#fast multiplication tricks
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edusquaremaths · 1 year
Square of numbers around 100 Part-2 | #squaretrick #vedicmaths #mathtricks #shortvideo #vedicmaths
Square Tricks | Maths Tricks | Vedic Maths| Square tricks for 99, 98, 97, 96…Cool tricks by @EduSqaureMathsSquare Tricks | Multiplication Tricks | Maths Tricks | Vedic Mathsshorts #short #shortvideo #mathsedusquaremaths #squareofanumber
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ozzgin · 5 months
Girl I love Daitou but I'm ngl I need more of Yazuya😭 if you can, can you write headcanons about him please? I'd appreciate it thank you <3
I was wondering if he’d end up mentioned at some point haha. Most definitely I can. I might just turn this into HCs for both of them, since the story parts so far didn’t have much romance.
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader Headcanons
Ultimate dating guide and palate cleanser featuring the gangster boys (Kazuya and Daitou). For those that have been left hanging for proper romance.
Main story: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Tags: @swagbucksjester @lucienbarkbark @moonieper @nu-vino @vee-love @tamaki-simp @pinkazelma
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Kazuya was raised in a brothel, surrounded by women, so he is much more knowledgeable than the average man when it comes to feminine matters. Similar to someone who grew up having sisters, you can talk to him about anything and everything and not only will he be empathetic towards your problems, but he might offer tips and tricks you didn’t even know about. Not too shocking when he’s already heard multiple variations of whatever is bothering you.
The downside to his upbringing is that intercourse has always felt terribly transactional to him. He has a hard time associating it with intimate relationships. He will flirt a lot with you, but despite all the sexual innuendos, he won’t actually do anything until later in the relationship. He struggles with the irrational worry that sex will somehow taint the quality of your bond, making it feel cheap. Dating you has helped him realize that such things can be done out of love as well.
He is extremely affectionate and well mannered when dealing with you. Which may sometimes cause you to forget there’s a reason him and Daitou are good friends. While he isn’t as ill-tempered as his younger self, it doesn’t take much to anger him still. It’s a rare occurrence for you to witness it, but when he has it out for someone, he nearly matches Daitou in ruthlessness. He's very prideful and protective and will not hesitate to crush whoever challenges him or messes with you.
If you have a group of (girl)friends, you can confidently bring him with you with the only risk being that he’ll steal your spotlight. He can charismatically slide his way into any kind of conversation and you can hardly believe that this is the same man cracking gross jokes over his latest murder to his fellow criminal buddies. You might consider him a social chameleon, having no trouble adapting to any environment.
Smokes like a chimney and you have to slap the cigarette out of his hand sometimes because he’ll just light one up anywhere (including your bedroom).
Now this one is for the ones that are into it: God forbid you accidentally call him Daddy because he’ll ride that high until the end of time. He loves the idea and will tease about it with every opportunity. “Terrible weather today. Should Daddy drive you to work instead?”, or “Is that any way to talk to Daddy?” for when you’re out in public.
One neat detail about being with Daitou is that you get to see a lot of things you took for granted in a new light. Whatever you assumed was a common experience for everyone, like having a picnic or going to the amusement park, is utterly foreign to him. He was raised by the Yakuza and barely interacted with anyone before meeting Kazuya; civilian past times were never presented to him. So you get to witness his shocked and delighted expression as he tries all these things with you.
Thankfully you don’t have to worry about teaching him the…intimate aspects of a relationship. Kazuya has that covered. And Daitou seems to be a rather fast learner, because he’s incredibly gentle and careful with you. Part of it is due to his own fear of messing it up. He’s only ever been good at breaking and killing people. Despite that, he loves you so much. He has to be the best boyfriend for your sake. Surely these hands of his can do more than just damage.
He might actually be a little too eager to learn the ropes. More than once you’ve walked in on him reading a graphic manga and nearly choked, mumbling an apology for interrupting his…activity. He’ll look at you with a confused expression, completely unbothered and wondering why you’re so embarrassed. He was flipping through the pages for ideas, given he’s never had any kind of experience himself. Ah. That explains the random kinky gestures he’s started doing without shame or doubt. You’ll have to do some tweaking in the near future.
This may come as a surprise, but Daitou is exceptionally good at household chores like cleaning and cooking. Registering with the Yakuza involves a mandatory apprenticeship of several years where you do menial tasks for your higher ups. Additionally, the time he served in jail has left him with a lot of discipline and organization. Somewhere between adorable and comical is how you’d describe the sight of him kneeling on the floor and carefully folding the kitchen towels while waiting for the stew to simmer.
Daitou isn’t exactly what you’d traditionally call jealous. His only frame of reference is Boss, thus he will treat you with the same kind of loyalty and dedication. You wouldn’t expect a mere nobody to walk up to the Head of the Family, so anyone approaching you will, similarly, be violently kept away until their intentions are clear. You are his most prized possession, after all. He’d do anything for you.
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𝔉𝔞𝔴𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔬𝔫
Hello dears! Here is the fourth part of my “of the season” series(?)!
Pairing: Alastor x Fem doe!reader
Summary: The two deers finally welcome their baby
Warning: childbirth, nursing, mentions of smut, pregnancy, a whole lotta fluff:)
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Alastor knew one thing for sure, he couldn’t wait to meet his little fawn. To hold it in his arms, protect it. His paternal instinct went into overdrive. He suddenly remembered the way Y/N acted when she was in heat, her body being tricked into thinking that a fawn needed a mother, that a fawn needed her. The way her body was singing to him, the way she made her nest bigger at the thought of him. The way she had a bit more meat on her, he could never forget the softness of his doe. Only now… it wasn’t a trick, she really was expecting. And he had to make sure that everything went perfectly. However, as the days went by, his urges became stronger and more powerful, that only meant one thing… The fawn was due any day. And that day came soon enough…
The deers were fast asleep in their bed, limbs tangled together, but Y/N woke up to an uncomfortable sensation. She felt pressure inside of her, not necessarily painfully, but it was not comforting either. She knew it was time, she had been sensing it for a while. Her now big bump dropped a bit, her womb lowering itself so their baby has an easier time getting out. She also sensed it on herself and Alastor. Her mind constantly chanting to her. Bigger nest, bigger nest, more room for fawn, more room for fawn, fawn fawn fawn. She could barely contain her laugh when she noticed Alastor mirroring her behavior. He was as restless as her, and he spent many hours with her in their nest, their bodies just needing to bask in each other’s comforting scent and touch.
“Alastor? Darling?!” She shook him awake, she couldn’t possibly go back to sleep now.
He was instantly alert and barely sitting upright in bed, with a huge palm over her belly in protectiveness. “It’s time isn’t it?” His instincts immediately realized what was going on. “Should I call Rosie?” He already reached for the wired telephone beside them, but his mate stopped him.
“Let’s wait until we’re sure I’m in labor. It could be a false one.” She said in a soft tone, but they both knew this was the real deal. It was still best to wait a bit though, in the past two weeks, they had multiple times when they thought their baby wanted it’s arrival, but it was not it.
“You’re right, doe.” She laid on her back and his hands were already fluffing her back into the sheets and pillows. “Stay here and attempt to rest while I make you some tea.” He planted a kiss on her lips and belly before walking downstairs to make the tea. He could think while the water was heating up in the kettle. He didn’t only just wait for her to give birth so he could hold his fawn, but so she could be comfortable as before. He knew she adored being pregnant, she loved that she could protect her baby in her own womb, she was growing it and keeping it warm. But with pregnancy, came pain. It was no secret that her belly was huge, a bit bigger than usual, Rosie was the one drawing attention to it, when the deers were over for tea.
“My, my, darling.” She put her manicured palm on her swollen belly. “Well, won’t we have a blast getting this babe out! It will be a meaty one!” Y/N looked at Rosie with wide eyes.
“But there won’t be any complications, right?” She grabbed Alastor’s hand in a panic.
“There shouldn’t be any. I mean… Alastor is a tall gentleman, ain’t he, and maybe the baby will be as big as the daddy? And you are at the very end of your pregnancy.” Rosie patted his shoulder.
Alastor kissed his mate’s neck, where he bit her, and spoke in a calming tone. “Don't worry your pretty head about it, all will be well.”
He was pouring the water when he heard her shriek and a call of his name. The worst possible scenarios came to his mind, but he was somewhat relieved when he found her in their bed. At first he didn’t see the issue, until he saw the big wet spot under her, the soaked sheets. His smile crept upwards, just like her own did. She just leaned to the side and picked up the phone, calling Rosie.
Alastor needed a second before he got down to helping her. While she was on the phone, he got out warm towels and warm water to bring into the guestroom. He fluffed the bed as much as he could before going back to the bedroom. The sight waiting for him made his heart tighten, Y/N was struggling to get out of the bed because of the size of her belly. He immediately rushed to her rescue. “There, there, doe.” He got her up on her two feet and looked down between them, he only saw the belly obviously, but not for long. He got her a towel and wiped away the fluid of her womb on her skin, then helped her change into a nightgown. He sat her down into the armchair so he could quickly change their soaked bedding.
“I can help, you know.” She said from the armchair with a toothy grin.
“Ha! No.”
“I want to, and I will he—“ she suddenly felt a caress on her tummy, his shadow. It made her sit back down, enjoying the cool stroking on her warm skin. She was unaware of the shit eating grin on Alastor’s face. She was his mate, he always knew what she needed, which was perfect in her pregnant state. Her hormones made her hot always, loose dresses were completely overtaking her closet. And Alastor always made sure that they had a shit ton of ice at home.
When the bed was clean, he picked her up again and brought her to the guest room, gently putting her down on the bed. He made sure everything was in place before kneeling next to the bed beside her, taking some time to say goodbye to the bump.
He caressed and kissed her skin. “I can’t wait to meet you, my litt—“ He noticed her face screwing up and her whole body tensing. “What is it?!” He went into panic mode immediately.
“I-I think it’s the contractions. I had a few before, but they weren’t s— OW!” As if on cue, Rosie stormed into the room. Of course, looking perfect and fabulous as always.
“I see Mama is getting contractions.” She put her bags down that contained every supply that would be needed for delivering. The back of her hand came up to stroke Y/N’s forehead, an attempt to calm her down. Rosie went in front of the bed and flipped Y/N’s dress up, to see where they were. She checked her and began giggling. “Oh, my! The baby isn’t really wasting any time, I believe we can begin. Darling, I need you to spread your legs as wide as you can.”
Alastor’s ears were twitching, this was it. “What can I do to help?!” He was restless, he needed to help his mate.
“Get behind her and hold her legs!” The cannibal woman instructed. And of course, he complied.
He took off his shirt and got behind Y/N, he knew that the feeling of his skin on hers would calm her down.
Her skin nearly burned his, but she just gave him a smile and laid the back of her head on his shoulder.
“Rosie, is she supposed to be this warm?” He was stressing, like… really stressing.
