neptune-scythe · 3 months
I did a do
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Potential Writers that don't post their stuff cuz they lack confidence
I know it's not that simple but
Fanfic is a fanmade work that you're not getting paid to write and publish, ok? No one's paying you, you waste your own free time on it. And since no one's paying you to write fic, THEN YOUR FIC DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT
If it was an original book that you'd publish THEN SURE it must be perfect, but if it is fanfic, you gain absolutely nothing from it (except maybe psychological satisfaction cuz writing fics FEELS good) IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT (imma scream this way too many times).
Listen to me, people don't care about quality anymore. We're not in the 50s when you had to write esays that sound like fucking Shakespeare.
Oh? did you notice that 'esays' over there? Did you also notice that 'did' in the previous sentence where the 'd' should've been a capital 'D'?
I rushed to write and I made those mistakes, SO WHAT?! DID THE WORLD END? No, it didn't, cuz most of you didn't even notice it, and the rest of you don't even care.
That's what readers think about (the majority at least) when you make grammatical and vocabulary errors in your fic.
YES, PEOPLE DON'T CARE ABOUT QUALITY. People don't know how to appreciate nor how to recognise quality. The standards have dropped DRAMATICALLY. They've dropped in music (most ppl think trap is music), arts (some dude stuck a banana on a wall with fucking ducktape and sold this for 3 million USD or sth), literature (50 shades of grey). The standards have dropped, you don't have to sound like Shakespeare anymore.
So yeah, go ahead and write your ideas. There's so much trash in the internet rn, no matter how bad you think your writing is, somebody has definitely already posted something worse out there.
And you're most likely a non-english native speaker, so what? I learned English writing fic. My first fic was so fucking badly written, but it still got around 1 million readers and is still getting more!
I know people who are English native speakers, but even they fuck up their own language (which btw is the easiest language in the world).
Oh??? So you're one of those ppl? WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. You'll never improve unless you practice, and you can't practice if you don't WRITE. How do you expect to sound like Tolkien if you don't work hard and practice by writing?
You may have the most amazing ideas in your brilliant head, but if you don't write them, and if you never post them, then no one will ever know about them. You have gifts to give to the world. Don't starve the world of what you have to offer.
Write, write, write. You have nothing to lose. Your confidence is ALREADY low, your self-esteem is ALREADY LOW, you literally have NOTHING to lose. Just write.
Afraid of being criticized? Lemme just remind you that whoever criticises you YOU'LL NEVER MEET THEM IN YOUR LIFE.
That's what's great about the internet, everybody you interact with online, you'll never, ever, ever meet them. So what if they tell you your writing sucks? You.don't.care. It's that simple. You write because it makes you feel good, now, because a few mfs don't like your writing, THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT to tell you that your writing sucks and I will explain you why.
Do they pay you to write this fic????? No. Fanfiction is a free work. So, they have no right to have demands like "noooo you shouldn't have done this" or "BADLY WRITTEN, 0/1O" like FUCK OFF if you don't like it DON'T READ IT, MF
BUT, when you get critique like "that sentence needs a comma" or "you could've put this word here instead" THAT kind of critique is IMPORTANT.
DON'T GET OFFENDED when you get that kinda critique, ffs don't be a crybaby, you NEED to improve. Even if you are fucking Tolkien, you NEED to keep improving. Keep adding new words in your vocabulary and for the love of God, learn Grammar cuz English grammar is the easiest there is. Get.better. You can't stay stagnant.
If you don't get criticised by complete strangers, you'll never learn what you do wrong! If you give your mom, your friends, your bf/gf/x to read your fic, they're gonna tell you that it's great, it's amazing because they love you. But strangers show no mercy. They are brutally honest. They have absolutely nothing personal with you. They'll simply tell you what you do wrong. Let them point out your mistakes and better yourself accordingly.
That's what progress is. Do that, and in five years, you'll have improved so much, your confidence will be in the highest heights, and you're gonna look back at your first fics and you're gonna be like WHAT KINDA GREMLIN WROTE THIS lmao
If you don't try something, you'll never discover your potential.
So what if you fail completely to learn anything? Did the world end?
Try harder.
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You heard it here first! I’m not just going to lurk on people’s blogs anymore, I’m going to actually post some stuff! 
25 Fluff Pieces for the first 25 Days of December! 
Fluffy moments with 25 of my favorite characters -- including, but not limited to:
Din Djarin
Jaime Lannister
Oberyn Martell
Fred and George Weasley
Sirius Black
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Eddie Munson
And many more!
Check out the Masterlist here!
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brevlada24 · 1 year
Whenever I'm reading fanfiction do you know what really throws me off balance...the use of y/n. Because whenever I read it I don't insert my name or the name of an OC, I read it like "your name" which honestly ruins the immersion and investment I had prior to that in the story. This doesn't stop me reading fanfiction that use that term, but still, just a pet peeve of mine.
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britswriting · 1 year
Desire (36)
Desire Masterlist
Read Desire on Wattpad
Colby's POV two chapters in a row? Who is she lol
*Colby's POV*
The drive back to Leightons parents house was tense. You could just feel in the air that she had so much anxiety about whatever conversation was going through her head.
I held her hand in the car, glancing over at her every once in a while. "Would you like Starbucks?" I offered, knowing we were coming up on one. 
She shook her head and was confused when I pulled into the drive through anyway. I ordered myself a drink, getting her a small lemonade and cake pop. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me, "But I didn't want anything?" 
"If you don't drink it, Lexi will, and you're really going to tell me you won't eat the cake pop?"
