#gosh. it's oddly scary yet oddly comforting
dustyfandomtrashbin · 2 months
it's officially over. I'm finally free from there.
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mikrokyla · 4 years
I read your Oneshot stories..I read all of it..Actually i fall in love with your story and Thank you for writing all of this story..Miya Atsumu,Sakusa Kiyoomi,Sugawara Koushi and Oikawa Tooru..i hope you will release another story..I hope one day you will release a story about Semi Eita from Shiratorizawa..Actually if your request still open..I want a story about Semi Eita take care of his girlfriend that badly injured when playing Volleyball at National..I hope you have a nice day and Love you
hdjahskaja you’re so sweet thank you sm 💗 also thanks for the request, here you go!!
take care; semi eita
request: semi taking care of his injured girlfriend
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Semi’s foot taps on the ground rapidly, tightly clutching the phone in his hand.
‘Their game should be over, why hasn’t she texted me back yet?’
“Semi-Semi! Look at him, all worried about his girlfriend!” His teammate Tendou exclaims.
“Stop calling me that! And I’m not worried, I’m just… concerned.” Semi replies.
“That’s the same thing.”
His lips form into a pout and he sighs. “Y/n just hasn’t texted me yet. I’m pretty sure her match should be done by now.”
“Well we have a match like really soon, so don’t worry about it. I’m sure she’s fine, Semi.” Shirabu says, patting his back. Semi nods his head, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying.
As they enter the gym for their next match at the Nationals, Semi can’t help but scan the audience, looking for you.
‘Maybe she wants to surprise me?’
After searching the audience multiple times, he gives up and just continues warming up with his teammates for their game. When Semi goes over to the ball cart to get another volleyball, Shirabu asks:
“Hey, isn't that girl the setter for Shiratorizawa’s girls’ volleyball team?”
Semi immediately looks up, hopeful that his girlfriend is with her, but it’s just her. Oddly though, the girl is nervously staring straight at him. “Why is she looking at me like that?”
Shirabu shrugs then calls the girl over. “Hey, you, setter for the girls’ team—do you know where Y/n is?”
The girl quickly walks towards them, eyeing their scary coach. “Um, yeah. I came here to tell Semi that Y/n is at the infirmary, she got injured during our game.”
They both look at Semi, looking for a reaction from him. He’s quietly staring at the girl, definitely shocked. Suddenly he yells out, causing both teams on the court to turn their attention to him:
“Don’t yell at her, Semi! Just relax! How badly injured is she anyways?”
“She sprained her ankle pretty badly.”
“Okay, listen Semi, you’re going to pretend she said ‘It was a minor accident, she’ll be in tip-top shape after your game’ and calm yourself down.”
“How am I supposed to stay calm when my girlfriend is badly injured and I can’t be there to comfort her?!” Semi snaps back at Shirabu.
Shirabu sighs. “We have a game in like 5 minutes, we can’t go to the infirmary now. You have to wait until we finish this match.”
“What’s up with you two, you guys are being loud and not practicing, coach is gonna yell at you guys.” Tendou says, walking up to them.
Shirabu turns to the girl. “You should go now before our coach yells at us and make sure to comfort Y/n while Semi can’t.”
“I get it! I can’t help Y/n right now! You don’t have to say it out loud!” Semi blabbers, grabbing a ball and dragging Tendou to practice with him.
“I was just- nevermind, I don’t feel like arguing with you.” Shirabu shakes his head and follows after them to continue practicing too. So, the match starts and all Semi can think about is you. Laying in the infirmary. With a badly sprained ankle.
The result of his constant worry, they won their match very quickly, completely destroying the other team. As soon as their coach finishes talking to the team, Semi immediately leaves the gym and runs towards the infirmary to see you.
He enters the room and quickly runs up to you, holding your hand. “Oh my gosh, Y/n, are you okay? What happened? How did you sprain your ankle? Tell me, please. I was so worried about you.”
“I’m okay, love.” You reply, but the small pout and puppy eyes on his face doesn’t convince him otherwise. “I’m serious, I just landed on the ground in a bad way and sprained my ankle. Even though I won’t be able to play for a bit, I’ll be okay.”
Semi sighs and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. Then he stands up and walks to the end of the bed, checking out your ankle. “Does it hurt when I apply pressure on it?”
“A bit.”
“Can you walk?” He asks, returning back to your side and holding your hand. “Have you tried?”
“I can't really walk, it hurts when I put all my weight on it.”
He nods his head. “Are you allowed to leave? I can take you home so you can rest better, if you want.”
“I think I’m allowed to leave, it really wasn’t that bad.”
“You can barely walk and you’re not allowed to play until it heals. It is bad. Actually, any injury you get is bad, love.”
You smile and pat his head. “You’re so cute. Do you wanna leave now?”
“Sure. I’ll just tell the nurse that we’re gonna leave for you—Do you need help getting up? Do you want me to carry you?”
“No. Don’t carry me. I got it. Just go inform the nurse.” You quickly reply. To be honest, you really were injured badly, but you’re afraid your boyfriend might worry about you too much so you just say you’re okay. You quietly sit up and move your legs, slowly getting off the bed and trying to stand up.
You attempt to walk on your own, but the pain hits and you stumble. Semi is quick to notice and rushes to hold you up for balance. “Woah, careful. Are you okay?” He gently rubs your cheek back and forth with his thumb, his other hand wrapped around your waist to support you.
You blush and nod your head. “Yeah, let’s go now?”
“Yeah. Put your arm around my neck, I’ll hold you while we walk outside.”
“Eita, I don’t think-“
“No, I’m helping you, I don’t care what you say.”
Yeah. He literally helps you and cares for you nonstop. A day or two after your injury, instead of doing anything else, he’s taking care of you. You watch Semi carefully place the ice pack over your ankle and then cover you up with fluffy blankets.
“Is it too hot? Is the blanket okay? Do you want me to take it off?”
“No, it’s okay. You should rest, you’ve been helping me all day.”
“I’m not tired though.” Semi says. He sits next to you and kisses you on the lips. “And of course I’m helping you, you need to get better quickly.”
“Why do I need to get better quickly?” You ask, smiling.
“So I can take you out on more dates.” He smiles and continues kissing you. You laugh and proceed to kiss him back, but after a few minutes of kissing he suddenly pulls away and asks, “Oh yeah, what do you wanna eat? Do you want me to order something? Or maybe even make something—I don’t really know how to cook but I can try.”
“Um, I have instant ramen you can easily make. Can you cook two please? One for me and you.”
“Mhm.” Semi nods his head and leaves the room to make ramen. He searches the kitchen for the ramen packets, muttering to himself. “Where is the ramen?”
“It’s in that cabinet, Eita.” You say, dragging yourself towards him.
His eyes widen seeing you walk towards him and immediately runs up to you. “Hey, what are you doing out of bed—you shouldn’t be walking, you might hurt yourself.”
“It’s okay, I got it.”
“Are you sure? Don’t be hard on yourself, okay? I don’t want you to be in any more pain than you’re already in.” Semi says, worried. He puts his arms around your waist and pulls you close so you can relax in his arms. “Do you wanna sit down?”
“I’m fine in your arms.” You say with a smile. He sighs and blushes then gives you a quick kiss on your forehead, pulling you into a hug after. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, did you know that love?”
“Yeah, whatever—sit down now so I can make ramen.” Semi changes the subject, flustered. He helps you sit down then returns to the kitchen to make ramen. Once he’s finished, he brings both bowls to the table and instead of eating, he’s trying to feed you.
“I can feed myself, Eita.”
“I want to feed you though.” He says, pouting.
“No, your ramen is going to get cold.” You take the spoon from him and take a bite of the ramen yourself, Semi watching you quietly. “Go eat, love.”
“Alright. You sure you don’t need help?”
“Yes, I’m sure I don’t need help.”
“Well do you want anything to drink? Water? Juice? Soda?” Semi asks, standing up.
“Love, just don’t worry about it and sit down with me. You need to eat too.”
“No, sit down and eat or else I’ll kick you out.”
Semi sits down, frowning. “That’s mean.”
For a while, you guys actually eat peacefully without Semi trying to take care of you every five seconds and it’s literally killing him because all he wants to do is help you.
“Do you-“
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“Well what were you going to ask?” You look at him. He stares at you for a few minutes then sighs, looking down at his bowl.
“Do you need a new ice pack for your ankle…”
“Eita, stop worrying about me, you’re going to make me go crazy—I’m fine!” You groan.
“I can't help it.. I just want to make sure you’re not in pain.” He whines.
“Well I’m not in pain, so don’t worry, okay?” You place your hand over his and give it a tight squeeze for reassurance. “What will happen if you get sick cause you’re too busy taking care of me, hm? You won’t be able to play at the Nationals.”
“Okay fine. I won’t take care of you as much but I’ll still take care of you, okay?”
“No, Y/n. You can’t stop me from not helping you. You have no choice.” Semi says and kisses your hand. He smiles. “Love you.”
You sigh because you know you really can’t stop him so you just reply, “I love you too. Finish your ramen now.”
Semi continues eating his ramen then glances at you and says, “You too, so we can make out on the bed again.”
“Yuck.” You joke, making him pout. You laugh seeing his pout and reply, “I’m just kidding. Oh, by the way, my friend told me you were panicking like crazy when she told you I was injured.”
“Of course I did.”
“You’re so cute.” Semi blushes, but he pretends like you didn’t say anything. You continue teasing him. “Were you really worrying about me in front of your teammates? That’s so cute.”
“Aw, I have such a cute boyfriend, so cute.”
“Love, stop it.” Semi groans, covering his face.
“You’re blushing, that’s adorable.”
Semi peeks at you then blushes more. “Stop.”
The teasing goes on for a while because he knows he can’t do anything about it, but mainly it’s because it makes you smile so he just leaves you be. He’s that thoughtful and it’s the reason why you fell for him honestly. After cleaning up and settling comfortably in bed (and a few minutes of making out), you both cuddle together in bed.
“You have a game tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll come over right after though.”
You open your mouth to reply, but remember he’s just going to keep denying and come over anyways.
“See. You can’t stop me.”
“Alright, go home now, I’m kicking you out.”
“Wait what, why?”
“Because you’re going to have to get up early so I want you to sleep well.” You sit up and start to get out of bed.
“Wait, stay in bed, you might have trouble trying to get back if you walk me out. I’ll just leave on my own, stay here and take care, okay? I’ll come over right after my game.” He gives you a kiss on the lips before leaving and says, “Bye bye, I love you. Text me, okay?”
“Bye. I love you too.”
As soon as Semi leaves, you smile and sigh because he really is the best and most caring boyfriend you can ever ask for. And to Semi, you’re also the best girlfriend he can ever ask for, so it’s just instinct that he makes sure you’re always okay. So, for at least a week, it’s a routine for Semi to come over almost everyday to take care of you until you fully recover from your injury.
When you do recover, it makes him very happy because he can take you out on dates like he said and it’s just the cutest thing ever. Even though you recovered, Semi still makes sure you’re okay and worries you might injure yourself 24/7, but there’s no stopping him and that’s fine.
As long as you’re okay that’s all that matters to him.
end. 2,177 words.
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sereisstuff · 4 years
𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝟿
Demon!Taehyung x chubby reader
Summary of the tale - Taehyung has banter with his mother and Jungkook finds his way of friendship with you. How will Taehyung react? Warnings - none
(It’s been like what? two, three months? I’m not gonna lie and say I’ve been busy cause I haven’t I’m just gonna say I lost slight hope for this series and many of my others. I may stick to request and one shots now but I still have a passion for this particular one)
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“How are you holding up, my dear” lunar spoke with the utmost care, her soft hands gripping the mug you gifted her. “I understand that my presence may come as a shock to you but I assure you I’m not here to be causing any ruckus” she proceeded with caution, you watched her smile. Gleaming in assurance.
“Did I do something wrong?” was your first question, from the information you were able to witness she was a witch, a woman of many talents and although it may not be the best to assume peoples talents you guessed she had somewhat a visionary mind. Lunar giggled wholeheartedly “No, I was just making sure you were doing fine with the potion, I have another gift for your journey. I was going to come much earlier but my partner made sure I knew your young demon was coming to bring you a gift of his own” she explained wafting the air with the trinkle of her finger.
“Oh, he’s not mine” you blushed profusely, grimacing towards your choice of words. Maybe she didn’t mean it in that way and you were skipping to conclusions. Lunar release yet another strong laugh, her curls bouncing with every long hearty giggle she took, her obsidian orbs rested on your face with her laughter halting with an air of exasperation “That’s where your utterly wrong my dear, I’ve known the young demon for many years. He may claim you as his own but he was yours long before that” 
You gulped hearing those words, your mind filling with quizzical questions hoisting off from your chair to sit closer towards the edge “what do you mean?” you questioned curiously, the grip you held on the chair contoured your fingers. Lunar coughed taking a sip of her drink elegantly and your gaze fell to the floor in question “Jimin prophesied something similar when he came over, do you think it could be true. I know you have the answers” I spoke clearly.
Luna's bright gleam dropped, her eyes narrowing as you rambled. She did in fact have the answers to even your deepest questions “The son of Aphrodite was here?” her tone seemed oddly venomous as if she ridiculed his very presence with a burning hatred. Her question was yet to be confirmed making her release a heavy sigh.
You nodded your head warily “he was” came your short response watching the witches reaction “I’m sorry dear, I just don’t have much of a liking for the young demigod. To answer your question I cannot say, my ability to answer such a question is a curse of mine I should forever live with” she informed sadly and you empathized with her feeling oddly placed in this entire situation. 
“I’m sorry” you apologized.
“No need my dear, I wanted to gift you this-” she held out a majestic necklace with a heart locket. Her hands held it gently as you frowned but smiled at the gift “that looks expensive, why me” She seemed to know the answer but kept her mouth closed “I hope this brings your young demon his own answers” she mumbled before patting your head as she placed the mug on the small coffee table resting neatly.
“Was this Taehyungs?” you shouted as she started leaving the home, her long strides took her to the end of the drive as she turned around “it was and is yours, young one” she shouted back before dispersing through thin air making you grumble incoherent words under your breath “it was? Am I just meant to guess that” 
You walked around the home with small steps, carelessly caressing the edges of the home with an intensive stare residing within your eyes before a certain gleam caught your sight. It was a small crack in the ground. The same hole Taehyung created when Jungkook dimwittedly marked you with his own mark of Poseidon, his anger could still be felt and he was never going to be pleased with his cousin.
The entire space felt different, noticing days even weeks had gone past which you’d spent with the young demon hand in hand. That not even your home felt the embrace of you yet still cold and lacking the homely comfort it once had, so you grabbed the remote and choose a movie on Netflix while you began cleaning.
“Your father seems to be interested in this girl” Taehyungs mother spoke venomously, her seducing figure coated with a tight corseted dress. The glimmering crown resting upon her thick locks of luscious hair could catch the attention of people standing miles away. “But I’m not” she ended with a rippling growl, Taehyung looked at his mother boredly.
“So tell me son, what god dare’s to have such a child?” she asked softly, her long manicured fingers caressing his clothed shoulder. Taehyung could feel a sense of anger pooling in his stomach as he adjusted his spot, “is that your business?” he retaliated with a daring glance, his mother’s slim slits narrowed towards him. 
“You’re my son, I have somewhat a right to know your future wife. See if she’s eligible for my title” His mother gripped his shoulder with an intense rub, rolling his shoulders as she dug her sharp venomous nails into him. Taehyung stood abruptly, glancing down at his spilt wine as he hissed out his answer “She’s much more eligible then you ever were” 
His mother laughed in mockery, hands resting on her filtered hips with a saddened pout “Don’t be such a bully son, I’m sure she’s a wonderful girl. If I find out that she isn’t how you portray her then Cerberus it is for her” his mother claimed awfully, Cerberus was their hell hound. They often fed it the spirits of the dead and this claim brought an relinquished fire to his mind.
Taehyungs hands fired up in rage and his breathing leveled in anger “I’m sure she will be a good meal, I recall you saying she had a plump figure to your father. Maybe it’ll take two of our hell hounds to down such a being” she pressed further with a hysteric laugh, her leisured steps clanked against the polished floor of the castle’s ballroom.
“If you ever touch her in a way that harms a single hair on her body, I’ll feed you to Cerberus myself” Taehyungs demon fired in rage as his height grew and his black horns stretch through his messy locks. His black wings snapped harshly from his toned back with a ridiculing pair of sharp canines growing “Now, now little one. I was just messing around with you” She giggled confidently, rolling her eyes framed with heavy thick lashes and a set of black shadow “Taehyung! What are you doing?” His father shouted, slicking his hair back with his dirty hands.
Taehyungs mother desperately released tears, her hands clamming together “He was going to hurt me” she cried, Hades looked to his woman boredly already growing tired with her antics once more “Yoon, leave him alone.” he demanded deeply, Yoon halted her steps with a slight tsk in her tone as she stomped the other way stealing a drink from one of the maids standing nearby as she witnessed the overprotective sense of the young demon.
“Did you give her the dress? How did she react?” his father asked excitedly, his canines showing slightly as his smile widened with a slight hopeful gleam in his wide eyes, Taehyung bit his lip peering down at his father “She loved it” came his reply. Taehyung ran a hand through his shining hair with a sigh “Listen, yoon will not touch her. I understand her past reactions to threats but I assure you I want to make this as good as I can. It’s not every day I meet someone my son fancies”
Hades wasn’t all too bad. He was a rather kind man with devilish traits, most worried more for the woman at his side for she was the threatening one and dare you ever pass her. Death is your only answer to her petty tantrums “I’ll kill her before she even gets the chance” Taehyung growled, Hades was taken aback with his son’s tone.
