#fluffy loki laufeyson
fandxmslxt69 · 6 months
One and Only
Prince!Loki x f!asgardian noble!reader
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Warnings: um none. maybe a few grammar errors or weird sentences, some suggestive content (mentions of sex like once) Reader is mentioned to be wearing a green silky dress, and Loki is sort of wearing his suit adjacent to the one in Avengers + His horns.
A/N: Dearest lovely @fictive-sl0th - first of all, thank you for organising this amazingly fun Secret Santa event for us- it's been so much fun and I'm happy that it's my first event on Tumblr! Secondly, I truly hope you enjoy this little thing Camille- your prompt was so much fun and I hope I did it justice!
Synopsis: Loki is forced to find a bride, and things take a turn when a familiar face shows up.
Prompt: King Odin wants Loki to marry so he orders him to pick a bride during the annual yule ball. (He’s not amused haha) But things take a spicy turn when you show up and turn out to be a coveted noblewoman instead of the tempting, mysterious villager you pretended to be during all your earlier accidental encounters. In the end Odin gets what he wants ;)
Word count: 2.7k
“It’s time to do something useful. You will find a bride as soon as possible, Loki. With my heir off playing dress up on Midgard, I have none but you to wed off,”“Now, I’m sure Thor will come back with a nice bride-” 
“Asgard will NOT have a mortal woman as its first bride. Not now, not ever. It’s decided. This year’s Yule ball will be to find you a bride. Only Asgard’s finest, most eligible women will be up for a chance at marriage with you,” 
Loki grumbled to himself as the maids fussed over him. This was useless. Loki had no desire for marriage for another few centuries. His mood went from poor to sour to downright depressed and cynical as the days counted down to Yule. He thought perhaps someone would talk some sense into Odin, and yet there was a sinking feeling in his stomach after Odin declared his choice that told him he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. 
One of the maids tucked too hard on his cape, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Watch it,” he snapped. The maid muttered a quick apology, but before he could get another word in, there was a knock at the door before Frigga stepped in. 
Loki felt himself relax as she walked into his room, taking her time to look him over as she walked closer. “I’ll take it from here,” She addressed the women softly. They nodded and hurried out the door, but Loki couldn’t help letting out a groan while watching them hurry out. “I’ve scared them out of their minds,” “Now now,” Frigga stood beside him as she smiled at him in the mirror. “I’m sure Ingrid understands the stress you’re under,” Loki grumbled again under his breath. “I will find her later, to apologise,” Frigga hummed as she fussed at his clothes. He was wearing his finest Asgardian leather, the colours of the armour were a deep green and a rustic black only leather could give off. Frigga had ensured the suit stayed in the best conditions, even going as far as ordering the gold arm plates remade to be in perfect condition. He looked like the perfect image of the Asgardian prince. Regal and poise, and impeccable fashion taste. Even his head piece was polished thoroughly, and it lay on his bed, waiting for him to pick it up and wear it. His signature horns. His signature dress. 
He’s just missing that signature Loki grin. But he had no intention of giving anyone that smile. It was already someone’s. He had no desire to share it with another. 
“What are you thinking about?” Frigga had stopped fussing over him and stood behind him, watching him intently through the mirror.
“Nothing,” He lied quickly. 
“Nothing?” He nodded. “Exactly. Nothing,” She hummed, turning around to grab his horns from the bed. “Very well. I do hope we get to see that girl you’ve been sneaking off to see. Perhaps she will be a good fit,” He nodded, the words not registering until a few seconds later. His eyes widened, and he spun around to look at her. “What? What girl?” He closed the distance between him and his mother, grabbing his horns from her. “There is no girl. There’s never been a girl. What are you talking about?” 
Frigga raises her eyebrows. “Right…”
He nodded, carefully placing the horns on his head. There is no girl. Not anymore. 
She won’t even be there, so what’s the point?
“I don’t think there is anyone for me,” The words fell out of his lips before he could stop them.
Frigga’s eyes softened. “My dear boy, if I can see everything you hold, I know someone out there can too,”
Yes, he thought. She can, but what about everyone else? Odin? What did he think? The thoughts only soured his mood even more. “Perhaps we should go now,” He said curtly, holding his arm out for his mother. Frigga smiled softly, an edge of sadness in her eyes. 
“Very well,” She said, hooking her arm around his as they left his room.
*                                                               *                                                               *
Asgard’s usually plain ballroom had transformed itself to fit the spirit of Yule. Decked in only the most lavish of decorations, the ballroom glittered and sparkled as people settled in, women dressed in their finest robes and men in only their best attire. Loki stood by his mother and Thor as Odin drilled on, giving thanks to those who came, and promising a dance to every woman from Loki before he was to pick his bride. With every word he spoke, Loki felt a shiver run down his neck. He had no desire to be here, but this was not the first time he had been forced to forget about his own feelings and opinions, so he knew how to power through the night. 
You stood in your own corner with your mother, who made comments at everyone she could get her hands on. You only rolled your eyes or muttered a word in conversation, your mind too preoccupied. You had no idea how to feel about coming. At first, you had no desire to go. Why, all of a sudden, was Loki wanting to get married? Had he not told you, mere days ago, that he had no intention to run his life? It’s silly, it’s not like you were in love with him (maybe a little) or betrothed to him, but it still felt like a small dagger to your heart. Then, you thought perhaps he had a change of heart. Or perhaps it was his mother’s idea. Perhaps you even had a chance. He knew you, at least. He flirted with you, outside of this castle at least. And then you remembered that he only actually knew you as the girl he ran into at the village. And suddenly, bile rose up your mouth and you threw your invitation out. 
But naturally, your mother wasted no chances to shove you with any respectable man, and a prince is as respectable as they come- and there was nothing in the Nine Realms that could have stopped her from going to the Yule Ball. So here you found yourself, in your finest green silks (unintentional) and the best pieces of your gold as your mother fussed over every piece of hair out of place. 
You watched Loki from your corner as he danced with the first few women. He had a polite smile on his hands, and a few times you heard him laugh at something one of them would say, and your gut twisted and your lunch made its way up your throat. The laughs brought you back to your own secret encounters with him, nights you spent wandering the village and exchanging stories. You remembered the first time you made him laugh so freely, and it unlocked a new desire in you- to make him laugh for eternity. 
Perhaps that was a little too obsessive at the time. But you couldn’t blame it on yourself. Loki was the kind of man who wormed his way into the heart and nested there forever. Once he was in, there was no way to flush him out of your system. Certainly not after knowing what lay beneath his clothes and his….various talents. A blush crept up your neck just at the thought of those sensual nights with him- frantic, urgent and allconsuming. 
When he laughed with his new partner, something hard set in your gut. Maybe you didn’t have the best chance at winning this, but Norns, you were going to make sure he knew those laughs were yours first. 
You handed your glass to your mother, ensuring that your dress was in its best condition, and  fixed the draped piece of fabric over your shoulders. You could feel all eyes on you as you walked as elegantly as you could to Loki as the song ended. “Your Highness,” You interrupted politely, and the woman shot you a dirty look. “Am I have your next dance?” Loki began to say something before he fell silent, his eyes widening a fraction as they took in your face, and then trailing down your body. He made a noise at the back of his throat as he reached for your hand, motioning with the other for the songs to recommence. “Of course,” He said, although it sounded strained.
You smiled, stepping closer as he pulled you up against him, your bodies moving in sync to the music, your name fell from his lips in a stunned whisper. 
“What are you doing here? Did you sneak in?” Loki asked in disbelief. 
You laughed quietly. “No, Your Highness, I got my invitation like everyone else here,” He frowned, that pretty sculpted face of his scrunching up. “What? But…I thought- you’re just-” “A simple village girl?” You finished for him.
He paused, then looked almost offended. “Darling, simple is an offensive word to use to describe yourself. Nothing about you is ‘simple’,” Your heart skipped a beat, and those butterflies erupted in your stomach again. “Thank you, Your Highness,” “Oh quit that,” He said as he spun you around. “You say it like you don’t know me,” 
“Perhaps I don’t,” You replied.
“You know me better than all the others in this room,” He leaned in, smiling softly. “How in the Nine Realms did you get here, darling?” You bit your lip, trying to fight back the stupid smile from spreading across your face. “I told you, I got my invitation. I came here with my mother,” He hummed. “So, you are not a villager,” He frowned slightly at his own stupidity. How had he not asked before- in all your recent encounters? Perhaps the mystery that came with you was too addictive- the ability to leave behind all masks and remain bare to a complete stranger was…a safe haven, he supposed. You did know more about him than anyone else attending tonight. Secrets he’d never shared. Jokes he never told. Books he had no one to talk with. No one but you. You held so much of him, and he thought he held so much of you- but how much of it was real? You giggled. “No, I am not,” “Hm. Cheeky. It seems I have been fooled,” “Not…fooled. Simply….misguided. An inaccurate conclusion. I assure you though, I had no intentions of deception. I stand true to every other word I said,” You added, as if you could read his face, as if you could hear the worries and doubts in his mind. “But you never said you were noble,” You shrugged. “And you never asked,” A smile tugged at his lips, an odd sense of comfort settling in him. You were still…you. “No…I suppose I never did,” He leaned in then, dropping his voice to a whisper, “You look ravishing tonight, though. How have I never seen you in such a fine colour?” 
You blushed really then, looking up to meet his piercing eyes. “You look quite good in that colour yourself, Loki,” 
He chuckled, offering no other reply as you continued to dance. Soon, the song ended, and you stepped back from each other. Before you could turn to leave and potentially cry and laugh your heart out, he took your hand and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on it. He looked back up at you, and Norns, how gorgeous he really looked- all smirks and piercing eyes and those horns. “I hope to have another dance soon, my lady,” You nodded quickly, your mind short circuiting as another woman came up to ask for his next dance. You stepped back, before speed walking back to your spot by your mother. Of course, she shot a billion questions an hour, but you only ignored her, eyes focused on the man dancing at the centre of the room, glowing brighter than even the sun. 
Time passed, and you had no idea how many dances Loki went through before other pairs began to join. You danced with a few, but really your mind kept wandering back to Loki. 
When was he going to ask you that second dance? Was he really going to? 
Maybe he had somehow telepathically heard you, because just as you finished your dance with a nice gentleman, Loki stood from his seat at the front- having taken a break from dancing- and made his way back to the dance floor. 
The entire ballroom held its breath, and you stupidly turned around as if to make conversation with the person closest to you, or even run. Before you even had the chance to utter a sentence to a poor woman whose face looks pale with fear, your name rang loudly throughout the ballroom, coming from none other than the most handsome prince you had even laid eyes on. You turned around slowly, face tilted up to meet his eyes. “Your Highness?” He held out his hand, a smile tugging at his lips. “May I have another dance?” Everything felt deathly still as Loki led you back to the centre of the floor, and the music started again. You danced and you twirled across the floor, hand in hand with Loki as he grinned widely at you. He didn’t grin like that at anyone tonight. Maybe you were reading into the situation too much, but your heart melted just from his smile and the way his eyes held such pure joy as you danced through not one, but two, but three songs. By the end, you were breathless, partly from dancing, but partly from his fixing gaze and the overwhelming urge to kiss him. Even after all the times you’ve met, you were always consumed with the need to kiss him, to touch him, to run your hands through his hair and trace every line of his body. He was addictive, and while you had always thought love took its time to settle in, some part of you always knew that Loki might just be it. 
You were nearly drowning in the colour of his eyes, and that soft, bright smile he wore for you. Your face hurt from how hard you were smiling at him, and you were so close- just a little higher and your lips could connect with his. It was almost trance like, how soft his lips looked were hypnotic, and the way he eyed yours with a desperate need only encouraged you. You leaned up, he leaned down a little, arm wrapped around your body, lips almost touching and-
“Ahem,” Odin stood from his throne, and you felt the spell shatter. Damnit. 
“I believe,” Odin paused, his eye landing on you and Loki, who jumped apart from one another like you were set on flames. Your cheeks were flushed, avoiding the eyes of everyone, and Loki stared right ahead at Thor, who you noticed was smiling widely and making incredibly disturbing faces at his brother. “Prince Loki has found a bride,” 
Loki’s eyes flickered to you, his mouth opening to argue with Odin. Probably to argue- to say that he hadn’t even asked for your opinion, to add that marriage takes time, or should be considered and debated. 
Maybe you were foolish, or a little too desperate, or maybe it was the magic of Yule that possessed you, but you simply smiled and gave a little bow to Loki. 
“You-,” He swallowed, looking around nervously. “You would accept? If I asked you to be my wife?” 
You smiled widely. “Would you wish for me to be your wife?” A pause, then a small nod. “I don’t think there is anyone else I’d like to share my jokes with,” Your heart was pretty much exploding in your chest. Your hands were definitely shaking, and you thought you might just pass out right then. “Well, lucky you, because I only want your jokes, and I only want your smiles and your laughs to be mine. I…I would be honoured, to be your wife, and to call you my husband, Loki,” 
Sounds of cheer echoed around you, and Loki’s face broke out into the widest grin you had ever seen as he looked at you like he had just handed him the world. “I had no idea you were obsessed with me,” He said, though you could barely hear his words over the sound of festivals. 
“Maybe a little,” You replied, and his grin only widened. 
“Well, I’m obsessed with you a lot,” He tugged you closer to him, sealing your lips in a kiss.
Tags: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @cultofcarter @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @quirkiest-turtle @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman
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layla4567 · 8 months
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warnings: mention of nightmares, a bit of angst(?
