#free summer flower backgrounds
flowerflamestars · 1 year
Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Nesta Archeron/Lucien Vanserra, Elain Archeron & Nesta Archeron, Elain Archeron & Lucien Vanserra, Elain Archeron/Eris Vanserra Characters: Nesta Archeron, Lucien Vanserra, Elain Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Eris Vanserra's Hounds, Cassian, Rhysand, Morrigan, Helion (A Court of Thorns and Roses) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, timeloop AU, Absolute chaos after chapter one, Timeloop ending death but also. Murder, fuck around and find out as a Plan, The Hybernian War, Bisexual Lucien Vanserra, Bisexual Nesta Archeron, Found Family, Arson, best friends overnight, (and very different reactions to that fact), Elain Archeron has a personality and a brain, Bookstores as important rebellion, healing and becoming, Oral Sex, Canonical Abusive Relationships Summary:
It takes sixteen loops, to realize the trick to resetting is to let himself die.
@skychild29 @missanniewhimsy @blackcanary13 @ae-neon @theknittingoracle @andrigyn
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tarotwithavi · 4 months
When will you find love? And a little about your person.
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you
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Pile 1
Alright pile 1! Welcome to your reading and the first message I'm getting is that you will find love when you start loving yourself The way You want to be loved. And it may be a long journey to be honest. However the love that will come to you between your journey is something you have dreamed of, and for some of you I am seeing that you may also attract your future spouse. Because I keep seeing a long committed relationship with the person that will come into your life when you start loving yourself. But I also want you to know that the universe will test you and will send you duplicate copies of your future spouse who are toxic so you may encounter some situations where you made out if this person is your future spouse or not and I want you to always choose yourself in such situations.
Now let's talk about that person, I see that for most of you this person could be a fire sign or an Earth sign. The person you are meant to be with is really mentally strong and embodies the traditional qualities of their gender. What I mean by that is if you are a woman attracted to men your person will embody all the qualities of a traditional man like being the caretaker, being the provider etc. women attracted to women then your person will embody all the qualities of a traditional woman like being supporting, being nurturing etc. and their qualities will not be toxic like how traditional man are viewed as controlling and lack of consideration etc. and I'm also getting that your person will spend their money on you and their love language maybe gifting. I also see that your person belongs to a really big family or a family that has a rich background like some sort of reality or respect that comes from being born in their family. I also see that your person has a really nice voice and whenever they speak it sounds soothing. For some of you their mother may have been a single mom or they may not have good relations with their father. I also see that your person requires a lot of rest because the work they do requires a lot of their energy and their work could be mentally draining.
Pile 2
How are you? Pile 2, first of all I have a good news for you, you are on the journey of finding love and I am saying that because I see that you have been putting a lot of work on yourself and you have been feeling full of love these days for some of you you can literally feel deep inside of you that you are about to meet someone whom you are going to fall in love with. I also see that some of you may have been invited to go somewhere or you will be invited in the near future and you may meet your person there. Some of you are about to find love within a month and some of you will find love in summer time. I also see that you are about to be asked out on a date and I want you to give this a chance because I feel positive Vibes from this pile (of course only accept if you feel like doing it)
Now let's talk about your person. I see that your person could be a fire or a water sign and Aries, Leo and cancer specifically. I see that this person has been through a lot and you can literally see it on their face or you may feel it when you meet them. I also see that you both share equal feelings for each other and this may be the person you are crushing on currently. They may be an artist or they may like to create beautiful things in their free time. Another message I'm picking upon is that they will give you handmade things like handwritten letters , DIY flowers etc because I see that they are someone who shows their Love by doing things for the person they love. I also see that on a side note they may suffer from anxiety or depression or they may have insomnia. However they will recover soon and they could be born in the month of April or April could be a significant month for you. I also see that they hide their pain and their sufferings from others. This person is really physically attractive and they always have something nice to say. They give great advice and the words that come out of their mouth are literally the words of wisdom. I also see that they may do charitable work or they may work in the medical field. Your person may be a bit different from you or from the way you were brought up. For some of you, they can have a fear of lizards or it can be the complete opposite. They may wear a hat or turban, it could be related to their culture.
Pile 3
Heyyyy pile 3! The first thing I'm getting is that this pile is divided into two groups. People who resonate more with group 1 will find love soon, like within 5 to 6 months and the people who resonate with group 2 will find love in , maybe 11 months to 14 months. Now I will be listing some things which will help you find your group. If you are a fire sign or you talk a lot or you talk really fast, walk fast, have a black round mole on your right hand or right side of your body, long fingers, wear glasses not contracts, have more than 8 friends who you talk to, or like pink then you are group 1. And if you are an Earth sign, wear baggy clothes, have a great balance, are or may have been a cheerleader, live near forest, droopy nose, long fingernails or are wearing a black top/hoodie currently then you are group 2. Of course, you can read if you don't resonate with any of these groups.
Okay so I see that some of you literally manifested this person. Within the past 9 months you may have done a ritual or made a wish about love and your wish is about to be granted. I also see that you may meet this person through a friend or your sibling. Because I see that you will get to know this person through a mutual friend or someone. Another message I'm getting is that your person is literally a dream come true for you however I also see that they may have a lot of passion (you know what I'm talking about 🌝👀) and I also see that they are really knowledgeable they may speak 3 to 4 languages and they may have a lot of friends that are different from them. Another thing I'm getting is that some of you share a past life connection with this person and in this lifetime you two are meant to be together so nothing can pull you apart. I also see that your person has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and I also see that sometimes they get overwhelmed by taking care of everything. They also have a tendency to stress over things they cannot control. Your person could be an air sign or Earth sign. They already have a bright personality and a lot of people notice them. I also see that they know how to take care of things and situations but sometimes they just stress over nothing. They have good time management and hate people who are not punctual. They know what they are capable of and they know what they deserve. They are really sure about themselves and they will not second guess their choices. They require a lot of time alone to function properly, however that will not be a hurdle in your relationship because I see that you have this quality too.
Muah 💋
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loveinhawkins · 1 month
for the one word ficlet prompt thing!!
I'd love to see something steddie with the word "sun". not picky about how you use it and im good with whatever season you'd like! 💕🌻💘☀️
pre season 3 crossing paths in high school, my beloved ☀️💕 ao3
There’s a blind spot just on the outskirts of the school grounds, before you get to the woods: a little hill that if you sit at just the right angle, back pressed up against the grass, no-one can see you. Eddie goes there whenever he needs some peace—like now, reading alone during lunch. He can still hear the distant laughter of students floating along on the breeze, but it’s far enough away that it doesn’t intrude as he reads.
The air smells like summer’s approaching. His fingers skim through drying blades of grass; they feel almost as delicate as pressed flowers.
Despite the calm solitude, the words aren’t going in—and he knows that with the right teacher, he kinda gets Tennessee Williams, but Mr Hauser’s gone, and he was the only one who allowed Eddie free reign to go wild when reading aloud in class, every other sub since then would say he was being disruptive and… okay, that was true some of the time, but most of the time it was because it helped, damn it, gave him at least some hope of scraping a pass—
A shadow falls across Eddie’s page—it doesn’t loom in the way a teacher’s stance would, but he still jumps at the suddenness of it.
Eddie tips his head back against the hill, cranes his neck to look upside down. Squints against the sun.
It’s Steve Harrington, and he must have gym straight after lunch because he’s already changed into a T-shirt and shorts, which is an odd decision in Eddie’s opinion as a perpetual gym-ditcher, but whatever, it’s a free country… and it’s not exactly like the guy’s an eyesore.
”You trying to give me a heart attack, Harrington?”
“No,” Steve says shortly; he looks a mixture of embarrassed and… annoyed? Which would be a new personal best for Eddie, considering he’s done nothing to piss him off save for just sitting on the ground. “I didn’t know you were here, dude.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda the idea,” Eddie waves his hands in explanation, “welcome to my hiding spot.”
Steve scoffs. “Not much of a hiding spot if I found it.”
It comes out a little petty, sure, but nothing major, Eddie thinks; it’s not like Steve’s picking a fight.
“What’s up with you, man?” he asks lightly.
It’s something he’s pondered more than once over the last couple of years, in between the stress of failed tests and the same platitudes in school reports: Eddie must apply himself next year; Eddie must try harder; Eddie must…
In the background of it all was the enigma that was Steve Harrington. Eddie had found that you couldn’t not look at him, his eyes drawn to even the most fleeting impressions: walking past the lockers or driving in and out of the school parking lot. Seasons changed—whole damn years changed—and still the question remained: just what on earth is up with Steve Harrington these days?
At least now, asking the question is profoundly less upsetting than it had been last fall, when Eddie silently tracked the progression of bruises healing across Steve’s face—along with Billy Hargrove’s intimidating stare.
“Nothing, I’m just…” Steve sighs. “Didn’t wanna spend forever in the cafeteria when it’s so nice out, but… Honestly?”
“Nah, I’d prefer you lie to me,” Eddie says deadpan, and Steve snorts before sighing again; Eddie almost asks him to read some Tennessee Williams out loud, ‘cause he’s surprisingly got the dramatics for it.
Steve flops down onto the grass, lies right on his back with no concern for his precious hair. “I’m so damn bored, Munson.”
“Gosh, my heart bleeds,” Eddie says. “Puh-lease tell me how hard it is to have passed everything and literally not have a care in the world?”
Steve blinks up at him, frowning. “Shit, are you repeating again?”
He sounds earnest, and there’s something in his phrasing that means Eddie isn’t nearly as defensive as normal—maybe because it’s about repeating again rather than failing.
Eddie lifts up the script in demonstration. “Not exactly reading this for fun, dude.”
“God, I’d take that over gym right now.”
“Okay, you’re bullshitting me. You love gym, Harrington. You, like,” Eddie gestures at Steve’s get-up, “actually make an effort and everything.”
“Not when the semester’s almost over, man. We don’t even have a cover right now, so we’re just left to, like, do whatever, who gives a shit. I’m bored outta my mind.”
“Tragic,” Eddie says—gym without a teacher sounds like a dream; he’d literally just leave. “I’m weeping for you.”
Steve rolls his eyes. But it doesn’t feel like a dismissal, even when he doesn’t reply and just lies back in the grass with another sigh.
So… Eddie mulls it over. What the hell, Steve’s graduating; it’s not like they’ll cross paths after that.
“Bet you can’t run to the woods and back before the bell rings.”
Steve sits up, a gleam of interest in his eyes. He checks his watch. “The bell’s gonna ring in, like, two minutes, Munson.”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were so bored. Well, if you’re not up to the challenge—”
“No, no,” Steve says, standing up. “I didn’t say that.” He actually gets into position like he’s on the running track, looks at Eddie expectantly.
Eddie covers his bemusement with theatrics; he mimes firing a starting pistol.
And… shit, Steve Harrington can run.
Objectively, it’s not like it’s a surprise; he wasn’t exactly bringing up the rear in the swim and basketball teams. Still, it’s one thing knowing it, another to see it up close like this.
Eddie puts his book back in his bag, watching as Steve disappears from view. Reluctantly, he edges away from the hill—if he doesn’t, he’ll risk being late for class again by the time he walks over, and… He thinks of ‘86, what has to be his third time lucky. Start as you mean to go on, and all that.
Eddie turns back to look. Sure enough, Steve comes sprinting out of the woods, racing up to the hill right as the bell rings.
