early 1700s during their summer seasons with some amount of success so perhaps you can mimic that environment and go from there. From what I've gathered they're incredibly difficult to grow, but I figure if anyone can do it it's you."
"I'm not exactly the gardening type," Batman says dryly.
Phantom laughs faintly. He looks like he's about to pass out, which should be impossible and is not the correct reaction to gifting someone a rare piece of flora.
"Phantom," Batman says again, slowly. "What are these?"
"They're my kryptonite."
Bruce closes his fist over the bag immediately, taking several steps back to put distance between himself and Phantom. "Are you alright?" he asks sharply.
"I'm fine," Phantom says, waving a hand. "As seeds they just sting a little, like nettles."
That's not the reaction of someone being lightly stung, Bruce thinks. Phantom looks like he needs the chair he's sitting in just to stay upright.
Then the rest of his words click together.
"You're giving me these," Bruce says.
"Yes," Phantom says. "For safekeeping."
"To grow."
Phantom's smile fades. "For safekeeping," he says, looking at Bruce's belt. Where he has stored the kryptonite.
The enormity of what Phantom is entrusting him with hits Bruce like a ton of bricks, and he finally realizes that Phantom is not sick but terrified. He is quietly, deeply, terrified. Bruce also realizes that a reaction like that is not born out of fear of the unknown but is the reaction of someone who has felt the sting of the bee and felt their throat close up. At some point Phantom has felt the blood blossom flower, and the sheer memory of it is enough to make the ghost go almost catatonic with terror.
And he has still handed over the one weapon that can hurt him to the Batman, and told him all he knows on how to make more.
I had a nightmare.
"Is this all of it?" Bruce asks, the question coming out brusquer than intended. Phantom blinks.
"Yes, I'm sorry, that's all I could--yes that's all," he stammers.
Bruce shakes his head. "I mean, does anyone else have access to it? Is anyone else growing this that we should be aware of?"
Phantom can't mask a sudden shudder, his reactions always woefully transparent (pun not intended). "No, that's the last of it. No. No. I don't think," his eyes grow wider, "I don't think so," he whispers, to himself, an attempt at comfort.
Way to go, Bruce, a familiar voice whispers, you just scared the kid harder. Bruce drops the packet on a table beside him and strides forward to put a firm hand on Phantom's shoulder.
"I'll make sure of it," he says. He'll pull Kal in and together they'll make sure, the same way they raided every GiW base across the United States four months prior. Phantom looks up at him the same way he did then, with complete and utter trust.
"Thank you," he says quietly. "But if you do...if you do find any more, promise me you won't destroy it. Promise me you'll keep it, the same way you keep the kryptonite. Please, Bruce."
He's not just asking him to keep it. Another weight finds its place, settling on the Bat's shoulders like the cape he wears. Another contingency for a hero he fears will one day be a dear friend.
"I promise, Phantom."
"Danny," Phantom says, "My name is Danny. A name for a name, right?"
"Danny," Bruce says, heart growing ever heavier. "I promise."
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Danny is cold.
The numbness at his fingertips, nipping and just off from painful, had spread down to his forearms. Frostbite is inevitable—a sickly purplish blue that reached across each knuckle like night fading into day, unfeeling as they brush against blades of wet grass. Each digit trembles and shakes as if feeling tremors of an earthquake days in advance.
Each puff of air crystallizes the moment they leave his mouth before quickly melting away again, little clouds that, back when Danny could be a kid again, smiling ever-so brightly, he would have been amused by. Giddy even.
But now? Now it just solidifies the fact that he’s sick. Deathly ill from something outside any of their control.
Nothing is working thus far. The ghosts have noticed long since it first began, and are working alongside humans to bring back their resident nuisance in sake of continuing this little back-and-forth they’ve perfected throughout the years. Mom and Dad are suspicious, of course, but are willing to try anything.
Today, Danny sits in bed, shivering from head to toe underneath at least three layers of blanket.
