#domestic monster comic
transcendragon · 1 year
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Wolf and Griff - Familiar Sniffles
I know whenever he wakes up because I hear the sniffles begin in the other room. My original comic made in Procreate, please let me know if you have any trouble with the alt text description.
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staticevent · 1 year
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mother goose (a story about fear, silence, being all alone in the world, and eventually realizing that you never actually were. // comic text included in alt)
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phoenixdoesartstuff · 5 months
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Silly lil comic with the ugliest creature
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raiiny-bay · 1 month
thinking about... monster boyz... slice of life
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wanderingmind867 · 6 days
Hank Pym has taught me one lesson: Size-Changing powers suck. It messes with your mind and probably with your physical body too. Being Ant-Man or Giant-Man or Yellowjacket or Goliath sounds impossible. Also, Hank Pym is probably the superhero I would be. I think if I were a hero, I'd get so stressed I'd snap all the time too. His many mental breaks are not a bad thing. They're realistic and relatable and beautiful.
Honestly, I think I even see myself in his domestic abuse charge. I mean, I'm 19 and I don't even know if I'll ever a wife. But...I have anger issues and I have hit my father before in fits of rage. So I understand stress making you hurt the people you care about. And I can't hate him for any of it. I just hate how it seems the poor man gets dealt such a bad hand.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Night Force (1982) #9
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saccharineomens · 3 months
I’ve been having a lot of Dungeon Meshi ideas lately, too many to be able to execute at once, so I’m going to share them. I really, really want to turn this specific idea into a full comic.
I was thinking about how Laios’ ending to the manga is his own personal hell, and how he’s basically just grinning and bearing it through his kingly duties. He has advisors and friends to help carry the burden, but he can’t even take a break from ruling for a while to engage in some dungeon crawling. Not to mention the fact that monsters inherently flee from his presence.
It’s certainly noticeable by those closest to him, namely Marcille and Kabru. (Yaad is aware of the stress Laios is under but isn’t emotionally close enough to him to be able to meaningfully assist.) After some time, the two of them surprise Laios with something that will delight him: his own private garden filled with monster plants. “Falin brought the seeds from one of her adventures.” “Since they’re plants, they can’t run away from you like the monsters will.” “We walled this area so nobody will come in by mistake, but each of us have a copy of the key.”
This of course delights Laios. I just want him to feel loved by his friends and have them engage in his special interests for once. And it brings everything full circle from when Marcille burned Laios’ monster plant seeds at the beginning of the story.
Possible consequences could occur when the Lion’s curse manifests in the monster plants dying, rather than fleeing like the animals do.
I also like the idea of Laios and Marcille collaborating on researching/dissecting Izutsumi’s kills together, and the two of them writing books about dungeon monsters and the monsters’ ecosystems. Marcille also gets to continue researching on making domestic dungeons. While the infinite universe of mana is no longer accessible, there is still mana in the world. And the dungeoniums from the beginning of the manga show that it can make its own enclosed, self-sustaining ecosystem.
Also, Laios collaborating with Senshi on making a monster cookbook that’s much more accurate than the one he’d gotten as a kid.
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hotdogstandz · 23 days
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My Lust tale. A story following a group of monsters living in a world in which humans and monsters have always coexisted side by side. Sure, everyone is above ground, but that doesn’t mean everything is easy. In this world, monsters face extreme classism, racism, and just general systemic oppression from the government. This story specifically follows the lives of a suffering but strong community of monsters doing their best to survive in a run-down city with a corrupt system not made for them.
We’ve got the aged-out foster skeleton brothers- drag queen Sans and security/accountant Pax (government name Papyrus) who co-run the hit club, Lust Tales After Dark, located on Snowed In Street.
Directly across from their building is a small rundown cafe run by the lovely Miss Toriel, and occasionally her eldest two children, biological son Asriel (15) and adopted Chara (16). She has another adopted kid, Frisk (7) that the eldest watch frequently as well. Pax and Sans (dubbed Sansy by Frisk) spend most of their off time either with the kids, running rehearsals, or working the food bank that Lust Tales After Dark and Toriels cafe run (along with several other monster owned businesses) for the unfortunate monsters and humans living on the streets in their city.