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He is not one to show much affection in public (he will probably grab your hand or hold you by the waist gently) but when no one is looking he will treat you like a queen/king. He will fill you with kisses and hug you warmly, hugging you in his arms and holding you close to his chest for a long time, both of you in silence.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Let's face it, it would be difficult to win Loki's friendship, he is distrustful and a little hard to trust (but if Mobius did it, anyone can!) You probably have to be patient and listen to him without judging him. When they are friends he will be like with Mobius, quite protective. Obviously he will annoy you with his jokes but he will always look out for you and make sure that nothing bad happens to you. Loki also knows that he can trust you to help him with any problem and vice versa.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes! Loki loves cuddles. He feels protected in your arms and a good cuddle makes him feel better when he is sad or afraid. I think he would prefer to be cuddlered but he is not opposed to the idea of ​​cuddlering you either.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Loki would like to move in with you whenever he sees fit, he will not make a decision without first consulting you. And if the answer is yes, at first I feel like Loki wouldn't clean or cook for the simple fact that he's not used to it (I imagine him like when he was sitting at the TVA reading the rules bored and lazing around). But then he would get used to it and help you in whatever way he can.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Well if you break up with him (gurl why would you do that?) poor Loki would be devastated 😭. He had already made up his mind about a life with you and you go and break up with him for "x" reason. But if he had to break up with you, uff man, he wouldn't even know how to start or what to say. Whatever the reason he broke up with you, he will be crying and explaining why he can't be with you, obviously he will tell you face to face.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think Loki wouldn't rush things, maybe wait a few years to commit when he already knows that you'll really stay with him. You know, trust for Loki is not his strong suit and you really have to earn it, but he would definitely like to one day marry you and have you be his goddess/god.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
LOKI IS A GENTLEMAN. He's the kind of man who will move the chair so you can sit down. His touches will always be soft and delicate, a gentle hand squeeze, a delicate grip on the arm or shoulder. As for emotions, he may be a little suspicious of showing emotions and opening up to you, I think that if something happened to him he would hide it and not because he doesn't trust you but because he doesn't want to worry you, but it's just a matter of time before he realize that it is healthier to seek your help and tell you what he feels, whether good or bad. He is a great listener so he will also prioritize your feelings.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loki will not admit that he likes hugs, when you give him one he will pretend to be upset but inside he loves them. Over time the hugs will become more frequent, he no longer cares about hiding how much he loves hugs, Loki will hug you from behind, sitting on the couch, in a bed, wherever!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Loki said it first, but it took a while. You were going to say it first but you were afraid that he would take it the wrong way or reject you, you knew him and you didn't want to rush things. But Loki confessed his feelings when he was sure that you were in danger and he didn't want to lose you, only then did he realize how in love he was.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh ho ho, Loki is definitely one to get jealous. He trusts you of course but he dislikes people who come towards you with clear flirting intentions and although he knows that you can handle yourself, Loki sometimes approaches them and threatens them. Sometimes he goes a little overboard and that's when you'll have to stop him, he could kill for you, literally. So when he is jealous he will be quite touchy.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loki's kisses are passionate and tender. He will kiss you sweetly but only when you are alone. He likes to kiss your hands, especially your knuckles, on your forehead, on your neck. He can even go further and kiss the inside of your thighs when they are in the mood. Loki likes kisses on his back and his jaw going down to his shoulders.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
It depends, if they are your children, he will be the most loving and protective father of the nine kingdoms. Now if, on the other hand, they are children he don't know, he will probably feel irritated and impatient.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Loki likes to hug you from the back and pull you towards him when you are sleeping, sometimes your head is against his chest but you are always next to his arms so when you get up he draws you towards him again, showering you with kisses on your hair until you insist that you have to get up
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sometimes he usually has nightmares and wakes up scared in the middle of the night but you are always there to calm him down by resting his head against your chest so he can feel your heartbeat, and then he falls asleep like a baby with you caressing his hair.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As I said before, Loki will always be distrustful of new people so it is likely that at first he will close himself off and hide secrets from you or whatever, you have to be patient and know how to listen to him and understand him only then he can break that cold shell and show his true colors. colors
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Loki is quite angry and impatient, but it also depends on who. He rarely gets too angry or yells at you. He is afraid of saying something hurtful to you and that you will not appear in his life again, so when faced with an argument he will try to calm down and simply clench his teeth or frown.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Loki is a great listener and really pays attention to you because he cares so it's easy for him to remember things you like (or don't like). Sometimes he will surprise you by giving you something that you really wanted and that you had mentioned inadvertently, but he remembered it (or wrote it down somewhere). Above all, he remembers the deep conversations where they talk about their feelings.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When Loki confessed to you that he was the son of a frost giant and opened up to you. He will never forget your attentive eyes on his face and your hands holding his, nodding with a worried gesture. The way you paid attention to him, listened to him, and cared about his well-being touched him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Loki protects you with his life itself. It's like a lioness protecting her baby with claws and teeth. He would rather die than see you hurt. He always has his daggers ready and will always put himself in front of you to avoid any danger. The phrase: "if you touch a single hair on her head, yours will be on the ground next" is from Loki. As for being protected, the truth is that he can defend himself, he doesn't like the idea of ​​you protecting him so much and not because he thinks you are weak but because he doesn't want to put you in danger, but every time you offer to fight at his side is proud of you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
I think Loki is quite prone to buying you expensive things, he has been raised surrounded by opulence and highliness. Although it is likely that he forgets some special dates and not because he does not pay attention to you but because all those Midgardian things seem banal to him, why do you need a special day to show love if he can show it to you every day? (and it does). But Loki will make every effort to remember your anniversary and believe me, he will organize something elegant and romantic.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
HAHAH LOKI IS SUCH A DIVA, no but he seriously cares about his appearance. He is always well groomed with his hair back falling over his shoulders. The only time he doesn't pay as much attention to how he looks is when he's fighting or when a fight ends and his uniform is destroyed.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
YES, Loki couldn't live without you, you are the best thing that has happened to him, the only friend he has, the only one who loves him unconditionally for who he is and listens to him without judging. Without you his life feels empty as if something was missing, you are his anchor, his lighthouse that guides him, he does not want to lose that light that you are for him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Since he loves to make mischief, sometimes he asks for your help, especially if it is to prank his brother Thor. He usually makes pranks on you too but they are not bad or hurtful.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates prejudiced people who only see him as a monster and don't bother trying to get to know him better.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Loki has a hard time falling asleep because of his nightmares, but he feels better if you are by his side holding his hand or hugging him. If not, he will probably fall asleep very late.
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lokidokieokie · 11 months
When Silence Speaks
Summary: When the compound gets attacked, Loki's mind is on one person only: you.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader
Warning(s): mentions of typical cannon-like violence, angst with a fluffy ending, lemme know if I forgot anything
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Loki paced the command centre of the compound, his mind filled with worry and anxiety. The team were preparing for an impending attack, and his senses were on high alert. But amidst the chaos, his attention was drawn to one person—Y/n.
Y/n, Stark's sarcastic and quick-witted assistant, had become an unexpected source of solace and understanding in his life. Their shared banter and sarcasm forged a connection that defied explanation, and though they insisted it was only friendship to others, Loki couldn't deny the unspoken bond that lingered between them.
With every playful jab and snarky remark exchanged between the pair, Loki found himself yearning for her remarks more; yearning for her more. She was a guiding light in his otherwise tumultuous existence, a constant source of laughter and comfort. But with the imminent threat hanging over them, his worries multiplied tenfold.
The alarm blared, signaling the arrival of the enemy. The Avengers sprung into action, each member taking their position. Loki's gaze darted across the room, searching for Y/n amidst the chaos, but she was nowhere to be found.
Fear gripped his heart as panic began to settle in. He knew he had to focus on the battle at hand, but the thought of Y/n in danger gnawed at his every thought. The chaos surrounding him blurred as he desperately tried to locate her, his heart pounding in his chest.
The battle was fierce, and the air crackled with energy. Loki summoned his magic, weaving spells to defend his allies and maim their enemies, but his mind remained fixated on Y/n's safety. Every strike, every movement was driven by the fear of losing her--something that he simply couldn't bear.
But the battle was relentless, and he was forced to fight enemies on multiple fronts. Each passing second without any sign of Y/n heightened his anxiety. His thoughts swirled with worst-case scenarios, a cascade of possibilities that threatened to overwhelm him.
Finally, with the evil mastermind was captured and his minions fleeing, Loki took a moment to catch his breath. His mind raced as he scanned the aftermath of the battle, searching desperately for any trace of Y/n. The compound was in disarray, and his heart clenched with a mix of dread and determination.
His voice trembled as he called out her name, the worry seeping into his tone. "Y/n! Y/n, where are you?"
Silence echoed in response, and a chilling realisation settled over him. She was nowhere to be found. Panic welled up within him, threatening to consume him entirely. He refused to believe the worst, but his fears gnawed at the edges of his mind.
He sprinted through the compound, his heart pounding in his chest. The empty corridors only deepened his despair. Each step felt heavier than the last as he desperately searched for any sign of her. The world had narrowed down to a singular focus—finding Y/n.
Suddenly, he came upon a room, the door slightly ajar. His heart leaped with hope as he pushed it open, revealing Y/n inside. Relief washed over him, replacing the fear that had gripped his heart.
She looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and worry. The sight of her safe and unharmed fueled his emotions, overwhelming him in a rush of gratitude. Without a second thought, he closed the distance between them, his arms enveloping her in a desperate embrace.
"I was so worried," he murmured, his voice a mere whisper as he held her tightly. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."
Y/n clung to him, her voice trembling with emotion. "I-I'm here, Loki. I'm safe. We're safe."
In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of battle, the weight of unspoken words pressed heavily upon him. His gaze met hers, and a silent understanding passed between them. No words were needed. They both knew the depth of their connection, the unbreakable bond that had formed between them.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Loki's lips, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and longing. "You truly have a talent for disappearing, Y/n. I must commend you on that."
She chuckled softly, the sound a balm to his soul. "Well, I can't let you have all the spotlight, can I? Gotta keep you on your toes, Mischief."
He couldn't help but smile wider, the warmth of her presence seeping into his being. "Indeed, sunflower. You do have a knack for turning my world upside down. But I wouldn't have it any other way."
Their banter was a dance, a delicate balance of words that masked the depths of their emotions. In that moment, Loki knew he would fight tooth and nail to protect her, to ensure that she remained by his side. Their bond was a secret, an unspoken truth that bound them together, stronger than any formal declaration.
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A/N ahh! I'm so sorry I've been so MIA recently. Between finishing my Uni prac and my mum fracturing her arm my life has been insane!
I really hope I'll be able to post more content soon! I've missed this ball of mischief!
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee @fall-myriad @dryyoursaltyoceantears @avahiddlestonstan
please lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed to any of my taglists!
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vbecker10 · 1 year
Hey first sorry if it written weirdly, english isn't ny first lenguage, I saw you had your requests open and wanted to ask of course loki x reader where reader is some broke artist painting/drawing people on the streets and meets loki while he passed by or something like that, thats all, pretty vague, I like your writting, and hope you enjoy your day/evening/night
I'm sorry this took so long, I've been really really behind in my asks but I'm trying to catch up so I can open them again soon. Please, never apologize for your English, I'm always impressed by people who know more than one language! 😊 I honestly love this request, hope you like it cause it sorta ran away from me lol! 💚
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The Gift
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: none... literally not a single one lol, I'm in a fluffy mood so enjoy
Summary: You are an artist who paints portraits for tourists in the park near Stark Tower, the same park Loki has started to frequent during his free time. Loki and you begin talking one day after he catches you drawing him when you are between customers. A few days later, he surprises you with a gift and you decide to return the favor.
Dividers by: @harlequin-hangout
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You sift through the colored pencils in your case for the right type of green before looking back at the open field in front of you. His coat is a deeper green than the grass he is resting on and the leaves above him have started to turn various shades of red and orange. You pause before putting the sharpened tip to the canvas, you had already sketched the God of Mischief into your drawing but you could easily color over him. You had never included a person in one of your private drawings before, even when the park was full of people you would leave them out of the final images.
Loki sits with his back against one of the trees lining the open field, his long legs stretched out in front of him. His thick coat is open, revealing a black dress shirt with the top two buttons left undone. He licks one of his fingers before flipping the page of his book, his eyes never looking away from the pages. Over the last month, you've seen Loki come to that spot every afternoon for an hour or two with a different book each time.
You shake your head lightly then decide to shade in Loki's dark green peacoat before adding more detail to his face, trying to capture his sharp features accurately. He came here so often he was practically a part of the park, you reasoned with yourself. Besides, he would never know, you think as you reach for another color.
You continue to work, looking up occasionally to check your reference. Loki sits almost perfectly still, as if he knows you are trying to capture his likeness but you hope your brief glances are not noticeable to the god. You put the black pencil down and gently blow any loose dust from the canvas before reviewing the finished piece with a self-satisfied grin. A breeze sweeps through the park and you lift your head from your work, looking across the field to see that Loki is suddenly gone. You lean back on your stool, turning your attention to cleaning your supplies when a deep voice behind you makes you jump.
"That's quite impressive," he says as he looks over your shoulder.
You turn quickly to face him, nearly knocking over your easel in the process. "Oh, I- I'm sorry. This is really weird right?" you ask but you continue, giving him no chance to answer. "I was just trying to keep myself occupied since there aren't many tourists around here today. I only meant to draw the field and trees but... I added you because you're always here. Not that I'm watching you, I just notice who is around cause I'm here all the time, too. I'm sorry, I know I should have asked you if it was ok before I started to draw you but you looked so lost in your book, I didn't want to bother you."
Loki chuckles at your rambling apology and says, "It's fine, no harm done."
You swallow nervously as he reaches into his coat pocket then you realize he is taking out his wallet. He gestures towards the sign in front of the easel and asks, "I only see prices for your portraits. How much for this one?"
"Uh..." you think for a moment, surprised by his offer. You typically charged $20 for a painting of one person and $10 for every additional person but you never sold your landscapes. They weren't for the tourists, they were for you.