“Hmm, let’s try taking this nightgown off, okay, dear?” Y/N nodded her head eagerly, desperate for anything to cool her down.
Alastor gently peeled her dress off and held her legs back. He was truly amazed how his doe’s body fought to birth their baby. How her legs naturally bowed for easier delivery. He felt her body tense and her delicate hand tightened on his arms. She started pushing with all of her might.
“Just push whenever you feel the need to.” Rosie’s fingers started pressing down on her lower tummy and womb, checking the baby’s position. “Okay, lovely, the baby is in the right position.”
She was whimpering in his arms, tears were flowing down her cheeks. It broke his heart, seeing her in such pain and knowing that he was the one who put her in this position. But he also knew that in a matter of minutes, they would have their own fawn to hold. He kissed her and embraced her from behind. “It hurts so much, Alastor…”
“My love, it will be over soon. Soon, you will hold your little baby in your arms, our little baby. You are so strong, I know you can do it.” That urged her to push harder.
“Good, good. I can see the head!” Rosie reached in to help the baby’s shoulder out. A thing about hellborn babies, they are beautiful and different from human newborns.
Seconds later, het body tensed for the final time and she let out a huff of relief. Then there was silence, until a little cry was heard. Moments later, Rosie put the wailing baby on Y/N’s naked chest, and she gently enveloped the baby in her arms, with eyes full of tears.
“Oh, my baby!” Alastor reached forward and checked the baby. “Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes.”
“Congratulations, my deers! You’re parents to a beautiful baby boy!” Rosie spoke, while bringing the water and tower to clean the baby and Y/N.
The baby was gorgeous, looking exactly like Alastor. Dark red fur, big red eyes, but there were certain elements from his mama. While he had Alastor’s eyes, they were framed by his mama’s doe eyes.
He was clean and bundled up, resting in the embrace of his parents. “Let me get some water and something sugary!” Said Rosie before leaving the room.
“What are we naming this little one?” Asked Alastor, his eyes were warm and full of love towards his baby.
“He looks like a little gentleman, so something elegant. How about… Vincent Hartfelt?” It fit their baby perfectly, so they stuck with it.
After Rosie came back and Y/N gulped down the water, they were talking in more detail about the healing process. Alastor didn’t hear a word, he was busy cradling the tiny fawn to his chest, letting his tiny cheek nuzzle into his father’s fur.
“You might bleed for a bit, so baby Vincent won’t be the only one with diapers.” Rosie joked. “And if you feel sore, a hot bath always helps. And—“
Both Rosie and Alastor snapped their heads towards Y/N when they heard a weak whimper from her. She was gripping the sheets again, her body tensed up completely. “Probably just your body recovering from birth, darling.”
But in the next few minutes, while Alastor was putting the baby into the crib, Y/N started pushing more frequently, until she spoke with a panicked voice. “Something is happening!” She said between her clenched teeth, body shivering from the intense pain.
The cannibal woman wasted no time to get between her legs again. “OH SHIT! The other fawn is coming.”
“The other what?” The deers said in unison.
“No time for chit-chat, I see the head!” The doe pushed with all of her remaining strength, and a wet sound indicated that their other fawn was out, followed by a sweet cry.
Y/N once again embraced the baby, the mates blinked at it, still surprised from the dramatic entrance. Moments later, the shock turned into joy. Rosie delivered the placenta, her body indicating that there were no more fawns coming.
A quick clean up by Rosie and the second little bundle was wrapped up too.
“A healthy girl!” Both of them kissed around the baby doe’s tiny face, which was followed by a sleepy coo. She was gorgeous, and a perfect clone of Y/N. She also had her father’s colors and red dark eyes.
“What a beauty… She looks just like her Mama, I always knew your beauty will bless hell even more so.” Said Alastor, who was trying hard not to tear up, Y/N hadn’t even bothered minding the happy tears running down her cheeks.
“We each got our little clones, Vincent will grow into the most handsome gentleman in hell!” The need to hold her other baby consumed her. You really thought the motherly instinct would settle? They are just getting started. “By the way, what would you like to name this little one?” the doe asked, looking at Alastor with big tearful eyes.
“Heidi. Heidi Hartfelt.” He just knew that as he was looking down at his child.
“It’s perfect.” Y/N nuzzled the side of her face to her mate’s cheeks. “I love you, and I love our babies. Forever, and ever.”
“Oh, my darling. I love you more than words can say, my love for you and the fawns go beyond everything and anything. I would die for you a million times more.” He kissed her deeply, both of their tails wiggling in excitement.
While Rosie held the baby girl, Alastor carried his doe back into their bedroom. Once she was in bed, under the sheets with her back leaning against the many feathery pillows, Alastor came up beside her with Vincent in his arms and Rosie handed Heidi to Y/N.
Rosie stayed for a little bit, in case any after birth effect happened to Y/N that would need to be tended to. She was sitting in the armchair beside the bed, sipping some tea. “I cannot say I’m surprised. The twins explain the huge belly, I should have known. But look at that size difference!” She was onto something, Vincent was much bigger than Heidi. “And, proper deers have twins most of the time, I didn’t think that was also true for deer sinners.”
“I am overfilled with joy that Heidi decided to come along.” Alastor said proudly.
After Rosie shared and wrote down some tips and stuff for them, she left, but not before giving both the babies and their mama a kiss on the forehead.
“So then there were two…” Y/N said out of nowhere, admiring the little fawns she gave life to.
“Then there were two.” Said her mate, also lost in the love he felt. “My darling, I could never thank you enough for giving us two beautiful babies. I could never thank you enough for letting me take care of you, and welcoming me inside of you, both body and soul. I promise you, there will never be a second when I won’t protect you, care for you and cherish you.”
“I know. I am so proud to call you my mate, and I know I am the happiest I can be. Because of you, and these little ones.”
As if on cue, Vincent woke up and started fussing around restlessly in Alastor’s arm, he weeped quietly. Which of course, caused his sister to wake up too, but she shrieked with all of her might. Y/N’s instincts instantly knew what was going on, her fawns were hungry. “Hold her for a second?” She passed Heidi to Alastor to remove the top of her nightgown. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw the milk already dripping from her nipples. He gave her Vincent and he managed to latch on easily, however Heidi was putting up quite the fight.
“Oh, little darling… If you would stop screaming for a second, you could see that Mama is trying to feed you.” Alastor chuckled, he gently got a hold on the back of her head, and with the other hand, he guided his mate’s nipple into the wailing mouth. And from the on, the only thing that was heard in the room was the eager suckling. Y/N leant her head back, while holding and nursing two babies at once.
“You just feed, my loves, you must be so hungry and tired. You spent so much time growing this beautiful in my tummy…”
Alastor thought he might burst with pride, his doe was so very clever. His chin was resting on her shoulder, his eyes were relaxed, and his fingers were constantly stroking a fuzzy little head. He suddenly noticed with a chuckle that Vincent had a drop of milk running down his chin, so he reached down and wiped it away, only to put his finger into his own mouth and tasting the sweetness on it. “I must say I am quite jealous.”
Y/N giggled and whispered into his ear in a seductive voice. “Plenty more from where that came from, as soon as I heal, mommy and daddy can have their own feeding.” She pressed a kiss beside his lips, that had a love dazed grin on them. “Oh, would you look at that!” Both babies were asleep, each having a nipple hanging out of their mouths, completely milk drunk.
They couldn’t let them sleep without burping them, so their little stomach wouldn’t get upset from the excess air. The buck was about to get up to put the babies into the nursery, when Y/N spoke, still snuggling both babies into her arms. “Can you please bring the crib beside our bed? Please, I cannot bear to be away from them.” She said, using her doe eyes.
His eyes softened even more, his mate’s wishes were his commands.
With a snap of his fingers, two bassinets appeared in front of their bed. “Good night, my tiny fawns.” Y/N pressed one more kiss to the foreheads before handing them to Alastor. Once they were bundled up and fast asleep, he leaned into the bassinets and planted kisses on each faces.
He fluffed himself beside his love and she nuzzled herself into him with a purr. “Rest up now, my love. You did so amazing, but you need to let your body rest.”
“I know.” She mumbled, half asleep and snuggled into him completely.
He couldn’t help falling asleep with a big smile on his face. No one in hell beside his little family knew that the Radio Demon never felt happier.
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“Lyra, it’s impossible that Y/N was unaware that she was having twins!”
Hold my beer.
Jokes aside, I hope you liked it! And I want to say that the support I got for these series really means a lot to me, so thank you<3
taglist: @jyoongim @lovingyeet @adamwarlockislife-blog @that-dumb-bitch @midorichoco @alastorswifeee @littlekacchan @sugurubabe @captainfia @alastorssimp @iheartalastor @speedycoffeedelight @1o-o @kimmis-stuff @qu1cks1lversb1tch @chibistar45 @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @lillylovesalastorsm1
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Can we do platonic yandere octorio with octo merchild oc that lives in ramshackle and is very scared of them and inks or runs away whenever she sees them and has threatened to strangle or ink them on multiple occasions
I'm not a fan of making ocs unless they're entirely my own
So this is going to be an x reader like usual
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Octopus Merchild Reader Scared of Octavinelle | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
It’s a reasonable response to be afraid of those twins that joke about squeezing your friends 
and the ‘sleazy’ man with the glasses trying to trick you
Worse for wear if you discover they too have a connection to the big deep sends you running
And even your newfound friends are curious as to why you don’t seem to click with those that understand you best
“I-its smart of me to run! Bigger ones always eat the small ones and without mama I can’t risk it!” 
By the time the Octotrio get ahold of your philosophy
They’re chuckling to themselves with a new mission in mind
“Oi oi oi little octopus! Where ya runnin to so fast?”
“Not your bus’ness!”
“Oh really? But don’t you want help from your seniors?”
“Not you two, you’ll just eat me when I turn my back!”
“But you can’t really stop us can you, with those tiny arms of yours.”
“I-i’ll ink you! I’ll do it right now!”
“Go ahead then.”
“...L-leave me alone.”
Your protests are nothing compared to them as your stronger seniors 
You’ll just have to deal with your abhorrent fear
Because Azul has taken it upon himself to work a little deal out with Crowley
And you won’t be staying in that dusty, hazardous, shack much longer
Not when your big brothers are here to raise you right
“Now now (Y/N) let’s be reasonable, you're a big kid aren’t you?”