Chief of police, Asgore is what you could expect. A power hungry, corrupt, and selfish man willing to throw his own family away for the sake of success. I will reveal more about everyone’s dynamic soon enough.
Last bit….and I want you all to REALLY look me in the face and listen to every word I’m about to say.
This is a story meant to raise awareness for real life problems. I am planning on using this series to educate younger people in this fandom about safe sex practices, consent, and the wide variety of sexualities, as well as SA, domestic violence, and STD awareness. As someone who read the original comic as a young teen, it was incredibly damaging and confusing. So, this is meant to be used as a tool. A comfort. Lust and sexuality can be really really scary for some. I hope to make it less scary. More educational and lighthearted.
If your intention is to come on my page and twist my content into what the original LustTale was or draw harmful art that you KNOW could damage someone, get the FUCK off my page. Unkindly.
That’s all :] thx for reading bbys
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maeofthenoldor · 1 year
As Tolkien often observed; “names often generate a story” and always nearly contributed or suggested something of the nature or personality of the character, thing or place that has been named. Yet the most intriguing name he has created in my opinion, is the main protagonist of “The Hobbit” Bilbo Baggins who is the hero of the classic tale, and despite being seen as such, his name holds interesting and contradicting connotations. For Baggins suggests harmless, humble and well- contented characters (though with criminal undertones!) Yet the name Bilbo suggests an individual who is sharp, intelligent and even dangerous….
The family name of Bilbo is  “Baggins” which derives from a double source-the English Somerset surname Bagg, which means “moneybag” or “wealthy.” The term “Baggins" itself means “afternoon tea or snack between meals” and at first is appropriate in describing our well off  hobbit. Initially he is presented as a mildly comic, home-loving, upper middle class “gentle hobbit” who seems harmless and composed enough, if given to some annoyance. He is mostly concerned with his mothers dishes, doilies, domestic comforts and food. However, once recruited by Thorin and his Company, we see the respectable gentle hobbit reveal his true colours- he is an excellent and highly skilled burglar.
Tolkien has maintained that his tales are often inspired by names and words from the real world, and indeed, in the jargon of the nineteenth-and early twentieth century criminal underworld there were a cluster of names around the term “bag” and forms of theft. “To bag” means to capture, to acquire, or to steal. “A baggage man” is an outlaw who carries off the loot and a “bagman” is the man who collects and distributes gold on the behalf of others by dishonest means or purposes.
His surname not only characterises himself, but also plots out the narrative for the story. For in the hobbit we discover Baggins is hired by Dwarves to bag the Arkenstone. He then becomes the baggage man who carries off the loot. When he realises Thorin has fallen under the gold sickness, he becomes the bagman and is dishonest to the newly crowned king, distributing the Arkenstone to Thrandruil and Bard. After the Battle Of The Five Armies he hands out the treasure to those who are rightfully in need of it, and thus ends him being the bagman.
Another aspect of Bilbo Baggins character can be revealed by the analysis of his first name. The word “Bilbo” entered the English language in the late sixteenth century as a name for a short and deadly piercing sword of the kind once made in the Spanish port city of Bilbao where the name derives from. This is an excellent description of Bilbo's elvish sword (often called a letter opener) named “Sting.” Found in the troll hoard, Bilbo's “bilbo” can pierce through any animal hide that would break any other sword. In The Hobbit however, it is the hero's sharp wit rather than his sword that gives Bilbo his sharpness. Bilbo's well-honed wits allow him to survive the journey and to trick monsters, a dragon  and to get himself out of bad situations. 
When we put these two names together as Bilbo Baggins, we fully understand the two aspects of his character, showing someone who is dangerously witty, but ultimately good and humble to a fault. If we want to dig deeper into how these names also affected the events of the Lord Of The Rings, one has to look no further than Frodo Baggins.
 Along with the Baggins family name, further “baggage” is passed on to Bilbo's nephew and heir, Frodo Baggins who in the context of the one ring is a link to another underworld occupation; the bagger or the bag thief. This bagger or bag thief has nothing to do with baggage, but is derived from the French word bauge, meaning “ring.” A bagger then, is a thief who specialises in stealing rings by seizing a victim's hand and stripping off its rings. It had common usage in Britain's criminal underworld between 1890 to 1940. The Baggins name holds the idea and plot for both The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings. For Bilbo's skill as a burglar, one might say that in the perspective of outsiders, the Baggins baggers of Bag End, Bilbo and Frodo, are naturally born ring thieves.
