#do only 4 tags show up? idk anymore.
fpsprotag-poll · 1 year
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52 contestants - but only ONE will SURVIVE and earn the title of the most "based" fps protagonist. And that's the biggest reward anyone could ever want.
Below is the bracket for the poll - the order for reach "fight" has been assigned randomly using a generator so there would be no bias.
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(sorry it looks like shit, no backet websites i used worked with 52 teams whoops!)
Round one begins on monday around ~10pm GMT+2 time, with each fight posted at once. Don't touch that mouse and be ready to vote.
(text list of all participants and "fights" from round one under the readmore)
Agent 3 (splatoon) - Super Noah Ark 3D
Neon White - Peashooter from Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
Doomguy - Dauda from GTFO
Chell - Knight (FPS Chess)
Halo - Dusk Guy
Chex Warrior - Jet Bradley
Jesse Faden - Pointman (fear)
Secuirty Officer (marathon) - Postal Dude
V1 - Serious Sam
Alan Wake - Tommy (prey)
ZAN (Headon) - Unreal
Jack (Bioshock) - Robbit
BJ Blazkowicz - Zer0 (borderlands)
Empty Fuck (Cruelty Squad) - SOLE SURVIVOR
Gordon Freeman - The Hunter
Commando (ror2) - Trespasser typiara
Quake - Project absentia
JC Denton - Lo Wang
Nightmare Reaper - ZANE LOFTON
Max Payne - Colt Vahn
Parket (red faction) - Redneck Rampage
Caleb - Kyle Katarn
L4D 2 Survivors - V from Cyberpunk
Heavy TF2 - Champion (amid evil)
Marin Walker (Spec Ops the Line) - Crown Prince
Duke Nukem - Cultic typ
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
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Sakuverse Characters Walking in on You Watching a ✨️Spicy Film✨️
Warning: NSFW!!!
Includes: Andrew, Isaac, Xanthus, Elias
Sooooo this is an idea I got from a recent ask I saw from @ilovegureshin (I hope you don't mind me tagging you). Since there's only 4 chars, I may do a pt. 2 in the future🦦
This is warm up for pt. 2 of that Zaros fic CUZ I'VE NEVER WRITTEN FULL SMUT BEFORE AND IDK WTF I'M DOING YALL
Anways as always, I hope you enjoy😌🫶
‼️ Repost cuz my dumbass deleted the original while editing🙄 We back to being hrny on main tho!
Andrew is late today, maybe it's traffic, maybe he's just working a bit overtime but in the end you were the one being subjected to torture.
It's been a rough day, and you couldn't wait to get home to him. A bad day is always mendable when your boyfriend knows how to make you feel good. But given he's not home before you today, your next best option was your own hands and something to get your imagination going.
You're sitting on your knees, legs spread apart just a bit and your headphones comfortably shielding you from the noises outside. Your laptop is placed infront of you, theres two character on the screen a blonde and a brunette with a similar body type as Andrew's. You don't reach for these kinds of vides often, more like you don't need to, but sometimes the wait is too much. As the couple in your screen get more and more handsy with each other, you can't help but imagine the way Andrew touches you, the way his hand would ghosts over your thighs, or just gently touch your sides all in his attempts to rile you up. You miss him so much right now but the show must go on.
Your hands move from caressing your skin, making its way between your legs, slowly palming yourself through your undergarments.
You lost track of time, forgetting that soon your boyfriend would be home. Though it was too late for that.
Andrew knew something was up when you didn't greet him at the door like you usually do, and when the calls for your name went unanswered. What he didn't expect was to be greeted by such a... surprise.
Your back is facing the door, and you couldn't hear him through your headphones. He takes a quick glimse at the screen and grins, making his way over to the bed. He, very casually, walked up behind you and turns your face to the side so he can kiss you. You're quickly knocked out of your daze and slam the laptop shut as you scramble at the sheets.
"No 'Welcome home' hugs for me today? Although I must say this might be a better welcome after a long day."
Sometimes when Isaac works really late you "go to bed early because you're tired", he doesn't come out of his office for hours so you have adequate time to relief yourself without disturbing Isaac. Tonight in particular, you felt completely disoriented. You couldn't get any work done and it was hard to focus. So when you couldn't take it anymore, you faked a yawn and excused yourself for the night. Isaac promised he'd be in bed with you soon, but knowing him "soon" meant at least another hour or two.
So you take advantage of the time, setting up your laptop next to you, and stripping away your clothes. Even though the volume of the video was lowered, your voice was not. Not that Isaac can hear you all the way in his office anyways. Your laboured breaths and soft moans echo the room. You take your time to rid the stress from your body, and your once soft moans increasing in volume as you get closer and closer.
Only for your body to stiffen at the three curt knocks on the door. You close the laptop quickly and pull your blanket over your body. He opens the door slowly, moving just a single step inside.
"Sorry, I uhm... I heard you through the door and- and I was going to leave, I promise! But you sounded so... good."
He's looking down at the floor, a hand on the back of his neck as he explains himself. The way the fabric of his pants stretched to accommodate his erection was obvious and maybe you didn't need your laptop anymore for tonight.
You drop the blanket from your body, crawling to the edge of the bed.
"Come here with me Isaac."
It was no accident. Not when you knew he could hear the video playing in your screen and the way your heart rate quickens.
You're spread out on your and Xanthus' bed, with a random video playing in the background. You didn't really care for the video, it was just there to hold your plan together and make your actions as obvious as you can. It was all just a ploy to get his attention. You knew that he knew that too, and at some point he'd give in and come find you.
You started off discreet, faintly running your hands up and down your body. It got your blood pumping as your heart rate increased, but when that didn't draw him to you, caution was thrown right out the window and you fully indulged yourself in what you could be feeling. Your voice bounced off the walls and he could definitely hear you loud and clear now. Your eyes are squeezed shut, one hand supporting your weight behind your back, the other between your legs.
Your eyes flicker open at the sound of your laptop being slammed shut.
Your pulled at the blanket, barely covering your body at all as you feigned shame.
"Xanthus, I didn't hear you come in."
"Yeah I'm sure the door being open was also part of your plan wasn't it?" He's standing at the end of the bed, eyes completely shadowed over with lust.
"I don't know what you mean." You lie.
"Don't play dumb with me, you love testing my patience don't you?"
"Brazen, but you might just regret starting this."
He crawls onto the bed towards you, clawing at the bottom of the blanket ripping it from your grasp and exposing your body.
There isn't much to do in the safe house, especially when you're alone. Being with Elias all the time is great and you love it, but having some time apart to be by yourselves was also nice. What you planned to do with your time today was one you definitely wanted to be alone for.
You lifted your laptop from the nightstand, placing it infront of you and scrolling to find the videos you favourited. There was a select few that you enjoyed, especially because you could imagine yourself in those scenarios, only now you could also picture someone as the other person in the videos.