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traaanskimkitsuragi · 2 years
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#im surprised tbh this felt like i had at least 300 deaths in it#unexpectedly i had more deaths in 2c??#celeste#that final screen was so sadistic#it took me some time to fully understand the cycles because they were so tight AND i had a dude chasing me#it *was* really nice of them to put a stamina gem at the final bit though where you need to boop his head#that part looked really scary but surprisingly it was one of the easier parts#the only thing i struggled with there was properly dashing into the heart#on my first couple attempts i just bounced off of it like a dumbass bc i dashed too early#i will say it did feel good when i finally mastered the rest of the cycle. i could zoom through it really fast#to get back to where i was dying#but i did get really discouraged at one point because i felt so confused about what i was supposed to do#i felt rlly frustrated and almost cried tbh dhskjhfjdks#the only reason i didnt give up was bc this has happened multiple times already#and i know that if i just keep trying ill get it eventually#the trick is to not actually care#and to treat the game more as a way to busy ur hands#that way you stop panicking whenever you reach the harder parts and you can actually execute each move properly#or at least thats what works for me#a lot of times i tend to panic dash too early because i overestimate how fast i fall#or how far my dash can reach#so if im calm when i get to those parts i can delay the dash to space it properly#anyway this is a really good game :] i feel like its made me a lot more openminded w diff genres#(hollow knight also did that but this has continued the trend)#i wouldve never played a skill based story-lite platformer before but im rlly enjoying this game#i will not be jumping into soulsbourne games bc those dont seem like smth id enjoy but ill probs be more willing to play games on like#a difficulty above easy
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stargazedwinchester · 2 months
Soft Sounds | Dean
Summary: Dean mocks you for listening to nature sounds/lo-fi music while you sleep.
Based off of this request here, thank you! <3
Word count: 996
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Sleeping with any sort of noise has always been so comforting for you, having to live with the loud sounds of the world, all of the trauma you've endeavoured keeps you awake at night, memories creeping back from the most horrific times in your life.
You bought yourself your own little white noise machine a week ago, it makes multiple different sounds, and your favourites are lo-fi music and rain/thunder sounds. It's not every night that you have to use this, though, but it really does help. Especially with sleeping alone, your brain loves to play tricks on you during your quietest hours.
Tonight, you turn on your machine, clicking the button on top to change which sound you'd prefer to hear tonight. Your door is slightly ajar, knowing that the brothers were in the kitchen sharing a couple of beers and catching up. You had already told them you're going to have an early night for once and try to catch up on a lot of sleep you've missed out on recently. Doing this could probably help your awful sleep schedule.
You change into your pyjamas, a t-shirt and shorts combo that you threw on from the night before. Trying to look good while you slept is never the first thought since you literally live with two men who couldn't give any less of a crap, also, you're not dating either of them. You climb into bed and throw the covers over you, moving your hair out of your face, and lay on your side. Scrolling through your phone, you try to focus on the sounds coming from your machine, and within minutes, you're knocked out.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
As Sam and Dean call it a night, Sam stays to watch a movie in the main room, whilst Dean makes his way down toward the bedrooms. He notices your bedroom door is still slightly open, and he assumes you're awake.
"Hey, Y/-" He pauses, seeing you're fast out with your phone screen lit up, the lights still on and some noise coming from a weird-looking radio. He frowns, not knowing what is going on. He very quietly makes his way into your bedroom, and locks your phone, placing it on your bedside table. He dims the lights as he pads on over to your radio. "What the Hell is this?" He asks himself, keeping his voice just above a whisper. He glances at the tiny screen that presents what's playing. "She sleeps to this?" He scoffs, and a small grin appears on his face. He looks back at you, huffing. "This is such a Y/N thing to have." He says, standing back up and glancing over at you. Why would she ever own something like this? He thought to himself. It's stupid.
Your positioning in bed makes Dean chuckle to himself. You quite literally take up the whole bed, sprawled out like a starfish. It's mostly funny to him because of how cute you look when you're completely conked out. Your hair in your face, your shirt slightly riding up your torso from the amount of times you've tried to get comfy. "Hold on, is that my shirt?" He laughs quietly, admiring how natural you are.
Dean usually goes for the typical blonde, blue-eyed type of girl. The ones that show that they know they're sexy, that they can get any man they desire, but you - you were different. You never gave a damn about how you looked. If someone liked you, you'd make sure they get every single side of you, every single flaw and weakness. Having Dean see you completely barefaced and look like you just collapsed on your bed was the least of your worries.
Dean's gaze hovers over you for another minute or so, he catches himself smiling, noticing how comfy you are. You shuffle, which scares him a little, panicking that you're going to wake up to him watching you sleep.
"Y-yeah?" He whispers, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"What are you doing in here?" You groan, wiping your hair out of your face, barely opening your eyes. "I um, heard your little radio thing and... I got curious." He says, an awkward smile appearing on his full lips. He reaches up and scratches the back of his head. You hum quietly in agreement with what he said. Whether Dean understood or not, it didn't matter. "Are you staying?" You mumble, shuffling yourself to the side to make more room. You quietly pat the side of the bed, inviting Dean to join you.
His heart skipped a beat. Sharing a bed with the only girl who genuinely liked him for him? It's almost unbelievable.
"Are you sure? I can go back to my room-"
"Dean, just get in." You say, pulling the covers open for him. His eyes lit up and the smile on his face looked as if it had been slapped on. He takes off his flannel shirt revealing his dark grey t-shirt underneath, and also taking his jeans off down to his underwear. He gently sits down on your bed, ensuring there's still enough space for you. He keeps his space, though, not wanting to give any wrong ideas. "Why were you looking at my machine?" You say, and Dean grins. "It looks weird. Why do you sleep with it?"
"It's to help me sleep."
"It's to help me sleep," He mocks, shutting his eyes. "Just sleep in silence, it's not that hard." He adds, and you huff. "So funny." You grin, slowly moving closer toward him. "It's nice though, really nice..." He trails, his eyes are fully shut, and his body is relaxing. "Come here," He says, adjusting himself so he's lying slightly above you, and you move in to lay on his chest, your leg intertwined with his. He keeps his arm rested above his head, his other hand caressing your hair. "This is nice," He mumbles, almost instantly drifting to sleep.
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kithtaehyung · 7 months
and f*ck you, too (m) (teaser) | pjm
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title: and f*ck you, too (m) (teaser) pairing: fuckboy assassin!jimin x assassin!reader(f) rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , smut ; work rivals!au, assassins!au, enemies with benefits  summary: you despise each other. and yet, you can’t seem to stay away. which is fine, since both of you are completely fine walking the line where it’s drawn. fic warnings: (smut warnings under the cut) language, violence, angst, blood/wounds (reader’s, jimin’s, and others’), cocky!jimin, cold!jimin, baddie!reader >:)), weapons: knives/guns, alcohol/drug mentions, reader has fast cars :))), ties to chairs, chains but who is shocked??, jimin has fast motorcycles🙄, angst, yoongi as a weapons specialist gets his own warning a ha ha, jimin looks too good in tanks, and without a shirt at all, this jimin is a warning in itself, did i mention angst? note: lmfaooooooo this is just assassins getting in each others’ ways with a generous splash of filth and a side of angst :)) WE ARE GETTING A PROPER JIMIN FIC, Y'ALL!! est. word count: 15-20k | teaser wc: 908 est. drop date: oct 2023 18+ taglist: sign up here (i check all blogs)
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smut warnings: explicit scenes, biting, bondage (ropes, pillowcase), scratching, angst, slapping, hickies, body worship, piercing play, spit play, orgasm denial, pussy spanking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, face riding, slut/whore mentions, edging, oral (m/f rec), thigh riding, possessive but they won’t admit it</3, choking, angry sex, angst lol, hair/head pulling, protected/unprotected sex, praise kinks galore, easy access, cowgirl, hitting from the back, rough sex, spanking, teasing, creampie, chains (stay on!!!!), multiple orgasms, aftercare when it’s least expected👀 
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Bullet casings.
So much broken glass.
As you listen in the scattered silence, you’re careful to skirt around the tiny shards making an ocean out of your villa.
Well. It’s now more of a wreckage than a beautiful seaside vacation home, but nuances mean nothing when you’ve only used it to store an eighth of your arsenal.
And your fucking pink McLaren that’s now face down in the nearest reef.
You are going to end this man. 
“Come out, my love…” 
Fuck him for double-crossing right when you were getting along.
At least, you felt like you were.
Maybe it was just a lapse in judgment, and the last goddamn mistake you’ll ever make around Park Jimin—assassin, playboy, sole occupant of the top of your hit list.
“Your target’s on the run, you know.”
Of course you’re fucking aware. But he won’t trick you a second time.
As soon as he gets a clear shot, he’s taking it.
And despite rivulets of sweat and blood running down your arm and a fresh gash on your upper chest, you are poised to do the exact same.
“Shouldn’t you be following them? Awhh, wait, your ride… What a shame.”
The gritting of your teeth almost gives you away. 
Based on where you hear Jimin and the layout of your place, he’s somewhere around the foyer. 
And hiding in an open hall next to your kitchen, there’s no way you can get him from where you’re poised.
So wait.
“What to do… Ah! I can call a taxi to pick you up! How does that sound?”
Wait, goddamn it. 
Don’t fall for his shit.
Watch for any dark waves in the debris-riddled floor. Hold off until he’s in a good sight line. 
Fuck, your wounds hurt. 
Hot exhaustion warms your mouth as you wince, blood starting to harden along your slick skin.
“Or you can just let them get away. This would be Chance Zero, though, so. You’d end up getting a geo-bounty on your file… but it’s your decision!”
Geo-bounties aren’t too bad if they’re low. 
Only when they evolve into Global status should you be worried. And that only happens if the Council deems it. 
You’ve stayed on their good side… other than screwing up the missions Park Jimin has ruined. 
“Come on, love.”
He sounds closer.
“Be a good girl.”
A lot closer.
Now you just have to wait until he… rounds the… corner.
…What happened?
Where the fuck did he—
Your body reacts before your mind does, ducking to avoid a strike into hard spackle. 
Twisting, your forearm prevents the next swipe of Jimin’s blade as you retrieve your side dagger, and four boots trample the glass below in a violent dance of combat.
Above below swipe left dodge right parry parry lunge parry.
When you aim at his chest, your gun is quickly shoved, bullet firing into one of the last kitchen cabinets left standing.
And your opponent has the nerve to look appalled.
“You were gonna shoot me?”
All you do is tsk.
Clashes ring out again as you dart forward, and you go for a opening while mapping out how the hell you’re gonna catch up to your target before—
Fucking hell! 
Chilling pain sears across your shoulder from the cut Jimin makes, and you half-stumble, half-crouch to avoid his killing blow. 
Taking the risk and rolling across your favorite broken vase, you slide and fire again, the kickback hurting your arms like a bastard. 
Through slitted eyes, you can tell you just grazed Jimin’s thigh, and he collapses to a knee while you struggle to stand upright. 
Crinkles of glass echo throughout the hall as you both haphazardly collect yourselves, with him breathing hard and you grunting through stinging pain.
Shit, he’s cursing like you’ve never heard before. 
But you can’t let that distract you from your goal. 
Up first, you aim your weapon just in time to face his expression.
Those wide eyes.
You have the perfect shot.
And yet…
You hesitate.