She stayed quiet but happily grabbed the lemonade from me. I smirked to myself, placing my drink in the cupholder before driving away. I couldn't help but mentally gloat when she drank from her lemonade on our way back.
Leighton broke the silence when we were almost at her parents house, confusing me "I'm dreading tomorrow" she said out of nowhere, her inner thoughts finally being spoken aloud.
I glanced over at her, confused, "Why? You don't go home tomorrow"
"I have to take Gemma to see Gabe's parents since I'm" she made quotations with her hands, "in town"
"And that's dreadful, why?"
"Because they hate me" She grumbled, her distaste for his parents becoming extremely evident.
"I'm sure they don't hate you"
She scoffed, shaking her head, "You don't even know them. They always thought I was going to get Gabe into trouble, that I was bad for him... and then ya know, I got pregnant and tied him down" She rolled her eyes, "Not like he didn't ditch us to go to New York for Med School"
"So if they hate you, why are you going?"
"Because I'm trying to be the bigger person and let her see her grandparents" She muttered bitterly, making me let out a breathy chuckle and squeeze her hand. "Well I'm proud of you. Do you want Sam or I to come with you, or do you want to go by yourself?" I asked her to support her and show up if she wanted me to.
"I'll go by myself. They'll ask less questions. After all, I only plan to be there for lunch" She shrugged and I nodded, wishing his parents would go easier on her.
I pulled into their parents driveway, parking behind an unknown vehicle. I opened Leighton's door, asking her whose car that was. She said she wasn't sure, which only raised curiosity. When we walked inside, nothing seemed out of sorts. No extra pair of shoes, no bags, nothing. Downstairs was empty.
We slipped off our shoes, making our way upstairs. I waved at Lexi, passing her room where her and Macy were hanging out, Leighton popping her head into Lexi’s room, “Is the car yours?” She asked Macy, who nodded. “Well, congrats” Leighton smiled, moving to step out of the archway, ready to go find her parents. 
We heard voices come from her parents room, and the closer we reached their room, Lexi had bolted out of her bedroom, quick steps coming up behind us.
"Leigh, wait-" She tried, but it was too late.
"Mom?" Leighton gasped, rushing over towards her mothers bedside.
Both Gemma, Leighton's mom; and Sebastian, Leightons dad, widened their eyes, both having a deer in the headlights look, confirming that we had just walked in on something we weren't meant to see. Leighton then froze. "Fuck" She exhaled, my footsteps quickly taking me to her.
"Leighton, language!" Her father scolded, Leighton glaring.
"Don't talk to me about language! You lied to me!" She yelled, her fists clenched. 
I rested my hands on both sides of her arms, keeping her arms by her side. She looked like she wanted to strangle her father. I've never seen her this mad.
"We didn't lie to you" he denied, and I swear Leighton was going to explode.
She trashed against my body, trying to get her arms free from my hold as she yelled, "YOU DIDN'T LIE TO ME?" She yelled, completely enraged, "WELL YOU DIDN'T EXACTLY TELL ME MOM WAS SICK!" 
"Leighton-" her mom gasped, Leigh still moving against me, finally getting her arms free due to me not wanting to leave bruises on her arms. 
"No! What the hell! How long have you guys known?!"
"Leigh" Lexi spoke up, pushing past me to grab Leighton's arm.
"No! You knew too!" She shrugged Lexi off, Lexi stumbling into me.
"Woah" I braced her, stopping Lexi from falling over.
"How long have you known? What is she sick with? She didn't look like this last month!" Leighton spoke directly to her father, my hand tugging on the back of her elbow to give her more distance between her mothers Oxygen wire and the bed.
"Leighton, please" her father started but she shook her head.
"Tell me!" She demanded, quickly walking over to where her father was standing. 
"Leigh-" He sighed, and even I was starting to get annoyed.
What was going on? And why was it a big secret?
"Her cancer is back baby, and it's terminal" 
The whole room went silent. 
My eyes widened, Leighton's body tensed, Lexi held her breath and Sebastian had a look of sympathy.
"How long have you known?" She whispered and I immediately moved to stand next to her, ready to catch her if she were to fall.
"Leigh-" he tried, but she shook her head. 
"HOW LONG" She demanded again, her hands starting to shake. 
"Since before you left for Italy" he answered her, sounding extremely defeated and full of remorse. 
Leighton was dead silent. No one uttered a single word. 
I didn't know what I expected her to do, but her rushing out of the room wouldn't have been one of my first picks.
I wanted to say so many things to her father, but I knew I needed to stand by her side right now, so with a harsh glare at her father, I quickly spun around, following Leighton down the hallway to the stairs, calling after her.
"Leave me alone Colby!" She called out, her voice shaking.
I leaned against the wall, watching her quickly turn around the banister, leaving my point of view. 
I sighed, my head hitting the wall out of frustration.
"Where did she go?" Lexi asked, my eyes opening to see the desperation in her eyes.
"I don't know. Leave her alone for a minute Lex"
"Lexi, just give her a minute" I exhaled through my nose, something dawning on me, "Where is Gemma?" 
She gave me a weird look, "With Macy, in my room. I was babysitting her"
I nodded, pushing myself off the wall and heading towards Lexi's room, spotting Macy sitting on the floor, a laptop in front of her with Gemma passed out on a blanket on the floor.
Why is our child asleep on the floor?
"Where is her crib?" I questioned, Macy's head snapping up at the sound of my voice.
"Uh" She stuttered, Lexi walking into the room, answering "Downstairs"
"Why didn't they tell her?" I decided to ask, ignoring the fact that Gemma was passed out on Lexi's carpet. "I mean... honestly, what the hell? It's been two months" I expressed, turning around to face Lexi.