Elias was all the way in his room, probably playing games or sleeping, whatever it was you hope it kept him in there for as long as possible. Once you're all prepared, you set the laptop down and kicked off your pants, leaving only your shirt and underwear on. Your eyes are set on the screen, watching and replicating the way the character's hand moved on the other. Your shirt is hiked all the way up, caught between your teeth so you hands could freely access your chest. All you could think of is Elias and if he'd also touch you this way. Surely if you asked, he wouldn't say no to you right?
Your other hand reaches down to the fabrics hugging your pelvis, fingers slipping inside to touch yourself.
But you're pulled to reality when the door knob creaks and Elias comes into view.
"Hey babe, do you wanna- Shit!"
You immediately tug your shirt down and make a high pitched sound and Elias quickly rushes right back out the door.
"I'm sorry!" He yells from outside. "I didn't know and your door was unlocked- Jeez I really am sorry!"
You body drops onto the bed, silently cursing yourself for not locking the door.
"It's okay." You tell him. "Did you need something?"
He's quiet for a moment before speaking again.
"Can I come back inside?"
You swallow hard at his request, pulling your blanket over your lower body.
"Yeah, sure"
The door slowly opens and Elias steps inside.
"Sorry, you look really fucking hot right now and I can't get it out of my head." He confesses and you're dumbstruck.
"Elias I uhm-"
"If this is too much for you, tell me to leave now, else I don't plan to." He cuts you off.
"Don't. I don't want you to leave"
Before you knew it, his shirt is on the foor and your arms are wrapped around his neck as he kisses you.
"Were you thinking of me?" He asks.
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t-lostinworlds · 7 months
hello! gosh, i honestly have no idea what else to do anymore. i've been such a huge ball of anxiety these pass few days and i feel like i've got no other choice ://
so, enrollment for the next semester is this Monday (in 4 days), and idk why my school decided to do it during this time when most ppl don't get paid until the last day of the month/next month. as if that isn't enough, enrollments are also on a time limit and now that we get to decide our own schedules, it's also a race on who gets the subjects first. and if you can't pay for a percentage of the tuition fee upfront, you're going to get delisted so you have to pick your subjects again. the later you enroll, the fewer timeslots. so i could end up having a 6-9pm which isn't safe for me in this city especially when i commute alone. even worse, our tuition for this semester is much higher for some reason and we weren't warned about it.
i can't ask for financial aid from my school yet bc it's required to have at least finished 1 year before you're able to. i'm still trying to look for student/personal loan options bc most i've seen so far require a monthly that i just can't afford rn and it only covers 1 term instead of a whole year so it's not really that sustainable :(( (i don't live in the US btw so it's not a "start paying when you graduate" thing. taking out a loan means i still need to pay monthly while in school on top of other expenses, which as you can imagine, feels more like a burden than it is helpful.) i've also tried looking for scholarships but most only support stem/business courses bc this country isn't nice to artists so that sucks.
i honestly have very little money saved and with the sudden increase in tuition, it's hard to cover half of it even with my parents' help. and again, nobody is getting paid until next month so money is already tight as is with it being the end of th month.
so long story short, i need some help. the first installment for the fee (converted from my currency) is about $600. BUT. NO PRESSURE. i'm only asking those who have extra to spare. and any and all amounts are welcome. it's already going to be such a huge help. hell, even just a simple reblog to boost this already helps a ton.
but also, my commissions are open! so if u want to have a lil story in exchange for just a tiny bit of help, that'd be great too <3
here's my kofi and my pypl
again, no pressure! even a smallest amount already helps a lot. and also, pls do reblog to boost. i really appreciate you! i hope you're having a wonderful day <3 don't forget to take care of yourself too. sending you wonderful people love always ❤️
tagging some mutuals under the cut for a boost bc sometimes this doesn't show up in the tags anymore (but also you don't have too!! you can ignore this if u want alskalks)
@selfcarecap @hollandsmoose @shellshocklove @tanaka-drew @agaritas @userholland @thecodyexpress @annab-nana @hollandweather @annathesillyfriend @cumholland @jasntodds @quethekillerqueen @worldoftom (ily guys, i hope you're all safe and well ❤️)
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a lonely night (miguel ohara x gn!reader)
‼️ consider this as the second part of the series‼️
disclaimer: it's still an ongoing series and i'll organize it when i will have written more episodes though i don't like the idea of a timeline bc it's like one shots and 🧍🏻‍♀️ idfk bro i js specified for clarity
this is the very first part of my lonely series! idk if i will make this series a miguel x reader only but :> even made my own tag 🦦
part two/one here !
also you don't need to read all the stories to like understand the plot they're js one shots and a good way to cope w my crippling loneliness (this is actually a call for help /srs
Warning: implied suicide (not really because it’s a cliffhanger but it may be triggering to some people idk so I’m still putting a warning.)
Also I’m not really sure abt the “don’t put words in my mouth” bc I’m not a native speaker but in case it isn’t clear I meant that reader basically said “don’t make me say what I didn’t say”
Also 2 there is no mention of gender bc I’m trying my best to like write for my fellow enby pals but jk reader will be fem bodied.
Also 3 I’m asking this once again but please reblog this if you liked it it helps small writers a lot please and fank yew
(ignore the random ass banner lmao)
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You were chilling on a rooftop before you felt a familiar presence.
-What are you doing up this late, carino? Asked the voice.
You didn’t know why neither how, but somehow you instantly knew it was him.
The one who was known to save every universe despite everything.
He sure was a good leader, sometimes he was mean, but it was all for the sake of the many universes he had to protect.
He was a good leader for sure, but a good lover? There’s no way you could count on that.
You loved him very much and you know how painful it was for him to show any kind of affection, but tonight you had too much of holding everything inside.
He put his hands on your waist, sneaking a kiss on your lips before sitting next to you, both your legs dangling in the shining lights of the city.
The weather was cold for a beginning of summer, but it was nothing compared to the cold residing in your heart.
Your relationship was bound to come to an end, and you were here for this end to come.
-Is something wrong my love? Miguel hastened to ask when he noticed your expression was off.
-Do you truly love me? You asked, ignoring his question.
He stiffened at the hearing of your question.
-Of course, why wouldn’t I? he asked worried.
-Listen. I’m going to be straightforward with you. I’m pregnant. And I want the baby to have both parents when they grow up. And I think, with both of us being heroes, this won’t work. Don’t put words in my mouth, I do love you with all my heart and you know it. But I can’t do it anymore. (tears start falling on your cheeks but you continue anyway:)  I am grateful for all the things we lived but I think our relationship is meant to end anyway. I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
You stood at the edge of the building and disappeared in a snap.
-Goodbye, Miguel.
You woke up in a hurry, instinctively looking for your husband.
-Is everything ok, my love? Miguel was quick to ask. (he put a hand on your forehead) did you catch a cold or something? You seem to have a fever.
-I’m okay don’t worry! You say with a frank smile. I just had a nightmare but nothing to worry about I promise.
-Mm. If you say so, he said with a tint of doubt in his voice. I’ll stay in bed with you just in case something happens, ok?
