#except that i have a job and was also trying to pick up shifts back at my old job bc hours got cut Massively
risaonda · 1 year
i HATE needing to do things
0 notes
drak3n · 5 months
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ꨄ. SYNOPSIS: why did this hookup affect you in a way you couldn’t stop thinking about him months later?
ꨄ. CONTENT WARNINGS: smut, unprotected sex, creampie, slight hair-pulling, two adults being terrible at handling feelings, slow burn, alcohol
bold italic quotes = letter excerpts
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“you’re probably wondering why i wrote a letter to you. what we had wasn’t that deep, after all.”
“lady in black over there paid for your next drink.”
if there was one word to describe hiromi, it had to be… oblivious. terribly so. it wasn’t like he ever had much time for dating and exploring things, having been occupied with college for many years and climbing his way up the ladder until he could finally call himself a lawyer.
now that he was one, he despised his job. it brought him nothing but trouble and negative thoughts. who the hell had fooled him into thinking it would be a cool job?
perhaps his parents.
the man with spiky, dark hair accepted the whiskey and coke mixture the bartender had slid over on the counter, and he didn’t turn around to check who had really paid for his damn drink until he took a sip first. as a grown ass man, he wasn’t going to take a 180 turn at the speed of light and make a fool of himself.
and oh boy, when he did turn around to check for said lady in black, he nearly took a double take. except for, his hooded gaze stayed plastered on you. unable to drag his dark eyes away from you.
leaned against the wall on the other side of the bar, you were a sight. out of all the laughing and blabbering people dressed in all kinds of odd colors that would usually be more striking to the eye, it was your — he didn’t want to call it normal — choice of clothing that struck him.
short, skintight dress that left little to one’s imagination. yet, his thoughts were running with all kinds of things, gears shifting and turning faster than they ever did before.
it was only his second drink of the night, it wasn’t the alcohol speaking. and it wasn’t also the fatigue speaking. it was him, unfiltered and raw.
you gave him a coy smile and raised your half-empty glass, not even listening to what your friends had to say, wanting nothing but to talk to that man you had bought a drink for.
while higuruma might have started sweating under his suit — he was lucky he had left his jacket at home, forcing him to roll the sleeves of his white shirt up — he didn’t show it. his expression stayed indifferent, face as stoic as ever as he stayed right where he was.
he hadn’t smiled back, only having opted to raise his glass while his unoccupied hand was shoved into the pocket of his slacks. he probably had no idea how mouth-watering that sight was to you. you nearly felt your thighs clenching together out of instinct.
your friends started picking up on where your glance and attention had been wandering to, which followed by them trying to force you to strike up a conversation with him. you didn’t see any reason for it, taking his lack of action after your first step as a sign of disinterest.
however, when you approached the bar by yourself to order one more drink for yourself, the bartender told you it had already been paid for.
“who?” you questioned, which made the woman behind the bar shoot you a grin. “handsome guy in a suit,” was her curt response before she walked off to tend to other drunkards.
you weren’t very slick, so the first thing you did was whip your head to where he had been standing the entire time.
he was already looking at you.
you couldn’t help but start sweating even more than before when he started to approach you. his facial expression didn’t look awfully friendly, so you highly doubted he was going to talk to you.
but he did.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“there are some things i forgot in the heat of the moment, but one of the things i can still remember very clearly — apart from the night we both shared together — was how respectful you were.”
neither of you two realized how much time had passed. your friends were forgotten, feeling like leaving you to hiromi wouldn’t be a bad idea as you had been in need of good male company for quite a long time.
alas, a good fuck.
you didn’t drink much more alcohol after that, equally agreeing that the atmosphere was too good to ruin it with unserious giggling and staggering. alcohol had to be one of the main causes of people fucking up things.
it was amazing how higuruma made you feel attached to the conversation despite his voiced displeasure for his job and the entire sector he worked at. what he worked as, he didn’t make clear. which made the entire conversation even more interesting.
it had been his dream to practice justice, he’d told you, but he quickly found out that it wasn’t possible during times like these. it actually saddened you to hear that.
“i’m sure you’re still incredible at your job,” you smiled at him, eyes never leaving his. there was something about him that made you feel stupidly attracted to him.
you felt like a horny teenager glancing at his features, imagining how good you’d feel under him—
a surprised sound was drawn from your lips as an arm was suddenly draped around your waist, pulling you closer to the tall lawyer. one glance to your right told you that someone had approached the bar and stepped too close to you.
the protective aura he exuded sent a tingle straight to your south. and the alcohol you had consumed the entire night helped you voice it.
you found yourself looking at hiromi whose thick eyebrows went up at the words that had spilled from your lips. “i’m afraid i missed what you just said,” he muttered, hand leaving your body when the danger was gone. you didn’t miss the way he put the previous distance between your bodies again.
now that was a man worthy to be between your legs.
so instead of chickening out, you repeated what he allegedly hadn’t heard.
“i said, i want you to fuck me.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i never had a man treat me so respectfully. i never thought it was a thing for a man to be nice. sounds stupid, right?”
it didn’t take long for both of you to arrive at your place that wasn’t too far away, thankfully so, because you could barely contain yourself from pouncing on the poor man.
he had a lot more self-control than you had, but the moment you unlocked the door to your apartment, he urged you inside gently to push you against the nearest wall.
“are you sure about this?” staring deeply into your eyes as he questioned your needs, higuruma could tell you weren’t drunk. so was he. you were both totally logical about this.
already kicking off your heels, you pulled him down to your height by his tie. “stop asking,” you panted, licking your lips as your heartbeat quickened with your overwhelming desire.
it was him who closed the gap between you two, soft lips molding together in a heated kiss as your hands wandered to his face, finding his defined cheekbones and the slightest stubble on his pointed chin.
hiromi’s large palms firmly squeezed your hips, staying respectfully distant from your other regions. you whined into the kiss at how needy his touches made you.
“hiromi… take off my dress,” you broke the kiss as you both gasped for air, and a deep hum left his lips when you turned around, exposing the zipper of the dress below your nape.
a shuddered breath was drawn from your mouth when his warm fingertips ghosted over the bare skin on your neck to brush your hair aside, making you choke in surprise when he tugged at it, forcing your neck to strain.
“i couldn’t quite hear you, love.” his moist lips ghosted over the shell of your ear and you bit your lower lip. “what do you say when you want someone to do something for you?”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“the only thing i could think of was how good of a partner you’d be to me. even if it was the worst timing to be thinking about that, considering i was… under you.”
it didn’t matter at this point if you had five or a hundred bodies before hiromi. because one thing was for certain.
he would remain the best fuck of your life till the end of your days.
it wasn’t just the sheer size and girth that was stretching you so painfully deliciously, but also the skill and perfection he put into every and each of his thrusts.
for a man as lethargic as him, he made sure to put all of his energy into fucking you. he didn’t ask you to move a muscle, and all you did was take the pounding he granted you with your face smushed into your pillow and your ass up.
you were lucky your moans were muffled by the fabric of your pillow, because with how good he was hitting all of the spots inside of you, you were sobbing into it. it would have been embarrassing, considering all the sounds he produced was when his hips met your ass, the squelching of when his thick cock entered and left your sopping pussy, and the grunts that left his lips.
hiromi was a sexy man. you were glad you weren’t facing him, because you were sure you’d have fallen in love with him.
“inside, please—”
you choked back a sob when higuruma slowed down, stilling his movements and catching his breath as he forced your back against his lean, muscled torso. “you want me to cum inside?” you nodded pathetically as you squirmed, moving your hips in despair to grant yourself the satisfaction you had gotten used to.
hiromi’s eyes met yours when he pressed your head against his broad shoulder with the help of a hand against your throat for leverage, and you were sure it wasn’t just your pussy throbbing at that.
you felt pathetic for cumming from only a single glance without him even moving. but at least it made him empty himself inside of you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i wasn’t thinking about it too much, but i thought that when i’d wake up, you would still be there. even if it was just a one-night-stand.”
it was inevitable for you to pass out once you two were done. the rays of sunlight that shone through your curtains were what woke you up as you cracked your eye open to get to your senses.
you were bare beneath the covers, but you were cleaned up. the thought of hiromi haven taken care of you made your insides tingle, and your eyes flew to the other side of the bed.
except, he was not there anymore. it was as if he’d never been there. he didn’t leave a single trace. and to deepen your disappointment, he hadn’t left his number or anything else for you to contact him.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“you have no idea how many times i visited that bar afterwards in hopes of meeting you again.”
one glance at the bartender already told her what you had came for again. the nth time in months. at this point, she could only sigh and shake her head in pity.
“okay. this is the last time i’ve asked. promise,” you grunted. she just quirked a brow while handing you a shot. you looked like you needed it.
“you said that weeks ago.”
she was right. why the hell couldn’t you just let go?
you knew it wasn’t the sex. sure, it was mind-blowing… way more than just that. it was the desire to build a deeper connection with him. hooking up with that man wasn’t a mistake by any means…. but maybe that’s what made him disappear from the surface of the earth.
perhaps he thought you were too easy.
“hey, have you heard of this show?” the bartender was standing in front of you again, and you shook your head, unenthusiastic about what she was going to tell you. “apparently, it even brings people together who have been seperated for ages. maybe you could give it a try.”
now this piqued your interest. the width of your eyes was ridiculous, like one of a lovesick fool, which in a sense, you were.
“what’s the name of the show?”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
“i just wanted to know if what we had was just a night of lust, or if it could have been more. that’s all i wanted.”
after sending the letter to said address of TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE, you were too anxious to approach your tv or any type of social media. too scared of getting an answer you weren’t going to like.
the evening of the airing where your letter was featured came and went by, but nothing happened. it wasn’t until the next few days that you realized: although you didn’t like this answer — which was none — it was the reality. it wasn’t what you wanted, but what you needed nonetheless.
now, you were ready to move on.
or, not so much. you were slumped on the barstool, staring into your drink as the jazz music playing in the background added even more to your sentimental state hours later. tonight was doomed to be terrible when you found out that the bartender was on holidays for a week, which meant you’d be on your own with your stupid thoughts.
not quite paying any attention to the silhouette sitting down on the stool next to you, your nose took a whiff of a familiar cologne. it wasn’t every day you smelled that unique men’s perfume, but perhaps it was just a coincidence—
“i got your letter.”
glancing to your right, you sighted hiromi there in all of his glory. seeing him didn’t make you choke on your spit and splutter dramatically like it happened in movies. you were frozen in your spot.
“i didn’t watch the airing. i don’t like watching shows like that.”
you stirred the half-melted glass cubes in your drink, making them clink against each other as you remained silent. if this wasn’t the road to rejection…
“what were you hoping for by sending that letter? what exactly was your intention?”
setting your glass down on the counter, you finally faced the man fully, both of your expressions deadpan. was he being serious?
“are you a lawyer or something like that?”
he paused, looking genuinely impressed at your guess as his thick brows quirked up, before a rough and husky chuckle left his lips. “what gave it away?”
“seemed like you were interviewing your client before court or something,” you laughed, “but what were you hoping for coming here today? you knew i would be here, considering you read the letter.”
hiromi leaned forward as his dark hues took in your features. he looked just as handsome as you remembered, although it had been no longer than a few months. it sure felt like forever, though.
a lopsided smile crept onto his lips as he stood up, towering over your frame. he raised a large hand to hold it out to you, which made you look at it dumbly.
“i was wondering if i could get to know said client a little better,” he murmured. a stupid grin stretched on your painted lips. “in a more formal setting, perhaps. how about dinner?”
“i’d love that, counsellor.”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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a panacea
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pan·a·ce·a noun
a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.
summary: In pharmacy school, patient interaction was a core part of the curriculum. You tirelessly remember long, coffee-fueled nights going over your notes for each Professional Practice Skills class. The 141 boys make sure you can exercise these communication skills daily.
141's medical file reference
pairing: Task Force 141 x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds and needles, fluff, flirting, and mutual crushes
a/n: i'm an american pharmacy student so sorry for some inaccuracies about how pharmacy across the pond
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As you walked into the pharmacy and began your shift, you paged through a few recent scripts and checked in with your technicians. Your graduation from university, years of clinical experience, and now your more recent military training seemed like a distant memory. You would constantly see a variety of service men and women every day without much thought. Yes, there were some repeat individuals but overall everything seemed to blend. 
Despite this, you still attempted to form a meaningful interaction with each patient regardless of what they’d be picking up. Doctors were constantly bothersome with questions about the recommended treatment and asking for a drug not listed on the formulary. Patients were different though, you would always try to have a friendly conversation and wonder what missions they would be deployed on once they left the queue. As you prepared to work through today’s prescriptions and tackle a new medication supply, you reminded yourself that today was filled with a new set of faces to meet.
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The members of 141 were all too familiar with a distant employment in a foreign country. It was part of the job description, something you do without question. However, some countries had the luxury of also having medication to take for the duration of the trip. Malaria is no joke and you always had to ensure you ordered an abundant supply of antimalarials for the soldiers constantly going around the world.
Today was no exception, your new order had literally been flying off the shelves. It was the post-breakfast rush and you had a few boxes left of atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone). Although the frequency of taking these was a pain, you loved the easy verification and packaging of the box.
As you continued to provide the queue with their prescriptions, a familiar face and hat made its way to the front.
"Ah Captain Price, back again?" you grinned as he approached the counter.
"Back too soon," the man chuckled, the deep baritone of his laugh bouncing across the walls. "I believe I have a couple of things to pick up from you, love."
With that, you pulled his file up and confirmed his array of medications. Generally, nothing out of the ordinary you noted and acknowledged the new addition of Malarone.
"Yes just give me a moment," you replied as you went to grab his bag.
As the bottles rattled around in the bag, you took a peek and counted the correct number of bottles/boxes, and verified their appearance.
"Now are you going for leisure or work? I saw the newest order for an antimalarial." Secretly you knew the answer but there was always the possibility that the Captain was going on leave.
He let out another small chuckle, "I think you know the answer to that one, doll. Duty calls."
You smiled back, the small inclusion of pet names brightening your day. "Alright then, and I'm assuming you know the regimen. This isn't your first rodeo."
"Yeah, take one for the next day, every day there, and for the week when I get back." You hummed in agreement with his response and he gave you a quick thanks before turning to go.
"Oh but while you're here, any interest in some smoking cessation recommendations!" Like before, you knew the answer. This man was loyal to his country and even more loyal to his cigars. The air filled with the fragrance of musk and cigar smoke whenever he came in definitely made an impression on you.
With this last comment, he let out a final, breathy laugh before responding, "You are many things, Captain, but that's a fucking miracle I don't believe you can pull off."
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Infections were no surprise to you. Especially working in the military, there was plenty of incidence for it. Most of the time and even after the doctor patched them up and directed them on proper care, there would still be a select few that would return with an infection.
The rest of the morning was quiet, you were able to catch up on some documentation and had time to pop into the medical wing to provide your pharmacist expertise. That's why when everyone's favorite Scot came by to pick up his antibiotic you didn't mind the company.
"Hi gorgeous, I'm here because of some doc's slipshod job stitching me up." He beamed as he raised his forearm to reveal new stitches and a clearly red, inflamed area. You quickly pulled up his file and your suspicions of an infection were confirmed.
"Sure, MacTavish. I completely believe that the medic specifically botched yours out of the whole team," you sarcastically replied. You served multiple tours with the "guilty" medic and knew they were of equal expertise to you. There was a reason they were performing surgeries while you provided insight and the medication. "I also trust you managed to keep the wound clean and didn't do anything stupid like, I don't know, training instead of resting," you finished as you raised an eyebrow.
He looked like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Ah good one, Doc, I guess nothing is getting past you."
"Mhmm, I'll make you think twice about negatively referring to my colleagues. And again, you know I'm not a doctor. If I were, you know I wouldn't be so willing to stitch you up and send you on your way" you jokingly threatened. He shuddered slightly, he wouldn't want to imagine a world where you were his medic on the battlefield. But then again, his constant injuries would mean frequent visits.
"But I would get to see that gorgeous face of yours more," he joked and you could feel your face flush. His flirty antics and your eye rolls were a staple of this relationship.
"Do you talk to everyone this way?" you countered, "I bet your superiors love the constant flow of compliments and just blush at your tone."
"Oh yes, they do. My Lieutenant turns into a giggling mess underneath his mask. Do you know he's bloody handsome under that? You should try flooding him with pet names and admiration to see for yourself." He responded, a clear sarcasm in his voice evident even with his familiar accent.
"Will do, MacTavish. Now will you let me get your medication so I can return you to your loverboy?"
"Of course, Captain" he saluted exaggeratedly as you walked to the rows of shelves.
You opened the bag and then placed the verified medication into his hand. "You know the routine and for the love of God, please finish the amount in here. I don't want to be seeing another order for Augmentin from you any time soon!"
"Yes, love, but nothing can stop this machine from gathering more illnesses and wounds requiring your expert care." You rolled your eyes as he explained and gave a cocky gesture showcasing his chiseled injured body.
"Don't mess with me, you know I can easily sneak my way into the med ward and make sure you go nighty-night." You were bluffing, the Hippocratic oath painfully engraved in your mind. But it didn't hurt to joke back.
"Oh I'll be sure to watch out for you, scary legal drug dealer." With this last jab, he walked out and left you chuckling to yourself at his antics.
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The flowers and trees were in full bloom around the base. It reminded you of the days studying outside and crying over learning your Year 2 immunology coursework. However, just like immunology, pollen just made your job more difficult. It seemed like the scripts for nasal sprays and allergy medication were endless. Day after day you would go to work with your technician as you helped their workload by filling the myriad of prescriptions.
Following the quiet lunch hour, the pharmacy quickly became flooded with people. As a younger soldier presented to your counter, you could immediately guess what they were here for.
