#fall guys is extremely frustrating though…
avirael · 7 months
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New Casual Look
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minarinnn · 5 months
“notice me”
luke castellan x aphrodite!reader (pt2 here)
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content/trigger warnings: fem! reader, doesn’t follow the plot of tlt!, mentions of smut, sexual tension, manipulation?, groping, reader making luke jealous
a/n: the show has once again sparked up my love for the percy jackson book saga and charlie bushnell has me weakkk ughhh.. i normally don’t write for pjo characters but oh well, lmk if y’all want a continuation of this or just more luke castellan in general ;)
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you had always been so used to being the center of attention. as a daughter of aphrodite, you had always been the most popular girl in school, and there was no shortage of boys falling for your charms
arriving at camp half-blood didn change that, nothing was different. except that, for the first time in your life, you found yourself chasing after the attention of a certain boy. luke castellan, the son of hermes and the head counselor of his cabin, he just wouldn’t fawn over you like the others would. despite your best efforts, luke had always remained indifferent to your constant flirting, leaving you feeling frustrated and determined to change his mind
you found yourself spending every waking moment trying to get his attention, trying to find some way to charm him and make him see you the way the other boys did. but no matter how hard you tried, luke remained distant and unimpressed
this week you were extremely busy, you were helping out in the infirmary, one of the apollo kids who usually worked in the infirmary had been sent on a quest and you were asked to fill in until they came back. juggling that with all your other responsibilities as counselor had you beyond occupied
during that week, annabeth barged in with two other guys; percy and luke. apparently their sparring session had gone a little out of hand and they were both injured
luke was already aware of how you’ve been trying to get his attention these past few years. he actually seems to quite like having you, the most fawned over girl at camp, fawning over him instead. he liked the attention you gave him, though he knew that if he ever gave in to your charms you would stop, so he didn’t
he was fully prepared and expected you to be the one to tend to him, so when he sees you head to percy and tend to him while an apollo girl tended to him he was confused
what happened? why would you choose percy over him? we’re you tired of him? did you give up on trying to win him over? luke’s confusion quickly turned to frustration, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched you tend to percy’s wounds
"how are you feeling, percy?" you asked, giving him a warm smile, one that always had the boys weak in the knees. "n-not great, but i’ll manage" he laughed awkwardly, suddenly nervous. you put your hand on his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze "oh, i’m sure you’ll live”
out of the corner of your eye, you saw luke. he was watching you, watching the way you cared for percy. this was the first time you had ever caught him staring at you with such intensity
so you’re plan was working. you had tried everything to get his attention and you had only one trick left in your arsenal; jealosy. no boy is immune to jealousy, and that was exactly how you were gonna get him
in the end, all you had to do was throw some water at percy and he was good to go. luke though, he had to spend the night in the infirmary
the other apollo kid had left a few minutes ago, something about ‘having other things to do’. so it was just luke and you in the infirmary. you walk over to luke's bed and start tending to his wounds
“oh so now you wanna take care of me? how nice of you” he speaks, sarcasm dripping from his words. “you can tough it out, can't you?" you tease, dabbing away at his cuts with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball. luke is watching you intently and you can feel the tension in the room increasing, his eyes fixated on your hands as you work
luke’s eyes narrow, and you can see the rage boiling beneath the surface. he’s frustrated, jealous, and he doesn't know what to do with all these emotions. you’ve never seen him like this before, and it's a thrill to know that you have the power to make him feel this way
you try to ignore the tense atmosphere in the room, focusing instead on luke's wounds. you finish cleaning and bandaging the cut on his wrist, holding it up to your face to land a soft kiss on the bandages. “all done” you whisper. he tenses at the feeling of your soft lips, and you can see the anger in his eyes. however, you can also see a hint of something else— desire
you look up at him with a smile, knowing that you've got him right where you want him. his eyes are locked on your every movement. you know that you have him wrapped around your finger, and it's a delicious feeling of power
luke’s expression is one of confusion, a mix of rage and desire. he wants you, and he wants to hate you at the same time. it’s a weird combo, but it's working for you.
you lean closer to him, your lips inches away from each other. you can feel his breath on your skin, the heat of his body as he's lying there
"you’re not stopping me" you state, breaking the silence. it’s a quiet, soft whisper, filled with a tiny bit of amusement
"maybe.. maybe i don’t want you to stop" he says, his eyes locked on yours, voice low and husky. you can see the desire building in him, how his gaze trails down to your lips
luke’s breathing quickened, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. he knew that this was a game for you, a game where you would always be determined to win him over, but now, in this very moment, he felt like he was losing
he lets out a hiss of frustration, of desire, of... something. he’s sure knows that you're proud of it, but he’s not quite sure what to do about it
you leaned in for the kiss, your lips pressing gently against his, your hand running through his hair. you could feel his body tensing, his hands gripping your waist as he attempted to pull you on top of him
you pull away from the kiss slowly, your lips still pressed to his. luke is still trying to catch his breath, his eyes fixed on yours, searching for any hint of what your next move will be
"not bad" you whisper. "you’re playing a dangerous game here” he chuckles lowly, making your lower regions throb. you smirk softly and brush his hair out of his face “i’ll take my chances”
despite being injured, he pulls you on top of him, making you realize just how hard he’s been this whole time. his eyes are dark, and you can see the lust burning within them
you lean in for another kiss, this one soft and gentle. luke groans when he feels you grind against him, his hands moving down to grab hold of your ass
“i need you s’bad” he mutters out. you smirk as you slide off him, making him furrow his brows in confusion. you land a soft kiss on his cheek. “let’s do this when you’re not injured” you whisper in his ear. now he was alone and hard in the infirmary, how nice
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© MINARINNN 2024 - please do not plagiarize or upload my content on any social media platform.
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janitorhutcherson · 6 months
Bf!Futturman Headcanons (Future Man)
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there is NOT enough future man content! allow @dollfacedalls and i to fix that :p these r some headcanons we came up with real quick. if there are typos, sorry guys lolz. its 3am and i just typed this up bc i felt like we needed some josh futturman content. enjoy the sweaty loser boyfriend vibes!
Bf!Futturman who tries to be flirty and sexy but is unsuccessful. You've been out all day, and you've just gotten home. The moment you walk through the door, Josh is in front of you in a pair of dinosaur boxers with a huge, cheesy smile. You know why, and you know what he's wanting. You can't help but grin like an idiot as you put your bags down, walking towards him to place your hands on his hips. Before you can do so, Josh attempts to lean against the coffee table in a sexy fashion. Of course, as expected, he loses his balance, his feet falling out from under you. He lets out a yelp as his elbow hits the coffee table, your eyes wide as you run to assist him. "Baby," you gasp as you kneel. "Are you okay?" you mumble as he repositions himself, now leaning on his hurt elbow on his side, the toothy grin back on his face. "Yeah.. fine now that you're here, sexy," he says, wiggling his eyebrows as you roll your eyes, hitting his shoulder.
Bf!Futturman who is so clingy that he misses you so much, making him even want to be you. You two live together, Josh finally having moved out of his childhood home to get an apartment with you. You were at work, and Josh was upset. He felt like his other half was missing. It wasn't fair that he was off and you weren't. So.. naturally, he did what any man who was missing his partner would do -- he tried on your clothes, sprayed himself in your perfume, listened to your favorite songs, and watched your favorite TV show. When you walked into your apartment to him sitting on the couch in your dress, the apparent scent of your cherry-scented perfume in the air, Dance Moms on the TV, you gasped. The moment his eyes locked with yours, Josh froze, his eyes wide, not really sure what to say. Your eyes darted to the empty bottle on the table; your lonely boyfriend had drained your expensive perfume. Josh's eyes followed yours to the bottle as he shot up, walking over to you with raised eyebrows. "I swear, baby, I- I'll buy you a new bottle," he awkwardly muttered, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. 
Bf!Futturman who wants an ugly cat with you. No, not just a cat, but an ugly one. He wanted to find the most hideous, rattiest, mangy-looking cat the two of you could find. At first, you were somewhat frustrated with how adamant he was about the situation. You would've been much happier with a fluffy kitten with pretty blue eyes and soft fur. But no, you loved your boyfriend so much you'd given in. Josh convinced you he wanted one because 'nobody wants the ugly ones.' He claimed it was an action from the goodness of his heart, an action to save a poor kitty. He never would've said it out loud, but the reality was he didn't think the name Barthalomeow fit a pretty kitten. You ended up with a fluffy cat with huge brown eyes bulging from its skull. Its bottom teeth hung out of its mouth, and its brown fur stuck up in every which way... Yeah... it was hideous for sure, but Bathalomeow loved you and his kitty dad so that you couldn't be too mad.