"I.. I..I.." She stuttered before exhaling, "I don't know" in defeat, which appears to be a common feeling around here.
"Couldn't come up with a good enough lie?" I asked harshly, watching hurt flash against her eyes, forgetting she also has been living with the fact that her mother has a terminal illness.
"It's not just Leighton who is suffering Colby! My mother is dying too! It's not always about her!" She snapped, surprising me.
"No! You don't get to walk into MY home and yell at ME for not telling MY sister that OUR mother is sick! It wasn't my place!"
"You're her sister!" I interrupted, surprised I was actually arguing with my girlfriend's sister.
"How did you expect that conversation to go? Text? FaceTime? Phone call? Like oh, by the way, our mother is dying! See you maybe at Christmas! She lives across the country, Colby!"
"She deserves to know!" I argued back, Gemma starting to fuss in the background, catching my attention.
I let out a hard exhale, knowing Gemma needed to stay asleep.
"I know you're suffering too, and I'm sorry that you guys are having to go through this.. I'm just.." I paused, running my hand through my hair, "This is the last thing she needs right now" 
Lexi immediately caught what I said, concern evident on her face as she asked, "What's going on Colby?" letting me know that I might have just fucked up.
Has Leighton not told them? Am I allowed to talk about it? God I hated secrets. 
"Her plates been too full lately.. it's just another thing that is going to add onto her stress"
"So we're all keeping secrets now?" She asked, confusing me.
Lexi shook her head, rubbing at her eye which made me internally smile.
That's something Leighton did all the time, and it was cute to see her sister also had that habit.
"We used to be so close" She sighed, walking past me, taking a seat at her desk.
"I don't understand..."
"Understand what?"
"Where I went wrong" She looked up at me from her desk, her eyes having tears in them.
I gave her a sympathetic look as I said, "Lexi" but having no idea where to go from there. I felt bad, but I had no idea how to fix it. It wasn't my problem to fix, I just wish I could at least help.
"She's my big sister Colby, and I feel like I barely even know her" She confessed, rubbing at her eyes to get rid of the threatening tears. 
"Lexi, she's still your sister" Macy chimed in, reminding me that she was still there.
"Doesn't feel like it" She muttered, and I felt awkward. I felt like I was listening in on a conversation I wasn't meant to hear. 
"Hey, I need to go find Leighton" I announced, not wanting to just abandon her.
"It's fine" She sniffled, making me feel bad.
"I just need to make sure she's okay, and then..." I paused, debating in my head if this was a good idea or not, "Do you uh.. want me to send her up? Do you want to talk to her?" I asked, Lexi shrugging without a reply.
I decided it was best to let it go, and let her just sit in her feelings for a moment, quietly thanking Macy for caring for Gemma before slipping out of Lexi's room.
I found Leighton five minutes later, sat in the background, her hand brushing over the blades of grass.
"Hey" I spoke softly, announcing my presence. "Can I join you?" I asked and she nodded, so I took a seat. "Want to talk about it, or do you just want to sit here for a minute?" 
She shrugged, staying silent just like Lexi had which made me chuckle, Leighton looking over at me weirdly.
"Sorry, you just remind me a lot of your sister today" 
"Oh" She replied quietly, her hand still messing with the grass.
I could tell she had been crying, her cheeks red and puffy, but there weren't any more tears falling and I wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.
"Why can't she just be better?" She asked quietly, breaking my heart.
"I don't know baby, I'm sorry" 
"I just... she's my mom, you know?" 
I nodded, staying quiet. 
"G won't even get to know her" 
"Some people live years Leigh" I chimed in, trying to be the one who was glass half full.
"Unlikely" She muttered, her hand stopping its movement, coming up to her face to wipe at her nose.
"What is your biggest concern?" I asked, trying to remember tips I had gotten from my therapist about communication.
With starting a new relationship with Leighton, she's definitely been quite the topic in my therapy sessions lately. I knew we both sucked at communication, and it's usually my fault, so I had been trying to be more aware of that lately, not wanting to be the one to fuck things up for us, but I was also learning ways I could help her open up more. 
I had expressed during one of my sessions that it bothered me that I had no idea how to help her when she did close herself off, so it was nice to at least try and exercise the tips and tricks I was given, in hopes that it would help us as a whole in getting through something as terrifying as her mother having a terminal illness.
It's not everyday that life slaps you in the face with that kind of news, but I wanted to at least be prepared to try and help, and not constantly feel like I was making things worse.
"That I won't be here when she dies" She confessed, surprising me that she actually answered.
"Leighton it could be years" I reminded her, hating that she was already worrying about being away from her mom when it would ultimately happen.
She turned her head to look at me, her harsh tone breaking the calm aroma, "But what if it isn't? — and even if it was, I want to spend every waking moment with her Colby! She's quite literally a ticking time bomb, and that fucking sucks! It sucks so bad!" She started to whine, a cry sneaking up on her tone. "I just.... I'm losing everything! Logan is away risking his life, Cynthia is distancing herself from me, Aaliyah is hard to reach most times and now my mom is dying!"
I said the first thing that came to mind, "I'm sorry" not having any idea of how to comfort her in this situation.
"And I fucking hate that she's dying, and I hate that Gemma won't grow up with her grandmother.. her namesake! Her fucking legacy!" she exclaimed, her voice getting louder. "She won't have any memories of my mom.. and it sucks. It sucks so fucking bad that the person I named my daughter after, my daughter won't remember!"
"I'm sorry" I repeated, starting to feel like a broken record.
"And they've known for two months?! And didn't fucking tell me! They kept this HUGE secret for months!" 