Without waiting for your response, he forcefully got into your bed, which made you move.
You inevitably fell into your husband’s arms as he put his arm on your shoulder with your head on his chest, feeling his soft breathing and hearing his heartbeat.
Despite everything, the work he had, the countless nights you spent waiting for him to return home, even wondering if he ever would, the arguments, you were in love with him. And it even if it was hard, he and him only was the one you decided to love.
And that was beautiful.
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ronsharry · 6 months
1. What is your favourite HP ship and why?
2. If you like fanfic, which HP one is your favourite?
3. Out of all the potential paternal figures for Harry, which one is our favourite and why?
(4. Do you have any ronarry fluff fics? All I can find are abandoned or not ronarry fics)
ohhh i love these questions!! tysm for asking :))
1. i’ve shipped many ships in many eras and the one i always go back to is ronarry!! they’re so special to me and i know it’s like a popular trope that people find annoying but i really love the bestfriend to lovers trope it’s so sweet :)) and not to mention that they are both in my top 3 😭
2. i definitely read fanfic (i have an ao3 acc 6amflwrr) I’ve been reading it for years 😭😭 ahh this is such a hard one but out of the hundreds of fanfics i’ve read there’s a few that i always think of or go back to:
‘honey honey by aeoneskova’ — marlene lives and takes harry from the dursleys!! harry is in muggle primary school in this and it’s soo realistic !! really sad too harry literally fainted in p.e bc he was so starved ITS SO SAD
‘Hermione Grangers Hogwarts Cranmer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi’ — i suprisingly loved one sm i went through a phase of hardcore shipping drarry and i met this gem through it!! idk if i ship them anymore but im not like against them either idk anyway this one harry doesn’t know he’s a wizard until they recruit him 💀 and sirius is alive also <3
‘An Hour of Wolves by solvskrift’ — one of the first fics i ever read so that’s probably a reason but this one’s dark and it shows harry’s ptsd really well and also check tags for this one!!
3. oooo i love this question sm i love all dynamics between harry and parental figures bc they’re so interesting but my favourite is sirius and harry by far!! they get each other so well, sirius would do absolutely anything for him and he is the only adult harry fully trusted like harry loved him sm :(( they had their flaws and while i don’t think sirius was the healthiest (something that i don’t blame him for at all i think he did amazingly given the circumstances) he definitely was the best choice and i think that makes it even sadder actually 😭
4. oh i definitely have fics!!! here are some of my favs:
‘perspective by malapropism’ — In which Ron realizes that maybe, just maybe, you aren't supposed to feel this way about your best mate. But only after a dance at the Yule Ball, months of being busy with other things, Cedric Diggory's death, the return of Voldemort, and a quiet knock at his door. (i love this one sm and gof and ootp!rarry is my fav <33)
‘Foolish hearts by iwantacoolassname & orbithastnt’ — this is set in hbp and sirius lives !!!!! the only thing is that it’s ongoing but i don’t think it’s been discontinued :)
‘sacrifice by sim54’ — i love this one sm
‘Somber Skies and Bruised Bodies by ManyGayUmbrellas’ — i love this one too it’s so sad but happy ending!! more of a character study but yeah it’s good :)
‘i’ll hold you when things go wrong by cloudlesslysky’ — Ron has always struggled with insecurity and jealousy since he was a child. However, Ron has grown up. And while he loves his mother, if she's making him choose between her and Harry...Well, Ron knows where he stands. (this is probably my favourite even tho it’s not actually ronarry but they are very close and it’s definitely worth the read and uncle harry & rose AHH)
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21’ — one of my favourites too!! this one got me into ronarry in the first place :)
‘merry christmas, war is over by dykesiriusblack’ — wolfstar&ronarry and i loved this one sm!! definitely recommend:))
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suspendingtime · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I've been tagged by @stars-of-kyber and @andthebubbles. 😁 So although I feel barely qualified, I guess I best do this...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7. 🤗
I started about 2 months ago, so... and yes, they're all Kanthony. Initially just started as a way of contributing to Anthony Week 2023, and I didn't even expect that I'd actually do all 7 days.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently ranging at 661 to 3,779 per fic. Rookie numbers!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far, just my beloved Bridgerton.
But there have been a couple other shows that have tempted me...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Astride  - 166
Nursery  - 118
Hunt - 105
Yours - 94
Temptation - 88
Having published a handful with various ratings, it's quite interesting to see the kudos, bookmarks (private vs public), and subs ratios! Much to think about.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Why... I sort of have a need? Idk, when I see a comment it's hard to just leave it hanging there and not to reply. Like irl if someone looked at something I made and verbally commented on it... and I just stared back blankly not saying anything. 😐 This is how it feels to me on the receiving end at least haha. And my replies saying various forms of 'Thank you!' is probably quite repetitive, but hey ho.
Plus comments give you that lil hit of dopamine; from both povs as a writer or reader. Being on the reader side for most of my Ao3 activities I tend to comment on most of fics I read, I can't help it - I must tell you what I loved about it and why, and there's a pleasure in reciprocating that back too. Look, now I've written half an essay on the subject, gaaah. (I've not been on Ao3 as much as I'd like to recently, and because I opened it to scoop out the stats for some of the questions above I can now see that I have some unreads... and the need is happening.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm *thinking really hard*, I don't think any of them have an ending that is all that angsty. If I had to choose, maybe Temptation?
The pattern I've shown so far in my posted works is that it's gonna be 90% fluff. Though that is liable to change. 😆
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Nursery?
I'm not sure, cause they've all ended on a pretty optimistic note so far. But that one has Kate and Anthony with a few of their kids, so it's the furthest on the Kanthony HEA timeline.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ummm 👀 I may have dabbled in some smut.
What kind... hm, the kind where both people are panting for each other, and end up caving because they literally can't hold their horniness in anymore (this totally explains why I went feral for Bridgerton S2, ha). Another pattern I seem to have is making Anthony a submissive man puddle.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I do have some crack ideas I may explore.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, I very much doubt it.
How often does this happen to people?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'd certainly be all for it if anyone ever wanted to translate any works of mine. 😊
If I was proficient enough to write in other languages, then I would probably try publishing the different versions from the get go.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing formal, but there was a lengthy comment thread on Reddit some months ago where myself and another user went back and forth re-writing the script for that stormy library scene 😅 (not so much re-writing what was already there, bar the last few lines, more of a continuation in a universe where Kate hadn't fled).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Must I even answer this? Kanthony, c'mon now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's only 1 work that I have, where I've actually started a chapter 2. And I have all the faith that I will finish it. ✍️🤓
Other potential WIPs, that are currently just posted as one shots, only exist in my head... who knows if they will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This question feels illegal to be asked.
I have no idea, I'm very new to this whole writing thing. At least in terms of fiction, so I'm not sure what I'd consider my strengths to be. I feel like I need some more practice before I can get a real sense of this?