Bf!Futturman gets so sucked into his game that he doesn't notice anything around him. When you weren't around, and he wasn't working, Josh did NOTHING but play Biotic Wars. He'd be so sucked into the game for hours, going to disgusting extremes to avoid having to press pause. When you were home, though, he'd only dedicate an hour or two a day to the game. This usually didn't bother you, but one particular day, you were feeling incredibly desperate for his attention, his eyes locked onto his TV screen as his fingers moved stealthily across his keyboard. You felt like you'd attempted everything. At first, you just tried his name. No luck. Then, you tried tapping his shoulder. Barely flinched. Your next action was more severe, seeing if your words would stir anything in him. "Baby," you called out, your annoyance apparent. "Hm?" he hummed with a half-assed response. "I'm going to my other man's house in a few. Is that cool?" you said from behind him, sprawled out on the bed with your eyebrows raised, your eyes throwing daggers toward the back of his head. "Yeah, whatever, babe, I'll see you later," he mumbled quickly as a loud groan left your lips. "Jesus christ," you mumbled. "Gonna jump off of a bridge, Joshy," you sang out jokingly, to which Josh responded, "Okay, baby." It felt hopeless, that was, until you had an idea. You threw your shirt off, your bare chest exposed as you pranced over to him, standing in front of him. Josh glanced over at you for a moment, his eyes widening slightly as he reached his hand up to grasp your boob before looking back to his screen. "Mm, give me another hour," he hummed, his attention once again back on Future Man. Nope, didn't work. You'd revisit in an hour when you were his girlfriend again, and it wasn't his controller getting all of the hand action.
Bf!Futturman that attempts to cook for you. Josh could not cook. This was a given considering in order to cook, you had to have good coordination and be able to somewhat follow directions. Unless in video game form, it was difficult for Josh to do both. You didn't mind, enjoying making dinner and snacks for the two of you. It wasn't until one night Josh wanted to surprise you. He'd watched a YouTube video online on how to make a baked chicken with broccoli, mashed potatoes, along with a few other things. He didn't think twice about the difficulty, already feeling like a chef as he turned off his phone. He was soon proven very wrong, as about an hour later, you walked into the door to the smell of burning meat and smoke filling your kitchen. Josh stood in the center of it all, surrounded by far too many pans for him to be making such a simple dish, many of them filled with what looked like pure charcoal. He looked at you with sad eyes, a pout on his lips. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make a mess. I really just wanted to do something nice for you like you do for me," he said softly as he walked over to you. You embraced him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his head. "Hey, 's okay baby, we can just order takeout," you giggled, deciding to turn the oven off and leave the mess for another time. 
Bf!Futturman who has no filter and lacks an understanding of time and place. The two of you were inside an art museum. You pulled out your phone to snap a cute selfie. The moment he saw the camera, he pulled you close, stiffening his entire body as he stared into the camera with a blank expression. You snapped the picture, reviewing it afterward as your smile dropped. "Seriously, Josh?" you asked as you raised your eyebrows, showing him the photo where he looked both uninterested and terrified all at once. He snickered with amusement, his nose scrunching up. "God, people are going to think I kidnapped you," you muttered under your breath. He nudged you with his shoulder, raising his eyebrows up and down. "That's because you did!" he exclaimed as he pretended to yank out of your grip. People began to stare, and Josh just snickered as you smacked his shoulder. "Shut up, Futturman!" you gritted through your teeth, rolling your eyes. God, you loved him, but oh, how he pissed you off sometimes.
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regressionworldz · 5 months
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I think it was about time I drew some CG!Aziraphale and Little!Crowley, I honestly can't get enough of them, especially since Crowley is clearly so baby coded, I can't wait for the next season!
On another note, I know you guys have been wanting me to provide headcanons on some of these characters, so I've decided to compile a small list for them! If you guys enjoy these headcanons, I'll try doing more for other characters.
Aziraphale discovered that Crowley had been a regressor in the last 100, perhaps 200 years, around the 1800s era. Prior to that period, Crowley had been a regressor but kept it a secret, showing little concern for himself.
He unintentionally regressed and faced significant challenges in reclaiming his former self. Aziraphale likely perceived it as a panic attack, a common occurrence for Crowley and a factor that increased the likelihood of his regression.
He becomes extremely sensitive to pain during regression, yet he makes an effort to conceal it. Even a minor injury like pricking his finger prompts tears and shakiness, but he refrains from admitting the pain. This sensitivity stems from the trauma of the angelic fall, where angels experience pain for the first time, and the impact of the descent can leave their bodies broken for hours or even days. While Crowley may have felt pain as a human, the fall marked the first instance he truly felt vulnerable and weak.
Snakes have limited color vision, primarily perceiving shades of blue and green (though there might be some variation). Recognizing this, Aziraphale purchases and knits toys for Crowley within that specific color range.
During regression, Crowley opts for a more concise term, referring to Aziraphale simply as 'angel.' Occasionally, he might use 'papa,' though it occurs less frequently.
When Crowley is happy, he engages in vocal stims, emitting squeals or spontaneous, joyful noises.
Crowley holds a preference for snakes as his favorite animal, yet he appreciates any plushie he receives, with a particular fondness for sheep and goats.
Crowley typically sheds tears either upon waking up or at the onset of regression. Throughout the rest of the time, he makes an effort to suppress his tears. When upset, he opts for deep breaths as a coping mechanism, consciously avoiding crying. However, this emotional suppression can lead to him becoming worked up.
While regressed, Aziraphale assists Crowley in tending to his plants. However, later on, Crowley becomes frustrated with himself for being kind to his plants, expressing displeasure with the unexpected benevolence.
During Crowley's regression, Aziraphale is inclined to prepare warm meals for him. Although Crowley doesn't eat often, he readily indulges in meals provided by Aziraphale.
Crowley has a star mobile above his crib that Aziraphale added, allowing him to gaze at the stars, a simple joy that consistently brings him happiness.
Hope you guys enjoyed some of these papa azi and little crowley headcanons!
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daytaker · 5 months
The Gang Have Bath Time
Headcanons About Everybody's Bathing Routine (SFW)
He likes his showers either very hot or very cold. For Lucifer, bath time is efficient, precise, and quick; not a drop of water is wasted. His showers last exactly 4 minutes and 38 seconds. In that time he washes his face, shampoos, washes his body, and starts brushing his teeth. Teeth-brushing continues at the sink. There's no reason to waste the space or time between the shower and the sink.
Mammon is the kind of guy who forgets he's in the shower because he's belting out the classics and the acoustics in the bathroom are amazing. He never takes less than ten minutes in the shower, and he usually takes over fifteen. He likes hot showers and sometimes just stands under the water enjoying himself for the first five minutes he's in there. He also takes his sweet time after showering to do other important things before he leaves the bathroom, like putting on that face cream Asmo gave him or making funny faces in the mirror.
Levi prefers baths to showers. He likes to get fully immersed in the water. How can you really feel clean otherwise? He isn't picky about the water temperature, though he prefers it not to be especially hot. He sometimes hums or has quiet, one-sided conversations while he's bathing. He often gets distracted daydreaming in the tub, but if anyone knocks and yells at him for taking too long, he'll step on the gas and be out in less than three minutes, glaring daggers at whoever was waiting.
Satan doesn't like showering, so he does it quickly and not always very thoroughly. Get in, get wet, something something soap, get out. He hates the feeling of having wet hair so much that he let Asmo blow dry it once. (Only once. He didn't make that mistake again.) If he thinks he can get away with skipping a shower, he will.
When he was newly created, he refused to bathe. He would not do it. That looks like it sucks. No thanks. So all of his brothers besides Lucifer and Asmo went on strike and stopped bathing until he couldn't stand it anymore and hopped in a shower. Now he understands why it's necessary.
Asmo, obviously, spends the most time in the bathroom by a pretty huge margin. Since he has his own bathroom, this doesn't cause problems with his brothers, so he'll spend upwards of an hour luxuriating in a rosewater bath and applying a whole cabinet of skincare products. Not because his skin isn't flawless, but you know what they say: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Botox. He's extremely thorough in how he cleans himself, and if you're curious, you can ask him, and he'll give you a blow-by-blow description of the entire process, lingering lovingly on each body part.
Beel thinks showers are fine, but if he was left to himself, he'd definitely forget to take them half the time. Belphie or Lucifer usually remind him when it's time he needs to shower, then he goes and does it without a complaint.
Beel likes relatively cool showers, and he doesn't spend any unnecessary time in the bathroom. Sometimes he'll forget to shampoo, but who cares, right?
Belphie is very ambivalent about bathing. He's annoyed when he has to do it, but when he does, he'll hole up in the bathroom for an hour and soak in the tub. About 4 out of 5 times, he'll fall asleep, which frustrates Beel because that's how people drown, Belphie. He likes nice, warm baths best, but sometimes he'll take a hot shower when he needs to feel more awake.
Diavolo sings in the shower, loudly and not particularly well. It's a few precious minutes he has to relax over the course of a very stressful day of putting everyone else's needs above his own. His showers would be unbearably hot even for most demons, but for him, they're the perfect temperature to unwind. He doesn't dawdle, but he doesn't force himself to move too quickly either. He appreciates how to most effectively use his time, and a few extra minutes in the bathroom each morning can keep him alive for an extra half hour of work in the evening.
