#every other ride in the park is SO well documented but there’s so many lines of dialogue and full scenes that just don’t exist online is
bumpscosity · 10 months
The fact that smugglers run is so poorly documented is genuinely upsetting
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carasel · 1 year
On Yer Bike: 15 reasons to take up cycling
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Mounting a bike rack to your car may be the best decision of your life.
Cycling — whether it’s the bolt to and from work, or hitching your bike to your car and taking it for a ride in the great unknown — has so many advantages that we made them into a big list.
1. Get there faster — If I wanted to torture someone, I would put him or her in a car with no airconditioning on Anzac Parade on a Saturday afternoon. To call what happens on that road “traffic” implies that it’s a bustling hub, but even the crawl slows to an eventual stop. On a bike, you can zip through the cracks and get to the beach before the crowds do!
2. Sleep better — While an early morning ride might floor you temporarily, it will help to boost your energy shortly after and then assist in falling asleep again at the end of the day. Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine got sedentary insomnia sufferers to go for a quick spin for 20–30 minutes every other day. This resulted in the time taken for the insomniacs to fall asleep being reduced by half, and sleep time increasing by almost an hour.
3. Get smart — Cycling can help build new brain cells in the hippocampus, which is the region responsible for memory. This begins deteriorating from the age of 30, so hop in the saddle!
4. A ride a day keeps the doctor away — Researchers from the University of North Carolina have found that people who cycle for half an hour, five days a week, will take about half as many sick days as those who don’t.
5. Look younger — Getting on the pushie regularly can help protect your skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and reduce the signs of ageing, research from Stanford University has found. No excuse not to pile on the sunscreen, though.
6. Live forever! — Or… at least just a while longer: A nine-year study undertaken by the King’s College in London compared over 2,400 identical twins — observing one who did the equivalent of just three 45-minute rides a week, and the other who didn’t — which found that the one who exercised regularly was nine years ‘biologically younger’, even after discounting other influences such as BMI and smoking.
7. Keep the big C at bay — It’s well documented now that exercise in any form is helpful in keeping cancer away, but specific studies have shown that riding regularly is especially good at keeping your cells in good nick. It was found by Finnish researchers that men who exercised moderately — including riding to and from work — for at least half an hour a day had their chances of developing cancer cut in half. Another study found that women who regularly cycle reduce their risk of breast cancer by 34 per cent.
8. Avoid the smog — You’d think that weaving through traffic on your bike during a busy morning would mean that you’re breathing in way more pollution than those in the vehicles spurting out exhaust fumes, but according to science, that is just not the case. A study undertaken by the Imperial College in London found that the opposite is true: passengers in buses, taxis and cars inhale substantially more pollution than cyclists and pedestrians. It’s thought this may be the case as cyclists ride at the edge of the road and aren’t directly in the line of exhaust smoke.
9. Stay green — Riding a bike is a clear win for the environment. Bicycles produce absolutely no pollution, and it only takes about five per cent of the materials and energy used to make a car to build a bike. You can park up to twenty bicycles in the same space as one car, making them space-efficient, too!
10. Get in the saddle, get better in the sack — According to health experts from the United States, being physically active vastly improves your vascular health, with has the flow-on effect of giving a massive boost to your sex drive.
11. Harness those creative juices — Suffering from a creative mental block? Get on the bike! A study has found that just 25 minutes of aerobic exercise boosts at least one measure of creative thinking.
12. Ditch the gym membership — Regular cyclists — that is, on an everyday basis — have a fitness level equal to that of a person who is ten years younger. Ride on, and on, and on…
13. Burn fat, fast — According to sports physiologists, the body’s metabolic rate (the efficiency with which it burns calories and fat) is not only raised during a ride, but for several hours afterwards. That’s what that post-ride rush is all about! In addition to this, those who incorporate fast intervals into their ride will burn three and a half times as much body fat than those who cycle at a slower, more constant pace.
14. You can get addicted — in the best way possible: Sometimes, to overcome an addiction — whether it be lollies, cigarettes or one too many glasses of wine — you need to replace it with another one, such as riding! Well, so goes the analogy of William Glasser, the author of Positive Addiction. We’re addicted to riding outside of the city — simply hitch your bike to your towbar and go towards the mountains — there’s many a track to be ridden on.
15. Ride more, be happy — Exercise releases endorphins that help counter stress and lift your spirits, so when you’re feeling blue, hop on the bike and cycle ’til you’re giddy with joy again.
Ready to get out and about after reading this?
You may want to try this one on before you head out on your next mountain bike adventure: Carasel Explains: How to fit a towbar
Facts attributed to Bike Radar.
This blog was posted in Towbars and tagged in cycling, hitches, Towbar
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Next chapter]
Part 1
You drive into the parking lot for Stark Industries. You had worked here for the last three years. Hiring out bodyguards was just a small service he provided among other things these says, but you guys had a whole floor to yourselves, so you weren't about to complain.
You parked, got out, and needed straight indoors. You greeted the receptionists at the front desk and made your way up to the elevator.
Over the past few years you had been working as a bodyguard. You had done many little jobs, providing security for celebrities at award shows, or being hired out to watch over parties and events here and there.
The pay was good and you loved your job. Granted, not every job is exciting and action filled, but you have met lots of wonderful, crazy, and questionable people over the years. You have kicked people out of parties, prevented crazy fans from getting too close, and one time had secure a lockdown for a client whose life was considered in danger one time.
You had plenty of stories to tell.
Today you were on your way in to receive your next assignment. Apparently this was a big job and Stark had put your name on the list. He needed the best he had, and you were one of them.
No doubt he had put Natasha down too.
You took the elevator up your floor and walked out. You headed into the changing rooms to put your suit on. It was important you looked smart for the job.
Once you were ready, you met up with the others in the meeting room at the time they asked you to be there.
Steve Rogers was the first one to greet you.
Steve was the head of the group. He, and his buddy James Barnes, were professionals at this job. They had been bodyguards much longer than you had and had secured the rest of the team over the years. It was Steve who trained you in the beginning.
"Glad you could make it," he says, smiling at you.
"I was told it was important."
"You're right about that. This is probably the biggest job yet, and could be quite time consuming too."
"Well, I'm ready to hear it out."
You take a seat. Bucky joins you. Steve slides a file across to you and you open it. You are presented with a photo and a document.
"This is Baron Helmut Zemo. Sokovian royalty. We've been requested to send bodyguards over while he travels through Europe to better his connections or something. We're not privy to all the details. Sam and Nat are already out there, flew put three days ago. You'll be flown over with Bucky and I'll join you in a couple of days. This is going to be a time consuming job, so keep your wits about you."
"Alright. I'm ready whenever," you say, looking at the photo.
He was handsome, that much you could tell. Brown hair, combed away from his face. Dark brown eyes and a confident aura surrounding him.
"A Baron, you said?"
"Yeah. You'll be situated as Castle Zemo. They'll provide rooms. You'll receive your schedule from Natasha when you arrive."
"You can keep hold of the file," he nods at it. You close it and pull it closer to you.
"When do we fly?"
"First thing in the morning," Bucky replies.
"See you tomorrow."
Steve dismisses you and Bucky. You both leave together. You tuck the file under your arm and walk in sync with your dear friend.
"Royalty. That's a new one."
Bucky chuckles.
"It's definitely going to be a job for the books."
"What's he like, this Baron?" You ask, glancing up at him.
"I don't know much. We're not suppose to."
"Yeah, I know. Aren't you a little curious though?"
"Yeah, I am," Bucky laughs, "but I'm a professional, and I'll keep it that way."
"You say that now."
You both knew you would both look him up because you always did. You both just liked to know a little about the person you were hired to protect. You never let anything you knew get out though. You were both professionals.
"I'll see you later, go eat and I'll be round in the morning."
"See you, Bucky."
You part ways and you go home, picking up some food on the way. When you get home you pull out your laptop and sit down in your living room. You lay out the file beside you and look him up.
Baron Helmut Zemo.
His picture popped up again. Yeah, he was definitely handsome. He lived in Castle Zemo in Novi Grad, Sokovia. That's where you would be stationed tomorrow before he flies out.
There wasn't a whole lot of information online. Just a little backstory on his family line and where Castle Zemo was located. Being a Baron, he was only a low form of royalty. Most of the news was about the decline of Sokovia. The country was struggling, hence why Baron Zemo was making a trip to strengthen connections here and there.
You felt like you understood him a little better, not that you were going to let this affect your job.
You close the laptop and finish your meal.
You wake up to constant buzzing on your phone. You reach out and grab it, answering the call and bringing it your ear.
"Finally, I'll be there in ten," you hear Bucky say.
"Ten minutes, get up!"
You sit up and check the time on your phone, its5later than you anticipated. You give a hurried 'see you later' down the phone and hang up, scrambling to get dressed and make some coffee to start your day.
By the time Bucky arrived at your door, you're ready and have a coffee in hand. Even have an extra for him.
Bucky actually looks impressed.
"Let's go."
You both hop into the car and he drives you to the airport, sipping your coffees as you went.
"We'll be spending the night in his home tonight, neither of us are on night duty, we'll be swapping out with Nat and Sam when we get there. We fly out for Paris tomorrow."
You listened to Bucky explain.
"What will happen in Paris?"
"The Baron will be escorted to the hotel, all guards will be present on that floor. Steve will meet us there with the last of the group and the Baron will be taken to his meeting spot."
"Just follow the routine, got it."
"You nervous? This is a big job after all," Bucky glances your way.
"A bit, but I'm going to prove to you all that I have what it takes. Nat trained me herself."
"Hey, we know you're capable. For what it's worth, none of us have ever done a job this big before. It's a first for us all," he smiles at you.
"Then we can do this together."
You both nod at each other.
You settle in for the rest of the ride. At the airport, you both quickly manoeuvre through the building. Bucky has the passports and boarding passes on him. You're both at the gate in time and board the plane with ease.
This was your first time to Sokovia. Your first time in the presence of royalty.
You were beyond nervous.
Bucky places a hand over yours and smiles at you. You smile back. It's all the reassurance you needed.
The plane takes off without delay.
This was going to be the biggest job of your life, and perhaps, just perhaps, your life would change too. You just didn't know what to expect when you got there.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @zemosimp420 @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles
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serendipityjxmn · 3 years
Mr. President
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Chapter 6
TW: None
Words Count: 2.1k
Link to Masterlist
Link to Chapter 7
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You shower quickly that morning, springing a little in your steps as you make your way to your closet, picking an attire for that day. Today, you have an interview for one of the many secretarial positions that you apply for yesterday. You choose a beige pencil skirt and a white blouse. Your wounds are still visible but nothing that can’t be covered with makeup. You do it minimally, just so you don’t look sick or too pale.
You stare at the large signboard saying ‘Bangtan Inc’. Taking a deep breath, you enter the building. Within half an hour, you’re escorted to the fifth floor of the company and you’re waiting in line to be interviewed by the Human Resources manager after filling up several documents. There are quite a number of interviewees and you’re slotted as the last one.
An hour later, you’re done with your interview with the manager and then you’re asked to wait again at waiting area. The manager who introduces herself as Irene approaches you after a while.
“Miss Y/N, you’re going to have the second interview with Mr. President. Are you ready?”
Nervousness begins to fill you up. You didn’t know that there would be two sessions for the interview. Nevertheless, you nod and follow after her. She leads you to the seventh floor and the hallways look even more lavish at this floor.
“You can come in now. Mr. President’s ready.” She leads you in and you enter together with her. “Mr. Park, Miss Y/N is here.”
Mr. Park…? It can’t be the Mr. Park that I know.. right?
When the man sitting on his desk at far end of the room looks up, things can’t be more fucked up than this.
It was him. His. His fucking company.
He raises from his seat and freezes when he sees you too. His eyes rake you from top to bottom and this has to make the list of top embarrassing moments in your life. Should you run away now?
“Miss Y/N, please have a seat.” Irene interrupts. It’s too late to run away now, right..?
Your eyes widen as you stare at Jimin. He seems to regain his composure and leisurely takes his seat again, crossing his legs and starts playing with his fingers in what could be such intimidating gesture.
You swallow and slowly takes your seat and fixes your skirt to prevent it from riding up, missing the way his eyes travel down your legs for a split second. You watch as Irene hands him documents that you assume contains your information.
Oh no. You haven’t been entirely truthful with your information…
“So Miss Y/N, you’re single?” He asks casually, no doubt having read the part in your file. You pray that the ground swallows you whole.
You fidget with your hands, swallowing hard. You’ve grown used to playing with your wedding ring on your finger but you purposely take it off today since you’ve so conveniently mention your status is single. He looks down at your hand and you miss the way his expression becomes stern when he sees your empty finger.
For a moment, he just looks at you and you think you’ll melt under his stare. Jimin always stares at you like he’s able to see you through and every time, you’d ask God to grant you a mind reading ability just so you can know what he’s thinking about.
You know everything’s already gone into a mess today. This interview session is basically moot now that the person interviewing is actually your own freaking husband. You’re ready to turn on your heels at any second. You’re literally just waiting for him to utter words like ‘get out’ or ‘get lost’.
Yet he excuses you and you stand waiting outside as he speaks to Irene. She emerges not long after that, a smile plastered on her beautiful face.
“Miss Y/N! I’m pleased to inform that you’ve been hired!”
What on actual earth.
“You must’ve caught Mr. Park’s interest. We usually filter most of the applicants again and this would normally takes about another week before we can give results but Mr. Park seems satisfied with you.”
You did not expect this turn of events at all.
“So, even though the position is secretarial position, the job scope is actually kind of wide. You will mostly be attending to Mr. President’s needs but you will also be helping several bits here and there with the office people there. I’ll introduce you to the office mates in a while.”
So you spend the rest of the day being led by Irene everywhere as she tells you most of the things you need to know and introduces you to other personnels in the office. Your brain can’t really focus on Irene’s words as you assume you’re doomed once you’re home with Jimin.
Should you quit that instant? Don’t come for work tomorrow?
But that would be the most unprofessional thing to do. You groan.
“Oh, Miss Y/N. It’s almost five now. You don’t really have much to do anyway for today so you can just head home today.” Irene tells you.
You automatically looks up at the double door that leads to Jimin’s office. Should you be going home with him..?
You shake your head immediately. It’s best if this is kept a secret from everyone for now. You don’t feel like he’s going to head home yet since Jimin usually comes home at about 7PM so you rush to pack your things and quickly heads home.
You pace back and forth in the kitchen. Your head had been playing a thousand different scenarios with how Jimin would react once he’s home and you can’t help feeling more anxious by the second. You hear the door opens then and your pulse quickens. You don’t dare to meet him at the door so you just remain in the kitchen.
You’re so immersed in your thoughts that you don’t hear him come down a while later.
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” He growls and you jump. You turn to see him looking extremely pissed off.
“Jimin- I’m sorry- I wanted to tell you last night but I- I forgot.” You say as he takes his seat on the dining table and you rush to tend at him. He doesn’t seem impressed at all.
“My company? Are you fucking kidding me?” He hisses and you recoils slightly.
“I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t know it’s your company. The last time I saw you was at Parks Corporations and- why were you-“ You stop mid sentence. All of a sudden it makes sense. You remember Mrs. Lee telling you that Jimin will be inheriting his father’s company and it must’ve been Parks Corporation while Bangtan Inc is the tech company that he builds together with his friends. Suddenly, you feel stupid for not making your research. On top of it all, it’s about your husband. You, above all, should know about it. “I- I just feel guilty staying home and- I just thought I should help with the finances as well.. after all you’re not really my husband.. you’re a stranger.. it’s not right to just leech off you and do nothing-”
“So your ego is wounded?” He scoffs.
You sigh. You don’t want to argue with him. You don’t like arguing with him or making him angry. “You could’ve not accepted me..” You mumble.
“The fuck did you say?” He snaps and you immediately straightens.
“C-can we remain discreet though? I don’t want to tell anyone. We-we can take separate rides to the office.”
“Whatever you say.”
The next morning you wake up earlier than Jimin. It feels weird to actually see him lying on the bed, the same freaking bed with you. Though the bed is large enough for the both of you to come nowhere near each other, it still feels strange. You get ready quickly then heads downstairs to prepare breakfast for your husband.
Waiting on the toast, your fingers play with your necklace. Yesterday, you went to some cheap jewellery store and buys an empty silver necklace. Then, you put your wedding ring as the pendant and happily wears it. You can’t put it on your finger while at work so you resolve to use it as your necklace.
You don’t wait for Jimin to come down for breakfast and you feel sorry for that but you don’t really want to arrive at work at the same time Jimin does.
At work, contrary to your assumption, your work doesn’t really involve you to speak directly with Jimin as you mostly arrange his schedules and keys in things in the computer, deals with people asking for appointments and most of your time is taken by helping colleagues at the office as well with minor tasks like photocopying or sending fax. Any direct information that needs to be conveyed to Jimin is mostly done by Irene. Perhaps, she thinks you are not up to the task yet. You’re secretly relieved though.
Days passes quite quickly and before you know it, about a week has passed since you’ve started working at Bangtan Inc. Now that you think about it, working here doesn’t seem so bad. You don’t see much of Jimin these days, only on certain days when he comes home early and has his dinner at home.
You somehow make a promise to yourself to make the best of this marriage so you take special care of Jimin’s meals and what he wears to work everyday. To be honest, you don’t have to. Mrs. Lee can make anything and everything if you ask her but you refuse to. Making meals is probably the only thing you can do for your very self sustained husband even if he’s just a temporary husband, you did promise yourself to do it so you did.
You wake up early to prepare breakfast, goes to work and rushes home to prepare dinner almost every day. Most of the time though, you’re already asleep by the time he comes home so you’ve grown used to leaving sticky notes on the dining table, telling him to reheat the dishes you cooked if he wants to eat.
You don’t really expect him to eat the dishes you made but much to your surprise, he still eats them everyday without fail though sometimes he may not finish them but the thought still makes you smile.
It somehow exhausts you more nowadays with your packed schedule so you almost always fall asleep as soon as you lay on the bed at night.
You also slowly grasp your job scope at work. You learn a lot of things about Jimin as well. His schedule is always packed with meetings and when he isn’t in them, he’s busy discussing with the staffs to prepare for the next meeting. You somehow feel sorry for him. That’s also one of the reason why you couldn’t miss preparing his meal everyday although you’re tired. You learn that he tends to forget to eat whenever he’s too caught up in work.
That night, Jimin comes home early. You jump when he enters the kitchen while you’re still preparing his meal. He’s freshly showered and he smells so tantalising. He always smells good, you think.
“I’m sorry. I came home late. It’ll be ready soon if you can just wait for another.. 5 minutes?”
He walks to the fridge then takes a glass of orange juice. “If you don’t have time, we can just order take out next time. You don’t have to cook everyday.”
But you want to, your mind says. But you don’t say it out loud.
He takes his seat on the dining table and you feel his heavy gaze from behind you, making the hairs on your skin stand. You wish he’d look at something else instead.
You hover around once you set the table for Jimin which you notice is an occupational hazard of yours just in case the other party still needs you to amend anything so you would usually wait until that said party is satisfied.
Jimin wastes no time snapping at you. “Won’t you sit down and eat?!”
Flustered, you quickly take your seat, shaking your head for making him angry again. You eat in silence then.
“How’s work?” He asks after a while, taking you off guard.
You blink rapidly and stares at him for a few moments before answering, “It’s fine.” You hesitate to continue yet you can’t resist it. “I can’t really say no when the boss is right in front of me, right?”
Upon hearing that, he smiles.
He freaking smiles.
It’s so blinding it literally renders you speechless. He has this adorable eye smile and it makes him look like a total softie, none at all the one that is always intimidating and scowling at you.
And maybe, just maybe, something flutters in your stomach at that time. But you’re too blinded to notice.
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Link to Chapter 7
Posted on 210409 9:00PM
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Carnival Games
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Competitiveness. Frankie being a cute dad. 
Word Count: 1,131
Author’s Note: This is inspired by this week’s Writer Wednesday challenge from @autumnleaves1991-blog​
Summary: You and Frankie are determined to win a prize for your daughter at the carnival. 
Taglist Form - Masterlist
Frankie watches in amusement as you draw your eyebrows together in concentration, handing over another ticket to the carnival worker behind the booth. Within a minute you have promptly failed, once again, to hit anywhere near the target when it pops up. It’s cute, really, the way you jump in surprise every time it appears, Frankie decides. The second-long delay before you move to aim at the target throws your timing off, and when the bells ring out, signaling that your turn has ended, you let out a dramatic sigh. The dejected pout on your face perfectly mirrors Isabella’s as she squirms in her stroller. It’s been a long day for her, the hours since the three of you had arrived at the carnival filled with more excitement than she’s used to. The sticky remnants of the chocolate ice cream cone she had earlier are still smeared on her chubby little hands and face no matter how many wet wipes you’ve gone through trying to clean her up. It’s past her bedtime, the sights and sounds of the carnival tiring her out more than usual, and she’s growing crankier by the second. 
The little amusement park had been crowded this afternoon, the squeals of delight and roar of roller coaster cars racing past on the wooden tracks filling your ears, your other senses consumed by the sickly sweet scent of cotton candy and Coppertone and the flashing lights of the carnival games. You and Frankie had both been excited to bring Isabella here now that she’s old enough to enjoy some of the smaller attractions. The highlight of your afternoon had been sight of Frankie cramming his long legs into the little train ride with Isabella in his lap. It was nothing short of adorable, and you made sure to document every second of it on camera for the group chat you and Frankie have with the other boys, which is almost solely dedicated to photos of Isabella. 