I would say that dialogue usually comes very quickly to me, and it's having to fill in the bits around it that takes more brain muscles. So that might indicate something.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything apart from the answer to the question above.
But really I think it's remembering that there is a world outside of the main couple happening, and trying to describe the details there. Also other general 'setting the scene' stuff like clothing, weather etc etc. I usually just want to jump straight in with some random dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
On writing it... no thoughts; not done it yet!
If I needed to for some unknown fic reason in the future, I'm sure I'll be apologising profusely in the author notes for trusting Google translate and probably butchering whatever language it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Still just the one so far, Bridgerton. 😌
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hunt 🥺🥹 I was a lot of feels, and just very indulgent tbh.
I also really enjoyed my shortest one, Obedient, which was in 2nd person (hadn't done that before). The writing of that one was just really fun and I idky but I've reread it quite a bit!
I'm woefully looking at my Ao3 bookmarks (which has grown exponentially since joining Tumblr), full of things that I've not got round to reading yet. So I'm tagging partly based on stuff hanging out on top of that pile: @islemeadow, @ladykettlechips, @hydriotaphia, @eleanor-bradstreet, and the smut aunties @colettebronte & @fayes-fics 😋 (if y'all wanna do it, ofc. I tried to find those who hadn't been tagged/done it yet, sorry if you've actually already done this and I've just not found it).
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queendollophead-ao3 · 5 months
Thank you @erisenyo for the tag! This was a lot of fun!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 33! Public ones at least lol
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 210,749 which is both a lot and not nearly what I thought it was. If only WIPS counted!
3. what fandoms do you write for? ATLA and I used to write for Merlin
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Self-Taught 2. The Dating Game 3. Thirst 4. Lights, Camera, Friction 5. Word of Mouth
5. do you respond to comments? I do, but not always in a timely fashion
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's a toss up between Taking on Water and the "angst ending" option of Please Fall
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Another toss up between The Dating Game and Rain Check. Both tooth rotting fluff at the end <3
8. Do you get hate on fics? Luckily no, not even on my DILF fics! I think I'd cry lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do indeed write smut, mostly M/M although I've considered venturing into F/F for some Tyzula
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I do not
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but that would be dope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! afterparty :) with the lovely @rosewatertears0 (AO3) and agni_kai
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I loooove Piandao/Zuko, but Zukka is also up there as well as Merthur
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There's a depressed!Sokka fic that I started in 2021 that I just don't feel connected to anymore. It's a regurgitation of my life that had some bonus Zukka, and touching it is just too real sometimes.
16. What are your writing strengths? Uhhhhh I think dialogue? I know I have creative ideas and I hope that they're immersive, idk. Also my Sokka voice is SPOT ON bc he lives in my brain rent free. Also summaries and titles so hmu if you need help!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weirdly I think smut, even though I write a lot of it lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done like words or phrases in isolated reference but never like a back and forth. I am not qualified to write an actual conversation.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Law & Order SVU lmao in a long dead fanfiction.net account
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Honestly, it might be Up the Ante because it feels like a TV show or a movie to me, like just the beginning of something very plausible in an espionage movie.
tagging @rosewatertears0 @sulkybender @sword-and-stars in case you want to play :)
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lilioopdf · 18 days
mini F2 race predictions
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this is personal bc ive been staying away from tarot and fortune telling for really really long because it just doesn’t align with who i am anymore but i am also a really curious person and this week has been emotionally taxing so im doing this for FUN and for myself
but anyway these are my mini predictions for the sprint and feature race (F2) except im only looking at one driver (and i won’t tag this post because i really don’t want this to show up anywhere)
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sprint race: king of wands, 7 of pentacles, the star
not too bad?? its not amazing but it’s not horrible, just average. and i think that with the seven of pentacles there will be lots of information picked up on or gained from this race, which could really help in the feature race the day after. and with the king of wands it makes me wonder if there’s a possibility of him dominating the race, for at least some period of time? or maybe setting the fastest timing for a lap/sector at least once. with the star, i think a lot of useful data could be collected behind the scenes, like really really useful info that wasn’t found previously. the star kinda feels like there will be certain blessings present, and a wish may be made and granted. the seven of pentacles is usually the final step before the hard work pays off.
significant numbers (in this context): 7, 17, 3, 4
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feature race: 3 of cups, 10 of cups, 6 of pentacles
so so positive i cannot stress this enough— so much celebration, so much fulfilment marking the end of a cycle. maybe some help involved, either given or received. positive, in the way only cool and calm mornings can feel, specifically at 8am, as it slowly gets closer to 10am. idk not much to say but the effort behind this race feels more centred, like there is a smaller group of people being actively involved in this race, and the celebrations may also be mainly for a smaller group of people than usual, but lots of happiness of course. this feels like watching the sunset at a beach, unplanned.
extra: i noticed the devil card pop up but it came with too many cards so i put it back in but it feels like a small warning to not get too egotistical or rude and lose focus on what’s actually important, like safety and relationships, and to not be overly consumed or obsessed by something— like results or incidents on track or the past
significant numbers: 3, 6, 10, 5, 7, 4
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bottom of deck: wheel of fortune
the wheel of fortune usually symbolises luck, or karma. it usually signifies a change in luck, and i always tell people that this change in luck could be from bad to good luck, or vice versa. it’s not a one directional thing— whatever you’ve been experiencing recently, changes. although in this context it definitely feels more positive given the recent dnfs. card number 10. with 11 under it— whatever is received this weekend is well deserved and long time coming
also wait im adding on to this but maybe tyre management might be significant in these two races, in this specific drivers case
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anyway i still don’t know if ill watch the races because both F3 and F2 races have been heartbreaking recently but i might, after this reading— i just pray that pepe does really really well and that there are no crashes and that everyone is safe and happy despite their end positions and that it’s a good weekend for all drivers and mechanics and fans and team principals and any and everyone on earth except mean people
okay byebye ill come back to this after both races are complete and update this
- 🪷
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 3 months
Tagged by the illustrious Bods @nobodysdaydreams! They said to include my old AO3 account, which I will, but for safety reasons I will not be disclosing fandoms or fanfic titles from that one, as I…value what little anonymity I have saved from this account. I don’t wanna get doxxed again.
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 17 under my new account, one anonymous crossover and the rest are MBS in one form or another. Under both my accounts…uhhh…I think it’s a little over 100. *does mental math* 105. Yeah. 105.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Under both accounts it’s 223,211.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I have posted a whopping 17 fandoms, but I’ve definitely written for more than I post. TMBS book and show, an RPG game of one sort or another, and 15 more redacted fandoms.
Top five fics by kudos:
So…I still have that old account, and I have the stats, I just don’t use it anymore. I can say the numbers, but the fandoms and fic titles will be redacted for my safety since they’re not from this account.
