#for hiking and spending time with friends
It just occurred to me. The day the Ghost movie opens (June 20th) is ALSO Summer Solstice / Litha / Midsomer / Alban Hefin. The longest day of the year. The shortest period of darkness. From Summer Solstice until Winter Solstice, the nights will get longer and longer.
I'm Wiccan, so I go by Litha.
As a spiritual holiday, Litha is a time for rituals and ceremonies that honour the sun and the energy of the summer season. It is a time to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the beauty and diversity of life. It is also a time to reflect on personal growth and to set intentions for the rest of the year.
Like Beltane, fire is the element of Litha. Bonfires were lit to assist the sun as it journeyed across the sky, changing course and shortening the days. It was believed that the faerie realm was the most accessible during Midsummer Night.
There's a few traditional ways to celebrate.
Spend time outside, whether that means going for a hike, having a picnic, or simply sitting in the sun and enjoying the warmth
Create a special meal or drink using seasonal ingredients, such as berries, herbs, or honey
Connect with friends and loved ones and participate in a group ritual or celebration.
Lighting bonfires or candles to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun
Decorating altars and sacred spaces with flowers, herbs, and other symbols of growth and vitality
Creating and sharing meals made with fresh, seasonal ingredients
Participating in activities that celebrate creativity, such as dancing, singing, or making art
Sooooo... Ghost concerts are called rituals, yes? So a lot of us will be attending a ritual both together and apart, just as it should be on Litha. And it's day for singing and dancing and celebrating the Light. As I recall, Lucifer means "light bringer". And the trailer was all "this is a celebration of life!" which is exactly what Litha is.
The colors typically associated with Litha include gold, green, and most importantly blue. Copia's color is that bright royal blue in contrast to the others; Primo was red, Secondo was green, Terzo was purple.
Litha is also an excellent time to communicate with "the other side". It has been suggested that Copia may resurrect one or more of the dead Papas.
Am I reaching? Maybe.
But I see you, Tobias! I see what you (maybe) did there!
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siriusly-parker · 22 hours
Hi I'm Reagan! May I join the JJK match-ups? I'm 20, 5'1, brown hair green eyes hella pale skin. I enjoy reading, hiking and anything nature related! I'm an introvert with an rbf but I'm an absolute chatty nuisance once I trust you! I have a bit of a short temper but working on it. I also enjoy swimming(former competitive swimmer but I'm not fast tho)! I'm also a huge nerd who even at this age loves pokemon! I'm also the one everyone goes to when they have pet related questions. Thank you sm!
hi reagaaaaan!! i match you with megumi in a kind of mutual pining trope!!
At first, he’d just be glad that your weren’t just another stupidly talkative student. You weren’t annoying, you didn’t spend your free time trying to find a way of bothering him, you just sticked to your reading and occasional walks.
Yet, you intrigued him. Why weren’t you annoying? Why did you mind your own business? Maybe he wouldn’t mind if you were the one disrupting his reading…. Wait what?
You talked to everyone of course, you guys were friends. Kind of. You wouldn’t really hang out outside of class, but not because they didn’t like you or you them, just because they didn’t ask! (and you didn’t either! miscommunication at its finest.) They thought you just preferred being alone. But slowly but surely, you were wrapped in their shenanigans and Megumi finally got to spend more time with you.
Not that he didn’t stare at you in class before, but seeing you open up, and laughing, and babbling on an on about your interests would just get the boy whipped.
I’m pretty sure he’d be the kind of guy to just hand you a pack of Pokémon cards and say he just stumbled upon them at the store and it’s “whatever”. (He’d be a blushing mess if you hug him, but try to act like it’s no big deal lolllll)
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ejunkiet · 4 months
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valoale · 23 days
Welcome home, baby boy 🥹🫶🏻
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Today I became a dad of two again and I’m filled with so much joy I can’t believe this became a reality 😭
Fantti is a 4,5 year old German shepherd who was matched to me by my dear friend. Fantti needed a home and I have both that and all the love in the world to give him ❤️
The best part is that both me and Aino have known Fantti for some time now, so bringing him home was super easy; it was like we come home together every day, so familiar and mundane. He’s such a good and well behaved boy I’m so proud of him and I’m also very proud of Aino for being such a good sport and accepting him to her home right away. 🥹
I can’t wait for all the adventures we’ll share together— you came into my life just the right time and this feels like it was meant to be. Life has been extremely rough and depressing for a long time, but now I feel like we three are gonna be alright ❤️
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themistyfootprints · 4 days
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From a hiking trip that ended earlier than planned yet was still pretty incredible and definitely memorable.