A smile graced his lips as he pets his son’s shoulders “We’ll see, now. Clear out so the maids can shimmer this place up, you have deals to attend.”
“You have got to be shitting me, you don’t like banana milk” Jungkook gasped dramatically, you thought since he was the only demigod you knew you paid him a small visit, although it was hard to reach him you polled your legs into the scary tides of his ocean, hands shaking in fear before you were pulled back by a pair of strong hands.
“You’re such a dumb ass” He growled sincerely, and that’s how you found yourself at a food shack. Jungkook was lying on one of the chairs, he knew the owners and surprisingly they knew of his title being of that world themselves “No, I’m sorry but it’s too sweet” you laughed upon his disgusted glare.
“I can’t believe you, come on. Try it” You shook your head a bit, Jungkook was laughing at your reaction. Noticing the necklace resting on your chest “Did Tae give that to you?” he asked, leaning forward to inspect the silvery chain and pendant, his hot breath meeting your chest as you jolted away accidentally grabbing his head on your way from the chair.
“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry” you apologized, Jungkook rubbed his head sorely, the owners giggled pointing your way “first your try drowning yourself then you smack me against the table, way to say thank you” He grumbled sassily under his breath.
Your over sized jacket was stained by his banana milk, “I still hate it though” I grumbled back glaring up at him with a restrained smile “It’s okay banana milk, don’t listen to her” he cooed dreamily towards the small carton of yellow substance. You snarled at him with a hiss “why do you think he gave it to me?” you asked, you seemed to be asking people a lot these days and if this was how it was going to be every minute you wanted out.
“He has one similar to that” Jungkook replied staring intensively behind you, his reply caught you off guard taking a quick glance to your necklace. It was old fashioned but big enough to fit a photo in there. Shaking off the obvious curiosity you followed his gaze “who’s that?” you voiced a little too loudly earning a hiss of disappointment and a callous smack from Jungkook.
The woman he rested his eyes on was beautiful, a little older then most here but she had youthful skin “My mom” He muttered sadly, you snapped your head his way watching his saddened face “we don’t speak of her, she has amnesia. My father always told me she hit her head on a rock and it was for the best but we all know he made her forget” Jungkook expressed taking a long sip from his drink.
“I see where you get your looks from” Jungkook rolled his eyes “Yeah, well at least I don’t look like a fish” you burst out into laughter taking one last look at the woman, her long brunette hair reached her bottom with a pair of brown flashy eyes. She was short and petite so he obviously inherited his height from his father and strength must just be a plus for all the demigods.
She seemed familiar in a sense of comfort, but you shook it off as interest.
“A fish?” you piqued in curiosity, Jungkook replied “It’s not unfamiliar to anyone but my dad has had many children I’m still not aware of but one of them I do is. Well, she kinda turned out like a fish” He seemed to hate the girl but he was content with his suppressed answer.
“You would still be cute with a fin and tail, admit it. You secretly want one” I snapped, barking in laughter “me, never” He sarcastically replied, “You should get going, one thing I know about my uncle is that he doesn’t like people who aren’t punctual.” Jungkook expressed, you nodded standing from your place as you gave him a tight hug “Thanks, I needed your company.” I said Jungkook was wide in shock hearing that. His hands slowly making their way around my shoulders with a hesitant embrace.
“Wait” He shouted, I stopped in my tracks pivoting to face him. He pulled out a spray from his bag before coating me in the toxic substance “if my cousin smells me on you then your in for one hell of a shit storm and that won’t even be the worst. Even though he can’t cross the water he’ll surely find a way to strangle me” Jungkook expressed with worry laced in his tone.
“C’mon he can’t be that bad” you laughed only for Jungkook to peek at you from beneath his brown locks with a disaster look in his eyes “oh” you muttered letting his toxicities embrace every inch of your body.
“Now, so long” he pushed you towards the door with a sarcastic wave, you flipped him off only to receive a strong push of his lips.
You just hoped the perfume worked…..
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xseildnasterces · 3 years
this song wasn't good enough for the album.
Hello 29. The last year of my 20s. My gosh, that sounds so depressing, and scary as hell. I am certainly lot celebrating nearly being thirty. It makes me pretty sad if I am completely honest. My life is disappearing as each day passes. It leads me to think of other things that scare me in life and I’m already making myself feel sad and depressed when this post was supposed to be happy. So, let’s start again.
It was my birthday yesterday. My second birthday in the midst of a pandemic. I must admit that on my birthday last year I hoped that I wouldn’t be in the same position as I was then, but sadly I am. Sadly the whole world is. Time seemed to have simply stopped last March, and very little has happened since. Regardless, as with last year, my loved ones made me feel special and I had as good a day as can be when you do not physically get to see another human being that you love. I was supposedly working yesterday but did pretty much nothing work related at all. I got up and went for a facial with my usual aesthetician. Of course, they have all our details, so she had seen that it was my birthday. She is so lovely and wished me happy birthday and presented me with a large selection of samples that she had pulled together in the back. It made me feel super happy and was a good start to the day. I tipped well!
I wandered home in the sun. It was cooler than it has been and was windy, but the sun was in the sky and the sky was blue. In the UK it is very rare that I get a sunny birthday, so it was certainly nice to see a blue sky and feel some heat when walking in the sun.
I got home and had a brief chat with my mum before a ‘meeting’ with H and C from work. We ended up in a video call for almost two hours just chatting away and having a laugh. We talked very little about work and H realised she had put the wrong address on my gift. This resulted in me running down the street and knocking on the door of a random person to find out if they had my gift. Unfortunately, they didn’t. H managed to get it redelivered and soon I had a parcel of special cakes and pastries from a local bakery which was wonderful!
After our call I talked with a few other people back home and opened my gifts on videocall. I got some beautiful things as always and felt like people spent too much money on me. I also got a huge batch of cupcakes delivered and a bouquet of flowers. I am told there are more things to come. Several of the cards I had received from both friends and family made me cry. I felt lucky to have the people in my life that I do. I felt loved.
There was one thing that tossed me down a bit of a black hole. Here in the US we have an app that tells us what is coming to our mailbox that day. It shows you a photo of the letter or the parcel that is due to arrive. Oddly, I had a photo of an envelope with UK postal stamps on it. I was very confused. All the usual people had already sent me cards and I wasn’t expecting anything off anyone else. I was going a little crazy trying to work out who it was off. I was thinking of old friends, of people I used to know, or the friend I made last year that ghosted me and other people I have not spoken to for a while. I asked around if anyone back home had given my address to anyone and no one had. It was very strange. I must admit there was a little excitement. I guess in my crazy warped and irrational mind there was a hope and a longing for it to be off one person, but I know they do not have my address here so it was a silly thing to think. I guess it was wishful thinking. Up until I opened it the hope was still there. The morbid hope of something it could not possibly be. I also wondered if she even remembered it was my birthday at all, or whether she thought of me at all. It turned out, after all the anxiety and wishing and hoping surrounding it that it was nothing related to my birthday at all. It was a letter from a pen-pal thing I signed up to last month. Disappointed is not the word. Not only for the fact it wasn’t from who I had hoped, but also for the fact the pen-pal I had been assigned was from the UK. It feels mean to say. The girl is probably really nice, and I am of course going to write back and continue to correspond but seeing the question ‘Have you ever been to the UK?’ made me just feel a little depressed. Regardless, let’s see what comes of it.
D never even said ‘happy birthday’ which I must admit made me feel a little down. She messaged me this morning apologising and I know people have a life and time is sparse, but even still I just feel like I remember these things and make more of an effort than perhaps other people do. It’s funny how much changes in a year, whilst some things do not change at all. Last year I had a new friend, L was driving to my apartment and baking me a cake – now they have ghosted me, deleted me off Insta and just vanished. People are so strange. D is now someone I would consider a friend and last year we had never even spoken. Of all the people I have made ‘friends’ with since trying to make friends online in the US, the only person who has been consistent has been K. They were actually in DC the other day visiting their girlfriend and asked to meet up, but considering the current pandemic I didn’t feel comfortable, however, now that I am two weeks post second vaccine I said that next time they are here I’d be happy to hang out. So that could be fun.
Still not really sure if it’s sunk in that yesterday was my birthday. I do feel that due to the pandemic I have lost two years of my twenties which is super depressing. However, there is much I want to do before 30 – so I am hoping the pandemic f*cks off soon and we can get back to some form of warped and crazy normality. I was talking to my mum about birthdays and she just said that as you get older birthdays are just another day. That is something I agree with, yet despite that I feel like those people in my life that really love me certainly made a huge effort to make yesterday special – regardless of the distance between us all right now.
Anyway, here is to another 365 days of growing, learning, achieving, loving, improving, laughing, and everything else that comes with life. Here’s hoping it’s a good one.
[Blog title:  this song wasn't good enough for the album - Story Untold].
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rendezvousrenjun · 5 years
ring ring rejection | three
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img // au masterlist // prev // next // ✰ pairing :  highschool!renjun x reader (+ dreamies + best friend!mark) ✰ genre : fluff + barely any angst ✰  word count : 2.7k Sometimes when the right people meet at the right time things between them escalate naturally. Renjun was scared, no, terrified, that you two clicked right away. It’s never this easy. Usually it takes time to develop relationships, but he felt comfortable. There was nothing he could pinpoint about you that outshined, if there was, maybe Renjun would have been the one to approach you sooner. He regretted it, really-- being somewhat rude and falling for his own false assumptions towards you. 
So, maybe you are special. A special kind of friend. Chemistry? A spiritual connection? It doesn’t matter what it was. Because Renjun never thought that you needed to change one bit; subconsciously he had already integrated you into his life. 
It was the day after you two had met in the little cafe near the school. Oddly enough, for no reason in particular, he asked Jaemin to go to class earlier with him. Was he excited to see you again? He didn’t know. He didn’t know until you walked through the door.
“Y/n!!!” He didn’t know why he was so keen on greeting you now. But seeing you smile at him again like you did yesterday reassured him.  To say Jaemin and Mark were taken aback by the way you two started to act would be an understatement. How could people who looked like they were completely incompatible yesterday, look like they knew what cereal the other preferred today?
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“That’s what I’m saying it’s weird how you say you both rejected each other and nOw all of a sUDden it looks like I’m being replaced” After school ended Jaemin had asked Renjun to walk him home to figure things out for himself. “Like how did that even happen? Make it make sense junnie.”  “What’s there to make sense? Can’t I have friends other than the two of you?” “Ya!” Jeno’s eyes enlarge while he raises his wrist to suggest playfully hitting Renjun. He decided to tag along too when he saw the two of them walking out from the gate. He retracts his arm as his eyes crease into a smile. “Renjun don’t forget you still owe me-- Jaemin you should’ve seen how Renjun planned an entire escape route; he even asked me to wait in the cafe and pull him out if something bad happened but he completely forgot about me.” “As expected from our junnie--” Jaemin was able to make out after throwing his head back in laughter and disbelief, earning an eye roll from Renjun. “Yea yea whatever.” 
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“From now on just ring me up whenever you want, I’m glad you’re in my life now.”  Although Renjun was the one who told you to ring him up, he ended up being the first one to call.  [7:00PM, Wednesday; 36 days after rejecting each other]
The twigs of the trees outside were scratching against the kitchen window. Renjun sat in the middle of his dining room table, eating the cut up apple he made for himself as a light snack. His parents were gone due to a complicated business trip and he has the whole house for himself. Initially he was extremely ecstatic at the idea of having alone time; to shower as long as he wanted, eat two packs of ramen without being scolded, everything would be calm and peaceful. But this being the first night of being alone, his skin began to crawl with a different found anxiety. 
He gets up to turn on every single light in the house, not even the bathroom is left alone. Does it ease him up? Barely.
Knock Knock Knock.
Renjun looks over at the living room window to see a man looking right at him. He immediately rushes to the kitchen again. The area he lives in was known for business men and scammers trying to contact residents. He just didn’t know how to act rationally and simply shoo them away now.
“Oh my god I’m going to die” 
He grabs a knife from the drawer and holds it to his chest, with his small plate of apple slices and his phone in the other hand. It didn’t help that the man kept knocking at the window, with loud “hellos” following up, knowing Renjun was home. The next thing he knew, the kitchen lightbulb was flickering and it went out with a pop.
“aaaAA what the fucccc-” Renjun is running upstairs to his room and locking his door in a hot second. He fumbles with his phone to dial the first number that pops up in his head because honestly he just needs to facetime someone as soon as possible, and it just so happened to be you who texted him last about a math assignment.
Thankfully, you pick up right away.
“Renjun! Hello-” “Shhhh!!” Renjun whispers into the phone. The look on your face showing concern and perplexed amusement.  “What happened? Are you okay?” Your tone is softer now, abiding by Renjun’s instruction. “Don’t laugh at me okay?” His voice is a bit shaky and you nod your head at the camera, making your way to your room as well to remove all other distractions around you. “B-but there’s a scary man outside my house and I’m alone and I’m really scared and I think he’s an alien.” “Renjun you should call 119 what are you doing?!” Your voice is hushed but still strict and pushing.  “I might just be overreacting and I’m just really scared-- I even brought this knife with me I don’t even know…” He flips the camera screen to show you his kitchen knife that seemed too big for his little hands. “Hey hey it’s okay don’t worry, if anything happens to you I’ll be able to see it okay? You’re going to be fine Renjun.” “Sorry for calling you out of the blue, I don’t want to bother you--if you need to go somewhere I understand-” “Injunnie.” Renjun stops speaking to turn his attention to how you sweetly called him by his nickname. He can see your face in the warmly lit lighting of your bedroom, he finds it comforting. “I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry about me worry about yourself first. Did you finish the homework?” “Uhh.. yea I did actually” “Well good for you then” “Do you still need help?” “Yea just a little-- wait I just realized did you call the man outside an alien? You believe in aliens?” “Yea? So what about it? You think it’s childish or something?” “No, actually I feel like they’re closer to us than we think. Think about it; there are so many other universes than ours they’re bound to exist right?” “Oh my gosh I was thinking the same thing! So let me tell you about how….”
Just like that Renjun was able to ease up. You two talked about conspiracy theories as he made his way on top of his bed, hugging the knife with a firm grasp and looking at you through the phone camera. Just like the cafe, time seemed to accelerate in Renjun’s company. You hadn’t notice what time it was until you asked Renjun what he thought the color of happiness would be and he didn’t respond right away. Looking at your phone screen, after leaving it on the side of your bed for awhile, you’re heart trembles in adoration for the boy who had fallen asleep while talking to you. His phone resting slightly in his hand, the camera pointed up from his chin. You could see how long his eyelashes were from this angle, or the way his mouth slightly opened while he slept. 
“Sleep well Renjun.”
 This time, you ended the call. 
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As a thank you for staying with him over call for almost seven hours, Renjun decided he wanted to give you a gift. Well, maybe he just wanted to make friendship bracelets in general. It ended up taking longer than he anticipated because he wasn’t able to give you his thank you gift for a couple of weeks.  Long story short, he forgot to bring it to school often and he wanted to remake the bracelets so they were a prettier shade of yellow. 
Unfortunately for him, the day he actually brought it was the only day in the entire year you were absent. “Mark” he pats Mark’s shoulder in class, startling the older boy who was listening to music on full blast. Taking off one of the earbuds, Mark looks over at Renjun who’s biting his lip, eyes bright with anticipation. “What’s wrong Renjun?” “Renjun is curious about something!” cuts in Jaemin from the other desk, sliding next into your empty seat.  “Do you know where y/n is? Is she okay?” “OhhHHHhHhHhhhhhh, oh yea she didn’t make it today huh?” “What do you mean didn’t make it?” “She’s been trying to fight like a fever for the past few days, haven’t you guys like noticed? I guess she really needed to rest though, no need to worry.” “Ohh… okay tell her I said get better soon.” Renjun reverts back to his seat. “Tell her I’ll give her all the hugs she needs to keep her warm when she gets back.” Jaemin pouts in concern. “But wait- why don’t I just text her myself haha- WAIT junnie why don’t YOU just text her yourself???” “Actually guys, better yet- let’s visit her after school” Mark tries to calm down his shit-eating grin because he knows the best medicine for you now is to see lover-boy Renjun inside your own house. “Like, as a surprise?”  “Yea! She’ll totally love it! Trust me, I know how she is.” “Oh man sorry guys I can’t go. Jeno asked me to help during soccer practice today.” “It’s okay Jaemin, I’ll like tell y/n you said hi.” “ACtUally you should get RenjUn to tell her I said hi-” Renjun cuts him off by putting him in a headlock. “How mAny times did I say it’s not like that-” “Deny it all you want Renjun but the heart wants what it-”
Everything is drowned out by Mark’s laughter and the teacher giving the three of them a warning for being insanely loud in class, but what’s new?