[REDACTED 1] - 252 kudos
[REDACTED 2] - 183 kudos
[REDACTED 3] - 169 kudos
[REDACTED 4] - 154 kudos
[REDACTED 5] - 144 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I try to as a general rule. If I ever got a flood of them, I sometimes would have to sit down for a while before I replied, or just mark ones that I couldn’t respond well to (usually keysmashes or emoji strings) as read and just move on, but I do try to respond to the ones I get, because I cherish them all.
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
This would be for [REDACTED FOR MY SAFETY] fandom. Both characters were left for dead after a ruthless battle, one of them shown to be alive only through his own narration. The other was not shown by the end of the fic to have made it. He did, ultimately, but that only came up in a sequel.
Do you write crossovers?
I like to contemplate them more than write them, but on occasion I have been known to attempt a writing of them. They never seem to leave my drafts.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
*gestures vaguely at the intro of this post* Yep. Gotten doxxed, too.
Do you write smut?
Used to, once upon a time. People were not happy and I left that fandom behind me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. Granted it wasn’t word-for-word, but I’ve been plagiarized and the person who did so used (in my opinion) weaker synonyms that didn’t get the same meaning across. I was. Unamused.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, on my old account, into Russian and Mandarin.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
S.Q. Pedalian/Happiness
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t like to say never, but tbh IDK if I can do justice for the Your Greatest Fear AU. I’d like to imagine I can, but if I don’t jive with the piece I’m likely not gonna post it.
What are your writing strengths?
I am most excellent at hurt/comfort. It’s fun to have the catharsis of comfort and most of the hurts are based (either very literally or very loosely) on my own hurts in life. It’s nice to read.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Honestly? Considering everything I’ve written both in this fandom and others? Knowing when to stop. Like, if I don’t give myself a hard stopping point and it’s not a one-shot I will…go on forever, because there’s just so much I want to explore.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I generally use italics for it, unless it’s ASL, because I’ve had Deaf people in the spaces I write say that they want it to be treated on the same level as English.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
On this account, probably Your Greatest Fear, because that story is just so fun to explore. Also villain!SQ is so underrated.
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 5 months
Thanks for tagging me @wisteria-wisteria <3
1. Who or what got you into F1?
Basic bitch answer but my dad. He was a big fan, and his dad was a fan. I was plonked infront of the TV to watch it as a kid, and grew up never missing a race. That was until Sky Sports braught it off chanel 4, and now my family can't afford to watch it anymore. I have to pirate it now coz I AINT PAYING 50 A MONTH go fuck yourself Sky Sports.
2.Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
Probably Lewis? Or Jenson? I was (still am) a Mclaren fan as a kid, and my dad always cheered on English drivers, so I just copied him. I still love them both now, my opinions havn't changed on them at all!
3.Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
Current grid? Probably Max, Fernando or Oscar. They are all so so talented, it's just a pivalidge to watch them drive. I think they're all really funny in their own ways too.
My favourite driver ever? Senna, obviously. Or Prost.... Can't ever pick.
4.Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
I support all and any pairings. F1 RPF in all forms is delicious thankyou. My faves are: Prost X Senna, Carlos X Lando, Max X Charles, Peroni X Villeneuve, George X alex, Mika X Michael, and Nigel X Elio.
The only ship I don't really vibe with is Pierre X Charles? Like idk I just don't feel it. But I'll still read it so lol
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
My dad supports Mclaren same as me. My sister isn't really into it? She finds charles hot and will watch edits of him but shes never watched a race or really gives a shit about the actual driving. Shes here for the thirst traps and Ferrari merchandise and I respect that so much.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
Dallas, Texas 1984. What a fucking shit show. Absolute comedy sketch. Everything about that dumb race is so funny to me.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Hungaroing! It was the first F1 race I ever attended, and the joy I get out of watching it and screaming 'IVE BEEN THERE IVE BEEN THERE' never leaves. The first race in person was special, so hungaoring is special now too.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like
Yes. And I don't know why but I was so shocked at how friendly everyone was. I think I was expecting it to be like football, but everyone got along so well no matter the teams ect. I always get general admission now, because its so much fun to sit and make new friends with other F1 freaks!!! Everyone shares food, alcohol, blankets, brollies ect- its alwaus such a good atmosphere at everywhere I've been.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Yes. Seb and Jenson. In the same day. I nearly exploded, but actually managed to come off very normal and composed.
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
McLaren MP4/4 1988.
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The details, the colours, the absoulte perfection of the livery, and of course the V8 underneath that gave way to MCAREN DOMINATION. Shes perfect.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Gerhard Berger or charles.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Anything that comes out of Alain Prost's mouth. That man should be a fucking poet. Also- "I'm cuming on your camera mate" hahah
I tag @astirian , @bluesourkiwi , @kimizilla , @whobuilthemoon , @penseesauvageand @eliorosb3rg. Or whoever wants to do itttt love u all
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marley-manson · 10 months
Ok so this is my controversial mash take, but I feel like a really interesting direction for the show to go post season 4 and 5 would have been to make potter a straight up villain. Basically, the early seasons of the show set up a dynamic where generally everyone was one of the ‘good guys’ except for two (Margaret and frank) and they used their authority (as majors, and also as Margaret knew a lot of generals to cause problems for the camp. The show obviously matured from that, and gave Margaret a proper character arc, but that left frank as the only real antagonist, and even then, a much more cartoonish and watered down one. I feel the better direction would have been to keep Margaret’s arc the same, but make potter the new villain, with Charles serving as a minor antagonist, but mainly a good guy with some questionable morals, as he does in the first few seasons he’s in the show. This would have kind of reintroduced that threat of getting in serious trouble from the early seasons that I felt was lacking from the later ones, where everyone was just a big family and the critique of the military lost its edge. Having potter as so regular army that he becomes more of an antagonist would have been a way to continue that critique, and also would have allowed for more exploration of his character. I say this as someone who loves potter and the later seasons of the show, idk it just popped into my head and I wanted to tell someone
You've come to the right place because I completely agree!
Without Frank, with Margaret softening and becoming one of the guys, with all the representatives of the military in the cast made to be likeable (and even most of those single-episode representatives outside the cast), the show almost entirely lost its anti-authority vibe and military critique to settle into a much less political 'war bad' message.
And like it's not terrible, the later show still has a lot of great character stuff and maybe the refocus away from satire and towards character exploration was part of why it lasted so long. But man I do think that we could've still had a solid balance between character focus and anti-military messaging that would've worked even better, and Potter as an antagonist would've been perfect for that.
Even just as a semi-antagonist, fitting his indulgent grandfatherliness and his army man shit. I could see him being very interesting as a character if he was still often likeable, but also had to be fought and outwitted sometimes. And if the show tackled the tension between having a commanding officer who wants to be your frirend but who can (and does! at least once!) cavalierly send you into mortal danger out of pettiness (der tag). (oh wait - also taking the fifth with klinger)
If the show stayed on Klinger's side during his escape attempts instead of wanting us to root for Potter to foil him in a clever way, and framed Potter foiling Klinger as an antagonistic position that disappoints us and makes us resent him.