“Still counts, Munson!” he calls, a little breathless.
And Eddie knows that he’s not really solved the mystery of what’s going on with Steve Harrington.
What he does know is that Steve is smiling as he raises a fist in victory, the sun turning his hair golden for just a moment; he looks utterly free—as he should be, graduation’s right around the corner.
And Eddie can’t begrudge him that.
”Inspirational,” he shouts, cupping a hand around his mouth as he walks backwards. “I’ll get John Hughes on the phone, stat.”
The bell stops. Eddie turns around before he can trip on his own feet.
He’s getting closer to the school building now, can feel the change in the air, cliques unwillingly disbanding as teachers move them on.
But as he heads to class, Eddie faintly hears evidence that the moment hasn’t been broken entirely: Steve Harrington’s laughter, drifting across on the wind.
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venusbby · 1 year
TOO LUCKY — 🪽 *゚⁠+ itoshi rin.
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"rin, please don't move. oh my god, dont move!"
"im not, it's the wind." he grumbles as he shifts just a little on the grass, contrary to his words as you groan in frustration but still continue to click the white circle repeatedly.
you can't stop the squeal that leaves you as you look at all the numerous pictures (most of them being shaky) you just clicked in one go. your lips curve into a wide smile as you gush over the pictures. "all of this is going on my pinterest and my instagram and everything that lets me post pictures."
he leans forward just a little, peeking into your phone, the afternoon sunlight making him squint his eyes. he watches you swipe through multiple photos of him to see what's so special about it, until you stop at the photo that makes you gasp in astonishment, and he's staring with wide eyes too.
most of the pictures were shaky and not as great because of how excited you were, yet that one clear picture looks so different. rin can't believe that's him, lips slightly parted as he blinks and tries to find some sort of imperfection— to find absolutely nothing.
nothing but his dark hair and the grass in the background, the black and green contrasting in the bright sunlight as little white flowers struggle to stay intact in those straight strands of his. his hand covering his eyes in the photo due to how bright it was as he faced the sun. you were glad he didn't have his eyes open or else the picture would have been on the completely different level.
you let out a soft breath after a few seconds of looking at that picture and zooming in. "that's... so pretty."
rin doesn't speak, he just stares, and then quickly begins to ruffle his hair as the remaining flowers fall out on the grass under you both. while he looks down as he does that, his face fills up with heat that is definitely not from the sun. "whatever. im pretty sure i have tiny insects in my hair now."
you huff at his attempt to move on from such a beautiful picture, but help him anyway. your hand ruffles his hair with more love and force than necessary, making him grunt.
now he's free from all the flowers, but his hair looks like a mess.
a bad mess, but he still looks so breathtaking and you don't know how.
in one swift movement, you bring your phone up again and click one more picture. he curses, before reaching for the phone and tackling you on the grass in the process, making you yelp as you both get tangled together.
he breathes heavily as he pins you down, finally getting a hold of your phone and placing it beside you both on the mat that's occupied by the baskets full of snacks and fruits and other stuff you brought for the picnic. "enough."
you smile softly, blinking up at him as his face is inches away, his shadow casted over you, blocking the sun from getting into your eyes. he just keeps looking more and more beautiful, and your heart keeps on racing and racing. your fingers somehow interlock with his in this position, his legs tangled with yours as he settles on top of you completely.
"i'm too lucky, i think." you whisper, your eyes drowning themselves in his as you make no attempt to resist him— resist the way he was leaning closer and closer because of how tempting your lips look.
"that's not true. im too lucky." he whispers back after a minute or so, his nose brushing against yours as he presses himself more onto you, his other hand reaching beside him again to pick up a weak flower from the grass, from the many flowers that he had very roughly shuffled out of his hair a few minutes ago.
he places that one little flower into your hair carefully. you look beautiful. he's too lucky.
then he kisses you tenderly. his usually soft lips are slightly chapped from how long you've been in the sun and the hot summer air these days, but he can't think of how embarrassing it is because whenever you're kissing him, he gets lost in something that he never wants to escape from.
his tongue slips into your mouth as you hold the back of his head gently and your nails scratch his scalp. just before you two can get too carried away, you feel a buzzing sound around you and gasp as you pull away and quickly bury your face in his neck, covering your ears. "there's an insect—"
he lets out some mix of a sharp breath and a chuckle, before covering you with himself as he looks around for any possible insects— to find none. he's resting his elbow right beside your head and putting his weight on it to keep from completely falling on top of you. "it's gone. don't worry."
you slowly stop hiding, and an embarrassed smile makes its way on your face. "sorry. can we, um—"
"yeah." rin gives a small, teasing smile. and then he kisses you again.
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all i do is write pointless drabbles that somehow mean a lot to me. what has this blog become? venusdrabbles? bye.
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mandy-asimp · 1 year
Sex in the Flowers
pairing: Larissa Weems x sex worker!reader
summary: y/n hasn't been int he game long, but when she met Larissa Weems, her life changed. And after a few months of meeting, she quits her job. ON the last meeting she has, she tries to tell her but Larissa just wont listen.
warnings: language, smut, rough(ish??), mommy kink, breeding kink, shifter cock, thigh riding, fingering, oral, degrading, praise, love confession
a/n: if you see a misspelling, no you dont.
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It came as a shock that Larissa Weems had time for this. Let alone planned it all for you. And all you had to do was show up to her office door at 3 sharp.
And so in your shortest sun dress and white vans, you knocked on the door as the time rolled over. Beaming up to the woman who you adored.
But on her half, she assumed that you flashed everyone that smile. It was apart of your job. You were paid to go on dates with rich and wealthy. Mostly their sons in a way to try and match make you. The day you mentioned going for a female crowd as well, your check became way more.
Larissa had accidentally stumbled across you and figured it wouldn't hurt. Yet, with every date, she became more in need of you. Wanted you all to herself and to never think of others trying to take you.
"You look absolutely adorable, darling." Larissa complimented. Please with the blush that covered your cheeks. "Are you ready? I picked out a secret place for us."
"Lead the way, love." You gestured. You knew the nickname caught her off guard. As you never gave nicknames to anyone. It was in your rules, don't give nicknames or you'll get attached. So what was this all about?
She hummed and held your hand towards the car. Where in a summer breeze your hair flowed freely. The music playing in the background as you acted without a care in the world.
This was a side Larissa had never seen. She was loving it ever so much. But it was driving her mad that she didn't know what was causing this free spirit energy.
In a matter of time, you had found yourselves in an isolated field. The two of you laughing over silly things.
At a point you had gotten up to dance around in the field. All while Larissa unpacked the sandwiches she had made and the glasses for the wine. Her blue eyes never once leaving your figure. You could feel her eyes one you. It made you happier than you've ever been.
Mostly excited to tell her you quit your job and love her. The only thing is: you were putting a lot of faith in how you read her actions. For all could go wrong and she doesn't see you in any romantic way and just loves the idea of you. And knowing she could've easily bought it was her finale tie. But you were praying it wasn't like that.
"Darling, come eat!" She called over to you. Smiling ever so softly as you walked over without breaking eye contact. Once you sat, you did something new and sat on her lap instead. Letting you arms wrap around her neck and hugging her. "What has got you in such a mood?"
"Mmm, I just missed you ever so much! What'd you make?" You got comfortable in her lap and reached for a sandwich.
"You're favorites, I figured you've been working so hard and only probably taken out to fancy, so I figured that something casual would be nicer for you." Larissa summed up and you could only feel your heart beat faster.
"Yes about work!" You saw the moment, only to be shushed by the woman who held you carefully.
"Let's just enjoy the time we have together," she whispered close to your ear.
The two of you chatted while nibbling on sandwiches and sipping on wine. You kept shifting however. There was something that was making you uncomfortable, you assumed it was just a foot. Which lead to you now laying on the blanket on your stomach. Reading a book out loud for the both of you. Not noticing how your dress hiked up your legs.
You're too occupied with the book that you don't see how Larissa looks at your body. How she traces every dent and bump on your legs. Every color she ingrains into her memory. The colors of what was going to be hers. And finally she couldn't help it. Her hands needed to touch you.
Her fingers ghosted over your legs. It wasn't till her hand had your thigh in her grasp. "Larissa." You warned. Playing into the job she thinks you still have. You sat up, which made her hand move away.
"I'm sorry." She looked away in shame. Only to be brought back to face you by your hands. "I know it's against the rules but I couldn't help."
"You're fine, we can act like it was a subtle mishap. Nobody will know." You gave her reassurance. Now laying on your back with your knees bent. Showing even more as you kept reading.
Is it possible you're teasing her? No! Impossible! You are far to innocent and sweet to tease her. Plus, why would you tease if she can't even touch you?
But maybe you were teasing, especially now that you've managed to move your dress to expose your frilly laced trimmed panties. The cute bow being what drew her attention.
"Do you always wear cute panties?" She let her hand trace delicately, almost not at all. Her eyes jumping all over your body.
"Larissa Weems, you're being awfully handsy."
"And you're being an awful tease." She puffed out. "I mean truly, your rules make no sense! I get to take you on dates, but never am I allowed to pay for you, buy you anything, touch you, nor spend more than a night with you. I truly don't get what you get out of this!"
You were stunned by her. Were you meant to get anything out of this? But then you busted out laughing.
And after a moment of laughter, you finally could talk. "Well it seems like someone doesn't agree with the rules. You signed the contract as well. Now, keep your hands off while I keep reading."
She gave you a heavier huff and pulled her hands into her lap. Listening carefully to your words. Noting how they seemed way more important now that it was you. Her eyes searched at what she couldn't touch. Trailing over ever detail of your skin. Wishing that just for a day she could touch and hold you.
"You're not paying attention to me anymore. So, bring your eyes up and not lingering." You broke into her thoughts. Closing the book and sitting up. The dress falling back over your panties. "Seriously, what has gotten into you today?"
Larissa was clearly fed with your games. "Jesus, Y/n! I just want to fuck you senseless!" She shouted.
And once again you were stunned by the silver haired woman. "Was that all it took? A tiny bit of teasing?" You couldn't help the growing smile. "Did you know, for the very brief time I've done this, I thought I would be married off before I broke any rule. To even think that it only took me to find you."
"What?" Larissa was confused now. Becoming dumbfounded when you climbed onto her lap, straddling her and keeping her trapped. “Y/n…”
“If you had just let me tell you my exciting news about work we could’ve skipped to this part so quickly,” your voice was low, kept just between the two of you. “I’ve always wanted to be fucked in a pretty flower field.”
Larissa didn't think twice, her lips were on yours in seconds flat. Moaning at the taste of the wine on your lips. You had barely drunken any but the divine taste lingered. She was sloppy and hurried.
“Easy tiger…” You hummed out. Using slight force to push her off. “You have to let me tell you about work.”
She frowned at you, you kept mentioning it. Was it some new rule update? What was so important that's keeping her from devouring you.
“What is it Y/n?” She whispered. She didn't want to scare you off with a higher volume.
“I quit.” You smiled. Yet she wasn’t. “I thought you would’ve been happy for me?”
Larissa cane back to her senses. Pushing you off her lap. “I am, but that means I won’t see you again.”
“Nonsense, my love. I quit cause I fell in love.” You beamed now. Your smile being blinding. “Truly, I didn’t mean to, but you know what they say. You can’t control it. The only thing is if it’s returned.”