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Renjun had only seen the outside of your home from that one time he dropped you off. Entering it now, he feels as if you and your home have an uncanny resemblance. It was a different type of welcoming warmth he had grown accustomed to after befriending you. He understood how Mark grew so comfortable around you. It was right here. In the rug placed slightly off center of the living room. In the pretty off-white shade of the walls that had various writings and marks from the past. In the soft buzzing of a humidifier. Even the smell reminded Renjun of you. It was you.  “AuntieeEEEEeeee” Mark yelled after taking off his shoes and slipping on the slippers to make his way to the kitchen where your mom sat peeling garlic, leaving Renjun to follow suit.  “Mark! My favorite child!” Your mom straight up roasts you while you are still asleep, embracing Mark in a tight hug.   Renjun couldn’t help but think that even her voice sounded like you.  “I brought another friend of ours, this is Renjun.” Mark breaks away from the hug to reveal Renjun peaking from the entrance of the kitchen, going up to your mom and greeting her with his prince-like smile, which automatically charms her. “Wow I didn’t know y/n had such a handsome friend.”  Renjun becomes incredibly polite and bashful under your mom’s words, as Mark’s shit-eating grin returns. You know you’ll never hear the end of him claiming he’s the best wingman after all this.  “Allow me to finish cooking here, Mrs. y/l/n!” Renjun beams at your mom, persuading her to go and relax.  “I can help!” Mark attempts to walk to the stove to put a pot atop of it but your mom stops him and asks him to help her rearrange some old CDs and vinyls in the garage instead.  Your nose wakes up before the rest of your body because a pungent and aromatic soup flavor begins to fill your nostrils. Wrapping yourself entirely in your blanket, making space only for your face to poke out, you waddle out of your room, realizing you haven’t eaten the entire day.  What you see next has you rubbing your eyes a couple of times to make sure you weren’t dreaming.  There at the edge of your stove stood Huang Renjun with your mother’s apron, humming something incomprehensible, stirring the pot with a hand on his hip. The light of golden hour shining through one of the windows and onto him like a spotlight given from the heavens.  “Is this real” your groggy voice comes out deep and brash, causing Renjun to shriek and jump a little, turning to look at you with the soup spoon in his hand. Seeing you cocooned in your enormous blanket, a perplexed expression on your face, he can’t help but laugh at your state.  “OH MY GOD THIS IS REAL” you cover your face with your hand and dash into your room to clean up your appearance, despite the fact that the image of you as a cocoon has already been imprinted in Renjun’s mind. You could still hear his giggles after you shut the door and feel your heart combust. By the time you reenter the kitchen, Mark and Renjun are already eating the soup Renjun made. “Rise and shine dummyhead” Mark greets you and pats the seat next to him repeatedly for you to sit. You remain eye contact with Renjun as you sit down, him sitting across from you reminds you of the cafe meeting and a smile makes its way to your lips.  “You made me soup?” Your grin is still apparent in your voice as you eagerly try the soup for the first time. “Food always makes me feel better, Thank you Renjun.” “Awwwww how swEEt” Mark adds, but before you and Renjun could even process his words or react to him Mark cuts himself off, “Yo y/n do you remember Lucas??” “Oh my gosh, Yukhei??? Of course! I miss his dumbass!” “Whose Lucas?” Renjun interjects, looking at both of your faces silently asking for the two of you to include him too.  “He’s our friend from grade school, but he doesn’t go to our school now so we haven’t seen him in awhileeeee.” You disclose to Renjun, whose features soften. “Guess what? He like got a girlfriend!!”  “No wayyyyyyy I wanna meet her!” “Apparently she goes to our school, small world huh?” “OH! That reminds me…” Renjun catches both of your attention immediately, “the school is funding an art show this year, and guess who's the host?! Me! They were looking at my portfolio and the administrators asked me to help them host the entire thing!” “Renjun! I am so happy for you!” He smiles back at you, seeing the proud expression on both of your faces. “Dude is that what Jeno was talking about the other day? The guitar thing and like you right?” Mark takes another sip of soup from your bowl and raises his eyebrows for Renjun to continue talking about the show.  “Yea that’s right... Actually I asked Jeno to help me prepare something special for the end of the event for Yoojung.” Yoojung. You don’t think you’ll ever stop hearing her name bringing pulled up in conversation. Even in your own house. “cool cool cool” Mark awkwardly adds, “speaking of Yoojung, how’s tutoring her little brother?” “Oh you mean Jisung?” You almost spit out your soup at the sound of the name. “Park Jisung is Yoojung’s brother?????” “You know Jisung??” “Dude I used to tutor him back in the day what a coincidence how is he?? I would’ve never guessed Yoojung and him were related, they look nothing alike.” “He’s pretty chill I guess… I try to ask him questions about Yoojung lowkey but he literally does not know anything about his sister it’s funny.”  “AHahahaha--” You start actually choking on your soup mid-laugh, reaching over for your glass of water. Renjun attempts to move it to you and reach over to pat your back, but he stops himself after seeing Mark already doing so. Mark rubs and hits in between your shoulder blades, head tilting to check your red face, asking if you’re alright.
Renjun doesn’t understand why seeing Mark care for you like this makes him feel out of place. He doesn’t understand why it may have made him a little bit upset. 
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
New World
Chapter 4
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Gianna & Mia
A couple weeks had passed and the girls still had lacked to find an outfit for the concert. Gianna threw everything out of her closet trying to put something together but nothing seemed worthy enough to wear to the concert. “Mia!” She yelled.
Mia ran into her room. She was shocked at the hurricane that had blew through Gianna's bedroom. “What the hell happened here?”
Gianna sat on the floor in the middle of all the clothes. “I need a new wardrobe, that's what happened.”
Mia leaned against the panel of the door. “I'm having the same problem. The concert is tomorrow and I was really trying to save money but the clothes I have don't scream 'I'm about to hang out with NCT'”
Gianna sighed. “Let's go! I got you. I owe you anyway for putting up with Adam on that date.”
Mia stopped her. “I'm not allowing you to buy me anything!”
“You don't have a choice! Now C'mon, the concert is tomorrow.” Gianna grabbed her hand and they headed for the door.
They were in Gianna's car waiting for the light to turn green when they noticed a big tour bus with NCT's faces on it.
Mia screamed. “They're here! Oh my gosh! My heart!”
“Calm down, you're going to give yourself a freaking heart attack!” Gianna laughed.
Mia tried to control her breathing. “They're literally right there, how are you not losing your shit right now?”
“Oddly I honestly have no idea how I'm holding it together!”
“If I haven't even seen their faces yet imagine how I'm going to be tomorrow! I'm not trying to scare them but I might just faint.” Mia said as she stared at the tour bus.
“Well if you do, make sure you're near Johnny so he can catch you!” Gianna laughed.
Mia smiled. “Wouldn't that be the most wonderful thing ever? It'd be like I fell for him.”
The light finally turned green. It seemed as if they has been sitting there forever.
“Bye Johnny!” Mia waved at the tour bus as it slowly but surely disappeared.
They finally arrived at the mall. They visited a variety of stores and were having so much trouble finding something to wear. “Why is luck not on our side?” Gianna asked as she put back another outfit.
Mia had an eye for fashion. She picked up a shirt that she knew would look good on Gianna. “I know this isn't ordinarily your style but I think you have the bed figure for it.”
Gianna put it against her and took a look in the mirror. “I don't know, Mia. . .”
“Can you please just trust me?” Mia winked.
Gianna took a deep breath. “What would I wear with it?”
Mia looked around for awhile until she found the perfect match. “You just sit back, relax, and let me work my magic. Taeyong isn't gonna know what to do when he sees you.”
Gianna rolled her eyes. “I doubt it but whatever you say.”
Mia found herself something to wear and they decided to grab a bite to eat since they were already out.
“So did they finally email you with the details for tomorrow?” Gianna asked as she popped a grape into her mouth.
Mia grabbed her phone and signed into her email. “Oh my gosh they sent this email hours ago and I'm just now seeing it.” She rolled her eyes.
“What does it say?”
“So we have to meet them at Adventurdome tomorrow at 1pm. GiGi this just so real!”
Gianna took a deep breath. “They're really trying to give me a heart attack I swear! I hate roller coasters!”
“Well I love them, and if I get to act scared and hold Johnny's hands, then I'm all for it!”
“I'm so sick of your mess.” Gianna laughed. “I'm not riding anything. I refuse!”
Mia squinted her eyes at Gianna. “So you're telling me that if Taeyong asked you to ride something with him you wouldn't?”
“That's exactly what I'm telling you!” Gianna sipped her sparkling water.
Mia shook her head. “I'll believe it when I see it.”
Gianna shrugged. “So, how long will we be with them?”
“The concert starts at 7pm and it says that their schedule with us should be over by 5.”
Gianna simply nodded.
NCT 127
After the guys checked into their hotel, the manager sent out a bulk message for them to all meet in Taeyong and Jaehyun's shared hotel room for a quick meeting.
“I wanted to go over some ground rules for tomorrow.” The manager started.
The guys all nodded.
“We want you to have all the fun in the world but we also need you to be very respectful. We don't know much about the winner so she could possibly be bringing a parent with her. You never know. Be on your best behaviors. You don't want anything to go wrong. She deserves the best day that you all can possibly give her. Am I clear?”
“What are the plans for tomorrow?” Taeyong inquired.
“You have a interview at 8am and then afterwards y'all will be able to change into something more comfortable. You'll meet with the winner at an amusement park called Adventuredome at 1.”
All the guys collectively yelled from excitement.
“Hell yeah!” Mark blurted out.
“After that we we will go grab a bite to eat with the winner and then you'll have to get ready for the concert. You'll have a very busy day.” The manager informed.
“Where are we eating?” Johnny asked. All he was worried about was getting some nice food in his system.
The manager laughed. “That will be up to the winner. We're going to allow her to treat us to wherever she thinks we should go. You will have a bit more of freedom at the amusement park because it's rented out solely for you guys so no one will be there but you and the staff.”
“Woah! That's big!” Haechan added.
“Are y'all ready?”
“I think we are!” Taeyong said as he looked at the other guys.
Gianna & Mia
Gianna's alarm went off a few times yet she kept snoozing not realizing what time it was. She dozed back off to lala land.
Mia burst through the door and snatched her covers back. “Girl if you don't get your ass up right now I'm leaving you!”
Gianna rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”
“It's 11:30! Get up!”
Gianna rolled over and looked at the time on her phone. Her eyes bulged when saw that Mia wasn't kidding. She jumped out of bed quickly and ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
“I'm going to finish getting ready, I'll meet you in the living room.” Mia told her as she closed her door behind her.
Gianna was glad that she had just gotten her hair fixed the other day so all she needed to do was refresh her curls a bit which wouldn't take long at all. Makeup was a different story. It always took her forever to perfect her makeup and on a day like this there was no time for mistakes.
About forty five minutes later she emerged from her bedroom.
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Mia jumped up off the couch. “I knew that outfit was going to be so cute on you.”
Gianna did a cute little pose. “It does doesn't it?” She flipped her long waves off of her shoulder.
Mia's hair was half up in a high bun and the rest down flowing into waves.
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“You look to die for, though but I mean I didn't expect anything less.” Gianna complimented. “You ready to go?”
“For sure!”
They pulled up into the parking lot of the amusement park.
“Why is there hardly any vehicles?” Gianna asked as she parked.
Mia pulled her shades up and took a look around. “Maybe their just not that busy today.”
“The tour bus isn't even here. How they gonna be late for their own thing? That's hella rude!” Gianna laughed.
Mia shrugged and got out of the car pulling her shades back down.
As Gianna stepped out, they saw the entrance door open and the guys emerged. Thank Goodness they both had on shades or else the guys would've saw their eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
They ran over to the girls.
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“Hey, ladies how are y'all?” Johnny asked as he grabbed Mia's hand and kissed it softly.
Mia simply stared at her hand.
“We're good. How are y'all?” Gianna asked. She was keeping her emotions in check pretty well.
“Really good. It's nice to meet you.” Taeyong smiled.
The manager stepped in front of the guys. “So which of you is Mia?”
Johnny wrapped his arm around Mia's shoulder. “This is definitely her!” He had a huge smile on his face.He remembered what she looked like from the pictures that he and Taeyong had saw.
Mia stuttered for a moment. “Yeah, I'm her. This is my best friend Gianna. We're really happy that y'all gave us this opportunity.”
“We're happy that you wrote so many great things about us! The pleasure is all ours.” Taeyong nodded.
“So are we gonna ride some rides or not?” Mark asked.
The managers beckoned for them to head inside.
Gianna took a seat on one of the benches. She was terrified of heights, and roller coasters in general.
Jungwoo noticed her sitting and headed in her direction. “Miss? You're not having fun?” He asked.
Gianna giggled. “No, I am. I just don't really like coasters.”
Jungwoo smiled and called Taeyong over. “She doesn't like roller coasters.”
Taeyong looked around the building. “Have you ever been on one?”
Gianna shook her head.
Taeyong reached for her hand. “That one isn't scary at all. Come with me?”
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She looked up at the coaster and felt like he obviously wasn’t seeing what she was seeing. “I-I don't think so.”
Taeyong placed his hand over his heart as if she had hurt him. “You're breaking my heart. Please? If you hate it, you can blame it all on me.”
Mia ran over to her. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, they want me to ride that big roller coaster.” Gianna sighed.
“That one is a piece of cake. A baby could ride it.” Mia wasn’t making things any better.
Taeyong reached for her hand again and pulled her off of the bench. “If you get scared I have a hand that doesn't mind being held.”
Gianna rolled her eyes. “Whatever, let's go.”
After all of the exhilarating rides they all met up with the manager who was keeping them on a time schedule. “Are you ladies hungry?”
“Starving actually. I woke up late so we headed straight here after we got ready.” Gianna admitted. She was thanking the heavens above that her stomach wasn't growling loudly. That would've been the most embarrassing thing ever.
“Have any ideas of where we should eat?” Johnny asked.
Mia thought for a moment. “I know this place that has the coolest rooftop deck. It's called Carson Kitchen, is that okay?”
The manager nodded. “Lead the way. We'll follow you there.”
Carson Kitchen
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They all arrived there shortly and were seated on the rooftop deck.
“So, tell us about you.” Taeyong said as he looked from Mia to Gianna.
Gianna smiled. “How about y'all ask the questions and we'll answer.”
Taeyong smirked. “Yes ma'am! I seen on Mia's page that she's in college. What major?”
“I'm a design student. We both will be graduating next month.” Mia answered.
“Congratulations!” Haechan nodded in their direction.
“So, Gianna what's your major?” Johnny asked.
“I'm majoring in journalism but I have a minor in digital broadcasting.”
Doyoung clapped. “You must be smart.”
“Not as smart as you’d think. I've just always had a passion for writing so it comes naturally.”
Mia smiled at her. “I wish I could take the credit for that essay but she put it all together. It was both of our feelings and thoughts but she arranged it to sound better than I ever could’ve.
“Good work. I wouldn't mind seeing more.” Taeyong told her with a smile.
“Comedy or horror?” Taeil asked.
“Comedy.” Gianna laughed.
“Horror. The scarier the better!” Mia answered.
Taeyong nodded. “I’m with you!”
“Ideal type?” Johnny asked.
Gianna's eyes got big.
“Johnny! No!” The manager shook his head.
“No, it's fine. I want y'all to be as authentic as possible. My ideal type would be someone who treats me like a princess and knows what my worth is and makes sure I'm happy. Someone who keeps me laughing and does everything in his power to keep from losing me.” Mia answered with a smile.
They all stared at Gianna waiting on her to answer.
“Gianna? What's yours?” Mark asked.
Gianna snapped out of her trance. “It's pretty simple. I like a caring and charismatic guy. Someone whose spontaneous and likes to have fun. I like him to have a bit of edge because if I'm being honest I like a tad bit of drama every once in a while. Basically I just want someone who makes me believe in love.”
“Single or taken?” Johnny asked.
Taeyong hit his leg under the table.
“What?” Johnny mouthed.
“I'm embarrassed to even say but single.” Gianna covered her face shyly.
“There's nothing wrong with being single. Someone will come along and make you happy.” Jungwoo assured her.
“Plus you're pretty and you seem to have big dreams and aspirations. Some guy will be lucky to have you.” Haechan added with his angelic smile.
“Do you have a lucky guy, Mia?” Johnny asked as he stared deeply at her.
Her palms began to sweat a little. She took a sip of her drink. “Nope. Single as a pringle.”
“Me too. I guess we're single together.” Johnny flashed her his signature smile.
Taeil and Taeyong both hit him under the table.
“Y'all have got to stop hitting me!” He yelled.
The girls both burst out laughing.
They finished up their food and headed downstairs to leave. The ladies exited first and noticed a huge pack of girls waiting outside the restaurant with their phones out.
When the fans noticed NCT they bombarded them with screams. All you could see was flashing lights. Mia and Gianna were so disoriented. They didn't know which way to turn because it was so many screaming fans trying to get their hands on the guys. Somehow the ladies got separated in the midst of the chaos so Gianna was looking around for her best friend but to no avail. “Mia!” She yelled, attempting to be heard over the screaming crowd.
After awhile she felt someone grab her hand and jerk her back inside the restaurant. When she came to her senses she realized that Taeyong was still holding her hand.
Taeyong rubbed her hair out of her face. “Are you okay?”
Gianna looked back out towards the door. She could see NCT's security trying to disperse the crowd so that they could leave.
Taeyong grabbed her cheek softly. Gianna became a bit startled at how close he was to her. “Gianna, it's okay. They're just excited. You're not hurt are you?”
She shook her head as she took a deep breath. “I'm fine. Where's Mia?” She was starting to panic.
He gave her a small smile and pointed towards the back of the restaurant where the other guys were. “She's with them. Are you sure you're okay?” He noticed her arm was bleeding a little.
When she saw what he was staring at she covered her arm with her hand. “Someone must have scratched me on accident. It's fine, really.”
He grabbed a napkin and moved her hand away so he could wipe the blood off. “I don't know how they found us. I'm so sorry.”