If the show actually saw Potter as functionally a warden rather than making a few funny jokes about it. If his petty orders were treated as a potentially dangerous misuse of authority rather than lighthearted jokes. If he wasn't necessarily on the draftees' side, and they had a healthy suspicion towards him.
Generally if the show maintained it's anti-authority sentiment instead of pulling a 180 because it's not as cool anymore as we approach the 80s.
Honestly I feel like Henry was framed as more of an antagonist at times than Potter has ever been, like in To Market To Market, or Cowboy, or Love and Marriage, which is honestly kind of bizarre lol. The closest Potter comes to an antagonist role is Dreams (ideal portrayal of Potter tbh) and Wheelers and Dealers, where his tendencies to give petty commands and throw his weight as a colonel around are at least thoroughly mocked by the narrative, rather than treated as loveable quirks.
Like ultimately I'd love it if Potter's characterization stayed basically the same, and the only difference was how the narrative framed him, and how characters react to him sometimes. Like April Fools should've been psychological horror. The Price should've ended with Potter's accidental propaganda campaign sending the Korean kid to his death rather than ~redeeming his cowardice~ lmao god I hate that episode. Hawkeye Get Your Gun's climax should've been properly dark rather than mitigated with drunken humour and they shouldn't have found a compromise - or if they did, Hawkeye should've been troubled by it afterwards, second guessing himself. The Korean Surgeon's ending should've felt darker, rather than 'fair enough colonel, what can you do, good luck at the pow camp.' etc etc.
And sometimes they should have to successfully defy him and scheme behind his back the way they did in the early seasons. And maybe sometimes Potter would have to be a source of potential danger who could have Hawkeye court-martialed. And if Potter was still everyone's "friend," in a way, man that tension when he's framed as an antagonist would be SO interesting to dig into. But every time we get close to something like that it's just treated as a light joke, rather than a source of real conflict (eg the aforementioned ordering Klinger to accompany him into danger for no reason but pettiness in Taking the Fifth) and it's so disappointing.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
ppl here are stressed or worried about mike's sexuality meanwhile I am more worried about other things. at the end of the day, mike's sexuality could just stay as 'unlabelled', he'd just be portrayed as 'queer' overall and it'd be fine in itself.
but there's other topics that i am worried about;
1- max's coma situation, she's now portrayed as brain dead. and i worry abt how its gonna handled. maybe an unpopular opinion, but i wouldn't like it if max is brought back and then is completely healed without having permanent damage on her body. it's a hard topic to be addressed and I'm worried how it's gonna appear.
2- lucas and erica's storylines, some scenes in S4 were too much triggering, but i have little to no hope that they will be addressed. and i am not sure if the writers learned or realized the writing in that and how it came off as... so idk.
3- dustin's whole eddie grief situation. i get that the duffers intended to give dustin a more personal loss and depression/grief, but i wouldn't want it to be dustin's whole story arc or a major story focus for him.
4- will's whole character, he has too much under addressed issues from s1 due to his upside down experiences, or his possession (which was f-ed up), his internalized homophobia, overall i am not sure how they're gonna deal with all of that esp his supernatural plot.
5- i wouldnt want jncy to be underwhelming, but i am not sure if the duffers are gonna continue teasing stncy or not. i think it is very reductive to jon and nancy's characters and relationship, as well as unnecessary to steve's own character.
I don't care too tbh I am just saying what I think is happening when I talk about Mike being bi, I'm not saying it because I like it more, it's just how I interpreted stuff in the show but he could be gay too and I would be happy if he ends up with Will and is happy at the end of the show and I'm repeating this same thing since day one... the only annoying thing to me is constantly having people tell me that I'm making drama just because I'm sharing an opinion or a theory about bi Mike... the tag is for ALL of us not only gay mike believers 😅
For the rest of the stuff
1) I think maybe Max is not going to be able to walk anymore or she could be blind to one eye, I don't think she will be completely healed but I think she will come back to Lucas!
2) sadly I agree with you on this, I'm not sure they will handle Lucas and Erica as well as they should... I can only hope they have listened to the feedback online, they are usually open to criticism and they are open to listen to the input of others so I hope they will do the same for this matter
3) I think Dustin is going to want revenge for Eddie, maybe? I'm not sure but I think they have to focus on that because what Dustin lived through marked him forever sadly :(
4) I have faith they will deal with that in a good way because they are building Will's character arc since before season 1 even started!
5) I personally right now think Jonathan is probably dying in s5 so Idk what to think about Nancy's finale... I think jancy is going to end in tragedy but I really hope not and I hope that even if jancy doesn't happen she just focuses on her career after and not Steve...
@cluelessbees told me a nice idea about Steve's arc for s5, basically the ides is that he's going to focus on his platonic relationships next season and be a support for Dustin's arc and Robin's and maybe he's going to feel guilty because if he went with Max instead of going with Nancy (because he likes her) maybe things would be different now, if he had accepted being the babysitter maybe Max wouldn't be in a coma?
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
Hiya! I’m kind of a small creator on here and trying to get my rottmnt fic an audience but no matter what I do as promo material (art, skits, rambles) nothing ever works to get more than like 2 notes max. I’m confident in my story’s quality so I’m fairly sure that’s not the issue. I was wondering if you have any advice or anything like that? Your stuff is lovely and get a lot of community engagement so I’m curious if there was anything you actively did that helped you grow! I hope this doesn’t come off as rude or desperate, I just wanted to know if I was missing something since I’m pretty new to Tumblr. Enjoy your day ^^
Don't worry! You don't come off as rude or desperate at all!! <3
But tbh... you are asking the wrong person here...
I'm going into marketing, and I spent a full school year in high school doing an independent study on social media algorithms. So I know a LOT about how to grow social media followings- specifically instagram accounts.
But I never actually studied tumblr. I used to use instagram as a platform, but knowing how the algorithm worked was too stressful for me... I'd post stuff and be like "the algorithm won't like this because blah blah blah." Eventually I was drawing for the algorithm and not for me, and so I quit because it just wasn't fun anymore...
Which is why I have very specifically not studied Tumblr's algorithm, because I don't want it to turn into the same situation as with instagram. So I don't know a ton about how to grow a following... and also I've only been on tumblr for 5 months...
THAT BEING SAID: I can walk you through my tumblr and how it's grown!
My very first post was of a meme redraw with the 2012 turtles. I think it got around 1,600 likes?
I posted a couple more things, with varying amounts of likes and such. My first comic (which I never actually completed past the first part) got a total of 7 likes within the first months of posting it. Only when I got more followers did the like amount change.
When I posted my first chapter of the Flashbacks AU, I had 33 or so followers. I think I got to like... 300 followers from that first chapter alone. From there it was just... a steady growth of followers I guess. And with followers comes more reblogs, and with more reblogs comes more followers.
I have around 1,600 followers now. Not everyone is gonna like my posts, I think I get around 20 for responded asks and 100-300 for random pieces of art. Comics get closers to 600 or so. It depends on the content.
