#fuck purity culture
silvermoon424 · 5 months
I will never be a content creator. The microscope those people live under is insane. It’s like nobody is ever allowed to mess up.
I was just reading this thread started by a leftist content creator asking people about a time when they felt let down by a creator they liked, and the comments were such a mixed bag. There was a lot of genuine criticism but then you’d also get comments like “ABC said this one kinda questionable thing one time, it shocked me so much and I lost all my respect for them. I couldn’t in good conscience keep supporting them after they had one questionable take.”
Fuck the alt-right pipeline and creators who never learn from their mistakes but progressives also need to stop being so fucking judgmental. People are going to mess up, you need to let them learn and grow instead of demanding perfection at all times.
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craycraybluejay · 5 months
"I don't care about shipcourse, I touch grass hurr durr"
But you do realize that antis are part of a far right push towards wider censorship policies in actual real life. Of actual real art. Right? Right??????
You touch grass but do you ever want to touch a piece of non-corporate-approved not cookie cutter white christian media again? You ever read a book that has been banned and think "well jeez it would suck if I lived in a time when I would get arrested for this."
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aroxbetchio · 2 years
yknow some ppl really need to stop pretending that they’re better than others because they can acknowledge nonsexual qualities abt someone. sexual attraction isn’t a bad thing. it doesn’t make you a bad person. like cmon dude.
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ihhfhonao3 · 10 months
Sex aversion/romance aversion = valid
Sex repulsion/romance repulsion = valid
Sex negativity/romance negativity = not valid
These are all very different things. While aversion and repulsion towards sex and romance aren’t really controllable things, negativity towards them is and is not okay.
Sex/romance negativity is a mindset that sex/romance are bad, dirty, and in some cases, “sinful.” Some aces/aros that have these views even see themselves as superior to allosexuals and alloromantics just because they are ace/aro, which is obviously not okay.
Repulsion is the feeling that sex/romance are personally found gross and not for you, and aversion is not wanting one or both of them for yourself or in your own life. There are stark differences between all these feelings and ideas. Sex/romance negativity is bad, aversion and repulsion are not.
The main difference being that where the negative look down upon allos and think they’re better than them, the repulsed and the averse do not and usually keep their feelings to themselves but set personal boundaries to keep themselves safe.
Support your local repulsed/averse a-spec today, and kick a negative a-spec for me while you’re at it ❤️
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inactiveblog2023 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion: don't like, don't read
Yes, 100%. Imo i think this is actually a common opinion amongst the general population, because people tend to simply avoid what they don't like.
But the i-know-i'll-hate-it-but-i'll-engage-with-it-anyway-and-then-complain-about-it mentality saturates fandom spaces.
from the ask game
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Saw a TikTok the other day that was like “I think it’s ok to write fanfiction just as long as you aren’t a gooner! 😇” and just-
Alright you Hayes Code loving son of a bitch! Me personally I will continue to goon as much as I can because who the fuck else is gonna pump out all of the furry and/or cartoon and/or monster PWP? Tis’ my duty in this existence.
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irrelevant-iguanadon · 5 months
Condoms should be available in schools!!! Sex Education in schools should teach you how to masturbate safely!!!
Kinks are okay to have, yeah even the weird ones!!!
It's normal for teenagers to have sex with eachother!!! It's normal to not have sex as an adult!!
It's okay for certain topics to make you uncomfortable!!! It's okay for the same topics to be in media!!!
Ace people are allowed to have sex!!! They're also allowed to be completely grossed out by it!!!
Virginity is a fucking myth and don't let people tell you otherwise!!!
The lack of education and normalization around sex leads to the shitty stuff, guys!!!