Although he was not one of your repeat offenders, his watery eyes and the constant flow of sniffles made it clear that he was another victim of the unrelenting pollen.
“Garrick, Kyle,” he said and you couldn’t help but feel bad for him as he stood there a sniffling mess. You typed his name in and checked his credentials as he turned to sneeze.
“Ah yes, you have a nasal spray and another prescription here. Just give me a moment.” You walked away from the counter as you heard him chuckle and call out, “You wouldn’t happen to have a panacea back there would you?”
“Unfortunately I do not,” you said and frowned upon your return, “But just take these once a day with water and use the nasal spray as needed. One puff in each nose should do the trick and don’t forget to shake it!” You explained. Holding the small container of pills you noted, "Plus this is Piriteze, so you won't feel tired after taking but I usually recommend taking a half hour before you know you're going outside or having any interaction with pollen."
He nodded in agreement and took out a tissue to blow his nose for the hundredth time today. This action didn't relieve his congestion. Allergies were really the bane of everyone's existence and you felt for him as he let out a couple of sneezes and apologized.
As he took the bag you gently said, “Sometimes something spicy really clears everything out. Spice has the benefit of being both delicious and working as a decongestant. You’ll definitely need some tissues but it’s worth it in my opinion.” With that, you offered a wink and sent him on his way.
"You're truly an angel. I'll be sure to update you, love," he beamed at you with a dashing smile. You would be flattered if it had not been for his subsequent barrage of sneezes.
A few days later, a pleased Gaz returned to you and explained your life hack had worked. One half bottle of hot sauce later and he had been congestion free. Brushing your astonishment at his spice tolerance aside, you explained that it had been just the medicine. However, Gaz would soon be giving everyone an earful of your non-conventional methods. Although his mates constantly joked about the image of him drowning in snot (a picture gracefully captured by Soap), he was thankful for you, the pretty pharmacist, and the help.
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You could feel the headache forming from the fluorescent lights and the busy day you were currently having. This morning new missions called for you to enforce the regimen of taking antimalarials and in the afternoon, returning soldiers required pain medication and antibiotics (although you were thankful these were tablets and not through IVs). However, this was no challenge to you and you were further encouraged by the recent positive interactions you’d been having.
Just as you stepped away for a water break, your desktop notified you of a patient awaiting their prescription. You sighed and walked over to see the patient file as well as what medication they’d be receiving today.
You read the name carefully and slowly, partially because of your tiredness as well as your irrational fear of giving the patient the wrong medication.
“Riley, Simon” you mumbled and kept repeating the name as you walked amongst the rows of bags to retrieve the medication.
Just some routine painkillers. You examined the container to verify the oval, white pills of paracetamol.
As you notified the waiting soldier, your computer showed a reminder that they were due for a flu shot. You smiled, immunizations were often done routinely through a clinic but sometimes, you would get a break from your day and be able to administer one.
You acknowledged the reminder just as the soldier walked up. Tall, brooding, and donning a unique balaclava, you presumed this was Simon Riley. Your earlier conversation with Soap made you realize that this was the man who put up with all of his antics. You wondered if the paracetamol was for an injury or his raging headache from his Sergeant.
Recognizing his rank, you greeted him warmly and went to verify his patient credentials. He was a quiet man, only replying to your necessary prompts. This further added evidence that the medication was because of Soap, the chatterbox that he is. As you handed over his prescription, you let him know the bad news.
“Unfortunately, you are due for a flu shot but I can have you out of here in less than 15 minutes if you’d like?” you smiled, "or you could always just have me refer you out to get it while you're on leave."
"I'll do it now, don't know the next time I'd be returning," he spoke lowly. You wondered where he would be off to next as he pocketed the medication and nodded in agreement.
You motioned for him to sit in the designated area and prepared the necessary materials. As you walked over to the vaccine area now occupied by the large man, you positioned yourself to the side of him. You performed your typical routine of verifying the prescription and noting the necessary numbers before you felt the need to break the silence.
“You know, I used to be terrified of these as a child. I hope you didn’t have the same experience, Lieutenant,” you chuckled as you began to clean his bicep. You admired the tattoo on his right arm, so intricate and beautiful.
“I’ve had much worse, trust me,” he replied and you could almost hear the smile in his voice. Well, I guess the man of few words has a sense of humor.
“That’s good to hear! You wouldn’t imagine the number of recruits that squirm even before I’ve begun to prep their arm. I thought all that training taught you guys to be tough.” With this, you both laughed and you began to position your hand ensuring the needle was going into the proper area.
You felt him slightly tense under your touch but you gave him a reassuring pat on the hand. You knew as a child that the best way was to finish the vaccine before they even had time to react.
“You can hold my hand if you’d like,” you joked, not realizing that he was pink under his mask. "Or you could be a good little soldier and I might give you a lolly" you continued further, teasing the man. He was so glad to have the safety of concealment as you were really rubbing it in. He waved you off with his other hand and you went about a quick administration.
“See that’s not so bad,” you smiled and you went to apply a bandage. Unfortunately, you realized you were out of your typical issued bandaids and quickly grabbed a colorful, neon star one.
He glanced down and responded with a low, “What the hell is that?”
“I’m sorry it’s the only one I have at the moment, but you should be able to take it off before bed tonight!” you apologized and you fastened it onto his strong bicep.
Little did you know that your small talk and neon bandage had endeared you to the Lieutenant. Your reassuring touch and soft actions made him believe you’d be a better fit for a position in pediatrics than here. Although he would have to explain the ridiculous stars, he found himself wanting to get all of his vaccines from you.
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first time writing and posting here in like forever! hope you enjoyed this mw2 content :)
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deblklesb · 10 months
[In This Economy — Abby x Reader OneShot]
[established relationship, fem!reader, angst, fluff and smut (MDNI)]
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a/n: again, so so sorry for the wait 😭😭 i hope you enjoy it!
cw: abby and reader fight, angst, reader is neurodivergent and goes in a slight verbal shutdown, scissoring, oral (r! receiving), fingering (abby receiving), pet names.
word count: 3,1k | not proof read
!reblogs are highly appreciated!
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You were thrilled; tired, but thrilled. Inside your backpack sitted a small box with a very expensive gift for the most amazing woman in the entire world, and you were looking forward to finally giving it to her.
It cost you tons of extra work, with more shifts at work and nights awake. During the time being, hiding the idea from her was the hardest part, your excitement so big you had to physically restrain yourself from spilling the secret. In the end all went well, and now you are heading home from the jewelry store after spending all your savings.
The familiar building with old painting called your attention back from your thoughts, you grabbed the keys and noticed shaky hands. Trying to calm yourself, you repeated mentally how she would like it, obviously, that you had nothing to worry about. The way your insecurities made every situation like this a stress was awful, despite your efforts to work on it. It was a long way, after all.
You breathe deeply one last time before opening the door to your apartment, the cozy living room visible from the corridor inside.
"Abs?", you called while taking off your shoes, making sure she was home.
"Hey, babe", her voice came from inside and, while relieved, you also felt a chill in your stomach. "How was your day?"
"You know, the usual…", mostly true; except for the gift, your day was the same. "And yours?"
"People at work got me a cake", the smile on her voice was noticeable. "It's pretty good, I put it on the fridge"
"Nice", your feet made contact with the old wooden floor, the window in the living room giving sight to the other side of the street.
Abby was at the table reading something, probably from her job. She worked so hard, you both did, and you just wanted to give her the world.
"Happy birthday, pretty girl", you kissed her face after leaving the backpack in the corridor, getting a smile and a hug by your waist. "I love you"
"Thanks, babe. Love you too", she looked up just to get more kisses, chuckling.
"I got something for you"
"Oh?", her blue eyes got filled with curiosity and you just wanted to squeeze her adorable face.
Quickly, you got the little box in the backpack and came back, putting it on the table. She was intrigued, especially considering your excitement exhaling from your pores. So she grabbed the small object and opened.
Sitting inside there was a ring. It was a simple silver ring with a golden line around it.
And the room was filled with silence. You could hear the cars outside and the buzz from the people walking, some birds and pigeons flying. You always loved this sound, the mixture of life happening in the world, and it wasn't nothing exaggerated, so you enjoyed it. But right now, due to the anxiety, all you wanted to hear was Abby's voice.
She picked the ring, analyzing it. The blue eyes wandering around the details as she turned it side to side.
"Why… Why did you buy me this?"
This wasn't what you expected to hear.
"You… Didn't like it?" That was the wrong question. You surely wanted to know whether she liked it or not, but it just blurted out because of the emotions, not rational at all. You shouldn't have asked this, because your heart was this close to breaking.
"I… It's beautiful, babe, but this must have been so expensive!", the frown in her brows denounced she was angry. Why was she angry? "We have so much with the house, and I know we work very hard, but we still have stuff to do. And instead you decided to buy me a ring?"
The bubbling inside grew, you wanted to hide. Suddenly you felt self-conscious about your bands and how you didn't know what to do with them while standing there. And the sounds of the cars felt too much.
"It's just… I can't accept it"
"What?" If the look you had on your face didn't denounce the amount of confusion you felt right now, it was a pity. "No, no. Abby, you have to. I worked double shifts for this…"
"That's why you've been getting home late?!" She stood from the chair, still holding the box on one hand and the ring on the other. Was she screaming at you?
"Well, yeah! I needed to get the money, I didn't want to buy it and get debts, so I got the full amount of money", you screamed back, frustrated for doing so.
"Are you serious?!" Her tone. It was angry. Why was she angry? This was supposed to be sweet, it was her birthday, she wasn't supposed to be feeling like this today. Did you do wrong?
"Why are you reacting like this?!" Your heart was beating so fast, face getting warm with the tears coming.
"Because you just worked your ass off to get a stupid ring while we still have stuff to do around the house. You could've got something for the both of us… Or the house!"
With heavy breaths and a confused mind, you took from the smallest pocket of your pants another ring, thinner, matching the one she was holding. Tears started to flood your face against your will, which made you more frustrated. You didn't want to cry. After showing it to her, you put it on the table, making a loud sound that irritated yourself. Abby, silent, stared at it.
"There. It was for us."
Then you went putting your shoes on again, so fucking affected in a way you couldn't put in words. It was just too much.
"What are you doing?"
"Going out. Again. I won't stay here while you're angry, especially because I don't understand why you're angry at me", you turned to her again while grabbing your coat. "I didn't do anything wrong. And, yes, I worked my ass off to get this. You should probably think better about that before I come back, because all I wanted to do was give you something nice, when we're always getting money to make repairs in the apartment and we barely have other stuff to ourselves, anyways"
Without giving her the time to answer, you just stormed out of the apartment, closing the door.
And immediately the cry intensified, which just made you so much worse. You hated to cry in front of people, and the amount of feelings inside right now kept coming up your stomach and forming a knot in your throat. Head aching, body feeling too much all of a sudden, and you just wanted to disappear from the earth. Not even the clouds outside, something you enjoyed to look at, brought you back from this disconnected state.
By the time you came home, it was already dark. The cars now had headlights on, which made you flinch every time one crossed the street. Still, you kept going until reaching your old building. The lights from your apartment were turned off, and you truly thought Abby was asleep already - even though it wasn't late, it would be much easier.
When you closed the door and flicked the lights, there she was. Sitting on the couch, holding what you noticed to be your ring, the thinner one.
You didn't say a thing. Just took out your shoes, wishing this discussion to be over. Wanting to forget you had this idea anyway.
"I don't have the energy to fight, Abby" you started to head to the bedroom, craving for some comfort right now and picturing your bed. Body feeling too heavy and head light. "Just… Let me sleep."
"I don't wanna fight", she said, captivating your attention again. You turned around in time to see her getting up, her clothes with tears' stains. Her blushed face confirmed the previous action and your heart sunk into your chest, like a punch in the guts. And you knew she felt the same when noticing your own cried out features. "I'm so sorry, babe…"
"We can do this by the morning", she kept her distance, respectful of your space. It was hard making contact in moments like that for you, and she knew it.
"No, please, let me." When you didn't move, she gave a step into your direction, careful. You stood there, waiting. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I just have been so stressed these days, no matter how hard we work, stuff doesn't seem to work out. And I just want to give you the best, all the time…" more steps, she was closer now and you were allowing it. The truth is that you wanted to hug her, feel her, because she was one of the only people you trusted to touch you in one of those moments, even though a time was necessary. "I got mad because I didn't want you to work so hard to give me something. Sometimes I feel like that's my job, it's hard to accept things"
"You work so hard, and you give me the best all the time, love. You're amazing. That's why I wanted to give you something this time. Spoil you a little bit, because you deserve it too", you murmur, feeling the warmth irradiating from her when she's close enough. "We can… Turn it back if that's your wish"
The blonde shook her head in denial.
"I shouldn't have gone mad at you. Sorry for being a jerk. Truly, if someone is to blame, it is the government. And the rich people making everyday life suck. And this economy", you chuckled lightly, nodding along. She caught your hand carefully, putting the matching ring on your finger. "It looks good on you"
"On you too", you finally made your perception of her ring on her own finger verbal.
"Can you forgive me?" Her blue eyes held honesty and care, all of this while she finally touched your face with both of her strong hands. "Please"
"If you promise not to do this again", the proximity metamorphosed your voice into a whisper, your previous anxiety in pure relief, the tension in need to give in.
Her breath reached your face and you held her by the waist, the strong muscles comforting your senses.
The small kiss bubbled your belly, it was so good. You loved her so much. Loved her taste and how the kiss, now deeper, consumed you whole. Frying your thoughts, taking you away from all the previous madness, noisy rhythm. Her hand on your nape, keeping you close, made you crazy. So little and so much.
Your hands traveled under her shirt, noticing how she wasn't using a top or bra and, all of a sudden, the sensation of her breasts against you was loud.
"I promise", she whispers under the kiss, love-biting your chin. And your chest is so full, you want her so bad from one second to the other.
Giving space to her lips on your neck and walking back when she does so forward, you sigh and pull up the clothing that covers her torso. She helps you finish the task, taking your coat next and pulling close by the waist, your bodies glued and needing to merge. The height difference made her tower you and it drove you crazy, weak knees and needy core.
Abby holds your face up to continue to kiss your neck, unbuckling your pants down until you have to move your feet to take it off completely.
The situation escalates fast enough, soon you're laying on the bed with her buff body on top of yours, hands feeling her muscles as your legs tangle and the wetness on your cores are mixing with friction. She moans, hair getting messy, and she's so hot all over that it has you speechless.
A strong hand wraps around your neck possessively, the way she does to drive you crazy, but she doesn't squeeze. It's just the positioning, the sight of you happily at her mercy, looking so fucking gorgeous as your clits bump into each other and her piercing blue eyes are fixed on your face. Your moans are like music to her ears, pleads for more, gasoline to her fire. Hips going faster, the free hand adjusting your leg so you can be nice and open to welcome perfectly her form. Her skin is blushed, freckles adorning her entirety in innumerous constellations and the muscles flexing compete for your attention.
"You're so good for me, babe", she murmurs, biting her lips as your pussy clenches around nothing and you're so close to coming with the friction. And her eyes fill with lust and passion, the hold loosening and her thumb presses your bottom lip, caressing there.
You just surrender. Partially because it's the natural reaction of your body to Abby: to let her get her way with you, with the knowledge that she'll do well to pleasure you both until you can react to act for yourself. But also because all the previous stress tired you enough. Abby knows it, and her plans involve taking care of you in the best way possible tonight.
Like reading your mind, her hips move faster and you're moaning louder. The sensation of her skin on yours, her pussy rubbing deliciously against yours with all the wetness around and between, your poor sensitive clit receiving friction all the time.
"So fucking pretty, taking me like that", she leans in, eyes glued to your expressions as you frown and holds up your leg like you're physically begging her to fuck you. "Gonna take care of you all night, uh? Come for me, babe, come on"
The idea of her having you all night it's enough to send you off the edge. Your eyes close and your whole body tenses, overwhelmed by her all over you. Your moans are literally whines now, but they vary with your guttural noises.
"So, so beautiful", her tone it's always nice, always pronouncing in a way to comfort you, as she kisses your face and moans with her own high flooding her body.
You just let her move you around like she pleases, now being put laying on your belly. The strong hands soon get into work, massaging your flesh as her lips trail pecks and licks into your skin. Abby takes more time on your ass, groping it.
Due to the position you can't see, but she's staring at you like the most beautiful work of art possible. Like she's infatuated with it, a specific glow in her orbs when she can capture the sight of your wet pussy between your thighs. Fuck, she needs to worship you forever.
The tall woman adjusts herself behind you, pushing your legs so they can give her space. Her strong arms wrap under your thighs and she locks her grip on you and elevates your hips, now face to face to your glistening pussy.
A loud sigh escapes your mouth as soon as her mouth makes contact with your core. Eyes rolling back, you're so sensitive already but you know she won't stop unless you ask her to. She keeps going, using her tongue to caress you whole, up and down, and it's so heavenly good. You can't help but grab the sheets and the pillow, contorting yourself all the time and moaning to show her how fucking done you're getting. How she can easily mess with you in the most profound way in these moments of intimacy.
The whole time she's eating you, you moan and call her name. It's the only way you can verbally externalize what you're feeling now, overflowing with heat and desire. Nipples and head pressed against the mattress, mouth falling open from the constant explicit sounds and head in the clouds due to her hot muscle against your most needy place.
It doesn't take long before you're on the edge again, the familiar feeling on your tummy and the involuntary faults of your body warning the scenario. Abby kept going, holding you in place with her strength when you kept contorting. Her own core was tightening constantly, she was going crazy tasting you, feeling you.
Abby was so obsessed with you, so in love, that the mere thought of making you upset made her feel like the most ridiculous person on earth. She just wanted to make up for it, fuck you down like you enjoyed and make sure to spoil you down the rest of the week.