"Your portraits are usually far smaller than this so I assume it might be a bit higher in price," he says. He wasn't wrong, the canvas you had been working on was roughly twice the size of what you typically sold. You felt a bit surprised that he knew so much about the paintings you created but you had been watching him so you assumed it was only fair he had kept an eye on you as well.
"I don't know, I never intended to sell this but..." you pause then smile at him. "You can have it," you tell him and he tilts his head slightly. "As a gift, I mean," you add quickly.
He shakes his head, "I appreciate the offer but I couldn't do that. It's clear you have a talent for landscapes and put a great deal of effort into this. The coloring and details are extremely well done for having been finished in such a short amount of time."
A wave of pride washes over you, no one has ever complimented your artwork to this extent before. You start to thank him but his phone begins to ring and you stifle a laugh when he groans in annoyance. He excuses himself, taking a few steps away from you to answer it privately. He runs his fingers through his long black hair and you can't help but wonder if he would be willing to sit for a portrait. It was easy to admit Loki was extraordinarily handsome and you wouldn't pass up the opportunity to observe him closely for an extended period of time.
He hangs up several minutes later, his smile gone but it quickly reappears when you ask if he is ok. He nods, "There is a meeting I need to attend shortly, apologies for not being able to stay for much longer. I would really love to have this for my study, though. Do you think $50 would be fair?" He takes the cash out of his leather wallet before waiting for an answer.
"I- that's too much, Loki," you tell him but he hands you the money.
"I insist," he says, not allowing you any space to argue. He then says, "Although I do seem to be at a slight disadvantage." You look at him curiously as you tuck the money into your small lock box. "You know my name, but I don't know yours," he says with a smirk.
"Oh, I'm Y/N," you answer, putting out your hand as if expecting a handshake, internally cringing.
He chuckles and takes your hand, instead of shaking it however, he brings the back of your hand to his lips and kisses it lightly. "It was a pleasure to finally speak with you Y/N. I will see you tomorrow," he says and you can't help but blush intensely as a giggle escapes you.
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The next afternoon you look up from your easel as Loki walks down the path towards you, a book in his left hand. You wave a bit more enthusiastically then you meant to and he smiled broadly, waving in response before heading towards his usual spot. Your attention shifts back to the two children sitting across from you and the painting you had started. You find yourself having to resist the urge to glance over at Loki while you try to focus on the task at hand.
After finally completing the painting, the father of the two children pays you and the family walks off into the park. You begin to clean your brushes, lost in thought when a now familiar voice causes you to look up.
"Hello again," Loki says as he sets himself down on one of the unoccupied stools.
"Hi," you reply, putting your brushes back in the case until you need them again. "I'm glad you came over, I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. You really didn't have to buy it."
"Nonsense," he waves off your concern. "I told you, it was an exquisite piece and I honestly can not stand the blank walls in my study."
You can barely believe he called your work exquisite. Most people were happy enough with your portraits to give you a few dollars extra as a tip but you rarely received any real compliments.
"I have a question for you," he says and you look up from the supplies you are organizing. "I am curious, would I be able to see some of your work?"
You think for a moment, biting your lip before you answer. If it had been anyone else you would have instantly said no but Loki seemed to genuinely be interested in your work. "Sure if you want to but... most of the pieces I've painted are at my apartment. I only have my sketch pad with me," you tell him, hoping he won't be too disappointed.
Instead of answering, he simply picks up the stool he was sitting on and places it next to you with a smile. You swallow nervously and hand him your sketch book, not sure if you want to watch him look through your work or not. He opens it to the first page and you hold your breath as you watch his fingers run along the edge of the paper. Loki examines the first page for a few moments then turns the page wordlessly, you can barely read the expression on his face. You bite your lip again, crossing your arms in anticipation of him saying something, anything.
When Loki is halfway through the book, he comes to a sketch you made of Stark Tower looming over the trees of the park at dusk. "These are amazing, Y/N," he says, not taking his eyes off the page and you feel like bursting with delight. He turns to the next page and says, "This one-" but he is cut off by his phone ringing. "I'm so sorry, please excuse me," he hands you the sketch book and answers his phone.
You watch him pace back and forth along the path, his head down as he kicks a small rock lightly. A few minutes later he walks back to where you are sitting and you can tell he had bad news. "Do you have to leave already?" you ask, the disappointment more obvious in your voice than you expected.
He gives you a half smile, "I do unfortunately but thank you for sharing these with me. You truly are quite talented, Y/N."
"Thanks Loki," you look down, running your hand over the cover of your book.
"I will see you tomorrow," he says hopefully and you nod with a smile.
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The next day Loki arrives at the park just as a large group of tourists make their way over to you. Normally you would be thrilled by the crowd since it means a large pay day but all you want to do is have them leave so you can talk to Loki. When you finish painting the first couple, you glance briefly towards Loki's spot and blush when you realize he is watching you. You look back to your canvas quickly and greet your next customers with a smile as they sit down.
After what feels like forever, you finally finish the last painting and the group leaves. You instantly look for Loki and see him getting up. You get to work cleaning your brushes and closing up your paints while he walks over to you. "Hello darling," Loki says.
"Hi," you reply, unable to contain a short giggle at the new pet name. Before you can overthink why he would call you that, he sits across from you just as he had yesterday but this time you notice he is holding two books.
"I have something for you," he says.
"Really?" you ask surprised. He chuckles and nods, holding out the larger of the two books for you to take. "Loki, what...?" you look down at the cover, unable to read the title.
He picks up the stool and sits next to you, much closer then the day before. "I'm sorry it's written in Asgardian but the drawings are what I wanted you to see," he tells you. He opens the book, holding it between the both of you. He flips past the first few pages of text and without looking at you says, "I was looking through this yesterday and it reminded me of you."
Your heart nearly stops when he tells you that and you quickly cover your face to hide the blush that is spreading across your cheeks. He turns one more page then stops and you can see why Loki wanted to show you this. "It's beautiful," you say quietly as you look at the colored drawing.
"This is a book about the palace gardens on Asgard," he explains without looking up. "This was one of my favorite places to read when I was younger." You can see why Loki chose this spot in the park, it looked similar to the small field lined with tall trees. Viney plants grew up the trucks of the trees and wildflowers were scattered through the grass.
He flips to the next page and shakes his head as he laughs, "This maze would rearrange itself. Thor and I spent quite a lot of time lost here."
He continues to show you page after page of the various sections of the gardens, pointing out things he missed or thought you would find interesting. You were in awe of the beauty and vastness of the gardens but you couldn't stop looking at Loki when he spoke. He never looked up from the pages, grinning and laughing at the numerous memories until he turned to the last image.
He looks away for a moment and you aren't sure what expression he is hiding. When he looks back at you, he smiles but you can see his eyes are slightly red. He clears his throat and touches the page lightly, bringing your attention back to the book. "This was my mother's favorite part of the gardens," he says just above a whisper.
You place your hand over his, squeezing it lightly and he continues to force a smile. "She's been gone for a few years now but..." he stops himself.
"You still miss her?" you ask him.
He nods, "Every day." You raise your hand to his cheek and wipe away a stray tear that falls. "I'm sorry, I- this was supposed to be a fun gift," he tries to joke.
"I love it, Loki," you tell him honestly. "Thank you so much."
He smiles a bit wider and just as he begins to say something his phone rings. "I should snap this ridiculous thing in half," he groans and you laugh.
"If you break it, I can't give you my number," you say without thinking and his face changes in an instant.
"You, my dear, make an excellent point," he smirks. "Excuse me a moment." He gets up and wanders a few steps away while you go back to the book. You flip slowly through it again but stop when you reach the last page. The garden was incredible, a rough stone path wound around multicolored rose bushes and a single stone bench sat across from a small pond in the center. You could see why Loki's mother would have loved it.
Loki walks back towards you and you close the book, holding it tightly. "Is something wrong?" you ask him.
His smile is gone and he looks at you with a serious expression. "I need to leave for a few days, four at the most I'm told," he tells you and you feel your stomach drop. You stand up, setting the book carefully on your stool.
"Promise me you'll be careful," you insist, suddenly filled with worry.
"I will, darling," he replies. He offers you his phone, "I most likely won't be able to text while I am on the mission but I can let you know when I'm back if... if you would like that?" He sounds hesitant but you quickly take his phone and add your information.
"I want to know the minute you're back safe," you say, handing him back his phone.
He smiles, "I promise."
"Good," you nod before you find yourself hugging him tightly. Your brain freezes for a moment in panic but then he wraps his arms around you and your body relaxes.
"I will be back as soon as I can," he promises you as he lets go slowly.
You take a seat at your easel and busy yourself with organizing your supplies as you force yourself to not watch him walk away.
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You hang your keys on the hook and place your supplies on the small end table, closing the door as your phone beeps. You take it out of your pocket and answer it quickly.
"Hi Loki," you say excitedly, it had been four days since Loki left and you missed him more then you thought you would. You couldn't help but wonder if he missed you too.
"Hello, Y/N," he replies, you can hear other people taking loudly in the background. "I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way back. We should be landing in about half an hour."
"Oh good," you say in response, not quite ready to tell him you had been hoping every call and text you received over the last few days was him. "I imagine you must be ready to get home and rest."
He chuckles, "Honestly, I'm more hungry then anything else. The food SHIELD provides during missions is... describing it as miserable would be being kind."
You laugh then suggest, "You should come over, I'm just getting ready to cook dinner." Your heart jumps into your throat, did you really just invite him over, your brain yells.
"I would love to," he answers without any hesitation.
You laugh a bit nervously then give Loki your address. He tells you he can be there in an hour. "Great, I'm going to go so I can get everything ready. I'll see you soon," you tell him, hoping he can't hear how nervous you feel.
You run into the kitchen thankful you had bought groceries yesterday. You open the fridge and freezer then decide to cook something simple, now might not be the best time to take risks and get fancy you think to yourself. After settling on a meal that will only take half an hour, you quickly get to work tidying up your apartment. It was by no means messy but you want to make a good impression. Especially if this is a date, you think, but it's not a date.
You turn around in the middle of your small apartment and sigh, it's as good as it's going to get. Now time to make it look like you haven't been sitting in the park all day, which is the only way he had ever seen you. You toss your paint covered pants and shirt into the hamper and take the fastest shower of your life. After drying off you realize you need to start cooking.
You throw on your favorite jeans and put your hair up. Standing in front of your closest you slide the hangers back and forth, knowing you need to just pick a shirt. You reach in and grab one, pulling it on as you walk into the hallway. You finish prepping everything and place the food in the oven, setting the timer for twenty minutes. Opening the cabinet next to the fridge, you pull out the dishes and glasses so you can begin setting the table.
You should put out candles, you think, but you don't because that's for a date and this is not a date. The doorbell rings, interrupting your internal debate and your heart races. You take a quick glance at yourself in the mirror by the door and freeze when you see the shirt you picked out. No, you realize, without thinking you had put on literally the only green shirt you owned. And it wasn't just any green, it was the same deep emerald green that Loki wore all the time.
You cringe, knowing you don't have enough time to change so you take a deep breath and hope he doesn't think it's weird. You open the door and he smiles warmly at you. "Hello darling," he says as you take a step back to let him him.
"Hi Loki, I'm glad you could come over," you say as he takes off his coat. He was wearing a dark gray button up shirt with the first few buttons open.
"Thank you for inviting me," he says as he unbuttons his shirt cuffs and rolls up his sleeves. "I must say, that color looks lovely on you."
You blush at the compliment and before you can reply the timer goes off. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, I just need to finish up one more thing," you tell him as you head towards the kitchen.
"Do you need help?" he asks.
"No, I've got it, but if you want..." you walk back to him. "I um... most of my paintings are in there," you point down the hall towards your living area.
After you set the food on the table you go into the living area to tell Loki it was ready. He is standing in front of your favorite painting, it was the first piece you did when you moved to New York City. His arms are crossed but you see a slight smile on his lips, he looks as if he is studying a famous painting at a museum.
"Dinners ready," you tell him, interrupting his thoughts. The two of you talk and joke all throughout dinner. You still weren't sure if he would consider this a date but you didn't care anymore. You had never had this much fun just talking to someone.
After dinner Loki says, "Thank you Y/N, that was the best meal I've had in months." You smile as you get up to clear the plates. "Let me take care of this," he insists, taking your plate from you.
"Are you sure? You don't have to do that," you tell him.
"Don't worry," he smirks, "It'll only take a minute." You look at him curiously and then with a flick of his wrist a green glow surrounds all your dishes, pans and utensils. In an instant they are all clean and stacked neatly on the counter.
You look at him, blinking slowly then say, "You are invited for dinner all the time."
He laughs, "I hope that is because you find me charming and not because I can clean efficiently."
"Is it ok if it's because of both reasons?" you joke. "Oh... I have something for you. I was going to bring it by the Tower after you got back but you're here so..." you say as you walk quickly down the hall to your bedroom.
"Am I supposed to follow you?" he asks clearly confused.
"No, I'll be right back," you tell from your room. You wall excitedly back to the dining area with a large, flat box in your arms.
"What is this?" he asks when you set it on the table and take a step back.
"Open it," you respond nervously. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, hoping that he will like it.
He opens the side of the box and slides out the canvas slowly, you bite you lip as you watch his expression change. His smile vanishes and his eyes widen as you holds the painting out in front of him. You suddenly fear you've made a mistake but then he turns to face you.
"Y/N," he says quietly, "This is... this is my mother's garden."
You nod, "Is it ok?"
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"Ok?" he repeats and you shrug. "Y/N, this is beautiful. I have never received a gift this thoughtful. I- I cannot thank you enough for this," he says.
You smile, thrilled by his reaction. "I'm glad you like it," you tell him as he sets it carefully on the table.