A long tense silence washed over. “How long?” She finally broke it.
“Since last week. I met with everyone and told them it was over.” You felt less confidence in everything. And the silence didn't do anything to help settle the nerves. Nor did the silence, which actually made you regret saying anything. "I'm sorry, I should just go now." You were about to leave.
"Y/n?" Her voice shook. You couldn't look her in the eyes so you looked to her legs. How perfectly they were folded to the side. "Y/n, look at me."
You couldn't, you felt so stupid now. Like a little child getting a simple math problem wrong. "No, truly, just forget I said anything." You were walking away, carefully stepping around flowers. But when you missed the overgrown flower stem and tripped, you swore this was the worst day ever.
You felt tears fill your eyes, and could hardly move. You felt an overwhelming mix of emotions. Embarrassment taking mostly, but sad because your dress was now dirty.
It wasn't until arms scooped you up that you let out a small sob. Curling into yourself once you were in her lap. Her hands stroking your hair and thigh to calm you.
"I need you to look at me darling," she whispered. When you didn't she used her own hand to get you to look at her. Meeting your teary eyes. "There you are, none of these tears. You let yourself get to the worse case."
You gave a sniffle, "But you didn't sound happy or thrilled. You didn't even say anything back." You frowned. "Is it because I'm too young? Or do you not find me attractive? Was it easier because you could just buy me?"
"Oh baby no! That's never been the reason. I think you are the sweetest, most charming little thing ever. You're young, you shouldn't want an old hag such as me. You have so many people who would kill to even have a chance with you." She was rambling, but cut short with your lips on hers. Soft and passionate.
You held onto her like she was going to disappear. She was returning the kiss with the same amount of passion. You were ready to die in her arms.
Larissa pulled back and laughed lightly at how you chased after her. You slowly peeled your eyes open again. "I love you." You mumbled in the space. "I love every single part of you. I love you, Larissa Weems."
"Angel, don't say things you don't mean." She stared past you into the field. Suddenly you felt anger. How could she disregard you like this?
You huffed and sat on the other side of the blanket. "Don't belittle me." You felt heat bubble in your stomach. "I confess my love, quit my job, all because I'm so damn in love with you and all you can do is reject me. I put myself out there just for you, and if you don't want me I'm sure as hell someone else would!" You yelled, frustration expressing itself through heated tears.
Something about that sentence got to Larissa. She couldn't believe you would put yourself that low because of her. Yet, her next words only could spur you on. "What, whore yourself around?"
"I'd rather be a whore than mommy's unwanted!" You screamed without realizing. You weren't even making full sense now. "Maybe someone else would please me at least! I'll find someone else to fuck me dumb in a flower field!" You were about to leave once again.
"I suggest you stay put before you do something you regret." Her voice was dangerously low, but you couldn't ignore what it did to you. You wanted more of it.
"Or what?!" You held your ground. That waws until you were on the ground. Her hands on your chest pushing you down with a great strength.
"Mommy's gonna fuck you like the slut you want to be." She purred in your ear. Your breathing stopped. Was this what dying felt like? "Wouldn't you like that pretty girl? To be fucked dumb and hard by me in this field?"
You had this look already in your eyes. It didn't take much to put you into a sub headspace. It never had, a few compliments from a pretty lady and you were puddy in their hands.
"Look at you, already complying with me. Such a good, good girl. Do you truly want this?" Larissa let her hands up a bit. Giving you enough space to back out now.
You were long gone by now. "Please, mommy! I wanna be your good girl, please!" You were at your breaking point. You needed some relief and you needed it now.
Larissa knew this when your hips bucked up to find hers. "So needy baby, but what happened to wanting to whore yourself out? Being a dirty slut?"
"M' so sorry! Never again! Promise!" You were only falling deeper and deeper into the mind set. Eventually you'd become nothing but incoherent words.
Her hands roamed your body, sliding down your legs and back up under your dress. Her thumbs running just under your boobs. Listening to you whine for more. "What do you want angel?"
"All..." you hummed. Larissa immediately knew what you meant. And the devilish smile that dawned on her was intense.
The dress you had on was suddenly gone and the early summer breeze ran over you. Making you shiver with anticipation. Her hands cupping your boobs making you less cold. She played with them like dough, pulling airy moans from you, but it wasn't enough.
Her lips began attacking your neck while her thigh found its way between yours. Making you cry out as your hips began moving on their own. She could feel your slick running on her leg.
"Is that all for me princess? You're so wet for mommy. Have you been anticipating this moment?" Her warm breath was gliding on your neck. You could feel her hand move to find your heat. Meaning you lost the contact with her thigh and you whined. You whined like a puppy being told no.
"You're ok, Imma take such good care of you." Her hand found way to where you needed her the most. Drawing tight circles on your clit. Larissa's blue eyes watched with how you bit your lip to silence yourself. "Uh-uh baby, let mommy hear how good she's making you feel."
And you did, you let loose. Letting her know that she had you entirely. "Mmph, more." You matched her movements. Missing the touch of her as soon as it left. "NO! Please!"
"It's ok, I'm right here. We're gonna get rid of these ok? She fiddled with you panties. Pulling them down your thighs, light kisses being left in the trial. Then the found your inner thigh. Where she nipped and sucked bruises all over. "You're all mine baby. Nobody else gets to have you like this."
"Only yours, mommy." You let your hand tangle into her perfect pin up. "Mommy, your hair." You frowned.
"Does someone want to run their fingers through it?" You could only nod at her words, too lost with how her silver curls fell freely.
That was the moment she knew. Larissa knew you meant your words. Each and every one.
Her head dipped back between your legs, kissing your clit several times while you dug into her hair. Doing everything you could to pull her into you.
Larissa caved finally, giving into your wants. And you thought it was heaven, but one skilled tongue went a long way for you. She had you squirming for more. It was never enough some how. And just as you thought she was going to grant you a release, she pulled away.
"W-what?!" You looked down to her. Instantly forgetting of it as she began to loose her clothing. Letting you focus on between her legs. You were confused suddenly. "Mommy?"
She just smiled at you. "A shapeshifter honey, it's easy to manipulate to my needs. And I need to fill you with my babies, ok?"
You could only respond by pulling her down to you and kissing her. "Yours?"
Larissa softly nodded. "You'll look so cute with that belly, so round and full. Doesn't that sound nice baby?"
Then suddenly, you wanted to make her feel good. She was doing all the work, it wasn't fair. She could sense your gears turning. But never got to ask as you pushed her back and settled between her legs.
"Baby? What are- oh!" She moaned as you licked her tip. Swirling all over it before sinking onto it. Her eyes couldn't tear away from you. How you looked her in the eyes the entire time.
Her mind could focus only on you. How your tongue knew where to lick. How your eyes knew how to look. You were consuming her and she didn't know how. All she wanted was to have you with her every single second of the day.
"Oh baby, just like that. You're doing so well sweet girl. Mommy's perfect princess." Her praise sent a throbbing to your core each time. "I'm so close, god baby you're so good for me!" Her hips began to meet you. Stuttering the second you took her all in. You felt the warm liquid shoot down your throat.
Swallowing it all, you pulled off of her. Only to move fast and crawl on top of her. Lining yourself up. You slammed her all in. Both of you moaning loudly and breathing quickly.
It was all you needed to get that release you had been denied earlier. Larissa quivered at how you tightened around her. Almost forgetting that she was the one who was supposed to be in control.
But once she could find your eyes, you knew you fucked up. "You just couldn't wait could you? Such a whore for your own pleasures. I thought you were my good girl? But was all this so you could use me for pleasure?"
You shook your head quickly, "No! Mommy, please. M' sorry!" You were quick to apologize. "I...you just...I needed you." You shyed away.
"Well, now you're gonna get me. And I hope you accept it all." It was too quick, the movement. You were back on your back and she was on top.
You both were still. Staring down at your stomach. The bulge being so evident. But her stillness only made you suffer. "Please..." you begged. Needing her to move even just slightly.
"You are in no room for begging baby, but I'm gonna fuck you so good."
And she did. She truly meant it all. How she would fuck her babies into you. It was a repeating cycle for what felt like eternity. By the end you were wrapped up in her arms all dressed again as she carried you back to the car. Whispering sweet nothings into your ears.
Once back to her office, you couldn't even think of leaving her. And even when she tried to say goodbye, she missed how you practically clung to her. She wasn't ready for you to leave either yet.
"Rissa?" You called for her attention. Instantly getting it. " I meant it. I love you."
"I know you did pretty girl. And you showed it so well, that I love you too. Now what do you say about a nap?" She kissed the top of your head.
"Really? You'll let me stay?" You lit up, excited at the thought.
She bobbed her head, "For as long as you want. I'm yours forever, Y/n."
The two of you ended the day with the longest nap you've ever had. It was the perfect way to end the date.
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brandogenius · 4 months
HC - Cosy days with Julien and reader!
Please note: this is an 18+ blog and RPF! minors do not interact! this is my first post on here so i’m sorry if it’s not the best 😭 my requests are open and i’m hoping to be posting more over the weekend :)
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- the days that julien’s free from work are one of the best days. it means sleeping in late with you, making breakfast together and getting to watch tv shows and sappy romantic movies until late in the night.
- julien’s 99.99% of the time is a big spoon. always wrapping her arms around you in a protective manner. either resting her head on your shoulder, pressed up against your back, or you curled into her chest. eithet way, she loves holding you.
- those rare days it might be a day where juliens come down with the flu / is sick and has to take some time off work- she’ll only be the little spoon when under the weather. knowing you’re there with her, she’ll just melt into your chest, holding onto you tightly and not letting go.
- sleeping in till late. i mean 12pm. having used to getting up early for tour, going to the studio, julien likes being able just lay in bed and admire you while you sleep.
- adding onto this ^ julien usually wakes up at 11am so she’ll just lay in silence twirling or playing with your hair while you sleep, head laying on her chest with the sun shining through the curtains.
- making breakfast together listening to the soft music on the radio
- juliens favourite thing to do is wrap her arms around you while you’re cooking and both of you just sway to the soft jazz music in the background
- some days you might go out to a local cafe for breakfast
- both of you arguing to pay for the others food, julien wins of course with a smug grin
- trips to the farmers market
- julien loves to buy flowers for you all the time. usually will buy them when you’re not looking
- always loves to have some soft music playing in the house at all times. whether it be her vinyls or cds.
- cuddling on the couch while she tells story’s of what happened in the studio the other day
- definitely sings you some of the unfinished / unreleased songs she’s working on at the moment
- if it’s summer / spring it means making picnics and going to the beach or to the park
- free days for julien is kinda one of those days where she’s like “i want to do everything in one day, i want to do this with you, that with you etc”
- just wants to relish in the free time she has with you, if it’s as simple as just cuddling on the couch all day or going for a walk through botanical gardens
- usually orders take out in the evening
- starting up netflix to rewatch the sappy romantic love movies you’ve totally not watched more than 5 times
- julien pretending to not be phased by the movie but you can see her getting more intrigued by the movie as it goes on
- “me crying?? no pfft absolutely not. it’s the lighting duh”
- baths together with candle light and a bathbomb
- taking turns in washing each others hair
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elmax-week2023 · 11 months
Hello, nerds! Welcome to Elmax week! 💜❤️
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DATE: from the 28th of August to the 3rd of September but we’ll be accepting submissions up to 3 weeks after the event
Every work you submit must be tagged as #elmaxweek2023 so that we can see it and reblog it!
