#gaslight Grimoire
holmesoldfellow · 7 months
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"Gaslight Grimoire" series, including the works of many authors, edited by J. R. Campbell and Charles Prepolec
"Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes," and "Gaslight Gothic: Strange Tales of Sherlock Holmes."
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jellogram · 2 years
If you're going to be blasting music for hours next door you should be legally required to play good shit not an endless stream of late era pop punk my ex used to make me listen to in the car, with intermissions of terrible rap that make an added irritation of an expected reprieve
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cooler-ian · 1 year
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Barbatos continually manipulating and gaslighting Diavolo for literally no reason.
Barbatos doing and saying the most fucked up little things as if they were completely normal.
Barbatos convincing everyone in the area that, he did, infact dropkick that child in self-defense.
Just- Barbatos being a true embodiment of time, he's not a monster and it wouldnt be fair to call him "evil" because his very existence would be considered an example of amorality.
He has no real masters, just many foolish men who somehow managed to have the smallest hold of him/time and think that means they won.
Anyways, my actually headcannon: Seconds before Diavolo is set to die, Barbatos eats him/his grimoire/his power. Fulfilling not only the Saturn eating his children trope but also bringing us back full circle to Black Butler.
In this essay I will
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
i know fizzarozzie is intended to parallel stolitz. but lets be real: fizzmammon is a much closer comparison:
a powerful demon makes an agreement a lesser demon, giving them material benefits (money/fame for fizz, the grimoire for blitz) in exchange for exploiting them (through verbal abuse/threats for mammon/through cold uncaringness, gaslighting, and sexual coercion for Stolas)
the lesser demon is shown to almost always have anxiety or at least annoyance around the powerful one
in fizz’s number the mammon shadow puppets literally chain him, symbolizing the abuse. stolitz also has chain motifs regarding control and lack of agency (yet the stolitz chain scene is painted as romantic????)
mammon and stolas show no genuine care for their “little imps,” only what they provide for them (money for mammon, sex/emotional reassurance for stolas)
A minor to moderate fear of mine is that they're going to flashback to how Fizz and Ozzie met and it's going to be some horrible Stolitz-y coercion situation to further emphasize what Blitzo could have if he'd just forgive that time Stolas nearly got him killed in order to force him to agree to sex.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 6 months
i'm so close to finishing the edits on my theory chapter so here's a extract about Terf witches
I'm directly taking this from my grimoire Book of Magic (BOM), literally just copy and pasted. I'm sharing this page specifically because I'm trans and I experience this everyday so understanding the signs of TERFism in the witchcraft community was something I had to learn.
All references will be at the bottom.
-Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes-
TERFism (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism) and gender essentialist ideology in spiritual spaces are a common sight but often overlooked as a necessary part of spiritual practice. They’re not. There are some well-known dog whistles used by TERFs that are very commonplace; “we are the daughters of the witches you didn’t burn” “divine feminine” “pussy power”. Many TERFs deal with misogyny or internalised misogyny disguised as "pussy power girlboss" feminism.
The idea behind TERFism is that gender is a patriarchal construct and that your sex assigned at birth is the only thing that can tell you if you’re a man or woman. (Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). 2019)
The problem with that is that because no-one is able to tell what someone’s sex is at a glance, TERFs use gender essentialism and white centric stereotypes to point out who they think is a man or woman and often getting it wrong which puts both transgender and non-conforming cisgender people in danger, more so if that person is also a person of colour. Due to the racialization of masculinity and femininity and the pervasive white standards of beauty it makes it near impossible for feminine presenting people of colour to be perceived as such without leaning into hyper feminine styles akin to Barbie or Marylin Monroe.
How one would recognise a TERF out in the wild may be tricky considering many of them are self-aware enough to never share their true feelings out in the open. Many of them use covert statements or gaslighting techniques in order to portray the narrative I spoke about in my previous section on cults, a narrative of heroism. A TERF isn’t spouting dangerous ideologies that put transgender people at risk of political, medical, and social discrimination, they’re just looking out for what’s best for you, they want to protect young gay men and lesbians from being influenced by a predatory agenda and to fight for the rights of women. 
A TERF will do a lot to portray themselves as the hero of an oppressive regime in order to experience the power and respect they may have been denied in life due to their own minority status as women.