"I'm so sorry Leigh"
"I just..." her voice started to wobble as she tried to keep it together, failing miserably as her voice cracked when she spoke, "I want Logan to come home" she sniffled, "and I want my mom... my mom to be okay" she breathed, trying to keep her tears at bay, "and... and I want Gem.. Gemma-" her voice shaking, Leighton gulping down her choking sob, "to have a good.. a good life... and.. a family. I want her to have a family. I wish.." She exhaled, wiping the fallen tears away, "I want Gabe to be here, to help.. to be a dad..." she paused, sniffling and wiping at her nose, throwing her head back with her eyes tightly shut, "I'm tired of being alone" She confessed, her head dropping back down in exhaustion. "I don't want to be alone"
It was pure agony to watch, every bone in my body wanted to hold her, but I wasn't sure if she wanted to be touched her not, her breathing becoming heavier as she tried even harder to pull herself together.  
I gave into the urge, shuffling closer to her and pulling her into my chest, her body falling into my arms. "You're not alone, Leighton. I know that in your head family is different from friends, and I understand how much this sucks.. but you're not alone" I reassured her, wishing I could fix this. "I'm sorry you're having to go through this at all, let alone right now" 
I listened to her cry, feeling helpless and wishing I could snap my fingers and fix everything, but life doesn't work like that and it was completely unfair.
"I'm not saying this is the answer but it is an option, you can always move back"
"But I like living in Minnesota" 
"And you can always go back" I reassured her, our eyes finally meeting, my heart breaking seeing how torn she looked.
"But I can't afford it, and I know you say I can always move back in... but I hate it here. I hate the weather, I hate the people, I hate how there are so many residents but it's hard to get a job, I hate how expensive everything is. I don't want Gemma to grow up here-" She started rambling, pushing herself away from me.
"But Leigh, your family is here. Your friends are here and you can always move back.Wecan always move back. Plus, you'll be back in California and it will make getting your record expunged easier. If you want a job, I'm sure Sam and I could hire you. I know you're Miss Independence, but you don't have to work right now. We can support you" 
"But I don't want to-" She started to interrupt, but I shook my head, cutting her off. 
"I know you don't want to depend on us, but for right now it might be the best choice. Yes, you're independent and we know that. We know you're not using us etcetera.. but it makes sense to come back home for a while, and we can always move. I mean, Sam and I were even talking about relocating at some point" I informed her, catching her attention.
Her brow furrowed, eyeing me, "Relocating? You just moved"
"Not right away, but at some point. We can talk about this later, I'm just saying there are options. You're not stuck"
"I don't want to be a freeloader" She expressed, her fingers wiping under her eye near her waterline.
"You're not being a freeloader. Hell, I'll even rent a house for you if you want to be on your own. Let me help, please" I begged, trying to reason with her.
It was in bright bold letters as for what we should do, but she was too stubborn to give it any real thought.
"But I'm finally making a life for myself there" She frowned, her internal battle showing on her face.
"And we're all so proud of you, but sometimes life has other plans and we have to adapt. I understand you're mad at them... and I am too, but it isn't worth it. Yes, they should have told you, but we know now.. so now we need to figure out what you want to do. You said you wanted to hang out with her more, so why would you move back to Minnesota, far away from her?"
She sighed, letting out a groan as she replied, "But I just moved there! It was a bitch to do too! I don't want to do that again" 
"So don't"
"Don't move, just stay"
"What do you mean"
"keep your stuff there, stay here, and eventually go back"
"But it could be years Colby! I highly doubt my aunt and uncle want my crap in their house for years without me living there"
"Well, what do you want to do then?" 
"I don't know!" She whined, hiding her face in her hands.
"You don't have to make any decisions right now, but at least think about it. You still need to talk to your mom and dad, and Lexi wants to talk to you-"
"Why?" she spoke over me.
"And I'm sure Gemma needs to eat soon" I finished, before my brain registered her question, "Lexi is pretty uh.. upset at you, I guess"
I shrugged, shifting my weight onto my elbow, my elbow digging into my thigh. "She said something about everyone being secretive"
Leighton sighed, making her way to stand up, offering me her hand which made me laugh.
"There is no way in hell you're helping me up"
"Believe in me Colby!" 
"I do believe in your baby, but it's just plain physics that this isn't going to work" I snickered, earning a glare.  
I decided to humor her, letting her grab my hands and attempt to pull me up.
"Jesus christ-" She grunted, "How much do you weigh?!"
"Hey, that's rude!"
"Lay off the taco bell Colby, damn" She huffed, letting go of my hands.
"It's all muscle!" I defended, pushing myself up off the ground.
"Whatever you say big guy" She teased, a smile on her lips as I engulfed her in a hug. 
"You're being mean" I mumbled against her hair, kissing the side of her head.
"I've had a hard day, I'm allowed to be mean" She grinned, knowing she was going to get away with it.
"You have had a hard day" I hummed in agreement, "but it's going to be okay, and you have a lot of people who care about you and are here for not only you, but your family" I reminded her, her eyes keeping contact with mine. "Now let's go find Gemma, make sure she's taken care of before we go tackle your family. We're in this together Leighton, it's going to be okay"
I went to pull away, ready to walk into the house, when she kept her hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me down into a kiss.
When she pulled away, her hands held my jaw, making sure I was looking at her as she said "I would love to say those three little words... but I need time, but for now.. just know that the feeling is there. I care so much about you Colby, and I don't deserve you, or your kindness. Thank you for always being there for me." she said softly, placing another sweet kiss against my lips before pulling away and leaving me there dumbfounded, replaying her words in my head.
Those three little words...
I love you. 
* * * *
Thoughts and opinions?