Any type of work can be part of the event! Submit everything and anything as long it has to do with our girls! Ofc
This is a romantic Elmax week not platonic. Also try to avoid Elumax, please. Your works can have minor or background relationships but the main pair must be Elmax.
Also please try to keep this SFW but if it isn’t, please tag the post as NSFW and hide it under the cut so that we know!
Avoid smut but if there is, again tag the work as such!
Roomates AU
Rink-O’-Mania fix it (Max goes to Cali instead of Mike or both go to Cali together)
1930s AU
Hanahaki AU
Post comatose Max
Second Chances
Self discovery journey and coming out
Summer days
Sleep overs and night time activities
Shopping and Music
Sports AU
Flowers and nature
Historical AU
Vacation and First Date
First meeting
Spiderman AU
Girl In Red theme
Mileven break up
Will’s monologue played over Elmax scene
Favorite Outfits
Free day
El’s Tumblr acc and Arian’s Tumblr acc
We’ll be posting some moodboards to set the mood!
And remember, we make our own rules! 💜❤️
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kisilinramblings · 11 months
After the Wish - Adrien's side
Hi, everyone! Are you ready for some scene analysis? Like the title says, this post will focus on Adrien's scenes following the Wish.
Before I start though, I am very well aware the ending bring a lot of very passionnated and very opinated minds. This is why I am asking to please keep an open mind and keep things civil. I won't tolerate any bashing or rude comments. Both on this post and in my inbox. Keep in mind this analysis in my own interpretation of the shots and scenes based on my cinematographic knowledge as well as my viewing experience and memory of the 5 seasons of Miraculous.
I am sharing this analysis because I love the show and because analysing helps me better understand what I see.
Also, this is a leak free analysis. I only analyze and make conclusions based on what it is shown to us on-screen.
So, if you are ok with staying respectful and open to see the episode through my lens, you are more than welcome to continue reading.
Without further ado, let's go!
After the whole universe was engulfed by the light of Gabriel's Wish, the white screen fade to a close up of Adrien sleeping. Marinette's head then block the shot temporarily before Adrien awaken, smiling. We can guess she kissed him.
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This shot personally reminds me of the fairy tales in which the knight kisses the princess to awake her from her curse. And it isn't coincidental if the very first image we see after Gabriel made the Wish is Adrien. There is meaning in that. In fact, I want to point out the shot choice itself because I find it unusual.
We are facing a tight close up facing directly Adrien while he is sleeping and then awakes. Normally, we are more used to a medium shot which allow to see the character is lying down and frame both characters. The camera is also normally placed on the side and not directly facing one particular character. Again in order to see both actors at the same time. Think of Disney Snow White or Sleeping Beauty for example.
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And even in more modern ones.
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You know which other character in the show who had their eyes closed, often shown in a frontal angle and who we were anticipating to wake up? Émilie.
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Except this isn't Émilie who awakes, but Adrien.
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Not only this tight close up gives a lot of importance and relevance to him, but Adrien is so in our face that it feels like nothing around him mattered, not even the kiss Adrien received. What matters is Adrien. Solely him. And Adrien is smiling.
Then the camera starts to expand little to little to unveil Adrien's "new world". In cinema, we are quite used to start a scene is with help of wide shot before cuting to closer shots. Here, it is the other way around. Which confers a sense of mystery to the scene.
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The first thing Adrien sees is Marinette, the girl he is in love with, at his side, bathed by the summer sunlight. The light choice hints we got a time ellipse between this moment and the previous scene.
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As Adrien rises up we see their friends having fun in what we guess is the Agreste Mansion Garden.
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The artists are painting a mural inspired by Delacroix's famous painting Liberty Leading the People where the characters are remplaced by La Résistance members and led by Ms Bustier depicted as Liberty herself. She is leading the youth to freedom, to a better future.
The rest of the class and their allies are playing in the pool or chilling together.
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This series of shots show us the Agreste Mansion garden flourishing with life. In the background, the flowers are all in full bloom, the plants cover most of the gray stones of the mansion, garnishing those with vibrant green tones. On-screen people laughing and having fun.
Hawkmoth (Party Crasher) : I don't feel any negative emotions. There's only... Joy? What is going on in my house?!
This series of shots shows how we are at the opposite at how life used to be for Adrien. His friends can come over and party with him. We see members of both his family and found family. Adrien isn't trapped inside his home-prison anymore. He isn't isolated anymore. He is surrounded by people who love and care about him. And Gabriel is absent from the picture.
Like Bug Noire said earlier during this episode, Adrien already had all of that before the Wish. Adrien went to school and made friends on his own. He wanted to have a birthday party at his home (Bubbler). He wanted to hang and have fun with his friends on multiple occasions. But Gabriel was always the biggest obstacle for Adrien to have those moments, those memories.
It is Gabriel who kept his son isolated. Because Gabriel was living in the past and was unable to move on with life while Adrien decided he wanted more in life than being stuck inside a cocoon. And at the end of Revolution, Adrien knew what he wanted :
Adrien : Father, please, I know what I want. Let me live my life here in Paris with Marinette and my friends. Gabriel : You must go through with this like an Agreste. That's what your mother would have wanted. Adrien : No, I'm sure that Mom would have just wanted me to be happy.
And, in the end, Adrien's wish is fulfilled.
One last sidenote before I continue concerns that one shot.
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Despite not being in the center of the shot, Nathalie seems to be doing better than the last time we saw her. She has a least more colors and has gained her red streak of hair back. Her pose however seems... limited. Maybe her body is still weak from the illness afflicting her. Maybe it is due to budget constraint. Or maybe it is both. And remember what Bug Noire said to Gabriel at the end of their fight : she estimated Nathalie had only a few hours left. And we are weeks from now. Either Bug Noire was wrong in her prognostic or Nathalie survived.
Émilie : Adrien will be well surrounded. He'll have you Nathalie, and he'll have his father, if Gabriel agrees to give up on his madness... and on me. Adrien will have all the love he needs to be happy.
Anyway, the group pauses their activities to watch a new show called "Monde Nouveau" (litteraly "New World") and hosted by Alec.
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Alec as we know, has changed to become an icon about being yourself and making your dream come true. And him being the host of that new show instead of a character like Nadja, means that we are looking at an happy and positive vision of things.
He interviews Caline Bustier, now both Mayor of Paris and mother of a girl named Harmonie. She shares her program for a better future to us, the audience.
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As she talks about her eco-rules, we see sketches supporting her vision. At the bottom right, we recognize the Tsurugi company logo, but next to it there is a new one we haven't seen before.
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Next, we see an unveiling of the statue of Gabriel Agreste, which confirms that Gabriel has died. His statue is made of recycled Alliances put out of commission after Monarch's last attack.
Gabriel's statue is his entire height. Gabriel was already a tall character when he was living and his statue is even taller than him. His chin is up, proud. It is almost like he is superior, looking up like that. The camera slight low angle also contributes to this impression I have. Also, he holds a pencil like the designer he is.
Tomoe : Beyond the visionary entrepreneur and the genius creator, it's the hero we celebrate today.
This is how the Parisians in-universe see him. They are unaware of Gabriel's secret identity. They are unaware of the truth. They only know of the image the professional him gave away and they believed he died in an attempt to stop Monarch.
I want to point out the fact Gabriel's statue is made of Alliances. The very tool he uses to try and defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir. He turned Adrien and Kagami's image into avatar for this product against their will to sell both the Alliances and an illusion. He deformed the truth with their avatars by presenting them as a couple (Revelation), or make deepfakes out of them (Representation and Conformation). Now, Gabriel's statue, his image, is made of the very same tool he used. And the Alliances, despite being put out of commission, still contribute to blur the line of what is truth and what is false in regards of his character to the masses.
With this statue made of Alliances, the parisians are honoring the "perfect" and "pure" image they have of Gabriel. I cannot help but think that this huge statue is bound to create great shadows. And even if the real Gabriel is gone, something of him remains and will continue to have an impact.
Tomoe then talks about continuing Gabriel's legacy. To us, the audience, those words have an ominous double meaning as Tomoe was Gabriel's ally until the end and helped him in many of his schemes. And she confirms she will continue that work.
Caline then gets to talk about her new school model which pleases very much everybody as they cheer all together. It will allows Marinette, Adrien and all their friends to remain together while allowing them to explore and grow in the field that please them respectfully.
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Then we cut the the sun setting as the cheers are fading away. It is the end of the day and everyone has gone home.
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Adrien is now alone in the garden where his mother's statue used to be. White butterflies are flying around. Marinette joins him as he is fidgeting with his parents' twin ring.
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Marinette : You are not wearing it? Adrien : When Ladybug gave it to me, she told me how my father helped her defeat Monarch. At the risk of his life.
With this, we know that Ladybug granted Gabriel's dying wish.
Gabriel : Marinette. Make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good father.
Was it Marinette's place to accept that burden to cover the truth? To acquiesce to her archenemy's demand? Of course not, but that is how kind she is and how flawed she can be. For Adrien's happiness, Maribug is willing to do so. We, as the audience, know it can only last so long the secret is sealed. And no one among Gabriel, Marinette, Nathalie, Félix, Kagami nor Plagg is aware the secret was already breached outside the family circle.
But for the time being, everyone who knows will keep the fact that Gabriel was Monarch a secret.
But even without the truth, Adrien is conflicted about his feelings towards his father. We see that as Adrien answers Marinette's question, he leans a bit towards her, but there is no contact. His eyes are fixated on the ring. Adrien is distant and inside a bubble of doubt about himself. There is a weight, a legacy, he associates with that family ring that he is not sure if he can bear.
Adrien : I don't know if I'll ever manage to be like him.
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It is only when Marinette puts her hands on his, covering the ring and the expectations that come with it, that Adrien finally look at her, brought back to here and now. Marinette reassures Adrien he doesn't need to be like his father. Adrien can just be himself, without having to live up to any expectations placed upon him.
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Marinette then proceeds in slips the ring on his finger. Adrien is free and in control of who he wants to be, of what he wants to do, no matter his background. The past doesn't matter anymore. He can just focus on what is ahead of him.
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In this short shot reverse shot, we see a bit of Marinette's head in Adrien's shot, however in Marinette's reverse shot, she is framed alone.
This bit has of a shift in the discussion. Marinette made contact with Adrien, entering his "bubble". She has established a connection in their discussion. Her words are reaching him and moving him.
Adrien : You always find the right words, Marinette. When I'm with you, I feel so... free!
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And now they are in synch. Both say "I love you" to the other at the same time, which make them laugh. And Adrien wraps Marinette's hand as if he never wants to let her go. As if he will protect and cherish her with all his might. She makes him that happy.
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As the white butterflies illustrate, there is no negative emotions around. Only pure hapiness. Only love. And they are kissing where Émilie's statue used to be.
Émilie's message in Collusion : Adrien shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of our mistakes. Our little prince has the right to create his own vision of happiness.
In other words, Monarch did not win. Émilie won. Gabriel has used the Wish, yes, but his wish was different than the one he wanted to make for 5 seasons. And it is not unusual for Gabriel to do everything in his power to grant any of Émilie's wishes. And her final wishes were : for Gabriel to let go of his madness, to not bring her back, and for Adrien to be happy.