Barbatos is always immaculately clean, but has never been seen to bathe. Scholars are not quite sure how he does it.
Solomon forgets to shower fairly often, since he gets distracted by much more important things, like testing out a new incantation or experimenting in the kitchen. He prefers a quick cleanliness spell to a full shower if he thinks he can get away with it, but it's a little like skipping a shower and just applying deodorant; it helps, but how much, really? When he does take a conventional shower, he likes the water to be cool.
Simeon showers at the same time every night. He likes the water to be nice and warm, but not hot, and he uses fruit-scented soap and shampoo. His showers take just about five minutes, and he spends the time humming to himself and planning the next day.
Luke would like you to know that he takes showers, not baths, thank you very much, because he is not a child, but a thousand-year-old celestial entity with enough dignity to clean himself without a rubber ducky by his side. (Doth he protest too much? Probably.)
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ginevrapng · 8 months
you're surrounded by your boyfriend!neville and his friends in the gryffindor common room. his friends, not yours. you and neville have been together for a few years now but you still remember admiring him in the beginning of your hogwarts years. you always fancied him, even then, he was always so nervous but kind. it wasn't hard to figure out that he was insecure and at a young age you hated the majority of gryffindors that neville called his friends who would always make jokes at his expense that you overheard. it always frustrated you, you wanted to go up to them and slap them while dragging neville away but he didn't even know you then.
he's never held any ill will towards his housemates years later, they're his friends after all, but you do. you don't mind his friends but calling them your friends is a push. you still don't like hermione for casting petrificus totalus on him in your first year though and realistically you're probably being a bit extreme with your feelings towards them but you know that neville would feel the exact same way the other way round so it doesn't make you feel too bad about it.
you and neville are curled up in an armchair, you're sitting on his lap and laying your head against his chest while he's got his hands around your soft middle. it's getting late and you know you should probably head to your dorm before you fall asleep on neville but you're too comfortable and you don't want to leave yet. you know he's equally as tired you as his geordie accent is more noticeable when he's tired, he leans closer to you, pressed up against your cheek for only you to hear and whispers, "you sleepy flower?"
you make a hum of affirmation and nod slowly. "me too, i'm paggered," he tapers off as he yawns. "do you want t' come to bed?" he asks as he lifts you off him and gets up before offering you his hand to take.
you perk up slightly. "with you?"
he chuckles deeply and tiredly. "yeah, come on petal."
you softly smile and close your eyes momentarily before taking his hand as he pulls you up. some people have already gone up to their dorms but there are still some stragglers, both you and your boyfriend hasn't spoken to anyone in the past half an hour though just holding each other close. as you make your way past the remaining people left in the common room you say your quick goodbyes, "bye guys," you give a small wave with your unoccupied hand and then rub your eyes afterwards as you follow neville to his room.
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peachsayshi · 8 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when gojo has a crush on geto's childhood best friend
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minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
ೃ⁀➷ notes: a little match up break because this has been running through mind all day & it was inspired by this fun quiz! my baby boy is so sweet and sincere when he's love, even though it's doesn't always come across that way x
ೃ⁀➷ tags: angst and fluff; unrequited(ish) love; pining wc: 970
♡ satoru's heart races when suguru introduces you to him for the very first time. of course, he's dated before but those were fleeting. the ones who came into his world swiftly left because he was too "emotionally unavailable" and "never made enough time". he wonders if his infatuation hit him this hard, and struck him this deeply to the point where it actually rendered him speechless, or if this sudden problem is simply because of you.
♡ my goodness, you're pretty. so, so pretty that he can't stop blushing. that he stumbles over his words and says the wrong thing. that he can't stop walking into doors and knocking over glasses. he can't compose himself and winds up coming across as a complete and utter fool. how is he supposed to keep an even keel when at the slightest look you manage to throw him off center?
♡ suguru eventually tells him that you were both neighbors, your families very good friends, and that you used to have sleepovers every weekend which have made you both inseparable ever since. he shares his memories with little anecdotes about you, but he pays attention to the intrigue in satoru's eyes. geto is extremely protective of you and warns his friend not to mess around. "satoru, she's just as important to me as you are," he lectures, "and I won't hesitate to kick your ass if you try and mess around with her". satoru raises his hand in surrender, and stammers out promises that his inquiries are completely Innocent.
♡ you don't take to him so quickly, but satoru insists that it's okay. he thinks it will all change once you get to know him a little bit better, but in the process of proving something to you, he can't seem to stop himself from falling for you. every interaction results in him crawling back to suguru for some guidance on how he can work his magic to win you over. "I just...I just want us to get along..." he murmurs, like a sad little puppy licking his wounds.
♡ at first, geto takes it all with a grain of salt. this isn't the first time a guy has tried to worm their way into your heart, and he isn't surprised that his own best friend would be so taken by you. over time he starts realizing just how serious it is for satoru. how failures on his part to earn your affection results in him wallowing in sadness and pouting with frustration. "you really like her, don't you?" he confronts one night, and to his surprise his best friend simply sighs in defeat as he gazes longingly into the distance. "yeah, I really do..."
♡ geto watches satoru go to extraordinary lengths just to impress you. an idiot in love, he thinks with a smile, but one whose heart is truly worthy of yours. he doesn't step in satoru's way, and offers his assistance wherever he can. he plays matchmaker on the side - removing himself from scenarios in the hopes that quality time can bring you both closer together. he notes all of satoru's gestures: like when he pre orders your favorite drinks so it's ready by the time you arrive, or how he sifts through the compilation of information that he's memorized about you to find you the "perfect" presents, and that he is always the first to jump at your every beck and call.
♡ and satoru...can see it's working; you no longer regard him with disapproving eyes, have dropped your reservations and allowed the most vulnerable parts of you to flourish with him around. he makes you laugh, and it's like walking out of a battle carrying a victory flag. he sees you inching closer when you both sit together, and his heart is so ready to leap out of his own chest just to rest comfortably on your lap. you actually enjoy his company, and he can tell because you both spend a lot more time together without suguru around...
♡ satoru is trying is best, and he thinks he's doing great. "I'm going to tell her tonight," he informs suguru - his cheeks so pink and his smile stretching from ear to ear that suguru thinks it might stay that way permanently. the two of them glance over to you speaking with shoko and utahime, and suguru sweetly pats him on the shoulder before grinning softly in his direction. "go for it," he encourages, "you've been holding out for so long, I think its about time"
♡ satoru approaches you - his palms clammy, his heart racing so fast that it makes him a little dizzy.
♡ but...you don't notice that he and suguru are just within your reach when you let the following confession slip: "satoru is really sweet, but...he's not my type..."
♡ his world stops there.
♡ there's a catch in his throat, and his cheeks turn about five shades of crimson as the three of you turn around to face the interruption of him and geto approaching. you're taken aback by his presence, and he can practically see the shock washing over you, but before you can say anything else he quickly excuses himself and heads outside.
♡ oh, he feels lightheaded, so much so that he needs to sit down. long legs collapse onto the front steps just outside the door and he's struggling to catch his breath. his chest is tight, the stretch extending from his torso down to the discomforting knot in the pit of his stomach. his face is hot with embarrassment, and tears prick his eyes as your words ring around his head in taunting failure.
♡ but you're perfect to me, he thinks with a slight upturn of his brows. you're all I ever wanted.
ೃ⁀➷ part two will be from the reader's pov. ps - im gonna squish this boy with so much love, I swear :ccc
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lolahauri · 3 months
: ̗̀➛ Sebastian: Smut Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Considering he’s the sub/bottom, you’ll probably being doing more of the aftercare.
He does love to hold you till you fall asleep though. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Besides your hips/waist (fluff alphabet), i think he’d be a tits guy.
Big or small, he loves watching them bounce when your riding him. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves cumming on your stomach or inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Lowkey would share you with Sam if you wanted. 
He’s kind of a cuck.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
None. You were his first, that’s part of the reason he’s so needy and dtf, he just can’t believe someone as hot as you really wants to fuck him. 
(Plus all those years of pent up sexual frustration)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s obsessed with you dominating him and taking control.
Mating press.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious, you won’t ever catch him making a joke.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Darker than his hair and straight.
Keeps it nicely trimmed for you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Pretty intimate. I wouldn’t say he’s romantic though.
But he’ll definitely be telling you how good your making him feel, how beautiful you are, feeling up your whole body and worshipping it. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he was single: daily. Either watching porn, or thinking about you.
Now: only when you aren’t in the mood (or if you wanna watch him)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding, mommy/daddy, femdom, edging, orgasm control, praise, dirty talk, hair pulling, biting, mutual masturbation/watching each other masturbate, dry humping, oral fixation.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bed or the couch. 
When he was living with his parents: his desk or bed.
Imagine sucking him off or cockwarming him while he’s working. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything about you, really.