Examples of Transphobic/Gender Essentialist Ideology
(primarily: Cambridge SU. 2021-22. Other sources as specified)
Refers to themselves as gender-critical, radfem, adult human female/male.
Refers to trans/nonbinary people as ‘TRA’ (Trans Rights Activists), ‘TIF’ or ‘TIM’ (Trans Identified Female/Male). (Stone, G. 2020) 
Refers to trans-feminine people as predators and trans-masculine people as victims of the patriarchy/woke agenda.
Conflates gender affirming care with gay conversion therapy aka torture, another method of attributing transgender people to confused children or victims of an agenda. (Corry, W (Sci Guys). 2020)
Refers to trans women as ‘transwomen’, the removal of the space is an intentional othering and separation from women and womanhood. (Mildred & Thorn, A. (Thought Slime. 2023)
Disagrees with the term cisgender or asking for pronouns saying “i don’t have pronouns i’m a woman/a man/normal”.
Believes certain traits are, by nature, more exclusive to men/women and believes women are inherently more powerful because of maturity, periods, childbaring etc…
Sides with LGB spaces or argues to “keep penises out of lesbian spaces”.
Uses the term ‘womxn’ referring to women as people with XX chromosomes exclusively.
Uses 1st/2nd wave feminism to exclude the transgender/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/poly community from feminist spaces (essentially excluding anyone that could potentially not not have a vulva/uterus or who interact with people who may not have a vulva/uterus).
Covertly refers to nonbinary people as women adjacent through women and nonbinary spaces and stereotyping.
Uses dinosaur emojis and/or the colours of the British suffragette flag (purple, white, green). (Stone, G. 2020)
TERFism in Spirituality
In the witchcraft and pagan communities TERFs abound spewing this kind of nonsense with a spicey, new age flavour masking the rotten fruit beneath. You can learn about how TERFism is portrayed specifically in Hellenism on another page but generally speaking a TERF witch is one who excludes the title of ‘witch’ to cisgender women, denying and demonising anyone adjacent to men and masculinity, including cisgender men and the whole transgender and nonbinary community citing the points listed above. TERF witches believe that this community is a super special ‘girls only, no boys allowed’ club which gives them power over misogyny and sexism that caused them so much pain and frustration in their life however they forget that everyone is a victim of misogyny and sexism, including men and trans people. 
I am using Lisa Lister’s book Witch as an -admittedly obvious- example of how TERF rhetoric is displayed in spiritual spaces. In their book, Lister outlines who is a witch and her power as a force of nature and a “creatrix” making constant references to “divine feminine” periods, wombs and using exclusively she/her pronouns.
The Introduction
“The part of us that was once anaesthetized, domesticated and kept numb by food (or by shopping drugs and media) is now awakening in each of us. It’s our wholeness, our intuition, our magic and our power - the power that lies between our thighs” (p xiii)
“Waking up and reclaiming the witch within us takes really big ovaries. It takes womb-deep recognition that you are: a woman who is powerful: you bleed for five days and don’t die. A force of nature who knows the ebb and flow of the moon, the seasons and mumma nature and her own body….” (p xiv)
The Witch Wound
“The pelvic bowl is a witch’s most powerful magic making tool, a place where we create, make life and connect directly to the source” (p 90)
Lister directly infers that the title of witch is exclusive to women and only the ‘working’ cisgender ones. This is dehumanising by reducing a person's power to their genitalia and only if it ‘works'. This correlates with the TERF belief that women are inherently more powerful because of a female reproductive system as opposed to women being powerful because of their autonomy as human beings. If the latter is the case, then what is stopping cisgender men or trans/nonbinary people from becoming practitioners? The answer is nothing. 
My thoughts
While a spell or task one may find in specific kinds of magical/holistic practices may call for the excrement produced by a specific genitalia -such as menstrual blood used as plant fertiliser- I firmly believe an individual does not need any specific anatomy or gender to practise witchcraft. However I also think that believing your magical power comes from your own sexual anatomy isn’t necessarily bad if that is as far as the concept is taken. As long as you don’t take it upon yourself to enforce that idea upon others and deny different concepts of power and magic, it’s harmless, even empowering.