Frostbite (the yeti) knocked before entering, holding a small bowl in hand. He appears older than he has ever looked, from stress no doubt, yet there is hope within those eyes.
“Little lord,” he began, and if Danny could groan he would. Every since the defeat of the late ghost king, he’s been called that by every yeti that’s crossed paths with him. “We have a new medicine for you to try. Can you sit up?”
Danny whimpered a little at the mere prospect of moving but goes to anyway. He slowly arose from his laid down position, rocking a little.
Frostbite brought the bowl to his lips and ever-so delicately tipped it, having what his prying gaze caught as bright green dust slide down his throat. And only pulled away when half of it was eaten.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel…” Danny had to take a moment to process the slowly regaining feeling of his arms. “Warm.”
Amazed, he turned toward the yeti. “What was that?”
Frostbite—who was beaming with relief—chuckled, far too emotion for any cryptic messaging within his next words. “Kryptonite. We’ve just now found it on Earth, from some place called Metropolis. It’s incredibly rare in the Ghost Zone, so finding it here is nothing short from a miracle.”
The Justice League doesn't know why there's a sudden influx of extra dimensional entities attacking various Superman villains and stealing their stashes of kryptonite, but there's no way this situation is going to end pleasantly. Frostbite instructed all of Phantom's rogues gallery to track down and collect kryptonite.
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medusas-graveyard · 1 year
Rogue Problem
Skulker laughed victorious as he hover over Superman. Johny, Kitty, and Ember equally had a smug look.
The Justice League watched in disbelief as this unknown entity had somehow defeated one of their strongest member, somewhat in disarray on figuring out how to defeat them.
Cue the static voice of a young male, standing on a building not far from the wreckage. "Why don't you try picking a fight with someone your own species?" The teenager(?) Snarled, his eyes glowing a toxic shade of kryptonite green.
'Who the hell is that?' one may ask, a question not uncommon when in regards of the teenager.
"Kid, it's not safe here!" A League member yelled (green lantern?), Earning an eyebrow raise and folded arms from the younger.
"you humans are absolute idiots" he snarked back, rolling his eyes; he's going to have a headache explaining to his dad Batman.
Yep. A headache.
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superbat-love · 6 months
Clark: Bruce, if we ever have kids together, do you think he’d look like the both of us?
In the background, Hal spits out his coffee. Wally starts to laugh until Bruce gives him a dark look.
Clark: Come on Bruce, aren’t you even a little bit curious?
Bruce: Have you been exposed to silver kryptonite and didn’t tell me again?
Diana: [clapping both of them on the shoulder] I think he’d be a handsome blue-eyed warrior just like his dads!
Wally: No way, this league already has too many dark-haired and blue-eyed superheroes. He should be a redhead with bright green eyes!
Clark: Hmm, I don’t think he’d be a redhead. Green eyes though…Bruce, didn’t your great-grandmother have green eyes?
Hal: Or you’d have a girl, and she’d be as huge as the both of you and look like Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. No man would ever dare to date her.
Clark: [angrily stands up] You take that back, Hal Jordan! How dare you insult my daughter! She’ll always be the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes!
Bruce: Calm down, Clark, we don’t have a biological daughter. But I’m sure if we were ever to miraculously have one, Clarice would be able to throw any man who insults her out the window.
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dannyphantom-zero · 4 months
Doctor Danny Prompt
Danny Fenton is largely regarded as an ignorant slacker as a result of his schoolwork and study time consistently being interrupted by ghost attacks. Thankfully after Danny is crowned high king of the ghost zone he is able to reign the ghosts in and makes them all swear an oath not to cause trouble, they are still allowed to visit the human world of coarse, some even mask themselves as human and lead ordinary loves even while being dead.
With more time on his hands and little to no ghosts attacks Danny misses the rush he used to get. Then one day a man collapsed in front of him, Danny is able to save the man using CPR and he discovers his new affinity. Medical practice.