With hands traveling through your skin, Abby received your high with a groan. Your juices on her mouth, clit hard on her tongue and folds against her mouth and face; she was in heaven.
"You're always so so delicious", she said, kissing your ass on both sides. "So good for me, babe"
Her kisses went north and soon she was laying next to you, a hand pulling you close as her lips touched yours. In a hazy state, you retributed the act while your hand rested on her face. The heat coming from her body made the duvet expendable, she was the warmth that could comfort your most cold days.
Passionately you keep kissing her, trying to show how much you loved her without using words. Abby feels consumed by that moment, melting under your touches as you take control for a moment. You don't say anything, just spread pecks around her face, going down to her neck.
"You make me crazy", she whispers, both hands still on you since she can't keep them to herself.
While you feel her on your palms, traveling your touch to her core, Abby keeps whispering sweet nothings to you. You accept every single one of them, groaning when reaching her wetness.
Soon you were looking at her face, drunk on her. Taking in each reaction, the way her cute lips were parting so she could moan and pant. Her freckles adorning those beautiful features, she held your face as your fingers worked skilfully on her. Her folds welcoming you, soaking in heat like she would only do for you. The smell of the moment filled the room and your digits filled her inside, reaching the places she needed the most.
Strong hips twitched in your direction, her legs separated like she was calling for you all the time.
"Please, bun, don't stop", she pleaded, frowning.
You collected some of her moisture to start massaging her clit. The bud excitedly against your ministrations as she moved her body, breath choppy and heavy.
The last straw was your lips going to her nipple, tongue circling the rigid place as your hand firmly moved on her soaking pussy.
She was seeing stars under the lids when her eyes rolled back and closed, body out of control as she repeated how much she loved you in that honey-coated voice. She was so beautiful, so fucking perfect, you could come with that vision alone.
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[png dividers by @cafekitsune]
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its-time-to-write · 8 months
Jamie tartt friends with benefits would be very fun! I love how you write Jamie it’s so so incredibly lovely
I wrote this bc I’m mad about old men trying to tell me how to do my job.
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soft hands hit the jagged ground
It starts off as a joke, really. 
You’re both at the same party and arguing about who’s the better kisser, when suddenly your lips are on Jamie’s and neither of you are quite sure who made the first move. 
You don’t talk much, just enough to say that this competition extends to other physical activities and to order a car, so a few hours later you collapse exhausted on the bed in your flat. 
“Fuck,” Jamie gasps. 
“Fuck,” you agree. 
“We’ve got to do this again sometime,” he says, hand on his stomach as he stares up at the ceiling. 
“Give me ten minutes,” you reply. “Can’t let my twenties go to waste now, can I?”
So yeah, it’s like a thing. 
It’s not a romantic thing, that’s for sure.
It’s a “we just won a match” thing, or a “I had a shit day at work” thing, or “I need to blow off steam and can’t be bothered to pick up a stranger at the club” thing. 
No, romance does not factor in. This is strictly a friendship-type deal. 
It’s great, because neither of you actually has time for a relationship, and hookups are so hit or miss. And besides, you’ve never been extremely thrilled at the idea of some random person knowing where you live. And Jamie’s a little worried that someone will try to steal his jerseys. 
(Not worried enough, apparently, because you manage to make off with one from his Man City days.)
You both swore that neither of you would catch feelings and maybe that would have been true except for the evening Jamie called you and said, “Can I come over?” in a voice you’ve never heard before. 
You’ve barely hung up the phone when he’s knocking at your door, dressed in a suit and actual dress shoes, not trainers, hands leaving your body only for a moment to shut the door and turn the lock. 
He kisses you like he’s got all the time in the world, all slow and hungry.
He touches you almost like you’re someone else, and you’d think it’s strange except you can’t think of anything other than the fact that his body is pressed against yours and he’s holding you like it means something. 
You don’t say anything until you’re walking back to your room wrapped in a towel, water bottles in hand. 
“What was that about?” you ask, handing him his water. 
Jamie barely lifts his head. He decides not to play dumb, to be a little bit truthful. He’s not sure why, maybe because he’s still coming down and his brain doesn’t work proper. 
“Me and the lads were at a funeral today. For Ms. Welton’s dad. Made me feel all fuckin’… strange and shit. Dunno.” He takes a sip of his water and you settle in the bed next to him. 
You nod and say, “Makes sense.” It does. Funerals are fucking strange. The last one you went to had you feeling weird for a month so yeah, you get it. 
You’re both silent for a while longer when Jamie blurts out, “I told Keeley I still loved her,” and then you’re silent again, but it’s a different kind of quiet. The kind where you can practically hear the words oh shit hanging in the air. 
A couple things click into place where they probably shouldn’t, and so you take your cues from Jamie and say what’s on your mind as you blurt out, “Is that who you were thinking of?”
Jamie goes completely still, which is also strange because he’s never still. Always tapping or shifting around or something. 
“Right,” you say, far too brightly. It’s fine, after all. “I understand. Yeah, no, makes sense.”
You’re not sure what else to say after that so you kind of just sit there and wait for Jamie to move again. He does, sits up enough to grab his knickers from where he dropped them off the side of your bed, slide them on, and say, “Better get going. It’s getting late.”
“Yeah,” you say halfheartedly, suddenly very, very tired. It’s doesn’t escape your notice that Jamie doesn’t meet your eyes the entire time he collects his clothes and heads out the door. 
You manage to get up and fish a new pair of underwear from one drawer and a sleep shirt from another, and it’s not until you’re back in your bed that you realize it’s Jamie’s 51 kit. 
But you’re too tired to get up and change so you just leave it and pass out. 
You wake up the next morning with way too many emotions to consider, so you let yourself buy a coffee from the shop instead of making one at home. You get an extra shot of espresso to block out the great big warning bells firing in your head. 
You’re not-so-blissfully unaware of the fact that Jamie’s on the other side of town having a similar morning. One that involves going to Nelson Road early to sneak in some extra cardio so he can work off whatever feelings still linger from last night. 
For a brief moment, he considers going to Dr. Sharon. But no, there’s no need for that because it’s all straightforward, innit? He’s a little fucked from the funeral and telling Keeley he loves her, and all he needs is one more good fuck and then it’s all out of his system. 
Except whenever he thinks about your face of all body parts, his chest gets all squeezy. And worse. 
So maybe it’s not so straightforward. 
He does fucking love Keeley, right? He’d take a bullet for her, and he misses talking to her every day. He scrunches up his face and imagines kissing her, nothing too wild, and it doesn’t make his chest tighten. 
That’s a good thing. 
By the time you get home from work, you’ve decided that it’s fine. It’s weird that he was thinking about someone else, but it doesn’t mean anything. Honestly, you two are just messing around until one of you decides to get into a relationship. So yeah, it’s all good. It’s not like you’d date him anyway. 
You’ve been pushing away thoughts like that for years, you’re not about to let them surface now. 
Jamie does not particularly want to talk to Dr. Sharon about this. He wants to talk to Keeley, except last time he tried that she walked him all the way to the therapist’s office and left him there. 
He thinks maybe Ted would be good, except he’s not sure Ted would know how to deal with Jamie’s whole “friends with benefits” situation. 
Beard probably would, except his relationship with Jane is one step away from psychotic, so Jamie thinks that he’ll talk to Sam because Sam is smart and probably won’t judge him. 
It works out, actually, because he’s going over to Sam’s for a sleepover since they have an out-of-town match the next day, and need to be up early. Jamie hates waking up early so Sam promised to make sure he wouldn’t press the snooze button on his alarm. 
So yeah, now he’s in Sam’s car (a fucking Tesla, all eco-friendly and shit) and they’re talking about training and brand deals and Jamie asks if Sam’s got a girl, but Sam just blushes and says I don’t know, not anymore before turning the question on Jamie. 
Jamie sighs and puts his face in his hands. “Let’s wait till we ain’t in your fucking car, yeah? It’s too fucking long to say here.”
Sam obliges and just turns up the radio for next eight minutes it takes to get to his house. 
Jamie hauls his bag into Sam’s flat and down on the guest room floor before taking a deep fucking breath. 
Right. He can do this. 
He makes his way to the kitchen where Sam’s pulling something out of a crock pot and Jamie is a little envious of his ability to cook so well for himself. 
Sam is oblivious to Jamie’s internal monologue as he says, “Alright, this girl. Tell me about her.”’
Jamie takes another breath and then the words just come spilling out. 
“I’ve known her since we were fucking…fifteen or some shit and like, we’ve always been friends. But lately it’s been like, what’s the word, friends with benefits? Where we have sex but aren’t dating. It’s been alright, mostly, except yesterday I told Keeley I loved her and things got all fucked up in me head.”
“How so?” Sam prods encouragingly. 
“It’s like…” Jamie pauses. What is it like? “Thinking about kissing Keeley didn’t make me all tingly or nothing. Dunno, felt- wrong. But I think of her face-” he groans. “Shit, man, me heart started pounding like mad. I’ve seen her naked, and it’s her face that gets me. I mean, what the fuck is that?”
Sam’s face is doing some weird contortionist movement, trying to hide his expression, so Jamie says, “Fucking hell man, spit it out before you break something,” and Sam says, 
“I don’t think you love Keeley.”
That makes Jamie mad. Of course he loves Keeley. He’d do anything for Keeley. 
Sam must see it written in his face because he hurries on. “I don’t mean that you don’t have love for her. I mean that you do not seem to love her romantically. It would seem to me you like this other girl.”
Well shit. That’s exactly what Jamie was afraid of. Leave it to Sam to get to the heart of the problem in five minutes, only this leaves him with another problem:
He’s spent the last nine years pretending like he had only friendly feelings toward you. Innocent, like. 
He can’t let all that pretending go to waste now. 
You don’t see each other for a week which is fine, because you had decided way beforehand not to meet up until the next weekend. You were finishing a major project at work and he was wrapping up a killer week at training. Hence, Friday night was the night to blow off all that steam.
You’ve successfully squashed any feelings for Jamie. They’re gone, buried deep down once again and you will not let them come back up.
And yet, you’ve put on a pink set under your shirt and sweat shorts, with a little more makeup than you’d gone to work with. Maybe the whole Keeley thing is lingering in your head a little more than you thought.
Whatever. Doesn’t matter.
You grab your keys and head out the door to Jamie’s house.
Jamie’s already texted you to let you know the door’s open, so you slip in and turn the lock behind you. The foyer is lit with a dim glow from upstairs.
“Jamie?” you call softly, “You here?”
There’s no response, so you pad up the stairs, stopping only to drop your keys on top of the table in the hall.
“Jamie?”  you say again, peering into his bedroom. Ah. So that’s where the light’s coming from. 
Jamie jumps from where he’s been bending over a candle. “Shit, you scared me. Didn’t hear you fucking come in.”
You smile tentatively, unsure what to say. Jamie shakes out the match and crosses over to the ensuite to drop it into the sink. He comes back out again and dips you into a kiss.
He says, “Nice shirt,” with his lips still against yours, and it’s only then that you remember you’ve put on his old kit, the one you stole the second time you went home with him.
You grin and kiss him again, waiting to be on your own two feet again so you can slide a hand under his sweatshirt. Neither of you have worn anything particularly amazing because it’s what’s underneath that counts, isn’t it?
Jamie’s thinking something similar because he starts backing you up to the bed as you fumble to slip shirts over heads and pants down on the floor. He traces an appreciative palm over a pink flower appliqué, and then you push the last traces of doubt as he hooks a finger under your waistband.
“What’s with all the candles?” you ask, when it’s dark enough to be considered nighttime but the clock says it’s technically morning.
“Setting the mood,” Jamie replies, voice gravely and just a little bit raw.
“Hmm,” you say. “Glad you didn’t burn the house down.”
Jamie’s been pressing kisses up your bare arm and you can feel him grin at that. “Psh. I’m an adult now. I’m fuckin’ responsible.”
“Sure,” you chuckle, then shiver as Jamie’s mouth has found its way to a spot behind your ear. “You ready to go again?”
“No,” Jamie replies between kisses, “What makes you think that?”
“Just a hunch,” you say as you roll on top of him. You trace his lower lip with your thumb, and he takes that opportunity to his it. And to run his knuckles up your sides.
“Fucker,” you hiss. “That tickles.”
He smirks, a real one, with his eyes all heavy-lidded and the barest hint of his teeth gleaming in the candlelight. 
“Yeah?” he whispers. “What about this? Does this tickle?”
He actually fucking dances his fingertips up your sides as you gasp and try to get off of him. He’s not having it, because he rolls you over and continues tickling you as if you hadn’t just been fucking fifteen minutes ago. 
You’re laughing and half-heartedly pushing at him and it’s so ridiculous that you stop trying to get him away and instead press as much of your skin against his as you can. 
He’s whispering in your ear, a combination of crude jokes and compliments, the kind that makes a blush bloom from your chest all the way to the tips of your ears.
God fucking damn it, he’s going to be the death of you, but you can’t make yourself stop smiling.
He’s still murmuring in your ear and he’s saying something about how fucking gorgeous you look, how fucking beautiful you’d look on the side of the pitch with his number on or as his date to some event and how everyone would be jealous because you’re so fucking hot, but you belong with him and he’s the one who gets to see you last thing at night and first thing in the morning.
It’s so utterly ridiculous.
He’s only saying it because he’s so far gone.
It’s so. Utterly. Ridiculous.
“Jamie, we can’t date,” you say between giggles.
He pauses to ask “Why not?” and the remnants of your laughter die in your throat. Oh shit. One good look at his face tells you he’s not joking. 
“Jamie,” you say again, this time more seriously, “Jamie, we really can’t date. That’s not how this works. You’re supposed to date a model or an actress or something, and I’m supposed to date, like, an accountant. Or a lawyer.”
“Why?” Jamie asks, accent thick as it’s ever been. 
“Because,” you reply. “I’m not really the trophy-girlfriend type. And… we’ve been friends pretty much forever. It’d mess everything up when we break up.” He’s still on top of you, propping himself up on his elbows so he can see your face. You want to point out that this is a conversation that probably requires clothing, but you don’t actually want that so you stay silent.
“What if we didn’t break up?” he suggests. 
You bark out a short laugh. “It doesn’t work like that. You can’t just choose not to break up.”
“Can,” he responds.
“Can’t,” you counter. 
“Don’t be Roy Kent,” he says.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you reply. “And anyway, I’m way sexier than him. And less scratchy.”
“You fucking like when I tell you what to do,” he says. 
You make a face. “I like it when it’s sexy. This is not sexy. This is sad and stupid, and we promised we wouldn’t have this conversation.”
“You promised,” Jamie reminds you. “I just didn’t disagree.”
He’s not wrong.
“Fine,” you say, pushing him a little so he’ll get off you. 
You sit up and wrap the sheets around your chest, pulling your knees close. “You told me less than a week ago that you were still in love with Keeley, and now you want me to date you? I love you, but you’re just getting your wires crossed because we’re having sex.”
Jamie shoots up, mouth open and you realize what you just said. 
“Shit, not like that, I mean as a friend, not- not as- I don’t know, I didn’t mean to say that,” you stutter out.
“I love Keeley as a friend,” Jamie says. “Talked to Sam about it, and he says I don’t know how to tell the difference between a friend and fucking romance. He said I’m fucking in love with you, not her, and he’s fucking right.”
You’d say that sounds like the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard, except you’ve known Jamie for nine years and yeah, that sounds like something he’d do.
“Right,” you say slowly, “and you just now started feeling this way?”
He hesitates before deciding fuck it. “Nah. I think- I’ve been pretending like I didn’t since we were like, fuckin’ sixteen, probably. Didn’t want to screw it up though, did I?”
You shake your head before saying, “No, I guess not.”
“And anyway, us being together is that different from what we do now,” he continues. “Dating just means we can like, hold hands.”
You laugh and ask, “Is that the only thing that’s going to change?” but you can feel your resolve softening. Jamie can feel it too.
“Nah,” he says, feeling confident to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I can tell you that I love you. And kiss you just because. And get me mum off my back about never making a move on you.”
You say, “Hmm,” as if you’re considering it, but he knows you’ve already made your decision by the way you reach for him with both hands with a smile beginning to bloom across your face.
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doeeyeseddie · 2 months
hi pia i'm thinking about heart eyes diaz again so "15. watching their oblivious s/o lovingly" spoke to me
frida my love! so true, it fits perfectly <3
[read on ao3]
When Bobby offered Eddie the spot on the 118, he fully intended for him to become Buck’s partner on the job. He picked him specifically for that, feeling like Eddie could be exactly the kind of person Buck needed to become the amazing firefighter he had the potential to be.
He also hoped they’d get along on a personal level too, obviously – his entire team is built on that hope. Eddie was supposed to fit with all of them, but Buck most of all.
Now, as he’s standing in the firehouse kitchen with a clear view of Eddie at the table, his chin resting on his hand as he watches Buck explaining something to Hen with big gestures across from him, Bobby can’t help but think that this all worked out much better than he could ever have hoped.
They’ve had their ups and downs – Buck and Eddie, yes, but all of them, really – but if that time a year or two where their team was splintering was good for anything, it was making it clear just how lucky they are to be working with this team. How lucky they are to have this family, at work and outside of it.
Eddie’s face is soft, almost tender, as he looks at Buck, who’s still focused on Hen.
It gives Bobby pause.
These two have had a special connection from nearly the beginning on, except for that short period where Buck’s irrational fear of being replaced translated to hostility. Since then, Bobby has watched them become friends, then best friends very quickly, and eventually, they grew into their own little family unit within their bigger family.
He’s aware of this, aware of how important they are to each other. How could he not? He’s seen them go through the worst and the best times together, seen them support each other, seen them grieve for each other.