Written on: November 16th, 18th, 19th 2022
Word Count: 3.6k
Part Thirty Seven
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rippersz · 2 months
𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆'𝒔 𝑨 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
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Larissa Weems x Reader x Alcina Dimitrescu (NSFW; Double Penetration; Lewd Language; BDSM; Mommy Kink; Breeding; G!P)
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
It’s too much. 
It’s way too much.
Too much touching, too much pleasure, too much passion. 
It’s all warm bodies, panting breaths, deep growls, small whimpers, and so much heat that you feel faint with it. They have you stuck in between, held up and hovering over thick thighs while two sets of strong hips alternate powerful thrusts. In and out. In and out. In… out… Easy and light for the two of them as sharp nails leave deep indents in the flesh of your ass, clenching and unclenching. She shoulders most of the weight, the taller of your two lovers, while she takes her fill. Insatiable and dark. Hard, fast, and rough. There’s grunts that pour past your ear and fan against the sensitive skin of your neck, creating the most precious addictive harmony as she scrapes razor-sharp fangs along the soft flesh of your trapezius. Skirting around the very edge of pain. She knows you fear it. She knows you’re waiting. Fortunately, she’s already made up her mind. The feeding will be for another night- or perhaps later, when you’re passed out on the bed between them, plugged to keep the warmth of their cum from spilling out of your pretty body. She’s unbelievably excited about that if the flex of her hips and strong steady hold is anything to go by. It’s a sweet gesture in the long run, keeping you in place so that the woman in front of you, grasping onto your lower thighs, can have an easier time using you for pleasure. 
And she is. Absolutely. 
Larissa’s porcelain skin is flushed pink with desire, spreading all the way down to the milky expanse of her bare chest. She’s huffing, her beautiful red lips parted with a sense of disbelief while her eyes, blown dark with an appreciative pupil, lock themselves onto the sensitive place where your bodies meet. She studies your venus mound, the soft curls wetted by your desire, and licks her lips without thought while you watch the hypnotizing roll of her torso. In and out… in and out… smooth and easy and deep enough to make both of you exhale soft moans and whimpers on each thrust. She doesn’t have the stamina Alcina does, but that’s why your draconic lover takes most of the force… and most of the resistance. Their difference in size, in moments like this, is terribly noticeable. You feel it in their hands, in the closeness of their chests and their heights, even while kneeling on the bed, and in the thick of their cocks as they grind into you from both ends. 
Filling all that they can, for all that they’re worth, and enjoying the sounds of your broken cries. 
“P-please- can’t!- Sens-sensitive!” You scream, vision blurring with hot tears as they continue their evil dance. 
Alcina is absolutely fucking punishing. You’re not sure how you’re going to walk comfortably come morning with the way she smacks against your backside. She’s obviously not shy and only finds a sick sort of enjoyment in your answering sobs whenever she whispers how tight you are for her. How desperate. Clenching around both of their lengths like a needy depraved little slut. 
And Larissa, who listens with sharp ears and responds with appreciative moans, can only watch and partake in her own lewd show as she sees the way Alcina hovers over you. Making eye contact with those golden fires, feeling adored beneath the heavy heat that comes with the constant stare your taller lover gives her. Eyes raking over the softness of her breasts, the hickies on the swell of her ribs, the golden curls at the base of her cock… Slightly smaller than Alcina’s, and tinged pink with delight as it moves in and out of you with fervor. Stretching with ease as you take her right to the hilt over and over and over. It feels like a piece of Heaven all on its own, plucked right from the stars, as Larissa looks up from beneath her lashes and bats her eyes at Alcina. Her cock throbs, wild with pleasure, as it fills you swiftly- and she takes that moment to pause. The lull barely has time to confuse you before Larissa is leaning closer, pressing your chests together in warm, hazy damp delight, so she can bring her lips right up to your-... shoulder. Over your shoulder. To meet the pull of Alcina’s body as her bountiful chest, soft and gentle, pins itself to the contours of your back. You can almost feel the heavy thump of her heart. 
“Kiss me, darling,” Alcina breathes quickly, her voice a deep pleasant rumble brushed against Larissa’s lips. They keep themselves inside of you, prolonging the ache in your body as they kiss. Slow and sensual, red lips opening and parting, pink tongues licking into each other with languid strokes. Eyes closed, suspended in bliss, throats bobbing with the most erotic moans. You can only watch, entranced and bewitched, as a strong shiver races down your spine. You quake in their shared hold and shift your gaze to see- Oh. Gold. Striking gold, glowing beneath a heavy lid, watching you with cloying amusement. It’s embarrassing to be seen in such a needy state, blushing and clenching and eager for whatever they can give you… you want to hide away, but you have nowhere to go. They’re so warm, so strong, and kissing so lovingly. 
Alcina’s eye closes as she loses herself in your other lover’s sweet mouth, and the desperation in your body only shoots to unbearable heights as the attention is stolen away.
“Please,” you whimper. Give it to me. Anything. Fuck me until I pass out and you can’t control yourselves anymore. Please. Anything. I love you. 
Larissa is the first to pull away. She’s slow, letting Alcina steal one last moan from her lungs, before she’s settling back onto her heels and licking the spit from her lips. Slow and appreciative. You figure they both taste like wine and sex and your body begins to squirm without much thought–completely taken by the envious nature that swells in your heart. 
Kiss me too. Please. Please, kiss me too. 
“Poor thing…,” your lover whispers, her breath like a cool balm against your heated skin. You nod immediately, trying to garner some appreciation, some sympathy, and lean your head back to rest on Alcina’s collarbone. She feels so strong behind you, still holding your legs without even a tremor in her forearms - and keeping you open for Larissa, who ducks to nuzzle against your neck. “Have we been neglecting you?” She asks in a murmur, the words flowing like individual pieces of silk from her cherry lips. 