Time bends as you vascillate between decisions, your moral compass going haywire and refusing to align with any direction. Electricity fizzes and pops while another patch of your ceiling falls, but neither of you move.
Spare him. End it. Kiss him. Finish the kill.
Your heart squeezes the trigger.
And you fire at the light fixture above him before fast limping out to your garage. 
Curses ring in the falling shards while you make your getaway, fingerpainting the walls with swift red strokes.
Get there get there get there. 
Jimin won’t be far behind.
Ripping open the back door, you grit through the pain while swinging a heavy hand onto a glowing pad. 
After the blooming beeps, you swipe in a password before hitting Floor, and find ponderous support on the door while you wait.
Breathe. Breathe. Holy shit, everything hurts. Breathe.
At your feet, the solid garage foundation slides open to reveal a car rising on a platform. 
The other McLaren that Jimin didn’t launch off the nearest cliff.
Lamenting the leather interior already, you drag yourself to the drivers side with a series of groans, swiping a roll of wrappings and a couple gun magazines from a counter along the way. 
Run run run.
He’s probably right behind.
In seconds, you’re zooming out of the driveway.  
And with a bruised as fuck heart, you blast holes in Jimin’s motorcycle wheels for good measure.
tbc. :)
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what do we think bc i already wanna fight this man lol | join the taglist!
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a/n: thank you all for reading! if you did enjoy, please interact however you can! even a like is okay at this point, but all tags, reblogs, comments, and messages are super super appreciated :D see you at the droppppp hehehe ⇥ masterlist  ⇥ writing updates board
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writers-potion · 11 hours
Let's Talk About Pacing Our Fight Scenes.
For Fast-Paced Parts:
Short words with single syllables. Immediately > at once/ endeavour > try/ indicate > point at/ investigate > check out.
Short sentences, the shorter the better.
Partial sentences to blaze through multiple senses and actions within a few lines.
Short paragraphs
Lots of verbs.
Few adjectives and adverbs.
Cut down on -ing form of verbs, as it can make words longer
Use simple past tense
Avoid conjunctions and link words.
Avoid internal thought - your characters are irrational, ruthless and in the flow of pure action.
For Slow-Paced Parts:
Use medium/long sentences
the paragraphs are longer: three lines minimum
Include longer words with more syllables
Use adjectives and maybe a couple of adverbs.
Insert the thoughts of the PoV character.
Words for Action Scenes
act, alter, attack, avert, back, block, bang, bash, battle, beat, beg, belt, bend, best, bite, blacken, bleed, blind, blister, blow, blunt, boil, bolt, boot, bore, bow, box, brace, brag, brash, brawl, break, breathe, brush, buck, bulgde, burn, burst, cackle, call, can, carry, cart, carve, catch, check, chop, chuck, clack, clank, clap, clash, claw, clear, cleave, click, cliff, cling, clip, close, club, cock, coil, cold, collar, come, con, connect, corner, cost, count, counter, cover, cower, crack, crackle, cram, crash, crawl, creep, crinkle, cross, crouch, rush, cry, cuff, cull, cup, curl, curse, curve, cusp, cut, dart, dash, deepen, dig, deep, dip, ditch, drive, drop, duck, dump, ede, effect, erect, escape, exert, expect, feint, fight, fire fist, fit, flag, flare, flash, flick, fling, flip, flock, force, gash, gasp, get, gore, grab, grasp, grip, grope, group, hack, harden, heat, help, hit, hop, hurl, hurry, impale, jab, jar, jerk, join, jolt, jump, keep, kick, kill, knee, knock, knot, knuckle, leak, leap, let, lever, lick, lift, lock, loop, lop, plunge, mask, nick, nip, open, oppose, pace, pack, pain, pair, pale, palm, pan, pant, parry, part, pass, paste, pat, peak, peck, pelt, pick, pierce, pile, ping, piss, pit, pivot, plot, pluck, plug, plunge, ply, point, pool, pop, pose, pot, pound, pour, powder, pray, preen, prepare, prey, prick, prickle, print, probe, pry, pull, pulp, pulse, pump, punch, pursue, push, quarry, quarter, quest, race, raise, rake, ram, rap, rasp, rear, retreat, rip, riposte, rivert, roar, rock, roll, rope, round, rouse, run, rush, sap, scale, scalp, scan, score,scream, seek, seep, shake, shape, sharpen, shock, shoot, shop, slap, slap, slash, slice, slick, slip, slit, smash, snap, snare, snatch, snipe, sock, space, spar, spark, speed, spike, spill, spin, spit, splash, spoil, spring, spur, spurt, spy, squirm, stand, steert, step, stick, strap, strike, stuff, suck, support, swat, sweat, sweep, swingm tack, tag, take, target, taste, team, tear, tent, test, thrash, throw, thrust, thud, tick, tide, tilt, time, tire, top, toss, tower, toy, trap, trick, trigger, trip, triumph, trouble, trump, try, tuck, tug, twril, twitch, weaken, wet, whip, whirl, whirr, whoop, whoosh, whop, work, zap, zip.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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pandorxxx · 1 year
How it’s done (safe with us sequel)
Tonowari, Jake, Aonung, neteyam, and lo’ak x Metkayina fem reader (everyone is aged up)
Warnings: SMUT THE HOUSE, p in v, oral, squirting, pinning, spitting, praise kink, slight degrading kink, cursing, intense orgasms, (multiple men) (Train)
🔞Minors (and haters) do not interact🔞
He slid into you slowly until your pelvises kissed.“Mmmm yes!” You screamed, feeling him twitch inside as he stretched you to absolute capacity.
“Usually, you ask her if it’s ok to move. But it looks like she’s ready.” Tonowari chuckled, fucking into you fast and deep. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure, as you screamed to the top of your lungs with every thrust.
“Hold my hand, babygirl. You’re alright!” Jake muttered into your skin, leaving hickeys all over your body. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly as you felt a knot building in your stomach.
Tonowari kept a steady pace, watching you squirm under him. “Mmm, tight little pussy squeezing me just right.” Tonowari growled, grabbing your arms tightly, using them as leverage to angel his hips upwards, thrusting straight into your sweetspot.
“I-I’m gonna c-“ you whimpered, Tonowari cutting you off by speeding up the pace. “I know, Honey, just let go for me.” Just like that, you squirted hard, forcing him out of you. Jake tapped your clit repeatedly, making you squirt even harder as you screamed to the top of your lungs.
All three boys watched you come undone, completely turned on by the scene unfolding infront of them.
“Oh shit” Lo’ak mumbled, sliding his tongue across his bottom lip. “Fuck, she’s so hot.” Neteyam spoke softly, tilting his head to get a better look. “Fucking tell me about it.” Aonung replied, watching you squirm underneath his father.
“Such a good girl for us.” Jake praised, rubbing circles into your throbbing clit. You squealed, jolting from the overstimulation.
“You like when I rub this pretty clit of yours? Hmm?” Jake asked, flicking your sensitive clit to get a reaction out of you.
“Mmm, ngh-! Yes!” You screamed, rolling your hips to match his fingers. “Ha! So needy. Let me give you something to be needy for.” Jake growled, switching spots with Tonowari.
Jake held onto your thighs, probing your entrance with his throbbing tip. Tonowari took his place at the other side of the table, shifting your neck up so that he could see you clearly. Tonowari grabbed his cock, tapping it on your lips.
“Are you ready, honey?” Tonowari asked, smiling at you weakly. You nodded, opening your mouth for him and opening your legs wider for Jake. They both slid into you simultaneously, causing you to squeal loudly.
Jake immediately started thrusting into you at a fast pace. You were a moaning mess under him. You hummed on tonowari making him growl out loud.
“You like when I stretch your throat out, huh?” Tonowari spoke, glaring at the huge bulge in your neck. All you could do was nod, eyes rolling back as you felt Jake rutting into you like no tomorrow.
“This pussy is so tight, babygirl! So fucking tight!” Jake grunted, reaching down to your breast to use them as leverage to thrust into you deeply.
You let out a guttural moan, reaching down to grab jakes huge arm. “Ah! it’s ok baby girl . I’m almost done with you!” Jake growled, throwing his head back in pure bliss.
“These pretty lips, wrapped around my cock. You’re doing amazing.” Tonowari growled, thrusting into your mouth hard. You choked and gagged on his length, spit falling from your mouth as it dripped all the way down your neck. Your eyes were on the verge of shutting for good as you slipped in and out of consciousness.
“Going to sleep already, babygirl? Ha! And you’re nowhere near done.” Jake spat, slapping your face hard, trying to get you to wake up.
“I know what’ll do the trick.” Tonowari chuckled before pinching your nose, cutting off all airways. Your eyes immediately shot opened, and you gagged loudly.
“There we go, babygirl! Wake up!” Jake shouted, gripping your thighs. He angled his hips up, thrusting straight into your sweet spot. You whimpered around Tonowari’s cock, sending vibrations through his entire body. “Mmm, honey! You must want my cum down your throat, right?” He grunted, thrusting into your mouth at a fast pace. “Mhmmmm!” You moaned, eyes crossing as you felt him twitch inside of your mouth.
“All for you, honey! All for you!” Tonowari shouted, shooting his load to the back of your throat, thrusting in and out a couple of times to ride out his high. He pulled out of your mouth slowly, earning a loud gasp from you. Your eyes were watery, and you were panting at a fast pace.
“Ah! Now that that’s over.” Jake chuckled, bringing you up to him by your neck. He looked into your eyes, rutting into you relentlessly.
“s-sooo good!” You whined, throwing your head back as you felt his swollen tip slam into your sweet-spot with every thrust.
“I know babygirl, go ahead and cum for me.” He bit his lip, nodding at you before massaging your clit with his thumb. Your face balled up in pleasure, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach.
“I-I’m gonna c-“ you stuttered, Jake cutting you off briefly. “I’m not stopping you baby, let’s get it done.” Jake grunted, throwing his head back. You instantly attacked his neck with kisses as you wrapped your dainty hands around his huge arms. The knot in your stomach was unraveling quickly, and you started trembling in Jake arms. You squealed, laying your head on his chest as he caressed your hair. “Shh shhh! You’re ok baby girl, you can let go now.” Jake grunted, cradling your head.Just like that, you came hard on him, screaming to the top of your lungs as your eyes rolled back.
“You’ve got it baby, just like that!” Jake moaned, kissing your cheek as he thrusted into you slowly, helping you ride out your high. He hugged you tightly, engulfing you in his strong arms.
“Such a good girl! You’re almost done, ok?” He spoke softly, and all you could do was whimper in response. He pulled out of you slowly, watching your juices pool to the ground beneath him before turning to the boys.
“Alright, your turn boys. Let’s see if you’ve learned enough to get this pretty girl to cum again.” Jake snickered, rubbing your trembling back. Jake laid you down before making his way over to the boys. Tonowari pulled you back by your hair, kissed your lips, before taking his place next to Jake.