We were supposed to hike for two days but ended up doing it all in under 24 hours. It was the hottest of day and at one point a lightening hit about 20 meters from where we took shelter from a thunderstorm. We also saw the most beautiful sunset after deciding to hike the whole way in one day. And then made it back to the car around midnight just when darkness enveloped us.
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kaibacorpintern · 9 months
also writing has been weird lately i write 4,000 words in two days and then nothing for a week and a half and then 3,000 words in 24 hours and then tomorrow i will write the scene i meant to write all along and then i will do nothing for a week as i let thoughts marinate and percolate and then i will begin the long arduous climb to the top of some beast ch 11 with the intention of summiting before oct 31
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livepasthope · 3 months
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patchesjam · 1 year
i miss raves :(
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arklay · 2 years
that time diana was just observing the adders in the mountains and al snuck up on her cause he was out there on a hike and saw her but then he noticed she wasn't wearing her usual heels and skirt and one of her nice blouses and he went :0
#he really saw her in crouched down in like hiking boots and cargo pants and a looser button down shirt and went omg she's so cute though...#and this was before that weird definitely not a date kinda date :) so. yeah :) he caught feelings quicker than he likes to admit :) but he#still doesn't realise it for like a year lmao cause just many things but was also very much denying that he was more interested in spending#time with her rather than just being fascinated by how she is and acts and wanting to discover every little thing about her and push her#buttons even more. i really went full on clown mode with him but i mean have you seen diana??? and not her instantly giving him a taste of#his own medicine and he went oh????????? smushing them together like barbie dolls. it took diana a while to develop feelings for him though#like there had to be some established bond and trust between them first before her brain went !!!! Him.#so like. she started to develop feelings around like 8 months after they met lmaooooo it took a bit but like it was really after around 3#and a bit months of them having these lil ''meetings'' (dates) and talking about work and ideals and of course her flirting a lil bit cause#yeah okay she may have wanted to get in his pants for a while. but like the fact that she actually enjoyed talking to him and was like oh.#i have an actual friend? makes me very oughhghgh <3#anyway it’s 1am and i’m trying so hard to sleep so have this. and also look at pinned post pretty please. just for them 🥰#pair: ewskers#leah.txt
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cibome · 2 years
#delete later#i went away to the mountains for the weekend and i had a lot of fun and i feel calm and relaxed from spending time in nature and hiking#we also went to see the starts it was so much fun#BUT#i went with my mom and her friends from work and its very exhausting for me to be expected to be sociable 24/4 i just cant do it#i cant be friendly and talkative around people i barely know for THREE DAYS#plus on the first night i accidentally broke my thumb ring which ive had for 3-4 years#i rotate it around my finger all the time to keep me concentrated it calms me down AND it also helps me reduce my skin picking#its not a big problem since i can just buy a new one (if they still have them which idk) but at the time when it broke ...#mind you i accidentally dropped it to the ground and it fragmented into like 20 bits it overwhelmed me so much i almost cried on the spot#im back home already which is good but im so EXHAUSTED emotionally and socially and im working all day tomorrow...#which means i wont be able to buy a new ring until tuesday when i usually cannot even leave the house without it on#rn it just feels so wrong i even feel a bit sick from not having it on#ITS JUST A FUCKING RING... why do i depend this much on a fucking ring idk#but like i had a lot of fun we saw lots of beautiful sceneries i have pics ill probs post them later#i took my reflex but i forgot to charge it or bring the charger so i could only take pics on the first and last day#also the hiking we did was in places that were kind of physically straining so i dont think bringing it wouldve been a good idea#RANT OVER if you read all the way to here i love you thanks for reading my stream of consciousness quite literally <3
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chaos-coming · 2 years
Ive spent an entire week at a field camp for my grad program and i am so sick of trying to make polite conversations with the rich white european professors who are the absolute embodiment of useless academics and snide european privilege. And the cohort is like okay, but half of them are super young and coming from wealthy privileged families and have very little understanding of how the world works. The other half are a more normal age but theyre a little conservative and really alcoholic and im tired of trying to be nonargumentative about the way they talk about certain things. These are so not my people not the students and not the professors. I dont regret moving to this country but it was not the right decision given the way im finding out this school is. It doesnt align with 90% of what i want from a grad program or place to live and if it hadnt been corona time i would have made different choices
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
Wait, so you said that you can learn to trust others by building friendships, but how does one go about doing that? Wouldn't someone I don't know be creeped out or annoyed if I suddenly walked up and started talking to them?