I personally try to avoid any reference to power coming from genitalia as I find the idea redundant to my own practice. I believe power comes from individual autonomy and what the natural world provides but that does not make nature a mother figure in my eyes. Nature simply is, it is its own force, always creating, destroying and recreating itself, always demanding balance. It is sexless, genderless and bodiless but it is none-theless a god.
Finally I cannot emphasise this enough, you cannot ‘always tell’ when someone is trans. Butch cisgender women being perceived as predators and harassed for using the women’s loos is evidence enough. (Maurice, E.P. 2021)
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign (2021-22) How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0. Cambridge SU. [PDF] https://www.cambridgesu.co.uk/pageassets/resources/guides/spottingterfideology/How-to-Spot-TERF-Ideology-2.0-2.pdf
Corry, W. (Sci Guys) (2023). The Science of Conversion “Therapy” | Sci Guys Podcast #239. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/sFI5Ycs-nig?si=NYVKe0YydykcWsTp&t=3359
Lister, L. (2017). Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic. Hay House. London. [Book]
Maurice, E.P (2021). Butch lesbian harassed ‘tens of times’ in public toilets as anti-trans hostility spills over. Pink News [Web Article] https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/01/19/public-toilets-trans-bathroom-butch-lesbian-harassed-gender-critical-feminists/
Mildred, Thorn, A. (Thought Slime). (2023). Is This the Weirdest Transphobic Lie Ever? - Cringe Corner Ft. Abigail Thorn & Sophie From Mars. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/EfzUtEcGluA?t=2039
Stone, G. (2020). A glossary of Transphobia. Medium. [Web Article] https://medium.com/@notCursedE/a-glossary-of-transphobia-a31a001d279
Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). (2019). Gender Critical. Youtube.com [Video] https://youtu.be/1pTPuoGjQsI
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What is with ladybug and unnecessarily withholding info from chat? Like no wonder their partnership was strained
Like. I see why she's like this. Not in a 'I think it's the right choice' but I get why she makes that choice.
Fu was a paranoid old man who started this. He didn't even want Marinette to know things because the more people who know, the more gets out. But Tikki had to tell Mari about Fu because they found the Grimoire(side eyes why Plagg didn't have Adrien do that), and then Fu tried to help by offering the potions and more Miraculous, only fully giving Marinette the information she needed to know because he realized he was an old man who might die soon so someone had to know what the fuck to do.
And Marinette kept following his rules, then was further kinda traumatized because when she slipped up things went to shit. She slipped in Miracle Queen and they lost Fu entirely, lost Chloé as a teammate, and exposed the other Heroes' identities. She slipped with Adrien and it led to Chat Blanc. She tried to learn Chat's identity, it led to Ephemeral. So on and so forth.
So like. I get why Marinette is so secretive about these things. But she also does not communicate ANY of this to Chat, or trust him with 'safe' things, or things that she should think are safe(like the season finale, where she doesn't know why telling Chat that she's gaslighting Adrien would be a bad thing)
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cryptid-catnip · 1 year
Do you got time to do A through E for Rose Lalonde?
hell yeah :D i love rose, and relate to her a lot. we actually share an aspect and lunar sway :) also pretty sure you're kanaya anon, and if so, sorry, i'm working on it :)
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? Rose would mainly give you long, meaningful hugs and kisses, that last just a bit too long for comfort. It isn't Rose's intention to make you uncomfortable, she's just so touch-starved from her upbringing that she can't deal with not having you by her side. Just, please, please don't leave her. Not you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? Rose is a very psychological yandere, at least when it comes to you. However, when it comes to anyone who endangers your relationship (or her attempt to start a relationship) will receive the full wrath of her Grimoir of Summoning the Zoologically Dubious. Any potential rival will receive the wrath of the Horrorterrors, horrific nightmares for weeks or even months at a time, all with one message: to stay away from you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? Once kidnapping you, Rose would actually play with your mind quite a bit. She wouldn't do it out of cruelty, but rather just to convince you that no one is coming for you, that the only reason she's doing this is that she loves you, and that your friends and family really don't care, that they aren't looking. She'll leave you alone to think about that for hours at a time quite often. But to her, the ends justify the means. And if you start crying, she'll be there to comfort you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? Rose will "psychoanalyze" you often, though all this really amounts to is Rose gaslighting you and trying to convince you that you really do like her and being with her, and that it's all for your greater good. "Oh, you're feeling sad, you say? Don't worry, it's okay. I can help you."