Danny goes to college and gets into a hospital as a resident after interning, not long after though the Amity Park hospital closes due to lack of funding and he is forced to find another hospital.
He got a good recommendation from his previous hospital to work at a hospital in Gotham, definitely far from home, but he doesn't let that stop him.
Soon after working there he finds the influx of patients to care for refreshing, he becomes widely known as a genius miracle doctor.
One day he's taking a leisurely walk when he found an injured vigilante, the Red Hood, hes not conscious and therefore unable to give consent for treatment. Danny cares for Red Hoods injuries privately away from a hospital so as to keep the vigilantes identity a secret.
Red Hood is cautious and rude at first, but slowly he learns to open up to the doctor and even get continuously treated by Danny.
Danny is just finishing a shift when he hears about Superman being shot with a kryptonite bullet. Despite using his powers occasionally to treat patients, he's been able to keep his ghost gene a secret.
However that's about to change. He arrives on the seen and pushes his way through the police using a bit of his powers discreetly to get through.
The heroes aren't sure what to do.
"My name's Daniel Fenton, I am an attending physician at Gotham General Hospital, I specialize in supernatural anatomy, Cardiology and Endocrinology"
"All due respect doctor, his skin is impenetrable, you won't be able to operate on him"
Danny kept a cool face.
"That would be true for a normal human, I can't explain right now, every moment we wait is time we could be using to save the patient"
Danny used his ghost powers to see inside Superman body.
Several heroes gasped as they witnessed the doctors eyes turn a glowing green and then his arm became transparent. Danny stick his hand on Superman chest and pulled out the bullet.
As soon as the bullet was out Superman's skin began healing and restoring itself.
Danny let out a breath of relief before letting the superheroes escort him to the hall of justice where they sat with him.
"I would like to begin with we all can't thank you enough Dr" Batman said.
"wow, Mr tall dark and broody is being nice" flash whispered.
"Yes but I'm sure you still have questions for me."
Several heads nodded.
"are you of an alien race?"
Danny chuckled.
"No, nothing like that. My parents were scientists who were obsessed with the study of the paranormal, specifically ghosts. When I was young, around the age of fourteen I would say, my friends convinced me to go inside the newly constructed portal shell that my parents had tested earlier that day."
He paused waiting for them to take in his words before continuing.
"It had failed to operate then so I went in thinking it was safe. I was wrong. My parents had unknowingly instilled the charge to start the portal on the inside of the shell. I didn't know it was even there until I tripped on some tangled exposed wire and my hand pressed it"
"did it hurt?" Flash asked. He got a few dirty looks for that question but Danny just gave him a friendly smile.
"in a word, yes. It was excruciating. I was electrocuted for a half a minute. On top of that I had accidentally started the charge to the portal shell while being inside. This caused an outside substance called ectoplasm to enter my DNA sequence permanently changing it"
"ectoplasm" Batman muttered.
"in simpler terms, I'm half ghost."
"That's not possible! You would have to be half dead to be-" Flashs words were silenced with a swift smack to the back of the head by wonder women.
"Yes, I am technically half dead. I had to battle these ghost entities for a while to make sure they didn't wreck havoc in the small town o grew up in."
"Forgive me, but of that's true why aren't you there now"
Danny chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck a little nervous of their soon to be reactions.
"After I was forced to defeat the current ghost king and put him back onto the sarcophagus of forever sleep, the title became mine. I gained respect and control over the ghosts who were causing trouble amd was able to make them stop"
"Your a king" Batman stated.
"i don't refer to myself as such, on truth many ghosts helped imprison the old king, I received the title on a technicality."
He looked down at his hands.
"after the peace had settled in I had begun to feel as though a part of me was missing so I took up the career I have currently."
He smiled at them sweetly as he explained.
"My battle instincts help me when I'm in a crisis situation with a critical patient. With my powers I can calm them and safely restrain them if need be. As you saw today I can also better treat meta humans and alien races with these abilities as well"
"you went from being a hero to being a doctor, that's commendable"
Danny shook his head.