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Getting on my soapbox for a moment, topic being, uhhhh... religious influence on education and bodily autonomy? Smthn like that idk
(This ended up being really long, so, more below the cut)
My parents put my little sister in homeschool as soon as I graduated, which like, i WoNdEr WhY (it's me hi I'm the problem it's me)
And the program/co-op thing she's involved in is christian-based bc my folks are unfortunately conservative christians who think it's a good idea to bias their child's entire understanding of the world through their religious beliefs
So my sis was telling me about her health textbook the other day, and how it was kinda weird? Like, they have a unit on I guess dating and sex type stuff, but this textbook has some interesting opinions
Such as, suggesting kids (not like little kids we're talking about high schoolers here) avoid hugging their partner because it supposedly might turn them on??
And, ok, to be honest I have absolutely no idea how realistic that is, it sounds pretty silly to me, but like even if that totally is a thing that happens to people... who cares, right?
But no, obviously that would be just disastrous because we can't have anyone tempted to do something totally crazy like having sex before marriage, god forbid
And there's just that sort of "no touching" purity culture bullshit and it really pisses me off, especially as someone who was also raised in that mentality, and I was just lowkey flabbergasted by the ridiculousness and audacity of a health textbook to tell kids not to hug someone they're dating bc it might lead to premarital sex, and I basically said as much, smthn along the lines of "imagine sexualizing hugs" to my dad, trying to get him on my side I guess, but that isn't how it went
Let me preface this with: I love my dad. I do. And he has really been making progress in terms of letting me be me and still supporting me even though our views don't always align. But my dad can also be petty, and he's a very touchy-feely person and I'm very much not, at least with most people including him. We have a little bit of history of him trying to hug me, me rejecting it, and him getting butt-hurt over it. So there's your rant-relevant context I guess
So when I half-jokingly say "imagine sexualizing hugs," he shoots back with "imagine being uncomfortable with hugs" in like, a targeted mocking way, like that in any way makes sense to use as an insult toward your own child or anyone for that matter
I didn't have the presence of mind or energy to really unpack that in the moment so I kinda just went "bruh did you really just-" made some joke like "well gee sorry for being autistic" (which yeah that's part of it too) and dropped the conversation
But like.... does he really not see the irony?
One of the major reasons I'm not comfortable with hugs and touch in general is literally BECAUSE of how it's been sexualized, like, that's kinda the whole point?
Of course I'm not going to want to hug you, my father, when there are voices in my upbringing suggesting that touching people is sexual, duh
Like it's literally so obvious to me how the two lines of thought are inextricably linked and how this sort of ideology can fuck someone up because, hello, living proof right here dude, so let's maybe NOT teach the same shit to your younger child?
Yeah you're right I'm not comfortable with hugs and that's kinda sad but I'm trying to get you to see that part of why that is is because of the same idiocy you're letting someone preach to your daughter, so if you don't want us both to be like me,,, maybe don't do that
To the kids and anyone else who needs to hear it, when how and why you touch another person should be up to you and that person and no one else. If you want to hug someone and they vibe with that then hug them, please don't let some bible-thumping freaks tell you it's a slippery slope to sin or whatever. Your body is your own and you make the decisions about what to do with it. That is one of your most basic, most fundamental, most bar-on-the-floor rights as a human being. Anyone who tries to guilt you about something like this is trying to control you and you should be wary of them
Me personally, I just find it interesting how society is so set on calling drag queens and queer people groomers when there are literally religious teachers out here manipulating children into not having bodily autonomy
What's up with that?
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craycraybluejay · 1 year
Just blocked likely around 100 or so people and there's more on that post. I'm tired. Fuck puritans. Yall think you're so progressive when you spout the exact same shit as conservatives. You are conservatives. You call people "freaks" and "weirdos" in a derogatory manner and scream "think of the children!" in an inflammatory attempt to increase censorship or eliminate people you don't like. Your fake queer fake tranny asses will be next and you're going to act so fucking surprised when people are calling YOU a pedophile for holding hands with your partner in public or dressing funny. And yknow what? I commend the "freaks" that will try to protect you like we historically did AGAIN despite you being an asshole assimilationist. But I will not. And I will not encourage anyone to. Assimilationism and purity culture kills queer people. If you want to live with and assimilate to cishetero Christian norms that is up to you but you cannot have it both ways. The same way a real feminist does not support terfs, I flat out do not support purposeful assimilationists and puritans that try to act like the poster child of queerness. You are a token queer. You are one of those people a company or political party might pick to use so as to act as if they are progressive while continuing to murder queer people. You may be queer, but you have long opted out of the pro-queer movement. The moment you start spewing reactionary anti-kink, pro-censorship, or thought crime rhetoric, is the moment you work against queer liberation. Queer liberation IS NOT "only for the acceptable, polite queers who stay in their lane."