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fawnduu · 1 month
You are making beautiful lesbian cowgirls. Perhaps eventually you could also make lesbian sci-fi e.e? Like a princess and a general or something xD
Probably not the sci-fi you were thinking of but I actually have a comic planned for after I finish big cats and watch dog that's dystopian future rivals to lovers lesbians.
Basically earth is frozen over and the human population lives in geodomes and every geodome has a team of monster fighters that are kinda hyped up like sports teams and they are on sci-fi skis/snowboards ski-jored by domesticated monster dogs to fight the monsters.
Look forward to this in several years it will be a lot of fun!
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transcendragon · 1 year
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Wolf and Griff - Sleepytime
Wolf believes he has found a cheat code to dealing with problems. Griff is skeptical, but willing to give it a bit of time, especially if Wolf will cuddle him. (And Wolf will cuddle him.)
My original comic made in Procreate.
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gojira-ekkusu · 8 months
A Different Beast
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Beast Wrestler (ビースト・ウォリアーズ "Beast Warriors") was one of the first monster fighting games. Released in 1991 for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, it is notable for its unique style and concept.
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Yasushi Nirasawa was the man responsible designing the game's monsters, dubbed Dragon Warriors. Nirawasa's designs have appeared in various Tokusatsu productions such as Kamen Rider, but perhaps his most famous would be the 2004 redesign of Gigan for Godzilla Final Wars (He was also responsible for the Xilien designs in the film as well).
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Back in 1991, Nirasawa was primarily known for his sculptures and models featured in, and on the covers of Hobby Japan. The box art for Beast Wrestler showcases his work. The image was prominently used in the print advertising.
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The Dragon Warriors all quite varied, ranging from humanoid animals to an ooze. Some with various levels of cybernetics and some had truly chimeric designs.
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Instead of randomized fights each match of the Tournament is fixed. The player is the "ruler" of a ENTSLL 2019 Dragon Warrior and starts at the bottom of the Domestic Rank to work up to the top of the World Rank.
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Yasushi Nirasawa did a six-page comic that was in the instruction manual for the Japanese version of the game. It gives a look at the world where genetically engineered 10 meter tall monsters battle in the arena.
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Aside from the designs and the setting, the other defining feature of the game is the concept of combining your Dragon Warrior with a vanquished opponent.
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The first time, the player gets two options for combining. This sets up two different paths for completing the World Rank. Based on this decision, a different Dragon Warrior is used in each path to combine for a second form.
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While there is much to appreciate about the concept and designs, the gameplay is a shortcoming. The hit boxes don't correspond well and fights are slow. There are some loops and exploits that help with the difficulty, but that doesn't lead to a satisfying victory.
The game also has a Match mode for a fight against the computer or another player, using some of the Domestic and World Rank fighters. Unfortunately, this mode is also is subject to the same issues and the Dragon Warriors are very unbalanced.
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It would be fun to see this game made today with modern game technology and design. Yasushi Nirasawa's detailed creations could really come to life. Also, it would be great to see more and varied combinations of beasts.
With a little more time and polish, Beast Wrestler could have been a cult game. Instead, it's an interesting obscurity.
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phoenixdoesartstuff · 10 months
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Touched up this old cover art for Tapas.
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littlefaeriebottles · 10 months
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A few rough sketches of my original characters that will appear in my Debtors of Inkwell comic! OCs won't have too much of a role in my AU but I thought it'd be fun to share them anyway. Also, these designs might change very slightly when they appear in the comic.
Baron Biscotti and Baroness Beignet VonBonBon, the kind and regal rulers of the fief of Sugarland, and parents of Baroness Brioche BonBon.
Winona Warbles, wife to Wally Warbles and mother to Willy Warbles, who gets bored of domestic bliss and leaves the nest.
Barnaby Bailley, the eccentric ringmaster of the Traveling Inkwell Circus and Beppi's mentor and father figure.
