#especially with the 4 colors i've limited myself to using
slydiddledeedee · 7 months
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Light-tober, Week 3
Week 1 - Tales of the Abyss Week 2 - One Piece Week 4 - Pokemon Black and White
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telomeke · 1 month
Get to Know Me Tag :)
I was tagged by @lamonnaie at this post here. Thanks for tagging me! 😍 It was such fun to read your responses; now here are mine. 🥰
do you make your bed?
Never ever. I'm pretty messy, and if I don't watch my hoarding tendencies I will morph into the worst pack rat. But I like a bit of clutter around me; I think it helps my creative side since my output (whether at work, or writing on Tumblr) is always tidy and tidied up to a fault, which can stifle creativity (at least that's what I tell myself! 🤣).
what's your favourite number?
Don't have one. However (even though I like to think I'm not superstitious) if I can I'll try to avoid the number 13 and anything with 4 in it...
what is your job?
Not gonna get too specific, but my work involves design, project management and construction.
if you could go back to school, would you?
I was too stressed out at school to want to repeat the experience. But I wouldn't mind a bit of time travel back to advise my younger self not to take things so seriously! 🤣
can you parallel park?
Yes. Not well, but the car will be fully in the lot eventually. 👍
a job you had that would surprise people?
Some minor modeling jobs when I was younger. Hush! I don't like to talk about it. 🤫 You wouldn't think it to look at me now (me 🤝 Ricky Gervais 😂).
do you think aliens are real?
There are too many planets out there for our little blue marble to be the only habitable one, so yes I do think there are aliens out there. I just don't think we've been visited by them yet though! (Aylin doesn't count. 🤩)
can you drive a manual car?
Yes. Mom taught me how to drive in one... until the day I jammed on the accelerator when she said "Step on it" and I almost up-ended us into a ditch. Then I was sent to driving school instead. 🤣
what's your guilty pleasure?
Ooh. It's this bad boy here:
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Sadly I've been over-indulging, so chocolate is now banned from the house for the foreseeable future. I'm still lusting after it though. Other guilty pleasures: I do like a good nightcap, so any (gluten grain-free) alcohol makes me light up – cognac, cabernet, sherry, sake, port... (But I don't always know my limits, so this is now banned too.) And a steamin', stonkin', trashy BL every now and then (bonus if there's a nice muscley actor for me to get all googly-eyed over – shoutout Gap Jakarin!). 😁🥰
I like art and have fanboyed over beautiful tattoos before – but I'm put off by the permanence of them, so I have none myself. Don't like the idea of not being able to change them much once they're inked in, because I will always be wanting to change things up if I were to get one. And no, even for looking at I prefer an uninked bod over an inked one. It takes a lot of work to get a body in shape, and I can't understand someone wanting to cover up the results of their hard work at the gym. 🤷‍♂️
favorite color?
A deep, rich blue most of the time. But when the mood hits, I like a bright, bold red too.
favorite type of music?
My tastes are a bit eclectic, leaning lighter and not challenging. Anything with a strong melodic line will get me hooked. Bonus points if the lyrics can come together with the melody to tell a story, and elevate it even more. So – pop mostly, but I also like R&B, soul, light jazz and the odd heartfelt country ballad or foot-stomper (go Queen Bey! 😍). Also like things with a nostalgic bent (I melt at Karen Carpenter, Seals & Croft, and England Dan & John Ford Coley). And then throw in a couple of show tunes in there for good measure! My YouTube playlist is all over the place – Sheila Majid, New Country, Renaissance, Nunew, Miley Cyrus, Streisand, Li'l Nas X, Ayumu Imazu, The Carpenters, Clean Bandit, so many others, all side-by-side.
do you like puzzles?
I love them, especially word and logic puzzles. I'm always shouting over Pat and Vanna. 🤣
any phobias?
Oddly, not the usual suspects, but I'm a bit phobic about birds. They're just creepy up close, even though I find them fascinating and beautiful with a bit of distance. While the bog-standard creepy-crawlies don't bother me one bit – I'm the one always getting called in to whack the roaches and chase away rodents. I dream of getting a cobalt blue tarantula as a pet (but that's not going to happen for various reasons, alas).
favorite childhood sport?
I wasn't that sporty growing up (classic bookworm) but I did enjoy a bit of soccer when I got to play. But I guess my favorite was probably swimming, though I didn't compete.
do you talk to yourself?
All the time. There's a nonstop monologue going on in my head and I've been known to startle people by accidentally voicing that conversation out loud. So I've learnt not to do it around others. 🤣 And no I'm not hearing disembodied voices; it's just me keeping myself company (plus I find it helps me focus my thoughts).
what movies do you adore?
My all-time favorite: Cinema Paradiso; it really pulls unabashedly at the heartstrings, but then again I'm a sentimental fool and love it all the more for that. That's also why I like Love Actually, especially the scene where the repressed Jamie (Colin Firth) travels to Portugal in order to confess his feelings to Aurélia (Lúcia Moniz), having realized he loves her despite the language barrier, and doggedly learnt Portuguese just to make his declaration – and then he finds out that she, lovelorn and bereft, learnt English just in case ("just in cases") he came back. 💖 And my second favorite is from the other end of the spectrum, actually quite a bit before my time as well: Hello Dolly! 😆 Don't judge... A couple of songs in there are really amazing – Love is Only Love and Just Leave Everything to Me especially (which are not in the stage version) are mindblowingly good. The former is almost pithy in its bare-boned purity, all about looking at love without sentimentality while reprising themes heard earlier on in the musical; the latter has the among the cleverest lyrics set to music I've ever heard:
Streisand is in fine fettle portraying a campier, more youthful incarnation of Dolly. Such a shame it was not better received. The costumes are spectacular too.
coffee or tea?