And the ghost of Émilie can now rest in peace and stop haunting these walls. And Adrien can fully love Marinette the way he wants without any obstacle in the way anymore.
And all points to the Power of Love has ultimately won. Even the most important characters in those scene all have a link related to love.
Adrien was created by love. Ms Bustier promotes love as one of her teachings and she was akumatized twice out of that very emotion (spread love, protect the children's future). And she got elected as Mayor. Alec who interviews Ms Bustier is also another character who is now full of love and care. And Marinette fought for love. Even the Agreste Mansion Garden is associated to love. Gabriel and Émilie got a scene there during Evolution. Marinette and Adrien got a romantic date there as well. Heck, this is even where Nathalie shares she was ready to help Gabriel out of love.
Love may falter or even fades away for a time, but right now, in Adrien's scenes, love is fully blooming.
Back to the scene, as Marinette and Adrien kiss, the camera zoom out at the shot crossfades, giving the impression their kiss is everlasting. And ultimately fades to white...
... before the white suddenly cut to Nadja Chamack's news report where she interviews Professor Du Bocquale about the international event that had happened.
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Using both the news reporter and the scientific, we transitioned to Marinette's Guardian of the Miraculous pov. The sentimentality and dream life is over, it is time to get back to the facts and reality. The Happy Ever After is not quite accomplish yet.
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And that will be developped in second eventual part because I am reaching the limit of images allowed in one single Tumblr post ^^;
Anyway, thank you for reading this far and stay tuned!
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murdrdocs · 1 year
can u write nsfw headcannons for peter quill please (possibly with size kink because with how big he is, it would be a crime for him not to have one)
is so fucking horny like almost all of the time and loves to fuck any and everywhere. not just because he's quill and horny, but also because he's quill and horny specifically for you. cannot get enough of you. truly.
declares spring/summer as his favorite season because that's when you show more skin and spend more time outside. which gives him more of a chance to fuck you in skirts and dresses and in fields of flowers.
a hand on u at all times, leading to his hands sliding between your thighs. sometimes he just cups your mound, sometimes he just rubs his palm along, and sometimes his fingers are working you open and up to an orgasm.
has sex to music as we all know. doesn't rlly sing/hum the lyrics unless it's a slower night, and he's thrusting into you at a steady, slow pace and he'll just slightly hum the lyrics but pretends he didn't do such a thing if you mention it. ("did you just start singing?" "...no")
possibly into documenting sex with you. there's a day when he's feeling extra filthy, brought upon by the alcohol in his system and yours, and he just sits his cock along your mound, getting an image of how how deep he will be in you in hopefully a few seconds. and he's teasing, making fun of the size difference, alluding to the possibility of not fitting when you both know that he always does. but instead of grabbing himself by the base and pushing in, he leans over just a bit to grab the discarded polaroid from earlier (whenever he claimed you looked beautiful and he demanded to snap a few pictures of you) and it's held above your body. you can barely ward him off (pitiful little words of "peter, are you sure?" "maybe you shouldn't") but you aren't fighting that much because your legs open a little more even though your hands cover your face just before the snap! of the camera sounds over the soft music playing in the background.
there's also a time when you're both on vacation, housed up in a beautiful hotel room, and your phone is propped up on the bed frame, facing you and peter while you ride him. he has the device held in his hand soon enough, free hand roaming your body while the camera tilts slightly off frame as he loses himself in it.
loves when you wear his shirts around and barely even complains if you cut the neckline off (barely complains) because you look so good, to the point where he's pulling you down into his lap when you try to walk across him while he's watching tv, in nothing but one of his shirts that touches the top of your thighs.
also loves when you ride him. his hands on your hips, eyes watching your everything since the positions gives him such a good view. especially loves to watch your tits bounce while you ride him, and he likes to watch your face scrunch up when he grips your hips, forcibly holding you down until you squirm and fight back and borderline cry for what you want.
he can be cruel in that way, but he has the biggest soft spot for you and he can barely see you not get what you want. even if he makes you beg for it, he'll eventually give you what you want. which, sometimes is a little too much because he likes the way your nails scratch at his biceps and back when you're overstimulated.
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vixstarria · 6 months
OC Questionnaire
Following this post by @spacebarbarianweird
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So there’s a bit of mental gymnastics involved with this, because I write a bard but play a warlock. Truth is, that’s simply because I always play warlock types, but hardly know the first thing about writing one in a DND setting.  
Here’s how I bring it all together: 
OC used to be a scholar (student), turned bandit, turned travelling bard (i.e. has seen some shit in her lifetime), and then finally, shortly before the events of BG3, reluctantly entered a pact with an otherworldly being to avoid imprisonment. The powers her patron grants her are barely a trickle (I HC that she’s not particularly competent in battle), but the terms of the contract were also very simple: keep the patron entertained. She figured that would be simple enough, as that is already what she does for a living. It has indeed been VERY easy to keep the patron amused ever since OC ended up entangled in the mindflayer mess. And the patron likes all the shenanigans with the sexy vampire, oh yes it does.  
Bard and warlock are high charisma classes that are fairly low in wisdom, so I think it checks out. And for writing I HC that she mostly relies on her bard skills and past, as that is what she’s more familiar with. Her background is Charlatan. 
NAME: She’s gone through a few. Currently her patron thinks it’s hilarious to make her pompously call herself ‘Asmodea’.  
NICKNAME: Some have attempted to call her ‘Ass’. They have all been eldritch blasted.  
GENDER: Female 
STAR SIGN: Scoffs at the idea of star signs 
HEIGHT: 5.6 
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual in relationships. Has experience with and is not completely averse to women sexually, but is mostly just indifferent about them.  
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Half-Elf. Unwanted child between an elven maiden and a human man, raised by her father. Doesn’t know the elven side of her family and never will. 
FAVORITE FRUIT: Is a smartass and always answers that with ‘tomato’ 
FAVORITE SEASON: Summer, mostly because she doesn’t like having to slog through mud or snow. 
FAVORITE FLOWER: Flowers make her sad with their fragility and impermanence. Prefers ferns or anything that looks wild and exuberant. 
FAVORITE SCENT: Freshly baked goods. Takes her back to her happy childhood.  
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Booze, but keeps herself in check as that was eventually her father’s downfall. Coffee if has to choose between the three. 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Usually runs on 6 or less, not by choice 
DOGS OR CATS: Cats. She respects their free nature.
DREAM TRIP: Sailing the seas if she must choose, but would actually like to stay put somewhere for a change.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: blankets are a luxury and the answer is ‘yes’, however she’s used to having to make do with a cloak or coat and nothing else  
RANDOM FACT(s): Doesn’t have a home to return to. Is on the run from the law in parts of Faerun. Has been constantly on the move, living out of taverns, performing, lying, stealing and doing anything else to scrape by for the past 10+ years. Has lost all traces of domestication and is a bit unhinged as a result, despite having had a perfectly normal childhood and adolescence. Is getting really fed up with it all.  
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amasaiweek · 10 months
Looks like we're doing this! Welcome to amasai week 2023. This is my first time hosting a ship week, so please forgive my rookie mistakes.
Amasai Week will run from October 23 to October 29. That should give everyone enough time to join I hope.
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Day 1: first meeting/free time event/crush
Day 2: flowers/lie/secret
Day 3: travel/cabin/photograph
Day 4: Free Day/AU/Talent Swap
Day 5: eyes/trust/confession
Day 6: summer/beach/sunset
Day 7: pregame/postgame
Rules under the cut!
Any type of media is allowed! AI generated or stolen works however are prohibited. You can do as much as you like, one or multiple days, it's all up to you. There's no limit on what you can submit: art, writing, moodboards, headcanons etc etc. We love to see it!
This event is sfw! Please do not use my prompts to create nsfw works. I do not want my prompts to be used for infidelity works either (I can't believe I have to say this). What you create on your own accord is on you, but please do not use my event for this.
Use #amasaiweek2023 and @amasaiweek for me to easily find your entry! If I missed yours, don't hesitate to reach out.
You may use and interpret the prompts however you like, or not use them at all. We're here to have fun and share the love, and it's simply an offer to work with. Don't hold back with any ideas you may have.
There's no deadline! Late entries are welcome.
Poly relationships are allowed! The focus should be amasai, but other than that, poly and background ships are fine.
I wish I didn't have to say this as well, but there are unfortunately some bad apples in the amasai community. I don't want to see incestuous stuff anywhere near my event. This goes both for Rantaro and Shuichi as well as Rantaro's sisters.
Please be normal about the pregame prompt. I don't wanna see any yandere Shuichi. Thanks.
For any other questions, feel free to drop an ask. I hope I'll see you there!
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Hello, all!
So, I've been trying to make an overview of the Steph's Crew sequels for you... but it has been taking forever. I did not know how COMPLICATED this story was while I was setting it all up lol.
But yeah. In the meantime, how about I show you some cool stuff?
Character Names + Meanings (for the main cast of UVC):
The name "Stephanie" has Greek origins, deriving from "Stephanos," meaning "crown" or "garland."
This is a good name for a main protagonist - could indicate her central role within the story, especially regarding the mystery and investigation.
"Ben" is often a short form of "Benjamin" or "Benedict," (it's the latter in this case), and both mean the same thing - "son of the right hand" or "blessed."
This name could suggest a significant role in the life of other characters, like Stephanie.
Also indicates what a genuinely kind, good person he is, especially in contrast with some of the other folks in this story lol. Like his wife.
"Dylan" is a name of Welsh origin, meaning "son of the sea" or "born from the ocean."
This name might symbolise his adaptability or fluidity in relationships and life circumstances. He's known for being very chill and easygoing, even in tense moments.
"Alice" is often associated with the meaning "noble" or "of noble birth."
Also could be a reference to Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" story (about an ordinary girl finding herself in a magical world).
In the story, Alice could represent a character with a strong sense of honour or nobility, perhaps dealing with issues of loss and relationships (which she does in this sequel... mild spoiler alert).
The name "Bret" could be a variation of "Brett," which is short for "Bretton," meaning "man of Britain," or "a native of Brittany."
In the context of the story, Bret's character might have elements tied to his origins or background. Doesn't really say much about him as a character (unfortunate, as there is a lot to his character! Especially in the sequel).
"Elise" is a name of French origin, derived from "Elizabeth," meaning "God is my oath."
This name could signify a character with a strong sense of faith or determination. This suits her a lot... it's strongly suggested that El and her family are religious, and she as a character is very determined, strong and principled, and she passionately stands up for herself and what she believes in, even if her views aren't popular with others.
"Connor" is an Anglicized form of the Irish-Gaelic name "Conchobhar," meaning "lover of hounds." Or dogs in general.
This name could hint at loyalty or association with dogs, which might relate to his role as a supportive friend. Dogs are loyal companions, and he is a good friend to Elise when they're in Cambridge together, so I'd say that definition fits.
Daisy Sommer (Connor's lecturer):
"Daisy" is a flower name, often symbolizing innocence and purity.
The surname of "Sommer" (German for summer) might evoke a sense of warmth or positivity, reflecting her character's disposition.
Daisy is a warm, bubbly person, and she has a lot of enthusiasm for her work (and just life generally) that makes her stand out to Connor in the story. It also rubs off on people a lot, so people generally just enjoy spending time with her.