He’s pretty easy to arouse. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degrading/verbal humiliation.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Equally loves both.
Cumming down your throat is amazing, but he also loves to serve you and make you feel good.
Honestly once he starts going down on you, he won't stop until you tell him to. He loves it so much.
A lot of times he'll get so horny from it that he'll grind on the bed until he cums.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s a needy little bitch, so fast and hard. 
He fucks like a rabbit in heat. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them, he’d have one anytime you want.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Mostly down to experiment, i don’t think he’s into anything extreme or really painful though.
He’d be down for some mild CBT maybe.
Risk wise, he’d def fuck you in the bathhouse locker room. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last quite a while if he’s being edged.
Otherwise he cums a little quick. 
But it’s kind of adorable, you just feel so good and look so hot that he can’t help but cum in just a few minutes.
But to make up for his quick finish, he can go multiple rounds.
Would absolutely overstimulate himself until he’s crying if it means he gets to stay inside you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any, but if you had some he’d absolutely use them. (on you or him)
Vibrators, cock rings, fleshlights, etc... 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can’t tease, he sucks at it.
But man he loves it when you do it. 
Moving past him and “accidently” grinding your ass on his crotch >>
Doing little things throughout the day to turn him on, just to make him wait till that night to get off. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
So loud and vocal.
Lots of whines, whimpers, and moans. 
Probably a lot of begging too <3
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Prefers hentai over "real" porn.
Imagine jerking him off while he’s watching hentai!?
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
About 6.5 inches and average girth, maybe leaning to the thicker side.
A little veiny and curved upwards.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Semi-high, he’d love to fuck at least once a day, even if it’s just a quickie.
But he’ll happily accommodate to your sex drive, whether it’s lower or higher.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He waits until your ready for bed.
Holds you like a teddy bear as you two fall asleep.
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lon3rlife · 12 days
Dating Rick Sanchez Headcanons
Mostly fluff. I’m going to ramble a lot because I love him sm
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He’s extremely overprotective and would do absolutely ANYTHING to keep you safe, even if it means putting his own life on the line.
He comes and goes to your house as he pleases. You’ll come home to see him on your couch or stealing your food. He’ll also portal to your house in the middle of the night and get into bed with you without saying anything.
He’s not huge on pda, he’ll have an arm around you on the couch when you guys watch tv with the family and will hold your hand and give you a reassuring squeeze when you get anxious, but he won’t hesitate to get extremely touchy if someone is looking at you wrong.
In private though he’s a hugeee softie and will never let anyone know. If you’re working on something or cooking something in the kitchen he’ll come behind you and hug you from behind (you usually don’t even know he’s there and he scares the living shit out of you). He loves when you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair until you fall asleep, and in bed he’ll pretty much melt into you holding you tightly.
He loves your hair so much. If you’re brushing it he’ll stand there admiring you, and he just loves tangling his hands through and and playing with it while you guys cuddle.
You guys always get into the dumbest fights like if pancakes are better than waffles or that he needs to do dishes if he comes to your house and eats your food without cleaning up. They leave you frustrated and Rick pouting like a child for a few hours until you guys kiss and make up.
I think this is canon but he’s actually a really good cook. Once a week you guys make it a habit to cook a homemade meal together to get a short break from the stress of everything and spend quality time together.
If you leave for a trip for work or with friends he will be EXTREMELY clingy the days leading up to the trip because you guys spend so much time together he doesn’t know what to do with himself when your gone. (He ends up portaling to your hotel at night because he isn’t able to sleep without you)
Kisses you anywhere. On your lips, your forehead, your neck, chest, arms, you name it.
He’s definitely a bad influence 100%. He will get crazy alien drugs and take them with you, he won’t force them on you but if you don’t want to take them he’ll be like “come on baby you’re missing out don’t be lameee.” He will also take you to parties on different planets just to get completely shitfaced.
Even though he’s a night owl and stays awake most nights, his favorite time of day is the morning. He loves the intimacy of laying with you just talking about anything without any specific plans for the day, the sun hitting your face just right still sleepy and you playing with his fingers is the most special time for him.
PETNAMES 1000%. He will use the most obnoxious ones as well, usually he’ll call you baby, sugar, honey, or a shortened version of your name.
You get along very well with the Smith family, especially Morty which makes Rick sooo happy. Also you help Morty with his homework because Rick sure as hell doesn’t, and Morty looks up to you so much and trusts you enough that he’ll talk to you about anything he needs to get off his chest.
Omfg writing these are sooooooo much fun if anyone wants me to write more I will cause I have so many more but it’s like 1am and I’m tired
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yandereadventuretime · 10 months
Yandere! Prince Gumball Headcanons
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If you like my work, you can support me here or here [Anything is appreciated]
He's extremely a tad bit controlling
Whenever he hears you're coming or knows you're visiting, he makes sure to fix his hair and fixes his clothes. He wants to look extra nice
He'll even set out food for you
Though, that's not why you go to him
You want to go back home, which always frustrates him. Why do you want to leave so bad?
He tells you he keeps looking for a way to get you home, but in reality he's not
"So, how far have you gotten, Prince?"
"Oh, you know... Hey, have you heard about the party-"
"I don't do parties. I really just want to go home"
He gets awkward and shy around you, which is so unlike you
He's very protective over you. Whenever Marshall is around, Prince Gumball will purposely take your attention away
He tries to convince you that Marshall is a bad person
Marshall will laugh it off and even fall into it
"Oh, yeah Y/n. You should be very scared, I'm a terrible person guy"
Prince Gumball will gaslight you and if you call him out on, he'll pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about
He just wants what's best for you
Do you not want what's best for you? There's so many dangers in the world
You can't try and trick him, because he can tell when you're up to something
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chereus · 6 months
Save a Horse, ride a cowboy | JJ. Maybank
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Summary; Reader gets back from a trip to the mainlands and just wants to make sweet sweet love to her boyfriend.
Pairings; JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warnings; Somnophilia!!, DUBCON!!, pegging, slight mommy kink, best friends sister, usage of a v!brator, (kinda) established secret relationship, P IN V contact with no protection *I’M UNWELL, OK.*, very minimal editing —lemme know if I missed any please!
Cherries Notes; y’all. What in the hell is this? I just imagine John B waking up to absolutely violent moaning and thinking, “what the fuck?” Because honestly, he’s not wrong.
Cherries Notes PT2; don’t bully me ok, this work is literally from months ago. I barley recognize my own writing.
Word count; 2.1k
JJ has been extremely horny all this past week. To the point where he could just think about his girlfriend and get hard. Unfortunately she was on a trip to the mainlands with her friends. It was extremely frustrating to not be able to talk to his best friend about his girl troubles considering this girl in particular was his sister.
Ever since their dad got lost at sea John B became her father figure and would absolutely flip if he found out that they were together. JJ wasn’t too concerned about it since he knew that even though John B would be absolutely furious in the beginning, there’s no way he could stay mad at his lifelong best friend and someone he considered to be his brother.
So here he laid, in the humid dark room of the chateau thinking of how he was going to nail his little sister when she got back. In this very room. He was thinking about how first he’d teasingly kiss her plump lips and wrap his hand delicately around her throat as their tongues messily tangled together. About every time she’s pull back for air he’d smile into her kiss and pull her back in further.
About how he would move his hands up and down her body in a way they both know only he could do to her. About how he’d smush their entangled bodies together by the widest part of her hips. About how he’d fall back on the bed and take her with him by her thighs and have her straddle him. And most of all he was thinking about how much he missed her.
How while he explicitly missed her touch and deep romantic kisses and the hidden desire in her eyes he also missed the way she’d snort when she laughed. Or when she got angry and she’d pout. Or when she would take care of him when he she knew he had a bad day. Or when she knew he just needed comfort.
The thought of her not coming back was sending JJ into a mindset that he wasn’t equipped to deal with when she wasn’t here, ironically enough. So he decided that going to sleep would be the best option right now.
It was the wee hours of the morning by the time that you got back to find JJ curled up in your bed sleeping. You smiled softly and thought about how last week before your trip you had talked about wake up sex. JJ was more than happy to indulge in that fantasy. In fact he more than begged and pleaded for you to start the gracious level of kinky shit you guys were into right away. You had slept the entire car ride home so you were energized just enough to mount your boyfriend like a horse and ride him into the sunrise.
You knew how heavy of a sleeper JJ was so there was no need to be extremely quiet. You did however take caution in the fact that he looked harder than a rock and hadn’t been touched by anyone other than himself in a a little over a week so he’d be extremely sensitive when you tried to touch him. You knew exactly what the man liked. And what he liked was to not be in control all the time. He absolutely adored when you’d boss him around in bed. And even more so he enjoyed being the brat everyone knew he was. You had been teasing him on the phone all week just getting him riled up so you could go for hours when you got back.