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the-ghost-writers · 6 years
It’s Just Coffee
SFW story about a werewolf bringing a guy he’s recently turned into a fellow werewolf to meet all his monster friends. I just wanted some casual dialogue and this gave me an excuse, that’s all. 
Counting off his fingers, Nate stops walking right before they get to a glass door. “So you four, every Tuesday and Friday, come to this cafe and chat with each other? Despite how you’re all three monsters, talking about monster things, while surrounded by humans?” Peering up to the man, that he’s more or less forced to accompany, he gets a curt nod and carries on. “And you don’t worry about, say, getting caught and revealing yourself to the public?” This time he gets a head shake. Blinking away his surprise, Nate pouts his lips. “Is everyone in the cafe secretly a monster? Is that why you’re not scared?”
A laugh comes out of Devon as he ruffles his short friend’s brown hair; granted, everyone is short compared to his abnormally tall height. “It’s not like we shout about what we’re saying. And aside from a few things here and there, we live the same as you do.” Pulling his hand back, he sweeps his own black hair back. “Or, how you used to at least.”
Crossing his arms, Nate makes a face. “Yeah, thanks for biting me by the way, felt great and I just love how I feel to need to chase squirrels now.”
“Hey, you said you wanted to become a werewolf.” He cracks a grin and shrugs, knowing he’s right and there’s nothing Nate can do to prove him wrong. “No,” Raising a finger, the little guy turns cold. “You asked if I wanted to be a werewolf. You did so right before biting me before I had a chance to answer.” While the grin stays, Devon’s eyebrows crease, followed by a squint. “I think we remember that going down differently, I’m positive you said yes.” Stepping aside, he opens the cafe door and waves an arm for his buddy to enter. “Ladies first.”
The brunette blinks once before cocking his head to the side. “Remind me why I still talk to you?” Regardless of what he says, Nate enters and stands to wait. “Cause for two years you had a crush on me.” Stepping in after, Devon plops a hand on Nate’s shoulder. “And now I’m your alpha, you’re obligated to listen to me.”
As he gets led through the cafe, Nate snorts. “You know all that alpha stuff isn’t legitimate, right? A scientist conducted a poorly made test using wolves who don’t know each other to observe wolf behavior. The wolves were aggressive to each other because they didn’t know each other, the strongest made the others submit and became the alpha. But in a real wolf pack, the main wolf is the pack leader which who acts like a caring dad, or mom.” By the time he finishes talking, Devon had led them to the counter where they wait to make their order. 
The big guy doesn’t respond for a long while until eventually grumbling. “Don’t tell any of the others about that.” Putting a hand on Nate’s back, he turns the small man and points to two people sitting beside each other in a booth. “That’s Anya, the other is Vlad.” He motions to the woman on the outside, a short girl of Asian descent and a skin tone that suggests she’s one to enjoy sunbathing. Wearing shorts, an orange band to hold her dark brown hair in a ponytail, and a white t with a tabby cat on it, she laughs and pushes her shoulder into the man sitting beside her. The guy, Vlad from what Devon said, hardly shifts, only just the corner of his lip rising in a smile while his companion is laughing hard enough to lose breath. He’s taller than her, but not by much. Distinctly European, his hair is stark white with skin is so pale that it makes Nate look tan; that’s really something considering how often he gets compared to Snow White. Oddly enough, he’s dressed in blue scrubs yet seems completely comfortable how he is. Vlad slowly traces a circle on the table as he listens to Anya talk, playing with fallen water from the condensation of his cup. 
A bump against Nate’s elbow brings him out of his starring as his tanned, buff werewolf friend jerks his head to the table, his hands preoccupied with the two drinks he holds. “Come on, they don’t bite.” Devon doesn’t actually wait for an answer as he’s walking the moment he finishes speaking.
“I’m having trouble believing that.” Following after, Nate waits for Devon to set down their drinks and slide into the booth so he can do the same, sitting comfortably on the outside. 
At least, he was comfortable until the two strangers put an end to their conversation to stare at him. Rapping his fingers along the table, he starts to curl in on himself form the intensity in which they watch him. That is until Anya bonuses up and juts her hand at him. “Hi there! I’m Anya, but I guess the wolf told you that.”
Slowly, Nate reaches out and shakes her hand, trying to not be too confused as he looks at her. “Did you hear us while we were in line?” “And when you were outside the door.” Lifting a hand, Vlad points a lazy finger behind him, all while never taking his eyes off the newcomer. “We monsters have some excellent hearing.”
Nate’s cheeks flush red and he covers his mouth his palm, turning his head away from Vlad’s coy smile. Thankfully for him, Devon apparently decided that it’s been too long since he last talked. Nudging the little werewolf, he brings him out of his blushing bubble and waves the other hand at his friends. “So these are my buddies; Anya is a kitsune,” She gives a quick peace sign. “And Vlad is a vampire, but you could guess that by the name.” 
“Eh,” The bloodsucker shrugs, causing his scrubs to wrinkle loud enough to be heard. “My parents are very traditional.” Tossing a limp hand in Nate’s direction, his smile returns, this one tired. “Before you ask; no, vampires can’t be born and neither was I. My parents are not parents by blood,” He pauses so Anya can snicker at the hidden joke. “They adopted me and turned me into a vampire when I became an adult. They were planning it from the moment they got me.”
“I’m thankful for you explaining that, but I don’t even know how someone becomes a vampire in the first place.” Vlad raises his brows, the likes of which are white and hardly visible, and slightly shakes his head.
Anya leans across the table, squinting as she gives Nate a side eye. “Don’t you watch movies and all that junk? I mean, most monster movies are made by monsters themselves.”
The vampire turns to her and frowns. “We’re not monster-”
“I’m a monster.” Devon quirps before Vlad can speak again.
He ignores the giant werewolf and presses on with grilling Anya. “We’re creatures.” Back to Nate, he puts a hand in the air without removing his elbow from the table. “Vampires are made the same way werewolves are: someone gets bit by one and manages to survive it.”
“Oh, okay, that's a scary thought.” Vlad merely shrugs as Nate leans back in his seat to put some distance between them. For once, he’s finding Devon’s presence more comforting than annoying. Still, he grabs the vampire’s attention again. “So, uh, can you turn into a bat and stuff?”
Vlad tucks his head down, hand over his face, while Anya presses her arms on the table and stares wide-eyed. “Oh my god! Nate, you can’t ask a vampire something like that!”
Instantly, the little werewolf fidgets around and looks around in a panic. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I really didn’t know, gosh, I didn’t mean to offend!”
“She’s fucking with you,” Nate freezes up at Devon’s words, turning to him to find he’s staring down the kitsune with an unamused look. “She did the same thing to me when I asked him. You didn’t do anything bad, she’s just pulling a prank.” 
“Hey,” Grabbing her drink, Anya smiles around the straw as she takes a sip. “I’m a foxy lady, tricks are what I do.”
Turning to Nate and shaking his head, Vlad returns to his drink, speaking right before taking a sip. “Yes, I can turn into a bat; it amuses me how that’s always the first question people ask. Actually, the second, the first is usually ‘are you going to kill me now?’” His chuckle is interrupted as he takes a drink, a faint red on his pale lips when he pulls to cup away. It dawns on Nate that he doesn't have the same cup that the coffee shop gives out, his a plain white. But his staring isn’t missed, Vlad catching his eyes. With a sigh, the vampire pops his lid off and shows the little werewolf what he’s drinking. Blood, straight up blood. Before he panics, Devon puts an arm on his shoulder to calm him and Vlad huffs. “Oh don’t lose your head, it’s from blood bags that are about to expire,” Tugging on his scrubs, he gives Nate a look. “I’m a nurse for a reason.”
Leaning across the table and resting on her elbows, Anya gets close to Nate and beams at him. “So! What was it like to get bit by your wolf daddy?” Vlad nearly chokes on his blood while Devon shouts for the kitsune to stop talking. 
But it’s all made worry when Nate’s anxiety makes him panic and say. “Good.” Anya falls back howls with laughter, Vlad banging on his chest to clear his throat while the poor little werewolf buries his face in his hands. Devon rubbing his back helps soothe his nerves, but it’s not nearly enough to make any real difference. “I didn’t mean to say that…”
The bigger wolf sigh as he keeps on rubbing. “But you did, and now she’ll never let you live it down. Which is really saying something considering your new lifespan which is, what, two hundred years. Maybe three?” 
Before Nate can start with a barrage of questions, a server comes up with their drinks, a fella on the tall side of the spectrum with dark black skin and curly hair shaped in an afro fade, dyed blonde at the top. The server sets down a cup in front of Nate and Devon each, smiling at the former and cocking his head. “Hey, you’re a new face.” 
Picking himself up and straightening his back, Nate puts on a pleasant look and offers the man a handshake. “I’m Nate Austin, a friend of Devon’s. He’s introducing me to all his friends.” 
Taking Nate’s handshake, the server wraps the little werewolf’s hand up in the yellow talon of a bird. “I’m Jake.” His eyes go wide when he realizes the state of his hands, flapping them wildly until they revert to his disguise of a human’s pair of hands. Looking up at a shocked Nate, he uses both hands to put a finger up and stop him before he can speak. “I can explain this.”
He doesn’t need to as Devon wraps an arm around Nate and shakes him around as he talks to the server. “Ah don’t worry about it, our Nate here is a werewolf; I should know, I was the one who turned him.”
“Which I didn’t ask for.” Despite his grumbles, Nate doesn’t try to push the big guy away at all.
But Vlad perks up some, raiding his head to frown at Devon. “You changed him without his permission?”
“Not cool man,” Resting an arm on the vampire’s shoulder, Anya leans on him so she’s in Devon’s sight and adds her two cents. “Like seriously bro, not cool.”
“Hey!” Grabbing onto the table hard enough to put scratches, which looks like it happens often with all the marks at his spot at the table, Devon puts on a forced smile. “Maybe we should focus on getting our lovely little Nate familiar with the new guy? Yeah? Like hey, Natey, did you know that Jake is actually a gryphon and his real name Jakeontee?”
“Wait.” Reaching out and wrapping his hand around Nate’s wrist, he stops the little werewolf from picking up his drink. Gently, he lets go and plucks the cup off the table, holding it away from Nate. “Devon, you dolt. If he’s a werewolf, then why would you order him a coffee?”
The mighty and proud alpha sets his elbow on the table and points a hard finger at the disguised gryphon just to come up empty on excuses. He sucks on his lips for a moment before tossing his hand away and sitting back. “I ordered him what he usually gets, I wasn’t thinking, sorry.”
Nate pats his arm but his hand stays there. “It’s okay, all these little things you do don’t seem like much ever since you, oh I don’t know, bit me.” As he was speaking, he was slowly tightening his grip on Devon’s arm, getting to the point that the big guy hard to jerk his arm away. 
“This is rich, but I should get back to work.” Stepping back, Jake offers them all a peace sign. “Bye guys, nice meeting you Nate.” And with that he retreats back to behind the counter, revealing to the group an orange feathered tail that’s slipped out from his pants, held high by the waist of his pants and bobbing as he walks about. 
Vlad sighs and gestures to the kitsune beside him. “If you could.” Anya rolls her eyes, taking a moment to do some complicated movements with her fingers. A glance back at Jake and his tail begins to disappear, starting at the tip as the spell crawls along the length before the tail simply vanishes altogether. A tap comes to Nate’s shoulder as Devon gives him a smile. “You mind if I can get past so I can get you something you can actually drink?” The little guy nods and scurries out of the seat to let his friend by, returning the smile with one of his own. 
Standing at the end of the table and watching the bigger werewolf head for the counter, he feels cold fingers cover his hand. Looking back, he finds Vlad and Anya looking hard at him, the kitsune without her joking aura. “You do know he cares, right? It’s not common for him to put so much effort into someone.” The vampire tightens his grip on Nate’s hands and lowers his voice. “He’s really trying to do this right. To do you right.”
Putting his hand on Vlad, he gives him a soft nod. “I know.” The vampire takes a moment to look over the young werewolf before pulling away. Anya offers a quick thumbs up and a toothy grin, unknowingly showing Nate sharper canines than any human would have.
There’s no time for anything more as Devon comes back with a cup, pressing it into Nate’s hand and huffing. “Hot chocolate, extra whip crea-” He stops moving to sit down and takes the drink from Nate, slowly going back to the counter. “You can’t have chocolate either…” 
Resting his arms across his chest, Nate watches the big guy sulk back to the counter, a gentle smile on his face. Tilting his head to the side just enough for the other two to hear, he chuckles. “I know he’s trying, I’m thankful for it.” Nothing more is said until Devon comes back, the two werewolves sitting together and the group launching into a discussion to tell all the wondrous things of the hidden monster world, explaining what legends are real and which aren’t, and getting through to him that him being a were didn’t suddenly make him want to chase squirrels but instead he’s always wanted to do that and he’s using his werewolf side as an excuse to blame it on.
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @sarahwroteathing for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Sarah, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
Umm well I write my pairings with reader inserts because I know it tends to make people the happiest. Plus I just think it's a cute practice - giving people a chance to live an adventure or a romance with their favorite characters. It's sweet. But I do enjoy writing my OCs as side characters because I can be specific about who they are and what they look like. It's also just useful as a sounding board for how people respond to my characters which helps me with my original fiction pieces.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Mmm I don't know that I have one! I really like to experiment and play with genre and tropes. I think it's fun!
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Honestly I'd probably be fine doing that with most of them. "Shift" is definitely one because I don't feel confident that we had enough material for Pietro to allow me to write him well which bothers me. But it was a request. Umm "Burden of Proof" maybe just because I don't think it's very good at all - it was just a quick silly thing - and I'm bitter about it somehow having the highest number of notes of any of my stories. It frustrates me greatly.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
Laaaaate at night. That's when my best stuff comes to me. The notes section of my phone is full of parts and pieces of stories from when I wake up in the middle of the night and have a huge wave of inspiration.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Honestly my writer brain is always working. A lot of the time it's weird connections to my life that trigger something. A "what if this had happened instead" or a "I wonder what would happen if". It literally never stops. I have a notebook of more story ideas than I could ever hope to write.
7) In your Just One Kiss fic, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
It's a scene you guys haven't read yet.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
No, I have not. I haven't ever gotten any useful criticism before. Just rude people.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Probably Steve! He's the easiest for me to write for some reason. I also tend to get nicer feedback on Steve stories.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Uuuumm... Pietro. Like I mentioned before, I just don't have enough information to comfortably write him.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Just One Kiss?
Because that's all Bucky's been asking for since he was ten years old: "Come on, doll! Just one kiss?"
12) How did you come up with the idea for Just One Kiss?
Oddly enough, hearing "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer for the first time in a while. I've always thought that song was adorable. Cute and happy and sweet like a pre-war Bucky.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
No, I don't think so! There are a bunch I haven't worked on in a while, but I'm very stubborn. I'm not letting them go.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I've played with the idea of a The Lonely Tree sequel series. I'm still not sure though. I don't want it to be one of those things where the sequel spoils the original because it sucks, ya know?
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
No, I don't think so! I'm pretty intense about finding my endings.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Oh, gosh. This question scares me. I know I'd forget so many people if I tried to be specific. Really, I admire any one who writes on this platform. It's scary. It can get weirdly intense and rude really fast. Writing is hard, and sharing your writing is even harder. Really and truly, I admire everyone who has ever tried.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Every. Single. One.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Depends! It does have to be one or the other, though. I'm not one of those people who can sit in a coffee shop and write. I either need silence, or I need music. I actually make playlists for each longer piece that I take on to help me keep inspiration flowing. I've thought about posting them on the masterlist before.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
I've gotten very, very, VERY sad, but I don't think I've ever made myself cry. Probably because I know I'm a big ole softy who is going to write a happy ending. It helps when you know everything is going to be okay.
20) Which part of your Just One Kiss fic was the hardest to write?
Chapter 7, the Christmas chapter, for sure. That was when I was getting really rude and hateful messages from people. It was also a mental health low point, and of course there was the full chapter deletion that forced me to rewrite from scratch. That was not a fun time, let me tell ya.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
It kind of depends. Mostly I just go with the flow. However, if I'm having trouble grappling with a larger or more complex story, I do try to break it down by what I want to be the theme for each chapter, or a wish list of ideas/moments I want to cover. It still isn't really an outline. More of an idea board, really.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
At some point, the number of notes on stories remains stable and comparatively low no matter how much higher your follower count grows.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Soundtrack. It's the one that I've spent the longest amount of time working with and the one that I feel has the most genuine emotion and depth. But also the lowest number of notes by far.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Burden of Proof. I wrote it as a silly little answer to a vague request. It really doesn't have a plot. That character work isn't that great. I didn't spend much time on it at all. And yet, it has the highest number of notes by far.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Umm not really? Role wise and situation wise, sometimes. The Lonely Tree came about when I passed by my favorite tree and my soon to be friend Maggie asked if she could put me in her art assignment. Scarf Thief came about when I crossed paths with a guy in a Captain America costume the weekend of Halloween who looked like he was about to freeze to death because he forgot to grab a coat and I lent him my scarf.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Really any person who actually goes into detail in their comments is paying me a very treasured compliment. When people do some interpreting? I love it. When people share how they are affected by my writing? I am floored. In recent memory, @hispeculiartreasure private comments to me touched me the deepest.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I think things have to be useful in order to be considered criticism. I've instead had rudeness (demanding updates and treating me like a servant) and confusing leaps to unsupported conclusions (I hate Bucky Barnes because I dare to write a slow burn, apparently).