“Who would like to go first?” Tonowari asked, causing everyones hands to shoot up instantly. Jake and Tonowari laughed, watching how eager the boys were to get their feel.
“Well. Me and my boys are just guests. It’s only fair that Aonung goes first.” Jake spoke, patting Aonung on the chest. Aonung smirked, watching you climb all the way on the table, curling yourself into a ball.
Neteyam and Lo’ak clicked their teeth in frustration, before stepping back. “Don’t worry boys, their is enough of her to go around.” Jake smiled, grabbing both of their shoulders firmly.
“My son, you’re up!” Tonowari shouted in excitement as he lightly pushed Aonung closer to you. Aonung took a deep breath, walking over to your trembling body.
“wake up, my love.” He chuckled, pulling you up to him by your wrists. He supported your back with his strong arm, kissing your lips as he parted your legs. You twitched from the sudden feeling of his hand running up your thigh.
“P-lease g-go slow. I’m s-so sensitive.” You spoke weakly, holding onto his neck. He looked into your inebriated eyes, caressing your cheek.
“I’ll go as slow as you need me to.” He nodded, spreading your legs even farther. He glanced up at your messy hair, shaking his head before grabbing the tangled bun.
“I guess this didn’t work out how you planned, huh?” He chuckled, untangling your hair. You smiled weakly before leaning your forehead on his chest. He had finally got the ponytail aloose, letting your gorgeous hair fall, framing your face just right.
“There’s my pretty girl.” He smiled, pulling you closer to him by your thighs before kissing you passionately. You ran your dainty hands up his strong arms, all the way to his hair before tugging it lightly. You wanted him to let his hair down, even though you knew he most likely wouldn’t. He rarely ever let it flow freely, and the only times you’ve ever seen his gorgeous hair was on accident, when he would bathe in the secluded pond late at night.
“Nung, p-please.” You begged in between kisses, glancing up at him with desperate eyes. He sighed before locking eyes with you.
“You want daddy to let his hair down? Hmm?” He asked, his lips inches away from yours. “Mhmm, please?” You nodded frantically, running your hands down his chiseled abs until you got to the band of his loincloth, pulling him closer than he’s ever been.
“Whatever you want, Princess.” He bit his lip, reaching behind his head to untie his bun. He watched you with intent as you gently untied his loincloth, letting it fall to his ankles.
He finally got it a-loose, letting his long hair flow down the sides of his face. “Is this what you wanted, Princess?” He asked, tilting his head before placing his fists on either sides of your thighs. You licked your lips hungrily, eyeing him up and down before pulling him in for another kiss, both yours and his flowing strains of hair creating the perfect shield to the outside world.
“Oh my lord! BORINGGG! Speed this shit up so I can get my turn!” Lo’ak shouted shifting his weight to his other leg. Jake growled, slapping the back of his head. “Shut your mouth, boy!” Jake shouted.
Ao’nung completely ignored lo’ak, giving you his undivided attention in this moment. He leaned back, lining his cock up with your cunt, sliding into you very slowly. You shook with every inch he pushed inside of you.
“You’re ok, baby.” He reassured you, sliding the last few inches into you completely, sinking into your sensitive cunt. You whimpered, tears falling from your puffy eyes. He looked you in the eyes as he slowly pumped in and out of you. He reached a hand up, wiping your tears away.
“Nung, I-I.” You stuttered, clinging onto his shoulders as you trembled with every slow stroke. “Wanna use your safe word?” He asked, caressing your thigh softly, sending you deep strokes.
“n-no! Tis too g-good to stop!” You whined, throwing your head on his shoulder as you panted loudly. He wrapped his arms around your waist, using it as leverage to pump in and out of you. With every stroke, he smashed into your sweet spot, making you squeal everytime.
“My son! You’ve learned well.” Tonowari spoke from the sidelines. Aonung pulled you back slightly, looking you into your eyes. “Kiss me.” He spoke breathily, watching you squirm under his touch. You leaned in, kissing his lips passionately. You both moaned into the kiss, as your high slowly approached. Aonung reached down, rubbing circles into your sensitive clit.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You screamed, voice raising an octave with every thrust. He sped up his pace inside of you, inches away from your mouth as he panted loudly. You bit your lip, screwing your eyes shut as you screamed. “I know baby, I’m just trying to speed this up for you. I know you’re tired.” He grunted, kissing your forehead. That familiar feeling came back, and your stomach tensed up.
“Nung, I-I’m so close!” You whined, letting your body go completely limp in arms. You leaned back, holding on to his strong arms for dear life.
“Go ahead and cum for me baby!” he moaned, kissing your exposed chest. And on command, you convulsed in his arms, letting your cream coat his cock.
“Mmm yes!” You moaned, twirling your hips into his. He kissed your sweaty forehead, letting you ride out your high.
“Are you ok?” Aonung asked, leaning his forehead against yours. You nodded weakly with your bottom lip between your teeth. He smiled, pulling out of you slowly. He laid you back down on the table before walking over to stand in his previous spot.
“Great job, son! That is how you do it!” Tonowari nodded, patting Aonung on the back. Everyone’s attention turned to you; you were completely out of it as you fell in and out of consciousness, twitching every so often. You were covered in sweat, panting loudly from the over stimulation. “Do you need a break, babygirl?” Jake asked, watching you struggle to catch your breath.
“Mmm! no, i-I’m ready to finish.” You panted, scooting back on the table with your trembling hands. Jake looked back at Neteyam and lo’ak whose attention was still focused on you.
“How about you both go. I don’t think she can take two more separate sessions.” Jake expressed, glancing back at your overstimulated body. Neteyam and Lo’ak look at eachother for a moment before nodding their heads.
“Fine, but I’m fucking her first!” Lo’ak rolled his eyes, walking over to you as Neteyam trailed behind with low growls rumbling in his chest.
“Y/nnnn! You ready for me baby?” Lo’ak whined, yanking you down to him by your legs, causing you to yelp in pain.
“Be fucking gently with her, lo’ak!” Neteyam shouted, jumping on the table to scan your sweaty body.
“Y/n? Are you sure you don’t want to use the safe word?” Neteyam asked, situating himself behind you, pulling your limp body in between his legs.
“I-I’m fine. Let’s just finish this, please?” You whimpered, grabbing neteyam’s hand.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Lo’ak chuckled, undoing his loincloth as he glared at you with lustful eyes. “umm, Lo’ak?” You asked with a shaky voice as you watched his loincloth hit the floor, revealing his huge cock. “Wassup, mama?” He hummed, letting his spit drip to your exposed cunt before tapping his tip on your sensitive clit. “g-go slow?” You whimpered, pouting up at him. His eyes snapped up, glaring at you through furrowed brows. He let a grin creep across his face before yanking you down onto his cock.
“OHHHH FUCK!” You screamed, balling your face up as you gripped neteyam’s knee.
“LO’AK!” Neteyam growled, reaching over you to hit lo’aks arm. “Bro she has to learn…” lo’ak started, pulling you up by your neck, running his tongue along your bottom lip.
“You don’t tell me what the fuck to do. Got it?” He grinned devilishly, shifting his large hand up to your flushed cheeks, squeezing them together. You nodded frantically in his grasp, whimpering loudly before he pushed you back down onto Neteyam.
“Now be a good girl, and stay still for me ok?” Lo’ak asked in a demanding tone, thrusting into you slowly. “Mmm ok!” You cried, watching lo’ak slide in and out of you, letting your juices coat his cock. You threw your head back on Neteyam, meeting his lustful gaze. He bent down, kissing you fervidly. You moaned into Neteyam’s mouth as you felt lo’ak speed up his pace.
“That’s it, boys! You’ve got it!” Jake shouted from across the room. Lo’ak trailed his hand up to your breast, massaging them slowly as he took your nipple in between his fingers. Your back bowed to the table as you scrunched your face in pleasure.
“You like that baby? Or did you want me to stop?” Lo’ak smirked all-knowingly as he awaited your answer.
“n-no! Please don’t stop! You’re g-gonna make me-“ you shouted, shaking in Neteyam’s arms before being cut off.
“Yeah, cum on this dick baby! I got you don’t worry.” Lo’ak panted, lifting your leg on his shoulder as he rutted into you at a quick pace.
“Squeeze my hand when it becomes too much. I’m right here for you.” Neteyam whispered in your ear, pushing your damp hair out of your face. Lo’ak found your sweetspot, pounding into it with every thrust. “Ohhhh yes! Pleaseeee, right there!” You screamed as you screwed your eyes shut, squeezing Neteyam’s hand.
“Mmmm I know baby! Cum for me.” He commanded, running his hand down to your lower abdomen, pushing down on it. He used his other hand to toy with your sore clit, massaging it between his thumb and pointer. Your mouth flew opened, eyes widening as you pulsated around him.
You shook your head no, and He shook his head yes, signaling for you to let go. “Ohhhh are you shy, mama? Don’t want me to see how much of a slut you are for me? Hmm?” He growled, bending down to let his lips linger over yours, so close to a kiss. You would lean in, and he would lean backwards just to tease you.
“You wanna kiss, mama?” He asked, lips slightly parted as he teased you with the lingering feeling of his soft lips. “s-so bad!” You whined, glancing at his lips in desperation.
“Mmm, comere.” He spoke in his low melodic tone, grabbing your neck to guide you to his lips. They crashed into each other, and your eyes immediately rolled back. His lips were dry, yet soft and warm. Your tongues fought for dominance as he kept his pace inside of you. He bit your lip, bending it back before letting it snap back in place.
“Lo’ak! Im s-sooo fucking close!” You whimpered, throwing your head back on Neteyam. “No baby, I’M so fucking close. Want me to cum in this pretty little pussy?” He moaned, kissing your neck, trailing all the way down to your breasts, sucking on your nipple.
“Oh, great mother yesss! Just d-don’t fucking stop!” You cried, shaking uncontrollably in his arms. You pulsated around his cock, squeezing Neteyams hand as the pleasure washed over you. Just like that, you squirted all over him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you twitched under his touch.
“Mmmm YES!” You shouted, rolling your hips into his as you rode out your high. “Such a good girl, we’re almost done with you!” Lo’ak panted, pulling out of you. Neteyam scooted from under you, making his way to the front of you as lo’ak jumped on the table behind you.
“I’m going to turn you around, ok?” Neteyam spoke. You nodded, turning around slowly, before landing on the table rougly. He grabbed your lifeless arms, pinning them behind your back before pulling you flush to his chest by your hair. Lo’ak stood on the table in-front of you, caressing the back of your head.
“wake up, y/n! I need your help with something!” Lo’ak chuckled, as you sat up slowly. You stuck your tongue out, kitty licking the tip in exhaustion.
“No, no, no. You know I want more than that. Do you want me to take the lead, mama?” Lo’ak asked with a smirk, holding your chin up with his finger. You nodded weakly, opening your mouth for him.