"Rachel" is of Hebrew origin, meaning "ewe" or "innocence."
This name represents purity or vulnerability. And she's very vulnerable in book 2, so that fits well too.
The name "Gordon" is of Scottish origin, associated with a place name meaning "spacious fort."
It might convey stability or a strong presence in the story.
Gordon is the opposite of "stability" lol. But he has kind of a strong presence in the story (though I will say, since there's soooo much going on in the story, he probably hasn't got that strong of a presence lol), and in Rachel's story especially.
"Charlie" is often a short form of "Charles," which means "free man."
This name showcases Charlie's sense of freedom or independence. Which... in the first book, there was a specific part where Elise said that was a similar reason why she fell for Bret... his freedom, his desire to live for himself and not conform to what others want from him. All that to say, the girl's got a type.
"Mary" is another Biblical name (woohoo!) of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved" or "bitter."
Could also be a reference to the Mary in the Bible... Mother of Jesus (as well as this pure, good and dutiful woman who always does what God asks of her. Blessed and highly favoured. Mary Johnson isn't perfect by any means, but she's known for being the "good" twin, and she is also academically gifted)
Everybody loves Mary. And she can be rather bitter at times, I suppose. This definition fits well, too! (Oh, and, no spoilers or anything, but Mary in the sequel goes through a lot... it's sad what happens to her)
Angel (Charlie's cousin):
"Angel" is a word often associated with heaven, divine messengers or goodness.
In the story, this character may symbolise a positive influence or aid.
This girl is honestly not important until like halfway through... when the summer formal plot comes in. She couldn't find herself a date, so Bret agreed to go with her (not for the best of reasons... but still a nice gesture from him). They don't end up together or anything (they don't even go together in the end), but in the short time they spend together, she leaves a huge impact on him. Some people just have that effect on others, you know?
Isn't this cool?
Let's make this a tag game!!
Rules for Character Names + Meanings Tag Game:
Make a list of your main OCs and find out the meanings of their names. Then write down their definition and whether or not you think the definition fits their character.
Tagging these people to try it out: @mysticstarlightduck, @winterandwords, @gummybugg, @clairelsonao3, @aziz-reads, @exquisitecrow, @ember-writer
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the-black-dragons-den · 10 months
seeking advice if you have experience with cannabis cessation, addiction recovery, substance use disorder, and/or mental health issues, specifically depression, anxiety, and/or borderline personality disorder
tldr; I have to quit cannabis and i'm having a hard time because of my mental health symptoms, specifically being irritable as fuck and i need help/advice on how to get a handle on that
even if you don't have any advice for me, please reblog
background info:
so i've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (highly treatment resistant), generalized anxiety disorder, and borderline personality disorder.
for the past several years, i've been using cannabis quite effectively to combat the various symptoms of my mental health diagnoses. but in my state, you can't get a medical marijuana card for mental health diagnoses.
i'm starting a trade training program soon, and it's free, and part of the requirement is to be drug-free, including cannabis, since it's still federally illegal. it's not like a "fail-once-you're-out" kind of thing (for cannabis), it's that over a series of drug tests, your levels have to start going down, and they want you clean by the 3rd week of the program.
the program starts at the beginning of september. i've had one drug test at orientation that I definitely failed, but i've been reducing my intake dramatically. used to smoke several bowls a day and in the course of a month, i've gotten myself off of flower entirely. i hit a concentrate pen a couple times a day, and i'm weaning myself off of that too.
lucky for me the withdrawal symptoms from cannabis are basically the mental health symptoms i use cannabis to combat
the difficulty:
i've definitely been feeling the effects of lessening my intake. the anxiety hasn't been too much of an issue but the depression is creeping in. however. i have lived in the pit of depression and anxiety for so long that that stuff doesn't even worry me any more. i'll be able to deal with that okay. i've also come too fucking far with my mental health to give up now, depression is a weak bitch and i've grown strong.
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what i'm struggling with is a particular symptom of the BPD. overreactive emotions, particularly irritation. i get irritated by. the littlest things.
like if someone's rude to me (or if i perceive it that way). or if someone's going under the speed limit. or when they stock the shelves too full at the store and stuff falls on me while i'm working. or not getting enough sleep. when someone in the apartment parking lot thinks the "no back-in parking" rule doesn't apply to them. the AC being broken in my car, during our fucking 90 degree summer. little stuff.
it sticks into my brain like a metaphorical porcupine spine and it lives there the rest of the day. and by the end of the day i have like 85 porcupine spines in my brain and i'm ready to lose my shit. it feels, in a way, like my brain is on fire - raw and exposed and vulnerable and like the tiniest thing is going to make it melt entirely.
this is going to sound like an overreaction (but hey that's BPD for you) but i feel like the world has been designed to be sandpaper against my brain, and i'm not allowed to show any signs of discomfort. i am doing my best to put into words how fucking uncomfortable it is for me to live like this, and the words do not feel like enough.
being 100% sober from cannabis is actual hell for me, because the cannabis is the only thing i've been able to find that calms that rage, the irritation, the frustration. it lets the porcupine spines slide out. it puts out the flame and puts a balm on the raw, sandpapered embodiment of my resilience.
this morning i had a tough morning. slept terribly, woke up sweaty and cold, had the worst headache of my life last night. the meat we set out (in the fridge) to thaw for the crockpot didn't thaw. went to work exhausted. aforementioned overstocked-things-fall-on-me. scanner shits out 45 minutes into my day. customers asking me for things when i clearly am not an actual store employee. that's like 8 porcupine spines by 9 am. by the time i had my break, i was overwhelmed, totally pissed off, totally irritated, just rage-swirling in my brain. on my break, i took a hearty puff from my concentrate pen. and then. i was fine. for pretty much the rest of the day. like irritations still came up but they didn't stick like they did before, they rolled off much easier. because that's what cannabis does for me.
but i don't get to use cannabis to de-rage anymore. and that's the problem.
the advice/help i need:
suggestions for handling irritation in the moment so it doesn't get to the point of being overwhelming, therapy tricks, etc
suggestions on anything natural i can take or introduce into my diet that will help with the withdrawal
suggestions on how to avoid going back to cannabis (and therefore blowing my chance for this program)
basically any anger management suggestions
i really ought to get back into therapy, but since i'm not working while i'm taking the class, i can't super afford therapy right now
this is a sincere plea. most people think i'm a really nice person and they don't realize that it's because i'm on at least a little bit of cannabis almost all the time. without it, i'm such a bitch, and not because i want to be a bitch but because i feel like my brain is getting clawed to pieces and i just react, because, BPD.
anything you've got. help. please.
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town
Chapter 4 - Manic Monday
IN THIS CHAPTER: The worst counselling session ever, a talk about hair products, and Eddie explains what's in a (nick)name [4.1k]
WARNINGS: brief mention of a deceased parent (more nostalgic than angsty, i promise)
masterlist - prev - next | playlist
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And if I had an aeroplane, I still couldn't make it on time 'Cause it takes me so long to figure out what I'm gonna wear
Monday, April 7th - 1986
“You look pretty today,” James said, looking over the top of his newspaper at his daughter who was currently rummaging around the fridge, his mug of coffee halfway to his mouth.
“Thank you!” she beamed. “I have a presentation today.”
“Former presidents. I got Benjamin Harrison.”
“I don’t remember that one.”
“Don’t think anyone does.”
Dottie sat at the kitchen with her dad, poured milk over her cereal and read her notes while she ate. Occasionally she scribbled on the margins with a pencil and practiced a sentence in her head while gesticulating to no one with her spoon. The radio was turned on in the background, the morning news blending into the kitchen’s comfortable silence. James and Dorothy Burke had no one else in the world but each other, and because of that they had developed a simple but effective routine that included being in each other’s space consistently. Dottie’s mother had passed away before she’d even had her first birthday and Dorothy had been raised by a young single father that had to actively refuse to be consumed by grief whenever his little girl looked at him like the sun shone out of his ass. It certainly helped that all his college friends inserted themselves into their lives, acting as aunts and uncles, babysitters and bad influences, mentors and teachers.
There was Auntie Rachel, who had taken her to the mall to buy her first bra, and Uncle Johnny, who signed her up for free swimming lessons at the community center when she was eight. Uncles Robert and Joseph who let her do her homework on their desks when they had just opened their law firm, her feet never reaching the floor; Aunt Mary Elizabeth - not Mary, not Elizabeth, Mary Elizabeth - who chose her as her flower girl for her wedding day, Uncky Paul who had moved down to Texas for work but still called every Christmas morning at exactly 10:30 am. Dottie had not had a mother, but she had had a loving and dedicated father, a gaggle of extremely cool aunts and uncles that provided her with a myriad of younger cousins to babysit, kind Grandparents in Florida and Pennsylvania that she loved to visit during the summer, and the knowledge that she had been deeply, truly loved her entire life.
Growing up surrounded by young adults who considered her part of their families was, perhaps, the reason Dottie had had so much trouble fitting in at school as a kid. It wasn’t that she had been a complete loner in New York, but it seemed that it was easier to be relegated to the background when your modest birthday parties were always full of then 30 year olds that insisted on wearing colorful party hats and most of your free time on the weekends was spent being a babysitter for your nephews and nieces.
“Aunt Barbara called while you were getting dressed,” James mentioned.
“What did she want?”
“She says that you should call her back when you get home from school and that she is very proud you want to follow in her footsteps and shape the minds of the future.”
“Did you tell her what I really want is to finger paint all day?”
“I thought it’d be better if she heard it from you,” he said, standing up and putting his mug in the sink. “Come on, get your stuff, gotta go to the post office before work today.”
Dottie hurried to brush her teeth and grab her bag from where it was resting at the foot of her bed. She patted the outer pocket to make sure Donny’s borrowed mixtape was there and briefly glanced at her college acceptance letter pinned to her cork board above her desk. Congratulations, said UMich. Thank you, said Dottie, and ran down the stairs.
James was enjoying this new part of their morning routine where he could drive his daughter to the same high school he had graduated from so many years ago. Moving back to Hawkins had been, perhaps, a sudden decision that was born from a call from a desperate ex classmate who knew James had experience working in urban development, but he couldn’t deny that it hadn’t been a favorable experience for both of them. He got extra time with his baby before she spread her wings and left for college, and she seemed to finally be finding her place in the quiet, small town. As they pulled away from their driveway, he put on the tape Dottie had spent almost all Sunday working on and listened to her recite her presentation to him, almost amazed that this young woman in front of him had once been the little kid that had cried so hard she vomited on his shoes after a particularly scary roller coaster ride.
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Shit I’m late I’m late I’m late I’m late I’m late was the only thing going through Dottie’s mind as she hurried through the hallways heading to the school counselor’s office. Ms. Kelly was always very understanding when students’ classes ran a little bit late and Dottie had been so anxious while giving her presentation that when the bell rang, she had taken a few extra minutes to unwind and get her breathing back to normal in the privacy of a bathroom stall. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t even register that she had run through the basketball team’s huddle until she heard someone calling out to her.
“Hey, look where you’re going!” one of them had said, a tall brown haired boy standing next to the guy she recognized as their captain.
“Sorry!” she said, head turned towards them as she sprinted before she felt herself collide with a solid but soft mass in front of her.