"Not really. I'm doing a selfless thing for selfish reasons"
The league smiled upon him. From then on he was world renowned for his worldly expertise and protected.
Should I make this into a whole fanfiction or not? Because I want to go into more detail but I want to know what you all think first.
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the-technocracy · 2 years
Dream.ai Series: 013.
Visions of Red & Green.
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Was tinkering around a little with what photorealistic stuff I could get from Dream.ai and, me being me, I set about seeing what lovely redhead models it could create. There were some that didn't turn out well at all, but when the AI got it right. . .wow, it sure got it right!
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The above image is probably my favourite in this set. You can't even see the woman to whom this eye belongs, but, by Lucifer's Flaming Sword, the level of detail is astonishing!
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The above image I was also very impressed with, mostly because she bears more than a striking resemblance to my geek crush, Gillian Anderson.
I dunno, I think she does!
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flamingpudding · 4 months
I just got done reading the prompt that I asked you about and it's wonderful thank you so much and if you're okay with it I'm here to help you make a part two but if you don't want to do that that's okay I'm just adding some bonus to it.
I'm just imagining Danny full Ghost King attire showing up with two things to cookies one with kryptonite in them cuz I love the head can of ghosts eating good tonight like candy and the other set a normal batch of chocolate chip cookies. Looking down Young Justice being like in the most Patrick electric entity sounding voice with a country accent "I'm so just the cutest oddiest little berries on the bush" (sorry just speaking in my little country Danny headcannon)
But I can also see Danny being embarrassing for Klarion. Danny sit down the two trains of cookies Evan just start hugging and kissing his son on his head like the embarrassing mom he is talking about how he's so skinny and he should eat more. Also really nice to Young Justice it's like them realizing they just might by the end of the day be adopted by enemies mom.
Justice League is getting to the location ready to fight and do what they can just for a Young Justice member with a cookie in hand to walk up and explain and tell them to play along for free cookies.
RedRobin badly wants to try one of the kryptonite cookies to see what it would do if he ate it. Klarion keeps stopping him because as much as he doesn't like them he doesn't want RedRobin to die.
Who I'm just adding on a couple of things really love your writing though oh yeah what are your pronouns so I can know to refer to you as just asking.
So glad you liked it and no problem i don't mind at all. I was thinking about adding a part two honestly. Well then lets continue the shenanigans. I hope this part two won't disappoint either. And out of courtesy for once added people who asked for tags in the comments. Don't get used to it. I usually don't to tags. This is an exception for this awesome prompt idea.
The moment a Lazarus green portal started to open in the Living Room, Red Robin suffered a small, probably slightly traumatic, flashbacks to all the times he had seen the Lazarus Pits, but before he could even react Klarion tackled him to the ground with a distinctive hiss of "Play alone." His friends, the traitors, had managed to doge Klarion. Impulse had simple used his speed to step aside and Superboy apparently had headed a warning. Wonder Girl hadn't even been in the path of Klarions tackle. So this was why Red Robin was currently the only one getting sort of wrestled and put into a headlock on the ground in a hold he knew he could easily get out of but was to distracted by the ceiling high, eldritch as well as royal looking being stepped out of it.
The portal closed behind that being and Red Robin swallowed seeing six eyes in inky black that mirrored the night sky blink down at them.
"Klarion?" The static voice ringed in their ears and from the corner of his eyes Red Robin saw Superboy flinch visibly.
"Mom! Your early!" Red Robins head hit the floor as Klarion suddenly let him go to greet the being that's apparently his mother. He glared at the witch boy for that as he sat up and rubbed his had.
"Oh my, sorry my dear." Superboy flinched again, and Red robin could hear Impulse whispering to Wonder Girl if he was the only one seeing four mouths talk at the same time. Klarion appeared to have it heard to as he send them a quick glare over his shoulder before turning back to his mother.