You nod, quickly, and bring your hands up from your thighs to rest over her shoulders. A small tug has her settling closer, pressing so far into you that no space slips between your bodies. Chests kissing and hips locked, the sweat on her skin glistens beneath firelight. 
The hearth is proudly lit and burning away, flickering with shadows that dance across your sinful tango. Everything smells of perfume and sex and you’re eager to feel them moving again. Alcina is starting to hurt, aching so much within her nestled spot that you try to adjust - but her hands only dig into your thighs with renewed vigor. She doesn’t want you to escape. She doesn’t want you to leave. You feel the burn and you stay there for them, because tonight that’s your job. 
Larissa’s little pet. Alcina’s little fucktoy. That’s usually how it goes. 
And the sweet peck that the former gives you a moment later, lingering in the space between your eyebrows, sparks a little whimper to run from your throat. It’s a raw sound, betraying your need, and you watch as Larissa’s eyes soften. She is always so weak for you—never able to keep up the mean façade for very long. She can tease like a motherfucker, but the near punishing pace Alcina often sets is not something she can always adapt to. So she loves as she does now, kissing every bit of your face that she can reach, letting out soft moans that make your mouth water. And when you try moving to capture her lips, lazily twisting your head, she backs away. A terrible game of cat and mouse. A form of torture that has you in near tears because goddammit you just need them to DO something alread-
“Hngh!” A strained, choked sound, taken from the very depths of your eager soul, splits the heavy air.
It’s tinged with pain, overwhelmed with pleasure, as Alcina’s cock, in all of its big glory, drags out of your hole and slams back in.
“Fuck,” you hear her low murmur before the rest of her appreciation is drowned out by Larissa’s gasp. 
She’s clearly very sensitive, instantly shutting her eyes in undeniable bliss as the motions of your dance start up again. Alcina grinds easily, producing the dirtiest sounds as the meat of her thighs slaps against your ass. And no moan is stifled. No growl is hidden. She wants you to hear her. She knows how much it makes you throb, and when that happens, she knows it pleasures them both. And that’s part of it, of course. A common point of teasing. She pulls out certain reactions from you so you can please Larissa. Your sweet angel. Bucking her hips like she is now, a mad woman made by your own hands. White hair in disarray, chest painted in lipstick and light bruises, legs shaking with need. 
They stretch you so well… The perfect fits for your body. Even if it hurts. Even if, occasionally, you wince. It doesn’t matter. You’re just so warm… So easy… Constantly ready to drop to your knees if they ask. Always in the mood to give yourself up. It’s just as Alcina says:
“Such an eager little whore for your Mommies, aren’t you darling?” 
Yes. Yes, you are. 
“Mhm… Our pretty little cocksleeve…”
God, yes.
“Isn’t that right, Larissa? Such a good princess we have, hm?” 
The response is a deep purr. “Without a doubt, my love. So… oh gods, fuck… so obedient…”
Very. The most obedient. No choice but to be. Doesn’t matter. You’re a good princess. Best cocksleeve. All for them. Pretty Mommies…
Out there, you are more than this. You are something perhaps a bit more human. A bit more independently functional. You are expected to do things. Told to be mightier. Conditioned to work and provide and never rest.
But here… 
Oh here you are nothing but a means to an end. A hole to fill as your lovers, all red lips and aureate eyes crashing into sapphires, black and white hair in complete contrast, fuck you at their own paces. Staring at each other over your shoulder, hearts in their pupils, while they use you like the two-holed toy in between. Your pleas go unanswered. Your tears go unlicked.
They use your body like they’ve spent their whole lives waiting to. And your body accepts them. Eager for their care, their love, the heat that they want to fill you with.
“Cum with me, Larissa.” In your foggy haze, you hear Alcina pant. “Please,” she begs, a sweet sound you rarely get to hear, “Help me- hngfuckfuck- f-fill our little girl.” 
The term of endearment has you exploding in goosebumps, growing stiff with the amount of times your cunt squeezes around Larissa’s length in the span of only a few moments. It’s addicting, this position. This intimacy. The mind-numbing passion that follows in the wake of their rapid, eager thrusts. An easy tell for the bliss you’re about to feel. 
“Yes- yesyesyesyesyes!- Al-cina-!” Your fair-haired lover squeaks as she doubles over, presses her forehead into your neck, and pumps her hips erratically. The shiver flows through her veins and comes to a head, quick and hard, as she crumbles inside of you. 
Alcina, delighted by the show of those blue eyes rolling back in pleasure, follows without preamble. Her thrusts are mad, lost in their forgotten timing, and descend into short bursts of strength as she works herself all the way inside and finally gives into the electricity that floats into her body. 
The feeling of their breasts pressed to your front and back, heaving with the love you’ve given them, the Heaven that’s been taken, is enough to send you into a small orgasm of your own. It’s a weak pulse of your body, too tired and hazy to register anything but the thick warm cum that floods you. Spilling and spilling until you’re nearly certain that it’s all going to dribble out onto the length of their cocks as soon as they pull out, and then dirty the bedspread.
But really who gives a fuck about the bedspread? 
They’ll just buy another set, rich and expensive and softer than feathers. 
And then ruin that one too.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
Drops dead - Rip x
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
Too tired for tags... waaaa...
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withgaby · 2 years
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Il est temps de mettre fin au rêve...
Triplixe's project : Épisode 6
A découvrir dès demain sur #wattpad
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sas-soulwriter · 6 months
No to overwriting
In my last post, I mentioned things you don't need to worry about when writing your first book, including going into excessive detail.