Olga Berg is Hilda Berg's grandmother, renowned mage who was one of the founders of Hexenwerks Magierakademie (Academy of Magic).
The Primordial Ooze is a manifestation of hate that haunts Goopy Le Grande and fills him with self-doubt.
Gourdy 'O Hallow is a down on his luck bum who helps The Root Pack get back on their feet.
Nikos the Goatherd knew The Legendary Chalice and the Calix Amini hundreds of years ago.
Scylla and Charybdis, the two aunts of Cala Maria, who teach her about the world dividing men and monsters.
Nefurrtiti is an ancient deity that Djimmi The Great befriends on his travels.
The Patient is an ill-fated figure that is a passenger on The Phantom Express.
Privates Fidget and Hodgepodge are two of Werner's fellow soldiers drafted into the Inkwell fighting forces.
Sir Chaucer Canterbury is a knight who has found his own calling and befriends Grim Matchstick.
Gustavo the Gardenia, Pascal the Pansy, and Bailey the Bluebell are flowers that live in the garden with Cagney.
Vespa Flaxenjacket is a wasp from the other side of the island who has her eyes on Rumor's hive and empire.
Shep Hyde, who's determined to make his client, Sally, a star and might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"JugORum" Bellows, father of Ribby and Croaks, who has ties to the Moonshine Mob.
There's a few others I haven't illustrated yet, and then there will be several NPCs from the game that will be important (I'll be drawing some of them too!), as well as the Debtors/bosses themselves being the main characters! I'm really excited to start working on this AU again! Hope you like em!
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Iphicles (Male!Reader x Percy Jackson PLATONIC)
Big brother!reader x Percy Jackson PLATIONIC Just headcanons of him protecting and helping and just genuinely being a good brother please 🥹
tw angst, mentions of emotional and physical domestic abuse, injury
NOTE: I was thinking of making this a series and continuing it through to Last Olympian. This one doesn't have as much Percy x big brother interaction, but think of it as a setup. Let me know if you want more!
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Did you know Heracles had a brother?
While Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmene, Alcmene had a husband already - Amphitryon, a mortal man. So there were two babies in the crib - the child of a god and the child of a mortal.
This child was named Iphicles. And while he was never as strong as his brother, he was a powerful warrior in his own right, and accompanied his brother on his quest.
You think about this myth a lot.
You're about four when you meet Poseidon. He went by Yuri then, and it was only later you found out it was short for one of his other names, Eurykreion, which meant wide-ruling.
Yuri loves your mom, you know that. But it's hard, that year, when they get close, and you start to get attached to this guy who might be a father figure to you, and he vanishes.
Leaving your mom pregnant, and you with nothing.
Nothing but a brother with a weird name.
You're ten when Mom meets Gabe. Gabe seems kinda cool at first. He lets you ride in the front seat of his Camaro when he takes you to school, teaches you how to open his beer bottles on the corner of a table (oh what a red flag that turned out to be), and he takes an interest in you, when most of your life since Percy has been about the really weird stuff that starts to happen around him.
You remember screaming when you saw that snake in Percy's crib.
You're pretty sure that that lady who tried to take Percy from his stroller wasn't just wearing a funky coat, and actually had wings.
Or that bus driver with the one eye.
Mom freaks out you bring home a book about Greek myths from the library. She bans you from showing it to Percy.
And that's when it kinda clicks. These monsters you read about... they're part of the world, but they fit in differently. They're not robbers on the dangerous roads between Athens and Thebes, they're mattress salesmen and reclusive sculptors, and kindly old women on the bus, and teachers that constantly demean your little brother for his dyslexia.
Like, you're ten, and MOM can barely even say dyslexia, so how could your six year old little brother figure it out?
And then Gabe shows his true colors. All the little warning signs that could be forgiven from a nice guy start to balloon to almost comic proportions.
You've been a good big brother to Percy. Yeah, it's your job to take care of him, but you love him too. He's tiny and adorable and afraid of everything, and you just wanna show him that things can be good. Like the blue food your mom makes, or the little moments you can make for him that aren't weird or worrying.
But then Gabe tears your little brother away. Percy gets sent off to boarding school after boarding school. For six long years, the only time you see your brother is during the summer, or when he gets expelled.