“If you’re done putting the fear of god into those pop-up targets, I think the princesa demands we take her home,” Frankie announces. “We can always just buy her something from one of those booths on the way out.” 
“Those are for quitters, Francisco,” You shake your head. “I’ll just try one more time-”
“Babe, you said that twenty minutes ago,” he points out. He’s right, but the thrill of the carnival has you hooked, and all hope of rational thought has gone out the window while you sit in front of the game.
“It’s rigged!” you declare in your defense, looking over your shoulder to him. You’ve spent the better part of a half-hour at this same booth, shooting at little pop up targets with a laser gun, all the while insisting that you would win Isabella a stuffed animal to take home as a memento. Twice you’ve ordered Frankie back to the ticket booth, determined to win something no matter what the cost- which, at the moment, is looking like roughly thirty bucks, and counting. At this point, both you and Frankie realize that you could just buy her whatever stuffed animal she wanted and pretend that you’d won it for her, but you’re stubborn. You refuse to be one of those lame parents who buys their kid the consolation stuffed animals by the front gates because they can’t win them anything. 
“It’s not rigged.” Frankie shakes his head. “Your aim sucks. So does your technique.” 
You scoff, attempting to make yourself sound and appear scandalized even though you know it's the truth. 
“Well, alright then, Mr. Military Man. If you think you can do so much better, why don’t you give it a shot?” You’re taunting him, but he takes the bait just like you knew he would, your competitive natures not allowing either of you to let the challenge slide. 
Frankie chuckles, gesturing to the wall of stuffed animals. “Which one do you want, Isa?” he asks with a smirk. The toddler stares up at the prizes dangling above her head, her gaze landing on the giant bears on the top row. She raises her arm to point at them, Frankie trailing her line of sight. He hears you giggling beside him when you realize what she’s pointing to. He would need a perfect score to win one of those. 
“That’s my girl,” you coo appreciatively, crouching down next to Isabella’s stroller to bump her tiny fist against yours. “We’re gonna make your dad eat his words, aren’t we?” 
“Seriously? Honey, I’m a professional,” Frankie reminds you. “I can do this in my sleep.”
“That doesn’t matter. As I said, the game is rigged.” 
Rolling his eyes, he hands a ticket to the teenager manning the booth, taking a seat on the stool you’d previously occupied. 
From the look on his face, you knew that no part of Frankie had expected himself to fail. It was a carnival game, and he’s a former special ops soldier. By all accounts, Frankie is a force to be reckoned with, with deadly accurate aim. If he can’t hit those targets, then you assume that your assessment had been correct; it really was rigged. 
But there Frankie sits, stunned into silence as the carnival worker hands him a small, pink frog. A pathetic little prize compared to the bear he’d set out to win for his little girl. He just stared at it for a moment, the button eyes seeming to mock him. You place a hand on his shoulder. “Good job, baby,” you cheered, taking the frog from him and handing it over to the toddler. “Isa, look what daddy won for you!” You watch Frankie’s eyes dart from Isabella to the giant bear on the wall. She was already gnawing on one of the frog’s stuffed toes, cuddling into it happily. 
“I’m going again,” he decides, already digging out another ticket from his pocket. 
“Frankie, it doesn’t matter,” you remind him, the clarity of logical, adult thinking settling in now that you’re no longer being lured in by the carnival game’s illusion of simplicity. “You won her an adorable little frog, and now we can go home-”
“We aren’t leaving here until I win that big ass teddy bear,” he declared, cutting you off. He says it with all of the determination and resolve of those little old ladies you’d seen camped in front of the slot machines at the casino you’d visited on your honeymoon, and you realize that the carnival has claimed the impulse-control of yet another seemingly sane adult, all in the name of your toddler and a giant purple bear. With a wild look in his eyes, Frankie nods for them to start the game again. You have a feeling you’re going to be here for a while. 
General Taglist: @theravenreads @marshmallowtraver @computeringturtle @adikaofmandalore @pascalisthepunkest @supernaturalcat7 @maythxthirstbxwithyou
Pedro Character Taglist: @coldlilheart
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forgottenpasta · 4 years
Dulce Periculum Pt. 1
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Summary: Devious and devilish, your two new impish hybrids never miss a chance to torment you for your hopeless attraction to them, knowing exactly what they do to you. But is sly sexuality and enigmatic allure all there is to the tiger and wolf hybrid, or do the depths of their eyes hide something more for you? Part 1/2.
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 7.2k
Pairings: Tiger Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader X Wolf Hybrid!Jeongguk
Warnings: Taehyung and Jeongguk have no shame, arrogance galore, filthy smut in part 2, swearing, mentions of blood, mild violence, anime style nosebleeds.
Part 1 | Part 2 (complete)
A/n: Enjoy!
The sickening sound of Jeongguk’s foot connecting  with the bear hybrid’s face in what was a flawless display of a spinning wheel kick made you flinch in your seat. The crunch of bones breaking could be heard by even your inferior human ears. The hulking bear hybrid went down like a sack of potatoes, hitting the hard floor of the ring with a dull thud.
Jeongguk huffed out a laugh as he assumed a neutral position, wiping a hand down his sweat soaked washboard abs as he smirked down at the hybrid who was clutching his jaw with both his hands. “I thought bears were supposed to be aggressive in the ring and shit. You fight like a pussy.”
The man on the floor groaned in pain and anger, but try as he might he couldn’t get up, the rivulets of blood dripping down his nose, staining his hands and white of the ring floor indication enough of the result of the fight, but just so it was clear enough the bear hybrid tapped out nonetheless.
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath to control his laboured breathing. “Put a band-aid on it and stop whining. It’ll be back to normal by tomorrow.”
“Does he really have to do that?”, you mused out loud from where you sat on the bench beside the fighting rings. You watched Jeongguk help the hybrid stand up. “I get that he’s the trainer, the teacher and all that but still. His words make me feel like a pathetic fighter and I’m not even in the ring with him.”
You hadn’t really expected a response from your bench co-occupant, seeing as ignoring you was the norm with the tiger hybrid, hence the snort startled you into turning your head to stare at him.
“That’s because you are a pathetic fighter.” Taehyung  didn’t look at you, busy scrolling through his twitter feed on his phone.
Despite your resolve, which you had tried so hard to harden ever since the two insanely attractive hybrids had come into your life, you found yourself sighing. And it wasn’t a frustrated sigh either, as it should have been considering his totally unwarranted barb about your non-existent fighting skills, it was the dreamy kind. You didn’t understand how he made slouching on a bench,  bored out of his mind while staring blankly at his phone look like a cover spread straight out of a bougie magazine. He unintentionally modelled every little thing he did, like right now you could take a picture of him and photoshop an ad of the device in his hand and no one would blink an eye. You could understand why so many brands clamoured to get him to model for them, though he was particularly picky and selective about who to lend his divinely handsome face to.
“Thanks, Tae.”, you replied, because what did you say to that really? You were always hard pressed to come up with a clever response whenever one of them were in close proximity to you. You swore up and down you were a quick witted person when your two new hybrids weren’t there to cloud your confidence with their sex-on-legs charm and mysterious aura.
“Don’t mention it, Owner. I’m always here to offer you some encouraging words.”, Taehyung muttered with a straight face, his striped tail swishing languidly beside him.
A shiver ran through you, even though the temperature in the gym was completely normal.
Owner. You had told them countless times to call you by your name ever since they came into your life three weeks ago, but every time you did they just smiled at you and went right back to calling you owner. You were convinced they got their kicks off watching you turn red or sputter or stumble all over yourself whenever one of them uttered the word. They knew what effect it had on you and they revelled in it.
You were about to ask him for the nth time not to call you that when the brownish orange ears atop his head twitched and he looked up. You followed suit, making eye contact with your wolf hybrid sauntering towards the two of you with a lazy grin on his face.
Shirtless. Sweatpants riding low. Underwear band showing above the top of the waistband of his sweats. Long hair wet from a shower. Fuck.
From the amused expression on Taehyung’s face you knew he could hear your thundering heartbeat.
“Don’t go getting a heart attack now, Owner. Who’s gonna feed us if we lose you?”
Jeongguk took that moment to reach the two of you. “Who’s getting a heart attack?”, he asked, pulling out a towel from his duffel bag beside the bench and towel drying his hair with it in that way guys did that should not look hot but did.
“No one. Are you ready to go?”, you diverted the conversation, willingly breathing deeply to tame your heartbeat. You did not need their ribbing over your obvious attraction to them right now.
“Yeah, just need to clock out for the weekend. Then we’re driving down to Lean Raw to have lunch.”, Jeongguk informed, chuckling when you made a face at the suggestion. The restaurant he was talking about only served tasteless “healthy food”, no sight of grease or artery-choking deliciousness anywhere.
“We went there last Friday as well.”, you complained under your breath, getting up to follow both of them out of the gym, trying not to stare at Jeongguk’s flexing back muscles as he pulled on a white T-shirt that might as well be see-through, his sleek yet fluffy dark grey wolf tail swaying gracefully behind him.
Jeongguk turned back and you quickly averted your eyes, feigning immense interest in the potted plants lining the gym’s exit.
“You should thank me then. I’m making you eat healthy at least once a week.”
“I eat fine. Not my fault normal is not upto your standards.”, you mumbled as you all reached his black Mercedes parked in the small parking lot for gym employees.
“If you consider subway sandwiches and Chinese takeout six days a week normal, Owner, then you’re asking for that heart attack you were about to get back in there.”, he quipped, winking at Taehyung when the elder hybrid’s amusement broke for a laugh at the stricken look on your face.  
You hurried to duck inside the car, going for the spacious backseat because they never let you drive when one of them were with you, even when you insisted to take your own humble and ancient Honda Accord. Taehyung got in the passenger seat and Jeonnguk in the driver’s, smoothly pulling out onto the road.
Seeing you three together the way you were, it was hard to figure out whether you owned the hybrids or if it was the other way round. People never believed you when you told them the two luxurious, predator hybrids were yours. And they wouldn’t have been had your great-aunt, who remained unmarried throughout her life and amassed a considerable wealth writing books about hybrids, had not unexpectedly died by slipping in her apartment-sized bathroom and breaking her head open on the corner of a marble countertop. Even more unexpectedly, she had willed the two hybrids that she had raised since they were teenagers to you of all people and all her wealth to them. You often thought that she must have had no idea that she’d die so suddenly and unexpectedly, because her will have to have been an interim joke while she figured out exactly who to actually give responsibility of her hybrids to in case of her death.
Or maybe she thought you were the only one who’d not try to extort the wealth she had endowed on her two “kids”. Technically, hybrid inheritance and property laws still prohibited ownership of property by hybrids if their owner hadn’t sanctioned it or gifted it to them, and in the eyes of law everything that belonged to the hybrids belonged to their owners as well. In your opinion, it was well past time such medieval and discriminatory laws were repealed but it didn’t matter anyway because your timid, tongue-tied self was incapable of extorting even an unwilling apology or “thank you” from the two spoiled hybrids, let alone their money.
Maybe your great-aunt was a genius. She knew exactly who would never be willing or able to curb her hybrids’ freedom.
“You guys are so mean.”, you pouted, looking out the window at the slow-passing buildings and dramatically leaning your head against the glass like you were a pitiful, wronged protagonist of an angsty movie.
“You’re just so prone to even a little bit of teasing, Owner. You get all nervous and fidgety, it’s honestly so funny to watch.”, Jeongguk supplied helpfully.
You rolled your eyes. “Glad I could entertain, but stop calling me owner, please. Just call me ___.”
Taehyung smirked at you from the review mirror. “As you wish, Owner.”
Giving up with a huff, you slipped in your earbuds to effectively shut out their teasing and showcase your disgruntlement. The name was an irony at this point, an oxymoron, because you anything but owned them. They had known what effect they had on you from the moment you’d first met them in your great-aunt’s lawyer’s office. You’d given away all your cards from the first meting like the inexperienced, naive idiot you were. You’d toppled over the carpet because you were staring at Taehyung instead of watching where you were going, signed the wrong documents because Jeongguk had flashed a smile your way and literally broken the glass of the table with a jerk of your knee when you’d felt Jeongguk’s hand accidentally brush your denim covered thigh. Even the lawyer tried to cover up his laughter with coughs and sympathetic looks towards you. In short you had been a rambling, awkward mess at the thought of two of the sexiest men/hybrids you’d ever seen living with you and that day had been marked as the most humiliating one in your life, one you’d likely reminisce for years to come whenever you couldn’t sleep late at night and your brain started playing the movie of all the embarrassing moments of your life. And it would be a long one, because even after three weeks living with them you continued to make a fool out of yourself at every reminder of how out of your league they were and how bad of a crush you had on them.
Even though you had earbuds in, you weren’t actually listening to music, too preoccupied with thoughts of your lameness to press play. You could hear everything when Taehyung and Jeongguk started talking.
“You helping me with the shoot tommorow?”, Taehyung asked him. He had a photoshoot for a luxury watch brand coming up which was going to be featured on multiple billboards and magazines. You always did a double take when you spotted Taehyung’s face around the city, on banners, screens and subway ads, had a hard time believing the same man slept across the hall from you.
“Nah, hyung. Jackson asked me to help him out at the club downtown, one of his bouncers quit recently and you know how the weekend rush is.”
Taehyung chuffed in disappointment, the sound so tiger-like you almost smiled. He couldn’t purr like small cat hybrids could, but his chuffs were so damn adorable it didn’t matter.
“Why don’t you take Owner with you?”, Jeongguk suggested, a small tilt to his lips indicating he was joking. Maybe. Nevertheless you shrunk down in your seat to make yourself as small as possible. You did NOT want to go to one of Taehyung’s photoshoots, for many reasons but mainly because you knew what seeing him in his element would do to you and you had clowned yourself enough to last a life time.
Taehyung frowned, running his long, slender fingers over his bottom lip in contemplation. “I would but I don’t want her to get nosebleeds watching me pose for the camera.”
Death. You wanted it.
Staring wide-eyes at your lap you willed spontaneous combustion to incinerate you right then and there. The nerve of him! He was so fucking arrogant but so fucking…spot on, and he said it with such quiet resignation too, like it was the truth of the matter universally accepted that you would, in fact, get nosebleeds watching him pose. But still, was humility not in fashion anymore? You had half a mind to connect your bluetooth to Jeongguk’s car and blast Humble by Kendrick Lamar.
Jeongguk laughed. “You are a smug motherfucker.”
Taehyung was affronted, he shot the wolf a glare. “That’s ‘You are a smug motherfucker, hyung’ to you, brat. Besides, you have no room to talk after that shirtless, just out-of-the-shower thing you pulled on her back there. You knew what you were doing.”
Jeongguk shrugged shamelessly. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that as much as I did.”
“I can hear you two animals.”, you said hotly, glaring at them as you crossed your arms across your chest.Jeongguk snorted.
“Animals? Thats what the playground bully called me in kindergarten. You gotta come up with something better than that, Owner.”
Taehyung peeked back at you with mischievous eyes, a playful smile on his face. “Aww, Owner, we knew you could hear us. There’s no music playing in those.” He pointed to the earphones you clutched close to your chest. Of course, how could you forget their superior hearing that just outed you in the gym as well. The pissed off glare you’d aimed at him faltered when you noticed his gaze linger on your chest for a second too long but his eyes were back to yours before you could say anything.
“I would love to take you to the shoot with me, you know. Nosebleeds or not.”
His eyes went hooded and his voice dropped an octave lower than it already was, his baritone rich and deep and sensuous. You stilled, involuntarily bracing for whatever he was about to say.
“I would love to let people know who owns me.”
Snatching a pristine white paper napkin from the holder, you stuffed it up your nostril, letting it hang from there as you smacked away Taehyung’s hands when he tried to help you.
“You have to tilt your head Owner or the bleeding won’t stop easily.”, he whined, trying to grab your head to make you tilt it. You shrugged him off.
“I don’t need to listen to you. You should be able to see what you did to me.”
“Flawless logic, Owner.”, Jeongguk snickered from where he sat across the two of you. Taehyung had immediately claimed the seat beside you upon entering the restaurant, hovering to make sure you were alright. Jeongguk had also tried to approach you with his hands outstretched but a glare from you had him sitting where he was now.
Taehyung sighed, leaning back in his seat to give you a look of concern but finally leaving you alone. “I was just joking. I had no clue that would happen.”
You didn’t want to talk about yet another one of your now infamous daily embarrassments, not having the willpower to confront your failings at the moment. You changed the subject. “Can we order please? I’m starving.”
Jeongguk signalled for a waitress but kept his eyes on you, a frown coming on to his beautiful features. “Did you skip breakfast again? I made you an omelette and cut up some fruits before leaving for work in the morning.”
“Oh did you?”, you asked sardonically, raising your brows and turning to look pointedly at your tiger hybrid. “I didn’t happen to find it.”
A guilty look crossed Taehyung’s face immediately, his orange and black ears almost folding over on his head. He rushed to explain himself. “I didn’t know it was for her! In my defence I offered to make her some pancakes to compensate but she refused. I did manage to get some cereal in her though.”
You were already speaking before Jeongguk could impart another one of his healthy eating lectures on you. “I was getting late to meet my friend, I didn’t have time to eat.”
The wolf hybrid shook his head in disappointment, making you feel strangely guilty. You were an adult dammit, you didn’t need to explain your eating habits to your own hybrid.
Thankfully the waitress took that moment to come take your order, saving you from any more chastisement from the hunk of muscle and soft fur sitting across from you. But a look towards the cute blonde standing beside your table, bending down low to show her modest cleavage, smiling at your hybrids like she was a kid in a candy store (or a waitress who’d just won the hot customer table lottery), had your mood tumbling right back down in the gutter.
It really shouldn’t have, you should be used to this by now. People, women and men, stared at your hybrids wherever they went, you had first hand witnessed a woman run into a pole whilst almost turning her head 180 degrees to keep staring at Taehyung and Jeongguk. You didn’t blame them, they were a hard pair to ignore. Especially when they were together, they oozed a confidence and charisma so magnetic that along with their otherworldly attractiveness, it tended to leave the people around them slack jawed, awed and/or jealous. But the most befuddling part was that they didn’t have to do anything for it except be themselves. If they noticed the attention on them, they were either used to it or consciously ignored it because you’d never witnessed them giving a fuck about what others thought about them or saw them as, and that just added to their charm even more.
Like now. They were doing nothing out of the ordinary but a sweeping glance around you informed you that almost all women and some men seated inside the healthy-crap selling establishment were either blatantly staring at them or trying to steal glances in between conversation and eating. They turned heads wherever they went, this was nothing new. So why did you feel a headache oncoming?
“Hi, my name is Lea. What can I get you boys?”, the waitress chirped, her million watt smile illuminating your table and worsening your headache.
You sighed in resignation, not at all surprised by your exclusion in her greeting. Whenever you were with your two hybrids, you might as well be thin air, except that one time when that pre-pubescent kid in the park had asked you if you were their maid.  
Jeongguk smiled at her, and you swore even you could hear her heartbeat double up. “Just water, while we decide please. Thank you.”
“Of course.” She wrote something on her notepad, making you scowl. Did she really need to remember something as simple as water? You saw her surreptitiously glance at Taehyung as she made to leave, and apparently the tiger hybrid noticed too, a smirk curling on his lips before he shot her a wink. The waitress stumbled over nothing, almost face planting in someone’s food. Felt good to not be the only one making a fool of herself over the two men. You ignored the irrational irritation simmering deep in you at the sight of one of them semi-flirting with a woman.
They were very respectful towards your home space in terms of never bringing anyone home for the night, even though you hadn’t said anything to the effect, but you were hundred percent sure they more than got their needs fulfilled without you ever coming to know of their escapades, it was impossible that they didn’t, looking the way they did and the sheer number of propositions they got on a daily basis.
You snapped open your menu in search of the least healthy option available when Taehyung addressed you.
“I wasn’t joking about you coming with me to the shoot, you know.”
When you said nothing, he grumbled out, “Owner, I’m talking to you. You look absolutely ridiculous with that napkin stuffed up your nose by the way.”
You gave him the stink eye, ignoring his last quip. “Why do you want me there? You always have your agent and staff with you.”
Jeongguk answered for him, leaning back to rest his arm across the back of the bench in a way that did wonders for his biceps and had you momentarily distracted. “He gets restless when he’s around strangers for a long time. Ideally hyung can manage it but during long shoots it helps when someone he has scented accompanies him.”
“Scented?” You frowned, not understanding. Your knowledge of hybrids was embarrassingly scant and whatever you knew about their behaviours had been acquired in the last three weeks of living with the two.
Jeongguk looked at you, surprised, before sharing a look with Taehyung that you couldn’t quite comprehend. “Um…”
“If you’re worried about getting more nosebleeds, you don’t need to. You can stay in the trailer during the whole thing and I can come get you when I need you.” Taehyung cut off whatever Jeongguk was about to say, speaking to you in a tone that bordered on placating. Pitying.
The mercury was rising on your temper thermometer. One thing you absolutely hated was being pitied. It was bad enough that they knew how you felt about them, how helplessly attracted you were to them. You could even excuse their teasing words and occasional jokes at your expense. But pity, you could not take. An idea formed in your head as you sat there stewing in your vexed emotions.