He’s even seen this expression on Eddie’s face before, usually in flashes or from far away. Never as open and unguarded, so obviously full of love, without caring who sees it.
Bobby turns back to the food he’s preparing and can’t help thinking that maybe he’s missed one more layer of it after all.
So when, two weeks later, Bobby gets another up close look at the look on Eddie’s face while Buck is stumbling his way through an explanation for why they need disclosure of relationship forms, he’s not completely surprised.
“So we, uh, wanted to talk to you because– You see, Eddie and I, we sort of, um, realized recently,” Buck stammers, and all the while, Eddie smiles at the side of his face like he’s the best thing he’s ever seen. “That what we f-feel for each other, is, um–”
“Buck,” Bobby interrupts him gently. “Are you trying to tell me that the two of you are in a relationship?”
“Yes, he is,” Eddie says, and he’s still smiling at Buck, who doesn’t seem to have noticed. “We are.”
At that, Buck turns towards him and his face melts into a smile like he can’t help it. 
“Yeah,” he says, without looking away from Eddie.
Bobby watches them smile at each other for a minute, fondly, but eventually, he clears his throat.
Eddie blinks and turns to him first. “Um, sorry. So, what forms do we have to fill out? And is there anything else we need to do?”
“We– We know there’s a married couple working the same shift at the 139, so we’re good, right? We can keep working together?” Buck asks worriedly.
“I don’t see why not,” Bobby says. “I’ve got a whole stack of forms I can give you to take home with you, you can bring them back signed on your next shift. Apart from that, it’s up to my recommendation. If I find that you can’t work together with appropriate professionalism anymore, then I can recommend that one of you is moved to another station. But you’re not in the same chain of command and I assume that your feelings at least aren’t all that new, are they?”
“They’re not,” both of them say at almost the same time, then smile at each other again.
“Then I see no reason why you shouldn’t work just as well together now that you’re making it official,” Bobby says, and finally lets the captain act drop with a smile. “So you’re happy?”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. “Yeah, Bobby, we’re so happy.”
Eddie reaches for his hand and Buck grips it tightly.
“Disgustingly so, if you believe Christopher,” Eddie grins, and Bobby laughs.
“Well, I’m really happy for you. You both deserve happiness, and looking at you right now – well, it just makes sense that you found it with each other.”
“Thanks, Bobby,” Eddie says, eyes bright.
Bobby remembers him sitting in front of him like this, but alone, adrift, scared. He remembers how worried he was that he’d never be happy.
And Buck – how lost he used to feel, never aware of how loved he already was by the people in his life, always chasing after the idea he’d built up in his head.
Well, it kind of makes Bobby want to congratulate himself for pairing these two up.
A year later, while Bobby is recounting the story of Buck and Eddie from his view at their wedding reception, his eyes keep straying to the grooms.
Buck is watching him with teary eyes and a wobbly smile that makes Bobby choke up a little, but Eddie is looking at Buck. He’s wearing that same tender, lovesick expression Bobby has seen on his face so many times by now, and he finds himself hoping that the wedding photographer will capture it in one of their photos, because he’d like Buck to get a good look at it.
He knows that Buck knows that Eddie loves him, but knowing Buck, it wouldn’t hurt for him to see photographic evidence of the naked adoration on his new husband’s face.
But he shouldn’t have worried, because when Buck turns to look at Eddie, his expression doesn’t waver at all. Buck doesn’t seem surprised to see it, either, so clearly he’s not as oblivious as Bobby may have thought.
Good, he thinks. Everything is exactly as it’s supposed to be, and better than he ever could have hoped.
He smiles and lifts his glass to finish his toast. “To Buck and Eddie. May you always look at each other the way you are right now.”
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ravencincaide · 3 months
Over a cigarette 
Summary:  You tried to do something nice for the Mafia, for your boss, outside your job requirements and working hours. And all you asked was a little something in return. OR it took the duration of his smoke for you to go from another stupid subordinate into someone possibly interesting. 
Pairing: Subordinate reader x Boss Chuuya 
Inspired by anon request: Boss Chuuya and reader who caught Chuuya's attention.
Warnings: Cursing, Smoking cigarettes and mention of alcohol,
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“ The hell you want?” 
The highest executive- the boss of the entire Port Mafia- voice did not sound amused; if anything it held an angry undertone as it boomed around the dark, narrow cobblestone alley. The old street light shone a dim yellow hue casting long, demonic like shadows behind the mafiaso. Contorted the shape of his hat and the slim cigarette into something ungodly, in the most condemned definitions of that word. 
You saw him bring the cigarette up to his lips, heard the sharp intake of breath, noticed the red glow of the ash at the tip followed by a slow controlled exhale. Then a stern; “ Do I need to repeat myself?” 
“ Are you always this peachy or did I pick the short straw?” The attempt at playfulness and teasing was ruined by the shake in your voice; the unmistakable fear. He was an exceptional man but he was also the mafia boss. Your boss’s boss. 
“ I don’t need to be fucking ‘sweet’ to lowly pawns” he took another drag of his cigarette. The simple motion that was valued above your existence; the thing that saved you from his murderous wrath. Your life was worth less than the thin nicotine stick that was salvaged with his every sharp inhale. As long as you kept yourself brief, respectful yet valued at the price of that cigarette your life would be spared. Perhaps even rewarded for your brassiness. 
You shifted from one foot to another, an action which earned you a firm stare- a warning that you’d lose said foot if you did not start talking. 
“ Did you know your men are fraternizing with the government?” Despite your fear, your voice came out firm, clearly confident in your assessment. Chuuya gave you no attention, but he did not silence you either. This meant you could proceed with your observations. This was it, your chance; all or nothing. A make it or break it for your mafia career. 
You spoke of what you saw, rambled and stumbled over words in a fiery rush that not likely made much sense in the wee hours of the night. The ending of words swallowed by the icy wind, while the content, the red thread tangled in descriptions, side thoughts, additional details that came out in a jumbled mess. You were trying to be as clear as possible- and yet you likely made as much sense as a fish riding a bicycle. 
Still he let you talk. If anything you swore he took slower, more shallow drags of his smoke. The very smoke which now rested on the bottom of his parted lips. Gorgeous lips- not that you would ever utter such thoughts to the man aloud. But where were you? Your voice grew slower as you picked your brain for additional information that was essential to your report. To your surprise the demonic man before you threw a helping probe; 
“- Strong accusations girl” his eyes narrowed dangerously, the angry glare made you shudder in your boots as the gravity of the situation weighed on you. Cold sweat ran down your back as you stood frozen until his words registered in your frightened mind. Then you instantly fumbled through your purse until half a dozen pictures made it out. In an instant you passed them onto him,in the process you almost dropped them. Almost. The flicker of his fingers over the photographs echoed in the small space between you. The meters that separated you felt far too imitate, too close for you. Never before had you stood before someone this frighteningly powerful and you wished to not repeat this nerve wracking experience ever again. Perhaps you should have stayed in your lane- ignored what you saw and kept existing within your lowly rank? Maybe even– 
“ huh, so your price?” Chuuya fixed you with a firm stare that instantly snapped you out of your self critical thoughts. The price, right, you almost forgot all about it. Saying nothing would raise suspicion- and it was not like your heart was empty of desires. 
“ A week off” your voice sounded more confident than you felt. “ I want a week to myself- I- I think it’s a fair reward for spending my only night off from work for the sake of Port Mafia- doing something above my paygrade and–” you trailed off as Chuuya took another drag of his cigarette. 
“ Damn right you went above your paygrade, stuck your nose where it didn’t fucking belong and  risked the cover of m’men” Chuuya fixed you with a firm stare just as you felt your stomach drop. Ice cold dread washed over you as your mind registered the implications behind his words. The anger not at his mens supposed betrayal but at your inability to stay within your lane. 
An overachiever who’s actions brought more troubles than positives. 
“ Were you seen?” 
You shook your head, your eyes cast down and firmly locked on your intertwined fingers as though bound by invisible chains- a prisoner before their executioner. The morbid comparison was accurate nonetheless; “ No, I left before they could recognize me as anything other than a drunken party girl” 
“ hmm” that one sound said so little and so much all at once; a hint towards your destiny. Yet he said nothing more on the matter. Precious seconds ticked away as less and less of the now-almost bud remained. 
“ So.. how badly did I fuck up?” you asked in a quiet voice, rocking back and forth on your heels. The sooner you found out, the sooner you’d know whether your foolishness had cost you your pay, any chance of upward mobility within the Mafia or your life. You shuddered at the thought of the last option, hoped he wouldn’t notice. And if he did, then he’d attribute it to your skimpy attire on the chilly Friday night. 
As if to torture you, Chuuya remained silent, took his time to flicker the gathered ash from the tip of his cigarette onto the ground before he brought the almost finished smoke back up to his lips. 
“  Next clock in’s Friday, 9 A.M sharp in my office” Chuuya stated as he took another, final, drag from his smoke“ Don’t even think about being a second late.” 
His gloved hand flickered the cigarette bud onto the ground between the two of you as you let out a yell of happiness. Before he had a change of mind- you did not believe the mafia executive had a heart- you bowed to him. Half in gratitude, half in respect.  Then you turned on your heel and ran out of the alley, not even waiting for his dismissal. 
In doing so, you miss the almost mild expression on Chuuya's face and the quiet murmur; that maybe with the right training you’d make a fine protege. 
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Author note: *Yelp* finally this fic is done! Thank you Anon for your request, I really had fun writing this pair of Chuuya-boss fics. And I will definitely do more of them in the future. Hope this was worth the wait~
Liked this fic and want more? check out Raven's masterlist! Want another part? See Over a Gunshot
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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allsaiint · 3 months
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↠ master chief/gender neutral!reader
↠ word count: 1800
↠ chapter one | chapter two
↠ masterlist
↠ description: john has no idea how to date, but he'll try his best.
↠ warnings: potential for out of character | potential for dismantling of canon | gender neutral!reader may change in future chapters
↠ author’s notes: this is based on a mix of game-canon chief and television series chief. take it as you will. if i did happen to use specific terminology to describe the reader, let me know.
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The instant John entered the park, he sensed something was different. So late on a Wednesday evening, the only thing playing in the open air theatre was a group of young violinists, no more than high school aged. There were a few people milling about, most likely parents there to encourage the group. Others were gathered on the outskirts, at the top of the coliseum style seats. They were cloistered in twos and threes, their conversations jumbling together over the sounds of the music.
You were the lone exception, standing towards the top of the steps, half-hidden by shadows. John had never seen you before, though there had been a recent influx of newcomers to the Reach. It was mostly scientists, after a mass exodus had left gaping holes in their military programs.
He caught the way your brow furrowed a split second before he realised he had been staring. You shifted back when he tried for a smile, and gave it up as a lost cause. In some ways, the act of interacting with new people still bemused him.
He was surprised, then, to hear footsteps approach, and turned just enough to witness you falter three steps above him. Over the din of the crowd, he could hear the race of your heart, so fast that he was surprised when you managed an actual greeting.
“You’re new to Reach?” 
He had to change tracks at the last minute, turning it from a statement into a question. He had also had no designs to sit, but found himself doing so anyway when you introduced yourself.
You nodded. “I took a job at the USMC. Have you been here long?”
“My entire career,” he answered, and watched close for your reaction. He suspected that you were unaware of who he was, as most civilians were. Few knew what the Master Chief looked like without his helmet on, and a majority were within the USMC.
His suspicion was proven right when you asked, “You’re a Marine, I take it? How long have you been in?”
Something in the way you asked, or perhaps it was the lack of starstruck wonder he was so used to, made him lie through his teeth, answering, “Thirty years, give or take a few.”
Eyebrows raising, you replied, “You look so young, though.”
A product of spending so much time in a suit of armour, he supposed. Instead though, he said, “You look fairly young yourself. What made you want to take a job here?”
Your smile slipped, and you ducked your head to face your knees. “My homeworld was glassed not long ago. I figured here would be the safest place to go, after that.”
“I’m sorry,” John offered, watching the way you began to pick at a split in your lip before, very abruptly, you turned to snap a tie around your wrist. “I heard about it, after I returned from a deployment. I’m glad you made it out.”
“Me too,” you replied with a quiet laugh. “You’re actually the first person I’ve met outside of work here.”
That made John chuckle and over it, he heard the way your heartbeat skipped. “I’m honoured, really.”
Conversation stalled for a few moments, and John could see how you pretended to watch the violinists to make it seem natural. There was a tension in your shoulders that gave away your desire to say something though, and you were rubbing your palm with your thumb. You would press hard in the very centre then relent before looking at John. It was quite nice to know that your nervousness was genuine, and not borne of being in the presence of the great Master Chief.
“Do you deploy a lot?” you asked at last, drawing John from his thoughts. The way you asked was stilted, as though you had dredged the question from the depths of your desire to say anything at all. “It seems like I never see the same face twice.”
“I do,” he agreed, and wondered what to tell you. The people you would deal with most often were the general ranks, those who stood a worse chance of surviving an encounter with Covenant. “I’m between drops, at the moment, but one will likely come in in the next few days. Covenant has been busier than usual.”
“I heard rumours that they were looking for something, but couldn’t find it. The Spartans either found it first or destroyed it or something like that.” You snapped the tie on your wrist once, hard. “That’s why they started glassing so many planets— they were really upset, whatever they were looking for.”
It always surprised John to find out how close the rumours turned out to be to the truth. He often wondered who started with the truth, and how long it took the details to be lost. It reminded him of the game he played as a child with the other trainees. One would whisper a sentence from across a room or through a glass, and it was the listener’s job to relay what was said. It had taken him a long time to realise that the “game” was actually training, learning to lip-read. The more serious the children took the task, the better the results were, but not until their augmentations were there ever perfect results.
“Well, in any case,” you said, drawing John from his thoughts again and offering him a smile, “maybe when you’re here, you can come visit me at the aquarium. Since I’ll never be able to find and all.”
With a rough, quiet laugh, John said, “Could see about making that work. Do you have to go now?”
“Should,” you agreed, but lingered where you stood. “I have an early shift tomorrow, and a bit of a ride home.”
Shifting to his feet as well, he said, “Let me walk you?”
“Oh, it’s— I live all the way in Immoria. It’s too much to ask—”
“I don’t mind,” John said, cutting your rambling off with a small smile. He found them rising easier in your presence. “I’d rather be sure you get home safe. Call it paranoia.”
“Well, if you insist,” you agreed, though it was with an air of exasperation. The tick playing at the corner of your mouth indicated that you were pleased beneath that though.
The next bullet train was due in five minutes, and you sidled closer as the waiting crowd grew and closed in. The way you flinched was almost imperceptible when you leaned into John, and your laugh was embarrassed.
“I don’t even like eating in the caf at work,” you admitted, but allowed his hand to stay where it was on  your back. “I don’t care much for crowds since—”
“I get it,” John said as the train came to an abrupt stop in front of you. There was just the one, and it hurtled back and forth across the city twenty-four hours a day. You remained close as the train began to move, curling your free hand into his shirt when someone knocked into you. The culprit offered John a smile full of mock apology that dwindled beneath his scowl, until they shifted to give you your space.
You were busy watching the scenery pass, and startled when John asked, “If you dislike crowds, what do you do at the complex?”
“Oh, they stuffed me into some little corner room with a few other researchers. I don’t really have to deal with too many people. Thankfully.”
“I see. What did you do before this?”
You shook your head. “I travelled around, studying species in their natural habitats, how we affected them, boring stuff like that.”
“It doesn’t sound boring,” John said, and watched your eyes widen as though you were surprised to hear it. If he had to describe it, it sounded peaceful. “If you enjoyed it, it wasn’t boring.”
“Well, fair enough,” you said with a quiet, almost disbelieving laugh. “Do you enjoy what you do?”
“Yes,” he replied on reflex. No one in recent memory had asked him that and, in truth, he was unsure of the truth in his answer. He had never been given the choice to decide if he enjoyed what he did or not.
Something must have shown through in his response, because the look you cast him came with a frown. You seemed to come to some decision or assumption on your own though, and uncurled your fist to lay flat on his chest.
A little too mired in his own thoughts again, John let silence reign after that. He followed you down the street with an absent mind, aware somewhere in the recesses of it that the inattention was unbecoming of the Master Chief. He found it happening with more frequency though, since—
“Well, this is me,” you said. “Thank you for walking me.”
“Like I said, I’d rather know you got home safe,” he replied, taking the building in. It was twenty something stories, but still short compared to most in the city. A pair of doormen stood just inside, prepared to open the doors for you.
You stalled again; it seemed you had something more to say. He heard the pace of your heart increase, and his focus narrowed in on the flicker of your pulse beneath your skin.
“Do you have a data pad, by chance?” you asked after a harsh swallow.
“It’s broken,” John said. His attention turned to your face just in time to register the way it crumpled in disappointment. With more gentleness, he continued, “I’d like to see you again, though.”
The words felt foreign, coming from him. If you noticed, you chose to ignore it when you agreed. John was surprised at how eager you seemed, and found it hard not to let it envelop him.
“At the park tomorrow? Same time?” he said. Again, he was met with eager agreement that made him smile. “Good. Goodnight then.”
Your sharp inhale in response was so subtle that even he almost missed it. Your eyes widened and your throat bobbed before you replied, “Night, John.”
Even you seemed to realise how hoarse you sounded and made to turn away, but not before John caught look of embarrassment flash across your face. He watched you scurry inside, and waited until the door was securely latched before allowing himself the laugh that had been brewing all evening.
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hotluncheddie · 8 months
this is honestly kinda random but my part two of the @thefreakandthehair summer fic challenge is done!!! so pretend it’s summer and not halloween, these boys r bring goofy all year round!
prompt: picking berries | cw: none | rated: G | part 2/2 | tags: disaster gays steve& eddie. besties robin & steve. jeff is an angel.
read part 1 here!