Coffee (or rather the caffeine it contains) is my drug of choice, and I drink buckets of it. But I like a good cuppa when I'm feeling nostalgic and/or sentimental, because tea is what I drank a lot of growing up – at my gran's there would be a perpetually-replenished, giant kettle of dark, bitterish Oolong on the sideboard for whenever you felt like some (which was often), while at home there was always a big pot of tea on the table in the morning, that would then be set to chill in the refrigerator after breakfast. I would always have an ice-cold milk tea with the papers when I got home from school, and it was my favorite daily ritual.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
A paleontologist – like a lot of kids I loved dinosaurs, and I can still rattle off the names of the more well-known ones (including every one in Jurassic Park 👀). But that got pushed aside for more practical considerations later. Still wish I'd explored my second childhood ambition more though, which was to be a writer/journalist. Maybe that's why I like posting so much on Tumblr! 😍
Onward tagging (too many people as usual, but no pressure to play if you don't want to or can't 🥰): @hughungrybear, @relativelydimensional, @neuroticbookworm, @wen-kexing-apologist, @waitmyturtles, @airenyah, @twig-tea, @solitaryandwandering, @recentadultburnout, @lurkingshan, @grapejuicegay,@bengiyo, @urikawa-miyuki, @pickletrip, @suni-san, @kattahj, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @7nessasaryevils, @imminentinertia, @befuddledcinnamonroll, @pandasmagorica, @nihilisticcondensedmilk,@shortpplfedup, @rokklagio, @thegalwhorants, @brazilian-whalien52, @callipigio, @respectthepetty, @corettaroosa, @colourme-feral, @virtualtadpole, @aroceu, @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas, @delesaria-blog, @dribs-and-drabbles, @inventedfangirling, @jiirotu, @visualtaehyun @happypotato48,@akawrites000, @kleopatras-cat, @dc-alves, @toschistation, @lovelyghostv
I've been tagged by others in various tag games over the past few weeks but have been too busy with work to be able to play. 😭 Not gonna post half-assed replies if I can help it, but then I'm always beset by dread thinking people might assume I'm ignoring them for whatever silly reason. But I just haven't had the time until now.
If you've tagged me and I've not responded, please know that I really wanted to but I just kept getting sidetracked by urgent deadlines. (In fact, my drafts folder is full of half-written tag game responses that are too far beyond their use-by date to ever see the light of day. 😮) So to any and all who see this, please accept my apology for not replying to your tags and invites, and if you'd like to play along with this one even if I haven't tagged you directly (and you have the time for it) – please do so! I'd love to read your responses! 😍
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 3 months
Becoming That Girl In School
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♡ Time management is key! For academic success. Most of us are taking 4-6 classes in total and that is a lot especially when you have assignments, tests, and projects. You need to manage your time so you don't feel overwhelmed. An app that I personally use to create my schedule is structured I've spoken about this app before in many different posts. I have the pro version I recommend purchasing the pro version because you get more tools to help you plan out your schedule. 
♡ Organization. I use my MacBook for note-taking in my classes so I have individual folders for every class. If you use notebooks or a binder organize it so you can keep up with every assignment that is due. To make it more fun get colored notebooks, highlighters, colored pens, and stickers. 
♡ Limit procrastination. Do not wait until the night before to get started on an assignment I used to do this a lot and it caused a lot of stress. Now I have implemented work blocks I select two days out of the week where I sit and do homework for 3 hours. During this time I put my phone on Do Not Disturb, I let my family know I'm busy, and I’ll usually have a YouTube video playing to keep me interested. This has helped me complete all homework assignments so im not doing homework every day and reduce stress.
♡ Studying and tutoring. If you know you are struggling with a certain topic study or go to tutoring. Especially if your school offers free tutoring you should take advantage of that. I struggle with math and this semester I am taking a math class. I started tutoring recently and it has been such a good tool I got help on my homework and I gained more knowledge. If you have a friend who is good at a certain subject become study buddies. To romanticize studying go to a cute cafe, grab a coffee or pastry, sit, and study.
♡ Get a good amount of sleep. No more late nights when you know you have class at 8 am! Our brains need sleep make sure you are sleeping at night when you learn to manage your time you will be able to find time for the fun things you want to do during the day so at night you're not up trying to make up for lost time. Sleep is super important when you are well-rested you can focus in class. I have a bedtime some nights it is different depending on my class schedule but I try to at least get 6 hours of sleep a night.
♡ Reset day. Find a day during the week when you can reset. During this day you will not work on any assignments you will focus on self-care. Sleeping if you need to rest, going to get a facial or doing one at home, binge-watching your favorite show. Make this day all about you and what you want. That day for me is Sunday I love Sundays I have no classes or work so I can stay home resting and pampering myself when Tuesday comes I am ready for my school week to start.
These are a few tips that have been making this semester so much easier for me<3 We are almost close to 300 followers we literally just hit 200!!! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting my blog and welcome to my new girliesss! Comment or click the “lets chat babes” button to submit any topics you want me to discuss or any advice you might need loveee you girliessss muah <3 
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alectricblue · 4 months
Saw this tag game on another post and thought I'd do it (idk if I've done it before, maybe something similar, but my answers will be different anyway)
1. Were you named after anyone?
Nope My chosen name (Allister) however, is from a youtuber who has a very cool name and I stole it (Alasdair Beckett-King, very funny videos and he has great hair too). I adapted it a bit so people in Spain would at least have an idea of how to pronounce it at first glance (hopefully) It has nothing to do with any Crowley (which I did not realize was a thing until recently), tho for a bit I named myself AJ like Good Omens Crowley, but I don't like how it sounds in Spanish...
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last month probably
3. Do you have kids?
No. And I don't want any. I don't dislike them, but it's not for me
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Judo, karate and football (the indoors kind). All as a kid/teen. Now my brother and I walk every week day and go up and down stairs (when we remember...) One day I want to try to go to a gym to get some muscle, but not too much, just a bit of definition. Also, I'd enjoy doing rock climbing, but not competitive climbing or anything like that
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Irl: the way they move their face and hands when they speak, which then I subconsciously use to recognize people, bc I'm a bit face blind Online: the way they choose to express themselves
7. What's your eye color?
Gray/light blue on the outside and artichoke green/lime on the inside
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I'd rather watch a happy ending. For scary things I prefer to watch Markiplier's scary games videos
9. Any talents?
I'm VERY good at jigsaw puzzles
10. Where were you born?
East of Spain, by some of the best Mediterranean coasts 😁. I enjoy it here, but one day I'd like to live in the UK, at least for a bit, I think I'd like it there
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to music, singing, making art (crafting, building, drawing, painting, writing, ...), watching media (shows, panel shows, youtube, twitch), video games (rhythm/dancing, platformer, puzzle... Also minecraft, powerwash sim, potion craft...), going for walks, exercise, learning languages (especially English) If I had any good ones close, I'd go to theatres and museums too. And, if I had money, I'd travel. I'm also slowly learning about taking care of plants
12. Do you have any pets?
Not yet. I'd love to have dogs, cats, frogs, snakes... or anything really. I love animals. But I think cats and frogs would be the best fit for me, considering my personality and current lifestyle I've always wanted a dog, but I've only had a turtle and a hamster
13. How tall are you?
1.63m or 5’3”