“No, thank you.”, you snapped, a little more crassly than you perhaps should have but Taehyung’s surprised face was worth it. You normally never spoke in anything but a diffident manner. “I have plans this weekend.”
A frown replaced his surprise rather quickly. “What plans? You didn’t say anything about any plans.”
“You normally stay at home during weekends to read those steamy books you love so much.”, Jeongguk added, looking at you with curiosity. At your shocked face he smiled crookedly and felt the need to further elaborate. “You know the ones with the ripped dudes on the cover.”
You sucked on your tongue, internally enraged but forcing yourself to not react and rise up to his bait. Anger and embarrassment were not a good combination for you, so when you spoke your voice was sharp enough to cut. “How would you know what I “normally” do on weekends? You two have only been living with me three weeks. Don’t presume that you know the first thing about me.“
It was Jeongguk’s turn to look surprised, likely because you’d never spoken to them that way. He shared a glance with Taehyung and because you weren’t looking at him you missed the “tone it down” gesture he made to the younger with his hand and Jeongguk’s subtle nod to it.
The wolf hybrid slowly reached across the table and picked up your hand. Looking contrite, he apologised. “I’m sorry, Owner. You’re absolutely right. I spoke out of turn. Will you please tell us what are your plans for this weekend?”
You almost answered them but the words stalled in your throat when a thought occurred. “Why do you guys want to know?”
Jeongguk looked like he was at a loss for a second. Smoothly, Taehyung picked up your question, saving the younger from coming up with an appropriate excuse. “For security, Owner. We just want to know you’ll be safe. Can you really begrudge us your mere whereabouts when we’ve recently lost our previous owner so easily?”
He knew he was being underhanded playing the dead owner card, but Taehyung had never been one for propriety.
As expected your eyes softened at the mention of your deceased Aunt. You shrugged, giving in. “I’m gonna go clubbing with some friends.”
The truth was you hadn’t been out partying in a long while, hadn’t had an orgasm given to you by someone else in even longer and you felt that this painful attraction to your two hybrids might just be more exasperating because of these factors. A night of drinking, dancing and maybe a good lay just might help. Or not. But you had to try and get over your unrequited crush over your hybrids, who were way out of your league.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice how the they had suddenly straightened to give you all of their attention, until Jeongguk broke the silence with a bark. “Who?”
You raised your brows.
He cleared his throat, voice calmer when he repeated. “Who? That girl who works under you? What’s her name? Mary, Maddie, err, Maggie? I can’t remember.”
“My assistant, Masie? Ugh, no. Just some people I’ve been friends with since college I guess.”
They frowned at your vague answer but before they could question you further the waitress returned, a suspicious new sheen of bright red lipstick on her lips which wasn’t there before. Taehyung noticed you roll your eyes at her, making him smile secretively.
Jeongguk turned on his charm on her, something you’d noticed he couldn’t help but do with people,  but you were hundred percent certain what he presented was a front. Like a computer which produced the same output every time you give the same command, no matter who gave it. You could shuffle his interactions with strangers interested in him with each other, and it wouldn’t make any difference. They all fell for it hook, line and sinker.But you didn’t feel like watching him make the poor girl more flustered than she already was today.
You turned your gaze to the menu, tuning out the sound of the waitress going on an in-detail spiel about her favourite dishes available when Jeongguk was gonna order the same thing he did last time.
Taehyung’s shoulder nudged you softly, and you looked up to see his soft smile directed at you. It disarmed you for a second.
He leaned down to whisper in your ear, making you shiver slightly. “Do introduce us to your friends.”
You promptly glanced back at the menu. Hell, no.
The next day you found your luck shining on you. Three flyers for a downtown club named Lithium which was offering free drinks for the code printed on them, were stuffed in your mailbox along with other junk.  As usual, when it came to actually going through with your plans you had been dithering, both laziness and your mild agoraphobia making a simple task such as going out with some friends seem like a herculean effort. As if the huge amount of money you’d spent on getting therapy for your anxiety wasn’t reason enough to enjoy your better state of mind once in a while.
You messaged some of your friends, the ones you knew were unlikely to turn down an offer of drinking and partying. Your college friends Naeun and Sooyoung accepted immediately. Giddy with excitement, you spent your day flitting about the house and pampering yourself with every skin care product you owned and scrubbing and waxing yourself down to a polish, not one prickly hair in sight.
It helped that Taehyung was out for his shoot and Jeongguk was out doing god knows what, it’s not like you pried into their lives. Even though it was the more heedful thing to do to know about their whereabouts because if hybrids got into trouble with the authorities out on their own, nobody could save them except their owners. You felt a little relieved that they were prudent enough to wear their collars whenever they were out on their own, though Taehyung wore his wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
At the thought of Taehyung you stopped rummaging your closet to rub your chin in contemplation and a little guilt. You could swear he was pouting when he left home this morning for work, looking at you out of the corner of his eyes when it became absolutely apparent that you would not accompany him to the shoot. You also remembered Jeongguk’s soft murmer of appreciation because you’d woken up early to make him breakfast just how he liked, he’d touched your waist lightly while doing so, making you almost drop your plate.
Sighing you glanced back at your closet, your gaze flitting to the deep blue number you’d bought on impulse but never worn. You didn’t feel like you had the confidence to carry risqué clothing, so your more revealing purchases almost always remained untouched in your closet. But you still remembered the happenings of yesterday, you would not pity yourself like they did. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Ending up looking like a literal clown was better than making a fool of yourself every other day. You pulled out the deep blue halter dress that moulded to your curves like a second skin and ended at mid-thigh.  
Sooyoung and Naeun brought a bottle of vodka for little prep drinking before you went out. Naeun looked absolutely gorgeous in her slinky black dress and sky-high heels, towering over you as she hugged you. Sooyoung was dressed like she was going to a bdsm club. She was pushing past you to get to the kitchen and pulling out shot glasses before you could even say a word in greeting to her. Naeun and you followed her.
“So who are we getting over?”, Naeun chirped as she grabbed her shot.
“What do you mean?”, you asked nonchalantly, cutting up a melon and getting some salt.
You could feel Naeun stare even though you weren’t looking at her.
“You don’t fool us, ___, we’ve known you since college. You would never willingly go out unless it was absolutely imperative. You’re clearly looking for a distraction.”, Sooyoung gave you a knowing look before downing her first shot like it was water and she a fish.
You laughed, but even to your own ears the sound came out as awkward. “Can’t a girl just let loose with her friends once in a while just for the heck of it.”
Sooyoung exchanged a troubled glance with Naeun, the action reminding you of the subtle glances your two hybrids often exchange with one other, instantly putting a damper on your mood. You were sick of feeling like the butt of some inside joke you were never privy to.
Sooyoung saw your scowl and touched your hand.“We just meant it is unlike you. Even once in a while.”, she assured while reaching for the bottle.Naeun narrowed her eyes at you, making you go tense.
Ever the straightforward one, she never minced her words. She had a reputation for reducing many a guy and girl to tears with her honesty, including you. “I’m sure its got nothing to do with the two hybrids you now own. I saw the pictures in the living room by the way, they’re certainly a sight for sore eyes. Did you fuck them yet?”
You should have expected it but her crass words made you immediately defensive anyhow. “What?! No! I don’t- it’s not like that between us.”
“Between you and them or between them and you?”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” You downed your shot then, already itching to get out there and forget everything happening in your life.
Sooyoung answered for Naeun. “What she means, in Naeun-speak, is if it’s you who wants to keep it “not like that” or them? What’s the tea? C’mon tell us. ”, she imitated your voice, sounding way more annoying than you did. You hoped.
You rolled your eyes on an exasperated sigh. “You guys are looking for “tea” where there is not even a drop of water.”
Naeun pretended to check her one inch glittery gold fake nails. “If that’s so, you don’t mind me asking for their numbers right? It’s been a long time since I’ve been the filling in a sexy hybrid sandwich.”
After a few seconds of you staring at your two friends wide-eyed and them looking at you expectantly, you threw in the towel. “No, I’m not gonna give you their numbers. Can we go already?”
“Sure.”, Sooyoung got up, swinging an arm around your shoulder as she led you to the front door. Naeun followed behind with a smug expression you wanted to slap off. “We’re gonna get you a good lay and you’re gonna forget all about them. Good dick is good dick, no matter where it comes from.”
You made a face. “There’s so much wrong with that sentence.”
******** Club Lithium was jam packed, the weekend crowd clearly evidenced in the long queue of dressed up people that had greeted you outside. You had fully expected to wait outside till your toes went numb in the blue suede pumps you had selected to go along with your dress, but seeing you three approaching the entrance, a bouncer had broken away from his guard at the door to tell you about the random selection for entrants they were doing from people in the line. Which was odd because you hadn’t even joined the queue yet.
You eyed his suspiciously but Sooyoung was jumping at the chance before you could second guess anything, expressing gratitude by bounding upto him to clutch his bicep as he led you all inside.
“I think the girls are doing their job.”, Naeun observed, adjusting her cleavage for maximum potential. You laughed as you entered the club, darkness surrounding you immediately as strobe lights in red and blue occasionally flashed and gave you a glimpse of a crowded dance floor and a bar spanning the entire left side of the club. The mix of bass and thrumming drum beats was already making you itch to move to the rhythm even with just one shot in your system.
You absolutely loved to dance. It didn’t matter that you weren’t all that good at it, you could dance to anything and everything, even silence when you were alone in your apartment with an imaginary song playing in your head. Even if you didn’t find anybody to go home with today, if you were able to dance till your feet hurt you’d consider it a successful night out. Your friends knew this.
Sooyoung took your hand to drag you to the bar, shouting over the music. “Let’s get more shots so we can dance already.”
An adorable looking cat hybrid was manning the bar. His fluffy tail flicked as you signalled for his attention, a wide smile immediately coming on to his face as he greeted you. “My name is Yoongi. What can I get you guys?”
As Sooyoung answered him, you couldn’t help but stare meanwhile. He really was adorable. White tail and ears and a head full of platinum hair, he looked unreal. His black collar shone with a big circle cut diamond hanging from the centre. He was clearly much appreciated by his owner. You wondered if you could get away with gifting something like that to your hybrids. As much as they called you owner, you never got an inkling that they truly acknowledged your ownership enough to accept a symbol of it from you. You didn’t want to step on any toes.
“You look a little lost.” Yoongi’s voice made you snap your gaze to him. He slid your drink towards you.
You downed the shot as quickly as you could before answering him. “Just thinking about my hybrids.”
Yoongi didn’t look surprised, though he leaned his elbows on the bar top in curiosity. “What kind of hybrids do you own? I’m my owner’s only hybrid, I can’t imagine having to share his attention with another.”
“Tiger and wolf.”
Yoongi wrinkled his nose, looking even cuter if that was possible. “Wild predators. We got a wolf h—“
A cheery voice cut him off as a handsome man came down the other side towards Yoongi to fluff up his hair. “I hope you’re not getting distracted again, Yoongi.”
Yoongi huffed as he swatted away his hand. “I’m not. I’m just talking to the customers, Jackson.”
Jackson reached for his hair again, smiling deviously, making the hybrid duck away to escape. You tilted your head, a small smile on your face. What would happen if you made to ruffle Taehyung or Jeongguk’s hair? You had a sudden inexplicable urge to find out.
Leaving the bar you joined your friends on the dance floor. Hip thrusting and body rolling your heart out to the hip hop and EDM fusion beat. As the night progressed, you downed three more shots, thoroughly tipsy when Naeun grabbed you from behind for a less than platonic dance with her, grinding on each other and making many men on the dance floor drool over the sight of you two.
After your sixth shot, you were officially gone to the world as you moved on the dance floor. When an unfamiliar pair of hands snaked around your waist, you didn’t do anything to stop them, didn’t even turn around when a distinctively male, unfamiliar voice whispered in your ear from behind.
“You’re so fucking ho—hghk.” And just like that the hands disappeared and the presence gone from behind in a rush of air.
“Huh?” Slightly confused but the alcohol in your system muddling your intelligence, you made to look over your shoulder but another pair of muscular hands were replacing the previous ones before you could.
The body that moulded to yours thrummed with testosterone and something dangerous, the heady musk of maleness and something wild but eerily familiar making you simultaneously a little scared but comforted. You moved languidly together, though the music was anything but.
He towered over you, you could tell, his chin brushing the top of your head. He didn’t say anything, just held you impossibly close and danced with you like he had all the time in the world. The alcohol you had consumed was making you uncharacteristically bold, you leaned your head against his shoulder and when the music switched to something more sultry, you slowly took his hands in yours to trail them up your waist.
For a few seconds he didn’t do anything, but soon enough he was taking your prompt and running his veiny hands up your body. When his hands brushed the underside of your breasts, a sigh escaped your lips even as your failing inhibitions tried to contain it. “Yes.”
You threw caution to the wind when one of his fingers almost touched a nipple through the fabric of your dress. Taking his hands in yours, you placed them firmly on your breasts, undulating your hips to the beat to rub against his pelvis.
A curse left his lips that he muffled against your hair, hooking the the curtain of it that fell over your right shoulder with his fingers to bare your neck to him. He pressed his mouth to the sensitive skin there, and you had inkling he was also doing it to not let any more sounds escape him.
Reaching a hand behind you, you grabbed a thick thigh, urging him to not let any space between you. He bit your neck at the action, sucking on the skin to leave a bruise there.
“Fuck yes!”, you moaned, closing your eyes. You were unbearably wet in your lace panties, your thighs rubbing together to alleviate the sensations his touch on your breasts was causing.
When you couldn’t take it anymore, you swiftly turned around to attach your lips to his. Not caring to take a look at his face, the only thing illuminating your surroundings were occasional flashing strobe lights anyway, you went on your tip toes to deepen the kiss, licking his bottom lip for more. He obliged with equal eagerness, clutching the back of your head so that his tongue could explore your mouth.
He tasted divine, smelled even more amazing. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, certain you were going to spend your night in the arms of a strange man that felt like home. You hadn’t expected to actually get laid tonight, but were thoroughly satisfied by how the night was turning out.
Biting his lip, you trailed kisses up his jaw as your hands inched up to card into his thick hair. You were about to whisper into his ear a proposition to leave for somewhere less crowded when your fingers encountered the distinctive shape of ears on his head, the soft fur tickling your skin. You had no clue you were kissing a hybrid.
Surprised, you pulled back to look at the hybrid you’d almost been vertical fucking in front of so many people. The man tried to pull you back in to his lips but you resisted, curious, and when next the lights flashed to illuminate the club momentarily, your heart almost lurched out of your chest in shock.
Jeongguk was staring back at you with heavy lidded eyes, lips swollen from your frantic kisses and a hungry look on his face.
“Won’t you ask me to take you home, Owner?”
You gasped, stumbling back as some sobriety filtered back in. What had you done? This was not supposed to happen. You had promised yourself you’d never let either of them seduce you just for the sake of it. Your heart couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t handle being a notch on their belt when you had to live with them, and knowing your tendency for attachment it was downright dangerous for you to delve into any kind of physical intimacy with them.
But of course, why would they care about your heart. They were as cruel with their inconsiderate handling of your feelings towards them as ever. He could have easily told you who he was, or better yet never approached you in the first place, but they could never pass up a chance to torment you, could they? Your lips were already craving for more, your body still tingling in all the right places, even though you’d done nothing but make out. This is why you never wanted to go down this path, if you didn’t know what you were missing, you wouldn’t want it as much. Now, Jeongguk had ruined even that for you. He likely thought it’d be fun to prank his owner, making your vulnerability the butt of the joke as always. And now you couldn’t go back to just imagining what it felt like kissing them, he’d gone and given you a taste of what you couldn’t have. All for a joke. He must be laughing at you internally for falling into his arms so easily, even without looking at his face.
Self pity and humiliation were a depressing combination, forcing tears into your eyes even as you tried your best to keep them at bay.
Jeongguk had started closing the distance between you again, lust evident on his face, when the sudden suspicious shine in your eyes made him go stock-still.
A horrified, confused look dawned on his beautiful face. “Owner, what-wait—!”
Not letting him speak and fuck up everything more than it already was, you turned to flee the club.  
A/n: let me know what you thought, feedback keeps me writing.
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budapestbug · 3 years
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The second metroline of the world – the Millenium #Underground of #Budapest, happy 125th birthday! At the time of its completion in 1885, Andrássy Avenue with its sycamore alley, netly arranged villas and elegant tenement houses, separate pathway for riders, and shiny wooden cubic coverage was considered a masterpiece of city planning and building, and to preserve its unique character even public transport was prohibited. But in 1896 the Millenium Celebrations were coming, and mass of people were awaited to pariticipate on the exhibitions and events held in the City Park. At that time there was only one outleading street from the city (Király street), so the idea to build a railroad beneath the Andrássy street arised. This is how the first subway line of the continental Europe was opened on 2nd May 1896. Some says, actually this underground is the first metro of the world, though London’s subway was opened in 1859, but while the cars of London’s underground was driven by steam, here in Budapest the Siemens company installed electrical locomotives. The Millenium Underground was built only in 21 monthes. As builidng a metro by boring still was not a known technology, the surface of the Andrássy street was opened, the tracks and stations were completely built, the cars of the subway were placed on the tracks by cranes, and the avenue was reburied. The distance between the surface of the Andrassy street and the ceiling of the tunnels is only 40 cm. The newly opened underground was able to carry as many as 35,000 people a day (today, about 100,000 people travel on it on a workday), and the cars – just like today – followed each other in a rigorous 4 min – 400 m – distance. The first cars were made from wood, and were divided in three parts: in the left cabin, where smoking was allowed travelled gentlemen, in the middle, where take-ons and take-offs happened there was a place for anyone, and the right cabin was reserved for ladies. Tickets were sold on the stations in the same tiny wooden cabins just like today. At the beginning evenso there were transitional balks too, as the tickets were considered to be valid only from the stop, they were bought, and only for the next train! The operational company of the subway issued some free ticket for the workers of some govermental offices as well, but the metropolitan police of Budapest was not included! Indignant officers blamed the underground’s corporation to assist the quick escape of the criminals, and the whole matter headed in a juicy action at law. As a result, the police corps got 20 free rides in every year up to the WWI. Originally the operational permission was issued for 90 years, but the cute yellow cars serves the citizens of Budapest punctually and without stopping since the openening more, than 120 years before. The Millenium Underground of Budapest originally went only up tu Zoopark, and from the Heroe’s Square on the surface. When the line was extended in 1974, all stations were placed under the earth. At Deák Square a tiny museum commemorates the continent’s first metroline. In the museum’s entrance hall, visitors can see the original inscription „Gizella tér” of the downtown terminus (genuine Zsolnay glazed tile coverage). One of the specialities of the museum is a marble plate, which recounts that Franz Joseph, visiting Budapest on the occasion of the MillennialCcelebrations, travelled by the underground railway with his accompaniment on 8th May 1896 in a decorated royal car, and „permitted most graciously” the underground railway to be named after him. The exhibition displays three carriages of the underground railway: those with track numbers 19, 1 and 81. The vehicles on show were lifted in 1975 with a crane through the open ceiling on the tracks. In the array of showcases opposite the carriages, relics, original documents (plans, maps, building reports etc.), photographs and models represent the history of the underground railway.
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mhathotfic · 4 years
As earlier promised, here’s the big list of big brother head canons. Real quick though, most of these have little bits of my personal ships in them except for Iida because when I wrote his I didn’t have anyone I really shipped him with and now it’s the exact opposite problem where I have to many Iida ships I love
Warnings: brief mention of child neglect
- Ok, so you know those parents that like to document everything their kid does because they’re just so proud?
- Yeah that’s how Todoroki is with his little sister
- Like I’m not even kidding, she’s the background picture on his phone
- He just loves her so much, ok
- He likes getting new things for her
- Toys, clothes, books
- Really whatever she might need or like
- Enji doesn’t care enough to get her even just some nice things
- So Todoroki might as well take matters into his own hands
- Whenever they go to visit Rei he lets her pick out flowers for her
- She always tries to get her favorites since she wants the visit to be extra special
- She loves it when Todoroki reads her bedtime stories
- She likes to compare him to the story book princes
- She’s really well-mannered and polite
- She calls all of Todoroki’s friends by their name followed by san
- except Midoriya she hasn’t explained why but she insists on calling him Izu-Niichan
- The first time she met Midoriya she stared at him for a good five minutes before he asked her about it
- “In the stories the prince always lives happily ever after with the princess but you and Shou-Niichan are both boys. Hmm… Shou-Niichan likes you a lot though, so it must be ok right?”
- Midoriya.Exe has stopped working
- “(Yn) I think it’s time we head home, it’s almost time for your nap” “Huh? But I’m not even tired yet!” “No arguing, or I won’t read you a story today” “That’s no fair!”
- They don’t talk about that incident
- A week after that though he read her a brand-new story about two princes
- She has definitely figured out why
- Because I’m sure you’re curious her hair is red at the roots and fades to white at the ends
- She once accidentally froze Enji’s legs together
- That’s when they learned she has an ice quirk
- All the Todoroki sibs were just like !!!!! our little sister did that???