“Such a good girl!” Lo’ak muttered through gritted teeth, plunging his entire length down your throat. You immediately gagged, swirling your tongue around his shaft.
Neteyam started pumping in and out of you at a steady pace, trying his best to speed this process up for you. Your eyes immediately rolled back, groaning on lo’ak as Neteyam slammed into your sweet-spot with each thrust.
You shifted your hips up, meeting his thrusts halfway. He slapped your ass before gripping it, guiding you back into him.
“Felling good, baby?” Neteyam grunted, leaving wet kisses all across your shoulder. “Mhm!” you hummed, bobbing your head on lo’ak.
“I can feel your tight little pussy clenching around me. You’re gonna cum soon, huh?” He asked, reaching around to rub circles into your clit.
You squealed, back arching against neteyam’s chest. “Come onnnn baby. I know you can do it! Just one last time, and you’re done.” Neteyam panted in your ear, holding your long hair up to watch your ass smack against his pelvis with every stroke.
Tonowari, Jake, and Aonung watched the scene unfold infront of them. Tonowari and Jake were pleased to see that their sons dominated you like real warriors. Aonung was starting to get kind of pissed. Of course he know the ritual was mandatory, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous everytime you screamed a name that wasn’t his.
The pleasure was becoming too much for your , and you needed some kind of release. You pushed lo’aks cock out of your mouth, screaming out in pleasure.
“Neteyam! You’re gonna make me….
*thrusts* fucking *thrust* cum.” You whined drunkenly, letting your head flop around freely with every thrust.
“Yes baby, that’s all I want! For you to cum all over my cock.” He growled, wrapping his toned arms around your waist, angling his hips up to thrust straight into your bruised sweetspot. The pleasure was unbearable as your mouth flew opened, trying your best to push his strong arms away. “No no no, you gotta take it!” He moaned, tucking your dainty hands into his arms that were squeezing your waist.
“Ohhh neteyam, i-It’s sooo fucking good!” You moaned, feeling your legs tremble underneath you. “I know it’s good baby. Show me how good it is. How good I make you feel.” He groaned, in your ear, slapping your ass hard.
Lo’ak grabbed your throat, making you look up at him. “You’re so fucking pretty from this angle, you know that?” He asked calmly, stroking his cock in the direction of your slobbery mouth. You licked your lips greedily, attaching your mouth to his tip, sucking on it with so much force that you got a whimper out of him.
“Ohhh shit, mama! Just like that, make me cum down your throat.” You hummed on lo’ak, rolling your eyes back as you shook uncontrollably from neteyam’s constant pounding.
“Give in, baby! I know you feel me, deep in this pretty pussy of yours.” He spoke softly in your ear, still engulfing your arms with his.
Meanwhile, lo’ak was a moaning mess for you, grabbing your head to guide you up and down his cock. His mouth flew opened as he felt your warm tongue, circling his aching tip.
“Oh you’re sooo good at this, mama!” He moaned, throwing his head back as he screwed his eyes shut.
“Ohhhh fuck! Open wide for me!” Lo’ak shouted and you obliged. He shot his thick load down the back of your throat, and you happily swallowed.
“Mmm such a good girl for me, fuck.” He muttered, stroking his seed out onto your tongue. You glared up at him, living his cock clean before swallowing the remainder of his cum.
“Ughh baby. I’m g-gonna cum so deep inside of you. You feel so fucking good, wrapped around my cock.” He growled, rutting into you faster and deeper.
“Yes yes yesss! I-I’m gonna-“ you screamed, as your knees buckled, neteyam holding onto Your lifeless body as he rutting inside of you.
“c-cumming!” You screamed, cumming hard on cock. He watched as his cock became coated with your white cream, with every stroke.
“Ohhh fuck, I’m gonna cum too, baby!” And just like that, neteyam came deep inside of you , thrusting into you slowly as he rode out his high.
“Mhmmm yesss! s-sooo good!” You whined, throwing your head back on neteyam’s shoulder as you desperately tried to catch your breath.
“You did such a good job, baby!” Neteyam panted, pulling out of you slowly. He watched as his seed flowed down your trembling legs.
“Yes, mama! we’re so proud of you!” Lo’ak spoke softly, bending down to your face, before kissing your quivering lips. He grabbed you by your armpits, pulling you onto the table so that you could rest.
Jake and Tonowari nodded their heads in agreement. “Yes! Such a good job honey. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”
Aonung walked over to you, kissing your forehead before caressing your thigh gently.
Jake and tonowari walked up next, watching their sons tend to your every need. Jake placed his hand on his hip, looking to tonowari before speaking:
“Now that’s how it’s done…”
Anddd scene. I’m finally done lord have mercy 🙏🏾. I’m ngl, this shit was a lot of work lmfao and I will NOT be doing another one, so relish in this. Anyways, I love y’all and I’ll talk to y’all soon.
@number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @pullandhug @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @lovekeeho @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading
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sofs16 · 7 months
ripples in our love
part 1: paddock day , part 2: our leclerc win, part 3: our love in photos, part 4: our home — next
not proofread and lots of text / paragraphs ahead:)
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“are you sure you don’t want to come with me” charles asked as he was putting on his shoes.
“charles, i’ve been with you all year and break, have fun with your friends.. just not too much fun” you laughed, clutching your robe closer to your waist as a shiver went down your spine from the ac.
“but i love spending time with you, amour” he sighed, standing up, holding your face between his palms, and kissing you.
“what, you don’t wanna drink and be manly?” you raised a brow “i mean… i do…” he thought about it “go” you whispered with a reassuring smile. you weren’t one for parties and a part of you was worried charles was being restrained to hang out with his friends because of that, so you encouraged him to have a night out before the races.
“i’ll be back by 12” he kissed you for the last time and you giggled “you better come back home to me, leclerc” you scolded “of course, where else?” and then the door shut.
2am, that’s what the time was. you were sat on the couch in your shared apartment. it was 2 hours since you saw that nightmare of a post. you have been getting multiple texts by the minute.
a part of you wanted to be childish and run away, never facing him. but that wouldn’t be right at all.
you heard the keys jingling on the other side of the door and heard a grunt and stumble. you gulped but trained your eyes on the tv, not really watching the episode of gossip girl.
“amour! you’re here!” charles replied with a cheer in a sluggish manner. he frowned when you didn’t turn around to look at him, or greet him with a kiss or hug as you usually did.
“amour?” he mumbled, stumbling over the couch, clearly drunk. his eyes lit up once they saw your face and he trained to kiss you but you held his face in between your hands before he could. “are you thinking straight right now, charles?”
no nickname. the gears in charles’ head weren’t fast enough at the moment.
“of course, let’s go to bed” he smiled “charles, you kissed another woman” you said quietly, as if you didn’t want to believe it
“No! That’s crazy. I only love you. You only. You’re my everything. I dont like anyone else. You’re my girlfriend. I’ll make you my wife one day” he said against your chest, shaking his head
you found yourself to be someone who cries when they’re frustrated or overly happy. “let’s talk in the morning and get you into bed, ‘kay?” you helped him up as he tried his best to sober up.
unlike the many showers you had together, you left him to shower on his own, making sure he was balanced enough before shutting the bathroom door.
the shower sobered him up quickly. cold water tricking down his body as he revisited the events of tonight. oh how he had messed up.
he stepped out of the shower to see his favorite shirt out, though all his favorite shirts were yours, it was his that was put out. he walked out of the bathroom to find you setting down the trashcan beside the bed, just in case.
“amour, can we talk please?” he held your hand but you dropped it. “tomorrow charles, okay? let’s get you to rest first” you pulled the covers over him, made him take headache pills.
“you… are not sleeping beside me?” he asked as you made your way to the door. “not tonight, charles” you whispered, turning off the lights and shutting the door.
though he was overthinking that night, the alcohol helped him sleep throughout that night, unlike you.
he woke up and frowned at there being no dip on your pillow and side of the bed. he rubbed his eyes, taking his cellphone and that’s when he remembered it all.
he jumped up the bed and rushed in getting the door open, in hopes to find you. you were sitting at the dining table, staring at the floor below you, tiredness evident through your eyes.
“amour?” you looked up “do you remember it?” you asked and he nodded, taking the seat adjacent to you. “why” you turned to him, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“i- i don’t know. i swear- amour i thought she was you” “i’m fucking blonde, charles” you furrowed your eyebrows
“you know how i am after i drink” true “i don’t- i don’t know what to do, charles” you shut your eyes closed
“amour please, you mean everything to me, you are my everything. if i could take it back or if i had stayed at home with you that night, i would. please don’t leave me” he held your hand quietly. you couldn’t say anything.
silence greeted him.
“tell me what you are thinking. call me names, scream at me, i do not care— just let me in” he asked.
when he said that, he thought you would burn him to the ground and pick on every flaw he had, even hearing you say you wish you had never dated him. your words… were not that.
“i think…im thinking if i’m enough for you” charles was shocked. “i think about all the girls you could have who are prettier, more famous, kinder, and everything more than i am but you’re stuck with me” you groan in frustration as tears start to well up. “and i can’t help but see you with someone else and it hurts” there they were, tears falling too quick for you to see. charles had never seen you cry, truthfully. “it hurts knowing— you could just leave me and maybe even be with that girl you were kissing last night” you sniffled
“yn,” he said quietly, wiping your tears away “i don’t want to be with anyone else. only you. and i don’t care if they are the models of the year or what. you are the prettiest girl to me and- i cannot let you think that low of yourself. i am so sorry, amour. please, let me fix this somehow. anything, i will do anything”
“i think i need space and time, charles” you looked up to his face. he knew if it weren’t serious right now, you most likely would’ve made an avengers infinity stone joke you were thinking about it, but no words came out
“i- yes. i understand. i’ll go out for a whil-” “i mean, i’ll go back to the house in paris for some while” “what?” his heart sank. “it makes sense right now charles. i need space to think and plus, i was going to go there anyways for fashion week” you rubbed your eyes.
charles knew your relationship with your parents were wobbly as you moved away from france to live in spain. but going back to them? that was how bad this was.
“are you breaking up with me?” he wobbled. “no, i just- i don’t know! i need to think charles” you stood up “please, yn! you- you are the only one for me please do not leave me” he pleaded hugging you from behind.
he hugged that girl from behind.
“you were in this position when you kissed her” you said quietly and charles shuddered at the thought of being with someone who isn’t you. “i’m sorry” you nodded and made a beeline to your bedroom.
30 minutes later you came out with 2 suitcases in hand. it was real. you were leaving. “will- will you be at the gp?” he asked quietly. maybe a little selfishly, but you were his comfort especially during nerve-wracking times like gps. you shook your head no. and he nodded, in understanding.