‘rob? um. is it gay to take your male friend berry picking’ steve asks while he’s pushing the full returns kart over to the romance section. he feels his eyebrows scrunch as he tries to read the labels on the tapes.
‘uh’ comes robins faint reply from where she’s slumped on the counter.. not helpful.
‘if uh. what if he really likes strawberries. like so so much.’ steve asks, focusing on trying to read the tapes even harder as he feels his neck get warm the longer he hears no reply.
‘no right? no, i don’t think so. it’s like friendly bonding. totally wholesome.’ steve gives up on the tapes. coming around to stare at robin across the counter. he gnaws on his cuticle and stares at her eyeballs so hard he goes cross eyed.
‘what the fuck’ robin whispers ‘it’s 9 in the morning’
‘robinnnnn’ steve whines because she not helping and he needs her to help, like so much, like right now.
‘ok ok! ask me again.’ she demands, finally looking alive and like she’ll actually fulfil her best friend duties like he needs.
steve takes a deep breath. ‘is it gay to…’
‘yes.’ robin interrupts before he can finish.
steve opens and closes his mouth a couple times. his mind is blank. blank except for an image of eddie and an image of a strawberry and an intense need in his gut to have the two connect.
‘shit’ steve rubs his hand down his face.
‘fraid so, it’s super gay and i hate to be the one to break it to ya.’ robin pats him on the shoulder, genuinely looking like she feels sorry for him. until her face shifts into a grin that’s a touch feral. ‘your crush on eddie is officially terminal.’
steve feels the heat on his neck slither up and bite at his cheeks. ‘who, uh, who said it was eddie?’
‘oh come on steve! i’m your best friend i see how you look at him.’ robin laments, rolling her eyes with her whole body, instantly calling his paper thin bluff.
steve groans, pushes away from the counter and starts pacing ‘ugh okay yes fine! i wanna take eddie on a gay strawberry date and make him smile and hold his hand and other stuff and, and im kinda freaking out here rob!’ steve feels frazzled. he cards a hand through his hair and tuggs.
‘okay. okay! it’s fine see, it’s fine.’ robin says, giving steve two big thumbs up and a smile that does nothing to hide the panic in her eyes. steve whines again and goes back to pacing.
‘uhhh okay! is this gay stress or eddie specific stress?’ robin joins him in pacing but she stays behind the counter. ‘because i know we talked about that kid in camp and you had a lot to say about that one guy you saw at a swim meet and then when we watched blade runner you talked over it a lot like normal but also got like really quiet when harrison ford was all kinda sweaty and stuff.’ robin finally takes a breath and turn back to face steve who is gaping at her. he feels like she just dissected his brain like it was a frog.
‘so i feel like we discussed the whole’ robin flails her arms up and down his general being. ‘bi thing. so i’m thinking this is more a like eddie specific freak out and so, like, shut the fuck up actually? hes obsessed with you steve!’ robin finishes, finally.
‘who’s obsessed with steve?’ eddie’s asks. because eddie’s there now. flanked by the three corroded coffin boys, all looking at steve like he’s something to be wary of.
‘uh’ robin and steve say in unison.
‘kieth!’ robin shouts with way too much enthusiasm for their manager who barely does his job. ‘yeah, ha. he’s been doing the schedules so the two of them overlap like, all the time. steve here always figured the guy hated him but, uh, times they do be a changing. yeah, he’s to-totally obsessed.’ robin smiles way too big and steve can only match it. staring at her, trying to make her shut. up. using only his minimal bran power.
‘oooh’ eddie says because he’s an angel who would never make fun of robin even if she’s being super weird.
‘uh, we’re gonna go look at the sci-fi section ed’s.’ Gareth says, his face one of confusion and maybe a little bit of fear.
‘buckley. harrington.’ jeff says nodding his head in acknowledgment of the two before they all wonder off. gareth and (unnamed freak) repeat the motion and follow.
huh. that’s good. eddie’s friends are taking longer than most to thaw to steve. he gets it, but, still, sometimes it stings.
‘cool yeah.’ eddie says watching them slip away. ‘movie day.’ eddie explains, smiling so big his eyes squish into little crescents, bouncing on his toes.
steve feels his actual heart clench. like god himself is reaching into his chest and squeezing it.
‘that’s great man’ steve says, voice coming out breathy but eddie’s smile only brightens further when their eyes lock. so steve has to spend a second remembering to breath in again.
‘you want to join? oh uh. i mean. you can’t. your working.’ eddie babbles, slowly going strawberry red. ‘and like, i know you don’t love horror and stuff and that’s kinda the vibe we’re going for so, maybe um, maybe some other time. a time your not working but when it’s not like alien over and over. uh yeah.’
‘doyouwanttogoberrypicking. with me?’ steve blurts. feeling his whole head heat up and run down his chest. he clamps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
eddie looks shocked, eyes so big and confused and pretty.
but before steve knows it, the sun peaks over the mountains and the corners of eddie’s mouth curl into a grin that’s so delighted steve’s toes almost curl.
‘yeah. course i would.’ eddie says, so softly, so shyly through his still strawberry red smile..
‘hopeless am i right?’ jeff says as he steps over to the counter next to robin.
they’re both gawking at the two fumbling through making a plan. all pink cheeked and goofy.
‘hopeless.’ robin confirms, rolling her eyes and going back o actually doing her job. she smiles down at the tape in her hand.
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neonmoonlight514 · 9 months
Touched Deprived Dabi x Reader Fluff
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Been going through some stuff lately and today was the worst part of it. I've been feeling touched deprived and felt the need to write about someone that, I felt, was as well. I am also planning on doing a Hawks version, well maybe. Writing this one however made me feel a little better. Dabi x Reader, No warnings, just fluff.
Being new in the LoV had its downs. Everyone had already bonded and had trust in each other. You were the second female in the group. You had an interesting quirk, one that was useful to the villains. They try to include you, but your introverted ways keep you from really socializing with them. However, you stuck around. At least you knew you were safe.
Everyone had jobs today, except you and Dabi. He was a quiet guy and the more you tried to study him, you were intrigued by him. You watched as Toga bounced toward the door and patted Dabi on the head. You noticed the grimace and the hate behind the touch. Another curious mark to make in your Dabi study. Did he just not like to be touched, or did he not like Toga's touch?
You watched as his body relaxed on the sofa. How the silence filled the room between both of you, almost like a thick sludge that caused you to remain still, almost unable to breathe. Then, piercing icy blue eyes shifted in your direction.
You cough because you suddenly remember to breathe. When you finally were able to calm the cough attack, you gazed over at him, and his brow was quirked upward, clearly confused at your sudden outburst. "Sorry… I.. Um.. choked on my saliva.." You figured that excuse was much better than, 'I got lost in your eyes and forgot to breathe.'
However, your excuse got a--was that a smile? No, smirk? You wanted to squint to get a better look, but his features were already back to what they were prior. You decided to do something nice, yeah, unheard of in the LoV apparently, but what the Hell. You moved to the fridge, removed a bottle of water, and sighed at the assortment of drinks. Of course, they couldn't make this easy, could they? You wanted to surprise him with your generosity, so you winced and picked a soda. Soda? Would he like sodas?
You shut the door and walked toward the living room, deciding to hold up both. If he chose the water, you'd just settle for the soda. You'd survive. He went for the soda, you smiled, but he did not. "Y/N." You said in a soft tone. "Dabi right?" He twisted the cap off of the bottle and drank in silence. You frown. Okay, this was going to be harder than you thought. Without opening it, you sat the water down on the table.
You moved back against the couch, your left shoulder pressed against the cushion as one leg was tucked under the other so you could sit at an angle. "What if…" You said softly. "I can… make you laugh?"
"Not interested."
Woah! He spoke. HE CAN SPEAK! His voice was amazing. You needed to hear more. "No, hear me out. If I can make you laugh, you have to…" You quickly tried to think of something, anything. ".. Let me hug you."
He scoffed at you. "No. Although, that almost made me laugh at the stupidity of it."
You couldn't help your excitement as his words spilled out again. Your excitement however caused Dabi to ease back a little. This gave you a hint to tone it down. Which you tried to do. "I seriously think I can make you laugh."
"I doubt it."
"Then if you doubt it, accept my terms. Give me one try and if I get any bit of a smile, chuckle, or laugh, I get to hug you."
His eyes locked on yours. You two stared at each other for two minutes before he sighed. "Fine. One chance."
Oh, the challenge was on! You knew he didn't believe you could do it, and honestly, you didn't have much faith in yourself either, but one shot. You thought a moment and then remembered the almost laugh you thought you saw earlier. It was the best shot you had. Would it work?
"Okay!" You said as you clasped your hands together. "Over there when I started choking. I didn't choke on my spit." This got his attention, causing his brow to raise in question. "You looked at me and your eyes took my breath away…" He stopped a moment and then finished with a small laugh. "I had to remember to breathe!"
Dabi just blinked at you. "You… forgot to breathe…?"
You started to laugh as you realized how stupid it was. You started to lean your head into the cushion, laughing hard. "When--When I realized that I wasn't breathing, I started choking!"
He smirked. He smirked! "You are stupid, huh?" He let one laugh out. "To think someone makes you forget to breathe."
"You laughed! I heard it."
"Get it over with." He finally said, lifting his soda to his lips where he took a drink. You waited for him to drink his soda and then as he lowered it back down to the table, you moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You leaned down and hugged him lightly. You could hear his breath catching, this caused a smile to flow over your lips.
"Don't forget to breathe."
He laughed again. "I'm not as stupid as you."
You didn't take anything he said to heart, to be honest, the tone he said it in didn't seem as if it was anything other than a joke, a tease. "You laughed again."
"So I did."
"I guess I need to hug longer."
"…. that wasn't a part of the deal."
"When has the LoV ever followed the rules.."
There was silence between the both of you, but he didn't push you away. You remained against his chest, your head lying on his shoulder. You oddly felt comfortable. He oddly felt comfortable. He wanted to hate this, but the so-called hug was something didn't know he needed.
Dabi had noticed how you didn't flinch when it came to where you laid against him. How you continued to huddle up against him, arms around his shoulders. You didn't cringe at the sight of his massive scars that covered over half of your body. Why weren't you disgusted? He would curl his fingers into a fist, feeling the frustrations of this whole situation build up, however, you still didn't move.
He could grab you by the shirt and throw you, but--
As you lay there, breathing softly, content, his mind began to wonder. Was this that bad? He wasn't used to someone that just wanted to touch him, to hug him. Toga clung to him, but it was always her need for attention and his blood. This? There was nothing other than the need to touch.
He finally gave in, his hand lifted to touch your back. It was warm to the touch, almost too warm as if he had just extinguished his fire. He still didn't speak, only closed his eyes. The silence between you two was comforting. His need to feel affection from someone, even a touch, and your need to give that to him.
He felt the buzz, and instead of moving you, he shifted under you and fished his phone out of his pocket. A soft grumble seemed to vibrate in his throat, his eyes closing for a moment. "Toga. She's coming back."
This caused a groan to escape you in protest. You pulled back from him and for a moment you two stared at each other. You felt his hand on your arm, a light grasp as if to hang onto you just a little longer. "Next time, maybe without having to make you laugh?"
You felt his hand release you slowly. "Yeah."
"Next time, perhaps you can hug me back."
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whatdoidosatoru · 2 months
Check Yes Juliet
PART 2 of The Only Exception
This is part 2 of the previous work named First Date (the real ones will find the pattern) so technically that was CH1 :)
All the tags from that are valid for this part as well, Yuna is my OC that's barely described so feel free to imagine her however you'd like
part 1 - part 3 - part 4 - ao3
pairing: Keisuke Baji x OC (reader)
wc: 4.7k ishtags: smut, fluff, oral sex, vaginal sex, praise, fingering, baji is a simp, cum eating (kind of), they are very horny for each other, unprotected sex (they've taken some precautions okay I don't normally condone not wrapping it up)
Songs referenced or listened to while writing this chapter:
Empty With You - The Used
Crushcrushcrush - Paramore
I Don’t Wanna Be In Love - Good Charlotte
Be My Escape - Reliant K
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Brick By Boring Brick - Paramore
Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
MDNI!!!!! 18+ only!
“Honey, what I’m hearing is that you had a romantic and passionate night with this man and you didn’t even get his last name?” Mai was shaking her head at me after hearing a rough report of my shenanigans with Keisuke last night. I stared ahead and kept picturing his soft, blissful expression lying on my bed, trapped by my thighs, me sitting on his cock, his hair pooling over my pillows that still held his scent and mine mixed together.
Why can’t I stop thinking about him?  
Mai stood up and walked to the side of the bed, noting my ripped-up panties on the floor, her eyebrow raised,
“And when did this happen?” I put the cup of coffee still steaming on the nightstand, catching a glimpse of the photo I had taken of him post-orgasm. She noticed it as well, picking it up to inspect it.
“He wanted me to keep the fishnets on so he ripped these off before going down on me.” Leaning back on the headboard, I took a moment to assess how sore my limbs felt, my insides still felt raw and aching. I lifted my hand to touch my neck where he scraped my skin with his teeth and left little bruises, that was going to need covering up before work. 
She wasn’t wrong, but at the same time she was.
She smirked at me, waving the photo around, “I didn’t realise you were so down bad for this guy, why would you take a photo of him lying, what I’m assuming is naked, on your bed?”
She brought it closer to my face, “This guy pushed you into the wall, but all you talk about is how he was gentle with you? What am I missing?”
I completely forgave him for that shove in the hallway of the club, he seemed genuinely sorry and like a completely different person than I had assumed he would be. No matter how insanely hot he was, he was also kind. And very giving. I smiled to myself, this morning I had the most satisfying gentle sex I’d ever had. None of my boyfriends had ever been that good. And he hadn’t complained about putting a condom on, which shouldn’t ever be as commendable as it was.
Mai reached to have a look at my bruised neck and collarbone, visibly annoyed, “We need to tone this down before work. Come on, I’ll make breakfast and try to cover up your nasty hickeys.” I could just drag myself after her into the kitchen.
How was she so chirpy and energetic? She stayed up until at least 5:30 in the morning, and the party was on until 5. 
“Mai, did you sleep at all last night?”
“Sleep is for the weak. I’m so beyond tired that a whole new wave of energy has taken over. I may drop halfway through the shift though so you need to step up for me, okay?”
“Of course, I’m taking over the schedule duty as well.”
We worked at a cinema not too far from our apartment and, although Mai normally handled the theatre schedule, I had to make sure she could at least get some easier jobs, considering she helped me get my sexual frustrations out last night and therefore sacrificed her sleep. 
Half an hour later, with my neck covered in four layers of concealer and colour corrector, we made our way to our work, completely unprepared to handle groups of screaming children and their disinterested parents. 
“You smell different, is that some new perfume?” She broke through my thoughts.
“I think it might be his scent, I assume that’s his shampoo because his hair smelled so divine.”
“Damn, Kakashi really is That Guy , isn’t he?”
With a playful shove, she started towards the only store room that had chairs for us to sit on, and I took a pen to try and figure out how to tackle today. 
“It’s Keisuke.”
Saturday nights were for the girls. After work and a shower, Hana and her girlfriend showed up at our apartment for a weekly pizza night. By the time it was my turn to catch them up on your week, everyone had already had their turn and normally my updates had always consisted of a very short summary of where I was with my research papers, how much I hated my Contemporary English professor, and what songs I was hyper fixating on. This time all I wanted to talk about was Keisuke. I had never got so hung up on real people, so this was a very interesting topic to all of them. 
“So as all of you may know, I brought a guy home last night,” I picked up another slice of pizza, “and now he’s basically all I can think about, it pains me to confess, but I sniffed the pillow he slept on several times today.” 
“Simp!” Asami fake-coughed into her hand, giving me a devilish grin to which I responded with a stuck-out tongue.
“I didn’t even get much of a look at him when he pushed me into a wall last night, but then I completely embarrassed myself in front of him and realised he’s actually so gorgeous and hot I wouldn’t have minded if he was some sort of serial killer as long as he put his hands on me.”
Mai pretended to vomit at that, Hana and Asami just chuckled at my dramatics. 
“Listen, I’m not one to obsess over guys this much, but something about him really drew me in and I was so stupid that I didn’t ask for his last name. Or his number!” I dropped my head into my hands and groaned, “Why didn’t I get his fucking number?”
Hana piped up, “Didn’t you say he worked at Pet Zone? You can always go find him there and ask him.”
“Don’t you think that might come off as a bit creepy,” Asami asked, “I mean if the roles were reversed, I’d definitely think it was some creepy guy who didn’t understand the concept of a one-night stand.”
“Asami, you think every guy is creepy and should be avoided at all costs,” quipped Mai.
Asami just shrugged and took a sip of her drink.
Hana reached out to get her glass, “By what you told us happened, he seemed to be really into you and maybe didn’t think you would want to continue seeing him. Just a thought, though.”
I was becoming more and more hopeful, “What if I just interpreted it wrong, though? What if I’m misremembering it because that was how I wanted things to happen?”
“I can always come with you to the shop and get some stuff for Kisu.” Hana and Asami had adopted a beautiful orange cat that was a menace to society, but I loved her so much that I regularly bought her Dreamies.
“You don’t think it would be painfully obvious? I don’t even know when his shifts are, he’s got university as well as work.” I felt myself whine a bit too much now.
Mai decided to finish this conversation by calming me down with a big hug and some reassurance.
“Babe, if Keito’s not there we’ll come again and again until we find him and you ask him out. If it takes us a month, then so be it, but you’re overthinking this. The way he kissed you on his way out didn’t look like he didn’t want to see you again.”
“Thank you, love. And his name is Keisuke.”