Part of you wonders if he feels that same sibling bond, if he wants to leave his fancy schools to get back to you.
Gabe's a shit. Way more when the little kid isn't around, and as you get older, he gets bolder, more willing to get nasty the less you look like a baby.
You try not to get bitter, but it sucks so much, living like this. Your mom works soul-crushing hours at that candy store, and her mean boss says you can't just hang out there after school anymore cause you'll distract her.
You wander New York as long as you can after school rather than be alone with Gabe.
And the one time you tried to talk to a counselor at school, she perked up oddly and mentioned your little brother Perseus (how did she even know?) and her eyes changed color and you ran as fast as you could.
You feel angry at the world. At Gabe. At your mother, for letting your brother get sent away, for doing nothing when Gabe yelled at you for no reason, for all the little things, and at yourself for blaming her, for being powerless yourself, for barely recognizing Percy when he gets home, for almost hoping he gets expelled soon so he can reunite with you sooner.
You've had suspicions since you were nine. You turn sixteen and you scream at the Harlem River, daring Poseidon to fight you.
And for any other mortal, he wouldn't show up, but a hand lands on your shoulder and you turn to punch Yuri in the gut.
Your hand breaks, but he pulls a starfish out of his pocket and plasters it over your hand and you can feel the bones mending, and you both sit and talk.
The gods are real.
And they suck.
Your mom refused his offer of a palace under the sea, and you can't decide whether to hate her for it or hate Poseidon for dating your mom when he's already married and he knew he couldn't stay.
He's never been there for Percy. Never been there for your mom. Never been there for you.
Gabe hits her, does he know that? How long until he starts hitting you? Hitting Percy?
How long before the dwindling light goes out?
You hate him so much, you growl, but he hugs you and all the fight leaves, like the tide finally setting back out.
You are not his son, but in that moment you are of the sea, and he understands you.
You are the son of Sally Jackson, the brother of Perseus, and you will be the Earthshaker where the Earthshaker himself cannot tread.
It doesn't change anything, but when Poseidon finally says it, finally says "I am sorry," it moves you. There is someone out there that can see and acknowledge your suffering. Poseidon has lost countless children, was eaten by his own father, betrayed by his brothers. He has witnessed the entire breadth of humanity, and yet in this moment, a god apologizes for the woes of a mortal.
You are sixteen when you meet a god.
He will not be the last.
Poseidon kisses your forehead, drenching you in seafoam as he vanishes, and you feel reborn.
You are worn smooth by waves, hardened by salty brine, and you bide your time, even bringing yourself to smile at Gabe when you get home. You make the bean dip so Mom can rest when she gets home, and you smirk when Gabe is visibly shaken by your confidence.
You wait, because like Poseidon said, Percy is getting older, and things may come to pass. He will need a guardian, a guide.
There is a place for children of the gods, like him.
Camp Half-Blood.
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cirqueduroyale · 22 days
Happy Webcomic Day!
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I’m Brittany G. (@atomicbritt), a black, autistic, aroace graphic designer/other stuff by day and comic robot by night.
Cirque Royale, a queer slice-of-life/fantasy/humor/drama comic about the newest royal clown family and what their circus troupe gets up to when the show is over.
Each episode is a different short story about the cast and crew of the Royal Circus. It started in 2016 with traditional comic pages, but now it’s more of a scrolling hybrid, since I got more busy with work.
The comic updates on Thursdays. Wednesdays if an update is long or I decide to update two pages that week.
Rating: PG or PG-13 (I'm not sure anymore)
Warnings: Puns, clowns, PTSD, fantasy racism, implied domestic abuse, implied eating disorder, ableism, parental death, toxic parents
Themes: Family, friendship, trauma, overcoming societal/familial expectations
Inspired by: Retro circus aesthetic, classic cartoons, Monster High, NBC’s Telenovela, Adventure Time, The Simpsons, Star vs The Forces of Evil, 30 Rock, The Addams Family, Geek Love
Where to read: Website | Webtoon | Tapas  | GlobalComix | Links List 
Other links: Ko-Fi | My Art Blog I Cirque Development blog | BlueSky | TV Tropes
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