Setting your bags in her closet you pull out a medium sized black box with all of your favorite sexual related things. You scan the box looking for four bundles of rope and your strap on harness. Deciding to be nice you take out your and JJ’s favorite attachment. An 7 inch long duel ended vibrating dildo. You love it because fits perfectly snug inside you while you giving the best performance of your life.
As you move to tie JJ to the bed you could help but smile at the sight of him cuddling the pillow in place of you. Continuing with the task at hand you slowly remove the pillow from JJ’s death grip. He turns and groans at this action which you find equally as cute. Even in his sleeping form he always has to be touching you in some way. When you successfully get both of his wrists tied to the headboard you move on to his ankles. You notice how he’s starting to stir a little from his restricted movement so you take that as a sign to move faster.
A few minutes later you have successfully tied your boyfriend to the bed and we’re beginning to quickly strip your clothes off. The quicker you went the hornier you got. JJ always slept practically naked anyways. It seemed that his horniness got the best of him tonight and he was completely naked. But usually anything short of just his boxers was too hot. You definitely didn’t complain. Easy access.
As you moved to approach the bed you stopped by your nightstand and grabbed the bottle of lube that occupied the tight space of the upper drawer. Also easy access.
Crawling over JJ you sat directly in the middle of his thighs so when he woke up he would see you pounding into him. Luckily you’d tied his legs far enough apart that you didn’t have to worry about wiggle room as there was plenty.
You started by kissing his hip bones and then working your way up his perfectly chiseled abs kissing one after the other. He softly moaned in his sleep from your feathery kisses. Once you made your way up through his stomach and chest you quietly nudged your face with his, brushing your lips over his own. He groaned with the sudden attention not wanting it to stop. You quietly pulled away and sat down on your calves. Lubing up the toy adequately and lubing the rim of his anus. His cock twitched and he deeply groaned at the cool sensation.
Lining up the toy and his delicate hole you slowly start to push in. JJ let’s out a loud moan and his eyes shoot open. You ignore him and speed up gently. Your thrusts were beginning to get deeper and JJ is still half asleep moaning his heart out.
“What the fu—” he groggily starts but the words soon die on his lips as you thrust a particularly rough thrust. You lean forward and kiss him on the lips and mutter an ‘I love you’.
As your thrusts begin to get deeper and faster the other end that had currently resided up your vagina begins to hit every nook and cranny of your vaginal cavity. You couldn’t hold the moan that was brewing in your throat and certainly not when you heard JJ mutter “harder”, along with a strangled moan.
The deeper he moaned the harder you went. At some point you remembered that this toy had a remote that made it vibrate and you took full advantage of that. Grabbing the remote from the right side of the bed you don’t hesitate in quickly cranking it up.
You could tell that JJ was doing more than stellar as he couldn’t even form complete sentences out of pure pleasure. This created a massive grin to spread across your face in euphoria. JJ was right, you should’ve done this so much sooner.
As you thrusted in the deepest, most sensitive parts of your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but just put your hands anywhere and everywhere. JJ seemed to appreciate the warmth of your petite hands as your nails dug into him wherever they could find a spot. He was getting close you could tell by the slight arch in his back and the furrow of his brows. One last time your hands slid down his inner thighs scraping with your nails before you gently grabbed his swollen cock.
As you started to rub up and down JJ’s face twisted in fiery bliss. He was so close but so far. Watching him get absolutely demolished by something he did to you on a weekly basis had something deep in you stirring. As you came up on your high you started to rub harder and faster on him. His moans were unrecognizable at this point. You’d never heard him make those sounds before. They were deep and husk like. It would’ve sent you over the edge if you weren’t so focused on giving your boyfriend the time of his life.
One sharp trust later and JJ was spurring hot cum all over your hand and his stomach. Before your you removed your hand from his sensitive member and lifted it to your mouth and licked it all up you made sure to turn the vibrator on low as to not cause too much overstimulation. He attentively watched you preform all your actions as he was sure to get hard again after not having a proper orgasm in over a week.
His eyes widened as you resumed your thrust. “W-what are you doing?” He finally spoke.
“Good morning sunshine. How’d you sleep?” You menacingly taunted. If he wasn’t too fucked out to come up with a response he’d demand that you untie him immediately and let him maul you like a bear.
He whined as your slow speed made him feel like he was about to explode. You just laughed in his face as he would do to you.
“Baby, you wanna make mommy feel good don’t you? Hmm?” You asked reaching down to kiss him everywhere but the lips.
His submissive side was showing and you couldn’t savor enough of it. He mumbled a quiet, “yes.” That made your heart clench in awe.
You were careful not to cause too much overstimulation for him as it made him physically uncomfortable but just enough for you both to start sweating like bitches in heat.
You cranked the volume back up to full speed and everything was buzzing. Your head flew back in pleasure. You wanted, no needed JJ to be touching you. You rested deep inside of him while you untied his arms from the bed frame.
“Touch me JJ I need to feel your hands on me.” You eagerly demanded. JJ wasted no time in pulling you down to his level and kissing you like his life depended on it.
Your thrusts became sloppy at this angle so JJ hoisted you in place so the vibrator inside you was hitting directly the right spots. Your kisses mended with his to insure that neither of you knew who was breathing who’s air. Your hands hadn’t left JJ’s hips since your turn to finish and it was driving him crazy.
Just before you tipped over the edge JJ lifts up his head and says, “fuck, your so gorgeous.” And you were sent spiraling and cursing as your thrusts almost completely stopped and you realized JJ had came again without you even touching him or even acknowledging that he was there other than for your pleasure the second round.
You quickly shut all the vibrating devices off and removed your strap on. The thin layer of sweat covering your entire body was enough to make you chuckle at what just happened.
“I don’t think I give you enough credit J, that’s a lot harder than it looks.” You say lifting yourself from the bed.
“Yeah, well, I don’t wanna take all the credit,” he sarcastically murmured from his same spot as you untied his ankles.
“Oh ya, come on. Let’s go get you cleaned up.” You said dragging him from his middle of the bed antics.
When he finally tried to stand up from the side of the bed he immediately sat back down with widened eyes, “I don’t think I give you enough credit y/n, that’s a lot harder than it looks.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t wanna take all the credit,” you laughed back helping him up.
As you were cleaning each other up and washing each other in the shower he bent down and gave you a long slow kiss and clearly said, “I love you more.” With a smile on his face.
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Why is it always either
"Aziraphale wanted to go to heaven, he was happy and giddy about it, and he never really cared about Crowley anyway, only about Starmaker"
"Aziraphale would have never ever gone to Heaven out of his own free will, he was clearly horribly threatened and forced!"
Why does everyone always have to reach for the extremes?
No, Aziraphale obviously absolutely did n.o.t. WANT to go to Heaven. He doesn't like Heaven, he likes Earth. Even if the other angels weren't all jerks and bullies, which he absolutely knows they are! I mean, duh!
But that doesn't automatically mean he would never have made that decision on his own! I liked the post from the health care worker who wrote that if they were suddenly offered the position of Minister of Health, they would just have to take it, even though they knew that they would be surrounded by awful people and end up fighting and probably losing an uphill battle, being absolutely miserable and frustrated. But they wouldn't be able to look at themselves in the mirror anymore if they didn't at least try. Because they'd feel they failed their duty to their patients.
Was there never anything you really REALLY did NOT want to do but still HAD to???
We absolutely do not need to talk about "Aziraphale not caring about Crowley" here, if that is actually something you really think, please just leave my blog. I don't even know what show were you watching, but it wasn't Good Omens.
Was Aziraphale threatened? Maybe. It's definitely possible. But I don't think so. The Metatron knew exactly what he had to offer, and in which order, to convince Aziraphale. Why unnecessarily antagonise him, he doesn't need to use the stick if he knows how to sell him on the carrot! I don't think the Metatron is that crude.
Which brings me to my next point:
people also seem to wonder about the shared look of contempt between the Metatron and Crowley.
But you realise that the Metatron was there when shit went down in Heaven, right? He knows what exactly it was that led to Crowley falling. Aziraphale might have been a soldier in the war back then, but it is extremely unlikely that in his position he actually witnessed the key moments that started the rebellion.
But the Metatron, the Voice of God, the angel with such a high rank that he is somehow actually outside their hirarchy, did. There might even have been a direct confrontation between the angel with questions and the VOICE OF GOD, who couldn't/wouldn't/didn't want to relate any answers.
And it is safe to assume that Crowley never told Aziraphale any details. In 1862 he still maintained the "sauntered vaguely downwards" fable, in line with his carefully built cool guy image. His drunken monologue after the bookshop fire comes a little closer to the truth ("looky here, it's Lucifer and the guys, [...] food hadn't been that good lately, I'd got nothing on for the rest of that afternoon"), but even here he very much pretends that he never really cared. Now that we have seen the innocence and enthusiasm of Starmaker, we know that's not true. Something big happened to that cheerful worriless angel, something not caused by the Fall, but causing it. The questioning was only the start of it.
There is a strong possibility that Crowley might even have tried to change things himself, back before the Fall, and most likely crashed and burned failed spectacularly. Again, all witnessed directly by the Metatron.