- Todoroki was so proud
- He works carefully with her to make sure she can use her quirk to its fullest potential
- He won’t start helping her with hero training until she’s old enough to make that decision for herself though
- She accidentally called him Daddy once
- She doesn’t remember doing so though because she was already half asleep
- But Todoroki remembers it
- It was kinda bittersweet for him though
- On one hand he’s happy that he means that much to her
- On the other it makes him mad that he had to fill that role in her life because their father refused to
- Either way he’s determined to not let her suffer the same type of childhood he did
- She’d have a good life, he’d make sure of it
- Oh boy, he’s such a doting brother
- Midoriya sweetie, honey? She’s six, she can definitely walk around just fine on her own you don’t have to carry her around all the time
- He keeps a separate notebook so he can keep track of her hobbies and interest and do research on them
- See after being bullied for so long he’s really worried about her feeling isolated
- He was really relieved when her quirk manifested
- He’s glad that she won’t have to go through the same thing he did
- But my goodness did it surprise him
- She got their mom’s quirk but it’s a little stronger
- She was sleeping when she first used it
- Inko asked him to check on her and when he opened the door there were so many things just flying around her room
- He just kinda closed the door then slowly opened it again
- He then proceeded to lose it
- “M-MOM!? (YN) HAS A QUIRK!” “Izuku, you’re going to wake her up!”
- Inko is on the verge of cuteness induced heart attack every other day
- Like she’s gone into his room with fresh laundry and found them taking a nap together and she just melted
- She took pictures and if you ask nicely, she’ll show you
- He taught her how to read and write by letting her sit on his lap while he was taking notes
- He didn’t know she was learning from him until Inko started trying to teach her only to find that she already had a good grasp of it
- He’s actually pretty stern with her
- He doesn’t let her have her way all the time because that’s how you end up with a spoiled little girl
- He’s still really gentle with her, but he’ll put his foot down when needed
- “But Oniichan!” “I said no (Yn), you can’t have ice cream for breakfast. It’s not healthy for you ok? You can have some later today if you’re good” “Fine”
- Since she follows him around like a puppy, she’s picked up some of his habits
- She mumbles to herself a lot and has the same love for heroes
- If you ask her who her favorite hero is, she’ll undoubtedly say it’s Midoriya
- She loves his friends especially Uraraka because their quirks are so similar
- She was left alone with Todoroki for about fifteen minutes while the others got ice cream
- She rapid fire asks him about what he thinks of her brother
- “Do you like Oniichan? If you do, then are you going to tell him? When are you going to? How much do you like him? I think he likes you a lot, but I’m still his favorite ok? You can be with Oniichan as long as you don’t keep him all to yourself ok?”
- Once everyone comes back and Midoriya hands her the ice cream she tells him something along the lines of she approves
- He’s really confused until he asks how she behaved while he was gone
-“I think she gave me permission to marry you” “HUH?! I’m sorry Todoroki-kun that must’ve been uncomfortable for you” “I can’t say I’m all that bothered by it actually”
- He’s still not exactly sure what he meant by that
- He lives to make her laugh
- He sees it as a great achievement whenever he can get her laughing until she’s in tears
- They basically have langue of their own and yes that langue is memes
- No one ever know what they’re talking about
- But they look happy, so no one questions it
- He adores her and will find any excuse to brag about her
- They’re on some type of hive mind I swear to God
- Like they can look at each other from across a room and he just nods, and brings her a snack no questions asked
- He always brings exactly what she wanted to
- His friends thought maybe her quirk was telepathy or something but nope
- He calls it his big bro senses
- He calls her Pichu you can’t convince me otherwise
- Pichu is actually a great way to describe her
- She has the same quirk and even less control of it
- If she gets too worked up, she might zap you
- Kaminari forgets to tell his friends about her habit of shocking others so everyone in the Bakusquad has definitely been zapped
- “What the hell was that?!” “Oh yeah, she doses that sometimes”
- He’s actually a pretty responsible brother
- Whenever he goes somewhere with her, he makes sure to have everything she might need
- He always forgets to take everything out of his bag before going back to school though
- “Why do you have a doll in your bag?” “Huh, oh man that one’s (Yn)’s favorite she going to be so mad at me”
- She was, don’t get in between a girl and her favorite doll
- He’s learned how to style her hair in all sorts of ways
- He’s especially good at braiding her hair
- When she lets him, he’ll pick out her outfit
- Sometimes he picks a really nice outfit
- But most of the time it’s obvious she was dressed by him
- Like they aren’t ever bad outfits, but they’re interesting
- He takes her to parks a lot
- She likes exploring new places so he tries take her to different parks as much as he can
- One time a certain purple haired boy happened to be running in that park
- It couldn’t hurt to just talk to him really quick right?
- Wrong, he might have big bro senses, but she has little sis senses and she exclusively uses them to mess with him
- “Hey, Denki-Nii is this your friend?” “Yeah, this is Shinsou” “Oh! He’s that boy you like, right?”
- You ever seen a video of a golden retriever playing with a puppy retriever?
- Yeah thats them
- He’s just adores her so much
- She’s so spoiled oh my God
- He wants to be a good role model for her
- He’s heard that kids base their future relationships on the ones they make when they’re still young
- So, he wants her to know exactly how much she’s worth
- He’s not ashamed of playing dress up with her
- She wants to be a princess and it’s the manly thing to do
- If someone tries teasing him about it, he just kinda looks at them in pity and shakes his head
- “Why should I be ashamed of making my sister happy?”
- He paints her nails for her all the time
- One time she asked if she could paint his
- And that’s the story of the time he went to school with messily done red nails
- He gives her piggyback rides all the time
- Yes, he knows she can walk but this way is way more fun for both of them
- He gets really excited whenever she learns to do something on her own
- Then he gets a little pouty because she won’t need him anymore
- “You’re my best friend! I’m always going to need you!”
- Cue the water works
- Sero called her Minishima once
- It just kinda stuck
- She is now known as Minishima by all
- She picks fights with Bakugou a lot
- She’s on good terms with his other friends
- It’s literally just Bakugou that she picks fights with
- Kirishima thinks it’s hilarious so he provokes the situation
- He’s hanging out with Bakugou today? Better bring the kiddo
- She wants to have a tea party? What’s a party with just two people?
- “Hey! Don’t think that I’ll let you win just because Eiji-Niikun likes you!” “(Y-yn)!”
- It appears that there’s one drawback to his game
- her quirk is crystal manipulation
- Instead of hardening her skin she can crystallize things
- She has definitely used it to trip Bakugou before
- “What the hell brat!?” “He’ll never believe you”
- He did and scolded her about how that wasn’t a nice thing to do and made her apologize
- She looks up to him so much and he doesn’t really know how to handle it
- Like she looks at him like he’s just the coolest person ever
- And suddenly it’s clear to him why Tensei always tried to be someone he could look up to
- Of course, he got it before but it’s just different being the one someone looks up to
- All he wants is for her to be proud to call him her older brother
- He definitely picks out her outfits whenever he takes her somewhere
- She actually insists on it he doesn’t she’ll get pouty
- “(Yn), I you’re old enough to pick out your own clothes now” “But I want you to do it! I always like what you pick Tenya-Niikun!” “If you insist, I suppose I have no choice than”
- She loves riding around on his shoulders
- He knows he’s spoiling her a little too much, but he can’t help it
- He’s just completely wrapped around her little finger
- His friends think it’s really cute
- It’s not often you get to see him relax and let himself just be in the moment so it’s absolutely precious to watch them
- She loves playing pretend and has managed to get not only Iida but the whole dekusquad to join in her games
- Their all wrapped around her finger let’s be honest here, even Todoroki has a huge soft spot for her
- She has no idea she has so much power over them and thinks it’s normal to have five heroes in training ready to drop everything to play princess with her
- Her quirk is also engine but hers are on her heels
- She likes to have impromptu races with him
- He likes to let her win because its adorable to see her celebrate her victory
- He reads to her all the time as a result she well above the average reading level for her age
- Bedtime stories are a chapter or two form whatever classic he’s deemed age appropriate for her
- Nap time buddies, like just super snuggly all the time
- There’s legit a corner in his room that’s dedicated to being the comfiest nap spot for a five year old girl and her older brother one can imagine
- We’re talking fluffy blankets plush pillows a few stuffed animals and some story books in case she wants a story
- Ya know, the works
- It’s really cute honestly
- I can see him being a low key over protective
- Like he seems like cool chill older bro who doesn’t care as long as she’s having fun, but he’s so worried all the time
- He’s just like ‘you’re so tiny, literally everything could hurt you, but you walk around like you could kill God and that’s a problem’
- I know I’ve said literally everyone wrapped around their little sis’s fingers and he’s no different
- Proudest brother of them all
- Will take any opportunity to mention her
- Low key though, it’s way to embarrassing for him to casually gush about his younger sister
- “Who’s the kid on your phone?” “Oh, that’s my sister (Yn)” “I didn’t know you have a sister! She’s so cute!” “Ah thanks, she is pretty cute huh?”
- Ok so you know how some kids decide that when they get older they’re gonna marry the person their closest with because they think that’s what you have to do when you love someone?
- Yeah she thinks they’re gonna get married
- “When I grow up I’m gonna marry Nii-kun!” “No you’re not” “I am to!”
- She gets really jealous and huffy when he has to do something with out her even though he’s home and can hangout with her
- Like she understands when he has to leave for school but now he’s home! That should be her time!
- She’s definitely the 'you can’t date my big brother! He’s mine!’ type of little sister
- There was an incident when she met some of his school friends
- She looked Kaminari in the eyes and told him he’s not allowed to like her brother
- Shinsou has never scooped her up and excused himself so fast in his life
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handmaid - 34
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, guns
A/N: i do realise i’m very VERY late with this post but i’m growing too attached to this fanfic. hope you enjoy this chapter x
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    - You know Sebastian, just because your father was a great man, doesn’t mean he was a good one. 
Sebastian watched as she left the room, the trail of her dress disappearing between the edge of the door and leaving him frozen where he was. There was probably not a single person in the whole entire world who could freeze him for what seemed like more than an hour, yet Y/N seemed to hold that power effortlessly, something she could easily control. What looked like someone who’d always be there no matter what was slipping like sand through his fingers. 
He rubbed his face, walking over to the good selection of glass filled bottles to pour himself another glass. What was he doing? Was he really about to marry someone who despised him and who he couldn’t stand when the girl he wanted was asking him to leave? Maybe he could pay off Forrest and move to a new country with Y/N after transferring all his money to other offshores. Surely he could do that without calling much attention.
A loud sound rang through the room and his eyes glued to the phone on his bedside table. He was sure he’d never heard an actual hotel phone ring and that alone intrigued him. He grabbed the phone from the hook, bringing it up to his ear.
    - Hello? - shaky and heavy breathes came from behind and he started to wonder if someone was trying to play a prank on him. - Hello?
    - S…Sebastian, it’s Y/N … - he could almost hear her cry which made him grip the phone. - I’m scared, Sebastian. I’m scared.
    - Are you alright? 
    - I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry. 
    - Angel, whatever it is, you can tell me.
    - I’m pregnant.
For the second time, the same exact person had managed to freeze him on the spot yet again but what was most worrying for him was why she was crying and why she was telling him in the phone. He kept calling her name on the phone but before he could even get an answer the line went dead. Without much of a second thought, he dropped the phone and rushed out of his bedroom, going up the stairs where her bedroom was located. The numbers seemed to mock him as he tried to run as fast as his legs could allow him to her bedroom. Knocking on the dark wood as forcefully as he could, he found no answer and without much prior thought or consideration for hotel staff, he grabbed his revolver to shot the lock open which led to an empty room. He looked around with the agility of a cheetah and eye of a predator but she wasn’t anywhere to be found and with more worry settling on his chest, he ran over to Gwen’s bridal suite where Y/N’s bodyguard was standing.
Surely if he was standing there she would be safe inside and the call was maybe Y/N being playful. Yet again, something in the back of his mind made him unreliably restless and so, much to the groans of some of the women waiting outside the bridal suite, he walked inside the room to be met with girlish high pitched screaming about how it was bad luck to see the bride in the wedding dress. How much bad luck could it bring to a made up wedding he didn’t know but in all honesty he didn’t care and mostly ignored the rest of the bridesmaids as he looked for Y/N who was nowhere to be seen.
   - Where’s Y/N?
   - Probably somewhere else. God, Sebastian could you at least follow some traditions? You could give me at least a few hours of freedom before I become a Stepford wife. - her eyes were mostly focused on her glass of prosecco rather than him which greatly annoyed him. - Y/N wanders around, she’s probably outside or with Jude Dubois, they’re awfully close. 
   - Was she with you a few minutes ago? - he ignored how uninterested Gwen was in her handmaid’s whereabouts.
   - I don’t know now would you kindly leave? This is my bridal party and you’re not part of it. 
Sebastian quickly realised she wasn’t here and Gwen barely care if she would return or not. He returned back upstairs to her bedroom, maybe she had been in the bathroom when he came to check on her. His mind kept yelling at him something was wrong and even the most rational part of him, the one that normally overwhelmed everything else, was telling him that Y/N wouldn’t call him like that, telling him she was scared. What worried him more was she being pregnant, he wondered if she was safe and if the baby was safe, with little to no regard at what consequences her being pregnant would be. 
He paced inside her bedroom but nonetheless it was empty with the smell of lilies and roses belonging to her fragrance lingering around. Sebastian sat down on top of her bed, sighing out of frustration and worry. There was no sign of anything bad happening in the bedroom, everything was tidy and kept to perfection except for one opened drawer of her bedside table. He wondered if Y/N had decided to leave with Jude Dubois and that call had been nothing but a joke but yet again, he could feel something was wrong, he heard it on her voice, her trembling breathy voice. That wasn’t the voice of someone who was playing tricks on him. His heart ached, completely ached in a type of pain that he couldn’t remember ever feeling. Something was wrong, something bad was happening and he couldn’t find a rational reason that would put her in a safe situation.
As he got more lost in his own thoughts, his phone rang. He picked his phone from his pocket to see Y/N’s name as the caller ID. However, before his heart could slow down from the mere stress of not knowing about her whereabouts, his whole body tensed as he recognised the voice way too well.
   - How are the wedding preparations? Busy enough? - Mr. Williams’ voice came through the phone with a pompous tone, almost proud. - Have you ever noticed how Y/N squeals every time someone grabs her? I wonder if that gets you off.
  - Listen to me, if she’s not in my hotel room in less than half hour, you’re a dead man. I’ll ... - anger dripped from his voice.
  - No, you listen to me. - he interrupted. - You don’t have the upper hand in this situation so I would watch your tone unless you want her head as your wedding present. Now ... I am a fair man, I don’t enjoy killing innocents just for it specially pretty girls like her. I’m sure we can reach an agreement.
  - You don’t want to start a war with me. If you touch even a single hair of hers, I swear I’ll make sure both my men and Forrest’s will go after you. 
  - Yes, I’m sure Michael Forrest will love to know his precious daughter is pregnant from you. It must sting, knowing that it was her you were supposed to marry. - he froze on the spot once more, unsure if he was once more playing games on him or if he had dropped. - You’ve always been like your mother, so gullible. You didn’t even bother check on any of the two girls, how they had the same birthday or how she was the only one to inherit a whole family’s estate? It only took a few documents to prove that yet you didn’t do it. I never pegged you to let your guard down for a pretty girl yet here we are.
His head hurt, his heart pounded harshly in a way that made it sound through his skull and all he wanted to do was scream and kill him. Flashes of her face and how she would always smile at him crossed through his mind as his own voice blamed him for her situation. 
   - Meet me at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel in an hour and maybe we can strike a deal. 
   - What makes you think I won’t just kill you? 
   - You don’t know how many people in your inner circle are loyal to me. If you tell anyone or if you try any little games, there’s several of my men who’d love a way with your little mistress and I’ll make sure to tape it so you can watch it later. Don’t cross me. - the line went dead.
He stood there, helpless, surrounded by her scent and belongings which only reminded him more of her. Every single memory he had of her seemed to hit his mind like a freight train from the first time he had seen her from his most recent denial of running away with her. He could almost feel her finger tips on his jaw, hear her little laugh whenever something pleased her, every thing was still so fresh, so recent. His ears were ringing as he noticed the little music box he had gotten to her on her bedside table. His hands reached for it, cradling the box close to him which caused it to snap open, the soft melody of La Vie en Rose flowing into the bedroom.
He promised. He promised her in Paris that nothing could harm her yet here he was, unsure of her state and helpless to fix anything the way he knew. He broke his promise, he broke his promise and for what? A family name? Her safety? She wasn’t safe either way. That thought itself drowned any emotion in his face. It was a blank slate and not even his eyes where Y/N could always find the truth of what his heart was going through seemed to show anything other than the pure void. 
Placing the music box on the pocket of his jacket, he exited her room and, almost mechanically, made his way down the hall, ignoring every single person who tried to talk to him or even congratulate him. Soon enough he was at the parking lot, entering his car so he could ride to the Lotte New York Palace. He was early, much early but all he could think about was seeing her again, see her safe despite anything. 
The hour seemed to go by incredibly slow but everything comes to an end and once the deadline reached its expiration, Thompson Williams walked into the hotel bar, sporting an irritable smile on his face as he sat on the high chair next to him. 
   - Why so gloom? - he taunted, for the first time holding power over the man he considered had stolen his golden opportunity of success. - Might it be because you have no control anymore? You let her be around me, I learned how she acts, I knew she wasn’t gonna scream and I knew if I endangered anyone she would do what I told her. So innocent, I can see why you like her.
   - What do you want? - Sebastian only stared at him, trying to not let the guilt or his comments affect him. At this point, he just wanted her to be back to him safely. Revenge could wait. 
   - Here. - he slide a document file towards him. - You’re gonna reside from your position within the family in my favour. Sign that document and you can go on your merry life with her, maybe use that little house Forrest gave her, have the kid. You were never made for this life anyway.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor​​​​​​​ @xoxohannahlee​​​​​​​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​​​​​​​ @nikkipea​​​​​​​ @madisonpillstrom​​​​​​​ @cevans98​​​​​​​ @thelostallycat​​​​​​​ @sideeffectsofyou​​​​​​​ @anxiousdreamersworld​​​​​​​ @captainchrisstan​​​​​​​ @lookiamtrying​​​​​​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​​​​​​ @stuffforreferences​​​​​​​ @thebadassbitchqueen @sebastianstansqueen​​​​​​​ @nsfwsebbie​​​​​​​ @strangerliaa​​​​​​​ @emzd34​​​​​​​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​​​​​​​ @dreams-in-blxck​​​​​​​ @krismeunicornbaobei
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Ineffable - Too great to be expressed in words.
Pairing - Lee Taeyong x reader
Genre- Pure fluff!
Word count- 2.58k
Warnings- None but please let me know if THIS amount of fluff is cringe or not kselkkd. Also, I'm sorry if this story's dissapointing, my health hasn't been the best so if the storylines not good, let me know :)
Summary- All it took was a couple of smack on his head, water splashed onto his face and being called friend on the first date for him to step out of his comfort zone and confess to you.
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You and Taeyong had a really complicated relationship. If you could call it one. 
You're neither friends, nor enemies, neither were you dating. You wish you were but no. 
But still at the end, the two of you always end up paired together, be it projects, going for business trips, being promoted together, you'd basically seen him all day. So it was obvious the two of you spoke. 
Well, you spoke, he'd listen, giggle at your talks, and then say a sentence or two max. You guys would be what people other than your friend group called acquaintances.
Anyone with eyesight would know immediately that you're head over heels for the lad. You made it a little too obvious. Always talking frantically around him, your heart flutters when you hear him laugh, his presence in all just made you giddy. And so you'd always been happy when he'd be paired up with you in everything. 
Your friends basically divided themselves into two groups. One that supported you and pushed you to go confess your love for him, the other being one who ridiculed you for loving a guy that they thought would never like you back. 
On the other hand, Taeyong was just shy. 
Your bubbly persona overwhelmed him. Of course he liked you too, he just needed one smack at the back of his head. Or not because his friends have done it way too many times, yet here he is, just daydreaming scenarios of what he'd do for you if the two of you dated resulting in him not talking much. 
So when Yuta, his friend, poured the tiniest amount of water onto his face and yelled 'BOOMER' at him, he thought it's finally time to make a move. 
A hangout. Exactly what the two of you needed. 
Break time had come to an end, you were walking with Luna to your cabin, when you crossed paths with Taeyong, who was indulged in a conversation with Johnny, another one of his friends from the same department as the two of you. 
"Oh boy, here we go again" Luna spoke from beside you. You look at her, confusion spread all over your face. "huh?" she let out a chuckle, shaking her head, "You've been staring at him long enough for him to look back at you-" she pointed at the direction where Taeyong and Johnny stood with her head, as you turn around to look at him "-but you were so busy devouring his existence to realize that", He waved at you, which you did back but then turned back at Luna, flustered. 
She looked behind you gesturing something to either Johnny or Taeyong, then turned you around and pushed you towards where the boys were, Johnny doing the same with Taeyong as both your bodies collided, gently, but hard enough to send the two of you stumbling back a few steps. 
You hear the other two laugh and walk away, you turn back to send a glare at your friend, but ended up landing on Johnny who winked to that. 
You face your crush, "Hey" you tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ears. He sent you a smile and nodded his head, greeting back. 