14. Favorite subject in school?
Biology and technology
15. Dream job?
Anything that pays me enough to be independent and let me do all my hobbies Although, if I ever have the patience, base skill, and required mental fortitude, I'd go for general robotics and/or prop making (for film and/or theatre)
No pressure tags in no particular order (I tried to tag as many people as I could, but apparently there's a tag limit 😅):
@swamp-communism @they-thespian666 @strongsuits @skelesona @shinekittenace @yeetmewithachainsaw @rockium-z @gordonzola-ramen @vampireopossum @libraryfag @frostytheduck @tetostar @xyrnys @normalscientist @dolltwink @anxi0usgh0st05 @piersgender
@mettatonsass @sinfulauthor @flaretheidiot @sneebles-mcgee @pivotallemonade @aroace-genderfluid-snake @monstrousmaws @satanic-leaf @virtualunease @villowrose @handrazedsun @ceiltheoutcast @atroph1k @entropy-sea-system @abby-cat99928 @maroroque @galaxgay
@realyfroggyfrog @angrysheep @llamaflower @ultrabean @sea-salt-sky @queerestqueertoeverqueer @crowleys-queen @foolishlovers @cassieno @crowleys-hips @argylepiratewd @trianglebird4 @sugarplumanderson @underlilithswings21 @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @healingmyinnerteen
and anyone else that sees this, consider yourself tagged!
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hermannsprecursors · 7 months
Hey! I'm doing what I've always felt guilty about doing since I started drawing (and was always too afraid to do since I spent so long convincing myself my art wasn't worth anything)--
I'm opening commissions!
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I've just recently found myself and my family in need of some extra money, especially when it comes to my father's medical bills, and my application fees for university. I'm currently not employed either because of school and my own disabilities. So, no pressure whatsoever! I just would to have some extra income so I can both be self-sustaining and help my father, because the odd jobs I pick up and the $2-5 tarot readings aren't exactly covering it (said tarot readings are also available, dm if interested!).
Don't worry, my fees are modest :)
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BUST Lineart - $2, + $2 per additional character Flat color - $5, + $3 per additional character Cell shading - $7, + $5 per additional character Detailed shading - $10, + $5 per additional character
HALF-BODY Lineart - $4, +$2 per additional character Flat color - $7, + $4 per additional character Cell shading - $10, + $7 per additional character Detailed shading - $13, + $7 per additional character
Lineart - $6, + $4 per additional character Flat color - $10, + $6 per additional character Cell shading - $14, + $10 per additional character Detailed shading - $17, + $10 per additional character
FAKE ANIME SCREENSHOTS $30-60 each, dependent on the desired complexity Any number of characters! I can redraw existing screencaps, or create something entirely new with your guidance.
RENDERED PAINTINGS $60-80 Only so expensive because they take so long (NOT INCLUDED IN REFERENCE PHOTO) please only 1-2 characters for these! Any more and I will charge EXTRA or may deny your commission entirely.
I have the right to deny any commission request
Art will be received within 2-5 days of the commission request
I may post the artwork on my blog for promotional purposes! If you're uncomfortable with this, PLEASE let me know, and I will refrain
I require full payment up front. If, for whatever reason, I deny your commission or cannot get it to you in a timely manner, you will get a full refund
Canon characters
Some animals
Mild blood/gore
Mildly suggestive
Heavy gore
Mech (can't draw em yet)
Furries (same as above ^)
Proship content
More that 10 characters in one piece
As I am a minor and am therefore limited in what my bank will let me do, I can ONLY TAKE PAYMENT THROUGH CASHAPP
My prices are in USD! Since I can only use Cashapp, my commissions are unfortunately limited to only the US and the UK.
Remember that I love you guys so so so much for supporting me <3
You can contact me here or through discord (also hermannsprecursors) if you're interested! Thank you all!
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lumine-no-hikari · 17 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #127
It's late where I live - almost midnight, and I'm very tired. J and I are on another road trip to PA. This time, he and I are going to fly the plane he got back home. After his shift at work, we drove for 4 hours to a place called Buffalo. We will drive the rest of the way to a place called Zelienople in the morning. Then we will fly back; J will be piloting the plane, of course. J is not yet used to flying this plane, but it's very similar to the one that he already knows well; he knows what he's doing, and I trust, without question or hesitation, that he will keep us safe. I'll be back in my house by this time tomorrow with LOTS of pictures to show you, so don't you worry about a thing, okay?
Br came over and I introduced her to the chocolate-cheddar cheese I got when we went to see the eclipse (it tastes like fudge; it's SO GOOD!), and that was pretty great! But I'm still pretty tired because I spent most of the day before the trip being emotional support for various folks. Some of the interactions challenged my boundary skills, but this is a good thing; we don't grow without some level of discomfort, and our boundary skills never improve if we don't get practice. I'm much better at it now than I used to be, and I'm looking forward to seeing where I'll be with this skill in another few years.
Since writing the letter to my inner child, I've had a lot more faith in my own ability to grow, change, and improve. It's kind of refreshing, actually. Self-loathing is kind of heavy, isn't it? I know I'll probably have days when I'll get a setback, but I've already grown enough in other ways to be very familiar with that phenomenon. One of the most important things one must remember when having a setback is that having a setback, in and of itself, means that there has been progress, and progress can be reproduced over and over and over again until it sticks. Human brains are learning machines, after all. I hope you'll put all the effort you can into learning how to genuinely love and care for yourself; it's one of the most important things you can do.
Oh! I made myself a strawberry rooibos tea today, too! Normally I like to drink black tea or green tea, but today I wanted to limit my caffeine consumption somewhat; caffeine dehydrates a body, and I've been struggling to keep hydrated lately for some reason; figured the thing to do, at least for today, is to try not to make my body use water to cleanse the caffeine from my system. Here's how today's turned out...
This one starts out orange-ish, and then resolves into a lovely shade of red:
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I added some creamed honey; it settles to the bottom quite nicely:
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And from there, I added heavy cream:
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...I think you might like this flavor. It's like strawberries and cream; it's sweet and tart and very milky in flavor. Sometimes I think about combining this one with the vanilla-rose black tea (which is another one I think you'd absolutely love). I'll do that soon and tell you all about it, okay?
I don't have much else to say today; I'm pretty drained. But I do have a lot of pictures I took for you while we drove, simply because I know you like nature. I'll show you the ones that turned out best. It'll be mostly pictures of the sky, though; we didn't get moving until like 6pm-ish, so the lighting wasn't great for general scenery...