“do you want me to drive you to the airport?” he asked and you shook your head again. “good luck charles” you sighed, kissing his cheek. you meant for the gp— but so many things were going through his head. ‘good luck living a life without me’ was one of them.
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liked by 2,438 others
yn.charlesupdate No yn at the paddock. Oh we’re done for. view all 7,337 comments
lestappen12 what did you think? she just saw the love of her life kissing another woman 2 days ago…
ferr4ribae im tired. august 25, 2024
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liked by 3,449,494 others
charles_leclerc P2 for you :) Shame for what happened to Lewis on the first lap, we were lucky to finish the race even with the damage we had. See you next year, Zandvoort.
view all 2,484,399 comments
charlesyn17 He really got guts to post this like he didn’t just CHEAT on yn.
chachahaa cant believe you cheated on yn. she treated you like a king. that’s what’s a shame.
checheco1 Lewis deserved that P2 after what you did to yn.
nightleclerc … i can’t keep defending you charles
alphmercedez i hope you dnf 😊
august 26, 2024
yn instagram stories :
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viewers — 3,595,606
❤️ charles_leclerc liked
❤️ maxverstappen1 liked
❤️ landonorris liked
❤️ yourbsf liked
and 1,832,584 others liked this story
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liked by yn, and 473 others
yns_love yn actin like he didn’t just cheat on her… but ok mother we love& trust u and will stfu
view all 1,494 comments
august 30, 2024
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liked by 6,373 others
yncharle 2 races with no yn. charles p3. 2 weeks radio silence from yn. bye.
view all 1,474 comments
september 11, 2024
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,484,484 others
yn 💌
view all 2,585,686 comments
leclerc_pascale Beautiful ❤️
⤷ yn merci maman 😆
⤷ ynlelllerc STOP 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭
landonorris You look cool in that 3rd photo 😎
⤷ yn cuz i am cool, landito! like u😊
⤷ carlossainz55 thats not true
⤷ yn dont be mean carlitos, youre cool too🫀
⤷ wagsgrid her interacting with the grid is so wholesome 🥹
[liked by yn]
dior 🤍
charlesbae jesus did she buy the whole dior show?
⤷ yn GIRL IM NOT THAT RICH 😭 it was for fashion week 🤭
chachaaaa Are she and charles still together?
16s55love why is she just ignoring what happened.. she seems unbothered, did she even love charles :/
⤷ yn we’re handling this privately so please respect that and dont make such assumptions. and i do love charles, dearly :)
[liked by charles_leclerc]
softwags._ will you be at baku?
september 12, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
august 21, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Amour, I am so sorry and I hope you know I never meant for this to happen and you are the only one for me.❤️
thanks charles but i just need time, okay? :)
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Of course, yes. I will just be messaging you every now and then, would that be alright?
mhm. good luck on sunday, charles
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Thank you, belle. I will do my best for you❤️
[yn reacted ❤️]
.august 22, 2024
sharlie brown🫀🏎️
Hi belle❤️ If I am being honest, I am nervous for tomorrow and I wish you were here. I hope you are doing alright there. [yn reacted ❤️]
.august 24, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
hello ynn! I got P2 in today’s qualifying though I hope I can turn it into a win tomorrow. We miss you here at the paddock
.august 26, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Hello amour❤️ Remained P2 today but unfortunately took Lewis out:/ I’m sure I’ll be getting an earful from the Mercedes fans but it is alright. I miss you and love you
.august 28, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Hello, love! Thank you for the story you posted. I hope you are alright and doing well there. Don’t over work yourself, please. I have just landed in Monza and as usual, the fans are crazy! I wish you were here to feel the love they share for you as well. I miss and love you
.august 31, 2024
sharlie brown🫀🏎️
hi love:) I am quite stressed at the moment since the car engine almost gave in during the last turn. I feel it is my fault… anyways, I do not know if you have been watching. I hope you are doing alright. I love and miss you ❤️
september 1, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
P3 today. Disappointed to say the least because if I pushed more I could have won for you.I saw on twitter you are in fashion week already?Do what you love:) ❤️
forgot to say hi… Hi! I love and miss you
y/n/n🤪🤍💒 Don’t blame it on yourself, Charles. You can’t always be perfect or always P1 even if you want to. The most you can do is try your best next time and enjoy. You’re world champion and leading the world champion points now:) Fashion week is stressful but I can manage. Stay safe, Charles. I love you.
september 3, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Hello my love, thank you. I really needed that. I wish I had replied sooner but I have been sleeping a lot.. haha. You will do great, I know you will. I love you, amour and miss you more than you know😘
september 5, 2024
sharlie brown 🫀🏎️
Hello, beautiful! How is France?:)
hi charles:) france is good as always
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sharlie brown🫀🏎️
Amazing photos! I miss you and love you❤️
september 10, 2024
would you mind if i went to baku this week and we talked?
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#SOF: thoughts? :)
thank u btw for all the support in this lil series<3
@glow-ish — your tag! lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part! feel free to also send in messages thru the ask box hehe
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edusquaremaths · 1 year
Square of numbers around 10 Part-1 | #squaretrick #vedicmaths #mathtricks #shortvideo #vedicmaths
Multiplication Tricks | Maths Tricks | Vedic Maths| Square of numbers 11, 12,13…18,19Cool tricks by @EduSqaureMathsSquare Tricks | Multiplication Tricks | Maths Tricks | Vedic Mathsshorts #short #shortvideo #mathsedusquaremaths #squareofanumber
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 2 months
Etho changes his hairstyle so often it boggles the mind of other hermits and quite frankly all laws of how fast hair should grow. Geniuenly you say goodbye to him one day when he has a rather short hair and the next day you see him in a long braid, only to in the evening of the same day see him in a wolf cut.
Multiple hermits just assumed he was wearing wigs, however that theory was debunked multiple times in the past, with most recent one being Gem and her s9 collection of Etho heads that each has hair, that are definitely not wigs and you can tell which were killed on what day because of different hairstyles.
It's a nice trick for slumber parties and just calm hanging out tho, because a lot of hermits really enjoys braiding hair of playing with it and Etho doesn't mind his friends doing that at all.
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imababblekat · 8 months
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A/N, "By popular demand, I present pt 2 to Chase! Thank you so much for all the love and support, it truly means a lot to me 💕
The panting breaths of the girl running beside you equaled your own, sweat trickling down your skin and you were sure hers as well. As a speed runner, even your feet began to sore in your tireless chance to escape New York's most threatening gang. You couldn't even begin to imagine how the brunette beside you felt, as she had been running in healed boots for what felt like miles. Regardless, you didn't spend much time thinking on either ones apparel, too occupied with escaping for your lives as you both rounded yet another corner in the maze of alleyways. Suddenly the girl grabbed your wrist, effectively pulling you down into another narrow back street.
"This way! We'll be safe if we make it down over here!", she informed, not once letting you go, though you wouldn't have fallen behind even if she had.
It was odd to you how she could have any idea of where the two of you even were, every alley looked the same; dingy and sketchy. Scaling across roofs with a clear look of what was around was your territory, but not an ounce of doubt came from you as you willing followed. If there was any chance to escape the ever enclosing Foot Clan, you'd take it!
However, you should have known that a clean getaway was not at all how the Foot let their targets go. Just as you and wavy haired gal made it into another alley she had directed you into, a few dark figures had jumped down to effectively block the exit ahead. A quick spin around, the area you both had came in from had also been blocked off by more clan members with brandished weapons. Your arms found the girls beside you, you both despite being complete strangers holding the other close as you were backed up against a brick wall. Nearly tripping backwards on a manhole cover, your eyes darted around for any chance to beat it, trained eyes finding multiple places to scale your way up and out of danger. Yet, still being held by the person beside you, you knew you couldn't just ditch her to the wolves. There was no way you could assist her in getting out your way, and you found your already panicked heart racing even faster as the Foot Clan closed in.
Back hitting the roughed apartment brick behind you, you groaned aloud.
"How'd I even end up in this mess?"
The girl beside you sensed your uneasness, and while she herself felt the same, she knew somethings, or rather somebodies, that you didn't.
"Don't worry, my friends taught me some tricks, and they'll no doubt be here soon anyways."
With what little comfort her reassurance meant to fully give you, you hadn't paid much mind to the strange way she'd put emphasis on friends either.
"Well I think showing off those tricks right now would be a really great idea!", you about shrieked as a few of the Foot lunged out, your body going stiff for the inevitable end.
Out of the blue, the few attackers who you were sure to be your demise, had been collectively knocked unconscious, bodies falling forward before your feet. You were left speechless, attention darting from their limp forms to the object that had rendered them defeated. A man hole cover, the exact one you tripped over earlier, tossed like a frisbee was what had momentarily saved your life. Speechless, you looked to the girl beside you, who had a strange expression of relief, to find her still holding your arms as you held hers, confirming that she had not been your savior. Not that she could have been of course; there was no way she could have gotten to the cover that fast, or even have thrown something that heavy! So who had saved you?
Your answer came in the form of four oddly familiar voices.
"Ahah, strike! Heck yeah!"
"That's bowling Mikey, not frisbee."
"There is such thing as frisbee bowling, Donnie."
"Is now really the time for a sports argument, Raph?"
No way. There was absolutely no way they were your saviors. Yet, low and behold, dishing out fighting moves you only ever saw in movies, were the four ninja mutant turtles you accidentally met some time back. While you had hoped to see them once again, you never thought you actually would. Here they were though, kicking serious Foot Clan ass, all the while arguing like true siblings and jesting your assailants. Each moved so effectively, working as a collective unit and taking out the Foot Clan as one, even if they had some attacks landed on them by the opposers. It was almost mesmerizing, watching how their giant forms moved around almost like a dance. It made you think back to that night they had chased you, how they were able to keep up with you and the thrill it had sparked.
The last of the Foot Clan had been taken out, weapons broken and then effectively tied up, the turtle masked in blue whose name you believed started with an L, clapped his hands together as though patting off dirt.
"Donnie, alert Casey and NYPD for pick up."
"Already on it.", the later replied, sticking a thumbs up as he typed away at his phone.
Brain still trying to wrap itself around everything that had just occurred, you were unware that the girl beside you had left your grasp and let go of you as well, till you saw her run to the group of terrapins with a wide smile. The fact there was not an ounce of fear displayed by her confused you even more. Were these the friends she had mentioned? Does this mean you weren't the only one who knew about them? How many more people were aware of their existence?
You could feel an oncoming headache as your mind began to become overwhelmed with thoughts and more questions. Perhaps it had also been the recent, deathly danger you'd been in, but something in your fight or flight triggered mind decided that now was a great time to remember the accidental photo you had snapped of the turtles. The photo that you had kept.
"Oh no. . .", you whispered in a newfound panic.
Sure at the time it had seemed fine and even kind of funny to have left the four with a sort of bait to give you another thrilling adrenaline rush of the sport you lived and breathed. However, actually being faced before them now, and especially after what you just witnessed what they could truly do, you had to wonder what kind of negative reaction they would have to seeing you once again. Focus turning to a somewhat high up fire escape to the left of you, you decided you weren't going to stick around and find out.