He walks over to you, "I love it Y/N."
He puts one arm around your waist, pulling you close to him and you look up, your eyes meeting his. He touches your cheek lightly with his other hand and you wrap your arms around him. You are sure he can feel your heart beating out of your chest as he smiles at you. He leans down slowly, closing the distance between your lips and his.
When he pulls back a few moments later he says, "I wasn't sure if you meant for tonight to be a date or not but, I would love to take you out Friday night."
You giggle, "I wasn't sure either but I think I'm going to count it now."
He laughs, "Very well, then I would like to take you out on our second date, maybe to one of my favorite museums."
"I would really like," you tell him and he leans down to kiss you again.
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acciotherapists · 1 year
Loki x Reader
Summary: Loki reminds you just how beautiful you are after a family gathering gone wrong
Warnings: Smut, fluff, slight angst, weight pills, talk of dieting, family troubles, Y/n's dad is an asshole, brief mention of alcohol abuse
A/n: A little Christmas smut for your evening. Merry Christmas ya filthy lovely animals. Hope you enjoy, lovelies!
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“Y/n, let’s go! We’re opening presents!” my father called from downstairs. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice. This was the one day of the year he would put on a good show and sober up. Ever since I’d joined the Avengers he’d been insisting I have them over for Christmas and now that Loki and I were ‘courting,’ as he’d called it, I could find no more excuses for them not to come over. Yet, now that they were here I couldn’t bring myself to join them. Watching my father pretend to be sober was certainly a sight and it made me want to vomit. He’d been making small comments about my appearance all afternoon and I’d been struggling to ignore him so I finally hid in my room, slipping away unnoticed as my father told a story about one of his many adventures fighting Hydra… a story that never happened.
“Y/n!” he called again, a false sweetness in his tone. I rolled my eyes and began walking downstairs. Loki’s eyes found mine and he smiled at me before taking my hand.
“You alright, darling?” he whispered in my ear and I nodded.
“Hello, sweetheart,” my father greeted me as I sat next to Nat, Loki on the other side of me. Nat looked at me curiously but I simply shook my head, silently assuring her everything was fine.
Before long my father handed me a present and I cautiously opened it, knowing his past habit of getting me things he thought I ‘needed.’ I opened the present, revealing a bottle of diet pills: lose 30 pounds in a week! I smiled, fighting the tears in my eyes.
“Thank you, father.”
“Y/n….” Loki’s voice is soft as he looks down at the bottle of pills in my hand, reading the label. He gently lifted my chin, noticing the tears I was fighting to keep inside. He took the bottle of pills from my hand and turned to my father.
“Are you serious right now?” he hissed. My father’s eyes widened in horror as Loki stood and threw the bottle of pills at him. They bounced off his head as my father cowered in fear.
“I’ve put up with your comments all afternoon because I promised Y/n I would play nicely but this… this is too far!” His tone was threatening as he advanced on my father and I stood up, taking his arm.
“Loki… love, just let it go. It’s okay.”
Nat picked up the pills that had landed on the ground at my father’s feet. “H-he gave you these?” She turned to my father. “Mudak!” (asshole).
“M-miss Romanoff…”
“Silence!” Loki and Nat hissed in unison.
By now the other Avengers began looking around, trying to determine what was happening. Nat tossed the bottle to Thor and all hell broke loose as Thor and Tony stood up.
“Please, just let it go!” I begged.
“Just let it go, Loki. I told you this was a bad idea… I never should’ve invited you guys here. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Loki asked, taking my hands in his. “You’ve done nothing wrong.” He searched my eyes before looking at the other Avengers. “We’re leaving.”
They stood up, each one glaring at my father as they headed to the door. Loki guided me outside and whispered in my ear. “You are never coming back to this place again. You are staying with me in the tower, darling. If we knew you were dealing with this… Tony and I never would’ve let you come back here. I’m so sorry, my love.”
“It’s not your fault, Loki,” I murmured, burying my face in his chest.
He kissed my head gently before, taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips to my forehead, moving down to my cheeks, and then my collarbone.
“I’m going to fuck every self-deprecating thought out of that gorgeous little head of yours… am I clear, darling?”
I nodded, my cheeks flushing red as Tony called for Loki and I to get in the car. I chuckled at the impatient man and we climbed in the backseat of the limo Happy was driving. Loki held me close on the drive back to the tower, his thumb running discreetly along my skin as he kissed my forehead.
When we reached the tower Loki grabbed me and carried me to his bedroom, ignoring the whistling of the rest of the team.
“Your father is an asshole who cannot see how lucky he is to have a daughter like you, little love. You’re home now, sweet one. I will take care of you.” When he reached the door to his room he opened it with a flick of his wrist and chuckled at my reaction as I groaned and clung to him.
“I always love your adorable reactions when I use my magic, little love.” He gently places me on the bed and hovers over me, his hand holding my thigh as I move my leg around his waist. “Tell me, darling… Does it get you wet when I use my magic?”
I nodded, moving my hand to his bulge which was growing hard at my touch.
“Words, darling… tell me exactly why it gets you wet.”
“So wet for you… always wet for you… my powerful Loki.”
“You love it, don’t you, darling? You love the power I hold, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Loki… love it.”
He chuckles darkly and pulls off his suit jacket, before removing his tie and tossing it across the room. He presses his lips against mine, grinding his hips against me as he slips his tongue inside my mouth.
“Your father is a fool, little love… trying to give you diet pills.” I can hear the anger in his voice as he sucks a mark into my neck. “Trying to make my little love look like a twig,” he growls. “Mine… my perfect love. How dare he try to change you.”
He begins humping against me and my back arches as waves of pleasure begin running through me at the stimulation through our clothes.
“Please, love… more.”
“More what, sweet girl? I cannot help if you don’t use your words.”
“Please, Loki… I need you.”
He chuckles darkly and waves his hand as my clothes disappear in a flash of green.
“Has he been like that your whole life, darling?”
I nodded and he growled.
“Your father had you for a daughter and he dares to treat you this way? He had a perfect little princess and he chooses to be an ignorant bastard,” Loki hisses as he moves his head down, pressing kisses along my skin before he reaches my dripping core. His tongue finds my folds as he begins devouring me like a man starved. I writhe beneath him and he grabs my thighs, holding me in place as his tongue swirls my clit.
“Mine,” he growls against my cunt. “How dare he say such things about my princess.”
It didn’t take long before my high approached and I was moaning his name as he sucked my clit through my high. He pressed one final kiss to my clit before moving up my body once again.
“Do you have any idea how perfect you are?” he asked me as he cleaned around his lips with his tongue before pressing his lips to mine. “You taste fucking delicious, little love,” he murmurs against my lips. “Do you taste how delicious you are on my tongue?”
My cheeks were burning as he pulled away and his clothes dissolved in a flash of green. I looked away, suddenly feeling very embarrassed and he gently took my chin in his hand. 
“Don’t you dare look away, little love. I want to see every contortion of pleasure on your gorgeous face. I want to watch everything, my darling.” He lined his cock up with my dripping entrance and slowly sank into me. My back arched, pressing my breasts against his chest as he held me close to him.
“I’ve got you, my perfect little love. You are so beautiful.”
I whimpered as he pressed his lips to mine once again and slowly began thrusting. “Fuck little love… still so tight after all the times I’ve taken you. You suck me in perfectly, little darling.”
“Yes, sweet love? What is it? What do you need? I will give you everything, darling.”
“Mm… faster, Loki… please.”
Loki chuckled and increased his pace, placing his hands on the side of my face. “So perfect,” he whispered in between kisses against my lips. “I’ve got you, little love. You just relax and I’ll take care of you… forever, my love.”
With those words I could no longer hold back. “I’m gonna cum, Loki.” He chuckled. “You most certainly are, little darling. More times than you can count. Let go for me, sweetling. Let go on my cock.”
I came hard but he continued thrusting, growling in my ear.
I lost count of how many orgasms he gave me that night but by the end I could only moan and whimper his name. He pushed my hair out of my face after cumming inside me.
“How are you feeling, darling?”
“Mm… loved.”
Loki chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Good, my darling… because you are more loved than you will ever know.”
He got out of the bed and ran a bath before coming back to me and lifting me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bath and placed me in the warm water. He gently took my arms from around his neck and placed them in the water, kissing my forehead. “I’ll be right back, beautiful. I just need to change the sheets.”
I nodded and he left the room before quickly returning. “Would you like a solo bath or some company, little love?”
I quickly shook my head. “You… need you in the bath.”
He smiled and climbed into the bath with me, resting my head against his chest. He began running a soapy cloth over my skin, being careful when he reached my sensitive core.
“It’s alright, my darling. Just rest… I’ve got you. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it, my perfect angel.”
My eyes teared up as he spoke and ran his hands along my skin.
“You are home now, beautiful,” he promised, pressing his lips to my forehead.
We stayed in the bath for a little while before he drained the water and helped me into warm pajamas and into bed… our bed. I snuggled against him as we both fell asleep, content in each other’s arms.
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do some headcanons on how the avengers would react to certain couple-y things that Loki and the fem!reader do around stark tower?
Thank you for your consideration,
-Izzy 💚🟩🟢🐍🔪
Avengers reacting to you and Loki doing couple things
Natasha would be the first person to notice them, how you two giggled when you made a mess in the kitchen
Bruce feels a little shy when he walks in on you two just cuddling on the couch alone
Tony almost always rolls his eyes when he’s looking for you but you’re asleep on top of Loki
Peter takes sneak pictures of when Loki let’s you braid his hair
Loki will only kneel for you, and when he does it to tie your heels or shoes in general the group kinda of just bite their tongues
Thor things it’s adorable how you’re always latching to Loki’s arm
Pepper finds it so soft when you two slow dance alone while in some party
Steve smiles to Himself when you do a little fashion show after coming from shopping and Loki just keeps throwing complement after another
Everyone can see how down bad Loki is when you do something cute or get dolled up for an event or a cute date
Natasha can’t help but smile cheekily when you defend Loki and get all worked up
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lokiprompts · 2 years
The Shifter - Chp 10 (Final)
Summary: You unintentionally shift/dream walk in your sleep. You finally realize that your time with Loki is not a dream....will you decide to stay with him?
Warnings: Mention of SA, Smut 18+ only. Oral sex (f receiving), P&V.
Words: ~4,500
Previous chapters on my masterlist here.
The final chapter!! This was such a wild ride, and hope you all loved it <3 Your savior will be ending tomorrow!!!
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“What do you mean, ‘you remember everything?’ Loki’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, still holding you firmly in his arms.
            Happy tears were now brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill over and confess the unbridled joy overwhelming your heart. But it was Loki. Your Loki. That thought made the first tear fall and your prince was quick to wipe it away.
            “Shhh, shhh, you’re safe now,” He cooed, clearly thinking you were talking about Stephen’s assault.
            You shook your head, “No, I remember you.” Letting out a shuddered breath, you continued, “I remember us.”
            The shocked expression on Loki’s face was enough to twist your lips into a goofy, love drunk smile. You watched as his eyes darted all over your face, looking for a lie. When he did not find one, the smile that split his face took your breath away. Loki cupped your face with his hands, his thumbs gently stroking the happy tears that continued to fall wordlessly down your cheek.
            “Truly? You remember…everything?” His eyes searched yours, uncertainty swirling in his crystal blue irises that asked the question: Do you remember choosing me?
            You lifted your hands up and placed them on top of his that still rested on your wet cheeks, “I remember it all. Me coming here. Me forgetting you. Even throwing the drinking glass at you,” You both laughed at that, the memory of that traumatic day coming to the forefront of your mind.
            “I remember deciding to stay…with you.” You heard Loki let out a sigh of relief and you didn’t miss how his eyes flickered down to your lips. It was all the invitation you needed before you surged forward and crashed your lips to his. The surprised squeak that bubbled up from him, made you smile against the kiss. It took no time at all for Loki’s initial shock to wear off, now taking control as the kiss became more heated and passionate. His strong arms pulled you impossibly closer, scooping you into his lap as his tongue swept against yours.
            The heat, the longing, the joy of finally having him after everything drove your body to act on its own accord. Your hips ground against his and the sinful moan that erupted from your throat seemed to shake Loki out of the moment. He pulled away from you, making you whine.
            “We shouldn’t,” He breathlessly said, lips swollen from your kisses, “I can’t…with what just happened…it wouldn’t be…” He stammered, struggling to find the words, but his eyeline went straight to the dumpster. The dumpster that held Stephen’s lifeless body. The thought that he cared about the fragile state of your heart, how your trauma may be affecting your mind. The lingering touches of your ex’s hands felt like ghosts on your skin; buzzing and unwanted. You just wanted it to go away. To forget.
            “As sweet as it is that you care about what just happened, I just want to move on from the past. Those first two weeks were a whirlwind, a dream I clearly never wanted to wake from,” You chuckled a bit, remembering how you thought he was a dream for the longest time, “And I am sorry that you had to endure these last few months on your own, but you are my soulmate. I am yours, and you are mine, and I don’t want to waste another second of my life now that you are a part of it. I…I just want you, Loki.”
            Without another word, Loki stood up, pulling you up with him. In a flash, he was out of his Asgardian leathers and back in civilian clothes; a sight that always went straight to your core. He took your hand in his and led you back to the Tower. Past the dumpster, through the Tower doors, and up to the elevator to the floor where his apartment was. The quiet was not uncomfortable and unwelcomed. Instead, a new tension lingered there. Shy glances, bitten lips, and the occasional quiet giggle. It made your heart swell with hope and relief for a better future. A future that felt so secure, so safe, with endless possibilities. As long as Loki was holding your hand, anything was possible.