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Oh, I love to share them! You guys don't know how much you would learn if you actually asked! Mostly I share them with @aubzylynn and @indominusregina
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
No, and I plan to keep it that way.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
Umm minor in terms of not the focal point of the story, I always love writing Tony. His voice comes through really easily to me, and I definitely plan on giving him his own stories in the future. In terms of actually a minor character, Louise from Just One Kiss! I love my sweet, silly Louise. (Betty is a main character dammit)
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
F e e d b a c k. Always feedback. The more detailed, the better.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
I don't know yet! I haven't had a chance to play with very many! I'm missing a lot of the classic romcom ones and it's a damn tragedy. (Hmm I sure hope no one would be an angel and request some specifics so I have an excuse. That would be terrible.)
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
I have no earthly idea
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Fluff! Easy! I don't have it in me to carry angst all the way to the end. It always has to have a fluffy ending. I do enjoy the depths I can reach and the complex dynamics I can explore with angst, but in the end I always have to soothe it over with fluff. And I don't write smut, so that's out too. I just like making people happy! I love being able to make people smile and feel good and walk away in a better mood than when they first sat down to read. That's always the goal.
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icyhobi · 7 years
Angel in the Darkness (M) pt.7
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Summary: After a patient urgently pleads you to go and help a friend of his, you naively agree to it. Little did you know, that you would get more than what you agreed to, when he leads you to a brothel, to help a dangerous prostitute named Jeon Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (ft. Jin, but not romantically)
Genre: Smut (M), angst, mafia!au, prostitution!au
A/N:This is a dark and filthy story! Graphic descriptions of sex (masturbating, etc), heavy dom/sub undertones, drug use, vulgar language use……(alot of smut comes in later) This is a mature read! You have been warned!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 (final chapter)
The air conditioning caused the dimly lit room to be abnormally cold, as Jin slightly shivered. He was sitting with his hands forming fists, while his father gave him a stern look.
He didn’t want to be here, that was for sure. He knew his father must have started to become suspicious of him, since it was taking an unusually long time for him to locate Jungkook and you. So when he got another message that his father wanted to see him – he couldn’t stop shaking.
What was he supposed to say? He couldn’t keep lying and give his father the same answer of ‘they are close.’ No, that definitely wouldn’t work this time, as he could tell with the look his father currently gave him.
“Son,” his father spoke with a grim voice. “How stupid do you think I am?”
Even though Jin was nervous, he managed to pull off his infamous poker face as he replied, “What ever do you mean?”
“Save your lies for someone else Jin,” the greying man mocked. “You may be able to fool others, but certainly not me. Now tell me where they are. Now.”
“Well obviously I was able to fool you for this long,” Jin laughed.
A mere second later, the old man’s fist connected with his jaw, sending his head to harshly swing to the side.
“Don’t try to act so smart with me boy. My patience is very thin for you,” his father seethed. “Now tell me, where are you keeping them?”
Jin’s face was still turned downwards as he questioned, “Are you accusing me of keeping them as some sort of hostage?”
“Perhaps, I’m not too sure. But I’m positive you have found at least one. I mean, I would understand why you would try to hide Jungkook from me, but the girl?”
Jin froze at the mention of you. Where exactly was his father going with this? With a hesitant look, he glanced up to face the man from where he was seated before he asked, “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean I understood why you’d not want me to find your little brother, but then I thought it was odd as too why you’d hide the girl from me also,” his father said, with a sinister smirk. “But then it occurred to me…”
What is he trying to say… Jin mentally screamed to himself. His time was running out and he didn’t know what to even do. There would be no way to warn you or Jungkook – which made him terrified.
Seeing the look of fear finally flash across Jin’s eyes, made his father feel great satisfaction as he said his next words;
“If I recall correctly… I originally sent you to go kill her and her mother, all those years ago.”
“Why are you so adamant on watching something else? Are you that scared?” Jungkook joked, as he sat beside you on his couch.
You two had been sitting on the sofa for the past 10 minutes, trying to figure out a movie to watch. Naturally, Jungkook had turned down every single one of the suggestions you gave for no good reason. What was the point of even asking for your opinion if he was just going to say no anyways?
“I’m not scared, its just why did you even ask for my opinion if you were just gonna choose a movie yourself,” you sighed.
“Because I was trying to be a gentleman.”
“But you said no to every single movie I said!”
“Cause all the stuff you suggested was shit.”
“Of course, why did I even ask…” you huffed, but there was still a smile on your face as you tried your best not to laugh.
For some reason, spending time with Jungkook just always made you happy. You literally always found yourself smiling when you were with him. He was just so… special, and he was able to make you feel a certain way, that nobody else could.
Crossing your arms under your breasts, you defensively spoke, “But you even said no to Iron Man! How is that a bad option?”
Jungkook still had his eyes glued to his phone as he was searching for a good website to chromecast the movie to the TV. “Because I said so.”
You raised your eyebrows at his stubbornness. “Have you even watched it?”
“So why don’t you give it a chance?”
“Because I like horror movies best, so shut it.” he said while side eyeing you. It looked like you were about to retort, but then he thought of something to make you stay quiet. “If you wanna use your mouth, I have a lot of other ways I think you could put it to good use.”
Your words died down in your throat as you saw the little smirk he held, at his lewd suggestion. He always found a way to make you hot and bothered, even though you never would admit it that you secretly liked it.
“Finally,” he exclaimed in triumph when he found a good website to stream. He then casted his screen to the TV, and the movie began playing.
You both were silently watching the opening credits in the dark, until the name of the movie showed up with piercing loud music. You jolted in surprise from the sound, and turned to look at Jungkook since he was laughing at you.
“What’s so funny?” you said with a small pout.
“The title screen scared you,” he snickered.
“I wasn’t scared, it was just so loud that I was caught of guard!” you defended, even though you were quite embarrassed that he saw you get scared.
“Ahh don’t worry, that was probably the scariest part of the whole movie,” he said reassuringly.
Wait, how would he know that? “Have you already seen this?”
He nodded his head at your question. “Yea like 3 times.”
Why is he always like this… “Then why are you making me watch it, if you’ve already seen it?”
“I just felt like it, now can you shut up already? The movie already started,” he replied with a playful tone.
Not hearing your reply, Jungkook glanced over to you before he sighed, “Y/n, Insidious isn’t even scary. I promise.”
Seeing the comforting look on his face, caused you to smile. “Okay.”
I can’t take this… you thought mentally. You didn’t know if Jungkook lied to you to say this movie wasn’t scary at all, or if he genuinely thought it wasn’t scary – but you were for sure down right terrified.
Only about 40 minutes of the film passed, but you were seriously tempted to go turn the TV off. It wasn’t like it was extremely terrifying or anything, it was just the tension that built to the jump scares that really got to you, which you hated.
You were rooted to your spot on the couch, completely tense all over. The only source of light in the whole room was coming from the TV itself, so it made you feel even more stressed. Why did you have to watch this stupid movie in the dark?
You slowly glanced over to Jungkook who sat on your left, as he sat in a relaxed position with his eyes glued to the TV. He was slouched back, and had his right arm up on the top of the couch resting, but then you noticed you couldn’t see his left hand. Curious, you moved slightly forward to get a better view of him until you flushed bright red when you realized where he put his hand.
The reason why you couldn’t see it was because, he had his jeans unbuttoned with his left hand completely stuffed down his pants.
Oh my gosh why is his hand down his pants!?! You knew you should’ve looked away, but you couldn’t for some reason. It was like you were in a trance just staring at it. I wonder if he’s… wait, what? Get a hold of yourself Y/n!
Coming to your senses, you look up to Jungkook’s face, only to see that he was already staring at you. Oh shit! He totally saw me looking!
He raised his eyebrows as he questioned, “What are you so flustered about?”
“I… uhh, n-nothing…” you stuttered.
“Come closer.”
Oddly enough, there was no hesitance as you complied to his request. Why had you agreed so quickly?
But even as you questioned yourself, you knew it was because you wanted to be closer to him. There was just something about this man that instantly kept drawing you closer. And as you saw the dark look on his face, when he looked at you scooting closer to him, you knew that you felt he had not so innocent motives as to why he was asking you this.
Your thighs were now touching with his and he chose to wrap his right arm around your waist, pulling you closer into him. Your torso was practically on him now, with your back partially against his chest. The position wasn’t uncomfortable per say, but the fact that you could practically see his hand down his crotch as it was right in front of you, caused you to blush.
Why wasn’t he moving his hand? You tried your best not to look at it, but it was just so… alluring? The sight made you feel hot all over, as you felt blood rush to your core. But what made your eyes widen was when you saw that there was movement underneath his jeans, as if he was rubbing something, leading your mind to think of sinful things for the first time.
Oh dear lord, I can’t be having these kind of thoughts!
Jungkook on the other hand, was struggling to keep his dick from straining. It was already so damn tempting to just shove you to towards the wall and kiss you when you first entered – but he knew he couldn’t do that. He needed to control himself, no matter how hard it was. Just looking at you sit on the couch with your shorts riding up, was driving him mad which made his cock get hard. It was the worst timing ever, but he really couldn’t help it. You were just… something else. No one had ever made him go this wild in all his life, and it was worrying. He wanted you so badly, yet couldn’t have you.
But as he was clutching his dick underneath his pants to add some relief, he could clearly notice your vision on it.
Why is she making this so damn hard? I should have thrown a blanket over her legs… fucking hell…
He gripped your waist a little tighter, which caused you to squeak.
He could literally feel your nerves as he held you tight. Your legs were closed shut, as you rubbed your thighs together.
Why did it feel so hot in this room all of a sudden?
Jungkook closed his eyes in irritation – he wanted you so badly. And he couldn’t stop himself from sliding his hand on your waist lower towards your ass.
Your breath hitched as his hand slid down to your bottom. What was he doing? He’s never done this before, but you didn’t mind it…
That is until you feel him grab the end of shorts and push them farther up your thighs, till practically your butt cheek and underwear were exposed.  
“Why do you do this to me Y/n?” he whispered as if he were in pain.
You were so happy it was dark since your face was bright red. “Do what?”
“You make me wanna take you in so many ways,” he said in a strained voice as he grabbed a nice handful of your ass. He squeezed it harshly as he whispered in your ear, “You’re so… I’ve never felt this way with anyone before.”
What? Was he telling the truth? Was he having the same weird feelings as you were? He… wanted you? Unlike his usual playful and teasing voice, this time it sounded as if he were dead serious.
“J-Jungkook…” you trailed off nervously. You honestly didn’t know what to say and as he continued to grope your ass, you felt butterflies in your stomach and your core throb. You knew you probably should’ve stopped him before it escalated too far, but you couldn’t. Because even if you didn’t want to admit it – you wanted him to continue.
Why isn’t she stopping me? I need her to stop me before I can’t control myself…
If there was another jump scare in the movie, you didn’t notice it, as Jungkook sat up hastily to roll over on top of you. He pushed your back down onto the couch and sat up on his knees as he straddled you by your hips.
You shyly looked up into Jungkook’s lusty gaze, waiting for him to say something.
He leant down until his face was near your jaw, then kissed and sucked it lightly. You gasped out at the unusual feeling as his lips trailed along your jawline.
He stopped his actions abruptly, before he muttered, “Y/n, please stop me.”
“W-why?” you asked nervously, as he lifted his head to look at you in the eyes.
“I won’t be able to stop if I continue,” he mumbled.
The hooded look in his eyes was enough for you to make your decision on what you wanted as you whispered…
“But I don’t want you to stop.”
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proxylynn · 7 years
Dreemurr Academy #10 (UnderSwap Sans)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds. This includes myself, though I'm sort of an in-between. I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball. That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around. To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion. Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple. The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy. Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't. Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority, and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of. Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and whose grades are earned with doom hanging over your head. The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a toothpick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher. The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old-fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feels need to be taken down a notch. Such things take their toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps on his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades. The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bullying of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students. The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be crueler in the humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is an easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears. The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone. Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl. I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim. I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the company of guys. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes. Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker but secretly is very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance. Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet. Papy is easily the most lovable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a lovable soul. Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough. All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them. Today is a typical day. Classes are boring as fuck! The material sounds repetitive. The same old same old, day in day out. God, the fatigue is heavy. Luckily, or unluckily, depends on how you look at it, I've found something that is keeping my attention. Rascal, my buddy and the king of school mischief, has been focusing his efforts more on me as of late. Now it's not like he's never done so before, oh no, he's tagged me good since my second year began. He's hit me with spitballs, whoopee cushions, kick me signs, the spring-loaded whipped cream pie in my locker, stealing my cell phone then changing all my ring-tones to something super annoying before calling during my most serious classes, and of course his most skilled trick...the up the skirt panty snapshot. He alone is the reason I don't really care for the uniforms. Girls have to wear skirts and I hate it! But lately, he's stepped up his game in a more annoying way. Each prank is something physically dirty. There's been explosive condiment packets, the homemade slime dump, and purposely messing up my chemical experiments so that they blow up. It's honestly gotten so bad that I pack extra clothes. Worse still is having to use the gym showers. Rumor has it they're haunted, but I call bullshit, the damn school is less than three years old, this isn't some sort of corpse party or some anime trope. But I will admit...I have heard some weird sounds when I shower there. Though today is gonna be different. Once a month I like to spend a solid weekend with one of my friends and coincidentally their brothers. During this time, we catch up on the little things, do some work, or just goof off. And this month it's Rascal's turn. I plan on getting some answers. Stretch always has my back, mostly because Rascal annoys the piss out of him when he tries to do his job. Wingy will also help if needed, he doesn't like misbehavior or finding out his family is doing something stupid. This leads up to now...Dinner time. "so kiddo...anything new?" "Not really sir." "please, we're not at school. you don't have to treat me like a teacher." "I know. It's just a force of habit. Really hard to break." "✌❄ ☹☜✌💧❄ 💧☟☜🕯💧 🕈☜☹☹ 💣✌☠☠☜☼☜👎📬 🕆☠☹✋😐☜ ✌ 👍☜☼❄✌✋☠ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜ 🕈☟⚐ 💧☟✌☹☹ ☼☜💣✌✋☠ ☠✌💣☜☹☜💧💧📬" (AT LEAST SHE'S WELL MANNERED. UNLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS.) "UH...I'M RIGHT HERE. I KNOW YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT ME." "❄☟☜☠ ✡⚐🕆 💧☟⚐🕆☹👎 😐☠⚐🕈 ✋❄🕯💧 ☼🕆👎☜ ❄⚐ 💧❄✌☼❄ 💧❄🕆☞☞✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆☼ ☞✌👍☜ 👌☜☞⚐☼☜ ✋ 🏱🕆❄ ❄☟☜ ☝⚐💧☟ 👎✌☼☠ 🏱☹✌❄❄☜☼ 👎⚐🕈☠📬 ⚐☟✏ 🏱✌☼👎☜☠ 💣✡ ☹✌🕆☝✌☝☜📬" (THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW IT'S RUDE TO START STUFFING YOUR FACE BEFORE I PUT THE GOSH DARN PLATTER DOWN. OH! PARDEN MY LAUGAGE.) "You're fine Wingy, believe me, I've heard worse." "⚐☟ 👎☜✌☼📪 ✌💧 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧 💧✌✋👎📪 🕈☜🕯☼☜ ☠⚐❄ ✌❄ ❄☟☜ ✌👍✌👎☜💣✡📬 ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠ 🕆💧☜ ⚐🕆☼ ❄☼🕆☜ ☠✌💣☜💧📬" (OH DEAR, AS PAPYRUS SAID, WE'RE NOT AT THE ACADEMY. YOU CAN USE OUR TRUE NAMES.) "Okay...Gaster. Wow, that takes getting used to." "YOU SAY THAT EVERY TIME." "sans..." "WHAT?" "don't be a smartass." Rascal just rolls his eyes and continues to eat as Wingy serves the rest of us. I'll give the guy credit, out of the four Gaster, Wingy is the best cook around. Though there is some talk of another skeleton that is looking to take on the job he has. My guess is he'll end up as a secondary professor or personal tutor. "💧⚐ 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧📪 🕈☟✌❄ ☟✌✞☜ ✡⚐🕆 ✋💧💧🕆☜👎 ☞⚐☼ ❄☟✋💧 ✈🕆✌☼❄☜☼🕯💧 ✌💧💧✋☝☠💣☜☠❄✍" (SO PAPYRUS, WHAT HAVE YOU ISSUED FOR THIS QUARTER'S ASSIGNMENT?) "nothing much. just told them to give me an original paper in any psychological field." "YEAH. LIKE THAT'S SIMPLE." "You don't have a subject yet?" "YOU DO?" "I do." "mind sharing it?" "Only because you asked and it can tease you with waiting. I'm writing about the correlation of dreams having more effect/relevance on the conscious mind and not just the unconscious." "dang...now i am curious." "💧🏱☜✌😐✋☠☝ ⚐☞ 👎☼☜✌💣💧📪 ☟⚐🕈 ✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆☼💧 👎⚐✋☠☝ 💧✌☠💧✍" (SPEAKING OF DREAMS, HOW ARE YOURS DOING SANS?) Rascal looks up at his older brother. "HUH?" "✡⚐🕆☼ 👎☼☜✌💣💧📬 ✌☼☜ ❄☟☜✡ ❄☼⚐🕆👌☹✋☠☝ ✡⚐🕆✍" (YOUR DREAMS. ARE THEY TROUBLING YOU?) "NO...? WHY DO YOU ASK?" "🕈☜☹☹📪 💧⚐💣☜ ☠✋☝☟❄💧 ✋ 👍✌☠ ☟☜✌☼ ✡⚐🕆 💣🕆❄❄☜☼✋☠☝ 🕈☜✌☼✋☹✡📬" (WELL, SOME NIGHTS I CAN HEAR YOU MUTTERING WEARILY.) Rascal's cheekbones color faintly and he averts his gaze. "I'M FINE." "⚐☟📪 ❄☟✌❄ ☼☜💣✋☠👎💧 💣☜📬 🏱✌🏱✡☼🕆💧📪 ☟✌✞☜ ✡⚐🕆 ☞✋✠☜👎 ❄☟☜ 💧✋☠😐✍" (OH, THAT REMINDS ME. PAPYRUS, HAVE YOU FIXED THE SINK?) "didn't need to. there was nothing wrong with it or any of the others." "☼☜✌☹☹✡✍ ✋ 💧🕈☜✌☼ ✋🕯✞☜ ☟☜✌☼👎 ✋❄ 👎☼✋🏱🏱✋☠☝ ✌❄ ✌☹☹ ☟⚐🕆☼💧 ⚐☞ ❄☟☜ ☠✋☝☟❄📬" (REALLY? I SWEAR I'VE HEARD IT DRIPPING AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT.) I can't help but notice Rascal squirm and the cyan blush he sports is getting darker. Wonder what that's about. "LOOK, CAN WE JUST EAT AND NOT TALK FOR FIVE MINUTES?" We all give him a look. "WHAT?" "you know it won't hurt to get that monkey off your back." "I SAID, I'M FINE." "✡⚐🕆🕯☼☜ 👍☹☜✌☼☹✡ ☠⚐❄📬" (YOU'RE CLEARLY NOT.) "DROP IT! JUST DROP IT!" He storms off to his room. "⚐☟ ☝⚐⚐👎☠☜💧💧📬" (OH GOODNESS.) Stretch stands. "i'll go talk with him." He follows after Rascal, leaving Wingy and me. "✋ 👎⚐ ✌🏱⚐☹⚐☝✋☪☜ ☞⚐☼ 💧✌☠💧📬 ✋ 👎⚐☠🕯❄ 😐☠⚐🕈 🕈☟✌❄🕯💧 ☝⚐❄❄☜☠ ✋☠❄⚐ ☟✋💣 ☹✌❄☜☹✡📬" (I DO APOLOGIZE FOR SANS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO HIM LATELY.) Lately? "So this has been going on for some time?" "🖂💧✋☝☟🖂 ✋ 😐☠⚐🕈 ☟☜ ☠☜☜👎💧 ☟☜☹🏱📪 👌🕆❄ ☟☜ 🕈⚐☠🕯❄ ❄☜☹☹ 🕆💧 ✌☠✡❄☟✋☠☝📬 ✋❄🕯💧 ✈🕆✋❄☜ 🕈⚐☼☼✋💧⚐💣☜📬" (*sigh* I KNOW HE NEEDS HELP, BUT HE WON'T TELL US ANYTHING. IT'S QUITE WORRISOME.) He frowns in concern and it gets to me. I get up and go behind him, surprising him with a hug. "If anyone can make him talk, it's Stretch." "✋💧 ✋❄ 🕈☜✋☼👎 ✋ 🕈⚐☼☼✡ 💧⚐ 💣🕆👍☟✍" (IS IT WEIRD I WORRY SO MUCH?) "No, it's understandable. You care. There's nothing wrong with that." He smiles and pats my arm. "✡⚐🕆🕯☼☜ ✌ ☝⚐⚐👎 ☝✋☼☹📪 ☹✡☠💧✋☜📬" (YOU'RE A GOOD GIRL, LYNSIE.) "I try." I let him go and rub his skull childishly. "You're adorable Wingy. I'm gonna go see how those two are doing." "☝⚐⚐👎 ☹🕆👍😐📬" (GOOD LUCK.) With that, I depart from the table and enter the hall towards their rooms. I get close to Rascal's room but stop just before it in front of the bathroom, his door is closed but I hear voices. "bro, seriously, what's wrong? you've been acting funny more than usual. and not the 'ha ha' type of funny that we know you for." "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" "is this about those dreams you've been having? if you just tell us what's up then maybe..." "OKAY! JUST STOP ALREADY. *sigh* I'VE BEEN HAVING... ERM, CONFUSING DREAMS LATELY." "what sorts of dreams? nightmares?" "NO! NOT BAD ONES! JUST...UNUSUAL I'D SAY..." "how unusual? we are talking about dreams here." "MAYBE IT'S BEST IF I TELL YOU..." Rascal clears his throat. "FIRST I'M STANDING SOMEWHERE. I DON'T KNOW WHERE. I'M ALL ALONE, BUT I'M HAPPY; I'M EXPECTING SOMEONE. WHEN THE PERSON I'M EXPECTING ARRIVES, WE TALK. I DON'T REMEMBER THE SUBJECT NOW." "well you need to try and remember what happened if you want me to really hear what you think, but so far it doesn't sound so strange." "YOU SEE, THE STRANGE PART IS...IT'S WHAT HAPPENS LATER." "okay...what happens?" "WE GO TO MY ROOM AND I...I'M SORRY I CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT!" It doesn't take me long to figure out what kind of dreams he's been having. It's actually kind of cute. But really now, who's the certain someone? "bro, those kind of dreams are normal. there's nothing to worry about in having them." "BUT THE PERSON I MEET...I DON'T KNOW IF IT WOULD BE APPROPRIATE." "why do you feel like that? what's wrong with his dream lover?" "OKAY, ONE...DON'T EVER USE THOSE WORDS AGAIN. AND TWO, DON'T EVER USE THOSE WORDS AGAIN." "noted. but go on. why is the love of your dreams inappropriate?" Rascal swallows audibly. "NO, THAT'S NOT THE POINT...I MEAN...MAYBE...JUST...JUST FORGET ABOUT IT. I'M FEELING A BIT TIRED. DO YOU MIND IF WE TALK SOME OTHER TIME?" "oh, no, you're not wriggling out of this that easily. you should come clean and confess; you'll sleep better with the burden off your conscience." "IT'S SOMEONE CLOSE!" Well, now, that's intriguing. Someone close huh. Bet it's that odd bunny chick, she always seems to eye the bone boys. Best quit while I'm ahead before I get busted. Though I do still feel a little curious, I decide to go back and help Wingy. Stretch comes back sometime later, crashing on his lounger and chilling out to Jeopardy. He tells us things will be okay and we kind of have no choice but to believe him. Wingy, still concerned, decides to bake something that he thinks will cheer his little brother up. Which is a great idea...till a freak blender accident makes a splattering mess. Thank god I planned for this, god I'm too used to this by now. "❄☟☜ 👌✌❄☟☼⚐⚐💣🕯💧 ✌☹☹ ✡⚐🕆☼💧 👎☜✌☼📬 ✌☝✌✋☠📬📬📬✋🕯💣 ✌💣 💧⚐ 💧⚐☼☼✡ ✌👌⚐🕆❄ ❄☟✋💧📬" (THE BATHROOM'S ALL YOURS DEAR. AGAIN...I'M AM SO SORRY ABOUT THIS.) "It's fine. No damage was done. Hell, at least it was tasty." "✡⚐🕆🕯☼☜ ✌☹🕈✌✡💧 ☹⚐⚐😐✋☠☝ ⚐☠ ❄☟☜ 👌☼✋☝☟❄💧✋👎☜📬 ❄☟✌❄🕯💧 ✌ ☝⚐⚐👎 ❄☼✌✋❄📬" (YOU'RE ALWAYS LOOKING ON THE BRIGHTSIDE. THAT'S A GOOD TRAIT.) Wingy fusses with my hair playfully as he leaves to his room for the night. "eh. i guess i'll get some shuteye too." "Like you didn't already. You nodded off before final Jeopardy." He chuckles as he too gets up. "maybe, but it's not like the answer was super important." "It wasn't. Then again, I didn't hear it either. Too busy being caked on. *giggle*" He walks by me as I gather up my sleeping clothes. "hey, kiddo..." "Yes, sir?" He gives me a funny look and then smiles. "don't stay up too late." "I'll try. But I make no promises." With that, he leaves and I make my way into the bathroom for a quick shower before bed. Ah, there's nothing like the feel of warm water and the scent of lavender shampoo/conditioner to soothe the soul before bed. That plus it's a great way to get excess baking batter off the body and out of my hair. Soon enough though, I start hearing something. It's like the odd sound I'd hear in the academy showers, only a bit louder. Is it... Is it coming from Rascal's room? That bony butt hole! Has he been messing with me when I'm in the showers?! That dingus! Oh, I am so gonna give him a piece of my mind. I cut the water off, grab one of their bathrobes before my mind forgets I'm nude and make it to his door all flustered. I'm just about to rage grab his doorknob when suddenly I hear a faint moan. "OH...LYNSIE." Wait...Is he... no, he couldn't be. I sidle up to the door, pressing my ear against the wood and start to listen intently. "DAMN IT...WHY'D SHE HAVE TO BE HERE? CURSE MY DREAMS...OH, LYNSIE. IF ONLY YOU KNEW..." Now blushing and my curiosity teased, I decide to take a little peek through the lock; I have to verify that this is really happening. I press myself against it as best I can, looking through into the bedroom beyond. True to what my ears heard, I find one of my best friends in deep focus on more...carnal matters. Naked from the waist down, he sits on the edge of his bed, glowing cyan member in hand and enthusiastically stroking himself off. "AH! THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME...THE THINGS I WISH YOU WOULD DO TO ME...AH..." He groans to himself between pants and moans. The distinct sound of fapping of a hand slapping is quite audible from where I am. He whimpers softly and bites his lower jaw, clearly nearing the brink. Holy shit...This is for real. This is beyond a curious development. He's developed a crush on me? He thinks I'm attractive? Well, now...um...this is awkward. I should give him the chance to finish himself off. But I feel I need to head in and talk to him. Argh! I hate choices! Okay, calm down. Let's let fate decide. If his door is unlocked, then I go in. If not, I go to bed. I mentally count to three and very carefully turn the knob...the door is unlocked. I black out for a moment, but when my brain restarts I see that without missing a beat, I've opened the door and stepped in right in time to see a sticky rope of goo dribble onto the floor as he scrambles to cover himself up. "LYNSIE! W-WAIT, I CAN EXPLAIN! I SWEAR I...I...OH, GOD!" He hides under the covers of his bed, his skull blue with shame. I shake my head of the red flooding my cheeks. I slowly shut the door before approaching the hiding skeleton and sit at his bedside. "Dude...You like me?" Rascal peeks from under his covers. "YOU...YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT MAD AT ME?" I tilt my head confused. "Mad? For what? Hell, if anything I'm at a loss for why you do like me." "REALLY?" "Yeah. Not saying I'm not flattered to be the object of your desire. Because frankly, I need the self-esteem boost. But there's no need to hide yourself or these feelings. If you felt this way about me, you should've just said so." I finish with a smile and he visibly relaxes, letting the covers fall on his chest. "I'M SORRY. I JUST...I WASN'T SURE HOW TO GO ABOUT THIS." "Is that why you've been pounding me with so many pranks?" "YEAH. I'M NOT PROUD OF THAT." "That's for sure. That's how boys get girls in elementary school. Or at least, that's how TV makes it out to be." "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. IT'S TOO EMBARRASSING TALKING TO MY BROTHERS ABOUT PERSONAL STUFF." "You could've talked to me." "YOU'RE JOKING, RIGHT? LIKE I COULD REALLY TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT." "R-man, it's me we're talking about. You know I wouldn't judge you." "I JUST COULDN'T, OKAY! NOT AFTER WHAT I DID. WHAT I SAW." What does that mean? "Rascal? What are talking about?" He hides behind his hands and trembles faintly. "I FOUND A MANTANICE PATH UNDER THE BUILDING. I WANTED TO USE IT TO AVOID CLASSES AND PULL OFF EVEN BETTER TRICKS. SO I HAD TO CHECK WHERE THEY LEAD. ONE WAY HAD A LOOSE WALL BEAM AND I FOLLOWED IT. IT WENT PRETTY FAR. THEN A RAT SPOOKED ME. I TUMBLED AND SMACKED THE WALL. IT CRACK ON MY SIDE BUT CHIPPED A BIT ON THE OUTSIDE, NOTHING NOTICEABLE. TO MAKE SURE I WASN'T NOTICED I LOOKED THROUGH THE HOLE AND SAW..." "Saw...?" "...PROMISE YOU WON'T HIT ME." I don't like where this is going. "I promise." "*gulp*...I LOOKED IN THE HOLE AND SAW...THE SHOWERS." It hits me like a ton of bricks. "You..." "BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT, WHICH IS TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE, PLEASE HEAR ME OUT! IT WAS A COMPLETE ACCIDENT. ...THE FIRST TIME." My eye twitches. "First time?" "IT'S JUST THAT...WELL...SEEING YOU THERE, ALL COVERED IN SUDS WITH WATER CASCADING OFF YOU...*shudder* I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF." He regrets that as soon as it leaves him and I glare at him. "Oh my god..." "REMEMBER, YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HIT ME." "You are the biggest freaking dork ever! I should be beating on you like a xylophone!" "WAIT!" "What? Give me one good reason I shouldn't hold this over you like a hangman's noose?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I blank at those words. "Wha...?" "I SAID, I LOVE YOU." Realizing he said those words and seeing the look on my face, he recoils, hiding his face once more inside his covers. "THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. NOW YOU HATE ME. MY GAL PAL HATES ME AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." I hear sniffling and my eyes widen. Dear lord, he's going to cry. I must fix this. I pull the covers off his face and throw myself at him in a hug much to his confusion. "L-LYNSIE?" "I don't hate you, you goofball. How can I hate you? You're my friend. My recently emotional and horny friend. I can't be mad at you for how you feel. I just want to help." He shakes a little, even as he cautiously puts his arms around me and breathes in relief. "I'M SO SORRY..." "I forgive you." "THANK YOU." "So...We cool now? No more crazy pranks? Or impromptu shower peepshows?" "YEAH. I PROMISE TO STOP." "Thanks." I give him a nuzzle and he rubs my back. "HEH...KNOW SOMETHING FUNNY? I'VE JUST NOW NOTICED YOU'RE IN MY ROBE." "Sorry. I grabbed the closest one when I got out of the shower." "NO, IT'S OKAY. ...IT LOOKS NICE ON YOU." I blush, thinking this must seem so coincidentally intimate. "T-thank you." He runs a hand through my still wet hair. "I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU SAID YOU NEED A SELF-ESTEEM BOOST. YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL. ONLY IN MY DREAMS CAN I HOPE TO BE WITH YOU. I'M...I'M JUST ME, AND YOU...I DIDN'T THINK SOMEONE LIKE YOU COULD EVER..." He trails off somewhat sadly and I kiss his cheek to lift his spirits. "You're over thinking it. If you relax, then things will be fine." He smiles fondly. "LYNSIE...CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING?" "Sure." "CAN I...KISS YOU?" "R-really?" "JUST THIS ONCE. I WANT...I WANT TO END THIS NIGHT WITH SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE MY DREAMS EVEN SWEETER." "Okay. But no funny stuff." "WOULDN'T DREAM OF IT." "Then why do I feel you crossing your fingers?" "HEH HEH, OKAY, YOU CAUGHT ME. BUT I WON'T TRY ANYTHING. I SWEAR." I give a small chuckle before sitting up. Doing so opens the robe a tiny bit but it's enough for him to see some skin and get his bones sweating. I don't notice as I lean into the distracted bone boy and gently lay my lips to his quivering smile. Initially, I intend the kiss to be only a quick peck, but then it lasts for several seconds and then longer. I can't really explain it, but once we made contact, something in me did not want this feeling to end. Realizing I've yet to pull away, he softly returns the kiss and kneads his hand into the back of my head. His other hand trails up my arm, feeling its way down the slope of my back and test touches the hill that is my rear. When I still don't move away he gets bolder. The hand on my ass retreats to my hip, where it rubs into me before tugging on the robe's sash. And that's when I finally break the kiss. "Rascal?" "I, UM...TOO MUCH?" I look away sheepishly. "HEY...WHAT'S WRONG?" "...I...I'm a virgin." His eyes widen. "YOU TOO?" We share odd looks before laughing. This must look adorable, especially because we're acting like hopeless virgins. This explains so much. "So..." "YEAH..." "Do we...You know...?" "ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT WE...AND THAT I...PUT IT IN YOU?" "We could. It's an option." "YOU SURE? I MEAN, NOT THAT I DON'T WANT TO! OF COURSE, I'D SO DO THAT TO YOU. I MEAN WITH YOU! ARGH! I SOUND LIKE SUCH A CREEP." "Just a tiny bit. But in a cute way." "YOU THINK I'M CUTE?" "Well...Yeah. You're cute." "...LET'S DO THIS." "You sure?" "YES. I'M TIRED OF BEING SHY VIRGIN ABOUT THIS. IF OUR RELATIONSHIP HAS ESCALATED TO THIS CURRENT LEVEL, I WANT TO MAKE IT REAL. I WANT YOU TO BE MY FIRST. MY ONE AND ONLY. WILL YOU BE WITH ME TONIGHT LYNSIE? PLEASE?" Damn him and his love. In a short time he's made me annoyed, mad, and then filled with butterflies. I slip off his bed and begin stripping off bathrobe, leaving me bare much to his excitement. "I TAKE THIS AS A YES." "Come on, funny bones, play fair. You've seen me plenty of times. Now it's your turn." He shyly does the same, slipping off his nightshirt until he is laying in his bed completely bare-boned. "OK...HOW DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS?" "Hmmm...Good question. I believe we both know how this works, correct?" "YES, I KNOW WHAT PART OF ME GOES WHERE IN YOU." "Then maybe the standard way would be best. Sound okay?" "SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN TO ME." He gets off his bed and I teasingly take his place on the bed, looking up at him as he comes crawling back to be on top of me. The reaction is almost instantaneous; Rascal's magic made shaft immediately grows fully erect. "Whoa. You sure that'll fit?" "I'M SURE IT'S SUPPOSE TO. SURELY IT WILL. ...I HOPE AT LEAST." He laughs in nervousness. The broken ice of the room somehow reforming with awkwardness. This has us waiting for a short while and things get a little tense. "So...This is sex?" "N-NO...I HAVEN'T...IT'S NOT IN YET." "No offense, but...why not?" "...I'M SCARED. I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU." "Awww..." "DON'T 'AWWW' ME." "But you're so adorable." "I DON'T WANT TO BE ADORABLE. I'M A MAN. I'M MAGNIFICENT." "Okay mister man, be all bad boy if it makes you happy. But unless someone does something soon, neither of us are going to be feeling good anytime soon." "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I GET IT. JUST GIVE ME A SECOND." He breathes through his nose hole a few times before kneeling between my legs, aligning the tip of his shaft with my opening. He looks at me, waiting for me to confirm that he should indeed get going. I gently smile and nod. He smiles right back at me and finally begins easing himself inside. Rascal nervously begins to push his surprising warm member inside, timidly inserting an inch or two and then withdrawing, as if unable to bring himself to fully penetrate me. I groan at the initial intrusion and sigh as he pulls out. This is going nowhere fast. Bothered by his impromptu teasing, I decide to take charge. "You okay? I thought you wanted this?" "I-I'M SORRY, IT'S JUST...I'M NOT USED TO THIS, YOU KNOW?" His eyes are downcast, and I'm certain I can see him blush in humiliation. "IT...IT'S SO OVERWHELMING TO FINALLY BE WITH SOMEONE, NEVER MIND SOMEONE LIKE YOU." Giggling at his sweet hesitation, I gently take his hands in mine and guide them around my side, making him hug me. He doesn't need much encouragement to comply, easily snuggling against me, breastbone to actual breast, and sighing softly. "I'M SORRY. I JUST WONDER WHY YOU'D EVEN BOTHER DOING SOMETHING LIKE THIS, WITH SOMEONE LIKE ME." There's sadness in his voice and I don't like it. "Please don't be such an idiot." "HUH?" "Give yourself some credit. I like you. So forget about your insecurities. Because the more you think about it, the worse it's gonna get and I really hate seeing someone I care about unhappy. So cheer up. Or do I really have to be the one to pop our cherries?" Judging by the prodding I feel on my leg, I don't have to say anything more as he gently aligns himself with my sex and lets out a gruff huff when he suddenly thrusts himself forward, embedding himself in me to the hilt. This has me gasp and squeak in shock at the painful pinching sensation of the sudden intrusion, it's like something very girthy being shoved into the eye of a sewing needle. I cling harshly to my skeletal lover, my nails clawing at his bones. Panicked and in a bit of pain himself, he does what he can to ease me. Some light kissing here, some kind words there, it all gets to me eventually yet I still can't help but tease him. "*grunt* See? N-not so difficult now, w-was it?" "N-NOT DIFFICULT, NO. *groan* BUT HARD, ALL THE SAME." Did he just make a joke? "Heh...A poke and a joke, what better way to charm a girl. But unless you expect me to do all the work, the two of us won't get anything done if you just sit still." "YOU'RE ENJOYING TEASING ME, AREN'T YOU?" "Only a little bit. Just trying to tempt you into getting your head in the game and not worry so much." "VERY WELL. HERE GOES NOTHING." With that he promptly makes himself busy, awkwardly thrusting in and out, pumping in a clumsy attempt to please us both. While I do appreciate his enthusiasm, just randomly thrusting isn't really giving me all those 'seeing stars' feelings everyone always says they get in sex and I will be damned if I have this first time be a complete letdown. "Sans, can you stop for a moment?" Hearing me say his name makes him do so instantly and he blinks curiously. "DID I HURT YOU? AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG? I'M SORRY!" "Calm down, you didn't do anything wrong, and you certainly didn't hurt me." "SO, WHAT'S WRONG THEN? I'M NOT DOING THAT BADLY, AM I?" "No! No! Y-you're doing fine!" He pouts. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE TO ME." "I'm not lying." "*sad sigh* THIS IS SO MUCH EASIER IN MY DREAMS." "Hey, for the last time, you're doing fine. I just wanted you to stop so I can try something." "OH?" Rubbing his spine, I shall attempt to guide him through the process. Grasping on the base of his spinal cord, I begin sliding my hand up and down in slow tender strokes. He shivers out moans at the pleasure flooding his sensitive bones, but it doesn't stop him from catching on; indeed, he proves himself a quick study and starts to preempt my 'instructions'. Moving his hips in deep tender pumps, taking time to feel all there is and yet still find new spots that feel even better. Now, this is so much better. "I-I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW INCREDIBLE THIS IS, LYNSIE. YOU'RE SO WARM AND WET INSIDE." He begins murmuring such sweetness to me, too caught up in the sensations of sex to really flatter me, though I enjoy it all the same. "Oh yeah...That's the stuff. See, you're doing fine. Mmmm...So damn fine~ Ooooh Sans~." You moan alongside him, singing praises to him being a quick study, letting go of his spine and grabbing onto his bony shoulders instead, giving him a few more directions so he can catch some spots that feel extra sensitive. Suddenly he clenches up and gasps, moaning several times and arching his back before he can't hold it back anymore and climaxes inside of me, filling his sticky magic goo. I moan as he fills me with his magical essence, then immediately sigh in disappointment as he slumps down on top of me and nuzzling against my cheek tenderly. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE." "Yeah..." "HEY, WHAT'S WRONG?" "Nothing." "WAIT...DIDN'T YOU CUM TOO?" I can tell in his voice that he's curious yet sated. That means he'll keep asking until I say something. "I don't know. I guess I just didn't have enough time to get to that point." "REALLY?" "But it's okay. It did feel good for the time it lasted. And I'm happy to have made you feel so good." "YOU MEAN, I DIDN'T...? NO. HELL, NO, THAT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE!" He growls and to my surprise, I suddenly feel his flaccid member swelling once more inside me. He takes a dominating mount above me, grabbing onto my shoulders and starting to thrust himself hard into me once more. I groan in as much surprise as there is pleasure, bracing myself against Rascal as he begins fucking me with as much enthusiasm as when we started. I'm genuinely impressed. This is not something a newcomer to sex should be able to pull off. But screw that. I decide to thank and congratulate his dedication with a hot passionate kiss. He promptly redoubles his efforts, while trying to kiss me back in appreciation of the gesture. I begin to lose myself in the pleasure and closeness of this most powerful act. Slowly I start to feel a pressure build in my loins, and, if anything I've ever heard or read about is true, I know this as a sign that it won't be long before I finally achieve the oh so desired orgasm. Rascal himself lets out a cry of relief; having finally achieved his goal in helping me to orgasm, this means he can give in to the sensations he himself is being overwhelmed by, spraying my insides with a second coating of magic goo spunk, dredging up every last drop left. With a groan, he sinks down atop me, his orgasm pushes me over the edge, moaning out his name and my insides contracting trying their best to milk the poor skeleton of all the magic love goo he is worth. Then with one last spasm, I slump down against the bed and his shaft deeply embedded inside me slowly fades away unable to maintain form, some of our mixed juices running down to mat his bed. He lays there with me, panting softly from the exertion then somehow finds the strength to give me a weak yet cheeky grin. "SO, HOW WAS I THIS TIME?" "*flirty giggles* To quote you from earlier...That was incredible." "MYEH HEH HEH...GLAD TO HEAR IT. TO QUOTE YOU...I AIM TO PLEASE." "Mmmm...That you did~. You really surprised me. I didn't expect you to be able to get a second erection so quickly, especially after you just came." "WELL, I'VE LEARNED A FEW TRICKS AT THE ACADEMY FROM SOME OF THE MORE, UH, RESTRICTED TEXTBOOKS, SHALL WE SAY?" "Oh?" "NOT ENOUGH THAT I CAN DO ANYTHING MAJOR, BUT ENOUGH FOR...SOMETHING LIKE THIS..." His cockiness assures me he's back to his normal self. But I still can't help but tease my prankster lover. "Rather clever of you to bone up on such studies. But I wonder...What reason would you have for picking up this one particular talent, my dear friend?" He rubs the back of his skull bashfully. "A GUY CAN DREAM OF FINDING THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL SOMEDAY, CAN'T THEY? AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE BOY SCOUTS SAY, 'BE PREPARED'." "You, my fine fellow, are no boy scout." "SO TRUE. BUT YOU'RE STILL HERE AND HAVING A GOOD TIME ALL THE SAME." "That I am." I snuggle him in content. "Bet you're happy I came over now." He flinches. "YOU..." "I may have been naughty and eavesdropped while you were chatting with Stretch." He chuckles and nips at my ear. "SUCH A BAD GIRL YOU ARE. I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD PUNISH YOU OR PRAISE YOU." "Heh, all I know is, that next time we do this I expect at least four more performances like this." His eyes bulge at my suggestion, half in fear and half in lust. "I...I CAN'T POSSIBLY DO THAT! I MEAN, I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY." He declares, swallowing audibly and averting his eyes much to my amusement. Grinning, I pull him into the final kiss of the night, reassuring him this is just something for him to think about. Having said that, I gather our clothes and redress before joining him once more in bed, staying together the rest of the night...But I do have one question though. "Hey Sans..." "YEAH?" "What do you do with all the photos you take of up my skirt?" He flinches so hard it shakes me. "UH..." "You don't do anything weird with them, do you? Like, sell them?" "WHAT?! NO! NEVER! I WOULD NEVER PART WITH ANY OF THOSE MOUTH WATERING SHOTS OF YOUR GLORY. THOSE ARE FOR MY EYES ONLY." "Then what do you do with them aside from beating your magic meat to them?" "WELL I CERTAINLY DIDN'T USE THEM TO MAKE SOME SORT OF SCRAPBOOK FILLED WITH PICS OF YOUR LOVELY ASSETS, THAT'S FOR SURE." We just look at each other. "It's under the bed, isn't it?" "MAYBE." "Wow Sans. Just...Wow." "HEY...IN MY DEFENCE...YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO KNOW ABOUT IT." "Oh my god, Sans." "SORRY." "Don't be..." I hug the goofy bonehead. "Never be sorry for being yourself. Because I like you as you are. Perverted numbskull and all." "AWWW..." [Meanwhile: the hallway] Stretch walks past his younger brother's room with a bottle of honey in one hand and a smirk on his face. He bypasses his own room to slip a note under his older brother's door before returning to his room for the night. The note is simple and only states this..."The dream has been worked out".
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One Last Time (Angelica Schuyler x Reader)
Request: Hi can I have an imagine where the reader is Angelica Schylur's best friend and she dies and her ghost comes back to visit her for Angelica's birthday! @patheticforaesthetics Word Count: 1841 --- It was a regular day when it all happened. It was scary how things could change in a heartbeat. You and Angelica were on your way to go meet with her sisters. You had both lived with each other as roommates for a while now. You were best friends. Just close enough to be sisters. But you soon realized you were falling in love with her. Hard. Whenever you were around her, your heart seemed to skip a little and you'd get a bit flustered. She made you happy. Happier than anyone could make you. But you never took the opportunity to ask her out on a date or pursue anything romantically. You were scared. Scared of rejection. So you kept your feelings to yourself for months. It ate at you day after day. But you couldn't do it. You didn't want to risk your friendship. You valued it too much. You couldn't lose her. If you couldn't be with her romantically, you'd be with her in any way you could. You loved her enough. It was a normal day. It wasn't sunny but it wasn't cold. Indifferent. You were talking with Angelica in the streets when a strange thought came to you. You began to wonder why people have certain feelings towards each other. Why you felt the way you did about Angelica. Why she felt the way she did about you, completely platonically. It almost saddened you. That's when the world seemed to freeze. All of the sudden you felt every bone in your body suddenly shatter. You didn't have time to scream. You felt the collision of large truck crash into your side, crushing you. All you heard was the sound of the truck honk and Angelica calling out your name in a blood curdling scream. - It had felt like days. Weeks. Years. You were on your bed at the hospital, the sound of the heart monitor beating suspensefully. Everything was blurry and you felt as lifeless as a puddle of water. You could barely feel yourself in your own skin. You look to your side to see a beautiful girl holding your face, beads of tears running down her eyes. “Angelica,” you croaked softly. She cried softly. “Don't leave me,” she whispered. “Please.” You touched her hand and held it even though your grip was almost nonexistent. “I'll see you one day. I promise,” you said softly as your vision began to fade into dark. - Angelica was devastated. Her sisters had to be around her 24/7 in order to keep her alive. Angelica refused to eat, refused to go out, could barely do anything but sleep or stare at the walls. It took both of her sisters combined to even make her consider going out for fresh air. She'd loved you. But you passed too soon as she was never able to tell you how she felt. She regretted it everyday. She almost loathed herself for keeping in her emotions for so long. She wished for a second chance, to talk to you just one last time. To see you. Be with you. She was to tell you on her birthday but she was a week too late. The day still haunts her. Seeing your limp body on the ground. The truck colliding into you in a sudden breath. It would plague her forever. She was heartbroken and she could do nothing about it. All she wished for was one chance, one day more... You slowly opened your eyes, gasping as if you were underwater. You found yourself lying in bed. You sat up alarmed. Your bed. Your apartment. You regained composure. Your last earthly memory was of the hospital room. The sudden eerie peace you had felt. The darkness behind your eyes, oddly comforting. You had died. You were sure of it. Then you saw her. Angelica weeping, alone on her bed. You were so utterly confused. She was holding something, picture frames. Pictures of you. You got up and walked towards her. “Angelica,” you said softly. You walked over to her, an arm extended to try to comfort her. That's when you passed right through her. “What the hell?!” You screamed, but Angelica had no reaction. She was completely oblivious to your screams, much less your presence. You were puzzled as to why she had no clue to your existence. You slowly lifted your hand. You gasped. It wasn't there. You were completely translucent. Almost wispy. Like air. You were a ghost. You were really dead. You reached to your heart and searched for a beat but there was no feeling. You suddenly heard a soft voice. You heard Angelica mumbling to herself. “If I could only have saved you,” she whispered. “I could have saved you, sweetie. I should have pushed you out of the way.” She cried softly. The picture was one of you two when you'd first met. It was at a party for Eliza's boyfriend, Alex. Gosh, you two looked so young. So happy. It broke your heart to see her like this. “It should have been me,” she went on. “It should've been me. I loved you too much.” You broke down into tears. “It wasn't your fault, Angelica,” you cried softly, even if she couldn't hear. You wanted to comfort her and you were heartbroken that you couldn't. Your tears were as light as air, disappearing the minute they touched your palms. You sniffed, confused yet curious. It was barely there but you'd felt it. You saw a feather dropped by a bird outside. When you attempted to lift it it was close to a pound, heavy for a feather, but not impossible to lift. You looked at Angelica sadly. She was staring at the photo in silence, smiling ever so softly at the memory. “One last time, Angelica,” you whispered. - There was a week until her birthday. You had to communicate with her in any way possible. You worked at lifting the smallest things, from paper to pencils. She would notice the big things, like a remote or a glass that moved from its spot. But she'd simply put it back without alarm. You stayed in the room with Angelica everyday. Not that she could see you but it still counted. The room was exactly the same as you'd left it. Like a photograph. Your posters were still up, your stuffed animal was still on the edge of your bed, clothes folded neatly in your dresser. It made you happy yet sad every time you looked at it. Every night, you'd lie down next to her, and even if she couldn't feel it, it gave you peace. Just being next to her. Feeling the warmth of her body next to yours. How you longed for your life. Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time. What an understatement. You had attempted talking to people and realized you had to scream at the top of your lungs to get a soft whisper out. You might have driven a couple people to believe they were insane, but then others would ignore it like a gnat in their ears. You had to keep trying. The morning of Angelica’s birthday came at last. It was the crack of dawn but you'd need the time. After ten minutes of hard core pulling, you'd finally got the fridge open. You made eggs sunny side up, waffles, bacon, the works. You were actually somewhat proud. “These are better than anything I made while I was alive, dammit,” you mumbled to yourself. You set the table to perfection. White tablecloth, flowers in a vase. Everything was Martha Stewart perfect. You sat at the table for a few seconds then you suddenly got up. Something was missing. You needed to talk to her. One last time. You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen staring at it a while before writing. My Dearest, Angelica, You will be alarmed when you see this but do not be. It's me. (Y/N.) I can barely believe it myself. I have no idea know how to say all this in a single letter. There is so much that needs to be said. God, I miss you. I miss you with all my heart. All I wish for is to talk to you one last time. There are so many things I'll never get to say to you, but know, I have and always will love you. I will never see you until you pass but please, my love, take your time. I don't want you to remain saddened forever. And you will not. You will find love. Have a family. Grow old. I literally do not want to see you as a spirit until you are old and wrinkly. I mean it. Just know this, I will always be with you. Whether you're feeling happy or sad, I'll always be watching over you. I'll always be there. Call my name and know I'm next to you. It's a tragedy we had to part like this but tragedies can be overcomed. You will not be sad forever. I love you, my dearest, Angelica. You sighed contently when you finished writing. You were near tears when you finished. You folded the paper and stuck it under the vase. You sat in the chair next to Angelica's, waiting for her to wake. You sensed it at first when she woke but she didn't move right away. Ten minutes passed when she finally got up. She walked into the kitchen, her eyes puffy and red. Her dark curly hair was tied back and her pajamas were covered in red hearts. You smiled softly. She stopped in her footsteps. She looked around, alarmed at first, then curious. She smelled the flowers and smiled softly. “Was this Eliza?” She mumbled. You scoffed. Eliza was sweet but not that sweet. She sat down when she suddenly noticed the letter. She pulled it from underneath the vase and opened it. Her eyes widened slightly at first. She looked around the room in alarm. But then she kept reading. She smiled, laughing at some parts, crying softly. She closed it carefully, holding it in her hand gently, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was silent a while. Then she spoke. “(Y/N)?” She whispered. “Are you here?” You cried happily. “Yes, I'm here, love,” you said softly. Her eyes widened. “Is that really you?” She whispered, looking around. “You heard that?” You exclaimed, getting excited. But she kept repeating your name and looking around so you knew she couldn't anymore. You sighed softly. Damnit. “If you can hear me,” she whispered. “I love you. So much.” You cried, touching her hand. “I love you, too,” you whispered. She stared at her hand. That's when you knew she could feel that. “You're here, right now,” she whispered. “Always,” you said softly.