Aziraphale doesn't know that, though. He only has a vague idea about it and a sense of injustice and unfairness. And the Metatron, master-manipulator and -mind, knows that as well.
He also knows that, on the surface obedient but covertly subversive, little soldier angel Aziraphale, probably a lot better than Aziraphale is aware he does. They probably never had any close contact, but who knows what kind of research Heaven can do?
We don't need to go into detail about how he manipulated Aziraphale, other people have done so already. But it is important to state that by offering explicitly the opportunity to change things in Heaven, he got Aziraphale's love for life on Earth and his desire to do good fighting for dominance within him. But he would never have been able to convince him to leave Crowley. So he solves the main conflict for Aziraphale, telling him he could take Crowley with him! Definitely knowing that Crowley absolutely would NOT want that. Awful conundrum avoided!
I am not even saying that Aziraphale didn't know he was manipulated. He didn't know that Crowley's reaction to going to Heaven would be that severe, and he probably also doesn't know that the Metatron very well did, when he made him the offer. But he might have absolutely caught on to the Metatrons manipulating language, his ingratiating and patronising. But still - the opportunity to change things! To actually make Heaven better! Maybe he really did misjudge him! (Let's not forget that Aziraphale's previous experience with the Metatron was a 2-minute-conversation, why should it be so impossible that he changed his mind for the better since then?)
And then all this culminated - aided by millennia of little miscommunications and THE worst timing e.v.e.r. (I am actually more suspicious of Nina & Maggie's role in the whole thing, because there is so much that doesn't make sense about their little pep talk) - in the Final Fifteen. Crowley reacting differently to his news than he thought. Then offering the ONE thing he wants most in the world. But to get it, he would have to say to himself "yeah I WANT this and I'll take it even if Heaven stays the way it is, that's not my problem", and all that in the space of just a few minutes. Putting him on the spot.
Can't you see how "you go too fast for me"-after-being-at-it-for-almost-6000-years-Aziraphale was completely thrown by everything? Didn't you see how close he came to changing his mind after Crowley walked out? Are we sure he wouldn't have, if the Metatron hadn't been there immediately to usher him to his new duty? How is an angel supposed to calm down, think it through, and look at the problem from every possible angle under these circumstances? Having the choice between betraying everything you are to get everything you ever wanted, or losing everything that is dear to you but having done the right thing, and you don't even get a minute?
Again, we have one Fallen Angel who has a most likely violent experience trying to change Heaven. And another Angel who hasn't had the chance to try yet. Of course they're not on the same page. But they also don't really have time to compare notes. Your exactly means something different than my exactly.
And one more thing: Aziraphale's "I forgive you" is a direct callback to their bandstand break-up. He desperately wants this blow-up to be temporary, to end well like the other time. It's the first thing he can think of. It's his way of saying "maybe later", "I can't, not yet", or even "wait for me".
And Crowley knows that, he isn't hurt or offended because he thinks Aziraphale believes he needs forgiveness, he understands perfectly well what his angel is saying. Which is why it is his "don't bother" that breaks my heart. Because that means he (thinks he) is done waiting. He can't do it anymore. He finally put himself out there and his angel still isn't ready. So he's stepping out of their little dance routine.
Yes, Aziraphale walked out the door. But Crowley closed it after him.
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ccbunnv · 2 months
hi baby idk if ur still doing reqs but i need 2008 bill fluff 😔😔 i need hopelessly romantic bill and reader who have no experience in dating but have a crush on each other 😔😔 the band and reader’s friends tell the two that they like one another but r in denial denial denial ok ilysm
the weather and school is making me unproductive. i wish i could write shorter but the ideas keep coming, mb guys
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 bill x fem! reader fluff
out of everything in the studio, you find your eyes fixated on one person and one person only. the way his eyebrows arch, the black eyeshadow, the expression on his face as he sings, it makes your heart beat twice as fast.
you purse your lips, toying with the cold cola can in your hands. your friends eye you with grins playing on their faces, whispering amongst themselves on how in love you looked whenever you faced Bill.
that's absurd. you, liking Bill? you and him were just friends. really good friends who shared a bed and one time, a kiss, during one of his concert afterparties. but sharing a bed and a kiss doesn't mean anything...
even though you think about the exchange often.
but well, what's done is done, and you'd rather have lost your first kiss to him anyways. you snap your head over at your friends, "quit it."
"he's just a friend," you continue, "nothing more."
"please, y/n." your friend says, "you do like him."
"no I don't." you say, "just because he's pretty and I'd rather sleep with him than anybody else doesn't mean I like him. it's just that I trust him, you know?"
"well, I trust him too, but I wouldn't let him hit it like that." another friend giggles, "admit it, you like him!"
"I don't!" you huff, placing your cola can down on the coffee table and crossing your arms.
your friends roll their eyes and laugh, poking fun at you for a feeling as simple as trust. but is it seriously trust? in reality, you don't know.
common symptoms of falling in love include fastened heartbeats, sweating of the palms, red face, sudden nervousness and an obvious stammer. while you do experience almost everything when with him, you doubt it means that you like him!
his eyes settle on you as you retaliate on your friends' constant teasing of your unknown feelings towards him. he feels a little bit disappointed that your attention isn't on him instead; even his manager stated that he sung better today, just for her.
he even wore his best in hopes of impressing you. his favourite shirt, jeans, and he even took the time to properly do his dreads today, rather than toss on a bonnet and leave the apartment. given, he's extremely nervous, since you're going to be in the studio.
he bites his lower lip in frustration, gently nipping at it, hoping you'd look at him once and then shy away like you usually do. to him, it's cute when you do that.
he looks back at the band members and find them staring at him with a smug look upon their faces. he blushes and exclaims, "was!?"
"du bist ausgepeitscht. (you are whipped.)" Georg comments easily.
"Nein, bin ich nicht. Hör auf. (no, I am not. stop it.)" he responds, glaring at the older bass player.
"Es ist so offensichtlich, Bill. (it's so obvious, Bill.)" Gustav says, pulling his headphones down to rest on his shoulders.
"Befolgen Sie meinen Rat als Ihr älterer Bruder, Frauen mögen es, wenn Sie die Initiative ergreifen. (Take my advice as your older brother, women like it when you take the initiative.)" Tom shrugs, strumming his acoustic guitar a few times more.
Bill rolls his eyes and looks away from the group. he rolls his eyes at their antics, finding them immature and childish. but in truth, he doesn't know either.
his eyes seem to gravitate towards you. red seeps to his face as he notices that you're finally looking at him, watching as he sings with his friends. his heart drums in his ribcage, and he can't find his own voice within the fast yet coordinated, "badump, badump"
you wave at him with a gentle smile, causing him to lose his breath almost instantly. he swallows the lump in his throat, before shakily waving back at you.
Tom breaks out into a frenzy of laughter, slapping his knees at how inexperienced Bill was acting. the shy waving, blushing, it was all endearing to watch, but in reality, he was aching for them to confess already. Gustav and Georg were rooting for them as well.
Bill's head snaps over to Tom and he huffs, "nicht lustig. (not funny.)"
"ziemlich lustig für mich. (pretty funny to me.)" Tom replies, grinning.
he rolls his eyes again. one more time and he fears he might as well lose his eyeballs in his eye sockets.
with a signal from the producer, the session was officially over. he's the first to leave his seat and swing the door open to greet you.
"hey," he says, a big, goofy grin on his face.
"hi." you reply, feeling equally as goofy.
your friends and his eye eachother, before giggling and whispering to themselves about you two. normally you'd both be bashing them in right now on how you're just friends, but you just can't tear your eyes away from him.
he says softly, "so, um...where do you wanna go?"
"I'm not sure." you reply, your tone matching his.
"how about um, my place? I got this cool new horror DVD called Martyrs. we could watch it together, if you want." he says.
you nod, "sure, why not? how about you guys?"
your friends and his simultaneously pull away at the sound of his voice and begin to make up excuses.
"oh, uh, I have to clean my room." --definitely.
"sorry, my mom says I have to be at home like, right now." --okay, you can see that.
"I'm picking up a girl tonight, so no." --that was the truth.
"I'm trying out a new recipe later..." --the truth as well.