            Before you knew it, you were inside his little apartment within the Tower; a far cry from the palace he once lived in. You had been here several times before as his friend without memory of your romantic relationship, what your relationship truly was: a soulmate bond. Everything was the same; the dark green paint, the rows and rows of old books, and the hallway that led down to his bedroom. His hand lightly squeezed yours, pulling your attention from the hallway. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it with a small smile.  You smiled softly back at him, and he led you down the hallway.
            You had never seen his bedroom before, but it was just as much him as was the rest of the apartment. A large bed, fit for a king, that was covered in soft, silky emerald sheets loomed in front of you. A bed that held a lot of meaning, of promises, but still the fear that what you had, what you just recently found again was going to slip through your fingers again like grains of sand.
            The soft click of the bedroom door broke you from your thoughts and you turned to face the man, the God, that you loved. Love? Was that what this was? The soulmate bond came so easy to you, so easy to accept, but the idea that you loved Loki shook you to your core. The terrified look that was now plastered on your face brought him quickly to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, grounding you.
            “Dove, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We have each other now and the rest of your lives ahead of us. There is no rush.” He stroked your shoulders and you sighed.
            “Some lives are longer than others,” You said sadly, and the acknowledgement of your mortality brought his hands to a dead stop, “Our connection, our bond is so incredible, Loki, but I am still an average mortal girl. You are a God, and Avenger….Loki, I love you with all that I have, but I don’t deserve you.”
            Loki’s face became stern, his voice low and deep, “Don’t you ever say anything like that again.” He stared into your eyes, a burning intensity that left no room for argument, but still you shied away and turned from him. With the gentle hook of his finger of his chin, he turned you back to him. His eyes were softer now, but still conveyed the seriousness of his words.
“Dove, it is I that does not deserve you. You helped me see myself as more than a monster, more than a stolen relic that was destined to be tossed away.” He let out a shuttered breath, “Destined to die.”
He now held your head between both of his hands, as he left lingering kisses across your forehead, each of your cheeks, your nose, and finally your lips.
“I love you, Dove, more than words can ever say. Every moment with you is one that I cherish with my whole heart. So, you see,” He murmured against your lips, “You are far from average. You are a Goddess worth kneeling for.”
And with that, Loki sunk to his knees in front of you. He grasped both your hands in his, tenderly kissing your knuckles as he gazed back up at you with glassy eyes. Immediately, you slung your arms around him, joining him on the floor and kissing him with all the pent of love, and passion that had built up over the past few months. He held you tightly against him, like you would vanish if he let you go. You moved on from his lips to latch yours on the soft skin of his neck, making him groan. The sound went straight to your core, and your hands became tangled in his long, inky locks.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” You whispered against the flesh of his neck like a prayer. The combination of your words and his skin tasted sweet in your mouth. You were hopelessly addicted to Loki, and you needed more. Pulling away, your eyes took him in. His normally pale skin was flushed. His lips were plump, and swollen from your onslaught; parted from soft, breathless pants. His was hair messy and still tangled around your fingers. But his eyes remained locked on you, filled with adoration and love. He was just as addicted as you.
He was beautiful.
“Make love to me, Loki.” You said breathlessly.
His eyes went wide, and it made a small giggle bubble up from your chest. The shock was cute, endearing even, because it was obvious that was the intent as soon as you walked back to the Tower.
“Are you sure? We can…,” He swallowed thickly, as if to swallow his growing desire for you, “We can wait.”
You ground your hips against his from your position on his lap, making him groan again. The sound was so sweet in your ears, you continued to grind against his already hard length; the delicious friction against your clit already building the pleasure within you.
“I am sure, Loki.” You leaned forward, placing a long, wet kiss against his cheek, “My prince,” before moving on to bit at the sensitive skin under his ear, “My King.”
It was all the convincing Loki needed, before he scooped you up in his arms as if you weighed nothing. You couldn’t help but giggle, and Loki grinned at you, proud to have you in his arms.
“As my Queen wishes,” He carried you to the bed before gently placing you on the soft fabric of the sheets. He crawled on the bed after you, hovering over you as his eyes greedily took in your body now on his bed.
“I have dreamed of this for months. Norns, I love you so much.” He confessed, before capturing you in another heated kiss, pouring out all his passion and longing for you with each movement of his lips. He pulled away to look back at you again and you felt your skin flush from both your arousal and his scrutinizing gaze. You imagined you looked as fucked out as him.
“So, beautiful.” He crawled down your body, grabbing the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head exposing your bra. His large hands wandered over the lace of the cups, making your back arch into his touch. The God of Mischief grinned at your eagerness, before helping you out of your bra as well. As soon as your skin was exposed, he was upon you – licking, biting, and sucking at the sensitive skin of your breasts.
Your hands flew to his hair again, as his tongue swirled around one of your nipples while his fingers tweaked and teased the other. Gasps and moans were erupting from your body like a symphony and Loki knew how to play you perfectly until you were a writhing mess underneath him.
His mouth switch sides, giving your other nipple just as much attention with his tongue as his hand started its descent down your belly, towards the hem of your pants. Your hips involuntary bucked towards his hand and he rewarded you with sharp, yet teasing bite against the side of your breast.
“Patience, Dove. I want to savor this.” Despite his words, he made quick work of ridding you of your pants, leaving you in just your panties. The sight of the damp spot on your panties, the evidence of the arousal caused by him, making him feral.  Loki felt you tap his shoulders and his eyes snapped up to yours, concern apparent.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
You smiled, reassuring him, “I think things are a bit uneven here, My King.” You motioned to the fact that Loki was still fully clothed while you were just left in your soaked panties. He huffed out a breathless laugh.
“Oh. Right.” Loki went to unbutton his shirt, but you were quick to stop him. You sat up, catching Loki’s lingering gaze on your naked chest. Grinning, you started to slowly unbutton his shirt.
“I want to savor this,” You said, echoing his words back to him. He gave you a pointed look that you knew held no bite and allowed you to undress him. As you unbuttoned his shirt, you placed kisses down the center of his chest, before caressing the hard muscles of his pectorals and sliding the fabric off his shoulders to fall against the bed.
Now, it was your turn to stare as you took him in. Your fingertips lightly trailed against the skin of his collar bones, his biceps, and down his stomach – making him shiver and twitch. Your exploration took your further, now unbuttoning his dress slacks and pushing them back his hips to expose the soft fabric of his boxers and his straining, hard cock that waited for you underneath.
“Like what you see- hrmph.” His cheeky comment died on his lips as you gripped his length over the fabric, making him hiss and moan with each stroke. His head fell on your shoulder, biting the flesh there as you slipped your hand past the waistband and finally taking ahold of him properly. Your eyes went wide as you felt him fully against the palm of your hand. You had expected him to be big; he is a God after all, but it momentarily made you worry how this was going to work. But his sweet moans of pleasure tickling your ears spurred you on.
You continued to stroke him, your thumb swirling around the head of his leaking cock until he was thrusting into your palm, chasing his pleasure. The sight had your pussy clenching, desperate for him, but watching him shamelessly fuck your hand like some wanton whore made the wait worth it. Until he suddenly stopped.
Loki gripped your wrist, pulling you away from him and hissing at his own denial, “Norns, are you a Goddess or a witch? If we continue like this, I am afraid our night will be over too soon and as I said…I intend to savor every moment.”
He pushed you down back against the plush mattress, before making quick work of removing the rest of his pants and boxers. You bit your lip at the sight of his now freed cock bouncing against his hard stomach. The God flashed you a toothy grin at your oogling, winking at you before starting his onslaught of licks and teasing bites against your inner thighs. He settled in on the bed, pulling down the sides of your panties and down your legs, exposing your wet and waiting core to him.
He licked his lips, shamelessly staring at your hot pussy like it was his favorite meal, “Is all this for me?” You went to answer him, hopefully with a witty quip of your own, but any chance of that ended when his mouth consumed you like a man starved. With each expert lick and suck, you knew how he truly earned the title ‘silvertongue’. Each gasp and moan spurred him on more, throwing out his promise of ‘savoring the moment’ and instead quickly building you up to orgasm. Teasing licks of the tip of his tongue against your clit had you arching your back off the mattress, begging for more.
His lips latched onto your clit, gingerly sucking as his fingers circled your entrance. First he entered you with one finger, making you squirm, before quickly adding another and stretching your walls against his long digits. His fingers curled against that special spot, making your eyes roll back as you felt your orgasm on the precipice, ready to overwhelm you with tingly pleasure.
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum, Loki.” You gasped, your hands scrambling for purchase in his hair. Loki moaned against your clit after a harsh tug against his scalp, sending vibrations up your center that almost sent you over the edge.
“Cum for me, Dove. Cum on my face and let me taste you,” The combination of his sinful words, his deep voice, and swipe of his tongue against your clit made the tension snap within you, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body. Your toes curled against the muscles of his back as he held you in place, helping you ride out your high with gentle licks.
You were still seeing stars when you saw Loki’s smiling face above you, his mouth still glistening with your juices. His gaze caught yours and his stuck out his tongue, swiping it against his lips to drink in the remnants of your sweet nectar. Immediately, you reached out for him and dragged him down to you, capturing him in a kiss. You tasted yourself on him as your tongues dueled for dominance and it brought a fresh wave of wetness to your core.
“I want you, Loki. Please.” You begged, pushing your hips against his weeping cock that laid proudly against your supple thighs.
“I love hearing you beg, Dove.” He growled, “And I am going to love hearing you scream my name even more when you cum around my cock.”
Loki gripped his length, guiding it to your entrance before slowly pushing in and swallowing your moans with another heated kiss. The stretch from his cock was delicious, but the sting still made you hiss in both pleasure and pain, making Loki pause.
“Are you okay?” He asked, tenderly stroking your face with his thumb. You loved that despite Loki’s feral promise to make you scream his name, his sweet nature always made sure you and your comfort was always his priority. It warmed your heart, and you placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, making him smile.
“I just needed a minute.” You swiveled your hips, making you both groan, “You can keep going.” He pushed in further, finally bottoming out. You were panting underneath him, the feeling of fullness, of his every ridge rubbing against your walls already threatening to overwhelm you.
“Please, Loki,” You breathed out, “I need you to move.”
He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on your forehead before pulling his hips back to withdraw his cock almost completely from you to only push it back in. Each movement was slow, gentle, yet calculated as he hit your g-spot, again and again, making you quiver beneath him. His arms enveloped you, holding you close. Your legs wrapped around him, your ankles settling above the curve of his ass and your arms held onto his back. The scrape of your nails against his skin made him groan as he slowly fucked you into the mattress. As he made love to you.
“I love you so much,” He moaned into your ear, placing kisses against your neck. You were completely lost to him, now meeting each of his thrusts with one of your own until your hips were crashing against each other, drunk on the pleasure the other was providing. Tears started to prick at the corner of your eyes as you remembered the long path that brought you here, to finally being together with Loki.
“The light of my life. My purpose. My Goddess.” Loki panted, picking up his pace and you felt that familiar coil begin to tighten.
“Ohh, Loki, you feel so good.” Your hands moved from his back and into his hair, pulling his face to yours, “Kiss me.” His lips latched onto yours as soon as the command left your mouth. Swallowing all your moans, he snaked his hand between your bodies and began to rub your clit.
You cried out into his mouth, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching with each expert caress of his fingers against your clit.
“Loki…” You whined, lost in the sensation of the God that loved you.
“Yes, Dove, say my name.” He growled through gritted teeth. His movements becoming sloppy as he neared his own release.
“Loki!” You cried out as your orgasm hit you like a freight train, drenching his cock and clenching around him. Your face twisted up in pleasure and Loki reveled in the sight of you coming undone beneath him, sending him into his own climax. Loki bit onto your shoulder as he spilled inside of you, painting your walls white with his cum.
Loki’s hot breath fanned your cheek as you both panted, coming down from your highs. Gently, he withdrew from you, making you whine, but your displeasure only lasted for a moment. In one quick motion, he grabbed onto you and flipped you, making you squeal with giggly delight, so he was on his back, and you rested on his chest. He wrapped you in his arms, holding you tight and placing a fierce kiss on the top of your head. There was no other place you wanted to be, but the stickiness between your legs had other plans.
“I think I need to get up…get myself cleaned up.” You groaned, not wanting to move from your new comfortable spot.
He squeezed you tighter, and you hummed with contentment, “Don’t you dare move, My Lady. Allow me.” With the wave of his hand and a shimmer of green, you suddenly felt clean, refreshed, as if you had just emerged from a relaxing bath. You burrowed in closer to him, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck.
“Now, that is a handy skill.” You paused for a minute, considering if you wanted to open this can of worms. You decided to test your luck, “See, you are so incredible, and I am just…. average.”
You felt him let out a heavy sigh against the top of your head. The silence lingered between you two for what felt like ages, before he finally spoke, “Dove, you have bewitched me in everyway possible. It does not matter that you are mortal –“
“But it does!” You yelled, snapping your head up to look at him directly in the eye, “It does, Loki! I have what, fifty, maybe sixty years left and then what, Loki?  You’ll be all alone, and I don’t know what to do with that.” Tears started to gather in the corner of your eyes, stinging with the pain of the unknown. You were so familiar with Loki, his essence and very being as a character that you loved. He had been through so much pain, so much suffering, and dealing with that pain alone. The thought of him handling your death by himself crushed you.
“Shh, Dove, it’s fine. Let’s not talk about such things right now. Let us enjoy our time together.” His voice was unmistakably solemn, and you felt a pang of guilt for putting such sad thoughts in your mind after finally reuniting and finding happiness, “Can I fetch you anything? Something to eat?”
Loki then suddenly stilled, shifting upright, and taking you with him, “Unless…” He started but didn’t finish. You looked at him, confused and you could see the cogs turning in his brilliant mind. The answer was there, whatever it was, you just had to wait.
“Have you heard of the Golden Apples of Idunn?” Loki quickly said, practically vibrating with energy.