Today, I want to dive deeper into one of those aspects: the idea that you don't overwrite in your first draft.
When you're embarking on the exciting journey of crafting your first book, it's easy to get caught up in the desire to make every sentence perfect, every dialogue sparkling, and every description exquisitely detailed. While these are certainly important elements of great writing, they don't need to be perfected in your initial draft.
Here's why:
Flow and Creativity: Your first draft is where the magic happens. It's where your creativity flows freely, and the story unfolds without restrictions. Overthinking and overwriting can disrupt this natural flow and stifle your creative voice. First drafts are for doing. For getting the idea down!
Stress Reduction: Focusing too much on perfection in the first draft can be stressful and overwhelming. It might even discourage you from continuing. Remember, it's okay to let your ideas flow without immediate scrutiny.
Revision Comes Later: Writing is a process, and revision is a critical part of it. You'll have ample opportunity to refine and improve your work in subsequent drafts. This is the stage where you can fine-tune sentences, fix grammar, and add the right level of detail.
Progress Over Perfection: The goal of your first draft is to get your ideas down on paper. It's more about progress than perfection. Don't let the pursuit of perfection hinder your progress as a writer.
Happy writing!
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sunflowersinners · 5 months
Hey Friends!
I’m stuck sick in bed all week, so in order to pass the time I am re-opening my fanfic commissions!
Do you have a ship or plot you want to see play out but you���re not sure how to write it? Do you have an amazing idea and you’re not sure where to start? Let me write it for you! I charge just one penny per word.
DM me to learn more!
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fictiveflowers · 1 year
Introduction post (hi)
Hello Tumblr fandom/fanfic/writing community!
I've been writing for a while now(for myself) and aspire to one day be published in original works.
In the meantime, Id love to share my writing with others and connect with fellow writers in the community. I post my works on AO3 and share small oneshots and updates here on Tumblr.
I'm on the lookout for cool writing mutuals who share my love for these fandoms and writing in general. Feel free to reach out and connect with me, and don't hesitate to drop any oneshot requests you might have. I'm always open to new ideas. And if you ever want to talk or vent my dms are open for support
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to connecting with you all! If your interested in poetry and prose my poetblr is @27paperlilies
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Also note that my tumblr blogs are a safe space for anyone and everyone. (except for the racists, transphobes, ableists, sexists, homophobes) <3
My Wips
Johns rebellion (original storey)
Then there's john. He watches. He waits. He doesn't join the communion of commiserations or trapes down narrow paths. He learns to code. He plans to take what forced them so far below the earth, and catapult it into the stratesphere.
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Friends of light (bbc merlin fic)
"I'm alright, just lost in my thoughts " she admitted softly, lips forming a sad smile and her gaze clearing itself of dark memories. Her old friends turned torwards the mantle and bathed its pictures in tones of canary yellow and white. Her parents face's looked back, face's she now had a hard time looking at, but wouldn't let herself forget.
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-Friends of light Read on ao3
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
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and I had to take a break to make this meme to calm down LMFAO
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liliansilverstuff · 2 years
Several Dramione fic ideas swirling through my brain, just listing them here mostly for my own reference because they get lost in my phone notes:
Biggest thing: Unforgettable (sequel to my 160k multi-chap, Unforgivable) Memory loss fic, but not like any you’ve read.
Small thing, but wanna do it justice: a Draco POV follow-up to my one-shot, The Genuine Article, where Draco is forced into the muggle world following the war.
Huge thing I don’t know I will ever get to: a canon re-write, probably in vignette form, starting from Harry’s Hogwarts letter. Basic premise is that Dudley read the letter and insists on being brought along with Harry for his school supply shopping trip. Hagrid never comes to get Harry. Harry meets Draco in Dagon alley and becomes friends with him after Draco insults the Dursleys for being shitty to Harry Potter.
Other huge thing: Draco is court ordered to attend 8th year, but sends a clone of himself instead. (There is some kind of muggle/magical connection here, for the cloning but) Hermione and the clone become friends, but she knows something is off, and is hell bent on figuring it out. Madness and hilarity ensues.
Oh! And it’s called “Multiplicity” a la the Michael Keaton film.
Here’s the summary:
He’s not who she thought he was… because, actually, he isn’t.
Other smatterings:
8th year - Hermione purposefully gets detention with Draco. Repeatedly.
(I think this is PWP, but I am historically incapable of PWP, sooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Ministry co-workers - everyone in Hermione’s department is desperate to get her laid. Enter: Draco Malfoy.
How do I just get these written? What’s the spell?
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rippersz · 2 months
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(Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Reader) (NSFW: Cunnilingus, Overstimulation; Fluff) (~1.3K words)
Brienne held the kindest soul. Always hidden behind a tough exterior, yes, but kind nevertheless. She was so eager to be of service and fight for her honor, for her morals, for her people. Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, the best of her ranks. The best of her warriors. Perhaps not as strong as some of the men, but definitely more intelligent. Definitely more lithe. Quick, even in her armor. Brutal, even in her training.
You enjoyed watching from the walls of the castle, looking down at the training grounds with amused eyes as she barked orders and corrected stances and cut down a few arrogant souls with one swift slash of her sword. It wasn’t very funny to her, but sometimes, in the dark of night beneath your blankets, you were able to pull a laugh or two from her tired body. Gossiping about how stupid and oaf-ish some of the men could be, and mimicking their silly deep voices so outrageously that she was forced to wack at your shoulder and roll her eyes in eternal exasperation. You delighted in those moments, especially when you could lean over and push a smooshed sloppy kiss onto her cheek - giggling when she shoved you away and pretended to get sick into her palm. Also a tactic to hide the blush on her face, but you never confronted her about it.