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? Rose tends to keep herself masked in a facade of being a prim and proper servant of the Horrorterrors, while she really just does to hide her own vulnerabilities. Rose, however, will confide in you once you "come around", ie, you start being okay with her kidnapping you.
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samssims · 1 year
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🔮 Hecate 🔮
Hecate: (Cati) - Gaslight - Gatekeep - Girlboss - Grimoire
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Ladybug is actually awful
Throughout the show of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir or whatever the full title is we see both main characters act kinda... not so great, but I maintain that the worst of the two, by far, is Marinette/Ladybug herself. Specifically in regards to being a partner to Char Noir.
Yes Chat has his own issues, mostly in terms of constant flirting and asking for a date despite being told no, but he is not nearly as bad as some people say he is.
Now ignoring things like not going to the date which was justified, the NY special thing and the trashcan incident which while not excusable were done in the heat of intense and stressful moments, there are still a LOT of things that Ladybug has done that could qualify as gaslighting, abuse of trust, and just straight up disrespect.
First up is the Grimoire, she never even tells Chat Noir it exists, and even if we say that only Guardians are allowed to read it she still doesn’t bother to tell Chat anything she learns from it that could affect him. I’ll put that as a minor infraction but it plays into some other things.
Second is how even when she learns-- via Alya’s outside perspective-- that the power of a Miraculous can be evolved, altered, and enhanced via imagination and doesn’t have to strictly follow it’s default she again never tells Chat Noir anything about it. Don’t say its a right of passage, she didn’t learn it herself either.
Third, Alya herself. Marinette tells her her secret ID and makes her a permanent holder in Gang of Secrets, but Chat isn’t told for twelve episodes-- a timeframe that is at least two weeks and is likely closer to two (one episode every three in universe days as a lowball still means five weeks) months-- and then only in the form of Ladybug being a no show for a fight and Scarabella taking her place. Now, even if you say there was ‘no way to tell Chat about Scarabella before Marinette had to leave to go to her aunt’s and she tried to get out of it!’ that one doesn’t track because she had time to call Alya, for Alya to go to the bakery, and for the hand off to happen but apparently not enough time to transform and leave a fifteen second voicemail, and two Chat should have been told about Rena being a permanent holder LONG before that because news flash, she is a BIG security risk seeing as Shadowmoth-- or Monarch-- knows her secret ID. Not telling Chat Noir was nothing but disrespect and showcasing distrust in her partner. Then she just gives a placating ‘I won’t abandon you’ to him and everything is all okay because Chat loves her and wants to believe her.
The last thing I’m going to bring up-- though its not the last instance to be found-- is her plan in Ephemeral. There is absolutely NO way to excuse that plan. She emotionally manipulates him and abuses his trust with the express intention of betraying any and all feelings he has for her. She literally uses the line that Chat would only ever give up his ID to her because he loves her. And the only reason she ‘doesn’t go through with it’ is either A) she finds out its Adrien and her simp mode activates so hard she can’t bring herself to react or give up his ID, or B) Time goes crazy and she loses her chance. So really she does go through with it, she did go through with it, and it should not be given a pass.
Ladybug is in fact a toxic partner to Chat Noir who does not respect him, only trusts him as far as using him as a meat shield or a distraction, and actively pushes him aside for practically an entire season before she is forced to start using him again because all the other heroes are no longer available.
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altocat · 1 year
Mfw nearly every official piece of writing, description, and information on Lucrecia just talks about her stupid melodrama with Hojo and Vincent and makes no mention of Sephiroth.
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It’s like Square goes out of its way to gaslight the fanbase into thinking the whole sad martyr/guilt complex thing is solely because of Grimoire and/or toggling with Vincent and not, you know, the child she willingly experimented on and left behind in the hands of a madman.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hi, I’m not sure if you spoke on this already but I wanted to ask for your input on this.
What kills me is the logic of some of the fandom defending the recent episode and Stolitz. They’ll say things like: “You just don’t get the subtle details.” “It was so obvious. You don’t understand storytelling or you need to wait to see the rest before complaining.”