“Yes, of course. They give immortality….” Your eyes grew wide at his implication, “Do you have one, Loki?!”
“No, they’re all gone.” He said excitedly, and you instantly deflated. You didn’t understand why he was so enthusiastic about the solution for your mortality being gone.
“Unless…” You perked back up, of course there would be more, “Unless, having an apple is something that you truly desire…”
“What are you talking about, Loki?”
He turned to you, so he was facing you properly. His hands moved wildly as he spoke with fervor, his mind running a hundred miles a minute, “You are far from average, Dove.” You rolled your eyes, but he pointed his finger, silencing any sarcasm or self-deprecating comments.
“You brought back my mother…You forget this.” He placed his hands on your shoulders, rubbing your soft skin, “You brought her back from the dead because it was what I truly desired. You made the impossible, possible…and I would argue that bringing back an extinct apple is easier than bringing back a person from Valhalla.”
“I don’t even understand how I even developed that gift…and if I even have it still, now that I am here in your world.” You paused, thinking carefully about his phrasing, “Besides, it is more about what you desire, than what I desire.”
Loki’s hands moved down your shoulders to clasp your hands in his, “These past few months, my mother and I have been doing research. Soulmate bonds are extremely rare, but a bond that travels across the multiverse is the rarest of them all. It is unheard of completely…. except for one other instance.”
You were almost afraid to ask, but your curiosity won out, “What happened to them?”
Loki frowned, squeezing your hand, “Unfortunately, one of the lovers did not survive. They dream walked, much like you did, but were not able to complete the transition of the mind into one universe.” He saw the look of sadness flit across your face, all the memories of how you almost lost each other flooding back.
“But there is one thing that I did learn from their story that I found encouraging.”
“Which is…?”
“That not only did they possess the same gift to manifest their lover’s greatest desires out of nothingness like you, but they both had the gift.”
Your eyes went wide. You never considered the fact that Loki could manifest like how you did, but who knows if you even could anymore? Before you could let your mind spiral, Loki was looking directly at you.
“So, tell me, Dove. Do you desire an eternity with me?”
There was no hesitation. Not a second of doubt. Your mouth screamed out the answer your heart and soul knew to its very core.
“More than anything.”
Loki held out his hand, palm up and closed his eyes. You watched his eyes twitch beneath his closed eyelids, his brows furrowed in intense concentration. You didn’t dare take a breath even though your lungs burned, too terrified that one single exhale would ruin any chances of this working.
His palm began to glow and sure enough, a golden apple appeared within his grasp. If it wasn’t for the fact that he could feel the magical fruit under his very fingertips, there was no way Loki would have believed this, his eyes were so wide and disbelieving. The God was a legendary magic wielder, but this was something new, a whole other level that was unknown to him. He looked from the apple that still rested in his palm towards you with watery eyes. The proof of your love, your desire to spend an eternity with him manifested into reality.
“So,” He chuckled through happy tears, offering the apple to you, “Care for a bite, Dove?”
It was the sweetest thing you ever tasted.
Unicorns 🦄:
@theawkwardavenger @nonsensicalobsessions @purplekitten30 @lostgreekgod @roguemetalmaster13 @huntress-artemiss @midnights-ramblings @xorpsbane @ravenmailey @vbecker10 @lazulifoster @winterfrostsarmy @ada17h @lokisprettygirl22 @theaudacitytowrite @lokis-little-love @themorningsunshine @strawberry-canyon @howdidurhammergrowchris @michelleleewise @80strashbag @roseeatta @asgardianprincess1050 @jaspearl31 @ozymdias @vickie5446 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @kittiowolf210 @nightshadelm @maeisonline @hikirstenhere @trickster-maiden @jazkidding
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I shall heal you || Fluff-a-thon || Loki ||
A/N: sorry that these requests haven't been completed, I have been particularly busy as of late but here is one request finally completed, I will be able to focus on these again now. Sorry for the long wait to those who requested.
Link to my fluff-a-thon masterlist is Here!
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This wasn’t what you had planned when going on that mission. You had just imagined a quick mission with Stark and Tasha but no, you were the one that had to be hospitalised in critical condition for getting too close to land mines. Stark hadn’t warned you in time and now you were here, covered in bandages and forced to stay away from everyone so that you could heal naturally on your own. 
The result meant that you also had to stay away from Loki. You and the God had grown so close before you got injured. The God had sought you out when he was first brought back to Avengers tower to train to become an Avenger to redeem himself, he saw you as a breath of fresh air away from all the judging glares of the other Avengers. 
You missed his snarky replies, his cocky smirk as he leaned against the wall you were facing, a book cupped in one hand and the other gesturing wildly as he explained his view of the story as it went along. Even the books that he claimed to hate were always laid on your bedside table the next morning with a kind note on the top thanking you for lending him the book.
When you became a couple, you became increasingly inseparable. Loki was always seen with his arms around your middle or at the very least, your hand in his doing anything. That was how you liked it, you could never look far to see Loki there for you.
The morning of the mission, Loki had cuddled up to you and whispered to you that he wished you didn’t need to go, that you could stay in bed with him but you had insisted that you needed to go, that you needed to prove to the team that you were still an Avenger even without him beside you. Unwillingly, Loki’s arms unwrapped from around your waist and he kissed down your neck while whispering, “come back soon.”
His smile was burnt into the back of your eyelids as the mines blew up around you. You were panicked for a moment that you would never see him again but when you woke up in the hospital, you were relieved and immediately asked for Loki only to be shot down by the doctor.
“I’m sorry Miss Y/L/N,” the doctor had said with a disappointed voice as he looked down at his clipboard, “we cannot allow anyone to come in here until you are healed. You are highly exposed to any illnesses they may be carrying as your immune system was affected by the blow and is repairing itself. I’m sorry.”
“So…” you whispered brokenly, your eyes flicking around desperately as you tried to search for something to say, “when can I see Loki?”
The doctor looked back to his clipboard before raising his eyes to meet yours, “three weeks, Miss Y/L/N.”
That had been a week and a half ago and you were dying of boredom. Sure, the doctors had provided you with books but without Loki there to rant about them to you, they weren’t exactly interesting for long. The TV that was brought out quickly became monotonous as you weren’t into the British sitcoms without Loki there to mock them with you about their pathetic plotlines recurring constantly. 
You wanted your Loki by your side, helping you through the night when the pain meds wore off. His gentle hands would massage your aching muscles and his gentle caresses would make sure that you felt safe in this large white room all the time. Most nights, it wasn’t the pain that made you cry yourself to sleep. 
It wasn’t long into the second week of your quarantine that you began to get desperate to see Loki again, constantly asking the doctor if Loki could simply come inside with the protection that they were wearing, just to spend a few minutes with you but you were quickly denied and told that you needed to heal. 
‘Fuck healing,’ you spat in your mind as you glared at the doctor, ‘I want my Loki.’
That night, you were furiously wiping the tears from your face as you rewatched Loki interviews with Jimmy Fallon, James Corden or fuck even Ellen! Suddenly, you heard something clatter to the floor and you screamed, shooting up in bed before freezing when you saw Loki standing before you with his hands up. You stared at him in shock, unable to process the sight before your eyes and you shakily whispered, “Loki?”
The God of Mischief smiled happily and strode over to you, sitting on the side of the bed and cupping one of your bandaged cheeks. You stared at him in shock before tears welled up in your eyes. He looked as regal as you remembered, cheekbones high and mighty, displaying to anyone that saw him that he was a Prince. His hair hung longer than it had when you’d last seen him and bags were hanging underneath his eyes, signs that the God hadn’t been sleeping.
“I missed you,” he whispered weakly, wiping away the salty tear that cascaded down your cheek as you took him in, “they cannot keep me from you for long, my dear. I am here.”
You sobbed and leaned into his touch, your dry lips pressing to his palm as you watched his features soften. “But you shouldn’t be here,” you whispered softly, “I need to heal in quarantine alone. That’s what the doctor has been pleasantly telling me.”
Loki’s expression darkened before he shook his head and lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your middle as he buried his head into your bandaged neck. “I care not for what the Midgardian doctor told you, beloved,” Loki whispered against your skin, “my seiðr can heal you in twice the time. Allow me?”
You nodded eagerly and sighed at the peaceful thrum of his magic dancing down your body, his healing seiðr kicking in almost instantly to bring you to full recovery. That is why you needed him so much, he could heal you in triple the time that normal Midgardian medicine could. 
Hope you enjoyed!
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins @iamsherlocked1479
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
feel like we underutilize the concept of alioth in the loki fandom... he should be playing fetch and rolling over for belly rubs with tree loki. let alioth take a shift guarding the end of time thing so loki can go get up to some mischief. in modern aus he should be sylvie's massive dog that she takes for walks to scare the neighbors. or, if you into a more lizard-y interpretation, alioth is her komodo dragon that she keeps in her apartment's bathtub. maybe he's the pet reptile she lets run up her arm. you see what i'm going for here?
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lexiepoch · 1 year
Fridge Jail
Pairings: Loki x reader, reader x avengers (platonic)
Authors Note: I have no idea where this came from but it's here so ... Enjoy!
Word Count: 929
"Where is Y/n?" asks Steve, wandering into the library room.
"Not sure. Maybe check the gym?" suggests Nat.
"Good idea, I just came from the garage where Tony's working on something and she's not there. I'll go check the gym now, thanks Tash."
"Mhm," mumbles the ginger in reply, already buried back into her novel.
"Hey Sam! Buck! Either of you seen Y/n in the last twenty?"
"Nah man, last I saw her was breakfast." responds Bucky.
"I saw her about forty minutes ago now, she was arguing with Loki. Surprise, surprise. You might want to go talk to him," offers Sam, taking a gulp of his water.
"Good idea. Thanks Sam!"
"No problem man!"
Steve makes his way through the compound searching through the common spots where Loki hangs out a lot. He finds him in the kitchen, making a mug cake. "Hey Loki, have you seen Y/n by chance?"
"Yes I have, Steven. If you look directly to your left, you will as well." points out the god of mischief, putting the mug into the microwave.
Steve looks to where Loki stated, and there you sit. On top of the refrigerator. Hands and feet bound, with a gag in your mouth keeping you from making much noise. "Loki, why is Y/n tied up, gagged and on top of the fridge?" asks Steve as you make small grabby hands in the direction of the blond.
"She was bratting, as per usual. I got the idea of sitting her atop the refrigerator from the internet. But seeing as I know that if I put her up there without any bindings she would simply jump off. Hence why she is bound. She is in timeout." Explains the god, smirking as he does so. The microwave beeps and Loki retrieves his delicacy.
"O-kay then. That still doesn't explain as to why she is gagged though,"
"I gagged her because she was whining and whimpering quite noisily. Darling he is not going to take you out from your timeout, you still have ten minutes left. Do I need to add another five? As I was saying, she was being overly whiny. And her whines attract unneeded-" Loki is cut off by you smacking your ankles on the cupboards beside you and crying loudly against the gag in your mouth. "For that, I am adding another ten minutes up there and five swats, darling. Are you sure you want to be fussing around?" Loki states, making you tear up a little.
"Reindeer games, why is Y/n on my fridge?" asks Stark, coming into the kitchen and grabbing and apple.
"Timeout." responds Loki simply. Tony shrugs, biting into his Granny Smith as he walks away. Turning back to Steve, Loki continues. "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, her whines attract unneeded attention. Which is exactly what she wants when she is bratty. Hence the gag. Now, was there a particular reason you were searching for her, Steven?"
"Yes, there is. Her court ordered therapist phoned to say that Y/n has skipped the last three of their mandatory meetings. And that if she misses the next one Y/n will have to be placed under arrest and brought to the clinic through force." You cry out through the gag again as Loki shakes his head.
"Well then. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. She will be dealt with. What punishment fits the crime the best, in your opinion Captain?"
"I think that the denial of four orgasms should teach her a lesson."
"I like the way you think, Rogers. That sounds perfect."
~An hour and a half later~
"Stevie?" you whine, limping into the library room. You are only dressed in a baggy shirt and men's underwear.
Steve and Nat both look up from their respective books and coo sympathetically at you. "Hey Y/n, you alright button?" asks Steve, draping his book over the arm of the sofa. You shake your head, rubbing at your wrists, where the rope dents remain. "Oh, button. Come sit honey." You shuffle over and sit slowly on the cushion before whining at the discomfort.
"Nope, hold her up Steve, I'll stick a pillow underneath her." says Nat, lurching from her spot to go retrieve the thick throw pillow she tossed across the room earlier. As she returns with the pillow in hand, Steve carefully lifts you off the couch, ensuring not to as much as brush your 'goods'. Nat places the throw pillow underneath Steve's hands and helps him lower you back down.
"Did he at least give you one before he cleaned you up, button?" You nod. "It was good, huh?"
"So good. Always feels so good." you mumble, leaning into the man beside you. You snuggle your face under his chin and doze off as he picks his book back up.
A few minutes later Nat speaks up. "So, where did you find her?"
"Fridge jail, in timeout." Steve snickers as he say the words 'fridge jail'.
"Wait, fridge jail? Like all those fake ass videos on social media?" Nat giggles.
"Yep, just like those. But for real. Loki had her bound and gagged so she couldn't cry for forgiveness as she does or jump down. It wasn't bad planning. Maybe I'll use it on somebody else in this room who gets bratty sometimes." Steve side-eyes the woman on the opposite end of the couch.
"You wouldn't dare," Nat's face drops and she crosses her arms.
"Oh but wouldn't I?" Steve winks at the ginger.
La Fin
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Ok, ok, ok!