“I don’t think it is,” she winked at me. 
“I know what I screamed last night, my darling, and it’s definitely Keisuke.”
“I feel like it’s becoming a bit and I don’t want to stop it, so deal with it.” Mai ruffled my hair and went back to her glass of wine.
After a couple of hours, all of us went to bed, Mai had given Asami and Hana her own room so she shared with me. I lay my head on Keisuke’s…I mean, my pillow that Keisuke slept on and inhaled deeply. The scent was fading, I really needed to find him again.
Mai was deeply snoring while I lay with my eyes half-closed playing with his hair tie on my wrist. 
The next day Asami made her way to visit her parents, slightly regretting not going with us to the city centre. Mai, Hana, and I, as per usual, spent way too much time in the bookstore, gently caressing the spines of our favourite books, laughing at ridiculous covers, and making highly ambitious reading lists that we were never going to follow. The trip was a success as I managed to walk out with only two new books and three complimentary bookmarks.
Now, with a significantly lighter step, we went into a few clothes shops and there I realised I needed to get more underwear. Mentally cursing Keisuke for ripping the most comfortable pair, I picked out two new comfy pairs of panties and one lacy pair that I didn’t even know the occasion for. It just called to me, black lace with a red bow on the back seemed right up my alley. 
With a sigh, we went on to our final stop of the day, Pet Zone. This was it, all my hopes and dreams were riding on the good outcome of this situation. A gentle pat on the shoulder from Hana made me snap out of it, I patted my face to sober myself up and stepped inside.
The best thing about any pet shop is the fact that owners come in with their dogs and let them roam around the shop, so when I walked in and got greeted by three dogs at the same time, the only worry that was left on my mind was making sure I gave each of them an equal amount of attention.
Hana and Mai went to the cat aisle to browse while I was left barely five steps into the store, wishing I had three hands to give all of these good dogs love at the same time. 
“Uhm, hey there,” a muffled voice reached me. I looked up to see a slightly winded Keisuke with a hand over his mouth, trying to finish chewing his food.
“Hey, take your time, man” I tried to sound like this interaction hadn’t been on my mind for a whole day. 
“Sorry,” he swallowed, “I saw you on the security camera and ran back in before properly finishing my lunch.”
Was this guy for real? He cut his lunch break short because I walked into the shop? Was I hearing this correctly?
“Oh you really didn’t have to do that,” why did I sound so shy? This man had been inside of me two nights ago and now I was shy ?
“I was worried I’d miss you, what brings you here?” He still sounded a bit winded.
“Hana needs some stuff for her cat and we were out with her shopping so we just stopped by,” I motioned toward where Hana and Mai were playing with cat toys.
“Got anything interesting?” He pointed at my bookstore haul.
“Just some books I’m probably never going to get around to reading, but I needed a dopamine hit after feeling so down,” crap, that sounded a bit too desperate.
“What happened?” 
Sigh , “Well I thought you might not want to see me again…after that night.”
“W-What? I thought you didn’t want to see me anymore and that was why you didn’t ask for my phone number!” He started getting flustered.
“I thought you didn’t ask for my number because you weren’t interested,” I confessed, “are you telling me this all could’ve been avoided had both of us stopped overthinking for a damn minute?”
He started laughing, causing me to join him, oh my days he was so beautiful.
“I was rushing so much I didn’t grab my phone,” he passed me a piece of paper with the shop logo and address, and a pen to write my number down. I finished the note with a little black heart and gave it back to him, his face visibly more relaxed now. 
“And just so you know, you owe me a new pair of underwear,” I said in a lower tone, “don’t think I forgot.”
“I don’t think I can forget anything from that night,” he picked up my hand and played with his hair tie that was still on my wrist. I blushed and started to take it off to give it back to him, but he pushed it back on.
“Keep it. I took something of yours as well,” he lowered his head to my cheek and placed a gentle kiss. I tried to mentally remember if I noticed anything missing yesterday, but to no avail. I looked at him with a question, but he just grinned back at me.
“You’ll see, I guess you’re gonna have to meet me again to get it back, that is, if I feel generous.” 
With that, he walked back to finish his break, and I was left to locate my friends and report on the situation.
“What a weirdo, what did he take? Probably your underwear or something creepy.” Hana scrunched up her nose in distaste.
“I don’t think so, I’d notice if any were missing because I had to get new ones already. Also, I don’t think he had the time to do that, since if he wasn’t inside of me, he was next to me.”
Mai patted me on the shoulder with pride. “See, I told you it would work out, and you got yourself all worked up about him.”
“I mean, he is pretty, in a girlish kind of way,” Hana said, looking back at the store.
“I need him in my bed again.” I felt my insides twirling, longing to be full of him again.
“Damn, I don’t remember you being this horny with any of your exes.” Mai playfully pushed me forward.
“What can I say, six orgasms in a night can do that to a girl.”
“Rookie numbers,” Hana scoffed, making Mai and me laugh a bit too loud.
By the time Mai and I got home and unloaded everything we bought, I’d gotten a message from an unknown number that just said “What’s your favourite colour?”
Yuna, 14:12
xxxxxxxxxxx, 14:13
So I know what colour heart to put next to your name in my contacts c;
Yuna, 14:13
xxxxxxxxxxx, 14:13
Well I hope you don’t have someone else that would ask you these things haha c:
Yuna, 14:14
oh thank the stars, you never know what weirdos there are out there. gotta be careful.
and i’m good with blue or black
Keisuke, 14:14
Got it ;) 
Yuna🖤💙, 14:15
what do you want me to put you as?
I broke out in laughter and Mai came into my room to check what was going on. I just shook my head and showed her the screen. 
Keisuke, 14:15
His Majesty Keisuke, King of My Vagina and Bringer of Infinite Pleasure 
“Kids…” she walked away with a smirk against her will.
Yuna🖤💙, 14:16
i’m leaning towards KeiSUCKe
Keisuke, 14:16
That’s what you’ll be doing later…
Yuna🖤💙, 14:16
are we doing something i’m not aware of?
Keisuke, 14:17
Can I come over tonight?
Yuna🖤💙, 14:17
any specific plans or just hanging out?
Keisuke, 14:17
Wherever the night takes us c:
Check yes, Yuna, are you with me?
Rain is falling down on the sidewalk
I won’t go until you come outside 
Yuna🖤💙, 14:18
serenading me with We The Kings? a man after my own heart <3
Keisuke, 14:18
Is that a yes?
Yuna🖤💙, 14:19
when can i expect you here?
Keisuke, 14:19
Uhhh I mean, I’ll be there around 8, if that’s okay with you? c:
Yuna🖤💙, 14:20
hahaha of course. are you eating anything beforehand? we’re making pancakes..
Keisuke, 14:20
I’m having dinner with my brother after work, but thank you for asking c: 
I won’t complain if you save me one to try.
I sent him the address just in case he couldn’t remember where the building is and practically skipped out of the room. Mai was in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea, and waved me over to join her at our dining table. 
Yuna🖤💙, 14:21
See you then :)
“Based on your red cheeks and the smile that’s not coming off I’m going to guess the first text conversation went well?”
“He’s coming over tonight. At 8. I need to shower. I need to clean my room.”
“Oh good heavens, please tell me you’ll be in your room and not venture out into the bathroom again,” she rolled her eyes.
“We’ll try to behave. Maybe we won’t even have sex tonight, we’ll watch a film, talk for a bit…”
“...feed him your vagina and feast on his dick, yeah, yeah, I get it.”
“Seriously, Mai, this man is making me feel tingly just thinking about seeing him again, but I may actually want something more with him.”
Mai’s expression switched into concern. I knew she wanted what was best for me and to protect me from my own stupid mistakes, but I doubt anyone could have a chance with Keisuke and not jump on it.
“Just don’t obsess over him to the point where you can’t see the real world anymore. That’s all. I get it, he’s hot, but you deserve a 10/10 personality, and not just a 10/10 appearance.”
I kissed her cheek and headed for the bathroom to take a shower and get my shit together.
I changed my outfit for the third time when the doorbell rang. Mai got up from the couch to open and I walked out into the hallway just as Keisuke walked in.
“Hey Kento,” Mai greeted as he simply smirked at her.
“Hello Mina.” His eyes found me and, having taken his shoes off, he joined me in my bedroom.
Just as the door was shutting Mai got her last remark in, “No screaming!”
Keisuke chuckled and turned to me, looking me up and down.
“I didn’t think I’d get to see you again, how are you?” 
After breaking the kiss for a breathing break he lay back onto the pillow he slept on the other night and looked at me with amusement on his face. I got closer to him, unsure of what exactly to do.
I sat him down and joined him on the bed,
“I haven’t been able to get this stupid smile off my face ever since I walked out of your shop.” He caressed my cheek and I felt myself leaning into his touch when he pulled me closer to him and kissed me, taking my breath away.
“Did you want to put a film on?” He offered. To be completely honest, I wanted him naked, suck his soul out, and have him break me in half, but I may have been rushing into things. 
He must have noticed the want in my eyes, because he sat up, closing the distance between us, and held my face before whispering,
“Or maybe we could get this pent-up need out of the way first,” he kissed my lips gently, “and then be at peace for about,” breaking his sentence he bit my bottom lip, “let’s say half an hour before,” this time the kiss was deeper, needier, “enjoying each other a little bit more, hm?” 
He rolled me over onto my back and gripped me tight. His hand snaked through my t-shirt to hold my breast, eliciting a desperate moan right into his mouth. His kisses trailed down to my neck, scraping his protruding canines across my skin, with a deft movement he slid my top over my head, leaving my breasts exposed to his hungry eyes.
“It was almost physically painful, thinking that I wouldn’t see you again, that I wouldn’t get to do this.” I gasped when he took my nipple into my mouth, his tongue swirling over it as his teeth nipped it playfully. My hand immediately went to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair to ground me. The hand he didn’t use to hold himself up went between my legs, dipping under my underwear an d directly between my lips already needy for his attention.
When I rolled my hips up into his hand to get more friction he lifted his head up, flashing a devilish grin and licking the tips of his canines, making me slippery wet.
“Why did you even bother putting these on? We don’t need to rip another pair, do we?” If I wasn’t already turned on, that would’ve done it. His voice was low with a raspy tone that made me feel feral for him.
“Keisuke please, I need your tongue”, I whined. With a grin he pulled down my panties and tossed them aside, his fingers still stroking lazily along my folds. I felt my breath hitch every time he passed the clit, desperately trying to raise my hips to meet his touch. 
“Patience, gorgeous, we’ll get there. I want to make you a bit needier first.”
Wow, what an asshat.
“Keisuke I’m-ah-I’m begging you, touch me, fuck,” my pleading seemed to work because he immediately dipped his head down and started feasting on my needy pussy. He moaned into my puffy lips, flicking his tongue over and around the clit, making me ascend with pleasure. My hand flew back to his head to grip his hair which dragged out a beautiful moan from his soft lips, now wet with my juices, buried in between my legs. His tongue was desperate, accompanied by his fingers pushing inside of me, curling to rub me just right and make me nearly scream into the dark room.
“Hold me tighter, sweetheart,” he squeezed out in between licks, making my grip tighten and I hoped I didn’t accidentally pull his hair out. Feeling another moan directed into my clit sent me into ecstasy, I could hear my heart thumping and my ears focusing on the sounds of Keisuke lapping up my juices like there was no tomorrow, and with that I came on his skilful tongue,
“K-fuuck Keisuke!” The look on his face was hungry for more, he wiped his face with his own hand and licked the wetness off. 
I reached for my drawer to get a condom, but he stopped my hand, grabbing his phone instead and showing me the screen. It was some kind of document, and when I tried to focus on reading it he explained,
“I got tested on Thursday, got the results yesterday,” he pointed at the bottom of the screen, “Completely clean.”
That made things a bit easier and possibly more exciting. “I’m on the pill and haven’t had sex in over a year. Got tested right after…the last time and I’m also clean.” 
His smile seemed to grow with every word I said so I dropped the condom and went right to taking off his clothes. When he was naked in front of me, his cock glistening with precum in all his glory, I reached to touch his lean body, admiring the pale skin of his stomach, littered with scars. I felt the sudden urge to kiss every single one of them. He gently pushed me back and grabbed one of my hair bobbles from the nightstand, holding it in his teeth to collect all the hair in a ponytail.
That trick is so hot, I needed his teeth all over me . 
He positioned himself in front of my entrance and started teasing his tip over my needy hole and puffy lips.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to feel you on my cock,” he looked down to where we were connected, “to feel your pussy squeeze me and make me weak.”
“What’s the holdup then, Keisuke-fuck- fuck ..ah fuck me already!” He didn’t need another push, he slammed into me, making me cry out, and lowered himself down on top of me to kiss me deeply before pulling almost all the way out and pushing in again. 
I was losing myself in him, his slow pants and moans directly into my ear were making it damn difficult to slow down the wave of pleasure that was swallowing me. My nails were leaving marks on his back, only encouraging him to go faster and harder. When I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I bit his lip and came with the most desperate moan. 
Keisuke lifted me up and switched positions, sitting up against the headboard and me sitting on his cock. Then I began bouncing myself on him and rolling my hips, his hands firmly on my hips helping me keep pace. I threw my head back and let out a groan while he attacked my collarbone with his teeth. 
Still keeping a steady pace, he licked up to my ear,
“You feel so good wrapped around my cock, taking it whole. Such a good girl so full of me. You’re all mine , all mine , just mine to- fuck -to please.” I quickly brought my head back to look at his face. The hunger in his eyes, his forehead sweating and loose strands of hair sticking to him. He looked feral, just like he had said I made him feel, with his distinguished canines. I took it all in.
“All yours?” I managed to squeeze out, holding onto his shoulders for balance.
“All mine. I’m not letting you go fuuck I need you. I need to hear you cum for me again. Say you’re mine.”
Through pants I whined, “I’m yours! I’m- fuck- I’m all yours! Take me how you want me Keisuke! Ah fuck I’m cumming all yours!”  
That made him trap my lips in his, swallowing my cry and fucking me through another orgasm. Slowing down slightly to give me some rest he swapped us back to the previous position, this time not leaning over me, but looking down at my naked form, still fucking into me.
“You look so good like this, a hot mess all because of me. Tell me you’re mine.”
I started slurring my words, “‘m all yours, Keisuke. I’m yours. Fuck keep going please…”
My pleasure began to build again, this time threatening to take me fast, almost crossing into overstimulation. My walls began tightening around his cock and his hip movements started getting irregular - he was getting close to finishing.
“Where do you want me to cum, sweetheart?” I couldn’t form my words properly anymore, I was so drunk on his cock hitting my cervix with each slam into me.
“ Ah inside please please Keisuke come inside me fuck,” that was the last straw for him, with a final grunt and thrust, he spilt inside of me. Just as I felt his warm sperm coat my insides, I came again, this time unable to take any more friction. He slowly pulled out and lowered himself to take a closer look at my leaking pussy. He smiled at me,
“You look so good with my cum spilling out of you.” With that, he licked my entrance, making me twitch with sensitivity, and hovered over me, kissing me with his sperm still on his tongue, making me taste the  mix of both, his cum and mine.
I couldn’t find the strength to reach for wet wipes to clean myself up, but he was already on it as soon as I pointed in their general direction. He cleaned me up, gently trying not to overstimulate me again, and tossed the wipes in the bin. I closed my eyes, completely exhausted, when I felt him climb into bed next to me and gently pull me closer to him. He kissed my sweaty forehead and I could hear him softly whisper, “You’re mine .”
If you've come this far then you may as well rb or like :) Constructive criticism is welcome as I hadn't written anything in YEARS before this so I am rusty af and don't have a beta reader :)
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Work has been killing me and I can't get the idea of Hob, as stupid and sweet as he is, getting a job as a security guard at a local sex shop. He got interviewed by the manager of the shop, really Lucienne is a lovely woman and got to meet some of the day crew. Unfortunately, the morning guard is pretty comfy in his current position and as such, he's stuck working nights.
Working nights isn't so terrible. He has to deal with far more weirdos and sex objects than he's accustomed to, but other than kicking out the occasional masturbator inappropriately using the video arcade, he's loving it! Except for the night cashier, whose little black name tag reads "Dream." He was warned about this guy by Lucienne as he can be a bit of an asshole and really curt with both customers and staff. He's also mostly silent throughout the shift as he stocks and helps people find things which kills the ever-perpetual social butterfly Hob is. It's not like he needs to talk, but it would be a hell of a lot more fun busting shoplifters and perverts when you have someone to commiserate with after all. It also doesn't help that he's so goddamn pretty it hurts.
This all changes when a guy comes in and starts hardcore perving on Dream, asking him which lubes he's used, if he's ever taken a real dick before. Really invasive questions. Hob steps in and tries to get the guy to see reason, but he's not receptive to the idea. Then Hob gets loud and the guy gets loud back. Things break down into a fist fight Hob soundly wins by knockout.
After he tosses the guy out, he panics about losing his job and Dream, for all his prickly personality and hateable sneer, comforts him and tells him as long as nobody says anything to Loosh, then it's history. From then on, they learn a lot about the other. Hob is in classes to become a teacher. Dream is on the spectrum somewhat and has a lot of sensory issues, which explains the attitude. Back and forth until they're taking smoke breaks together in the storage room and get even closer.
By the end of Hob's three-month probation period, they're already going at it like rabbits. Dream only feels safe when Hob works and they've done more than their fair share of "product testing."
- 🤜 Anon
Aww this is such a meetcute <3
Turns out, Dream is a bit of an expert when it comes to the merchandise in the shop. He’s tried a bit of everything and he does genuinely give good recommendations to customers (if they ask nicely). Hob, on the other hand, is a bit of a newbie. He’s used a pussy pocket but it was cheap and kind of eh. And he loves to finger himself and get fucked by the guys he occasionally brings home, but he’s never dared to buy his own dildo.