Friendships are built of repeated low-stakes interactions and returned bids for attention with slowly increasing intimacy over time.
It takes a long time to make friends as an adult. People will probably think you're weird if you just walk up and start talking to them as though you are already their friend (people think it's weird when I do this, I try not to do this) but people won't think it's weird if you're someone they've seen a few times who says "hey" and then gradually has more conversations (consisting of more words) with them.
I cheat at forming adult friendships by joining groups where people meet regularly. If you're part of a radio club that meets once a week and you just join up to talk about radios, eventually those will be your radio friends.
If there's a hiking meetup near you and you go regularly, you will eventually have hiking friends.
Deeper friendships are formed with people from those kinds of groups when you do things with them outside of the context of the original interaction; if you go camping with your radio friend, that person is probably more friend than acquaintance. If you go to the movies with a hiking friend who likes the same horror movies as you do, that is deepening the friendship.
In, like 2011 Large Bastard decided he wanted more friends to do stuff with so he started a local radio meetup. These people started as strangers who shared an interest. Now they are people who give each other rides after surgery and help each other move and have started businesses together and have gone on many radio-based camping trips and have worked on each other's cars.
Finding a meetup or starting a meetup is genuinely the cheat-code for making friends.
This is also how making friendships at schools works - you're around a group of people very regularly and eventually you get to know them better and you start figuring out who you get along with and you start spending more time with those people.
If you want to do this in the most fast and dramatic way possible, join a band.
In 2020 I wrote something of a primer on how to turn low-stakes interactions with neighbors and acquaintances into more meaningful relationships; check the notes of this post over the next couple days, I'll dig up the link and share it in a reblog.
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pxrplepolkadots · 2 months
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
damn I rly have another 4 weeks of holiday this year huh. I should start making some plans
#well maybe more like 3 weeks bc I wanna keep some to use for long weekends or day trips#but thats still kind of a lot..#my problem is i dont wanna take time off just to stay at home bc I do that most weekends. but im not sure I rly wanna go anywhere either#I dont mind travelling but its very much just a function for me. even when im travelling for fun + not bc I Have to it feels no different#Im v independent but I just dont rly have the adventurers spirit. plus im disabled so going new places alone is so stressful sometimes#ugh I dont wanna let my parents catch wind of how much holiday i have tho bc theyll be like come stay with us for a week!#i will Kill Myself no thanks#theyll probs already get christmas with me and thats an ordeal enough#its the expense as well idk how much its worth it. even if i can afford it like that money couldve gone into so many other things#ahhh.#my flatmate did suggest we go somewhere together but i feel like shes gone off that idea.. ik she doesnt get as much holiday anyway#id feel bad eating into it just so she has to spend more time with me even tho we already live together. nightmarish ik#there are maybe some landscapes id like to see but not alone bc id wanna hike but i dont rly have any friends into that kinda hiking#like i cant rly just fuck off into the mountains for a week by myself the risk is stupid#i dont knooooow. maybe ill just do myself a cornwall trip v early or late summer when kids are in school that might be nice#bc its just trains to get there. and ive spent a lot of time alone there before like it wouldnt be as stressful as a New Place entirely#i wanna do a music festival in the summer too but rly id only need 2 days holiday for that. and again i cant rly go alone#so i need to find ppl to convince to come w me#god i feel so lame for not rly wanting to go on proper holidays. but its never felt worth it to me sorry 😭#blame the childhood trauma or whatever#ill stew on it and maybe ill think of something we'll see. ive got a while yet before id need to book stuff anyway#gotta do some more cleaning today but the sooner i can get it done the sooner i can play elden ring 🙏🙏🙏🙏#.diaries
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jadevine · 5 months
Preindustrial travel, and long explanations on why different distances are like that
Update March 1, 2024: Hey there folks, here's yet another update! I reposted Part 2a (the "medieval warhorses" tangent) to my writing blog, and I went down MORE of the horse-knowledge rabbit hole! https://www.tumblr.com/jadevine/741423906984951808/my-post-got-cut-off-so-i-added-the-rest-of-it Update Jan 30, 2024: Hey folks, I've posted the updated version of this post on my blog, so I don't have to keep frantically telling everyone "hey, that's the old version of this post!" https://thebalangay.wordpress.com/2024/01/29/preindustrial-travel-times-part-1/
I should get the posts about army travel times and camp followers reformatted and posted to my blog around the end of the week, so I'll filter through my extremely tangled thread for them.