Fandom is not some isolated island of inconsequential internet shit. It is a scary reflection of how young and impressionable people forget their roots and think that the privileges other people fought for are immutable rights. People fought for your right to make whatever art you want, and for your right to decide who to kiss or not, and for your right to identify as whatever gender ever. And now you're fighting against those rights because you don't understand. But I cannot make you understand, and am tired of trying. And it will hurt when you are hurt by the policies you so fight for. But it hurts even more when people who have always been pro liberty and pro freedom and pro art and pro queer are suffering for your stupidity and cruelty. So you are like me. But you are against me, and other people like you. So you are not like us. And if you so despise freaks maybe you at least somewhat deserve what's coming. Maybe I won't have to feel all that bad for prioritizing those who want to prioritize me and each other. History will repeat itself. And those of us who are united will survive. And those of us who are not will be converted and murdered out of existence. It hurts but the only thing that I can do is protect and fight for the people who know what they are fighting for.
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ihhfhonao3 · 10 months
I thought tumblr was supposed to be the “we’re all weirdos and rejects, and we stand together!” site, not the “baby’s first reddit- sorted by controversial” site.
And that’s the funny thing. At least on reddit I can chalk up chuds to just be stupid conservative adults.
But on here?? By god, are y’all conservative adults or really, REALLY ignorant ten year olds?
I genuinely cannot tell. I. I don’t think I like that
Tldr kink belongs at pride, teach all history, learn queer history, kinky aces are valid, the only thing inherently sexual is sex itself, teach kids dutch sex ed, fuck puritans, sex positivity saves lives, weird queers are valid, sex work is real work, infighting helps the oppressor… y’all know the drill
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deigondraki · 8 months
Every straight Christian man ever: "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out blame her clothing choices."
Like, y'all really out here sexualizing bra straps and the smallest slivers of skin, but she's the problem?
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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thatsprettylane · 23 days
You’re in her dms. I’m on her DNI list. We are not the same.
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average-mako-enjoyer · 3 months
If you only like appropriate/"healthy"/PG/family-friendly stuff, your life is probably pretty bland and boring, do something about it, dip your toes into things that are complex and problematic, allow yourself to live a little.
If you only allow yourself to like stuff that is appropriate/"healthy"/PG/family friendly out of fear that anything else might "corrupt you", then your reality is much more toxic and harmful than any fiction could ever be. Leave the people who instill this fear in you. They are the problem.
If you go after people, harass them, and whine how their "corrupt preferences" are ruining your appropriate/"healthy"/PG/family-friendly bubble, then fuck you. You are the problem. Leave.
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snailsarecute · 1 year
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Phrases like this give me hives. What, pray tell, is "problematic"?
You know, it doesn't matter, because the entire post is just riddled with more purity culture shit that has no place in fandom.
If you do not like a theme and do not like a particular ship or dynamic or whatever, then leave. Do not interact. Do not attempt to shame the discourse. Just leave.
That author's (and their readers) enjoyment is not reliant on you. But you are responsible for your words, and with one single instance of "problematic" are actively attempting to damage our safe space of a fandom. How dare you.
Especially in Wednesday, which will definitely edge into darker territories, get your puritanical bullshit out of here.
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irrelevant-iguanadon · 5 months
Every day I'm baffled by how Tumblr (and other online spaces but I'm here the most) are both so scarily aphobic/acephobic while being so brainwashed by purity culture at the same time
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