#feel alone
goldenpoet1 · 4 months
These past few days, I've been sober. I left my emotions dormant. Drinking demons to fix the leaking pipes like duck taped wrapped around a water hose. The problem wasn't addiction; no, it was the feeling of not feeling. Not feeling the pain, tiredness, depression, anxieties, alone, problems, not hearing the voices, and the brokenness. It was the novicane to the pain like a toothache. Addiction is the feeling that it gives you; the comfort of not being alone. Not alone from the outside world but in your head. That dark place you get trapped at sometimes. Now I feel everything, overwhelmed and overflowed of feelings that I thought I would hide. I thought it was dormant, but it just became more torment. Yet, these past few days, I've been sober.
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mikrhsnobara · 1 year
I just a family that loves me..is it too much to ask for?
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lovejunkie97 · 29 days
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khaosritual · 2 months
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pineapplepanduh · 1 month
The sun is holding out just a bit longer, casting the warm glow over her skin and making her eyes twinkle. I should be feeling the warmth of her body, the softeness of her lips, the deftness of her fingertips...I should be caressing her skin, feeling the give of her flesh under my teeth as I bite down and mark her, thinking that she's my one and only, that she's mine...I should be holding her thighs apart as I dive my tongue between her folds and plunge into her depths, my ears poised to hear the sweet sounds she makes. I should be cuddling her. I should be making her tea. I should be telling her I love her. I should be doing a lot of things with her...but I can't do any of that because she's not with me.
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smsmatamba1-blog · 1 year
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64sue · 4 months
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I fuckin hate new year's eve fuck...
I hate those all celebrations, fireworks, parties, people...
I've never had a good time on new year's eve, and honestly I don't wanna
idk but I hate everything and everyone especially on new year's eve idk why
on every single fuckin year I hate myself more and more because of it...
idk I just want to go to sleep like it was a normal night.....
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emotionally I feel so alone and I feel absolutely not entitled to feel these emotions...
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goldenpoet1 · 1 year
I REMEMBER that day.
I REMEMBER the loneliness I felt
I REMEMBER the cards that life dealt.
I REMEMBER when the pain hurt so much, my spirit started to melt.
I REMEMBER the tears that only the rain could understand and relate to.
I REMEMBER the darkness I walked through alone.
I REMEMBER my soul being ripped like paper in a shredder. Not once being able to be put back together.
I REMEMBER it locking it away with self-loathing dditlctions.
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mikrhsnobara · 1 year
Did you ever feel so lonely even though you have friends? Because you know if they have to choose, it won't be you.
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sensationsart · 11 months
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feel alone
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nakedthoughtz · 1 year
why do i always fuckin hv to pretend tht I'm happy even though I don't feel it
But it's like I don't feel sad either
Like I don't wanna die but i won't care even if I did but i can't say tht to anyone cuz apparently it's not a normal thing or some shit...
Or maybe I do wanna die cuz maybe then I'd feel nothing cuz I wouldn't exist so atleast I'd hv a reason...
PS- ik tht sounds fucked up nd I don't even know if it makes sense but actually who tf cares anyway
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byidem · 11 months
I need love, but I need even more money 🤑
Please, don't hate me 💕
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smsmatamba1-blog · 1 year
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thousandyears3005 · 1 year
Aprendo qualsiasi tipo di social vedo solo gente che posta grigliate, gente che sta insieme a bere con gli amici in un parco, oppure persone che si sono presi il ponte per poter far una gita fuori porta.
E io lavoro, pranzo e cena ma non è un problema, oppure non la prendo come altri miei colleghi che stanno, come dire, "rosicando" per il fatto di non essere con le loro persone.
Ma forse è qui il problema, o almeno i pensieri di oggi si focalizzano sul fatto che fossi stato libero a pranzo non avrei concluso nulla perchè non ho quel tipo di amicizie qui, or maybe dovrei meglio dire non ho amicizie qui. Ma la cosa mi disturba?
Honestly vedere praticamente la stessa stories o foto in loop, tutti felici (o così pare), tutti insieme, un po mi fa rimanere.. little down, ma poi riflettendoci su penso che io non sono quello. Non sono quel tipo di persona che riesce a trovare soddisfazione o piacere, se così si può definire, nel stare ore seduto al tavolo a mangiare o bere, o oziare su una sdraio al sole o al parco. Naah thanks.
Però qui ulteriore pensiero; non sono quella persona che enjoya fare queste cose, con altre persone; probabilmente in un universo parallelo se avessi avuto una cerchia di amicizie che mi invitavano e io avessi potuto, senza lavoro o altri cazzi, avrei probably rifiutato, ma perchè stare con altra gente per un asociale del cazzo come il sottoscritto please no. Ma allora dico: di cosa ti lamenti?
Del fatto che ti senti solo (forse perchè effettivamente lo sei) oppure che non hai qualche amicizia con cui fare quello che fanno tutti? Ma se li avessi ti inventeresti ogni tipo di scusa pur di evitare di stare in quel tipo di situazioni, lo sappiamo.
Amo il mio saper stare solo, senza aver bisogno di qualcuno really, ma a volte questa "consapevolezza" contrasta con la solitudine invece vera e propria, e se mentre in me c'è una parte che ama farsi i suoi 2-3 joint la sera/notte alone, l'altra vorrebbe qualcuno accanto, magari di "stabile" idk..
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