"How's your day so far?" you ask him, raising an eyebrow in anticipation. "It's been good, tiring but doable" he ended the answer. Your shoulder slouch down as his answer again ended in a sentence. "What about you? How's yours going" you look up, caught off guard, since this was the first time he's ever asked a question back. 
Okay that's an exaggeration, he did ask questions, but that was a rare occasion. 
"It's good! Tressa spilled her coffee over her documents which got Mr.Kim extremely mad, i finished the final task just a few minutes before break, i was just going to gather my things and head out" you smile radiantly. He smiled at your excitement of finally getting off of work.
There was a second of silence, this time Taeyong being the one breaking it. 
"Could you wait for just a little while? I'm almost done too, so we can head out together" he asked, fidgeting with his hands, a habit he has that comes out of nervousness "If that's too much of a hassle you could go now that's fine too!-" he quickly added after seeing your eyes widen. 
You interrupt, waving your hands in the air in quick motions, shaking your head," No no! It isn't, i could wait" you smile at him, which he returned back with equal enthusiasm. 
No longer than 10 minutes later, you and Taeyong made your way towards the elevator, him initiating small talks every now and then, asking questions about you, to which you gave long answers for. 
"-and then Lisa just threw up on him because of how much booze was in her system" you end your story from last Saturday, Taeyong let out a hearty laugh at the ending, sending warmth streaming all through your nerves. 
The door opened at the basement, where his car was parked, "Oh? I took the bus today,I sent my car for servicing yesterday " you say, stepping out. "That's fine! I could drive you" he offered. 
"No no! That'll be a trouble for you! I could just take the bus-" "Please. I'll kidnap you if I have to, if that means you'll ride with me" Taeyong said, smiling widely at you. You giggle at his words, feeling heat rush up your cheeks, as you cup your face to reduce the heat. 
"Alright no need to involve kidnapping here" you say making your way towards his car alongside him. 
Okay Okay Taeyong, be outgoing. Fun to be around. Ask questions. This your chance. 
"Welcome aboard" He said, the second you stepped into the passenger's seat, you laughed at his antics, reaching out to fasten the seat belt. Taeyong beat you to it, reaching over across your body, tugging at the seat belt and fastening it. 
The proximity had blood rush up your cheeks once again, damn it. 
"Safety first!" he said wearing his own seatbelt, starting the car, pulling out of his parking space and out of the basement. 
Once you were away from the building of your work space, you turn to the side looking at Taeyong's side profile, admiring the way the street lights shone upon his face,highlighting the scar on the right side of his face, he's perfect, no doubt. But this slight scar proved he was too, nothing more than just a human. The grip he had on the steering wheel made the veins on his hands more prominent. "So Tae-" "-Y/n" you start at the same time, "Oh you go first" you say quickly, knowing that if you'd stay there admiring Taeyong he'd probably ask you to go first. 
"There's this really good restaurant by the corner in just two minutes and it's really late, so, wanna go grab dinner together?" he said in a breath, looking at you for a split second before turning his focus back onto the road. 
"Oh sure! If though, either you let me pay or we share the bill" you reply excitedly, smiling at the fact that you'd get to spend more time with him. 
"No? Come on, let me pay for the first date-" he stopped abruptly as you look at him with wide eyes, "date.. I like the sound of that" you let out a chuckle as you see him gulp down.
The rest of the car ride, you spoke back and forth, Taeyong replied much better than how he'd used to, you two even jammed to some of the radio music together, eventually pulling over in front of the restaurant Taeyong wanted to take you to.
"Korean barbecue? How did you know I was craving it?" you say, removing the belt and turning towards the driver's seat, to see no Taeyong. 
You jump when the door of your side opens, Taeyong standing there with his hands out, offering it to you. You hit his palm at the extremely cliché action, then held it and stepped out of the car. "Because it's Saturday and everyone craves it on the weekends, now let's go!" he pulled you out of the seat, slamming the door shut and jogging towards the restaurant as you laughed at his sudden bubbliness.
The two of you went and took a seat at the end of the restaurant, it wasn't anything too posh, but it wasn't not too plain either, it was cozy. Taeyong removed his coat and hung it on his chair. And then hurried over to your side and pulled your chair out, you smack his shoulder, to which he grinned and made his way back to his seat. 
"What do you want to eat?" he asked, looking at the menu. 
"The classic, wouldn't want to add any other flavor to the classic" you reply back, looking at the names of different delicacies written on the card, not noticing Taeyong look at you. It's when you set the menu card down that you notice his gaze. You feel yourself starting to blush for the nth time that night. This is the impact Lee Taeyong has on you. One gaze is all it takes and you're completely melted. 
The waiter came in minutes later, took your orders and went back, you just waited, having common talks with the boy in front of you, sometimes drifting into your subspace, maybe fangirling over him way too much from time to time.
"Oh oh I got another one, do you know why Hershey chocolate closed down?" he asked. 
One thing you found out about him is that he's a sucker for pick up lines. "because I'm too sweet?" you giggle as you see a frown forming up on his features "come on, yong, that's a classic try again." 
"Unfair! Even if you know the answer you shouldn't say it!" he whined out, messing his hair, you laughed out loud at how cute he looked and sounded, drawing a few eyes onto the table, which neither of you paid attention to, Taeyong joining along with you with his tiny giggles. 
The food arrived, and you dig in immediately, earning a chuckle from Taeyong as you stuff your cheeks. 
You looked cute.
"Alright this is a tough one, are you my appendix?" he asked, gulping down a decent amount of food. 
"clearly not? why?" you reply, voice coming out muffled. 
"because i have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like i should take you out" he said, looking at you intently. You start choking due to his reply, to which Taeyong laughed out loud, calming himself, leaning forward to pat the top of your head and pushing your water glass at you.
"Taeyong what in the name of heaven even!" you ask, now you lean forward to hit him as he started laughing again. 
"Hey admit it, that was a good one!" he said, looking at you with his eyes wide as you kept hitting him. 
"Whatever. Eat" You chuckle and turn back to your food, the blood most probably clot on your cheeks through the entirety of the night. 
The both of you finish, getting up from your seats as Taeyong gestured you to wait for him by the entrance. 
He paid for the food, and made his way back to you, with two fruit Popsicles in his hand. 
He handed one over to you, and started walking the opposite direction from where his car was parked. "Yong, it's this way-" you say, standing in the same place. "I know" he simply replied, stopping and turning back around to look at you. "Come on hurry, follow me!" he said and started walking again. You jog to catch up with him. 
You walk in silence for ten minutes, eating the Popsicle he'd bought, shoulder's sometimes brushing past each other. 
"We're here!" he said excitedly, you look up from your feet and stare at whatever Taeyong was looking at, eyes immediately lighting up as you see the calm waters of the river in front of you. 
"Beautiful, right?" he asked, smiling at you as your eyes stayed fixed at the scenery in front of you. 
You hum in agreement, walking towards the railing to get a closer look, Taeyong following suit. 
"Thank you" you said, all of a sudden. 
"Hm? For?" he asked, confused. "Today, it was fun! I guess we can call ourselves friends now right??" you ask, taking your eyes off the river and turning to look at the boy. 
Come on Taeyong, this is your chance. 
"Y/n." he started, you look at him with your eyebrows raised. 
"Friend's is so far off from what you really are to me, Y/n" he said, letting out a sigh and turning to face the river. 
"What do you mean?" you knew exactly what he meant. You felt your heart flutter, beating a little faster than normal, if he would back out now, you'll take a step forward. 
"Oh god how do i do this, I- just.. Okay listen, i like you okay? I really really like you" he said fast, turning to look at you this time. "I thought I made it obvious? How didn't you get even the slightest of hints if my feelings for you?" he said, his eyes furrowed.
"Because, honey you never made it obvious, if anything, you looked like you had no interest in talking to me" you said, laughing and stepping forward, feeling your stomach churn in weird ways, the muscles of your face, starting to hurt from how widely you were smiling. 
"don't mind that! I'm just-just usually like that around everyone-"
"I like you too" you cut him off, stepping forward to get a little closer to the boy.
"-and i felt like, wait what?" he stopped, looking at you with wide eyes. 
"i said i like you too! I think, in fact, I'm in love with you. A little too much" you add, seeing a red hue take over Taeyong's face, as he temporarily looked down, and back at you the shocked expression replaced by an extremely wide smile. 
You two just stared at each other, Taeyong stepping forward with a questioning look on his face.
"Can i kiss you?" he asked, his voice tiny. You laugh in content, and instead of answering him, you walk closer to him, standing on your toes, placing a soft peck on his lips. 
Taeyong let out a chain of giggles, leaning forwards and capturing your lips again, hands going around your waist, yours finding its way around his neck as the two of you smile into the kiss. 
He pulled away first, looking at you with a loving look.
"So i can call you mine from today right?" he asked, his eyes shimmering in the twilight. 
"Only if you tell me one of the best pick up lines you've got" you reply, crossing your arms over your chest watching Taeyong mumble out a 'you know it' and step back, looking you up and down, placing a hand under his chin. 
"I-...damn, I'm sorry you're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line" he said, looking straight into your eyes.
"Ew Tae, you are such a cheesy man" you say, taking large steps towards him. He reached out to you, snaking his hands around your waist placing another soft kiss on your lips.
"I'm your cheesy man"
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criminalminds4days · 3 years
Family Matters | Chapter 6: Genius
Hello people! 
I have returned!
I am hoping you will enjoy this chapter, as I introduce one of my favorite characters from Criminal Minds (aside from Dr. Spencer Reid). I also hope you will have an amazing week. Love you all!
(Also, please forgive me if I glance over some cases, I am really bad at writing those scenes and I am trying my hardest)
I hope the wait was worth it and you enjoy this chapter!! 
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, violence and murder references, public embarrassment, and very bad jokes!
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Tag list: @mcntsee @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @evelyncade @haylaansmi @paulaern @myfandomlife-blog
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(This gif is not mine)
Chapter 6: Genius
She should have known something was up. Spencer had called her to say that he didn't need a ride to work that day and that he would just meet her there. She just assumed he had a meeting with Hotch or something, but no, the reality was he was hoping to have some alone time with Jennifer Jareau.
How did she know? Well because she was so used to picking him up that despite knowing today would be different, she still stopped by the coffee shop and made her way to work at the same time she used to for the past couple of months. She figured once she reached the parking lot that she might as well get ahead on some paperwork, maybe she could even have time to figure out what she would give him for a gift since she hadn't yet found anything that would have the desired effect she hoped for. As soon as she reached the glass doors, she stopped in her tracks, almost dropping the cups of coffee she had in her hands. There they were. The blonde was reclining on his desk, her eyes never leaving him and their hands linked. He smiled as she spoke, not once acknowledging their environment. She tried to walk away, but she felt trapped in her place. It wasn't until she heard the elevator that she was able to move towards the trash can, dumping one of the coffees. Too late she realized it was hers and not Spencer's, she sighed and decided she would have to suck it and drink the one meant for him.
"No, that alone has been enough sugar for the rest of my life." She said aloud as she dumped the second drink in the trash can. She didn't understand how he could do a whole 32oz of that sugary drink but she applauded him. That was, of course, when she wasn't mad at him for what she assumed to be a hidden relationship with JJ.
There were so many things wrong with that scenario she couldn't begin to phantom which one made her the angriest. Was it the fact that they were friends with Will, who was the blonde's husband and father of her child? Or was it the fact that Spencer was the godfather of said child? Maybe it was that he never even mentioned he had feelings for JJ? Or that he would be capable of having those demonstrations in their office when he knew full well that it was against the rules?
She walked into the office. Now the blonde was sitting at her desk, filing paperwork as if she hadn't been flirting with the man only minutes ago.
"Morning!" She sparked, a bright smile on her face.
"Huh." That was all the girl responded. She made her way to her desk and logged into her computer.
"Hey, stranger." He spoke. "You're here early."
"Is that a crime now?" She answered, unamused.
"No, I just- Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Perfectly fine. Life is perfect, wouldn't you agree?"
"I don't know about perfect-"
"Spencer, I'm a little busy, can you please be quiet."
He looked so hurt she wondered if she had gone too far. Then again, he was a cheater, so boundaries didn't apply to him. She rolled her eyes at him and continued with her work. She pretended she didn't feel his eyes on her for what must have been ten minutes, and she closed all the gift option tabs she had accumulated in the last month.
Every morning for the past 25 days she had acknowledged how close his birthday was and would ask him what he wanted, but today, just two days before the grand day, she decided maybe getting him a gift was not worth her time.
"Hello, my beautiful soul." Penelope approached her, a cup of coffee in her hand. She leaned in and whispered. "I saw you dropped yours, so I thought I'd bring you another."
"What are you talking about?" She looked around. Emily had arrived and was now working on some documents, Derek had also arrived and was conversing with JJ, and Spencer tried subtly to listen in to their conversation while pretending to work on his case files. "Garcia, do you mind walking with me for a second? I want to run a theory by you."
The mentioned understood and nodded. "Yes, of course, dear." They made their way to the elevators, and Penelope stopped. "I'm sure it's not what you think it is."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"JJ and Reid. They've been best friends since forever ago. There is probably nothing going on. I mean, sure, she liked him a while back but-"
"She, what now?!"
"It was a long time ago! Things are different... I don't think you have anything to worry about, I'm sure he likes you."
"Woah, okay, let us stop for a second." She held her hands up, as she looked around to make sure no one was looking. Anderson waved at them and smiled as he exited the elevator and made his way to the bullpen. They returned the gesture and she waited until he was inside the glass doors to continue. "I hope Spencer doesn't like me because we're just friends. That's not why him and JJ being together makes me upset."
"I'm pretty sure they're not together."
"Did you see what I saw?"
"Well, yes. But that can mean a hundred things."
"One of the possibilities being they're secretly going out."
"Yes... No! Of course not, they would never do that."
"Listen, Pen, I really appreciate the coffee, and I also appreciate you trying to look out for them and me, but honestly you don't need to explain anything to me, as a matter of fact, nobody does. I just hope this doesn't blow up in their faces." She grabbed the drink and returned to the glass doors pushing unsuccessfully her way inside.
"It's a pull, honey." She did as she was told, and the door opened. "Some things never change." She heard the blonde say.
"Love you too Garcia." She spoke with a hint of sarcasm. Once at her desk again, her phone began vibrating. She took it out and looked towards Hotch's office, making sure he didn't see her take a call. "Hello?" She whispered.
"Honey, how have you been? How's Spencer? I know his birthday is coming up!"
"Hello, mom. I'm fine, we're all fine." She whispered into the line. Spencer looked at her as if hoping she would share what was happening, but she simply ignored him. "Wait, how do you know?"
"About his birthday? I checked your calendar."
"Well, your phone was unlocked so I simply went through it. It's no big deal. If you don't know what to get him I can give you the keys to the museum I bought him and you can say it's from you."
"You did what?!" She screamed. Her co-workers looked at her and she smiled, deciding this was a conversation that needed to be held outside of her workspace. She walked out of the bullpen and into one of the offices that were empty, closing the door after her. "Please tell me you're joking."
"Of course not. I thought that maybe that would help him see that a future with you is bright. Maybe this is the final push he needs to propose and soon after marriage come kids! Honey, I'm not getting any younger, I need grandkids."
"So you're using a museum as a bribe?"
"No, not a bribe, just encouragement."
"Mother you're gonna go and return that museum, and I don't want to hear another word about it. Do you understand?"
"Would you look at the time, got to go, love you, honey!" With that she hung up the phone, the woman sighing.
She knew she wasn't going to do it and one of those days Spencer would receive the keys to the building. As soon as she sat down, he eyed her with curiosity, hoping she would tell him why she was so worked up. She didn't have to ignore him for long since Aaron Hotchner called them in for a case. There had been several drug addicts who had been murdered recently, all of them seeming to have gotten fed and cleaned before their deaths. The team had to make their way to Albuquerque, New Mexico. As they borded the plain, she basically ran to sit next to Emily, avoiding all contact with Reid or JJ.
"Ok, we need to figure out how the unsub is choosing his victims and what purpose they fulfill, not to mention what role their drastic change in appearance and health play into his fantasy," Hotch said as they gathered in the local police station. "There is another agent here to assist us in this investigation, please meet Agent-"
"Luke Alvez." She interrupted as soon as she recognized him. His hair was still short and his beard had grown out, but it was clear he trimmed it just enough. His brown eyes landed on her and he smiled.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite non-medical doctor."
"I had no idea you were here."
"I was working on another case and thought it might be good to stick around."
"That's right," Aaron spoke, drawing the attention away from the pair and back to him. "Agent Alvez, these are Agents Jareau, Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan, Dr. Reid, and well, you already know the other doctor on our team."
"It's very nice to meet you all." He said, winking at her. She amusingly rolled her eyes and directed her view back to her boss. "Okay, well, JJ and Reid, go to the M.E. and see what more he can give us on their conditions before their deaths. Prentiss, Morgan, and Rossi, go interview the families of the victims, and you two stay here with me."
"Actually, Alvez can go with JJ and I can help set a geographical profile," Spencer said.
"No, I need to speak to agent Alvez." Hotch's tone was clear, it wasn't up for negotiation.
"Alright, let's go JJ." He said reluctantly, but made no intention to leave.
"Meet me in the main office." Hotch said to her and Luke, after which he walked towards said room.
"Great, I just barely saw you again and I'm already being called to the principal's office." He said and she jokingly shoved him and followed the man. After observing said interaction, both JJ and Spencer exited the building.
As soon as they entered, they were instructed to close the door and sit down. "Now, I am thankful for your assistance Agent Alvez, but am I correct to assume providing help is not the only reason for your presence?"
"You are correct."
"Wait, what do you mean? Why are you here Luke?"
"Am I allowed to say it?"
"Yes, after all the decision is hers."
"Who's decision? Mine? Guys I suck at those, this morning I couldn't decide what socks to wear so I put on one of each."
This sparked a laugh from Luke and a smile from Hotch. "It's nothing bad, I promise." The first one said, "my boss simply wants me to try and convince you to transfer to our department."
"Oh, that's an easy answer, no." She shook her head and turned to her team leader, who seemed to have a prideful look. "The BAU is my team and my family. It's my dream job, and I would never leave by choice. Sorry Luke, I really enjoyed working with you, but I can't leave my team."
"I knew that, but I still had to ask."
"Well, now that it has been settled, why don't you two review the files and see if there are any patterns that could lead us to who is responsible for these murders."
"Yes sir." They stood to leave, before Hotch spoke again.
"And agent," he paused as she directed her attention to him. "I'm glad you're staying."
"You had doubts?"
"It comes with a raise in salary."
"Agent Hotchner, you know I don't do it for the money."
He nodded and they both made their way out of the office, leaving Aaron behind. They had made their way to the room the local PD had set up for them before he asked.
"So are you gonna tell me what's going on between you and doctor eyes?"
"Dr. Reid."
"Why did you call him eyes? He's not even wearing his glasses today."
"Because he kept making eyes at you." He said as if it was obvious. "Are you two a thing?"
"Yes, we're friends. And colleagues."
"Since when are you so nosy?" She said as she pulled the case files from the box to begin reviewing them.
"Since there is a possibility of romance in the BAU."
"Why do you care?"
"Are you serious?" He asked, slightly offended. "Your team is the elite team of the FBI; everybody is jealous of you guys or wants to sleep with you. Which is saying a lot since it is not necessarily the best-paid position within the agency.” He pointed out, hinting at the possibility to earn more in his department, when she gave it no importance, he continued. "Anyway, as I was saying, you and your team are like the Kardashians, but for the bureau. Everybody knows about Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner, Dr. Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, and you, Dr. I-wanted-to-join-the-BAU-and-got-in-almost-instantly-even-though-it's-really-hard."
"What exactly do you know?"
"About you? Only that you were one of the youngest agents to be hired, presided only by Dr. Reid, other than that, there hasn't been much on you, doctor. You know how to keep your life under wraps. You definitely spark the curiosity of the people."
"I don't even want to know how many rules you are all breaking to find out stuff about me and my team, do I?"
"No, not really." She laughed and returned her view to the papers in her hands. "Let's get back to work."
"You never really told me about you and Dr. Reid."
"There is nothing to tell, we're just friends."
"Does he know that?"
"We have some new information from the M.E." Were Spencer's first words. He looked between the two agents in the room, eyebrow raised. For a moment he seemed upset at the scene but soon changed his expression. "He's been impregnating the victims. Multiple times."
"Wait, that makes sense," Luke spoke. "That means there has to be a pattern somewhere, there is no way he's just doing it for the heck of it, if he was, he would dispose of the baby as well, and the woman wouldn't give birth or carry a child more than once."
"You're right, maybe if we can figure out what he is trying to accomplish by making them have his children, we'll find him."
"There are several reasons for someone to want a baby." Spencer said, "there is a black market for babies that yields high monetary compensation, and there is also the possibility this man feels powerful by fathering all these children. If he is keeping them, there is also a possibility we can find him faster, it is not every day your neighbor starts having children all around."
"I am going to tell Hotch about our theories." She said and left the room. She was still upset at Spencer and didn't want to talk or spend time with him more than it was necessary, so she took the opportunity to not be in the same room.
"I'm gonna work on the geographical profile." She heard him say.
A couple of hours later Luke had left to look through possible leads. Spencer and JJ found a child that matched the DNA of one of the victims, leading them to confirm it was hers, further supporting their theory. Now they were looking for other children, and how giving them up for adoption did anything for the unsub.