I think there are a couple of universal things that help grow an account:
1- Making sure your content is reaching the right people. Put the right tags in. Go crazy with them in fact. If I'm posting a piece with Rise Mikey in it, Im gonna tag: Mikey, Mikey tmnt, Mikey 2018, ROTTMNT, Rise Mikey, etc etc. On instagram they are currently trying to get people to limit their use of tags, but I don't think the same thing applies here. Even tho tags don't help as much here, they are still a good tool!
2- Consistency. Idk how it works on this platform, but consistency is generally a good thing! With instagram theres an actual method to it (1 post a day= good, but the more posts you do a day the less people it shows it to), it might be worth it to look up if tumblr has something similar.
3- Have fun with it! I know this is kinda lame to say... but don't change your content for views. Just... do what you like and eventually your target audience will find you :)
4- Engage with what audience you do have! It's fun to bond with people online, and it helps that "community engagement" piece you talked about!
5-... stalk people hehe. (By which I mean: Look at what other artists post! What tags do they use, do they reblog their own posts a lot, etc etc. Also look at artists with similar followings to your own. For example, studying Cass might not be very helpful, because Cass has a large amount of followers and I'm convinced they could post a picture of a blank canvas and still get 1,000 likes hehe... BUT- I mean you could scroll down to Cass' (or other artist's) first posts and see what they were doing then! Just... observe others I suppose!)
Id love to tell you likes don’t matter, that what matters is having fun and loving what you are drawing. But also I do know how it feels to post something you are really proud of and then have no one like it- it sucks.
But just keep on going :) You'll find your people eventually I'm sure.
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forabeatofadrum · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @wellbelesbian for the tag! Here goes:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
... 162. what the FUCK.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,323,028. WHAT THE FUCK
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well, almost half of those 162 fics are Glee fics. My other two bigger fandoms are Check, Please! and the Simon Snow Series.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Everything will be alright, the only Brooklyn Nine-Nine fic I have ever written.
All shall know the wonder, probably my favourite Check, Please! fic that I've written, so hooray!
The last to know, which was a reaction fic for the end of year 3 of Check, Please!
How lucky we are to be alive right now, which is my first ever Carry On fic and I don't even like it that much anymore, but I guess it's the origin story yada, yada.
The 2020 Young America New Year’s Eve Gala, my sole Red, White & Royal Blue fic. I wrote it in 2020, but thanks to the movie, it got a lot more views and kudos.
I am actually surprised (but also not, I think I have seen this before) that there is no Glee fic in this list. My Glee/Klaine fic with most kudos is the 15th on the list!!! (It's Myosotis sylvatica, by the way.) (My goddamn Love, Victor fic is higher on the list WACK!!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
No. I do read all of them, but I always feel super awkward responding. Idk. It's a me problem, I guess. So I only respond when I have something specific to say or if a comment totally blows me away and I want to at least acknowledge that. Although... I am behind on that as well.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. Does Your heart is in your chest again, not hanging from your sleeve count? It's a Next to Normal AU Klaine story, and if you know the musical, you know.
There's also My rose-coloured boy, a pre-Wayward Son Snowbaz fic that shows that Simon is not dealing with shit and it has an unhappy ending, I suppose, but it also fits in canon so does it count, because in canon, the entire Snowbaz story does have a happy end.
OH WAIT A HOT MINUTE THERE IS ALSO MY WIP Dalton 8 Days of Wrath. That fic is supposed to be Sad Shit Only!!!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love writing happy endings, so I am not sure which one is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, luckily.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I uhhhh have a whole ass essay on why I don't.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I am one of those "how can I Klaine-ify" bitches. The craziest is probably my Glee/Animal Crossing fic Wandering. I don't like it THAT much, but it was fun. I also had a very extensive, not-published Glee/Barbie Mariposa and the Fairy Princess crossover (yeah) once.
And I've been talking for ages about how I will one day write a Glee/Winx Club crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I unfortunately assume that it's happened, since ya know, AO3 scrapers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I know someone wanted to translate Charms & Pearls into Italian, but I don't know it's happened. @klaineship2 also translated one of my Hearing verse fics into German: Musik nur, wenn sie laut ist. I once read this translation out loud and sent it to my German friend @vreniii and I may have hurt her ears.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Call Me Maybe, my aroace Agatha fic with @captain-aralias and Stage Fright, a Halloween Klaine fic with @spookyklaine, @esperantoauthor, @justgleekout, @snarkyhag, sopheadraws, MissFlurry and keyiqiang.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
(Yes, Alex, I still say OTP.)
Klaine. Look, I will be a Klainer 12 till the day I die. You will catch me crying over Teenage Dream (gcv) at the nursing home.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have... so many WIPs. So. Many. WIPs. I don't want to give up on them yet.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I can write dialogue and that I can be pretty funny.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Alex, I so feel you on the second hand embarrasment thing with sappy stuff. I also bitch a lot about not being able to write romantic endings. I also have struggles with describing movement.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean. I have done it before, most noteably Paradiso, aap noot mies and Ik was meteen ondersteboven., so I am down for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published? Glee.
When I was a wee child writing stories about other media, Winx Club and Harry Potter, although I never published those.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
OH. Oof. In no order, split by my 3 main fandoms (because I cannot narrow it down!):
For Klaine: Myosotis series (especially part 1 and 5), Mendacious, I’d cry a river just for you, All the pretty things that we could be and Ljubim te.
For Snowbaz: Paradiso series (especially part 1 and 3, rip part 2), Time After Time and make a fire out of this flame.
For Zimbits: All shall know the wonder and Center Ice.
Forgive me for not tagging anyone. I am taking the lazy "everyone is free to do it!" approach because I am tired!!!
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eli-writes-sometimes · 8 months
Incorrect quotes tag
Got tagged by the lovely @fire-but-ashes-too, thanks for that!
So i may have got slightly carried away with this, it's under a cut for a reason
Tagging - @druidx @dogmomwrites @new-royston-cursebreakers @holdmyteaplease @oh-no-another-idea @irisisasleep (do you have ocs? idk but this is funny and i think youd approve) and anyone else who wants to this!
Here's the link to the quote generator I used!
So, this is technically a ships tag, but I only have two main ships (Harper and Luke from Superlosers and Rune and Veronica from PPP) so I did those two as well as their two friend groups because I thought it was funny and got a bit carried away.
Also sorry if the spacing is weird, I did half of thi on mobile and half on desktop
Luke and Harper:
Luke: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Harper: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train.
Luke: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Harper: Act natural.
Luke: For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic.
Harper: NO, that’s not what I meant! Act like it’s a normal day!
Luke: My ‘normal’ days of late, consist of a lot of panic.
Harper: Will you just cooperate?
Luke: When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!
Luke, sweating: Harper, there’s something I need to ask you-
Harper: Finally! You’re proposing!
Luke: How’d you know?
Harper: Luke, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Harper: I even picked it up once.
Harper: Are you okay?