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cloud17dreams · 7 years
A Touch of Our Fingers (Woozi/Jihoon)
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1831 words
Summary: The boys give Jihoon a hard time for not showing affection to you, so when you’re alone with him you suggest the Vulcan way of kissing to start him off.
Requested by: A shy cloud ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ hope you’ll like it!
It had been clear from the start that Jihoon didn’t fancy physical skinship. From a lack of morning kisses, to rarely ever initiating hugs, it had been evident - but being a person who generally wasn’t a huge sucker for romance, you were fine with it as well. There just, wasn’t a need for touches between the both of you, however baffling it may sound; as long as you were right beside him, and him you, you were both satisfied with the company. No frequent hand-holding, no dramatic cupping of cheeks while staring into each other’s eyes, nor will there be a time when the both of you would be sitting on each other’s laps. As compared to all the other outwardly romantic and cheesy couples, the relationship between you two had always seemed more platonic than romantic to people around you - filled with jokes, harmless pranks, and playful giggles throughout every date, however, the both of you still knew deep in your hearts that you were both meant for each other.
It had started off slow initially with the both of you also tricked by the demeanor that you both could only be friends and nothing more. But the days went by, and you both found yourselves yearning for each other’s company whenever apart, and the epiphany had struck you like a benign lightning bolt one day, between the laughs and giggles: you couldn’t imagine yourself living without Jihoon. Everything from there then went smoothly. You can’t seem to remember who confessed first, but either way, the both of you got together soon enough, your budding romance sprouting slowly but surely on the basis of your close friendship. Physical touches still had never been in the equation, but nevertheless this was a relationship that you both indulged in.
Alongside dating him, of course, was the chaos of meeting the rest of the guys. The first time had been intimidating, and that was for sure. Imagine a person swooning over their newfound family member, curiously asking a tons of questions then being amazed by anything they say, and multiply that by twelve. Scary indeed. Over time, however, you grew used to their antics, and had even taken it to yourself to roast them back snarkily on occasion, and Jihoon infinitely took pride in teaching you so. It was just another time you met up with all of them for dinner at Mingyu’s, that Soonyoung had said something about the severe lack of a show of affection in your relationship with Jihoon.
Lounging on the couch after a satisfying round of Mingyu’s homecooked dishes, he had commented, “Hey, Jihoon, why don’t I ever see you doing anything with y/n?” He tutted and shook his head, “Look at you, you’ve been watching this same episode of Doctors for the fifth time already while y/n has been on her laptop there for hours doing some work alone! Come on, aren’t you both a couple? Go and give her a kiss and cuddle with her while she works or something!“
Jihoon froze at that comment, his eyes glued to the TV screen to avoid eye contact with anyone. Then, even Chan piped up from the kitchen. “Yeah, why haven’t I ever caught you guys doing anything couply like exchanging small kisses whenever you can? I’m the person with the worst luck here, always bumping into couples. Look at Vernon over there cuddling on the couch with his girlfriend whule taking a nap. The both of you aren’t even in each other’s 10 metres radius!”
The other guys then raised their eyebrows, nodding in agreement after having heard Chan and Soonyoung.
“Yeah, Jihoon, the both of you don’t ever seem like a couple!” chuckled Wonwoo.
“If I hadn’t known better, I would’ve thought y/n was only your sister,” It was as if they were scared for not being able to stir trouble up - the comments never stopped!
“Yeah, Jihoon, are you both sure you’re dating?” Another one.
“Jihoon…do you even love y/n?” bombarded the twelve other guys in the apartment. You bit your lower lip at Jihoon’s reaction, noting that his expression was blank. That wasn’t a good thing; Jihoon had always only employed that barrier to shut people out, and you had known that from years of being with him. The chair grunted as you immediately stood up and exclaimed with forced cheeriness and enthusiasm. “Jihoon, let’s go home! I’m finally done with this damn thing and I want to go home and rest. I’m tired!” you whined, pretending to not have heard the boys questioning Jihoon, and dragged him out of the door in a rush.
“Bye, Mingyu, bye guys, thanks for the amazing dinner!”
Jihoon had stayed silent throughout the journey back to your shared apartment. It hurt him, of course, how his feelings could be this easily doubted just because he didn’t outwardly showcase it in front of everybody. But he kept silent, as always, not wanting to upset himself further.
As soon as the both of you reached your shared apartment, he took his shoes and socks off, silently placing them on the rack, then tailed right behind you as you unlocked the door. You sat on the couch, and patted the seat beside you, beckoning him to come over.
“Don’t listen to them, okay?” You comforted as he plopped himself on the couch beside you, while quietly leaning your weight against him, your back to his toned arms. This little contact was what he probably needed right now. His laboured breath lightly brushed your skin, the night dark and quiet, and you basked in the serenity. Quiet, alone times with Jihoon always made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“We’ll take this at our own pace,”
“But they’re right,” he said, searching your eyes for any sign of bitterness, “I’m sure you love publicly sweet gestures - most people do! I mean, if you want to, I can always start having skinship with you in public…”
“If you forcefully will yourself to have skinship with me, I think I’d die of awkwardness before you do,” you chuckled, looking at his head lowering down in guilt, and ruffled his hair. He flinched a little, not used to the amount of affection behind that gesture. That was probably the extent of skinship he could take, and yet now he was offering to give hugs and kisses in public? You chortled.
“It really is okay, Jihoon. Don’t listen to them. Plus, if you cringe at me ruffling your hair, how are you ever going to survive public displays of affection?” You laughed breathily, imagining the expression on Jihoon’s face if he ever tried to do skinship willingly. He’d scrunch his nose so hard, pout his mouth so high-
“If you like it, I’m willing to push myself to make you feel comfortable and loved and-” he pouted.
“Tsk,” you shushed him, while lightly punching him in the stomach. This wasn’t the Jihoon you knew. Upon being punched, Jihoon then dramatically folded into himself, clutching his abdomen comically, and earned a few laughs from you. Now this was the Jihoon you were familiar with.
“Honestly, this is already enough for me. To be able to be watering our plants together frantically because we thought they were gonna die, to constantly searching for what to eat every single time, and right up to the endless movie nights- this is enough,” you grinned, a smile breaking out on your face.
“However…” you said, eyes glinting with mischief.
Jihoon fought down the impulse to roll his eyes at you, already bracing himself for his impending doom. He knew you had a small evil plan brewing in the stew for him already.
“Come on, spit it out - what mischief are you up to this time?”
You looked down at his question, and suddenly took a lot of interest in twirling your fingers. Contemplating again, you unconsciously twirled your ankle too behind you while looking up with a cat smile to try and charm him. His face muscles twitched.
“Well…we could try the way Vulcans kiss in Star Trek…” you suggested hesitantly in a soft voice, a blush of excitement colouring your cheeks.
He facepalmed. You were such a dork for Star Trek, people already knew that, but to the extent that he had to act this out with you and try this whole “Vulcan way of kissing”? He had found it the most endearing when your eyes lit up at the very thought of actually reenacting something from your favourite series.
You pouted. “Come on, Jihoon, didn’t you say you wanted to try to show me more affection?”
He paused, then laughed a little at your childishness. “Okay, okay, so how do these ‘Vulcans’,” Jihoon mocked with a small smile and gestures in the air to indicate the noun, “kiss? It can’t be too faraway from exchanging saliva though, can it?” winced Jihoon, an afterthought of a certain disturbing image replaying endlessly in his mind.
Your face lit up at his questions. “Wait, really? You’re really willing to do it for me and fulfill all my fantasies?”
Jihoon laughed again soundlessly. “That sounded a little wrong, but essentially, yes. Come on. Just tell me how to do it already and we can get it done and over with,” He said, feigning annoyance.
You jumped in excitement and grinned. “Okay, so basically,” you said as you dragged his hand over to your palm. “I touch my two fingers,” you suppressed an inner fangirl squeal, “to your two fingers,” and touched his two fingers, “like this!”
Jihoon smiled at your excitement, and hummed as your fingers touched his. “And then? What’s next?” He asked, bracing himself for more intimacy.
“Uh…” you paused awkwardly, eyes darting from one place to another.
“Wait…what? Is that all?” He asked.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” you said, your eyes lighting up again. “Isn’t it easy?”
He hummed again. “Quite so,” he said, then continued, “So I touch my two fingers,” he murmured, bringing his other free hand up to yours, “to your two fingers lightly, like this,” he said, as he touched the two fingers of your other hand.
“Gosh, this is oddly intimate,” he commented, staring down at your touching fingers.
“You don’t like it…? Is it too much for you? Hey, we can not do this if you’re uncomfortable with it,” you suggested worriedly. Jihoon brought your hands up then, and shushed you gently.
“No, y/n, this is okay,” he reassured you, and you beamed at him. The efforts he put into your relationship was touching, though never obvious.
“Let’s do this more often,”
So what if we’ve never acted like a couple? You thought, and retorted the assumptions made by the boys just now in your head. Jihoon loved you, and you loved him; there was no doubt about that. Life was amazing, you had someone who loved you endlessly, and you would never have asked for anything more. Maybe for more two-finger touches though, you reckoned with a laugh.
A/N: Man, it’s been such a long time since we’ve posted :( but here’s some tooth-rotting fluff at this point of time when I reckon a lot of us are busy with life! :)
-Admin Sapphire ^_^
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Dear first love,
You've always been aware of my flaws. The same flaws that pushed you away from me. The biggest flaw I have is something I know you disliked about me most. My explosive aggression that explodes out of the blue. That same overwhelming anger that caused a large percentage of our fights. I also know that my erratic behavior that was caused by my inability to control emotions was the main reason why you left. This is most likely the same reason why you hate my guts now.
All along you told me that my mental health was the reason for this, but I honestly believe this is how I was. How my personality was made. You were right, like usual.
So, my tharipst wants me to attempt to be more verbally open about my emotions, but how in the world is that possible when I'm constantly confused with my feelings? Well, she figured that was my problem and came up with a solution. She told me to write a letter. A letter that would be most difficult to write. A letter to someone I hold the most confusing and frustration emotion towards. Sp, I thought about my mom, obviously theirs a long list of family members who fucked me over so badly that I'm still struggling to trust anyone. Then there was my sexual abusers in my childhood, but still I found that writting a letter to the first and only man to ever love me and break me would be the hardest letter to write.
Why? Because when most people write about their ex's who ruined them, girls normally express their sadness, anger and confusion through a long, bashful rant that's fits the perpous to belittle the ex to make themselves feel better. I'm guilty of this. Dispite what I tell everyone, behind the hardass mask, that stubborn mask that leads eveyone to believe that I truly and utter hate you, there's more. Like this is where it starts to get confusing. Like, I fucking hate you with an undying passion that burns like lava under my skin, but at the same time I don't hate you at all. So, how do I explain myself now?
After stepping back for a moment I'm not going to start this off with such a confusing and scary feeling.
Instead I want to tell you how proud of you I am.
You'll never fucking see this and I can promise you that, but still I feel the need to share this with you.
I want to tell you I'm proud of you. I've told you this so many times before and I've always meant it. Maybe i shoukd have exptessed this more often. im sorry if you thought differently because I am proud of you and that you're becoming a master tech or at least I think you mentioned you're taking you're tests?
Well, I'm sorry that's not something you could have achieve while being with me. I'm truly and deeply sorry if somehow I kept you for doing what you always dreamt of doing. I'm very happy that you get to go through with it now. Is it alot of work like you thought it would be? Or is it like I said it would be? Did you over stress about something that you didn't need to worry about at all? I figured that you were so incredibly great at being a tech and working on cars, that you'd blow those those tests and classes. I bet you're doing great. If I'm being comepltly honest, I wish I was there to cheer you on as you aced each exsame. I wish I was there while you studied so you could teach me more about cars. I still remember how exited you'd get to explain something new to me. On the plus side for you, but, negative side for me, you have you're girlfriend to do that with now, right?
You know, I may hate to admit this because ive found confort in being angry towards you, but I'm happy for you. You got a great girlfriend from what I've heard you say about her. The first day you talked about her with me, before we started to argue constantly and before you hated me you talked about her as if shes was a goddess, you smiled so brightly while texting her. you use to smile at me the same way. Instead of being happy for you like i am now, i got upset and cried, but worst of all i picked a fight with you. I'm so fucking sorry that I'm a dispiteful, jealous bitch and I always allow my anger to express any kind of feeling that I felt. I shouldn't have been so hateful towards you nor her. I should have just sucked it up and swollowed my pain. Just know that I am very thrilled that you found happiness with her. I mean that. I honestly and truly mean that. I hope that she is you're peace at the end of a stressful work day, just like I once was. I hope that unlike me she continues to be youre peace and happiness.
Sorry. I had to step back for a moment.
The soul purpous of this is for me to get into my deepest thoughts and feelings. Which I'm very fearful, no beyond fucking fearful to do. Yet, I figured you'll never see this. Even if you do, you don't care nearly enough to read all of it, never mind up till this point.
So, here I go..
Being the cunt that we both know I am, I wanted nothing more than to make you believe that I'm good without. I wanted you to think that I'm now ten times better without you. I mean sure, the break up had its perks more for you than me. I got to meet new friends enjoy life a little more as well as be a better mother now that we aren't constantly strung out and frustrated. Yet, im not doing as amazing as I lead on.
You're not going to care one single bit, which is scare, but then again you're never ever going to be able to see this.
I told you about the eating disorder over texts. You sent sevral laughing emojis. Which is rather confusing because you were concerned about my eating habits right before we broke up. So either you didn't believe me or you just didn't care. But that's one thing that I'm struggling with. And I don't want to put the full blame on you because ive always struggled with this. Then again you left me for another girl. A very beautiful girl. Even after all those times you reassured me that something like this wouldn't happen. You promised that you wouldn't up and leave me for someone better, you said their wasn't any better. I guess you made that promise too early in the relationship. Thing changed, you changed, I changed and you're feelings changed.
The hardest pill I'll ever have to swallow is this one confession. My feelings never changed.
Even when were were toxic. Even when you got physical during fight even when you were able to bring out the very worst in me, I still loved you. I focused on the good memories. Yeah we fought. And fuck did they get out of hand, but we always broke through. Moments later we would be joking around and laugh again. That is what I focused on. The times you sang to me in the Toyota or even in to Sub. How I was horrible at singing, but you still let me join in and ruin you're good singing. If you truly think about it, we shared more good moments than bad. Maybe you don't see that past the hate that you now hold towards me. Which is understandable.
When you told me you were going to stop talking to you're now current girlfriend, even when I begged and pleaded with tears streaming down my cheeks, that hit me hard. I was utterly shocked. Which may come to a surprise to you because you told me not too long ago that you were waiting for a girl to come along so you could leave. For me, I wasn't going anywhere. I was in it for life. Me, you and and our son, being the happily family we use to talk about.
Stepped away again..
I don't truly hate you. I don't think I ever could. I will always love you and this is going to make me sound like I need to be checked into a mental hospital.. But oddly I find comfort in the thought of always loving you.
Oh gosh. I sound pethtic.
Overall, I'm still hurting. Even after almost a year, even after you moved on and found love in someone else. Even after trying countless of times to find love in someone else as well, I'm unable to. I hate myself for this, but I'm unable to start a serious commitment, no, I can't even feel a connection with someone else no matter how hard I try. All because I still love you.
Disgusting right? I mean especially because you got such a beautiful girlfriend. Why would you think that this was anything else beside repaulsing and down right vomit worthy? I know you don't feel for me anymore and I'm okay with that. Deep down I want you to be with her and experience a passionate love that I couldn't give you.
Still, that doesn't change the fact that I'm still broken. No one knows this and I've never admitted it in any kind of way before. But, sadly it's true.
I'm hurting and what sucks is that you were always the one to help me when I was down. You were always the one to cheer me up when I was crying. This thought only makes me cry more, which is obviously unhealthy for me.
No matter what I do or who I'm with, I always find myself thinking of you.
Hopefully this feeling will start to fade soon. Hopefully I'll be able to move on like you did. I wish I could have done it as quickly as you, but this hurt shows that my feelings were true. The fact that you moved on so quickly also shows that you never truly loved me. Which is okay. I'm trying to be okay with that and understand that.
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