“You okay there?” she quickly registered the new voice as Gareth’s as she had sat with him during her Political Science class, and realized she had bumped into Jeff’s back in her manic dash.
“Hey!” she beamed at them, frankly happy to see friendly faces. “Sorry, I’m super late, can’t stay to talk, but this is yours,” she stammered at a hundred miles per second, reaching into her bag pocket and pulling Donny’s cassette tape out. “I rewinded it for you and everything so it’s ready to go.”
“Wow, thanks. Did you like it?” he asked nervously. There was such a vulnerable feeling whenever he showed someone his mixtapes, like they were gonna judge him for listening to Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath but also side-eye him because his mixtapes weren’t only comprised of metal songs.
“It was great, we played it in the car all weekend. I hope you don’t mind but I kinda stole some of your songs for a tape I made for my Dad.”
“What songs?”
“Uh, Ace of Spades was one, we both loved that one. The Helter Skelter cover and the Bruce Springsteen song that’s at the end.”
“My Dad loves that one too,” Donny affirmed, knowingly. “Glory Days.”
“That’s the one. Again, thank you, it was a lot of fun.”
“Any time!”
“See you guys around, ‘kay?” she started to power walk away from them when Gareth called out to her, making her turn around again.
“Hey, you’re sitting with us for lunch, right?” a few people turned to see who he was yelling at.
“Uh, sure! Save me a sea-” Dottie managed to get out before she bumped into someone else.
“Woah, where are you running to, princess?”
“Eddie!” she grinned up at him. Now that they were standing practically inches away from each other, he noticed how much shorter she was than him and quickly stored that information in the part of his brain that had been replaying her laughter like elevator music for the past two days. “Gotta go, I’m so late! See you at lunch? Gareth just invited me so you can’t kick me out!”
And with those final words, Eddie Munson stood in the hallway watching her go, feeling as dazed as he had been since he’d formally met her. That girl is gonna be the death of me someday, he thought dramatically before joining his friends, noticing that at the end of the row of lockers, a certain Lucas Sinclair was staring at them with confusion written all over his face.
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Ms. Kelly’s office was cozy and inviting, but for the first time since she’d met her, Dottie wasn’t entirely too interested in spending her lunch period hiding away in it. The counselor began the meeting by reviewing her grades as she often did, praising her for her GPA and her glowing reports from her teachers. Dorothy Burke was not exactly a teacher’s pet, but she was a quiet student that kept to herself and worked hard in every class, and the faculty at Hawkins High School was all too happy to provide her with the resources she needed to succeed in her very near future. Not all of them knew she had already been accepted into a great college, but those who did were infinitely proud that someone that had gone through their class was on course for a great career regardless of her future choices.
“You look happier today. Any updates about Michigan?” Ms. Kelly took a guess.
“No, not really. Although my Aunt Barbara wants to talk to me about my major.”
“Have you decided already?”
“I think I’m down to only a couple of options. I like their Elementary Teacher Education program, and my aunt teaches Economics in Vegas so I thought she could answer some of my questions to help me decide.”
“That’s very sensible of you,” Ms. Kelly smiled. “What happened to the English program you mentioned last week?”
“I still like it! I just don’t see myself, I don’t know, being an author?”
“Well, that’s not the only thing an English degree is for. You could be an English teacher if you really like working with children, or you could be an editor for a newspaper. You could even be a reporter if you wanted to.”
“I’ll… I’ll think about it. I don’t think I have to choose the first year I’m there so… I’ll keep thinking about it and take a bunch of classes I like and see where that goes.”
“Okay,” the counselor said, writing down something in her file. “So if it isn’t college news, then what’s going on in your life?”
Dottie wondered how much she should be sharing with Ms. Kelly right now; not because she was worried about being in trouble, but because she was well aware of the optics of her Friday outing. There was a reason Dustin had mentioned the presence of “other girls” when he had invited her to join their club, even if that had turned out to only mean Erica and her relentless sass. She chewed on her lower lip to stop the smile that threatened to break out when she thought of her lunch plans. Ms. Kelly waited patiently for an answer.
“Um. I-I think I made new friends?” she settled on saying.
“Really? That’s wonderful news, Dorothy. Would you like to share more?”
“Do you know Dustin Henderson?”
“He’s a freshman, isn’t he?” Ms. Kelly’s brow raised as she wondered where this story was going.
“Yes, I think so. He… he was really nice and invited me to join his board game club last Friday. It was cool.”
“He invited you to that hell club?” she seemed concerned.
“Hellfire. Hellfire Club,” Dottie sat on her hands and leaned back a little bit. “It’s just the name of the group, it’s not… dangerous or anything. I think they took the name from a comic book? We use dice to battle against monsters and solve mysteries that Eddie writes for us, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Eddie,” she muttered, searching for a face to attach the name to. “Edward Munson?”
“I think he’d be upset if he heard you calling him Edward,” she chuckled.
“Dorothy, I don’t think you shou-”
“I know. I know how this sounds like. But honestly, all the boys were really nice. They didn’t make me feel uncomfortable or anything like that. Eddie is a good leader, he takes care of everyone. And I’m not the only girl there. I promise you it’s really safe. It’s just board games. My Dad knows and he’s okay with it, I told him everything.”
She didn’t understand why she was getting so defensive over a group of people she had only known for a few days but if she was being honest, they weren’t the worst kind of people she had encountered in her life. She used to go to a big city school in New York filled with all kinds of students from all walks of life, and she was certain that a few lockers down her own, there had been a kid that kept a knife hidden behind his balled up gym sweatshirt. Yeah, maybe The Hellfire Club had a reputation. She had heard the news about what the country thought Dungeons and Dragons was, and her dad had laughed and laughed so hard he had choked on his own spit when he heard the words “Satanic cult” attached to what he knew were a bunch of nerds pretending to have magic powers. They were just a group of misfits making up fantasy worlds. Who gave a shit about dumb, ignorant rumors?
“I understand that making new friends is very important to you right now,” Ms. Kelly began, noticing that a door that had been wide open for months had been closed in front of her in a matter of seconds.
“I’m not going to tell you what you should do with your life, you are going to turn 18 soon, and if your father trusts your choices, then what I say really holds no weight for you.”
“They really aren’t bad people,” Dottie said, her voice just loud enough to not be considered a whisper. “They invited me to join them for lunch. No one has done that since my first week here.”
“And that sounds really lovely. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t be so trusting of people you’ve only just met. You’re headed to a great college with a scholarship that a lot of Hawkins kids would love to have. I would just hate to see you get lost right at the finish line.”
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She doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about, Dottie ground her teeth as she walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. They are good people. Who cares if they smoke a little weed sometimes? Dad did it in college and still graduated with honors. I’m like 95% sure Uncky Paul was high when he walked up the stage to get his diploma. She hadn’t noticed she was sulking until she walked into the cafeteria and spotted Dustin and Gareth waving at her enthusiastically. The corners of her mouth lifted and she hurried to them, the paper bag containing her lunch (a cheese and tomato sandwich with mayo on white bread, perfectly boring and made with a lot of love by her dad) swinging wildly from her hand.
Dottie sat down between them, instantly tuning into the discussion Mike and Donny were having about a comic book she hadn’t read and knew nothing about. She picked up the tab from Dustin’s soda can that was discarded on the table and fiddled with it while she listened to them. At some point, Jeff burped and the entire group erupted in protests. She felt… cozy. Included. She felt less lonely, less awkward, less invisible. Like she finally belonged somewhere.
“You read comic books?” asked Gareth, who was sitting to her right.
“No, not really. I prefer books.”
“What do you read?”
“Anything, really. Whatever I can get my hands on. I get my books from the library mostly,” she dropped her tone to resemble a stage whisper. “Sometimes, if I’m feeling adventurous, I pick a book only if the cover looks cool.”
“No way,” he gasped dramatically, matching her tone. “What happened to not judging a book by its cover?”
“What can I say, I’m a rebel,” they both giggled, knowing that out of the two of them, Gareth was the closest thing to a bad boy and yet he was still miles away from a regular Danny Zuko. “Can I ask you a weird question?”
“Sure,” the boy said, intrigued.
“Do you do something with your hair before you come to school?”
“I shower?”
“That’s it?”
“Is there something wrong with my hair?” he lifted his hand to touch his head, worried about what he could find.
“No, that’s why I ask,” she laughed, reaching to touch his hair too. “Your curls look great. I can’t get mine to be this defined in this weather.”
Gareth’s body began trembling with laughter, his head bumping into her raised hand as he rocked back and forth completely taken aback by her question. Certainly hair care was not in his list of topics to talk about during lunch, or at any point in his life, really. He just used the shampoo his mom bought and called it a day. Dottie laughed with him too, realizing that she was asking a metalhead about curl definition.
“What are we laughing about?” Dustin asked, curiously.
“Hair products. Any recommendations for curly hair?” Dottie said, sending Gareth into another fit of laughter.
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” the younger boy said mysteriously. Steve would never trust him again if he knew he had shared his sacred routine with others.
The cafeteria began clearing out soon enough as everyone got ready for class again. First Dustin and Mike, then Jeff, Donny and finally Gareth until the only ones left at the table were Eddie and Dottie. She waved goodbye to the boys as they left, noticing that her being at the specific table she was sitting at seemed to be some sort of must-see sight for other seniors. Dottie was all too aware of the way the two preppy girls that sat to her left in Psych were gossiping into each others’ ears while taking peeks at her on their way to the door. When she turned to the only other person left seated at the table, she found Eddie analyzing her with big brown eyes. He resembled a lost puppy when he tilted his head to the side.
“Everything okay?” he asked, his voice softer than she’d ever heard coming from him before.
“Yeah. Just, y’know,” she shuffled closer to him so they could chat without the whole table separating them. “The staring. I thought I’d stopped being news around the third week of January.”
“They aren’t staring because you are new,” Eddie crossed his arms. “They stare because you are sitting at the freaks’ table. And forgive me for saying this, darling, but you don’t exactly look like a freak.”
“You don’t know what I look like under the makeup,” she argued.
“You aren’t wearing any.”
“Are you a makeup expert now?”
“I’m an expert in many things,” he leaned forward. The cafeteria was almost empty. “You have English Lit now, right?”
“How’d you know?” she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Because I am pretty sure you’ve been sitting like three seats away from me since you got here.”
Dottie felt her ears grow hot. She’d said a lot of stupid poetic shit in that class without knowing he was there too. She hoped he didn’t remember any of it. Actually, she hoped none of her classmates remembered anything she had said in English Lit for the past three months. All her assignments had been particularly depressing and dramatic lately; one could only be thankful that the teacher didn’t make them read their work out loud.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late and I’m really trying to graduate this time around.”
“This time?” she asked as they walked to their shared class.
“I, uh,” Eddie scratched his ear. “I got held back. Twice.”
“Oh. So you’re 20?”
“19. I turn 20 in May.”
“Well, you know what they say, third time’s a charm.”
“I really hope you’re right, princess. Hawkins High is my own personal circle of Hell at this point.”
Eddie noticed that she was chewing on the inside of her cheek as they got seated for class. He also noticed that she had sat at the table right next to his instead of the one she had been using for most of the semester. No one would bother her, the entire back row tended to remain empty, especially whatever seat was next to his. But still, it was a welcome change, if an unexpected one. Some of their classmates looked at them with mild confusion, but he was positively certain that by the time class started, they’d have forgotten about the new seating arrangement. There was loud chatter as the bell rang and everyone tried to squeeze in their last bits of gossip before the teacher arrived.