Luke, crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
Harper: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Luke?
Harper, skipping rocks on a lake with Luke: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Luke: Yeah, it is.
Luke: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
And here's the whole group!
Ivy: What starts with F and ends with Uck?
Asher: No it doesn't.
Harper: Firetruck!
Luke: FUCK!
Luke: *running into the room* Harper just said they don’t love me anymore!
Ivy: What?!
Harper: *following them in* I did not say that. I just said that we are not driving all the way across the country just so you can punch Asher in the face.
*Ivy drunkenly wanders around the house and Harper is drunkenly giggling*
Luke, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Asher.
Asher, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
*during a group project*
Asher: *does 99% of the work*
Luke: *has no idea what’s going on*
Ivy: *says they’re gonna help but does not*
Harper: *disappears at the very beginning and doesn’t show up again until the very end*
Harper: That's ridiculous, Luke doesn't have a crush on me.
Asher: Yes they do.
Ivy: Yes they do.
Luke: Yes I do.
Ivy: Made you all playlists!
Ivy: Asher, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Ivy: Luke, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Ivy: And Harper has the ABBA Gold album.
Asher: *sees Luke and Harper together*
Asher: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Ivy: You mean... you ship them?
Here's Vera and Rune!
Vera: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Rune: Wow. They sound stupid. Vera: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Rune: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Vera: I guess you’re right. Hey Rune, I love you. Rune: See! Just say that! Vera: Holy fucking shit. Rune: If that flies over their head then, sorry Vera, but they're too dumb for you. Vera: Rune.
Rune: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— Vera: Hi. Rune: melts down in a flustered heap of softness
Rune: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vera: It was autocorrect. Rune: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vera: Yes.
Vera: Are you really planning to shoot the demon? Rune: Don't worry, it's a holy gun. Vera: How so? Rune: It makes holes. (thank you quincy morris)
And the whole friend group!
Vera: wow you and Kai are home early from the movies. What happened? Rune: We got kicked out because Kai wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic. Kai: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
Vera: So how’s the food Rune made? Kai: It's great! Compliments to them. Vera: goes to the kitchen Vera: You're adorable. Rune: blushes
Vera: We all have our demons. Rune, grabbing Kai: This one’s mine!
Vera: Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween? Rune: Kai is the scariest thing I could think of! Kai: Rune told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible.
Kai: Ooh, somebody has a crush Rune: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Vera I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. Later that night Rune, very much awake: Uh oh.
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thosewildcharms · 1 year
i was tagged by @theyarebothgunshot to talk about 8 shows to get to know me. thank you for tagging me! putting this under the cut because i ramble.
In no particular order:
1: the oc/gossip girl: yeah okay i’m cheating right off the bat by conflating these two but i don’t care it makes sense! besides being from the same creator/production team, i think in many ways they are natural inverses of each other (west coast/east coast, new money/old money, evolving beyond what people expect of you vs buying into your own propaganda etc). listen i am a sucker for teen dramas, always have been and always will be, and i think these two changed the game in a BIG way. neither are thee mothership of the genre (i think that goes to beverly hills 90210???) but they are both so compelling in different ways and i very often find myself thinking about them (also in very different ways) years after watching them, and subconsciously compare characters on other shows to the main cast of each and they always fall short (you will never be blair waldorf you will never be seth cohen etc). plus the soundtracks! incredible. i can talk about the oc in particular for days and how it has what every other teen show secretly needs (sandy cohen) but this is already too long and i need to shut up.
2. miranda (bbc): listen. LISTEN. i re-watch this show every year without fail. it is the ultimate cozy feel good show that also somehow punches me in the face with how much of an Experience it is. i can’t describe to you what it was like watching this silly little comedy for the first time, getting sucker punched so thoroughly (in the best way) over and over and then to finally have the most satisfying conclusion i could have imagined. references from this show take up a not-insignificant amount of my vocabulary and i quote it daily. it’s so good. i love it so much.
3. friday night lights: anyone who has watched this show knows why. it’s so hard to explain, it’s just good. as someone who has never given even the slightest shit about any sports game of any kind, i think the highest compliment i could give this show is that it made me cry about football more than once. the only people i know who don’t love this show simply have not seen it (actually, people don’t talk about this show enough anymore?? that’s so sad). when i think of my favorite shows, i always have to include fnl because it’s just so sincerely excellent. i own two fnl t-shirts and i will gush about it unprompted if you give me even the tiniest window to do so. texas forever, clear eyes full hearts etc. micheal b jordan you will always be vince howard to ME.
4. gilmore girls: this one actually surprises even me because i never talk about it on tumblr dot com lol but i literally have it on as background noise as i type and it’s almost always my default when i just want to put something on that’s comforting. it’s weird because i can’t really say i LIKE the show as a whole but it’s so cozy (at least the first five seasons) and i do have a LOT of opinions about it, but in a kind of low-stakes way where it’s fun to think about instead rage-inducing. it’s strangely enough, something i can talk about for hours (and often do) without even realizing it.
5. smallville: oh my god the way i was obsessed with this show in middle school lmaoo the way it’s not technically GOOD but also it kind of is? full disclosure i’ve only seen the last few seasons like, once but i used to have the first five or six seasons practically MEMORIZED. it’s a good time, and while i don’t know much about the superman comics (or any comics) it’s my....favorite? iteration of superman that i’ve seen? idk, i thought tom welling and kristin kreuk were the two most beautiful people i’ve ever seen in my life and i loved watching them make out. also michael rosembaum was an incredible lex luthor and i stand by that. i also find myself talking about this show a lot in real life.
6. lost: one thing about me is that i WILL go off about how the lost finale was good actually and NO they were not dead the entire time you idiot -  at any given opportunity. it IS one of the five petty, inconsequential hills i will die on. it’s a good show with a good and fitting ending FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. also sawyer/juliet supremacy their reunion scene in the finale is the scene i compare all other romantic scenes to. nothing compares. scene of all time.
7. hey arnold: i know it’s a cartoon shut up! but consider this: it’s beautiful and good. i legitimately watch it all the time because it’s so funny and melancholy and sad and smart and the soundtrack slaps. also finally getting the jungle movie (which was a conclusion to a HUGE cliffhanger from my childhood) was proof that sometimes you can get closure, actually! this happened before reboots became unnecessary and exhausting leave me alone
8. supernatural: i watched this show after thee november fifth and it accidentally became my whole personality. i don’t even know.
honorable mentions: selfie abc (if you haven’t heard me whine about how it’s the one show in the world i actually want a reboot for you simply haven’t known me long enough); my mad fat diary (i will be thinking about finn writing ‘i love you’ on rae’s back for the rest of my life), ugly betty (i just love it a lot)
tagging: @bisansastarks @buttobstacle @mmaddens @richonnies @dwcas, @coachlasso @wordybee @ilarual @hauntedpearl @burgundyshoes @someoldlady @that-gender-bender @bananaleaves @korralone and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it!
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