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...Hey Sephiroth? Next time you're up in the sky, I hope you'll make it a point to dance merrily amongst the sun-drenched clouds - especially during dawn or during sunset, when they're painted in all sorts of vibrant colors; their kaleidoscopic brilliance would look amazing reflected off of you, I'm sure. And maybe you'd have fun, too.
That's all I've got for you today. Thanks for tagging along with me on this brief adventure. Please remember that there are folks here who like to imagine that the prismatic colors splashed upon the clouds by the morning and evening sun are the same as the ones that radiate from the deepest parts of your soul.
I love you. I'll write again soon. Please stay safe out there.
Your friend, Lumine
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i just got diagnosed with me cfs about a month ago. I've been bedbound since July (doctors think I got it post-covid) and I'm extremely bored. I've been working on isolation by seeing friends once a week but it's just like... how do i fill the rest of my time? I can't stand to watch tv or scroll tumblr anymore, the internet is making me depressed. So what do I do? I'm sleeping like 16 hours a day. I can only get up to do simple chores and stuff. I struggle with reading/processing info and I lie down most of the day. How do I entertain myself? Especially with something that feels fun, satisfying, and "productive."
TLDR: newly bedbound and in need of a hobby I can do offline from bed, please help <3
hi, thanks for asking! I also spent the vast majority of the first 3 or so years I had CFS laying down, it can definitely be difficult to find stuff to do. Here are some things I did:
Video games. This one is a pretty common recommendation but I can't not recommend it because it's what I do pretty much all the time. If you have trouble positioning a computer like I did you can get an overbed desk (I have this one and it's served me pretty well). If you're looking for game reccs, the Sims 4 is now free and there's a ton of free custom content available for it online for when you get bored of basegame. For paid games, Minecraft, Don't Starve Together (even if you're playing alone the Together version is better), Oxygen Not Included, 7 Days to Die, and Sheltered all have a ton of replayability. I also recommend adding items to your wishlist and waiting for sales if you're buying games off Steam, Sheltered is actually on sale for $3 on Steam until Nov. 21.
Textile work. There's a reason a lot of textiles are considered "grandma" hobbies, they're easy to do with limited energy. There's a ton of disability adaptations for textile projects like knitting, crocheting, embroidery, weaving, etc. Choose one that seems fun to learn and go for it. I tried to do knitting but found it hard laying down so I switched to crochet and it's been going pretty well. It's fairly inexpensive as well, crochet hooks are like $5 and you can fine cheap yarn at places like Walmart for less than $5.
Art. You don't have to be good at it or have fancy supplies, either. I'm a big fan of coloring books, both physical ones and coloring book apps. I also use an app called Sketchbook to make digital art on my phone sometimes. You can trace stock photos to help you practice, or you can just make your entire art process tracing and coloring in stock photos.
Writing. Another one you don't have to be good at. Just think of stuff and write it down. You don't even need to write it down if you don't want to, you can just tell yourself stories in your head as well. Writing fanfiction can be a tool to help you get inspired to write your own stuff too. I got into writing by writing Warrior cats fanfic that was objectively bad, but it was fun and it laid the groundwork for making my own stuff. You can also just keep writing fanfiction if that's what you enjoy.
Origami. This one's a little niche but I find makng origami very satisfying. Some people claim you need special origami paper, you don't, regular notebook paper is fine. The instructions from this website have been useful for me.
That's all I have as far as hobby suggestions, if anyone has any other suggestions feel free to add!
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korolife · 1 month
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Blog No.000 24年4月5日
『KoroLife』 : (I wish for) A Colorful Life
in hindsight I probably should've started with this introduction but ah well
Hello! I go by Aki Shourikawa, also known as TheAwesomeAki-kun from DeviantArt. Ever since dA "died" in 2019, I felt like I lost a place where creativity and the fun aspects of making art was celebrated and utilized. With the character-limiting, trend-chasing, confusing censorshipping, popularity-prioritizing algorithms and systems most social media sites use, I lost an outlet for expressing my scattered thoughts and experiences throughout my art journey.
Even though talking to the void for not having a following was normal to me even from my dA days, it felt especially lonely the past few years trying to move everything and start anew to cold, uncaring websites who valued clicks more than integrity or ingenuity. So much so that I just felt like I shouldn't even try doing anything apart from quietly feeling inadequate and too incompetent for anyone else outside my own head.
Outside of being a creator, I can hardly find artists I'd like to follow as a viewer in these sites now compared to before; when all the recommended recommendations tend to be the hundred-thousand-eyeball-popular artists that usually ➀cater to a younger demographic for profit, or just ➁follow along with whatever is currently trending and mirror what other artists already made. Not that there's anything bad about understanding your market and making profit off of it! It's just... art, to me, has always been an escape from ridiculous societal standings, hierarchies, or denomination prejudices present in day-to-day lifeーEveryone is capable of drawing or making art, and that's something I've always liked about it. But even if bad apples with bad takes are probably just a minority to an otherwise wholesome majority of artists out there... the idea of transforming the creation of art into a pure competitive market, or even some kind of 'content' generator somehow leaves a bad taste in my mouth, personally.
I want to see more of artists who create their own art as a showcase of how they perceive the world in their unique sense and style, just because! But those types (especially ones without a following) seem to keep getting shadowbanned, stunted, and pushed away by unquenchable zombie algorithms that push and normalize this trend.
There's a lot of laughably bad things to say about DeviantArt's online reputation, but I found that a lot of like-minded lurkers were easier to find back then + genuinely interact with beyond one-word compliments and befriend over a common interest (art!) regardless of following size, skill level, or what have you...compared to how it is these days where it's a..."looking for art moots, but I will be picky❤"-kind of world. It was probably because it was focused as an art website and not just a really broad scope of 'social media' site where everything non-art also goes down the hatch...that was the case for old dA, at least.
Now, enter Tumblr!ーa site that I've been extremely familiar with even before I started uploading my stuff online, even though I haven't used it myself mostly because of DRAMAtical Murder memes ngl- and while I understand it still contains most of the flaws I've listed of other social media websites... it's meant to be a blogging site! With multiple blogs for multiple different things! That'll work great for me!... with my category-varied 2.4k submissions on old dA...I think!!
So instead of moping around for halcyon days as I did the past 4 years or so now, through Tumblr's platform... I wanted to get back to being productive again and document an aspect of my life that I wish to be filled with different colors and flavors. Through this nonsensical ramblingy, longass tangent about not liking other social media sites in comparison to old dAーalreadyーI'm doing it now!!