“Eddie?” she asked, pulling him out of his trance. “What’s with the nicknames?”
“The nicknames. You kept calling me princess and darling on Friday, and that was okay, but you’re doing it now too and… you don’t call the guys anything special out of the game. I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me or not.”
“Does it bother you?”
“That you’re making fun of me?”
“I’m not making fun of you,” he said, suddenly serious.
“Oh. Okay then.”
“Do the names bother you?”
“No. Not if you’re not making fun of me.”
“I’m not.”
“Then they don’t bother me,” she was strangely quiet and detached when she said that, not even sparing a glance in his direction.
Mrs. O’Donnell walking in and greeting everyone dislodged her from her stillness and she busied herself with finding the book report the old lady was requesting would be passed to the front. Eddie noted that his looked significantly shorter than hers, at least by a full page. He lowered his voice so it would be masked by the soft chitchat and leaned towards her seat.
“I like alliteration,” he confessed. “Jeff the Just, Gareth the Great, Dottie the Darling,” she blinked at him, her report still in her hand. “I already used daring and deadly for Dustin and Donny, it was either darling or destroyer for you, so, take your pick.”
“And princess? Because Erica gets to be a Lady?”
“No, I just like seeing you get all flustered,” he admitted, a playful smile on his lips.
She rolled her eyes at him, he chuckled, and all the nervous tension between them dissipated. Neither had noticed that all the reports were being counted by the teacher while they were talking.
“I’m missing two, who didn’t do their homework? Munson?” Mrs. O’Donnell asked, not an ounce of patience in her voice.
Both misbehaving students sprang to attention, sitting very upright and avoiding each others’ eyes. The boy was about to say something to defend his honor when Dottie stood up, snatched his paper from his desk and delivered it to the teacher along with her own. The woman looked at her curiously, noticing that she wasn’t seated at her usual spot; a different boy was occupying that chair today. She directed her gaze towards Eddie who was trying very hard to look nonchalant by staring at his own crossed arms resting on the table.
“Miss Burke, do you want to sit closer to the front?” she asked, her voice low to add privacy to the conversation but the classroom was so quiet a pin falling to the floor could have been heard.
“No, ma’am, I’m okay with my seat,” Dottie smiled confidently, and walked back to her chair. As soon as the teacher had recovered and turned around to start writing on the blackboard, she leaned over to Eddie for one final time. “I like the nicknames, Eddie the Endearing,” he was suddenly thankful his wild hair was covering his red ears, but she noticed his reaction anyways. “Or maybe you’d prefer to be called Master. You seemed to enjoy that one on Friday.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he managed to get out, a mischevious grin spreading on his face. She held back a chuckle and sat back straight in her seat, picking up her pen and starting to copy the names on the blackboard onto her notebook. Eddie stared at her for a few seconds, the gears in his brain spinning at double time, before he too grabbed a pen and began taking notes to force himself to stop looking at her profile like a creep. This is gonna get very interesting, was the last thing he thought before getting distracted by threats of pop quizzes and overinterpretations of what authors had really meant in their prose.
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
[ 𝟏𝟓 : 𝟒𝟏 ] 𝐎𝐌𝐆, 𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐄! ─── 𝐡𝐪 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬.
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author's note. this is a repost of one of the works from my old acc (@/baeloves-you.) here u will find some short, cute scenarios with the male characters from haikyuu!!
with. aone takanobu, tadashi yamaguchi, kenma kozume, bokuto koutaro and ushijima wakatoshi.
blog links. masterlist | asks/requests | general
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ʚ 𝐀𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐔 ɞ i swear this boy here is the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life. he makes my heart go 💞💗yk? well, this time the thing that's causing me to swooning over him is this: imagine nobu growing an entire little garden with the prettiest flowers just for you. and, when all the flowers have blossomed, he would do one of these (or maybe both, aone's heart is filled with just that level of kindness ☹️): 1. he goes and picks up your favorite flowies and makes a handmade bouquet for u or 2. takes you on a date on that garden and spends the evening making flower crowns with his sweetheart while having a warm smile on his face. kiss him for me, please.
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ʚ 𝐁𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎 ɞ he's the one that brightens my day 💋 he arrived home shouting a "i got plushies!! are u excited?!🥺" you really had to gently shush him bcs he was loud and didn't want to see him sad by the neighbors' complaints. he hurried to be by your side and repeated this time whispering: "are u excited?" while showing the stuffed animals. one of them looked exactly like him, black and white feathers & golden luminous eyes; and yes, before asking, the other one was like you. giving bo a kiss on his cheek, you softly replied "yes, darling. they are amazing 💗"
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ʚ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐙𝐔𝐌𝐄 ɞ this was something usual for both if you; after some gaming & chill dates, you shared a minecraft world so u could play together 😌. well, the thing it's that for these past hour he asked you to not enter in the world yet while he was clicking his mouse in a somewhat aggressive way. after some (long) minutes, kenma gave you green light to turn on your computer. when the world has fully loaded you were amazed; it looked like a little and vibrating paradise full of life, your houses were decorated with new aesthetic items and he built a personal zoo beside them. his skin was wearing a white suit and beside him was a sign asking "will you marry me?" 💞🤧.
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ʚ 𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 ɞ it was weekend, so toshi and you were free that day. ushijima may be someone people would describe add dense, but in that moment he noticed you being a little stressed. he thought that if you both had nothing to do ans his angel was feeling down, he should do something to help u ☹️ so he planned a spa at home night. toshi prepared a bath for you two and helped u dry your hair. after that he applied oils ans creams all over you while massaging you're back, shoulders and legs (baby was so gentle 😭). when you both got to bed he hoped you were feeling better, kissing your lips lightly and holding u on his big and warm arms 💗✨.
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ʚ 𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐂𝐇𝐈 ɞ another shy baby 🥺✨ i'm crying. he ended all his summer homework and the volleyball team duties he was entrusted with, and tada has been missing you sooo much! ge texted you last night asking if you would like to have a simple, calm date with him in the park. also added for you to wear light and, if it's possible, old clothes that you wouldn't care if they get a lil' dirty; at this point you already had a vague idea of what he wanted to do. when morning arrived, yamaguchi and u sat on the blanket he put in the grass. there were a pair of plain canvas waiting to be colored. after some hours, tadashi finished and showed you a surprisingly well done portrait of u with the sunset in the background 😩❤️.
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© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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Me again! Ehehe
I've been thinking about female!Yuanzhi 🍋🌶
Fam. I love it when we are working on some kind of same wavelength 🥰
Tags: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi, Rule 63!Yuanzhi, Cheating, Stepmother Yuanzhi, Stepson Shangjue, Come Play, Creampie, Breeding Kink
The feel of her skin is velveteen smooth and Shangjue can’t look away from the obedient way her thighs fall open at the slightest nudge of his knee between hers.
There’s no resistance to the way she welcomes him and the thought that he’s staked his claim on her in every single way that counts thrills and delights him.
Yuanzhi is the devil wrapped up in a daydream and Shangjue is her most ardent worshipper.
The tv is put on to that Kardashian show, volume set to a low hum in the background. The living room windows let in only the molasses thick summer heat. They really should move this somewhere with a door and a lock, but Shangjue knows his little whore has probably been aching for something to fill her up since she woke up on her powder pink sheets this morning.
Why else would she not be wearing any panties under the sundress that Shangjue had bought her?
“Be quiet if you don’t want to wake him up.”
Yuanzhi licks her petal soft lips, running a line of spit over his thumb in her mouth, drawing him in as she reaches down to pull the hem of her dress higher, showing off her slender form and soft belly, hitching her hips to bare her naked pussy.
This surprises Shangjue and he can’t say he’s not pleased. “For me?”
Pulling his thumb out of her mouth, he kneels between her thighs, hooking her legs over his shoulders. Pushing back her pussy lips, he takes his time to touch and feel, leaning in without needing any confirmation of consent to taste, mouthing at Yuanzhi’s secret flower, licking, dipping his tongue to taste and trace.
Shangjue licks in deep, chasing the taste of his own seed that he’d fucked into her the night before.
He hasn’t meant to, but in his defence, the condom had broke when he’d been caught up in the dirty talk she’d whispered in his ear about how she can’t wait for him to fuck her raw and breed her good.
Well, that’d happened earlier than anticipated.
She’d passed out cold, twitching on her bed, and Shangjue couldn’t bear to wake her to tell her how the wetness leaking out of her is more than just her own slick.
He’d cleaned her out as best he could then snuck off back to his own bed.
This morning when he’d sat at the dining table, all he’d thought about when he saw his young step-mom bounce in to drop a kiss to his dad’s cheek and a cheery, knowing good morning to him, was how much he wanted to rail her on the tile floors of the kitchen space and pack her full of his cum.
And now they were here.
Dad’s asleep upstairs. Knocked out cold after his eight hour red eye, shuffled along by the sleeping pill he snuck along the cocktail of vitamins his dad takes.
And here he was, fucking Yuanzhi raw, swallowing every weak sound of protest with his lips. Reaching down the front of the dress, he frees her breast, squeezing and thumbing at her nipple. She pulses around his dick. He feels his mind fuzz out at the way she digs her blood red nails into his scalp, dragging him in.
There’s no lie in the way she bounces back against each and every single one of his brutal thrusts. Pussy gripping him tight, Shangjue thinks he does a little death at the way she squirts, making a mess between them while she makes little punched out moans as he screws her into the plush family sofa. Right where his dad likes to sit.
“Shangjue…” She slurs, drool slick lips parting on a sigh. Her eyes roll to the back of her head when he pushes in deep the way she likes it. “Shangjue ah…!”
God, she’s perfect.
He has taken her in the backseat of his car, fucking her out by the playground two streets over. She has damn near sucked his brains out through his dick in the changing rooms by the beach. He has blown her back out in the mall toilets. Yuanzhi has even let him finger her in the cinema during a trip to the city where they’d spent a weekend pretending that they’re a normal couple in love.
“Shangjue, I’m close…”
She’s barely older than himself. A pretty virginal thing his dad had picked up from the secretarial pool. The same young thing that had obediently held herself open and let Shangjue fuck her in her wedding dress mere minutes before she was to walk down the aisle to his dad, then again in the honeymoon suite while his dad was blind out drunk from the wedding wine.
He had promised himself that it was only a momentarily lapse of judgment.
That had last for as long as it took for him to fuck her in the airport toilet before they left on their honeymoon.
Shangjue kisses her, humping her heat as she rides out her climax. Chasing his own high, he tangles their tongues together, licking in until he runs up against the backs of her teeth.
Her weak sobs are like the sweetest sounds and Shangjue comes to the sight of the tears in her eyes.
He pulls out of her and winces when he spies the thick drool of come that oozes out of her pulsing hole.
“Sorry…” He mumbles. Startled when Yuanzhi merely giggles.
Shangjue is only a bit dumbfounded when she tugs him down to sit and throws her leg over his hips, straddling him. With another kiss, she reaches back, throwing her head back when she rocks her pussy over his half hard length, making a bigger mess between their bodies.
“It’s about time I get a baby in me,” She purrs, curling her fingers around Shangjue’s neck. “Are you ready to be a daddy?”
Shangjue feels himself throb against her in response.
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