Now he’s got Dream to satisfy all his needs, but Dream has also started introducing a few little toys in the bedroom. He asks Hob to wear a cock ring, and he also gets Hob to use a bullet vibrator, and most times they hook up Dream has a plug already snuggled in his arse. The more Hob sees, the more curious he gets, and he eventually admits that he’s a bit clueless when it comes to sex toys. Dream gives one of his rare tiny smiles, and promises to give Hob a thorough education.
It’s Dream who picks out Hob’s first dildo for him and presents it to him after work. There’s even a ribbon tied around the box. He tells Hob to go home and give it a try, and to keep him updated. Hob’s ears turn bright red and he scurries off to do as he’s told. The toy isn’t huge - in fact, it reminds Hob of Dream’s dick. Long and not too girthy, with a fat mushroom head. Hob sets up his phone to easily take pictures… and he gets to work. All too soon he’s desperate to cum, but he desperately grips the base of his cock and frantically texts Dream for permission. He’s a very good boy - he even says please.
It’s the first of many toys that Dream picks out specifically for Hob to use. It’s almost getting to the point that working together in the sex shop just makes them so horny all the time. They have to frantically make out (and occasionally frot on each other) during breaks.
Next time someone comes in and tries to steal a dildo, Hob collars them and hauls them out. Then he pops back inside to check on Dream.
“He picked a terrible, cheap model.” Dream shakes his head. “I could have told him that. If he’d only said please.”
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squigglebottom · 10 months
A Night With Royalty
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18+ Minors don’t you dare!!!
Word Count: 3790
Pairing: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Original Female Character
Warnings: Explicit, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Double Penetration, Light BDSM, Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Marijuana, Swearing, Face-Sitting, Partying.
It was a typical Saturday night, getting drunk, pigging out on junk food, and cheesy horror movies on the tv. Layla was off that night from the record store and Eddie didn't have a show to play. Steve must've also been lonely and bored since he called last minute and asked to hang as well. Wasn't a big deal since Uncle Wayne was working another graveyard shift. That's what was nice about hanging out at Eddie's-no responsible parental units around meant irresponsible young adults. They could be as loud as they want, party as long as they want, and be as naughty as they want. Layla was Eddie's long time girlfriend and his age-yet she graduated 2 years ago. Had a steady job at a record store that had an underground tattoo shop in the back. She was quite the artist and back in the day used to experiment on Eddie...now that's a trusting boyfriend.
She still lived with her parents because her and Eddie were supposed to move out on their own...except he still had yet to graduate. Layla wasn't going to move in with him until he walked that stage and got that diploma because she was not going to "pack my boyfriends lunch and send him off to school like I'm his damn mother." She loved Eddie and tried to help him out with school but he wouldn't hear it....but that's Eddie...stubborn as a mule. She wanted to get him out of the trailer so his poor Uncle could have his room back. Wayne never complained since he loved having Eddie around but they all knew a real bed was better than that fold up cot.
Steve arrived around 9 already a few drinks in and knocked on the door.
"My my my is that the King himself? Babe look! Wow I have a King and a Princess in my home. I'm surrounded by fucking royalty." Eddie said with a huge shit eating grin on his face.
"Yah yah fuckwad just let me in already." Steve hated being called that but Eddie knew that and never let it down.
"Ok it's starting to get less funny...leave the guy alone...Edward." Layla responded back knowing how Eddie hated being called Edward as much as Steve hated being called King. Eddie gave Layla a death stare. "Oh no! Looks like I'm in trouble!"
"Damn right you are little girl! Now get over here and receive your punishment!"
"Hell no! I'm not that stupid!" Eddie starts chasing Layla around, screaming and hollering when Steve grabs her so Eddie can dish out the justice for her calling him Edward. He picks her up, slings her over his shoulder, and gives her 10 hard whacks on her ass.
"For fucks sake Eddie put me down!" When he does she looks over at Steve and says "And don't think I won't forget that act of betrayal Harrington...your on my shit list now!"
"Oooo! I'm so scared! The little 5 foot terrors gonna get me!" Eddie and Steve laugh as Layla rubs her sore ass trying to figure out how she's going to sit on the couch.
They turn on the VCR and play Children of the Corn. Steve's not really into horror movies so he doesn't pay much attention. He steals glances at Layla and Eddie snuggling on the couch. He notices Eddie starts to rub his hand up and down Layla's left side starting at her shoulder, down her ribs, and then landing on her thigh just below her very short jean shorts. Her skin looks so soft, his hands laid on the couch and was only inches away from touching her thigh. He thought "If I was quick and stayed still, I wonder if I could brush my fingers over her skin and maybe she would think it was Eddie's. No...come on doofus...I'm sure she can tell the difference between her boyfriends fingers that have been all over her and inside her and to that of a stranger."
Steve was trying to concentrate on the movie and not what he wanted to do to Layla and the chub that was certainly developing in his tight jeans.  "Man, this movie is so creepy. Makes you not want any children at all. This would be a perfect form of birth control damn." Layla exclaimed and everyone chuckled.
"What? No kids? Your telling me you don't want an army of curly brown haired Munson's running around, Lays?"
"I love you Eddie...believe me I do...but your as much Munson as I can handle."
"Aww dang princess....I was kinda hoping to knock you up one day and you'd be mine forever!"
"Oh is that so? What you want me barefoot and pregnant wearing your band tees and blasting Ozzy on your headphones over my fat belly?"
"Actually....yah...that sounds pretty awesome."
"Hmm...I'll have to think about it. If I get knocked up it means your stuck with me Munson."
Eddie smiles and plants a big kiss on Layla's lips.
"Well if your going to be responsible parents, Eddie's going to have to give up his side business. Drug dealer Dad doesn't have a good ring to it." Steve chimed in.
"Oh like there aren't drug dealing parents, Harrington. Get off my ass about that."
" Oh he meant nothing by it Eddie, don't be so sensitive. If we have psycho kids like these brats on tv, I'm going to need weed to mellow me out!"
Eddie and Steve raised their beers and shouted "Here here!"
"Well....if gonna be pregnant in the near future....I should take advantage of those wonderful drugs my one day baby Daddy sells....I need that weed!"
"Wait hey I kinda need that to make money babe! How am I gonna support the army of Munson's?"
"Oh! I'll pay for it then! Jeez!"
"As if I want your rich girl money..."
"Fuck you! This my money from the record store. But if your so butt hurt about me paying...I can think of another way to pay." Layla curls her tongue and starts running her finger down Eddie's chest down to his stomach.
"Jesus, babe you don't need to whore yourself out for drugs ill get you a joint damn."
"Woo! Let's go Steve! Time for drugs!"
Layla grabs Steve's hand and dances with him down the hall to Eddie's room.
The three of them make themselves comfortable on Eddie's bed and begin passing around the joint. It doesn't take long for it to kick in because Eddie apparently has the good shit. Layla gets up out of bed and turns on Ozzy's Blizzard of Oz album and starts dancing to her favourite song "I Don't Know".
Layla's cropped cut off tee that fell off one shoulder kept rising up every time she put her hands in the air. It would go up high enough that the underside of her black bra was showing, not to mention it was tight since she was well endowed. As she swayed her hips, Steve couldn't help but be mesmerised by every curve.
"Wait...so your smokin' hot, cool, rich girlfriend also likes metal?"
"Hell fucking yah Harrington! My girls always had great taste...I mean come on...look at me!" Eddie laughs.
"Lays, do you actually enjoy this or you just putting on a show for your man to make him happy?"
"A show? Are you serious? I love rock n roll. I'm more into 70's bands but these artists of today developed from greatest bands of all time....Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Who, freakin' Jimi Hendrix! Ozzy and Eddie's beloved Dio originated from Black Sabbath ...a prominent band in the 70's. Not to mention Ozzy has one of the most recognisable voices in any genre and his talent is proved once he went out on his own and nothing will ever stop him."
Steve is completely shocked while Eddie starts clapping his hands and exclaims with the joint still in his mouth "My girlfriend ladies and gentlemen! The bad ass, metal chick alive!"
"Wow, I didn't realise you were so passionate about music."
"Oh I've always been. Parentals wanted me to be an exemplary young lady and had me learn cello and piano when I was young. I won't lie I rocked the shit out of some Saint-Saens."
"Who?" Both boys responded.
"Oh you uncultured cochons you need to educate yourselves and expand your minds to more than one type of music."
"Umm Steve...I think she's insulting us."
"You know what...I think your right...perhaps we should teach her a lesson that it's not nice to be rude."
Eddie and Steve looked at each other with squinted eyes and wicked smiles.
"What are two doing?" Layla looked scared and was starting to back up but then the boys quickly grabbed her and threw her on the bed and began an all out tickle war.
"Ah!! Omg stop! Stop! Holy shit! I can't take it!!" Layla squirmed around and laughed while trying to get away.
The boys eventually stopped after Layla threatened to kick them both in the balls.
"Oh come on Princess we were just having fun. You were being rude and we had to punish you." Said Eddie wiping his curls from his face.
"If you want to punish then fine but not tickling that's a hard no!"
"Well how should we punish you, baby girl?" Eddie had a look on his face that Layla has seen many times before and she knew exactly what he meant. She was sure he was about to kick Harrington out...but he kept going.
"Maybe we need to tie you up so you can't escape."
Steve wasn't sure why Eddie kept saying "we" but he brushed it up to the weed.
"Grab the cuffs over there while I hold her down, Harrington."
What the fuck? Steve thought but he just went along with it.
Giving the cuffs to Steve, Eddie latched them around Layla's wrists and above her head.
"Now Steve, what do you think the ultimate form of punishment is?"
Steve was too high and confused to think so he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well I say it's when your so fucking horny and you can't touch yourself."
Steve was very confused by this point and asked if he should leave.
"Yah but if you leave who's going to keep her hands above her head?"
Was this actually happening? Was Eddie really going to let Steve sit there and watch these two have sex? Would he be involved? Something felt odd yet thrilling at the same time.
Eddie began to lift up Layla's shirt to expose those beautiful, massive breasts that Steve had been dreaming about seeing all night. He covered her eyes with the shirt so she couldn't see. He placed soft, sweet kisses on her cheek, neck, collarbone, and down her cleavage. He started massaging her breasts before taking one out at a time. Steve's mouth opened slightly and his cock started to twitch. Eddie squeezed her nipples while Layla let out a soft moan. He then took one nipple in his mouth and began to suckle hard. Layla moaned louder as she arched her back as if begging for more. Eddie lifted up his shirt and threw it across the room. He trailed more kisses down Layla's ribs and stomach as she yelped from the slight tickle of Eddie's pouty lips and breath. He proceeded to undue her shorts button and zipper then slid them down taking her pink thong with them.
Steve couldn't look away at Layla's perfect pink pussy and his cock started to ache under his tight jeans.
"You can go ahead and take those off my man...we don't need that famous Harrington cock getting scratched to death by your zipper."
"Are you sure dude? Your both comfortable with this?"
"Do what he says Steve and just shut off your brain for a damn second."
Steve takes off his jeans quickly along with his boxer shorts. He is almost at full mast and when he grabs his cock it's quite painful.
Eddie teases Layla while swirling his tongue around her belly button then down her inner thighs.
"Omg Eddie just lick my pussy already i can't take it anymore."
"Oh is that what you want? Perhaps I shouldn't since you were so rude before to me and Steve. You can be rude all you want to me because I'm already head over heels for you...but you don't insult our guests. Now apologise to Steve."
"I'm sorry Steve...I didn't mean to be an entitled brat and-"
"Not with your words Princess...with your mouth. Open up that pretty mouth of yours wide since apparently Harrington's got a hog in his pants."
Steve didn't even question Eddie this time, he was too turned on and needed Layla's wet, warm mouth around his cock. He crawled over to the head of the bed and placed his cock in her mouth. The feeling was indescribable and Steve was concentrating as hard as he could to not instantly cum...he wanted this to last as long as possible. Steve slid his cock in and out of Layla's mouth slowly as Eddie stared at her aching, dripping cunt waiting for the perfect time to pounce.
Layla moaned loudly once Eddie placed his mouth on her pussy and licking furiously at her clit. The vibrations of her moan weren't helping Steve's situation and he was ready to burst at any second. Eddie licked his ring fingers and slowly entered them into Layla's tight cunt. With Steve's cock in her mouth, Eddie licking her clit, and finger fucking her..she was about to burst any second. Steve's thrusts got faster and deeper down Layla's throat making her gag a little.
"Oh fuck. I'm going to cum! Oh shit!"
"Make her swallow every drop Steve!"
He didn't know why but hearing Eddie say that was the ticket to his release and Steve unloaded all his cum into Layla's mouth and down her throat. He fell on his back and needed to breath from the intensity.
Eddie's fingers started to go in and out of Layla faster. She made the most sensual groans Steve had ever heard which surprisingly made him hard again. He was becoming insatiable and wanted more.
"My baby's about to come real soon Steve...you better get down here and get a taste. I guarantee it's the best tasting pussy you've ever had."
Eddie continued to finger fuck Layla as Steve went down to the end of the bed.
Eddie stopped for a second to stretch open and display Layla's perfect pink pussy.
"Now tell me that's not a work of art."
"My God man you weren't kidding."
"So have a taste already!"
Steve dove down into Layla, he opened up her needy hole and got his tongue as far as he could inside of her. It was the greatest he's ever tasted and for a second grew jealous of Eddie who could have this whenever he wanted. She tasted of honey and sunshine. She was getting so wet it was dripping down Steve's throat. Eddie began to lick her clit when she screamed "Oh my fucking fuck I'm going to come so hard. Oh god oh god keep going I'm so close!"
Then like a rushing wave, Layla's release came in such a strong force that she squirted all over Eddie and Steve's face-as well as the floor.
"Woo! Good job babe!"
She lifted up her shirt and said "Ok that's it get these damn handcuffs of me...I'm in charge now."
"Yes ma'am." Eddie said while he grabbed the key and unlocked the cuffs.
"Pants off Munson!" Didn't have to tell him twice as Eddie unbuckled so fast and his pants dropped to the floor. She had Eddie and Steve sit on the bed as she went back and forth sucking both of their cocks. After a couple minutes, Layla grabbed both of their cocks and said "Now, I want both of you to kiss."
"Wait what?!?!" Yelled the boys.
"Hey! As far as I see it...I quite literally have you both by the balls....I'd listen to me. Besides...I said I was in charge...now kiss before I decide I'd rather have you suck each other off."
Eddie and Steve both looked at each other reluctantly.
"Today ladies or I stop stroking."
Eddie places his hand on Steve's cheek and tilts his head to the right as he slowly plants a soft peck on Steve's lips. They pause and stare at each other for a second before closing their eyes and properly make out. Their tongues massaging each other over and over as mild moans escaped. Eddie than rolls on top of Steve and begins grinding his cock on Steve's leg. Layla crawls on the bed admiring the two gorgeous naked men fondling each other. A smirk develops on her face as Eddie starts kissing and sucking Steve's neck and then down his chest. Steve arches his head upwards and moans loudly from the intensity of it all. It felt so wrong...so taboo...but dammit he didn't want Eddie to stop. Eddie begins to move further down Steve's torso when he finally stops at Steve's stiff, aching shaft. He plants small kisses around it then swallows it entirely. Layla's jaw drops...she never thought she'd see her boyfriend with a dick in his mouth. It was...by far...the hottest thing she's ever seen. Her hand trails down to pussy, she slips two fingers in to find out she's insanely wet.
Eddie's head goes up as he says "Get a condom Lays, some lube, and then sit on Harringtons face."
"Im very into the face sitting idea but I don't get why we need lube. Aren't you wet enough?"
"Oh poor, sweet, clueless Steve. Just lay there and relax...it hurts more if your tense...trust me...Eddie likes coming in the back door."
Eddie laughs. "Ha. That's pretty funny Lays."
Layla crawls up the bed and straddles Steve's face.
"Mmm. I've always wanted to grab your famous quaff as I rode your face Steve."
Layla starts grinding Steve's face as he laps his tongue all over her wet pussy drinking up ever drop. Steve puts his arms under her legs and grabs on so he can push her closer to his face. Steve becomes so engaged in how good Layla's cunt is that he completely forgot the fact that he was about to be butt fucked.
Eddie squirted the lube over his cock and his fingers as he did a "practice round" in Steve's tight, puckered ass. He wasn't even sure if Steve noticed what he did. He then slowly enters Steve since he wasn't accustomed yet to Eddie's girth. Steve's eyes shot open as Layla said it was ok and to just breathe. The more and more Eddie went inside, the more intense he ate Layla. Eddie was now fully inside Steve as he pumped in and out. Steve's mind was racing trying to comprehend all that was happening. He was eating out one of the hottest girls he'd ever seen and being fucked in the ass by the only guy who ever made him question his sexuality (ok maybe not the only guy...those after game showers with Billy were...ummm...interesting.)
Steve wasn't going to last for long but he did everything in his power to not come...he didn't want this to end.
"Oh fuck! Suck on my clit Steve I'm so close!!"
Eddie was close as well and he started fucking Steve faster and faster. Seconds later, the three of them came together nearly milliseconds apart from each other like they were one person. Eddie ripped off the condom and crawled up the bed looking feral as he flipped Layla on her stomach. He buried his face in her pussy making sure to clean her up completely. He grabbed another condom and tossed it to Steve.
"It's time for you to do some fucking. You go in the back and I'll go in the front. Let's see if my girl can take two dudes at the same time." Steve sat on the bed with his back to the wall while Layla slowly entered his cock in her ass, leaning back into Steve's chest as Eddie slid his cock inside her pussy. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, "Holy fuck this feels so good. Omg it's making me dizzy. I'm getting so stretched."