"I got a geographical comfort zone," Spencer said, he had tried to start a conversation before, but if it wasn't work-related then she wouldn't even look at him. "I have narrowed it down to three possible children, Lisa, Elizabeth, and Amanda."
After hearing those names, Luke's theory came back to mind. "Luke was right." She said as she turned she saw the mentioned entered the station. She waved him down excessively so he would know it was important, once he was inside the room she smiled. "Luke Alvez you are a genius! I want to kiss you right now!" He looked shocked, and a little uncomfortable, "but I won't because we are in a public setting. I have to tell Hotch." She ran out and pulled her phone to call said man.
"I guess you're a genius Alvez," Reid said, with a slight tone of resentment.
"Well, I don't know what I did."
"To me, it seems like I'm the one doing the work," before he could hear a reply his phone began to ring. "Reid." He said as he answered.
"Is Alvez there?"
"Uh, yeah." He placed the phone on speaker.
"Alvez, you were right. The unsub is keeping the boys, that's his end goal. We believe it might have significance to him or his partner."
"He has a partner?"
"There are indications of medications the victims were taking that would allow them to carry the baby to term. Rossi did some digging and the only way they can get access to the medication is through prescription, and they would have to have ample knowledge of the effects they could have."
"That makes sense. What should we look for next?"
"We found two potential subjects, I need the two of you on your way."
"Okay, we'll get ready-" Spencer began speaking.
"Not you Reid, I need you running point with Garcia."
"I'll go get her and we'll be on our way." Alvez comprehended who he meant and walked towards the door.
After the arrest of the man, they made their way back to the station. She was cleaning out the paperwork she had received when she heard her phone ring.
"What's up, Garcia?"
"Please tell me it's all a lie."
"What are you talking about?"
"The offer that agent Alvez came up with."
"How did you know about that?"
"So it is true." She heard some typing from the line. "You can't leave us, don't let what happened between you and Reid make you leave us."
"Garcia, my decision on the matter has nothing to do with that."
"So you've made up your mind? I can't believe it."
"Garcia, please listen to me, you can't tell anyone about this." She was now playing on her emotions, trying to see how far Garcia would go before she actually asked her what her answer was.
"I- I need to go." With that, she hung up.
She sighed and finished her packing, Luke appearing in her sight of view.
"Hey there, doctor."
"Hello, Agent Alvez."
"Is there no way I could make you change your mind?"
"Not in the slightest."
"Will you at least think about it? My bosses might not hate me as much if I left with an 'I'll think about it' rather than a straight-up no." He pleaded.
"Fine, Agent Luke Alvez, I will consider your offer."
"Thank you." He walked inside and helped her finish cleaning up. "And to show my gratitude, I am offering some advice: you can't avoid him forever. I don't know what he did, but he certainly does not deserve to be placed on the sidelines."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure you don't." He placed an arm around her and brought her in for a side hug. "I will be anxiously awaiting your answer. Take care agent."
"You too Luke. I missed working with you."
"You could do it every day."
She pushed him slightly and rolled her eyes. He laughed and waved goodbye one more time before exiting the room. She continued working when she felt someone rush in.
"What do you mean you're transferring?" Emily practically yelled. This brought in the attention of the rest of the team who soon enough were cramming the room. "I get it, Alvez is hot, but you can't just leave us because of an attractive man."
"Emily-" she tried to speak.
"Don't Emily me. I get it, really, I do. He's good looking, smart, and single, not to mention that beard, but come on, this is your team, and you can't leave us."
"You can't seriously be thinking of doing that for this guy," Spencer said, his arms crossed, and eyebrows furrowed.
"The kid is right, you re one of the smartest people I've met, you can't make a decision based solely on a man." Morgan added, and soon they were all talking at the same time.
"Can you all please calm down? I never said I was leaving." She tried to hide her smile, knowing full well this wasn't gonna end well, but right now their panicked faces were priceless. "I simply said I would think about it. It does come with a salary increase."
She saw Hotch at the edge of the door, an amused twinkle in his eyes. "The jet is ready; we need to get going." He said and walked away.
She squeezed between her teammates and made her way to the plane. She noticed how everybody kept stealing glances at her as if hoping that would be enough for her to say she was staying. She smiled and closed her eyes, ready for a nap.
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marawritingstuff · 3 years
Finally, I would like to thank my fellow classmates.  I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you.
Valedictorian speech written.   Come on, Amelia, no sleeping.   Time to write the memoriam.   Everybody would have completely forgotten about Sunshine, aka Jennifer, if those idiots stopped talking about weird stuff.
On this day as the Class of 2008 celebrates our graduation, our Sunshine isn’t here.   Jennifer Halloway sadly took her life seven months ago.  
Couldn’t someone else give this speech? Heaven knows, we weren’t friends. Sunshine didn’t have any friends. I didn’t even know her!  Well, maybe a little bit.
Sunshine always lit up a room with her distinctive style.  She brought laughter wherever she went.
My first encounter with Sunshine occurred the first day of fifth grade.  Jennifer stumbled through the homeroom door dressed in a jumper that was falling apart at the seams with a sun patch centered slightly below her large breasts.  The tall, overweight girl, with a haircut that even a discount barber wouldn’t admit to, clutched her books closely to her chest.  As a chorus of “You are My Sunshine” sprang from the mouths of a group of students near the back, a storm of spitballs flew through the air.  Sunshine didn’t even look up amid the commotion but headed to a corner desk at the far side of the classroom. A wave of sympathy overcame me, and I began to get up to greet her, only to be met by Susie, my best friend’s hand. I looked at my friends.  Some were laughing while others had wrinkled up their faces as if Sunshine had a communicable disease that could be passed through the air by her mere presence.  There is not much I can say now.  Then I was a ten-year-old girl who wanted to be liked so I wrote off Sunshine’s life, joining in my friends’ laughter and jeers that would last for nearly seven more years.
Her intelligence and compassion did not go unnoticed by teachers and fellow students.
Sunshine remained on the periphery of my universe.   We were both smart, extremely smart.  Advanced placement classes cluttered our schedules; at least for a while, but she lacked the social graces to stay amongst the “gifted.”  Group projects were the new fad in education.   My peers pretended to let Sunshine be part of the group during class, but everyone knew the real discussions, work, and fun happened afterschool. Nobody ever told her where the meetups were happening.  When it came to the division of work, the group inevitably responded: Jennifer refused to help.    Some of the teachers would try to elicit a defense from Sunshine, but she remained silent.   I guess she never got over the fear instilled in her in elementary school.  Supposedly, she told on some bullies for calling her “Cabbage Patch Kid” and they slammed her in the mud and kicked her bad.  Of course, there were some teachers who were just as ruthless as the students.  I heard Ms. Reardon, the sixth-grade science teacher, tell her that despite her intelligence, social problems meant that she would never succeed in life and Mr. Pearson, the seventh-grade English teacher, said someone as poor as her shouldn’t have hope. I wish I could say that I acted differently, that I tried to include her, but I didn’t. By the time we reached high school, the group project grades had dropped her out of my academic circle.   However, the continued bullying kept Sunshine burning bright in my orbit.
Jennifer’s grace was an example to us all.
The whole cheerleading squad threw me a welcome party the day before my freshman year began.  They even brought me the cutest outfit and a junior offered me a ride. At 7: 15 a.m., she pulled into the driveway in her clunker.   Fifteen minutes later we screeched into the parking lot, just as the buses were pulling in.  The unmistakable sound filled my ears.  “You Are My Sunshine.”   Mud balls flew knocking Jennifer from the stairs of the bus onto the concrete.   She pulled herself up dredging her splattered sunshine jumpsuit with her.  As she stepped through the entrance doors, Sunshine disappeared from my mind again.
Though she wasn’t one of the more outgoing students, she was beloved by everyone.
That first year our paths didn’t cross much as our classes were clearly different now and extra-curricular activities weren’t her thing.  At times, I would hear calls of “fatso”, “creepy”, and “not so little Orphan Annie” coming from the halls, and witness Sunshine being thrown into lockers.  At lunch she sat alone, while some kids threw food at her and most...okay, all…of us just sneered.   Gossip went around that her grandmother, her sole living relative, got cancer and the water in her house was turned off.      Her hygiene suffered, ostracizing her even more.  One morning I really had to pee, so reluctantly ran to the gross bathroom on the first floor. That giant jumpsuit was in a sink with Sunshine scrubbing it with a bar of soap. Laughter exploded from me.  She just stood there scrubbing…I am sorry I did that now.
I, for one, enjoyed Jennifer’s contributions in the classroom.
A language class was required for all students and, unfortunately, I lacked any skills in this area, so this meant mixing with all the other sophomores. As I walked into class, I noticed the name cards carefully placed on the desks. Señora Amelia Brantley.  Cute.  Assigned Seating.  I scanned the desks.  Señora Jennifer Halloway right next to Señor Harry Hankel, the quarterback, who later became captain of the football team, a notorious bully. Everyone thought Harry would make it to the NFL someday bringing fame, and money, to our school. Thus, his pranks were largely ignored, especially by the popular teachers, like Ms. Garcia. Throughout the semester, every time Ms. Garcia turned her back, he would take hold of Sunshine’s desk and throw it into the wall leaving her reeling. Ms. Garcia refused to discipline Harry, instead admonishing Sunshine for moving her seat.  The worst day came on Cinco De Mayo.   There was a buffet of Mexican delights contributed by the students and Ms. Garcia.  A decorated piñata hung from the ceiling.  At the end of class, Ms. Garcia had us start a Conga line.   When Sunshine tried to join in, no one would touch her back.  They called her a dirty pig and made oinking sounds. Rather than discipline the class, Ms. Garcia simply broke up the line and we went back to the Cinco De Mayo feast. Sunshine went to the back corner of the room, sat down on the floor, and for the first time ever, I saw her cry.   That was the beginning of the end, even though I neither knew nor took any steps to stop it.
She was the picture-perfect student.
To be honest, SAT’s, college applications, and maintaining my 4.0 kept me too busy after that to think much about Sunshine.  I jumped on the chance to assist with developing the year-book pictures, not only since it would add another line to my Ivy League applications, but also because I loved watching the blobs slowly transform into images of happy people.  Cheerleaders forming pyramids.  Football players making touchdowns.  Even Susie’s mug, now a beautiful young lady, smiling at the Junior Fall Dance.    After school one day, I stirred the solution as the last picture appeared.  My arm grew limp as the picture came in focus. Sunshine was sitting in the corner of the gym at a pep-rally, all alone, grasping her knees.  She looked so miserable, like a puppy that had been hit too many times.   Gently, I moved the image towards the trash when the Senior Editor came in and stopped me, laughing and pronouncing that this would be a highlight. I didn’t say anything.   The centerfold of the yearbook was Sunshine’s picture with the caption, “You are the light of our school.”
As we are here to celebrate our own accomplishments, I know the Senior Class wishes they could throw Jennifer a ceremony that could honor her alone.
Unlike my freshman year, I walked through the school doors on the first day of my senior year with confidence and pride; head of the cheerleading squad, member of the student council, editor of the yearbook and a shoo-in for valedictorian.   Frankly, this was just a distraction from the wait on the responses of the Ivy League schools. December was the traditional month that early applicants received an acceptance…or rejection. August. September, November, were all a blur.
December 12th, I arrived home and opened my inbox:
Clicking the attachment of the first message, my hands shook uncomfortably. The Harvard Crest sat cleanly at the top of the letterhead.  My eyes scanned the document.
“Congratulations.  You have been accepted into the incoming Class of the Fall Semester of 2008.”
The next few hours were a haze.  Screams and tears.  My mother hugging me.   Calling Susie.  It all seems like a huge mess of emotions now.   Later that night, Susie called to remind me that she was picking me up at 6:00 a.m. for the ceremony.  The excitement of the day had overwhelmed me.  I assumed it was another award for one of the teachers.  The second e-mail remained on my computer unopened as I dreamed of Harvard crimson sweatshirts.
The alarm rang all too soon, I threw on a hoodie and my Northface winter jacket and lumbered down to Susie’s car.  The window made a perfectly good pillow and blocked out most of her jabbering. Later, I learned that Susie was explaining that Sunshine’s grandmother had been missing for a few days.  One of the idiots from the football team called Sunshine impersonating the police luring her to the flagpole in front of the school, our destination, with a promise of information regarding her grandmother.  If I had only listened to Susie.  Or opened the e-mail.  Or done…anything.  
Susie screeched to a stop a few blocks from the school where several other cars loaded with seniors had assembled.  I struggled from the car, joining a group of twenty-five in a steady creep.  As we came over the hill, I could see Sunshine standing beside the flagpole in her old, scantly patched coat, shivering in the cold.  She kicked the snow around her, weakly mouthing, “where are you Grandma.”  The group pounced on her. Harry Hankel seized her by the arms forcing her to face the flagpole.  From under the snow, two other blindsiders began to pull ropes causing a pair of bloomers and a bra to ascend. The sunshine patches left no doubt of the owner, though I had no idea where the mob had obtained her private items.  The group broke out into a chorus of “You are My Sunshine” as they blasted her with ice balls, several striking her square in her mouth causing teeth to be knocked fully out.   Seconds seemed liked hours until someone opened the front doors of the school.   Everyone scattered.   I stood there for a second watching Sunshine lie there on the ground.  Blood dripped from her mouth staining the snow. Susie pulled me by the arm, and I turned away.  This would be my last view of Sunshine.
I wish I had a chance to know her more personally.
The incident occurred one week before the holiday break.  Sunshine didn’t make an appearance in school that week.     Holiday cheer soon made me forget the horrible event as my family overwhelmed me with gifts of Harvard paraphernalia: sweatshirts, mugs, anything you could imagine.   When I finally stepped back on the grounds of the school, I shivered. My eyes turned up to the flagpole resting on a shadowy image of one of Sunshine’s patches waving.    Susie dismissed it as an illusion due to stress.  Only a few hours into class, the principal called us all for an assembly in the auditorium.   Despite my heavy sweater, I hugged myself tightly trying to keep warm.  Mr. Lumbre, our principal, stepped on the stage, but I could barely see him despite all the theater lights.  A shadow seemed to be engulfing him.  
“Jennifer Halloway took her own life on New Year’s Day.  She is survived by her grandmother.  Funeral arrangements will be announced.  Grief counselors will be made available in the main office.  School is dismissed for the day to allow time for mourning and processing.”
The senior class sat still. I don’t know what they were feeling, all I know is no one said a word.
We really didn’t have the opportunity to say a proper good-bye.  However, even after she was gone, Jennifer still seemed to be with us somehow.
No sunshine came through the clouds the day they put her in the ground.  Only her grandmother and the church pastor watched as the casket descended into the earth.  I sat in Susie’s car staring.  I read in the newspaper that Sunshine had shot herself with her grandfather’s old gun. Her grandmother, finally recovering from a bout of dementia, returned to find her in the garage a few days later. Some of the other seniors said they were going to come to the funeral.  Susie backed out but let me take the car.   Only the hearse and the pastor’s beat up Chevy kept me company in the cemetery parking lot.  I couldn’t bring myself to get out and drove away in perceived silence, though I thought I heard the faint sound of Nat King Cole’s “When Shadow’s Fall.”
The grief counselors only stayed a few days as no one sought their services. Sunshine never left.   No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, every morning the sunshine shadow enveloped me as I crossed under the flagpole.  As the temperatures rose outside the school, they fell within.  The furnace was replaced, but the temperature didn’t rise a degree. They tore apart the ductwork, vents, and changed all the thermostats.   Nothing worked.   Soon things…well…they started getting scary. Senior girls were randomly being thrown into lockers.  Books flew from students’ arms.  The darkness and “When Shadow’s Fall” were everywhere. Most of the students, and staff, for that matter, were unfamiliar with the song.  My grandmother adored Nat King Cole.   Though I used to love hearing that smooth baritone, I shivered as it creeped from every Ipod, car stereo, and even the PA system.  No other music has been heard in the school since Sunshine’s death.  
I walked into a biology class one day on a mission to deliver notices of the upcoming teacher and student council cooperative meeting.  There sat Harry Hankel snoring away as a film on protozoa projected over him. I stared at him and sighed, sick of the whole damn school. To my shock, an invisible force picked up his desk and relentlessly banged him back and forth into the wall.   I saw nothing touch him but some in the class maintain that a sunshine shaped shadow passed over the film screen before the accident.  Harry’s dreams, and the school’s dreams, were over.  The doctors were unable to repair the damage in his right leg.  He will never play football again.
We wish she could have partaken in the many happy activities of Senior year that are captured forever in our memories.
The final grade announcements confirmed my valedictorian status.  I wanted to drop it all and drive off to Massachusetts, never to look back.  However, the yearbook distribution had to be done.  On the penultimate day of school for the seniors, I walked into the student council office and watched my junior editor sliding receipts into each book. She abruptly stopped, something seeming to catch her eye.  Flipping open the book, she let out a shriek and bolted from the office.  Drifting over to her workplace, the pages of the yearbook flipped back in the constant cool breeze that pervaded the office. I covered my mouth in horror, looking down at the faces, or lack of faces, of the senior class.  Susie should have been smiling back at me.  Instead, there was a black spot in the shape of a sunshine. Book after book, page after page, the same.  Black blotches smeared out any faces of seniors.  Slumping down in a chair, I began to cry.  I wasn’t sure then, or even now, who or what I was crying about. Was it for our lost happy year? Was it for the loss of my hard work? Or was it finally for Sunshine?
We are all sorry for the tragedy that befell Jennifer.  I can only hope that Sunshine can find the peace she was seeking.  Goodbye Jennifer.  
There will be no yearbooks to sign this year.  Mr. Lumbre cancelled the prom.  No one objected.  Soon there will be parents wishing many of us well as we head off to our respective colleges and universities.   The question is will Sunshine be with us?  Will she stay at the school?  I don’t know the answer to that.   I do know that she is here now as I type these words, shivering, in the dark, a sunshine shaped shadow looming over me.
I…am…. sorry….
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softboywriting · 5 years
Christmas Lights | Peter Mendes | Mendes Triplets AU
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Summary: Taking a chance on Peter Mendes may be the best thing you do this Christmas. [fluff] [triplet au] [college au]
Word Count: 4k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Making friends on campus is hard when you don't know a single soul in the town you've moved to. St. Augusta college has the exact major program you've been looking to get into. You spent two years back home at your community college doing your prerequisites since it was far cheaper than doing four to six years at St. Augusta. The only downside to college in a small town is that everyone seems to know each other and they aren't really looking for new friends.
Christmas is approaching and you've been planning on going home for the holidays but you can't exactly leave your cat alone in your apartment for a few days. Bugs is not exactly one for traveling either, so a three hour car ride home would be absolute hell. You decide to stay, to wish your family Merry Christmas via video chat and open presents with them that way. Well. That's the plan anyway.  
Thursday, four days before Christmas, you win tickets to go see the light display at the park in town. It's a huge event and people come from all over to see it. You honestly didn't think you would win and you only entered because you figured it would be something fun to do other than sit around your apartment and watch Netflix.
When you pick up the tickets at the administration office you find out that it's a pair of them. Wonderful. You've got no one to go with. For a moment you wonder if you should just give them back, to have the secretary redraw the winner. Surely a couple would love these. You know if you were still with your ex boyfriend you'd love to. No. You'll find someone to go with.
So the hunt for a companion begins. You text the girl you talk to in your psychology class, having her number from a project you worked on together a few weeks ago. She's got plans. You text your friend Amie back home to see if she wants to drive up for the weekend and hang out. Nope. Her car is broken down. Just when things look bleak you remember the community board in the courtyard of your apartment complex. There were always postings on there for lost dogs, tutoring, and private classes of all sorts. Why not just see if someone wants to go with you?
You get back to your place and take a seat at the computer. Bugs jumps up on your lap and headbutts your stomach. "You wanna go with me Bugs?"
He meows.
"Yeah I didn't think so. I'd probably look like a freak walking my cat on a leash."
He purrs, flopping over on his side and covering your legs.
You open up a blank document and sigh. Alright. This may be a new low for you, but hey, maybe you'll make a really good friend. You type up the flyer and even add a few clip arts of Christmas lights along the bottom. It has your school email address on it in case anyone wants to contact you. You were going to put your number on there but thought better of it. You don't want some douchebag sending you nudes or something.
One brisk sprint to the community board outside later and you've got it posted. Now you wait. If no one replies then you'll go alone and give your spare ticket to some kid in line at the display. Here goes nothing.
Saturday morning you wake up with you phone blinking with a notification. You grab it and slide up to unlock. It's your email. Your school email. A surge of excitement courses through you and you're hoping someone has replied to your bulletin.
You open the app and flip through some emails from your teachers about assignments due after the holiday break. Sure enough there is one that's from a student. You can tell because it doesn't have a name attached as a contact like the staff emails do. It just says unread from [email protected].
Hi, I'm Peter. I saw your post on the community board. If you're still interested I would like to go.
You chew on your lower lip, nervous about going. What if this guy is a creep? You can bring your pepper spray. Maybe you can assess him by showing up early to the community board and seeing if he looks like a weirdo. Not all creeps look like a creep though. Okay. You're not being fair. Not all guys are bad, besides if you don't reply to the email, he probably won't show up right? He'll just think you've found another companion.