Though it was no surprise, of course, for a woman like Brienne to take her passion for combat into other areas of her life. Her vigor when mounting and riding her horse, the quick sharp movements of her hand and her penmanship, and the way she pulled on her armor without needing help. All done with a certain level of dedication and precision. All done without complaint. You admired those qualities about her, and you told her so often.
You told her so often… when you weren’t being fucked dumb on top of her face. Held by her strong hands. With a dedicated, precision-focused Brienne looking up at you through hooded lashes.
She was flushed and sweating, with the soft baby hairs at her temples slicking back into the rest of her golden locks. Splayed out like a halo on the front of the feathered pillow. She was an absolute vision there, your warrior. Eyes so dark and sharp, watching the way your breasts bounced and your lips parted - swollen from the biting kisses she placed there not too long ago. Something had happened earlier in the day that led to her desperation. The very moment the door to your quarters was closed and locked, those calloused hands were running to your hips and bringing you in. Closer and closer and closer to her, until she nearly ripped the shirt from her head and the dress from your body.
“I’ve missed you,” she huffed into your ear before pressing hot kisses down the line of your neck, trailing her tongue in a delightful little dance across your skin. You were so sensitive for her, and so familiar with being in control, that the loss of it had you losing your courage.
“You saw me- oh gods- e-earlier,” was your whispered response, though it was shoved out of your mouth by the hand that wound itself into your hair and tugged backward.
“I don’t care,” Brienne seethed. “I always miss you.” And the softness that came with such words was only reserved for you. In front of others, she wouldn’t dare, but there were no others there. It was only you, grasping her shoulders, and her, leaning down and walking you toward the bed.
The bed, where she had you falling apart.
The bed, which you could barely see because dear fucking gods her tongue was ruining your senses. It was an eager thing. Absolutely hungry. Running over your clit in perfect circles, flicking and teasing and pulling soft whimpers from your chest. Stroking the flames of your desire, building them up and up and up until they swallowed you whole. From the prickles of heat at the base of your skull all the way to your curling toes and shaking thighs. You were so sensitive, pushing yourself against the wall to stop yourself from losing balance, utterly embarrassed to feel the drool leak out of your mouth as the overwhelming tide of bliss came over you again. And again. And again. Washing away your thoughts, your earthly desires, and leaving a raw woman behind. Shuddering above the wicked mouth of your lover, with her sharp jaw burning in exertion and her sweet brow furrowed, too concentrated to care about her tired muscles. Long fingers kept you pinned, digging into the crease of your thigh and tummy, and her arms flexed with the strength it took to keep you still and open for her. At her dear excruciating mercy. Quivering on top of that handsome face and feeling your muscles clench eagerly when she filled you up with her tongue and moaned. Forcing the warm flutters from your body while she closed those gorgeous blue eyes and lapped at your mess.
“B-Brienne- please!” Your words were slurred and sloppy, mumbled helplessly against the wall. Every part of your body crumbled from the exquisite burn. “Please- ungh- can’t-”
But Brienne didn’t care if you could or couldn’t. The only response you got was a throaty groan and a small quirk of pale, wet lips. Her silent pleasure at your beautiful praise. Her gentle purrs at your eager whines. She was more than willing to drown in you - if only it meant you were satisfied and happy and so tired by the end of it that she wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about you being the ‘big spoon’. That is, of course, if your arms ever became strong enough to hold her again. It was far too easy to lose yourself in the pleasure she gave, desperate and starved, and when your hands ran to tangle themselves in her soft hair, she seemed to know that just for a moment- you had had enough.
“Dear gods Brienne!” You huffed as soon as her arms pulled you down toward her chest and she had enough leverage to flip you around and put herself on top. “That- I-” a soft whine bubbled up from your throat, swiftly cutting off your words when she leaned down and pressed soft pecks to your cheeks and neck. They were easy and light, so quick and delicate on your skin that they could’ve been raindrops. Your eyes slid closed with bliss. Whatever you were going to say was lost to the feeling of her chest pressing into your own and the sweet subtle hum between your legs.
“Are you alright?” Brienne murmured, shoving her mouth against the space above your heart to grant it the sweetest of kisses.
All you could give her, your darling warrior, was a pleased grunt. You were more than alright. You were loved. Cared for. You were pleasured within an inch of your life and intelligent conversation was far above you then. Perhaps after a warm night together, you’d be able to return the favor in the morning. Though Brienne was never the type of woman to care so much about reciprocation, and the soft amused snort she responded with was the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard.
“Can I- tomorrow- hng.” You stuttered, waving your hand like a white flag in the air. Too tired to bother stringing together a proper sentence.
Brienne’s smile was small and full of pride when she sat up.
“Rest now, love,” she leaned in and swiped her thumb along your cheek, silently admiring you in all of your sensitive glory. “And we’ll see about tomorrow.”
Well. You heard the woman. And there was no need for her to tell you twice.
Short but sweet. - Rip x
Tags: @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @syrenacrainn @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @willisnotmental @gela123 @zillahofviolets-bayolet @the-bearr @amateurwritescm @h-doodles
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withgaby · 2 years
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Débarque bientôt sur la plateforme Wattpad le dernier épisode de ma fanfiction se déroulant après la saison 7 de Buffy contre les vampires 😎
Retrouvez moi sur Wattpad : @WithGaby
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mysticraven20 · 1 year
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When you get excited about your hit count on AO3 and then realise at least 30% of those hits are just yourself checking back for typos 🤦🏼‍♀️
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