Then I’m like, “What fucking (invisible) details! Some Instagram post (not in the show itself).” S1 was showing a clear pattern between the two…smh. Most recently, someone made a post talking about “For the people saying Blitz is using Stolas for the book, have you thought about why he hasn’t asked Stolas, who’s a prince, for money or anything else?” 🤦‍♀️
I replied to their post with, “How does that negate the fact that he tricked Stolas to get the book? He also used Stolas to get into Ozzie’s.”They didn’t even respond back to rebut my claim. Instead, they made a separate post saying, “You don’t even have to pick up on the subtle details to understand HB and it’s approach to Stolitz. It doesn’t take much brain cells. Are HB criticals even watching the same show? You’re the problem.” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Sorry this was long. It’s just the amount of gaslighting. I appreciate your response.
You’re good! Here’s the thing, never engage with a Stolitz stan because it’s not worth it. They never listen. And yes, I say Stolitz STAN and not fan, because if you’re personally a fan of the ship, that’s fine. However like I said, these stans don’t listen and there’s no point in even replying, though you can of course if you personally want to. I’ve ranted about this ship a lot, and the fact that so many stans think that we just don’t understand what we’re watching is hilarious. I find it so funny that they say “subtle details”, when Vivzie as a writer is anything BUT subtle. The entire point of Blitz and Stolas’s relationship in the first season (or at least the first HALF of the season) was that all they were was two people in a simple fuck buddy relationship, where Blitz (an imp of the lowest species) screws Stolas (a horny perverted royal owl bird) in exchange for the grimoire for his business. Blitz’s entire thing was that he was a selfish shallow person who did NOT like Stolas at all, constantly annoyed around him and clearly only did this for the book. Stolas’s whole entire thing was that he was a horny pervert who was in a failing marriage, and wanted someone to fulfill his needs. Once episode 6 comes, the writers pull the whole “Blitz actually loves Stolas but is just afraid to show it due to the fear of dying alone”- and that was the first mistake (in my opinion) that they made regarding this ship, because it just wasn’t believable. It felt forced because all Blitz did was act like he gave zero shits about Stolas, not enjoying his flirtations at all and overall just hating him, and it didn’t help that you clearly knew the writers shipped it with all the fan service despite the ship being toxic. It ESPECIALLY didn’t help that the visual aspect shows Blitz being chained up by Stolas, symbolizing how he feels trapped, yet craves being in power. It was a toxic and unhealthy approach, and episode 7 further proved that Blitz did not really care about Stolas outside of being in charge, only using him to get into Ozzie’s.
All the two do is use each-other because they’re both selfish horrible people, so when episode 7 tries to pull the whole “Actually Stolas genuinely loves Blitz and craves something more than what they have but Blitz is hurt by him treating him like a toy and seeing him as lower but Blitz actually LOVES him he’s just afraid to die alone”- that doesn’t WORK because the storytelling tells us otherwise. Season 2 then basically erases all of this and switches the story to have them be childhood friends and then have BLITZ be the one who came onto Stolas first. Now they’re just back to flirting as if everything previously shown and established never happened, this ship’s writing and just a mess and all over the place, and the fact that fans keep saying we just don’t get it or don’t see the “details” when the writing always acts like it’s never thought out or planned is ridiculous. But again, all I do is just ignore the stans cause……ugh.
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alteon77 · 11 months
Hello! I’ve been reading Bizarre Breeding Habits for a while now, and it only just occurred to me why May’s fear of Morpheus is so strong in a way that Morpheus can’t understand: it’s because in May’s point of view, Morpheus nearly killed her (or at the very least attacked her) without understandable provocation and then took her away from her home. In her mind, there was absolutely no reason for him to do that and it’s highly likely that May thinks he’s trying to gaslight her by saying that she betrayed him (especially since she can hardly even remember what all happened the day she got banished because of the memory spell).
Sorry for the late response to this! This one got lost in the bottom of my ask inbox, and I only found it while I was going through everything today.
Okay, so I'm going to dive into this here.
As a teeny tiny spoiler, I will tell you that he does grab her arm during their fight right before he banishes her. You bring up a really interesting point, though. We don't really know yet what exactly happened during that fight because neither one of them has recounted it. And there's a reason for that. I promise. A big, very very important reason.