"uh, er...my girlfriend and I...have a date later!" --the truth...ish?
and as in sync as before, they all charge off to their respective locations, leaving only Bill and you. you both lock eyes, before breaking into laughter and saying, "if they didn't want to, they could've just said so."
you feel Bill's arm creep around your waist, holding you close. your face starts to warm up and your heart begins to race, but you keep silent and walk back to his place with him.
you grip the blanket tightly as scenes of torture fills your vision. you wince at every scream, trying to back away while Bill watches on without a care in the world. sometimes, you wonder what's going through his mind.
you try to hide during one especially painful torture scene, but he simply smiles and pats your head while he continues to watch.
it fills your stomach with dread and anxiousness to even think about what you had just watched. this movie is gruesome.
his hand soon travels back down to your waist and he holds you close, before whispering in your ear, "it's just fiction. it's not real, y/n."
you nod shakily, looking back up only to be greeted with the scene of the main character being flayed alive. you could feel your lunch rushing up your throat, but you persisted and looked away.
he chuckles and says, "scared?"
ashamed, you nod.
another low chuckle escapes from his throat and he grabs the blanket all of a sudden, throwing it over your head and suddenly wrapping his arms around you.
it's dark and tight, but you find the exit soon after. you poke your head out and find yourself staring right at him, a smile playing on his lips. he says, "now?"
you shake your head, slightly thankful.
your eyes settle on his lips while he continues to watch the movie. without a second thought, you lean in to press your lips against his.
it's quick and soft, pulling away almost as abruptly as you kissed him.
he looks back at you in shock, before grinning and pressing his lips against yours again. you squeak, trying to reciprocate before he pulls away and kisses you once more.
he repeats his action multiple times, and as he finally pulls away for the final time, you're covered in his kisses. he laughs and says, "are you okay?"
"I'm okay." you whisper softly, "...Bill?"
"yeah?" he murmurs, continuing to watch the movie.
the words get stuck in your throat. your heart pounds in your chest. you've denied it for so long, shaking the thoughts of liking him out of your head as long as they were present, feeling your gut wrench whenever he's with another girl...
with a big leap of courage, you tell him, "I love you."
you've never seen his irises move from the screen to you so quickly. it takes him a while, but with his heart practically leaping out of the thresholds of his body, he responds, "I love you too."
you wriggle your arms out of the blanket cocoon and wrap them around his neck, before kissing him once more. this time, just a little bit more deeper, passionate, and truthful.
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i-heart-hxh · 14 days
Do you think Illumi’s comment about how Gon is just dazzling to Killua and a temporary fixation and Hisoka’s line about how transmitters are fickle and their treasures can turn to trash easily were foreshadowing for how Killua has come to see Gon? How at first Gon meant the world to him but now he’s basically done with him because of what happened during the CAA? Togashi could be planning to reunite them, but maybe this was his way of saying that Killua is done with Gon.
Hi! I actually see it in the opposite way to this view, almost.
As the audience I don't think we're supposed to agree with what Illumi is saying--that Killua doesn't deserve to have friends and that he'll ultimately betray them. It doesn't end up matching what happens in the series, nor does it match the overall message of what the series is about, and Illumi is an antagonist whose views the series repeatedly refutes (think: Alluka and how he sees her).
However, I also think that early in the series, Togashi was potentially trying to misdirect the audience with Killua's intentions. Killua early on was much more dangerous and edgy than he becomes as the series goes on, and there were a few pieces of foreshadowing that he might turn on Gon or the main group, which includes Hisoka's statement about Transmuters being fickle and their priorities changing rapidly, as well as Silva making him promise never to betray his friends and then expressing certainty that Killua will come back (as in, he was setting him up for failure because of the needle). There are also a few comparisons of Killua to Hisoka very early on that might fit into this (beyond the Transmuter thing), some even from Killua himself, and the scene with him getting frustrated with the ball game with Netero and then killing those guys as a result.
I believe Togashi laid this expectation down early in the series in order to subvert it and have Killua grow in the opposite direction. Killua felt like a "rival" type character or one who might eventually betray Gon/his friends, but instead he ends up being extraordinarily loyal to Gon (to a fault, even), he gets kinder and emotionally stronger as the series goes on, and he goes to extreme lengths to save Gon even after Gon pushed him away. He actively defies what his family expects of him! Even when he does go back home as Silva predicted, it's in order to break Alluka out of there and leave, and keep his promise to Silva by never betraying his friends--the opposite of what Silva actually wanted to happen when he made that promise with Killua.
Illumi's comment about Gon being "too dazzling for Killua's eyes" actually "comes back" in the form of the You are Light scene, where Killua uses similar language (in the original Japanese version) to describe why he can't look at Gon directly. That whole scene is about Killua comparing himself to Gon and thinking he's not worthy of him. However, Gon ends up falling into darkness himself and only Killua is able to save him--therefore, Killua becomes Gon's "light" right back. Because of what Illumi told Killua and the environment he grew up in, Killua himself didn't have faith in his own ability to be who Gon needed, but he managed it anyway because of how deeply he loves Gon.
He helps break Palm out of her loss of identity after she becomes a Chimera Ant, and becomes Ikalgo's light, too, by befriending him even though they're initially on opposite sides of the war.
We don't know the full reasons for Killua leaving Gon, however I suspect one of the reasons he leaves is in order to protect Gon from Illumi, who very well may pursue and endanger Killua and Alluka. Killua likely also needed a break from Gon after all they went through, but I don't think it'll be forever by any means. I made a post previously about why a reunion and reconciliation between them feels just about inevitable.
So, I absolutely do think those statements about Killua were "planted" intentionally within the series, but for the purpose of him breaking those assumptions rather than living up to them. One of the best things about Killua's character is how he initially seems so much different than he turns out to be. His commitment to and care for those he loves comes from a pure place in spite of the way he was raised, and he grows so much as a person throughout the series. He's a kind and courageous boy. I don't see him leaving Gon as a betrayal or throwing him away or legitimately "replacing" Gon with Alluka--they just came to a point where, for the time being, they had to take diverging paths. But I absolutely think their paths will converge again within the series, assuming Togashi can get that far.
I don't think Togashi is telling a depressing story where these tragic things happen between the two protagonists (who clearly adore each other) and then that's it, their relationship is over and they'll never get to mend the issues between them nor communicate all the things they haven't gotten to say to each other. There's a reason the separation is as brief and complicated as it is--it's intended to leave us with questions, and I believe those questions will be answered someday, assuming the manga is able to reach that point.
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ciaonicole85 · 1 month
Part 3: What Then?
This was supposed to be a three part series, but it will probably be 4 or 5 parts. Sydcarmy is a tangled mess of intense care interlaced with anxiety and denial. So they need HELP from their friends and family along the way! Here's a convo with Natalie and Carmen. It takes place just a few days after he found out that he'd made Sydney's best meal ever. Then he inadvertently confessed she's the best part of his day and his heart's dearest wish...j/k, but not really ;)
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On a brisk Monday afternoon Carmen rang the bell at Pete and Natalie's home. The doorbell's speaker answered back, with Natalie's hurried voice. "It's open Bear! Just come up to the nursery." He entered their home noting the new family photos hanging on the wall leading up the stairs. They were black and white shots with Pete and Nat walking into the hospital, the next just after Baby Angeline was placed in Natalie's arms, another with Pete and the baby, one shot of her curled bitty toes, and the last was all three of them in the hospital bed. Pete had hired a hospital photographer and as antithetical as that was to anyone with an ounce of Berzatto blood, Natalie let him do it. The result was so unexpectedly tender and beautiful that he paused on the stairs to soak it in. Pete is really a good guy. He was made from an entirely different mold than any man Carmy had grown up around. "Carm?!" Natalie called. "Coming." He turned into the nursery to find Natalie bundling up "Angie" and fastening her into one of those baby slings. Then with one fluid motion before he could speak, she slipped the sling over his shoulders. "Okay, Uncle she's yours!" "So, how does this work?" he asked, looking down at his tiny niece, his eyes as big as beach balls. Angie blinked back at him extremely unbothered.
Natalie rolled her eyes and chortled.
"It's already working. It's fool-proof! Okay, let me get my coat and we'll head out." They strolled down the older suburb's tree-lined streets past others pushing babies, walking dogs, and the occasional Amazon delivery truck. "Carmy, this is really nice and you're welcome to drop by anytime, but what did you want to talk about?" Natalie enquired. He had texted her the other night asking to discuss something important. He kept his eyes on Angie's blissful little face, swallowed, and began. "I'd like to split my share of the restaurant with Syd. She's put in so much work, took several months without pay, and even though I'm the EC she's the main developer of at least half of the menu and the weekly specials. When I was sick recently, she ran the place like a pro. She deserves it. Also, I think if I give her a financial stake she'll stay for at least 5 years. We need that. What do you think?"
Natalie contemplated him for a moment. "Well, part of me agrees and the other part...Carmy, please don't get defensive." "Nat. How can I not when you’ve said that?" "Is this a solely a business decision? Because if it isn't I don't think you need to or should do this to keep her. " Carmy stopped walking, his face falling with frustration and shame. "Have you been talking to Richie?" Natalie stopped and took his arm in hers. "No, I haven't. Look, sorry. What I meant is things are so good between you two." They resumed walking. "Yeah, and that's a problem?" "Not at all. The way you are together...maybe it's the hormones but I've cried sometimes because you are just yourself with her. I've never seen you smile so much with anyone else. Your freakin’ posture is more relaxed when she comes in the room. I could go on, Bear." "You see all that? What about-what about her? Am I any good for her?" he asked in a low, wistful tone. Natalie pulled his arm tighter. She paused, to choose her words carefully. She and Camry were no strangers to family interference in their love lives. "Well, I haven't known Sydney that long, but she tends to spiral, and she pushes through until she's sick or lashes out. Kinda like you do. I noticed that it’s gotten better though. Since we opened, you've been consistently checking in with her, collaborating with her, encouraging her, making her take breaks, and pouring time into her. She's far less doubtful; she believes in herself."