I want to learn all sorts of things when it comes to drawing, so I want to share all the failed experiments, confusing experiences, and silly things that generally makes me a little happy when I'm drawing. Even though I'll probably still be talking to the void...I think even the void will appreciate having more than 280 characters to use without sounding like an incoherent, shattered fortune cookie prophecy.
And if somehow, somewhere, someone finds and reads through them.... I hope they can give some form of motivation, inspiration, entertainment, or a cautionary tale for your own artistic endeavors, maybe? like, underestimating your deadlines and procrastinating at the last day, then panic upon the realization that you should've started like a wholeass year ago to finish the task at hand, then proceed with praying to a god (of your choice) and cramming until the very last minute til you nearly break your hands! Me and my 7-, 11-, 14-, 19- and 23-year-old selves do not recommend this at all! Tune in next week for more wild experiences that will summon forth bombastic side-eyes!!-
See you around, and for now, I hope you have a nice day ahead! 'v')/
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citrus-cactus · 11 months
Haru's Birthday Weekend (Prompt: 👾)
What is your favorite episode of Appmon, and why?
OK, I wrote this prompt, so you'd THINK I'd have an easy answer to this, but I'm gonna break my own rules, because as it turns out I can't pick just one episode, lolol. And then I was going to do a Top 5, but I can't do that either! So here are my Top 7. I could probably have turned this into a Top 10, especially since all of the final episodes are SO strong, but I did try to limit myself to one episode per Appmon "arc" (which I'm not sure I could even delineate, but this sounds about right, so good enough!).
Also, periodic reminder to PLEASE WATCH APPMON. IT'S SO GOOD.
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Under the cut because of end-of-series spoilers, and to spare your dash!
Also, excuse the bias to these screenshots. I run blogs dedicated to Haru and Knight, and I'm too lazy to take more right now kjdfahkfh
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Episode 4 ("Take Your Dressing! Cameramon's Halloween Scandal!")
This episode is a GREAT early episode for its focus on Haru and Gatchmon's characters and their Driver-Buddy relationship, particularly showcasing how Haru is able to think on his feet and use his wits to win the day. Plus it's Halloween-themed. And Haru USES HIS GOGGLES. Literally, what's not to love?? XD
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Episode 18 ("Haru and Yujin's Bond - Stop! Rampaging Resshamon!")
I LOVE this episode for paying homage to the Pokemon Go craze. Amazing and incredibly relevant, considering the show originally aired in 2016, rotfl. A very fun premise that also places a lot of emphasis on Haru and Yuujin's relationship, including Haru's worries about revealing his secret life as an AppDriver to Yuujin and insight into Yuujin's character, all important groundwork before Yuujin becomes an AppDriver in his own right.
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Episode 25 ("Infiltrating to the Deep Web at last! The Mysterious Cyber Kowloon!")
OK, THIS actually might be my favorite episode. It has it all: gorgeous animation, an AMAZING setting, surreal comedy, a lot of drama, and ultimately our main trio of heroes biting off more than they can chew, ending on a positive note nonetheless. It's SUCH a well-done episode, and is an exciting and satisfying way to wrap up the first half of the series.
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Episode 31 ("The Traveling Companion!? Tripmon's Terrible Trip")
While you might THINK I put this episode on my list for the Haru/Yuujin moments, it really made it on here because of its focus on Offmon, his fears, and ultimately... his secret. I love that little guy and the themes of the episode, plus Tripmon has a GREAT design and is a fun Monster of the Day!
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Episode 36 ("The Conclusion of General Election! The Hand of Devil Approaching to Eri!")
AKA The One on the Yacht. My favorite Knight episode, if only because the storyboarding/direction is ON POINT and Eri is such a badass. The whole episode is such a wonderful showcase of her character and her plot thread (plus, Knight reveals his true colors to our heroine, in a truly stunning scene) <3
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Episode 42 ("Rei's Determination! The Great "Search for Hajime" Operation!")
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the first half of this episode are the best 15 minutes of filler in the entire series. And it's not even really filler, since it's all about Rei getting an AMAZING focus episode that's simultaneously hilarious, satisfying, and completely heart-wrenching in the end. Plus more of Elena and Alice! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE???
Episode 49 ("The Miraculous Final Evolution! The God Appmon Advent!")
(I don't have a screenshot for this one yet, sorry!)
THE LAST FEW EPISODES ARE SO IMPORTANT, but I wanted to talk about this one specifically. Our heroes (minus Haru) rally and unlock their God Grade Appmon in truly touching and wonderful scenes with their Buddies, with Minerva's question coming into play one last time. And then the visuals of the fight to follow (where the kids hover on platforms at their Appmon's sides in a way that's incredibly evocative of how their Buddies float around around when they're Unrealized) are so epic, in a way that you KNOW this is what the whole series has been building toward. It’s about the SCALE. It’s about the PARALLELS. 👍👍👍 And then we have Haru: despondent, betrayed, bereaving, and being egged on by YJ-14, before... well. Some truly amazing scenes, I'll leave it at that. This episode has me screaming, crying, frothing at the mouth, etc, and that feeling doesn't stop until the series is over. It's SO GOOD.
Thanks for reading!
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gaphic · 6 months
That collection post reminded me that like, years ago I asked you about your nail polish and I had completely forgotten. Which brings me to my question: Got any personal favorites or otherwise affordable brands you'd recommend? Now that I'm out and actually presenting how I want, I've been considering picking some up. Sure, I could look it up myself, but I value your opinion above all else on this matter
aaaw c: <3 sorry for letting this sit in my inbox for a month lol
so, unfortunately my 'personal favorites' and 'affordable brands' are not super overlapping categories 😅 i pretty much exclusively buy indie polishes bc i indie brands tend to do more fun/unique colors and finishes and those are more expensive
LA Colors - i only have one collection from them, the neon jellies, so i can't speak to their other formulas, but i LOVE the ones i have. price range about $2-$4 per bottle
Cirque Colors - my absolute favorite! they never miss. especially good neon cremes. $12.50-$16.50 depending on finish
ILNP - THE best shimmer polishes, bar none. they have an unusually good selection of dramatic, vampy, goth shades imo. so few plain cremes that you can't even filter search for them though lol $10.00-$12.50
Holo Taco - the best chunky holo glitters. their range is still pretty small but they have a really good mix of showstoppers and daily staples. Never Tide Down is maybe the single most impressive polish i own! $12.00-$15.00
I Scream Nails - some really spectacular polishes + fun bottle design but hit and miss bc their swatch photos are pretty unreliable. also expensive af for cremes tho $13.50-$14.00
Mooncat - most of their colors are not really My Thing but their quality is good $13.00-$16.00
Superchic Lacquer - some REALLY cool glitter combos and effect polishes like crackles and magnetic toppers $14.00
Glam Polish - now we're getting INDIE indie, mostly limited releases, not everything ships to the US, but these are the kind of flaky blends and color combos you won't find anywhere else. lots of fandom-themed collections $13.00
Candy Lacquer - etsy brand focused on confetti glitter mixes. small bottles tho $6.40
POP and Polished - etsy brand, reigning queen of multichrome i think? i only have a couple of their 'slick' polishes but i'd love to try more $10.00-$21.00 (i know)
that's all i got off the top of my head, but kelli marissa has a buuuunch of really good reviews for a huge variety of brands so i'd recommend checking her out too!