"Mom, could you tune down on the eldritch?" Red Robin blinked stunned before seeing the bing apparently blush green in embarrassment and its form changing until there stood a man, about Red Hoods height still with a floating crown and a royal cape, but at least more human like and resembling Klarion but with more blueish skin before them.
"Sorry baby, I thought my royal appearance would make a better first impression." The man pinched the witch boys cheek lovingly, to witch Klarion whined out a drawn out "Mom."
The four young heroes couldn't help but stare, was that seriously their villain Klarion? The one that tried to cause chaos and make their lives difficult on regular basis?
"Klarion. Why is there a magic barrier around your apartment." The man in royal clothing suddenly asked and they blinked seeing Klarion flinch and laugh nervously. "Oh you know mom, keeping the bonding in one place so other mortals won't be bothered." To which the man cooed. He cooed!
"Bonding? What bonding?" The four heroes echoed blinked and exchanged stunned and confused looks. Bonding? What Bonding? What were they talking about? Sure they hadn't gotten a lot of explanations out of Klarion before that portal opened and apparently his entire act about his mother visiting was the true. It was clear that the witch boy's mother was some kind of other worldly being but it looked like there was more to it. Also considering the royal like outfit and the grown.... did that mean that they had been dealing with a prince of some kind as villain the entire time.
Suddenly the man bristled turning to glare at them back in his eldritch form towering over them. "Are you telling me you mortals have been ignoring my sons bonding?! And that is why my son's bonds don't appear to be properly formed?!"
They flinched back staring at that being that was now back to locking eldritch horror like with a crown and royal cape. Their eyes were locked onto the being, only distantly they realised that Klarion was pulling on his mother hissing something that sounded very much just like static to their ears. It to a while longer but finally the being drew back staring what sounded like a static filled discussion with Klarion and Impulse was pretty sure he had been ready to sully himself if it had taken any longer,
Apparently Klarion and his mother finished their exchanged as they both turned to them, his mom now again more human like looking. "Mom these are my friends. The punk looking guy is Superboy the half alien, Red Robin the one in red and black, you know Dinner boy. Impulse from the Flash-Clan and Wonder Girl one of the Amazonian. Guys this is my mom, Ghost King of the Infinite Realms."
Red Robin couldn't help the eye twitch at his introduction, he also noticed that Impulse flinched back as the mans eyes locked onto him and he didn't need Superboy's confirmation of having heard a grumble about 'why did it have to be a speedster'. Great so this eldritch being, apparently King and most likely a danger and possible hostile did not like one of them already. Why did Klarion ask them to play pretend friends again?
"Well I will be, you have quiet the colourful and oddest batch of fleshy mortals here." The man grinned at them, that were sharp teeth the four heroes observed. "Titles are a bit stuffy, feel free to call me Danny kids. Now come here. I brought some cookies with me."
Before they knew it the four of them were seated on the couch with a huge plate of cookies on the coffee table before them. The four of them blinked at the two kinds of cookies. Impulse was already reaching out to them fearlessly but Wonder Girl had the foresight to stop their friend for the moment. Superboy on the other hand appeared to look quiet queasy and was slowly turning green to the worry of Red robin. They noticed Klarion turning towards his Mom when he took note of this. "Mom! I have a Kryptonian friend! Why did you bring cookies with kryptonite chunks! Look! Superboy is turning green just looking at them."
The Ghost King, now known by the name Danny to them, appeared to be waving his son. "Oh he will be fine in a moment its not enough to completely bother his species, he will just be more human like till you ate all of them. These ones are more for you anyway, you are way to thin lately." Danny then turned to them with a smile. "Please feel free to eat the chuckles chip once. I can guarantee they are human friendly. My sister helped me make them. She is a liminal human."
That was all Impulse needed to rip his wrist free and stuff the first of the chocolate chips cookies into his mouth. "They are good!"