Carm nodded slowly, reflecting on Sydney's growth. "Well, she deserves that. I promised her that she wasn’t alone in this. My focus was not where it should’ve have been during the reno and Friends and Family.”
He exhaled heavily and went on.  
“So, it sounds like she lights up my life and for her, I'm a good boss or even her big brother."
Natalie shook her head, smirking.
" Yeah, you’re a great boss now, but little sisters don't look at their brothers the way Sydney does you. Do you remember when we were all talking in my office and you spilled hot coffee on your shirt? You peeled it off and the poor girl looked at you, as your sister it pains me say this, like she wanted to jump you. When you left to get a clean shirt, she didn't remember what she had been saying." " What!?!? Okay...." Carm scoffed trying and failing to suppress a huge smile. "Also, does she ever leave before 11 instead of sitting in those greasy whites with you every single night for how long? One to two hours!?" She continued. "My point is if you want to divide your share with her because it's good business and fair, and I agree it is, then let me do it too so we're even. Otherwise, I think you’re already three-quarters of the way there with her. She doesn't need to be bought."
They walked in silence for a few minutes. "Natalie, I understand, but I still want to split my share. I think it’s the right thing to do. You don't need split yours though." "First I don't want the largest share of the restaurant and second.... Pete and I may move to be near his parents next year." Natalie bit her lip and glanced at Carmy worry etched in her brow.
"We think it would be good for Angie. You know, to be close to her grandparents and she'd have young cousins nearby too." Carm squeezed her arm, missing her already. "Yeah, I met them at the wedding. They were...Pete’s parents for sure. Angie would have a normal set of grandparents around." Natalie took a deep breath, a gamut of emotions crossing her face. "Choosing Pete was the biggest act of rebellion of my life. I honestly felt repulsed by him at first, until I realized that he was real, and I didn't have to be on guard all the time. Angeline should have that from the start." She bent over to kiss her baby's head which was protected from the cool air by a lilac-colored beanie. "Sydney's a really good choice too. Businesswise and/or otherwise. So, if you're certain about this call Uncle Cicero. This won't change anything with our loan repayment, but his lawyer could help draft a contract. Then we'll ask Sydney if she wants to accept and if she refuses...just give her one of those Sydney-land stares of yours."
Carmy groaned. "You did talk to Richie!"
Natalie erupted into a storm of giggles. Carmen dropped her arm.
"Look, he started it. I told him to chill, but that Sydney-land thing...You have an season pass, bro! It’s very cute though.”
Next time on "What Then?"- Sydney's workversary (work anniversary)
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kairiscorner · 9 months
Throwback to the very first thing i requested from u bc i think it’s been over a month HAHAHA
For ‘i’m stuck with you’ (art student x stem student miggy) EXCEEEPPPTTT make the reader a english/langlit major, or just really good at writing (bc i love my writers)
Okay, we have established that reader is fucking terrible at math (i am them, they are me)
But how about miguel needing help with essays? Because sci students are lowkey kinda bad with essays
Cause yeah, even though i hc that miggy probably has really, really good grammar, when writing essays? Nah, that mf is all over the place.
Like he has the ideas, but he lacks the creativity and writing skill to get them onto paper
(Not a request, but write it if u want to :D)
SHIEEEEEETTTTTT i am forever in love with college miggy <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
i'm stuck with you. — miguel o'hhara x reader pt. 2 (college dorm mates au)
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summary: it should come as no surprise to anybody that miguel o'hara was extremely good at running his mouth off and pretentious when it came to grammar and spelling... but making him write an opinionated essay, or a book report? oh, you're stumping him. luckily for him, he has a super adorable, english-smart dorm mate; unluckily for him, however, you can't put up with his annoying, whiny ass about how "boring" all this writing seems to be.
pairing: college!dorm mate!miguel o'hara x college!dorm mate!reader
genre: fluff <333
word count: 965
author's note: when is it my turn to have a cocky, math and science smarts stem boyfriend that sucks ass at creative writing ,,, i'm alr the writer gf, universe, ano ba 😭😭😭
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he stared at the flashing cursor on the document he was supposed to be writing his book report for the english class he had to take. he sighed and folded his arms over his chest in frustration, his eyebrows crinkling as all he could do was sigh again at the lack of ideas swirling in his head. "this is why i took genetics, nobody needs to write reflections on alleles or why DNA is shaped as a double helix... this is idiotic." he muttered under his breath as he forcefully hit the backspace key repeatedly and sighed for the third time.
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you soon arrived back to your dorm after attending all your classes for the day and was surprised to witness your so-called "genius" dorm mate slump over his desk, his forehead pressed down against the surface as his laptop remained open and the document remained empty–even emptier than before, actually. you walked over to miguel, half concerned and half unfazed, ironically. you had yearned to see the day when his ego would break, but unfortunately, you weren't there to see the fall–hence you drew barely any enjoyment out of seeing him all stumped.
"hey, genius, what's wrong?" you asked him in a partially sarcastic and partially worried voice, with miguel groaning as he thumped his forehead lightly against the surface of his desk. "words are hard." he muttered. you raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled lightly. "words are hard? wow, and you can piece together a bunch of letters and greek symbols together... either you're speaking an alien language of incomprehensible numbers, or you're just good at everything but linguistics." "the latter." miguel mumbled all muffled and groan again.
you chuckled and moved closer to him, practically hovering over him as you looked at the very blank document before you. "what's this supposed to be?" "an... essay." "an essay has words, you realize that, right?" you asked him sarcastically with a smile. he scowled at you as he sat up a bit from his computer chair. "it's... it's loading." "nah, i know exactly when words are loading, i'm around documents a lot–you've got nothing on it." you pointed out with a snicker as miguel rolled his eyes.
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"well, if you're so good at this, why not you do it?" he asked you with narrowed eyes. you rolled your eyes and placed your arms over his shoulders, bringing your fingertips to the keyboard to type for him. you were in such close proximity to miguel that he couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of your forearms brushing against his shoulders and neck occasionally, and the scent of your perfume filling his nose. he felt a bit flustered at the feeling and scents he was picking up from you.
you tilted your head slightly. "what is it, mig? care to tell me what your essay's supposed to be about?" you asked him, snapping him out of his trance as he pushed his glasses back up on his face and cleared his throat. "it's about... my thoughts around my favorite person. i know, pretty rudimentary, it's a question for a first grader. but the problem is... i can't even begin to describe that 'favorite person' of mine. the thoughts are pouring in, the words just... don't come as fluidly." miguel admitted as he shrugged.
that was no problem for you, however–you had the ability to come up with the most effective and creative ways to write feelings, thoughts, and ideas out with ease; you were just the person miguel needed. you articulated his thoughts out on the virtual document for him, listening to him patiently describe his favorite person in such layman terms; and you, with your very eloquent and unique way of delivering his scrambled thoughts, wrote him a 7 page essay in that one sitting. all he did was open and close his mouth, speak in such simple terms to describe his favorite person–stuttering, stammering, repeating words involuntarily due to his limited vocabulary for adjectives that could properly describe that person, expanded by your own broad vocabulary aiding him in drawing a picture of this favorite person of his that... felt familiarly unfamiliar, in an uncanny way.
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you two finished the joint work you were doing, and miguel's mouth hung open in surprise at how quickly you could type and how you never repeated a single adjective to describe his favorite person–and especially at how long the work you wrote was. "no... way." he muttered aloud as he rolled the mouse's cursor all the way down to the seventh page, his eyes bulging from their sockets as he took in every word you wrote for him. "my professor's not gonna believe i wrote this." he gushed as you chuckled. "is it that bad?" you asked him with a shy smile as he looked at you in disbelief.
"bad? this is spectacular, beyond everything i ever expected–thank you." he expressed his thanks to you as you smiled wider and shrugged. "dunno, i... think i could've elaborated more on paragraph–" "oh, please, if you elaborate any more, my professor's got fail me on the spot, they'll know i didn't write it by then. it's beautiful, it... really encompasses how i feel about my favorite person. thank you..." he said as he grinned up at you brightly. you had witnessed a side of miguel that no one had ever seen before... a grateful side to the cocky, arrogant genius of this college; and you swore, that from the corner of your eye... a hint of a genuinely happy, adoring miguel was staring back at you through those hazel brown orbs of his that peered into the deep recesses and depths of his soul, of his heart.... have you finally figured out who his favorite person is?
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @melovetitties @arachnoia @luvstarrstruck @ophanimgold @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @simsrandomstuff @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0
©kairiscorner (don't steal my work, i'll steal your kneecaps !)
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