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eggysimblr · 11 months
Sims Tag
I was tagged by my awesome friend @deathpoke1qa, Thanks!
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Hard to say, removing pool ladder is a classic everyone loves, but I really loved Mummy Curse Death from TS3 World Adventures, as it has to be one of the most forboding and ominous.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I go with a mix of both, don't really care.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
My sims rarely gain weight.
4. Do you use move objects?
Of course I do, everybody does!
5. Favorite mod?
Deaderpool's MC Command Center is a must. I'm also a big fan of Coolspear's and Sacrificial's work, and lately I fell in love with new custom skills by JaneSimsten.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
That's gotta be Hot Date for Sims 1. Yeah, I'm that old.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Since English isn't my native language, I tend to alternate between those, but I usually go with Live, as in LIVing.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oh, that has to be Lord Professor Ebenezer Vincent Ignatius Laurence von Charlatain III, the gentleman you see in my avatar.
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9. Have you made a simself?
Yes, it was for a contest at Sims of History Discord, where you had to make a sim of yourself in historical setting. So, I made myself into an early 18th century Mercenary:
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10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Genius, Lazy, Geek.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
It has to be the brown and gray one, I just love the contrast.
12. Favorite EA hair?
The wavy long hair from Cats and Dogs EP.
13. Favorite life stage?
Yound Adults to Elders.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I mostly spend time in CaS. But I also like building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kinda? More like cc Editor, but if you're interested I've got some stuff for download at my Simblr.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Everyone from Sims of History, especially @javitrulovesims, @simstomaggie, @simverses.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Let's see: Sims 1 was awesome, but now is really dated, and build mode is limited and obnoxious to use. Sims 2 is a fantastic game but it's so buggy and prone to save corruption. Sims 3 Would be the best, due to the open world and so many fun lifestates, if you didn't had to wait an eternity and a half for it to load. Also, Twilight sparkly vampires. Ew. I kinda like Sims 4 the best, not only it has the best versions of lifestates (maybe except the furry-ass werewolves), but also the Best QoL improvements to CAS and Build mode. Give it some time, and I think it will be the best sims game ever.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
Sadly, no.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It really didn't change much, except I rarely now deliberately kill my sims, as I get attached to my pixel dolls. Back in my TS1 days I would torture my sims in the most fun ways.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
So many good cc creators, my all time favourites are @natalia-auditore, and my good friend @strangestorytellersims but I also really miss @acanthus-sims.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
I can't honestly remember, and too lazy to check, but about 2016?
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I don't. I don't have the skills and I'm too lazy to learn.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Any pack that would bring back Cars, Genie lamps and Pool tables.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Vampires, Jungle Adventures and University.
I'm tagging anyone who would like to join he fun.
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
Thoughts on lineless art & limited color palettes
1) lineless art isnt Hard, per se, it's just a different process. when I draw (true) lineless art, which isnt often, I find myself thinking about needle felting. (<- link to the youtube channel of a japanese artist who needle felts anime characters. love their work, watching them helped me sculpt puppets.) it's about shapes and areas of color, and breaking down complex forms into pieces to put together
2) when you find or make a color palette, test it. doodle the character you want to draw, play with it to see how it works. if it doesnt feel right, edit the palette or find something new
3) when you find or make a color palette, have at least 5 colors (for the sake of flexibility & choice) but no more than 8 (for the sake of not overwhelming yourself with options)
4) think about what colors you'll need. for example, if you're going to draw a light-skinned character, maybe you'll want to have a color in the palette that's relatively lighter than the other colors. it doesnt have to be exactly accurate, in fact it's often more fun if it's not
5) dont choose colors that are too similar. if you want to have two blues in your palette, think about making the values very different, or having one of the blues lean toward green and one be closer to purple. this will make your job easier for tip 6
6) the biggest problem will be distinguishing areas of color, especially ones that are very similar or the same. textures and layer effects are your friends. sparing use of lines to separate shapes is also encouraged, and a bit of cheeky hatching never hurt anybody.
7) just have fun and go nuts it's your art and your world and I dont make the rules. Ignore everything I've said and make a masterpiece, sieze the day, live ur life
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
It is my two year anniversary as a tarot reader! 🎉
I didn't want to make a big deal outta it but I have a tarot blog now so why not. 😂
Thank you so much to everyone who wished me happy anniversary 😁
Thank you @oraclekleo for being my mentor this entire time, too. Wouldn't be here without ya 😉
It's been two long years of perfecting my craft of being a therapy oriented tarot reader. Surely wasn't easy when there weren't many examples to follow, but I'm very happy I've stuck to my own colors.
So i was thinking to celebrate, I can do something fun! Re-do the same reading that I began my tarot journey with, and compare them.
I started with the past-present-future reading because three card spreads were said to be the easiest. The reading was completely messy, inexperienced, unconfident but oddly accurate in the moment. 😂
My past - Page of Swords.
I used to be someone set on exploring different ideas and topics, seeking knowledge. I was prone to having lots of ideas with no follow-up plan, or that didn't achieve completion. I was looking for a way to express myself.
Present - Queen of Pentacles.
I am currently a person focused on taking care of others, (especially family matters). The queen is a level headed being, set on making things happen rather than wishing for them, and looking for upmost comfort. She is skilled in economics?
Future - 4 of Swords.
Now is not the time to take major decisions. I need to take a break and retreat from pressing problems, analyze my past accomplishments to regain power to face new challenges. I need to spend more relaxing time with myself.
I was very confused about my future back then (i still am tbh) and i desperately needed that break.
So now... Two years later, I tried again. And the cards served, hard. I was dizzy for half an hour trying to figure this out.