Danny smiled at them satisfied, and with that out of the way started to make small talk with them while also embarrassing his son with occasional comments like. "Oh you should have seen when Klarion first got Teekl." Or "He nearly burned down our entire castle when he started actually learning magic." Or "He used to be such a grumpy adult until he deaged and became such a cute grumpy little baby boy. Want to see photos?"
They never got to see photos to Wonder Girls disappointment. Klarion managed to cut in between suffering embarrassment and glaring at them for encouraging his mother to tell more embarrasing stories and forced the portal, his mother was going to reach into for the photos, to close.
By now the teens have become more relaxed around Danny. The man had a friendly charm to him and genuinely showed an interest in them as well as in the well bing of his son. They could understand why Klarion didn't want to disappoint a parent like that. They snacked on the cookies and Red Robin watched with interest whenever Klarion and Danny reached for one of the cookies with green Kryptonite chunks. Danny had mentioned off handedly in one of his stories of Klarion that they both used to be normal humans. Red Robin was very interested in this right now.
Suddenly Superboy elbowed Impulse and Red Robin, having caught the movement turned to them with an arched eyebrow. "Mentors." The other mouthed to them and they sighed, of course their mentors would show up sooner or later. They shared a glance and Red Robin took on the task to subtitle inform Klarion since they were sitting next to each other when Impulse excused himself to a toilet break shortly.
Red Robin used that quick distraction to reach towards the cookie plate.
Meanwhile Impulse came to a stop in front of the front door stopped by his foot from slamming shut behind him again, thankfully Klarion had removed his magic barrier that could have made this difficult. He had one cookie in hand and grinned up at their mentors and the Justice League Dark members.
"Hi everyone!" He greeted them cheerfully, taking a bite of his cookie.
"Impulse? Are you okay? What happened?!" Flash was instantly on the teen checking him over for any sort of injury. They were prepared to fight since Deadman had reported the location where the Ghost King had appeared. They had chosen to halt their search for the missing teens for the moment but had paled when Superman had mentioned he was hearing their voices from the same location.
"Oh i am fine! Great even. Did you know that there are other dimensions that have melon flavoured chips?" Impulse easily answered grinning. "Also you might wanna dile back on the battle ready aura you guys radiate. Klarions mom is visiting, pretty awesome guy."
"Klarion? The witch boy?" Wonder Woman asked stunned to which Impulse nodded. "Yea, pretty nice guy. Ghost King of a dimension that holds everything together like glue. Kinda badass."
"Bloody fucking..." Batman glared at Constantine who swallowed the rest of his curse. "The hell you mean the Ghost King is badass? That a fucking tyrannical blood hungry war maniac!"
Impulse blinked at them. "Really? I mean he does have scary form that made me nearly piss myself but he is pretty chill. Awesome parent, we get why Klarion loves his mom so much now."
The blond Brite pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a suffering sigh. "Just let us in mate, we will deal with this before our dimension can kiss its arse goodbye."
Impulse appeared to be thinking for a moment before shaking his head. "Uh nope. We are having a good time actually. A nice break. Sooooo no!" Before Flash or anyone else could react impulse stepped back closing the door into their faces. They blinked stunned, Batman was the first to recover stepped towards the door to attempt to open it only for his lockpick to be deflected by a red barrier suddenly appearing. The man growled turning to glare at the Justice League Dark members with a silent comment.
Inside the apartment a little bit earlier....
Klarion snatched another green glowing cookie from Red Robins hands with a glare at the other teen, who only glared back. Danny was watching them amused feeling reminded of himself and Tucker by their interaction. But then his attention turned to Wonder Girl as she asked for another story about Klarions childhood.
A moment later Klarion felt a nudge and looked at Superboy who nudged him across a pouting Red Robin who got another green glowing cookie snatched from him. The witch boy arched an eyebrow when Superboy asked to recreated the barrier to keep their mentors out but did so the moment Impulse was back with them with already three new chocolate cookies in hand as he joined Wonder Girl in fishing for more stories.
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