Part 2 - Preindustrial ARMY travel times: https://www.tumblr.com/jadevine/739342239113871360/now-for-a-key-aspect-that-many-people-often-ask
Part 2a - How realistic warhorses look and act, because the myth of "all knights were mounted on huge clunky draft horses" just refuses to die: https://www.tumblr.com/jadevine/732043691180605440/helpful-things-for-action-writers-to-remember
Part 3 - Additional note about camp followers being regular workers AND sex-workers: https://www.tumblr.com/jadevine/740604203134828544/reblogging-the-time-looped-version-of-my
I saw a post on my main blog about how hiking groups need to keep pace with their slowest member, but many hikers mistakenly think that the point of hiking is "get from Point A to Point B as fast as possible" instead of "spending time outdoors in nature with friends," and then they complain that a new/less-experienced/sick/disabled hiker is spoiling their time-frame by constantly needing breaks, or huffing and puffing to catch up.
I run into a related question of "how long does it take to travel from Point A to Point B on horseback?" a lot, as a fantasy writer who wants to be SEMI-realistic; in the Western world at least, our post-industrial minds have largely forgotten what it's like to travel, both on our own feet and in groups.
People ask the new writer, "well, who in your cast is traveling? Is getting to Point B an emergency or not? What time of year is it?", and the newbies often get confused as to why they need so much information for "travel times." Maybe new writers see lists of "preindustrial travel times" like a primitive version of Google Maps, where all you need to do is plug in Point A and Point B.
But see, Google Maps DOES account for traveling delays, like different routes, constructions, accidents, and weather; you as the person will also need to figure in whether you're driving a car versus taking a bus/train, and so you'll need to figure out parking time or waiting time for the bus/train to actually GET THERE.
The difference between us and preindustrial travelers is that 1) we can outsource the calculations now, 2) we often travel for FUN instead of necessity.
The general rule of thumb for preindustrial times is that a healthy and prime-aged adult on foot, or a rider/horse pair of fit and prime-aged adults, can usually make 20-30 miles per day, in fair weather and on good terrain.
Why is this so specific? Because not everyone in preindustrial times was fit, not everyone was healthy, not everyone was between the ages of 20-35ish, and not everyone had nice clear skies and good terrain to travel on.
If you are too far below 18 years old or too far past 40, at best you will need either a slower pace or more frequent breaks to cover the same distance, and at worst you'll cut the travel distance in half to 10 or so miles. Too much walking is VERY BAD on too-young/old knees, and teenagers or very short adults may just have short legs even if they're fine with 8-10 hours of actual walking. Young children may get sick of walking and pitch a fit because THEY'RE TIREDDDDDDDDDD, and then you might need to stay put while they cry it out, or an adult may sigh and haul them over their shoulder (and therefore be weighed down by about 50lbs of Angry Child).
Heavy forests, wetlands and rocky hills/mountains are also going to be a much shorter "distance" per day. For forests or wetlands, you have to account for a lot of villagers going "who's gonna cut down acres of trees for one road? NOT ME," or "who's gonna drain acres of swamp for one road? NOT ME." Mountainous regions have their traveling time eaten by going UP, or finding a safer path that goes AROUND, so by the time you're done slogging through drier patches of wetlands or squeezing through trees, a deceptively short 10-15 miles in rough terrain might take you a whole day to walk instead of the usual half-day.