I dug deep into my collection of Tom photos and found this absolute gem
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It gives me vibes of my Thomas Sharpe story but also if Loki was ever to wear a winter coat, he'd still wear a suit underneath 😂
Such sophistication even when wearing a fluffy coat! 🥵
Fluffy Coat! Loki 😍😍😍🥰I love him. I'm getting major Winter Warmers Collection vibes from this 😂 someone please write a fluffy coat fic for the love of god EDIT: @lady-rose-moon is doing one and I'm ordering my tombstone rn 🤤
How he can be so attractive in so many ways, I'll never know. TS will always be LL in AU for me, especially after your amazing series 😂
Also those goddam trouser creases haunting my damn dreams 🤤
Thank you for sharing this, my house is FCKIN FREEZING today so this has warmed my lil heart.
@lady-rose-moon @vbecker10 @muddyorbs @holymultiplefandomsbatman @holdmytesseract @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @xorpsbane @coldnique @maple-seed @fictive-sl0th @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @michelleleewise @thomase1 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @theaudacitytowrite @mischief2sarawr❄️
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layla4567 · 8 months
Plushie (drabble)
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Pairing: Loki x GN!reader
Summary: Loki sees how you always talk to them and take care of your stuffed animals as if they were real pets.
Warnings: none <3
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
"Who put you there? come here sweetie"
You approached your stuffed tiger who was sitting on a chair and not on a shelf as usual.
"Oh there you are too!"
You took your blue unicorn stuffed animal from the floor and carried it to the shelf, placing it gently as if it were going to break.
"Much better, isn't it my little ones?"
You put your hands on your hips, smiling satisfied as you admired your work of art, a shelf full of stuffed animals of all kinds: giraffes, dolphins, dragons, etc. To tell the truth, your entire room was full of stuffed animals, a giant panda bear rested on your bed. It was always like this and that's how you liked it
Loki, hearing you talking to yourself, entered your room and froze on the threshold of your door, admiring the mess. Dozens of plushies decorated your room, from the bed to the shelves and the desk. Loki sighed.
"Darling, who were you talking to?"
"With them!, with who else but?"
You extended your hands to cover the entire room with a big smile.
Loki didn't understand why you spent so much time with your stuffed animals as if they were real animals. He considered it strange but tender at the same time.
"My dear, don't you think you spend a lot of time organizing your stuffed animals?"
Loki walked over to a ledge and grabbed a gray koala, looking at it questioningly and then looking at you.
You snatched it from his hands, hugging it to your chest.
"Be careful! Bimbo is sensitive"
"Beg you pardon? Bimbo?"
"Yes, that's what it's called.". You said softly
Loki let out a low laugh that widened his smile and stretched it like a Cheshire cat.
"Well I don't think Bimbo cares much"
"Are you jealous of a stuffed animal?"
"Of course not!". He frowned
"I think so". You said sticking out your tongue
Loki made a contemptuous noise and snarled out of the room. Now you were afraid that Loki would do some mischief with your plushies
The next morning you had gone to the bathroom to brush your teeth and when you returned to your room you noticed that something was not right, your room felt emptier and you didn't know why. As if something was missing…
You approached your bed and counted the animals there: Kirby the panda, Tony the horse, Samy the turtle and the… Bimbo was not there!
You couldn't believe how vile he had been, taking your favorite animal. Now he was going to pay them. You ran down the hallway looking for him, clutching your head in desperation. What had the bastard done to Bimbo? You turned a corner and saw him sitting on a couch reading quietly.
"Loki give me the koala now"
He looked at you with a gesture that was somewhere between offended and confused, and then he smiled a sickly boastful smile.
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Loki, I'm serious, please". You said with a tantrum
"Maybe your little koala got bored and walked around there."
"Ughh! I hate you!!"
With a helpless snort you threw a pillow at him and ran away, locking yourself in your room. Loki had realized that he had screwed up so he sighed and put his book aside to go knock on your door. With a grunt you opened the door for him.
"Are you ok?"
"Not until you give me back what's mine"
"Ok I admit, I went a little overboard and I'm sorry. But would you let me show you something?"
Loki gave you a regretful look and extended his hand inviting you to take it. You looked at him suspiciously but you agreed only because you were curious to see what he was up to.
Loki guided you to his room and opened the door, a beautiful spectacle appeared before you. On Loki's bed there were thousands of stuffed animals, many more than in your room and in the middle of all those animals was Bimbo!
"When I was a child I had a stuffed snake, I called it Jörmungander, it made me feel less alone. So I understand your appreciation for your stuffed animals"
"What a particular name for a stuffed animal.."
Loki laughed and you smiled again. You approached the bed and noticed that the stuffed animals were mythological beings, chimeras, basilicas, pegasi, hydras, etc.
"They are all yours if you want, I think it was time to renew your collection"
Loki nodded smiling and you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and he hugged you, spinning you around.
"Mmh I think there's one more to go…". He said enigmatically
Loki conjured something in his hands. When the green magic dissipated he saw a funny stuffed snake that had its neck raised and its tail curled. Loki placed it near Bimbo and hugged you. They both stood looking at their stuffed animals like proud parents. Jörmungander looked at them with his black pearl eyes, smiling and sticking out his viped tongue.
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lokidokieokie · 1 year
Love on the Line
Summary: Y/n's playful prank calls to Loki turn serious when she calls him for what she believes could be the last time
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Agent!Reader
Warning(s): mentions of death, bad humour, angst if you squint, love confessions, fluff
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You had always been best friends with Loki. You two had met when he had first arrived on Earth for his penance, and you had bonded over your shared love of mischief and adventure. Over time, your feelings for him had grown into something more, but you had always been too afraid to tell him.
That didn't stop you from pranking him, though. You loved to call him up and pretend like you were about to confess your love, only to reveal that it was just another joke. Loki would always play along, pretending to be disappointed that you weren't serious.
After all, it was probably the only time you would even get close to confessing.
"Hey, Loki," you said, calling him up one day. "I have something important to tell you."
"What is it?" he asked, his voice cautious.
"I love you," you said, trying to keep a straight face.
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Loki let out a sigh. "Y/n, you know that's not funny."
You couldn't help but giggle. "I know, I know. I just couldn't resist."
Loki chuckled. "Well, don't get too attached to that dagger of yours. You never know when someone might come along and steal it."
"Ha! As if anyone could get past me," you said, feeling smug.
"That's what you think," Loki said, his voice teasing. "But I'm the god of mischief, remember? I can make anything happen."
You rolled your eyes. "Sure you can."
But as much as you enjoyed teasing Loki, there were times when you longed to tell him how you really felt. And one day, you found yourself on a mission that felt different. You were up against a powerful enemy, and you didn't think you were going to make it out alive. In that moment, the only person you could think to call was Loki.
You dialed his number, heart racing as you waited for him to answer. When he did, you took a deep breath and said, "Loki, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" he asked, his voice full of concern.
"I love you," you said, your voice trembling. "I know I've joked about it before, but this time... this time, I mean it."
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and you feared that Loki was angry or disgusted by your confession. But then he spoke, his voice soft and full of emotion.
"I love you too," he said. "I've loved you for a long time, Y/n. I just never knew how to tell you."
Tears filled your eyes as you listened to him speak. You had never felt so relieved and happy in your life. But then, in the midst of your joy, a sense of dread washed over you. You knew that this could be the last time you spoke to him.
"Loki," you said, your voice shaking. "I don't think I'm going to make it out of here, today."
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Loki spoke again. "What are you talking about? Where are you?"
"I'm on a mission," you said. "It's dangerous, and I don't think I can make it out."
Loki's voice was urgent now. "Y/n, listen to me. You have to get out of there. You can't give up. You're too strong to give up."
"I know," you said, wiping away tears. "But I just wanted you to know... I wanted you to know how I feel before it's too late."
"Y/n, please don't talk like that," Loki said, his voice pleading. "You're going to make it out of there. I know you will."
"I hope so," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
There was a moment of silence before Loki spoke again. "Y/n, I need you to promise me something."
"What?" you asked.
"I need you to promise me that you'll come back to me," he said, his voice firm. "No matter what happens, you have to come back to me."
You felt a surge of determination in your chest. "I promise," you said. "I'll come back to you. I won't give up."
Loki let out a shaky breath. "Good. I need you, Y/n. I can't imagine my life without you."
"Same here," you said, feeling tears stream down your face. "I love you, Loki."
"I love you too, Y/n," he said. "Now get out of there. I'll be waiting for you."
You hung up the phone, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. You couldn't let Loki down. You had to make it back to him.
The rest of the mission was a blur. You fought with all your might, determined to survive. And in the end, you did. You emerged from the battle battered and bruised, but alive.
As soon as you could, you made your way back to Loki. When you saw him waiting for you, his expression full of relief and love, you ran to him and threw your arms around him.
"I promised I'd come back," you said, tears streaming down your face.
"I knew you would," he said, holding you tight. "I knew you were too strong to give up."
You looked up at him, feeling more in love than ever before. "I meant what I said, you know. I love you."
"I know," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "And I love you. Always."
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A/N I'm tired...
🏷 @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley @moonlight-ee   @dryyoursaltyoceantears
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vbecker10 · 1 year
Loki's Cooking Lesson
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Warnings: I got nothing... just some fluff
Summary: Loki asked if you could teach him how to cook something for date night and you can't help using this as an opportunity to prank the trickster.
Word Count: 1k words
A/N: I was reading through some of my longer fic, Shadows of the Past, and I thought this chapter would be a fun little oneshot. I reworked it so you don't need to know anything else about the story to read it. If you do like it though... it is chapter 19 and the link to the rest of the fic is here (work in progress) Shadows of the Past
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You stand in front of the door to Loki's apartment and check your phone one last time to make sure everything is set. You smile to yourself and slip it back into your pocket before knocking. The door swings open almost immediately and you are greeted by Loki.
"Hello darling," he smiles as he gestures for you to enter.
After closing the door behind you, he wraps his arms around you tightly. You hug him back, resting your head against his chest. One of his hands remains on your lower back but he moves his other hand to the back of your head and lightly runs his fingers through your hair. You look up at him and he leans down, kissing you softly.
"Hi mischief," you giggle quietly when he loosens his hold of you. You take his hand and start towards the kitchen. “Now, I think it’s time for you to make me some dinner," you remind him.
“That was the plan... although I warn you, I have almost no idea what I’m doing,” he responds.
You try not to laugh at how nervous he sounds and reassure him, “Don't worry, if it turns out to be inedible we can just order a pizza."
He rubs the back of his neck and you kiss his cheek, causing him to smile again. "We've got this Loki, you ready?" you ask and he nods.
“Ok so, first rule of cooking...” you say to him as you open up your music app.  “We need some good music,” you smile.
"Really?" he asks, raising one of his eyebrows at you.
"Absolutely," you answer matter-of-factly. You scroll down and select the playlist you made specifically for tonight.
He looks at you curiously as he waits for the first song to start.
“First one is a classic, you're going to love it,” you tell him. After a few seconds of silence, AC/DC’s Thunderstruck begins to play loudly and the smile vanishes from his face.
    Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder,
    Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder,
    I was caught
    In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder) ....
You pause the song and he sighs loudly as he rolls his eyes. “Not a fan?” you ask him, trying to stifle a laugh. He shakes his head slowly, crossing his arms against his chest. 
“Ok... not your style, I can work around that. This next one is a bit newer,” you explain as you click on the next song on the playlist.  
    Just a young gun with a quick fuse
    I was uptight, wanna let loose
    I was dreaming of bigger things
    And wanna leave my old life behind
    Not a yes-sir, not a follower
    Fit the box, fit the mold
    Have a seat in the foyer, take a number
    I was lightning before the thunder
You watch him closely as he leans on the counter next to you. He doesn’t seem to be enjoying the song but his expression is neutral until the chorus to Imagine Dragon’s Thunder starts.
    Thunder, thunder
    Thunder, thun-, thunder
    Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder ....
“Oh for Norns sake!” he says loudly, throwing his hands up.
You can barely contain your laughter as he walks a few steps away from you then turns back. You feign innocence as you pause the song, “You don’t like this one either?”
“No... I do not like that one either,” he says as he steps closer to you. He puts one arm around your waist and pulls you flush against him. He leans down, keeping his eyes locked on yours. “You have one more chance, Y/N," he says slowly in a calm voice.
Without saying a word you nod and reach for your phone. “I think you are really going to like this one. It's supposed to be very relaxing," you tell him as you lean into his embrace.
You click on the next song and bite your lip lightly as Loki continues to hold you close to him. The song starts gently with an orchestra playing softly. Loki's face softens a bit and he seems to be enjoying the music until the sound of light rain can be made out in the background.
Loki pulls back slightly from you and looks at you questioningly. “Tell me that is not what I think it is,” he says and you can hardly keep a straight face as you shrug.
The sounds of the rain become louder and the crack of thunder breaks through the melody of the orchestra. Loki lets go of you and puts his hand over his eyes as he groans loudly.  
“I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do with you, Y/N,” he says shaking his head as you pause the nature sounds.
You finally let out the laugh you've been holding and answer, “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Hmmm,” he hums as he backs you against the counter. Loki slips one arm around your waist and places his other hand under your chin, tilting your head so you are looking up at him. “I do have an idea or two,” he says in a serious tone.
He moves quickly, kissing you hard while he presses his body against yours. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. His lips travel to your cheek, your jaw then down your neck. You can’t help but moan softly when he kisses your collarbone and he pauses when he hears it.
“That is a much better sound than thunder,” he says with a smirk and you nod in agreement.  
He lets go of you and you pout a little, “Now, I believe you promised to teach me how to cook... if you are ready to behave?” he asks.
"I'll be good,” you respond.
“Good girl,” he says quietly in your ear causing you to blush. "Shall we get started?" he asks and you nod before heading over to the fridge to take out the necessary ingredients.