You have no idea how much I want to give you spoilers right now. 😂
May might very well think he's trying to gaslight her, but she also just might think he's a jerk who doesn't listen at all. It's a tossup at this point because her mind isn't quite all there. She is very suspicious and afraid of him now due to their fallout, though. She knows vaguely that she had something to do with the grimoire, but she's not exactly sure why she did it because of the memory spell.
I hope that answered some of your questions! Send me another ask if you want, or you can message me in my DMs. I'm honestly fine with either. And thank you so much for reaching out!!! 💛💛💛
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Love how Damon was able to trust Elena when Caroline was talking about her and Stefan in 5x20 while Stefan thinks Elena is secretly with Damon in 2x09. Elena had more grounds to distrust Stefan over Katherine in 2x05 since Stefan cheated on her the episode before and dare I say he emotionally cheated at the start of their relationship in season 1 considering he was smiling and talking affectionately about Katherine in 1x05 and 1x06. But he gaslight her in 2x05 like he did in 1x11 over Katherine. Why cheat on Elena in 2x04 and not tell her but act like she's dramatic when he said Elena's the woman he loved on the subject of Katherine in 1x11? Elena should've told Stefan how many ways are there for you to rip my heart out. I find it gross how in 1x08 and 2x07 Stefan tried to be with Elena again and both times she had to tell him to stay away from her and when she blamed only herself for what happened after Stefan came into her life Stefan embraces her without challenging her guilt and weaponizes her trauma so he can fuck her again. Damon challegimg Elena's survivor's guilt until she made the choice of wanting to live in 4x06 was one of the reasons why I preferred them.
You mean, their drinking game scene after Enzo's death? ahaha omg... Damon knows, which makes him wonder how much Caroline had to drink. Even Elena questions Caroline about it. They parallel Stefan with Alaric because Damon isn't really the jealous kind. He's given real reason to fear, like a sire bond or a doppelganger curse. The sire bond because of his previous compelled relationships with Caroline and Andie, and the doppelganger curse because he's a fatalist. He believes the doppelganger curse so much that he has to hear it from Markos' own mouth, but the whole Tessa-Markos difference is the difference between assuming and knowing, why it's important for Stefan and Elena to know Damon rather than assume things about him. Why the sire bond had to be broken rather than Damon sire Elena to stay away from him. Silas and Amara weren't shadow selves, and their love was real. It's better to have the facts, and that's me speaking facts.
Your ask is the very reason I debate fans regarding Stelena's fake arguments. They're not fake in their entirety. I'm quite certain Damon wouldn't outwardly admit to Stefan that he tried to kiss Elena and snapped Jeremy's neck in response, and admit this to Stefan at a time when he's trying to keep the peace between them. Elena is in her Damon-hating mode at that time, so Stefan is all he has. Stefan doesn't stop lying about Katherine until Elena confronts him in 4x7. "You don't have to love me like this." Stefan can whine all he wants about how many ways Elena rips his heart out, but he was the first to rip out hers... and he did it over and over again. Exactly what did he think she felt when he threatened her on the bridge? Or when he told her Jeremy's life wasn't his problem after Klaus quite literally tried to get him killed? She spent the entire summer without a word from Stefan, and she only heard from him on her birthday because HE needed HER.
"You are not Katherine. You are the opposite of everything that she was." I consider this comment a lie by omission. I felt this the very first time I watched 1x9... in Stefan's own words and hateful tone. "27 vampires, Damon. They were vampires." A hateful tone he uses in 2x20. "As a vampire! She'll come back a vampire!" Again in 4x1. "Either let yourself die or be a vampire." In his desperation in 1x14. "Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?" I can even feel it in 1x13, in the very fact that he's willing to hand Damon the grimoire just to keep her human. Stefan can claim what he wants, but Elena knows and feels his truth in season 4, and it's every bit what Damon has dealt with... Stefan's need to fix him. From pushing his animal diet on Damon to taking his daylight ring and confining him to the shed, and repeat… taking his daylight ring and confining him to the cellar because to Stefan, vampires are broken humans. The only difference between the shed and the cellar is Elena. That's why Damon is confined until he behaves in 1994, and in the cellar... about to desiccate for 50 years. There's no fixing Damon or Elena, there's only making them feel human, and Damon makes Elena feel human in loving her all the same. Something Stefan couldn't do.