Past - IV of swords, V of swords
Present - IX of Wands R, The Fool
Future - Ace of Cups
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I think the main idea the cards were going off of is who i used to be socially. IV of Wands points to frugality, V points to loss and emptiness. Truth be told, I didn't share myself with others socially for a long time. I was pretty antisocial and stuck inside my own world, pushing people away so that I could focus more on being responsible and efficient in my personal life. Present wise, IX of Wands signals letting go of defensiveness and the Fool points to being lighthearted. I've learnt to be more easy-going, be more open towards new people and let go much easier if I don't find people to meet my expectations. I no longer care how I'm viewed by outsiders and it's not as scary to communicate anymore. I allow myself to have fun socially now. Future wise, Ace of Cups is of course a card of emotional abundance and exchange of endless love. I am meant to be loved and offer my love openly to the world.
Funny enough, the carda confused me this bad because there was a second topic in the cards. Mentality.
In terms of mentality, I grew up with a mentality of making the best out of what I had and lived with less than the bare minimum for a long time. My brain has been geared to always be in emergency mode and every single day was a fight to make sure everything was alright for everyone other than myself. I was harsh and mean to myself and always at my limit, but only blamed myself for not being good enough. Present wise, the cards say I'm aware of my mentality but I'm still not letting go of it. I need to learn to let go of this life and death caution, of this self judgement, of the need to make sure everything is perfect, but yet I find myself stuck in overthinking, in an inability to ask for help, in a self made prison. The fool wants to me to have fun and enjoy life without a plan, just try things out and live in the moment. Future wise, the ace of cups says I can reach self love and allow myself to be loved and spoiled. I can reach a point where I can help myself, I can ask for help, I can offer help to others, and I can input all of this love give and take in all the areas of my life - in a way that will feel truly satisfying, not just the bare bones of what one should receive. 😁
I can clearly tell I've grown as a tarot reader (and as a person) in these two years. The readings are much more complex and can even see into many topics at once! That's a great improvement. There's more confidence to my words, too, albeit I still get nervous sometimes when i do readings because I worry my readings won't actually be helpful to people. But I try to shake off the nervousness 😊
I don't know if this is gonna be read for anyone but thought it would be interesting to new readers, maybe. It does get better, I swear. I know it's overwhelming at first but once you practice enough, you'll learn to twist interpretations left and right until it all fits and feels right 😊
Anyways, time for cake! 🎂
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
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"Plants" Process (Initial Sketch | Layers)
Sure, might as well talk about this one, because I actually have a bit to say about it.
So the title I uploaded this with, "Say you will about NSR..." was originally a (*mis)quote he says in the game when you fully unlock the Natura district. The line isn't especially significant, but I've always thought of it as surprisingly "quaint." It's very small, but it serves to humanize him just a little bit when up to and after this point he's dipped into cartoon-style villainy. These brief moments of honesty within his duplicitous nature is a part of why I find him to be an endearing character.
*The actual quote is, "Say what you want about NSR..." but I mistyped it when posting it. The meaning of the line is basically the same, though.
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Due to this line, I've had the idea of drawing him surrounded by plants for a while. My first iterations of this idea usually involved him on an apartment balcony adorned with plants and overlooking the city. Sadly, my visions for the scene exceeded my artistic ability, so it's an idea that's been on the back burner for a while.
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[A sketch I did last year based on the idea.]
It wasn't until I just randomly thought to come back to this idea that I sketched this piece.
But tbh, I don't think my vision was very clear. There's no sense that he exists in a real place (why in the world would a hanging planter be hung so low, XP). All I knew was that I wanted to draw him surrounded by plants, and that originally I wanted the color palette to be very limited.
Very recently, the SiIvagunner channel had uploaded a parody video of the Yona Yona Dance MV, which led me to listening/watching the original video (which I somehow managed to never see up to that point).
I found the limited color pallet of the video to be very striking, and I wanted to make something inspired by it combined with the experiment I did with my recent Kliff x Tati piece, which also only used about 4 colors.
However, I am abysmal at color picking, so I grabbed a color palette from @/color-palletes (link) to help the process along. In the end, I couldn't keep myself from trying to use all possible colors. Strictly speaking, there's a shade of every color in the rainbow in the final piece, which is about as far from a "limited palette" as it could be. Nonetheless, I think the darker tones of the colors do help to tie everything together, so it feels more limited than it actually is.
To return to discussing the sketch itself, there were a few ideas that changed and evolved throughout the process.
Besides moving some of the plants around, an idea I had that didn't get fully realized was that the three smaller plants in front of him were supposed to represent the game's rockstars: Mayday, Zuke and Tatiana. I had difficulty making that happen with the limited palette: since May, Kliff, and Tati share a lot of colors (notably red), and one of Zuke's main colors is green, the same color for the plants, it was difficult to main the references while still having them all not blend into each other. Perhaps with more time to think through the idea I could have reached a compromise, but as things are, that reference was more or less lost.
To get it out of the way: there isn't any real symbolism behind the plants chosen. They were picked strictly on their aesthetic value/ease of drawing them. If you wanna stretch, the Zuke vase is holding red flowers (poppies), so it's kinda referencing that time his hair was set on fire, but that's totally incidental~ However, I will say that originally that vase was supposed to hold orchids since it's apparently a flower common in Malaysia, but I had difficulty drawing them and settled on poppies. Hibiscus plants were also considered for similar reasons, but as someone who's actually grown up around hibiscus flowers, I knew I didn't really have another place to put them since those plants actually get really friggin' big.
Something else that was lost was the poster behind the snake plant. Originally I had thought to put a poster of Kul Fyra on the wall, but I honestly got pretty lazy about adding the details. That and Kul Fyra's colors would have blended into Kliff hair since she's a combination of reds and yellows. But that space felt so empty without *something* there, so I messed around with random shapes and eventually just landed on putting up some records. It's a generic detail, but I do feel like they add a "pop art" quality to the piece.
To conclude, this was very fun to work on and the turnaround on it was fairly fast. Usually for pieces like this, the process takes me a few days, but I sketched and finished this all in the same day. Had I given myself more time to sleep on this, I might have worked a little harder to incorporate some of my other ideas and clean it up a little more. That said, this is still one of my favorite pieces as of late, and I hope that I'm able to make more things like it.
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gardensandtaverns · 7 months
Long Hiatus for a Big Project
So... I disappeared for a little while - but it was for good reason! I've spent the last couple of weeks on a variety of things:
First, I participated in GB Jam 11. This game jam is a competition in full game development, where entries have all of their assets, mechanics, and materials produced over the 10 days of the jam! GB Jam specifically is a competition where you develop games in the classic Game Boy style - 4 colors, limited audio channels, and a lot of pixelation. I worked with a wonderful audio designer and composer Waker0, whose itch page is here. We developed Fleet of One, which placed #208 out of 404 submissions. I'm happy with the finished product, especially as it was my first time working with the game engine, as well as my first time doing any sprite work and art, especially 8-bit.