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Please let me know if you want to be added or taken off the tag list 💚💚
@michelleleewise @soubi001 @ace-of-gay @tessathechild @misunderstoodself @coldnique @lokiprompts21 @thomase1 @mochie85 @fi-recs-fics @huntress-artemiss @sititran @xorpsbane @kkdvkyya @lokisgoodgirl @harlequin-hangout @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @kats72 @avoliax @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @loopsisloops @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @high-functioning-lokipath @psychospore @dukes2581 @buttercupcookies-blog @animnerd @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @laufeyson-16
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated 💚💚
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Love and Friendship
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In a reality where the fates had taken a different turn, Lady Loki from one universe found herself unexpectedly crossing paths with Loki from another reality. Their meeting was a collision of mischief and charm, a dance of wits that neither had encountered before. As they navigated a chaotic scenario together, their interactions grew from cautious partnership to genuine camaraderie.
Amidst the twists and turns of their shared escapades, an unspoken connection began to develop between them. It was in the stolen glances and the shared laughter, in the way they seemed to understand each other's thoughts without uttering a word. It wasn't long before they found themselves unable to deny the feelings that were steadily blossoming between them.
One evening, as the two of them took a moment of respite on a rooftop overlooking a vibrant cityscape, Lady Loki turned to Loki, her eyes searching his. "You know, in my reality, we're often adversaries. But being here with you... it feels different."
Loki's lips quirked into a half-smile. "Indeed, it does. Perhaps we're destined to find companionship where we least expect it."
Their fingers brushed, an innocent touch that sent shivers down their spines. It was in that moment that they realized their connection was something far deeper than friendship. It was a connection forged through shared experiences, mutual understanding, and an undeniable attraction.
However, their newfound love wasn't without its challenges. As fate would have it, Sylvie from yet another reality entered the picture. The dynamic between the three of them shifted, as Sylvie's presence stirred emotions neither Lady Loki nor Loki had anticipated.
Sylvie's longing for a connection had led her to believe that Loki might be the one to fill that void. When she saw the undeniable chemistry between Lady Loki and Loki, a storm of jealousy and frustration brewed within her. She felt betrayed, her hopes dashed by the unexpected connection blossoming right before her eyes.
Confronting them in a moment of vulnerability, Sylvie's anger flared. "I thought we were... I thought you felt something for me," she said, her voice tinged with hurt.
Loki stepped forward, his expression sincere. "Sylvie, you mean a great deal to me, but the heart isn't always bound by logic or expectation."
Lady Loki joined him, her gaze steady. "We didn't anticipate this, Sylvie. But love has a way of finding its own path."
Sylvie's anger gradually subsided, replaced by a mix of sadness and understanding. She looked at them both, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I guess I can't control who you love."
Loki reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Sylvie, you're still important to me. Our connection hasn't changed."
Lady Loki nodded in agreement. "We value you, Sylvie. But what Loki and I have... it's something we can't ignore."
As they stood there, an understanding settled between them. The complexities of their emotions weren't easy to navigate, but they were bound by a shared experience that went beyond romantic entanglements. Their paths might have diverged romantically, but the bond between them remained unbreakable.
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Dirty Work 40
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Feel very off today IDK.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“Please, please,” you puff, reaching between your legs, “please, I can’t–”
Your words are wobbly and loose, your legs too. As you touch Loki’s chin, you feel the slickness smeared across it. He only nuzzles further into you as your thighs twitch around him. You choke and beg through your shallow breaths.
He hums into you, reaching around to snatch your hand, pulling your arm behind your back. You whimper, wavering on your feet. Before you can lose your balance, he takes your other hand, guiding it alongside your other, locking both against your lower back.
He moans as he drinks you up. You put your feet flat and shake as another wave crashes down on you, the water slakes over you, the humid air adding to the sweat beading over your skin. You cum again and again and again. Each time, he grows more devoted to his task, twining your nerves together until you’re wrought.
Your leg buckles and gives. He releases your hands, once more grabbing you by the hips and holds you up. He eases you down slowly as you shake weakly. Lower and lower, he keeps your ass in the air as you drop down on your hands and knees. You’re senseless and lost in the ravages of pleasure.
When you come again, all your strength drains from you. You can’t take anymore. He lets you go as you collapse onto the porcelain and groan. He drags his hands down your legs as you roll onto your side and heave. He snickers and traces up your arm.
“You’ve been very good, pet,” he growls and stands, stepping over you as he pushes the door open.
He leaves you there, the door open as the shower continues to pour down on you. You catch your breath but can’t move, not right away. You’re so very tired. Worn out by more than his unprecedented attention but by everything. The day seeps back into your mind and coils your muscles tight.
You get one knee under you, then the other. You climb to your feet and shut the faucet off. You emerge and stumble, reaching for a towel from the rack. You wrap yourself in the fluffy cotton and look at the open door. You hobble towards it, finding Loki… Mr. Laufeyson in your bed. He stretches out, his arms bent behind his head, as his nakedness is concealed only by the blanket folded at his waist.
You turn off the bathroom light and cross to the bed. You flinch as you sit, swollen and oversensitive. You dry yourself off stiffly and stare at the wall. The glow slowly fades and you’re left dull and worn. That’s all this will ever be. You have your use and when he doesn’t need you, you are just there.
You stand and drape the towel over the wooden arm of the sofa. You look around, searching. You pad along to the closet and fold the door back. There’s your stuff. You fish out a night gown and return to the bed. You wonder why he’s still there.
“I’ll stay,” he reaches to rub the silk between his fingers, “in case… my brother thinks to attempt another coup.”
“Oh, thanks,” you utter, refusing to look at him. “Would you like the light off?”
He takes a breath, “ah, I should’ve brought a book. You always do enjoy it when I read to you.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, “the light?”
“Off, is fine,” he replies evenly.
You flip off the lamp and lower yourself down. You keep your back to him, hand clinging to the edge of the mattress as you fight to keep your breath steady. You just want to cry. You feel so heavy but flat. As if you’ve been run over.
“Pet…” he says gently. You don’t answer as you stay as you are, right at the very edge, making yourself as small as possible. “Suppose you are tired…” he mulls quietly, “yes, you should rest.” He flutters his fingers against your waist, “as should I.”
He shifts behind you and brings himself closer, looping his arm around your stomach. He urges you back, putting you flush to him as you grasp slips from the mattress. He nuzzles your crown and his hot breath fans across your scalp. He sighs and embraces you tighter.
“I’m certain I did little to lessen your fatigue,” he snickers, “though I don’t think you will complain. Surely, you didn't sound unhappy at all.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson,” you agree.
You feel him tense and he puffs a longer breath into your hair. He slackens his hold on you but doesn’t draw away. He hums, “sweet dreams, pet.”
You sway between bouts of dull sleep that makes your head ache and hollow restlessness that has you squirming against the body behind you. Mr. Laufeyson sleeps undisturbed by your fidgeting, much to your relief. That last thing you need is him waking up unhappy.
When at last he wakes, he does not free you. He pushes you onto your back and covers your mouth with his. He kisses you until you can’t breathe and when he pulls away, he gazes down at you. You just look back at him emptily. He frames your chin and tries again. This time, your cheeks dimple as you attempt a smile.
He recoils and sits up, putting his back to you. You think he’s displeased but you can’t tell. He can seem so when he’s thinking. What could he be agitated by anyway? You’ve only let him do what he wants.
He’s silent as he rises and dresses. You do the same, picking a plum skirt and a white blouse. You sit to pull on your stockings and catch Mr. Laufeyson watching you. His eyes crawl up from your leg to your face. He quickly turns away.
“I have some calls to make,” he takes his phone from the side table and brusquely marches to the doors.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson,” you confirm.
He stops, his hand on the door handle and his head tilts. He seems about to say something before he rips the door back. He swallows loudly before he finds his voice, “my mother should have breakfast ready, you may join her.”
He leaves and the door closes a bit too harsh for your comfort. What now? What have you done? And what calls does he need to make? Perhaps he got one. Maybe she… No, don’t think about that. It doesn’t matter.
You go to check your reflection and tidy up. You peer around the room. You can’t stay in here. It just reminds you of last night and all your confusing thoughts. Not just thoughts, feelings.
You let yourself out and look up and down the hall. You go downstairs and wade through the quiet morning lull. Gertrude is in the kitchen chopping fruit with a large knife. You don’t know what to do, you think you’re too early.
A figure startles you as its shadow darkens over your shoulder. You shuffle aside and turn to face Odin as he enters, an empty cup in his hand. Gertrude comes forward to take it from him with a “good morning, sir.”
“Ah, there she is,” he greets you, “have you had a coffee? Tea?”
You shake your head, “no, but I…” You don’t want one. You don’t want anything but to be alone. You turn our head to look out the window at the rustling leaves brushing against the pane.
“I always found the morning air did me more good than caffeine,” Odin says, “would you like to see the gardens?”
“Sir, I–”
“Please, enough of that,” he waves away the formality, “you would do me a favour. It isn’t often I have someone to walk with me.”
You look at him and bite your lip, “of course.”
“Wonderful,” he proclaims and waves you ahead of him. You go around to the back entry way and stop by the door. You look at the mat then around. You don’t have any shoes.
“Ah, these will do,” he bends and pulls out a pair of plaid gray slippers, “a bit big but we can go slow.”
He turns them towards you and stands, waiting for you to step into them. He has a pair of leather shoes already on his feet. You thank him quietly as you slide your feet in. He opens the door for you, again letting you take the lead.
He points you across the veranda and offers his hand for you to descend the steps onto the stone path. You take each stair carefully, not wanting to lose the overly big slippers. As you get to the bottom, he rescinds his hand and offers an arm instead. You hook yours through his and let him guide you.
You quickly lose yourself in the scenery and your worries. The green leaves, the creeping vines, the fluttering petals. It’s all so beautiful. You don’t belong there.
You lower your head, as if just looking upon it all is a crime. You should be at home with your father. A pang jabs deep between your ribs as you think of him. You haven’t even called. You’ve barely given him a single thought. You must be as selfish as he always accused you.
You keep your feet moving in tandem with Odin’s but pay little attention to your path. He slows and stops you as a trickling plucks in the air. You peek up and see a large plinth with water flowing down the sides. A wonderful fountain in the midst of a square basin dug into the earth.
“I come here to think. Or not to,” he explains, gesturing you towards a carved wooden bench. You sidle along and sit and he lowers himself with you, his arm still entwined with yours. “I can see you are in need of both.”
You shake your head and focus on the flowing water. Your cheeks pinch and your lips tauten across your teeth. You can’t cry. Not in front of him.
“You are homesick?” He asks gently as he pats your arm with his free hand.
You nod.
“It is only human. I remember…” he leans against you, “when I was young, if ever I truly was, and I went away from home for school. I was so very excited. My whole life I’d been sheltered, eh. My mother had me close all the time. I went to a private school with walls that shut out the world. And after the years of what felt like a prison, I couldn’t wait to be away, to be free.
“And my first day alone, sitting in my dorm, so proud of the Hendrix poster on my wall, I broke down. I bawled for hours. I couldn’t stop. I’d never ever cried like that. But I went down to the RA and asked to use the phone. I called my mother and…” he snaps his fingers, “in an instant, no tears. And even when she hung up, I was alright, because I knew I could always call her back.”
You sniff, your eyes stinging. He doesn’t know you can’t call your father. You don’t want him to know that.
“You went to college?” You ask.
“Mm, yes, wasted a bit too much time there,” he sighs, “but you won’t fool me, girl. Who do you miss so much?”
You shrug and hang your head. You don’t even know if you really miss your father. You know he doesn’t miss you. All you know is he’s sick and you’re hear, sitting in this splendour, buying new dresses, and eating fine cheeses.
“My father…” you croak.
“Ah fathers, they are… complicated.”
You nod and gulp tightly. You lift your head and peek over at him, “he hates me.”
The words strangle you once they’re out. There it is. The truth. There’s no taking it back. 
It only took you thirty years to figure it out. You never had anything to compare it too but seeing Frigga dote on her children, just her asking you how you are, sparked the revelation. Then there was the other side, the dejection, the constant reminders that you are only good for what you can give, not what you are. That’s the only way your father ever treated you.
“I’m certain he doesn’t,” Odin coos gently.
“No, he does,” your lip downturns and tugs on your cheeks, “I always knew it but I wanted so desperately for him to love me that I… I told myself… that he did or that he could.”
You tear your arm free and stand. You hide your face as you try to smother the sudden eruption of sobs. What is wrong with you? You sweep away, facing the foliage at the other end of the fountain and heave, shoulders shaking.
“I’m so sorry,” you whimper. “I shouldn’t–”
“Do not apologise. I won’t accept it,” he insists as he rises and hovers close to you, “you’ve nothing to be sorry for. How you feel is not an offence.”
“I don’t want to go home,” you turn to him, “I want to disappear.”
His eyes sparkle and his features soften, “dear…”
“No, I do. I don’t want to be here or anywhere. I don’t belong. Not here, not there, not on this planet.”
“Oh my,” he puts his hands gently on your shoulders and angles you towards him, “you feel that way, but feelings are not always true.”
“It’s true. I’m… I’m just a maid. I’m not… I’m not…”
“You are exactly where you should be,” he says, “you are here with me.” He pulls you against him, trapping you in his arms. He brings a hand to the back of your head and cradles it, pressing your cheek to his shoulder. He rocks you gently, “you are safe and you are wanted.” He pets your hair as he holds you, “you are worthy.”
You bring your arms around, clinging to him, clinging to safety. You bury your face in the soft fabric of his shirt and weep. You weep until you're dizzy and raw and spent. And when you’re drained, you don’t let go. You can’t. 
You just want to stay here with the birds and the insects and the rippling fountain. You want to hide away in this menagerie and never come out. Yet you know you must. Not right now, not just yet. But eventually, you have to tuck it all away again and face the world.
For now, you’ll just let him hold you.
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