"April!", Mikey happily greeted, hugging the girl as she bounded up to the four.
"Are you hurt?", Raphael asked, giving her a quick glance over as Donnie broke out his watch to scan her vitals.
April shook her head, looking between the four brothers with a heavy sigh.
"No, I'm just glad you guys showed up in the nick of time. Thought I was going to have to use some of the moves Master Splinter taught me."
Leo placed a hand on her shoulder, his tone serious but expression relieved.
"Well, it's good that you didn't have to. How did you get caught up with the Foot this time?"
"You say that like it's a normal Friday occurrence."
"April. . ."
The girl sighed, shaking her head trying to recall despite the slight offense.
"I was out with some girlfriends at a fancy dinner, when I swore I saw some waiter making some sort of deal with one of the Foot Clan. A cat by the back dumpster gave away my hiding place after knocking over some trash and next thing I know we're being chased."
The four brothers eyed each other, before turning back to their human friend. Something April had said didn't sit right with the them, and it had been Raphael to bring up the concern.
"Whose we?"
It dawned on April then what she had exactly said. Internally cringing at having forgotten the person she accidentally corralled into her Foot Clan escapade, she felt instantly bad. Who knew how much you were freaking out right now. Not only had you been chased down by a bunch of assassins and running around with a total stranger, but you just witnessed four giant mutated turtles. Recalling back on her reaction to when she first met the brothers herself, she could only imagine what kind of freak out you were going through.
"Oh shit, sorry! I got so caught up in everything I forgot! I ran into them when I was-wait, where'd they go?"
The boys looked back to where April had turned her attention, only to find the spot she'd previosuly been backed up into void of any other person. The sound of a loud creak alerted the group to an old fire escape, and the one person the turtles didn't ever think to see tonight.
"No freaking way.", Mikey gawked, him and his brothers staring at your frozen form as you stared down at them having been spotted.
What sounded like a low growl reverated from Raphael, his face twisting into an expression of what you assumed agression.
"You-", he started as you yelped and frantically tried to climb your way up the rest of the old ladder.
"Wait! We won't hurt you!", Leo shouted, shoving Raph aside to step towards you.
Pulling yourself up by another rusty rung you huffed, staring indigently down at the leader in blue.
"You threw a manwhole cover like it was a paper airplane!"
Leo rubbed the back of his head, trying to think of a convincing reason as to make the action not seem like a such a threat.
"Yeah, well. . ."
As the eldest tried to think up an exscuse, Mikey scooted around him, making poses to flex his muscles and wiggling his brow ridges.
"What can I say, Anglecakes? These bad boys aren't big for no reason-ack!"
If not for the predicament you were currently in, you would have found the yellow banded turtle's flirtations and even his brothers responding head smack to be quite humorous. Shaking his own head, Donnie took a try at convincing you. Despite being the tallest out of the bunch, he was the least threatening next to Mikey.
"You can trust us, promise! Look, Aprils human! Just like you! We'd never hurt her!."
"What about the photo?"
Once more, the brothers looked to one another. They had been so busy fighting crime since your chance encounter that they hadn't had time to track you down and retrieve said photo. All they could do in that moment was trust that you wouldn't show it to anyone till they found you again. It wasn't easy either, their mere existence frightened people into literally calling them monsters before. If evidence of them had been spread to the wrong person, it could put their lives in even more danger. Yet, they had to. They had to hope and trust in faith that you, the person who gave them a run for their money across New York's infrastructure, wouldn't dare expose them. Perhaps they could use this as reasoning for you to find reliance in them as well.
". . .you show it to anyone?", Raph question with a tilt of his head.
"N-no, of course not.", you replied, still a little apprehensive of the terrapin in red.
"Well, if we trust that you didn't, then how about you trust that we ain't gonna hurt ya?"
It was surprising that Raph out of anyone would come to such a resolve. Thus far, the only interactions you've had with him all involved you thinking he'd tare you in two if given the chance. Yet, here he was, putting out an offer of freedom from suspicion or doubt, even if it was a little rough around the edges. You looked down towards the ground for a moment, thinking through your thoughts. Not once had the ninja brothers ever truly given any indication that they would hurt you. Hell, they just saved your life from the Foot Clan! Maybe they weren't as mad about the polaroid as you thought.
A sudden creaking noise cut you from your thoughts. Taking a glance at the old ladder you'd hastily began ascending, you had only a second to see the old rusted metal snap, before you felt a sudden plummet in your stomach and rush of air. A scream flew from your throat as you fell fast, knowing that from the height you were once at, hitting the pavement below would render you unconscious at the bare minimum. Seconds from taking a serious fall, you felt the suddenness of being securely caught by two strong arms.
"Whoa there!", Mikey cooed, straightening up as he safely carried you.
You opened your eyes to unintentionally lock with his. You hadn't realized how pretty they were. Crystal blue, like the sky on a lovely spring day. You also took note of how firmly he held you. Tight but soft and careful enough as to not crush you. The strength of his muscles made carrying you like carrying a feather, but with such great self control as to not let you be crumpled or taken away by an intense breeze. With this realization and a rosy blush overtaking your cheeks, you made a comment that had the cheese ball of a turtle's heart flutter just as much as he made yours in this moment.
"With how you caught me in that trust fall, perhaps you're not so bad after all, huh?"
tags; @varra-ren , @boa-hoa , @dressycobra7 , @genesis378
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wriothesleybear · 9 months
I dunno if you do prompt requests but I’d like to request this one with our boi wrio ^^
“It’s s-so big! Uh, I don’t think it’ll fit.”
“Hmm… will you let me be the judge of that, baby?”
(consent is hot as hell 😩😩, it’s a whole “shall i? or maybe i won’t? it’s your call, baby?” kind of thing. people take notes ehe /hj)
I do! I will warn you that I have never done it before so it might not be great but i'll try my best for you anon🥺❤️
~ warnings: smut, possibly ooc wriothesley
You're sitting on his lap, an arm around your waist while his other hand is busy holding the papers he's reading. You're busy reading a book as his mind wanders, distracted by how nice your ass feels on his lap. An idea pops up in his head.
The arm that's wrapped around your shoulder loosens and moves so his hand is resting on your thigh. He slowly rubs it up and down your thigh. He notices that it doesn't gain your attention. You continue to be too engrossed in your book, not giving him the attention he wants.
He takes it one step further, sliding his hand up the inside of your thighs, getting close to your panties. It grabs your attention away from your book. You subtly glance back at him, he pretends to read his paper, satisfied in his mind that he's finally gotten your attention.
But you see right through his tricks. You know he's not really reading his paper and he's teasing you on purpose. You try to beat him as his own game. You shift in his lap, pretending that you're just getting more comfortable. As you shift, you make sure to rub a bit against his cock. You feel him tense a bit, smiling to yourself.
He catches on. He moves his hand to rub you through your panties. You bite your lip to hold in your moan. You continue to try and read your book, acting like he's not affecting you.
But he can see right through you. Through the wetness in your panties where he's rubbing you. He presses his fingers a bit more firmly against you, but you hold back your reactions, which he isn't satisfied with. He wants to hear your moans. He wants to hear you beg for more, to give him all your attention instead of the book.
He slips his fingers under your panties, making direct contact, adding more pleasure to your sweet spot. Your legs twitch, closing around his hand. A small smile graces his features.
Soon, he inserts one finger into you, the sudden intrusion making you gasp. He feels your tightness around his finger. He goes slow at first, then quickens his pace once he knows you can take it. He then adds another finger, continuing at a fast pace, helping to prepare you for his thick cock.
You moan, getting close to your first orgasm, until suddenly, he stops and removes his fingers. You whine, disappointed.
He kisses the crown of your head. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you cum on my cock multiple times."
You blush. He motions for you to get up so he can take off your panties and release his hard cock from its confines. You sit back on his lap as he holds your hips.
"Ready for my cock?" You nervously gulp, intimidated by the size of his beautiful, veiny cock.
"It's s-so big! Uh, I don't think it'll fit."
"Hmm... will you let me be the judge of that, baby?"
You nod your head. He slowly inserts his cock head into you. A tight squeeze causing him to hold his breath. You slowly lower yourself on his cock, trying not to tense up too much. He notices and stops. He leans close to your ear and wraps his arms around your waist.
"It's okay. Let's go slowly. Relax. Don't push yourself." He whispers as he places sweet kisses behind your ear, on your ear, and on your neck. You begin to relax and give him the go ahead by continuing to lower yourself on his cock.
He finally fully sheaths himself inside of you, you both slightly moan from the euphoria feeling. The warmth from your walls hugging his cock making it hard to hold back, but he does for your sake. He doesn't want to scare you or make you uncomfortable. After a few moments, you begin to move, surprising him for a sec by your forwardness.
He regains his composure and grabs your hips, helping to guide you up and down his cock. The slaps from your thighs hitting his fill the room. You moan as you bounce on his cock, his cock hitting all your sweet spots. His cock veins rubbing against your walls, adding to the pleasure.
"Fuck. You feel so good. You make me want to lose control and pound into you until you scream from the pleasure." He groans in your neck.
"D-don't hold back Wrio. I wa-want it. Fuck me please." You'll soon regret those words.
He growls as he wraps his arms around your waist, making both of you stand as he begins to pound into you. Your moans become louder. You unconsciously look for something to hold onto, accidentally clawing his arms with your nails. He gasps from the slight pain, only turning him on more.
You feel the familiar warmth in your belly. Begs leave your mouth, telling him to not stop, encouraging him to continue as you get closer. He indulges you in your wishes, quickening his pace to give you a mind-breaking orgasm.
When you finally orgasm, it crashes into you like a wave. Your head falls back as you scream from the overwhelming pleasure. You have no time to recover from your orgasm as he continues his unrelenting pace.
He pants against your ear like a dog in heat. "Gonna come again, yeah? Fuck, I'm close too. Let's come together." He shifts your position, bending you over his desk. He holds your hips, watching your ass jiggle as his pelvis slaps against it. The slaps being slightly painful but pleasurable. You tighten around him causing more curses to leave his mouth.
He repeatedly tells you to cum as you're both finally sent over the edge, cumming together. You feel his warm cum fill you up as you shake and twitch from another mind-breaking orgasm. He gives a few more thrusts to ensure his cum gets deep into you until he stills his movements completely.
You both pant heavily, trying to calm down from your passionate session. He finally comes to his senses, leaning over you to pepper kisses on your neck and cheek. After he finally sees that you've relaxed, he picks you up and takes you to the couch in his office. He lays down with you on top of him. You listen to his heartbeat as he rubs your back and holds you tightly to him. He kisses your head aa you fall asleep.
~ a/n: I hope you enjoy anon~ c:
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