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I also, following some of the Unity drama, started familiarizing myself with Unreal Engine 5. It's a fascinating piece of software and I'll certainly be writing more on it in the coming days and weeks. Anyone interested in learning I'm happy to provide some resources - but I mean it when I say that making a game is so much less complex than it was 10 years ago. It's still a labor of love, and takes time, and you need to be passionate - but there's so many easy-to-use tools to get your feet wet. I've met so many people who abandoned it because programming was too hard for them, don't let that stop you. Work in Scratch, Godot, or Unreal Blueprint; the extra abstraction layer makes it so much easier to approach, and you'll learn from there.
Finally, my portfolio site is finally live here if you want easy access to some of my favorite projects as I continue the along my road.
Until next time!
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enthusiastic-nimrod · 4 years
Hey I'm Fred's fourth daddy anon! I sent that to you, and what felt like five minutes later you came in with that gorgeous sketch. Do you have any art tips or videos that have taught you cause I've been stuck draw trying to draw anything not resembling a lump for two years. Also yeah it was whirlwind episode, f*ck Rose, and Fred should have turned that loon in.
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Hey FD Anon, thanks so much! I don’t draw a lot of “horror” art so I’m really happy with it’s progress so far!
While I do agree with you that Rose is The Worst, I think she added in an interesting dynamic and I’d be happy if she became a recurring character in the Scooby mythos at large. As for Fred not turning his dad in... I agree, but I also understand why he didn’t. 
The episode went out of it’s way to show off how frightening and weird he is but Fred made it very clear that when he wasn’t wearing the mask he was a good parent, and that all of his crimes were shown as nonviolent. He didn’t seem to steal anything (unless I missed that line?) he just liked messing with people by confusing them. 
As for art tips, I... honestly never expected anybody to ask for advice from me? That’s super flattering wow. 
Okay, so I’m still pretty much a novice, but lemme give you some of my best tips and tricks:
1) Notice how my last sketch had a grey background? This wasn’t just for that sketch, this is how I use ALL of my digital canvases. I do this because the grey causes less strain to my eyes, and allows me to work longer and more easily. Being so close to a screen, especially a blue or white one, can make it harder to work for long periods of time. 
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2) If you want to do digital art, you need to learn “traditional art” (pencil and paper) first. It makes transitioning to digital more easy and it’s pretty much what any art teacher would recommend, for good reason. 
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3) Using one method of art not only limits you, but stops you from learning other techniques which can be incorporated into what you typically prefer. Not only that, but you can also discover a medium you really love that you never would have thought of before!
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4) Whenever you get the chance, work in black and white or monochrome. This is a great way to help yourself learn about values and intensity, and just looks cool in general. 
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5) Piggybacking on that last point, if you’re ever worried about your shading, values, etc becoming muddled either A] take a picture and use a filter to make it black and white, or B] create another, pure white layer on top of the others and change it from “Normal” to “Hue”. Doing this can really help change your approach to coloring (black and white effect may be different for every art program). 
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6) If you want to get better at realistic faces, I was taught using the grid system. You have squares on your reference picture, squares on your paper, and then match up the body parts to the squares. I personally didn’t like this method, but it’s a really solid style of learning. 
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7)  Start with the torso instead of the head. what you start with the head, the body may end up becoming wonky and having the neck stretched out at an odd angle or having a too small cranium. This is easier to fix in digital art but I suggest just remembering the importance of that rib cage (this is something I’m still training myself out of). 
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8) Asking for feedback can be an invaluable tool. For example, last year I had this really weird thing where I drew my eyes way too close together- I never noticed until I had it pointed out to me, and it took MONTHS to break this habit.
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9) References are very useful, and one fun technique I’ve found great use in is to draw a pose, first with no reference, and then following that reference very strictly. This can be helpful when you want to see where you are developmentally. 
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10) Every now and then while drawing, you want to put the pencil down, prop up your paper, and walk away so that you can see the full image from a distance. If you’re working digitally, you zoom out a great deal so that the image appears smaller. This is a GREAT tool for seeing which sections of the piece need the most attention and how those smaller details hold up. 
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11) If you have the opportunity, you REALLY want to participate in an actual art class. Having a teacher that can see what you’re doing in real time and knows where you’re at skill-wise is an INVALUABLE thing to have- these people were specifically taught how to teach you these skills, recognize your problems and how to fix them. Don’t be afraid to talk to them and ask for advice about non-classwork art, either! You can’t receive help if you don’t ask for it. 
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12) Flip your canvas! I know you’ve probably heard this before, but this is one of the best ways to check for anatomy inconsistencies.
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13)  When it comes to youtube artists, I don’t really actively follow any, but I do know of some! 
Mark Crilley: While I don’t watch his videos much now, I used to follow his videos RELIGIOUSLY. He’s got some really solid advice on how to map out comics and mangas, and he taught me the importance of silent scenes and keeping your work from getting too wordy. He mostly does the soft anime look, but he also does some pretty stellar realism. 
mikeymegamega: I’m not going to lie to you, anon- this man likes his cheesecake. This guy is all about the cute anime girls, so if you’re not looking for that, skip him, but I really can’t recommend his videos on hands, feet, and faces enough. 
Proko: Has a video about best drawing exorcises and is the guy you turn to when you want to know about figure drawing. He tends to focus on the more realistic anatomy, and while his videos may be long he’s got some good advice. I’d say to check out his studying anatomy correctly video, and then just kinda scroll through his pages. 
Ethan Becker: THE KNIFE MAN. The first time I clicked on him I thought he was making a troll video- but then he Got Into It and my dudes, my guys, he has some CRAZY good advice. The way he words things and shows you examples in his videos are amazing and I really can’t recommend him enough. He did a video called “Fixing PROKO's LAZY Drawings“ and while you’d think it would be a  bash fest his advice on shading in it is just so incredibly useful. Click on pretty much any of his videos and you’ll be entertained and learning. 
I'd also suggest watching speedpaints. Even if it was unintentional, I’ve learned several really solid art hacks from speedpaint and storytime videos- so always be aware that you have an option for that. 
…. Oh! And also, practice! I know you’ve probably been given this advice from everyone already, but it’s worth remembering. 
Sorry if this got a bit long, I just figured I’d try to give you some good hacks- and even if you have already heard of most of these, I hope I could at the very least entertain!
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