Damon pushes Elena to not only understand, but to accept, and he often uses humor to do it because for some people, the most painful things are best dealt with through humor lest they cry. I love Damon in season 4. He gets Elena to truly fight for her life, which is listed as a "pro" on my sire bond pro-con list. From becoming a vampire to her starving to near desiccation to the hunter's curse putting her back on the bridge... he pushes her to the max, then pulls her back because there's always another way. As Klaus says to Caroline, "And I could let you die, if that's what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning." Stefan had her fight for all but two episodes in season 2, then she reverted back to Elijah's plan to sacrifice herself, and she reverted before she even knew about the elixir. I'm like... damn. Stefan's response to Damon regarding this sacrifice, I'm like... wow. Fitting for Stefan to actually watch her die, since he was so willing to let her die in both season 2 and season 3. Damon is her drowning and her vampirism, her death and her life, her problem and her solution. That's why he's the reason she starves and the reason she feeds on blood bags. The reason she's on the bridge and the reason Stefan sends him to save her. "Cause either way, you cannot breathe" They're written according to her 3x19 soundtrack.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
In my opinion, not only was Stolas and Blitz's reconciliation handled in the worst way possible: through a blink and youll miss it text message rather than the in-person emotional scene we could have gotten, but Stolas' messages came across as gaslighting; he acts innocent, like he doesn't know why Blitzo was upset in Ozzie's despite him being told to his face that he was tired of being treated as a sex object. The "Im glad you're not upset lol" is denying what happened and Blitzos valid anger he felt. Its nice that Stolas tries making up for it by giving away the grimoire for free now but he opted out of truly apologizing.
It's hair-yankingly frustrating because this was it, this was fucking it. There's literally no better, clearer way Blitzo could have voiced his frustrations and how Stolas makes him feel. There was no room for ambiguity and no room for Stolas to tell himself it's anything but what it was and is, and that's why the ending of Ozzie's was such a big deal if you liked Stolitz and even if you didn't...that shot of Stolas alone on the steps, silently staring down the consequences of his own actions.
Fast forward to now and nah, he totally has no idea why Blitzo was upset, sad widdle baby biwd never do anything bad uwu.
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thatferalbogdruid · 8 months
Grimoire Blog #1 - 10/13/23 @ 6:33am, Friday
_my thoughts on gods and doubt_
This definitely won't be comprehensive, just me starting a little blog journal of my thoughts. This topic is one that's very present for me now that I'm in my own space with time to think, and quite honestly is on my mind a lot, so I'm starting here. As I always feel a bit lost on the gods front.
Since I grew up in a cult-ish environment with an oppressive god that I tried so hard to believe in, I think it'll always be hard to wrap my head around deity work. I'm aware of this, and know that's my own road block to face. I absolutely love to hear other pagans speak about their super personified relationships with their deities! I think sometimes I try to mirror that in my speech too, but it's never really resonated for me.
For me, my relationships with the beyond have fallen past words, at least now that I've connected to what I feel are their sources instead of their ideas. Before I even started deity work, when I first started my path, I wanted to be a secular witch, because I was so far traumatized by the idea of having a "god." But then I "felt" them, and got curious. Then I started having dreams that eventually led to my meeting An Mórrígan, Helja, Venus, and who I call 'the Wilds,' over a span of many years. Through many of the dreams, things were impressed upon me that surpassed any human language I know of. But even just writing that out makes me feel kind of insane.
Maybe I'm gaslighting myself? I am quite the skeptic! But at my core, I do believe there's more than the physical world in front of me. Maybe I'm fucking off my rocker -- and I am, I don't put that past myself -- but I still haven't found the balance here for myself. I don't know how to fully incorporate this belief into my practice in a way that feels solid and consistent because I continue to have these doubts.
I'm also, completely open to the idea that it's something like a placebo. Maybe the gods that have chosen me are just personifications of different facets of myself. Maybe it's all just psychological and I find myself drawn to archetypes that help me better myself. Maybe I'm giving an old name to concepts and physical aspects of the world so that they're easier to digest and incorporate. Like if I were to honor a sun god, I would simply be acknowledging that the sun exists, and giving it reverence. But does that reference really beg for me to name it? Why do I feel the need to name them? Because I often don't, that's why I ended up working with 'the Wilds,' because there is still something incredibly formless that sits beside my soul and helps me grow and break out of the confines I was steeped in in my youth and adolescence.