All day you contemplate emailing Peter back. Do you want to go with a guy? Maybe you should wait and see if a girl wants to go. But then again, you didn't specify your gender on the posting. So he doesn't even know if you're a guy or girl. Well that changes things. You're gonna do it.
Around dinner time you email Peter back. You tell him to meet you at the board on Christmas Eve around six and that you're going to be wearing a white coat. You still don't reveal your gender, just in case. _____________________
The time has come. You put on your puffy white coat, boots and a pair of gloves. You give Bugs some kibble and head out to the community board in the courtyard. There aren't very many people out there, a few groups of people talking near the decorated trees at every corner of the yard. There is no one by the board and you're kind of disappointed but relieved. Maybe he would flake out.
"Hey, are you the one with the tickets?"
You turn and you're met with a guy quite a bit taller than you. He's got a mop of curly brown hair, flushed cheeks covered in freckles and greenish hazel eyes behind some cute round glasses. He's in a bulky pink hoodie with a jean jacket over it just like he said he would be. He looks familiar, you're pretty sure he's in one of your classes.
"That's me." He pulls his hand from his hoodie pocket and you shake it. "I'm so glad you replied back. I really want to see the lights, I just don't have the extra cash for a ticket this year."
You smile big and he grins right back. "I'm glad you replied too. I didn't really want to go alone."
"Then why'd you buy the tickets?"
"I didn't. I won them."
"Oh! Gotcha. Well, let's go? We don't want to miss it."
"Right. Do you want to walk or..." You look over at your car in the lot and wonder how much gas you have.
Peter shrugs. "It's a short walk. Like twenty minutes tops?"
"Probably, and I wore my boots." You look down at your old black snow boots. "They're pretty comfortable for walking."
"Let's get to it then!" Peter says excitedly, patting your shoulder. "No time to waste."
The walk to the park proves very interesting. You learn that Peter is studying to be a photographer and does photos for the school newspaper while also doing some freelance work on the side for a couple of students with blogs. Both of you love hot chocolate with cinnamon in it. You both love the color pink, and you both have cats. His is a girl named Peach after Princess Peach from Super Mario. He is also in your business management class, and you can't believe you didn't pay more attention to him. He's so cute.
When you get to the park you show your tickets at the booth and they let you skip the line to get in. Once inside you can't believe how much it has changed since you visited once as a kid. There is a ten foot tall reindeer, life-size snowmen with tophats, and a small replica of the eiffel tower that's all lit up with tiny star shaped lights and a big star on top. It's incredible.
Peter tugs your arm and you follow him over to where an old woman dressed as Mrs. Claus is handing out flyers. "We have to do the scavenger hunt."
"The what?"
"Hello! Join the scavenger for a special surprise at the end of tour of lights!" Mrs. Claus says, handing a flyer to you and a few kids who are nearby.
You look over the list. "Find Santa's belt, Rudolf's nose, the elves stockings, Mrs. Claus's glasses, and the magic Christmas bell. Take a photo with each object and show at the end of the tour for a special Christmas surprise."
Peter takes the list and looks like a kid in a candy store. "They changed it up this year. This is going to be so much fun."
You can't help but smile. Peter has turned out to be the best companion you could have hoped for so far. "What is the prize at the end?"
Peter looks up from the list. "No clue. It changes every year. Last year I got a stocking."
"Oh that's actually kind of cool. I figured it'd just be like one of those big candy cane sticks or something."
"Nah, they go all out." Peter looks around the park. "We should start the hunt, we don't want to be the last ones to find everything."
"Why not?"
"They could run out of prizes for the night. Plus, I want to stop by the elves workshop and get some hot cocoa." Peter puts his arm out and you take it, looping yours under his. "Let's do this thing."
The scavenger hunt is a blast. You and Peter literally comb through every display trying to find the items on the list. So far you have found the elves stockings and Mrs. Claus's glasses. Rudolph's nose is your next target as you head for the sleigh display.
Just as you reach the sleigh you see the last person you ever expected to see. Your ex boyfriend Blaine. He's got his latest fling on his arm, some tiny little thing with dark hair. Honestly you have no idea why he ever dated you. Every girl he's dated since you, there's been five in the last nine months, has been your polar opposite. You're not sure if it's him trying to not think of you or if it's that those girls are his type and you just weren't.
"Can we look for Santa's belt?" You ask, stopping mid stride and Peter looks back, clearly confused.
"We're right here though?"
"I know...I just don't want to do this one yet."
Peter walks back to meet you and crosses his arms. "You're avoiding someone."
"What? No, I-"
"Oh come on. Who is it? Family? Ex best friend? Ex boyfriend?" He looks around at the people nearby.
You sigh and roll your eyes. "It's my ex boyfriend if you must know. I'm surprised he's here considering our hometown is three hours away."
"Oh, dramatic." Peter puts his arm around your shoulders. "Which one is he?"
"The guy over there with the Steelers hat on with the girl attached to his arm." You point out Blaine, clear as day.
Peter nods and pushes his glasses up. "He looks like a douchebag."
"He is."
"Why'd you date him?"
"Small town? He was the best I could get?"
"Ouch." Peter laughs. "Well, you wanna make him jealous? I can be your pretend boyfriend for a while."
You look Peter over and he holds his arms out. "You are way more handsome, and you're definitely bigger." You chew on your lower lip. "I do want to get back at him."
"I'm all yours." Peter laughs. "Sounds like he really hurt you. I'm all about getting back at a douchebag."
"Alright. Yeah. Why not?"
Peter wraps his arms around you and walks you toward the sleigh display. He grabs your gloved hands and holds them close to your chest. It's actually nice. You haven't been held since you were with Blaine.
"There's Rudolf!" You point to the front of the light display and sure enough it's Rudolph but his nose isn't lit up.
Peter pulls you toward a big present box nearby. It's got a lid like a chest. He lifts it up and you grab the huge pom pom like ball out of it. Rudolph's nose.
"Wanna pose for a picture together?"
"Yes." You pull out your phone and hold it out while Peter leans down behind you, both of you holding the pom pom as you make goofy face and snap the picture.
"Oh hey," Blaine says as he approached with his girlfriend. "Crazy seeing you here."
Peter wraps his arm around you and holds you against him, pressing his face into your hair. "Do we know you?" What a power move.
"Crazy? I go to school here." You roll your eyes.
"This is your ex?" Peter asks, as if you hadn't already told him. He's playing along very well.
"Yes." You lean your head back against Peter's chest. "Why are you here Blaine?"
"Date night." Blaine grins, kissing his girlfriend grossly and for way too long. "It's so romantic here, and Christmas Eve is the perfect time to see a light display. I couldn't imagine bringing my beautiful girl anywhere else."
Peter rubs your side obviously reading into how tense you've gotten with Blaine's asshole demeanor. "Isn't it the best? I brought her here for our six month anniversary." He looks over at you with a smile, having really put emphasis on six months and you bite your lip. "We're going to dinner afterwards, the steakhouse on tenth street. They do a Christmas Eve special for couples. Reservation only."
Blaine looks annoyed, and one upped. Which, honestly he has been because Peter is really selling the lie. "Funny, we were gonna do that too. Guess we'll see you there."
"Really?" Peter grins. "Because the only restaurant on tenth street is a McDonald's. Get over yourself and stop being a dick in front of your ex."
Your jaw drops and Peter threads his fingers between yours. He walks you away from Blaine and you can't help but let out a laugh in astonishment. Peter just destroyed him in a matter of seconds like it was nothing.
"I can't believe you did that," you say, looking back at Blaine and his girlfriend who's yelling at him about something. Probably for embarrassing her.
"Yeah, well, he was being a dick. You could tell he was trying to rub in that he was on a date with someone who wasn't you. I can't stand guys like that."
You lean your head against Peter's arm. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that, I could have just walked away."
"What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn't defend my fake girlfriend?" He laughs and you laugh too. What a crazy night it's been.
You and Peter finish the scavenger hunt and go to the prize booth to show your photos. The worker hands you both a lidded box that's wrapped up like a present and you step aside to open it and see what you got.
"Fuzzy socks!" You squeal, holding up a pair of fluffy candy cane striped socks.  "These are awesome!"
Peter opens his box and he's got a pair to but they're green and red. "I'm not sure these will fit me, but you can have them." He looks down and sticks his tennis show clad foot out. "Maybe they will?"
"You'll have to see." You turn in your gift box at the little drop off bin for people who don't want to take it with them. "I suppose it's time to go back home now."
"Yeah." Peter pushes his glasses up. "I had a great time. Thanks for letting me go with you."
You chuckle. "I almost went alone. I didn't know if you were some creep or not. I'm glad I did email you back though. You're pretty cool."
"You are too. And I promise I'm not a creep." Peter crosses his fingers. "Swear I'm normal."
"You're a goof."
"Yep. That's me." He loops his arm under yours and the two of you head for the apartment complex. You really are glad you decided to say yes to him. This night was incredible, even though you saw Blaine, it was still great.
"Any plans for Christmas?" Peter asks as the two of you stand outside the front door to your building.
"Nope. Just me and Bugs video chatting my parents some time in the afternoon. They've sent me a few gifts in the mail so I've got some stuff to open."
Peter runs a hand over his hair and bites his lip. "Well, if you wanted to, my brothers and I are making breakfast and stuff. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I brought a guest over."
"Do your brothers live with you?"
"Yeah," he turns and points at the building to the left of yours. "We share one of the penthouse apartments."
"Fancy." You raise your eyebrows. "Those things are like super expensive."
Peter smiles sheepishly. "They are, but all three of us have full ride scholarships and Raul got a massive grant. We all pay our part from our grants pretty much but Raul pays a little more since he wanted the big apartment."
"Ah, I see. Well...can I get your number? I'll text you if I am able to make it?"
Peter pulls out his phone. "Of course."
The two of you exchange numbers and say your goodbyes. You head up to your apartment, smiling to yourself. Peter is kind of awesome. You finally feel like you've made a friend. Christmas miracles do exist.  
Christmas morning. It's snowing heavily when you wake up. Bugs is on your head, asleep against your hair. Your phone lays on the pillow beside you, notification light glowing. You grab it and turn it on, seeing two messages. One from your mom saying Merry Christmas and one from Peter telling you their building security code and there is a photo attached.  
You open the photo and it's him in a Santa hat and the ugliest sweater you've ever seen. In the background there is another guy, his brother you assume, and he looks super similar. Maybe Peter was a twin. You reply back with a photo of Bugs in his little Christmas sweater you had put on him last night.
After a call with your mom and dad, making plans to video chat around one in the afternoon, you decide to go over to Peter's apartment. He's been sending you photos all morning of the food and you just can't resist. He's such a dork but he's so genuinely cute.
You bundle up and cross the courtyard to head to his building. Peter meets you at the front door and you laugh at his reindeer print pants. "You didn't have to come all the way down here."
"Yeah, I did." He chuckles as you walk down the entry hall. "I sort of forgot to mention something."
"Uh oh. What?" You stop short of the elevator doors. "Is there where you tell me you're a crazy psychopath and you're gonna eat me?"
"No!" Peter's face goes white but he quickly realized you're joking. "No, no no no. Okay that sounded bad. Okay no, I just forgot to tell you about my brothers."
"What? Yes you did, you said they live with you?"
"Not that. I mean, we're triplets."
"Oh!" You laugh. "That makes sense."
"Well, in your photo of your Santa hat I saw one of your brothers in the back ground and I thought he looked super similar to you."
"Oh. Yeah, that was probably Shawn. We look the most alike." Peter pulls out his keycard to the elevator and swipes it to go up. "Raul still looks like us, but his hair is darker and he's got a little bit more angular of a face. Anyway, they're really excited to meet you."
"Why's that?"
Peter rubs his neck and blushes. "I don't bring a lot of guests over."
"Like just female guests or?"
"Any really. My brother's always tell me I'm antisocial. Whatever."
You step out of the elevator and Peter heads to the left. "I wouldn't have guessed you're antisocial. You're pretty talkative with me. You told me about so much yesterday."
"Yeah well, you're easy to talk to." Peter pushes open the door to the apartment. "And-"
"Damn Peter!" One of the brothers says as you walk in. "How'd you manage to get the balls to talk to her?"
"Shut up Raul," Peter says, throwing a pillow at him from a nearby sofa.
Raul stands and walks over to you. "I'm Raul. His older brother."
Peter rolls his eyes. "By minutes."
"Every second counts." Raul smirks and shakes your hand. "Merry Christmas, welcome to our shithole."
You stifle a laugh. "Merry Christmas to you too. I was told there would be breakfast?"
"Just missed it. I ate it all." Raul says with a shrug and a tummy pat. "Christmas morning munchies."
"Oh shut up," Peter says and motions for you to follow him to the kitchen. You do and Raul flops down on the sofa laughing at his own dumb joke. "Shawn, this is the girl I told you about." He introduces you and you shake Shawn's flour covered hand.
"Hey, welcome. We've got a ton of food, please eat. It's just us." Shawn says, gesturing to the counter with plates of pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.
Peter hands you a plate from the cupboard. "Don't be shy okay? I promise none of us will judge you for eating a bunch or something."
You take the plate and grab some of everything. "Don't worry, I'm starving so I won't be shy."
Post breakfast the guys open gifts. There are quite a few under the tree and you're surprised to find there are three for you. Considering you just met Peter yesterday and the other two today, it's a shocker. How could they even know what to get you?
"How...how do I have gifts?" You laugh as Peter plops a small red box in your lap.
"Well, last night I went out and got some stuff in case you did decide to come over. I really hoped you would, and I didn't want you to feel left out."
"That's so sweet." You lift the lid and inside is a little bag of cat toys and treats. "For Bugs!"
Raul chuckles and hands you another box. "Open this one."
You tear open the small box and inside is a hot cocoa mix in a mug that says Meowy Clawsmas. All of you have a good laugh at that.
Peter hands you the last box and he's flushed.  You give him a look and open it. Inside is a flat small envelope. "What is this?"
"Just open it," Peter says.
You tear open the little seal and inside are two printed tickets to the ice rink downtown. "Ice skating?"
"I think Peter is asking you on a date," Shawn says from where he's cleaning up wrapping paper on the couch.
You flush, warmth spreading across your cheeks. "You want to go out with me?"
"Y-yeah. The light display was so much fun I thought maybe... y'know, we could do something like that again." Peter pushes his glasses up and clears his throat. "It doesn't have to be a date. We can just go as friends, or if you want to go with someone else that's okay."
"I'd love to go out with you." You lean forward and give him a hug. He seemingly melts into you, big hands coming up and resting on your back. "Relax."
Raul and Shawn let out a little chorus of awes.
"Thanks for not making Christmas suck this year." You laugh, pulling back and pushing Peter's hair out of his face. "I'm glad I took a chance and invited you to the light display."
"Me too. Merry Christmas," he says with a smile and you smile back.
"Merry Christmas."
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed this and reblog to support and encourage myself and fellow writers. Next part coming soon! - A
Custom header per part made by the incredible delicateshawn
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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lostinmirkwood · 4 years
Gendrya Kinktober Day 9: Car Sex/Leaving Marks
I got both prompts in today! Find it on AO3 here.
If they get busted he wants it on record that it’s Arya’s fault. 
Sunday evening is Stark Family Dinner, capital letters required. It had been for as long as him and Arya had been together. He’d met the Starks several times as Jon’s roommate during uni but it wasn’t until Arya that he became a regular attendant. Every Sunday saw them driving an hour to Winterfell to have dinner with her siblings and their significant others, her parents, and any assortment of family friends who happened to be nearby. Tonight was no different.
Well, he takes that back. Tonight was a little different. Tonight Arya wore a knee length skirt and a white button up top that complimented her tanned skin nicely. Finished off with a pair of flats and some red lipstick and he was praying he made it home before having to resort to Storm’s End footie stats to keep his cool. Arya wasn’t helping matters much. She was singing along to the radio on the drive without a care in the world, shimmying her shoulders at him from the passenger seat as she did. He loved seeing this happy part of Arya and he couldn’t help but smile and occasionally sing back to her as they drove.
Dinner was delicious as always. He didn’t know how Cat managed to put together such a fantastic meal week after week. He’s seated next to Arya near the end of the table deep in conversation with Rickon and Bran about an upcoming season of a fantasy series they were all watching as Arya was chatting with Talisa and Sansa about something that had happened at work that week involving some mislaid documents and a very large bouquet of flowers when her hand lands on his thigh. Rather high on his thigh for where they are. He stumbles over his words for a moment before carrying on, talking about a character who had disappeared a few seasons earlier that he was hoping would return. Arya’s hand begins to subtly stroke his leg, slowly working her way up and in, occasionally brushing his inseam with her nails, as dinner moves on to dessert and Talisa begins to tell a story about an elegant elderly patient with a sharp tongue whose dressing down of her son had Talisa in stitches as soon as she could excuse herself from the room. 
Gendry sees from the corner of his eye Arya’s slight smirk as her hand finally reaches its destination, palming his hardening cock through his slacks. Gendry’s suddenly glad Cat insists on setting a formal table with a tablecloth because he does not need anyone to see what she’s doing to him right now. Those footie stats become very important much sooner than he’d anticipated. With a gentle squeeze Arya rises from her seat to help her mother clear the table as Gendry downs the rest of his wine to try to regain his composure. He’d missed the past several minutes of discussion with Bran and Rickon, the former now insisting that one of the characters had in fact been replaced by a god who would try to use his powers to stop the end of the world while Rickon rebutted with the idea that that character was actually evil and would wind up destroying the world. That composure is quickly lost again as Arya leans over his shoulder to take his plate to the kitchen, pressing her tits against his back and breathing warmly in his ear. 
She takes mercy on him for the remainder of the evening, if you could call sending him heated looks and running her tongue across her lower lip mercy. He praises whatever god was in charge of her lip color because the red paint hasn’t budged since she put it on. Her little stunt at the table has him imagining those ruby lips wrapped around his cock and he finds himself useless at conversation, just nodding along as the Starks talk around him. Cat eventually sends them on their way with a plan of lunch later that week with Arya and several rounds of hugs from all the Starks.
Gendry lets out a sigh the moment the car door closes behind Arya. He loves her family, loves that they folded him in effortlessly but that many enthusiastic people for several hours was a lot of energy for him. Arya’s teasing was unhelpful in the best way. They were quiet as they pulled onto the main road back to the city, the radio now playing softly in the background. Eventually Arya began to talk about an upcoming project at work that she was excited to be leading. As she spoke her hand made its way back to his thigh, again slowly stroking as he drove them home. Gendry lets her carry on, not entirely sure if she’s aware that she’s doing it given how intently she is speaking about the goals of the project. As her hand again moves to palm his cock Gendry drops his hand to hers, pressing it to his bulge and stopping her movements, “Love if you keep that up I’m going to crash. I can’t focus on the road with your hand on my cock.”
Arya pouts and brings her hand back to her side of the car. The car quiets as Gendry focuses back on the road, the litany of footie stats back on his mind. After a few minutes a soft gasp from her side of the car causes him to whip his head over. Arya is sitting there, eyes closed, shirt partially unbuttoned as one hand slowly teases her nipples through her lacy bra, the other working herself under her skirt. She peeks one eye open to see him watching her intently, before grinning mischievously and saying, “Eyes on the road Gendry, you don’t want us to crash.”
“What’s got… What happen…” he can’t quite string a coherent thought together.
“Oh, my knickers?” She asks, coyly, “They were so wet after dinner that I took them off before we left. They’re in my purse.”
Gendry groans, turning his focus back through the windshield as her gasps get slightly louder and the lewd, wet sounds of her hand between her legs can be heard over the radio in the background. Suddenly getting home to their bed is the last thing on Gendry’s mind. He swerves into a roadside pull-out and throws the car in park. Arya giggles as he frantically begins to undo his seatbelt and paw at hers. As her belt releases Gendry tugs her across the center console and firmly onto his now rock hard erection. They begin to kiss sloppily as he works the remaining buttons loose from her shirt, hands sliding up to palm and squeeze her tits as she grinds herself down onto his firm bulge. Gendry’s lips leave her mouth and move to her neck, finding that spot behind her ear that causes her to gasp and work herself against him, a wet spot growing on his pants from her dripping center. 
Arya’s hands scrabble down his chest to open his belt, pulling his throbbing cock from the stifling confines of his boxers. A few hard pumps then she lines herself up over him and sinks down, taking a few strokes to work herself to the base, knees tight around his hips in the limited space afforded by the front seat of the car. Gendry releases the spot he was worrying on her neck, forehead dropping to her chest as his hands grip her waist tightly. He begins to move her over him, pulling her forward and down onto his cock as she gasps and writhes over him, hands moving to his shoulders, nails digging in through the fabric of his shirt.
The sounds of their coupling fill the car, Arya’s face is briefly illuminated by a passing car, her mouth open in ecstasy, her pupils blown wide as she stares down at him. Gasps and moans, the slap of skin and the squelch of sex all coming together to this perfect moment. Gendry grunts out, “Arry, I’m close. Gods Arya, so close,” dropping one of his hands from his tight grip on her waist, delving under her skirt to find her clit, rubbing frantically, trying to bring her over with him, football stats long forgotten. 
Arya breathlessly whines, “Let go, Gendry, please let go. I’m right there.”