If you are traveling in freezing winters or during a rainstorm (and this inherently means you HAVE NO CHOICE, because nobody in preindustrial times would travel in bad weather if they could help it), you run the high risk of losing your way and then dying of exposure or slipping and breaking your neck, just a few miles out of the town/village.
Traveling in TOO-HOT weather is just as bad, because pushing yourself too hard and getting dehydrated at noon in the tropics will literally kill you. It's called heat-STROKE, not "heat-PARTY."
And now for the upper range of "traveling on horseback!"
Fully mounted groups can usually make 30-40 miles per day between Point A and Point B, but I find there are two unspoken requirements: "Point B must have enough food for all those people and horses," and "the mounted party DOESN'T need to keep pace with foot soldiers, camp followers, or supply wagons."
This means your mounted party would be traveling to 1) a rendezvous point like an ally's camp or a noble's castle, or 2) a town/city with plenty of inns. Maybe they're not literally going 30-40 miles in one trip, but they're scouting the area for 15-20 miles and then returning to their main group. Perhaps they'd be going to an allied village, but even a relatively small group of 10-20 warhorses will need 10-20 pounds of grain EACH and 20-30 pounds of hay EACH. 100-400 pounds of grain and 200-600 pounds of hay for the horses alone means that you need to stash supplies at the village beforehand, or the village needs to be a very large/prosperous one to have a guaranteed large surplus of food.
A dead sprint of 50-60 miles per day is possible for a preindustrial mounted pair, IF YOU REALLY, REALLY HAVE TO. Moreover, that is for ONE day. Many articles agree that 40 miles per day is already a hard ride, so 50-60 miles is REALLY pushing the envelope on horse and rider limits.
NOTE: While modern-day endurance rides routinely go for 50-100 miles in one day, remember that a preindustrial rider will not have the medical/logistical support that a modern endurance rider and their horse does.
If you say "they went fifty miles in a day" in most preindustrial times, the horse and rider's bodies will get wrecked. Either the person, their horse, or both, risk dying of exhaustion or getting disabled from the strain.
Whether you and your horse are fit enough to handle it and "only" have several days of defenselessness from severe pain/fatigue (and thus rely on family/friends to help you out), or you die as a heroic sacrifice, or you aren't QUITE fit enough and become disabled, or you get flat-out saved by magic or another rider who volunteers to go the other half, going past 40 miles in a day is a "Gondor Calls For Aid" level of emergency.
As a writer, I feel this kind of feat should be placed VERY carefully in a story: Either at the beginning to kick the plot off, at the climax to turn the tide, or at the end.
Preindustrial people were people--some treated their horses as tools/vehicles, and didn't care if they were killed or disabled by pushing them to their limits, but others very much cared for their horses. They needed to keep them in working condition for about 15-20 years, and they would not dream of doing this without a VERY good reason.
UPDATE January 13: Several people have gotten curious and looked at maps, to find out how a lot of cities are indeed spread out at a nice distance of 20-30 miles apart! I love getting people interested in my hyperfixations, lol.
But remember that this is the space between CITIES AND TOWNS. There should never be a 20-mile stretch of empty wilderness between City A and Town B, unless your world explains why folks are able to build a city in the middle of nowhere, or if something has specifically gone wrong to wipe out its supporting villages!
Period pieces often portray a shining city rising from a sea of picturesque empty land, without a single grain field or cow pasture in sight, but that city would starve to death very quickly in preindustrial times.
Why? Because as Bret Devereaux mentions in his “Lonely Cities” article (https://acoup.blog/2019/07/12/collections-the-lonely-city-part-i-the-ideal-city/), preindustrial cities and towns must have nearby villages (and even smaller towns, if large and prosperous enough!) to grow their food for them.
The settlements around a city will usually be scattered a few miles apart from each other, usually clustered along the roads to the city gates. Those villages and towns at the halfway point between cities (say 10-15 miles) are going to be essential stops for older/sick folks, merchants with cargo, and large groups like noble’s retinues and army forces.
Preindustrial armies and large noble retinues usually can’t make it far past 10-12 miles per day, as denoted in my addition to this post. (https://www.tumblr.com/jadevine/739342239113871360/now-for-a-key-aspect-that-many-people-often-ask )
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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