Their rhythm was a perfect flow as if they'd done this a million times. Eddie sucked on Layla's nipples as she leaned her head back to kiss Steve. The pleasure was so intense that they all fell over onto the bed with Steve on his back and Layla sandwiched between him and Eddie. Steve's hands rested on Layla's hips as he bucked his own faster. Eddie's hands placed on both sides of them as he picked up the pace. His head rested on Layla's as he stared into her eyes.
"I love you so much babygirl. Your so fucking perfect I'm never letting you go."
"I love you Eddie. Come inside me, breed me...make me yours."
Their moans and "happy screams" were so loud they were sure the whole trailer park heard them but they didn't give a damn.
Steve comes inside Layla and can barely breathe. Layla's release has her practically shaking as Eddie still kept going even after he finished.
Once they could breathe again and speak coherent sentences, Steve goes to find his cigarettes, Eddie bums one and grabs a beer. "Oh! No! Don't move Princess...your man's got you some water and a wet towel." Eddie gently wipes Layla clean as he gives her tiny smooches.
"Damn if the idiots at school knew how sweet and caring their resident freak was."
"I could give a fuck what those sheep think...your the only thing that matters to me."
"Hey...it's getting late I should head off..."
"Oh hell no Harrington your not going anywhere...who's to say I won't want both my boys in the morning."
Layla kisses both of them as they crawl under the blankets.
"Now I've not only slept with a princess but also a king."
"Well if im a King and she's a princess what does that make you?"
"Shit. I don't know. I always saw myself as the court jester." Eddie laughs.
"Well I think after tonight...you are both Kings...and I'm definitely no innocent princess anymore....because now this bitch is a Queen."
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rashomonss · 1 year
Heartbreak Hours
this one was fun to write, and guess who’s feeling angsty today ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
disclaimer: please don’t kill me i love mammon
- other parts
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Mammon sat there watching as you laughed with Satan over a new book the two of you had begun reading. Even though he was sitting on the couch over it felt like he was still far away from the little world you two were in.
He felt his heart clench as you leaned in closer to the blonde’s embrace. When had you become so close with him? Actually with any of his brothers?
He hated it. He hated the way you would let Levi drag you away for hours on end without even saying anything. He hated the way Asmo’s touch lingered on you, don’t ya know that he doesn’t have pure intentions! He hated the way your eyes would sparkle when Satan would mention the plot of a new book he was reading. He hated the way Beel would constantly ask you to feed him, he has two hands he can do it himself! He hated the way Belphie would use you as a pillow or get unreasonably close to you, he has a bed he can lay in it! And lastly what he hated the most were the looks you gave his older brother.
That look of longing and love, those beautiful eyes once looked at him like that, you know? He hated that look on you now, especially when you would be talking and even the slightest glance of Lucifer would make your breath hitch and cause your eyes to linger.
He knew he couldn’t compete with his older brother, after all Lucifer was perfect and Mammon was just known as the scummy, dirtbag second born.
But still if anything he was able to get you to fall for him, so that’s one thing in his life he’s done right! right?
“Envy is supposed to be my sin you know” Levi said nudging Mammon, who was staring a bit to hard at you and Satan.
“Oh shut up you gross otaku” Mammon said back.
“Hey stop using otaku as an insult! And what are you so worried for, after all aren’t you Mc’s ‘first’.” Levi said, rolling his eyes as he made the air quotations.
“You’re damn right I am!”
And as your first he should be the first one to ask you out of course. After all your first man should be taking care of his favorite human.
He has been saving up for awhile now to buy you this necklace. It was a pure gold necklace that had your first initial and a small heart charm in front. He remembered that you thought it was beautiful on the last shopping trip you both went on, however you were a bit disheartened when you saw the price exclaiming that you were going to pick up more job shifts to afford it.
But here it was sitting in a black velvet jewelry box he panned on giving you as you after he asked you out.
It was going to be perfect, he had brought your favorite Devildom flowers, and prepared the necklace in anticipation of your arrival.
Sure it was your regular Thursday movie night, but he couldn’t help it, this was going to be the perfect time to ask you out. Since none of his brothers ever come in his room that much he could have you all to himself.
He also got your favorite snacks and set out your favorite blankets and pillows.
Like he said, everything was going to be perfect!
He decided to ignore the ball of nerves in his stomach because who needs to worry about somethin’ like that when he’s your first.
Of course that’s what he believed.
God he’s such an idiot for not realizing your feelings sooner.
Sure you fell for him, but you never stayed in love with him.
After all he was just a passing crush, while he believed you to be his everything.
“Mammon I’m sorry. It’s a lovely necklace…but I can’t except it” you said, trying to be as understanding and gentle with your words as humanly possible.
He stared blankly at you for what felt like forever until the words finally registered in his head. And when they did, oh they hurt more than when he fell from grace.
“Nah it’s fine! Who’d like a human like you anyway haha, i was just being nice ya know” Mammon said, choking out a laugh.
His words hurt a bit, but you knew deep down he was probably hurting more than you were. After all he was your first crush.
You liked Mammon at the beginning, but as your stay progressed on you ended up finding yourself falling for his brothers as well. You couldn’t help it, but what you did feel bad about was the lessening feeling of affection for your first.
“Did you want me to go?” You quietly asked, since the atmosphere had become awkward.
Mammon had poured his feelings out to you so genuinely and so deeply that you felt horrible to reject him, but it couldn’t be helped, after all you didn’t feel the same. So you didn’t want to lead him on like that.
“No! I mean no, please don’t go, it’s ok, you can just pretend this didn’t happen.” Mammon practically yelled.
He didn’t want you leave, you couldn’t leave him like this. Even if you didn’t return his feelings at all he didn’t want to go. Because if you did he’d have to face reality. And if he did it would absolutely shatter him.
So please Mc, please let him just pretend, please. He’s begging you here.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go?” You ask again for clarification.
“Yes. Please just stay with me” he replied quietly.
It was a bit past midnight and Mammon found himself staring blankly at a Devildom romcom.
How ironic, he thought.
He sighed and looked down at you as you slept softly on his shoulder.
He couldn’t help himself from seeing your face, so the tears just began to fall.
Realizing that they were rapidly falling he panicked and tried to move you, after all he’d be a jerk to get his tears on you.
But you didn’t move. You stayed close to him still softly sleeping.
“Damn it Mc, you still planning on messin’ with me huh?” he laughed to himself.
He wanted to hate you right now for toying with him like this. But he couldn’t do it. He could never hate you. Even with you rejecting him he couldn’t bring himself to so much as slightly dislike you, since he loved you far too much.
So if you let him just stay this close, even as a friend. Maybe just maybe he could learn to live with it.
But for now Mc, please just let him pretend you’re all his.
Because at the end of the day he will always and forever be all yours.
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a/n: classical music is a very good angst inspiration, so i recommend listening to it if you have writers block, after all that was the inspiration for this chapter!
anyway hope you all enjoyed mammon’s short for heartbreak hours until next time. ♡
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goodstories08 · 1 year
Chase x m!reader fic where they’ve been trying to get alone time all day and when they finally do and start making out they get caught by Bree
Alone Time
Chase Davenport X Male Reader
Ability: Force Field (The Bionic Ability to create and manipulate force fields)
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“Don’t be a pusy, get back up and fight him,” I yell at a whimpering dark haired boy. In front of him stood one of my top students, Jason, a powerful pyrotechnic who I might have turned into a killing machine. “Please I…” The boy was cut off by the sound of Jason roaring, a flame erupting from his mouth.
I sighed and flung my arms out ahead of me, a blue glow spreading through my veins and projecting out in front of the scared boy, blocking the fire from harming him. “W-what he could have killed me, you can’t do that!” He yelled while picking himself up from the cold concrete floor. “Ahh correction I can do that, I’m the teacher here. And no you were not going to die, I wouldn’t have allowed it. Yet…” I mumbled the last part sarcastically before turning to Jason. “Good job, but next time take it easy on the scariness,” He mumbled something in an annoyed tone before walking away. “Just practice ok, you’ll get there eventually.”
The boy nodded and opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, “Sorry got to go, talk later ok.” He simply stood there as I ran toward Chase, my boyfriend who also happened to be training annoying and immature bionic kids all day. “Chase, Oh my god I’ve missed you so dam much.” He giggled as he pulled me in for a kiss. “I’ve missed you to. Had a whole new team to train, drained the life out of me,” I smiled and looked around the empty room. “Looks like no one’s here, how about we…”
“SLAM!” I looked over toward the door where Mr. Davenport stood, “Hey you two, I’m not interrupting anything important right?” We both sigh before sadly saying “No”.
“Great, I have some paperwork to fill out. I was gonna ask Chase to help but your here too so why not. I need all the help I can get so let’s get started,” I looked up from the table I sat at as a giant pile of yellow folders and loose papers came crashing down in front of me. “Dammit,” I muttered under my breath before grabbing a small pile and beginning to fill it out.
As the day grew longer we both longed for each other more. And any chance we got we would be pulled away by someone else.
Currently me and all the other trainers where sitting around a huge table listening to some boring lecture Mr.Davenport was droning on about. No one was really paying attention except Chase, who was scribbling notes on his little planner. I looked around the room bored out of my mind, except for the occasional times Adam would make a funny face or add a stupid comment that made us all laugh.
I turned toward Chase and rubbed my leg against his. His head shot up and he mouthed “What?” I looked him up and down while licking my lips before turning back around to face the board Mr. Davenport was pointing at. I smiled as I heard Chase shift in his seat uncomfortably. Was I evil I’m for teasing my boyfriend in the middle of a meeting, yes, I was but I did not care. I did know that he was definitely gonna see me after this thing though.
The meeting ended after about 10 minutes, it was supposed to go longer but there was a bionic meeting emergency with two kids getting injured in a bad fight. But I mean hey, at least we are finally gonna get some alone time. Chase stood by my side like a shadow as everyone left the conference room, I felt his eyes burning into my skull as he adjusted his tie. I finally turned toward him and slowly walked closer. “I see you got a little exited during the meeting,” I say in a seductive tone as I pulled his tie down toward me, drawing his lips closer.
“Maybe I was, but who’s fault was that,” He mumbled before pulling me by my waist into a passionate kiss. I moaned into it as he lifted me on to the table, I wrapped my legs around his waist as my hands wondered his muscular chest. I unbuttoned the first button on his shirt before, the doors to the room swung open, I quickly pushed Chase off me. My eyes widening as I realized it was Bree. “Wow! My brother couldn’t keep it I his pants for just a while longer could he?” Bree muttered before running away with her speed, probably on her way to tell Adam. “Screw it! I haven’t seen you all day come here!” Chase demanded causing my smile to return.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Headcanons | Raising a Baby Together
Tony Stark x Reader
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Iron Man is a family man now! And his toughest battle yet is navigating parenthood while also juggling, like, the rest of the world. 
Warnings: One mild sexual reference
Family Man Series: 1  2 3
💠Tony warned you that he'd been a very fussy baby himself. He's still a fussy baby
💠You were starting to get worried, especially with how much your son kicked like he was throwing a tantrum when he was in the womb. 
💠But for the most part, he's actually a very happy baby. No issues taking a bottle (except for the few times you're pretty sure he'd rather just complain about it than eat), and no issues being put to bed. He still wakes you up crying a couple times a night, but that's pretty normal. 
💠But he must know that it's usually his dad that puts him to sleep at certain times. When Tony's gone, it takes an extra 15 minutes to get him to settle down. And it's not even because he's crying (usually); he's just staring at you or looking around. You swear he's looking for Tony, and he knows that's not you... but he does like you, too, so he'll allow it 😌
💠You and Tony both wake up as soon as you hear crying over the baby monitor. When Tony's home, he usually takes the night shift. Feels bad that you have to do everything when he's away, so he usually tries to do most of the work, or at least take the undesirable moments like this. 
💠You don't always let him. He's just as exhausted as you are, if not more.
💠Tony does love to listen to you over the baby monitor, though. 
💠He'll never admit to it, but hearing you talk and/or sing the baby back to sleep also puts him back to sleep. 🥺
💠If Tony's having trouble getting the baby to sleep, he picks up on the things you say and do. 
💠Eventually you catch him singing 
💠And humming tunes that he can remember his mom playing on the piano :(
💠Tony did a very good job changing diapers on those fake babies, so when he's on diaper duty for the first time, he's pretty sure he's got this! He's, like, a genius, so how hard could it be? 
💠He learned very quickly that he does, in fact, not have this. He's suddenly forgot everything he learned and which way it goes and now he's getting pissed on, so that's great. You'll have to help him out for a day or two
💠After about three months, Tony wants another. Even though you just had one. He isn't the one that has to carry it around for nine months 😤
💠It would be nice for them to grow up together and be (basically) the same age, though. And with Tony gone so much, at least they'd have each other when you were busy. 
💠Two babies when you're all alone will be a handful, though...
💠You do finally agree after some thought, and you're literally right in the middle of ✨working on it✨ when that familiar cry rings out. 
💠"I got it," you mumble, trying to remember where you put your robe. But you don't leave before giving him one last smooch. "I'll be back for you."
💠So now you're pregnant with another one and dealing with one. 
💠And dealing with Tony's misadventures on top of that. 
💠Sometimes you find him asleep at his computer with your son curled against his chest. Always dedicated and determined to do everything at once, your Tony. The exhaustion is clear on his face even while he's asleep. You carefully try to move his hand out of your way, but he's always been a light sleeper. 
💠And a grumpy one, too, when he first wakes up.
💠"Don't take my baby," he pouts. "I can do it." He knows it's way past everyone's bedtime. 
💠"You need to get to bed," you gently scold him.
💠"So do you."
💠Sometimes you can waste ten minutes arguing about who goes to bed first. It's not very productive. 
💠But then when your baby is yawning and stretching, you're reminded that someone needs to do it now.
💠You're half asleep on the couch when you think Tony is messing with you, and it's actually just your son gently grabbing at your nose and exploring your face. Tony thinks it's adorable, but he doesn't get so lucky. Instead, he's getting poked in the eye and a finger in his nose.
💠When your second one comes along, he's almost an exact year apart from his brother. 13 months apart! And thankfully just as happy as his brother. 
💠Some days can be... pretty hectic at the Stark household, though.
💠"Tony, I don't care if the sky is falling. You're staying here and helping me with your kids!"
💠Your oldest has just spilled cheerios on the floor from his high chair, and no, he's not sad about it; he thinks it's hilarious. This is not the first time he's done this. It's his favorite prank to pull. 
💠"Take your son!" You whisper-yell. You do not care that Tony is on a super important phone call. You do not care that he was only passing by very quickly to look for some document. You need to clean up, and your youngest refuses to be sat down without crying. He gives you that look, but knows better than to say 'no' and quickly takes his youngest from you with his phone now awkwardly wedged between his cheek and shoulder while digging through the desk with one hand and occasionally making silly faces to keep the baby from crying. Accidentally talks in his baby voice while he does it, and Natasha does not appreciate it. 
💠But other days are quiet. You're with your one-year-old on the floor, playing with shapes and dinosaurs and dolls while your one-month-old is quietly working on a bottle in Tony's arms.
💠No, the circle doesn't go in the square hole even though it fits. 
💠No, the triangle doesn't... either. Even though... it does fit, so he's technically not wrong for putting it in, huh? You both watch a hexagon go in before looking at each other. Maybe we need a new one. 😐
💠While your newest is still mostly immobile in your arms, his brother is clumsily walking after his dad. Tony was actually here when he took his first steps, and now nothing can stop him! Except for the wall. And the edge of the rug. And sometimes his own feet. Never cries when he falls, though, because dad's right there to help him up! 
💠Tony wasn't there for his first words, however :/ But luckily, you got it on video for him because he started babbling 'dada' 
💠Well, later he suddenly latched onto... juice? Everyone and everything was 'juice' for three days straight. It was funny, but you and Tony had to be careful jokingly calling each other 'juice' because your son would latch right back onto it. You're pretty sure he just thought it was funny, too. 
💠Oh, and the boys absolutely get jealous of one another already, and always want to be held by you or Tony. It's hard to have them both in your arms or on your lap but they'll appreciate it if you can manage. They don't fight one another or anything if they're both in your lap. They just get jealous that they aren't there, but their brother is. Or maybe they just want to be with each other? Either way, they always want attention. 
💠The first time they each hear JARVIS, they're frozen in place, brown eyes wide. Because who is that? Where are they at? It's kinda cute. They eventually get used to it, but they do always look around to figure out who dad is talking to. 
💠Both are very interested in the arc reactor in Tony's chest. It's shiny and blue and weird, so of course they want to grab at it and stare at it. You get worried it might be too bright for their brand-new eyes. If Tony isn't already wearing a shirt, he does try to keep the blanket they're swaddled in bunched over it or something like that. 
💠If he could dim it, he would. You've probably asked him like three times since he came home with it. It's like sleeping next to a nightlight 😪
💠Already has some pretty strong opinions on how he wants to raise his kids. There's probably only a few disagreements and compromises, but there's still quite a few years for things to change, so you tell him to chill out a little
💠There is one thing you can agree on. He never ever wants to send them to a boarding school like his dad did to him. Even if they do become a handful or unruly little assholes like he was. 
💠Is also pretty sure he doesn't want them to know anything about Iron Man. You're a little surprised. Their dad is a superhero! You figured he'd be latching onto having that glory. But he wants to be cool just because he's Dad :( He used to boast about it all the time, but now when he comes home he just wants to be home. It's hard to separate both lives when his suits are right downstairs and he sees them every day, but for you and his kids, he just wants to be Tony Stark
💠But either way, he'll do whatever it takes to take care of you guys and keep you safe ❤️
Family Man Series: 1  2 3
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