I guess the point of this entire blog is that I don't know who the gods are to me or how they fit into the fold of my perception of reality. To what degree am I leaning too far into "magical thinking" and losing touch with reality? As someone who's experienced an episode of minor psychosis, I'm scared to slip too far out of reality, and scared that my spirituality doesn't help. However, my spirituality is very important to me, and I don't see the harm in looking at life through a metaphysical lens. But then, I was never allowed to know a scientific reality in my youth, so am I still avoiding it? Where do these things mesh?
Maybe I just don't have it figured out. That's fine with me, because I know I never will in full. But I do want to find some explanation for myself as to why these things are hard for me to conceptualize. And maybe I don't need an explanation either, but I almost feel like I need a solid defense for myself, especially living in the South, where people get very in-your-face about religious beliefs. Hell, the reason I still lovingly cling to the term "Heathen" even when I've started following the Druid path more exclusively is because it's been used against me in a derogatory sense multiple times before, even by my own family (shocker, lol).
For now, I will still wake up and call out to Anmórheljave, and call to them before I sleep. I will still stand in the rain and call to the Wilds and ask them to stay with me. I will still talk to all of them through my days like a revered friend with more wisdom and experience than me. I will still set up altar spaces for them when I'm finally settled into my new house. I will still offer what I can to them. I will still request their aid. I will still love them.
And one way or another, I'll find the other side of these doubts. I can't wait for that day to come.
~ Willow ~
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findroleplay · 1 year
God fucking damnit...
Howdy. 20+ literate roleplayer here (18+ ONLY PLEASE THANK YOU). Seeking a Helluva Boss roleplay. You would write for Stolas, and I would write for Blitzø.
The latest episode has me in a chokehold. Season 2 has been so bumpy so far with walking around the entire situation these two have. Finally, however, it's been addressed in a way I can see going in two directions:
1. Blitzø doesn't text back because he's deciding to do something different. He's going to listen to his heart. He's going to visit Stolas one way or another. He's shit at words, but maybe his love language is saying nothing at all. Stolas wakes up to Blitzø by his bedside. It goes from there.
2. This episode displayed the lengths Blitzø would go to for Loona, and I greatly appreciate that. But the sole reason Blitzø chose not to save Stolas was that he always saw the owl as unsurpassable. We see that when he stares at the hospital entrance in shock, pain, and uncertainty during his last few shots in the episode. So, what if Striker captured Stolas on a day when Blitzø didn't have to deal with the terrible medical care system of Hell? What if Loona already got her shot, so the missions switch? He asks M&M for a favor of watching over Loona while he goes and saves Stolas. However, to add fuel to the fire, nevertheless, let's have Striker do the intelligent thing (in the standards of kidnapping) of confiscating Stolas's phone. So, Striker would be the one to call Blitzø instead to rile him up about the whole situation. Stolas can't hear shit, of course. He doesn't know what Blitzø is saying on the other end of the line, and Striker can use that to his advantage. He would psychologically torture Stolas through gaslighting. He would tell him that Blitzø could care less. You know, the shit that would make Stolas incredibly hurt and hopeless. With the rapid blood loss from all the stabbing, Stolas would not be thinking straight. Yes, he has endured so much verbal abuse from Stella. However, their relationship has not been smooth sailing for a long time, and Blitzø has shown to be sketchy in his choices. Striker could also point out that with Stolas dead, Blitzø wouldn't need to return the Grimoire to anyone anymore. I'm being terrible to Stolas in this setting, but I think it pays off when Blitzø gets there in time to beat the living shit out of Striker. Moxxie and Millie were having a challenge against him but there's something entirely different about the rage of a guy who knows the person he loves is in danger. If Stolas hasn't passed out from blood loss yet, he gets front-row seats to witness Blitzø nearly killing someone for him. Defending him. Nobody's ever done that for Stolas before. We can probably start when Blitzø finishes beating Striker to a pulp and brings Stolas back with him into the van.
Alright, those are the two main ideas I have in mind. I could get swayed to do something else entirely. However, those are the two scenarios I'm banking on the most right now. But if you have an idea of your own, feel free to pitch it. The worst that can happen is that I don't vibe with it. With that said, I am hoping to connect with folks soon.
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