A few more thrusts and Gendry tips over the edge. The feel of him flooding her with his release sends Arya over too, her cunt clenching around his cock as they ride out their orgasms together. Arya drops her forehead to his, sighing. They stay that way for a few minutes, breathing together before Gendry gently pats her bum and says, “We’d best get home. I don’t want to have to explain to an officer why we’re pulled off the side of the road in the middle of nowhere with the windows all fogged up.”
Arya laughs and gently pulls herself off of him before clambering back to her side of the car saying, “I’m sure he’ll be able to guess. We probably wouldn’t be his first stop for something like this.”
As Arya is changing into her pajamas later that night she notices the dark bloom on her neck and the darkening spots just above her hips, the perfect size and spread to be bruises left from Gendry’s fingers as he’d desperately fucked her. She smiled to herself before pulling on her shirt and crawling into his waiting arms to sleep.
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Pains - Chapter Ten - Finding Solace
My doorbell rang at 6:30 sharp. Apparently the driver shared Victor’s punctuality, and for a moment I considered how effective Victor was on keeping everyone on their toes. Without answering through the intercom, I went downstairs.
The black sedan was parked on the curb in front of the building. I walked to the car and the front passenger window opened. I immediately recognized the bass voice coming from inside.
“Get in.”
I paused for a moment, startled. Didn’t he say he was going to send a car?
“What? You forgot how the door opens?” Well, good morning to you too, Mr. Sunshine.
“Good morning.” I said, getting in the car. Of course, I didn’t have a reply. He pulled the car from the curb and just drove, his eyes focused on the road.
“Your coffee is getting cold.” Victor finally spoke.
I looked down. In the cup holder, there was a paper coffee cup with my name on it.
“Thank you.” I said before taking a sip, the warmth and the caffeine making me feel a whole lot better.
“It’s nothing.”
He spoke without even glancing at me, his eyes on the road at all times. I looked closer at him, hoping he would feel my gaze and at the very least glance at me. After a moment, I realized he was lost in thought. Like the true daughter of a therapist, I studied his posture. He looked tense, his shoulders not all the way down, his grip hard on the wheel.
“You look tense.” I finally blurted out, not caring if he would like it or not.
“Don’t worry about it.”  Ok, he didn’t want to talk. Tough luck.
“How did it go yesterday?” I pressed again.
Victor sighed.
“I spent yesterday’s afternoon with a forensic team. Ted embezzled almost two million dollars from the company. The lawyers pressed charges. He will be taken for questioning today.”
“I’m sorry. I understand it must be hard, you being friends and all.”
“It’s my company. It’s my responsibility.” Victor’s expression turned sour. “I shouldn’t have let friendship affect business.”
“You speak like this is your fault.” I said, in disbelief. Was he really taking the blame for being robbed blind?
Victor was quiet for a while, focused on entering LFG’s parking lot and parking his car at his reserved spot. He killed the engine and sat back on his seat.
“It is my responsibility.” He finally said, his voice low. “The people I hire, what and how they do, all of that is my responsibility.”
“That’s honorable, but a little pretentious as well. You can’t possibly know everything about everyone, know exactly what’s on their minds, predict every crappy thing life throws at you.”
“And even though it’s painstakingly obvious that I can’t, that is exactly what’s expected from me.” His eyes were filled with a painful resolve. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, they say. Victor was fully aware of how heavy the crown was.
Our ride in the elevator to the top floor was silent. Victor kept himself busy with his phone, and I spent the time counting up the floors as we rose through the tall building.
“Today will be a hard day.” Victor said, touching my arm slightly. “Dealing with the mess Ted left won’t be easy, this is more than just making payments, I need to clear the company’s name. I need to protect what took so many years to build. The partners already know you, they will trust you. I’m counting on your help.”
I smiled softly at Victor.
“I’ll do my best. Thank you for trusting my skills.”
 “I do.” His eyes were earnest. “I do trust you.”
As I walked into the office, I was startled with the piles of documents in both desks. Victor followed me in and, without another word, took his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
“So, what do you want me to do?” I said, not even bothering to sit. I took one of the files and skimmed through it.
Victor leaned on the desk and explained his strategy to fix that mess. Some of the partners were trying to back away from the funding, already seeking other investors. Every file contained an alternative investment plan, one more alluring to the partners, in order to keep them with LFG. Ted held the accounts of some major companies, and losing them would be a hard blow on LFG’s reputation and profits.
Goldman joined us shortly after, his hand busy with coffee and food to fuel our morning. I spent the entire time talking to the partners, apologizing for what had happened and offering a renegotiation of the contractual terms.
We never left the office, except for bathroom breaks, having lunch while working. One by one, the files on both our desks disappeared.
By the time Goldman took the last file, it was dark out.
“Are we done?” I asked, leaning back on my chair.
Victor was already leaning on his chair, staring at nothing. He has taken off his tie and undone the first two buttons of his shirt, and he looked exhausted, faint dark circles surrounding his eyes, his hair slightly disheveled.
“Yes. We’re done for today.” Victor said, getting up. “Get your things, I’ll drive you home.”
We left the office and walked in the elevator silently, the humming of the elevator motors the only audible thing. I was startled by Victor’s voice.
“You know, we deserve a treat after all this hard work. Have dinner with me.”
“Sounds good. I mean, if you’re not too tired. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Nonsense.” Victor shook his head. “I could use the company and the distraction.”
Victor drove us to an eclectic part of town, filled with buildings of odd colors and shapes. We could see art everywhere: in the walls, the gardens, the light posts. Everything was decorated with something original and beautiful, representing some culture.
“I have been here for what? Almost six months? And I have never visited this part of town, it’s beautiful.” I said as I looked around.
“It’s southwest Loveland, the artistic part of town.” Victor explained. “If you follow the street we just passed to your left, you’ll find Loveland’s Museum. A few blocks after, the Music School and Loveland’s Theatre, where Loveland’s Orchestra performs.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “You’ve been here for months and haven’t properly visited the city yet?”
“Levi keeps inviting me, but work on my thesis during the weekend, so…” I shrugged. My life had been all work, no play. I had to do something about that.
“My neighbor. He’s an immigrant like me, but he’s been here for years, so he knows his way around the city.”
“That’s ridiculous. You should visit the city with someone that is actually from Loveland, someone who actually knows the place.” Victor said, frowning. “I could give you a tour one of these days.”
“You?” I was surprised. “It’s fine, you probably have better things to do.”
“You don’t need to worry about what I have or don’t have to do.” Victor replied coldly. “I know every nook and corner of this town. I will gladly show you around.”
“Ok, thank you.” I nodded. He was probably just being polite, so there was no use speaking about it anymore.
We arrived at a secluded restaurant named Solace. It was totally decorated in shades of black and white, the walls covered with photographs of what the owner seemingly perceived as comfort: hands holding, two people hugging, a sunset, someone crying with joy.
“So, what do you think?” Victor asked, as we sat at a small table at the corner.
“I love it. The art is beautiful.” I said, still admiring the photographs on the walls.
“I knew you’d like it.” Victor picked up the menu. “The food is exquisite as well. You should try the duck, it’s delicious. Do you want to pick the wine, Miss “my-father-is-an-oenologist”?” Victor handed me the wine menu.
“You overestimate my knowledge of wine. Please do the honors.” I gave the menu back to Victor. He opened it, reading it carefully.
“So we’re both having the duck… How do you feel about… Beaujolais?”
“Fruity wine. I like the way you think.” I nodded. I didn’t have to be a connoisseur as my father to know Victor understood wine perfectly. I imagined how it would be like if Victor ever visited my parents’ house. He wouldn’t leave the cellar.
Our food arrived shortly, and Victor was absolutely right, it was delicious. The kind of food you’d expect from a 3  Michelin star restaurant, but in a small venue, where you could eat and just chill, listen to the music and enjoy the art, straight from work. Really my kind of place. Simple, elegant and with good food.
“How’s your meal?” Victor asked.
“Like you said: exquisite. And the wine matches it perfectly.”
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Victor said, filling my empty glass with more wine. “We need to toast.” He said, raising his glass. “To a job well done.”
“Cheers!” I smiled, as I raised my glass and clinked it with Victor’s. “You have to look me in the eyes while you drink, or you will get seven years of terrible sex.”
For the life of me, I don’t know why I said that. Maybe the wine was getting to me. Luckily, Victor found my words amusing, chuckling at my moronic statement.
“You believe in such a superstition?” He asked, holding his cup in the air, without drinking it.
“No, but… It’s seven years of terrible sex. Better safe than sorry.”
“Sure, nobody wants that. Let’s drink then.” He brought the cup to his lips and drank, his eyes never leaving mine.
“Your girlfriends will deeply appreciate it.” I nodded ceremoniously.
“What girlfriends?”
“Oh, please, a guy like you? Wealthy and good looking?” I raised my eyebrows at him.
“We do have a whole department for girlfriends at LFG.” He stated, his face dead serious. “They have to fill an application, stating how they can make my wildest dreams come true, and occasionally I drop by to beat them off with a stick.” He paused for my reaction, which was a laugh. “Where have you ever seen me with a woman? Even if I did have women lining up for me, they don’t interest me. I prefer quality over quantity.”
“You’re in search of the one and only? When you find her, please introduce her to me? I want to see the girl that meets your very high standards.” My heart panged. I ignored it completely.
“I don’t think I have to search much longer, actually.” He looked at me meaningfully. My heart swelled. My head immediately stumped it down. Stop reading into things, Andrea.
“Well, what are you doing here with me, then? Shouldn’t you be with her instead? Go get your piece of heaven, be happy.” I wanted to sound perky and positive, but my tone came out all wrong, my uneasiness about the subject clearly showing. Victor smiled.
“I have to be patient with her. If I come out too strong, I’ll scare her away. Besides, she’s terrible at understanding the subtle hints I give her, so I’ll have to wait for her to put all the pieces together before I can actually be blunt about it.” She has to be incredibly stupid if she’s missing the chance, I thought.
“I don’t know, if it’s this hard to begin with, if you have to use such caution, maybe it’s not worth it at all.” My words sounded more bitter than I intended.
“It’s supposed to be hard. The things that matter to you the most usually are. If you’re not willing to give it your all, put yourself on the spot and risk losing everything, it’s because that thing wasn’t as important as you thought.” Victor looked me in the eyes and rested his hand on the table. I wanted to hold it, but refrained. He quickly took his hand away, taking his glass to drink more wine. I did the same.
“Enough about me.” He stated. “What about you? Besides that Lewis guy, any love interest?”
I almost snorted the wine I was drinking.
“Ok, first: Levi is not a love interest. Not at all, not once, not ever.” I said, gesticulating furiously. “Second: I don’t have the time to visit the city, where would I find the time to date? No dates.”
“Does that mean you’re off the market, so to speak?”
“It means I don’t even have a clue where the market is. I’m still finding my ground here.”
“Good to know.” Victor smiled.
“What’s good to know? The fact that I’m pathetic? I’m glad you enjoy it, always a pleasure to serve.” I spoke ironically, pretending to be offended.
“It’s good to know that you’re working hard on finding your ground. You have all these plans, your doctorate, launching your career, I hope you see all of those through.” Victor replied earnestly.
Me too. It was so important for me to get my life back on track after so much I had been through. To find my own solace. I promised myself that when I got my diploma I would take a picture of it and give it to the owner of this restaurant.
I waited by the entrance as Victor paid the bill. I hadn’t noticed before the huge photograph near the door, hands lovingly holding a pregnant belly.
“There’s no solace like your mother’s womb.” I hear Victor speaking behind me. “Where you find nothing but warmth and love.”
I didn’t reply. I was afraid words would let out the tears I was hiding. I got out the door.
“Is everything ok?” He followed me, watching me closely.
“Oh, yeah, everything is fine.” I tried to downplay it, but he could hear in my voice how tight my throat was.
“Everything is not fine.” Victor insisted, softly putting his hand on my back. “Tell me the truth. What’s wrong?”
“Everything is fine!” I laughed. “I just got emotional with the photograph and I didn’t want you to make fun of me. I admit, maybe I had too much wine.” Victor’s eyes were deep into mine, scanning my expression for any sign of deceit. “Do you mind taking me home? It’s late, and we had a rough day…”
“Sure.” Victor promptly answered, as he snapped out of focus. “You’re right, we’re both tired, we should get some rest.”
He seemed to find my excuse satisfactory, dropping the subject completely. But I suspected he didn’t really believe me, because his hand never left my back as we walked to the car.
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serenhyunjinity · 5 years
mental patient! hyunjin
“one side of me wants to love you but the other wants to see your blood spill from every inch of your body”
word count: 2000+
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‘Hwang Hyunjin, aged 19, suffers from a rare form of split personality disorder and needs to be watched at all times, be prepared for a sudden personality swap’. Reading those words written on the document that was handed to y/n only a few days before, nervousness seeped through her veins. Honestly she was just glad she wasn’t having a forty year old psychopath and instead had someone around her age. After all, she had only just made it into the career she had dreamed of since she was young.
“Are you ready?” the older nurse asked, yet her face looked unsure, he couldn't be that bad right? I mean they wouldn't assign a new nurse to an extremely dangerous patient. Nodding, this was the call to open the metal door which led into the extremely white room which had a single bed placed in the centre, although it was within seconds in which she spotted the tall male slumped against the wall.
The metal door clanked behind her as she entered with caution towards the patient who still had not acknowledged her presence. His head was low as his face had a deep look of lack of comfort. Then again who wouldn’t feel uncomfortable in an isolated room like this? “You must be my new nurse” the boy suddenly spoke, making y/n jump in shock, so he had noticed her walk in.
“Yeah, im y/n” she replied softly, trying not to sound intimidating to the boy who already looked distraught as it was. With her reply, the black haired patient glanced up, making eye contact with the nurse, sending shivers down her spine. Although she definitely was not expecting a bright smile to form on her patients lips, watching as he jumped up from his spot and stood politely in front of her. “How are you feeling today Hyunjin?”
The black haired boy contemplated to himself before once again facing the nurse “Im fine at the moment, but that's only because my nurse is pretty and not an old hag like the others” his smile was small but he chuckled lowly. She really wasn't prepared for a flirtatious patient but it was better than one who wanted nothing more than to have her dead right then and there. Motioning him to sit on the bed which was close by, he did as he was told as y/n calmly sat in her spot, but then that's when the nerves began to kick in.
“Are you nervous? Don’t be, i'm in a good mood right now” he smiled once again, okay it will go fine y/n, just calm. Gripping the clipboard, y/n took the pen from her pocket and let out a deep sigh, time to begin her first ever assessment.
“Do you have any triggers that cause your sudden personality changes?” first question and it's already cutting straight to the point. The boy sat in front of her sighed and looked around, gathering his thoughts. “Not really, it just happens, but it can happen if i get too angry” noted.
“When did your other personality begin to affect your life?” that's when Hyunjin went silent, a sad look covering his face, which had previously had a bright smile adorned on it. He looked nervous, so without a single thought, y/n reached over and grabbed his shaking hand.
“When I saw my father beating my mother, that's when I first noticed it, i just got so angry that i couldn't think of anything else except seeing him dead. He inflicted pain on me after that day, until I couldn't handle it anymore”. His words began to get shaky as they escaped his trembling lips, but with a squeeze of his hand reassuring him that it was fine to keep talking, he proceeded to do just that. “I hit him with a glass bottle and ran, fuck i dont even know if he is even alive”. Abusive father, troubled childhood.
After a few more questions, hyunjin was done with his check up. The boy gazed at the nurse who had now moved from her seat and skimmed over the notes she had scribbled down as hyunjin opened up about his illness. “Thank you for today hyunjin, ill be back tomorrow” and with that, she exited the room, hyunjin’s eyes scanning her, if only he wasnt in this stupid hospital.
Two weeks had passed by in the blink of an eye and y/n still had only witnessed hyunjin’s positive and bright personality. It wasn't as if she was complaining, the nurses told her that when his second personality came out, it was best to leave as soon as possible, although this was understandable from the stories that her patient had told her about throughout the course of their many sessions.
It was now time for her fourteenth session with hyunjin and as he had been a relatively well mannered and responsible patient, he was granted access to the outside world for six hours, of course whilst being supervised by his nurse, y/n. The nurses were dumbfounded when they found out that Hwang Hyunjin was doing so much better than he was a month previously, yet little did they know y/n was the reason for this. Hyunjin knew it was almost forbidden to feel this way towards a nurse, but he couldn't help the butterflies from fluttering in his stomach just by the thoughts of her.
“Hyunjin I have some news for you” hyunjin’s heart picked up its pace as soon as the girl’s voice filled his plain white room, although it certainly wasn't plain whenever she was there with him. “We’re leaving this place for a couple of hours” Hyunjin’s eyes grew wide, he was allowed out of this place? After being trapped in the mental hospital for almost three years, he could breathe fresh air.
So with this news, y/n handed him the pieces of clothing which were given to her by another nurse. I mean he couldn't just go out into the public eye in his patient uniform, it would certainly put unwanted attention onto him, and in most cases that really would not be good for him. Leaving the room, y/n waited patiently, undoubtedly she felt proud of herself for getting hyunjin to the point where he was trusted to leave the prison-like building and experience being a young adult for at least a couple of hours.
Stepping out of y/n’s car, the pair set foot on the grounds of an amusement park which was only fifteen minutes away from the hospital. Hyunjin had never been to an amusement park, so with the view of rollercoasters and the sweet aroma of candy filling the air, butterflies filled his stomach as y/n grabbed ahold of his hand, causing a slight blush to form on the taller male’s cheeks.
“Is there anything you want to do here?” the nurse looked at Hyunjin, who’s eyes had not left her ever since they had entered the amusement park. Her eyes met his own pair, which immediately tore away from hers and looked around at the crowded park. Each ride had a long line of people of all ages and genders waiting to go on a spin on the short, adrenaline filled rides.
“As long as you’re by my side, I'll go on anything” y/n chuckled at his comment as they began to shuffle over to the rollercoaster which was a minute or two away from the entrance. “Why are you laughing?” he questioned, a large smile plastered onto his lips as he gazed at the girl beside him whose smile brought him the most happiness he had ever felt in all the years he had been alive.
“You’re cheesy” her smile never left her face as the pair conversed as if they were lifelong friends, and not nurse and patient.
Three hours had passed by within a blink of an eye. Hyunjin and y/n strolled across the high streets, the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the area as they had left the nearby bakery after purchasing a couple of pastries. Hyunjin never felt so happy ever, his other personality hadn't even made an appearance for a couple of days now and honestly, even he was surprised.
“Fuck” Hyunjin snapped his head towards y/n who was searching inside of her bag in frustration. A deep sigh left her lips as she turned towards Hyunjin who was watching in curiosity. “Can we quickly go to my apartment? I think I left one of my files on my desk” without any hesitation, the black haired boy nodded.
The way back to her apartment wasn't too long, as y/n lived relatively close to where they were previously. Entering her apartment, Hyunjin scanned the area, taking in every small detail of it. In his line of vision, he could make out a picture of y/n with who he assumed were her parents and siblings, or they could be friends, he couldn't assume.
“You can sit down” he came back to his senses after hearing the girls voice signalling for him to sit on the black couch which was placed in front of a television, which looked like it hadn't been turned on for weeks. He shifted his vision towards the nurse who was stuffing her files into her bag and moving to take a seat beside hyunjin.
Silence filled the room as the two sat, staring at anything but each other, although it was rather a comfortable silence and not uncomfortable in the slightest, well at least to Hyunjin. That was until y/n sighed softly, Hyunjin’s eyes landed on her face, his heartbeat picking up its pace just by staring at her features closely.
“Did they tell you?” her question made Hyunjin confused, tell him what? He shook his head lightly and the girl looked down, and he could swear he saw her lips turn into a frown. “They said I was done with you, im being moved to another patient, this is our last time together” she was still looking down, playing with her fingers nervously.
Hyunjin’s face dropped, he swore his heart had stopped beating as the cold sweat began to come again, god please not now. “N-no you can't leave me, not yet,” his voice was shaking, he didn't want to lose her. Y/n was the only source of happiness in his life, no other nurse could take her place.
“Hyunjin, are you okay? You’re shaking” all of a sudden, the boy leaped out of his seat and grabbed the girl by her throat. “Hyunjin!” the girl managed to scream as his tears got replaced by the look of anger, his eyes turned dark as he grabbed onto the vase placed on the coffee table. The happy go lucky Hyunjin was soon replaced by his biggest fear, the Hyunjin that killed not only his father but his whole teenage life.
The nurse’s hands tried to pry off the boys but it was no use, his strength was on a completely new level to hers. So this was his other personality, the one the other nurses had warned her off all of this time, and now she was experiencing it first hand.
“One side of me wants to love you but the other wants to see your blood spill from every inch of your body” he let out a sinister chuckle as he violently smashed a part of the vase against the table, shards scattering all over the room. “Look what you’ve done to me” he sighed as he placed the sharp tip of the glass vase against her neck. Her breathing began to quicken, panic.
“Thank you for letting me experience the feeling of being loved, now we can leave together” she screamed but it all turned silent as the sharp shard was pushed into her neck, killing her instantly. Although that was when Hyunjin quickly snapped out of it, what had he just done? His heart dropped as he grabbed the body of the girl he gained deep feelings for, he just killed her.
“Don't worry y/n, i'll join you now” his shaking hands grabbed another shard as he screamed out at the world before closing his eyes, taking his last breath. He was certain he would never go back to that place ever again. He wouldn’t be like that again.
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